#colby brock x plus!size reader
yourmommygay · 10 months
Faking it all.
Summary: high school au where colby is the popular guy and y/n is the shy good girl. Will they fall in love im not sure.
Pairings: colby brock x plus size!chloe sanchez (aka you reading this) , sam golbach x Amanda sid, jake webber x Tara yummy.
Warnings: explicit language, smut, mutual pinning, bullying, fighting, mentions of abuse, colby being kind of a dick at first, Amber being a bully (I love Amber so much, she would never pick on some1 I know but it's just for the story)
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It started off as just another day, walking through the school halls when chloe reached her locker. Trying to balance her books in one arm while opening her locker with the other, she heard heels clicking on the floor which could mean one of two things, either chloes day was about to go south or her best friend was coming.
"Hey nerd" she heard Amanda behind her, rolling her eyes at the nickname chloe finally got her locker open. " hi Amanda, where's Tara?" Chloe asked her friend while shoving her books into her locker, "here she comes with jake, sam and colby" Amanda said. Chloe could see Amanda push up her boobs making the non-existent cleavage appear, making chloe giggle closing her locker turning around to lean on it looking at the group coming towards her and Amanda.
"Hey sam" Amanda said playing with her hair, "hey baby, wanna go get some breakfast?" Sam asked her putting an arm around Amanda's shoulder, she nodded and they walked toward the cafeteria, "hey girly, I missed you over the summer" Tara said pulling me into a hug, "you look so different but you look beautiful." She said pulling back to admire me.
Chloe was wearing minimal makeup, a slipknot band shirt, ripped jeans and combat boots and her glasses. "What do you guys think?" Tara asked the guys turning back to them, "oh yeah, I like your outfit" jake said smiling then pulling me into a hug, "yeah you look nice chlo-" colby started but got cut off "oh hi colby!" Amber said walking over.
She gave colby a hug and then pulled away to give me a dirty look "why are you hanging with this freak? Do you feel bad for her? Aw you've always been so sweet" she said praising colby but also insulting me, "go away Amber, I'm hanging out with chloe cause we are friends" colby said shrugging Amber off his arm coming to stand next to me putting his arm around me.
"But colby we are supposed to be together, your the most popular boy, apart from sam and I'm the most popular girl, apart from Amanda. We should be together like sam and Amanda." Amber said trying to persuade colby. "Everybody in this hall, do you like Amber more or chloe!" Jake shouted, a chant of chloe's name started along with people saying things like "she helps me with homework", "she's a good person, Amber isn't", "she always listens to me and gives me good advice".
Chloe started to smile and tear up hearing that she had a good effect on these peoples lives, "you heard them Amber, if I should be with anyone it's gonna be chloe, it makes sense. Jake and Tara, sam and Amanda, me and chloe. Just makes sense" colby said pulling her closer to him.
Truth be told, she had always had a thing for colby ever since they met when they were 3 and their dad's became work buddies, colby had never been a total dick to her. He would make jokes that made him sound like a dick but he was also a dick to those that hurt chloe.
Chloe wouldn't know it yet but colby had felt the same as chloe that's why he would always joke around with her but also protect her, chloe may not remember a thing colby promised her at the age of 6 but colby did and he was always gonna stick to it,
Colby and chloe had been playing all day outside in the park, their mother's sitting at a bench with each other laughing at some story they were sharing, as chloe and colby were playing tag chloe bumped into another kid, his name is zach. He was the main bully in the school, taking kids toys and keeping them, hitting teachers and throwing things when he wouldn't get what he wanted.
As zach turned around he looked at chloe as if he was about to hit her, as he went to hit her colby pushed him out of the way and kicked him grabbing chloes hand and rushing over to their mom's.
In the back of his mom's car he turned to chloe "are you OK?" He asked chloe moving over towards her, she nodded and quietly replied "yes, thank you for what you did back there".
Colby chuckled "I promise you I will always protect you and I will love you forever" he said grabbing her hand and kissing it fully locking in the promise.
*end of flashback*
Colby made sure to keep to his promise but now loving chloe in a different way he had when they were younger. All colby new was that this year was the year he made chloe his.
A/n I hope you liked this, this was part one of the series I'm not sure how many parts there will be, I might also put this on my wattpad.
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165 notes · View notes
other-draw · 15 days
122 notes · View notes
woodle-isbae · 5 months
Intro / Get to know me
Azane <-Name
Black writer
Fandoms I will be writing for ->
•Stranger things
I'll be open on requests !
Things I won't write ->
Anything with dark themes.
Insane age gaps, eg. 14 + 26(only above 18).
Do not steal my works 🤗
!I will mainly cater to black readers¡
Enjoy 💕
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jakessbtch · 4 months
☆ party | j.g
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masterlist | requests
TW ✿  °   : mentions of drugs/alcohol, swearing, drinking, arguing/angst, mentions of drunken sex, sexual implications.
pairing   ✿  °   : johnnie guilbert x plus-sized reader [s/h]
summary of fic ✿  °   : After getting home from a party, where everything went wrong, she brings up an event.
requested by  ✿  ° : no-one​
word count   ✿  °   : 7k
a/n ✿  °   : its finally here! after weeks! x
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Parties were probably the worst thing known to mankind. They were so horribly messy, forcing a bunch of horny and carefree young adults, barely over 21, into a 2-bedroom house, with barely any room to walk. Typically, it was so full that the countless people who decided to waste their time and attend, would spill helplessly into the front and backyard, where they’d either find someone vulnerable to grind on or a bush to throw their guts up in. There would be loud rave music, and discarded items of food, just waiting for the unfortunate to slip on, and did I have to add the common issue of no room to breathe? I mean sure, there were a few bare sofas, and dining room chairs in which were free for rest, but they were for the losers who couldn’t speak to other people. For the losers who showed up to the event alone, or had their companions desert them earlier that night, right? right. And that was where I was sat, in the kitchen which was filled with discarded cups, and few people seeking for more alcohol.
Anxiety crippled through my chest as I observed all those around me, laughing, and having fun. There were so many people, and not one face I could recognize. I deemed that this whole night had been a waste. My friends had left me to stand alone in a crowded room, and my best friend, Johnnie, left me to fight against the cruel world of drunken slurs and catcalls I couldn’t prevent. I was so scared, what if someone tried to do something, hurt me, fight me? So many prying and disgusted eyes. No matter where I glanced, someone was watching me, with awkward smiles, and looks that poked at my appearance. My big and foul appearance. This wasn’t my crowd, these weren’t my people, just look at me. I was wearing baggy grey jeans and some jacket I grabbed off the floor, which probably hadn’t been washed in a week. While every other girl I saw, wore skims and crop tops, showing off their little waists, while I tried to hide my big one.
My hand cautiously grabbed a hold of my phone, the grip tight and very much laced with hidden fear. Being on my phone was the best scenario, it would be a silent sign to passers, that I was busy in a text conversation. When I brought up the familiar note’s app, I prayed no one saw the screen. Not only would I be at a party alone, but being so much of a loser that I couldn’t even involve myself with a text interaction? All I could think of in that moment was, if it was somewhat believable. Would someone still want to speak with me? Was I shaking? I was sure I was shaking, but could other people see it? I closed my e/c eyes for a moment, trying to regulate my anxious breaths. The thick scent of weed and cigarettes filled my lungs, still not seemingly putting my mind at rest. Wasn’t that the whole point of smoking and weed? It was all so stupid now, I had always been told to ease up at events, but why not now? Why was it so difficult now that I was sitting by myself?
“You’re sitting alone. Are you alright, y/n?”
I flinched at the sudden voice, someone wanted to speak to me. my eyes instantly flashed up, them laced with all the pent-up fear I had experienced, but for the first time that night, I was relieved. Sam Golbach, someone I barely knew, someone I hardly spoke to. Though, someone to finally accompany me. Sam used to live in the same house as my friend, Jake Webber, who I used to work for at the time, with editing. Jake and I are really close, I thought of him as a brother, which meant that at some point, I’d meet his other friends, Sam, Colby Brock, and Corey Shearer. Jake always took me to small gatherings and social groups the group would shamelessly create on Friday nights. Though, during those late nights, I never stayed long, I never stayed long enough to become close with all his friends. Yet, I did stay long enough to enjoy Sam’s generous company. I offered Sam and gentle smile at his wanted concern, pulling my h/c hair out of my eyes.
“I’m fine Sam, I just want to go home. That’s all.”
Sam nodded gently at my sweet confession, his blue eyes swiftly washing over the multiple sexual interactions displayed by passing people. They had a lot of bravery displaying such intimate actions in front of so many people, in front of so many judgmental eyes like my own. However, Sam’s caring eyes diverted back to me, giving me his sole attention and a reassuring smile. His face was full of concern, and I genuinely felt that he cared for me. It seemed that he understood my fear and discomfort in a way, as if he had been in my unfortunate situation before. Sam’s company kept me grounded, the company of someone I knew made me relax. Friendly, small gatherings gave me the feeling I felt during that moment, as I knew mostly everyone who would attend, though here, it was different. I knew very little people, and I was sure everyone here was in the same boat as me. They didn’t know anyone, which made tonight the perfect ‘one-night stand’ breeding ground. A night to live and forget.
“Here, might help?”
I gently took the time in looking down at Sam’s outstretched hand, a singular red polo cup aimed in my direction, filled with a liquid I could only assume was alcohol. I never really drank at parties, because eventually I’d get too carried away, and I’d do regrettable shit that I’d find out the next day, things that would haunt me. As well as the fact, I never took drinks from other people. I didn’t know what would be in them, I’ve heard plenty of spiking stories in my life. Yet, Sam wasn’t just anyone, everyone I knew trusted him. Jake trusted him, Tara, Jake’s ex, trusted him, and Johnnie did too. They were all smart people, knowing right from wrong, and if Johnnie could trust him, a small piece inside of me claimed that I could as well. My hand graciously accepted his offering, deciding that I should just take a single drink for the night, nothing more. Afterall, I would find myself driving someone, if not all my friends, home.
“Thanks. Enough about me, are you having fun?”
My voice was hoarse as I asked him the question, deciding to divert the conversations away from my wellbeing. Who cared if I was having a rough night? Sam should be focusing on the events of his night. My lips graciously sipped the sour alcohol, the soda it was mixed with bubbling in my stomach. Sam spoke with such ease, despite the loudspeakers that sent shockwaves of sound throughout my body, and likely his own. We spoke about a few things; Colby, Creating Content, and parties. However, the conversation drew out, occupying multiple minutes of our time. How late was it? Should I find Johnnie or Tara? Jake would be drunk so he would be no help. When the plaguing thought of leaving Sam filled my mind, he beat me to the quick goodbye we shared, claiming that he had to find Colby. I was grateful for that, as the red polo cup had been emptied, and I was sick of the constant rave music radiating off the walls.
“Sorry.” “Excuse me.”
Walking through that huge and messy crowd might as well had been the worst decision I could have possibly made. No one cared that I was there, as I was being tossed around like a dog’s used chew toy. Thrown into wooden furniture as if I was nothing. All I wanted to do was turn around and yell at the rude obnoxious assholes who made my search longer, and slightly more painful. As a final resort, to get out of the sweaty and foul crowd, my hands had traced along the wall, trying to find an empty hall, or vacant room, where I could catch a breath. Where I could have a moment alone. While I was searching for the said unoccupied room, and my missing friends, I was quickly starting to tire, still regretting this whole night. I wanted to leave, and sooner than ever, why was it so hard? Suddenly, after what felt like forever, I felt a door slip from underneath my fingers, and I had never been quicker to realize that it was an unlocked room, praying that it was empty.
The minute I was blessed with the muffled music, and the loss of sweaty bodies, I had slammed the white wooden door. The silence accepted me so easily and fondly, and for the first time that night I felt relieved. I turned around with closed and relaxed eyes, not taking note of the pair who were comfortably sat on the sofa, seemingly a while before I got there. Though when a dainty and polite cough reached my aching ears, I practically jumped out of my skin. I had no idea what to expect walking into that room, a blow job, boobs? No, none of those. What I was faced with was a really pretty girl, and the last person I’d expect her with. Johnnie Guilbert. Though I didn’t care about him, what I cared about was how pretty that girl was. She had long dyed pink hair, piercing blue eyes you couldn’t forget. She was so slim as well, the complete opposite of me. when I looked at her, the hatred for myself grew. The hatred for my weight, for my skin, it just seeped into my chest, like venom. I wanted to cry, to throw up, to get rid of this suffocating feeling. I wanted to be the girl Johnnie was so clearly interested in.
A small part of me had been crushed that moment, my heart. Everyone around me knew I liked Johnnie, God, even he probably knew. I was so obvious with my feelings, complimenting him when I could, giggling whenever someone said Johnnie and I looked cute together, but he was so insufferable and awkward to say anything about it. He avoided every question about us, so I took the hint that he hated the thought of a relationship with me. That feeling wasn’t foreign, it happened a lot when you looked like me. Boys gushed about having a ‘bigger girlfriend’, but when they had the chance, they were so quick to shut it down. They didn’t care about us, they cared about a good social image. With that image came feelings, the feeling of hate, and a feeling I felt that johnnie had. I wasn’t over my own opposite feelings, and with Johnnie abandoning me during the first 5 minutes to likely speak to this girl, if felt like a sucker punch to the stomach.
I felt sick looking at the two, the serotonin radiating off of them like a heater, though, I suppressed those gut-wrenching feelings. I had to come to the realization that Johnnie wasn’t the one for me. He was the one for her, her face was red under the dim lights, her smile stretched across the room, and his face reciprocated hers. He was happy with her, and I was happy for him, even if that meant the own destruction of myself. The destruction of my romantic interest, I’d have to destroy it, for him. I waved to the two awkwardly, my e/c eyes cautiously flickering back and forth between the two. Then, silence fell on the three of us, awkwardness. I tried to speak, but nothing came out, why couldn’t I speak? Where was Jake and Tara? I wanted Tara so desperately, I wanted to tell her to drive me home, to get me out of here, to get me home. Johnnie coughed awkwardly when he noticed my trance, and I breathed out, in one shaky break, I whispered.
“I’m going home.”
I had to get out of there, I had to leave the two be. I didn’t realize I was so rude, and I intruded in on something I regretted. Without another word, I left the pair sitting on the white sofa, while I shoved my way back through the messy, carefree crowd. There were no apologies this time, I didn’t care for anyone but myself. I didn’t care about the rude comments about my weight and ignorance, them drowned out by the loud music. Did the music get louder while I was dying emotionally in that room? Was the heater on, why was it warmer? The one thing I knew, was that I needed air. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, there were so many people, so little air. After what felt like forever, I found the front door. When the cool LA air kissed my face, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The air accepted me openly, putting my nerves at rest, and opening my mind, forgetting the previous events momentarily.
“Hey y/n/n! you alright?”
When the slurred, yet delicate voice was made known to my ears, I immediately knew who it was. Tara, just the person I needed, just the person I wanted. I was going to gush to her about what happened, about how it felt like everything leading to this moment was pointless. I always informed her about my feelings, about everything when it came to relationships. She called it ‘girl-talk’, however, by the tall and giggly man behind her, I held onto my tongue. In such a crowded place, with ears seeking for nothing but drama, someone would tell Johnnie, or that girl. It was all so complicated, and I already had enough of tonight, I didn’t need more. I looked back to the shorter girl, nodding shyly at her generous concern. I wouldn’t tell her about this, sometimes silence would beat the lying, the lying of my wellbeing. Truth was, I wasn’t fine in that moment, though I didn’t have to rudely affect others with my faults.
“I’m going home, tired, are you two driving with someone else?”
Jake started to loudly sing the 2000’s pop-rock song blaring from the confinements in the crowded, messy home, as if he had no care in the world. As if this was his last night alive. My eyes gently down casted to the two, how they seemed to fit right in with this crowd, and the comparison with the fact that I didn’t. I felt so out of place, like a sore thumb. While Tara was one of the most gorgeous women I had ever met, she was the definition of perfect. She looked amazing all the time, wearing cute little outfits, and being so precise with her make up. She was always so confident and kind to her friends and family, she knew how to control her jealousy and all her feelings. And Jake wore skimpy clothes without a worry, wearing crop tops, and styled skinny jeans with fingerless gloves. I envied the both of them, in silence. Tara shrugged nonchalantly, gaining my short attention once more.
“We’ll get someone to drive us, what about Johnnie?”
“What about me?”
I flinched at his sudden introduction, of course he had to appear now, out of all times. Why couldn’t he appear when I was sulking miserably in the kitchen, when I was alone? However, like most times, my bitter attitude was painfully obvious. The sudden distasteful expression I acquired, put Tara off drastically. Her dark brown eyes flickering between the two of us knowingly, as if she somehow knew what had happened minutes before in that room. As if she saw the interaction between the girl, Johnnie and me. When I looked up at Johnnie, I ignored his messy dark hair he hadn’t styled for hours, and the smudged blue eyeshadow spread amongst his eyes. What I did notice was that the girl he was talking to, was now gone. She wasn’t lurking behind him, like a lost dog, she wasn’t at his side. He left her alone like he did me. I bitterly ignored his presence, turning to Tara and clarifying.
“He can come if he wants, but I’m tired. See you two later.”
Biding my goodbyes felt different now, or was that the sinking feeling I had in my stomach? However, besides that uncomfortable feeling, I begged for Tara or Jake to stop me. Yet, with each passing step, and each crunch on the gravel, my hopes drowned out. Though, a new hope sparked, a hope that Johnnie wanted to stay. It was obviously selfish for me to not want him to accompany me, but my night was already ruined, I didn’t need it to get worse. Distracting myself soon occupied my thoughts, my eyes wandering to the various groups of tired people. Their hushed murmurs, and the small giggles that admitted from the social circles, distracted my mind from Johnnie. My hand gripped the car door handle, listening to the bright conversations around me for a few more seconds. Then, I decided it was enough, I decided it was alright for my thoughts to corrupt my mind, and I got into the driver’s seat. The slam of the door never put me at ease, and Johnnie's approaching figure made it worse.
As Johnnie got into the car, and the engine started, my questions started to shamelessly dart around the air. The questions that made grow to hate myself, more and more, with every passing minute. Why did Johnnie leave me to stand there, in a crowd of unknown people, like an idiot? Why did he suddenly become so interested in talking to new people? However, I wasn’t a seeker for the answers I needed, and I remained silent. I continued to ask myself those questions, from the minute I was sitting in that kitchen, to now, driving home in my car. With each passing minute, which felt like hours, the air grew thicker, and my mind ran faster. What were I to do now? How could I get over something so dear to me, how could I get over Johnnie? Did I try dating apps, but who wanted me? Men liked girls who could be picked up, who could wear their clothes as a dress, they didn’t want me. My hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, my stomach dropping lower than my feet.
When watching the bright street signs flash past the moving car, I simply recalled the fact that Johnnie hated parties like me. That’s actually how we came to be friends, best friends. Every single party, every single gathering, we were attached by the hip. Never apart. We were always together, but that didn’t stop the thought, the thought of; what had changed now? Had I not given Johnnie the validation he needed, did he seek that validation from someone else? Why hadn’t I been enough for him? The feeling of insecurity suffocated my chest again, every time I noticed that the feeling was gone, it resurrected stronger. Why was I feeling like this, why was I so defensive over someone who wasn’t even mine to begin with? Johnnie wasn’t my boyfriend. I had to realize that. He had his own life, and I needed to start living mine, and stop worrying about my looks, and my weight, and how I acted. I had to stop being such a push-over.
When the house rolled into view, I was sure to park on the edge of the road. In a safe area in which I knew I wouldn’t have to pay for insurance. I didn’t share a house with Jake and Johnnie, but I did live around 15 minutes away, not far. Though, I was gravely unsure if I’d stay awake the whole drive back, the settling fear of a collision pictured in my mind. I was sure Jake wouldn’t mind me staying, I’d probably sleep in their unused spare room, and at some ungodly hour of the morning, Tara would join me. My eyes drooped as we made our way to the front of the door, the walk remained silent, and chilling. The only thing making noise were our steps echoing around us. Then, before long, I found myself looking at Johnnie, no, admiring him, but no longer with love, with question. I never questioned our relationship, though now, it was the only thing I could possibly think about.
Johnnie took the honors in locking the front door once the two of us were safely situated inside, while I took my time in wandering to the cleansed kitchen. I didn’t notice the darkened man enter after me at first, though he made himself known when he gently pushed his way past me, looking for something dry to eat. It was a recognized habit johnnie had adapted to after parties, after he drank. If he ate dry foods, he wouldn’t throw up, it was smart. While Johnnie searched the pantry, I remained silent. The silence was thick in the air, only growing with each second, in which I was observing his turned figure. How could he just ignore me? Did he not care, or was it rather that I had to say something to him? Did I ask why he left me to wallow in my own social fear? Ask him what type of confidence had overcome him in those meek few hours we had been apart? I dropped the car keys on the marble countertop, an overwhelming sense of unconscious mind coming over myself.
“Why did you leave me Johnnie?”
The gentle slam of the cabinet made fear lurch within my stomach, regret climbing its way into my throat. In that moment, I regretted ever talking, I should have just shut up. When his ice blue eyes rested on my slightly shorter figure, I felt so vulnerable, so afraid. I had a quick tongue, always biting back against strangers, so why was it so different if it was my best friend? Why was I so afraid of being mean to him? At the realization that I was afraid of losing him, I shrugged slowly. This all felt stupid; did I even know what I was meaning anymore? I felt as if I was spitting gibberish. Johnnie’s face was obviously laced with some sort of confusion, and something clicked inside of me during that moment. Something bubbled, a small tinge of anger, clear frustration. I was frustrated with the fact he didn’t seem to understand what I was saying, no one did. I was suddenly glad I had brought up my issue, because now I really saw if he cared or not. It really made me question; did he not care about me anymore? What had changed?
“What do you mean ‘what’? You left me alone at the party, for 2 fucking hours. I didn’t know anyone there!”
My once small and timid voice had now raised higher than it ever had, the anger extremely prominent in my tone. I never got angry at others often, every time I was close to ruining my mood, I would attempt to reason. However, I couldn’t reason now, I wanted answers. There were so many unsaid feelings, that were starting to overload my voice box, begging for release. Though, I never wanted them shown to the world, never wanted to show them to Johnnie. I vowed to keep these feelings to myself, until the time was right, though, was there even a time anymore? Had that time happened long ago, me to oblivious and insecure to realize it? The time had passed for me, and now Johnnie was invested in finding love, him never even waiting for me.
“Whoa, y/n... look- “
“No! Do you know how embarrassed I was? Sitting alone!? I was petrified!”
Johnnie’s right hand made no attempt to silence the loud slam from the closing cupboard door, his frustration and annoyance radiating alongside my own feelings and emotions. However, I didn’t care how he felt anymore, because he didn’t care about me. My feelings weren’t relevant to him tonight. Johnnie’s large black boots made a loud thump on the cold tiles, him not hesitating to step in my direction. The contortion of his once calm face gave me a silent sign that he was trying to control the anger that was begging to be shown to the world, but that made me the slightest bit more frustrated. Why was he angry at my reaction, why was he mad? He had spent his night laughing along with one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen, he should be ecstatic about tonight, he should be happy, right? I rolled my e/c at his attitude, I wanted to drop the situation, ignore it, though I wanted answers more. I wanted to know why.
“It had always been you and I together at parties, and now you run off! What about me Johnnie!? Fucking say something!”
“I… I don’t know what you want me to say.”
An apology would be amazing, though I didn’t say that. What did happen at his response was the expected rage burning through me at his nonchalant attitude, why couldn’t he just say sorry? Before I could think, my body reacted with my hands throwing my car keys into the walls. With the sudden adrenaline, and the lack of realization to what I had just done, I ignored Johnnie’s hard flinch at my actions. I didn’t care. I was sick of being overlooked, sick of being called the ‘fat friend’, sick of being that friend that had no other emotion apart from humor and platonic love for others. Ultimately, I was sick and tired of being hurt. I had anger, and sadness, and jealousy, and I was sick of hiding it away. So, I wouldn’t be a push over anymore, and within a few silent and short moments, and little hurried words, all those emotions spilled out, along with wet, fat tears and stuttering. With a big shaky breath in, I dryly whispered to the boy.
“Do… do you know how many people pointed and laughed at me? yeah, ‘let’s laugh at the bigger girl, who looks as if she’s never been to a party before’...”
“y/n... come on, you- “
“Sam had to sit with me! Ou-out of pity too! You should’ve been there Johnnie! But you were talking... with some girl… and leaving me behind…”
My once confident voice noticeably cracked towards the end of my sentence, the pain in my tightening chest making itself obvious to Johnnie. The only thing I could think about was how embarrassing this was, being jealous over something out of my control. I wanted to run away and hide, forget this conversation ever happened, maybe even leave the country if I was lucky enough? But I couldn’t just do that, I had to face this at some point, especially since I brought up this whole situation. I would never tell Johnnie how jealous I was, how jealous I was of that unnamed girl, I wouldn’t even tell Tara, one of my closest friends, I vowed take my feelings to the grave with me. Until death. In the sudden silence, I never looked at Johnnie, afraid of what his expression was. Was he disgusted? Humiliated? I was, with myself. My left hand hastily brought itself up to caress my pudgy wet cheeks, trying to hide the mascara filled tear stains that had blossomed in the midst’s of my outburst.
“So, you’re jealous?”
Johnnie’s voice was clearly tired, however, by his groggy and annoyed voice, I simply got the overwhelming feeling of butterflies. Though the feeling of being flustered soon was overcome with anger, and sudden disbelief. Out of everything I said, he came up with the thing I already knew. My jealousy, I wouldn’t tell him that I was of course, it was only fuel for the ego that was taller than he was. The ego that I seemed to hate so much. I wanted to rip all my hair out, asking myself; why couldn’t he just understand me for once? I wanted to slap his pretty little face, I wanted to explode with anger, I wanted to tell him how I’d leave him here to rot alone, though when I opened my mouth, jaw slack, nothing seemed to come out. Nothing but silence. Nothing but heavy breaths, for a long unwanted moment. Then, once again before thinking, a small anger-filled whisper managed to roll itself off my tongue.
“I am not jealous.”
“Then why are you acting like this?!”
His voice sounded desperate for answers, answers I didn’t know if he wanted to hear. He sounded like me, so pained, and upset, but I wondered; Did he want to hear about how scared I am of his feelings, of my own feelings? Did he want to hear that I have loved him for months on end, picturing a future where we stood in front of a suburban home with two kids and a dog? Did he want to hear that I am convinced I am in love with him? Because I believed no one has been in love with him for as long as I have, I believed that my feelings weren’t just a crush. I cried most nights, wondering why I didn’t make a move when we hung out, or why he didn’t compliment me one night when I looked my best, I believed these feelings were not normal. Johnnie needed an explanation to my actions, an explanation to why I had yelled at him, why I was so suddenly aggressive. My e/c eyes cautiously rose to look at his saddened blue ones, and the silence settled once more. With another shaky breath, I explained everything to him.
“Because I’m scared Johnnie. I’m scared of you loving someone else, I’m scared of being hurt, and being forgotten.”
And for the first time that night, I finally felt heard. Johnnie sheepishly nodded at what I said, eyes down casting to the floor and sucking in his lips, deep in thought. This situation had been dragged out for months, years if you looked close enough, and it was so clearly affecting everyone around me, around us. When I told Tara my feelings, she had made a huge effort to pair the two of us together, while Jake would band along with her, contributing to her actions. Though, when Johnnie would decline any offer, I’d get disappointed, I’d be upset, and thoughts would plague my mind. My drowned moods would suffocate everyone else too, them getting a fowl taste in their mouths over the two of us, and our attitudes. Tara would express her concern, and Jake would ask to make it all better for us. And I would decline or ignore them, because it was my issue, not theirs. Now, after months, I was finally addressing it, because I was tired, so tired, tired of running a race that Johnnie never showed up for, tired of putting my all into something I wasn’t benefiting off of.
“So that’s why I’ve been acting like a ‘jealous’ and ‘lonely’ bitch.”
“What if I’m scared too?”
My stomach simply lurched at Johnnie’s hoarse voice speaking above my own. The newer question was brought to my attention. Why was he scared? He didn’t harbor such feelings for me, right? I racked my brain for reasons, reasons for why he would like me, and it slowly started to make sense, slowly started to make itself known to my consciousness. I would remember the way his hand would linger around my own, afraid of touch, or the way he would be ghastly concerned if I drank more than 3 drinks at a party or gathering. The way he would care for me. I always brushed it off as something friends did, I had seen plenty of friends upset over drinking habits, and holding hands, so was it really different for us? I wanted to cry again, cry at the intruding thoughts, though I felt numb now, like I had drained every feeling I once had before. How did I ignore all of this, and was it too late? Too late to apologize and erase all this from my mind? I covered my reddening face with my hands, too embarrassed to face my simple realization, and all the tiredness I was unaware of crashing into my mind like a wild tsunami wave.
“What if I’m scared of dating again? What if I’m scared, I’m going to hurt you?”
Hurt me? Didn’t he already do that enough by making a stupid effort to avoid me? Leaving me confused for the whole night? I didn’t know how to respond to his words, his question, everything I thought of, came off as stand-offish and rude, so all I could do was shake my head bitterly. Obviously, it was fair enough, he could be scared of this, so was I, but by the way he had avoided me tonight, during one of the times I needed him the most, I knew it wasn’t a responsible way to act, it never was. He had hurt me, and gravely, making me rethink everything leading up to this moment. I painfully looked down to the fallen silver car keys, them resting silently on the white floor tiles. While I still tried to cascade my brain and mind for how I could respond to him, in the nicest way possible. Though, the only feeling I could succumb to and notice, was the suffocating feeling of anxiety, and giddiness.
“What if we aren’t meant to be with one another, y/n…?”
“How would you know we aren’t meant to be together, if we haven’t even dated before? There’s only one way to know for sure.”
I muttered out, pinching the bridge of my nose with my pointer and thumb. It didn’t shock me how tired and weak my voice sounded, as yelling and sobs ripped my throat raw, it was very expected. However, due to my attention being diverted on my sore and sickened throat, I didn’t notice Johnnie making his way over to me. I didn’t notice him, until he was standing right in front of me, hands balled at his sides, messy hair, and blue eyes wide with an unrecognizable expression. With a surge of confidence, his right hand softly rested on my shoulder, it wrapping around to the back of my neck and resting there. His fingers gently dug into my skin, strands of h/c hair wrapping around them subconsciously. My eyes instantly flashed up at his touch, anxiety rushing throughout my body. It was so obvious that he was nervous as well, with the sight of his hands shaking, and the adrenaline seemingly pumping through him.
That was when I realized that this was my moment, my moment to show his how much he meant to me. An action, that I would shamefully perform, one kiss. one kiss couldn’t ruin a friendship, right? If it did ruin this, then so be it, because if Johnnie and I were meant to happen, then we would. We would find a way back to one another. So, without a second thought, I took that chance, I took that moment. My hands instantly latched onto his thin tattooed neck, gently forcing his head down and giving him all my emotion through the touching of lips. I had never kissed someone like I did Johnnie that night, I had never kissed someone with so much passion, so much want. I didn’t take the time to hyper-fixate on his body language, barely noticing his shock. I just desperately tried focusing on the continuous buzzing that radiated in my head. What I did notice was how Johnnie reciprocated the kiss, his hand moving from the back of my neck to the side of my face, his fingers so soft. He held me so delicately, as if a porcelain doll, skin so fragile and brittle, and for the first time in a long while, I felt like an art piece, I felt like I was finally someone's muse.
I didn’t quite know when the pair of us became a trio, or rather a group, though when the familiar and feminine voice of the Tara Tompson filtered into the enclosed area, I had never been so quick to push Johnnie away from myself. Regret settled in my veins, should I had let him go like that, so soon? I could have held him just a little longer, I swore I could, though I didn’t. Behind the short girl, barely shorter than myself, was the tall and stumbling figure of a clearly intoxicated, Jake Webber. His thick scent was laced with weed, cigarette stench, and hard alcohol, giving me the sense that he had only gotten worse due to Johnnie and I’s departure. Though his attention wasn’t focused on me, he was far more interested in Johnnie, with a big, wide, slurred smile, and a lot of emotion in his body language and features. While Tara’s dark gaze was placed on me, and my stiff and uncomfortable posture. Bewilderment. That’s the word I’d use to describe her face, her expression. Was my surge of commitment and bravery really so shocking? I guess I wasn’t exactly outgoing, but I wasn’t that introverted either, I was a loud person, I challenged those who did wrong, so why was this different too?
“See... d-dude! I told you to ju-... ugh- just kiss her!”
Tara hissed frustratedly at Jake’s hiccups, muttering something inaudible from my stance. Though I didn’t care for the words that spilled from her maw, I was to interested in what Jake had said just moments before. ‘I told you,’ So Johnnie had been thinking about this moment, thinking about kissing me before? The knowledge of this had my stomach and chest twisting and fluttering, an uncomfortable, yet giddy, feeling arising more and more within a few short moments. Tara then grumbled at Jake, a loud and aggravated groan leaving her throat when he didn’t seem to be cooperating. After a few sharp whispers, Tara simply apologized to Johnnie and I, and they hastily stumbled away from the two of us, likely to Jake’s room so he could sober up and sleep. The interaction left Johnnie and I standing there alone and slightly stunned, the awkward aroma filling the air. My eyes drifted away from the doorframe to look at Johnnie, but he had beaten me to gaining to others attention. His eyes were already placed on my own, breath heavy and eyes clouded with the little alcohol he had drunk prior. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I whispered an apology.
“’M sorry…”
“I didn’t like her.”
I nodded subconsciously and silently, Johnnie’s strained and quiet words giving me knowledge that he was aware of the other two in the home. Though I didn’t bother acknowledging them, I was far too focused on how horse and rough his voice was, and shamelessly it had complimented his messy and unkept appearance well, or well enough to make my knees weak. His messy dark hair, jarred out wildly, while skimpy blonde roots carefully crept up the strands, barely noticeable. His dark blue make up had been smeared across his face, etched around his bright blue eyes, making them more noticeable than ever. Dark Tattoos writhing their way around his neck, the large black spider mark settling on his throat as if it was a mark since his birth, built to be there. I was staring at him for too long, too quietly. Once I had taken the effort to draw my attention from Johnnie’s attractive personality and expression, I looked down to the cleansed tiled floor. Was that it? After this would we go to bed and forget everything? Did I even want that?
“I like you. Your humor, your appearance, your kindness. I like you… more than a friend.”
“Then quit treating me like I’m less of one.”
Every single word, every single syllable that seeped from his mouth, set off a tiny firework inside of me. Fireworks in my chest, my feelings were the embodiment of the fourth of July. I had never felt so seen as a person, so honored for how I felt, and looked, and only moments prior, I felt invisible to the world. I was so vulnerable, my feelings were overlooked, ignored, and now they were noticed and appreciated more than ever. Overwhelmed, that’s what I was during that moment. Overwhelmed with my own feelings, and Johnnie’s pure ones. How was I to react now? Did I go to bed, or make the effort to hug or kiss him? Before I could make the decision in what I was to do, Johnnie had started to shake his head. His eyes moved away from my own, to the items on the kitchen countertop, him deep in thought and consideration. He opened his jaw to speak again, hand gripping tightly on his skinny jeans as he spoke confidently.
“I’m sorry y/n/n.” I love you.
“I know. I love you too.”
And for the first time in my life, I hadn’t felt like the ‘fat girl’, I felt noticed for more then my humor and weight. Johnnie made me feel wanted and seen. Since that moment, I had taken everything seriously. I took my problems, my life, my achievements, seriously. They all suddenly had purpose to me. I had commitments now, a commitment to Johnnie, a commitment to a lifelong promise that I vowed to never break. Johnnie made promises of his own, promises to never ignore my struggles, to hold me when needed, and the promise that I would always be his. From now until death do us part; And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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madi-writes-things · 3 months
✨Madi’s World✨
Who Am I?
Writer (Fandom & Original)
Easily Obsessed
I try my best to keep things like race/hair/facial features/etc. fairly neutral… but I base most of the reader characters off me, so they will typically have my body type. I’m sorry if that makes it less enjoyable for you. I have many reasons for this, including the fact that it’s easier to write from experience and the fact that don’t typically see writing for people with in-between body types (Not skinny, Not plus size, no thigh gap, stretch marks, tall-ish, etc.).
What I Will and Won’t Write
Smut ❤️
Fluff 🦋
Angst ✨
Hurt/Comfort ❤️‍🩹
TW Content: SH, ED, Sui ‼️
Mental health ❗️
Agere - don’t know enough about it
CNC, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Etc. (CONSENT IS SEXY)
Mental health issues of others
If you aren’t sure, feel free to ask
Who Do I Write For?
Johnnie Guilbert
Making the Bed ✨🦋❤️‍🩹‼️❗️
Jake Webber
stay... (Jake Webber X Reader) ✨❤️‍🩹
Christopher Sturniolo
Nobody ✨❤️‍🩹‼️❗️🦋 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Matthew Sturniolo
Partners In Crime
Colby Brock
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Ted Nivison
Coming Soon
Smosh Cast
Coming Soon
TV & Movies
Aaron Hotchner
The Prophecy
Coming Soon
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multiversefanfics · 8 months
Hi, would you write a Colby Brock x plus size reader?
Ooooh, I love this! Of course, I hope I capture what you want.
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Pairing: Colby Brock x Plus Size!Reader
Warning: mentions of alcohol, mild cussing but mainly fluff, kissing, body appreciation, booty touching
Summary: You met Colby at a thrift store and instantly fell in love with him.
Y/BF/N: Your best friend’s name
Y/E/C: Your eye color
Today was your weekly thrift store day, you and Y/BF/N met up at your favorite thrift store. Normally you would avoid the clothes mainly because they didn’t fit and you were a little bigger than most girls, the jeans either fit your hips and not your thighs or they’d fit your thighs and not your hips. Y/BF/N wanted to find some cute vintage clothes for a party she was going to and she loved your sense of style and asked you to help out. “Y/N please help me your outfits are always so cute and they fit you perfectly.” You rolled your eyes combing through countless clothes “Y/BF/N, your style is amazing. What’s the theme of the party?” You pulled out a vest with tassels on it, made a face then put it back “Decades party but I know everyone is gonna do the 90’s I wanna do like the 70’s or 80’s maybe even the 60’s.” You nodded and moved down a row “Well, I say do 70’s, we can find some cute bell bottoms, a fun crop top, and a headband.” The two of you walked around a bit until you found the whole outfit, blue jean bell bottoms, a green, purple, and orange crop top, and a headband the same color as the shirt “It’s your turn.” You shook your head “I’m uh- not going.” She stopped in her tracks and stared at you “Yes you are, I can’t go without you!” You shrugged and continued to look at the clothes in front of you “Parties aren’t my thing and you know that.” Just as you were about to pick up a leather jacket from the rack someone else picked it up on the other side, you looked over and saw the most gorgeous man ever, his beautiful blue eyes met your Y/E/C and he smiled “I am so sorry, were you about to pick this up?” You nodded as he pointed to the jacket, he walked around the rack and held it out for you to take “I’m sorry, here you go.” You blinked a few times then shook your head “It’s okay, you picked it up first.” He practically put the hanger in your hand “You saw it first, and besides I think it would look way better on you than me.” He smiled and looked you up and down taking in your figure, his eyes met yours again and he winked before he walked away. You stood there staring at Colby as he walked out of the store "Girl, he was so cute!" That snapped you out of your trance "He was" You looked down at the jacket in your hand and decided to buy it along with a couple other pieces of clothing and the rest of your costume will be with your own clothing. You and Y/BF/N started getting ready for the party.
You and Y/BF/N finally made it to the party, your costume consisted of a baggy white t-shirt, baggy jeans, a black leather jacket, and a fanny pack. You stood with your other friends listening to them talk about what they wanna do for the rest of the weekend, you couldn’t concentrate on anything they were saying, you hated parties you’d rather stay home and watch a murder documentary on netflix, or watch ghost hunting videos on youtube. “Earth to, Y/N.” You snapped your head in the direction of the voice, it was Y/BF/N you hummed in response “You okay?” You took a sip of your drink and nodded “You know I hate parties” She put her hand on your shoulder “I know, but you need to get out of your room and have a little bit of fun.” You sighed to yourself then nodded “You’re right, let’s dance.” You and your friends went out the dance floor and just started dancing, soon other people crowded around you guys dancing as well, a few minutes later you felt hands on your hips, you turned around and came face to face with the boy you met at the thrift shop, he smiled at you “Hi, I’m Colby.” You smiled and continued dancing with him “I’m Y/N.” He smiled and ran his hands over all of your curves, that instantly gave you butterflies, no one has ever made you feel good about your body and he barely did anything “I love your curves, from the moment I saw you at the thrift store I knew I had to talk to you, so I reached for the jacket at the same time as you, and I was wrong.” He paused for a second and looked you up and down “I said that the jacket would look good on you, but truthfully you make that jacket look good.” You felt your cheeks heat up “You don’t even know me.” He nodded and stared into your eyes “True, but I will spend the rest of my life getting to know you.” He smiled and caressed your body, not in a sexual way but in admiration, you could tell he liked your body and admired it even though he didn’t know you and you didn’t know him but you both felt some type of connection that made you feel comfortable. You didn’t realize how much time has passed because you two were the only ones dancing “Y/N, I really hope you don’t take this the wrong way but your body is amazing, your curves, and I’m sorry I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward” His hands made his way to your butt and gave it a small squeeze “But this is my favorite.” You didn’t know what came over you but you couldn’t help yourself, you cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips gently against his, his hands made their way to your low back, pulling you closer to him, the two of you slowly pulled back and just stared at each other “I’ve been waiting since the thrift store to do that.” He kissed your forehead and pulled you into a hug. “I never want to let you go.” You giggled a bit and hugged him back “That’s really cute, you’re really cute.” The two of you moved to the side and sat down and talked the rest of the night.
A/N: I hope you like this, I don’t know Colby’s preference but I wholeheartedly believe Colby would be super clingy and like thicker girls.
Tags: @megamindsecretlair
Main Masterlist - Colby Brock Masterlist
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strnqer · 3 years
masterlist - ,,
please do not copy my work
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i. perfect: afab!reader x bsf!roman godfrey
ii. *lockdown: afab!reader x jace herondale
i. *teacher: afab!reader x colby brock
ii. prankster: afab!reader x colby brock
i. something about you: afab!reader x corpse_husband
i. exposed: afab!reader x secret!bf!corpse_husband coming soon!
i. *dean winchester: gn!reader x sub!dean
ii. *rick grimes & daryl dixon: dom!daryl x afab!reader x dom!rick
iii. daryl dixon: afab!reader x daryl
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Damage Control - Colby Brock x Reader (plus size/curvy)
“Welcome to the show, guys. Settle in.” The interviewer welcomed Sam and Colby.
They had been doing bits the last few weeks. Driving up the coast, they had hit 15 or 16 different creator studios to participate in partnered videos. It was crazy and hectic, but it was so cool to see them get so much media attention.
As the interview continued, the guys relaxed quite a bit. The host and the company were super chill, and they had been laughing for about 40 minutes straight.
“In the next segment, I’m going to read off a word and you have to tell me the first funny story that comes to mind, okay?” The host directed.
“Oh, hell yea.” Colby replied, Sam adding an “Oooo this could get juicy.”
After the first few words, the next word asked was “pets”.
Colby immediately turned to Sam with a huge grin on his face, “Dude, should I talk about the…the doggy door?”
“Oh, my god. YES, that’s way funnier than dyeing Circa pink.” Sam laughed. “Y/n is going to kill you”, he teased, clapping his hands and throwing his head back in a fit of laughter.
“Oh, no” the host chuckled. “Okay, out with it!”
“Okay, okay. Oh, my god I have to stop laughing. So, we all used to live in this big house called the Trap House with some of our friends. THEN we spent the following year all separate in our own apartments. Well this last month Sam, Jake, and I and all three of our girlfriends moved into another pretty large house. Y/n, my amazing girlfriend, technically moved in before the rest of us. She’s good at like decorating and organizing and she had to be there to like tell delivery people and workers where to go.” Colby rambled, trying to explain and give context. “So, Jake had gone over to drop some stuff off. Well while he was there, he didn’t realize that y/n was in the back yard and he accidentally locked her out of the house before he left.” Colby chuckled, burying his face in his hands for a second. “Oh, man. This next part is partially my fault.”
“Colby, it was 100% your fault.” Sam laughed.
“Okay, so all MY fans watching this video” Colby looked right at the camera before continuing, “know that my girlfriend is not a skinny girl.” He said casually. “You guys all know her from my last 6 months of videos on my personal channel. For anyone else watching this who maybe doesn’t know who we are or who y/n is, my girl got curves.” Colby mimed the hourglass waist shape with his hands.
Sam cut in, turning to Colby. “Side note, I found out yesterday that y/n’s number is in Kat’s phone under the name ‘baby mama’.”
Colby laughed, “Dude, Kat’s name in Y/n’s phone is way worse.” He laughed, clearing his throat. “That’s a story for another day.”
“Oh, god.” Sam laughed.
‘Okay, okay. Back to my original story.” Colby continued. “When Y/n got locked out of the house, she couldn’t get ahold of Jake. When she called me to see if I was anywhere close to the house, I reminded her that she had JUST had someone install a doggy door because we wanted to get a house dog. I may or may not have suggested that she try to crawl in through the doggy door.”
“Wait, wait, wait. I was in the car with you. Your exact words were ‘Baby, just shimmy that fat ass through the doggy door. You’ll fit. I PROMISE.” Sam called him out, laughing. “Don’t worry, Y/n. I was there. This is totally Colby’s fault.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side, brother!” Colby laughed. “Okay, fine. I definitely told her it would work and it definitely didn’t. And if anyone remembers Y/n doing an Instagram live saying she was bored and waiting for me to get home…The tile you saw her laying on is directly inside our doggy door. She managed to get the girls through the door no problem.” Colby said, holding his pecs to indicate he was talking about her boobs. “But getting her hips through or getting the girls BACK OUT proved to be impossible without a little help from yours truly.” He grinned, pointing his thumbs at himself.
“We made it to the house like 15 minutes later and she was literally half in/half out of the doggy door.” Sam said.
“We all laughed so much it took us like 15 more minutes to get her out.” Colby laughed, rubbing his cheeks. “My face hurts from laughing.”
“At least it sounds like you guys are going to enjoy sharing a house again.” The host said, chuckling at the story. “I’m sure everyone is looking forward to you guys getting back to prank videos and group shenanigans.”
The interview continued on, the boys finally ending their travels the following week and making it back to the house. When that specific interview came out, Colby had called you into your shared bedroom to watch it.
“Oh, god. This is the doggy door one, isn’t it?” you laughed, the boys having told you the same day as the interview that they had told the story.
“Of course.” Colby chuckled, pulling you down on the bed to cuddle with him. He pulled you against him, making you the little spoon and grabbed the remote to play the video on your bedroom tv. You two laughed your asses off, Colby tweeting out the interview and you two moving on with your day.
No one in your house thought twice about anything in that video causing any drama. You’d always been a big girl and Colby didn’t see a single problem with it. So, when you woke up to all of your friends texting you two links to drama pages criticizing Colby for telling the story, you were completely caught off guard. There were videos made saying that Colby was fatphobic or a bully. There were articles written about how embarrassed you must be that your boyfriend doesn’t think you’re skinny.
You opened up the massive group text you guys and your friends used for updates and important shit instead of trying to text everyone back. “Hey, I’m gonna wake Colby up so I can ask him how he wants to handle this bullshit. The pizza night kickback is still happening tonight. Everyone can head over whenever they want because I have a feeling we won’t be leaving the house today.”
You fucking loved the friends you had made through Colby.
Kevin – Your man is proud as hell to show you off. Anyone trying to twist this into some body shaming bullshit needs to hand over their internet access immediately.
Elton – The idiocy of these articles is actually hurting my brain. So, they think Colby was being a bad boyfriend by calling you “not a skinny girl”, but nowhere in the articles are they concerned that Sam admitted to masturbating while wearing Heelys. Priorities, people.
Corey – Do I have permission to post a photo on Instagram of my juicy ass stuck in Navi’s doggy door? Too soon? #toolate
Brennen – Girl, the drama pages can get fucked. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with havin’ a fat ass.
Mike – Aryia said you and I should start a duo channel called fat ass and flat ass. I have no clue what content he expects us to post.
They continued to message you guys both funny and actually encouraging messages.
“I’m making a video” Colby said after scrolling through all of the articles and videos. “And I told the channel the interview is on to keep it up.”
“Do you want me in the video?” you asked, knowing that it might just be a video where he wants to sit by himself and talk.
“I wouldn’t do it without you.” He smiled, leaning over to pull you into a kiss. “Get your bathing suit on. We’re filming this by the pool.”
“Does it matter which bathing suit?” you asked, walking into your closet and chucking Colby’s swim trunks at him.
“Wear my favorite one. The one with the black strappy things.” Colby answered, pulling on his swim trunks and grabbing his camera.
That afternoon, Colby posted the video to his channel. Your friends had all eventually joined you for pizza night and Colby had told them you’d all watch it together. With everyone gathered in the movie room, you cuddled into his side and he pulled the video up on the big screen.
*Video start*
Colby was sitting on the ground by the pool, close to the camera. He was in his swim trunks, shirtless, and his wet hair was pushed to the side, slightly stuck to his forehead. “Hi. My name is Colby Brock and my girlfriend has a fat ass.” He ducked to the side to reveal you standing a few feet behind him. You were stood there with your hips swayed to one side and your arms posed like a Greek goddess. Your voluptuous figure silhouetted against the sun behind you.
Laughs and cat calls alike could be heard throughout the movie room.
Not 3 seconds into the Instagram worthy camera shot, Colby then ran and tackled you into the pool. Both of your laughter could be heard as you fell in and swam to the surface of the water. Colby pulling you into a quick kiss before the camera cut to the next clip.
You two were sat in the grass next to each other on a beach towel. The camera a few feet in front of you. Colby spoke, “As most of you probably know by now, I shared a funny story about y/n in an interview Sam and I did about a week ago. This story has since then been taken and twisted somehow into me body shaming my own girlfriend.” Colby turned his head and connected his gaze with yours, adoration clear on his face. His hand moved to rest draped over your thigh. He continued talking, his eyes still staring back into yours. “The people trying to make it seem like I was in any way disrespecting this beautiful woman have truly lost the plot.”
In the movie room you could hear a few “awwwws” until Mike cut in. “Why are you two always so goddamn cute” He was fake crying, his hand over his heart.
On the screen, Colby turned back to face the camera, his hand staying on your thigh. “The people writing that I embarrassed Y/n by saying she wasn’t a skinny girl are really just embarrassing themselves. Y/n isn’t skinny.” Colby’s fingers dug into your thigh a bit. “This isn’t an insult or a jab or said to be mean in any way…and most importantly it’s not a reason for her or anyone watching this video to be embarrassed. And I think that’s what pisses me off about this whole thing the most.”
The video cut to a new clip, the camera on the side of the pool. The two of you were in the water, Colby behind you with his arms around you. It was your turn to speak. “The problem with the criticism that Colby has gotten over this story is that it implies I should be ashamed of my body. If he had shared a story about one of his thin friends getting stuck somewhere no one would have batted a single eye. This furthers the bullshit idea that it’s okay to be clumsy or quirky or to do stupid shit if you’re thin, but oh buddy, us fat kids have to make sure we don’t embarrass ourselves. To everyone that posted negative things about what Colby said…Instead of pretending to be body positive by acting like you were somehow coming to my rescue, why don’t you actually do something to spread self-love and body confidence. Some of you have MILLIONS of teenage girls and boys watching your videos and reading your articles.”
Colby pulled you against him, momentarily upset you even had to make this video. He let you finish and added on to what you said. “To any young people watching this video…Actually, maybe some of the older people need to hear this too…don’t let anyone tell you how much space you’re allowed to take up. Don’t let anyone tell you how loud you’re allowed to be or bright you’re allowed to shine. You don’t have to fit in some cookie cutter mold.”
Before Colby could continue you slipped in “Or in a doggy door”, laying your head back against his shoulder and busting out laughing.
Colby laughed, leaning down to kiss you. Looking back at the camera, he continued. “Watching my chubby girlfriend laugh her ass off while stuck in our doggy door will always be one of my favorite memories.” He moved the two of you towards the camera, resting his chin on your shoulder. “And how shitty would it have been if this wonderful human here in my arms wasn’t able to laugh at it because she was too self-conscious or worried that she was somehow embarrassing me.”
Colby kissed your cheek. You smiled and started talking. “Don’t let some fake, unattainable, BS beauty or body standard steal the joy out of your moments. If you spend your whole life worried about what other people are thinking about you, you’re going to miss out on so much.”
“People can say whatever they want about my relationship.” Colby said, smiling. “I don’t really care, at this point. I’m happy.”
*Video end*
Claps, cheers, and awws could be heard from everyone sprawled out in the movie room.
“I am seriously impressed with how you guys handled that.” Elton said, reaching over to pat Colby on the back.
“I like that you guys kept it funny, too. It’s very you.” Kat said.
“I’m not gonna lie. I heard everything you said, but I really just stared at y/n’s boobs the whole video.” Tara laughed.
“I wondered why your mouth was hanging open the whole time.” Jake teased her.
“I was definitely distracted while editing it.” Colby chuckled.
“Do you think it will get good feedback?” Sam asked.
“Yes and no.” you answered.
“Why no?” Colby asked.
“Well, it’ll get praise for being ballsy and honest, and it’ll get talked about because it’s about body image. Plus, we’re cute as fuck” You laughed. “But you’ll always get those people who feel like they have to tell you who you should be dating. I’ll get comments about how I really should have been wearing a one piece or that I’d be so pretty if I dropped a few pounds.”
“Miserable people hate seeing other people happy.” Mike said.
“Exactly.” You agreed.
“Well those fuckers can unsubscribe then.” Colby said, holding you a bit tighter. “I’ve got my happy right here and I’m not letting her go.”
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
your shitty ex // colby brock
A/N: this idea came to me a while back (literally almost a year ago) and i had plans to write it and post it back in september. that didn't happen, but at least i finally got around to finishing it. sorry it took so long, life has just been a bit hectic lately. lmk what you think and i promise the next fic i write won't take as long lol :)
prompt: partying at the trap house should have been fun, but your terrible ex showed up. colby pretends to be your boyfriend, and then gives you the boyfriend treatment you deserve. || plus size!fem!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: self-deprecation/doubt, asshole!ex, like seriously… he’s the fucking worst, overprotective!colby, party scene, drinking, cursing, SMUT, light body worship/appreciation, so many 'sweethearts' and 'darlings'
word count: 5894
“Colby, recite the alphabet backwards in twenty seconds, and if not, drink three times.” Sam stated.
“What?! How am I supposed to do that?” Colby exclaimed sassily.
“Come on, it's not that hard.” Sam retorted.
Colby sighed, “Z-X-Y-W-”
Sam cut him off. “Brother, you already fucked up.”
Colby rolled his eyes dramatically, causing us all to bust out laughing as he took a long sip of his drink.
I had been friendly with Sam and Colby for about a year now, thanks to being good friends with Katrina. This was the first time I had ever been over their house during a huge party; a real "Trap House party", as they described it. The music was loud and there were people all over their backyard chilling, dancing, and playing in the pool.
We all decided to stick together, playing a drinking game called 'Piccolo'. It was fun but lead to us finishing our drinks really fast.
"I'm all out. Do you wanna go in with me to get another?" Kat asked me, shaking her empty White Claw can at me.
I nodded, getting up with her. “Sure.”
Colby chimed in. “Can you grab me another?”
"We'll think about it!" Kat yelled back as we walked further away.
As we trudged through the doors and into the dining room/kitchen area, Kat turned back to me. "So, how are you enjoying yourself?"
“I'm doing alright for the most part. I do feel a bit... out of place, though.” I mentioned vaguely.
“What why?” Kat questioned.
Shit, I shouldn't have said that.
As a bigger bodied person, you kind of become observant to your surroundings, noticing when you're the only one like you in the general area. But I was trying to be better, not to be so self-conscious. I had been doing better recently, but I couldn't shake the feeling of knowing how much size I was taking up.
I didn't want Kat to know why I felt the way I did. I didn't want pity.
“Um, well, I just feel like I'm the only non-influencer here. I guess I just feel a bit... under-dressed. Not to mention I hate big crowds.” I semi-lied.
“First off, you look great. And secondly, you have nothing to worry about.” Kat grabbed two drinks from the fridge, handing me one. “A lot of people here are friends with Sam and Colby and aren't judgey towards people that aren't influencers. Just try to have fun tonight, okay? You deserve it.”
I grabbed another White Claw from the fridge for Colby. “I'll do my best.”
Sliding back through the doors, we got back over to the tiki hut were Sam and Colby were sitting. I handed Colby his drink and he nodded at me.
"Let me say the next question!" Kat shouted, taking Sam's phone from his hand.
She tapped through a couple questions, choking back a laugh when she stopped on one. "Oh my God."
“What? What's the question?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
She showed it to Sam, and he repeated it, growing quiet. "Drink three times if you've... ever faked an orgasm."
“Did you put it on crazy questions?” Kat gasped.
“You told me to!” Sam grinned.
“Well, I wasn't expecting a question like that.” She huffed jokingly.
Colby looked around the group. “So... has anyone done that?”
Sam glared at Kat, "Don't you dare."
“I wasn't going to drink.” She argued.
I sighed, grabbing my can and opening it up, taking three sips.
“Y/N, you've had to?!” Kat squeaked.
“That's what happens when you have a garbage ex.” I informed.
“Really?” Colby inquired.
“Yeah. He never cared if I got off or not.” I commented, “He also never went down on me.”
“Okay, tmi.” Sam mumbled.
Kat smacked his arm, turning back to me. “Seriously? That's terrible. What a loser.”
“I'll drink to that.” Kat and I tapped our cans together, taking a sip. Colby glanced at me as he brought his drink to his lips as well.
“Fuck! …Nice shot.” Colby rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his drink.
“Thanks. I'm surprised I'm good at this.” I snickered.
“How many times have you played?” He asked.
“Twice. This is my second time.” I smiled.
“Wow, you're a natural.” Colby aimed up his next throw, missing my cups and grimacing. “Are you having fun? I know Kat told me big parties aren't usually your thing.”
I picked up the ping pong ball, throwing it and getting it into Colby’s cups. “I'm okay. A little uncomfortable for a hundred different reasons, but I'm having fun.”
He cocked his head, removing the cup. “Why? What's wrong?”
“I just don't like being in big crowds of people. I kinda feel like everyone is judging me and how I look.” I answered truthfully.
“I feel that way sometimes too.” He agreed.
“I think my anxiety gets worse when I see that no one looks like me.” I continued.
He threw the ball and it landed in one of my cups. “What do you mean?”
Fuck. Me. There's no way to explain that away.
I bit my lip awkwardly, removing the cup. “Like... big.”
“Oh,” Colby’s face twisted for a second, but then he looked back up at me. “Well, even if that is the case, you shouldn't feel uncomfortable. Fuck anyone who thinks you aren't beautiful. Because you are.”
“You're a very good liar.” I snorted, lining up my shot.
“What's there to lie about? You're gorgeous.” He responded sweetly.
I missed all of his cups, sighing. “Okay, do you want me to throw the game?”
“Hey, you can't blame that on me!” Colby chuckled.
I sucked my teeth at him, narrowing my eyes. I glanced behind him for a second and froze, seeing someone a few feet behind Colby.
In all his terrible glory stood my ex, Eddie. His eyes landed on mine, and he smirked devilishly.
My eyes widened, my heart dropping. “Fuck me, he's here?!”
Colby turned around, confused. “What? Who?”
I rushed over to him, hissing. “My ex.”
“Your ex? The one you were talking about earlier?” He questioned.
I groaned. “Yeah, him. Fuck, he's coming over.”
Colby’s eyes landed on Eddie, side-eyeing me. “Was it bad when you guys ended?”
“Yeah, but that's not why I don't want to see him.” I faced Colby, my back towards my incoming ex, “Every time he sees me, he likes to embarrass me. Call me names.”
“He does that?” He muttered, shocked.
“And so much more, you have no idea,” I exhaled. Then a thought popped into my head, “Pretend to be my boyfriend.”
“What?” Colby blinked.
“Just say yes.” I pleaded.
Before he could answer, I felt an aggressive tap on my shoulder. I spun to see Eddie’s smug face. “Oh hey Y/N. I'm surprised you're here. Didn't think they let anyone and everyone in.”
“I could say the same for you. How's your follower count doing?” I jeered, my face dropping.
“It's fine.” Eddie glanced away, annoyed. Then he turned to Colby. “Well, aren't you going to introduce me, Y/N?”
“Eddie, this is-” I started.
Colby interrupted. “-Colby, her boyfriend. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh really?” Eddie hummed, leaning into Colby. “How much did she pay you?”
Colby furrowed his brows. “Excuse me?”
“I can only assume she paid you to take her to this party.” Eddie chortled.
“This is my house.” Colby deadpanned.
I could tell Eddie was upset, but he held back his jealousy. “Wow. That's crazy. You have a beautiful home.”
He kept his tone the same. “Thank you.”
“Why are you slumming it with her?” Eddie jested.
Colby turned to me, lowering his voice. “This guy can't be forreal.”
I exhaled. “No, he is.”
Eddie interjected. “Well, as her previous and only boyfriend, can I give you some advice?”
“Nah, I'm good.” Colby shook his head.
Eddie ignored him. “Just try to keep her away from the junk food. I know she'll she-hulk through a door to get some, so I suggest putting them up on a high shelf.”
I scoffed. “Not like you could reach the highest shelf either. You are only 5'7.”
“5'9,” Eddie gritted his teeth, glaring at me. Then he sneered, “I know it's been two years since you last saw me, but is it really that hard to remember my height, piggy?”
I felt my mouth dry up, my lungs inhaling sharply.
Colby stepped towards Eddie. “What the hell did you just call her?”
“Piggy.” Eddie’s eyes remained on mine, then he glanced up at Colby, putting his hands up defensively. “Oh, she knows it's a term of endearment. Besides, I wouldn't have to call her it if she wasn't so big.”
I hadn't heard that word in two years. And I thought with all the time that had passed, it wouldn't affect me the way it once did. But in the split second of hearing it, I felt like I was back in my old shoes again. Back in my old relationship with him.
I couldn't hear any more of his words, my eyes welling up with tears. I backed away and started to leave.
He said something to Colby, laughing loudly and drawing attention from the people around us. I didn't listen, my hearing and vision swirling around me.
I sped up my pace, not knowing where to go. I just wanted to be away from people, from him. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I covered my face with my hands. I rushed to the side of Sam and Colby's house. The area was hidden away by a gate and all that was back here was some trash cans.
Couldn't have been a better analogy for my self-esteem.
I leaned against the wall and tried to calm down, my chest heaving. I wiped tears away with my sleeves, but they came back immediately.
"Y/N? Are you back here?" I heard Colby's voice suddenly.
"Yeah." I croaked.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. Come here." Colby walked up to me, pulling me into his chest.
I wrapped my arms around him, trying my best not to sob into his shirt. He rubbed my back gently, trying to calm me down.
“What a fucking asshole.” He pulled back, “Was he like that all the time?”
“In the beginning, no. He was really sweet and caring. And then half a year into our relationship, he just stopped being nice. He used to make fun of my weight all the time. That fucking nickname... God, I hated him for it and he knew it upset me,” I sniffled, brushing my tears off my cheeks. “I tried to leave him once and he begged me to take him back. And I did. I'm a fucking idiot.”
Colby cupped my neck, making me look up at him. “No, you're not. He's manipulated you.”
I swallowed hard, leaning into Colby’s touch. “He used to tell me all the time that no one would love me if I left him... that's why I stayed so long. Eventually I couldn't handle it anymore, so I just up and left.”
“You did the right thing. Fuck that guy.” He spat.
I quipped. “Would you believe me if I said that that was him being nice?”
Colby tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, staring deep into my eyes. “I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like that, Y/N.”
I didn't reply. I wasn't sure what to say, or if I even really believed his words.
“Are you okay to go back to the party? He went inside and he'll be leaving soon.” Colby asked.
I sighed. “Yeah, I'll be okay.”
It had been two hours since the whole incident with Eddie. Colby had made it his mission to take my mind off it, and he was succeeding... for the most part.
I still couldn't believe out of all the parties that were probably happening tonight Eddie had to be here.
I was relaxing with Colby's friends by the pool, but the lack of spots caused me and a couple others to have to stand.
Colby patted his thighs. “Y/N, come sit on my lap.”
“What? No, I'm okay.” I dissented lightly.
He scrunched his face up. “Are you sure? You've been standing for over an hour.”
I shrugged off the heavy feeling in my legs. "I'm fine."
“Do you want to sit down? Be honest.” Colby responded, looking me in the eyes.
I admitted bashfully. “…I do.”
“Then sit on my lap.” He argued, smiling.
I sucked my teeth. “I could squish you.”
“Don't think that's possible.” He remarked.
“I'm fine standing.” I affirmed.
“Seriously, just come sit on my lap.” He persisted.
“I feel like you're just flirting with me at this point.” I joked, snickering.
He stated, “Y/N...”
“What?” I puzzled.
"I'm not gonna ask again." His voice was low, his eyes almost dilating under the dim light of the yard. I felt goosebumps trickle all over my skin, my heart skipping a beat.
I ignored my feelings, rolling my eyes dramatically and coming over to him. I lightly sat down on his lap, his arms wrapping around me softly; one arm around my back and another rested sweetly on my knee.
He murmured. “Isn't this better?”
“I guess...” I pulled back, “I'm not squishing you, right?”
Colby rolled his eyes sarcastically. “I'll let you know if you do.”
I leaned my one arm on his shoulder, taking a sip of my drink with the other. Colby continued to talk to his friend next to him, his hand on my knee lightly rubbing slow circles. I gazed down at Colby's face, losing my train of thought.
Wow, he's hot.
I mean, I knew he was attractive when I first met him over a year ago, but up close and personal... he's something else entirely. His eyes were even bluer in person. His voice was so sensual.
And his lips... well, now I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
They were so plump and pink, just dying to be kissed.
Okay, where did that thought come from?
I took another long swig of my drink, trying to relax myself. My face was heating up from my own thoughts, and I didn’t want Colby to know I’ve been staring at him all this time.
Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I glanced down at it, a text popping up from an unknown number.
You should stop sitting on his lap. You’re gonna break him with your fat ass.
Fuck... it was Eddie. He must have changed his number, since I blocked it right after we broke up.
“Who the fuck sent that?” Colby asked, staring down at my lap.
I quickly deleted the text, feeling embarrassed. “Um, I think it was Eddie.”
“How the fuck would he know you’re sitting on my lap?” Colby glanced around hastily, trying to find him. I looked too, and not a second later, I saw him. Eddie was hanging out across the pool, smirking at me. He waved, giving a little nod.
“He’s over on the other side of the pool.” I told him quietly.
“I told him to leave.” He grunted.
“Wait, you did?” I gasped lowly, questioning.
“Among some other things...” I furrowed my brows at Colby. He glanced up and continued. “I basically said if he didn’t leave, I would kick his shins in.”
“You could go to jail for that.” I replied lightheartedly.
“Well, I’ve gone to jail for much less...” Colby finally landed his eyes on Eddie, who looked away immediately. “Has he been watching us this whole time?”
“Probably.” I shrugged.
“Well... if he’s gonna stare,” Colby looked my body over, stopping on my eyes, “..maybe we should give him a show.”
I gazed down at him, my eyes widening. “W-what do you mean?”
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered softly, then smiled mischievously. “I mean, I am your fake boyfriend after all.”
I stuttered. “I-I don’t...”
“If you don’t want to kiss me, that’s okay. But I feel like he’s only bothering you because he’s upset you’ve moved on and he hasn’t. Why not show him what he’s missing?” Colby’s face got closer to mine, his breath fanning across me.
I bit my lip, glancing at Eddie from the corner of my eye.
I’ve let him have too long of a hold on me. I’m so tired of playing his games, and Colby’s right. This asshole is upset because I have someone and he doesn’t.
Granted, he doesn’t know the person I have isn’t actually my boyfriend, but he doesn’t need to know that.
I placed my drink down, taking a deep breath. “You know what? ...Fuck it.”
Colby smirked up at me, leaning in quickly and connecting our lips. I wrapped my other arm around him, lightly pulling on his hair at the nape of his neck. His tongue glided against my bottom lip as his hand moved further up my leg, caressing my thigh. As our tongues danced against each other, I could feel eyes on me, so I pulled away sheepishly.
“Um, maybe we should go somewhere a little more private?” I motioned towards the house.
He bit his lip, “Sounds good to me.”
I stood up, my legs shaking slightly under me as Colby guided me through the backyard and into his house. We made it into the hallway by the kitchen before he stopped and turned back to me.
He pressed me up against the wall, leaning down and kissing me again. I giggled against the kiss, his hands tickling my sides.
His tongue glided across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth more and he slowly slide his tongue in. His hands gripped my hips tightly, my body arching into him. My hands pulled at the front of his shirt, pressing him closer into me.
Colby pulled his lips away for a moment. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Wha-?” I mumbled, trying to catch my breath.
“Were you serious before...? About him not... pleasing you?” He inquired.
I sputtered, “Uh. I-”
“Sorry if that's a bit forward.” He chuckled.
“No, it's fine. I was the one that mentioned it,” I giggled. “But yeah. He never... pleased me.”
“And he never went down on you?” He asked bluntly.
I blushed, surprised at Colby’s words. “...No.”
“Hmm. Well then, as your fake boyfriend,” He trailed off, his hands drifting up and down my body. “I guess I gotta show you what you're missing …If you're up for it.”
I stammered, “Y-you mean like right now?”
“Well not right now right now. Unless you really feel like doing it in the hallway.” He stated cheekily.
I gaped. “Colby!”
“What? You're the one that asked.” He teased.
Colby pressed his forehead against mine, our lips grazing each other’s. His hand cupped my face gently, his thumb rubbing my cheek.
I shuddered out a breath. I wasn't sure what I should do. But before I could even really think, a 'yes' fell from my lips.
“Yes? You sure?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” I nodded.
He beamed. “Okay.”
Colby grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine as he walked me up to his bedroom. My heart thudded in my chest, my nerves getting higher with each step I took.
We entered his room, Colby shutting and locking the door behind me. I gazed around, surprised at his decor. I kept my back to him as I spoke. “It's very... dark in here. Almost like a dungeon.”
He smirked, closing the space between us. “You're not the first to say that to me.”
His lips pressed a kiss into my shoulder, then danced across my skin until he reached just under my ear. His arms wrapped around me, forcing my body against his. He nipped at my skin, my head falling back against his shoulder to give him more room. He continued kissing my neck, his hand snaking up my body. His fingertips traced along my collarbone; my heart almost banging out of my chest.
Colby whispered huskily. “Do I make you nervous?”
I hummed. “Clearly.”
“There's no need to be nervous, baby. Lay down on the bed for me.” My stomach fluttered at the sound of his voice; how surprisingly gentle it was.
I sat down on the bed, turning to face him. I pushed myself backwards until I was laying down, Colby following my movements until he was hovering above me.
He kissed my lips quickly, and then slowly moved down to my neck again, finding the spot from before. It was more sensitive now, the hickey beginning to form. My body arched into his again, a small whimper falling from my lips. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, our bodies pressing together.
Colby's kisses slid past my neck and onto my chest. His breath fanned across my skin, raising goosebumps.
His hands roamed my sides, rubbing them softly. "Can I take this off?"
I nodded, unsure of how my voice would sound if I spoke. He pulled my shirt up and off my body swiftly. His eyes danced across my newly exposed skin, a light blush creeped up my neck and cheeks.
“Gorgeous.” He marveled.
Before I could even register what he had said, his mouth was on my body again. He peppered my skin with kisses, his lips running along the tops of my breasts. I shivered against him.
Effortlessly, Colby's hands slid behind me and unhooked my bra. He lightly pulled it off my body, his eyes making immediate contact with my chest. I glanced away, but he cupped my face and turned me to look at him. “You are absolutely beautiful.”
“You don't have to say that.” I muttered.
“What?” He questioned, cocking his head.
Shit. “I-I didn't mean to say that out loud.”
“Hey, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. You really are beautiful, Y/N.” Colby assured.
He leaned down and pecked my lips gently, easing his way down to my breasts. I gasped as his lips kissed my nipple, his fingers tracing and teasing the other one. His movements were soft and tender, causing my body to shudder. I arched into him, and he smirked up at me. His mouth left my chest, and he inched his way down my stomach, leaving more kisses in his wake. He stopped right above the buttons of my shorts.
"I couldn't take my eyes off of you the whole party." He admitted.
“I noticed.” I joked.
Colby propped himself up for a moment, taking his shirt off. My eyes widened at his body, tone and sculpted like a god. The lines that dipped low into his pants made my mouth water.
He snickered. “You good there?”
My eyes met his, “Never been better.”
He leaned down again, bring his lips close to mine, but not kissing me. I reached up, trying to meet his lips but he pulled away, letting out a little chuckle when I glared. “What do you want me to do now, sweetheart?”
“W-What?” My voice faltered.
“Tell me what you want me to do. Use your words.” He commanded tenderly.
My breath hitched in my throat. The look in Colby's eyes made my hips twitch, needing some form of relief. I could tell from the way he held back a smile that he liked teasing me.
I traced my hand down his arm, lightly grabbing his wrist and pressing it against my clothed core. "I want you to touch me."
"Like this?" He cupped my sex, his thumb tracing up and down, pressing my wet panties into my clit.
I swallowed hard, my eyes closing in pleasure. "Just like that, yeah."
“But you need more, don't you? This isn't enough for you.” He cooed, rubbing me gently.
“N-no it's not.” I shook my head mindlessly.
He brought his lips to me ear, his voice dark. “What else you want, baby? Do you want me to taste you?”
I bit my lip hard, holding back my moans. "Yes."
“Say it. Say it for me darling.” He ordered.
“I want you to taste me.” I uttered hungrily.
“Gladly.” Colby's hands unbuttoned my shorts in record speed, sliding them off my legs even faster. He kept eye contact with me as he lowered my underwear off of me, throwing it behind him. His icy blue eyes made my body clench in arousal.
He leaned down, kissing and licking up my thigh until his hot breath fanned across my aching cunt. I swallowed hard, my hips moving towards his mouth.
“Eager, darling?” He grinned playfully.
I gulped. “Stop teasing me, Colby.”
"I can't. You're just so cute when you're frustrated." He smirked, then stared down at my thighs. He ran his hands up and down, my skin warming up under his touch. "God, your thighs are so sexy."
“They're big.” I grumbled.
“And sexy. Wrap them around me, baby.” Colby pushed my legs up, my thighs resting on his shoulders. He glanced up at me for a moment, a devilish look in his eye. Then, his mouth finally connected with my sex, his tongue gliding up my lips.
I shuddered, my hips grinding against his mouth as he plunged his tongue deeper. My one hand found its way into his hair, the other gripped the silky sheets on his bed. Colby removed his mouth for a moment, nibbling on my inner thigh.
“You taste so good, sweetheart.” He moaned, closing his eyes
I whined, “I need more, Colby.”
"Whatever you want, baby. It's yours.” His mouth connected with my clit, my hips bucking forward from the sensation. I couldn't hold back my moans as Colby applied more pressure to my clit with his tongue, rubbing slow circles. Suddenly, he slid a finger inside of me, my breath hitching in my throat.
“So wet for me.” He hissed.
I writhed under him. “Fuck, Colby! Please don't stop.”
Colby added another finger, curling them and pressing into me deeply. I could feel the buildup of my orgasm already, his motions bringing me so much pleasure.
He gasped, increasing his speed. “You're close, aren't you sweetheart? I can feel you tighten around me already.”
“Yeahhh, I'm close.” I panted, bucking my hips.
“I can't wait to be inside of you. God, you already feel so good!” He rasped harshly.
Colby replaced his fingers with his tongue, the change causing my body to quake under him. “Fuck yourself on my tongue, that's it baby.”
My hips bucked wildly against his mouth, a groan falling from his lips as I sped up. His fingers moved to my clit, rubbing faster and faster. His mouth and tongue devouring me. My stomach clenched as I hit the edge.
“Be a good girl and come for me. Do it, Y/N.” He grunted.
I cried out as my orgasm shook through me, my body obeying Colby. I thrusted against his mouth repeatedly as my juices leaked down my thighs. Colby moaned against my clit, my hips trembling against his lips.
"Such a pretty girl..." He whispered, his mouth trailing up my body, leaving sloppy kisses. He rested his forehead against mine as I caught my breath. "How was that?"
“It was… alright.” I breathed sarcastically.
Colby gasped, “Only alright? I'll have to try harder next time.” After a long pause, he cupped my face. "You ready to keep going?"
My eyes trailed over his body eagerly, “Absolutely.”
“Perfect. Get on your hands and knees and face the mirror, darling.” His tone made my pussy throb, his commanding but sweet nature. Colby slid off the bed, pulling his jeans and underwear down and off. I stared as his hard cock smacked against his stomach.
Not only was Colby better than my ex, he was bigger too.
I faced his dresser mirror, staying upright and watching him. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. His hips pressed into my bare ass, his erection brushing up against my back. Colby leaned in; his mouth pressed against my ear. "Do you feel me against you?"
"Mhmm." I hummed, closing my eyes softly.
"You made me this hard, baby. This," Colby pushed himself even more into me, "...is all because of you."
He kissed and nipped at my neck, a sigh fell from my lips as he did. My thighs squeezed together in pleasure at his words. He pulled away and went to his drawer pulling out a condom. He ripped the package open with his teeth, taking the condom and slowly sliding it down his shaft.
“Get down, sweetheart.” Colby's hand traced down my back, stopping on the small of it as I lowered myself onto the bed.
He lined up his cock behind me, spreading my legs more. His tip traced along my slit, my body arching into him. “Fuck, I need you so bad. You ready, Y/N?”
“Please Colby...” I begged wantonly.
He inched himself inside of me, both of us moaning in ecstasy. His hands grabbed my hips tightly, pulling me all the way back on his dick. My body relaxed onto his member as we both remained still for a moment.
He pulled out slowly and eased back into me, starting a slow but sensual pace. His hands rubbed circles into my hips as he fucked me. Suddenly, he smacked my ass. A sharp gasp fell from my lips. “Fuck, your ass is so sexy, baby. I've been staring at it all night.”
“You have?” I peeked over my shoulder.
“Oh yeah. Couldn't take my eyes off it. Look in the mirror babe.” He lowered himself down and whispered, “Watch me fuck you.”
My body quivered as I looked forward into the mirror. My eyes traced the outline of Colby’s body. His abs clenched as his hips rocked forward into me, my body jolting with each of his thrusts. His chest glistened with sweat as he licked his lips and met my gaze. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
"Fuck..." My eyes dropped away from his intense stare. "Go faster."
Colby picked up speed, the smacking of our hips echoing off the walls. He glided his hand down my back and to my hand that rest on the bed, grabbing it and pulling it behind my back, holding onto me. I couldn't help but mewl at the new sensation rushing through my body. “Look up, baby.”
I opened my eyes and stared in the mirror, watching Colby fuck me faster. I bit my lip hard, his thrusts making me want to scream out in pleasure.
“You're such a pretty girl. Look at yourself right now.” Our eyes met, and he slowed his hips down, “Say it, sweetheart. Say you're a pretty girl.”
I hesitated. “What?”
“Say you're a pretty girl for me.” He repeated.
“I-I'm...” I choked out, not able to finish the sentence.
Colby stopped moving his hips, pulling out almost completely. “I guess you don't want me to keep fucking you.”
I whimpered. “Noooo, don't stop.”
He snarled, “Then say it.”
“I'm a pretty girl.” I mumbled lowly.
Colby slipped his cock deep into me, starting his pace back up. “Again.”
“I'm a pretty girl.” I said louder, my voice desperate.
He thrusted hastily, his hand coming around and rubbing my clit. “Louder, darling.”
My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I bounced on his dick, the new added pressure from my clit making it hard to think. “I-I'm a prettyyy girl!”
“That's it baby! Say you're my pretty girl.” He commanded, pounding me harder.
I moaned helplessly, “Oh God, I'm your p-pretty girl.
“Who’s pretty girl are you?” He growled, gripping my hip and arm tightly.
“Your pretty girl, Colby!” I sobbed.
“Fuck yeah you are! God, I can feel you clenching around me again. You gonna come?” Colby asked, his voice hoarse.
My body vibrated against him. “Yessss.”
“Don't until I tell you, baby. Be a good girl for me.” He demanded.
“Fuck Colby I'm right there! Please let me come!” I begged, wailing.
His cock jackhammered into my pussy repeatedly, going harder and faster with each thrust. I squeezed around him as my moans got louder and louder.
“That's it, Y/N. Come for me! Scream my name. Tell everyone at this party who's fucking you!” His voice thundered.
His name and expletives fell from my lips, my cunt convulsing around him as my orgasm ripped through me. A second later Colby's high hit, his cock slammed into me passionately as his groans grew almost as loud as mine. I could almost feel myself blacking out from all the pleasure, my body collapsing onto the bed. Colby let go of my arm, his hand sliding away from my clit as he caught himself above me. His chest heaved against my back as he pulled out of me slowly, laying down next to me on the bed.
“Oh... my God.” He shuddered, turning his head to me. “Y/N, you okay?”
“Y-yeah. I... I’m so good.” I smiled breathlessly.
We laid in his bed silently for a couple minutes, time passing slowly. Colby traced his hand up and down my back, my body relaxing into his touch. My eyes met his, a light smile resting on his face. He leaned in and pecked my lips sweetly, then he pulled himself up and out of bed.
I turned over and watched Colby lazily get dressed. He pulled his underwear and jeans on, and then turned to face me.
“C'mon baby. We got a party to go back to.” He slapped my ass playfully.
“I almost forgot there was a party happening downstairs.” I sassed. As I sat up, my thoughts immediately drifted back to Eddie. My face twisted at the vision of him still being here.
“What's wrong, love?” Colby asked, cupping my face to look up at him.
I murmured. “Eddie.”
Colby stayed silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing. Then he spoke, "Don't worry about it."
He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on quickly, picking up his phone and calling someone. He stepped away from me, opening the door to his balcony and looking out to the party. I furrowed my brows at his actions, putting my panties and bra back on.
He stepped back in, a mischievous grin on his face. “Finish getting dress. I want you to see something.”
I laughed at his expression, throwing my clothes on quickly. Colby opened the door to his bedroom, pulling me out with him. I glanced down at foyer, seeing a couple people standing around, drinking, and talking. Suddenly a loud commotion echoed off the walls, a man’s voice yelling about being kicked out. Two big security guys pushed this man through the foyer towards the door, the man yelling at them.
I inhaled, covering my mouth. “Oh my god is that-?”
“Hey Eddie?!” Colby shouted down.
Eddie looked up at Colby and me, his eyes widening at the sight.
He waved and then flipped him off. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
Eddie bitched at the security but was forced out before he could say anything to Colby and me. I gaped at Colby, speechless.
"Now we can go back to the party." Colby smiled and winked at me, leaving my side to walk down the stairs.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
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Harry Styles
Matty Healy
a= angst
f= fluff
Harry Styles
Moon Over The Meadow (f,a)
-Harry is the prince and Y/n is a peasant.
Friend’s Don’t (f,a)
-Harry is your best friend that you’re in love with, but neither of you will admit it.
(bestfriend!harry to lover!harry)
Daddy? (f)
-Y/n is a single mom and Harry wants to be a part of the family.
(friend!harry to lover/dad!harry)
Y/n’s a witch and Harry’s her soulmate (f)
-Harry walks into Y/n’s shop one day, sees the brooms sweeping by themselves and gets a little curious.
(witch!reader, soulmates au)
Angel with a Shotgun (a,f)
-Harry’s a bartender and Y/n needs and angel shot.
(bartender!harry x college student!reader)
Ever and Ever (a)
-H gifts her a dress but it’s too small and she has a bit of a breakdown.
(harry styles x plus sized!reader)
All For Me? (a,f)
-Baby doesn’t want Daddy to get mad at her but he could never get mad at his little baby 🥺
(daddy!harry x little!reader)
Let Light Be Light (f)
-But my therapist says to just let light be light. So I'm letting him stay around.
(harry x reader)
Reader is in trouble and Harry’s the only person she can trust (a,f)
Chris Evans
Who’s Chris Evans? (f)
-you’re on the late late show and you’re also married to chris.
(chris evans x singer!reader)
Chris is away filming a movie and Y/n and Sebastian miss him (f,a)
You Bring Me Home (f,a)
-Y/n, Bucky, and Steve are soulmates
(stucky x reader)
Colby Brock
I Feel Like A Hero and You're My Hero (f)
-“I might be really drunk but I think I just fell in love with you…”
(colby brock x reader)
OBX masterlist
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starryevermore · 4 years
good intentions ✧ colby brock
pairing: colby brock x curvy!reader
request: Hi there! Could you please do a Colby Brock imagine where the reader is curvy and when she joins him and Sam while exploring one time and Colby is surprised at how fit she is and keeps making comments about it not knowing that they offend the reader and when he notices that she’s being unusually quiet, he questions her and he feels guilty when he realizes why and he apologizes and it’s fluffy✨thank you so much😘❤️ by @ladykxxx08
summary: colby makes some (well meaning) comments about you during an exploration, not realizing that it hurts your feelings.
word count: 1,466
warnings?: talk about diets and workout routines designed to lose weight, mention of hateful comments related to the reader’s weight, Colby says some things that are kinda hurtful in relation to the reader’s weight
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You weren’t an insecure person—usually. It was no secret that you weren’t exactly the thinnest person in the friend group. Compared to the other girls, you felt incredibly out of place. You’d always been a bigger girl compared to your peers. You had been buying out of the plus-sized clothing sections for so long, you weren’t sure that you’d ever been able to buy non-plus-sized clothing. When you were younger, you were a lot more insecure. You constantly would watch your weight, try whatever dieting fad your mom stuck under your nose in an attempt to make you skinny. None of it ever worked—any weight you would lose in the beginning of a diet was gained back relatively quickly. As you’d gotten older, though, you learned to embrace your curves. They were a part of you, just like your stretch marks and cellulite. If people didn’t like that, then they had no business in your life.
When you started dating Colby, you learned to love yourself even more. It wasn’t one of those cases where a girl meets a boy and he magically fixes all of her insecurities, of course. But knowing that a man as attractive as Colby loved you just the way you were instilled a sort of confidence in you that you hadn’t had before. There were still some downfalls, of course. Colby, as an attractive young man with a young female following, had some seriously rude fans. There was a constant stream of comments telling you that you were too fat, that you needed to go to the gym, that there was “no way in hell that Colby would date someone like you”. There were a few well-meaning comments, too, ones suggesting workout routines and diets to try, some tagging you in workout videos on Instagram or Twitter. But you couldn’t care less. You were quick to block the hateful commenters. You learned to look past the comments giving you “helpful suggestions”. You loved yourself the way you were, so why couldn’t they? 
In spite of your confidence in your day-to-day life, you rarely made an appearance in Colby’s videos. The few videos you had appeared in had a slew of comments about your weight, all varying in rudeness, and you knew Colby took it to heart a lot more than you did. So, you opted out of videos a lot of the time, making the rare appearance in videos where a lot of the friend group was present. But after you moved into the new Trap House with Colby, Sam, Jake, and Corey, it was a lot harder to avoid the camera. So, you joined more and more videos until Sam and Colby asked you the fateful question: Would you join them in exploring a bando for Sam and Colby 3.0? 
While you had your reservations—you knew people would have something to say about you climbing fences or the way your thighs jiggled when you ran or any other perceived flaw they had of you—you also knew that exploring an abandoned location would be so much fun. You didn’t want to miss out on that opportunity, so you happily agreed. And honestly? The little exited face Colby made when you said “yes” was enough to make you join in on every exploration he asked you to partake in.
That is, until you actually got to the exploration part.
Sam and Colby chose an abandoned school an hour and a half outside of LA to explore. It was supposed to not have a lot of security present and was relatively easy to get inside. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was when you all arrived at the school, having just walked about a mile from where Colby parked the car. To get into the school, you first had to climb a fence. 
While you had long stopped working out with the intent of losing weight, you still had a fairly rigorous routine designed to build your strength. You particularly loved rock climbing, so climbing the chainlink fence was a breeze. Colby, who had gone first, wore a surprised expression on his face as he watched you easily climb up then jump down.
“Damn,” he said. “Didn’t expect you to do that so easily.” 
You blinked slowly. Did he really just say that? You forced a laugh, deciding that he probably didn’t mean anything by that. You had been neglecting your workout routine as of late, so maybe it had something to do with that? Right? 
You shook off your shock, watching as Sam scaled the same fence with a camera in hand with surprising ease, a feat that deserved a praise from Colby but was met with silence. The three of you then made your way up to the school, circling it several times to try and find an accessible entrance.
Finally, you spotted an open window a few feet off the ground. “Will that work?” you asked, pointing it out to your boyfriend and his best friend.
Sam looked at it for a moment before nodding. “It’s the best thing we’ve seen so far. Let’s go for it.” 
The three of you walked over to it. As you stood in front of it, you realized that it was a bit higher than you could reach on your own. Colby seemed to realize it, too, and began to say, “Do you need me to help—”
A surge of energy spiked in you as you jumped slightly, grabbing onto the window’s ledge and hoisting yourself up. You didn’t need a fucking man’s help. You pulled yourself through the window, stumbling slightly as you landed inside a classroom.
Colby came a minute or so after you, a wide grin on his face. “Hey, that was really good! I didn’t expect you to be able to do that.” 
You forced a smile, muttering a thanks. Was this man really this clueless? Or did he actually think so little of you?
You didn’t speak much the rest of the exploration. Occasionally, Sam would crack a joke and you’d say something witty. But whenever Colby would say something, you found yourself forcing a laugh but not really adding anything. You were sure that would stir some shit up in the comments, but you were too hurt to care. 
The exploration came to an end when security pulled in, watching as Colby was doing some dumb shit on the roof. The three of you made a break for the exit, stopping only to duck behind things to make sure security wasn’t about to catch you. 
By the time you had made it back to the car, you felt like you ran a marathon. Colby took off down the road as Sam launched into the outro. When it was all said and done, Sam turned the camera off and Colby looked at you in the rear-view mirror.
“Good job keeping up today!” Colby said. “I was really impressed.” 
You were too tired to say anything, so you said nothing.
When you got back to the Trap House, you got in the shower. You tried to make it quick, feeling too exposed after all the hurt you’d endured today. But, as you dried yourself off with the towel, you found yourself staring in the mirror, analyzing your every feature. You suddenly felt like an insecure little girl again. God, how could one bad day do so much to ruin your confidence? 
You didn’t know how long you stood staring at yourself in the mirror, but you knew it was too long when Colby came walking in, concern written on his face.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“Do you think I’m too fat?” 
Colby’s jaw dropped. “Of course not! You’re perfect just the way you are. You know that. You know I love everything about you.” 
“Then...then why did you make all those comments today?”
His brows furrowed together. “Comments? What comments?”
“About how impressed you were that I could keep up. That you didn’t think I could do what I did. It made me feel like you thought I wasn’t good enough to be there with you guys.”
His arms were wrapped around you in an instant. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I was just...I don’t know. I was an idiot. I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying.”
“Yeah, you were a big idiot alright.”
Colby laughed lightly, then dipped his head to kiss your shoulder. “I think I’m gonna need to make things up to you,” he said, kissing down your chest. “How’s that sound?” 
“Mmm, you’ve got a lot of making up to do. Better get to work, baby boy.” 
“Whatever you want, my sweet angel.” 
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scottybrock · 5 years
Superman - Colby Brock
A/N: Requested by a lovely anon: “I have a request/writing prompt for Colby Brock x Reader, where the reader is plus sized and she goes to some party or YouTube event and people kind of bully or pick on her and he steps in like Superman and saves the day and it's cute and fluffy. P.S your writing is great, much love.”
“I can’t believe he’s with someone like her.”
The words echoed around in your mind. They played on repeat, all throughout the day. It hurt, of course, but what were you expecting? Why was Colby with someone like you? Clearly, he could have any girl he wanted; you weren’t stupid. Your boyfriend was fucking hot. He was gorgeous, perfect, even. And you were, well... You. You weren’t unaware of all of the skinnier, and in your opinion, prettier girls that tried to glomp onto Colby. 
“Hi baby,” Colby murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist. Instead of melting into his embrace like you usually did, you stiffened, pulling away from him. All you could think about was what that girl said; why was Colby with someone like you? Colby’s brows furrowed, and he reached for you again. “Baby?” He tried. Your eyes were vacant, your mouth twisted into a bitter frown. You snapped out of your daze, and turned to face him, taking a deep breath. “Why are you with me?” You asked, your voice soft.
Colby’s eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. “Excuse me?” He asked, genuinely confused. “Why would you ask me that?” You lowered your gaze, staring resolutely at the floor. “I just...” You trailed off, sighing. “You could have anyone you want. Any girl would literally die to be able to call you her boyfriend, Colby. You deserve someone who isn’t so...” You vaguely gestured at your body, tears welling in your eyes. “You deserve a girl who won’t embarrass you, when you go to Vidcon, or just out in public in general.” 
Colby took two big steps towards you, reaching out to grip your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look up at him. His bright blue eyes were dark with anger. “First of all,” He started, his voice tight with suppressed emotion. “Don’t ever talk about yourself like that again. You may think that I could have any girl I want, but don’t you get it? I want you. I don’t want anyone else, baby. I just want you, and you only.”
He took a deep breath, then continued. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look, so let me stop you right there. You’re a goddess, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful, and every single damn day, I find myself wondering how I got so fucking lucky.” Your eyes widened at that, the tears trickling out of the corners of your eyes. His eyes never left your face, wanting you to see that he meant every single word he was saying. 
“I love you. I chose you, I want you. I don’t care how long it takes for you to believe me, because I’ll tell you every single day, if that’s what you need me to do. You’re it for me, baby. You’re the girl I’m gonna marry,” Colby’s expression softened, and he released your chin, choosing to stroke his fingers down your cheek instead. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” 
At that, you cracked. You hurled yourself into his arms, the tears streaming down your cheeks in earnest. Colby hushed you, running his fingers through your hair as he rocked the two of you back and forth. “It’s okay baby, we’re okay,” He murmured to you softly, his lips brushing against the top of your head. 
A few hours later, Colby’s arm was slung around your waist as the two of you made your way to one of Vidcon’s parties. He spotted Jake and Sam by the drinks table, and pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head. “Be right back, baby.” He told you. You nodded and watched as he walked up to Sam and Jake, his arms flailing as he spoke. You snickered at that, then turned back to the party, coming face-to-face with none other than the girl who you’d overheard earlier.
Instantly, your insecurities came flooding back. You shifted awkwardly. “Hi-” You began, but the rude girl cut you off. “I don’t know what he sees in you,” She snorted, sticking her nose up in the air. “I mean, you’re just this fat blob, and he clearly could do so much better, hun.” You shriveled underneath her cocky, condescending glare. “Like, you’re just so gross!” She squealed. 
Colby noticed the way you seemed to shrink more and more as the girl continued speaking to you, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. He headed towards the two of you, his drink abandoned on the table. As he came closer, he caught a snippet of the conversation. “Honestly, you’re a disgusting, fat, slob. You’re so gross to look at!” He heard the girl’s nasally laughter, and his eyes darkened with pure rage. You looked up, finally, and caught Colby’s eyes. 
He stormed up to the girl, his fists clenched tightly. “Don’t ever talk to my girlfriend, ever again,” He snarled, his eyes flashing, reminding you of a lightning storm. Unfortunately- or rather, fortunately for this girl, she was currently in the eye of the storm. The girl opened her mouth, and Colby cut her off. “Don’t even look at my girlfriend ever again. In fact, don’t even breathe the same air as my girlfriend again!” Colby’s voice was a feral growl, and it was the girl’s turn to shrink underneath his hateful glare. 
Colby took a deep breath, then walked to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. You looked up at him, your brows furrowed in concern. You’d truly never seen Colby this angry in your entire life. It was scary, but it was hot. You may or may not have been turned on, but that was a story for another day. Colby’s expression softened when he gazed into your eyes, and his lips quirked up ever-so-slightly. “I love you, baby.” He told you. Subconsciously, you noticed as the girl slunk away to lick her wounds. 
Your lips spread into a wide, genuine smile, which made Colby’s smile widen in turn. “I love you too, Superman.” You replied. Colby kept a firm grip on your waist as he pulled you to where Jake and Sam were standing.
 “What just happened?” Jake blurted. Colby quickly gave them a rundown of the situation, and Sam and Jake glared in the girl’s direction. She flinched, then disappeared into the crowd. Sam drained the rest of his drink and slammed the cup down. “Tomorrow is trash day,” He announced. Colby immediately caught onto the quip and grinned. “Should I go tell her?” He asked. You and Jake burst out laughing, and you leaned your head on Colby’s shoulder. 
His expression softened once more, his eyes twinkling at you. “So, I’m Superman, huh?” He asked, ignoring Jake and Sam when they pretended to gag. “That makes you my Louis Lane.” 
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mymindswriting · 5 years
Request Guidelines
Requests are: OPEN (As of 10/06/19)
PSA: I hold the right to refuse to fulfill any request that I do not want to write, or that makes me uncomfortable. I am a full-time university music student, which means I don’t have much free time, but I want to write and get better at writing for YouTubers, so please be patient with me!
Send in requests HERE
PEOPLE I WRITE FOR (* I prefer to write for them)
Damien Haas*
Shayne Topp*
Wes Johnson*
Noah Grossman
Ian Hecox
Keith Leak Jr
Courtney Miller
Olivia Sui
Mari Takahashi
Smosh (As a whole)*
The Vlog Squad 
David Dobrik*
Heath Hussar
Zane Hijazi
Scotty Sire
Alex Ernst
Toddy Smith*
Jeff Witteck*
Matt King
Corinna Kopf
Natalie Mariduena
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock*
Jake Webber
*If you have any questions about who I’d write for, and if you don’t see a person on this loist you’d like to see, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask!*
AS OF: 10/06/19 I mostly write for SMOSH. Please know I haven’t written for many of these people before and it may take me some time to be completely happy with how I capture them. 
Mental Illnesses/Self Harm (Here’s the thing about this: I feel comfortable writing about these topics, but graphic scenes won’t be in my works randomly, or untagged. I have struggled with both these things, as well as suicide, for over 8 years so I myself feel comfortable writing about them, or including them in someway if someone would like to request such a thing.)
Smut (I have written smut for real people, I am comfortable with doing so. I know some people are not comfortable with that, but all of my works will be PROPERLY TAGGED and warnings will be given correctly as needed. Please keep in mind I only write smut for people I am comfortable with, which means not everyone in my character list is someone I would write smut for. For more info, message me/send me an ask)
Suicides (Possible mention if a story needs it, but no graphic depictions of suicide scenes)
Underage Smut (Pretty sure everyone is of age, though)
Uncomfortable kinks (I have written a lot of smut, and feel comfortable writing a bunch of things, but I have a right to refuse things that make me uncomfortable. Bodily functions are a no go for sure just so you know.)
When sending in your request, please consider including:
The character you want me to write, obviously (see list above)
If you’d like it to be platonic or romantic, please specify. Otherwise, I will just do what I think is best for said request
Send in a prompt you like, a description of some sort or a scenario. Basically anything I can turn into a story for you
Be as specific as you would like, so I can really write what you are envisioning. I always try my best with every fic!
If you have any questions about who I write for and what I write about, please message me! I’m pretty open about most things, as long as your request doesn’t go against what I don’t write for, or it makes me uncomfortable, I’ll most likely write it!
My fics are written with a female character in mind, I try to keep all details vague. If you would like specific details to be included (plus size, impaired, tall, short etc) please let me know and I will try my best. Male readers will be a bit difficult since I don’t have much practice but I could try my best if you’d like!
Of course, if you have any questions about this, and are looking to request something but are not sure if I’d be able to write it, please send me an ask, or message me! I promise I will not judge and will just be honest with you if I do not feel comfortable writing it. I’m pretty flexible, so all you gotta do is ask!
Thank you for supporting me! Much love x
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
golbrocklovely’s masterlist
i’ve been meaning to make one for a while now, so here it finally is :)
i’ll be updating it as more and more stories come along !!
also if a story is crossed out, it just means it’s finished 
~ Sam and Colby ~
careful what you wish for : SMUT, demon!colby and vampire!sam AU, porn without plot (mostly) || fem pronouns
we went mad : ANGST, college!AU!sam and colby, death || fem pronouns
our girlfriend : SMUT, bf!snc, no solby || fem pronouns 
complicated - part 1 / part 2 : SMUT, friends-to-lovers || fem pronouns
~ Sam Golbach ~
just a distraction : requested, fluff, light-smut || fem pronouns
carnival ride : fluff, friends-to-lovers || fem pronouns
revenge of the nerd - part 1 / part 2 : SMUT, enemies-to-lovers, college!AU || fem pronouns (OC)
eye for an eye : ANGST, vengeful!sam, death || fem pronouns
the ghost with the most : fluff, ghost!reader || gender-neutral pronouns 
smile for me : ANGST, obsessed!sam, famous!reader || gender-neutral pronouns
a witching hour : vampire!AU, angst, supernatural || fem pronouns
mr. fantastic : SMUT, superhero!AU, corrupt!sam || fem pronouns
sam as a fallen angel : angst || gender-neutral pronouns
the monster - part 1 / part 2 : sam as the monster from frankenstein, angst || gender-neutral pronouns
~ Colby Brock ~
only the lonely survive :  love story, colby x oc
twisted :  thriller, mystery, colby x oc, FINSHED
the chosen daughter :  vampire!AU, love story, thriller, colby x oc
give your heart a break : friends-with-benefits, colby x oc, FINISHED
if we ever meet again : requested, fluff/friendly || gender-neutral pronouns
backstabber : requested, gang/mafia AU, angst || fem pronouns
moment : requested, youtuber!reader, fluff || fem pronouns
let’s be honest : requested, fluff, romance || fem pronouns
when i look at the stars : requested, fluff, romance || gender-neutral pronouns
just so you know : requested, fluff, friendly/romance || gender-neutral pronouns
nothing at all : requested, fluff, vague smut || fem pronouns
not in my world : requested, vampire AU, angst || fem pronouns
pop - up : requested, fluff, romance || gender-neutral pronouns
frat boy : requested, fluff/friendly || fem pronouns
mind in the gutter - part 1 / part 2 : SMUT, bf!colby, public sex || fem pronouns
cake tasting : fluff, romance, friends-to-lovers? || fem pronouns
remember me - part 1 / part 2 : angst, AU!forgotten colby || fem pronouns
what a tease : SMUT, dom!reader, role switch || fem pronouns
tattoo smile : fluff, slight romance || gender-neutral pronouns
(no) farther than friends : SMUT, friends-to-lovers || fem pronouns
never needed : ANGST, heartache, happy ending || fem pronouns
meant to be forever : ANGST, vengeful!colby, death || fem pronouns 
this means war : SMUT, angst, lovers-to-enemies || fem pronouns
your shitty ex : SMUT, angst, plus size!reader || fem pronouns
not so alone : fluff, ghost!reader || gender-neutral pronouns
all i could wish for : ANGST, obsessed!colby || gender-neutral pronouns
mistletoe : fluff, christmas themed || gender-neutral pronouns
let’s fall in love for the night : ANGST, fluff, friends-to-lovers || fem pronouns
privacy please : light SMUT, fluff || fem pronouns
hunger : vampire!AU, ANGST, prince!colby || fem pronouns
cultish love : SMUT, corrupt!AU!colby, supernatural || fem pronouns
scars : requested, fluff || fem pronouns
friends who know the way you taste : requested, implied smut || fem pronouns
home : requested, fluff || gender-neutral pronouns
alone together : fluff || gender-neutral pronouns
colby as a poltergeist : angst || gender-neutral pronouns
the phantom - part 1 / part 2 : colby as the phantom of the opera, angst || fem pronouns
candid : fluff || gender-neutral pronouns
colby x tomboy!gf
meeting colby’s parents
colby x reader on xplr/paranormal trips
your first kiss (ever) with colby
dating colby
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Can you keep up? - Colby Brock x Reader (curvy) 
An All New High - Colby Brock x Reader (smut)
Blue - Colby Brock x Reader 1 2 3
Colby’s Blanket Burrito - Colby Brock x Reader
Nightmares - Colby Brock x Reader
Damage Control - Colby Brock x Reader (plus size/curvy)
Dear Best Friend - Colby Brock x Reader
Emo Justin Bieber - Colby Brock x Reader (singer/anxiety)
All Love - Colby Brock x Bi F Reader
Nips - Colby Brock x Reader (smut)
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome - Colby Brock x Reader x Jake Webber (smut) [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
Parking Garage - Colby Brock x Reader
Lie Detector - Colby Brock x Reader (self-love issues)
A Video To My Future Wife - Colby Brock x Reader
Paranoia - Colby Brock x Reader
Notebooks - Colby Brock x Reader
Awkward Boner - Colby Brock x Reader (smut)
Welcome To The Family – Colby Brock x Reader
Arizona – Colby Brock x Reader [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
Tumblr – Colby Brock x Reader
The Wilderness – Colby Brock x Reader [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
Lap – Colby Brock x Reader (curvy)
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scottybrock · 5 years
I have a request/writing prompt for Colby Brock x Reader, where the reader is plus sized and she goes to some party or YouTube event and people kind of bully or pick on her and he steps in like Superman and saves the day and it's cute and fluffy. P.S your writing is great, much love.
Just wrote it, doll! Hope you like it :)
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