#dork squad completed
cadmuslabs777 · 2 years
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LITERALLY Scarecrow and Mad Hatter. Like. It's them. Literally.
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mymarifae · 1 year
i think the most important thing in the world is vbs being best friends who love each other so much and are super affectionate with each other like. listen to me:
- when toya hugs kohane he'll pick her up a tiny bit (a tiny bit is all he can manage. noodle arms) and she squeals with delight every time
- toya just really likes hugs in general. it's suuuuper common for him to just come up behind akito or an or kohane and wrap his arms around them and lean his head against theirs. hello and goodbye hugs with him always last a good 20 seconds because he won't let go sdjfjsnfkd
- kohane loooooves to tuck her hand in the crooks of her teammates' elbows while they're walking together. this way she won't get lost <3 sometimes she'll hold onto like, akito's elbow with one hand and an's with the other. it's very cute. and as vbs has grown closer, she's started to switch to hand holding. (don't tell anyone but akito's her favorite to hold hands with because he swings their arms as they walk and it's cute)
- also, kohane's hair tends to be messy because of her damn hats and this bugs akito so he spends a lot of time fussing over it. he'll just sort of...tug her closer and take out the pigtails and comb through it with his fingers. at some point she starts packing a brush in her bag to placate him. i like to think akito knows how to do hair because ena will sometimes make him do hers so after a while he stops just rebrushing kohane's hair and starts pulling it up in different ways... braiding it... etc... and he starts keeping things like hairspray in His bag. yknow. jic
- the hairstyling extravaganza extends to an and toya too. (i mean there's only so much akito can do with toya but he tries...) it's a calming thing for him - fiddling with his teammates' hair as they plan setlists or wait backstage. and having your hair played with is always nice <3
- i think shortly after teaming up an started giving kohane little kisses on the cheek. not as a romantic gesture - just simple affection! and after a while, she starts kissing toya and akito too. toya is always happy to lean down so she can pepper his face with little platonic kisses, but she usually has to wrestle akito. it's all in good fun and he'll always relent and let her kiss him in the end
- speaking of platonic kisses, i ALSO think that akito gives toya little kisses from time to time. it started back when they were still BAD DOGS. toya wasn't having a great time one night and after soothing him with a good sturdy hug, akito kissed the top of his head. it completely floored toya and akito blew up when he realized what he did. and they never fucking talked about it <3 but since toya didn't seem MAD about it, akito decided to stick with it and kept giving toya kisses like that. it's not common, and he ONLY does it when they're alone. except for when they make up after their little divorce arc in the main story. IGNORE the gunjo sanka mv and listen to me. they HUG after their heart to heart. and akito kisses toya's cheek. right around where he punched him
- but an's overaffectionate nature kind of rubs off on akito after a while. so he becomes less stingy when it comes to kisses and starts giving them to kohane and an too <3
- they lean against each other while sitting like kohane might cuddle into toya's side or an goes and lays her head on akito's shoulder
- and they have sleepovers and they fall asleep comfortably tangled up together (or not comfortably. at all. seriously cuddling while sleeping can get so uncomfy but it's worth it to be so close to someone you love). ken's taken quite a few adorable (and sometimes really funny) pictures of all four of them passed out on piles of blankets and futons. just dad things
i could go on forever it's just. platonic affection is so important to me and it's so frequently Ignored in fandom spaces. and in the case of vbs and the prsk fandom specifically, there's a tendency to separate vbs into akitoya VS anhane. which is so 💔 because the whole POINT of their story is that while they started off as separate duos, that's no longer the case! they've become such good friends. they're inseparable.
like even jokes about akito and an being "wlw and mlm hostility" are starting to wear on me because... they're friends, guys. they're incredibly close. akito is always looking out for an and is right by her side to support her through all the shit she's currently struggling with. there's no "hostility" present in their relationship. like, if you actually look at the game's text, an... rarely teases akito. the person who teases him the most is actually toya but you know... whatever... gotta reduce an down to a mean lesbian amirite... completely ignoring that she's one of the kindest characters in the whole game...
idk. i juuuuuust wish that this fandom wasn't so defensive and obsessive over shipping akitoya and anhane (mostly akitoya while anhane is a second thought but YOU KNOW) because it results in so many people watering down vbs as individuals And as pairs - because all they care about is shipping. like i promise that the other dynamics in vbs are worth exploring (both platonicallyand romantically but too much of this fandom still feels threatened by m/f vbs ships). and hell, explore akitoya and anhane on a platonic level, too! don't just jump to shipping them because teehee boyxboy and girlxgirl. take the time to understand what draws them together in the first place
i love friendship. i love when friends outwardly express their affection for each other and it doesn't have to have any romantic implications. can we talk about friendship for once like this game is literally The Ultimate Friendship Simulator feat. Hatsune Miku
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
hi uh, forgive me if this one's too weird, feel free to ignore but,, could we get some headcanon things of how the btas rogues would react to finding out reader is ticklish? teasing them about it and stuff like that?
your writings are wonderful btw i hope you're doing okay !! 🥺💖
a/n: asdfg I feel called out cause I'm stupidly ticklish lmao but this was super cute and fun to do! And I'm doing all right sweet anon, thanks for asking 💚
Content Warning: none
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BTAS Dork Squad and BTAS Penguin with a Ticklish Reader
- It was completely by accident when he realized how ticklish you are.
- Eddie placed his hand on the side of your torso instead of on your waist-
- The little squeal you let out was both surprising and adorable.
- Ed definitely takes full advantage of this revelation.
- Taking too long to answer a riddle? Get tickled.
- Falling asleep while watching a movie. You will be waking up laughing.
- Literally, he will use any and everything he can as an excuse to tickle you.
- Not sure why, but I feel like Jonathan is also fairly ticklish.
- Yet, when he finds out you're just as ticklish…
- Jon falls for you more. It's another little something you two have in common.
- He knows how uncomfortable and even painful it can be to be tickled relentlessly.
However, the thought comes up periodically…especially to see you smile and hear your giggles.
- You're more likely to act on the teasing though!
- It's a privilege for you to not just know Jon's ticklish but to be able to tickle him and hear his own laughs.
Mad Hatter:
- Up there with Ed on the most likely to tease the most out of the four.
- Jervis knows it can be rather cruel…
- Oh, but sometimes he can't help it, your laugh is just too adorable.
- He loves nuzzling his nose into the side of your neck below your ear and the little giggles it elicits from you.
- When the two of you are dancing, every now and then he wiggles his fingers into your sides to get you to curl up laughing.
- Snuggling into bed for some quality reading time, can swiftly turn into a fight for your life as you try to catch your breath from his latest tickle attack.
- There truly is no sweeter, more endearing sound than you giggling Jervis’ name…
- Oswald teases, but only when it's appropriate.
- He won't do anything that may embarrass you or bring any unwanted attention to the two of you.
- But if the two of you are alone or in a busy enough environment where no one can notice, it's free game.
- Ozzie will likely tickle you when it looks like you're getting bored or sleepy.
- Also his go to method whenever you're feeling a little down.
- Definitely the type to tickle under your chin and along your neck.
- Oswald is also likely to be very ticklish in his belly area, and you definitely use it to your advantage like he does.
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oklotea · 2 months
Here's a silly little idea I came up with a while ago!
I was thinking about Ginger. And I was thinking about how great it would've been if she were introduced earlier in the series rather than later, and I immediately though, okay then where would she go? And I got the conclusion that, she would have fit PERFECTLY WITH THE PINK SQUAD IN TRUE HEARTS DAY. Cupid as the head of the operation, Briar managing the general party planning, Hopper as the muscle and moral support (as well as just being a nice dork you can drag around easily) and Ginger as the one who takes care of the food!!!!! AGHHHHHH I'M JUST IMAGINING HOW CUTE THE 4 OF THEM WOULD HAVE BEEN.... Ginger kind of being the straight man to everyone else's hijinks, as well as being a little cutie patootie..... It would have been cool to see her get a pretty prominent role. I'm sure if I sit on it longer I can come up with a few ways true hearts day could have alternated if she was present. But that's not what I want to focus on.
I saw the new and improved pink squad in my mind, and I was like, man these 4 characters are enough to warrant a whole doll line dedicated to the true hearts day special. And I was like. A lightbulb lit up in my head. I GASPED.
I was thinking.... What if the pink squad had especially dressed up for the true hearts day dance, (since they were the ones hosting it), and all of their outfits were inspired by one of the few valentines day/true hearts day symbols??????
Cupid's outfit would represent, well, cupid. Ginger's outfit would be themed after chocolaty sweets that you give to the people you love, Briar's outfit would be rose bouquet and flower themed, and Hopper's outfit would either represent kisses/gestures of love (because he's the frog prince), or just love in general!
And yes they will ALL be covered head to toe in pink hues. Completing the prophecy.... They are now officially the pink squad. God bless.
Maybe one day I'll sketch out some hypothetical designs of this little idea. Tell me what you think!!! :33 if you have any ideas/input please tell me I'm dying to hear!!!! Wether it's about the designs or the character dynamics I wanna hear it. >:DD
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spicywhenspeaking · 3 months
Star-Crossed Connection: Chapter Three
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Nick Folio x Original Female Character
WC: 2.5k -> unedited :/ if you see something wrong ....no you didn't
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
Seraphina Holloway is Hollywood’s new it girl. But, when an embarrassing viral video of her ex / costar publicly dumping her goes viral, she thinks she needs a quick fix to help maintain her image. When she’s set to appear at her new movies premier she scrambles to find a date to bring that will help take the white hot spotlight away from her public dumping and show that she’s still desirable to all. Enter Nick Folio, drummer of the metalcore band that’s taking over the scene, Bad Omens. He’s a sweet down to earth guy with a heart of gold and when a smokin hot movie star asks him to be her fake boyfriend for a week he agrees to help. But will the line between fake feelings and reals ones start to blur when Seraphina lets her true self show.
Taglist: @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @to-be-written @bngurngheart @jessicafg03 @knivesforapr0 @thatchickwiththecamera @somewhere-diamond @sorrowsofsilence @malerieee @dsireland86 @collapsedglasshouses @jilliemiw86 @samanthasgone -> tags are open !
warnings: degrading language towards Seraphina is used by a character , mild physical assault.
After quickly checking in we found our room and immediately crashed onto the bed, completely exhausted from the long road trip. Tomorrow is the first day Folio and I will have to fully put on the show. Acting lovey-dovey like a real couple. We talked about it a little on the car ride up. 
“So…how do you feel about kissing?” I ask Folio as we draw nearer to our destination. He does a quick double take towards me and then back to the road and I laugh, “I didn’t mean kissing right now you dork. I mean like when we’re at the festival. If we were really dating I’d probably kiss you a little, I’ve been known to like a little PDA” I say again and he nods, his face is thoughtful as he considers. “Um, yeah I guess kissing is fine. I mean I kiss my grandma so kissing you shouldn’t be too bad” he jokes and I push his shoulder lightly. “Hey! I kiss way better than a grandma!” I protest. He raises his eyebrows suggestively, “I guess we’ll see when the time comes.” A blush takes over my cheeks that surprises me. I’m obviously attracted to Nick, I mean he’s totally hot and we definitely have chemistry so I don’t think selling that we’re attracted to each other will be hard. 
“So my assistant Jules tells me I have a four-hour block of interviews and then there’s a photo-op on the slopes that will lead to some free ski time. It should be a pretty fun day….but that does mean Conner will be around and he’s been such an ass.” I explain to Nick as I finish the last of my room service breakfast while we wait for my hair and make-up girls to arrive. “Yeah, I’ve seen the tweets. He’s a dick and if he says half of the shit he’s saying online to your face I’ll punch the shit out of him.” Nick responds and I giggle like a preteen schoolgirl talking to her crush in the hallways. 
My glam team arrives and we decide to do a simple and gentle glam with a soft half up half down hairstyle. I’m wearing a black midthigh dress that hugs my curves paired with sheer tights, knee-high boots, and a thick black wool coat. I do a spin and check myself out in the full-length mirror. Lala my stylist did an amazing job putting my looks together for this week. 
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“So, How do I look?” I ask the group in front of me. “You look amazing!” my hair and make-up girls cheer. “Hot as fuck.” Nick says as he rounds the makeup area and gets a better look. Putting his hands on my hips and turning me around to face him. “Absolutely beautiful.” My glam squad quietly exists but my make-up artist pokes her head quickly back in the door to cheekily say, “Don’t mess up my make-up please!!” 
Laughing I rest my head against Folio’s shoulder, “Okay, you ready?” I ask him, looking up into his chestnut eyes. “Almost,” he whispers, moving his hand up to brush as stray hair out of my face and dipping his lips down to softly press against mine. It’s over as quickly as it began, but it’s left me breathless either way. “Didn’t want our first kiss to be in front of a bunch of strangers,” he says against my lips and I feel my knees buckle. “Mmhm, good idea,” I mumble back and pull away to fix my dress and recheck my make-up in the mirror. I look down to check my small white gold watch, “oh, we gotta go! Interview time.” I look at Nick with a smile. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
We meet my assistant, Jules in the lobby of the resort where she gives me a quick debrief of what I’m doing for the next few hours. First I’m talking to Entertainment Weekly and then Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and last is an interview I have to do with Conner for Wired Magazine. Not looking forward to that one, not because of Wired. I’ve loved working with them in the past. It’s Conner, I should have never got involved with him. Ugh. Speaking of Conner, I see him exit from the elevators looking douchier than ever in black ski pants with a matching turtlenecked black thermal. He gives me an acknowledging nod and I roll my eyes, “fucking asshole, nodding at me like he’s not completely shitting on me on Twitter.” I grumble as Nick throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. “Don’t worry about him, sweetheart. He’s all talk.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be on his best behavior with all these journalists surrounding us.”  
“It’ll take about four hours for me to finish the interviews, but, there’s lots to do around the resort. My credit card is attached to the room if you want to get a massage or just hang around and watch a movie.” I say to Nick as we walk closer to the conference room. “Nice, okay I’ll walk around and think about it,” he responds, and as we reach the entrance I turn to say goodbye and he quickly wraps me in his arms and presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “Good luck in there baby, knock ‘em dead.” I can’t stop the giggle and blush that comes through. “Thanks Nicky.” 
I enter into the conference room on the opposite side of Connor. They have the room sectioned off for the interviews. I head over to start my first interview with Kelly Brinks from Entertainment Weekly.
Kelly: hello there Seraphina, you are looking beautiful today. Seraphina: oh, thank you, Kelly. It’s wonderful to see you again. Kelly: and you as well. So we’re here today to talk about your upcoming Movie “Tomorrow’s Promises” a dramatic comedy that you star in alongside fellow Hollywood newcomer Conner Frank. Now how does this movie feel compared to other films you’ve worked in? Seraphina: This movie has one of the largest budgets of any film I’ve worked on so far, however, I know that budget is only a portion that can make a movie better. This is a huge production, that’s probably the biggest change, just the magnitude of the cast and crew. All wonderful and hardworking people making movie magic.  Kelly: This is a rather dramatic role, one we haven’t quite seen you in yet. How did you prepare for such emotional scenes? I mean I saw the extended trailer and you’re performance is looking potentially Oscar-worthy. Seraphina: oh wow, thank you, Kelly. That means so much to me. I did a lot of soul-searching after my father passed a few years back. I still feel a lot of emotions from that and this character and I share a lot of similarities. I was able to tap into some of my real feelings during some of those scenes which I think helped sell the performance more.  Kelly: and an amazing performance it was.  Seraphina: thank you. Kelly: Do you mind if I address the elephant in the room? Seraphina: oh Kelly, whatever do you mean?.. I’m just kidding. Of course Kelly. Kelly: There has been a bit of a rift online with you and your costar, is this something that concerns you moving forward with the rest of this festival week? Seraphina: Oh, Conner and I go way back. We’ve made some mistakes but he’s a great actor and I’m proud of the movie we made. I think whatever has happened in the past is easily left behind to ensure a harmonious festival. 
The rest of the solo interviews went, with lots of questions about the movie and some about the situation with Connor. Which is annoying, but I’m able to maneuver past them with ease. Nathan from Vanity Fair spent about twenty minutes of our interview asking me about my Bronco. Which  I didn’t mind.
Connor surprises me before our joint interview by pulling me into a side alcove, I push him back and huff an annoyed breath. 
“Connor, what the fuck?! You can’t just ask me to talk like a normal person?” I gripe out at him in a harsh tone. “Well, it’s not like you’re easy to get alone these days. What did you hire a male gigolo for the week?” I scoff offended. “Oh fuck off. He’s actually my boyfriend you jerk.” 
“Yeah, that guy? What did you find him in a hot topic catalog?” 
“You really are a piece of work. You come here with a beautiful Victoria’s Secret model but have the audacity to question my relationship? Fuck off Connor, You have made it pretty clear in your tweets that I’m nothing more than an obsessed coworker.” 
“Come on Phini, you know I didn’t mean that,” he says moving in closer and backing me up into the wall. “Get away from me Connor and don’t call me that,” I say and push him back, “we have an interview so get you’re shit together and try to keep it professional. If that’s a possibility for you.” I say walking away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. “Come on Phini, I know you miss me, baby, There is no way he can make you feel good like me.” his grip on my arm is tight and hurts. “Let me go, Connor.” I try to move my arm but can’t get it out of his reach. 
“You don’t know how good you had it, now you’re with some new guy. Should have known you were just some whore, sleeping her way to the top.”  
“FUCK YOU LET ME GO CONNOR!” I yell louder and he reactively pushes me back against the wall. 
The commotion brings an audience of reporters from all over the room, Kelly from EW comes rushing to my side. “Seraphina, are you okay? What happened?” she asks as she helps me back up to my feet.
“She tripped,” Connor says and gives me a sharp glare. “Seraphina? Are you okay?” Kelly asks again and the sudden attention overwhelms me so I just give a small nod, “mmhm, I’m fine. It was just a trip.” 
You idiot, you’re just letting him get away with it? What’s wrong with you? You’re letting some guy push you around…
“Oscar-worthy performance” Kelly’s words ricochet through my brain. I quickly decided to bide my time, I won’t let his dramatic antics ruin this opportunity for me. I won’t be brought under by his immaturity. He will get what’s coming to him, I know it. 
 Because he’s truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing Connor and I are able to complete the Wired interview without any drama. We are actors after all. 
I get out of the conference rooms as fast as possible to meet back up with Jules and Folio so we can all grab a quick lunch before heading out to take a few pictures and the slopes. I get the opportunity to wear my pink ski suit. It looks so cute with my hair in two French braids. 
The photo-ob is cute, the cast of the movie all takes pictures in front of the snowy mountains and I even power through to take a few with Connor, fighting off the urge to push him over into the nearest pile of snow. 
Our director, Rachel McKnight, specifically asks me for a few photos and whispers in my ear, “Just don’t forget me in your acceptance speech. You are amazing.” she says softly and I fight back tears. “Of course, I couldn’t have done it without you,” I respond back to her. “Go have fun with your guy, he’s quite a looker.” 
I look off to the side and see Folio watching me with a small smile. I turn back to Rachel, my mouth forming a big grin, “he is isn’t he?” I agree. 
With the photo-ob done, we are free to ski at our leisure. “Alright let’s hit the slopes, sweetheart,” Folio says as I approach him and Jules. “Let’s go!” I cheer.
“You looked amazing Ser!” Jules remarks as we walk towards the lift together. “And Rachel asking you specifically for a photo! And not Connor! Amazing!!! I bet she wants a picture of you she can post it on Instagram when you win the Oscar!” I laugh and playfully push her, “stoooop, that would be insane, I can’t even think about that! Let’s just have a fun rest of our day.” 
“Agreed” Folio comments from my side, taking my hand in his as we get to the line to get on the ski lift. 
The rest of our afternoon is a blast, we take multiple runs and at one point Folio gets his skis tangled and tumbles into the snow. I approach him and try to keep the giggle I have brewing at bay. But he just looks so silly half buried in the sand. “Laughing? At a man fallen in the snow? What kind of a woman are you Ser?” he jokes and tosses a handful of soft snow at me. “I’m sorry, you just look so cute!” I say reaching out my hand to help him out.
“Oh really? Let’s see how it looks on you then,” he says and pulls me down into the snow right on top of him. “Oof! Oh, real funny Folio.” 
“Say cheese!” Jules says from above with her phone in her hand. 
“Cheese!!” we both say, smiling brightly despite wearing a full face cover and goggles. “Omg so cute! You gotta post this one Ser, sups adorable.” 
“Sups cute for sure!” Folio jokes while we climb back onto our feet and stretch for our final run. “What a crazy day!” I say once we reach the bottom of the hill and head back towards the resort for dinner.
Jules is quietly engrossed into whatever is on her phone as Folio and I continue ahead. I suddenly hear fastly approaching footsteps and Jules is calling out my name, “Ser! Ser! Oh my god! You have to see this!” she has wild eyes as she catches up to us with her phone stretched out in front of her. “Look !” she pushes the phone into my hands and as I’m asking “What is it?” I look down and see a darkly lit video of Conner and me, the volume is low but you can make out the growl in his voice and see the ferocity in his eyes. You can clearly make out when he calls me a whore and then see him push me into the wall. Folio looking at the video over my shoulder has gone completely still. 
“When did this happen Seraphina?”
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shizukateal · 10 months
In honor of Across The Spiderverse going digital, here's the Beyond the Spiderverse Prediction Bingo!!!!
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Explanations below the readmore:
Spider Ham's Chekov Hammer: simple enough to guess, I'm just really waiting for that to pay off, preferably over Miguel's head.
Spider Noir and Hobie get along: just some good ole' fanservice.
Miles G. is actually a dork (he's just better at hiding it. mildly): Wow, great introduction Miles G.! Very suspenseful and intimidating!! Let's see how long you can carry that demeanor without breaking.
Margo / Miles (Miles G.?) / Gwen Love Triangle (Pavitr is annoying about it): Pass the popcorn everyone. How resentful will be Miles when he meets Gwen again? Is getting the spider-band together enough for him or is it just the first step into making amends? Maybe he feels more grateful towards Margo (and Hobie) and will give Gwen (and Peter B.) the cold shoulder for a while. Will Miles G. also enter the ring? Maybe this one really cute comic by @bubblypinkfreak will become true.
Jess Drew Subplot (baby is born?): REAL interested in finding out why Jess would ever follow an asshole like Miguel. Also she deserves more plot relevance. And fanart. Aaaaaand I kinda want to see her husband too.
The Spot Collapses in on himself: Gonna be honest with you, people, I have no idea how they'll fight him, this just seems like the cleanest solution.
Miguel's actually just as much of an anomaly as Miles: My own personal theory, not really based on anything concrete beyond some flags I get from Miguel and some stuff I'll explain later. Basically, I think Miguel's projecting on Miles, and that's part of why his beef towards him is so intense. The only explanation I can think of is that he destroyed his original dimension, not just the one with his daughter in it, and the serum we see him take is what keeps him "stable" and "belonging" to Nueva York. Or you know, maybe just the watch, but the serum is more sus to me.
Gwen Stacy Fall Subversion: Either Gwen completes her character arc by saving Miles from falling to his death or she saves herself, thus breaking her karmic cycle of getting fridged.
Meows Morales cameo?? Pretty Please???: C'mooooon he became instantly popular and he's adorable!!!!! <3 <3 <3 bonus points if multiple miles help out to fight against Miguel's squad later.
We spend some time on Hobie's dimension: No idea how the plot would get there, but the concept art of Hobie's dimension is fire and I want to learn more about him <3 <3 <3 tell us why you almost gave up the mask, darling, and did you kill a cop in your dimension? <3 why would you feel bad about it? <3 <3 <3 <3
Gwiles Morales (he hates that name): Apparently this is how some of the staff called him. Poor guy.
The Spider-Band fights Earth 42's Sinister Six: For those who don't know, they control Earth 42, as confirmed by the art book. Nothing better to sweeten Miles G. to our heroes' side than taking care of them. Bonus points if one of them is explicitly a fascist and Hobie and Noir punch him together.
Miguel Bites Someone: bonus points if it's hot as fuck. Sorry but it's true.
Lyla's the real bad guy (beyonder): I'm gonna let moviebob do the heavylifting here. Could tie to that personal theory I explained above.
Peter B. vs Miguel fight redemption: ok this one I'm biased for because I personally find Peter B. more morally culpable than Gwen in their whole drama with Miles seeing as he's the adult with a kid. But also yeah, good chance for him to redeem himself in Miles eyes (or not! maybe Miles wants more from him that just standing up to a bully) and take Miguel down a peg. Bonus points if he looses a leg, because apparently that's something that happens in Spidergirl's comic.
Prowler!Hobie somehow: Not saying our Hobie will turn into the prowler, just that the connection will be addressed somehow. Idk man, it just feels like positioning Hobie as another mentor for Miles is very deliberate.
Miles feels guilty about Earth 42: Juicy source of drama between him and Miles G. as well as a free character arc about how responsibility is more than just cause and effect.
Miguel tries to redeem himself by dying but Miles won't allow him to: Miguel O'hara has several problems, and I speculate they all come from his self-obsession. Everything about the spider society is about him erecting structures dedicated to his pain to turn himself into the martyr holding reality together. So if he's finally proven wrong, it seems pretty in character to me that his idea of making amends would be to do the same thing one last time for "the right cause", being the diva he is and how he thinks you can sacrifice one person to save everyone else and all. I don't think Miles will allow that, though. Bonus if the scene parallels the one in into the spiderverse when Miles returns Peter B. home.
That one @cheezthatboiii comic / Mileswitch: because what's the point of having a twin if you can't fool people about it?
Gonzalo/Gonza Morales: The correct alternative to Gwiles if anyone during production has braincells or is latine.
Margo Subplot (family issues): confirmed in the artbook that she ended up having more plot relevance than originally planned, and even if that wasn't the case she deserves it. And more fanart.
The Spot is defeated with kindness: Ok. Before I said that I don't know how the Spot could be defeated with violence, but maybe that's not needed? He is clearly a foil to Miles after all, and I think it would do him (Miles) a lot of good to practice some radical empathy, even on someone who kinda doesn't "deserve" it. This isn't so much about him being ""redeemable"" (fandom has ruined that whole concept) so much as how much empathy the narrative is willing to grant him.
Jeff meets Gonza before Miles reveals to him that he's Spiderman. He's confused by having 2 sons: this just feels to me like the most probably sequence of events given the franchise's usual use of bathos and subversion of expectations.
Spider Support Network Finale: No more spider society authority "correcting" the multiverse, every spider-person gets a watch so their friends can come over and lend a hand and prevent as many deaths as possible.
Aaron 42 gets severely injured/dies: I don't want this to happen, it just seems like a way of trimming some fat in the cast and getting some more drama from Gonza.
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b4tasquad · 1 year
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✭=18+, r = requests (short)
Niko Omilana:
Dating a celebrity was harder than you thought. Not because of all the attention on your relationship, nor the fact that you didn’t like their lifestyle. The time they had for things other than work was limited. This particular week Niko is rather busy, you feel forgotten and alone as he keeps rescheduling, and you’re completely sick of it.
A secret relationship came with both its pros and cons. While you could keep your business private, it also meant unknowing people getting too comfortable. One day though, this becomes too much as a guy tries to get handsy with you during filming for the Beta Squad Channel. Your boyfriend doesn’t appreciate that at all.
handsy part 2
Following the incident during a shoot, you and Niko become more confident in your relationship. With this newfound strength, it’s time to test new waters. It all goes extremely well until your boyfriend gets clouded by jealousy, making him a whole new person.
During a day where you’re finishing up errands, not paying attention to anything else, just so happens to be the day your boyfriend needs the most attention. He’s persistent, even going as far as to lower his ego to tell you how much he needed you. How could you say no?
talk to me
drunk boyfriend
When your dork of a boyfriend is out with friends at night, you sure can’t catch a wink of sleep. Especially when he rudely wakes you up with his call, drunk off his ass.
releasing anger ✭
Usually, Gavi is rather good at keeping his anger on the pitch after hard matches. But this one time, when the judge makes the most biased decision and he’s forced to leave the match. The young footballer, overflowing with anger, needs to release his anger. That sweet realise comes in the form of his girlfriend.
After catching Gavi’s gaze on you far too many times during a game you came to watch with your cousin, you can’t help but entertain it.
Getting out of bed and to work is hard enough, but a clingy boyfriend who doesn’t want you to leave makes it impossible.
As you and Sharky’s relationship healthily progresses, meeting his family was one of the things bound to come. What you hadn’t expected was to only meet his little sister, which you thought would make it all the more awkward.
r passenger princess
Aj shabeel:
Birthdays had always been a bittersweet day to you. While you were happy to celebrate another year of life, memories from your childhood held you back from enjoying your day fully. When Aj forgets your birthday, it sends you into a spiral of sadness.
distraction ✭
After a rather shitty day at work, where everything seems to go wrong, your boyfriend is the greatest distraction you could ask for.
crying ✭
A “friendly” encounter with the neighbour goes wrong as your boyfriend can’t handle your closeness with men other than him. Something you say during an argument sparks a fire in him, and now he’s on a mission.
Yung Filly:
Keeping your relationship hidden from your best friend is a hard thing to do, especially if you got a big mouth like Filly. His eagerness to rant to someone about his love for you wins any promise he had made about keeping it lowkey.
MORE Beta squad
more coming soon..
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
I’m not sure if this is still open and obviously completely ignore this if it isn’t or use it as an example to let people know it’s closed BUT If there’s a slight chance it is could I request kissing prompt 70??? Again no pressure though! Anyways hope your day is going or will be great!!
PROMPT: 70. an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment pass before you crash your lips back against each other's
i hope you enjoy, nonny. had fun writing this one but it’s not the best, apologies x
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NYE, 2022. You'd be very glad to kiss the year goodbye even if you'd committed to the ridiculous 2022 gold glittery glasses Javy had perched on your nose when you wandered into his house party around 11pm.
“Here she is, in her own time, ladies and gentlemen,” Javy hollered to get everyone's attention as friends and colleagues cheered, jeered and welcomed you as you followed him into the noisy living room.
“It’s not New Year, I made it in plenty of time,” you protested.
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Using your callsign, Jake asked, “Does that watch on your wrist work?”
“Only when I'm on the clock, Bagman. You miss me?” you asked as Bob handed you a glass of champagne and you patted his soft cheek in greeting, a gentle blush creeping to his fair features.
“Party doesn't start 'til you get here, hellcat,” he taunted as you laughed, and took Rooster's extended hand without a thought to sit yourself in between him and Phoenix.
“All good?” he asked as you shuffled in. You rubbed away some lipstick on his cheek and ask you looked to Natasha and Callie, to match Natasha's shade to Rooster's cheek and grinned. He thanked you.
“All the better for seeing you, Rooster. How's your night been?”
“I see these dorks day in and day out,” he reminded you biting back a gentle smirk as Phoenix punched his shoulder. “Hey,” he tutted her. “Don’t make my point so easily,” he muttered as you laughed. He frowned at you, squaring you up as you grew a little self-conscious under his gaze. “You have a little glitter,” he said softly, pressing his index finger into your cheek but it wouldn’t budge.
Relieved, you told him, “I’ll have a little glitter everywhere for the next month,” you grinned.
“Those glasses are ridiculous.”
“They are,” you wholeheartedly agreed. 
He chuckled quietly. “What kept you tonight?”
“She had a date,” Natasha supplied. Rooster raised an eyebrow.
“On New Year's. That seems pretty serious,” Rooster joked, his knee nudging yours.
You motioned him closer, cupping his ear and whispered, “How well do you think it went if I'm here with you guys now?”
He pointed at you and nodded. “Gotcha. Well, I'm glad - we're glad you're here.”
You grinned and pet his cheek, this sweet manchild. You put the celebratory glasses over his eyes to share the magic of never-ending glitter as well. 
“Gee thanks,” he sighed, already seeing speckles in his eye line.
“You’re welcome,” you grinned. “They look better on you but they’re no Caravans.” 
The usual suspects were there, Dagger Squad members who'd chosen to stay in town for the holidays. A while later were gossiping unabashed with Natasha and Callie on the couch, happily crammed up against Rooster to chat with the ladies, making wild accusations about Christmas Eve shenanigans at Penny's, and Callie getting a bit of action with a visiting Lieutenant. You had seen her flirting with them and gave a congratulatory high-five. The babe was hot.
“We had a few drinks and one thing led to another. It was just a kiss in the spirit of the season,” she tried to explain herself.
“'In the spirit of the season',” you said in unison with Natasha and it only made you cackle further, collapsing back against Rooster, who adjusted his posture to let you have more space.
“The professional levels have been crossed,” you giggled raucously. 
“Was just a bit of fun,” Callie shrugged, blushing.
“What about your date tonight?” Natasha turned her attention to you. “You didn’t seem keen on the guy. Surprised you didn’t cancel. Sounds like you’re MO,” she teased.
You shrugged. “I dunno what I was thinking. He was cute, funny, smart.”
“Sounds awful,” Callie snickered as Rooster hopped up behind you and let you fall back into his spot. You watched him leave the room, missing his body heat. 
“It just didn’t feel right, you know?”
“So no second date?”
“No second date,” you confirmed. “Is it next year yet?”
“Six minutes,” Natasha confirmed as she popped up with Rueben to start refilling cups and preparing for the ball to drop. Goodbye, 2022. No one will miss you. 
“Time for a bathroom break,” you told Callie as she nodded and you pulled yourself off the couch and went to the kitchen to refill your own cup with whiskey where you quietly toasted with Javy and Mickey. “Where’s the bathroom, Javy?” 
He nudged your side, pointing down the hallway. “Just through there.”
“Thanks,” leaving your cup, you wandered down the hallway and knocked. 
“Just a sec,” Rooster responded. 
“Sorry, no rush,” you reassured him.
“10, 9, 8,” you heard as you rolled your eyes. New Year’s Eve was such bullshit, you were confused why you had even bothered coming - there was only one real reason why. 
The door suddenly burst open and you sprung back, frightening you momentarily. Rooster grinned. “Sorry, you need to get in there?”
Hello reason.
“5, 4, 3...”
“Please,” you admitted as you traded places, each of you guiding the other with gentle caresses on the side. He looked towards the sound of the '2, 1', and in the spirit of the season, you laughed with each other, planting a tender kiss on the other's cheek. “Happy New Year, Rooster,” you smiled up at him, cupping his flushed cheek as he nodded and caught your eyes with his.
“Happy New Year,” he smiled fondly and as if it was the most natural thing, you both went in to kiss again. This time gently on the lips. You both laughed bashfully pulling a respectful distance away from each other. Rooster checked over his shoulder, the commotion in the living room undisturbing you both. 
Both grins faded when it seemed impossible to distract yourselves from the other's gaze and before you knew it, Rooster was pushing you into the bathroom and kicking the door closed behind him, hitching you onto the sink and kissing you manically. 
Rooster's hands bunched into your hips, dragging your body to his as you lost your fingers under his hideous Hawaiian shirt, pressing into the dimples on his lower back, moaning gently into the kiss. This wasn't something you had planned, and of course, you had two eyes, you could see how good-looking Rooster was, but he was your teammate, there was no way this was right to be doing in Javy’s bathroom. 
But kissing him was amazing. You relinquished his back and your hands travelled to his strong chest, resting your warm palms against his racing heart as he lightly bit your lip and pleaded for you to continue. Opening your mouth to him, this tongue glided against yours and you were completely lost to the kiss. You were at his will and though it scared you, it excited you more.
“Rooster,” you said against his mouth as he breathed and rested his forehead against yours.
“I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me,” he said.
“It's okay,” you told him, holding his chin in your hands, your finger tracing a side of his upper lip, his moustache soft. He was sinfully good looking, it wasn’t the worst thing that had happened tonight. 
“I shouldn't have done that here.”
“It's just a New Year's kiss,” you lied for both of you as he nodded, his eyes searching yours, looking for a hint that the kiss meant a damn sight more than fucking New Year.
“Do you believe that?” he dared ask and let his hands drift to your rib, his thumbs rubbing against the side of your tee, dangerously close to your bra.
You shook your head. “Not at all,” you admitted, an easy smile gracing your features and you tenderly traced his strong nose, both of you relaxing a little. 
“This is the first time we've done something like this in front of everyone,” he said to you quietly. “Well, around others.”
“No one saw us,” you reassured him. “It’s okay.”
“You think?”
“The professional levels have definitely been crossed,” you parroted what you'd teased Callie of earlier.
“They crossed months ago, sweetheart. The first time we slept together,” he gently reminded you, a wet smirk crossing his face. “Why were you on a date tonight?”
“Because you were on a date before Christmas,” you threw back at him. If you were only sleeping together, what did it matter?
“I don't want us dating anyone else except each other anymore,” he confided lowly. “I know the rules were only sex, but you know. I know. It's a lot more than that now.”
“You got feels,” you teased him as he chuckled quietly and shrugged.
“Something like that. I don’t want to date anyone else. I want to take you on dates and not leave your bed after we cum.”
“You’ve been sleeping over for weeks,” you reminded him and the feeling of waking up in Rooster’s strong arms enveloped you with warmth. 
“I don’t want to go sleep in a cold bed when I can stay with you,” he said softly, his hands lacing around your breasts, his thumb combing against your bra he wanted to rip off you, 
You nodded solemnly. For you, it was months ago when you realised how truly wonderful Rooster Bradshaw was and though sleeping together muddied the waters, you couldn't stay away from him.
He smoothed your hair behind your ear and sighed. “I really want this.”
“Me too. No more dates with others, no more fucking around.”
He nodded. “I’m all in,” he told you, kissing you again. “Can we get out of here?”
“Yeah, let’s go find where else the glitter has lodged itself,” you said as he laughed and kissed you deeply.
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"A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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BTAS Dork Squad and also Penguin (all separately, no poly this time) have an s/o who falls incredibly ill and is bedridden for weeks. One particularly bad night, they're sitting at the bedside while their s/o is unconscious. Suddenly, an appropriately unsettling (or completely normal looking) apparition of your choice appears in the room with them. There's no question what's happening: The Reaper is here to stake their claim on the sickly s/o. But Death can be swayed. Or beaten. How do the boys react to the situation, and how would they save the reader?
BTAS Dork Squad (plus Penguin) x Reader
How ominous! They'll really have to figure out how to save their beloved! First time writing for BTAS Penguin, very exciting <3
TW: Discussions of death, religion mention
BTAS Mad Hatter
Death appears as a gentleman in fine attire and top hat. Like something out of a storybook. The only indication that he is Wrong is when he takes off his glove and reveals the skeletal bones of his hands.
Oh, no no, this simply won't do! Jervis covers your body with his, covering his face and his eyes to wash the vision of death away! Despite living within his fantasy, he's still somewhat rational. This is because of stress. Chemicals and wiring misfiring within his brain-
Yet he feels his lovers body grow cold and he whips up, looking at the Reaper, begging him to stop. The flush goes back to your feverish cheeks and he realizes this is all too real.
"What could you want? I have nothing to give of consequence!" Jervis doesn't exactly think he wants money or jewelry. Or mind control devices...
"I want them." The Reaper states, "That is what I came here for. Nothing more." Jervis wraps himself tighter around you, refusing to sit idly by- and he notices something about the gentleman. His hat is beaten. And worn.
Jervis waves his hand, "Perhaps! Perhaps I could interest you in a bit of haberdashery! Some fine fixing, as it were!"
His skill in the smallest of mechanics has given his hyperfixation for Alice in Wonderland themed clothing a definitive boost over the years. The finest threading.
A deal is made. Jervis fixes the Reapers hat and you would not be taken at this time. Through the night as you slept through fever and rattling cough, Jervis moved nimble fingers tight and steamed and molded...
In the morning dawn, you woke up. Jervis told you he was exhausted, crawling into bed with you. His fingers had several bandages and when you asked, he merely says "We had a guest in need of a hat fixing."
BTAS Scarecrow
While at first he's incredibly doubtful of the existence of this foul creature, the skeletal shadow it reaches over you makes Jon a believer. Is this some... punishment from God? Some reckoning for his past sins of wreaking fear into the hearts of man?
Is he meant to suffer his very worst fear as recompense? Is this Hell?
It is not. It is merely a trial of some sort. Death sees a chessboard and expresses interest. He'd been teaching you and playing you in the moments you were awake. Perhaps Death would like a game? A wager?
Jon is not a gambling man. What this figure might not know is that Jon has played two of the most brilliant minds in all of Gotham during their stints in Arkham- a former neuroscientist and a certified genius.
Even Death has their psychological tells. They're difficult to read, but Jonathan has had practice. Little twitches, both of them analyzing the board.
The shambling ghoul that sits across from him has no facial features. Yet, Jonathan can sense they want to win desperately. Not from wanting you, though that is a bonus. No, rather, it's a nagging fear of losing.
And that is what he needs. Faking the Reaper out, allowing them to think they've gained an upper hand for Jon to yank it out from underneath at just the right moment. Risky, but feeds into the fear and makes Death sloppy.
"Set. Match." It takes almost an hour, but Jonathan manages to beat the Reaper. His hands are trembling. His brow sweating.
Death shakes with rage and points to you in bed, "I will have them... But... not today. And one day... I will have you, too. I will not forget this." Then he disappears.
Jonathan falls asleep at your bedside, waiting for you to wake up. Your gentle hand in his hair makes his eyes flutter and you look... better. Sweet, sweet relief.
BTAS Riddler
"Oh Jonathan, if this is your idea of some tasteless joke-" it's three a.m., how did you even get in here? Edward has so much security installed, this is ridiculous- it's when the figure passes his hand over you and your skin turns a hypoxic blue that Edward panics.
You see, Death heard of a genius who made games. Self-proclaimed smartest man alive. Death has always wanted a challenge... and what better wager than the soul of one you love? Cruel, perhaps, but he's been called that many a time before.
Edward immediately takes him up on it. He'll beat you at your game, ghoul. Or, crudely stated, Game ON, bitch. With his grandiose intelligence and stratagem... Unless this spectre is somehow Batman in disguise, Edward knows he's going to win. He has to.
It's an ancient game, one Edward hasn't even heard of. Lost to the ages, Death says. It's rules and playing pieces mere ash except for what Death himself has kept. And it's rules are numerous and complex.
The playing board represents a sort of river styx. Appropriately, perhaps, the goal of the game is to wade your way out of the river before death and the other souls can take you. So it's timed as well. One player is Death. The other is the poor soul trying to escape.
"And I never lose." Death says. Edward merely responds, "Well, you've never played me."
The game lasts five hours in length. Death has an hour glass set that Edward watches in horror as each grain reminds him how close you are to dying. What he truly has to lose. But he can't let his emotions run wild.
The idea of never seeing you smile or laugh at his witticisms again- to croon and tell him you love him and that he's your genius. It spurs each moment on as he falls to what feels like constantly shifting rules.
The Reaper asks Edward as only minutes remain, "You are a man of riddles. Here's one for you: I have a beginning, but no end and I end all things that begin. What am I?"
They both know the mocking answer.
With moments to spare, The Riddler beats the game. He practically flips over the board, cheering and being generally smug. He waits to see Death's reaction.
He laughs. Waves Riddler away before shaking his hand, "Good game."
He'd heard right. And so you live through this sickness. Edward looks forward to making you laugh for years to come.
BTAS Penguin
The figure who approaches your bedside is no private doctor or nurse. Penguin questions her, his eyelids swollen from worry and stress. Her smile, at first serene, moves to a grin too wide for her face. Penguin aims his umbrella at her and finds the bullet does nothing.
She is Death and she has come for your soul. Merely step aside, little man, for it is not your time yet. She talks to him as one would a child, adding insult to injury.
If he cannot wound her, he instead begs, "This isn't right! They have done nothing! Commited no crime other than gracing me with their affections!"
"The good never last for long. We both know that." Death responds.
Penguin offers everything- gold, jewelry, the finest cloth and diamonds one could ever want! Is it money? He can give you money, he has it! Everything in his account!
"I will not be satisfied with paltry mortal things." She says, "You need to accept these things. They'll happen to you, too. The rot. The cold-"
Oswald panics. The one person who ever truly accepted him. Someone he's told everything to, even his darkest secrets. The person he wants to grow old with...!
He stands in front of you, tears in his eyes. She tells him to move. He refuses. She looks annoyed.
With his last shot, he tells her, "Then take mine if you won't be satisfied, you corrupt banshee!"
That... makes her pause, "You would give your soul? For theirs?"
He nods. Of course. Take the damn thing! What would be the point of it if you died like this? He has no need!
And so she takes his face in her hands... and begins to pull his soul out from his body. Its agonizing like this, when he's so alive. It's painful, but he accepts it-
Until she stops. And sighs. Rolls her eyes. She frowns, "You've taken all the fun from this."
And suddenly she's gone. And you're coughing awake, telling Oswald that you just had the strangest dream. He cries as he holds you.
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supernovasteaparty · 2 months
Just Friends
Dork squad (Jervis Tetch x Johnathan Crane x Edward Nygma) Something to keep in mind when reading this is that these are actually my AU version's of the characters! Both John and Jervis and transmasc, and Jervis's physical appearance changes slightly when he's excited :3 Minors, turn away now!!! CW, TW: anatomy mentions, passing mention of pregnancy (thinking of how one of the characters can't get pregnant), literally them having a threesome on the couch, pure filth ngl <3 Word count: 6,290 | layout completely inspired by @finniestoncrane (who also wanted to be tagged. Please ignore any spelling errors 😭😭)
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I was sat on the couch, reading. That was all I was doing.
Then when John came home, I hardly even gave him a passing glance. “Dr. Crane,” I said in acknowledgement of his presence, and then I went back to reading my book. 
He stopped, and out of the corner of my eye I watched as he set his bag down and turned to me. The man hummed lowly, his Georgian accent audible even through noises. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Nygma,” He said.
I looked up at him over my glasses, his face a blurry mess of flesh, blinking eyes and dark hair. 
He never spoke with me unless he needed or wanted something— or if he was in a good mood for some horrible reason or another. 
“… how are you?” I asked, slightly hesitant.
Through the blur of my eyesight, I watched what I believed to be a wide, toothy grin slowly creeping into his expression. “I’m good,” He whispered, and with that he took a long step forward; now standing at the front of the couch. 
I let out a slightly shaky breath as I set my book down, not looking away from him. “And why is that?” I asked. 
He didn’t answer.  “Where’s Tetch?” He asked.
“Your room,” I said. “Asleep,” 
John nodded, and then stood still, staring at me. I accidentally looked away, cursing myself as when I looked up he was already gone.
I heard the slide of his bedroom door opening, and I looked over. I caught the slightest glimpse of his hair and back, but he was gone before it could even register in my brain. 
After that, I tried to focus again on my book, but the soft chatter of Jervis’s voice kept pulling me out of rhythm. 
After a bit, the door opened again, and I heard the familiar click of Jervis’s shoes on the hardwood floor. I didn’t look up, I didn’t want to seem interested in whatever the hell was happening. 
“Eddie,” I heard whispered in my ear, and I jumped slightly. It was Jervis, but I heard Johnathan let out a soft laugh in response to me being startled.
I turned to Jervis. 
“What do you want now?” I asked.
“Oh—Oh! Well, I—“ He couldn’t even get the words out before he burst into a fit of giggles, his already pink cheeks turning an even deeper shade as he cartoonishly waved at his face, glancing away. His large teeth rested gently against his bottom lip, his tongue visibly swiveling against his sharp canines.  
“The Crane can explain,” He said softly, trying to lean forward as his hand reached into his own hair, coiling a thick silver strand around one of his gloved fingers, his other hand resting against the arm of the couch.
I turned to John, who moved away just as I tried to look at him. He walked behind the couch, his large hand moving to my shoulder, and then lightly tracing downward. 
I swallowed, shifting my weight as his warm breath slowly dripped down the shell of my ear. “Y’know…” John began, his voice low and husky. “Been a while since we last… “ He hand travelled lower, and then gently gripped on my belt, lightly pulling on it. 
I tried and failed to suppress the shaky whimper that left my mouth, my face becoming warm with embarrassment. I shifted again, letting out a breath. 
“Care to—Care to explain a bit more than that?” I said, attempting to look behind me. Before I could, his other hand gently rested against my other shoulder, moving down and tracing the buttons on my shirt. 
He hummed, the sound low and vibrating through my body, sending chills down my spine. “Mmm, well, as Jervis so lovingly puts it… ‘played’,” John said, beginning to unbutton my shirt. 
I closed my eyes, nodding. I knew what that meant.
They wanted to have sex.
It was a thing that had started a while ago.
I don’t remember really when it happened first, but somewhere around the time that I started living with Johnathan, Jervis came along and one thing led to the next and I guess we all somehow managed to become friends with benefits. 
Mainly what would happen was that two of us would… the word is fuck, Eddie, just say it— do things, and one would watch. Usually that person would be Johnathan, as he enjoyed sitting in complete silence and making us unnerved— that or he’d praise and guide us the entire time. 
“If you’d like, of course,” Jervis said, gently placing his hand on my arm, leaning closer. There was too much affection and attention now, and the tones of their voices were making me feel nearly ill with how, unfortunately, aroused I was getting.
I swallowed, nodding. 
“O-okay, yeah, I-I uhm,” I let out, stopping as my breath caught in my throat as Jervis climbed on top of the couch, and began helping John with the buttons on my shirt. 
“Over the hill, or here or there—“ Jervis began singing quietly. I leaned forward without thinking, and stopped him before he could start actually singing, placing a soft, gentle kiss on his lips before simply pulling away. 
His eyes lit up as his face seemed to fall a bit, his body language stuck in what looked like the middle of an exaggerated conversation. He paused, his cheeks turning even darker, now a red, as he sat  up straight, turning away. “Oh… Oh, my,” His voice, soft as ever, seemed strained and shaking. 
I went to say something, I don’t know what, but he placed his gloved hands on my face. “Do it again,” He whispered.
I kissed his lips, this time a bit more roughly, and then pulled away again; my body getting covered in chills as I felt John’s breath on the back of my neck again. Jervis’s eyes shut, his hands flapping excitedly as he turned away, a nervous half-smirk cracking across his lips.
Before anything else could happen, John hummed. 
“You two need to be separated at least once,” He whispered. “I should have him today, don’t you think?” 
Jervis nodded, as did I.
He as in likely Jervis. 
I leaned back, startled slightly by the warmth and movement of a chest behind me; I didn’t know that Johnathan had sat down. 
I gasped as John’s hand slid up to my chest, pressing down and pulling me closer to him. “Now,” He whispered, voice low and gravelly. “Are you gonna be a good sex toy and let me use you for a while?” 
I started trembling, nodding before I could even fully register what was happening. All the blood in my body rushed to a… certain piece of my anatomy, making me shift my weight in a thinly veiled attempt at covering it. 
“Aww,” Jervis let out a soft laugh as he worked to undo my belt buckle. “Look how desperate he is now,” 
My entire body felt warm as I looked away, embarrassed. I shouldn’t have enjoyed this as much as I was, my stomach doing flips as I heard Johnathan hum in agreement.
My heart skipped a couple beats as I felt John’s large hand travel up my chest and rest on my throat. “W-What uh, what’s— what are you going to uh—“
“I thought it was clear,” John whispered, voice nearly a growl in my ear. I shivered as my belt was removed from my pants’ loops; I heard as it landed on the floor with a soft clinking sound. 
“I’ll explain now,” Jervis said softly, his eyelids looking heavy as he undid his own shirt. “I’m going to watch…”
John nodded, removing my shirt. 
“While I fuck you,” He whispered, finishing Jervis’s sentence. 
My face warmed up even more, and I began to nod without thinking about what I was doing. He hardly ever would be the one doing anything to me, usually watching or having sex with Jervis instead. 
Something in my body ached for him, craving him desperately. The way he’d move his hips so harshly, so fast. The way he looked so calm, the way he held Jervis down by his hair as he practically drooled and cried from how good he was getting fucked, John praising and guiding him the entire time. 
I started whining, the idea of being fucked so good that I’d start drooling made me feel nearly like fainting; I wanted it so badly now, and I couldn’t even focus on anything other than the memory of how much ecstasy Jervis always looked like he was in when John would…
“Please,” I whimpered involuntarily, and John let out a soft laugh. 
“Please what?”
I shook my head, embarrassed that I had said anything. He hummed, nodding as his rough, callused fingers dragged down my chest. His fingernails were painted black, and my brain instantly began playing an image of his fingers buried inside of me, stretching me out, getting me ready for his—
One hand focused on my chest, his thumb rubbing circles around my left nipple, his other hand gliding down my exposed side, fingers hooking around the waistband of my pants. 
“Hatter,” He said, looking up at Jervis (who I now noticed seemed to have either spaced out or was just very entertained by what was happening, as he was drooling).
“Help me remove this,” He said. “Won’t you please, hon?” 
Jervis nodded, reaching forward and pulling my slacks off from my hips. “He’s so excited…” He whispered, lightly touching my inner thigh. 
I felt lightheaded and nearly dizzy, my heart slamming in my chest as I watched him, the silver streaks in his hair beginning to fade to a soft purple. I glanced up, attempting to look at John.
My glasses were removed before I could, being set on the coffee table and out of my reach as my vision blurred. All I could really make out on John’s face were his eyes and the dark scars on his face. 
Before I could really say anything about it, John hummed, and I watched the dark shape of his mouth move as he spoke: “You wanna do this out here? Now, we cou’d always go int’a the bedroom, honey, if you’d like,”
His accent was so thick, it always got like that when he was excited about something. I couldn’t really imagine him being excited to do something like this, but maybe he was.
“We can stay out here,” I whispered, unable to fathom the idea of having to wait any longer than I’d have to already. 
He nodded, humming.
“Can— uh, can we pl-please—?” I stammered out, involuntarily bucking my hips up a bit. 
John chuckled, his hand— God his hands were so big. They were so wide and his fingers were long and— his hand moved to the waistband of my boxers, his thumb hooking underneath and snapping the elastic material against my flesh, making me jump slightly. 
“Ain’t’cha jus’ so eager?” He asked, low and steady. 
I was painfully erect, my member twitching in my underwear every time John said anything or moved at all, and what he said was making it worse. 
I nodded, the shame leaving my body when I felt gloved fingers pulling at my underwear, pulling it off of my body. I looked back at Jervis, who was the one who had removed it, as he set it on the floor and began to undo his own pants. 
“Aww,” John whispered in my ear, one hand resting a my waist, teasing me. “You’re pathetic, y’know that?” He asked, turning his head and biting lightly on my neck. I whimpered as I felt him sucking at my flesh, my exposed member twitching and leaking at the feeling.
“J-John~,” I let out, practically shaking with how badly I wanted anything at this point. Any sort of pleasure, literally any sort of touch.
He nipped at my neck sharply before pulling away, his hands sliding down my thighs and moving under them, pulling me up onto his lap. 
“Jervi,” I heard, and I watched as Jervis looked up from what he was doing. 
“Could you go get the lubricant? I left it in the bedroom,” John said, to which Jervis nodded and left to get it.
The moment he left the room, John’s hand went to my throat, gripping tightly as he pushed my chin up so I was forced to look at him. I gulped as his eye came into focus. 
“Look at me, sweetie— that’s it… now, we’re gonna have a safe word, okay? I get real rough, even if I don’t intend to do so, okay?” He asked, and I nodded. 
“Good boy,” He praised, and my mouth felt dry. “Now, ‘aphorism’ is the word, okay?” He said, and I nodded.
His hand gently went to my hair and he began to pet me. “Such a good boy, ain’t you?” 
I couldn’t even say anything. I felt like my brain had melted, the praise getting to me too quickly. 
He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head.
“You haven’t hurt him, I trust?” I heard, and Jervis sat back down on the couch, handing John the bottle of lube. 
“He’s fine,” John answered, taking the bottle. “Thank you, hon,” 
Jervis giggled slightly, letting out a hum, as he looked down at me. “Aren’t you so pretty,” He said, to which my heart rate skyrocketed. 
Jervis leaned forward, the soft fabric of his gloves on my chest as he kissed me again. I reached up and lightly grabbed his face, pulling him in a bit more. 
“My heart, never depart, if you turn out to be untrue, your flesh will be left sickly pale and blue—“
I ignored him, my hand travelling absently downward, resting on his chest. I felt how quickly his heart beat, thinking distantly about how it felt maybe a bit too fast for a human.
I kissed him again, and he pulled back slightly, smiling crookedly as his teeth dug in his bottom lip.  “I had such a curious dream; it started just like this… Please,” He began in a whisper as I looked him over again, watching as his hair seemed to coil too much like a spiral. “Please kiss me yet again,” 
His eyes didn’t seem too brown anymore…
“Jerv—“ I began, but my hair was suddenly yanked, my entire body being pulled back as I gasped, feeling the burning of the stretch from one of Johnathan’s fingers inside of me.
I began to whimper, the suddenness of the feeling made it hurt a bit more than I was used to. 
“J-John!” I yelped, turning back to face him as his grip in my hair loosened. He buried his face into my neck, and began to gently kiss where he’d bitten previously. 
“M’sorry,” He said. “Just got a bit jealous from you an’ Jerv,” 
My entire body flushed, which Jervis noticed and giggled in reaction, running his hands down my stomach, the smooth glide of fabric making me feel lightheaded. 
I whined as John’s fingers worked me open, him adding a second one not too long after; my arms trembling as I moved my hand to my mouth, muffling the moans that threatened to leave me. 
As I did, Jervis reached up and pulled my hand down, tutting. “No, no,” He smiled. “No, you must make noise, pretty, otherwise we won’t enjoy it,” 
I looked away, face practically engulfed in flames with how warm I felt. “O-Oh…” I let out softly.
Jervis leaned back on the arm of the couch, completely removing his shirt. I let out a moan as John’s fingers found a rhythm, hitting an all-too-sensitive part inside me which made my body tremble.
“You’re doing so well, honey,��� John said, his accent heavy and his voice a soft growl in my ear. Chill after chill rushed through me as I whimpered, biting my lower lip to keep from getting too loud. 
Jervis’s gaze followed John’s fingers as I started to relax myself a bit, pleasure flooding my body and making my limbs feel weak. 
“John,” I let out, unable to really think of anything else. 
He hummed into my ear. “Yes, sweetheart?” He asked.
“Mh, feels… mmn feels so—“ I let out a whine. “G-good…” 
My eyes fell on Jervis as he moved his hands behind his back, unclasping his bra and taking it off, setting it to the ground. 
I looked away, my mind going to slightly different territory as his body reminded me so much of…
I whimpered, letting out a moan as I realised I’d been holding my breath. “Ple-ase,” I let out, broken and breathy.
“Please what?” 
“More—“ I started, hardly getting it out before a third finger was pushed in, stretching me out a bit more; a slight burn flowing through my lower half.
I gasped, grinding down onto his lubricated fingers involuntarily. “F-Fuck!” I moaned as he worked them in and out, getting my body used to the stretch, used to the pleasure. He was so rough with them, moving so softly at first to get me used to it, and then faster and harder, making my brain spin. His fingers were so long, so big that it felt like I was being torn apart in a way that made me dizzy with pleasure.
I watched Jervis as he removed one of his gloves with his mouth, moving the now nude hand down the front of his loosened pants. 
I began to pant, pleasure engulfing my entire body as I whimpered, leaning against John’s chest. 
“Good,” He whispered. “Good boy,” 
“Ohh,” I let out, my back arching slightly. “Fuck… it’s so good, it’s so good,” I moaned, grinding down a bit more. 
John’s voice echoed in my ear. “Doin’ so well for us,” He whispered, his fingers sliding in and out of me, making me feel so full and stretched out.
Tears threatened to leave my eyes as he suddenly removed his fingers from me. “W-Wait, I—“ I started in protest, but I was quickly shushed as John moved away from me, lowering his pants.
I started practically drooling the moment he did, the blurry sight of black straps and glinting silver metal resting tightly around his white boxers, around his hips made me feel nearly faint. 
I looked away as I heard him unzip and unbutton his black jeans. The sound of his keys jingling sharply against each other as he lowered his pants, the karabiner clacking against the small plastic light up pumpkin charm he had attached to it.
The warmth of his body returned with the sound of him uncapping the lubricant bottle. He sat back down on the couch, a rough, heavy hand pushing me forward to expose myself more. 
I was able to get a better look at Jervis now, one hand in his pants as he masturbated to the sight of us, the other now cupped around my face lovingly, petting me as he muttered things I couldn’t quite understand under his breath. 
“It’ll feel so good,” He leaned in, whispering. My face felt so warm, and the coolness of his glove didn’t make it any better. “You’re so, so, good,”
I whimpered softly, kissing him back as his lips met mine, his teeth pressing hard against my lips. “Mh, Jervis, I—“ I was stopped by the feeling of being stretched out a bit more than I was used to yet, a sharp burning pain coming from my lower half.
“Ah!” I let out, my arms becoming too weak to hold me up, so I accidentally collapsed onto Jervis, my head resting against his stomach. With his gloved hand, I felt him petting my hair; he began to coo soft words of comfort and praise as I felt the warmth and roughness of John’s hands on my hips.
The pain paused for a bit, slowly fading into slight discomfort as neither of us moved; John softly massaging my lower back up to my shoulder blades. “Will it be alright for me to move?” He asked, my poor, leaking member painfully pressed between my stomach and the slightly rough texture of the couch’s cushions. I nodded, shifting my hips a bit, trying to hold myself up again. 
“Yeah,” I said, voice a lot more breathy than I would’ve liked. “You can start moving,” 
He hummed something in acknowledgment and pushed in a bit more, my breath catching in my throat as I closed my eyes. 
“That’s it…” I heard, but I honestly couldn’t even tell who had said it anymore. “You take it so well,”
My resolve broke and I fell again, this time being caught by Jervis, his hands pressed against my shoulders as he led me up, looking at me with a soft smile on his face. His right eye was blue…
Before I could focus on him any more, my body tensed up, a moan leaving my lips as Jervis let me fall a bit, him cradling me in a tight hold. He smelled like a bag of marshmallows, sweet and warm. 
John finally bottomed out inside me, my body trembling as I felt the smooth fabric of his black button-up shirt and the warmth of his stomach on my back as I heard him kissing Jervis. 
“You take such good care of him— our toy,” John muttered above me, and I heard Jervis let out a soft laugh. 
I closed my eyes, my stomach fluttering as a soft anger replaced the arousal that usually followed being completely objectified like that. “I’m not your toy, Scarecrow—“ I snapped, but my hair was roughly coiled around a hand and I was pulled painfully away from Jervis’s hold, now sitting completely upright in John’s lap, on his—
“Oh, is that right?” John began, the painted nails of his other hand digging into the flesh of my hip. He let go of my hair, his other hand sliding to grab at my hip as well. He slowly lifted me about two inches, letting me drop sharply back down on his strap. 
“Fuck~!” I moaned, leaning back against his chest, my member red and twitching. “Pl-Please, I—“
I suddenly became very aware that Jervis was watching us, and I felt my stomach and chest getting warm with the blush that covered me in embarrassment. 
I said nothing, looking away. 
“Oh, he’s embarrassed,” Jervis said suddenly, and I opened my eyes to see him closer, his gloved hand lightly tracing my chest. 
“I’m not embarrassed,” I hissed, not wanting to seem weak. “I just—“ 
“Shh,” Jervis hushed me, his hand traveling lower, resting on my lower stomach. “You don’t have to worry…”
“I— Ah~! F-Fuck,” I gasped, my body being slowly moved up and down, the thick head of John’s strap slamming slowly inside me, hitting the area just below my prostate. “John, Goddamn it~!” I moaned, closing my eyes tightly.
Jervis hushed me again. “Eddie,” He called, drawn out and in a whisper. “Look at me…”
I opened my eyes again, trying to focus on him.
The feeling of soft fabric dragging up and down on my stomach, over and over and over, the way his eyes didn’t look entirely normal anymore. “It feels so good, doesn’t it, pet?” He asked. 
I moved to say something, but I couldn’t.
I let out a whimper, nodding. Jervis seemed pleased, moving back and going back to what he was doing before I fell on him— He was fucking himself, Ed, just thinking the word isn’t the end of the goddamn world!
“John, please,” I gasped, feeling him lean back against the arm of the couch, getting more relaxed as he pulled me with him. My heart slammed against my ribcage as his hands dragged down my chest to my stomach. 
“Well, since you ain’t a toy, you can get yourself off, can’tcha?” He asked, his hands resting once more on my hips. I scoffed in an attempt to seem like it’d be easy. I moved my hips slightly, my legs weak already. 
I let out a soft moan, sliding back down.
I paused, knowing this wouldn’t do anything for me without his help. “John…”
I could feel how smug he looked.
“Yeah, hon?”
“I…” My stomach boiled with anger. I couldn't do something. I would rather die than admit it. I attempted again, the feeling of him inside me hardly doing anything for pleasure. 
I felt like crying as I covered my face with my hands. “I can’t,” I said. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”  
He lifted me slightly, my back pressed against his chest as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “Mhm,” He hummed lowly, pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back inside, quickly setting a pace that made my stomach flip. 
“Oh— fuck!” I gasped, reaching back slightly and gripping his hair, pulling a bit. “Fuck, yeah, yeah,” I nodded, panting as he held me in place, my entire body covered in chills from how good it felt now.
It nearly burned, fading quickly away into overwhelming pleasure that made my eyes water. 
“Please, ple-ase, ple—!” I whimpered, my sounds devolving into high pitched whines that sounded more like a dog than anything. 
I felt myself clenching around him, the pleasure nearly too much to bear, my entire body feeling weak as he slammed inside me over and over and over. 
“It—“ I began, but stopped as I nearly blacked out, feeling him finally start hitting that spot inside me, my stomach coiling at the feeling. “Ah-! Fuck, please~!” I begged, shaking. 
He suddenly stopped.
“Please what?” He asked, and I could hear the smile on his lips. 
“No, no, no, please keep going, please, please,” I whined, grinding down as much as I could. Tears leaked from my eyes, whimpers leaving my chest as I scrambled behind me, scratching at his side. 
He only laughed a bit, pulling out and then slamming back inside, making me let out a yelp as I trembled. “You take me so well,” He whispered, his warm breath cascading down my neck. “Look at that,” He continued. “What a good little toy, needing my help; so easily taking the whole thing,” 
I whined, bucking my hips as I let out a strangled sounding moan. “Please,” I begged. “More, please,”
My legs started shaking, weak as he held them open. “Please,” I said, whining. “It’s so—“
He set a more rough pace, slamming into me again, more brutal this time. “Fuck, fuck, fuc—k,” I moaned, breathing shakily. 
“Are you getting close?” I heard, to which I shook my head. 
“N-No,” I let out in a gasp. “Pl-please, please keep going, please,” I begged, voice breaking. 
“Oh, good,” He said, to which I finally registered it being Jervis who was speaking. “Can I play with him yet?” 
I let out a loud whimper and my prostate was slammed into again, my heart fluttering with my stomach. “S’good,” I moaned. “So good, so go-od,”
He paused, buried deep inside me as he slightly moved me forward, sitting up a bit more. “Wh—“ I began, but he started moving inside me again, so my brain stopped working. 
I felt the smooth glide of fabric on my face, and I looked up. Jervis kissed me again, and I roughly gripped onto the cushion beneath him as I kissed back. “You can take it, can’t you?” He asked, cocking his head to the side as his hand travelled down. 
“Take wh—?” I began, but it felt like all the air in my lungs was knocked out of me as I felt him, his soft hand wrapped around my aching member. He lightly began stroking me as I whimpered, John still abusing my insides, too much pleasure, too much—
“Fuck!” I yelled, which turned into a string of soft whimpers as my limbs trembled, struggling to hold me up. I felt like I was going to die, my heart slamming in my chest as my stomach turned, my head completely empty other than the thoughts of how good I felt. 
Jervis pressed kisses onto my lips. “You feel so good, don’t you? It feels amazing, right?” He said, petting my hair as he continued to stroke my previously completely neglected cock. 
I nodded, letting out a whine into his lips. 
He shifted, letting me go for a moment as he relaxed, lowering himself on the arm of the couch a bit before—
I gasped, my hands losing their grip on the cushions as he adjusted himself, sliding my member inside of him; tight, wet warmth clamping down around me. 
He let out a soft whimper as he took my full length, John pausing for a moment to give me a little bit more stability over my senses. I held onto Jervis’s hips as I shook, letting out breathy whimpers. He was so warm. 
When I first had sex with him, I hardly lasted three minutes; his—his— His cunt,— felt so fucking good wrapped so tightly around me. I’d never felt something like that before him, and I felt like a teenager, the pleasure completely consuming me to the point that it nearly hurt to not chase that amazing feeling. 
My hips twitched, thrusting deeper into him nearly involuntarily. We both moaned, and I could feel myself leaking inside him. 
John began to slowly move again, Jervis fucked himself back onto me, and my brain stopped functioning. 
“You feel so good,” Jervis whined, and I could hear ringing in one of my ears as I panted, John hitting another sensitive spot inside me, my stomach turning. 
“Fuck,” I cried, tears leaking from my eyes as my legs trembled. John started moving faster again, lightly swatting at my thighs. 
“Are you just gonna make him pleasure himself?” John asked in my ear, voice so calm and smooth. All I could do was shake my head, attempting to thrust inside Jervis again. The drag of my shaft against the tight walls of his insides, burying the head deeper, the wetness making a soft, lewd sound as he leaked onto the couch, a small dark patch forming now.  
I started drooling, the head of John’s strap grinding heavily against my prostate, chill after chill running up my spine. Tears fell from my eyes as I whimpered. 
“Fuck, please,” I begged, shaking. I sounded pathetic, voice high pitched and trembling, weak and raspy. “Please, please, have— have mercy, please,” 
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re gonna cum,” John hissed in my ear. “You wouldn’t disappoint us like that, now would you, Eddie?” 
Jervis whined, echoing his sentiment as he seemed to literally be melting underneath me, his face and body becoming more and more warm, his right eye turning into a colourful spiral as his hair twisted and shifted around as if it were alive. 
“D-Don’t,” He moaned out, slamming his hips down, my entire length fully sheathed inside him. He let out a loud whimper, arching his back as he panted. “Don’t cum yet, don’t— not yet, not— ahh~!”
I felt myself twitching inside him as I looked away, trying so desperately to ignore the coil in my stomach that became more and more loose as they used my body for their pleasure. 
I couldn’t think about it, I couldn’t focus on how fucking good it felt. How amazing it felt— how tight Jervis was, how warm and wet and tight, god his cunt was so tight, it always was, so good, so, so good. He clenched around my cock like he never wanted to let go, sucking me in, making it nearly difficult to pull out. He always begged me to finish inside him, and if I didn’t, he’d be in a bad, snippy mood for the rest of the day. 
The moment they (both him and John) knew I didn’t have anything wrong, I was fucking him raw and filling him with my cum. 
He couldn’t get pregnant, he’d gotten that taken care of years before he even became who he was now, so there really wasn’t a reason not to. 
I heard Jervis let out a breathy moan, leading it into a soft whine of his words; “Mine,” He whispered. “All mine,” As I felt his lips begin to travel down my neck, his large teeth dragging against the flesh that began to become bruised as he marked my collarbone with hickeys.
I had to ignore it, ignore how good it felt.
Ignore how brutally I was getting fucked by Johnathan. Ignore how thick and long he was, how heavily he would slam inside of me, how quickly the burn of pain when he’d hit my thighs would fade into unbearable pleasure, how precise he was with his movements, how fast he went—
I couldn’t think of how good it felt, I couldn’t think about how badly I’d been needing him to do this to me. How I’d been fantasising about it, how late at night I’d imagine him sneaking into my room, I’d imagine him kissing my neck and pinning me down, asking if I wanted him, asking if I wanted him to make me cum. I’d imagine him fucking my brains out, him making my entire body shake. 
Sometimes I would fight with him, tell him he wasn’t good at something, anything to get him to hate-fuck me so good I couldn’t walk the next day. It never worked, he never pushed me down by my hair, teasing and toying with my body until finally abusing me, hitting me, hurting me while making me drool with how good my body would feel.
And now he was finally doing it, fucking me senseless, making it difficult to think, to function. Finally making my body his, and I couldn’t think about it, I had to think of anything other than how good it felt.
“C-Can’t,” I let out, panting. “Can’t,”
He slammed deep inside, grinding his hips on mine. 
“Can’t…?” He asked, leaning forward and pressing a bite to my shoulder, his lips meeting Jervis’s as they began to kiss.
Jervis whined, pulling away and grabbing at my hair as he used me like a sex toy, fucking himself deeper than I thought he could, causing both of us to let out moans in response. 
I was crying by this point, my orgasm approaching so quickly. I was drooling over the way Jervis felt and sounded and looked, my cock painfully hard and twitching inside of him, leaking pre deep into him. 
He kept bucking his hips, the spiral in his eye moving faster than before, faster than I could focus on. “Eddie,” Jervis moaned, making it even more impossible to not focus on him. “Ed—Ed it feels so good, you make me feel so, so good,” He cried.
I whined, barely holding myself together.
I panted as I looked away, trying desperately to think of anything else, anything but how warm he was. 
“Not gonna— not gonna,” I gasped, tears leaving my eyes. “L-Last, not gonna last, not— gonna, g-gonna cum,” 
“Not yet, hon,” John said, pulling my hair lightly. “You can last a little longer,” 
“C-Ca-an’t!” I sobbed out, drooling as he grinded against my prostate. “Can’t, can’t, can’t,” I panted.
Jervis moaned, biting my neck hard as I felt his walls clenching down around me. I gasped, my eyes rolling back as I felt what I can only describe as god inside him, a spot that made me forget how badly I wanted to please the both of them, how badly I wanted to not disappoint them, how much longer I wanted to last— I grabbed a tighter hold of his hips, moving him up and down on my cock, hitting that spot over, and over, and over. 
John held me up, slamming into me as I babbled incoherent nonsense about how good I felt, how good Jervis’s cunt felt, how amazing John’s cock was inside me. 
“C-Cumming, cumming,” I sobbed, Jervis drooling underneath me, making that “uh, uh, uh,” noise that always made me feel dizzy. 
“In—Inside, please~!” Jervis begged, holding my arm. 
I let out a soft cry, collapsing on top of him as I finally let myself go; grinding myself deeper as the whole world spun, wave after wave of euphoria washing through my body as my orgasm spilled over, filling him. “Fuck,” I gasped, feeling John slide out of me. I panted, trembling as I lay on Jervis.
“You both did so well,” John whispered, petting my hair as he leaned forward, kissing Jervis on the cheek. I weakly turned to him, and John kissed my lips, smiling slightly. 
I kissed back before he pulled away, my entire body warm and covered in sweat.
I sighed, attempting to move once I finally got my heart rate back to normal.
Jervis’s legs were wrapped around my hips, holding me in place. “J-Jervis,” I said, a soft laugh leaving my lips as he began kissing me, petting my hair. 
“So good,” He praised, making me roll my eyes. 
“Jervis I have to— to get off of you,” I laughed. 
He reluctantly nodded, untangling himself from me as we both pulled away. He pressed another kiss to my cheek as we did so. 
I leaned back, trying to catch my breath.  “You felt amazing,” I said, directed to both of them. 
John hummed, nodding. “You both did very well,” His voice was back to normal, his accent still there but not as prominent. “You should both be proud a’yourselves and also go shower— I’m gonna go wash this,” He said, leaving before I could get a good look at him.
I sighed, looking over at Jervis. He was snoring.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Omg PLEASSSE GO OFF about the movie I NEED your thoughts
Foreman Spike: You're an idiot... Mario: lmao Foreman Spike: ...and your brother is an idiot Mario: FUCK. YOU.
The dinner scene with the family was fantastic. It's clear that Mario is seen as the impulsive troublemaker, but on the flip side Luigi is walked all over (mostly by members of his extended family.) His uncles are continually cutting Luigi off, taking food from his hands when he was half-way through serving himself, etc, until his Mom has to step in and just put a bowl of soup directly in front of him. Also, the moment Luigi confirms how much he likes mushrooms Mario just starts picking all the mushrooms off his own plate and piling them on Luigi's I LOVE THAT. Mario's Dad: Your dream is stupid Mario: Uh huh yeah Mario's Dad: And you're dragging your brother down with you Mario: :( I'll be in my room
So much of this movie was Mario brute forcing his way through restricted areas demanding his brother and fighting anyone stupid enough to get in his way.
The FLASHBACK SCENE WITH BABY MARIO PROTECTING BABY LUIGI HURT MY HEART. When the flashback ends and Luigi just... looks at his bound wrists... completely dejected and defeated... desperately wishing his brother was there to help him be braver. Bowser, vindictive and full of violence: DOES PRINCESS PEACH HAVE A CRUSH ON YOUR BROTHER Luigi, confused, panicking, and in pain: I DON'T KNOW BUT SHE'D BE STUPID NOT TO DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW COOL MARIO IS!? The reunion was beautiful, wish it could have been longer but everything was too busy literally and figuratively exploding. But Mario got to gently cup his brothers face and ugly cry, and I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.
I was surprised how much they legit beat the shit out of Mario in this movie holy crap both boys went through the wringer. And I don't know the logistics of one super star powering two plumbers but I don't even care. Glad they both got to wail on bowser <3
SPEAKING OF Bowser was a delightful balance between being a total dork and the absolute worst person. I was worried the Peaches song would be annoying but it was the perfect length for the joke to land and was legit good.
I can't wait until the sequel where his son & squad of adopted koopalings bust him out of jail.
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artzychic27 · 3 days
Can I just see a cute Marvel AU moment of Ondine meeting the Hero Squad and AdriThor just being so excited to see his Asgard bestie again? (And also maybe giving SpiderKim some tips about dating a valkyrie?)
Ondine: *Descends from the heavens on a Pegasus* Adrien! There’s my favorite blonde!
Adrien: ONDINE! *Runs over to hug her, and she picks him up and twirls him around as he laughs*
Kim: *Jaw drops* Okay, who is the tall muscular girl who just rode in on a pegasus?
Max: I’m guessing Ondine?
Ondine: So, how ya been?
Adrien: I’ve been great! My friends and I stopped a couple of intergalactic criminals, and Marc and his friends-
Ondine: Marc’s here?… You stay here, I’m gonna… Check for stuff. *Leaves*
Adrien: Okay! See you later!
Kim: Adrien! Why did you not tell me you were friends with a goddess?!
Adrien: Actually, Ondine’s a Valkyrie.
Kim: You know what I mean! Is she into earth stuff like… Movies, or something? Do I buy her a weapon?
Hero Squad: *Teasingly* Ooohh!
Kim: *Blushing* Shut up! Just tell me how to talk to her without looking like a complete dork! I want her to bench press me so bad!
Alix: Maybe don’t go screaming stuff like that in front of her.
Adrien: Well, Ondine is a little interested in action movies-
Kim: Yes! Perfect! Tell me more! What kind of swords does she like?! Do I get stuff for her Pegasus? Are they a package deal? What is her astrological sign according to Norse astrology?! Do your people have astrology?!
Nathaniel: Simp.
Alix: Look who’s talking Mr. I-have-a-crush-on-a-chaos-god.
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
Who's the dorky boi in your profile pic, and where's he from?
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His name is Oliver Chen (but he goes by Ollie in canon) and he was introduced in the first episode of season two of The Ghost and Molly McGee. The very same Ollie Chen from the Ollie Chen Defense Squad of my blog title because this poor dork is overhated by a chunk of the fandom because upon being introduced Molly develops a crush on him and he became the token "male character that destroys my precious wlw ship >:("
But the thing that people are missing is that Molly's immediate infatuation with him is what drives a lot of his story forward!! He and Molly are practically two signs of the same coin except for the single glaringly red flag that his family hunts ghosts. and that's a huge problem for Molly because her best friend is a ghost!!! But she also really likes Ollie, and Ollie really likes her, and because Molly wants to see the good in everyone, instead of turning Ollie away, she wants to help him come to a better understanding of how ghosts really are.
His arc really starts getting meaty once he meets Scratch (Molly's ghost friend, if you're unfamiliar) and realizes that things aren't the way he's been taught his entire life. 'Cause now he doesn't want to be a ghost hunter anymore cause he realizes he's hurting innocent people, but he can't exactly stop cold turkey because he's only 13 and his parents and younger sister are gonna start noticing he's acting really suspicious. So he feels wedged in-between these two worlds, the one he's known his entire life with his genuinely kind and loving family, and the life that Molly's suddenly opened his eyes to, where he knows if he keeps going he'll just end up hurting more people than people he's helping.
He feels entirely isolated, like he doesn't belong with his family or in Molly's friend group, despite the fact that he's welcomed with loving open arms to both groups (with the exception of Scratch still holding a grude against him for his ghost hunting past, but even then he's not like, actively trying to hurt Ollie more than he is just being a sourpuss and complaining about his presence).
He's a prime example of a character who's done awful things suddenly being forced to face the consequences of his actions all at once, and he's only thirteen. The only reason he ever did any of those things is because of how he was raised. He never wanted to hurt anybody, and now he's trapped in a place where he may have to force himself to continue hurting people lest his parents figure out that he's friends with someone who has a ghost in her family.
He breaks my heart. His entire world was just completely shattered and turned on his head, and while he's not doing a very great job at coping with it now, he still tries to be his sweet dorky optimistic self. He has my entire heart. I just want him to be happy.
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just dance deltarune parody - just dodge
(based off of story of undertale and therefore purposely cringe)
(purple text: kris singing
pink text: susie singing
green text: ralsei singing
blue text: lancer rapping
yellow text: everyone singing
half and half: multiple characters singing
red text: someone else)
red soul
dreemurr feat. YOU
oh yeah
i've had a little bit too much, chalk
now i have to get some new chalk
with this weird kid
this fucking closet sucks
i can't see shit, ah fuck
where is the switch
i want to go, home
what's happening to the floor
the fucking paper's gone and now i can't see kris anymore
keep it cool, what the fuck is this place
some little kid is throwing spades at us
just dodge, gonna win this game
what the fuck
just dodge, earn this TP
who the fuck
just dodge, gonna save my face
da da da dodge
just ju ju just dodge
the fountain's open this is bad, uh oh
the knight has gone completely mad
why'd it do that
control your anger, gents! don't hurt these innocents!!
where i live it's called "striking first"
uh oh woah
what's, going, on with the floor
i love this puzzle but i think that checker will eat us all...
keep it cool, i'll just slash its face off
i don't think that would help but alright, a-alright
just dodge, gonna win this game
da doo doo
just dodge, bow to k-round babe
da doo doo
just dodge, gonna throw ralsei
just j j just
when i come through on the checker board sending dogs against the squad
can't believe that they haven't got a name yet, oh my gosh!!!!
better choose one so i can refer to multiple dorks at once
pick a tiny sheet of paper and latch onto it till foreveeer
this name has a swear word that i really cannot say
or else i'll have to take a shower... and that's bad
this other one has got my name, it must be the one!!!
WE'RE SET/just dodge
the legendary heroes: the herald of fun and friendship
gonna win this game
im here too
just dodge, fun gang's a good name
da doo doo
just dodge, we're all heroes yay
da doo doo
just dodge, no enemies slain
da doo doo
just dodge, the dark worlds are great
da da da dodge, dodge
a human soul, raised by a monster
just ju ju just dodge
with my blue skin, i'm much hotter
a human soul, raised by a monster
with this armor i'm a dodger
a human soul, raised by a monster
with my blue skin, i'm much hotter
a human soul, raised by a monster
with this armor i'm a dodger
GO!! use your soul, rip it out, work it out bro
i got it, just stay close enough to get it (BACK)
SOME CAKE!/just dodge
i'm slow! walking through the hallway with a sharp knife bro, i got it! in my hand bro, just to eat
gonna win this game
that's pie, dude
just dodge, these new friends are great
da doo doo
just dodge, this chapter was lame
just ju ju just
dodge, dodge...
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
if you're wondering: yes a lot of the Scriddler and Dork Squad people are also people that proudly never read comics and got most of their knowledge of the characters from shows, movies, the Arkham games and especially from "rogues! the podcast" and fandom in general, just like Batfam fans. A lot of the rogues tags are also OC-ified versions that aside from their names, base designs and concepts are completely divorced from comics and ik people are just having fun but I could go forever without seeing another post about the Scarecrow topping the Riddler
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... I'm going to regret asking this but what is the deal with Rogues! the podcast?
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
1, 2, 3 and BTAS! Scarecrow?
Awww now I can complete the dork squad since I did BTAS Riddler and Mad Hatter on the other character ask game post lol
1. Why do you like or dislike the character?
I like this character, especially this particular version is not only because he was my first introduction to the character, but also I enjoy how lively and fun this scarecrow is. Very dramatic, very fun, and has his endearing moments too.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I will say his voice is probably one of my favorite voices for the Scarecrow. I also appreciate his tenderness you see to Harley and to his students we see in the comics every now and then.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I'm sorry but I just sometimes still can't get past that very first scarecrow design with the hot dog-esque mask I much prefer the one later on lol
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