#finally!! pirate husband acquired!
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
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(Miette voice (obvi)) “You abandon Khem Val?? You leave him on the ship like the droid?? Oh oh! Jail for little Sith! Jail for little Sith for ten thousand years!!”
He’s SO dramatic about being asked to wait on the ship, I love him 🤣🤣🤣
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Straw-Hat Masterlist
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Monkey D. Luffy:
Bachata (Dance Series) (one-shot)
Gyrating, thrusting, swaying and grinding. Where did the straw-hat captain learn to dance in this way? The crew, holding many a whispered conversation regarding the captain's sultry movements, finally is approached head-on by the quartermaster of the Going Merry. Flushed cheeks, gasped breaths and soft smiles ensue as the captain aims to teach her a few of his moves.
Run Away With Me (one-shot)
After being left after a night of passion by her marine lover, sorrow eclipsed the hardening heart of the owner of the library. The librarian, after swearing off sea-baring men, is physically swept off her feet by a mischievous, straw-hat wearing captain who woos her with his undivided support of her dreams of romance.
Australian Luffy (HC Drabbles)
Just some silly dialogue with Aussie slang from Monkey D "Loz"
Ravenous (NSFW one-shot)
Luffy is hungry, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He doesn’t care where it happens, how it happens, or what exactly happens - all he cares about is the who and when. The who is you, and the when is right now and until his hunger is fully satisfied.
Roronoa Zoro:
Blade Song(Dance Series) (one-shot)
The Straw-Hat pirate crew finds themselves amongst a fire-side, sea-front celebration. Swaying, gyrating and twirling occurs with all but one of the crew. The swordsman, never truly learning how to dance in such a way, regrets his miseducation as soon as he sees the object of his pining dancing within the arms of the blonde chef.
Flowers (one-shot)
Men are known to only receive flowers once in their lifetimes, and they are not even able to see them. The Straw-Hat botanist desires to rectify this for one member of the Straw-Hat pirates, the tri-sword wielding First Mate.
Gua-Sha (one-shot)
Slightly fixated by the dragging of the smooth rock against his crewmen's cheeks and jaw, Zoro immediately pipes up and welcomes the opportunity to have his face massaged to relieve any built up tension and pressure behind it. Pining always from afar, Zoro hopes this small moment would bring the two closer together.
Something Like That (request) (one-shot)
A traveler finds themselves accidentally crashing an exclusive event at Baratie, celebrating a foreign holiday with unusual customs. Pulling you away from your evening meal, your eyes met with the hazelnut gaze of a green-haired swordsman. A sprig of emerald leaves, pearls of flowers and a ribbon hung above your heads - what is this? why is he leaning down to press his lips atop your own?
You Deserve Better (Pollen!One-Shot NSFW)
Zoro has inhaled pollen while lost and away from his crew. His crew return from a day of celebration and tease him for is senseless navigational skills. But you notice something's wrong with him. He's hot. So, so hot. And he needs your help to combat his illness. You want to help him so badly, why won't he let you get Chopper? And why was he holding you like that?
I Don't Sound Like That (request) (one-shot)
You and Zoro have grown closer over the past few weeks. Being invited to rest and study beside him in his hammock, you reflect on your journey travelling with your crew aboard the Going Merry.
Blackleg Sanji:
Bar Shift (4/4 Series)
An all-rounder, front of house manager finally acquires the first day off she's had in a very long time. Sanji, the ever faithful "work-husband" makes her breakfast just in time for Patty to break the news to her that her peaceful day off is to come to an end. Covering the bar shift for one of her staff members, shenanigans and mutual pining ensues.
Waltz (Dance Series) (one-shot)
The chief negotiator and relations expert of the Straw-Hat pirates attempts to teach her captain how to perform a waltz to woo the upper class in a formal setting. She finds joy in movement, but Luffy himself was found to be truly incapable of performing the dance to an adequate level. At lunch, she notices how Sanji holds himself; his posture strong and rigid as he effortlessly glides around the table. She asks him to dance, and he truly surprises her.
3, 2, 1 (request) (3/3 Series)
Sanji notices some interesting etchings against the Going Merry's Chronicler's Journal. Questioning her, she informs him the 'x's and numbers are indicating his amount of cigarette breaks per day and the duration they are taken.Brainstorming ideas on how to achieve the same rush of adrenaline, endorphins and breath control in a healthier way than nicatine addiction; the chronicler, in her genius, suggests they share kisses and bold embraces for the duration of his many breaks: all kept under the strict limit of the egg-shaped timer.
"Someone. Someone Help Me" (NSFW Pollen!Drabble)
"Thank You" (NSFW Pollen!One-Shot)
Sanji has inhaled pollen. There is nobody around to help him and he is a desperate, pleading, subby mess.
Your Flirty Chef (one-shot)
Sanji has been working hard lately, your flirty chef no longer as present as you’d like him to be. You both have some unspoken flirtation between you, hopefully something to shatter by moulding him beneath the touch of your hands.
Kiss the Cook (one-shot)
Sanji was gifted an apron from Nami after returning back from town. Every member of the crew aside from Zoro and you have followed the embroidered instructions written on his chest, and he wasn't happy about the lack of kisses from you. You finally relent and give him what he wants.
Sanji x Reader x Zoro:
Eyes Meeting (NSFW part 1)
Lips Brushing (NSFW part 2)
Sanji is in a relationship with the ships chronicler. Zoro accidentally stumbles across them engaging together in intimacy. As soon as his eyes meet with the chronicler's, he is enchanted by their beauty in their bliss.
Soul King Brook:
Parts You Left Behind (one-shot)
You are the ship’s counselor aboard the Polar Tang. Giving your captain the permission he desires to behave idiotically with the two Nakama captains, you give yourself permission to behave with similar unbridled stupidity. The Soul-King Brook has your romantic attention: you love his energy and decide to reciprocate his flirtations, no matter how crass and distasteful they come across.
Misc and Multiples:
Get Well Soon (Drabble one-shot)
You're sick, and they do their best to support you through it. Zoro, Sanji, Mihawk
Mistletoe (one-shot) (Straw-Hat holiday special)
The botanist aboard the Going Merry shares a cultural tradition with her crew; introducing them and reeducating them on the importance of mistletoe and the mischievousness of her playful lips. Every single member receives a kiss from the botanist; all welcome to her sharing her culture with them.
The Selkie and the Sailor: Mini Fic Drabble (One-Shot)
A mythical creature has rescued the captain of the straw-hat pirates from drowning in the sea. As her eyes meet with the crew, she is immediately taken with one of the sailors: Zoro, Sanji, Luffy
Kiss their cheek (Drabble one-shot)
It was a simple reaction, an impulse you felt organic and out of your control. Their cheek was right there, and the swell in your chest and spike of adrenaline prompted you to lunge forward and capture their cheek beneath your lips. How do they react to such a soft touch? Do they shy away, or do they respond in kind? Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law, Kid
Recovery (one-shot)
You are in a recovery cot in a hospital willing to accommodate you, resting as your body heals from your latest battle. Expecting to recover alone, you are pleasantly surprised to find yourself within the company of the person you craved the most. Zoro, Sanji
Competency, Stupidity, Duality (One-Shot)
They can't help what attracted them to you. No matter what you did, they simply couldn't get enough of you. Their emotions finally catch up with them, and they confess their adoration for you. Kid, Zoro, Killer.
Zosan / Acesan Drabble (anon ask)
Angst, pining, grieving
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firesofdainix · 2 years
October 5: Sailing | Rope | "I'm too old for this."
this took me a while and it’s not because of the word count... it’s because Nya and Morro are hard to write.
AO3 Version
TAGOMJTR Part 2 AU… kinda
Morro sighs as he stares at the mutinous crew assigned to him. What he means by the term crew, of course, is a lone young woman who will be responsible for his death, overeager to sail across the seas. He handles a mop in his hand, watching with tired eyes as the woman, or Nya continues to transition between looking at the sea, blue and dark, or navigating the ship, which she should be doing because the boat continues to rock left and right as if they are caught in a tireless swing. Since he would like to be dry for the entire journey (he knows he’s human now, but the fear of a droplet of water scorching his skin remains), he keeps to the center of the ship, stepping from every direction so he would avoid the waves of the water as it sloshes towards the deck because the driver is terrible at maneuvering an actual ship that stays in the water.
“I’m too old for this.” He slowly turns to the right side, closest to the water to the point he could just see the furthest specks of the moving blue waves, as if it has a mind of its own, and the silver light that is cast by the glow of the sun. The ship then turns to the side, and he almost loses his footing over it.
He should have just stayed with Hee-young as she gets a tour with Lloyd in Ninjago City. At least he gets to provoke Lloyd and annoy Lee. And keep close to Hee-young if Lloyd tries to do any funny business with her. (He knows Lloyd would never attempt any business with the girl, but a pettier side regrets not being with her.)
Nya gives him a funny look. “You’re the one who wanted to come with me on this trip.”
Morro scowls at the reminder before bellowing swears Wu definitely would not want to hear him say as he sways to one side thanks to Nya’s neglect over the wheel. Nya, too, swears profanities as she, with an enviable speed, races towards the wheel and steers them before another large, crashing wave of water would touch Morro. He opens his eyes — closing his eyes whenever water or fire comes near him became a reflex, a denial that he was about to die again — once he doesn’t feel as if he is drenched in the cold, wet water.
“Where did you get your boating license? From the pirates?” He answers back snarkily, as he kicks a stray fish back into the ocean. The ship bobs, as if the waters were offended about his response to Nya.
She huffs, “Hey, be grateful you almost didn’t get wet there! It took all of my willpower and my own elemental control to not let it get to you!”
“Well, great job for doing the bare minimum!”
Nya rolls her eyes, but her self-control wins against her less flattering thoughts, gripping the wheel with a rather secure grip. “I have no clue why you signed up to go storm-chasing with me, when you barely want to be near the sea. Come on, even my brother could survive ten minutes in this ship without looking sick!”
She definitely compared him to Kai on purpose; she knows they hate each other, acting as if they were rather adversaries of one another. Morro has always found Kai annoying, like the trickles of fire that seems to be heading your direction even when you do not want it to. He’s always had that same, suspicious look of wariness, and, while Morro definitely thinks he deserves it, Kai does it far too much for him to handle. At the very least Hee-young did not seem too distracted at the sight of him and Kai having a glare-off every time Wu finally acquires the energy to talk concerning something, perhaps Ferris wheels or talking to Hee-young about husbands and Morro being an eligible bachelor despite his troubled past.
(A rather strange topic that Morro has, wisely, dodged and subverted at every given time when Wu pulls the young woman aside. What was his deal?)
… Hee-young getting pulled aside by Wu and Lloyd, who kept asking her questions about her home life, Morro, and the occasional intrusions of Lloyd asking her if she would want to have a tour around Ninjago City with a trained side-eye of resolve over to Morro was one of the reasons why he had agreed to go on a storm-chasing cruise with Nya. He was a bit disgruntled that the person he had asked for the company was being kept engrossed by two people he didn’t want to interact with the most. The former ghost listens to Hee-young rambling, (“A husband?! Eh– but– no wait! I am not looking for a husband… yet! Although, I suppose I do have certain affections over a man, whom I have been well-acquainted with!”) before screwing off to go and listen over the others’ conversations, listing down every boring thing and being done with it.
Nya had suggested a storm-chasing venture as a relaxing vacation, but everyone — even her boyfriend, the annoying blue one — declined.
“Sorry Nya, but… you know I’m afraid of water, right?” Kai tells his sister, pointing a thumb over Hee-young’s general direction. He gives her his trademark smirk that makes Morro want to punt him to the sun. “Plus… the young lady’s gotta have some company…”
Morro glares at the back of his head, wishing he had some way of making Kai regret he ever said that.
“I don’t think I can handle going to wet places,” Cole replies, looking sick. “Not yet, anyway. Sorry, but I’ll get over my phobia once I get used to being human again.”
“I do not think that I will be able to relax in a boat in the middle of stormy seas,” Zane adds, looking a bit down at the prospect of having to decline Nya’s invitation himself.
Seeing that most declined her invitation, Nya slumps down, looking thoroughly disappointed. “Oh, so no one wants to go on storm chasing with me. Okay, that’s fine.”
Her puckered face, the way her lips that are usually drawn up on an exciting smile or aggravating expression were pulled to a rather somber look, her eyes furrowed, her eyes down. Morro, watching the entire debacle happen, decides to step in. He has, definitely, still retains most of his morals.
“If anyone doesn’t want to go, I will.” His voice was loud and clear against the clearly dismal ninja; every one of them turned to him. Their expressions were filled with shock, suspicion, and some general hint of wariness.
“What?!” Kai interjects, but Morro ignores him. Hey, he should have said yes if he didn’t want his sister to go on a trip with their worst enemy. Their former worst enemy, that is.
The only woman of the ninja gives him a bewildered, but also suspicious look. “And why should I let you on my ship?”
Morro shrugs, “Because no one else wants to. I was trying to be merciful.”
His reasons scream that was not the only reason, but he’s not going to listen to his own train of thought.
“We’re still not letting you on a ship, alone with Nya,” Jay says with a frown.
The former ghost turns to look at him with an incredulous expression. “Then give your girlfriend the company she deserves.”
Jay sputters, and Morro rolls his eyes as he tunes out what he was about to say. He is not going to listen to him rambling about his justifications over not going with his girlfriend in a terribly stormy sea. He’d make a great conductor of lightning, if possible.
The dark-haired man looks back at Hee-young, before turning to the young woman in front of him, crossing his arms as an expectant look crosses over his face. “So… is the offer still open?”
Nya opens her mouth, before closing it and nodding. “Yeah, I’ve got a room.”
Now, out at sea, as the gray skies that were comparable to his dreams of what the Departed Realm was like roam around the world like a monster crawling through the darkness like prey, he was semi-regretting his decision. The crack of thunder, like it, was about to break the mast that supports the ship, reverberating around the world as sparks of pink and blue coalesce into the dark skies beyond. The sea seems to enjoy the ruckus, as the waves start to become wilder and wilder, raising their currents like arms waving towards the darkness above them.
Regretting because he did not think he was this… reactionary towards having water spilled over him.
Meanwhile, Nya was having the time of her life, staring at the clouds with an excited face.
Morro looks at the brewing storm, sighing. “Out of all the things you can do, why this?”
She shrugs as she starts to adjust the sails. “I guess to relax, one must go on a thrill-seeking adventure with someone who’s willing to risk their lives, too.”
He couldn’t exactly fault her for that one. He’s done rather hefty or risky tasks as a way to blow off some steam, or rather relax, no matter how much Wu has a few qualms about his way of dalliance. From climbing down the mountain to swimming, to simply becoming a thorn on Wu’s side so that he takes him someplace else. The last time Wu caved, they went to Metalonia so that Wu can teach Morro how good weapons such as swords and kunai are made, and Morro mostly had not listened, as he was looking at the molten metal and iron which shines like the silver moon up in the sky.
The ghost snorts. “Turns out everyone doesn’t share your supposed idea of fun, it seems.”
Nya gives him a quizzical look. "Yet you appear to share the same form of leisure time as I do."
Morro’s eyes flare and the wind whips through him. "I volunteered simply because Braid Girl was getting accosted with questions I don't wanna hear about."
"So, you used this as an opportunity to escape from your girlfriend?"
Morro blinks at the use of that term, but he considers that they are now, by some technicality, friends, as Nya likes to call it. Or, does it now mean something else in this world? "Yeah, I guess."
Nya gives him a smirk he detests as if he has some form of awareness of the subtext behind the words he uses. Before he could — in a hostile way — ask what he said wrong, she sighs and looks up at the sky. "I guess we need a break from our partners, huh?"
Morro tries not to look and act unknowingly. "Sure. The annoying blue one is too taxing for my energy. I would prefer I'm not around him a few months after this." He meets her eyes, intending to make an attempt to relate to her. "I don't understand how you and he fell in love."
Nya looks a little offended and miffed, to Morro's confusion; are they not making small talk? "Because Jay is pretty funny. Yeah, sure, he talks a lot, but I guess that's what makes him so… enticing to talk to. He can go on for hours and hours about some cool model I never got my hands on, and time passes by around us and I'm still not bored. That's how good he is when it comes to helping me remember there is still good in the world." She gives him another sly grin as if she is inspiring him to talk about Hee-young as well.
"Hee-young also has the same problems with talking too much," he begins with an exasperated tone, unphased at the loud sounds of thunder booming across the sky. "She starts to ramble to the point of incoherency, and the subject and topic of the conversation that we currently have is long forgotten in the extent which she uses to help justify herself." He sighs, "But, I can get behind her rambling. It is… simply melodic to hear, even if her voice reaches the highest parts of the note in her head."
Nya chuckles at his statement. But, all the good nature and attempted small talk fades away as the boat starts to rock back and forth, water splashing over the hull with the force of a battering ram. Morro immediately grips the mast of the ship, having run to the driest part of the vessel he is currently inhabiting. Nya swears as this makes her return to focus on her task as the one behind the steering wheel, the captain of the ship, as she starts to sail through the storm that is now chasing them if irony ever exists in this world. It occurs to Morro this is the only time that he might ever attempt to recollect his memories of swimming; it had been useless as a ghost whose main adversary was the fluid, eternally moving water, but now that he was, by all means, buoyant, he wonders if he could apply all of the old, rusty swimming lessons he had once been so forward to learning, to traverse the waves of a river, to splash water around him like some form of self-care.
He tries to recall the swimming positions, but his mind ends up null.
Oh, he's so going to drown. This beats the time he got called a clown by fucking Ivory and Mara. He hated those two.
"Well, this is a bumpy ride," Nya says.
"Of course the ride is gonna be bumpy, we're in tumultuous water storm chasing! For what, for some adrenaline?"
"You were still willing to come with me!"
"And do you know how badly I've come to regret that decision?!"
Lightning flashes across the sky like a thin, white line, jagged and scarred. Thunder follows, growing ever closer as the sea starts to become wild as if a monster has awakened from the depths below. The currents sweep over the edge of the ship, a dark, monstrous shadow hellbent on rage.
"I'm going to die because of you!" Morro yells at Nya, who makes a noise of offense. It wasn't heard from the colliding of a sea, like the whales themselves were howling and the storm that is currently approaching them.
"Again, you agreed to sail with me!"
"To quell my boredom!"
"I did the same thing too, so can we not just blame each other?!" She yelps as the boat tilts sideways, already in a terrible condition even before they boldly come to the Sea proclaiming to conquer the storms from above. Morro hears the sounds of rickety would, croaking and bemoaning as he pulls his weight towards his feet to help get the ship on balance once more. Hey, his life depends on whether or not the boat is about to fall off the edge of the world.
As if the rage has possessed the sea and the sky, the darker clouds cover almost all of the horizon, encroaching the world in a darkness that was unreal. Morro feels something cold drip on his skin, and he looks down to see a wet droplet across his dark skin. It felt cold and wet, but also, a relief seeped deep into his mind as he realized that he did not feel as if he was being burnt with a metal rod any longer. A reminder that he was real, and droplets of rain would not kindle the agony and discomfort he's felt near small, minuscule bodies of water.
Oh, so it was raining.
And he was about to get drenched by the one thing he's been avoiding the most.
"Incoming wave!" The sound of Nya's voice brings him back to the current situation they are facing; becoming people lost at sea.
Morro swears as the ship begins to tilt sideways. Buckets, mops, and other things on the ship were thrown into the wild waters beyond, lost to the deep blue waves of the sea and its storm-filled waters. Before he could get his bearings right, the ship starts to tip to the right, defying gravity and all that is dear. He hangs on to the edge of the ship, staring down at the deep and dark waters with feelings relating to the times he had almost died simply because he was almost touched by water. Certain emotions that pertain to hatred and fear start to rise within him, as the ship comes closer to tipping off the edge— before a part of his mind tells him that he was the Master of Wind. He can control the onslaught of the wind around them, no matter how strong they are.
Calling towards the wind, making them remember who controls them, ears always open to his whims, he moves his arms to summon them into doing his bidding. It takes a few moments — the most grueling moments of Morro’s life — as he flicks back and forth from requesting the wind to obey him, to angrily commanding them to bow their heads to him, like he is flicking his fingers to light a flame that cannot be contained. He realizes that the winds in a storm were too wild, screaming in anguish and anger for the rest of their lives, to the point they will not harbor any intent to listen to his pulsating need for them to stabilize their ship. Nya too, could not control the currents of water in a storm, without having to shout at it to assert control.
So, Morro continues to shout, concentrating, pretending he was not tilting and almost being submerged in the sea due to the heavily tilted boat, entering his mind space as he attempts to find a recollection of things that calm him immensely.
Golden eyes looking at him in the throes of spring.
The sound of delicate laughter splashing over his ears.
The faint whiff of scented candles.
Morro’s eyes glow green and gold, before the currents of the wind that had formerly been against him finally listen to what he abides. With arms spread out, he pushes the ship back into its proper position, and, with the help of gravity, he was able to bring him and Nya back to their original spots, at the center of the ship. The black-haired girl was holding onto the ship’s mast when they have been busy tilting sideways; after finding out that she will not completely submerge in water, she opens her eyes before sighing in relief.
She turns to Morro, a grateful look on her face. It was the first time Morro has seen her smile at him. “Thanks! You saved my life!”
Something warm rises from Morro’s chest; he squashes it with a scowl. Crossing his arms, he hums arrogantly. “I was only doing what you failed to do.”
As expected, she sighs, taking her place behind the wheel as she starts to steer the wheel. Except, unlike what Morro would believe of her as seeking adrenaline (he’s always had the assumption that she is one of the people who takes pleasure in seeking thrilling adventures, even when her brother is the one that looks more like it), the ship starts to steer away from the gray clouds.
Morro blinks at the sudden distance being put between them and the clouds, and how rain does not drip onto his skin anymore, him expecting it to burn like it always does. Even the waters are calm now, no longer climbing onto the boat to claim him as one of them.
“You went the wrong way,” he says with a confused look, his eyes still staring at the gray clouds growing further away from them. To a certain viewpoint, it looked quite beautiful.
“No, I think we’ve had enough adventure for the day,” Nya says with an exhausted smile, letting out a deep breath as she wipes the sweat of her brow. She bites her lip, blue eyes staring at the steering wheel and at Morro, who was, unsurprisingly, relieved not to see the ghost trap again. He could feel his knees shake in amelioration, threatening to collapse. Yet, he didn’t want to drop with a woman like her on the side. Then, Nya speaks once more, a bit shy and hesitant. “... I think we should start hanging out more. Preferably not into storms, however.”
The former ghost looks at Nya as if she’s merged with the sea. “Are you insane?!”
“Uh, no.”
He throws his arms forward, “Are you meaning to tell me, that after this disaster of a ‘leisure trip’, you’re still looking forward to spending time with me?! Don’t you have four brothers and a boyfriend you could simply ask to spend time with you?”
Once the sea was calm and silent, singing only about how serene waves are, as the chirps of seagulls signify their safe return to shore, Nya jumps down from the wheel, to meet Morro face to face. He feels inferior and awkward, standing next to a woman who was twice his height.
“Look, I won't forgive you for what you did.”
Morro frowns, hardening his gaze. “I know, you don’t have to keep on rubbing that message to me.”
She continues, ignoring what he said. “But I would like to get to know you. Master Wu has always talked so highly of you, and even Cole and Lloyd are somewhat interacting with you.” She sighs, crossing her arms, training a firm gaze onto him. “While I don’t forgive you, I think we can be proper friends.”
Morro stares at her, absolutely dumbstruck. He can understand Hee-young and the others; they did not know of his crimes before he waltzed into their life and served them their tormentor’s heads. He finds Cole being close to him unnecessary, as the only times he’d interacted with him were to teach him the inherent meaning of being a ghost, and how not to be ashamed of it. And with Lloyd, he was simply forced by Wu to socialize with him, specifically now that he and Hee-young are talking. He shudders to think about it.
But Nya?
Still unconvinced, Morro questions her reasonings. “Why make an effort to know about me when you’ve made up your mind of the way you perceive me?”
Nya huffs a laugh. “Dude, I barely even know you. You’re lucky you’re not interacting with Kai because he’s made his mind up about you a long, long time ago. I just want to know if…” She becomes hesitant, “If Master Wu was right about you.”
Morro stares at the girl, a warm feeling on his chest blooming, ready to skip out like it was about to escape through the confines of his heart.
Damn it, Wu. You really know how to make your children become interested in one another.
But he’s spent his time bashing Wu in his head for asking Hee-young intrusive questions, correct?
He sighs, before extending a hand. He turns his head away, all reasons were undisclosed. He did not know why he was unwilling to see her reaction, either. “Fine. I’d like to… get to know you too, without your brother and your boyfriend breathing down my neck every time I talk to you.”
She chuckles, and he feels a big, warm hand clasping his. It was rough and hard, contrasting the element of water that has always been so fluid. “Do they seriously breathe down on you?”
He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, every time Lloyd comes to talk to me. I’m not even the one looking forward to our conversation; it’s all Lloyd!”
“Well, Lloyd is good at approaching people.”
“I can see that because he keeps doing it whenever Hee-young gets distracted! Like, pick a hobby or something!”
The sea’s calm is interrupted by the dark-haired girl’s pleasant laughter, ringing in his head.
(When Morro and Nya return to the harbor, they are accosted by the other ninja— or, more specifically, Kai and Jay, who throw themselves at Nya, staggering her off-balance. Morro could already hear the words spilling out of their mouth like frogs hatching from an egg; if she was okay, if Morro tried anything to her, all the pleasantly annoying but humorous statements. She answers them with precise answers, avoiding the assumption that Morro was simply a bad guy, which he subconsciously appreciates. When Hee-young comes to greet him looking red in the face, with Wu giving him a subtly encouraging look for some reason, does Morro understand that it is time to go home, and forget this day has ever happened.
He and Nya exchange letters every month from then on, however.)
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Iaris Kuro
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a Mirial native, Iaris was a pilot in the mirialan planetary defense force who fought against the repeated invasions of his world by the Empire. he met his wife, Eloth, during this, and they had a daughter, Yatali. when Yatali was just a child, the two of them deserted and fled their homeworld, hoping for a better life elsewhere, away from the constant war. they settled as refugees on Nar Shaddaa, and to afford lodging and supplies, Iaris got a loan from the Cartel and contracted himself out to the Hutts as a smuggler and cargo runner, eventually progressing to running spice for them. he didn't tell his wife just how deeply in debt the family was, not wanting to worry her, and when Yatali was twelve years old he came up with a plan to pay off the debt in full: he arranged to sell one of the spice shipments he was running to a third party and collect the payment himself, which he planned to then present to the Cartel for his debt. the risk didn't pay off, and the Cartel took his daughter as payment for the debt and the lost spice instead. Iaris attempted to reach out to his wife to explain what happened and beg forgiveness, hoping the two of them could find Yatali together, but he never received a response, and believing her scorning him for his mistakes, he fell into a deep depression.
he spent the next four years making a living off smuggling frequently-dubious cargo across both the Republic and Empire, searching for his daughter in his off time. he never found any trace of her, and he eventually gave up around the time he picked up a job to deliver a shipment of blasters to Ord Mantell. an interaction with some sick refugee children outside a Republic fort reminded him of his morality and the important things in life, and he took Corso along with him when he left Ord Mantell to track down Skavak and his ship. he went through with Risha's plan to acquire Nok Drayen's fortune not out of a desire to be rich himself, but out of the hope that money like that could prevent another tragedy like the one his family had been through from happening again, and though he didn't particularly care for either the Republic or the Empire, he worked as a privateer at the Republic's request. during this time, he fell into a relationship with Darmas, and after everything, he took those of his crew who would go with him and followed Darmas to the Empire.
Iaris enjoyed a couple years of relative peace working within the Empire's bounds, though it was during this period that he discovered his daughter had survived her time in slavery and ascended to the Dark Council, but everything came crashing down when his ex-wife - now the Emperor's Wrath - found him. furious at Iaris for what she perceived as abandoning her and their daughter to start a new life free of care, Eloth killed Darmas in front of him, despite him begging her to just kill him for her revenge instead and get it over with. broken by the loss, feeling as though he would never have the power to protect anyone he cared about, Iaris took his ship and retreated to Rishi, where he remained through the five-year gap and subsequent war with Zakuul.
though he put together a pirate crew from those ostracized by their fellows for having morals, he rarely left Rishi himself, isolating himself from any kind of meaningful connection. this lasted until the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Orgus Din, returned to his homeworld of Rishi with his husband and their child, seeking a reprieve from a role he was no longer emotionally capable of fulfilling. Orgus met Iaris and recognized a good man in him, and gradually drew him out of his shell, before offering him and his crew a job quietly moving supplies between the Core Worlds, Tython, and Ossus. Iaris took the job, eventually, finally allying himself with the Republic properly, and slowly developed a relationship with the two men who had reached out to him.
he reaches some kind of vague reconciliation and peace with Eloth during a confrontation on Ossus, and splits his time between his family on Tython and his work as an independent contractor for the Jedi Order.
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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It has been almost exactly a year since the last time that Prosperity was on Kraysha. For the crew that have been with the ship since that time, perhaps this time will be different. Another year older, another year wiser, another year more complicated.
As some examples.... For Theo, who left Kraysha in a state of grief, is this too soon? For Skylar, this may be a more joyous occasion- to spend some time with his husband and his beloved adopted parents together in a place perhaps more familiar than Kor’Sel’Koo. For Laurie, there is always the chance that she encounters her out-of-touch Umbra parents. For Beck, a longtime pirate, this is the first time returning to her home planet not as a member of the crew of her cousin. For Robin and Ryder, there are so many complications with their parents that it is difficult to summarize them all.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Some hours after arrival in the city of Rungung, the crew got settled in. Daphne had an announcement to make. After observing the past week’s competition between Skylar and Vajean and much deliberation, Skylar had been selected as the new Chief Engineer, with Laurie definitively promoted fully into the Electro-Technical position.Additionally, Prosperity would finally be gaining a new Surgeon after being without one since November. Samira Kehmet would be joining the ship’s crew shortly.
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Apart from the most personal of issues, there is always the upcoming “quest” set upon by Karmel. Karmel has chartered a smallish seaship (capable of air and surface water travel) for Beck to fly. Ali has agreed to join this quest, as it seems to require a djayyar. After this journey to a remote island, Karmel has agreed to find her own way back to Kor’Sel’Koo. Those with skills to contribute and an interest in going will be paid handsomely, but the contents of the cave and whether the secrets of immortality are too dangerous a risk. Daphne will not be going, but will permit unpaid leave to those who do (as they will be paid much more by Karmel in this instance).
“The Quest” will tentatively take place beginning May 20.
Confirmed Quest Attendees:
Butterfly (NPC Medic)
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Those who do not go on the the quest will be granted a small stipend to cover a few meals out or entertainment at shore. Robin will be left in charge temporarily of this portion of the crew, as there is still ship maintenance, meals, communications with the quest crew, and supply purchasing to arrange. The crew may not be quite as busy, but Daphne has expressed privately to Robin that this is a low-stakes test for him to flex his leadership ability.
But why does this opportunity come up in the first place? Daphne will be taking this time to visit with her parents and ensure that everything was in order with their company... She disclosed the “why” of this information by message to Robin, Beck, Skylar, Ali, Muffy, Arys, and all of the medics with directions to let the rest of the crew know. She didn’t want to make a big announcement about this matter because she already didn’t feel comfortable discussing it in a town hall format. (Daphne neglected to mention to her crewmates that she would be reviewing other topics like the Makhaira matter)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
Once Samira was at least settled enough to be considered “welcomed” onto the ship, the crew will be (variously) doing some work unloading some of the goods that were acquired from Earth, negotiating, scoping out the job market, and... possibly trying to avoid The Bat Ray and Galx authorities (Ayshena, Havok, Hael, Selleck) whom Greg reported have been spotted in port!
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umbylievable · 2 years
Keep it going! Next bio: Yinde
Full Name: Yinde Ahktahl Ishnabi
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Demon
Ethnicity: Ashvenaeran/Sandiit
Age: 290
Height: 6′10″
Family: Kehkna (husband), Umbre (sibling-in-law)
Likes: Fruits, warm sand, the color gold, quiet nights in, gentle affection, scaling rooftops
Dislikes: Political apathy, the Ashvenaeran nobility, bitter foods, Sandiit wine
Bio: Yinde was born the daughter of a Sandiit warlord and a Blood Pearl woman, and spent most of her childhood growing up beneath the shifting sands of the Ishnabi desert. Her father was a proud man, and he made no attempt to shield her from the realities of the way the Sandiit were forced to live, nor to the decisions he had to make to keep his band of refugees together. When she was a teenager, she decided her path in life would be to make a difference for people like her, so her father sent her to the lawless, pirate-dominated Blood Pearl to live with her mother. Here, Yinde spent a large amount of time in back alleys, seeing firsthand the strife that the poor Ishnaban rule had brought upon the poor.
She learned to dance from her mother, and then surpassed her in skill, becoming sought after in the halls of the self proclaimed pirate kings and, later, the Ishnaban royalty. Yinde also discovered her powers as a seer, and used her soothsaying talents to further ingratiate herself into the ranks of the powerful and seedy. She learned to grease palms, to stroke egos, to plan carefully. When she was invited to perform at a festival in Ishnabi City, she saw it as her first opportunity to introduce herself to the Ishnaban public and gain their trust. It was here that she met Kehkna.
Still a young boy-king, Kehkna was met with Yinde’s disdain. She thought him childish, spoiled, and temperamental. It was not until she acquired a seat on the Ishnabi City council and began to spend more time with him that she realized he was vulnerable, earnest, and kind. Their romance blossomed, and through her guidance Kehkna was introduced to key figures of the resistance movements in Ishnabi City and finally able to see the full extent to which the current government had on the poor. Together, Kehkna and Yinde began to build towards a more equitable kingdom.
But she keeps her ears to the streets and has begun to hear the rumblings of revolution. She must play her cards as carefully as ever if she is to navigate her family safely through these waters.
Important relationships: Kehkna (husband), Umbre (sibling-in-law), Gay (best friend)
Fun facts: Unlike Kehkna, Yinde shows every bit of her Sandiit heritage, and is very proud of her ethnic features.
Kehkna calls her “Yiishemaehr,” Desert Tornado, for her tendency to be in the thick of turmoil.
Her dancing name is “Yiishehadiis,” Desert Flower.
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tiesthatbind-tf · 3 years
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I accidentally deleted 2000 words of story for poor Soundwave last night and had to rewrite everything but tbh, they’re absolutely worthit.  Their armor definitely makes me want to experiment with Celtic motifs for Hot Rod!
Full story below.
Suraya Widodo was born to parents Wijaya and Ni Made Saraswati on the island of Madura, Indonesia. They noticed that something didn’t quite seem right with their baby, who was fussier than most, threw fits when brought into crowded spaces and seemed mostly lost in their own thoughts, though this did little to dampen their love.
The name ‘Widodo’ (healthy) was given to Suraya (despite the masculine nature of it, which does lend to Suraya’s nonchalance about their gender in later years) in hopes that they would grow up alright despite their quirks.
Wijaya, a fisherman who wanted to give his family a better life in the more industrialized town of Bangkalan west of the island, pushed himself hard at his work, hoping to earn enough to allow them to settle down there comfortably.
He began to risk venturing out into ocean areas which were occasionally used as smuggling routes where more lucrative catches laid, careful to fish there during specific times to the day to avoid crossing paths with pirates and smugglers.
However, his luck ran out one day when a smuggling vessel came across him in broad daylight and silenced him from alerting the coast guards to their existence with five shots.
Suraya was five.
Saraswati, desperate to find a way to care for her child as the new breadwinner thought she had gotten lucky when a job scouter for a factory in Bangkalan came to the village. They were looking to offer work to single mothers as part of their corporate responsibility programme and extended the offer of employment to her and promised a hostel and training so she wasn’t out of her depth in the assembly line.
Seeing it as the best option, she left Suraya with her husband’s family while she worked and lived in a worker’s hostel on weekdays and returned to see Suraya every weekend.
She would give money to the family to care for Suraya in her absence, which was crucial since they weren’t fond of Saraswati (they had not agreed to Wijaya’s marriage) and found Suraya’s odd behavior off-putting and claims of ‘hearing voices’ potentially a sign of mental illness (which was fodder for them to demand even more money from Saraswati with the excuse that Suraya was a handful).
This routine continued until Saraswati was suddenly killed in a factory accident.
Suraya was nine.
The compensation for Saraswati’s death was enough for the family for only a few months and after it dried up, the neglect and abuse began. Though at times it was odd because Suraya seemed to know when they were in a bad mood and when they were looking for an outlet for their anger, and  the child would somehow almost always magically disappear during those times.
Then an agent claiming to be from the government came to see them.
He claimed he had heard about Suraya via their mother and wanted to inspect the child to see if they would qualify for a place in a ‘special school’ for ‘different’ children, and this had sounded tame enough to the family, who allowed him to see the shy, withdrawn little waif.
However Suraya immediately could tell what his true intentions were—-to have them locked up in a testing facility to figure out their ‘mutation’—-and attempted to run, only to be caught by his fellow officers outside the home.
The family was paid compensation for officially relinquishing Suraya’s care to the state, and did so without question, only relieved to be rid of their ‘burden’.
Suraya was taken to facility after facility in the state for the first few years to have a battery of tests, many painful, run on them to figure out their ‘special ability’ as an Outlier and to see if it could be replicated.
When they were in their early teens, they were transported overseas to a different facility as a bargaining chip for intel, tech and the like, coming into the ‘care’ of people who intended to use them as a government asset.
They never saw daylight except during transportation and they began to plan their escape as they studied the facility’s layout.
Their first attempt at escape didn’t go well however; they were caught, dragged back and had their eyes burned and blinded as punishment (at this point they had shown their handlers that their highly-enhanced hearing made them capable of navigating the world in total darkness, so said handlers didn’t not see this as ‘damaging the goods’).
If the handlers thought that the punishment would deter them however, it didn’t; Suraya just became more careful and subtle with the planning of their next attempt.
The second attempt came during a transport session where there were less guards and less access to tech to subdue them, though it came with a problem they did not plan for.
In their first attempt, they had tried escaping into the countryside. In this one, they hurled themselves out completely unprepared into a world louder than any world they had ever known; downtown London on a weekend.
The cacophony completely overwhelmed their senses and they barely managed to crawl-stumble into an alley as bounty hunters were enlisted to track them down.
It was here that they ran into one Ramiro Vasquez (Ravage) who was immediately concerned about their situation and once figuring out the nature of their distress, gave them his headphones to drown out the noise and kept them safe and hidden until the bounty hunters had left.
He then took Suraya back to the rented apartment he shared with Lara Soelberg (Laserbeak) and both agreed to let the waif stay with them for as long as they needed to be alright, and the three formed a little familial unit as Suraya grew deeply fond of the two Beast Men whom they saw as two of the most compassionate people in a horrible world.
Ramiro however understood that Suraya needed tutelage to properly harness and deal with their Outlier ability; having heard whispers of a secret Outlier school run Senator Sharifuddin Waseem (Shockwave) and knowing Sharifuddin as one of the few good men in the Senate, he decided to take the risk and confronted the Senator about the matter, promising to keep the secret a secret in return for helping out Suraya.
As it turned out the threats were not necessary, as Sharifuddin was genuinely  concerned for them and came to see them personally at the apartment. Initially,  Suraya was apprehensive about meeting someone else about their abilities, remembering full well how the first such meeting ended, but to their pleasant surprise, they detected no malice in Sharifuddin’s intentions; only the desire to help.
They agreed to enroll in Sharifuddin’s Outlier institute, coming back home to see Ramiro and Lara every weekend.
They excelled in their classes and soon mastered their ability and knew how to deal with the overstimulation that came from it, to the point where they could walk the streets with no problem.
In the wake of murders of Senators Nikomedes Momus and Gayathri Sharma, Suraya offered to become a spy for Sharifuddin, who was determined to solve the deaths, and Sharifuddin began bringing them to Senate meetings under the guise of them being his new aide.
They caught the eye of Senator Radbourne (RatBat) who seemed to pick up the fact that they were an Outlier, but rather than bring up the matter, requested that they work with him as well on.... matters regarding his constituents with disabilities.
Sharifuddin has his reservations about Radbourne and Suraya knew they were up to no good and both agreed to the arrangement so Suraya could dig up more information about them.
As it turned out, Radbourne was dirty as dirty as politicians came, but he had nothing to do with the murders. Rather, he was mostly preoccupied with an individual named Morgan Trayton (Megatron), the same individual whom Omar Parvez (Orion Pax)  a friend of Sharifuddin’s, had mentioned as a great writer.
Radbourne asked Suraya to track down Morgan with an offer the man hopefully wouldn’t refuse and Suraya, intrigued about this man with what they’d heard about him from Omar, agreed to do so.
They found Morgan in a vast underground fighting ring in Moscow, and after voicing some skepticism about him walking his written talk, he allowed them to peek into his mind to see how genuine and committed he was to his cause, and it took them aback for a bit to meet someone who despite being mired in tragedy, had Sharifuddin’s desire to make a better world and the iron will to back it up.
They pledged themself to be among the first members of Morgan’s rising revolution (which was aided by Omar spreading his writings through an underground press) and told them about Radbourne’s offer to supply weapons and augmentations to increase profits from the pitfighting racket.
Morgan agreed if only to use these exact items against the Senate once he’d acquired an army.
It was during this time with Morgan that they also met Ramsey (Rumble) and Friedel (Frenzy), a pair of dwarf miners who the man had been friends with for years, and almost immediately got along with their boisterous, gregarious natures. 
They continued to be Radbourne’s liaison with Megatron until the start of the Clampdown when they watched Morgan kill the owner of the Pit, free those who wanted their freedom and take those who were loyal to him to meet with Sharifuddin to formally establish a rebellion.
It was about this time that Suraya found out that Radbourne had been conducting illegal experiments on Beast Men, something they took grave offense to, and they kept mining Radbourne for more information about where the experiments were taking place.
Upon finding out, they personally hunted down Radbourne as Stefan Scavarro (Starscream) initiated the Senate massacre to Radbourne’s labs, where he tried to fight them off only to finally find out the true extent of their abilities.
Badly-injured, his attempt at stopping them from freeing the captive Beast Men—-his “property” as he would yell at them—-ended up with him hurled into a genetic splicing pod (commissioned from a ‘Mesothulas’) which he accidentally activated.
The process twisted him into a Rat-Bat-human hybrid, and rather than kill him, Suraya decided to leave the option to the Beast Men he tortured for profit in what they saw as poetic justice.
After those who wanted vengeance were done with Radbourne, Suraya gave the  Beast Men the option of leaving free or coming with them to be a part of Morgan’s revolution which would ensure that they were never mistreated and ostracized by the larger world again.
Two of the Beast Men took up the offer; Bastien Saville (Buzzsaw) and Gan Go-eun (Glit).
When Morgan, confident in Suraya’s abilities asked them  to establish their own division focussed on spying and intel gathering, Suraya chose Ramiro, Lara, Ramsey, Friedel and Bastien to work alongside them.
While Suraya occasionally questions Morgan’s actions, two things they have never questioned are his dedication to his cause and the compassion he shows to those they care for, and it’s enough for them to consider themself a true Decepticon till the day his objectives are achieved.
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riacte · 3 years
Dogwarts / 3rd Life Cheat Sheet for MCC 15 Purple Pandas
Ren and Martyn were buddies in Season 1 of the 3rd Life SMP and they are an alliance known as the Renchanting duo/ Kingdom of Dogwarts. Now they’re finally teamed up, and the 3rd Life SMP members have a habit of referring to 3rd Life in MCC. The Ren-Martyn fandom also talks about Dogwarts a lot. If you have no idea what is a Dogwarts and why people love them, no fear! This post will try to explain it in simple terms.
3rd Life SMP is a SMP started by Grian. Season 1 has 14 members (roughly half are hermits, other half are friends of the hermits. You can find the full list in the description of Ren’s 3rd Life videos.) Everyone on the server has three lives— the first life symbolised by green names, second by yellow names, third by red names. If you lose all three lives, you permadie. Green names and yellow names are not allowed to be hostile unless they were attacked first, but the goal of red names is to kill everyone on the server. The three lives are also symbolised by three hearts, like this:
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(Fun fact: Because of the green-yellow-red colours, the subtwt for 3rd Life is called traffictwt after traffic lights. The 3rd Life tumblr fandom is occasionally referred to as trafficblr.)
3rd Lifers record every week for three hours at the same time with proximity chat. The server has a small border to encourage interaction. They are eight sessions in total, and they’re all cut into YouTube episodes (no streams!), so it’s fairly bingeable.
So what’s the deal with Martyn and Ren?
Ren decided to set up an enchanting shop during the first session. Martyn was wandering around and having fun scaring people with creeper noises until he came to Ren’s enchanting shop. Martyn then used Ren’s enchanting service without paying (essentially a robbery), but Ren let Martyn go on the condition Martyn would act as a walking free advertisement. Martyn agreed, and they became business partners. Martyn actually coined the name Renchanting and its motto “Don’t be a Dog, be a God”. Ren named Martyn as his “marketing manager” (which sounds a little like Martynmanager).
True to his word, Martyn went around and spread the good news of Renchanting to everyone. Martyn brought business to Renchanting, and when Ren was being threatened by customers (who harassed Ren into lower his prices/ giving out enchantments for free), Martyn acted defensive of Ren and even said Ren was being “bullied”. Ren was being taken advantage of because he was too nice. (Martyn did do some stuff not related to Ren, but since this is a Dogwarts cheat sheet I won’t be mentioning that.)
Then came GoodTimesWithScar. The main “villain” to Renchanting, if you will.
Basically, Scar was playing the role of a cartoon villain. He scammed people out of their armour and possessions, and eventually found his way to Renchanting. At that point, Martyn and Ren were loyal to each other. Scar asked for Ren’s enchanting table. In return, when Scar turned red, he would not kill Ren and Martyn. Ren appeared to be torn, but due to Martyn depending on him and the business, he refused Scar’s offer (“you can’t take the enchanting out of Renchanting!”). Scar also acted condescending to Martyn (Martyn was seen as Ren’s “minion”). So Ren and Martyn were officially on Scar’s kill list, but Ren did not regret it.
At some point, Ren got tired of people walking into his store and stepping all over him, so he built high walls around the Renchanting building. Everyone (including Renchanting themselves) broke through the walls, and this was a running gag. Ren declared himself king by wearing the crown he got from MCC9 Blue Bats.
Note: Ren was kind, and it was the cruel world that forced Ren to be defensive. Other POVs paint them as the villain but Dogwarts enthusiasts will say that is not the case AT ALL.
Time passed. Scar turned red. He and his buddy Grian set up traps at Renchanting, and one blew up Ren and a bunch of other people. Ren, now a yellow name, was furious, but could not get his revenge because yellow names were not allowed to hurt other players. So naturally, Ren decided to become a red.
Ren renamed an axe to “RED WINTER IS COMING” and gave it to Martyn to chop his head off. (There’s some dramatic roleplay here, highly recommend a watch.) Martyn painfully did, and the message “Red Winter is Coming” was shown in the chat, which told everyone that Ren meant business. To test Martyn’s loyalty, Ren told Martyn he could kill him if he wanted to. Ren, freshly respawned and without armour, punched Martyn. Martyn, as a green name, could attack Ren due to Ren attacking first. However, Martyn did not kill Ren, and dramatically declared Ren was the one who showed him life, and thus he would return the favour.
So Ren was known as the Red King (with grey skin, bloodied MCC crown, and a Scottish/pirate accent). Martyn became known as the King’s Hand, and called Ren “my lord” “my liege”. Later, Martyn acquired an outfit with a cloak and a red hand on the back of the cloak, which is now used to symbolise Martyn.
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They established the Kingdom of Dogwarts (after Hogwarts and the enchanting/magic gimmick) to find more allies (notable ones include Ethoslab and Skizzleman). Allies could stick a Red Banner in their base to show loyalty, members were called Red Knights / Red Army.
A Red Banner (the design is supposed to be blood dripping down):
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Without spoiling too much, Ren and Martyn remained loyal to each other till the very end. They were very dramatic (even jokingly called homoerotic by some lmao) and had many hardcore quotes, and are highly beloved. They are the most dramatic and RP intensive group on the server. So people want Dogwarts, the king and his hand, together again.
A small sample of quotes that might be referenced:
I think going red next week is in my fate. It’s in my cards. There will be blood, for this. A king cannot be king without war. (Ren)
I won’t do it! You took me in when I was a lowly traveller, goin’ across the lands, searchin’ the four corners of this world. I learned that there was nothing in this world for me. Nothing but walls, corners, edges. And you know what? You showed me life. As much as I’ve taken it from you, you gave it back to me in bucket fulls. and I just- I’m with you. This is us now. This is us. (Martyn)
If we're going to survive the Red Winter, we gotta do it together, laddies. Hand in hand. Rotten hand in hand of the living. To the end! (Ren)
It’s just the world versus us. (Martyn)
(Note: Dogwarts refers to the group of people allied with Ren and Martyn, including Etho and Skizzleman. Renchanting duo refers to Ren and Martyn ONLY)
Other references:
Joel notably screamed “THE RED KING DIES TONIGHT, FELLAS!” with a crowd of wolves following him
Dogwarts killed Grian and Scar’s llama Pizza because Scar stole a Red Banner
Jimmy and Scott were flower husbands. Jimmy thought Renchanting was going to sacrifice Scott.
Everyone else in MCC (Grian, Scott, Jimmy, Joel) were enemies with Dogwarts
The 3rd Lifers reference 3rd Life a lot despite it being over. Martyn even fought for Dogwarts in MCC14 and MCCP but failed. Haha.
The fandom commonly refers to Purple15 as King (Ren), Queen (False), Ace (Illumina), and Joker/Hand (Martyn) after playing cards.
This is it, I am tired, this is probably too long but I feel I skipped a lot of details. If anyone has anything to add or correct, feel free to do so. Also, I’m pretty certain this won’t appear in the tags, so please reblog! Thank you, and Red Winter is Coming.
(I might add a reblog detailing False’s very much fanon involvement in Dogwarts, and why everyone was so hyped for Renchanting + False.)
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ao3bronte · 4 years
This is my contribution to @mlwriterzine Once Upon A Season! It was a pleasure to be a part of the project and the finished piece (a gorgeous 260 page paperback) was a treat!
Also on AO3!
Adrien is and always has been a young man of many talents. He excels in sports, outshines in academics, and loves tinkering with the vintage 1962 Ferrari he keeps in a secret garage just up the road from their belle-époque penthouse apartment in Paris. So honestly, Marinette shouldn’t have been surprised upon finding a sailing yacht waiting for them in the luxurious marina of Saint-Tropez.
“Um...” Gobsmacked, Marinette slips off her sandals and follows him over the exquisitely varnished toerail, “... since when do you know how to drive a boat?”
“Since I was eight.” Adrien shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “Mère loved to come down every year to watch the annual regatta. She even sailed in a few of them herself.”
“Wow.” Marinette’s eyes grow wide as she gawks at the opulent 16 metre sailboat. She’d never dreamt of setting foot on one, let alone cruising on one through the French Riviera for a week on her honeymoon. Elated, Marinette can hardly keep the stars from her eyes as she drops her shoulder bag and scampers across the deck until she reaches the front of the vessel, splaying her arms out wide.
“I’m the king of the world!” she cries, laughing as Adrien runs along behind her and plants his hands on her hips, holding her steady.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” She grins into the salty breeze coming off the Mediterranean and steps onto the first rung of the railings. “Just don’t let me fall overboard.”
“You’ll be flying soon, M’Lady.” Adrien pulls her against his chest and presses a kiss to her temple, his stubble scratching softly against her skin. “But first, we have some fenders to collect.”
Marinette blinks. “Uh... what exactly is a fender?”
Adrien’s indulgent laughter echoes in the headsail. “You’re about to get a crash course in Sailing 101, Buginette. Are you ready to be my first mate?”
Marinette spins around in his arms and bops him on the nose. “Teach me everything you know, Captain Kitty.”
Adrien hums, tipping her chin upwards to kiss her lips. “I like the sound of that.”
After a few minutes of acquiring her sea legs, Marinette and Adrien Dupain-Cheng are off amidst the serene waves of la Côte d'Azur for a honeymoon trip of a lifetime. Marinette can’t keep her eyes off of the hill-perched towns dotting the coastline, sun-drenched and prismatic against the turquoise waters of the Med. Beside her, Adrien keeps their vessel steady, his seasoned gaze trained on the horizon as they pull out of port and soar northwards, the wind at their every beck and call.
For centuries, every Parisian worth their salt flocked to the French Riviera to soak up the Mediterranean sun and the Agreste’s were no different, once upon a time. Adrien’s childhood memories aboard the Éphémère remind him of bouillabaisse and happier days spent scampering across deck pretending to be a pirate in search of buried treasure. It’s something he hopes he can share with his own children one day, especially now that he and his wife no longer have to spend every spare moment of their lives fighting Hawk Moth.
Sensing her husband’s pensive mood, Marinette snuggles deeper into his side as the afternoon sun begins to dip towards the horizon. She doesn’t need Adrien to assure her that their evenings onboard together will be positively serene with nothing but the seabirds to obstruct the sunset that will surely steal their breath away. He kisses her forehead and hugs her close, his guiding light within the storm that had been brewing since his childhood. After all those years of rough seas at the hands of his father, things were finally settling into an even keel.
Marinette learns the ins and outs of sailing quickly, securing lines and watching for traffic as they navigate along the seaboard of Saint Raphaël . Jibs and boons soon become a part of her vocabulary, and once they've successfully moored in the neighbouring marina, Marinette feels like she's run a marathon.
"That was exhausting," she groans, slumping into the cushions on the sundeck.
Adrien beams, having barely broken a sweat. "Come on; I'll make it worth your while."
Hauling her back onto her feet, Adrien leads her down into the main cabin. All clean lines and warm teak, Marinette leaves her duffel bag on the sofa and explores the spacious interior with curious eyes, carding her fingers through the decades old fashion magazines stacked in a woven basket resting on the floor. He leaves her to explore and hauls their luggage and a cooler down the ladder, filling the marine fridge with fixings for their first dinner outside of Paris. It's peaceful, with nothing but the sounds of the waves to keep them company.
The lights are warm and low in their galley kitchen, a cozy escape from the endless vistas of rocky crags and pastel-orange buildings whose narrow streets spill into the sea. Their table is just large enough for two wicker placemats and a bottle of Mouton-Cadet; old vases filled with seaglass and shells rest on every side table, their edges wrapped in nautical rope. By the counter, Marinette grates a snowy pile of Pecorino cheese over a mound of steaming spaghetti while beside her Adrien grinds fresh pepper into a ramekin, his stomach growling after an afternoon spent at sea. A comfortable silence ebbs and flows between them as the evening tide laps against the hull, drawing them towards the tangy, indulgent nest of cacio e pepe they made together.
Marinette wakes the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee and a deftly wrapped gift on the bedside table of their lavish master cabin. Slipping her bare legs across the silk sheets as she sits up, she opens her present and plucks one of her own Chat Noir inspired creations from the tissue paper along with a note attached inside.
Care to go for a dip with me, M’Lady?
Marinette snorts and ties the black and neon green bikini up at the neck and hips, leaving a few very tantalizing strings to pull should Adrien let his feline instincts get the best of him. Goodness knows he wouldn’t be able to resist himself, what with the way he could hardly keep his hands off of her last night while they were trying to find a deck of cards in the saloon. She glances at herself in the mirror to wipe the sleep from her eyes and quickly fastens her hair into a loose ponytail, ready to tease her husband senseless.
“Welcome to Cannes!” he announces as she emerges from below deck, mesmerized by the morning sun illuminating his blond hair like a halo. He’s gorgeous in every sense of the word, thoughtful and generous and unfailingly kind, and even in his darkest moments, he never ceases to steal her breath away.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispers, hooking her fingers into the belt loops of his chinos, “but not as beautiful as you.”
A ruddy flush blooms across his cheeks, a constant victim to her soft-spoken praises. “I can hardly compete against you, Buginette, especially when you’re wearing that.”
“I don’t know...” She grazes her fingernails against his bare chest and smirks as the familiar rumble in his sternum kicks into low gear. “I think the sun suits you.”
“Enough to consider moving down here for good?”
Marinette shrugs; keeping their lives rooted in Paris has been a point of contention between them since the arrest of his father. “Not permanently, no, but I wouldn’t protest if we vacationed here more often.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time you overwork yourself,” he responds, closing his eyes as she continues to explore the chiseled planes of his abs. She’s always been gifted when it comes to distractions and this morning is no different; like wayfaring on a starless night, she’s always been the beacon to guide his way. “Now, I thought I invited you up here for a swim?”
“You did.” Marinette steps back, giving him the merciful reprieve he’d needed to calm his beating heart. “And it is kind of hot up here.”
His grip on the ship’s wheel tightens. “No thanks to you.”
“Easy there, Captain Kitty.” Marinette smirks, flicking the golden bell sewn to the bridge of her bikini top. “Race you!”
“Hey!” he gapes at her, scandalized. “I still have to drop anchor!”
Marinette giggles as she zooms past him, leaping off the back of the boat with delight. “Last one in the water has to make breakfast!”
Meandering through the Medieval streets of the old city, Marinette and Adrien pause to catch a glimpse of Villefranche-sur-Mer ’s idyllic harbour. There’s an enormous cruise ship dominating the horizon and Adrien is thankful that they’d brought their disguises in tow. No one has recognized either of them with the way they’ve camouflaged themselves in their floppy beach hats and oversized sunglasses.
Marinette spends the afternoon popping in and out of boutiques with turquoise shutters, snapping photos and picking up little trinkets along the way. They stop for lunch at a peaches-and-cream couloured bistro nestled against the water’s edge, its open windows basking the sunlit stone walls with salt-scented air. Adrien joyfully devours his meal, a simply grilled loup de mer with fennel and lemon, while Marinette chatters over a bowl of Niçoise octopus salad that she had been eager to try since spotting it on the chalkboard menu outside.
“It feels weird, not having them around.” Adrien balances a piece of julienned fennel between the tines of his fork. “It’s the first time I’ve taken my ring off in ten years.”
“I promise you, Tikki and Plagg are appreciating their vacation too,” Marinette assures him around a mouthful of cherry tomatoes. “They deserve a break after what happened. We both do.”
Adrien nods and is quiet for a while.
“When I was a kid, I used to watch the cliff divers jump into that cove,” Adrien mentions as they sail by, pointing towards a sharp craig jutting from the coastline. “I always wanted to do it myself. Maybe I will.”
“You’re free to do whatever you want now.” Marinette smiles into the wind, the skirt of her sundress billowing up passed her thighs. “So chart us a course, Captain Kitty. Where are we going next?”
“First, we’re stopping in Èze .” Adrien brushes his bangs from his eyes and relishes in being at the helm of transience. “There are galleries all over the place that I know you’ll love. And we have a dinner reservation. I thought you’d appreciate the view.”
Marinette lowers her sunglasses. “I like the view here just fine, thanks.”
“I could say the same thing about you.” Adrien smirks and snags her by the hips, easily hauling her up onto the dash of the cockpit. She squeals as he savours the salt on her skin as he plants a kiss on her knee in mock apology. “There. Now I have you right where I want you.”
She kicks and he dodges easily, catching her foot with lightning fast reflexes born from being merged with the Black Cat Miraculous for so long. It’s a familiar song and dance between them, a playful contest sparking in their eyes as he peppers kisses along her ankle, her calf, anywhere he can reach. He stops just shy of the constellation of freckles at the hem of her dress and makes eye contact through his lashes, flashing her a mischievous Chat Noir smile. “I wonder if you’re ... ticklish?
Marinette shrieks as Adrien starts tickling her toes, running his fingernails up and down the arches of her feet. She’s tortured him a thousand times by attacking his sides when he least expected it so he figures it’s about time he seeks revenge. “Adrien! Stop!”
He doesn’t, of course, and chooses to memorize each and every facet of her beauty instead; her smile and her pained laughter, her marks and scars from the final battle only a month before their wedding day. “I’m never letting you go!”
“You’re going to— stop it! —have to if we ever want to get to Èze .” Marinette manages to wrench her ankle free and hops down from the ledge, landing easily in his outstretched arms. “That is, unless you want to crash.”
“If we shipwreck,” Adrien bends low and devours that little spot on her neck that makes her weak every time, “promise me you won’t hog the whole door?”
Marinette bursts into laughter. “Are we seriously going to have this debate again?”
“I’m serious! Jack could have totally fit on that— mmpf! ”
Cupping his cheeks, Marinette hurriedly kisses away the space between them and silences his long-winded debate once and for all. It’s an effective way to shut him up—all things considered—and an astonished gasp spirals from his lips as she hoists herself up his body and brackets his hips with her thighs. She claims him, covets him, her tongue sweeping across his lower lip, and he’s helpless to her siren’s song as he braces her against the cockpit’s controls and clings to her like a drowning man.
“Alright, you win.” Breathless and lightheaded, Adrien pulls back after a while just to soak her in, to remind himself that he’s married to the most beautiful woman in the world. He gazes in awe as she recovers, her flushed cheeks and parted lips swollen and wet. Adrien is drawn back in like a magnet, kissing her with every intention of stealing her breath away.
She buries her hands in his hair, her nails gently scraping against his scalp as Adrien all but melts in her embrace, groaning with pleasure. He deepens their kiss, and Adrien feels drunk with his desire to claim, their passion speaking more than words between them ever could. Every gasp and moan conveys their everlasting partnership and the terror of nearly losing one another in the whirlwind. Shell-shocked and injured, they still held their wedding ceremony, even as the fallout had tugged at their ankles, gossip and chaos pooling around their feet. Together, they’d inherited an empire he’d never wanted in the first place, thrusting them into a world unprepared and raw with nothing but each other as a tether in the storm.
“I love you,” she murmurs against his lips, her heartbeat hammering a tattoo inside her chest. He can feel it against his own, fast and strong and wonderfully alive. “We’ll get through this; together.”
Later, as they draw nearer to the charming port town of Èze, Adrien draws her close and hopes she never leaves his side. “Where to, Miss?”
Marinette smiles. “To the stars.”
Nothing comes so abundantly as time when you’re sailing through the seemingly endless vistas of the Med. Their honeymoon stretches on for longer than a week simply because it can; he owns their floating home-away-from-home and she’s working remotely, snagging a Wi-Fi signal whenever they’re in port.
Neither of them seem to be in any hurry to leave the solace of the French Riviera behind. It’s where he’s feasted on fresh seafood and felt better than he has in weeks. It’s where they’ve kissed and made love under the stars a thousand times over. It’s where he’s confessed his doubts about living in Paris and where she’s supported his struggle to leave his father behind.
They’re moored in Antibes tonight and the skies are awash in vibrant pinks and apricot. He drizzles balsamic vinegar onto a shimmering pond of Italian olive oil; she wears hair pins with flowers on them and pours wine like an expert, heedless to the way he’s staring at her like she’s his only source of air.
“I love you,” he whispers. It’s enough.
87 notes · View notes
august-anon · 3 years
Complete Masterpost (as of 12/09/2020)
Here is a complete rebloggable masterpost of all my works sorted by fandom. Beneath the fandoms, they are sorted in order of when I posted them. You can also find these on ao3 under august_anon, or on the Masterpost Page on my blog (which is sorted better tbh). Thanks for reading my works!
Total Works: 126
Avatar: The Last Airbender
(’20) Tickletober Day 3 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Aang, Ler!Sokka, Katara, Toph, Zuko - What else is Aang supposed to do when he finds a set of stocks in an abandoned town? NOT see if he could fit in them? 1151 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 9 - Ganged Up On - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Zuko, Ler!Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka - They'd been plotting all week, and it was driving Zuko insane. The actual reason turned out a lot more innocent than Zuko was worried about. 713 words
Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia)
(’20) Tickletober Day 18 - Holding It In - [ao3] - EraserMic - Lee!Aizawa/Ler!Yamada - Hizashi demands Husband Cuddles on their day off, but Shouta is being difficult. Luckily, Hizashi knows how to get his way. 799 words
Detroit: Become Human
(’20) Tickletober Day 16 - Massage - [ao3] - RK1000 - Lee!Connor/Ler!Markus - The new software patch has come through, and androids can now feel sensations a lot more similarly to humans. Markus plans to use this to treat his overworked boyfriend to a massage, but things don't quite go as planned. 1770 words
Gravity Falls
(’20) Tickletober Day 1 - Unusual Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Ler!Mabel - Mabel not-so-accidentally reveals one of Dipper's tickle spots. 610 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 13 - Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Dipper, Mable, Ler!Stan - Stan may have difficulty recalling anything now, but at least he knows the kids will be a constant. 1691 words
Miraculous Ladybug
(’20) Tickletober Day 15 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Adrien, Ler!Marinette - Thanks to a little yo-yo malfunction, Ladybug finds out something very interesting about her partner. 989 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 17 - Revenge - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Marinette, Switch!Adrien - In Marinette's humble opinion, this was one of the most ridiculous scenarios she could imagine them finding out each other's identities. 799 words
Sanders Sides(/Cartoon Therapy)
Still Got It - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil/Ler!Roman - Roman is frustrated that he's never heard Virgil laugh. Logan presents a solution. Turns out, after all these years, Virgil is still ticklish. 2350 words
You Brought The Laughter Back - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil - Virgil may not have the experience Roman has, but his fingers definitely work magic, if Roman's reactions are anything to go by. 2170 words
I’m Not Ticklish - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Logan has had a thing for tickling as long as he could remember, and he’s rather good at hiding it. It only takes one slip-up for Roman to find out and make his fantasies come true. 5588 words
Calorie Counting - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman is struggling with his new system of trying to lose weight. Luckily, Patton is always there for him. 1496 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 1 - Feather - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton, Roman, Virgil -  Someone's been sneak-tickling Logan, and he's determined to find out who. 727 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 2 - Fingers - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Patton -  Logan is ever so rudely awoken from his nap. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 3 - Unusual Spots - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -Roman finds a rather unusual method of warming his hands, leading to the discovery of a rather unusual spot for Patton to be ticklish. 278 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 4 - Stocks - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Roman agreed to help Logan with some of his "experiments." He would never admit how much he loved it. 864 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 5 - Tools - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  It's Virgil's turn to help with an experiment, and he's getting a little impatient waiting for what he truly wants. 684 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 6 - Gang Tickling - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton -  Virgil's been in a certain kind of mood for a number of days, now. It's a shame no one's noticed enough to take advantage of it. 674 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 7 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -Logan isn't sleeping. Again. Luckily, Virgil has a remedy. 461 words 
(’19) Tickletober Day 8 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton really wants to be wrecked. Logan is happy to oblige. 455 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 9 - “I’m not ticklish” - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil -  Roman insists he's not ticklish. Virgil insists that's impossible. What else is there to do except test it out? 446 word
(’19) Tickletober Day 10 - Arms Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil did ask for this, after all. Now all he needed to do was actually hold out. 218 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 11 - Sneak Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton is really much more sneaky than anyone gives him credit for. They really should start expecting it by this point. 233 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 12 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Royality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Roman - A not-so-peaceful moment together of doing chores leads to the discovery of a new possible tool of torment for Roman and Patton. 269 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 13 - Feet - [ao3] -  Virgil can finally get his revenge on Patton for all the tickling, with the help of a few little piggies. 289 words
(’19) Tickletober 14 - Favorite Spot - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman, Patton, Logan -  It was no secret that everyone in the mindpalace had their favorite spots, whether to tickle or be tickled. The rare thing was that, for one specific side, the favorite for everyone was unanimous. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 15 - Cuddles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Roman - Logan's been overworking himself and refuses to relax, even when everyone forces him to take a break. Luckily, his fellow sides know just what to do. 661 words
Work of Art - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Roman just really wants to paint on his super attractive boyfriend. Logan, surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), is very willing. 1357 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 16 - Tickly Kiss - [ao3] - Moxiety - Lee!Patton/Ler!Virgil -  Patton's having one of his "bad for no reason" days. Luckily, Virgil always seems to know what to do. 578 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 17 - Tickle Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton -  Virgil wasn't sure how it started, but he was going to try his hardest not to lose. 211 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 18 - Chase - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton, Virgil, Logan -  Roman may have wanted it, but he certainly wasn't going to make it easy for them. 194 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 19 - Stuck - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman probably should've thought this through before he did it... 242 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 20 - Hysterical - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  It's Virgil's turn to experiment. He wants to know what it takes to make Logan hysterical. 343 words
The Attack of the Garra Rufa - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -  Roman recently acquired a new spellbook and he is very excited to test out the new spells inside. 712 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 21 - Accidental - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan -  Logan didn't mean to brush against Patton's side, but he definitely didn't expect the reaction it produced. What did Patton expect him to do when he realized the mind palace's tickle monster was ticklish? NOT tickle him? 642 words
(’19) Tickletober Day 22 - Tickly Massage - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman - Logan's been overworking again, which was causing his back pain to flare up again. Roman comes by to make sure he has a break. 994 words
We’ll Be Here, Always - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan, Virgil, Roman -  Patton can't always be happy, as much as he loathed to admit it. Sometimes he had bad days. Sometimes, those bad days had no rhyme or reason or cause. Luckily, his family's always there to support him. 5039 words
Could Use a Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton -  Patton's got his hands on Roman's new spell book. He can't wait to put it to use! His first target? A grumpy little side who could use a little more laughter in his life. 1063 words
The Prettiest Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil -  All Roman wanted was to teach Patton makeup. He didn't expect to be playfully attacked in response. 1054 words
Feathery Feet - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman -  Roman has decided it's his turn to play with his new tickle spells on the mind palace's favorite emo. 664 words
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bright - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Logan knows that Patton is plotting on coming for him next with those silly new spells. He figures the best way to counter that is by getting him first. 892 words
It’s Christmas, Wake Up! - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Roman, Logan, Ler!Patton -  Patton thinks his fellow sides are taking a little too long to wake up, and he's ready to start the day's festivities. Luckily, he has the perfect idea for getting them out of bed. 1224 words
Even Santa’s Elves Need Naps - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman -  Patton's been attempting to take on the monumental task of planning and setting up Christmas all on his own. Roman has decided he needs a break, and maybe a good laugh. 751 words
Dancing Around the Issue - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan -  They were supposed to be rehearsing. It wasn't Roman's fault he was so ticklish. 1665 words
Prince Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan, Patton, Virgil, Ler!Roman -  Roman’s been on a bit of a nostalgia binge, recently, and couldn’t help but remember a special sword a certain tickly pirate had... 3878 words
The Tickle Monster Always Wins - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton -  Roman really shouldn't have doubted Patton's skills as a ruthless tickle monster. He was really in for it, now. 3220 words
Broken Logic - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Logan had done enough ticklish "experiments" on the others to know that they would be ruthless in their revenge, but truly? He wasn't complaining. And he certainly wasn't complaining when he heard Virgil's threat to absolutely break him. 2689 words
Content (Valentickle) - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Roman -  It was meant to be some cuddling after a Valentines Day well-spent. Not that either of them were complaining with the playful turn things had taken. 1605 words
Kitten’s Got Claws - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Virgil’s suspicious of Logan’s motives now that he’s started using Roman’s tickle spellbook as well. He figures he might as well be proactive and get the nerd, first. 895 words
Giddy Kisses - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Logan/Ler!Roman -  Roman has a quite the sweet gift for Logan. It’s not his fault his boyfriend is so ticklish. 599 words
Scooch - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - The couch may be a comfortable place for a nap, but Virgil is sorely mistaken if he thinks he'll be able to commandeer it for long. 401 words
Joyful Noise - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan, Roman, Patton -  Virgil tiredly lets something slip on his Christmas list, but it doesn't turn out as bad as he fears. 1222 words
Cold Fingers, Warm Laughter - [ao3] - LAMP - Switch!Virgil, Logan, Roman, Patton -  Maybe Patton was right and Roman should've worn gloves during their snowball fight, but was that going to stop him from starting something? Absolutely not. 1109 words
Color By Tickles - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Virgil, Lee!Roman -  Virgil was feeling more confident with these spells, now. Meaning it was the perfect time for revenge on a certain Prince they all knew. 961 words
Connected - [ao3] - Gen - Ler!Logan, Lee!Virgil -  What, did Virgil think that Logan wouldn't get revenge? 596 words
Fluttery Feelings - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Magic(?) -  Roman had planned the perfect prank for movie night. He just really hadn't anticipated it backfiring on him. 2229 words
Professor Feathersword - [ao3] - Logince - Lee!Roman/Ler!Logan -  Roman didn't expect revenge, but he wasn't necessarily complaining. 2107 words
Provoked - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Logan -  Patton should have known to provoke Logan so far, but really, maybe that was exactly what he’d wanted all along. 967 words
TacTickle Advantage - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton -  Virgil should know better than to accept a challenge from Patton when he has that devious grin on his face. 716 words
Distraction - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Emile, Ler!Remy -  Emile slips up and gets a bruise. Remy has just the thing to distract him from the pain. 512 words
So Close - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Patton -  Logan was so close to winning the bet, all he had to do was not laugh for another five minutes and he would be in the clear. Of course, it was at that moment Patton had to drop the secret to one of his biggest weaknesses. 945 words
Asking for Attention - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Roman/Ler!Virgil -  Roman's been pulling pranks all day. Virgil knows what he's really after. 509 words
Patty-Lee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Virgil, Logan -  Patton's in a dangerous ler mood, but the others decide it's high time he got a taste of his own medicine. 1137 words
Learn Your Lesson - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil -  Patton should’ve known better than to go after Virgil alone. Now he was really in for it. 1181 words
“Feared” Ler - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Patton, Logan, Ler!Virgil -  When Virgil gave you that grin, you knew to submit yourself to your fate. 1660 words
Get Up - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton just wants to get up and have breakfast! Roman, unfortunately, is being a little stubborn. 1076 words
Changing Channels - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Logan, Switch!Virgil -  Virgil’s sick of Logan’s documentary, but he’s not exactly keen on changing the channel. Needless to say, a playful little fight breaks out. 846 words
Dance if You Can - [ao3] - Prinxiety - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman -  Roman held the unofficial title of “Best Dancer” whenever their friend group played Just Dance. Virgil, the new addition, was about to show him how it’s done, but Roman was nothing if not competitive. 2975 words
Broken Rules - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Virgil knew the consequences if he broke the rules of the challenge, he really did. And yet, here Patton was, needing to give him his “punishment.” Maybe it wasn’t a punishment at all, based off Virgil’s reactions. 702 words
Helpful - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Logan’s neck has been hurting him. Virgil’s only trying to help. 551 words
Prince Gigglee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil, Patton, Logan -  Roman’s in a very giggly mood. Logan finally figures out why. 1021 words
Not So Fast - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  Virgil isn’t quite as sneaky as he thinks he is, asking for something indirectly. 634 words
Let’s Hang Out - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan -  If Roman was going to (albeit accidentally) ignore him, then Virgil was going to ignore Roman right back. He just didn't expect the consequences that followed. 2085 words
Shark Attack - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Virgil, Switch!Logan - Logan and Virgil are together again for summer break, and Virgil decides he'd like to play one of their childhood games to reminisce. 1210 words
Countdown - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Logan, Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman has a favorite game he likes to play with the other Sides. While most of them would never admit it, they like playing it with him, too. 1085 words
Bedtime - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, LerLogan - Patton is refusing to go to bed, but Logan has a few tricks up his sleeves. 685 words
If You Do... - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Roman had asked Virgil to do his makeup, but he hadn't anticipated how much the makeup brushes would tickle. 536 words
Bonding Exercises - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Emile - Emile thinks that he and Virgil need to bond, and he has the perfect idea as to how. 699 words
Better Than Coffee - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  All Virgil had really been after was a hug. It wasn't his fault Logan was so sensitive. 280 words
Losses and Laughter - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil -  Really, Logan should've known better than to make that bet. But was it really the worst way to lose? 332 words
Tricks and Teases - [ao3] - Analogical - Switch!Virgil/Switch!Logan - Logan had been planning to tickle his boyfriend silly. Not have it go the other way around. 548 words
Instincts - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - It wasn’t Patton’s fault he squirmed so much at even the threat of being tickled! 316 words
Delicious Laughter - [ao3] - Logicality - Lee!Patton/Ler!Logan - Patton had the perfect plan set out to get Logan to tickle him. Logan just happened to go a little off script. 425 words
Fall of the Fortress - [ao3] - Logicality - Switch!Patton/Switch!Logan - Really, all Patton had wanted to do was cuddle. But when a tickle war was started? He was not going to go down without a fight. 733 words
Bully - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan's been teasing Roman all day, and he really hopes there's a laughter-filled payout after all this. 400 words
Begging For Lies - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman - Virgil should've known better than to provoke Roman, seeing how ruthless he could be. But maybe that was exactly what Virgil was counting on. 469 words
Cookie Monster - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Virgil - Virgil helps Patton pass the time until his cookies are done. 560 words
Dr. Monster, M.D. - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Well, if Logan thought his ideas were too fantastical and unrealistic, Roman would just have to use that against him, wouldn't he? 458 words
Please? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil isn't normally so bold, but with Roman looking at him like that, how could he resist? 390 words
Noisy Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - Patton had no idea that vocal cords could tickle someone so well. 503 words
Learn to Lie - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil - Virgil just wants his makeup back. If only Roman would own up to his thievery. 425 words
It’s Okay to Laugh - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Virgil - During some late-night bonding, Virgil decides to help Logan loosen up a bit. 586 words
Cuddle Time - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton - Patton’s in the mood to cuddle. 202 words
Strange Spot - [ao3] - Remile - Lee!Remy/Ler!Emile - Emile makes a fun discovery about Remy. 265 words
Glittery Giggles - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - Logan thinks he deserves some payback after Roman’s latest prank. 522 words
Lazy Day by Law - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman - Roman's made it his job to make sure Patton obey's the laws of "Lazy Day." 425 words
Problem Solving - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan - After a long day of Roman being purposefully irritable, Logan finally finds out the reason. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't help Roman out? 537 words
The Labyrinth - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Roman, Ler!Patton - When Roman finds himself in a certain kind of mood, he knows who to ask. 677 words
Bready or Not - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Logan, Ler!Roman - Logan should've known that Roman noticed his moods. At least he was willing to help out. 795 words
Star Trek: The Next Generation
(’20) Tickletober Day 5 - Drawn On - [ao3] - DaForge - Lee!Geordi/Ler!Data - Data had only wanted to experiment with a new form of art, Geordi couldn't fault Data for his own sensitivity interrupting them. 674 words
Star Trek: The Original Series
(’20) Tickletober Day 14 - Light Tickles - [ao3] - Spirk - Lee!Spock/Ler!Jim - In a quiet moment, Jim discovers something new about Spock. 961 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 12 - Hard Tickles - [ao3] - Destiel - Switch!Dean/Switch!Castiel - Dean should know better than to start a tickle fight with an angel. 349 words
The Adventure Zone: Balance
Touch - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Taako/Ler!Kravitz - Touch and Taako have always had an interesting relationship, but it was time he started figuring it out with this new world, since they seemed to be sticking around. 2349 words
Not-So-Silent Treatment - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - When Taako decides to give Magnus the silent treatment, he decides that that just won’t do. 324 words
Taaco Fight - [ao3] - Gen - Switch!Lup, Switch!Taako -  Tickle fights aren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence between the twins. 346 words
Need Something? - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lucretia - Taako is the type to annoy people until he gets what he wants. Lucretia isn't the type to take that sort of behavior. 484 words
Attention and Affection - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - Magnus knows exactly how to deal with Taako when he's looking for attention. 418 words
Don’t Stop - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Magnus - It wasn’t the response Magnus was expecting from Taako, but who was he to deny such a request? 301 words
Sore Loser - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Taako, Ler!Lup - Taako lost the bet, and now he had to deal with the consequences. 460 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 8 - Interrogation - [ao3] - Gen - Lee!Magnus, Ler!Taako - Taako's hat is missing and he's going to find the culprit, no matter what it takes. 707 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 11 - Death Spot - [ao3] - Taakitz - Lee!Kravitz/Ler!Taako - Kravitz had long know Taako's death spot, having found it far too easily. Taako has to work a bit harder to find Kravitz's. 1096 words
You Like It - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - For a man who claims to know what tickling is "in theory," Geralt certainly has a lot of questions. He might even require a demonstration. 2018 words
Maybe I Like It, Too - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier -  Jaskier knew that everyone had to be at least a little ticklish somewhere, and he wasn't going to give up until he had Geralt laughing underneath him. 3239 words
Just Let Go - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier -  Geralt would never admit it out loud, but he quite enjoys the touches that Jaskier blesses him with. And then Jaskier figures out that he's sensitive to a different kind of touch. 1470 words
Fresh Discoveries - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt, Switch!Jaskier  -  Jaskier makes a rather interesting discovery while helping Geralt during one of his baths. 617 words
Get His Attention - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Jaskier/Switch!Geralt -  Jaskier was determined to get Geralt’s attention, no matter what it took. 905 words
Wake-Up Call - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt -  Geralt is awake and ready to go, now the only issue is getting Jaskier up. 819 words
Beauty in Strength - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Jaskier's found a new game: brushing against scars and asking after them. If only it wasn't so ticklish when he did so. 2271 words
Snickers and Snorts - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - It was one of Jaskier's favorite games to play, "How Long Until the Big Bad Witcher Admits He's Ticklish." As of yet, Jaskier hadn't technically won, but that didn't mean he was going to give up. 1119 words
Dissonance - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt thought that Jaskier should know better than to annoy him. Jaskier proved to him that Geralt should know better than to provoke him. 906 words
Does This Tickle? - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier -  Jaskier insists that he’s not that ticklish. Geralt proves otherwise. 599 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 2 - Feathers - [ao3] - Jaskier seems to have misplaced his quill. He finds himself in a rather ticklish position once Geralt finds it. 1663 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 4 - Spidering - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Geralt is not nearly as amused with Jaskier's Halloween decorations as Jaskier thinks he should be. 1216 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 6 - Kiss - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Geralt/Ler!Jaskier - Geralt's a bit weird about having his neck touched. Turns out, it wasn't for the reasons Jaskier thought. 1863 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 7 - Unusual Tool - [ao3] - Geraskier - Switch!Geralt/Switch!Jaskier - Jaskier's impulse-buy leads to a rather giggly evening, in the Rivia-Pankratz household. 854 words
(’20) Tickletober Day 10 - Feet - [ao3] - Geraskier - Lee!Jaskier/Ler!Geralt - Jaskier's complaining about the roughness of Geralt's feet, so Geralt gives him something else to complain about. 317 words
46 notes · View notes
🍂 Never Too Late (Best Jeanist / Tsunagu Hakamada)
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Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Family, Slice of Life, Halloween, Autumn
Word Count: 3,884
Pairing: Quirkless Reader x Best Jeanist
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Prompt: [x] “You answer the door when I’m trick or treating and at first you say I’m way too old to be doing this but somehow I convince you to come out and join me.”
Author’s Note: This was written for the “Sweater Weather” collab over at the BNHA Sanctuary discord server. You can find the masterlist post [here] – make sure you check it out to read the other awesome entries for this collab! Thank you very much @pluviophile-imagines​ for hosting this collab. Happy Autumn everyone! For reference, I picture [this] and [this] for him out of costume. I tried finding the original creators and couldn’t, so if you know please let me know!
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October 5th, 10:20 am 🍂
October had finally arrived, bringing with it a slew of brisk weather and a kaleidoscope of vivid oranges, reds, and browns. This was your favorite time of year, a time where you got to fully enjoy yourself, free of the shackles of adulthood. It felt so freeing, as if you were once again a child, ignorant of the ways of the world and just wanting to have fun.
Your eyes scanned the walls, lined with all manner of costumes. The back wall was dedicated to the top heroes, of course, the right wall featuring the usual suspects – cats, witches, zombies, even minions. The opposite wall was dedicated to characters from shows and movies.
Despite having been thinking this decision over for months, you still weren’t sure what you wanted to dress up as. There were just too many choices!
‘Maybe a pirate? Pirates are pretty cool. Ah, but black cats are a Halloween staple!’
After spending more time than you cared to admit, you eventually settled on a black cat pirate – which was just a pirate with black cat ears, a tail, and whiskers drawn on your face. With your costume now acquired, you left the back of the store to fill the basket with various decorations and as many different types of candy that you could find.
Satisfied that you couldn’t fit anything else in the basket, you headed for the front to check out, excited to get home and start decorating.
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October 29th, 8:10 pm 🍂
“Ne, Katsuki -” you paused in the doorway of his bedroom, giving him a sheepish smile when multiple pairs of eyes turned to you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had your friends over.”
“Try fucking knocking next time,” Katsuki grunted angrily but his tone lacked its usual bite. “What do you want, Y/N?”
“Oh, right! I was going to ask if you wanted to go trick-or-treating with me!” you chirped happily, clapping your hands together.
“Like hell I want to do that dumb shit! I’m not a damn kid anymore!”
“A-Ah, right…” your expression fell but you tried your best to keep your smile intact. You should have known that he wouldn’t agree. Seeing this made his resolve falter but he was in front of his classmates and refused to show weakness to them. If he gave in to you, they’d never let him live it down.
“I’ll go with you!” Kaminari’s hand shot up into the air, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Like hell you will!” Katsuki snapped, smacking the blonde on the back of the head. “You’re a damn adult, you shouldn’t even be doing something so stupid.”
“Yeah…” your smile fell an inch, knowing that he was right. Was it really so wrong? Just because you had passed over into adulthood, you weren’t allowed to have fun? To relive the best time of your life?
“Come on, Bakugo, I bet it’d be fun!” Kirishima commented from across the table.
“Yeah!” Mina agreed, sending you a smile.
You shook your head, giving them a soft closed-eye smile. “It’s alright. Katsuki’s right, you’re not kids anymore! Whatever you guys choose to do on Halloween, please be safe!” You turned on your heel and left the room before anyone could say anything else.
Mina frowned at the closed door before turning to the ash blonde. “Your sibling is so sweet! You shouldn’t be so mean to them, Bakugo.”
“Just shut up and do your damn homework!” he snapped, vermillion eyes narrowed at his notebook as he crossed his arm across his chest. A small pool of guilt was settling within his gut, but he pushed it back just as he always did.
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October 31st, 9:30 pm 🍂
You checked the clock as you adjusted your costume in the mirror. It was getting late and most of the kids had already returned home, their parents not wanting them out too late. You honestly felt nervous about going out trick-or-treating, not knowing how people were going to react. The negative part of your brain was telling you that it wouldn’t go over well.
So what if you were an adult? You just wanted to have fun for one night! To forget that you were quirkless and sheltered. To forget how unfair life had been.
Trick-or-treating reminded you of simpler times when your brother was more manageable and kind and was still friends with Izuku. You remembered fondly how your friends would always complain because you had to take the two out trick-or-treating instead of hanging out with them, but you didn’t mind. It was fun for you – plus Katsuki looked adorable as a werewolf and Izuku as a pumpkin.
Now they were both teenagers. Even if they did still want to go trick-or-treating, they would certainly rather be with friends rather than you. They didn’t need you to look after them anymore. They were heroes in training, after all, and you were just a quirkless adult trying to keep it together.
Shaking your head to rid yourself of the bad thoughts beginning to form inside your mind, you forced yourself to smile before stepping out of your room and down the stairs.
Masaru, your father, was just shutting the door after handing out candy to some kids. He smiled when he noticed you. “Heading out, sweetheart?”
You nodded. “Yup! How do I look, dad?”
“Gorgeous, as always!” he pulled you into a hug before pecking your forehead. “Be safe and don’t stay out too late, okay?”
“Okay~” you tried to hurry out the door before your mom realized that you were leaving the house, but she seemed to have a sixth sense about such things. Just as you tugged the door open, she came waltzing out of the kitchen.
“Y/N!” she cried, making your shoulders tense up as you turned slightly. She stood just inside the doorway, her brow furrowed. “You’re really going to go trick-or-treating? You’re too old for this and you…”
“And I’m quirkless and weak,” you finished for her, lips formed into a thin line. “Yeah, I got that, mom. You feel the need to remind me every day.”
“That’s not…” her vermillion eyes landed on her husband and she scowled. “Masaru, tell them that they are too old for this!”
“Honey,” he spoke softly, putting his arm around her shoulders. “Y/N isn’t hurting anyone, they’re just enjoying the season. Go on, Y/N. Have a fun night, sweetheart.”
You sent him a grateful look, ignoring your mom’s sputtering as you quickly slipped out of the house, slamming the door behind you.
The air outside was moist and cold, wind whipping through the trees and robbing them of their leaves. The ground was littered with them, each one a vibrant shade of orange, brown, or red. Despite the sky being covered by clouds, the bright light of the full moon managed to break through in streams.
While the streets were mostly empty, there were still several groups of kids scattered about, talking and laughing loudly. You decided it would be best to leave the neighborhood since most everyone knew who you were. You worried about them complaining to your parents. You already caused them so much trouble, you didn’t want to bring anymore onto them.
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October 31st, 10:49 pm 🍂
As the night wore on, more and more people turned their lights off to indicate that they were no longer giving out candy or that they had run out. It was getting hard to find people still participating and most of the kids had given up by this point, deciding to hang out in the cemetery or return home.
‘I haven’t even been out that long, but… I guess I should head home so mom doesn’t end up hurting dad trying to come looking for me,’ you sighed, about to turn around when a light caught your attention from the end of the street. ‘It’s the only house on this street with its lights on. I guess one more can’t hurt!’
You steeled yourself, walking down the dark street toward the house. The street lamps were spread far enough apart to leave darkness between them, the bulbs dull and flickering as they tried to die out. The only decoration on the house was a cute little sign on the door of a pumpkin covered in glitter. The words Happy Halloween were stitched on the top in what looked to be jean fabric.
You had visited quite a few houses and had procured several different types of candy into your bag. Most of them, surprisingly, hadn’t given you a second thought when you knocked on their door. Others just gave you the stink eye but said nothing. There were a few, though, that had given you a stern lecture or cussed you out before slamming the door in your face.
For the first group of people, you believed you had just gotten lucky because you had walked up with or behind a group of kids and they most likely just assumed that you were with them. With no more kids around, though, you couldn’t exactly pull that stunt.
Taking a breath, you brought your hand up, rapping your knuckles on the wood. A minute or so passed before the door was pulled open, revealing a tall, thin man. His blonde hair was swept over his left eye and he wore a tan-colored turtle-neck sweater with a pair of blue jeans. He looked so… familiar, but you couldn’t quite place who he was.
You put on a bright smile, holding up the bag. “Trick-or-treat!”
He quirked a brow, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. “You’re a bit old to be trick-or-treating, don’t you think?”
Your smile didn’t falter because you had expected this already at every house. “Last time I checked, there was no age limit on having fun. I’m not breaking any laws, either. Now, if you don’t mind sir, please give me candy or tell me to leave.”
His blue eyes observed you for a moment, a spark of amusement within them. “Tell me, is it really so fun to do this?”
“I think you,” you nodded. “It reminds me of simpler, happier times. Maybe I’m stupid for trying to cling to that each year, but I’ll be damned if I give up now.”
His gaze locked with yours, softening at the pained look within your eyes. You hid it well, but he was trained to pick up on such things. He pushed away from the doorframe, stepping back inside the house to grab the candy bowl before holding it out to you. “Take what you want. I doubt any other kids will be coming around.”
“Thank you,” you offered him a smile before picking out a few pieces of your favorite candy. “Have a good night.”
“Wait a moment,” he held up his finger before disappearing into the house. When he returned, he was shrugging on a black jacket. “Let me walk you home.”
You quirked a brow as he pulled the door closed, sliding the key in to lock the door. “It doesn’t seem very smart to let a strange man know where I live.”
“That’s true,” he chuckled, keys clinking as he slipped them into his pocket. “Allow me to walk you to your neighborhood, then.”
“What a gentleman,” you smiled softly, beginning down the street with him at your side. “With that kind of attitude, you should be a hero.”
Amusement flickered through his eyes, lips twitching upward. “Hm, I hear being a hero is quite dangerous, though.”
“Yeah…” you turned your gaze to the ground, feeling a frown come to your lips. “That’s what worries me about my brother becoming one. It’s his dream, though, and even if I said anything about it, there’s no way he’d listen. He’s such a hard head.”
“I’m sure he’ll be a great hero one day.”
“He definitely will.”
Silence settled over the two of you as you made it back toward your home. As you passed by another street on the way, you suddenly paused because most of the houses on this street were still lit up and decorated to the nines. Several groups of older kids were making their rounds around the cul-de-sac.
“Ne, sir, do you want to experience trick-or-treating?” you grinned at him, excitement dancing within your eyes.
Blue eyes flickered from your own to the cul-de-sac and back. There was something about the innocent, pure gleam within your eyes that made it hard for him to say no. And it’s not like he had anything better to do with his night. “Sure, I’ll give it a try.”
“Great!” Without much thought, your hand slid into his, tugging him toward the first house. He didn’t understand why, but his heart started to pick up its pace upon feeling your warm skin on his despite the cold weather outside.
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October 31st, 11:30 pm 🍂
Katsuki paced around his room, narrowed eyes darting to the clock every few minutes. Where the hell were you? The neighborhood was dark, the neighbors no longer handing out candy and no kids had come by in the past thirty minutes. You should have been home by now, so why weren’t you?
He could hear his mother in the living room pacing back and forth as she loudly voiced the thoughts within his head. The regret that was pooling within his belly from the other day was now getting worse as worry clawed at his insides. What if you had been captured by a villain? His eyes widened at the thought and he tore out of his room, feet stomping down the stairs.
“Katsuki! Where the hell are you going?!” Mitsuki shouted, pausing her pacing to look at her son. “It’s late!”
“None of your business, hag!” He snapped back, flinging the door open.
“At least put on a jacket!”
But he was already out the door, slamming it behind him as he took off in search of you. His heart was thundering in his chest and he could only hope that you were safe. If something had happened to you, he’d never forgive himself for not being there to protect you.
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November 1st, 12:00 am 🍂
You giggled as you fell onto the swing, watching the blonde as he settled down beside you. “Thank you for indulging me.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiled softly at you, crossing one leg over the other. “I have to admit, it was more fun than I expected it would be.”
“See~? I told you!”
He chuckled, poking you in the forehead with a slim finger. “So humble.”
You grinned, sticking your chest out. “One of my best qualities!”
“Did you have the night you were expecting?”
“No,” you shook your head, tilting your head back to look at the sky. Some of the clouds had cleared up, allowing more of the moon to shine down on you. “I never expected to meet such a nice person and convert them to the ways of trick-or-treating.”
He propped his chin up in his hand, smiling warmly at you as his eyes slid across your face. With the moonlight shining down on you, you looked so magical and he briefly wondered if you might actually be a witch. It would explain why he felt such a strong connection to you after only having just met you. He most definitely wanted to see you again.
“You never told me your name.”
“You never told me yours, either,” you grinned at him before holding out your hand. “Bakugo Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
His eyes widened at your last name. The image of his first meeting with Bakugo Katsuki filled his mind and it was almost laughable. There was no way such a sweet and kind person could be related to someone so loud and angry. He refused to believe it was anything other than a coincidence.
You tilted your head curiously. “Is something wrong?”
“No, sorry. You just reminded me of something.” His hand slid into yours, his skin ice cold from the wind. “Hakamada Tsunagu. It’s a pleasure to officially meet you, Y/N.”
Your cheeks warmed at the way he said your name. It was like honey flowing from his lips and you could definitely get used to hearing it.
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November 1st, 12:10 am 🍂
Katsuki huffed as he ran down the street, eyes snapping from one side to the other as he desperately searched for you, calling out your name. He didn’t care that his voice was cracking or that the cold was turning his skin numb.
He was running past the park when he caught movement from the corner of his eye, head snapping around to find the source. Relief flooded him when he saw you walking away from the swings with a smile on your face. Without a second of hesitation, he rushed toward you, screaming out your name as if he hadn’t seen you in years.
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice of your baby brother. “Katsuki, what’s – oof.” His body slammed into yours, arms tight around your body as he buried his face in your neck, holding on to you for dear life. Your heart picked up speed, feeling your nerves begin to fray. Had something happened? “Katsuki -”
“Where the fuck have you been?!” he barked angrily, tightening his grip on you.
“Y-You knew I was going out tonight…” you gently rubbed his back. “Did you forget?”
“No I didn’t forget, dumbass!” he huffed, fingers digging into your back. As badly as he wanted to pull away so he could scold you properly, he was too afraid that you would see the worry and the fear lingering within his eyes. He hated feeling vulnerable, especially around you. He was supposed to be strong, a hero that could keep you safe no matter what. “It’s almost one in the morning!”
“Is it really?” your eyes widened and you understood why he was acting so worried. “I must have lost track of time, I’m sorry, Kat.”
Tsunagu didn’t know how to feel about the sight before him. He felt frustrated that Bakugo Katsuki was, indeed, related to you. He felt amused by how Katsuki was acting, surprised to see something other than plain annoyance within the boy. He also felt a bit sad knowing that his time with you had come to an end.
“You better be sorry!” When Katsuki felt like he had enough control over his emotions, he finally pulled back, keeping a firm grip on your shoulders as his narrowed eyes bore into your own. “You’re going to pay me back for this.”
You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head. “I will, I’m sorry.”
“Great, now let’s go home -” he had grabbed your hand, turning toward the entrance of the park when he finally spotted the tall blonde whom he had failed to notice in his relief to see you. His eye twitched, a shitty look coming onto his face as he pointed his finger in the man’s face. “What the fuck are you doing with my sibling?!”
Tsunagu sighed, putting his hand on his hip. “Still as tactless as ever.”
“Wait,” you glanced between the two, blinking curiously. “Do you two know each other?”
“No!” Katsuki snapped, beginning to stomp away but you didn’t budge, turning your gaze to the taller male.
“Tsunagu? How do you know my brother?”
“You’re on a first-name basis already?!”
His blue eyes met yours and his expression softened. “I’m the hero he interned with after the sports festival, Y/N.”
“Don’t you dare use their first name, you bastard!!” Small explosions went off on Katsuki’s palm but the older male just rolled his eyes at him, more focused on how you were taking the news that he was, in fact, a pro hero.
Your eyes widened. “Oh… oh my god. You’re… you’re…”
He smiled warmly, his voice soft. “The number three pro hero, Best Jeanist. At your service, Y/N.” he reached for your hand but Katsuki smacked it away, putting himself between the two of you.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re planning with my sibling, but you can forget it!” Katsuki tugged on your arm. “We’re going home, Y/N!” But you still didn’t move, staring wide-eyed at the tall man before you.
Now you understood why he looked so familiar and you wanted to smack yourself for not realizing it on your own. You had treated him so normally, as if he were just some average person. He isn’t an average person, though, he’s a great and powerful hero, one that had looked after your brother once upon a time.
Tsunagu shifted, his lips tugging down. It was subtle, but he could sense the change in the dynamic between the two of you and he didn’t like it, taking a step closer to you. “Y/N -”
You suddenly bowed, eyes screwed shut. “I apologize for being so flippant with you, Best Jeanist. I didn’t realize who you were.”
He reached for your shoulders and noticed Katsuki reaching for his arm. He was feeling annoyed now, tired of the boy interrupting him and getting between the two of you so he activated his quirk, the threads of his jeans unraveling to bind the younger Bakugo in place. He growled from beneath the cloth, struggling to break his binds.
Your eyes shimmered with wonder as you saw his quirk in action, taking note of the small holes that allowed you to see the milky skin of his outer thigh. You felt your cheeks heating up again when his hands rested on your shoulders, lithe fingers gently squeezing your skin beneath the costume.
“You have nothing to apologize for. Please don’t change how you act around me just because I’m a hero.” His eyes were so sincere and warm as his hand slipped up to your cheek, smiling at the warmth he felt there. “I may be a hero, but I’m still a person. I really did enjoy my time with you tonight.”
“I did, too,” you responded softly, offering him a smile before glancing at your brother, who was still struggling against the fabric. “We really should get home, though. Our mother’s going to have a fit…”
“Of course,” he reluctantly released the boy, dodging backward when Katsuki tried to attack him with an explosion.
“Katsuki!” you scowled, grabbing the back of his shirt without any hesitation, tugging him backward before locking your arm around his neck. “Don’t be so disrespectful!”
“Che, whatever,” he scoffed, fingers wrapping around your wrist as he tugged you toward the entrance of the park. You let him for a few paces before you stopped, turning to look back at the blonde that hadn’t moved.
“Are you coming, Tsunagu?”
He gave you a surprised look. “You want me to?”
“Well, you did say you were going to escort me home,” you smiled, biting your lip in thought before finding the nerve to say the next thing you wanted to. “Besides, you need to know where I live if you’re going to pick me up for our date tomorrow.”
His eyes widened a fraction before he chuckled, easily closing the distance with his long legs. You held your hand out to grab his, fingers lacing together. Katsuki grumbled loudly, aiming insults at the blonde as the three of you headed to the Bakugo household, but neither of you were paying attention to him.
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flameraven · 4 years
Good Omens Fic Rec Masterpost - Part Two
 Hello hello I have read MANY MORE fics in this fandom now so it’s time to add on to my previous recs. Part One can be found here: https://flameraven.tumblr.com/post/187742832545/good-omens-fic-recs-masterpost General info! No fics rated higher than M, and that’s usually for violence not sex. I headcanon the husbands as being in an asexual relationship, so any fics I rec will have no sex, or only have sexy stuff alluded to or briefly mentioned.
The Soft Zone (TM)
all the days - G / darcylindbergh
War of Attrition- G / out_there / 8k - 3 gifts Crowley gives Aziraphale
A Meddling of Houseplants - T/ wingedspirit / 6k - Ophelia (a peace lily) is tired of Crowley and Aziraphale’s hopeless pining, and takes matters into her own leaves.
Sweetest in the Gale - T / wingedspirit / 3.8k - Gabriel can sense Aziraphale’s love for Crowley, and confronts “Aziraphale” about it before his execution
Deck the Halls - G / forthegreatergood / 18k - two idiots attempt to acquire mistletoe for the holidays in order to convey their feelings for the other.
Tartan Wrapping Paper - G / Arej / 2k - Crowley may not have quite gotten the message about the tartan all those years ago
a prize-winning philodendron - G / Elsajeni / <1k - Crowley does look, and sighs heavily. “Angel,” he says, “of all the plants you could have tried keeping, why did you start with something this fussy?”
Silver and Gold - G / asparkofgoodness / 1.5k - Crowley buys a ring.
Futile Devices - G / ticketybye / 3k - Yes, Crowley has imagined. He has craved. But being in Aziraphale’s close proximity has had to be enough. He’s not even sure he deserves that. But this, this feels like it felt to be commissioned the stars. It feels like being entrusted with something precious and fragile.
The Weight of Words Unspoken - G / rattatatosk / 1.8k - Aziraphale has always hinted to Crowley when he needed to leave. After the Apoca-wasn’t, he asks Crowley to stay.
J’Aime (I Love) - G / yourpaceangel - Crowley is searching for what the ‘J’ means.
the other way round - G / darcylindbergh / <1k - Aziraphale gets hair pets for once.
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too) - G / soft_october / 1.5k - Crowley is trying not to go to fast, ends up stalled out completely. Aziraphale decides he will have to get creative. 
In Good Hands - G / Sunjinjo / 14k - Aziraphale was created wearing a golden ring. It’s now the last remaining aspect of his original attire.One day, he tries to take it off. The rest follows naturally. (Marriage Proposal)
One Golden Glance (Of What Should Be) - G / Sunjinjo / 8.5k - Crowley takes up painting after the Apocalypse.
Misfit / Safe Haven - G / Mothfluff / 2k - Aziraphale provides a safe space for the Soho queer community to gather
seasons, changes - G / the_pen_is_mightier / 2k - In the autumn Aziraphale and Crowley go out apple picking.
on the necessity of a temptation - M / darcylindbergh / 4.5k - Crowley squinted at him. He said, slowly, as if sounding around the words [...] “But doing things is what we do. Why would—what would be the point of me being here otherwise?”
In Other Words, Baby, Kiss Me - T / mikkimouse / 4.5k - Five times Aziraphale kissed Crowley and one time Crowley (finally) kissed him back.
It's Getting Hard, This Holding Back - T / ZehWulf / 13k - Crowley decides to lure Aziraphale into Explicit Gestures of Romantic Affection. Aziraphale sets a cuddle trap
give you more to hold on to - T / cryptidkidprem / 4k - Crowley nods. "It's..." He looks down at their joined hands, and takes a long, deep breath. “We’re not— We’re not supposed to need this, y’know?” He lifts their joined hands up, lets them fall again. “You and I. Angels, demons. We're not meant to need all this. This touchy-feely stuff, all this affection, this—” a hitch in his breath— “Love.”
two parallel lines -lineffability
don’t let me wake up - acuteangleaziraphale
how to let go - jlmarch
Mornington Crescent -politeanarcy
Symmetry in Favor - G / kedreeva / 8k - Five times Crowley preens Aziraphale's wings, and one time Aziraphale preens Crowley's.
London Calling - G / forthegreatergood / 30k - Come for Crowley’s ridiculous 1970′s bed, stay for Feelings and extensive wing pets.
Be Ye Therefore Merciful - T / AmberDiceless / 9.5k - Book!Verse. Crowley does something utterly unexpected, and Aziraphale must face an opponent who cannot be thwarted.
Pigeon Girlfriends with a Long Preamble - T / SleepySelfLoathing / 8k - All Crowley wanted was to spend a nice night in with his husband, so of course he ends up summoned by a bunch of cultists instead. Why would he expect anything different....This would probably be a lot easier to deal with if he wasn't wearing Aziraphale's fluffiest bathrobe.
All Creatures that Have the Breath of Life - G / Elsajeni / 4k - Aziraphale fishes a very sodden Crawly out of the water during the Flood.
Touched by an Angel (And it Bloody Hurts) - G  /hedgehog-o-brien / 7k - Aziraphale can’t touch Crowley without burning him.
Douse the Fire, Help Me Breathe  - G / Arej / 1.5k - Even demons fear fire, when they've watched their world burn.
In a City Under Aerial Bombardment  - G / battle_cat / 3k - After the church and the bomb and the books.
Small Mercies - G / rattatatosk / 4k - Crawly gets smited. Aziraphale lends a hand.
Easier Than Air - G / A_Candle_For_Sherlock / 3.5k - The world hasn't ended, and everything is fine. They're fine. It's terrifying.
attachment - T / artenon / 4.5k - Crowley crosses over to open the passenger door for Aziraphale, and Aziraphale’s attention is drawn to Crowley’s uneven gait, the light, too-quick steps and the rocking back and forth on his heels as he holds the door open and waits for Aziraphale to get in.“Oh, Crowley,” Aziraphale says, heart sinking, “your feet.”
Hell Freezes Over - M / charliebrown1234 + Turcote / 18k - The year is 2002, and Crowley and Aziraphale are sent to Alaska to investigate a decommissioned entrance to Hell. What could possibly go wrong? 
Better The Demon You Know - T / mikkimouse / 1.2k - When Crawly falls out of the sky and into the flood, he gets help from a very unexpected source.
Gently, gently - G / the_pen_is_mightier / 3k - Heaven is cold and lonely. Hell is filthy and crowded. Aziraphale badly needs to be touched; Crowley needs fresh air, and light, and space. They can’t seem to connect on days after they’ve returned from their respective head offices.
Of Firsts and Foremosts  - T / kedreeva / 6k - Aziraphale is left vulnerable and injured as his first molt approaches. Crawly comes to the rescue for the first time.
The Brazen Serpent - T / ImprobableDreams900 / 11k - Some other angels come to help Aziraphale at the end of the Isrealites’ 40-year exile in the wilderness, unfortunately for Crawley.
hold my hand tight (we'll make it another night) - G / cryptidkidprem / 3k - The night at Crowley’s flat. He’s having a hard time not panicking.
Harbours of My Own - T / wingedspirit / 30k - Crowley knows that, as a demon, his freedom is limited. He doesn't get to have a home; he doesn't get to love. Aziraphale would very much like to change that, but he, too, is limited in what he can do. It takes the better part of six thousand years, but they'll get there.
crack me open, feel me shatter - T / rattatatosk / 2.5k - Crowley dreams of the Fall. Aziraphale is there to catch him when he wakes.
Angst (w/a Happy Ending)
Where His Angel Dares to Tread - M / PinkPenguinParade / 16k - Crowley is taken by Hell. Aziraphale disguises himself as best he can for the rescue mission. Newt and Anathema help.
Remembrance of Things Past - T / Fyre / 18k - Hell takes Crowley’s memories all the way back to Eden as punishment for his crimes.
Drunk Theology - G / battle_cat / 3k - Aziraphale had been hoping tonight for Giggly Drunk Crowley, which was his favorite drunk Crowley. That didn’t seem to be how things were working out, though.
Like a River Flows - T / kedreeva / 15k - Five times Crowley was not allowed to love Aziraphale, and one time he succeeded.
The Cultivation of New Growth - T / Vitreous_humor / 3k - “I mean,” he said carefully, “if you want a plant, let me give you one of the snake plants or maybe the big coleus. They'd be good for the shop, pretty stalwart in the dark...You don't want this one, it's rotten.” “Actually,” Aziraphale said firmly, “I do want that one.”
The Holy Essence of Experience - T / Dragonsquill / 4k - They know how they feel, but giving it a name would be too dangerous.   Ineffable husbands from the beginning to the end of the world, aware and wanting.
be mine tonight (be mine forever) - T / artenon / 11k - Human!AU. When Aziraphale finds out his coworkers have made a bet that he won’t bring anyone to the company party, he asks his best friend Crowley to go as his date just to spite them. Things quickly spiral out of control.
Siren’s Song - T / kedreeva / 30k+ (WIP) - Siren!AU. Crowley, a lone siren, calls a ship to wreck upon his reef, but finds when he meets pirate captain Aziraphale that sirens are not the only ones able to lure another creature to their heart's desire.
Adopt Don’t Shop - G / lucky_spike / 6k - Cat!AU based on Chekov’s “Good Meowmons” comics.
The Ones Who Walk Away From Nevaeh  - T / soft_october / 15k - AU based on “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”
The Grinch Who Sold Christmas - T / darcylindbergh / 60k - Human AU / Hallmark Movie AU. Crowley is a big city lawyer sent to seal the deal that will destroy the quaint town of Tadfield forever, right before Christmas... and then he falls in love with the town, and a certain bookshop owner. Ridiculously sappy fluff that hits all the right notes.
The Odd One Out  T / RainyDayDecaf / 2k- A meeting of many different Crowleys and Aziraphales.
Beat Again - T / TeaCub90 / 7k - Human AU. Two neighbours keep each other and their respective conditions company in the dead of night
Outsider POV
Ophidiophobia - G / lyricwritesprose / 7.6k - Pepper is afraid of snakes. When this is abruptly revealed in an encounter with Crowley’s serpent form, she immediately goes about trying to cure herself of it.
What’s in a Name? - G / lyricwritesprose / 4k -  “You do realize,” Brother Francis said, “that Warlock is just your name, not some sort of, of directive?”
Damaged - G / lyricwritesprose / 6k - Aziraphale is struggling after the Apocalypse. Madam Tracy offers some advice. (Very good spooky/nonhuman Aziraphale in this one.)
Angel’s Favor - T/ PinkPenguinParade / 10k - A hundred years ago, Aziraphale gave one of his feathers to a woman who helped him. In the modern day, her descendant calls in the favor.
Protective Camouflage -  G/ politeanarcy/ 2.3k - The Antichrist isn’t the only one with defenses against being noticed.
Disposable - T / lyricwritesprose / 7k - Eric the Disposable Demon attempts to become Crowley’s vassal after the Apoca-wasn’t. Nothing goes the way they expect after that.
on deceiving appearances - G / asideofourown / 2k - The Disposable Demon realizes the truth of Crowley’s deception in Heaven.
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost - G / TheOldAquarian / 3k - What are you supposed to do when you've been fired from your sweet job in Hell for thwarting the schemes of Satan, you've got a swanky flat in Mayfair, and you're looking for an excuse to spend all your time in someone else's bookshop? Obviously, you turn to the dubious world of short-term vacation rentals.
the best laid schemes - T / asideofourown / 4k - How Crowley got his Rat Army
Incongruous States of Being - T / ZehWulf / 8k - “Who would win: Aziraphale or Crowley.” “Oh!” Aziraphale startles. “Well—such a question. It’s not as though either of us has engaged in so much as fisticuffs in ages, and one does need to keep up practice with these sorts of things.” His fretting dies abruptly when Crowley cuts over him clearly, baldly: “Aziraphale.”
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition - T / WoodsWitch / 12k - The Arrangement is 500 years old, and Crowley and Aziraphale have been having a fine time in Renaissance Florence. Things start to go a bit pear-shaped with the arrival of a Friar Savonarola, so Crowley suggests that they meet up in his favorite refuge from the rest of medieval Europe: Spain. ((Don’t let the title fool you, this is an incredibly in-depth and well-researched historical fic and deserves way more hits than it has.))
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kuyjoker116 · 3 years
Joker Fundamentals Explained
Regal Coming Soon We gained’t have the ability to validate your ticket right now, but it really’s wonderful to be aware of for the longer term.
Later, during the Knightfall saga, soon after Scarecrow and also the Joker team up and kidnap the mayor of Gotham Town, Scarecrow turns on the Joker and works by using his fear gas to determine what Joker is afraid of. To Scarecrow's shock, the gas has no impact on Joker, who subsequently beats him using a chair.
From the film The Dim Knight, soon after his apparent defeat, the Joker remarks that Batman "would not kill me away from some misplaced feeling of self-righteousness, And that i will not destroy you, because you're just an excessive amount enjoyable. I feel you and I are destined To accomplish this forever."
Joker pirates the airwaves of Gotham as a way to broadcast his crimes on Television as amusement to his viewers. Ellen Ying shortly has a new husband or wife, Income Tankison, who Joker captures and it has him as his most up-to-date "co-star" .
Down the road, the Joker's camp invades Luthor's camp, causing an all-out brawl. It really is then decided the Joker and Lex Luthor really should fight for the Demise. Luthor, Inspite of getting the higher hand for the main fifty percent with the struggle, is beaten because of the Joker. Nearing the top of their battle, the Parademons invade the planet. They commit to get the job done alongside one another versus the Parademons, managing to defeat the initial wave, after which Gorilla Grodd recovers from his injuries, making an try at tearing the Joker's arm off in revenge.
He also employed the corpse of Alfred Pennyworth as one of such puppets, basically like a final resort for getting underneath Batman's skin. Joker's combat progressively compelled Batman to phone all the Batman Spouse and children to round up all of the criminals and take away his illegally obtained resources. In the remaining confrontation at Ace Chemical substances, Joker overpowered and defeated Batman. Ahead of he could kill him, Joker was shot in the eye by Harley, subduing him.
The Joker will always be a threat to Gotham. But In this particular specific scenario, it seems like he may well actually be innocent. And if he finds out that he is been framed, he'll almost undoubtedly find a method of getting the last chuckle.
Like many other criminals, Joker is captured by Rumor and is also later taken down by Batman and Robin together with Harley. Joker was The main reason why click here the criminals were being captured as he wounded Rumor's boss in a very previous incident, and Rumor blamed Batman for not arriving in time.
Weird Harbors Phoenix offers the effectiveness of his vocation, just one by now stuffed with admirable, transformative performances.
In certain Television set airings of your movie, the cuts to the final battle removed the attempted helicopter escape and Batman tying a gargoyle to Joker's leg. These produced it appear that the hero had managed to destroy the Joker by simply punching him.
Joker and his two goons named Punch and Judy, afterwards used a weapon which melted anything at all. He robbed a financial institution and escaped the law enforcement, at last heading to some Statue which he melted. The Detectives and Batman fought him and his goons, but he Once more escaped.
The Joker's victims have integrated Gentlemen, Gals, small children, and in some cases his individual henchmen. A 1996 difficulty of Hitman mentioned which the Joker once gassed an entire kindergarten class. Within the graphic novel The Joker: Devil's Advocate, the Joker is documented to acquire killed very well around two,000 people today. Despite having murdered enough folks to obtain the Loss of life penalty A huge number of instances above, he is always discovered not responsible by explanation of insanity.
" Weldon also explained Joker as striving too tough to deviate from the comics and, Therefore, coming off being an imitation of films like Taxi Driver.[168] Peter Bradshaw on the Guardian known as it "by far the most disappointing film in the calendar year." Whilst praising Phoenix's functionality and the first act, he criticized the film's political plot developments and In general observed it as well by-product of various Scorsese films.[169] Marketplace response
Eternally by itself within a group, unsuccessful comedian Arthur Fleck seeks link as he walks the streets of Gotham Town. Arthur wears two masks -- the a single he paints for his working day work to be a clown, and also the guise he initiatives in a futile try to sense like he's Portion of the earth around him.
see more: joker
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Episode 39 Review: Pirates of the Caribbean
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{ YouTube: 1 | 2 | 3 }
{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
Hello and welcome again to my Garden of Evil, today with what I believe may be my shortest entry since last July. This time around, I want to focus on the Raxl and Vangie scenes set in the crypt, because, in my not-so-humble opinion, they’re the only interesting scenes in this entire episode. With even more recap than the average Thursday episode, this one is mostly boring. Hell, even the Lost Episode summary for this one is not that interesting:
If Rev. Matt Dawson refuses to attend Vangie's next séance, he may doom the girl he loves.[1]
I mean, it’s pretty clear that Holly is already doomed, based on the accident in Episode 30, the slashed portrait, and Vangie’s association of her with the Nine of Swords. But I digress.
In the second half of this episode, we do have a telling new revelation about the message that appeared in Raxl and Quito’s writing box following the disastrous séance three episodes ago. It connects to a period of Jacques’ past that the show left mostly unexplored. Yes, today we will be exploring Jacques’ career as a pirate, which was alluded to in Episode 6 and confirmed in this episode, only to never again be brought up on television. So, without further ado, let’s explore what we know of this chapter of the past of THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES!
*sting and lightning flash*
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The original message in the writing box, from Episode 36.
To recap: At the end of the séance, Raxl discovered a message left in the sand of the writing box that she and Quito use to communicate with spirits. She tried to preserve the message with the hopes that the Conjure Woman Vangie Abbott would be able to interpret it once she recovered from the cataleptic trance that Jacques put her in by dropping a chandelier on her during the séance, but this was not to be, because Jacques found the box and obscured the message before Vangie could recover. Now that she has recovered thanks to the potion that he mixed for her, Quito delivers fresh sand to the two priestesses so that Raxl can try to recreate the message from memory for Vangie to read.
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Raxl: "When you were in the séance, you did not know when you were in a trance and you did not know that the spirit had warned us that there was an evil presence at that séance. But it was written here." Vangie: "In the ancient language and symbols?" Raxl: "Oh, you know them so well. I read so little. They spoke of the conjure doll and the silver pin which would destroy the Devil and return him to the eternal flame! Where they were hidden, I could not tell. I could not read!" Vangie: "Do you remember the symbols? Try to write them!" Raxl: "May the Great Serpent guide my hand well."
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Next scene, after the commercial break:
Raxl: "The first I remember well. I have long known it." Vangie: "A man. Not a real man. A doll, an effigy. An instrument." Raxl: "Symbols have many words, but one meaning." Vangie: "A piercing instrument, but not a weapon. The silver pin!" Raxl: "The first message was left to us by a friendly spirit who came to the séance to save us all." Vangie: "What spirit? I don't remember. I felt only the Devil." Raxl: "What spirit? Perhaps Erica Desmond, whom we sought to summon. Who, at the next moment, might have spoken, had not the Devil interfered." Vangie: "Yes, Erica might well have been there, within a hand's touch of the husband who sought to call on her through me with such agony and grief. I've never felt vibrations of such love and sorrow. There would have to be a response. Erica would be compelled to reply. Raxl, now write the symbols you could not read."
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Raxl tries to remember the remaining symbols, but can’t. Vangie tells her to remember, so she searches her memory banks while Holly tries unsuccessfully to convince Matt to quit ministry and become an engineer. Finally, she remembers--or thinks she remembers--something:
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Raxl: "Can you read it yet?" Vangie: *shakes head* "Perhaps it was like this?"
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Raxl: "I cannot tell."   Vangie: "That would be fire. Fire, an all-consuming fire." Raxl: "From Hell? Then it would destroy us all!" Vangie: "No, no, that makes no sense. We must be wrong. We must try again. Think, Raxl!"
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Vangie: "No! Raxl, no!" Raxl: "It-It WAS like this!" Vangie: "A vessel of the sea, a great vessel with weapons. A ship that destroys." Raxl: "The pirate vessel of Jacques Eloi des Mondes, when he seized this island centuries ago!" Vangie: "The conjure doll that doomed him wouldn't be on the ancient ship of Jacques Eloi des Mondes."
Athough they rule out this possibility and decide to search the supply boat--unsuccessfully--for the doll and pin instead, this revelation is important. This right here is confirmation not only that Jacques stole the island from someone else back in the 17th century, but that, during his lifetime, he lived as a pirate. And a successful and ruthless pirate he must have been! Back in Episode 6, Jacques told Alison not only that he was a “free looter” (likely a misreading or mispronunciation of “freebooter”) in life, but that “he was the beginning of the family’s true wealth. Legend has it that in the coral caves beneath the island of Maljardin, he buried a king’s ransom, which still lies hidden.”
Originally, we would have learned more about this secret history of Jacques Eloi des Mondes on the show. This Lost Episode summary for Episode 42 describes Jacques as “a French buccaneer,” implying that this detail become important starting in that episode:
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Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer (November 7, 1969). I plan on discussing this in more detail in my Episode 42 review.
In 1975, five years after the show’s cancellation, Ian Martin wrote a script for CBS Radio Mystery Theater called “To Die is Forever,” with a premise and characters nearly identical to those of Strange Paradise. (A transcription of the radio play can be found here.) In the introduction, the announcer states that the piece’s villain, Richard the Red-Hand “bought [his family’s island] with the blood money and booty of a hundred pirated ships.” While this method of acquisition differs from Jacques’ alleged conquest of Maljardin, his characterization otherwise remains mostly the same. (Richard does come across as less refined than Jacques and talks more like a stereotypical pirate, but those are minor differences.)
Still, no Strange Paradise-related media provides more backstory about the pirate career of Jacques Eloi des Mondes than Dorothy Daniels’ Paperback Library novels, especially the final installment of the trilogy, Raxl, Voodoo Priestess. Published in August 1970, the novel centers around an attempted invasion of Maljardin by a crime boss named Vidran, which Jean Paul and Jacques team up to stop. The novel draws parallels between this and a similar incident in 1681 when a Spanish armada attempted to take the island:
"It was in August, 1681. Ah, this Jacques was a sly devil. He knew the Armada was on its way. Word had been brought by fishermen who spotted it. Jacques then made haste to transfer from the mainland to Maljardin all of the gold and gems. He buried them secretly and no one was the wiser. He had a friend named Emile, a young man about Jacques’ age. Emile helped him prepare for the invasion and bombardment which was certainly coming. But, according to Jacques’ own writing, Emile was not the strongest man in the world--speaking in terms of character, not physical strength. He was also enamored of a young lady taken prisoner during one of the pirate raids.”[2]
Ian Martin himself later re-used the trope of a wealthy family descended from pirates in his first novel, Nightmare's Nest, published in 1979 under the name of his second wife Joen Arliss. The novel's villain, Jason Greaves, is an illegitimate descendant of the reclusive and aristocratic Rensevelt family who, like the des Mondes, live in a castle on an island and acquired their wealth through pillaging and plundering. According to him, the 17th-century Rensevelts were "pirates, usurers, thieves, murderers, [and] despoilers of women".[3] Later, the family’s kind-hearted heir Ted mentions "the history of my family and the pirates who began and perpetuated it. The lure of gold, the thirst for money, that's the Rensevelt tradition!" (p. 232). Like Jacques, Jason is also tall and dark, oozes sex appeal, and has "that open, free, untrammeled laugh of a man whose conscience is untroubled" (p. 209). So, while there aren’t enough similarities to warrant a full review series for Nightmare’s Nest the way I did for Shadow Over Seventh Heaven last year, it does show some clear SP influence.
There is one other interesting part of this episode that I think I should mention. Raxl seems to have become disillusioned with her partnership with Matt and now wonders if he and his religion are a “disruptive force” on the island:
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I know it looks like she’s talking to Vangie in the second screencap, but she’s actually backacting with Matt. Also, “end” in the last image’s subtitle is supposed to read “and.” I’ll never understand why the automatic captions have such trouble with her accent, because I can usually understand her just fine.
Coming up next: Jean Paul and Matt argue over the next séance and I use clues from multiple Lost Episode summaries to determine what happened in the original script for Episode 40.
{<- Previous: Episode 38   ||   Next: Episode 40 ->}
[1] Minneapolis Star (November 6, 1969).
[2] Dorothy Daniels, Raxl, Voodoo Priestess (New York: Paperback Library, 1970), p. 108.
[3] Joen Arliss, Nightmare's Nest (New York: Popular Library, 1979), p. 212.
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teamhook · 4 years
A Chapter a Day... Savage Heart CS AU
A love story between a pirate and his savior. An innocent, beautiful, selfless woman meets a man with no manners, no formal education and not even a last name. Will Emma fall in love with Killian once she discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, but a heart of gold? This is a Captain Swan AU
Beta-ed by the awesome @ilovemesomekillianjones
Cover by @xhookswenchx
|AO3| |FFN| previous chapter
|AO3| |FFN| current chapter
Chapter 16: Relic of Lost Love
Archie can't believe his good fortune as he looks at the sight before him. While scouring the town and its surrounding areas in search of a house for Killian and Emma, he had come across the ring that Brennan had gifted Madeline during their affair, while at an Estate sale. It wasn't a surprise that the ring had been disavowed. He knew that John must have found the ring and sold it for a good amount of money to pay for his vices. John was a greedy man that no doubt had noticed the value of the ring as soon as he laid eyes on it.
Archie had never approved of the relationship, he had told his friend many times but that is in the past. However, in this moment in time, he knows for a fact and beyond a reasonable doubt that the ring belongs in the possession of its true owner, their son Killian. Archie honestly hopes the ring will be the start of the beginning of a happy ending for both Emma and Killian; a new hope.
Perhaps the ring will be a symbol of bliss this time around and erase its past curse. He had known Brennan's feelings for Madeline were true; sadly they had fallen into an all-too-common affliction around those parts, not to mention bad timing and unfortunate circumstance. The ring had been meant as a pledge that only ended up being a broken promise of love. It was the other half of a set; he gave her the beautiful engagement ring and Brennan kept the bands in hopes of someday making it a reality. Archie knew of his friend's wishes to someday make Madeline his wife, sadly it was not meant to be.
Madeline Jones family was considered upper-middle class and she was an only child. She had married John Long due to her father's demand; growing up, her mother had been her only ally and had died some years prior, so she had no other choice but to follow her father's instruction.
John Long was an ambitious merchant that seemed to be destined for greatness. Not long into the marriage, he had proven to not be the match that her father had hoped for. Sadly, the prediction never came true. He drank away his riches with whores and the small inheritance Madeline had received upon her father's sudden death not long after her nuptials was long gone too.
Madeline had met Brennan Booth two years into her marriage and had fallen madly in love with him but she knew that John would not let her go; especially because they shared a young son, Liam. She found out of her pregnancy with Killian after their affair had ended. She had tried to reach out to Brennan in hopes of a dashing rescue for her and her children, only to come face to face with his new high-class, pregnant wife.
Madeline knew that once upon a time she would have been considered a good match for Brennan; her family at the time was far from being destitute by any means, that is until her husband got a hold of anything of value and squandered it away. If only she had met Brennan first.
Madeline had finally accepted her life, and with it, the shame of her youngest son not having his father's name. Not knowing that her husband knew of her affair and had denied Killian his last name.
Archie had never had a problem with Madeline but the circumstance that engulfed her relationship with Brennan which left much to be desired. He had helped Brennan acquire the ring, a token of devotion for his forbidden love, to have whenever she couldn't be with him. The ring was a platinum 2.5 rose-cut diamond, flanked by two baguettes with the inscription 'eternally yours'. He knew that his friend truly would be hers eternally but alas, it was time to admit that they would never be free to be together.
Once his marriage to Cora became a reality, Brennan had no choice but to end all ties with Madeline. The last bond he had were the wedding bands he had so foolishly purchased to match her engagement ring. He didn't have the heart to completely make them disappear and instead he gave the rings to Archie for safe keeping. Unbeknownst to Brennan, she was already pregnant with Killian, his first-born and eldest son.
Like father like son, Archie thinkst as he shakes his head in disappointment. They are both good men that sometimes don't listen to their hearts. Brennan had loved Madeline and instead of fighting for their love, he simply accepted the arranged marriage to Cora. He had seen the interaction between Killian and Emma when they talked to him about their relationship. It had felt so honest, so real. It could not all be lies. Yet neither man was willing to fight for the love they had in front of them.
Archie is too upset and doesn't realize at the time of his altercation with Killian that he never mentioned the rings. Before boarding the ship to Arendelle to rendezvous with David Nolan, he spots a messenger that he knows Killian trusts well, and quickly writes a note for Killian with the exact location of the rings and the house.
Killian lingers at the tavern after Archie leaves. He knows he's disappointed Archie and he is still trying to make sense of what had happened. He had told Smee the truth, but that did not mean he did not care for Emma. There is no way he would admit to anyone, much less himself that perhaps there is more to this tale.
After receiving the note from Archie, Killian leaves the tavern. He ventures into Archie's office and follows the instructions that should lead him to the objects he is searching for. He's standing inside the organized office with the paperwork of the house Archie had purchased on his behalf; to be his new home. The house purchase includes furnishings and all that was left behind by the prior owner, Lady Lucas. It was meant to make the transition easier for all parties involved; especially easing the older woman's move to her granddaughter, Ruby Whale's home.
In his other hand lays a ring with an inscription and wedding bands. The irony is that he had just asked Smee to find him rings. The ring with the inscription feels familiar, somehow. The engagement ring is beautiful and he knows it will be perfect for Emma. He chooses to ignore the inscription for now, refusing to acknowledge the reason for his thoughts.
Killian Jones next heads to the part of town that as a young boy he never would have thought one day he would call home. The difference in class is obvious, even to the blind. The roads are not made of dirt and gravel, the houses are grander, too. As a boy, he wished to live in one of those houses, filled with love unlike his own.
Walking to the address listed on the paperwork, he eventually finds himself standing in front of the house that is meant to be his new home with Emma. Today is the day that his childhood wish becomes a reality, he stands in front of a house that is his, the house Emma and he will make into a home.
The house in front of him is a beautiful white-washed cobblestone, two-story, gated house. The neighboring houses are at a distance that provides seclusion and privacy to each homeowner. Their new home is surrounded by sky-reaching trees and possesses a well-lived home feeling to it. Around the corner, it has a direct entrance to a beautiful balcony of what appears to be the main living quarters by means of stairs that seem to snake around the side towards the backyard.
The house appears to be modest but upon closer inspection, it is bigger in size than the other houses in the immediate neighborhood. Yet it is not exactly as large as what Emma had grown up in, but he still has a feeling that she will love it.
As he explores the property, he is stopped in his tracks by a breathtaking garden with flowers of so many vibrant colors. He can smell the flowery, sweet, fresh aromas mixing together into a perfect floral natural fragrance. The flower beds are comprised of some easily recognizable flowers, like red and pink middle mists and bright white and yellow buttercups. Then there are others he doesn't recognize because he's not exactly a is an added bonus since he knows Emma enjoys gardening.
The house and its surrounding property is encased by trees and grass all around. The trees provide the perfect amount of shade and an earthy crisp smell. He can picture them taking walks around the large backyard together whilst she picks flowers to brighten the house with the sweet smell of blossoms that overpower the soft scent of the morning's dewy grass.
He finally finishes his inspection and heads back to the estate with a bright smile on his face.
The wedding is almost upon them. He has kept busy with his duties as steward and his new business. Michael Thomas seems to have taken to the business almost instantly and has proven to be an asset to Killian, despite his instant dislike for Smee.
Smee seems to rub everyone the wrong way. He may be a pirating rodent but he had been loyal, and for that, Killian would always be thankful.
Despite his excitement for their new home, Killian has been distant with Emma since returning to the Booth house following the incident with Archie. He is avoiding her all in name of self-preservation, but he misses her.
Emma has hardly seen Killian since their talk with Archie. She is busy organizing for the wedding with help from Cora. She would have preferred her mother's help but Snow has yet to soften towards the idea of the marriage.
Cora has helped her obtain her gown and a very simple yet beautiful negligee. The impending wedding night is starting to make her a nervous wreck. She can still hear Milah's words, "The poor thing wouldn't know what to do to captivate and maintain any man's attention, even if her life depended on it," echoing in her mind.
On top of all she's had to endure at her cousin's selfishness, there is more; she has to add insult to injury, because in her near future she is going to be competing with Milah once more, since Milah had shared a bed with Killian. Her cousin must be a great lover since Killian had been so eager to get her back. She would dwell on that later, but for now, she has other priorities.
With the wedding quickly approaching, she has talked to Mother Superior tells her that they need to meet with the priest to go over final details and submit baptism certificates and so on.
Emma wonders if there will be a problem because he only has his mother's last name? It doesn't bother her, but will it be an obstacle?
She worries about Killian backing out at the last moment, the thought of him rejecting her scares her more than it should given that her first betrothed left her for her cousin.
Emma has to calm down her nerves. She knows that the wedding is but a mere arrangement, but sometimes she can't stop herself from experiencing feelings that do not align to those of a business transaction. Emma glances in his direction when she thinks no one is watching. She misses their camaraderie.
As the wedding grows ever closer, Emma and Killian are ignorant to the meddling going on beneath their noses. News of their impending wedding is about to reach Milah and August on their honeymoon trip, courtesy of Snow Nolan.
After the failed attempt to get a message to David regarding the nuptials, Snow sent Enith on a new mission to get the missive to Milah and August.
Archie smiles as he steps off the vessel that has brought him to Arendelle. He looks around the docks, trying to find the familiar face of his friend. He waves hello when he sees David Nolan.
"Hello, old friend! How have you been?"
Archie smiles while looking around, "Great and happy to finally be here. It is a nice place you have found and made into a second home." The two make small talk as the leave the port and head to David's, but. Archie finds himself in a dilemma; should he tell David of the wedding expected to take place within days at Misthaven?
As the two sit down, David wastes no time in getting to the important questions. "Tell me about my family. Are they happy?"
Archie looks around the small dining room, choosing his words before he speaks. Offering his friend a genuine smile, he starts, "Milah is on her delayed honeymoon, she and August are traveling." He averts his eyes as he reports the next part. "Snow hasn't been in the best health."
David sighs and with downcast eyes tries to hide his guilt. "And my Princess? My little duckling, is she okay?"
Archie is obviously uncomfortable with the question his friend has asked, even though he had expected it. He knows of his friend's love for his family, especially his daughter. "I enjoyed her company at the Booth estate and she was positively radiant, she glowed."
David is happy to hear that. "Tell me; was she not too heartbroken over the betrothal being canceled and that idiot marrying her cousin? I was never happy with that match."
Archie considers mentioning the wedding but reconsiders swiftly since he has no idea if Killian took his advice. He opts for giving his friend some good news. "I believe her heart has healed from the horrible experience with August, she is living temporarily at the Booth estate with her mother. She has reconsidered taking the vows."
David is confused about the living arrangements. "Why are they staying at the Booth estate?"
Archie unconsciously shifts in his seat and looks at his empty cup and then there is a knock on the door. "Should I get that?"
David quickly gets on his feet and goes to the door. There stands one of the most honored captains in the Arendelle Navy and his adoptive nieces, Liam Long.
"Archie, please allow me the honor of introducing Captain Liam Long of the Arendelle Navy." David stands proudly next to the young man.
"Liam Long?" Archie says as he carefully peruses the young man, he holds a resemblance to someone, but at the moment he cannot say who.
Liam stands there and without knowing, his right-hand goes to scratch behind his ear. Archie doesn't miss the action and that is when the realization hits him. "It is so nice to meet you, young man. I'm sorry; do you happen to have any family in Misthaven?" Archie knows that this is Killian's brother. He remembers the name now and his conversation with Killian.
David and Liam are a little confused by Archie's question.
"I apologize; I believe I know your younger brother, Killian Jones." Archie carefully smiles as he notices recognition in the young man's face.
"Yes, he is my brother." Liam avoids David's gaze for a moment before mouthing, "I'll explain later."
After the girls go off to entertain themselves, the three men sit back down at the table. "Archie, you have yet to answer my question." David stares at his friend awaiting his answer.
"Snow moved in with Milah to the Booth Estate because of her health, Emma was still at the convent at that time. It was only temporarily so she wouldn't be left alone." Archie cannot help but glance at Liam. He doesn't see much resemblance between Killian and Liam, but the eyes are Madeline's. The brothers share their lovely mother's piercing blue eyes.
"David, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind my company on your trip back to Misthaven. I wanted to surprise my brother." Liam waits for an answer as he looks around the room.
"Sure, we would be happy to have you. Archie, is this Killian the one you are here on behalf of?" David gets up to put a new kettle of tea to enjoy.
"Yes, he is starting a small business much like yours. I thought the two businesses would fit." Archie takes the offered cup.
"Liam, did you know of this?" David hands a cup to him.
"Killian's existence was recently revealed to me. I know nothing of his business endeavors," Liam admits as he adds a bit of sugar to his tea.
"The name sounds so familiar to me." David sits down with his own cup and gestures for Liam to pass the sugar.
Liam and Archie share a look that the third man completely misses.
August unfolds the missive and reads the message aloud. "Milah, please, come home soon. Emma and the new steward are to marry. Help me stop my daughter from making this mistake. With Love, Aunt Snow."
The message had been intended for his wife but it was an obvious cry for help. He is confused with his conflicting feelings, because not long ago he would have applauded the union, but to be honest he never truly thought Emma would accept Killian Jones' advances.
August feels wounded by the news of the swiftness with which he has been replaced in Emma's heart. Milah cannot hide her anger and wrath. Killian is crazy if he thinks he is going to betray her; especially with her cousin of all people.
August is too busy lost within his own thoughts to contemplate his wife's obvious ire at the news.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Mysterious Fathoms Below
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 7: Freedom in Love
The years passed quickly and the Charmings traveled the realms, visiting various lands that weren't frozen by the curse. They were incredibly happy and enjoyed watching their baby grow together. They had quickly learned that being mermaids had slowed their aging down to almost nothing though, as while Emma grew, they didn't change much. The other mermaids that were still around told them this was common, as full grown mermaids aged much slower than humans did.
As one might imagine, Snow and David soon found themselves with child when Emma was still quite young and their son, Ben, was born when his sister was only two. But they didn't stop there and Snow gave birth to twins when Emma was five and Ben was three. They named their youngest, a boy and a girl, Hunter and Rose.
It was quickly determined that, like Emma, their other children had the ability to phase between mermaid and human. Ben's tail was white like his mother's, while Hunter's was crimson, darker than his father's, and Rose's was red like her name and a bit brighter red than her brother's.
Today they were enjoying the beauty of Mermaid Cove in Neverland. They were here often and careful to avoid Pan. Mermaid Cove wasn't a place that he ventured to and the other mermaids had warned them to avoid Pan's island at all costs. They followed that advice, though they loathed that he seemed to lure lost children to his island.
Their children were not lost though and never heard Pan's call or the supposed crying that the other mermaids told them that went on at night. It tore at Snow and Charming's hearts, but they were warned harshly against interfering with Pan. The other mermaids had been clear on that. If they did choose to confront him, then their children would end up being orphans.
Today though, Neverland was just a rest point. They had just returned from the Land Without Magic, visiting various cities in their human forms. They were debating whether or not to take human form again with more permanence and send the children school. But they were leery and also enjoyed the freedom they had in this form. Their children liked this life too and Snow was educating them on all lands, including the Land Without Magic, from all the books they had acquired.
Atlantica was also an option as well. They had been invited by Ariel and it wasn't frozen by the curse like many other lands. It would allow them to keep the freedom they enjoyed as well, rather than putting down ties in the Land Without Magic, which came with its own set of dangers. For today though, they were enjoying a bit of rest in Mermaid cove.
The twins giggled, as Charming waded into the shallow part of the lagoon and put them down. Their tails changed to legs upon contact with the sand and they ran to their mother, who was lounging on the beach in her human form. He was very much enjoying the white colored swim attire she was wearing that she had picked up in the Land Without Magic. A bikini was what it was called if he remembered correctly.
"Mama...daddy found us again!" Rose announced.
"Well of course he did. Daddy is very good at finding the people he loves," Snow said, as she met her husband's gaze. He smiled and put his necklace on, transforming his red tail into legs and he joined her on the beach.
"Can we go back in the water?" Hunter asked.
"Sure, but don't go too far and stay where we can see you," David said, as he sat down beside his wife and leaned over to kiss her. Ben was still out in the water and they knew he'd keep an eye on them too.
David kissed her tenderly and caressed her face, as he pulled back, gazing at her with awe.
"What?" she asked under his gaze.
"You are so beautiful…" he replied, making her smile shyly.
"I think you're a bit biased, Prince Charming," she teased.
"Nah...you are Snow White. You are the fairest in all the lands," he teased back and she smacked his arm playfully. He pulled her close and she gently caressed his face this time. He kissed her again and they basked together under the sun's rays.
"Where's Emma?" he asked.
"I let her swim further into the cove for some of those berries we all like so much. She should be back soon," Snow assured.
Emma gathered the berries in her satchel and prepared to head back to the cove when she heard someone cry out in distress. She looked out into the open waters and saw a pirate ship. Her parents had warned her against going anywhere near any ships, but she gasped, as she saw a boy being tossed into the dangerous waters. Immediately, she ran into the water and her legs transformed into her tail automatically. She swam as fast as she could and gasped, as she saw Pan's shadow looming above him. She dove and snapped him up, carrying him away from the shadow. And strangely, she saw the shadow abandon his pursuit of the boy and return to Pan's island. It wasn't like him to let a lost boy go so easily, but she didn't worry about that now and quickly deposited the boy on the shore.
He coughed and looked at her in amazement.
"It's okay...I'm not going to hurt you," Emma said.
"You're...you're a mermaid. But a young one," the boy mentioned. She smiled and stepped onto the shore, allowing her tail to disappear and her legs to reappear. His eyes widened again.
"I am...but I'm also like you. It's a long story. Who are you?" she asked.
"My...my name is Baelfire. Thanks for saving me," he replied. She smiled.
"You're welcome. I'm Emma, but you can't stay on Pan's island if he's after you," she said.
"I have no way of going anywhere else," he replied. She smiled and put her hand out.
"Come with me to mermaid cove. I know my parents won't mind," she said. He looked at her and then took her hand. He yelped, as she pulled him back into the water with her.
"Don't worry...we can swim there slowly," she promised, as she pulled him along.
"Why did you let him go?" Felix questioned.
"Oh, I never intended to keep Baelfire here forever. He has a destiny beyond Neverland and it looks like he has just met it," Pan responded cryptically. The other boy didn't understand, but no one questioned Pan.
"Baelfire's path is beyond this place. Trust me...my survival means letting him go with his beautiful little mermaid friend," Pan added, as he smirked smugly.
Emma pulled him along into the semi-private cove where her family frequented and lived while in Neverland. She saw her brothers and sister playing together in the lagoon, close enough to shore and her parents were on the beach, being their romantic, gooey selves.
"Mom! Dad!" she called, as her tail became legs once she got close enough to the shore.
"Hey sweetie…" Snow said, as she took the berries that her daughter had gathered in her satchel.
"Who is this?" she asked, curiously noticing the boy coming ashore.
"Oh...this is Baelfire. I saved him from Pan's shadow," Emma said.
"You were near Pan's shadow?" Charming asked in alarm.
"Relax Daddy...I'm fine. The shadow flew away when it saw me," she chided. Snow smirked playfully at her husband and nudged him with her elbow.
"Yeah...relax daddy," she teased him. He shook his head in amusement at them.
"It's nice to meet you, Baelfire. Would you like to join us for dinner? Charming and I are going to go catch some game, but you can help Emma get the fire ready and wash the fruit if you'd like," Snow said, as she and Charming stood up.
"Sure...thank you," he said in surprise. Snow smiled and took her husband's hand.
"We'll be back in a bit. Keep an eye on Ben and the twins, honey," Snow called, as she grabbed her bow and Charming sheathed his sword, as they set off into the jungle to catch some game.
"They're your parents?" Baelfire asked. She nodded.
"It's a long story, but we can actually tell you all about it," Emma replied, as she looked at her brother.
"Ben...where is your book?" she asked. He smiled and dug it out of his satchel, before handing it to her.
"Wow...this is an incredible book. Where did you get it?" he asked. She shrugged.
"We're not really sure. One day Mom mentioned to Daddy that she wanted to write down their stories and the stories of their friends since they'll all be trapped by a curse now," Emma explained.
"A curse?" he asked. She nodded.
"When she woke up the next morning, this book had just appeared and it is a chronicle of my parent's story and many of their friends from the Enchanted Forest," she replied.
"The Enchanted Forest?" Baelfire asked, hoping that she didn't hear the quiver in his voice. She nodded.
"Mmm...go ahead and read. It might explain things better than I can," she suggested, as he flipped through it and landed on the page depicting a man he hadn't seen in almost two hundred years and the two people Emma said were her parents.
"Oh, that part happened in a place called Storybrooke. It's the town in the Land Without Magic that the curse took everyone. My parents went there when I was just a baby to help a boy they met in the Land Without Magic. He lost his father and the Queen had him locked up. But my parents rescued him with the help of Rumpelstiltskin," she explained.
"Wait...Rumpelstiltskin helped them?" he asked with wide eyes. She nodded.
"Yeah...here, I'll read it to you," she replied, as she flipped back and started with the beginning of her parent's story while Baelfire listened with rapt attention.
Snow smirked and shook her head in amusement, as her distracted husband kept looking back over his shoulder, until she finally took pity on him.
"Baby...she's fine," she assured and he sighed in defeat.
"I know...it just worries me a bit. Pan hates mermaids and I don't want Emma anywhere near that little demon or his shadow," he replied.
"I know, but Emma is like us...she'd never refuse to help someone that needed help and if we saved just one boy from the clutches of that evil boy...then that's a good thing," she said. He nodded, as they proceeded to hunt some game and were successful in snagging some, before returning to the lagoon.
They found Emma reading to her new friend and they smiled, until they noticed the pale look on the boy's face.
"Is something wrong?" Snow asked. He swallowed.
"You're going to hate me," Baelfire replied.
"They won't hate you...trust me," Emma prodded.
"I'm the reason for the curse...I'm the reason that Rumpelstiltskin wanted the Evil Queen to cast it for him," he admitted.
"You? But you're just a boy," Snow said.
"I've been here in Neverland for a couple hundred years. He's been looking for me...I'm his son," he announced.
"Well...that would make sense then. I knew he wasn't telling us something," David said.
"Well...that's great. We can help you get back to him," Snow said.
"No!" he exclaimed and they were taken aback.
"Why not?" Emma asked.
"Because he abandoned me...and I want nothing to do with him!" Baelfire replied, as he got up.
"I'm sorry...I have to go," he said, as he ran off into the jungle.
"Wait!" Emma called, but he didn't stop and her shoulders slumped forward. Snow gently put her arms around her daughter.
"Oh honey...it's okay. We'll find him," she assured. She sniffed.
"We will?" she asked. David smiled and hugged her, as he cradled her head.
"Of course we will...he needs help, even if he doesn't know it. And he may be angry with his father, but I'm sure he still loves him and though Rumpelstiltskin has done things we don't agree with...he deserves to be reunited with his child," he reasoned.
"Your father is right...and who knows, maybe reuniting him with his father will be the key to ending the curse faster and defeating Regina," Snow added.
"He did say it would be on Emma's twenty-eighth birthday though," David reminded her.
"Perhaps, but somehow, I don't think he foresaw us finding his son for him. This may change things," she reasoned. He nodded.
"Let's eat and then we'll look for him first thing in the morning, princess," he promised. She nodded and helped her parents get their meal ready. She could only hope they found him tomorrow...
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