#college stuff is killing me ugh
alexkeller-doodles · 6 months
I love your art style, its so squishy and adorable!!!
If your still open for requests, can I request something Gazalex? Maybe them just cuddling on a couch with a ton of blankets and some hot chocolate?
Hope your having a good winter and happy holidays! :)
[day 40] thank you so much for your sweet words anon🥺💞
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sapphicmuppet · 21 days
unresolved things still in my brain post fhjy finale
okay hihi this is not me trying to nitpick I just have a lot of unresolved thoughts!! okay here we go
Buckys arc:
I don’t have a ton of stuff to say just generally his arc being unresolved, being counted as a follower of Cassandra but that never being formally gone over, him still living with Mac and Donna, him skipping class, the drama with his adventuring party etc.
Bobby Dawn:
another self explanatory one, Sandra Lynn never finding out he was teaching at school, him escaping scot free, the drama in the sol pantheon, him never finding buddy etc. Just a lot of unanswered questions
Mazey Graduating:
for having a finale that has a lot of emphasis on the Fabian/Mazey relationship I wish they went over that Mazey IS a senior and graduated at the end of the year and is presumably going to college in the fall, and just the logistics of her being a college student still dating someone in highschool, just interesting having them get together when they’re already going in separate paths. I wish they went over it!! because now in my brain I have to justify it as a summer thing because they’re actively going to be doing other stuff the next school year.
Kipperlilly (and Jace):
okay so. Kipperlily was never rage starred or she willing took on the ragestar whatever I NEED TO KNOW MORE. Ik the point is that the ratgrinders suck and are inexperienced heroes but the realization that she essentially took all of The Ratgrinders down with her and gave them up to Porter, wasn’t being controlled by him in the way the rest of them were, had an even more direct hand in Lucy’s death, but also was still being manipulated by Porter for years?? I need it to get gone over. Also Kipperlily staying dead? to be clear it shouldn’t be The Bad Kids’ jobs to have to deal with the moral question on if the ratgrinders deserve being revived but there’s so much unsaid about Kipperlily and so much she didn’t get to do ugh. And in her final moments her absolute hatred towards Riz just being justified? In her eyes. Idk. Lots of thoughts. AND JACE!! Porter ADMITS to killing Jace himself and shatterstarring him and says he will do it again, but also Jace is clearly under Porter’s control to a degree and wasn’t revived too. I wish we knew more about him because as of what we know right now it seems crazy to keep him dead without questioning him and with him being Porters partner in this whole thing he could fully reveal everything Porter and The Ratgrinders had been doing the past three years.
idk just minor stuff with Bakur. He never regained his elf status which was interesting? We never saw the resolution of his fight with Lydia etc
Okay the acknowledgment in the finale that Kalina seems to genuinely have her own free will and moral compass outside of Cassandra is making me crazy because I just assumed she was tied to Cassandra so when she was good Kalina was too by default but there’s so much not cleared up about her. She DID lure Cassandra to the synod where she was weak and fostered the rage in Cassandra about Kristen’s treatment of her. She killed herself and was trying to communicate to Riz about Porter. Ankarna has NEVER trusted her. She had the spies tongue with Porter. She’s escaping with Buddy at the end. WHATS HAPPENING WHAT IS SHE DOING AGGHHHHH
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cinnnamongrl · 11 months
sorority secrets- ellie williams (part 3)
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pairing: college!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: part 3 to this fic. you can find part 2 here.
warnings: [18+ MDNI] explicit language, top!ellie, bottom!reader, semi-public sex (sexual acts while other people are (unaware) in the room) (i’m sorry) (no i’m not) fingering (r!receiving) dirty talk, praise, bit of degradation, those are your warnings, if u don’t like, click away 🤺
author’s note: part 3 (of 5) ;0 enjoy ;)
three loud raps at ellie’s door. she pulled away and stared at you, mind working. “don’t you wanna get that?” you questioned. “nuh uh, wanna keep kissing you” her mouth was back on yours, quickly falling back into that eager pace. 2 more bangs, even louder “ELLIE!”.
“motherfucker” ellie got up and walked to her door, meanwhile you straightened out your top and tried to position yourself to sit casually on her bed. the door opened and brittney strode in, hand on hip. “you’re not answering your phone.” she stated. “yeah i’m” ellie’s eyes darted towards you, “busy.” brittney looked at you. then looked at ellie. then rolled her eyes. “whatever. theres a mandatory eta event in 15 minutes. fuckin’ emilia was supposed to tell everyone.” “event?” you questioned. “it’s for charity. a car wash…” she seemed hesitant. a car wash doesn’t sound very sorority-like. “a bikini car wash.” there it is. “you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” ellie spoke. “ugh, don’t get your boxers in a twist, ‘bikini’ isn’t literal, you can keep your fucking nike sports bra on.”
brittney and ellie stared at each other, a silent display of mutual aversion. you shifted uncomfortably on her bed. brittney suddenly moved towards the door, “ok i’m leaving. look at your phone i’ve texted you the details. be there in 15. bye loser” she flipped her hair and left. you almost wondered if she was parodying herself. ellie turned on her heel to face you and you gave her a small smile. “it might be kind of fun?” you offered. she tilted her head to the side with furrowed brows and gave you a half smile, a silent really? you giggled and stood up, “i have to go get changed, i’ll meet you there?” “‘kay” as your hand touched the door handle, ellie’s hand came out to touch your arm and she planted a kiss on your lips, leaving your face warm and a shy smile on your lips.
ellie was sat in a white plastic chair, her eyes scanning the large campus parking lot for something to injure herself with to get out of this thing. she turned to one of the girls standing by her “what kind of charity is this thing for anyway?” the girl put her finger up to her mouth and pondered for a moment, “like… animals… or something. oh wait no… kids. kids with like… no money and stuff.” then she gave a little smile and turned back around, obviously satisfied with her answer. great. ellie moved to take her phone out to text you but was rendered still when she noticed you walking towards her. you were sporting a small red bikini top that perfectly hugged your boobs and illegally short shorts. ellie tried not to gape but that was made near impossible when you looked like that. she rose from the chair when you reached her, grateful to be out of ear-shot of the other girls.
“you look…” her eyes did a quick up and down of you, “like you’re trying to kill me.” you gave her a bashful smile. the sound of a car pulling in made you both turn your heads, followed by the sound of the obnoxiously loud car radio and mix of various different frat boy sounds. brittney and the others ran towards the car with buckets and sponges, arms up in excitement and ellie looked at you with a look of horror that made you burst out laughing. “c’mon, while they’re distracted” you grabbed her arm and pulled her in the opposite direction of the car wash and behind a wall that separates part of the parking lot. “how long do you think it takes to wash a car?” you asked. ellie poked her head round the wall to look at the others, a scene of scantily clad sorority girls getting more soapy water on themselves than the cars; a view which usually would’ve awoken her inner horny teenage boy, but her mind was focused purely on getting a couple of minutes alone with you.
“the way they’re doing it… we could have a solid half an hour on our hands.” she joked. you leaned your back against the wall, “hm.. i wonder what we could do in half an hour…?” playful tone to your voice. ellie raised her eyebrows and pushed down the various images and thoughts that flooded her head despite knowing you were joking. “wow and i thought you were a nice girl.” she crossed her arms and towered over you slightly. “i am” your voice was small. “oh i don’t know,” she stepped closer “nice sweet girls don’t say things like that.” she teased. you almost felt embarrassed at how much you liked her being able to flip the power and make your cheeks heat and stomach feel fluttery after you’d tried to confidently flirt. she moved her mouth to your ear, “do they?” she whispered, her warm breath on your neck sending shivers through you. before you had time to attempt to form a reply, a car horn beeped and the sound of wheels screeching against tarmac signalled the first car wash was over and the girls would no longer be distracted from your absence.
“c’mon” she took your arm and let you round the corner of the wall back to the car wash area. emilia spotted the two of you walking towards everyone, “you guys where have you been?! there’s a couple cars pulling in now, come help!” in her usual lively manner. one car drove towards you and parked. “ellie come help me clean the front over here!” emilia spoke. britttneys voice called out suddenly, voice laced with irritation “emilia we’re cleaning this one! over HERE!” emilia rolled her eyes and waved bye to you both. ellie lifted her arm to lean against the top of the car “go ahead, then” she nodded her head towards the sponge, bucket and hose with a playful smile. “why me?” you questioned. “well the guy is paying for a bikini car wash and,” she dragged her eyes up your body to make a point “you’re in a bikini.”
“fine.” you might as well make your own fun. you picked up the wet sponge from the bucket and wrung it out, purposely getting most of it down yourself. ‘oops’ you teased, mimicking some seriously low grade porn acting. ellie held in a chuckle and watched you. you dropped the sponge onto the hood of the car and smeared the sponge over it slowly, pushing your chest out slightly and holding eye contact with ellie, trying desperately to keep up the silly character and not burst into cringed laughter. you moved over to where ellie was stood and started washing (a loose term for what you were doing) the car, positioning yourself in front of her and bending over slightly to ‘reach a certain spot’ which conveniently pushed your ass out in front of ellie’s view. ellie snickered, partly because she was entertained, and partly to try and hide the fact that your jokey performance was actually kind of turning her on.
you slowly lowered yourself to grab the hose that was laid on the ground nearby and as soon as it was in your grip you spun around and spayed it over ellie, her pretty face pulled into an expression of shock, eyes darting between you and the soaked clothes on her body. you didn’t get to enjoy the view for long before she was running towards you. you screamed and ran around the car, hose gripped tightly in your hands. she changed directions in a split second and the panic made you lose your speed, allowing her to grab you with both arms and wiggle the hose from your tight grip, spraying it over you as payback. your screams and laughter weren’t lost on the others but both you and ellie were too absorbed in your little playfight to even notice. you went back and fourth fighting for the hose, ending up with you crouched down by the side of the car, arms and legs covering your chest in a ball to secure the hose with you, ellie crouched next to you playfully trying to wiggle her way into your hands, and your cheeks aching slightly from being lifted up in your amusement.
‘yo my fuckin car!’ a man’s voice spoke up from the car. you looked at ellie and burst into laughter, the realisation that you were supposed to be cleaning this guys car, not engaging in a hose fight out of his sight. ellie’s chest felt fluttery watching you laugh and she played it off in her head as the cold wet clothes sticking to her body having some sort of effect on her rather than admit to herself her infatuation already. wanting to make the most of your spot being out of eye sight of the others, ellie took your face in her hands and kissed you, briskly but not without sentiment, and your body relaxed, shoulders dropping and hands unclenching. the sound of an engine starting up pulled you apart and you and ellie stood up as the rightfully unsatisfied customer drove away.
over the past few days a combination of a surprise visit from ellie’s step-mom and your college deadlines meant you and ellie hadn’t got to see each other as much as you wanted. your minimal time spent together consisted of tension-heavy glances across the room at eta meets, holding hands under the table, and kisses that were as passionate as they could be with only 20 seconds given to them before someone entered the room. technology was currently your saving grace.
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the eta living room floor had been transformed into a beautiful mess of plush cushions, pink fluffy throws and an assortment of duvets on top of sleeping mats, all positioned around the room with a large tv front and centre. the sleepover was going well; no chad-talk so far, minimal passive aggression between brittney and ellie, and you’d managed to ever-so casually place yourself in the spot on the floor beside ellie, which allowed you to exchange looks between yourselves when one of the girls said something funny, and meant your hands could find each others under the blankets and duvets.
“your step-dad’s kinda hot, britt” one of the girls spoke through loud chews of popcorn “ugh gross, madison, joel’s like 60” madison broke out into an off-key rendition of ‘age aint nothin but a number’ and brittney hit her with a cushion. ellie watched on, disgust obvious on her face at madison’s comment. “so that’s where you get your good looks from, hey?” you joked, voice low enough to miss everyone else’s ears. “i’m adopted.” “oh…” you looked at her, trying to gauge the tone of the admission. she chuckled lightly “don’t worry, i’m not gonna start crying or some shit. my bio parents died when i was young and… joel’s a great guy. he raised me by himself until-” she nodded her head towards brittney who was lost in discussion with the others, “-he married britt’s mom when i was 16.” you nodded your head. she spoke slowly “which was… odd. at first. having to share my space and… my dad, with this high maintenance lady who wanted to transform me into brittney 2” listening to her talk about personal stuff left a urge griping at you to put your arms around her and hold her against you but you pushed down the feeling and just listened. “okay that settles it! magic mike it is.” brittney’s voice called out, bringing you out of yours and ellie’s bubble.
annoyed as you were for having to sit through shirtless men dancing for the past 40 minutes instead of talking to ellie, she found some way to be touching you the whole time which was softening the blow. her finger’s absentmindedly trailing your arm, leg resting against yours, all kept a secret from the others thanks to the pink dotted throw that lay atop both of you. the combination of her gentle touch and her presence next to you was filling you with a peace and sleepiness that made you turn to her and smile. she smiled back and lifted her hands from you to fish for her phone lost in the duvet. she pulled it out, tapped a bit, and locked it again. you looked at her confused for a moment until she gestured for you to check your phone.
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your cheeks warmed in shyness and you silently giggled, opening the chat to reply without the worry of the others knowing yours and ellie’s conversation.
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ellie put her phone down and you followed suit, letting your eyes focus back on the movie in front of you. ellie resumed her soft touches, her hand coming to rest on your thigh. you registered the conversation being had from the other girls, something about mike and his magic. before you had time to catch up a girl called katie turned to you “so who’s your favourite?” she said with a spark of enthusiasm. you blinked a few times. “my favourite..?” “guy!! from the movie!!” “oh! um…” you looked at the screen in front of you. “…mike.” there was a hum of agreement. pulling you out of your conversation for a moment, you were aware suddenly of ellie’s thumb stroking the skin of your inner thigh. an action that could’ve been innocent or a purposeful tease. ellie’s gaze was stuck on the screen not giving anything away, but regardless of the intent it made your stomach fill with butterflies. you attempted to pay attention to the chatter about channing tatum but ellie’s hand was moving further up your thigh, running circles, finger moving past the area your pyjama shorts were covering. your breath hitched slightly as her finger met the seam of your underwear. she lowered her mouth to your ear,
“you can tell me to stop” she whispered. you swallowed, head feeling fuzzy and body feeling heavy and warm. emilia spoke, voice directed at you “you know who kinda looks like channing tatum… chad!” she grinned wide. amazing timing. all of the girls looked at you, seemingly waiting on a response. “um i guess, haha” you smiled weakly. ellie’s finger was now stroking the cotton of your underwear, purposely avoiding where your body wanted her the most. “god you’re obsessed with him! it’s adorable.” emilia giggled. you managed a small huff of faux laughter. “so what’s your favourite thing about him?” asked madison. your mind was cloudy and did not have the capacity for chad-talk when ellie’s hand was where it was. “i uhm- i like his h-air” ellie ghosted her finger over your clothed clit and you softly cleared your throat to cover up the squeak that left your mouth on the last word of your reply. another little hum of agreement filled the room and you prayed that was the last of your q&a. “he’s got super cute hair.” katie nodded at you and if you weren’t preoccupied with feeling a whole load of other things you would’ve been feeling grateful that your answer was acceptable to the group.
ellie moved to rest her head against her arm propped up by her elbow and faced towards you, hand still under your shorts. “what about his personality? you think he’d be a good boyfriend?” ellie inquired, seeming genuine to everyone else. you looked at her with pleading eyes. she was mean. “s-sure,” ellie dragged her finger up the length of your cunt right up to your clit, where she applied a bit of pressure that made your head dizzy. “he’s f-funny and ni- mmph” ellie started to draw tight little circles, the fabric of your underwear adding to the blissful friction. embarrassment flushed through your body and you hoped to god your little slip up could be passed off as an awkward word jumble. “oh my gooood, you’re getting so shy talking about him! that’s so sweet.” cooed madison. ellie was shamelessly getting off on watching you struggle to pretend to everyone you were obsessed with this chad douche while she was playing with you over your panties, making you a stuttery mess who couldn’t even form basic responses. “i bet he’d treat you real good” ellie spoke, a mock that was only clear to you. “hm?” she expected a response. “mm” you managed, bordering on a whimper. a small part of your brain was worried about how you were coming across to your sorority sisters right now but the larger part was purely consumed with ellie’s perfect movements and the feeling building in your lower stomach as a result. as much as the thought of ellie making you come right here whilst your new friends were in the room scared you, the twisted part of your brain found it heightening your arousal and making your head feel even more fuzzy. the attention was finally off of you, they had switched back to the movie and we’re talking about the scene. you forced your eyes back there as well, too scared to look at ellie. she picked up her pace and your eyes fell shut.
ellie watched your chest rising and falling in quick succession and your teeth biting down on your lip which she was sure you didn’t even realise you were doing. watching you hold back little moans and fail to keep your composure had ellie soaking through her boxers and she squeezed her legs together to try and relieve the ache. she kept her eyes on you, waiting for the signs you were almost reaching your peak. your breathing got quicker and head fell slightly back. just as you felt the coil in your stomach threatening to break, ellie stopped her movements and removed her hand from your shorts. your eyes fluttered back open and you fought hard against a whine that threatened to leave your throat. ellie used the opportunity of the other girls full engagement on the screen to dip down and kiss your shoulder. you looked up at her but she was staring ahead at the screen, little smirk playing against her lips. you wanted to pounce on her, half in a sexual way and half in an angry way. you crossed your arms and furrowed your brows at the screen, a weak attempt at trying to hide how needy and embarrassingly horny you were and instead seem really interested in these half naked male dancers. 5 minutes into your casual act ellie moved a hand to lightly trace lines on the skin of your inner arm. an innocent display but with the unreleased tension that was firing through your whole body, her light touch was making arousal prickle at your skin. “you enjoying the movie?” ellie spoke quietly, a fake sincerity to her voice. “‘mhm.” you replied, eyes not leaving the screen. “seems it” smugness evident in the upturned corner of her mouth.
an hour later the bright glow and animated sounds from the tv were long gone, now the only noise came from the last few late whispered conversations and occasional ruffles from sheets being slept in. you and ellie had spent the hour keeping giggles, chats and flirty teases hushed to a secret volume, bodies laid facing each other. you were still basking in the fuzzy sleepy state ellie had created, but pushing down the neediness seeing as ellie was clearly feeling mean tonight. that pleasurable feeling of relaxed comfortability mixed with giggly excitement that you always got whenever you were with ellie seemed to be heightened in the late night environment of whispers and touches under the covers. the sleepover setting was also prodding you both towards wholesome playful discussions.
“what’s your favourite… food?” you asked, little jump of excitement when you thought of your question. she laughed and her heart did a little jump watching you grin at her. “pizza.” you screwed up your face. “pizza.. so basic.” “oh i’m sorry miss fancy pants should i have said my favourite food is …” she pondered for a half-second “an amuse bouch?” you chest bubbled with laughter and you nudged her playfully “no i just meant that’s what everyone says. and ‘an amuse bouch’ is not a food.” she signed dramatically, the soft orange glow from the only lamp left on contouring the features of her face and it made your heart leap a little at how beautiful you thought she was. “ok my turn,” she started, “what’s your… favourite animal?” you thought for a moment. “bunnies!” “checks out…” she began “you’re like a little bunny.” you pretended to be offended by the comparison “am not. i’m like a scary lion.” she laughed “absolutely not. you’re a cute little baby bunny.” she lightly tapped your nose. “cutest.” you held your bottom lip with your teeth to hide the embarrassed smile that was threatening to surface. “and you know what they say about bunnies?” she teased. “what?” “they fuck like crazy” she laughed at her own comment and her voice threatened to reach normal volume. you hit her on the arm “ellie! the others could hear” you spoke in a desperate hush. “they’re all asleep.” you hadn’t even realised the lack of background chatter for the past few minutes and sure enough you sat up slightly to scan the room and were met only with the still bodies and slow breathing reserved for sleep. you turned back to face her “oh.”
she pulled your body back onto the soft floor where you’d been resting and leaned over you to place a kiss on your mouth. she laid one hand on the floor to prop herself up and the other came to rest on your side. the kiss instantly sparked up the arousal that had been siting vacant in your body for the past hour. she deepened it for a few seconds before pulling away. “i’m going to the bathroom.” she spoke. surprise was evident on your features and she just chuckled lowly and got up out of her ‘bed’ to walk out of the living room, leaving the door open behind her. you sat yourself up. really? after her antics this evening she couldn’t wait even just a few minutes to p- oh. was… that an invitation? surely not. oh my god you freak she’s just peeing. unless..? you wriggled out of the mass of blankets and duvets laying over you and walked towards the door. you reached it and stopped in your tracks, running it over in your head and turning back. 2 seconds later and you decided to turn back around again, walking through the hallway to the bathroom, assuring yourself if she didn’t mean it as a proposition you could play it off as also needing to use the bathroom. you reached the closed door and stood in front of it feeling slightly embarrassed. you turned your head towards the direction you just came from, getting ready to sneak back, when the door opened suddenly.
she looked at you and raised her arm to rest on the door frame. just like she’d done the last time you found yourself in a vulnerable position in this very bathroom. but this time she didn’t talk, she just grabbed your waist with her free hand and turned you into the room, shutting the door behind her and placing you against it. and then she was kissing you, desperate and eager and you were grateful for her holding you otherwise you thought you might’ve melted onto the floor. her hands dipped under your top and her fingers traced the skin under your boobs. “ellie” you breathed out, clouded mind and sleepiness taking away any filter, mouth moving on its own terms. “this ok?” she asked. “mmhm” you nodded desperately. “more” you pleaded quietly. “manners, pretty girl.” she instructed. “more, please ellie” you whispered. “good girl” her mouth was back on yours as her hands lifted under your top, giving a light squeeze to your boobs and rolling her thumbs over your hardened nipples. you let out a little moan into her mouth and she groaned softly.
“brittney has this thing,” ellie started to speak breathlessly between kisses, “where she-” kiss “-wakes up to pee-“ kiss. your mind wondered where this could possibly lead to information important enough to interrupt this, “at pretty much exactly-“ kiss “-12 each morning” kiss. you held her face and looked at her “what?” she looked up at the little decorative silver clock resting on a cabinet in the bathroom “it’s 11:50.” she went back to kissing you, tongue meeting yours, emptying everything from your brain. she lowered a hand to your lower tummy and ran her finger along the waistband of your pyjama shorts. ellie looked down at them. white with tiny frills at the hem.
“i like these” she told you, lifting the elastic and letting it snap lightly back against your skin. you chewed on your bottom lip, shy smile on your face. she kissed you again, a little slower this time, teasing you despite how insanely desperate she was herself. she let her hand dip under your shorts and ran her fingers over your panties again, feeling the patch of wetness where your pussy met the cotton. she smiled into your kiss “you’re dripping.” your face was burning and all you managed to reply was a little huff. “so cute” she teased, all the while knowing she was just as, if not more wet under her own underwear. she moved your panties to the side and dipped a finger into your folds, trying desperately to hold back a groan. she brought your wetness up to your clit with her thumb and a moan was pulled from your throat. she rubbed little circles, making your mouth drop open slightly and grip onto her arms. “there you go” she cooed.
just as you were growing used to the feeling you felt her finger at your entrance and you gasped lightly. “you want it?” she asked. the thought of more stimulation than she was giving you already made you feel dizzy. “yes” you breathed out. “beg for it.” she demanded, a bold choice with the time limit you were on. “please ellie i need it. need you inside, please” ellie thought her legs might give out. she obliged, filling you up with one finger and beginning to move, “squeezing me so tight baby”. you whimpered in response, head full of nothing but the hot pleasure your body was feeling. your breathing was starting to get heavier again and you squeezed your eyes tight. “so close already. ‘s that because of earlier?” she taunted. you shook your head yes. she chuckled mockingly “such a little slut letting me touch you while your friends were talking to you. bet it made you so wet didn’t it? knowing they had no idea i was playing with your little pussy the whole time” a pathetic whine left your throat and she grabbed your jaw with her free hand “answer me.” “yes ellie” your voice came out shaky.
“think you can take more, baby?” you nodded, willing to take anything she gave you. “such a good girl” she praised and it heightened the pleasurable submissive fuzz your head was swimming with. she added another finger and the fullness made your jaw go slack, a succession of little whimpers and moans leaving your mouth. ellie was watching you in awe, your face a beautiful display of full pleasure and the pretty sounds coming from your mouth made her stomach flip. “so pretty” she muttered, almost to herself. your release was fast approaching you, hands gripping ellie tight. “you gonna come, pretty girl?” ellie cooed. “m g’nna come” you confirmed in a whimper. “come for me angel,” your orgasm hit you and you clenched down hard around her “that’s it baby, come on my fingers” she murmured as you came undone, body shaking from the pleasure and leaving you limp, held up only by ellie. your mind was coming back into focus as you noticed ellie leaving little kisses on your shoulder, up to your collarbone, neck and jaw. you looked at her and she looked up at you and smiled. you rested against the door catching your breath. she took your hand and spoke softly, “brittney.” “huh?” your mind not quite catching up yet. “it’s nearly 12.” she gestured to the clock. “oh!”. you let her guide you back to the living room, feet moving slowly to avoid loud creaks.
walking into the sorority main room a high pitched squeal caught your attention. you scanned the room quickly to find ellie and you have her a little wave. emilia came running towards you and dragged you towards where everyone else was. “so…” she started “since you gushed about chad so much at the sleepover the other night-“ your stomach dropped. “-i took it upon myself to set you guys up!” she grinned at you expectantly. you didn’t speak. “don’t be nervous! it’s tonight at the tipsy bison bar but don’t worry, we’ll all be there too and he’s bringing his friends.” she beamed. “right girls?” she spoke to the others. a jumble of ‘yeah!’‘s and ‘of course!’‘s. brittney didn’t say a word. neither did ellie.
part 4
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tag list @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @nil-eena @alexpritch @robinismywifee @girlfr1endism @sc0ttstre3ted (sorry i don’t know why some blogs won’t tag;(( ) happy to add people to the taglist but i can’t tag you if you don’t have your age in your bio!! my blog is 18+ !!
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mako-neexu · 1 month
all guda related stuff in mahoyo collab
summoning as a highly complicated magecraft -> highly intact sense of self, magical energy, magical crest, sheer willpower........you who is light and equally dark....
casual comments/banter to the people they trust
guda getting shocked of all things at a talking bird www
gudako -> young girl that likes to jog every morning
gudao -> brat that likes small time candy store sweets
UGH the further emphasis on Servants being familiars that no one - not anyone should just use (exceptional...)
stressing the role of a 'Master'
'I also make mistakes a lot'
"I still don't see what's so special about summoning."
guda screams during summons? lmao kind of reminds me of mash with lord camelot
the way guda just refers to other people as 'that another human' www (i know 'person' is more accurate but to me it sounds like an alien in disguise calling someone as 'fellow human' ww)
Of COURSE guda knows how to stop their own pulse
disbelief. perhaps gut feeling. guda's perception of death to others. (i guess in the face of unnatural they would doubt it. but considering Id chapter, it would depend on the person and how theyre closest to?)
'more like tobimaru' 'more like soujyuurou' getting angry on behalf of someone without letting it show as well... i Understand.
Don't face world-ending disasters alone
IM CRYING OH MY GOD IM NOT WELL "did you sleep well?" "i slept peacefully because the night was quiet and nice" AUGH GUDAAAAA😭
probably nothing of note but additional descriptor to guda is that they look like a college student as compared to previous descriptions of being 'high school student'.......
not being good at horror stories 🥹 reminds me of summer 5...
(unwell) i forget about guda's tactical prowess sometimes (lies) + guda's mention of the looking glass reminds me of berkercas valentines...
Subtle but gudao's reaction to beating down kashin is 'exhausted or relieved' meanwhile for dako she has the 'doubt' in her dialogue
subtle again but theres a hesitance to guda when asked about what the future looked like. but their second option is saying "eh there arent any flying cars anyways"
ahh okay now i know the crypto stuff guda said. its from gudao. is this MHX's influence lmao. gudao youre advertising crypto seriously? ww
guda casually joking about the times they astral project out of their body likes its nothing and mash is not normal either of course and treats it as regular occurrences. well, its regular but for a normal average person in the 21st century, it certainly isnt ww
GUDA ONCE AGAIN PROVING that despite being 'camera' for us players, they actively hide information and i am not over that fact. (knowing who the culprit is before most of the rest-)
guda not hesitating at ALL to rayshift back to 1999 where the end of the world was supposed to happen www
Ah!! To encourage kinomi in confessing, guda confessed their own out in the open!!!
A bakery with the one they love / A wish to reach the South Pole
You may not be able to have all of your dreams, your nights be peaceful, but I hope that you will still be rewarded at the end of your journey 😭
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Yautja x Fem.Reader
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Edit: I see someone wants a part two, if ya'll get this to 200 notes by next Saturday, I'll totally do it. I'll give ya a little extra if you make it to any number higher than that, even by one. *genuinely intrigued about how this'll go* Edit 2: Here it is babes, Part 2, Part 3
I hear people are looking for this so, here. Also, this is my shitty attempt at a dark fic, because I wanna try one--even though it's faaaar from my regular style, I'm far from a darkfic writer, but I like challenges-- and it seems many people have been craving a dark fic of Yautja more than not, so I'll hopefully help y'all out (I wrote this when I was sleepy so idk how it was). *puts all smutty writing experience into this*
Want more from me? Ask or check out my Masterlist!
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Breed (Predator)
Warning(s): Probably the smuttiest smut I've ever smutted, noncon details, breeding, rough, unprotected, a creamy little pie, size difference, triggers (so do not read if they apply to you), this turned long asf.
You survive with a Predator who killed all of your friends...but it seems the Yautja have taken an interest in you and don't plan to let you leave...
You groan out, tossing your head to the side.
What makes you realize you aren't in your bed is a few things.
There's an echo.
It feels like you're laying on a hard table.
Your wrists are bound to your chest.
Your ankles are weighed down by something heavy, which after moving around your toes you realize are cuffs connected by a chain, where most of the weight came from.
And most importantly, you can't see, you noticed as your lashes fluttered against a cloth.
"Where am I?"
"Above earth," an amused, disembodied voice responds.
A familiar voice, one of your friends.
"Ester...? I thought you died..."
"What you didn't see didn't happen."
"Hey, can you take this stuff off me?" you grunted as moved to shift your arms to no avail.
"Why would I do that? I put you there."
Your brows furrowed, "What?"
"You see. That whole thing was a setup, I was working with them this whole time."
"But why? They killed your friends! Our friends!"
She chuckled, "Oh, that's what you believed. I was just doing my job to survive. To find them the perfect specimen."
You grunted as you struggled and failed to loosen your restraints.
"You see, they've been for years, creating more advanced creatures to hunt. They've already tried to with another species, Xenomorphs--the ones that spit acid. But they wondered if they could try such a thing with humans..."
Your blood ran cold, "Please don't tell me..."
"They realized they could, they hunted for the perfect human, one who possessed certain genes that had a high percentage of handling a Yautja seed. And when one wanted to kill me after hunting all my allies a few years ago, I offered to do anything. Now I've found you."
"So-ugh--then what? They're just gonna let you go?"
"Well, my part of the deal is finished. There's no other use for me."
"Exactly, idiot," you muttered.
Suddenly you heard a loud thumping sound.
"Ah, here they come."
You moan in despair as you try to move, the cold metal biting against your ankles, "This is hopeless."
"Here's the human you left with, she's perfect, she's worthy of you due to her survival."
Yes, you remember.
Suddenly you found yourself helpless, the two...Xenomorphs you supposed, had terrorized your college class during your international trip to the Daintree Rainforest.
The other creature--the...Yautja had killed a few security guards and three of your friends. As you grew to understand this Predator, you realized it only killed something that seemed to be a challenge, everyone that was killed by it had a weapon at some point.
But you, you're a tough one. You survived, and the Yautja gave you weapons to aid it, you managed to kill a Xenomorph on your own.
You had enough education about tribal tradition to know when it smeared some of its excruciatingly burning blood on you, it found you worthy in a sense.
Or he, since as far as you know most creatures bred with the opposite sex.
"I can leave now, right? If you want I can tell you where I can be dropped off," Ester happily spoke up.
You heard a familiar sound slice through the air, his weapon.
"W-wait...what are you doing? I did what you--what you asked...No! No! No-!"
You heard a body thump and a strong smell of blood fill the air, you knew the smell with little effort after the last two days.
There was some shuffling, you guessed she was being dragged away to be dumped by another one of them.
Then the thumping footsteps started up again, getting closer. Until he stood next to your... examination table.
You tried to shift away, not being able to do much but hold yourself up and not fall halfway off the edge. Only for your arms to get tugged and move you back to the more comfortable position.
"Please...I can't--I can't provide you with anything."
You jumped as you felt a nail trail down your jaw before a scaly hand--that was still surprisingly smoother than you expected--gripped your chin, twisting your head left and right.
You couldn't help the shiver that ran down your spine.
A thumb brushed against the acid mark he gave you on your cheek.
The only sound you heard was a sharp grunt, in disapproval or satisfaction, you didn't know.
His thumb dragged across your lips before his hand went lower...
You stiffened when the wandering hand paused, before yelping at the sound of a blade moving through the air.
He slowly sliced through your long-sleeved shirt and bra, your breath hitched as you felt the cold metal graze your skin. If there was any more pressure, he would've sliced you open.
You let out a breathless sigh as the restricting bra released you. You hated bras sometimes.
You could feel him move and tried to shift away, only for him to catch you by your neck and slide you back into the position you were in.
With a quivering lip, you felt curious hands explore your breasts.
"Please, just let me go..."
You bit your lip at an experimental squeeze.
You couldn't seriously be reacting to this? Could you?
But when you felt something brush against your sensitive bud...
Your breathing skipped.
Another pause, before it was tested again.
Your hands tightened into fists.
Then without warning, he relentlessly rolled the hardened bud between his fingers.
With a whine, you tried to move away, only for his grip on your neck to tighten.
You tried to keep as much self-control as you could, but that changed a few minutes later when his hand moved, your stomach jumping as it came and went and stiffening as the hand stopped at the band of your pants.
"Please...don't..." you desperately pleaded.
There are a few seconds of dragging his thumb back and forth against your hip, as if deciding, but ultimately tearing it all off in one motion.
You squealed at suddenly being exposed, trying to clench your thighs together.
He denied you of this, effortlessly opening your thighs to expose for him to fully see.
You decided to be defiant as you felt him shift onto the table.
"This is--isn't going to work. Humans and Aliens aren't going to be able to--do this," you tried to move your legs, the heavy chain helping you none, "I'm not even remotely aroused--"
He interrupted you as you felt him lean closer to your wetness, feeling his breath hit the sensitive area.
The clicking sound he made almost sounded amused, before making you gasp as he rubbed a curious finger against you.
"Mm--stop--you--you can't--!"
Shuddering as a finger slid into you, you attempted to wriggle out of his hold. Only for his grip to tighten a little more, at this point, he was definitely warning you.
You felt embarrassed by the light squelching sound you heard. At least you didn't have to see.
Then two more were added.
"I can't--that's too much!" you cried out.
But when his wrist brushed against your cilt, your body completely surrendered.
He realized how greatly that affected you and decided to continue learning.
With a shaky breath, you desperately tried to hold back. Tried to deny your body's pleasure with your mind.
You clenched your thighs together at an attempt to stop his hand, but all it seemed to do was piss him off and force your legs apart, his originally slow and curious pace becoming rougher.
You bit your lip hard, keeping in any sounds.
But in the end, your body betrayed you, and with a long whine and bucking hips, you released.
He pulled his hand away and for a moment you thought he was done for now.
Until you felt something rubbing against you, something you could tell already wouldn't fit.
"That's not gonna--!"
You whimpered as he effortlessly slid in with a gravelly groan, the stretch stung.
"It's not gunna--It's not gunna...Take it out...."
Your head thumped back onto the table.
Without a break in movement, he kept moving, the chain connecting your ankles lightly clinking.
You let out a little sob as you bit your lip, you didn't know if it was from the violation or the pleasure, possibly both.
Every time he thrust forward, you could feel the stretch.
"It's gunna...gunna..."
He slid his hand up your throat just enough to push down the lip your teeth dug into with an index finger.
He wanted to hear you.
But with defiance, you swallowed every sound you made.
Until the speed changed, the cold metal rubbing against your back from the table, a stark contrast to the heat you felt.
Finally, he started getting little sounds out of you, whimpers, pleads.
Abruptly, he pulled away, leaving you empty, before easily moving the weighted chain that felt like a ton to you and flipping you over on your knees.
You winced as your face smacked into the table. Your arms still bound in front of you.
You groaned into the metal as he completely filled you again.
As he moved, you felt more force behind each thrust.
"I can't--It's too--too much-ah!"
He slammed harder, which made you try to cushion your face.
Your heard a few sharp grunts, yet not of effort, which didn't surprise you. You were probably a warm-up.
Your body gently quivered from the force.
And the chains loudly clinked in time with him.
Combing his fingers into your hair, he tugged you back, landing seated in his lap.
He sat motionless for a few seconds, a throaty groan was let out.
You made one last attempt to wriggle away.
And you think that made him completely snap from annoyance.
And you knew this because when he moved again, it was like he'd decided to completely destroy you.
With roughness you never experienced before, a deepness you never felt, a speed you didn't know was possible, he pounded into you at least a few times before your skin even slapped against his again.
And it seemed he was satisfied, every sound you hid before was milked out until you couldn't even process where you were anymore.
All you could feel was him, the pleasure, that stretch, all you could hear was the squelching of your wetness.
Your mouth couldn't even close anymore, completely drunk off him.
Your thighs shook terribly, barely able to handle him.
And you wouldn't even be surprised if he still went easy on you.
You were close.
When he tightened his grip, cutting off your breathing that was it.
Your hips bucked wildly as you released for the second time, a long moan ripping out of you.
Clenching around him so deliciously made him follow after. Filling you to the brim, and dripping down his length.
You sighed, as you began to settle only to whimper when you realized...
He wasn't done yet.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
Dear Diary. . .
18+ for some smut. . .
Steve thought a lot about people's sexuality since Robin came out to him on the floor of the bathroom at Starcourt. Well, he thought about it a lot more. Before, it was only a casual thought. How could two members of the same sex do that? Not in like a hateful way but more in a curious way. How could two men have sex? He usually spent time on it, thinking about it. . .too much time thinking about it, really. That should have been his first clue, but at the time, he shook those thoughts away by telling himself that he was just being overly judgemental like his dad. Now, he was thinking about it a lot more, and he couldn't quite figure it out until Eddie Munson walked into Family Video one afternoon.
"It's fucking freezing! I can't believe Keith made us come in. I swear that I'm going to do it this time," Robin said. "I'm gonna kill him."
"You keep saying it, but then it never happens," Steve chuckled.
"There's no one even here!" Robin complained.
It was the middle of December and pretty damn cold. No one would be crazy enough to escape the warmth of their homes just to get a movie. He was quickly proven wrong, though, when the door opened and Eddie Munson walked in.
"Jesus H Christ! It's freezing in here. Do you guys have the air conditioner on in the middle of winter?" Eddie asked.
"It's broken. We couldn't fix it, and we couldn't get anyone to come out," Steve said.
"And you guys didn't just say 'fuck it' and go home?" Eddie asked.
"We can't really afford to do that," Steve said.
"Really? King Steve can't afford to take one day off? The man with his own castle or so I've heard," Eddie said, and Robin scoffed at him, scowling.
"You mean, my parents' house? Yeah, no. It's their house and like they've told me since I was six: It's their house and they just allow me to live there. They made me start paying them rent the minute I didn't get into any college, and they threatened to kick me out without all my stuff if I didn't pay up on time, so no I can't really afford to say fuck it," Steve said. "And the thing about being called King Steve are the assumptions that come with it. They assume that because I was born into money that everything that comes with it is mine. That I have it easy. You know, you can have all the money in the world but you can't pay your parents to love you. I mean, I don't know. Does it make you feel good when people call you freak?"
"Jesus. . . No," Eddie said, looking properly shamed. "Look, sorry, man. I can fix your problem for free."
"Which problem? People calling me King Steve or my parents not loving me?" Steve asked.
"Well, I can't fix those problems, but I can fix your heat," Eddie smirked. "Let me go get my tools."
He left the store, leaving Steve alone with Robin.
"He's lucky he apologized and offered to fix the heat, or otherwise I would have kicked his ass," Robin muttered, and then she paused. "Your parents are home, aren't they?"
"Yeah," Steve muttered.
"You know, my dad put bunk beds in my room like I'm a kid or something. Want to have a sleepover?" Robin asked.
"Only if I get the the top. A top for a top," Steve said with a smirk.
"Ugh. You'll get bottom and like it," Robin said. "You know, my parents love you. I think you should take up their offer and -"
She didn't get to finish her sentence because Eddie made his way into the store. He shook his toolbox at Steve.
"Lead the way, Harrington," Eddie grinned.
"I'll mind the store, although I think it's pointless. I don't think anyone else is crazy enough to come out in this weather," Robin said to Steve. "You mind him."
"Thanks," Eddie grinned cheerfully as he followed Steve into the back.
Wordlessly, Steve watched as he took off his jacket and got to work. The other man was wearing a tight red sweater. It was so tight that Steve could practically see his. . .wait, are those. . .are those nipple piercings? Steve swallowed. Why couldn't he look away? The movement of Eddie rolling up his sleeves tore his attention away from the man's nipples. There was a tattoo of a creature controlling a puppet on his forearm. He stared at it while he worked and wondered if there were any more tattoos on Eddie's body. Steve tilted his head to the side as he pictured taking off Eddie's sweater to look for more, his mind picturing Eddie's piercings. He could imagine them so clearly, and Steve could see his own hand reaching out to brush his thumb over the piercing. Suddenly, Eddie's underneath him, and Steve is reaching down to take it -
"All done!" Eddie's voice called out.
"What?!" Steve exclaimed.
He realized what he was feeling now. The familiar pull of arousal in his stomach is something that he immediately recognized. Mews being eaten by a demodog! Mews being eaten by a demodog! Yeah, that did it. Eddie was staring at him now with his big brown beautiful eyes, his plump lips looking ever so kissable. Shit.
"You okay, man?" Eddie asked. "Where did you go?"
"Oh, nothing, sometimes I just space out," Steve said, trying not to blush.
"Yeah. I do that, too. I fixed it!" Eddie exclaimed proudly. "Am I forgiven now?"
"Oh, yeah, definitely," Steve said. "Thanks."
Eddie shrugged on his jacket and shook his toolbox at him.
"I'm going to go put Bert up now," Eddie said. "And then look for a movie."
"Bert?" Steve asked.
"My toolbox. Problem?" He asked.
"No, it's cute," Steve laughed.
Eddie looked at him for a moment as if he was trying to figure him out.
"Hm. Dustin was right. You are an interesting dude," Eddie said.
They walked out of the back together, and Steve continued to watch him as he walked out.
"It's definitely warming up," Robin said. "Thank God!"
Eddie walked back in and started browsing the aisles, Steve’s eyes never leaving him. Robin unscrewed her bottle of water and started drinking.
"Yeah, I can definitely picture myself having sex with that guy," Steve said, and Robin started choking on her water. "Jesus, Robin. Are you okay?"
"Am I okay?! Are you okay? What the hell, Steve?!"
Later that evening, after they got off of work, Steve and Robin immediately got settled up in her room. A random radio station was playing in the background. They were laying on the floor, their feet pressed against the wall, as they stared at the stars on Robin's ceiling.
"So, let me get this straight - something which we apparently both aren't - you kept trying to picture how it worked between two men, and apparently, that made you think that you were homophobic?" Robin asked.
"Pretty much," Steve said.
"Okay, you're going to have to start telling me all of your thoughts outloud so I can tell you if you're wrong or right," Robin said. "I'll do the same thing with you."
"Like we're diaries?" Steve asked.
"Exactly like we're diaries, Steven," Robin said. ". . . Diaries who give feedback."
"What if they're dirty thoughts?" Steve asked.
"I'm a fully grown lesbian. I can handle it," Robin said. "I want every single slutty detail."
"Okay," Steve said.
"For example: Dear Diary, my platonic soulmate realized he wasn't straight today. He also came out to me. I want him to know how proud I am of him and how much I love him," Robin said. "Even if he is attracted to boys."
"Dear Diary, I came out to my platonic soulmate today after finally accepting that I can be queer. . .that I could be bisexual like Bowie. I don't think I ever could have gotten to this point without learning from her. If she hadn't trusted me, then I wouldn't have been able to put so much trust and courage into accepting myself. I'm so proud of her, and I love her so goddamn much," Steve said. "Even if she is a pain in the ass."
"Aw, Steve," Robin said tearfully and took his hand, interlacing their fingers together. "You know what my favorite thing about our friendship is?"
"We're both bitches," Robin said and they both burst into fits of giggles.
After that, Steve wished for more interactions with Eddie, but whenever he went to pick up Dustin from Hellfire, Eddie would scowl and look away whenever Steve tried to wiggle his fingers at him. Eventually, it just became awkward, so Steve stopped trying. He didn't even look at him anymore. Steve even tried approaching him in the grocery store just to ask what his problem was, but Eddie took off and ran out of the store without buying anything. Eventually, Steve realized that Eddie clearly still saw him as King Steve and wanted nothing to do with him. So Steve stopped trying, disappointed, and rejected. Instead, he tried moving on by going on dates, and eventually, Steve pushed Eddie to the back of his mind. . .then spring break rolled around. It all went to hell, and suddenly, he was fighting to save Eddie from being convicted of murders he didn't commit while also trying to stop the earth from splitting open.
Luckily, it was all a success with some injuries. Unfortunately, Eddie still needed to be hidden from the town, and Steve's house was the best place for him. He was currently resting in Steve's guest room, bandaged heavily as he was worse off than Steve but not so bad that he needed a hospital. Steve was pacing downstairs. Now was the perfect time to talk to him. He couldn't run away this time. Steve sighed and walked up the stairs. He entered the room without thinking and without knocking. Eddie froze, his unbandaged hand down his pants. He quickly pulled it out.
"I had an itch!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Uh. I can come back," Steve said.
"No, seriously! It was an itch!" Eddie exclaimed. "I was just thinking about you."
Steve��s mood changed pretty quickly. His cheeks turned pink, and he grinned. He slid carefully onto the empty space beside Eddie. He used an elbow to avoid laying on his stomach.
"Really?" Steve asked.
"How could I not? You pulled me out of hell, man," Eddie said. "I wish I could thank you properly, but I can't even get out of bed."
"You can thank me by letting me do all the work," Steve said.
"Uh, yeah, okay," Eddie said, looking at him, confusion as he started to disappear under the covers. "What are you - Oh! Oh! I think there was a misunde - OH, fuck it! It's such a good one. JESUS H CHRIST!"
There was a popping sound from under the covers as Steve peeked out from under the blankets.
"Do you want me to stop?" Steve asked.
"No! Get back down there," Eddie said and pushed his head down. "I can't believe - I, uh, thought that I hated you and I, uh, I uh, I didn't understand why I did. Oh, fuck! It's why I ran - I shouldn't have - Steve, Steve, I think I'm going to - God!"
Steve plopped down on the empty spot beside Eddie, smirking as he licked his lips.
"I didn't think I would be so good that I'd get a name change," Steve said. "God. God Harrington."
"Cocky asshole," Eddie replied. "So, what does this mean? Is that all I'm good for, or do you want more from me?"
"I think I would like to try more with you," Steve said softly.
"Me too, and once I get better, I am so returning the favor," Eddie smirked.
"There's a lot of things we're going to do when we get better," Steve said as he leaned in close to Eddie's face.
"Oh yeah?"
Steve placed a soft kiss to Eddie's lips, smiling when Eddie started kissing him back. Steve pulled back.
"The first thing, though. . .I'm so making you sleep on the couch," Steve said.
"What?!" Eddie yelped. "Why?"
"Well, one, you forced the kids to choose between Lucas and Hellfire. Second, you didn't stick to the plan, and you nearly died in Dustin's arms," Steve huffed.
"But I - yeah, no, that's fair," Eddie mumbled. "I do feel bad about making them go through that. I'm going to work my ass off to make it up to them."
"I know you are," Steve said softly. "Luckily, you've got the rest of your long life to make it up to them."
"Thanks to you," Eddie said, and Steve bit his lip. "You want to tell Robin, don't you? Go ahead."
Steve went downstairs and into the kitchen. He picked up the phone, twirled the phone cord around his finger, and dialed Robin's number.
"Dear Diary. . . I totally went down on this really cute guy. . .bit of an asshole. . . but he's working on it. . ."
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Bad Idea || Kinktober - Day 3
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pairing ▸ jung wooyoung × f!reader
now playing ▸ bad idea - dove cameron
⤷ ❝i've got a lot of sins, but you're my favorite.❞
genre ▸ college au, (one-sided) "enemies" to lovers, kinda angsty, smut
warnings ▸ mommy kink, dry humping, marking, degradation, biting, mentions of depression, self-harm, blood, attempted suicide, hospitalization
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You sit in a circle, bored out of your mind.
A bunch of drunk college students thought it'd be fun to play a silly party game called "Seven Minutes in Heaven".
The last pair of students came back with swollen lips and a few hickeys.
Chaewon: Alright! Y/n, spin the bottle.
Y/n: I told you I wasn't playing.
Chaewon: Just do it once! You don't actually have to do stuff in the closet. Just wait until the seven minutes are over.
If she wasn't your friend, you'd punch her. But you sigh, spinning the stupid bottle.
It comes to a stop and you look up at the chosen one you'd be locked in a closet with.
Oh, fuck no! Absolutely not.
Chaewon: Off you two go! Try not to kill each other please.
Easy for her to say!
Wooyoung smirks, confidently walking towards the closet. You follow, putting as much distance between you and the boy as possible.
Hendery: Game starts as soon as I close this door.
Then he slams it shut, locking it from the outside.
Wooyoung: I see you’ve grown out of your baby cheeks.
Y/n: Is that a compliment?
Wooyoung: Just an observation.
Y/n: Whatever.
He chuckles.
Wooyoung: Haven't seen you since junior year of high school.
You cross your arms, staring at your feet. Why is he talking to you like you're old friends catching up. You just want to leave this stupid closet.
Y/n: For good reason.
Wooyoung: Why? We used to be great friends.
Y/n: Like you care.
Wooyoung: Of course I care.
If he did, he would've been there for you when you needed him the most. But he wasn't.
Y/n: Just shut up.
Wooyoung frowns. You never talked to him this way before, what happened? Why'd you drift so far away from him? When did you get so cold?
Wooyoung: Why do you hate me so much?
You scoff. There's no need for him to know, it already happened.
Y/n: Figure it out if you want to know so bad.
He whines quietly.
It'd be easier to clear the air if you'd just talk to him. Why are you being difficult?
He pouts, not liking how you're ignoring him. So he starts kicking your leg to catch your attention.
Y/n: Quit it!
Wooyoung: Not until you tell me what I did.
Y/n: Ugh, fine!
He smiles triumphantly, leaning forward with anticipation.
Y/n: Remember when I spam called you the night you went to Yeosang's birthday party?
He nods.
He was going to call you back when Yeosang took his phone away so he wouldn't be distracted. He meant to follow up with you, but you disappeared.
Y/n: Massive trigger warning, but I was going through a rough depressive episode and needed someone to distract me from doing something really bad.
Wooyoung's smile drops, his shoulders slumping in sadness.
Y/n: When you didn't pick up, I got upset and the bad thoughts got worse. My mom was home, so I couldn't do it there... But I ended up walking to the nearby bridge.
Wooyoung's stomach tightens, a few tears falling down his face.
Y/n: I took out the razor blade I had in my pocket and cut really deep into my arms. I threw it into the river below me and I climbed the railing.
Wooyoung's bottom lip trembled, taking your hand in his. You didn't pull away from him, which made him feel hopeful.
Y/n: Before I could jump, Haknyeon saved me.
Wooyoung: My friend?
Y/n: Mhm. He said his family was on their way back from eating out at a restaurant when he recognized me and told his dad to stop the car.
Wooyoung: I'm happy he did.
Y/n: I wasn't. But he never told anyone what happened. He covered for me and lied to my mom about what happened. He helped me get better until I fully recovered.
He should thank Haknyeon. His best friend wouldn't be here today if he hadn't been there to save you.
Wooyoung: That's why you randomly disappeared... Because you were in the hospital.
You nod, smiling at him.
Y/n: Very dark period in my life. I still have some days where I'm feeling icky, but not as bad as that day. I hope I never get to that point again.
Wooyoung: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.
Y/n: You didn't know. But I still held a grudge 'cause you promised never to ignore me.
Wooyoung: And I wasn't! But Yeosang took my phone and told me to stop letting you distract me.
Y/n: Why would I be a distraction?
He clears his throat, feeling a bit embarrassed now. It's not an appropriate time to talk about that.
Hendery: Five minutes!
Right, they're still playing the game.
Wooyoung: Ain't no way that was two minutes. This feels rigged!
Hendery: Maybe if you weren't boring and kissed her, time would go by faster!
Wooyoung: He's crazy.
Y/n: Yeah, but he's hot so it cancels out.
Wooyoung: You think he's hot?
Y/n: Well, yeah. But I wouldn't date him.
Wooyoung: Would you fuck him?
Y/n: Why're you asking?
Wooyoung: I'm curious.
Y/n: No. We're both dominant types in the bedroom, it wouldn't work out.
He hums in acknowledgement.
Wooyoung: What about me? Would you fuck me?
Y/n: Do you want me to?
He shivers in place before answering.
Wooyoung: Yes.
Wooyoung clears his throat, not expecting the conversation to have gone this route.
But he likes it.
Wooyoung: I've always had a crush on you. Ever since we met, actually.
Y/n: Damn. If you had asked me out when were were kids, I would've accepted.
Wooyoung: And if I ask you now?
Y/n: I wouldn't hate the idea.
Wooyoung: Do you want to go on a date with me?
Your smile beams, making his worries disappear.
Y/n: I'd love to, baby.
He giggles, hiding his face behind his hands. You coo, moving to sit next to him.
Wooyoung: Can I call you Mommy when we're alone?
Fucking hell.
Y/n: Yeah, baby. You most definitely can.
Wooyoung: Okay.
You can see him let himself go, letting you see the side of him no one else can see.
Wooyoung: Can I kiss you, Mommy?
Y/n: Come sit on my lap, precious.
He wastes no time sitting on your lap and wrapping his arms around your neck. His body melts at your touch, your lips dancing with his.
He angles his hips so his crotch rubs against your clothed heat. He softly whines into your mouth, loving the feeling of having you to himself.
Y/n: Baby, can I mark you?
Wooyoung: Yes, please. Want people to know I'm Mommy's.
You smile, pulling down the fabric of his hoodie. Your hot tongue licks the skin of his collarbone before you paint a few red marks on him.
You know they'll bruise later.
His hips stutter, loving how intimate and scandalous this was. Inside of someone else's closet at that.
Y/n: Look at you, so desperate for me. Mommy's little whore.
Wooyoung: Mommy, please.
Y/n: Please, what, baby?
Wooyoung hides in the crook of your neck as his rhythm picks up pace, whimpering at how good he's feeling.
Hendery: Three minutes!
Wooyoung quietly whines. He doesn't want this moment to end. He pulls down your shirt and starts biting your shoulder.
Y/n: I like that a lot, baby.
You moves your hands from his hips to his ass, giving him a hard squeeze. He chokes on his moan, not wanting Hendery to hear.
Y/n: Is my pretty boy feeling shy?
Thing is, he has no problem acting like an arrogant asshole all the the time. But when it comes to the bedroom, he turns into mush and wants to be held.
He wants you to reduce him to nothing but Mommy's fucktoy.
Y/n: Aww, look at you. What happened to the boy that was so bold and sure of himself just moments ago? Why do you seem so small now?
His brain short-circuits. Your tone was sickenly sweet and soft, but your words were mocking him. It's confusing his brain.
Y/n: What's wrong, baby? Is it too much to process with that little brain of yours, hm?
Wooyoung: I- Um, w-we... What's-
He looks so fucking cute. You want to fuck him silly, but that can wait for another day.
Y/n: Look at you, stuttering and tripping over you words. How about I shut you up, baby.
He gasps as you kiss him. He feels so good, loving the way you're holding him.
You hum, sliding your hand under his hoodie. You pull him impossibly closer, using your tongue to part his lips.
He quietly whines, rememberng where you guys were.
Hendery: One minute!
Y/n: How about you make yourself cum, baby?
Wooyoung presses into you, the friction stimulating you both. He inhales another moan, trying his best to keep his sounds at bay.
Wooyoung: Gonna cum, Mommy.
His muffled words were so cute, but you understand him perfectly.
Y/n: Go ahead, baby. Let it out for me.
His hips stutter, releasing inside his underwear. You cum at the same time, feeling your panties soak.
He whines, feeling sticky but so good.
Wooyoung: Thank you, Mommy. Was so good.
Y/n: Of course, my cute boy. Now, fix yourself up, We've got 15 seconds.
You smirk, watching him pull down his oversized hoodie over the front of his jeans. He wipes his face and fixes his hair just in time.
Hendery: Wow, you two really are lame.
Y/n: Thanks, Dery.
Hendery: You guys didn't even talk?
Y/n: What's there to talk about?
Your friend rolls his eyes and pushes you out of the closet.
Wooyoung immediately goes back into his confident and arrogant persona. But you know the truth.
Wooyoung: She's a buzzkill, dude. I need another drink.
They wrap their arms around each other and follow you back into the other room so other people can play the game.
a/n: yeah, idk. i think i'm incapable of NOT adding some sort of plot... the song barely has connection to the fic, i just like it. thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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entertext · 4 months
HGSN 24-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Yoshiki: ...Haha
Yoshiki: ...So it was a clichéd human-sacrificing village huh?
Yoshiki: Of course...you'd hide that...
Hikaru: But I don't need heads or anything to grant wishes
Hikaru: Why?
Yoshiki: In the end, the "sin of the Indous"...
Hikaru: I can't remember...That part's still all fuzzy.
Yoshiki: Ugh, there's no one else who was close to Hikaru's dad and seems to know some stuff...
Yoshiki: ...No, there...is one...,but...
Principal: And now let us sing the school song
Chorus: Over the blue~~mountain range~~♪
Chorus: Soars Tenbanzan―♪
Hikaru: (It seems like a ton of people's lives have been offered to me.)
Hikaru: (But it kinda makes sense)
Hikaru: (Honestly, if anything, it feels right...)
Hikaru: (If we continue to understand more about Nounuki-sama like this)
Hikaru: (Will we find a way to reduce the impurities?)
Hikaru: (If that happens, will I be able to stay like this for good?)
Hikaru: (The thing that poses the most danger to Yoshiki isn't the impurities, but...)
(sfx: gulp)
(sfx: rattles open)
Asako: How sneaky of you, skipping out on the ceremony
Hikaru: If I say I was taking a dump, they won't get mad
Asako: Summer break starts tomorrow
Hikaru: Yeah, you gonna do the homework?
Asako: I always finish it in the first week, but Yuu-chan always does it in tears on the very last day, haha.
Hikaru: Haha, I'll make sure to do it too. Studying's fun
Asako: Hey, y'know.
Hikaru: Yeah?
Asako: You really aren't Hikaru, are you?
Hikaru: ...
Asako: I saw you on the second floor staircase landing a while back.
(sfx: head scratch)
Hikaru: .... Ah
Hikaru: Asako, y'know...even before...that kind of thing
Hikaru: You really shouldn't say it to me directly...It's stupid
Asako: Yeah
Hikaru: You gonna tell?
Asako: I won't
Asako: Not a soul.
Asako: Hikaru not being Hikaru is scary and weird. Yoshiki knowing that and acting the same as usual is weird, too.
Asako: There's no way I could do that...It's like...everything's weird
Asako: But, y'know...for some reason, I can't bring myself to completely hate the current you, 'Hikaru'.
Hikaru: Even though I messed up your right ear?
Asako: Oh, right, that was you...
Hikaru: I'm sorry about that, Asako. I already promised Yoshiki that I wouldn't do anything to you anymore.
Hikaru: And that I wouldn't kill anyone else...
Asako: Ahaha....you really aren't human.
Asako: Hey...Is Hikaru still alive somewhere?
Hikaru: No.... This body is already a corpse
Asako: Oh
Asako: *sniffles* I kinda already...
Asako: thought that was the case...
Asako: Uugh...
Asako: Uuuuu
(sfx: rubs)
Asako: Uu...uwaaaaah...
Hikaru: (Ah...that's right)
Hikaru: Sorry
Hikaru: (Hikaru should have had everyone be sad over him like this)
Hikaru: (Because I'm here, no one will be sad like this)
Hikaru: (That may be what Hikaru wished for)
Hikaru: (But if I wasn't here, maybe Yoshiki would have been sad with everyone else, and it might not have been as painful as it is now)
Hikaru: (And then maybe everyone would have been able to look forward)
Hikaru: (And think about college and stuff)
Hikaru: (And have fun...)
Next chapter: 2024/02/13
Twitter Extra (link):
After becoming 'Hikaru', he has a bit of a tendency to get up close and personal regardless of gender. It's the same as the tendency of humans to quickly pet cats.
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ryeriy · 1 year
Requested: no
No More Secrets- Ethan Edwards
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warnings: swearing
pairings: !hughes reader x ethan edwards
I had no classes today so it was just me, myself, and I today.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Was the sound I heard from my dorm door. I was thinking it was just a friend coming for a visit. Or maybe my roommate, Laura, forgot her books of homework for a class. But I forgot she had sports roadtrip so it couldn't be her.
I get up from my bed in my dorm and go to go answer the door. I swung it wide up just to see a farmilar face standing there.
"Hey baby." It was Ethan.
"Don't say that! Get in here!" I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him inside my cramped dorm.
"What did I do this time." He sighed while looking at me.
"Luke has eyes everywhere! He can't find out about us Ethan! He'll kill me! And you!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, that I just came to see my girlfriend for once!"
"God dammit Ethan! Ugh." I sigh before looking at him.
"Works everytime." He says while putting a smile on his face.
"I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean it." I said while pulling him in for a hug.
"I know you didn't mean it." Holding me with his arms around me while giving me a kiss on my forehead.
We stood there hugging each other for a minute before hearing the vibrations on my phone go off. Releasing from the hug I walk over to my phone to see what's going on.
"Oh shit! My family is calling!" I forgot my brother's always call to see whats going on. I didn't expect them to do it now.
"What do I do?!" Ethan frantically said.
"Just be quite and don't get in the camera!" I told him while picking up the phone and putting a smile on my face for my family.
"Hey (y/n)! How's college?" My mom asked me. I was quite late to the call. I must not have heard them the first few time.
"It's going good here." Making myself trying not to look over at Ethan who is messing around with my stuff on my desk.
Conversation kept rolling between all of us all until he fucked it all up. Ethan spilled all my stuff on my desk.
"Ethan!" I exclaimed at him. Not paying attention that my whole family heard this. You could hear him in the background saying "shit."
"Ethan?!" "Who's Ethan?!" "Why's Ethan in your dorm?!" I could hear my family gossiping on the call. I put down my phone while I went to go pick up the stuff that fell. I was mumbling all sorts of things under my breath.
"I'm sorry." Ethan whispered to me softly.
"It's okay. It's not your fault." I said while give him a peck on the lips before going back over to my phone.
"Who's Ethan (y/n)?" I could hear my brothers say as well as my mom.
"He's one of my teammates and he's a junior!"
"Luke that means nothing! Just because he's 20 and I'm 18 doesn't mean anything! I'm an adult now if you forgot." I exclaimed over the phone. I could see the look of guilt on Ethans facr out of the corner of my eye. I felt bad.
"Yeah, yeah, he's a junior and your freshman. That's wrong!" He scolded me.
Tears were forming in my eyes. I just hung up the call and put my phone down. Ethan walked over to me. Sitting down next to me on my bed. Pulling me onto his chest. Holding me close to him and giving me a kiss on my head.
"It's okay." He softly whispered to me while I was silently crying. Feeling tears roll down my eyes.
I finally stopped crying after a few minutes and I looked up at him.
"It's not your fault. We don't have to keep secrets anymore." He gave me a soft smile and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
"I know." He said while playing with my hair.
"Do think he'll be mad forever?"
"No. He'll get over it. But if he doesn't I'll still be with you. I could care less what he thinks." Putting a small smile on my face a bit. Making me feel a little bit better. He always knows how to make me feel better.
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niuniente · 1 year
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I stumbled upon above image from this blog and went “Huh, that’s exactly how my fingernails grow. I know it can be a sign of a severe health problem but doctors haven’t found anything and my fingernails have looked like that for my whole life”. (I’d like to grow my nails long but I can’t because the pressure of the curving is too much and painful.)
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(and here’s a pic of healthy nails, growing as they should)
I checked the origin of the photo and found the blog I just mentioned. It’s run by an English person who was diagnosed with BJHS - Benign Joint Hybermobility Syndrome. I read all the person’s experiences and symptoms and yikes! That’s me! (with overlapping IBS and iron deficiency which can’t be treated)
“Benign meaning “it will not kill me,” not that it’s all fluffy-kittens-and-sunshine. Joint Hypermobility meaning my joints move too much in the wrong ways (yes, “double jointed,” though of course I have only a single set of each joint). Syndrome meaning that this problem creates a cascade of other issues throughout my body. BJHS is a connective tissue-based disorder. Somewhere along the line, my genetics have made it so that I don’t either produce enough of, or don’t process completely, the protein collagen. Collagen is like the scaffolding for every connective tissue in  your body. Connective tissues include: skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, hair, bones, eyes, blood vessels, spinal discs, cartilage, the intestines, the heart, the liver… basically, everywhere. In fact, I can’t actually name a part of the body that doesn’t contain it.”
Here are the blog person’s experiences VS my experiences
Insomnia: did I mention the hyper-wired, jazzed-up, over-talkative, never-shuts-down nature of my brain? That I get more hyper the more exhausted I become? That I used to sleep so lightly that my roommate in college could wake me up by writing in her journal? Did I mention that, without the right meds, I probably get one or two nights of truly deep, restful sleep… a year? Me: Yup! I sleep so slightly that when I had a flatmate, I woke up when she touched the handle of her door. Though my insomnia isn’t as bad as this persons, I do regularly need melatonin to sleep normally. Otherwise I can’t fall asleep until 8am, even if I was super tired during the day. Otherwise I sleep well.
Liver metabolism: I have serious problems processing medications, as I have a liver that is slow to metabolize chemicals. I cannot take a very long list of drugs, including most pain killers. This also includes naturopathic treatments… even my own hormones! I get side effects (or no effects) with everything I take. As my naturopath likes to say: “You just walk by a chemical, and it affects you.” Me: My shiatsu healer said that my liver is not working properly. I have hormonal problems. Even with the IUD I still get them monthly, though IUD has improved my health tremendously.
Complex PTSD and anxiety: like the stuff combat veterans get, only not quite. Caused by excessive exposure to stressful situations that one cannot escape, like, say… a bully at work (not saying that was my situation. Just as an example…). Though I received great treatment, people with BJHS are prone to stuff like this: fight or flight, remember? Me: I’m getting better but I’m 24/7 anxious more or less. I hope I can continue having anxiety medication for “bad things” like traveling. Do you know how annoying it is that you love traveling and have traveled the same journey for 10+ years and your anxiety still says “Okay but this time, something bad CAN happen!!” I was also pretty much mute for 12 years. My muscles are tense 24/7 due hyperactive nervous system and anxiety.
Heart palpitations: yucky, but harmless Me: Sometimes they happen, ugh...
Irritable bowel syndrome Me: TELL ME ABOUT IT QoQ The IUD has helped with this, too, as apparently I also have endometriosis which causes IBS to some.
Sinus problems and severe allergies (go immune system, go!) Me: YUP! Just got finally an allergy medication after sneezing daily, 20 times a day for 30 years. I new life has began! My nose isn’t running! I don’t need to have a truckload of tissues everywhere!
GERD (bad acid reflux) Me: And it gets worse with hormonal changes... I’ve got 4 different medications for this.
Poor balance and an inability to fully understand where my body is in relation to everything else. Me: Not really my issue but I do get clumsy with hormonal chances. It’s a common joke between me and my sister by now.
An inability to regulate body temperature, including both freezing extremities and excessive sweating, sometimes at the same time Me: This is genuinely THE WORST! It’s -30C outside, I go there half-naked, walk for 3 minutes and I’m sweating like a little big. All my clothes are trenched with sweat in 10 minutes. I’m inside and it’s 23C and I need wool socks and wake up with a sore throat because it’s too cold. I also “catch” the temperatures easily and shower (or sauna) is then the only option. If I catch “cold”, I will not warm up no matter how warmly I dress and sit in front of a heater. If I catch “hot”, I will not cool down even if I sat in front of a fan naked with ice-cubes on my body.
Hair that breaks easily and nails that are bent and curl off the tips of my fingers, as well as fingers that wrinkle like I’ve been in the tub for days Me: Yes. I need to use hair oil daily and baby oil for body and my eyes are like Sahara desert. Nails curve and my fingers are always wrinkly.
I have painful big toe joints, so no high heels for me. Walking long distances can be a disaster, so good shoes are very important. I suffer from plantar fasciitis, which means the bottoms of my feet hurt, especially in the morning. Me: Same. I went to doctor to complain how my toes hurt but they couldn’t find anything. My soles hurt extremely easily - like 5h walking and I’m already in pain. Doesn’t matter if I’m 45kg or 100kg in weight, it still hurts the same. Fingers hurt all the time.
My immune system is hyper-active as well, mounting elaborate, full-scale mucus or lymph node or other responses to mild colds and viruses. I’m sick a lot longer than normal people, and a lot more seriously, yet it’s not due to a poor immune system, but rather one that’s too strong. Me: Same. Last time I was sick was in 2017. It was just a normal cold but it took 4 weeks from me to recover. I was bedridden for a week. I’ve not gotten covid and despite my shitty bowl I don’t get sick easily. I don’t remember the last time I was sick prior 2017. Probably in 2007? With a bit runny nose though.
Loose connective tissues mean joints that move too easily, which means pinched nerves and pain. Think about how it feels when you throw your back out, or get carpal tunnel syndrome. Now imagine this feeling all over your body.  My nerves get pinched, causing several types of pain. I get back pain, obviously. I get numbness and mild paralysis in my thighs and hands. I get weakness in my legs and arms, and sciatica/restless leg sensations if I sit too long. Worst of all, I get parasthesia in my fingers and toes (that’s the tingling, painful sensation you get when you sit funny and your foot goes numb, then starts to wake up). I have this sensation, in varying degrees, all the time. Me: I’m literally in pain all around my body from neck below, for 24/7. Only the level of pain differs. I get easily numbness to arms and legs. I’ve started to suffer of restless legs and middle body with heavy jolting, especially if I’m tired. If I’m stressed and go to sleep, my nose and lips switch a lot.
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travlersjoy444 · 2 years
The Junkyard at the End of the World
 ROTTMNT Donatello x Yokai!reader
This takes place in the bad timeline, a bit after the Krang invasion. There's mentions of death and very light angst.
Could be read as platonic or romantic I guess, and the reader's gender isn't mentioned. (Also I projected a bit too hard on the OC that plays (Y/N) in my head, because now (Y/N) is kinda good at building- an amature engineer if you will)
3k words, rivals to friends. Onto the fic!
Edit: This is now a series. Part two, part three, part four, part five.
 “You know, I thought the world would end slowly over generations upon generations. But aliens? Really? What is this, one of your sci-fi films?”
I scoffed, taking a sip of soda. The acrid scent of burning buildings floated past me, killing the taste of my drink, and the photo of Mum and Pa stared back, unanswering.
  I shook my head, smiling lightly. “You guys are lucky, you know that?” I sighed, rubbing the frame. 
  “Hey (Y/N)? You should come inside, we’re divvying up the scouting parties and I doubt you wanna end up with Dale any more than I do.” Said April’s familiar voice as she rapped gently on the doorframe.
  “Hm?” I said, looking over my shoulder. “Yeah, no. Okay, I’m coming O’Neil.” I smiled, hopping off of the balcony railing.
  Once inside, I was met with the far too familiar sounds of people. Yelling, talking, fighting, crying…I felt a shiver run down my spine at the sheer excess. There were so, so many people. 
  It was by sheer luck that I’d managed to get my own room in the shelter. Mind you, it was barely a room, with only about 6x4 feet of space, and my bed took up almost all of it, but hey, it was mine even if it was small and hard to live in. At least I wasn’t in one of the shared bed spaces, as selfish as it admittedly felt.
  I followed April down the hall towards the main Office. It had been used for secretaries and headmasters at the old college campus once upon a time, but nowadays we used it for conferences and planning amongst the commanders…those commanders just being April, an old mutant named Splinter, his mutant sons, and me, the resident Yokai representative. And I’d only gotten the position because I was the one who found the empty campus and used my mom’s magic to protect it as best as I could…I was rubbish at any actual quote unquote ‘representative’ stuff.
  I couldn’t actually speak for the Yokai, I was only really just a quarter Yokai. It didn’t seem like my place. But I was clearly inhuman,what with the horns and scales and claws and all, so…I got the position.
  Ugh. Classic (Y/N) overthinking, I don’t have time for this.
  I entered the office with my head held high as if I hadn’t just been questioning my own authority for the millionth time today, and sat across from Michelangelo, the youngest mutant.
  “So. Scouting parties, I hear?” I said blandly, paging through my notebook in hopes of looking busy.
  “Oh, look who finally showed up. We’re so glad to see you! He said without a hint of sarcasm.” Scowled the purple one, crossing his arms. “We’ve been waiting for you to start!” 
  He’d had something out for me since he moved in, so it was no surprise that we were fighting again. It had really taken off back when I shared a few art pieces a few months ago, only for him to have some sarcastic comment for literally everything…
  I scoffed, not in the mood to take it. “Well that’s pretty dumb of you, ‘Tello. You’re a big boy, do it yourself, why don’tcha?” 
  “Oh gee, I don’t know, maybe because it’s your responsibility, (L/N)!”
  I rolled my eyes. “Since when? Look, just because I haven’t let you have your own lab doesn’t mean you need to go out of your way to antagonize me, Purple-boy.”
  “This is not about that!” He snapped, slamming his hands down onto the table.
  “This is not about that!” I mimicked in a nasally voice, getting a snicker out of his brother Leonardo. I smirked.
  “It’s a matter of principle.” Donatello scowled, shaking his head tiredly. “Lovely banter aside, we’re low on food, and more importantly, I’m low on scrap metal!”
  Mikey nodded. “The crops in the campus garden aren’t gonna be ready till fall, which is like, three months from now.”
  Leo frowned. “So…two parties for the grocery stores in Manhattan, one for New Jersey (which I will not be a part of), and….one for Brooklyn. And I guess a small one for Donnie.”
  “Cool cool.” I nodded, crossing my arms. 
  “I’ll take New Jersey.” Said April, raising her hand.
  “And I’ll lead the Brooklyn party,” Raph volunteered.
  “Cool. Mikey and I will take Manhattan, and Donnie and (Y/N) will get spare parts at the junkyard.” Leo decided.
  I jolted up, half aware of Purple doing the same. “What?! But…sir, no offense intended, but good lord are you thick in the head? Have you seen how we get along?!” I exclaimed.
  Donatello nodded. “For once, I concur! No, I’m going by myself, not with…that!”
  “Yeah, what he said!” I snapped, feeling my claws sting the fleshy parts of my hands as I clenched them into fists.
  “See? You’re getting along great already!” Leo grinned.
  “Pfft.” I scoffed.
  “Scoff.” Said Donnie.
  “Oh my god, more proof!” He teased, before growing more serious. “Look guys, you’re the only two here who know anything about tools and construction. You know full well that it isn’t safe to go alone places and it’s even less safe to go in a big group…so please just try to work together, ‘kay?” He finished with a sigh, something…tired behind his eyes.
  I softened as I looked at Leo, sympathy prickling at me. He was clearly trying to lead well, and was under a lot of pressure…
  I sighed, relaxing my hands. “Fine, Leonardo. I’ll go. But for the record, I know very little about construction- I just draw blueprints sometimes.”
  “Which is more than anyone else does!” He said, grinning again. “Thanks (Y/N). See Donnie? Someone is cooperating!”
  Donatello rolled his eyes. “Fine, dear brother, clearly this isn’t a fight I can win. But don’t get mad when you have to eateth thy words.”
  “Actually the correct old English term would be ‘eateth thine words’, I think. I could be wrong though.” I said blithely.
  “Great!” He hissed, squeezing his tech-bo dangerously.
  “No problem-o, Donatello,” I smirked, sticking out my tongue.
  “Did you seriously just rhyme?” He said, sounding disgusted.
  I simply gave him finger guns in response.
  “So. What sort of scrap metal  are we lookin’ for?” I asked, claws raised as we descended into the junkyard. Purple trudged a few feet ahead of me- even in the midst of the apocalypse he wanted to act like he didn’t know me. 
  “Ideally titanium. More likely though, steel.” He replied coldly.
  “‘Aight.” I said, reaching into my satchel for my multi-tool. “I’m gonna try to scavenge some screws and bolts while we’re out here.” 
  He didn’t reply. Typical.
  I scoffed. “Talkative, aren’t we.” I muttered, though it came out louder than I meant it to.
  “What.” He said, more like a statement than a question. “What do you want right now?! I’m tired, so forgive me, but I don’t care.”
  I rolled my eyes. “Jeez man. Chill. I’m just…bored, I guess.”
  “Well spare me the quote unquote ‘deetz’.” He said, doing finger quotes. 
  I shrugged, messing with my multi-tool.
  I was too drained to care much about the turtle nowadays, but his disdain for me used to upset me back when they first moved in. Maybe I teased him too much, maybe I was late to meetings often- it wasn’t like he was doing much better. Maybe it was because I turned down his offers to help me with my projects back then, maybe it was because my least favorite color was purple…There were too many variables, and I didn’t care to speculate anymore, not like I used to.
  Sometimes people just don’t like you, even when you’re a hot-as-hell Chinese-dragon-person with only mild personality flaws. I thought, chuckling to myself.
  I stared out at the horizon as I went to work unscrewing bolts from doors and cars and air conditioners…
  I thought that our world would end in fire, swallowed up by the supernova that our sun was fated to become.
  But aliens. Really. This was stupid. I sighed, adding another handful of scavenged screws to my bag.
  My parents would have loved it, ever the sci-fi fans. …Although, they would have probably not loved the sight of their child working for hours in New York summer heat in order to just barely keep humanity alive. For now, the Yokai were safe at least…in fact, why was I helping the humans?
  It wasn’t like I had anything to gain from it…
  Well…yes. Yes I did. Like it or not, I was like them, I was 75% human. They were still my species, and I couldn’t just let them go extinct on good conscience.
  I heard panting behind me as Donatello dragged a piece of a car door towards his pile of scrap. I checked the time- we’d been out here for an hour and a half. 
  Well…time to go on break, I decided, and pulled an instant boba tea packet out of my bag.
  “Hey Purple, d’you want a snack or something? We’ve been out here for a while.” I called, looking over at him.
  He raised an eyebrow and came over to me. “...What?”
  “I said, do you want a snack. I have extras in case of an emergency.” I shrugged, and he walked closer.
  “Uh…sure. What do you have?”
  “Instant bubble tea, knock-off goldfish from the Trader Joe’s we broke into a while back, sourdough bread, and walnuts for protein.”
  “Oh. How…luxurious.” He said, clearly unimpressed. But he sat next to me anyway, and ripped open the walnuts.
  “So. Have you found any titanium?” I asked, for once too tired to tease him.
  “No, unsurprisingly. Well, I found some scissors made of it, but there isn’t nearly enough for what I have in my blueprints. How…how about you?” He answered a little awkwardly.
  “I found a whole bunch of screws, baby!” I smiled, pumping my fist. “Sorry about your lack of luck though, Purple.”
  “Don’t call me that.” He said. “That’s what my dad calls us.”
  “...Oh. Sorry. I’ll quit it.” I nodded, taking a sip of bubble tea.
  “How are you drinking that without ice? That’s absolutely monstrous.” He said, staring at me.
  I snorted. “It’s the apocalypse, Donatello. I don’t have the resources for ice- my powers only consist of summoning and controlling water, not freezing it.”
  He did a double take. “Wait wait wait, you have powers?”
  “Uh…yeah. Why d’you think I’m always at those meetings? I’m the one who supplies the campus water. Thought y’knew that.” 
  “Oh. I thought you were just the one in charge of filtering the water from the rivers.”
  I scoffed. “I’m a Yokai, of course I have powers of some kind…”
  “You’re only half. It seemed logical that you wouldn’t.” He shook his head.
  “Hm, I’m actually only a quarter. My mom was half, and she was way more powerful…if it weren’t for her collection of mystic scrolls and spells, our lair would be Krang food by now.” (I smiled at the memory of being a kid, digging through her boxes of scrolls…they were always stored by the DVDs and VHSes, which I would also spend hours combing through.)
  “I hear a past tense there. Did the Krang get her?” Donatello said, shockingly blunt.
  I shook my head. “Nah. She was also half human- she died of cancer three years ago, two and a half years before all…this.” I said, waving out at the empty city beyond the landfill. “My dad died a few years before her in a car accident.”
  “Oh.” Donnie said quietly. “Uh…that’s…unfortunate.”
  I shrugged. “Yeah well, it’s the past, who cares?” I paused, dropping the flippant tone. “Um…but thank you for listening and not making a big deal of it, and sorry for bringing down the mood.”
  He nodded, eyebrows raised in what might have been sympathy. 
After a second, he broke the silence. “Um…segue, but do you have any more of those tea packets? I have an ice maker, so I can actually enjoy it unlike some people.”
  I grinned, tossing him the instant boba. “Sure. They’re apoca-licious!”
  “That’s awful. No wonder Leo likes you (L/N), you’re as bad as he is.”
  “Thanks!” I chuckled, digging my sketchbook out of my bag while he fiddled with his tech in silence.
  I blew dust off of the blueprints for the lamp I was building, and got to work right where I left off. It was mostly cosmetic stuff, but I was going for full-on steampunk customizations with glowing blue lights at the base as well as gears that could spin- manually, of course, but still.
  There was a sound of slurping behind me, and I was made aware of Donatello shamelessly reading over my shoulder. 
  “You know, if you add a motor….there, you’ll be able to make the gears spin automatically.” He said, tapping the base of the sketch.
  “Oh, yeah?” I said, smiling ruefully. “I…don’t actually have any. I’m afraid I don’t know practically anything beyond basic circuitry and stuff. I’m an artist, not an engineer.”
  He grinned. “Still! That’s still a lot more than anyone else in our circle- can I help with this?!”
  I smiled, slightly taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm, but pleased. “I’d love that!” 
  “Cool cool cool! This is gonna be fun, this is a cool design. Low tech, obviously, but for someone who is primarily just a visual artist, it’s kind of impressive!” He exclaimed.
  “Woah, is that the first nice thing you’ve ever said to me?” I teased.
  “What? What about all the nice things I say when you share your art?” He said, narrowing his eyes.
  “Those were clearly sarcasm, you ain’t slick.” I grinned, but his eyes stayed irritated. 
  I sighed, coughing a bit to clear my throat. “Look….I guess I was just wondering why you hate me so much.” I said, not meeting his eyes.
  He looked up, raising a drawn-on eyebrow. “I don’t though? I’m actually relatively neutral towards you?”
  “Uh….no? You’re always like, hostile when I’m there. Leo even specifically paired us together because he clearly wanted us to start getting along.” I frowned.
  “What? No, I was clearly joking?” He said indignantly. “Leo paired us together because you’re good at building things, even if you’re not great at software.” He added the last part under his breath. 
  “Wait wait wait! So all those compliments from back when we first met…weren’t sarcastic?” I said, eyes wide.
  “Of course not! I literally always clarify ‘he said with no sarcasm whatsoever’!” Donnie exclaimed. 
  “Dude, that just makes you sound more sarcastic!” I laughed, flicking his shoulder lightly. “So this whole time you haven’t had an issue with me?!”
  “Well not till you started being a dum-dum for seemingly no reason.” He scoffed.
  “...And that would be because I thought you had a problem with me.” I finished, leaning back on the pile of scrap metal. “...This is pretty stupid, huh?”
  “...Yeah.” He nodded, offering a half-hearted smile. “It’s actually…nice, weirdly. To know that the only other person at the campus who knows their way around tech doesn’t hate me…and on a more er…personal level…” He looked at the ground. “It’snicetoknowthatyoudon’thateme.”
  I smiled.
  He coughed. “Oh, that was hard to say out loud.”
 “Hm? Oh, aw, shoot, I missed that.” I smirked.
  “Scoff. No you didn’t, you’re smiling, you know full well what I said and I’ll never say it again.” He said, crossing his arms.
  I grinned. “Well…I’m glad that you don’t hate me too, ‘Tello. Here, let’s start this over again…Uh, hi. I’m (Y/N) (L/N)-”
  “What? But I already know you?” Donnie frowned.
  I shook my head. “It’s a metaphor.” I said dryly.
  “Oh. Cool, clarification. Yaaay.” He said weakly, giving me a thumbs up. “Er, continue.”
  “Cool cool. I’m (Y/N) (L/N),  brilliant artist, draw-er of blueprints, occasional builder of mechanics, and the base’s resident provider of water. And you are?”
  He nodded, starting awkwardly but growing more confident as he went on. “Uh…Hi, hello. I’m Donatello Hamato, sometimes known as Othello Von Ryan, sometimes known as Purple, and you can call me Donnie. I’m a creator of brilliant tech, father to a ridiculous-yet-incredible robot named SHELLDON, and an occasional misser-of-metaphors. 
  Nice to meet you, (Y/N)....He said without a single semblance of sarcasm.” He narrated. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.” He chuckled.
  “Nice to meet ya, Donnie. I’ve got a feeling that we’re gonna create some brilliant things together.” I smiled, holding out my clawed hand.
  He smiled back, shaking it with a metal arm that extended from his battle shell. “I think your hypothesis has some merit.”
  “Rad.” I grinned, giving the metal arm a fist bump.
  “I concur- we gonna be rad.” 
Author's note:
Uh 'sup! This is my first ROTTMNT fic. It's a definite deviation from my usual stuff, but uh...I kinda wanna make more! It's fun writing for new characters, even if I'm still trying to properly work out the characterizations lol
Lemme know if you have any requests, 'cause this was fun :)
Part 2>
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merakiui · 1 year
OHHHHHMYGOD. I loved ur clingy codependent bf azul so much. I literally felt a bit of anxiety reading it, I love azul sm hes baba, but the thought of him being this obsessed ans codependent is so nerve-wracking. you really wouldn't be able to leave him alone once he starts exhibiting signs of mental health issues.. and if this is an au where he has his canon octo form, then hes def the type to cut a tentacle or two of his just to "prove" how serious he is, knowing it will grow back eventually anyway so why not make the most out of it and scare the hell out of darling 😭
UGH AND THE WEDDING TRAPPING. and the fact it only spirals downwards from there. the door and knife scene literally made me pause bc omg.. I was not expecting it to escalate like that.. but it fits SO well!! and darlings realization throughout the drabble is honestly so upsetting because acknowledging that most of their attempts will be futile is so frustrating and hope-killing when they have a slimy and pathetic octo clinging to them 😭😭 and especially now considering how close they and azul are, legality wise. REALLY, I don't know what's so different about this compared to your azul drabbles, but it really had me pacing a little im ngl. maybe it's the fact hes way more blatantly insane and blunt with his obsession or that he's willing to go to more extreme measures? whatever it is, you nailed it and I absolutely loved it!!
and this on a different, more minor note, but are you the same author that wrote the ex scara stuff? reading the azul drabble took me back to this other codependent, obsessed bf drabble i read a few months back. it wad about darling and scara being high school sweethearts, but scara becomes more unstable throughout the relationship, so darling eventually breaks it off with him before going to college. only for ex bf scara to show up, feign innocence and squish himself into darlings friend group as a way to get close to them again, and it ends with scara also wedding trapping them. if u did not write that, I am so sorry 😭 the azul piece just kinda reminded me of it but theyre two separate things and I love each one sm!! srsly, your writing is so addicting I don't understand how you do it. and you pace things so well, like despite the azul piece not being a fully fledged fic, it still has nice pacing. it's not too short or too lengthy, and not too fast or too slow, it keeps you alert and eager to continue!!
AAAAA THANK YOU FOR READING IT!!!! I’m happy you liked it and that you could even feel anxiety from it!! :O I was hoping it could evoke uncomfortable feelings like that, so I’m relieved to know I could succeed in that endeavor!
An Azul who is so dangerously unhealthy and obsessed is always a scary thought. I wanted to write something where it starts seemingly innocent and then becomes something so uncontrollable, much like how most toxic relationships often begin. It’s small and almost cute until it isn’t—until you’re snuffed from the stifling nature of someone’s codependent behaviors. It can be stressful, so I wanted to portray that on both sides. Stressful for Azul because his tendency to panic and overthink when he’s spiraling makes anything like a day out with friends seem like a very stressful thing. Stressful for Reader because they’ve taken on the role of protecting Azul from himself (even though it isn’t a role for them to take on).
Reader probably likens Azul to a glass vase sitting on the edge of a cliff and one strong gust of wind is all it takes for that vase to come crashing down. But then Azul is also highly intelligent and he only takes risks if he knows there will be a reward, so he can peer over the edge of the cliff and he won’t fall. So if he does cut a tentacle or two to prove something to Reader (or scare the life out of them and force them to stay), he does it while fully knowing it’ll grow back. It still hurts, but then Azul thinks this pain is nothing compared to the pain he’ll feel if you leave him forever. “Leave” and “abandon” are so interchangeable for him. They’re somewhat similar words, but “abandon” sounds harsher. You can leave a person and all is well. You can abandon a person and that makes it sound wrong. Hurtful and villainous. It’s such a small thing, but it hooks you every time. Because leaving Azul makes it sound easy. But abandoning him paints you as the bad one—the one who abandoned him in his time of need.
And marriage trapping!!! He’s really so cunning, but Reader’s too busy trying to balance his breakdowns and keep him above the water to realize that beneath all of that he’s actually quite smart. In a marriage, it’s just you and Azul. No one else can truly interfere with that. And for Azul it’s easier to isolate you. You agreed to be his now. You agreed to live with and love him for the rest of your life. You said your vows. You kissed him in front of family and friends. You are a pair now, and that’s unbreakable. Not even divorce can save you because that’s an expensive and lengthy process and even if you did separate in that way you’d still be forced to fret over him and what he might do next. And that’s really scary! The idea of “okay, he’s done this terrible thing…but what’s next?” is always so chilling. What else is this person capable of? is a frightening question to ask when you don’t have an answer. When there isn’t a line to make a clear divide between the crossable and uncrossable or when that line is blurred, it makes it seem like anything is on the table. And since Azul is so codependent, there are always worrying mindsets like: If you aren’t in my world, I shouldn’t be here either. If I can’t have you, no one can. If I lose you, I lose a vital part of myself. My life hinges on you being here with me, so if you’re not in my life there isn’t a life to live. Without you, everything is worthless and meaningless.
Thank you again for liking this piece!! I’m glad it felt different from other Azul thoughts I’ve written. It’s most likely as you’ve said: he’s much more insane and willing to go to extreme lengths for the sake of his obsession. >_< this type of Azul is truly horrifying, but he’s very interesting to write and analyze like this.
And I did write the possessive ex Scara story!!! :D omg for a moment I forgot I had written it until you reminded me! I’m happy you like this one as well. Scara 🤝 Azul: codependent boyfriends who raise your stress meter just by existing. ^^;;;
Aaaaa thank you for thinking my writing is addicting and well-paced!! I’m glad it didn’t feel too slow or too fast as well as too long or too short!! I’m happy it can be an enjoyable, albeit anxiety-inducing, read!!!!
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mrhowells · 11 months
Smallville 4x22
Can't say I feel sorry for Genevieve bc that woman was nasty but Lana just got another thing added to the huge pile of trauma she already had😬
oh hey Lex, so what happened here was-
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"I had this one last week, really scary. This... guy wearing a red cape." "Wow, that sounds horrible Lois."
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I can't do this they're so?????
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I'mskSJkslKSL Jonathan's face kills me
Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. You guys are like the Mom and Dad I've always wanted to have.
Lois bby🥺😭😭
"Lois, we want you to know that you are welcome back here any time."
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"Actually-" "We'll all miss you, Lois."
SHUSH Clark, we're having a moment here😭
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blushing kicking my feet
"Oh, come on Clark, your future is laid out right in front of you. You're gonna go to community college, major in agriculture, probably minor in law enforcement. And then you and Lana are gonna have a nice little church wedding."
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I can't😭
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He's such a menace around her it's EVERYTHING
"Even if I could spell, the last thing I'd wanna do is spend my time in a newsroom. With my luck, I'd probably end up across the desk from the most bumbling reporter on the masthead."
so much eye contact I'm going insane
If you hear faint screaming in the distance, that's me I'm losing it
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i already know I'm going to hit the media upload limit and have to delete stuff, ugh😭
this episode is feeding me so well
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my beautiful family😭😭😭 they raised me actually, true story
"Because you have a way of getting things in half the time a normal person gets things done." "And I'm not normal?"
Chloe really didn't do this one on purpose but OUCH😬
Lois with her "the general said/ taught me..."🥹
now tell me why this interaction fills me with so much joy😭
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I love them so much it makes me look stupid
✨and then I paused the episode and didn't continue until over a month later, my brain is wired like that I fear✨
Jor El is so unserious I'm sorry, if he wasn't so vague and cryptic all the time a lot of messes could've been avoided🤡
I just imagine the actual Jor El watching this go down in the afterlife and facepalming so hard
Clark is sad = I'm sad, it's the law
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Lana giving Clark the stone without even removing the blood first lol
I feel so bad for her😭 I swear whoever made the plot decisions on this show got off on Lana being in pain and I'm getting more and more angry on her behalf.
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and that's on good instincts
(I've seen people say that Lana going to Lex instead of Clark after killing Genevieve is further proof that she doesn't trust Clark at all and it's like... how tf was Clark going to help her in this situation???😭 I agree that Lana and Clark have trust issues ad infinitum but in this case she just did the logical thing, come on now)
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I have to respect this man for the level of unhinged he's reached, truly
Lois is so cool😩 Once again I am free on Saturday-
"Before you leave this earth I want you to know... you did create the son you always wanted."
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Lionel when I get my hands on you
I need Lex to chill and stop manhandling Lana & Chloe please and thank you💀 He's joining the unhinged club
Martha & Jonathan against Jason?? Yes please I love fights between people without powers or martial arts training
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🎶somebody save meeeeeee🎶
the way Chloe pushed Lex against the cave wall was hilarious I'm sorry
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Fortress bestie we're almost hereee🥳
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Lois is sad = I'm sad, again, those are the rules
seeing the only place she ever considered a permanent home getting completely destroyed, IT'S A LOT. This whole episode was a lot.
And let's not even get started on Lana JESUS CHRIST. Smallville writers I think we need to sit down and have a conversation about her because WTF?
I don't even care that the witch plot was wacky and Jason's character arc was really badly executed, this season was so much fun.
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fratricideknight · 1 year
hello sweetie!! i wanted to ask you if you could give us your take on john winchester ? people have very different opinions on him and i’d love to hear yours.
hi!!! thanks so much for this ask. it took me a while to gather my thoughts, so there's a relatively long post ahead.
i think that people in fandom tend to go the route of woobifying a character until they can do no wrong in their eyes, or demonising a character until everything they do is wrong. this not only doesn't allow for nuanced takes, which should be possible to make for any well-written, complex character, but also leads to attempts to push blame onto characters instead of just... accepting that the circumstances themselves are shit.
maybe john and sam are similar after all, considering the way that neither of them are extended any due sympathy whatsoever by certain individuals. john, who knew nothing of the supernatural, on an otherwise normal night during which he fell peacefully asleep in front of the television, witnessed his wife be psychically pinned to the ceiling of his baby's nursery and explode in front of both him and his six-month-old. that's bound to change anyone. blaming john entirely for becoming incredibly paranoid over and controlling of his children, and not acknowledging the role of, i don't know, azazel? prince of hell? who engineered all of this?? is so ridiculous i can't even comprehend it. the circumstances are absolutely dreadful, and john wasn't left with much of a choice in the ways he could respond to it. not only would he most likely be driven partially insane by what he witnessed happen to his wife, he would also be led to worry about the safety of his children. killing azazel wasn't just about avenging mary, it was about extinguishing the threat that, for all john knew, could be out to kill his infant sons! what do you want him to do?? shrug it off and go on like nothing happened? cut his losses and get another mother for the boys?
as for how john specifically responded to this: he became a controlling douchebag, yeah. i have someone in my life who can be the same brand of peremptory dick as john, and there are times when i want nothing more than to punch john winchester in the face. it's one of the reasons i relate to sam so much. however, not once in my viewing of season 1 before i entered fandom spaces, did it occur to me that john might be an irredeemable monster and abuser. john trained his boys like soldiers rather than treating them like the children they were, but it's not like he did it for the hell of it. he thought they would literally die if they weren't prepared to fight off the supernatural threats which he was suddenly, in the worst possible way, made aware of. john was an ex-marine, which would of course influence how he would go about this. i'm not saying that john didn't do horrible things at times and that sam and dean's upbringing wasn't awful. he did, and it was. telling sam to not come back if he went to college, trying to punish him for having dreams of his own? making tween dean feel bad for not staying in a motel room 24/7 to take care of his younger brother? dick moves. the boys' childhood was claustrophobic, toxic, and miserable, and i do not blame either of them in the slightest for wanting to get out. however, it comes down to the matter of circumstance again: it's not like john did any of this for the hell of it! let me repeat myself: he thought. they were going. to be murdered. moving frequently probably wasn't just for the sake of cases, it might also have been because he was scared that they were being pursued by something.
as for some of the abuse claims that people make. ugh. please stop just making stuff up. if you want to take the idea that john was a monster and run with it, whatever. i don't care. but acting like that's actually canon? you're just shouldering your way into spaces where people who actually want to discuss canon can do so, and that's incredibly annoying. there is no canon evidence in the seasons which actually involved john as a character that he beat his children or was homophobic. they literally go out of their way in the episode 'Nightmare' to show that sam and dean know their childhood wasn't like max miller's. as some people have said, he doesn't need to have hit his kids for their childhood to have sucked; it was bad enough already! as for the homophobia claims. ughhhhhhhh. i feel like they come from a... specific sector of the fandom, who want to take any reprehensible trait of dean's and make it someone else's fault. like i said earlier, woobifying a character until they can do no wrong. "oh, dean can be a misogynistic and homophobic douchebag at times? clearly, this is all john's influence. oh, he treats sam badly at times? actually, sam is the one who abuses him!" i can somewhat get behind the idea of john expecting the boys to repress their emotions on some level; he was literally a marine in the vietnam war, and he raised his kids in the eighties and nineties. he expected them to put aside any issues they might have had about giving up an ordinary life and hunting azazel and just follow his orders. but the idea that he's some queerphobic monster who would beat dean upside the head for shedding a single tear is hilarious.
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look at this fucking fruit. he never stops tearing up.
as a final point, let me just address that jdm is incredibly sexy. if you have a problem with me liking john, take it up with whichever higher power or force of nature made him so <3
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lipglossanon · 6 months
Hi lipgloss don't worry about when you can or can't get to my stuff. Im always happy when you get to respond. I am back to give you more brain rot. This time its for vampire Leon.
Vampire Leon loves to be in between (y/n) legs. He just loves to eat her out when she's on her period. She tastes so sweet to him. Of course (y/n) doesn't mind. She loves it when he is lapping at her pussy. Leon get drunk on the taste of her. When (y/n) is on her period he makes sure to have anything may need, because hes not letting out of his sight. She stays with him how ever long her period is. He doesn't care where within his home he has her. Other then eating her pussy in the bedroom he loves to eat her pussy while she lays infront of him on the dinning room table.
Now here's another thought to go with this vampire Leon, its the stepdads and OG stepbro. Dark gets more possessive of (y/n). He has a secret cabin that he loves to bring her to. Will kill anybody or vampire that trys to get with her. She can't figure out why one day her social economic teacher from her college disappeared. It was dark that killed him and drank his blood. The teacher was getting to close for his liking. Og loves to role-play with her. He refuses to do anything involving twilight. (Y/n) mother has no idea of the fact hes a vampire. She thinks he just has trouble sleeping at night then during the day. Og stepdad loves to fuck (y/n) when her mother leaves for work. The perfect way to end his day. Buried deep in (y/n) pretty pussy. Sweet stepdad also likes to be buried in her pussy at all times of the day. He finds it even more intimate when his cock is all the way inside her as he feeds from her. He still treats her the same the onlly differents is that he tries not to hurt her with his Vampire strength. He unlike the other two stepdad's and og stepbro, who like to use their strength to their advantage. He's always worried he will hurt his precious darling. Og stepbro loves to manhandle her. He will use (y/n) to his liking. If you thought he was cruel normally, hes a bit worse being a vampire. He leaves (y/n) clit bruised from slapping it so much. When their parents aren't around he likes to have her naked. Its easier that way then to explain why her clothes are in the trash. Their parents don't need to know what happens when they are gone.
One thing all the vampire leons can agree on is that when the days get shorter and nights are longer is the best. They can take their pretty darling out and about earlier. Love to make sure shes not wearing any panties. (Y/n) pretty pussy shouldn't be covered for them. If they want her then they don't want anything in the way. They also love fucking her pussy in dark lit areas. Bullying their hard cock into her pussy against the wall of a building is just one of their favorite things. Will feed from her while doing this.
[I hope you like this brain rot lipgloss. Also im thinking about making a blog myself and putting so of the ideas that i have on there but im still debating on it. Only because i dont know if people like like it or not. Would like some feedback.]
🐉 anon!! 💜 I love your brain rot 🤤
And oh my gosh I’d love to see your blog!! If you ever decide to do one! Obvs no pressure in sharing or anything 😊 and if it makes you happy, I say go for it! It’s only fun if you’re having fun!! Definitely don’t let other people make you feel pressured! 😘
And as for the vampire Leon’s? 🥵 🥵 🥵
All of them are very nice 🤭 ugh OG Stepbro being so mean and spanking your pussy til he bruises your clit is sending me into orbit 🥴
There’s so much here! It’s like my eyes don’t know where to look 🤭
(Also for a bit of a teaser, I have a new Leon vampire version happening over smutmas 😉 but that’s all I’m gonna say! 🤭)
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Trifecta from Hell (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine)
A/N: I’m finally posting this here because I got my laptop back! And, it’s unedited because at the time I posted it on Wattpad, my laptop was still being fixed and I hate writing/editing on my phone.
Anyway, sorry it's taken me so long to update! I haven't been watching PD since Jay left, so I didn't really have any ideas for a bit!
But, I have some now and have an idea for a fluffy Thanksgiving and Christmas imagine, so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks!
Anyway, please remember to reblog and comment!
Today had been fine...at least it had been until you got out of work and were stopped by one of your coworkers practically screaming at you. And, this wasn't where you typically worked, they were just really short staffed, so you were constantly pulled over here. But, you didn't have access to things that their normal staff did—you worked in mental health, so the most important thing you needed access to were updates on clients...which you didn't since you weren't this places full time staff—and since you were here so much, they were starting to think of you as their normal staff.
But, without access to everything, mistakes were bound to be made and you were the one getting blamed.
And this was what you had ranted to Jay about on your way home.
You were still crying after you hung up the phone and knew you were on the verge of a panic attack. But, you were on the highway and you couldn't easily just pull over.
So, you used a coping skill that you hadn't used since middle school: you dug your fingernails into the skin on the inner part of your wrist. Hard.
You removed your right hand from your left wrist—your left hand still being the one holding the steering wheel during this—and put it wheel and once again drove with both hands. But, you kept crying. So, you continued the process until you were just short of making your wrist bleed.
When you got home, you told Jay about your wrist and assured him you hadn't cut yourself, just dug your nails into your skin. And then, well, you broke down.
"Everyone fucking leaves!" you yelled. "What's the point of being here anymore? All I do is work! I have no friends, except for like two, Emma texted and told me she didn't want to be friends anymore! Everyone fucking leaves, Jay! And—" Your voice cracked. "Maybe it's me! Maybe I'm the fucking problem! Maybe it would be better if I was dead!"
Jay stood up. "You know you don't mean that. And, all the stuff with Emma, something else had to have been going on. You just have to get out more, make some friends. The pandemic definitely hasn't helped because you didn't get a full college experience, but—"
"What's the point, Jay? If everyone just leaves, why am I wasting my fucking time? I don't wanna be here anymore!" you cried as hot tears rolled down your face.
Jay opened his arms. "C'mere."
"No." You turned. "I'm going to bed."
Hopefully I won't wake up you thought to yourself.
"I said I'm going to bed!" you yelled and grabbed your backpack and made your way to your room.
Then, you cried yourself to sleep.
That was how you found yourself sitting next to Jay in his truck as he drove to the district the next morning.
"I'm 22, Jay. Just let me stay home," you pleaded for the billionth time that morning.
"After yesterday, me and Will feel it's safer if you're not by yourself."
"C'mon, I'm not gonna kill myself," you told him.
"After yesterday, well, me and Will aren't so sure."
"I just wanna sleep."
"And you can," Jay told you. "On the couch in the break room."
"Ugh." You leaned your head back in your seat in frustration.
When you pulled into the district, you figured it was better for you to walk inside because right now, you wouldn't put it past Jay to physically force you out of the truck and carry you inside.
"Chuckles Jr," Trudy said from the desk as she put the phone back in her cradle when you and Jay entered. "What brings you here?"
"I'm here against my will," you told her and Jay just rolled his eyes.
"She's here because it's safer for her," Jay said.
At this, Trudy's eyes widened. "Safer how? What's going on Halstead? You know between me and your sergeant upstairs, we have eyes everywhere."
"It's nothing like that," Jay said, assuming Trudy meant that an old case or collar was coming back to bite him in the ass. "She's just got some personal stuff going on, so I brought her here to keep an eye on her." And with that, Jay started walking towards the stairs, and you started following, still sulking.
"Sensitive case, Halstead. Y/N can't be up there. Intelligence and yours truly only," Trudy said, causing Jay to turn and look at her and you to throw your head back in frustration.
"Sarge, can you watch her for the day?" Jay asked.
"She's an adult, Halstead. Can't she look after herself?" Trudy asked, throwing him some of her signature sass.
"Thank you!" you said and pointed a hand towards Trudy. Finally, someone was on your side. It was like a breath of fresh air after arguing with Jay all morning.
"Can I talk to you?" Jay asked Trudy. He looked around at all the officers milling about. "Privately?" She nodded and the two moved to the door of the office. Jay gave you a pointed look and nodded to the bench before him. "You move from this bench, I will put you on a psych hold."
You went and sat down on the bench and Jay heard you mutter something about how fear tactics don't help in these kinds of situations, but, for once, he figured it was best to ignore you.
Ten minutes later, Trudy and your brother came out of the office.
"C'mon, kiddo. I'm bringing you to 51. Figured it would be much more fun for you to hang out with them than to sit behind that desk with me all day."
"Lucky me," you replied sarcastically.
"Hey, watch the--"
"Halstead, go upstairs and do your job. I'll take it from here," Trudy said, effectively cutting him off.
"Don't do anything stupid, Y/N," he told you. You huffed and rolled your eyes and then he shook his and turned around and jogged upstairs and into Intelligence.
"Ever ridden in a patrol car?" Trudy asked. You shook your head. "Then today's your lucky day because me and you are gonna go grab the best on from the CPD lot and we might even stop for donuts, give you the full beat cop experience."
"Lucky me," you said sarcastically and shrugged.
Trudy just looked at you and pursed her lips, trying to figure out what had you so down.
"Listen kid," Trudy said when the two of you got back in the patrol car with a box of two dozen donuts and coffee for you and her. "I'm not giving you a donut until you tell me your side of the story. I've heard your brother's, but I wanna hear yours. What happened at work that made you feel this way?"
You sighed. "It's not just work. It's everything."
"Work was just the tip of the iceberg then, huh?"
"Yeah," you said feeling yourself get choked up. "It's just- everyone leaves, so what's the point of trying to make friends, you know?"
"Kid, when you're as old I am, I can tell you one thing, if people aren't meant to stay in your life, they won't. But, maybe try hanging out with Ritter and Gallo and Violet at 51. They're close to your age, right?"
"A few years older," you answered. "They'll probably just look at me like Jay's little sister like everyone in Intelligence does."
"Hey, you'll never know unless you try."
"I guess," you shrugged. "Can I have a donut now?"
When you walked into the firehouse, you appeared fine, maybe a little sad, but fine nonetheless.
But, when you saw the number of firefighters in the common room, you started to become hyper aware of your surroundings and your breath caught in your throat.
"Hey, mini Halstead!" Kelly exclaimed from where he was grabbing breakfast. "What brings you here? C'mon, come get some breakfast, kid!"
You just looked him and then quickly shook your head.
"Gotta go to the bathroom," you said quickly and then turned around and calmly walked out of the common room and then speed walked down the hallway and into the bathrooms.
You could do this...there weren't that many people...there were, what? Four on squad, two paramedics, which made six. Then there was Chief Boden which made seven. Then there was Stella, which made eight...then there was—
Fuck! Who were you kidding? This was way too many people! And Jay thought this was a good idea?
You rested your head against the bathroom stall that you had locked yourself in and then pulled out your phone and sent a text to Jay with shaking hands.
There's too many people here. I hate you
He responded within thirty seconds.
Love you, too. Just making sure you're safe.
If your phone was indestructible, you would've thrown it on the ground.
You pocketed your phone and leaned your head back on the stall door.
This was going to be a long day.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but it hadn't been a lot, probably only five or ten minutes, when you heard footsteps coming towards the stall you were currently standing in.
"Y/N? It's just me," you heard Stella say. "Trudy told me, Kelly, and Boden what's going on. Can you please come out?" You didn't. "Can you at least say something? So I know you're okay?"
You sighed as frustration bubbled up in your body. That's what they all wanted to know: that you were okay, that you were safe.
You flung the door open. "I'm okay! I'm alive, aren't I? That's all you guys want, isn't it? Just to make sure I'm alive even though I'm fucking miserable?!"
Stella quickly backtracked and slammed the door to the bathrooms closed and then stood in front of it, effectively blocking your path to get out of here.
"Hey, I know feelings are something you Halsteads have a hard time expressing--at least your brothers do--, but I know you're hiding something under all that anger, Y/N," Stella said gently but firmly.
"You- you do?" You definitely weren't expecting that.
"I do. Now, I'll stay here while you calm down, and then how about we go kick Kelly out of his office so that I can braid your hair? Does that sound okay?"
"Really?" you asked. "Don't you have Lieutenant stuff to do?"
Stella waved her hand. "That stuff can wait a few hours. Plus, I'm still waiting on my office to get finished, so I can always use that as an excuse if I need to. Now, take some deep breaths, splash some water on your face, and I am going to give you the best damn braids in the whole CFD."
"You wanna tell me what's going on?" Stella asked when she was halfway through braiding your hair. The feeling of her fingers in your hair made you relax. It reminded you of when Erin used to do your hair for school picture day when you still didn't know your way around a straightener yet.
"I dunno," you answered truthfully.
"You don't know if you wanna tell me or you don't know what's going on?" Stella asked as she continued braiding.
"A little bit of both, I guess."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Doubt it. Unless you can make some friends for me appear out of thin air."
"You'd be surprised at what I can do, Y/N."
"Violet!" Stella yelled fifteen minutes later when she told you she needed to go dig some more hair ties out of her locker...which was a lie.
"Yeah?" Violet asked and looked up from where she and Brett were watching an episode of House Hunters: International on her phone.
"Do you and Brett mind making a supply run to Med or something in like half an hour? It's just that when I was braiding Y/N's hair, she said something about wanting more friends. And, I figured going on an ambulance ride with you two would be more friendly that taking her in one of the trucks, so—"
"We'll take her," Sylvie chimed in. "Maybe even stop for some food on the way back. Everyone needs a friend once in awhile."
"As long as the place has better coffee than here," Violet said.
"Thanks, you guys. You're the best."
Stella started to walk off to go finish your hair, when Gallo and Ritter turned around from where they were making sandwiches at the counter.
"Everything okay with Y/N? Anything we can do to help?" Ritter asked.
"I think she just needs some friends," Stella said.
"Well, lucky for her, me and Ritter are some of the friendliest people you know," Gallo chimed in, causing Ritter to roll his eyes.
"What he means is, we'll figure something out. We all know how it feels go be lonely sometimes."
"Just don't do anything too crazy," Stella warned. "I'm looking at you, Gallo."
Then, Stella left the common room and went to her locker to retrieve some more hair ties and then went back into Severide's office to finish braiding your hair.
"Want some coffee?" Gallo asked when you walked back into the common room after Stella braided your hair.
"Gallo, this stuff tastes like tar. Nobody likes this. Don't poison the poor girl!" Ritter exclaimed, which caused a ghost of a smile to appear on your lips. But, it disappeared as quickly as it came.
"Well, lucky for her, we are going to grab some supplies from Med and she is just the person we want for a ride along," Violet said cheerfully.
"And we're stopping for food and coffee on the way back," Brett said. "61 is officially out of service for the next two hours."
"You really want me to go?" you asked. "Because I get carsick easily."
Brett waved her hand in dismissal. "We won't be turning on any lights and sirens...and we'll make Violet sit in the back."
"Rude!" Violet exclaimed. "But, let's get going. We're only out of service for a couple hours."
When you left the paramedics, Gallo turned to Ritter.
"I have the perfect idea," he said.
"Oh, no," Ritter groaned.
"What oh no? My ideas are great, thank you very much."
"Yeah? Says who?" Gallo said nothing. "My point exactly."
"Do you want to hear my idea or not?"
"Fine. What's your idea, Gallo?"
"Instead of going to Molly's tomorrow night, maybe you, me, and Violet can meet up at my apartment and drink and play some poker or something? And we can invite Y/N? I just know that when that guy jumped off that ledge when I thought I had a save, that I needed some friends. Sounds like she does, too."
Ritter smiled. "That's actually a great idea, Gallo."
A few hours later
It was around 7pm and everyone had gone out on a call. You were just sitting in the common room on the couch reading.
Then, you went to the bathroom and planned on coming straight back to the couch and your book, but your body had other plans.
You looked down and immediately relief washed over you.
You had gotten your period.
Sure, you had been diagnosed with depression and it was the beginning of winter in Chicago, which meant some seasonal depression sprinkled in there, but now you had a reason. An in-your-face reason that you were feeling this way: you had been PMS-ing.
You made your way out of the bathroom to grab a pad or tampon that you had thrown in your bag for emergencies and then went back in the bathroom and finished up.
When you came back out, you saw that 81 was back from the call.
"Pssst, Stella," you hissed.
She turned and walked over to you. "What's up?"
"Do you by any chance have some tampons?" you whispered.
"I do. Follow me."
Jay picked you up half an hour later.
"Have fun?" he asked.
"A bit," you answered. "Me and Sylvie and Violet went and got lunch and coffee. We went to this really good sandwich place."
Jay smiled. "Good. I'm glad you're doing better."
"Yeah, I got my period so it all makes sense now."
Jay had learned long ago that you did not care if he and Will knew you were on your period. And, while Jay was weirded out by it at first, he quickly realized that he couldn't be because he was the one responsible for buying you pads and tampons.
"Do we need to stop at the store?" Jay asked.
"No. But it all makes sense now! That's why I was depressed. Or it was the trifecta from hell."
"The what from hell?" Jay asked.
"Trifecta," you answered. "Clinical depression, seasonal depression, and PMS all at once."
Jay laughed. "Guess so."
"It helps when I have a reason for it. Don't know why, but it helps."
Jay nodded. "You're not too tired, are you?"
You shook your head. "No...why?"
Jay smiled. "You'll see."
"What is it?" you asked excitedly.
"You'll see when we get home."
"Jay," you whined. "C'mon! At least give me a hint!"
"You used to do this in school."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "What? That doesn't make any sense!"
"So, what are we doing?" you asked as you got up to the door of your apartment. Jay knocked on the door. "It's your apartment! Why are you—"
"All set up in there?" Jay yelled.
"All set!" Hailey yelled back.
"All set with what?" you asked.
"You'll see when I open the door," Jay told you. "Patience, young grasshopper."
You rolled you eyes as Jay unlocked the door and followed him in.
Inside, the lights were dimmed and there were were four mugs on the bar and also four wine glasses next to a bottle of wine.
On the kitchen table was a spread of your favorite snacks including Oreos, Tim Tams, and Goldfish. There was also a tin of tamales with all the toppings with all the fixings and chips and homemade salsa from Mama Garcia's.
Then, in the living area, there were books stacked on the coffee table and blankets laid out on the couch and even a few pillows on the floor.
There was a pumpkin scented candle sitting on one of the end tables.
Finally, propped up against the TV, sat a mini white board reading Reading Day 2022.
You broke out into a giant smile. "How did you guys even come up with this?"
"Me and Will remembered you'd get so excited when you'd have that one reading day in March in elementary school when you'd just read and eat snacks all day, so we figured we'd recreate it," he answered.
"And we made the adult version," Will added. "Which is why there's wine...and I may or may not have put some Bailey's in the hot chocolate."
"Will!" Jay exclaimed.
Will put up his hands in a sign of surrender. "In my defense, I was unsupervised."
"Y/N, if you want hot chocolate without the alcohol, I'll make you some," Jay said.
"Nah, I think I'll take the spiked version," you answered.
"And, I brought over some books that were on your TBR that I grabbed from the library," Hailey added.
"Wait," you began as you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to put the pieces together. "I thought all three of you were at work?"
"I worked an eight hour shift instead of a twelve today," Will explained. "That was planned anyway since we're short staffed."
You nodded. "And, what about you two?" you asked and looked towards Jay and Hailey. "I thought you had a super sensitive case or something?"
"Turns out criminals are really stupid," Jay answered.
"We caught the guy at like three in the afternoon," Hailey explained. "And Voight said we could just do the paperwork tomorrow so Jay started thinking—"
"Oh no!" Will said dramatically and threw himself down on the couch. "He's gotta be so tired from thinking!"
Jay scrunched up his face and quickly flipped Will off, hoping that you wouldn't notice, but you had.
"Anyway," Hailey continued, annoying Will's antics even though everyone could see how she smiled when Will made that joke...she just didn't feel like laughing at her boyfriend. She figured three against one wasn't the fairest ratio. "Jay said he had this idea and told me about it, so I said I'd go on your TBR on Goodreads and try and find some books for you and that we'd need two cars so I could get the food while he picked you up."
"And then Jay called me and told me I was in charge of the alcohol," Will said.
Jay gave him a pointed look. "He really wasn't," Jay said. "He just put himself in charge of it."
You hadn't stopped smiling throughout the entire explanation of how this all came together. "Either way, thank you guys. So much."
"Pick a book and I'll grab you some food," Jay said.
"Everything on the tamales. Cheese, sour cream, sal—"
"I know what you like, Y/N. But, wine or the spiked hot chocolate?"
"I'll start with wine," you answered and the wandered over to go pick out on of the many books Hailey had brought over.
For the rest of the night, you, your brothers, and Hailey read books and ate good food and drank. The four of you also may or may not have built a blanket fort. And, you may or may not have cried when Violet texted you and asked if you wanted to meet up with her, Gallo, and Ritter tomorrow night and play poker. And, when you said you didn't know how, she said that they'd teach you.
This is what it felt like: to have people in your corner. And, even though Jay was being dramatic and overprotective when he made you go to 51 earlier to have people keep an eye on you, you knew it was just because he and Will cared about you so much that they couldn't bear to lose you.
And they wouldn't lose you. They had proven that they'd make damn sure of that.
A/N: Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!
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