#ego boost
averageludwig · 2 months
tips to draw the mercs please? demo esp hes SO BEAUTIFUL
THIS IS SUCH A LATE REPLY,, sorryyy some reqs get completely buried sometimes... I can't go on a full blown tutorial for all the 9 mercs BUT I can give some tips in bullets cuz I am a lazy fuck! hope this helps :p
🕸️ For practice, Try adding guidelines to the mercs faces to get a sense of distance between and placement of every feature!
🕸️ No matter what style you draw in, You can always mostly capture the Mercs' likeness by keeping the shapes true to the models!
🕸️ I recommend using the game models as reference when it comes to the face. Its WAY more consistent and more recognizable than the comics (different artists and such!)
🕸️ Some Demo specific points are; - Color pick his skin tone from a model, avoid directly picking from where the light source lands on his face! somewhere between the light and shadow should be his exact skin tone! - His hair appears appears to be either 4c or 4b in his hats off cosmetic! Its very thick and coily so make sure not to give him wavy or curly hair. use references of 4c/4b hair!
🕸️ When it comes to simplifying the shapes in any of the Mercs' face, Use blocky shapes then smooth them out! curves and circles usually have to many details to start. stick with cuboids, you can always make them irregular :)
🕸️ Try practice-tracing over models! a fun activity that I used to do (Which I should definitely get back to) Is tracing over SFM screenshots! It will help you understand how each of their faces move with different expressions ! try to keep it blocky as well when you trace, Not just blindly trace over every curve (to understand the angles of their face)
🕸️ For bodies, Use a lot of reference. All the Mercs' have very diverse and unique body types, Take your time studying them. Practice on references of similar real bodies. (pinterest has a lot of those)
🕸️ The more you draw the mercs the more you get used to stylizing them whilst keeping them recognizable! take your time :3
Okay I will stop ranting now... hope... this helps....
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kingofthering · 4 months
This is so random but you're carrying motogpblr by giffing every documentary and race and creating all these unique series like the card one.... you're so appreciated I hope your day goes well!! Much love 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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velv3tdream · 2 months
Somebody told me I look like Sydney Sweeney (I don’t) and now I have this new level of confidence (delusion)
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thehareswears · 3 months
God I'm so sexy hot it's insane but if I try to make myself any hotter with nice clothes or any makeup I come full circle and I'm ugly again
I am physically incapable of being tryhard levels of attractive, I have to settle for sweatpants and eyebags while I look like the most desirable creature on god's green earth
If you want someone who looks like they eat cigarettes for a living and was also kissed by Venus herself, I'm your guy
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Heya :D new little idea
What about boost our hxh boys' ego by compliment on their nen or something ? Owo
Of course I can do that!
Sorry that it took a little bit to get to this lol I was kind of busy, but I of course had to make a post for kurapika’s birthday!!!!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
Honestly, he gets a ton of compliments and praises on his nen ability, but it’s always the same thing over and over again and it just gets boring for him but when somebody comes up with something new to say about his Nen ability, he is genuinely interested in what they have to say about it and it would definitely boost his confidence he doesn’t lack confidence at all but it’s just nice for him to get something different for once
He doesn’t really get compliments on his nen ability a lot, but he knows that he is powerful and other people also know that he is powerful so he doesn’t really lose or gain anything in that kind of way, but when he does get a complement which is very rare, it makes him a little happy, unless it’s a compliment from a enemy (btw when I say that I mean like if a enemy says something like your ability is good and all, but no match for mine or something like that)
He would be super happy, because he literally never gets any compliments on his nen ability but it’s so good and it needs more love and he’s well aware of that but he’s not going to beg or be anything like that but when he does get a complement, it’s a very very big boost for him and it makes him very happy and it just makes his day much better whether it’s going good or bad!
That’s the end of the story everybody. I hope everybody enjoyed just as much as I did!
BTW… if anybody is wondering why I only added three hxh characters is because I know that this person who requested specifically likes these characters the best, and I rather write characters that they like, then just writing characters that everybody may not like I have only met one person who actually likes Franklin and I have only met like two people who actually like uvogin yk what I mean so I’d rather just write characters that people actually like, and prefer over other characters
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
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cherrilemon · 3 months
Nothing boosts my ego more than going on the dating app that I’ve been inactive on for months to see that 39 people are trying to match with me…
Maybe the voices in my head were wrong
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kingofthering · 8 months
When I tell you that I CAN'T wait for the tattoo artist bezz ff...I'm VERY excited!!
Okay but this is so motivating actually, bless you anon.
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findingschmomo · 1 month
i find it hilarious that it’s been a running gag that Francis and Arthur have been harping on Alfred to use protection. And yet when they finally do the act I don’t think they do? Like Alfred if u knock up Ivan right now your parents are gonna kill u. But omg, this was so good. I just love this fic so much. U do such a good job of getting me to understand this version of character and their actions. Like this Alfred and Ivan are not the same as in the space Darwin series, or teeth of flame, or human invention, or north-west promise. Because their circumstances are so different. But u do such a good job of getting us to fall in love with this version of the characters. Aghhhhh, I’m running out of space but I love this story so much, it consumes me
hehe glad you picked up on that. yes our boys are being very unsafe. :3 Al's gonna give his parents gray hairs
and thank you so much!!!!! thats like the sweetest thing someones ever said to me about my work!!!! im glad you enjoy my stories <3
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fxck-with-eli · 1 year
Rules by mama
1. Love yourself
2. Listen to Mommy
3. Set limits
4. Don't be afraid to say no
5. Happiness, health and comfort goes above playing
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not-your-pussikat · 1 year
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Some random dude in a car just missed the green light because he was making googly eyes at me. 🤭
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howifeltabouthim · 6 months
When you have done the rashest thing in the world it is very pleasant to be told that no man of spirit could have acted otherwise.
Anthony Trollope, from Phineas Redux
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House Heisenberg: Karl Heisenberg- Christmas Tree
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Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Cute banter, fluff, Christmas time, contest, ego tested, workshop area, cheating the rules.
Summary: A contest between Y/n and Karl to build a Christmas tree out of the supplies around the shop. Whoever wins gets to have their tree used during Christmas.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 951
Resident Evil 8 Master List // House Heisenberg Master List
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“I just thought that it would be cool if the two of us celebrated Christmas.” Y/n said. She always talked about Christmas. The entire time she had been here in the valley. She rambled on about practically everything that had to deal with Christmas. It had been a long time since I had even thought about Christmas. 
During my time in the war, I heard the holly jolly terms being thrown around and the songs that were supposed to bring on joy being sung as we marched into battle. But when those guns came ablaze the tunes and terms stopped.
That was truly the last time I had heard anyone talk about it. Mother Miranda was too stuck in her ideals of getting what she wanted to talk about some stupid holiday or the terms of endearment it had around the rest of the world. 
Everyone here knew what Christmas was, we just didn’t celebrate it. Unless they were forced to get together, Mother Miranda wanted to make Alcina host. Not that that was very Christmas themed anyways. Regardless of that Y/n wanted to celebrate and that would involve getting a tree to start off the holiday with. 
She had caught me in the workshop. “We have to Karl.” Y/n said with a slight pout on her face before she looked up through thick lashes. I rolled my eyes and a heavy sigh left my lips. I turned in my seat, looking at her for the first time. There was a glint in her eyes, like she knew that the minute I saw her I was going to say yes. 
It wasn’t like I never said no to her, but she always had a way of getting what she wanted out of me. She was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and one of my flannels over her frame. Jeans that she had restored well over twenty times already. When I looked at her I saw a mini version of myself, and I was rather beautiful as a woman. 
I laughed, a deep belly laugh. Hand on her hips as she stood her ground about wanting to in her words “do Christmas”. I didn’t argue with her about that fact, that was just improper grammar and English. I instead just let Y/n do what she was going to do. 
I had enough materials around the shop for an idea in my head to work… Hopefully, it will work. “How about we make it a contest?’ I suggested. Y/n cocked her brow up. “What do you mean Karl?” She asked me. “We can have a contest about which one of us has a better tree and whoever wins can use it for the season.” I said explaining my idea. 
Y/n’s eyes beamed with joy. Happiness, “Of course, we can do that silly. We have to get started right now.” She said excitement practically dripping off of her. I went to say something but the look on her face was too strong and I didn’t want to explain why I didn’t want to do it right now. 
Y/n was a rather persuasive person, so of course she grabbed and dragged me toward the center of the workshop. “We have to do it today, well actually right now. Are there any rules?” Y/n asked me, her hand still wrapped around mine as we stood awkwardly in the center of the workshop. 
I hadn’t thought of rules. This idea had come to my head about three seconds after she said something regarding a tree. I looked around the shop. “We can only use the materials around the shop, and we have twenty minutes to make the tree.” I said quickly. Those weren’t really good rules, but it was that or no rules. 
She was jumping in front of me. “So let’s get started then.” She said happily. We sat back to back, I looked around the shop eyeing some heavy metal pieces that I could use to make a rather boring-looking tree. “Three.” I heard Y/n start behind me. “Two.” “One” And with that, I heard y/n start to move around me. Grabbing for tools and metals to create. 
I on the other hand waited nearly ten minutes before I started to reach, or rather flick my wrist to have a few large pieces of metal brought to me. I only needed a few pieces of wood to make a rickety base. Twenty minutes passed by quickly and before I knew it Y/n was yelling and screaming that the time was over. 
“When did you start tracking the time buttercup?” I asked her. She just winked and kept her tree behind her back. “We’ll show our trees at the same time. Okay?” Y/n said her most serious face on. I shook my head and reached around my holding my rather good-looking metal tree in my hand. 
Another count down and then there were in front of us. Y/n’s was smaller than mine, and a few random pieces that she had glued and zip tides together. “You’re is so cute and small.” I commented as I looked down at mine. Y/n eyed it with suspicion. “Did you cheat Karl?” She asked me. “Of course, I didn’t cheat Y/n. I would never do that.” I said. The tree that I had created was obviously better. Stood taller than Y/n’s and was made better. 
“I’ll let it pass since your tree is better than mine,” Y/n said as she stood on the tip of her toes to softly kiss me on my cheek. I tried not to blush at the small interaction.
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Completed on: 01/30/23
Posted On: 01/31/23
House Heisenberg-
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pitofpurple · 7 months
Just used a picture I took of myself as reference and got a huge ego boost
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Why am I kinda thic tho? anyway I’m gonna go use this to make gore lmk fanart
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sebvettelsv5 · 8 months
i'm a firm believer that i shouldnt base my self worth on likes n shit but omg that feeling when an art post you didnt think was that good does well 🥰🥰 ego boost i needed fr
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annaliseluvssushi · 2 years
🔪Why be feared or fawned when you can be both? 🖤
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enjoyment-girls · 5 months
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Coffee Date (Romantic Version)
You'd really liked her for a long time, and finally summoned the nerve to ask her if she'd like to meet up for a coffee, even though she was obviously way out of your league. You were very nervous; your stomach was twisting in knots when you hesitantly approached her. She responded disdainfully with a curled lip, told you to get lost, and called you a creep. You retreated meekly, humiliated by her rejection.
Now she's the one that has asked to meet for a coffee, and here you are - sitting together at a quiet table. You're intoxicated by her; she's a very beautiful and sexy woman. She has the cool and confident manner of a girl who is accustomed to getting her way. She wants to tell you that she's sorry for being horrible to you when you'd invited her on a date, you didn't deserve that, especially when you'd been so courteous towards her. She explains that guys are always bothering her, and they can be real assholes sometimes. She'd been hassled earlier that day by some jerk and had snapped at you, very unfairly, when you later made a clumsily polite (and extremely sweet) pass at her. You'd acted like a gentleman throughout, and she'd been unpleasant to you. She feels awful about the way she's treated you, and wants to apologise to you for her behaviour - will you forgive her?
Of course, you forgive her. She smiles with relief, revealing the warm heart beneath her cold exterior. The fact that she's made the effort to apologise shows what a nice girl she really is. She's also one of the most gorgeous babes you've ever seen. How many times have you fantasised about her? How many times have you looked at her forlornly as she's walked by and completely ignored you? Now you're sitting with her, and she's laughing at your jokes. You chat easily over empty coffee cups as you get to know each other better. She really appreciates the fact that you actually listen to her (unlike most men), and that you're a really interesting person once you open up. She'd no idea that you were such a great guy, and she's glad that you seem to like her too. She'd only intended to stay for ten minutes, but a couple of hours have flown by in an enjoyable blur and she really has to go now. Would you like to meet up again soon? You exchange numbers, and she tells you how much she's looking forward to seeing you again. She kisses you very quickly on the cheek, smiles warmly, and says goodbye. Once she's gone, you sit for a few minutes and tell yourself that all this has actually happened. Yes, it's true - it wasn't a dream.
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