#evan rosier fanfic
timhalamet · 5 months
hey love -
can u write something for Evan rosier x fem!reader?
Maybe where reader is Sirius’s cousin/sis. And she’s a gryffindor?
Maybe an enemies to lovers?
thanks 💕
skinny dipping
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Pairings- evan rosier x gryffindor!reader
summary- insufferable evan rosier is sure on annoying you with his humiliating pranks.
tropes- enemies to lovers, fluff
warnings- mentions of sex, language, some slut shaming, mentions of stripping this is also my first time so I hope you enjoy! :)
a/n- also if you guys have any ideas or requests please feel free to send them 🫡
its a bit like a drabble and I apologise for that 😞
ever since first year Evan Rosier has been set on annoying with his insufferable remarks, and poor attempt and flirting.
Not only that, but he also seems to enjoy watching you being humiliated by mucliber, who absolutely adores you.
'Y/n!' Mucliber calls out skipping down the halls, jumping onto the gryffindor table, receiving glares and disgusted looks from your fellow mates and class fellows, laying on the table infront of you resting his face on his hand, smirking.
'oh Black will you do me the favour of going out with me to hogsmeade?' He asks waiting answer.
a dreadful beat of silence passes.
you roll your eyes used to his antics, 'bog off mucliber' you say as you stand up hollering your bag over your shoulder, walking out the hall brushing off the burning gazes. You end up catching evans eyes as you walk out his jaw clenched before catching your gaze he instantly smirks. A bit too much.
you sigh.
another day, another one of muclibers attempt at asking you out. It's been two years however he somehow doesn't get the hint. You curse angrily under your breath, as you walk outside towards the great lake.
You set your bag down as you sit at your spot, resting against the tree.
You hear someone behind you, and you turn around to see your older brother.
'you do know I can beat him up for you?' Sirius jokes as you notices your fingers tugging at the grass.
he adds noticing your face 'not that you can't take care of him on your own, it's just my duty you know?'
'i know it's just he can't seem to to get the fucking hint!.' you scoff
'he's a twat dont worry though I'm sure me, prongs and moony can come up with a way to shutting him up. We can always black mail him into leaving you alone or we'll tell everyone his mum stills bathes him.' he states smirking.
You shoot up almost toppling over as you choke on your saliva holding onto the tree for support.
You gasp for breath as sirius calmy pats your back, well I better get back to the boys, james probably doing some stupid shit right now, better join him before he gets detention without me' he brings before kissing your forehead before sprinting towards the castle.
You look around the grounds to see it empty, it's a free period, although it's slightly unusual there's no one outside.
you hesitate before pulling off your uniform off piling them on your bag, leaving you in your black lace bra and matching underwear. you head for the lake slowly stepping into the water chilly at first touch you slowly drunk the rest of your body into the water. you quicky submerge your whole body in and swim for a while, ridding any thoughts you had, instantly soothed at the warming water and the sun peeking out.
you grab your wand from the edge fo the lake going to retrieve your clothes and get out the lake before you notice your clothes missing. you gaze around carefully before you notice your clothes are actually missing.
worryingly, you look around everywhere still floating in the water.
tears prick your eyes frustrated as you huff bawling your fists, before you hear a stupid snicker.
one you'd notice anywhere.
evan fucking rosier.
you look up as you consciously wrap your arms around the upper part of your body that is visible.
you meet his stupid crystal blue ocean like eyes-
'missing something?' he smirks mockingly as he dangles your uniform from his long slender fingers.
'oh don't be so immature rosier and pass me my fucking clothes.' you hiss wiping away your loose black curls from your cheek.
'say please' he grins.
you roll your eyes, growing more frustrated.
'0h fuck you rosier' you spit
'wouldnt you like that'
'you heard me. Bet you spread your fucking legs if I asked hm?'
'whats your fucking problem?!' you exclaim confused.
'will you? Will you spread your fucking legs for me if I asked? What about now? What if I asked for your pink lips to wrap around my dick and take it like a good girl?' he spits
your chest grows heavy as you feel sick
'stop it!'
immediately his stomach drops as guilt crawls it's way into his throat.
'fuck you know I didn't mean that.'
you turn around as you try to even your breathing closing your eyes.2
before you can turn your back you head a splash of water and evan missing you look around waiting for him to submerge from the water only to be meeted with silence.
'rosier?' you call out as eery silence creeps into your ears.
'ok haha so funny you can come out you call out as you open your arms calling into the water.
you feel a lump in your throat as nothing happens.
'evan? evan come on, oh my god' your voice wavers as your hands shake.
you quickly reach to the edge of the lack about to get out and change and run to the castle for help before you feel something tug your ankle, before fully pulling you into the water.
your scream as your ears ring, but your under water.
there's no one to hear you.
all of a sudden the thing stops pulling you and you raise to the top of the water gasping heavily as tear roll down your face.
as you submerge youre met with evan grinning, his face dripping as well before dropping softly as he notices your tears and scared gaze.
your blood boils as you glare at him, sniffling, swimming past him, not getting anyway as he pulls you into his chest, one hand on your waist.
'rosier you dick you fucking-'
'you know I didn't mean that.'
he sighs running a hand over his face as he swallows
'im sorry. I didn't mean that i wasn't thinking probably and I let my jealousy get the best of me I don't think of you like th-'
'jealousy?' you ask your eyes widen as your chest contracts.
'yes fuck!' he swallows hardly ' I got jealous. fucking Mucliber getting all in your face..'
you zone out as you just stare at him ranting watching him looking anywhere but at you as he rubs the back of his neck, you at his perfectly fine torso and abs to his strong muscular arms and pretty pink lips and long lashes and his ocean eyes-
'take a picture it'll last longer' he teases
you snap out of your trance blushing and growing flustered looking away.
hes fingers leave the back of his neck to your chin as he tilts your face gently to meet your gaze.
'can I kiss you?', he whispers carefully, not wanting to scare you off holding you as if he's scared of you slipping through his fingers.
you nod your head quickly before pressing your lips over his.
you sigh contently into the kiss as your hands grab his shoulders his hands cupping your face.
after a few minutes you break away, which felt like hours, the both of you gasp as you rest your head against his
'fuck I've been waiting to do that for five years' he states adorably before pressing his lips against yours again.
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satansssgayassistant · 3 months
“Twisting your mind” snippet
“Just James is fine, but yes. I feel like after-sigh- after Lily, I don't have a purpose in life.” James did indeed look depressed, enough that, if pushed a bit and managed with care, could become suicidal.
Since the session started, Regulus noticed 2 things: James had gorgeous eyes and his fingers were full of scabs because of presumably anxious scratching.
James sighed and continued, “she had been my everything since we were 11, so it's been more than 15 years, sure we were only married for 3 years but it’s still a long time, right? And then she just, she left me-“ James’ glasses were fogging up and his eyes sparkled with tears that were threatening to fall, “-I don’t know what I did wrong.” He was hiccuping like a small child after a tantrum.
Regulus nodded once again and grabbed a tissue box, handing it to James, he smiled as a silent ‘thank you’.
“Well, James, what you are feeling is completely normal and expected for what you are going through. You have to mourn your relationship, the thing here is, you need to find healthy coping mechanisms, because scratching and biting your fingers will certainly not help in the long run.” James looked surprised that he had noticed his fingers, he smiled sheepishly and nodded.
Regulus scribbled on his notebook, James was perfect. Maybe in a month or so he would be ready. He had to talk to Evan and Barty, to have them hunt James down.
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morwap · 2 years
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Sub!Evan, dom!reader, handjob
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Evan laid on his back, and your hand pumped his cock as your eyes went back and forth from his face to your hand. You leaned closer, kissing his cheek and he moved his head so you would kiss his lips. You pulled back a bit and he followed, making sure not to lose you.
Moving your hand up and down his cock, making out with him as he whimpered into your mouth.
“Faster, please-please” Evan begged in the kiss, whining and whimpering as you complied. He bucked into your hand. He was so pent up these days, his family was never leaving him alone, you knew he needed this, been yearning for this for days almost close to two weeks but finally it was happening.
Rubbing your thumb over his slit, working out his precum, the most you can. Pressing your thighs together under the covers.
“M’cumming” Evan whimpered, you smiled and focused on his tip. His breathing quickened and his muscles tightened.
Soon Evan came all over his stomach, his cock throbbing and his muscles relaxing. You kept jerking him off till every drop came out. Telling him over and over that he's a good boy, petting his hair as he came down from his high.
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@bunnyweasley23 @b-aobao
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moonyswarmsweaters · 22 days
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
so my wife and I are rewatching the HP movies together and we just started GoF....and she just points and goes...."who's that?"
my dudes (gender neutral).
my fellow skittles enthusiasts.
it was THE Barty Crouch Jr.
and I've explained wolfstar and even jegulus to her. she's here for it. but how do I begin to articulate rosekiller?
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rosekiller-addict · 8 months
you ever read a fic so good you want to write fanfiction for the fic?
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amour-anguis · 8 months
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rosekiller gym boyfriends 🫡
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itsss4t4n · 3 months
Safe with You - Regulus Black x potter! reader
warnings: mention of abuse, smoking, hurt/comfort, kissing, background wolfstar and (barely mentioned) rosekiller
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You didnt remember a time where Regulus Black didnt hate you.
Being James Potters younger sibling, most of his friends were also yours, so when sirius started talking about how much he hates his family , including Regulus you didnt question it much, but you never really had anything against him personally.
But it didnt help that, from the beginning of yours and Regulus first year he was pretty much a dickhead. He made it a point to be better than everyone and to tell them so. 
That started a rivalry between the both of you. Battleing for top of the class. 
All of this only got worse when, in the middle of the winter holidays in your 5th year, Sirius appeared at your doorstep, bleeding and asking for help.
After that point Regulus made sure to show you how much he hated you even more.
You just assumed that he hated you because of your family. Blood-traitors. 
In the beginning of your 6th year you had started to sneak away onto the astronomy  tower a lot of nights. 
It was nice up here. Quiet. You found solitude from the stressful schoolday and your Brother and his friends. You loved them, of course. But it was a lot of pressure. Most people just saw you as James sibling. And they expected you to be like him. It was honestly really exhausting.
Your parents didnt help a lot either. As much as they said they loved you equally, you always felt like James and now Sirius were more important to them. You were just the perfect little sibling. You were quiet and you had good grades so they didnt need to worry much about you. You felt neglected. But you also understood them. James didnt try as much in school, concentraiting more on pranks than homework and Sirius obviously had a lot to deal with because of his past.
So you snuck away when everyone was sleeping. In your pyjamas and a jacket you quiely left the common room and went to he astronomy tower. 
When you arrived you didnt pay much attention to your surroundings and so you didnt notice the other person that was sitting against the outside wall of the tower. You had already pulled out the pack of cigarettes that you had nicked from Sirius a week prior and were beginning to light it when you stepped against the railing. 
Taking a drag and pulling the cigarette away from your mouth you finally heard shuffling behind you. You quickly turn your head, scared that you're gonna find a prefect, or worse, Filch behind you. But instead you see a boy sitting a few meters away from you, his back to the wall of the tower, his dark hair covering his face. 
"Sorry i didnt realize someone was here." 
He finally looks up at you and you finally see his face.
"Black? The fuck are you doing here?" Your voice is a mix of confusion and annoyance at he fact that your solitide was disturbed by him of all people.
"I could ask you he same thing Potter." His voice was quiet and annoyed. Like he didnt want to deal with this right now. He sounded exhausted.
And at a second glance he looked it too. He had dark bags under his eyes and if you looked closely you could see a bruise at the side of his face. You didnt remember seeing it earlier during potions class but maybe he had covered it with magic. 
You had the urge to comment on it but remembered all the things thatt sirius would tell you about his parents and you had a feeling it had something to do with that. And that was a topic that you were sure wouldnt end well.
So you settled on "You look like shit."
He didnt answer and only looked at you even more annoyed. 
Shrugging, you simply looked away from him and lifted your cigarette back to your lips.
Regulus didnt move from his spot, so you assumed that he didnt care much that you were there.
You didnt feel like standing any longer, so you sat against the same wall regulus was sat against, now only a meter between the two of you. afer a few seconds you held out the pack of cigarettes to him .
"want one?" 
He took one without a word and you handed him your lighter when he put it beween his lips.
After that the two of you sat in silence looking at the nightsky. After almost 30 minutes of sitting in silence, you slowly moved to stand up.
"Well... I better go to bed. goodnight Black." 
You had only taken a step or two when Regulus spoke up for the first time since you got there.
"If you tell anyone i was here, you're dead potter."
You turn to him with a small smile.
"I wont. If i did i would have to tell them that i was here."
With that you left, leaving regulus confused on why you wouldnt want anyone knowing you were there. He left shortly after you did.
That night started a routine of you going up to the tower to find regulus either already there or arriving a few minutes later. You would sit in silence together, smoking a cigarette or two, before leaving again. Neither of you ever talked much.
During the day both of you acted like you always did. Like you werent sitting next to each other in almost friendly silence a few hours prior.
You never told your brother or any of your friends about it.
At some point you had started to talk to him instead of just sitting in silence. Not much. And certainly not anything of sustance. Mostly just complaining about professors and homework. But he never complained about it. He never said anything to be honest. He just sat and listened in silence. This continued almost every night unil the winter holidays.
You were standing on platform 9 3/4 with your family and Sirius, saying goodbye to your parents when you noticed Sirius glaring at something past your head. Turning around you see Regulus and his parents. Regulus looked even more exhausted than usual and even from the distance you could see him tensing up as his father put his hand on Regulus shoulder.
Something had happened over the holydays, you could tell.
James voice ripped you out of your thoughts. "Hey what are you two staring at?"
You answer immediately, turning back around and hugging your parents one last time. 
"Come on or we'll miss the train." 
That night during dinner you kept catching yourself looking at Regulus. Each time you seemed to notice a new reason to worry.
First how tense he seemed, then his eyebags, worse than you've ever seen them, how he fully ignored all his friends, how he made sure that his hair was alwas covering his left cheekbone and temple, how he seemed to constantly have a hand holding his ribs.
At one point you cought his eyes, giving him the slightest smile, hoping no one else caught it. 
You mouthed 'astronomy tower' hoping that he saw it, before turning back to your friends to answer the question that Marlene had just asked.
That night when you arrived at the tower Regulus was already there, sitting with his back against the wall and his head down, just like he first time you met him there. 
But this time when you sat next to him and he looked up at you, you could see the tears in his eyes threatening to fall. Without a word you pulled him into a hug, his head laying against your shoulder, and just held him as his tears finally spilled.
He didnt make a sound, he just silently let his tears fall. And you held him through it.
It took him about 20 minutes before he pulled away from you. He didn dare look into your face, just sitting right next to you staring at the stars.
After a minute or so of you observing his face you finally asked softly.
"What happened?"  
He didnt say anything for a few seconds. He didnt react at all. You thought maybe he didnt hear you but right as you opened you mouth to ask again, he finally answered.
"How much has Sirius told you about our family?" His voice was quiet and broken.
"A lot. He's told us pretty much anything they would do to him." 
He took a deep breath before he talked again, still refusing to look at you.
"When he was still there, they never really did anything to me. But when he left..." He swallowed "they needed someone else to blame all their problems on. They started to find faults in me. I pretty much became Sirius replacement. When they were angry they let it out on me. The night he left was the worst. I had begged him too stay. But he didnt. He just left me there. And they let all their anger about the situation out on me."
 His voice was shaky and quiet. He sounded unsure if he should be telling you this.
You honestly were surprised that he told you this. Even if you had been "hanging out" for almost half a year now. You didnt think he trusted you like this. And he proboaly didnt.
"Regulus.." His name left your mouth in a whisper. You had never called him by his first name before. 
Hearing his name out of your mouth finally made him look at you.
You slowly grabbed his hand, squeezing it. "I'm so sorry.." 
His gaze drifted from you face to your now joined hands. You expected him to pull his hand away but he just looked away at the stars again.
Neither of you said anything else.
That night was a turning point for both of you.
You stopped being hateful to each other in public. You werent friendly either. It was a silent truce. Your rivalry for top of the class was still there but it was less hateful.
Your nightly meetings slowly turned into talking about feelings. He told you about his friends, the few that were actually decent. Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch jr and Pandora Lestrange. Those were the three that actually semed pretty nice. According to Regulus they didnt really care that much about blood  status, Regulus didnt either. He had learned a lot from Sirius perspective, he was just way more scared of their parents, so he hid his opinions. 
You told him about your family problems, even though they were miniscule in comparison. About how you always felt like you stood in james shadow. 
Over time you and Regulus had come to a point were you honestly considered each other friends.
You still didnt tell any of your friends or you brother about it. You knew they wouldnt take it well.
But all of them noticed a change in you. How you seemed happier.
"Are you dating someone?" 
You nearly choked on your food, when Marlene asked that all of the sudden during dinner. 
"What?!" All conversation between your friends had halted as they all looked at you expectantly. "No! Why would you think that?" 
James looked stupidly relieved at that. He never liked the thought of you dating someone. 
It was Sirius that answered your question.
"Oh, c'mon. Even a blind person can see that you act different." You just looked at him confused. so he clarified. "You are so much happier, you constantly smile at nothing, you zone out. You're either dating someone or you have a big fat crush on someone. So go on. Spill." 
Your eyes widen in shock. Had you really been that obvious? Yes ,during the past few months you may have developed a little cush on the younger Black. But c'mon that obvious? 
But obviously you couldnt tell your friends that. Especially not Sirius and James. They would die of a heart attack on the spot.
"Do you really think if i had a crush on someone i wouldnt tell any of you? Not even Marlene or Lilly?" That was a good safe. Because yes, you usually told the girl pretty much every detail of your life. Even when you had a crush on Remus back in 4th year before you knew that he was gay. And very much in love with Sirius.
Sirius deflated on that. "Yea.. i guess that is true."
They finally picked up their previous conversations and you stole a quick glance at the slytherin table. But instead of Regulus eyes you met those of Evan Rosier. 
He had his eyes already on you and winked at you with a sly grin when our eyes met. Next to him Regulus had noticed that exchange and hit Evan in the side with his elbow. You looked at them confused as Regulus angrily whispered something to Evan who just laughed in reply.
Had Regulus told them? You made a mental note to ask him that night.
When your eyes finally went back to your friends you met Remus eyes who just lifted one eyebrow and smiled knowingly at you. 
You ignored him and went back to eating.
Later that evening you were sat in the common room doing potions homework when Remus excused himself from the boys to walk over to you. You looked up at him for a second as he sat down next to you before going back to writing. 
"You know, at some point they're gonna find out." 
"I have no idea what you're talking about Rem." He couldnt know. Right?
"Yea you do. You know, you're lucky that i'm the one that keeps the map most nights."
At that you froze. Your quill a few centimeters over your parchment. 
The map. 
How did you forget about that.
Remus noticed your stressed facial expression. 
"They dont know. I havent told them dont worry. " You relaxed a little at that. "But you know its only a matter of time before one of them finds out."
You let out a breath that you didnt realize you were holding before putting down your quill, frowning at the spot of ink on you parchment, that had dripped from the quil. 
"How long have you known?" 
"Right before The holidays." 
"Rem that is so long! Why didnt you tell me that you know?!" You whisper yelled to make sure none of the other boys heard you.
"I wanted you to tell me when you were ready."
Your face softens. Of course. You dont answer.
"Sooooooo... you want to talk about it? He sure has you happy so he clearly cant be that bad." He says with a smile.
"You have no idea." You grin.
That conversation led to an almost 1 hour long talk of you talking about Regulus. How nice he is. How attractive, because god did you find him attractive. You told him about Regulus friends. How you think that at least Evan knows. Why Regulus is actually mad at Sirius. Everything. Because you knew that Remus wouldnt tell anyone. He has always been good at keeping secrets.
"You are so whipped for him, oh my god.." He told you at the end of your rant with a small chuckle.
You felt your face get hot. "Oh fuck off. Like you arent evenly as whipped for Sirius."
"Oh low blow." You just stuck out your toungue at him in response.
Remus then got a little more serious again. "Are you gonna tell him that you like him?"
You bit the inside of your lip. "I dont know Rem. I dont think he likes me like that and i dont wanna destroy something good yk."
"Yea i know what you mean." He looks over at Sirius.
You change the topic slightly. "So, uhh.. take the map tonight?"
He looks back at you with a grin. "Yea i got it. I'm gonna go back to the others. You finish that homework before you leave tonight."
"Yea, yea, whatever."
That night your walk to the astronomy tower is interrupted.
"Oi Potter!" You stop and turn around in surprise to see a ginning Evan Rosier.
"Rosier? What do you want?" 
"Oh nothing really" He is a bad liar. "Where're you headed to after curfew?"
You narrow your eyes at him. "I dont see why that is any of your business."
He knows. And you know that.
"Alright fine. I know you're meeting with Reg." You sigh and turn back around to continue your walk to the tower.  Evan quickly follows you.
"Listen, Reg kinda let it slip that you guys have been meeting up." 
"Okay? That still doesnt answer why youre talking to me right now."
"Well our Reggie seems pretty over the moon with you so i wanted to see for myself. He likes you you know. Like a lot." He is grinning from ear too ear now. 
But its what he said that makes you pause in your steps for a second. 
"Oh yea, boy is smitten." He grins but immediately notices his mistake and his smile drops. "No wait. Forget i said that. You didnt hear anything okay?"
Your face is flushed now. Did Evan just tell you that Regulus likes you? Like... Like liked you?
"Uhm- Right."
"But just hypothetically... if you did hear something.... Would that something be reciprocated or not? Because if it was i wouldnt feel so bad for you hypothetically hearing something."
You dont even know what to say to that. You really didnt want to tell Evan about your crush on Regulus. Sure he trusts Evan but you really didnt know the guy.
"None of your business Rosier." You start walking again, while Evan just stays were he is. 
"Im taking that as a yes. Dont tell Reg that i hypothetically told you that. Im not ready to die yet." 
"Whatever Rosier!"
Your thoughts are racing. Regulus likes you. Except Evan is just trying to mess with you. But that doesnt seem like something he would do. Atleast not from what Regulus told you.
You are so in thought that you almost dont notice Regulus waiting when you reach the top of the tower.
You only snap out of it when you hear him call your name. 
"You good?"
"Hm? Oh yea. Sorry, just thinking." You sit down next to him, like always and pull out your pack of cigarettes. You kept stealing them from Sirius and he kept wondering how they keep dissappearing.
"Rosier just talked to me." You werent gonna tell him about the hypothetical thing Evan told you. But you were definetely gonna talk to him about the fact that Evan knew.
"Evan? Why?" He reached over, pulling a cigarette out of your pack without asking.
"He knows?" Was all you answered as you pull your lighter out of your jacket.
Regulus laughed nervously. "Uh- yea, i mightve slipped up on that. Sorry. I swear he wont tell anyone." 
"Its fine, you can tell your friends as long as they keep it to themselfs." You lift your lighter to light your own cigarette, when Regulus suddenly leans into your space to light his cigarette at the same time as yours. His face only centimeters away from yours. 
You flush. Fuck that was hot. He leans back with a slight grin. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.
"Any of your friends know?" He asks as if he didnt just do that. Fucker.
"Well.. Remus knows. I didnt tell him. He figured it out on his own." You stammer out. 
Goddamn it. 
"Lupin? Makes sense. Hes smart. He knows everything." 
"Yea except for the fact that Sirius is painfully obvious in love with him. Thats the one thing he doesnt seem to notice."
"Wait what?" He seems confused. Shit. Did you just out Sirius to his brother? You thought he knew.
"Did- Did you not know Sirius is gay?"
"No, that much is obvious." Oh thank god. "I meant, Those two arent a couple?"
That makes you laugh. 
"No! They've been in love with each other for years but are the only ones that havent realized it yet."
Regulus is both surprised and amused by that information.
"They had me fooled. I thought they've been together for forever." He's barely holding back his laughter.
"Nope just incedibly dense. Both of them." 
Neither of you can stop the laughter at that point.
You think that this might be the most genuine laughter and smile you've ever seen from Regulus. 
Your laughter dies down a little as you look at him. His head thrown back, eyes closed and mouth open in a bright grin as he laughs. He looks beautiful.
You just stare for a few seconds, with a soft smile on your face.
He stops laughing and notices your staring.
"What?" He asks, smile still on his face.
"You're Beautiful." You answer without thinking about it.
When you see his pale face flush a light pink shade in surprise you realize what you just said and look away in embarrassment.
"I- Uh- I mean.." Fuckfuckfuck. Why did you just say that. Its true yea, but still. Oh my god. You are such an idiot.
"So are you." Those three words are all it takes for your rambling thoughts to dissapper fully. 
Brain empty.
You look back at him. His face is still a little pink but he has a little smile adorning his lips.
You dont know what to answer so you just stare in silence. Evans words from earlier come back to your mind.
Well our Reggie seems pretty over the moon with you ,so i wanted to see for myself. He likes you you know. Like a lot.
FUCK. You are a goner at this point.
Luckily for you Regulus seems to notice your inner turmoil and changes the conversation to something easier without a second thought.
"So, did you finish that potions homework yet?"
You are honestly thankful thatt he is just able to do that. Make you think about something else.
But for the rest of the night, hell for the rest of the week all you can think about is that moment.
The next day all your friends can tell that you are even more in thought than usual but they know better than to press on it.
Except for Remus. Between classes he pulls you aside to ask what happened. You tell him everything. 
From Evans slip up to Regulus calling you beautiful.
"Thats great! To me thats a clear sign that he likes you too." 
"But Rem what if i'm misinterpreting?!"
"You literally have confirmation from his best friend."
You dont have more time to talk about it because both of you have to get to your next classes.
But you keep thinking about the whole thing.
You could tell that something had changed between Regulus and you. Not in a bad way, you dont think.
You caught him looking at you more often. During meals, during class, during your meetings. You noticed because you were also looking at him more often. 
Eye contact for a few seconds to long and smiling before one of you would look away.
This went on for about two weeks. How often had you thought about kissing him during those two weeks? You had lost count. 
Then one night, Regulus had just made a joke that you had both laughed at for far to long, and when you finally stopped you realized how close you faces had gotten. 
Regulus had noticed too.
You were staring at each other, you eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips and back up. Your tongue darting out to wet your lips in a nervous tick as you caught his eyes looking at your lips too.
You subconciously moved even closer, noses now centimeters away from brushing against each other.
Regulus is the one that asks in almost a whisper "Can I kiss you?"
You cant get any words out so you simply nod your head ever so slightly.
Regulus leans towards you, closing the gap between you in a soft kiss. 
Its not heated, not rushed, its slow, soft and full with emotions.
Its perfect.
When you part, neither of want to fully pull back. Your noses still almost touching.
After a few second you gain your voice back and admit in a whisper.
"I really like you Regulus"
"Merlin I would hope so." He answers with chuckle. "I like you too."
You lean in to kiss him again. 
And again.
The rest of that night included a lot more kisses. As well as a talk about what you you were to each other. You were glad about that. Not knowing would have killed you probably.
You both came to the conclusion that you wouldnt be telling people (Except the ones that you trusted) but that you are in fact dating.
You wished that you could stay like that all night but unfortunately both of you needed sleep.
"Goodnight Reg" 
You kissed him one more time before starting to walk away, his hand in yours as long  as you could.
"Goodnight mon cherie." You smiled to yourself all the way back to your dorm.
The next morning Remus knew. He just knew it from one look at you. You were honestly so glad that he knew and you were able to tell him everything.
The last few months until summer went well. Hang outs, kisses and talking. Regulus also at some point properly introduced you to Evan. Honestly the two of you hit it of really well. 
The closer summer got, the more nervous both you and Regulus got. 
He would have to go back to his parents and you wouldnt be able to write each other without his parents asking questions.
You spent the last night before summer in eachothers arms, telling him to be careful. You didnt want to part from each other but reluctantly did so right before sunrise with a long, loving kiss.
That morning both of you kept stealing glances at each other, Remus doing his best to ease your worries.
On the platform you barely had enough time to see Regulus dissappear with his parents.
"You coming?" You turned around at James question.
The first half of the summer was pretty uneventful, even though you still worried about Regulus.
For the second half, Remus had joined your family.
A week later you were helping your mother prepare dinner when you heard a soft knock on your front door.
Confused you turned toward Euphemia.
"Are we expecting someone mum?"
"Not that i know of. Would you mind checking who it is darling?"
"Sure." You quickly put down the plate you were previously holding and went to answer the door.
On the other side was the last person you expected to see. 
"Reggie?" Your voice filled with worry and almost a whisper. 
Regulus looked bad. Almost worse than Sirius when he appeared at your doorsttep a year and a half prior. He was bleeding and bruised, and looked like he was minutes away from keeling over.
His eyes met yours, filled with tears that were steadily flowing down his cheeks.
"I didnt know were else to go..." His voice was hoarse like he had been screaming and shaky from crying.
Before he had even finished his sentence he had stepped towards you, nearly falling into your arms. You hugged him back while pulling him back into the house with you with a small "cmon..".
Inside you let go of him, carefully guiding him into the living room and onto your couch only stopping near the kitchen to yell to your mother.
"Mum! We need the healing kit!"
Your mother immediately stuck her head out the kitchen door to see what was going on.
"Oh dear." She quickly left to get the kit.
Meanwhile you had carefully sat Regulus onto your couch,sitting next to him and holding his hand, scared that hugging would hurt him. You didnt need to ask what had happened. That much was pretty obvious.
"Regulus." You urged him to look at you with a small squeeze of your hand. "Hey.. Its gonna be okay. Your safe now. I promise."
He didnt answer but layed his forehead onto your shoulder and squezed you hand back. He was still crying although not as hysterically anymore.
Euphemia entered the room, healing kit in hand and carefully sat infront of Regulus on the floor. You had done this before so she knew to be careful as not to scare him.
"Regulus right?" Her voice was soft and quiet as if she was talking to a scared animal. He didnt react so you nodded at your mother to confirm that she had the right name.
"Regulus, I'm gonna heal you now. But i have to touch you for that. Is that alright with you?"
Regulus nodded ever so slightly with his head still against your shoulder. Euphemia caught the slight movement and immediately started to examine the extent of his injuries before starting to heal them one by one. It would take a while and she wouldnt be able to heal all of them fully right that moment. It had been the same with Sirius.
You quietly soothed him through all of it. Continuing to hold his hand, your thumb stroking over the back of his hands while you whispered comforting words into his ear.
Unfortunately in the middle of all this our brother and Sirius had decided to make their entrance.
"Hey mum, is dinner almost ready?" James asked while he and Sirius came down the stairs.
But before Euhemia could answer you heard both boys exclaim at the same time.
"What the fuck??!"
Both of you looked up at them at the same time. Regulus face still stained with tears and blood.
Sirius made his way over in a instant, sitting beside your mother and grasping Regulus other hand in his bigger ones. His eyes were filled with worry. Of course they were. Even if him and Regulus werent on good terms, he was still his brother. And seeing him like that made him fall back into that role within seconds.
"Shit, what happened?? Did they..??" He didnt finish his sentence. He didnt have to. Because he also knew. 
Regulus started tearing up again and turned his head towards you to try and hide it.
You instantly hugged him against you in comfort, your second hand reaching up to the back of his head to cradle it against the junction of your neck and shoulder.
"Sssh, its okay Reg." Your face pressed against the side of his head a told him that.
Your eyes met James over Regulus head. He just stood there perplexed. Not only was Regulus fucking Black bleeding in his living room, but he also cuddled up close to his sister like they were close.
You knew that you had a lot of explaining to do later, but right now you had different priorities.
So you ignored James and continued talking to Reglulus in a quite voice to help him calm down, occasionally pressing little kisses to his temple and hair.
When your mother was done, she slowly got up. "I'll leave you guys alone for a bit. If you need something just call." 
She left the room at the same time as Remus entered, having come down to see what was taking the boys so long.
Remus quickly hid his surprise at the fact that Regulus was here and simply asked "Is he okay?".
You simply looked at him and said "He will be."
After that you all sat in silence for a few minutes, only disruted by Regulus quiet sniffeles.
When he had finally calmed down again he still refused to let go of you.
Remus was the first to speak up. 
"I think he should take a shower, get all that blood of him. Prongs, Padfoot, wait in the kitchen well join you in a minute." 
Both boys started to protest but Remus wasnt having it and herded them to the kitchen looking back at you for a second.
" I got it Rem."
You helped Regulus up, guiding him to the bathroom.
Once you were there you closed the door behind you and turned towards Regulus.
He grabbed you by your hips and pulled you towards him. Being close to you always comforted him.
You reached up to carefully hold his face in your hands. 
"Are you okay?" Worry was evident in your eyes and voice.
"Now that im with you i will be." He answered quietly, leaning down to lay his forehead against yours, his eyes closed.
Your quiet moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Hey." Remus. "Can i come in? I got you some clothes."
You pulled away from Regulus and opened the door, stepping aside slightly so Remus could hand Regulus the stack of dark clothing. 
"They're Sirius, so the should fit you." He then looked at you. "They have a lot of questions. You should come downsairs and talk to them."
You sigh. This was what you were scared of. "Okay, I'll be down is a few."
Remus nodded and sent one last smile at the two of you before leaving.
You turned towards Regulus again. "Do you need help with anything or are you good?" 
"I think im good" And then quieter. " Thank you. You dont understand how much all of this means to me." 
You smile at him and step closer to press a small kiss to his lips. "Of course. Im here for you. Always." Before leaving him to shower, closing the door behind you.
You take a deep breath before beginning your way to the kitchen. Halfway there you could already hear your brother.
"Why are you so calm about this Moony?! Did you know?!"
"Prongs will you calm down?"
All conversation halted when you entered the kitchen, all eyes turning to you.
James looked both confused and near furious and Sirius just looked confused. Like he wasnt sure what to make of the whole situation yet.
"Explain." Is all James said as he said down at the table and pointed at the chair across from him.
You said down and so did Sirius next to James, and Remus, next to you.
"After summer last year, I've started to go to the astronomy tower at night. Just for some peace and quiet, away from everything you know. 
One night he was there too. A few days after school start. He didnt really say anything. We just sat together. He didnt look good. Like, really tired and he had this giant bruise on his face. He had it hidden during the day, but that night i saw it. I didnt say anything about it, but i knew it was from his parents. 
After that night we just kept meeting there. We didnt talk, we really just sat in silence with each other. At some point i started to tell him about my day. He never said anything but he also kept coming."
You looked from James betrayed eyes down to your hands that layed intertwined with each other on the table.
"Then after christmas break, he looked so much worse than before. And that night he broke down. And he told me everything. About his parents. And how much worse the got after Sirius left." 
Your eyes flicked to Sirius face. Guilt written all over it.
"After that we just started talking to each other. About anything. He even introduced me to a few of his friends. They're honestlyy really nice. They dont support their parents ideas really. And a few months ago..."
You looked at Remus. His expression encouraging you to continue. 
Fuck it. Just rip of the bandaid.
"A few months ago we kissed and we've kinda been dating since then." Your eyes were glued to a little scratch in the surfice of the table. Refusing to meet James or Sirius glances.
"Prongs. Calm down. I think they're good for each other. Its their life. Not yours." Thank merlin that Remus exists. You didnt know what you would do without him.
"How long have you known about is Moony?!"
Remus looked down for a second before meeting James eyes again. "Right before christmas."
James was about to answer something probably dumb, when Sirius suddenly turned towards you.
"I cant believe you wouldnt tell me you were in a relationship."
You chuckled nervously. "Thats the part that bothers you about this?"
"YES! And also I'm trying to focus on something that isnt the fact that your DATING MY LITLE BROTHER... so i dont freak out." You could tell that he was really trying.
"Im sorry i didnt tell you. I was just worried how you would react." You said apologetically.
"For good reason." Remus mumbled making you smile slightly.
James face softened. "Well.. as much as i dont agree with this. And i dont. For the record. Remus is right. Its your life. But if he tries to pull something you tell me alright? And ill take care of it."
"Oi thats my little brother your talking about!" That made you smile. At least they're trying. "But seriously, if he tries something you tell us." 
"He wont. But thank you." You smile at them. Remus laying his hand on your shoulder making you look over at him.
Then Sirius half joking, half serious voice makes you look at him again.
"But seriously my brother? Why? Out of everyone."
"Wow Sirius. I feel kind of attacked." At the sound of Regulus voice you quickly turn around.
He stood a meter behind your chair , black hair wet and tousled, his tall slim frame clad in a pair of black sweatpants and a black sabbath shirt. 
"Reg. How're you feeling?" Your voice was still filled with worry even though Regulus already looked a lot better. You held your hand out towards him, beconing him closer.
He took your hand, walking over to sit in the open chair to your left. Remus being on your right.
"Better." He said a soft smile on his face, as he just looked at you for a moment.
You smiled back at him before saying "I think we should get mum back and finish making dinner. You hungry?" 
"Starving." It sounded like a joke but honestly with his parents you could never know.
"Remus, make sure they're being civil okay?" You spoke as you got up, squeezing Regulus shoulder in passing. "I'll be right back."
Just as you left the room you could hear Sirius whine. "Moony we're always civil! I dont know what they mean."
"Yea yea Padfoot whatever you say." You could pracicaly hear the adoring smile in Remus voice.
Surprisingly when you came back with your mother, no one was dead. 
Your mother had pulled both you and James with her to help with the food, giving him the perfect oppertunity to keep asking you annoying questions about you and Regulus. 
Remus offered to set the table, giving Sirius and Regulus a chance to talk. Something they hadnt properly done in years. You didnt hear what they said but it ended in a hug so at least it was good.
Dinner was kind of awkward. Your Dad having to quickly be filled in on what happened when he arrived in the kitchen.
Regulus was given the guest room to sleep in, Remus had been sleeping in James and Sirius room anyways. So when you were sure he three boys were in bed you snuck into the guest room, cuddling up with Regulus under the blanket.
"I saw you speaking with Sirius earlier." He hummed in reply, his face hidden in your hair, his left arm around your waist, holding you close to him.
"Did you talk everything out?" You turn slightly in his hold so you could look a him. Your faces now right infront of each oher.
"Not everything. Thats gonna take a while. But he apologized. Its a start." His voice was low and tired.
" Thats good. I know how much you both missed each other." Again he simply hummed in response.
"I think we should sleep." You say with a grin. "You're barely awake anyway." Another hum.
You lean forward for a soft kiss. He kissed back. "Goodnight mon cherie."
You smile. "Sleep well Reggie." 
He cuddled back into you, his face against your neck, arms holding you close, legs tangled with yours.
You smile at his almost asleep form. 
He was okay. 
He was safe.
And he was yours.
And maybe. Just maybe. You would be okay.
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Barty and Evan: we put the hot in psychotic
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thedvilsinthedetails · 2 months
Painful Bartylus to non toxic rosekiller my love
Painful bartylus where [pre emotional growth] Regulus was just excited someone liked him but Barty didn’t like Regulus he loved him
And Regulus didn’t love him back
Painful Bartylus where Reggie was not in the best mental space and couldn’t handle all of Barty’s Bartyness, told him he was too much, too loud, too weird even though Barty was trying so hard not to be
Painful Bartylus where the breakup wasn’t a big deal for Regulus because he figured neither of them were really that emotionally invested and they became friends again immediately but for Barty it was just a desperate attempt to keep Reg in his life
Then Evan Rosier who saw it all happen and couldn’t say anything because these were his two best friends but all he could think was how he could do it so much better, how he and Barty would be so good to each other
Evan Rosier who got the chance about a year later when he and Barty kissed on New Year’s Day and then proceeded to not stop kissing
Barty who was so terrified of losing Evan too and Evan finding it hard because he’s not good at emotions but in every way he can, showing Barty he loved him with hugs and handholds and playing with his hair and Evan’s lap becoming Barty’s new resting place
Evan figuring out he’s ace and worrying Barty won’t want him anymore
Barty saying I love you for the first time when Evan finally breaks down over it 
Evan not being able to say it back straight away and Barty not minding because he already knew from all the ways Evan showed him already
Evan finally saying it and Barty nearly bursting into tears because honestly he never thought in a million years he could ever be this happy
And because I’m on a roll w it
Regulus finally doing better when he starts dating James, Regulus who notices how it affects James when people call him weird or too much, Regulus who sees how different Barty is with Evan than he ever was with him
Regulus who REALISES.
Regulus who finally apologises.
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bartyslut · 1 year
barty and regulus saying no men can get them on their knees and acting like whole baddie, only to make fool of themselves in front of james and evan
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satansssgayassistant · 5 months
I have a clear vision of Barty wearing a dog chain as a necklace “it’s a statement” he would tell both Evan and Regulus when they mentioned it. He would wear it every day with every bloody outfit he came up with.
One day, while wearing the same bloody dog chain he decided to annoy Evan.
Evan smiled calmly and quickly grabbed and pulled the chain, getting Barty so close to his own face he could see his own reflection on Barty’s eyes. His pupils dilating and practically consuming completely the dark grey of his eyes.
“Stop that now, before you make me treat you like the bad dog you are.”
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morwap · 2 years
hi! could i get evan rosier x fem!slytherin!reader mutually pining and expressing their feelings to regulus and narcissa and then the cousins come up with something to get the two to confess (maybe at a slytherin house party) <3333
omg an evan req <3333333 wrote this on my laptop so if it’s ass blame the laptop
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narcissa woke up with a plan, she was determined after hearing you talk about your crush on evan, giggling and getting bashful while you, her and bellatrix gossiped and shared secrets all night conventionally the night before a party you all had to attend, the timing had never been so right, and she wouldn't let this slip through her grasp. 
ways to get you and evan rosier alone racked her mind while you all got ready for the event. you had noticed that she seemed distracted once you asked her opinion on what color looked best on you while bellatrix gave her own opinion multiple times and narcissa just seemed to stare off into space. only did you catch her attention when you waved your hand in front of her face. 
“wait do you think evan will be there?” you asked, looking around at the girls as you sat in front of narcissa’s vanity. 
“rosier?” bellatrix asked, you nodded, “of course he will be” she huffed as she fixed the straps on her dress and then played with her hair a bit. 
“cissy come do my makeup. pretty please” you pouted at her with puppy dog eyes. 
narcissa’s eyes glided over the groups of people, looking for a certain brunette and dirty blond. once spotted by a table, taking a drink out of a fancy cup the crouch’s provided. making her way to her cousin without getting caught up with anyone that wanted to speak to her, she was on a mission. 
regulus almost choked on his drink when narcissa grabbed him by his shoulder. 
“well hello to you too” regulus sputtered as he wiped his mouth. 
“rosier came with you, right?” narcissa asked, darting her eyes from person to person to make sure you didn’t see her. regulus furrowed his brows and nodded. 
“i need a favor from you, need you to help me get him and y/n alone. together,” she said, watching his expression turn to confusion. 
“how the hell did you know he was into her? told me he never told anyone else” regulus scoffed and took a sip of his drink.
“i know because SHE is into him, wouldn’t stop talking about it all night.” narcissa said, “help me get them together? please?” she added and brought her hands to a pleading motion. regulus nodded and a grin broke out across her face. 
smiling as you made your way to the spot where narcissa told you to come to, just to get away from the party and get some fresh air.
the garden was always a favorite of yours, it always was so pretty and well taken care of not like the overgrown mess that was your little garden at home that you planned to tidy up and make new this spring and summer. glancing around as a small nervous knot started to tighten in your stomach, narcissa was nowhere to be seen and you thought she’d be behind a bush or something just waiting to jump out and scare you but it never came. 
sitting on a cold bench. deciding to wait for her to turn up, maybe just got held up after she told you to come out here. 
footsteps came into ear, looking over your shoulder as now you could hear someone trying to catch their breath. your breath caught in your throat as you saw him. evan fucking rosier, and when he looked up it seemed he had the same reaction to you as you did for him.
evans cheeks went ablaze, his chest burning even more. swallowing harshly as you two made eye contact. “hi” he merely squeaked. 
“hi,” you said, forcing yourself to answer quickly, knowing if you didn’t you wouldnt speak at all. “would you like to sit?” you asked, the confidence coming from deep inside you. 
evan smiled and nodded before coming to sit beside you. a smile formed on your face as you watched him play with his rings. soon evan started some small talk which led to deep conversations which kept you two outside for the rest of the event.
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Nicknames for the Slytherin Skittles i wish i saw more
Barty: B or Bee
Evan: Ev or Rosie
Dorcas: Cas
Pandora: Dora
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Friendly reminder that in canon-
Friendly reminder that idgaf and I’m delusional.
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rosekiller-addict · 8 months
me: you know, sleeping might be a nice change for once
me: but fanfiction is so much better
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