#erik's monologue
rageserenity · 3 months
giffing the beach divorce and i'm crying laughing at how erik is SHAKING charles as he implores him to join the brotherhood. erik HE HAS BEEN SHOT IN THE SPINE
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theheadlessgroom · 16 days
"Evenin'," Wilhelm smiled warmly, June and Randall echoing these greetings, with the youngest Pace pressing a loving kiss to his bride's cheek as he helped his mother clean and put away the dishes. There was no denying it, they were all very tired. It hadn't exactly been a restful night for anyone under the roof-too much on their minds, to say the least.
And although they didn't say so aloud, they knew Emily's night (day?) hadn't exactly been restful either-perhaps the least restful out of all of them. It brought with it a heavy sense of guilt for the three Pace's, hating to think they were putting so much pressure on the young woman, pressure to make an impossible decision. Their lives literally hung in the balance, and it was all on her shoulders.
"How're you feeling?" Randall asked gently, as he moved to pull out a chair for her to sit at the table and drink her blood-it seemed clear to him that she was just as tired as he was, and a part of him wanted to ask if she might like to sleep in his room this evening, but he withheld that question, for now, instead choosing to make her comfortable, while his parents, having finished cleaning up, tried to ignore their nagging guilt in favor of more pleasant conversation.
"You're staying cool up in your room, aren't you, Emily?" June asked, as she poured herself a glass of water, hoping a little hydration might wake her up a little. "I know the upstairs can get a little warm, so if you need us to put a little fan up there, we certainly can!" Perhaps vampires didn't get warm easily, but she still felt she should check in-it was both the mother and the nurse in her.
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hyperpsychomaniac · 2 years
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Erik Ahlberg, but 43% more sinister.
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* tries to be a hero but is incompetent somehow manages to be a threat
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hawkzeyes · 1 year
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Me too Clint, me too
Thunderbolts #29 (1999)
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the-nysh · 1 year
Rewatching Trigun's 98anime (subs this time, being used to the eng dub) since I was curious to note the characters' shifting pronoun usage.
For reference, Stampede Vash always uses the softer, more humble, modest, boyish 'boku' - as expected (like Trimax Vash), even after his glow up in ep12, he still regards himself the same way. While Knives (Nai) exclusively uses the harder, more assertive, masculine 'ore'...ever since he was a little baby, which immediately differentiates them apart, but is...extremely (lmao) edgy of him.
But in the 98anime? Oh my god, it's all flipped around and completely different! Which quite interestingly reveals a lot of contextual nuances to many characters, and quite frankly rewatching in Japanese trying to catch all these things only thoroughly kicked my ass throwing in so many difficult-to-understand, unexpected curveballs; I'm both shook and humbled by what I've heard!
Because 98 Knives refers to himself as 'boku' O____O;; even during his most 'villainous' lines yelling at Vash too. Him having that casual but 'polite' poised dissonance in his voice comes off extremely unnerving;;; when he speaks of horrible things thru such an 'innocent' self-perception like that. (Even Legato uses 'boku' like him! Same in Stampede.) Damn I'm disturbed. He and Vash notably both used 'boku' when they were kids, but Knives in particular never really stopped saying that from their childhoods, so that says a lot about him. (His "did you just shoot me [boku]!?" comes off very uncannily childlike. No wonder Vash freaked out in guilt.)
But 98 Vash? Whoa, he requires a whole damn essay flips around ALL the time, interchangeably using BOTH! :O Often switching pronouns between 'ore' & 'boku' within the same episode, or even as quickly as every other sentence, even towards the same person. Depending on the immediate context/topic of what he's saying and the emphasis on how he's saying it. Via all his posturing, which 'persona' he switches into, his familiarity/humbleness/honesty/trust--even hostility towards certain people, and his mood's silly vs seriousness levels. Often reflective of how determined/confrontational/casual he is vs being walled off (masking) to openly repentant, lost or distressed too - but not always! It's Extremely inconsistent fascinating but confusing!!! Because there's no....fixed 'rules' to his usage. For ex he'll often use 'ore' casually within his own internal monologues to his more bombastic public self-introductions, or even when he's at his most serious in private moments about grave matters, like settling his past during his scar scene with Meryl. Even Eriks!Vash still uses 'ore' when confessing his guilt to Wolfwood about the Fifth Moon! So there feels to be a general preference for using 'ore' when he (internally and externally, both in casual and serious contexts) needs to show his 'determination' - aka being the man (the ideal 'Vash'?) he wants to become.
But then he'll flip around using 'boku' for some of his most exasperatingly fake ✨playful✨ bits when he's kidding and messing around in mock courtesy (bonus: he even uses 'watashi' as a joke for his ridiculously long 'formal' name introduction to Wolfwood).....AND 'boku' will be used for his most sincere humble (polite) conversations back with family members he knows at Home, and when he connects back to his childhood with Rem in his dreams. The Diablo ep is a good example: he uses 'ore' throughout the ep until he reverts to 'boku' after speaking to Rem deciding not to kill, and that humbling shift, like to that of a lost younger boy, makes so much sense. The shift happens again when Eriks!Vash thinks about Rem feeling just as lost: "what should I [boku] do?" And after the tragic incident at Home when he's depressed and masking himself behind his glasses, while quietly reflecting to Wolfwood with a reproachful, "Everyone who touches me [boku] dies." ...Before immediately changing back to 'ore' in the next sentence firming his resolve to face Knives.
But in general it really depends and you have to listen hard (pay close attention) to hear how much contextual teasing, sincerity, irony, genuine respect, or...humbling self-reproach and self-depreciation he uses. Indicative towards how much (or how poorly) he internally regards himself and how he externally presents himself to others, because it changes. All the time. His personal pronouns aren't fixed! ...Basically, I'm just as confused as Meryl (and it really makes narrative sense why she's so confused by him), not knowing which 'persona' is the real him! x'D
...Oh but a really good moment, in ep24 when Meryl pleads at him to be honest with her for once about all the tragedies, he uses 'boku' explaining everything to her about Knives. That's....really good. :O Like umm...him using 'ore' before with her (in the scar scene) kind of erected a subtle barrier when he refused to elaborate further, but using 'boku' so sincerely for her request.....like it..extends her the same humble level of courtesy/trust he'd use towards the 'family' he loves back at Home (+Rem)....but it's so loaded, cause he's being honest but still...distant telling her why he's better off alone. :')) Man...(the aaangst) Oooooh, but then ep25 is very telling too, cause he's mentally lost for the whole ep, always using 'boku' so anguished and self-deprecatingly....until Meryl saves him and he gives her his softest genuine 'boku' yet, after he recovers back to himself donning the red coat again, thanking and assuring her he'll be alright. :'D (Hooray~) Before internally switching back to 'ore' on his final quest setting out alone for Knives. Ep26: he still keeps that distinct assertive 'ore' in front of Knives "I [ore] will survive!" and 'boku' for Rem: "I [boku] will continue to believe in you, but will look to my own [jibun] words for guidance." :')) (Bonus: 'jibun' is added when he philosophically thinks in terms of 'oneself'/'myself' from now on.)
Bonus nuance: while younger Vash may have dependently followed Knives' lead around--back when they both used 'boku' together, older (current) Vash--using 'ore' with him, feels like he's grown to assume the role as the more independent, responsible older brother now, when he finally understands how to put Rem's last words to 'take care of Knives' into practice. :'))
So tl;dr: Vash tends to have a casual leaning preference for using 'ore' in most situations both private and public, but especially for whenever he asserts his determination involving Knives with a confrontational edge. 'Boku' is used exclusively (politely, with genuine deference & care) towards extended family members he loves (like Rem, Brad, Doc, and eventually.....Meryl; using the softest 'boku' towards her I've ever heard. ;.;) And for whenever he humbles himself in distress, feeling lost in turmoil or self-reproach. But it's not set in stone! Since both pronouns can be used sincerely or ironically in jest, for whenever he's feeling silly or playing a bit (donning a mask), easily switching depending on presentation or context too. 98 Vash simply does what he wants! While Meryl screams in confused exasperation!
As for 98 Meryl, she often uses the book-standard, more formal/professional 'watashi' when introducing herself (Stampede Meryl too), and her speech patterns are typically very polite and pleasant to listen to (with many lovely 'desu-wa' sentence finishers.) ...Until she changes to the informal, more feminine 'atashi.' Ex: when screaming at Milly to let her go (to Vash) as the city blew up during the Fifth Moon incident. The raw sincerity in her voice for that change is so...🥺 of her. Note, cause most other girls - from Rem, Milly, younger kids like Lina, to older (but youthful) grandma characters all informally use 'atashi.' So for Meryl to drop her usual formalities when her honest feelings come out ("I [atashi] need to go there!" - to the epicenter where Vash is) means a lot. :')) ...Ah! Cause she slips to 'atashi' again in ep25, in front of Vash (while he uses 'boku' at his most mentally lost and openly wounded state) at his bedside. o///o Oh my... Using 'atashi' again while crying to Milly in regret that she couldn't confess anything yet to Vash on his sendoff. So yes, Meryl's feminine 'atashi' side shows whenever she expresses her honest feelings. :'3
Now 98 Wolfwood is a special case, cause he speaks primarily in Kansai dialect, which is extremely hard for me to understand what he's saying in modified/shortened slang all the time. (Compared to say, Meryl who speaks very cleanly and polite.) I've heard him use 'ore' when offering kids food, the more rural/casual form 'oira' when confessing his turmoil to Milly at his most vulnerable, 'uchi' when talking about 'our orphanage,' 'washi' (the 'old man' form of watashi) when speaking in more formal/aged terms of 'God', to the slang form 'wai' (he casually prefers this one a lot, and Stampede Wolfwood uses 'wai' too, esp when introducing himself to new people, for most of the few eps he's even in, and it makes him sound like...way older than he actually is?) to even 'jibun' when talking about himself with distance in flashbacks. The impression he gives off is like that of someone who's come from a rural/street kid (orphan) background...but who speaks like a chill elder now?? who's aged far too soon for his years. That's my best interpretation of what's happening. (His slang 'wai' even slurs to sound like 'oira,' almost like 'wai-ra' sometimes; gah it's really hard for me to discern, I'm sorry.) Bonus: he teasingly calls Milly 'my honey' in english, while she playfully answers him back with the pronounced 'a-na-ta' (dear), so they def have an inside thing going on. Bottom line, he's very complicated *bangs head on desk* and his accent is too unfamiliar/beyond my meager course level to fully grasp! :'D
To sum up (to the best of my hearing comprehension):
Stampede Vash: always boku, modest and unassuming towards everyone 98 Vash: BOTH ore & boku; not fixed. Casual preference for ore vs more humble courtesy using boku, but it's extremely context/mood/persona dependent, since he can mask & switch for jokes. Has a serious confrontational/determined edge using ore vs Knives--as if Vash becomes the older brother here, but always reserves the softer boku towards Rem and the found family he loves Stampede Knives: always ore, ever since he was a baby; so much edge 98 Knives: boku, coming off unnervingly childlike vs Vash's ore Meryl (both): watashi, but changes to atashi (98) when her honest feelings towards Vash show Wolfwood (both, Kansai dialect): primarily wai, but can use many other forms Legato (both): boku Roberto: ore Milly: atashi, but can mask using watashi when she's not fine Rem: atashi (98) & watashi (Stampede) Stampede Luida: watashi, but atashi when casual with teen Vash Brad (both): ore Dr. Conrad: watashi Stampede Elendira: watashi Stampede Zazie: boku
Now besides the animes, since Trimax is a whole other overwhelming complicated beast, and since I don't have access to check (nor would I even be able to easily read/understand) the Japanese raws, I'd be VERY interested in someone's investigation and breakdown into the manga's pronouns, especially for Trimax Vash, since I've heard that beyond 'boku,' he shifts and evolves throughout his journey too, possibly ending on a very soft wizened, matured 'watashi' that I'd love to hear more!
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
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kaiser wasn’t someone to ever beg for anything. no—if there was something he wanted, he got it. it was as easy as that. but much to his shock, your heart wasn’t something you would hand over to him willy-nilly. it looked like he was going to have to work from the very bottom: starting with his name.
gender neutral reader
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Kaiser was used to netting all sorts of reactions from people. Some adored him faithfully. Some wanted nothing to do with him. Some were even bold enough to chew up their disgust and spit it distastefully in front of him. He never paid them any mind. But the truth of the matter was that Kaiser was used to drawing out all sorts of intense emotions from everyone around him. He didn’t care if they loved him or hated him. Mediocrity was not a reality for him.
At least, before he came across you.
You were probably the first and only person in the world to be so neutral towards him. You were kind, never causing any trouble, and doing everything you could to stay off of his radar. It wasn’t like you were going out of your way to avoid him or to catch his eye; you simply treated him as if he were just an average run-of-the-mill person.
You were polite. Not out of respect towards him but out of obligation.
And that would be all fun and dandy, had it not been for the fact that Kaiser had fallen madly in love with that apathetic, monotone attitude of yours. It was 100% because of how you approached him at an arm’s length. It frustrated him to all hell. It’d be one thing if you couldn’t stand the sight of his face and went around huffing and puffing about how you hated his smug attitude or egotistical personality, because then he’d know that he had some kind of influence on you.
But a nonchalant reaction that had him keeling over and overthinking every little thing he said towards you? Calling it pure torture for him would be an understatement.
“Lovely work today, Alexis. I made sure to leave an extra water bottle in the locker room since you asked,” you greeted the Bastard Munchen players as they left the playing field. The magenta-haired boy ducked his head gracefully, beaming at you as he bumped your outstretched fist.
“And you too, Benedict!” You offered the fair-haired player a bright smile and a matching fist bump. Grim murmured some dramatic monologue about the despair of warmth and its depravity, but from the way his eyes twinkled at seeing you, you assumed that he was just as happy to have your support.
“And finally, we have you, Erik!” You welcomed the foul-mouth midfielder. He pretended to scowl at you, but you quickly morphed his scorn into a rare smile when you nudged him gently with your arm. “C’mon, you made some impressive plays today! I can’t wait to see what you do in the upcoming games!”
Last but not least, the king of the pitch himself, the self-proclaimed protagonist of the theater that the soccer world was, Kaiser leisurely strolled off of the playing field. It made his stomach turn inside out with envy to see you bantering with his teammates so casually, but what really drove the jealousy home was something else altogether. With his nose held high and his sky blue eyes fixed on you, he stepped to where you were waiting for the team off to the side.
He knew it was foolish to get his hopes up, but he couldn’t help himself from going all out in each of the games he played in, especially when Kaiser knew that you’d be watching it in real time. Maybe, just maybe, if he went above and beyond what he normally did, you’d finally be amazed at his skills and come to your senses about what an irreplaceably talented striker he was. Then, you’d fall head over heels for him as all his admirers do…
He stopped in front of you with his signature smirk, hands stuffed in his pockets as he waited for you to shower him with praises. Well, he didn’t even need you to fall to your knees in utter worship of him; just your usual banter with the other Bastard Munchen athletes would have been more than enough to satisfy the lovestruck blond.
You didn’t skip a beat at shattering his fantasies. “Can I help you, Kaiser?” 
Kaiser choked back a cough, flicking part of his long hair back in order to mask the completely pathetic face he nearly made. “Darling! Is that all you have to say to someone who scored all the goals in today’s game?”
You tilted your head to the side. “Isn’t it your job to score though?”
God. It’d be one thing if you were saying these things simply to spite him, riling up his temper in order to get some kind of reaction out of him. But when he looked at your face, he couldn’t detect a single hint of malice on your features. You were doing what you were told: taking care of him. No more and no less.
This was the face of someone who did not care about him, whether that be positive or negative. You had no opinion on him. Period.
His heart sank to his stomach, but Kaiser kept up his cool front. He shrugged as he turned to you, a coy grin dancing on his face. “Still, it’s not an easy job. Wouldn’t hurt to get a little sweetness from you every now and then.”
You frowned slightly, as if you were thinking over his words. “I… think I’m doing an adequate job at taking care of you and the team. If you have any issues with my performance, then I appreciate you looking out for me. But that’s something you should take up with Noel Noa or Bastard Munchen’s greater management.”
Kaiser felt his body stiffen, his grin etched onto his stone face. He had braced himself to be shut down, but never before had someone shut him down so professionally.
“Oh, don’t be silly,” he purred. You surveyed him with your usual expressionless eyes as he came up next to you. Casually swinging an arm over your shoulders and dragging you close to him, he winked at you sweetly. “Your work has been nothing short of excellent.”
You put your hand on top of his arm, doing your best to nudge him off. Kaiser kept his Cheshire Cat-like smile, refusing to take himself off of you. You bit down on your tongue, wondering if you should stand your ground and yank him off of your shoulders, but you wisely decided that getting physical with a professional athlete was probably not a fight that was in your favor.
“Then I don’t see why we need to be talking. The locker rooms are to your right, Kaiser.” You avoided looking at him. It wasn’t like you were doing it knowingly, but Kaiser whimpered inwardly at the lack of your attention. It was like you weren’t even giving him the satisfaction of eye contact. 
He pouted like a little child. “See? It’s that right there.”
“It’s what right there?” You repeated. The confusion in your voice was so thick that it was nearly tangible, and Kaiser puffed his cheeks out. Normally he wouldn’t mind having his fun in flustering someone up: teasing them over their mistakes, flaunting himself as the superior one, and devouring all the delicious reactions he managed to milk out of them.
But trying to convince you to see eye-to-eye with him was downright embarrassing for him. Never before had he courted someone so oblivious, someone so downright unaware of his feelings, so casually cruel to the one-sided crush he was fostering. He couldn’t even get mad at you for your behavior too, because you genuinely didn’t know.
Kaiser hated groveling for scraps of your attention, but the boy was sick of being treated like a responsibility. Why did his teammates get to soak up all of your care and affection while he was left watching from the sidelines, licking his own emotional wounds while he could only imagine that it was you cheering him on after a game or complimenting his plays?
If this was the angle you were going to play at, then so be it. He was starved enough, and it was obvious that playing it cool wasn’t getting him anywhere.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, sighing dramatically against your shoulder. You froze, your body noticeably stiffening up at the sudden gesture, and you dug your heels into the floor to prevent him from dragging more of himself onto you. Lucky for you, that was the most he did, but you gritted your teeth and refused to loosen up.
He must have lost his mind.
“You’re so cold to me,” he whined. “I know it’s not your job to baby me or anything, but… You’re so nice and sweet to everyone else. Even now! You complimented everyone after the game, and you smiled at them. You look so happy talking to them, but when you talk to me, it’s like you can’t wait to get me out of your hair.”
You sucked your lips in, and you kept your expression as unreadable as always. “I’m being professional. I don’t mean to do anything to spite you specifically, Kaiser-”
“-See, you’re doing it again!” His face shot up from your body. You knew you shouldn’t give him any more of your attention, but you almost instinctively turned your neck to look at him. You were shocked to see how wide his blue eyes were, his irises trembling. He looked nothing like the powerful and self-aggrandizing striker that you were so used to. All of his confidence and swagger had disappeared, leaving nothing more than a desperate boy clinging off of you. “You don’t even call me by name.”
You were at a loss for words. “I-I don’t know what to say.”
“I’m not asking for much, I promise,” he breathed. His voice sounded tentative, a hushed whisper that you could barely make out. “It’d be nice if you could banter and play around with me like you do everyone else, but god… At least say my name.”
He didn’t want anything else. He didn’t want to be known as anything else to you. Not as the New Generation World Eleven’s star striker. Not as Bastard Munchen’s number 10. Not as Kaiser.
But as Michael.
You swallowed back all the alarms going off in your head. There would be nothing good that could come from getting close to someone like him, someone who practically had everything in the palm of his hand, someone who would take your heart and mercilessly crush it under his heel if that was what he wanted to do, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to keep your usual cool level-headedness when he looked like he was on the brink of tears, a hair’s breadth away from your face.
How could you not crumble? That’d be too heartless, even for you.
“...I’ll try to do better. Thanks for letting me know. And I’m sorry you felt that way, Kai- Michael,” you corrected with an awkward cough. The light returned to his face right away, and before you could even finish your statement, his cheeks were rosy and full of life once more.
That was the first time you had said his name to his face. The literal choirs of Heaven couldn’t compare to how sweet your voice sounded to his ears, the syllables of his name rolling off your tongue like liquid gold. He didn’t care if he was being overly cheesy; he had dreamed of the very day that you would look him in the face and actually regard him like he was a human being.
You finally let your body relax, softening up just the slightest bit under his body weight, and you let out a breath you weren’t aware that you were holding. But before you could even fully relax, the blond was peering at you with another fox-like smile tugging at his lips. Undoubtedly with another scheme brewing in his mind, you wondered if you had made the wrong decision just now. Any hint of his previous remorse was gone, nowhere to be found.
“So…,” he trailed off, snickering to himself, “Now that we’re on a first-name basis, do you wanna pick out pet names for each other next?”
Your blood ran cold, and you thought about choking the striker for a split second. So much for feeling pity towards him. Loosening up was definitely the wrong decision.
But unfortunately, you had given him an inch, and Michael was determined to take the whole mile.
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dross-the-fish · 1 month
On a scale of 1-10 how does Erik rate the rest of the Crew’s singing voices? (Regular singing, not opera) How would Erik describe the others voices? 
Henry Jekyll-The kind of pleasant and unambitious baritone one would find suitable for the parlor at Christmas and perhaps even the occasional solo in a church choir. It is fit for the entertainment of close friends and family and should not aspire to be heard anywhere else. The very definition of mediocrity in all aspects 5/10 Edward Hyde - More emotive than Jekyll but sings exclusively filth and has no interest in staying on key. One senses he plays up the roughness in his voice more than is natural 3/10 Adam Frankenstein - Bass, marred by a harsh graveled rasp, he has plenty by way of depth and power but no skill and he hasn't the range or tunefulness for even the most basic of schoolyard jingles. 1/10 stick to reading poetry and giving tedious monologues. John Watson - Surprisingly nice, the voice itself is a pleasant and flexible tenor but it is his sincerity and expressiveness that lend his singing a favorable quality 7/10 Selma Morris - Bouncy soprano, good enough, one supposes, for a jaunty tune around the campfire and tolerable when accompanied by drinks and guitar music, crippled by an annoying twang and the woman selects only to sing raunchy bar songs befitting a seedy saloon 5/10
Theodora Kipp - Contralto, difficult to gauge her actual skill level since she never challenges herself. Had consumption when she was alive and the damage to her lungs is obvious in a lingering huskiness and limited vocal range. Compensates a lack of confidence in her singing ability with her acting skills which is more effective in covering her weaknesses than I initially gave it credit for. Entertaining performer on the whole but her vaudeville sensibilities hold her back from true success. 6/10 Quincey Harker - the less said about his off-key shower warbling the better, obnoxious vibrato, 2/10 Lawrence Talbot - countertenor, despite being in his twenties he still sounds like he's going through puberty, croaking and cracking every time he strays to high or to low outside of his extremely limited range, could be used to torture our enemies. 0/10 I am, myself, a legendary vocalist and needn't flaunt my own considerable skill. I advise those of you who scored lower than a 5 to cease singing in all capacities, you are doing the world no favors when you open your mouths. To Lawrence in particular, if you utter anything resembling a musical sound in my presence again I will destroy you. To Dr Watson and Dr Watson only, please consider seeing me for vocal lessons, I believe yours is an instrument that could be polished into something far greater. The rest of you are free to continue on with your bland mediocrity but please do so out of earshot and in the privacy of your own small social circles. - OG
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yanderechagny · 7 days
Aschenbach's monologue
Raoul x Erik
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
(This work is part one of an ongoing, short series!)
Had he remained the same bitter man he was mere months ago before encountering this boy, he would have disregarded the potential impact of his words and actions on such an innocent, young mind. He might have ruthlessly stripped away the gifts life bestowed upon him — as he had once planned. But fate had intervened, allowing Erik to taste life's offerings, and thus, the audacious boy who dared to breach his personal sanctum should not have been exempt. Despite his growing attachment and the tumultuous battles with his inner demons, a forbidden desire for the boy simmered within him. Yet, as the old adage warns, lust and desire, like merciless taskmasters, bind us in chains of our own forging.
As always, don't like don't read! <3
⚠️ I do not mean to encourage the behaviors the character express in the series in any kind of way or form; this is merely a character study and a what if which is meant to explore things that happen in real life and their consequences on both parties.
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indigosabyss · 3 months
Unexpected Baggage Pt 3
Erik left the bar with three cooling bodies inside, hands tucked into his pocket as the door shut itself behind him.
Kamala was watching him carefully, positioned far away from the windows. He had asked her to wait outside, but he knew she had heard everything. Whether she could speak German or not, the gunshot and screams and blood splatters should be enough context for her to know what happened.
"I know..." He started off uncomfortably, "I know you have nowhere else to go. But that had to be done. The things they've done- you can't imagine."
"It happens, I guess." She replied dully, "Not, not really my place to say, is it? I just want Monica back."
Right. The woman named Monica Rambeau, who Kamala had come from the future to rescue.
"I have no idea how to do that." He admitted, "Searching the entire world is... An impossible task. But I'll try to figure out a way."
Kamala nodded, and briskly began walking away from the bar, "Let's get out of here. You get any information from the Nazis that I didn't hear?"
"He's in Miami." Erik replied, following after her.
"The... Herr Doktor guy or some other person connected to him?" Her question was disinterested, but he knew she was just pretending at it.
"It's Schmidt." He confirmed, and didn't add Finally, but the bitter excitement still poured through.
"He work for HYDRA?"
Kamala nodded, readjusting her grip on her bag, "HYDRA, scientific weapons development division of Nazi Germany? They took over an American counter-terrorism wing after WW2. Huge scandal when the documents all got leaked. My friend Bruno and I learned cryptography to help decode them."
All this she delivered in quick expressionless monologue, and then tacking on, "Or, you know. Things could have gone differently in this dimension."
But too many details were lining up perfectly in his mind.
"Well." Erik decided, "Good thing America is our next stop."
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hyperpsychomaniac · 2 years
A Hilda video game centered on exploring and meeting creatures, helping them and doing tasks, and collecting things.
Yes occasionally you have to fight or run away from something. But if you fail instead of dying you get arrested by Safety Patrol and have to sit through 2-5 minutes unskipable dialogue of Erik Ahlberg taking advantage of a literally captive audience, which can be anything ranging from a lecture, him asking for feedback on changes to the uniform, or straight up villain monologue.
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esmiephan · 2 years
Listing my fave Eriks (Phantomverse Of Madness).
This is a post i was suppose to make a long time ago, but i only got the time to write it now. I will probably make a part 2 with the "Worse/Less Favorite Eriks".
Remember everyone, this is ✨MY OPINION✨. No adaptation is free from flaws, these 6 Eriks are my favorite but they won't escape from my critics. And if you disagree, feel free to comment about.
6. MazM!Erik (2018)
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We start with a polemic one. Mazm!Erik has an unique beauty and amazing hairstyle, his PTSD, the pain, the crying little boy inside of the man, the despair to be loved are still ON POINT. But let's not forget they turned him into a generic anime sociopath who does bad things because yes, and abuses Christine, and keeps Melek aprisioned, and other nonsense things of this mediocre script. However, MazM!Erik is still redeamable at some point and he has good stuffs.
5. Chaney's Erik (1925)
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Our first adaptation, the 1925s silent movie! In my opinion, NO ONE played Erik better than Lon Chaney. No one. Like, this man, he's just fantastic. Chaney's hands, movements, the PHANTASTIC make-up, the expressions of pain, madness, anger and tenderness, OH MY GOD THIS IS HEAVEN!!!
ok but let's not forget the ending sucks and the movie tried at best to villainize Erik, this is unforgivable.
4. Merik (1986-2004)
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Probably the most known version among us. Andrew Loyd Webber delivered us an amazing, outbreathing and beautiful musical that saved Broadway's story in the 1980s and brought Phantom back to popular tastes since then. Musical Erik has its questions, many people fan of the novel think Webber tried somehow to make him more manipulative and less redeeming. After all, even though people he killed weren't innocent at all, Erik isn't a man who runs out judging people and killing the ones he consider to be unworthy. He killed in EXTREMELY ocasional times in the novel. By the way, the way he constantely manipulates Christine and try to keep control as "the Angel" is just... no.
The original Erik wouldn't do this. He hates lying to Christine, he avoids at his best hurting her. Merik has more childish and toxic behaviour, even though he still ends up redeemed and changed out of his own will and kindness. We cannot deny Merik is one of a kind, one of the most iconic versions of the story. There are many actors who played Merik: Gerard Butler, Ramin Karimloo, Hugh Panaro, Norm Lewis, Ben Lewis, Michael Crawford, i could make a whole blog about my favorites and less favorites Meriks. And i'll probably do it.
3. Cherik (1990)
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Look what we have here ❤️
"MY GOD, THIS PLACE REALLY IS HAUNTED" -- this and other funny lines are a gift of Charles Dance's version of Erik. The minisseries isn't very loyal to the novel, however, it's not a bad adaptation at all. This Erik is funny, shy, awkard and more healthy than most of the other versions. I disaprove anything about his version? Yep. First, he wears too colored clothes and is less "dark and goth" like other Eriks. Second, his mother actually loved Erik in this version... I think this was an unnecessary changing. Because the horrible abuse committed by Erik's mother is something EXTREMELY important that can't be changed. Mommy issue is an essence of this character. Should I talk about the "Christine looking like his mom" problem?
2. Kerik (1990)
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Our favorite Susan Kay monologue! Yes, here it is. Kerik (or Serik as some people say) is funny, jerky and tragic, it's almost the same as Leroux's version, as it is supposed to be because "Phantom" isn't exactly an adaptation, but an explanation/expansion of what we've seen originally. Phantom is so good that we phans consider it as canon!
I can't help but say his relationship with Christine in this monologue is weird and a bit disappointing, though. Susan Kay actually started this "Christine looked like Erik's mom" shit, and it's not only weird, it literally confirms Erik's love for Christine was not real, that he only wanted to have a normal relantionship with his mother and Christine was a link to escape his pain. Ok, it makes sense Erik having mommy issues, but i disagree with Kay's vision about his love.
1. Lerik, The Original (1910).
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Claps to our king, sis and bros. Gaston Leroux wrote this character with passion. This is my favorite deformity and vision about the character, the lines and the emotions are all just perfect for me. No one ever surprassed the original novel. Erik is a symbol, and a figure to many people. A broken, tortured, emotionally unstable man, who wants to fix everything his way, who doesn't have anyone to trust, who searches for love, pity and compassion, who searches for inclusion and tenderness from the society... but had everything despised and wasted. Erik, originally, is not a villain or a romantic hero. He is an anti-hero. He's the representation of frustrated people and abuse survivors who are able to LOVE, even after everything they had to pass throught. People who are able to recognize and fix their mistakes, people who won't sacrifice their beloved ones happiness for their own problems and fears. Erik is all of us.
Thank you.
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messenger-of-stupidity · 10 months
Honestly Blake is one of the most interesting characters ever
Bestie, I could go on for a while on how much I love Blake. (Like Cam I'm quieter about him being in my top five.)
(Hi future Messy here, this went on for longer than I thought because I took this as an excuse to give an analysis on why I like Blake. So all of that is under the cut if you're interested.)
I like yanderes by themselves (one of the reasons I enjoyed Ivan's storyline.) but the fact that Blake isn't your typical form of yandere when you think about the word is even better. Like when you think of yandere you think of "oh my god I've been drugged and tied up in a basement while this person monologues at me about how we're meant to be together. I haven't seen this person before/saw them once or twice but don't really remember them!"
Meanwhile with Blake, he's been friends with his listener for years. (Probably childhood friends even though it's never directly confirmed. I think it just says Yandere Cult friend)
He also never tried to push them to be with him. Maybe that's because his listener was made aware of his tendencies (I would give my left kidney for a flashback audio of how THAT conversation happened. Also if Erik released a BA of Blake and Bestie's first night together, I would probably invest in patreon ngl. The knowledge that Vega has two audios *even if its impVega* was almost enough. But I'd also prolly get uncomfy trying to listen to it. It really depends how he makes the BA's. N e ways) so they would be able to call him out if he started growing more obsessive and possessive.
Although they might like that considering they agreed to be with him after he said he won't be able to give them space or distance.
I've looked into childhood friend yanderes, and usually they still end up drugging their love interest or whatever and bring up the fact that "we make such good friends, you know we would be perfect together" type of thing.
BUT Blake never does that. He's one of those rare yanderes who understand boundaries and respect their love interests enough to not push past those. It makes him less intense of a yandere (and acts as a gateway drug to get people into yanderes. But that's besides the point.) He's just content being in their life.
Could this be because he knows his listener is going to die soon, and he doesn't want to waste time trying to be more when he's content just having their attention? Sure. He might be trying to change their future, but he still needs to prepare for it to come in case he fails.
Imagine having someone who is willing to drop anything for you, joins a cult to try to save you, commits crimes for you... but also respects any boundaries on the relationship you have with them? Yes please.
Not to mention, whenever he's with his listener... Blake becomes so soft. Sure, the change in how he treats Sunshine and how he treats his listener can be a bit startling. But that change is what makes him being soft so much more enjoyable to me. He has the ability to be a total asshole, but he's not. (Same type of reason why I like tsunderes or soft manipulators like Vega.)
Now that's not to say that I don't like how mean Blake can be. The way he's so harsh and passionate about something that he's willing to risk anything? The way he talks down to Sunshine? Uses their nickname as a weapon against them (makes me wonder if they'll ever be able to hear it the same again, even if it comes from Elliot.)? I eat that up.
I got on my rose colored glasses, so there just seems to be a lot of flags right now.
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morleybobsource · 1 year
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From Uncork’d Entertainment, I’ll Be Watching, starring Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley, is a fast-paced psychological thriller with a bit of a sci-fi twist. With breakout performances from its leading stars, director Erik Bernard has crafted a thriller that balances scares and surprises.
After her tech genius husband Marcus (Morley) leaves on a work trip, Julie (Taylor) – still mourning the loss of her sister – is trapped in their new, isolated home and must fight her own fears to stay alive.
Here are 5 reasons why you should watch I’ll Be Watching:
5) Eliza Taylor!
In the role of Julie, Eliza Taylor has to play a protagonist who becomes flawed by her doubts and delusions. Julie is traumatized by her past and stressed from her relationship. Audiences will also be guessing whether or not they should believe Julie due to Eliza’s captivating performance.
4) Bob Morley!
Bob Morley does a great job in his portrayal of Marcus. Morley gives interesting takes on the character making audiences guess whether or not they should trust him. Is Marcus the good guy because he’s struggling with his relationship with Julie? Or is Marcus really the bad guy because of his strained relationship with Julie?
3) The Direction!
Director Erik Bernard lays out the map of the hi- tech house and uses every corner, hallway to create a claustrophobic vibe.  The cinematography by Thomas Hennessy makes great use of its single location. Thankfully, every shot inside the house doesn’t feel repetitive.
2) The Sci-Fi Twist!
Screenwriters Sara Sometti Michaels and Elisa Manzini have done wonders with their single location, while adding a clever sci-fi spin. Michaels and Manzini ground the sci-fi concept of a hi-tech house, which has its own drawbacks and issues. While giving the house a robotic female voice, Taylor is able to express more through her monologues.
1) A Solid Home Invasion Thriller!
With its sci-fi premise and surprising plot twists, I’ll Be Watching becomes a solid home invasion thriller. And if you’re a fan of The 100, you’re going to love seeing the leads on your screens again.
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shyblackgurl · 1 year
Leave Me Alone
The sunlight poured through the window and your alarm blarred loudly on the nightstand. You huffed as you begrudgingly pulled your legs to the side of the bed. “Shit.” You sighed as you shuffled to the bathroom. You slowly brushed your teeth and jumped in the shower. Letting the warm water run down your back you finally let the tears break. You finally told Erik you wanted more than just a situationship. He just wasn’t ready to be a boyfriend. He made that clear from the beginning. However, you being stubborn and hoping he’d have a change of heart. After all you two have been seeing each other for almost a year. Granted your dates mostly began and ended with sex but your connection was deeper than just sex. He’d come over and greet you with good conversation and a home cooked meal. You two were more than just sex. He made you feel so loved.He was special.
You made to work late but at least you showed up. Your co-worker Janine walked over to you cubicle with doughnuts. “Girl, what’s the problem. You’ve been looking gray all week. What did Kevin do?” She asked offering you a napkin wrapped baked good. You panicked, shit, Kevin. You had forgotten all about him during your sulking. You cleared your thoat and straightened your back. “Girl, Kevin’s good. I’m just having a bad week. Ya know.” You said quickly grabbing the sweet treat and spinning your chair back around. Janine folded her arms not convinced by what you said but who was she to question your mood. “Well okay boo. If you need to talk I’m just down the way.” She exited your cubicle. You hadn’t thought about Kevin all week. You strolled through your phone to text him.
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This was the worse possible thing he could do to you today. Come to your house! You’d been sulking all weekend and your apartment showed it. Dirty dishes in your bedroom and laundry piled on the floor. No way was he coming over today. You left his message on read and continued your work day. Maybe he’d figure out your non-reply and not bother to come by.
Your work day was shit. You told Janine some random lie you’d concocted right there on the spot so you could go home early. After all you weren’t very much help with your drab attitude today. As you pulled into the parking garage you saw a car parked in your parking spot. “Damn! Universe give me a fucking break!” You yelled into the ceiling of your sedan. The driver door opens on the two door coupe and you see him. Erik. He waves you down so you’d stop. You rolled down your window and his cologne meets you first then the sweet spearmint of his gum as he leans into your window. “So how you like the new whip?” He said glancing back at the blacked out beauty. You rolled your eyes “It’s nice. What are you doing here,E?”. Erik takes offense to your tone. “Damn did I do something to you?”. He said stepping back from your car. “Erik, are you serious?!” You huffed and rolled your eyes. “Dude, I told you we were done. Why are you even here?” Your face was twisted in anger and hurt. His presence made your emotions so confused. You wanted to beat him but your love for him kept you from cussing him out. He was really out of line right now. Erik just smirked, deep dimples just taunting you. “Y/N, i know you didnt mean that shit. That’s why I gave you some time to let that shit blow over. I thought you’d be good by now. You really trying to cut a nigga off?
You rolled your eyes but your inner monologue was screaming, “The audacity of this nigga!! He really thought I was a joke! WHAT. THE. HELL!”. You took a deep breath and shook your head. “Look, I seriously meant what I said. I’m done. I can’t keep playing these games with you. You know Kevin and I are getting serious and it’s about time we let whatever this is... go.” He took another step back from your car and looked you in the eyes. His facial expression unreadable. You took the time to pull into you parking spot next to his car. With his hands in his pockets he approached your car again. “Y/N, okay. Imma give you this little break. You know my number when he mess up... again.” He winked and he got into his car.
You watched his black sports car turn the corner and you take a sigh. You gather you purse and head to the elevator to your apartment. Your phone dings with another text from Kevin. You didn’t even attempt to read it. Struggling to find your keys you notice flowers by your door. “What the hell is this?” You ask aloud. Looking around to see if anyone is near by. You grab the small vase and read the card
“Bae I miss you.”
A simple and sweet gift from a simple man. Kevin really is a good man.
Too bad he isn’t Erik.
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paperandsong · 1 year
Do you want a new PotO adaptation?? Like no new musical edition or anything, a brand new adaptation (non-musical) based ONLY in the Leroux's novel?
If so what do you expect about it? (tv series or movie, modern days or 19th century again, canon eristine / pharoga or not, casting, etc)
Oh yes, of course! I would love a Leroux accurate adaptation. In my dreams it would be a French language eight hour limited series with an unlimited budget for luscious sets and costumes. All the music would be aligned with the references in the book - the night of the masked ball would end with Nuit d'hyménée.
I don't have casting preferences, but I've seen many people post about wishing Guillermo del Toro would adapt Leroux and I agree, he would be perfect. I also think capturing the campy, sensual tone of Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula would work beautifully with Leroux's original story and Erik's manic and pitiful monologues.
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yanderechagny · 6 days
Aschenbach's monologue
Raoul x Erik
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Enveloped in the bittersweet nostalgia of a cherished keepsake, he clung to memories of his beloved with an almost painful fervor. Each day, he would retreat to the solace of his closet, where the letter lay, its pages tinged with the faint aroma of vanilla—a scent that once danced with the essence of his beautiful boy. For two agonizing years, his world had been devoid of both music and Raoul, his longing festering like an unrelenting flame within. Then, like a beacon of hope, the young sailor returned to Paris, igniting a fervent reunion promised within the walls of the Château de Chagny.
The final part is now online! I hope everyone enjoyed this little series ^-^ I promise I'll try to post less dark fanfictions with teenage Raoul maybe, or I'll leave his age up to interpretation like I did for my little drabble.
Kudos and comments are appreciated! <3
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