#chapter two baby!
spend your nights awake - Chapter Two
Damn, Vio, Blue smirked, amused. Didn’t know you had it in you. Becoming more like me, are you?
Shut up, Blue, Green sighed. I told Vio to be more sensitive, but noooo he had to just lay out the facts like nobody cares.
I don’t think Wild’s okay, Red mentioned, worried. Does he look okay?
Wild was not okay. He was most certainly not okay.
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sleepysnailart · 2 years
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Some assorted sketches from my Catradora field hockey au ‼️ALSO Chapter Two of said au, “Heartbreak & Hockey Sticks” is out now on AO3!! It’s here! Hope y’all enjoy!! ✨
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writing-forever · 2 years
Chapter two!
chapter 1 (link) chapter 3 (link)
tw: bullying, dehumanization.
I got cyberbullied in real life
Candy slammed the door to the restroom, making sure it was locked before slumping to the ground and pulling at her hair. Why did she have to go to this school of all schools? None of the kids were behaved and they all hated her because she was. They were always trying to get rid of her.
Their latest attempt involved glue, flour, and stickers. All smeared into her hair. 
She got her brush out attempting to fix her hair. She couldn’t even pull it halfway through before it got stuck. She forcefully pulled it out before walking over to the sink and dousing it in water. She once again tried to pull it through her hair this time starting at the bottom and working her way up. It worked a little bit and she decided that this was probably the best idea she was gonna come up with.
She worked through her hair for almost a whole period, making sure all the stickers were out as well as most of the glue and flour. She brushed through her hair one more time before deciding that it was as clean as it was gonna get. She could take a shower when she got home anyway. 
She put her brush away just as the bell rang, the metal screech making her ears ring. She picked up her stuff rushing out of the bathroom to get to her last period, biology.
She liked biology the most, but not because it was any better than her other classes. No the only reason she liked it was because it was the last class of the day. biology meant that her hours of existing in this hellscape were almost over. It meant she could go home and rest. It meant she could eat her mom's enchiladas. And today it meant she could go take a shower. 
So she trudged over to class, being careful to avoid as many people as possible, she didn’t want a repeat of what just happened. She took her seat silently when she arrived, determined to not be noticed. She watched as the other students came in. They all had their little pairs or groups that they could play around with. But she wasn't bitter, no sir-ee! Who would want to be friends with anyone in this school anyway? Certainly not Candy. 
She was still people-watching when the late bell (which nobody listened to) went off, and the teacher started class. 
“Today we are gonna have lots of fun!” he said in an overly happy high-pitched voice, like he was a clown at a 6-year-old’s birthday party. “So I suggest you call all the kids who are skipping and tell them to get in here 'cause they won't want to miss this!" With that, he went into the back room and came out with a cart filled with what looked like mini metal cups. He started passing them out, candy got hers first because she was in the back. it was screwed closed and had a little piece of paper taped to it that said 'fluffy'. He handed it to her almost reverently before turning to the rest of the class and telling them not to open their cups until he said. Then he walked down the aisle giving each kid a cup and repeating the warning, sometimes tacking a threat to the end. Once everyone had a cup he walked to the front of the class. 
“Ok class, today we are going to be doing dissections! Isn't that fun!? The point of this exercise is to rein in any feelings of sympathy while also learning about human anatomy! I expect all of you to excel in this experiment!”
Candy didn't like most of those words, how were they gonna practice sympathy? And human anatomy? We're they gonna dissect a human? What was in the metal cups? She felt sick already. She tried not to show it. Most of the students were excited so she figured that was the ‘right’ response. She plastered on an excited smile as the teacher kept talking, she didn't like this one bit.
 Finally, he told the class that they could open the cups most kids opened them with reckless abandon but Candy wasn't paying attention to them. She picked up her cup carefully, turning the lid slowly, terrified of what was gonna be inthere, preparing herself mentally. But even with all her preparation she still audibly gasped when she saw what was in the cup. It was worse than she thought. She had to dissect a borrower?!!?
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reddje · 2 months
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dandyleyen · 3 months
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Twitter post | Fellas, is it gay to hold hands in the bath and share your mana ?
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flowerandblood · 2 months
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Some of the court discussed with amusement the fact that the King's second son and Princess Rheanyra's daughter had taken his wish very much to heart; after their betrothal was announced, they visited each other in their chambers and spent time as if they had long since stood before the Septon.
The young Prince treated his role as future husband with the utmost seriousness and surrounded his future wife with special care and attention. His niece appeared wherever he was – her joyful, lively, warm laughter could be heard from the other end of the Red Keep.
It was said that although the gods had deprived him of the dragon of his own, in blessing they had sent him his little lady, whom he easily bestowed his affection on. Even the gossip about who her father was, though the subject of great discussion and ridicule at court, could not obscure from him the smile of her rosy lips, the caring look of her bright eyes, the touch of her soft hand. It seemed that Prince Aemond was doomed to love and adore her, and she accepted his hidden weakness towards herself with gratitude and contentment, allowing him to easily fill her whole heart.
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cairafea · 11 months
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houseki no kuni brainrot doodles. ichikawa please release the new chapter soon the hnk countdown twitter account is gonna run out of pages to attach to each tweet
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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Din and Grogu making their choice
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 5 months
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I love Luna
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arikihalloween · 6 days
I don't remember if I posted it here but a while ago I made a whole ass page about my ocs and I've been thinking about it again
I still love doing wh content but I see everyone kinda moving on and I do wish I could talk about my ocs again so
Imma show the oc pages I made, they have their names included and hopefully some of those will get people curious enough to ask about it so I can ramble away 👉👈
Fandom ocs
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Fandom included : Wakfu, Wings of Fire, Warrior cats, Undertale, Dabloons, Pokemon, Beastars, MLP, TADC, Welcome Home, Terraliums
( I'm not active in all of those, and it's not all my fandom ocs either ( I have like double of that) )
And here's a page with my Pause Garden ocs
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(not all are on there, there's way more characters in the story)
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samberrybay · 11 months
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walking in darkness - chapter two
Legend stared into the darkness, unsettled. He couldn’t put a name to the feeling, but there was just something about the land around him that created a creepy atmosphere, making him shudder. It didn’t help that the air in here was at a perfectly normal temperature, when it was supposed to be cold.
It also didn’t help that the two dumbasses that he was supposed to be watching over - apparently by some event that he wasn’t present for - kept trying to sneak away and get lost, increasing his anxiety threefold. (He doesn’t have anxiety, he tells himself. He’s fine.)
(He knows he’s lying.)
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 753: Bird's eye-view
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Pag 18
5: That day, three people climbed on the Minegayama
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Pag 19
1: The first one to arrive, surpassing by 10 seconds the course record made three years before on that same mountain by Makishima Yuusuke
2: was the man wearing the blue jersey
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Pag 20
3: 12 seconds after him, was the man wearing the yellow jersey
4: And then, 48 seconds after, appeared the figure of the mean riding a mountain bike
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Pag 21
1: One week after this
2: Those three people will move the stage to Kyuushu
3: and fight again
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Pag 22
1: For Onoda Sakamichi is the start of his last summer Inter High
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kpforpresident · 7 months
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a precursor to this
I tried to warn you when you were a child
I told you not to get lost in the wild
I sent omens and all kinds of signs
I taught you melodies, poems, and rhymes
Oh, you fool, there are rules, I am coming for you
(You can run but you can't escape)
Darkness brings evil things, oh, the reckoning begins
(You will open the yawning grave)
The Yawning Grave - Lord Huron
Clarke’s smile had nearly split her rosy cheeks as she twisted one jolival finger in the air, the same cape spinning merrily in front of Lexa’s disbeliving eyes as it made a neat rotation within the air before landing obediently in Lexa’s lap. 
“I- Clarke this is….”
“Beautiful? Perfect? Incredibly fitting for a promising young witch of newly sixteen?” Clarke had piped up from her seat in the hay-covered loft, having accosted Lexa with a rousing chorus of both “Happy Birthday” as well as a verifiable mountain of sloppily levitated presents upon her entry into the barn. 
“Well, yes. All of those things. Bit it’s also too much. I got you a witchlight for your birthday. This must have cost…” Lexa trails off as she runs an admiring finger down a glistening green seam. The cloak shimmers in response, the trace amounts of magic that were woven into the very cloth reacting to the same power that sung through Lexa’s being. 
Clarke’s smile dims slightly upon seeing the defeated slouch in Lexa’s shoulders. Standing fluidly and brushing trace amounts of hay off of her matching dark blue cloak, she floats gracefully to land, catlike, in front of Lexa. 
They both pretend not to notice how Lexa holds her breath when Clarke reaches forward to gently brush an auburn curl from Lexa’s cheek. 
“I wanted to, Lex. It practically followed me home, you know how these capes are. Besides, I’ve been helping out so much at my mum’s apothecary, I had the extra gold. And, every witch deserves a cape for her sixteenth birthday, it’s witching law. Or so says nan.” 
They exchange a mutual hidden smile at the mention of Clarke’s grandmother, a wonderful woman with twinkling blue eyes who just so happened to produce the meanest Amnesia spell of this side of the Atlantic. Rumor had it Clarke had also inherited her spell casting ability, a skill that Lexa was keen to not try out any time soon. 
“Well…” Lexa draws out the word heistently as she stoops just enough to let Clarke, mouth twitching to hide a gleeful smile, gently tie the velvety strands around Lexa’s slim shoulders. “If nana says so, who am I to argue with the head of the Griffin Coven?” 
Clarke’s fingers linger briefly at the base of Lexa’s neck, pointer finger resting oh so gently on her pulse, which flutters like a trapped hummingbird under the attention. 
“Preciscely, Woods.” 
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heavenlyclownage · 2 years
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I wanted to try out this as my first post based on this thing I saw because im a simple brain --
Bonus image underneath:
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thunderandsage · 6 months
(tldr: op’s rambling and unhinged thoughts on Amok Time)
“I will do what I must, T'Pau, but not with him. His blood does not burn. He is my friend.”
as much as we all love a good fuck-or-die spin on pon farr, there’s something about the original episode—and this line in particular—that hits a different way (for context, this line is after kirk becomes t’pring’s challenger but before he learns the fight is to the death)
like—what if you loved someone so much you would surface from your madness, if just for a moment, to plead for your friend to be spared? what if you loved someone so much you would beg an exception from traditions passed down from the beginning of time so they wouldn’t be harmed?
while the framing of this episode is the classic “fuck or die,” the main heart of the conflict ends up being more akin to “kill or die” when spock’s condition, originally only dangerous for himself, puts kirk in mortal danger as well and the plot becomes “how do they both get out of this alive and unharmed?”
and there’s something powerful in that sentiment, in fighting to save someone despite all the trappings of biology and tradition, that makes this a romantic moment more so than the other aspects of the episode, because if you look at it objectively, pon farr is awful, with both your consent and bodily autonomy taken away from you (eventually, there’s the third path with kirk’s fake-out-death that resolves the conflict, but the issues of this situation still remain)
so for me, as someone sliding vaguely around the scale but usually somewhere around gray-ace, it’s the depth and strength of caring in this quote that really stuck with me after the episode—it’s love, it’s obviously and undeniably love, but it fights against the trappings of the situation, and that’s something that you don’t often see outside the episode
(don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of fics that chose this theme that are well-written and enjoyable, but there can be this amatonormativite idea that sex and/or romantic connection are the only possible solutions when love exists in infinite forms, none of which are higher of lesser for their nature. for example—the original episode, due to the era in which it was written and the showrunners not intentionally writing spirk as romantic, comes off now as more of an asexual/qpr situation, but in my ideal hypothetical universe with explicit romance between the two, the resolution between the two could still be the same as in the original for reasons stated above)
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