#female whitney
lewdityiota · 1 month
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My pc hates Kylar and adores Whitney and I just think that’s really funny
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foxynite · 11 months
fem!Whitney for another friend in the dol server
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theaskew · 3 months
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Edward Hopper (American 1882-1967), Standing Female Nude, 1920–1925. Drawing, fabricated chalk on paper; sheet (Irregular): 18 × 12 1/16 in. | 45.7 × 30.6 cm. (Source: Whitney Museum of American Art)
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fawnsite · 1 month
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Prelim Poll 5
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Propaganda here
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oncanvas · 19 days
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Tragedy, Audrey Buller, 1936
Oil on linen 15 1/16 × 25 in. (38.3 × 63.5 cm) Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, NY, USA
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miku-meeku · 4 months
holding you at gun point for fem whitney art (haha joke. unless?)
yes asher sir.....................
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behold things ive cooked up abt female whitney............................
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the duality of miku when she draws female whitney vs male whitney.....
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oh yea, and i did this one; courtesy of someone's request on the dol discord server
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full pic is on dol discord server hahahahaha- slowly evaporates away
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cremefralche · 2 months
ive been messing around with Whitney's dominance levels, trying to see what changes there are with his events with a low dom, high love Whitney, and there are quite a few noticeable differences!
things that have stuck out to me in particular have been:
during after-school events where he brings you to Mer Street, instead of leaving you to fend for yourself, he instead fucks you on the pier, with a special scene you can get where you have to keep fucking him long enough for a passing ship to get close. (making him cum too early has him laugh about what the slut the PC is)
during math class, if some student is checking you out and he gets angry, intervening actually has him completely let go of the student
also during math class, when you pass a skullduggery check when he tries to strip you, he no longer gets incredibly pissed off and storms out, he instead struts the classroom and shows off his body
when he has you steal cigarettes and you get stuck, instead of leaving you to fend for yourself against a dog, he instead frees you because "you'd smell all funny" edit: i've been informed in the replies that this can happen even with high dom!
when you have a stalking encounter with him in the alleyways, when you ask him if you can have sex in private, he agrees and even tells his friends to stay away
i think it's incredibly cute how he opens himself up to being a little sillier, and little (and i mean little) bit more considerate! you also get waaay way less shit from him for saying no LOL. his friends seem to enjoy him fooling around like this just fine too, so it makes me wonder if they could afford to just be silly and less intimidating like this more often...
i guess him recognising the PC not as a belonging and instead as his partner (based on the social tab) changes things a little for him?
screencaps for each instance stated under the cut!
1) MER STREET SCENE (i dont have screenies from when pc makes him cum too early T_T) (nor do i have the fishing boat's reaction, i completely forgot T_T)
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this one is especially interesting to me, since high dom whitney still humiliates them by exposing their underwear! low dom Whitney lets them off easy LOL
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i may be wrong, but this stands out to me because the language feels a lot less aggressive compared to when he usually talks about street sex!
it's also INCREDIBLY funny that his friends are disappointed that they dont get to see Whitney fuck. like. ????????? gang of weirdos!
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tokyicons · 2 months
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 months
I haven’t played this stupid game in 6 months. This is a sequel to Prospects, this time featuring Bailey.
The envelope shook in your hand. “This should suffice.”
Bailey took it from you, not bothering to meet your eyes as she slit the top and took the slip inside. Whitney, dressed for the ride ahead— or fight; whatever came first— in his sweats and t-shirt, stood with his back to the door. Despite your assurance, he had insisted on sitting in on this final transaction as if the mountain of cash you had worked yourself ragged to obtain would not be enough to settle the score, as if your being there were not dependent solely on your value as a worker, as if Bailey— who now looked up at you over the check between her fingers and her half-rimmed glasses— would care beyond that if you were gone.
The ground swayed beneath your feet.
Bailey leaned back in her chair, gesturing to Whitney with the check. “This was your idea?”
You could not bring yourself to look back at him, but you could imagine his expression. It was the same as when you had when you had met Briar and Avery a few days before; cool, unflinching, as though you were an item at a pawn shop he was trying to get a good price on. You supposed you were, in a sense. “Yes.”
Bailey nodded slowly, taking in your figure, your stance. You squirmed under her gaze. “And the child’s yours, I take it?”
She considered as much. “You know,” she mused, “your… what would the word be? Fucktoy?”
He scoffed. “For our purposes, property.”
“Oh, hardly.” She leaned her elbows on the desk, fingers lacing together under her chin. “Not officially at least, not until our terms are settled.”
“What terms are there to settle?” You picked at your cuticles, heart pounding in your throat. “Is that not how much—“
“That’s how much my best earner was worth before.” Her smile was sweet like cough syrup, sharp like whiskey. “I’m a businesswoman you understand; it would hardly make much sense for me to part with my greatest revenue stream for its raw material costs.”
You looked back at Whitney. He kept his eyes trained on the woman in front of you. “And how much would it take for you to part ways with your charge?”
She sighed in mock contemplation. “Oh, I don’t know.” She sucked her teeth. “Another fifty percent ought to do it.”
The words echoed in your ears. You swallowed back panic as you went back to staring at the floor.
“Fifty?” His sneer was audible. “The fuck you take me for?”
“Someone desperate.” She gestured to you. “Someone willing to take when they can get and leave.”
“A bitch, you mean.”
“So long as we’re being frank.”
“Do you know how much that child is worth?” You shut your eyes as you felt her own take you in. “Do you know what sort of market you could appeal to with a matching set?”
You heard a rustling of cloth behind you. Whitney’s voice was as cheerful and bright as you had ever heard it. “So long as we’re considering the lives of people that matter,” he smiled, “I’m curious; how much is your life worth?”
There was a pause, a laugh from Bailey. “That bitch,” she sighed. “First that file—“
“This actually isn’t Laundry’s, surprisingly enough.” You heard the clinking of metal parts as he gestured to you. “Friend of a friend who lives in the country; I promised him the deed to this shithole if your position found itself empty.”
Despite yourself, you turned to face him. He held the pistol in his hand with the confidence of a man unfazed by its weight. In the back of your mind, you wondered if he would be tried if he went through with it, whether the cops would come or care or whether they would write it off as the result of one of Bailey’s “ungrateful brats”. You could not for the life of you decide which would be preferable.
“So,” he continued, finger twitching, eyes shining, “I think it best if we tried renegotiating terms.” He gestured to you. “Either you take the money and I take your cash cow off your hands—“ He steadied his aim, “— or I redecorate your office with your insides and you get to find out whether the contents of that envelope are worth shit in hell.”
You cast your gaze back towards her. Bailey looked between the two of you, lips pursed. “You’re more desperate than I thought.” She pushed her glasses up her nose and reached into her shirt pocket. “Let me give you some advice, kid.”
You shut your eyes again at the click of the safety. “Hands where I can see ‘em.”
She pulled out a carton of cigarettes, tapping one out and sticking it between her lips. “He isn’t a better person than I am, you know.” She took a lighter off her desk. “He’s not going to take better care of you than I am, isn’t going to wish you off to some fairy tale land where you’ll never know hardship; if anything, he’s going to fuck you over harder than I do.” She lit it, took a drag, smiled, exhaled.
“You fucking—“
“And you.” She pointed the cigarette at him. “Whitney, yeah? You think your life’s going to get better by being a father?” She leaned her head on her free hand. “I’ve been stuck with this job for thirty years now; the only thing that thing—“ she waved the cigarette in your belly’s general direction, “— is good for is an accessory to the walking ATM it’s stuck in.”
You could hear his voice shake; with what, you could not tell. “So help me God if you say one more thing about my fucking kid—“
“Let me say my piece.” She stood up, taking another drag and blowing it in your face. “If I were you,” she sighed, “I’d see if Harper couldn’t make an exception to get that thing out of you while it’s not breathing. Short of that, I’d ship it here.” She leaned forward, resting her hand on the surface of her desk. “But if I ever find your brat at my doorstep,” she promised, voice lowering, “if I ever see you or that thing here again, I’ll make your time here look like a stay at the Ritz-fucking-Carlton.” She stuck the cigarette back between her teeth, tilting your head up to look her in the eye. The resemblance between her and Whitney was apparent; you wondered if that was just what the eyes of monsters looked like. “I will make your child pay for however much you would have made me twofold, and I will sell their body— whole or piecemeal— to any dumb fuck who asks for what I’m sure will be a pretty young thing like them. Do you understand me?”
You could not breathe.
Her grip on your jaw tightened. “Are you deaf?” She brought you closer, and you whimpered at the sensation. “I asked you a question. Do you understand me or don’t you?”
You shut your eyes as her nails dug into your skin. You dug your own into your palm as you forced yourself to nod.
She kept you there a moment— for what, you did not know— before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes shot open, and you swallowed back tears— of relief, of sadness, of panic— as she released you, collapsing to your knees and gasping for air. “Good.” She took the check, slipping it into her pocket before sitting back down. “Leave before I change my mind.”
You pulled yourself to your feet, practically tripping over yourself to cling to Whitney. He glanced down at you, letting you bury your face into his shoulder as he took one last look at your former guardian. Wordlessly, he pulled the two of you out into the hallway, past the children gathered by the door, past the garden and Robin and the stairs and the threshold and finally, with a smile of untempered relief and satisfaction, across the street, into the truck parked there, and away from that miserable town, and as you watched the buildings you had come to know as parts of your home flew past, as you watched people you recognized from school rush into the forest and students— like you, you registered vaguely, desperate for money, for purpose, for anything— lean against street corners, you wondered if this would be any better, if this was more desirable, if this was emancipation or a different, crueler kind of ownership.
You mumbled a goodbye to the bus stop as it passed. Only then did the tears really start.
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ediths-shades · 3 months
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WHITNEY HOUSTON in The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Costume design by Cynthia Flynt
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lewdityiota · 4 months
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Sketchy Whitney
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sleepybun-ny · 7 months
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redrew a thing from last year (and adjusted some heights) (and also a new pc) (also no beats i don’t…do that)
old one for reference (jesus christ somebody needed to beat my ass ong) (the fucking freckles i’m gonna puke)
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
Since I feel like it let's go for an appreciation post for some of the greatest singers of all times, some of the most beautiful voices you'll ever hear
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Tracy Chapman
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Tina Turner
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Whitney Houston
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Stevie Nicks
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Cyndi Lauper
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Dolores O'Riordan
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Édith Piaf
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Linda Perry
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Amy Winehouse
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Bonnie Tyler
And so MANY more. I love them. Women are so talented.
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fawnsite · 5 months
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randomgurl2326 · 9 months
Ignorance Is Bliss Pt. 1
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A/N: Thank you to the beautiful Anon for requesting this fic. This has been one of my delusions that help me sleep at night. So, may I please introduce you to the ‘she fell first but he fell harder’ trope that we all love. With, of course, Ema and Mickey helping and hoping for them to get together💚💜
As the h/c girl closed her locker, Ema was yet again tired of the ongoing “will-they-won’t-they” of the l/n girl and the Spindell boy. “All I’m saying is, maybe you should tell him because you’ve been hopelessly in love with him since fifth grade.”
Y/N pointed at Ema and said with a cheeky smile, “ah no, sixth grade, get it right. Also, there is no way in hell that I’m going to tell him, alright?”
Worth that the Winslow best friend sighed, and the two best friends walked to French class.
Meanwhile with a Mickey and Spoon…
“…a-and she has this thing where whenever she’s talking about something she likes that she does with her hair, y’know, like this,” the rambling Spindell boy said while demonstrating what his object of infatuation does with his own hair, not quite show ing it right.
Mickey chuckles and shakes his head, “y’know, telling her how you feel would be a great idea. Maybe, I don’t know at the park or something. Oor-9r, hear me out, just telling her would be nice.”
“Oh, dear Mickelous, that is simply just not possible. You see, you cannot simply fathom how much platonic-ivory oozes from her when we hang out together. Also, Y/an does not like the park because of children and the grass makes her itch; it would probably have to be during the night while under the stars.”
“Oh yeah, totally platonic when she looks at you like you actually hung the stars in front of her. Just like that show she likes with Azipy- Aziry-, nope, can’t say it.”
Arthur sighs, “Mickey, my bestest friend in the universe, she doesn’t like me and she never will, okay? Now come on, we’ll be late for wood shop and I’m looking forward to making a bird house that can stand this year.”
As they walked down the hall to their next class, Mickey sighed and started to formulate a plan and text Ema:
M: we need to come up with a plan for these two — sent at 10:45 a.m.
Ik, I can’t take it anymore — sent at 10:46 a.m.
Meet me in the MILF room after lunch, well conspire there — sent at 10:48 a.m.
M:Ok, and btw, I hate that name — sent at 10:50 a.m.
Also y do u sound like an evil genius?? — sent at 10:50 a.m.
Ikr, horrible name. And, idk, I just do sound like one ig — sent at 11:00 a.m.
Meet u after lunch — sent at 11:01 a.m.
After Lunch…
“Okay, now, that was a rough forty-five minutes to get through,” Mickey said this as him and Ema walked into the abandoned boiler room, a.k.a. The MILF Room, a.a.k.a. The Spindell Spot.
As the Winslow girl sat down on the couch she managed out, “yeah, that was unnecessarily hard. It’s like they want to look into our souls and have us tell them everything. Y/N really needs to stop looking like she’s about to run over a dog.”
“It’s seriously out of hand how much information they can try and gauge out of us. Spoon is the worst. He literally has that look on his face where he look-“
“Looks like he’s the most innocent and pure thing on the world? Yeah, I’ve seen that look. He’s literally the devil in disguise,” Ema then pulls out her laptop to take notes on how to get the two oblivious, love-sick, diabolic, little love birds, “so, you ready to do this?”
Mickey smiled and sat down next to his other best friend, “ready to finally get them to stop pining over each other and being self destructive? Hell yeah.”
And so, the two of the four best friends created a plan to get the other half together.
“…by the way, when do I have to get you and Rachel together,” the Bolitar boy than got smacked by a book by the alt girl and continued with their scheming.
To be continued…
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this, but I want to make my little anon chalupa(and my readers proud) so I’m doing this. Please give me feedback on how I could improve the is one.
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