#from the birdbrain
antarctic-malewife · 1 year
Theres blue on my fucking hands and it wont come off no matter what I do its always fucking there no matter how much I scrub my hands it wont come off
Sometimes it’s red and everything smells like smoke and its under my fingernails and on my lips where I kissed his forehead. His forehead was cold and his hands were cold and they were holding me, they’re still holding me now
It won’t come off
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pixxystycks · 7 months
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look at this duddeeee
click for better quality ✌️
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*sees sniffer egg*
*jumps on sniffer egg*
*yeets himself off*
Oh my God I just jumped on them like a fucking bird. I could have broken them! Why did I do that?!
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ceoandslutler · 1 year
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spot the difference!
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the-enby-bird · 2 months
they need to give me fingers which can write faster i have too many ideas but my hands physically cannot move fast enough
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hiraganasakura · 1 year
Was cackling over Arrowfell earlier today bcus I found Qrow in Mantle and Weiss was all "What are you doing here? I thought you were up in Atlas?" and Qrow was like "Yeah but then I had an argument with your sister so I stole her sword and left lol. Here you can give it back to her, just don't tell her it was me"
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tekra-brings-the-rain · 5 months
rich people really throw away some nice stuff
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
Peng's VA jokingly revealing that Peng was flirting with Macaque. Macaque is doomed. no one knows how to woo him properly 😔
No, Macaque is just a bit dense, and has standards.
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malistaires · 1 year
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hi i havent drawn in years but may i present to you doodles of….. Creature
i recently made a new wiz to play with some irl friends and got inspired
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anybody wanna send some short and simple asks? just like. one character asks? all i have rn are really long and/or drabble reqs, and i dont have the energy to do that rn, but i still wanna do stuff
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antarctic-malewife · 1 year
im trying to sleep but it’s fucking midnight and it sounds like they’re banging hammers or some shit outside. Go the fuck to bed
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lightasthesun · 5 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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ivybucky · 9 months
First Time - b.b. x gn!reader
Summary: You have a habit of calling people by cute nicknames or monikers, and Bucky isn't sure why it made him feel so good.
a/n: I'm breaking my hiatus finally!!! this is just a cute lil fic somewhat based on first time by hozier without the thought-provoking underlying angst. 1.9k
Content/Warnings: tfaws!Bucky, fluff, pining, tfaws fight scenes, zemo mention, multiple Sam appearances, references to fights/violence, use of y/n, use of the nickname doll when referring to the reader, friends to lovers? (let me know if i'm forgetting anything)
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Believe it or not, Bucky Barnes tried to not think about his past. 
Though his efforts to make amends were a work-in-progress, and his name was brought up in the press more often than he preferred, Bucky Barnes tried to think about his past as little as possible. 
The first time you called him James was the first time he had liked the way it sounded. You had smiled at him, sweet and welcoming, as Sam introduced the two of you.
“It’s nice to meet you, James.” God, did it fall off your tongue in the nicest way. “Thank you for looking after birdbrain over here.” You giggled at Sam’s distant-sounding protest.
Bucky cracked a sideways smile, not being able to stop himself. “You can call me Bucky, doll.”
Your smile morphed into a sort of smirk, cheeks warming at the nickname he gave you. “Is that what you prefer?”
He hadn’t given it much thought anymore. He knew James as the person who enlisted in the military, the person who fell from the train following Captain America into the throws of war. James was the person who was Hydra’s plaything, the assassin, the monster he was so desperate to forget. Bucky was the charmer, the best friend of Steve Rogers, the swing dancer who had a habit of punching bullies(justified obviously). 
Now, he didn’t feel like either. Going by Bucky was the easiest option, since it was the part of him he was desperate to gain back. Talking to you however, he didn’t think he cared what he was called anymore. 
He gave you a soft grin, one that may have held a bit more meaning than flirtation. “I don’t mind either, you can call me whatever you want.”
The first time you called him by any kind of nickname was the day they went to Madripoor.
“Sammy! Buck!” You called their names as you waved big at them from the small airport hangar. 
Bucky tried to slow his heart as the pair walked closer to you. Sam let out a chuckle next to him, a teasing smile thrown his way. “Hope you don’t mind the extra company, Buck.”
With a frown and a grumble, Bucky widened his gait, the toe of his shoe catching on Sam’s, causing him to trip up momentarily. “Don’t call me that.”
He reached you first, allowing his smile wider further than before. “Hi Y/N, what’re you doin’ here?”
You placed a gentle hand on his left shoulder, rubbing back and forth. “It’s good to see you too,” you chuckled. “Sam told me what you guys are doing with Zemo. He thought I might be able to provide some kind of help, right Sam?”
Sam walked up with somehow both a smirk and scowl on his face and pulled you into a quick hug. “That’s right, though I might’ve invited you along so that I’m not the only one putting up with his old ass.”
Bucky scoffed, trying to ignore the lack of warmth from your otherwise occupied hands. “Are you sure about this, doll? This is probably gonna end with all of us on a watch list.”
You nudged his shoulder, your own smirk gracing your features. “As if I wasn’t on one already.”
The boys both chuckled, before Sam spoke up. “Speaking of watchlists, he’s here.”
Boarding the private jet that Zemo just happened to have, Bucky tried to keep his eyes on you the whole time, even as you sat in the leather seat between him and the window. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just fascinated by this - I don’t know what to call it,” your brows furrowed at the sentence, at the faint smirk that rested on Zemo’s face. “But this part seems important. Who is Nakajima?”
Bucky was out of his seat in an instant, metal fingers gripped tightly around his throat. Zemo’s face wiped itself of any amusement. Bucky spoke into his ear low and gruff, but it could easily be heard throughout the plane cabin. “You touch that again and I’ll kill you.” 
He snatched the notebook back into his and heavily sat back down into his seat, hand wound tight around the small journal
Your fingers reached across his lap and wrapped around his clenched metal fist, thumb rubbing soothingly over the back of his hand. “Just ignore him, sweetheart. You and I both know nothing that man says is worth anything.” 
Bucky looked down at your joined hands, then glanced up at you with a small smile. He gave your hand a couple of squeezes, and tried to focus back on the words being said throughout the rest of the plane ride. 
The first time you called him “baby” was during their fight with John Walker. 
Madripoor and Latvia had been filled with silent stares, small smiles, and soft words . Fleeting “friendly” touches ensued as well - Bucky’s hand on your back drawing small circles, your gentle grasp of his hand or arm when he clenched his fist.
Bucky talked to you about Yori, about his too soft mattress, about his too shitty of a therapist, his want to get a cat. You told him about meeting Sam, your agency background, your agreement that he should totally get a cat. And now, you just wished you could have that again.
Walker was too strong, landing solid hits on both Sam and Bucky that could easily start slowing them down. He had lifted the shield over their bodies too many times, clearly holding on to the same psychotic fury he had when he killed the Flagsmasher.
To this point, you stood frozen in watch. You weren’t there when the fight started, and between Sam and John’s current focus on Bucky, you weren’t sure which side needed the most aid.
John had flung Bucky into a nearby metal utility pole for Christ’s sake, and a cry wretched itself from your lips. You ran to his side as he laid on the ground unconscious, metal arm cackling with untamed electricity. 
“Bucky,” you murmured as you checked his spine for any breaks. You could hear his breath, as shuddered as it was after an impact like that. You moved him to lay on his back, palm pressed to his cheek. “Bucky, honey, come on, wake up.”
You tapped his cheek a couple of times in slight panic, other hand unconsciously combing his hair back. A couple of moments passed before he groaned and huffed out a cough. “Bucky,” you sighed a breath of relief, eyes near tearing up as the tension left your body. “Are you hurt, baby?”
He sat up with a grimace, another groan leaving his lips. “What the fuck?”
“He took the serum,” your hands had yet to leave his face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He looked up at you with a wincing smile, still bright enough to make your heart stutter. “I’m okay, sweetheart.” The red gracing your cheeks could be easily based on the intensity of the fight, but it was unsaid knowledge that wasn’t the case. He touched the hand holding his cheek as you swept a thumb back and forth. A grunt from the fight crashed them both back to reality. “He’s gonna kill Sam.”
You stood up, pulling him with you by his metal arm. Bucky swung his arm around to recalibrate before jogging forward. “We gotta get the shield. Be careful, don’t let him pin you.”
The first time you kissed him was in Louisiana. 
You giggled from the picnic table as you watched Bucky dodge Sam’s nephews, cake in hand, as they tried to tackle him for his arm, as well as when several of the children pleading to hang off of it.
He sat next to you on the bench of the table, shoulder pressing into yours as you basked in Sam and Sarah’s storytelling. Bucky shared some bittersweet stories about Steve, drawing smiles from everyone listening. Each laugh had you leaning into him a bit more, but a complaint could not be heard, especially when your hands brushed under the table.
The evening continued on like that into the early night. Bucky entertained the masses, looking a lot like the charmer he used to be. Sam reminisced with his community, taking many photos with his local family. 
You sat on the pier, leaning back against the wooden bench as the sun set over the water’s horizon. You could faintly hear laughter behind you on the dock mixed with the sound of the stereo’s music drifting over. A smile grew on your face as a presence made its way towards you, shoes scuffing against the wooden slats. A soft hand rested on your shoulder and sent warmth through your body. “Care for some company, doll?”
You flashed Bucky a smile that had him weak as you turned back to him and patted the space next to him. He sat down close, thigh pressed against yours, shoulder to shoulder yet again. 
“What’re you gonna do now, Buck? You think you’re gonna stick around?” 
He sighed, staring down at his metal hand in contempt. “I don’t know,” his hand clenched in his lap. “I’ve been following orders for a long time now. Might be good for me to work with someone, not for. Even if birdbrain has a habit of getting on my nerves.”
You reached across his lap and gently unfurled his fingers. He wished the pressure he felt against the metal was more tangible for once, more definitive. “You should do whatever makes you feel the most free, sweetheart.” You slipped both of your hands around his, rubbing small circles with your thumb. “Whether that be with Sam or doing something else. You deserve it.”
Bucky’s eyes drifted over your face and observed its features - the small smile that curled around your lips, the kindness in your eyes. “And what about you?” he spoke softly. “Will you stay?”
You looked up to him and searched his eyes with a hopeful grin. “Are you asking?” you chuckled, using one of your hands to comb his hair back behind his ear, thumb resting on his cheek. “If I’m needed, I’ll stay.”
Bucky puffed out a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. “Well ya know,” he threw a bright smile in your direction. “Sam’s gonna need you here so he doesn’t lose his mind.”
You chuckled, leaning a little bit closer.  “And you? Do you need me?”
Bucky took in the space between you, the way your breaths mingled, foreheads near touching. “Yeah, baby,” he allowed himself to fully lean in. “I need you.”
You kissing him was like coming up for air, or finding water in the middle of the desert. It was salvation, it was required for him to have in order to survive. Your lips were soft, tasting faintly of the beer you had earlier. His mouth moved against yours like a magnet following them wherever they went. His hand drifted to your waist, moving you somewhat into his lap as you both smiled into the kiss. When you finally broke apart, it was only for the need for oxygen to fill your lungs. 
You giggled from above him, heads pressed together. Your hands locked themselves around his shoulders in an embrace that forced him to stay where he could feel the pant of your breath across his skin, not that he was complaining. “I guess I’ll stay then.”
Please reblog and comment! It's my first fic in *two fucking years* and i need to know that this is still good lol
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reidingandwriting · 1 month
domestic > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
Word Count: 3.6k
Ship: Keigo/Hawks x Reader
Warnings: Corrupt hero commission (we hate the hero commission on this blog), keigo overworks himself, keigo & reader fight, miscommunication, some cursing, keigo’s a little shit (he has his reasons okay), mentions of a rescue mission and the aftermath, hurt/comfort
A/N: So sorry this fic is so delayed 😭 Have been going Through It lately but I’ve got a few fics queued up to make up for my absence ❤️ This is my favorite Keigo fic so far
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“pro hero hawks is the first on the scene!”
“pro hero hawks took down the villain that’s injured dozens, including some pro heroes!”
“another takedown by pro hero hawks.”
“hawks is finally on the scene, this should be over soon.”
keigo wasn’t answering his phone. which was expected for the first night. he had just come home from a week long mission and on his flight home, another issue came up that he had to answer to. he didn’t get home until midnight, having refused any other hero’s offer to relieve him once his shift had technically ended, until best jeanist all but escorted him off the scene. you had hoped keigo had been resting when you walked into your office the next morning, until you looked at the news and saw he was already back out on patrols.
when you walked into keigo’s office, you expected to see a mountain of paperwork on his desk. you were fully prepared to work all day to catch him up, hoping to surprise him by finishing all his work for him. you were the one surprised when you saw only one paper on his desk, a note for you.
‘gonna be working late tonight, don’t wait up for me’
you scowled as you read the note, even if you had to fight the urge to melt when you saw the little bird doodle keigo had signed the note with. you once again called keigo, this time his work number, and you resisted the urge to throw your phone at the wall when your call once again went unanswered. you pulled up your text conversation with keigo and began to type.
‘you’re going home tonight. i will be outside at eight and you will let me in. i am not kidding when i tell you i’ll wait all night. please, just let me know you’re okay.’
you knew the text would go unanswered, but you hoped. you hoped that he would read it, at the least. that he would talk to you. your phone buzzed and you quickly picked it up, and you sighed when it was just another text from rumi.
‘i’ve seen him pass by once or twice, but he doesn’t stop. i’ve got a few others looking out for him, i’ll let you know if i hear anything’
you set your phone down with a sigh as you sat back in the office chair. this was going to be a long night.
you texted keigo a warning before you entered his apartment. you had been given a key by keigo to use in case of emergencies, and your chatty birdbrain suddenly ghosting you is an emergency in your eyes. it was two AM when you entered, and you felt your eyes begin to sting when you realized keigo wasn’t home. a quick search on the hero network showed that he was last seen a little after ten, and none of your own security alerts had gone off at your apartment. he was at his agency, avoiding you. it stung, the avoidance settling heavy in your chest, weighing you down as if there was a physical weight on your body.
you texted a quick update to rumi before you left keigo’s, and you made the walk back to your own apartment. keigo would definitely have lectured you any other time if he knew you walked home alone, and a selfish part of you hoped he’d find out. you’d take the scolding if it meant he would talk to you.
you flinched as you heard a voice speak from beside you.
“surprised he let you walk home alone at this hour,” you relaxed once you recognized the drawl of eraserhead’s voice. “your guard bird working tonight?”
“you’re going to sneak up on me at the wrong time one day and you’re going to get your shit rocked,” you replied, no real heat to your words.
“i’ll take my chances.” a hint of a smirk graced his face before it relaxed into his usual stoic expression.
“but no, he’s not working tonight.” you paused. “not patrolling at least. he is working hard at avoiding me, though.” while you and eraserhead, aizawa, had only met a few times, you had established a friendly relationship with the underground hero. you had also developed a friendship with present mic, which seemed to influence eraserhead’s opinion of you. odd.
“that’s… different.” eraserhead says after a moment. “i’ll keep an eye out for him, and i’ll have hiz- present mic look out for him as well.”
the two of you continued to talk as he escorted you to your apartment. minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and let the door shut with a soft click, and you barely made it to the couch before you fell asleep.
“ooh, rough night?” one of the tech interns, kazuki, teases as he watches you walk in.
“hilarious.” you scowled. you knew you looked tired; you woke up frequently throughout the night, unable to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. you gave up on sleep around five thirty this morning, and you clutched to the thermos of coffee in your hands like it was the only thing keeping you alive. “didn’t really sleep much last night.”
“hawks working you too hard? i saw him walking around a few minutes ago. looks like he was headed to his office,” your heart stopped at those words. was he actually here?
“thank you, kazuki!” you called as you sprinted for the elevator, reminding yourself to send kazuki a proper thank you later. when you burst into keigo’s office, you jumped back as a sharpened red feather flew at you, stopping mere centimeters away from your neck.
“shit, you scared me.” keigo smiled when he recognized you, and the sight of it filled you with anger. “oh, sorry. let me just.” keigo’s feather returned to its natural state and you swatted it away as it went to caress your cheek, not in the mood for his usually sweet antics. “songbird? you okay?”
and you couldn’t help but laugh. full body, doubled over laughs. keigo tilted his head, confusion flashing across his face as you continued to laugh. your name left keigo’s lips, and you recognized the slight movements he was making. he was twitchy, like he wanted to move but he couldn’t decide which move was the best. you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning and you looked up at the ceiling as you felt the familiar sting of unshed tears in your eyes.
“you son of a bitch,” you whispered. you looked at him and his form became blurry, the tears now sliding down your cheeks. “you, you have me worried for days. you ignored my calls and texts, i even had other heroes looking out for you!” you started to walk towards him and you stopped just out of his reach. “you went to the point of staying here to avoid seeing me. why?” you finally met his gaze and golden eyes were filled with an emotion you didn’t recognize. his gaze was cold, distant. yet still, he kept the smile on his face, the smile he plastered on for annoying news reporters.
“i’ve been busy.”
“you’re running yourself ragged! you’re going to get hurt or cause someone else to get hurt because you’re working yourself to death.” you reached out and jabbed him in the chest.
“you don’t understand. you never will, so why are you even trying to? i can’t answer every call and text from my assistant.”
“that’s all i am to you? your assistant?” you asked. you were met with silence and you felt your heart begin to break. “look me in the eyes and tell me that’s all i am to you. and i promise, from now on, that’s all you’ll get from me.”
“what else would you be?”
wordlessly, you dug your key ring from your jacket pocket. you pulled off the key that belonged to keigo’s, to hawks’s, apartment and you set it down on his desk.
“noted. since you’ve clearly got a handle on things, i think i’ll be taking the next two days off for some personal days. i’ll be back on monday, hawks.” the name felt foreign on your lips and his wings twitched in response. you wordlessly spun on your heel and slammed hawks’s office door shut behind you. you could feel the stares from everyone in kei- hawks’s agency watching you, and you briefly shook your head when you saw kazuki before rushing out of the building, straight into the rain that had suddenly started to downpour. because of course it did.
as you walked in the rain to the bus stop, you ignored the frequent buzzing that came from your pocket.
“what else would you be?” echoed through your head, and you couldn’t believe that came from kei- his lips. what happened during his last mission? you shook your head to clear your thoughts.
“just an assistant,” you muttered under your breath. “what the hell, birdie?”
it was the middle of the night and you were sitting on your couch, eating from a carton of ice cream as you flipped through the channels on TV. you had finished your second movie of the night when you stumbled across the news. you paused when you saw hawks’s name flash across the bottom of the screen and you wanted to change the channel. but you couldn’t.
“eight hours later, the search and rescue has been completed. over 200 victims were rescued from the destruction thanks to the effort of our number two hero. thank you to pro hero hawks for being the first hero to respond, and the last to leave the tragic scene of the collapsed apartment complex.”
the reporter continued to talk about the injuries and the casualties, and you scanned the screen for him, not seeing a glimpse of red anywhere, save for some discarded feathers on the ground. you pulled out your phone immediately and searched online for something, anything about your- kei- hawks. your messages were full of texts from rumi and kazuki. a few from present mic, even a text from best jeanist’s assistant with a message from the pro.
suddenly, there was a knock on the door and you jumped off the couch. you glanced at the time, a little after midnight. you had hopes for who it was. you also didn’t know what you’d do if it was him. you slowly walked to the front door, willing your heart rate to calm down, and you reached forward to open the door.
you gasped at the sight in front of you, your phone clattering to the floor but you paid it no attention. hawks stood at your door, covered in dirt and dust and… blood? his jacket was gone, pants torn and ripped to barely there shreds of fabric. his flight goggles and headphones were gone, hair caked in dirt and sweat and he looked like he was seconds from falling over. he looked small without his massive wings behind him, most of the feathers left at the scene.
“‘m sorry. i tried, tried to go home. you were closer and,” hawks gestured to himself. “kind of grounded. i’m sorry, i can go.” he swayed a bit. you dove forward as he stumbled, and you held him up as he leaned into you. you kicked the door shut and you repositioned yourself to better support the hero as you walked towards your bathroom. “what are you doin’?” his voice was hoarse, and you made note to grab him water, as well as a million other things once you got him settled.
“first, im gonna clean you up. get some water for you, heat up some leftovers, and get you in clean clothes before i put you in bed.”
“what? no- i. i was horrible. you can’t… you can’t be nice to me. not after everything i said.” hawks said and you shushed him.
“shh, you’re going to wreck your voice more. we’ll talk once you’re taken care of.” you walked into the bathroom and made quick work of setting up a shower. you started to step away to grab towels and you felt a hand grab your arm.
“don’t leave me. please,” he rasped and you turned to face him, your heart aching at the sight in front of you. your keigo.
“not going anywhere. just grabbing towels, yeah?” you walked with him to the hallway, and you grabbed your fluffiest towels. you then grabbed a caddy full of keigo’s favorite toiletries. his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and oil for his wings. he was missing a lot of feathers, but you’d take care of what was left. he was hurt, your birdie was hurt. it was your turn to be the hero, to make sure he was okay.
when you returned to the bathroom a minute later, keigo’s tired eyes lit up at your return.
“let’s get you in the shower, yeah?“ you set the towels down, put his supplies in the shower, and turned on the shower to his preferred temperature. you then walked to him and placed a gentle hand on his shirt. you glanced up at him and when he nodded, you gently began to peel his uniform off him. you quickly scanned him as you removed more articles of clothing, taking note of any new injuries and were relieved to see relatively little. once keigo had been stripped, you stepped into the shower with him, ignoring the fact you still had your t-shirt and sleep shorts on. your only focus was keigo right now, and you guided him under the shower head.
keigo’s exhaustion had seemed to hit as he leaned against you, and you supported him as you let the water get the top layer of grime off him. “there we go,” you soothed as you shifted, reaching for his shampoo. “there’s my birdie,” a weak chirp left him and you smiled sympathetically. “think you can sit so i can wash your hair?”
wordlessly, keigo moved to kneel down and once he settled, you began to scrub his hair. your hands worked in his hair until they ached, getting everything from the collapsed building from his hair before you added the shampoo. you took your time sudsing up his hair, and you smiled when you brushed some baby feathers in his hairline that caused keigo to coo quietly. keigo pressed a kiss to your stomach as you worked and leaned into your touch, much like a cat being petted. you helped him stand back up once you were ready to wash his body, and keigo practically laid against the wall of the shower as you worked to clean him off efficiently but quickly.
what felt like ages later, you turned the shower off and wrapped keigo up in a towel. you used the other towel to pat your own clothes dry quickly before you started to towel dry his hair.
“why are you… being so nice to me?” keigo asked and you frowned.
“i’m always going to care about you, pretty bird. you were a dick earlier,” you admitted. “but like it or not, you’ve wormed your way into my heart. you deserve to be taken care of, kei. we both know you don’t do it enough for yourself.” you moved to stand behind keigo and you looked at him in the mirror. “is it okay if i touch them?” you glanced at his baby wings and back at him. you held the oil in your hand, letting him see what your intentions were and you panicked when you saw his eyes fill with tears.
keigo couldn’t believe it. he had been horrible to you. he had tried to be horrible, he had never planned to come back to you this way. but he did and you? you dumbfounded him with how you treated him. as if you had just had a little spat over him breaking your heart. he could feel your heartbeat change during the conversation you two had in his office, he could practically hear your heart breaking over his words. but when he came to you, bloody and dirty, wings practically gone, and you treated him so tenderly. so… lovingly. when the first tear slid down his cheek, a dam broke. keigo chirped in surprise as you spun him around before he threw himself into your arms. he sobbed as he clung to you, as if you’d vanish into nothingness if he let go.
your arms immediately tightened around him and you used one hand to stroke his wing, the other combed through his hair so gently, sad warbles left his throat. “whatever happened,” you started. “we’ll handle it. me and you, yeah?” keigo tried to respond but couldn’t force any words out, more chirps leaving him as he nodded against your neck. “that’s my songbird.” you held him until his sobs turned into soft cries, and the cries into the occasional sniffle. keigo’s wing twitched as he felt you began to pay more attention to the feathers, and his eyes began to well up with tears again as he realized. you were preening him.
you’ve straightened his feathers out before a handful of times, usually for shoots or press interviews. he’s never had this much attention paid to them before, never in such a caring way at least. his body became lax against you, pleased coos and quiet chirps leaving his throat every now and then.
once you had finished, you led keigo to your room. you walked to the drawer with keigo’s things and he watched as you pulled out clothes for him to sleep in. “gonna change out of my wet clothes real quick, okay?” he nodded and you smiled softly at him before walking to your own side of the dresser. the two of you got dressed in a comfortable silence and you guided him to the living room, where minutes later, you settled onto the couch with dinner. keigo stayed curled into your side and you seemed perfectly content as you stroked his hair.
what felt like an eternity later, keigo was finally able to speak again. “i tried to come home. when i got off that mission. it.. it went horrible and i just wanted you. but i fail- they had told me i failed. i wasn’t as efficient as i should be, one of the villains had managed to escape before i caught him again. if i was a proficient hero, he never would have gotten a chance to get away.” you looked up as keigo spoke, and keigo struggled to maintain eye contact with you. you always seemed to see him, and that was terrifying.
“so i was already beating myself up when they sent me to another disaster, to redeem myself,” he quoted and you scowled at the words. “and i did better, that’s what they told me. and for a minute, i didn’t feel like a failure anymore. i felt worthy of my hero title so i…”
“you stayed busy, worked harder and harder to get rid of that bad feeling.” you finished for him and keigo nodded.
“but no matter what i did, how many patrols i went on, how many hours late i worked, it wasn’t good enough. they said i’m letting personal things get in the way of me being a good hero, that i was a better hero alone.” keigo trailed off and you looked sad, yet angry at the same time.
“they were the reason for our fight.” you said and keigo hummed in response.
“still. i never should have said what i did,” keigo cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. “i need you to know. need you to know you’re so much more to me than an assistant. maybe i’m a worse hero for it, but i love you. i love you, so much.” keigo’s voice shook and you scooted closer to him.
“i love you too,” you whispered. you glanced at keigo’s lips then back up at him, golden gaze meeting your own. you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, and keigo let out a soft breath as he kissed you. he had kissed you countless times, but none had ever been this soft. this slow, this.. vulnerable. there was no rush, nothing you were aiming for. just the two of you intertwined, and keigo didn’t break the kiss until he was out of breath, and he smiled at the quiet whine you made. “i think,” you said after a minute. “you need a few days to recover. bed rest, doctor’s orders.”
“you’re a doctor now, hmm?” keigo smiled as he pressed lazy kisses down your jaw and you pulled a blanket over the two of you. “can’t argue with doctor’s orders.”
“bed rest is the first step in treatment. cuddles could speed up the healing process, as well.” you said matter-of-factly as you tangled your legs with his own. keigo closed his eyes as you buried your face into his chest, and as you rubbed his back, keigo’s thoughts became fuzzy.
“careful, will stay here forever.” you nuzzled closer and keigo vaguely remembered your reply before you fell asleep.
“i’d love nothing more.”
380 notes · View notes
the-enby-bird · 7 months
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Itsy bitsy prowler
7 notes · View notes
tonyboneysblog · 13 days
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: none (probably)
notes: DADDYS HOME, sorry it took so mfing long…
summary: you, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro…
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the weekend.
Now previously you agreed to go to the bar with all of your friends because they convinced you that you worked far too much and needed a break!
sounds simple enough.
What you didn’t know though is that the day before you were supposed to go out onto the town, the hospital decides to kick you in the ass with an all nighter.
Now here you are stumbling back home after one of the longest shifts of your entire life.
Walking into to your warm home you immediately spot Fumikage on the couch, yet again not getting any sleep, you’ve told him multiple times to stop doing that.
He peeks his head towards he door and smiles.
“You were gone for a while, I was worried..”
nevermind, your not angry that he’s up late anymore.
“sorry, they couldn’t let me go..”
Fumikage sits up from the couch, “I’m gonna pull their ear about that one day, y’know?”
“Yea, and I’m gonna pull the schools ear for making you always injured somehow…I better not see you get hurt at that stupid festival.”
Fumikage huffs out a laugh, “I’m quite excited to be able to show off infront of pros.”
“You always show off.” You smack his head playfully, then kissing it.
Fumikage sees your figure walking away, “Are you off to bed?”
“Yea and you should be too..”
Fumikage smiles, “I will, goodnight mama.”
“Night Fumi..” you walk into your bedroom, closing the door and shedding yourself from your clothes.
You’re too tired to shower now, usually you do after work but after you fell asleep and busted your forehead in the shower you decide not to ever again.
Fumikage must’ve been scared out of out of his pants seeing blood all over your shower like some murder scene…
So you cuddle into your soft nest, warm and fluffy just how you like it.
drifting slowly until…
Your phone vibrates.
You angrily shoot yourself up from the covers, who dares to rip you away from the sleep you barely get??
you up?
Hawks? Texting you at 6:00 in the morning?
well it’s not that uncommon, he’s always texting at weird times anyway.
pretty lady
barely, just got off work.
Oh sorry, rough day?
pretty lady
Not rough, just long lol
pretty lady
why are you up? late patrol
or smth?
Nah my patrol ended hours ago
Just can’t sleep
Your heart aches for hawks, though you can’t understand the whole ‘cant’t sleep’ thing, you know Fumikage can…that’s because he’s a worry wart though.
You used to deal with nightmares but that was usually from Ryuji’s quirk.
pretty lady
does that make me your
booty call?
Haha. No just like talking to you.
Should probably stop though
cause you need your beauty rest
pretty lady
Yea, sleep good hawks
I will now
Hawks was really a sweet friend, always there for you somehow.
Now you can sleep peacefully without any interruptions.
Without any fears of dreaming anything terrible or bad.
but that was the opposite for hawks.
Truthfully he only texted you to get awake, he was always alert if you were involved.
It’s not that sleep escaped him it was that he was escaping sleep. He didn’t want to go to dream land, dream land was scary as hell for him now.
Even describing them is out of his reach, he does wish he could talk to someone about them but they feel so graphic and personal that he doesn’t want to.
He’s bets he could talk to you about it, maybe if you got some alcohol in him.
Maybe you’d scratch his scalp with his head in your lap, humming some tune you came up with in your head.
Maybe you’d kiss him too, if he was lucky.
It was a good idea for hawks to text you, he feels better thinking about all the silly things he’d like so much to do with you.
So, he drifts off too with you in his mind.
and it’s the same for you.
Until Fumikage wakes you up of course, not even in a gentle way either.
“Mama, wake up.”
“Mom…get up.”
“Five more minutes…”
Fumikage sighs, “fine, you asked for it.”
You feel someone grab your ankles then rip you off of your comfy and warm nest!
You yelp, “damit Fumikage!”
“You wouldn’t get up.”
“I’m the adult here, not you…”
“Are you? You’re acting like a kid before you get up for school mama…” he says judgingly.
“Hey now, you were the worst morning person I’ve ever met when you started kindergarten.” You sigh while getting up from the floor.
“What time it Fumi?”
“Ah okay…” you whip your head towards him, “wait-2:00?!”
“I mean you got home at 6:00, it’s not terrible…”
You were supposed to be at your friend’s house by 4:00, too bad for you she lives an hour away.
“Oh gosh- thank you Fumi you sweet baby angel.”
“What would you do without me?”
“Be dead I guess? I have to start getting ready to meet up with some friends.” You say hurriedly while running towards the shower.
Fumikage follows you, “what time will you be home?”
You dip behind the frosty shower door, Fumikage usually sits next to the shower just to talk to you and the glass parts of the shower are basically opaque.
“Probably late? There’s frozen pizza in the fridge.”
“I don’t like it when you go clubbing…”
You raise your eyebrows, “why’s that?”
“Because hungover you is the worst you, always so sassy.” He whispers the last part but you still hear it.
“Says you, edge lord.”
He gasps, “You said you liked my style?!”
“Your style is just me in high school, half your shirts are mine.”
He scoffs, “whatever…”
you giggle softly then you can hear your phone ding.
“Is that Tori?”
Fumikage grabs your phone and checks it, “bird brain? Do you have other bird sons I don’t know about mother?”
You blush, “Don’t be stupid, it’s just a nickname for…”
Do you really wanna tell Fumikage about hawks?
“For Emi, you know her damned scatterbrain”
Fumikage laughs, “I do from your story’s.”
“What’s the time?”
You turn off the water and hop out the shower with a towel wrapped tightly around you.
Making your way towards your vanity, you do a quick face of makeup- you almost look like a teenager again…
next was caking on the setting spray, your makeup will stay no matter what tonight.
You quickly do your hair in a small updo, keeping it down with hairspray.
Then rushing towards your closet trying to find all your old clubbing outfits.
it’s been awhile okay?!
Until you find your gorgeous short red dress that sparkled if it hit the light just right.
Great, perfect even.
it’s old though, hopefully it fits…
But it does! Quite Nicely actually.
Well it was time to haul yourself to the car so you won’t be late, you like being at places on the dot..maybe even two minutes early if you’re feeling frisky.
Making your way downstairs, you grab you bag and turn towards Fumikage.
“How do I look?”
“Same as usual.”
“Fumikage.” You say sternly.
“Great mama, don’t bring no one home.” He jokes, you think?
You kiss and ruffle his feathers, “I’ll see you later Fumi.”
He nods, and you walk as quickly as you can to your car and finally drive to your friends house.
Now after all the hurry you showed up at 3:06, not your best time.
Knocking on the door you can hear your friends excitedly running towards it.
Your friend screams loudly,“Y/N!”
“I havent seen you in forever!” Tori exclaims dramatically.
“It’s been like a month…”
“A month without my precious baby.”
The two of you laugh and make your way to the living room, seeing the rest of your friends.
“Y/N, I see you’re five minutes late!”
“Oh shut it, Kami.” You say playfully.
Tori speaks up, “How Fumikage? Haven’t seen him around.”
“He’s good, got into U.A.”
They all start cheering loudly, you feel prideful.
“U.A.- Y/N that’s amazing!”
“I know, I know, my son’s fricking amazing.” You say with pride.
Another one of your friends, taka, tries to change the subject, you’d prefer to keep talking about your awesome son but it’s whatever.
“Tori, how far away is the club?”
Tori chuckles nervously, “bout an hour away…I heard it’s really good!”
Kami groans, “Tori, what the fuck.”
“I drove an hour to get here Tori!” You exclaim.
“I know, but it’s really good I promise, tons of hot babes for you Y/N!”
Kami rolls her eyes, “I bet the waits even fucking longer.”
“Hey, no cussing to be cool in this house!”
Kami sighs, “I’m just expressing my feelings!”
You barge into the conversation with concern, “I don’t need some babe…”
All your friends stop speaking for a moment until Taka speaks up.
“Y/N, you haven’t dated anyone since Ryuji.”
“Yea well Ryuji taught me I don’t need a man.”
“Doesn’t Fumikage need a father, that was your excuse for getting with him…”
“Fumikage is 16, he’s okay.”
Tori joins the conversation, “yea well, live a little will ya? You don’t need a boyfriend but you could use a hot and steamy night with someone!”
“What? I’m right aren’t I…?” Tori looks around towards the everyone else.
“Just keep an open mind okay?” Kami says softly.
You’ve always kept an open mind, you don’t need some one night stand…you’re perfectly fine without any…physical romance.
“Fine, I will- I’m not bringing anyone home though.”
“Why’s that?” Tori chuckles softly.
“Fumikage said not to.”
The room bursts into laughter, you weren’t joking though…you and Fumikage respect each-other.
Tori claps her hands together, “Now, let’s get on to that club!”
The four of you pile into Tori’s small, blue car and prepare for the long drive to the amazing club she’s talking so highly about.
once you arrive it takes almost the same amount of time to get there to actually get into the place.
She wasn’t joking when she said the place was popular, looked expensive too.
When you walked in you could see beautiful decrorations, the bar was even better because it apparently had that ‘good old shit’ according to Kami.
Poor Fumikage was probably all alone at home…you did tell him he could invite some U.A. friends but he declined.
But there was someone else at your house.
“What’re you doing here.” Fumikage said aggressively.
Hawks throws his hands up in a surrender, “just wanted to see if your mom was home, kid!”
Fumikage sighs while shaking his head, “well she isn’t home, leave.”
“You can’t hide your mom away from me.”
“Do wanna check the fucking walls or something? I’m telling you the truth.”
Hawks chuckles, “quite the sailor’s mouth you got there, I’ll tell your mama you’ve been shouting at me in tongues.”
“That’s not even what tongues is.”
“Well maybe she’ll send you to some boarding school to get the demon out of you.”
“My mother would never do that, yours probably did already though, crazy old man.” Fumikage spits back.
Well, ouch.
“I’m younger than your mom.”
“Are you sure? I mean you probably have the IQ of a seven year old but you look like how old Ivan the Terrible would be today!” Fumikage says sarcastically.
Hawks expression drops slightly, how could someone as amazing as you raise a little monster like him??
“I’ll call your mom right now, don’t test me.”
Fumikage whips his head towards hawks, agitated.
“Can’t, she’s with friends and she probably won’t answer the phone for someone like you.”
Hawks cocks his head slightly, “she’s out?”
“She has more friends than just you.” Fumikage huffs.
You, the hard working, won’t ever take a break, are doing chill time with girls he’s never heard of?
Or maybe you’re on a date.
Your not but hawks jealous little brain jumps to that conclusion.
Fumikage flops himself onto the couch, dismissing hawks, “no go, you have no business-“
“Who is she on a date with.”
“You heard me.”
Fumikage raises his head to make eye contact with an arms crossed, agitated looking hawks.
Fumikage squints his eyes in annoyance, “I already told you she’s out with friends, though I’m surprised you didn’t already know you stalker…”
“I don’t know, maybe you wanna protect your future step-daddy from being the subject of a documentary.”
The two of them become quiet, Fumikage staring at hawk’s dumbfounded.
“…my mother doesn’t partake in romantic relationships.”
“You don’t have to be all fancy with it.”
“Her words, not mine.”
Then quiet again.
Hawks realizes that Fumikage is most likely not lying, “So where is she…?”
“The club, it’s two hours away from what she told me.”
“What club?”
Fumikage ruffles his feathers on his forehead, “…why can’t you just text her, and why do you ever need her in the first place??”
“I wanted company.”
“Well, get it somewhere else cause my mama ain’t home.”
Hawks sighs…then opens his mouth again to Fumikages dismay.
“How can someone so mean come from such an angel like your mother..?”
“How can my mother talk to someone so ugly and annoying?”
“Ugly is pushing it.”
“Truth hurts, number three.”
Hawks huffs in defeat, you describe Fumikage as a gorgeous little angel…he’s the total opposite.
hawks isn’t even ugly, his fans said so themselves…
he wishes you were a fan of him.
Hawks jumps slightly in surprise,“What was that?”
“It was my phone, oh yea it’s my mom too!” Fumikage says happily.
“What she say?”
“Ah, she said…‘don’t let that nasty little pigeon into our house ever again!’…that sucks…”
Hawks stays silent, staring at Fumikage.
“Are you serious…”
“No numbnuts, it was the door bell.”
Usually hawks isn’t this…stupid? There’s just something you do to him, making him all mushy brained.
Fumikage walks over to the door and opens it up, it’s the postal man! With the package you were talking to him about earlier.
It says fragile on the box, now you love opening packages but so does Fumikage.
So he brings it to the kitchen, hawks trailing behind him.
“What’s that?”
“A package my mother ordered.”
Fumikage placed the package down and grabs a knife, tearing the tape away from the cardboard opening the package to see…
a small plush.
One that makes hawks heart stop for a minute.
Fumikage just stares at it, what’s he supposed to say to this?
But Fumikage, your savior, knew for a fact you didn’t want hawks to ever indulge in the fact that you order a plush of him.
It’s already getting to his head, red ears, wings fluttering softly…
Fumikage chuckles, “my cousins birthday is coming up soon…she’s a big fan of you.”
Fumikage can see hawks face deflate…literally like he changed into a different person, specially a spoiled rotten kid who just got told no.
“How is your mom gonna get home, aren’t all her friends gonna be drunk?” Hawks questions slowly, almost like he was thinking it over for a while.
Fumikage hums, “good question…”
Fumikage and hawks slowly make eye contact, then reaching the same conclusion.
Go to the bar, save mom, bring mom home.
The to of them race outside, Fumikage about to hop in the car until hawks wraps his arms around him.
He yelps in a high pitched voice, “unhand me you fool!”
“Relax, I can fly faster than car!”
“Oh, right…continue.”
Fumikage and hawks burst into the air,
Though hawks still has no clue what bar your at..he’ll find you.
and a simple text will work as-well .
pretty lady
the drunken pearl or
some shit like that
thanks babe
pretty lady
Location secured!
“I saw that..” Fumikage says softly but aggressively.
“Shut up, you’re wearing some ugly old Batman sweater.”
“It’s my mamas.”
“…it’s a great sweater.”
Fumikage and hawks continue the flight with saying anything else to one another. This is only a slight truce to protect their favorite women, you.
In the corner of hawks eye he spots it.
The drunken Pearl, a piss poor name but who cares when you’re drunk.
Now that line was long, almost longer than hawks d-
no, no hawks.
save y/n from that terribly sullen dirt hole before you let your mind wander of to dirty jokes.
hawks could probably sneak in right? Well not with Fumikage, Fumikages not even wearing a hero uniform and he can’t pull the “I’m a hero, let me in bitch.” strategy.
well, until he notices a little, red keychain on the bouncers keys that are attached to one of his belt loops.
It’s hawks lucky day to be a popular hero.
Hawks immediately flies down to the ground, with a small wave to the bouncer he can already see the external freak out.
The bouncers cheeks go red, “I-I uhm…Mr.Hawks! What brings you here?”
“One of my little lady’s friends is in there, wanna pick her up so she has a ride!” He says cheerfully.
“O-of course! Don’t want anyone getting hurt do we?” He chuckles nervously.
Hawks starts to walk in with Fumikage in tow until, “Sorry but, he can’t go with you..he’ll have to wait in line.”
“Tokoyami stay out here will ya?” Hawks barks an order at him.
Fumikage nods, standing guard with the bouncer.
Hawks makes his way into the brightly lit club, it’s loud too…hurts his ears.
Many body’s are just mushed together, either dancing funky or grinding on eachother.
Honestly hawks looks everyone for you, then spots you near the bar.
and he can feel his knees buckle a little , your a goddess.
There’s a sheen of sweat on you, your wearing a sparkly, short red dress with 2inch red heals that have the cutest golden buckle on them.
He makes his way to you as quickly as he can, you’re talking to a man..you do that a lot for someone who doesn’t want romantic relations.
Never mind talking, you’re flirting, whispering in each other’s ears while giggling. Hawks can feel his heart swell with anger and jealousy.
Why is he talking to you anyways, hawks needs to put a leash on you at this point.
or the other way around, he wouldn’t mind…
stop, bad hawks…focus on your main quest.
Hawks strides over towards you and the parasite, touch your shoulder softly.
You turn around confused, then smile.
“Hawkey!!” You throw your arms around his neck drunkenly..
He hugs back, “Y/n”
“What’re- hic!- doin here?” You say sloppily.
“Came to get you, Fumikage told me a few things..”
Hawks chuckles, ignoring the angry man next to you.
“How you feeling?”
“Really tired actually..this nice man was just about to take me to the private room before you came long!”
“Tired huh?”
You yawn, “exhausted…you gon take me home hawkey?”
“Cute nickname, let’s go.” He wraps his arm around your waist, lifting you softly.
Until Mr. Parasite grabs his shoulder.
“Hey, hands off she was mine first.”
“Get the hell off of me.”
He grips his hand tighter, “I already told you-“
“And I thought I told you the get off me.” Hawks says while glaring at the man.
“Look man-“
“I will slit your fucking throat open if I ever see you never her again, do not test me.”
The man’s jaw drops and he backs off slightly as a result from all of hawks threats.
Hawks picks you up bridal style, it’ll be faster to get you out of this place that way.
Hawks soon strolls out of the bumping club with you in his arms, making eye contact with Fumikage. Fumikage raises his arms up, expecting hawks to drop your form into them.
Fumikage looks confused, “what?”
“Your not holding her”
“She’s my mother.” Fumikage says as if he’s offended.
Then it’s silent, hawks is glaring at him softly like he’ll take you away forever, you never notice.
Fumikage huffs with annoyance, “It’ll be easier to fly us back anyways if I hold her, stop being stubborn.”
Hawks then begrudgingly places you softly into your son’s arms.
Your eyes flutter softly, “Fumi?”
“Go back to sleep mama, you’ll be home soon.”
Hawks wraps his hands around Fumikage and flies off towards your home, now you’ve had many great naps over the years but…
This was probably the best nap you’ve ever had, maybe it’s the being drunk part.
You feel like you’re softly dropping down towards the ground, kinda like what a kid imagines what a cloud would feel like.
Said cloud is actually your nest, almost as warm as you left it.
You vision is slightly blurry, you feel terribly sick.
But soon hawks comes into your view with a glass of water a two small pills.
“Open up, mama bird..” he says softly.
You open your mouth as hawks places the round tablet onto your tongue, tastes disgusting, hawks would probably taste better.
Hawks then tilts up your head a makes you start to drink sips of water, you can already sense Fumikage at the doorway watching like a hawk.
“Feel better?”
hawks chuckles softly, “good, worried me a little yknow?”
You nod softly.
“I had to beat Fumikage just to hang out with me…you would’ve been better company.”
You smile gently, lips pulling together.
You can see Fumikages head pop up from his spot near the door.
“Go…bed, now.”
Fumikage sighs, then stalks off towards his bedroom.
Hawks pushed your hair away from your face, “Want me to leave too, sweets?”
You shake your head no, “stay?”
Hawks can feel his heart drop down to his toes.
He climbs over into your nest, your nest…
oh god, he can feel his ears burning already.
You gloss your fingers through hawks wind sweet hair, hitting multiple knots.
You look up towards his face, red ears…no his whole face is red this time.
his wings are puffed out, fluttering around with each passing moment.
“What’re you..uhm-doing?” Hawks stutters.
“What does it look like…?”
“Looks like you’re paying a little too much attention to me.”
“You love it.”
“I do.”
Oh god he loves it so much.
You sigh, “Lay down, no hovering…”
Hawks immediately lays down next to you on the bed, staring.
Enjoying that feeling of your hands carding through his hair.
and he’s just staring at our, red dusting over his face, staring at anything but your eyes.
even takes a few glances at your lips.
Kami was right, you need something good.
“Hawks?” You call softly.
“Yea?” He looks up at you.
“kiss me”
You grab his collar lazily, pulling him closer.
“Kiss me?” You whisper softly.
He short circuits for a moment.
Then comes closer, slowly.
then looks into your eyes, drunk hazy eyes that in his opinion, have no clue what they want.
“I can’t. Not while your drunk y/n…”
“Don’t you wanna though..?”
Trust hawks when he tells people he’s only a milisecond from making out with you everyday, it’s not that he doesn’t want to..it’s that he wants you to want it no matter what.
You’re just some lonely mom with a man in your bed, of course your drunk little brain wants a kiss.
“I wanna, really bad y/n- but you need to be sober for it.”
He needs you to be like that.
when he kisses you he doesn’t want to reminded of his father.
of that house.
Just you.
“…are you gonna leave me?”
Hawks chuckles, “no, no mama bird I ain’t gonna leave you.”
He starts to cradle you into his arms but…it ends up with it being the other way.
Darn you and your motherly habits…
So now hawks is comfortably laying in your chest, legs tangled together.
Your hand grazing his scalp, massaging sit softly.
This is good.
This is nice.
He doesn’t wanna wake up in a cold sweat anymore, he doesn’t wanna wake up screaming.
Not with you.
But knowing you, you’d probably cradle him like you used to Fumikage, kiss his face a whispering softly how it’ll all be okay.
Nevermind, hawks wants to have a nightmare.
he wants you, he knows it now.
He knows it even more when your hand stopping moving, and your breathing slows into a slumber.
He knows when he comfortably drifts off into dreamland while near clingy, drunk you.
he knows, but he doesn’t know what to do with that knowing.
So he rests.
With your body’s mixed together like a finished puzzle.
He knows this is right, because it feels fucking amazing.
TAGLIST: comment to be taggged🥴
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh @camejlo-35
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