#chard answers
wonder-worker · 7 months
so you think Richard III killed them?
If by "them" you mean the Princes in the Tower, then yes, I do think Richard III killed them. It's simply the most logical and inevitable conclusion.
For one, Richard III was the only person with the means, motive and opportunity to do so at the time. This on its own should be more than enough to prove his guilt, but for some reason people refuse to accept it.
Richard also had historical precedents: no deposed king had ever survived their deposition, and Edward V, despite being called a 'Prince in the Tower', had been a King from the moment his father died. Both Richard's nephews could never had been anything other than a direct threat to his rule for as long as they were alive, and Richard himself knew that quite well, considering how he kept them imprisoned in the Tower (ie: in his own custody) even after he had already usurped them rather than let them return to their mother and sisters. (Of course, while there may have been precedents of former regicides, Richard deposing his own preteen nephews who were under his protection was infinitely more offensive - both morally and politically - than anything any former usurper had done, and was regarded as such during the time)
Furthermore, while they were understandably confused about specific details, contemporaries and post contemporaries were unanimous in their belief that the Princes had been murdered and that Richard III was responsible. From Casper Weinrich to Robert Ricart to Dominic Mancini to George Cely to Jan Allertz to the Chancellor of France, we have multiple accounts during Richard III's own kingship that speak of the suspiciously convenient "disappearances" of the Princes and regarded their uncle as their "assassin". To quote Weinrich, one of the sources I mentioned above: "Richard, the King's brother, has put himself in power and crowned in England and he had his brother's children killed."
I think David Horspool, Richard's own historian, says it best:
“None of the written evidence that has been uncovered to this day ‘proves’ that the princes died [in 1483], or that Richard ordered their deaths. But nothing exists to contradict the very strong likelihood that this is what happened. For those who see their task as exonerating or condemning Richard there is enough ammunition for either argument. To historians used to dealing with shades of grey, the evidence has, time and again, pointed overwhelmingly at the princes’ death before the end of 1483, and to Richard’s guilt."
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jellybracelet · 4 months
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Pairing: Modern!Surgeon!Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warning: hospital, injuries, Jace and Aemonds rivalry, fluff
Summary: To everyone's relief you wake up.
Part 2/9
Series Masterlist
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You woke up the next morning in an unknown room. You wanted to sit up but a nurse stopped you. “No, sweety. You are going to tear your stiches. Here have a cuppa water.” She held out a paper cup of water to me. I took it and emptied in one go. She cooed at me. “Poor you.”
A doctor came in. He had long, platin blonde hair. His jaw was sharp. His blue irises looked lilac in this light. His thin lips pulled in a soft smirk. “Welcome to the waking world.” He walked closer, taking the chard from the end of the hospital bed. “How are you feeling?”
You scoff out a chuckle, “Like I have rolled down a mountain and then hit a truck.” Aemond smirked at your description and wrote something down. “Understandable. You fell off your bike and rolled down a cliff before crashing into a tree. I call that very lucky.”
He walked over to the side of the bed. “I want to personally inspect your stitching. One of my students made it and I want to give her feedback.” You nod before pulling up your hospital shirt. Carefully Aemond pulled the bandage away and looked at the stich. He nodded before he redressed the wound.
“You gonna give your student a hard time?” Aemond chuckled. “Maybe. I like to push them a little to become better. But she doesn’t need to. This is perfect. I t my even scar minimally.” You nod. “Can you tell her thank you from me?” Aemond nodded, he wrote further notes down before he stood in front of your bed. “Well, the next step after the stitching healed will be you learning to walk on crutches before rehab. In about a week you will be out of here but still on bedrest.” You nod slowly.
Aemond nods before he walks out. What an odd character!
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Baela comes rushing in. Tears fall from her eyes and run down her cheeks. “Oh by the gods, you are alive!” She gingerly hugged you before sitting down and taking your hand. “I was so scared. When Luke called he found you. I thought you-“ A sob cursed through her body. Jace hugged her shoulders to reassure her. You squeezed her hand with a lot of pressure.
“Luke and I shouldn’t have taken you mountain biking. We did it since we were little kids. You drive with your bike in the city to go from point A to point B and you only drove a baby parkour once. I am sorry I pushed you to come with us.”
Before you could answer Jace, a scoff came from the door. “Of course, you did it again.” Jace turned to the voice and glared. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jace became defensive which made his girlfriend rigid. “Jace, not in the hospital!” Jace didn’t listen. “What do you mean, doctor.” He hissed out Aemond’s title with a lot of venoms. Aemond smirked with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Well, I don’t know if you have become blind. But I have a protistic eye because of a similar accident like this. And you also were greatly involved.”
Jace’s face was red. Before he could do anything a nurse entered. She asked for a minute of Aemond’s time. They stepped out and spoke softly over a chart. The nurse nodded before rushing off. Aemond re-entered the room. “If you excuse me. I need to see the stitching of my patient.”
He walked over to your side and took another look at your stomach before redressing it. You saw his good eye move around. You were caught staring at him. He smirked before standing to his full height again. “Anything not feeling normal?” I shook my head, “Everything feels for the circumstances well. Thanks, doc!” Aemond nodded. “I have to go. I have another surgery in an hour.” He nodded at Baela and walked out of the room. Jace scoffed, “Asshole.” Baela hit him, “You are no better!”
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disabled-dragoon · 21 days
Gardening with A Disability
Everyone answering my gardening questions has been so helpful and kind. It's made me feel a lot better than when I started the week, but I've reached a point where I'm getting quite a bit of advice thrown at me all at once and it's getting difficult to keep track of it all, so I'm going to note it all down here!
Recommended Plants:
Mint, Tomatoes (Regular, Cherry), Cucumber, Radishes, Strawberries, Peppers. Aubergines, Potatoes, Squash, Lettuces, Chard (Swiss), Beets, Spring Onions, Garlic, French Beans (Specifically Dwarf French), Carrots, Kale, Spinach, Onion, Celery, Bush Beans, Blueberries, Bok Choy, Zucchini, Edible Flowers, Sunflowers, Green Beans, Currants, Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage
Fabric Pots
Raised Beds* I was pointed towards Vego garden beds as a starting point. They are quite expensive but I think it's still worth a look to see what you might consider with raised beds.
Gallon Buckets
Grow bags in inflatable kiddie pools with a few holes drilled inches from the bottom
Bottomless Pots
Grow Tents and Greenhouses
Nursery Plants
Vertical Grow Towers* Was helpfully linked to this site.
Soil and hay bales
Soaker hoses on the topsoil of small raised beds
Grow bags in bins or on low tables, in 1-2 inches of water
Using a grabber to weed
Long handled tools
Things to Note:
Someone recommended if growing potatoes not to do them in pots as you generally have to lift the pot and tip it over to harvest them.
You can specifically get "container-sized" varieties of plants.
If looking into growing squash and cucumber in pots, look for "bush" varieties, or get "short and wide" trellises for the vines so they're not on the floor.
Big pots for aubergines.
Vertical grow towers are useful because they spin and you can adjust the height, but the price is a bit expensive.
Peppers and aubergines do well in 4-5 gallon buckets.
Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes do well in 5 gallon buckets. You can grow blueberries in 5 gallons as well if they are of a "bush" variety
Bush beans do well in window boxes.
You can grow beets in window boxes but they might not get as big.
Strawberries grow well in 1-2 gallon buckets, and can be rooted into other buckets for more plants.
Bok Choy grows great in 2-3 gallon buckets and a "slightly shady" spot.
Containers need more consistent watering and fertilizer than ground plants.
"Lettuce in a “cut and come again” variety should be pretty easy to maintain but do prefer cooler weather".
Apparently immature sunflower heads are edible.
Thyme, rosemary, oregano and sage don't need much watering. Neither does lavender if outside.
Get a bag of soil specifically for container growing.
Buy already established plants and put them in containers larger than maybe necessary.
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brandogenius · 3 months
reader who loves cooking and baking for her family/friends and especially when lucy is working on recording she’ll have new recipes and stuff for her when she comes home, maybe lucy tries to make a surprise dinner for reader one night in return and it goes horribly wrong but its the thought that counts!! (they end up getting takeaway 😭)
BLURB - lucy x reader - surprise dinner
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- i feel like reader works at a bakery!! family owned! like their parents own it. anyway it means reader has recipes upon recipes gifted down to them from their grandmother and stuff they’ve made themselves
- lucy coming home from the studios / out and about to you baking and cooking. arms wrapping around your waist like “what you making baby?” and listens to you babble away, talking about your latest recipe you found from an online blog
- you always cooking dinner for yourself and lucy, homemade meals, small tupperware boxes of leftovers for lucy when she’s going to work early in the morning for an early slot at the studio. she appreciates it all
- maybe you were out of town for a bit. say a week- a LONG week for the both of you. you were out of town with your family to visit your cousins and lucy took this week to try and learn some of your recipes to surprise you when you came home tonight
- you didn’t need lucy to collect you from the airport, your parents driving you back home so lucy took the opportunity to try (keyword) surprise you with a homemade dinner of your favourite food.
- like i said keyword. measuring the wrong measurements, setting the food on fire, the fire alarm going off in your home. you walked in the door to lucy flying around the kitchen, towel hitting the fire alarm on the wall as strings of swear words spill from her mouth
- you’re kinda in shock like huh? is everything ok. the smell of burnt to a chard food filled your nose and it wasn’t really a nice smell but lucy stands at the hallway from the kitchen like heyyyyyyy sheepishly.
- you’re demanding an answer and she’s like “ :( i just wanted to surprise you.. :(“ and you’re dropping your bags like “oh baby did you do this for me?” hugging her and then turning to look at the kitchen. pots and panda everywhere, smoke still coming out of the oven, some food you don’t even know what it is-
- lucy going like “i wanted to try and follow one of your recipes but i think i fucked up” and you’re like “don’t worry about this. why don’t we.. throw away these and clean up later. we can order some pizza”
- lucy grateful you’re not mad that she’s potentially ruined some of your kitchen utensils but you’re just glad she’s ok and didn’t burn herself or see the house on fire (even if she did almost you didn’t care. as long as she was ok)
- because you can get another pair of utensils but there’s only one lucy. both of you settling down for the night, forgetting about the mess in the kitchen- it will be cleaned up tomorrow. tonight is for telling stories of what happened while you were gone and how lucy got on in the studio, both of you cuddled up in the couch with blankets wrapped around the two of you
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howuart · 1 year
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Euphrasia stared almost in horror at the piece of parchment in her hands, she'd never seen one like it before.
It looked normal from the top but as soon as you took it out you could see how the end of the scroll was burned off, chard with some sort of green flames it seemed.
Euphrasia couldn't make sense of it, how could this be? what did this mean? Was someone's destiny abruptly cut off? How cruel would that have been, to lose something before you'd ever gotten the chance to live it, or at least see it. It was cruel.
Turning the scroll over in her hands, she'd come here looking for answers not misery and more questions.
Well there'd be only one way to get answers, she have to read the scroll of the previous elemental master of Wind, maybe this would provide answer to why they'd chosen her.
So taking a deep breath Euphrasia opened the scroll.
"What?!" she couldn't help but yell, quickly glancing around to see if anyone had seen her, breathing she slumps down against the shelf of scrolls pulling her knees closer.
It was useless, the writing on this scroll was unintelligible, it looked as if the ink itself was burned into just smudges.
Euphrasia could feel hot tears threatening to build up behind her eyes, furiously whipping them away she goes to scan the scroll again see if there was anything, anything even just a word or phrase anything to help her understand.
Finally after what felt like hours her head ached from trying to make sense of any of the smolder marks she found one thing, at the top of the scroll, their name.
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cretaceousquake · 9 months
One shot-
Eye of the hurricane - platonic!Lady Lesso x Reader
Summary: you get a bad grade and act severely out If character, Lesso decides to help out
You had always been a quiet kid. The kid who got straight As without trying, and never said a word to anyone in class. Your classmates would talk behind your back about anything, including your ‘allegedly’ violent history. No one really believed the stories of you leveling houses and scorching the earth because you were always so soft spoken and quiet. There was that word again, it attached to you, followed you everywhere you went, but who were you to get rid of it when it was so truthful you supposed. Your mother had angrily told you many a time to be more outgoing for connections and such. You always followed her orders in fear of her punishments but this was one you couldn’t follow through on. 
There you sat in that moment, at the back of the class waiting for the A on the test that was getting passed back out today. It was a minor test for a unit in transfiguration but you had been having trouble getting the material lately, making you very nervous to see the grade on the test. The professor throws the test on your desk with a sigh, pointing to the grade at the top right of the page. In bright red marker, as if to mock you, sat a C. “ This was disappointing to see L/n, I expected better from you.” The professor says, turning away with a look of disappointment on their face. 
You could feel the tears well up in your eyes as you stared at the paper. You had always gotten everything with no trouble, how had you fallen off with this class? You sniff and attempt to push your tears down until you could get out of class. As soon as the bell rang you burst out of the door and full-sprinted down the halls to your dorm to hide your shame. No one had ever seen you panic in any capacity so the gossip for your next class was high. Unfortunately, your next class just so happened to be with Lady Lesso. 
She was always fond of you. You were very smart, strong, and quiet, everything most nevers weren't. She appreciated that you held so much power but only chose to cause evers mischief and never your own school. She knew of your power, of the large claws and fangs that jutted out when you were upset and the damage pyrokinesis could cause. She was the only person in the entire school to know for curtain what you were… A hellhound. So as she listened to the gossip and heard your name get tossed around, she felt panic rise in her stomach. She gained the students attention with a smack of her cain on the table, maintaining her intimidating image by glaring at all of the nevers. “Where is L/n?” she questions, only getting pointing fingers and head turns from the teens. 
Eventually one boy gets brave and answers “ We saw her running to her dorm after her last class.” That is what gets Lesso’s attention. You never skipped classes. She decided that checking on you was more important to her than class time, telling the nevers in her room that they could leave. They wasted no time getting out the door, in fear of what Lesso would do if they didn’t. She, on the other hand, marched down the halls to your dorm, following the scorch marks and ash you left behind in your stride until she reached a very chard door. 
Your door was littered with large claw marks and singed wood, making the crashing and screaming from the inside all the more ominous. She knocked on the door and the crashing stopped, allowing her to hear the hostile growl of ‘Go away’ that came from inside. She ignored you, only giving an equally loud ‘That is not how you talk to me’. She could hear more loud crashing and cursing. Lesso decides that enough is enough and uses her skull key to the school and unlocks your door.
What she sees in the room is like a bucket of ice water was just dumped over her head. You stood in the middle of the room, claws and fangs bared and eyes a piercing red, thrashing and destructively slashing at everything like a tornado of devastation. Lesso has never seen you like this, you were always so mild mannered and soft spoken. She approaches, you seemingly haven't noticed the redhead in your area and only stop when you feel a hand on your shoulder.  You turn to her, not really registering who is actually in front of you and pushing their hand off of you with a growl. Lesso sees you aren’t truly aware of what you are doing or who she is, so she speaks in the tone she only takes with you. “ L/n, what has you in such a fit?” she asks. 
You turn to look at her once more, slowly registering who is in your space. You whine as you remember you had been so rude to her while she was standing outside the door. You back away with a distraught look on your face, tripping over the rubble of your belongings and curling up into yourself on the ground. Lesso sees that you have not really been in full control of yourself, a rare occurrence you have told her. “ I am so sorry Lady Lesso, I-I don’t really know what came over me. I just remember getting a C and having to get back here as soon as possible…. I lost control! I didn’t do anything to anyone did I!?” Your words flew out of your mouth in a panic. Lesso approached slowly, sitting next to you and pulling you up to look at her by cupping your face with both hands.
“You're fine Y/n, you didn’t hurt anyone. However, I need you to tell me what sent you into this so you don’t have the chance to do so in the future.” She found your concern very strange but sweet nonetheless. Very ever-like, but she could let it slide just for you. You explain everything to her, on the verge of tears as you look down at the carnage of your rage. Everything was in shambles, and that could have been a person if you didn’t lock yourself in this room. You let yourself fall into the older woman, burying your face in her neck. She is hesitant to console you at first, this being a very foreign action to her, but eventually she wrapped her arms around you and pulled your body to hers. “Shhh shhh, little demon, you did well and managed to contain yourself.”
Your concern shifts to a different problem with a small gasp and a realization. Your mother is going to kill you for that C. She was always so happy to brag about how intelligent you were, but behind closed doors, the story of your bad grades involved a belt and some very harsh words that made for some hellish nights. You pull away from Lesso in a panic, alerting the older woman that something is still wrong. “ My mother- my mother is going to end me when she sees that C!” You had told Lesso stories of your mother before, about the things she had said and done to you, but this panic made the woman very concerned. What would your mother do? 
“ I will not let her lay a hand on you, little hound. I can tutor you in transfiguration so this never happens again, but you and I are also going to have to work on that temper of yours.” She states, the last bit was very playful and kind but the first bit contained an air of determination that you had never seen.
“Thank you Lady Lesso, but you need not trouble yourself. I have dealt with my mother myself all my life, what is another C?” you say solemnly, looking down at the ruin below you. You don’t want to be a burden. You feel Lesso grab your chin with her fingers and lift your gaze back to her eyes. “ And you will never have to deal with her alone again, little hound, I want to protect you.” She said this with conviction so she could cast out any doubt in your mind that she was doing this for any other reason other than because she cares about you. And you believed her.
A/n(I take requests if anyone wants something writen)
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mynameisquoi · 3 months
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last time with the chard family:
a whirlwind romance and marriage with a mysterious wealthy bachelor-- it was the stuff of cheesy romance novels and now nora's new life. kane was a peculiar man who raised more questions than he answered. still, love is love and money is money-- nora was fine with looking past certain oddities, such as kane's suspiciously erratic and absent extended family. having her brother jack move in as a live-in butler also helped ease some nerves about her new husband. not that she was uncomfortable living alone with him! that wasn't it at all...
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Demon Bride Ch46 Bothersome Brothers
(Warnings!!: Douma, Karaku, and Enmu ARE their own warnings. Possibly some innuendos.  Mentioning of blood and death and murder. Karaku gets kicked in a not so pleasant place. Akaza harshly grabbing Sekido.
Its time for something that everyone has been looking forward to. The start of the Hantengu Bros Arc. Hope you all are ready for it.)
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The forest was a dangerous place for humans.. They shouldn't be allowed in and they were supposed to stay OUT. That's how it's always been for thousands of years since the beginning of both races. 
Demons. Humans. 
They were so different and could never mix with one Another. That's what most demons would tell you and what they would say. However he possibly has a much different opinion on that which was... complicated. The chard piece of wood was examined carefully between the two fingers. Lightning struck this wood. Powerful energy surged through the course tree it had come from. 
"Sensai." He sensed the presence behind him before he the black mass even bowed lowly to him. "You wanted to see me?"
The small piece of wood turned between the palm and hand. If he hadn't known of the lightning destruction he would've assumed a fire had burnt it black as ash.
"I-...What?" He didn't dare look up from the ground.
"You have gotten....stronger. I am...pleased with your improvements."  The head turned slightly in response to the kneeling figure. "But you lack ... discipline and patience. You caused...a mess along with...others. For that....you were punished....Are you understanding what I am saying?"
The kneeled figure instantly nodded. "Yes, Sensai. Clear as a mirror."
"Good. The repairs are.... nearly finished here...You are to stay here and finish...the last remnants of repairs...and then get back to your border position....The Sons Hantengu are released from...their punishment for now. They are free to leave."
"And my Blood Battle with Enmu?" The figure finally dared to look up. Blue eyes narrowing. "I challenged him fairly. I have the right to fight him after that challenge!"
"Impatience is why you shall wait." He flinched at the blunt voice. The blackened piece of wood dropping to the ground. "Your challenge is recognized....and you shall have ..your battle....but only when...I deem it time or until...Lord Muzan returns. This is...a part of your... punishment. Am I clear?"
The head quickly lowered again. "Yes. I'm.... ashamed of my behavior. Forgive me."
"Forgiveness is earnt...not given. You shall do as I say."
"Sensai. I'm in no place to ask you this...but when can I see my fiance again?"
A calm face turned sideways to stare at the back of his head. "......You speak of the human...Does she really mean so much to you?"
"I would die before giving defeat in pursuing her."
"...... Would you fight myself....if I also...pursued...such a woman?"
The head whipped up. Blue eyes shocked and staring at the stone face. "....You mean you-"
"My question, Kaigaku. ....Do not show disrespect and...answer me."
"....Y-Yes. B-B-But I would do so with honor. I won't shame her with anymore shameful actions."
"...That is a acceptable answer." Something blue fell to the ground at the kneeled one's hands shimmering briefly in the moonlight Before hitting the ground in front of him. "Do not trade...your magatamas again...A Kizuki does not part with...things so easily."
....the smooth charms gifted to him were picked off the ground quietly. "Even if they were given away for the benefit of my fiance?"
"....Hm. Debatable...You have your orders...I will be going now after I... relieve the Hantengu Sons."
"Where will you be going next?"
"I have business with Akaza... concerning a problem with humans....Then I will relieve Douma...of his position. Do what I...told you."
"Yes, Sensai."
"You're dismissed."
The forest was indeed a dangerous place. Especially for five troublemakers whom already knew they were all in trouble and even the slightest hint of disobedience would be severely punished without mercy. All five kneeled down in deep bows the moment he materialized in front of them in panic. Their lesson in obedience paid off. 
"The Master has decided to be gracious...and gift you a chance to redeem yourselves....You four will descend into the Infinity Castle....and relieve Upper Moon Six and Lower Moon One...of their duties...and keep watch over the girl." The youngest one flinched as a shadow fell over him. "You are...the one that caused most damage....You will have to earn back your place with ... maturity and patience....It has...come to light you did not... finish your... education..... Therefore you shall return to the school...and finish your final...two years IMMEDIATELY.." The youngest snapped his head back up. "There. Will. Be. No. Arguments.....You can prove your..worth by showing me the results of...your education. ...If I hear about any resistance...You shall permanently be stripped from the Kizuki title. You five.....are dismissed."
The cold and damp makeshift cell wasn't perfect but it would be good enough to hold the prisoner inside it. However the silent figure  looked up as the heavy door swung open slowly creaking and two figures walked inside.
"I was able to catch one in the act and put him in here for temporary confinement. But he hasn't told me anything no matter what kind of... 'persuasion' I use."
"And you are certain...there is more than one?"
"On the same night I caught him there was two deaths in two different areas of the city. That means there is at least two or more other accomplices."
"How much does that....make the death toll now?"
"Twenty seven deaths, three survivors that are in critical condition, and there's nine missing person cases that don't have any explanation  or trace. But all of them are women from the ages sixteen to twenty six years old except for one who was a man protecting his wife and got injured as a result." Golden eyes flashed dangerously at the demon inside the cage. "So including all of them there's been thirty nine victims. All women, one man.''
The demon inside coward away from the fist that slammed into one of the solid steel bars bending it in with a creek. A pair of golden eyes bore into him with hatred. "Disgusting creatures like you that harm such defenseless women make me sick!!"
"Calm yourself, Akaza.....He will be punished in due time...but we need him alive...for now. However there's a more... concerning matter. All of the deceased recovered were drained of blood....and this happened shortly after.....one of the blood supplies was stolen from.... Enmu's train earlier this year."
"You think this is related?"
"Too much human blood will....make a demon addicted beyond control....There is no other .... explanation....Are you sure...this demon is involved?"
"I showed this disgusting pigs face to the few survivors. They all claim him to be the attacker. But the strange thing is that there hasn't been any other happenings for Three weeks since I caught him, but I know there's others because  of the extra attacks that happened the same night."
"....We will proceed with... investigating the matter...Take him to Hairou to be held...I'm sure he will enjoy... getting answers for us...Then return here to accompany me...for this. And Akaza....Do not let your hatred...for Douma...or love for...Y/n make you late. You are...to return here. Do you... understand me?"
Fist clenched in rage and veins popped up along pale skin. ".... Perfectly."
"Then you are dismissed."
Another day passed by in the Kizuki Dwell and you had taken to trying a new tactic to steer Douma away from you. It was a long shot but you figured that you ought to try. Anything to get Douma to leave you alone! You were just thankful Rui wasn't around to witness most of this crazy act. There was a specific reason you asked a servant to give you a mop bucket. Said servant was confused but complied and you filled it up p with water from your bathroom. Now all you had to do was wait like clockwork again. Rui left for school after taking some medicine for a small fever he was running at the time, and you waited. An hour or two went by and you had breakfast delivered to you...And then there was a knock on your door.
"Dearest Y/n! I have news to share with you!" Ah. Right on time. You grabbed the bucket as the door opened. "I just received the most fascinating news from Hairou!" He stuck his smiling face inside. "We going to have-"
He paused smiling wide open as a wave of wet water washed over him. Instantly soaking his whole upper body as well as the floor and some of the wall behind him. "....Some visitors." He blinked and reached a hand up to wipe his face. "Dear, I'm already clean so I don't need a bath right now. Although if you wanted me to freshen up all you had to do was-"
SLAM!! The doo was again slammed shut in his face leaving him a dripping mess in the doorway.
"..... That's not very nice. The least you could've done was offer me A-"  The door quickly opened. A fuzzy dry towel was thrown harshly at his face. Before the door again slammed shut. "...Towel.'' he reached a hand up to pull the towel off his face. "Have I made you that angry?"
"YES!! I told you to leave me alone!," Your voice yelled from the other side of the door. "You keep stalking me and not respecting my boundaries!! You even just walk into my room without permission!! How else am I supposed to get it through your thick head!?"
He blinked. A realization crossing his mind. "Oh?....OOOOOHHH!!" He smiled again dabbing at his face. "I understand now. You're angry I walk in without asking first."
"I DID say you MUST be specific for me to understand, Dear. Clearly you are different from any other human or demon woman I've met." He thought he heard what was a loud facepalm inside. "So I won't come in. We can talk through the door or I can stand in the doorway or we can make plans for a meet up!!"
"OH FOR THE LOVE OF-!!" WAS HE SERIOUS?!...Sigh. You guessed it was a step in the right direction that he won't chase you anymor-...You froze. Eyes popping wide open comically. "Wait a minute." You slowly reached over to grab the door again. The door opened and Douma paused in the middle of wiping his left cheek with a towel but paused as you stared at him wide eyed. "....I have to be super specific with you in order for you to understand what I want?"
He blinked...but smiled widely that you opened your door to him willingly this time. "I did say that. Yes."
You stared at him. You looked him up and down. And squinted your eyes. "But.....You run a haven that's FULL of humans both men and women."
He nodded. "I do! Yes!"
"And you don't have...ANY problems understanding what they want?"
"On the rare occasions I do! But Im very good at fulfilling one's desires to make them happy and find their true eternal paradise.~"
"...What did you think I meant by throwing water on you?"
He continued drying himself off. "I'd assume you were upset with me but you never told me the reason why."
A glass breaking sound went off in your head. NEVER TOLD HIM THE REASON WHY?! YOU TOLD HIM PLENTY OF TIMES AND MADE IT AS CLEAR AS GLASS TO HIM!! YOU TRIED TRICKING HIM, GHOSTING HIM, IGNORING HIM, AND TELLING HIM IN EVERY WAY YOU KNEW!! AND HE STILL DIDN'T UNDERSTAND?! ....You continued to stare at his eyes. They were so....glossy? You didn't know how to describe it. It was as if you were staring into the eyes of a lifeless porcelain doll. The glass eyes were pretty and could look at you but they held... nothing. That's what you saw and felt looking at him... Nothing.
"... Nothing."
Nothing....That WAS it. That's what confused you so much about Douma! There was nothing to understand about him because there WAS nothing. You always got a feeling...An EMOTION from everyone else you saw. Kaigaku was most anger or annoyance. Akaza was stoic and calm but could easily jump in rage when provoked. All the servants had varying emotions. HELL!! EVEN THE SILENT KOKUSHIBO HAD SOME EMOTIONS WHEN YOU LOOKED IN HIS EYES!! Kokushibo have off a mostly calm and serious aura. But...You shivered more just staring at those lifeless eyes. Douma...There was nothing. The ways he reacted to Akaza's assaults flashed back in your mind and just the overall creepy way he responded to it all.
Douma hummed tilting his head in that scary way at you. "Nothing what, Lotus?"
''Uh... Nevermind." You shook your head. "Can I ask you something?"
"Why are you being so persistent towards me?" He tilted his head. Guess he didn't understand again. "Um..Well let me put it this way. If you had a lover and then your lover left you to get engaged to someone else. Would you still pursue her?"
"Oh if the other person was her eternal paradise I would be happy they found each other!," He chirped with a big smile. 
"Is that a yes or no?"
"Would she want me to pursue her?"
"Let's say she doesn't." You grit your fangs in annoyance. "Would that be a YES or NO?!"
"No." OH FINALLY A STRAIGHT ANSWER FROM HIM!! "I would be happy for her!"
"Alright then. If I just wanted to pursue a select few men to pursue me that DOESN'T INCLUDE YOU then HOW is THAT any different?! It doesn't matter if it's multiple people or one person I want to pursue. If I exclude YOU!" You poked his chest making him blink at your hand. "Then it means my 'eternal paradise ' doesn't have YOU in it! Now do you understand?"
He continued staring at your hand quietly then trailed his eyes up your arm to look at your face. Before nodding. "I understand that."
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "Do you?"
"Yes." He smiled straightening up. "You do not want me to be in your presence or pursue you at all."
You blinked taken back surprised..but again looked suspicious. "And do you know what that entails?"
"No more gift giving." You were again surprised that he said that. "You also don't want me coming to your room I see. I understand that now. But I wish you could explain to me one thing I do not understand."
"And what's that?"
"Why do you not want me?" He asked and gestured to himself. "I know perhaps I don't have everyone's personal preference in body types but I am relatively good looking. I take care of myself and I am very strong." He demonstrated by flexing his arms and making his chest flex which you...may or may not have looked at. "I have very good hygiene, I keep myself well cleaned and fed, and I always try to make myself look presentable."
....Your eyes lingered a little on his chest. Holy shit..Those were some big muscles under that tight shirt- You shook your head and looked at him again. "Douma, it has nothing to do with your body. Or your hair color or height or strength or anything like that. Not your appearances either."
He blinked tilting his head. "Then is it perhaps because you don't enjoy the power imbalance in our positions? Or the fact that I happen to possess large amounts of funds?"
"Money and power have nothing to do with it either. If I had a problem with that then I would have a problem with Kokushibo courting me as he's richer and more powerful than you."
"Ah...I should've remembered that. If those aren't it either then is it due to long distance with my haven? Or maybe my personality? I promise you I can be a very giving lover.~"
"Not your distance but your personality is a part of it." That got his attention fast as he focused harder on you. "You mentioned before you can mold your personality to be what the person wants you to be. I don't you to do that for me. I want Douma to just be Douma...and not disrespect my boundaries."
Douma's smile instantly disappeared as again you stared at him with that unreadable face he couldn't process. ...You want Douma to be Douma to be...Douma? Which Douma did you prefer? What kind of Douma did you want? His head leaned to the side blinking widely.
"Douma...Do you understand what I say? At all?"
He did not respond to you at first... before smiling again. "Of course I do! I understand perfectly fine.''
You slowly nodded not believing him. "Good. Then you must understand that I don't want anymore gifts forced on me. I don't want to be lavished or treated like a god or anything. If you insist on interacting then treat me as an equal person....Do you understand me Douma?"
He nodded. "Of course. I will stop. But let me at least ask nicely." He pressed a hand on his chest and bowed until eye level with you. "May I please start courting you now?" You opened your mouth- "I will NOT do anything that has been annoying you previously." He cut you off before you could say anything. "I simply want to try and court you."
"Why? Why would you want to court me anyways even after knowing my feelings?" You crossed your arms. "Is it just to stroke your ego? Because you can't stand rejection? Or am I just a source of entertainment for you?"
"I am curious about you. As I said before you are interesting. So what if nothing comes from it?" He shrugged. "Perhaps I could just learn new perspectives from this."
"That would be insensitive to your other lovers-"
"I have no lovers." You paused looking at him. "I have no lovers. Man or woman. Demon or human. Nor do I have any other fiances, husbands, wives, or anyone else I am involved with in such a way. My last lover was two years ago and after I found out I was so graciously engaged by Lord Muzan to you, I stopped any ties that might've lead to that.''
You stared at him. He stared at you. You opened your mouth as he rose a brow....You closed your mouth. Douma...cut all ties with anyone else that might've lead to a romantic relationship (even if it was one sided as you suspected -) because Muzan engaged you to him?!....What?!
"Yes! I know women get jealous of men having multiple lovers so I did away with that!" He smiled wider. "SO you have no one else to worry about breaking their hearts."
"But...I thought..'' You looked him up and down. "You flirted with that servant girl when you knew I was around the corner!"
"You flirted with two Kizuki members in front of me multiple times despite knowing my intentions with you and one happens to be someone close to me...Yet I did not argue with you nor did I complain about you kissing many others before me. Nor am I making a big deal about you having other suitors let alone being engaged to them."
You opened your mouth and...Wait. Did Douma actually have a valid point here?! "Well...Why DID you flirt with her if you knew how I felt about previous lovers AND you said you cut off others?!"
"For the same reason I assumed you lavished the others in front of me. To make you jealous."
He blinked again. "Really?...I never thought of that.''
You facepalmed in front of him. How could so many women find someone so frustratingly clueless attractive?! "UGH!! Well then what about Jade?!" He paused as you looked up at him again. Yes...what of Jade? Daki mentioned she was actively pursuing Douma. "She OBVIOUSLY wanted you."
"Oh yes..Jade." His eyes became half lidded as he looked you up and down. "I'm surprised that you know about that."
"It doesn't matter how I know! I was told she was actively pursuing you! What made you drop her?! She's obviously more educated than me AND comes from a noble family. Logically she'd be a more compatible partner for you. I also heard you humored her affections. So why not choose her?"
If scenarios had been different then perhaps Jade or Sakura would've been the first Kizuki Bride and you wouldn't be here in any of these situations. Douma wouldn't be bothering you and Sakura wouldn't have tried to attack you if Karaku had just married her! Why were you getting involved in these twisted love triangles when you weren't even doing anything?! And all this attention wouldn't solely be on YOU!! You were tired of the stares all these hundreds of demons. You were overwhelmed by the amounts of gifts and constant pleas for attention (which you still received). And you were tired of just not being able to do anything for yourself. All you ever wanted was just to be able to live your own life. Why weren't things ever simple for you? Just for one time.
"Because she insulted Daki."
You froze. The silence gathering as you let what he said dink into your brain and looked at him. "What?"
A gold fan snapped open and slowly fanned him. "She insulted Daki by insinuating lightly that she was not worth the position she currently holds in the Kizuki." You couldn't see his mouth but a shiver went down your back seeing the shadowed rainbow eyes. "I hold ones whom give me the time of day valuable. There's few things even myself won't tolerate for more than a day, Dearest."
"...How could you tell she was if she only insinuated it 'lightly'?"
"I may misunderstanding a few things but as I as told you before...I do not trick easily."
You shivered again at that tone but shook yourself off. "Then...how long ago did you cut ties with her?"
"About three months before I even met you!" He leaned back to show his smile again. "Don't worry. I did let her down gently. There should be no reason for you to worry about her feeling bad. She seems to be taking it much better than her sister did."
You blinked slowly. "How did you-"
"Daki and I do talk about things that happen to her, Dear. " His brows rose. "Apparently you're a lot stronger than you look.~"
"Then you knew why Sakura attacked me!"
"Wrong. You were never her target to begin with. It seems she deemed Daki the reason why I let down dear Jade."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait!" You held up your hands. ...You pointed at him raising a brow. "Are you trying to say that she wasn't viewing me as a target at all and instead was aiming her jealousy at Daki because she blamed her for you rejecting Sakura's sister?!"
He nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! You catch on fast!"
....That... actually explained a lot . And why she directly scared Daki without even batting an eye on your direction. Which meant that the letter you sent her-
"I fucked up." You pushed your face into your hands. "I really fucked up. Now she's going to think Karaku is somehow involved with me."
"AHAHAHA!! I don't think you should worry about her either. I paid them both a visit on Daki's behalf."
...You perked through your fingers. "Come again?"
"Oh yes. I can't have anyone disrupt the hierarchy now.~" He then winked. "Let's just say that no one will have anymore ideas on attacking you or anyone else there that day."
...You chose not to delve deeper into that to save whatever sanity you had left. "Well that was actually genuinely nice of you." Douma perked up at your compliment. "I wasn't expecting that from you. I suppose I should thank you for that, but that also doesn't automatically make you in my good graces."
He chuckled. "I wasn't expecting it to be so I easy. But about my earlier question..May I please court you now?"
"Still on about that?" This guy just couldn't let up with that. How many times were you going to have to tell him no?! "What happens if I say no?"
"Then Ill ask every day until I get a yes!" You hated he said that with such a cherry tone. 
"Wha- OH FOR THE LOVE OF- UGH!" You threw your arms up. "You're impossible!!" He lit up- He blinked as you grabbed his collar and growled at him in a snarl. "Why should I give you a chance after everything you've put me through?"
A finger booped your nose. "Because I asked very nicely and apologized.~" Your jaw dropped in disbelief. "I also came to tell you that Gyutaro and Daki left to go back home last night."
He nodded at your Shocked face. "And Enmu also left back to run the stations. The Master felt they had been away from their posts long enough and sent them home, but we'll soon be getting a few more visitors to stay with us instead. "
Gyutaro, Enmu, and Daki were all gone?! Just like that!? But you didn't even have a chance to say goodbye!! 
"As for my earlier question...How about a deal?"
You blinked back at his stupidly smiling face..and narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "Deal? What deal?"
"Let me court you at least until the end of this year!" You rose a brow at that. "If you're still unsatisfied with me as a potential partner by the end of December then I'll admit defeat and be on my way."
"That...sounds like it's too good to be true." Your eyes narrowed more. "And how will I know you'll keep your promise once the year's over?" 
"I swear on Daki! And I take matters with her very seriously."
....Well considering what he told you he did on Daki's behalf made you believe that he'd take things involving the siblings seriously at least, and if he swore on Daki then maybe he was being serious now? The problem was that you couldn't tell if HE WAS serious or not! The emptiness behind his eyes never changed no matter what he said. Then again...this just might be the best chance you had of getting rid of Douma. If he was willing to cooperate then maybe you should accept. Then again this could be another trick and he could come up with some more excuses to 'court' you later.  He already had shown he was capable of tricking you...But...What other choice did you have? You looked him up and down carefully.. before slowly nodding. 
"Alright. It's a deal, but first I'm going to add a few conditions you have to follow."
He looked interested instantly. "Name them!"
You just had to remember to be VERY specific so he'd understand you. With a sigh you finally released his collar from your hold. "Well the first condition is to respect my boundaries and privacy." You held up a finger. "That means no more just walking into my room, and if I don't answer then don't even open the door. That's rude to me. Do you understand that part?"
He nodded. "Daki doesn't like that either!"
"Ok. Secondly, don't just force things on me. It's not nice to chase me around and hound me for things." You felt like you were explaining things to a child in this moment. "If you want to talk to me that's fine, but don't just force yourself into my personal space and expect me to be ok with that. Do you understand that?"
He looked off like he was thinking for a moment... before slowly nodding. "I think I do!"
Good. Now you were getting somewhere... Hopefully. "That also means you can't just force gifts onto me either."
He tilted his head blinking and humming as if confused. "Oh? Don't women love getting lavished in gifts? Daki and every other woman I've ever known has."
"Not me. I don't like it when someone keeps forcing me to take something I didn't want or ask for in the first place especially when I already rejected it so many times. It just comes off as rude." You tried to think of a comparison he'd understand. "If Jade kept sending you gifts after you rejected her courting to try and get you back and therefore kept sending gifts you would keep rejecting wouldn't that be considered rude in your eyes?"
Again Douma paused blinking. Before gaining a look like he was seriously thinking hard about what you said... before slowly nodding and smiling widely. "Yes. That would be rude. But I can't even get you a tiny gift every now and then?"
"You can get me a gift every now and then but not back to back. Space the timing out by a few weeks or even a month or two. It's all about the timing of it all.  I'm different than Daki and not every girl likes the exact same thing. Does that make sense?"
"Oh absolutely! I can do all the things you've told me!" He spoke with a confident and upbeat tone.
"There's two more things." He hummed back to attention. "I don't want a repeat of what we first met was." He tilted his head in question. "Don't say or do perverse things around me. Especially not in front of my son! A compliment or two is fine but don't take it to that point. Alright?"
"Oh yes. Will there be anything else to keep in mind?"
You nodded. "Yes. Possibly the most important thing. You mentioned before you can confirm to the likes of whatever I asked." He smil- "Don't do that. Don't change yourself just to please me. If you want me to like you then I have to know what the real you is. I don't want anything fake. So behave as you always have and show me Douma. Not Upper Moon Two. Not Lord Douma. Or 'I can be anything you want ' Douma. Just be...Douma. Alright?"
He stopped smiling. The golden fan lowered as he just. ...stared at you for a long, long silent moment. You stared back expecting an answer. Those rainbow irises looked you up and down as if expecting to find an answer written on your body. His head tilted to the left...then slowly to the right. It reminded you of a confused bird and almost made you giggle if the situation wasn't so serious... Eventually he just smiled back and nodded. 
"Yes. I'll be as I always have been! All your conditions shall be met as agreed, but in turn I would like to add my own." You rose a brow crossing your arms and he held up a hand. "I won't make you do anything against your will or anything you'd be uncomfortable with. Don't worry. If I am to show you Douma then isn't it reasonable to request that you also spend time with me? Give me an equal chance as the others. It can be as simple as merely having breakfast with me!"
You squinted your eyes. ...Well..You supposed that was fair enough. If you were going to agree to let him TEMPORARY court you, then you'd give him a fair chance just like everyone else. It was only fair.
"Agreed." You nodded before dead on pointing at his face. "But don't get any crazy ideas like wanting to hang out in the middle of the night or something." He nodded. "Any other conditions you yourself want to add?" 
"Treat me kindly and equally as you did the others!," He added with a smile, "I know we started off on the wrong foot but I'd like to be treated equally as the others as well."
"Done. Anything else?"
He got a look on his face and you hoped he wouldn't get anything crazy in mind. "Mmm....Forgive me for my past actions and accept my apologies! That way we can start off with nothing unresolved!"
You sighed. "Fine. Douma, I accept your apologies and I forgive you. BUT!!" You poked him in the chest hard with a deep frown. "That doesn't mean what you did in the past was acceptable at all and I won't forget what happened. If you do ANYTHING like that again or go against ANY of my conditions even just once the deals off!! Do you understand what I'm saying?"
A cold hand gently grabbed yours as his still leaned over form brought it to his smiling mouth. "As clear as air, Lotus." He then brought your hand to his mouth and still making eye contact, kissed the back of your hand. A shiver was sent down your spine from how cold his lips were as he just smiled against the skin. "Shall we seal it with a kiss?~"
"Let's seal it with a courting gift instead." He blinked as you just pulled your hand from him. "If you want to be equal to the others then you have to go through it the same as the others."
Douma chuckled leaning back up to his full height at last. "Very well. Hopefully this gift will be better perceived than the others. Here." The golden fan was snapped closed before held out to your blinking eyes. "A personal token of my devotion and undying affections for my one and only fiance.~"
"Your fan?'
"Yes. It's perfectly fine. I might be getting it back at the end of the year anyways. It's as a precious gift as I can give." You eyed him and the fan suspiciously.. before gently taking it from him. "Now that the issues have been resolved and the important courtship beginning done, I will excuse myself to change into some dry clothing and attend to a meeting today with Hairou about the arrival of a new prisoner." 
"You still haven't told me who's coming to stay here now that everyone else has gone."
"Kokushibo did not inform me of that fact. His only instructions were to stand by for the arrival of a prisoner Akaza-dono would be delivering and to prepare a few rooms in the Dwell for fellow Kizuki members." He shrugged. "I assume he might mean my best friend but he spoke as if there was more than one coming to stay. How thrilling to think about!"
"Akaza's coming back?" You perked up hearing that.
"Not for long. Kokushibo requests his immediate request to help in a serious matter. So for now I'll remain in charge here."
Douma actually left you alone after that thank goodness and you were left a mix of feelings. Annoyance and dread at Douma. Excitement at Akaza. And curiosity at who could be joining you here. Kaigaku maybe? Perhaps Kyogai? You didn't think so. But who else was there? Maybe those weird bodyguards you met before? You had no idea. You'd find out sooner or later anyways. Right now you were more interested in the fact that Rui had the day off from school tomorrow and you were excited to show spend some time with him and show him what he needed to know to be a good Mother-
"Now you have to always have a firm grip on your pole or else you'll drop it if a big fish tugs on the line, and you can't lose focus or else you'll lose it too."
"Like this?" Pale hands held up the cane that made up the makeshift pole.
"That's a good start but you're holding it in the wrong places. Put one hand near the bottom and your dominant hand on the middle like this."
Shocked, disapproving, and disbelievingly faces of many servants watch stumped from doorways and windows as the two figures sat there on the docks with a thin line dipped down below into the water. Yep! Today you were teaching Rui one of the most important and basic life skills. How to fish! You were a bit in a pinch at first. You ordered the servants to bring you a fishing pole and some worms which many looked either shocked or disgusted with but you were strict and forceful until someone got you the things you requested and now they all could only watch in shock as you dared to take Rui by the hand and show him the proper way to put a squirming worm on a hook and how to properly cast a line to ensure it was in the best part of the Waters. Rui seemed interested in what you were showing him and wasn't squimish to try and mimic what showed him. And now you moved his hands gently in place to hold the fishing pole properly.
"You need to hold it in a firm grip just like this! One hand here and one right here! If it's a big fish you'll need the proper gripping technique or else you'll slip up and let it get away." 
Rui nodded. "Right. Don't worry. My thread is strong enough to nab a shark!"
"That's the spirit! But don't feel too bad if you don't catch anything today. This is just a trial run to help you learn how to do it." You patted his shoulder. "But the most important thing to keep in mind is patience and silence to not scare the fish away."
"Right!" He stood with a determined face holding the pole. "Focus. Focus."
"When you catch one up I show you how to skin it and cook it right." You hummed. "Now if I only had a hunting knife and fireplace to do it. Maybe I can use the kitchen area."
Neither of you noticed the figures right behind you. All of them chatting walking along the docks to the dwell.
"It's about time we arrived here! The travel here was hell!"
"You're only complaining because you had to share space with Zohakuten and neither of you like sharing space."
"SHUT UP, UROGI!!," Two angry voices yelled at one followed by a loud boisterous laugh.
"C-Come on. Let's not fight anymore. We're all exhausted and I just want to lay down and sleep after all the days and nights of constant labor Kokushibo put us through."
"No kidding. My back was thrown out so much I doubt that I could even treat a girl to-
More laughter followed after that.
"I'm more interested in seeing Father. He must be a wreck being away from us for so long. I'm sure he'll be pleased with seeing us again. Those wretched servants better be treating him well or else."
"Uh...Did you literally forget about the giant warning Kokushibo gave us? Hello! Earth to Zohakuten! You mess up one more time and Kokushibo's going to convince Master to strip you from your rank and title!"
"Karaku's right. You should probably not bring down the dwell. Just complain to Douma about it if its true."
"Tch. That bumbling idiot isn't worth his rank-"
"SHUSH! Dammit, Zoha! Are you trying to get us in more trouble!? If anyone hears you say that then we might as well let Hairou throw us back in solitary!"
"Yeah. It's almost as stupid as Sekido challenging Akaza to a Blood Battle two weeks after we become a Kizuki."
"Whoa...I may not be seeing the bottom of your staff but I see something else I like.~"
A long groan escaped a demon with red eyes as he rubbed his temples. He could feel another headache coming on. "Don't tell me you're going to be chasing women again. That's how you got into that mess months ago in the first place!"
A shiver ran down a green eyed demons spine. "Don't remind me. But no." A hand reached up to quickly comb through his hair as a smirk graced his face. "I spot a certain snack much for my taste.~ And my appetite is telling me to go have a little bite.~"
Before the red eyed man could even get a word in the green eyed brother left them all questioning making quick strides towards something...No. someone. Standing there was a very familiar looking woman and an even familiar looking child .
"I-Is that-"
"Oi. ...My headache is going to be lasting for eternity with you idiots."
"Actually you might want to watch." A yellow eyed demon chuckled. "I have a feeling this will be quite entertaining."
Four pairs of eyes watched as their brother strode with cocky confidence up the docks and right up to the woman who didn't notice him at first. Karaku then leaned over quietly over her shoulder almost touching her a ran eventually brushing along her upper arm-.. before she whipped around quicker than they expected. A leg kicked out. And Karaku was sent curling up on the dock in less than a minute. Urogi instantly busted out in laughter hugging his stomach and leaning over. Sekido facepalmed. Zohakuten groaned in embarrassment. And Aizetsu only sighed in pity.
"Well....At least he can regenerate very fast." Urogi doubled over more clutching his laughing stomach and lowering to his knees in laughter. "U-Urogi. Don't be so heartless to his pain." His reply was only a loud gasp from the harpy before he laughed harder.
The woman stared at the figure lying curled up on the ground before looking over at them and her eyes widened in both shock and surprise. The poor walked up to Karaku...and kicked him before instantly being yanked back by the woman. Urogi laughed hard enough to fall on his side curling up similar to Karaku and clutched his shaking sides. Great. They were here for less than an hour and already his brothers were causing trouble. Couldn't get any worse than th-
Urogi's laughter died instantly as a large and angry and veined fist wrapped around Sekido's neck and golden -blue eyes stared at them. 
"Now...What might be so funny about harassing my woman and child?"
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liminalweirdo · 1 year
actually useful new years resolutions
If you never make New Years Resolutions, or are thinking about what you can do that’s actually going to be worthwhile:
Learn CPR and first aid. Depending on where you live and what season it is, ambulances are taking too long to reach emergencies because of pandemic-related staffing shortages. In some cases, this means several hours. NHS data released last week showed ambulance crews could not respond to almost one in four emergency calls because so many ambulances were waiting to hand patients over. Also, it looks good on a resume, if you care about that.
Start a garden (yes, even indoors). This should be self-explanatory considering inflation and the cost of food these days, but even one or two swiss chard or napa cabbage plants can go a long way in providing you with greens for the season. Microgreens are also a great way to go, because they’re ready to eat in just 1-2 weeks. If you have a balcony (or south-facing windows) tomatoes and bush-variety beans are a great vegetable to plant as well that should produce a pretty good harvest. Also, it’s good for you and the bees! If you want to try a garden but don’t have an outdoor space, microgreens will grow beside the window. Green onions, living lettuce, herbs, and celery are also possible to grow from cuttings. (Just be careful to keep toxic plants away from your pets, including tomatoes, green onions/chives.) If you need any advice on growing your own food, please feel free to send me an ask, I’d love to help you out.
Stock up on emergency supplies and learn basic emergency preparedness. Stuff like this should be normalized. I’m not telling you to start digging a bunker, I mean having things like enough bottled water, candles or a battery-powered lantern, dried goods (rice, granola bars, instant noodles, rice, pasta, tinned soup, canned veggies, canned fruits in your house (and a manual can opener, not an electric one). This will be useful for power outages and bad weather, both of which are increasing. Stock up on medication like Tylenol/Advil/Pedialyte or Dioralyte etc. for colds, flu, and general illness. I know it’s hard sometimes, but please try to keep your prescribed meds up to date. If bad weather is coming, see if you can get more. 
This doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Put $5-$15 towards emergency supplies each grocery run and that should be enough to have a good amount of emergency supplies within a month or two. The best time to start is now. Having a supply of bottled water is great for power outages. Filling your bathtub or a bucket to flush your toilet in power outages is a great idea. If your water expires you can use it for cleaning household surfaces and flushing the toilet in a power outage. (Please be careful of small pets and small children if you have buckets/bathtubs filled with water uncovered/attended)
BUY A FIRST AID KIT. Buy two if you can. Keep one in your house and one in your car and replenish it as you use it.
Please feel free to add to this list. Feel free to send me an ask if you want/need any advice on how to prepare for emergencies. I can’t promise I’ll have all the answers, but I will try to help.
Stay safe out there i love you all
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milk-and-violets · 12 days
hello please give us your soup recipes ( ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
apologies to anyone who has ever sent me an ask please know I read them and weep and then forget to answer them
if anyone has questions about these soups, please feel free to ask in the replies or dm me!! also, you are welcome to reblog and add your favorite soups, I would love to see what other soups y'all enjoy :)
ANYWAYS here are some of my favorite soup recipes (part one ? I may post more if people like them)
This soup. This soup. Several things to say about it. Firstly, it benefits greatly from buying the nice crushed tomatoes, like the $5-6 cans if you are able to. The tomato makes up a lot of the broth flavor, especially if you want to make it vegetarian and thus leave out the sausage.
Secondly, double the garlic cloves (eight garlic cloves? yes, I'm serious) and use canned brown lentils. A whole can. Two if you feel like it, I often do. It's really very little detriment to the recipe over dried ones, and the soup comes together much quicker when you're not waiting for them to soften. You will need to decrease the cook time, or it will become mush.
Lastly, replace the water with chicken or vegetable broth, it's just better, and the celery is optional, especially if you're allergic, since apparently that's possible.
I acknowledge that this one is a stew, not a soup, however...
This dish is a delicious cross between a more English beef stew (see: NYTimes Beef Stew if you're interested, I highly recommend) and french Coq au Vin. It calls for boneless pork shoulder, but if you can't find that, bone in is fine, just more work. You will need to cut out the bone, which can then be roasted in the oven, I like to use the preheat time (this recipe requires some oven braising) to do so -- just pat dry, coat with olive oil and salt. You can also save the bone in a zip lock in your freezer, for making tonkotsu ramen broth, if you're like me.
Martha uses a pound of "small shallots" which I really find to be a bit much. Use that many if A) they're on sale, B) you've replaced them with pearl onions, or C) you really really love shallots (I respect that.)
I like to add eight cloves of smashed garlic to this, and 4-5 yukon potatoes, washed (but not peeled) and sliced into 1.5 inch cubes (you can assess their size based on vibes and how long you want to cook them for, approaching two-bite sized is generally good).
You can reduce the garlic cloves by half if that's too much for you, or if you're adding a significant amount of shallots still. I've used only 3 large shallots ones before and found it to be enough, so use what you've got. The potatoes add texture and body to the soup, and something to chew on other than the pork, which balances the dish.
Also, Martha suggests you cut your carrots lengthwise, but I personally prefer medallions, as they're much easier to serve and eat. If you're very worried about overcooking your carrots, maybe do large chunks.
This recipe does call for hard apple cider, which it really does need, but if you have to leave it out due to allergies or food restrictions, I suggest adding an 1/8 cup or so (maybe less, that might be a bit sour) of nice apple cider vinegar, and substituting the rest of the liquid with more chicken broth. Serve with some nice crusty bread! Or maybe egg noodles, if you leave out the potatoes and want a really Coq au Vin-esque experience.
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Alright, so I think I did the formatting correctly, and you should be able to click this image to access the recipe link, but just in case:
Anyways, this recipe calls for 2 cans of cannelini beans. If you can't find those, great northern beans are basically the same. For the sausage, it may also be sold as mild italian sausage, and you do not need to buy it in links, buying loose ground sausage is much easier.
It also calls for two bunches of kale, which is frankly a ridiculous amount, I would only put in that much if this is the only source of vegetables you'll be getting for a month. One (Large!) bundle of kale should be fine. After rinsing, you can simply rip the leafy parts away from the stems, and then discard the stems, or steam them if you really want to eat them. Personally, I don't think they belong in soup.
The onion you use for this should be a yellow onion, maybe white if you're desperate and fear no onion. It calls for 1 potato, you should use 3-4, medium to large sized (Russet!) potatoes. Use your heart to decide when it's enough potato for 52 oz of broth. Likewise, you should consider doubling the amount of garlic that goes into this.
If you don't want to do the math, 52 oz of broth is a little less than 2 whole packages of store bought broth. You may find that you want to add the last bit when you add the potatoes, just to give them a bit more liquid to cook in, since you should use more potatoes than the recipe calls for. If you make your own chicken stock (which is quite easy, and I do recommend it, but it's not essential here) 52 oz is about 6 and a half cups of liquid.
The serving suggestion is to top with cheese, which is really up to you. If your spice tolerance is in the negative, like mine, you may enjoy eating a nice cheese on the side with your bread. Port Salut is a very good spreadable option, or perhaps an aged gouda or white cheddar. Having bread alongside this is really a must.
I suggest making a garlic oil to top the soup, to replace the plain olive oil for drizzling. To do this, simply mince another 2-3 cloves of garlic (more depending on how much oil you want to make), heat generous amount of olive oil over medium heat, then add garlic and saute until fragrant. Do not let the garlic get completely golden brown, unless you really enjoy it crunchy. This is going in soup, and should be minced fine, so having slightly raw garlic will not be an issue. You can store this in an air tight container in the fridge, just scoop some out to top your soup before reheating.
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dogtheories · 1 month
i want feedback/criticism on my shitty r*chard face studies but imscared. to post them
I understand you can uhh send them to me if you want . and I will answer you privately or you can dm me or whatever .anything for you my friend
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jayphoenic · 2 years
Hero Deku Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations
Deku? I think he's some pro... by Clouds (myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown)
Chapters: 94/94
Yagi Toshinori watched the green haired boy walk away after saving his friend and shook his head. While the boy's actions were heroic, he was just too reckless. He walked in the opposite direction, thinking about a time he could meet the candidate Sir Nighteye put forward.
Izuku Midoriya goes home and decides that, even if he can't be hero himself, he can still help them with his analysis. Cue Izuku catching the attention of multiple heroes who are a little more open-minded and willing to see the potential in a quirkless kid.
Clipped Wings (Don't Worry, They'll Grow Back) by Present_Mom
Chapters: 5/?
Izuku was Quirkless before gaining One for All. He was 100% sure of this fact.
Yeah, there were twin scars on his back, but they've always been there, a freak accident right after his birth. Yeah, his fingernails and toenails grew too sharp sometimes, but his mom was quick to cut them before he hurt anyone!
Izuku was 100% Quirkless.
Until he gets hit by a quirk at the USJ. Usually, the quirk rewinds a person back to their infant state for a minute. That's it.
So why does he have wings now!?
The Fae Prince by ThaliasRuin (XanderLee), XanderLee
Chapters: 16/?
Midoria Izuku may have a quirk but that doesn’t mean he’s not useless, not to Bakugou at least. Until an almost accident causes an unexpected evolution of his quirk which causes the hierarchy to be flipped completely. After all, how many people can heal from death?
UA and the Hero industry don’t know what’s coming.
Beyond the Broken Horizon by JoWithTheFlow
Chapters: 43/?
About a week after that, All Might asked Izuku if he was aiming for the hero course at UA. The question was so sudden that Izuku nearly dropped a microwave on his toes.
The truth was, if All Might had asked him that a week ago, there would have only been one possible answer to that question. All Might had gone to UA, UA was the best, so Izuku was going to go there too, if he could. But things were a little different, now that he was going to receive All Might’s Quirk.
“No,” he said, decisively.
All Might looked caught off guard, which was a very rare expression on him. “No?” he echoed, like he couldn’t believe it.
A laugh bubbled out of Izuku’s throat. He honestly couldn’t believe it either. “No,” he repeated.
Or, All Might tells Izuku about All for One before he gives him One for All, and everything changes.
Apex Predator by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Chapters: 40/?
Every single school had one: someone at the top of the food chain. An acme. Someone who could do things under a teacher's nose, escape consequences, and terrify other people. Someone who looked down on everyone else like they were prey. An apex predator. And Izuku couldn't count on teachers and adults to protect anyone. Even a hero school wasn't safe from the phenomena. When Izuku gets to Yuuei, he's determined to find out who it is and ensure they can't hurt him or his new friends.
...and accidentally, in the process, becomes the apex predator (though he is mostly unaware of this, and uses it for good. But still, people are terrified of him.)
@appreciate-writers-blog @virgil-is-a-cutie @iamablinkmarvelarmy @jellyfishpalace @lonestarfangirl2014 @s-undus-t @mc-glare-is-king @yourmom1738 @ladykristianna @valiantpeanutbearperson @dditzy @sakusakuya @actualnarislayer @cawcaw-bitch @solar-prestige @mirukosimp63 @w-e-chard @myshallweplay @iamablinkmarvelarmy @underworldsecret @m3liora
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allthingsorganic2024 · 5 months
An excerpt from T. Colin Campbell's seminal book, "The China Study"
Chapter 12: How to Eat
"When Tom, my youngest son and collaborator on this book, was 13 years old, our family was in the final stages of a slow shift to becoming vegetarian. One Sunday morning, Tom came home from a sleepover at a close friend's house and told us a memorable story. The night before, Tom was being grilled in a friendly way on his eating habits. The sister of Tom's friend had asked him, rather incredulously, "you don't eat meat?". He had never justified his eating habits; he had just gotten used to eating what was on the dinner table. As a consequence, Tom was not practiced at answering such a question, so he simply answered, "no I don't," without offering any explanations. The girl probed a bit more, "so, what do you eat?". Tom answered with a few shrugs, "I guess just...plants." She said, "oh," and that was the end of that.
The reason we enjoy this story is because Tom's response, "plants," was so simple. It was a truthful answer but couched in an entirely untraditional manner. When someone asks for the glazed ham across the table, he doesn't say, "pass the flesh of the pig's butt please." And when someone tells his children to finish their peas and carrots, he doesn't say, "finish your plants." But since our family changed our eating habits, we've come to enjoy thinking of food as either plants or animals. It fits well into the philosophy of keeping the information on food and health as simple as possible. Food and health are anything but simple in our country. We often marvel at the complexity of various weight loss plans. Although the writers always advertise their plans' ease of use, in reality, it's never easy. Followers of these diets have to count calories, points, servings, or nutrients, or eat specific amounts of certain foods based on specific mathematical ratios. There are tools to be used, supplements to be taken, and worksheets to be completed. It is no wonder that dieting seldom succeeds. Eating should be an enjoyable and worry-free experience and shouldn't rely on deprivation. Keeping it simple is essential if we are to enjoy our food.
One of the most fortunate findings from the mountain of nutritional research we've encountered is that good food and good health is simple. The biology of the relationship of food and health is exceptionally complex, but the message is still simple. The recommendations coming from the published literature are so simple that we can state them in one sentence: eat a whole foods, plant-based diet while minimizing the consumption of refined foods, added salt, and added fats, examples of which will be provided in the following table. Eat all you want, while getting lots of variety, of any whole, unrefined plant-based food.
General category: Fruits
Specific examples: orange, okra, kiwi, red pepper, apple, cucumber, tomato, avocado, zucchini, blueberries, strawberries, green pepper, raspberries, butternut squash, pumpkin, blackberries, mangos, eggplant, pear, watermelon, cranberries, acorn squash, papaya, grapefruit, peach
Flowers. Specific examples: broccoli, cauliflower
Not many of the huge variety of edible flowers are commonly eaten.
Stems and Leaves. Specific examples: spinach, artichokes, kale, lettuce (all varieties), cabbage, Swiss chard, collard greens, celery, asparagus, mustard greens, Brussel sprouts, turnip greens, beet greens, Bok choy, arugula, Belgian endive, basil, cilantro, parsley, rhubarb, seaweed
Roots. Specific examples: potatoes (all varieties), beets, carrots, turnips, onions, garlic, ginger, leeks, pinto beans, white beans, legumes
Seed-Bearing Nitrogen-Fixing Plants. Specific examples: green beans, soy beans, peas, peanuts, Adzuki beans, black beans, black eyed peas, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils, pinto beans, white beans
Mushrooms. Specific examples: white button, baby Bella (cremini), promini, portobello, shiitake, oyster
Nuts. Specific examples: walnuts, almonds, macadamia, pecans, cashew, hazelnut, pistachio
Whole Grains and Breads, Pastas, etc. Specific examples: wheat, rice, corn, millet, sorghum, rye, oats, barley, teff, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, Kamut, spelt (hulled wheat)
Refined Carbohydrates. Specific examples: pastas, except whole grain varieties; white bread, crackers, sugars, and most cakes and pastries
Added vegetable oils. Specific examples: corn oil, peanut oil, olive oil
Fish. Specific examples: salmon, tuna, cod
Meat. Specific examples: steak, hamburger, lard
Poultry. Specific examples: chicken, turkey
Dairy. Specific examples: cheese, milk, yogurt
Eggs. Specific examples: eggs, and products with a high egg content (that is, mayonnaise)
Supplements. Daily supplements of Vitamin B12, and perhaps Vitamin D for people who spend most of their time indoors and/or live in the northern climates, are encouraged. For Vitamin D, you shouldn't exceed RDA recommendations.
That's it! That's the diet science has found to be consistent with the greatest health and the lowest incidence of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and many other Western diseases.
What does minimize mean? Should you eliminate meat completely? The findings from The China Study indicate that the lower the percentage of animal-based foods are consumed, the greater the health benefits -- even when that percentage declines from 10 percent to zero percent of calories [i.e., consuming even small amounts of animal-based foods, as low as ten percent of your calorie intake, has been linked to future chronic disease incidence]. So it's not unreasonable to assume that the optimum percentage of animal-based products is zero -- at least for anyone with a predisposition for a degenerative disease. But this has not been absolutely proven. It is true that most of the health benefits described in this book have been realized at low -- but non-zero -- levels of animal-based foods.
My advice is to try to eliminate all animal-based products from your diet, but not obsess over it. If a tasty vegetable soup has a chicken stock base, or if a hearty loaf of whole wheat bread includes a tiny amount of egg, don't worry about it. These quantities, very likely, are nutritionally unimportant. Even more importantly, the ability to relax about very minor quantities of animal-based foods makes applying this diet much easier, especially when eating out or buying already prepared foods.
While we recommend that you not worry about small quantities of animal products in your food, we're not suggesting that you deliberately plan to incorporate small portions of meat into your daily diet. My recommendation is that you try to avoid all animal-based products. There are three excellent reasons to go all the way:
Following this diet requires a radical shift in your thinking about food. It's more work to just do it halfway. If you plan for animal-based products, you'll eat them, and you'll almost certainly eat more than you should.
You'll feel deprived. Instead of viewing your new food habit as being able to eat all the plant-based foods that you want, you'll be seeing it as in terms of having to limit yourself, which is not conducive to being on the diet long-term.
You will, within a month or so, perhaps a little more, actually break the physiological addiction we acquire from eating large amounts of fat and refined carbohydrates."
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khoicesbyk · 1 year
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 19.8K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
We are STILL in King Liam Appreciation Week! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I didn't have a specific day for this fic but that's okay. I'm still celebrating my FAVORITE Fictional King.
And this is Part 2 of Chapter 11! It picks up where Part 1 left off I hope you all enjoy it!
TW: murder/execution and blackmail. If you are sensitive to any of those topics do not read any further. if you choose to continue on: THIS WILL BE YOUR ONLY WARNING! READER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @kingliamappreciationweek
Chapter 11.) Fate. Part 2.
He stopped massaging her feet long enough to answer the knock at the door. Their lunch was being delivered. The attendant pushed in a cart with four covered plates. 2 large plates and 2 small dessert plates. 
"Thank you, Josef. That will be all." Marquise said to the attendant. The attendant smiled and bowed to them both before leaving. 
"Food! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" she squealed happily. 
"You are such a child."
"No, I'm childish now feed me Seymour!" 
Marquise shook his head with a smirk before uncovering the dishes. He was served a Grilled Shrimp Cobb Salad. While she was served a Cedar Plank Grilled Salmon fillet, French lentils in a warm mustard vinaigrette, with wilted Swiss Chard. And for dessert, they each were served a dark chocolate and strawberry Napoleon.
"Mmmmm! This food is always so damn good!" she said happily.
"I'm glad you're enjoying your lunch, my love. You know it pays to have a Michelin Starred chef on the payroll."
"No really it does. Chef Daniel never disappoints with his food. And Jenna has always excelled at her desserts."
"They make a great team. They run the kitchens as efficiently as we run the kingdom."
"Indeed they do."
Shanelle was in heaven. Everything was delicious.
"That had to be one of the best lunches we've ever had. I loved it."
"Good. I'm glad. I asked the kitchen to make sure you were served foods that were high in iron."
"Thank you, baby. You always take care of me."
"I always will. You know this," he replies as he clears their dishes. "And now I believe I owe you a continuation of an earlier foot massage." 
Shanelle squealed and clapped happily as she put her feet up on his shoulders with her dessert plate sitting on her stomach. 
"At least this bump is good for something."
Marquise shook his head with a smile as he began to massage her feet again. He listened to her moan and watched her eyes roll back as she enjoyed her dessert and her massage. 
"I hope your eyes rolling back is because of this foot massage."
"And this dessert! I never knew how much I could love chocolate and strawberry together."
Marquise snickered as he continued to massage her feet. Taking advantage of Shanelle's happy delirium, Marquise placed a soft kiss on the top of her right foot. Shanelle cocked an eyebrow at her husband while taking another bite of her dessert. 
"The King is being kinky again," she said to him.
"So what's your point?" he asked.
She hated it when he did this to her but she loves it as well. His massages were indeed good for her circulation but she knew that's not why he gave them to her. He did it for his own selfish reasons. 
"Sir if you don't stop...we won't make it back to the trial," she warned. 
He smirked at her. 
"Challenge accepted."
Shanelle was mid-bite when she felt him put a suckling bite on her left foot and damn near choked. She bopped him with her fork.
"Ow!" he said.
"That's what you get for nearly making me choke! Also, do that again."
Marquise shook his head.
"You could've just said that you liked it."
"I liked it. Now keep going."
Marquise smirked.
"As my Queen commands..."
He went back to sucking on her foot. Taking care to pay close attention to every sound she made. He watched her suck the last bit of chocolate cream off her finger. 
"Dang! My dessert is all gone." she pouted. 
He moved her plate out of the way when an idea hit him.
"Y'know I haven't even touched mine. Until now."
Shanelle looked at him.
"What are you about to do?" she asked.
Instead of answering, he took the cover off of his dessert and laid the plate next to her. He then took a small dab of the chocolate cream and swiped it on the sole of her right foot.
"What are you do—" was all she managed to say before he dragged his tongue up her sole, licking the cream off. He watched her squirm with a smirk on his face.
"You were saying?" he asked as he flexed his fingers. 
"No! No! No!" she said as she tried to pull away from him. 
"Stay still!" he commanded.
"No! Not if you're gonna do that!" she replied.
Marquise rolled his eyes.
"Calm down! I'm not going to tickle you."
"You promise?" she asked.
"Yes. I know how much you hate being tickled. Also, I like my teeth right where they are. Besides, I wouldn't do that to you. Now hold still and don't move." he replied.
She eyed him suspiciously but didn't move. He took a slice of strawberry that was covered in chocolate and dragged it from the heel of her right foot to the bottom of her toes and followed it with his tongue. He watched her shiver.
"It's okay to say you enjoy it, my love."
"I do. But not as much as you do."
Marquise went back to eating his dessert off her feet. Every time he looked up at her she had a look of pure ecstasy on her face. He licked, sucked, touched, and teased her toes and soles. When he got down to the last of his dessert, he held a strawberry that was covered in chocolate to her lips.
"Bite," he instructed. 
She took a bite of the strawberry savoring the sweet taste. She watched him finish the rest of the strawberry. 
"That was a damn good dessert."
"Hmm, are you talking about the food or my feet?" she asked.
"Both," he replied as he stood up.
"Well someone is happy to see me," she said as she tapped the bulge in his pants with her right foot.
Marquise snorted. 
"He's always happy to see you."
"That outfit looks a little stuffy."
"It's a part of wearing the regalia love."
"You should take it off."
"Why not?" she asked.
"Because as you said, we will never leave this room and we have a trial to preside over," he replied.
"But I can't leave you unsatisfied, my King."
"My satisfaction comes from pleasing you."
She rubbed her foot across his bulge and watched him groan with his eyes closed.
"You are going to be the death of me."
"That's the point."
"That's not the point."
She continued to tease him.
"Stop. Now."
"You're being a brat," he muttered. 
"And you like it," she said as she tapped her foot on his bulge. "Now open up. You know you want to."
He looked at her with just his left eye open before sighing and unbuckling his belt and pants. He freed himself with a sigh.
"See? Now don't you feel better?" she asked.
"Not yet. But I will in a minute," he replied.
She rubbed the insides of her feet along his shaft. Causing him to take a sharp breath in. 
"I reiterate you are going to be the death of me."
She continued to rub her feet along his shaft and listened to his breathing begin to become shallow. 
"God yes..." he breathed out.
She loved making him curse under his breath.
He wrapped his hands around her ankles to hold her feet in place and started to thrust his hips. 
"Fuck! This feels so good..." he said as his voice got raspier. "You have no idea the power you have over me."
Shanelle bit her bottom lip.
"I am your vexation, my King."
"Yes, you are my love. Now I don't know how much longer I can last like this."
He let out a shuddering breath. 
"If word of you loving footjobs ever got out..."
Marquise scoffed. 
"Let it. The world would have to prove it," he said before gesturing downward. "Now if you don't mind."
"Very well."
Shanelle moved her feet so she could slide to the floor. She wrapped a hand around his very hard shaft and began to stroke him. 
"Shit...yes that's it. Like that." he moaned.
She swirled her tongue around the swollen tip before taking him into her mouth. 
"I could literally die right now." he breathed out. 
She was determined to go slow and torture him but he had other plans. He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and one under her chin and started to thrust his hips forward fucking her face. 
"God, you feel so damn good." he breathed out.
He loved the feeling of her tongue sliding across his dick. It sent his orgasm soaring higher. He dug his nails into the skin of her neck as he used her mouth and throat.
"Oh fuck! Shit! That's it, baby. Suck this dick! You know you love it."
Shanelle chuckled to herself as she sucked him off. She could always tell whenever he was close. He always became a lot more vocal as his pleasure began to hit its peak. 
"Don't stop love. Please don't stop," he said through gritted teeth. 
She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose as she took him deep in her mouth and stayed like that. It sent him into a deliciously happy tailspin. His grip tightened, and he went rigid as he exploded in her mouth. He stayed still for a moment before pulling out of her mouth. After adjusting himself, he helped her up before collapsing onto the couch next to her. 
"Well, that was fun," he said as he caught his breath.
She snuggled against him.
"I'll say." she agreed. 
Marquise looked at his Apple Watch and sighed.
"We still have another 30 or so minutes before the trial resumes."
"Good. That means we have to go explore the garden here."
Marquise scoffed. 
"I am not leaving this couch until I get my strength back so you'll have to settle for hearing the history of the garden."
"Fineeee!" she pouted.
"You'll live. Now what would you like to know?" he asked.
"How long has it been here?" she replied.
"It was a wedding gift to Queen Maja. She married King Fabian's oldest son Simon. It was from her homeland of Denmark." 
"Denmark?!" she asked.
"Yup. She was the Crown Princess of Denmark. Her Father King Fredrik and King Fabian matched their children together. It's how we gained land close to the border with Ardona." he replied.
"Geez! What is it with you Rys men and marrying outsiders?" she asked.
Marquise snickered.
"The heart knows what it wants," he replied.
"Even though they were matched together?" she asked.
"Yes. Just like we were. And just like us, Simon and Maja eventually fell in love and continued the line." he replied. 
"What kind of flowers are in the garden?" she asked. 
"Tulips. They were always her favorite," he replied. 
"Are you sure we can't go see them?" she asked.
"I'm not getting up!" he replied.
She pouted with her lower lip poked out. Marquise groaned. 
"Fine! Let's go."
"Yay!" she cheered.
"I don't know why I constantly let you and your daughter take advantage of me."
"Because you're a simp for me and a pushover for your daughter," Shanelle said matter-of-factly.
The couple got up and walked out to the garden. Shanelle was in awe of the rows and rows of orange, yellow, white, and red tulips.
"They're beautiful. I can't believe I didn't know about this garden."
"We hardly come to this part of the palace. But I keep up this garden because it's a family tradition."
"Wait until your daughter sees it."
"Yes, Marquise. We can't keep this from her. It's bad enough that you kept it from me."
Marquise made a face.
"Fine. We'll bring her after the trial is over." 
"I accept your terms, sir." 
Marquise chuckled before checking his Apple Watch.
"We're due back now."
"Okay. Lead the way, Your Majesty."
After locking the French doors and freshening up in the adjoining bathroom, the couple left the room and returned to the courtroom. When they walked back in, many in the room were eager to see who Giancarlo would call as his next witness. Marquise cleared his throat before speaking. 
"I trust that everyone had a wonderful break for lunch, now then the trial may continue. Giancarlo, you may call your next witness." 
"I call Lord Tariq's former assistant, Sir Harold Jenkins," Giancarlo replied. 
Marquise nodded as a primly dressed man walked up to face the King and Queen.
"Good afternoon Sir Jenkins. Thank you for joining us today. Now you were Lord Tariq's assistant, yes?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes sir I was." Sir Jenkins replies.
"Tell us how you got that job," Giancarlo said to him.
Sir Jenkins smiled fondly.
"Lord Tariq and I had known each other for years. We grew up together. When he took over his family's Duchy and estate after his father retired, he hired me as his assistant. I helped him to run the day-to-day operations of the Sauvageon estate." 
"Can you describe your relationship with the deceased?" Giancarlo asked. 
"We were like brothers. Always sneaking out of class together. Might as well say we were thick as thieves." Sir Jenkins replied.
"Since you ran the day-to-day at the estate then you must've known about the marriage to Princess Naya," Giancarlo said to him.
"Yes, I knew about it. I also know that they didn't always get along. But Lord Tariq would never harm her." Sir Jenkins replied.
"Is it true their marriage was a political one?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. A political and financial marriage. Many noble marriages are. They were matched by their fathers King Elgin and Lord Gerard." Sir Jenkins replied.
"Financial?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. King Elgin owed a debt to King Constantine. And matching his daughter to Tariq would secure his family's financial future." Sir Jenkins replied. 
"So what's with the line of questions?" Shanelle whispered to Marquise.
"To establish what Tariq and Naya's marriage was like," Marquise replied. 
"Tell me, Sir Jenkins, was their marriage ever contentious?" Giancarlo asked.
"Not in the way you may think. They attended events at court together but when they were home they barely spoke to each other. They didn't even sleep in the same room." Sir Jenkins replied.
"They had separate rooms?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. At Princess Naya's request." Sir Jenkins replied.
"Tell me, do you know anything about Princess Naya wanting a divorce from the former Lord?" Marquise asked.
"Yes. She did ask." Sir Jenkins replied. 
"And he declined to get one?" Marquise asked.
"Yes. But please let me explain. He told her to wait until after his final business transaction had been completed." Sir Jenkins replies.
"What business transaction?" Marquise asked.
"Lord Tariq had acquired a very lucrative contract with DuPont Shipping and Exports. They are one of the biggest Exporting Companies in Europe." Sir Jenkins replies.
"When was this transaction completed?" Marquise asked.
"Two weeks before Lord Tariq died." Sir Jenkins replied.
"How much was the deal worth?" Marquise asked.
"£200,000,000.00." Sir Jenkins replies. 
"Which means she stood to inherit a fortune big enough to pay off the rest of her father's debt," Shanelle whispered to her husband. 
"And she failed to mention the deal to me," Marquise whispered back. 
Marquise nodded. 
"Thank you, Sir Jenkins. That will be all for now. You will be interviewed by the defense next so please make plans to return." Marquise said to him. 
When Marquise glanced in Naya's direction she had her head down. 
"She's not making eye contact," Marquise whispered to his wife.
"Probably because she knows she is guilty or maybe because she's pregnant it could be nausea," Shanelle replies.
"Let's find out."
Marquise cleared his throat.
"I'd like to call the Princess to the stand," Marquise announced. 
Naya's head snapped up and she had a look of horror on her face.
"That got her attention," Shanelle whispered.
"No, Your Majesty, please," she begged. 
"Now Princess," Marquise commanded.
Everyone watched as Naya gingerly made her way to sit in front of the King and Queen. She looked up to see Marquise looking directly at her.
"Now everyone here knows that you and I have a long and complicated history. We were once a couple in love. And there is a part of me that wishes I didn't have to do this but you have left me no choice. So tell me in your own words, what happened? How did we get here?" Marquise asked. 
Just as Naya got ready to speak, she suddenly grabbed her stomach while a hand flew to her mouth. Shanelle knew she was nauseous and about to throw up.
"Get her a trash can now!" Shanelle ordered. 
An attendant had just gotten to Naya as she threw up. Edwin rushed to her side to assist her. 
"Are you sick Princess?" Marquise asked.
"No she's not sick you imbecile! She's terrified thanks to this trumped-up murder charge from you and my so-called cousin!" Edwin replied with a growl.
"Watch your tongue, Your Highness!" Marquise hissed. 
Edwin stood up straighter.
"Or what? We both know your threats are hollow as you are!" Edwin snapped at Marquise.
"Don't you ever speak to him like that!" Shanelle spat at her cousin. 
Edwin scoffed.
"You know it's a shame. Our simp of a grandfather handed you a kingdom that should be mine."
Shanelle shrugged. 
"Well that's too bad Eddy. Maybe if your father had been married with a child before I was born you'd be a King, not some just lowly Prince. But hey! That's what happens when you're the firstborn heir."
Edwin's blood boiled.
"You good for nothing bitch!" Edwin hissed.
That's when Marquise had heard enough. 
"That is enough!" Marquise's voice boomed, silencing all in the room. "Edwin if you ever disrespect my wife again I will have your head displayed on a spike!" 
Edwin seethed as he stared at the King and Queen.
"And for the record, Your Highness, your wife isn't scared. She's pregnant." Shanelle announced.
Edwin's face went from angry to confused. 
"What are you babbling about Shanelle?" Edwin asked.
"That's Your Majesty, you dipshit! And it's as I said, your wife isn't scared she's pregnant. That's why she threw up. It's also why she's had her head down this entire time. She's been nauseous. Which is a symptom of morning sickness." Shanelle replies.
Edwin's brow furrowed.
"No. There's no way she's pregnant!" Edwin protested. 
"Very well. Since you're so convinced that Naya isn't pregnant, how do you explain this?" Marquise asked as he handed the results of Naya's pregnancy test to the attendant next to him. "Give this to Prince Edwin."
"No! Wait, please!" Naya blurted out.
It was too late. The attendant handed the results to Edwin. As he read the document his face went from shock to confusion to anger.
"You're pregnant?!" Edwin asked Naya. 
Naya looked at Edwin. And Marquise took in the look on her face. 
"He didn't know," he whispered to his wife.
"Well, that's obvious. But why does he look like he is about to blow a gasket at her?" Shanelle asked.
"Answer me!" Edwin demanded. 
"Give her space Edwin."
"Oh fuck off Marquise!" Edwin snapped at him.
Naya shook her head sadly.
"Yes. Yes, I'm pregnant." Naya replies.
"There. Are you happy now, Your Highness?" Marquise asked.
Edwin looked at Naya and then back at the results.
"This...this...this is impossible! Naya can't be pregnant." Edwin said.
"What are you talking about Edwin?" Marquise asked.
"That baby is not mine!" Edwin replied.
"You're her husband Edwin. What do you mean that the baby isn't yours?" Shanelle asked.
"Because..." Edwin replied.
"Because what?" Shanelle asked.
"Because I can't have children!" Edwin replies.
Everyone was stunned. 
"Your Highness, what do you mean you can't have children?" Marquise asked.
Edwin sighed heavily.
"I had a vasectomy done 11 months ago. And it's too early to reverse it. Which means I can't have children!" Edwin replied. 
Shanelle and Marquise just looked at each other in shock.
"That means..." Shanelle trailed off.
"Yes. That means my wife is a no-good cheating whore!" Edwin seethed.
"Fuck you, Edwin!" Naya snapped at him. 
"If Edwin isn't the father then who is Naya?" Marquise asked.
Naya looked at Marquise.
"That was a question that requires an answer, Princess." 
Naya swallowed.
"It was one time. We were drunk. It shouldn't have happened." Naya teared up.
"Who is this child's father Naya?" Marquise asked.
"...King Edward," Naya replied.
The courtroom went deathly silent at the revelation. Edwin looked shell-shocked. And Shanelle had to hide her face while peeking like the Marge Simpson GIF.
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(Shanelle's reaction) 
"YOU SLEPT WITH MY FATHER?!" Edwin yelled. 
All eyes turned to the former King sitting in attendance. 
"Fuck you!" Naya sneered.
"You filthy dirty disgusting! I don't even know why I married you!" Edwin snapped at Naya. 
"You married me for my money because you and your family are still dead broke."
Edwin took a menacing step toward Naya.
"Also we got married because your mother had hoped that you, being married to a woman, would stop you from sleeping with your sister's husband!" Naya hissed.
Marquise's jaw dropped and Shanelle covered her mouth with a hand. When Shanelle looked out into the crowd she saw the look of sheer horror on her cousin Princess Giavana's face as she sat next to her husband. 
"Oh! My! God!" Shanelle whispered. 
"But unfortunately for your poor mother and your now shocked sister, you are still sleeping with Duke Pascal!" Naya spat at Edwin. 
Edwin stepped back in shock.
"You God awful bitch!" Edwin sneered at Naya.
And soon the two were in a shouting match for all in the room to see.
"This is a disaster!" Marquise groaned.
"What are you talking about? This is great!" Shanelle said while cackling. 
Marquise shot her a look that stopped her laughter.
"Enough!" his voice boomed as he stood up. "Have some kind of decorum for God's sake! This is a murder trial, not a place to air personal, private, and petty grievances!"
Marquise sat back down and took a deep breath to regain his composure.
"Now that this child's paternity has been established—" Marquise started to say before Edwin cut him off, "Your Majesty, I am formally requesting that my marriage to this whore be terminated effective immediately!"
Marquise let out an exasperated sigh.
"Your Highness, unfortunately, I can't grant you a divorce. Based on the fact that you and Naya are the Heads Of State for Comery Isle. So unless you want to renounce your title, you will remain married. Now. Sit. Down!"
Marquise watched Edwin storm out of the room without a second look back.
"That's not actually a law on the books is it?" Shanelle whispered. 
"Quiet!" Marquise replied before clearing his throat. 
"As for you, Naya. You have more questions to answer. Fortunately for you, you'll answer them tomorrow because I for one have had enough of this circus!" Marquise said to Naya before addressing her attorney, "Lady Hellstrom, you are to have your client ready and presentable for questioning tomorrow at 8:00 AM. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Your Majesty." Lady Hellstrom replied.
"As for the Parliament, each member of the Parliament will also be here at 8:00 AM when we reconvene," Marquise announced before standing up and helping Shanelle to her feet. 
All stood as the King and Queen made their exit. 
Later that night, after putting their daughter to bed, Shanelle was in her closet getting ready for bed. But something was bothering her. Marquise had been acting weird and she wanted to know why. 
When they got back to the residence it was like he was on autopilot. Yes, he was present and happy as always to see his smiling and giggling baby girl. Even when he and Khari had their nightly debate about what to have for dinner. 
"Okay, mon petit amour. What's for dinner?" Marquise asked. 
"Chicken nuggies and French fries!" Khari replies.
Marquise made a face. 
"What? I like chicken nuggies Daddy." 
"I know you do my love but we've had that for 3 nights in a row now. It's time to pick something else."
Khari pouted. 
"Khari," he said firmly. 
"Mommy?" Khari pleaded with her mother. 
"Your Daddy has a point. There are more things to eat for dinner than chicken nuggets and French fries." Shanelle told their daughter.
"Okay..." Khari said dejectedly.
Khari thought for a moment.
"Can we have lasagna Daddy?" Khari asked.
"Sure. And what goes best with lasagna?" Marquise asked.
"Cheesy garlic bread!" Khari replies.
"That's right. We'll have lasagna and cheesy garlic bread for dinner."
"And we can make lasagna sandwiches!" Khari quipped. 
"A girl after my own stomach," Marquise said as he took his daughter's hand and they walked to the main dining room. 
"Daddy, do you think the twins will like lasagna when they're born?" Khari asked.
"Not until they're older. When they're babies they don't have teeth." Marquise replies. 
"Ohhh! I didn't know that."
"Now you do my love."
Later that night after putting Khari to bed. Shanelle was in her closet picking out her outfit for the next day when he walked in. What started out as him wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck turned into him picking her up and carrying her back to their bed and eating her out before blowing her back out. 
He knew her body was hypersensitive to his touch and he took advantage of it. He didn't want to stop and he wouldn't have if not for her literally tapping out and begging him to.
"Okay! Okay! Okay! Marquise! Baby! Enough! Enough! Please! I can't anymore! I can't!" she pleaded. 
When he finally let her go she just laid there exhausted and trying to catch her breath. She was in this delirious haze and felt numb from the waist down. Marquise curled up with her, pulling her tight to his body. He moved her hair out of her face and kissed the side of her forehead. 
"Thank you for that baby. I needed it. And so did you." he whispered in her ear. 
She whimpered in response.
"I know. I know. I was a little rough. I'm sorry." he said to her. 
He placed his right hand on her belly and rubbed his thumb in small circles.
"Forgive me?" he whispered in her ear, making her shiver.
She looked at him through her eyelids.
"Demon," she whispered.
He chuckled.
"Better than being the devil."
"Fine," she said in a voice barely above a whisper.
He kissed just below her right ear.
"Can't feel my legs." she managed to say.
He winced.
"Sorry about that."
"I don't know what pissed you off but don't ever do that again."
He held her as they both drifted off to sleep.
The next day dawned bright and early and all were back in the courtroom. Waiting and ready to hear Naya's side of the story. 
"Thank you all for coming this morning. Today we will hear from Princess Naya." Marquise announced to everyone in the room. "Giancarlo, you may now ask your first question."
Giancarlo nodded before turning to face Naya.
"Princess, is it true that you attacked Her Majesty not once but twice?" Giancarlo asked.
Naya blinked at him.
"I don't know what you are talking about," Naya replied.
Giancarlo presented her with a report.
"Perhaps I can jog your memory. What does this report say?" he asked.
Naya read the report and suddenly looked scared.
"It says that I tried to kill her. That's not true!" Naya replies. 
"Then perhaps you can clear this up."
"I was merely expressing my disappointment in His Majesty's lackluster choice of a spouse," Naya replied looking into Shanelle's direction. 
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
"With a knife Your Highness?" Giancarlo asked.
"That was a lapse in judgment," Naya replied.
Shanelle could feel her blood pressure rise.
"You spent a night in the dungeons did you not?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. It was a mere overreaction to the situation."  Naya replied.
"This bitch..." Shanelle muttered.
"I'm sorry Your Majesty. Did you say something?" Naya asked.
"Yeah, I did. I said This. Bitch." Shanelle replied.
"Princess, was this attack provoked?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. I shared the same sentiment as the rest of the court at the time, Shanelle doesn't belong here." Naya replied.
"And yet here I sit. at His Majesty's side, a ring on my finger, and his last name." Shanelle sneered at Naya.
Naya scoffed.
"And no idea what the proper temperament of a Queen is." she sneered at Shanelle. 
"You know what? You're right, I don't know what the proper temperament of a Queen is. But I know one thing: I'm not carrying a baby that isn't my husband's!" Shanelle sneered. 
Naya's face turned ugly.
"By the way Princess, how is my cousin? Still shocked I'm sure. Have you talked to him at all? What about Genevieve? I'm sure she loved hearing the news that her husband fathered your baby. Matter of fact since I don't see him here, have you heard from your baby father-in-law since yesterday?" Shanelle asked. 
"FUCK YOU!" Naya screamed. 
"Looks like I hit a nerve."
"Enough both of you!" Marquise said to them both.
Shanelle scoffed. 
"And to think I was nice enough to make sure you were comfortable today. No one but your counsel, us, members of the Parliament, Giancarlo, and the attendants were allowed to be here today." Shanelle said.
"Gee, thanks for your consideration bitch!" Naya spat at Shanelle.
"Last warning!" Marquise warned. 
"Yes. We're getting off track here." Giancarlo agreed.
 Both women silently glared at each other. 
"Now Princess Naya, based on the findings of the autopsy that His Majesty had done, your husband was killed by Cantarella poisoning. How did that happen?" Giancarlo asked.
Naya went quiet.
"Answer the question Naya," Marquise said to her. 
"I can't," she replied quietly. 
"What do you mean you can't?" Giancarlo asked.
"I can't say anything about the Cantarella. I'm forbidden to." Naya replied.
"Forbidden? By who?" Giancarlo asked. 
"By the King," Naya replied.
All eyes looked at Marquise.
"Not him. Constantine. He forbade me from ever speaking on the matter." Naya said. 
That's when her legal counsel spoke.
"Your Majesty, may I have a moment with my client?" Lady Hellstrom asked.
"Granted. In the meantime, Carlo, you're with us." Marquise replied.
Marquise helped Shanelle up and then met Carlo outside.
"What in the world is she talking about?" Shanelle asked.
Carlo and Marquise looked at each other. Then it dawned on them both.
"Sonuvabitch!" Marquise hissed.
"He didn't." 
"Yes Carlo, he did."
"Somebody wanna clue me in?" Shanelle asked.
"We know why he forbade her from speaking about the Cantarella," Marquise replied.
"Why?" Shanelle asked.
"Because he's the one that gave it to her," Marquise replied.
Shanelle's eyebrows shot up.
"How can you be sure?" she asked.
"Because he must've found Fabian's hidden sample," Marquise replied.
Marquise closed his eyes.
"Carlo, I want every document, decree, declaration, proclamation, warrant, and NDA he ever signed."
"That will take all day, Your Majesty!" 
"I don't care! I'll issue a continuance until tomorrow, just get me those documents!" 
Carlo nodded. 
"Yes, at once Your Majesty." 
Carlo went back inside to gather his things before going to the Archives. Marquise leaned his head against the door with his eyes closed. Shanelle rubbed his arm. 
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"If she's telling the truth, I can promise you that I won't be," Marquise replied. 
"That's gonna be a lot of reading through."
"I'll get it done somehow."
"We Marquise. We will get it done."
"Shanelle—" he began to say before she cut him off, "do not argue with me. I am as much invested in justice being served as you are. So we will get it done."
Marquise knew he couldn't fight her. So he just took a deep breath and nodded.
"Fine. But we need to get to my office now."
"Let's go."  
The couple made their way to his office where boxes were already outside. 
"Oh, my God! This will take forever!" Shanelle said as she looked at the boxes.
"Then we better get started," Marquise replied.
Over the next 3 ½ hours the couple poured over everything they could find bearing Connie's seal and signature as more documents and boxes came in. They found answers to the many questions and rumors about His former Majesty but nothing yet about Cantarella or anything about it. 
"Ugh! We need a break! My brain hurts and these two are hungry." Shanelle said with a sigh.
"You go get something to eat. I can't stop right now."
"Marquise—" she began to say before he cut her off, "Go Shanelle. I'll be fine. I'll get something later." 
"Okay. Promise me you won't be at this all day." 
"I can't promise you that. But I can say that I will never miss our family time."
Shanelle sighed. 
"I guess that'll have to do. I'm going to get something to eat." Shanelle said before kissing her husband on the cheek and leaving his office. 
Over the next few hours, fueled by alcohol, protein bars, and determination, Marquise was going to find out what Naya meant. He knew that whatever it was it couldn't have been good. He was nose deep in paperwork that he didn't hear Margo come in.
"Goodness! You've been at this for hours son." 
"I know but I can't stop."
"Have you eaten?" Margo asked.
Marquise gestures to the trash bin full of protein bar wrappers.
"That's not food Marquise," she said as she set a sandwich in front of him.
"Mom, I'm busy right now."
"I can tell. Now eat."
"I'm not about to argue with you."
Margo squared her shoulders.
"Very well Your Majesty. Have it your way."
Marquise knew that tone in her voice all too well. 
"I was sent here by Her Majesty to make sure that you had at least eaten since you've been here for hours. And to remind you that my granddaughter will be home in an hour and she will be expecting her father to greet her. I would hate for her to be disappointed." 
Marquise looked at the time on his Apple Watch and sighed.
"Alright. Alright. You win. I'll eat and then be there."
"See that you are."
Marquise shook his head as he watched Margo leave. While he didn't want to stop, Margo was right. He needed to eat. And the turkey club she brought him was starting to smell amazing and after one bite he realized how hungry he actually was. Once his sandwich was done he was out the door. 
After spending time with his family, Marquise was back at it. Searching for answers well into the night. It was 1 am and he was going through all the death warrants Constantine ever signed off on. He had just started going through them when Shanelle knocked on the door.
"You're still at it?" Shanelle asked.
"Yes. But I think I'm finally onto something," he replies as she sat down across from him.
"Is this everything?" she asked.
"No. Not even a ⅓ of it," he replied.
"What are you looking at?" she asked.
"Copies of every death warrant that my father ever signed," he replies.
"Why would you be looking at those?" 
"Because everything else that I've looked at has been a dead end."
"Want some help?" she asked. 
"You should be asleep," he replied.
"So should you. But since you're up I'm helping." 
"Fine. Start with the pile of folders to your left."
The two spent the next hour combing through death warrants dating back to when Connie first took the crown. 
"All these people..." Shanelle trailed off.
"Some of them were justified executions."
"Yeah. But look at all the ones he signed off on after your mother was killed. Most of these are for real petty reasons."
"I knew some of those people very well. They were good people. Most of these executions were of people who were friends of my mother."
Marquise just shook his head. 
"This was the demon I was never trying to face," he said quietly. 
Shanelle looked at her husband before gingerly taking his hands in hers.
"If this is bothering you, babe we can stop. I don't want you to torture yourself."
"I have to do this Shanelle. None of this makes any sense. I have to find out why. So if that means facing down the demon that Constantine Rys turned into then so be it." 
Shanelle nodded before going back to searching. She finally found something that startled her. 
"Marquise, take a look at this."
Marquise peered at the warrant in her hands. It was a signed death warrant for Tariq.
"Why the hell would he sign a death warrant for the Cordonian Ambassador to Ethiopia?" Shanelle asked.
Marquise took the warrant out of her hands.
"My guess is to get back at his cousin," Marquise replies.
"Huh?" Shanelle asked.
"Tariq's father Lord Gerard is my father's first cousin. His mother Estelle was my grandfather's sister." Marquise replies. 
"Estelle fell in love with a man named Claudio. She wanted to marry him but my grandfather forbade her from doing so." 
"Why?" she asked.
"Because he was from Rutherland. And at that time all members of the Royal Family were forbidden from marrying outside of other Cordonian Nobility," he replied.
"So it wasn't just you Rys men who married outsiders?" she asked. 
Marquise snorted.
"Yes. They eloped and when my grandfather found out he was ready to strip her of her title but then he found out she was pregnant with Lord Gerard. So he allowed his sister to keep her title but he banned her husband from Cordonia and forced her to raise Gerard on by herself." he replied. 
Shanelle winced.
"Harsh much?" 
Marquise nodded.
"I never said I agreed with it, my love."
"I know. But that doesn't explain why Connie would want Tariq dead."
Marquise sighed.
"Gerard and my father never really got along as children and their relationship all but soured after Sebastian died. My mother tried to mend fences between them and was making progress but when she was killed it all went to shit. And when Tariq came to court my father got his hooks in him. And was doing well or so I thought. You see Tariq was adopted as a baby from an orphanage in Ethiopia because his mother Hilda couldn't have children."
"Tariq was a shrewd businessman but he was also anal about his station. He always believed in elevating his station. Once he began to get noticed on the court my father named him as the Ambassador to Ethiopia. He secured four military bases from the Ethiopian Government."
"I never knew that about him."
"I did. He never let anyone who knew him forget it." 
"This is all very informative but it still doesn't explain why Connie would kill him?" she asked.
Marquise looked down at the death warrant and his brow furrowed.
"What is it?" she asked.
"I don't know why my father signed this warrant but I know who to ask. Take a look at the additional signatures."
Shanelle looked at the additional signatures and gasped.
"No way."
"Yeah. Now it's way past your bedtime love. Let's get some sleep."
Shanelle nodded before getting up and walking out. 
Skipping a day the trial resumed. 
"Thank you, everyone. I apologize for delaying the trial for two days. Now I have four witnesses that I have questions for." Marquise said before nodding to the guards at the door. When the doors opened former Queen Regina was walked in as well as former Duke Of Karlington Godfrey Amaranth and the former Lord Barthelemy Beaumont and Bastien the former Head of the King's Guard.
"Why are they here?" Shanelle asked Marquise.
"You're about to find out," he replies.
Marquise cleared his throat before addressing the four individuals.
"Good morning to the four of you. I thank you all for coming today."
Regina scoffed.
"It's not like we had a choice not to come, Your Majesty. You summoned me and dragged them from their cells."
"Yea well, I couldn't expect the four of you to willingly show up so I did what I had to do as King. Now to the matter at hand. The four of you are here to clarify something for me."
"What is that?" Godfrey asked.
"I want each of you to take a look at this document," Marquise said as he handed it to an attendant who handed it to Regina.
"It's a signed death warrant," Regina said before passing the document to Bastien and the others. 
"Yes. It's a signed death warrant for one Tariq Sauvageon. My question to each of you is simple, why would my father issue a death warrant for someone so lucrative to Cordonia?" Marquise asked.
"Why would we help you?" Barthelemy asked. 
"You mean besides the fact that the four of you really have nothing better to do with your lives?" Marquise replied. 
"I have plenty to do with my life, thank you very much!" Regina snapped at Marquise. 
"Yes yes. Sitting on your ass twiddling your thumbs doing nothing while you live off the Monarchy's dime is very important work, Regina." Marquise said dismissively. 
Shanelle snorted. 
"I don't have to stand for this!" Regina seethed.
"You do and you will. Now answer the question." 
All remained quiet. 
"I'll kindly remind each of you that testing my patience is a mistake." Marquise warned. 
Barthelemy scoffed.
"Oh please! You don't scare me, Marquise. If you were even half the King your father was then I would be terrified. But you're not. You're weak, hollow, and sorry. As a matter of fact, I'll be so bold as to say you're still the same sad pathetic 11-year-old boy still pining after his dead no-good mother that you have always been. So you want my help, Your Majesty, here's my answer: no! Since you're the King, you can figure this out on your own." Barthelemy sneered. 
"Is that your final answer Barthelemy?" Marquise asked calmly.
"Yes!" Barthelemy answered defiantly.
Marquise steepled his fingers together and nodded.
"Very well. Have it your way, Barthelemy." 
Marquise nodded subtly to the guard standing behind Barthelemy, who produced a long knife. With deadly grace, precision, and efficiency, the guard slit Barthelemy's throat open from end to end while a horrified Shanelle and others looked on. Splattering his blood everywhere and ending his life. Shanelle thought she would be sick.
"Break now!" Shanelle hissed.
"Per Her Majesty's wishes, we will take a 2-hour break so this mess," Marquise said as he gestured to a now very dead Barthelemy, "can be cleaned up. Now, if the remaining three of you don't want to suffer the same fate as Lord Barthelemy, I suggest one of you starts talking when we return."
Shanelle couldn't run out of that room fast enough. She got halfway down the hall before Marquise caught up with her. 
"Will you slow down?" he asked.
That's when she stopped and rounded on him.
"No, I will not slow down! Need I remind you that YOU JUST KILLED A MAN IN FRONT OF ME AND MORE THAN A DOZEN PEOPLE?!" Shanelle exclaimed.
"Calm! Down! And let me explain. A.) I signed Barthelemy's death warrant months ago. Which means B.) All I did was expedite his execution."
Shanelle looked at Marquise like he had lost his mind. 
"Was that supposed to fucking make me feel better?! Because it doesn't!" she snapped at him, "I feel like I'm gonna be sick."
"Here come sit down."
He gingerly led her to a sitting room where he helped her sit down. Once she was seated she took deep calming breaths. And when she was calm enough to speak she let him have it.
"What in the entire hell were you thinking?!" she asked.
"Are you seriously upset that Barthelemy is dead?" he replies.
"No! As far as I'm concerned he earned his death. I'm upset you had to traumatize me, your VERY pregnant wife, and a room of people by killing him!"
Shanelle closed her eyes as a way to compose herself. She heard Marquise speak in French to an attendant and when she opened her eyes there was a cup of apple tea waiting for her. 
"For you My Queen." the attendant said as he offered her a cup of tea.
"Thank you," she replies before taking a sip, "be sure that Naya gets a cup of tea if you don't mind."
The attendant bowed.
"At once Your Majesty."
As the attendant left Giancarlo walked in.
"Well that's one way to get your point across Marquise," Giancarlo said sarcastically. 
Marquise rolled his eyes. 
"What in the hell was that?" Giancarlo asked.
"I already asked that question," Shanelle replies.
"Are you two done ganging up on me?" Marquise asked.
"Well actually cousin..." Giancarlo replies.
"NO!" Shanelle snapped at her husband.
Giancarlo snickered.
"Tell me how did you find that death warrant and why is it so important?" Giancarlo asked. 
"I didn't find it, she did. And it's important because I need to know why your uncle issued it."
Giancarlo nodded.
"And you think one of the four you summoned knows the answer?" Giancarlo asked.
"I know one of them does. They just needed to be reminded of what happens when someone decides to openly defy me." Marquise replies.
"In my defense, your wife and I openly defy you all the time. Are you saying we deserve death?" Giancarlo asks.
Marquise snorts.
"Now that you mentioned it..." Marquise replied.
Shanelle gave her husband a death stare and he backed down. 
"I'm so glad she's on my side," Giancarlo said.
"Yeah yeah."
"For now I have to go prepare for questions and look into this death warrant more," Giancarlo said before taking his leave. 
Marquise turned his attention back to his slightly less agitated wife.
"Still mad at me?" he asked.
"Yup, but I guess I can see why you would kill him. I just wish you hadn't done it in front of me."
"I'm sorry."
"Are you?" she asked.
"I honest to God didn't think you'd be so upset. And when you ran out the way you did I knew I had fucked up." he replies.
Shanelle shook her head.
"Sadly I believe you."
"How is your tea?" he asked. 
"It's good. I can see why your mother swore by it when she was pregnant. Speaking of which I hope you won't let what Barthelemy said in his final minutes get to you."
"Never. I'm not that little boy anymore."
"You never were that little boy."
"Sometimes it feels like I am."
"Well, I say you're not. And what I say goes,  I am the Queen."
Marquise smiled at his bride. He was thankful she wasn't too mad at him. Once the two hours were up they returned to the courtroom and the trial resumed. Marquise cleared his throat before speaking.
"Thank you, everyone, for returning so we could resume this trial. And let me apologize for the sudden yet valid execution of Lord Barthelemy. Now to the three individuals in front of me, I do hope you took the time to consider how you will act for the remainder of the trial and what answers you will have."
All three stood still as they looked at Marquise.
"Now I believe Carlo has a few questions for the three of you." 
All eyes went to Giancarlo as he stood up.
"My first question is for Princess Naya actually. Princess, did you know about this death warrant?" Giancarlo asked. 
"And if I may, before you answer, do keep in mind that lying is always the wrong answer." Marquise quipped.
Naya nodded and then swallowed. 
"Yes, I knew about it. I found out about it after it was signed." Naya replies.
"And how did you find out?" Giancarlo asked.
"I attended a charity gala where Queen Regina informed me of the warrant," Naya replies. 
Giancarlo nodded. 
"Now for Queen Regina. You were King Constantine's closest confidant. So I'm sure you can answer this question better than anyone, why would King Constantine sign a death warrant for Tariq?" Giancarlo asked.
Regina looked at him before looking at Shanelle and Marquise who tapped the face of his watch.
"A week after the Princess came to us asking for a divorce, my husband had an audience with Lord Gerard, Tariq's father, about him not paying his Duchy's taxes. Constantine told him that he had an outstanding tax balance that had to be paid before it became a permanent debt to the Monarchy. Rather than agree to pay the taxes, Lord Gerard just laughed in my husband's face and said he would not be paying anything more to a selfish self-centered King. Cousin or not. So Constantine decided to teach Lord Gerard a lesson for disrespecting his King." Regina replies.
"And that's when he issued the death warrant for Tariq?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes," Regina replies.
Giancarlo nodded.
"Duke Godfrey, as his third in command, can you confirm this?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. I can confirm this." Godfrey replies.
Shanelle shook her head. 
"Petty," she whispered.
"How did Princess Naya get the Cantarella?" Giancarlo asked. 
All three went quiet before Bastien awkwardly cleared his throat. 
"In 2011 while renovations were being done to the palace grounds, a secret compartment was found in a wall. In that compartment was the sample of Cantrella that Fabian had hidden. His former Majesty had it tested and when it was confirmed to be the same sample, he had a lab begin to quietly produce more of it. No one but myself, Queen Regina, Duke Godfrey, and Lord Barthelemy knew King Constantine had the poison produced. He only used it on those he sentenced to death." Bastien replies. 
Giancarlo nodded.
"And how is it administered?" Giancarlo asked.
"I can answer that," Marquise replies.
"You can?" Shanelle replies.
"Yes. Cantarella is given in six doses. Three small and three large. The three small doses are given to slowly build up the poison in the bloodstream. And as for three larger doses, two of them maintain the poison, and the final dose is the lethal one." Marquise explained. 
Bastien nodded. 
"Yes sir. And those were the instructions that I gave Princess Naya when I delivered the Cantarella to her." 
"So to get back at Lord Gerard he decided to kill his only son?" Giancarlo asked.
"Yes. He literally killed two birds with one stone. He got his revenge on Gerard and Princess Naya got out of her marriage." Regina replies.
"One more question then I will be through. Can either one of you tell me when this death warrant was signed?" Giancarlo asked.
"July 21st, 2015," Regina replied.
"Why does that date sound so familiar?" Shanelle asked.
"Because that was two days before you and I took control of the kingdom," Marquise replies.
"Yes, it was. Your father signed that warrant as an act of defiance to the new King and his wife." Regina quipped.
Marquise got a look on his face. 
"What is it?" Shanelle asked.
"Regina, I need you to clarify something for me. A death warrant would only be valid as long as your husband was alive, yes?" Marquise replies.
"Yes, that's right. As long as my husband was alive, the death warrant was active." Regina replied.
Marquise nodded before turning his attention to Naya.
"Naya, when did your husband die?" Marquise asked.
Naya went pale.
"Princess..." Marquise warned.
"September 12th, 2021" Naya replied.
"That's six years after the warrant was originally signed." Shanelle piped up. 
"And the former King died August 14th, 2016." Marquise added. 
"This means the death warrant was no longer valid when Tariq died." Shanelle said.
Marquise nodded. 
"Which means Princess Naya killed an innocent man." Giancarlo piped up.
"My King. I believe I will now rest my case." Giancarlo announced.
"Very well. Now the defense may begin its case." Marquise announced. 
Shanelle snickered.
"Lady Hellstrom doesn't have a case. You do know that right?" Shanelle whispered to her husband.
"Still have to let her present one even if it is weak and nonexistent," Marquise replies.
It took Lady Hellstrom two days to present her case before she rested and Marquise ended the trial.
"Now that the trial has come to an end, it is time for members of the Parliament to vote. Now be sure to be sure to keep in mind all of the witness testimony and evidence that has been presented. A vote of majority must be reached either to convict or acquit. You may now convene to vote on the matter." Marquise instructed.
It took the Parliament a day to reach a vote.
"Has a vote been reached?" Marquise asked.
"Yes, my King. A vote has been reached," Bertrand replied.
"What say the Parliament, Duke Ramsford?" Marquise asked.
"The Parliament has voted 11-9...to convict Princess Naya Laurent-Sauvageon-Miller of murdering her former husband."
Marquise looked at Naya to see the color in her face drain out.
"The Parliament has voted on the matter. So shall it be. In addition to the verdict, Naya you hereby have been stripped of your titles and lands."
That's when Naya broke and became hysterical.
"No! Please! I didn't mean it! Please don't do this! I don't deserve this!" Naya cried. 
"Guards! Take her away." Marquise commanded.
Everyone watched as a screaming and crying Naya was taken out of the courtroom before Marquise turned to the Parliament. 
"On behalf of your kingdom, I thank you all for your service. Go and be well." Marquise said.
A few weeks later, His Majesty was in his office sitting in front of the fireplace, having just nursed a glass of bourbon. When there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," he said to the door.
Guards entered leading Naya who was in chains. When Marquise looked at her he could tell she had been crying. 
"Those won't be necessary," Marquise said gesturing to the chains she was in.
Once the chains were removed, the guards left the room.
"Sit," he said to her sternly.
As Naya sat down, Marquise poured himself another drink.
"I'd offer you a drink but given your current situation," Marquise said, gesturing to her growing belly, "it's for the best I'm sure."
"Why am I here?" Naya asked.
"You're here because I have a proposition for you," Marquise replies before taking a sip of his drink.
"What proposition?" she asked.
"The same one my father offered your mother before she died," Marquise replies. 
Naya looked at him confused. 
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
"Did you know your mother was sleeping with my father?" he replies. 
"What?! That's not true! My mother would never!" 
"Oh, but she did."
"You have no proof!" Naya sneered. 
"That's where you're wrong love. You see I had a conversation with your father after I found a contract my father had drawn up between him and your mother and Elgin confirmed to me that your mother was indeed sleeping with her King."
Naya looked at him in disbelief.
"No. That's not true. She loved my father."
"You're right. She did. According to your father, your mother thought sleeping with my father would get him to forgive your family's debt. And it might've worked if she had signed the agreement my father had drawn up."
"What agreement?" she asked.
"As I said, your mother and my father shared many a night in bed together. This went on for months from what I know. So much so that my father had this agreement drawn up." Marquise said as he produced the document, "I'll spare myself the gory details and just give you a summary. Basically, this is an agreement for your mother to become the property of the Monarchy."
"What does that even mean?" she asked.
"It meant that your mother was to be the King's whore. She was to be at his beck and call at all times. Sometimes for days and weeks if my father so chose. And she was to be available to whoever he decided to pass her off to." Marquise replies.
"You're lying Marquise!" 
Marquise took a sip of his drink before showing her the document.
"See for yourself."
Naya read the contract with a look of sheer horror on her face. 
"My God." 
"Unfortunately your mother's refusal led to my father sending these to yours."
Marquise handed her photos of her mother and Connie in bed together. Looking at them made her sick. 
"Do you believe me now?" Marquise asked.
"Mother, why would you?" Naya replied in shock.
"For the love of her family apparently. According to your father, it's what they were arguing about the night she died."
"That's why she stormed out of our home drunk. She was humiliated by your father."
Marquise shrugged.
"Why would you show me all of this?" she asked.
“As I said, I’m prepared to make you a deal,” he replies.
“What deal?” she asked. 
“The deal where you are to be exiled forever,” he replies.
“Why the hell would I ever agree to something like that?” she asked in a disgusted tone.
Marquise cocked an eyebrow at her before showing her the death warrant with her name on it.
“Because it beats the alternative. All this death warrant needs is my seal and signature and you and your unborn child are as good as dead,” he replies. 
Naya stared at the death warrant with tears of fear in her eyes.
“No Marquise. No. You can't.”
“King. So yes I can and I will. Unless you take the deal that I’m offering you.”
“What about my father?” Naya asked.
“He will continue to receive his medical care and his monthly stipend,” he replies.
“What about Edwin?” she asked.
Marquise scoffed. 
“He's furious with you. Because not only did you expose him but, you cost him his brand-new title as the Head Of State Of Comery Isle. At the same time, he has his own shit to deal with. His mother has all but disowned him and his father and his sister is out for blood.” Marquise replies.
“You stripped him of his title?” she asked.
“No. Your scandal forced him out. New elections will begin in November after my sons are born.” he replies.
“And what about our marriage?” she asked.
“Annulled,” he replies.
“What of my family’s debt?” she asked.
He shrugged.
“This will be how you pay it off,” he replies.
Naya took a shaky breath.
“I'll do anything to stay alive but how is this beneficial to me?” she asks.
“This is beneficial to you because I find myself in a position where you are of more use to me alive than you are dead. You made the conscious decision to kill a man. That can't be overlooked. Your murder conviction is the consequence of your own action. I am giving you a chance to live and eventually raise your child as you see fit.” he replies.
“By forcing me into exile?” she asks.
He shrugged.
“Maybe if you hadn't killed Tariq we wouldn't even have to be having this conversation,” he replies.
“You're blackmailing me into exile!”
He gave an almost bored look. 
“As I said, beats the alternative.”
“What the hell has happened to you? You used to have compassion. Morals. Principles. But this? This isn't you. This isn't who you are. This is who your father was.”
Marquise’s face contorted into an ugly sneer.
“You know what I’m done being nice. You have a choice to make Naya. You can either take the deal I offered you or I can make the decision for you, and you and your unborn child die. You have 30 seconds. Tick tock!” he sneered. 
Naya stared at him before finally relenting.
“Okay. Okay. I'll take the deal.” 
“Smart girl.”
Marquise handed her the contract he had drawn up as well as a pen.
“Sign. Now,” he instructed. 
Just as Naya went to sign she noticed an extra signature on the contract. 
“Your wife knows about this?!”
“Yes, she does. It was her idea after reading the original contract. That's why her signature is on this one. Now sign!”
With a shaking hand, Naya signed the contract on the dotted line. She handed it back to Marquise where he signed and sealed it. 
“As of this moment, you are now the property of the Monarchy, you will spend the rest of your life in exile and service. If you ever defy me at any point, you will be executed without question. Is that clear?” he asked.
“Yes. I understand,” she replied.
“Good girl.”
“What about my child? What will happen to them?” she asks.
“You both will live in obscurity. You will not have contact with anyone here in Cordonia. Not your father. Not the press. Not even Edwin. No one is to ever know that you and your baby are alive outside of me and my wife. How you raise that child is up to you. Also, a guard will be present at all times.” he replies.
“When does my servitude start?” she asks.
“It started the moment you signed the contract but I'll be generous and let it start after you give birth,” he replies.
Naya nodded.
“So what happens now?” she asks.
“Guard!” Marquise called out.
The guards reentered the room.
“Take her to the safehouse in Applewood. Make sure she and her baby are as comfortable as possible.” he ordered.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” a guard replies.
Marquise looked at Naya. 
“I have an audience in Applewood in three days. You will be ready to leave when I get there. Understood?” he asks.
“Yes,” she replies.
“Yes?” he asks.
“Yes, my King. I will be ready,” she replies.
He nodded to the guards who led Naya out of his office. Once she was gone, Marquise shook his head and finished his drink before leaving his office. 
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Mastermind Chapter 2
The night air was cold on my bare skin as I walked down the abandoned streets toward this so-called game venue. The warm blanket I had wrapped myself in now lay discarded on the floor of my hotel room, along with the sweater I didn't think I would need. Goosebumps littered my arms, almost mocking the lack of situational awareness I seemed to possess.
Rounding the corner my eyes landed on the building just a few feet in front of me. Unlike everything else in the city it still had power, every light flipped on and bathed the street below in a warm orange glow. This must be what moths feel like. The nagging voice in the back of my brain whispered as I looked up to the big white screen hanging above the front door beckoning me to come inside
“Deep breaths,” I whispered to myself, hand clasped around the railing as I made my way up the front steps. Anxiety coursed through my veins, why was I so nervous? Having reached the top step I looked back at the street around me- empty. If I wanted answers I had no choice but to go inside.
Opening the door I was met with a warm blast of air and the familiar musty smell of a public library. Taking a step in my eyes landed on a small group of people seated around the book check-out area. One older-looking man and two women, one girl still in her school uniform.
“E-excuse me,” my voice wavered as it echoed in the nearly empty room, bouncing off the cream-coloured walls. “Does anyone know what's going on?”
“This must be your first game.” A gruff male voice observed. Spinning around I saw a man leaning against the wall by the front door, half obscured by a shelf. A perfect place to observe each person as they walked in.
The man in question was quite tall with deeply tanned skin. His lips were downturned in a permanent scowl with a lip ring pierced right in the middle of his bottom lip and his black hair had been cut short, almost down to his scalp. The man's demeanor was similar to that of a soldier.
“First?” I questioned. Everyone had only disappeared a few hours ago and yet the people around me looked like it had been days, maybe even weeks. “How long have you been here?”
“Grab a phone kid. The faster you register the sooner we can get out of here.” An older man ordered. His arms were folded around his chest and judging by his attitude he wasn't disobeyed often.
“Can someone please just tell me what's going on? Where did everyone go?”
“None of us know.” The first man answered. “A few days ago we found ourselves here and if you want to stay alive you have to play the game.”
“Okay…..” I mused, this man had to be on something. “I'm just gonna go. I'm sure someone else around here must know something.”
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” The older man snickered. Before I could ask what he meant by that the younger man grabbed a book off the shelf and threw it at the door behind me. In a blink and you'll miss it moment a red laser shot through the air, and chard pieces of paper fluttered around the room before resting on the floor next to the smoking book with a hole right through the middle.
“Grab a phone already.” The old man complained.
“The poor girl is shocked,“ One of the women scolded him. “It's her first game, just give her a minute.”
“Thank you but I’m okay now,” I assured the kind woman. My hands shook slightly as I reached for one of the phones sitting on the table. “What do I -”
The phone pinged in my hand. “Facial recognition is complete. Please wait For registration to close.” A small timer appeared on the screen. Sixty seconds until this game began.
“So what kind of game are we playing?” I asked no one in particular. A young girl still in her high school uniform gave me a sad look before averting her eyes. The lady who had told the old man off offered a meek smile.
“We won't know until we begin.”
Sixty seconds in total was not a lot of time and yet it seemed to drag out. The people around me grew more and more anxious by the second until “Registration is now closed. The game will now commence. The difficulty is, three of diamonds.” The sickeningly sweet voice of the phone's AI silenced the whole room. Each and every one of us in the library stared at our phones, waiting
Game HangMan
Rules: Players must stand on a platform and secure a noose around their necks. Only one player may be allowed on a platform.
Players will be asked a series of ten questions. You must select your answer on the screen before you within the allotted time frame
For every question that you answer incorrectly, the platform will lower. It will be game over for a player who answers three incorrect questions
Players who answer seven or more questions correctly will clear the game
An electronic door to the right swung open and I followed the others deeper into the library.
Just as the phone said there were five podiums, although they looked more like gallows. One for each of us. Not wasting any time I picked the podium right in the middle and slipped the rope around my neck. It was rough on the exposed skin, every inhale and exhale left a burning sensation in its wake. The others quickly followed suit, securing the rope around their necks just like I had. Once everyone had done as instructed the same robotic female voice filled the room
“Question one: Who was the German leader during World war two? “
The small screen before me displayed three options to choose from. An easy question to start off with. Would all ten questions be this easy or would they get harder each round? Quickly I selected the right answer on the screen in front of me.
“Question two: What is the proper spelling of the word ‘school’ in French?
I had taken French since elementary school so this question was a no brainer. L’ecole, I selected off the screen.. Next to me, the high school students' platform lowered slightly.
“Question Three: Who was the thirteenth president of the United States of America?”
My heart dropped as my eyes flickered between the three potential answers before me, I had never heard any of the three names before. I had to guess. Selecting my choice the noose tightened around my neck and the platform lowered.
“Question Four: How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics?”
Three. The answer was three.
“Question Five: How many pleats are there in a chef's hat?”
The questions were becoming more and more obscure. Making my choice I watched in horror as everyone's platform lowered. The old man grumbled under his breath and the high schooler began crying hysterically.
“Question six: What is the deepest part of the ocean called?”
Instinctively my finger hovered over the Marianas trench, it was a common misconception that the Marianas trench was the deepest when in actuality it was the Challenger Deep.
Four of the five platforms were lowered. The high school girl hung from the noose, thrashing about as she desperately tried to free herself. Saliva flew from her mouth and tears dribbled down her reddening face. A few minutes passed while the four of us watched, unable to move and unable to look away until she grew still. Her limp body swayed ever so slightly.
“Question seven: What is the little dot above a lowercase I or J referred to?”
Wasting no time the game continued on. All of us were on even grounds here, just one wrong question away from dangling by our necks as the rest were forced to watch. Selecting my answer a moment passed and nothing happened. We all got it right.
“Question eight: Who was the first person to create a motion picture.”
The kind man who had saved me from getting a laser through the skull was the next to go. He didn't put up a fight like the first girl, accepting his fate as the platform beneath him lowered.
“Question nine: How many times was Julius Caesar stabbed at his assassination?”
The woman next to me didn't go with grace. She screamed as the platform lowered, begging and pleading whatever cruel god that put us here to have mercy. Just like the other two her face slowly turned blue, leaving just me and the grouchy old man left for the last question.
“Question ten: How many elements are there on the periodic table?”
My heart hammered in my chest as I heard the familiar click of the lowering platform. Shutting my eyes I braced myself for the noose to tighten a final time. It never came. The old man muttered a few choice words under his breath before he succumbed to his fate as well.
Looking at the quartet of corpses hanging all around me my stomach tightened. Bile crept its way up my throat, slipping from my lips onto the hardwood floor. Their bloodshot eyes watching as my legs gave out beneath me.
“Game cleared. Congratulations to all surviving players. Your visa has been updated.” The phone I grabbed at the beginning chimed with the same cheery robotic voice as before. The screen showed three days had been added to a visa that I never knew I had.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” I yelled out loud, hoping that whatever sick bastard was making these games would take pity on me and answer my questions. As expected I was met with silence. The lights around me flickered off one by one leaving me in complete darkness once again.
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