#friend moment unlocked; was going to say dad but
lqvesoph · 2 months
She’s WHOSE daughter?? || LN4
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lando norris x webber!reader
summary: After finding out who your father is, Lando needs some time for himself to think about everything. Oscar is more than willing to help make things right between you.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 5
masterlist | taglist
Part 4
dad: What’s going on with you and Lando?
You: What do you mean?
dad: Your Instagram
dad: And I saw you in the paddock together
dad: That hug looked a little too intimate for friends
You swallowed hard before turning your phone off, chosing to ignore the messages and focus on Lando who just walked back into the garage, the debrief was done.
"We gotta talk", he stated, pushing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
You nodded, wanting to follow him back up to his driver’s room when suddenly an all too familiar voice called your name.
"Y/n, don’t you think you should introduce us?", your father asked, sitting at one of the tables with Oscar’s parents. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at your father’s teasing. Lando and him knew each other, obviously they’ve seen each other quite a few times in the paddock, especially because he was Oscar’s manager.
"Y/n, sweetheart, how are you doing?", Oscar’s mum asked with a genuine smile, making a small smile appear on your face as well as you replied.
"I’m good, thank you."
Lando eyed you from the side as you stepped closer to your father.
"Dad, Lando. Lando, my dad", you dryly spoke. Lando’s eyes went from you to your dad, giving him a small smile and a nod before looking back at you. "If you excuse us but we have to go", you said, waving at Oscar’s parents and turning your back to the table.
You waited on the couch while Lando closed the door to his driver room.
"Why didn’t you tell me?", he immediately questioned, leaning against the locked door. "I never tell people about my father because it happened too often that they weren’t there for me but for him", you started, fiddling with your hands.
"Not me and I thought you would have figured that. I knew your father, I’ve met him a few times", Lando argued. "What was I supposed to say, Lando?", you raised your voice a little. "We met in Bahrain but didn’t have much contact after that until this week, I couldn’t just go like 'Oh and by the way Mark Webber is my dad'!"
"You could’ve told me", he muttered quietly. "You could’ve told me in Bahrain when I asked about how you know Daniel or at the beach when I asked about your dad’s work."
"It just never felt right", you tried to defend yourself. "Bahrain was just too early and at the beach I sort of panicked, I don’t know", you muttered, realizing you really didn’t know why you haven’t told him until now.
"I need some time", Lando said after a few moments. You nodded and watched as he unlocked the door, leaving the room and probably the track for the day.
"So, what made Lando storm out of here like that?", your dad asked when you gathered yourself and finally made your way downstairs.
"I don’t wanna walk about it", you grumbled, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Just then Oscar walked down the stairs, his eyes widened when he spotted you. "Princess, I’m sorry! I really am!", he immediately said, walking closer to you.
"I didn’t know that he didn’t know but I should have known and I’m sorry", your best friend apologized and wrapped you in a hug. "Don’t be, Oscar. It’s my fault anyway. I should’ve told him. I don’t know why I didn’t", you muttered, your voice sounding muffled from being pressed into Oscar’s shoulder.
"Still. I feel bad", he huffed, pulling back from the hug to look at you. "Where is he?"
You shrugged and looked away from Oscar. "I don’t know, probably went back to the hotel", you replied. "Mark how long do you plan on staying because I could take Y/n back to her hotel", he then turned to your father.
"Oh, I was actually just waiting for her", your dad replied, standing up from the table. "You ready?"
You nodded and turned around to Oscar’s parents, saying goodbye and telling them to meet again tomorrow at the race.
Oscar gave you another tight hug before waving at your dad and letting the two of you go.
"You ready to go as well?", Lily asked, grabbing his hand. Oscar nodded. "Yeah but I need to make a quick stop somewhere before we go home."
Just thirty minutes later, Oscar knocked on the door of one of Hilton’s hotel rooms.
"What on earth are you doing here? I thought you sleep at home", Lando muttered when he opened the door and saw his teammate standing there.
"Let me in?", Oscar just asked, lifting one eyebrow. Lando nodded silently and took a step to the side to let Oscar enter the room.
"She’s really sorry", he spoke as soon as the door had closed. Lando shut his eyes and crossed his arms. "Please, Oscar-"
"She knows she screwed up and said herself she doesn’t actually know or have reasons why she didn’t tell you", Oscar ignored his teammates protest. "She’s never been good with trusting people, so many having screwed her over just to get a chance to meet her dad-" "But I know her dad-" "And that left scars", Oscar continued. "She went into panic mode when you asked about her dad. She never likes being associated with him. She loves him to death but hates it when someone brings him up when talking about her achievements, or in general, when talking about her. She doesn’t just want to be Mark Webber’s daughter but her own person and she really really likes you!"
Lando stayed silent for a moment.
"Talk to her, please?", Oscar then quietly asked, searching for anything in Lando’s eyes that would give him some sort of confirmation.
The British driver blinked a few times, uncrossed his arms and took a deep sigh. "I will, tomorrow", he muttered, bringing a smile to Oscar’s face.
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wineauntie · 4 months
FAMILY IS FAMILY— quinn hughes x single mother!reader
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summary: when your daughter comes home from school crying, you and Quinn try to get to the bottom of it.
note: I focused so much on Quinn and your daughter’s relationship, because I think they are the cutest!
warnings: use of y/n, fem!reader, use of names: Billy, Rosie, Evie, and Ollie— change them if they’re your name, fluff, Quinn being soft as hell, nicknames like honey, sweetheart, baby, and bug. Q being dad material.
word count: 2.1k+
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Your eyes darted around the preschool as you sat on the plastic chair in the reception. You'd received a call approximately twenty-two minutes ago from your child's teacher claiming that your four year old daughter, Evie, wouldn't and couldn't stop crying. To say you had dropped everything and rushed over immediately would be an understatement. The door to your left opened, revealing Evie wailing as she clutched her teacher's hand. You leapt to your feet, bundling your little girl in your arms.
"Oh, baby," you hushed, your hand clutching her head to your shoulder. Your daughter twisted her little fists into your jumper, sniffling as you turned to the teacher. "What prompted this?" You questioned, taking deep breaths to remain calm.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Y/L/N," the teacher grimaced, "it started after playtime, she was talking with her friends one moment and crying the next. I tried to understand what had happened but she wouldn't say. I'm really sorry…"
"It's fine," you sighed, cradling Evie closely as your hand ran through her hair. "I'll sign her out and take her home for the rest of the day."
It was no less than five minutes later when you buckled Evie into her car seat, and her crying eventually calmed, leaving tear-streaked cheeks and reddened wide eyes the only evidence that she'd even been so distraught.
"Mom, is Winnie at home?" Evie croaked, her bottom lip trembling as you tightened the last strap. Your lips quirked up momentarily at the name.
Quinn Hughes— or "Winnie" as your little girl proclaimed, had been your boyfriend of two years. You'd met him when Evie was just over two years old and he'd fallen head over heels. You'd been reluctant to get yourself into a relationship, especially since a relationship wouldn't just affect your life but also your daughter's. He'd understood and had taken things slowly, not pushing or pulling you in any way. He ensured that you had full control over the pace of the relationship, having a complete comprehension of exactly what was at stake.
When you'd eventually introduced him to Evie, he had been enraptured, vowing to protect and love the both of you. Evie, who had yet been able to master the pronunciation of the letter 'Q', had been quick to fall in love with "Winnie" and practically turned to him with every problem she faced. He taught her to tie her laces and how to skate.
The latter was the moment you knew Quinn was the one for you.
You remembered as he'd crouched in front of your sweet girl and helped her lace up her skates, whispering words of encouragement with a small smile. The rest of the Canucks and their families had gathered for the family skate, and your heart had warmed at the thought that Quinn had chosen you and Evie to be a part of it.
You had watched from the sidelines as Quinn had half-carried Evie around the ice, his hands firmly under her armpits as he grinned and let her skate-clad feet skin across the ice. He was cautious as he weaved through the various Canucks and their respective families on the ice, making sure Evie was careful and remained unhurt as she giggled and chatted with Quinn the entire session.
You let out a small chuckle, returning to the present as you bowed your head before brushing your thumb over Evie's cheekbone.
"Yeah, Winnie's at home, baby…c’mon, let’s go see him.”
Once you'd unlocked the door, Evie had practically sprinted through the apartment ahead of you. You shut the door behind you and followed her trail until you arrived at the kitchen.
Evie was clutching Quinn's leg from where he’d abandoned the sandwich he was making on the counter top. He was laughing down at the girl whose arms and legs wrapped around him like a koala.
"Hey, Bug," Quinn laughed, slowly detaching the girl from his leg so that he could crouch down and be eye-to-eye with Evie. "You're home early." The girl shyly looked down at her hands, before she glanced back at you to explain. Quinn's eyes followed Evie's eyeline as his warm eyes locked with yours.
"The school called," you explained, crouching down on the other side of Evie. "This little one was crying and couldn't stop, they didn't know what to do…wouldn't tell her teacher or me why either."
"Crying?" Quinn's eyebrows furrowed together as he retrained his eyes on your daughter. Evie bit her little lip and weaved her hand into Quinn's nervously. "Why were you crying, bug?"
"'s nothing," Evie whispered, her rounded eyes welling with tears. You moved closer as Evie looked towards you before leaning closer to Quinn. "It'll make mommy sad." Quinn's lips formed an oh and glanced at you in worry.
"Evie, baby," you sighed quietly, your hand cupping her face lovingly. "Whatever happened won't make me sad."
"Pinky promise,"
You locked your finger around Evie's outstretched pinky and looked your daughter straight in the eyes.
"I promise,"
Those words were all it took for Evie to begin to cry again. You and Quinn sprung into action immediately stroking her back and hair, comforting your girl as she vibrated with sadness.
"Billy and Ollie said I'm a freak because I don't have a dad," she stammered, her speech broken with sobs. "And I tried to tell them I had a Q, but they just laughed!" Your heart broke as you made eye contact with a concerned Quinn, whose hand remained on Evie's trembling back.
"I told them that Q is just the same!" Evie now cried harder, avoiding Quinn's eyes. "But they didn't believe me, Mom, they said I was being silly! That Winnie was just a boy you clawed onto— that's what their mommies said!"
"Oh, baby girl," you soothed, pressing a kiss to Evie's hairline. You bit your lip in discontent. You knew that some of the other parents at the preschool talked about you behind your back- hell, it's not as if they were secretive over it.
You'd heard them theorise how you'd gotten Quinn in your grasp, how you'd gotten the captain of the Canucks to love you.
It was hurtful to hear, especially when you tried so hard to hide those harmful words from Evie. Seeing your fallen face, Quinn cleared his throat and shuffled closer to Evie.
"Evie," he began softly, tilting his head to try to make your daughter look at him. Evie slowly lifted her head, embarrassment flooding her face as she fidgeted with Quinn's head. "C'mon now, breathe for me…there we go." Evie gulped in some air through her sobs.
"That's it, sweetheart," Quinn spoke slowly. He waited for the girl to calm down before he continued. "Bug…firstly, you weren't being silly, and I'm sorry those boys were mean to you." He looked to you as you silently urged for him to continue.
"Secondly, you, me and your mom are a family," he continued, his voice steady and reassuring. "and we mightn't look like other families, but we are one. Families aren't all the same."
"Like how Rosie next door has two moms?" Evie murmured quietly as if unsure of her answer, she looked to Quinn and you for reassurance.
"Exactly!" Quinn smiled faintly, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind Evie's ear. The girl ducked her head with a shy grin. "What matters is what you feel here," he gently poked the spot above her heart, "not what other people may think."
Your eyes welled with tears as you watched Quinn talk so lovingly and with so much care. You watched as Evie reciprocated the affection, your heart full of warmth for the two of them.
"And just to add on," Quinn softly said, reaching your eyes once again. "I'm the one with claws in your mom and you, and I promise I'll be the best Q, for as long as you and your mom let me. No matter how many mean boys say otherwise."
Evie nodded and slowly shifted towards Quinn, falling into his as he opened his arms to hug her. You watched as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder, his hands lightly squeezing her.
Your eyes watered once more as she pulled away from him with a small, familiar smile, all semblance of tears long gone.
"Why don't you go get changed, honey?" You gently suggest, "We can have a movie day, yeah?"
Evie nodded rapidly with a sudden and wide grin. She looked between you and Quinn, giggling as she stepped towards you and wrapped her arms over your shoulders before releasing you and running towards her bedroom.
The three of you had spent the evening on the couch, all of you adorning pyjamas and hoodies, curled beneath blankets as the third animated movie played throughout the living room. Quinn sat to your left, your head resting against his chest as Evie drifted off to sleep on your lap, her hand loosely grabbing Quinn's in her restful state.
You yawned silently, your hand covering your mouth causing Quinn to glance down at the two of you. With a tender smile and a chaste kiss on your forehead, he slowly shifted to turn off the television. He carefully lifted your body off of his before bending down to face you.
"Want me to take her to her bed?" He whispered, his hand brushing your mussed hair back out of your face.
"Please," you muttered in reply, your hands smoothing circles over Evie's sleeping form. "I think my body has gone dead."
Quinn chuckled briefly before slowly removing Evie from your grip and holding her close to his chest, his hand cradled behind her head as if she were a baby once again. He carefully moved around the couch, allowing you to stretch out your body that tingled with pins and needles. With another yawn, you gradually stood to your feet and made your way down the hall towards Evie's bedroom.
You softly opened the ajar door further, your tired eyes landing on Quinn who sat on the edge of Evie's bed, tucking her under the duvet. You watched as Evie nuzzled into the comfort of her bed as Quinn ran a hand over her hair, pressing a kiss to her forehead- quite like what he had done for you only moments ago. Evie mumbled in her sleep, your heart clenching as she reached out to clasp Quinn's shirt.
"Night, Dad,"
You froze at the door, Evie's sleep-riddled words echoing around her room. Quinn's head snapped around towards you, a shocked expression plastered across his every feature. A second passed before Quinn pulled himself together and kissed her forehead again.
"Night, bug,"
He pulled away, swiftly making his way to your side as you quietly shut Evie's door. The two of you stood close together, your lip between your teeth in anxiety.
"She just called me dad," Quinn murmured, glancing towards the bedroom door.
"I know," You answered, your eyes searching his for any panic or horror. "I…how did you…do you mind it?!"
"She called me dad!" Quinn gathered you in his arms, crashing his lips to yours as he lifted you off the ground. Your hands intertwined around your neck as you reciprocated his loving kiss, your heart swelling with joy at how elated he seemed.
The room seemed to hold its breath as Quinn slowly lowered you back to the ground, his eyes never leaving yours. It was as if time had frozen, all the worries and doubts dissipating into the air. At that moment, you knew that everything was going to be alright. The love between the two of you had always been strong, but this milestone, this connection that Evie had just unknowingly solidified, felt like a beautiful blessing.
"I love you," you choked out, your voice filled with emotions that couldn't possibly be conveyed in those three simple words alone. "So much…"
"I love you too," Quinn replied, his voice filled with a sincerity. "And I love her, our little bug, more than words can explain."
The weight of his words hung in the air, as you found comfort in each other's arms, the world outside of the shared apartment fading away as you held onto one another.
As you rested your head against Quinn's chest, you could feel his heartbeat syncing with yours, a rhythmic reminder of the love that enveloped you both. The path ahead might not always be easy, but with each other by your sides, you were ready to face whatever came your way.
He is the cutest and I want to put this man in my pocket and carry him around with me <3
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golden1u5t · 1 month
you're too sweet for me | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: angst?
ꨄ summary: spencer is your dad's best friend and you're fresh out of college. what happens when he's innocently picking you up from a night out with your friends turns into a heartbreak?
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"i didn't really have that much to drink, you know." you held onto spencer's arm as he guided you out of the bar, you leaned into him when the cold, crisp air of the night hit you. "i wasn't ready to leave yet."
"well, you called me." he grumbled, moving his arm and wrapping it around your waist to help stabilize you better. he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy the feeling of his arms around you and you curled into his side.
spencer fished his car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car, letting go of you momentarily so that he could open the passenger door. you pulled his jacket from around you and sat down in the car, spencer leaning in after you and buckling you up. he knows you were more than capable of buckling yourself in so he wasn't sure why he did it for you. maybe it was an unconscious feeling of wanting to take care of you, he wasn't sure.
you could smell his cologne and whatever shampoo he used on his hair with how close he was, but he stood up straight and closed the door before you could make out the smell of it. a few seconds later he was in the driver's seat cranking up the car.
"you could've called my dad. if i didn't know any better i'd think you actually cared for me." you smile at him and turn your body towards him. you don't think you would've been so bold if you hadn't been drinking but you had the drinks to blame for anything you might be bold enough to finally say to him.
"good thing you know better." spencer let out a scoff and glanced over at you, his eyes meeting your wide and hopeful ones for a brief moment before he was focusing back on the road.
for the entirety of the drive to your apartment you talked about any and everything that came to your mind and spencer listened to you the entire time without interrupting. when you got to your complex, spencer walked you up to your apartment to make sure you got in safe.
"will you be okay for the rest of the night?" spencer asked as you pulled your key out of the lock and stepped inside your home, he was still standing in the hallway with his hands in his pockets.
"yeah, i think ill probably watch a movie or something." you set your bag down on the floor and placed your keys on one of the hooks on the wall, turning around to find him still on the outside. "you're not coming in?"
"¡ don't think that's a good idea." spencer pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. he's only been in your apartment once and that was when he was helping your dad move your furniture in. to him, going into your apartment with you alone would be crossing some line between him and your dad.
you could only roll your eyes at him. you and spencer had only really had a few real conversations since he'd became friends with your dad and every time he always acted like it was a chore to engage in conversation, like you weren't a full grown adult.
*i'm my own person, spencer, aside from being your friends daughter-oh, and not to mention a full grown adult— and i think we could really be-*
in the midst of your ranting spencer had taken a step forward, and you didn't even realize until his hands were on your face and his lips were on yours. you hadn't had time to properly react and before you had the chance to kiss back he was pulling away from you.
"that was- i was so out of line." he let out a groan as he ran his hands over his face, he took a step back so he wasn't inside your apartment anymore. your eyes were wide with confusion as you took a step closer to him but spencer quickly put his hand out in front of him to stop you from getting any closer.
"spencer, i don't think-"
"no, you're young and naive and- and so full of life, not to mention your dad is my best friend, we're polar opposites. it was wrong of me to do that and i'm sorry." spencer rushed out. you weren't able to get another word in before he was gone down the hallway.
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notjustjavierpena · 11 months
dark!joel miller dbf that comforts innocent!reader when she’s feeling lonely and sad but he can’t control himself and he coerces/manipulates her into him using her to relieve himself. pet names, condescending joel, breeding kink, the works 🫶🏼
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A/N: This might be my darkest filth to date. Thanks to anon for making me explore this side… it is definitely one of my favorite things to read, so let’s see if I’m good at writing it.
Summary: Joel, your dad’s best friend, finds you in your room crying and wants to comfort you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), dub-con, pet names, innocence kink, age gap, clit stim, dirty talk, piv sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, dad’s best friend 
Word count: 3k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48393787
When Joel enters your parents’ house, he is surprised to find the door unlocked, but with no one inside. He calls out for your father then, moments later, your mother, before realizing that no one is going to answer.
It’s only when he is about to leave again that he notices your annoyingly cute shoes by the front door. He smiles, unaware that you would be on a visit to your hometown this weekend. It also means that he can start his search for the keys to the car that he has agreed to lend over the next couple of days. 
… but they’re nowhere to be found, and the thought of you being somewhere in the house makes a manhunt seem more fun. He could ask you, he decides, yes, a very good idea. 
You wipe your tears with the back of your hand as you hear the first knock on your door. It is a frantic movement that serves no purpose except to make your face seem even redder with how much pressure you use to remove the tear streaks as well. 
“Come in,” you say nonchalantly, turning on your spinning chair to face the door with a brave face.
Joel presses down the handle and gently pushes the door open. He sticks his head inside, “Hey sweetheart, didn’t know you were home from college. I’m just tryna find the car keys. Your old man said they’d be—“
He notices your red face and his brows knit together in parental concern. He walks into your childhood bedroom and closes the door behind him, “How’s college treatin’ ya? Made any friends?”
Your bottom lip trembles a little. Joel thinks it might be the saddest and most precious thing he has ever seen, wanting to snap a picture of the pouty face you are making as you try to stop yourself from crying. 
“It’s horrible, Joel,” you confess and the tears start spilling uncontrollably, “I feel awkward. Out of place and boring—“
“Hey,” Joel immediately strides across the room, a pang in his stomach telling him to soothe you, “What’re you talking about?” 
“I feel less lonely alone in my childhood bedroom,” you let out a little laugh as you cry, but Joel just wipes a few tears from your eyes, and you help him by catching the ones threatening to drip down from your chin. It’s a nice little gesture to feel him soothe you, and you lean into the touch for just a moment to acknowledge what he is doing. 
“Kiddo,” he tuts, watches you rest your hands in your lap as he cups your face. It gives him the opportunity to slide his hand down your cheek to hold your chin with his thumb and index finger. He tips your head back to gain eye contact with you, “You’re a smart girl. Anyone would be lucky to have ya barging into their lives. Just gotta do it. No need to cry.”
“Easy for you to say. I never had to win you over,” you try to stifle the sob that’s going to spill from your throat, but it comes out in a croak anyway. 
Joel’s face softens even more. He wants to do whatever he can to make you stop crying, deciding to hold out his arms, “C’mere, kiddo.”
You get up from your seat at the desk and step into his arms, letting your forehead rest against his shoulder and your arms along your sides. He chuckles slightly, chest rumbling a little, and kisses the top of your head, “Attagirl. There, there.”
You don’t register the flip of a switch inside of him before it is too late, starting with the sniff of your hair that sets off something primal in Joel. It’s vanilla. Dumb, innocent, Girl Scout-esque vanilla. You smell like fucking vanilla, and the sweetness has him inhale deeply as he realizes that he has been holding his breath.
It makes the sweet scent fill his nostrils once again, and, unsurprisingly, has him hard within mere seconds. He pokes into your thigh, and you look down with a loud gasp and the redness in your cheeks isn’t caused by crying anymore.
“Joel,” you sound confused, unable to find a proper way to respond to the situation.
Joel makes a decision then. He lets his arms unwrap from you and reaches down to undo your jeans, fumbling only for a moment with the button until getting to the zipper. 
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widen. Even moreso when he sticks a hand in your pants. 
“Nothing, I’m just tryna make you feel better, sweetheart,” he replies, smiling softly at you, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes as they’ve darkened with lust. When he swipes his fingers over your clit, your gasp turns into a moan and you grab onto him. Joel is in heaven, “There we go. Ain’t that better?”
“We shouldn’t—“ you argue, but Joel’s fingers grind harder against your clit, and heat starts to rise between your legs. 
“Shhh, shut up for a second and let yourself enjoy this. Betcha stupid college boys can’t make you come like I will in just a moment.”
You moan a little louder, shaking your head both to answer his postulate and to tell him to stop, “But Joel… Ah.”
Joel knows he shouldn’t, but you were waltzing around in a bikini this summer, and he hates you for growing up to be such a fine young woman. He cannot stop thinking about you in the red one with high legs, barely covering your ass and sending an old dog like himself to fuck his hand in his best friend’s bathroom. He deserves this after all this time.
His fingers move back and forth between your legs, expertly closing in on your climax with each swipe and you hold onto him for dear life. Your hips buck as you come, and he can feel a slight gush on his digits as your legs start to shake. 
“Good girl,” he praises, slowing down his touches until your high passes. Only then, he retracts his hand and watches the dazed look upon your face. 
It takes a few moments before you realize what has just taken place, drunk on being touched by a handsome man. Quickly, you reach to button your pants again, but Joel lays a hand on top of your wrist. Your doe eyes nearly have him toppling over.
“Joel, we cannot do shit like that,” you whisper despite no one being there but you and him. 
“Language,” he reprimands without hesitation, “Turn around.”
You make yourself a little taller, but cannot hide the blush on your face, indicating your heart rate, “I mean it.” 
“Turn around,” he reaches under your hand and curls his fingers into the waistband of your jeans, and you respond by looking down, “S’my turn.”
“Fuck, Joel— dad’s gonna murder you,” you continue your whisper. 
“Your daddy ain’t here right now,” Joel yanks at your jeans hard to turn your around. He kicks the spinning chair to the side, so he can push you down over your childhood desk and nearly make you knock over its pink lava lamp. 
The pulsing between your legs returns. You look at him over your shoulder, curling your toes in your socks as the anticipation of what is about to happen hits you. You know that you should fight it, and you make a last effort to stop him, but it isn’t very convincing. 
“It isn’t right.”
“You don’t want to leave me hard enough for your precious daddy to see, do ya? Or do ya wanna get me in trouble?” Joel reveals what he is doing behind you when you hear the buckle of his belt. The metal hits your carpet with a clink, “Answer me so I know if you’ll fuck me over.”
“N-no, of course not, never,” you stutter, already reaching to pull your jeans down now that Joel never allowed you to button them again. Joel wants to bite down on his fist, watching the blue and pink Superman panties reveal themselves. It’s all so perfectly innocent and he is going to ruin you by putting his cock in you.
Joel knows you’re not a virgin; has seen you getting picked up by some boy with a shitty car a few times. It’s fine. It makes this easier, to just be relentless, even if he wishes that he’d been the one to show you the ropes, wondering briefly if the stupid boy has ever made you come like he will. No matter what, he is sure that no one has ever made you come that fast. 
“Was it so hard to give in?” Joel eventually asks, pushing his own jeans and then briefs down over his hips, settling them around his knees. You shake your head, mirror him by tugging at your panties, showing off your wetness by slowly pulling to reveal the way they stick to your cunt. 
“Oh fuck,” he moans, cock twitching without even having touched you. He watches the light trickle of wetness seep from your pussy, glistening right before his eyes to invite him in. It takes all his willpower not to stuff you to the brim right then and there, “That all for me?”
You look back at him again, nodding slowly with your bottom lip between your teeth. You know this isn’t right but there’s nothing that could stop you from doing this when you’re this horny, this curious to know if he’ll even fit.
“Eyes front, sweetheart. Gonna fuck you real good,” he promises, watching you obey prettily and rest your tits on the Hello Kitty computer mat. 
“Please, put it in,” you whine, spreading your legs a little.
Joel lazily grabs his cock between his thumb and forefinger, takes a step closer toward you and nudges the thick head between your folds. He steadies his heartbeat with a slow breath, exhaling heavily as he starts to enter you. Fuck, he knows this will have the capability of ruining his life forever if anyone finds out but when you whimper at his size, he knows that he is done for; nothing will ever be enough again after feeling the tight grip of your young and inexperienced cunt.
“It’s not going to fit,” you tell him with slight panic to your voice, hands coming up to grab whatever you can but only the surface is safe. You are already panting from the pulsing of your walls, body resisting him just slightly. You want to tell him that you haven’t been fucked in months, and that you’ve never been with someone his size, girth stretching your aching cunt until your body feels feverish, “I’ve never been… Please, Joel, Mr. Miller. I—“
“Fuck you calling me Mr. Miller like your cunt didn’t just squeeze down on me when you said it,” Joel growls. He moves forward without warning, bottoming out inside of you and making you keen loudly as you feel him bump into your cervix. It hurts. Your nails dig into the wood, mouth opening in a silent shout.
“You never been what? With a man?” Joel continues, the real man is implied. A soothing hand comes to rest on top of the small of your back, acknowledging the pain that he has caused for just a moment before reaching to grab your hips with both hands. 
You suck in a sharp breath, screwing your eyes shut as you wait for the first thrust. Joel pulls back only slightly then settles inside of you again with a brutal force, thinking that you might as well get used to it quickly so that there’s no rush to finish the job if your father arrives home. He does realize that this is a possibility at any given moment. It makes him jerk inside you.
After that, he starts a pace that has little consideration for you. He will take what he has wanted since the beginning of summer, thrusting harshly into you and making the desk slam against the wall until you are a moaning mess underneath him. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, especially when his dick slides over that little spot inside of you that you’ve never felt anyone be able to do before. 
“Fuck,” you gasp loudly, clenching once as the nudge inside of you sends signals to your clit. It throbs like before, ready to be touched again but you don’t dare let go of the wooden desk in case you topple off onto the floor.
“You don’t fucking swear or I’ll tell on you to your daddy,” one of his hands slide up to hold onto the back of your neck. He leans over you, goes impossibly deeper. 
“Sorry, it-it’s just…” you whine, struggling a little against his grip but eventually managing to look back at him like earlier. It causes his fingers to dig into your cheek instead of your neck, “No one’s ever—“
He can see you struggling to stop yourself from cussing again, making him smirk as he breathes raggedly into the very pink room. He holds your gaze, ignoring the family photos on the wall in front of him, “Never what?”
“Fucked me like this, ah, made me want to co— Joel, made me want to come again,” you blurt out and squeeze your eyes shut again at a particularly hard thrust. You moan loudly, now also standing on your tippy toes because Joel’s hips are so strong that he is about to lift you off the ground a little. 
The hand on your neck and cheek slips around your head, covering your mouth to stop you from swearing once again. He wishes he had time to teach you a lesson. His fingers dig into the corners of your mouth, and you fight the urge to bite down to feel just a bit of relief from the tension building up in the pits of your stomach, tugging from inside towards your touch-starved clit whenever he thrusts against your g-spot.
“If you can’t use your words properly without spitting filth,” he says firmly despite his slowly crumbling facade, balls tightening as his climax builds just like yours, “Then you don’t get to talk at all, baby girl. Gotta save whatever pieces of your daddy’s girl I can now that I know you take cock like this. My cock. Bet you want me to come inside too, huh?”
You groan and nod, salivating into Joel’s palm. It shouldn’t turn you on, but the idea of him spilling inside of you and the fear of what could come next… it sends a thrill shooting up your spine. Testing the waters, you push back into him and the noise that it pulls from the back of his throat is worth a tacky porcelain dolphin shattering on the floor. 
With the splintering of the little figurine, Joel’s hand on your mouth pushes into you harder and he eventually has you upright. You still have both palms on your desk, arms stretched to help Joel keep you from falling over again. The front of your thighs burn as the edge of the table digs into them, creating a red line across them with each forceful move of Joel’s hips. 
You say something, but it’s muffled. Yet Joel guesses right without any explanation, hand on your hip coming around your front to find your clit and using two fingers to coax your orgasm closer. You feel a fire pool between your thighs, eyes rolling back into your skull as you near the edge. 
When you come, Joel groans along with you. He feels your pussy starting to pulse around his length, each drag of your walls sending him dangling on the brink of his own little death. He speeds up, lets go of your mouth to grip the edge of the desk and slam into you. 
“Gonna fill up that sweet cunt, watch you panic when you get bred like a slut,” he says through gritted teeth, and you wail as you try to get his hand away from your over sensitive nub that he has yet to let go off. He rubs you in earnest, has you screaming as he forces another high out of you that sucks him harder into you and makes him come inside of you. 
He will never admit how turned on the idea of you being late next month has you, but he makes sure that you milk every damn drop of his release with little care of the future horror it might bring. 
That’s when the sound of a door opening and closing sounds from downstairs. It sends you into an absolute panic, pushing back into him and Joel grunting, but then pulling out of you hurriedly. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you swear despite what he has just told you, pulling up your underwear and jeans without any consideration for Joel’s come eventually making a mess of them. You should pee, wash yourself and splash cold water onto your face to cover up what you have just done but there’s no time.
Joel dresses as well beside you. He seems a little calmer, but he can feel his heart nearly beating out of his chest. This was a bad choice. A really, really bad decision from his side. He would apologize if he felt sorry though. 
Quickly, the both of you descend from the stairs and into the kitchen. Your father is there, a puzzled look on his face as he sees the two of you together. 
“Hey,” you try to sound cool and collected, “Mr. Miller just came over to borrow the car keys but we couldn’t find them.”
“Shit, was that today?” Your dad goes around the kitchen island and into the hallway. He fishes out the keys from a bowl on the side table in there, “Sorry, Joel. I coulda sworn it was tomorrow.”
“No problem,” he holds his hands up in surrender, showing no harm inflicted, “I’ll be back later tonight.”
“Here ya go.”
“Thanks,” he catches them as your dad throws them across the kitchen, “See ya later.” 
He leaves without any more words, but he also leaves you with a shame that you never thought you could feel as you feel his come slide out of you and into your panties. You don’t even hear your dad asking you the first time about what you want for dinner. 
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whrsmym1nd · 1 year
a dead man
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pairing: mcu!peter parker x stark!f!reader
warnings: smut (mdni), peter loving readers tits, making out, fingering, handjob, unprotected piv, praise
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peter and you were sneaking into your father's -tony starks- lab just because he told you not to.
"come on, let's go back...it's a bad idea."
peter said, sounding stressed.
"pete, you always back out at literally everything. like what's the worst that could possibly happen" you said as you both stepped into the lab.
when you were both inside the doors you came in closed, the other exits following.
you looked at your friend which was looking scared as ever.
"i may have forgotten about the security thing... we're gonna be trapped in here for a while, pete."
"how long of a while..?"
"like, um, till dad wakes up and unlocks the doors."
he just stared at you. he looked a bit mad but there was nothing he could do so he just sat onto the floor and petted the floor asking for you to sit with him.
you softly sat next to him and put your head on his shoulder.
"im sorry, peter."
"no, it's ok. don't worry."
"since we're gonna be stuck here for a few hours we might as well get comfy cause this is gonna be a long long night." you said as you reached back and undid your bra and took it off.
"what are you doing?!" peter whisper yelled.
"we're gonna be here for hours, pete! and this bra fucking hurts."
you threw the bra on the floor then laid down and placed your head on peter's thigh and closed your eyes, trying to relax a bit.
his cheeks started to redden and his pants tightened when he saw your nipples showing through your white tank top.
you felt his thigh flex under your head and opened your eyes to see peter staring at your tits with wide eyes and a red face.
"what? you've never seen boobs or something" you joked but peter turned his head away avoiding eye contact like he was embarrassed.
"i mean, i- no. not in real life..." he let out with a huff.
you didn't know what to say. it's was ok that he never did anything intimate with someone because you haven't too but you expected him to see boobs.
"well... wanna see mine?" you asked after a long and weird silence.
"wha- really?"
"mhm... i mean if you want to it's not a big deal."
he opened his mouth to answer but then just nodded. his face was redder than ever and he looked like he was holding his breath.
you sat up and got infront of peter. your body was close to his and you could feel heat radiating from him.
you grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it up. his mouth fell open and his eyes got wide. he looked like at your tits like they were the 8th miracle of the world.
he slightly raised his hand and asked
"c-can i?"
you just nodded to confirm his want.
both of his hands pressed against you. his cold hands against your warm body made you shiver and your nipples harden a bit more. he lightly squeezed the flesh of meat in his hands making you quietly moan. his touch got more intense and he toyed with both of your nipples between his index and thumb, which increased the volume of your moans.
"pete- fuck!"
"can i kiss you?" he asked, still looking hypnotized.
you answered by just smashing your lips against his.
it was unsteady and messy. your tongues danced together and your teeth clashed. you guys kissed like it was long awaited, like you were both waiting for this moment your whole life. your legs straddled his torso as you sat on his lap.
"i've waited so long for this." he confessed.
"there is nothing to stop you ,us, now."
he connected both of your lips again as he toyed with your shorts. he quietly asked for you to get rid of them which you gladly complied. you were left in just a pair of little panties and when he was fully dressed.
"it's not fair you take of your clothes too."
"oh! right, right, yeah."
he took of his shirt and the view infront of your eyes didn't disappoint. he was surprisingly toned and muscular. you ran your fingers over his abs and happy trial.
his pants followed. you could see his hard on pressed against his boxers which made your mouth water.
"you're just...wow, pete."
he chuckled and thanked you.
his hand found its place on your back and laid you onto the floor. he dipped his head down and wrapped his lips around your nipples and sucked and licked on them making you a whimpering mess. he pulled your panties to the side in the mean time and slipped one finger into your warmth. returning the favor, you caressed him through his boxers.
you both got impatient due to the teasing and got bolder. he was pumping two of his fingers into you and playing with your clit at the same time. and you were stroking his length, boxers long gone, sitting on top of the pile of clothes.
"pete...i need you."
he held you by your waist and pressed his chest against yours. his hand held the base of his thick cock and guided the tip against your opening. you lowered your body down, letting him fill you up inch by inch. when you finally fully sat down on his cock you were both panting.
you held onto his shoulders to support yourself as you started moving up and down. his hands were gripping your waist and helping you move.
he nipped and licked at your breasts at the same time making your knees buckle.
"you're doing so, fucking, good, baby. you feel like heaven...fuuuuck." he let out between moans.
"peter, i can't, i- it's too much!" you cried out.
his hand steadied you, making you stop moving.
"hold onto me, love." he simply said.
he started to move his hips up and down as soon as you wrap your arms around his neck. his pace was brutal and needy. he was gasping at the feeling of your wet pussy. one of his fingers came down on your clit and played with the little bud. your needy, throbbing clit finally getting attention made you scream loudly.
“you look so pretty on my dick, baby.”
he praised.
too lost in the moment you guys didn’t hear the footsteps coming closer. even peter, who has super sense, didn’t hear anything due to the pleasure he was receiving.
the door of the lab made a loud sound, making both of your heads turn to look at the door. when peter saw your dad and a few other teammates standing there with wide eyes. he quickly covered up your body with his.
your dad took a deep breath and said
“peter…you’re a dead man.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 2- Explanations
Series masterlist
Warnings: daddy issues, drinking, readers more empathic than I’ll ever be, some angst, this is long so grab ur popcorn!
Summary- you finally listen to your boyfriend’s explanation of why what happened, happened. You feel for him, understand his actions. you begin to realize it’s him or your brother.
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You glanced at your phone screen and back at your dad on the couch. Was it a good idea leaving him right now? He sat there, switching through the tv channels, mumbling to himself.
He had been drowning himself in his beer ever since Jj came. He hasn’t come back since, you haven’t seen him or heard from him since you dropped him off at his friends house after he had begged to be.
He shouted angrily at you, threw things, and yet it was always you taking care of him at the end of the day.
It was always you tucking him into bed like he was a fucking kid.
“coming in a second,” You typed back. Rafe had been begging for you to come over so he could explain- even going as far as to coming to the house, while you weren’t there.
“Hey, dad, I’m gonna go out for a bit. You gonna be okay?” You asked him, looking up from your phone.
“Where you goin’?”
“My boyfriends.”
“Was that the uh…” he took a sip, pausing before speaking. “Boy that came the other day?”
“Yeah. Rafe.”
“Rafe? Like Rafe Cameron? You,” he laughed as if if it was the funniest thing in the world. “Y/n Maybank, who is 19 and still living with her dad, are dating a kook from figure 8?”
“Yes, dad. Not everything’s about money. Are you gonna be okay here?”
He shook his head to himself, before standing up, slamming his fist onto the table next to him. You flinched at the sound.
“I’m not a fucking kid, y/n. You don’t have to watch over me like I am.”
“Your PO-“ you tried. His mood had changed drastically.
“I don’t give a shit about what my PO says.” He interrupted, downing the rest of his drink and throwing it onto the ground, shattering underneath him.
Your lip trembled as you looked at him. “Okay. I’m sorry. I’m gonna…” you took a deep breath, standing up. “I’m gonna go, dad. Be careful.” You mumbled to him, slamming the door and starting your car.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you sent him “on my way”
“Hey, wheezie. Where’s your brother?” You asked her when she opened the door.
“Hi, y/n. He’s in his room. He’s in one of his moods. You okay?” She asked, noticing your state. Your eyes were red and your face was puffy, you reeked heavily of beer and weed, from your dad.
“I’m fine, thank you.” You told her when she opened the door, and walked to his room. She knocked on his door.
“Go away, wheezie.” He said agitatedly, getting a line ready on his desk.
“Y/n’s here.” She said. You could hear him getting up from the bed, putting things away before he unlocked his door.
“Hi.” He sniffed, looking at you. Wheezie rolled her eyes and left, closing her door.
He opened up his door and motioned for you to come in. He locked it again and you stood in front of him.
It was silent, the both of you staring at each other. He leaned against his desk now, running a hand through his hair.
“You wanted to explain what happened, so… explain.” You spoke first.
He sighed, biting the inside of his cheek before speaking.
“I heard that dad wanted to take Sarah to the Bahamas for some business trip. And what the fuck did Sarah know about business? Nothing. She was running around with the fuckin’…” he stopped his talking for a moment, remembering your brother.
“It doesn’t matter. I was at the tarmac, and I didn’t think… I didn’t think anything like that would happen.”
“Sheriff peterkin told my dad to get on the ground.” He relived the moments in his head, each agonizing moment. “She put a gun to his head and began to arrest him. I couldn’t just.. I couldn’t just watch him get fuckin’ arrested.”
“What was he getting arrested for?” You asked him quietly.
He shook his head. He didn’t want to say.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, the tension in the room thick.
“Rafe…” you began.
“I didn’t wanna do it.” He mumbled, his voice a croak now. He held his face in his hands, shakily breathing out.
You walked closer to him, he just looked the other way as you gave him a hug, something he had not expected.
He began to stutter out, but you stopped him.
“Sh, sh, sh. It’s fine. You’re fine.” You told him, he cried onto you, your shirt getting soaked.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, clearing his throat and wiping the tears from his eyes, pulling away from you now.
One thing about rafe is he never cried. At least not in front of people. He hated to feel vulnerable.
“I just wanted him to… I just wanted him to pay attention to me for once, you know?” He pointed to himself. “Everything’s about fuckin’ Sarah, forget me and Wheezie.” He motioned to the door on the other side.
“I get it.” You did get it, knowing exactly how he felt. He felt bad for his actions. You could tell.
“Sorry. Thank you. For…” he sniffled and cleared his throat again. “For listening.”
“How’ve you been…?” He asked, not having seen you in a little.
“I’ve been… okay. I guess. Jj hasn’t come back since he stole the boat, but then he got in trouble with the sbi for helping his friend escape or something, then the phantom drowned and shit.”
“So… that was fun explaining to my dad.” You took a deep breath. He’s been… angrier since then. Feel like it’s my fault, kind of.”
“It’s not your fault.” He quickly spoke, a frown on his face as he listened.
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
He picked up a cup from his desk, offering it to you.
You shook your head and a small smile on your face. “I think you need it more than me.”
“Shit, I think we both need it.” He chuckled, pouring the liquid down his throat and putting it down onto the table.
“You can stay here. If you want.” He offered once it became silent.
“Oh. No. It’s- I don’t have any clothes or anything, so… I wouldn’t wanna interrupt…”
“Just borrow some of mine. You’re not interrupting anything.”
“Are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have offered it. You should go take a shower.” He told you.
“Yeah.” You glanced down at yourself. He went to his closet, grabbed a towel and rummaged through his drawers for clothes.
You stood behind him, he handed you a stack of his clothes and you gave him a small smile.
“Thank you, rafe.”
“Of course.” Was all he said, he directed you to where the bathroom was and you entered it.
Jesus Christ, this bathroom is fucking huge. You thought, looking around. How the hell did this shower even work?
You turned on the shower, getting rid of your clothes and letting the droplets fall onto your skin with a sigh.
Once you got out, you changed into his clothes. Leaving the bathroom, you grabbed your stuff and dried off your hair when someone walked by.
He looked at you, stopping for a moment.
“Who are you?”
“Hi, sir. Sorry.” You quickly turned to him. You told him your name and held out your hand for him to shake.
Rafe came out from his room, his eyes landing on the both of you.
“She’s my uh… my girlfriend. She’s staying the night.” He swallowed. Hesitating because he wasn’t sure how his dad would react.
Ward furrowed his eyebrows at that.
“Nice to meet you.” He said, giving you a small nod and smile.
Ward eyed Rafe, who just rolled his eyes at his dad and led you back into his room.
“Sorry. About him.”
“It’s fine.”
“I guess I should tell you… I have to go to uh… peterkins funeral tomorrow. I don’t know if you wanna go or…” he took a deep breath.
“I’ll go.”
“Okay.” He nodded. Inside, he was just glad to have some sort of emotional support there. Knowing his dad wouldn’t be helpful.
The drive to the funeral was silent. You greeted and introduced yourself to Rose, who seemed to like you a bit more than Ward did.
You noticed Rafe’s distant eyes, putting a hand on his shoulder and just leaning against him was enough to ground him.
“I should really get going.” You mumbled, his lips were on your neck and you were laying against the bed.
“Why?” He mumbled against your skin, his hands wrapped around you.
“My dad. I can’t leave him alone this long.”
He nodded. “Right. Right. Of course. Sorry.” He said, running a hand through his hair, getting off you.
“Thank you for letting me stay again.”
“Text me anytime you need to, okay?”
You nodded, standing up and gathering your clothes now.
He stood up too, leading you downstairs and to the door. He cupped your face, smashing his lips against yours before you left, wrapping his arms around you.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?”
When you began to drove home, you noticed two familiar figures.
“Okay, I’m not sure, but I think they can see us from there.”
“Who cares? Should be glad I’m not setting the house on fire.” Kiara replied, turning to Pope and continuing her movements.
“Can you hurry up?”
“Look, doesn’t it piss you off? Even a little?!”
“Of course it pisses me off: I’m just-“ he paused. “I’m just trying to channel my rage into different vectors right now.”
“Oh, okay.” She stepped back, looking at her work she had done on the wall. “Not bad.”
“Hey, I think somebody’s up there.” Pope said, looking over the wall.
“Shit. It’s Rafe.”
“Look, we know what you did!” Kiara shouted to him.
“Hey, no.” He covered her mouth and began to pull her away.
“No, now is not the time. Are you serious?” They began to run when you pulled up to them.
“Kiara? Pope?”
“Y/n?” They both said in unison.
“What the hell are you two doing?” You motioned to the wall.
“What are you doing here?” Pope asked you.
They both hopped into your car without you saying anything.
“Oh, great, yeah, just hop into my fucking car why don’t you? I’m not a damn Uber.”
“Can you please just drive us somewhere?” Pope asked.
You sighed and shook your head to yourself.
“No. I can’t. I gotta go back home.”
“Please, y/n?”
Fuck. Being pulled into their stupid shit, again. You groaned, and began to drive to where they told you to.
Once you got there, they both thanked you multiple times and hopped in their boat.
“Hey, do you know where Jj is?” You shouted.
“He got a new job. That one place on figure eight, island sun.”
“Thank you.” You told them. Your dad would be fine for a few more minutes, you thought. But you had to figure out something with Jj, at least check up on him.
So, you put it into your phone and began driving to the restaurant.
You walked in on Jj having some sort of speech. You stood, frozen in your spot.
“My best friend, John B, did not kill Sheriff Peterkin! Rafe Cameron killed and shot the sheriff in cold blood!”
You swallowed as you listened. He wasn’t wrong. And that was the worst part.
He wasn’t wrong and yet you still felt for Rafe, you understood what he was going through and what he thought.
But he was still a murderer. A murderer who helped you in your darkest times, a murderer who you met while doing some stupid job as a teenager.
How was he going to react when he realized you’ve been dating him for months?
Kelce scoffed.
“That’s what happened.”
“Is that so hard to believe, Kelc?”
“It is actually hard for me to believe, because you know, it’s always…” he stood up from his chair. “The kooks fault. It’s never the pogues fault.”
Jesus Christ, this stupid shit. It was stupid, the whole pogues vs kooks thing. You never understood or cared for it.
Jj poured water onto Kelce, and Kelce threw his hands at Jj.
You stepped in now, grabbing Jj and pulling him away while Topper grabbed Kelce.
“Get off me!” He shoved you, the two broke up finally.
“It’s not the time, man.”
“Jj.” His boss called.
“Yeah, I know Raz. I’m fired.” He threw off his apron, you followed behind Jj, grabbing his shoulder.
“What the fuck was that?!” You asked him. He whipped around to meet your eyes.
“I cant stand there and fuckin’ listen to their bullshit! That’s my fucking friend they’re talking about, y/n. That’s my friend.” He motioned to them.
“I get it, J. I do, but you can’t keep doing this. You’re already on probation-“
“I don’t care, y/n. I don’t care anymore.” He hopped on his dirt bike. You called his name, he drove straight into the flowers, destroying it.
“Jj- please!” You shouted, he just drove off, flicking them off.
He sounded just like your dad.
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elly-grace · 18 days
The best day
Pairing Joe Burrow x reader
Thank you @funnyjb for proof reading
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You and Joe stood in the Hotel bathroom getting ready for the NFL honors. Joe was in the running for NFL MVP. He was extremely excited to even be considered for it. The Bengals had a great run this season going 15-2, and they are playing in the superbowl on Sunday!
You knew eventually you'd have to wake your daughter up. But as for now you were enjoying alone time with your husband, even if he was blaring his Kid Cudi. You didn’t have anything against Kid Cudi’s music but it wasn’t what you’d choose. You were trying to listen to Taylor Swift while curling your hair, key word trying. You sighed, setting down the curling iron and turned to face Joe.
“Babe, can you turn your music down, please?”
“But, the music is so good!” He whined out in a joking manner.
“So is my Taylor Swift, but I’m not blaring it.”
He dramatically sighed and turned his music down.
“I have something to tell you.”
After you said that, you heard the bathroom door open. You see Brianna scuttle in the bathroom. You looked towards Joe giving him a small smile then mouthing ‘I’ll tell you later’.
Brianna was a mini you, she had your hair color, facial structure and if you asked Joe she also got your attitude. The only thing she got from Joe were her bright blue eyes.
You felt a pull at your dress and picked up the five year old.
“Yes my love what’s up?”
“You look so pretty!” She says while looking at you. She then turns to Joe, “and daddy, nice music dude.” She said sarcasm laced her voice. She definitely got the sarcasm from you, which was part of the reason Joe says she adapted your attitude. You tried to stop the laugh from coming, but you couldn’t. Joe gave you a look which was his way of saying, ‘come on be more mature’. But even he couldn’t stifle the laugh that left his throat.
“I’m going to go get her ready, please turn off the iron for me.”
You said then put Brianna down, she then ran back into the other room. As you were following her Joe grabbed your arm and pulled your back into his chest. Placing his lips on your ear.
“I do agree with Bri that you look incredibly pretty. It makes me think about making baby number two.”
He whispered into your ear, his voice sounded husky. You let out a soft moan at how he was making you feel and Joe definitely caught it. He turned you to look at him, a huge smirk plastered on his face. He knew what he was doing, he was trying to turn you on. He was seceding.
“Joe, that’s what I wanted to tell you. I’m already carrying baby number two.”
All the lust he was feeling moments prior was gone. Now he stood in front of you, his face lit up like a child’s face on Christmas. He hugged you tight then picked you up and spun you around. Once your feet we’re back on solid ground he gives you a long passionate kiss.
“When did you find out?”
“This morning, when I didn’t get my period two days ago I thought it was just going to be late. But when it didn’t come this morning I decided to just take a test. I was shocked to see that it was positive. I know we weren’t trying.”
“Oh my god baby I’m so happy!”
He gave you a peck although you could still feel the passion behind it. As you were going in for another quick peck there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
Joe yells from the bathroom.
Joe sighed. Of course it would be his best friend ruining this moment. Joe felt like alone time with you was impossible.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
He yelled, although he knew as soon as Brianna heard Ja’marrs voice she’d be already unlocking the door. Brianna loved Ja’marr, he really was her bonus uncle. When you and Joe walked out of the bathroom you saw Ja’marr sitting on the couch. He was in a conversation with Bri, which quickly turned into him tickling her.
You looked between Joe and Ja’marr sensing they needed some bro time. You quickly jumped to action grabbing your five year olds hand.
“Hey Bri, let's give your dad and Uncle Ja’marr some guy time.”
“I want to be by uncle Marr though!”
Brianna started to throw a tantrum. Which all three of you went to shut down. But Ja’marr beat you and Joe to it.
“Hey bean, you can hang out with me later after we’re all done getting ready. But you have to get ready, you can’t show up to the NFL honors in your pajamas.”
You and Joe look at each other with pure happiness. You were so lucky that Ja’marr was in your lives. Not only was he Joe's best friend but he became one of your close friends, and he’s great with your daughter.
After hearing Ja’marrs words Brianna quickly jumped off the couch and ran to the bathroom with you to get ready.
Once you and Brianna were in the bathroom Ja’marr started talking with Joe.
“Joe your the favorite for MVP”
“I know but if I’m being honest, I don’t need the award. Today has already been amazing. I got to spend l mostly uninterrupted time with my wife, and you want to know the best part? I found out I’m going to be a dad again.”
“Oh my god, Y/n’s pregnant?”
The smile on Joe's face was large, almost like a cheshire cat grin.
“I can’t believe you were able to wait four years. I thought you guys would be pregnant right away, with the way you two are. But I am so happy for you two!”
“Thanks man! Also it was kinda hard to be active with a little kid running around 24/7.”
Ja’marr laughed.
“We're going to be offensive player of the year and MVP. I'm calling it right now Joe!”
With that he walked out of the room, and went to finish getting ready himself.
Joe walks into the bathroom where you and Brianna were finishing getting ready. He stares at you causing heat to rise to your cheeks and butterflies to erupt in your stomach. You may have been married for almost five years but everytime he stares at you the same thing happens.
“How are my beautiful girls doing?”
“Good! Mommys music is way better than yours daddy!”
This caused both you and Joe to laugh.
“Oh is that so? You like Taylor Swift more than Kid Cudi?”
Brianna nods her head and stares at Joe waiting for his response. He knew Brianna loved Taylor Swift, she knew every song.
“Okay, Y/N I think we need a son. I’m out numbered. It’s not fair.”
Joe spoke acting like a four year old, which in response you patted his back.
“You love being a girl dad, don’t even lie.”
He sighed, you smiled knowing you were right. Joe loved being a girl dad.
“Now don’t go revealing my secrets! You two look beautiful, are you guys completely ready?”
“Yeah almost, I just have to put my shoes on.”
Joe went and grabbed your shoes and told you to sit.
“Here let me”
He put your shoes on for you. You thank him with a kiss.
After the three of you were ready you went to Ja’marrs room and all got into the car that was sent for you. Joe and Ja’marr requested to listen to Kid Cudi, which did not shock you at all. Once you get to the event, you and Brianna walk inside to your seats and wait for Joe to finish walking the nfl honors carpet.
The night went on as the nfl honors were being announced then finally it was OPTY. Which Ja’marr won! Then it was MVP. This was the moment that had Joe nervous, he was up against Lamarr, Patrick Mahomes, and Jalen, which was some tough competition. As they announced it you could see Joe started to shake slightly, but then they said his name. Joe just won MVP! This was the best day of his life. He looked at you as he received the award.
His speech was short and to the point making sure he thanked everyone who made it possible for him to revive this award. Coach Taylor, Ja’marr and his other receivers, his O-line, and then most importantly You and Brianna.
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differenteagletragedy · 2 months
Another thing about 40-year-old Cove (take me away, horny police, this is a confession) ...
You've been together at least like 15 years at this point, probably more, so he knows exactly what you like. He can read you like a book in every sense -- a consent king, to be sure, but he also knows you so well that sometimes, he's just going to throw you over his shoulder or push you down against the table and take care of business.
Ok ok so you go to the beach one weekend, the old one back in Sunset Bird -- your favorite! There are some guys there, maybe they get a little flirty with you. You're not interested, of course, not when you have your gorgeous soulmate love of your life husband, but you get a fun little idea. You glance at Cove, maybe toss him a little wink, then turn up the charm to the flirty boys. You could twirl your hair a little, give out some coy giggles, a hand on one of their shoulders if you're feeling particularly bold.
After a little bit, you feel Cove's hand slip into yours. Or, well, that's a tender way of putting it -- he grabs your hand firmly and gives you a look. You know what's coming, it's what you were aiming for, so you politely excuse yourself from your admirers. But instead of him taking you to the car and driving you home, or even having a quick makeout there, he walks straight past the car and towards his father's house.
"What are we doing?" you ask. "Your dad's car isn't here, he's not --"
"We're not here for a visit," he interrupts, his voice a bit lower than usual, and not nearly as soft.
Cove used to be shy and reserved when it came to physical shows of his love, but you'd never know it to look at the man before you now. Keeping your hand in his, he pulls his keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, then all but shoves you inside. He would never be rough with you, but you couldn't exactly call this gentle, either.
He knows you, so he knows what you were doing, that you were trying to get a rise out of him. "Take off your swimsuit," he tells you, closing the door behind him with one hand while his other hand goes to the drawstring on his trunks.
"Make me," you answer.
He makes a noise at that, something between a moan and a growl, and his long legs bring him to you in a split second. He usually always has a tender smile for you during moments like these, when you're about to make love, but he doesn't now, which makes sense, because you know this isn't going to be a tender moment. It's going to be rough and raw and passionate and hard and he's got you stripped naked before you can finish the thought.
He yanks his trunks down as an afterthought, and just before he spins you around and bends you over the back of the couch, you see how hard he is.
"We left our new friends for this?" you ask, bumping back against his erection. "Couldn't wait until we got home?"
If he was just a little meaner, he would have told you to shut up then -- you know you're teasing him a little too much, but you can't help it, it's too much fun. But even if he won't say the words, he very much expresses the sentiment when he grabs firmly ahold of your hip and then guides himself into you all the way to the base in one swift thrust.
Any words you may have said, any further teasing is pushed from your mind as he sets as quick, rough pace. He fucks you relentlessly, as if proving a point -- which, of course, he is. His hands move from your hips to your shoulders to your hair, looking for the place where he can grab the hardest and push into you the deepest. He leans over occasionally to place kisses along your back, coupled with rough sucks, hard enough to leave little bruises, but for the most part, he's standing tall, feet firmly planted and driving himself into you as hard as he can.
It's not that he's a jealous man, not really. And it's not even that he's seriously upset with the stunt you pulled at the beach. It's just that sometimes you can be a little brat and he needs to fuck some sense back into you.
You can always tell when he's getting close, even when he's in this kind of mood -- he starts getting whiny and grasping at you like he's terrified you're going to drift away. You reach a hand back to place over his as he digs his nails into your hips, and after another deep thrust, he stills and lets out a deep gasping groan, and you feel him filling you up.
After taking a moment, pausing to press a few more kisses into your neck and shoulders, he pulls out and takes a small step back. When you turn, you see he's flushed and sweaty, panting and looking at you with a mix of love and ... something else.
"Let's go back to the beach," Cove says, reaching down for his trunks.
"All right, I'll just hop in the shower --"
"No, we'll go now."
Before you could protest more, he kneels down in front of you. He grabs your bottoms and holds them out, and you step into them. As he pulls them up, he stops to deliver one more kiss, this one directly between your legs. When you let out a pleasured sigh, he pulls the bottoms up the rest of the way and stands.
"Ready?" he asks, once again holding out his hand.
As always, you take it.
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emilysslvt · 7 months
omg your emily and hotch’s daughter fic 🤭🥵🥵 would you ever consider a part 2??
Our secret
i'm glad you asked, i had no other story ideas at the moment! i wanted to add some drama, so ignore me.. also, happy birthday to me:) but it's not til the 15th, i just wanted to post earlier
warnings: arguing, smut, edging (sorta)
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After the night at the bar, you had been extremely busy with work. You haven't had the time for your date with Emily, but she'd still always tease you. Even if it was at work, you had found ways to sneak around without being caught. Well, hopefully.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Your thoughts immediately left your head as you looked up to see Derek in front of you.
You chuckled, shaking your head. Every thought you had was about Emily, and nobody knew about what you two had done in the bar. "Nothing. I'm just tired."
A smirk was plastered on his face, he knew you better than that. But he wouldn't pry you for answers. Thankfully, he had left you alone and he went back to his desk. However, the girl you admired had sat across from you at her desk.
Her eyes met yours, the sparkle in her eye always made you smile, make you feel like the happiest person in the world. You can tell so much emotion from someone's eyes.
"Y/n, my office please." Your father's voice made your head turn, breaking eye contact with Emily. Your coworkers made an 'ooo' sound, acting like children. Your eyes rolled, but you got up making your way to your fathers office.
You shut the door and sat down across from him. His eyes were looking at his paperwork, and he didn't look up. That always scared you, he was intimidating.
A couple minutes later, he finally looked up at you. "I need you to tell me about what you're doing with Emily." His voice was stern and full of anger. He couldn't possibly know.. could he?
"I'm sorry..?"
He never broke eye contact, which intimidated you more. "Y/n, tell me now."
"Dad, I don't know what you're talking about. She's my coworker, what else do you want me to say?" You did your best to stay calm, not looking guilty.
He scoffed, "I gave you a chance to tell me the truth." You watched him as he grabbed his phone, pulling up a picture of you and Emily. Her hand was around your waist, as you two kissed. You thought you were alone in that hallway, but it appears not. You were in disbelief, you didn't know what to say or do.
"I forbid you to see her."
"What?! That's not fair! You can't do that, I'm an adult and I can see whoever I want whenever I want." You protested, even though you'd lose against your father.
His hands slammed against the desk as he stood up, and you jumped. "Emily is my best friend, and on top of that my coworker! I will not allow for this to continue, and if it does I will place both of you on suspension or you'll be fired." His voice raised, and you wanted to cry. He never spoke this way to you, and you respected him but you couldn't at this moment.
You couldn't stop seeing her, she made you so happy. She was your favorite person, you couldn't. "Dad, I have so much respect for you, but I can't stop seeing her."
He scoffed, "it wasn't a choice, y/n. Stop seeing her. Now." His voice was filled with so much anger, you knew this was a losing game for you.
You stood up, "this isn't fair! Why are you doing this to me? Please don't make me."
"My decision is final."
You clenched your jaw, opening up the door. Your dad was already looking at his paperwork. You slammed the door as you left, making your way out of the bau. You kept your eyes forward, not looking at your wandering coworkers eyes.
You locked yourself into your car, and you started to breakdown. Your father has never acted like this before, he was a little uptight but he wasn't ever like this.
You suddenly jumped as a knock came from your window, you looked up, seeing Emily. Her face was filled with concern, and you unlocked the door. She made her way around the car, and into the passenger side.
Her hands cupped your cheeks, "what's wrong, my love? Why wre you crying?" You couldn't tell her, you didn't want to. You knew she would listen to your father, and take his side. You kept your eyes on the center counsel, as your tears fell down your cheeks.
"Baby, talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this, and I want to make you feel better." Her voice was soft and filled with concern.
You wiped your tears, finally looking up at her. "You can't. My dad said that.." you paused, trying to read her. She was patient, and she didn't push you for an answer.
"He said I can't see you anymore." Emily shifted in her seat, and she moved her hands. You thought this was it, and she was going to agree with him.
The car was silent, she didn't speak or look at you. You were worried, you have had a crush on her for ages. You couldn't lose her as soon as you got her.
Her voice broke your thoughts, "do you want to go on that date tonight?" Her eyes met yours, and you immediately smiled from relief.
Hours later, and Emily was at your front door. She eyed your body, admiring how beautiful you looked. "You look.. astonishing." You smiled, wrapping your arms around her neck, placing a soft kiss on her lips.
Her hands met your waist, rubbing your side. The kiss was slow at first, until Emily ran her tongue along your lip, pushing it into your mouth. As you pulled back for air, she smirked. "Good thing you pulled back, or else that dress would be off of you before we got into the restaurant."
You smiled, and she held her arm out for you. You linked your arms, making your way to her car.
You were at the restaurant, across from your lover. As the date went on, her face lit up. You loved her laugh, her smile, the way her eyes lit up every time you talked about something you loved.
You learned many things about Emily, you learned what her favorite hobby is, her favorite food, favorite alcoholic beverage, snack, what she does in her free time. You loved learning everything about her, you were happy she was opening up to you and still seeing you after everything you've been through.
After your perfect date night, you were in your driveway. You sat silently, looking at Emily. She smiled, leaning in. Her lips were inches apart from yours, she smirked, looking down at your lips.
"You know.. I've wanted to take that dress off of you all night." Her words made you shiver, the tone in her voice was filled with lust and desire.
You smiled, pulling back. "Then take it off." You quickly got out of the car, running into your house. Emily smiled, chasing after you. You went to shut the door in her face, but she beat you to it. Emily picked you up with one hand, as she slammed the door shut.
She pressed you against the door, as your legs wrapped around her. You laughed as her lips met yours, her hands running down your body. Her fingers danced along your skin, and you shivered.
Her hands slipped under your shirt, pulling it off of you. As your kiss broke, she began kissing your neck, sucking on your soft skin.
Her lips kept contact with your neck as she carried you to your bedroom, softly throwing you onto the bed. You held yourself up by your elbows, and Emily pulled her shirt off before climbing on top of you.
You smirked, grabbing the loop of her jeans to pull her up to you. She bit her lip, "impatient, are we?" She unclipped your bra as she watched you, your eyes never leaving hers.
Her eyes stayed on you as she leaned down, slowly swirling her tongue around your nipple. You laid against the bed, wrapping your arms around her waist. She smirked, biting your nipple as you tangled your hands in her hair. Her knee slightly pushed against where you needed her most, making you move your hips to feel her more.
Emily moved onto your other nipple, doing the same as before and she slowly slid her hand down your body, into your pants. You slightly spread your legs, giving her more access. She slowly circled your clothed clit, making you softly moan.
Her lips met your neck once again, and her hand stopped moving. She began unbuttoning your pants as she sucked a mark into your neck. "I wonder what Hotch will think of that." Emily smirked, pulling your pants off.
As she slid off your underwear, she kept her eyes on you. She sat between your legs, her hands gripping your thighs tightly.
As she kissed your inner thighs, you grew impatient. You needed her. "Emily, please.." you begged. Her smirk grew, as she leaned closer to your clit;
"What do you need? Hm?"
"I need you to fuck me. Please."
She smiled, "good girl." Emily ran her tongue along your clit, keeping her eyes on you. You kept your hands tangled in her hair, slightly pulling it. Emily was going at a slow speed, and it was killing you. You needed more of her.
You began moving your hips, but Emily quickly held them down. "Be patient. Or else I'll go slower." You nodded, and she smiled. Going back to circling your clit with her tongue, she went a bit faster than before, but still painfully slow.
As her speed increased, your moans got louder. She sucked and bit your clit, as she slid one of her fingers inside of you, moving it slowly. Her name slipped from your mouth multiple times, the way she made you feel was absolutely astonishing. You pulled Emily's hair tighter as she slid another one of her fingers inside of you, her pace increasing. You felt a knot in your lower stomach, and you felt your orgasm approaching.
Emily kept her speed, but every time she knew you were getting close she would slow down. She was edging you, making sure you hadn't cum yet. She replaced her tongue with her thumb, "if you want to cum, darling.. you better start begging." She whispered in your ear.
You could barely form any words, you were thoughtless. "Please, Emily. I need to cum, please.." You whispered, feeling your orgasm approach every time she sped up her movements. Emily's mouth was attached to your nipple, and she kept her current pace.
You figured she didn't think your begging was good enough, since she kept teasing you. "Please, mommy.." you whispered, feeling slightly embarrassed that she wouldn't like that. But your embarrassment quickly faded once Emily sped her movements up once again. Emily's name fell from your mouth as you came against her fingers. She let you ride out your high before removing her fingers, and putting them into your mouth. You sucked on her fingers, licking them clean.
"Such a good girl you are." Emily removed her fingers from your mouth, and she quickly got up, making her way to your bathroom. A second later she came back with a towel, cleaning your legs up. She threw the towel on the floor, and she laid beside you, pulling your body onto her chest.
Closing your eyes, you listened to her heartbeat. You felt so much comfort laying in her arms, like a teddy bear you'd cuddle as a child. Emily ran her fingers along your back, making you fall asleep quickly.
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fatkish · 24 days
Hi hi! I really love reading through all of your mha x inner child fanfics, theyve honestly helped a lot lol.
I was wondering if I could request Present Mic with (his) child reader after an unsuccessful suicide attempt? They attempted to go out by hanging but were saved at the last moment, so their throat is in complete pain. Just maybe some comfort and angst in his eccentric, silly ways, not wanting reader to hurt more but still hurting himself lol (but feel free to spin this however you want!).
(TRIGGER WARNING: Please note that the following contains sensitive content: attempts at suicide, self harm, mental abuse directed at oneself. Please be warned and don’t read if you are not in the right mindset to do so. This is a comfort fic aimed at comforting those who have dealt with or felt like this at one point)
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Present Mic x Child Reader: Perfect to Me
You had been born Quirkless. The media had a field day with the news of the Voice Hero: Present Mic’s own child being quirkless. It was hard enough to be quirkless, but when everyone knew your father had a strong quirk, it made things even harder. You were always compared to him by your peers and even some of your teachers. You got bullied relentlessly by other kids. No one wanted to be your friend and the teachers would turn a blind eye to it all.
The kids would say things like ‘I bet you’re actually adopted and Present Mic is just too much of a hero to get rid of you’ ‘your dad must be super embarrassed his kid is quirkless and a loser’ ‘if no one knew you were his kid then he’d probably get rid of you’ your dad’s a lame hero so it makes sense he’d keep a quirkless kid’. The other kids always said things about how your dad must be putting up an act and probably just sees you as a charity case.
The teachers were bad too. ‘I can’t even imagine having a quirkless child’ ‘imagine how it must be having a child like that’ ‘the poor man is probably so stressed all the time, worried about his kid’ ‘it must be so disappointing to find out your kid is quirkless’. The teachers would whisper about how it must be such a burden to raise a quirkless child. They spoke rumors about you being his illegitimate child and that he’s probably only kept you to make himself look good.
You never told Mic about anything anybody said. You knew he loved you, you’re his whole world… right? After a few years of torment and bullying from other kids you started to doubt yourself and your father. You started to believe that you were just a burden on Mic and that he’s only putting up a loving act. He’s your dad, so of course he’s supposed to love you, plus he’s a hero, so how much of his love is really true and not just stuff he’s supposed to say. How do you know if your dad actually cares for you or only tells you this because he’s a good person and is just being nice?
Eventually in 5th grade when you were 11, you couldn’t take it anymore. You truly believed that your dad was only trying to make you feel better about being quirkless. You believed that you were a burden and that your dad would be better off without you to look after. One day, you decided to skip school and returned home after your dad left. You had been planning this for some time. You had grabbed an old 10ft phone charger cord and tied one end into a slipknot and tied the other to a wooden beam in the kitchen. You decided to write your dad a note before taking your life. You then stood up on a chair and slipped the cord around your neck before kicking away the chair.
Mic had been halfway on his way home from UA because he realized that he forgot some of his students English papers that he graded. He got a call from one of your few nice teachers who informed him that you weren’t at school. He had seen you leave this morning so he knows that you left, were you skipping school? Why? Guess he’ll ask you when he gets home. He pulled into the driveway and parked before exiting and locking his car. He unlocked his front door and entered the house, closing the door behind him before calling out your name.
“(Y/n)? You home? I’m not mad, I left some papers that I had graded on the kitchen table. C’mon, let’s have a talk, I’m sure you have a reason for skipping scho— Oh God NOOOOO!”
As Mic had walked from the living room, through the dining room and into the kitchen, he paused when his eyes took in the sight of your body nearly limp and hanging with a cord around your neck. The moment he saw it he ran to you and grabbed a knife to cut the cord. The moment he did, your limp body fell into his arms.
“Oh my god, my sweet baby, no. Please, (y/n) baby, please don’t be dead, please don’t did on me, Daddy’s here now, Daddy’s got you, come back to me baby” Present Mic cried as he cradled your body and dialed the emergency number for an Ambulance. While he stayed with you, he saw the note and grabbed it, when the paramedics arrived they got to work getting oxygen into you and had to stick a tube down your windpipe to get oxygen into your lungs. Mic rode in the Ambulance with them as he called Shota and let him know what was happening. Shota then told Nedzu what happened.
While you were being treated, Mic pulled the note out and read it.
Dear Dad,
I’m sorry that you had to find me like this. I know it’s a burden having to deal with and care for a quirkless child and that dealing with my death is just more of a burden. I’m sorry I’m quirkless, I know that you always say it’s okay but you don’t have to lie anymore. I know you must have been disappointed when I didn’t get a quirk and I’m so sorry. Thank you for taking such good care of me even though it must have been an immense burden. Thank you for being a kind and loving father even if it was just an act. I love you so much and I’m sorry that you had to endure living with me for so long. But that’s all over now so you can rest now. Thank you for everything and thank you for putting up with me. You’re my hero.
Hizashi had tears rolling down his cheeks when Shota got to the hospital and found him sitting in a hallway outside your door. When Shota took the note and read it, he too, shed some tears.
“W-why? Why didn’t they tell me Sho? Why didn’t they say anything? Do they really believe that I don’t love them? What did I do wrong?!?”
“Shh, I know Zash, I know. This isn’t on you, this isn’t your fault”
“My baby is dead?!? Sho! How am I- what am I gonna do, how am I supposed to deal with this?”
As Hizashi cried to Shota, one of the nurses exited your room.
“Excuse me, Mr. Yamada, your child is awake now. We’ve put them on the Suicide watch and a psychoanalytic will be visiting with them later to determine what caused this and what the best course of treatment for them is. You can go in now and see them” the nurse moved aside and motioned towards the door.
Hizashi immediately jumped to his feet and ran inside the room only to stop and stare at you. You had your head down and your hands in your lap as you sat in the hospital bed under the sheets wearing a hospital gown. Tears swelled in his eyes as he realized you were alive. Hearing and seeing the beats on the heart monitor was a relief to him. He ran over to you swallowing you up in his arms as he cried.
“Oh (y/n) my sweet baby, you’re alive, I was so scared don’t you ever do that again you hear me! I love you so much, I’m so happy you’re alive. No matter what anyone says or thinks, you’re perfect to me. Just the way you are. Quirk or no quirk, you will always be my sweet baby. I love you so much”
Hizashi cried as he hugged you and cradled you in his arms. He kept rubbing his forehead into your shoulder. You carefully removed his glasses and put them aside as you kissed his forehead.
“Dad I’m-“
“No no, shhh… it’s okay, explanations can come later. If you don’t want to talk about it right now then we don’t have to, I’m just so grateful that you’re alive. Promise me you’ll talk to me before you ever do this again, please”
“I promise”
“Pinky promise”
You looked at the serious look and your dad’s face as he held his pinky finger out to you. You couldn’t help but smile at his silly antics and linked your pinky with his.
“I promise”
“Okay good.”
After that, Hizashi crawled into the bed with you as you sat on his lap and snuggled into his arms. Shota sat in the chair to the side and smiled at you.
The following week was filled with snuggles and eating junk food while watching movies. When you got home after the suicide watch ended, your dad surprised you by letting you go to UA with him and letting you do your homeschooling there. Nedzu decided that it would be best for you to be in an environment where you would be safe from bullying and what better environment than a school for heroes? You got to stay in the faculty room and did your homework, you got to eat lunch with your dad and he’d show you off to all his coworkers.
Needless to say you still had some doubts but therapy was helping. Your dad loves you and it’s obvious to you now just how much.
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thedarkreunion69 · 7 months
The Doctor's Vist
Gynecologist!Toji Fushiguro × Fem!Reader
SMUT 18+
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Where you find yourself at the Gynecologist's office because of a 'problem'
🔞NSFW🔞-vaginal fingering,oral f!receiving,clit stimulation,age gap
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"There's something wrong me, I can feel it"
"Well why do you think so? It's not that much of a big deal you know? Just use some toys or something" The brown haired girl replies while taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm not using toys, what if they get stuck in there?" The thought does bring up curiosity in your mind, but it is overshadowed by the irrational fear of trying new things.
"They won't, trust me I've been using them since ages girl" Nobara chuckles and takes another sip of her coffee "I mean if you really think there's something wrong with you, you should go visit Megumi's dad. He's one of the best gynecologist in the whole city"
"Megumi's dad is a gynecologist?" You wondered why Megumi never told you that
"He is, you should go and see him just to be sure" Nobara says while unlocking her phone and doing something on it. "Here I booked you an appointment" She shows you the phone screen which says 'Appointment Confirmed'
"Let's see how it goes"
"You must be Megumi's friend. I'm doctor Fushiguro" The tall, buff dark haired man said. Your eyes widen upon seeing him and you could feel your cheeks burning. 'This is Megumi's Dad?' You wonder as you find yourself checking out the man in front of you. You felt your cheeks burn more as you started having many inappropriate thoughts about your friend's father.
"Y-Yes doctor, that's me" You replied, trying to maintain your composure while the handsome man in white coat wrote something on his clipboard.
"So what are your complaints princess?" You almost loose it the moment he says it.
"Doctor, I think there's something wrong with me" You try to think about ways to explain your situation in the most appropriate way without making a fool of yourself.
"And what might that be, my dear?" Toji asked with a soft grin, his hands resting on his desk.
"Well, how do I say this..." You are unable to put your situation in words and look down on your lap while blushing.
"Oh come on princess, there's no need to be shy you know?" He puts on of his hand on top of yours.
"Doctor I-I can't cum" You finally blurt it out and look away from him due to embarrassment.
"Hmm, that's interesting," he mused, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Tell me more about your symptoms and sexual experiences." He leaned forward slightly, his diamond jawline accentuating the movement.
"I had only be intimate with my ex boyfriend before, and he couldn't make me cum. I even tried masturbating but nothing works" You tried to explain your situation while blushing.
"I see" Toji responded, his gaze flickering over her body.
"Do you think there might be something wrong with me?" You ask while looking at the man infront.
"It's possible," he replied nonchalantly, his hands steepled together under his chin. "But first, we need to rule out any physical causes. Why don't you undress from the waist down and lie on the examination table?"
The thought of being naked in front of him brought of the feeling of desire as well as embarrassment, but you knew he was a professional and that was his job. So you nod and start to unzip your skirt. "Do I have to be fully naked?"
"Yes, please," he confirmed, his eyes not leaving her body for even a moment. "It's important for me to examine you thoroughly."
You take a deep breath and take of your panties, leaving your lower half fully exposed to Toji. You lay down on the examination table and spread your legs, wet folds fully on display for your friend's father.
"Now, let's begin" he said, his voice as smooth as silk. He leaned in closer, his face only inches away from your sensitive parts. "What kind of sensations do you feel when you're touched down here?"
"I have never really felt anything when my ex boyfriend touched me, he used to skip foreplay and go straight to the main thing. I've tried putting in a finger or two but I think my fingers are too small for me to feel anything"
"Hmm" he mused, reaching out to gently spread your folds apart. His fingers were big and strong, contrasting sharply with yours. "Let me show you something."
You find yourself biting your lower lip in anticipation. His thumb brushed lightly over your clit, feeling the hardened nub beneath his touch. The sensation was electric, a shockwave of pleasure coursing through your body. "This is what you've been missing," he whispered into your ear, his voice thick with satisfaction.
You could feel your body jerk with pleasure with just one touch
"You see?" This is how you should be touched princess" he said, his thumb massaging your clit while his other hand moved lower, teasing your opening with his fingers.
"D-Doctor it feels so good" The feeling of shame and embarrassment was slowly fading away as the man kept rubbing your clit
With a smirk, Toji continued to pleasure you, his fingers finding purchase inside you. His voice dropped lower, a husky whisper in your ear. "You know, you shouldn't be too shy. You can ask for more if you want."
"More doctor More! " You whined in pleasure as you started to feel a foreign sensation in your stomach.
Toji's fingers plunged deeper inside you as he picked up the pace, his thumb now rubbing against your G-spot in a rapid rhythm. "Let me show you what you've been missing sweetheart" He leans down and takes your clit in his mouth sucking hard. This caused you to let out another whine of pleasure with your back arching off the table
"Shh princess, you need to keep it down low. We wouldn't want the others to know about our special examination do we?" He speaks in a sultry tone while his tongue is licking and sucking all over your wet folds and his fingers keep going in an out
"That's it" he groaned, watching her body arch in pleasure. "Just like that princess" He says while sucking on your clit while his long, thick fingers plung deep inside your wet hole, brushing against your G spot making you see the stars.
That's when you felt the knot in your stomach snap. A feeling which you have never felt overtook your senses. Did Dr. Fushiguro really make you cum?
"I-I didn't knew I could do that Doctor" You looked at the man while trying to catch your breath
"That's because you've never been touched the right way, princess" he whispered, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. "You should ask for what you want, baby." His gaze held yours as he reached into his pocket and took out a business card.
"Thankyou Doctor" Your brain still couldn't comprehend what all just happened but you took the business card from him while your legs were still shaking.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. And remember, I'm always here to help." He gave you a wink before stepping out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the strange mix of emotions coursing throughout your body.
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A/N: Thankyou so much for reading this. This is my first work so I hope you guys enjoyed it
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miinatozakiii · 7 months
my romance doesn't need a thing but you
hirai momo x fem!reader ; fluff, cursing
synopsis: it's momo's birthday but her stupid boss makes her work overtime. luckily, hard work equals a great gift in return.
wc: 1.7k
a/n: i'm back to my fluff roots. happy birthday to my first twice bias and one of my nine gfs!
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the last place momo wanted to be at on her birthday was anywhere away from you; even worse, be in the office building working and away from you
she had to work overtime despite the 27th anniversary of her leaving the womb and she dreaded it—but her boss couldn’t care less.
momo huffs and groans every three sentences typed, trying to get her little report done as soon as possible. she works away at the keys and at this point, what is she even writing? another low "ugh" leaves her lips and she picks up her phone for the first time in hours when she hears it buzz against the desk.
incoming call: y/n ♡
immediately, her lips curl up into a grateful smile and she answers the call, eager to hear your voice.
“hi baby." you greet, and momo’s still captivated by the softness of your voice even after being with you for three years.
momo’s shoulders relax immediately. “hi y/n."
"happy birthday! i miss you.”
“i miss you too." momo responds, voice breaking slightly. you can't see momo, but you’re sure she's pouting. as much as it hurts to know that she's down—you can't lie that her pout is the most adorable thing in the world.
“well, when is my birthday girl coming home?" you ask, and momo sighs into the phone.
"maybe an hour? give or take." she says, "i'm sorry.”
"don't be honey, i should feel sorry for you." you respond, "working on your birthday must suck... but i have something for you when you get back! hopefully it’ll make you feel better."
"anything from you would make me feel better love, honestly just you yourself is more than enough."
you giggle. "you're so cute—and very cheesy."
momo rolls her eyes and says, "yeah yeah. i know you love it."
"maybe." you laugh into the phone again and momo feels better just from hearing it. "anyway, i’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. i got off work an hour ago, i need to work on your present a bit more."
momo frowns knowing she won't be able to hear you for a bit. "okay." she says defeatedly.
"i love you momo.”
"i love you too."
each minute might seem like half an hour from this point on. momo lets out another groan before arrowing her eyes at the screen in front of her: just a couple hundred more words. hirai momo can do it.
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momo walks into the elevator with a sore back, aching feet, and slumped shoulders.
she presses the button with the number bolded “5" printed on it and checks her phone to find a couple "happy birthday!" texts from her friends and two audio messages from her mom and dad. as the elevator goes up, she responds to them and tucks her phone away when she reaches your floor.
the tired editor trudges down the corridor and turns to the fourth door on the right—your shared apartment—then fumbles through her bag with her tired fingers to blindly find her key so she can unlock the door.
when momo starts to open it, she hears a "wait!" before the door is closed on her. she pauses in place while staring at the door, then blinks in confusion.
you open the door a little so that there’s a little crack where you can peek out from, the space just small enough to hide whatever is going on behind you.
“wait one minute, i'm almost done." you assure.
momo is too tired to fully process anything that just happens, so she just laughs softly to herself before shaking her head and standing there patiently. she waits patiently and decides to respond to a couple more messages from friends and family.
a few moments later, momo hears a string of barks coming from the apartment and turns her head. the door in front of her is opened by you.
"come in!" you beam. momo laughs at your enthusiasm. she walks in and is greeted by boo and dobby, who jump up happily, and momo kneels down to pet and kiss them. she takes off her black flats then hangs her bag up on the artsy little wooden shelf with hooks attached that you made with your dad.
your fiance's sense of smell is bombarded with the familiar aroma of her favorite dish, her eyes light up.
“did you cook—“
"your favorites? yes." you grin. "come on, sit."
you help your girlfriend out of her jacket and hang it up for her, then she places a sweet kiss to your lips and you reciprocate gladly, savoring the faint hint of her peach-flavored chapstick. she walks towards the dining area and looks at the platter of jokbal which is next to a small plate of lettuce—it has her mouth watering at the sight—and to make things even better, she notices the small pot of budae jiggae in the middle and covers her mouth in awe.
“i figured you'd be pretty hungry, let's eat."
“i love you so much, like— so fucking much. " momo sighs before hugging you, and when she pulls away her arms are loose around your neck.
you roll your eyes. “yeah yeah. you're just saying that because i cooked for once."
“hey! i love you all the time." momo scolds, "but definitely a lot more than usual right now."
"wow okay, last time i’m cooking.”
your fiancé pouts. "i'm kidding! i love you i love you-"
"you're being cheesy again. sit down, i'm hungry too from all this cooking." you respond with annoyance, but the way you smile cheekily and lean in to kiss momo softly contradicts your tone.
the two of you situate yourselves across the table from each other and momo shoots you a stupid, tooth grin before saying, “thank you again.”
you smile back. “i’ll gladly cook for you anytime, happy birthday.” you say, “but wait, let me take a picture. you look dumb, it’s cute.”
“you’re so mean to me.”
“yeah, but you put a ring on my finger so i guess you enjoy it huh?” you retort, and momo chuckles playfully.
she eyes the silver ring she had put on your ring finger a few months ago as you hold your camera out and snap a picture. momo beams and her teeth show as she poses, you laugh at how adorable she looks.
“not a thought behind those eyes.”
“stop that! can the birthday girl get a break?”
“nope.” you giggle. “not when she looks so lovely.” your response makes momo blush bashfully. you laugh at her again.
you grab a piece of lettuce and place some pork on it before leaning over the table and telling momo to “open wide!” and she chuckles before opening her mouth, letting you feed her. she melts as soon as she takes a bite, nodding her head and shutting her eyes.
“so good.” she says, still chewing her food.
the two of you continue to eat and talk about your days in between bites, simply enjoying each other’s presence and tenderness of the moment in hand. boo and dobby seem to feel left out, jumping up and pawing at your thigh for you to feed them a small snack—you end up making momo grab them.
after the two of you finish dinner, momo sighs contentedly.
“why do i do all the cooking?” momo asks, “this was amazing.”
“i have to confess that i actually bought the jokbal,” you shrug. “but i did cook the budae jjigae, and something else. wait here—actually, go sit on the couch and don’t turn around.”
momo laughs in response and does as she’s told. she sits on the couch patiently, letting boo and dobby rest in her lap as you do whatever it is that you’re up to.
less than a minute later, the lights are turned off except for the hallway light which makes the room more visible from its soft glow. she hears a voice singing something that’s recognizable as soon as the first word is sung.
“happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~” you hum, appearing with small cookies that lay out to spell ‘momo.’ “happy birthday dear momo, happy birthday to you.”
your lover laughs and looks at the smile that’s illuminated by the candles on the plate—the way your lips curve and teeth show when you beam at her is something she will never get tired of.
“make a wish!” you cheer, placing the plate on the coffee table that sits in front of the couch. momo leans forward and you plop down next to her, letting dobby shift over to your own lap as your fiancé closes her eyes for a moment before blowing out the two candles.
“my second birthday?”
“oh shut up, i’m not lighting up 27 candles grandma.” you respond jokingly. momo grabs a cookie and leans back against the cushions, lifting her arm up so that she can put her arm around you and so you can shift yourself closer. you press a chaste peck to her jawline before she takes a bite of the cookie and smiles. momo hums in delight.
“this is really good.”
“i know! i ate three before you got here. it’s dahyun’s recipe.”
“that explains why.”
“yeah, but i still baked it so technically it’s my doing.” you add, making momo laugh and press closer into you.
she hands you one of her cookies and you gladly accept it, taking a bite before listening to the continuation of momo’s rant about her boss. boo and dobby start to doze off.
you let yourself relax into your lover more, finding your head in the crook of her neck before a comfortable silence takes over.
you press a kiss to momo’s neck and mumble against her skin, “by the way, i’ll do the dishes later.”
“we can do it together.” she insists, which makes you pull away and shake your head.
“no,” you say in disbelief, “you worked overtime and it’s your birthday.”
“but i get to spend time with you.” momo sighs, pouting at you. with a sigh, you give into her adorable expression and tone before shaking your head.
“fine, but not too much. you can put the dishes away, i’ll wash”
“okaaayyy.” momo starts before smirking playfully, “can we make out for a little?”
you laugh before your lips brush against hers, feeling her hand caress your cheek lightly.
“yeah yeah, whatever the birthday girl wants.”
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syngrafaes09 · 1 year
Break-up Sex | Tony Stark x F! Reader
Word Count : 1657
18+ MDNI!
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Peter and Y/N had been together for more than four years and had been dating the summer before she started working for SHIELD and Avengers. Since then, they’d done everything together until the last two months. She had loved him so much – every moment spent on and off the field. But when everything goes so right, it is a prefigurement of everything going wrong. And the turning point of their relationship was the reappearance of his high school love MJ. From never leaving each other’s side to we- don’t- talk -anymore had been the progress they made in the last six months. He had decided to put her in the same state, as he was five years ago when MJ had left him. Y/n felt this was worse than what he had suffered for he didn’t break up straight away. Rather he kept her around showcasing that high school friends were more interesting to hang out with.
As she sat in the airless car, Ned’s words rang in her ears – If I were you, I would back off. It’s better than suffering this way. Grief swept her as she missed the guy who was never going to come back.
Y/n pushed open the unlocked door, comfortably walking into the house unannounced. She had been here many times when they didn’t have any missions. The team had termed it officially as the vacation house. Would this be my last time here?
She walked across the hall towards the French doors that opened to the patio and the bright blue pool.
Tony must have sensed her arrival because he stopped mi-stroke, pushed his wet hair out of his eyes and stared at her with confusion. She had impure thoughts about Tony before. She couldn’t help herself and tried not to feel guilty about them. They were just harmless fantasies, she had kept saying to herself, and were kept safe in her mind.
“Hey Mr Stark, didn’t Peter tell you I was coming over?”
He shook his head. “He’s inside. On a call.” Well, this very much explained why he wasn’t where he had texted her to meet. He beckoned her towards the pool. Y/n walked to the edge and crouched down.
“Is everything alright between you two?” Her stomach clenched at the question.
“No,” she said almost in a whisper.
He nodded. “I shouldn’t be saying this but... you should end it.” Tears brimmed in her eyes and she couldn’t respond. “He’s not ready to understand that whatever he is doing is hurting you. He’s at a point in his life where he’s extremely selfish, and he’s not going to get better. At least not for a while. He’s taking you for granted and things won’t go right even if you stick to him, unfortunately, I’m speaking this from experience. You deserve better than this.”
Y/n swallowed thickly and nodded at him. She opened her mouth to tell him that she was here for the same reason but he continued talking.
“I know this all sounds terrible. What a horrible dad am I, telling you to break up with his son -”
“No, you aren’t.” She cut him off. “I came here to bring closure to us. You are right.”
They turned their gaze towards the doors as they opened and Peter stood in the shade.
“Hurry up Y/N, I need to leave in ten minutes,” Peter said, settling into one of the cushioned chairs.
“That’s my cue to leave,” Tony muttered, getting out of the pool, grabbing a towel and disappearing into the house.
Y/n felt gutted as he walked away. Tony came in as soon as Peter left. As she swallowed the lump in her throat, he moved toward her, his arms spread open for a hug. She stepped into it eagerly and let him crush her against his chest.
“Four years and it meant nothing. All he said was fine,” she mumbled into his chest.
His arms wrapped tighter, and she closed her eyes, squeezing back the tears as his hand smoothed down the hair on the back of her head. He moved, shifting the position, and unexpected pleasure jolted through her. It was instantly followed by a wave of shame. He was only offering comfort and this was the most inappropriate time to get turned on. Yet she grew heavier each moment she was in his arms, wanting to get closer to him.
“Everything will go right... eventually.” He murmured.
Y/n pulled slightly just to meet his eyes, they were filled with anger yet relief. When his gaze slid down to her parted lips, she felt a surge from inside and without thinking - tiptoed and kissed him. He was taken aback and when he didn’t respond, she pulled back.
“I’m so sorry,” she stepped away, nearly losing her balance, and he drew her back to him.
“Y/N,” he whispered, looking into her eyes searching for something. “Is it because he left you?”
She didn't know what to answer. Even though she didn't know why she did it, she still wanted to do it.
“You know what, don't answer that.” He said tightening his grip around her waist. “I want you, even if it's one time or just a way for your release.” With that said he crashed the lips onto hers.
Pulling away for breath, she looked into his gaze and her stomach flipped and flopped like a dolphin. She could have never thought that Tony would want to see her as anything other-
All her thoughts were lost as he yanked the buttons of her thin shirt and palmed the curve of her breasts.
“Like that little one?” he whispered in her ear, “You have no idea the things I have always wanted to do to you.” Y/n moaned, arching into his touch.
Tony slid into one of the chairs and pulled her into his lap. Her fingers frantically tugged off her clothing, “I'm no grace,” she whispered, making him chuckle.
“I don't want grace. I like it when you are flustered,” he said tracing his fingers over the valley of her breasts, “Ripe like a fruit,” he tweaked one of her nipples, “to be devoured.”
“God, Tony,” she moaned as he latched his mouth to her scrumptious tits. He continued sucking, swirling his tongue around one nipple while his fingers pinched and tugged the other.
Y/n turned in his grip, straddling him, bringing herself right over the erection in his sweatpants. She rolled and rocked her hips, relishing the friction beneath.
Tony gripped her wait, halting the movements, and looked at her. “Aren’t you a little greedy?”
“I haven’t been spoiled for a long time. I need you inside me. Is that too much to ask?”
“Not at all,” he said, kissing her once again. He moved his hands, grabbed her thighs and got up, making her squeal into the kiss. Walking inside, he placed her over the kitchen island and slid a hand, cupping her between her thighs firmly, massaging her clit first and spreading the wet heat of her desire.
“I'm gonna cum,” she groaned. “That’s the whole idea of this,” he rasped, getting on his knees. His thumb rubbed and pressured her clit while his tongue swarmed in the pool of her wetness.
It took hardly a few minutes before she shuddered and shook above him. Her nails clawed at the marble as he relentlessly sucked and licked her pussy.
“Tony, please,” she whimpered after her body shuddered once again. The pleasure of his goatee scratching her sensitive skin as his mouth and tongue lavished her was too much to take.
A smug smile tainted his features when he stood up. “Peter didn’t do a good job,” he sounded disappointed as he pushed her body down on the island. He dropped his pants to his ankle, pumping himself as he enjoyed her naked form tantalisingly spread in front of him. Her body was still trembling as pulled her hips and lined up to her entrance. “Are you tired already?”
“I want you,” Y/n pouted, pushing up on her elbows.
“Relax little one, you aren’t walking out of this house until I give you three more orgasms at the least.”
Her eyes widened at his declaration and she opened her mouth to speak but his hands jerked her hips pulling her hard and deep into his thrust. She screamed when he pulled out and drove in once again.
His cock pumped fast, hard and deep. He moved inside her with a wild abandon that drove her insane. Pleasure notched higher, nearly unbearable, and she knew she was going to come. She’d wanted him for too long, dreamed of how it would be and the reality was much better than any fantasy. Just him hammering his cock inside her was enough to draw a climax from her.
“Fuck,” he groaned, throwing back his neck. “I knew you would be tight but…” The words died out as his cock twitched, his knees almost gave out and his body shook. “So. Fucking. Amazing,” he punctuated each word with a deep thrust.
Y/n could feel the heat seeping through her from the inside out as his hot semen as it filled her. Her emotions were a jumble when she propped up and caught sight of him. He was staring down, at where their bodies were connected, and his semen was dripping out of her.
“I like being inside you.”
“I love it too, Mr Stark,” she whispered, carefully reaching him while having him deep inside her. She pressed soft, gentle kisses on his forehead, cheeks and lips.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he laughed, nuzzling into her neck.
“Can we take the bed for the next round ?” she asked shyly wondering if he was going to keep his word.
Tony chucked, securing her legs around his waist and marched towards his room.
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artemisthewh0re · 8 months
a Season3 mean!dbf! Hopper X wealthy!girly!fem blk reader
The reader is an annoying, snarky, smart-ass and loves especially teasing and annoying Jim at any given time.
and then one day he already was not having a great day so he finds the reader walking home after a party she snuck out to and she begs him for a ride and (as always) he does.
“Pleaseee hopper?? I won’t be able to go to the formal if he grounds me!”
He’s like “I’m not covering for ya kid, your a smart-ass, bad-ass brat who always wants her way cuz she has daddy’s money! So shut up and let me drive goddamnit!”
Then shuts reader up by stuffing his dick in her mouth and fcks the absolute SHIT out of her in his truck. Like she can’t remember her name or respond.
“Got something to say now? Huh smart-ass??”
“Yeah that shut you right up. I guess my cock is all it takes to shut that pretty mouth up”
“I don’t kiss sweetie”
“Take it like a champ sweetheart!! You talk so much shit you should.”
“Cmon you got it, alllllll the way in there, mhmm”
“Whats your name? Huh? Can you not remember?”
“Dumb slut can’t even speak cuz of daddy’s dick”
Then after all of this he’d carry you to your window and tuck you in cuz you’re so fcked out 😭😭
Hopper 🔛🔝
You literally read my mind, I've been planning to do a Hopper smut for months! Also your mind is amazing chefs kiss 🤌🏾
Dbf!Jim Hopper x Black Reader
Warnings: Age gap (18 & 40+), breeding kink (kinda), dad's best friend, unprotected piv, blowjob
Katydids fill the dark street with a calming ambience as you walk. The only other sound being the click-clack of your purple heels. You had already walked half a mile and your legs are close to giving out when you hear a car coming up behind you.
"Might as well hitchhike the rest of the way," you whisper under your breath, sticking out your thumb towards the car. As it gets closer you notice that it's not a regular car, but the Chief of Police's Chevy. The car slows in front of you and the passenger window lowers. A scowling Jim Hopper meets your thankful gaze.
"What're you doin' out this late, sweetheart?" Hopper questions, a frown plastered on his face.
"I could ask you the same thing, officer," you tease, trying to avoid the fact that you had committed several acts of underaged drinking and drugs. Hopper's unamused expression lets you know his mood is even worse than usual. "Can I hitch a ride home?"
"Not tonight, I don't have the time for your antics," Hopper responds.
"Pleaseee hopper??I won't be able to go to the winter formal if my dad grounds me!" You whine.
A sigh escapes the Chief's lips before he unlocks the passenger side door. You trot your way over to the car and get in without a second thought. The car starts back up with a hum and heads twenty minutes out of town to your ritzy neighborhood.
The silence filling the car is almost deafening. You try to fight back the urge to speak, fidgeting in your seat, but your mouth won the battle over your brain.
"So what's got your panties in a twist? You're usually less of an asshole," you tease him with a poke on the cheek.
"I'm fucking peachy," Hopper responds, turning to you with a death glare.
"And what's with the get up? You look like you're going on a vacation," you say, finally noticing his Hawaiian shirt and casual jeans.
"Can you just shut it? I'm not in the mood for this tonight!"
You quiet down for a moment, the smile you had falling from your face. "Sorry, can you just not tell my dad you found me tipsy on the side of the road?"
"I'm not covering for you kid, you're a smart-ass, bad-ass brat who always wants her way because she has daddy's money! So shut up and let me drive goddamnit!"
A muttered insult escapes your lips as you turn away from Hopper, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Alright, that's it!" Hopper yells, apparently hearing your insult.
The car suddenly turns off the main road into a wooded area. You whip your head around, trying to figure out where you are. The car stops in a clearing in front of a small stream.
"Hopper?" You question, looking around the wooded area.
"I'm so sick of spoiled little girls in this town thinking they can do whatever they want just because their daddy's rich," Hopper rants, turning off the car.
You can't help but laugh. Your dad's closest friend giving you a lecture about being spoiled wasn't a new thing, but dragging you to the middle of the woods just to yell at you was comical.
"Oh please, you can't fix my attitude. Dad has tried and failed for years."
"He hasn't tried my technique."
"Whatever." You roll your eyes and turn away from Hopper. Suddenly Hopper grabs your neck with a firm grip.
"I think it's high time someone taught you how to shut up," Hopper gruffly whispers only two inches away from your face.
A part of your brain knew that this was fucked up. But an even deeper part of you had fantasized about this late at night. Touching yourself at the thought of Hopper's warm breath grazing your neck, placing rough kisses anywhere he could.
"Okay, Chief," you tease.
Hopper releases your neck and relaxes in his seat. His legs spread apart to reveal his growing bulge. A loud gulp comes from your throat as you stare. You'd never done something like this before and your nerves were betraying you.
"Unzip it," Hopper says. His eyes are looking at the zipper on his washed out jeans.
You move closer to the Chief with caution. Once you're right next to him, he lights a cigarette and places it between his teeth. Hopper rolls the window down before the truck fills with smoke. Your hand moves your lap to his and makes its way up to his crotch.
His erection is firm and much bigger than you expected. Hopper is silent as you unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper. Your hand moves with a mind of its own as it pulls Hopper cock free from his briefs.
Precum leaks from his light pink tip. You can see small veins running from the base to the head. You look over to Hopper for some sort of instruction, but he silently smirks instead. Hopper moves his hand from the back of the seat and grabs the back of your neck, a lot gentler than the first time. Your head moves closer to his cock and you place an awkward kiss on it.
"Why so shy? You were all talk earlier," Hopper teases.
You open your mouth and place it around his head. His precum has a slightly salty taste as it hits your tongue. Before you can think about what to do next, Hopper pushes your head all the way down, so your nose is pressed against his crotch. You gag around his cock before he pulls your head up.
"Got something to say now, smart ass?"
For the first time in your life you're actually quiet, except for your heaving breathing. Your chin has spit dribbling down it and your eyes are watering. You loved it. Hopper pushes your head back down again, but this time you take more control. Your hand wraps around his base and you try to remember the moves Nancy had taught you. You bob your head up and down, careful not to use your teeth. The flat of your tongue swirls up and down his shaft with ease, eliciting a muffled groan from the Chief.
"Yeah that shut you right up. Guess my cock is all it takes to shut that pretty mouth up," Hopper grunts, still firmly holding your head. Your once perfect curls become a sweaty mess sticking to the back of your neck and forehead. A hum of contentment resonates from your chest as you continue sucking. Hopper's breath becomes labored and his legs twitch with every movement of your hands and mouth.
A pool forms in your panties, leaving you aching for his cock. You slip your hand between your thighs and stick a finger inside yourself. It's not enough to satisfy you, so you push in another finger. The sounds of your fingers desperately fucking your wet pussy immediately alert Hopper.
"That's enough sweetheart," Hopper says, lifting your head off of him. A whine comes from your throat, but you obey his command.
A firm hand pushes you from your sitting position to laying across the long seat of the truck. The Chief hovers above your body, his legs on either side of you. His eyes look you up and down with pure lust. You get shy and place your arms over yourself out of embarrassment.
"Are you going to sit there all day?" You ask.
"Clearly I haven't fixed your attitude yet," Hopper responds, hiking up your dress and pulling your soaked underwear to the side. He spits into his hand to lubricate his cock before pushing into you.
You let out a gasp as you feel his large cock stretching your pussy around him. The pain leaves your hair standing up, but subsides. Hopper's pace is cruel in its unrelenting speed. Once the pain has stopped you're just left wide-eyed with your mouth agape, unable to speak a word.
"Take it like a champ sweetheart! You talk so much shit, you should be able to," Hopper whispers into your ear.
The Chief's hands grab your thighs and put one over each shoulder. Your heels hit the top of the truck as he hammers deeper inside you. His washed-out jeans provide a rough cushion for your bare legs as they slap against his.
"C'mon you got it, all the way in there, mhmm."
Your attempt at response is a loud moan as he hits your g-spot. Hopper's grunts get louder and more ragged with every thrust. Your pussy grips around him desperately begging for more. Every word you try to form turns into a pathetic whine vibrating in your chest. Your eyebrows knit together as the pressure of your impending orgasm builds in your core. This only riles Hopper up even more.
"What's your name, huh? Can't remember?" Hopper laughs at your poor attempt at communicating. When you're close to a word, he moves his hips faster to stutter your brain. "Dumb slut can't even speak 'cause of Daddy's dick."
Your cunt aches painfully at your horniness. The Chief was already balls deep inside of you, but somehow you still need more. Hopper's cock is slathered in your slick, making it harder to stay inside of you without slipping out. Frustration builds with every thrust before he jackhammers into you.
The first you word you've speak since the start of this encounter is, "FUCK!"
Your orgasm runs straight into you like a freight train. Your pussy creams on Hopper's length, adding extra lubrication for his cock.
"That's it, atta girl," Hopper moans, looking down at your cunt. He fucks your cum back into you with a brutal pace. Your legs tremble in his grip, but he doesn't stop.
"Oh my God!" You shout, thankful that you were in the middle woods. Your eyes roll back into your head from the overstimulation.
"Almost there sweetheart." Hopper's thrusts stutter and his breath hitches for a second before he lets out a sigh. His spend fills up your sore cunt and he forces it back inside you. You can only let out weak little whimpers as the Chief pulls out of you. "Finally got you quiet for once," Hopper whispers against your ear.
Gentle hands pull your dress back down. The truck starts back up and pulls out of the woods. Your eyes close from exhaustion, but you can feel Hopper gently caressing your ankle laying across lap. The drive is a blur of street lights and turns before the car moves up a familiar back road.
You had used this back road many times to sneak into your bedroom after a night of partying. Hopper lifts you out of the truck and carries you to your window. It opens with ease and he places you on the bed that sits right underneath it. He pulls a pink blanket over you before slipping back into the darkness.
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hauntedministry · 1 year
I will ruin you.
Pairings: dbf!Joel Miller x afab!reader
Word count: Approx 4.5K
Summary: After a long-term relationship ended badly, you decided it was best to return home, surrounded by people you knew, and grew up with. It had been years since you’d seen Joel and had always had eyes for him but knew never to act upon it.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! SMUT MINORS DNI!! Age gap, reader is in their 20s and Joel is in his 40s. Unprotected P in V sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy). Light degradation, ish. Brat taming kink also ish, let’s gooo (I mean dbf!Joel and brat taming go hand in hand). Spanking, risky sex, creampie, kind of stalker Joel but not really. If I can think of anymore or if you find more please let me know 🫶
A/N: This is my first fic I’ve posted so please let me know what you think! I’m also definitely not a writer this is mostly self indulgent 😅
The sun was setting as your dads pick up pulled into the driveway. You jumped out of the car and onto the pavement, there was a slight breeze that ran through your hair, it was a little chilly but still pleasant. Grabbing your bag from the front seat, you shut the door and let out a small sigh while you looked at the home where you grew up. It felt so nice to be back home. “Thanks for getting me, dad.” You say giving your dad a smile.
“Anytime sweetheart, it’s good to have you back home.” He pulled you in for a cuddle, and you felt instantly comforted. You’d missed him, barely being able to find the time to see him, let alone call. But now you had all the time in the world. He walked up to the front door and unlocked it. “After you, princess.” Your dad gestured while he stepped to the side.
“Hey come on now, enough of that, dad.” You rolled your eyes at the pet name while walking indoors. “I haven’t been ‘princess’ for years.”
“Ah well you’re still my little girl.” He replied and in response you groaned and shook your head with a smile. The last time you were able to visit home had been 3 years ago when your ex had actually given a damn about your life. You’d missed it so much. “I’ll let you get your things upstairs. Join me when you’re ready.”
“Thank you, I shouldn’t be too long!” You called down to your dad, already up the stairs and headed to your old room. You dropped your bag on the bed and sat down next to it, taking a moment to take in your surroundings. Most of things were as you left them, some decorations made you cringe as it was years since you had moved out. You then hopped off your bed and began to unpack a few items from your travel bag. The rest of your belongings were left at your exes. That was a task for another day you thought to yourself, now all you wanted was to relax.
Shortly after your dad had brought you two home, the front door was opened, then shut, then followed by a loud voice calling out to your dad. You’d investigate in a second but for now you just wanted a moment to yourself. After freshening yourself up you changed into a different outfit, a pair of charcoal mum jeans and a loose fitting baby pink sweater that you half tucked into your jeans.
You finally decided to show face and find out who the mystery visitor was. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs. After reaching the bottom step you walked into the living room and stopped in your tracks. “Oh my god, Joel?” You called out to the tall man standing next to your dad, he was wearing a simple black t-shirt that clung to his broad chest and it was paired with navy blue jeans. You didn’t think you’d see him again after he moved away so this was such a wonderful surprise. Joel and your dad had been friends for a very long time, they always helped each other out when they needed it. You hated to admit it but you had always had the hots for him for so many years. Joel turned his head towards you and also had to do a double take.
“Who the fuck is this?” He then looked back to your dad and your smile dropped, you felt a twinge of disappointment. “Ahh I’m just kiddin’ doll, c’mere!” with a grin and a chuckle, he pulled you in for a hug, his big arms wrapped around you, you instantly melted into him. You could’ve stayed there forever, his scent was intoxicating. “God it’s been like five years ain’t that right?” Joel said with his arms still wrapped around you, his chin rested softly on your head.
“Yeah it’s been a while.” You both finally broke away from the hug and you took this as an opportunity to really look him over. Gosh he was still as gorgeous as you had remembered, if not more so. “Last time I came home was about three years back, but I know you’d moved away. I didn’t think I’d see you again, what brought you back?” You ask trying to discreetly check him out, you could’ve sworn his eyes were trailing you up and down but you swiftly pushed away the thought. Joel had aged like a fine wine, his hair was growing a few more greys, his face gained more wrinkles but it suited him so well.
“Somethin’ ‘bout this place, just feels like home. Besides I had nothin’ keepin’ me back there anyway.” He caught your gaze and you snapped out of your daydreaming. Last time you’d seen him, he was head over heels for some woman, that must’ve ended or he wouldn’t be back you thought to yourself.
“I’m with you there Joel. Well I’m glad you’re back. So what’s my second favourite old man been up to?” You ask giddy with excitement and nudge his arm with your elbow.
“Old man? All this time to grow up and she still ain’t learnt any manners?” He shook his head calling to your dad who was in the kitchen and laughed, a deep belly laugh. You swear it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Your dad came back from the kitchen with some beer bottles, you gladly accepted as did Joel.
“It comes from a place of love I swear!” You replied with a hand on your heart and a bat of your lashes. All three of you made your way to the couch and took your places, you sat on one end of the sofa, your dad next to you and Joel on the armchair just a little off to the side. He was sat with his legs wide, his large thighs constricted in his jeans. You had to remind yourself to look away.
“I know sugar, ‘m just teasin’.” He shoots you a wink from his side of the room. “Me an’ your dad found work together, like handy stuff fixin’ things an’ the like.” He took another swig from his bottle. Your dad got up to grab some snacks from the kitchen. “How comes you’re back home then? I thought you had found your Prince Charming?” He asked, looking you over for answers.
“Oh yeah, him.” You said, your tone lowering to an almost whisper as your thumb fiddled with the rim of your bottle.
“Oh my bad, doll. I-.” Joel rubbed the back of his neck as he saw your demeanour change.
“No no, it’s fine. He was just so immature and he’d fallen out of love a long time back.” You take a moment to gather yourself before continuing. “In the end I caught him with buried balls deep in some girl.” Joel was watching you recant the memory, he felt bad but in his mind he knew he was never right for you. “Just wish I could’ve seen it coming sooner.”
“I’m sorry, that must’ve hurt real bad.” You nodded slowly looking down at your bottle. “Stupid boy don’t know what he’s lost.” Joel continued, the compliment sending a warmth through your body, why did he have to be so goddamn charming.
“Still, that part of my life’s over, now it’s time to start a new chapter. And hey, could be worse at least I’ve got my two old boys with me.” You giggled, blushing slightly making contact with Joel’s beautiful deep brown eyes.
“Ah man come on now!” He retorted with a half grin.
The evening carried on filled with remembering memories and making stupid dad jokes. You’d missed just being able to be you around people you loved and cared about. And my god was it so good to see Joel again.
Joel came to your dads almost every morning to head off to their various call outs together. One morning, you had come downstairs in your pyjamas, a black cami top and short set with a lace trim. Before the two men set out you always offered to make them a cup of coffee. Joel always gave you a wink after thanking you, in return he gave you butterflies.
On another occasion, you’d just gotten out of the shower and you were sat on the side of your bed with a towel wrapped around you, putting moisturiser on your legs when Joel came upstairs to use the bathroom. He walked past your room and your eyes met his, he stilled for a moment and you could’ve sworn he lingered a bit longer than he should’ve, but he then swiftly continued his journey to the bathroom. You smiled to yourself and bit your lip. That same night all you could think about was the way he looked at you. Needless to say your hand found its way between your legs quicker than you’d like to admit.
The next evening, your friends had invited you out for a catch up and a sort of welcome home night out together. You dressed up in a tight fitting black dress mini that sat off the shoulders with long sleeves. Paired with black strappy heels and a little black shoulder bag. You felt good to be going out with friends not worrying about how to behave or looking at someone the wrong way, just free to do what you wanted.
At the bar your group had chosen, this guy kept looking you up and down from the bar, oh boy you knew where this was leading, and you were gonna follow suit. He was cute enough and recently there was only one thing on your mind, you knew you could never get what you wanted with Joel, so random guy from the bar would make do. You headed over to the bar and ordered a drink. “Make that two!” The guy called to the bartender. You both chatted away over the loud music, not really paying attention to what he was saying anyway. Eventually you both decided to cut the bullshit and head back to yours.
When the two of you got back to your dads, you fumbled around in your purse for your key and eventually opened the door. His hands were on you immediately, pulling down the neckline of your dress exposing your breasts. Images of Joel flashed in your mind wishing it was him who was fondling you. But this would do for now as a temporary fix.
You both stumbled into the living room, the room was tinted orange from the soft glow of the streetlight outside. You bumped into the arm of the sofa and pulled him down on top of you. You were giggling but you were trying to keep quiet and you were in also in a rush, it had been so long since someone had touched you. His hands grabbed at your tits and gave your nipples a pinch. “What about your dad?” He asked between breathy kisses.”
“Sleeping, shh.” Was all you replied. He nodded and was clearly also in a hurry as his shirt was whipped off his body in a flash and then he began to unbutton his pants, he started to pull up your dress when the front door swiftly opened and clicked shut and in walked Joel fucking Miller.
You’d never asked his name, and frankly you didn’t care, but the half naked guy shot up from the sofa, fear riddled his face. “Ah shit, look man I’m sorry. She asked me to come home, I promise we weren’t gonna do anything.” He kept rambling on, trying to make up some excuse. The shock of Joel catching you like this paralysed you momentarily, unable to think or move. Then you snapped out of it and quickly pulled up the top of your dress to cover yourself.
“Get out.” Was all Joel said, his voice was deep and gravely and his eyes not leaving yours once. The guy scrambled to dress himself again and get out of the house. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Hey no hang on, you can’t tell me what to do. He can stay.”you tried to stand up for yourself but the guy was already wriggling out of your grasp and headed to the door apologising profusely as he rushed past Joel. You thought Joel was gonna attack him as he was breathing heavily through his nose. Joel’s whole demeanour changed and you had never seen him like this, of course it was turning you on even more, how could it not? Joel’s eyes returned to you.
“Him, really?” He looked at you with disgust his words like venom spitting from his mouth. You clenched your thighs together. God why did this make you even hornier?
“Oh my god, Joel, you’re not my dad!” Your hands covered your face from embarrassment. “Why are you here anyway it’s like one in the morning?” You asked him trying to keep your voice down.
“Your dad left his tools at mine, he needs them early, and I couldn’t sleep.” He nonchalantly replied. Your eyes dropped down to see the toolbox in hand. Okay it was a bit of a weird alibi but you went along with it. “So I thought I’d be nice and drop ‘em off for him. But don’t go changin’ the subject, you’ve not even been home a week? And you’re already causin’ trouble. I knew you hadn’t changed.” He spat at you with disgust. “Lettin’ some silly little boy get his hands on you in your dads home, while he’s asleep? He’ll be so disappointed.” Joel’s head turned in the direction of the stairs.
“No, no, no no no.” You waved your hands out in-front of you. “Seriously though, you’re not gonna tell him?” You looked at him searching for an answer. “Joel what the fuck? I can do what I fucking want, if I want to fuck someone I can, it’s my body I’ll do what I want with it.”
“Shut your mouth!” He suddenly grabbed you by the throat and squeezed ever so slightly. Fear shook your body but you could feel your wetness pooling, you clenched your thighs again to feel some form of release. A moan was caught in your throat, and then it hit you. The realisation. Joel was jealous.
“You fucking pervert, Miller.” You said to him. Joel only squeezed tighter. “You just didn’t like the thought of me with another guy, that’s right isn’t it? You’re a jealous old man.” He pushed you back down onto the sofa by the throat. His hand felt so good wrapped around your neck, you were disappointed by the loss.
“I said shut your fucking mouth you little brat.” His body caged you in as he towered over you and pointed a thick finger to your face.
“Make me.” You bravely replied, with an eyebrow raised. You were almost challenging him.
“You really wanna try that shit with me?” Joel’s eyes had darkened and his voice deepened.
“I said, make, me”. You repeated and then a sharp slap stung you across the left side of your face then his large hand grabbed your jaw. Your eyes widened with shock, once more you found yourself squeezing your thighs together.
“Fuckin’ knew you were still a little brat. And the way you been walkin’ round wearin’ next to fuckin’ nothin’. You knew exactly what you were doin’ ain’t that right doll? Knew I couldn’t keep my eyes off ya.” Joel grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you back up, he then took your spot and brought you down over his knee. His large hands pulled up the skirt of your dress exposing your ass to him. He brought his hand down on your cheek a loud slap echoed through the living room. A sharp gasp broke through your mouth, his hand felt so good, the sting painful but pleasurable at the same time. You bit your lower lip hard stopping yourself from moaning and god forbid waking up your dad. Joel quietly chuckled. “You’re lovin’ this ain’t you doll? You filthy little thing.” You nodded and moved your hips trying to grind yourself against his thigh. “This what you wanted? How many times you thought about me? ‘Bout the things I could do to you? Huh?”
“T- too many.” You replied shamefully, your face and ass stinging from the contact. He continued spanking you making your behind tender and sore. He then yanked down your black panties exposing your aching pussy to him. You were ashamed just how much this was turning you on, you were dripping.
“Such a pretty little cunt. Dripping for me and I’ve not even touched you yet.” He then pressed two fingers against your folds to smear your juices around. A soft moan came from your mouth. “Mmm, could bury myself in you right now you’re so wet.”
“Joel, please I need you. I need you so bad.” You whined, aching for him. He then helped you up off his knee and turned you to face him. His hands made quick work of helping you out of your dress, when it reached the floor you stepped out and kicked it away.
“Look at you. So perfect.” Joel complimented as his hand palmed his growing bulge. “I will ruin you. Do you realise that, doll? Are you sure that’s want you want?” Joel questioned. “I’m tellin’ ya now sugar, if we do this I ain’t gonna be able to stop myself.” You could tell that he needed you just as much as you needed him. “All you’ll be able to think about is how my cock tears your pretty little pussy up.”
“Joel, please.” You begged, he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. “I’ve wanted you for so long you have no idea.” Under the soft orange street light you could see a devilish grin plastered across his face. “Always thought about what you could do to me.” You watched as Joel began undressing himself, he pulled down his jeans and his boxers. His thick cock sprung free and slapped against his stomach. You bit your lip as you watched it twitch. His hand gripped his length and he began pumping gently. Joel’s free hand was on you once more as he turned you around and guided your throbbing core over him.
“Now, sugar, you’re gonna fuck yourself on me, show me how bad you want this.” Your cheeks flushed red as you lifted a leg up onto the sofa for balance as you lowered yourself onto him. The stretch he provided was painful yet deliciously, you whimpered while you accommodated his thickness. “Ooh my, g- god.” He moaned as you finally took all of him inside. His hands found their way under your ass to help you as you started to bounce.
“Fuck, Joel.” You whined as you rode him. “You feel so big.” Soft sounds of skin slapping could be heard as Joel began to match your rhythm. He wrapped an arm around your waist and his hand found purchase on your breast, he squeezed firmly.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good for me, doll.” Joel whispered his praise to you as you bounced on his cock. “If only your daddy knew what his precious little angel was doing right now.” As if on cue, your dads bedroom door opened and then his shuffling footsteps slowly followed him down the stairs. “Shh, shhh. Gotta keep quiet babygirl.” Joel whispered in your ear. “Can’t have your daddy finding you like this can we?” He pulled you down to lay beside him, hiding both of you behind the big cushions on the sofa. His left hand was clamped tight around your mouth and his right was working at your clit, rubbing perfect circles that sent waves of pleasure all over your body. Joel had you pressed tight against his chest, he was still stuffed balls deep inside you, slowly thrusting. Your eyes rolled back, as Joel’s lips attacked your neck, sucking on the same spot. Your dad had reached the bottom of the stairs and then switched on the light in the kitchen and the tap began to run.
Joel continued to fuck you painfully slowly. Each trust driving you insane with need, he’d pull his hips back so his tip was barely inside then he’d push all the way in. A squeal escaped from your mouth through Joel’s hand and your eyes widened. The tap stopped running. Your heart plummeted. Joel only continued rubbing your clit. You tried to swat his hand away, afraid you wouldn’t be able to keep quiet. He of course ignored you and the action only spurred him on more. The coil in your stomach began to tighten, you knew what was coming. Joel could feel it too, your walls fluttering around him, he rubbed your clit faster to get you closer. You were trapped under his hold, unable to do anything but give in to the pleasure he was providing. Then it hit you, your eyes shut tight as you came harder than you ever had before, his hand pressed harder into your face as more moans left your mouth. Your legs spasmed and trembled from the aftershock. Joel then removed his hand from your clit but he still continued thrusting, working you through your orgasm as your walls clenched around him, Joel huffed and bit down on your earlobe even he was trying to control himself.
Finally your dad left the kitchen, but he paused by the living room for what felt like forever, then he turned and ascended the staircase. As soon as the bedroom door clicked shut Joel pulled out and you almost cried at the loss. He shimmied out from behind you and got off the couch. He then wrapped his muscular arms around your legs and roughly pulled you towards the edge of the sofa and you let out a soft giggle. Joel then spread your legs apart allowing him better access, he positioned himself in front of your cunt and rubbed his painfully hard cock against for folds, slapping it against your clit occasionally. He then aligned his cock with your entrance and slammed his hips forward, knocking the air out of your lungs. He relentlessly rutted into you, his balls slapping against your ass. “Bet’cha that stupid little boyfriend of yours couldn’t make you feel this good?” Joel’s tone was lowered, but you could hear the need in his words, the need to please you.
You violently shook your head. “He never made me cum.” You admitted. “He couldn’t do it. I always faked it too.” You felt guilty but it was the truth, he just couldn’t get you over the edge. A low chuckle came from Joel at your admission.
“Fuckin’ knew he was useless.” Joel grinded into you, his tone almost angry, his eyes were trained on your cunt. You looked down too and watched as his thick length repeatedly disappeared inside you. That familiar feeling deep inside began to build once more. Joel moaned also losing himself in the pleasure. “Mmm, gonna cum for me again aren’t you?” You moaned a mhm as a pathetic response unable to form your words. You reached out to grab onto the back of the sofa with one hand, the other pressed flat against the cushions to steady yourself. Your mind was dizzy with lust and desire as the band snapped and tingles coursed through your body. “See that, fuck babygirl, you can’t fake that, how tight your pussy grips me. Feels like heaven.” He groaned at how your cunt contracted around him tightly.
You watched Joel’s face as he slowed his pace to pull back a little. He lowered his head slightly and then spit onto your pussy, his saliva trailed down from your clit to your entrance. Joel groaned as he then fucked into you hard and fast. “Oh- oh my go- god!” You moaned out in breathy rasps.
“Looked so pretty at the bar, sugar.” Joel mumbled. “The way you were dancin’, knew I had to have you.” He continued, your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised. “Then that pathetic idiot got his hands on you, I could barely watch, nearly gave him a black eye right there.” Joel fully gave into his need and continued slamming his cock into you again and again.
Joel’s thrusts then started becoming sloppy, his rhythm was lost as his climax was closing in. “Fuck, doll, don’t think I’m gonna last much longer.” He pants, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. Seeing him losing his control would probably have been enough to make you cum again. You placed a hand on the side of his neck and pulled him down closer you, his hand gripped your waist and his other pressed against the back of the sofa. The angle was perfect, causing you to become even tighter for him. A deep moan erupted from Joel as he was nearing his release. He removed his hand that was on your waist and brought his thumb to your mouth. “Open.” He ordered, and you obeyed, opening your mouth to allow his thumb inside. You sucked on it and he pulled it out with a pop. He began rubbing your clit with his wet thumb, your legs quivered from the contact.
You could tell Joel was trying to stop himself from spilling into you, but he didn’t need to hold on much longer as your own climax finally broke through. You couldn’t hold it in anymore and a string of pornographic moans came from you. Joel couldn’t last any longer either, the way your cunt squeezed him after your orgasm sent him over the edge. He too moaned loudly as his hips jerked while he unloaded himself deep inside you. He fell forwards slightly and used his hand that was pressed against the sofa to balance himself, Joel stilled momentarily to catch his breath before quickly pulling out.
Joel’s eyes were locked on your face, he thought you looked perfect. “I could watch this forever.” His gaze then broke and trailed down to your puffy cunt, cum was leaking out of your hole. He reached his right hand and his finger traced up and down smearing his juices all over. “You look so pretty like this, all fucked out an’ silly, and it’s all for me.”
You were still comprehending what had just happened when Joel bent down and placed a soft kiss to your temple. “You did so good for me, doll.” He praised, then he grabbed his pants and dressed himself. He shot you a wink and left you on the sofa dripping and fucked out of your mind. The front door quietly clicked shut and you heard the soft hum of his engine fade away.
Thank you for reading! 🖤
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lottesreads · 3 months
Why Me? - Part 9
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, talk about sex, mentions of abuse, pining, forbidden relationship, jealousy, self-doubt, Hangman being a menace, talk of death, mentions of exes
Word Count: 9k (It's worth it, I promise)
Summary: After a chat with your dad, you're feeling a little better about your family situation. You still get the feeling you're being watched and try your hardest to be on your best behavior. And the time finally comes for Bob to meet Emily.
A/N: I wrote the last bit to this part MONTHS ago and I'm so excited to finally share it with y'all. Again, love the likes, comments and reblogs make me cry happy tears and I love you all!
Also, special shoutout to Tonya Harding anon, whose reaction I am always excited to see when I post. Anyway, enjoy!!
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Bob was an idiot. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself as he drove home to Sylvia. Of course you would want him to go out on a date, or whatever this was. You are his friend, and friends want each other to be happy. Except, Bob knows he won’t be happy with Rachel’s friend, whatever her name was. Even as he unlocks his front door and is greeted with Sylvia running toward him, he still can’t help but feel a little sad over the thought of you. You’ve been on his mind every day since he first laid eyes on you, and he knew even then you were too good for him. There was a moment today, as he held your hand he felt the courage to say something. He wasn’t sure exactly what he would have said, but you make him feel scared and brave all at the same time. It’s hard to explain, but who would he have to explain it to anyway?
Even as he’s brushing his teeth, his thoughts wander as they usually do to you. The way your eyes light up when you give him a real smile. Not the fake ones you’ve been sporting lately. The way you were so gentle with him, and every time your hands found each others it felt so natural. So right.
Clad in just his boxers, Bob slips beneath the sheets of his bed as he sets his glasses on his nightstand. And even though he knows it’s a hard habit to break, when Sylvia jumps up to join him he doesn’t push her away. He welcomes the comfort, patting the spot next to him as she circles once, plopping down against his side once she’s sure she’s found the right spot.
The warmth takes his mind back to the night he spent in your bed. How even in your drunken state your hand was able to find his heart so easily. You didn’t need a hand to do that, though. Somehow through all of his attempts to avoid having to look at you longer than he had to, you had already found it. He could tell the minute his heart started pounding out of his chest the first time he saw you that you would get there easier than anyone else had, or probably ever will.
His eyes grow tired, and as he turns his head he can almost make out the shape of your face, your eyes reappearing underneath your lashes. A soft smile creeping from your plush lips as you stare back. Bob is quite sure he’s dreaming now as the lingering floral scent of your shampoo clouds his senses. As much as he wishes it was, it doesn’t feel real as he kisses your forehead. He can’t move, he knows if he takes any more liberties in this dream it will slip out of his fingers just like they all have before. If Bob can be with you in any way he knows it will only be in his dreams. And as much as it hurts to wake up and realize it’s not real, and there’s no way you would want him, he still allows himself to relish the moments where his brain tricks him into thinking you do. He’ll take the hurt of waking up as reality crushes his spirit just for the chance to know you in his sleep.
And now his mind remembers what it feels like to have your hands caress his face, cradle his jaw, and trace over his lips. The rushed way your lips met his cheek. Closing his eyes he can pause the memory, smell your perfume, know the way your kiss felt against his face. Your touch will fuel his dreams for years to come. He knows this to be the heartwrenching truth as the thought of you brings him to a deep sleep.
The drive is silent, and yet you still take the long way home. The day is finally catching up to you as you park your car in the driveway, opting to just sit in the driver’s seat, staring at the steering wheel. It’s still the same shitty little car you bought when you were 17, the heater doesn’t work, but you figured you don’t need it in San Diego. And the battery’s a little finicky, but you just keep telling yourself you’ll get a new one when you have the time. Whenever you’re not falling for people you can’t have or punching your brother- teammate. You swiftly correct yourself. If he wants a relationship that’s the only one he’s going to get from you.
You don’t even know how long you’ve been sitting in your car, contemplating your existence before you’re walking to the front door, head held low. Your brain is on autopilot, the rest of your body following. The light in the kitchen doesn’t even phase you as you lock the front door behind you, running a hand down your face as you lean against the door.
“I was wondering when you’d get home”, your head shoots up in the direction of your father’s voice coming from the kitchen table, startling you.
“Jesus christ”, you let out.
“I got back to the bar and they all told me you already left, so how did I beat you here?” Folding his arms across his chest, he raises a brow for you to answer.
“I just needed to clear my head, go for a drive.” You shrug. He hums in acknowledgement, holding your gaze, as if waiting for you to go on. His eyes fall to your hand as you rub at your forehead. “Well, I think I’m just gonna go to bed-”
“Were you going to tell me what happened to your hand?” A shaky breath leaves your body as you look down to the fading bruise, it’s a wonder he was able to see it at all anymore.
“You never asked.”
“I never noticed.” He counters.
“And whose fault is that?” You bite back. He’s at a visible loss for words as you move to the stairs, taking a few steps toward your room, “Like I told Penny, I slammed it in my car door.”
“Oh c’mon”, the slightly raised level of his voice stops you in your tracks, “Cut the crap kid. Tell me the truth.” You turn to face him as he stands, just so tired with the day and the same old bullshit you’ve been trying to swim through.
“Seems like you already know the truth, so why does it matter if I tell you?”
“Because you keep lying to me!” You know he’s not just talking about covering up what Rooster said. There’s a deep frustration within his words that goes back to when you were a kid. Lying about how you got those bruises around your wrists, even the lie you kept up for four years while you attended the academy.
“Dad, please, I really don’t feel like talking right now-“
“No. You keep avoiding me, and we’re having a conversation. Now.” It’s your turn to beg as your lip begins to wobble.
“I’ve already had a rough day and I just want to go to sleep, please dad.”
“What’s wrong?”, he asks with a much gentler tone.
“It’s nothing”, you respond, fiddling with your thumb instead of staring back at him. Sighing, he shakes his head at the ground.
“Please. Just tell me the truth. Talk to me bug.” The nickname falls softly from his lips, even if it is hard for him to say. Truth be told, he couldn’t bring himself to call you that after Carole died, he didn’t want to encroach on the Bradshaw’s nickname for you. He knows you’ve worked hard to become the independent woman that you are today, but right now all he can see is his little girl standing at the top of the stairs. It brings back memories of you as a kid, blanket in hand, waking up from a scary dream. In those instances you’d wipe at your tear-stained cheeks and tired eyes, clinging to your dad. Your eyes look tired now, just not due to lack of sleep anymore.
“There’s just a lot going on right now”, you mutter.
“You don’t have to tell me everything… I just want to make sure you’re ok, kid.” You nod at his words. There is a lot going on in your mind right now. The most recent thing involves something or rather someone you would never in a million years tell your dad about, so your mind wanders back to the root of how you got here. Why you’ve been feeling inadequate in comparison to the person who turned his back on you, not even giving you the decency to watch as he left you to drown.
“What do I have to do for you to see me the same way you do Bradley?” Your father’s shoulders visibly slump as he blinks up at you.
“It’s like he can do no wrong in your eyes. And I kind of get it. I mean he’s the product of two people you loved very much, and I… I was an accident”, Damn it. You are so sick of crying, but you try to swallow the frog in your throat to delay it anyway you can, “A regret you’re forced to live with every single day.” You’re picking at your nails again, heart beating so loud in your ears you don’t hear your dad get closer until his arms are wrapped around you. The two of you sink to take a seat on the stairs you were all too eager to run up only a minute ago. The second his arms reach around your shoulders, the tears start falling from your lash line, and you try your best to muffle your sniffling through his jacket.
“Hey, who told you that?” he gently asks, running his hand over your head in an attempt to soothe you.
“Who do you think?”, you mumble back, defeated. He sighs as he sets both hands gently on your shoulders, trying to get you to look at him.
“How could I regret you when you are the one thing that I am most proud of in my life? Huh? Screw every title and trophy, being called your dad is the greatest achievement I will ever receive.” His green eyes don’t tear away from your own, driving the sincerity of his words right through your heart. 
“Do you understand that?” Nodding, you move to rest your head on his shoulder while he rubs your arm.
“And about Bradley… There’s a lot that boy has and will do wrong. I was just surprised that after- hell, sixteen years he wanted a relationship with me again. I didn’t see that I was hurting you, and sweetheart, I am so sorry.”
“I thought you died, you know”, you whisper. “I thought you both did.” He holds you tighter at your remark. The harrowing moments on the Uranium mission when you had to sit in your F-18, listening to your teammates scream that your dad, and then Rooster of all people had gone down haunt your memories. Take up space that could otherwise be filled with anything else. “I was ready to forgive him. Almost losing the two of you for good made me realize I missed him more than I hated him. And now-”, you take in a deep breath, your dad going back to rubbing up and down your arm.
“You know, Goose was my brother. Blood be damned. I miss him and Carole every single day. I see them both in Bradley, but this anger- I know that comes from years of hatred and resentment he harbored towards me. I’m sorry you got caught in the crossfire of all of that.”
“He did apologize to me. Multiple times. I just don’t know if this is something that I can forgive him for.” Your dad hums and gives you a nod, moving to stroke your head again.
“You don’t have to decide that right now. I think it’s up to him to show you if he really means it, and in the meantime you can let your old man try to knock some sense into him.” You huff out a small laugh through your nose.
“Has he said anything to you?” You ask, genuinely curious.
“Yeah, we had a little talk on Sunday.” Furrowing your brows, you move your head to look back at his face.
“What did you say?” “Nothing that he didn’t need to hear. Someone had to remind him that’s not how you treat people, let alone your family.” You inwardly cringe at his use of the word. You know Rooster doesn’t have many blood-relatives left. A couple cousins on his mom’s side, but they’re all older and already have families of their own. You guess, in a sense, you are the only family he has left.
“I already punched him”, you mutter. Sighing once more, he turns and places a kiss to the very top of your head.
“I know you did, kid. Thanks for telling me.” You sit on the stairs a little longer, the relief of talking to him lifting a weight off of your chest. Until he speaks up again.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to lie to me anymore, ok?”, you nod against his shoulder. “Is there anything else bothering you?” And even though you just practically told him you would tell him the truth, this is one thing you know you cannot and will not divulge to him.
You’re a little nervous for work the next day. There’s not a doubt in your mind that you did the right thing by telling Bob to go on that date or whatever it is, and you’ll stick by that decision. But now you have people watching you. Rooster, even as you walk into the ready-room while Hangman, Payback, and Fanboy suit up to take to the skies, is already watching as you move to take a seat on the couch, noticeably across from Bob instead of next to him and Phoenix.
Bob looks up almost immediately as you sit, and sends a small smile your way. You do the same to him and it almost feels like before. Just pleasantries, even if you are excited to see him. God, Rooster was going to ruin your life. You’re pointedly avoiding his gaze even though you know he’s still watching. This is ok, though. You’re just going to follow Cyclone’s advice and do your job. That’s what you’re here to do.
Once the first group is done with their exercises, it’s your turn to head out along with Rooster. Your dad was adamant he was not the one who set up the pairs this time, and you immediately know this was a direct order from Cyclone. A test.
The object is to use the evasive maneuvers you’ve been practicing to avoid one Pete “Maverick” Mitchell from shooting you down. You’re walking to your jet when a voice stops you in your tracks.
“Mantis!”, Rooster calls out. You turn, holding your head high as he catches up to you. “We got this, right?” You eye his helmet as he holds it out to you. And as if the action summoned the beast himself, over Rooster’s shoulder you notice Cyclone standing in the hangar, shoulders squared as he watches the two of you get ready for takeoff. Looking back to Rooster, you knock your helmet into his.
“Right.” He nods once, trying to hide his surprise at your willingness.
Waiting in the air for your dad to make an appearance is like waiting in the eye of a storm. You know it’s coming, you just have to wait for it to pass over before all hell breaks loose.
“You see him yet?”, you ask, breaking the silence that has since formed after taking off.
“Not yet, but keep your eyes peeled, he likes to sneak up from below.” If there’s anything you know about your father, it’s that he doesn’t like to use the same tricks twice. Which is why when you look up, you’re not at all surprised at Maverick’s jet flying just above the two of you, nose diving the slightest bit as if he thinks he can catch you off guard.
“Bogie’s right above us, coming in hot, break right Rooster.” He does as you say while you break left, and your dad is left scrambling as his attempt to dive between the two of you is foiled. The two of you successfully evade Maverick for the time being, but when you’re left right next to each other and Maverick’s coming back around, you know he has to choose one of you to “shoot down”, and you know he won’t be choosing you.
“He’s coming back around Mantis”, Rooster warns. You eye his jet coming up from behind this time.
“He’s gonna go after you. When I tell you to, break left.” You watch his speed steadily increase as he gets closer and closer to the two of you, your hand twitching on the yoke of your jet. “Now Rooster!” He does as you say, and just like you planned it, Maverick follows him. Their jets fall as they get closer to the Hard Deck, and you watch Rooster start to climb back up.
“I’m leading him to you Mantis, heads up!” You follow their jets from above, waiting for Rooster to lead Maverick into your trap, and before you know it, they’re both in front of you, the shrill sound of catching tone on your dad ringing in both of your cockpits.
“Tone!”, you exclaim, “You’re out Mav.” You can’t help the smile that forms on your face, even as you make your way out of the cockpit. Once you land, Rooster is waiting for you with the same look on his face. 
“Now that's what I’m talking about, Mantis!”, he offers his hand in high five as the two of you walk off the tarmac, and as the adrenaline from beating your father makes its way through your veins, you take him up on the offer, slapping your hand against his.
The rest of the team in the ready-room starts clapping as the two of you walk back in. As if defeating Maverick was one of the hardest things you’d have to do. You laugh as you tap your fist against Coyote’s, the others patting you and Rooster on the back. Bob’s standing at the couch, still clapping for you as he gives you a wider smile, a seemingly proud look in his eye, like he had no doubt you could do it. You smile right back, getting the feeling he had the confidence you could the entire time.
When lunch rolls around the adrenaline has since worn off, leaving you a little tired. You drag yourself into the mess-hall and spot Bob at your usual table in the crowd. You hate that your head perks up at the sight, and even if you were stuck a moment ago, your feet move in his direction. You greet him with a smile, and your heart melts as he moves his lunch bag off of the seat he saved just for you. Taking a breath of relief at the routine, you take a seat. A weight is lifted off of your shoulders, Bob is a friend, a great one at that, and you don’t want to do anything to risk that. Even if you long for more, and you get butterflies every time his hand touches yours, or he gives you that same crooked smile, you just want to be around him.
“Hey, nice job today”, he says as he starts to unpack his lunch.
“Thank you. Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t ask this morning, but how’s your nose?” He makes a move to touch the bridge of his nose, feeling for any sort of tenderness.
“Oh, it’s fine. I think bein’ out in the sun all day just dried me out. Made it look worse than it actually was.”
“Well hopefully we won’t need to have another mandated beach day. And maybe next time you’ll drink more water”, you comment, raising your brow at him.
“Ok”, he laughs, “I was a little distracted, next time I’ll make sure I’m chuggin’ water.” You furrow your brow with a smile as he digs into his lunch.
“What got you so distracted you forgot to drink water?” He swallows the bit of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich he just took a bite of, trying and failing to avoid your gaze.
“Oh, um-” The sound of Phoenix pulling out a chair at the table saves him from answering, as you look back to your friend. She offers you a high five and you’re quick to take it from her.
“Helluva job today, Mantis”, she says with a smirk.
“Thanks, what can I say? I am too good”, you joke as she rolls her eyes, Bob chuckling next to you.
“If you keep quoting that Texas Ken doll, you are not coming to my house on Saturday.” She says as she points her fork in your direction. Putting your hands up in a mock surrender, she switches the subject.
“Speaking of… Bob”, his head perks up, “Rachel’s excited for you to meet Emily.” Your eyes slowly flit to Bob, gauging his reaction. He swallows again before responding, if you thought any better you’d think he was nervous.
“What have you told Emily about me?”
“Just that you’re a really good friend, cute, and sweet. You know, the basics.” He lets out a light scoff.
“Yeah, well, don’t get her hopes up, too much.” At his words you lightly tap his shoulder with the back of your hand.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, you ask.
“C’mon”, he looks to you and back to Phoenix, “You tell a girl you’re settin’ her up with one of your Navy buddies and she’ll expect someone like that Texas Ken doll. Not… me.”
“Bob”, you start, almost placing a hand atop his, but ultimately deciding to land on his shoulder, “I’ve met a ton of meatheads during my time in the Navy, but you are a breath of fresh air in an otherwise tainted climate. You hear me?” His eyelashes flutter as he blinks at you. Taking a deep breath in his eyes land back on Phoenix who gives him an encouraging smile.
“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Phoenix’s phone starts ringing, and she smiles wider as she takes it out of her pocket, “It’s Rachel, I’ll be right back.” You go back to your food as Bob does his, or at least you try to. It’s so stupid. He’s not even yours and the thought of him seeing another woman makes your stomach ache.
“Do you really think this is a good idea?”, his ocean eyes are riddled with worry as you look back at him.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”, you ask, your voice a little softer. He simply shrugs, staring back at his large hands.
“Setups like this usually don’t work out for me… They’re always expecting someone I’m not.” Your heart falls at the dejectedness in his voice. You can tell he’s had his heart broken many times after Mandy Harrison, and he doesn’t expect it to stop happening.
“Bob-”, you quickly stop yourself before calling him Bobby, “That just means those people weren’t right for you. And so what? You’ve taken chances before, that just means you’re open to the possibilities.”
“What possibilities? Feelin’ like a fool again?”
“The possibility of finding happiness in another person.” He stops arguing for a second, and again, it’s just the two of you. The table vacated except for you and Bob, your heart pounding in your head, taking over your every thought. “I don’t think wanting to be happy makes you a fool. It makes you human. And if taking this chance means you and another person end up happy, why not risk it? Who is it hurting?” You resist the urge to answer your own question. You. It’s hurting you.
“Nobody. I guess”, he responds, almost under his breath. It makes you want to double over in pain, but you resist and give him a small smile, eyeing the freckle just below his hairline as he focuses back on his lunch. He doesn’t actually eat any of it, just keeps picking up the same carrot and putting it back down until Phoenix comes back.
“Ok, well. We’re figuring out food so I need an official headcount. I know the two of you are coming, but are you still sure you want me to invite Rooster?” You’re snapped back to reality, finding Rooster across the room, eating alone again. The team still hasn’t let him back in quite yet, and while you’re thankful for the comradery, he is still a part of the squadron.
“Yeah, it’s fine”, you nod as she eyes you warily. 
“Ok, I can’t promise it won’t be awkward…”, she warns.
“It’s always going to be awkward. Might as well face it head on.”
You’ve been to Phoenix’s cozy bungalow a few times since being reassigned, and even though the two of you have grown a lot since bunking together at the Academy, she was still the same messy roommate you knew and loved her to be. Which is why when you show up a little early to help her set stuff up on Saturday evening, you’re surprised to see it’s already tidied up, no real additional cleaning required.
“Wow”, you remark as you step foot in the kitchen, “Are you sure I’m at the right address? This is too clean to be your place.” Stopping her motions as she chops up some fruit, she fixes you with a fake glare.
“Oh haha. You here to crack jokes or help me out?” You move to step around the counter, but a screech from behind you stops you in your path.
“Mantis!” Rachel squeals, reaching to give you a hug, “I’m so happy you’re here!”
“I’m so happy to be here!”, you respond in the same cadence, still a little surprised at her excitement.
“This is gonna be so much fun, I can’t wait to meet everyone else!”, she practically bounces on her feet, ginger locks swaying with her. You turn back to help Phoenix, clocking the lovestruck look on her face as she stares at her girlfriend.
“Who else have you met?”, you ask, starting to chop up fruit alongside Phoenix.
“Oh let’s see, you and Bob of course, we ran into Payback and his family at the beach, and then Rooster. But Nat tells me we’re mad at him right now?”, she cocks her head to the side, checking with her girlfriend if that’s still the case. Natasha nods, plating her already sliced strawberries.
“That’s right, but tonight we’re offering him an opportunity to redeem himself”, she responds, looking back at you. A knock comes from the door and Rachel excuses herself to answer it, leaving you and Phoenix in the kitchen. “You sure you’re gonna be alright with him here?” The voice in the back of your head tells you it’s not being around him you’re worried about, it’s being around-
“Bob!”, Rachel exclaims, “I’m so happy you’re here!” Your head shoots up to the entrance of the kitchen as Bob follows Rachel in. Your eyes are drawn to his clean-shaven face, then down to the strain of his forearm beneath the rolled up flannel he dons. A case of Dr. Pepper is clutched in his hands as he greets you and Phoenix, moving to place it in the fridge.
“You really didn’t have to bring anything”, she complains.
“I know, but mama told me to never show up to a party empty-handed.” Catching each other’s eyes, you give him a smile and turn back to your task at hand.
Before long, people are showing up, and Bob is whisked off to help rearrange some furniture to create more room for the influx of people. You’re talking to Payback, Fanboy and Bob just off to the side, when Rooster enters through the front door, a 12-pack of beer in hand that he hands off to Rachel as she greets him, noticeably without a hug. You watch as Phoenix approaches him, hands on her hips as he nods at what she’s telling him. From the way he’s attentively listening to her, you can tell she’s giving him a rundown of what she expects from him. You can make out the last of their conversation as her lips move, asking if he “got that?” He only nods in response, and you quietly smirk to yourself.
You’re talking to Fanboy now, Bob still hanging just to the right of you with Payback when you hear that same squeal from Rachel, only this time your stomach drops as she greets her friend.
“Emily!”, your eyes turn and find a stunning blonde woman hugging Rachel. You can’t help but gaze at her figure, her beautiful face and feel a little jealous. Turning back to Fanboy, you catch Bob looking your way through the corner of your eye, figuring he’s trying to get a look at Emily but you’re in the way.
“Bob!”, Phoenix calls out. You turn to find her dragging Emily over to your small group in the corner of the living room. He sets his can of Dr. Pepper on a coaster, before wiping the condensation off on his jeans. “This is Emily, Emily, this is Bob.”
“Nice to meet ya’”, he says, offering a handshake which she takes. You watch his hand engulf hers and have to tear your eyes away. It’s so stupid, but that’s the same hand that has wiped your tears away, gently comforted you, and you don’t want to be, but you’re jealous that it isn’t your hand he’s holding right now. She moves on, introducing her to the rest of the group, and you give her a polite smile and your name.
“Or you can call me Mantis”, you offer.
“Nice to meet you all”, she gives with a gorgeous smile. “Wait, Bob, what’s your call-sign?”
“Oh, it’s just Bob”, he responds with a nervous look on his face.
“Oh”, she laughs. You furrow your brows, glancing at Bob whose face is now red with embarrassment. You’re about to speak up for him, but Emily is already calling out for someone before you’re able to. “Rooster!” All of your heads turn as Rooster makes his way over, Emily immediately jumping to give him a hug.
“Wait”, you turn to Phoenix, “Do those two know each other?”
“Kind of, they met when I introduced Rooster to Rachel. It was actually his idea to set her up with Bob.” And then she takes a swig of her drink like she didn’t just drop a bomb on you. Your gaze hardens as you slowly turn back and see Emily running her hand down Rooster’s arm. That sneaky bastard had a master plan this entire time. His hazel eyes make contact with your own as you squint. He swallows and turns back to Emily who is still trying to hold his attention.
Once everyone arrives and settles in with a drink or two, a most wonderful idea to play “Never Have I Ever” is suggested by Hangman. Who has decided he’s the ringmaster of the entire party now. A few tame questions are asked, drinks are drunk, and then he has to open his stupid mouth, “Ok, never have I ever played spin the bottle.” You look around the room, leaving your drink in your hands, as pretty much everyone else takes a swig. Including Bob, who looks quite uninterested in his “date” talking Rooster’s ear off on the other side of her.
“Whoa, whoa whoa”, Hangman directs towards you, “You’re telling me you’ve never played spin the bottle?”
“Nope, but I’m not at all surprised you have.” You bite back, almost taking a swig of your drink before remembering the point of the game. Choosing to pick at the label instead.
“Alright, new game idea!” Hangman announces.
“We are NOT playing spin the bottle, this isn’t a 14-year old’s birthday party.”
“Fine then, who’s up for truth or dare?” He asks the room, eyes never leaving yours. You squint at him, suspicious of his intentions like always, as everyone else agrees to his plot. “I’ll go first”, he so graciously offers, “Mantis, truth or dare?”
“Truth”, you immediately respond, not giving him the chance to dare you what you think he’ll try to.
“You’re no fun”, he says rolling his eyes, “Fine, when was the last time you got laid?” He so casually asks as you just about spit out your drink, shock overtaking your features.
“Jesus Christ” You hear Rooster from next to Emily.
“That’s a little hard-hitting right out the gate, don’t you think?” Fanboy pipes up from across the room, still a hint of intrigue in his voice.
“It’s all part of the game, Mick. Besides, we’re adults, we’ve all had sex before. Right Mantis?” He asks, turning to you with his head tilted, as if trying to goad a response out of you. Scoffing, you glance across the room, taking note of everyone paying attention to what you have to say. Except for Rooster, who is really trying not to focus on the game right now.
“If you’re trying to insinuate something I suggest you come out and say it”, you respond, squaring your shoulders, daring him as he shrugs in your direction.
“All I’m saying is that since I’ve known you-
“A couple months” You interrupt.
“3, almost 4 months” he quickly adds, ”In that time I haven’t seen you leave the Hard Deck with anybody except good ‘ole baby on board over here. And we all know that ain’t gonna happen.” Hangman’s thumb hooks in Bob’s direction where you notice he’s begun to trace the rim on his can of soda, not giving Emily his attention while she attempts to whisper something in Rooster’s ear. You turn back to Hangman’s smug grin as he takes a swig of his own beer.
“Fine”, you relent, “You really wanna know?” His brows raise a single time, daring you to go on.
“I’m all ears”, he says, showcasing his stark white teeth as he leans back in his seat. And even though you know it’s not just Hangman listening, you’re not about to back down from a challenge. Even if it will absolutely embarass you in front of your team.
“It’s been a couple years”, You offer, immediately taking a drink so as to not meet anyone’s eyes.
“How long is a couple?” You clench your teeth, rolling your eyes until you’re staring at Hangman again.
“Five”, you mutter through your teeth, hoping he’s the only one who will hear you.
“Come again?” “It’s been 5 years” you finally confess loud enough for everyone to hear. Common looks of wide eyes and quiet whispers are shared as Phoenix gives you a knowing look. One that says, “I know exactly who the last person you slept with was.” You fix her with a stern gaze, deterring her from saying anything to you on the matter.
“Oh I heard you the first time, I was asking when you were gonna come again.” Phoenix throws a pillow at him from across the room as he laughs at his own joke.
“Alright, I need another drink” you huff out as you get up and walk into the kitchen. You can still hear the cacophony that is the dagger squad from behind the wall, but continue to look for something else to drink. Maybe something a little stronger that will help you get through the night.
Bob excuses himself from Emily, not even checking back to see if she heard him as he leaves the game in hopes of catching you in the kitchen. He finds you with your back toward him, fridge door open as you examine what it has to offer. He sidles up next to you, mirroring your stance of leaning on the counter behind the two of you. You have yet to say anything as he reaches into his front pocket, procuring a penny, and sliding it across the counter to your resting hand.
You smile slightly at the sound of the coin across the counter top, and finally at the feel of Bob nudging it underneath your fingertips. You sigh and look back to the fridge, Bob thinks you’re going to let it slide until you respond.
“It’s kind of embarrassing. To admit that I haven’t.. Been with anyone in a while. It’s just that I- I haven’t met anyone since that I’ve trusted enough to- do that with, I guess.”
“Why would that be embarrassing?”, he broaches the subject even as his face begins to flush a shade of pink. You huff a breath out through your nose as you begin to fiddle with the penny, smoothing the now warm object in between your fingers.
“I don’t know, I just thought by the time I reached this age I would have actually been in a meaningful relationship. Or at least had more experience to tell for it”, you hide the last sentence under a small laugh as Bob looks down at his feet. To be honest, Bob is kind of surprised you haven’t been in a relationship in that long. You are absolutely beautiful, funny, and smart, and anybody would be lucky to have you. But he isn’t about to add fuel to the fire that is your own insecurities by questioning something you’ve probably been wondering for a while.
“And it’s the same everywhere I get stationed. Just egotistical men who only want the bragging rights of fucking a captain’s daughter. Like that’s all I am to them. Not an aviator, not an officer, not a person… Just something they can use to show off as an achievement.”
There’s still noise coming from the other room, but it’s quiet between the two of you. Just the hum of the refrigerator as Bob tries to gather the words from being angry at these so-called men, or apologetic to the fact that you feel embarrassed about something you have no right to be embarrassed about.
“I think that it’s good to listen to yourself, and if you haven’t found someone you feel comfortable enough sharing that part of you with, then you shouldn’t be embarrassed. And those other guys are completely stupid if they don’t see the talented aviator and amazing person that you are.” You look back at Bob, wondering how he’s only a year older than you but so much wiser. “You are so much more than your dad. I hope you see that.”
“Thanks, Bobby”, you can’t help but let the nickname slip from your lips. There’s a moment where it’s just the two of you in the small kitchen, hidden away from all the chaos that’s taking place in the other room. Until it proves too much for you and you break his gaze, clearing your throat.
“I just don’t know where Hangman gets off, asking a question like that.” Bob offers.
“Well apparently he’s getting off a lot more than I am”, you respond as Bob gives you a laugh. The skin around his eyes starts to crinkle and that’s when you know he’s actually laughing, not just trying to be nice.
“We all know he is, but I’m not so sure about his partners…” he tapers off.
“Oh my god”, you start laughing.
“Bob”, the both of you turn at Phoenix’s voice coming from the doorway, “Emily’s asking for you.”
“I highly doubt that”, Bob mutters under his breath as he turns to walk back to the living room. Phoenix stays behind as you slip the penny in your pocket, and open the fridge back up to grab a can of Dr. Pepper.
“Hey, you ok?” She asks you softly. You turn as you crack open the can, giving her a small smile.
“I’m fine, just don’t want to go back out there and have to sit through a round of truth or dare.”
“Listen, Hangman’s an idiot. And if you want to avoid any further probing I suggest choosing dare. The worst thing they're having people do is show each other’s camera roll or take a shot.” You don’t even remember the last photo you took, probably of some sunset. And you wouldn’t be totally opposed if someone had you take a shot right now. “Was the last person you were with really Lieutenant Douchebag?” You laugh at the nickname for your previous boyfriend, lovingly given to him by Phoenix, then immediately shudder at the thought.
“Yep”, you respond, taking a swig of the soda, regretting your decision to not grab something with alcohol in it. She grimaces, taking a breath in.
“You need to get laid”, she casually tells you as she grabs another drink for herself and Rachel.
“Jesus”, you laugh at her cavalier attitude, “How about we take a night and not talk about my sex life.”
“From the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like you have one” You scoff then laugh as she smiles at you. At times like this you’re grateful you met her when you did. She saved you from having a lot of lonely nights to yourself, introduced you to what a friend should and could be. “What, too far?”
“Not from you it isn’t”
As soon as you emerge from the kitchen, trailing behind Phoenix you see Bob locked in a conversation with Emily. Rooster now sits on the other side of Bob, happy from the sudden reprieve of not sharing the other man's “date”. She’s obviously trying to hook Rooster back into the conversation as Bob remains polite by listening to whatever she’s saying. You take a seat around the coffee table, staring at Bob crack a slight smile as you hear someone call out your name. 
“Mantis, truth or dare?”
“Dare” It was a knee-jerk reaction, truly. Just based on Phoenix’s reasoning, it was the only response you could come up with. Ultimately, as you turn your head to the person who asked, you realize it was the wrong answer.
Your eyes grow wide as Hangman’s own stare you down, a smirk forming on his face once he realizes the power he wields over you. His eyes turn into slits, like a snake who’s finally cornered its prey.
“Oh I am going to have so much fun with this”, he responds, victorious. He grabs his bottle of beer, downing the rest of it as he makes his way to the coffee table in the middle of the room. You’re sitting on the floor in front of the t.v., as Hangman finishes his drink and ever so slowly hands you the now empty bottle. 
“Now I know you’ve never played before '', you immediately cringe, resting your forehead against your denim-clad knee and let out a groan. You hear laughter sound out from around you as Coyote playfully nudges your shoulder, “So let me explain the rules. You’re gonna spin the bottle, and then you get to kiss the lucky person the neck points to.”
“You could have just dared me to kiss you if you want it that badly bagman”, you say as you move to your knees to place the bottle on the surface of the table.
“That’s just plain against the rules, and it’s not about who you kiss. I just wanna watch you squirm a little bit.” He leans back in his seat as you glance around the room, just to see who your future lips will be locking with. You make eye contact with Rooster and give him your best glare. He scratches the back of his neck and stands without wasting another second.
“I’m gonna go get another drink”, he announces while stepping over people who have begun to sit on the floor around the table.
“Oh!” Emily pipes up, “I’ll come with you!” You catch Bob watching the two of them leave the room and your heart sinks a little. You can’t help but feel a little jealous at the attention he’s been giving her, but at the same time you want someone to see him the way you do. It’s just unfair that the only person you’ve felt this way about in a very long time, happens to be the one person you’re not allowed to pursue. He’s an amazing person, and Emily would be crazy not to see what Phoenix, or Rooster, practically shoved right in front of her. You’re really starting to hate Rooster for playing with Bob’s feelings. It may be unintentional, but the reason he wanted to set him up in the first place wasn’t out of the pure kindness of his heart.
You spare another glance around the room watching as everyone tries to take up as much space as possible, making you think they’re a little too eager to kiss you. Except, it wasn’t the fact they could kiss you, it was the idea that they could brag about kissing Mav’s daughter. Just like you explained to Bob, it’s the same everywhere you go. You just thought by now it would have worn off with this group.
“Just so you know guys, if you kiss me you’re practically kissing my dad”, you tease as some of the guys grimace. A slight smirk crawls its way to your face as Omaha gets up from off the floor.
“You just ruined it for me”, he complains. Unfortunately it only thins the crowd out a little, a couple of gaps in the group that now surround the table.
Taking a deep breath you finally place your hand back on the bottle, pulling it back before spinning it. Your heart beats a little faster out of pure embarrassment as you stare intently at the bottle spinning, not wanting to look up at the faces around you until it finally… stops.
“Ho-ly shit”, Hangman lets out, so obviously amused with the outcome. “Baby on board’s about to get his first kiss.” Your eyes immediately turn to Hangman, then to Bob’s, who bears the same look of shock you know you’re not doing a great job at hiding.
“I-” the words get caught in your throat. You hate what you’re about to do as you turn back to Hangman. “Come on.” All eyes are on you as you begin to beg this man not to make you go through with it. Because once you do, you know there’s no turning back.
“C’mon what?”, he asks with intrigue.
“He’s here to meet someone, I don’t think this is a good idea”, you try to reason with him.
“That’s not really how the game works sweetheart. You spun the bottle, now you gotta deal with the consequences.”
“Hangman, please”, you beg, avoiding every gaze in the room as they begin to talk among themselves, bored with whatever show you’re putting on. His brow furrows as he realizes just how badly you do not want to do this.
“Who’d it land on?” Rooster asks as he emerges from the kitchen with a fresh drink, Emily in tow. Taking a swig, his eyes follow where the bottle points directly to Bob. “No, that’s not happening”, he mutters as he gets closer to Hangman.
“What is with you two? It’s just a game.” He replies incredulously. He glances back around the room and finds Emily awkwardly waiting at the back for Rooster’s conversation to be over. “Alright, you”, he points at her, “To level the playing field, why don’t you take a crack at it? If Emily agrees to it, then you do, too.”
“I never agreed to-”
“Ok!”, she responds a little too eager. You’re still on your knees as a confused look washes over your face. She kneels across from you at the table and barely touches the bottle, you don’t even think you’d consider it a spin, until it lands on Rooster. You’re not trying to hide the grimace on your face as she tries to play innocent. 
“Oops, well it looks like it’s you and me Rooster.” Emily stands, immediately placing both hands on Rooster’s shoulders as she gives him a generous kiss. A couple of whistles are thrown out as she continues to lock lips with him, something he does not appear to be displeased with, as much as he was caught off guard to begin with.
You look away in disgust, trying and failing not to make a noise to match your mood. Your eyes fall to where Bob was just seated moments before, but his chair is empty. He’s nowhere in the room, soda abandoned. And as Emily continues sticking her tongue down Rooster’s throat, you sneak past the few hollers to slip out the back door near the kitchen.
It’s completely dark now, only the moon and strings of fairy lights casting a soft glow across the yard. You find Bob standing in the grass with his arms folded across his chest, staring up at the sky. His flannel is still rolled up to his elbows, forearms proudly on display. The moonlight reflects off of his glasses, but you can still see the turmoil swirling behind his frames. The sound of the door sliding shut doesn’t deter Bob from moving from his position.
“There you are, I was worried you left the premises”, you try to joke, moving to stand closer. He turns, only giving you a slight glance. It stops you from moving forward anymore, deciding to stay back at the edge of the patio. Humming in acknowledgement, he stares back up at the sky, face contorting as if it pains him to do so.
“Nah, just needed some fresh air is all. What are you doin’ out here?”, he asks in an indifferent tone. You tear your eyes away from the sky to look over at him again. He huffs out a sigh as you retreat your gaze to your feet, toying with a loose piece of cement.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry”, you offer. He gives a small laugh as he turns his face to look at the grass beneath his shoes.
“For what?”
“Emily’s a complete idiot.” He releases a breath out of his nose, moving his gaze to the fence bordering the neighbor’s yard.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it.” You can still tell he’s upset by the way he squares his jaw.
“Well you shouldn’t be.”
“Well I am”, he lets out a little more stern this time. “I just- I don’t know Mantis.”
“What?”, you ask him quietly as he begins to shuffle the grass underneath his feet.
“I know that I’m not wanted, or not attractive like the other guys in there. But tonight really solidified that for me.” Your heart breaks as you watch him sort his thoughts out.
“Bob, that’s not true-”
“It is, though. I didn’t even want to come here tonight, and you knew that. And- and Phoenix knew it, too. But still, you two pushed me to come and meet Emily. Someone she insisted was perfect for me. Well, she took one look at Rooster and saw what everyone else sees. There are a million more guys out there who are better looking, better at making conversation, better at… everything than me.” His voice is dejected, believing everything he’s telling you. But you let him continue, even if you want to contradict every word that continues to fall from his mouth.
“And I hate the fact that I wasn’t even interested in meeting someone new. That I’m already thinkin’ about someone else most of the time, and she doesn’t even see me in that way, even if she could.” Your heart tightens in your chest, at first due to the fact that Bob has feelings for someone else. And then it hits you. ‘If she could’.
“Wait, Bob-” you manage to breathe out before he interrupts you.
“It’s just- I haven’t felt this way about someone since, well, ever.” He turns, facing you fully, a glassy look in his eyes as he stares at you, exasperated. “I feel so connected, and drawn to you Mantis.” He confesses in a whisper. You feel it the moment your heartbeat quickens with your breathing. The way your eyebrows draw up in the middle is met with the slightest quiver in your lip. From sadness or relief you’re not sure yet. “I want to tell you things I’ve never told anybody before, and I’m sorry if I misread things, but I just needed to get that off my chest.”
“Bob-” You try as he interrupts you again, caught up in his own feelings to hear you for once.
“I know you don’t feel the same way, and why would you? I’m just me, and you’re you. I wasn’t lying when I said any guy would be so lucky to have you, and I’m honored to just be considered your friend. And I- I know this is against so many rules in place, so please just forget I said anything and- God I’m such an idiot.” Your feet are moving faster than your brain as you walk over to him. Placing both hands on his smooth cheeks, you lift his head from where he was staring at the ground and plant your lips right on his. He’s shocked at first, not daring to move. Eyes fluttering shut as his hands ghost over your waist, until you pull away and there’s the tiniest amount of space between your faces.
Your hands are still as the rest of your body buzzes in anticipation. Your chest heaves against his, out of breath from the simplest of kisses. He’s so close, yet so far away as your fingers adjust to the feeling of holding his face in both of your hands. It’s quiet, his eyelashes fluttering as he starts to blink rapidly.
“Why did you do that?”, he whispers. Almost afraid that this was another dream he would inevitably wake up from.
“Because I wanted to”, you whisper right back, still in shock of what he confessed. Your eyes dart between his own deep blue ones as they’re blown wide.
“Not because of the dare?”
“No”, you shake your head. “Just cause I really wanted to.” You reassure him as his eyes flick from yours black down to your lips. His cold nose nudges yours, once, then twice before sinking into your cheek as he hesitantly kisses you first this time. You reciprocate immediately, pushing back just as softly against his lips as to not scare him off. His touch is gentle, yet demanding, knowing in the back of both of your heads it’s only a matter of time before someone comes to find you.
 Both sets of lips part the tiniest bit as you turn your head slightly to get a better angle. His mouth is warm against your own, lips still moving in sync. One of your hands slides down to his shoulder while the other eases up onto his neck, fingers running over the buzzed hair at the back of his head. Bob hums against your lips at the motion, gaining the confidence to step closer as his hands finally land against your body, anchoring to your waist.
His grip tightens a fraction as you hum against his mouth, giving him the courage to lick at the seam of your lips with his tongue. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at the movement, eliciting another hum, bordering on a moan as you allow him entrance into your mouth. The first thing you notice is that he tastes like Dr. Pepper, the second thing that's a little easier to pick up on is that Bob is a really good kisser.
The shock that you are in fact kissing Bob wears off, and makes way for a flood of need. Caressing his tongue with your own, Bob slides one hand to your back, the other still gripping your waist as he holds you closer. The slight pressure of his large hand pushing you against him has you wanting more as he begins to walk you backwards to the wall of the house. Never breaking away from each other, you feel the cool structure against your back, even as Bob tries his best to keep you from hitting it. You grip him a fraction harder, the only sound you can hear through your heartbeat is Bob’s occasional hum and the clicking of your lips working together.
Bob’s got you locked against him as you shift your hand from his shoulder to his bicep, squeezing the large muscle, only to slowly drag it down to feel the bare skin and hair of his forearm beneath your fingers. The kissing is slowing down, still just as deep. Both of you demanding the same amount from the other, knowing this well may be the only time you’re able to feel the other like this. The two of you finally break apart, catching much needed breaths as your eyes remain closed. Even before opening your eyes, you can still feel Bob heaving against you, desperate for air as you do the same. You place a chaste kiss on his lips and he chases yours for another until you both open your eyes, just staring at each other through hooded lids. 
You swallow, so many emotions running through your mind. It’s hard to listen to them when Bob is still just as close as he was a moment ago when his lips were against yours.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while”, he breathes, a nervous smile tugging on his lips.
At a loss for words, you go to open your mouth until you hear the screech of the sliding glass door opening up. Bob immediately jumps away from you as your attention diverts to whoever is about to walk out on you two in such a compromising situation.
Phoenix pokes her head out as she looks for you, “Hey.”
“Hey” you breathe out in a sigh of relief, grateful it was her and not anyone else. You try to slow your breathing even as your heart threatens to leap out of your chest.
“Have you seen Floyd?”
“Yeah he was just-”, you turn around, expecting to see Bob standing behind you, but only see the white fence, “He just left”, you mutter. Brows furrowing as your eyes remain locked on where he just was.
“Damn, I was hoping that wasn’t the case. I need to talk to him.” You continue to stare at the fence where Bob once stood, dumbfounded that he managed to slip away so quickly. “You ok?” Turning back around, you attempt to gather yourself as you breathe out an answer.
“Alright”, she eyes you skeptically, “Well, you gonna rejoin us? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to.”
“No, I’ll be back in, I just… need some air.” You watch her head disappear as you lean back against the house, only this time, Bob isn’t here to hold you to it. Your fingers trace your swollen lips as you gaze around the backyard. What the hell just happened?
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