#the sound that the bag full of bags would make when you opened the pantry door too far and how my neighbor always used to sing when
jovalencia · 2 years
I miss my childhood house so much I would give anything to grab the knob at the end of the banister and jump from the third step and catch a million seconds of air while I whip myself around the banister and down the hall
#I also miss my treehouse and the pool table I would use for fashion shows and the smell of the “secret garden” under the stairs and#the way the house would settle and the planes overhead and that stain on the carpet from where I dropped an entire plate of mac n cheese#and the distinct smell of my mom’s closet and climbing down over the back bank and going to the entryway where the ceiling was two stories#high and throwing bouncy balls as hard as I could to get them to bounce off the ceiling and the rope swing in the backyard and eating#the buttercups that grew there bc I read once they were edible and the sound your nails made when they scratched across the counter and#using hot clue to peel off paint and make patterns on the workbench and the shed that smelled like gasoline and climbing the tree that#my dad installed handles into to make it easier and making umbrella forts and playing washing machine (spinning around and around in#circles with your arms out then falling to the floor and watching the room spin) and the mismatched rung on the banister from where#I broke it and the sound of the cat door and how the garage door was so heavy that it would slam if you didn’t prop it open and how the#smell of laundry would waft up into my room and how if you laid on the bathroom floor you could see a piece of the old yellow flower#wallpaper that my mom missed when she ripped it out and the sound of the sliding glass door that we could never quite get clean and#the sound that the bag full of bags would make when you opened the pantry door too far and how my neighbor always used to sing when#she brought her trash out late at night and the crunch sound the carpet would make when you walked on the edge and how raccoons would#always come to the back door and my cat would try to scare them away and being scared to go into my mom’s bathroom bc the shower#had been ripped out for years after my dad tried to power wash it so it left several gaping holes to the rest of the house but there were#spiders in there for all I knew or cared#carmen.txt
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totheblood · 1 year
superposition. (one)
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pairing: dealer!ellie x best friend!reader
summary: you've never been on a date, hell, you've never even kissed anyone. ellie decides to be a good best friend and teach you how! wow.. so kind of her..
warnings: 18+, nearly every chapter will have a somewhat sexual element to it (this one is probably the tamest?), cursing, alcohol/drug mention, suggestive themes... cheating if u squint
a/n: i want bff!ellie and that's all... friends to lovers??? fav trope. i hope i do this justice and i hope you guys like it... ai audios at the end as usual
"in every universe, you are my dark star."
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You felt like a fucking loser.
Well, you usually felt like a loser, but as you sat on Dina’s couch researching what to wear on a first date you felt absolutely lame. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been asked out on a date before, it’s just that no one you liked had asked you out on a date before. A girl had never asked you out on a date before. But since the cute girl from your chemistry lab had asked you if you wanted to go to dinner with her, you happily agreed.
You were just… inexperienced and although it never bothered you before as you approached the time for your date you were becoming increasingly more nervous. What to wear, what to order, and what to talk about were all things you were not familiar with and you wanted to be, if anything, overly prepared. So you did the only thing you knew how to: Google it. 
Your feet were tucked under your legs as you sat crisscrossed on the couch. From the living room, you could hear Dina and Jesse laughing in the kitchen as they snacked on whatever they had available in their pantry. Ellie was sat at the dining room table with a scale in front of her, measuring and sorting loose flowers into dime bags. This was what a regular Friday night looked like for your friends. It usually ended in Ellie passing around one of her pre-rolls as you watched a shitty movie Jesse had suggested, but tonight you planned to leave early for your date.
As if Ellie could sense the tension rolling off of you from her place at the table, she plopped herself next to you on the couch, startling you from your anxious state. 
“Jesus, fuck-” You looked at Ellie with wide eyes, her green ones staring back and searching your face as if she was analyzing you. “We need to put a bell on you. You scared the shit out of me.”
“I practically stomped over here, it’s not my fault that whatever-” She gestured back and forth between you and your phone. “Is going on with that stopped you from hearing me.” 
You rolled your eyes at her fully knowing she was right but not wanting to give her that satisfaction. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Soooo,” She began, drawing out the sound as she placed her arm behind you on the couch and leaned into you. “What’s got you all nervous today? I swear whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous.”
You groaned, leaning your head back and into Ellie’s arm. You tilted your head slightly to look at her. She looked comfortable in her grey hoodie, her other hand tucked into the pocket. Her eyes were locked on yours and her eyebrows knit together. She was concerned about you. If the reason you were freaking out wasn’t so juvenile you would be eating this up, but instead you just felt guilty. It annoyed you how well she knew you sometimes.
“It’s so stupid, El.” Your voice came out in a whisper almost as if you were telling her a secret. “You’re gonna laugh at me” Her face softened as she offered you a small smile.
“How much do you wanna bet it’s not stupid?” She leaned her head back on the couch, trying to match your posture. “And if I laugh you have full permission to punch me.” 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second. You knew that she would never make fun of you for freaking out over a date, but that didn’t stop you from being reluctant to say it out loud. 
“I have a date tonight.” When you opened your eyes you scanned her face looking for a hint of a smile, something that would tell you not to stress. Instead, you saw a different emotion flicker over her face, something you couldn’t quite place. Shock? No. Sadness? No. Disappointment? Close enough. It didn’t make much sense to you but as quick as it was there, it was gone.
“And?” She didn’t sound annoyed, but she didn’t sound happy for you. For the first time in your life, you were having a difficult time reading her.
“And I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never been on a date before.” With your admission, you squinted your eyes causing your nose to scrunch. The reaction you were getting from Ellie was hard to read and you were already beginning to feel extremely embarrassed. When you finally did adjust your vision to look at her she just looked confused.
“Why did I not know you’ve never been on a date?” 
“Cause I never told you.” You laughed, a downturned smile on your face. “Not really the best talking point.” You were trying to lighten the mood but Ellie’s expression never changed.
“I mean, it makes sense.” She casually said. If you were anyone else you may have laughed it off, but the sentence cause a sharp pain in your chest. Your mouth fell open as you gasped and playfully pushed her shoulder.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Her eyes widened as she realized how you took her sentence.
“No, no- fuck. I just mean like you spend all your time with me. You never really talk about anyone, I’m not saying no one would date you cause obviously I know that’s not true, I just mean… I didn’t mean it like that.” She rambled out, a frantic look on her face.
“Damn, Ellie. Tell me how you really felt.” The smile crept back up on her face as she realized you were teasing her.
“So you’ve never been on a date? So what?” She shrugged, trying to steer the conversation back in it’s original direction.
“So I don’t know what to wear, or what to talk about, or howtokiss.” You mumbled the last part of your sentence together hoping she wouldn’t notice, but she was Ellie and she noticed almost everything.
“Wear that pink floral dress you have, the one that makes your boobs look amazing. Talk about yourself, it’s a date, the whole point is to get to know each other. And what was that last thing you said?” When she spoke to you everything she said seemed so casual, but you weren’t like her. You couldn’t brush over the fact that she just told you not only does she know your wardrobe without thinking too much about it, but also makes a note of how you look in them. How your tits look in them. 
“Uhm-” You cleared your throat. “I don’t know how to kiss. I’ve never done it before.” You reluctantly admitted. Again you expected Ellie to laugh at you, but she just stared at you, then your lips. 
“Well, I can show you.” She shrugged, eyes trained on you. Your mouth hung open, unsure of what to do. On one hand, kissing your best friend never seems like a good idea, on the other hand, you could use the practice.
“I mean… now?” You asked, your body heating up in anticipation. She looked completely serious, her lips were a straight line and her body seemed completely calm. She was the complete opposite of you. She slightly got up and leaned over you as she peered into the kitchen, presumably checking for Dina and Jesse. As she sat back down she took another quick glance at your lips. 
“Yeah, now. Just a quick lesson before your date.” She said it matter-of-factly almost as if this would just be a case of a friend helping another friend. Like she was offering to help you move or something. A part of you assumed you were overthinking it. If she was so nonchalant about it, then it must not be a big deal. Right? 
“Yeah, okay. It couldn’t hurt, right?” 
“Don’t think so.” She agreed.
“So, what do I do? Do I just-” You placed your phone on the couch between you before cupping her cheek. Ellie placed her hand that was previously in her pocket over yours and moved your hand down to her thigh before leaning in close to you.
“Just relax, I’ll show you how.” Her voice came out in a whisper that you could feel ghost your lips. You were unsure of when she got so close but you could smell her, feel her short and rapid breaths coming from her nose. If you moved an inch your lips would be on hers, but you decided to let her take control.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as she closed the small gap between your faces and pressed her chapped lips against yours. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you froze, unsure of what to do next. Her hand that was still resting on yours tapped the back of your hand. Almost instinctively you parted your lips and hummed when her tongue tentatively brushed against yours. It almost felt natural, her tongue in your mouth and your hand on your thigh, but as she slowly pulled her face back from you, you suddenly wanted more. 
Your free hand grabbed the back of her head, your lips capturing hers once again. You were fighting to feel her tongue in your mouth again but understood what she wanted when her lips parted. Her hand which had been resting behind your head for a better part of your conversation had made its way down to your waist and gently pulled you into her. Your chests were impossibly close together and every little noise you made caused her to get more and more aggressive. Your whole body was burning and you were attempting to ignore the wetness that was growing at your center, but Ellie just kept going. She guided your hand further up her thigh, humming into your mouth as you brushed your thumb over her inner thigh.
With the hand that was previously trapped in your hair, you steadied yourself with a hand on her shoulder as you pushed her back in an attempt to straddle her. Both your hands had moved. Her hands found their place at the base of your hips and yours were gripping the back of her neck. Her lips felt like fucking magic as she began to suck on your bottom lip. You could feel a tightness in your core, something you were all too familiar with. Your clothed hips ground down on hers, causing her to gasp and break away from you instantly.
“Fuck, fuck. Okay.” She sighed, leaning away from you and gently pushing you away from her. When you got a good look at her her lips were swollen and eyes red and glossy. You wanted to kiss her again, you wanted to relieve the pain you were beginning to feel, but the situation was beginning to set in for you. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never done that before.” She blinked up at you, her hands rubbing at your sides distracting you. Your mind was practically empty. 
“Was I okay?” You asked bashfully, causing her to snort. All she did was lean up and press a kiss to the side of your lips, before pushing you off of her and back onto the couch. 
“You were more than okay, that was-” She stopped herself as she looked at you. Her eyes scanned your face, staying too long on your lips. “I think your date will go great.” Something in her tone seemed solemn, but she had a gentle smile on her face, and her hand was still hoovering the side of your body.
“Thank you.” You said quietly, eyes never leaving her. 
“I should get back to work, and you should go get ready.” She pushed herself off the couch and made her way back to the dining room table, leaving you sitting there licking your lips just for the taste of her. A second after her you got up too, grabbing your bag from the coffee table in front of you. Ellie turned back around to look at you from the table. 
“Wear the dress, and uh-” She stopped to look you up and down. “Text me when you get home tonight.”
ai audios:
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
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When Ethan can’t get enough of the girl next door!
Content includes: SMUT! oral receiving !Fem, Ethan catching you! Switch Ethan kinda? A bit of praise!
A/n: wanted this to be longer but honestly had no energy to finish it :( but I rlly wanted to publish it anyways so here u go!
You sighed at the sound of loud music playing. It was just loud enough to be heard through the wall. Even if the song that was playing was from one of your favorite artists, you just wanted to sleep. You had a big Econ test that you couldn't afford to fail.
You picked yourself up lazily, blanket wrapped around you as you slipped on your loafers. You felt the cold touch your legs, shivering as you walked next door.
You knocked a couple of times, looking up to be met with a familiar face. "Oh uh, Y/n...what are you doing here?" Ethan Landry? You knew him from your Econ class, and also Chad's best friend. You two had been partners for projects a couple times, so to say he was a stranger would be a lie. "Oh uh, hey Ethan. I was wondering if you could turn down your music a bit? I'm trying to sleep" He gulped, feeling immediate guilt for disturbing your sleep.
"Oh, yea..yea! I'm sorry" "Thanks" you smiled. You walked back to your apartment, you didn't know he was your neighbor. You had been living in the small, New York apartment complex for about 6 months. And you hadn't seen him till now. 
It was the same thing for the next couple of days, waking up at night to tell him he was being too loud or his music was making the wall shake. He always apologized, yet he never cared to change his volume before you went over to ask.
Ethan started doing it on purpose. He loved the way you looked when you had just rolled out of bed. It drove him crazy. Tired eyes with the prettiest sleepy voice. You would always wear a baggy teeshirt, no shorts underneath and just a blanket wrapped around you, bare legs.
You struggled to fall asleep, confused at the disappearance of the loud music you had been hearing for the past week. It felt strange but you shook it off, finally able to enjoy a full night's rest without any disruptions.
Or so you'd thought.
You groaned into your pillow as you heard a couple knocks on the door. It was a Friday, and you weren't expecting anyone to come over, especially not at 1 am. You dragged yourself out of bed, not caring about your slippers. You slipped out a yawn as you opened the door, this time Ethan at yours.
"Ethan...hey, what are you doing here?" You rubbed your eyes, the light from the hallway hurting them. "I got locked out of my apartment...I left my keys in class.." you frowned. "Oh no, did you call the landlord?" "He's in New Jersey?" his hands were in his sweats, small and worried frown on his face.
"Uhm, I guess you could stay with me for the night" his heart pumped out of his chest. That's exactly what he hoped you'd say. "Are you sure...? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything" You nodded. "Yea It's fine" you smiled, letting him inside. "Sorry to wake you up again" you shrugged. "Felt weird without your music anyways, I'm kinda getting used to it"
He put down his bag by the couch, watching you walk Into your bedroom to get blankets. He was more than excited. His plan had worked. He had his keys in his bag and had dressed in comfy clothes so he had no problem with having to change.
You plopped down the pile of blankets on the couch, tossing a pillow over to him. He watched as you laid out the blankets for him, placing the other pillow at the end of the couch. "Thanks" He smiled up at you. "No problem, if you want any snacks you can go in my pantry, Tara makes me stack up. And uh, there are drinks in the fridge"
"Thanks, for everything" "Stop thanking me, I'd want you to let me sleep over if I was locked out" you shrugged, turning around to go back to bed. "Night, Ethan" "Goodnight..."
But you weren't having a good night. Tossing in turning in your bed as you felt an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. Warmth gathered in your core and you rubbed your thighs against each other. You knew you couldn't do anything about it, especially not with a guest in the house.
But your pussy was hungry for touch, a pain filled you up. A pain that could only be relieved by touching yourself. You sighed with guilt as you stuck your hand into your panties, rubbing small circles against your sensitive bud. You bit your lip, holding back any small whimpers. You'd die before you'd let Ethan see you like this, yet again you probably wouldn't mind if he walked in on you.
Your movements got faster, a small sloppy moan coming from your mouth. You heard the couch creak, making you pause. "Y/n...you okay in there?" "I'm fine" you answered, melting into the mattress as you pulled out your hand. You were frustrated, almost close to your small orgasm. "You sure?" "I'm Good, Ethan" You heard his footsteps go back to where he originally was, putting your hand back into your panties.
This time you were careful not to make a noise. Only the sound of your wetness was barely heard under the sheets. Your mouth was deep into your pillow, shoving two of your fingers deep into your hole. Your walls tightened around your hand, dripping wet as you thrust your fingers into yourself.
Your mind was clouded, the feeling of your hand on your clit while the other was thrusting hard made you roll your eyes back. You were careful not to make any noise, a tie in your stomach forming. You were so so close, the possibility of getting caught turned you on even more.
What would Ethan think of you? That you're a slut? That you're gross? Or would he rip your legs open and help you out? You felt your legs shake as you pushed towards your orgasm. Frustrating and embarrassment filled you as you heard the door open. You couldn't care less though, you continued to fuck yourself as Ethan walked over.
"Y/n...what are you doing?" Ethan rubbed his eyes, staring at your position. "Oh..." he walked closer to the bed, your head still fucked out as you rubbed small circles against your clit. "You're so dirty..." a small scoff fell from his lips as he peeled the cover off of you, your hands covered in your juices.
"You're not very quiet Y/n" Every time he said your name you wanted to melt. It sounded so good rolling off his tongue. You continued to pump your fingers into yourself, biting your lip with your eyes closed as he watched. You felt so dirty, just like he said.
Your body heated up at his touch, his warm hand gripping your thigh. A whimper escaped your mouth as your movements slowed down, the tie in your stomach seconds away from snapping. "Don't stop, you can do it" his hands held onto your inner thigh, thumb gently rubbing on your skin.
"You look so pretty fucked out" his words shot straight to your core, legs shaking as you felt yourself release onto your fingers. "Wasn't that hard, was it?" Your chest raised with every breath you took, Ethan taking your cum covered fingers into his mouth.
Your breath hitched Ethan, staring into your eyes as he sucked your fingers, letting them out with a "pop" coming from his lips. You didn't think twice before you were on top of him, lips sucking with desperation as his hands ran up your shirt.
You knew this was wrong, but damn it felt so right. The way his hands perfectly grabbed your waist, lips fitting together like a puzzle. He let out a small groan as your knee slipped in between his legs. Feeling his hard boner on your skin.
You deepened the kiss, lowering yourself on top of him as you rubbed against his dick. He let out a small moan, your hands now pulling on the strings of his grey sweats.
"You're such a slut" You pulled away from the kiss, Ethan's lips on your neck. "Yet you're the one that was watching me" "And you're the one that kept going" you melted into him as he pressed down on your clit, still sensitive from earlier.
Your small, whiney sounds turned him on. Thrusting himself against your clit. "Don't be so desperate" you mumbled, your teeth sinking into his shoulder as he made friction. "I could say the same about you" he flipped the two of you over, pushing you up closer against the headboard.
He hovered over top of you, biting down on your lip as you looked up at him with eyes full of desire. You'd never looked as good as you did right there. "Can I go down on you?" You were slightly taken aback but nodded anyways. You had never had a guy ask you, you always had to ask them first. And they always insisted for something in return.
Ethan wasn't like that, he just wanted to pleasure you. Just getting to see your eyes roll back and your cum on his fingers would be enough for him.
He pampered small kisses against your jaw. They got sloppier as he moved down, marking you with his lips all the way to your waist. Ethan looked up at you with sweet eyes. He pulled down your panties, pulling apart your legs. You felt the cold air on your pussy, wetness covering your glistening core. You felt nervousness gather in your stomach, taking a deep breath.
He ran his fingers through your folds, jolting at the feel. You felt so vulnerable with him. He honestly had no idea what he was doing. He had seen it done once. Accidentally walking in on Chad and Tara one night. But besides that, absolutely clueless.
You sensed his confidence start to go down, taking small breaths. "You okay...?" "I uhm, yea...just not too sure how to do this" You just shook your head, smiling before sitting up. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to do anything" his face was soft, running your hand through his hair as he stared with his lips agape.
"No...no it's okay. I want to learn" "yea?" "Mhm," he chewed on his lip, staring back at you with doughy brown eyes. "Just do what feels right. And I'll tell you what feels good, alright?" He nodded, watching as you spread your legs open once again. He swore you were the prettiest person he'd ever seen. And to see you like this got him so flustered.
He ran his finger through your folds once again, collecting the extra cum from your hole. Your body shivered, craving more of his fingers on you. Your breath hitched as you felt his tongue flatten on your clit, biting back your lip as he stared at you.
"Keep going, good" he felt better as you praised him, doing tricks with his mouth on your pussy. His nails dug into the skin of your thighs, the pain proving you with more pleasure. Small whimpers and heavy breaths escaped from your mouth, Ethan lapping and sucking all over your core.
Your mind was cloudy, your back arching as you grabbed onto the bedsheets. "Please please please" Your hands dug into his hair, pushing his mouth closer to your pussy. His nose rubbed against your clit, his tongue deep in your hole. Your stomach pulsed, feeling hot all over your body.
"Fuck, E... I'm gonna cum" you hummed, feeling his fingers quicken on your sensitive clit. He hadn't even pushed his fingers into you and you were about to cum. The way he looked up at you made you moan, staring back through barely open eyes. Your legs wrapped tightly around his head, basically suffocating him with your thighs.
He pried your legs apart, shaking and weak as he continued to taste you. You tasted so sweet, the feeling of you on his tongue was addicting. He tried to rub himself against the bed, feeling the pain of his ignored boner get to him.
"Shit…shit" you bit back your bottom lip, body shaking as you felt cum drip from your pussy. Ethan's mouth was wide open, licking all of the cum up like your pussy was an ice cream cone. "Taste so good" You pushed his head away while he licked, too sensitive to continue.
He admired your sweaty face, watching as your chest rose with each heavy breath. "You okay...?" He asked, concerned. "Mhm," you hid your face in the pillow, Ethan coming back up to kiss you. "Was I okay?" You held back a smile, nodding at him.
Your lips connected once again, tasting yourself in his mouth. You got why he wanted more, pushing yourself closer to him. Heavy breaths filled the room, Ethan grabbing your waist before whispering something in your ear. “I didn’t actually…leave my keys” he chewed on his lip, watching as your eyebrows furrowed. “Really? Why’d you lie?” “For this”
You rolled your eyes before kissing him again, his cheeks a light pink as you pulled back. “Fucking creep” your lips formed into a smile, teasing him. “I’m not a creep” “You are, but you know what? It’s kinda hot”
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izvmimi · 7 months
“Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher?” 
Clack goes the knife loudly as it hits the cutting board, and in the subsequent quiet, the sound seems to elevate the importance of the question. And now when you really think about it, maybe it is more of a serious question than you had initially considered.
Yuuji hasn’t yet answered. You put down your knife, and turn, wondering if he’s even in the room with you still. He isn’t, and you resolve to not ask again, but in a second, he reappears again in the kitchen doorway, this time with another paper bag full of groceries which he sets on the counter.
“Oh, did we forget those?” You pivot. You’d gotten so excited with the prospect of making sure dinner was ready in time for your friends to come over that you’d started preparing the side dishes immediately, the produce quickly washed and thrown onto a cooking surface.
“Yeah,” he says. His voice has softened, and you can tell he’s thinking. He draws closer to you to get to the sink, washes his hands, then smiles to himself for a moment. For a reason you don’t understand (well, really you do), your heart flutters as he softly huffs through his nose before turning off the faucet.
“You know, I really did not plan to live this long,” he says finally, his hands drying on a towel. You take that in, and he moves to stand beside you, grabbing the knife gently out of your hands.
“I’m not done yet,” you whine.
“Let me take over,” he says back, mirroring your voice in a singsongy tune. You acquiesce, but lean back, wondering if he’ll say more. There are things to put away, and you move to do so, watching his back carefully as he works. You’ve watched him for so many years now, since you first met, but as clear as he speaks his mind, and as pure his intentions are, you always worry about his heart. 
Sometimes when things are too obvious, they become suspicious, and you feel like it’s always been this with Yuuji. The fact that he liked you so earnestly since high school gave you pause, that he’s always been there for you made you fear abandonment. Right now you wish he would offer you anything more than the truth, which is that he really wasn’t meant to escape his fate as a sacrificial lamb.
“I could,” he muses. He turns, and his smile is brighter than the sun. “Do you think I could be like Gojo-sensei… or Nanamin?” 
It’s such a simple question, childlike and innocent. Not something you’d expect for someone who has lived horrors, has been a horror himself.
“Probably better than Gojo. Catching up to Nanami might take some work,” you joke. His eyes crinkle. You put away the last few things in the pantry and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on the space between his shoulder blades.
“There are a million other things you could do, you know, if you really haven’t thought about it,” you offer.
He sighs but it’s light, and you waddle with him, still holding on tightly as he moves through the kitchen to the fridge to grab himself a soft drink. He opens it and offers you the first sip, twisting in your loosened hold to face you properly; you shake your head no and he takes a sip before responding. He’s leaning against the counter now, and you look up at him tentatively. He basks in your interest, making an exaggerated contemplative gesture.
“Being your boyfriend isn’t enough, huh?” He teases.
You roll your eyes.
“Mmmm…” he leans in, eyes sparkling. “How about househusband?”
Your cheeks warm.
“Are you proposing to me, Yuuji?” You break away, taking a step back, your arms crossed as you quiet your flustered emotions.
He laughs and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Not yet.”
You blink, but he’s already returned to his task, and you find some other way to busy your hands before you ask another question for which answer you may not be prepared.
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blu3-j · 1 year
Overworked! GN! Reader X Welcome Home Crew
Chapter 1
TW: none
The beginning of a grand new friendship, and a bunch of new adventures yet to come. It appears as though our main character has yet to see just what they're about to go through. Such a busy bee!
Chapter 1 l Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 l Chapter 4
You slowly trudged up the steps of your porch, completely exhausted. Work has been awfully busy lately, with customers constantly coming in and out and being...."fun", as your boss put it. Not only that, but the workload your college classes have been putting on you lately has been overbearing! You've barely had any time to yourself. You haven't had time to indulge in your favorite hobbies, talk to any of your friends, or even look much at social media. It was a constant race to get things done and keep that money you so desperately needed rolling in.
You slid the key in the keyhole and turned. The door clicked open and a dark, dusty house welcomed you. An exasperated sigh sounded from you. Unfortunately, with your busy schedule, you also haven't had much time to clean your house.
You had been passed down your house from your great grandparents, who had both passed away a few years back. It was completely paid off, and even had some forest property to go along with it! Unfortunately, it was also pretty far in the forest, so you had to get up a bit extra early to make it anywhere on time. It also took up quite a bit of gas to get anywhere from there. You would move in with somebody to make it easier on yourself, but you didn't have many friends that lived in town anymore. None of the ones that did wanted or needed a roommate. Additionally, being a skeptic and cautious person led to not trusting many people on the internet. There was always a chance they would screw you over or possibly even murder you. You never knew.
You dropped your heavy bag on the floor and your stomach, quick to catch the cue, growled. There was barely a thing in the fridge for ready-made food, and all of your dishes were dirty and disgusting. Even the thought of taking the time to wash them all made you feel more exhausted than you already were. The pantry didn't have much, either, but there was one thing that you could make in a few minutes without any extra work needed. Instant noodle cups.
"I really do play into the broke, tired college kid stereotype, huh?" You grumbled as you grabbed a cup from the pantry. It only took a few minutes, but you decided upon waiting for it to finish cooking to turn to the living room. The tv was dusty and rarely used, but you figured with the little free time you had you would watch something. "Anything to get my mind off of those Susans and Karens I have to face at work." The remote sat lonely in its spot on the tv stand as you walked over and picked it up. The screen was full of static for a moment, then to a news broadcast station. Humming, you flicked through the various stations, eventually settling on the most colorful one of them all.
A children's cartoon had just ended, and the colorful characters were saying their final goodbyes to the viewers.
"Maybe something simple will let me veg out for a bit. I don't need anything complicated right now." A small ding from the kitchen caught your attention. "Sounds like the noodles are done." One last mumble came from you as you turned your back to the tv and walked away. "My brain is already fried enough as is." When you got back and plopped down on your couch, a new cartoon had popped up. You figured it was a cartoon, anyway, from the extremely colorful title card. "Welcome Home" it read. "Must be a new show."
The colorful title card faded away and the camera panned down to a live set. The colorful scene caught your attention in full, and you felt yourself almost entranced. A house in the middle of a small neighborhood with eyes stared the viewer down with a supposedly friendly gaze. It waved with a window shutter before opening the door to the viewer as the camera wandered in. Inside, sitting at a canvas and easel was a small yellow puppet. He was humming away the show's friendly tune, slowly squeezing paint onto his palette. Finally, he noticed the viewer.
"Oh, hello, neighbor!" He waved to the viewer. His voice was gentle and slightly monotone. Strange, as he seems to be the main character. "Don't they usually have the main character of children's shows as more extraverted and full of energy and emotion?" "I was just about to start painting a lovely new painting for my friend Barnaby." He hummed and grabbed a brush, but hesitated upon moving to dip it in the paints. His gaze went back to the viewer, and he laughed. It was just as monotone as his usual voice, but what was even more off-putting was it being almost robotic in nature. "Oh, no. Thinking about it, I actually don't know what to paint." The handle tip of the brush was put against his cheek as the small puppet thought. "Say, neighbor," He looked back at the viewer. The small puppet's gaze distracted you from your food.
"That's weird...why does it feel...?" "As though he's looking directly at me?"
"Do you have any ideas? I'm sure there's some great ones in that head of yours!" His grin widened. Is that even possible for a puppet? You decided to remain quiet and stare back at him, completely entranced by the dark pools of his eyes. One minute went by. Then two. It wasn't until a third went by when you realized he hadn't gone back to painting. He was still staring, quiet and patient. "Neighbor?" The monotone voice caught you off gaurd, and you jumped in your seat. The puppet laughed and his gaze fell away from you for a moment. Just one. "Oh, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" You felt your blood run cold as he spoke once again, his voice even more gentle and ominous than before. Are you just that tired? Are you dreaming? You must be! "I can see you, you know." There it was again. That same, monotone laugh. His voice went back to normal. "That's okay if you don't want to answer me! It must be so strange for you. That I can see you. That I'm talking to you. But you don't have to worry! I won't hurt you!" The yellow puppet's eyes went wide. "Oh! I have an idea, now! You gave me the perfect idea, neighbor! I'll paint you!"
A breath left your lungs as you watched him turn his attention back to his canvas and start painting. One you hadn't realized you'd been holding. He hummed the show's tune once more as he went to painting on his canvas. It would be comforting, if it wasn't for the fact he was indeed painting your unlit living room.
"It's nice to have a new neighbor." He mumbled out just loud enough for you to hear. "Not many come to visit anymore." He glanced back at you for a moment before he went back to painting. "Oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! I was too excited...I'm Wally. Wally Darling." The puppet, as you now knew as Wally, went silent. Not even a theme song played in the background. Just the silence of his livingroom...and his occasional humming.
Time rolled by. After a while, it almost felt like normal. Like you two had known each other for a while and were just on some sort of quiet camera call. Your tense shoulders eventually relaxed, and although you were still too cautious to speak to the puppet, your eyelids slowly, ever so slowly, shut. Overworking yourself had gotten to you, and no longer could your body continue to stay awake. A small, gentle, monotone voice called to you. So small, you barely noticed. So gentle, it sealed the final nail in you falling into the deep depths of dreams.
"Goodnight, neighbor."
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zepp-l1n · 1 year
Pairing: George Karim x Fem!reader (with sight), some subtle locklyle
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summary: The 4 times (Y/N) called George pretty, and the one time he said she was. fic type - fluff, mutual pinning warning - reader calls George "pretty boy" word count - 3,053 a/n: I'm so upset Lockwood & CO isn't getting a second season :(
#1. Morning Tea
The muffled noise of a tea kettle woke (Y/N) up from her sleep. The teenager drowsily looked around, taking in their surroundings. From her spot on the bed, (Y/N) noticed the low light coming through the window and into her room.
Lucy, who was sleeping across the room, hadn't seemed to be disturbed by the noise, and continued her peaceful rest. (Y/N) pushed herself up and leaned against her headboard. The tea kettle still hadn't stopped, and (Y/N) was quickly getting annoyed. "Ugh..." she sighed as she moved out from under their dark bedsheets. (Y/N) silently moved across the room, down the stairs, and outside of the attic.
As (Y/N) made her way to the kitchen the high pitched ringing stopped. This didn't make (Y/N) any less aggravated at being woken up early. When she had reached the kitchen she quietly opened the door, and stumbled inside.
George was sat at the kitchen table, cup of tea in hand. He glanced up, taking in (Y/N)'s sleepy form before asking, "What are you doing up?"
"The tea kettle woke me." she responded. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at George's morning attire. He was in a long NASA t-shirt, and had his glasses low on his nose. As usual he wasn't wearing any trousers, which (Y/N) and the other Lockwood & Co members had strangely gotten used to. The thing that caught (Y/N)'s attention the most was George's hair; his curls looked fluffy and were all over the place, an unusual sight for such a put together boy. Although it was a new sight, it wasn't a unappreciated one.
"Oh. Sorry. I didn't think the sound would reach all the way up there." he softly muttered.
'It's fine - as long as you left me some water for my own tea." (Y/N) joked.
George smiled up at them. "It's by the stove. I also washed your mug, so it should be at the front of the drying rack." He then turned back to his tea, taking a long sip.
"You, George Karim, are a delight." (Y/N) made their way over to the drying rack, retrieved her mug, and placed it next to the half-full kettle. She then moved over to the pantry and fridge, grabbing her respective honey, sugar, and milk. She made her tea the same way she always did: place an English Breakfast tea bag in the cup, pour a bit of honey and a spoonful of sugar on top of the tea bag, and pour in the water. Once the tea bag had steeped long enough for their choosing, (Y/N) then added a bit more honey, and then poured in a splash of milk.
After making her tea, (Y/N) took the seat next to George. "So, what are you doing up this early?" she asked.
"Couldn't sleep. The case Lockwood asked me to look into, somethings off about it. I don't know what, but……" George had a tendency to trail off when he was speaking. Sometimes he thought he was still relaying information to his friends, but was simply sitting in silence.
(Y/N) took a long sip of her tea. "Did- uh, did you get any sleep at all?" she asked after swallowing. George didn't answer. "George…." she started.
"I know, I know." he responded sharply.
(Y/N) took one hand off of her cup, and placed it over George's. The concerned look on her face caused George to avert his gaze back to his tea. As he did (Y/N) got a clear sight of the early morning light gliding over his face. It was a nice scene. He looked....pretty.
"Look, I'm not gonna berate you with comments about your heath like a mother, but you do need sleep, Georgie." she sighed. "I don't wanna see my pretty boy get sick because he wont take his own health seriously."
George's head shot up, eyes wide. "Pretty boy?"
"Yeah, pretty boy." (Y/N) smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go get dressed, and wake up the others." She stood up, mug in hand, and walked back towards the kitchen door, leaving George flushed and slack-jawed.
#2. During A Mission
The members of Lockwood & Co were split up in groups of twos, and were rushing through a house. George and (Y/N) were attempting to find the source of the Type Two the team was trying to get rid of, while Lucy and Lockwood held it off.
"Georgie, what are we looking for, exactly?" (Y/N) whispered to the curly haired boy across the room.
"Something wedding related. Possibly a veil, garter belt, or piece of......wedding jewelry?" George whispered back.
The duo went quiet for a moment, continuing to search the room for anything that may be keeping the ghost of Christine, a young bride who was slaughtered in her home close to 14 years ago.
A loud bang rang through the floor tiles, followed by the angry and worried yells of Lockwood and Lucy. "Shit! For gods sake, hurry up guys!" Lucy's voice echoed from downstairs. George and (Y/N) glanced up at each other, both exchanging a worried look.
"We're trying Luce!" (Y/N) yelled back. "Shit. Okay. I'll take the left side of the room, you take the right." George frantically nodded and the two got to work.
They hurriedly made their ways around their respective portions of the room. The noises from downstairs got progressively louder, and then unexpectedly stopped. "(Y/N)? Are you not hearing, what I'm not hearing?" George asked.
(Y/N) nodded. "Oh god, you don't think...." she couldn't finish her sentence.
"No. No, I'm sure they're fine..." he mumbled.
(Y/N) stood up, her black boots scuffing against the floor as she did, and cautiously moved towards the door. "Lucy? Lockwood?" she yelled into the hallway. When she was a step away from the door, it unexpectedly slammed shut. "Holy shit!"
George jumped up, a quickly made his way over to her. His hands grasped onto the doorknob, frantically trying to pry the door open. "Guys! Lucy! Lockwood!" he yelled out. No response was heard.
As he focused on the door, (Y/N) looked around in a panic. At the other end of the room a figure started to appear. The young bride. "George...." (Y/N) patted his hand with her shoulder, still facing the ghost. He didn't answer her, and continued trying to open the door. (Y/N) stepped away from him, and gently pulled out her rapier. "George!" she yelped once again.
"What?" he turned around, expecting her to be behind him. Instead she was guarding him from the Type Two in the room. "Oh shit."
He moved to take out his rapier, but (Y/N) stopped him. "Wait. Go find the source. I'll hold her off." George nodded. He ran out from behind her, and made his way through the room and continued his attempt to find the source.
(Y/N) moved as he did, making sure to not leave open the space between him and the ghost. She did the regular rapier moves every agent was taught, and kept the ghost at bay. "Georgie, hurry it up." she exclaimed as the ghost moved closer to her.
"I'm trying!" Items flew behind him as he rummaged through the dust covered room.
Realizing that the rapier wasn't helping as much as she would like it to, (Y/N) reached into her jacket, and pulled out a salt bomb. She swiftly tossed it at the ghost, causing it to disappear as the salt bomb hit it.
"A wedding ring!" George gasped out. "That's what was missing in the police report, so it must be around here. That has to be the source."
"Good job, George. Now find it!" (Y/N) yelled back. She was so caught up in talking to him, that she didn't notice the ghost reappear behind her. Her body was pushed forward, into the nearest wall.
The crash pulled George's attention towards her. "(Y/N)!"
"Get the source!" she grunted out. "I'm fine!"
She leaned against the wall, and pulled out another salt bomb. As she threw it, she tried to ignore the ache in her left shoulder and head.
George had started going through the jewelry boxes on top of a nearby table, in an attempt to find the wedding ring. (Y/N)'s grunts and yelps caused George to speed up his search. At the back of his third jewelry box, he finally found a smaller box that was wrapped in a silk handkerchief. "I think I found it!"
"Then secure the fucking thing!" (Y/N) cried out. At this point, the ghost had hurt her a few more times. The ache in her shoulder was far more prominent, she had a cut leading from her temple to her cheekbone which was spirting blood rapidly, and her right knee had gave out around 5 times.
George unwrapped the box and opened it. Just as he had suspected, the wedding ring was inside. He gripped it with shaky fingers and ran back towards the door, where their kit was safely stored. He reached inside, found the silver chains, and wrapped the ring in them.
A relived gasp left (Y/N) as the ghost in front of her disappeared. George made his way over to her, and grabbed onto her outreached arms. "Are you okay?" George wiped some the blood on her face off using the edge of his sleeve.
"I'm fine. A bit sore, but that'll go away soon." she grinned. "Good job with the source, pretty boy." It was the first time she had referred to him with the nickname since the morning they had been up before Lucy and Lockwood. His face flushed just the same as it had then.
Lucy and Lockwood burst through the door, both visibly concerned for their friends. "What the bloody hell happened? Are you all okay?" Lucy yelled.
"We did your job." (Y/N) joked, using her good arm to lightly smack George, only to receive an embarrassed smirk back.
#3. At The Archives
When taking a trip to the archives, George usually went by himself. It was almost like his form of a safe space. He liked the calm he found in studying and researching silently by himself. Today, however, (Y/N) had come with him.
The two sat across from each other at George's regular table. Both had a hearty stack of newspapers and journals to go through during the next few hours - each important to the upcoming job Lockwood had gotten them.
George had read almost half of his stack in the time that (Y/N) had gotten through the first third. This was due to a mixture of George's unnatural reading speed, and the fact that (Y/N) kept getting distracted by George. After every paragraph of information, (Y/N)'s gaze drifted up to the boy in front of her. He was in his element, and able to be his true self. The look on his face was once of content and happiness - something that (Y/N) would pay however much needed to see at all times. The only other time that (Y/N) got to see him this in his element was in the evenings when he would read by himself, unaware of her eyes on him.
"Why are you looking at me" George asked without removing his eyes from the newspaper in his hands.
"Is it a crime for me to take a break to look at the prettiest thing in the room?" she giggled.
George's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but look away from the information he was reading. "You.....I...." his gaze returned to the page.
(Y/N) grinned at his embarrassment. She loved being able to say one word and make his entire demeanor change. It was cute. He was cute. Before she got back into her paper, (Y/N) mumbled one last thing to the flustered boy. "It's true though. You are the prettiest thing in here."
As she continued reading she missed the small smile that crept onto George's face from behind his newspaper.
#4. Cleaning 35 Portland Row
George woke up early on Sundays to clean. He had done this since he had moved into 35 Portland Row.
George had put on his gloves and apron, and was cleaning the floor under the table when (Y/N) entered the kitchen. She was already dressed, and ready for the day she had planned with Lucy. The two were going to get lunch at a nearby diner, and have a "girls day".
"Morning Georgie." she spoke as she passed the boy. He was on his knees for a better angle.
One arm was scrubbing the tiles, while the other waved at his housemate. "Morning."
(Y/N) opened up the bread box and got out the wheat bread. George assumed she was going to make herself some toast to hold herself off till lunch.
The friends sat in a calm silence while cleaning and waiting on the toaster to finish. "Are you just gonna clean today, or are you planning to do anything fun?" (Y/N) asked.
"Just cleaning, I guess." responded his tired voice.
A ding sounded from the toaster, and (Y/N)'s snack popped out. George heard the noise of a cabinet opening and closing, then the clanking of a plate hitting the thinking cloth. "Have fun with that. When you feel like having a break, there's a slice of toast and some jam out for you to snack on." she spoke from beside him.
George jolted slightly at her closeness as he hadn't realized she had moved down to him. "Thank you." he stuttered out.
"No problem." she grinned. "By the way, you should wear the whole cleaning get-up more often. Really brings out your inner 'pretty, housewife'." George once again jolted at her words. This time far higher than the last, resulting in his head lightly hit the edge of the table. "Oh shit, pretty boy, are you okay?" (Y/N)'s hands made their way to his head, caressing the space he had hit.
"I'm good!" George's voice came out dazed due to their closeness.
"You sure?" she concerningly continued to ask.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." His eyes didn't leave hers. Her hands didn't leave his face. They sat there for a minute, basking in their new proximity.
(Y/N) seemed to come back to her senses, and removed her hands. "If you say so." She stood back up, and patted the table. "Remember, you've, uh, you've got toast." Pink dusted her cheeks. "Lucy's probably waiting for me, so I should go."
(Y/N) smiled at the boy, grabbed her slice of toast from the plate, and left him, once again, in a stunned state in the kitchen.
#5. Leaving For The Fittes Ball
Like the past few years, the members of Lockwood & Co had been invited to the annual Fittes Ball. Their invitations included a plus one, the date, place, and this years theme - Celestial. Both Lucy and (Y/N) had instantly loved the theme, finding it to be very cute and a spectacular idea. Lockwood was simply intrigued by the idea, and found how excited the girls were to be amazing.
George didn't share their excitement. The thought of fantastical attire and decorations didn't fit into his usual idea of "fun". "I don't know. You guys could just go without me, y'know?" he sighed from across the library. He was in a simple suit, with a borrowed pair of dress shoes Lockwood had gave him. The only celestial item was the small stars on the black shirt underneath his suit jacket.
"And leave me to talk to all the fancy, official people alone, while the girls party? Absolutely not." Lockwood groaned. "Look, you're going with us. Lucy and I are going together, which means you and (Y/N) are going together. Stop complaining." The head of the agency was in similar attire to his friend, but had a white shirt, and small, golden embroidered stars on the lapel of his jacket.
George threw his head back in exhaustion. "I'll just sit there the entire evening, bored. That won't change if (Y/N)'s there or not."
"If I'm where?" a voice startled the boys out of their conversation. In the doorframe of the library stood Lucy and (Y/N), both fully dressed, and ready to go.
Lucy was in a short and sparkly white dress, which reached her knees. A small series of gold constellations ran along the neckline of her dress, and stopped where the shoulders met the sleeves. Small sun earrings dangled from her ears, matching the sun necklace and bracelets she wore. The click of her small black heels echoed through the room as she walked towards Lockwood, taking his arm in hers. A smile grew on her pale, pink lips as she glanced over at her date and her George.
The entire time, George was focused on (Y/N). She was in a longer, black dress, that had silver stars intricately placed all over the bodice, and the waist. Her hair was half pinned back, reveling the moon and star ear set adorning her ears. Even while being dolled up, she still wore her usual black boots - something that seemed to fluster George even more. She wore a star necklace, which was similar to Lucy's, but instead of bracelets, she chose silver rings - three to four on each hand.
"Well, the cab should be outside soon, so I say we wait out there for a minuet. Get some fresh air." Lockwood commented. He and Lucy made their way out of the room, leaving George and (Y/N) to themselves.
"You tidy up well, Georgie." (Y/N) joked. She brought her hand up to his collar, straitening it slightly, before bringing her hand back down.
"Uh.. thank you." he awkwardly mumbled.
"C'mon, we better go outside with the others so we won't be late." she smiled up at him. (Y/N) reached for his arm, taking it just as Lucy had Lockwood's.
Without thinking, George spoke to the girl, almost inaudibly. "You look pretty."
"What was that?"
George straightened up, and turned his head away from (Y/N). "You...look pretty."
As he spoke, (Y/N)'s grin brightened. "Thanks, pretty boy." She pulled George forward, leading him towards the door. As the two exited their home, arm in arm, a aura of giddiness surrounded them - something Lucy and Lockwood noticed, but for their sake, didn't comment on.
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storiesofsvu · 7 months
Girl Dinner
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Casey Novak x Rita Calhoun Warnings: language, sass, bantering, smut. Welp, at least this is finally done. I can't tell ya if it's any good or if I even like it, but I finally actually managed to write after a solid two weeks of nothing. Hoping that the creativity will continue to bless me and I can get some more of it done as the month goes on. At least I managed to finagle my way into getting Thursday off so hopefully that will help! Manifest more writing to come from me soon! lol, apologies for things taking so long. Especially to those of you who have bought me ko-fi's for specific requests! Also this is my first time writing a full blown smut piece for a ship and not a reader insert, so it's not gonna be perfect lol
Working through dinner in the Calhoun/Novak household was a very usual thing, especially during the week. Weeknights were for ordering take out to the office while slaving over files or opening arguments and witness lists. They were for going out with the firm, bartering, rubbing elbows and climbing the social chains, making connections that would no doubt come to help you out later down the road. Nights spent sharing bottles of wine with prospective clients at the finest steakhouses in Manhattan for hours while you started to piece together people’s character and integrity. They were for hours spent at Forlini’s, shooting the shit and attempting to make plea deals with the prosecutor on the case, sometimes multiple at once. It was very rare that both of them actually made it home in time for dinner at all.
Not that Casey minded, she was used to eating alone in her office at Hogan place, putting blood sweat and tears into cases that she might not even end up winning. Besides, it certainly wasn’t like Rita was going to cook for her, the best she was getting was pricey take out (which Rita sometimes would send to the apartment when she knew the other woman was home). Most nights Casey got home first she’d toss together something delicious and semi healthy, setting aside a plate for Rita whenever she did get home, if she’d already eaten, it would be tomorrow’s lunch.
Tonight was the rare occasion where they were both home by dinner time, but that didn’t mean either of them were done working. Rita was in the home office; door open just a crack and Casey could hear her on the phone. By the sound of things, she was talking deals, and the sassy and somewhat playful tone in her voice told her it was Barba on the other side of the line. So she chose to stay at the kitchen island and finish up her own closing argument, leave her girlfriend squabbling with her best friend for a little longer.
It was almost an hour later when Casey’s stomach began to rumble, but the office conversation had since changed to speaker phone, meaning it was nowhere near over so she treated it like any other night they were apart. She closed her file folders, stashing them in her work bag and padded through the kitchen to the fridge, staring into it, the pantry and the freezer until she found something suitable to throw in the oven for herself. When it was finished, she took it into the living room with a glass of wine, throwing a mindless show on the television to keep her occupied while she waited for Rita to wrap up whatever she was working on.
She was done a second glass of wine by the time she realized how late it was, letting out a soft sigh as she pushed off the couch. Stopping in the kitchen she poured out another glass of wine for Rita before wandering down the hallway and knocked gently on the door. Rita’s soft ‘come in’ echoed through the space and Casey smiled, stepping into the office.
“Are you that deep into it tonight?”
“I was.” She laughed lightly, “then Raf got me all distracted.”
“Well,” Casey perched on the edge of her desk, placing down one of the wine glasses, “if you’ve still got work to do, start with this, I’ll get you some dinner going.”
“I have dinner.” The older woman replied, gesturing to the snack box she had made to take to work, a handful of trail mix, half a bag of salt and vinegar Boom Chicka Pop, some now very brown apple slices, and cubes of cheese.
“That is not dinner.” Casey practically snorted, “that barely constitutes a snack.”
“It counts.” She protested with a laugh, popping a piece of cheese into her mouth with a shrug, “I had a big lunch, went out with Liz. It’s fine darling.”
“Is this how you eat when I’m not around?”
“It’s food, isn’t it?” She shrugged, munching on some more of it while continuing to scribble on a legal pad.
“Did you survive on Lunchables at Harvard?” She asked with a laugh, the look Rita gave her making her realize she probably didn’t even know what a Lunchable was.
“Rafael cooked. Or we went down to the dining hall. You’ve seen it, that constitutes real food.”
Casey let out a small huff, “I was about to make a comment about how expensive that must’ve gotten but then I remembered who I’m talking to.”
Rita chuckled, her pen stilling in her hand as she looked up at the redhead, “I know you enjoy cooking for me, but I am being perfectly nutritious.”
“Okay, but lunch with Liz, that,” she gestured to the snack box, “plus the half an egg you ate on your way out the door doesn’t count as three balanced meals.”
“Oh,” She grinned, “and I’m so sure your dinner of… what was it? Let me guess, dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and tater tots, does?”
“Hey!” Casey pouted, “at least I actually cooked them! It counts as dinner. Rita, c’mon.” she tugged at her hand, “I’ll even order expensive take out, you need something hot and delicious to eat.”
Rita let out a low laugh, her lips curving up into a devilish smirk as she looked up at the other woman, “you know… if you wanted me to eat you out all you had to do was ask.”
“Rita!” Casey felt her cheeks heat, her eyes widening at the other woman’s words.
“What?” She shrugged, her eyes dragging up and down her body, lingering on the swell of her chest peeking out from under her shirt, “you said something hot and delicious. And something hot and delicious happens to be standing right in front of me…”
“Rita…” She warned, letting out a huff.
“Are you telling me you don’t want me to eat you out?” She asked, picking up her pen again, flipping it through her fingers, “fine, I’ll keep working. But I thought I had you trained better, you should know every good dinner needs an even tastier appetizer.” She glanced up at Casey, her brow raised and a hungry fire in her eyes, “and I am particularly fond of how you taste.” Casey gulped, shifting awkwardly on the edge of Rita’s desk, pulling a dark chuckle from the other woman, “that’s what I thought.” She swatted at her hip, “bedroom. I’m not risking you ruining any of this paperwork.”
The heat from Casey’s cheeks started to tingle through her body, her mind already beginning to cloud at the thought of Rita’s mouth on her. The woman knew exactly just how to drive her wild, she could have her turned on in the flash of a second with just a lingering look or her extensive vocabulary, made even spicier the moment she started dirty talking.
And that was before she even laid a hand on her.
By the time Casey was in the bedroom her shirt was tugged over her head and she was ducking to kiss Rita, accepting the other woman’s tongue into her mouth as she let out a soft moan. Rita’s hands were on the waistband of her pants, pulling them and her underwear down over her hips so Casey could kick them off. The brunette nudged her to sit on the edge of the bed, softly pulling away from the kiss and Casey’s hands flew to her waist, untucking her blouse, fingers sneaking underneath the fabric to tickle across her heated skin. Rita caught her wrists, pressing a kiss to the palm of one of her hands,
“But.” She began to protest before Rita cocked a brow at her.
“This is about getting you off, and then getting me dinner. I can have my fun later.”
“Promise?” She practically pouted and Rita laughed softly, cupping her face, thumb stroking over her cheek before she leant down, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.
“Promise.” She nodded, “now lie back darling.”
Casey shifted on the bed until her head hit the pillows, her skin prickling as Rita climbed over her, catching her lips in a kiss while her hands began to trace patterns on porcelain skin. She couldn’t help but moan when Rita’s tongue slipped back into her mouth, dancing with her own as their lips moved with a familiar grace. The tingle between her legs grew at the feeling of hands softly groping at her chest, rolling her nipple between finger and thumb and she broke the kiss to moan gently, her head falling back into the pillows.
Rita took advantage, her lips trailing down her neck, teeth nipping gently at her skin in an attempt to not leave any marks in the morning. She licked across her collarbone, pausing to press a gentle kiss in the middle before her lips continue to trace across Casey’s skin. The other woman wound her fingers gently into her hair, holding her to her as she worked her way across her body, little whimpers escaping her lips as her pussy began to flutter. Rita’s lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth as Casey moaned softly, her nails scratching at the brunette’s scalp, her hips rocking up off the bed begging for more contact. Her lips curved up into a grin on Casey’s skin before her teeth nipped at her nipple and she let out a gasp, back arching off the bed. Satisfied with the reaction she repeated the motions on the other side, leaving Casey whining beneath her, body shivering against the bed, her pussy practically dripping. Wrapping a sturdy arm around her waist, Rita rolled onto her back, a small shriek leaving the other woman’s lips as she did so.
“What’re y—”
“Come sit on my face.” She muttered; her breath hot on Casey’s lips as she surged up to steal another kiss.
“My appetizer,” Rita squeezed at her hips as she stole another heated kiss, “my choice of how it’s presented, right?”
“You’re ridiculous.” Casey shook her head, kissing her once more before she crawled up the bed, settling her legs on either side of her head and Rita’s hands slid up her legs, softly grasping her waist.
Casey let out a gasp when Rita yanked her down onto her face, her tongue lapping at the other woman’s pussy. Her lips moved with expertise, tongue slipping in just enough to tantalize her, pulling waves of pleasure from deeper within her body with each pass of her tongue. Juices began to smear across her lips as Casey whined above her, her hands shooting out to clutch at the headboard. Rita groaned against her skin, her fingers tightening into her hips, rocking her body ever so gently, encouraging Casey to grind down onto her, to chase her release as needily as she wanted to.
“Oh fu-uck.” Her body trembled when Rita’s nose nudged against her throbbing clit, a whimper escaping her lips.
She could feel Rita’s lips curving up into a smirk against her skin before her mouth shifted upwards so she could suck her clit into her mouth. Casey moaned louder at the sensation, her head falling back as she continued to grind down onto Rita. Her heart was thundering in her chest, heat prickling under her skin as the pleasure soared through her, pussy fluttering around nothing, dripping down her thighs. Rita’s tongue danced patterns against her clit, flicking with the tip exactly how Casey desired, her noises getting louder with each movement from the other woman. She was so close and Rita could sense it, sucking harder on her clit, moaning into her pussy, the vibrations driving Casey wild, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
“Please…” she whined, pulling a chuckle from Rita whose hand snuck between the redhead’s thighs, playing with her folds before two fingers sunk into her heat, “fuck.”
Rita groaned again, feeling Casey’s pussy pulse around her fingers as she fucked her, her lips sucking harder around her clit. Juices dribbled down her wrist, her fingers curling, quickly finding the sensitive spot inside her cunt, Casey let out a gasp, her head dropping forward as pleasure shot through her body.
“Oh god…” she moaned, “d-don’t stop.” Her body jolted, thighs threatening to suffocate Rita as she continued her motions, “s’close.”
Rita moaned in response, her tongue flicking faster, working in tandem with her fingers, the tips pressing into Casey’s g-spot with each thrust. She rubbed harder, lingering against the sensitive spot and Casey cried out, her entire body shaking as the coil burst and her orgasm hit her, coursing through her body, the fire bursting from under her skin. Rita’s tongue lazily licked at her clit, smirking at the way it made the other woman shudder before she pulled her fingers from her pussy, her mouth sinking back down to gently clean up the mess she’d made between her legs.
Casey could feel her body aching to go limp and in an attempt to actually not suffocate her girlfriend she mustered up the strength to swing her leg off her, dropping down onto the bed as she panted. Rita chuckled beside her, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before she reached out, pulling Casey into her embrace. With a soft sigh the redhead relaxed into her, curling into her side as her head found home on her chest. Rita’s nails softly scratched at her scalp, gliding through her hair as she pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
“Feeling better?” She asked, her free hand gliding up and down Casey’s back.
“Much.” She mumbled in reply, finally able to catch her breath. It was only after a minute that her brow furrowed and she pulled her head up, looking up at Rita, “wait… this wasn’t about me, this was about you eating.”
“Did I not just eat?” Rita cocked a brow, a grin on her lips and Casey rolled her eyes.
“An actual meal, consisting of physical food that was better than some Lunchable.”
“I’m perfectly fine.” She smiled, leaning down to place a kiss onto Casey’s lips. As much as she would claim she was fine, her body was about to betray her, a loud growl echoing through the room from her stomach. Casey barked out a laugh as Rita huffed, dropping back onto the pillows.
“No denying it now.” Grinning, the redhead stole a kiss, “what do you feel like? Something fancy or something comforting.”
“If that’s your way of asking if pizza is acceptable, my answer is yes.” She pinched at Casey’s waist, “just keep the pineapple on your side please.”
“Of course.” Casey kissed her cheek before rolling over to grab her phone from the nightstand, quickly punching in the order before tossing the device to the side.
“How long.” Rita asked, shifting the blankets around the two of them.
“Twenty minutes.”
“Perfect.” Her arms wound around the other woman, “that’s plenty of time for another round.”
“You are insufferable.” Casey laughed as she accepted the kiss.
“And you love it.”
@svulife-rl @mickey-gomez @naturalxselection @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @summergeezb @rainbowelshrhian @daddy-heather-dunbar @alcabots @ladysc @daffodil-heart @thisisraes @happenstnces @kmc1989 @valentinesfrog @noahrex @prentiss-theorem
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
'Pick Up The Phone.⋆♱☠︎︎
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GhostFace!Hobie Brown / BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: Lemon Zest, salt and tears, and low sugar. (Suggestive, angsty, v little fluff.) TWs: Swearing, YOU LITERALLY DIE!! HOBIE KILLS YOU!, biting kink, murder W/C: 1k! A/N: You get manhandled by Hobie. That's it bae there's no love
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It was a freezing cold night, the wind whistling as the rain pattered against your window. You hummed to yourself as you walked back and forth between your kitchen and bedroom, placing more snacks on your nightstand with each trip. You decided to cancel your plans with your friends tonight due to the weather and stay warm and happy under your blanket. After dragging half of your pantry into your bedroom, you threw your phone down on the top of the blanket and made yourself comfortable. You surfed through Netflix to find something entertaining to watch before your phone rang loudly next to you.
There wasn't a caller ID, so you let it ring as you continued to surf through the various shows and movies on all your streaming platforms until your phone rang again...somehow louder? You sighed as you declined the call, adamant about not taking calls from unfamiliar numbers. It was likely your psycho ex, so you brushed it away, turning on a random movie. The soft ambiance of 'My Girl' filled your bedroom, stuffing your hand into a bag of hot fries as you pulled your blankets up slightly. All was well for about 5 minutes until you got the same call again.
You groaned loudly, holding yourself back from throwing the remote halfway across the room as you paused your movie to answer the call with an extremely irritated "WHAT!?" There was no noise only the other end for a brief moment, followed by a low chuckle as you could almost hear the strangers grin. "Don't be like that...Why don't you wanna chat with me, lovey?" The strange voice asked. It was unfamiliar, and laced with a thick and heavy Londoner accent. It would have been hot, but due to the circumstance, you felt nothing but confusion. "Who is this?" You replied, fight-or-flight senses telling you immediately that something was wrong.
"C'mon, Dove, you tell me your name n I'll tell you mines." He spoke, that voice ringing in your ears like the most seductive lullaby you had ever heard. "Sorry, Mr. Mysterious...that's not how we get down around here." You enunciated, being extremely mindful that this was a stranger on the other line. He chuckled coldly as his once charming and flirtatious giggle turned slightly crazed and deranged before muttering a small "Thas' alright...cute outfit you're wearin'. See you soon." Your eyes shot open as he hung up the phone, giving you no time to process anything of what he said before you ran to make sure all doors and windows were locked. Sure, it could've just been some sort of sick prank call. But down here? Oh no baby we don't take chances.
The next 10 minutes were hell as you turned off the TV, quickly locking yourself in your room with a kitchen knife. You hushed your breathing, allowing yourself the full advantage of pure silence to scope out any threats or unusual noises. You fumbled with your phone as you went to dial 911 with your shakey hands. "Yes, hello?" You whispered. "I need the police here immediately, there was a call...I think someones gonna attempt to break into my house."
"Okay, stay on the line we'll-" The call dropped. "FUCK!" You shouted as you attempted to recharge your dead phone. There was a loud crash that sounded that breaking wood, biting back tears as you slipped into the closet as silently as possible. There was a series of thuds that sounded like heavy boots before your doorknob began to jiggle. Whoever was on the other end wanted in, and they wanted in BAD.
There was silence as you let go of a breath you were holding, relaxing slightly as you leaned back on a coat in your closet in relief. All of that serenity left your body when you heard the loudest bangs and cracks of your life, watching through the crack of the closet as your door came flying off its hinges. Tears flooded your vision as you attempted to stay calm, biting down on your finger to prevent yourself from screaming at the top of your lungs.
"Oh, you...what you think I'm stupid?" The man spoke as he waltzed into your room. He was tall...REALLY tall. He wore a rather scratched ghost face mask and all-black clothing, a crop top that had the arms ripped off, and a multitude of belts that held up his low-rise tight jeans. "You think I'm some sort of joke, dove?" He chuckled before pausing in front of the closet, facing the direction of the window before plunging his fist straight through the wood, grabbing you by your hair, and ripping you out with a feverish smile. "See, there you are pretty girl..." He cooed as he watched you scream and squirm, attempting to shank him repeatedly with the knife.
He quickly used his free hand to grab your wrist, pulling you up on your feet by a fistful of your hair as he quickly threw the knife away from your grasp. "C'mon, don't fight me dove, I only wanna talk to you..." he continued to coo as he held you painfully tight, fearing he'd break your spine as he held you flush against his chest. You sobbed into his chest, biting and scratching as he only groaned lowly at the sensation. "Hmm...'s not gonna 'urt me. It'd do the opposite actually" he laughed, cold and heartless. You utilized the fact that your legs were left to dangle, delivering a sharp knee to his groin and slipping away from him.
You didn't even wait to see his reaction as you grabbed your phone and ran out of your apartment. You screamed as loud as you could, chest heaving and throat burning from your rapid and strained breathing. It hurt, every single time you breathed it felt like fire. You rounded the corner, practically flying down the stairs as you dialed up 911 on your phone. Tears silently coursed down your face as you relaxed, attempting to catch your breath.
There was a sharp pain and a seemingly innocent giggle. You looked down to see a knife plunged straight into your stomach, painting your beautiful pajama set in a shade of ruby. You turned to look behind you, seeing another ghost face mask, only this one's hair was fully visible. Long, silky, brown hair flowed from the top of his mask as he muttered a low "There's always two, new guy."
The tall, 'emo' one descended the stairs slowly, looking you straight through your soul through his mask, lifting it up so you could see his unfortunately gorgeous features. "G'nite, love." He spat, delivering a kiss to your forehead, cupping both sides of your face in his hands oh so gentle hands.
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lou-struck · 2 years
Canned Crap
Keigo Takami x reader
~You try your best to get your boyfriend to stop drinking canned coffee.
Warnings: mentions of food, eating, cooking, caffeine overconsumption, food as a love language, and overworking
There are a few sounds in the mornings that hurt your heart a bit.
The first is the sound of Keigo's alarm, not because it wakes you up, but because it signals your boyfriend that he must leave the sheets' warm comfort to risk his life taking down villains.
The second is the sound of him trying his best to shut the door as he leaves, The shutting itself is quiet, but his locking the door behind will always sound the same.
End of the third, perhaps the worst sound of all is the sound of Keigo cracking open a can of Instant coffee. Since he started training with the commission, caffeine has been there to give him energy. It’s easy, artificially sweet, and reminds you of all of the hardships he had to endure. You hate it.
On his days off, or when he has a later shift. He takes time out of his day to get a coffee that was made with care. There are actual beans that have been ground by a human being.
He says that he likes it, or at least he’s been drinking it for so long it doesn’t taste like anything. But that doesn’t sit right in your head at all. Life is full of things that are meant to be enjoyed. He should start his day with something that was made with care.
With Keigo gone, falling back asleep is impossible. You missed the warmth of him and his feathers around you, it reminds you that at least for this moment he is safe.
Getting up with a groan you head to the kitchen. The glow from the rising sun shines through your windows illuminating the pristine countertops.
It warms your heart knowing that even if he is in a rush and hast to get up early he still cleans up after himself so you don’t have to. It helps when he has an army of feathers at his disposal.
Clutching at the soft red one on a chain around your neck you think of him and make yourself breakfast of your own, one that he would make for himself if he had the time to.
But as you step on the latch of your trash can you see the broken-down box of the brand of Canned coffee he normally drinks. Your eye twitches in annoyance as you cover the annoyance with your cooking scraps but something catches your eye.
70 Units…
There were seventy cans in that box alone and you bought it for him less than a month ago. You knew that he drank at least two cans in the morning, but this was alittle out of hand.
What else did he eat today?
You walk over to the pantry and reach for the box of protein bars you bought for him as well, it's nearly empty. All he has been fueling himself with has been canned coffee and protein bars. It’s not a way to live.
If it were the other way around you know that Keigo wouldn't stand for this, he would want to make sure that you start the day off right, this fire that has been lit underneath you makes your blood boil.
You have to do something to make sure that your partner, your soulmate gets alittle extra love, even if he wouldn't do it for himself.
The elevator doors seem a lot narrower than they did this morning, it could be because of the copious amounts of groceries that you had bought today. Your arms are full and your fingers feel stiff and angry as the handles dig into your flesh.
Somehow you managed to unlock your front door and place all of your bags on the kitchen island. The relief at your limbs feel is indescribable.
Although you had just gone grocery shopping the other day, you have been inspired to create a change in your boyfriend's morning.
Your workday was spent scouring Pinterest and other websites trying to find good overnight breakfasts for people on the go who have to leave early and may not have enough energy to cook for themselves. Normally you are a top-notch employee, but after your revelation today you realized that Keigo needs more attention right now than your work does.
With your list of ingredients and recipes, you flew through the grocery store and even had time to place a special order that should be arriving any minute now.
As you wait however you decide to put away the groceries that you bought so that you can take each recipe one step at a time without getting anything mixed up.
Just as he put the last container into the pantry your front door swings open. A very tired-looking Keigo steps through the entryway.
“Kei?” you say stepping towards the Hero. His amber eyes are droopy and if he had enough feathers to do so, his wings would be dragging on the floor. 
"Hey Angel," he says making his way over to you and pressing his cheek into your shoulder. He’s exhausted, and as soon as he Falls into your embrace, his legs practically give out.
“Rough day?” You grunt trying to support the weight of the winged hero.
“Uh-huh,” he mumbles from your sleeve. You practically have to drag him across the floor and into the bedroom. He is asleep before he even hits the sheets. Normally you would help him out a bit more by preening his wings and staying with him a bit longer, but you have things to do.
With a quick kiss to your Partners forehead, you shut the blinds and shut the door behind you so you can get to work.
Opening your laptop you pull up the first recipe, It's a simple one for an on-the-go breakfast sandwich. all he needs to do in the mornings is pop it into the microwave for a few minutes and he would be able to leave the house with a warm meal in his belly. The recipes have you make a few at a time so he is ready to go for the rest of the week.
As you chop and prep you finally hear a light knocking on the door. Your package has arrived, a new coffee maker that can give your boyfriend the little boost he needs in the morning. It may have cost more than what you make in a week, but Keigo is worth it. You hope that with this new machine he will never crack open a can of instant coffee in the morning ever again. It can make anything he wants, hot, iced, blended. Everything is preset on a timer so by the time your birdie rolls out of bed he has a cup waiting for him. 
As your batch of sandwiches cooks in the oven you fiddle with all the settings and dials. The machine is easy enough to figure out, and with a bit more time and care you can make him special drinks for mornings when he isn't in too much of a rush.
You continue to work in your meal prepping for hours, every clink or accidental clang from your dishes makes you tense up. If Keigo comes out before you are ready, it would ruin the surprise. The anticipation only makes you work faster as you finish making him not just some quick on-the-go breakfast options, but also a few meals that you can heat up on days like today when he doesn't have the energy left to cook for himself. 
After all, he can't live on fried chicken and instant coffee forever.
Just as you put the last of your premade meals in the freezer along with a few instructions for how long they should be heated you hear a low groan and some shuffling from the bedroom, no doubt Keigo shaking out his wings.
The warm meal that you made for tonight is set out for the both of you to enjoy, you feel giddy with excitement at the idea of finally being able to relax for the rest of the evening with Keigo.
"Something smells good, did you make me something Angel?" Keigo's sleep-laced voice rasps from behind you. a few red feathers tug on your sleeve and pull you into his arms.
He looks so much more alive than he did a few hours ago, his cheeks have a soft pigment to them, and his wild golden hair points every which way after having been plastered to his skin during his nap. 
"I did" you chirp happily from his arms. "Come on let me show you."
Taking his hand you lead him to the coffee maker. When he sees the Machine on the counter top his eyes widen. "Angel..."
"So you can have a fresh coffee in the morning. We can set timers and... and you don't even have to make it yourself." taking a deep breath you then turn your attention to the fridge "and I made you some breakfast stuff too, al, all you have to do is heat it up and you can eat something better in the mornings than a protein bar." 
You turn around to look at Keigo and see if he likes the surprise but his gaze is pointed at the floor and his fists are clenched.
 "D-did you really do all of this...for me" the emotion in his voice is evident as he reaches for you and holds you tightly. His hold is strong but he is trembling around you his breathing is ragged and you feel the unfamiliar warmth of his tears sprinkling your skin.
Keigo doesn't cry often but there are moments like these, the ones where a simple act of love pushes him over the top and makes him let loose sobs that sound rusty from neglect. You stay there with him not wanting to be the one to pull away first. all you do is rub his back and murmur encouragements and little reassurances of love. 
The sobs cease and he pulls back to look at you his teary golden eyes looking like the ocean at sunset. "I-i'm sorry Angel, that wasn't very sexy of me was it?" he sniffles with a laugh.
"Nonsense, it was very sexy Kei," you tell him cupping his face and wiping away the last few tears. "So I take it you liked the surprise?"
"I love it, no one has ever done anything like that for me before," he says earnestly
" I love it so much," he playfully peppers your cheeks with kisses with a smirk, "but, I think I love you just a bit more."
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Long Time Coming, Jax Teller
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Word Count: 2k~
When you see the man you’ve been with for the past year out with another woman, you get angry. You get upset; that’s normal. However, as of right now, I don’t feel any of that. When I first caught the familiar hair and equally familiar body outside a bar, I didn’t think much of it. I had gone out to dinner with my friends after work, so he was free to do whatever he wanted. However, I wasn’t expecting to see him when I got in my car after dinner; the bar he stood outside being right next to the restaurant I just left. Like I said, he was free to do whatever he wanted, but that didn’t mean he could make out with another woman when he thought I wouldn’t find out.
I felt anger rush through me the instant I saw it, red taking over my vision, but as the seconds passed, I started planning in my head. We didn’t live together, but in the year we were together, some of his stuff ended up at my place - including his laptop and other valuable things. That didn’t matter though; it was all going by the curb as soon as I got back to my apartment.
Once I walk into my house, I change out of my work clothes and into shorts and a tank top before heading to the kitchen and pouring myself a shot of whiskey from a bottle I was saving to enjoy with him. With my speakers turned on, I begin ridding my home of any trace of him. As sad as it sounds, I knew the romance had been dead for a while - we never even had sex as he “didn’t feel quite up to it.” My friends always told me I deserved someone better as it seemed like we were only tolerating the relationship, neither of us wanting to actually end it. However, my closest friend, Jax, was probably the biggest advocate for me to leave him. It didn’t help that his family would also tell me I deserved better as I always had a close relationship with Jax’s mom and the club. Jax always told me he never liked the man, but I blamed that on me and Jax always being stuck at the hip since we were kids; now I see Jax was right, and he was a dirtbag.
After packing the third box full of my now-ex’s shit, I pour myself my fifth or sixth shot and focus on emptying my fridge and pantry of anything that only he eats. I don’t even put it in a bag for him to get later; it’s all going directly in the trash can. Just like the rest of his stuff that’s waiting by the front door for me to take out to the curb.
I’m not sure if it’s the liquor I’ve been drinking or the growing irritation from finding little things of his around my place, but I feel like I might be going a little overboard. I just can’t get the image of him kissing that other woman out of my head. I was supposed to be the only woman he kissed, but in all actuality, we didn’t have a real kiss in what felt like months. Like I said, I knew the relationship was going downhill, but now that I feel so much resentment and barely any heartbreak for him, I have no idea how we were still together until now.
A slight rumbling sound disrupts me from my thoughts, causing my head to poke up from the fridge. A few seconds pass before I end up brushing it off and focusing on my music as I throw the last frozen dinner of his in the trash. Despite this, a loud knock sounding against my front door makes me poke my head out of my fridge once more and over to my entryway. It feels as if my heart and stomach drop as my head begins racing with thoughts of my ex being at my door. I’m calling him my ex even though he doesn’t know he’s now my ex, but if it is him at my door, then he’ll know when he sees his belongings ready for him. Although, that’s not what I’m worried about. I still have no idea how I’m even going to confront him over me catching him making out with another person.
Pausing my music, I head over to my front door before looking out the peephole, only to see my favorite person. Immediately unlatching the lock, I open my door to greet Jax with a grin. “Hi!” I say to him, my previous shots influencing my sudden excitement over my best friend coming over.
Jax only gives me a confused smirk before nodding at me. “You’ve been drinking, haven’t you?” He asks, receiving a nod back from me. “But you’re here by yourself?” His question unintentionally stings, instantly reminding me of why I decided to open up that bottle anyways.
Seeing me shrink into myself a little, Jax seemingly picks up on my sullen mood as barely another second passes before he’s stepping into my apartment with a worried look on his face. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He asks, making my stomach churn at him calling me the nickname he’s called me since we were little. I knew as a teenager that I was in love with my childhood best friend, but now that I’m an adult, I’ve had to push those feelings away. He hasn’t given me any hint of him reciprocating my feelings as things between us have always remained the same. Jax and I are still best friends all these years later, and only best friends.
I can feel my face begin to drop at the heartbreak, but not from my recent breakup. “I broke up with Josh,” I decide to tell Jax, looking away from Jax’s blue eyes and over to the boxes by the front door. Most of them are just random things he left over here with the rest being a few pieces of his clothes. After all, he only stayed the night a few times, which was odd now that I think about it. Most people stay over at their significant other’s place, right?
Before I can think anymore about my stupid ex, I watch Jax turn his head to look over at them with me, the gears slowly turning in his head as he looks back at me shortly afterward. “Darlin’,” he murmurs, taking another step forward to cup my face in one hand while the other rests against my waist. Once again, the line between us as friends and lovers is questioned, but I can almost guarantee nothing has been changed. “Don’t tell me you’ve been upset over that asshole.”
Jax’s words make me smile before I ultimately end up laughing, leaving Jax to slide his hand on my face down to match his other hand on my waist. He simply holds me as I get lost in my giggles with him eventually joining in out of slight confusion.
“You know, I was a little hurt at first,” I admit to Jax, looking down at the floor as my arms hang around his neck. “But after a few seconds, I just snapped out of it and came home to get rid of his shit… I caught him cheating, Jax,” I reveal to him, his grip on me going stiff as he listens to every word that leaves my mouth. “I went to dinner with the girls at work and saw him kissing another girl when I went outside to leave,” leaning my head against his chest, I let out a sigh as Jax continues holding me, his grip never ceasing. “I just want everything of his out.”
A few seconds of calm silence pass between us before Jax does something that surprises me. He kisses the top of my head. “I’m sorry, baby. You don’t deserve that,” He tells me, his words settling deep within my chest. I really wish I wouldn’t have opened that bottle now because sober me would’ve already been freaking out over my current predicament, but then again, maybe that’s a good thing.
“Then what do I deserve, Jax?” I question him, leaning my head up to look at him. From this angle, my eyes trail up his blonde chin to his ocean-like eyes as they stare back at me, a bit darker than before. I go to question this until I see his vision fall to my lips, and as if a switch were flipped, I take the hint.
Just as I begin to lean up, Jax meets me in the middle and places his soft lips against mine in one of the best kisses I’ve ever had. All of the made up scenarios I had in my head as a teenager are nothing compared to what’s happening right now. The way his hands grab at me, effortlessly pulling me closer to him makes me hold onto him for dear life as his lips continue their assault on mine.
Chests heaving, we reluctantly pull away as panted breaths fall from out from our parted lips. “Is that what I deserve?” I can’t help but ask Jax, my eyes watching as his face shifts from bliss to that of utter happiness.
“And so much more,” Jax utters, still breathless as he presses another kiss to my lips. “More than that guy could ever give you, baby girl,” at the same time Jax says this, one of Jax’s hands slides away from my waist and up to my face where he brushes my hair away from my face. “Why don’t you just go get ready for bed, hm? I’ll take all his shit out.”
A grin breaks out across my face at his words. “Thank you, baby.”
“Of course,” Jax murmurs back, biting his smirking lip as his eyes stay trained on my form disappearing into the hallway. However, just as I turn the corner, I hide behind the wall and wait a second before turning to watch Jax. Just as I do this, I see him walk out my front door with one of the boxes before kicking it across the street, its contents flying out as he does so. I hold back my laughter at this, and instead, I choose to wander into my room and wait for Jax to join me once he’s done taking care of my ex’s stuff.
It doesn’t take him long to come into my room before stripping down to his boxers and climbing into bed with me. As soon as he does so, his arms find their way around me and pull me close, keeping me warm against his chest. For a few moments, the silence around us is very calming and relaxing, like everything is where it belongs - including us.
“I always hated that jerkoff,” Jax murmurs, causing me to let out a small laugh. Of course he’d be the one to break the silence.
“I could tell,” I murmur back, looking up from his bare chest. His beautiful eyes greet mine instantly, and I can’t help but feel lost in them. “You made it pretty obvious.”
Jax stares back at me, almost gawking. “Then why didn’t you break up with him?” He asks, earning a knowing look back from me. “Okay, I know I should’ve made a move sooner, but baby, I hated seeing him anywhere near you.”
Seeing him nervously explain himself to me, I teasingly smile as my eyes squint. “Jackson Teller,” I say his name, slowly, “was that jealousy I just heard leave your lips?”
At my question, Jax simply smirks before leaning down and pressing our lips together once more like earlier. “What can I say?” He simply whispers, his face mere centimeters from mine. “You’ve always been my girl… I’ve just been too much of a pussy to do anything about it,” this time, I’m the one that connects our lips, Jax pulling away with a soft sigh as soon as the kiss is over, his eyes wandering down my form. “I’m lucky. So damn lucky.”
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Almond joys and snoballs!”
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The first thing you thought about when you woke up these days was your pregnancy cravings. This was your first pregnancy so you weren’t mentally prepare for how strong they would be. More often than not it was something sweet and it came frequently and intensely. You were trying to be good about it at first, ignoring them as best you could.
However, you were now five months in, and it was getting harder to ignore. Jack constantly asked you if you were craving things, knowing you weren’t going to speak up about it. “I’m fine baby” you’d say but he knew better than that, pestering you until he got an answer. 
You had eaten breakfast, hoping that would calm your cravings but when the afternoon came around you couldn’t help it anymore. You started to look through your cabinets for something similar to what you wanted. Jack was doing something on his laptop, he was sat at the kitchen table and watched as you shuffled through the house in your fuzzy socks and comfy lounge clothes. “You getting hungry baby? I can get us something for lunch.” He took the headphones off his ears to give you his full attention.
“Mmmm, she wants something coconut” you rubbed your belly as you looked at him with a pout. He laughed as he set his headphones down and walked over to you. “Oh, she wants something coconut? Just her?” He teased as he bent down to kiss you. “I mean we both do, I guess” you giggled and he looked in the cabinets with you. “I don’t think we have anything, I can go get something for you though.”
“I don’t need it baby, just finish up your work. I should probably just make us lunch anyway” you pulled out a box of noodles from the pantry. “Stir fry sound good?” He nodded giving you a kiss before he went back to the table. Jack knew you were right, he had a deadline to meet and he wasn’t even halfway done with what he was doing.
While you made lunch, Jack was trying to come up with a master plan to get you what you wanted. He was texting Urban to see if he was available, knowing there would be leftover stir fry and using that as a way to convince him to go to the store.
Urb 🍃: I’ll go. What kind of coconut stuff does she want?
Jack hadn’t recalled you being specific about it. He just knew that when you had a craving it was intense. He responded “anything and everything? Just to be safe.”
Urban understood the assignment, grabbing almond joys, snoballs, coconut water and a big bag of coconut shavings. He really wanted some stir fry but he also knew just how appreciative you’d be for it all.
You had just sat down next to Jack at the table when you heard the doorbell ring. You immediately looked at him confused as he hopped up and opened the door. You turned to see that it was Urban, standing up immediately to greet him. “I just made stir fry, if you want some!” You went in for a hug seeing he was holding a bag.
“Whatcha got there?” You asked excitedly. Urban and Jack both laughed. “Well workaholic here sent me on a coconut related mission” Urban smiled as he handed you the bag.
You saw the snoball box immediately and dropped the bag where you were standing, ripping the box open. “Oh my god” you moaned as you took a bite making them both laugh again. “Have as much stir fry as you want Urby, I’m in heaven” you giggled as you sat on the couch.
Jack walked over to you and you gave him a kiss. “Thank you baby” you giggled before taking another bite. “Anything for my queen” he smirked, before kissing your belly.
“Since I’m here I thought I’d try to plead my case again” Urban laughed as he filled up his plate.
“Dude, Urban is not a unisex name” Jack rolled his eyes making you giggle.
“We are not naming her after you, Wyatt!” You laughed.
“Urban would be a pretty cool name for a girl, I think you guys are missing an opportunity!” He shrugged as he sat down with his plate.
“Plus, if the two of you don’t decide on a name soon I’m just going to tell everybody who asks that you’re naming her Urban.”
You and Jack rolled your eyes and laughed, it was never a dull moment with Urban around.
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Distant Sparks Part 6 (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)
Okay so I totally did not want to wait to write this until I got home so I wrote this in the middle of my algebra class LMAO I COULDN'T HELP IT. So, I totally got huge motivation out of nowhere and ngl I think this part is my favorite and I think it will be your favorite too, I hope you enjoy!
wc: 1.2k (NOT PROOFREAD)
sidenote: there's mention of a food named chilaquiles. It is a traditional Mexican breakfast that I just got to try recently (mama cooked em) and I 100% recommend them even for people who don't like spice <3 alright I'll be quiet now, enjoy pookies <3
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You arrived at Miguel’s place around midnight and looked through his kitchen for a snack. The pantries were full of Mexican spices, snack foods, and a couple boxes of cereal. As for the fridge? There was a bag of apples, a case of beer, some Jarritos and the freezer was no better. You placed your hands on your hips and sighed. You knew he didn’t come home very often but this was still a sad sight. 
You gathered any ingredients you could find to make something for Miguel to heat up as leftovers. You worked for about an hour in the kitchen as the aroma of spices swirled through the air. You felt so calm and relaxed in his home and couldn’t remember the last time you had the chance to cook something. As you finished up the food you carefully transferred it into a tupperware container and used a sharpie to label it, “Miguel’s chilaquiles” you wrote the date underneath and also the date when it should be finished by or thrown out.
After putting the chilaquiles into the fridge to store, you went and cleaned yourself up in the bathroom. You spent the rest of the night cleaning up and finally sleeping. This had been the most peaceful you had ever felt.
Miguel stood in front of his monitors, the soft yellow glow just barely illuminating his face. Miguel had lost track of what he was doing at least 3 times now and that frustrated him. No matter how hard he tried to focus his mind kept wandering to the thought of you, intrusive thoughts slipping into his mind imagining how peaceful you might look while sleeping. 
Miguel grunted in annoyance at the intrusive thought and shook it from his mind as he sighed and looked into a screen on his far right. A video of his daughter played on the screen, no audio to accompany the bright smile on the little girl’s face. Miguel felt his heart sink at the thought of his late daughter and found his mind wandering to you again.
Maybe just tonight he would go home. Just to see how you were doing.
You were snuggled comfortably under the covers of Miguel’s king sized bed as you slowly felt yourself slipping into a peaceful sleep. Just as you were about to pass out a click sounded and a quiet squeak echoed through the halls and you jolted awake, sitting straight up in bed. Someone had come in through the front door, surely no one would have the guts to break into Miguel’s house, he would rip them to pieces if he found out.
You subconsciously leaned closer to the bedroom door as the creaking of the floorboards echoed closer to the room. He sat stiff in bed until a shadow cast under the door across the floor and the door handle rustled quietly. You quickly laid back down and closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. Whoever it was, maybe they would leave you alone if they thought you were asleep.
As Miguel opened the bedroom door he saw you sprawled out on his bed and caught a smile forming on his lips. He quietly walked closer to you, kneeling by the side of the bed your face was facing toward. He whispered softly and you felt yourself hold your breath as you realized who it was.
“Hey… I’m home. Are you sleeping?”
Miguel questioned to see if you would answer. 
You pretended to just be waking up out of a deep sleep, rubbing your eyes and blinking them slowly open, looking across the sheets at Miguel. This interaction felt… different. Yes, on one hand you were laying in his bed but Miguel had actually come home. And he had told you that he was home too. It almost made your heart skip a beat.
“I am now…”
You mumbled and he pursed his lips.
“Sorry if I woke you up… I was worried…”
His sentence catches you off guard. He was worried about you? That wasn’t like him.
“Worried? Are you sure you’re Miguel?” You carefully sit up and he watches you closely with his eyes and nods to you.
“I was watching videos of Gabriela and it made me think of you… I think… you remind me of her and my wife…”
The room is filled with silence after he shares that information with you. Is that why he had begun to spend more time around you at work? Moreover, you weren’t sure how to feel but it seemed like your body had already decided that for you as you felt your cheeks and ears heat up and your heart practically thumping out of your chest. Miguel could hear it through the silence. He’d always had great hearing since he had become spider-man.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
You quickly intervene.
“No! I’m not uncomfortable! I just didn’t expect you to say that… it caught me off guard, that was really sweet of you…”
Miguel studies your face a while longer before looking down to the floor.
“There’s something about you that has been keeping you on my mind… no matter what I’m doing I can’t stay focused… I don’t know what it is…”
It takes you a moment to process what he said before realizing what those feelings typically mean.
Miguel O’Hara was falling for you.
Before thinking you blurted out your thoughts.
You quickly pause and his eyes shoot up to meet yours as he understands what you’re getting at. He thinks about it for a moment before nodding slowly, processing the things he’s been feeling and deciding that made the most sense.
“Yeah… I think you’re right…”
You gaze into his eyes, noting the mixture of red and brown swirling in them. Had you noticed that before? You notice that both of you seem to only have inches of distance between eachother as you continue to study his face.
Miguel knows he’s moving closer to you but he can’t seem to stop himself as he brings a hand carefully to hold your cheek. His hand is so big compared to you and it intrigues him. Before he knew it his face was just centimeters away from yours. He seemed to be looking deep into your eyes for so much as a hint of permission to go further. You give him a small nod and he locks his lips into yours, his hand wandering to the back of your head, your hair loosely tangled around his fingers.
Miguel shifts himself, keeping his lips locked onto yours as he carefully makes room to get in bed next to you. As he lays next to you, you pull your lips away to breathe and you give him a dazed expression. He smiles at how boggled you look.
“Is that a confession…?”
You breathe the words out almost inaudibly and he places a gentle kiss on your lips in response.
“Yeah… I suppose so…”
Miguel pushed his face into the crook of your neck and breathes in your scent, his body visibly relaxing as he does so, his eyes closed and his breathing slowing. You realize that he’s falling asleep and gently pet his head with a small smile, placing a gentle kiss to his head and closing your eyes aswell, falling asleep with your arms wrapped around him.
It couldn’t get better than this.
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redheadspark · 1 year
17. Renting out a cottage together by a small town, and taking new identities for the summer. hmm, It would be interesting to see reader & Barry do this :P
A/N - I love this. This will be nice and short. Thanks for requesting this, Stella.
Summary - Official
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Warnings - Just fluff.
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“I didn’t think that was going to work!”
“Aye, well you don’t me well enough, don’t ya?”
“Not really since you were giggling like a school boy when you gave them your name….or your apparent stage name,” 
Your boyfriend, actor Barry Keoghan, gave you a roll of the eyes as you two were unpacking your little car with your suitcases and a bag filled with snacks and groceries.  The soft sounds of the highway were behind the pair of you since the small little road that lead to your rental.
A small quaint cottage that was out in the countryside, built from stone with a lavender garden in the back and a great view of the rolling hills to the left that had a herd of sheep already grazing the field.  Barry found the rental, thinking it would be a great idea for you two to have the summer to spend together.  He had no upcoming projects until the fall, and your job was going slow enough for some of the employees to take time off.  You were saving up your time off and taking some vacation days, so now you had the entire summer to look forward to. 
Barry whisked you away a few days after booking the cottage, you having no idea what was going on or how long you two were going to be gone.  But it was a thrill to pack your bag, knowing full well that Barry knew how to plan real well when it came to you.  Although he was rising up as an actor and was getting some recognition wherever you two went as a couple, he didn’t want to have anyone to know that he was renting a small cottage with his girlfriend for the summer.  You two really had some run ins with the papparazii in the past, so the last thing he wanted was cameras pointing at the two of your trying to relax and enjoy the summer. 
Of course Barry was ballsy to begin with, more of the daredevil than you ever were.  But using a fake name?  That was new.  
It worked in his favor though, the sweet old lady who owned the cottage had no idea who he was or that he was an actor.  She made you two a plateful of cookies, which was perched on the countertop as soon as Barry opened the door into the small cottage. It had no much character to it, from the wooden stairs and old rugs to the pictures that were tainted in history and age and the wooden burning fireplace. You thought of it as charming, thinking of the plenty of viistiors that came and stayed in those walls that had happy holidays.
“Good choice, Barry,” You hummed as Barry placed the suitcases on the bottom step of the stairs.
“You had little faith in me,” Barry countered back at you, you trying to smack his arm but he dodged it and laughed, “I thought you would like a place like this.  The photos don’t do justice,”
“I can’t believe you said your name was Reggie Fairchild,” You joked with him as he was unloading the snacks into the pantry, “That’s such an actor name,”
“Which means they won’t suspect me being…..me,” Barry said, placing the last of the snacks in the pantry and then looking around the room, “So, what should we do first?”
You were looking around the living room when he asked you, seeing the loveseat couch next to the fireplace and the two massive windows that were showing the rolling green hills.  You never heard such quietness in some time, even back at your apartment or in your work cubicle.  This kind of quiet would seem daunting to others, but not with you.  It filled you up and wrapped around your bones, already making you ready for a peaceful summer with Barry.
Although he was used to living the life of an actor, going to parties and premiers to be seen and be hired, he was more of a homebody.  Apart from boxing, Barry had no real need to being out and about public most of the time, he would rather be at home with you.  You were thinking that he was simply wanting to top out from being at a party or at a sponsor event, but hr truly told you he love being at home. 
Later on he confessed he would rather just be with you.
You were no fan of bring in the spotlight, he knew that when you two first got together.  You thought that would be a deal breaker with him, but he still stayed.  You never cared for going to premiers on his arm or to parties as his plus one, but you did to the more important ones that you knew would help his career in the end.  But the rest of the parties, you stayed behind and let him have fun.  He was a goos boyfriend to you, you never once loosing your trust in him or having doubts about him being faithful. 
When it came to going on holiday, he would let you pick.  Of course he had the means of gong anywhere in the world, connections left and right being able to take him to distant lands and paradise if he wanted.  But he would let you decide since, giving you a bit too much pressure.  This cottage was merely an idea you had months before when you two were snuggling in bed, thinking of the next holiday you both wanted to take together.
“Let’s go to a cottage together,” You said to him as you were about to drift asleep, “A little cottage, with on one else around.”
He remembered, and now you were about to have the best summer ever.
“I know precisely what I want to do,” You said to him, seeing him walk over to you from his spot in the kitchen.  Taking his hand in yours, you both walked to the main bedroom on the first floor, the bedroom you two would use during your time there.  The quilt on the bed was already turned down, massive goose feathered pillows were fluffed and ready at the head of the bed, and the two little windows were already perched open to let in the breeze.  It was such a simple looking room, but you grinned widely as you looked from the bed to Barry.
“Of first official nap on holiday,” You said to him, seeing him break into a massive smile.
“Good thinkin’, darlin’.” He said in agreement.  
So you both stripped off your sweatshirts, down to your loose pants and shirts.  Slipping under the quilt with your head on his chest, his arms around your shoulders with his fingers running up and down your spine , you both were closing your eyes.  Letting your summer together finally sink in and begin. You had no idea what you were going to have for dinner that night, nor for breakfast the follow morning.  You had no idea what you two were going to go to pass the time.  
In fact, there were no real plans for your entire summer, but that was what you loved.  
The End
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zillobeastbait · 8 months
Till the End - Ch. 1 - Pt. 3
Chapter 1
Endings and Beginnings
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photos from Pinterest, moodboard by me
“Why are you in my house?” Comes a voice from behind him. Daryl spins around and aims towards where the voice came from. He sees a sharp movement from lower towards the ground and aims his bow lower till her can see. “P-please don’t hurt m-me.” A small girl has tears running down her face and is hugging a stuffed cow close to her. “Your ‘ight. I ain’t gon hurt ya.” Daryl lowers his aim off of the girl and looks her over for a minute. “Where's your parents kid?” Daryl looks around the corner to see if someone is about to come in after her. “They left a couple of days ago and haven't come back.” The girl sniffles as she talks, making it take longer for her to respond. “Sorry kid but they're probably gone.” Daryl decides to talk to the kid since he doesn’t think she’s going anywhere else, at least not for a while. “You mean they're not coming back?” The little girl looks like she’s about to start crying all over again and Daryl is too busy taking cans and jars out of the girl’s pantry to realize it. “Nah kid, they’re-” Daryl stops when he hears the girl start crying again, this time harder. “Ah, shit. Look I’m sorry. I’m not used to kids.” Daryl kneels on the ground in front of her in hopes that he can calm her down. He doesn’t know what else to do, yet before he can come up with anything the girl leans her body onto his. Daryl’s body tenses and freezes on the touch. He sits like that for a moment before he cautiously moves his arms around her. “What's your name kid?” Daryl speaks as softly as he can, realizing that his voice may scare her. “Crimson.” She says through her sniffles. “Daryl Dixon.” he simply says back to her. “Oh, Crimson Mills. That's my full name.” She pulls out of the weird hug slowly, just enough to see his face. Daryl keeps his hands on her shoulders, as if she may run away. “Alright Crimson Mills, would you like to come back to where I’m staying? I hate to break it to you, but your parents probably aren’t coming back. But I’ll tell you what, we can leave them a note so they can find you if they do come back?” Daryl tries to sound as nice as he can, and he tries to read her face but he can’t tell if she's going to start crying again or not. Instead of replying, Crimson just nods her head. “Alright, do you want to write the note?” Again, Crimson just nods in response before she runs off. Daryl sits for a moment, lost in thought. What the heck were they going to do with a kid? He only wastes a second more before packing up the rest of the kid’s food. By the time he’s brought the bag out to his bike, he sees that the girl has left the note on the counter. She had come down a little earlier to ask where to put that her parents could pick her up. He told her to just write the prison, and they would know where it was. She came out the door with the backpack on, full of the things that Daryl had helped her pack. Some clothes, her coloring book, her string that she used to make bracelets, and she held her stuffed cow, who he has learned is named Moo Moo, in her arms. “Ready? I ain’t wain all day.” She only nods yes in return and shuts the door to her house behind her. When she sees that none of the monsters are close, she walks to the gate. She glances up at Daryl, sending him a worried look. “ ‘Ts alright, they won’t get ya” He opens the gate for her and lets her through before closing it behind her. He lifts her up and sets her on the motorcycle seat, in front of where he will sit. He shows her where to lean forward slightly and hold onto the handlebars. “Ready?” Daryl looks down and expects her to only nod, but to his surprise, she responds. “Yes, I love motorcycles.” He sees the giant grin on her face and almost smirks himself. As they take off towards the prison Crimson doesn’t even realize that her parents are with all the other monsters watching as they drive by. Her thoughts stuck to the fact that she was riding on a motorcycle. She is only six.
Part 1
Part 2
I promise it gets better, this is kinda just the sucky intro chapter
Thanks for reading though and as always support your artists by liking, commenting, and re-blogging!
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reborrowing · 11 months
siblings and secrets (Stranger Swap)
For GT July - Secret
I live on the west coast! I have 15 minutes left of day three!!
Hollow secretly checks in on his outcast younger sibling when he has the chance and finds out Val has been keeping a much more dangerous, exotic secret from the local borrower colony. Word Count: ~1800 content warning for fear and hand stabbing, I guess. Stranger Swap main post
Hollow snuck along the attic rafters to the far east end of the apartment complex. Whenever he was supposed to go out and meet with traders, he got up early to run this errand first. He didn’t think anyone had ever noticed. Val certainly hadn’t, even though it was Val that he was checking on.
He dropped down and followed a pipe to the cavity overhanging the kitchen. It was a comfortably cramped space, kept at a good temperature by an overhead duct and had easy access to both a water pipe and the most important space in the inner apartment. Some day he or Chai or someone was going to have to talk to Val about installing real security, but for today he just took advantage of how easy it was to get into the loft.
He slowed as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Val had left an electric tea light flickering on the table. A cap full of crushed mint gave a pleasant smell to an otherwise musty space. The pantry shelves were satisfactory, though the contents were bland. No perishables, nothing too fresh, and not particularly balanced, but Hollow wasn’t concerned with any of that. He wasn’t trying to ensure his sibling was living in luxury, he just wanted to make sure the runt was keeping themself alive.
In the next room over, Hollow had expected to find his sibling curled up in the corner, given the early evening hour but the bed was empty. His hackles rose as he swept through the loft more carefully, checking every nook a nervous borrower might choose to curl up in. He found Val’s  bag slung over a cork stool and a knotted harness hanging on the wall, but no Val.
He tried to convince himself that it was nothing to worry about. Val didn’t need to be home, they were free to live life on their own weird, daytime schedule if they wanted. But Hollow had a gut feeling that he couldn’t ignore, that something was wrong. It had been just a few months since Val had said they’d been discovered, hadn’t it? Those tenants had left, but what if it had happened again? Or worse.
Hollow followed a stapled ladder down into the apartment and squeezed through a hole carved into the back of the cupboard. The sounds of the apartment grew less muffled and he paused. Someone was home, he could hear them chattering and moving around. They weren’t close, but they were here. It would be smart to simply come back later once the lights were off. But he was already here on the wrong side of the complex, and he had other plans for the night that he couldn’t put off without someone asking what he was up to. And he’d gone dumber places to do dumber things, really.
He picked a careful path through the cupboard. It was such a tightly-packed mess that it was difficult to maneuver through, even at Hollow’s size. He wove around haphazardly balanced packages towards the door panel and forcefully shoved his shoulder against it to get the latch to disengage.
He froze as the conversation in the apartment picked up again. The voices were still distorted, but they were much louder. A large shadow passed over the thin line of light where he’d cracked the cupboard open and Hollow drew back. How had he missed the footsteps drawing so close?
“Seriously, it’s not that hard, I promise. Kids do it, you’ll be fine” a woman said.
“You bought a fire extinguisher after last time.”
Hollow’s stomach sank. That was Val. He didn’t know what they were talking about, but that was Val’s voice. They didn’t sound afraid or hurt, at least, but that only mattered so much. Too much of anything was dangerous. And humans were too much of everything. Even their kindness could smother and crush.
Not to mention that the colony would probably kick them out of the complex if they found out Val was breaking the main rules again.
The woman with Val laughed.
“I should’ve had one before! But besides, this is basically just boiling water, you can’t mess it up. It’s barely even cooking,” the woman said.
“You said that about the eggs.”
“And now I’ve had second thoughts about how much you’ve never had to know, and came up with something easier.”
A set of fingers dug behind the door just below and Hollow staggered back into the mess of the cupboard. He dove into an empty space as light flooded into the compartment. In his rush, he tripped over a bag of chocolate chips, sending a box overhead teetering and crashing into the newly opened space where the human stood.
Val grunted and Hollow automatically leaned forward with concern. It wasn’t enough to get himself seen, but thought he could steal a look at the tenant and what the human might be doing with his sister. At first, all he saw was a downturned head of curls.
“Sorry! I keep meaning to clean that out, especially since…well, you,” the woman said.
“It’s fine,” Val sighed.
The face tilted back up to scan the cupboard and Hollow jerked backwards in horror. It wasn’t just the idea of being discovered, he was still sure that he hadn’t been seen. It was…His thoughts kept shattering before they could finish the very impossible thought.
He knew that face. He recognized it. Or, flashes of it, because it refused to add it up to a whole. The dark curls, the angle of their jaw, the tawny skin, the unusual golden eyes. Their mothers’ nose, the same shape as Hollow’s own. 
As he edged further into the shadows, his elbow rubbed against the same bag he’d tripped over a few seconds ago. The rustling sound was soft, barely noticeable. Those golden eyes flicked right towards it. Right towards Hollow. His heart skipped a beat as they focused on him and flashed with recognition, then shock. The two stared at each other without moving for several long seconds.
“Hollow?” whispered the thing that looked like Val.
This wasn’t happening, this wasn’t possible.
This wasn’t worth getting caught over.
Whatever had actually happened to Val, whatever this thing was, Hollow would deal with it at another time. He bolted and if something wasn’t between him and his escape, he didn’t care to think about it. He went much quicker now that he didn’t care about knocking things over or making noise.
Humans’ speed was always surprising, given their size, and Hollow could swear that this thing was even faster. They hopped onto the counter for better reach. Massive shadows danced overhead as they tore apart the contents of the cupboard.
“Woah, hey! What’s hollow? What are you doing?” asked the woman he’d heard earlier.
“There’s someone in there,” they answered as they dragged away a plastic bin that had been just in front of Hollow.
Hollow stopped suddenly, his stomach twisting with dread. They weren’t ripping away pieces of cover at random. They knew where Hollow was going. They knew more about how to get back into the walls of this unit better than Hollow did and they had a good headstart getting to them.
“Hollow, I won’t hurt you. It’s just me,” Val said softly.
They could hardly be just anything if they had figured out how to turn themself into a human, let alone just Val. He didn’t want to know what someone would have to do to become such a monster.
“You know them?” the woman asked.
“We’re siblings,” Val said.
There was a pause.
“They live here too?” the woman asked, sounding guarded.
“Not here-here, no, but closeby. I don’t know what he’s doing here,” Val said. “Hollow, could you please at least answer me? Can we talk?”
Several seconds passed. Hollow felt his throat drying out and swelling shut, he couldn’t imagine what he was supposed to say. The two weren’t close anymore. He didn’t know how he was supposed to reconcile his memory and mental image of timid, fawning Val with the giant standing in the apartment. He grit his teeth and tensed to try and keep himself from trembling.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Val said.
Too late, Hollow realized that it was a warning.
His stomach lurched as Val’s fingers wrapped around the box behind him. He panicked at the idea of being exposed, at being grabbed again, and rammed the blade of his prosthetic into the nearest finger.
“Ow! I’m not grabbing you, shithead, just the—you don’t have to stab me!” they snapped.
They flinched backwards, yanking Hollow off the stable floor of the shelf before he could manage to free his blade. He smacked against the side of the box as Val knocked it over. He landed against a paper bag that showered him in a cloud of sugar for a few dazed seconds. Val—it wasn’t fair—runty Val had just flung them across a cupboard. Reflexively. His chest tightened as he pushed himself back up to run while they were dealing with their hand.
“He stabbed you? Are you okay? Is he okay? Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
“No kidding!” they hissed.
Hollow risked a glance back. Val pressed on the wound with their other hand, graciously giving him the space he needed to make it to the hole in the wall and escape. Val took a breath and squeezed their eyes shut for a moment to keep their temper down.
“I’m fine,” they said. “And he’s…shit, stop! Hollow!”
There was a long, defenseless moment when Val could’ve easily grabbed him. That crack in the wall was narrow and it took time to squirm through. His heart hammered in anticipation as he fully expected to feel something clamp down around his legs and pull him back into the light. He flopped safely onto unfinished wood. His heart kept racing as half-expected those massive fingers to try to pry their way into the walls.
He didn’t sit around to wait for that to happen and got up to sprint for the ladder. He stopped to catch his breath once he reached the loft and ended up sinking to the floor in tears as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He had just wanted to make sure Val was safe. He wasn't sure how to answer that now.
The wall of the loft shuddered as something on the other side tapped against the drywall. Hollow slithered in the opposite direction.
Of course.
Of course Val knew where their own damn loft was.
“Look, I don’t know what you're doing here, if you're spying on me or... I get it if you don't want to talk with me like this. Just, don’t tell anyone about this. Please,” Val said.
As if anyone would believe me.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
Boy Next Door
part 4: man child smokes pot
Warnings: man child behaviour, mentions of marijuana
Words: 1866
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"Y/N, open up!"
More loud persistent banging on my door ensued as I finally got up the couch, feeling like I couldn't ignore Alex anymore. After our day of Stranger Things, I hadn't heard from him in a week, and I was feeling weird about it. Maybe it was my fault - he was always the one initiating our friendship, and I hadn't bothered to go over and check on him either.
"Yes?" I asked, opening the door. Alex toppled over, as if he'd been leaning against it and trying to spy on me through the eye hole.
"How's it going? Thought you might've been dead?" He asked, barging passed me and walking straight to my kitchen.
"Would be such a waste if you died," he opened my pantry and grabbed out a packet of Cheetos, bursting it open and taking out a handful to shove in his mouth.
I crossed my arms over my chest, the door still open as I watched him gorge on my food.
"Making yourself at home are you?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes as he laughed.
"Su casa, mi casa," he switched around the popular saying, coming around to my couch and plonking himself down on it. I eventually closed the door, getting the hint that he probably wasn't ready to leave yet.
"I have no snacks at home and I was fucking starving," he moaned as he filled his mouth with more Cheetos.
I sat next to him, watching in slight disgust as he wiped the Cheeto dust from his fingers down the front of his shirt.
"Been busy then?" I asked, although it might've come across passive-aggressive.
"Yeah new stock came into work, I was blowing up this sex doll the other day and I had to hang it up, swear to god it almost floated out the door," he snickered, "why? Did you miss me?"
"No," I scoffed, turning my attention away from him and towards the window.
"It sounds like it," he teased, throwing the empty snack bag onto my coffee table after scrunching it up into a tight ball.
"Don't you want to like- eat actual food?" I asked him, changing the subject, as I watched him lick his fingers.
"I don't know how to cook," he retorted, lifting his legs up and crossing his feet on my coffee table. I almost screamed from how disgusting he was behaving.
"How about you take me grocery shopping, and we can cook a meal together? Like a date," he suggested, suddenly exciting, standing up off the couch.
I couldn't help the blush that rose on my cheeks at the mention of a date, but I cleared my throat, and nodded my head to agree.
"Not as a date though, I'm doing it out of the kindness of my heart," I emphasised, getting up myself and grabbing my house keys and slipping on my shoes.
Alex looked down at his phone as he scrolled through his apps.
"Okay I have $104, will that be enough?"
I looked up at him with my face twisted in judgement, he works full time, where did all his money go?
"That'll be fine, more than enough," I reassured him, "now hurry up I don't have all day."
"Fuck yeah, I'll have enough to buy a gram later," he fist pumped the air, as he followed me out into the corridor and down to the elevator.
He stood across from me in the elevator, chatting about random things the whole ride down. It was driving me slightly insane, but I listened to his incoherent rambling silently anyway. There was something cute about the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about things he enjoyed.
We walked out onto the street, Alex watching me as he rambled and not looking out in front of him as a cyclist ring his bell.
"Alex! Watch out," I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him into me, only narrowly missing the oncoming man on his bike.
"You just saved my life," he beamed at me, letting out a laugh as I grumbled and we continued walking.
"You making sure it doesn't happen again?" He asked, just as I realised I was still holding onto his arm. I let go in a huff, pushing him away from me softly.
"Oh come on now, I liked being close to you," he continued to tease, as we approached the grocery store. I pulled out a shopping cart, and let Alex follow me inside like a lost puppy.
"So I'm not super familiar with where everything is, I usually just stop by here for ramen and energy drinks," he was touching everything as we passed it, knocking this off the shelf with his inability to stay still and behave like an adult.
"Alex! What do you want to get? I'm buying you vegetables," I said, wrapping up tomatoes and cucumber and putting them in the cart.
"Yuck," he spat like a child, "let's make some spaghetti bolognaise, can you do that? I want garlic bread," he walked over to the freezer section, pulling out a loaf of frozen garlic bread and adding it to the cart.
"Okay, that works, find some Parmesan," I instructed, checking out the minced meat as he disappeared into the dairy aisle.
He came back a moment later, with nothing in his hands.
"Wasn't there any?" I asked him confused.
"No- I just- what cheese again?" He scratched the back of his head, as I rolled my eyes at his poor memory. I'm sure his spirit animal was a gold fish, or maybe it was from all the pot he was smoking.
"Parmesan," I reminded him.
He nodded his head, a bright smile on his face, "thanks babe," he left again for the diary aisle.
Alex had loaded the cart with Herseys and popcorn, saying that it was essential for his well-being. It was his money after all, so I just pushed the cart to the check out without saying anything.
He bumped me by the shoulder, moving me out the way as he grabbed ahold of the car himself. I watched in shock as he ran with the cart, and then jumped up onto it, riding it down the aisle of the grocery store.
He rode it back to me, his face filled with amusement as he passed the cart back to me in line.
"Holy shit I love doing that it's so much fun," he breathed out, as the lady behind the checkout stared at him disapprovingly.
"You should try," he encouraged but I shook my head, "Nice try Alex, but I'm not dumb like you,"
"Now that's not very nice, you wet sponge," he teased, as he loaded his groceries onto the conveyer belt for the lady to scan.
"$32," she muttered, Alex tapping his credit card, giving us the green light to leave the store.
Alex carried two heavy bags back to our building, insistent on not letting me touch either of them.
"Now I wouldn't be a gentleman if I let my lady carry groceries, would I?" He asked, as we got in the elevator.
I just laughed, my stomach butterflies fluttering when he joked about me being his lady. He was the definition of a man child, but his willingness to cook with me and spend time with me was like the key to my heart, unless he really just didn't have any other girl friends.
"Come on, let's start," I suggested, putting his groceries down on my bench top.
"We could make it at my place but we'd have to bring all your shit over to my house because I don't have pans, or pots, or more than one cup," he explained. I stifled a laugh as I watched him fill up my pasta pot with water, he just looked so awkward doing it.
"Where do I fill it to?" He seemed frustrated, until I placed my hand on top of his on the tap to turn it off.
"There will do," I said, instructing him to take it to the stove stop and let it boil, "add some salt please, only a little bit."
"Aye, aye captain," he saluted me, taking my salt shaker and only putting in a little bit to my relief.
He stood behind me as I fried the mince with some brown onion in the pan. He seemed genuinely curious, like a monkey in a zoo.
"Smells good already, is that all?" He asked, as if surprised by the simplicity of the recipe.
"Yeah, and we have to make the sauce," I explained, taking the crushed tomato out of the grocery bag.
"Not to be a dumb man or anything, but you look extraordinarily good cooking," he said, his hand ghosting over the low of my back as I mixed the herbs and spices for the sauce.
"Good think I enjoy cooking," I said, trying to stop the smile from taking over my face.
Alex served the spaghetti, a significantly big amount for me, which I objected to.
"You gotta eat Y/N, can't have you wasting away on me," he teased, as I scooped it back onto his empty plate.
He carried the plates over to the table once they we done. He insisted I sit and wait while he served me, offering me a sprinkle of Parmesan on the top.
"Say when," he said, scooping into the bag and taking pinched of crumbled cheese, dusting it over my food.
"Okay thanks," I said, laughing as he bowed and made his way over to his side of the table.
"Bon appetite my lady," Alex smiled at me with his dimples as he dove into his food.
"My god, is this good, I haven't had a proper meal since we cooked breakfast, a week ago," he moaned with a mouth full of food.
I looked at him with amusement as he ate, and then got up to get another plate while I was still on my first.
"Say, you wouldn't wanna try some pot with me would you?" He asked, his eyebrows raised in question.
I was taken back by his question, I had never done drugs before, and he knew that.
"No? No thanks," I said, looking down at my plate and scraping at the leftover pasta.
"It'll be funnn, I bought snacks remember," he persisted, reaching over the table and grabbing my hand, "come on Y/N, you're with me, live a little."
I thought for a moment, and then something came over me telling me I should just take a chance.
"Okay fine," Alex's eyes widened, I guess he wasn't expecting that I'd cave, "only a little bit, or whatever," i grumbled, offering him a small smile.
"Oh you're only gonna need a little bit darling," he teased, taking both our plates back to the kitchen. On the inside I was shitting bricks, I didn't know how my body would react to the pot, but I didn't let myself bail.
Alex always seemed like he was in an good mood and was having so much fun, as much as a child he was. Maybe I needed to open up a bit.
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