#child free
whatbigotspost · 3 months
“If you’re so vocally ‘child free’ how come you work with kids…?”
Well Jethro, it may shock you to learn that not reproducing doesn’t mean you hate kids.
And I don’t know Betty Sue, but maybe just maybe I want children to know that parenting isn’t compulsory, since almost every fucking adult I knew (ESPECIALLY YOU) growing up made it feel like an inevitable, incoming curse.
So I ask YOU, Jimbob, why do you hate your kids so fucking much???
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fixing-bad-posts · 5 months
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no child 😎
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cimerran-714 · 3 months
So there's this person called @alaticba
He's pro-choice & made a claim that the SCOTUS recently ruled that performing abortions when the woman's life is in danger, is illegal. I asked him for a source.
First, he linked to the White House and Youtube videos (!), which is of course ridiculous since the government is pro-choice and you cannot expect any integrity from them. Youtube videos are also not a reliable source.
I asked for a direct link to the court decision & the judgements the judges had made. This is where it gets interesting. For some reason, he began to argue that saying "The court ruled that life-threat abortions should be illegal" is not a claim that he had made, and also proceeded to call me names. "Motherfucker", "Dense," and "Stupid" are some of them.
And now he's spamming my inbox & chat to say that he won't let me get away easily.
What's hilarious is that he STILL has not backed up his claim with proper evidence.
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it-is-only-a-novel · 1 year
Based on a true story:
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[ID: meme with two panels.
Top panel: a bus driving on to train tracks, with the caption: "well I guess I'm going to get married & have kids"
Bottom panel: a train smashing the bus out of the way, with the caption "I'm aroace! I can choose not to partner & can be child free"
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ihateliterature · 2 years
Can we talk about asexual guilt?
Cause if I have to see another young sex-repulsed asexual emotionally beating themselves because they believe they OWE their parents grandkids I will act up
Not because of the kids but because of the parents, and society
I used to be like this, I was a young teen hating myself because I knew I would probably never have sex and disappoint my mom because she wants grandkids so much (it didn't help that my mom entered a baby fever in my mid teens that was only made worse when she hit menopause, this woman has been asking me when I am gonna have kids since I was 13 ffs)
This is a very odd kind of feeling, one I personally observed a lot from acespecs raised in christian communities. We are told that it is our duty to procreate. This is double true for afab acespecs that are taught since infancy that motherhood should be your ultimate goal
It's a sad thing to watch. Teenagers breaking down because they were taught they should use their wombs to the purpose of making someone else happy even if it makes them miserable. Who don't want this but believe it is selfish of them to not do it. Young people who pray for infertility because pregnancy feels even more invasive than just sex
And I want to say. You are not selfish. Your parents don't own your body, a fictitious future partner doesn't own it either. You don't owe anyone babies. It is your life after all. If you don't want to have sex or go through pregnancy that's your choice to make and no one else should be a factor in your decision making. Your possible future partner and your parents either have to be cool with it or fuck off
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mycptsdstory · 1 year
A woman in her 40s DOESN'T regret having children.
People need to say this more.
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dddemigirl · 4 months
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baku-usagi · 7 months
As someone who's chosen to be child free, is engaged to a man in real life who doesn't want children, and is actively looking to get sterilized,
I really like that gale shows no interest in children 😂
It tickles me pink that when he thinks that's what you're asking for when you're asking about halsin he says he never considered himself the father type. It's an obscene amount of media forces happy endings to revolve around having kids and the concept of next generation, but sometimes allowing the characters to maintain single personhood without having to adopt second titles like mom an dad is nice.
(having like, a found family set up is a slight change to the rule for me too because like if arrabella and yena hang around camp and get raised like, village style by everyone that's fine and cool)
I know some of the others do voice wanting kids so it's just nice to love a character who's fairly uninterested in that concept.
My happy ending with gale would be becoming the rich wine aunt and uncle who bring ecleptic gifts whenever they come around.
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It’s ok if you don’t want to have children. You aren’t abandoning your family or hurting your bloodline. You deserve to live the way that you want to.
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
One of the all time worst replies to any version of “I’m not having kids” is “aw, you don’t like kids??”
NO I said I’m not having them…I actually DO like kids and I’d prefer to keep it that way 😂
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ssnake-party · 5 months
I am so so tired. Popular media is spewing queerphobic bullsh#t and my parent is eating it up.
Today, I tried explaining that those media are not giving accurate information. I tried to explain what LGBTQ+ is, and how it's totally normal and valid, and that my parent shouldn't be learning things about this community through the mouths of straight and cis people.
I just want to come out, and have some support. I just want to tell someone I know. My parent is always like they'll support me no matter what, but if they have such a misguided view of queer people- how can I tell them that I am queer as well. That's why I care SO much about this. Just please understand me.
My parent is not so accepting wherever I say something they don't want to hear. When I said I will not be having children, they see it as something sad. When I say I'm autistic and I have ADHD (my doctor literally told me), he again looks hurt. And says, no way don't say things like that.
I can't tell him I'm queer now, I just don't want to explain to someone who doesn't want to understand. I'm so heartbroken. My head hurts, and I want to cry.
And he just says everything while acting like he's not queerphobic like what? And the media he follows is supportive when they are perpetuating harmful stereotypes..? Why is he always like this.. if you say you're gonna support someone no matter what, then you should. Like what exactly should I expect from you when your words don't match..
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samwisethewitch · 10 days
Something I've been thinking about lately: In conversations about being intentionally child-free, I see a lot of people talk about how much they resent constantly being told that they'll change their minds someday. And yeah, that sucks. When you tell someone that they'll regret their choices or go back on them someday, you're telling them you don't trust them to make their own decisions. And that's a dick move.
But what I see left out of a lot of these conversations is the fact that some people do change their minds about kids, and that is also okay.
People change. Our priorities and our values change. Someone identifying as child-free at 20 and then realizing at 30 that they actually do want to be a parent doesn't invalidate other people's decision not to have kids. It doesn't even invalidate that person's previous decision. They're growing. They're changing, and that's okay. Healthy even.
When I was 18, I felt very strongly that I would never marry and never have children. For me, this was a reaction to growing up in a religious environment where women were second-class citizens, and what little autonomy/independence single women had immediately went away when they got married. And once you had kids? Well, once you had kids, your personal life was officially over and your identity now started and ended with being so-and-so's mother.
If your only model of marriage and parenthood is a nuclear family where the husband is in charge and makes all of the decisions while his wife does all of the housework and childcare and not much else, OF COURSE you wouldn't want to get married or have kids! My thought process at 18 was basically, "Well, I want to have my own money and make my own choices and have an identity outside of being a mom, so clearly the family life isn't for me."
I'm 25 now. I'm married. My husband and I both kept our own last names, and we maintain separate bank accounts. I have a job that I'm good at, and a lot of people know me from my work. I still have my own money, make my own choices, and have my own identity. None of that went away when I got married. All that's changed is that I have a partner and best friend that I decided to do life with, and we had a ceremony and signed a piece of paper to make it official. We're not quite at the having kids stage yet, but it is something we both want someday.
Me wanting marriage and kids now doesn't invalidate my decision at 18. When I was 18, focusing on my education and career was absolutely the right choice for me. I needed to be able to focus on myself without considering how it would affect a spouse or kids. Eventually, I realized marriage and parenthood can look a lot of different ways. I realized I can decide what they look like for me. I don't have to follow the model I grew up with. And I realized I do want raising kids to be part of my life, just in a way that looks different from what others might expect.
This is a process a lot of people go through, especially women and femmes. If you're in the middle of it right now, just know that you're allowed to change.
And of course, a lot of people don't change their minds. A lot of people who identify as child-free at 20 still don't want kids at 30, 40, or 50. I've met people in their 80s and 90s who never had kids and don't regret that decision. My point here is that some people changing their minds about something doesn't mean it's not a good option for other people.
(And, let's be real, unfortunately a lot of people go the other way: they think they want kids until they have them. That's way more complicated because now there's a whole human person involved who is dependent on them for care and this definitely deserves its own post, but the best advice I can give is if you're young, you need to give yourself time to figure out what you want before committing to anything.)
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cimerran-714 · 4 months
Heard a leftist arguing that when pro-lifers march with pictures of born children (infants) on placards or whatever, they're attempting to confuse/lie to people as the fetus doesn't look like a born child.
That's a severe misunderstanding. We are not arguing that the born child is similar in appearance to a fetus; the point being conveyed is that both of them are just as valuable.
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anerdyfeminist · 9 months
A few months ago I read a take where a cis man who is childfree was like “All these CF people online suck. I can be so casually CF and not make it my whole identity. Why do all these other childfree people make a big deal about it?”
It’s stuck under my skin SO HARD. I didn’t come at him back then but it’s given me a rage simmering since, so I’m gonna rant.
On one hand, yup, I’m the first to want to stab kid-negative, kid-hating CF people but also???? Maybe if YOUR body could get pregnant and ESPECIALLY if you live in a state where abortion is illegal, the stakes would feel a little bit higher and you could have a little fucking compassion and awareness.
I can’t believe I’d need to tell someone who considered themself very socially aware that the decision to reproduce or not doesn’t carry all the same considerations for all people equally and maybe one person’s casual experience is another person’s living hell? Sorry, but yeah being CF is a big part of my identity when I was told for the first 25 years of my life it was my duty to carry on the bloodline and shit. I’d probably be a lot more casually CF if I hadn’t lived through that and also been able to get pregnant (my biggest phobia) for the past 26 years. Gawd. Like we’re all agreed here that being an asshole to kids is never ok but if someone’s demeanor toward a major life choice is different than yours maybe take 2 seconds to consider their variables are different than yours before claiming moral superiority.
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unhingedfemmecontent · 3 months
nothing is quite as frustrating as having problems with your ovaries and uterus when you know you don’t want kids. like you want me to have to keep getting surgery’s on this part of my body i’m never gonna use. put me out of my misery.
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