#chapter 8 preview
wwrenwrites · 2 years
Dick Grayson: The pretty boy wonder
Jason Todd:
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
Shepherds of Haven Alpha Preview Update [04/25/23]
The Shepherds of Haven alpha preview has been updated here!
Note: This is not the same thing as the public demo, which is available for everyone and covers the first four chapters of the game: the alpha preview is the early access version available to Patrons and testers!
12,000 words of new content to Chapter 8.5
The next mission of Chapter 8 unfolds: what's going on in the Elven Quarter?
Flirt with Tallys or Lavinet, bully Halek, drink tea with the Elves, interrogate a dog, or all of the above!
Please be sure to read the specific developer notes on Patreon for more info, as well as check the Incomplete Routes Guide linked in the alpha build post if you have questions about how to proceed through the alpha build!
The red carpet has been laid for Guard-kun to make his grand entrance in the next update! And Chapter 8 has been full of throwbacks to the past, in more ways than one... 👀 What's an Elf, a Hunter, an aristocrat, and the Hero of Haven to do? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z Shepherds of Haven!
I hope you enjoy! 🌳
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thingsthatbleedfic · 9 months
Would youse guys mind posting a preview of the next chapter 👀? Totally ok if it’s a no
We are so glad you asked! :) Of course you can have a preview. Here's the beginning of chapter 8.
It’s been a long time since Danny was inside a house. One actually being lived in, by living people, at least. It’s nice enough. Quaint—that’s the first word that comes to Danny’s mind, floating in from some dusty part of his mind that hasn’t had to describe anything as quaint since Sam’s grandma showed off her collectible statuettes of cats in old-timey clothes.  The floors are well-worn, aged wood peeking out from beneath sprawling rugs. There’s a draft that brings chilly air in from the badly fitted single-pane windows. The temperature has plummeted over the course of the evening; Danny is enjoying the promise of snow in the air, and the fact that the sun has already dipped below the mountains on the horizon. What’s less enjoyable is the haunting. He’d suggested hiding a tree in a forest; he’d known what that would entail.  Houses like this aren’t allowed to be secretive. They aren’t allowed to sink down into themselves, with all their echoes writhing quietly inside like maggots. They’re open wounds that don’t heal.
This chapter is going to be a bit of a love letter to haunted houses. <3
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ohh almost forgot to ask can we get a preview👁️👁️💗
Yeahhhh why not 👀
“Alright, mate?”
George turns his head and sees Ross approaching, walking towards him and the gate under a huge umbrella. He looks happy, but George can tell there’s something dark behind that smile. 
“Alright,” George replies flatly. And then Ross steps closer to him, and the rain stops hammering on George’s hood. “Thanks.”
“Not much use now, but.” Ross shrugs. “Not answering the door, is he?” he asks, jerking his head towards the intercom.
“No,” George lies. “But I’m a bit early, so I kinda get it.”
“Yeah, same. Felt bad for—”
“Sunday,” George finishes for him. “Yeah, me too.” It certainly feels like the right thing to say, even if he’s not sure if it’s true.
“Oh, you didn’t come either?” Ross asks, looking genuinely surprised.
“Nah. I was busy and then I kinda… forgot.” Despite how wet he is, George’s cheeks suddenly feel very warm.
“Right.” George thinks Ross is going to volunteer his own reason, for a moment, but Ross just presses his lips together, then reaches a hand out towards the intercom button. “Let’s see if he’s forgiven us, shall we?”
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lesbian-vergil · 5 months
im trying not to get my hopes up but i have a sneaking suspicion that we're going to see the scales of love in the anime
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phvnthom · 9 months
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Dar'Aliit: Chapter Eight - Aftermath (Sneak Peek)
20 BBY Capital City Manuk
“Kian, get over here!” Shave drags Mer’en’s limp body from the flames. I don’t remember if I blacked out or when I came to, but I’m up now, clutching the side of my helmet and looking up to where Shave appears like a ghost from mist.
I stumble forward and grab Mer’ens other arm. Turning, I can see the whole city. Shave was right.
It’s gone. Flames and smoke. It looks like parts of the walls were affected. Where we are, close to the back gate, we’ve been entirely cut off. It looks like one of the towers collapsed and formed a barrier across the city center. We could route it, but there’s destruction everywhere. I grip Mer’en’s arm. The sergeant groans.
“Aftermath? Bevik?” I pant.
“Here,” Aftermath’s voice comes weakly over the comms before they return to static. “My head hurts, though.”
“Get up, and get over here,” Shave demands.
Aftermath appears, limping. He looks around. “We’re cut off.”
“We have to get out of the city. This whole thing was rigged,” Shave says, his voice edging on snapping. “And we have to get the sergeant to safety.”
“Bevik?” I ask, a broken record at this point.
Aftermath looks around. Then he bursts forward and races toward the epicenter of the impact. Shave turns his head. “Aftermath, get back here!”
Aftermath charges without answering. I cling to Mer’en and try not to let my body collapse as badly as it wants to. My ribs are sore and my throat stings.
Moments later, Aftermath returns. All he carries is a helmet. He says nothing, but the helmet is clearly Bevik’s.
Was Bevik’s.
“Let’s go,” Shave says. “We need to make for the gate.”
“We have no cover there,” Aftermath says.
“The droids are gone.”
“Then who did this!”
Shave hefts Mer’en higher on his shoulder. “I told you, this was a trap. We need to move before it becomes our grave. Now head for the breach in the wall and follow me!”
I don’t dare argue. I agree with Aftermath, but also with Shave. There are no good options. So I limp along and help carry the sergeant to the breach in the wall where we carefully pull him over the debris and out into the open. Aftermath leaps over. He picks up a blaster along the way and keeps it trained on our surroundings as Shave settles Mer’en against the wall. He works the sergeant’s helmet off.
“You with me, sir?”
Mer’en’s eyes flicker. I crouch close and keep half an eye out as well. We can’t afford to become sitting targets.
“Right, well, halfway,” Shave mutters. He reaches back and hisses a curse. His medical pack is shattered. Shave stands up. “You two, stay right here. Protect him.”
I nod. Standing, I move beside Aftermath. I don’t have my gun anymore. Kriff it all. Aftermath glances back at me and my empty hands.
“Go grab one off the droids,” he says.
“There’s plenty around here.” He gestures to the graveyard from only a few hours earlier.
He’s right.
I jog out and pick up one of the better looking blasters. It’s still got a few rounds left. I sling it across my back and pick up a second before retreating. I can’t help from checking on the sergeant as I return. Mer’en has his eyes open but I’ve seen rookies who took a hit get the same dazed look as they fight off unconsciousness.
“Sir?” I take up position on the other side with my back to Mer’en. “You staying with us?”
Mer’en coughs. “I’m fine. Just keep a close eye out, we,” he breaks off, gasping. “Might. Not be alone.”
“Rest, sir,” Aftermath snaps. “Shave will be back.”
I scan the perimeter. The forest has about a one klick radius around the city, giving space for the road. I can’t see into the foliage, though. The purple and blue underbrush as well as the thick trunked trees obscure everything. So I listen to the chattering of alien birds and the rush of wind in branches.
I feel like I’ve been holding my breath ever since we landed. Something is waiting for us but I can’t see it, I can’t hear it, I don’t even know if it’s real.
Mer’en coughs loud. Aftermath retreats a step and is out of my peripheral. I see an incoming message. Private line. I accept the message on my HUD with a tap on my commlink and Aftermath’s voice comes through loud and clear.
“Shave might not get back in time.”
I won’t ask what he means because it’s blatantly and painfully obvious. “Do you have your medkit?”
“No, you?”
I check. Shave didn’t ask for either of ours and now I see why. It’s gone. There’s a scorch mark across my armor and I do feel bruised, but half my gear is missing. I put my hand back to my blaster and stiffen. “We’ll have to wait for him. I don’t think there’s much out here that’s bigger than us.”
“You sure about that?” Aftermath’s boots crunch back another step.
A screech echoes overhead and I look up. We didn’t get time to read up on this planet. There was barely enough time for Shave to pull me aside in the interim in order to get bacta on my face and remove some of my bandages.
But I don’t need a debriefing to know this creature looks and sounds mad. Wide see through wings spread overhead, a purple domed head with horns sticking up where ears should’ve been. It screams.
Mer’en gasps and I whirl around. He’s trying to get up. “Stay down, sir!” I hiss.
Mer’en grabs the rubble anyway. He sticks out his hand. “Give me the second blaster, Kian.”
“No, you’re injured!”
“Give it.” He insists with a simple outstretching of his hand.
Aftermath trains his blaster on the creature. “Kian we need to move out of here!”
“I know!” I look at Mer’en and then at the circling creature. Reminds me of a carrion bird circling the dead, except we aren’t dead. I look at the city, though. There’s more of them. I turn quickly and ignore Mer’en’s weak protest.
“Should be weak somewhere, right?” I ask Aftermath.
“We can’t waste shots.”
“Eyes then.”
He glances at me and then nods firmly. “Eyes.”
The creature has bulging white eyes. It moves erratically, darting in and out of my range. I track it as it circles, closer, closer, almost there, just a little closer.
“Shoot it!” Mer’en orders from behind me. I squeeze off the shot. Aftermath fires at the same time.
In a tangle of wings, smoke, and screaming, the beast recoils and falls. It crashes to the ground, still twitching.
“Take that!” Aftermath sinks several more bullets into its fleshy hide. It lays still.
“There will be more,” Mer’en breathes.
He’s on his feet, somehow, and gripping the rubble. “We need. Need to go.”
“Where?” Aftermath asks. “We don’t know where Shave is and we have no medical supplies.”
Mer’en staggers. He grabs Aftermath’s shoulder. “We have to regroup. Shave is. He’s smart. He’ll. Find us.”
Aftermath looks at me. I nod. The sergeant has a point and if we don’t move Shave might not find anything here but bones. The alien vultures have begun to circle the smoking city.
“Alright,” Aftermath sighs. He grabs Mer’en and drags the sergeant’s arm over his shoulder. “Kian, keep a look out for more of those nasty birds.”
“Got it.” I train my blaster skyward.
Aftermath taps his comm. “Shave if you can hear me, or if you can’t, we’re going to try and find somewhere to regroup. Meet us when you can.”
He cuts the comms and we limp off in the direction of the wall. Mer’en keeps up, somehow, though he’s panting. I keep my blaster trained, eyeing every vulture that takes too wide of a swing.
We aren’t dead yet, kriffing vermin.
We reach the corner and Mer’en is struggling. Aftermath slows and pokes his head around the corner. “I don’t see anyone,” he says. “I think–”
Mer’en coughs worse than before. I drop my blaster. “Sir–”
“You gotta sit,” Aftermath practically shoves Mer’en down. He kneels beside him and I assume we both try to ignore the blood running down the sergeant’s chin. I know I do. I don’t want to admit the truth as many times as I might be forced to.
Mer’en leans his head back. The exhaustion is clear on his wearied and worried brow. Aftermath kneels beside him.
“Can you make it, sir?”
“I just gotta,” Mer’en struggles, “rest.”
Aftermath looks at me. He shakes his head. I clutch the droid blaster to my chest and kneel beside him.
Mer’en’s eyelids droop as he coughs.
“So, what farm are you gonna buy me?” Aftermath asks, but his voice is quiet.
Mer’en just stares up at the sky.
I tap my fingers against the blaster and look around. Surely Shave should be back by now and looking for us. If he can just get here in time. I’m shaking my own head at myself and I hate myself for it.
But this is the truth I keep denying. We’re canon fodder. Expendable. We’re clones.
Every mission survived is one step closer to the grave. We’re all marching to our deaths.
Glancing back, I see that Aftermath has taken to staring at his boots. He’s never been quiet this long but I don’t feel like speaking either. There’s nothing to say.
Aftermath peeks up at me. I look back.
Mer’en’s eyes are unfocused but directed at the sky. The color has all left his face. I can see the red blip on my HUD telling me there’s not a vital sign left in him.
I’ve seen so many mangled and broken bodies of people I knew, with faces that looked identical to mine. So many that the peaceful look on Mer’en’s face leaves me cold.
Aftermath gets up. He takes Mer’en’s helmet and sets it beside the sergeant. Aftermath salutes. “So long, sir.”
I struggle up and stiffly salute. “See you on the other side.”
“Let's go,” Aftermath mutters. He pokes his head back around the corner and then looks up as a faint screech echoes closer. “We can’t stay here.”
Voices. I can hear voices. Aftermath and I are met with a wall of rubble, though. One of the walls collapsed outward after the explosion. The tower is behind us, though, and I can see a bit of a path through the city that routes inward around the rubble.
Aftermath looks back at me, and the gaping hole in the wall. “I think we ought to go through the city now.”
I look back. Still no sign of Shave.
“We need to be careful.”
The vultures overhead have so far left us alone, but I’ve heard blaster fire and seen a few more fall. I’ve already shot down two myself. I lift my blaster as Aftermath retreats beside me.
“We stick together,” he warns. I nod and we veer toward the rubble. It’s easy to climb inside. It’s still carnage. The smoke has been billowing overhead and grown darker, but the fires appear to be burning lower than they were earlier.
There’s bodies scattered as we pick along the edge of the town staying away from the worst of it.
A vulture sails past us, claws extended for the white armored body mangled on the ground.
“Get away!” I yell and jerk around, firing several successive shots. The vulture screams and spreads its flimsy wings. I sink two bolts through them. It sails off wounded.
I lower my blaster and jog toward the body just to see who it is.
“Kian!” Aftermath calls out, but he says nothing more after that. I ignore him and kneel. It’s horrifying. I roll the man onto his back, hopeful maybe to find a life sign, but my HUD is already telling me this guy is long gone. My eyes confirm the fact. His face is nothing but melted skin. The plastoid armor he wears is practically fused to the bodysuit. I can’t even recognize shared features with the amount of damage.
Aftermath walks up behind me. “C’mon,” he says.
I stand up and grip the borrowed blaster tight in my hands. I nod.
Aftermath shades his helmet visor. This time he pulls away from me and heads deeper into the city. I jerk to my senses and follow him.
Fire smolders on purple wood. I look around but I don’t see anything until Aftermath comes to a stop in the middle of a damaged roadway. It’s two bodies this time, but one of them is familiar.
Aftermath drops to one knee. “Shave,” he jerks the man onto his back.
His hissed curses are audible over the comm line. I creep up behind, glancing at the smoky sky before looking down.
“He’s gone,” Aftermath sighs. He slams his fist on the ground. “Kriff it all!”
Shave’s body is mangled worse than the last. I recognize the paint on his armor but beyond that it almost looks like something…ate the skin off, leaving muscle, sinew, and bone clinging to armor. The bodysuit is shredded. I’m not even sure I’d call his corpse human anymore. The body beside him is no better, missing whole limbs.
It’s clear Shave stopped to help and likely fell prey to the vultures. I swallow hard.
Aftermath curses a few more times and finally, stands up. I can’t keep looking so I train my eyes on the sky until I know he’s ready to leave.
“Can we at least bury the body?” I ask.
“No time,” Aftermath sighs. “I’m gonna shoot the next vulture I see right through the face.”
I nod. I don’t know if I’m finally numb to it by now, or if the helplessness has just set in, but I’m too disturbed to mourn.
We leave. Picking through rubble and bodies and shooting down the occasional vulture, we make our way toward another broken wall. I hear the voices again. Aftermath breaks into a run, and I follow him as he vaults over broken stone. Through it, through the smoke, I see the first good news of all afternoon: Living breathing clones.
“Sir!” Someone points us out. “More survivors.”
I land on the other side of the rubble and am almost overwhelmed by the others crowding in and grasping our shoulders, clapping our backs. We made it. I pant and finally loosen my grip on the blaster.
“Thank goodness,” I hear someone breathe. It sounds like General Kenobi. He stands off to the side near General Nidor, both of them dusted in smoke with scorched robes. It looks like the survivors have collected behind the bones of downed tanks now forming a barricade near the wall of the city. There aren’t many of us, but we’re alive.
“Listen up!” General Nidor’s voice booms across the yard. I turn. General Nidor stalks forward with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Our numbers may be thin, but I know of a small farming settlement forty clicks east. They were not evacuated because there was no time. If we can make it to the settlement we will restore communications with the Harbinger and send for aid.”
“The droids appear to have left,” Kenobi cuts in and bows his head to General Nidor. “If we can confirm this fact, I believe we can consider this a victory despite,” his brow furrows and his eyes are dark with sympathy, “our losses.”
“Let's go home,” calls out the Captain, who by some miracle appears to have survived.
Home. I look at Aftermath and he grabs my shoulder. I’m with him, we’re both ready to get off this forsaken rock.
part 2 coming tomorrow 4/28!
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puzzlehat · 2 years
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as of today (9/11/22): the number of days since the last gather ye power chapter (chapter 27 back on april 20) is the same as the longest hiatus gayepo’s had before (between chapters 12 and 13, the transition from the village to the forest/fort, also the first two chapters to release after the completion of hlvrai)
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yuesya · 2 years
Ko-fi Update
Chapter 8 for zenith of stars has been posted to Ko-fi for supporters! Thank you very much. :)
There is also a small snippet for a new extra that has also been posted, featuring another JJK OC. This time, a male character from the Zenin Clan.
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fluorescentvermin · 3 months
Chapter 8
Big Jerry's Pawn Shop
Gage escorted me through the city to be the best I could manage. I still felt a little sore and swollen but the medicine Artemis gave me helped a lot. It didn’t take us long before we got to the pawn shop. “Big Jerry’s Pawn Shop?” I read out loud. It looked eclectic and manic. There were mannequins in one window wearing some expensive clothes, and the other window was filled with big ticket items like guitars and other instruments.
“Yeah! It’s a cool place! I come here all the time” Gage beamed. We walked in through the glass doors and upon walking in, this place is even more cluttered than it seemed from the outside. There were shelves upon shelves full of knick-knacks, tables full of antique finds, clothes racks filled to the brim and more shelves covered in shoes. Behind the desk and display cases were televisions, real expensive ones. I worry about how much of this stuff has been stolen. There is no legal reason why a pawn shop this side of town would have such expensive goods for sale.
“Gage! My boy! You are a sight for sore eyes!” the sales clerk bellowed from behind the cash register.
“Jerry! Haven’t seen you in a while, my friend!” Gage beams, walking over to the man and shaking his hand. The man, who I assume is Jerry, looked real sleazy. His hair was combed over his bald spot, his skin was oily and he was wearing a white singlet top that was mottled with mysterious stains.
“I’ve been saving some vinyls just for you, my friend. I got Dark Ritual’s self-titled debut record” Jerry offered, wiggling his bushy eyebrows at Gage.
“Fuck, I’ll have to come back for it! I’m on a specific mission today Jerry” Gage let out.  I take a quick look around. I feel lost without my phone. When I’m trying to go to sleep, that’s when I get the best ideas. Normally I jot those ideas down in my notes app. Maybe I could find a notebook in here.
“What can I do for ya?” Jerry smiled.
“My friend and I are looking for a phone” Gage adds. He turns to me and sees me looking through the store.
“Yes, looking for an XPhone. The U70+ model” I pipe up.
“I got plenty of phones, XPhones are a dime a dozen these days. They’re all in the display case right here” Jerry gestures his hands around wildly as he talks, tapping on the display case he mentioned. I walk over and look behind the glass, and sure enough, there were plenty of XPhones. But they were all outdated by a couple of years at least, one of them in the case was over twenty years old. The U70+ is the latest XPhone on the market right now, none of these are even close.
“You’ve got plenty of U68’s, U67’s, but no U70+’s. Do you have any phones in the back?” I ask politely. Jerry looks me up and down, chewing on his lip.
“Maybe” Jerry let out.
“Jerry, brother, we don’t want your old stock. We’re looking for something that just came in, possibly this morning. You got anything like that?” Gage bargained.
“Possibly” Jerry hums.
“I’ll pay you top dollar, my man” Gage offers.
“Eh, what’s this uh… oo seventy plus look like?” Jerry asks and Gage turns to me again.
“It’s silver on the back with half of it covered by the camera module. The screen looks matte from the side” I describe.
“Matter of fact, I saw one of those come in this morning” Jerry lets out. Gage and I both breathe a sigh of relief.
“That’s perfect, can we see it?” Gage asks.
“I don’t know, still gotta price da thing” Jerry looks around. Gage sighs and reaches into his pocket.
“How about now?” Gage offers, sliding some chromes across the desk. Jerry picks up the cash and counts it in front of his face. Satisfied, he smiles and pockets the money.
“Tough luck kid, sold it just before ya got here” Jerry smirks.
“Who bought it?” I ask.
“Oh jeez, so many people come in and out of dis store. How am I supposed to know everyone’s name?” Jerry feigns ignorance. Gage slipped him some more cash. Jerry smiles again with satisfaction.
“It’s that Blair girl. You know her, short thing, hard body, crazy energy” Jerry describes.
“Wait, Blair Nimble?” Gage parrots.
“That’s the one. She comes in and buy phones and electronics off me all the time” Jerry talks a lot.
“Fuck. Okay, we can deal with this… Hopefully. Thanks for your help, Jerry” Gage looks stressed.
“Hey, Jerry. Do you have any notebooks?” I ask sheepishly.
“Blank ones? I don’t sell ‘em but since I like your friend, I could sell ya one of mine I got in da back” Jerry scratches his chin before going into his storage closet, leaving the door open.
“How much, Jerry?” Gage asks loud enough for him to hear in the other room, reaching into his wallet again.
“Actually, ya know what? Forget about it. I’m already making a profit here. Take it” Jerry smiles as he makes the short distance back, putting a notebook on the counter.
“Wow! Thank you so much, Jerry!” I beam. I take the notebook and hold it in my hands.
“No problem, kid. Ay, before you go, take Dark Ritual wit cha. I feel kinda bad I couldn’t help you out more with your phone situation. It’s the least I could do” Jerry offers, handing over the vinyl. Gage’s eyes lit up.
“Jerry! You sentimental kook. I owe you!” Gage beamed, handling the record like it was priceless.
“Good luck wit cha phone, kids” Jerry smiles, waving us out of the store.
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gwaeddblaidd · 10 months
Feed the Wolf Chapter 7: Pride (Excerpt)
Our time together is pleasant. Unencumbered by the worries of the world, we sit and eat and talk at our leisure, simply enjoying each other’s company under the slowly setting sun. The threads of our conversation run deeper than before, returning to so many of the topics we discussed at the Weathervane and over text, diving ever further into each other’s tastes and opinions. Under any other circumstance, this sort of tranquil back and forth would be more than enough for me. I don’t speak to that many people in my day-to-day life, and I can’t deny that my talks with Enid are incredibly refreshing. With other people, I often have a hard time truly listening to them, at least for prolonged periods. It's not that I dislike other people inherently, but my brain just isn’t wired to sit idly by and listen to a wave of miscellaneous information. With Enid though, everything she says cements itself in my memories, every little fact about what she likes and doesn’t like, her favourite pastimes, foods, music – everything. Hearing her talk brings me joy, and seeing her take an interest in what I talk about ignites a passion within me like no other. To say that I’m happy is one hell of an understatement.
Under any other circumstance, these sweet moments would be more than I could ever possibly hope for. But, as it stands, I’m haunted all the while by the knowledge that if I want to get closer to Enid, I need to make the first move. In every quiet dip in the conversation, each and every time we spend a few minutes just watching the world go by in all of its beauty, a part of me is screaming that now is the time. But then all too soon the moment will pass and our conversation will resume – each time as wonderful as before, but robbing me of the opportunity to make that sorely needed confession. In my head, I write out so many ways of saying what I need to say, but never do they feel quite right. Loathe as I am to consider the possibility, maybe spontaneity is needed here.
Something possesses me to speak suddenly. “Look, I don’t know how to say this, but…” I swallow hard, begging the lump in my throat to recede. My heartbeat increases its pace, its rhythm like a drum deep in my ears.  “I like you. Like, I really like you. Shit, why is this so hard…?”
Enid seems surprisingly unfazed by my confession. She places a gentle hand on my arm. “Because it’s important.”
My eyes rise nervously to meet hers. Is that how it works? Do all important things have to be difficult? How is that fair? Who made those rules? Whoever they are, they’re a colossal asshole. Still, those eyes offer a quiet encouragement; a gentle, reassuring offer of support that assuages any lingering doubts I may have still had. As socially inept as I can sometimes be, I already know what Enid’s answer will be. The fear of rejection falls away, leaving me no excuses to hide behind. I just have to ask. Why does that have to be so damn difficult?
“These past couple weeks… I mean, it’s had its ups and downs, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt as calm as I have in my time spent with you. For the first time in years, I feel… happy.”
I need to pause, to give myself a moment to breathe. My breaths aren’t coming naturally to me as I speak right now, each one the result of concerted effort. I clench my hands into fists to suppress the tremor I can feel coming on.
“Maybe it’s too early to be thinking this way and honestly, you deserve better than me, but…” I sigh, a quick expelling of air to lead the words out. “If you would have me, I want to be more than friends. God knows I don’t deserve it, but that’s the truth.”
Enid’s pained expression brings forth a wave of anxiety. Did I somehow misread the situation? Was I wrong? How could I have been so confident that I was right? Me, who’s always second-guessing myself over the most trivial things. She shakes her head, but as she does a bittersweet smile comes to the surface.
“I don’t like it when you talk that way,” she says, a little quietly and not quite as assertively as usual. “You’re always putting yourself down, but…” She considers for a moment. “You don’t see what I see.”
“What do you mean?”
Her smile remains, but changes slightly. It’s almost a nostalgic smile, as if she’s drawing upon a memory. “You’re kind and sweet and caring. You act all tough sometimes, but it’s clear that’s not who you are. You’ve got a gentle soul, and you’re a good person.”
I don’t say anything to that. I can’t. The only things that come to mind are counter-examples to her assertions; ways of disproving all the nice things she’s saying about me. But I don’t want to dismiss her feelings like that. And perhaps even more than that, I want to believe that what she’s saying is true. It’s clear that she believes in her words, but I’m undeserving of such a flattering picture to be painted of me. My eyes leave hers and drop to the ground, unable to contest with her gaze any longer under the barrage of compliments.
“But more than anything,” she continues, “you’re clueless.”
Confused, I look up just in time to see her face close to mine. Her eyes are closed, softly and without any tension. She looks… serene. This close I can see the smallest of blemishes on her skin, all the tiny imperfections that prove she is a real, living person with a life of her own. I can see the hints of freckles on the bridge of her nose, mostly concealed with makeup but showing through just enough to be visible in such close proximity. I can see the parallel lines of slightly raised scar tissue on her cheek and above her left eye; tokens of her battle with Tyler. For a wolf, she healed up well, but those markings are certainly still there if you know to look for them. Her perfume, too, is so much more present up close. Notes of berries are most prominent, accompanied by a subtle undertone of vanilla. I’ve always preferred fruity scents to floral ones, and it would appear that Enid shares this preference. It’s a lovely smell, well picked out and befitting of her character. As she lingers so close to me, the aroma gradually builds up in my nostrils to the point that I can almost taste it. Wait…
Only as my attention turns to my sense of taste do I suddenly realise what’s happening. Her closeness isn’t without reason. I’m not sure how I didn’t notice her lips pressed against my mouth, the kiss so delicately and deliberately planted upon my lips. Her hand has left my arm, now cradling the side of my face and ever-so-gently pulling me in. Her touch feels electric now that I’m aware of it, both her hand and lips like jumper cables pressed against my skin, forming a circuit of agonising ecstasy. I tense up involuntarily, my jaw clenching in response to the unfamiliar experience. Enid notices instantly. Her eyes flash open and she pulls away, not too far but just enough to look into my eyes properly.
“Everything alright?” There’s no judgement, just genuine concern.
“Y-yeah,” I stammer, “I’m just not used to this kind of thing.” I feel my face flush with a searing heat. Thankfully the warm glow of the setting sun will go a long way towards hiding my embarrassment.
“Was that your first kiss?” she asks hesitantly, but amusedly.
“No!” I answer, far too eagerly but not untruthfully. My mind is thrown back to a summer many years ago, before Nevermore, before my father’s betrayal, but I snap myself back to reality before I can get too lost in memories. “No, it’s just been a long time. You caught me off guard, is all…”
Title: Feed the Wolf
Fandom: Wednesday
Rating: T
Chapters: 7 of 12
Links: AO3, FF.net
Summary: As the dust settles on the Hyde incident, Nevermore is slowly but surely returning to a calmer, safer state. But for those involved, the scars may take a while longer to fully heal. Gelert Davies, a half-werewolf student, has always kept himself out of trouble as best he could, but a chance encounter will test his resolve and force him to face parts of himself long abandoned.
Tags: Enid Sinclair, Wednesday Addams, Original Character(s), Enid Sinclair/Original Male Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Wolf Instincts, Loss of Control, Injury Recovery, Self-Hatred, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Courting Rituals, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Culture, Eventual Romance, Family Issues, POV First Person
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day! :)
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 months
What determines if Blade offers you the commander position?
Hi, this has been answered lots of places: here is a good link!
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[ Chapter 10 ] || [ Chapter 12 ]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.1K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: i'm in love with gaz
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Chapter 11: Excuse me?
A DM suddenly shoots up to the top of the pile in Kyle’s Tinder DM list and his eyebrows raise when he sees your name.
It’s been a month and a half, maybe longer, since you two last matched and after the brief rejection and you having gotten with Price, his life moved on and he kind of forgot you existed.
But your sudden message whose preview starts with “hey sorry to be botheri-” intrigues him so he presses it.
you: hey sorry to be bothering u but i figured it was safe to dm u about this because between u and johnny u seemed to be the most mature one! is simon okay? he stopped replying to me like a week ago and im concerned
Kyle’s eyebrows shot up on his forehead upon reading the question.
Kyle: he’s been texting u? 🤨 you: HI! yeah he has Kyle: excuse me? 🤨🤨 Kyle: like texting texting u.  Kyle: as in you text him and he answers and u 2 chat? 😐 you: yes? 🙃 Kyle: tf kind of witchcraft did u pull on him? 🤨 Kyle: he doesnt text.  Kyle: not one of us can get more than a thumbs up reaction to our texts in the groupchat. 😑 you: he texts me! Kyle: 😫?? Kyle: jesus christ.  you: you didnt answer is he okay?? 😭😭
Kyle thought back on a reason why Ghost would suddenly, well, ghost you. But he can’t think of any… Ghost is a notoriously bad texter, it doesn’t surprise him that he went MIA…
And then it hits him.
It’s 8 A.M. in the rec room of their floor and Ghost was making tea just as Johnny was taking a seat in the couch.
Kyle oofed as Johnny hit him, throwing his legs over Kyle’s lap. “Watch it mate, fuck you’re bloody heavy!” He complained.
“AH, FUCKIN’ HELL!” Ghost cursed as he threw his hands up in the air the sound of water dripping on the floor catching his attention.
Kyle looked over to see Ghost had spilled his boiling hot water everywhere on the counter.
“You alright L.T.?” Soap asked a she lifted his head over the back of the couch to peer at Simon just like Gaz was.
“Great.” Ghost grunted as he picked up his phone from the counter, which was also dripping in water, while his other hand threw a rag onto the mess of water dripping down from the counter.
“Oh fuck… ‘s your phone dead?” Soap asked and Ghost grumbled under his breath, not quite answering the question, as he busied himself soaking up the spilled water.
Just then, Price showed up at the rec room door. “Simon, gear up. Got a briefing for a solo mission in 10.”
“Fuckin’ hell, yeah, yeah, I got it.” Ghost grunted as he cleaned the mess and then rushed out the door, leaving his mug of tea in the counter and clutching his now broken phone in his hands.
Kyle: hes fine. Kyle: he spilled water on his phone and killed it I think.  Kyle: and he got sent out before he could get it fixed. 🙃 you: oh okay good! you: thanks! you: sorry to have bothered you! 🙏 Kyle: now wait just a minute. 😤 Kyle: u need to explain how in the hell u and ghost talk.👀 you: ghost? Kyle: that’s his work name. 🤷‍♂️ you: fitting seeing as i thought he ghosted me Kyle: THAT’S THE JOKE I MADE JUST NOW TO MYSELF! 😭 you: were in sync it seems 😭 Kyle: answer the question tho. you: idk what u want me to answer with Kyle: wdym u dont know??? explain yourself. Kyle: how do you get ghost to text u???? you: idk? im funny ig Kyle: 😑 you: im sorry if thats not what u want to hear Kyle: wait Kyle: a couple weeks ago he was out all night Kyle: during morning training soap was talking about how he had a date Kyle: was he with u? 👀👀 you: soap? Kyle: johnny. Kyle: keep up cmon now. you: jeez don’t patronize me you: yes simon was with me Kyle: 👀👀👀 Kyle: i see. Kyle: tell me more. you: theres nothing to tell Kyle: thats a lie and u know it.  you: its not!!! Kyle: cmon. Kyle: u cant just meet with a bloke with a skull mask on and then say u dont have anything to tell. 😑😑 you: a skull mask?? Kyle: did he not wear a mask when he was with u? 🤨🤨 you: yes? you: a black one Kyle: with a skull print on it yeah? you: no??? 🙃 you: just black! Kyle: jesus christ. Kyle: and what? what happened? you: nothing?! Kyle: walk me thru it. you: we went out for a drink then came back to mine and watched a movie! Kyle: 🤨🤨 Kyle: and had a shag? you: NO???? Kyle: wdym no? thats what would normally happen with a bloke. you: and???? you: this is simon were talking about kyle you: nothing about him screams normal exactly 🙃 you: hes joked about being able to kill me with his bar ehands you: bare hands* Kyle: fair. Kyle: this raises more questions for me. you: what Kyle: like u would meet with a masked bloke that can kill u with his bare hands alone without protection? 🤨 you: i had protection Kyle: not a condom. you: oh 😅 you: well we met at a pub soooo  Kyle: what did u 2 do then Kyle: other than watch a ‘movie’ 🙄 you: played mario kart you: slept Kyle: as in Kyle: you SLEPT? like honk shoo honk mimimimi? you: yes🙄🙄 Kyle: im confused. you: ur confused? im fucking confused bro Kyle: wdym u SLEPT TOGETHER? 🙃 Kyle: WHAT KIND OF WITCHCRAFT IS THIS?  Kyle: wtf have u done to him Kyle: like ghost doesnt text, he sure as shit doesnt visit people, and he doesnt go on dates, he doesnt sleep next to people, im almost sure the man doesnt have feelings or emotions and only speaks in sarcasm  Kyle: how can u get that out of him?? 🤨🤨 Kyle: no one else can! you: well with that mentality you cant you: idk what to tell u you: we hit it off 🙄 Kyle: explain yourself. you: ive been explaining it!!!!! Kyle: no explain it better. Kyle: I think Im having a stroke.  you: idk how to make it clearer??? Kyle: thats it. Kyle: are you free rn?? Kyle: I need u to explain urself. 😑 you: Im at work? Kyle: whens ur lunch break? 👀 you: in 35 minutes. Kyle: do u like ramen? you: yes? Kyle: whats the closest japanese to ur job? you: Akira Kyle: meet me at Akira for lunch. Kyle: I’m buying. you: who said i want to meet up with u?? 🤨🤨 Kyle: man just get down there. Kyle: im offering to pay. you: fineeeee 🙄
Kyle quickly hopped up from his seat at his desk with a start and rushed back to his room to change out of his fatigues.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!): @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak , @wittleespur
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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Here you go: the new chapter preview!
“I need to go get something for me head.” Taron points at his temple. “Feels like half a dozen monks are playing gongs in there. Was just trying not to wake you.”
“Right. Yeah, you do look like shit, to be fair.”
Taron raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, well. If you think you’re a wildflower yourself, darling, you can think again.” That’s a lie, by the way: Richard looks positively ravishing, as usual. Not quite sure how.
Richard rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling, still looking like someone’s pointing a flashlight in his face. “God. And they had to turn on the sun today, didn’t they?”
“Who’s ‘they’, Dickie?” Taron says, grinning fondly.
“Dunno. Whoever’s in charge, up there,” Richard replies, pointing at the ceiling.
“You’re talking rubbish.”
“Just trying to get down to yer level, forgive me.”
BANTS before the storm 👀
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gurugirl · 7 months
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punching-pentagrams · 2 months
Love In a Hopeless Place
Chapter 2
Here we are with chapter 2! Lucifer and reader meet, enjoy! xoxo, Dany :)
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Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapter 9| Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader
Word Count:5.2k (I'm so sorry, lol) CW: Trauma, panic, flashbacks, Smut(ish/mostly lead up), angst, comfort, sub/dom dynamics, prostitution, anxiety, depression
Lucifer was in his study working on another one of his many rubber duck creations when his phone started to buzz on the desk with a text message. He jumped a little with a small 'Ah!' at the vibration, and the duck flew out of his hands and into one of the many piles of ducks that filled the room.
"Shit, welp... not finding that one anytime soon", he said running his fingers through his hair while looking out at the sea of ducks, before turning his attention to his phone.
The preview of the text from his driver on the front screen read, "On our way back with our guest." Lucifer stared at the text, and his stomach immediately tightened with... excitement? Anxiety? Was he going to throw up- no he was fine... Right? Yes. No? Fuck. Why did this feel so scary?
Lucifer did not know what he we feeling, he just knew he only had a few minutes before his guest for the evening would arrive... and he had no idea what he was doing. Lucifer started pacing and pulling a little at his own hair, starting to stress and talk to himself.
"Should I have been preparing something? Maybe I should clean! No... wait I have people for that... M-maybe I should pick up some of the ducks? Why would I need to pick up the ducks? Maybe she would want to see the ducks? Lucifer, why would a prostitute want to see your stupid rubber ducks?!" Lucifer said as he paced back and forth on want little open floor space their was in the room, before he stopped, took a breath, and smoothed back his hair and tried to breathe.
"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm cool. I'm fine." he said as he rolled his shoulders and straightened his bowtie as he walks out of his study and back down the hall to his room. "I'm the King of Hell, and I'm the customer. Who cares? I'm sure girls all over Hell would be dying for the chance to take care of and service me. She is the lucky one here that I even get to grace her presence!" He stopped in front of the mirror in his room, popping on his hat and grabbing his cane before posing in the mirror and flashing a toothy grin at himself.
Lucifer looks over his own reflection in the mirror, and the longer he stared, the more his smile faded and his shoulders slumped. He wrapped his arms around himself in a half self-hug, "So then... why do I feel like... such a loser?"
The car soon pulls up to a big beautiful manor and parks, the driver gets out and comes to open your door, offering you a hand to help you out.
"Thank you," you say with a sweet and flirty smile as you grab the man's hand and step out of the car. You try hard to hold your confident expression and stifle your surprise as you get out and see your new surroundings, looking around admiring the beauty. Your normal cantor you use with most clients suddenly feels like it might be inappropriate here, so you hold your tongue.
Internally, though, your thought process runs wild, 'Whoa, wait, what the fuck? I've worked for some high rollers before, but this... this feels like its on an entirely different level.... Who the fuck is this guy?'
The driver breaks your slight panic as he gestures for you to follow him. You are escorted up the front steps and into the front entry way past the giant ornate front doors. In the front room off to one side were a few red chairs and a couch with gold trim, all centered around a white marble coffee table. The driver gestures towards the seating, "Please, have a seat while I inform your host that you have arrived."
You curtsy in respond because you were starting to feel like that was the right response for this type of place, and watch as the man turned and started to walk down the hallway. You go to sit on one end of the red couch, damn it was a nice couch, and you start to look at the room around you. You're inner voice continuing with the general track of 'What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? How is this place even bigger and nicer on the inside?!' playing in your head.
Who could this be? This guy is crazy well off, seems to like red, white, and gold, it was everywhere in the decorations. Also he... had good taste in decorations. It looked way nicer here than anywhere else you had ever seen in hell. Not just because of the amount of money in the place, but also because of how the design felt. It almost felt like a slightly edgier version of what you would expect buildings to look like in heaven. Lots of little details and motifs in the crowning on the walls and art around the manor. Lots of stuff like apples, snakes, little things that looked like angel wings-
Your thought process freezes as the puzzles start to fall together into an answer.
You start to shake a little and fidget with your dress a little. You may have not been in hell long, but there were some things you pick up on quickly, even in new places. 'There is noooo way. That's impossible. Right? Where were other people who are known for that symbology... right... Who else in hell...? Maybe it's someone you just don't know? Uhhhh.... Oh! Wasn't he married? Well... that doesn't mean anything half of the time, you've fucked married guys. More importantly, if this is who I think it is... what would the LITERAL KING OF HELL, need a call girl for? No, there is no way it could be him, that would be stupid...'
Then, you hear a cane start to tap down the hallway, and time feels like it slows down. You turn to look in the direction of the sound, and down the long manor hallway, you can make out the unmistakable features of Lucifer, the fallen angel, the King of Hell himself, followed by his driver. You feel your skin grow hot and your heart rate pick up as you swallow hard, watching him approach.
He was... much softer looking than you expected. Many of the angelic features were still present, pale near-white skin, golden blonde hair, soft facial features, and they mixed in well with his more demonic features, red and gold eyes, sharp grin, and dark ashy claws that held his signature apple cane. You'd seen his face on magazines and maybe once on tv, but now upon seeing him in the flesh, you realize that pure imagines didn't seen do him any justice.
You realize you have less than a few seconds to calm yourself and get ready to make a first impression. You take a deep breath, let it out, straighten yourself in your seat and think, 'He's just another client, that's all I need to focus on. My goal is to fulfill his wishes'.
As he gets a few feet closer you stand, and curtsy with a confident smile on your face. "Your majesty, what an unexpected surprise this is. Oh, I apologize, I mean... Lance."
Lucifer responds with a hearty chuckle before putting up a hand, "No need for formalities or code names here. Just Lucifer is fine. You must be (y/n)?" he says as he starts to examine the woman in front of him up and down.
You straighten up from your curtsy and place a hand on a slightly popped hip as you look at Lucifer, "I am, and I am honored to be serving you tonight."
The driver comes up and asks for your coat. You slip it off as elegantly as you can, fully aware that your show for Lucifer had already begun, and handed it to the driver. He tells you where he will be when you and the master have concluded your visit for the evening, puts up your coat in a nearby closet, and walks into another room close to the main door, and closes the door behind him.
Lucifer watched the sultry way you slipped off your jacket, and the alluring dress that was revealed from beneath it. Simple, black, sleeveless, a v shaped neck line that showed the perfect amount of cleavage, hugged your body in all the right places, and also allowed for a long slit that showed off plenty of the soft skin of your leg. The woman before him was beautiful, but in a way he didn't expect. Not in a "porn star, big boobs, stereotypical bimbo" kind of way, but in a soft... normal kind of way. It made him feel a little calmer in a way. A couple new emotions started to join the mixture that swirled in his stomach, curiosity, amusement... lust... Nothing had even happened yet, and Lucifer could already start to feel heat start to rise around his collar.
You and Lucifer where now completely alone in the main area of the manor.
You turn back to see Lucifer eyeing you. You smile.
"You like what you see, Lucifer?" you purr as you take a few steps towards him.
Lucifer shifts a little as he stands as his cheeks tint pink, feeling almost guilty for being caught staring, before remembering he was allowed to, "Oh uh... y-yes. Yes, I do." He says, returning to his curated confident grin.
You giggle, stepping closer and offering your right hand to him, which he takes with his right hand, "I am yours for the night to use as you see fit" you say with a sly flirty smile.
'Fuck, I hope this is coming off ok', you think to yourself.
'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,' Lucifer thinks, trying to will his cheeks into not turning a darker shade of pink, 'Oh she is VERY good, and I am very out of practice.'
Lucifer returns the sly smile, "Oh I intend to." he says looking you up and down again as he kisses your hand.
'Fuck, he is good', you think at the same time.
Lucifer continues to hold your hand as he turns in closer to your right side, looping your hand under his left arm so that you and now holding it, and he looks at you with a "Shall we then?" before he starts to escort you further into the manor.
As you start to walk through the manor with Lucifer, this is when you really notice how he was a bit shorter than you expected, especially with the heels you were wearing. Nothing wrong with that, just not something you expected. He was a cutie, and you were excited that you were going to be able to help make him feel good that night. Honored even.
Lucifer felt transfixed by every inch of sensory that came from being in contact with you, the way your hand held onto the sleeve of his jacket, the way you would shift against him as you walked, the smell of your perfume, it was borderline intoxicating. His brain was running a million miles a minute between your touch, smell, what he would say next, what would happen when you both got to his room, how he wanted to keep himself from turning into the room and immediately pouncing on you. He felt like he might lose his mind.
All you could see of Lucifer was a sly grin and a confident walk towards his room.
The two of you entered Lucifer's large bedroom and you let go of his arm so that he could go to close the door behind you. He put down his cane, and started to undo the clasps of his suit jacket. You walked up behind Lucifer as he finished the clasps, slid your hands over his shoulders, hooking your fingers under the collar.
"May I?" you cooed softly in his ear.
He gulped and nodded as you glided it off his shoulders and down his arms, trying as best you can you make sure your fingers made contact with his arms as much as possible.
Lucifer had to fight a soft moan from escaping his throat at your touch. You deviously smiled to yourself behind Lucifer at the sound of his stifled moan as you took the jacket and carefully hung the jacket off the side of his mirror. You turned back around to see Lucifer taking off his hat and setting it down on a nearby surface, trying hard tame the hunger in his eyes as he looked at you, a visible bulge starting to form in his pants.
Seeing the King of Hell's eyes hunger for you gave you a devious idea to try. 'I wonder what role he likes to play?' you think to yourself.
You chuckle, and start to walk a circle around Lucifer, eyeing him back as if he was your prey, which makes Lucifer swallow hard again and make him lose a little of his edge, less of a dominant energy and leaning more submissive as he watched you circle him.
'Interesting', you think.
"Tell me. Do you prefer to lead, or follow?" you ask with a coy smile.
Lucifer thought for a moment, what did he usually do with Lili- errr... in the past? He liked not having to think. Not having to lead would be really fucking nice actually.
"Follow", Lucifer said in a soft tone. This didn't surprise you, most powerful men wanted a break from it in the bedroom, from your experience. Getting to order Lucifer around was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it got you excited just thinking about it.
You gave Lucifer a wicked smile before slinking up to him, softly grabbing his chin, getting your face very close to his before whispering, "Boots off. On the bed. Now."
Lucifer's heart beat started to pound in his ears as he took a moment as he processed the words, a shiver of pleasure jolting through his body, before quickly moving to throw off his boots and crawl onto his bed. He knew nothing in the moment beyond following your command. Lucifer got into place and then looked over at you, waiting for your next order for him.
'Fuck that was hot' he thought as he felt the heat spread across his chest.
You look towards Lucifer, turning you body to face him in his new position on the bed. You smirk and start to slowly slink towards him, making sure to roll your hips with every step to emphasize your curves, staring at him with your own hunger eyes.
Lucifer sat, transfixed by the way your hips swayed from side to side, the way your eyes felt like they were burning into his soul, his cheeks burning read. No thoughts existed in his head at that moment besides the thought of your curves coming towards him and the way that his cock throbbed for you in his pants.
You sat yourself on the end of his bed and kicked up your right leg over the other to unbuckle the clasp on one of your heels, making sure to position yourself so that Lucifer could see more of your leg through the slit in your dress and so that you cleavage showed more prominently from the V-neckline. You look up at him through your eyelashes to see him tremble a little, his breathing starting to labor. Oh lord, you could see just how much he needed this, and that excited you even more.
You finished unclipping your heel and you let it drop to the floor with a light clatter. You straightened up and looked over your shoulder at Lucifer, "Does my good boy want to help me with my other shoe?"
Lucifer gave a little whimper and bit his lip a little as he gave you an enthusiastic nod. He was so cute and desperate, if his tail was out it would probably be wagging.
You move a little closer and kicked your left leg up onto his lap and propped yourself up to watch his work, giving him a quick cheeky look of 'Well? Get to it!'
Lucifer took a few moments to look at the red heel that was connected to the gorgeous leg that now sat in his lap. Lucifer took a breath, and then with trembling hands worked to try undoing the clasp of the shoe. It took a little longer than it took you, but he eventually got the clasp undone and let the shoe slide off the bed to the ground. Lucifer took the opportunity to slowly slide one of his hands up your leg, up to the hem of your dress, and back down in admiration. Holy hell, her skin was so soft and beautiful.
You closed your eyes and hummed softly as you soaked in the sensation of his touch on your skin, "What a good boy you are, Lucifer." You cooed, removing your leg away from his reach. He looked sad for a moment, but it would not be for long. You hooked a leg over his body and got up onto the bed, now straddling his thighs.
A surprised breathy moan escaped Lucifer's lips as you moved onto his lap and he started to dig his claws into his sheets on either side of his body.
You chuckle again before you look down at him from your new position. You had never felt more power than you did right at that moment, and it was beautiful. Seeing the King of Hell under you, desperate for your next command or touch... now that was dangerous.
As Lucifer laid under you, defenseless and breathing heavily, he released his claws from the sheets and lightly picked up the edge of the skirt of your dress on either side of you and held them softly in his hands.
"M-may I?" he asked with pleading eyes, lifting the skirt up a little to show his intensions to remove your dress.
You cross your arms and put a finger up to your cheek in an action pretending to think about, making Lucifer wait.
"P-please?" he said after several seconds, sense of urgency in his voice.
You dropped the act and smirked down at him with a pleased smile and nodded. Lucifer excitedly, but carefully worked to pull the dress off of you and tossed it onto the ground to join your shoes. Lucifer now looked at you and you saw his eyes turn from soft desperation back into a deep animalistic hunger as they raked lustfully down the new view of your body.
You sat proud of yourself as you sat straddled across Lucifer's thighs wearing a deep sapphire blue lacy bra and a matching blue thong that, frankly, served no purpose other than to be something to be ripped off of you.
Lucifer softly ran his claws up your thighs, up your hips, across your abdomen, over your breasts, up your collar bone, other your shoulders, down your arms, and down you your hands, taking in every inch of your body that he could see in that moment. You tip your head back and allow long moan to escape you as his hands glide across your body, soft but electric and hot.
You tip your head back down to look at Lucifer, his hands in yours. You release his hands and start to slide you hands up his chest to his bowtie.
"Alright, baby, your turn," you coo, starting to undo his bowtie. Lucifer began to shake and breath heavily under your touch. You toss the bowtie to the ground, slowly undoing the first few buttons of his shirt, exposing his soft pale neck. You nuzzle your face into his neck and plant your first soft kiss on his neck.
Lucifer responds to the contact with a deep and long moan, he almost couldn't take any more of this torturous, slow teasing. And yet he also felt like he couldn't get enough of it. He felt energetic and alive for the first time in what felt like forever, it was pure bliss. He never wanted it to stop.
You giggle again at his response, and continue to unbutton the remaining buttons down his shirt. You lean down to look into Lucifer's eyes and say "Now Lucifer, I want you to tell me something."
He looks up at you with shiny, lust filled eyes, "Yes?"
"Tell me... what is it that you truly desire?" you say with a smirk, as you continue work on his buttons.
Lucifer thinks for a few seconds, thinking about all of the sexy, blissful ideas he wants to tell you and then... for some reason... he turns his head to the side of his bed... her side of the bed... all of the sound goes quiet, the room starts to go blurry, everything starts to shake, and then...
It all goes dark.
He no longer feels like he is in his bedroom, its just him... and Lilith... looking at him with her bright smile, before the smile fades, and she turns to walk away into the darkness. Then it's Charlie... happily giggling on his lap, small, clapping at his stories, before Lilith picks her up off his lap and walks out of the room with her. It's his old workshop in heaven full of his wonderful dreams and creations, now a dark red room full of endless piles of ducks. It's giving the apple to Eve, then standing in an arena of the Heavenly Council, and then the deep long fall into hell, watching his hands pale hands turn to claws, watching the white feathers of his transform to turn a deep crimson, his halo shatter into space and long red horns grow in its place on his head before he crashes to the surface of a newly created Hell.
What does he desire? What does he TRULY DESIRE?! He wants back everything he has ever lost! He wants to know why everyone has cast him away and abandon him. He wants to know why everyone had to think his dreams were so fucking dangerous. He wants to remember what it was like to not hate himself so much!
Lucifer pulled at his hair and screamed into the void of his mind as he fell to his knees and cried.
From your perspective, you ask your question, Lucifer's eyes go from full of life and lust to empty, his head tips to the side, and they start to fill with panic as he start to hyperventilate.
You drop your current persona and start to assess the situation. You quickly move off of Lucifer and go to his side instead.
"Lucifer?" No response. "Lucifer? Talk to me, what do you need?"
Something in your voice makes Lucifer snap back from his dissociative nightmare land, but he continues to hyperventilate.
'Fuck! Think! Didn't you learn something about this on earth? '
You think for a minute, shaking your hands as you look around the room, at him, trying to think. You softly take his hand and start gently rubbing the back of it with your thumb. Lucifer snaps to look at you, so quickly, it almost startles you.
"Hey," you say with the calmest and warmest smile you can muster, "I'm here, you are ok. You are safe here with me." Lucifer continues to look at you with panic in his eyes, but with recognition there too.
"I'm a friend, you are at your house, in your bed... in... hell. Uhh... you are in the Pride ring... Nothing is going to hurt you here, you are safe," you continue to say as you continue to rub the back of his had. If you had said half of that sentence back on Earth, it would have probably made things worse, but here... hopefully it would be more grounding.
Slowly, Lucifer breathing slows its pace and he looks around the room more. You look around the room and see a cup on a nearby table.
After waiting a few more minute, you ask, "Do you want any water?" Lucifer thinks for a briefly about your question, and nods his head.
You squeeze his hand and say "I will be right back." You set down his hand, go to grab the cup, and run to the bathroom to fill it with water. You come back to Lucifer's side and give him the cup, Lucifer slowly starts to drink some water as his breathing continues to slow down to a normal rate.
After a few more minutes, he shakes his head.
"Hey," he says in a defeated tone.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" you say in a gentle voice, giving him your full and concerned attention.
He sighs, "Not great..." He was so scared, sad, angry, disappointed, full of guilt, shame.
You tip your head down in shame, "I... I'm so sorry." Lucifer looks over at you with a confused look. "I was reckless and I hurt you. Can you ever forgive me, your Highness?" Now it was you that was starting to shake a little.
Lucifer sighs, the guilt coming to the front the most out of all his current emotions. How could he explain to you just how wrong you were? But he could understand why you would think that. In his current state, he could only partly process how differently you now tended to him, how you looked at him. Almost like, you cared? That you were worried about him?
He gently put a hand on your head "Please, Lucifer is still fine, and this was not your fault, it.... it's complicated. I... thought I was ready for something like this, I was hoping I was. A small baby-step to moving forward, but no..." Lucifer tightened his left hand. "I'm not"
You looked up and his tightened hand, and for to first time noticed the gold band on his ring finger. This was not the anger and sadness of a happily married man, or even an unhappily married man, this was something... much more complicated.
You sat with Lucifer in mournful silence for what felt little forever, but it was probably not more than a few minutes.
Eventually, Lucifer sighed and broke the silence, "You should go..."
You looked up at Lucifer, whose head still hung in shame, his hand gripped tightly.
"Are you sure?" you ask softly.
Lucifer shrugged, "I'm not going to be much fun now, I don't think I'm cut out for this. Not yet anyway. Its me not you, trust me. You were amazing... it was fun while it lasted" He looked up at you with a weak smile, "You should try to enjoy the rest of your night while you can. No use letting and old sod like ruin your night."
You look down at your dress and shoes still on the floor, you sigh, pick up your dress and put it back on. You pick up your shoes and start to head to the door. You put your hand on the doorknob, prepared to open it, wish the King goodbye, and walk away... but you don't. You stand there for a second.. thinking.
Lucifer noticed you pause, and looks up at you. You turn back to meet his gaze, his face decorated in a look of half confusion, half sadness.
"May I offer one last thought?" you ask with calm confidence.
Lucifer tips his head in curiosity, "What is it?"
You take a couple step back towards him, "I wonder... I think... you had the right idea with searching for intimacy, connection, but maybe we started in the wrong direction."
Lucifer cocks an eyebrow, giving you a puzzled look, "I'm... not sure I follow."
You search again for the right words, "I mean like... uhhh... well... ok, when was the last time you just got a hug, not like a quick one, like one that made you feel cared about?"
Lucifer's body stiffened, then looked down and curled his legs close to his body, "It... its been... a long time."
You smile, and take another step towards Lucifer, and you open up your arms to him with a soft smile.
Lucifer looked up at you and perked up for a minute. Was she serious? Why did she continue to try? Why didn't she leave him to his own misery? She didn't need to care about his feelings right now... and yet... she did.
Lucifer slowly started to slide out of his bed, shirt still most of the way unbuttoned, hair all a mess, and started to walk over to you. When there was only a few feet left between the two of you, Lucifer paused, and then practically ran the rest of the way into your arms and wrapped himself around your waist, as you return the embrace.
You stand there, hugging him for a minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and after the first few minutes, you feel Lucifer start to shake in your arms as he started to cry. Lucifer tightened his embrace around you the harder he cried, burying his face in your shoulder. At one point he tries to wail out an apology, but you just shush him and let him continue to cry as you rubbed his back.
After about a half hour of him crying in your embrace, you ask him if he wants to continue standing there or if he wants to sit down. In response, Lucifer releases his arms from you waist and reaches up to wrap his arms around you neck instead. You adjust and decide to just go for it and pick him up, carrying him over to his bed. You sit in his bed with him hugging you around your neck as you hold him in your lap.
Lucifer could not stop the tears that flowed from his face, he didn't remember the last time he had cried this much, cried this hard. And for some reason, in your arms, he didn't care. The tears felt good. Liberating.
You don't know how much time passes, but slowly his crying starts to get quieter and quieter, turning to sniffles, until you realize that the King of Hell had just fallen asleep in your arms.
You carefully move to get up at set him down in his bed without waking him up, and you tuck him into his bed. Before you leave the room, you quickly find a piece of paper and pen, and write out a quick note. You leave the note on his side table before grabbing your shoes, turning off the light, and giving him one last look before closing the door.
You make your way back down the long manor hallway, back to where the driver said he would be, and you let him know your visit was over. You grab your coat, put on your shoes, took one last look at the beautiful inside of the manor, and walked out to the car with the driver.
Who knows if you would be back here again, but it sure was interesting while it lasted.
Chapter 3 is in the works! Let me know if you want added to a tag list <3
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