#carts rambles
cartoonpigeon · 2 months
thinking about how its implied that Paul WILL eventually ecologically destroy dune. how in his quest to bring them "paradise" he will destroy their way of living. the way my heart sunk whenever it was mentioned. the way we see how badly water effects the worms
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Anime/Manga Writers: Why don’t the fans like the canon straight couple instead of the non-canon gay ships?
MC looking at their canon love interest: So pretty and fights good.
MC looking at their rival/best friend/partner: They’re like the sun, brilliantly blinding and all-consumingly powerful. There’s a deadly beauty and grace to every action they take. They’re the other half of me that I never thought could exist, the one person who pushes me to be my best self, and life without them would not be worth living. There’s nothing in this world that they could not accomplish and I am but a fool chasing after them in hopes of reaching their level. Even then, having them in front of me/by my side has pushed me to heights I never thought imaginable.
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callilemon · 6 months
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Based on the ramblings between @bookdragonwrites and myself 🤭😩
Noé is too precious even for Vanitas 🫣
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idk abt the rest of yall but I want more angst around noes memory ability. And not just the "ohh noe can see into memories and can never drink vanitas' blood and the moment he does vani will never trust him again 😱😥" No!! I want to see noe having trouble remembering what memories are his and which are the ones he took from another person. I want to see him begin to tell a story of something he randomly remembered only to be reminded that its not his memory. I want to see him feeling another person emotions from sharing memories and struggle to disconnect from it because it never even happend to him. Or feeling guilty over another's action that they did in the memory and having to told that he doesn't have to feel guilty bc it wasn't him and struggling to explain his feelings about why does anyway.
Just give me more of noe struggling with his powers.
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tariah23 · 1 year
If anyone of you guys live in the Chicago Halstad areas, food is being passed out!!! All you need to do is simply walk up!
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liyazaki · 10 months
sometimes it pays to have random vintage items, years of travel memorabilia, power tools & ADHD:
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for funsies: how many ITSAY-related items can you spot?
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deimosatellite · 6 months
ango backstory tldr taneda is a terrible parent god bless
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boxocats · 10 months
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Vanitas being accepted into the vampire polyamory
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inkyminx · 4 months
Y’know I like to think my personality is becoming the best version of myself. I’ve started to grow more confident and a bit mischievous/cunning when it comes down to certain situations,
But then I remember my personality is influenced by these b!tches I relate to in a very concerning way and now I continuously have a mental breakdown.
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And in case you hadn’t noticed— THIS IS A PROBLEM
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cartoonpigeon · 2 months
thinking about how (I mean I haven't gotten to far into the book and I dont remember too much of the 1st movie but) there's probably Bene Gesserit mad at Paul for being a boy. he the most transmasc coded cis character ever oh my god
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anxious4ever · 1 month
personaly i belive that if vanoe dose become canon it would go somthing along the lines of noe crying over vanitases grave/dead body all like 'i never got to tell you i love you'
at least thats what i'd do if i wanted to hurt the reader as much as posible and vnc just feels like the kind of story to go for maximal gut punch you know
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menelaus-blue · 10 months
i had a very important realization while i was out walking today. out of the main four vnc characters, noé is the one we know the least about. he fits into a category of what i would call the glass protagonist–a guy who basically exists only to narrate the story, joining the ranks of those like nick carraway and richard papen, except he's just like way more mysterious.
see, part of what makes a narrator like nick work narratively is that we know just enough about him to 1) understand his perspective on the events of the story and 2) know what his role in the story is. nick is able to give his insider/outsider view of gatsby because he is neither part of the buchanans' world nor part of gatsby's, and his role in the story is to serve as a kind of mediator between the two of them. he's daisy's cousin in long island, but he's also a working man in city, etc, etc.
the funky thing about noé is we just...don't know anything about him. we're told a couple of things about his childhood; that he was adopted by an old couple in the human world, that they died and he was somehow on sale in altus, and that the comte took him in. but really, the time before and after louis's death is uncannily empty for the guy who we're following through this world. yes, of course it's fair to say that we know the most important things about noé, but we honestly know way more of vanitas's childhood than his, and that's a big part of the central mystery of the story.
(there's an element to this, of course, that comes from both of the examples i gave before, the great gatsby and the secret history, being novels. as readers, we get an extra level of introspection from nick and richard that is very difficult to translate directly into manga as a medium. however, i would argue that it's not impossible, and all that being said it does sometimes feel intentional on mochijun's part just how little of noé's background she's shown us.)
both nick and richard narrate their respective stories onto the reader from their position as outsiders, which we know is noé's role in vnc from the get-go. i mean, he says this explicitly in chapter one: "this is the tale of how i met vanitas, and how we walked together, of all we gained and lost, and of how, at the end of that journey, i would kill him with my own two hands". he's the narrator and this is his story, just like nick and richard, right?
but while nick and richard are the narrators, and give us, the readers, an excuse to look into their worlds, they are not exactly essential players on the board. both the great gatsby and the secret history give the impression that, without their narrators, they would have continued nearly exactly as written; the characters were doomed to fail long before the story began, and the intervention of some white guy isn't enough to either stop that. and yes, vanitas is doomed as well, but we are introduced to his death as an event that is intrinsically tied to noé himself.
"with my own two hands", noé says. he is not only an actor in the saga leading up to vanitas's demise, he is a starring player in it. (and yes, we ofc later learn that vanitas is going to die with or without noé's intervention but i think it's important to understand that this is our introduction to noé, vanitas, and the story itself) in this way, noé differentiates himself from his glass counterparts, in that he inserts himself irrevocably into the plot. he is both a character in the story and an observer, a chess piece and the one playing the game. this is why the gaps in his backstory feel so jarring, at least to me, because we are not meant to view him as solely a window into the world of vnc, but as a character all on his own.
anyways, all that being said, i'm hoping with the introduction of lady archiviste we're finally going to learn more about noé and his time with the comte, just because it's like a HUGE gap in the story.
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raiiinydrawz · 2 months
sorry you've got art block !
perhaps you could draw noe with murr or vanitas? i hadn't seen any vnc art of yours, but i think he'd be cool in your style! (as long as you get noe's skintone right,,,i've seen a few artists on here make him so white before, and it always makes me cringe)
if you'd like something more specific, feel free to ask lol
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chuluoyi · 6 months
oh and look what came from the mail ! 🫶🏻
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what-on-earth-is-love · 2 months
noé and laios have the same type of autism and should kiss about it perhaps
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