#death note live-action (2006)
joinmetofightgod · 10 days
Yay now I finally have all 3!!!
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umbrenshadow · 1 year
no FUCKING way
I just found the Death Note 2006 live action movies, both of them, with the english dub. I found the fucking english dub of them.
y'all internet archive is where it's AT
anyway here's the first and here's the 2nd, enjoy but don't snitch on me
this site also has every death note book there is, just search for it and it's there.
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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L!!!!! Again!!
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wirelessweb · 3 months
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death note japanese live action (2006) 🍎📓
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violetsdaisy · 1 year
I hate Light on the live action 2006 movie (part 2) because I’ll never be able to get him saying “well women are always forgetting things” out of my head. (In reference to Misa probably forgetting Ryuzaki’s real name). And L making this face:
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Because now every time I forget something, I have Light gaslighting me in the back of my head. ☹️
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regentzephyr · 4 months
one of my favorite moments of Japan-Western pop cultural interaction (which is otherwise quite rare if one excludes video game stuff) is the fact that the theme song for the 2006 live-action Death Note movie was inexplicably fUCKING
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lawtistic · 1 year
ive watched the anime 4 times, read the manga twice, watched both versions of the jp musical available on youtube, listened to the english concept album religiously, read the novels, watched the jdrama twice, and theres much more to come
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thedetectivesteve · 10 months
If Death Note Were a Pay-Per-View Wrestling Special
(This YouTube Short is a snippet from this video.)
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spenglernot · 8 months
In history, Ned Lowe was one of the most sadistic and violent pirates in the early 18th century, so he’s an obvious choice for a villain for season 2, episode 6 – Calypso’s Birthday.  What is interesting is what the OFMD writers chose to do with him.
Lowe announces himself to the crew of the Revenge with great fanfare (cannon ball attack) and gets right to the point.
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Ed is thoroughly unimpressed.
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Cut to Ed and Stede tied up while Ned attempts to set the mood so he can monologue about why he wants to kill Ed.
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Ed knows what’s coming. He is going to suffer but he still can’t be arsed to meet Ned with anything but vaguely bored dismissiveness (and Stede is happy to play along).
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Up on the deck, Ned prepares the crew for his big, dramatic moment of symphonic torture.
Note that the Revenge crew is tied down, braced by vices and generally unable to protect themselves from imminent torture and possible death, but their spirits are up. They don’t seem terribly fussed.
Then Stede uses his people positive management style to happily orchestrate a worker uprising in Ned’s crew.
Ned’s crew responds instantly; severing their allegiance to Lowe and telling him off.
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The crew sails away and talks profit sharing while Ned dully threatens to hunt them down.
Ned is now a prisoner of the Revenge crew and seems entirely disinterested in his own survival.
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And Ned sinks to the depths, without struggling at all.
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There is a lot going on in this episode: pay and labor equity direct action, gay love engagement bliss, kink humor, Stede being a hero and saving his crew by playing to his strengths, then having to decide whether to kill in cold blood and feel the consequences of that choice. Ed having one more reason to be done with piracy (while being so impressed with and fond of Stede), and then watching his man make a fraught choice and having to deal with the fallout from that. (And, damn, I haven’t even mentioned the passionate sex bit.) Anyway, back to the point.
Now for the the meta part
The Ned Lowe sequences are perfectly in keeping with OFMD’s signature blend of madcap violence, humor, and big emotional gut punches. But something about Ned Lowe just strikes me as off for this show.
Ned is seriously threatening the crews’ lives, so why don’t they take him seriously?
Why does Ned have such a boring, throwaway backstory?
Why is Ned so nonchalant about his own death; like it’s a foregone conclusion?
Why does Ned have a silver violin and silver spurs on his slip-on dress shoes?
Why is Ned sartorially monochromatic?
And then I realized who Ned reminds me of.
This guy,
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Earnst Stavro Blofeld in the James Bond film Diamonds are Forever (1971)
And this guy,
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Scar in Disney's The Lion King (1994).
And this guy,
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Xerxes, 300 (2006).
And it sure seems like Ned Lowe isn’t just an episodic villain. He is an archetype of the one-dimensional, stereotypical queer-coded villain that has been endemic in film and television throughout history. The OFMD writers have a lot to say about what to do with this kind of character:
Don’t respect him.
Feel free to openly mock him.
Don’t let him take your joy, even though he will hurt you.
He won’t disappear on his own. You have to throw something at him (take action) to make him go away.
Once he’s in the water, he’s content to drown. He’s not into what he’s doing any more than you are.
Oh and, just to be clear,
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The LGBTQIA+ community has a very long history of turning shit media into better stories. So, hey, big media, prepare to have your crap characters wrecked (improved).
Now, back to our transformative pirate show with rich, complex queer characters and a multi-layered plot that surprises me every week and makes me feel big feelings - most of all, joy.
Final thought: I do wonder if Ned Lowe is monochromatically silver as a tribute to/poke at, Hollywood and the silver screen.
This meta was written before OFMD season 2 has fully aired. No idea what’s going to happen in the finale (and I’ve generally fled social media to avoid spoilers). I’ll be back, looking at everyone’s fascinating posts after episode 8 airs.
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Not Your Classic Vigilante [Ch. 14]
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Alternate Dimension AU TW: Language, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mild Body Horror, Gore, Graphic Depictions of Monstrous Attacks, Gun Use, Weapon Use, Past Major Character Death CW: OC Use, See the OC Guide [Here] Genre: Drama, Action, Angst, Light Comedy Pairing: Batfamily & Batsis!Reader, OC x Reader YN Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 13.7K
(14/?) [First] | [Previous] | [Next] [DC Masterlist] | [Not Your Classic Vigilante Masterlist]
Notes: I know I KNOWWW SHE'S THICKKKKKKKK it's for my dick grayson lovers what can i say?
Disclaimer: This series is originally by@fandom-meanderer who is a close friend of mine, but she has since fallen out of her Tumblr days and asked me to finish a few series for her, hence why I am now in ownership of the Not Your Classic Vigilante series, I hope I can still live up to her writing as I rewrite this series! (I promise not to change too much, hehe)
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“Dad!” You were quick to run down the stairs when you’d heard the door open. Bruce took notice to you as soon as you bounded up to him and the smile on his face was one that always made you happy to see. Alfred walked up next to you, greeting Bruce silently.
“Hello, (Y/N), what were you up to while I was gone?” He asks.
“Well, I finally cleaned my room,” you rocked on your heels.
“Very good.”
“Alfred taught me how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on the piano.”
“I have to hear that.”
“And I played a little, but that’s it,” you gave him an exaggerated nod and he smiles.
“That’s good, (Y/N),” he smiles. “Now, I have a surprise for you,” he says. Your eyes widened with a childish excitement. Then, from behind him, an older boy steps out.
“Hiya,” he waves. You step back, head ducking down in shyness while you looked up at your dad. “I’m Dick, you must be (Y/N), right?” He steps forward, bending down to meet your eyes. You nodded carefully before running to your dad. You hid behind his leg and he rubs your head gently.
“He’ll be staying with us from now on,” your father explains. “You’re always saying how lonely it is here, right? He’s a bit older than you, but you’ll be spending a lot more time together,” your father urges you to step out and introduce yourself. Dick, still at your level, smiles softly.
“I heard a lot about you, (Y/N),” he says, “and if you’re okay with it, I hope we can become friends,” he reaches out to shake your hand, but you shy further behind your father.
“She’s usually not this shy,” your dad says above you.
“I think we just need to get to know each other more,” Dick responds. He leans over so he can meet your gaze and waves again. You hid your face.
“Alfred will help you get settled in, Dick, let me know if you need help with anything,” your dad says and Dick nods at him before following Alfred upstairs. After a while, Bruce stepped away from you slowly. “(Y/N),” his voice had a stern, but gentle tone.
“Dad…” you matched his tone.
“What’s wrong? You told me you wanted someone to talk to,” he crouches down to your level and you hid your hands behind your back.
“I know…” your voice was quiet.
“So, what’s wrong then?” He asks. It’s true. You’d long been asking for a friend, and while both of your parents would spend time with you, it simply wasn’t enough. Your dad was always busy doing business stuff, some adult things you didn’t understand no matter how many times uncle Lucius tried to explain it to you. And your mom was… well, something. She had to make a living by “borrowing” things, but strangely enough she never gave them back. You really just wanted someone to talk to, someone who you could play with, or someone you could spend time with. Someone your age, someone who didn’t keep secrets.
Your parents acted like you didn’t know, but you knew something was up. There were nights where your dad would leave saying he needed to get groceries and then come home with no groceries. Your mom would leave saying she’s meeting a friend and would come back with a bag full of her latest ‘shopping spree.’ But you knew they were hiding something, and as much as they told you that secrets were bad, they had so many, you had a feeling. So you wanted a friend, someone who was just like you.
And now you had one. But, something about it felt… wrong.
“Nothing,” you shook your head. The boy he brought home, he seemed friendly enough, and you were curious about him. But you couldn’t ignore this strange feeling in your chest. “Where did he come from?”
“Remember that circus you wanted to go to?”
“He’s from there.”
“Then… where are his parents?” Bruce hesitated.
“They’re off for a while, and they asked me to watch their son for now,” he says.
“They didn’t want to take him with them?”
“No, where they’re going is not meant for kids like you and him,” he explains. “So, for a while, he’ll be staying with us. Why don’t you get to know him, (Y/N)?”
“What if I don’t like him? Will you return him and get a new one?”
“That’s not exactly how this works, (Y/N),” your father laughs. “If you don’t like him at first, you’re going to have to learn how to get along with him somehow,” he says.
“Okay…” you mumbled.
“Why wouldn’t you like him, (Y/N)?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged.
“Exactly, go talk to him, be friendly,” Bruce encourages you.
“Okay,” you nodded your head and Bruce smiles before shaking your shoulder softly.
“Good, I’m going to get cleaned up, why don’t you say ‘Hello’ to Dick on your way up? He’s in the room across from you.”
“I will,” you nodded again and ran up the stairs.
You stopped in front of Dick’s room, the door was open and he was speaking to Alfred, quickly you hid behind the wall, not wanting to get caught by the old man. But it was their conversation that kept you hidden.
“Now, Master Grayson,” Alfred’s voice was stern, you’d only heard him speak like that to your father on occasion and you when you stole sweets. “Miss (Y/N) doesn’t know.”
“This must be kept a secret between you, me, and Master Bruce.” Secret? Well, that’s not fair. You wanted to know too. So much for a friend who didn’t keep secrets. There were so many around you, you were starting to think that you should keep secrets just to be like everyone else.
“And she never suspected?”
“She is only seven, Master Grayson, and not usually here on weekends,” Alfred sighs. “Master Bruce asks that you be careful.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Dick’s voice was quiet. “Does he plan on telling her?”
“When she’s older, yes. When she can understand it.” Does it count as a secret still if they’ll tell you when you’re older? You’ll just have to hurry up and grow up then!
“Sure, I got it.”
But, still, that’s not fair. You wanted to know now. But when you heard Alfred approaching the door, you knew better than to let yourself get scolded for eavesdropping, so you ran to your room and closed the door only slightly, just enough to watch Alfred leave, and once he was gone, you crept across the hallway. Dick was busy placing his items across the room, you peeked in slowly, waiting to see if he’d notice you, and soon enough he did. He raised his hand to wave, but you ducked behind the door frame instead.
“Hi, (Y/N),” he waits for you to approach him.
“Hello,” you said quietly.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Did you… want to come in?” He asks. You shook your head and he nods with a tight lipped smile. But, soon, you nodded your head and Dick let out a short laugh. “Come on in, then,” he invites you. You walked inside and sat on the desk chair while he continued unpacking.
“I have a secret,” you blurted. Dick turned to you, eyebrow raised.
“What’s that?”
“I… I have a secret stash of candy in my room,” you answered. It was secret enough, you’d been building a bit of a stockpile now. Dick cracks a smile, looking somewhat relieved.
“That’s some secret there, who else knows?”
“Just you,” you nodded. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“Friendly secret,” he makes a zipper motion over his mouth.
“Hmm… okay, I trust you,” you hummed. Dick smiled again, this time a bit tighter.
“I’m leaving now,” you hopped off.
“That’s fine! Thanks for dropping by,” he says. You nodded your head and ran across the hall to your room.
Dick, meanwhile, took a deep breath.
This was not what he signed up for when he agreed to help Bruce.
The beast roared and, above you, a storm started to roll in.
“Well, talk about about a warm welcome,” you glanced at Jason and he shook his head.
“(Y/N)?! We ran up as soon as we saw you leave!” Tim and Damian regroup with you and you usher them behind you. Tim looks at the monster.
“When you said monsters, for some reason I didn’t think you meant legitamate monsters,” he says.
“Cap!” Aldryn rushes out of the barracks, your rifle and rapier in hand.
“Aldryn, I need you to run back down, bring Tim and Jason with you. You two, grab what you think you all can use,” you instructed. “I’ll handle things up here until you return, we’re going to need all hands on deck.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Aldryn salutes and waits for them to join him before rushing off again.
“Damian, I need you on crowd control,” you looked at him.
“What?! I can help!”
“Too bad, this is an order from your superior,” your voice was stern, and it took him aback, “crowd control. Make sure everyone is a safe distance away, am I clear?” You waited for his response.
“Yeah,” he nodded his head curtly before running off. You readied your rapier.
“Alright… let’s see what we’re working with,” you sprinted forward and the beast reached for you.
It’s going to be long day.
“Where are we going?” Tim asks.
“Weapons barracks,” Aldryn responds, running in after Jason and Tim. Jason grabs his usual while Tim looks around. “What are you looking for? If you can think of it, we have it.”
“Do you have a bo-staff then?” He asks. Aldryn hums.
“Yes, but you’ll have to come with me. Marion was using it earlier,” he mumbles. He leads him and Jason to the elevator and they descend.
“What was that thing?” Jason asks.
“We call them Daemons,” Aldryn speaks quietly. “We’ve dealt with monsters before, but none like them. They’re on a whole other level of power and now, beause of them, we’re short staffed,” Aldryn’s voice was grim. “Not exactly the best first operation for you two but, Cap’s orders.” The conversation ends when the elevator doors slide open.
“Aldryn!” Marion was surprised to see him, but more surprised to see the two behind him. “Do they have clearance?”
“They’re about to fight one up there, so I’d say so, yes,” Aldryn nods. 
“Holy shit, that’s one of them,” Jason eyes the beast in it’s cage. It snorts loudly but it becomes a low snarl. 
“Don’t worry about this one, since it’s in here it won’t be hurting anyone,” Marion says.
“No time for introductions, but this one here will be joining your research team once things settle down,” Aldryn points at Tim.
“Right, well, I’m assuming the Captain sent you down here for a reason, right?” Marion’s and Aldryn’s conversation were the least of Jason and Tim’s worries though. Jason looked over at Tim, who was looking at the beast.
“What are you thinking of, Tim?”
“Look at it, it’s just there,” Tim says. “The one outside is raising hell. Why is this one complacent?”
“Maybe it’s got something to do with all that stuff stuck to its cage.”
“Or maybe there’s more to it then they know,” Tim glances at Aldryn and Marion before approaching the cage.
“Whoa, Tim! Do you got a death wish?” Jason grabs Tim’s shoulder.
“It’s fine, they said it can’t hurt us,” Tim shakes him off and Jason follows close behind. “Also… this one’s different.”
“Can you really say that? You’ve only ever seen one other one.”
“Jason, it’s looking at me.”
“Okay. Wolves look at rabbits, what’s your point?”
“I can’t really explain it,” Tim mumbles. He stares at the monster. And it stares back. Then, slowly, it moves its head down and closer to the edge of the cage to match Tim’s eye level.
“You! Get back right now!” Marion’s voice was shrill and Tim broke eye contact. “How did you get it to respond to you?!” She pulls him away.
“I… I just looked-”
“Just like the Captain,” she mutters. She looks at Aldryn before shoving the bo-staff into Tim’s hands. “We’ll talk about this later, the Captain needs you first.
“Right, yeah,” Tim nods shortly and Aldryn motions for them to leave. But Jason looks at the beast a bit longer. Come to think of it, Tim had a point. This one was different. And, before he left, Jason’s eyes moved down to the floor, looking at the disturbed section of it where Tim was standing seconds before. “Jason!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Jason catches up with them.
And they returned just in time too.
“Ma’am!” Aldryn returns with your brothers as soon as you’d been pushed back from the blows. You moved the hair out of your face and caught your breath.
“Good. Aldryn, stay close to the Royal family, tell them I have it under control. If you run into any of the new recruits, tell them they’re on civilian duty,” you instructed. The Daemon roars again and a gust of wind blows behind it. Aldryn runs off.
“So, what do we do? Where are its weak points?” Tim asks.
“Their stomachs, maybe,” you answered.
“Maybe?!” Tim steps back when the Daemon finally takes notice of the group.
“Better a maybe than none,” you looked around.
“Captain! What’s the situation?” Eve appears next to you with the rest of the Brigade stepping out of the portal after. You pointed at the Daemon.
“Only one for now,” you mumbled.
“Holy shit it’s huge,” Nixon swallows harshly. You heard someone scream and your eyes scanned the courtyard. Then, you spotted Lowen cornered by yet another Daemon, noticeably smaller than the other one and with a visible streak of red fur running down from the top of it’s head to the tip of its tail. You hope that didn’t mean anything, nothing bad at least.
“Make it two, you all focus on this one, I’ve got the second!” You slung your rifle over your shoulder and readied your rapier while you ran over to him. “Lowen! Lower your head!” Lowen did so and you used the planter to boost your leverage before burying the rapier into the Daemon’s shoulder. The monster roared and tried to blindly grab at you, but you held your ground, holding your rifle with your other hand while clutching onto the handle of your sword and you pressed it to it’s other shoulder and pulled the trigger. The beast roared again before it grabbed your arm and threw you back where you came. You slid against the ground before slamming into the next planter and you groaned.
“Shake it off, Cap,” Carter pulls you up.
“Oh my god! Your arm!” Tim shouts, tearing his eyes away from the first Daemon for a second. You stand up and pick up your ripped-off arm.
“At least it threw both pieces,” Nixon winces when lightning struck a few paces away from him. You held it in place while the muscles reattached and, while it did, you felt every nerve reconnect and every muscle bind itself back together. The worst of it was to come, the bones were always the last to rebuild. You grit your teeth through the pain and once enough has reconnected you readied your rifle again, confidently holding it in one hand, and you fired it while aiming for the second Daemon’s foot, staggering it long enough for Lowen to scramble back.
“Oh, that is sick and twisted,” Jason looks away, holding his hand over his mouth and you readjusted the previous death grip on your rapier.
“No time for that, focus on the big one,” you ran back toward the second monster and Tim followed you. He dashed past you, stepping in front of Lowen just in time to counter the blow from the Daemon. “Tim! Hold your ground!”
“I’m trying!” Tim tightens his hold on the staff, his knuckles turning white from the pressure alone while Lowen stays frozen beneath him. You slide under the monster, your rapier piercing the Daemons stomach just enough for it to stagger back.
“Got it!” Eve waves her hand toward your Daemon and in seconds it is held by down by an invisible force, but it fought back, it struggled against its restraints until it broke free and Eve lost her footing. It stood on its feet and locked its aim on you, it foamed at the mouth while it took heavy steps toward you and made grabbing motions toward you. Tim stood at your side all the way, staff now in front of you, when two shots rang out and Jason was next to step in front of you.
“Jay, you can’t take this in a fist fight,” you told him.
“I know,” he says. The beast snorts, looking Jason in the eye. It growls lowly. “Take the kid and go, I got this,” he says. You shook Lowen out of his fear and pulled him to safety. “Alright…” Jason continues his staredown of this monster, and never once did it stop. But there was this strange feeling he got from it, like it was familiar in a sense. Maybe this was what Tim felt earlier. Then, once a few magic circles surrounded it, the monster was debilitated and held in a prison of light.
“Go help the others with the big one,” Eve strains and Jason stares a her.
“You sure you’ve got it?.”
“I’ll manage,” she says while a bead of sweat rolls down the side of her face. She keeps her focus as best as she can, “but that one isn’t going down as quickly as this one did.” She takes deep breaths in attempt to hold it steady between portals, while behind her Nixon’s attacks seemed to deflect off of the bigger monster. Jason spots you running back, this time with your rifle, and you aimed it carefully before taking the shot. The bullet lodged itself into the monster’s shoulder right before it could swing at Nixon, and it stunned it long enough for him to make her escape.
“They’re getting stronger,” you commented. This one was stronger than five of those beasts you’d fought before put together. If it was taking most of the Brigade to subdue it, then that much was true.
“Okay, I’ll help you once, alright?” Jason sighed and you grinned.
“Here, put this on,” he shoves a bag toward you and you nodded excitedly before running out of the room. When you came back, your excitement shone through your mask.
“You can call me the Girl Wonder!” You threw your cape behind you and Jason snickered.
“Whoa, I’m shaking in my boots,” Jason teased and you pouted. “Wait, wait, it’s too big.”
“Of course, it’s too big, this was Dick’s costume right?” You rocked on your heels, and it became more apparent that the shoes were too big too. Jason tosses you your usual sneakers
“Put those on, let me see what I can do,” he walks around you before disappearing for a second and coming back with safety pins, “don’t move, or else I’m gonna poke you,” he adjusts the costume on the shoulders, he didn’t want to make any permanent alterations with something basically historic. 
“You think there’s gonna be a day you and I are fighting bad guys together?” You asked while he pinched up the fabric at your shoulders.
“Who knows, maybe,” Jason shrugged, his words muffled by the safety pins held between his lips.
“That would be cool, Jason and (Y/N), maybe Dick too, right? And dad?”
“Sure,” he feeds into your fantasy. “Only if I’m with you, though. You might trip over your cape.”
“Not true!” Still, Jason finds a way to shorten the cape.
“Yes, true! Look at your floor There’s trash all over it!”
“I’ll pick it up later! Geez!” You argued, but you calmed down just as quickly. “That would be so cool though… I want to be just like you.”
“Nah, you’d be better,” Jason chuckles. “There you go, kiddo,” he tests the stability of it and, once he’s happy with it, he pulls the cape over your shoulders to hide the pins.
“Now what?”
“We go to Titan tower,” Jason gestures for you to follow him.
“Oh, dad says I’m not allowed on that,” you eyed the Robin Motorcycle and Jason rolls his eyes.
“Pssh, it’s fine, you’re with me,” he lifts you and secures you to the seat before climbing on behind you and shoving the helmet onto your head.
“Is this legal?” Your voice was muffled by the helmet.
“Don’t worry about the details!” He starts up the motorcycle.
“Are you wearing a helmet?!” Actually you were wearing his.
“Yeah,” he lied and off you went.
You’d been in the batmobile plenty of times, seen the city in it just as much, but seeing it this way was different. Everything seemed closer, like you could reach out and join whatever scene was there. With the wind blowing around you and your hands firmly grasped onto the bike, this felt amazing! You felt like you were flying, moving faster than even some of the other cars, and every now and then an excited laugh would escape you.
Maybe being a Robin wouldn’t be so bad?
“Alright, kiddo, we’re here,” Jason parks the bike and helps you off. 
“You lied! You’re not wearing a helmet!” You pulled it off of your head and eyed the ‘R’ decal on the side.
“Yup, I did. Anyway, let’s set some ground rules,” Jason kneels so he can look at you in the eye, “you tell no one who you are, yeah? If anyone asks, you’re Robin, okay?”
“Why can’t I say my name?”
“It’s dangerous,” Jason explains, “and when you’re looking for Dick, you ask for Nightwing.”
“Is it also dangerous if they know his name?”
“Yes, very.”
“Okay,” you nodded and followed Jason to the side of the tower. He pulls the vent cover off and crawls in. So… maybe Jason wasn’t exactly allowed in Titan tower after a few misfortunate events that included him losing his cool and his temper. But, what can he do?
Dick really pissed him off.
But, that was beside the point. You wanted to see him, and this was the only way he could help you do that, so fuck it. Plus, with the majority of everyone's identities still being secret, he couldn't have you just waltzing in here anyway without him.
“Follow me.”
“This feels illegal.”
“Okay, okay!” You followed him carefully and, after some twists and turns, Jason kicked out one of the vents and crawled out, helping you down too. You landed in some kind of lounge area, a large sofa in the middle.
“Wait here, Nightwing should be coming soon, I’ll wait for you outside,” Jason says before leaving the way he came. You sat on the couch, kicking your legs for a bit. Then you started playing with the end of your cape. The material was pretty comfy, actually, you could see yourself falling asleep in it easily. You wondered if Dick ever did. You always liked this costume, actually, it was so different from your dad’s that in some ways you preferred it.
Your brothers were heroes. How cool was that? And your dad was probably the most heroic one of them all, and that was much cooler. If only you could show it off, you were sure everyone would be jealous of you. How often can anyone say that their family are superheroes? Dick always looked so cool in this uniform, and sure he still looks amazing with his new one, but this one? It was different.
Finally after waiting enough you decided to just find him yourself. How hard could it be anyway?
Very hard, apparently.
So you did what any preteen would do and wandered around the tower, he had to be somewhere, right?
Until you landed in the middle of what you assumed to be a training room. It was a spacious room with a kiosk off to the side, and you sat down in the middle, crossing your legs and holding them to your chest. This sucked. And you didn’t even know the way back out to meet Jason to go home. Then, off to the corner of your eye, you saw movement, and you turned your head toward it but… nothing. But you felt the stares, you felt the eyes, and it scared you. You couldn’t call for help, you didn’t know where Dick was and Jason was too far to hear, so you shut your eyes tight and covered your ears. But that never stopped you before.
“Help!” Your voice was loud and immediately you heard a vent clatter to the ground while Jason tumbled out of it, he stood in front of you with one hand up and the other on his belt, ready to pull out a batarang if needed.
“Stop! We’re not intruders!” He shouts.
“Relax, everyone,” Dick’s voice was firm while he held a fist up to stop all movements, and, slowly the Titans back off. Dick eyed Jason and gestured for him to move over before he approached you slowly, crouching down as soon as he was close enough. And he felt his heart tighten. He knew it was you as soon as he’d seen you, but to see you in that? His old uniform? That old thing that had been ripped apart after many battles and had been stained with blood many a time… To see you wearing it was almost wrong. The little girl who cried whenever her brothers had scratches, the one who called for help for the smallest of things, to think that you could be a Robin almost ripped him apart, he didn’t want you to go through any of what he did, any of what Jason did. Hell, you just called for help right now and this is probably one of the safest places you could be.
Jason, only he could’ve put you up to this, and he made his intent clear from the quick glare he shot him, but Jason replied by whistling and rolling his eyes. Dick only sighed and reached out to rub your head. You removed your hands just enough to peer over them, and once you’d seen him, your frown deepened and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight, and he held you back. You missed him, a lot. 
“False alarm, everyone, she’s my sister,” he rubs your back gently before rising up and, once you’d looked around, you saw the other members of the Titans that Dick was always talking about. “And you,” he looks at Jason, “we’ll talk later, wait outside for her and I’ll bring her out,” he says. Jason doesn’t fight it, he just nods and leaves the room, looking back to see you watching him go.
“He’s not in trouble is he?” You tugged at Dick’s arm to get his attention. “It was my idea to come here…” you muttered. Before Dick could respond, you were surrounded by excited voices. And you recognized all of them, you’d seen them plenty of times on your dad’s big computer alongside the other heroes.
“Whoa, Nightwing! You have a younger sister?” Garfield was the first to approach you, looking at you closely as if trying to find any similarities between the two of you.
“Yeah, adoptive,” he explains, ushering you forward. 
“What a cute little girl!” Starfire pinches your cheeks and you let her, feeling the warmth from her hands radiate into your face as she did so and you didn’t hate it, “have you come to visit your brother?”
“Yeah,” your voice was slightly stifled.
“Good, take him home with you, he needs a break,” Starfire grins.
“Come on, Star, there’s too much work to do here,” he shakes his head. 
“Now, what’s your name? You got a cool one too?” Garfield asks and Dick clears his throat before you could answer.
“Obviously, we can’t tell you her name, but you can just call her Robin while she’s here.”
“That’s a little confusing with the other Robin,” Raven mutters.
“But the other Robin isn’t here right now,” Wally answers. 
“Alright, how about Little Wing, then?” Dick tosses out the nickname he had for you and your eyes lit up.
“Cool!” Wally zips over to you. “You really a Robin?” You shook your head. “Whoa, I was about to say…”
“Alright, alright, let’s not crowd her, okay?” Dick pushes you slightly behind him now, “you guys filter out, I’ll talk with her for a bit, I think I know why she’s here,” Dick wears a knowing smile, and the others groan but leave anyway, leaving you and Dick in the training room.
“So, Little Wing, what brings you all the way here from Gotham?” He sits down and crosses his legs, and you sit next to him.
“I just wanted to visit, is all…” you muttered.
“Oh, yeah?”
“You’re never home anymore…” you mumbled. Dick sighs.
“Yeah… yeah,” he nods, “the team needs me here.”
“But I need you there,” you replied. A small frown settles on Dick’s face.
“I know, I can’t come home right now, (Y/N),” he says while listening for unwanted ears, “but, hey, you still have Robin.”
“He’s still rude!” You shout. “He’s not like you, whenever I ask to do stuff with him all he does is complain, he can be so mean sometimes!” You grumbled.
“Mean? He took you all the way here, didn’t he?” Dick leans back on his palms and you huffed.
“I guess… but that’s probably because I keep complaining about how you’re not around anymore,” you pout.
“And he still does all those things with you even though he complains, right?”
“Yeah,” you looked to the side.
“Heck, even when you called for help that kid came tumbling down, I’m sure you hurt his feelings every time you call him mean.”
“Do I really?” Your voice was small. You hadn’t really considered it before. You and Jason had a tendency to argue, and maybe say a few mean things to each other every now and then, but you never once thought that you hurt his feelings during. “I guess he’s not so bad…”
“Looks like I got a worthy replacement then,” he claps your shoulder and you frowned again while shifting slightly away from him.
“Why aren’t you ever home anymore?” Dick doesn’t answer. “Is it dad? Did you two get in a fight?”
“Something like that,” Dick sighs. “But, you’re right, just because he and I are fighting doesn’t mean I should ignore you,” he rubs your hair playfully and you smiled. “I’ll carve out some time for you too, I can’t have Robin stealing all my thunder, right?” He smiles and you nodded your head.
“Sibling's promise," he smiles.
“Move!” You pushed Nixon out of the way just in time for the Daemon’s arm to hammer down on top of you. You barely dodged in time, the beast’s arm just grazing you before it slammed against the ground and cracked the concrete beneath it. You pierced your blade into the beast’s stomach and it roared above you. “Shit, not enough,” you pulled back, but the beast grabbed onto you. “Shit!” You repeated and the beast opened its maw wide before it came biting down over your shoulder, its teeth digging into your neck, back, and chest. Your scream was near primal, feeling every single piece of you rip and sew itself back together.
“Captain!” Eve’s shriek could be heard from anywhere. 
“(Y/N)!” And only Jason’s could have rivaled it. You heard successive rounds fired out and you knew they hit their target, but it couldn’t have been enough to fell this beast. Shurikens embedded themselves into the daemon’s body before you saw the staff flung toward it. But the beast only caught it in its hands and tossed it to the ground. You thrashed against the monster, you were too close to use your rifle and too busy to make your rapier be of any use aside from a handle. You grabbed onto the monster’s face, trying to pry it off of you, but it just bit down harder, pulling out yet another pained scream from you. Tim found a way to get on top of the beast and, holding Carter’s sword, he plunged the sword into the beast’s neck, but all it did was anger it further, and it shook you side to side like a dog would a toy, and your screams became garbled from the harsh movements. Tim was thrown to the ground in time for Jason to step forward and aim for the more vital parts of the beast.
But it wasn’t enough.
And you began to resort to more grotesque techniques to survive. So, with mangled limbs, you grabbed onto the beast’s ears and pushed back with all your might until you started to feel the flesh rip. Then another roar is heard. You turned your head to its source, right in front of the Barracks, and you felt an intense wave of dread.
It escaped.
The previously captured Daemon breathed heavily, chain collar around it’s neck and broken shackles on each limb. It was looking at you.
Sure, you could reattach. But, hypothetically, if you were ripped apart just enough, to the point that there was no base body to even reattach to, then this might be the end for you.
But that wasn’t fair. You couldn’t die yet, not in front of them. You were just barely able to catch a glimpse of Jason, the only one turned toward you, and it killed you, the way he looked. You couldn’t even imagine Tim. Thank god you sent Damian away.
“Oh, fuck,” Nixon charged toward it, but the daemon bent down on it’s hind legs before leaping across the air and toward you. It landed with a loud thud, shaking the ground temporarily before charging toward you and the daemon that was still trying to gnaw you in half.
You winced when the daemon locked its jaw on you, and you prepared yourself for impact, but instead, the chained Daemon bit onto the larger one’s neck and ripped it off of you. You fell to the ground, panting heavily and with no strength to get it up, but you were able to turn your head just enough to see the fight. It was gruesome.
“(Y/N), holy shit,” Jason helps you sit up, his hands red with the blood from your back. You brought your one good hand to your head and tried to stop the ringing in your ears through sheer will. Jason waved a hand in front of you. “How many fingers?”
“Three,” your eyes were slowly focusing again. You looked down at your chest.
It wasn’t reattaching. Not fast, at least.
“Are they fighting?” Carter runs up next to you, eyeing the bite wound before looking at the two beasts.
“Yeah, where’s Alex?” You were still catching your breath.
“Calling for help, again,” Carter looks around. “Eve’s getting medical supplies and Nixon’s watching the other one.”
“Okay,” you coughed up blood and you kept your head turned low. You couldn’t look at Jason. You didn’t want to know what kind of expression he had on his face right now. And you couldn’t let Tim see you this way either.
“(Y/N)! Let me see it,” Tim falls in front of you, looking at the damage, but his hands were shaking. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he says. “It was me, I saw it and got curious, I must have weakened the defense somehow,” Tim mumbles.
“Don’t,” you shook your head and looked past him, toward the fight. “They’re fighting each other… but why?” Your breathing was labored.
“Save your energy, kid.” You just realized that Jason has been supporting you this whole time. You watched the chained daemon grab onto the electric one, holding both of its arms before ripping one off entirely.
“Holy fuck,” it was like you were watching a massacre. And when the chained daemon bit down on the other for the last time, it closed its jaw completely over the other’s neck. Slowly, it rose again, opening its jaw to let the blood of its felled opponent spill out, and then it turned to you. Instinctively, you tried to push back, but Jason held you in place. His gaze was as locked upon it as it was to you.
The daemon approached the group slowly, its eyes menacing and its jaw hung open, but its steps were slow and maybe casual. Its ears folded down and as it closed the distance its eyes seemed to soften. Before it finally stood above you, everyone held still by your weakened fist in the air, ready to signal an attack at any moment. But nothing happened, it just stood there.
And then it looked at Tim.
You were already confused about why it seemed responsive to you, but to Tim too?
“Tim,” your voice was weak.
“Yeah?” He didn’t break eye contact with the beast.
“Around its neck are a pair of dog tags, read it for me.”
“Okay…” Tim reached his hand out slowly. And the beast, as if understanding, turned its head up to allow the tags to be seen better. “CK-78.”
“Does it mean anything to you?” You asked. Blood was still pooling out of the bite marks across your torso.
Tim’s eyes narrowed on the dogtags, and then he looked up at the daemon’s eye. Strange, it was as if it was begging Tim to get it. To figure out the mystery behind it.
While Tim did so, Eve returned, holding the first aid kit and kneeling next to you.
“I got it,” Jason took the bandages. He knew a thing or two about field patching, he’d say. He wrapped it around your body a couple of times after packing the larger wounds, it’ll do for now, but you’d have to get the seen by a professional later.
Look at this.
His worst nightmare.
During his time as a Robin, there was a reoccurring nightmare he’d always have.
It would start out as normal, it was one of those dreams that felt so real that he wouldn’t think twice. He’d pick you up from academy, you’d do whatever you felt like doing, and on your way home you’d be interrupted by one of the bastards who had Batman and Robin on their hit list. They would fight. And Jason would be so busy beating the shit out of them that he wouldn’t realize the mortal wounds you had. And when he would clean you up, when he would stop the bleeding any way he knew how, you would look away from him, and you wouldn’t say anything.
He would always wake up in a cold sweat after that, comforted by the fact that it was a nightmare.
Except now wasn’t that, it was real. It was so real that you were bleeding through your bandages, and you were holding your head from the blood loss, no doubt seeing the world spin, and you weren't looking at him.
“What happened?!” Damian came back too late, seeing you on the ground. It was his turn to sit in front of you. “Sister? Sister!” Damian held your face in his hands. But your eyes had glazed over. Your breaths were shallow, and your head heavy.
You were so tired.
Your eyelids slipped shut and the last thing you felt was Damian shaking you.
You watched silently while Dick went through his normal workout routine. You were more disinterested, if anything, sure it was cool at first but now it was just a wasted three hours of your day. But, you needed to ask him something, in fact that was why you’d been staying with him for the past week, one part of it was that it was this odd request of yours and the other part of it was that you just didn’t want to be home. It was so suffocating in the mansion, so quiet, and so…
“What’s up, little wing?” Dick pulled you out of your thoughts. He wiped the sweat off his neck with a towel and started shoving the weights back into their original places. “You’ve been staring at me for a while now.”
“Have I? Sorry, it wasn’t creepy was it?”
“It was a little creepy,” he chuckled. “But… I know I look good,” he nudges you playfully.
“Shut up, you’re gross,” you made a fake gagging sound and leaned back against the wall, being sure to avert your gaze this time.
“Is… everything alright?” He asks as if testing the waters. You didn’t blame him, to be fair. Since you’d arrived, you hadn’t mentioned his name once.
“Everything’s fine,” you shrugged. Dick sits next to you now, picking up his water bottle along the way and taking a deep breath.
“I know it’s hard but… he’s my brother too.” That got you. You leaned forward with your elbows on your knees and you buried your face in your hands. “It’s okay to grieve,” he says. It’s already been a year.
“But what if I don’t want to?” Your voice was muffled. “Me grieving is like me accepting that he’s dead, but he can’t be, right? Dad wouldn’t have let him die, right?” Your questions would go unanswered, instead, you felt Dick place a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Everyone… everyone has to go eventually,” Dick says carefully.
“Why did it have to be him, though?” Your tears spilled out of your hands now. You never really thought of how deadly your family’s jobs were. They were just always so prepared, so ready for any possible thing that could go wrong, until they weren’t. “I… I’ve been watching Tim train to be Robin, and it got me thinking about what he asked me before…” your voice trailed after being interrupted by hiccups, and Dick just rubbed your upper back the whole time, waiting patiently for you to finish. You took a deep breath. “Tim asked me… to become the next Robin, originally. But I said no, and now he’s training instead. But… you know he’s so bright, he can do anything he wants and instead, because I chickened out, he’s training to be a vigilante.” Dick didn’t say anything. “But you know me and how I feel about what you all do.”
“I do.”
“I just… it’s not…” you paused. “Could I even do it?” You turned to him now. Dick, though, turned away from you with his focus on his hands. They were grasping onto each other tight with the knuckles turning white. “Dick?”
“What do you think, (Y/N)?” He asks. “If you came here to ask me to make that decision for you, I won’t. You know as well as I do what being a Robin means.”
“But he’s just so… young, Dick. I never realized how young you both were when you started, but now when I watch Tim I can’t help but worry.”
“Hell, you should’ve seen us then,” Dick laughs quietly. There’s no way you could know his thoughts right now. He who might have been the reason why you were so averted to vigilante business to begin with, he did everything he possibly could to keep you separate from it and now here you were, asking him if you should become a Robin. It was one of his worst nightmares, actually. There have been many a time he thought if becoming a vigilante was the right way to cope, he thought he was becoming a hero, but really he at first became a soldier. He couldn’t see you become like that. You who was probably the only thing keeping both him and Bruce grounded, imagine if they lost that, imagine if you lost that.
“But doesn’t it make sense though, Dick? If I became a Robin?”
“Well… yeah,” he nods his head absently, “but is that what you want to do?” You thought for a moment. The toll vigilante work took on your dad, the childhood it took from Dick, the life it took from Jason, and the time it was taking from Tim, could you shoulder that?
“I came here for two reasons,” you said instead, “one was to get out of that house. No one’s ever home anymore,” you muttered.
“And the second?”
“I was going to ask you to train me,” you admitted bashfully. “But I don’t think I was ever cut out for vigilante work, I don’t have the same resolve you and… he did,” you took a deep breath. “What exactly did you two fight about for Jason to have been banned from the Titan tower, Dick?”
“…” he didn’t answer for a while. But you knew that look on his face, he was thinking, and very hard at that too. “He wanted to train you,” he says, “he wanted to have the both of us train you. Have you learn the basics of being a Robin just in case… just in case neither of us could’ve gotten to you in time.” Your face grew more serious. “And I said ‘no.’”
“At that time, when you were twelve, did you want to be a Robin?” He asks. You thought about it for a while.
“Yes, I thought I could be a Robin,” you nodded.
“And now?” He waits for your answer.
“I… I don’t know. But, was the fight really all that bad for him to get banned?”
“You don’t understand, (Y/N),” Dick shook his head. “No one knows the price of being a Robin more than we did. You know, no matter how old you get, you’re still our little sister, I don't know what I'd do if even half the shit that happened to me happened to you,” he nudges you. “We didn’t see eye-to-eye on that and, well, I already disagreed with how he treated the mantle too, so I won’t lie and I tell you we started off on a good page,” he says. “And when it came to you, what to do with you and how to take care of you, we either agreed with each other entirely or were at odds, there was no in-between,” Dick rolled his eyes, thinking back to the arguments between the two.
“Yeah, we just never did it in front of you, obviously,” Dick says. “You know us well, (Y/N). Take you being in danger. If it was up to me you’d never be in a dangerous situation to begin with, so I hope you never held it against me when I told you to stay behind.”
“I did.”
“I know,” Dick nods. “You do this thing where you’d take a deep breath and close your eyes and that’s how we’d know you’re upset,” he laughs and you broke a smile. “But Jason? Phew. To him, as long as you were within an arm’s distance, you were never in danger, and that was pretty much true from how I’d see him with you,” Dick shakes his head.
“Well… yeah, it’s the same with you, right?” You asked.
“Of course! But, also, not necessarily,” he shakes his head again. “It’s happened enough times before, I would just pull you out of a situation before things got too heated. Jason, though, would throw himself in front of you if it meant keeping you safe, he was always reckless like that,” he says. And look where it got him. “Like that time you first visited me at the Tower, oh my god, I almost popped a vein when I heard how you got there,” Dick exaggerates his words with his hands. “The Robin Cycle?! Seriously?! God, so much could have gone wrong, and, oh my god, you were in the vents!” Dick started rambling and you started laughing. “He’s actually crazy to think that would’ve been okay,” Dick runs a hand through his hair and you settled down.
“I had so much fun that day,” your smile fell into a softer one, “I remember thinking that I was just like you guys…” Dick nods solemnly.
"That's... If there was one thing Jason and I always agreed on, it was that we wanted you to be better than we could ever be. For me, that was making your own choices free from a legacy, and for Jason that was being more prepared than he ever was," Dick says before taking a deep breath. “Sometimes I forget we were that same age when we started,” Dick says.
“Exactly,” you sighed.
“The only difference was that Jason and I were insanely traumatized, and you weren’t,” he chuckles and you shifted uncomfortably.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” your arms rested over your knees. “You and Jason were these self-made heroes, and I was the spoiled rich kid brat who thought it would’ve been easy.”
“Spoiled? Yeah. Brat? Nah,” Dick laughs.
“Hey you! Whatever you wanted we got you!”
“Okay, well that was your choice,” you defended yourself.
“True,” Dick concedes. But then his smile falls. “We used to talk about it. (Y/N),” the tone shifts again, “it’s not that we think you couldn’t handle being a vigilante, anyone can take on the mantle, it’s whether or not you’d be best utilized for that mantle. You have so many other strengths that Jason and I don’t have, you know you kept us grounded so many times when all we wanted to do was fly,” Dick says. “There are days where we almost went too far, I think, and every time there you were to help us back down,” he continues, but then he stops. “If you want to be a Robin, then I’ll help you, but you need to find someone who can be your grounder too. That hopeful humanity you have is what makes you such a vital part to our team, and I’m just afraid that becoming Robin will change that,” he finishes. You held on to every word.
Robin, what did it really stand for? It wasn’t just Batman’s sidekick, it was a symbol as much as Batman was. A symbol of hope for some, the hope that came after vengeance.
And here you were, wanting to become a Robin just to hunt down the Joker.
You couldn’t tell that to Dick.
But it made you so upset. The Joker killed your brother and your father hasn’t done anything about him, hell, you were just reading an article about how Joker and Batman had a showdown and still your father let him go. Wasn’t your father angry at all? Didn’t he feel some kind of guilt or sympathy for Jason?
“(Y/N), I know what you’re thinking, I can see it in your eyes,” Dick says. “But Bruce… Bruce has his own way of grieving too. We don’t have to understand it, it’s not like he’d tell us anyway, but just like how you came to me, Bruce went to someone else,” Dick explains.
“He’s my own dad, and I feel like you know him better than I ever will.”
“I am older than you,” he nudges you softly.
“I just wish he came to us,” you mumbled. “He thinks he’s so alone sometimes, and I feel it,” you held onto your chest and rubbed it softly with the ball of your hand. “I feel like I don’t know him anymore, Dick, I don’t know how to talk to my own dad.”
“Just start small, he’s grieving too.”
“I don’t recognize him anymore, Dick,” your hands went to your arms now. “Don’t tell him this, okay?” You looked at him, your eyes wide with a hint of… something, something Dick didn’t want to admit.
“I won’t.”
“Sibling secret,” he makes a zipper motion with his mouth. You moved so that you were facing him a little more.
“When he came home the other night, Tim was already in bed and I was about to go too, but you know I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, and my therapist recommended tea. I figured dad would want some too, he usually does after late-night patrols, so I made some for him and brought it down to the cave. I was originally just going to leave it there, but he was already sitting down in front of the batcomputer… I didn’t even hear him come in,” you started. “And when I placed the mug down, he turned to look at me so fast that I almost fell back, and…” you hesitated, but Dick was listening very carefully, “he threw one of those batarangs of his. He threw it towards me and he missed, but,” your hand ghosted over your cheek, where the shallow cut was long before, “I know he didn’t mean to, he’d been on edge ever since what happened but… he scared me, Dick. The way he looked at me, it scared me so much I couldn’t move,” your hands were trembling, they were trembling so much you clasped your hands together to stop them, but they didn’t, “I’ve never been afraid of dad before but that night was different. I couldn’t say anything to him, I just dropped the mug off and ran back upstairs.”
“Did he do that?” Dick was in disbelief. You nodded your head, the image still clear in your mind.
“The next morning he apologized but… I didn’t think I’d ever be in that situation to begin with. I know, I know ever since what happened with Jason he’s been so guarded, so I’m not holding it against him but…” you trailed off. You were so scared that night. “I know it won’t happen again.”
“It won’t, you’re right,” he says. “Maybe…” he hesitates. “Maybe I’ll drop by a bit more, I know Tim’s been training, but maybe it’ll help more if a former Robin helped him out,” Dick says. Your expression seemed to perk up at this.
“You’re coming home?”
“Just visiting,” he says. “Might do Tim some good to have someone other than Alfred and Bruce, right?” He rolls his shoulders out. “Plus, I can tell you miss me,” he nudges your shoulder and you rolled your eyes again.
“I always miss you guys,” you waved it off.
“Aww, oh my god! My sister misses me?” Dick exaggerates and you groan.
“Don’t you dare make me regret coming here!”
“Oh, I am so touched, I could cry,” Dick hides his eyes with his hand before separating his fingers just enough to see your deadpan expression. You shook your head and stood up.
“Thanks, Dick, for hearing me out,” you wiped your palms on your thighs.
“Of course, anything for you, (Y/N),” he smiles.
“I don’t want to bother you anymore-”
“Whoa! You’re leaving already? Let me treat you out first, you came all the way here to Blüdhaven, I can’t let you go home on an empty stomach,” Dick jumps up and walks ahead of you.
“No, it’s okay!”
“(Y/N), Alfred would kill me,” Dick looks back with an inflated look of despair and you laughed.
“You’re right, you’re right, fine! But I get to choose!”
“Keeping up the spoiled persona, I get you.”
"Dick! You're such a..." you stopped yourself and Dick waited with expectant eyes for the punchline. "I'm not gonna say it."
"It was worth a shot," Dick waits for you to catch up and you both left together.
You’re in the manor, but you knew, not really. The details were fuzzy, faceless paintings repeated themselves, and hallways seemed longer than usual. Every time you turned a wrong corner the hallway would loop until you realized that you had to turn around.
This was a dream.
Ever since you’d come to this new Earth, you had this uncanny ability of lucid dreaming. Or, at the very least, you were very conscious in your dreams. You always remembered them after too. But naught without cost. You either had a dreamless night, or you had relentless nightmares. You were already mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to see. If you were in the manor then, you already know, this one would be tough. And it seemed that your dream was guiding you into the foyer, and it landed you in front of the infamous bookcase. You pulled the bust’s head back and pressed the button, watching the bookcase slide forward and to the side. The staircase down was dark, near infinite. You took a deep breath and took a step closer to it.
“(Y/N)? You’re not allowed down there,” you heard a voice behind you say. You turned around and saw a much younger Dick Grayson.
“Why not?”
“It’s dangerous.” He says.
“Why don’t you come with me then?” You caught your reflection on the glass case next to you. You were so little. Your cheeks round with baby fat and your hair tied into twin tails. This was going to be rough.
“I… I wouldn’t be enough, just stay up here, okay? Let’s play a game,” he pulls out a Monopoly set and you shook your head.
“Sorry, Dick, I just want to be done with this.” You shook your head and walked into the darkness, feeling the chill of fear run through you with every step. And finally you reached the bottom, and the cave illuminated. You could hear someone typing on the keyboard. “Dad?” You called out to him and the clacking stopped. You walked further into the cave, until you could see the batcomputer and the looming figure of the Batman sitting in front of it. “I didn’t hear you come home,” you waited for his response. And there was none. “Dad?” You chanced it again. And the Batman turned quickly on the chair.
You were afraid.
You felt your heart pumping and the blood rushing through your veins. That wasn’t your father, no, it was a daemon in the Batsuit, how fucking fitting. And you screamed, you called for help, and you wanted to fall to the ground and cover your ears with how the daemon roared. And when it fell to the ground and started clawing its way toward you it just felt so real, it felt so real that you could feel the tears streaming down your face and your burning throat.
“(Y/N)! Get away!” Your dad. You felt someone pull you back with such force that you nearly flew at that size. And you watched the two Batmen fighting. One, your father, and the other a daemon. 
“You!” Another voice now. You were knocked to the ground and you saw… you. She pinned you down with a crazed look in her eyes. “You took everything from me,” her voice dripped with venom and you looked away. She wrapped her hands around your throat and pressed her thumbs against your windpipe. “I’ll kill you.” You gasped for air now and she throttled you. “Give it back. Give it back to me!” You shook your head, and you shut your eyes, trying every trick in the book to wake up. You bit your tongue, you gnawed on your hands, and you even tried doing simple math until finally you shot up from bed.
Taking deep breaths, you clutched onto your heart. Your wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. You looked around the med bay and you wiped the cold sweat from your head. You looked to the side, spotting the scattered tools, and you grabbed the scalpel. You took more deep breaths, the world at your peripherals still fuzzy, and you plunged it into your hand just to be sure you’d woken up and soon you heard a shout next to you.
“Are you crazy?! Give me that!” Jason tugged the scalpel out of your hand and chucked it toward the other side of the room. It looks like he had just woken up too. He slumped back on the chair next to your bed and took deep breaths.
“Jason, what happened?” You watched your hand reattach. Back to normal.
“What happened? You almost got ripped apart, that’s what happened,” he points at your bandages.
“I mean after, Jay.”
“Oh, well,” he shakes the shock off, “after you passed out, Alex came back and helped that other girl wheel you over here to get you patched up. Tim went with Mary, I think her name was, and they started doing stuff with the monster to see why it reacted that way.”
“And Damian?” Jason points at the other side of your bed and you turned your head toward it. Damian had fallen asleep next to you, head resting on his arms that were crossed over the edge of the bed. Wordlessly, you rubbed his hair gently and you turned to Jason. “Talk about a warm welcome,” you repeated. Jason didn’t answer, he was looking down at your hand. “You’re right. It is sick and twisted.” Your hand looked like nothing had happened to it. “Looks like I never stabbed it all, huh?” Your voice was quiet, so as not to wake Damian.
“But those are still there,” he looked at the healed over that encircled your whole wrist.
Your hands were the first to go that night.
You rubbed it softly.
“I don’t like thinking about it.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“I still have nightmares about it,” you tugged the hospital gown up, as if it would hide the scar that encircled your neck. It didn’t.
“Was that the one you had just now?”
“No, that one was… fairly new,” you thought back to it. It wasn’t the first time you’d been attacked by yourself. You figured it was some crazy dream symbolism thing that said you were at odds with yourself, but you weren’t so sure. Jason didn’t need to know about it. “It’s fine,” you shook your head.
“Oh, Captain, you’re up,” the nurse walks in with a clipboard in hand. “That was a nasty bite you had there, but I suspect it’s all been reattached by now, right?” You touched your chest. All good. You nodded your head and the nurse beamed. “Excellent, then, you’d been resting for a while so you should be able to get back to work soon?”
“How long have I been out?”
“It’s been a couple of days, Captain. Sir Grant will drop by and hand you the paperwork you’ve missed.”
“It can’t be that much, can it?” You asked. The nurse just smiles.
“Dr. Bronte ordered you to remain on bed rest for the week, he was very adamant about it,” she says. “So, unfortunately, nothing but paperwork.”
“What?! He knows I reattach, right?!” You shot up from bed and she ushers you back down.
“Yes, of course, but it’s still his orders,” she says. You groaned.
“I see, thank you,” you dismissed her and she saluted before leaving the room.
“So… Captain, huh?” Jason makes conversation. “You have to tell me about that,” he crosses his ankle over his knee and you shook your head with a slight smile.
“It’s boring.”
“Well, not like you’re going anywhere.”
“I’m serious! I wanna know what you’ve been up to! I thought you hated being a leader.”
“I do.”
“So… why Captain?”
“God, everyone else is incomptent,” you rolled your eyes and Jason laughed.
“That’s more like you, tell me from the beginning.”
“Ugh… well…” You looked up at the ceiling, thinking of where to start. “When I woke up here I was so lost. I was lucky enough to have been brought in by good people, and they showed me how this world worked, but I knew I had to repay them somehow. Luckily for me, one of them was the previous Captain, so he let me train under him and now I’m here. That’s the shortened version,” you explained.
“What? Boring, give me the good one.”
“You’re so annoying!”
“Sure, yeah, now tell me about people you beefed with.”
You were worried sick, and you stayed up late to wait for your father and Tim to come home, they told you they’d be back in the morning, and now it was nearing midnight, their comms were turned off and their locations unknown, Babs was going near crazy trying to locate them and here you were, waiting in the Batcave like it would do something.
“Dick, what do you think?” You chewed on the tip of your thumb. Your older brother stood by the computer, trying to do anything to locate anything.
“I might send the Titans in after them if they’re not back,” he says. You stood up and looked at the screen. Tim had only recently been inducted in as a Robin, after months and months of training, he finally made it, and this was his first big break mission with your father after he’d saved the others from Two-Face, the first time he was entrusted with an actual mission aside from the Gotham patrols. But… you were worried.
Then, finally, you heard the telltale sign of the plane landing, and you and Dick were quick to run over. Your father emerged first and soon after…
“Tim?” You stepped forward to see him better and… You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, it was the only thing louder than the ringing. There was blood, a lot of it, it caked around his face and on his uniform, and it left footprints where he walked. He spotted you, forcing a smile and a wave.
But the world around you dulled. All conversation was muted to you. Your vision tunneled on Tim, and for some reason all you could see was Jason, head split open by a crowbar and blood pooled around him like you’d seen in all your nightmares, and when you’d blink he’d go back to Tim, bloodied. Then you’d blink again, Jason, you’d blink, Tim. What was this ringing? This fear you felt in your heart? Couldn’t your father have helped clean him up a little on his way here? Couldn’t he have dressed those wounds better? Was the blood even his?
“(Y/N)?” Tim was closer now, you noticed him nursing his side, the wound messily dressed and barely doing the job. You looked at your father.
“Oh, Tim,” your hands rest on his shoulders gently, while you tried to assess the damage. “What happened?” You asked carefully.
“It was rough,” your father shook his head. “Too many variables we didn’t account for, we won’t make that mistake again.”
“Too many variables? Enough to leave Tim like this?” You looked at him. “Let me see it,” you looked at his side.
“It’s okay,” Tim shakes his head.
“Show me,” you insisted. Tim only nodded, removing his hand just enough so you could see the scar through the cut-open uniform. Go figure, the Robin uniform wasn’t fit for a jungle. You looked at your father again, who was looking at Tim. “What happened?”
“Mutated animals, we’re still investigating it, we’ll return in the morning,” he responds.
“In the morning? Look at him! He’s barely holding himself together!” You argued. “Take Dick with you! Tim needs to rest.”
“(Y/N),” Dick spoke up, or had he been speaking?
“He’s fine, (Y/N), we all cleared him for Robin work, this is just collateral,” your father answers.
“Just collateral? He’s not a business, he’s Tim fucking Drake!” You stepped in front of Tim now. “Do you want to go back there?” You looked at him, and he shrank in his shoes. Tim only shook his head, clearly still shaken from the events.
“He’s a Robin, he wanted to be a Robin, trained for it, and now he is it,” Batman argues.
“Christ, dad, he’s thirteen!” You shout.
“Dick was eleven!”
“And look where that got him! He resents you!” You looked to Dick, who sighed and shook his head. He couldn’t answer, because what you said had some truth to it. Everyone knew it.
“Jason was—”
“Jason is dead!” You cut him off, your hands balled at your sides and your throat strained, there was a tense silence in the cave now. “You killed my brother! You killed him and you didn’t even grieve like a normal person, I had to hear from Tim that you were ripping people apart in the ports! That’s horrifying, dad! Why… why are you repeating what happened with Jason?!”
“Take that back!” Batman’s voice rose in a way no one ever heard before.
“And what will you do if Tim is gone? Are you going to go on a killing spree?” You felt like pulling your hair out. “Jason’s gone and you haven’t done shit about it!”
“I’ve done everything to avenge him!”
“Everything to avenge but none to honor!” You stood up taller now, and you looked the Batman in his eye. “The Joker still runs wild, and all you’ve done is train his replacement.”
“You know nothing about what I do for this city!”
“And I don’t want to be part of it,” you could feel your throat burning. “Look at Tim! He could be dead right now and you wouldn’t do anything about it, you said it yourself, it’s just collateral,” you turned his words on him and Batman stepped forward. You stepped back. 
“Death… death is part of the job,” Batman responds and your shoulders slumped.
“God… are you even my father when you put that mask on?” You tried to step back, hoping you’d see at least some of your dad in him, but nothing. “If death is so okay with you then I don’t want to be next in line. I will never be a vigilante.”
“What did you say?” Batman spoke up.
“You…” You’re a monster. You couldn’t find it in yourself to say it. “I will never be a vigilante, I want nothing to do with this Batman circus act, especially if you’re so okay with your kids being near killed,” you were running your mouth now, saying everything that came to mind. You just couldn’t think straight, how the hell did your older brothers do it? You would scrape a knee and they’d raise hell, now Tim comes home bleeding head to toe and you want to throttle whoever did this to him. “I don’t know who you even are, anymore, but the Batman I idolized would have never put his sons in these kinds of situations!”
“You don’t know me!”
“I don’t anymore!”
“Don’t pretend you understand this line of business!”
“I’m not! I don’t understand being a vigilante at all!”
“You’ve lived with us your whole life and you still don’t understand?! Gotham needs us!”
“You’re right, Gotham needs you! Not some remote island with mutated animals! Jesus, you could’ve at least given Tim some actual gear!”
“We didn’t account for monsters thrice our size!”
“And you didn’t think to regroup and plan that shit out?!”
“Watch your language!”
“Fuck my language, Tim’s barely together!”
“You’re acting like you know him so well.”
“And you do?! You really think any normal thirteen-year-old would be okay with getting their shit beat out of them!”
“He chose this.”
“He doesn’t have to get ripped apart because of it!”
“You are making a big deal out of—”
“I just don’t want to lose another brother!” Your voice echoed in the cave. You looked back to Tim, whose hands were over his ears now and his eyes shut closed. His bloodied hands dripped down his face and you shook your head, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping most of it from his face. Tim’s eyes opened slowly and his hands moved away so you could clean up at least that much, at least enough to stop seeing the worst possible outcome. And though you felt a rage like none other, you kept your hands steady, you kept them gentle, just enough to try to calm Tim down without saying anything that would make him more scared. 
“Why do you even bother, (Y/N)?” You heard Batman speak behind you, and before you could turn back to him, Dick took your shoulders and pushed you away.
“Let’s go, you need to cool off,” he says quietly.
“I need to help Tim!”
“Alfred will help him.”
“In that case someone has to pull Batman back to reality!” You tried to shrug Dick off, but his grip was firm. “Let go, Dick! Don’t pretend you don’t agree with me!”
“Let’s take a walk, (Y/N),” he insists, urging you out of the cave.
“Am I so wrong, Dick?!”
“Let’s go,” he keeps ushering you, “I’ll deal with Bruce.”
“You’ll deal with him?” You pushed away from him, you were just steps away from the outside. “Oh! Right! You’ll deal with him… the prodigal son,” you huffed. “Go figure, the kid he listens to is the one he chose and not the one he had,” you snarked and Dick’s expression steeled.
“Don’t say it like that.”
“But it’s exactly that and you know it,” you shot back. “When dad found out I was a weak kid he picked you up instead to train as his protege.”
“That’s not how it happened and you know it!”
“Try all you want to escape him, you never will.” Dick clenches his jaw, holding back something that probably, no, definitely would’ve destroyed your relationship, and he took a deep breath.
“Let’s go,” his voice was softer as he ushers you out again and you both take a step into the cold. “Take a deep breath, (Y/N).” You did so. Both of you were quiet, looking over the cliffside.
“I’m sorry, Dick,” you said quietly, your voice just barely over the sound of waves hitting the rock around you.
“It’s fine, you’re mad, I get it,” Dick nods. “You never get mad, this is just all that pent-up anger.”
“Yeah…” you took a deep breath again. “How the hell did you two do it?” You asked him. Dick shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Do what?”
“All of it.”
“You know, we came home much worse before.”
“But I never saw it.”
“We didn’t let you.”
“I was so young at the time, I get it.”
“You’re still young now.”
“And he’s younger.” Dick didn’t respond.
“Being a vigilante… it’s not easy work, (Y/N),” he says. “We get battered, bruised, and beaten, but we do it for a good cause. If we don’t do it, then who will?” He asks.
“I know, I understand it when you say it, but I can’t understand him,” you looked at him.
“And I respect that, I do,” Dick nods.
“Who even is he, anymore?” You looked away from him. Again, Dick didn’t respond.
“You were pretty harsh in there, (Y/N),” he says.
“Was I?”
“Jason would be proud,” Dick laughs. You didn’t. “You know Bruce is… he’s on his own train, and we’re just a couple cars behind him,” Dick says. “He has his own way of doing things, he cares in his own way, too. You know he wouldn’t let Tim die, he’s not going to put him in a situation he knew he wouldn’t be able to save him in.”
“I… I think I know that,” you shuddered.
“What happened with Jason was because of a myriad of factors that were out of all our control. It’s no one’s fault,” he looks at you, but you were looking to the city. "(Y/N)? What are you thinking right now?"
"I just..." your voice trailed off and your eyes were still distant. You hadn't realized it, you hadn't really thought of it until now. “I miss my dad.”
“What do you think, Zee? Can you find them?” Dick’s brows furrowed together while Zatanna ran back the camera footage from the cave earlier. They played the footage in slow motion so she could run through every detail.
“What I can definitely say is that it’s 100% magic,” she says. Constantine leans over, eyes squinted.
“Yup, I agree.”
“Can you back off? You smell like alcohol,” Zatanna grimaces.
“Hey, I’m here to help too!”
“I didn’t ask for your help, you were just in the room when Dick asked me to come over and you followed,” Zatanna groaned.
“Contrary to popular belief, I was (Y/N)’s favorite,” Constantine grinned.
“Okay, that’s definitely not true,” Dick frowns.
“It is! I’d do a lil party trick for her every time I saw her when she was a lass,” Constantine defends. Zatanna and Dick share a look of disbelief before they go back to the tapes.
“Well?” Bruce approaches from behind them. “What are we thinking?”
“Aside from the obvious magic?” Constantine lights his cigarette.
“What do you think?” Bruce asks.
“Roll it back a few seconds, Zee, right before the bright light,” Constantine leans against the console, and when Bruce glares at him he straightens again. “Zoom in on the watch.”
“Here, we have a reconstruction of it here,” Dick taps the screen to the side and brings up the holographic image of the watch. Constantine swipes it around while observing the emblem etched onto it.
“The hint is here,” he says while pointing to it. “Trace back this emblem and you’ll find your boys.”
“How do you know for sure?”
“There are very few kinds of magic that you can use on an object like this,” he says. He opens the watch and the watch face deconstructs into layers in the hologram. “And when you look at the make of the watch, it explains much more.”
“Look at the hands, there’s eight of them, and with each hand is a corresponding circle with a different engraving around the circumference,” Zatanna says, “it’s a device used for transport, to put it bluntly. And if the watch hands aren’t set to a certain one, it can be inferred that a device used for transport would have its default settings set to where it’s originally from, so if we trace back the source we’ll be able to find Tim and Jason,” she says.
“What she—” Constantine is cut off by his phone ringing. “Hold on, gotta get this,” he picks it up and walks to a quiet part of the cave.
“Think you can give it a shot?” Dick asks. Zatanna hums.
“Sure,” she shrugs. “Gnirb kcab Mit dna Nosaj!” Though there were sparks, nothing happened. “I didn’t think that would work. Let me try something else. Gnirb em eht hctaw!” In seconds, a bright light forms between her hands and then the sounds of clinks and clatters of watch pieces falling to the ground are heard.
“Oh, great, they broke it,” Dick wasn’t surprised when he picked it up.
“But if there’s residual energy on it then I can trace it,” Dick places the pieces on the console right as Constantine returns.
“Alright, let’s work a deal,” he looks at Bruce. “I help you find your four missing kids if you help me with mine.”
“Tell me more,” Bruce invites him to continue.
“An old protege of mine has been having some trouble with monsters, if you and your detective brains can help him and I figure out what’s going on, Zee and I will help you look for your kids.”
“Hey! Who said I agreed to this?!”
“I thought you had a soft spot for Liverpool,” Constantine shrugs.
“Oh! If it’s him who needs help then by all means,” Zatanna smiles, remembering the younger boy fondly.
“Well, there you have it, should be quick, might end up just being an extermination job, but he won’t stop bitching about it, so what’s the plan?” Bruce and Dick look at each other. They’d been trying for weeks now trying to find a lead of some sort, with Constantine and Zatanna’s help they’d be able to figure it out much faster.
“Fine,” Bruce shakes Constantine’s hand and, at the snap of a finger, a portal opens up next to Constantine.
“Then let’s start our search,” he invites the two to enter first. “You coming, Zee?”
“I’ll follow, I want to study this watch first.”
“Smart move,” Dick says.
“I’ll see you all soon,” she watches the portal close.
The three men land in what looks like a small village. People milled about and kept to themselves while they moved about the streets.
“So where is this protege of yours?” Bruce asks.
“Beats me,” Constantine shrugs.
“What do you mean?!” Dick shouts.
“Might’ve landed in the wrong town,” Constantine looks around. “‘Scuse me, love, which way to the Capital?” He pulls aside a maiden. He cheeks tinge pink before pointing down the road.
“You’ll get there in three days if you walk, hail a cab, they’ll be able to take you there faster,” she says.
“Will do, thanks,” Constantine holds his hand up. “You guys have cash right?”
“Who do you think I am?” Bruce asks. Constantine busies himself looking for a cab while Bruce and Dick stuck together, looking around the village with a hawk’s eye.
“Whoops! Sorry, mister!” A kid accidentally collides into Bruce and runs off. Bruce checks his pockets quickly, feeling everything still inside, and soon the duo notice the grouping of children.
“Wonder what the fuss is about,” Dick stretches slightly to try to see what everyone’s looking at. “Hey, what’s everyone so excited about?” Dick asks one of the newspaper boys.
“You don’t know?” The kid asks.
“Nope,” Dick answers with a shrug.
“Dang, mister, are you living under a rock?!” He hands him a newspaper and Dick skims through it. “The Dark Knight is coming!” Bruce turned his attention to the newspaper kid. “We’ll be saved from the daemons!”
“The Dark Knight?” Dick asks, catching on to Bruce’s attention.
“Duh! Captain Wayne!”
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adaptations-polls · 22 days
Which version of this do you prefer?
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26 notes · View notes
joinmetofightgod · 1 month
I made some live action Death note trading cards!!!!
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keybladespirit · 5 months
Every Piece of Media I Consumed in 2023
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Wow! What a year it's been for me watching movies, reading books and manga, and playing video games. I don't know if 50 on the dot is my personal most, but I'm really happy to see just how much I filled out the big stack of TVs that I decided to edit. I'm shocked, like actually SHOCKED that not only was there SO MUCH, but also how much I enjoyed most of it. I even played/watched/read things that came out this year for once. If you want my thoughts on any of it, the full list of links to all of my posts documenting it all throughout the year will be under the ReadMore. So I'll leave you with my 3x3 for the year and if you want details, you know where to look.
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Death Stranding
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Shin Ultraman
Splatoon 2
Code Vein
Katana Zero
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Destiny 2: Lightfall
Super Mario 3D Word + Bowser's Fury
Neon White
Bocchi the Rock!
NEO The World Ends With You
Metal Gear Solid
Jojo Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable (Live Action Chapter 1)
Sing a Bit of Harmony
The Matrix: Resurrections
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
I Am A Hero
Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean
Log Horizon Season 3
Jojo Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Charm Studies
The Twentieth Century World: 1914 to Present
The Mandalorian Season 2
There is No Poverty At the End of Labor (1920)
Pokemon: Path to the Peak
The Million Ryo Pot
The Book of Boba Fett
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Inside Mari
Okaeri Alice
Barbie (2023)
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Adventure Time
Adventure Time: Distant Lands
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Star Wars Andor
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Death Note
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Death Note: The Musical
Super Mario Brothers Wonder
Death Note (2006)
Kung Fu Hustle
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Honkai Star Rail
One Piece
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth
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seanlovesdbz · 8 months
Netflix recently released a live action adaptation of one of the world’s most popular anime and manga, One Piece. This adaptation was met with praise from fans and critics around the world as it stays faithful to the source material by capturing the characters goofy personalities, displaying the over-the-top unrealistic fight scenes, and following a similar storyline which many adaptations fail to do. The success of this show has led to the belief that we are now living in a time where adaptations can be done successfully as long as they are created by teams who truly care about the original.
One Piece’s success has led to discussions around other popular anime’s being adapted for live-action with some already receiving this treatment and failing, but in recent times these adaptations have become more successful than in the past as evident by One Piece and the live-action adaptation of Detective Pikachu, based on the Pokémon video games and anime. During 2017 Netflix created an adaption of the 2003 manga and 2006 anime, Death Note, which failed miserably and was despised by critics and fans of the original. This hatred came from the major changes Netflix made to the original, the characters were changed from Japanese to American with their personalities severely altered, all events are based in Seattle, and due to the shortened time the plot was condensed and ending changed. The original creators were also not directly involved with the movie which meant all changes were made by those not familiar with the original product. This attempt at their first anime adaptation proved as a strong learning point for Netflix with all the issues they had that led to Death Note failing, fixed for the adaptation of One Piece.
The One Piece creator, Eiichiro Oda, was heavily involved with production on the adaptation as well as casting which ensured that all characters closely resembled and acted like the character he created. The show had a large budget of 138 million USD which created realistic sets and props that allowed viewers to be fully immersed in the world. As well as allowing the first part of the story to be told over 8 one-hour long episodes which prevented the story from being rushed and missing important aspects to the plot. Netflix has shown that using these methods is a formula for success, which begs the question. Is it time for a live-action Dragon Ball Z?
The first attempt at creating a live action Dragon Ball Z failed miserably, with Dragon Ball: Evolution being considered one of the worst movies of all time, with the creator himself expressing his disgust with the final product. The movie failed due to having nothing in common with the original source material besides the name, the characters are nothing like their inspiration, being whitewashed and devoid of all characteristics that made fans fall in love with them, as well as completely throwing out the overall plot of the show. This attempt in 2009 led to the creator, Akira Toriyama, coming back to create more content for the Dragon Ball universe as he did not want the film to become the last piece of his legacy. However, this attempt was more than 10 years ago and now with Dragon Ball content reducing, it may now be the time for a live action adaptation to flourish due to audiences wanting things similar to Netflix’s One Piece.
If a new adaption were to be created following Netflix’s formula would be essential to its success, and there would be support from many influential fans such as movie star Michael B Jordan.
Based in response to:
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undefeatednils · 7 months
Will the The Legend of Zelda movie be an adaptation? If so, which game will be adapted?
So. A Zelda movie is coming. Live action. With people attached to it that have a mixed record in terms of quality.
The big question the fans are asking right now is whether the movie will adapt a game or if it will feature an original story. Because of this, I decided to look through the games and see how plausible they are to adapt. In original game release order, of course.
The Legend of Zelda (1986)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? Minimal plot, Zelda is merely a damsel in distress, no characters of note besides Link, Zelda, Ganon, and Impa.
The Adventure of Link (1987)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? Honestly the same reasons as the original game. Also notoriously unpopular and a direct sequel of the first game.
A Link To The Past (1991)
Rating: Unlikely
Why? Slighly larger cast of characters and relatively iconic locations, however the plot is still fairly bare-bones and Zelda has a marginal presence in it. It might serve as a framework for an original story, but it doesn't lend itself to a direct adaptation.
Link's Awakening (1993/1998/2019)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? Two words: no Zelda. Also the plot is very... wacky, kinda Alice in Wonderland-adjacent, and that sorta narrative is not going to be very appealing to film makers that try to make the first movie adapting a video game franchise.
Ocarina of Time (1998/2011)
Rating: Plausible!
Why? Iconic locations, Zelda is a notable character in the narrative, and it's a critical darling. The fact that the Spiritual Stones segment of the story, which makes up the first third of the game, takes place with Young Link is a detraction, however I'd find it plausible if there was some reshuffling going on, having Link enter the Sacred Realm with Zelda's help immediately after the Great Deku Tree/his arrival in Hyrule Castle, turning Zora's Domain and Death Mountain into Adult Link locations (with appearences by Sheik), skipping over the Seven Sages, for the most part.
Majora's Mask (2000/2015)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? A direct sequel to Ocarina of Time and reliant on a child actor playing Young Link. Also probably too dark for a first movie, and it doesn't feature Zelda at all.
Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons (2001)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? Fairly obscure Game Boy Color games, with narrative gimmicks that translate badly into feature films. Also Zelda barely features in these.
Four Swords (2002) & Four Swords Adventures (2004)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? They're multiplayer games with little to no story, pure gimmcik games.
The Wind Waker (2002)
Rating: Cartoon Material
Why? Strong narrative and iconic locations, but too reliant on younger actors and its game's art style will likely be seen as a detriment when looking for material for a live-action adaptation. Still, there's decent bones to make a movie out of it! The Link and Tetra dynamic is good stuff that would translate to film well. Would be better off animated.
The Minish Cap (2004)
Rating: Cartoon Material
Why? Zelda is too much of a damsel in the game, and it doesn't feature Ganon as an antagonist, but the basic conflict is decent and seems very adaptable to me. Still, the size change gimmick might make live-action too costly, though. Would probably be best as an animated feature film.
Twilight Princess (2006)
Rating: Plausible!
Why? The first 3D game which features only an adult Link, plus it features Zelda quite well in its story, and Midna is an excellent supporting character. However the game's dark tone, the wolf transformation, and the late Ganon reveal make it less likely.
Phantom Hourglass (2007) & Spirit Tracks (2009)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? The first is a direct sequel to The Wind Waker, the latter is incredibly gimmicky and not fondly rememered. Combine that with the cartoony art style, and that should explain it. Though Phantom Hourglass could still be turned into a decent movie if it were to get divorced from the Wind Waker connection. Linebeck is a compelling enough character.
Skyward Sword (2011/2021)
Rating: Very likely
Why? Narratively very important, fantastic setpieces, and a strong Zelda-Link relationship with both of them being adults! Plus it could be a way to present the story without Fi being a significant presence...
A Link Between Worlds (2013)
Rating: Unlikely
Why? A quasi-sequel and remake of A Link To The Past with a story that could be twisted into a movie, but it's too obscure and still to vague to work well.
Tri-Force Heroes (2015)
Rating: Not Plausible
Why? If you believe there will ever be a Tri-Force Heroes live-action adaptation, you clearly lost your brain somewhere.
Breath of the Wild (2017) & Age of Calamity (2020) & Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
Rating: Very likely
Why? Recent, acclaimed, strong characters, lots of narrative beats that can be combined to form a cohesive film or two. Zelda and Link are pretty strong characters here, there's a lot to work with.
So, what do you think? Am I off on this? Or are you mad that I didn't include Link's Crossbow Training or The Wand of Gamelon? xD
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thesecondkira · 2 years
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Erika Toda, born August 17th 1988, as Misa Amane in the live-action adaptation movies Death Note (2006) and Death Note 2: The Last Name (2006)
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