#fire series
verrixstudios · 18 days
Last Tribe A Day run cycle was today so I decided to combine them all to show the differences!
[ID: Seven sketchy animated run cycles, all of the original dragon tribes from Wings of Fire. They alternate sides as they go down, starting with the top one on the left and the second on the right, and so on. The background is a blank white. Each dragon has shaded limbs to help see the differences while in movement. The right wing is the darkest shade, followed by the left wing (closest to the screen), the the right legs are the lightest shaded. Descriptions are in order from top to bottom:
Mudwing: Drawn in a dark red. The thickest dragon by far, opening is mouth in a smile as its front legs hit the ground. Its large wings have four toes as if they were a third set of talons, which is used as another set of legs while running. The wings lift off after the back legs. The entire body bobs with its weight while it runs, lunging with its back legs. One of its back legs disappears while it runs (oopsies) and its large tail flicks with the run.
Skywing: Drawn in a darker red. Much skinnier dragon with longer limbs and larger wings. Its large wings remain slight open above its border, slightly bobbing as it moves. The body itself doesn’t move up and down, instead just twisting with movement of its limbs. Its tail is a little stiff, again just moving up and down. As it runs, one foot touches and leaves the ground at a time.
Icewing: Drawn in a dark blue. Its body and shape is ridgid, its head swooping up and down like it lunges with every time its front talons land. Again, its wings are used as a third pair of legs, however they are mostly used after the other limbs are mid-air. Its talons are visibly sharper, as well as its wings. Sharp spines on the back of its neck and end of its tail are visible as well, which bobs with the movement.
Seawing: Drawn in a dark blue. A thicker, long dragon with short but thick limbs and webbed frills along its spine and sternum. It’s thick tail continues the up and down curve it’s body makes with every move, flicking the end of the frills as it does. Its wings are semi open above its body, bobbing with the running movement and tilting up and down as its spine curves.
Sandwing: Drawn in a warm brown. Long limbs but thicker than skywing. All four feet lift of the air when they’re closest during the run, each foot hitting the ground one at a time. It’s barbed scorpion-like tail bobs up and down at the end. Its wings are folded and stuff near its shoulders, tilted diagonally. A solid frill lines its spine, biggest at the back of its neck and above the back legs.
Nightwing: Drawn in a dark purple grey, and by far the stiffest run cycle. Thick body with short but thinner legs than mudwings or seawings. Spikes line the spine all along its body, longest at the back of the neck and back of the body. Its wings are held stiffly and slightly folded over its body. Other than the legs and tail, most of the nightwing barely moves as it runs, and its legs hit the ground in pairs, front legs then back legs. They don’t even cross between each other at the closest part in the run. Its mouth opens and closes as it runs, not in any particular expression, I was just bored.
Rainwing: Drawn in a muted dark green. By far the bounciest run. It has a thin body and a head I accidentally drew a little big. It’s three-toed wings are used as a third pair of legs, used most right before it’s front legs hit the ground. Its front legs hit the ground at different time, however the back legs hit and leave together. Its tail is by far the longest, curled at the end and slightly unraveling as it flicks up and down. Beneath the curved horns is a frill with two connections that slight opens and closes with the movement. It’s grin also opens and closes with the movement.
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digitkame · 21 days
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Karkaroff pulling his ultimate move and T-posing Snape into a corner after he’s had enough of Snape avoiding him during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
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triassictriserratops · 2 months
Rewatching Catching Fire (not my fault, they added it to Netflix so my hands were tied)
And I fucking love this face:
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Finnick is like "wait, shit, ya'll two are for real? no lie? if it weren't for the baby???"
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kanej-is-superior · 2 months
The Greeks would've easily won the Camp Jupiter vs Camp Half Blood battle. Not because of any logical, strategic reasons though. Its because they're batshit crazy
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theghostlyunknown · 3 months
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bookofmac · 3 months
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vasilissadragomir · 6 months
people often use snow’s experiences with lucy gray as an explanation for how he engages with katniss, but i think that the true story of his downfall lies not in how lucy gray and katniss are similar, but rather in how they are different.
snow knew that it was never him that made the games what they are. it was lucy gray, with her scrappy, passionate artistry, that put on the show that kept people watching. more importantly, it was lucy gray that put on the show that kept HIM watching. all he ever did was give her the stage.
ergo, snow recognizes that the person with the power to usurp him is his natural counterpart, someone like lucy gray, who possessed both the charisma and humanity that he sorely lacks. however, in his mind, those traits are not real; they’re performed in order to obtain power. how could he know better, when he’s never experienced them himself, and the only person he ever truly believed possessed them betrayed him?
so snow keeps his eye out for performers, people with gravitas who could capture the heart of the nation, and squashes their spark as soon as he can. people like haymitch. people like finnick.
and that’s where snow goes wrong. he doesn’t see katniss’ similarities to lucy gray from the start, because while they both demonstrate astonishing, intriguing bravery at their reapings, their actions and motivations are completely different. lucy gray is motivated to perform by anger for herself, and katniss is motivated to sacrifice herself by fear for her sister.
but then katniss starts to put on a show for the audience, kissing peeta and being willing to die with the berries at the end of the 74th games. snow starts to see an entirely different side of katniss that resembles lucy gray to a concerning degree. he sees how, with peeta at her side, she could beguile the nation the same way lucy gray had. and, even worse, she was using the poor, helpless boy who had the misfortune of falling in love with her to survive. the moment katniss started performing, he finally sees lucy gray within her. but it’s already too late.
by catching fire, katniss is the spark fanning the flames of the resistance, but snow fails to understand why. as far as he’s concerned, katniss’ star power comes from her connection to peeta. he tries to weaponize their “love” for his own gain, but it doesn’t work, not because people don’t believe that she loves peeta, but because, for the first time, a victor offers their winnings to the family of a fallen tribute.
snow is caught in a catch 22 of seneca crane’s making—if he kills katniss, she becomes a martyr. but if he lets her live, she’ll be a revolutionary icon. either way, she’s the spark. so he has no choice but to allow the spark to flicker, just for a little while. enter the 75th games. snow knows he needs katniss to die a tragic death in the games. more specifically, he needs it to be a brutal death at the hands of a tribute, not the gamemakers, because he understands that as long as the districts see the capitol as the one who ended the life of katniss everdeen, she’ll still be a martyr.
but snow still doesn’t get it. in the quarter quell, the prey does not become predator. katniss’ allies protect her, ensuring she survives until district 13 rescues her. why would they protect this girl, assuming such a steep personal risk? why would they put everything on the line for a revolution they personally stand to benefit little from? he doesn’t know. but he does know that lucy gray katniss is at the center of it all, so he tries to eliminate what makes her look best: peeta.
and that is snow’s fatal mistake. what he, coin, and everyone but haymitch fail to understand is that it was never peeta that made katniss look good—it was katniss, who befriended and put faith in rue. katniss, who recruited mags, wiress, and beetee as allies. she is the source of revolutionary inspiration. it isn’t her charisma or even her compassion, and it certainly isn’t how well she performed those virtues.
katniss becomes the mockingjay because of her solidarity.
lucy gray was charismatic, like peeta, and compassionate, like both peeta and katniss, but she did not demonstrate solidarity. she was never truly “district” in the way katniss is. she showed kindness to jessup, not because he was from 12, but because he showed kindness to her. lucy gray left behind everything and everyone she loved when she left coriolanus, because she was first and foremost a survivor.
katniss was a survivor her whole life, but she survives exclusively to ensure the people she loves are protected. she always does what she can for people more vulnerable than herself. lucy gray couldn’t have sparked a revolution on her own because she lacked the solidarity that makes a hope for a better future authentic to others. katniss is the human manifestation of solidarity, and to a people divided by a common enemy, that’s the most inspiring thing a person can be.
only in the end, when katniss shoots coin, does snow realize none of it was a performance. choking on the blood of his countless adversaries, snow’s final moments are consumed by what he got wrong. what made lucy gray and katniss different ends his reign, but ironically, the final nail in his coffin is an act that both lucy gray and katniss share in their last moments with snow. they both prove, unequivocally, that he is not the center of their worlds like they are his. lucy gray put her own survival before her love for him, and katniss puts the future of her nation before her hate for him. in the end, he simply doesn’t matter. and that’s greater justice than could have ever been achieved if katniss had fired her arrow into his heart.
the greatest enemy to coriolanus snow could only be the person who reignited the embers of a dying revolutionary fire, who demonstrated to a broken people that while one spark alone might not be enough, thousands of sparks uniting in solidarity is an unbeatable force.
and really, he should have known better. after all, even when snow lands on top, fire melts snow.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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In the shape of you, something new.
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jun-hug · 5 months
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"I like to watch his hands as he works, making a blank page bloom with strokes of ink, adding touches of color to our previously black and yellowish book. His face takes on a special look when he concentrates. His usual easy expression is replaced by something more intense and removed that suggests an entire world locked away inside him."
" (...) One afternoon Peeta stops shading a blossom and looks up so suddenly that I start, as though I were caught spying on him, which in a strange way maybe I was. But he only says, “You know, I think this is the first time we've ever done anything normal together.”
“Yeah,” I agree. Our whole relationship has been tainted by the Games. Normal was never a part of it. “Nice for a change.” ”
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everlarksquell · 5 months
imagine being determined about someone so much that when there’s a secret plan to keep you alive the people in it have to make sure that they keep the one person you’d protect with your life alive as well because without them you wouldn’t keep fighting for yourself. everlark can’t be topped.
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i-only-see-daylight · 2 months
Aelin: If I died-
Rowan, sharpening his knives: Death will not get you out of this relationship.
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
GLUTTONY • portgas d. ace | seven slutty sins series: part one
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your man just can’t get enough of his favorite meal..
oral/pussy eating obv), black fem reader, fingering, pleasure dom!ace, dirty talk, spit play, squirting, yktv..
there were two things that Ace valued more than anything in this world..his rest and his food. He appreciated nothing more than a good meal and his favorite? Was a delicacy like none other..a delicacy he indulged in a little too generously. Perhaps, you could say his appetite was even a little insatiable..
“Mmmm…that’s it. Stay still—no, I’m done yet, baby..just relax..”
his voice slurred with the drunkenness of your flavor. The sweet nectar that was your essence fresh against his pouty lips..the juices practically coating them like a sticky gloss. Faint sounds of grunts and whiners arose as he muffled against your swollen, sensitive and very wet cunt. Loud slurps emitted from his mouth and the twirl of his tongue intricately exploring your folds; the steel ball of his tongue ring brushing against your clit. Yes, it was his favorite thing to do…and nothing..or no one could stop him until he had his fill. Not even you could halt him..going as far as to pin your hands down against your stomach as he feasted mercilessly on that pretty pussy. Scraping that tight little hole like that of a spoon the bottom of a sweet dessert. Only coming up to drip long strings of spit into those pink folds. Enjoying every bit of it with no qualms about letting you know just how much. “..pussy’s so fucking good, baby. Goddamn, you taste amazing..” Letting up wasn’t an option until he garnered every last drop. Even if it meant you’d reach your peak over and over..or until his jaw locked up as a result!
His nails dug gently into the soft flesh of your thighs, rubbing the skin as a means to quell your pathetic cries as you remained spread wide open with those legs pinned back. A thumb hooked into the thin string of your thong to keep it out of his way. A rather difficult position to maintain for an extended period of time, regardless of flexibility but he had full faith that you could take it. You’d do anything he asked as he long as he kept peppering your skin with those kisses and whispering sweet nothings..you were all but putty in his hands. “Yeah, I know..I know..but you’re doing so good f’r me. Please don’t make me stop now..I just want more of you, sweetheart. I want you to squirt in my mouth..can I have it?” And the answer was all too simple. Anything he wanted, you’d give it up with no hesitation. You were so close that he could sense it with each movement. His fingers eventually plunge into you, wiggling until they reach your core and mash that sensitive area, causing you to squirm uncontrollably. He’ll stop at nothing to see you come completely undone by his hands. “Answer me, baby. I said, can I have it?..” “y-yes, daddy. Please, can I come?” Too bad, he was a bit more unrelenting. Even a little selfish..he needed it at the very last moment. Until you could no longer hold it and you were a babbling mess! “Good girl..But until then, right here on his stomach, flat across this bed with his stiff cock brushing the sheets he’d remain.
“Sorry, I just can’t help myself..can’t get enough you..”
@jadeisthirsting @spaceforher @honeybleed @shamelesshoefairy @calibabii21 @kaennih-skittles @astrokatsuki @bey0nseh
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itsajollyjester · 5 months
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So I reread the jabber jay scene and the scene after to draw this
and holy shit I'll never get over how much of Peeta's dialogue and character got cut in the movies
Most of his role in these scenes was cut entirely or given to Johanna of all people?? (love Johanna, I just think it's kinda funny)
I wonder if part of it is because Peeta notices and cares about the details and the movies cut out most of said details lmao
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deadboydoodling · 1 month
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healing the economy one everlark piece at a time
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starrrbakerrr · 7 months
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The Hunger Games trilogy, text to screen (in/spo)
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