#caregiver dr. house
buttercupagere · 1 year
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dr. house as a caregiver <3
"okay, kid. here's how this is gonna work. i've got a case. you can stay in my office while i figure this crap out with my team, and-.... oh, hey. don't cry. don't- listen. you can't be in there with me while we're working, it's confidential. ....jeez, you're really a kid, huh? okay. okay. just... just take some deep breaths. you're gonna be fine. i'll... i can stay in here with you for a few more minutes, that sound good? yeah, yeah. don't get too used to it. ....oh. thank you. thanks. ....i'm not really a hugger, so-.... okay. it's okay. i've got you. i've got you."
requested by @eflen-n-reegee!
aughhhh i love cg house!!! he would absolutely be huffy and pretend like he hates affection & is bothered by clinginess, but he secretly loves it. "i'm not a hugger".... sure, greg. i just know he'd pretend to hate it for exactly two seconds, and then hug you back and not let go. <3
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We'd love to request a CG!House (titular character of the show House MD) moodboard, preferably in darker/muted tones and with themes of plushies and piano
if this works for you we're very grateful for you to have taken in our request
if not we're grateful you let us take this time out of your day :)
- @little-audio
𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙳𝚛. 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍
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𝚑𝚒!! 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 <𝟹𝟹𝟹 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎, 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝!! 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢 𝚖𝚎 :)))
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⋆˚࿔ Gregory House 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Dr. House as a caregiver!
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જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Often takes his little to work, probably against their will.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ If his little got fatally sick from a contagious patient, he’d put them before his co-workers, his patient, even himself to get them the care they need.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Refuses to take pills or injections in front of his little unless he’s tryin to show them that their own medicine isn’t anything to be afraid of taking. Shots aren’t so scary to take, and pills aren’t that bad to swallow.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Gribbet! Gribbet, gribbet!/ref House is a very good playmate! Playing pretend family? He’s perfected playing the mom! Plushie tea party? He doesn’t have a plushie of his own, but he’ll slap googly eyes on his cane and pretend it counts!
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Of course he takes his little with him on clinic duty! They’re his little assistant/little consultant! And of course he has to ask them for a “second opinion” every single time! His little makes clinic duty that little bit easier to deal with.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Gives his little the portable gaming device he sometimes carries whenever they get bored.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ House is 100% willing to give his cane to his little so that they can go and trip someone if they really wanted to.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ He’s blunt, but he’ll dumb stuff down for his little in the nicest way he possibly can—which, knowing House, probably isn’t much, but he tries.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ Asks his little for a hug whenever his leg pain gets bad.
જ⁀➴✮⋆˙ House will give his little a “special” prescription bottle full of candy and tells them to take a few “pain meds” whenever their feelings are hurt. If he sees them take a “pill”, he’ll ask if they feel any better. If the answer is yes, the “meds” worked and he’ll leave them alons. If the answer is no, he’ll ask if they want a “cure-all” hug instead.
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natsuki-bakery · 16 days
⁎˚ ఎ Dr. House & James William agere stimboard ໒ ˚⁎
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╭ with a red and black theme !╮
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
╰ read my dni b4 interacting !! ╯
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Regressor Greg House moodboard
ft. Plushie Steve Mcqueen and a pretty exhausted cg Wilson
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It's pretty messy but I feel like it matches him so it’s okay 😅
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Okay so I've recently seen some House MD Agere content and I am loving it!! Soooo here's a Caregiver!House Moodboard
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dragonagitator · 4 months
I think that one of the reasons House MD was so popular back in the day (at one point it was literally the most popular show in the world) and is currently having a renaissance is that the show is basically a power fantasy for disabled people.
Consider the state of television in 2004. IIRC, there had never before been a primetime network television show featuring a handsome leading man starring as a visibly disabled character.
Meanwhile, what little disability representation that did exist back then almost always fell into one or more of these categories:
An inspirational story about overcoming adversity that most likely includes the disabled character uttering some variant of the line "it turns out the accident/illness was the best thing that ever happened to me"
The disabled character has no agency in the story and merely exists to serve as a life lesson for the other characters
The disabled character is such an over-the-top "good person" that it feels like the implied message is disabled people need to overcompensate for the "crime" of simply existing around abled people
The character's disability is merely a bit of costuming that doesn't actually impede their life
Then along comes Dr. Gregory House:
His story was a trainwreck of a tragedy, not an inspiration
He would NEVER say the infarction was the best thing to ever happen to him
His own actions and choices were the primary drivers of the story
Any life lessons other characters took from him were usually in the form of a cautionary tale instead of something positive he did
He was a raging asshole in a way that most disabled people can't afford to be because we're dependent on other people for caregiving and/or financial support
His cane and pain pills weren't just costuming and props, they were necessities for him to function
His disability really did take away his ability to do things he'd once loved, like running, hiking, camping, etc.
AFAIK, there has been nothing like it on television before or since. The only other visible disability representation I can think of off the top of my head that even comes close is the character Furiosa in the movie Mad Max: Fury Road.
"Disabled people exist, have agency, and can be assholes too" shouldn't have been such a radically groundbreaking message, and yet it was (and largely still is) unique in mainstream entertainment.
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dromaeocore · 10 months
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@pisforpandemonium Absolutely!
So the first book I'm gonna recommend is Soteria by Loren Mosher and Voyce Hendrix. It's about the development of a home/intentional community for people with schizophrenia/psychosis. This home was very pro-autonomy, many workers had psychosis themselves, and they did use meds, but it was always the resident's choice and usually not the first line of treatment, as they found that psychosis often resolved on its own within a few weeks. Some of the methods used at Soteria were a little... wacky, being the 70s, but all in all it was very successful. There are now Soteria Houses all over the world.
Another one is Healing: Our Path From Mental Illness to Mental Health by Thomas Insel, MD. It's written by the former director of NIMH, and while I don't agree with every one of his takes, there is a great chapter about the Clubhouse Model, another peer support model created by a bunch of ex patients, by and for people with mental illness. People in the clubhouse are Members, not patients. They are assisted with vocational goals, food, etc, and most importantly, given community. It's a really interesting paradigm and there are hundreds of clubhouses all over the world now.
The Voices Within by Charles Fernyhough is a bit dry IMO, but it goes over the research behind voice-hearing and goes into the Hearing Voices Movement - another, you guessed it, peer support movement for voice hearers and other folks who have experiences not aligned with consensus reality i.e. psychosis.
Some others I haven't read yet are Geel Revisited after Centuries of Rehabilitation by Eugeen Roosens, and On Our Own: Patient Controlled Alternatives to the Mental Health System by Judi Chamberlin.
I'm also gonna rec a bunch of podcasts.
Heart Forward: Conversations from the Heart has a ton of awesome episodes about the US mental health system and alternatives to it. They have lovely episodes about peer respite and Trieste. It's such a compassionate and solution-focused podcast with a diverse amount of topics, I love it.
Patricia Deegan: Personal Medicine is a great one about Dr. Deegan's life and the Commonground Software she developed to help aid in joint decision-making with patients and providers, where patients have a solid say in their treatment. (I've listened to a ton of interviews with Dr. Deegan and she is an amazing, inspiring individual)
A Place of Safety? is hosted by an Italian psychiatrist who worked in Trieste (an Italian city with world-renowned mental healthcare) and he talks about a lot of problems with the NHS and how it relates to Trieste.
Alita Taylor - Open Dialogue is an episode about a highly successful mode of treatment in Western Lapland for people with psychosis and other mental illness. Here's a documentary I just found about the practice, haven't watched it yet but it looks cool.
Mad in America also has some interesting podcasts about many of these topics
Some articles:
Bethel House, basically Japan's version of Soteria
Hearing Voices Movement, as previously discussed
Hurdalsjøen Recovery Center, a "medication-free" hospital in Norway (meds are optional, not banned lol, and they also assist with tapering off)
Recovery Colleges, where struggling individuals, caregivers, and professionals all take an active role in learning about mental health
Obvs this isn't everything but I hope I've given you a good starting point!
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findmeinthefallair · 8 months
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Because of the 30 pics limit, this can't fully fit into my meta lol. Yet in its own post, it's easier to see without distractions from other sections of the meta.
The foundational emotional beats of both their arcs are very similar in the finale. It's just that for Hunter, we only saw the first puzzle piece.
Luz feeling the pain of the absence of both her dad and Papa Titan (who gave her life and magic). Hunter feeling the absence of both Flapjack who brought him love and life, and on an arguably darker note, his father figure and primary caregiver Belos.
Look at the matching gestures:
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It's the pain of bereavement.
Now check this out. Here's what's missing for Hunter...
Saying goodbye via a powerful and cathartic first attempt at a grief practice. His heart would have to be ready, though, not just his head. It would easily take months before he'd try this, and it's not a one-off thing he'll have to do. I feel that his therapist would help him towards readiness for this, and he could perform this for the first time as one of his biggest therapy breakthroughs:
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2. It only makes sense that once he does his version of Luz releasing the glyph sheet above, his heart will have room for Waffles and significant progress not just in therapy, but also his palisman-carving lessons and progress in Hexside:
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3. Waffles entering his life will be just so wonderful:
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It's so cute to imagine Stringbean as an older sister to Waffles.
We saw Hunter experiencing the pain in all three specials,
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but we didn't see his ensuing depression in full swing,
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(I keep saying the following but...here goes: the closest to a glimpse that we get is this:)
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and neither did we see the letting go/real goodbye, happening onscreen.
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(when I look at the glyph sheet here, it makes me think of Willow showing Hunter the flyer derby photo of him and Flapjack in For the Future)
But yeah. Those would be the missing chapters before we arrive at these:
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For #1 in the list above, there are a variety of practices that experts and therapists have come up with:
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(Book: Bearing the Unbearable by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore) that could nudge the heart closer to the first - and possibly the most difficult - development, of accepting that Flapjack isn't coming back, and that all his hope for any goodness in Belos would have to die and be grieved as well. Luz letting go of the glyph sheet outside Eda's house was just the beginning of her own difficult journey of acknowledging that Manny and Papa Titan were gone.
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Hunter had no palisman for many many months, before he carved Waffles. Compared to Luz who navigated her pre-epilogue chapters with Stringbean. He would have his own version of Luz's journey, which she outlines in the the four screenshots above this paragraph, before he mastered the skills to spend the rest of his life creating wonderful palismen for the people of the Boiling Isles. I think Luz's new chapter of going to further her studies at the University of Wild Magic, parallels Hunter's mastery of carving.
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800-dick-pics · 2 years
Disabled Household and Black Elder in need to support!!!
In late Aug throught Sept my mom has been experiencing an increase in her symptoms, she went to the ER over 7 times and not much came of it until, we found out shes been having MINI STROKES, and her heart could be spurting out blood clots as well, so currently my mom is undergoing intense treatments to help with her heart and brain damage due to the anti black ,fatphobic medical system continually missing her symptoms
My mother is trying to still work to keep the lights on but its killing her straight up, and the drs "aren't sure" if my mom "really needs" disability atm so were gonna start up a fund so my mom can retire asap and to help make this house accessible to a stroke survivor with increasing mobility and neurological issues!
I have more than 1 job, and so does my partner but its not enough to take care of all 3 of us esp my mom. We need help with almost everything since insurance wont pay for a caregiver or to make the house accessible. We have to do everything out of pocket so we need funds for; Medical supplies, drs visits and medical bills;To make the house accessible as possible and to get a retirement fund going so my mom can stop working herself into an early grave
For the retirement fund Im going to be asking and aiming for 300 weekly and I am going to prioritize this as this going to be the only funds my mom will have after retirement. Once we hit 300 everything else goes into accessibility products and the current house repairs were sitting near $700, thats to fix our steps, for getting a shower chair, grab bars around the house, getting carpet, and replacing every door handle for something she can grip. And for her medical supplies/bills and appts Im still trying to figure out the grand costs of it all (its alot alot) and trying to see if insurance will cover more than they are.
Retirement Fund: Week 10/30 - 11/6
Accessibility/house repairs
CA: $sleepyhen OR $grumblybear
VN: wildwotko OR XochiRose
TLDR: We are a disabled house of 3 trying to take care of my mothers since she has had mini strokes and severe heart issues. We need to take steps to make this home more accessible for her, start saving funds for her unexpected retirement and all of the medical bills we are now paying out of pocket
Thank you for reading and thank you to everyone who has been following along with my mothers health, I do appreciate it so very deeply. Even if youre unable to donate please share it esp to those who can give a lil bit.
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First Time Father - Rooster
Pairing: Rooster / Wife (No Name or Appearance)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Hospital Visit, Self Doubt, Stress, Light Angst, Sick Baby, Baby OC is Referred to as 'Dove,' Rooster Thinks He's a Bad Dad
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: It's Rooster's first time alone with his baby daughter. But when she comes down with a fever under his watch, Rooster seriously doubts his abilities as a father.
Master List
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It was Rooster’s first extended time alone with his daughter without his wife around.
He was very much a hands-on dad, but his wife was their daughter’s primary caregiver for the first four months of their daughter’s life because of maternity leave and then her gradual return to work. Rooster was always quick to look after their daughter, who they nicknamed Dove, when he got home, but he openly acknowledged that his wife cared for Dove most often.
So, with his wife’s college friend’s child-free wedding coming up, Rooster had a three-day weekend to care for his daughter all on his own. And, well, this was a test for himself. His wife didn’t put excessive expectations onto him. That was all Rooster.
He always tried to check-in with his wife to make sure that he was pulling his weight with Dove. Rooster didn’t want to become one of those complacent dads who just relied on their wife for everything and couldn’t take care of their own child by themselves. He didn’t want his wife to be one of those women who said that she had two kids at home—her actual baby and her husband.
Maybe that was just the fear creeping up from his conversations with Penny about her divorce and what the older guys at work said, but Rooster wanted to prove to himself that he could do it. He could take care of his daughter by himself without any hiccups.
Rooster’s wife left Thursday night and Rooster handled Thursday night and Friday morning perfectly well. Dove stayed on her nap and feeding schedule, he got some projects done around the house, and they even went to see Grandpa Mav. But then a few hours after they got home, Dove came down with a fever and started crying like nothing Rooster had ever heard before.
And, well, maybe he panicked just a little bit.
The lights of the ER were bright and blinding and Rooster did his best to shield Dove’s eyes from the excessive light. Holding her against his chest as she cried, Rooster tried to console her as he waited for a medical professional to come and collect them.
Since it was a Friday night, the pediatrician and Urgent Care centers were all closed. And his wife wasn’t answering her phone, probably because she was at the rehearsal dinner. And the lady giving him the side eye for the last hour combined with his daughter’s continuous cries were really starting to push Rooster over the edge.
“It’s okay,” Rooster tried to console his daughter, his voice breaking a bit. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of his daughter’s little head, praying for some advice from his mom. She would know what to do in this situation. But Bradley didn’t know what he was doing. Maybe he wasn’t as good of a father or as good of a husband as he wanted to be. As he thought he was.
“Bradshaw,” a nurse called, causing Bradley to hurry to his feet.
The nurse led him back to one of the smaller hospital rooms. Bradley listed off the timeline of events to the nurse, who nodded, typed them up, and walked off to grab a doctor. Rooster tried setting his daughter back into her carrier, but that only made her cry louder. He picked her back up and cradled her to his chest, feeling a few tears leak out.
“I know, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you’re in pain,” he whimpered, resting his head on top of her smaller one.
There was a light knock on the door before a man dressed in a pair of turquoise scrubs and round glasses stepped into the room. The doctor seemed to quickly assess the situation before striding further into the room.
“I’m Dr. Greene,” he stated, causing Rooster to nod. “What seems to be the problem?”
“She has a fever and she won’t stop crying and I don’t know what’s wrong. Nothing that I try seems to work,” Rooster replied shakily, hugging his daughter just a little tighter as she continued to cry. “And I don’t know what to do.”
“Alright, let me take a look at her.”
Rooster set his daughter on her back on the examination table. She wiggled around, still whimpering and crying. Dr. Greene started with his stethoscope and listened to her heart and lungs. He quickly checked her ears and her throat and looked over her vitals again. Rooster stood to the side, trying to comfort his daughter as well as he could while subtly wiping his tears away.
He must have done something wrong. He was a terrible father. He screwed up his daughter.
“It’s an ear infection. Nothing too serious,” Dr. Greene deduced, straightening up. “I’ll prescribe some antibiotics. That should clear it up in a few days.”
“But her screams . . . she sounds like she’s in a lot of pain.”
“Ear infections hurt. And this seems to be her first one and she’s only about four months old. Every little bit of pain to a baby can easily be the worst pain that they’ve ever experienced before,” Dr. Greene explained calmly, typing away at the chart. “Her heart rate is normal and her lungs are clear. And an ear infection can cause the fever.”
“And the ear infection, what caused it?” Rooster asked nervously, rubbing his daughter’s head.
“Well, does she spend any time around other kids? Is she in daycare or does she have any siblings?” Dr. Greene suggested, turning back to Rooster.
“She’s at daycare twice a week,” Rooster breathed out, causing Dr. Greene to nod.
“Exactly. Those places are a breeding ground for disease. Especially with babies and young children who haven’t really built up an immunity to anything.”
“So . . . I didn’t do anything wrong?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Dr. Greene stated, finishing up with the chart. He turned back to Rooster, studied his tired and frazzled expression, and offered him a small smile. “First time dad?”
“Is it that obvious?” Rooster returned, wincing a bit.
“I assure you that we’ve seen and heard plenty of stories far stranger than an ear infection from first time parents,” Dr. Greene chuckled, gathering his things. “Kids get sick. It happens. And you did the right thing in getting her to a medical professional. The antibiotics should be ready at the pharmacy and they should clear it up. But if she’s still sick in three days, go to your primary care physician.”
Dr. Greene turned to leave the room before pausing and turning back to Rooster one last time.
“And to be perfectly honest with you, I would highly prefer a parent who was overly concerned with their child’s health than one who wasn’t concerned at all. You’re doing fine,” Dr. Greene assured Rooster with a small smile before opening the door. “Have a good night.”
“Thanks, you too,” Rooster called back, finally able to breathe a bit again.
It was just an ear infection. He didn’t screw up. He did the right thing.
“Let’s get you some medicine, Dove,” Rooster sighed, setting his daughter back into her carrier.
The Dr. Greene that I may or may not have had in mind:
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raya-hunter01 · 7 months
Fade Into You Part. 4
Prequel Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: adult content, sex
Summary: This is the Prequel for Lights, Camera, Action! How does an outburst on your first day lead to a lifelong friendship with the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and the stands the test of time. How does that friendship introduce you to a special group of people that will become your family.  
When did the lines get blurred between friendship and wanting a relationship with one of your best friends Mr. Main Event Jey Uso. Follow the friendships, and relationships of how they all came to be the one big happy family we all know and love in Lights, Camera, Action.
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Enjoy guys! Let's see if anybody can catch the Easter Egg from Chapter Four of Lights, Camera, Action...What situation did Jey, Shantell, and a certain someone caught up in..The roles were reversed this time and it makes Ch. 4 of Lights, Camera, Action that much sweeter.
Pensacola, FL
Joe’s House
Joe’s POV
“Aye, you gotta eat this Uce,” Jey said passing me a bowl of soup. “It’s just gon’ come right back up,” I said as Jey sighed. “Maybe not let’s try it,” he said as I had to admit it smelled good. “If he doesn’t want it don’t make him. Ya’ll all fuss over him too much for me,” Trina said as Jey frowned at her. “Look, he’s gotta eat something to keep his strength up,” Jey said as she got up, “I’m gon’ leave you to it Jey because I don’t want to see no throw-up today,” she muttered as Jey growled in his throat as she walked past him.
“Really…did she really just say that shit Uce,” Jey said frowning at me.
“Don’t pay her any mind she’s just a little freaked by all this,” I said taking a couple bites of soup trying to block out what she said.
I knew It was overwhelming her when we went to the Dr. last week and she practically all but ran outta there. They were talking about treatments and how I was feeling was normal and could get worse.
“Uce, she ain’t acting very lovin’ or trying to help for that matter. She so in that damn phone,” Jey said as I passed him the bowl leaning back on the sofa not feeling like eating anymore. "Uce, just drop it please," I said not wanting to talk about it.
Jey’s POV
I took the bowl back into the kitchen as Shantell and Sofia frowned seeing the bowl was practically still full.
“No sir take it back, he’s gotta eat,” Sofia said firmly as Shantell cut the oven off. “Yea, I had to make him eat yesterday, and he kept It down ok. He needs his strength," she said as I sat the bowl down on the table.
“Ladies, he’s tired and I think Trina ain’t helping either with her little don’t care attitude,” I said pointing towards the patio as Sofia shot me a look.
“Oh, really, maybe I should talk to her,” she said heading towards the back door smoothing down her nurse scrubs. “Sofia be nice, Joe likes her, “Shantell said as Sofia laughed heading outside. “She better be talkin’ like she got some damn sense,” she said closing the door.
Sofia’s POV
“I’m here mama and so are they. I mean they are just smothering him,” Trina said as I stood quietly behind her listening.
“Look, I didn’t sign up for to be a caregiver so it’s good that Shantell and Sofia are here. It doesn’t mean I gotta like them though, I mean, I signed up for fun and maybe a ring down the line mama, not this. I knew I should have approached Seth that night in the club,” Trina said as I felt my temper flaring.
“Well, I can help you out with all your issues Trina, you can get yo' shit and get out,” I said calmly as she jumped turning to face me as I stormed back inside.
“I can explain Sofia, just listen,” she said following me as I rolled my eyes at her desperate attempt to keep me from talking to Joe.
 “Nah, explain to Joe how you are using him,” I said as Shantell and Jey followed us into the living room. “What the hell you talkin’ bout Sofia,” Joe said standing up trying to gather himself.
“Yea, what’s going on wit ya’ll?” Jey asked as I looked at Trina. “Why don’t you tell Joe, and everyone how you don’t want to be here. How you signed up for a good time and a ring. How you wish you had gone after Seth instead. I mean you don’t want to be a caregiver right?” I said as Joe stood beside me staring a hole through Trina who couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Did you say that? Were you usin’ me?” he asked in disbelief as Trina began to stutter over her words. “I…I.. didn’t mean it, you know me I get to running my mouth when I’m overwhelmed,” she said as Shantell began heading upstairs.
“Shantell where you goin’?” Jey asked as Shantell shot him a look. “Shantell, you know what to do,” Joe said pointing at her as she nodded in understanding “You know I got you, I’m going to get her shit now,” Shantell said disappearing upstairs as Joe nodded in agreement. “I need you out…. Now Trina,” Joe said as Trina looked horrified.
“Look can we talk Joe, I can explain,” Trina said as Joe walked away from her. “I got enough goin’ on, I don’t need people around me that ain’t real and ain’t really for me. So let’s just leave it at we had fun but now it’s over,” Joe said as Shantell began throwing clothes over the balcony.
Shantell’s POV
This bitch in my brother’s house looking for a damn come-up, using him. “Nah, you leavin’ this house with what you brought in bitch. These lil five ugly ass dresses and these two pair heels, everything else Joe bought it and you ain’t getting it,” I hissed talking to myself as I threw the rest of the dresses over the balcony as Jey looked on in shock.
“Shantell what you doin'?!” Jey shouted as I rolled my eyes. “What does it look like, taking out the damn trash. She gon’ carry them little ho dresses outta here in her fuckin’ hands. Here take yo lil funky ass shoes too! Ain’t no luggage bitch!” I exclaimed, throwing a pair of heels over the balcony as Jey dodged them.
“Sorry Jey, you betta move,” I said as he moved quickly out of the way of the last pair of heels flying over the balcony. “Damn girl you can throw,” I heard him say as Trina ran over to her clothes. “Don’t touch my things!” Trina exclaimed as Sofia scoffed.
“Oh, you can give up the phone too, Joe bought it for you last month. I’m the one that went with him and picked it out,” Sofia said snatching her phone as I came back downstairs.
 “Get your shit and get out,” I said as I saw Joe going in her purse taking two keys off of her key ring.
“Ya’ll have had it out for me since day one!” Trina screamed as Joe growled. “Enough!  Ain’t nobody had shit out for you!” He yelled as we all got quiet.
“Calm down Uce, this ain’t good for you,” Jey said as Joe waved him off. “I’m good Uce, you heard my sisters Trina. Get your shit, get out, and don’t come back,” Joe said giving her back her purse as she checked the key ring.
“Oh, sweetie I can already tell you he done got his house and car keys off of there.  It’s a wrap boo,” I said as she shot me a look but went to pick up her things off the ground.
“Yes, we need a cab at 913 Redford Lane,” Sofia said walking off on her phone as Jey went to help Trina pick up her things.  I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I went over and knocked them outta his hand.
“She can pick it up and carry it, her arms ain’t broke Jey,” I said as he held his hands up in surrender as Trina bent down to gather her things.
“Aye, just an innocent bystander,” Jey said as I sighed. “I’m sorry Jey, I said as he smiled, pulling me into a hug. “Is it bad I’m kinda turned on right now?” Jey whispered in my ear as I rolled my eyes, before I pulled away, looking for Joe who had seemed to have disappeared.  
“He followed Sofia outside, he’s good,” Jey said as I nodded but watched Trina like a hawk until she walked outside and ran into Dwayne.
“Oh, hey Trina,” he said looking at her but then seeing the clothing in her hand, he looked at us and smiled. “I’m sorry by the looks of things, I guess it’s bye Trina,” he said as Jey snickered.” Fuck you, Dwayne!” she yelled slamming the door behind her.
“What’s up my family,” he said completely unfazed giving me a hug.
“Hey, it’s good to see you. He’s out back with Sofia,” I said knowing why he was here.
“Thanks, mama,” he said giving me a kiss on the cheek before giving Jey a hug. “Aye, thanks for coming by Uce,” Jey said as Dwayne nodded.
“You know we family and we stick together,” he said as Sofia came back in. “I just saw her get in the cab,” she said smiling seeing Dwayne. “Hey stranger, ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she said as he gave her a hug. “What’s up my favorite RN,” he said as she blushed.
“I’m good and I’m glad you’re here. I’ll take you to him, maybe you can help bring him outta this funk” Sofia said as Dwayne followed her out back. “I got you, he ain’t gon’ be able to tell me no,” Dwayne said following her closely “Do you think he’s going to go for it,” Jey asked as I sighed.
“I think a trip to Samoa to do a cameo in Dawayne’s movie will give him something to look forward to and a little vacation. He needs one,” I said hoping Joe took him up on his offer.
“What time is your Proctored midterm today?” Jey asked as I looked at my watch. Shit, in thirty minutes. Wait how did you know I had an exam today?” I asked as Jey smiled at me. “You told me last week when we were texting,” he said as I smiled at him feeling special that he remembered. Silly right…..
 Jey had gotten in the habit of calling or texting me after shows, and we would talk until they reached the next city. It made me feel like I was almost on the road with them.
Some nights he had me on speaker phone and we’d all talk, some nights he would text and wait until he got to his room to call to tell me goodnight and we would talk for a bit.
I don’t know what was happening with us but I knew I liked it but was still playing it safe.
“Thanks for reminding me, can you let Joe know I’ll be in the computer room. I wouldn’t make it home in time,” I said as Jey scoffed at me. “Girl, gon’ Ace that test. I’ll tell him, and I’m sure he doesn’t mind,” Jey said giving me a hug before I excused myself to take my exam.
Joe’s POV
I can’t believe this shit, now I’m back where I started. Why is it so hard to find that special someone when you are somewhat famous? Everybody got a damn agenda, and I just don’t have the energy for the bullshit.
“Joe, someone’s here to see you,” Sofia said as I sighed. “Sis, I think I’m done accepting visitors today,” I said as a familiar voice interrupted me.
“So, you don’t wanna see me, damn, I must be losing my touch,” Dwayne said as I laughed turning around, smiling at him. “Aye! What are you doing here?” I asked going over to give him a hug.
“I came to see you because I have a proposition for you,” Dwayne said as my interest peeked. “What could you possibly have for me?” I asked as he smiled brightly at me.
“A trip to Soamoa, and a cameo in my movie,” he said cutting to the point. “Man, in a perfect world that would be a dream,” I said truly wanting to do it but not sure how.  “It’s just a week, we would shoot for three days and then the rest of the time relax, and take in the island,” Dwayne said as I smiled.
“Joe, we think the break would be good for you. The doctor said you are doing good, they are expecting remission soon with how aggressively they are treating the leukemia, “Sofia said as I really thought about what she was saying.
Yea, I had been pushing the doctors, I needed to get back to what I love. When I was first diagnosed eleven years ago my body was able to go into remission in four months and I’m praying for the same outcome again.
“Come on Cuz, you need this break,” Dwayne encouraged as I sighed knowing he was right. Especially after today and the shit with Trina.
“Yea, I know, and a break does sound really good. Just being able to soak up the sun and the culture, “I said truly trying to weigh my options.
“Hell, if he ain’t going, I’ll go chill on the island wit ya Cuz,” Jey said coming on the patio as I shook my head at him.
“He invited me, you ain’t taking my trip Uce, I’mma go,” I said finally agreeing as Dwayne laughed. “We gon’ have fun, I promise. We leave in a week,” he said reassuring me. Maybe the change of scenery would recharge me.
One Week Later
Pensacola, FL
Gulfdream Properties
Shantell’s POV
“Oh, Jey I like this,” Trin said walking into the foyer as I checked out the kitchen. “Nice cooking space, I can see us throwing down in here Trin,” I said looking around as the realtor smiled.
“This has been remodeled and the owner has dropped his asking price by four thousand,” she said showing us around.
“I like the game room, it’s tight,” Jey said smiling looking around as I smiled at him. “Look at this view!” Joe said as we went to the back door.
“Wow! That’s beautiful,” Jimmy said staring out into the Gulf. “This place screams you Jey,” Joe said walking outside wanting a closer view of the ocean.
“I know, I really like it,” Jey said beaming. He looked free as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“So, Mr. Fatu do you want to put in an offer,” the realtor said as Jey thought for a second looking around at us as we all anxiously waited for his answer.
“Yea, tell them I will pay the new asking price in full after we get the inspectors to check out the house,” Jey said as we all cheered. Jey was about to become a homeowner!
“Alright I see you Mr. Homeowner!” Joe said giving him a hug as the realtor left the room the contact the seller.
“I’m so happy for you,” I said giving him a hug as he lifted me up off the ground and spun me around. “Thanks, beautiful,” he whispered as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Trin cleared her throat giving me a knowing look as Jey put me down and I blushed slightly.
 “Ignore her, she messy as hell,” Jey said as I laughed. “You better be glad I love you, brother,” Trin said winking at him as he smiled brightly at her.
Jey’s POV
Yea, I was about to become a homeowner. No more renting, damn sure no mortgage. I needed to get a few more things from the condo and the other shit she could have I didn’t want or need it.
I had bit the bullet and called Candy earlier telling her I would be by later on today and to not have old dude at the house when I got there.
“What time you goin’ to the condo?” Jimmy asked as Trin frowned. “Why, are you going there? Just let her have everything at this point brother,” she said as I sighed. “I got two more boxes to get outta my office and she can have the rest,” I said as Joe rubbed his eyes.
“Ya’ll, I leave out for Samoa with Dwayne tonight, so we better head that way now,” he said as Shantell agreed. “Yea, you don’t need to do it alone,” Jimmy said as Shantell’s phone rang.  
“Hey, grandma!” Shantell exclaimed accepting her Facetime call. “Hey, my baby, how is everything?” she asked as Shantell flipped her camera around to show us. “Nothing just hanging out in Jey’s new house,” she said smiling at me.
“Congratulations Joshua, you deserve it,” she said as I could see Ma Tanya holding the phone. “Thanks, Gram…Hey, ma!” I said as she stuck her head in the frame. “Hey ya’ll, I really miss being in Florida,” she said waving as Shantell laughed.
 “ I told you to move back, Ohio is not you mama," Shantell said as her mother smiled.  “How are you feeling Gram?” Trin asked as she grumbled.
“Baby, I’m old and just here. Gram tired baby,” she said as Shantell frowned. “Everything ok over there?” she asked as her mom sighed.
“We ok baby, mama is just a bit overwhelmed with all the tests they’ve been doing on her,” she said as Shantell gave her a small smile.
“Grandma, I love you, get you some rest and I will call you tomorrow,” Shantell said blowing her a kiss as her grandmother smiled brightly at her.
 “Go be great my baby,” she whispered, I could tell Shantell was trying to hold it together as they finished their call.
“Aww babydoll don’t cry, Gram gon’ be just fine,” Joe said taking her in his arms as Shantell cried. “She just can’t catch a break,” Shantell said trying to control her tears.
“Aye, she’s gon’ be ok. You gotta believe that,” I said going over to join their hug.  “Yes, everything for everybody is gon’ work out ok. Group hug everybody!” Jimmy shouted as we all hugged.
Later that day
Jey & Candy’s Condo
Jey’s POV
“You really showed up here with all of them?” Candy asked pointing at Joe and Jimmy. “Yea, I did because last time I came over you put me in a tough spot, and the police had to be called,” I said unlocking my office as Trin came behind Candy.
“Aye, why don’t you step back and let him get what he needs. Stop hovering over him,” she said as Candy rolled her eyes. “What you his bodyguard now?” Candy asked as Jimmy stepped in the get Trin under control “A’ight baby let’s go wait outside with Shantell,” Jimmy said as Trin sighed.
 “Ya’ll hurry up so we can get outta here, but to answer your question…Yea, I am his bodyguard…I’ma always be my brother’s keeper,” Trin said as Jimmy took her outside. “I’ll wait here in the hall,” Joe said as Candy approached me.
“Jey can we talk please?” Candy asked as I sighed. “Candy, we signed the divorce papers. I was nice enough to give you the money you asked for because I just wanted it done,” I said as she began to cry.
 “I know you wanted it over, and I know I hurt you,” she whispered as I gave her the key to the office. “I got everything outta here I need, the rest is yours. Don’t call, or come near my family again,” I said unfeeling walking past her.
“Jey, this is me, baby, you know you still love me,” she said grabbing my arm as I stopped walking. “I loved you, I loved yo ass more than anybody and you betrayed me. Enjoy your life wit yo' man,” I said walking away from her and the home we built.
I stayed strong and got in the car as Trin was still on edge. “Sis, I handled it, it’s done,” I said as she nodded in understanding. "I still wanna kick her ass," Trin mumbled as Jimmy caressed her knee.
"Calm down, she ain’t worth it," Jimmy whispered as Trin sighed looking at the house in sadness. “I can’t believe how the house has gone down,” Joe said looking at the house as well.
“I can’t either but I can’t worry about it, it falls on her now as to what she spends the money on I gave her,” I said knowing I did what needed to be done. 
“I’m very proud of you,” Shantell whispered as I smiled sadly at her. "I am proud of me too,” I whispered grabbing her hand as my eyes met Jimmy’s in the mirror as he smiled.
“Aye, why don’t we go out and celebrate tonight,” Trin said as Shantell seemed in deep thought. “You good wit that Shantell?” I asked as smiled.
“Yea, it’s cool with me but I will leave early I got to study,” she said as Trin cheered. “Yay! We can dance some girly, it’s overdue,” Trin said smiling at Shantell.
“Ok, I’ll see if Sefa wants to come out, I know Sofia gotta work the night shift tonight, "Jey said as Joe smiled. “Well, why ya’ll doin’ all this I’mma be in the air on my way to the island,” he said seemingly happy.
A plan had been put in place and it was time to celebrate my freedom.
Pensacola, FL
Night Life Club
Jey’s POV
The club was in full swing, I have to say Jimmy could always pick a good spot to hang out and enjoy. Especially since it was homecoming weekend and people from all walks of life were out enjoying
“Aye, you didn’t tell me you would be here?” a familiar voice said as I turned and saw a smiling Taraji. “Hey, one of my favorite interviewers!” I exclaimed giving her a hug as I felt her hands roaming my back.
“Lawd, you smell good wit your handsome self,” she said as I cleared my throat, blushing. Her boldness caught me off guard as I pulled away to create a little space.
“Aye, don’t start no shit you can’t back up now,” I said flirting wit her. “Who said, I couldn’t finish it. I have been trying to get you alone for a minute, but you be playin’,” she said smiling at me.
“I told you I was goin' through a divorce, and wasn’t looking to get tied up with anybody,” I said as she ran a finger down my chest. “But now I hear you signed the papers, so that means you’re free now,” she said giving me a wink.
“You bold as fuck huh,” I said as she laughed ignoring what I said.  “So where is Joe’s little friend Shantell?” Taraji said as I frowned at her.
“Uh, her and Trin in the bathroom. Why?” I asked as she smirked. “I figured she’d have you on lock, I mean she likes you,” she said as I laughed.
 “Nah, it ain’t like that Shantell is my Uce, we family. I don’t see her the way everybody sayin’ I do,” I said downing my shot trying to convince myself more than Taraji.
“Well, since it ain’t like that, how about you let me show you what you have been missing,” Taraji whispered as I looked around trying to see if this was a joke. I mean she really tryin’ to shoot her shot.
 “What…You mean like have sex here?” I asked as she grabbed my hand pulling me through the crowd not sayin’ another word.
Sefa’s POV
This motherfucker here already fuckin’ up, see I was right. He's bout to be a fuckin idiot out in these streets cause he’s single. “Damn, I gotta get Shantell outta here,” I muttered to myself as Jimmy came up.
“Did you see that shit, what the hell he doin’?” Jimmy asked as I sighed. “Yea, I saw, and I don’t like it, but I knew it was bound to happen,” I said as Jimmy looked even more pissed off than I did.
I never felt so bad in all my life as I saw Shantell and Trin heading towards us.
Shantell’s POV
“Hey, where did Jey go? He was harping about wanting to get a dance in before I leave,” I said taking my drink back from Sefa. “Uh, he stepped out for a minute, he should be back soon,” Jimmy said looking disappointed.
“Well, he’s got a few more minutes and I’m out. I’ve got to study,” I said nursing my drink as Sefa frowned and Jimmy looked nervously at each other and then back at me. What the hell was goin’ on.
“What’s up wit ya’ll, why the sour mood all of a sudden,” Trin asked as I looked up and saw out the corner of my eye and saw Jey and a girl heading to the back of the club through a set of double doors.
If I’m not mistaken It looked like that new girl Taraji that Paul hired a few days before I had got sick at Raw. I must be going crazy cause that is hella random, but I wanted to know what the deal was.
“Hey, I need to make a call guys, I’ll be back,” I said before Sefa could stop me. I knew it was none of my business, but I couldn’t stop my feet from following them. I mean we ain’t together but with everything lately, I was thinking maybe he would at least ask me out on a date.
 I mean we basically act like a couple…I could hear moaning when I went through the double doors and I felt my heart drop. The closer I got to the other door at the end of the hall, I could hear the shuffling of clothes. My hands trembling, I opened the door slightly and peeked inside.
I was bringing pain upon myself, but I wanted to be sure, and I don’t even know why. It wasn’t like I could confront him or anything.
“I ain’t looking for a relationship and I don’t wanna lead you on. This can’t go anywhere, I just wanted to tell you that before we do this,” Jey moaned as I saw he had Taraji pinned against the wall kissing her neck.
“I ain’t lookin’ for a relationship either, I just want to have fun,” she gasped as he entered her hard and fast taking her against the wall with wild abandon.
“Yes! Give me all that frustration, I know it’s been a long time for you baby,” Taraji moaned scrapping her nails down his back as Jey fucked her senseless up against the wall.
His growls and moans were getting louder as well as Taraji. She tried to bring him in for a kiss but he turned his head and attacked her neck instead.
“No kissin', this is just for fun remember, no ties,” he whispered sucking roughly on her neck as I closed the door. Slowly I backed away trying not to disturb them as I tried to process what was happening.
“Shantell, get it together.  Fix your face, go out here, and act normal. Have a  good cry when you get home and keep it movin',” I whispered giving a pep talk to myself as I went back into the club almost colliding with Sefa as steadied me in his arms.
“Shantell, are you ok?” He asked as I nodded, not trusting my voice. I felt like I couldn't breathe. “Uh, I’m fine…I’m gon’ go ahead and go. I think I’ve seen enough for one night,” I said as he pulled into a hug.
“I’m so sorry, my brother is an idiot,” he whispered as I tried to hold in my tears. “It’s ok, I know what it is, and I ain’t mad at him. He can do what he wants, we ain’t together,” I said hugging him tighter as I felt my walls crumbling.
“Please don’t tell him that I saw them, I don’t want to embarrass him or myself any more than necessary,” I said as he nodded. “Sis, you ain’t got nothing to be embarrassed about you hear me,” Sefa whispered rubbing my back “I knew I shouldn’t have come tonight,” I whimpered trying to hold back tears as Trin came up.
“Hey, are you ok?” she asked as I tried to play it cool dropping my head into Sefa’s shoulder, bringing up my hand up to wipe a tear I knew had fallen before she could see. Pulling away from him, I put on my bravest face and smiled.
“I’m good sis, I’m just worried about this other class. Then I got a paper due, you know that overwhelming college shit” I said as Sefa smiled sadly at me knowing I was lying and trying not to break down.
“Aye, before long we gon’ be cheering you on at graduation, just hang in there,” Jimmy said looking sadly at me. Great he knew too..Ugh, I wanna crawl into a hole and die.
“Well at least give me one more dance before you go,” Trin said pleading as I smiled in spite of myself. “Fine, just one and I’m out. My Uber should be here in 10 minutes,” I said checking my phone.
“That’s all we need, come on here! she exclaimed, steering me to the dance floor. “That gives us a chance to show’em how Zeta Phi Betas have the best stroll. I know you remember how to do some,” she said pulling me further into the club with Jimmy following us
“Trin, I got on a dress,” I whined as she laughed. “Girl, you betta stroll yo ass off, let’s kills this shit right quick,” she said hyping me up as I downed the last of my drink as Jimmy took my glass. “A’ight, ya’ll betta do that shit too!” Jimmy exclaimed as I laughed at his enthusiasm.
Jey’s POV
“Damn, I can’t believe I did this,” I muttered as Taraji pulled down her dress. “Don’t beat yourself up, we both wanted it. It’s no big deal, we ain’t hurting nobody," she said as I thought of Shantell.
 Fuck, I’m so damn stupid. “Hey, stop overthinking over there, Shantell won’t find out,” Taraji said as I winced like I had been wounded.
“See it’s all on your face, you like her. That’s why you wouldn’t kiss me huh,” she said as I ran my hands over my face.
I could tell it stung her a bit that I wouldn't kiss her but she was trying to play it off.
"You were probably thinkin' bout Shantell while we were having sex," Taraji said as I stroked my beard not meeting her eyes. "Oh, God you were, weren't you?" Taraji said in shock. While I was irritated with her, and wished I didn't have had sex wit her, I knew she was right.
I was thinking about Shantell the whole damn time. Damn, why did I even bring my ass back here?
“Look keep Shantell's name out yo' mouth. It's not your business, and this situation with you and me was just a one-time thing. It's not happening again Taraji, shit like this gets messy,” I said not wanting to hurt her feelings but wanting to get my point across.
“Damn, you called us having sex a situation. Well, I got to meet back up with some of the girls so I'll see you later,” Taraji said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
“Yea, I’ll see ya,” I said as she left. I looked at my watch and realized I probably had missed Shantell. Rushing I cleaned myself up and walked back out into the club.
“You good bro,” Sefa asked appearing from outta nowhere as I nodded. “Yea, I’m good bro,” I said trying to convince myself. I could see he wanted to say more but he was biting his tongue.
“I know it was stupid, you ain't even gotta say nothin',” I said as he shook his head in disappointment at me. I saw a crowd had formed in a circle in the middle of the dance floor.
"We got some Zetas in the house! Alright, ladies let’s see that stroll!" the DJ screamed as Choppa Style by Choppa began to play as the crowd began singing, I guess tryin' to hype up whoever was out there on the floor.
Damn, what did I miss? I said pointing at Jimmy who was throwing his hands up in the air grinning like a fool recording on his phone.
“Oh, nothing just Trin and Shantell over there strolling with two other fellow Zetas, you know it’s homecoming week,” Sefa said as I looked at him.
“Excuse me, Shantell doin’ what?” I asked in shock as we made our way through the crowd finally getting closer to Jimmy.
“Aye, they killing it, where the hell ya’ll been?!” Jimmy shouted over the music as my eyes found Shantell. There she was wit her sexy ass gliding in the line rocking her hips.
“Alright, this is one of my favorite parts. Get low ladies!” the DJ screamed as they all in sync began dropping it low to the floor slowly winding their hips.
“Damn! Yes sir!” Jimmy exclaimed as I was trying to remain calm but my mind and heart was racing as I saw Shantell throwing her ass in a circle next to Trin.
"Shit, yea, throw dat ass back girl," I muttered to myself in awe of what was happening as the girls threw up their sorority sign, swinging their arms from side to side, as they went even lower to the floor.
The crowd was eating this shit up and I wanted to eat Shantell's ass up.
I couldn't help the low primal growl that escaped my lips seeing Shantell bite her lip as her ass continued to bounce behind her almost as if it had a mind of its own.
 I shifted myself in my jeans as I watched Shantell’s dress start to rise slightly. I saw her quickly pull her dress down in the front holding it in place while still dancing. Thank God, I don’t need these dudes in her looking at her like that.  
"Man shiid, shawty in the black dress straight fire!” I heard a guy say to his friend as I shot him a look.
“Yea, she is and I know you betta not even think about goin' near her, let alone touchin' her. She’s taken a’ight,” I said making sure he knew what the deal was before he got ahead of himself.
“Sorry didn’t know she was your girl,” he said as I nodded turning back to the watch. “Boy, I know you feel stupid,” Sefa said hitting my shoulder as I saw him eying Shantell with a smirk. “You enjoyin' this shit a little too much little brotha,” I said as he laughed.
“Damn sure is 'cause I wouldn’t be me if didn’t love watchin’ yo’ ass squirm,” he said as I rolled my eyes at him. “A’ight that’s my wife! Come thru baby!” Jimmy shouts as Trin throws him a sexy smirk as the girls begin strolling behind each other in a line again around the dance floor.
Sefa’s POV
I can’t help but snicker watching my brother trying to control himself as Shantell danced in front of him, giving him a sexy smirk.
Jey’s soul looked like it left his body as he eyed her up and down “Damn, Shan," I heard him whisper as I laughed. “Uh huh, yea, let his ass know sis,” I muttered to myself. Yea, lil sis up in here showin’ out and shuttin’ shit down.
“I’ll be got damn,” Jey whispered slamming back his shot as Shantell danced past him not sayin’ a single word as they went to make their way off the dance floor.
“You a’ight over there bro?” I asked about to rub It in some more but I stopped myself as I saw the look on his face.
It had gone from confusion to full-blown pissed off in a matter of seconds as I turned to see what was happening.
Tevin had reached over and hugged Shantell as she was dancing. “Hey you!” she exclaimed, returning his gesture coming out of the dance line. “What the fuck he doin’ here?” Jey hissed as I smiled.
“Oh, Tevin?  They got him directing the house show tomorrow,” I spoke to him earlier when you were preoccupied with Taraji, chasin’ a nut in the back of a dirty storage closet,” I said enjoying seeing him squirm as he rubbed his hand over his face in frustration.
“Fuck you man, it wasn’t like that,” Jey whispered as I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just trying to figure out how you mad at him for hugging her when you just fucked another woman literally not even ten minutes ago in a storage closet. Make it make sense bro,” I said as Jey growled.
"‘Cause I fuckin’ am ok! Look, just go over there and break that shit up for me ok,” Jey said as I shook my head in disbelief at him. “Fine, I’ll go but I’m doing it for her, not yo’ ass,” I said going over to Shantell and Tevin.
Shantell’s POV
I had put on the facade long enough I needed to leave, have a good cry, and try to study. Tevin was a good guy, I just wasn't in the mood tonight. I sighed in relief as Sefa came over to us because the alcohol was getting to me I needed a hot shower and a bed.
“Aye, your Uber should be here by now. You want me to walk you out,” Sefa said as I smiled. “I just paid it and canceled it, could you take me home,” I said as Tevin interrupted us.
“If you like I could give you a ride,” Tevin said as I tried to let him down easy. “Nah, I don’t want to spoil your night, I’ll just go with Sefa," I said giving him another hug.
“Well, how about you come to the show and shadow me tomorrow,” he said as I smiled at him. “I’ll think about It, but I probably will be busy though,” I said not really wanting to go to the show as Jey came over.
“Shantell ya’ll shut it down out there,” Jey said as everything I felt earlier came rushing back. “Uh, thanks,” I said trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“I was about to take Shantell home,” Sefa said as Jey smiled. “Well, I could take you,” he said as I tried to think of what to say. “Nah, Uce, I got her. Sofia has some stuff she wanted me to give Shantell, so I’ll take her,” Sefa said cutting off the conversation as I smiled in gratitude.
“Well, I’ll text you in a bit or call you,” Jey said trying to hug me as Sefa cut in and Jey backed up in shock. " I'll talk to you later Shantell," Tevin said as waved at him.
“Shantell, I’ll meet you in the car,” Sefa said giving me his keys as I waved at Jey and headed towards the door. I didn't feel like talking at all right now.
I felt grateful as the cool air hit my face as I walked to his car. If he had hugged me I either would have puked or busted out in tears and would have embarrassed us both.
The fresh air felt good on my skin, looking down to smooth down my dress I almost collided with someone.
"Damn, watch where you goin'!" a female voice said as I steadied myself. "Oh, sorry," I said walking around her not really paying attention to who it was, I was just ready to go home.
"You saw us didn't you Shantell?" the voice gloated as my blood ran cold. I turned and looked at Taraji, her smug grin made me want to chop her ass in the throat.
I knew her reputation and it made my skin crawl Jey was that desperate to stick his dick up with her passed-around pussy.
"I don't know what you talking about," I said playing it cool. Shantell just walk away, she ain't worth it.
"I saw you out the corner of my eye, you really should have stayed longer and caught the finale. He really looks sexy as hell when he cums she gloated as I sighed in pity at her weak ass attempt to rattle me.
"Well, I don't see how you saw his face with how he kept it buried in your neck in order not to look at you," I said not backing down.
You got the right one now bitch I ain't got nothing but time.
Tell me, how did that make you feel seeing us together? I mean I know you like him, but he won't give you the time of day," she said smirking at me as I laughed and shook my head.
"Well, I honestly don't feel anything about it because I wasn't the one getting fucked in a dirty ass storage closet with the rats and the roaches. You the real MVP Taraji, I'ma be just like you when I grow up," I said smugly as her once smug face now wore a deep frown.
"You just jealous," Taraji started as I cut her off. "Oh, you're right, I'm just jealous because I wasn't the one giving my body to a man who didn't even think enough of me to kiss me on the lips," I said smirking knowing it cut her ego real deep.
"I will hurt you Shantell, I don't care who you claim to have as a brother," Taraji said pissed off as I laughed.
"I'd love to see you try, but nah, I ain't done talking about how I'm jealous of you I am. Listen to this one, it's the best reason that I'm jealous of you," I said smugly pointing at her as she put her hands on her hips trying to keep her cool.
"Taraji, I'm jealous of you because it is so obvious Jey was fantasizing about someone else as he used your body to chase a nut. I mean let's be honest, that's the real reason why he couldn't look you in the face as he fucked you," I said feeling better I had got it off my chest.
"You just wish you could be me, i'm warning you, stay out of my way Shantell. You just wait though, Jey will be my man real soon," Taraji said walking away from me.
Nawl, bitch you don't get the last word on this one.
"Taraji, If you do by some miracle convince him to date you, it won't last long. He will see right through you, so enjoy it while you can Taraji," I said as she stopped walking. "Like I said stay outta my way," Taraji said as I smiled.
"Oh! Taraji, it's just one more thing I need to tell you woman to woman," I said as she turned to look at me.
"Don't you ever come for me.... Unless I send for you. Now, you have a blessed night," I said turning to look for Sefa's car as she stormed back into the club.
Sefa’s POV
What the fuck you do that for?” Jey asked as I rolled my eyes at him. “I don’t think Shantell wants to smell Taraji on you bro,” I said as his eyes widened in horror.
“Shit, I wasn’t thinkin’, look just make sure she gets home safe,” Jey said as I nodded and went to catch up with Shantell.
“Everything ok?” Shantell asked as I got in the car. “Yea, everything good and to answer your question I didn’t tell him you saw them,” I said as she sighed in relief.
“Thank you,” she whispered leaning her head back on the seat as we rode in silence. I dreaded leaving her alone as we got closer to her house. But I knew she probably needed time to process everything.
Shantell’s POV
“Thanks for the ride, I said as he gave me a hug. “If you need to talk I’m here, just call me,” he said as I got out. “Thanks, I’ll talk to you later,” I said getting out. Making the lonely journey up to my door, I turned to wave at him before going inside as he drove away.
I looked around and realized I was truly alone. Joe was on his way to Samoa, mama was in Ohio…I just felt alone, and as I got undressed and stepped into the shower. I couldn’t hold it in any longer I began to cry.
My heart was crushed, but when I thought about it, I really didn’t have a reason to be. He was never mine to begin with and with that being said I did the only thing I could do.
I picked myself up after my crying session and focused on my work.
I would be ok…I could do this….I truly just had to be his best friend, his Uce. I can do that... I know that I could
I mean how hard could it be?
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jeffrey-anderson · 2 months
Injustice in the Justice System: The Ethical Plight of Arkham Asylum
It is a common saying within Gotham City that you can set your watch off of Arkham Asylum’s regular breakouts.
Founded by Dr. Amadeus Arkham well over a century ago, this government-funded penitentiary has morphed from a well-meaning mental hospital to quite literally a house of horrors. Sanctioned as an asylum for the criminally insane in 19XX, Arkham Asylum has been affected by corruption and fraud every year since its founding - a reality only exacerbated by the breakout rates that have spiked by almost 46% annually since the Joker’s posting as a publicly known terrorist.
Anybody who lives in Gotham has been affected by the persistent breakouts plaguing the asylum. It’s been the Riddler’s bombings of the subway system. It was the threat of Gotham’s water supply being polluted by Joker toxin (only narrowly avoided by vigilante Batman’s interceptions). It was literally any Halloween these past few years. Take your pick.
Arkham Asylum is wholly an ethical nightmare. Its moral values and code of conduct have completely warped since its founding, and a lack of accountability has transformed it into an unethical hovel for anybody incarcerated there. Corruption runs rampant in the system. Any bribe of any size can be weaponised, and prisoners can do anything within and including escaping.
The poor legislation and the lack of accountability likens Arkham to the El Salvador gang jails. Both of them have death rates in the hundreds, and both do not receive programs preparing inmates for reinsertion into society. The two of them have inmates who are rarely - if ever - allowed outside.
These so called ‘reformatory’ institutions are unethical, unlivable hovels for anybody incarcerated. The abusive living situations make it a wonder any of Arkham’s convicts ever even consider choosing to stay within the prison walls.
Speaking of Arkham being an unliveable hovel - asylums throughout America have progressively gone out of style within the last forty years. However, Gotham is a city that leans more towards traditionalism - a view paired with and reflected throughout the city’s beautiful architecture and the scarcity of new bills, legislations and laws that are passed as a result of the city stagnating and being unwilling to create change.
This languishing, this lack of desire for movement and progress, is part of the systematic problems that threaten to topple Arkham. It is part of why it is inhumane.
Asylums have been going out of style for a reason - both sides of the system suffer. There is a relatively low rate of recovery from patients in asylums who are mentally unwell - even lower in Gotham City. Caregivers are pessimistic about their future outlooks because of the low success rates, feeding back into the cycle with no positive yield. This vicious pattern makes it nigh-impossible for anyone within the system to get any sort of fulfilment from it.
Although Arkham is officially a psychiatric ward, it houses patients who are arguably sane and yet are sentenced to life with the mentally unwell. Take Adam Bomb for example (article linked). Convicted of terrorism after trying to blow up the city, Bomb worked with criminally insane terrorist Firefly and thus was convicted of insanity beside him despite all claims that he was not mentally unstable.
It could be argued that these inhabitants aren’t perfectly sane, but an overwhelming amount of evidence from court records show otherwise. XX% of convicts in Arkham were allegedly intended to go to Blackgate Penitentiary, but couldn’t as a result of the overcrowding in the system. This whopping XX% percent of inmates, forced to live in padded cells and treated as less than human because of an insanity that they don’t have, live in an oppressive scheme which in turn makes it more difficult for actually unwell prisoners to receive the help they require. Furthermore, inmates who are criminally insane likewise suffer - the heightened risk of assault, dangerous gangs, and trauma in result of the organised crime fester a wholly unhealthy environment for the patients in the system who are meant to be there.
This misconduct is really highlighted in 20XX’s horrifically dubbed “Haunted House” breakout, where seven inmates (both sane and insane) attempted an escape. One of their psychiatric patients (a Ms. A. Smith) was killed in the panic after experiencing a psychotic break and subsequently attacking one of her fellow escapees after watching one of the sane male inmates assault a staff member.
The tragic events that transpired in the “Haunted House” jailbreak underline the desperation of reform required within our justice system. It is crucial that we address these issues within and around Arkham, as its current state has crossed lines and boundaries that even the worst cities throughout the globe have not passed.
Now, after considering these insurmountable problems, you may be wondering.
How is Arkham Asylum still standing?
Surely, some uncorrupted Gotham official is good, right? They would have seen the corruption, the abuse, the inhumane condition. Surely, somebody would have pushed for a change.
Well - you aren’t wrong. Arkham has been the focus of almost 15% of bills petitioned within Gotham City for eight years.
But there are good reasons why it is still functioning. Why nine out of ten of these petitions are rejected, despite the obvious poison to our society that it provides.
Arkham Asylum was made by a key founder of some of Gotham’s most foundational rules and regulations, Stuart Gordon. Nevada and Maine are the only other states to decriminalise sex work - but Gotham City, too, has special permissions under the state of New Jersey to abolish the law as a result of his work. Furthermore, Gordon pushed for Gotham to be one of the first cities (although highly debated and largely criticised at the time) to allow equal purchase and selling of property by minority groups within Gotham. Gordon’s lasting contributions to New Jersey’s sociopolitical landscape are likely partially why Arkham‘s presence continues to endure despite its increasingly intrusive existence in our modern society.
Arkham Asylum stands as a symbol of justice. Despite the rampant violence and a severe lack of accountability within its system, it is the most famous (and infamous) jail this side of America. When you look any closer at the system, its flaws and corruption reveal themselves to you in a disturbingly clear fashion. Yet when we think of the law, when we consider the justice system, Arkham is always the first to mind, given its wide discussion by people around the globe.
Arkham Asylum was a lot of money. A lot of money. For the first fifteen years of its construction, Gotham government’s annual transparency records reveal Arkham Asylum taking almost 40% of the budget allocated to police and law enforcement in its construction time. This rampant fund theft and poor budget of the government, exacerbated by the relative spike in crime rate during the years of its building, proves just how long they intend Arkham to stand. Why would the government put so much money into something that they didn’t intend to run in the long term?
These factors have made our authorities comfortable. Unaccountable. Stagnant. The level of ease that Gotham’s government holds about jailbreaks trickles down to regular citizens. They face no consequences from us as a result of our being excessively comfortable with the crime they permit.
If nothing is to change, we have a clear view on the future based on the long history we have with Arkham in the past. Gotham City’s complacency allows corruption to fester, and it leaves us citizens complicit in the tragedy of crime and disaster.
It is not too late to change course.
If we don’t stop this fraudulence now, it will be too late to change course.
The first step to change within others - our society - is change within ourselves and our standards. We must remind ourselves that this crime is not normal. Remind ourselves that we should not be comfortable. The disasters, the rampant crime and the rotating door of terrorists coming and going from Arkham is not something to be nonchalant about. We have to teach our children that the standards that Gotham’s bureaucracy sets for us isn’t acceptable, and that they should not be growing up with fear in their hearts and emergency exits in their minds.
Furthermore, it is imperative that we insist on more from our higher-ups. Allowing them to continue shrugging their shoulders and telling us that the establishment cannot be changed is only going to worsen the state of our city and justice system to the point of no return. We need to pressure new laws from them, so we can uproot the corruption that they have allowed to fester in our city for decades. We must demand new regimens for jails in order for us to be able to transfer inmates out of overstuffed systems and give resources to those who need it most.
Most importantly, we have to demand better, moral legislation. Regulations that seperate the harmless from the terrorists, and incite prisoners to remain in a prison that will not be cruel to them at every waking moment.
One voice can only do so much.
Many voices, speaking as a part of an undivided unit desiring wholly for change - that will get the government’s attention. That will make them feel the same discomfort we have been experiencing our whole lives. That will lead them to forging new change within this stagnant society, one which will better both the lives of AA’’s inhabitants and those of Gotham City.
Sign this petition, and stand with me. Stand with all of us who are appealing for a difference within a society. Help us create change that will last for generations.
-Jeffrey Anderson
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hellcheer-heaven · 11 months
Hellcheer List: How caretaker Eddie helps Chrissy.
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Thank you to @bluebunnymoose for helping me with this.
So I know that I’ve mentioned a previous headcanon where Chrissy and Eddie would have their “kid day” together. I do love the idea of the two of them engaging in that, but I really like the idea of Eddie being a gentle and loving caregiver to Chrissy.
Let's say she's having a rough week and she's just exhausted and overstimulated.
When Eddie can sense and see that she’s distressed, he goes right into caregiver mode.
One of the first things he does is hug her and offer her a stuffed animal.
She holds the toy and lets herself cry in his arms, tightly shutting her eyes as he rocks her gently.
“It’s okay Chrissy, just let it out sweet girl. You’re safe here.”
Sometimes when there’s too much going on, she may speak very softly, say a small selection of words, or nothing at all.
If she doesn’t talk, Eddie will ask her a simple yes/no question: “Are you tired? Do you want something to eat?”
He also gently encourages her to point to what she needs as well.
He's considerate and patient, letting her know that she can communicate her needs when she’s ready.
She’ll quietly ask for a bubble bath and when he asks her if she would like her bath toys, she looks up with a little smile and nods.
While he washes her hair and scrubs her skin, Chrissy will blow the bubbly foam and watch it float, reaching out to catch it before it hits the water.
Eddie smiles knowing that she’s feeling a little better, he’s even happier knowing that they will have the weekend to themselves to continue this for as long as she wants.
This means no errands, chores, and other adult responsibilities, just taking care of his one and only.
In their own small house, Eddie has already supplied the pantry with snacks and comfort food (bear shaped graham crackers, pop tarts, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, etc.) that she was never allowed to eat in her childhood.
Eddie will help make their bed and decorate it with her stuffed animals.
He’ll rent a collection of cartoons and animated movies on vhs for them to watch.
He brings out a huge container of arts and crafts and coloring books to play with.
There’s a large soft blanket spread out with even more of her stuffed animals in the living room.
There’s a book shelf filled with her favorite stories from her childhood.
These include fairytales with happy endings, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, Dr. Seuss, Goodnight Moon, Charlotte’s Web, Peter Rabbit, Madeline, etc.
If she wants to color in a coloring book, Chrissy will lay down on the blanket, open up her big box of crayons, and have her back rubbed while she colors a picture of Minnie Mouse petting Figaro.
Before he heads to the kitchen, he gives her two choices for lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza rolls.
They eat in front of the tv and laugh together as they watch cartoons and movies.
She’ll happily sing along and dance to the songs, and ask Eddie to join in, something he gladly loves to partake in.
During a sad scene, Eddie gently holds Chrissy as she squeezes her plush toy and presses it tightly to her face.
He rubs her tears away and pecks her forehead, sweetly reminding her that it’s okay to cry and feel sad for a character.
Even if it’s a movie that they’ve seen many times, certain parts never fail to make her tear up, “Seeing Dumbo cry is sad to watch, isn’t it Chrissy?”
“Everyone is so mean to him, he wants his mama Eddie. Dumbo loves his mama and she misses him.”
When Chrissy wants to make a pillow fort, they take off the couch cushions, rearrange some furniture, cover it with a blanket and crawl inside.
When she wants to play with her dolls, Chrissy decides how the story goes.
She’ll let Eddie know which dolls he gets to play with, what kind of voice to use, and what will happen next.
He loves to watch and listen to her create all sorts of tales and describe the adventures and hardships the characters go through.
After dinner time, she begs him to stay up just a little longer, but he softly reminds her that it’s time to get ready for bed.
He offers to pick her up and take her upstairs for her evening bath.
When she’s done brushing her teeth, he dresses her in cozy pajamas and lets her pick two books to read aloud.
During story time, she asks for him to read the book in different voices for each of the characters.
Then he turns off the lights and turns on the nightlight, singing or humming a few comfort songs to her as he tucks her in and boops her nose to make her giggle.
Chrissy will give him the puppy dog pout and tell him, “I’m not tired Eddie.”
Eddie can’t resist those pleading eyes and lays down beside her, brushing his fingers from the top of her forehead to the end of her nose.
She’ll try to keep herself awake, her eyelids feeling heavy as the gentle hum of his voice eases her into a peaceful slumber.
“I’m… not tired. Not… sleepy. Eddie…”
He stays at her side until she’s fast asleep, carefully getting out of bed, and tiptoeing away.
Eddie looks at Chrissy one more time, smiling at the sight of her so calm and serene, “Sweet dreams princess.”
The next morning after breakfast, they would go for a walk in the park and Chrissy would stop to look at the playground.
She wants to go, but she doesn’t tell him and she’s afraid of being judged by others, so instead she watches from afar.
Later on in the late afternoon/early evening, Eddie says that he has a surprise for her
After dressing her up warmly and telling her to bring one stuffed animal, he takes her over to the park.
All of the families have left and the two of them have the entire playground to themselves.
He would push her on the swing, race her down the slide, spin on the merry go round, climb the jungle gym, and play on the see saw.
After she’s tuckered out, Eddie takes her home and then it’s time to get ready for bed.
After a quick clean up and a shower, he joins her as well.
He lays down beside her and kisses her lips, affectionately whispering, “I love you Chrissy.”
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natsuki-bakery · 1 month
⁎˚ ఎ Dr.House agere headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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Can you do headcanons for agere Dr House and caregiver Dr Wilson? Separate or together!!
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Agere Dr. House :
•Despite his gruff exterior, Dr.House loves cuddling with his stuffed animals when he's feeling vulnerable
•He has a favorite blanket that he insists on having nearby whenever he's relaxing
•Dr. House enjoys playing with building blocks or puzzles to stimulate his mind !
•He's surprisingly good at drawing and often doodles in his spare time
•When he's upset or not feeling well, he'll retreat to his "fort" made out of pillows and blankets for some quiet time
•Gregory has a soft spot for classic children's books and enjoys reading them to himself or having someone read to him
•He's fiercely independent but secretly appreciates it when Dr. Wilson takes care of him, even if he doesn't always show it
Caregiver Dr. Wilson :
•Dr. Wilson is patient and understanding, always ready to provide comfort and support
•He's an expert at making soothing teas and knows just the right ones to help House relax
•Dr. Wilson loves watching House light up with joy when they engage in activities together, like coloring or watching cartoons.
•He's a great listener and is always there to lend a sympathetic ear when Little House needs to talk
•He's incredibly nurturing and knows exactly how to provide the right amount of care without being overbearing
•Dr. Wilson's presence brings a sense of stability and warmth to agere House's life, making him feel safe and loved
Together :
•Little House and Caregiver Dr. Wilson have a unique bond built on trust and mutual understanding
•They have a routine that they follow together, which helps House feel secure and cared for while age regressing
•Despite their differences, they complement each other perfectly, with Little Gregory's independence balancing out Dr. Wilson's nurturing nature
•They enjoy spending quality time together, whether it's watching movies, playing games, or simply enjoying each other's company
•Little House feels comfortable being vulnerable around Dr. Wilson, knowing that he'll always be there to support him
•Dr. Wilson takes pride in being able to provide age regressing House with the love and care he needs to thrive
•Together, they navigate the ups and downs of life, knowing that they can always rely on each other for support and comfort !
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earthbaby-angelboy · 8 months
Walter Hale, Jess Wade, Steve Grayson and Dr. John Carpenter (ECU) as caregivers
Walter Hale (The Trouble With Girls, 1969):
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Walter definitely strikes me as the type to adapt to whatever you need. If you need someone gentle, he's there to coddle you. If you need someone stricter, he's there with rules. Whatever you need, he's got. I get the feeling he'd be good with a kiddo who is real small (0-2), but I think if push came to shove he'd also be able to take care of someone older. It all depends on the chemistry.
If he knows you're stressed or teetering over the edge of a breakdown, he has no problem 'forcing' you to regress. He's very naturally manipulative, so it works like a charm. If you're ranting and raving about something, he'll literally come up to you and just pop your pacifier in your mouth with a knowing "better?" He loves when you sit on his lap while he's in meetings, and he has no qualms about walking around the Chautauqua with you on his hip. If anyone has anything to say about your regression, they answer to him. He's the one that you go to when you need to regress, but just...can't.
He absolutely loves buying you pretty little outfits so he can show you off to all his friends, but god-forbid they cast one lustful look in your direction and they're dead before daylight. He doesn't let you get your hands dirty. He loves spoiling you, and delights in your happiness.
He loves when you call him "daddy", and when he's stressed due to work or whatever else, he'll ask you to cuddle with him. It's beneficial to the both of you; he gets to relax, and you get to spend time with him. It's a win-win!
Jess Wade (Charro!, 1969):
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He is naturally very stoic, and has a resting bitch face, so he would not be great with a regressor who is incredibly sensitive. He likes taking care of older kiddos (5-9), but doesn't mind taking care of the real little ones too.
He definitely would be the type to tell you to stop crying, then go all wide-eyed and gentle when you just cry harder. He's very straightforward, and expects you to communicate when you are upset and not make him do mental gymnastics to figure out what's bothering you. If you're having a meltdown, he'll usually just leave you to cry it out unless you explicitly state that you want him there.
He doesn't really have rules, but if you are acting particularly rude or just downright mean, he does serve punishments. They are more traditional, like writing lines, cleaning one spot over and over, or standing in a corner. Always tells you afterwords how proud he is of you for handling your punishment well.
This man has absolutely NO paternal instinct, so he learns along the way. If you're having a particularly rough day, big or little, he takes you out on his horse. Sometimes, he'll grab one of his cowboy hats and play peek-a-boo with you. Your laugh is the only thing that can bring a light smile to his face. He will never ask it of you, but his heart would melt into a puddle of goo if you called him "papa."
He likes nonchalant and domestic forms of intimacy, like cleaning up around the house for you and bringing you a flower bouquet he picked himself. His favorite activity, though, is doing shared activities together in silence, eg. reading separate books, but sitting close together.
Steve Grayson (Speedway, 1968):
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Steve would not consider himself to be a caregiver whatsoever, but rather just an older brother! He himself is a regressor, but stays in an old enough headspace that he's able to keep a close eye on you. He loves to sit on the floor with you and get lost in a silly game. He adores taking naps with you, but will still knock out for a few (hours) even if you don't.
He himself is very hyperactive, so he would be good with a little that has a vibrant personality and a whole lotta energy! The two of you spend hours running around at a playground, just laughing and having fun because damn it, you both deserve to be happy. He loves booping your nose and squishing your cheeks.
He takes you on fancy ice cream parlour dates once a week! You little meances order 4 scoops of ice cream with all the toppings you can pile on! (...It has enough sugar to put an old woman in a coma.) He doesn't really care about how much sugar you have, as long as you don't get a tummy ache.
He doesn't like titles, but he doesn't mind nicknames! His favorites are "Vee" and "Stevie!"
Although he is an older brother figure, he has some small rules in place for your safety. He asks that you hold his hand when crossing the street, ask him if there's something on a shelf you can't reach, etc. Just little things he can do to keep you safe and make you more comfortable!
Dr. John Carpenter (Change Of Habit, 1969):
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He would make an incredible caregiver for anyone struggling with a mental illness or trauma disorder. He understands how delicate someone can be when regressed, so he is very conscious of the things he says and does around you. He understands your brain better than you do, and can tell when you're going to regress beforehand.
He is very helpful when it comes to working through sensory overloads, meltdowns and outbursts. He is so calm and patient, always looking at you with kind eyes. He never punishes you for expressing how you are feeling, but does encourage you to discuss with him the emotions and thought process' behind your words and actions.
Touch is something incredibly special to him, so he's very careful about it. He loves cradling you close to him, especially when you're upset.
He doesn't give you rules, and he lets you "take the lead", so to speak. You go to bed when you can't keep your eyes open, he lets you eat all the sweets you want until you're satisfied, and he doesn't ever force you to regress. But, he does establish somewhat of a routine to make sure you're taking good care of yourself. Something that remains consistent in your routine is that when he notices you're getting super tired, he gives you tummy rubs. He likes playing dolls with you, mainly because he pays attention to the stories you create. Sort of like play therapy!
He would be good with any little (and is good with people in general), but I get the feeling he would be really awesome taking care of a little who has a newborn or baby headspace.
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