#for lily it's basically the exact same situation i play lily a lot and he mains kevin so now she's their daughter too
akuma-tenshi · 3 months
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i would like to introduce you all to the family my friend and i have created through sheer love of these characters
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rueitae · 3 years
Writing Roundup 2020
This is a writing reflection I’ve been doing for myself every year for the last four years. Its a positive boost to myself see how far I’ve come and look back on my progress for the past year and look forward to the new year. 
Everyone is welcome to use this same format if they’d like to do the same! 
Words written:
330,000, which is nearly half of all the words I’ve written on Ao3 in the last three years. 
One Shots Posted (all fics plance unless otherwise stated):
In the Arms of the Ever(pink?) Tree (4463 words)
For the Plance Secret Santa exchange. Post s8 date/not date on a snowy moon. Love confession. 
Birthday Treats (2129 words)
For Pidge’s birthday this year! Domestic family fluff, breakfast in bed, plance kids.
Begin Again (Together) (4805 words)
Canon divergence from before episode one! Pidge and Lance are established dating when alien intervention brings them to where they are supposed to be: with the Blue Lion. Just a brief look into what the AU would look like. 
Common Ground (4521 words)
A treat for my friends who introduced me to Magic Knight Rayearth and pointed out some fun character parallels. There is this beautiful art Arya made to go with it because we’re all trash for both series. Plance meet up with Fuu and Ferio post series for both couples. 
Bonded To You (1808 words)
For the Langstron Halloween Exchange! Established plance with a baby Lance is trying to keep safe from a witch who would take advantage of the child’s heritage. 
It Tasted Good (6785 words)
Pikelavar for Pikelavar Month! The premise is crack, but it's mostly treated seriously. Pike ate the Jewel of Jitan by accident and doesn’t realize it until Haggar finds them. Meklavar gets Protective.
The Remainder of Days (3188 words)
Part of my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Fantasy AU where Pidge is a minor forest goddess and Lance is her neighbor mortal farmer. 
I Love You a Lily More Each Day (3232 words)
Another of the Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon compliant where Lance is undercover at a flower shop and knee deep in an illegal smuggling operation. 
Lease on Life (4978 words)
This one was also part of Bad Things Happen Bingo and was an experiment. It’s POV of an oldest plance kid, canon verse. Her parents’ Paladin days come back to haunt them one night. Some cute family stuff too in there. 
Ready to Dance (4135 words)
For the Valentine’s Day exchange! Post series. Lance tries to get back into the party scene and Pidge rescues him from a disastrous night. 
Loopholes (5476 words)
Technically I didn’t write this fic this year, but a very kind reader asked if I would post this to Ao3, so it was my first fic of the year on Ao3. It’s Lotura! Originally a gift for a dear friend I’ve had since elementary school. It’s a fantasy AU where Lotor stumbles into Allura’s kingdom needing help. 
Next to Me (7311 words)
Also for Bad Things Happen Bingo, this is probably one of my favorite fics of the year. This is the canon verse AU that went all wrong in s7, and Sendak succeeds in destroying Earth. Lance and Pidge end up not only his prisoners, but also two of the last humans in the universe. Ends open ended, but it became a series in the end!
Into Me (14248 words)
The sequel to the above fic. There are two versions, this and the one below. The title tells all. Lance and Pidge come to terms with their new life aboard Sendak’s flagship and do their best to keep the other comforted.
Into Me (non-explicit version) (7228 words)
Exactly the same as the fic above, only this one is SFW
Sunshine (3831 words)
A Bad Things Happen Bingo! One of my favorite concepts. Canon verse. Pidge gets sick while she and Lance are on a scientific mission. 
Showoff (635 words)
A really short fic for a friend on their birthday, featuring their plance kids!
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
A fic I have been wanting to write for a very long time. I love the concept of Pidge as a Disney Princess in the sense she has the forest guardian theme and all these animals love her. So there’s some play on that as the Paladins stop for lunch on their journey back to Earth in early s7. Lance comes to a realization and they have a chat surrounded by the animal friends. @anchoredtetherart did a phenomenal piece to accompany it. Please look at it in awe here.
The Hardest Part (3960 words)
For Bad Things Happen Bingo! An AU of the episode The Reunion where Pidge doesn’t return when she’s supposed to. 
A Planned Sacrifice (4988 words)
Another Bad Things Happen Bingo. Canon verse. Pidge assumes that being a sacrifice for the ‘forest god’ is strictly ceremonial and at worst a wild animal. It’s actually Sendak, who no one has seen since Shiro shot him out of the Castle. He remembers Pidge and is far too pleased to see her again, tied up on a silver platter. 
Almost Forgotten, but Not Gone (3946 words)
Bad Things Happen Bingo. AU sometime in s1 where Haxus isn’t as dead as Pidge thought. 
Touch (7519 words)
Written for the Lance Goes Boom bang! It was inspired by @fenixseraph ‘s amazing art here! It’s a different take on The Way Forward, where Pidge and Lance are separated from the rest of the team and placed in their own cell. And the Red Lion causes issues. 
Chaptered Fics started/added to:
Wolf In Thieves’ Clothing (4516 words)
An AU of The Castle of Cagliostro from Lupin the Third series. Lee, you have my thanks forever for making me watch this finally. Pidge is a literal princess whose kingdom is in the middle of an internal coup. Lance is a gentleman thief who rides with his best buds Hunk and Matt. Their paths are destined to cross again when Lance goes back to the castle he used to call home. 
Game of Love (4593 words)
The most crack of the bunch. AU of Fall the of the Castle of Lions where Sendak and Haxus get away with it all. Pidge and Lance are prisoners on Haxus’ new ship, and Lance finds an opportunity for eventual escape when he learns that Haxus has a crush on his second in command. Operation matchmaker begins. (happy ending planned for all)
What Tides May Bring (20704 words)
Collab with the fantastic @anchoredtetherart for MerMay! Established plance as mermaids and guardians of their elements with adorable mer child. Then angst because they are all captured by a ‘research’ institute. 
Seasons of Magic (16546 words)
I actually added a chapter this year! Ongoing collection of one-shots with mage Pidge who lives in the country and cultivates her plant magic and makes potions with the assistance of her dragon familiar, Lance. Mostly domestic fluff. 
Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words)
Added another chapter this year to my Keith-centric AU. It’s basically VLD but five years early and they’re all literally child Paladins. Keith gets to meet Krolia earlier and its fun to go into tween friendships as they try and navigate the reality of their situation. 
Seeds (48833 words)
Added a ton earlier this year. A collection of plance fics all or mostly under 500 words. All meant to be adopted by others if interest strikes. Covers many genres.
Chaptered Fics Finished:
Resolve to Fly (75799 words)
Written for the Pidge Angst Bang. My artist @alchemie0 did an outstanding job capturing the feel of the fic. Look at the art here! Canon verse AU where Pidge encounters Haxus, who has crashed on Earth. She helps him repair his ship in excitement and good faith, which he pays back by kidnapping her. For two years she survives as little more than a housepet on Sendak’s ship. Gen.
Who's Protecting Who? (28989 words)
Also technically not written this yeah, but posted. A collab with Hush waaaay back in 2018. It's a plance Altean AU with Pidge as distant royalty and Lance as a bodyguard.
A Dish Served Cold (21533 words)
Finally finished this one! Canon verse in which Pidge accidentally runs into Sendak on an isolated planet. Sendak takes advantage of this encounter and tries to return to the Empire with her in tow. Much Pidge whump. Gen
Best title 
I still really really love Too Soon and Not Soon Enough (11438 words). Because it's too soon for the Paladins to be Paladins, and for Keith it's not nearly soon enough for Krolia to return. It just feels like it has a lot of heart to it. I hope I can keep it going, but my ideas are incredibly scattered for it. 
Worst title 
Touch (7519 words). Yeah it’s a play on ‘Don’t you touch her’ but it feels soooo dry. 
Best/worst last line
Best: This was really, really hard choice this year, but ultimately, making up for the terrible title, its Touch (7519 words) 
“It feels good to escape the ship with all of his teammates, secure in the knowledge that he has a way forward not just as a Paladin, but also with Pidge.” 
- Not only did I manage to fit the title of the episode in there, it's got that hopeful tinge to it and reflects on personal growth both internally and with Pidge. 
Worst: This one isn’t necessarily bad from Begin Again (Together) (4805 words), but it could be better. It didn’t get quite the epic sense I was hoping to pull from it.
“Okay,” he smirks, hand firmly on the throttle. “Operation save Earth starts now.”
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Definitely wrote way more. Even with posting two fic that are essentially the exact same, I still ended up writing nearly half of my total Ao3 word count this year. (330,000/670,000). Doing Bad Things Happen Bingo was a bit part of that - I was very inspired at the beginning of this year - but also there were many events I participated in (8 total!!) on top of my personal projects. 
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
A really hard decision this year, because there are several that make me really happy. I think oddly enough though, it’s Game of Love (4593 words) because of its potential and how much crack it is. It has such whacky rom-com energy to it but also that underlying angst of the situation I can fall back on. My favorite trope to explore is what happens to the characters when they’re captured. I just really enjoy the concept and the challenge to make such a concept believable with minimal suspension of belief. 
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Using kudos as my gauge (and not counting the chapter fics), the winner is: 
Respite of the Heart (4181 words)
Not surprising because Ivy’s art is STUNNING.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I think that’s It Tasted Good (6785 words), the pikelavar fic. Pikelavar is underappreciated in general
Story that could have been better?
For all I was excited to write Sunshine (3831 words), it didn’t quite fall the way I had imagined in my mind. I don’t know if it was the structure or I was running out of steam or what. All i know is that I wanted more but all I could concentrate on was that scene where he’s caring for her in bed. Maybe I was just too ambitious.
Sexiest story?
No brainer it's Into Me (14248 words). Literally. Which really shocked me that it happened. Didn’t think I’d write any smut at all, let alone this year. This particular fic just kinda called out for it 
Saddest story?
The prequel to the above fic: Next to Me (7311 words). How much more sad can you get than Earth being destroyed, being Sendak’s prisoners all while trying to tell each other ‘i love you’ without seeming weird because you’re the last humans in the universe. 
Most fun?
I think it's Ready to Dance (4135 words). Just Valentine’s fluff and impromptu slow dancing in the park at night. 
Story with single sweetest moment?
I’m picking What Tides May Bring (20704 words). Listen, mer Lance and mer Pidge playing with their mer baby in their domestic paradise is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. Dad Lance has my heart. 
Hardest story to write?
The last chapter of A Dish Served Cold (21533 words) was like pulling teeth. I’m pretty happy with it in the end but at the time man it was so hard. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote smut. It was...weird? But also strangely calming. I wrote more for another fic but it's still a WIP. I definitely need to be in the mood to write it. 
Proudest Achievement:
The Pidge Angst Bang. Resolve to Fly (75799 words). Look at that word count. I only wanted something under 3k at first, so it was just going to be Pidge meeting Haxus. But by the time I finished that part it was already 10k. So even though I was going through a rough part of my life, I just kept going and it ended up being my therapy. I’m really proud of the fic and I love my artists’ pieces. It really lifted my spirits. (You should all really go check out the Ao3 collection of all the bang stories and art they are AMAZING you won’t regret. If you love Pidge angst they are all must reads.)
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
I’d like to finish my Bad Things Happen Bingo card and then focus on my current WIP, that includes the Seeds collection. There are days I still feel a bit overwhelmed, and I’m still trying to find a routine after moving. I’d like to do more events too, but I think I need to be more selective about which ones I do. I don’t want to burn myself out. 
Apart from that, I’d really like to try and give back to the community more. I’d like to start consciously writing fics for others without an event to go by. 
Past Years:
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seblaine-rph · 3 years
While you're looking into rps can we talk about Devereux Academy for a minute? A basic look at their main and rules reveals Kristin Stewart as an FC but she's asked repeatedly not to be used in rp, people getting originally tested for being Dom Switch or sub at 17, the rp wording is almost an exact replica of another rp that ran for a while, and they are allowing the Motta family to be whitewashed with a white Robert Pattinson FC. I'm sure theres more i was just too disgusted to keep looking.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been told to take a look at @devereuxacademy or heard about it being problematic. I can’t tell you about the dash and I’m not going to troll through everyone’s blogs, so if there is something on the dash that anyone would like to share with me (problematic plots, not tagging triggers, admin behavior,etc) then feel free to send another ask. 
More than one person came to me when this rp first hit the tags, asking if I thought they had stolen parts of their rp. I reported this by answering multiple different asks about it and they never responded, which is very telling. Honestly, I think they did. Intentionally or not, they do have a lot of parts of other, existing roleplays in their plot and there are so many copy and pasted things that it looks to be done on purpose. You can say, “but it’s a D/s academy rp and there’s only so many ways to rp in a school, so of course it looks similar to other rps of the same genre” except for the part where even academy rps have their own unique plot points, including the history of the world, social economics, and the school as well as the history of the administration. And that wasn’t the last time it was brought to my attention, or the only reason. I do see it, if we’re looking for my opinion on the matter of stolen plot content. I can see at least three different roleplays that were already in the tags for a long time, weaved together to make this group. I don’t really see anything that is original in the plot or worldview info, aside from maybe the intense details on IVF as the reason for there being so many triplets. Don’t quote me on that, though, it may have been used before. I just haven’t seen it. 
It weirds me out that they have all of their characters being thrust into nsfw situations before 18, with what should be an 18+ concept like BDSM, and at the same time they’re a discord rp as well as a tumblr rp. It says on their application that the characters are tested to find out which mark they are at 17. That’s a minor, being tested in a nsfw way because however you slice it BDSM and D/s are nsfw and nobody under the age of 18 can legally or morally be allowed to even dip a single toe in and that includes taking a test to find out what kinks they like and whether they’re going to want to be catching or receiving when it comes to sex. It just makes me wonder what’s being hidden in the discord. I’d also like to mention that they do have the option to play teachers as well as students, which is just weird and gross to me in this instance. The content is nsfw, clearly some students are going to get with teachers. It’s weird enough when it’s a sfw college rp and students do not smut with teachers, but being a teacher is a respectable character choice so I can see why you’d want to do it. If you were going to focus on talking to other teachers and developing plots with other teachers. In this instance though... the power dynamic between teachers and students are way different and there is a sexual overtone automatically because this is a kinky smut rp. You can also play a character as young as 21, which just makes me hope there are no relationships being written out by naive 21 year olds with their 30-40-50+, way more mature, could be their parent teacher. That might sound like I’m making up something that would never happen, but I have seen someone try to play a 62 year old lesbian that was predatory towards 19 year olds and even claimed one in a D/s rp like this. We all know how Glee rps work, we all know this line has already been crossed. We all also know why that’s gross- it’s an abuse of power and there is no way that a teacher/student dynamic could be cute because there will always be a sense of one person being way more mature than the other and being in a seat of power. Another reason to wonder what’s being hidden on this discord.
There are incorrectly casted families. In particular, I’m seeing POC families with fcs that should not belong because they do not match. I’d really like to know how it is that two Filipino girls and a black girl are twins. As a general note to the admins, you can’t erase half of someone’s ethnicity either. There are other families where one or more character is half right but also half wrong in an offensive way. And some families that are just wrong. I do give them props on some of this being right, but that doesn’t erase the other problems. You can’t whitewash people. Not all Asians are the same. Not all Latinx people are the same. Brown people aren’t interchangeable. Let me just list these so they’re easier to fix:
In the Adams family, Alex Newell is African-American but the fc has a sister that’s  British, Polish and Caribbean. That might be picking at straws but I always find it offensive when people pick and choose how to group ethnicities- like deciding all Asians are the same so they can be related. Either way, she’s over half white which doesn’t match up. 
Laura Harrier is Rachel Berry, she is half black and half white with Jewish background so that’s a really nice choice but then she’s twins with two Haliee Steinfeld fcs? Hailee who is Filipino... She’s also been accused of using the N word and being racist so she’s on a lot of people’s banned lists for the same reasons as Lea Michele. 
Brianna Tju is in a Chinese family but she’s half Indonesian. She’s also a Disney Channel star, so some people find that problematic from the start, because most of her resources are from kid’s shows at an age that is too young to be roleplaying. She’s only 22 now, which is old enough to rp, however the only real resources she has are from something that aired in 2015 and was likely filmed in 2014 or earlier. When she was definitely a minor. 
Kaya Scoldelario is Brazilian. She’s whitewashed by being placed in the Clarington family.
Zoe Deutch is Jewish. Her siblings are Matthew Daddario (Slovak, Italian, Irish, Hungarian, and English) and Haley Lu Richardson, who has a white background that doesn’t include Jewish. This is the Corcoran family as well, which should be Jewish, since they’re all related to Idina Menzel.
Victoria Pedretti is Jewish and she’s in the very white Evans family.
None of the older Fabrays are Jewish, and Ashley Johnson is Native American but also somehow a twin of the white Frannie Fabray.
Principal Figgins is played by someone that is Pakistani but the Figgins on the masterlist is played by Dev Patel, who is Gujarati Indian. 
Tyler Hoechlin is also partially Native American, but he is placed in the Flangan (Irish, like straight out of Ireland) family that has Rory recast as Thomas Dogherty (Scottish) with an Ariana Grande (Italian) twin as well. 
Kristen Stewart is on the masterlist but she has asked numerous times not to be used in roleplay because it makes her uncomfortable. I just covered this for another roleplay, and I’ve seen other people mention it, so it’s common knowledge at this point. She has been saying this for a long time. She’s also placed as the twin of Danielle Campbell, who is Mexican and Cajun French while Kristen is just white and the canon family member (Gilbert, so Adam Lambert) is Jewish.
Zendaya is also placed as a twin to Samantha Ware. Zendaya is mixed race, half black and half white, while Samantha is black. 
Yvette Monreal is the twin to Demi Lovato. Yvette is Chilean. Demi is Mexican and Portuguese. 
Avan Jogia is a Hart, but he is Gujarati Indian and white. He would be a better family relation to Dev Patel than anyone else on the masterlist and vice versa. As a refresher, Samuel Larsen (the canon fc for the Hart family) is Mexican, Danish, Spanish and Persian.
Maddison Jaizani is Iranian, but she’s listed as a Holliday which makes her related to Gwyneth Paltrow... a blonde, white woman.
Jacob Elordia is Basque and his sibling on the masterlist is Marie Avgeropoulos, a Greek actress. 
Rafael Silva is Brazilian, but he is a Lopez triplet, related to a Mexican-Irish sister (Lindsay Morgan) and a Mexican-Jewish sister (Alexa Demie).
Sugar Motta is played by Vanessa Lengies on Glee, an Egyptian actress. Her family is whitewashed with two white fcs, Kelli Berglung and Robert Pattinson. 
Kaylee Byrant is Japanese but she is twin to Madison Beer (Jewish) and Daisy Ridley (white).
The Puckerman family has lost its Jewish heritage. The only two on Noah’s side are Adelaide Kane (white) and Luke Pasqualino (Italian). Jake Puckerman has been recast as Justice Smith, who is half black and half white but is not Jewish. His sister is Samantha Logan who is half Trinidadian and half white and Pauline Singer, who is full Fijian.
Antonia Gentry is cast as a Weston. She is Jamaican, her listed twin is half white and half African-American. The newest acceptance for a Weston is for an African American fc. 
Lili Reinhart is on the masterlist, but she’s problematic. She’s defended the abusive behavior of her cast mate, Cole Sprouse, who was very publicly accused of sexual assault and abuse. She’s also been accused of blackface annnnnnnd she’s used queer baiting to get people to watch the show. (She teased a girl on girl relationship publicly, telling people to watch the show because they might finally get to see something between Betty and Veronica, knowing that the fans wanted it, but then when she was asked about it in a later interview she scoffed and acted like it was absolutely impossible and would never happen, some would say she even sounded offended by the thought-- which is what everyone got mad at Melissa Benoist for doing with Supergirl.)
David Corenswet is Jewish, cast with Emily Browning as a sister, who is not.
I applaud the Brazilian change for Lauren Zizes, but Ashley Fink was a welcome representation of plus size actresses and the new fc is less than half her size. She’s still plus size technically, but she’s “model plus size,” which is not at all the same as Lauren’s body type. I ran this by someone that this change would affect and they were not pleased. They were the one that pointed this out to me, because it bothered them as a plus size person to see one of the few plus size characters recasted with a skinnier fc. 
Dove Cameron is also on the masterlist, but she’s on a bunch of people’s banned lists. She replied to a fan that said they wanted her to notice them that they were stupid and had no life if that was one of their goals. She’s been rude to cast and crew on set. Dove has also been accused of throwing a fit and making the writers change the Descendants script to take the relationship that was written out for a black actress. She’s being accused of yellow fishing, which I believe is the term for trying to look Asian. She wore a Native American headdress in a cultural appropriation type of way. She’s been accused of being fatphobic and hiding behind photoshop on her social media while saying she doesn’t photoshop, so she’s giving off a false sense of reality to her fans. She’s been talking badly about someone that is trying to get their sexual assault story out there. The latest thing that’s come out about her is a rant about how mental health isn’t real and that people just need to logic their way out of depression? Which would be coming from a seat of high privilege. She wrote a series of tweets on the topic, calling negative mental health and the feelings they cause “a choice.” There’s a whole hashtag on Tumblr for her. 
I’m not at all surprised to see that all of the diverse characters are open. No Artie, no Unique- who could definitely be recast as an actual trans woman, now that we’re living in the age of recasting for reasons of problematic natures- if we can have a new Puck, new Finn, new Rachel, and new Santana why not an appropriate Unique? She is literally the only canon trans woman, why not treat her with respect? They recasted Cooper to better fit the proper ethnicity, so... 
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bre95611 · 4 years
HI! I’m finally rewatching 15x17 so I’m doing an in-depth(ish?) super stoned commentary! Hooray!
Before I get into it, I just really have to say, god I love this season so so so much. The writing has just been beautiful, and it has me EMOTIONAL af. Anyway. Here we go!
I always like looking at the Then/Now scenes. I feel they can ring some really important storywide context to the show. A great example of this is the Pizza Man montage. This episode it starts with the conversation from a  few episodes back with Dean and Sam discussing Jack killing God.
I’ve found the Dean/Amara relationship very interesting. After how it was played up in the 15x15 Gimme Shelter, always from Dean’s perspective in a joking manner. I believe it was @verobatto-angelxhunter that discussed the Big Married Energy it gave off, Dean teasing Castiel about a woman from his past. Season 11, as the beginning of the Dabb era, has been calling my name for a rewatch lately, especially with Amara being brought back. Its always been established that the connection Dean and Amara have was not something Dean liked. It wasn’t actual attraction. I’ll talk more about this later.
I have made some random posts here and there talking about the symmetry in endings between Season 11 and Season 15, I will also dig into this more later.
Saw a post about the amount of times “world” is said, want to keep track of that. I know there is a heavy Destiel attachment, and the second time it is said is during the Then sequence, Chuck’s dialogue from the episode with the tvs, talking about how its time to clear the board. (Want to look into Chess mentions this season, maybe even Dabb era as a whole? Because obviously there’s been a game going on at the cosmic level for quite some time). It doesn’t show the scene where Dean and Cas in the kitchen comes up on the tv where Chuck calls them “the world”. but it does have that section of dialogue as t screens are being shown, bringing that to mind.
Then we have Meg 2.0 as The Shadow, Cas is confused why he is being harmed since they’re on the same side. The Shadow makes their loyalty known. Keep this in mind. Will touch on this later as well.
Shit this is a lot for the episode not even starting yet. Below the cut for more!
God Amara is a QUEEN and I love her SO MUCH.
Sam tells Cas to “just get home” cause the Bunker is his FUCKING HOME
One thing I’ve seen brought up a lot is how Dean is always very action focused. Solve the problem at hand, “cross that bridge when we get to it” type of mentality. His plans always revolve around that. Cas and Sam are always very focused on there being another way, how there is always another way, especially when one oftheir lives are at stake. Sam calls him out. Sam wouldn’t care if Dean was saying that all the time if it were actually true, wouldn’t wonder if he ever got tired of saying it if they did only ever have one choice. TFW always subverts the problem at hand. Last season, their only shot of beating Michael was the Malak Box. Season 11 was soul bomb Dean, 13 was Dean saying yes to Michael. Ya’ll see a theme yet? Dean loves to sacrifice himself. Sam’s done the same exact thing, closing the Hell gates, letting out Lucifer. Cas’s whole thing in Season 6? They’ve all done the same things. over and over. Hamster wheel. Think of what made all those endings obsolete? What made them find another way, huh?
Fuck that paragraph went somewhere I wasn’t originally taking it, but still a good take IMHO. 
I’m loving the SUITS!
I really hope that Amara is not gone. I know I’ve seen some stuff that talks about why that has to have been her last episode, but whatever. Imma still dream. And I really might have to just write a fix-it fic after the finale about Aunt Amara and Jack hanging out. 
I just noticed world again (Dean to Amara: saving the whole world’s ass)
“You and I will always help each other.” That look on Dean’s face when she said that. Not  the face of someone enjoying being flirted with by and “ex-flame” or whatever the hell
Saw a post about the generational family story that was being told (I believe it was @occamshipper) that basically has Sam is to Jack as Dean was to Sam growing up (Dean is John and Cas is Mary, super awesome read, will try to find and link in a bit). This whole family arc is about breaking the toxic circle, being a better parent than your parents, found family kinda things. So how has Dean reacted to Sam in these situations? Most recently, I think, is season 8, with the Trials. Sam was sacrificing himself, he knew that, he was okay with it. Sam was suicidal by the end of it, and Dean does what he normally does with Sam and keeps him from finishing the trials, and season 9 starts with Dean completely taking away his autonomy again, allowing Gadreel to possess him. Dean was angry, he was disappointed, he acted like Dean, and that is the kind of treatment he gets from his “big brother” father figure. But Sam breaks through his treatment, tells Jack he is brave and validates him, and doesn’t try and take away his FREE WILL.
Sam continues the path he started on when he told Dean to stop as he continuously made excuses/explained why he had kept things from Sam about Jack. He grows!! I love to see it!! He does NOT give up his FREE WILL. Guys I’m loving it. These boys are actively making HARD decisions and we are seeing growth in real time. TFW in every form has...not really lived up to its name? Sure, the world gets free will, but the boys never do. And not just in situations like they’re told they can’t do something. I’m talking constant violations of each other’s bodily autonomy. Dean all the time with Sam, Cas when he takes down the Hell wall from Sam’s mind, honestly....mostly its Sam having it violated. But the other guys have to stop fucking with it. They all need a variation. Dean needs the Free Will to stop being his father’s soldier, to live his true non performative life. Cas needs to be free of his self doubt. Permission to be happy, not happy in and of itself. Jack needs Free Will to be a fucking toddler.....
Sam SEES it dude, he knows something isn’t right, and he’s the one that figured it out like, every other time this season, too. Jesus. Dean is so desparately caught up in wanting to get the hell OUT of the hamster wheel, he’s too blind to see how deep into it he is. The first plan ANYONE gives him, he goes with it. He’s literally followed Billie’s plan because of one of her books before, and what happened? Cas and Sam brought him back from sacrificing himself. 
I’ve really enjoyed how much Sam and Dean are fighting, honestly. Like, my spec for a while now has been that the brothers are going their seperate ways at the end of all this, the only way to satisfyingly bring an impactful end to their toxic codependency that they’ve been chipping away at for the last few seasons.
Guys I’m suuuuuuuper baked,
Dean says “Someone’s gotta be the grownup here” talking to Sam about taking Jack to do the final ritual. Dean is fully his father, talking to the “older brother” Sam protecting the “special child” Jack. Dean is not  breaking the cycle established by his father, going mad with rage over his circumstances
Jesus Christ the LOOK ON SAM’S FACE when Dean says Jack’s not family. I’m dead. He looks so broken.
That line though is.....hm. All through season 14 and 15, its been established that Jack is family, their kid. When Lily Sunder comes back to help get his soul, Dean makes comments about not making them go through what she did with her daughter, and again to Belphegor in 15 when asked who he was (after a fight between Dean and Cas no less, calls him “our kid”). So this is how far Dean has spiralled? This is how he is choosing to try and deal with knowing Jack will die? Denial of his importance?
“He’s not like you. He’s not like Cas.” Dean feels he holds a different relationship with Cas than he does with Sam. Just...sayin....
Jared’s acting is......truly just phnomenal.
Man, i feel like the music is off? and it makes me think its intentional, cause Becky says something about how there’s no classic rock? So foreshadowing? nah.
This really does feel like....the last real Sam and Cas interaction. It is heart breaking really.
Alright, I’m posting this now......cause I literally just got to the first commercial break.... So 
This is pt 1 I guess.
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anubislover · 4 years
Not So Easily Replaced
(Ikkaku is pissed at how idiotic her crew has been while on Amazon Lily, so she does what she's always done - vents about it to Law to let off some steam. Unfortunately, when an argument breaks out between them, she's left to wonder if she's really appreciated by her nakama)
“Ugh!” Ikkaku growled, stomping into Law’s office with his second afternoon coffee and a selection of onigiri on a tray. Normally lunch delivery wasn’t her job, but since all the men had been “too busy” fawning over the women of Amazon Lily outside, the menial task had fallen to her; otherwise their workaholic captain wouldn’t eat. “I swear, Boss, if we don’t set sail soon, I’m going to strangle every guy on board!”
“Hmmm,” Law grunted absently as he poured over his notes. Ikkaku didn’t hold his monosyllabic response against him—he’d spent the past few days fixing up that Straw Hat kid and the Fishman. On top of that, the extensive treatments had basically depleted their medical supplies, Straw Hat’s freak-out upon waking up had wrecked more than half the operatory, and the Kuja had been pretty stingy with letting them replenish their food and water from the island, so she was sure he had plenty on his mind. The dark bags under his eyes attested to that.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t going to vent, though. Honestly, if she didn’t, she’d probably snap and end up going on a killing spree or something. Only Bepo and Law would be spared; the Mink had no interest in human women and thus hadn’t been an obnoxious Neanderthal, and Law had been too focused on keeping his patients and crew alive to drool over Boa Hancock.
Hell, when her captain was like this, Ikkaku could literally say anything and he wouldn’t even register it. It took a lot to snap Law out of his thoughts, and he’d never really seemed to mind when she ranted at him to let off steam. Mainly because once she was done, she was usually calm enough to take care of the situation herself, leaving Law in peace and with a non-murdered crew. A happy engineer made for a happy submarine, after all.
Setting the coffee and onigiri down onto the desk, Ikkaku continued, “They act like they’ve never seen a hot chick in their lives. I mean, what am I, chopped liver? They should be thanking the gods that they get to look at my gorgeous face every damn day!” The statement was accompanied by a dramatic toss of her curly hair. When Ikkaku felt strongly about something, she tended to gesticulate a lot, and this was no exception.
“Uh huh.”
She leaned against the edge of Law’s desk, hands waving about as she ranted. “Not that I want them to start lusting after me, but it hurts a girl’s pride, ya know? They could at least acknowledge what a hot piece of ass I am instead of acting like I’m some ugly hag.” She clenched her fist as she recalled how, just that morning, Shachi and Clione had basically given a lecture to the whole crew over breakfast about the superior physique the Kuja displayed compared to the average woman. There had been charts and everything, and to her dismay the silhouette for the “average” woman looked suspiciously like her.
“And that’s not the end of it!” she rambled on, smacking her hand against the desk for emphasis. “When I’m not ignored or insulted, they try to convince me to go out into the jungle to talk to the Kuja for them! I mean, I’m probably the one least likely to be killed outright, but it’s not guaranteed! They might fill me with arrows just for being affiliated with men! Are they really willing to risk my life like that?”
Her question didn’t get an answer—not because Law wasn’t paying attention, but because at that moment, her emotive gesticulating accidentally smacked her wrist into his coffee mug, knocking it over.
“Mother fucker!” Law shouted, scalding coffee spilling all over his crotch and papers.
“Oh my god, Law, I’m so sorry—”
“Will you shut up?!” he snapped, grabbing his nearby lab coat to frantically soak up the scalding coffee that had spilled across his crotch. “Don’t just stand there—get some towels!”
Nodding mutely, she ran to the en-suite bathroom and snatched up every towel she could find in the cupboard. “Here,” she said, trying to hand them to him so he could clean himself up.
“My desk, damn it! Save my notes!”
Immediately she swept the pile furthest from the spill to the floor and began patting down the desk, but she knew it was already too late; the coffee had completely soaked through several of the papers that had been strewn across the stainless steel surface.
“Law, really, I’m so sorry!” she apologized hoarsely, flinching as he turned the full force of his sleep-deprived glare upon her.
“Maybe if you’d fucking been watching what you were doing instead of ranting on and on, none of this would have happened!” he shouted, well and truly pissed. Not that she blamed him—a week’s worth of important medical and inventory notes was now a brown, sopping mess. On top of that, first-degree crotch burns would sour anyone’s mood, especially when they were only running on an average of three hours of sleep.
“It’ll be ok,” she assured, assessing the damage. To an average person, the mess was a disaster, but while the charts and notes that had been in the immediate spill zone were soaked through and ruined, many of the others could be salvaged thanks to Law’s powers. “Just Room the coffee out of the papers—”
“Do you have any idea how much time and effort you just flushed down the toilet?” he snapped, even as the familiar blue bubble filled the office. Drops of coffee were pulled from the sheets of paper like magic, but to Ikkaku’s dismay, much of the ink left behind was still smudged beyond recognition. “You’re lucky that wasn’t Mugiwara-ya’s medical file you just destroyed!”
“Law, really, I’m sorry,” she said, trying to calm him down. Her usually chill captain was far more volatile when stressed and sleep-deprived. “It was a stupid accident on my part. I’ll help you rewrite all of this.”
“Hell no,” he growled, gold eyes narrowing furiously, the tendons in his thin neck tightening as he ground his teeth together. “The last thing I need is you going on another stupid rant and ruining my notes again. Get the fuck out—I’ve got more important things to do than listen to you bitch and moan about how the guys aren’t paying attention to you.”
“Tha—that’s not what I’m angry about at all!” she snapped.
“Then what is your fucking problem?!”
“My problem is that the guys were being jackasses and I’m not appreciated around here!”
“Well if you don’t like it, leave!”
Ikkaku’s back stiffened, each syllable cutting into her heart like Law’s sharpest scalpel. Those words…it was the exact same thing her old boss would say whenever she complained about her asshole coworkers’ creepy leers or “accidental” groping. The greasy old mechanic was a sexist pig, but still the only one in that shit port that had been willing to take her on as an apprentice. It had always been an unspoken threat—if she left, no one else would hire her, so she could kiss her dreams of becoming a world-class engineer good-bye.
Trafalgar Law had changed that with his offer to join the Heart Pirates.
And now he was telling her to leave, too. To give up her dream, her nakama, and her home because she wasn’t willing to put up with a little sexism.
As if he could replace her in a heartbeat.
The thought hurt more than expected. She’d worked her ass off aboard the Polar Tang. For five years she’d toiled in the heart of the engine room, maintaining every little piece. She kept the gears turning, the motors humming, and the propellers running. Just from sound and the slightest vibrations through the ship, she knew exactly what was wrong with the engine at any given time.
Ikkaku had never asked for praise or recognition for her hard work—it was just her job. But she was as knowledgeable about the mechanisms of the submarine as Law was of the human body. She had always assumed he’d quietly acknowledged this fact and respected her for it.
Clearly, she’d been wrong.
She nearly screamed all this at him, but before she could open her mouth, the blue light of Law’s Room encased her, and in a blink, she was out in the hall, the cabin door slamming shut in her face.
Knowing better than to try and force her way back into his quarters, Ikkaku instead stormed down the steel hallway, fists clenched and muttering furiously to herself. Maybe she would leave. March right up to Boa Hancock and ask to join the Kuja. That would show them! She didn’t need Law, or the Tang, or men at all! She’d get along just fine without those jerks! Sure, Amazon Lily didn’t have any of the high-tech machinery she was used to, and working for a shichibukai wasn’t exactly something she was thrilled about, but at least they’d appreciate her, right? She had other skills—she was a hell of a tattoo artist, and was a damn fine shot, and could kickbox, and…
Her pace slowed as her heart forced her brain to accept the truth—she didn’t want to leave. She’d go crazy without machines and engines to work on. And sure, she was no slouch in a fight, but the Kuja were warrior women trained from birth. Ikkaku would look like a total weakling next to them.
And no matter how much the crew pissed her off, she wouldn’t trade her nakama for anything. Sure, they could be thoughtless jerks sometimes, but they could also be really sweet. Bepo may not have been much for girl talk, but he was always willing to lend an ear if she needed companionship. Her fellow engineers, Malamute and Skua, were dependable and shared her love of machines. Shachi was always down to help her pull a prank, and when he wasn’t drooling over the Kuja, Penguin could be counted on to talk her through her problems.
As for Law…by this point, he was more like her big brother than her actual brothers had been. They shared a similar devious sense of humor, was discreet about any feminine issues she might have that, as the ship’s doctor, he was forced to deal with, and he’d even played wingman for her a few times at the taverns they’d stopped in.
Had she just ruined all of that? Was Law just angry, or had this been coming for a long time? Law had threatened to fire her plenty of times in the past, usually in response to her back sassing him, but he’d never been serious about it. This time had been different—he’d been legitimately pissed at her. Maybe those teasing threats hadn’t been jokes, but subtle warnings, and her ruining all those papers had simply been the straw to break the camel’s back?
Ikkaku was deep in thought, mentally going over every encounter she’d had with Law with a fine-toothed comb, searching for any clue whether he seriously thought she should leave, when she quite literally bumped into Bepo.
The Mink took in her flushed, angry expression and asked, “Are you ok, Ikkaku?”
Oddly enough, it was that simple, gentle question that shattered her composure like a bullet through a bone, and without even thinking she buried her face in his soft fur and just broke down crying. “He told me to leave, Bepo,” she sobbed, scared and hurt and frustrated. For all the grief her crewmates had given her and all the dangerous positions being a pirate had put her in, Ikkaku loved being a Heart. Where would she go? She’d never find another ship like the Polar Tang. Another crew like the Heart Pirates. Another captain like Trafalgar Law.
Bepo, though shocked that the normally fiery and confident engineer was using his fur as a tissue, didn’t say anything—he just carefully rubbed her back and hoped that letting her treat him like a massive teddy bear would calm her down enough to explain what had happened.
“Ok, real talk—has anyone noticed anything…different about Ikkaku lately?” Penguin asked as he sat down to lunch.
“You’d have to actually see her to notice something,” Shachi replied, brow furrowing. He glanced over at Uni, raising an eyebrow behind his sunglasses. “You been giving her stealth lessons or something?”
Uni frowned behind his bandana. “No, but she’s definitely avoiding us. It’s been a week since we left Amazon Lily, and I can count the number of times I’ve seen her on one hand.”
“Same,” Ermine said as they finished molding Law’s onigiri into the perfect triangles the captain liked. “I actually thought we left her behind for a minute—nearly asked Jean Bart to turn the ship around to get her.”
Malamute rubbed his chin, mouth twisting in concern. “Nah, she’s here, but she’s mad at us about something—barely leaves the engine room most days, and she basically refuses to talk to me and Skua.”
His fellow engineer nodded. “We thought it might just be her time of the month, but that ended over a week ago according to the calendar.”
“You guys keep track of her menstrual cycles?” Clione asked, weirded out. The rest of the crew wore similar expressions of disbelief and disapproval.
“Out of self-preservation!” Skua shouted defensively. “We’re in a hot, confined space where she has easy access to heavy tools—of course we wanna know when we should have emergency placating chocolate on-hand!”
“We tried the chocolate anyway, though,” Malamute added. “She just…waved it away and kept working.”
The cook’s frown deepened at that bit of information. “Ikkaku never turns down chocolate,” Ermine said, “and she hasn’t shown up to lunch, dinner, or breakfast all week.”
“She’s been eating, though, right?” Penguin asked, concerned. He didn’t care how mad she was; it was no excuse to skip out on meals. It was bad enough Law was an insomniac that got most of his nutrients through coffee and onigiri. It would be a cold day in hell before he would stand for an anorexic engineer.
A large, white paw shyly raised in the air as Bepo interjected, “I’ve been bringing her meals so she doesn’t have to come by the galley. She’s…wanted some time to herself.” He dropped his head gloomily. “Sorry.”
“But she’s talked to you?”
“Ummm, a little bit,” he muttered, twiddling his claws. After she’d stopped crying, Ikkaku had spilled her guts about everything—her issues with the crew, her argument with Law, and why his words had affected her so badly. Though sympathetic, Bepo was certain Law hadn’t meant his thoughtless words—underneath his casual persona, he cared deeply about his crew and would never let any of them go for such a silly reason.
At first, Bepo’d tried to get her to go back and talk to the captain, but she’d shot that down quickly—with the mood Law had been in, it would do nothing but start another argument. The Mink had hoped that, now that they were sailing away from Amazon Lily and Law wouldn’t have to worry about Straw Hat’s injuries anymore, they’d both cool down and the whole thing would blow over.
Unfortunately, the past week had proven otherwise. Ikkaku had taken to hiding deep in the bowels of the ship, and Law had been so focused on redoing all those notes and charts that he hadn’t left his quarters in days. Bepo wasn’t a Mink who liked confrontation, and he certainly didn’t want to choose sides between his oldest friend and his favorite engineer, so he’d relegated himself to supplying food to both parties, hoping one of them would finally get tired of the oppressive silence and breach the topic.
As the crew frantically gathered around him, hoping to finally have an answer to the Mystery of the Missing Engineer, Bepo began to wonder if he should have just locked both humans in an empty room and made them talk it out.
Not that such a plan would have been very effective with Law’s powers, but it was better than nothing.
“Talk, Bepo,” Shachi growled, pulling a flashlight out of his pocket and shining it directly into the bear’s black eyes like he was in an interrogation room. “What’s up with Ikkaku?”
“Why’s she hiding from us?” Clione interjected.
“Why are you the only one she’s talking to?” added Jude.
“Is she pregnant and going through weird mood swings or something?” Skua asked loudly.
Bepo blanched at that last one. “No, she…she’s just kind of upset about…how you all acted on Amazon Lily.”
Exasperated, Ermine rolled their eyes. “What, was she jealous about all the attention we gave Hancock’s crew?”
“No, but…you guys were really insensitive. Like, that presentation—”
“It was a joke!” Shachi defended, though a guilty blush rose to his cheeks.
“And asking her to venture into the jungle to talk to the women for you—”
“Hey, she was the only one who they wouldn’t kill on-sight!” Jude sulked.
“And then she had to bring Law his lunch because you were all too busy staring at the Kuja.”
“Wow. Having to do that one menial task must have been such an inconvenience,” Malamute scoffed.
At the back of the grumbling crowd, Jean Bart awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. He hadn’t been on the crew long, so he didn’t really think it was his place to get involved, but he had the feeling Ikkaku had taken whatever had been said and done a little more personally than they thought. “Look, regardless of how we feel, we should all apologize to her. I mean, I don’t know her great, but does she usually give the silent treatment for this long?”
“Well, no,” Clione stated, looking a bit nervous. “Typically, she yells at us and smacks us around a bit, or maybe pulls some embarrassing prank, but she’s never quiet.”
“So, what’s this mean?”
“It means this is serious.” Penguin frowned at Bepo, who was looking around anxiously as if hoping to escape. “Ok, spill. You’re the only one she’s talked to, and you clearly have a better idea of what’s going on than we do. What’s Ikkaku really upset about?”
The Mink hung his head sorrowfully. “Sorry.”
“Damn it, don’t apologize! Just tell us!”
“It’s just…”
“Are you guys bullying Bepo again?” came a voice from the doorway. The crew turned to find Law strolling into the galley, looking thinner and more exhausted than usual, but he was at least out of his room and among the living.
Still shining his flashlight in Bepo’s face, Shachi yelled, “Captain! You gotta help us—Ikkaku’s basically been AWOL all week and won’t talk to anyone, and Bepo won’t tell us why!”
Law plopped into his chair and grabbed an onigiri, scoffing as he took a large bite. “She bitched at me for a while about how you all were being sexist pigs. Figured she would have gotten over it by now.”
“She complained to you about it?” Jean Bart asked, tilting his head.
“Yeah, and then she managed to spill hot coffee on my crotch and ruin the inventory list for the infirmary that I’d spent hours compiling.”
The crew unanimously gave a sympathy wince.
Taking another large bite of his lunch, Law continued, “We’ll be making port in a few days—she’ll come to her senses once she’s spent some time off the ship.”
“You…you want her to leave the ship?” Bepo asked, voice raising an octave in disbelief.
“Time apart will do us some good,” he replied with a shrug, activating his Room for a moment to remove the flashlight from Shachi’s hand.
“How…how much time?”
“Well, we’re not making port any longer than necessary. If she hasn’t gotten her shit together by then, that’s her problem.”
Bepo’s heart dropped into his stomach. What did Law mean “get her shit together”? Was he talking about packing her things? Was he really kicking her out over a silly argument over spilled coffee and ruined paperwork?
“Law!” the Mink shouted, jerking to his feet so quickly his knees knocked the table. “Please reconsider!”
Dark blue eyebrows rose at the normally soft-spoken navigator’s outburst. “There’s nothing to reconsider. Ikkaku’s a big girl—I agree that the sexism she faced was unacceptable, but she’s never had a problem handling that kind of shit herself.” His face twisted into a scowl. “And considering how I only just finished redoing all the work she destroyed, my tolerance for temper tantrums is at an all-time low.”
“She offered to help you rewrite it!” Bepo argued, slapping his paws down on the table. “Is some soggy paperwork worth losing your best engineer over?” Pausing, he glanced at Malamute and Skua. “Uh, no offense. Sorry.”
“None taken,” the duo said in unison, though their jaws dropped a second later as they registered the Mink’s words. “Wait, what?!”
“What do you mean ‘losing’ Ikkaku?” Penguin snapped, grabbing him by the orange collar of his boiler suit.
Shachi grabbed the flashlight again and climbed onto the table to shine it into Bepo’s face. “Talk, bear! Is Ikkaku quitting or something?”
“Because we won’t let her!” several of the crew shouted.
“Everybody calm down!” Law snapped, his deep voice silencing the rambunctious crew. “You all acted like idiots around the Kuja—I don’t blame her for being annoyed at you. But if your petty acts of sexism could drive her off that easily, she wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes at her old job. You’re blowing everything out of proportion.”
“You’re the one who told her to leave over a spilled cup of coffee!” Bepo angrily stated, only to immediately shrink back when he realized just who he’d yelled at. “Sorry.”
“Whoa, wait, Law, did you fire her?” Penguin asked, genuinely horrified as he numbly released Bepo’s collar. Of all the things that could have been bothering Ikkaku, that hadn’t even made his list. Sure, she could be tempestuous, but that had never bothered Law before—on the contrary, Penguin had always assumed his old friend liked trading snarky barbs with.
“I didn’t—why would I—I was just pissed because she spilled hot coffee all over crotch!” Law defended, even as he inwardly cringed at the way his entire crew had turned to glare at him judgmentally. Shachi had even turned the flashlight’s intense beam on him.
“But was that worth actually firing her over?”
“I didn’t fire her! Yeah, we argued, but I never said she was fired. At most, I told her to get the fuck out of my office.”
“That’s not all you said,” Bepo mumbled, crossing his arms stubbornly.
Flinty gold eyes narrowed at the sulking Mink. It was extremely out of character for Bepo to snap at or sass anyone—least of all Law. His brow furrowed as he thought back to his fight with Ikkaku—the memory was a bit hazy due to the lack of sleep he’d gotten. “Then what exactly did I say to her? What could have possibly been so bad that it could make her think I’m firing her?”
“You said…she told me…” Bepo took a deep breath. He hated scolding his captain, but he hated the idea of Ikkaku leaving even more, especially if this really was just a big misunderstanding. “You said to her ‘if you don’t like it, leave’.”
A sour taste worse than umeboshi filled his mouth as Law realized the full implications of what he’d said and done. He clearly remembered her old boss, a scowling, greasy man who’d shouted at her when she’d argued that she deserved to be respected as the talented engineer she was and not just seen as eye-candy.
If you don’t like it, leave, he’d sneered through crooked teeth as the other mechanics sniggered. Good luck finding anyone else willing to hire an inexperienced chick, though. Law could distinctly remember the hot surge of outrage he’d felt on the woman’s behalf; in less than ten minutes, she’d managed to identify what was wrong with the Tang’s engine and exactly how to fix it. Yet because she was the sole female in the shop—because she was a little bit different—she was overlooked and scorned, with her boss refusing to check for himself.
It had reminded Law a little too much of how quickly he’d been rejected from every hospital Cora-san had taken him to, the so-called “expert” doctors refusing to believe that Amber Lead was not contagious, or even examine the white patches across his skin.
And maybe—just maybe—the way her curly hair fanned out around her shoulders and down her back reminded him just a tiny bit of a certain black, feathered jacket.
Law hadn’t even bothered to consider whether or not the woman might want to become a pirate before he’d activated his Room and cut her boss to pieces. He’d then turned to Ikkaku, whose dark eyes had been wide with shock but not fear, and told her that if she could fix his engine as easily as she claimed, she was welcome to join his crew.
Now he stood to lose her due to his own sleep-deprived stupidity.
Down in the engine room, Ikkaku lay on her back underneath the ship’s engine, tightening the bolts that secured the freshly-cleaned cooling pipes. Since her argument with Law she’d basically spent every waking hour disassembling, repairing, and reassembling every piece she could. She trusted Skua and Malamute to take good care of the sub after she was gone, but the Polar Tang deserved nothing less than a thorough inspection and tune-up as thanks for carrying her so far.
She’d give the crew their own goodbye once they reached port. She hoped they were still too blinded by the hearts in their eyes to notice she’d been avoiding them. It wasn’t out of anger anymore; instead, she was scared she’d start blubbering. Admitting that Law had decided to toss her out on her ass was humiliating and heartbreaking, and she honestly wasn’t sure how the others would react. They could just as easily stage a mutiny as shrug it off as her overreacting.
Perhaps she was freaking out over nothing—Law hadn’t even left his room since their fight. Surely if he really wanted her gone, he could have marooned her back on Amazon Lily. Then again, he was a sadistic bastard; luring her into a false sense of security, then dumping her and her belongings onto the next port they landed on wouldn’t be entirely out of character. Or maybe her years of service had earned her enough mercy that he was willing to wait until they were at an island where Ikkaku could potentially find work instead of stranding her in the Calm Belt.
Whatever it was, she had every intention of confronting him about it after dinner. If this was all just a big misunderstanding, she planned to give him a good smack upside the head. If she was really fired, she wanted at least enough time to pack her things and say her proper goodbyes.
Until then, all she could do was stay busy to pass the time and hope that the knot of anxiety that twisted in her stomach would loosen up by the time she talked to him.
She didn’t want to leave, but if Law decided she was really that expendable, there wasn’t much she could do but try to hold onto at least a shred of dignity.
Reaching over to her tool kit, Ikkaku fished out her screwdriver, silently lamenting over the sad state of her tools. She’d planned on picking up some new ones back on Sabaody, but with all the chaos that had taken place, she’d missed her chance, and she wasn’t sure she could justify the cost now that her job was in jeopardy.
The sharp click clack of heeled boots against the metal floor startled her out of her thoughts. Glancing towards the sound, she immediately knew from the spotted jeans that filled her vision that, for better or for worse, the mystery of her termination was about to be solved.
She watched as Law turned around, and she knew from the barely-audible creek of the pipes that he had chosen to lean against them. Ikkaku had yelled at him for doing that more than a few times in the past, but this time she kept her mouth shut. Most likely he’d done it to provoke such a reaction out of her, but why? To break the viscous tension that filled the room by establishing a sense of normalcy, or so he’d have another cause to fire her?
Whatever his reason, Ikkaku refused to be the first to speak. Whether he wanted to kick her out or extend the olive branch, he’d have to make the first move.
After a few minutes of silence where Law merely stood there and Ikkaku continued to tighten the bolts, he finally sighed. “Penguin tells me that you haven’t been eating dinner with the crew,” Law’s low, nonchalant voice rumbled through the pipes.
If Penguin had to tell you, that says that you haven’t been eating with them, either, she thought sourly, though opted to stay quiet. She didn’t want to turn this into an argument if he intended to apologize. And if he planned to fire her…well, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of riling her up.
Noting her unusual silence, he continued, “I understand their behavior has been…upsetting as of late. They were acting like idiots, but that’s no reason to isolate yourself.”
“Haven’t been isolating myself,” she lied, fiddling with a bolt she’d tightened ten minutes ago. “I’ve just had work to do. The Tang needed some maintenance, so I thought I’d get it done now that we weren’t being chased by Marines.”
“Sure. And the fact that Bepo’s been bringing you your meals this past week?”
“Going to the galley would have wasted time. Eating in here was more efficient, and Bepo offered.”
“Why didn’t you ask Skua and Malamute to help?”
“You doubtin’ my abilities as an engineer, Trafalgar?” she asked in a clipped tone, growing sick of tiptoeing around the point. “Whether you like it or not, I know how this ship works better than anyone. If you don’t trust me, tell them to get their asses in here and do it instead!”
There was a deep sigh from above her, and Ikkaku could easily picture the wrinkle between his eyebrows that formed when he was tired and frustrated. “Bepo told me you’re thinking of leaving.”
Ah. The moment of truth. Heart in her throat, she forced her herself to take a deep breath, ready for whatever judgement he saw fit to pass. “You’re the one who said I should if I didn’t like how I was being treated.”
“Are you?”
“Leaving or enjoying how I’m treated?”
“…I don’t want to.”
“Good.” It was subtle, but there was an unspoken “I wouldn’t have let you if you’d tried” in his tone. There was another long moment of silence before he continued, “Engineers as skilled as you are hard to come by—finding a replacement would have been a bitch. Plus, the crew would have been upset; they were practically interrogating poor Bepo about why you were avoiding them.”
“And of course you stepped in and played hero, rescuing the helpless Mink from an angry mob?” she snipped, tightening another screw. It didn’t sound like she was getting fired, so it was a little easier to let her natural sass creep back into her voice.
Law let out a faint tch above her. “I wouldn’t say ‘helpless’ considering how he then yelled at me about allegedly firing you. After that, the mob was on his side.”
A proud grin curled the corner of Ikkaku’s mouth. Who would have thought that Bepo would yell at his best friend for little old her? She’d have to come up with a nice thank you gift for her favorite shipmate. With luck, Law might actually apologize for his behavior if even Bepo was calling him out.
Of course, that might take a while, so it was best to keep busy. Reaching out her hand, Ikkaku felt around blindly for her socket wrench. She jerked slightly in surprise when she felt long fingers wrap around her hand before the tool in question was placed firmly in her palm. She pulled her arm back, only to stare wordlessly at the brand-new wrench that practically gleamed in the light.
Clumsily she slid out from under the pipes, jaw dropping as she found Law crouching beside a new, expensive, top-of-the-line tool kit. “I was saving this for your birthday but given the chance that you wouldn’t be around to receive it…” he trailed off, adjusting his hat so the brim cast a shadow over his face.
The corners of her eyes crinkled as she smiled, immediately recognizing the gift for the chrome apology that it was. Plus, it was hard to stay mad at Law when he was like this—honestly, it was so dang cute how awkward he was when forced to display actual human emotions like caring and guilt. “You bribing me to stay, Boss?”
“If that’s what it takes.”
She laughed, grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him in for a hug. “Then I accept, along with a twenty-percent bonus on my next paycheck.”
He grumbled slightly but didn’t refuse, nor did he pull away from her embrace, even if he stubbornly refused to return it. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t technically said “sorry”. Actions spoke a hell of a lot louder than words with him, anyway, and Law was practically groveling for her to stay.
When she finally let him go, Law stood up and cleared his throat before nonchalantly strolling towards the door. “Well then, since you’re not leaving, unless the engine room is actively on fire and no one but you can put it out, you’re eating with the crew tonight. They’ll formally apologize for their behavior, and they’re all going out of their way to show you how much you’re appreciated. Ermine’s preparing your favorite meal. Clione and Shachi have put together a presentation detailing exactly how stupid they’ve been while Penguin has one extolling your virtues. Malamute and Skua have volunteered to take on your cleaning duties for the next two weeks.”
“What are you going to do?” Ikkaku teased, though he could have said “nothing” and she’d be fine—she knew he’d never make the mistake of discarding her again.
Law stopped at the door and threw his trademark cocky smirk over his shoulder. “Isn’t it obvious? I’ll be standing by your side all night to make sure you can’t run off when you realize just how obnoxiously sentimental those idiots can be.”
Ikkaku’s grin fell a bit as she realized he was right—the Hearts were an infamous band of pirates led by a fiendishly dangerous captain, but when it came to their nakama, they could get downright sappy in extreme circumstances. Jude was probably preparing some hippy-dippy song. Cousteau would inevitably name some weird sea creature after her. Seiuchi would probably find a way to scatter confetti all over the galley and she’d be picking it out of her hair for days…
Getting up, she chased after her devious captain. “I don’t suppose there’s still time for me to quit and join the Kuja, is there?”
Gold eyes glinted sadistically at her as Law replied, “Nope. Welcome to Appreciation Hell. Population: you. Don’t try to run, either—I’ll Shambles your ass into the galley if I have to.”
Ikkaku punched his arm in retaliation, though she was careful not to hit him too hard—if she annoyed him too much, he’d go out of his way to rile the guys up even more. God, he’d probably propose they all get tattoos of her face or something just to make her suffer.
“You’re an absolute bastard,” she said, affection creeping into her voice despite her best efforts.
“Yes, but a bastard that appreciates his engineer,” Law replied, and out of the corner of her eye, Ikkaku could have sworn she saw the barest hint of a genuine smile flicker across his face.
Despite the knowledge that she’d be stuck with a crew of idiots and a captain who had the emotional range of a teaspoon and a truly frightening sense of humor, Ikkaku felt happier than she had in weeks as she playfully knocked her shoulder into his. “I guess that’s not so bad, then.”
The End
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araniaexumae · 5 years
Stare - chapter 8
That’s it, the final chapter of my band AU. Earlier chapters can be found here. I hope you enjoy :)
From Charming Bus Guy: hey Lily
From Charming Bus Guy: some friends of mine are playing at Hogwarts next week
From Charming Bus Guy: it’s a pub in Camden
From Charming Bus Guy:  wanna come?
Writing all necessary information before hitting send really seemed too hard for James Potter. So as usual, Lily heard her phone buzz several times and she waited until it seemed to be over before reaching for the device. She read his messages and smiled. It had been a touchy subject at first, but Lily was impatient to meet his friends. James talked about them constantly and his face lit up everytime he did. Also, they sounded like extremely funny people, and Lily wasn’t against a few pranks here and there. Meeting people that were so close to him seemed like a pretty big step. Sure, they weren’t his parents, but Sirius was more of a brother than a friend according to James. And Lily had been a little worried since Marlene had implied she didn’t know James well enough over tea last week.
From Lily: that’d be lovely. when is it exactly?
From Charming Bus Guy: friday at 8pm
From Lily: sounds great
From Charming Bus Guy: amazing!
From Charming Bus Guy: I’ll tell the boys
From Charming Bus Guy: see you then!
From Charming Bus Guy: or maybe before that
From Lily: James we see each other basically every day on the bus, so yeah, probably before that
From Charming Bus Guy: I know we do
From Charming Bus Guy: I wait for that moment all day ;)
Lily felt her whole body tense as she realized how crowded the pub was. She hadn't thought James’ friends would be this popular. He had never said the name of the band but no one was friends with celebrities in real life, were they? There was a whole line of people queuing outside the pub and Lily took a deep breath before walking towards it. She didn’t like crowds but the prospect of seeing James made it worth it. She wondered if she could call him to ask if he was already there. Before she had walked to the end of the line, she heard someone call her name.
“Hey Lils! Over there!”
She turned around and saw her friend Marlene waving to her. The blonde woman was standing right beside the door. Grateful that she wouldn’t have to wait too much, and ignoring the guilt that told her that people had been waiting longer, she walked up to her friend, marveling at the coincidence of meeting her here.
“Hey Marls, what are you doing here?”, she asked.
“I couldn’t skip the opportunity to see the M-”, Marlene suddenly coughed into her hand, “to see this band live. Are you meeting James?”
“I am. How’d you know?” Lily wondered.
Marlene smirked. “Oh, let’s call it intuition.”
They went inside the pub and Lily scanned the crowd in search of James but she couldn’t find him. She felt Marlene tug on her arm and looked back at her.
“Let’s go find something to drink. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Marlene suggested, with that look that made you believe she knew something that you didn’t.
The blonde woman squeezed her way to the bar and ordered two beers while Lily texted James to tell him she was there. Her friend came back with two glasses and handed one to Lily.
“Dorcas didn’t want to come?” the redhead asked.
“We took the tube together but she left to get some shots of the canals.”
Lily nodded. It sounded just like Dorcas to prefer photography over a band.
She was looking down at her phone to check that James still hadn’t responded when she heard his voice. But he wasn’t right next to her, that was his voice through a microphone . She looked up to see him in the middle of the stage. Of course. James loved attention so it wouldn’t surprise her if he had asked his friends to announce them.
They were four of them on stage. James was in front of the mic stand. A thin man with blond hair and a scar - that had to be Remus, then - was sitting behind drums and playing with the wands in his hands. Another with silky black hair - Sirius - was setting up a keyboard and the third one - Peter - was adjusting the bass strap on his shoulder. Despite seeing them for the first time, they looked familiar to her. She guessed it was due to how much James talked about them.
Lily noticed the exact moment James saw her in the crowd because his eyes lit up and he gripped the mic a little tighter.
“Hey everyone. Thank you so much for coming here tonight. It really means a lot to the band. I’d especially like to thank one special lady for being here tonight.” The crowd squealed and the idiot winked at her. Marlene gave her an elbow jab and wiggled her eyebrows. Lily shushed her and looked back at James. He didn’t stop looking at her as he went on:
“This woman means a lot to me and I’ve asked the boys to dedicate this first song to her.  And after taking the piss, they agreed. So let’s hear it!” People screamed excitedly and Lily rolled her eyes at him. She mouthed you’re an idiot at him from across the room and he smiled even brighter.
Instead of walking of the stage and towards her like she expected him to, James took a few steps back and picked up a guitar before walking back to the mic stand. What the hell? He was part of the band? How did she not know he was in a band?
James, Remus and Peter looked at Sirius and he nodded imperceptibly before starting to play. The intro was slow and this seemed so familiar. Why, why, WHY?
Lily was about to ask Marlene about it when it hit her.
They were the Marauders .
James was the lead singer of the freaking Marauders and she had somehow missed that fact.
How does one miss the fact that their boyfriend is the lead singer in a band?
Before she could properly freak out, James started to sing and the world seemed to stop.
The song that had always seemed too soft and mushy now seemed like a poem written just for her. James eyes’ didn’t leave hers for one second and she was pretty sure she had stopped breathing.
How does one properly function when being serenaded?
This was a completely new situation for her. But she could get used to this.
And if she already thought that James sounded good, nothing could have prepared her for the glory that was his voice when it reached the bridge. It got all low and breathy and she was so screwed.
Was it just her or had the room gotten warmer?
Lily couldn’t decide if she wanted the song to end or not. On one hand, she could have listened to him all day. On the other, singing meant that she couldn’t snog him and she really felt like snogging him right now.
And it seemed that James felt the same way because he leapt off the stage before Sirius even finished the outro and he was walking towards her.
Everyone was staring but they didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Not even Marlene who had the audacity to take her phone out and record the whole thing.
What mattered was this man and his stupid voice, and his stupid smile and god, Lily was pretty sure she loved him.
He stopped right in front of her, looking almost shy, like he hadn’t just serenaded her in front of everybody. He put his hand in his front pockets and shrugged.
“So… I guess I’m in a band. Surprise!”
Lily had no idea how to answer so she did the only logical thing to do in such a situation. She grabbed him by the collar and yanked him forward until their mouths finally met.
The cheers around them reminded them that they weren’t alone and they separated.
James smiled.
“I take it you liked the song, then?”
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fallen029 · 6 years
Baby Steps: Never Go Away
He was a brooding man. A brutish, fearful type that most would flee from, just at the sight. He was typically agitated and, even when he wasn't, was prone to outbursts and violence. His attitude was poor in nearly all situations, he hardly even was friendly towards those he would call friends and, even, at times said people would consider themselves better off with him and his sour disposition.
This was not the case for Gaia though. Not in the slightest.
She knew the man's many tempers and proneness to solitude. How much of a jerk he could be at times to others. That it was better, most of the time, to just leave the dragon alone.
She just didn't care.
Most people spying Gajeel sitting all alone in the early dusk hours of a summer night would leave him to whatever it was he was doing, out there on the back porch. Even Pantherlily and Levy found this to be the best scenario for whatever funk he'd come home with. He'd grumbled at all of them a bit before heading out there to sulk.
The sun was still setting in the sky though when Gaia decided to push through the back screen door and headed out there. The five year old had just finished her dinner and, considering her father was home from his job and not out training or something, that meant that she needed him to sing her to sleep. It was part of the deal. If he didn't want to do it then he shouldn't have come home!
He didn't even look away from his longing gaze up at the moon which had already started to show itself in the purple skies above, but at the feeling of soft hands shoving him gently in the back, he did shut his red eyes tightly.
"Ain't you got something else to do, baby?" he grumbled to her without a glance. "I'm busy."
"I ain't no liar. And I'm not gonna take well to being called one."
He got another shove, this time a bit harder. "Daddy, come sing."
This got him sometimes. She was a pro at drawing paternal responses from the man. Under another circumstance, there would have been a good chance that he'd jumped up and rushed to do whatever stupid thing it was that she wanted.
It was not the case this time, however.
"Gaia," Gajeel complained as, tilting his head back up, he only stared at the sky. "Go away."
Her face crumpled some and she thought about crying. That always did the trick. But, for some reason, instead she only moved to not shove at his back this time, but rather wrap her arms around his neck and rest against his back.
"What's wrong?" she asked softly as he didn't even reach a hand up to pat at where hers were clasped tightly around him. "Daddy?"
Grunting, Gajeel refused to answer. Gaia wasn't so easily done away with though. Not at all. While she was sweet and kind like her mother, she'd definitely inherited his stubbornness. She released her hold on the man (it wasn't no fun to hang from his neck if he wasn't running around at full speed pretending to be a dragon who she was slaying) and moved then to sit beside him on the porch. Tilting her head back, she stared up at the same sky as him, but didn't see anything of interest.
When she glanced at her father's face though, she saw a look that she couldn't quite figure out. He didn't seem angry and he didn't seem disinterested and, well, those were his two main expressions, she was a bit at a lost as to what was going on in his head at the moment.
That wasn't to say that she honestly knew for certain at any point, of course. Rather, she was just pretty good at telling when he was angry or when he couldn't care less about what was going on. Then there were the rare moments when he was actually happy and she liked those a bunch, sure, but didn't expect them too often. At the moment, it seemed like they weren't any in any of the three though and, unsure of what to do, she only continued to stare up at the sky and wait.
Her father never made her wait long.
"You know what I was doing when I was your age?" he asked as the crickets out in the yard started their chirping. "Gaia?"
She shook her head because the question, honestly, made little sense to her.
No way her father wasn't the exact age he was at that moment since the beginning of time.
No way.
"I wasn't sitting around, having other provide for me, that's for sure."
Again, his words were meaningless.
So she only said, "Oh."
Nodding his head a bit, he glanced down at her. "I was all alone. I didn't have a house or a mom or a dad or an Exceed. You get that? Didn't even have one of those, like some of those wannabes up at the hall."
"You got Lily."
"Yeah, a lot later!" Gajeel made a face as he glanced back up at the sky. "I guess the one that was supposed to be with me didn't even wanna stick around."
"What do you mean?"
"It doesn't matter," he told her then with a shrug. "I had Metalicana, anyways, eventually, and he looked out for me. He took care of me."
"That's your dragon," she said with confidence and, when he nodded his head, Gaia added, "but he went away."
"Everyone does. It's part of life."
Now she could tell what her father was experiencing. Or at least a very rudimentary version of it.
He was sad.
That one felt pretty new.
Gaia wasn't prone to sadness. In any way. She had probably the happiest life one could, being the child of mages. She enjoyed the tales of their travels, played with Lily when he was home, got to travel with her mother sometimes, and even knew other powerful mages up at her parents work.
But that didn't mean that she didn't get sad sometimes.
There were days that it just didn't make sense to her that they both had to be gone or when Gajeel informed her he'd be gone for awhile, she'd get a bit upset, because that was upsetting. The whole thing was, really. She thought that she was more than ready to go everywhere with him and basically be a mage too, but he just didn't see it that way yet, it seemed. He said in another five years, maybe, but as someone who'd just lived a full five years, this sounded outrageous and unfair.
Her sadness always went away though, eventually. Usually before her parents even returned to her. Even if it didn't though, they always would do that. Return to her. She knew that. Though anecdotal evidence didn't hold up in the courts of science, Gaia was pretty certain she'd tested all the variables and yes, no matter what, they were coming back to her eventually.
It was a foregone conclusion.
This, however, wasn't the case with her father and his dragon, she knew. Or, well, he'd told her before, all that had happened, but none of it made too much sense to her other than the fact that, while he now knew what happened to Metalicana, it had never sat too right with him and that it was a sore subject with the man.
Sometimes, when he'd be telling her stories and she'd request one about when he lived with the dragon (his adventures back then were more relatable to her), he wouldn't be as willing to give it to her. He'd skirt around the idea and talk about something else instead. Or he'd get angry and tell her that they didn't need to hear about some damn dragon when he was right there! Him! Gajeel! Forget anyone else.
She wasn't old enough to understand the relation between her father and the famed dragon, much less the baggage that was ever present in his mind when he thought of him. She just knew that when he did tell her one about the closest thing to a father he'd ever had, he seemed to really enjoy it.
He was almost...happy. Or he sounded happy.
It's part of why she liked those stories the best.
She liked when her father was happy. Not to say that him being angry or disinterested weren't beneficial at other times (he was rarely angry at her and his disinterest in what she was doing typically led to her getting away with things she wouldn't with her mother). Still, his joy, though rare, was infectious and seemed to keep everyone in the house in high spirits.
Mostly though she just loved her father and hoped that he was always happy.
"I'm here," she complained then as she patted at his arm. "And I won't go away."
Gajeel seemed to consider this after she spoke, glancing down at the girl once more. As heavy as his red eyes felt to most people though, they were pretty normal to Gaia and she only stared right back up into them innocently. She was actually a bit perturbed that he would imply that she would eventually go away or that he would and bleh.
Who would even put that thought out into the universe?
He'd been clinching his fists before, but as they stared at one another, the one closest to her fell open and Gaia moved to lay her own hand in it, so that next time be balled it up, hers would be there too. This was striking to Gajeel as some sort of symbolic sign from powers from beyond, but Gaia actually did it because she really wanted to eventually wiggle her way into his lap and thought this was a nice first step.
He gave the best snuggles, her father did.
But you had to con him into giving them out sometimes.
In the moment though, all he could do was let out a bit of a breath before smirking. Then, "Gihi," before turning to look back up at the sky.
Giggling as well, Gaia felt like she was one step closer to get her bedtime singing session...until she heard from inside the house, her mother calling out to her.
"Gaia, where did you go? You're supposed to be getting ready for bed," Levy was complaining from inside and, quickly, the little girl abandoned any sort of devious plan and just climbed right into her father's lap, hoping to hide from the woman.
"What are you doing?" he grumbled though he didn't move her. Yet. "Gaia? Levy's callin' for you so-"
"I don't wanna go," she complained as she snuggled into his chest. Then, peeking up at him from where her head was buried in his shirt, she added, "Until you sing to me."
Making a face, he finally picked her up and sat her back on her own feet. Over the sound of her whining, he said, "Go inside, to your mother. I'll be there soon. To sing to ya."
And that was enough to get her to jump up and rush off to whatever punishment her mother would dole out for going outside when she was told not to bother the man. But he didn't join her immediately. He sat out there for a bit longer, glaring up at the moon.
It was only once, from behind him, he heard the backdoor creak open once more and someone speak softly to him.
"She's waiting for you, you know," he heard his wife tell him as she stood there, not taking a step onto the porch. "She won't go to sleep until you come."
Finally, looking away from the moon, he glared down at his once more empty hands before clinching them tightly and whispering, "I know."
"You actually have someone that tolerates your guitar playing," Levy went on. "I don't think you should squander-"
"I'll be there in a second."
"Gajeel," she whispered then as he started to push up. "She just loves."
"Yeah." As he turned to face the woman, he even nodded a bit. "I know."
Full Series
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You Will Be Found: S/O Tag
The kiddos of YWBF decided to sit down together and answer a few questions about their relationships for a video. Enjoy!
(I’m going to do this in transcript form if you don’t mind. There’s just so many of them talking.)
A: Alana
B: Ben
C: Connor
E: Evan
J: Jared
K: Kaeto
L: Libby
Z: Zoe
J: This is going to be a clusterf**ck. I’m calling it now.
A: Have a little faith!
K: So how are we going to do this? In what order are we gonna go?
J: Twitter asked that we do it in chronological order, by who’s been together the longest. (to L and K) We know they love you more, but this is a group effort.
C: (accusatory) Spotlight hogs.
K: Not on purpose!
C: (doubtfully) Uh-huh.
Z: Boys, play nice. So, to make sure we and all the nice people at home are all on the same page, that’s Jared and Ben, then Lana and I, then Connor and Evan, and Kaeto and Libby last.
B: We win!
K: You hate competitions.
B: We’re still winning.
J: (to camera) Do you see why I love him?
Q: How long have you been together?
J: Two years? Two and a half?
B: Something like that, yeah. It was early 2015. Sometime in March.
A: June 3rd, 2015. 10:22 a.m. Zoe had been eighteen less than twenty-four hours.
Z: Aww, you remembered the time. And you waited until I wasn’t jailbait! Okay, Con?
C: Since what, mid-August last year?
E: Yeah, it was right before you went to rehab for the last time.
C: No mind-altering substances and no boyfriend. Double torture.
E: But worth it?
C: (fondly) Like you wouldn’t f**king believe.
Z: *gags* Are you guys done being gross?
C: For the sake of not making this video three hours long, yes.
J: Kaeto and Libby’s turn!
L: What was the question?
J: ‘How long have you been together?’
L: Not long. Since what, early September? More towards the middle? There wasn’t an exact day.
K: I wrote it down, but I can’t remember exactly right now.
Q: What was your first impression of the other?
B: “Why is he smiling like that?”
J: “He’s looking at me like I’m a weirdo but it’s f**king adorable.”
A: “Green hair? That’s someone braver than me.”
Z: “This girl is so nice. How is she friends with my brother? How am I friends with my brother?”
C: Well, fuck you, too.
E: That better not be your official answer.
C: That better not be yours.
(E and C stick their tongues out at one another)
C: But for real, the first thing I remember was like, first grade, maybe? You were always really quiet at school, but then one day your mom came to pick you up after school, and she had this Golden Retriever with her. You lit up a like a g**damn Christmas tree and barreled right into that dog. After that, I always subconsciously kept a list of things that made you happy.
E: Is it still there in your head?
C: Yep.
E: You think it’s accurate?
C: I’d bet my life on it.
E: Well, are you item number one?
C: (blushing slightly) Don’t you have your own f**king question to answer?
E: [referring to ‘first impression’ question] You were always a dark cloud over a room.
C: (sarcastically) Thanks, babe.
E: But you know how I love gloomy days!
L: You two are actually sickening. I’m going to puke.
E: It’s your turn to answer.
L: Nooo, it’s gonna make me seem bitchy.
K: My first impression of you was that you were kind of a bitch.
L: Okay, I feel less bad about it now.
K: Now I don’t wanna hear it.
J: Just spit it out!
L: My first impression of Kaeto - and I warned you that it’s not the best - was “who the fuck is still wearing a giant maroon jacket at the end of May?”
[the kids wince]
Z: Yeah, I can see how you wouldn’t want to share that one.
L: And screw you all for making me say it.
Q: When was your first kiss?
J: Like, three minutes after we established that I was not in any way joking about liking him and was dead serious when I said I wanted to date him.
B: (grinning) I have terrible self-esteem and think everyone hates me!
[Michi, laying with her head in his lap, reaches up and licks his cheek]
B: Thanks, Michi.
Z: We kissed for the first time maybe two weeks before we started dating (with air quotes) “officially” or whatever. And then it was another three weeks before we actually told anyone.
A: And by told anyone, you mean being forced to tell the truth after your roommate walked in on us making out.
Z: Yeah, she never talked to me again after I got assigned a new dorm.
A: Connor? Evan?
[they shift uncomfortably]
C: It’s really sappy and kind of personal.
E: Yeah.
J: Alright, you’re allowed to keep it vague.
E: It was like when we got together, in that it was right before Connor went into rehab, but this was literally right before.
C: (nodding) Yeah, I think that’s a good way to put it. Let’s just leave it at that; it’s a story for another video.
E: Yeah. Kaeto?
K: I know what the next question is gonna be, and it ties in with this one, so we’re gonna skip and get back to it in a bit.
L: Yay! Less talking!
Q: Who said “I love you” first.
Z: Ooh! I vote we let Kaeto and Libby go first just to settle the anticipation.
E: Zoe, we set up an order. We have to stick to it.
A: Or else society crumbles.
E: Exactly.
Z: (grumpily) I can’t believe I chose the two of you as my favorite humans.
J: Can we go now?
C: Please do.
B: It was Jared. I made him do it.
J: That’s...not far from the truth, actually. I mean, you guys all know this, but the people watching might not, so I should explain that a lot of communicating with Ben requires total bluntness and honesty. It makes you really aware of everything you say and do, as well as often forcing you to really analyze or actions. And for me, who’s socially inept and a self-centered dick, it’s been really helpful to be able to acquire this awareness.
L: Aww, Jay, I don’t think you’re a socially inept, self-centered dick.
J: (flatly) Lib, I’m telling a f**king story. And that’s literally what Asperger’s is.
[caption reading “it is and it isn’t” appears at the bottom of the screen momentarily]
J: (more light-hearted) Anyway, when I realized I was in love -
L: Awww
J: - shut the f**k up - with Ben, I kind of freaked out a little bit. It was all internal, so I did start acting weird, Ben picked up on it, worried he’d done something wrong, and then started freaking out himself.
B: (grinning) I’m crazy like that.
J: Nah. But I had to simultaneously calm him down and deal with the fact that I was scared out of my mind because I’d never told someone who wasn’t family that I loved them before. It was a big, emotional mess and I’m glad it’s over and that we’re still here.
[B nods in agreement and leans his head on J’s shoulder]
A: In the case of Zoe and I, I’m pretty sure it was actually me who said it first.
Z: Yeah, it was one of those cases where it slips out on accident over something kind of mundane. Do you remember what it was?
A: You fed my cats so I could sleep in and then brought me Ovaltine.
C: You never tell me you love me after I feed your cats.
A: That’s because you complain the whole time! Jared steals all my Ovaltine, but at least he’s nice to my cats.
C: We are not having the cat argument again right now!
E: (laughing) Hey, Connor, I just realized that not only did you say “I love you” first, but you did it right after our first kiss.
J: You two moved way too f**king fast.
Z: Give the boys a break, they were holding onto three consecutive years of romantic and sexual tension.
E: You do realize that you’re implying that even while you and I were -
Z: I knew it as soon as I said it, but I’m not gonna take it back.
E: Okay, then. Kaeto, now are you going?
K: (nods) Yeah. So, it was -
L: (interrupting) Kaeto said it first, then I proceeded to grab his face. Not even ten seconds in between and way less sappy than these two losers (points at C and E).
J: (shudders) Why do you have to say everything so bluntly?
L: Why do you have to take such issue in the way I do things?
Q: What’s your favorite trait about the other?
B: Jared puts a unique but positive perspective on everything. Except for when he doesn’t, but pure optimism is bad for the soul.
J: Definitely his butt.
[a stuffed rabbit flies from behind the camera and hits J on the head]
J: Sorry, Lily. I was kidding. But really, I’m going to go with either his smile or the way he indirectly forces me to see the world differently and think a bit more before I speak.
A: Zoe takes everything in stride, but not in a way that embraces chaos, per se. She can be met with a problem or situation that seems chaotic or plain overwhelming, but has no issue taking a step back and finding order in it. I don’t do super well with disorganization and chaos, and she’s helped me have more faith in myself when faced with it.
Z: Lots of people have pointed out that I’m basically dating Hermione, and that’s literally the greatest thing anyone could ever say to me. I was obsessed with Hermione as a kid, although I think everyone expected me to want to be like her, not date her. Whoops.
C: For me, Evan is kind of a calming presence, so I’m at ease with him around and having a stabilizing force has really been helpful as I’ve been going through recovery. He’s also very aware of others, which can be his fatal flaw when it makes him ignore himself, but I’ve found it really helpful. Oh, and he makes me go outside. I like going outside, but I need someone to force me to do it a lot of the time. It works out.
E: Connor makes me put myself first in situations where my concern is generally elsewhere. And he draws on sticky notes and leaves them all over the house, which never fails to make me smile. A walking partner is always nice, too.
C: I forgot to mention that you’re a space heater. Sleeping next to you in the winter is the best.
E: And the rest of the year?
C: Well, then it’s just you that’s the best.
Z: (pretends to gag)
L: I would like to set the record straight and inform everyone that my boyfriend has the softest freaking lips I have ever encountered in addition to the best dog on the planet. What else do you need?
K: (shrugs) I’ll take it. I don’t think I necessarily have a part of Libby that I like more than the rest, though. It’s a mix of features and traits that came together just so to make her who she is, and that’s someone I love who love me in return and makes me happy simply by being.
[L hugs K and peppers his face with kisses]
J: (stage whisper) That’s how you know they’ve been together the shortest period of time.
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itsmonkeypajamas · 7 years
I’ve had a lot of opinions about Roman and I’ve never been quite sure what my true feelings are. Until the deleted scene was released yesterday.  And then suddenly it all seemed to click. At least until October 27th when Martin Gero proves me all wrong (or technically, at least until Tuesday when we see even more deleted scenes that proves me all wrong.)
My original plan was to be a tumblr message that I would organize my thoughts, but what happened was just an epically long conversation on Twitter, so I’m just trying to change those transcripts into something more manageable to read. I’m not promising eloquence or even coherence.
 Also, @guadalajara92– enjoy.
Presentation of Roman and Story Arc and Editing
I think a lot of people didn’t know what to make of Roman, especially as the season continued. I certainly didn’t. I mean, I was afraid of him, and especially what he meant for Jane, Kurt, and the other people I loved. But there’s also the fact that Jane was attached to him, and you want to protect the people Jane cares about. He represented something very real for her.
And then when he had his memory wiped, it was almost like ‘oh this is perfect. He can turn good and fight Sandstorm with Jane.’ Except we know that it’s never that simple.
There were signs all along. Roman wasn’t as he seemed. 
And I’m grateful that they didn’t show this scene because I think this is where editing is so important.
They did give us little tiny clues throughout the back half of the season about Roman. But this, this scene with the bird was not a tiny clue. It was a big, smack you in the face clue.
That’s where I really think the brilliance of editing comes through.
I’ve been watching a LOT of shows with WAY too many deleted scenes and it’s just like, well, they cut it for time, or because this or that.  And not that I don’t doubt the importance of editing in those shows, but scenes like this help prove how it really can help shape storytelling.
If they had shown that in the show in 2.12 or 2.18 or whenever it was supposed to air… the entire perception around Roman would have shifted. Immediately.
The whole emotional component of that storyline, and really almost everything that happened in the last three episodes (minus Jeller developments) – was based upon the audience hoping, wanting, needing Roman to make the ‘right’ choice. We wanted him to forgive Jane. We wanted him to be good.
But if we had seen that scene, I really think that, at least for a portion of the audience, we would know he was already gone. That there was no hope left, and we would almost expect he would turn to Shepherd.
 Connection With Jane
He always had a connection with her.
First half of the season, he used it to try and manipulate her, get her back to Sandstorm. Even though he knew from the beginning, he still thought Remi was in there and that he could get her back.
And then the back half, Jane forced the connection. She told him that she was the only one who could understand. Telling him about how great the FBI was, while ignoring how different their situations were, especially at the beginning. And then that connection was severed.
I think that was what the deleted scene with the coin proved. He has no connection left. To anyone.
What Ifs
I’m not a huge fan of what if’s in general, but just somethings that came up in our discussion.
1.       What if Jane had been able to turn him (willingly or unwillingly) before 2.07 and when Roman found out that Jane really had betrayed Sandstorm?
2.       What if they hadn’t gotten into the fight in the car and Jane could have taken him somewhere safe (the FBI or otherwise)?
3.       What if Jane had told him the truth immediately? What if the CIA had taken him immediately?
4.       What if he was released into Jane’s custody/safe house immediately?
I’m not really sure how this would have all played out. Because the thing is the way I’m analyzing Roman’s character – it’s his personality. And I actually feel that although the specifics would be different, in general, it would still be the same. Because Roman’s personality hasn’t changed.
1.       He would have been hostile. I doubt he would have come willingly (especially now that we know they were suspicious of Jane all along), and I think he wouldn’t have said anything. Probably taken straight to the CIA or be awaiting trial.
2.       I see a slightly better ending to this, but the thing is, he still woke up with no memories and having been shot. He would have been angry and scared, and it would have been a hard transition. If he didn’t escape and didn’t kill the people at the restaurant, maybe it would have been better, but I don’t see a major shift in personality or outcome, just a different way to get there.
3.       There was no right answer about lying. If she had told him – he would have reacted just as angrily as he did when he found out. And I think he would have been sent to the CIA immediately. Pellington seemed pretty eager to hand him over (although he looked so confused when he learned what they’d done to Jane in 2.01), and basically only acquiesced because he was docile and had a connection with Jane, and really, because Kurt threatened to walk. And let’s not lie – if Roman had made ANY kind of threat or harm to Jane, Kurt wouldn’t had stood up for him. Kurt would have seen him as a threat and although he’d want to help Jane, he would stop at nothing to protect her. He maybe would have pushed for a trail instead of CIA, but, I have no doubt that it would just be immediately bye bye Roman.
3.1.       And if he had stayed somehow in contact with Jane… I don’t see them having time to rebuild their relationship. First of all there was less than a month between 2.10 and 2.21. That’s a lot of anger to get over in a month. He would have stayed in a cell and not had any of the small things that helped humanize him (no outside time, no sparring, no books). I’m almost betting the anger would have increased, but even best case, it wouldn’t have decreased enough for him to choose Jane.
4.       Maybe if he was offered the same deal as Jane this could have happened. Again, slightly better outcome, but same end result. Because in this scenario – when does Jane tell him. I don’t see him being released if he knew Jane was the result (back in December maybe I thought this was a possibility, but I don’t anymore – hindsight guys). And he still would have remembered. Maybe he would have had more good memories with Jane to help overpower some of the other, but, again, that initial anger and hatred is what I really think fueled his going with Shepherd in 2.21.
Treatment of Jane vs Roman when they first came to the FBI
Not going to spend so much time on this because I think it’s obvious to everyone involved it was different and why it was different.
Jane was (mostly) treated as a victim. Yes, at first they were a bit suspicious of her, but again, they thought she’d been tattooed without consent and her memory had been erased and she was a victim. But even still she had access and determination that no other victim would have. Even in episode 1, they basically allowed her out in the field with them just to keep her safe (she would have gone anyway, might as well allow it and protect her). She started breaking down Kurt’s walls in that initial interrogation room scene. Sandstorm knew this would happen and it worked perfectly. She was basically a member of the team in less than a week.
Roman, however, they knew exactly who he was. It was exactly the way he should have been treated and very similar to how Jane was treated once they learned the truth. You can logically say yes his memory was wiped, but the fact is, he’s still a criminal. In reality you don’t just get to say “Oh, but I’ve changed, I’m no longer the same person who murdered those people so I don’t need to go to jail.” Even if you’ve changed, you still need to stand trial and face up what you did.
In a way he got the same deal as Jane – you won’t face charges if you help bring down Sandstorm. But it was different just in simply the time and the case were different. Jane was only offered that deal when she became a double/triple agent. Roman had no such option.
It did take a longer time. He got released into Jane’s custody with a detail after 20 days. For comparison, Jane’s detail was dropped after approximately 13 days.
Basically, Roman could have never received the same treatment as Jane. It just wasn’t even an option for him.
Roman in general
He’s not a good person.
I said it.
Sociopath, psychopath, I don’t know. My major was biopsychology not abnormal psychology.
Roman’s brain acted neutrally to both happy and sad images. It is different than normal. It’s extreme anti-social or whatever Dr. Sun said.
Plus he is manipulative, which I had forgotten about until Lily mentioned it. He spent the first half of the season manipulating Jane. He’s able to read situations (think when he was out in the field in 2.15) He was able to provoke a situation to get the key fob or whatever.
He’s manipulative in the way that he’s able to read situations and find the way to get what he wants. This scenario is also seen in like CEOs, and also, Jane is too. In the exact same way. Except Jane uses it to form an emotional connection and is used for good.
And here’s the crux of my argument I think.
Roman would have turned out the same NO MATTER WHAT.
Jane’s life was changed in a good way from the ZIP. And Maybe if Roman had been given a full proper dose and same treatment, maybe he could have really erased all those tendencies. But with what he was presented with (incomplete ZIP treatment, worse transition, different therapy technique, etc), he never had a shot. Never. And he is now beyond redemption.
Yes they both grew up in the same environment. But you know what, sociopaths can also grow up in a loving WASPy home. Their upbringing did not HELP matters, but again, if Roman really does have these tendencies (which I think he does), he would still be bad even if his parents were never murdered (except maybe he would have landed more on the CEO manipulative side, hopefully).
Bunny Story
Because I’m really interested in this, and last night, I started it and then got confused about what point I was making. So mostly going to quote Lilly here.
The bunny story isn’t about killer instinct. It’s about doing what you need to do to survive and reading the situation (again, reading the situation is a start of manipulation).
Jane didn’t want to kill her bunny. Roman didn’t want to kill her bunny. But Jane knew what she needed to do to survive.
Roman, for whatever reason, couldn’t.
I’m not sure what this means for my character analysis since sociopaths usually murder pets and other animals when they are this young and Roman couldn’t.
Again, maybe it goes in line with the fact that if Roman had stayed Ian, maybe his tendencies would have been used for the ‘safe’ route. And maybe the experience in the orphanage and with Shepherd is what pushed him over the edge into the ‘bad’.
I don’t know.
 Roman’s time with the FBI and the clues we saw
I’m definitely going to forget some of the clues (rewatching just a week ago doesn’t mean I remember anything).
The fight at the diner. I place it in some ways as the same as Jane’s fight with the landlord. With one major difference. Neither could stop on their own. Jane had to be pulled away, Roman’s ended when it was over. But Jane was immediately terrified of what she had done. Roman, no. When he forked that guy, he felt nothing.
When Kat died. He felt nothing. And I don’t mean he felt nothing as in the “he was in love with her and didn’t feel sad” …
There’s a difference between feeling ‘nothing’ like Jane and Patterson did after Oscar/Borden’s deaths because of the complicated emotional state to… having to kill people in self-defense and feeling nothing.
Humans are designed to feel sad at death. Even strangers’ deaths.
Even Borden felt it when he killed the person with the nail gun in 1.20.
And then this scene proves it. He thinks nothing of taking a creature’s life. Nothing. Yes, maybe that bird was beyond saving. It probably couldn’t live. But most people would feel some pain at a life ending, and not just squash it like a bug (which yes I know is also life, but let’s not get started).
And so these lines in 2.21 proved it.
“Deep down, you knew what he was and you were scared of what he’d do when he learned the truth.”
“I saw all the signs, I just kept pushing them away.”
They were there. Jane didn’t want them to be true because she loved her brother. Kurt didn’t want them to be true because he loved Jane.
Roman and the last three episodes
Again I’m sure most of this has been discussed by people wiser than me. So just a quick overview of my thoughts.
Roman didn’t choose Shepherd in 2.21. He chose not Jane.
Just like Shepherd asking him, why did he choose Jane – because Jane wasn’t asking him to choose. But then he learned Jane had really taken away all of his choices. And then he chose Shepherd because that was what his memories were telling him was the right choice, but also, it was anger at Jane that made him choose that. If the timeline had been different, the choice would have been different.
Granted, Lily did say, well, I’d have chosen Shepherd too just to escape alive. And to be fair, I probably would have also. Sorry Pellington, I’m a coward. That’s probably why I don’t work for the FBI. I don’t think he rationally was thinking that, but it is a fact to consider.
I do think he was shooting to kill in 2.21. There is not a bit of doubt in my mind about that. He was angry and he had the target of his anger right there. Just like with the knife fight, he wasn’t half assing it. He wanted to hurt her.
I don’t care if he’s good or evil.
I want Luke to stick around. I love Luke, I love his friendship with Jaimie, I love his interactions with fans, and he seems genuinely awesome.
And so yes, I want Roman to be around because Luke being around means Roman’s around.
But in terms of the character, I don’t know. I think they could work it in either way.
It would be nice if he forgave Jane, even if he didn’t turn himself in, but he was shown watching her or something (and not in a creepy way).  I’m not sure if he could (depending on character analysis I’m not sure if he’s actually capable of remorse).
The thing is though, the writers do know how to write that storyline with him being a big bad. We already have an emotional connection with the character which makes him a lot more dimensional than most of the big bads. Like with Shepherd last season, even if we didn’t like her or her methods, there was something that we could see in her, which made her an effective antagonist.
It’s the same thing with Roman. We connect to him. And boy do I want to see what’s next.
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siiriusblxck · 7 years
I want every single one, the end.
Positive Interactions Headcanon;
☮: Favourite thing about your muse
Honestly, there’s not much Sirius doesn’t like about James. He admiresJames’ confidence and positive, upbeat attitude. He likes the way he carrieshimself, and he thinks that they make a good team with their egos and matchinglevels of intelligence. He likes the way James can turn anything into a sillyjoke, how he can make Sirius laugh even when he doesn’t want to. He likes how mothering (yes, mothering) James is tothe lot of them, how James is his saving grace, his shoulder to cry on, his everything. Sirius would be lost withoutJames, so he’s hard pressed to find something he doesn’t like… even things thatothers might find annoying, Sirius considers endearing. He’s got blinders onwhen it comes to James Potter.
☯: First impression of your muse
“This guy has great hair!” That’s literallythe first thing he thought about James “untidy hair” Potter – that his hair wasgreat. And that was the first thing that drew Sirius into wanting a friendship –is it sad? Is it cute? Survey says: both!
♠: Favourite thing to do with your muse
Sirius just likes to joke around and havea good time. He likes the down timewith James, where things aren’t so serious.He likes not having to worry about someone who’s worried about exams, or aboutwhat other people think of them. He likes to laugh and have a good time, andJames is always the guy to go to for agood time. Sirius can be 100% himself with James Potter – even if he’s showinghis ugly, secret dark side – the worst he’s gonna hear from James is: Mate, that’s fucked up. At the end ofthe day, he knows James will love him no matter what, so he takes pleasure inthe little things. Like hexing people for fun.
Ω: Favourite feature of your muse's
“He’s got these eyes… they’re lovely, really… you can’t really tell what color theyare, and they’re just so lovely. I’venever seen anyone with eyes like James’ got.” That’s what Sirius will tell you.That he thinks James has lovely eyes,but really he can’t pick a feature he likes best. He loves everything aboutJames. He thinks James is so handsome– like ridiculously so. He’s always ??? when people are all the time talkingabout Sirius being so good looking, he wants to like… Will Smith pose next toJames like, “Have you seen this wizard?”
♤: Way they apologize to your muse
Well, Sirius apologizes to everyone the same.He just says how sorry he is, with varying levels of dramatics, depending onthe events. The person he’s most likely to pull the waterworks on, though, isJames. But, mostly, Sirius just says he’s sorry and that’s that.
♣: How they hold your muses hand
Sirius boldly holds James’ hand. He’ll justrun up to him and grab his hand, he locks their fingers together (and letsJames have his thumb on top – James is odd).He smiles at James, too, and gives him a little wink as they walk with theirhands linked. He’s always been a bit of a hand-holder, though, ever since heknew that physical touch was okay. He’llhold James or Peter or Remus’ hands any time, it doesn’t have to have anything attached to it (though it usually does).
♧: How they kiss your muse
Softly. Sirius is willing to relent control toJames, lest he have some sort of crisis over his masculinity. Sirius is prettyfluid with that stuff – he’s also pretty good at reading what his partnerwants. He gives himself over to James, soft lips and gentle kisses, letting Jamestake what he wants. But, if he’s drunk, he’s a little more forceful. It’s hardto keep your desires at bay when you’ve not got much control of yourself.
♡: How they hug your muse
Tightly. Sirius is a hugger – he learntit from the best, too. James taught him how to be okay with touch, and how itcould be comforting, so now he’s gone a bit too far and hugs his friends at themost inopportune times. He holds James tightly, all the time – squeezing thelife out of him because he knows James can take it. Each hello and goodbye isprefaced with a tight, tight squeeze and a kiss to the cheek.
♥: Small way to show your muse they care
Sirius loves James so much, and he knows that James has a lot on his plate withQuidditch and all that, so… sometimes,depending on the situation (and only if James is completely unaware until theexact moment it’s due), Sirius will complete his homework assignments for him.It’s not because James isn’t capable, because he’s bloody brilliant! Butsometimes, time gets away from him. So, Sirius will do it for him as a smalltoken of his affection.
♦: What they would buy because it reminds them of your muse
Sirius is a hopeless romantic. He’d find afucking candle in a Muggle shop andbuy it for James because it vaguely smelled like him. He’d buy him a bookmarkbecause it was the same color as his favorite shirt, or an ink well because it matches your eyes. He’s so stupid sappy thatit’s almost disgusting, but people rarely get to see that side of him. Jamesoften gets owls (on the rare occasions they are not together) with random giftsthat reminded Sirius of him – anything can remind Sirius of James, as so manyof his memories involve Potter.
♢: How they share a bed with your muse
Sirius takes up very little space. He lays onhis side with his back to the wall, his head probably pressed into the crook ofJames’ neck. He likes to be close, but he doesn’t want to interfere with howJames sleeps. So, he’ll wrap an arm around James, but otherwise, he kind oflets James make the decisions about how they lay/if they cuddle, etc. He’s notfussed, so long as they’re close – and they’ve spent many a night in the samebed. If you think Sirius or James slept on the floor on Sirius’ many trips tothe Potter’s, you’re wrong.
♔: How they like to cuddle your muse
Sirius likes to lay over James, his face inJames’ neck or chest. He likes to have James’ arms around him, one leg betweenJames’ and two pillows under the other boy’s head. He’s particular with that. He likes to be pampered when he’scuddled, so he expects James to play with his hair/massage his scalp, and he’lldo what he can, rubbing James’ shoulders or pressing a knee against him in away that’s pleasurable as a way tosay “thank you”.
♛: Pet name for your muse
Ok, so everyone knows James’ Animagus codename is Prongs. Sirius calls James “Prongsy”, and he also (sometimes) calls himJamie or Jammers.
★: First thing that changes when they realize they care aboutyour muse
This is a silly question because Sirius knowsfrom the moment they meet, basically, that he cares about James. He’s wellaware of everything he feels rather quickly – he’s not the slow burn type. Heknows upon meeting someone whether or not he likes them, and he feels the intensityof his feelings rather quickly. So, nothing changed… except he became a bitmore possessive and jealous.
☆: What they miss about your muse when they're apart
The scent of James’ hair, the sight of him,his comfort. Sirius feels so alonewhen he’s not with James – no one can make him feel okay in the way that James has always been able to. He’s verycodependent on James, to the point that they basically invented Wizard facetimebecause they can’t stand to be apart from one another. So… he misses everything about James, perhaps more theemotional support he provides than anything else.
☾: What my muse says to yours when they think they're asleep
“I love you. I really love you.” Part of him thinks that James won’t return hisfeelings – or that James will want a traditional life and will up and go afterLily anyway, and he just wants James to know (whether conscious or not) that heloves him – really loves him, andalways will. No matter what.
❥: Anything else you can think of [specify]
Sirius likes to wear James’ t-shirts becausethey’re around the same height, but Sirius is slighter and he thinks they lookgood on him, particularly just in underwear. And he steals them. Because theysmell good and make him feel comfortable whenthey’re away from one another.
❧: Random affectionate headcanon
Sirius gives James hugs and kisses every nightbefore bed – whether we’re talking platonic or romantic, it doesn’t matter thesituation. He needs James to know that he cares about him and that he’s thankfulfor everything he’s done, not only for himbut for the rest of the boys, too. He thinks James deserves a little consistentkindness, and that’s the best he can come up with.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
12x10 - “Pterodactyl Screeching into the void” - Part 1
My title is borrowed from @postmodernmulticoloredcloak comment on my crazy blogging after first watching this episode earlier. I feel like it is a fitting title for how this episode made me feel. To clarify, these are very very happy pterodactyls.
Steve Yokey wrote this episode and he appears to have well and truly taken up the gap left when Robbie Thompson sadly left the show. In fact this episode to me channels the ghost of Robbie in many different ways. From the fanfiction-esque moments of poor suffering third wheel Sam, to the meta nod to Charlie Bradbury, there is much of Robbie to be found here. Basically, it was bloody perfect.
I feel like there is so much to talk about in this episode that fandom will be chewing on it for months if not years to come. Yokey has picked up the characterisations brilliantly, and seems to have an understanding of what the fandom desperately craves in terms of Castiel, his character, his personality and his development. I adored his sass in this episode. Some other writers *cough*bucklemming*cough* struggle to really capture Castiel’s sass and humour. Showing their lack of understanding of Castiel’s persona and his intelligence and instead writing him in a way that is jarring and sometimes basically stupid. Castiel is far from stupid. In this episode he was written perfectly, in a way I haven’t seen since Edlund’s time. Is that a sweeping statement? Maybe. But I’m still riding my high so let me have it this time.
This episode gave us three of my favourite things. Badass and Sassy Castiel, Overprotective grumpy husband Dean, and poor long suffering brother Sam. (baring in mind this is how they are usually written in fanfiction nowadays this is exactly my jam and I am so so happy to see it play out on screen. Seriously who sold their soul to Crowley for this episode?)
This review will also be in two parts. Because I have so freaking much to say about it.
The first part will focus on destiel, the second on everything else including Castiel’s emotional arc (as separate from destiel), his relationships with angels, angels and gender and Lily Sunder’s character.
I’m still struggling to contain my excitement over this. The episode begins with Dean feeling very pissy about what happened at the end of the last episode. Castiel killed Billy to save the Winchesters regardless of the “cosmic consequences”. Castiel stands his ground that he doesn’t regret his decision. Dean is acting like a sulking child over the whole thing. Sam is cool with it. Because Sam is cool. He is also extremely fed up with being caught in the middle of a lovers spat.
And that’s just it isn’t it? How else can you possibly read it? This is a lovers spat. I have read this in fan fiction enough times to know exactly how this story goes. Funnily enough, the episode also goes the exact way of fanfiction (except for the explicit bits of course) and that makes me love it even more..
We start with Dean grumbling about Cas’s inability to track down Kelly Kline. It’s left to Sam to bring up Cas and whether or not they have spoken yet:
Tumblr media
(gif source courtesy of @subcas)
We are 5 minutes into the episode, Sam is already so done, and I am having flashbacks to a fanfic I read recently… In fact I am pretty sure it was this one. 
No seriously read this extract pulled from this fanfic:
“Sam is witness to a lot of arguing, followed by one or both of them storming off in a huff. Long periods of excruciating silence stretch out between each altercation.  Sam never makes any move to intervene or get them to patch things up – Dean’s trying to figure out how to feel about that – but he always watches with careful concern and a raised eyebrow. Dean makes absolutely no effort to engage his brother on the topic, so he can only guess at what Sam makes of all this.
He tries to imagine what it must look like from Sam’s point of view – Dean getting irritated over nothing, sniping at Cas, fleeing without apologizing. Maybe Sam just thinks it’s all those perfectly reasonable aggravations, Cas being all up in his space and not backing off, Cas forgetting to refill the ice cube tray for the fifth time.
Then again, it’s Sam. It’s not like Dean doesn’t like Cas, or would get on his case so much even if he did, after all Cas has done for his sorry ass – even Dean’s not that much of a jerk. Sam must know that. He must know there’s something else going on. He probably understands exactly what Dean’s doing, maybe even better than Dean does himself.”
I mean COME ON. (also that is a awesome fic if you haven’t read it already… it gets pretty steamy further in the series. Cas is such a dom. Lmao.)
If we consider this entire conversation between Sam and Dean we immediately see a massive difference between their reactions to the Billy situation. Sam sees things objectively. He sees what Cas did, he knows that there could be bad consequences, but he understands that Cas did it for them, because he cared. He also respects Cas’s choice here and sticks up for him. Because Sam is not being unreasonable about his friends decision. Sam acts like a supportive friend. He gets it, it is his brother he is more fed up with.
Dean on the other hand is acting totally unreasonable. I haven’t even gotten to the conversation in the car when things start to get interesting because so far Dean is just being a jerk. Sam’s expressions tell us this straight away, before Cas even enters the scene. Why on earth would Dean act this way over a friend? He wouldn’t. It makes no sense. Just like in the fanfic I have quoted above. Something else is going on here, Dean is acting out for a completely other reason than what is apparent on first glance.
Once Cas does show up and things only get more awkward we get a brilliant moment which you can see giffed in its entirety here by @constiellation in which Sam is his poor awkward self stuck in the middle of a lovers spat that has been going on for the past week apparently. The way this moment calls back to 8x22 is completely thanks to the director Thomas J Wright knowing exactly what he is trying to show us in both episodes that poor Sam has been stuck in the middle of this domestic for years. (I should say a big thanks to @godshipsit for sending me the links to these posts since up until this point I have not been on my dash at all and therefore haven’t been gif hunting myself.)
The car scene drives home Sam’s terrible situation even further as he can’t even escape the immense *sexual* tension by moving to a different room.
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Whilst I am sure that the intense tension and poor Sammy’s discomfort has been a major focal point here, the bit that I found most interesting was this exchange about Benjamin:
“Benjamin wouldn’t call for help lightly, he wouldn’t put himself in harm’s way if he could help it.”
“Wow this Benjamin seems like he is pretty cool, like he wouldn’t make any half-cocked knee jerked choices.”
What sets Dean off here is that Castiel’s description of Benjamin talks about Benjamin not putting himself in danger. That is why Dean thinks Benjamin is a cool guy. This is what Dean is digging at. This is our first clue into Dean’s real feelings about the Billy situation. He is pissed that Cas has potentially put himself in danger.
Cas’s response only pisses Dean off more:
“Yeah you know what I like about him, he’s sarcastic but he’s thoughtful and appreciative too.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Enough that Dean almost crashes the Impala. This is practically unheard of. Cas and Dean are not on the same page at the moment. Cas thinks Dean is just being a jerk and unappreciative of his efforts, and Dean thinks that Cas is being too careless with his own life (which you can damn well talk Dean, making death deals last episode)
Then this scene gets even juicer as we get this story about Benjamin and his vessel. This is our first of three Angel/Human love stories in this episode (not including the forth and most important love story between Dean and Castiel of course).
Everything about the way Castiel describes Benjamin’s relationship with his vessel implies a romantic connection (“gave him everything, her trust, her body… its more than that, she’s not just his vessel she’s his…” “friend”.) It of course, is never explicitly said (and that is important) but I bet that the general audience picked up on THAT bit of subtext just from the way Sam said the word “friend” and isn’t that so interesting? How often has the word “friend” been used throughout the series to describe Dean and Castiel? Yet here it is being used specifically in a subtextual way to describe something completely non platonic.
Moving on to our next bit of destiel deliciousness is another moment of brotherly teasing.
The boys arrive at the diner to meet Ishim and Mirabel. Castiel’s sass is on point today with his “If I plan to do anything else stupid, I’ll let you know.”
Can I please take a moment to appreciate Sam’s face here: 
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(Gif source thanks to @godshipsit - you are a blessing Alex)
On top of that expression of absolute GOLD is this moment:
“and you’re gonna storm in riiiiiighht…. Now.” And omg Sam totally has no more fucks to give with his brothers bullshit. He can see right through Dean’s drama to how he truly feels. Dean may act pissy with Cas but the moment Cas may be in danger Dean is all like “oh HELL NO.” Five minutes. He lasted five minutes. I love overprotective embarrassing husband Dean it is MY JAM.
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 “These are my friends, my friends who don’t listen well”
*cue Dean practically sitting in Cas’s lap*
This is the best moment in the history of the show. Three grown ass huge men squeezing into a tiny diner seat. I LOVE IT. 
Ishim is such a tool, the way he speaks to Cas is awful but what is so so great is how Dean and also Sam stick up for him here. We so often seem to get Sam and Dean digging on Cas, talking him down and treating him like shit. The Winchesters are world weary and grumpy men and Cas often gets caught up in this. What we are shown here is just how defensive they get when other people try to do it. Because where the Winchester’s digging comes from a place of love, these angels nasty comments come from a place of hate. The Winchester’s won’t have it. 
Also SO MANY jokes to be had over the subtext of “no one talks to my husband like that BUT ME bitch” Oh DEAN.
Moving on to this beautiful flashback moment and our even more beautiful fem!castiel who wow what a good casting. But more on that in part 2. What I wanna talk about here is this moment:
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(gif source once again thanks to @godshipsit)
We have our second angel/human love story of the episode between Lily and Akabel, or at least what we are led to believe is an angel/human love story that resulted in the birth of a Nephilim. The truth being that Akabel has pledged himself to protect Lily from Ishim at all costs. By the end of the episode, we are actually given the impression that their love was platonic rather than romantic or sexual. Akabel’s confusion when Castiel reads out the accusations is evident of that, as is Lily’s reaction to Dean and Sam’s attempts at reasoning with her later on.
However going back to the above gifset, Akabel argues to Ishim and the angel group that “How could anyone know [humans] and not love them?” at which point the camera cuts to Castiel. This my friends, is a nifty piece of editing which Supernatural has used on many occasions to add to the growing mountain of destiel subtext. Why cut to Castiel at this point? Because Castiel is going to experience this himself later in his lifetime. (by knowing and subsequently falling in love with Dean Winchester of course).
The third angel/human love story is next and it is a worst case scenario, dark and twisted tragedy and a massive subversion of the Dean/Cas story. It explores how an angel fell ‘in love’ with a human, but that human didn’t return his affections and therefore the angel became cold and murderous and obsessed. Ishim is a horribly twisted and dark Cas mirror highlighting what Castiel’s actual weakness is. Because Castiel nowadays cares more for the Winchesters than the world itself. “cosmic consequences” mean nothing when the Winchesters (and more specifically Dean) are in danger. The difference between Castiel and Ishim is that Ishim takes his anger out directly on the woman he loves, whereas Cas would never harm Dean. He instead makes decisions which have put the world in danger. 
I mentioned this previously, but the dark foreshadowing here is rather horrible. We have a terrified Lily left powerless whilst Ishim makes her watch as he kills her child. Claiming that she “broke his heart” so he will “break hers”. This is extreme. Where Lily is our Dean mirror and Ishim is Cas, who is Lily’s daughter? Sam. We have already seen this situation play out with our boys previously. Castiel, hurt and betrayed that Dean wouldn’t stand by his side to open purgatory and stop Raphael, breaks Sam’s wall and leaves him comatose. Its not the first time that Sam has been the one to get hurt in a fight between Dean and Cas. In an episode where he has constantly been trying to play peacemaker between them, could it be that Sam gets caught in a much bigger situation that started between Dean and Castiel? That perhaps the “cosmic consequences” Billy spoke of somehow end up hurting Sam? How could such a situation harm Dean and Cas’s relationship? Leaving Cas cold and hating human’s and Dean on a revenge mission to rival Gerard Butler’s in Law Abiding Citizen? Hopefully not. But with the emphasis at the start of this episode on the lovers spat and Cas not thinking before he acts, rather acting on his emotional need to keep Dean safe, and Dean’s anger possibly also being about Cas’s supposed obsession with him putting Dean first before the world… well, its not looking good for our boys basically. But then again I did say this was worst case scenario. 
The next moment that made my heart leap thanks to the destiel of it all:
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(gif source thanks to @some-people-call-it-tragic )
This was preceded by a phone call that Dean made to Cas that only rang twice before his over protective nature kicked in and he ran back to the ‘safe house’ to go save his husband from Ishim. Leaving Sam to talk to Lily (its always Dean who goes back for Cas. Remember that.) After all the bitterness from the start of the episode, it is clear by this point that none of that matters if either of them are in danger.
“Who are you gonna believe? Your brother? Or some filthy ape?”  Ishim tries to make Cas choose him over Dean. Which is of course hilarious to anyone that has watched even just one Cas episode of the show.
“Always talking down at you, always mocking you”.
Whats great about this is how this is being said in front of Dean because Dean is getting called out here. Ishim has been nasty and rude to Cas all episode, IN FRONT OF DEAN. Through Ishim, Dean is able to see just what a jerk he has actually been. Its giving Dean the chance to think about his actions, because there is no way Dean will want to be put in the same boat as this asshole.
“Ya know Cas and I might not agree all the time, but at least he knows who his real friends are”
Look at these two badass hunting husbands forming a united front against the bad guy. Also “Friends” just like the “friends” of Benjamin and his vessel right?
Of course everything goes super bad after this and poor Cas gets beaten to shit by this absolute dick of an angel IN FRONT OF DEAN. All this crap that Ishim is coming out with is being said IN FRONT OF DEAN. Do you know why I love this so much? Because we have had crappy villains like Ishim saying this kind of shit to Cas since SEASON 9 and sometimes even earlier. Castiel has always just taken it, never said “no. You are wrong about me” and in the later seasons he has started to believe their words, adding to his depression and PTSD. He has been called weak and pathetic and expendable and a tool and every time he has been alone. We have never had Dean be there by his side to hear these words to argue against them. But that is EXACTLY what we get this episode. And it is ABOUT BLOODY TIME.
And then we get probably the most obvious moment for Destiel from the whole episode. To the point that if the general audience don’t see it now they are a bloody lost cause:
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(gif source @godshipsit AGAIN because I am Alex’s biggest fan)
SERIOUSLY THOUGH. Let;s do a nice simple logic puzzle with what we know is canon:
Metatron says Castiel’s “true weakness is revealed”
Metatron says that that his weakness is “He is in love… with humanity”.
Metatron says “You draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but it was all about saving one man”
Ishim draped himself in the flag of heaven, but it was actually all about getting revenge on one woman.
Ishim said that he was “in love” with that woman.
Ishim called that woman his “human weakness”.
Ishim says that Cas also has a “human weakness”
Ishim threatens to cut out Castiel’s “human weakness”
Ishim goes to stab Dean.
Therefore can we please, finally accept that it is CANON that Dean=humanity. That Castiel is IN LOVE WITH humanity and that therefore
Castiel is in love with Dean Winchester.
Now that we have accepted that this is canon. Lets move on to the very next scene. This:
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(gif source thanks to @codestielckles)
Now its Dean’s turn to get a choice. Blast away both angels, and Castiel will potentially die, or die himself. Of course Dean won’t do it. Dean would rather die fighting for Cas than risk Cas’s life. Ishim of course knows this to be true. “yeah, that’s what I thought” he says.
Also such an interesting shot of Cas looking at Dean in that moment because HOW MUCH does it remind you of that horrible moment from 10x22? What’s the betting that was also done intentionally? 10x22 was also directed by Thomas J Wright. This guy knows his stuff.
Thankfully Lily and Sam come in to save Dean from Ishim who really was just on a mission to kill Dean at this point probably because of his massive jealousy that Cas gets a human lover and he doesn’t.
Finally, probably the end scene we have been waiting for the past YEAR. The Winchesters actually TALKING to Cas and telling him what he NEEDS TO HEAR! I am all over this scene man I’m telling you I have been waiting for this I have been hoping and praying to Chuck for this! Dammit I am so happy about this!
“You’re not weak Cas you know that right?”
“Obviously you’ve changed, but its all been for the better.”
“And you’ve been with us every step of this long crazy thrill ride… and no matter how crazy it got, you never backed down”
“That takes real strength”
*sips Cas hater tears*
And THEN we get this beauty which sums up Dean’s attitude all episode. It kinda actually sums up Dean’s attitude throughout the whole fucking show:
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(Gif source thanks to @godshipsit again)
“I’m not mad, I’m worried.”
Exactly. Like how right at the beginning he picked on Cas after Cas mentioned Benjamin wouldn’t put himself in danger. Dean is worried about Cas. Dean is worried about his idiotic husband who cares more about saving him than he does himself and the world. Cas is blinded by his love for Dean. It is a problem and Dean ain’t happy about it. But it is all rooted in love.
And that’s it and I am exhausted!
I haven’t written so much meta on Destiel for one episode like EVER in my time in fandom. I doubt we have had an episode with THIS MUCH destiel in it since Goodbye Stranger. I can’t actually contain myself. Anyway, in summary. Destiel is canon. Destiel Exists. (Poor Jensen he must be so confused that season 12 skipped straight from episode 9 to episode 11) We have textual confirmation now (via a little bit of well applied but completely solid logic) that Castiel is in love with Dean and that Dean is an overprotective emotional mess when it comes to Cas being in danger (not that we didn’t know that already thanks to 11x18 among every other Cas-in-danger episode so far) This is undeniable.
Like I said in this episodes title. I am still pterodactyl screeching into the void about it. I don’t think I’ll stop going on about it for a long time yet.
I have more to say about this episode that is not specifically related to destiel coming up in part 2. Watch this space!
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jbmcdonald-blog · 6 years
More blog than anything, but...
I think I’ve seen tumblr used as a blog...? I had an author blog, but it’s pretty much defunct at this point. These are thinky thoughts, but lacking a blog I use on a regular basis, I might as well have my thinky thoughts here. ;)
So. In Real Life, I pay my bills by training dogs. It’s a great happenstance that I managed to be really good at two things in life: writing and dog training. It’s a small miracle that I like both and can make a living at one while still working on the other.
Again, IRL, I’m one of the only dog trainers in the SF Bay area that will work with dogs who are aggressive toward people. (I heard a rumor years ago there was another, and I think there must be one slightly farther south, but I’m not sure. My asking around hasn’t gained me much.) As it happens, I also have VERY good results. So, enough backstory so you know what’s going on: 10:30 at night, July 3rd, I was driving home and saw a collar-less old dog (I thought) wandering just about half a mile from my house. Being me, I stopped to pick him up. Only because of my heavy background in dog behavior, body language, training, and aggression, did I spot there was An Aggression Problem. By the end of this week, shuffling through clues (behavioral, factual, vet-opined, and various other ways) I now believe he was a failed fighting dog (because he’s too nice to succeed at that), around 3 years of age, badly abused as an adult but not a puppy, able to be rehabilitated, and needing lots of vet care. So the last week has been setting up a gofundme and posting everywhere asking for help (please please please do not start asking me questions and whatnot without checking the gofundme link for answers, because they’re probably there - I’ll post it in another post), working heavily with the dog to make him safe, testing him out with my amazing, awesome, wonderful dogs (I owe them several steak dinners at this point), taking him to and from the vet an hour plus away (because that vet, those techs, receptionists, etc know me in my dog training form, and will let me do things they would NEVER let anyone do -- “Hey, guys, I’m bringing in a pittie who’s afraid of people and will growl and lunge if you look at him too long. It’s cool if we don’t muzzle him, right? I promise I’ll walk you through not getting bit. 0:D” Which, in turn, helps dramatically with rehabilitating), answering questions, sending thank-yous for donations, and ever more training. Also, not sleeping well.
ALL THAT is just the backstory.
Basically, it’s like when people want me to re-train their dog who also happens to need vet care. Except I’m not getting paid, so I can’t hire done the obnoxious life stuff I now have no time for, like cleaning the house. Since Dog (Flea, actually) is also intact and has never been in a house before, this means he’s also being destructo-dog and marking, so I have to watch him like a hawk when he’s inside. This is not relaxing. To relax I put him in his crate or outside, and then deal with my guilt. >.>
ALL THIS to say, I’m basically overworked. Normally, my life is like this: 1 week per month I board dogs. Every other month or so, I board for two weeks. When I’m not boarding dogs, I try to write minimum 4 hours per week.
Right now, I have the work of boarding, without the pay, and feeling like I should write. Okay, now we get to the meat of my post.
When I’m overworked, I veg out. I don’t write well. I watch TV and play Candy Crush, and then wonder why I have a headache. It can’t be staring at screens, surely. >.> Now, this is the exact opposite of what’s good for me. I mean, this is good for me for a day to two, to unwind and relax. But after that, I do much better if I’m writing/blogging/walking dogs/being productive. Right now is my “writing time.” It’s easy enough to leave the house so I can get that done, but do I do it? Nooooo. I feel guilt over what I think I “should” be doing (working with Flea every minute of the day, except when I’m working with my own dogs because they need to know they’re not being replaced, except except when I’m actually working or cleaning the house, except except except when I’m getting my horse out), which makes me less productive instead of more so, which makes me bury myself in TV and Candy Crush, and then I stay up too late, wake up too late, drag through the day, am too tired to function except for TV and Candy Crush, feel guilt, stay up too late, wake up too late...
Healthy: Getting exercise (which, I swear to god, is a word I will NEVER BE ABLE TO SPELL). Going to bed on time. Writing if it’s writing weeks, working with dogs if it’s boarding weeks. Have some downtime, with as little screen time as possible - especially in the evenings.
The totally 100% self destructive cycle: what I am currently doing.
Today is a great example: Me: I should get up and either take Flea out to socialize, my dogs out to walk, write, or go see my pony for pony therapy. Also me: Yes, I should. Let’s play Candy Crush. Me: Wait-- that’s not-- ooooh, look, shiny. Also me: Right? You deserve this break. You’ve earned this break. Your life is haaaaaarrrrrrrd. Me: ...I got out of bed four hours ago and all I’ve done is thirty minutes of emailing and texting clients and three and a half hours of playing Candy Crush or watching Lost In Space. Or as I like to say, LOOOOOOSST IIIIIIIN SPAAAAAACE! Also me: LOOK! SHINY! Me: I really do need to get to work. This argument has been going on for an hour now. Also me: Fuck that. Me: No! Work! Look, if you just get up, you can have sugary cream with a little coffee in it. Also me: Just play until this life is over. Me: Okay, I’m all out of lives. I should-- Also me: Facebook! Let’s just check Facebook really quick! Me: I need to GET UP. Just GET UP. Then you can even sit back down. Also me: But then what will you do? Walk your dogs? You’re running out of time in the day, now. If you walk your dogs, you may not have time to write. Me: Then I’ll write. Also me: But your dogs have been cooped up, and you know Lily gets depressed if she doesn’t get out. Oh, and don’t forget you have to do Cash’s physical therapy. You missed yesterday. Me: And I only got the exercises for him two days ago... Also me: So, so far, utter failure there. Look, Candy Crush has reloaded another life... and if you just delay for five minutes, it’ll load ANOTHER life. Me: ...I should get up and do something. Also me: But what will you choose to do, therefore choosing not to do something else? Me: I’m going to get my dogs out and then go see my pony. I’ll enjoy that. Also me: So that’s the priority now? I thought you were making writing a priority? Me: Okay, so I’ll write FIRST, then-- Also me: Oh, so you’re going to run the risk that you won’t get the animals taken care of today? Shouldn’t they be your priority? Their lives, health, and happiness depend on you. They’re ALIVE. They should ALWAYS be the priority. Me: Okay, so first I’ll take Flea to the park for socializing. Then I’ll write, get the pony out, and take dogs walking when it’s cooler, this evening. Also Me: You know you often end up skipping the last thing. Are you prioritizing this new dog over your own dogs? Me: ...what? Also me: Just saying, which is more important? New dog or your dogs? Me: ...I... Also me: Or the horse? She’s in a box stall. She’s cooped up unless you get her out. Do you think she’s happy like that? Me: Okay, pony first, then-- Also me: YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE PRIORITIZING WRITING. Me: *sits down in defeat and plays Candy Crush or watches TV for the rest of the day.*
I read once, recently, in somethingorother on how to talk to people, that the second you say “Yes, but” what you’re really saying is, “No,” or “I disagree,” or “you’re wrong.” I’ve held that up whenever I want to say “Yes, but” to someone, and found that it’s not always true. But (haha), it’s definitely true for me in this situation.
Furthermore, I know that if I get up and start doing something, anything, I’ll continue doing more things, and I’ll feel better. That doesn’t help actually get me up, though. I know that if i keep sitting there, I won’t do any of it and I’ll be unhappy and the cycle will continue. That doesn’t help, either. I know that to make myself happier, I need to get up and be productive, and/or exercise, and/or eat better, etc. It doesn’t make me do it.
My dad has been in AA for most of my life. (34 years? Something like that.) He talks about his drinking days, and thinking, “Just put the glass down, you don’t need another sip,” and then taking another sip as if his arm belonged to someone else. I get that. It’s exactly how this feels, especially once the cycle starts. Normally I can help end the cycle by taking a day or two and going to my honey’s house, leaving my dogs (and even boarders) with my assistant trainer for a night or two. This time I can’t even do that, because Flea is so twitchy. He’s doing AMAZING, but a set back right now would break me and slow down his progress dramatically. I don’t feel like I can trust him with others unsupervised, yet. His signals that he needs space are just too easy to miss.
I kind of think of this as the “But” phase of the cycle, the hardest one to get out of. I need to get up/but I’m so tired. I should do something/but what should I do. I need to prioritize my dogs/but what about these other things I want to prioritize.
It’s exhausting. Meds help (for anxiety and ADD), but not always enough. The cycle just has to be broken. Easier said then done. >.> But hey! I’m blogging. That counts as writing, so one step out of the hole I’ve dug. It took me three hours from the time I decided to do it until I actually managed to do it, but I still managed in the same day. That’s something, right? RIGHT.
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