#ch: samwell tarly
winterapocalypse · 8 months
Winter Apocalypse ch 3
The Nephilims
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Jon stared into the darkness for whole minutes, a strange feeling of calm pervaded him. He could feel a magical presence within him, an ancestral and ancient force pulsing through his veins. Could it be that this creature knew something that not even his superiors in the Watchmen were aware of?
"Jon!" chirped a voice behind him. Jon recognised it immediately - it was Samwell Tarly.
"Sam. You're awake." Jon noted, squaring him from head to toe. Or at least, as much as he could, as Sam was reduced to a flickering figure hidden between the drapes of the tent they shared.
"And how can I not be? There was a clatter of hooves and…" Sam whispered, gesturing in exasperation. "Jon, what was that?" he muttered clearly terrified. "I could barely see anything but…are you OK?"
Jon nodded, signalling for Sam to move from the entryway. Surely if there was anyone his secret was safe with, it would be Samwell Tarly. Not that there was really any reason to keep it a secret, but Jon had a strange feeling of embarrassment and jealousy - what had happened he would rather have kept between him and the mysterious creature. After all, he had told him that he was special, and maybe a little bit Jon hoped he really was.
Securing the tent with a closing spell, Jon sat down on the threadbare fur blanket they had made into a bed, beckoning Sam to sit with him. He told him everything: the noise in the night, the Alliser horse he had found battered, the dark creature, and finally him… Misterio. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of the man-horse. Sam looked at him in amazement.
"Jon… you met a centaur?" he whispered in disbelief.
Jon merely nodded, aware that he had no entirely logical explanation for his friend.
"But centaurs have been extinct for centuries!" Sam had the look of a child being given his first sword, and Jon mentally prepared himself for the flood of words that was about to overwhelm him. "Indeed, it is not even certain that they ever existed. According to some legends they were a sort of hybrid between the forces of evil and good - if I'm not mistaken the first was born from the union of a man and a unicorn. They were said to be irascible, violent, almost prone to madness, but at the same time valiant warriors loyal to their principles. They were a magical paradox, endowed with too much power, a bit like the Nephilim in the legends of Asshai."
"And what in the seven hells is a Nephilim?" Jon shook his head bitterly, regretting asking the question.
"The nephilim, according to legends, of course, were an extremely powerful race, a cross between humans and what the dark city called 'angels', creatures of divine emanation, created by the God of Light himself. I think for us, the equivalent was the Unicorns, before they became extinct." Sam gradually raised his voice, and Jon signalled to him not to wake the whole camp. "Well, back to the centaurs. They were too powerful, and according to legends there was a war - the only war that sided together white and black magic - and they became extinct. Until tonight, at least. Oh, Jon, can you believe it? We are living through an historic event!" (Venom's note: doesn't Sam ever shut up?)
Jon rolled his eyes, mulling over his friend's words. Something didn't quite convince him, he felt almost insulted in his pride after hearing those suppositions about the centaur. To him, he had seemed neither irascible nor mad. On the contrary, the calmness Jon had felt in his presence… he shook his head, pushing away the heat that was climbing up his cheeks.
"However it went, we failed the mission. Alliser's horse is dead." Jon sighed as he got up to put his sword back in its place.
"Well, we can tell him about the centaur and -" Jon cast a furious glance at Sam, surprising himself at the speed with which he had reacted.
"No way. This centaur thing stays between you and me, even if I have to cast a spell on you." Jon admonished him, and seeing that Sam seemed to have agreed despite himself he lay down on the blanket.
That night he dreamt of Misterio riding through the night.
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stormborns · 3 years
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Chapters of A Song of Ice & Fire - A Feast for Crows - Samwell V      “Lord Commander Snow sent him away to save his life,” he began, hesitantly. He spoke awkwardly of King Stannis and Melisandre of Asshai, intending to stop at that, but one thing led to another and he found himself speaking of Mance Rayder and his wildlings, king’s blood and dragons, and before he knew what was happening, all the rest came spilling out; the wights at the Fist of the First Men, the Other on his dead horse, the murder of the Old Bear at Craster’s Keep, Gilly and their flight, Whitetree and Small Paul, Coldhands and the ravens, Jon’s becoming lord commander, the Blackbird, Dareon, Braavos, the dragons Xhondo saw in Qarth, the Cinnamon Wind and all that Maester Aemon whispered toward the end. He held back only the secrets that he was sword to keep, about Bran Stark and his companions and the babes Jon Snow had swapped. “Daenerys is the only hope,” he concluded. “Aemon said the Citadel must send her a maester at once, to bring her home to Westeros before it is too late.”
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janiedean · 5 years
Jon, Robb and Theon as the one braincell trio, and poor Sam has to be the one to rein them in when they get dumb ideas (aka every day lol) even if every single one of them has a functioning braincell (they cancel each other out when they're together) [basically that one pokemon that doesn't get smarter when there's multiples on it joined together]
.... lkgjksdkjlkljgdjlksljkglkj I agree
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aegonvi-remade · 4 years
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pyp, grenn, and sam trailed after him, chattering, but he hardly heard a word until grenn whispered, “sam did it,” and pyp said, “sam did it!” pyp had brought a wineskin with him, and he took a long drink and chanted, “sam, sam, sam the wizard, sam the wonder, sam sam the marvel man, he did it.
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dreadwulf · 4 years
Chapters: 14/19 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly Additional Tags: Slow Burn, no seriously really slow burn, Post Season 7, TV continuity, Fix It, Jaime fix it fic, Too bad they never aired season 8 I guess we'll just have to finish it ourselves, Mutual Pining, Psychological Trauma, Sieges swordfighting and the end of the world, The Long Night lasts considerably longer than a few hours. considerably
Winterfell has been completely cut off from the world by the Siege, and occupied entirely with defending its walls, and there has been little time even to wonder what has become of the rest of the world. Tyrion, newly arrived from Castle Black, has much to tell them.
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The Dove and Her Hound - CH. Thirteen
Title: Dragonstone
Words: 1,100
Warnings: Vulgar language, mentions of character death
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Sandor Masterlist
Game of Thrones Masterlist
It had taken a while, but the Battle of the Bastards was won by Jon. Thousands of men died, including your littlest brother, Rickon. You had watched from the sidelines as Jon rode his horse as hard and as fast as he could to get to Rickon. Right as their fingers were about to touch, an arrow went through Rickon’s chest. You let out a scream and your knuckles turned white from clutching your horse’s reins. A few tense moments passed as Davos readied the men and Jon raced his horse towards Ramsey. You had wanted to fight, but you promised Jon you would stay on the sidelines.
Most of the battle was over when you rode into Winterfell. Jon was punching Ramsey in the face repeatedly and you couldn’t help a satisfied smirk from going on your face. Sansa was standing next to you and her face was impossible to read. There was neither joy nor disgust on her face, but you knew that she was enjoying the sight of Ramsey being beaten. When Jon saw that the two of you were watching him, he stopped. Ramsey looked over and had a stupid grin on his face.
 Calmly, you walked over to them. Jon had gotten up from the ground. Looming over Ramsey, you cocked your head to the side as you looked at him. You had a dangerous glint in your eyes and before anyone could stop you, you stomped on Ramsey’s dick as hard as you could. All the men that were watching gasped and most of them went to protect themselves. Ramsey was now in a fetus position and you knelt down next to him.
 “You are a coward and a cunt. You mutilated Theon, you killed Rickon, and you violated my sister. If I could, I would kill you over and over and over until you were broken and pleading for mercy. Then I would keep killing you,” you hissed. Standing up gracefully, you kicked him again and spat on the ground beside him. You walked over to Sansa and the two of you walked into the castle.
 “That wasn’t very ladylike,” Sansa said.
 “That moment didn’t call for a Lady.” You looked at her from the corner of your eye. When you locked eyes, the both of you started to laugh uncontrollably.
 “D-Did you see the faces of every man?” Sansa said between laughs.
 “That I did. Oh that was great!”
 “I wish I had the courage to do something like that.”
 “You do, love. You have more courage than you think. Most people who went through the things you did wouldn’t be able to make it. But you had the courage and the bravery to power through and get to the silver-lining.” You grabbed her hands. “Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean others don’t. You are brave, and strong, and kind.”
 “You really think so?”
 “I do,” you said, kissing her on the forehead. You had to pull her head down to kiss her.
 “Seven Hells!” You exclaimed. “Stop growing! You’re my younger sister, not older. You shouldn’t be taller than me.”
 “I’m not in charge of that, sorry,” Sansa giggled. You smiled and caressed her cheek.
 “Go rest. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
 The next week flew by. There were countless meetings to discuss the fate of some Houses. Ravens were flying in from almost every place in Westeros. There was one from Cersei in King’s Landing, asking Jon to go there and bend the knee; Tyrion sent one from Dragonstone asking Jon to come and meet Daenerys Targaryen; and Samwell Tarly sent a raven from the Citadel, stating that there was Dragonglass at Dragonstone. You knew that Jon was going to accept Tyrion’s offer and travel there. You decided to go with him. When the meeting was over, you walked up to Jon.
 “I’m going with you,” you said.
 “What? No, it’s too dangerous. Too risky.”
 “It is for you as well, don’t deny it. We can both handle ourselves. I’m going and that’s the end of it.”
 Jon looked to argue with him, but you silenced him with a look.
 “Fine,” Jon sighed. “You can come with me. But if things get too testy, I want you to go straight back to Winterfell. Deal?”
 The next day, you and Jon left for White Harbor with Ser Davos. You had packed only a few pair of trousers, one tunic, and your weapons. You were excited and nervous about meeting with Daenerys. Things would either go very wrong and the three of you would be dead before you knew it, or she would agree to help the North in its fight against the White Walkers. Tyrion was her hand and you knew he had a good head on his shoulders, but you weren’t too sure about his Queen. The Targaryen’s could be very unstable. You knew it wasn’t right to judge people based on who their family was, but you felt very uneasy about her.
 It took a few days, but you had finally reached Dragonstone. You took a longboat to the beach and was greeted by Tyrion, a woman, and around ten Dothraki. Walking beside Jon, you faced the Lannister.
 “The bastard of Winterfell and his lovely sister,” Tyrion said. “We weren’t expecting you, my lady.”
 “Dwarf of Casterly Rock. My sister joining us was a last minute decision.”
 “One made by me. I wanted to join my brother to see Dragonstone for myself,” you said with a sweet smile. “It’s as beautiful as I imagined.”
 “Well you are certainly welcome, Lady [y/n],” Tyrion said to you. To Jon he said, “I believe we last saw each other atop the Wall.”
 “You were pissin’ off the edge if I remember right. Picked up some scars along the road?”
 “It’s been a long road. But we’re both still here.” The two of them looked at each other with understanding in their eyes. It really had been a long and painful road.
 “Missandei is the Queen’s most trusted advisor,” Tyrion said, introducing the woman standing next to him.
 “Welcome to Dragonstone. Our Queen knows it was a long journey and appreciates the efforts you have made on her behalf,” Missandei paused. “If you wouldn’t mind handing over your weapons.”
 Jon and you looked at the other and then at Davos. You were very hesitant about handing weapons over. Being unarmed in a foreign place didn’t settle right with you. You knew that Jon felt the same way, but he just smiled and agreed.
 “Of course,” he said.
 Tyrion knew what you were feeling and gave a sympathetic smile in your direction. The Dothraki men walked towards you and you handed your weapons over to them. Your waist and back felt lighter without the extra weight of your bow and two blades. Rolling your shoulders, you looked at Missandei and gave her a small smile, head dipping. She returned the gesture.
 “Please, this way,” she said.
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claimed by bone of my bone again ch.2
Read at AO3
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Mature
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Chapters: 2/?
Relationships: Jon Snow/Robb Stark, Robb Stark/Jeyne Westerling, Jeyne Westerling/Orginal Female Character, Meera Reed/Bran Stark, past Jon Snow/Ygritte - Relationship
Characters: Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Jeyne Westerling, Arya Stark, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Meera Reed, Samwell Tarly, Edd Tollett, Alliser Thorne, Tormund Gianstbane, Gilly (ASoIaF), Gendry Waters, Catelyn Tully Stark, Original Characters
Additional Tags: Robb Stark is King in the North, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Future Fic, Stark Family Reunion(s) (ASoIaF), Family Feels, Happy Starks (ASoIaF), Angst with a Happy Ending, jon and robb are idiots in love, a mixture of tv show and books
That day at Castle Black begins as every day does. The sun remains hidden behind imposing clouds and the air is bitingly cold even with the arrival of spring. Sluggish recruits train in the yard as their practice swords clang. Above them, the ancient wooden lift groans and creaks as it ascends and descends the towering Wall. It is business as usual for the men of the Night’s Watch, dismal as that business is.
Then they see the Stark banners coming their way. Proud direwolves snapping in the breeze like fishes’ tails as they swim upstream against the raging currents.
One hundred men in exchange for Jon Snow.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Alive, Children, and Smell: meetings, squire for him in battle. You'll be as close to be and mo him at reemerged the Wall Sam b him as his shadow. You'll know everything, be a part of everything . . . and the Lord Steward said Mormont asked for you himself! When I was little, my father used to insist that I at apprehen they'd ne they?" tend him in the audience chamber whenever he held court. When he rode to Highgarden to bend his knee to Lord Tyrell, he made me come. Later, though, he started to take Dickon and leave me at home, and he no longer cared whether I sat through his audiences, so long as Dickon was there. He wanted his heir at his side, don't you see? To watch and listen and learn from all he did. I'll wager that's why Lord Mormont requested you, Jon. What else could it be? He wants to groom you for command!" Jon was taken aback. It was true, Lord Eddard had often made Robb part of his councils back at Winterfell. Could Sam be right? Even a bastard could rise high in the Night's Watch, they said. "I never asked for this," he said stubbornly. "None of And suddenly Jon Snow was Craven or not, Samwell Tarly had found the courage to accept his fate like what he earns, Benjen Stark had said the last night Jon had seen They Bowen M put two loping o The L from the "Yes, seemed racing a the tree Once 11 ent wor and his Winterf much t Perh past th thing. omino the set hooves When us are here for asking," Sam reminded him. ashamed. a man. On the Wall, a man gets only him alive. You're no ranger, Jon, only a green boy with the smell of summer still on you. He'd heard it said that bastards grow up faster than other children; on the Wall, you grew up or you died. Jon let out a acting the boy." "Then you'll stay and say your words with me?" The old gods will be expecting us." He made himself smile They such, neither here at Castle Black nor its three hundred miles. They led their ho narrow tunnel cut through the ice ing in around them Three times their way was had to stop while Bowen unlocked the massive ch deep sigh. "You have the right of it. I was chilly their Th reach the w set out late that afternoon. The Wall had no gates as anywhare along Jon d in th three wn a ress- as the p ned. they ys and on could was leav sm Re-reading ASOIAF (Book 1) to lessen the pain when suddenly...
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stardyng · 6 years
salty ask list- asoiaf 1-15
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* 
Jon x Ygritte (ASOIAF): I think that finds this relationship rather uninteresting in the books. I felt like the show improved it, but in the books, I couldn’t enjoy it that much due to how much Ygritte would say ‘’You know nothing Jon Snow’’, and how she blackmailed him into sex. I don’t hate it, I just don’t care for it. 
Jon x Daenerys (GOT): Before watching the 7th season, I was perfectly open to the idea of a romance between these two characters, but in the show itself, it was a whole ass mess. It was barely developed, and the show-writers needed other characters to point out that they were into each other for me and a lot of other viewers to get that it was supposed to be something romantic because of how half-assed every one of their supposedly romantic interactions were. In the books, I do think that it would be executed much better than it was in the show. The pairing itself doesn’t bother me though, just it’s execution. 
Tormund x Brienne (GOT): I do understand the appeal in this relationship, especially in terms of the humor related to it, but I just can’t stand behind it, and it’s not just because I’m a rather fervent Braime shipper. I just find it a bit uncomfortable how he constantly tries to flirt with her when she shows clear signs that she isn’t the least interested in him. 
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Gendry x Arya (ASOIAF/GOT): In my opinion, they act like siblings with each other, but ask any other GOT/ASOIAF fans, and they are soulmates. I’ll be fine if it happens, but I never got anything besides platonic vibes from them.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Jonerys (GOT): I’m fine with Jonerys and Daenerys stans appearing in my dash, but the person I was following posted so much Jonerys that it literally flooded by dashboard. It was just too much content for a ship I really don’t care for. 
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Sandor x Sansa (ASOIAF/GOT): He’s almost twice her age, he constantly belittles and torments her, he is sexually attracted to her despite her being an 11-12 year old, he threatens to kill her numerous times, he gets in her space often and even grabs her multiple time without her consent. I don’t really enjoy their interactions because in most of them, he has to degrade her, and I’m rather tired of it. 
Petyr x Sansa (ASOIAF/GOT): I love their interactions together (especially these where he isn’t flirting with her) because you can tell that he respects her opinion and her abililities/intelligence, and that he really is making her aware of multiple of her skills, however, it’s still awful especially if we’re talking romantically. He’s as old as her mother, he kisses her without her consent often, and just everything he does in regards to her is absolutely creepy. Just the fact that he started the war that led to half of her family members dying should be enough for there to be not be people rallying for this relationship. 
Ramsey x Sansa (GOT): I don’t need to say anything but re-watch season 5 if you ship this. 
Ramsey x Theon (ASOIAF): Re-watch season 3-5 and read Reek ADWD chapters you twisted fuckers. 
Drogo x Daenerys (ASOIAF/GOT): Let’s start this by saying that Drogo raped Daenerys in both the book and show. In the show, it was in their first night together whereas in the books, she was droven to tears because of his constant assault of her body. I really don’t like how the writers turned that into some kind of romantic relationship that we are supposed to root for. It’s really not. Drogo himself is terrible. He pillages villages, which leads to hundreds of men and children being killed and women being raped and enslaved. I really don’t understand how people could be cheering at something like this or why the writers thought it was a good idea to present it in a positive manner. 
Jorah x Daenerys (ASOIAF/GOT): He’s another grown adult romantically and sexually attracted to a child. People feel bad for him because he’s friendzoned but due they realize that this dude fell in love with her when she was a child. And that’s not even addressing the fact that he is an ex-slaver and just such as awfully boring character. 
Rhaegar x Lyanna (ASOIAF/GOT): Rhaegar is a piece of shit who had a wife that he just left to go run away with a 16 year old girl just because he cared about some prophecy. How low can you get? And don’t think Lyanna is any less terrible when she knew what she was doing as well. It doesn’t help that them running away together was inconsiderate to literally everyone in their lives, and that happening was the first step to a rather massive war. How many people had to die because of their selfishness? And some people just blindly ship it too. Elia Martell deserved better. 
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Tyrion x Sansa (ASOIAF/GOT): I actually liked the idea of Tyrion and Sansa being together after watching the show for the first time. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the age difference, which I now see as enough of a problem. However, I rather liked that pairing, and then I went online excited to see people talk about it, and found out that the reason a lot of people want them together was to punish Sansa for wanting to be someone she finds attractive and apparently not appreciating Tyrion enough. All of that is bullshit especially when Tyrion expects to be with someone conventionally attractive as well and how he molested her and is bitter because she didn’t want to have sex with him. He doens’t deserve an award for not raping her. The books in general definitely made sure that I became anti sanryion due to how awful he could be to her sometimes. 
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Jon x Sansa (ASOIAF/GOT): I didn’t really hate the idea of JonSa so much as it was apprehensive about it due to the fact that it is incest. I don’t exactly ship it but I am open to the idea of them happening because of the Jonsas I came across. It’s the only major Sansa pairing that doesn’t force Sansa in a relationship with an adult man who treated her horribly. I don’t know how to explain it but the existence of JonSa led to a wave of new Sansa fans who not only defend her character and appreciate parts of her that a lot of the fandom didn’t, but just generally treats her character with respect. It also helps that they have fantastic meta, and often discuss theories that I am fond of like DarkDany (and to a lesser extent, Political!Jon)
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Arya Stark (GOT): I really enjoyed Arya’s character in the first few season of the show when I was first watching. Even after I went through her Braavos storyline, she was in my five favourite game of thrones characters. However that changed with season 7. I didn’t like how she was obsessed with revenge to the point of cooking people into pies, her constant shaming of Sansa for liking nice things, how she immediately wanted to kill the lords of the north just because they didn’t like their new leader, how she threatened to kill Sansa and how hypocritical she was being about Sansa being the hostage of the Lannisters when she served as cupholder to Tywin. I also didn’t like the way the actress was portraying her character this season, it seemed really off. I hope for a better season 8 for her, but I doubt I’ll forgive her for all that she said and did this season. Book Arya is such a better character, especially because they let her be a much more emotionally vulnerable and human. If you want an elaboration of this, I made a post about it. 
Tyrion Lannister (ASOIAF): I don’t exactly hate Tyrion, but the books made my opinion of his character change. Because of them, I started to realize that ShowTyrion stopped having a character arc after season 4, and only exists as pure comic relief at this point, whereas in the books, I really don’t enjoy the way he mistreats the women in his life, and a lot of the other horrible stuff he is doing. As a character, I’m rather fond of him because his arc is rather brilliantly written, but he’s a really awful person and not a lot of fans are willing to admit it. 
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Daenerys Targaryen (GOT): It’s not a surprise that Daenerys fans wouldn’t enjoy my constant support of the DarkDany theory, which has to be my favorite theory in this series. I just love all of the things it implies thematically and narratively. It makes Dany much more of a better character, and really makes it evident that all the horrible things she did in the past few season are considered to be bad things by the narrative, and existed to build her up to when she went to the point of no return and aren’t just actions we were supposed to hail her for. 
Arya Stark (GOT): My negative opinion on Arya in Season 7 had led to a few anons who needed to remind me that Sansa betrayed the Stark family, that she isn’t in the key 5, that Arya has more chapters than her among other petty things. 
Sandor x Sansa (ASOIAF): Some people don’t like when I point out that this ship is problematic on so many levels. 
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Lyanna Mormont (GOT): I actually made a post explaining why I don’t like her.
Maester Pycelle (GOT): I know he does a lot of horrible stuff but I just hate him for the crime of talking so damn slowly. 
Victorian Greyjoy (ASOIAF): I don’t usually dislike characters the narrative tells me to dislike, but I can’t stand this dude. He killed his wife because his brother raped her. He murdered tons of prostitutes, manages to find new and innovative ways to be idiotic, and is just incredibly misogynistic.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Samwell Tarly (ASOIAF): I don’t really enjoy the wall storyline in the first place, and I’m even less so interested in Sam’s character and his development. I just don’t find anything interesting in his character or his arc. Everyone else has some appeal to their arc, but he just doesn’t have anything going for him in my opinion.   
Arya Stark (ACOK): I enjoy a lot of Arya chapters in other books, but I have never read anything as tedious and boring as her 10 chapters in A Clash of Kings. That’s just way too many chapters for an arc where nothing of interest happens. Her entire supporting cast is not the least bit interesting unlike literally every other POV character. I understand the themes the author was diving into, but they were done in a much more poignant manner with Brienne in AFFC. Her character was good in that book, but I just didn’t myself entertained by what I was reading.  
Jon Snow (ACOK/ASOS): Jon’s story in A Dance With Dragons remains to be one of my favorite parts of the entire story, but I didn’t expect it to be because of how much I didn’t enjoy the happenings at The Wall in the books preceding it. I just don’t find him wandering beyond the wall that interesting, nor do I find his whole infiltrating in Mance Rayder’s camp shenanigan entertaining. I don’t care that much about the white walkers, or the wildlings of the night’s watch in genera. I was honestly surprised at how GRRM was able to take all of these things that I didn’t like and make a fantastic story arc that was revolved around it in ADWD. 
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Harrold Hardying (ASOIAF): I absolutely adore Harry The Heir and his dynamic with Sansa, but everyone else seems to use him as a prop in their fanfiction for their favorite ship. I just enjoy seeing this confident jerk be thrown off guard by Sansa, and constantly left embarassed and bewildered by her. He laughs at her jokes, he calls her beautiful without being creepy about it, he compliments her intelligence, like yeah he blundered in the beginning, but he shown more respect to Sansa in that one scene then Tyrion/Sandor even did in all of their interactions combined. 
Melisandre Of Asshai (ASOIAF/GOT): It’s hard to find people who are a fan of her character in the books and even more so in the show. Her entire character and how she was built up to be the way she is (and why she does everything she does) is so fascinating but people are quick to dismiss her which is a bit sad to me. 
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Daenerys Targaryen (ADWD): I have never hid the fact that I love Daenery and her arc in the books, but it wasn’t until ADWD that I came to that realization. I always love these storylines where someone in power is left to make decisions where there are no clear right and wrong and it’s their upbringing and morality that affect how they make their decision, and we get to see how their own principles start affecting an entire population, and how that population reacts to these changes. Daenerys ADWD does just that and rather perfectly. Not only that but it really explores every side of her character, and we see try desperately to find somewhere where she can belong in her efforts of planting trees and making a home, but with all that happens through out the book, she eventually ends up abandoning that ideal and the reasons why she wanted to stay, be a child, and live her life in Essos, in order to embrace her identity as a Targaryen and her other wish which is it to bring fire and blood to Westoros. 
Brienne Of Tarth (AFFC): Can I just say what a fantastic arc this is? There are definitely a lot of people who would agree with me but there are even more who hate AFFC, and a major part of it is Brienne’s chapters in that book. I found them extremely entertaining. We get to understand her character and her backstory through out the chapters, GRRM continues to dive in the theme of what is a ‘’true knight’’, we get to see how this kind of society especially in times of war affect the peasants, and a variety of fascinating and interesting characters from the Riverlands. I know I only dived into the surface of why it is so good, but with moments like ‘’No chance and no choice.’’ and the broken men monologue, I don’t think I need to justify it’s greatness when it already does it well enough itself. 
Theon Greyjoy (ACOK): Everyone and their mother appreciates Theon’s ADWD arc and for good reason, but far less tend to enjoy his character or his arc in this book which make sense, but I really like it. It’s his whole internal fight about his identity and where he belongs and his allegiances that I find really fascinating. We get his wish to be a Greyjoy and a Stark at the same time pull him apart and drive him into desperation. I think it’s one of the better examples in the series where a character internal conflict impacted the story in such a grand manner. 
Sansa Stark (AGOT): There are things that are universally hated by a fandom, and Sansa chapters in AGOT are one of them. Read a review of the first book, a thread about that book or even ask people who read the books why they don’t like Sansa, and it will become evident that not many people seem to enjoy this part of her journey. Personally, I completely disagree. Not only do I enjoy her character and that book, but I love so much about these chapters. It’s interesting that GRRM used Sansa’s arc in that book as a way to criticize how the medieval society is romanticized, how her upbringings didn’t prepare her for the things she faces in this book, how we see her naivety and innocence slowly crack in this book, how she has a constant internal struggle about how she views life and people and her allegiances, how there’s different layers you can peel off from this part of her story, and how it ends with one of my favorite lines in the story being ‘’Sansa was a good girl and always remembered her courtesies.’’, and while she had made many mistakes because of the way that she was brought up, she uses parts of what she learnt in the past(her courtesies) to survive in the books following this one. 
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Jon Snow (GOT): I actually adore Jon in the books, whereas in the show, while he doesn’t offend me, I honestly find him a bit boring. For me, he’s like the generic adult high fantasy male protagonist, and doesn’t set himself apart like everyone else. In a story where we see characters who either deconstruct these typical tropes from these stories, challenge them or even come from tropes that aren’t quite explored in them, he just exists as a trope I have seen a thousand other times. They removed everything that made him an actually compelling and complex characters in my opinion. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Jonsa Fans: I feel like people are very quick to degrade that part of the fandom and whatever theory they hold which is I find to be a bother since there’s so many amazing theories and metas that were created by Jonsa’s that people don’t want to take seriously because it comes from them. Plus, Jonsa’s go in detail about why they believe that XXX thing will happen, and I feel like they in general but also their opinions should be given the respect they deserve. 
Rhaegar/Lyanna: They are both terrible people whose action led to so many death yet everyone just casually accepts it and it’s a bit frustrating. Like okay yes he didn’t rape or kidnap her, but that doesn’t erase all the other terrible things that he has done. And yes she is 16 years old, but that’s not an excuse to be that inconsiderate about everyone in your life and pull this kind of bullshit. 
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
A Feast For Crows: While this is the least popular book in the series, it remains to be my favorite. A Feast For Crows is the thematic high point of the series. Every arc in that book is extremely well-written, and develops it’s core characters to an extent not seen in the series before. Cersei’s arc was the best take on ruling from the books in my perspective. Jaime’s character arc is fantastically put out. The themes of “true knights” and “broken men” are probably some of the best developed ones in Brienne’s Arc. Arya’s and Sansa’s training are not only showcase a clear growth but portrays a streamlined clear version of the development in terms of their capabilities. The Iron Islands and Dorne were also stellar, and have very satisfying peaks (Kingsmoot, Princess In The Tower). It’s definitely a slower book, as it gives a much more introspective outlook into the world, it’s themes and it’s characters.   
A Game Of Thrones: It’s the best book for none of the POVs (besides Ned for obvious reasons). It’s sets up the story rather nicely, but every other book has story lines that are way more interesting. 
Season 3: After Season 5 and 7, this has to be the worst season of the show.  Sansa’s storyline basically consists of ‘’OMG SHE LIKES LORAS THAT IS SO FUNNY BECAUSE HE’S GAY’’ and nonsense that D&D seem to love, for the entirety of the season. Theon getting tortured for an entire season was just ridiculous and overdone if I want to be honest. Arya, Tyrion, Jon and Bran barely do anything as well. The story moves at a ridiculously slow pace, and the only memorable storyline is Jaime’s (and The Red Wedding). You could try to fight me on this but it’s true. 
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kylandara · 5 years
Nice little fanfic
A reenactment of the Dance of the Dragons. All this would happen in the aftermath of the slaughter at King’s Landing.
Daenerys and Jon argue in increasingly antagonistic terms about her actions and she threatens to have him burned if he questions her again.
Tyrion is condemned to executed, but is saved by Jon, who kills some of the Unsullied who try to stop him from rescuing Tyrion. Daenerys takes this news as proof that Tyrion has chosen Jon’s side and that the latter has chosen to pit himself against her. Daenerys marshals her forces and attacks Jon before he can stake his claim.
Jon’s army is decimated in the retreat but he, Tyrion and Davos reach the Neck, which has been repaired and fortified by Sansa. Arya returns to the fold as well. Sansa has also declared Jon’s claim and called the royal banners on his behalf.
Tyrion rallies the remaining strength of the westerlands by promising them revenge against Daenerys. The riverlands, the Vale and the Reach also rise against Daenerys after the slaughter at King’s Landing. The assembled lords demand that for Jon to be acclaimed King, he must wed the right woman to rule alongside him.
Arya and Tyrion bring Sansa forward, and after much convincing, Jon agrees to a political marriage. Sansa is confirmed as Jon’s queen and co-monarch, as Daenerys’ army marches north. The towers and curtain wall of the Neck are fortified with some of those scorpions and the crannogmen are ordered to prevent crossings through the swamps.
Daenerys arrives and there is a parlay between Daenerys on one side and Jon and Sansa as co-monarchs on the other. Daenerys is enraged beyond measure to see Sansa as Jon’s wife and closes all avenues of a peaceful resolution.
Grey Worm takes the main group of Daenerys’ army to cross the river at a different position while Daenerys attacks the Neck from the front. Daenerys starts her attack and it goes pretty well in the beginning, with Grey Worm’s element seemingly taken Jon’s army by surprise.
It goes awry when the scorpions are revealed to be a distraction to force Daenerys to fly over the swamps, where Meera and the other crannogmen are waiting with weirwood arrows, constructed with the guidance of the green men on the Isle of Faces.
The crannogmen take their shot and Bran wargs Drogon for an instant, making sure that the dragon gets hit. Drogon plummets to the ground, making sure to get Daenerys on to dry ground with his final exertions.
Simultaneously, Jon’s main army is revealed to be held in reserve, commanded by Tyrion, who leads them into battle, while Sansa watches the battle from high ground, with Arya and Brienne on either side of her. The two armies combined slaughter the Unsullied and the Dothraki are driven into the swamp and killed to the last man. Grey Worm is captured during the battle and is personally executed by Jon for facilitating and exacerbating Daenerys’ slaughter.
Daenerys seems unharmed as she mourns the death of her last dragon, but is revealed to be been struck by three weirwood arrows herself. She removes the arrows, bleeds out and dies leaning against Drogon’s corpse.
A rider discovers her corpse and soon the victorious nobles assemble to debate what should be done with it. Some propose that her head be mounted on a spear as punishment for what she did at King’s Landing, but Jon and Sansa firmly shut down this kind of talk.
Jon has Daenerys and Drogon cremated before someone can desecrate their bodies, just as Eddard Stark did with Rhaegar Targaryen’s body. Then, everyone rides off to King’s Landing, where Jon is crowned king and resettles many of the northerners who fought for him in the shattered city and pledges that it’ll be rebuilt.
Arya goes north to be the Stark in Winterfell, acting head of House Stark and Jon’s Warden of the North, while Tyrion serves as the Warden of the West. Bronn is appointed Lord Protector of the Vale to watch over Robin Arryn and is given Harrenhal as his seat, though Edmure Tully remains Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.
Samwell Tarly is commanded to return to his home, Horn Hill, and assume his position as head of House Tarly. He names little Sam his heir and becomes Jon’s Warden of the South.
Jon and Sansa have entered the history books and are now equally as revered as Jaehaerys I and Alysanne. They are both much older now and their children are about to come of age and rule Winterfell as well as the Seven Kingdoms. Arya has become a veteran warrior and respected commander (just like her idols Nymeria and Visenya) who has fought at Jon’s side and held Winterfell and the North for decades.
Jon and Sansa abdicate their rule and give the reins to their children and ride for Winterfell. Brienne stays behind to protect their children. Gendry joins them and Arya welcomes them all. The four of them then venture beyond the Wall, where Jon reunites with a much older Tormund, who is now a wise old clan chief, and Ghost, who finds Nymeria and leads her to where the Starks are. They spend the rest of their days in quiet anonymity as members of Tormund’s clan, and get occasional raven messages about the state of the realm.
Tyrion has gone into the winemaking business and created the Imp’s Delight, which is such a roaring success around the world that he manages to refill Casterly Rock’s coffers with the sale of his wine range. As Lord of the Rock, he marries and has twin children of his own, who look exactly like Jaime and Cersei. He names them after his own siblings, but Jon and Sansa advise him against it, and he relents. Davos has returned home to his three remaining sons and his wife, served for many years as Jon’s Hand and died content in his own bed, with both the king and queen by his side at the time of his passing.
As all this time has passed, Bran has built a new lair and has passed on his legacy to another greenseer, following which he asks an older Meera Reed to escort him back beyond the Wall and the two are never heard from again. They find the center of the Others’ homeland, the heart of winter, and Bran is transformed into the new leader of the Others with Meera as his first lieutenant.
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nightqueendany · 6 years
Book fAegon/Aegon VI as foreshadowing for Jonerys pt. 1
The Lost Lord, ch. 24, A Dance With Dragons
And then Prince Aegon spoke. “Then put your hopes on me,” he said. “Daenerys is Prince Rhaegar’s sister, but I am Rhaegar’s son. I am the only dragon that you need.” 
Griff put a black-gloved hand upon Prince Aegon’s shoulder. “Spoken boldly,” he said, “but think what you are saying.” 
“I have,” the lad insisted. “Why should I go running to my aunt as if I were a beggar? My claim is better than her own. Let her come to me … in Westeros.” 
Franklyn Flowers laughed. “I like it. Sail west, not east. Leave the little queen to her olives and seat Prince Aegon upon the Iron Throne. The boy has stones, give him that.” 
The captain-general looked as if someone had slapped his face. “Has the sun curdled your brains, Flowers? We need the girl. We need the marriage. If Daenerys accepts our princeling and takes him for her consort, the Seven Kingdoms will do the same. Without her, the lords will only mock his claim and brand him a fraud and a pretender.
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This has been said many times in many different ways but with Jon being a “secret” Targaryen, it would be unlikely the rest of the lords of Westeros will acknowledge him as Rhaegar and Lyanna’s trueborn son. There is no written record of his birth, only of Rhaegar and Lyanna’s marriage. The Southern lords could see Jon trying to press his claim (which it’s unlikely he’ll do anyway as he didn’t even want to be KITN), as some power-hungry bastard son of Ned Stark with some made up story to try to take the Iron Throne for himself. 
(Also why J0nsa doesn’t need to happen and can’t happen because the lords of the South could see it as Jon trying to come up with some ridiculous far-fetched story just so he can bang his sister)
There are only three people in the world who know Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna’s son - his brother Bran, Samwell Tarly, and Howland Reed. It’s uncertain whether we will see Howland Reed in the show but regardless, these three are not reliable sources. Bran, being Jon’s brother, could just be claiming this because he loves Jon and would do whatever he says. Sam is Jon’s best friend. And Howland is a northern lord. None of them could be trusted to be reliable for those who aren’t from the North and it could be argued this story is just fabricated as a way for the North to take more influence in the politics of the South.
Now, many people argue that Jon will be elected King of the Seven Kingdoms as he was elected King in the North because he will fight in the War for the Dawn and save everyone. But I believe this is unlikely as well. The Seven Kingdoms were in peril when Aerys II sat the throne. Many believed him unfit to rule, etc. But still, people were uncomfortable with Robert Baratheon taking the throne for himself and he still had to use his ties to the Targaryen line to back his claim to the throne. 
Also, though it’s likely the War for the Dawn will reach the South - the Gods Eye many speculate, King’s Landing even, there are still several Kingdoms the War for the Dawn will likely not reach - Dorne, the Westerlands, the Reach, and the Stormlands (not counting the Vale because KotV are already in the North readying for the fight). That’s four Kingdoms of the Seven (really eight with the Crownlands but whatever), that will not really be part of this epic event. And with the Southern Lords being as prejudice and wary of outsiders as they are - Randyll Tarly case in point - they won’t want some Northerner known for being a bastard, letting wildlings through The Wall, and abandoning his post in the Night’s Watch, as their king. 
The Seven Kingdoms are definitely going to see some wreckage with the War for the Dawn next season. There’s no doubt about that. Cersei will likely kick the bucket one way or another. But just because the Seven Kingdoms will be war-torn, doesn’t mean they will suddenly switch from feudal system to a democracy overnight. Daenerys will be the only one left with any real claim to the throne and because she is a known Targaryen, she will be more easily accepted than a secret one. 
This is why, in order for Jon to be recognized as a Targaryen, he needs Daenerys. With Daenerys acknowledging him as her brother’s son, Rhaegar’s trueborn heir, the rest of the country will have to do the same (even if they still think it’s far-fetched, they couldn’t question their queen).
Now, will Jon change his name to Aegon? Unlikely. Will Jon and Dany even be alive at the end? Who knows. But one thing is for sure. In order for Jon to have any claim to the Iron Throne whatsoever that the common people will acknowledge, he’s got to marry Daenerys.
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msdoctorwho · 6 years
Only One, Ch. 8
Viserion touched ground amid complete, stunned silence, wings shielding the four humans behind him. Even Drogon had gone still in a shocked, defensive crouch.
The blue-white dragon blew a gout of cerulean flame straight at the sky, a warning, a declaration. Come no further!
“Blue fire,” observed Samwell Tarly, in awe. “I wonder if it’s hot, or cold?”
Both, Sansa could have told him. Both, and neither, and it tastes like despair.
Daenerys regained herself first. “You dare!” she shouted. “You dare to bring my child against me, the Mother of Dragons!”
At her voice, the night-black dragon raised his head and hissed, spreading his own, greater wings in challenge.
The gathered crowd roiled uneasily, Dothraki and Unsullied among Wildlings and Northmen. The North felt no loyalty to Jamie or Sandor, but Sansa was their Lady, limp and seemingly defenseless in the Hound’s arms.
Jaime and Brienne put Sandor and Sansa between them, waiting. Daylight shone sapphire through Viserion’s membranous wings, armoring his Maid of Tarth in plate of summer sky.
In this light, she could almost be a beauty; in this light, she could almost be a knight.
The whole courtyard was one drawn sword from a match set to wildfire, a low roaring rumble of unease.
“That’s enough.” Bran ordered, from the threshold of the great hall. The massive doorway dwarfed the youth in his wheeled chair, but his words were a crushing command, two voices at once, the lower echo rumbling the foundations below.
“All has happened as it must,” he continued, in a more normal tone, “to reach this moment.”
He looked directly at Jon. “It’s up to you, now.”
“What, me? What can I do?” Jon was tired of being expected to fix every problem on a massive scale. How was he supposed to solve opposing dragons and a dissolving alliance?
Bran was unfazed. “She’s brought him here, pulled him from the Night King.”
“She--” Jon struggled to understand. “You mean Sansa?”
“While she has him, you can set him free.”
“How do you expect me to do that?”
Bran was resolute. “You’re a Dragon, and a Stark of the North. You’re a warg who has visited the other side of death. If anyone can reach a creature of fire turned ice and undead, it’s you.”
“Jon, it’s too dangerous,” Daenerys said in a low voice, grasping his arm in concern. “I can’t reach him at all, I don’t know what he’ll do--”
Jon looked to Bran, protesting, “I’m not a warg, not really.” Fuck me.
“Hurry, Jon. The longer she fights the Night King for control, the harder he’ll reach back into her mind.”
He was right; the white of Sansa’s eyes had begun to flicker ice-blue.
“But you’re the Three-Eyed Raven!”
“Only you can do this!” Bran’s too-old-for-his-body composure was finally fraying.
Jon walked slowly to Viserion, eyes never leaving the glacier-blue gaze of the ice dragon. “Hold on to him, Sansa,” he murmured.
“You’re still a beauty, you are,” he told him, chattering soothing nonsense as though he were a spooked horse and not a raging undead dragon. “Prettier now than your brother, don’t you think he’s jealous?”
He reached out to touch the icy snout, and fell forward into vastness.
Such rage, he thought. Betrayal and pain, the longing to return to death with which he himself was well familiar. A free thing in chains, and all the sky a prison.
Come with me, he told the wyrm. Come back to us, be free. I know, I know. Jon shared memories of the stabbing blades, the creeping cold, of choking on his own blood as it froze on his face. The burning of lungs forced to process air, after peaceful hours of stillness.
Me too.
Viserion closed his eyes, lowering his head until it came to rest against Jon’s chest, knocking him back a step.
The great eye, when it opened again, was no longer blue, but silver.
The head nudged at him until he understood, climbing the frosted scales to complete the bond, and fly.
Daenerys and Drogon were not far behind, and for a time the Northern skies echoed with draconic cries of joy.
Reunited in the great hall, an uneasy peace smothered the attempt at an evening meal. Daenerys had not forgotten Sansa’s rebellion, but her anger was tempered by the return of her lost child. Once the plates were cleared, she called her council together, along with all of the Starks, Sandor, Jaime, and Brienne.
They waited on her to speak. Finally, she did. “I do not forget your defiance,” the queen said, “but because of you Viserion is restored to us.”
A long pause followed, leaving Sansa and everyone else gathered there to wonder what more was coming. Daenerys was expressionless, motionless, a marble goddess upon whose whim they all waited.
Finally, Dany said, “I will not speak against your marriage, as I am told he has taken the name Stark,” Dany paused. “And I do not forget his service in retrieving the wight.” It was as close to an apology as Sandor was likely to get.
Fire finally entered her tone, as the queen of dragons turned to face Jaime. “But someone must tell me why it is I should suffer the Kingslayer in my presence without the benefit of his armies.”
She expected Tyrion to speak, or perhaps the lady Brienne, but--
Bran spoke again. “Jaime Lannister’s work is not yet finished.”
Dany frowned, motioning for him to elaborate.
“Draw your swords,” Bran asked Jaime and Brienne, “and cross them.”
As the steel kissed, the reunited halves of Ice seemed to catch flame, sparking blue iridescence and astonished murmurs.
Bran went on, near tonelessly, “It’s no coincidence that the two swords forged from Ice have met the hands that wield them now, nor that both are together here in Winterfell.”
“So it must be, for the survival of the North, and the world. The Wall has fallen.”
“Yes--” said Sansa and Jon, at once.
“I saw it,” Jon continued. “Viserion, at Eastwatch.”
“That’s why we found wights so close to Winterfell,” Sansa said.
“Yes,” Brandon said, simply. “We should rest, tonight--”
“--and march at dawn,” finished Daenerys. “Let it be done.”
Brienne took Jaime to her chambers, small as they were. Winterfell was overflowing with Winter refugees, and he could take Pod’s cot, as the squire spent few nights in his own bed these days. She hoped there was a plentiful supply of moon tea for the chambermaids of Winterfell.
Jaime was safer with her than anyone else, and Sansa was safe behind her own barred door with her new husband.
Brienne had no expectations, but she did have wistful hopes. Tomorrow they could all be dead. Tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that, stretching out into the unknown future where either the Night King died, or they did.
Jaime had hoped for a word with Tyrion, or with Bran, but there was more to say than a week of evenings could address, and only a handful of hours before dawn. Brienne had stammered through her invitation, and he'd accepted immediately, before she could rescind it.
She stood now in the center of the room, staring back at him with her unreadable, astonishing eyes.
“Let me help you with your armor,” he said.
“I’m good, I do it myself often enough,” she replied, starting at the buckles and ties as though to demonstrate.
“Ah, but why twist yourself in knots when you don’t need to,” he returned, reasonably. “Besides, I’ll need your aid with mine.” Somehow his voice held both innuendo and bitterness, still for the lack of his hand and the mundane tasks made so much harder.
Everyone forgot -- he commanded armies, wielded a sword in his offhand better than most knights with two, but he couldn’t cut his own meat.
He had not forgotten her aid at the dreadful meal with Roose Bolton. He hadn’t had to ask; she hadn’t made a big deal out of it. She saw a need and she filled it, and that was all.
He lifted a pauldron away and replaced it with his lips, a whispered kiss against her neck. She jumped as though he’d branded her.
Not Ser Jaime, he noticed, which was a start. “Should I not?” he asked. Teasing, husky.
“Why did you do that?” she demanded, uncertain.
He was amused. “You know that I want you, Brienne.”
“I don’t know that,” she said, sharply. “When have you ever said that?”
He’d said it with every look, every incidental touch, and countless interactions over their last few meetings, but he was a fool for not realizing that someone so mocked and tormented by men -- including, alas, him -- would need to be certain.
“I’m saying it now,” he amended, his mouth slowly descending back to her skin when she did not object or move away, punctuating each word with a kiss. “I. Want. You.”
“What do you want, Brienne?” he drew back to ask. “Am I truly to spend the night in Pod’s bed, all alone and freezing?”
“We can’t have you freezing,” she managed. “Your middling technique will be even worse if your muscles seize up overnight.”
“I have some ideas on how we can stay warm,” he offered.
“Do tell,” she returned, sarcasm undermined by the breathy tone of her voice, pupils blown wide.
“We take off our armor,” he began, continuing with the buckles and straps, following every piece removed with a kiss or caress. “And as promised, I’ll show you that I’m strong enough--”
She swallowed the rest of his sentence in her kiss, and he couldn’t help but moan, already hard as steel.
Down to only skin, their scars retold the story between them. Her lip, split the night they meant to violate her. His missing hand, taken because he dared to convince them not to. The awful, parallel gouges from the bear she’d faced alone with a wooden sword, before he jumped between them with no weapon at all.
He put his hand against the scars on her chest, a finger on each ridged line, and she shuddered. He traced the cut of her muscles with his fingertips, the dip of her shoulders, the tight curve of breast. Feasting on the freckled satin of her skin with eyes and lips until she could not help but know how much he wanted her. Until there was no room left to believe otherwise.
She knew him better than anyone; she’d cleaned and cared for him when they were tied together and he’d been so ill he’d soiled himself, a thing he was not convinced Cersei would ever have done, in any circumstance. He wasn’t convinced Cersei had ever known him at all, only the idea of what she’d wanted him to be, and for a while, in trying to please her, the two Jaimes had been close enough it had not mattered. Not to anyone but him.
Brienne was looking at him with those eyes again, lazuli blue swallowing his soul in the dark, until he wanted to beg and confess, as though he hadn’t confessed all to her already. She knew, and she still wanted him. She knew, and she still thought he was good.
He found himself near tears and did not hide it. Instead, he applied himself to her pleasure, that this one night might make up for all the ones she should have known already, and all the ones they might never find again. His fingers stroked, caressed, circled her most intimate places, echoed by his tongue against her breasts.
“Gods, Jaime,” she gasped, and he knew she was close.
“Yes, Brienne, like that,” he said in her ear. “Just like that,” he purred, drowned out by her startled shout, as she clamped like iron around his fingers.
“Show me,” she demanded, once she recovered. Lying back, she pulled him down with her, with a strength he couldn’t have resisted if he’d wanted to.
“Show me how to please you,” she repeated, almost shy, though she drew him wantonly between her knees, arching against him until he gave a strangled moan.
“You please me just fine,” he said, “but I do have some ideas.”
Muffled sounds came through the wall, cries of passion from her lady’s adjoining chamber, and even through Brienne’s furious blush he watched it arouse her further.
When he took her, she was a furnace, she was flame squeezed around him, and he lost everything but the anchor of her eyes. He locked onto them, their faraway look of building pleasure, reveling in the fierce pride of knowing he’d put it there, it was his cock making her shatter and scream, and he was the only one, the only one to know this sublime fire and die from it, he’d gladly die from it, all other men were fools --
He came so hard he lost time, lost coherence, could only gasp her name in a half-stifled sob that had no end.
She said nothing, cheeks wet with her own tears, only wrapped her arms around him and did not let go ‘till morning.
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stormborns · 4 years
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Chapters of A Song of Ice & Fire - A Storm of Swords - Samwell IV      Sam reddened. “Gilly’s good. She’s good and kind.” He was glad that his long nightmare was done, glad to be back with his brothers at Castle Black...but some nights, alone in his cell, he thought of how warm Gilly had been when they’d curled up beneath the furs with the babe between them. “She...she made me braver, Jon. Not brave, but...braver.”
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janiedean · 5 years
I loved the Jon/Sam reunion and Jon being so happy to see Sam and Bran being like "look you're the one who's gonna give him the news because he just lov... er, trusts you so fucking much" at Sam. But I was... kinda hoping they could have a quiet moment to enjoy their reunion before the whole YOUR GF KILLED MY DAD AND MY BRO ALSO YOUR AUNT IS ACTUALLY YOUR MOM ALSO YOU'RE THE TRUE HEIR NOW YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH ALL THAT BYE thing? Poor Jon can't ever catch a break, and ofc Sam was still upset. ;_;
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dreadwulf · 4 years
Chapters: 15/19 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly Additional Tags: Slow Burn, no seriously really slow burn, Post Season 7, TV continuity, Fix It, Jaime fix it fic, Too bad they never aired season 8 I guess we'll just have to finish it ourselves, Mutual Pining, Psychological Trauma, Sieges swordfighting and the end of the world, The Long Night lasts considerably longer than a few hours. considerably, global catastrophe trigger warning, several background ships if you squint
Our heroes take an evening away from the Siege. Sansa works her own kind of magic. Jon gives a speech. Arya goes on a journey. Friends of Winterfell are recognized. Jaime and Brienne enter a new phase of their relationship.
edit: header takes you to Chapter 1, the new chapter is here
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castaliareed · 7 years
Chapters: 1/2 Written for Day 7 of @jonsasmutweek : Dom/Sub or Pregnancy. 
Read ‘From the Ashes’ on AO3 or below the cut. It’s a long one.  Series: Part 7 of Dark Sister, Dark Nights Summary:
Sansa is nervous when Jon returns to Winterfell. Everything has changed but not as much as it will once Bran reveals his secret.
So much to say about this one. First off, it's going to be a two-parter!!! I hoped to have both parts finished but that's not going to happen. Sooooo y'all will get a bonus smut day tomorrow! And honestly, I wish this one had a bit more smut. I like writing smut from Sansa's POV. It's just that there was sooo much to cover and it was getting way longer than planned. I promise Pt. 2 will make up for it.
Just to be clear that means the whole Dark Sister, Dark Nights story series is 8 chapters or parts. It's just that I'm putting a Ch. 1 and Ch.2 into Part 7 instead of doing a Part 7 and Part 8. (Hope that doesn't get to confusing.)
Lastly, this was inspired by this post on tumblr. https://alaynesnowkingdom.tumblr.com/post/168016538431/tiny-little-bird-looking-forward-to-sansa-being
Thank you again for taking the time to read this story! It's been so much fun to write and read all the comments.
Fetch me a Needle
Sansa shut her brother Bran's door leaning her forehead against it. Bran had seen Jon arrive at White Harbor in his visions. He would be home in two sen weeks, less if the weather held out. Two weeks after nearly four moons. All had changed.
Bran had returned to Winterfell first from north of the Wall, doing gods knows what. The little boy she could scarcely remember now near a man, unable to walk and speaking of visions she didn't understand. He was the Three-eyed Raven now. But what was that? A seer? A Sorcerer? A God? And then Arya had returned. Even after watching her fight, Sansa did not want to believe her sister was the assassin she claimed to be. Every day she missed Jon, he would understand. He would be so happy to have Bran and Arya back at home. Even his close friend from the Wall, Samwell Tarly had arrived to join the Northern cause. Jon would be so very happy to be with his family and friends.
At least Lord Baelish was gone. His plots to tear apart her family for his own gain foiled. They had executed him, Sansa, Arya, and Bran.  It was exhausting. Her and Arya had argued for weeks partly in an attempt to trick him and partly because they couldn't help themselves. It was not all for show. Deep inside her, Sansa knew the truth of Arya's anger not just for the past wrongs but for Sansa's closeness to Jon. Sansa blanched to think what Arya would say if she knew how close her and Jon had become. No matter, it'll never happen again. He only desired me because I reminded him of his past love. Our games are finished. Her thoughts brought tears that never fell to her eyes.
The ravens from Jon came few and far between. When the message claiming he would bend the knee and that Cersei would join their cause arrived, Sansa locked herself in her room for an entire day. Sansa did not want to believe Jon would bend to the dragon queen. And she certainly did not believe for a minute, Cersei had joined their cause. It was Arya who banged on her door telling her to get a hold of herself.  That they had Littlefinger to deal with and the North to rule. It was Lord Baelish who suggested Jon might want to marry the dragon queen. Sansa gladly saw his throat slit the very next day for all his crimes.
And now Jon would come back bringing this Essosi queen into their home. Sansa returned to her chambers after speaking with Bran. All these troubles made her weary and she wanted to lay down. Ghost had waited for her outside her door. Rubbing his ear, she let him into her chambers. She thought she would just take a short nap as she took off her gown. Climbing into bed in her shift, she pulled the bed furs over her. Ghost curled up near the hearth.
She woke to find that the grey winter sky had turned dark. I must've slept longer than planned. Her dream had been so sweet. Jon was with her, holding her. She smiled to think about it. Closing her eyes, her hand moved down to the space between her legs. It was already moist. She gently rubbed her nub thinking about his naked body standing before her. 'I'm your king, Sansa' he said to her. Yes, your're.' she imagined herself starting to say. Jon, her king, not some warden of the North would not let her finish. Did I say you could speak, he would say. She shook her head. Good, take your gown off and get on your knees, he would say. Her mouth watered imagining Jon commanding her to kneel naked before him. He would walk closer and grab her hair. She would open her mouth for him. He would tell her to put his sword in her mouth. Go slower, hold my balls, he would say. Then he would tell her to go deeper or faster. When she imagined his seed spilling on her chest, she moved her hand faster on her nub reaching her own climax. That's a good Lady, he would say. Yes, my king, my only king, she would respond. And he would promise to punish her later for speaking again. Sansa felt the stickiness between her legs.
Opening her eyes, she saw that Ghost was sitting upright at the side of her bed staring at her. She pretended to look stern telling him he was a very naughty boy for watching her. He gave her a sad repentant look. Sansa was strict with him and commanded him to go sit in the corner of the room for being so bad. After his punishment, she was kind and petted him again.
Sighing, Sansa knew she must put her gown back on and attend dinner with the bannermen. The Knights of the Vale were especially on edge since Littlefinger's demise and rumors of Jon's soon-to-come arrival with the dragon queen. Arya would be looking for her soon.  
Standing in front of the larger mirror, Sansa examined her belly for signs of growth. She could barely fasten her gown over her swollen breasts. Thank the gods she was tall.  At first, she couldn't see a thing. Only her slightly larger breasts were a sign that anything was amiss. That could be covered by her cloaks with fur collars. Keeping her secret safe. But now, her belly was showing signs of expanding. Her breasts getting larger and her dresses seeming smaller. She pulled her shift tight around her belly.
There was knock and then Arya barged in. "Sansa, where have you been," she said. Sansa's back was to her and she grabbed her dress holding it over the front of her shift.
"Arya, don't barge in like that!" she cried. Her sister ignored her plopping on the bed.
"They won't start serving unless you tell them too. And I'm hungry," she said.
"I'm just getting dressed," Sansa said walking behind a dressing screen she had brought up to her chambers. She dressed behind it now when her handmaidens were in the room or when Arya walked into the room at all hours.
After struggling with the ties, Sansa stepped out from behind the screen, dressed.
"Since when did your tits get that big," Arya said.
"I'm not 13 anymore," she reminded her sister. Hoping that would suffice as an excuse. Arya's eyes narrowed sensing her lie.
Changing the subject, "Bran says Jon has reached White Harbor. He'll be home soon," she said.
Arya's face was hard to read. Sansa knew she would be thrilled to see Jon again and angry that he had promised to bend.
"With the dragon queen," she said pulling her Valyrian steel dragger out to admire it. The dagger she used to execute Littlefinger. The dagger Sansa was sure she would use again.  
"He's doing what he thinks is best," Sansa said. "To protect us, to protect the North."
Arya scoffed at that playing with the dagger in her hand. "Targaryens killed our family. And you're ok with that." Sansa wished she would be careful with that dagger.
"Of course, I'm not," Sansa replied. "What can I do. Jon must think it's the right thing." She threw up her hands. Even Arya was ready to revolt against Jon.
"He'll listen to you," she said.
"No he won't," she said.
Arya looked up at her and then at her stomach. "Yes, he will, eventually," she said.
Sansa thought while she finished straightening her hair. Arya put the dagger away and jumped off the bed taking out her sword Needle to parrying with the air.
"Hurry, up I'm hungry," she said. An idea came to Sansa. Yes, she might just be able to convince Jon to listen to her. And if Jon would not, it's possible the dragon queen's advisers might just listen to what Sansa had to say.
"Arya, fetch me a needle," she said. "Tell the lords, I'm very sorry but I'll have to eat with them on the morrow. I'll have work to do tonight."
Every spare moment Sansa had over the next two sen weeks, she held a needle in her hands. She worked faster than she ever had before. One evening Bran joined her while she sewed.
"Sister, your dress will be very pretty," he said.
"Thank you, Bran," she said.
"You should make something for Jon," he added.
Sansa smiled. "I'd like, too," she said. "Perhaps, a new tunic."
"A banner," said Bran.
"He already has white wolf banners and grey wolf banners," she said concentrating on her stitches. "All new. I saw to it myself after he was crowned King."
"Yes a white wolf," Bran said not seeming to understand. "A white wolf that flies."
Sansa felt her heart sink, "Like a wolf with dragon wings?" she said. Bran had taken to the idea of Jon aligning even more closely to the dragon queen.
Bran nodded, "Why are you sad, sister?" he asked. "I thought this would make you happy?"
"If Jon is happy then I shall be, too," Sansa said resisting the urge to touch her stomach. She dared think that even if she did not have Jon, she would have that. Whatever lies she must tell, she would have that.
"The singers say you turned into a wolf with giant wings to escape King's Landing," he reminded her. Sansa did not want to think about that story. "Put two winged wolves on the banner."
"I don't understand," she said.
Bran looked at her blinking. "I must speak with Jon." She sat with Bran awhile longer in silence.
Each day, she worked on her dress. A deep dark grey velvet, the color of Jon's eyes. She styled it to minimize her waist and left the neckline low, exposing her round breasts. A hint of grey lace was added covering the curve of her breasts. Sansa did not need to create a complete scandal with the dress. There was fur around her shoulders and at the sleeves. Grey and silver on grey snowflakes created a pattern across the fabric.
And as reluctant as she was she took Bran's advice. When she finished the dress, she started on a banner. Telling, Bran it would not be ready by Jon's arrival. He assured her that was fine. Jon would not need it, yet.
"Perhaps, the banner will be ready when the child comes," Bran told her. Sansa looked at him mouth agape.
"How did you know," she started to say. Then realizing Bran knew everything. Everything that had happened. She cringed to think about it.  
"Don't worry sister," he said. "I've not told anyone."
Then he gave her a smile, "Seems we'll both need to speak to Jon." Sansa rushed out of Bran's room that night.
When Jon's party was a day away, Sansa sent an honor guard to meet them. The whole next day she stood on the battlements watching the procession get nearer and nearer. Arya joined her in the afternoon.
"That's odd," she said.
"What's odd?" asked Sansa.
"I don't see the dragons," Arya pointed out. "Wouldn't they be flying overhead."
"Yes, I would think so," Sansa said. Did the dragon queen not bring her dragons?  She thought they must be further back with dragon queen's main fighting host. As the party got closer, Sansa thought it seemed smaller than it should. Her heart swelled when she saw Jon leading the group. There were Stark banners, even Tyrion's Lannister lion along with only one Targaryen banner. When they reached the gates, Sansa rushed to the covered walkway to see them enter. Arya was ahead of her to find Bran and push him to the yard.
She watched, Arya jump into Jon's arms and remembered doing the same at Castle Black. Jon hugged Bran a huge smile on his face. When he looked up to find her, she smiled softly at him. Her hands gripped the railing. He started to walk towards the stairs to reach her until Samwell Tarly called out to him. Sansa ran back into the keep while he was distracted, overcome by her own emotions. She would wait to see him.
It took the rest of the afternoon, to unload the horses. The Lords, Ladies, and bannerman gathered in the Great Hall waiting for Jon to address them. Once, she was sure everyone was in the hall would the Lady of Winterfell join them.
Standing outside, the entrance for a moment, she heard, Jon's voice, "Where is the Lady of Winterfell?"
"I'm here," she said entering from the far end of the room. The last bit of dim afternoon sunlight shown through the window. Her cloak off her shoulders, The silver thread of the embroidery shined. Her auburn waves pulled away from her face by braids, the rest cascading down her back. Jon's mouth dropped open.
The silence in the room was deafening. Sansa held her head high and walked toward Jon at the high table. There were two seats in the center instead of one. Bran and Arya were already seated at either side of the two chairs in the center. Jon was standing up in front of one of them. The other chair was empty. For the dragon queen, Sansa thought. But she did not see anyone in the room who could be the silver-haired queen. To think of it Sansa had not seen a single silver head in the party. In all her nervousness, she had forgotten to look for the queen. Staring around the Great Hall she saw Lord Tyrion admiring her dress. Lady Brienne had returned with them and Sansa was thankful for that. Her Lady Knight gave her a smile.
Jon motioned for Sansa to sit in the chair next to him.
"The dragon queen is not with us," he addressed the Hall. There was a hushed murmuring. "It seems that Cersei betrayed the truce she agreed to and hired the Golden Company to fight for her." Sansa re-sisted the urge to say she told Jon so right there in front of the Lords. She also kept her smile to herself. The dragon queen was nowhere near the North right now.
A lord in the back yelled, "Good riddance, let those southron queens kill each other." Sansa thought the same. Jon held up his hand.
"She has promised me she will return North with her full force once Cersei is defeated," he said."Several of her advisors are here to ensure that including Lord Tyrion." Sansa avoided Tyrion's eyes. Of all the advisors she wished he had stayed south.
"To help or hurt us," another Lord yelled. Sansa thought the same again. Today she would let the Lords speak her thoughts.
Jon sighed, "She will help us and if we survive I've promised to bend to her." All the lords started talking at once now. They were cries of traitor, other calls to crown Sansa queen in the North.
"My lords, my lords," Sansa yelled and stood. They quieted and gave her their attention. "You choose Jon because you trusted him to make the right decision," she said through gritted teeth. Oh, how angry I am at you, Jon Snow.
"And what if we choose you now, my lady," said Lady Lyanna Mormont who was standing.
It took everything for Sansa to say, "I will not allow it." and sit back down. Jon sat next to her and she felt him squeeze her thigh to thank her. She brushed his hand away in anger. She spoke again from her seat, "I'll remind you, my lords, that the wars must be won first."
"Yes," Jon agreed sadly. "The war in the south and the war against the dead." The Hall began murmuring again.
"Until the rightful queen joins us. We'll have to defend the North ourselves," Jon said. Sansa could see the exhaustion on his face. This was not what he had negotiated.  
Bran, who was sat next to her spoke up. "But she's not the rightful queen," he said. Jon turned to him. Sansa looked between the two. Arya who had been silent and sour on the other side of Jon through the whole discussion turned to Bran, too.
"What are you talking about?" he asked. "She's the last Targaryen. Daughter of Aerys, sister to Rhaegar. If she wins, she's the rightful ruler."
"No, she isn't," Bran said. "You are." The Hall grew silent.
Jon turned away to laugh. "Bran you're my brother in truth. And mayhaps it's the fall that causes you to forget. I'm a bastard raised here at Winterfell"
Sansa interceded now, "Jon is no more the heir to the Iron throne then you or I."
"No I'm not your brother," Bran said. "And you're not a bastard. You're the son of our aunt Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen."
His friend Samwell Tarly stood quickly to support Bran, telling them all that Rhaegar and Lyanna had married lawfully according to Citadel records. There was even a record unearthed that reported a child, a boy being born of the union. Bran said that Lyanna had named him Aegon after learning that Rhaegar and his other children had been killed.
The Hall was in an uproar everyone speaking at once. Some shouting traitor, others calling for him to be king of the seven kingdoms, others calling for Sansa to be Queen in the North. The dragon queen's advisors wondering if they would need their swords. Everyone shouting, Everyone except Jon. He finally slammed his fists on the table, stood and walked out of the hall.
Oh, seven hells this is a mess. It was left for a shell-shocked Sansa to calm the lords telling them Jon was not a traitor. The North was his home. Reminding them all that the undead are coming and they had the Great War to fight. Kingdoms could be sorted in time. A great council held. Let us not be hasty. When everyone seemed placated for the time being. She ached to find Jon.
Bran took her hand, "Go to him, he needs you."
Sansa rose to leave. She had one thing left to say before she did. Turning to Lord Tyrion and meeting his eyes for the first time, "We may need to re-negotiate the terms of our alliance," she said and left the hall in a grand sweep of her skirts.
She inhaled deeply at the entrance to the crypts. Walking down the stairs and down the passageway to the tombs of her ancestors she passed the statues of the Kings of Winter. Before she reached the statue of her father and Aunt Lyanna, she heard her sister's voice. It rose to a yell, "You're still my brother," Arya was saying as loudly as she could to Jon who was protesting.
The next thing Sansa saw was Arya rushing past her. "He's being an idiot," Arya said in anger. Sansa saw Jon knelt before the statue of Lyanna looking up at her. She didn't see anger just sadness, immense sadness.
"Jon," she called. Her earlier rage towards him dissipated.
"That's not what she called me," Jon said. Sansa could hear the bitterness in his voice. Sansa knelt next to him.
"No, it's not," Sansa agreed. "What is it you want to be called?" Jon laughed a dark bitter laugh.
"Is it what I want," he said. "I've lost so many. We've lost so many. Their faces all gone. All I ever knew was that I was his son. And now that's gone." Sansa did not know what to say. She did not have the words to comfort for him. Instead, she sat with her back to the base of Lyanna's statute her knees pulled to her chest facing Jon as he knelt. Taking his hand in hers, she stayed with him.
The days that followed were a whirlwind. Ravens sent back and forth. Threats from Lords who seemed intent on crowning Sansa, Queen in the North. Threats from Lord Tyrion and the dragon queen's representatives that they would leave the North to the dead. When Jaime Lannister arrived at Winterfell to lay his sword at Sansa's feet, she thought Jon's cause and crown were gone for good. The Lords of Westeros were going to fight each other to death before they would unite to fight the undead.
Through it all, Jon spoke little spending his time with Bran and Sam. His only position seemed to be that they needed the alliance with the dragon queen to fight the dead. It hurt her heart but Sansa avoided him. She couldn't add to his burdens, not now.  She was ashamed the Lords wanted her to wear the crown.  And she was more ashamed of the secret hiding in her belly. One lingering touch, one hug, and he would forbid her from carrying his bastard.
Worst of all, Jaime Lannister brought news that the dragon queen had burned, Samwell Tarly's father and brother when they refused to bend. Half the lords thought they should bend for their own safety and the other half would rather burn then kneel to her. Bent or unbent the entire North wanted Sansa at the high seat in Winterfell.
After another long day of arguments and negotiations. Sansa retreated to her chambers. They would have to make a decision, soon. Arya came to her room that night. Her sister had spent more time with Jon since his return. Sansa even saw her talking with Samwell Tarly earlier that day. They smiled when they saw her and then hurried off.
"Why are you avoiding him?" Arya asked Sansa plopping on her bed as she always did while Sansa sewed. She was still making the banner Bran suggested. She understood the meaning of the dragon-winged wolf, if not it's purpose.
"The Northern Lords are fools," Arya said eating an apple. Sansa had to resist the urge to scold her for eating on the bed.  
"You think I don't know that?" Sansa said.
"Jon thinks she could burn them if they refuse to bend," Arya said.
"Could?" Sansa said. "She already has. She might even burn Jon when she's told he's Rhaegar's son."
"You can't let her do that Sansa," Arya said.
"Really, and how do you suggest I stop her," she asked her sister. Crossing her arms.
"Make him a Stark," Arya said.
Sansa laughed, "When he was King, he could've made himself a Stark," she said. "Now, it's a little too late for that."
"No," Arya said slowly getting up and walking towards her sister, her sword Needle pointed in one hand, apple in another. Sansa was getting a bit tired of her sister pointing sharp objects at her. "You could make him a Stark, now."
"I don't know what you mean," Sansa said.
Arya raised her eyebrows. Pointing the sword from her chest to her belly, "You think I don't know." Lowering the sword and stepping closer, "I wondered whose it was at first. But Sansa Stark would only fuck a King."
"Arya that's crude," Sansa said.
Arya just shrugged. "But true. I was angry with you at first. Then I thought mayhaps you were lonely." Sansa was shocked into silence.  
Her sister started to walk out of the room, "Make him a Stark, Sansa. It's what he's always wanted."
Sansa sat down in the chair by her fire. She thought for a long time. Make him a Stark. Then she could kiss him every night. She could tell him about the babe in her belly. They had promised each other it would end. She had convinced herself it had not been Sansa he wanted but the wildling girl. That was when she thought they were brother and sister. If they were wed then the Lords would have to accept any decision they made together. And if Jon never desired her again, she thought perhaps she could live with that. As long as they were safe and together.
Deciding what she would do, Sansa walked to her door. She opened it to find Jon pacing outside. "Jon what are you doing?" she asked.
"Coming to see you," he said. She thought he looked nervous. "Sam said I should speak with you."
"I'm glad you're here," she said letting him into her chambers. "I have something to discuss."
"I've missed you, Sansa," he admitted standing before her.
"I've missed you too," she said.  He reached to hug her but she turned away towards the hearth. Wringing her hands.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I'll leave the North if you want me too. After the war."
"Is that what Sam wanted you to talk to me about?" she asked.
"No," he said.
Not looking at him she said, "This is your home, too"
"I'm not a Stark," he said.
"Then let me make you one," she said. "The Lords can't choose me over you if we're wed."
"Oh Sansa," he said. She could feel him behind her now. "You don't have, too"
She turned to face him taking his hand to place it on her belly, "Yes, I do." Jon's eyes widened. Sansa apologized for not telling him when he first arrived. He wrapped his arms around her.
"Tonight then," he said. "We shall marry tonight."
"Tomorrow," she countered. "Jon we should at least have a feast. I don't even have a wedding gown?"
"That grey dress you wore the day I returned," he said. "You could wear that. I liked that one." Sansa gave him a playful push.
They wed the following evening in the Godswood of Winterfell. Tyrion Lannister protested profusely saying that Sansa was still married to him. She had to testify before all the Lords that he had never consummated their marriage. Jaime Lannister was forced to confirm what had been common knowledge in King's Landing. His brother looked most displeased. At last Tyrion relented saying that if in the future they refused to bend the knee, only then would he contest the marriage.
They both wore Stark cloaks while they said their vows before the heart tree. It was a simple ceremony followed by a simple a feast. Jon had found musicians in Wintertown and there was music and dancing much to Sansa's delight. Even more to her surprise, Jon agreed to a bedding. It was only proper to at least have the ceremony she told him.
The men gathered around her singing brawdy songs while they carried her to the Lord's chamber. And while they should've been tearing her clothes off as they went hardly anyone pulled at an inch of fabric. She thought this had something to do with the fact that Jon threatened to slit Tyrion Lannister's throat and give his face to Arya if he so much as looked at Sansa during the bedding. She had to take her own dress off when she reached her room.
Her ladies had no such restraint when they dragged Jon to her bed. He was nearly naked when he reached, blushing like a green boy. Their guests stood outside the door continuing to sing dirty songs.
Alone, in the chamber, Sansa gazed at Jon. He stared back at her in her shift.
"If you do not love me. If I was just a replacement for the woman you lost. I understand Jon," she said. "We don't have to do this if you no longer desire me. If you never did."
"Gods, Sansa. I've desired you since the moment you ran to me at Castle Black. I desired you for more than four moon turns," he said cutting the distance between them.  "When I thought we would never be together again. I hoped I would die in this Great War."
"Please don't die," Sansa said.
"Not if I can help it," he said and pulled her close to him. They kissed. She opened her mouth seeking out his tongue and he did the same. He lifted off her shift and she took off her small clothes. Pushing her onto the bed, Jon devoured her swollen breasts. He stared at her belly. She told him it was still small but had grown.
He kissed her all over, finding the space between her legs with his tongue. Sansa moaned not caring if those outside the door heard, not caring if the entire castle heard. "Sansa, I can't wait," he said. "It's been too long since I've had you." She nodded breathless. He held onto her hips and thrust his cock into her. She cried out. He found her lips, hushing her with kisses. She bit his lower lip. He pulled his cock out slowly before thrusting back into her. Moving his hips in a circular motion and thrusting again. Rubbing her nub while she moaned.
"I'm sorry Sansa," he said. "I'm going to spill soon. I promise after I'll lick your cunt dry." She laughed and made him swear. He moaned his promises and swore to the old gods when he reached his climax. Sansa heard the people outside their door giggle. She didn’t care.
Jon made good on his promise. Though, he waited until they heard the crowd of revelers go back to the Great Hall to continue drinking. After he sucked and licked her womanhood until she reached her pleasure, she did the same for him. He spilled his seed three more times that night. Sansa found her pleasure more times than that. Exhausted by the end, Jon wrapped her in his arms. She fell asleep full of hope.
Hope and happiness gave way to worry three days later. A rider from Castle Black brought word that the army of the dead had reached the Wall. The undead were coming for Winterfell.
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