elementclangen · 19 days
Moon 169-Newleaf
Amethystdapple (96) and Fry’s (76) kits have been made warriors!  It’s crazy to think that the birth of these kits, particularly Primpaw (11), sparked a revolution, and now they’re warriors.  The Clan has grown and changed so much since then.    Mossypaw (11) has been given the name of Mossyfleck, honoring his warmth (hah).  Amethystdapple is proud of her only son.  Brightpaw (11) has been given the name of Brightfern, honoring her assurance.  And, the star (hah) of the ceremony, Primpaw, is given the warrior name of Primcrest, honoring her adaptability.  She may not have proven herself yet, but Creekstar has no doubt that she will.  Chervilcry (148) has been trying to spend more time with her grandkits, but said grandkit Cypressbadger (35) finds all the attention annoying.  She and the mediator end up getting in a fight.  At least Sleepyfoot (35) seems to like her grandma.  It’s still a little weird for Wildcave (52) to think he has younger siblings the same age as his kits.  Oh well.  At least he enjoys sharing the latest inter-Clan gossip with his daughter.  Conegoat (52) is less thrilled with having a niece.  She ignores Daisypaw (10) and gets her in trouble for not changing out the bedding in the nursery. And she’s not the only one upset with Daisypaw. Rabbitfur (25) is still annoyed with having Daisypaw as an apprentice.  She rolls her eyes when Daisypaw argues with her over a technique, but doesn’t provide any reason why her way of doing it is better.  Daisypaw can’t wait to be done with training and be a warrior like her aunts are. Meanwhile, Shard (66) has grown quite fond of Fennelkit (5).  She knows she won’t be able to mentor the young cat, as their powers don’t match, but she wishes she could.  
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Have you drawn Creek/Crookedstar yet?
I have! He's right here ! The post isn't completely up do date because I drew him before a few changes to his plot, soo his bio isn't all correct anymore,,, but the drawing is still canon!
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cherubinym · 10 months
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silly little warriors oc things
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beenoses · 2 years
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The predecessor of Coalstar
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iolitemoth · 2 years
Pride Art Part 3
Here’s the full pictures with everybody!
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bogcreacher · 1 month
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leaders, deputies and healers (redraw)
huge, and I mean MASSIVE infodump under the cut, watch out!!
Palestar (she/her), Leader of Stormclan - Palestar’s backstory is one shrouded in mystery. All that is known about her ascent to leadership is that she killed the previous Stormclan leader - Creekstar - who was known as a callous tyrant. Rumours ooze around the festering wound that Creekstar left in her clan, and whilst her fellow leaders are viciously curious about the events that lead to her annointment as leader, Palestar is thoroughly tight-lipped about it all. 
Ouzelstar (he/him), Leader of Snowclan - A traditionalist and a shithead. Ouzelstar was a virulent warrior, intent on keeping his clan free from anything he believed would threaten the tradition that Snowclan had supposedly stood on for so many years. As leader, his cutthroat attitude has calmed a bit, mostly due to his fears over dividing his clan any further - though he is not above putting down cats he deems ‘lesser’, such as his deputy, Kestrel, whom he named Half-face. 
Dapplestar, (he/him) Leader of Gladeclan - The oldest of the leaders and a gentle soul. Dapplestar has had the fortune of leading Gladeclan through many of its most comfortable seasons, and as such has adopted a very mellow outlook on life. His indecisive attitude has troubled them, however, when choosing deputies. After struggling for many moons with cats who wanted to abuse power and ignore duties (or those who were very obviously just waiting for him to keel over), he sought guidance from his ancestors. Lionsong was appointed deputy after Starclan named him as the future saviour of the clan. Knowing that a prophecy has named Lionsong as his successor, and confident in his abilities to lead, Dapplestar is ready to retire and live out the last of his days in the warmth of his clan. 
Sandstar (they/them), Leader of Meadowclan - It is difficult to describe Sandstar without using the word ‘bitchy’. Taking their assessment at an exceptionally young age and then going on to become deputy and leader, Sandstar has earned the confidence and precedence they carry themselves with - not that it doesn’t annoy their fellow leaders somewhat. Despite all their pride and gumption, they regularly find themselves bored by the toils of leadership and often delegate their duties to their worrywart deputy, Ravenshine. They have two mates, Mothswoop and Appledawn. 
Bluehaven (he/him), Stormclan’s Deputy - In the aftermath of Creekstar’s rule and Palestar’s rise to power, Stormclan was weakened and divided. In-fighting began to stir between those who supported and those who opposed Palestar’s leadership, and to quell this discord Palestar appointed Bluehaven, one of her most outspoken opposers, as deputy. Despite his objections to her leadership, Bluehaven was shaken by Palestar’s decision, initially believing it to be a trick, and later, a test of his loyalty. He warmed up to his new role after Palestar made further efforts to rebuild her clan, including pardoning exiled cats and banning the murder of rogues (an action that Creekstar had permitted). Nowadays his relationship with Palestar is tense but professional - though there are rumours she only made him deputy because she knows he won’t usurp her like she had to Creekstar. 
Kestrel (he/him), Snowclan’s Deputy - Kestrel was born in Stormclan to Pineshadow and an unknown father. Not long before his apprentice ceremony, his mother fled their home, taking him to Snowclan. There, Ouzelstar took him in, whilst his mother was turned away into the frozen wilds. From a young age Kestrel demonstrated an intuition and selflessness beyond his age - he was left significantly scarred after defending his clanmate from a badger. Though most of his clanmates afforded him sympathy and admiration for this action, there were others who were angered by it - namely Ouzelstar, who would give Kestrel the warrior name ‘Half-face’. Kestrel went on to become deputy after Thawflank stepped down to care for his son and grieve his mate, and remained in the role long after this once Ouzelstar realised his competency far exceeded Thawflank’s (and he didn’t argue with him like Thawflank did). As deputy, he puts his duties above all else, especially any personal grudges he might harbour. 
Lionsong (he/him), Gladeclan’s Deputy - Lionsong suffered a rough childhood, one that he still occasionally blames himself for. Having lost both his parents at a young age, in different ways, Lionsong grew up under the guidance of his mentor, Brightnettle. As an adult, Lionsong has committed himself to serving his clan to the best of his ability, and is known by his clanmates to be resolute but compassionate - making him a perfect candidate for deputy. Having been named by Starclan as the ‘saviour of his clan’, Lionsong wonders what lies in his future, and whether his future role as leader could clash with the actions required of a hero. He has a mate named Ashfall. 
Ravenshine (she/her), Meadowclan’s Deputy - Born a kittypet and abandoned by her owners, Ravenshine struggled to adapt to a life of scavenging on the streets of her twoleg-place. She found Meadowclan after trying her luck hunting in the fringes of the town and stumbling across a border patrol. Desperate and hungry, she was prepared to fight these new, strange cats for her dinner, but was surprised when they invited her to their clan. She found the warrior life suited her well (though she is prone to sunburn more than the average Meadowclan cat, due to her lack of fur) and quickly earned the trust of Sandstar. She enjoys organisation and strategising, both of which make her suited to her role as deputy - though she does have a bad habit of over-worrying, something that isn’t helped by her leader’s lackadaisical antics. She has a crush on her clanmate, Flaxeneye. 
Lichenfrost (she/her), Stormclan’s Healer - Lichenfrost is unusually friendly for a Stormclan cat. She was apprenticed to Frostwhisker, a key figure in the turmoil Stormclan experienced under Creekstar’s leadership, until his brutal death at the claws of a clanmate. Lichenfrost was understandably devastated, having witnessed it with her own eyes, and struggled for many moons as her clan’s sole healer. Whilst the bright sting of shock has long since left, she still finds herself struggling under the weight of her grief from time to time, a feeling she mostly tries to battle with a warm smile and a good talk, and maybe only occasionally some poppyseed. 
Berrystem (she/her), Snowclan’s Healer - Berrystem apprenticed under Cedarsmoke, a quiet and often unsettling cat. Almost as soon as she had earned her name, he left the clan, saying goodbye only to her. As an apprentice, Berrystem was fiercely passionate about her duties, finding solace in healing clanmates and peace in having time to herself - not to mention, a small part of her was both humbled and thrilled by the importance of her role. As she got older, however, her devotion began to waver - and almost faltered completely when the Blight hit her clan. After the death of both her apprentice, Mumblepaw, and her brother’s mate, Tumblestone, Berrystem travelled to the Peak and begged her ancestors for something, anything she could do to save her clanmates. She was met with silence. Distraught and hopeless, Berrystem started avoiding her clanmates out of guilt, spending all her time in her den tending to the dying. When the Blight finally began to clear in the warmer months, the damage was done; their small clan was smaller and Berrystem believed it was all due to her. Losing her brother to his grief and her friends to their duties, Berrystem found an unlikely bond with the only other cat who felt ostracised from the clan; Martenfur. The two would soon form a warm friendship, with Martenfur often helping Berrystem fetch those herbs that were just a little too tall for her to reach. 
Littleshadow (she/her), Gladeclan’s Healer - Littleshadow became a healer far later in her life than most cats. She was 40 moons when the clan’s current healer, Duskfoot, died suddenly in a dog attack. Having been the only cat with a higher-than-average knowledge of herbs and remedies, Littleshadow stepped in to help her clan. Trained mostly by Beechbark, Littleshadow quickly learnt the ways of a healer and took up the role full-time - leaving her mate, Cindertail, behind. 
Beechbark (he/him), Meadowclan’s Healer - Beechbark is the oldest of the current healers, having outlived not only his mentor but the clan’s previous leader. Despite this, he refuses to pick an apprentice on the principle that none of his clan’s current young ‘uns show enough respect and diligence for his liking. His clanmates fear that he’ll die before taking an apprentice, and his clan will be left healer-less like Gladeclan had been. Little do they know, Beechbark fears that if his clan has a newer, younger healer then they’ll see no use for him, and usher him off to the elder’s den. He’s not ready to give up his role just yet. 
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kipxan · 8 months
CreekClan: All Leaders
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Misty Creek, Creekmist, Creekstar female || lonesome || very clever || died 14 years and 7 months old led from moon 0-26 (2 years and 2 months) Backstory: Founding leader Family: - Former Mate: Ravenblossom - Sons: Brackenwater, Lightningstar Deputies: Emeraldwhisker Medicine Cats: Oakpelt, Brackenwater Mediators: Thymefeather, Sunflight ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ CLOUDSTAR (StarClan Guide): knowing when to fight & when to choose peace (lost to a badger) ☆ StarClan Spirits: lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog, lost saving Strawberryleaf from drowning, lost to an invading rogue, lost to a WildClan warrior, and remaining lives lost to old age
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Eyes Like Emerald, Emeraldwhisker, Emeraldstar female || confident || eloquent speaker & good storyteller || died 13 years and 3 months old led from moon 26-85 (4 years and 11 months) Backstory: Founding deputy Family: - Mate: Autumnspeckle - Daughters: Mistclaw, Rosefeather, Silverpaw, Poplarbranch, Brindlekit - Sons: Vulturetail, Servalback, Windkit, Coniferkit, Shrikepaw, Emberkit Apprentices: Dewpatch, Raccoontail, Sprucepaw Deputies: Cougarwing, Strawberryleaf, Lightningleaf Medicine Cats: Brackenwater, Soottuft, Featherfoot, Pigeonpounce Mediators: Thymefeather, Sunflight ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ EMBERKIT: resilience (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ SHRIKEPAW: clear judgement (lost eating tainted prey) ☆ OAKPELT: devotion (lost to a badger) ☆ BRINDLEKIT: adventure (lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog) ☆ RAVENBLOSSOM: certainty (lost eating a poisoned rabbit) ☆ OCHREKIT: protection (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ CREEKSTAR: the strength to overcome her fears (lost to a badger) ☆ StarClan Spirits: last two lives lost fighting a hawk
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Lightningkit, Lightningpaw, Lightningleaf, Lightningstar male || fierce || impressive climber & good hunter || died 8 years and 3 months old led from moon 85-115 (2 years and 6 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mother: Creekstar - Father: Ravenblossom - Brother: Brackenwater - Mate: Mistclaw - Daughters: Lizardflight, Irondapple, Skykit - Sons: Elmwing, Robinroar, Cherrykit Mentor: Strawberryleaf »» Influenced him to be more likely to behave erratically and put others at ease »» Helped him become better at climbing and caring for kittens »» Honored for his boldness Apprentices: Silverpaw, Irondapple Deputies: Vulturetail, Wolfspeck Medicine Cats: Brackenwater, Soottuft, Featherfoot, Pigeonpounce Mediators: Thymefeather, Sunflight ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ MISTCLAW: courage (lost falling from a tall tree) ☆ ROBINROAR: pride (lost to an infected wound) ☆ RAVENBLOSSOM: unity (lost to a dog after following a trespasser's scent) ☆ SKYKIT: perspective (lost saving Boarstep from a snake) ☆ BRACKENWATER: acceptance (remaining lives lost when he was swept away by the river) ☆ NECTARCRY: farsightedness (lost to the river) ☆ COUGARWING: integrity (lost to the river) ☆ ANTLEAF: mercy (lost to the river) ☆ EMERALDSTAR: tireless energy (lost to the river)
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Wolfkit, Wolfpaw, Wolfspeck, Wolfstar female || lonesome || formidable fighter || died 13 years and 10 months old led from moon 115-191 (6 years and 4 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mother: Pouncemoth - Father: Dandelionpounce - Brothers: Caverntail, Raccoontail, Glacierpelt, Geckokit - Sisters: Birchkit, Mudkit - Half Sibling: Dawnwish - Mates: Irispelt, Crescentcloud - Daughter: Splinterblink - Sons: Cricketjump, Copperstripe - Adopted Sons: Patchtwig, Sleethawk Mentor: Antleaf »» Influenced her to be more likely to step out of her comfort zone and heed her inner compass »» Helped her become better at fighting »» Honored for her tranquility Apprentices: Lizardflight, Cedarback, Brackenpaw, Muddapple Deputies: Alligatordapple, Irondapple, Hawkfall, Marigoldwhisker Medicine Cats: Featherfoot, Cricketjump, Blackberryleaf, Songsun, Leopardclaw, Thicketrose, Wolverinefeather Mediators: Thymefeather, Cormorantstep, Moonleaf, Maplenose, Darkblaze ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ IRISPELT: strength (lost to a broken bone) ☆ DANDELIONPOUNCE: confidence (lost to an infected wound) ☆ VULTURETAIL: farsightedness (lost to a dog) ☆ SHADESPOTS: compassion (lost to a lightning strike) ☆ MISTCLAW: bravery (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ AUTUMNFRECKLE: humility (lost driving out a rogue) ☆ LAVENDERSUN: clear judgement (lost to whitecough) ☆ CAVERNTAIL: endurance (lost to old age) ☆ LIGHTNINGSTAR: loyalty to the Clan (lost to a venemous snake)
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Marigold, Marigoldkit, Marigoldpaw, Marigoldwhisker, Marigoldstar male || cunning || keen eye & renowned hunter || died 11 years and 8 months old led from moon 191-228 (3 years and 1 month) Backstory: abandoned; found and taken in by CreekClan at 4 moons old Family: - Mate: Rosemaryfall - Daughters: Heatherpaw, Astersight, Forestpaw - Sons: Fogfur, Servalglow, Petalbreeze - Adopted Son: Mintpatch Mentor: Cardinalsong »» Influenced him to be more likely to have a positive outlook and be friendly towards others »» Helped him become better at noticing small details and remembering lore »» Honored for his patience Apprentices: Acornpelt, Galefur, Lunarfrost Deputies: Rainspeck, Hailspring Medicine Cats: Cricketjump, Thicketrose, Wolverinefeather, Thistletuft, Flickerclaw Mediatiors: Cricketjump, Thicketrose, Wolverinefeather, Thistletuft, Flickerclaw ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ ROSEMARYFALL: endurance (lost to a hawk) ☆ FORESTPAW: forgiveness (lost after ingesting deathberries) ☆ BLACKBERRYLEAF: clear judgement (lost to an invading rogue) ☆ HEATHERPAW: trust (lost fighting an eagle) ☆ CEDARBACK: strength (lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog) ☆ CARDINALSONG: acceptance (lost to greencough) ☆ SPRIGCLOVE: unity (lost to a dog) ☆ WOLFSTAR: loyalty to the Clan (lost to yellowcough)
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Hailkit, Hailpaw, Hailspring, Hailstar trans female || adventurous || lore master & steady paws || died 11 years and 7 months old led from moon 228-294 (5 years and 6 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mother: Lightstripe - Father: Sparkhowl - Adoptive Father: Mintpatch - Brothers: Runningfeather, Sandfeather - Sister: Moorpaw - Mate: Lynxthorn Mentors: Boulderfeather, Owlbreeze »» Honored for her energy Apprentices: Tigereyes, Heatherfur, Fallenfern Deputies: Opossomfur, Nectarheart Medicine Cats: Thicketrose (briefly), Thistletuft, Flickerclaw, Honeyflight, Talonclaw, Dovewalker, Sparrowbreeze, Galepelt, Ocelotshade Mediators: Swampheart, Deerstripe, Saltbrook, Jaspersnow ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ LYNXTHORN: courage (lost fighting a big dog) ☆ ACORNPELT: endurance (lost to a festering wound) ☆ MOTHFROST: sympathy (lost saving Antlerpaw from a dog) ☆ SPARKHOWL: forgiveness (lost to an invading rogue) ☆ ALLIGATORDAPPLE: farsightedness (lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog) ☆ SABLEFLOWER: clear judgement (lost after being mauled by a dog) ☆ DAWNLEAP: acceptance (lost to a badger) ☆ CRICKETJUMP: faith (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ MARIGOLDSTAR: knowing when to fight & when to choose peave (lost to an infected wound)
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Nectarkit, Nectarpaw, Nectarheart, Nectarstar female || strange/responsible || steady paws || died 13 years and 11 months old led from moon 294-376 (6 years and 10 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mothers: Lakecloud and Thrashereye - Brother: Solarblossom - Sisters: Tundratooth, Soilstalk, Skyfeather, Sprigpaw - Mate: Icemoth - Former Mate: Unknown loner - Daughters: Fogkit, Blackberryspeck, Lightkit, Sandshade, Cardinalthorn, Antlerkit - Sons: Gorsespeckle, Swiftkit Mentor: Palewalker »» Influenced her to be more likely to think things through, try to avoid violence, and bend the rules »» Honored for her individuality Apprentices: Primrosetuft, Almondleap Deputies: Lavendertuft, Hazelstripe, Almondleap, Cinnamondapple Medicine Cats: Honeyflight, Talonclaw, Dovewalker, Sparrowbreeze, Galepelt, Ocelotshade, Chitindapple, Mossyfreckle, Heatherfoot Mediators: Deerstripe, Saltbrook, Jaspersnow, Acornspot, Rivernose, Spirefur ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ PATCHTWIG (grandfather): certainty (lost to a badger) ☆ FOGKIT: forgiveness (lost while kitting) ☆ THRASHEREYE: instincts (lost to an invading rogue) ☆ HEATHERFUR: endurance (lost in a dog attack) ☆ SOILSTALK: acceptance (lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog) ☆ LAKECLOUD: strength (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ LOCUSTPOND: pride (lost after being crushed by a falling tree) ☆ TUNDRATOOTH: farsightedness (lost fighting a small dog) ☆ HAILSTAR: loyalty to the Clan (lost to old age)
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Cinnamonkit, Cinnamonpaw, Cinnamondapple, Cinnamonstar male || compassionate || impressive climber & good speaker || died 13 years and 5 months old led from moon 376-434 (4 years and 10 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mother: Sprucepounce - Father: Woodtail - Brothers: Yarrowchaser, Volcanopelt, Scorchheart, Frozenthroat - Sisters: Galepelt, Beechkit, Featherfleck - Half Brother: Fallenfern - Half Sisters: Ivyfur, Squirrelpaw, Wolfkit - Mates: Featherstripe, Sprucesnarl - Son: Murktail - Child: Brooksnow Mentor: Moosepelt »» Influenced him to be more likely to think things through, interact with others, and use words over teeth and claws »» Helped him become better at climbing »» Honored for his dedication Apprentices: Barkspeck, Geckofern, Larkpaw, Sableclaw, Sleetflower Deputies: Quietsong, Fisherstream Medicine Cats: Honeyflight, Mossyfreckle, Heatherfoot, Rootclaw, Earthberry, Cavernmask, Thicketcloud Mediators: Saltbrook, Acornspot, Spirefur, Rowanfall, Jackalhowl ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ FEATHERSTRIPE: courage (lost to a badger) ☆ DOVEWALKER: devotion (lost keeping CreekClan safe from a large dog) ☆ SPRUCEPOUNCE: determination (lost to a dog after following a trespasser's scent) ☆ WOODTAIL: compassion (lost to a broken bone) ☆ RIVERNOSE: instincts (lost to a rogue ambush) ☆ THUNDERKIT: curiosity (lost to an invading rogue) ☆ AUTUMNSWOOP: strength (lost to a badger) ☆ CARDINALTHORN: endurance (lost falling from a tall tree) ☆ NECTARSTAR: the strength to overcome his fears (lost after failing to interpret a warning from StarClan)
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Fisherkit, Fisherpaw, Fisherstream, Fisherstar female || playful || den builder & good speaker || died 13 years and 6 months old led from moon 434-502 (5 years and 8 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mothers: Sandshade, Flarefur - Brothers: Larkpaw, Birchpaw - Mates: Murkpelt, Miretail - Daughter: Mosspelt - Sons: Ashsight, Drizzlefog, Weaselpaw, Sneezekit Mentor: Oakmane »» Influenced her to be more likely to defend her beliefs, heed her inner compass, and have a positive outlook »» Helped her become better at arguing and caring for camp »» Honored for her liveliness Apprentices: Seadrop, Brinefall, Splashtooth, Icicletuft Deputies: Scalefoot, Brushpelt, Berrywatcher Medicine Cats: Rootclaw, Earthberry, Cavernmask, Thicketcloud, Mossyfreckle, Flutterwind Mediators: Acornspot, Rowanfall, Jackalhowl, Leopardspots, Mossmane ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ MURKPELT: unity (lost to a badger) ☆ FLAREFUR: mercy (lost after falling in the river) ☆ SEADROP: confidence (lost eating tainted fresh-kill) ☆ SANDSHADE: acceptance (lost fighting a small dog) ☆ ROTSHADOW: clear judgement (remaining lives lost to old age) ☆ SPARROWLEAP (Ashsight's mate): affection (lost to old age) ☆ MOSSPELT: affection (lost to old age) ☆ WEASELPAW: mentoring (lost to old age) ☆ CREEKSTAR: tireless energy (lost to old age)
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Berrykit, Berrypaw, Berrywatcher, Berrystar male || ambitious/charismatic || great hunter & prophecy seeker || died 13 years and 11 months old led from moon 502-575 (6 years and 1 month) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Mother: Firefog - Parent: Stormclaw - Brothers: Foxcall, Jackalhowl - Sisters: Skyfur, Antlerdusk, Cricketwhisker - Adopted Brothers: Glacierpaw, Poplarkit - Adopted Sister: Frostpaw - Mates: Cavernmask, Echofeather - Daughters: Raspberrykit, Saltsplash, Specklefrost, Sweetcreek, Siennaleap, Redtwig - Sons: Crowclaw, Bluekit - Child: Sprucepool Mentor: Juniperfall »» Influenced him to be more likely to break rules that don't suit him, interact with others, and be consistent »» Helped him become better at hunting »» Honored for his commitment Apprentices: Creekbird, Snowbreeze, Sandfog, Siennaleap Deputies: Forestwind, Silverfur, Echofeather, Marshsong Medicine Cats: Earthberry, Cavernmask, Thicketcloud, Flutterwind, Yewpelt, Bloodnight Mediators: Rowanfall, Leopardspots, Mossmane, Buttercupclaw, Earthcreek, Chestnutstripe ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ SALTSPLASH: friendship (lost to a dog after following a trespasser's scent) ☆ FIREFOG: integrity (lost to a badger) ☆ STORMCLAW: unconditional love (lost to a badger) ☆ RASPBERRYKIT: adventure (lost in a rogue ambush) ☆ ORCHIDKIT: protection (lost to yellowcough) ☆ RIFTROAR (Cavernmask's brother): endurance (lost to a rogue ambush) ☆ CRICKETWHISKER: mercy (lost to an invading rogue) ☆ RUSTPAW: sympathy (lost to a flood) ☆ CINNAMONSTAR: loyalty to the Clan (lost after being mauled by dogs)
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Marshkit, Marshpaw, Marshsong, Marshstar male || charismatic/loyal || great kitsitter & clever || died 14 years old led from moon 575-636 (5 years and 1 month) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Fathers: Tawnysight, Frostbreeze - Sisters: Earthkit, Reedstalk - Mates: Jaytuft, Lynxstep - Daughters: Harriertail, Rosypaw, Sorrelstripe, Blueberrykit - Sons: Dandelionmask, Cougarspeckle, Sunpaw, Cloudleaf, Brinefall (a different one lol) Mentor: Flamefeather »» Influenced him to be more likely to use teeth and claws over words and break away from the status quo »» Helped him become better at solving problems »» Honored for his sociability Apprentices: Tempestwhisker, Spottedscar, Talonbreeze, Featherfur, Brinefall Deputies: Lynxstep, Kitewhisker, Applebranch Medicine Cats: Flutterwind, Yewpelt, Bloodnight, Skipperflight, Thawspeckle, Fawntuft Mediators: Leopardspots, Buttercupclaw, Chestnutstripe, Peachleaf, Mosspurr ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ FROSTBREEZE: unity (lost to a badger) ☆ TAWNYSIGHT: confidence (lost to a bite-wound from a small dog) ☆ DANDELIONMASK: empathy (lost saving Skytooth from a snake) ☆ SUNPAW: compassion (lost after being crushed by a falling tree) ☆ ROSYPAW: trust (remaining lives lost to old age) ☆ REEDSTALK: courage (lost to old age) ☆ HOLLYFOG (cousin): acceptance (lost to old age) ☆ SOLARSPOTS (cousin): determination (lost to old age) ☆ BERRYSTAR: loyalty to the Clan (lost to old age)
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Applekit, Applepaw, Applebranch, Applestar female || ambitious || impressive climber & natural intuition || died 14 years old led from moon 636-694 (4 years and 10 months) Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Father: Silverfur - Mother: Orchidspots - Brothers: Maplekit, Houndpaw, Pebblefur, Dawnfleck, Ochrekit, Elkkit, - Sisters: Rowankit, Leafheart, Thymekit, Mossmane, Asterheart, Tempestwhisker, Swallowkit, Earthcreek - Half Sisters: Shellstalk, Dustypaw - Mate: Skytooth - Daughters: Vulturedapple, Berrykit, Saltfall, Foxkit, Bloompaw, Mushroomfur, Volekit - Sons: Shysong, Lightningkit, Quartzstorm, Dustbranch, Hazelpaw Mentor: Pinespeck »» Influenced her to be more likely to step out of her comfort zone, try to avoid violence, and have a positive outlook »» Helped her become better at climbing »» Honored for her adaptability Apprentices: Lakestripe, Dustypaw, Quietwing, Berryfreckle, Falconheart Deputies: Flamewhisker, Coniferthorn Medicine Cats: Thawspeckle, Fawntuft, Spottedstone, Seaflower, Minnowstripe Mediators: Peachleaf, Mosspurr, Knollpond, Shadowdapple ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ QUARTZSTORM: certainty (lost to an infected wound) ☆ VULTUREDAPPLE: friendship (lost defending Rustlepool from a fox) ☆ SILVERFUR: pride (lost in a fight with a small dog) ☆ ORCHIDSPOTS: clear judgement (lost to a venomous snake) ☆ SHYSONG: forgiveness (lost defending Leopardkit from a badger) ☆ SALTFALL: strength (lost to a hawk) ☆ BLOOMPAW: acceptance (lost to old age) ☆ RIFTPURR: instincts (lost to old age) ☆ BERRYSTAR: knowing when to fight & when to choose peace (lost to old age)
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Coniferkit, Coniferpaw, Coniferthorn, Coniferstar female || confident || great kitsitter || current leader led from moon 694-? Backstory: Clanborn Family: - Fathers: Brinefall, Emberstorm - Brothers: Gloomkit, Bonestripe, Shadespeck, Rowanpaw - Sisters: Shykit, Swiftstep, Hawkkit, Basilheart, Riverkit, Lightningshadow - Mates: Snowheart, Peachleaf - Daughters: Smokeleaf, Snaildapple - Sons: Barkfrost, Dovepelt - Adoptive Daughters: Patchkit, Sootpaw Mentors: Saltfall, Dewglow »» Saltfall influenced her to be more likely to break rules that don't suit her and be slow to anger »» Dewglow influenced her to be more likely to put others at ease, follow rules, be resilient, and avoid a fight »» Honored for her generosity Apprentices: Poppyspring, Ashfall Deputies: Bonestripe Medicine Cats: Fawntuft, Spottedstone, Seaflower, Minnowstripe Mediators: Peachleaf, Mosspurr, Knollpond, Shadowdapple ~~~ *☆Nine Lives☆* ☆ SNOWHEART: unity ☆ EMBERSTORM: strength ☆ LIGHTNINGSHADOW: friendship ☆ PATCHKIT: optimism ☆ SOOTPAW: protection ☆ LICHENSLIP: bravery ☆ BRINEFALL: sympathy ☆ QUIETWING: mercy ☆ APPLESTAR: knowing when to fight & when to choose peace
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Cats of the Past
There are many cats that reside in Starclan and the Dark forest. However, due to how many cats there are, I'll only be posting art of the key cats that are important to the clans' history (Founders/founding cats) or deceased cats that are important to the plot whether through influence from Starclan/the Dark Forest or due to how their actions in life affect those after them. All other cats will be on a list in order by how long they've been deceased.
Founding Cats:
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Thicketstar has often been nicknamed the mother of all the clans due to how most of the other clan founders were related to her. She came from another group of clans that met a tragedy, along with other cats from those clans. She was the first of the clan leaders, and it's the founding of Thicketclan and passing on the knowledge of warrior clan ways that she is noted for. While strict and stern, Thicketstar was not an otherwise noteworthy leader.
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Bobbystar was the founder of Gorgeclan, and many cats generations later would forget her true name and refer to her as Gorgestar. She was the leader of a very small clowder that resided in the gorge Gorgeclan would call home. A young apprentice from Thicketclan fell in and was found by the clowder, the event starting off the meeting between the two groups and Bobby being inspired to take on some of the clan's ways and use them for her small group. She was very much noted as a kind and motherly sort of cat, with tales of how large she was constantly passed down even after her name was forgotten.
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The founders of Sunclan were Sunnystar and Moonstar. Sunnystar was the child of Thicketstar and the youngest of the cats who came to the area after Thicketstar's original clans' fate occurred. Headstrong and fierce, their way of doing since is balanced out with their mate, the calmer Moonstar. Moonstar had been from the clowder-turned-clan that Bobbystar was the leader of. Their dual leadership started the long tradition Sunclan would have of having two of each high rank.
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Palestar founded Floodclan in an attempt to use the land that the other three at the time weren't as suited for. An intelligent, but rather insecure cat, she had relied heavily on her mate and children prior to trusting other cats, leading to her starting Floodclan's more monarchist ways of leadership inheritance, regardless of how accidental it was. This reliance would also lead to Palestar picking one of her sons, Fernrunner, only for one of her other sons Creekmane to murder Fernrunner in cold blood and have the mother send him into exile. Her death later at his claws in a battle between Floodclan and Creekmane's newly founded Creekclan, succeeded by her daughter Mothstar. Her name, like Bobbystar, has been mostly forgotten, often referred to by cats of the present as 'Floodstar,' with her tale more of one of caution, that family doesn't always mean those cats will be your most trustworthy.
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After the exile from Floodclan, Creekstar founded Creekclan with rogues he recruited to his cause. While Palestar didn't much care for the legacy Thicketstar or Sunnystar left behind, Creekstar did and strived to be a great warrior a leader. While he succeeded in killing his mother in battle, he was taken down by his sister who took the leadership afterward, Mothstar. His and Palestar's tale is used by many in the clans as a tale of caution, and the clan he founded in hate and grief is now known as the kindest and 'softest' clan, something that he rages about from the Dark Forest.
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Amberfall was Thicketclan's founding medicine cat and was the one to find the Moon Falls used to communicate with Starclan. Superstitious to the end, she paired well with Thicketstar when it came to preserving the traditions they and the other founding members of their new clan had known.
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Yellowthunder was not the first deputy of Sunclan, but rather the second deputy picked when Sunnystar and Moonstar officially decided to have two of each high rank. Despite the rise in rank, Yellowthunder's tales of her battles and great deeds of aiding the great territory the beginning Sunclan took over are her legacy. A legacy that continues as Sunclan has an array of cats with the prefix Yellow in her honor.
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Talloak was Creekclan's first medicine cat, formerly a rogue that had resided by the Old Oak that is now part of Creekclan's territory. It was Talloak that spoke for Creekclan to remain when Creekstar was brought down in battle. Many who reside in Creekclan afterward have Talloak to thank for the clan's kinder and more welcoming attitude.
Other Cats
(T=Thicketclan, G=Gorgeclan, S= Sunclan, F=Floodclan, C=Creekclan)
Starclan Cats
Eagelesoar (G)
Bearbriar (G)
Cherrybite (T)
Willowbreeze (T)
Skyleap (G)
Sandstep (S)
Maplebark (F)
Salmonstream (C)
Shadowstalk (T)
Lightingblaze (S)
Riverthorn (F)
Heavytail (C)
Yarrowspot (F)
Timbercall (F)
Rootleaf (F)
Heavyheart (F)
Amberstream (F)
Hawksnow (F)
Tiger-roar (C)
Petalpelt (C)
Crow-wing (T)
Leopardpelt (G)
Cliffrunner (G)
Cloudpaw (G)
Lilypaw (G)
Juniperpaw (G)
Emberpaw (G)
Dark Forest Cats (Plus crimes)
Nightstalk (T) -treason/breaking the code
Bluegaze (G) - Treason
Leafwhisper (T) - Murder
Dandeliontooth (G) - Breaking code, killed to win battles
Sycamoreclaw (G) -?????????
Skypool (S) - Attempted assassination
Rainfoot (C) - Breaking Code, mistreatment of fellow clanmates
Mistgaze - war crimes. Many war crimes.
Lioncry - attempted assassination
Stormfrost - Breaking the code, refused to help kits, treason to the clan
The In Between
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Cats here are those who don't belong in either Starclan or the Dark Forest, and act as guides for the recently deceased to head to their suited afterlife. Gorsestar is the most recent of them to pop up, having been a decent deputy and leader in his youth, but after a tragic fire incident, his daughter's betrayal, and elderly age began to affect his mind, did many questionable and or out-right bad actions, such as the attack on his great-granddaughter Junipercloud.
There are obviously not many cats who end up here.
Doeleap (G)
Owlgaze (T)
Hawkcry (G)
Viperstrike (S)
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qozico · 6 months
Rainwillow stood before the moonpool, shivering ever so slightly. Am I really ready to be the leader of this clan? Am I really worthy? He trembles with each doubtful thought. He turns to look over at Iceeyes.
"Go on, it is time, Rainwillow. It is time to walk with Starclan and come back to your clan as Rainstar." The old tortoiseshell dipped her head as signal for him to step up to the moonpool. Rainwillow takes a deep breath, and lays down at the edge of the pool, and gently dips his nose into the cold water, laying down and gathering his tail and paws beneath him. Shortly after he's gotten comfortable, he can hear the old medicine cat lay down next to him and dip her nose into water, causing soft ripples of water to hit his nose. A deep breath, and both slip into sleep, jolting up seconds later to find themselves in the same spot, but surrounded by glowing cats, all murmuring and watching. Rainwillow looks around to see Iceeyes beside him, the medicine cats eyes now clear of cataracts and shining bright green.
"Your eyes! You can see!" he exclaimed.
"My eyes are clear in my dreams. But nonetheless, it is time for you to meet your ancestors." She points her nose ahead, and when Rainwillow looks up he sees before him, the great golden cat he had just laid to rest the night before.
"Dawnstar!" His eyes glowed as the giant she-cat approached him.
"Rainwillow, my dearest friend." She dipped her head down to be closer to his. "You have made me so proud. I know you will lead Creekclan well." She presses her muzzle to his forehead. "I give you a life with the strength to lead this clan to a new world, far from the lands you know. You may struggle now, but you will find your strengths later on."
Rainwillow's paws buzzed with a rush of electricity, almost knocking the small tom over. What does this mean? Another land? A new world? But before he could ask the great leader before him any questions, she stepped back away from him, revealing a small, black tom.
"Coalheart!" He gasped at the sight of his own father, finally standing before him again. "I can't believe its really you..."
"It is, my son, I have finally found you again, I have missed you so much." Coalheart's golden eyes glistened. He pressed his forehead to his son's, and Rainwillow flashed back to being a young, naïve apprentice, just wanting to be included, following his father to that fated clearing where he was taken from him. He shuts his eyes before he can see the twolegs snatch his father away. "I give you a life for loyalty. I have spent my life dedicated to you, and died searching for you, and you will carry that same loyalty towards your family and clan." He mewed.
A rush of energy hit Rainwillow's heart. I'm ready. He thinks and pulls back to look at the old tom again.
Coalheart rubs his face against his son's one last time, and silently steps away, the sadness growing in his eyes as he drew further away.
On his left, Rainwillow sees a sleek, brown tabby approach him. He doesn't recognise this cat, but he knows that he is someone very important to his clan.
"Hello, Rainwillow. I am Creekstar, the first leader of Creekclan." Rainwillow's eyes widened at the realisation that this is the great cat who started this clan. Creekstar touched his muzzle to Rainwillow's head. "I am so glad to see my clan fall into such great, powerful paws. I know you will lead them well. I give you a life with the courage to keep our clan safe, no matter where it takes you." The once great leader lifts his head and meets Rainwillow's eyes, and he feels a surge of pride in his chest. I will make you proud, Creekstar.
As Creekstar steps away, a large grey tabby steps up to Rainwillow.
"You do not know me, my life ended just before yours began, but I have been watching you from Starclan. I am Riverwing, I was Creekstar's first deputy. You have grown up to be a fine young warrior, and you will make a great leader." He dipped his head to touch his muzzle to Rainwillow's head. "I give you a life with the selflessness. I gave everything for my clan, and i continue to watch over and protect my clan even from Starclan. You will lead your clan with your clanmates in mind before yourself. You have always shown that you will care for others first, now show your clan how you'll do it as a leader." He lifted his head to meet Rainwillow's eyes once more, and his large orange eyes glinted with starlight. As the large cat stepped back, a familiar face came into view. The beautiful grey she-cat approached Iceeyes first, both meeting eyes and pressing their heads together.
"I missed you, my love." She whispered.
"I have missed you too, Rainfeather." Iceeyes spoke with a broken voice. The two lovers spent a few more seconds together, and then Rainfeather stepped to be in front of Rainwillow.
"I have been watching you closely, my friend." Her soft, calm voice send a shiver of relaxation through his body. "You have made me very proud, and I thank you for protecting our daughter, Rabbitpaw. She will make you proud when she is your medicine cat." Her green eyes were filled with pride and relief. She silently lifted her head to press her nose to Rainwillow's head. "I give you a life for hope. Hope for the future, hope for your clan, and hope for your family. Never forget, we are looking out for you, you will get through the darkness that lies ahead." As she stepped back, a small rush of anxiety hit Rainwillow. The darkness that lies ahead? What is going to happen? But he couldn't do any more worrying before Rainfeather stepped away, and a face he's missed very dearly was revealed.
"Cloudpelt! Its you!" He cried out, running up to the small blue she-cat. "I missed you so much, the kits miss you too!" He meowed as he buried his face in her soft coat.
"I have missed you so too, my dear." She mewed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Ashkit and Cinderkit will grow up strong with you as their father. I give you a life for wisdom. Be wise and raise our kits well, raise our clan well, and make us proud again and again. I know you can do it." She drew back to meet Rainwillow's eyes once more, before stepping back so a small black kit could step up.
"Oh, Rockkit, I am so sorry for what happened, I've missed you so much." Rainwillow dropped down to meet the kit's eyes.
"It is okay, you do not need to apologise." His tiny voice sent shivers through Rainwillow's spine. "You will raise my brother and sister well. I will always be with you and them." He lifted his tiny nose to touch his father's forehead. "I give you a life for offering second chances. Some cats are not how they seem. I may seem young and unwise, but I know many things from my time here. Be strong, father, do not grieve me alone." As Rainwillow opened his eyes, the tiny kit gave him one last smile before leaving. As he stood back up, a face that was unfamiliar, but comforting to see, appeared before him.
"My son, I know you have never seen me, but I have watched over you for many moons, I am so proud of you." She whispered, and he felt a rush of warmth. His mother. Grayleaf. He had only heard of her, but now, he sees so much of himself in her face, he knows she truly is his long lost mother.
"I- I can't believe it's finally you. I am so glad to finally meet you." He whispered back, and they pressed their heads together.
"I give you a life with a mother's love. I have never stopped watching over you, I have never stopped loving you, I will always be with you, Rainwillow." Her gentle voice reminded him of being just days old, eyes not open, suckling with his brother. The only moment he had with his mother. The warmest memory in his heart. As the sweet she-cat stepped away, a young black and grey cat stepped up to Rainwillow.
"Riverpaw!" Rainwillow gasped as the small tom touched noses with him.
"Hello brother, I have missed you so much, you have grown up to be so strong, and so brave, I am so proud of you. I give you a life for patience. Time may move slowly when things dont look bright, but I know you have the strength to carry on no matter how long it takes." Rainwillow felt a sharp rush of pain through his body, and took a deep, wavering breath.
"It is over." Dawnstar whispered in his ear. "We are so proud of you. Welcome, Rainstar."
His new name echoed around him, every cat raising their voice to call out, "Rainstar! Rainstar!"
Rainstar sat up straight and looked around. "Thank you, all of you." He meowed. "I will lead my life and my clan by the lives you have given me, I will make you proud." He turned to meet eyes with Dawnstar. "I hope i will forever make you proud." He dipped his head to her in respect of the leader who had guided him here.
"Go on, Rainstar, lead Creekclan with all your heart. We will be with you always."
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bayclan is in shamblss, cherrystar just lost all 8 lifes in a rogue attack and three other ppl died too, including clan founder Mallowjay and our first legacy named apprentice Apricotpaw. Weve been getting outsider babies left and right tho! Literally 11 new cats. And our first gay couple, young Ferretpond and Fallowripple.
Soo, a fun time for Creekstar to take over! Poor lad is grieving Cherry and Mallow, he loved both of them a lot platonically:(
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Response Warriors - a team implemented by Blackstar (Smokeclan), Hollystar (Whisperclan), Hailstar (Frostclan), Creekstar (Brookclan), and Alderstar (Thrushclan) during the Great Navigation.
Not all warriors are response warriors, but all can respond, there’s just a few select warriors who are always tasked with this responsibility in a crisis.
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elementclangen · 28 days
Moon 160-Greenleaf
The Clan is adjusting to having a dark-cursed cat as its leader once more.  Creekstar (14) is young and has never had an apprentice, but she and Fry (67) work well together so far.  Chervilcry (139) and Peakspots (129) are the only cats in the Clan who remember a time before Yuccawillow was their leader.  Peakspots remembers how strong the Clan was with his mom at its head, and Chervilcry agonizes over how leadership changed her sibling.  Will it change Creekstar too?  Peakspots feels like he  never truly knew his mate.  How could they do that?  Kill their Clanmates? In light of the last moon’s revelations, he has decided that they are no longer his mate.  The kits, despite being young, have picked up on the mood in the Clan.  Riftkit (1) is trying to cheer up Peakspots by sharing his prey with him.  But Brightkit (2) cares less about cheering up the elder.  She steals a feather from him and destroys it when he tries to get it back.  Daisykit (1)  really likes hanging out with Chervilcry and makes sure to ask how the old mediator is doing.  Primkit (2) knows that it was something she did that got Yuccawillow exiled.  She’s just not sure what.  She wants to sneak out of camp with Chiku (94) to go find the former leader, but Chiku stops her.  He explains that Yuccawillow probably would have hurt her because of her powers.  That’s why it’s good that Creekstar’s in charge now.  While Creekstar has risen to the place she belongs, Pigeonspot (29) is feeling a little out of place in the Clan.  She’s the only earth-blessed warrior and she can’t seem to find a place in the Clan like Rustsong (29) did.  She stares longingly at the cats sharing tongues in the cavern and wishes she had someone she felt comfortable doing that with.  The nursery has a bit of a scare when Goldenkit (2) rushes at Primkit on a wave of water.  Thankfully, Primkit lashes out with fire and not something darker. . .Amethystdapple (87) and Fry are a little intimidated, and Creekstar takes both kits aside and teaches them about the importance of control.  They’re both a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Creekstar (aka. Crookedstar)! I love this man sm, I want to hug him. 
I made him big and bulky, I just want him to look like a big strong dad. He’s super nice, but could beat you up if he wanted to. 
I renamed him Creekstar because I didnt want him to be named after his injury like that >:(. in roc there is no way a leader (unless they were real evil) would let a mom rename her kit something like that! I kno I could have named him Stormstar since that was his name in canon, but I like Creek, and i thought it sounded kinda like his old name. Plus I like the idea of the leader of River Order in the first arc having a water related name! Also! his warrior title was Creekfang bec he got a litol fangs sticking out and bec he’s good at fighting.
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Creekstar an au version of Crookedstar from warrior cats. He is standing with hie right side showing, and he has a happy closed eyed expression on his face. He is a large, bulky, brown tabby tom with a crooked lower jay, which is hanging slightly open. His pelt is made up of different shades of brown and stripes have swirling pattern. He has cream-white on his muzzle, under his chin, on his stomach, and on his tail tip and paws. He also has a cream-white diamond/star shaped marking on his chest. he has some scaring on the right side of his muzzle where his jaw was originally broken, as well as some scars on his flank. His scars, inner ears, mouth, and nose are all light pink./End ID]
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threeclans · 3 years
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It’s time for a new icon! Though our old one has served us well through the years, we wanted to remodel it slightly to better fit current times in ThreeClans. It has been updated and adapted to the current world! Featured in the icon are the founders of the original three clans, Jaggedstar, Nettlestar, and Creekstar, as well as tie ins with the Tribe's seasonal symbols and clouds in the background for FogClan! 
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gracedoesart · 3 years
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Greypelt's banishment.
A scene from Greypelt's backstory. He was falsely accused of traitorous activities by Ripplefur, the dark cat in the far right of the picture, and is being banished from his clan (Riverclan). The solid brown cat in the back is Creekstar (the leader of Course) and the brown and grey cat is Claypelt (Greypelt's father).
Greypelt and Claypelt belong to me. Ripplefur and Creekstar belong to my sibling.
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iolitemoth · 2 years
Pride Art Part 1
I wanted to make something for Pride Month this year and thought, ’why not something with my ocs again?’ So here’s part 1!
I’ll post the whole thing in a seperate post, so you can see them all together!
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CC Habenon: genderfluid, they/she/he/none, asexual, gay, also uses Cerina + Cecil
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Skye Quinn: nonbinary, transgender, they/them, polyamorous, in a queerplatonic poly relationship
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Carrick: demiboy, he/him
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Indira Ramman: cassgender, neutrois, ne/nym
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Phoebe: genderqueer, she/her
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Amaya Toshiko: polyamorous, likes women, she/her
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Rin: bisexual, women-leaning, she/her
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Palette: bigender, he/she
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McKenna Monarch: asexual, sex-repulsed, she/her
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Creekstar: trans tom, he/him
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