#ftm dipper pines
ariel-s-awesome · 2 years
Identical twins where one's a boy and one's a girl in media are great because one is likely trans.
Identical twins are-- aside from rare cases-- the same sex (and in said rare cases at least one is intersex in some way.)
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rosebunny1 · 6 months
Gravity Falls Headcanon I wanna make.
Dipper IS trans (ftm) and his parents are sota supportive, but not really. (Mabel is VERY supportive of Dipper) So when the twins parents called Grunkle Stan, they told him to push more girly things on Dipper and how Dipper thinks that "she" is a boy, and how that needs to get out of "her" head.
Grunkle Stan being Grunkle Stan and not doing everything he's told to. He thought Dipper was a boy so that's part of the reason he pushed him to do all those chores. More "boy" chores to get him that build or something like that. Or to make him feel like an actual boy. And would help him get those hormone pills.
Idk, just a headcanon, not saying it's canon just a thought. Have a great day/night.
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lopsicle · 2 months
Okay,like a couple minutes ago I learned that it is actually trans day of visibility today soo woohoo! Kind of hard to celebrate in this shithole called the UK though, so I’m going to hide on tumblr and talk about which characters I think are trans coded or just Headcanon as trans because it’s my day I can do that now heheheh-
Also, I’m just tryna do a little thing for trans visibility day, I like being opaque, I ain’t trying to start any arguments, if you see a Headcanon you disagree with, just scroll. And if you think I’m biased towards transfem characters, it’s because I am and I ain’t apologising for that, they’re underrated in terms of fandom and obvs I’m transfem so I love them and relate to them more. Transmasc characters still will be on this list though as there’s so many that I love.
Characters That I Think Are Transgender Because Fuck You
Number one: Hunter Noceda (The Owl House)
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This was probably the easiest and hardest pick for the list, for a couple reasons. Number one, I don’t think there’s a single person who agreed this pathetic wet cat is cisgender. Whether you think he’s transmasc, transfem, something else entirely, he ain’t cis. It’s clear why the fandom clung to Hunter as the resident trans character, him having a secret identity via The Golden Guard (seriously, any character with a secret identity is immediately trans, I don’t make the rules), the overconfident attitude mixed with deep insecurity and his arc about finding a way to ‘like who he is right now’ in Thanks To Them really just sealed the deal. Other little details like how his hair cuts helped him find his new identity did not help his case.
While I personally think he’s transfem, and am just using he/him because that’s his canon pronouns, Hunter is one of those characters that a lot of people can identify with which is what The Owl House is really about so I kinda had to include him on this list. The reason it was a hard decision is because holy fuck, every single character in this show is trans. Deciding between him and Amity was the hardest choice of my life because transfem Amity is heavily underrated and I love her, but you really can’t compete with Hunter, he’s had an amazing influence on the fandom and the character has probably helped a lot of people come to terms with their identity.
To summarise, Hunter is a great character, I miss him everyday, I miss The Owl House everyday, he was cool as fuck and a lotta people identified with him.
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
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This is one that I feel is heavily underrated, and that’s coming from someone that took two years after the show ended to watch Amphibia. With Amphibia, pretty much all of the human characters are Headcanonned (is that a word?) as some part of the trans umbrella but Anne is the one who does not get enough attention, especially for a main character.
At least to me, Anne was very transfem-coded in the show, everything from her raggedy appearance, to her essentially assuming a new life in Amphibia to the arc about accepting who you are to THE SONG ABOUT ACCEPTING WHO YOU ARE-this was the most in your face, trans-coded rep I could ever ask for. But she is criminally underrated in terms of being viewed as trans rep even though I’ve found her story one of the most compelling in terms of trans coded storylines in nearly any piece of media I’ve ever seen. Give Anne more attention, she’s literally the best. Marcy and Sasha are cool too but Anne’s writing deserves so much more praise than it gets.
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Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
If you haven’t realised it yet, this entire list so far is just one massive fuck you to Disney because fuck Disney. Dipper was the closest we got to having a canon trans main character in a mainstream animated show and it was taken from us, fuck Disney y’all. But still, Alex has all but confirmed Dipper’s identity as trans masculine, you can see remnants of that arc with him learning that he’s a man in his own right and masculinity being something he can define for himself, the whole thing about Dipper actually being a nickname, and him bonding with the men in his life, like Stan.
Even though I didn’t notice it when I was a kid watching the show, rewatching it now with the knowledge of Dipper’s identity makes the experience a bit more personal, I can see bits of myself in Dipper and I think that’s the whole point of his character. Watching it as a kid you can relate to him because of his sarcasm, his bluntness, his comedy but also because of how heroic, adventurous and curious he is, he’s basically the idealistic role of the viewer. But as you get older and think more critically about him, you can see more of his flaws and that makes him so much more real and so much more relatable. Obviously being trans isn’t a flaw, that was just me doing a side tangent because Dipper means the world to me and is only the standard of writing a cartoon protagonist in some ways, I just think he’s a really cool character and Disney robbed us.
Also Pacifica is transfem because TfT couples are hecking adorable
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Sallie May (Helluva Boss)
Guess who just realised that (other than Dipper technically) I haven’t put a single canon trans character on this list. Headcanons are better, I don’t make the rules, but Sallie May is amazing. No matter how critical you are of Helluva Boss, one thing it unapologetically does well is queer representation. The amount of characters that the audience can relate to makes it almost addicting to watch as you get to watch these characters live their best lives. Well, their lives are kinda fucked but you get what I mean, they just get to live as queer people, most of the time.
And Sallie May is proof that trans people will eat up absolutely anything, even if it’s a whole thirty seconds of screen time of a trans character. Being fair to her, Sallie May eats up every moment she gets on screen, her dialogue can be equivocated to just a middle child acting like a middle child and I think it is partly that, I feel like we have a lot more to learn about Sallie May and in turn her sister Millie. At least I hope we do, Millie’s writing needs to improve, their family dynamics can be so interesting because every other one of their siblings is a boy, their parents can be judgemental, I feel like even if Sallie May can be a bit taunting to her, those two are probably really close, especially since Millie is one of the people Sallie May would have to go to for girl advice.
To summarise, since I went off on a bit of a tangent, Helluva Boss brings out the worst in me, give Sallie May and Millie more screen time, they’re the best, we love healthy sibling dynamics.
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Double Trouble (She-Ra)
Jesus, they’re hot. Anyway, the first non binary entry on this list, the fabulous Double Trouble who stole the entire show from the moment they were introduced. Throughout the entirety of the last season, I can remember just waiting for the point that they’d show up again and nearly screaming when they did.
Double Trouble was one of the most charming members of the She-Ra cast and became effortlessly iconic, conning every single character, playing both sides of a war so that they’d come out on top, and they did win in the end. DT basically had zero consequences and even got to flirt with Sea Hawk when they were reintroduced so they got a win really. Double Trouble was mean, condescending and a liar and I love them so, so much, them being a shapeshifter is just absolutely perfect and fits their character so well. It was nice to see Non-binary rep in a cartoon and have it not immediately be cancelled, looking at Disney and thank God it wasn’t because She-Ra really wouldn’t be the same without this manipulated, child of a bitch
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Crowley (Good Omens)
You know the gender’s hitting when you don’t even know what the fuck the gender is. Crowley is a delight of the character from the moment they’re introduced to the end of the show, which nearly broke my heart since I watched it just recently, if anybody would like to send me tissues, that would be greatly appreciated.
From my vast research of one google search, I’ve concluded that they’re gender is up to viewer interpretation which is actually what mine is too so I can respect that. This literal demon stole the show whenever they were on screen, whether it was David Tenant’s acting, the moments we saw softer sides of him, her pinning over Aziriphale of them just being an actual demon, Crowley is a wonderful piece of representation and I hate that because it makes me sad, let them get together, please.
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Not to be confused with that one place that makes pretty good chicken, I’m talking about the protagonists of two of the best RPGs ever made, Undertale and Deltarune.
For those unaware, KFC is the trio name of Frisk, Undertale’s protagonist, Chara, Undertale’s narrator and Kris, Deltarune’s narrator. Despite them being the main characters, they’re not characterised too strongly as you are in control of them for most of the game, minus Chara who specifically says you aren’t in control of them. Due to it being canon to the games that you are playing as these characters, the Internet started a rumour that they are whatever gender you want them to be, which was just never true. Undertale is packed with trans representation, and these three are no exception. It’s the whole reason I added them to the list actually, just to get the message across if anyone was unsure; they’re all Nonbinary.
Frisk and Kris, despite only having glimmers of their true characters in the game, are still very lovable and intriguing with their actions. Even just the idea of these two being controlled, which is more of a heavy theme in Deltarune, is enough to make you interested in their characters, especially when Kris starts fighting back against you. This entire section is just gonna be a couple paragraphs of me fighting back the urge to yap about Undertale lore so you’ll have to forgive me. Chara, being the only one not under your control, has a much stronger character through the lines of dialogue from them or said about them, the latter usually being more interesting as it gives you insight to their tragic life.
Undertale is one of my favourite and given the amount of rep it’s given us, I had to pay homage to its own main characters on this list. Even though I’m hungry cause now I’m thinking about KFC.
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Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
I think it’s been a year since I finished tumblr’s favourite sitcom and while Jake was lovable, he didn’t stand out to me too much. Still, this guy suffered from that overconfidence but riddled with insecurity personality which lead to him being inevitably headcanonned (it’s a word I decided) as trans masculine. I don’t know what the correlation is between those kinds of characters and the transmasc headcanon, maybe it’s the desire to present as being that confident, maybe it’s being that confident but still held back by struggles about your gender identity but that’s neither here nor there.
What is here and is there is that this show was amazing for trans people, even if only in small ways and Jake was no exception to that. He was funny and watching him grow through those eight seasons gives you one of the most satisfying and heart throbbing conclusions to a TV show, largely due to his presence as the main character. Even though it’s not canon that he was trans masculine, the Headcanon is so popular that I had to pay homage to him and add him to the list.
Jack Kennedy (DSAF)
Is this fandom so dead and so unpopular that I couldn’t find a good gif? Yes. Am I gonna talk about it anyway because I love these games and I want an excuse and this is my day? Yes.
Anyway, Jack Kennedy was the main protagonist of the Day Shift at Freddy’s games and if you don’t know what those are, there’s a 50% chance you had an alright childhood. DSaF is obviously a fan game of the more well known horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s and I think they are some of the best fa games ever made. They’re hilarious, they’re so low budget it’s insane, it can give you the hardest tonal whiplash of not taking itself seriously to one of the hardest stories you’ve ever went through seamlessly and I don’t even get a fuck. The story told by these games is done so well and evokes so many emotions but one important thing it’s done is actually be really great for queer rep.
Despite it being played for more of a joke in the earlier games, the two characters Jack and Dave Millie clearly have romantic chemistry and that was so important back when the games released since they became so mainstream due to being attached to a popular franchise. Many fans headcanon Jack Kennedy as being non binary, which is a label that I think really works for them, mainly because it fits for the protagonists of roleplay games to be non binary. I can’t explain why, it just makes presenting the character to the audience so much easier and makes them a lot easier to play without having to worry too much about the gender of the character.
Anyway, Jack’s a self described asshole with a noble goal, and playing as them really gives you a feel of their character and makes you understand why this little known indie franchise snuck into so many people’s hearts.
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Bridget (Guilty Gear Rising)
You know I had to end off the list with one of the most iconic, canon, transfem characters out of there. Pretty much every single transfem has heard of Brisket and not a single one has played Guilty Gear Rising, I had to look up the name of this game just before this to make sure I got the right one.
Bridget has recently become a meme on the Internet, with every other transfem having her in her pfp, Bridget became a staple in the community. As stated, I can’t talk too much about her character but seeing the Internet come together to just appreciate this one transfem character, despite their being obvious hate and pushback and claiming her being canon transfem was a ‘mistranslation’ (to my knowledge) was actually really heart warming.
I didn’t really get trans day of visibility too much, I was happy for it, thought it was cool we got a day but it didn’t really help us all that much. But the more I thought about Bridget is the more that I saw just how good it can feel when people come together. It doesn’t have to be a movement or a call to action to save trans people from another bill trying to wipe them out, which is just depressing to listen to, it can just be as simple as joking about this character that barely any of us know. That level of community made me understand what this day was actually about; finding common ground and letting at least one other person know that they’re not alone, that there’s so many people just like you out there, that went through the exact same thing as you did at some point. And to let you know, those people turned out fine, so you’ll be okay too.
Happy trans day of viability everyone, even if this list only reaches one person to let them know they’re not alone, I’ll be happy with that.
Anyway, ignore the emotional stuff there, here’s my honourable mention of
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parkercore-69 · 3 months
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i was a victim of the gravity falls to transgenderism/buzzfeed unsolved (+watcher) pipeline and i made a visual representation for it.
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naquey · 1 year
Trans Twins Headcanons
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-They swap clothes that their grandparents get them and even some of the gifts depending on what it is
-Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford along with the Mystery Shack team are their biggest supporters
-Mabel started knitting herself clothes because originally she couldn't find fem clothes that fit her very well, hence the sweater were born
-Dipper binds a lot which concerns his sister very often so she convinces him to take breaks very often, to hydrate, and always makes sure he eats properly
-puberty had already set in by the time they even considered hormones and blockers Mabel took them but Dipper tried to ride out the puberty he was going through before going on testosterone
-despite everything thinking he's the uwu soft trans boy he's actually the opposite but Mabel definitely feeds into goddess trans woman energy because let's face it, she is a goddess
-Mabel does better makeup than Pacifica and even teaches her
-Dipper chose the name Mason but his parents came up with the nickname Dipper not only because of his birthmark but so his grandparents would stop calling him by his deadname
-Mabel wanted to be called Maple but spelled it wrong on a sweater and it's stuck ever since. Mabel is a better name than Maple anyway.
-testosterone makes Dipper only just a tad taller, and he's still dysphoric about his height but less so
-Mabel loves being a tall woman and does anything to be an even taller woman because it makes men uncomfortable, she also just wants to be able to pick up Dipper from time to time because it's funny
-Grunkle Stan knew Dipper absolutely loved his old hat because it was his dad's baseball cap, so he may have purposefully set out those pinetree balls caps in the hopes it would make Dipper happier
-At first Ford didn't understand it because he had been lost to the multiverse but after a quick explanation he understood. When he clapped Dipper on the back and said, "That's my boy." Dipper cried happy tears about it later.
-Dipper and Mabel both struggle with dysphoria at times, although it may be different for each other they are able to help each other out. Sibling bond 100%
-Dipper when he's older most definitely would tattoo his healed surgery scars with symbols from the journals and people may or may not look in curiosity and for a moment, he panics because so long he's gone to the beach with a shirt on
-Mabel grows he hair so long because growing up it was always short, eventually she has to keep it in a braid just to keep from walking on it, her parents cannot convince her to cut it no matter how hard they try
-They both become advocates for trans youth, especially in Gravity Falls because even though it may be a small town it is not old fashioned in the slightest
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swagging-back-to · 6 months
the way i regularly have to unlike masterpieces of art simply bc the author/artist is hella misogynistic and homophobic and could not resist drawing squiggly scars under the characters breasts.
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dissapoopoo · 2 years
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*throws up into hand and hands it to you*
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animefankotaro · 2 years
Trans Dipper and Grunkle Stan
Dipper was in the kitchen at the Mystery Shack reading Journal 3. The Shack was rather quiet today. Soos and Wendy were off, Mabel was with her friends, and Ford was in town. So it was only him and Grunkle Stan. Stan had barely known anything about them before they came over that summer. He didn’t know what their hobbies were, their favorite foods, or that they were already 12. But perhaps the biggest one was that he didn’t know about Dippers secret. He didn’t know Dipper was born a girl. Dipper heard Stan trying to con some customers in the other room.
“And if you look at these three dots on this white paper long enough you’ll see the face of Jesus.”
“OOOoohhhh!” They all said.
“He’s right.”
“Only 5 bucks a paper.” Stan said.  They all gave him money and Dipper shook his head.
“If Bill was able to fool me just think of what he would do to these people.” Dipper said to himself. After Stan was done with the customers he came in with some money shooting it like a deck of cards.
“I tell you those people would think a Dixie cup with plastic eyes is real.” He sniffed the money and sat down. “So what’s new with you, kid?”
“Nothing really. Just trying to find anything new in the Journal. I have this paper here with some ideas and...” Stan saw a piece of paper next to Dipper and picked it up. “Hey! Grunkle Stan put that down!” Dipper panicked knowing what was written on it.
“Let’s see. “Ways to stop natural hormones of the human body”, Ways to increase testosterone.” What is this, kid?”
“Well it’s uh, I Um, You see…” Dipper didn’t see much of a way out of it. He tried to make up a lie. “I don’t want to wait till I’m 15 or so to get facial hair so I’m trying to get it early.”
“Then what does this “natural hormone” stuff mean?” Stan asked.
“Oh, well; that means so I don’t get zits and things like that.”
“I see.” Stan put the paper down and crossed his arms. “You know for a second I almost thought you were doing it for another reason.” Stan went back to playing with his money. “What do you mean?” Dipper asked.
“I just thought maybe you were doing it because to impress Wendy.”
“I am. That is what I’m doing.”
“Then just let your body mature on it’s own. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Dipper knew there was though.
“Yes there is, Stan. The truth is. The truth on why I'm looking up ways to boost male hormones is because….I’m trans. I was born a girl like Mabel. I don’t wanna go through puberty. I want hair like you. Granted not as much on my chest. But I want a beard and a deep voice. I can’t do it on my own like you.”
“Well I guess that makes two of us.”
“Huh?” Dipper looked confused.
“I’m trans too, kid. Oh, uh surprise!” Stan gave a fake surprised look. Dipper, however, gave a real surprised look. He was shocked.
“Wait a minute. You. You’re. You…”
“I was born as Ford’s sister Stacy Pines. Even as a kid I knew something was wrong with me. I prepared wearing my brother's clothes and even looking like him minus the freakish 6th finger. My parents were against it, especially dad. The kids made fun of me. The only one who saw me as Stanley was Ford. He always saw me as his brother. I can understand where you’re coming from. But messing with magic could be dangerous. It’s safer to use medicine if you truly want to be a man.”
“I don’t believe it.” Dipper said.
“You surprised me too. For the record I never thought you could be a girl. So I guess you have something going for you.”
“I’ve always had Mabel on my side. She always helped me as kids to become her brother.”
“Your sister’s a good kid. Weird. But good. As long as she’s with you you'll be okay. And don’t worry you’ll also have Wendy, Soos, Ford, and me. If someone messes with you I’ll have something to say about it.”
“Thanks, Stan.” Stan got up as more customers showed up.
“No problem. Just remember your time to become a man will come.” With that Stan left leaving Dipper to think about everything that just happened.”
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captainwaffles · 2 years
FTM Dipper is good
MTF is something deeper
Trans Dipper is always glorious but what if Dipper was a trans girl. Durning the course of the shoe Dipper knew.
(For the rest of this dipper will be referred to with she/her pronouns)
That’s why she wanted to prove herself to be a man cause she was in denial. Could you imagine that? She was so scared of being a girl she forced herself to constantly be as masculine as she could.
Like it hurts so much. I love trans Dipper always, but I think we should explore Trans Women Dipper more
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fall3nstar · 6 days
do you guys want to hear about a hazbin hotel and gravity Falls crossover au I made up? If you don't that's to bad I'm gonna talk about it anyways. It's called "A Fallen Star And A Fallen Pine Tree".
This a little bit based off the immortal twin's au but with my own twist.
The twins info:
Mable Pines
Gender: Female
Cause of death: Drowning
Dipper Pines
Gender: Trans ftm
Cause of death: Drowning
I'll talk about their designs when I finish them.
Goodbye -Twisted
I forgot to mention I'm making this into a fanfic so if anyone has any tip I would really appreciate it because I'm not good at writing.
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yumeko2sevilla · 9 months
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"Okay, okay I'm up now.."
Character Inspiration | Playlist
Name: Yukiharu Shirokami
Alias: Yukiharu-san/ Shirokami-san, Monsieur Militaire (By Rook), Shiraharu (By Erin), Haruka (By the first years), Swordfish-chan (By Floyd), Child Of Man (By Malleus), Herbivore (By Leona), Haru (By Cater)
Twisted From: Cassandra Gothel (Tangled) + Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) + Kisaragi Shintarou ( Kagerou Project)
Voice Actors/ Seiyuus:
_Hirose Daisuke( Japanese)
_Khoi Dao (English + Vietnamese)
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Japanese: 白神 雪治
Birthday: October 11 (Libra)
Age: Around 19?
Height: 195 cm
Gender: Transgender FTM (He/They)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous but mostly Right
Kotoha Shirokami née Hakurei (Mother/Japanese)
Soraru Shirokami (Father/ Half Vietnamese)
Unnamed Younger Brother (Deceased?)
Grade: Freshman
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Class: A (No.16)
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subjects: Enigmics, Arts
Hobbies: Sleeping, Drawing, Playing Rhythm Games, Reading
Pet Peeves: Someone who can't be serious at times.
Favorite Foods: Caffeine Drinks, Vietnamese Foods
Least Favorite Food: None?
Talents: Dealing With Deadlines, Remember things, Graphic Designing
(P/S: "A secretive first year who is cold and distant. Born from a cursed clan, he's forced to wield the curse all by himself.")
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With a default expression is a blank frown on his face, Yukiharu may be an apethetic person from other views. And they aren’t wrong. The NRC students often see them as a cold and quiet person, who always appears with a tired appearance. Even if he answers you politely, it seems in his voice that they don't want to talk at all.
They have a habit to be rather blunt at times, even that isn't very nice for other people.
For a student from another world with magic, Yukiharu blends in pretty well among the students. He was quick to understand how the subjects works, and how they were different from his own world.
To strangers, Yukiharu is an expressionless person in a way. Of course they could still express emotions on their face, but people found it strained, forced. He isn't, really. They just can’t understand the concept of human emotions, including himself and that leads to him struggling to emphatise with others. Yet they will try to comfort the Overblot victims, with a crooked smile and a soft voice.
Yukiharu is actually pretty nice. He isn't afraid to help people, in their own ways. Although they couldn't emphatise with them, that doesn't mean he will leave them alone. So he will just keep quiet and help them, because that's the only way he could figure out.
WARNING: Yukiharu's origin will contain mentions of murder, power abuse, torture and sexual assult. Please click out if you're uncomfortable with this kind of topic!
Through 200 years, the Shirokami clan, represented all sorts of misfortune has committed countless sins for too long. Murder, arson, terrorism,... There was almost no crimes that they have done, excluding sexual assult or abuse, brought terror to the land of Akihabara. Althought most of the cases at that time had their influences, the villagers couldn't do anything as the Shirokamis were the most wealthy and powerful clan in Akihabara.
That was until the daughter of the Onizaburo clan, Mirai was tortured and died by the wife of the Shirokami clan representive. Before her death, Mirai put a curse on the Shirokami family which lasted for centuries.
Years later, in a hospital of Ho Chi Minh City, young Yukiharu Shirokami was born. Being the youngest member to endured the curse since his birth.
[The rest of this file is currently under maintenace.]
Unique Magic:
Yukiharu's Unique Magic, Clockworker Lullaby allows him to manipulate time of a specific target or even all of them in a wide range, expect those that they touch right before they use it. Even it can be very useful at times, but if he activates this ability too many in a short time, thee will have side effects such as severe headaches and cough out blood.
His surname "Shirokami" means "White God", a kind of reference to the two demonic god who guide the souls to the afterlife in China.
The name "Yukiharu" can be divive into two parts, "Yuki" means snow and "Haru" in here means "to manage" .
Yukiharu is mixed between Vietnamese and Japanese.
Yukiharu tends to speak Vietnamese when they get irritated, especially during the Overblot.
A small talent that the first years know, Yukiharu is actually an expert in rhythm games. One time, he tied with Idia, considered they both got All Prefect.
Although he hates deadlines, it's ironic that one of his talents is doing deadlines
He can get quite brutal when it comes to fighting.
Yukiharu is Demiromantic Pansexual.
They can use almost everything as a weapon, excluding humans.
Yukiharu is implied to have Alexithymia.
Yukiharu's origin was inspired by the Onibi series by MASA Works Design.
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loganically · 1 year
Characters that are Trans (Because I am Tran)
Note: These are all headcanons unless states otherwise!
CW: Creepypasta, Danganronpa, Harry Potter, IT, MHA
Jeremy Heere (A he/him trans guy)
Rich Goranski (a short, bisexual he/him trans guy. he will punch anyone who calls him a confused lesbian)
Eyeless Jack (doesn't understand the whole "label thing" but uses he/it pronouns)
Homicidal Liu (the angst I have behind this headcanon--he/they)
Leon Kuwata (the song sk8 boi is about him /j. uses they/he pronouns)
Mondo Owada (biker he/him trans guy)
Hajime Hinata (identity crisis 24/7 he/they)
Korekiyo Shinguji (he's only here because I project on him--he/him pronouns)
Dipper Pines (HE/THEY walking bisexual disaster. Both twins are bi and trans)
Ron Weasley (he's AFAB and ginny is AMAB. he is also pansexual and ginny is bi. Ron uses he/him)
Harry Potter (oh, how his aunt and uncle hate this. he/him)
Sirius Black (he/they, ever the family disappointment /j)
Remus Lupin (he is me, i am him. he/him)
Richie Tozier (read above)
Adrien Agreste (daddy issues trans masc)
Felix Fathom (issues trans masc)
Luka Couffaine (hairdye trans masc)
Marc Anicel (canon; genderfluid)
Kyoka Kiro (enby, actually, they/she)
Percy Jackson (because i said so. he/they)
Will Solace (his dad is apollo? there is NO WAY he is cisgender. he/him or they/them. depends on the day)
Alex Fierro (canon; genderfluid, often fem)
Loki (canon; genderfluid, often masc)
Larry Johnson (reminds me of my boyfriend, so of course he's here)
Sal Fisher (no one with blue hair is cisgender)
Bow (i am not explaining this. he/they)
Double Trouble (canon; non-binary)
Jewelstar (Canon; FtM)
Peekablue (Canon; GNC)
Oskar (it/they/he)
Lars (implied to be trans; not confirmed, he/they)
Shep (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Wittebane/Clawthorne (he/him)
Luz Noceda (implied to be GNC--note; I HC her to be genderfluid. They mainly use she/they but somedays use she/he)
Raine Whispers (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Masha (canon; non-binary, they/them)
The Collector (canon; either demi-boy or non-binary, he/they)
Viktor Hargreeves (canon; FtM, either he/him or he/they)
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snailgoodra · 5 months
Uh, hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! I’ve been here for a while so I should probably introduce myself…
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I’m Dipper, so just call me that, I guess. I’d prefer if you didn’t call me Mason or Pinetree, I have EXTREMELY bad associations with that. I’m FtM and aroace. Pronouns are he/him. As stated in my bio, I am a Dipper Pines fictive. This is NOT a roleplay. Please don’t say that it is!
I like cats, Pokémon, Splatoon, sharks, paranormal stuff, mysteries, cryptids, drawing, as well as some other stuff. You can check out my reblogs if you wanna see what all I’m interested in. Or don’t, I don’t care.
Source talk is fine, and I’m extremely open to any sourcemates that want to talk to me. I’m a minor, though, so keep that in mind. All of my memories are canon compliant. IF YOU ARE A BILL CIPHER FICTIVE, IRL, OR ANY OTHER THING LIKE THAT, DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME. You will be blocked immediately.
I have ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and most likely autism. Please keep that in mind, I’m trying my best over here!
DM’s are fine, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll respond to them. If you want my discord, just ask for it.
Other alters reblog and talk on here sometimes! If anything sounds out of character for me, it’s probably one of them. I just haven’t really asked them to sign off. I should probably do that.
I tend to reblog stuff/fanart and go “hey that’s me!”. I know, it’s kinda weird. I get excited. Just bear with me on this.
That’s it, I think. Thanks :)
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last updated: 5/112024
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squishiyangire · 1 year
Personal headcanon: stanford pines is ftm trans, was this inspired by that comic i just reblogged.... Perhaps, but think about it, irl you can only have male and female twins if they're not identical, but look at mabel and dipper, they're pretty damn identical..... So, im choosing to believe that this one family, the pines family, had not one instance of male female identical twins, but two instances of this, and although i love mtf mabel, just the coincidence is just too bonkers for me not to jump on the bandwagon of,( or, alternatively, stanley is ftm, would make sense with how macho he tries to play back in his younger years, and it puts the wax stan into a whole new perspective)
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mushed-kid · 1 year
characters that are trans in canon imo and in what direction:
- jake peralta (ftm)
- ron weasley (ftm)
- dipper pines (ftm)
- chase davenport (ftm)
- jonathan byers (ftm)
- pidge holt (ftm/non binary)
- romelle (mtf)
- klaus baudelaire (ftm)
- isadora quagmire (mtf)
- klaus hargreeves (nonbinary/genderdluid)
- viktor hargreeves (ftm, actually canon)
- jeff winger (ftm)
- stiles stilinski (ftm)
- peter parker (ftm)
- enola holmes (mtf)
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tranquility au gravity falls characters' queer 'head'canons (including pronouns)
dipper pines (he/him) -> trans ftm, aroace, vincian, polyamorous
mabel pines (she/her) -> bisexual, polyamorous
pacifica northwest (she/her) -> aromantic, lesbian, polyamorous
robbie valentino (they/he) -> genderfluid, bisexual, polyamorous
wendy corduroy (she/her) -> trans mtf, bisexual
tambry (she/they) -> trans mtf, bisexual
lee (he/him) -> bisexual
nate (any pronouns) -> genderqueer, unlabeled
bill cipher (he/xe/it) -> libramasculine, vincian, polyamorous
will cipher (they/she/he/ze) -> genderqueer trans mtf, panlesbian, polyamorous
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