#daily writing update
nepobabyeurydice · 22 days
600/2.5k for Of Time Long Past
We might be seeing an update by Friday or Monday
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internetreadingpanda · 2 months
April 11, 2024
dear moon, my drinking buddy,
Isn't it weird how I start writing about all the best things of my life when they come to an end? And I never thought I would start writing to you again but here I am, after two years, ranting about life (yes there is this girl and she is magical).
So for two years, I've been living a strange yet wonderful life. I met so many new people, cried for a few, laughed a lot, went on dates, and worked my ass off at a debt collection company, but the point here is that in two years I met the most amazing human beings along with the unbearable pain and those people helped me get through it. Nothing I can say will ever be able to appropriately appreciate them.
The problem I have right now is not really a problem, it's just a girl. On 8th March it was Mahashivratri, and like a random Friday, I woke up sad. It was Moksha Day 02 and we were supposed to attend this fest in NSUT; when I say WE, I mean Me, Nikhil, and Aakash. However, in the morning Nikhil called and informed me that he is not coming and I'll have to go with Aakash because he is participating in some speed dating thingy and he needs moral support. I got frustrated and did not wanna go because you know it is Aakash, he's annoying at times but I knew this is the only fest I'll be going to because I have this shit job to focus on so I decided to let it be, it is just about a day. I reached Nikhil's place and I told him how he was such a bastard for not coming along.
Do you remember how I said this girl is magical, now here comes the magic (you won't get it but it'll make sense later) when we are in the metro and Aakash shows me the Instagram account of this girl named (let's call her) Omen and he asked me if I would like to talk to her and I was like we'll see.
We reached the college, friendless, feeling left out but still there was a sense of excitement, a feeling that something good will happen, I won't be me today, I'll change. We went for the speed dating thingy and it went down into flames for him. My man doesn't know how to speak to a woman. Moving forward, he told me he wants to ask a girl out and I was like just go and speak to someone but he was just too scared. Near the food stall, I saw a girl and I was like I wanna talk to her. She was so pretty with her crop top and tangled hair. So we waited there, for the right moment. The moment never came but magic happened and Omen arrived, that too, out of nowhere. Can you believe it????? What sort of a coincidence is this????? She just ran into us and she took us with her. I was experiencing this kind of human interactions for the first time where these college kids are making friends this easily and I was so intrigued by it. So we went along with her to find the rest of her friends. It was a hassle to look for other people in that crowd and desperate Aakash could not resist but ask if there are any girls in her group and Omen was like yeah but she has a boyfriend. The moment Omen finished the sentence, her girlies arrived and I looked at her for the first time and all I saw was poetry. The faded color of her hair, wrists filled with bracelets as if they conceal a secret, her fingers had all the classy rings as if she is planning some sorcery which is somehow correct because Omen introduced us and she said she's pursuing BA and Black magic from DU. I was like WHAAAAATTT???? Let's name her Ameera because the meaning of her name is Indian Princess and that's what exactly she is, a princess. She said that and a friend of her interrupted between us ( I hate guy friends).
Aakash and I looked at each other and we both had the same thought: SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND. By the number of guy friend she has, it was impossible to find who is the main guy so we were judging her every interaction and based on the pattern of physical touch we would predict who is the guy and FINALLY a guy won. His name was Jacob and he was just THERE like all the time.
Anyway, I realized there is nothing that can happen between us but I was really fascinated with the Black magic that she told me about so I was curious to know more, that's why I stayed (I swear I stayed for the black magic only). We were in the campus, clicking pictures, and they were laughing on weird jokes which I found really weird that's why I maintained some distance from them because obviously my humor would make them cry. I found a batman mask and I wore it, suddenly everyone started looking at me. Stupid things I do to gain attention, but I liked it, they were curious to know what's behind the mask. Even Ameera clicked pictures of me with that mask on and even if I take the batman mask off there's still gonna be a mask because I lied to them, I lied how I am in NSUT, I lied about my schools, my friends and everything. I told them what they wanted to hear and the plan was just to enjoy the fest with them and never show them my face again but I don't know what kind of a magic she has done on me that I am craving her every second and it sucks it sucks so bad that I feel ridiculous to be alive for someone's attention.
By the evening, I couldn't bear there jokes so we slowly took the exit from that group of friends without even thinking about Ameera. The concert started and the artist came on the stage, everyone is hooting and I and Aakash are running towards the spot for the best view and that moron took us at the back. The weather was just like my skin, cold and dusky, someone would wanna eat it. I was thinking how, this music fest will end and I'll return to my boring life, where I have to work in the night shifts and play cricket in the day with two week-offs which I spend with some household chores.
So I made a decision, I will enjoy. I will go deep in the crowd for the best view, I will kiss random strangers and I will dance with my friends. With that decision I ran into the crowd and found a perfect spot to vibe. I lifted Aakash on my shoulders and enjoyed the most. But still there was a sense of emptiness, I don't know why, it was just there and then again the magic happened. Naman (Ameera's bestfriend) bumped into us and took us with them. I clearly refused because they all are really weird. He didn't even acknowledge my refusal and took us both. Then there was the whole group of friends, the lover, the best friend, the jealous angry bird, the rival in love and what not. Then there was she, I won't be exaggerating f I say I am writing this with tears in my eyes because I knew this will happen, that evening was so precious that it haunts my soul to realize there will never be a moment like that. And even if there will be a moment like that, she won't be there. What is it if not a curse? To have her seen roaming under the same sky with people who are not me.
Aakash lifted me on his shoulders and Ameera made a video of that where she called out my name and I was like HEYYY!! I went up to her and asked could you please send me this video and she said sure and took my number. I was so happy because I got one picture clicked, just one and in that moment I realized why friends are important and especially good friends because your lovers don't come to click your pictures while you are being a complete weird-ass in a music festival.
Then Omen suggested we should go deep in the crowd (from where we came) so we all sort of got in a trail and followed it till we were in the middle. All that time she was really close to Jacob, and I accidently touched her shoulder and I apologized, to which she said why on earth would you be sorry for that?? its okay?? The weird part here is, I usually don't do this; it's just with her. They all vibed with the artists, there pretty enlightened face and weird pictures got clicked. I was still maintaining a distance because I knew I don't belong to them. Then again the magic happened, Ameera came up to me and asked "why are you so depressed?"
I nodded my head and tried to speak but she looks so pretty that I did not know if I should waste a second telling her about my feelings or just use it wisely to admire her because I am never gonna see her again. So I remained silent and smiled. She took my hand and danced with me, in front of her friends (those lovers, rivals, besties, jealous birds) and they all hyped us up. Perhaps they were right when they said a woman makes a man attractive because nobody noticed me until she was there twirling me with the sweet melody, where my world actually spinned.
Later, Jacob also came in to dance with her, all of a sudden and he gave me the phone to click a picture of them and the way he did that was not very "could-you-please-click-a-picture-of-us-?" of him so I handed over the phone to Aakash just to show that I am not gonna do that because I am not like you people I cannot stay around her knowing she is not mine and still keep a hope that one day something bad will happen to her and she'll realize my worth?? Nah.... We don't do that here. I will bleed till death for her, in secret, but I will never ask her to come back.
Damn- I made it sound a little too cringe.
After that, Aakash asked Ameera if Jacob is her boyfriend and she laughed it off saying I don't have any boyfriend. Now I got the green signal to make any move. Aakash might not know how to speak to the love of his life but he clearly knows all the bro codes.
I always wanted to lift a girl on my shoulders during a concert (it was on my fuck-et list) and I gathered all my courage to ask her this and she said yes. In a few moments she was on my shoulders, my head between her thighs and I could feel how I do not wanna put her down. I did not know it was last two songs of the night and the concert came to an end. The crowd started leaving and she was still up there and I was like what now? can I take you home like this ? please?
Now there was no music, just a few friends, her and I. The energy she gives in unmatchable. You cannot cage her, you cannot ask her to be yours, you'll have to be hers. She who moves like a river, how can you even think about controlling her? You gotta surrender in front of her and use her flow to move along. I mean, she was literally running here and there and I did not feel like catching her. I enjoy looking at her too much that I don't even need her to love her. She asked me if we wanna hangout with her for a while and I wanted to say no because I knew it'll harm me (which it did) but I just said yes because the warmth and the flirtatious energy her words carry are magical.
We went to a cafe, followed by her few friends (inc. Jacob). She sat by my side and I could feel all the eyes were on us and I loved how Aakash was completely a part of her group now and they can't really talk bad about me because my man is there to defend plus he got me so much useful information (we love male friendships). She showed me pictures we clicked today, she told me how she has friend zoned almost everyone on this planet. Which I somehow knew because you can look at her and see she's being admired and boys are gonna love her and she is not someone who would commit so yeah I was so fucked.
I enjoyed talking to her so much that I lost track of time. It got late and I decided to take the pink metro line because Ameera has the same and I thought I would talk to her and it'll be just us but but but no, a friend decided to join us. The worst partis, I can't even show my frustration. However, luckily, he vanished mid-way somewhere and I got happy again but then, unfortunately, her another friends group bumped into us????? WHAT IS THIS HAPPENING?? CAN"T A GUY SIMPLY TALK TO THIS ONE GIRL HE LIKES??
She met all of them and when I say ALL I mean eight to ten human beings. During the interaction her station arrived and that's when I, out of nowhere, expressed how a little confused I am for my station since I don't travel via pink line and she said fine I'll come with you. In that moment, I got embarrassed because her friend knew that I am playing and maybe he also knew that she's playing along too because nobody gets confused for two metro stations???!! So he gave her a look, that's all I know and we reached my metro station. She clicked a picture of us on the reflection over the metro' gate. She asked me if I am coming tomorrow and I said I will because you want me to but tomorrow might not be that fun since we've already reached the peak of all the things I wanted to do. She refused and told me how there's so much left to explore. I did not believe her, at all. But now that I look back and think I see how she was so right, she has always been so right.
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theowildewrites · 1 year
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Visual Inspiration, Day One
Today was the first real day of work on my new novel Dastardly, and it certainly didn't disappoint. I had a great deal of fun. I'm thinking the word count will come out to ~50,000? (It's a middle-grade novel) so I'll be putting my estimations out of that.
Today's Word Count: 3016
Total Word Count: 4416/50000
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emerald-notes · 2 years
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Sometimes I cry.
Don't ask me the reason.
Because then,
I'll cry harder.
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amberls123 · 2 years
Writing Update 8/7/2022
Word Count: 516 (approximately, not sure of the exact number)
I was only able to really write out some more summary/plot points to a couple different stories. But I had a sudden burst of inspiration for how to tie the two stories together and figured I better jot it down.
I hate how I barely write anymore. I used to be able to churn out chapters with hardly any effort. Now it feels so monumental a task that I almost dread trying it, so I put it off. I don't know what possessed me to start thinking about fics today unless it's that I just got back from vacation yesterday and the week of no distractions and just taking a break from literally everything helped like a reset button or something.
Another problem I have is fic organization. My Google Docs are a mess and I have just too many documents about the same story that need to somehow be condensed into one. For example, I have docs titled "The Echoes Series Summary," "Echoes Series Outline," "New Echoes Rewrite," etc. The whole Echoes series is just a mess right now and it's a daunting task staring at it trying to make it make sense.
But anyway. Here's hoping this is a good sign that writing inspiration is slowly returning to me and that I can get back to writing more regularly again. I miss it.
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And I wanted to shout into the void for it to be the only one who listens to me. I've always wondered how it feels when the world does not crumble in front of you. The others never seem to be in trouble with their own existence. Do they never feel like their life is draining from their fingers? Do they never have this desperation to hold onto the good moments and keep them forever? 'Cause I always feel like part of myself running away from me, and I'm never fast enough. Like life is happening, but I'm going in slow-mo. In moments like that, I wanted to shout into the void for it to be the only one who listened to me.
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Sweat dripped down her brow. She could feel beads of sweat rolling down her nose and cheeks. Her heart pounded in her ears. Her muscles screamed in protest tensing and spamming as she picked up her bottle, pulled out the cork, and took a long drink of water. The cool water was heavenly on her tongue. After setting the bottle back down and tucking it back next to the banister, she stood up and focused on her training partner standing across the deck from her.
Across the deck, Ronan greeted her with an amused smirk. He looked breath taking in the bright afternoon sun. The sunlight seemed to glimmer on his dark turquoise skin, highlighting the blue and green undertones in his skin. His hair was pulled back in a simple messy bun with some loose wavy pieces framing his face. He was dressed simply in a loose purple tunic and a pair of black breeches that left little to the imagination.
“Is that really the best that you can do?” he teased, walking back over towards the middle of the deck. She rolled her eyes.
“We’ve just started training. What did you expect?” she chuckled leaning back against the deck railing, and crossing her arms. He raised his eyebrow and cocked his head.
“You survived on the streets of Deimh for how long?” he questioned.
“Three years….” she replied, rolling her eyes. She knew where this was going.
“How did you survive with no combat skills?” he teased with a soft chuckle. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
“I can literally shoot fire from my hands and manipulate peoples’ minds with a snap of my fingers,” she countered. “I didn’t really need to know how to throw a punch until now apparently.” He chuckled and shook his head.
“You can’t always rely on magic. You need some physical conditioning and basic hand-to-hand combat skills,” he cautioned. “Everyone on my crew has to be trained appropriately.”
“Are you absolutely sure about that?” she tried. He let out a short hardy laugh.
“Yes, I am absolutely sure. Come over here we need to get back to training.” Reluctantly, she pushed off the railing and walked over to him joining him in the middle of the deck. He motioned for her to stand in a certain spot. She followed his prompting. He moved about five feet away form her. “Okay, I want to throw a punch. Try and hit me.”
“Really?” she chuckled cocking her head. Ronan rolled his eyes.
“Yes. Come on. Hit me!” he urged.
“if you say so,” she shrugged. She widened her stance and brought up her hands balling them into fists. She reared back and threw her fist at him.
Before she could register what was happening, Ronan caught her fist grabbing her. He immediately pulled her into him yanking her feet out from under her. He spun her around and upped her into his chest pinning her against him using her arm. She squirmed in his grasp trying to escape his grasp with no luck.
“Is that really the best you’ve got?” he teased whispering low in her ear. Her heart skipped a beat. She suddenly felt hot. Blood rushed to her cheeks. The weight of him was firm against her back. She could feel the heat of him through her clothes. She prayed that he couldn’t feel how fast her heart was beating.
“Lift your hands up,” he prompted gently still hovering dangerously close to her ear.
“What?” she stumbled, still distracted by the feeling of him against her back.
“Here,” he replied. He slowly reached down and wrapped his fingers around her wrists. “Now, let me show you how.”
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kiwiana-writes · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
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I am full fucking steam ahead with the arranged marriage fic this week and having a blast. It's an absolute anachronism stew of, like: fantasy geography! but also a default assumption of sexuality in this world being bi/pan/mspec rather than straight! but also arranged marriages! but also internet!—world-building is my nemesis so we are one hundred percent just rolling with it, okay? Okay.
“Good afternoon, Queen Mary,” he says, rehearsed and careful. There’s a time and a place for his usual brand of irreverence, and even Alex knows this isn’t it. “Your kingdom has offered me such a warm welcome.” “Yes, they have.” Mary doesn’t exactly seem thrilled about that, which is rude. Alex is a fucking catch, actually. “It would appear that my people are excited for this wedding to go ahead. But are you? Does the prospect of finally being married to my grandson please you?” And how the fuck is Alex meant to answer such a direct question without kicking off a whole international incident? He can’t tell the truth, but neither can he bring himself to say what he knows she wants to hear. After a long, terrifying pause in which Alex is sure the entirety of both their families are staring at him, waiting for a response, he finally manages: “Our betrothal has been overlong, Your Majesty. I will be pleased to make Windsor my new home.” Mary purses her lips. “Indeed,” is all she says in reply, a clear dismissal and a sign for the receiving line to keep moving.
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to so tagging @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @beautifulhigh @celaestis1 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hypnostheory @iboatedhere @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites @orchidscript @rmd-writes @roseapothecary @sherryvalli @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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0vergrownruins · 7 months
Rating: E Pair: Mobei Jun/Shang Qinghua Tags: Canon divergence, obsessive behavior, dubious consent, canon typical violence, masturbation, scent kink, and more to come!
Hellooooo! At long last, my Moshang Big Bang fic, courtesy of @moshangevents!
It features sqh, who never quite got on the path that led him to lgj and thus back to mbj, on the run from his king, who he's certain wants to kill him! Mobei Jun, on the other hand, is of course taking this all extremely well and being sooo normal about it.
Huge thanks to my amazing artist @void-luna for all the wonderful art pieces provided!!
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swissyyroll · 8 days
i don’t think anything could compare to opening up your relationships / favourites tags on ao3 and seeing new / updated fics. genuinely there is no other euphoria, it’s so special to have people share their wonderful words about characters you’ve invested into, whether it’s a very active pairing or perhaps an hidden gem that’s not so frequent.
it just gives me serotonin like no other!
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badassindistress · 8 months
The very first thing I ever loved was the night sky. From the moment I opened my eyes and saw the shining signs of other worlds, I knew my purpose in this world was to adore it.
I like that thing humans say, when a new human is born. A baby born of love, the love from their parents. It sounds so sweet, even if it is not always true.
For me, that has never been true. I was not born of love, I was created to love. That is the difference between Nymphs and men. Humans are born to walk the world, they stumble and walk half-finished for half their lives to discover it. Nymphs are born from the world to love it above all things.
When the Goddess finished her creation and laid herself down to rest, her last act was calling forth the Nymphs from the rocks and the pools to enjoy the lands she created. We were born from bloom and earth and spring and we were the first to dance on the new earth.
Humans came later, the creation of some trickster god who prized change over harmony. We Nymphs saw them grow and change the world we were born from. Not me personally, of course, my roots reach only a few hundred years. But the Nymphs now dreaming in the glaciers of the ageless mountains sang their songs about the land before the humans built their farms and their cities.
In their songs it sounds beautifully wild, but I would not change the world as it is now. The wild can always win back the world, but humans create such wonderful things. They can melt the hearts of mountains and make them shine like stars. They’ve made it so I can almost hold my beloved stars in my hand.
I’ve longed to touch the stars for longer than I can remember. I used to tell myself I was a fallen star, pulled to earth in triumphant flames for the love of the earth I saw below me. It is not a true story, perhaps, but I like the way it sounds. A star danced down into a mirror pool reflecting the night sky with just one fewer star shining brightly.
It might be true.
I do not know.
Read the rest of My Love, Like My Roots, Grows Ever Stronger on ao3
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nepobabyeurydice · 5 months
“Brandon will rule.” Jon reminded. “Robert will rule and you—”
“Will serve.” Ned finished solemnly and for a feverish moment he wished Jon Arryn had a daughter so the man could truly call him his son. That he could be equal to the firstborn that surrounded him. But like a wind, it passed, and all Ned was left with was shame.
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July 30, 2022
dear moon,
I don’t have words to describe what’s been going on in my life lately. In just 15 days a lot has changed. I feel like I have grown up a lot and also, I am turning 18 this august. This dark, dark realization of growing old. I have started smoking regularly and at times I even dislike it but it gives me peace. It makes me feel like the world has stopped and it is just me and this cigarette against all the chaos; voices in my head stop when I smoke and when the buzz fades it is all same again. That is why I hate it too but now I can’t help it too. I also drank vodka last week and after two pegs I was on the verge to cry. I do not know the reason, maybe it was because the demon had stopped speaking and it was just my heavy heart beating rhythmically. I did not cry because I was sad but because I was at peace and did not feel anything.
For the last few months, I had been talking to so many girls on ig. They seem to like me a lil but when I asked them out, they said, “ Yes, we can meet, but let’s not call it a date; there was no certainty. But then there is this girl, oh jeez, she is literally a goddess and has no flaws. I have been following her for a year. When I first followed her, since then I wanted to meet her. I used to take screenshots of her snaps, I would stalk her account to see her OOTDs and I had never imagined that I would get to go on a date with her. Can you believe how HUGE this is for me, like a dream come true? In moments like these, I like to think, that the universe is with me and it does want me to win. However, the next moment, it shatters my whole idea of winning. The next day after the date, my father messaged me, “I am not coming home ever and I am switching my phone off”. When I got this message I was working at paudha and I didn’t seem to care but when my mom called and enquired about him I kind of felt something is wrong. 
Let’s name this girl Helen because she actually is a goddess, Goddess of things I can never possess. Also, first, let me tell you something about her. She is from Bihar, resides in Delhi NCR, and both of her parents are working, she comes from a well-to-do family and has a 15-year-old brother. She dances and sings (not just a hobby), is brilliant at studies, goes to the gym, gotten offer letters from many respected universities, and will move to the US for post-grad. She has been to many countries and experienced all the adventures. She’s literally a 10. 
I have been talking to her for like a month and nobody has made me feel like she does. She genuinely seems to care about my day-to-day life and she gives back the same energy. She tells me every detail of her day and how badly she wanted to talk to me. We flirt, crack jokes, and tell each other stuff about families and ourselves. Although, I have not told her so much about myself yet. One day when I was at Ashu’s place (the day I got drunk for the first time) I called her and as usual, she told me about her day and how she’s close to her brother, he checked my IG profile then he went on like he writes such dark poetries meanwhile I was just listening to her. For a moment we ran out of topics so she asked me about my family and I got all blank, I did not know what to say. I told her I get uncomfortable whenever it comes to my family because of some traumatic past; then she was like yeah but yk sometimes I feel Idk who am I talking to and then we went on talking about something else.
The next day, I gave thought to what she said yesterday so I decided to tell her a lil about my family and I texted her about how my brother tried to kill my father and the result that my father tried to kill himself. Her reaction to this was all sorry and she asked when did that happen and she also said even if we date or do not I want you to know that I am always here for you. I felt as if some burden has gotten out of my shoulders because she did not judge me for this. These days, the best part of my day is talking to her, I start smiling when I see her text. I feel I can show her my scars and she’s gonna let me pretend I have none. She sometimes says things like “please don’t break my heart”, “promise me you won’t gonna fuck me up” to which I reply “I am no harm to you and you have the all supreme power to do anything to me. You are the actual main character and we are living in your world.” She finds me sweet and I think of her as a goddess. 
On Monday, when I was heading off for my evening practice her message came.
“Are you free tomorrow?” 
I replied, “I have cricket practice.”
then she said when do you get free?
I told her my practice schedule and she was like I only have time on Tuesday. She wanted to say please make it on Tuesday or else idk when we will meet but she did not say that directly as she did not want to sound selfish because I’ll have to miss my practice because of her. I understood the significance of the situation and I told her to meet tomorrow and that it is not a big deal if I miss practice.  
From then on, everything started to seem delightful. I was so cheerful that I cannot describe that feeling in words. At practice, I was smiling most of the time. Later Susu asked me what happened and I told him about the date. I love how these people get happy over my happiness. They have nothing to gain from this, despite that they are celebrating. No matter what goes wrong in my life, there’s only one thing I will always be grateful for and that is my friends. 
So, tomorrow came, and my morning started with going to work at paudha. Paudha had taken us to an apartment in Vasant Vihar. Vasant Vihar is a very posh locality where all the rich kids live and of course, I dream to buy a house there. Paudha took us there for some gardening work as the owner of that apartment wanted to grow some vegetables over her terrace. She also wanted some new plants and her terrace to be cleaned. Paudha gave us this job and we (Nikhil and I) got Rs. 500 each. I hated working there because you have to do all that cleaning and stuff around the street as well and people would look at you, I feel so small around them and at the same time I’d think Helen is also looking at me after all, she comes from such locality as well. However, I was enjoying it that day despite I knew I will be late for my date but I cheered because I knew as this gets over I will see a glimpse of heaven; I will see her and that is the best of all things. 
So the work at Vasant Vihar was done early n the morning and we were at Paudha then her message came and the first thing that crossed my mind was, please don’t make her cancel the date god, please! The message said: I’M GOING TO FUCK SOMETHING UP. A screenshot was attached and it has a message from her dad on the family group saying “you are not going out today kashu and no behas on this”.  My beautiful morning had turned into mourning, at that point, I was convinced I am not going to see her and as I did not want to have any more expectations I simply created a scenario where there was no possibility of meeting her and me. Another message arrived after a few moments: NO, I’M COMING. Then she called and I freaked out because I was working and I had not told her that I work somewhere but Nikhil helped me out, I went inside the godown (it is not actually a godown just some space where paudha keeps different kinds of pots). Over the call, she asked me if I can come to Noida as her parents are not letting her go. I was of course convinced. I would have agreed over anything because it is I who has dropped his practice, who has borrowed money from a friend, which shows how badly I want t see her. She also sounded sorry because everything was planned and Noida does not have anything as compatible with our date place in Delhi. Even Nikhil was so pissed; he was like this is not done, how can she change everything at the last moment. He wanted it to happen more than myself. 
Later, IDK how she convinced her parents or what she did but we were back to our plan A which is an art gallery (there was no plan B though she just made that ATM). I was still at Paudha when she briefed me. I checked the time and I had only an hour and a half to go home and get ready. Thanks to Nikhil, he asked me to leave immediately saying he will take of everything here you just focus on your date. So I ran toward my home, took a bath, and ate whatever there was without complaining. I looked at my watch and BOOM an hour passed. Now I only had 30 mins and yet I had to get flowers, chocolates, and some rings for myself. I was so late that I called Ashu and told him to be there at PVR and buy all this stuff for me so I could just take them from him and leave. Unfortunately. Ashu had no idea of what kind of flowers one should get for a date. I was literally running in the metro and as I reached PVR, I saw him and hugged him tightly. I asked if I am smelling bad cuz I was running all the way and I’d gotten a bit sweaty. He said, “Yeah, you stink a bit just a Lil bit”. I got really upset and it was him who cheered me up otherwise I would have killed myself. We bought flowers, I don’t remember the name, but they looked really pretty and fancy. I was also carrying a pack of ultra-mild cigarettes because I decided to flaunt my Dil Bechara personality to her.  
On her side, she had reached and texted me but I could not reply because I was running then she called and I told her I will be there in the max of 20 mins. She did not sound pissed or anything but nobody likes waiting so I ran faster. The BSF guard at the metro security check asked me if I’m going to give these flowers to somebody or if I have gotten these from someone. I told him these are for someone and he smiled at me. On the platform, a girl was making a video of me while I was waiting for my train carrying flowers in my hand along with chocolates and a book. So many amazing things were happening around me and I literally felt like the main character. You see, these are the consequences when a goddess starts liking you; when a goddess demands your presence the whole world pushes you toward her. Even in the metro, everybody kept looking at me and I was blushing beneath my mask. I reached the metro station where she had been waiting for me. She was at the food court, standing near a pillar. A saw her from a distance because of her hair, they are short and colored. As her eyes met mine, in that instant, everything got all blurred. Even now that I visit that place again I try so hard to recall near which pillar she stood but I just cannot; that is the thing about happiness right, you have no scars to remember it or to show someone. I laugh at this inability of mine where I try my best to replay each and every scene but all I see is just a glimpse of us. 
She had worn a dark brown jumpsuit and very cute flip-flops. Her outfit was subtle and those flip-flops made it vibrant to some extent. One would look at her with full admiration from head to toe but definitely hold their gaze over her feet. Her feet were immaculately beautiful. 
I went up to her and straight away she cheered up and threw her arms around me. As we hugged the first thing she asked was, “Why are you so sweaty?” She did not ask that in some bad way she was just curious.
“I got late because I brought you flowers”, I said that giving her the flowers. She accepted them with both of her hands then she literally blushed saying, “There was no need for this”. I did not say anything to that and gave her the chocolates and then the book. She got speechless for a moment and then said “C’mon Yushie, you did not have to do all this”.
“I actually got late because I was getting all this stuff for you, so I first went to Saket along with Ashu then I got back in the metro and came back here” I explained that is how I got all sweaty. 
She was really happy because of the flowers and I asked her “Is it that big of a deal?”
“Is it not? Nobody has ever brought me flowers” She said that with a straight face and I was like damn bro! Bringing her flowers was the best idea, hence,
 YOU: 1     other dude: 0
But I actually never brought flowers to impress her in the first place. I just wanted to give her flowers; she deserves flowers; she is a flower, of this painful world. 
We started moving towards the platform and I was so much into her that we unknowingly went to the wrong platform. 
We reached Saket 20 mins late but who cared about time? We had to go to Champa gali’s bari cafe and for that, we needed an auto. I thought I will have to call for auto because I am the guy and the last time when I went out Kayush, I had to do everything, But here she took the lead and dealt with the auto guy, she even negotiated and I was amused by her skills. 
Again I was back to that same lane I took a year ago to meet Cezzane but this time the memories did not hit hard maybe it was because I am with somebody better than her. We reached Champa Gali in like 15 mins and she looked for Baari cafe but there was a sign that says ‘we are temporarily closed. She sounded a bit upset because she had seen some reviews of that cafe and it was really pretty from the inside. Then she asked me, “where shall we go?”
“There are some other nice cafes too”, I gestured. We went ahead in Champa Gali and she asked me to go to the same cafe I had been with Cezzane and Kayush. I chuckled as she chose four directions. 
“What happened?” She asked with a completely baffled look. 
“Nothing”, I said trying not to smile. She was leading the way and as we were up to the door I realized I had to open the door for her so I rushed to move forward from her but she had already opened the door and I was like oh no! I told her I wanted to open the door for you then she looked down, smiled, and held the door gesturing ‘after you’. 
We sat on the couch, there was Jenga over the table and Menus. For the first few minutes, I could not believe that this is real; that this is actually happening and I wanted to tell her that but I had no words. I do not remember how we started the conversation, it just happened, maybe over the menu or something. Isn’t it amazing, how the thing that was terrifying me the most happened so nonchalantly, in a fleeting moment. And not just this one thing, all my fears like what to order or the bill thing. She took care of everything and especially of me. 
We spent 2 hours in the cafe, had lunch, and talked about so many things. She told me about her friends (which I wanted to know since the day I started following her on ig), about her parents and family. She did the talking mostly and I never felt I need to push this conversation, it just kept going and going. Also, there a moment came when was eating with a fork and knife and I don’t know how to use that. I was feeling a little embarrassed then all of a sudden I remembered how when I was with Cezzane, I was eating spaghetti and I did not know how to eat it properly and the table was a lil far from me to reach. I was so embarrassed that I did not eat it and I still regret it. So I decided I will not let that happen again and I don’t want this to be ruined. With all my innocence I asked her, “Could you please help me with this, I don’t know how to eat with a knife and fork”. 
She said sure and with that happy-to-help smile, she took the knife and showed me how we cut the food. Then with the help of the fork, she picked the food piece and fed me like you feed a lil child. Later she made a video of me where I was struggling to eat with a knife and fork and that was so cute. 
After having lunch we took an auto to the art gallery, in the auto we were clicking pictures and I thought I should now take out my cigarette. I did not know she is making a video when I did that and it got all recorded. She was amused seeing a cigarette between my lips. 
“You can light it if you want”, She said. 
Then I dropped that killer dialogue, “No, I do not smoke”, I took the cigarette in my hand, “See, you put the killing thing right between your teeth but you never give it the power to kill you. It is just a metaphor.” 
“It is childish”, she looked away. 
“C’mon I always wanted to do this”. 
So yeah, this stunt did not come out as I wanted it to be but to make it worse the auto driver offered me a matchstick and she laughed, a lot. I somehow managed not to have myself embarrassed more... by putting back the cigarette in the pack. 
“You did not like it?” I asked her. 
“It does not matter”, still not looking at me, “You can do anything you want”.
I leaned toward her, “anything?” I said looking straight into her eyes with deep passion. 
“Oh, c’mon Yushie”. 
At the mall, we spent a few minutes looking for the Kiran Nadar Art Gallery. I was carrying her bag and she, the flowers. The lady at the counter where we had to submit our bag and stuff asked me why are you carrying a women’s bag and Helen told her it is hers. She looked at us both and smiled. 
I love it when these things happen when people see something unusual so they ask you and when they get the reason behind it, they adore it. 
The art gallery was so peaceful. At first, we did not even see any people but there were many inside. She was looking at the piece of art and I was looking at her. We both were looking at what we find beautiful. The child in me who loves Helen was not able to understand the meaning behind the art so I had to keep asking her. She, in her impeccable manner, kept narrating to me the stories behind those arts. A moment came when we sat on the bench, looking at the wall and there was nobody else in the room. The distance between us was Lil to no. 
“What is this smell”, she asked out of nowhere. 
“What smell?” I was scared that I was stinking. 
“I don’t know”, she sniffed at my shoulder and I moved away a Lil. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Tell me if the smell is nice or not”. 
“It’s nice only. Which perfume do you use?”. Finally, I got some assurance.
I was wearing my brother’s perfume and that too was some cheap brand so I just said it is my brother’s I don’t know the name. 
We were so close that our forearms touched. She saw my veins and asked me to flex and as I did she touched them. She liked my forearms. The grabbed my hand, in a manner where the spaces of my fingers are filled with hers. I was completely shocked. I wanted everything to stop at that moment; just wanted to feel her palm on mine. One thing I knew for sure was that her hand would never harm me. I am safe here. 
We walked like that for a while, rubbing our thumbs. I kept looking at our hands, wishing by some miracle, we could never let it go. But I don’t remember when she let my hand go, maybe if I knew I would have held it tighter. When she was looking at the art, I wanted to look at her so I was walking backward, facing her. The wooden flooring made some noise when my feet struck the floor and she would look at me often.
After the art gallery, we went to the mall. I started feeling small there like I do not belong there but she sure does. So I got all quiet. She saw a store that has scented candles and stuff like that and said something about it. She realized I have not heard of it so she took me in there and like the salesperson shows stuff and explains, she showed me the products. 
While strolling in the mall for a while she wanted to go to Starbucks. I told her I have never been there and I know nothing of it she grabbed my hand and took me in there. Everything was so opulent there, all the pretty people working, talking, laughing; humans being humans. She got me her fav drink and asked me how is it. I nodded. 
“What happened to you?” She asked.
“Nothing, I just don’t like it when people are around”. A couple was sitting right next to us. They both were so pretty and talked in some accent I could never understand. Yes, even Helen started to speak in English and I was like... why!!??? 
“Well this is my kinda place”, She smiled. I just nodded returning a smile and thought no matter how hard I try I can never fit with her. I am just too damaged for her. Since day one I knew she’ll break my heart yet I just let her. 
The clock hit 4:30 and we knew it is time to go. We clicked some pictures, where ofc I feared not looking good but I got a decent one finally. Outside the mall, under the clear sky when sunrays fell on her she seemed a bit irritated so I wondered what is happening. She told me she is allergic to sun rays; she cannot look at the sun directly or else she’d start sneezing. And me, out of my complete innocence asked her how. She looked at the sun and sneezed. 
“OMG! You people have such cute allergies”, I was flattered just by her allergies. I mean in my life I have seen allergies to food, drinks, or some kind of smell but, this was so different. So from then on when we walked I tried to cover her face so she does not get under direct sun exposure. I leaned a bit forward or I would put my hand to cover her face. I wanted to protect her and keep her like a child trying to protect their favorite toy. 
In the metro, when it was time to say goodbye I could feel my heart skipping a  beat; it wants what it wants. I suck at goodbyes, but I am so glad I was with someone who makes goodbye so hard. I hated it when the metro reached the platform so quick. Generally, it takes 4-8 minutes but no, not today. We talked for a while about how amazing today was then she gave me the goodbye hug and this time it was a Lil tight which made me think does it mean something? I was too happy to be bothered by that and I watched her leave. She laughed when I asked can I come with you? but how do I tell her that It tore the heart out of my body saying goodbye to her?
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oatbugs · 1 month
procrastination is starting to have its consequences finally
#on my friends living room floor they love together but one of them has been london for weeks or maybe months#to be with her love. im on a foam mattress from one of their beds next to a glass bottle of water opened by one of them#in a mug given to me by another. the weather felt like my childhood today and it also felt like 2 years ago.#(put space in the heavens Einstein's idea and hes your friend too so nothing to fear) around the table they drank and laughed and i thought#i hope you keep growing so full with the love you receive . i hope your appetite becomes insatiable from how used to it you are#and i know youre all leaving soon but i hope one day you miss this and that youll be happy you miss it#its worth missing i think#i thought he didnt care but he said after exams hes going walk around this area over and over#(this is near where he lived and where we visited almost daily for a year)#(hed come across the bridge on a lake)#we went where she used to live and at the entrance a fox sat calmly. it just yawned and stared.#it felt important somehow. i think maybe their impressions of me will never be close to how i feel inside but i think#i love them enough for that not to matter. i dont think theyll ever know this. i dont think if they did it would change much.#and seeing them smile makes my heart glow anyway. today i tried their malaysian tea the ginger burned my throat#they warmed my heart. hes going to canada soon and hes going to the US soon and shes going everywhere soon ill never understand#how were supposed to live with memories and with seperation and with the past but we do it anyway so i think it doesnt matter much#i wanted to write a poem for the lab rats with the fibre optic wires lit with blue forcing them to turn around and around#something about how im sorry that the two photon arrays burned the inside of your brain. im sorry about the sharp points of multielectrode#arrayes. im sorry about everything we do to you. she asked to see me tomorrow. im trying to have self control but i miss her so awfully#last night my friend talked to me and i updated on everything that happened with love and the lack of it and she just started laughing#and she told me about the same thing from her side. and she told me about how she loved london because she would walk the streets#and she felt like the people were her. and her eyes would go over the people and the bag of bagels and the construction men they probably#have a kid at home maybe shes a daughter. this kid is crying for her mother and the building you just walked past caused#blisters and pain and people died in it and very likely people were born in it. we talked for hours and i felt like#i was holding her hand just like that time she held mine watching a horror film. i love her so much#my friend is a genius and i remember her picking up the charms of my phone and staring at the leaf hanging from them. shes side stepping to#music drinking dangerous cider and cocktails from a movie and chit chatting with billionaires and undergrads#i love her dearly. his head covered in electrodes. she tells me about a syrian guy shes in love with and she says#what you feel and what i feel is like cocaine. ive tried a lot of fucking cocaine.#she says ive reminded her of what living actually feels like and to never put energy into someone who doesnt see me this way.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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August! The pre-winter month. I’ve ordered hay and brought in the firewood that was drying outside. Tried to encourage my tomatoes to ripen before the first frost by plucking the new flowers so the plants would focus on their fruit (but is there anything more poignantly optimistic than a tomato plant making flowers on August 31st?) Harvested plums (very few this year—too dry...) and made my yearly supply of spicy plum chutney. Used the hammock when it was too hot to do anything else. Made my elderberry syrup (v. early this year!) but am still waiting for more blackberries to ripen so I can freeze them for winter pies. My climbing rose made three August roses (follow Pampe’s gaze) for the first time ever! It’s usually only in June. I love that she’s branching out.
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amberls123 · 2 years
Writing Update 9/1/2022
Word Count: 275
Finally got a start on a new fic. Still needs tweaking, but it feels good to finally have a beginning to the story. It will be a Great Mouse Detective fanfiction titled "Echoes of Beginning" (that could possibly change but so far it's the title that's stuck the longest). It basically serves as my oc Amber's introduction to Basil of Baker Street ^_^
Here's a snippet of it so far:
It was a warm summer evening in May as carriages and hansoms hurried about the city of London, its citizens dashing about finishing up the last few errands of the day or making the trek home from a long day of work. So caught up were they in their own lives, little did the human population know that an equally bustling rodent society lay right at their feet.
One of these citizens of Mousedom was a young lady mouse who stood sweeping the doorstep of Hale and Mus, a small medical practice run by her father and his colleague. She had just bid good evening to the other doctor and his assistant when the distant sound of thunder rumbled through the city, causing her to glance up at the quickly darkening sky. She hurriedly finished sweeping the stoop before returning inside.
“Was that thunder I heard just now?” a voice called from an office down the hall.
“Unfortunately,” the lady replied with a sigh as she put the broom inside a supply closet.  
“Oh, dear. Well, hopefully, we can catch a cab in time so we don’t have to swim home,” the older mouse chuckled. The father and daughter continued chatting and laughing amicably as they finished up a few chores. But before long, they were interrupted by a quiet knock at the door. “Uh-oh. I didn’t forget an appointment, did I?” the doctor said jokingly as he was just about to put on his hat and coat to leave.
“Definitely not,” the lady replied, handing him an umbrella. “I’ll ask them to come back tomorrow.”
“Thank you, dear.”
Another series of knocks rapped on the door as she approached, these sounding quicker and more hurried or impatient. “Coming!” the lady called before opening the door. “I’m so sorry, but we’re closed for the day and--” she froze at the sight before her. A shivering young mouse, bruised and bloody, stood on the doorstep clutching a hand to his shoulder, which was bleeding profusely. “P-Please, help,” the boy rasped before collapsing forward into her arms.
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