#fic: prodigal
cypanache · 6 months
Cy's 2023 Fic Replay - Track #10
Intro: My entire 2023 Music Replay is populated by tracks from my various fic playlists, and it's made me a little nostalgic and a little reflective so I'm going to be extremely self indulgent and talk about why these are the top songs and the fics they go to. So without further ado ...
track 10: Breathe Me - Sia
This song has been a go to on fic playlists since my Dexter/Lumen days. I love how it feels intimate, and sensual but not explicitly romantic. That simple begging lyric of 'Be my friend' encompasses such an expanse of possibilities that it is often on my playlists for those more complicated relationships which spring from less than healthy places. Like I said it was my banner song for Dexter/Lumen, it featured heavily in my April/Ben playlist when I was writing 'Escape Hatch' so long ago that this link still takes you to live journal, and now suddenly it's back in heavy rotation ... and I still love it.
fic rambling, lyrics and excerpts below the cut
fic: Prodigal
[obianidala | in-universe | post rots ]
I cannot emphasize enough how much I didn't see this fic coming. I have a really complicated relationship with post-RotS obianidala fics because I'm not that interested in any sort of redemptive arc for Anakin once Order 66 occurs. So needless to say, actually writing a post RotS oad fic? Not on my bingo card.
But I really love this fic. It's bittersweet and sharp edged and not at all a redemption story.
But it is a forgiveness story. It's a story about loving someone you know to be capable of monstrous things. About what that does to you and figuring out how to live with that part of yourself.
Which is to say that, although I am writing three love stories, because its me this is first and foremost Obi-Wan and Padme's story. And this song is their song. Specifically this bit:
Help, I have done it again I have been here many times before Hurt myself again today And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame Be my friend Hold me, wrap me up Unfold me
This encapsulates everything both of them are going through. The blame they put on themselves for what happened and how much they need each other ... It's not an explicitly romantic dynamic, but its so deep and complicated and powerful, its the glue of the story and it's truly one of my favorite flavors of them I've written ...
So to give you a flavor of what I'm talking about, here have this excerpt from Chapter 2 where Padme asks Obi-Wan to share his memories of massacre at the temple:
“Maybe–” she licks her lips, sucking a little on the blood that begun to decorate the surface. “Maybe it will help? You’ve been carrying around all by yourself. Maybe if you share it, it won’t feel so heavy?” “And maybe we’ll just both wind up with nightmares.” “At least you won’t be alone anymore.” It’s a more appealing prospect than he’d like to admit. Still– As if sensing his hesitation, how close he teeters to the edge, she presses. “Don’t you think I deserve to know?” He stiffens at that, some instinctive, possessive part of him rejecting the idea that this woman is entitled to anything when it comes to his Padawan, even this, but then she continues. “He did it for me after all. That’s what he says, right? How he explains it? That he did it to keep me safe. Don’t you think I should have to pay the price?” Oh. Oh my dear. Unable to help himself, he reaches up and brushes a lock of hair out of her face. All his blame— All the secret resentment and unspoken condemnation he’s been carrying around for her in his pockets evaporating in an instant. “No.” Padme closes her eyes at the touch. “Because you think it's yours?” “Possibly.” Definitely. “Well stop it.” She says trying valiantly to lighten the mood. “Selfishness like that. It’s unbecoming a Jedi.” And it’s not that he doesn’t appreciate the attempt but— “The Jedi are dead.” “I know,” she whispers, “I’m sorry.” “Me too.” They lay there for a long time, watching each other, her hand on his cheek, his fingers in her hair. Enjoying the sensation of touching someone, of being touched. And for a moment, just a moment, he forgets, what’s happened, who he’s with, why even this is too much solace, too much grace.
So there you go track 10. Hope this was enjoyable for some of you.
PS Does anyone know how to make the Spotify stuff smaller with requiring me to learn how to do a custom theme on my Tumblr? Because whoa ... that's really big and annoying
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raz-writes-the-thing · 6 months
Study Bunny (Prodigal Son One-Shot)
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Martin Whitly x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open
Summary: You ride Martin's thigh.
CW: daddy kink, medical talk, possessive behaviour(ish)
Prodigal Son: @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Martin was far too perceptive for his own good, you thought. He always seemed to know exactly what you were thinking even before you did. It was a little uncanny, to be completely honest. If this was the twenty-four hundreds or something, you would have been concerned that he’d implanted thought reader chips in your head or something. 
“Oh, my dear,” he’d said one day when you’d questioned him about his ability to know what you were thinking- not about the chips. “I’m just exceptionally good at reading people.” 
You weren’t really sure whether it was people in general, or just you. He did spend an awful lot of time with you, after all. It made sense he’d get used to you enough to read your face. 
Anyway, you were thinking about all this while perched in his lap in his study. Martin was peering over some anatomical diagrams in preparation for a surgery he had in the morning. You’d been planning to leave him alone to his study, but you had found yourself in his lap somehow anyway. That sort of thing had a tendency to happen, you’d noticed. 
What could you say? Martin was a convincing man. And quite cuddly. How could one resist such temptation? 
“Dear, you’re staring again,” Martin commented without looking at you. You blinked twice, clearing your brain from the fog that had been seeping through the corners. 
“Was I? Sorry,” you replied sheepishly, dropping your head onto his shoulder. Martin chuckled, and you saw his cheek muscles move with his smile. He sighed and put the paper down on the desk. He turned his attention towards you and placed both his hands on your hips. 
Your breath hitched ever so slightly, and the sharpening of Martin’s gaze let you know that he did not fail to notice it either. 
“Mm,” he hummed thoughtfully. “Interesting. You know, I’ve noticed you tend to have heightened feelings of arousal and hormone spiking around the mid-month mark.” 
You blinked. Did you? 
“Yes, my dear. Interesting, I know.” 
You felt his fingertips press a little harder into your hips, and the resulting whimper it pulled out of you was as embarrassing as it was telling. Martin chuckled- a wolf’s grin on his lips, and dragged your hips just slightly against his thigh. 
You bit your lip, taking the initiative and rocking yourself ever-so-slightly against his thigh. Martin grinned wider if that were possible, and leaned back in his chair so he could appreciate the sight in front of him. 
You rolled your hips harder, delighting in the jolt of pleasure ricocheting up your spine. Martin let out what could only be a possessive growl and pushed his knee up for you to rut against. 
“That’s it. Fuck, my love. Stunning,” he grunted, voice like gravel. “Watching you fuck yourself on my thigh like this? Fucking gorgeous, my dear.” 
You whimpered, pleasure shooting up your nerve endings and setting you alight. Your muscles were aching with strain, but the pleasure far outweighed the delicious stretch and burn. 
Martin started bouncing his knee, sending jolts of pleasure into the mix, giving you a different sensation to take your ecstasy from. 
“Mm, maybe I’ll have to conduct a little study on you- when do you reach your hormonal cycles? How do we measure when they’ll be coming up?” Martin leaned in to whisper darkly in your ear, saying, “when are you most pathetic for my cock? Hmm? Yes, I know, dear. Pathetic little thing just wants to cum.” 
You were getting close now, having him speak to you like this and with his hands on your hips rocking you against him- you would never have lasted long, anyway.
“Would you like that? Daddy’s little study bunny? Oh, look at you. Yes, I know,” he growled possessively, eyeing you hungrily, all thoughts of his upcoming surgery forgotten. “Fucking cum for me, my love.” 
And cum you did, whimpering and moaning as your hips jerked against him erratically, releasing with such vigour that your whole body shook atop him- much to his delight. 
“That’s it. Oh, my good little dove.” 
You panted, dropping your head back onto his shoulder and letting out a giggle as the endorphins flooded your system. 
“Fuck, I love you,” you panted. 
“I love you, too, my dear,” Martin replied, pressing a soft kiss to your sweaty forehead and turning back to pick his papers back up. 
“I’ll just finish these notes and we can retire for the night,” he said, already losing himself in the papers. You nodded, yawning tiredly. 
“Sounds good to me, beloved.”
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zahri-melitor · 11 months
After the last few months, Dick still is adjusting to the fact that Tim comes back to the Penthouse after patrol. He sleeps in a bedroom in the apartment. There’s a comm in his ear with a tracker in it that Dick can pull up on the computer and find his location. He’s here. Dick knows where he is.
If Dick has stood in the doorway of Tim’s room at 5am, after waking from a nightmare, to listen and watch the sheets move as Tim breathes…well. Anyone might do that. He hadn’t realised how well he knew the exact sound of Tim snoring as he slept on Dick’s couch, until that background noise was no longer there.
He’s really here.
Tim’s back in the Bunker after patrol right after Batman and Robin get in, changing before going upstairs. Alfred has already retreated to bed, so the three of them are left to scrounge a post-patrol snack from the fridge.
Damian is first to the fridge, sticking his head right in. He’s always hungry at the moment. It’s probably a coming growth spurt. Dick remembers the feel of patrol as a pre-teen and as a teenager, when your appetite never seemed to end, when he’d get hungry every few hours and sneak snacks in his pockets and drop in on late night vendors and on particularly long stakeouts Bruce would reach into his belt and pull out little bags of dried fruit and jerky and pass them to Dick without looking.
“Grayson,” Damian demands. He sounds confused. “Who opened the extra orange juice. Why are there multiple containers open.”
Dick blinks, then looks over Damian’s shoulder. He’s right. There are three containers of orange juice at the front of the shelf. Two of them are open, and the third one, still sealed, is decorated with a little texta dot on the seal line that Dick’s eyes are immediately drawn to.
Dick turns his head slightly and looks at Tim. Tim’s smirking, but also has a far away nostalgic look in his eye.
“The orange juice is all open, Tim?” Dick asks. Oh. This brings back memories.
Damian reaches for one of the cartons. Tim snorts.
“Uh, not that one,” says Dick hastily. Tim. TIM.
“What’s wrong with the orange juice, Drake?” Oh no. Damian now sounds super suspicious.
“You didn’t do this with Damian?” Tim sounds amused.
“Alfred’s right here,” Dick points out. He’s not being defensive, honestly. It’s just…Alfred would never let any of them get away with this. Alfred’s the one who cooks all Damian’s meals and makes sure he’s getting an adequate diet for a young vigilante training like Damian is, who enforces bedtimes and routine and sets the rules. It’s not like the last time he was Batman, when it was just Dick and Tim on their own.
Shit. Dick had only just been 21 back then. He and Tim had been such kids, his failed wedding or not, knocking around a too-large Manor on their own with no supervision, with responsibility for the entire city. He’d thought he was so grown up then.
It’s one of the reasons he’s insisted on moving into the Penthouse. There were too many memories tied up in being in the Manor when Bruce wasn’t there. He couldn’t face dealing with it while Tim was also gone. He’d needed that fresh start.
He reaches over Damian’s shoulder and hands the offending carton to Tim. “It’s an old joke of Tim’s, Damian. Don’t worry. Tim, you can explain the situation to Alfred in the morning when he’s making breakfast and sees everything’s open.”
“Only if there’s still multiple cartons,” says Tim. He lifts the carton to his lips, making firm eye contact with Dick, and chugs the entire thing.
“That’s disgusting, Drake!” squawks Damian.
Dick starts to feel his heart heal a little. They’re going to be ok.
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denaliwrites · 7 months
Never Fallen From Quite This High
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Martin Whitly x GN!Reader
Catch and Release Prompt: "Loyalty"
Summary: You didn't mean for this to happen... but you couldn't let him hurt Martin.
Soundtrack: Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Murder.
"Oh, my dear," Martin says softly as he creeps closer to you. He's keeping his voice quiet and his body low so as not to startle you, though you can't quite figure out why. You've been sat on your haunches now for what feels like hours. "What have you done?"
The question confuses you. He seemingly notices this, as he releases a quiet, placating shushing sound, almost as if by instinct. "It's okay," he tells you gently, shuffling ever closer. "You're okay."
Finally he reaches you, kneels down in front of you and takes your hands in his. It's only then, as he pries it from your fingers, that you realize you'd been holding a knife. "That's it," he murmurs, giving you a small, tense smile. "There you go." He drops it far from your reach, somewhere behind him where you can't see it. See the dried blood coating it.
"Hey, now," he coos, as he carefully manipulates your head, tilting it this way and that. "Look at me, darling?" His eyes are concerned, examining you like he thinks he'll suddenly find a grievous injury. But you're unharmed.
Next, he shifts your head so that you're facing him directly, and he's looking into your eyes, but you can see there's little emotion there. His mind is purely medical at the moment.
"Traumatic shock," he says to himself as his gaze dances from one eye to the other, noting the vacant look and blown pupils. "Darling, can you hear me?"
"Ssshh, darling. Simple answers for now. Yes or no. Please."
"He--he was--he--"
Martin sighs as you babble. You struggle to get the words out, and he simply watches you with concern as disjointed syllables spill from your lips, until you finally string them all together and say, "he was going to kill you."
He looks down, taking note of the bloody body he'd had to step over to get to you. When he turns back to look at you, his eyes are softer. "Darling," he sighs, pulling you forward to place a gentle kiss to your bloodstained forehead. "You know I'd never let that happen."
"H-he -- he was... he was gonna kill you," you insist, voice raising, tinted with building panic.
Martin pulls you into a kiss, his lips crushing yours and stealing your breath and chasing away all other thoughts. Any words you're about to release in a torrential flood are diverted, lost to those devastating lips.
The kiss is the shock you need to bring you back -- at least, enough to really see him. To remember where you are, what you've done. Your eyes trail down to the body as Martin holds you close, one hand at the back of your neck and the other stroking your hair.
"I-I-I--" you stammer, tears springing to your eyes as you look down.
"Sssshhh," he hushes you gently, his hold on you tightening.
"I killed -- M-Martin, I killed someone..."
"I know, darling," he whispers in your ear. "I know. Don't worry. I'm here now."
You whimper, burying your face into his shoulder so that you can't see the corpse anymore.
"I'll take care of it," Martin continues, his hand now working to rub comforting circles into your back. "I'll make sure that you were never here, understand?"
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ophelia-writes-fics · 6 months
the thrill of the rush [martin whitly x reader - 18+]
You had always known that Martin wanted kids, but you hadn’t realized quite how badly until you’d agreed to start trying for one.
Tags (please read!): fem!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, lots and lots of praise, like so much praise, pet names, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (fem receiving), daddy kink, begging, mild degradation, rough-ish sex, a bit of biting, aftercare, weirdly soft and tender considering martin is a serial killer but honestly this could be read as an AU where he isn't
Word count: ~1.9k
reader and martin are trying for a baby, but there's no in-depth discussion of pregnancy, and reader isn't pregnant (yet)
full disclosure, i'm only on episode 5 of prodigal son (but i've seen a ton of clips and edits) so if martin's a bit out of character i apologize. i tried to capture his softer, family-oriented side a little bit - i like it when he's scary, but sometimes a bitch just wants to be lavished with love, yk? <3
i'll write some really kinky shit with him later, i've got some fun requests, but for now, enjoy! (oh, and 10th doctor smut will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned!)
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You had always known that Martin wanted kids, but you hadn’t realized quite how badly until you’d agreed to start trying for one. 
However, now that he had you pinned underneath him, practically bent in half, and was pounding into you with reckless abandon, you were starting to realize what exactly you were in for. 
“Oh, f-fuck, please, Martin, s-slow down…” you begged, your hands scrambling for purchase on his forearms as your eyes rolled back from pleasure. 
“Shh, darling, you can take it. You’re my good girl, aren’t you? Just lie there and let me take care of you,” he murmured before gently kissing your forehead and doubling down on his already brutal pace. 
“Mnn…c-can’t take it…too much…” You shut your eyes tightly, thoroughly overwhelmed with pleasure. 
He’d already made you cum twice by going down on you, then twice more while fucking you like this, and despite how overstimulated and sensitive your entire body felt, you were rapidly approaching another orgasm. 
“You can and you will, sweet girl. I’m going to make sure you get just as much enjoyment out of this as I do, and if that means I end up making you cum a dozen more times tonight, then that’s how it’s going to go. You’re going to take it.” He pressed a series of desperate, open-mouthed kisses to the sensitive skin on your neck. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this. Do you know what you do to me? What your body does to me?” 
A particularly hard thrust made you cry out, and from the look in Martin’s eyes, you could tell that was exactly the reaction he was hoping for. His grip on your thighs tightened as he bent you further back, pinning you so that your knees nearly touched your shoulders, fucking you deeper than you’d thought possible. He leaned in close to whisper to you as he pounded you mercilessly, his hand moving between the two of you to rub against your hypersensitive clit. 
“I’ve been waiting on this for ages, darling. I’ve been waiting -- fuck, you feel amazing -- waiting so long to have you like this, all mine for the taking, at long last.” 
Martin groaned, closing his eyes as your cunt tightened around him. You opened your mouth to try and tell him you were getting close, that you needed him, that it was too much and not enough and you needed it so badly, but before you could speak, he pulled you close and kissed you passionately, a stark contrast to the absolutely brutal fucking he was giving you. 
He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. “I know, sweetheart, I know, you’re so close, I feel it,” he purred, interrupting himself every so often to kiss you again. “I can feel how badly you want it. It’s all right, darling, let it happen. I’ve got you. I’m not going to stop for anything, I promise. Cum for me, baby, I know you can do it.” 
You could barely even process the words coming out of his mouth, but still, your body obeyed his orders, almost instinctively. You couldn’t have held back if you wanted to, your desperate moan becoming a scream as your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, leaving you trembling and whimpering for Martin to please, please slow down, it’s too much, even though you both knew full well that you could take it. He fucked you straight through it, only barely slowing down as you came, then picking up the pace again, thrusting into you with deep, hard strokes. 
“Such a good little girl,” he praised, giving you that look you knew so well as he smiled at you; that thrilling, dangerous look in his eye that made you feel like a cornered prey animal, completely helpless and at his mercy, and you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. His hand wandered to your neck and wrapped around it - not nearly hard enough to restrict your breathing, but enough so you felt the weight of it, so that you knew you were his and only his. 
You practically melted beneath him at the feeling, letting yourself float away in the waves and waves of pleasure that never stopped. You lavished in his praise, in the feeling of his hands all over you, in the light graze of his beard against your face, your neck, your chest as he kissed you over and over again. 
“Martin, please, I’m ready…”
He pulled back, fixing you with a look that betrayed his own desperation. “Ready for what, sweetheart? Use your words, I won’t know what you want if you don’t tell me.” 
“I -- ngh! -- I want you to cum, please, I wanna feel it, I want…” you trailed off with a gasp as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside you. 
“What do you want?” 
You moaned, barely able to string a coherent thought together, feeling yourself getting more and more lost in your fog of pleasure. 
Martin grabbed your chin firmly, turning your face to him. “I said, what do you want, hmm?” His gravelly voice was like music in your ears. “Say it, sweetheart. Tell Daddy what you need.” 
You stared up at him through blurry eyes, trying to focus on him in your fucked-out state. “I want…I want you to fill me up. I want to have a baby with you, Martin. I - I need it, please, I’m ready, I want - oh, fuck, oh my god, yes, right there…fuck, I - I want to have your child, please, I need it, Martin…”
That did it. Without even pulling out, he turned you over and quickly positioned you so that you were on all fours, pressing your face into the mattress with a deep moan that was almost a growl. He grabbed your hips hard, using them as leverage to fuck into you even harder, with shallow thrusts that hit the most sensitive places inside you, never pulling even halfway out. 
“Oh, yes, that’s it, my filthy fucking girl. You want Daddy to breed you?” 
He knew the answer, he’d known it since the beginning, that was what had started this past hour of overwhelming pleasure for you, but you knew that he wanted to hear you say it. He wanted you to beg. 
“Yes, yes, fuck, yes! Please, please, I need it, please…” 
“Ah, there’s my good girl. You’re so sweet, aren’t you? Begging like a whore for me to fill you up. There you go, let me hear you moan for it, let me hear how desperate you are for me to put a baby in you, come on…Mmm, such a good girl, lying there and taking it like the slut you are.” 
You could tell from his tone of voice and the way his pace was starting to grow erratic that he was getting close, and you knew that you weren’t far behind him. You absolutely loved it when he got like this, dominant and possessive and half-mad with lust. You could barely hold yourself upright with how badly your body was shaking. 
You felt his grip tighten on your hips, fingers pressing so hard into your soft skin that you were sure you’d have bruises tomorrow, and you whined desperately, the sound growing muffled as Martin shoved your face back into the mattress, his hand tangling in your hair and pulling slightly in a way that sent shivers down your spine. 
“God, you have no idea how hard it’s been for me to hold back, I’ve wanted to do this for so long…can’t stop -- oh, shit, darling, just like that -- god, I can’t stop fucking thinking about how pretty you’ll look carrying my child, how needy you’ll be for me for those nine long months,” he panted, voice shaking ever so slightly. You knew he meant every single word. 
“I’m going to take such good care of you, my perfect girl. You hear me? Daddy’s going to take such good care of you.”
He wrapped an arm around you, toying with your clit in a way that he knew would drive you over the edge at any moment.
“I’m going to take care of you just like I’m doing now. I’m going to make you feel so good that you’ll never want to leave this bed. You won’t have to. Just - oh, god - just say the word and I’ll be at your beck and call. But right now, what I need you to do is cum for me, because--” 
His words broke off with a deep, feral moan before he collected himself enough to speak. “Because, my beautiful darling, I am getting so fucking close to cumming inside you, and I need to feel your needy little pussy take every drop I’m going to give it, do you understand me? I’m going to count down, and when I tell you to, you’re going to give me everything you’ve got, yeah?” 
You moaned and nodded, feeling thoroughly drunk and light-headed with pleasure. 
You felt yourself tighten around him as his fingers sped up against your clit. 
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, so close, so fucking close…
It was so much, it was all too much, you couldn’t hold back for even a moment more…
“Fuck, yes, there you go, cum for me, angel, cum for me!” 
You cried out as your final orgasm of the night washed over you like a tidal wave, your throat feeling sore and raw, your body feeling electrified all over as shocks of pleasure coursed through every inch of you, inside and out. Martin had done the same as he came deep inside you, his voice rough as he moaned for you, panting hard, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he filled your cunt with his seed. 
After what felt like an eternity, you collapsed onto the bedsheets as you came down from your high, unable to hold yourself up any longer. Martin laid down beside you, pulling you into his arms, holding you close as he wrapped you both in a blanket. 
He pressed a kiss to your neck before resting his face against your shoulder, sighing contentedly. His arm was wrapped around you, his warm hand resting protectively against your lower stomach, right where you could still feel his cum inside you. 
“You’re incredible,” Martin sighed, his soft exhale tickling the shell of your ear. “You did so well for me, sweetheart, you were wonderful.”
“Yeah?” You gave him a sleepy smile as you settled yourself into his embrace, floating in the afterglow. 
“Mm-hmm,” he replied, and you felt him smile against the curve of your shoulder. “I can hardly wait until you start showing, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.” He pulled you closer, playfully biting your neck as you giggled, then tilted his head upward to gently kiss your lips with a loving smile. 
“Let’s get some sleep now, sweet girl. I know you’re tired, and you’re gonna need plenty of rest soon, hmm?” 
You nodded, yawning and pulling the blanket tighter around the both of you before settling back into Martin’s warm embrace. 
He hummed quietly, contentedly, and you felt the sound vibrate in his chest. 
“Sleep well, my beautiful girl. I love you with all my heart.”
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A/N: thank you so much for reading! if you have any other ideas, my requests are open, so ask away! and again, i've got another fic coming tomorrow, so be sure to check it out if you're interested. feel free to like, comment, rb, share, whatever you like :) love you all!
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fandomssaremysoul · 1 year
I have decided to make a MHA, Izuku Midoriya centric, fanfiction 101 recommendations, list.
I am but a basic bitch of nerds, but I have opinions and I WILL share them bc I'm incapable of shutting the fuck up.
Anyway this is a list of fic I think any person who reads fanfiction, is a BNHA fan and likes Izuku Midoriya, should read.
(is it actually an excuse to find ppl who like the same shit i do? Maybe.)
So, this list will contain fics that are completed ONLY.
There are a lot of MHA staples that aren't finished yet, and they will get a post of their own.
Alright disclaimers, PSA, whatever, ALWAYS and I fuckin mean ALWAYS, read the tags and trigger warnings bc I won't lie, some might get a bit dark.
1. Complicated Creation - Elemental
Easily one of the best fics I've ever read. Great world building based on the Ghibli movie Spirited away. We love to see it. The writing and plot are both breath-taking.
It has quirkless Izuku, spirits, dragons, healing and a sprinkle of a classic trope in the MHA fandom, Dadzawa.
2. Hero Class Civil Warfare - RogueDruid
If you have been in the fandom space for at least a couple of months and have been reading fics, you have, 100% heard of RogueDruid. He has, hands down, some of the most captivating work in the whole of the internet. One of the classics, is HCCW. It has inspired a lot of other fics, which had gone the class War route (hmu if u want reccs). Incredibly well done, the EFFORT that went into this had to be astounding. There isn't a single miss.
Without spoiling too much, the class 1 A and 1 B, have a final exam. The exam in this world, is a war between villain and heros. Izuku is put into the position of the leader of the villains, the Kingpin while his rival, the Paragon, is none other than Katsuki Bakugou. We get a mastermind Izuku, characters from 1 B, that I personally never cared much for, before reading this fic and more.
3. Mastermind: Strategist for Hire by Clouds
Staying in the villain Izuku waters, I present Mastermind. A part of a series called For the want of a nail, that follows different universes in which Izuku stays quirkless. Mastermind is a personal favourite. It's the second installment of the series and has an ongoing sequel. (The series includes Viridian: the green guide, Deku? I think he's some pro, Chet Code: support strategist and two more, which aren't completed yet).
Here, Izuku stays quirkless as he loses any hope left for the hero society. He, unfortunately for the world, is stupidly smart and easily gained a fearsome reputation, for being the best strategist for hire for villains. After realizing the world sucks and he, in fact, doesn't, Izuku becomes a villain the likes héroes have never seen before.
4. The Mystery of Student No.18 by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters
Another author, that has me by the scruff of my goddamm neck. Went for my throat every fuckin time. I will name the other fics later but lemme tell you about this one.
It's the second fic in the list, that has Izuku with OFA. This time though, Izuku stayed true to his self-sacrificing roots and got himself into a coma. While in his lovely sleeping beauty-esk state, OFA keeps giving him energy and thus an once of a lifetime opportunity to become a ghost. Yes you heard that right. He becomes a ghost and lightly haunts his class. The fic is golden, funny and just a little bit sad.
The other three fics, just as good as this one are Canary, Why are we here again? and Displacement.
5. Yesterday upon the stair by PitvViperOfDoom
Keeping with the ghost theme, we have the one and only YUTS. Again, world building is of the charts great. A great quirk and awesome themes with unexpected turns and plots. The gist is, Izuku can see ghosts. This story is one of the rare ones where Nana Shimura (my beloved) plays a bigger role than usual. Definitely chdck out the additional parts of the series though at that point it goes slightly into more crack waters but it's still incredible.
6. [Content] by Teobot
Taking a sharp turn into morally grey vigilante route, we get this great first part of an incredible ongoing series. There are two parts done and the wait is always worth it.
7. Assignment: Personality Swap by BelleAmant
First I wanted to recc their vigilante Izuku fic (Vigil, Ante and their vigilante antics) but I must admit, while a classic, it hasn't been as impactful to the fandom as Personality Swap has been. Both with its incredible humor, bit of angst and quirk fuckery the whole series has been nothing but hits.
8. Another form of power by Jade_Tatsu
Veering directly back into villain Izuku, this one was a breath of fresh air. I once got tired of villain Izuku that was either forced to be a villain or was just a vigilante but darker, so I went on a search and found this. The series All for power, is a 4 part ENTIRELY COMPLETED series, about politician villain Izuku. The first part is told mostly through the eyes of Kurogiri and I swear, it's my favorite of the all.
9. How Seven (7) Dead Heroes Stopped Being Bored by ScottishSunshine
Crack inspired, but more All for one focused that Izuku, but still most things happen because of the Midoriya family so it counts. It's good and fun and an interesting read especially of you're fond of Dad for one.
10. Prodigal by writerllofllworlds
And for the end, let's get our hearts crushed just a little.
An angst filled suspected traitor AU. In my humble opinion, very few have ever truly succeeded in writing a traitor AU, nearly as good as this one. I like it in most part because Izuku goes through hell and back, and I just am like that. It's epic.
Was this list an exuse to talk about fics I like? Yes. But do i feel like everyone who like BNHA should read these?
Abso - fuckin-lutley
I consider it a crime if you don't. Also pls do add your own opinions and if you want more reccs, ask in the comments or dm me or whatever floats your boat Besties.
Kiki the nerd, signing off
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oldfangirl81 · 8 months
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"And that last answer is why you aren't allowed online unsupervised anymore."
"Fine, I won't encourage any more law breaking."
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miiroren · 7 months
if it’s not tagged “whump” or “angst” is it really a prodigal son fic
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
I need more house + thirteen father - daughter hc's in my life 😭 their relationship is so UNDERRATED and I haven't even gotten past s1 🥴
oh anon my beloved, me too. maslow’s hierarchy of needs, bottom of the pyramid: more house + thirteen father daughter headcanons. i love them so much 😭 i can’t wait until you get to s4 when thirteen shows up!! you’re going to love it.
in the meantime have a random father/daughter hc that's been hangin out in my brain lately (technically it's for my fic, but the context of the fic isn't necessary to understand/enjoy it):
House knows how to braid hair. Not just a normal braid, the really, really complicated braids. He learns how so he can help Thirteen find more exercises to learn to keep up her fine motor skills. But even after she learns how to do it herself, most of the time House is still the one who braids Thirteen's hair for her.
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minty-bunni · 1 year
My time in the DP fandom has seriously messed up my sense of what things are and are not dead doves.
We're over here going 'vivisection but make it a family bonding activity' and 'serious levels of body horror :)' while tagging everything with character death and trying to make things even worse for Danny. Today I learned that most places consider stuff we think of as common fandom tropes to be dead dove.
Like cannabalism and parents knowingly vivisecting their own child.
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artemisthewh0re · 6 months
I'm finishing up my last requests but I've started watching the Prodigal Son recently and it's so good! I now have the urge to get discreetly destroyed by Dr. Whitley while Mr. David isn't looking 😁
@mullyvrfx on tik Tok
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Kisses (Martin Whitly Drabble)
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Martin Whitly x GN!Reader / requests are: open and encouraged
Summary: You really want to cover Martin in kisses. What a shame his guard is distracted.
CW: possessive behaviour, alluding to murder, fluff, soft shit fr
Prodigal Son tag list: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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“I desperately want to kiss your face right now,” you sigh sadly, toes kicking at the red line on the floor of Martin’s cell. 
"Do you just? Hmm, I can't say I'd complain, darling," Martin arches his brow at you suggestively. You chuckle and check to see if his guard is watching. He's not, and you cross the red tape to straddle his waist in his office chair.
You cup his cheeks with your hands and press kiss after kiss all over his face. Cheeks, chin, forehead, neck. Any skin that was visible was now covered in kisses. Martin was sighing with pleasure, his cuffed hands brushing at your lower belly softly. It was the only part of you he could touch like this.
Martin nudged at your chin with his nose, grabbing your attention. He leaned his face up towards you, pressing a loving kiss to your lips. You melted against him, arms wrapping around his neck and fingering at the back of his cardigan.
"I wish I could touch you, my darling," he whispers, pressing a few slow kisses down the length of your jaw. "Hold you. Perhaps we could get married. Then we could get conjugal visits, hmm? Wouldn't that be something?"
You chuckle, nipping softly at the shell of his ear. This made him grunt.
"Not the most romantic proposal I've ever received," you say thoughtfully, sitting back on his lap. Martin laughs and then furrows his brows.
"How many proposals have you gotten?"
You flick at his nose and wink. He screws his face up in mock irritation before trying to catch your finger in a playful bite.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Well, I would, actually. I need to know how many people I need to hunt down when I get out of here. You're mine, darling. Do not forget it."
"I'm yours," you agree. "Utterly."
Martin hums thoughtfully.
"Does that mean..."
"No," you clarify. "Not yet. Ask me when you get out."
Martin chuckles darkly, though his eyes are the softest you've ever seen them.
"I'll hold you to that, my dear."
You'd be disappointed if he didn't.
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boyfridged · 8 months
the way *** speaks about jason in 90s comics (well. and beyond) makes me sick to my stomach why did no one tell that child to watch his mouth
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denaliwrites · 8 months
But Then My Stupid Phone Beeps
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Martin Whitly x GN!Reader
Summary: Dr. Whitly accidentally discovers the name you have him under in your contacts. He's... conflicted.
Soundtrack: Saddy Daddy-o by Artimus Wolz
Requests: Open!
Warnings: I dunno, it's Martin Whitly. Can be read as Daddy Kink but isn't necessarily intended that way.
You thought you could trust Martin with your phone. That was the whole reason you'd had the guard hand it off to him. You'd just needed to run to the restroom. That was it. How much trouble could he possibly get into in the, at maximum, two minutes it took you to run there and back?
Apparently, a lot.
Walking back into the room, you immediately knew something was... off. You weren't sure how, but there was a subtle difference in the air. When you turned to the guard, he gave you a look as he leaned forward to pass your phone back.
Martin was uncharacteristically quiet. Your attention turned to him, and you finally saw the expression he wore -- something caught between disgruntlement and bemusement.
"What's wrong?" you asked, and you wondered if maybe something had happened with Malcolm or Ainsley. Had they had another falling out? Could that much damage really have happened in the two minutes (max) that you were gone?
"Murder Daddy, huh?" Martin shot back, tone casual but eyes belying the emotions roiling away underneath his nonchalant act.
You stiffened, clutching the phone to your chest. "Wh... wheeeeere did you hear that?" you tried to cover, forcing a smile. "Did someone on Twitter call you that?"
"No..." he said, and he sounded remarkably like an admonishing parent, and you realized that this was literally the worst time to get turned on, but hey -- you'd been naughty, apparently. "You did."
The disappointment in his voice was palpable, and you whimpered. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, I know, little lamb," he chuckled darkly. "But I'm not interested in an apology."
"Y-you're not?"
"Oh, no," he told you, moving to a stand and pacing to the red line that separated you two. He was painfully close -- tauntingly within reach but unable to be touched. You could feel his breath ghosting across your skin, and you were dangerously close to drowning in his eyes. "I want to know how you're going to make it up to your Murder Daddy."
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ring-rong-rang-rung · 9 months
It's time for posting in 2023's @tf-bigbang! Despite my fears at several points that I really had bit off more than I could chew this year, it's finished. It's the longest single piece of writing I've ever completed.
I was delighted to work with @lush-specimen as an artist, and @satellitesoundwave as a beta reader! Thank you both so much for everything you did to help this fic get off the ground successfully. I can't thank you enough here, so I'm thanking you in the AO3 notes as well.
Now, without giving away everything here on Tumblr (although it's all properly tagged on AO3), here's the basics.
RATING: Mature WARNINGS: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings MAIN PAIRING: HotLock (Hot Rod/Deadlock) ADDITIONAL TAGS: Decepticon AU, Decepticon Hot Rod, Mafia princess Hot Rod and long suffering bodyguard Deadlock SUMMARY: Hot Rod has grown up in this war knowing his place in the broader conflict. He's the son of Megatron, and heir to the Decepticon Cause. But something lurks in his past, desperate to catch up with him after his first battle. Following an attempted abduction, Megatron decides the best option is to send Hot Rod into hiding. Hot Rod is less than thrilled, as is the mech selected for this assignment. Hot Rod and Deadlock will have to learn to work together and coexist for their own survival, while the Autobots try to find Hot Rod to reveal secrets that some hope will never be unburied. Part One of Prodigal
Chapters 1-4 are up now. Chapters 5-7 will be up on September 23rd, and chapters 8-12 will be up on the 24th.
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olives-and-sunshine · 3 months
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Malcolm x GN!Reader on their period
Summary: Malcolm takes care of you when you’re on your period
Word Count: 599
Content and Warnings: No reader descriptions, 2nd person, no y/n, gender neutral in the sense that no pronouns for reader used, could be read as queerplatonic, romantic, or ambiguous, menstruation, food/eating, mention of medication, let me know if I missed something!
A/N: Got my period for the first time in 3 years and wrote this within the hour. I guess I can have motivation to write sometimes.
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You laid on Malcolm’s bed curled up in a ball, wearing a hoodie and hiding under a pile of blankets, facing the window. This was how Malcolm found you when he got home. He couldn’t see your face, or really any of you. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought there was a just a huge pile of blankets on his bed. He walked around the bed so that he could see you and sat on the edge of the bed. You looked up, your eyes meeting his and smiled weakly. “Hey,” you said softly, your throat raspy from not talking for a while.
“Hey,” Malcolm said with softness in his gaze, smiling back at you with the gentle smile he reserved mostly for you. “Are you okay? Or did you just want to become one with the blankets?” he joked, but you could see the concern in his eyes.
“I’m okay. Sort of. I started my period today,” you said with a frown. You tilted your head up to look at him better. “I hope you don’t mind me taking over your bed for the time being.”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “No, I don’t mind. You know I never mind,” he leaned over you slightly, gently stroking your cheek. You leaned into his hand. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“The usual.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back then,” he said, smiling at you again before standing up and walking away.
When he came back, he came with a tray of your favorite snacks, especially the ones you prefer on your period. The tray also had a little cup with some medication in it. He moved a cup of water and a cup of tea that was on the tray to the bedside table. He left again and came back with an electric weighted heating pad, which he plugged in.
You sat up with a soft grunt and put the heating pad on your stomach. You took the tray into your lap before eating some of the snacks. “Do you need anything else? Do you need me to pick anything up, do you need any menstrual products?”
You smiled softly. “No, I’m okay though. Thank you, though. All I need is for you to hand me the glass of water and then maybe cuddle with me a bit later.”
“I can do that,” he chuckled, handing you the glass of water. You took the medication and continued to eat and drink the tea he made you. When you were done, he grabbed it all from you, putting it on the bedside table again. “I’ll be right back; I’m going to go change.”
He came back and laid down next to you. He was wearing a blue Harvard sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. He was on his side facing you and opened his arms so you could cuddle into his side. Once you adjusted the heating pad and got comfortable, he wrapped his arms around you and sighed contently. He kissed the crown of your head, letting his eyes drift close.
You nuzzled your face into his neck. “I love you,” you said quietly. “Thank you, for all of this. I really appreciate all you do for me.”
“Of course, it’s the least I can do,” he kissed your head again. “I love you, too. More than anything,” he spoke softly, rubbing up and down your back in a soothing manner.
You eventually drifted to sleep. You knew Malcolm wouldn’t, but it was still nice to just be in each other’s presence and rest.
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