#circles with your arms out then falling to the floor and watching the room spin) and the mismatched rung on the banister from where
jovalencia · 1 year
I miss my childhood house so much I would give anything to grab the knob at the end of the banister and jump from the third step and catch a million seconds of air while I whip myself around the banister and down the hall
#I also miss my treehouse and the pool table I would use for fashion shows and the smell of the “secret garden” under the stairs and#the way the house would settle and the planes overhead and that stain on the carpet from where I dropped an entire plate of mac n cheese#and the distinct smell of my mom’s closet and climbing down over the back bank and going to the entryway where the ceiling was two stories#high and throwing bouncy balls as hard as I could to get them to bounce off the ceiling and the rope swing in the backyard and eating#the buttercups that grew there bc I read once they were edible and the sound your nails made when they scratched across the counter and#using hot clue to peel off paint and make patterns on the workbench and the shed that smelled like gasoline and climbing the tree that#my dad installed handles into to make it easier and making umbrella forts and playing washing machine (spinning around and around in#circles with your arms out then falling to the floor and watching the room spin) and the mismatched rung on the banister from where#I broke it and the sound of the cat door and how the garage door was so heavy that it would slam if you didn’t prop it open and how the#smell of laundry would waft up into my room and how if you laid on the bathroom floor you could see a piece of the old yellow flower#wallpaper that my mom missed when she ripped it out and the sound of the sliding glass door that we could never quite get clean and#the sound that the bag full of bags would make when you opened the pantry door too far and how my neighbor always used to sing when#she brought her trash out late at night and the crunch sound the carpet would make when you walked on the edge and how raccoons would#always come to the back door and my cat would try to scare them away and being scared to go into my mom’s bathroom bc the shower#had been ripped out for years after my dad tried to power wash it so it left several gaping holes to the rest of the house but there were#spiders in there for all I knew or cared#carmen.txt
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whateveriwant · 3 months
Reverse harem TF141 getting you all to themselves
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18+ content, GN!Reader, Reader is the ruler of an ancient kingdom, Part 1
You're just finishing up with your last hearing when a figure shuffling at the edge of your vision catches your attention
There, peeking behind one of the columns, looking not unlike a stray kitten begging for someone to take him in, is Soap
He's been in and out of the hall all day, inching closer and closer as he's seen the line of townsfolk dwindle by the hour
Now that all your advisors and subjects have finally gone, leaving the room empty save for you and him, Soap's made his presence more obvious
He shifts back and forth on his feet, waiting for you to take notice of him, and when you silently beckon him forward with two fingers, he swiftly glides across the floor and up the dais to your throne
Carefully, he perches on one of your armrests, keeping his head tilted down. Despite his eagerness, it's like he's too embarrassed to hold eye contact with you, so he looks elsewhere, focusing on a loose thread on his tunic which he begins to pick
Yes? Did he have something he needed to speak to you about? Your prompting has him timidly raising his gaze to yours, chin still tucked in deference
He takes a moment to think and then, without a word, he carefully mounts your lap, bringing his knees on either side of your thighs
Your hands come to rest on his hips as his attention then drifts back down again, thick fingers fiddling with the intricate beads of your necklace
No, he doesn't need anything (though the prodding you feel against your lower stomach would say otherwise). He just missed you is all; wanted to spend time with you
That little pout on his face makes you sigh quietly, thumbs circling the bones of his hips in a soothing manner. You've been so busy all day – all week, really. You know you've been neglecting him (as well as the other men), and thereby neglecting your own needs
Nodding in understanding, you raise a finger to Soap's chin, tipping his head upwards until he's meeting your eye. You smile warmly as your gazes lock, eyes briefly falling to his reddened lips
Well, now it's just you and him, you promise. And he has your undivided attention
You're just about to disrobe for your evening bath when the door to your chamber flies open
You spin on your heel to find Gaz striding in, platter of fruits and cakes held high in presentation
He hopes he's not intruding, darling, but he noticed how little you'd eaten during dinner. He wants to ensure you're being looked after, so he's brought an array of your favorite treats for you to indulge in
Though it's obvious what you were in the midst of doing, Gaz is unbothered by the fact that he's definitely intruding
He's bold in the way he stares (not to mention how he'd initially entered without asking your permission), and yet, you must admit it, you find it titillating how he doesn't look away even as your robe drops to the floor
With a flick of your chin, you encourage him forward, having him sit on the ground as you descend into the warm water
You rest your arms on the side as you let him carefully hand-feed you sweets, smiling as you watch him pop a few into his own mouth
For a while, you chat together, inquiring about each other's day. When his trousers accidentally get splashed at some point (but was it really an accident?), he figures it only makes sense for him to join you in the bath since he's wet anyway
He can't hide his grin as he stands and strips for you, positively preening as your eyes instinctively hone in on a certain part of his body. Lowering himself into the water, he comes up behind you, shameless as he presses flat against your back
Gaz begins to gently wash your hair, and your eyes flutter shut, a pleasurable groan escaping you at the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp
As his touch gradually trails lower – down your neck, your shoulders, your spine – any vexation you might have felt towards him completely melts away
So what if he broke the rules by entering your chambers without permission? He's still new, still young, still has a lot to learn
And as his hands dip below the waterline, circling around to your front, you know you made the right decision letting him stay. After all, it'd be a shame to let such a nice bath go to waste
You're scaling the last steps up to the observatory tower when you’re suddenly stopped dead in your tracks at seeing the figure that awaits you
It's Price (or, at least, you think it is) standing at the far end of the room. He's got his back turned towards you, his face angled up to the sky, letting the cool breeze flow past him as it drifts in through the wide archways
As you come closer to him, he doesn't move an inch, doesn't utter so much as a peep as your feet quietly pad against the floor
It's not until you join him by his spot on the balcony that he finally turns to acknowledge you, an affectionate smile rounding his cheeks, his eyes shining like jewels beneath the full moon’s glow
He doesn't appear to be even a little surprised to see you here. But then again, he shouldn't. He knows how much you love to watch the stars on clear nights like this
You're up late, you muse aloud. Normally, he's long been settled in bed by now in the men's quarters. That is, when he's not joining you in yours, of course
Price lets out a light chuckle at the observation. Yes, he knows you should both be asleep at this hour, but he couldn't help it. It's just such a beautiful night tonight. Wouldn't you agree?
Care to join him? He gestures to the pillows and throws lining the long bench before you
Does he even need to ask? The remark goes unsaid as you offer him a nod, lowering onto the plush seating alongside him
You sit together for a while, a comfortable silence passing between you as you both watch the sky. It could be hours, though it's more likely minutes, before you sense him turning to face you, eyes scanning your figure
Has he ever told you how enchanting you look under the moon, starlight? No? Well, he's a fool for not having mentioned it sooner
Steadily, he scoots closer until his knee is touching yours, hand reaching over to softly play with your fingers
Pray tell, have you ever made love under a full moon before? He traces your palm as waits for your response. No? Well… would you like to?
You're in the stables brushing through the mane of your prized mare when a noise from behind startles you
You turn to look for the source and who should emerge from the shadows than none other than the palace ghost himself
His face is as emotionless as ever, his totally blank expression not betraying the thoughts in his head. And yet, as he draws near to you, shoulders held high and wide, there's a certain air about him that speaks to anything but apathy
Fancy seeing you here, Ghost's voice is taunting, almost sarcastic, as he saunters closer. He had no idea you were here as well. What a coincidence
The mirth tingeing his tone has you peeking over at him, arching a brow in question. But he doesn't notice (or if he does, he gives no indication) as he comes to a stop right beside you
He gives the mare you're tending to a few clunky pats on the rump, like it's not a common action for him to perform
What's he doing here, you ask. Well, he's just come to say hello to his favorite horse, Jupiter, of course. Why else?
Juniper, right. Yes, that's what he meant to say, obviously
Though he tries to play it off, you can almost feel the chagrin emanating from him, a tick forming in his jaw. But he doesn't let it deter him as he then asks whether you were you meaning to go for a ride, his eyes still focused on the animal which he continues to caress
You are? Where to? The cove at the edge of town? Oh, it's quite nice there. Peaceful. Solitary.
Ghost still doesn't meet your eye as he shifts his weight side to side, almost as if nervous. Would you mind if he tagged along with you? He could use some fresh air after being cooped up inside all day
The tentativeness with which he asks it has you smiling to yourself, biting the inside of your cheeks. And as you turn to face him fully, seeing him quick to mirror your movements, it only makes your smile grow that much wider
Of course he can join you, you concede jovially. Just give you a moment to fetch a second saddle
Oh, but there's no need, he assures you, stopping you with a hand on the wrist. He's smirking as you swivel back to face him. He prefers going bareback anyway
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just-jordie-things · 9 months
hello!! since you're accepting blurb requests, i was thinking about jjk men doing that one tiktok trend where the couple have to spins 15 times and then tries to kiss 😵
feel free to ignore this if anything. tysm!!
... is a cheater. most times when you come up to him with a cute tiktok trend that you want to try, he finds a way to wiggle out of actually doing it and instead finds great amusement in watching you follow thru completely.
so when you spin around fifteen whole times in rapid succession and he's dawdling in slow circles because you're going too fast to really notice that he's hardly even spinning, he's grinning when your blurry vision lands on him.
he laughs boisterously as you topple forward into his awaiting arms, your lips barely hitting his chin as you try to complete the silly challenge.
"satoru did you even try!?" you accuse when you realize he's standing firmly on both feet and keeping you up.
"of course sweetheart, not my fault you're always falling into my arms"
and yes, yes it is his fault. ___
... will tell you it's dumb. like he always does when you bring him your phone with a tiktok challenge. he'll remind you like always that you spend too much time on that app. and like always he lets you pull him to his feet to do it anyways. even when you nudge his shoulders to get him to start spinning it doesn't take much force to make him do it.
and surprisingly- but not to you of course- he does do it. he even does it properly, twirling around at a speed fast enough to make him dizzy after just a few turns, but you begin to giggle as your footing gets messier and you bump into each other a few times near the end of the spins. he can't help but laugh too.
even stumbling, his hands find your shoulders, holding you firmly, although you're both rocking in every direction as your center of gravity fluctuates. you're both giggling as you try to lean in to one another, bodies colliding unceremoniously, but you do manage to get one decent peck in. a dozen others scattered amongst each other's cheeks and noses. ___
... is all too excited. way too excited.
he spins rapidly, dangerously slow. you try to warn him that he doesn't have to go so fast, as long as he does it fifteen times, but he doesn't listen. he's in a silly goofy mood, and clearly wants to make a competition out of it.
so when he's finished with his fifteen twirls and you've still got a few to go, he is stumbling. he looks wasted with the way he tries to catch his footing and it sends him throwing himself around the room, his movements getting faster the longer he trips himself up. when you finally do finish, his body finally gives out, and he's crumpling to the floor like a doll with little sandbags for legs.
you can't help but cackle. especially as you try to make your way over to him, but your own body betrays you and you can't move all that well either. toge takes mock offense to your laughter and kicks his foot out to catch against yours, sending you down next to him right away.
when his pouting lips brush yours, you don't think it counts for the challenge, seeing as you're on the floor and the difficulty lies in standing upright and smooching, but you enjoyed yourself nonetheless.
toge will try the challenge again later, anyways. ___
... thinks it's so cute that you find little games like this to play. he's not keen on the whole spinning thing, but any excuse to kiss you is a good one, he supposes. besides, he's a special grade sorcerer, a few spins couldn't possibly hurt him.
fifteen spins later and yuuta's face is flushed and his feet are tripping over the carpet. he's a bit embarassed, actually, even though this is all in good fun.
but then you collide into him, hands on his chest to brace yourself from your fall before he's gripping you by the hips and holding you as tight as he can so you don't both go crashing to the floor. he's surprised neither one of you fell, seeing as you're wobbling around like toddlers with sea legs.
and you're so cute when you give him a dopey little smile with heavy lidded eyes, the spinning image of him before you making you dizzier. you ty your best to kiss him, grazing his lower lip in a sloppy kiss that he can't help but chuckle at. his own head is still spinning too, but closing his eyes and grounding himself by kissing you helps.
maybe he'll try a few more times just to make sure his center of gravity is restored <3
a/n: this was so cute!! i hadn't seen this challenge, my tiktok fyp is... uh... mostly edits teehee. thx for the idea!
xoxo ~ jordie
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crappymixtape · 3 months
soft, sweet, sounds • part II
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part II to this absolutely unhinged-fever-dream-blurb's worth of smut i wrote way too early in the morning – steve’s still your roommate and you’re still friends, right? or is there something more and you two just too chicken shit to put a label on it • 18+ | ( 1.5K – roommates -> something?, tiny fluff, medium smut, lots of idiocy, steve x you )
S O F T S W E E T S O U N D S •  P A R T T W O 🎶 swimming pools, dani stocksdale
It was sticky sweet like popsicles by the pool. Soft like cotton candy clouds pulled across the sky. Glittering like sun on the water and easy. Too easy. Like you’d done it countless times before. Like it was nothing. Like it was supposed to be like this and maybe it was your newly single mindset, or maybe it was Steve, but right now? It didn’t matter.
“Y’okay?” Steve asked, breaths falling quick between you. Sweat beading across his forehead, his hair stuck and messy as the fan above did absolutely nothing to cool down the room from the July heat outside.
“Yes–shit–yeah,” you hissed through gritted teeth, Steve’s fingers digging into the plush of your hip, his other hand bracing him above you on the bed.
It was a slow drag. A lazy push and pull that drove you both crazy. Hands needy and searching. Lips desperate, pressed skin to skin, sucking soft lilac bruises to leave behind tiny traces of you long after you’d parted.
“Oh god, o-okay, s’good,” Steve’s breath hitched in his throat as you tangled your fingers in his hair and tugged at it, nails scratching at his scalp and making him see stars.
Less than a week ago you’d broken up with your boyfriend and your room mate Steve had come home to find you coping with a hand pressed between your thighs and instead of moving on – instead of maintaining the line between roommates – you’d broken the rules and now here you were.
Laid out on his bed with your panties on the floor and your shirt rucked up under your arms so he could push the palm of his hand up your stomach. Could see your embarrassing, nothing special, I-need-to-do-laundry bra. All white and dotted with baby blue spots, but Steve couldn't have cared less. You made his shitty, faded, ripped up Hawkins Athletic Dept. shirt look good.
“Wait–” the pinch between your brows deepened as he hit the soft, squishy spot at the back of you, your knees pressing into his ribs.
“M’sorry, want me to stop–”
“No, god–don’t stop,” your voice edged on desperation as you squirmed and slipped a hand between your thighs so you could rub little circles over your clit. “Okay, keep going.”
And when Steve picked up the pace again, dragged himself in and out, in and out, the combination of your fingers and him filling you up so good pulled a moan from you that was utterly obscene. The coil at the pit of your stomach squeezing tight as the movement of your fingers grew frantic.
“Y’close? You’re close, huh?” Steve let his head drop down, rested his forehead on yours and pressed a kiss to your temple, the tops of his thighs smacking into the backs of yours. “Let go, babe–you go first.”
“Faster,” you pleaded and his jaw ticked as he bit down on the groan you pulled from his chest. A low, warm, rumble that pushed you over the edge as you sucked in a gasp. Arched your back up off the bed for more, more, more as your hand fisted into the sheets to hold on for dear life. Pressed your body into Steve’s and pulled him with you, his hips stuttering as he came.
And as your limbs grew heavy Steve gently pushed himself away, a small gasp escaping you as he eased out, breaths slowing as each second passed. The warm air wrapping itself around you, lulling you into a haze. The kind that made you feel like you were floating. Like being between sleep and dreams, fuzzy and blurring around the edges.
You watched the fan spin lazy overhead, uselessly pushing warm air around Steve’s room and tried to stay present. Tried not to let your mind wander. Tried not to think about what ‘this’ was, what you were doing with your room mate and tried to just be.
Steve shifted against the covers next to you, his arm pressing into yours as he rolled onto his side. Looked at you with those big brown eyes, brows lifted ever so slightly in question.
“You wanna shower first or…?” his voice drifted off at the end of his sentence, hand running through his hair in an attempt to keep it out of his eyes.
“Oh, you can? I don’t have to work today,” you tried to sound casual, like you hadn’t just fucked your best friend, but even you didn’t believe you.
“Could be responsible and go together, conserve water.”
His half-assed joke made you snort, but even Steve couldn’t deny the tension that had been building between you two.
The first time, the time he’d walked in on you, had been unreal. He’d made you come once on his fingers, again with his mouth, and a third time over the kitchen counter after you’d tried to stop and make food. Had done things your boyfriend wouldn’t have dreamed of doing, things he’d refused to do, and made you question your standards for men because what? Were men actually like this?
Like Steve?
Because he hadn’t blinked an eye when you’d started to be more vocal the second time around. When you’d told him where to put his fingers, when you asked him to apply more pressure, when you said you wanted it harder and he obliged, but never failed to ask you if it was good. If you were okay. If that was how you liked it.
He put you first and god, it was so hot and you were down so bad.
“You still with me?”
You heard Steve’s voice, felt it pull you out of your head and when you turned to look at him across the pillow he was looking at you like he’d just said something bad. Like he regretted it and your brain scrambled to catch up.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, I just–there’s a lot on my mind and–”
“No, no! You don’t have to explain yourself,” Steve reassured you, lifting a hand to push your curls out of your face. “It’s okay. I’ll just get outta your hair,” and he pushed up on an elbow to leave, but you cracked.
“Don’t!” fell out too quick, too fast. Had you sounded desperate? “Please. Stay?” you asked and he eased back down next to you, a little smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
“What’s going on up there?” he wondered quietly, gently tapping a finger on your forehead.
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to decide how honest you wanted to be with him. Debating whether or not you wanted to risk ruining this – whatever this was – and pushed a sigh from your lungs.
“Steve Harrington,” you started, his cheeks growing pink at the way you said his name, “You’re an anomaly.”
Brows knitting together, his mouth dropped open into a little ‘o’, not wanting to admit he didn’t know what that meant and it made you laugh. A small, warm thing that made his expression soften and he laughed too.
“Listen, Princess. Not everyone took AP english.”
“Shut up.”
“No, seriously! I’m a what now?”
“An anomaly. Unexpected. Out of the ordinary.”
“Oh, great,” he teased, dragging out the vowels and you shoved at him as he chuckled, “I’m a weirdo.”
“It’s not a bad thing!” you insisted, feeling like you were losing the point, but then he smiled at you. Brushed the rough pad of his thumb over your cheek and shook his head.
“I know.”
Silence settled between the two of you then, the only sound coming from the fan whirring above. A quiet reminder that there were still words left unsaid and leveled the challenge of who would break it and of course Steve caved first.
“I just want you know that I’m not like, expecting anything from you. Or–or trying to put any pressure on this,” he gestured a hand in the space between you on the bed and gave you a small half-hearted smile.
“Oh, I don’t either! I mean, you’re part of this too,” you insisted, feeling guilty for the slightly crestfallen look on his face, and covered your face with your hands.
“Don’t run away,” he murmured, enveloping both your hands with one of his and tugging at it softly. Wanting, no, needing to be able to see you. “Let’s just be…whatever this is for now, hm? And–and we can decide if we want to make it something else later.”
You tentatively met his gaze through your fingers, let yourself get lost for just a minute in his warm, brown eyes, and realized how safe he made you feel. Realized how thankful you were for him.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Okay,” he whispered back.
Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you into him and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Your cheek. Your nose.
“Now about that shower–”
“What? C’mon, race you?”
“You’re a menace.”
“I’m fun. I keep things interesting.”
And he did and for just a split second you were okay with just being where you were. No labels. No pressure.
Just Steve.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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sunlitsunflowers · 1 year
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A Little Bit Easier
Jake Seresin x reader
Word Count: 893
Warnings: descriptions of feeling overwhelmed
Summary: you get overwhelmed at the hard deck and Jake comforts you
The Hard Deck was busy, a sea of bodies all packed into the space. People jostling each other trying to move around, practically shouting to hear each other over the music and other patrons.
You were trying to focus on your friend group, on the game of pool Fanboy was spectacularly loosing, you really were. But you could hear it all. Each conversation, the loud obnoxious laughter, the clinking of glass. Hell you could even hear the buzzing of electricity coming from the overhead lights and the odd clicking of the ceiling fan that was spinning lazily. It was a lot.
It was too much.
You turn to Bob who was perched next to you watching the pool game unfold.
"Hey, I'm just going to head outside for a minute. I need a bit of air" you say trying to keep your voice light and an easy smile on your face. Bob looked at you concerned, you definitely didn't succeed on pretending you were all right but you were hoping Bob would let it go.
He was about to open his mouth when Coyote's voice jumps out of the crowd, "I need some actual competition here and seeing as Hangman isn't playing. Bob you're up!"
A pool cue is thrust into Bobs hands and you take that as the perfect opportunity to make an exit. What you didn't realise was a certain blonde pilot had been watching the entire interaction. To be completely honest Jake had been watching you the entire night. He couldn't help it, his eyes look for you in every room he walks into. But he'd seen the shift in you when the bar started to get more crowded, the voices a little louder. He saw the way you drew back from the group, the way you were gripping onto your drink like it was the only thing keeping you tied to the floor, the way you would flinch when a particularly loud laugh would cut through the crowd, the panic in your eyes as people pushed passed. He saw it all.
Jake waited a minute as he watched you weave your way out of the bar before placing his drink down and following your path. When he got outside what he saw broke his heart.
You leant against the wall of the Hard Dark; your hands clenched, body shaking, breaths coming out in rapid puffs. Your eyes screwed shut as you desperately willed for your breathing to slow, you didn't notice the concerned Jake who stood before you.
"Sweetheart" Jake said, his voice low and smooth as he tried not to scare you. Your eyes snap to his, wide and brimming with tears, the panic evident.
It hurt Jake to see you like this. Slowly he took a step towards you, "oh, sweetheart."
He itched to reach out and pull you into him but he didn't know whether that was what you needed. But your body seemed to have made the decision for the both of you because as Jake stepped towards you, your body jerked off the wall and stumbled into him. Jake was quick to steady you as he wrapped his strong arms around you.
"There we go, I've got you. You're okay," he spoke into your hair.
Jake continued to speak reassurances, while tracing slow circles on your back. You don't know how long you stood there, but wrapped in Jake's arms the noise from the bar slowly fades as the rest of the world disappears.
"Jake" you breathe out, your voice barely a whisper. Your face pressed against his chest and all you can hear is the steady beating of his heart which is helping to calm the racing of yours. The soft rise and fall of his chest helping you to even out your rapid breaths. You're about to say his name again, thinking he didn't hear you when he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.
"Yeah, darlin'," he murmurs, his lips ghosting over your forehead.
"I just wanted to say thank you." You take a deep breath, allowing the smell of Jake's cologne and the sea air to fill your lungs.
"You make breathing a little bit easier" you whisper so quietly you doubt Jake could even hear them. You weren't sure if you wanted Jake to have heard you. To hear you breathing out a secret whilst wrapped in his arms.
You go to pull away, to head back into the busyness of the bar, but as you do Jake draws you tightly into his chest, trying to squeeze out any amount of space between the two of you. He presses his lips to your forehead, as his arms pull you impossibly close, like he's scared that if he lets go you'll disappear. You burrow into him further, even though there isn't any further for you to go, hoping that he understands that you aren't going anywhere.
"I love you" the words so quiet you barely hear them. Words that fill you with warmth. Words that make you want to dance around because Jake Seresin loves you. You don't, instead you turn and place a kiss over his heart.
"I love you too" then turning your gaze back towards the ocean you smile; happy to stay here forever. The steady beating of your hearts sharing the same rhythm.
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rezwrites · 1 year
Drunk Night
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff/Reader
Word count: 0.6k
Summary: Wanda takes care of you after you drink too much.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, pills(painkillers) vomiting, fluff, lots of kisses
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Your coworker invited you to the local bar for their birthday party. What was only supposed to be two hours, one drink max turned into four hours and you babbling incoherently the whole ride home.
Getting a call late past midnight about how her wife is drunk, all Wanda could do was sigh. She wasn’t really worried since she knew you had friends with you, but she was concerned about how she could hear you on the other end of the line, singing loudly in the background.
Wanda shook her head when she saw you stumble out of the car. Rushing over to you before you could face-plant onto the front lawn. Absolute awe crossed your face when you laid eyes on Wanda. Her viridescent eyes full of care as she fussed over you. You hadn’t even realized you were babbling until Wanda was chuckling, the only things she could make out was “beautiful goddess” and “partner must be lucky”
“Honey, I’m your wife,” she laughed at the shock on your face. Wanda thanked your friends for taking care of you, while you just kept mumbling “you’re my wife” all the way to the door step.
The bed springs creaked as you crashed on your side. “Spinning. Room spinning,” groaning as you hung your arms over your eyes, head pounding. Keeling over the edge of the bed you grabbed the trash can on the floor, heaving up everything you’ve had. Eyes watering as you tried to sit up.
“Come here, baby. You need to eat,” Guiding you lean on her shoulder as she fed you a banana piece by piece. Accompanying you to the bathroom she help you brush your teeth and get ready for bed, having you down half a glass of water before laying you back down. After dimming the lights she laid next you rubbing circles on your stomach, keeping an eye on you until you fell asleep.
The morning sunlight in your eyes felt like it was splitting your head open. Quickly closing them you turned over, feeling Wanda’s side had gone cold. Frowning, you slowly sat up, gently crawling out of bed, before slowly opening your eyes again. You took your time brushing your teeth since you left the lights off. Head pounding every step down the stairs, no matter how gently you walked, the sizzling sound of bacon getting louder, reverberating around your skull. The delicious smell of breakfast made your stomach rumble, alerting Wanda to your presence.
“Your medicine is right there,” she nodded over her shoulder towards the two small pills on the table next to a glass of water. Sauntering over to her you wrapped your arms around her pressing your face into her hair, “-m sorry. I know my limit now.”
“All that matters is that you’re home safe,” moving the skillet on the back burner before turning around, softly kissing you. Smiling into the kiss you pulled her closer by her waist. She kissed you once more before pulling away, “Now go take your medicine.”
Taking your medicine you sat down, watching wanda finish up breakfast. Eyes falling to the plate when she placed it in front of you, your heart melted as you tried holding back your tears. Wanda had made heart-shaped pancakes with bacon. Hugging her waist, “How did I get so lucky with you?”
“Not luck,” She bent down to kiss your forehead, lifting your head up gazing deeply into your eyes, “Love.”
“Wow. Cheesy,” you teased as you pecked her lips, “I love you, Wanda.”
A huge smile lit up her face as she laughed, “I love you too, baby.”
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alcinaslittlemaid · 3 months
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🎈𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕?🎈
Pennywise 17x Papawise 90! XFem!?Reader
I’m depressed again so y’all know what that means?
Comfort and kisses!+Fluff! from the 7ft clown 🥲🎀🎈
Tw: Self harm mention, thoughts of Sewerslide, shitty mental health, medication mention, mental breakdowns, attempts of overdose! Emetephobia!!
The fluff begins in the second ———
Grab a cuppa tea or coffee and Enjoy! 🍷
You curled up against the large plushies propped up against the wall of your bed, your whole body shaking, your eyes stung from constant tears that streamed down your soft cheeks. Your medication had not worked, causing you to stay up later than usual after pennywise tucked you into bed, before going on a hunt.
You cautiously got up, your mind blank, almost as if you were in a thoughtless trance, you began to make your way to the bathroom. Dried tear tracks coating your face, your pressed a sharp, metal blade into your arm deep, fresh tears dripped down your face, blood gushing out of your arm as you picked up a bottle of pills from the cabinet and began taking them all at once. Stood there staring into the mirror, the room began to spin violently, your throat filling with vomit and your motions becoming mindless and slurred, you became dizzy and suddenly everything went black as you numbly felt your body smack into the floor. ————————
You felt your body be lifted from the cold, hard bathroom floor, spit trailing from your lips causing a long line of drool behind your body.
“Is she alright?” A gruff voice echoed out in your unconscious state “she will be…” a raspy voice answered back as the sound of water sloshing filled your ears in an echoey way “what in the georgies dismembered arm happens to her arms?” The gruff voice sounded concerned “Long story, I’ll tell you don’t worry” the raspy voice replied. Suddenly, your lips were pressed against another pair, air filling your lungs “Come on Y/n” one of the voices puffed “
You sat bolt right up coughing and spluttering “fuck-“, you choked, vomit filling your throat as you puked into the murky water “Aughhhhh- Ayghhhh” you panted “Cough it up doll, it might be a gold watch” papa chuckled, happy that your alive “Now come here” you were suddenly dragged into a bear hug by pennywise, his soft, silk suit rubbing against you “Oh little lamb~ you scared me half to death, I thought you were a goner” You swear you could hear his voice breaking, his heart was racing in his chest
“Come here darlin” papa said pulling you into his arms, holding a fresh cup of water “here clear out your immune system a little” you nodded and almost downed the water immediately “Woah, Woah Woah doll face, slow down you’ll give yourself hiccups” he chuckled again before laying you down in penny’s nest pulling the blankets over you, penny dragging an anti bacterial wipe over your gushing arms “ARGH SHITT!” You snarled in agonising pain, papa smacked your head with a newspaper he was reading “language babydoll” he growled as he kneeled down by your arm, wrapping it in bandages and pinning them up “Shhhh it’s okay pet, shhh”
Finally, either clowns crawled in on either side of you snuggling into you with they’re arms snaking around as you all fall asleep, protected, snug and safe.
Penny’s hand snakes into your hair, drawing little circles on your scalp “Mine precious dolly” he purred drooling slightly on your chest❤️
I’m sorry for this sob story but again my mental health has declined rapidly so it’s a bit personal 😅
I’ll try not to post as much upsetting stuff
Love you all ❤️❤️
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parkersbliss · 2 years
Peach | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x gn!reader
wc; 1.4K
warnings: violence, cursing, evil ben being mean
synopsis: Another attempt to save the world, and another timeline messed up… how do you and Five get out of this one?
a/n: obviously idk if that’s how this scene will play out but it’s my best guess! only a few more days!
requests: CLOSED
prompts: 028: “Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here.” 046: “Tell me you want this too.”
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list
“Shit,” Five breathed out.
You stood next to him, the same feeling washing over you.
“What is with the cube?” You whispered.
“No fucking clue,” Came Five’s reply.
Klaus rubs his eyes, taking a step forward. “Is that Ben?”
Ben looks Klaus up and down, frowning. “Who the hell are you, losers?”
Klaus slaps a hand over his heart. “Wow, he just got meaner.”
“There wasn’t a mean bone in his body, to begin with,” Viktor interjects.
Ben rolls his eyes at that, turning back to his siblings. They walk down the stairs and you want to barf at the sight of their stupid little uniforms.
“Listen, why don’t we all have a nice level-headed conversation about this, hm?” Luther asks. “Hi, I’m Luther.”
Ben smiles at him. “Hi, I’m I don’t give a shit and get out.”
You try to stifle your laugh at Luther’s failed attempt to converse with these people. Their distaste for you was obvious.
“If we kill you, do we get our Ben back?” Diego inquires.
Five lets out a groan next to you as Ben snaps his eyes towards him. “What the hell did you just say?”
“I feel like now is a good time to run,” Klaus suggests.
“Yup,” Allison agrees.
Five puts a hand to your back, pushing you out of the room. “Run!”
Five’s hand moves from your back to your hand as he jumps you both further down the hallway.
“So he replaced you guys?” You asked, following Five and taking a sharp right turn.
“Guess so. Can’t blame him after what he saw.”
“They’re so much… meaner,” You said as Five turns down another corridor.
It’s here Allison and Luther come running down, meeting you in the middle with one of the Sparrow academy members pursuing them. Suddenly, she cracks her back, and birds start flying towards you.
“Birds?” You shriek, scrambling after Allison and watching Five slam the door in the bird's face.
“Whose superpower are birds?” You pant, gesturing outside the door.
Allison shakes her head. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”
At the sound of footsteps down the hall, you take off running again, losing both Allison and Luther. Five stops at a dead-end, cursing before jumping with you to the second floor.
Of course, someone else is already there, and Five slowly turns around to meet them. She has dark hair and green eyes. Honestly, she weirdly resembled Five.
“So, can I ask what your powers are before we engage in an exchange of fists?” You asked.
She just scoffs at you, and you nod your head. “Yeah, okay, at least I was polite.”
Five steps in front of you, concealing you from view as he eyes her up and down.
“What are you, their mascot?” She taunts Five.
He blinks behind her, throwing a punch across her face and smiling when falls to the floor. “More like their ringer.”
She narrows her eyes at Five, and out of nowhere, spits a black venom at him.
“What the fuck!” You exclaim, running to his side. “Did you just spit at him?”
She only blows a kiss at you in response. You turn back to Five only to find him in a trance. He stands still, staring into nothing and eyes glossed over.
“What did you do to him?” You hiss.
She just shrugs before spitting at you.
In response, you conjure a shield and easily deflect it. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you to floss?”
You dissipate your shield before sweeping your arms and enveloping the whole area in shadows. You can see her clearly. She’s spinning around in circles blindly. You chuckle before approaching her and punching her straight in the nose. She stumbles back, hand reaching out to find you, but you vanish into another part of the darkness. This time, you're behind her, and you kick the back of her legs to make her fold.
Again, she reaches out for you, and you vanish. She shouts in frustration, and you clear the shadows, stopping right in front of her. A blade vaporizes in your hands, and when she sees you, you kick her in the face.
She falls back to the floor, holding her face, blood dripping. You throw the blade right by her neck, letting it barely skim her before it vaporizes into nothing. You conjure two more in your hands and grin down at her.
“Reverse it,” You seethe, gripping your shadow dagger tighter.
But before anything happens, something grabs onto your leg and drags you towards the stairs. Your back crashes against the metal railings looking over the living room, and you groan. The girl spits at you again, but you’re quick enough to vanish and hide in Five’s shadow.
She stomps her foot in annoyance before running down the stairs towards Ben. Once she’s gone, you reappear in front of Five and shake his shoulders.
“Five?” You whisper.
No response. You snap your fingers in front of his face, still calling his name but nothing. He’s shaking in your grasp, eyes screwed shut.
“Five!” You shout.
Still nothing. You begin to panic, seeing he’s in obvious pain. Your eyes fall to the black venom on his forehead, and you frown. With one hand, you push back his hair, and with the other, you hover over the black goo. You use your shadow to fuel little claws that pick up the venom and throw it elsewhere in the room. As soon as it’s removed from Five, he collapses. You try your best to catch him, but you both end up on the ground in a mess.
He’s crying, and you try your best to calm him, feeling your heart break.
“Hey, Hey, Hey, I’m right here,” You whisper against his skin, hugging him close as he clings to your jacket. “It’s not real, whatever she did. It’s gone. You’re okay.”
You glance around, still clinging to the boy, and note that you need to get out of here. In a flash, you use the shadows to teleport right outside the academy.
“Five?” You called softly. “Hey.”
He continues to hiccup, breathes still ragged, and you wonder what happened to him. You’ve never seen Five like this. He was in complete distress, and you weren’t sure how to calm him down. Normally, he’s the one calming you down.
You cup his face in your hands, locking eyes with him. “Five!”
He just shakes his head, and you let out a sigh. She really fucked with his head, and you were so going to enjoy taking her down later.
You press your forehead to his, trying to get him to understand that it’s just you. There was no trick, no illusion.
He sniffles, eyes meeting yours, and his breathing starts to calm a little. Your hand finds his, intertwining them as he continues to calm down.
“It’s okay,” You assure. “It’s just me, Five.”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion. His eyes trace your face before one cups your cheek, eyes flickering towards your lips. “Tell me you want this too.”
You’re confused at the sudden phrase, given the boy was just in tears earlier, but you give in anyway. Your lips meet his halfway, and he tastes like bitter coffee and tears. You don’t mind, of course. In fact, you could get drunk on it. You squeeze his hand before pulling back.
“It’s you,” He breathes out.
“I only said that like five times,” You said with a light laugh. “But you had to kiss me to determine that?”
“Peach,” He replied. “You’re always using the same peach chapstick since we met. It’s such a small detail that can only apply to real life. If you were an illusion… you wouldn’t taste like peach because no one else knows that.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your cheeks burning from what he said.
“And maybe because I wanted to kiss you.”
“There it is,” You tease.
Five rolls his eyes before standing up and taking you with him, given your hands were still intertwined.
“What did she do to you, Five?”
He just clicks his tongue. “Doesn’t matter. What does matter is we might just have to save the world again.”
“Third time is a charm,” You said with a grin. “Now, c’mon, we need a plan to take down that lack of personal hygiene bitch.”
“So that’s what you named her?”
“Wanna hear the others?”
Five smiles, leading you away from the sparrow academy. “List them all, darling.”
— END —
🏷 Five Taglist: @clearbasementvoid
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Unsolicited 30
Warnings: bad self-thought/talk, bullying, insults, low self-esteem, money problems, oral/noncon, coercion, cum, some untagged sexual and dark elements.
Wouldn’t mind some feedback! Lloyd was driving me nuts so I had to do it. Thank you in advance 💜
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Lloyd sits back and takes the bottle off the glass table. He places it on the floor as he sidles down the couch, laying on his stomach as he pulls your thighs apart. He hovers his head above your pelvis and you gasp. He nuzzles your skirt, pushing it up with his nose as his breath plumes between your legs.
You spread your fingers across his forehead and try to hold him back as he growls. His irises flare as he peers up at you, licking his lips. He hooks his hands around your thighs as he tugs you closer.
“New game,” he snarls, “you cum, you drink.”
“Ll–” you gulp into a squeal as he forces his head between your thighs, fingertips curling into your tender flesh as you squirm.
His cool tongue mingles nicely with your hot cunt, swiping between your folds as he suckles at your clit. You groan as your fingers slip up to twine in his hair. Your foot falls off the side of the couch, leaving you open to him as he consumes you eagerly.
“Lloyd,” you gasp.
He purrs and parts from your cunt, dragging his wet lips down and nipping your thigh in warning. You wince as your head lolls.
“Daddy,” you eke out, “I– I’m diz–”
Your protests lodge in your throat as he delves into you again. You moan and slap the back of the couch as your feet arch. He hums as he drinks you in, his tongue stirring your nerves to tantamount. You hate him but god he can fuck.
You huff and sink your nails into the leather, trying to hold back the tide as it rises, higher and higher, threatening to crest with each twirl of his tongue. You push your chest out and cover your face with your arm as an orgasm rips through you, irresistible in your drunken haze. He wiggles his head as he sloppily laps up your cum, teasing you to the point of intolerance.
He lifts his head with a deep breath and licks his lips emphatically. He tuts as he looks down at your quivering cunt and slides his hand down your pelvis. He slaps your pussy and you twitch, yelping in surprise.
He draws his fingers along your sensitive clit and over the cushion, reaching down to the floor and bringing up the bottle as he raises himself above you. He angles the neck over your head, grabbing your chin as he tips it. You close your eyes as he forces your mouth open and fills it with fiery tequila.
You choke and lift yourself, choking down the alcohol painfully. The heat sears through your chest and radiates in your tummy. He stretches his hand across your chest and shoves you back down. He keeps you pinned, clunking the bottle on the floor as he resumes his place between your legs.
Again, he buries his face in you, lapping you up thirstily, this time trailing two fingers up along your ass to your entrance. He circles around teasingly before dipping inside, pulling his knuckles apart as he tests your limits. He sinks in until his hand is flush to you, rocking in time with his tongue.
You drone and grasp your head desperately, trying to stop the room from spinning as you’re trapped in the whirlwind of his insatiable need. You fling your hand down to push against him but only urge him deeper. His breath clouds around his mouth as he trusts his fingers furiously. 
You feel the steady build of pressure and the speckling fire down your thighs. You clutch his head between both hands as your hips spasm and you cum again, slickening his fingers as your walls clench him. You groan and prop yourself up on your elbows as you watch him dopily.
“Ll–Daddy,” you mutter.
He hushes you as he sits up, keeping his fingers in you as he grabs the bottle with his other hand. He again reaches over you and tilts it against your chin. You try to shake your hand and he jerks his hand.
“Drink,” he orders.
You open your mouth and let him pour the liquor down your throat. You gulp and cough and he finally relents. You close your eyes as you try to steady yourself. Your insides are on fire. You snarl as a sudden surge of anger sparks from the futility.
You sit up, swaying and swing at him. He pulls his hand out of you and bats away your hand.
“You creep,” you slur, “you fucker!”
“I’m gonna bop you,” you cock your fist again and throw it forward, nearly falling off the couch with the effort. He barely keeps from dropping the bottle as he catches you, “you–” You slump against him and curl your lip. You open your jaw wide and sink your teeth into his shoulder.
“Argh! What the fuck!” He stands and shoves you back. You land hard against the cushions as you cackle.
You roll over and place your feet on the floor clumsily. You stand with some effort and he grabs your elbow.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself–”
“I’m gonna hurt you!” You babble, “and what the fuck d’you care, huh? Get your gun, bitch.”
He laughs as you wobble, “you’re kinda cute like this.”
“I’m not fucking cute,” you stumble towards him and grab the front of his stupid shirt, “I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” he puts his hands on yours, “I’m sure, but I think you should just lay back and let daddy–”
“Daddy,” you squeal in a high pitch, “daddy? What the fuck is with that? Fucking weird if you ask me. I don’t wanna call you daddy. My daddy was a deadbeat, but still a fuck of a lot— better.”
“You think I haven’t fought a bitch before. I dragged a slut down Brennan Avenue.”
“Alright, honey,” he chuckles again.
“You think this is fucking funny?” You snarl at him, blinking long and hard. Everything is moving too fast and it’s making you even angrier. “It’s not.”
You bring your knee up and hit him in the crotch, shaking his hand off of yours as you let him go. He recoils and cups his dick as you search the room. You bend and take the bottle from the table where he left it. You pour the last of the tequila out as you grab it by the neck. The splash at your feet is unnoticed as you advance on him.
“You’re such a dick. You know that? You think you’re hot shit. You think– You’re—” you can barely sort out your thoughts, “I am going to murder you. They’re gonna find me here. Beating your skull in, motherfucker.”
“Jesus,” he keeps one hand on his pants as he reaches his other out to shield himself.
You swing and he bends his arm to deflect the square bottle with his forearm. He grunts and tries to snatch it but you reel back again.
“You think that mustache was good? It was bad!” You holler, “it was stupid. And you know what? I don’t want say it but I’m gonna say it,” you pause as you adjust your grip on the bottle, holding it like a baseball bat, ready to hit a pitch, “you kinda look…” you swallow a belch, “okay… without it. Like your face isn’t that ugly.”
You bring forward the bottle, the force of it spinning you around as it flies from your hands and shatters against something unseen. You’re taken off your feet and fall backwards, closing your eyes, ready to crash into the floor. You don’t as Lloyd catches you in his arms.
You see him above you, looking down and you reach to claw him. He pulls his face up to keep you from getting him. He grunts and scoops you up, bridal style.
“Don’t fucking try that again.”
“Fucking will,” you frame his neck with your hands and squeeze, “I told you– I’m gonna murder you–”
“Shi–” he wheezes as you push against the front of his throat.
He drops you and you cry out, barely getting your feet under you. He quickly hauls you over his shoulder instead, standing as you beat at his back with your fists.
“You’re fucking insane, you know that?”
“Yeah, and so you are, fuck face, so the fuck are you–”
“Shut up!” He snaps.
He sighs as he carries you across the room as you continue pounding on him, kicking your legs too. He lays a spank across your ass and you do the same back. He flinches but carries on, passing through a doorway.
“Well, this isn’t what I had in mind,” he grumbles.
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kaulitzhotel · 11 months
Hi! idk you probably have a million requests but i have an idea 😭 maybe like fem!reader sits together with tokio hotel 2005 and plays spin the bottle with them (of course it would probably be tom's idea☠️) and the reader gets challenge to kiss the prettiest person in the room and kisses bill 😭 boy would be SHOCKED. literally bro would look like "😦" only red as a tomato because he was ashamed 😭 just a simple romantic fluff!(sorry if something is incomprehensible, english is not my first language ☠️) lmao i'm sure if the reader chose "truth" Tom would come out with the dirtiest shit ever☠️ have a nice day!!
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[nuts- lil peep]⭐
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Synopsis: The band goes over to your house to hang out since you are bored. Tom has an interesting idea. He uses an empty bottle for a game. Bill will never forget this memory. (2005)
Content: Fluff.
Notes: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it. Have a nice day as well much love! This was so cute to make.
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Spin the bottle
I was zoning out into my TV the only thing I was watching was my reflection. I look at my phone and scroll through my messages. I clicked on the number I always text. { Bill I'm bored come over!! }
I immediately get a response, {I'll come in a second, and ill bring the guys too. ❤︎ }
I smile at his response and closed my eyes to take a nap while I wait for them to come.
15 minutes later
I woke up to a banging sound coming from outside. “Open up! We've been waiting out here.” a familiar voice complained. I go over to the door and open it. “Finally,” Tom crossed his arms.
And right next to him was Bill chuckling. “Come in! Except for you Tom.” I slam the door in his face. Eventually, he came in when he finished with his fit.
Gustav sat next to me on the couch while Georg and Bill were on the floor. Tom came over and sat on me. I tried pushing him off but he let his weight fall on me.
“Get off!” I yelled. Gustav helped me push him off.
Tom scoffed and went into my kitchen. I put on a comedy movie and we just sat and laughed together. It felt less lonely. I could hear Tom raiding through my kitchen. He came back with an empty beer bottle that was in the recycling.
“Let's play a game.” He grinned.
We sat in a circle and agreed to play Truth or Dare. And of course, our host was Tom.
“Whoever it lands on has to pick Truth or Dare and I decide what happens.”
“Whatevs.” I roll my eyes.
Tom spun it and it landed on Georg. He picked Truth and had to confess who his crush was. We continued playing but with no dares yet. Suddenly it landed on me.
“Y/N, Truth or Dare?”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room.”
“Okay...” I look at all of them but I already knew who. Tom was already puckering his lips making noises. I just laughed at him.
I crawled over to Bill. His eyes widen. I place a soft kiss on his lips and backed away. His cheeks tinted pink. His shaky fingers touched his lips.
“Aw man,” Georg said.
“I'm done with this game.” Tom groaned and walked away.
“My mom is here to pick us up anyway so we got to go. Thanks for inviting us Y/N.” Gustav half smiled.
I nodded happily and walked them out the door. But Bill stood there in front of me.
“I was wondering...” He rubbed the back of his head.
“What?” I ask.
He looked at my lips quickly and then at my eyes.
“So, um.”
“Of course.”
I gave him another gentle kiss and he held my face this time. I giggle at his reaction when I let go. He poked at my cheek and smiled goofy.
“Bye Bill.”
°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° *  .  :  :●.   *° :●.   *
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vampirevatican · 11 months
pairing - hobie brown x black gn! reader
genre/tags - 1.6k words, fluff smut, teasing, edging, porn w/plot, aerialist reader (pole and hoop)
notes - personally, i love shenanigans. i love the will they won't they, slow burn, anime walk-ins, misunderstandings that are more funny then frustrating. the target audience is me, did my damnedest to make it gender neutral tho, and i hope y'all enjoy.
summary - you and hobie have been together for awhile now. sharing in each other's company, chilling on his house boat, him visiting your apartment, movie nights and show binges, washdays, platonic to romantic cuddles. though something you never stopped doing was trying to catch him off guard.
You didn't expect for him to visit today and you weren't about to drop by his houseboat either. It was the weekend, on weekends you lounged around your home not intent on going anywhere unless you absolutely had to. Binging shows and being sprawled out on the couch was part of this weekend ritual. Comfy clothes, small bags of chips, drinks, a few cups, and a bowl were strewn about the coffee table. It's only Friday but to soak in the rest and fun of three days it was always better to get a head start. Sitting up from your comfy position you muttered, “Guess I better do something.” Lazing around for too long wasn't in your best interest. Usually, you'd fall asleep or have to remind yourself that doing nothing isn't bad.
Making your way to a room you set as a workout space but also a sort of gaming room. It was big enough that it could fit a whole desktop setup on one side, a pole in the corner, and a place to set up an aerial hoop. It was kind of a play place for yourself, another area to unwind but in a more active way. You started to stretch first as you turned on your favorite playlist to wind down too. Feeling your body become looser, easier to bend and do more, you hopped up onto the hoop. Holding onto the sides of the hoop you let your body bend over the bottom of bottom of it, using your leg to spin you slowly around. After a moment of just spinning, adjusting your body to the rigid circle, you sat up to try out routines to some of the songs on your playlist.
Being in the zone, and the music being loud, you didn't notice‘your boy’ walking through the front door. As you spun, did flips, legs spread to closed, from the top of the hoop to the bottom in a cropped tank and underwear. He didn't call your name, hearing the music he had a feeling you wouldn't hear him, but that's when his spidey senses kicked in. Rushing to the room you were in he stopped seeing you drop from the hoop and just hang on to it. Your eyes were closed, a smile on your face, and looking at peace. Hobie just leaned against the wall watching you. Landing on the floor you were about to head to your pole but upon opening your eyes you spot him.
"You like what you see?" and he just nods, walking into the room to sit down in your gaming chair. He's been in here before and even asked what the hoop and pole were for. Hobie definitely knew about the pole, he wanted to hear it come from your mouth, but you shut him down with an ‘exercise.’ being a bit distracted that day with your computer. Getting beside him, slightly bending over, you turn down the music and set up another song. "Looked absolutely stunnin' up there, how long you've been a' it fo'?" He leaned back a bit in the chair, deep brown eyes focused on you. "To get that good? Some years. Before you came in? A couple of hours at most." You smirked looking down at him, "What, you tryna get up there?" He shrugged, which was a sign for you to possibly teach him someday but noticing the way his pants seemed a bit tighter in one spot, it wouldn't be today.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you two were locked in a staring contest for a moment. That is until his eyes started trailing your body. Tracing your brown skin, your twists with added hair were pulled up into a bun and the parting was still fresh, though the baby hairs had sweated out a bit. "You just gonna stare at your peng black ting or are ya gonna say somethin'?" You mimicked his slang as your smirk turned into a smile and he mirrored it, letting out a low chuckle, "Low it, peng ain' enough to describe you righ' now love." He looked so relaxed in your chair, manspreading, hands on his stomach, eyeing you so intensely. Walking to the pole you told him to hit play on the music you had set up.
"What, you're gonna put on a show for me?" He said and was met with your eyes looking back at him with the same intensity, hand on your hip, "You don't wanna see some ass?" He was quick to listen to your request after that, swiveling from the computer and immediately to you. Watching you just made the bulge in his pants become more noticeable and the ache to do something about it stronger. The simple sensuality of the chorus and the picked-up moves and tricks when the song hit its verses. Sure he was horny as hell, but also enraptured by the skill. As the song slowed down you were wrapped around the pole, spinning slowly. The glow of the led lights around the room reflected on your brown skin in the same way it did his and his piercings. Etheral. That was the word that came to mind as he watched your little show.
"C'mere." He paused the music without looking and went to pull you closer, shooting a web at your wrist and you stumbled forward giggling. You sat on his lap and rolled your hips to which he tossed his head back and let out a low grown and a laugh of his own. Placing his hands on your hips and swooping in to kiss and lick at your neck. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he picked you up. Legs clinging to his thin waist, folding over each other. Your lips lock in a heated makeout session and before you know it he's looming over you on the bed.
His mouth trailing from you neck to your chest as he left kisses and marks on his way down his hand was in your underwear. Teasing at you as your low whimpers and whines told him just how much you wanted him. Hobie stopped, lifting your legs to be on his shoulders, "Get louder for me, you know you wan' to" Looking down at him, squinting as he shot you that all to confident smirk before eating you out, and now it was your turn to follow commands. Your small whimpers turning into moans and crys of his name. Hobie was always skilled getting you to be more vocal.
Hobie's mouth and fingers prepping you, pleasuring you to unbelievable heights, everytime without fail. Right before you reached your climax he stopped all together earning a frustrated whine and pouting from you. "Hol' on, can't let your hair being up go to was'e can we?" He helped you to sit up before getting off of you to take off his jeans; belts and chains falling to the floor. You couldn't help almost pouncing on him as you pulled down his boxers to reveal his dick. Taking a moment to just stroke at it, kiss and lick at the tip; hearing his own whines and pleas for more, you obliged.
Taking him in to your mouth and throat as much as you could before you started to gag slightly. Hobie always put your gag reflexes to the test, but you neverminded it. Everytime you gave him a blowjob his praise made you want to do more, hear him more and he always made sure to keep you at a pace that had you comfortable to drooling. Draping your arms around his waist as his hand guided your head back and forth on his shaft, he could feel himself getting closer and that's when you pulled away with one gentle lick to his tip.
Pulling him back on top of you by the hem of his shirt you whispered to him, "Enough teasing," Hobie slid off your underwear as you moved to help him and finished your sentence, "unless you want to be left high and dry tonight?" He shook his head, "Not my intentions a' all babe." Kissing and biting at your neck once more as he slowly slid in. There wouldn't be more teasing, but he always had to get some kind of comeback in if he could.
Feeling him bottom out inside of you, the two of you let out a groan of euphoria before your legs went around his waist again. His pace slow, his hands running up your sides and rubbing circles into your hips; to fast, those huge palms gripping your hips as praise and groans fell from his lips and to your ear. Hobie's face was nestled in the crook of your neck, your legs shifted from his hips to his shoulders, as he plowed into you. Going as deep as he could, "Fuck, got a... vice grip.." he muttered, barely being able to utter his usual flirtatious teasings. He was close; egging him on didn't do any better because you were just as fucked out and desperate to cum as he was. "Yea, then... cum for me baby.. let it all out.~" The ‘out’ became a scream of your oncoming orgasm as you felt him reach down between you two to help you along quicker. Releasing at the same time he helped you ride the wave of your orgasm by gradually slowing his pace before pulling out and swiping his fingers at your entrance to get a taste, you stared at each other again. Watching him lick his fingers clean, "After you've gotten ya rest, we can pick up again." He said then kissed your forehead before getting a towel to clean you up.
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vanserrasswife · 7 months
Mor x Reader
I let out a small scream of annoyance as I mess up my eyeliner for the third time tonight. I throw the eyeliner pen down and reach for a cloth, wiping most of my makeup off and giving into the tears.
I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror, the smudges of left over makeup and red tear lines adorning my cheeks. Silver lines my cheeks again as I walk over to my bed and face-plant into it, my head resting on Mor’s pillow.
“Y/n?” Mor asks as she walks into the room and spots me sprawled on the bed. I peek out underneath my arm as I rub the heel of my palm against my eye. “Hey baby.” I smile at her before smacking my face back into her pillow.
I hear her light footsteps pad against the floor before the bed dips next to me and she’s urging me to turn and face her. Her hands on my waist and arm gently pulling me around to face her.
I squint at the bright light and rub at my eyes again. Mor smiles lovingly down at me as she brushes the hair off of my face and frowns at the mixture of makeup and tear stains left on my  cheeks. “What happened?” Mor asks, stroking my cheek and trying to rub a bit of mascara off of my cheek.
“Can’t do my makeup today.” I mumble as I grab her hand and squeeze it. Mor laughs softly and stands, I let out a sound of confusion and she scrunches her nose up at me. “You  could've just asked me for help, silly.” Mor chuckles. “Yeah, well crying about it seemed more fun.” I hear Mor mumble something about pride and scoff before the bed dips and she places the makeup down next to me.
She straddles my hips before promptly starting to do my makeup for me.
 I smile up at her and watch as she bites her lip in concentration as she works on my eyeliner. I  place my hands on her hips and stroke circles into it. She quickly leans down, presses a kiss to my forehead and brushes a stray strand of hair from her face as she grabs a lipstick, a glossy red one. 
As she leans down again to do my lipstick,  the stray strand of hair falls in front of her face again. I quickly tuck it back behind her ear and Mor laughs quietly, “No distractions. I’m trying to focus.” I smile, “Distractions?” I ask acting mockingly offended.
“Stop fidgeting.” Mor says and grips my chin between her fingers as she focuses again. “Done.” Mor announces leaning back, placing the lipstick back into the pile of makeup left on the bed.
 I sit up and lean towards her, intending to kiss her. “Nope.” Mor says, moving down the bed, “You don’t want to smudge your makeup do you?” I raise an eyebrow at her, “Seriously?” I ask. Mor smirks and nods smugly. She turns her back, picks up the makeup bag and starts walking towards the makeup table. 
I quickly make my way across the room and wrap my arms around her waist. “Y/n, sweetheart, we need to go.” Mor protests as I spin her around. I press a quick, teasing kiss to her red lips before running out of the room, shouting back to her, “We don’t want to be late do we?” 
I hear her heels rapidly clicking against the floor and know she's already right behind me.
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secondaxispoint · 1 year
Pairing: Joel Miller x Male!Reader
Warning: None!
Content: Angst
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The new episode has got me in a chokehold.
Let Go
You had been watching him from across the room. He sat motionless, staring at his trembling hands. He’d been almost catatonic from the moment you left the firefly hospital. You didn’t know what had happened as you were knocked unconscious and left outside. You only saw Joel help you up and into the car.
Once the car had broken down you were left to walk to the cabin you now reside in. Both Joel and Ellie were tiptoeing around each other. You wished you knew what was on his mind. You wanted to soothe whatever thoughts were making him act so reserved again. You were ecstatic to see him come out of his shell once you finally left that snowy wasteland and watching him descend back into it was breaking your heart.
So you got to your feet and walked over to where he was sat. He didn’t notice you, too preoccupied with his thoughts. You kneeled down to get a better look at him. His eyes were glossy and his breathing was shallow. You took a shaky hand into yours and gently rubbed a thumb across his knuckles. He still didn’t seem to notice your presence so you brought his hand up to your lips. You pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his hand.
That finally got him to snap eye up to yours. A tear rolled down his cheek and his brow scrunched. He took a few wavering breaths before falling to his knees right in front of you. He quickly buried his face into the crook of your neck and sobbed quietly. Taken aback, you wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back. You traced patterns into the fabric of his shirt as he continued.
Ellie came into the room, hearing the commotion. She started towards the crying man in your arms but you held up a hand, signaling that he was okay. She looked worried but stilled her footsteps. You gave her a pained look that she seemed to understand and she retreated back to the room she came from. Sitting on the floor for what seemed like hours, Joel’s sobs became wimpers. He finally sat up, not daring to look you in the eye.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head.
“What the hell happened in that hospital Joel.”
His eyes glossed over once more and he drew a deep breath.
He explained what happened. The people he killed. The things he hid from Ellie. The possible cure that would’ve killed her. His voice was broken and defeated. He was lost and spinning in circles in his mind. You wanted to help, needed to. You shushed him and pulled him close to you once more. You were running your hands through his hair and rubbing his back again. His shoulders were shaking and you heard him cry.
“You did what you thought was right.”
He stifled a sob.
“I killed people. Innocent people who did nothing wrong but hope for a better future.”
You hushed him again.
“They were going to kill her.”
“They were going to cure the world.”
He snapped at you. You stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. You didn’t know how to make him feel better. You didn’t know if you could. So you said nothing. Only soothing him with your hands. Showing him that you didn’t think different of him because of the things he did. His crying quieted and the grabbing at the back of your shirt stopped. You thought he might've fallen asleep if he didn’t say anything.
“She’s gonna hate me.” 
His voice was hoarse.
“She’ll never forgive me.”
He was right. You knew he was right. Ellie would never forgive him for this.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 2 years
And Then Some
A/N: Surprise, surprise, another McGarrett fic 🤪 I’m rewatching Five-0 (yet again) and this is the chaos that ensues. I’ll be resuming NCIS soon and then I have no doubt I’ll circle back to Criminal Minds 😉 For now, enjoy some angsty, hurt/comfort Five-0
Based on s6ep25 (Script credit goes to this site)
You barrel through the emergency room entrance at Tripler, demanding, “McGarrett! Where’s Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett?” One of the nurses at the reception station hears the distress in your voice and stands as you approach, ready to help. “My husband, Steve McGarrett,” you choke out. “There was- there was a plane. A crash. An emergency landing, I’m not sure. I was told he was on his way here. Can you-”
You whip around at the sound of your name being called, relief flooding through you when you see a familiar shock of blonde hair. Your solace is short-lived, instantly twisting back into anxiety at the look on his face- his bloodied face, accompanied by red, too much red, on his hands and shirt.
“Danny?” you whisper, bottom lip trembling despite your best efforts to control your emotions. “You’re covered in blood but you didn’t- you weren’t-”
“I’m so sorry, honey.” Tears brim in his eyes and your mouth opens once, then twice, trying to muster up the courage to say the words you never wanted to say.
“Is he…”
Danny’s shaking his head frantically before you can force the question past your lips, and your body heaves with a noiseless sob. Turning your head at the telltale squeaking of shoes on linoleum, you spot Lou, Kono, and Chin rushing up to you. “Where is he?” Kono breathes out, blindly reaching for your hand to offer you support.
“They just rushed him into surgery,” Danny supplies. “EMT said he lost a lot of blood.”
“You know Steve's as tough as they come, Danny, okay?” Lou insists in a conciliatory tone, and even though he’s addressing the blonde by name, his eyes are locked on yours. You angle your head downward in acknowledgement. I hear you. “He’s not gonna go out without a fight.”
“Yeah,” your husband’s best friend asserts in a forced breath. “Yeah.” And then he’s walking purposefully toward the exit, patting Lou’s arm as he passes.
“Hey, where’re you going?” Chin starts following behind. “You need to get yourself checked out!”
“I’m fine,” he waves off the concern, “Come on!”
“Danny? Danny!” you protest in unison, but nothing is going to stop him. He’s made up his mind.
Lou follows in the men’s footsteps, but Kono hangs back, hesitating as she glances between her team and your grief-stricken face. You sniff and straighten up your spine, bobbing your head once in a stoic nod. “I’ll be here when he wakes up. You go get the son of a bitch who shot him.” She squeezes your hand once and then takes off, and you watch their shrinking forms until you can’t make out who’s who in the distance.
With no word of your husband’s current status or company to distract you, your legs carry you to the waiting room where you sink down into one of the stiff chairs. You take in a shaky breath, the overwhelming scent of disinfectant and despair pervading your senses. Letting your head fall back against the wall with a dull thud, you close your eyes and are instantly transported back to the damning moment when everything went wrong.
“…so it’s a good idea to hold off on boarding for now until we get that vaccine in him-” A knock at the door interrupts your advice to your clients, and you rise from your spot on the floor next to their German Shepherd, excusing yourself to poke your head out.
“Did I forget to write a duration for the Amoxi again?” you shake your head with a laugh, grateful that your technicians are used to your idiosyncrasies by now and know that it’s okay to knock. Your smile falters at the look on your head tech’s face and the way she’s methodically spinning the diamond on her ring finger.
“There’s a call for you on line two, Doctor McGarrett,” her voice barely rises above a whisper so as to keep your conversation private from the couple in the room behind you.
“Can you tell them I’m in an appointment and take a message? We’re almost done in here.”
The ring makes another rotation. “It’s…urgent, Y/N.”
Excusing yourself from your appointment as politely as possible while trying to quell the panic rising in your chest, you exit into the central appointment hallway, heartbeat thudding against your ribcage as you recall the nature of your husband’s covert op today. Had their fabricated identities not cleared? Did the plane malfunction? A million and one life threatening scenarios fly through your brain as you follow your employee down the hall asking, “Is it Steve? Danny? What happened?” Delicately taking the receiver from its cradle, she holds it out to you in lieu of a verbal response. You tuck the phone between your ear and shoulder, clearing your throat and steeling yourself before pressing ‘2’. “Hello?”
“Is this Lieutenant Commander McGarrett’s wife?”
“Y-Yes,” you stutter, your shaky voice betraying the weight of your negative thoughts, “this is she.”
“Ma’am, I’m calling from Tripler Army Medical Center. I’m sorry to inform you that your husband is in critical condition from several gunshot wounds and is en route to us now.”
A high pitched whine drowns out any words that follow as the room starts spinning and you grab the countertop in front of you to ground yourself, the sharp edge biting into the palm of your hand. “…Ma’am? Ma’am?”
Your eyes fly open and a gasp erupts from your body as you emerge from the nightmare to a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look up to find kind eyes and a sympathetic smile, walking your gaze across blue scrubs to a tag reading Doctor Cornett.
“I’m sorry,” you press your fingers into your eyes and shake your head, “I must’ve drifted off waiting here.”
“Please,” he lowers himself into the seat next to you, “don’t apologize. I know how difficult this must be for you. My name is Isaac Cornett and I’m overseeing your husband’s case.”
“Thank you,” you offer reflexively, your hands curling into fists so that your nails press into your flesh in the vain hope the pain will keep your tears at bay. “Is there any update on his condition?”
“Steve lost a lot of blood,” he begins gently, and you immediately warm to his use of your husband’s first name. Excellent bedside manner, your doctor brain approves. “We’re working on correcting the fluid loss now to prevent hypovolemic shock. However-”
The high pitched whine returns full force, the contradictory word sending your heart rate into overdrive, the doctor’s words falling on deaf ears before he takes his leave so you can make some calls. You press the digits of Danny’s number, acting purely on muscle memory, using one hand to steady the device in the erratic shaking of the other. “Danny?”
“Y/N, babe,” he’s yelling to be heard over approaching sirens, “we got him. We got him.”
“Of course you did,” you sniff, smiling despite yourself. “Danno, listen- I need you to come back now, okay? I need you. Steve needs you.”
You jump up from your seat as your husband’s team approaches, their posture indicating they’re none the worse for wear although their haunted eyes contradict their outward stoicism. Danny takes your hand before turning to the approaching surgeon.
“I'm afraid it's not good news,” Doctor Cornett begins with a solemn look. “Commander McGarrett has suffered a devastating trauma to his liver. A bullet has cut it into multiple fragments, making the entire organ inoperable.” You feel Danny’s fingers tighten where they’re woven through yours and you instinctively squeeze back. “If he doesn't receive a new liver in the next few hours… he will die.”
“Then we don’t have any time to waste. I’ll be his donor,” you offer immediately, your sentiments echoed by Lou, Kono, and Chin. You would give anything in the world to save his life, even your own.
“We can certainly run some tests and determine which, if any, of you are the correct tissue match for Commander McGarrett,” the doctor begins, but Danny stops his explanation with a casual flick of his hand.
“Let me, um, just save everybody some time. Steve and I are the same blood type. So just- let's use mine.”
“We can run the bloodwork to confirm right now, Detective,” the doctor waves over a nurse to update her on the plan moving forward and you turn to Danny.
“You’re sure about this?”
“He’s already taken possession of my car, may as well add a vital organ,” the blonde cracks, causing a laugh to push its way past your lips even as your eyes turn glassy. He presses a gentle hand to your cheek, “Don’t get sentimental on me now, babe.”
You hurriedly swipe at your eyes and click your teeth, “Me? Sentimental? I’m a McGarrett, we don’t have emotions.”
“That’s my girl,” he smiles in response. “Speaking of, can somebody get my monkey from school? Tell her that her dad’s heroically getting his insides messed with for her least favorite uncle?”
“I’ll go,” Kono steps up, pulling you and Danny into a brief but tight hug before departing.
The nurse from earlier pokes her head out from behind the door leading to the hallway of exam rooms. “We’re ready for you, Detective Williams.”
“Hey,” Danny grabs your face, pressing a kiss to each cheek before letting you go, “we’ll see you in a bit, okay? Both of us.”
You muster up a smile for your husband’s partner and best friend. “I love you, Danno. We love you.”
“Love you more, babe,” he shoots you a wink before the door swings shut behind him and you release a shuddering exhale.
Chin wraps an arm around your shoulders and you lean against him gratefully, watching the blonde confidently strut down the long hallway as you whisper under your breath, “Love you most.”
“Hey you,” you stand to meet Grace as she enters the waiting room, twin tracks of mascara running down her cheeks revealing that she’d been crying earlier. You run your thumbs along the smudges before tucking her into your body, her fists balling up in your scrubs. Leaning down to press a kiss against the crown of her head you ask, “You see Danno before he went in?”
She nods in response, sniffling slightly before pulling back to meet your gaze. “You know Uncle Steve is going to be fine, right?”
“Thanks to your dad,” you offer a small smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “They’ll be up and awake and bugging us before we know it.”
“Do you think they’ll quit arguing so much once they’re sharing a liver?”
You chuckle appreciatively, grateful for the small refuge of levity. “Absolutely not.”
Grace slips her hand into yours as you each take a seat in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, members of your chosen family trickling in one by one until the entire area is overtaken by Five-0 and company- Kono, Kamekona, Flippa, Jerry, Nahele, Max, Duke, Pua. HPD personnel drift in and out, asking for updates on Steve’s condition and offering you words of support. You maintain your grip on Grace’s hand the entire time, the two of you keeping each other grounded as the most important men in your lives go under the knife. She falls into a fitful sleep an hour or so into the procedure, head lolling on your shoulder. Seeing that you’re stuck in that position for the timebeing, Lou offers you a coffee which you gratefully accept, and eases into the spot beside you.
“You know,” he starts softly, squeezing your shoulder not currently being occupied by a sleepy teenager, “when I first met your husband, I couldn’t stand his ass.”
“I know,” you laugh, careful not to jostle Grace. “Who do you think bore the brunt of his venting?”
“And if you would've told me that the day would come,” he pauses to take a heavy breath, “when I'm in a hospital waiting room torn up inside, almost to the point of tears, because my man is in a room with his life hanging in the balance…”
“Lou,” your voice breaks, thick with emotion. He takes your hand, ever so gently bringing it to his lips as he collects himself.
“Now don’t you ever tell him this cause he’s already got a big head,” he cracks a smile, earning one in return, “but he’s the toughest man I know.”
“And stubborn to boot,” you tack on, sifting through your many memories until you land on a particularly telling one during your wedding planning.
“I’m not saying ‘Til death do us part’, Steve,” you insist. “You put on a badge and a gun every damn day. That’s just bad juju!”
“It’s traditional and it’s symbolic, Y/N,” he huffs in response. “It’s just something you say during a wedding, you don’t really mean it.”
“You-” your mouth opens once, then twice, trying and failing to process his words. “What do you mean ‘you don’t really mean it’?”
“Come on,” he groans, beyond exasperated with these circular arguments the two of you have been hashing out over the wedding. “You know what I mean, baby.”
“No,” you cross your arms with a glare, “I actually don’t, Steven.”
“Oh, is that what we’re doing? You’re gonna full name me now?”
“How can you not appreciate the weight of the words we’re going to speak to each other on the day we’re literally committing for life?”
“I don’t understand why you get so hung up on these details!”
“Because it matters to me,” you snap, feeling angry tears well up in your eyes, “clearly more than it does to you.”
“Y/N, honey,” he reaches for you and you draw back before stalking upstairs.
“Come to bed when you decide to stop being such a stubborn asshat.”
Steve doesn’t come to bed that night, instead opting to sleep on the couch and give you time to cool off as he reflects on your words. He eventually drifts off into a restless sleep, waking in the middle of the night to an oddly comforting pressure on his chest. He squints as his eyes adjust to the dark, finding your angelically sleeping form draped across his body, your head rising and falling with each breath he takes.
“You can’t escape me,” you mumble sleepily against his skin, “even if one of us dies. If you go first, I’ll find you when I get there. If it’s me, I’ll haunt your ass forever.”
Running his fingers through your hair, he quips, “Just my ass?”
You lift your head from his chest, bleary eyes focusing on his twinkling blue orbs. “Huh?”
“You’ll only haunt my ass?” he clarifies cheekily. “Not my whole self?”
Suddenly you’re both laughing uncontrollably, so hard that you tumble off the edge of the leather couch and onto the floor, delirious with the absurdity of it all.
“I don’t really care what we say, my love,” you concede once your laughter subsides. “All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you, and then some.”
“And then some,” he echoes back, a smile lighting up his handsome face. “That’s perfect. Fuck being traditional. ‘For forever and then some,’” he asserts before pulling you close and kissing you soundly.
“Oh Steve,” you whisper out loud in the present, touching shaky fingers to your lips where you swear you can feel the ghost of your husband’s mouth on yours.
“Hey,” Chin croons softly, squatting low in front of your chair and swiping at the unbidden tears running down your cheeks. “He’s spent his whole life taking care of other people. Good karma racks up.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out shakily. “Yeah, he’s going to be fine.”
Chin sinks fully to the ground, leaning back against the chair across from you. “Y/N, when I first lost Malia, as you might imagine, I was in a- in a pretty dark place.” You nod in understanding, tears pooling in your eyes anew because you realize he’s been through this torture. “Steve… it was like he knew I wasn’t sleeping. This guy would call me up in the middle of the night and be like, ‘Yo, Chin, what are you doing?’ I’d be like-”
“Nothing?” you supply through a laugh.
“Nothing,” he confirms with a chuckle himself. “He would say, ‘You want to go grab some coffee?’ So we'd go to this place near me. And we'd just sit there. Sometimes we would talk, other times, we wouldn't say much of anything. And this went on for weeks.”
“I never knew what exactly he was doing,” you admit with a gentle smile as your heart warms at the thought of your husband’s kind soul. “He would just kiss me goodbye and say ‘Chin needs this.’”
“He was there for me, like, when my father died, your father in law was there for me.”
“They’re good men,” you say softly, averting your gaze from Chin’s glassy eyes to stop yourself from crying for the umpteenth time today. “They’re good men.”
Grace wakes from her nap a short time later, allowing you to stand and stretch your legs. You find yourself at the nurse’s station, not quite sure what you’re looking for until the words leave your mouth.
“Can I have Commander McGarrett’s personal belongings?” you ask, sliding your engagement ring up your finger and then back down until it meets your wedding band with a soft click.
“Doctor McGarrett,” the nurse begins gently, and you allow yourself a smile when you realize Danny must have told the staff that you should be referred to as Doctor and not Missus. Your husband and his partner love to correct people, pride infusing their overlapping voices. “It’s probably best that you not see his clothes in their current condition.”
Grateful for her thoughtfulness and discretion, you amend, “Can I just have his wedding ring, then?”
“Wait here,” she smiles kindly, rising from her chair and moving to the section of the medical center reserved for recovery. She returns a few minutes later with the gleaming metal in hand, slightly warm and smelling distinctly like hospital soap.
“Mahalo nui loa,” you squeeze her hand as you take the proffered band. Steve’s ring glides easily over each of your fingers with room to spare until you settle on your thumb with a laugh. It reminds you of just how much bigger he is than you, and it makes you all the more eager to be back in his arms, curled up against him with those large hands holding you tight.
Not quite possessing the mental fortitude for more stories or conversation at this point in time, you slip into an empty waiting room to have a chat with your husband.
“Steven Jack McGarrett,” you hit him hard from the get-go with the government name so he knows you’re serious, “I know you’re under anesthesia and I know you’re hearing me so listen up, buddy.” You turn on your heel, beginning to pace the length of the room. “You are not allowed to leave me, do you understand? You have so much more life to live, more people to save, more time to spend with your family. We had- have a plan. We’re gonna have kids soon. We’re gonna watch them grow up and we’re gonna get old together and you’re gonna fucking retire and take some time for us or so help me God, Steven.” You take a breath to calm yourself before diving back in.
“Listen, I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. And then when you inevitably made me fall in love with you. And then when we got married. You put your whole heart and soul into that badge and I love that because it’s a part of you but this? This was never supposed to happen,” you sigh. “You’re the goddamn super SEAL, Steve, you’re supposed to take a bullet to the arm or leg or- fuck- you even survived Halawa, but you always walk it off! You always walk it off. So, um, wherever you are in anesthetic dreamland, you’d better be hearing this and get your ass up before I come in there and get you up myself, okay? Okay. Because I don’t- I don’t know how to exist without you, so don’t ask me to.”
“Alright,” you exhale sharply, “I guess that’s it for now. I love you more than you’ll ever know.” You nod once with finality and step out of the room before thinking better of it and poking your head back in. “Also, you’re a major pain in my ass.”
Another four hours pass with no Doctor Cornett in sight or news of your boys. By this point, you’ve bitten your nails down to the quick, your stinging fingers frankly a relief from the dull headache pounding against the back of your skull. Finally, mercifully, the surgeon enters the waiting room and you all sit up ramrod straight, sucking in air and awaiting the news with bated breath.
“They’re gonna be okay,” he announces tiredly but triumphantly as the room lets out a collective sigh. You and Lou begin laughing incredulously as Kono and Grace hug tightly, smiles and teary eyes being exchanged all around. You catch sight of the doctor nodding, a small smile gracing his features at the sight of your tight knit family celebrating this win. Approaching on weary feet, you grasp his hands, the hands that saved your husband’s life, in yours. “From one doctor to another,” you smile through tears, “thank you. Thank you for giving me my husband back.”
The same nurse who brought you his wedding ring beckons you down the hall to his post-op room. You hesitate at the threshold, steeling yourself before stepping inside. Your husband looks so peaceful in the hospital bed, his face free of typical worry lines as he takes slow, steady breaths. Pressing your hand against his cheek, you relish in the warmth emanating from his body, confirming that he’s alive and really, truly here with you. “You stupid son of a bitch,” you laugh quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, your lips lingering on his warm skin. “Don’t you ever, ever do that to me again.”
You move a nearby chair to his bedside, getting settled before taking his hand in yours and kissing the pad of each of his fingertips. “Oh here, honey,” you whisper, easing his wedding band off of your thumb and returning it to its rightful home on his ring finger. “There we go.”
You remain in that spot for what feels like hours, telling Steve about the conversations you had today, all the people who came by to express their concern, the sweet memories that this dreadful affair brought back. You tell him how Danny didn’t hesitate for a second to donate part of a vital organ so he’d better be nice to him from now on or else. Maybe even let Danno drive his own car once in a blue moon? “And,” you stifle a yawn, easing back in the chair so you can fold your body in half and rest your cheek against the bedsheet draped over Steve’s legs, “you’re definitely not allowed to work until at least two doctors give you the green light- not including me. But I’ll take time off from the hospital and be home with you,” another yawn breaks through and you let your eyes drift shut. “It’ll be like a little staycation,” you mumble, nuzzling against him and finally letting the refuge of sleep take your body out of this nightmare.
One week later, your adoptive family is all gathered around reading get well soon cards to the resident heroes, the room full to the brim with flowers, balloons, and even a few human-sized teddy bears. You’re snuggled up against your husband’s side in the slightly too small hospital bed, carding your fingers through his hair as Grace stands by her dad’s bed, Charlie tucked into the crook of the blonde’s arm. “Here’s another one for you,” Jerry begins, reading the message aloud as Steve’s grin grows wider and Danny’s frown deepens with every message addressed solely to the Commander.
“You know,” Lou’s voice booms throughout the recovery suite as he enters, “if a stranger was to pass by this room, they'd get the impression you two boys were a couple of rock stars.”
“Yeah, yeah. Him,” Danny’s thumb juts accusatorily in your direction. “Him, not me. I'm just the roadie, I think.”
Steve rolls his eyes beside you and you lean over the rail of the bed to reach into your purse, pulling out an unmarked envelope. “Top secret for Danno,” you whisper as you hand the note to Charlie who proudly tucks it into his dad’s hands with a giggle. The blonde throws you a wink and you blow him a kiss in return, finding a petulant pout on your husband’s face when you turn your attention back to him. “What’s the matter with you, hm?”
“Where’s my kiss?”
Narrowing your eyes at him you counter, “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I’m not kidding, Danny got one so I want one-”
“Hey,” Chin slaps Steve’s hand, cutting off his whining and redirecting his focus towards your friends and family departing. “We'll see you back soon, all right? You take care of him in the meantime,” he points at you, in response to which you dutifully salute with a “Yes sir, Lieutenant Kelly.”
“Thanks, buddy,” Steve responds softly before releasing his hand. “And good work on the case.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes at your husband’s ever so stoic attitude. “Would it kill you to say I love you for once, McGarrett?” you grumble as Lou approaches.
“You…” he laughs, taking Steve’s hand in his just as Chin had moments ago, “are indestructible.”
“I love you, man,” your husband offers honestly, ocean blue eyes twinkling as he sneaks a glance over to you. You simply raise your arms in demonstration- was that so hard?
The former SWAT captain barks out a laugh, sharing a secret smile with you before returning, “I love you right back, buddy.”
“Stay out of our fridge,” your husband orders as Lou makes his way out with a wave, the last of the crew to leave.
“Speaking of, I’m gonna go scrounge up a snack,” you press a kiss to Steve’s forehead, then Danny’s, then head down to the cafeteria. Before you even reach the room upon your return, you can hear the old married couple bickering once again.
“…not like I'm asking for a Thank you, Steve,” Danny’s voice drifts into the hall. “I'm not saying give me a speech or a gift or anything like that, but you- you're just- you're a big, giant ingrate, you know? My son, who I gave bone marrow to, he was more grateful than you are.” You lean against the doorway, hiding your smile behind your granola bar as Danny continues on, “But come to think of it, he's four years old and he's more emotionally mature than you, so it makes complete and total sense.”
“He's a kid,” Steve shoots back. “I promise you, Danny, you give him time, he's gonna grow up to hate you just as much as I do.”
“Okay, that's enough,” Danny audibly groans as he stretches up to scrape the curtain along the rod and block your husband out of his view.
“You do realize the curtain doesn't block sound, right? I know you can still hear me.”
Danny notices your figure in the doorway and shakes his head at you. “How- How are you married to this thing?”
“This thing?” Steve raises his voice to ensure that he’s heard.
“I’m not,” you laugh, helping the blonde adjust his pillow as he settles back in. “You are.”
“Yeah, okay, that’s very funny,” your husband sasses, “now please remember that I almost died and come cuddle me.”
You pop the final bite of your bar into your mouth before pulling the curtain back with a flourish, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow as you stare Steve down. “Are you gonna play nice with Danny?”
“What- He- He called me an ingrate!”
“He saved your life,” you purse your lips, jutting one hip out.
“I don’t want to hear it, Steven,” you sigh, moving the table from its spot in between them and rolling Danny’s bed closer to your husband’s. They start protesting simultaneously and you cut them off with a withering glare. “I haven’t slept properly in seven days, so I’m going to curl up in this bed and you’re each going to hold one of my hands so I know you idiots are alive. And if I hear you bickering, I will personally suffocate you both with a pillow. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Y/N,” Danny mumbles as Steve grumbles out a “He started it.”
With a roll of your eyes, you scoot your way against your husband’s body, directing his arm around you and squeezing his hand in yours, holding your other hand out for Danny to take. He does so dutifully and you smile, snuggling into Steve’s shoulder. “Goodnight, dumb and dumber.”
The duo’s voices overlap as they both assert, “You’re dumber!”
“God,” you mutter under your breath, squeezing your eyes shut and attempting to drown out the world around you, “give me the strength to survive these next few months.”
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eksvaized · 6 months
LIBERTINE — [5], +18
part FOUR
He should have never taken you to his room.
The nagging voice in the back of Ghost’s head kept telling him that he needed to take a step back, glue his hands back to his sides, and make you leave before everything escalated, but he shut off his mind and focused on your body instead.
His fingertips traced over your exposed skin before sliding underneath your shirt and pulling it over your head, letting the fabric fall on the floor. He drew back for a second, taking a quick breath in as his eyes dropped down to your chest. Then he pressed his lips back to yours, and continued to kiss you like a hungry man, loving how responsive your body and you were to him.
As you closed your eyes and tilted your head back, you felt the coolness of the wall against your skin; you were trapped in Ghost’s arms.
His soft kisses began at the side of your chin, slowly descending along your neck, creating a tingling sensation that sent shivers down your spine. His fingers tugged at the hem of your shorts as he continued to hunt for the sweet spot on your neck, smirking when he found it.
A soft moan slipped past your lips when he sank his teeth into the soft flesh and began sucking and nibbling at it.
After he marked you, leaving a few hickeys, not caring that you won’t be able to cover them up tomorrow, his nails slid down your sides. He lifted you up, his hands squeezing your ass; he chuckled when you gasped quietly, and your arms wrapped over his shoulders, your fingers getting tangled in his hair.
Ghost walked over to his bed, lowering you down on it and letting your back hit the mattress. Your gaze was fixed on him. Your pupils were dilated, your eyes were wide and begging him to return to you when the distance between your bodies increased.
You parted your lips, wanting to say something, but no words left you.
He pulled a shirt over his head before bending down and curling his fingers under the waistband of your shorts, dragging them off of you.
“If you want to stop... and leave, now is your chance,” He said, wanting to give you an option, but selfishly wishing that you wouldn’t take him up on it. “Because if we continue, love, I won’t be able to control myself.”
His tongue wetted his lips, and he drew closer to you. His frame towered over your body, causing you to sink into the soft mattress while your limbs became entangled in the white sheets.
His brown eyes greedily explored your skin, watching as you traced your fingertips down your body, squeezing your thighs together and rubbing them, yearning for some kind of friction in all your sensitive spots.
When you shook your head, letting him know you were not going anywhere, his lips curled into a smirk. He gazed at you for one more second before the distance between you vanished again.
Your head was spinning, but not because of the alcohol. All you could think about was Ghost and that despite him being on top of you, he still wasn’t close enough.
His body was radiating heat, causing your skin to burn. After his hand slid into your panties, he began to tease you. His thumb circled your clit, putting just enough pressure on it to make your eyes roll to the back of your head, as he unclipped your bra, flinging it somewhere over his shoulder. The sound of his heavy breathing mixed with your muted moans and desperate whimpers as you begged him not to stop.
His mouth wrapped around your nipple, his tongue teasing it before he left wet kisses all over your chest, sending a shiver down your spine.
You were used to having more control in the bed; you enjoyed being in charge. But with Ghost, you were too engrossed in his touch, too concentrated on his hands on you and the way he made you feel, to do anything other than squirm and attempt to hush the sounds coming out of you.
After he brought you to your first orgasm, he ripped off your soaked panties and lowered himself between your legs, refusing to let you close them. When you tried to push him away because you were overstimulated and wanted a break, a short one, just a couple of seconds, his fingers curled around your thighs and dug into your flesh.
He would not let you relax because he was desperate to taste you and see if you were as sweet as he imagined.
You propped yourself up on your elbows. You were struggling to keep your eyes open. Your breaths were erratic, yet you wanted to watch him and relish the sight of his head between your legs, devouring you like it was his last meal.
You knew you would regret this later, but you hoped to blame it all on the alcohol in the morning (although you felt completely sober right now, you refused to admit it yourself).
Ghost eventually drew back. He could have made you cum again, but he enjoyed watching your reaction and the way you scrunched your nose, whining when you didn’t get what you wanted. His eyes darkened, and his lips curled into a grin as a result of your desperate whimpers.
His chin was glistening, and he wiped the corners of his mouth with his thumb. Your head fell onto the pillow; you had a moment to calm down your pounding heart as he ditched his pants.
He then flipped you over, making you face the wall and kneel. You let him do whatever he wanted with your body and bit your bottom lip as he softly pushed you down, forcing you to lower yourself and arch your back.
He savoured the sight of you, making you wait impatiently, and only when you looked over your shoulder did he slip his cock in between your folds, coating it in your juices, teasing your clit more before ramming himself deep in your cunt.
When you moaned, Ghost groaned, and he slapped your ass, making your skin sting and leaving a bright red handprint; your voice bounced off the walls, rippling through the air.
“Gotta keep those pretty lips sealed, love.” He murmured, and his fingers wrapped around your neck, giving your throat a light squeeze before he placed his hands on your waist.
He began to move his hips, and his first thrusts were controlled, slow, and hard. Each time he shoved his cock into you and his hips slammed into yours, it caused you to bite the pillow as you buried your face in it.
But as your walls began to tighten around him, he quickened his pace, knowing you were close.
He leaned down, his one arm wrapped around your waist, and he forced you to straighten your back, his chest pressing into your spine. His hand then slid down, and he began to tease your sensitive clit again, his warm breath on your neck and his hushed groans making your head spin.
It was all too much and not enough at the same time. You wanted to take a break, but you didn’t want him to stop. You had trouble taking deep breaths, but the lightheadiness made you erase all your thoughts and focus on the intense pleasure.
When your toes curled, and your fingers wrapped around his arm, digging into his flesh as you held onto him, he pushed you over the edge, making your walls clench around his cock. You whimpered way too loudly, not able to contain your moans, making Ghost bit your shoulder, reminding you had to stay quiet.
After you both were done, you fell down, and his arms unwrapped, letting you go. He got out of bed, and you pulled a sheet over your body.
You were fatigued and wanted to get out of this room as quickly as possible, but first, you needed to calm down. Your legs would have buckled beneath you if you had stood up right now because your body was exhausted and overstimulated.
However, after closing your eyes for a brief while and opening them again, the room suddenly became bright, and you weren’t lying in the pitch black anymore.
The sun shone through the window, enveloping everything in a soft orange hue. Ghost was lying next to you. He had his arm around your waist, and his face was buried in your shoulder; quiet snoring eluded him.
You groaned when you realised that you had fallen asleep in his bed instead of leaving last night. But since he wasn’t awake yet, you decided it was your chance to sneak out and avoid the awkward conversation that was bound to happen if he opened his eyes.
You rolled out of bed and began picking up your clothes, which were scattered all over the floor.
Your head was pounding. Your throat was parched, and you only wanted three things right now: a glass of cold water, to take a long hot shower and to get back in your bed.
Your gaze was drawn to the notebook on the table. It was black, small and simple, but because it was the only thing on the table, besides a pair of gloves and a clean white cup, you decided to snoop and see what he had written in it.
After flipping through the pages, which were full of women’s names (some of which you recognised), you concluded Ghost loved to keep track of every girl he lured into his bed.
And now you were one of those girls.
Before leaving, you flipped to an empty page, picked up a pen, and wrote down your name, adding 10/10 next to the neatly scribbled words.
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ozarkthedog · 10 months
💀marc has a blood kink and a bit of a sadistic streak i said what i said
warnings: 18+ only. mdni. dark!Marc Spector x f!Reader. sparring. blood kink. pain kink. no beta.
word count: 588
author's note: idk what this is but i love it & am not ashamed. p.s., hi, sorry i haven't posted anything in months. :) p.s.s. sorry this is so late @moonknightly but thank you for the dark! thots.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 · 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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“You gotta keep your hands up.” 
You respond with a pained gasp when Marc lands another punch. This time it’s to your jaw. It aches and pounds beneath your skin. You try to shake the pain away despite your world spinning.
“Again. Let’s go.” Marc commands harshly before circling your disorientated body as you try to regain your balance. “You won’t last long in a fight if you can’t take a few hits.”
You raise your fists and bounce on the balls of your feet. Marc smirks at your determination to keep up. “It's cute you think you can beat me.”
A growl rumbles in your chest and you strike without a plan.
He easily dives under your right hook before planting a savage fist in your belly. Air is ripped from your lungs forcing you to keel over. Marc sees his advantage as you choke on gasps of air and kicks your feet out from under you. 
You let out a sick grunt as you crumble to the ground. The hard training mat nicks your cheekbone when you fall face first against the flooring. Sweltering heat burns your body as bile races up your throat from the pain.
Marc stands over your heaving frame and clicks his tongue in disappointment. He roughly nudges your frame until you're lying on your back before crouching down over your body. His thighs encase your arms leaving you with no way to fend for yourself. You can barely breathe with his weight on top of you. No matter how much you struggle, you can't get free.
Darkness creeps into the warmth of his eyes as he sits on your chest and stares at your frightened face. 
“Stupid little girl. What am I gonna do with you?”
Marc spies blood pooling to the surface of your cheek. He thumbs harshly at the wound rubbing the spilt crimson into your skin. You whine from the pain and struggle once more under his massive thighs.
“You look good in red.” Marc smirks something deadly down at you before landing a devastating backhand.
White light flashes behind your eyes as your already abused cheekbone blazes like hot coals. Your lips part in a yelp as the room spins making you even more nauseous than before.
“Hey, hey, come back to me,” Marc husks, cupping your face in his hands. “I wanna see how much you can take.”
Your face burns with searing pain as he grazes his thumb over the welt and tugs on the skin,  opening the wound further. Marc watches with morbid fervor as crimson pours from the broken skin. 
He covers your mouth with a weighty hand dulling your screams to muffled moans while he works not caring that you writhe beneath him. You kick your legs towards his back hoping to land a blow but the angle is wrong, you can’t even graze him.
Marc barely feels you moving under his weight, he’s so invested in your turmoil. He drags two thick fingers through the fresh wound making you vibrate with a scream under his palm before curiously bringing the coated digits to his lips and sucking on them.
He moans around his fingers, eyes dropping closed for a beat, from the tangy, metal taste before sucking on the tips like after a delicious meal. 
“Shit.” He groans from deep in his chest before leaning down and pressing his forehead against yours. “You know,” He begins, licking his lips and flashing his crimson stained teeth. “I can taste your fear.” 
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💌 send me mail - feel free to scream at me
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