#dude I want to cryyyy
loevhyuck · 11 months
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amandaisnotwriting · 2 years
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mintytealfox · 6 months
So it looks like Hunter Norton gets some deduction quests. How we feeling about them?
I AM LIKE SO EXCITEDDDDDD!!! I hope they threw in some good little nuggets of info in there 👀 I am soooooo excited to unlock it ALL AAAHHH
The titles have me 👀 already lol
Shrewd 'Each step requires long-term planning'
Lonely 'The loneliness of separation must be endured on the climb up'
Sophisticated 'wear a mask for the sake of survival'
Willful 'Those who persist will encounter more opportunities'
Gloomy 'The other side of Kindness and affability'
Greedy 'Merely retaking what the heavens owe'
Arrogant 'Only by being bolder can you challenge destiny'
Hypocrite 'Important moments must be witnessed by companions'
Ruthless 'Exploding from deep within like an ignited explosive'
Numb 'Forget them and stay away from the dark underground'
Here are my initial quick thoughts that may change after unlocking everything and even just pondering more:
we start off strong with 'shrewd' slamming down the fact that he has sharp wit, intelligent, and can clock people pretty quick 👀 Then with the follow up it makes me think he truly did put together a brilliant plan, that he had been working a long while on, and that would be hard pressed to fall apart. That plan was practically fool proof and likely guarantee that he gets away with it as well 👀 LONELY makes me want to FRIGGIN CRYYYY BROOO. Bro has been lonely for so darn long and he couldn't even find comradery with his coworkers or anyone 😭 Then with Benny being shady as hell, this makes me think that Norton didn't get overly attached in the end and was likely using Benny as much as Benny was using him. He really has the vibe of 'just deal with it, all will change one day' and it makes me so sad orz SOPHISICATED, GOSH, THE BOI!! He really has been wearing a mask for a LONG AF TIME! 'FOR THE SAKE OF SURVIVAL' MAKES ME COLLAPSE INTO A PUDDLE OF SADNESS!! Bro is doing everything he can to survive! Including leaving his true self locked up INSIDE GOSH DAMN WILLFUL, This manz has willpower of steel fr fr. Once he puts his mind to something he is friggin going for it my gosh 😭He believes he can break the chains with all of his being and I just -soobsss- GLOOMY, Bro is giving all the kindness and affability only to be left with nothing orz iimmmm the dude is so tragic I could scream GREEDY, BRO IS BOLD AS HELL LOOOOOOOOLL ARROGANT, I REST MY CASE LOOOOL HYPOCRITE, dude should become an actor cause he has been putting on the show of a lifetime fr. 'look, i am taking care of this crusty old maaaan, no way am I giving him the taste of his own medicine and using him. He has been the best teacher' RAAHHH RUTHLESS, NO KIDDING LOL Once he was ready to go he was READY AH Numb, orz bro completely lost himself after everything 😭 and I think if he lets himself feel for even a second he would just crumple up in despair and he can't let himself do that -SOBSSSSS-
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hikennosabo · 9 months
trimax vol 13 random thoughts (ch 5-9)
part 1 here!
chapter 5:
okay, it took me way longer than it should have to figure out what happened in this scene, lol. razlo gets behind elendira and blocks her nail gun with the nail that's already in his body which jams her gun and pushes the nail further into his torso which takes them both by surprise.
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"some dumbasses"?? do you mean wolfwood and vash?? LOL
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come on, come on, come on!!! he's so cute, lol. he's like a dog who wants to play.
i love watching razlo fight!!! it's so fun seeing him fight a different way due to not having his punishers/third arm anymore. he's having so much fun too, it's infectious~
chapter 6:
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ma'am could you please stop serving cunt for a second i'm trying to read manga and you are distracting me
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uuuueeee... wolfwood... just seeing the little panel of him... i miss him so much... and the reminder of wolfwood brings livio back out. ueee... waaahhhh...
i'm sitting here trying to articulate my feelings about livio and razlo and i can't, really... :') livio feeling so bad and apologizing that he has to rely on razlo so much, razlo doing his best to encourage livio... they really care about each other a lot. it's very sweet. i care them. :(((
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oh this is so very much not how DID works but it's both cool and important to their character arcs so it's FINE!!!! it's fine
huuuhhhmmmmm something something symbolism in livio's guns being reversible and livio and razlo working together, two as one... is this anything? am i connecting any dots here?
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they were able to bring elendira to her knees with their teamwork!!!!
chapter 7:
uwaaahhh! young livio flashback!! this is where his twinky stampede self came from i guess. i hope season 2 gives us a beefier version-
...wait. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait wait. hold on. speaking of stampede. give me a second.
*returns 30 minutes later* HUH. INTERESTING. so stampede shows us livio working hard in EoM to catch up with wolfwood, but in the manga, it's all but outright stated that he's trying to catch up with razlo.
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sorry i'm just fascinated by the tristamp/manga differences and seeing younger livio doing pushups reminded me (stamp!livio does pushups the same way!!)
we're not supposed to know that razlo exists yet in tristamp; i wonder if or how season 2 is going to reframe any of this. it's not like i dislike livio and wolfwood's relationship in stampede!! i think it's really sweet, introducing livio into ww's story earlier is a good move, and livio joining EoM to catch up with ww makes everything in the relevant episodes more emotional. but the relationship between livio and razlo is just as important!!
razlo encouraging livio is SO cute, uwaaaahhh...
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babygirl, please, i am begging. why are you so sad. tell me who hurt you. i am on my hands and knees.
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to him... while drinking wolfwood's last vial... i am going to fucking throw up i feel so normal about this
chapter 8:
elendira, killed by her own nail... oh girl... my beloved... i did not expect her to live but i'm still sad she's gone. what a fantastic fight though. might be my favorite fight in this manga.
also livio's gonna have an interesting time trying to get up and get her off of him once his limbs regenerate... uh... if they can regenerate? i'm assuming they can...
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i am gonna fucking CRYYYY... calling him by name... wwwaaaaahhhhh...
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he would be so proud of you, livio!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!
okay, time to cut back to my other faves having their own battle.
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it's so funny that legato thinks this. dude, she hates your guts. if she knew she was gonna see you in the afterlife soon she WOULD worry.
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huh? that's her name? like the painting?
also i've been wondering this whole time why she looks like that. like why is she designed to look like a woman. did legato design her himself?? is this his aesthetic sense??
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haha ouch! thanks for spelling out the metaphor so plainly!
ahhhh, july flashback... this was uhhh... *checks* ten years ago. supposedly. i'm not sure how much i trust the timeline anymore.
actually i do wonder how measuring time works on this planet. like, everything seems to be measured the same way it is on earth, so does noman's land also have 365 days in a year and 24 hour days?
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he's so cute, i am holding him gently in my hands.
knives is so mean... to be just a tiny little bit fair to him, i too would be low on patience if my brother just blasted me with a death beam and someone suddenly started handling my guts that were hanging out. but he's so mean!! i feel bad for legato!!
i AM surprised that knives is still conscious... and that he's still mostly intact. like his guts are hanging out but it looks like his legs and arms (or at least one arm) are still attached, and he's still got. y'know. most of his skin. certainly more intact than his stampede self, lmao.
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vash, honey, what on earth makes you think he plans on living through this fight any more than you are. :')
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i just like this spread.
chapter 9:
OH BOY, HE'S FERAL!!! truly, he is going out in a blaze of glory just like he wanted. i wouldn't expect anything else from him at this point.
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ahhh... stampede!legato talks a lot about discarding emotion in favor of devotion. but emotion and devotion are intrinsically linked. legato is a pretty emotional person, he cries a lot and yells a lot... as long as he can express his devotion to knives, he feels like he's fulfilling his purpose, so he's happy... i'm glad he's having fun at least... :')
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WAAAAHHH VASH IS REMEMBERING WOLFWOOD NOW... his face is not quite visible but... vash is remembering wolfwood's words because he's thinking he really is going to have to kill legato to end this fight... killing legato just like in the 98 anime...
i get caught up in the action, but every time they bring wolfwood up i realize how much i miss him...
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this panel fucks.
i love watching legato go fucking crazy fighting. i wanna see this fight animated so bad :''')
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when i read the top panel, i was like, "because of knives, right?" then i read the bottom panel... ahhh... not just knives... every plant... it's a good thing tristamp established this relatively early because we don't really see vash doing this in the story lol
i'm remembering "do you think we can become friends with them?" "yeah... it might take a lot of effort though..." :'''')
chronica, girl, i know you're very angry with knives, but as far as revenge goes, you need to get in line. you got here like five minutes ago, there are other people with much longer-lasting beef than you who deserve a shot at him before you.
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the smallest meryl u can imagine...
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WAAAAH this is so sweet, they love him so much :(
i said this already but i LOVE seeing legato go all-out, it's cool!! it gets me pumped up!!! this is just... such a good fight!!!
wait, is the earth ship falling because chronica used up so much energy firing the cannon multiple times?? GIRL...
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THIS SPREAD ALSO FUCKS!! the way that the debris fades out above them, they're only focused on each other...!!!
final thoughts... i'm surprised legato survived this volume?! i really thought he would die in this one... he lasted longer than i thought he would, not that i'm complaining... UUAAAAAGHHH i am gnawing on my arm rn, i can't believe there's only one volume left?! i'll be finished *checks day* TOMORROW?!?!? if i don't procrastinate on reading... which i might do because i don't want it to be over... waaaah...
how will knives be defeated? can humanity survive? will livio's limbs regenerate? and most importantly, HOW WILL VASH GET HIS WILL TO LIVE BACK?!?!
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pokenimagines · 2 years
BRO THAT CAME SO OUTTA LEFT FIELD (I did suspect SOMETHING was up, but like, NOT THIS?!? at least not until like, that 4th research base) POOR ARVEN DUDE IM LITTERLY ABOUT TO CRYYYY
(yes the picture does actually exist, I took a crappy, crooked screenshot of it cus xoabdkadbaksbwkwb)
also dw about the request thingy. I might send it in again (but altered obv) when youre requests are open again so dw!
It did!!!! Salt and I were on vc when I was going through this part (would've been on vc when they went through it, but we can blame my headphones for dying for that and the fact that they were ahead of me for a few different reasons) and Salt was able to listen to me as I lost my shit at finding out the truth.
There was a lot of "what the fucks" being said. I feel like they did really well with Arven and Turo's story both together and separately. Salt and I both had our theories on why the professors were absent from the game/Arven's life and it definitely went in a different direction than we thought it was going to.
Oh my goodness for real though, when I discovered it I deadass texted Queenie to get back on call with me. I had to know her reaction because I was speechless. Legit couldn't form words at all. I was thrown for a total loop. Like Queenie said, we both had theories as to why they weren't present, but what happened totally came out of left field!
I just...I do love how they portrayed Arven for everything that happened, and how the characters around him reacted. I really feel like this was a true story about friendship and overcoming obstacles. I don't think I have ever felt for characters as much as I have for Scarlet and Violet. I wanted to hug Arven and tell him everything would be fine. I wanted to reassure Penny that she's great and go to school with her. Hell, I even get Nemona. Imagine being so good at something naturally that even when up against someone who's supposedly the best, you had to hold back. Then you see this kid with the same potential you had. Of course you're going to be overly excited. Someone to finally challenge you in something you love. Ya she came across as annoying at times, but I get it.
Sorry for rambling, honestly I could do a total deep dive on why I love these characters. Team Star? Oh babies, I'm here for you. I just...I loved the game. It had its glitches, but the story was there.
Btw, like I said before, if you wanted to send in a request for Arven then feel free. It might take a while before I get to it, but who knows when the inbox will be open next (hopefully before the end of the year if I can get everything written up by then).
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downton-enjoyer · 1 year
Was thinking abt thomas and jimmy and wanted to cryyyy dude i hate them sm 😭😭 they make me so sad dude :((
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Hi there! Just dropping by to tell you how much I appreciate your works! I've been a lurker for the past couple of years up until recently, and so even though I'm not into all the fandoms that you write for as much as I used to be, I still wanted to stop by to say hello and give my thanks :)
Your fanfics were usually the highlight of my day when I was going through some rough shit, and I've occasionally gone back to read some of them just because they were so good. Also I will say, your recent steddie fics are top tier, you are doing gods work my dude
Hope you're doing well! Have a good week :D
omg this is literally the sweetest thing ever?? thank you so, so much!! i am like exhausted and tipsy rn (it is nearly 3am) and i just saw this and i am legit gonna cryyyy you are an angel!!!!
i am so grateful and also so glad that this blog brought you comfort — that genuinely means the world to me. thank you thank you thank you!!!
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pr0cyon-lotor · 4 months
As much as getting fanart for a fic I wrote makes me want to cry a little
Have you ever asked someone to recommend a fic from a pair you wrote for and someone recommends your own fic because they didn't realize you wrote it? Dude I actually cried when that happened 😭
What do you mean I wrote someone's favorite fic? I'm gonna cryyyy 😭😭😭
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floresyerrores · 7 months
Saw a post of how there’s this new trend of like pretty girls who were clearly obviously popular (and probably mean) in school are trying to say they are now the “weird girls” - basically like the new pick mes and it triggered me so bad.
Gave my flashbacks of my childhood and early days of middle school where I was picked on and bullied so bad. Almost forgot how bad it was cus I always looked back on it as part of my “lore” and “growth” lmao it was just a normal part of life right everyone got picked on a little right 😀
It made me into the little bad ass I am today right lol.
It was actually so fucked. I guess I always dealt with it by laughing it off but I actually was bullied so bad I had to switch schools. I didn’t *have* to but my mom became a teacher in my school district that same year while I was getting bullied and when she found out about how bad it was, she asked if I wanted to try a different middle school. My bff had to move schools and my other friends got sent to alternative school so I figured why suffer alone lol and thought a new start could be fun.
Circa 2007/2008 I went thru my early emo/scene in 7th grade (never really grew out of it tbh) and I lost all my friends from 6th grade basically since they thought I was so weird and different but I made new friends who were like me, my little weirdos ❣️
I had my little friend group, like 7 of us, we were the only emo/scene kids in our school so we were really close and would always walk together, eat lunch together etc. Some of us would get picked on worse than the others - me for example, so we always tried to travel in a pack so we wouldn’t get ganged up on.
I remember my math teacher being one of my worst bullies solely for the fact that she was my literal TEACHER and would clown me in front of the whole class and everyone would laugh at me and I would just sit there and take it because I had never experienced that before from my fellow students let alone my own teacher…
One time she asked me if me and my friend group where all dating each other and slept together 💀 we were literally 13 dude and she was asking me essentially about polyamory and orgies. Something I knew nothing about at the time. She would make fun of my friends to my face and think it was funny.
Everyone in her class shunned me and avoided me, no one wanted to sit at the desks next to me - we used to be grouped in 4 desks all facing each other and she would have to pick people to sit at the tables with me and would purposely pick the kids who hated me the most. The all thought I was the devil lmao or some satanist
I used to write in a journal and make silly little lists of random stuff like “people I love” or whatever. I was talking about my friends obviously and I wrote their names down on my “ppl i love” list and one of my close friends shared the same name as one of the girls at the table who would make fun of me. My friends name was Kristen, and the bully was named KIRSTEN. The math teacher called me up to the board to answer something (she always liked to pick on me knowing I was shy and was hated in the class) and when I got back to my desk my journal had been moved and the girl with the same name as my friend was like “omg y’all she LOVES me what do I do 😱 she’s in LOVE with me ewwww” and I just knew that they had read my journal. I felt so embarrassed and like my privacy had been invaded I wanted to cryyyy it was awful. Like bitch why would I love YOU when you obviously hate me, bully me, etc etc.
Obviously that was my fault for leaving my journal out in the open and thinking they would not read it. Tbh I think they went through my bag and found it themselves cus I knew better than to leave it out, but I’m sure they saw me writing in it all the time.
Then, when I got the big chop (cut my long, down to my back hair into a short choppy emo style cut) and went to school feeling so cute about myself, I walked into her class and sat at my assigned desk (in the front because she was cruel and hated me obv). She stood behind me during the lesson and touched my hair/back of my neck then said “oh wow they really hacked your hair huh” and kept inspecting my haircut. Everyone laughed while I silently cried at my desk. The trauma 💀
Another time she said it smelled like weed/smoke in her class and came up right behind me and sniffed me then was like, sorry you just look like the type to do that stuff. You and your…. friends. I was like no. I don’t do any of that (I was still innocent then lol)
It got to so bad to the point where my bff made me report it to our AP because she was his aide at the time and knew it was wrong of her. I used to cry and tell her all the horrible things that happened to me in her class that day. So finally after almost a whole year of her tormenting I listened to her advice and told our AP about what she would do.
She pulled me out of class the next day and tried to give me some half assed apology - said something like if anything she said to me hurt my feelings, that wasn’t her intention, she was just playing with me blah blah blah but I didn’t really care I just said its ok it’s fine cus I was always so shy and non confrontational at that point. I was honestly scared of what she was going to tell me. I had been hoping they would switch me out of her class but it never happened. They did find a sub for her class for awhile so that was a nice break from her even though I still had to deal with the bullies in her class (which she helped to create). I vaguely remember something like they sent her to some empathy training class or something but I could be wrong lol idk.
I can’t remember exactly what happened after but she was gone for awhile towards the end of the year or semester (can’t remember exactly) but she was in a car accident, her car was totaled lol (karma bitch) and she was gone for awhile. She came back with a leg cast, showed us pictures of her totaled car trying to get some sympathy lol and basically just played movies all day or let us do whatever. She told one of the students she liked that she really didn’t care what we did because she would be leaving at the end of the semester and wouldn’t be coming back to teach. Idk if it had anything to do with me reporting her but 🤷🏻‍♀️ karmaaaa
We had some students switch to our math class and this one stoner foo got seated next to me/was put in my group. This chubby Mexican guy (Chris). I called him a fat ass at lunch once cus he had skipped me in the lunch line so I was worried he was gonna be mean and would remember me but I knew he was pretty funny cus he was like “HEY I’m not fat I’m just fluffy” lol. I was also friends with his on/off gf at the time so I would talk to him about his girl problems and try to help him win her back lol. He was the onlyyyyy one who was nice to me and actually talked to me in that class when I literally felt like such a loner. He became like my bff in that class, I would share all my Japanese snacks with him and let him copy my answers lol. I will never forget him or his kindness, he also ended up being my 🍃 plug after I graduated HS up until I moved out of Texas 2 years ago lmao. Thanks Chris 🥲 he really saved me in that class because after that, the teacher never came after me or tried to clown me again. No one messed with me after that because he would always have my back if they tried to say something.
Other bullies in school would just corner me or friends or all of us whenever they got the chance and would just say mean things or ask stupid shit like “do you worship the devil” or “are you a witch” and are you all gay, etc etc. Or they would laugh at us in the hallways and make fun of our clothes. We all had to wear uniforms but ofc my friends and I went out of our way to show off our individuality and would wear skinny jeans and band tees or all black whenever we had the chance and ofc we altered our uniforms to fit our style lol. We were basically walking Hot Topic ads lmaooo. Those bullies were nothing compared to the math teacher.
Another time, on my birthday, my friends had gotten me some gifts and one friend (Justin) gifted me a Hello Kitty plush and also a Dear Daniel plushie bc he knew I loved HK 🥺 I was a little weirdo so I walked around the whole day with my plushies proudly and had a relatively nice day because of all the kind gifts. My friend (Kristen) and I were walking towards our bus at the end of the day and the buses were all lined up as usual, some kids already in their seats waiting to go. We passed by one kid in the window seat (it was open) who was taking a big sip of his bright neon orange Gatorade (I remember it so clearly) and he looked right at me and spit it out the window right at me and Kristen - it landed on me, my hair, my friend and worst of all - my brand new hello kitty and Dear Daniel plushie 😔 staining it orange and completely ruining my whole day. My friend smiled at them and kept us moving to our bus but as soon as we got to our seats on the bus I broke down crying the whole way home. Sad stuff man. The orange never washed off my plushies 💔
I wrote about it in my journal that night and I guess my mom was reading my journal during those days since she thought I was a devil child (lol jk she was just worried about me bc of how I was acting) and that’s how she found out about the bullying and decided to switch me out of that school for good after the school year ended.
Lots of other stuff I went through during that dark period of time but those are the events that I remember so vividly even 10 years later.
Good times!
All part of my lore hahaha
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twinstarlovers · 2 years
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Honestly fuck the original version, the slowed version sounds so much more….. sentimental? Idk but you get what I mean. Omg I’m getting emotional. The lyrics are hitting different rn. It’s 4am lol, I just woke up. Idk it reminds me of me & then “paradise” is like our wedding.
“When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep
Dreamed of paradise”
Ahhh… this is lowkey kinda literal. When life was hard for me or when I was depressed, I would escape by going to the dream world & no matter how many times I woke up I’d force myself to go back to sleep. It got bad to the point where I was disoriented whenever I was awake like I felt i never felt present. Ahhh.. what a time.
But hmmm I have no idea how ima NOT cry on our wedding. There’s no point of doing makeup like fr. Ima use dollar bills as tissues to be dramatic LMFAO
Bye the universe better give us like 5 million dollars. You told me once you wanted to a big wedding but I said I wanted a small wedding. I say a small wedding because I feel like a small wedding is so much more intimate but at the same time I get the whole big wedding cus I’m extra too. We can have 2 weddings but as I said the universe better give us fucking money cus I CARE ABOUT THE DETAILS & my mf dresses. I ain’t wearing one but if I have to fine 🙄. Idk how that wedding shit works but you ain’t seeing me till the wedding that day. Do people see each other the previous day? Idk. But honestly fuck a makeup artist too cus like I ain’t tryna look like a whole different person & look like I have 10 pounds of makeup on my face like yeahhhhh no. Dudeeee HOW TF ARE WE GONNA DO THIS. The universe NEEDA BLESSSSS. I showed you my ideas but like ugh. This is realistic but unrealistic at the same time but I would have 10 different weddings like all in different weddings because one place is not enough but it will do. But bro I honestly think people gonna have to come in a lil boat like in a tunnel like I told you about & there’s a lil slide show of us or like pics hanging & bunch of lights & they gotta go through the tunnel to get there CUS FUCK. I want that book entrance thing too. I want a magical forest kinda wedding or like a…. “starry night” (headass) wedding. Ooooo you know what we can just change the colors & all the lights like every hour the place looks new like you get what I’m saying. OOOOOOOOOOO YES. Dude ima cryyyy omg. My eyes rn are like 🥺. Lolllll. We gonna plan our wedding as soon as we together! We gonna have a big book of ideas. Btw we gotta save everything we ever do like fuck a phone! We need a Polaroid & a video camera & we take it everywhere. We needa keep our concert tickets & shit too & we gotta make a big ass scrap book. Omgggg yes. BROOOOOOO I giggled because why was I imagining our sex tape accidentally popping up on the slideshow at the wedding 💀💀 nah I’m so dead omg. We need a drug table fr fr. & drug goodie bags LMFAOOOOO. I think goodie bags will have to be personal tho. Like ima put in effort. More so a gift actually. Ima cry omg noooo. Why am I thinking of us writing a card together to your bff & putting it in her lil gift bag or whatever. I’m so emotional this is ugly af. Why do I feel like we gonna be cracking up during the first dance or whatever tho 💀. I’ve always thought about that. I feel like we would be talking about how awkward it is that we are being stared at. Aw. Would I want my parents there tho? Yes & no. Honestly they would leave early because this will get to chaotic or like they won’t fw some of the shit we into. They are gonna be ashamed of me so I feel like I would tell them ahead of time that they can & WILL leave early. I wish they could be there but they won’t be supportive & I don’t want that energy at my wedding. Ew I wanna cry now because I imagine partying & in the middle of it I realize they are gone & me wishing they could’ve stayed & just been a supportive family but whatever. Ew I’m actually crying. I need to stop thinking this far cus this is self sabotage… right? Idk this is so unnecessary but broooo I say so much shit ew. But anyways… bye Lamo 🧸💕💘 lmfaooo the ending of the song is rn, perfect. But yes byeeee have a nice day ☺️💖. Quack quack 🤭🐥💗. You a cute Mamo 🥹☺️🐥💘. Wait bro I think I was lucid dreaming for the first time cus I just woke up & in my dream I was like this is so vivid, I’m dreaming rn & I was looking around but then I went back to dreaming dreaming & forgot LOL but anyways I miss you dovey! 🕊️byeeee I love you I love you forever 🪐💗♾️ 444 rn 👀 okay bye fr fr 🙄🤭💗💗
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smaidjor · 3 years
thinking about him*...
*c!wilbur in the techno and tommy roleswap au
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kazewhara · 2 years
bub bub bub i had a random idea and i gotta let it out
ahem. mechanic!kazuha. that’s it that’s the post /lh
i kinda imagine this in a steampunk sort of setting?? bc yes my brain is random (and to all the steampunk lovers who see this, i am not an expert. i am throwing random brainrot ideas together /lh)
OKAY ANYWAYS mechanic!kazuha would be great at building and repairing anything at all - from weapons, to gadgets, to automail, to toys, he can take care of most problems people find themselves with (yes, kazuha is very resourceful. i will never let that be forgotten /lh)
so in this setting, kazuha would not be a wanderer, but he would definitely want to travel the world, so he dedicates his time to saving up for future travels. albeit being stuck to one place, you can spot kazuha zipping from stall to stall and person to person, never still for long - and he always has that damn (cute) smile on his face. then again, his looks aren’t what had contributed to his popularity among the people
he’s surprisingly deft with his hands (in more ways than one 👀 /lh), disassembling and welding and joining pieces with a speed that makes you go cross-eyed. kazuha’s work is elegant and efficient, but a bit messy at times. he always ends up with smudges of grease on his clothes, gloves and face - although his hair is, surprisingly, intact. you ask him about it and he chuckles, saying that you’d kill him if he were to let a single drop of grease “taint his fluffy hair”. to be fair, you do love his hair quite a lot, so you’re not complaining as long as it’s fine (same lol)
kazuha’s work can get quite taxing at times, so it’s not too uncommon to see him winded and flushed from his work. as much as you’d like to deny it, you always end up staring at him - his disheveled hair, the sheen of sweat on his skin, two buttons of his button up shirt undone, his eyes half lidded due to exhaustion (and if he spots you staring at him, well, he won’t say a word. his smug smirk is already an answer in itself)
he’s also a huge sweetheart and he will definitely craft you a unique gift out of spare parts he has lying around his office - he once made you an automaton bird and you’ve kept it with you for as long as you’ve had it (i love him sm help—)
- 📖
cause . cause kazuha with like. like a sleeveless shirt on and um . DKHWEEYEGEHGEHSHS#*@&$£×&*$$&
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garrothromeave · 3 years
So, I'm watching Rebirth right? And after Gene promised to keep Lowell safe, John said "You're not like the other guards, you're cool!" and Gene's face after that, man. I can't tell if it's meant to be like... 'oh kid you have no idea what I did,' or 'did he actually call me cool' or what, but it hurts me whenever I see that. Also, the whole "yeah, I'm sure there's one person who misses me" feels like a punch in the gut.
MMMM RIGHT? god dude when i watched that scene i literally wanted to fuckin cryyyy. i love the way jess wrote gene in this series, he’s so much more dynamic and it’s actually amazing. and just the... the lil nod towards dante... ahh... yeah that hit a little hard. that scene? honestly perfect. it makes me wonder what jess had planned for gene, because from what we’re given - he has a bit more... heart, for the lack of a better word. it’s just interesting seeing him have emotions other than anger and cockiness 24/7. it’s GOOD i want jess to continue mcdr i reallyyy want to see what she was planning with gene’s character like you have no idea
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supernatural-reacts · 3 years
Season 14 episode 2
- what is Michael doing?
- hi Bobby and Mary
- Cas!
- I don’t want the Nick plot ;-;
- this must be so traumatizing for Cas I’m gonna cry
- I want Mary’s outfit here
- “I felt hopeless and useless.” “What did you have left?” “Well I had Sam and Dean. But I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself.” YEAH BC DEAN KICKED YOU OUT
- “as Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles.” 🥺
- dude what are you doing
- don’t kill the girl come on
- “you’re terrible” “you have no idea.” Michael!Dean is really fun to watch
- “this... this was Jimmy Novak.” OK BUT IT ISNT ANYMORE SO
- “you’re just a stone cold body snatcher. You’re no different than Lucifer.” YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF
- “in all my thousands of years... what happened to Jimmy Novak and his family is my greatest regret.” CRYINGG
- “I’m new to town.” [insert John Mulaney joke]
- “her son loves her very much.” IM GOING TO CRYYYY
- why does Michael dress like that lmao
- protective dad Cas <3
- hey come on don’t be mad at Jack
- “Dean doesn’t matter!” HEY
- “And if that means Dean dies too?!” “Then Dean dies!” DAMNNN
- Nick still acts like Lucifer
- did Nick murder someone?
- oh wow yeah he totally did
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akajustmerry · 4 years
okay, possibly a hard q to answer, but I am so interested to know what trailers you think are either the best, or at least, your favorites?? I used to be so jealous of movie theater employees because I just wanted to sit and watch the trailers before movies all day! could care less about most movies, but trailers are an art (if done well!!)
yessss thank u!!! i used to get so mad when we were late for movies because it meant I missed the trailers, when I was a kid no joke I used to cryyyy if I missed trailers, but yes 100% agree seeing trailers at the movies is often the best part!!
okay so i’ll do a mix here - trailers I love/ don’t love
A trailer I am OBSESSED with atm: The Crown S4 teaser
this trailer is edited with the tone of a HORROR film and I LOVE IT, the menace created by the rhythm of the ticking clock followed by the tapping of the cane, contrasted with the monologue of marriage, fairytales, overlaying the cuts of ramnce etc. it creates a sense of foreboding, playing directly into the fact that the audience knows what will become of princess diana, rather than treating the audience like idiots who are receiving new info. between these shots of Charles and diana we also glimpse Thatcher, the Queen; the trailer creates the impression of a web of events connected like train cars about to crash, knowing u know it will crash, but not the extent of the damage. It’s honestly a brilliant piece of editing. i don’t care for the show or the royals, but I could watch this all day.
A trailer I am forever impressed with: Pacific Rim
First of all, NO ONE does score like Iranian legend, Ramin Djwadi so immediately this trailer had that going for it but THAT’S NOT THE BEST PART. This trailer was essentially using exposition to INVITE you into the story world and understand the premise, before it teases u with that EPIC “cancelling the apocalypse” line, and in hindsight, we know that the narration in this trailer is actually just the first five minutes of the film. Nothing is spoiled, you’re not given so much info u feel like u saw the movie, but you’re given the perfect amount to UNDERSTAND and be curious as to what the story is within this world. By holding off on focusing on characters, and focusing on selling the WORLD, this trailer nailed it!!! because no hoe is gonna give a shit about the Yaeger pilots if they don’t have an idea what they are. the trailer does tease u with the cancelling the apocalypse line so u know there are some interesting strong characters here too, but primarily everything in this trailer was geared towards getting you to be excited for the WORLD by understanding it and hyping it with all those incredible action shots. its great and the tone is both somber and rock n roll. It makes you FEEL powerful and curious and excited! love it!!
A trailer I DESPISE: Mank
The trailers for Mank are awful. If by the third trailer of your film, I’m still having to google to figure what the FUCK its about. you’ve done bad, son. I get that this is a passion project for Fincher, based on a script his dad wrote that will ultimately please the Oscar overlords because it's about old Hollywood, but that isn’t an excuse to leave your audience in the dust when u make trailers. The trailer doesn't even utilise Fincher’s passion for this project as a point of appeal, which is poor because even if I am not sure about a film I am more likely to see it if I know its a huge deal for the director. Firstly, this trailer is long, almost 3 minutes and does little in that time to engage the audience with a premise which is BAD because when it shows u the conflicts they mean nothing. Mank is a biopic about the dude who wrote the screenplay for Citizen Kane, set during the period he wrote it. Nowhere in the trailer does it expressly signal this to the audience which is bad because its the prime reason we would be engaged. All it does is try to imitate techniques from citizen Kane which is just confusing when we as an audience do not know why its doing so. Its just using a lot of old Hollywood, techniques and aesthetics which is cool but ultimately doesn't signal why u should give a shit. its clearly a trailer made for the industry, not audiences who might be interested, and that’s simply useless. All biopic trailers should take notes from the trailers for Blackkklansman, Colette, and Rocketman. 
I truly despised how lazy this trailer was. It gave away so much of the plot and characters, it was like they had so little faith that Taika would deliver a banger that marvel shoved everything they could into the trailer. It gives away so many jokes, character reveals, and even includes scenes from the end and CLIMAX of the movie. Its the perfect example of a trailer that shows way too much!! even though the editing and tone establishing are fun, after i actually saw this movie i felt like i’d already seen it from the trailers which is NOT what a trailer is meant to make u feel. A trailer is meant to make u want to see a movie, not make u feel like you’ve seen the movie. Like, IMAGINE. just imagine if they had taken care to not reveal hulk in any promotional material and then you sat in the cinema and saw it for the first time??? WOULDA BEEN AMAZING. i know it didn’t hurt the film’s success, but i still think the trailer should have been a little more intentional.
Anyways, thank you for asking this!! I have so many more I could write about but I am hungry ksjadkadb I really do believe the best trailers are ones that make u feel very strongly whether that's excited, sad, apprehensive, etc, but they should never make u feel confused. I really miss seeing trailers in cinemas so much. wishing i’d done my childhood dream of buying a cinema so i could sit and watch trailers all day. x
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koalaaquabear · 4 years
The 5 hour finale live stream just concluded and y’all, it was crazy. It has been a wonderful several months with all you guys and I am so excited for April 8th and Junior Year. 
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year Live Reaction -HOOT GROWL BABY it's time. I didn't react to part one but wOW that one was crazy. Get ready for EMOTIONS :'(( -SIG FIG RESCUE MISSION lol #ontour -well ok brennan that canopy shit is scary as fuck -murph is still looking like riz -Zaphriel and Ayda!!!!!!! -"HOLD ME BACK GORGUG" i love u emily -Brennan I stg -Ayda is Gorgug's dad lol -oh shIT they're totally in the cottage -heLL YEAH AYDA!! -oh GOD figayda kiss? exceptional. -if ayda dies i WILL throw dice at Brennan -ok brennan make me cry then -GET THE VAN GORGUG -gorgug truly is the greatest wizard of this age -#hugeblueguy -aww zac oyama i love you -"semi-fallen" oH dEar -gorgug texts zelda IMMEDIATELY i love him -amaZING thank you zelda -"ew, creepy, hate that" -zaphriel is the best character you guys, what a homie -i keep forgetting ayda can fly. like she has wings. i know that. -AELWYN! -nOPE someone is coming through the forest and if it's arianwen i will kill cry -HANGMAN???? -HANGMAN!!!! HIS DOG!!!!! -HANGMAN NO I LOVE YOU YOU'RE THE CUTEST DOGGY -adaine i love you baby -"the weak yogurt man" -what high ranking devil??? -fabian you're adorable -aww fabian has a puppy!! (i get that the hangman is eight feet long don't @ me) -that's the first "the ball" -lou can never have the highest roll -BARDY BOYS -oop kristen and riz time -tracker? i barely even know her -chills, brennan. chills -someone in the chat just said "so did skrank fuck zelda?" -intense muSIC -nononononononono -ragh, tracker, and sandralynn better be all right -ooo a sTICK -HELL YEAH RETURN OF THE RIBBON DANCE -"riz weeps" holy shit i love him -"something bad always happens when we go off together" -#RIZTEN -awwoOOOOOOO -ayda can fly too! -absolutely FUCK this bridge ABOUT 30 MINUTES -poor ayda -please say they're ok brennan -"put your tongue baCK in your mouth" -sANDRA LYNN NO -"what kind of arrows" "you know what kind" fuCK OFF BRENNAN -if baxter dies i will cry -wait faerie fire is a cleric spell..? absolutely fuck me -ok aelwyn let's fuck shit up -calling the bank in the middle of this nightmare forest lol -heLL YEAH ZAPHRIEL -luck check luck check luck check -"y'all are going to turn into dragons" -fabian straight up cries? what a fucking rich kid -NO WAY HE HAD T H E COIN??? -REMOVE CURSE BABY -"nnOOO!" lmao -ally and brennan are in the chat -kristen's religion is REALLY coming in handy -the name was turned into the night yorb lol -"how's that axe feeling?" "..pretty light ;)" i love him -ayda can lift the axe??? exceptional -FIG IS KALINA? ABSOLUTELY RAD -brennan has created a place where illusions are real and emily is holding him TO IT -"do you have a dongle?" incredible -EMILY I LOVE YOU! KALINA IS A YOUTUBER BABY -wretchrot is baCK baby -aelwyn i love that -"i am a low quality child" "yeah ayda you're a bad kid" -"hey bitch" emily axford is a goddess -im sorry cOURT OF ELDERS? -NO I WILL CRY -ROLL INITIATIVE TIME -go OFF hangman -ooo some high initiatives babyyy -zac oyama is my favorite ever -"trackerrr" -brian as soon as emily was threatened said "how dare you" -brennan you FUCK "i'm awake for all of this" FUCK YOU -fig and her mommy issues: an album -absolutely FUCK THE TREE GUY -kick that wood elf BITCH ABOUT ONE HOUR -fuck him UP fabian, shit in his gODDAMN mOUTh -"SPRING BREAK YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER" -pleASE BRENNAN LET HIM SHOOT HER WITH THE TINCTURE -spRING break this is for the corn god -okay nevermind riz is holding his action -i love the intrepid heroes they're adorable -"ice feast" fucking love them so much -yES the ball thank GOD -brennan..? -"her rage ends" tracker = barbarian -FIRST NAT 20 BABY -"IT 100% WORKS BUT IT 50% WORKED" -that's the second "the ball" -bOOOOOOO BRENNAN -mad plans for the tree guy -sorry, is his name crAFTME ROOTDRINKER? -oh ok it's aelwyn we're fine -cone of cOLD baby i love aelwyn what a babe -you absolutely hate to see it -ragh my baby i love you -SPRING BREAK -tracker nO PLEASE -TRACKER JUST CRIT OH NO -brennan is really good at acting this btw -wait 14 on a crit??? i mean oH NO kRISTEN, bOO -disPEL MAGIC BABY -ALLY BEARDSLEY YOU ABSOLUTE GOD -aww kristennn is babyyy -tracker nooo don't cryyyy -you've sAVED your GIRLFRIEND -"some of us have already done that today" fig the sHADE -ally simply musT get new dex -absolutely fuck that brennan i don't need that vampire pixie -FUCK IT UP AYDA -FIGHT ME IN THE SKY! -"does a 29 hit?" daMN zac that absolute SHADE -53 DAMAGE?? CHEJ IS SO FUCKING STRONG -"goddamn paper lantern" -absolutely fuck you brennan -nevermind gorgug and adaine both passed the con saving throw -"i don't like you" lou really gets personally upset about this and i love that -nO NO NONONONO aelwyn and tracker are down -FUCK IT UP ADAINE -gdi brennan don't do this to us -ABSOLUTELY FUCK THE TREE -fig is straight up gonna kill her mom -this is scary as fuck -HANGMAN HAS A BREATH WEAPON AND YOU DIDN'T SAY SHIT??? CHOKE ON GRAPES BRENNAN -FUCK EM UP HANGMAN ABOUT 1 HOUR AND A HALF -wood elf is DOWN baby hoot growl -kristen thinks the elf is gak lol -23 DAMAGE??? AC OF 25??? ABSOLUTELY FUCK IT UP FABIAN -SHENANIGANS TIME FOR MURPH -HELL SECRET AGENT TIME -27??? RIZ YOU'RE THE HOTTEST -third the ball -imagine the ball is secretly SO HOT without the hat -YES BRENNAN GOT A NAT 1 EAT YOUR GODDAMN DICE -sweEET -fourth the ball (they've all been Lou cuz of course) -incredible turn murph -kalina is SO GOOD at skateboarding -#bloodphoto -KALINA HAS 23 WISDOM? absolutely fuck me -oh hELL YEAH FIG COUNTER THE COUNTER -emily is doing some SHIT right now you guys (fear spell) -DAMMIT that high as fuck wisdom -sorry WHAT she rips open sPACE??? -BABY BETTER SAVE THE GODDAMN DAY -let's go BABY -"mMMHHHHnnN leET ME tOUCh ItT" baby is fucking weird -"baby vs mommy" i love you siobhan -aelwyn better not DIE brennan -riz baby let's get it -trACKEr -nAT 1??? kristen is unCONSCIOUS?? -HUMAN DETERMINATION!!! THE GRIT BABY] -wait aura of life is badass!! they can't lose damage?? -okay scrap that we're gonna TURN UNDEAD and then MASS HEALING WORD? absolutely incredible -gorgug has so much goddamn health -FUCK THIS TREE DUDE -KILL IT AYDA LET'S GO -"her girl's side" *in lou voice* okAY bRENNNAn -second nat 1 but both of them re-rolled -GEM!!!! -LET'S GET GORTHALAX BABYYYY -"BIG DADDY" -ayda is so turned on lol -KILL IT CHEJ OKAYYYY -fuck this centaur -i'm so nervous -puT THOSE DICE DOWN BRENNAN -"you're gonna drop." shuT UP -riz is fULLY DEAD???? -i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this. -sHUT UP BRENNAN -baby is DEAD oh my GOD you absolutely hate to see it ABOUT 2 HOURS -nO NO NO NO NO NO NO PUT THAT CROWN AWAY BITCH -absolutely fuck me, the nightmare king is totally fucking back i hate myself -aww fabian is baby -hELL YEAH FABIAN SPRING BREAK -"i've lost one friend, that's too many" fabian is adorable -"that's a full ass miss, my guy" -sandra lynn just crit on chej :(((((( -14 damage is not very spring break of her (she did 28 but it was halved because gorgug is such a strong boyyy) -LET'S GO LOU -almost all of them are spellcasters wtf (only one who isn't is riz but he has a daily misty step) -fuck em up hangman -fUCK EM UP HANGMAN! d8 + 2d6 +8 i think -figaroth the unfaethable baby -THOSE ARE SOME SHENANIGANS FIG I LOVE IT (she's shattering the rubies to get a revivify diamond) -casts teleport??? aelwyn came here to FUCK -"i would love to teach you this spell" aww the abernant sisters liking each other is my new aesthetic -fuck em up adaine -you can hit the tree on a 12 babyyyyy -heLL YEAH 44 DAMAGE ADAINE IS STRONG NOW -kalina is not even that cool she just said "that's enough of that" in the most uncool way -2 down 3 to go! -omg wait it would be so badass if they could just remove curse on kalina -"Mr. The Insatiable" -ayda is such a sweetheart "i don't care if you want me to date your daughter but i do hope you love me" -"I LOVE THIS SONG" yes siobhan me too -on a DC 20 she got a 31!!!! consider my jeans creamed -SHRED BABY GIRL!!! -KILLIAN IS DEAD! RIZ IS ALIVE! -ayda is so turned on AHHH -I LOVE RIZ SO MUCH "am i interrupting something???" -fuck him UP chej! 3 hits, no crits -hell yeah mr. march!! oh sorry wrong series -a gROUP PROJECT i'm DEAD -someone in the chat called him "snac oyama" and you're rigHT -siobhan's straight fucking this tree UP -the spellcasters are like all out of spells at this point -fuck OFF arianwen. KILL YOUR MOM -"where's your father, aelwyn?" "last i saw, adaine killed him so *shrug*" i lOVE HER -FUCK THEM UP GORTHALAX -abolutely fuck the nightmare king -waIT GORTHALAX IS GONNA KILL THE NIGHTMARE KING -sidenote: fig calls gorthalax pops -dO IT BRENNAN kILL YOUR OWN BIG BAD -this treeant has GOT to be dead -NAT 1 on that attack?? SPRING BREAK BABY -no we haven't seen kalina in action brennan, and we do not want to -OH SHIT THE TIE! YOu just got FUCKed bRENnan eaT youR DICE -yeS AYDA ROAST HER -"GOTTEM!" -i'm sorry i just hallucinated, did you say 6 ATTACKS? -time to go VIRAL BABY -19 intelligence, 23 wisdom, 20 charisma for kalina? absolutely fuck me -riz just got kICKed! you absolutely hate to see it -GODDAMMIT -KALINA IS HOMOPHOBIC CONFIRMED ABOUT 2 AND A HALF HOURS -brennan be like "im about to kill this bird" -absolutely fuck me i hate this -let's go FIG -time to caTCH the bALL -murph has the same thinking face as riz and it's adorable -this is not very spring break brennan -DC 25 acrobatics check? c'mon faBIAN -29????? -fifth the ball (from the hangman) -"there's just something endearing about him" fabian loving his friends is adorable -absolutely fuck me that fire elemental is adorable -absolutely swaddle the ball -well hot take but fuck the nightmare king you guys -absolutely NOT brennan do NOT kill adaine you PSYCHO BITCH -PLEASE ADAINE LIVE -STRAIGHT DEAD? FULLY DEAD? FUCK OFF WITH THIS INSTAKILL SHIT BRENNAN -hell yeah ayda is back and kristen has the revivify diamond -aelwyn FULLY banished that unicorn -it's good to know ragh really doesn't want them to die -YES RAGH IS BACK BABY -fuck em up kristen -s/o to DND Beyond btw absolutely banger website -hell yeah mass healing word is awesome -clerics are GOOD you guys i should play more clerics -FUCK IT UP AYDA -SANDRA LYNN IS BACK BABY -skater chej is my favorite thing -aBSOLUTEly fuck the tree -i have no idea wHAT is happening ABOUT 3 HOURS -fuCK YOU nightmare king -i absolutely hate this battle but at least gorthalax is still standing -gorgug better split this gd tree -"what if we just kill kalina?" yeah zac it's that goddamn easy -brennan almost just fucked everyone -"does she want to borrow my teddy bear?" the SHADE -"MAKEOVERRR" i love you siobhan -this tree SUCKS -battlemaster is cool as fUCK SPRING BREAK -BARDY BOYS also i think that was a nat 20 -i can't imagine the thistlesprings watching the battle livestream and like worrying if gorgug is going to die -FUCK HER UP THE BALL -ABSOLUTE SHENANIGANS FROM MURPH! -with ADVANTAGE BABY -"has anyone seen my hat!?" keep it off baby you're HOT now -"mirrors negate mirrors" "i think oscar wilde said that" i love them -#hotrizweek? -holy shit fig is FUCKING THIS BATTLE UP -HELL YEAH KALINA ROLLS A NATURAL 2!!!! -hell yeah adaine is back and SO MUCH is happening that i'm like forgetting to write down my reactions -kill this woody motherfucker baby -the music is too lOUD -ok it's normal now -fuck em up gorgug -i'm sorry the chat is saying he did 90 DAMAGE?!?!?!? -KILL IT CHEJ ILY -fuck off brennan, absolutely fuck off -ABSOLUTELY FUCK OFF BRENNAN -gorthalax is FULLY DEAD? absolUTELY FUCK YOU -SAINT KRISTEN APPLEBEES -adaine has SOLVED THIS SHIT -god all the abernant names are confusing -fuck you kalina ABOUT 3 AND A HALF HOURS -BRENNAN I STG IF RAGH ENDS UP DEAD -hellish rebuke that bitch -c'MON faBIAN HIT that BITCH -wait is kalina a rogue and a druid? absolutely incredible -FUCK IT UP FABIAN -OMG THE HANGMAN BETTER FUCK THIS UP -YES THE BALL 31 DAMAGE -so the stream just ended. i'll say it again: absolutely fuck me -ok so we're back and kalina got fucked up -WHAT THE FUCK A NAT 20???????? YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO SEE IT -ALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS -I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS AND NEITHER CAN BRENNAN -MAGIC IS REAL AND SO IS MY ALLY -i can't believe this. eat your GOD damn DICE brennan! -OMG ARE THE NIGHTMARE KING AND THE GODDESS ONE AND THE SAME? -THEY ARE! THE NIGHTMARE KING IS THE NIGHTMARE QUEEN -brennan is CRAZY AHHHHH -brennan absolutely stop this tension -28 insight. brennan is fucked -GO TOWARDS HIM KRISTEN -YES!!!! PLEASE SAY THIS IS A GOOD THING -ALLY GOT A NAT 20 THEY BETTER BE RIGHT -fear. is. not. real. -this is just like the ending of moana -NO WAY BRENNAN I LOVE YOU (you wouldn't believe it from what i have said but it's true) -this is intense i'm about to cry -you're meeting god and you say "is it too early for this?" -LMAO 5'9" -Moral of the story: IDK and that's OK -ok ally make me cRy -HELL YEAH NEW SHIRT BABY -i'm so emotional -"well oBVIouslY cASsAndRa" i wish every deity had names as normal and human as cassandra -fuck them UP cassie -i love that tracker's just like "uh... babe?" -love having god in your corner -no more hangman puppy :((( -RIZTEN are the CUTEST i love them "i love all of them, riz the most, we know this" -"we still need the crown for our grade" FABIAN I LOVE YOU -"counselo- former counsel- i'm an assistant :(" why do y'all think this man is hot -KILL ARIANWEN -"she tried to hurt me in my shattered state?" "that's her MO" aww adaine my baby -HOLY SHIT PLEASE GIVE GILEAR ALL OF ARIANWEN'S MAGIC -GORGUG YOU SWEETHEART I LOVE YOU -cassandra throwing SHADE -ThE vANdS -aelwyn throwing SHADE -AWW RAGH I LOVE YOU BABY brennan lives another day -"a big bug gave me a riddle" that is NOT what happened -aww the hirelings are all crying and i DO NOT stan -hell YEAH cassandra OH I STOPPED KEEPING TRACK OF TIME IT'S BEEN OVER 4 HOURS -hELL YES HANGVAN -i love you fabian -nO IS CHUNGLE DOWN BIM REAL? -maybe the real chungle down bim is the friends we made along the way -GARTHY i love them -arthuR aGUEFORT - absolutely wild -ayda and arthur is crazy -"snOGGING THE HEADMASTER'S DAUGHTER ARE WE?" -awww that is so smooth fig "you don't need to make me the most magnificent creature because it seems you already have" -ARTHUR PULLS THROUGH -garthy is a cutie i love how they care so much for ayda -oH FUCK ME garthy is ayda's child from her previous life -"your girlfriend's daughter fucked your mom!" goddammit siobhan i can't handle this -if they fail i will cry -CHRONOMANCY!? absolutely fuck me -"professor principal headmaster aguefort" -hell yeah arthur you're killing it -faelwyn? absolutely can't handle it -aww kristen is baby -jawbone and sandra lynn are ok? amazing -jawbone is the best character -"our parents are great" kill me why don't you siobhan -AWWW FUCKING STOP BRENNAN WITH THESE GIFTS -i just cried he wants to adopt her -"you're easy to love" jawbone is fUCKING me up -LYDIA BARKROCK what a badass i love her already -"a pheonix whom everyone she touches is reborn better" fuck off emily -gorgug is a cutie <3 <3 -ABSOLUTELY KICK SKRANKS BIRD ASS -GORGUG CONFIRMED FUCKS -riz is a dork i love him -who knew "you're so much like your father" could make me feel like that -GILEAR IS MOVING THE FUCK IN BABY -GILEAR WITH SELF CONFIDENCE IS MY AESTHETIC -aww jawbone gave ayda autism books? jawbone is the sweetest to ayda cuz OF COURSE HE IS -AYDA GETS HER SPELL!!! -Ayda's Comprehend Subtext is the cutest spell ever -adaine and fig's friendship is too cute -craig has always been down for everything. i don't know craig but i love him -YES HOOT GROWL HOOT GROWL I'M SO PROUD OF RAGH -"BAD KIDS FOR LIFE" RAGH IS A CUTIE -NO FAELWYN IS REALLY HAPPENING I CAN'T -fabian's laugh is so cute -i love how nervous fabian is -WAIT FABIAN AND AELWYN ABSOLUTELY WILL FUCK? -fabian's gonna get his KISSES IN -aww i get how hyped figayda is but they are truly so adorable -weLL EMILY AXFORD I WILL LET YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT -they said i love you :((( -tracker only deserves the best -TRACKER'S GOING TO FALLINEL? I LOVE HER -ragh is going too? gay road trip! -that's adorable -ABSOLUTELY NOT BRENNAN FUCK OFF DO NOT SAY THE NIGHT YORB IS GONNA BE THE NEXT VILLAIN -BRENNAN NO YOU BITCH I HATE YOU THE NIGHT YORB IS THE VILLAIN OF JUNIOR YEAR? -that was crazy. i cried, i laughed. i am fuCKING HYPED FOR CROWN OF CANDY AND JUNIOR YEAR GANG!
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