#full swing after their coming out like maybe 4 months
But fr this is one of the longest running fandoms I've been in
#like ive been in a lot of fandoms for a long time#but not like.. taking in content daily and just generally being hyperfixated#i think my second longest fandom qas the Beatles#which i was absolutely brain fogged for about 8 months before it began to fade#fnaf was kinda on and off#i was there since the beginning for maybe a few months#maybe like 2 or 3#and then when sister location came out i was in for about 4 months maybe#and then for a little bit when security breach came out maybe a month or so#so i dont like counting that one#other longer ones were Undertale (base game) which was for about 4 months#Everymanhybrid although that was like the entire summer of 2021#and then about an entire month in 2022 right before i got into dsmp#Gorillaz for about 3 months in 2019 (good god it was that long ago)#Sanders Sides was super split up#maybe like 2 weeks after a new episode came our since 2018#so a decent amount of time#Dan and Phil a little bit in like 2016-2017#probably like a month or so#full swing after their coming out like maybe 4 months#and then the entirety of April and May in 2021#Squid game about 2 or 3 months#Good Omens took over my Gorillaz hyperfix in November 2019 to about January 2020 when the Beatles took over#OFMD and Heartstopper were congruent for like 2 months#Moon Knight for about a month#yeah theres a lot#anyway most dont make it past 4 months until either taking a break or just stopping completely#so this is a bit wild for me#and its strange cause this is one of the more.... stressful fandoms ive been in 💀#anyway YIPPEE anniversary coming up
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abbu0414 · 5 months
Time Apart (Simon Riley x Reader)
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Word Count: 788
♪ Song to Listen To: Slow Dancing in A Burning Room by John Mayer
It had been weeks. No. Months since you had last seen him. Maybe that was just an exaggeration, but he was the first boyfriend you had that had a job like this. You had been together for about 5 or 6 months and you and Simon had been inseparable since and at the last possible second, he was summoned for a mission for work. This mission was just for 4 or 5 weeks, which in retrospect wasn’t that long, but this was the first time being apart from each other. The very first thing that he told you was that this mission was no contact. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t risk your safety like that.
Week 2 and 3 weren’t that bad and you just made a routine to keep yourself busy. It didn’t help that you were also an anxious overthinker. Every night you would lay awake thinking about Simon and his chances of coming back to you. 
“No, he’s coming back.” Is what you would tell yourself every night before you fell asleep in his too big workout shirt. His scent alone would be enough to lull you asleep in your shared bed and strong enough for you to ignore the missing body that was supposed to be next to you.
By week 4 and 5, you slowly started to eat less and sleep more. You don’t know why you reacted this way to him being gone, it’s not like you weren’t used to it. Your dad had been in the military for 20 years and it wasn’t uncommon for him to be gone for months at a time. So why is this different?
You had finally convinced yourself to swing your legs out of bed and drag yourself into the kitchen. Luckily, you had showered after work so all you had to do was put on pajama shorts and Simon's big t-shirt. Boiling some pasta water and putting on your headphones on full blast made you feel better and you knew it would melt away the sadness. While you were lost in your own thoughts and swaying to the music, you failed to hear the door unlocking, and the soft but heavy thud of duffle bags. A long sigh escaped his lips. 
“Oh shit the pasta”, you muttered to yourself. Simon’s steps drew closer to you, taking in your body like a parched man looking at water in the desert. Heavy footsteps drawing into a close. You feel your hair being pushed to the side and your neck being peppered with kisses.
“Holy shit!” You turn around quickly, with your headphones falling off your head just to be met with his adoring brown eyes.
“Miss me love?” He whispers with a smile.
“Oh my god” tears run down your face and you jump into his arms. He didn’t hesitate to support your body with his hands around your torso while your legs locked around his waist. “I’ve missed you so much Simon.” You buried your face in his neck and took in his overwhelming cologne, the smell of pine on his tactical vest and the cold sensation of his dog tags hitting your chest. He sets you on the counter gently, trapping you in between his arms. You put your hands to his face and lift his intimidating balaclava to look at his bare face. You mark all the new scars and take notice of the one on his lips. You kiss all the scars and then his lips. He takes a moment to look at you.
“Is that my shirt?” He asks, looking down at the material hanging off your body and you shrug your shoulders. “It looks good on you, keep it.” It’s his turn to return the affection and he starts at your collar bones and works his way up your neck and eventually lands on your lips. This time he hooks his hand around the back of your neck for support and kisses you deeply. Nothing beats the feeling of an ‘I missed you’ kiss. You enjoy this feeling as you wrap your arms around his neck. You hop off the counter and take his hand in yours as you go to his bags to help him put his stuff away. 
“Let’s get you settled back in so we can eat and you can tell me about your trip, the unclassified stuff anyways” You smile at him.
“Anything for you.”
After dinner and his much needed shower you laid in bed with his arms around you and your legs entangled with each other. It was the best sleep you both had in weeks.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Boy For All Seasons
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ao3
Eddie didn't get to see Steve much in the months that followed. School was a lot more boring the third time around but it did come with the perk of Dustin Henderson and his little friends. They all had grand stories of Steve's bravery without a lot of details. They were also great at DnD. The kids joining Hellfire did have the added benefit of Steve coming to pick them up, the boys would exchange small waves across the parking lot.
Eddie was excited about his next holiday plan. This time he was sure to make Steve flustered, plus he wouldn't be out of place wearing a costume. Tina Randall was having a Halloween party and everyone was invited, including certain freaks. Eddie had originally thought he'd have to go looking for Steve, come Halloween but at his last trip to Family Video Robin had informed him she'd be going, and wherever Buckley went Harrington followed.
When Eddie arrived at the party it was in full swing, he couldn't see Robin or Steve yet so decided to use the opportunity to make some money. He had neared the end of his rounds when he spotted Robin alone. Well, not alone there was a girl who Eddie remembers from band talking to her, but Robin's side was unusually absent of one pretty boy.
Maybe, Steve had gone to get them drinks, but the kitchen was void of him too. He had practically given up, deciding to leave the house for a smoke outside when he saw him.
Steve was huddled at the back of the yard up against a tree. Worried, Eddie approached him. Steve appeared physically fine, but his face seemed withdrawn and dejected. Eddie plopped down next to him.
"Didn't take you as a princess, Stevie."
Steve looked towards Eddie and sent him a small smile, "Robs wanted to be Westly and needed a Buttercup."
"Well, you look beautiful as ever, sweetheart."
"Suprised you didn't go as one of those singers you like."
"Well I think vampires are equally metal, don't you like my fangs, Stevie?" Eddie flashed Steve a toothy smile.
"Bet you'd love a taste."
"In my wildest dreams, princess."
Steve seemed less sad than before but the fact he was still here alone nagged at Eddie.
"Why are you out here by yourself anyway, like I saw Buck talking to that girl, but there's plenty of people in there that would love some company with the ol King Steve."
Steve scrunched his face at the old nickname.
"Don't care for Halloween much anymore." Eddie wasn't dumb he remembered the rumors that followed the jock last year and they weren't kind.
"Well that simply won't do, as a self-proclaimed creature of the night I must reignite your love for the holiday."
Eddie jumped up and held his hand out to Steve. Steve smiled and grabbed his hand, letting Eddie pull him up.
"This party blows anyway, let me show you a better place, don't worry I'll bring you back to look after Robin later."
They hopped in Eddie's van and he drove them to the top of the quarry. He lead Steve to the edge where they could see the water before laying down, Steve laid beside him.
"This is where you can really appreciate the night, and look we've even got a full moon."
Steve followed Eddie's gaze up to the stars above them, amazed at how many you could see now they were on the outskirts of town.
"It's beautiful."
Eddie flicked his gaze towards Steve, "yeah, yeah it is."
The boys watched the stars pointing out constellations before Steve decided Robin would probably need driving home soon.
"Thanks for tonight, Eddie, maybe Halloween isn't so bad."
"You're welcome, princess."
"Maybe next time I'll let you bite me," Steve grinned and sent Eddie a wink before quickly hopping out.
Eddie could feel a soft warmth spread across his cheeks as he drove home, yeah Halloween was pretty great.
Tags: @zerokrox-blog @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou @eboyawstenn @sharingisntkaren @goodolefashionedloverboi @the-redthread @steddie-there @questionablequeeries @liorereshkigal @mightbeasleep @carlyv @my2amgaythoughts @gregre369 @space-invading-pigeon @bisexualdisastersworld @epiclazershark @sherrylyn628 @raisedbylibrarians
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acourtofsnakes · 2 years
Candyfloss and Confessions | Steve Harrington x F!Reader
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Summary: You've been in love with Steve Harrington for years, like every cliche come to life. You've battled monsters, found friends within kids with superpowers, and you even managed to graduate. Yet the one thing you've never been able to do, is tell Steve how you feel. But maybe you don't need to wait any longer.
Warnings: Few minor spoilers for season 4 but nothing major, some mentions of food, fluffy fluffy fluff. Lil' bit of kissing.
Words: 4.8k
A/N: Just some lovely Steve in a fairground. PS: One blink and you miss it 'fix-'it' because we're pretending the s4 finale didn't end like it did 🥰
Permanent Tags: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood @kaylee-krystal @starryeyedstories @ghostwiththemostbitch @gallowsjoker @kirsteng42 @rosiefridayrogersunday @salome-c @amywritesthings @meganlpie @sgt-morgan @kodakoalabear
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“There’s no way you’re getting me in there, Steve.”
“Seriously?? You’ve faced a bunch of face-eating monsters, and the end of the world, like… three times, but you won’t go in a mirror maze?” Steve raised a dark brow at you, his hands coming to his hips as he looked at you.
The fair was in full swing, the residents of Hawkins eagerly flocking to the attractions to forget the horrors that happened a few months back, when the ground split open and Hawkins was nearly swallowed whole.
Steve had shown up at your doorstep a couple hours ago, eyes bright and smile even brighter as he invited you to the fair with him.
You’d gone without hesitation, spending the time on rides, eating way too much sugar, and watching in giggly delight as he took down target after target in order to win you a prize.
You pursed your lips, crossing your arms but the grumpy act was diminished by the fact you had a large stuffed cow in your arms - and you couldn’t help the way your eyes glimmered whenever you looked at your best friend.
Because, as cliche as all those movies and books, you were in love with him.
Painfully so. And you had been ever since you met him in high school.
You even loved him in his ‘King Steve’ era, because you always thought there was something else inside him, something softer and sweeter beneath the cocky, arrogant King of Hawkins High.
Then everything turned upside down, and he somehow pretty much adopted the kids, and his redemption began.
He turned from arrogant king to loving caregiver. He’d die for those kids, nearly did a few times protecting them and he’d grown so much.
You’d somehow been pulled into the madness, having been close to Steve and Nancy anyway. But you wouldn’t change it at all, despite the nightmares that sometimes creeped up, you were grateful for every single moment of this journey.
And somewhere between battling Demogorgons and patching Steve back up after his latest fight, you’d fallen for him.
Every single aspect of him. He just gave you a sense of peace and safety that no one else had before, especially with his sarcastic quips and his desire to protect his friends.
You’d patched him so many times after his fights, the way he threw himself into danger to protect the kids especially - and it pulled at your heart and made you adore him even more. He’d grown to be so selfless, so determined and it was beautiful.
When he told you about his dream? His summer trips with the six little nuggets?
Yeah, you just about passed out.
But you’d never once voiced it.
Initially because you wouldn’t dream of getting between whatever was still lingering between Steve and Nancy, even when she started dating Jonathan.
You were one of Steve’s best friends, you could see the look in his eyes when he saw them together, and even though it twisted in your heart, you’d never get between that.
But then things had shifted, and he no longer looked at her like that. Instead... He just looked pleased that she was happy.
Yet you still didn’t say anything.
The pair of you were close, so so close and you would never forgive yourself if you broke such a beautiful friendship.
Steve was still looking at you now, lips twitching as he tried not to smile, the colourful lights of the attractions dancing over his yellow sweater, “Hey, you still in there?” He waved a hand in front of your face, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
You snapped from your daze, hugging your cow tighter, “There’s something completely unnatural about mirror mazes. They’re like… a different dimension. It’s creepy.” You planted your feet firmly in the grass, daring him to move you.
Steve blinked, brown eyes looking between yours and then he burst into soft laughter, “You’re kidding me!” He tipped his head back, lifting a hand to his chest and his hair tumbled over his forehead, “You’ve literally been to another dimension, babe.” He grinned at you, teasing but you could read in his eyes that he was playing, “You know I wouldn’t let you get snatched by mirror monsters, right?”
It was stupid how much that casual comment of him protecting you made you melt, because he’d been looking out for you, jumping in front of you for years.
Not to mention the nickname.
“Really? I know it’s stupid, but they’re just… They’re so creepy, you know? It looks like there should be a path in front of you and then you end up smashing your face with your own expression.” You pouted a little more, straightening the horns of your cow.
Steve brushed a thumb over his lips, peering up at you through his lashes and he said in a voice still dancing with laughter, “That’s happened to you before, hasn’t it?”
You looked up at him exasperatedly, “Yes. It has. We came here the other day, Dustin and Eddie wheedled me into taking them and the Party the day it opened.”  Your nose scrunched in memory of the sharp pain when you’d collided, “And I made them all swear that if they told anyone, I wouldn’t get them a Christmas present.”
He was still giggling under his breath, but then he stepped closer and slipped his arm around your shoulders, “I won’t make you go in there, baby, I promise. No mirrors or anything.” He nudged your body gently with his, his hand resting easily on your shoulder, like he had no idea what it did to you.
The butterflies that it released in your chest so strong, you were surprised you didn’t start hiccupping them.
You looked up at him, your arm just... naturally coming to loop around his torso because it was comfy.
Because it felt right.
It had always felt right to be this close to Steve.
He was walking you along the grass, weaving between laughing couples, excited kids and friends enjoying the treats on offer.
He paused you when you reached the line for the candy floss stall, his fingertips absently tapping your shoulder in time to one of the chiming musical tunes coming from the stall.
You took the time to shift your gaze back up to him, admiring the long swoop of his neck, the cut of his jaw to the chin that had casually rested on the top of your head so many times.
His lips that always curled into a smile around you, revealing his bright toothy grin.
His hair, that damn hair, was half tumbled over this forehead as a result of the last ride you’d been on and he’d seemingly given up trying to tame it, which was more than fine in your opinion.
Those lips curled up now and he turned dark honey eyes on you, the flashing lights reflected in the deep pools, “You’re staring at me.” His voice was kind of sing-songy, that teasing lilt that always made you laugh.
You’d been caught. 
You opened your mouth, but instead of responding with an equally teasing quip, your brain decided to take a different route. “You’re gorgeous, that’s why.”
Steve blinked at you, surprise flickering in his face and then you realised your words.
Double shit.
You felt colour rush to your cheeks and you tried again, “I, uh, what I mean is…” What? What else did you mean? You couldn’t take the words back, because they were true.
Then some lights shifted, dancing across the pair of you and you saw that there was a brush of pink high ok his cheekbones, and his expression had softened in a way you’d seen a handful of times. “Thank you…” He said it softly, gently, like maybe he’d… Been waiting for them?
Not in a way that he expected but... Like now he’d heard them from your lips, they meant so much more.
But that was impossible, right?
Steve Harrington was so stupidly in love with you, it almost hurt.
He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment his friendly adoration turned into heart-wrenching love. Maybe it always been that way, he’d just never known it any different.
Steve looked at you and he just… saw everything.
He saw lazy summer days, the sounds of your laughter and the sun beating overhead.
He saw music on cassette tapes and your feet up on his dash, wind in your hair.
He looked at you and felt your hand sliding into his, for comfort, for fun, to pull him to the arcade, Dustin’s curls bouncing ahead. Your finger linking with his when you faced down monster after monster.
You were always there for him, always ready to back him up or to tell him when he was being a dick.
You laughed with Robin over her tally board, teasing him with his jumbled-up words when he tried to flirt with a pretty girl.
Because the truth was that he wasn’t really all that interested. He flirted for the fun of it, to hide the fact he wished he could turn around and give every ounce of attention to you.
In all honesty, he did that anyway.
Back when he was still ‘King Steve’ his friends had always teased him. Joked and laughed that he didn’t only have Nancy hanging on his every word, he had you too.
It always made him feel… off. Guilty, almost. That he was acting the way he was, but he didn’t know any better.
Not until Nancy had smacked sense into him, not until he realised what he was and found who he wanted to be in you.
Because you deserved the very best, he could give you, and then some.
Not the selfish, arrogant asshole he was with his old friends, but the man he was becoming now.
Hell, it only took adopting six kids, and nearly dying a few times.
“Give the guy the tickets, dipshit.”
Your own voice broke him from his daydreams about you, and he blinked down at you as everything came back to focus. Somehow he’d been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t even been aware that you’d left the candyfloss stall and made your way to the Ferris Wheel near the edge of the site.
His lips tasted like burnt sugar so he must have shared the sweets with you but… He had been way to caught in his thoughts. In you.
You were looking at him with raised eyebrows, eyes twinkling like sunlight off water, and you pointed to the man.
The increasingly fed-up looking man, hand extended waiting for the little batch of brightly coloured tickets that would allow you onto the Ferris Wheel.
“Oh right.” Steve fumbled in the back pocket of his jeans, producing the wad of them before handing the guy the correct amount, “Sorry, man.“
He merely hummed, punching a hole in them then lifting the rope to let you and Steve into the next part of the line.
You both made it all of ten feet before sweet, unabashed giggles spilled from your lips like honey, “Did you leave the planet for a minute there, Stevie? He was looking at you for ages.”
Your arm was looped though his, the way it always had been, and it made him feel like he was already untethered and floating above the floor.
He felt a flush begin to creep across his cheeks so he scoffed, rolling his eyes as he tugged you forward, the Ferris Wheel rising up before you, “Yeah, I was thinking about all the fun I could be having a mirror maze right about now.”
You trod on his foot, talking over his sputtering protests that you might make his trainers dirty, “I don’t know, that many reflections? That many chances for you to look at your hair?“ You puffed out your cheeks and let the air escape as you came to a stop, waiting for the next seat to come last, “I think you might have a nervous breakdown.“
Steve pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes at you, but his retorts died when he set his gaze upon your face.
Your head was tilted up, watching as the carriage come lazily closer. Joy was written on every inch of your face, from the gleam in your eyes to the way the flashing lights danced across your cheekbones in swathes of lilac and blue, pink and green, all chasing each other across the surface of your skin like they were teasing him.
Steve wondered if your lips would taste like sugar too.
Then that expression brightened even more, and you excitedly tugged at his arm, “C’mon!!”
He let himself be pulled forward, stepping back as an attendant lifted the bar to allow you in first.
He slid in after, making sure you looked comfy before the bar came back down, “Okay?”
You carefully tucked your plushy cow on your lap underneath the bar, treasuring the toy he had valiantly won for you. You lifted your eyes to his, setting him soaring again and you nodded, “More than.”
Steve didn’t miss the way the attendant’s eyes met his with a knowing smile, “Keep your hands and feet inside and take care not to rock the carriage too much. You’ll reach the top and rest there for a minute or so before coming back round.” He checked the bar, dropping Steve a subtle wink, “Have fun.” Before slipping away again.
“Did he just wink at you?” You peered round him as the carriage shifted then began to slowly rise.
Steve made some kind of laugh that sounded far from casual and way too breathy to be calm, but whatever, “Maybe it was a nervous twitch.”
You shrugged, settling back in, feet tapping the lower bar as you watched the ground gradually come away.
He was already watching you, taking in every single thing he’d painstakingly learned over the years, the care and attention he’d tried to hide.
But hiding it every day was a battle he was slowly losing… And he wasn’t sure he wanted to fight anymore.
The world was peaceful up here.
In truth, it wasn’t realistically that high, but the ground was far below, the music and noise seemed softer, and the stars were twinkling.
There was a bit of a stronger breeze, which meant the warm press of Steve’s arm against yours was more than welcomed, especially since you could probably fit a small child in the seat too but that hadn’t stopped him sliding up all close.
Your hands rested close to each other on the safety bar, and you couldn’t help but think you should be in a teen movie right now, with all the cliches but… you really didn’t care. You weren’t sure if you imagined it, but it maybe felt like there was something in the air.
And not monsters or screams, for once.
If you squinted across the treetops of the forest and cast your mind back, you could almost imagine the gloopy, disgusting bulk of the Mind Flayer tearing through the trees to chew into you.
And if you looked across the lights of the town, you could still remember the way the ground had split in pieces, how the earth had shaken both in this dimension and the Upside Down.
You could taste blood in the air and fear that maybe you hadn’t won after all.
You still dreamt of it, of them desolate, dying alternative version of Hawkins, of slithering tentacles in an abandoned house, of a swarm of rabid bats circling overhead, the screams of your friends and the crunch of bone.
A warm brush caressed your little finger, breaking you from your reverie.
You blinked, looking up and you saw Steve’s little finger resting on yours, “Hey, you okay?” His brown was slightly furrowed, chocolate eyes soft as they gently probed yours.
He must have read your expression, because his own softened more and he moved his hand across the bar to fully cover your own, “We made it, remember? All of us. We’re all okay… The town is rebuilding but we escaped him.”
You smiled a little at him, nodding even though the other half of your mind was now intently focused on the weight of his hand over your own, “I know… I know but I just think sometimes. How it all could have been different, how we could have lost someone... The town knows about the earthquake, of course it does but they still don’t know why.” You laughed, tipping your head back to the stars, “It still baffles me that a ragtag collection of kids, half of which are obsessed with DnD, have taken down monsters and Russians and a near apocalyptic disaster and we’ve survived it.”
Steve broke into a grin, bumping his shoulder with yours and then stayed there, his weight against you, “What are you trying to say? Do you forget I took on those guards in my damn Scoops uniform? That little necktie is a weapon in its own right.”
You snickered softly, your head tilting a little more toward him, “Oh definitely. Forget the Top Gun jacket you had last time, that Scoops uniform beats it all by a mile.”
He laughed again, shaking his head slightly and he slumped a little in the seat, “I hated it to start with. But then I have to admit, it did grow on me. Even if the hat did hide my best feature.”
Steve was even closer now, and without thinking really, you dipped your head to the side, letting it rest on his shoulder in a gesture that was oh so familiar, but still felt charged, “It’s not your only best feature, you know.” Your voice was softer, a confidence there because you weren’t sure you could hold back the years of love and adoration for him.
Not anymore.
Not after all you’d been through.
As soon as your head touched his shoulder, he melted, heart fluttering in his chest like bird wings and he shifted slightly to make it more comfortable for you, “Oh yeah? What else is my best feature then, bub?”
You still watched the view ahead, the streaks of cloud turned to midnight blue in the night sky, “Your smile and your laugh… The way your eyes light up when you’re happy, or when you’re proud of the kids.” The words wouldn’t stop now, “But not just physical things. It’s your personality too… Your dedication to the ones you love and how you’re always willing to jump in first - literally - in order to protect everyone else. You don’t even think, you just do it and I think that’s so beautiful.”
Steve was quiet.
Really quiet.
So quiet that it made your heart clench with fear, worried you’d somehow misread and crossed that line.
But then you heard him swallow, his hand flex over yours, “I spent so long living in this fantasy land, being King of everything. I had to be the best, to prove myself to everyone and to my dad.” He tensed, just slightly before his body softened again, “And all I did was push people away and hurt them. If Nancy hadn’t broken my heart, I wouldn’t have realised how stupid I was till it was too late.”
You said nothing, letting him speak because you sensed he wasn’t finished. But you did slide your other hand across, resting atop his in a little pile.
The wind blew gently as you brushed your thumb over his own, listening to his words above your head and rumbling beneath your ear.
“Because now… I have the kids, you know? And God only knows how they get into so much trouble, and even though it scares me that something might happen to them, and all this monster stuff freaks the shit out of me… I wouldn’t change it for the world.” His words were coming a little faster, tumbling from his lips like an offering, “And I wouldn’t have found you. This.” He swallowed again, “Us.”
Steve nodded, you felt it with the realisation you breathed that word aloud, “Yeah… Because you’ve helped me grow too, you know that? You’ve made me realise I can’t judge a person and a situation by what they first look like. If you and Dustin hadn’t been so insistent about Eddie, I don’t know if I would have come along, even now.”
He sighed, the action stirring your hair and he rested his cheek into it, “And, when I look at you, how you’re so determined, how you always try and see the good in things… I’m in awe. You’ve never given up, on anyone. On me, on the kids, on Eddie.” He waved his other hand to the general space, “This town. You fight for everything and everyone, all the time and I realised something, a while ago actually, if I’m being honest.”
Each of his words swum into your conscious in time with the beat of your heart and the pulse of those butterfly wings.
You were really hearing this.
He was really saying this.
Steve took a breath, his free hand coming in and warm fingers softly caressed your chin before grasping it gently, lifting your head so you faced him.
His eyes were near luminous, hair messy over his forehead, expression determined but soft and there was something shining in it, something that pressed against your chest with its intensity.
You swallowed, tongue running over your lip, mouth suddenly dry and you knew your expression matched his, knew your eyes shone with the fierce love you’d carried for years now. “What did you realise?” The words were a whisper on the wind, but he heard them.
He heard them and they were his undoing.
“I can’t lose you. I can’t lose that light inside you. I can’t lose the way you laugh at my stupid jokes, or the way you team up with Robin and Dustin and verbally beat the shit out of me.” His gaze dipped and lingered on your lips for a second before coming back to meet your own, grounding you, “I can’t lose the way you helped Max with her skating, or the kids with their DnD stuff. I can’t lose the way you get excited over Corroded Coffin, or how you light up when you talk about your dreams. I can’t lose how you make me want to chase my dream… Because you’re in it. You’ve always been in it, sweetheart.” He was quiet for a single moment, taking a breath that was uneven and that snapped you from your daze.
Because here he was, this beautiful boy who’d grown to a man, declaring the words you’d been reciprocating since you came into his orbit.
This beautiful, selfless, sweet soul, shining to match your own.
Words failed you, wouldn’t pass your lips but that’s okay. They would come later, whispered against each other’s skin as you held one another close.
But now… You knew what you wanted. What was right.
Beneath the shining moon, above the glittering lights and colours, you leaned in, tilting your head just before your lips brushed Steve’s.
He made the softest noise in the back of his throat, giving you a second if you wanted to change your mind.
When you didn’t, he pulled you closer with the fingers still cradling your jaw, slanting his head to better move his lips in sync with your own, drowning in you and you in him.
His lips tasted like candyfloss and ice cream, like summer nights and laughter and you were lost to him.
Snippets would come to you later, the slope of his jaw beneath your palm, the silky waves of his hair at your fingertips.
The way his fingers linked through yours on the bar, tightening even as lips remained soft and warm.
The awed laughter whispered against your mouth as he pulled away only when it became clear you were right near the bottom.
Steve’s cheeks were lightly flushed when the two of you parted, and you mirrored his giddy laugh, “I can’t lose you either, Steve.”
He hummed gently, brushing his thumb over your lower lip before bringing his head back to look between your eyes. “Kinda let it all go there, didn’t I?” He was grinning though, a goofy grin you’d never seen before and damn, if it didn’t make you love him even more.
You shrugged playfully, taking every inch of his expression in, like you could memorise this look forever, “Yeah but… You did it well.” it wasn’t until you giggled that you realised why he’d done this, why he’d made you tease and laugh.  
There was no fear anymore. No gut-wrenching worry that you’d break this thing between you.
Because it hadn’t.
That line was gone now, sure, but it had simply stretched and shifted. It was now an opportunity. A promise, pf something really quite beautiful.
You opened your mouth to say more, but the carriage suddenly ground to a halt and swayed beneath you, marked with the workers voice, “Alright, there you go. Watch your step.”
The bar had lifted, freeing you and Steve and you looked around in surprise when you saw the line waiting to get on.
You hadn’t even realised you’d been decending.
Steve hopped from the seat, landing nimbly on the ground before turning to you and holding out his hands with a flourish, “M’lady.”
You rolled your eyes gently with a laugh, handing him the cow first - earning an affectionate eye roll of your own - before slipping your hands in his.
He helped you jump down, even though you didn’t really need it but like hell was he going to stop treating you like a princess.
“Where to now?” You looked up at him as he returned the fluffy cow but kept his hand in yours, moving out of the way of the line.
Steve looked at you for a split second, before dropping his hands to your waist and spinning you off your feet.
You let out a laugh of surprise, grabbing his shoulders to hang on as the world twirled around you both, “Steve!!” you were beaming though, locked on him as an anchor as everything became a riot of colour.
He laughed, a real, gorgeous laugh that swirled through your head and made you a little doe eyed, “We have all night, baby. We can do whatever we want.” He lowered your body enough that he could press his lips to yours, laughter still on his tongue and a smile to match.
Two kisses already, and you had decided it wasn’t anywhere best enough. You needed more.
A lot more.
Your feet found the squishy ground again, and Steve’s smile turned wicked when he read the quite clear thoughts in your mind, “Later, babe. I promise.” He dropped you a wink, setting every single nerve on fire and your brain tried to race away with those images. His hand weaved through your own again, fingers linked and thumbs resting over each other.
“Come on. I think I can find you a treat to tide you over until you get this one.” He gestured to himself with his other hand before starting to guide you to the food stalls.
You blinked then started to laugh, again. “Oh wow, you think really quite highly of yourself, huh?” You bumped his side as you walked beside him, one half of your brain whispering over and over, “We kissed. We’re holding hands. We kissed!”
Steve pouted, sticking his tongue at you, “You can deny it all you want, sweetheart. I know you want me.” Then he gasped playfully, “Oh my god, it’s the Scoops uniform isn’t it. That’s what really gets you go- ow!!”
You raised a brow at him, dropping your hand from punching him and you gave him an angelic smile, “You were talking too much.”
He was really pouting now, “I cannot believe this. I declare my love to you, on top of a Ferris Wheel, and this is the thanks I get?” He shook his head mournfully, “Man, I got my work cut out, don’t I?”
Declared my love.
You nodded breathlessly, gazing across the food trucks for a treat, head spinning from how fast all your wishes had come to fruition, “Oh, yeah.  You better get your game on hard, Harrington.”
Steve grumbled under his breath as you pulled him to the line for waffles, nursing his arm even though you knew you hadn’t hurt him.
He was flying far too high for anything to hurt him right now.
Those words had spilled out, freed from their confines at the way your eyes mirrored the stars above, your joy outshone the rest of the fair - just like you outshone everything in his eyes.
He’d had to say it… And he was so damn glad he did.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Yes, my beautiful, sweet heartbreaker?”
“It is the Scoops uniform.”
“I knew it.”
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myosotisa · 1 year
ceilings - s.h.
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Steve Harrington x Reader, Chrissy Cunningham x Steve Harrington
‖  summary: 2 and a half years of your relationship with your best friend Steve.
‖  tags: cheating/infidelity, dubcon, sexual content. you're the one outside of the relationship. slight emetophobia warning. reader is described AFAB, no pronouns, no y/n. angst. hurt no comfort. it's a rough one folks, no happy endings here. please consume with caution.
‖  word count: 2k
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The first time your best friend touches you is October 30th.
A few times a month you and your tight knit group of friends get together around a hand stained table and play board games. Those are your favorite nights – full of laughs and screaming and jokes and drinking. You count the days of your quiet, empty life between those evenings.
It's a Friday. You've had more to drink than you normally do. Steve, your best friend, is sitting next to you, your friends Jonathan and Nancy across the table. Eddie, the only other single person in your friend group, and Chrissy, Steve's girlfriend, are both not there.
When Steve gets up to refill his drink, you swing your legs up to rest on his chair, laughing to yourself. When he comes back, you expect him to throw your legs off with a fake scowl, maybe sit on your shins in retribution. Instead, he scoops a forearm under both your calves to lift them and settles them into his lap after he sits down.
You're stunned, but only for a moment. The 4 of you return to the game, your legs resting on Steve's thighs beneath the table.
Another drink later, you feel Steve's warm palm against your shin. It's a completely innocent touch, just resting on your skin. To you it feels strange, unfamiliar – you're touch starved and accept it as is.
The night goes on and Steve's hand starts to move. A subtle brush of his thumb turns into a gentle rub along your shin and keeps inching higher and higher. You're intoxicated, dizzy, struggling to keep up with what's going on as it progresses. And his touch feels good.
Jonathan excuses himself to stumble over to the bathroom so you, Steve, and Nancy pause the game to talk. Steve tucks the tip of his finger beneath the hem of your shorts and you can't help but look over at him in shock. He just smiles, same as always, and goes back to talking to Nancy. You face forward and try to get your fuzzy brain to figure out what's going on.
Am I just imagining this? You've known Steve for years and he's never shown any interest in you beyond playful flirting. He flirts with everyone. And he's with Chrissy: beautiful, blonde, skinny, perky. They say I love you daily and live in this apartment together.
But she's not here. And Steve's hand is brushing your clit over your shorts.
You don't stop him.
When Nancy and Jonathan say they are getting ready to call a ride, you get up too. Your head is spinning and you can't think straight. Steve looks a bit disappointed but doesn't stop you.
The next 2 times you all meet up to play games, Steve finds a way between your legs. Even when he's sober. Even when Chrissy is home. Under the table, around a corner, behind someone's back. He takes two fingers and drags them up and down your slit, over your clothes, and looks delighted when your breath catches in your throat.
You never stop him. Even when you're sober. Even when you go home hating yourself.
You tell yourself it's thrilling, the sneaking around. Rationalize how nice it is for someone to know everything about you, even the dark and dusty corners of your heart, and still desire you. One night he whispers how much he wants you, what he'd do if the two of you were alone. And you can't remember the last time you felt wanted. It's like a drug – a strong hit of Steve in a dark corner soothes the lonely ache inside your heart. Even when you go home alone and he gets into bed with her.
The first time he fucks you, she's asleep in the room next door. It's the middle of the night and he has his hand over your mouth, whispering that you need to be quiet so she doesn't hear you. It feels like you're being torn in two; feeling wanted and feeling alive as you do something you shouldn't, drowning in your guilt and shame at what the reality is.
He finishes inside you without even getting you close. You walk home alone with his cum sliding down the inside of your thigh.
A year goes by.
Every time is the last time, both of you say so. He complains of feeling like the guilt is crushing him. You try to offer solutions that he never accepts. You both talk about how wrong it is, how fucked up you both are. How it hardly even feels good or exciting anymore.
He pulls your pants down anyway, whispering that it's the last time.
It isn't.
It's October again and an unhelpful part of your brain tells you that it's a few days off from 1 year since it began. You are sitting at your desk at work and unlock your phone, pulling up Instagram. You scroll by a few posts when you spot his username.
It's like dropping an anchor through glass.
He proposed to her this weekend, the caption explains. The photo is Steve on one knee in front of Chrissy at the place they had their first date. You swipe and it's a selfie – Chrissy holding up a pretty little diamond on her slender finger and 100 watt smiles from both of them. The comment section is full of people congratulating them: how perfect they are together, how happy they look.
You run to the bathroom and lose your lunch.
That weekend after the games are put away, he stands in front of you, asking if he can fuck your mouth. His hand is so comforting on your jaw, his eyes so full of tenderness. You undo his pants yourself and part your lips like you have a hundred times before.
You go home unsatisfied and sob into your bedspread.
2 months later and he has a crisis. The worst day of his life. He's shaking, crying, panicking. But he doesn't go to her. He goes to you.
You hold him as he cries, comfort him, tell him everything is going to be okay. A bitter part of you can't stop thinking about all the times you walked home alone after getting him off, drowning in guilt and emptiness. Comforting yourself as you cried into your pillows. But you tell yourself this moment is important – he needs you, he wants you, he is choosing you. He feels like his world is ending and he knocks on your door.
3 weeks later and the moment means nothing. The cycle continues.
The first time you tell someone the whole story, from the very beginning, it doesn't go as you hoped. It's someone who doesn't know anyone involved, 3 steps removed from all of them. You are desperate to get it off your chest, beg for help from how it weighs you down day after day.
A part of you thought maybe they would understand. They would see why you do it, why you keep saying yes, why you don't put a stop to it. You hoped they would at least try to see you.
The only questions they ask are, "Does his fiance know? Are you going to tell her?" You don't know how to answer. And all you feel is judgement. The weight only gets heavier.
You never speak of it again. To anyone.
A few more months pass. Steve and Chrissy have another fight. He ends up in your bed. After coming inside you (again), and not asking if you came (again), you lay there and talk. He explains the fight, says they just keep fighting, that sometimes he dreads going home to her.
You tell him maybe this isn't working, maybe he should consider leaving her.
"You're only saying that because you want to be with me."
It hits like a punch to the gut. "Steve, you know everything about me. Do you really think I'd do that?"
He doesn't answer, but you know he understands. You'd never put yourself before him. He knows that. "She loves me… And I love her."
If you loved her, how could you do this to her for all this time? You want to scream.
If you loved her, why are you here in my bed?
Instead you listen to him make more and more excuses of why he stays with her. Despite his own betrayal, despite how shitty they treat each other, despite how wrong they are together.
I love you and it's killing me. You want to scream.
You never do. And he goes home to her the next morning.
You ignore his advances for the next 6 months.
It feels good. To set a boundary that way. To choose yourself. And eventually he stops trying, accepts it as it is. The two of you go back to being the same best friends you were before that October 2 years ago. It feels like growth, like you're finally doing something right.
Sure, you're lonely. And sometimes seeing him with her, knowing she still doesn't know, makes the guilt crawl back up your throat and threaten to choke you. But it gets easier.
Then you have a crisis. The worst day of your life. You're shaking, crying, panicking. And you don't have anyone to go to but him.
He buys you food, streams your favorite movie. He sits right next to you on his couch, a comforting arm around your shoulders, a warm touch you haven't felt in months. It's something that friends do. It's casual, normal.
But you feel so empty, so broken, so hopeless. You're so fucking alone. It feels like your world is ending. And when his hand strays too low, you are desperate to feel something different. Something else, even if it's worse. 
It's like a drug – and you relapse.
The cycle begins again.
A few more weeks go by. You get home from work and check your mailbox. There's a pristine white envelope with gold embellishments sitting on top of the normal junk mail. You flip it over and see your name in the perfect curve of Chrissy's handwriting.
A wedding invitation. Asking you to save the date. There's a handwritten note from her on the bottom next to the RSVP. "Don't bring a plus one if you can help it! There's someone coming I want you to meet and I really think you'll hit it off ;)"
You didn't think it was possible, but you hate yourself just a little bit more.
2 weeks later Steve shows up at your door. He walks in like he owns the place but stops short when he sees the invitation on your counter.
With a kitchen island's width of safety between the two of you, you finally ask. "Does she know?"
Steve's eyes meet yours. The flop of hair on his head moves as he shakes it in a 'no.'
"Are you really going to marry her without saying anything?"
He doesn't answer. Just stares.
Bile rises in your throat. The white envelope in his hand gives you the strength to ask the question you knew would destroy everything. "Just tell me this, Steve. Was all of this because of how you feel about me?" Your voice cracks, tears pushing at your eyes. "Or, if I had said no, would you just have gone and found someone else to fuck behind her back?"
There's a long stretch of silence. It feels more and more like a noose tightening around your neck as the seconds pass.
"I don't know."
A sob tears its way out of your throat, your hands grappling for the counter between you to stop from collapsing. Through your tears you see him falter and then try to reach for you, but you flinch away.
"Get out."
He actually has the gall to look shocked. "Come on, let's just talk about this."
"Steve." Your voice is liquid nitrogen and he freezes on contact. You've never spoken to him like this before and he doesn't know what to do. "Get. Out."
He whispers your name and it hits you like a slap, another sob tearing up your esophagus as you turn away. Eventually he stops hovering, collects his briefcase, puts his shoes back on. The door clicks shut behind him.
You collapse onto your kitchen floor and cry your fucking eyes out while he goes home to her.
They get married that spring.
thanks for reading.
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comfort-writing · 1 year
Crayons and Cassettes
Chapter 6: Party at Harrington’s
You are a kindergarten teacher. Eddie’s daughter, Sage, is in your class. Eddie helps you relax after a couple grueling months.
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warnings: smoking and drinking. mental health- anxiety- is depicted. this fic will be 18+ in later chapters- minors DNI!! no use of y/n. (please let me know if I missed anything)
a/n: I feel much better about this chapter. btw I totally wanted to get it out last night but I fell asleep after work oops. let me know in the comments or my asks if you want to be added to the tag list! requests are open!
word count: 2.9k
Chapter 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 (coming soon!)
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Once school was back in full swing, you were busy, to put it lightly. Spring semester was always filled with setting up IEP and 504 recommendations for your students to be analyzed for in the first grade, as well as trying to have every student achieve mastery of all of the state standards. You had to make sure all of your students could write their name without mistakes, tie their shoes, know numbers one through fifty and the alphabet, knew a lot of sight words, and most, if not all, should be able to read basic books.
You were working hard to try and make sure that all of your students achieved. But that didn’t come without sacrifice. You and Eddie still called, but the calls were usually less than twenty minutes, as you needed to grade assignments and lesson plan for the days ahead. You still saw him at pickup line, but instead of those days where you were stressed being few and far between, they were growing more frequent.
You could tell he was getting worried about you. He’d even said it on your last phone call.
“Are you doing okay? You seem really stressed lately.” He cautioned, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Oh, I’m fine. The spring semester is always like this. I’m just not used to having such a large class size is all. They said that next year won’t be so bad. Apparently everyone decided to have babies at the same time that you did.” You joked, trying to downplay your anxiety.
“Is there anything I can do to help you out?”
“I’m not sure… just- being able to talk sometimes is nice. Allows me decompress a little. But if I think of anything else, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Okay..” He said warily, still not quite sure about where your head was really at.
You didn’t want to burden him with anything. You’d always had pretty bad anxiety, but you had learned to manage it pretty well on your own over the years. However, when life got stressful, it was more difficult to deal with, especially due to the fact that you didn’t have much time for yourself.
He’d invited you out to a little get together with his friends the other night. You said you weren’t sure, mainly because you felt like you had a pile of work that needed to get done and taking one night off might put you back. But he mentioned that you didn’t have to stay if you didn’t want to. He just wanted you to meet his friends- it was a casual hang out, nothing serious. You hesitantly agreed, thinking that maybe this might help you chill out a little bit.
It was tonight. Eddie said he’d drive you, which you appreciated, as despite you living in Hawkins since the summer, you still didn’t know your way around town outside of the main roads. You were standing in your closet, trying to decide what to wear.
Casual. Cute. Nothing too sexy or serious. Just- regular clothes. You should have something like that, right? You dug through your closet. It didn’t help that the majority of your wardrobe consisted of colorful dresses you wore to your kindergarten class. Honestly, dressing for five year olds was easier than dressing for adults, in your opinion. You decided on a pair of jeans and a light, comfortable sweater. It was nearing March, so it wasn’t snowing anymore, but it was still cold out. You put on your everyday makeup that you wore to school and tied back your hair, pulling out a few strands to frame your face. Earrings, bracelets, watch. Easy. Cute, comfortable, casual. You grabbed a pair of white sneakers and threw them on. Just as you were finishing tying your left shoelace, you heard a knock at the front door.
You answered the door, “Hey, Eds, come on in. I just have to grab my purse.” You said, letting him into the entryway.
“You look nice.” He smiled genuinely.
You were in a bit of a rush, the anxiety still having a hold on you, “Ah- thanks.” You said quickly, rushing to the living room to grab your bag. You walked back to Eddie, eyes looking a little worried, “Ready to go?” You asked, almost walking past him to head out the door.
He stopped you, placing both hands on your shoulders, “Hey.. Take a breath. Relax.” He said, taking a deep breath, eyeing you to follow suit. You did, relaxing your shoulders a bit. “This is supposed to be fun. You deserve a break. You’ve been wearing yourself out. One night off isn’t going to cause your kids to fail.” He reassured you.
You took another deep breath, “I know… I know. It’s just been a bit much is all. I want my students to succeed.”
“And they will.” He insisted. “But they can’t do that without your help. And how can you really help them if you’re so stressed all the time? You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of them.”
You sighed, “Yeah.. you’re right.” His words were reassuring enough for now.
“Okay. Let’s go have fun, yeah? And remember, if it’s too much, we can just leave. There’s no pressure for you to stay. I’ll drive you home and you can work or relax.” He said, squeezing your shoulders gently before letting go. You nodded, and he opened the front door for you, locking it behind you guys before walking you to his van.
Before you had the chance to open your own door, Eddie jogged over and opened it for you, taking a grandiose bow. You laughed, for what felt like the first time in at least a week. Ever the gentleman. He walked over to the drivers side after shutting your door, and the two of you pulled off to drive to Steve’s.
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The moment you arrived at the cute little corner lot house, Eddie jumped out and opened the car door for you, taking your hand and helping you out of the car. He gave it a quick squeeze before letting it go.
You guys walked up to the door, and Eddie just waltzed right on through the door. You felt bad just walking into a strangers house, so you stood in the doorway for a moment. “Sup Harrington, you big lug.” Eddie laughed, wrapping an arm around Steve’s shoulder and bending him to ruffle his hair. Steve laughed and shoved him off, then noticed you in the doorway.
“Hey, come on in, don’t be shy.” He smiled warmly.
You stepped further into the entry way and shut the door behind you. Steve walked over to you and stuck his hand out, shaking yours politely, “Steve. Nice to meet you.” You told him your name and once you’d been introduced, Steve and Eddie walked you to the living room to meet the rest of the group. Everyone seemed warm and welcoming enough.
The younger bunch were back for spring break, so everyone had a lot to catch up on. You mainly listened to the conversation, just taking everything in. You sat at the end of the sofa, with Robin next to you and Eddie squatted on the arm rest. You’d been chatting with her, finding out the two of you had a lot in common.
“You want a drink?” Robin offered, getting up to go grab one for herself.
“Uh, sure. What do you have?” You asked.
She reached her hand out, you took it, and she helped you off of the couch, “We’ve got a lot, and I’m not even sure what all there is.” She chuckled as you followed her to the kitchen. She swung open the fridge like she lived there and reached in the back, grabbing a beer before leaning on the freezer and allowing you to scan the contents. You grabbed some premade cocktail in a can before shutting the door.
“So.. you and Eddie, huh?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You couldn’t fight the red tint that flooded your cheeks, “Ah- well.. not really?” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
Robin frowned and cracked open her beer, taking a swig, “What’s the holdup? He’s like, toootally into you. And if I could bet on it, I’d put down money and say that you’re into him.”
You sighed, “That’s already been established.”
She gave you a confused look, “So.. why aren’t you two a thing?”
“My job. Unfortunately, it’s like, illegal for me to date a parent. Plus, in this town, it’s not like we can be secretive about it- gossip runs rampant.”
“Ah- yeah, I guess that makes sense. Don’t worry., my lips are sealed”
“Thanks. But it still kinda sucks though.” You chuckled, bumping her shoulder
“I feel that. When I was in college, my girlfriend and I had to be like, mega-cautious around everyone. I know it’s not the same, but I know what it’s like to have to hide how ya feel.” She reassured.
“Thanks Robin.” You smiled, taking a sip of your drink.
She nodded and the two of you walked back to the couch, finding Eddie laid out where the two of you previously sat. Robin groaned and shoved him, trying to get him to move off of the couch. He rolled off, hitting the ground with a thud, and you and Robin quickly scrambled over him and into your seats, giggling. Eddie laughed and pointed an accusatory finger, “I knew I shouldn’t have introduced the two of you.”
You and Robin shared a knowing look and laughed, watching as he got up off of the ground and moved to sit on the armrest once again, leaning against the back of the couch and resting his arm on the cushion above your shoulder.
After a while of sitting and listening to his buddies laugh and tell old stories, with you chiming in at certain points, Eddie leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I’m gonna go out back for a smoke. Want to come with?” He asked.
You nodded and followed him through the house and onto the back patio. You sighed into the cold March air, seeing your own breath. He took a cigarette and a lighter out of his jacket pocket. He offered you one, to which you politely declined, before lighting it and taking a drag.
“You having a good time?” He asked, leaning over the patio’s railing and looking into the backyard.
You matched his position, “Yeah. Your friends are really nice.” You smiled.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. You deserve to.” He told you, leaning over and bumping your shoulder with his own.
You hummed and looked up, seeing the starry sky. It made you feel small, but not in a bad way.
“Just think, only two more months and you’re home free.” He mused.
You giggled, “You mean we’re home free.”
He smiled, “Well yeah, but I was mainly talking about you. You’ve been so stressed lately with all the hard work you’ve been doing.” He paused, looking over to you, “I’ve been worried about you. I mean, I haven’t known you that long, but I can tell that all of it has had an effect on you.”
You sighed, turning around to face the house. You placed your hands on your face and dragged them down, “I know.” You grumbled, your voice muffled by your hands. You let them fall and rested your elbows on the railing, leaning back. “I just feel like I haven’t had a moment to breathe since January. Spring semester is normally stressful, but it’s usually not this bad.”
Eddie nodded, taking another drag of his cigarette, letting you continue.
“I just- anxiety is a bitch, you know?”
Eddie laughed at that, coughing through it as the smoke spilled from his lungs. “Boy do I know it.” He said, once he’d gained his bearings. “But like I said, only two more months. You’re almost there. And really, I know I’ve already said this, but if you need any help with anything, you let me know, okay?”
You nodded and leaned your head on his shoulder, “Thank you, Eddie.” You whispered. He smiled and kissed the top of your head before laying his own on top of yours. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying each others silent company as Eddie finished his cigarette, making sure to blow the smoke away from you.
He snubbed out the end of his smoke in the little ashtray on the railing before looking down at you, “Ready to go back in?” He asked quietly.
“Do we have to? This is so nice.” You pleaded.
“You’re shivering. You’re going to freeze to death.”
“Ugh, fine. If we have to.” You groaned dramatically.
He laughed and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your arms quickly to warm you up, “Come on, cutie.” He said, walking you back inside.
You laughed as you two walked back into the house, feeling yourself begin to defrost as you walked back to the living room together. You plopped back down next to Robin and she gave you a silent wink, to which you rolled your eyes and smiled.
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Around ten, everyone was heading out, so you and Eddie followed suit. You said goodbye to everyone, you and Robin exchanging numbers, and Steve giving you a big bear hug. Eddie walked you out to his van, opening the door for you before climbing in himself. The two of you drove home, laughing and recalling funny things that people had said that night, listening to the radio on a low volume.
Once he pulled up to your house, he walked you to your door. “Hey, thank you for tonight. I had fun.” You smiled, leaning against your door frame.
“Me too. I’m glad you came along.” He had one hand in his jacket pocket as he used his thumb to fiddle with the rings on his other hand.
You looked up at him. He looked so handsome in the moonlight. You looked around for a moment, taking in that nobody was on the street and the neighbors’ lights were off.
“Are they planning anything like this again soon?” You asked.
“Not that I know of, but I’ll let you know when we do.”
You nodded, taking a step closer to him. “Really.. thank you.” You said sincerely as you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He was a little surprised, but he hugged you back, wrapping one arm around your waist and using the other to rub your back.
To an outsider, the hug may have look like it lasted too long, but neither of you cared. You just enjoyed each others warmth and physical contact in that moment. You could have been there forever and neither of you would have noticed.
You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. He smiled softly down at you. You glanced around one last time before looking back up at him. You could have cut the tension with a knife.
After a moment, Eddie bent down and whispered in your ear, “You’re making it very hard not to kiss you right now.”
You squeezed him closer, taking a steady breath before whispering back, “I never said you couldn’t.”
He pulled back and looked around like you had already done, making sure nobody was around. Your porch light was off, so nobody could really see you guys anyways. He looked back at you for confirmation that this was okay. You nodded.
He didn’t waste another moment before leaning down and capturing your lips in his own, moving one hand to hold your cheek as he did so. His lips were warm and soft and he tasted faintly of cigarettes, but you didn’t mind. You felt like you were surrounded by him: his lips, his hair, his tall and lean figure. He smelled like smoke and some sort of warm and spicy cologne.
He kissed you gently, not looking for anything more than this. You melted into it, your arms wrapping around his shoulders lazily. Neither of you knew how long it lasted, it could have been a second or it could have been an eternity. But when he pulled back, the both of you feeling a little breathless, it felt too soon.
The two of you shared a look before smiling at each other. He leaned down and kissed your temple sweetly before he pulled away, your arms falling to your sides and feeling empty. “I’ll see you tomorrow at pickup?” He whispered.
You nodded dumbly, and watched him step off of your front porch. “Good night, beautiful.” He said with a wink, heading back to his car. You wanted to say good night as well, but you felt as though your voice would betray you in that moment, so you silently unlocked your door and walked inside your house, locking it behind you.
You leaned against your front door, taking a moment to let it all sink in.
Man, you felt like a teenager again.
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Tag list: @mcueveryday @bebe0701 @emma77645 @edsforehead @manda-panda-monium @nina211544
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
Road Trip Pt. 1
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
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Summary: Steve came to you asking if you would help him with something. He would have asked anyone else, you were his last resort. You both have an interesting time on a road trip. Will your hatred for each other change as you figure out how to sink Hawkins Lab? Words: 1.5k
This is loosely based on the plot of season 2 with Nancy and Jonathan!! A lot of changes to it though!!
Warnings: angst. angst. language, more angst. Steve and the reader are kinda mean but deep inside they are just hurt. SLOW BURN!!
//ahhhh multi-chapter fic, I'm thinking like 4-5 maybe? Let me know what y'all would prefer. More than five or around 4-5
"Steve, what the hell?!" the heavy banging on the door made you swing it open in frustration. His wet hair was causing drops of rain to drip down his face as he waited for you to let him in. As much as you wanted to let him in, you remembered your complicated past with Steve Harrington.
"Why weren't you answering? I knocked for like 3 minutes!" his annoyed expression fell flat against your own. "Well, let me think...Maybe because it's three in the morning! Why are you at my house?" his voice was unfamiliar to you as you looked at his anxious face. You weren't sure exactly when the last time you'd talked to him was. But all your tired brain could remember was your sophomore year when you helped him, Nancy, and Jonathan fight some tall creature with a gaping mouth full of teeth. Back then, you hadn't cared about danger. You were too in love with Steve to even care what the future held. 
But that was a year ago. Now, you held a hatred for the man. After all, while he was proabably hanging out with his popular friends, you suffered through the rough recovery alone. Apart from the broken bones, you had felt extremely stressed and lonely after the traumatic event. Because lets face it, you came out nearly unscathed, but your view on Hawkins was forever changed. Your childhood home was no longer the perfect small town to grow up in. It was a dangerous hazard to any person involved with the cursed town. But even if Steve left you for whatever he deemed a good reason, you didn't hate him...that much.
When Steve called had you late at night begging you, his best friend, to come over to the Byers' house to help fight, you showed up without question. You were in love with the man. Wherever he was, you were there too. Some of your friends teased you about it, but miraculously, you were sure Steve didn't know. Whether Steve knew it or not, you were his ride or die. Whenever he asked, you'd be there. Unfortunately, Steve showed no interest...at least to your knowledge. And after the big fight, Will was back from the Upside Down. He stopped talking to you without a single warning. 
A small part of you thought that maybe he got back together with Nancy, which wouldn't be a shock for you. You didn't hate Nancy for it, in fact you welcomed the idea of someone snatching him up so it was easier for you to get over him. But when Steve finally answered his phone after a full two months of no verbal contact, you expected an apology from him. After all, he ignored you in school, never even looked at you. "Got something to say to me, Harrington?" you flinched at your own words, shocked by the accidental harshness. 
"No? You've been calling me, so I answered. What do you want?" Steve felt offended that he didn't even get a 'hello' or 'hi'. The truth was, he never went back to Nancy, he was trying to focus on forgetting the terrifying events from about a year ago. He also received a hint from one of his friends, Tommy, that you were planning on leaving him high and dry after using him for his popularity. So naturally, he had to leave the friendship first. 
"Are you serious, Steve? I'm trying to figure out what I did to you that made you ignore me for months. Almost a year, Steve!" the pure anger dripping from every word made his brows furrow. He couldn't help but feel the need to defend himself.
"Why can't you just leave me alone? I don't want to talk to you, I thought you were smart enough to get the hint. I can't be around you anymore." you couldn't believe what you were hearing. He didn't want to be around you anymore?
"What the fuck do you mean? I just don't understand what you're saying. You can't just stop being friends with someone for no reason!" You felt red hot anger boiling inside your stomach as you gripped the phone tighter. He chuckles quietly. "Watch me." with that, he hung up. In a poor attempt to conceal your anger, you screamed into your pillow. You chose to ignore your mother's concerned questions as you locked your bedroom door and buried yourself under your blanket, hiding from your feelings.
As you recalled that painful night, you felt yourself shudder. It took you several weeks to get over the pain. After that phone call, you never reached out to him again. Steve would never admit this, but he missed his friend. During those long months, he'd stand next to the phone debating on calling you or not. He was always too afraid to try to rekindle the friendship. Because despite Tommy's gossip, he still hoped that you had good intentions. He just couldn't stand to get his heart broken again, so he put up walls and decided to ignore you. So when he showed up on your doorstep, you were completely and utterly shocked.
"Hello? Earth to Y/n.." Steve's hand waved in front of your face. You finally broke out of your nostalgic trance and slapped his hand away. "What do you need, Harrington? If you don't explain in the next five seconds, I'm closing the door." Your warnings fell short of intimidating him, as he just walked in without hesitation. Steve smiled at the familiarity of the cream-colored walls and several random shoes in the small foyer. "I need to ask you a favor. And before you judge, just hear me out!" He walked to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. He looked around as he passed the living room that you had spent many nights studying in. 
"I need you to come with me to go to Murray's house to figure out a way to get our revenge against that lab. It'll take us 2 days in total. How does that sound?" he frowned at the light scoff coming out of your mouth.
"Did Nancy bail on you? Is that why you're so desperate?" you sat on the countertop next to Steve's tall figure. "I am not desperate! And no! Nancy and I have been over for a while! What's wrong with you? You're so harsh." it amazed you at how oblivious Steve could be.
"Honestly, I don't believe you. There has to be some reason why you've completely left me in the dark. I struggled with this Steve! I lost sleep because of it!" as much as it hurt Steve to see you upset, he believed Tommy when he had said you were using him. He couldn't find sympathy for you, for his best friend. "Oh shut up! I did too, you don't understand!"
He rolled his eyes as you scoffed. "Oh, that is such bullshit! You will never understand how I feel! I don't believe you, Steve. I bet you and Nancy slept together, maybe that's why you're ignoring me. Found another girl to spend time with!" he threw his hands up in frustration.
"So what? Why does it matter if I slept with her? God, you're so annoying!" He runs his hands down his face, massaging his temples. You grab your coat. "You are too. Now let's go before I change my mind.." his confused face was terribly cute, but you were too mad at him to care. Whether you hated him or not, you would do anything for him if he ever asked.
"What?" he stood by you as you pushed past him. "I hate you, Steve. But I'm not taking up a chance to burn that lab to the ground. Also, who else could keep you sane while we deal with Murray?" a smirk rose onto your face as he smiled at you. "That sounded really badass, sorry. I would ask someone else but everyone is busy." you looked down. Had he really only come to you as a last resort?
"Okay let's go, but no more arguing from you." he points his finger at you, making you clench your jaw. "Fine, but only if you stop acting like an idiot." as you stepped into the passenger side and put on your seatbelt, Steve sighed and turned the car on. "Again, so harsh. Even if I did do something wrong, it's no excuse to act like a child." you couldn't believe what you were hearing. 
"Wow, are you fucking serious? Who's the one ignoring their best friend?" his silence told you everything. "Just shut up so I can drive, please." his grip on the steering wheel made his knuckles turn white. Crossing your arms, you looked at the window to see the "leaving Hawkins" sign. You sighed to yourself. You had just agreed to go on a long two-day trip with a man you hated, and the feeling was probably mutual on his side too...
Maybe this wasn't the best idea.
//eeeee very excited! thanks for reading!
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4. let’s run away and don’t ever look back
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A/N: Only 5 days since I posted chapter 1 and we’re already at chapter 4!!! That’s a whole new record for me and I’m already starting chapter 5 as well, I have a good feeling about the rest of the story, tbh 😌 There’s a big Trilance fluff moment right in the beginning, but after that, it’s mostly some other character interactions and plot movements!!! Also, you get introduced to quite a few headcanons of mine in this chapter that I very much enjoyed writing out!! I hope you guys enjoy this one!!!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot, slight Meliodas x Elizabeth
Summary: Tristan and Lance part ways the next morning and Tristan takes the time apart to talk with both Isolde and his parents about his new decision while Lance does the same.
Tags: Aged Up Characters (21-24), fluff, lots and lots of fluff, both platonic fluff and romantic fluff, prescription medication, discussion of characters’ mental disorders, coming out, I think that’s it 
Song Inspiration: Teenage Dream By Katy Perry
Word Count: 6,946
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
[3 Months Earlier]
Tristan wakes up feeling like he's on a cloud. Physically and emotionally. A steady heartbeat is heard right below his ear and he smiles, turning his head to nuzzle against the bare chest he was laying on. He hears a snort and lifts his head to look at its origin, the still sleeping blonde man he's tangled up with. He takes a moment to observe Lance. He was so still and quiet, yet even asleep, his face was full of life. His cheeks were colored a soft pink and his lashes fluttered against his skin delicately. His lips were parted slightly, his breathing slow and quiet. Tristan couldn't help but compare him to an angel. A sleeping beauty. Tristan bit back a giggle. Maybe I'm not the only prince. He thinks to himself.
He shakes his head at himself and rolls over, onto his back and off of Lance. He gives a full body stretch, his back arching as he does so. His entire body feels sore in the most pleasant way and he gives a contented hum as he settles back down on the bed. He blinks up at the ceiling, noticing a plain white ceiling fan resting still above him. He pushes himself into a sitting position, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and planting his feet on the floor. The floor is made up of wooden floorboards that are a natural, light brown color. He looks up to look around the room more, curious to learn more about his mysterious Sir Lancelot.
The first thing he sees is plants. There's a large window in the wall in front of him, a cushioned, white bench along the wall right under it that has cupboard doors along the front of it. The window sill looks to be about 5 or 6 inches wide, making it the perfect place for the many potted plants that are placed on it. Tristan stands up and walks over to them, leaning one knee on the bench to observe them closely. There's six plants in all and there's only two that Tristan can really identify at all. A medium size fern and a gathering of peace lilies. The others are all flowers in various colors, ranging from purple to orange to yellow and white. Tristan smiles softly.  He stands up and turns around, only to spot more. Some of the same potted purple flowers are on his left nightstand and there were 4 little succulents lined up along the top of his dresser, something he hadn't noticed last night. Tristan looks to the man still sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room, his head tilted slightly. He definitely never could've guessed Lance for a plant dad, especially with this many. But he wasn't complaining, not at all. He was just even more determined to learn more about the man now.
Tristan hummed to himself softly as he looked around the room again, looking for his clothes. He grimaces at the scattered clothes around the room. In the heat of the moment, he doesn't really care, but seeing it now, he feels the immediate urge to clean up. And so he does. He gathers their clothes from the night before and puts them all in the laundry basket he finds in the corner with the exception of his jeans. As much as he hates having to re-wear anything like this, it's a necessary evil since he'll have to go back out in public before he can get anywhere that has a proper change of clothes for him. He might not have to wear the same shirt, though. He looks between Lance and his dresser, considering. Finally, he decides to just go for it. He walks over to the dresser and rummages through it, snatching a pair of boxers and a red short sleeved shirt. It was definitely going to be too big on him but an oversized shirt was way better than oversized pants. He just hopes that Lance doesn't mind too much and if he does, then Tristan will just buy him a new one of each to make up for it.
He gathers up his clothes and scans the room once more. There's three doors in the room. He knows the one almost directly across from him is the main entrance to the bedroom. That left what he assumes is the closet and a bathroom. All he can do is guess, so he walks over to the door closest to him and swings it open, thankfully finding that it's the assumed bathroom. He steps in, closing the door quietly behind him. He quickly relieves himself and then gets dressed, enjoying just how large Lance's shirt is on his shorter frame. He walks over to the sink, looking at himself in the mirror on the wall behind it. His hair is a mess, as expected, and his neck is covered in hickeys. He blushes, bringing a hand up to press his finger to one of them, shivering as he does so. He pulls the collar of the shirt down slightly, noticing a few more littering the top of his chest. He bites his lip and adjusts the shirt to cover as many as possible without looking weird, but there was no way for him to cover all of them. Seems he'll have to borrow more from Lance then he originally planned to.
He sighs softly and washes and dries his hands before reaching into his back pocket to pull out the comb he knows is there and runs it through his hair as best he can. He isn't able to get all the tangles out, he'll need a full-sized brush for that, but he does manage to get it looking decent enough to be seen in public with. After placing the comb back in his pocket, he turns the facet back on and splashes some water over his face a few times, patting his face dry with a washcloth he finds on a towel shelf afterwards. Lastly, he pulls the tube of strawberry lipgloss out of his right pocket, smiling down at it as he does so. It wasn't his usual brand or flavor, but it was a gift from Isolde and he cherished it greatly. While he may not love her as his parents intended, he cared about her deeply. She was his best friend, the sister he never had, even if he's pretty sure she's in love with him. He just hopes that when he breaks things off today, he doesn't hurt her too badly and that they can still be friends afterwards. He isn't sure if he could handle losing her. His smile turns wobbly and he feels a burn in the back of his throat in reaction to the direction his thoughts have gone and he shakes his head rapidly, blinking his eyes a few times.
He quickly returns to the task at hand, applying the lip gloss to his lips and pocketing it once more afterwards. He blows out a long breath before turning away from the mirror and walking back into the Lance's bedroom, staying quiet in case he was still sleeping. As the door closes with a soft click behind him, he sees that the blonde is indeed still asleep. He smiles at him briefly before heading for the door to the hall. Right as he's about to step out of the room, he freezes and then backtracks a few steps. He stands there for a few moments, his eyes on the two pairs of shoes on the ground, one his own and one Lance's. Don't do it. Just leave them. Just go. He tries to demand, but his own brain was working against him. He growls as his body moves without his say so, grabbing both pairs and walking over to the door, placing Lance's shoes on the left side of the door frame, toes pointed towards the wall, and doing the same with his own shoes on the right side. Ignoring the instant relief the action brings, he quickly leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
He walks down the small hallway and enters the living room, enjoying the amount of natural light in the room. And he's only a little surprised to see more plants. The living room has a similar window and bench setup to the one in the bedroom, but this one was bigger in order to match the bigger room. In the two corners of the wall holding the front door to the apartment is two potted trees, both around the same height as Tristan himself. The window sill had eight pots lining it, each one filled with soil but no plants sprouting from any of them yet. In the right top corner of the window, there was a hanging basket of what Tristan recognized to be flowering jasmine, his fifth favorite flower. And finally, two more taller plants, one on each side of the window bench. These were nearly as tall as the trees, but they were both growing big, bright yellow flowers. It was a color that Tristan absolutely adored and he walked over to one of them, reaching out to touch one of the blossoms gently.
"Try to be careful with those ones." A soft voice calls from behind him. He whips around in surprise, eyes landing on the tall blonde standing in the open space between the hallway and the living room. Lance smiles at Tristan as he continues speaking. "They're real delicate flowers, they can rip easily." He informs him.
"Oh." Tristan says simply. He turns back to the flowers and traces a single finger over one in a featherlight touch just once before pulling his hand back. He then turns around and heads to the open kitchen area attached to the living room. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of Lance eyeing him carefully. Tristan suddenly has the feeling that he was just put under some sort of test, though he was confident that he had passed whatever it was. He notices more succulents in the kitchen and gives an amused chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Lance asks curiously as he also steps into the kitchen.
Tristan looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "Plants, huh?"
Lance's expression softens into understanding as he snorts softly and nods. "Uh, yeah. You can blame my mom for that. And my uncle, too, I guess." When Tristan gives him a questioning look, he continues, smiling softly. "Where they grew up was mostly just woods and after moving to the city, they couldn't help but keep as much of the outdoors with them as possible. I grew up surrounded by all kinds of plants and I guess I came to love all of them, too." He admits, his cheeks darkening slightly as he runs a hand through his hair.
"That's actually really cute." Tristan tells him honestly.
"Psh, sure it is." Lance immediately brushes off the compliment and turns away from him, but Tristan sees the red that spreads to the tips of his ears and he smirks at the sight.
Tristan feels the urge to start teasing him, but he decides to resist it for now. "Where are your cups?" He asks instead.
He opens up a cupboard next to the sink that's the same color as the floor of the bedroom and living room. "Right in here." He moves back to allow Tristan to see inside the cupboard. "If you're looking for water, though, I also have bottles of water in the fridge." He informs him.
Tristan smiles. "I'll take one of those, then. Thank you." He takes a step forward to peck Lance on the cheek. As he pulls back, Lance starts to say something before he freezes, his eyes widening slightly.
Before Tristan can ask what caused his reaction, he gets an answer. "I-is-is that-" He chokes out before stopping to clear his throat. "A-are you wearing lip gloss or something?" He asks.
Realization dawns on the silverette. Oh. So he hadn't noticed last night. "Yeah, I am. I usually am." He admits. "Is...that a problem?" He asks uncertainly, trying not to let the sudden jolt of fear that runs through him show on his face.
Tristan can almost see the gears turning in Lance's head as he processes, his face becoming one of understanding and then quickly shifting again as his eyes darken slightly, leaving Tristan very confused, his brows furrowing. Lance then kisses him fiercely, the action filled with desire and leaving Tristan burning all over when he pulls away a few moments later. "Definitely not a problem." Lance assures him quietly.
"So I've noticed." Tristan mumbles back, his cheeks warming over with a light flush.
He then turns around without another word and walks over to the fridge, seeing multiple water bottles lined up along the bottom shelf of the fridge door. He leans down to grab the fifth one in the row, closing the fridge as he opens the bottle. He swallows down about half of it before setting it down on the island in the middle of the kitchen as he hears Lance turn on the kitchen faucet. He reaches into his left pocket and pulls out his little pill capsule, popping it open and dumping the three pills inside into his hand. He pops them into his mouth and swallows them down along with the rest of the water in his water bottle. When he pulls the plastic away from his lips, he freezes, seeing Lance staring at him again. He has a glass of water almost to his lips, hovering there as he looks at Tristan with curiosity. Upon seeing Tristan looking back at him, he nods his head towards the blue pill capsule Tristan still has sitting on the island.
Tristan gives him a smile, but it's more sarcastic than anything else. "Actual meds, not a drug problem, just in case you were questioning that." He jokes half-heartedly, grabbing the pill capsule and closing it before putting it back in his pocket. "Two for Bipolar Disorder and one for OCD." He says quietly. The only way to let someone know you're open to trusting them is by being honest right from the start. That's what Dr. Dreyfus says, anyways.
Lance sets down his water glass and turns to him with a soft, affectionate smile that makes Tristan feel all fluttery inside. The silverette watches as he walks over to the opposite side of the sink and opens up another cupboard, pulling something out and placing it on the counter. It's an orange prescription bottle. "ADHD." Lance tells him.
"Ooh." Tristan says slowly. "Well, that's good to know." Tristan returns his smile.
Lance shrugs. "It's not too big of a deal." He then gestures a hand behind Tristan. "The shoes - back in the bedroom - that you?" He asks.
Tristan gives him a sheepish little grin, rubbing the pads of his fingers over his palms in a nervous habit. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I tried not to." He admits.
"Hey, no, you don't need to apologize for something like that. You lined up some shoes, it's not like you rearranged my entire apartment or something. Just not something I'm used to someone doing after I've spent the night with them, that's the only reason I really even noticed in the first place." He says sincerely before picking up his abandoned water and downing it in a few gulps. Tristan gives him a grateful smile when he's able to catch his eye again.
Tristan spots a trashcan in the corner and tosses his water bottle into it. "Hey, do you, uh, have anything I can use to cover, you know," He gestures to his neck. "All this?" Lance walks over to him as he speaks and he places his hands on the other man's chest, looking up at him. "As much as I'd love to show off your handiwork, the paparazzi are probably already out and prowling the streets and if my parents find out I hooked up with you last night through the internet before I even get the chance to talk to them about my decision, then there's going to be some problems."
Lance wraps his arms around Tristan's waist. "Is that what I am to you? Just a hookup?"
Tristan would've started to worry if not for the teasing glint in the man's red eyes. "Of course not. You're quickly becoming much more important than that." Tristan says shyly, ducking his head and looking at him through his eyelashes.
It's true. He's not stupid. He knows what's going on between them is anything but platonic, and it's way more than just sexual. He wants to know every single thing there is to know about the man in front of him, everything he's willing to tell him. He wants to know more about his childhood and meet more of his strange friends. He wants to know about his favorite places in the city and why he grows peace lilies instead of daffodils. And with how comfortable Lance's arms are around him, he's convinced he wants to be held by them forever.
Lance observes him with soft, tender eyes. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He whispers, and he kisses him again, slow and sweet. It feels like some sort of unspoken promise that neither knows the meaning of yet. Lance pulls away from the kiss only slightly, his lips hovering right above Tristan's. The silver-haired man's eyes stay closed, lingering in the moment just a little longer.
"You can take the black jacket by the door when you head out. It should be big enough on you to keep your neck covered up. I'll toss on a hoodie as well. It's a good thing it's supposed to rain today." Lance says quietly and it takes Tristan a moment to process what he's talking about. When he does, he sighs in relief. 
"Thank you so much, seriously."
"You're welcome. Though I'm sure you would've managed just fine without me telling you." He quips, grinning and gesturing to the t-shirt Tristan is currently wearing.
Tristan blushes, remembering exactly where the t-shirt came from. "I can go ahead and give it back if you'd like. Wearing my button up from last night isn't exactly ideal, but I'd do it if you preferred I not take your shirt with me.' He says.
Lance leans forward and nips at his ear, causing a gasp to escape his lips. "Don't you dare. You're not giving that back to me until after I've had the chance to fuck you in it." He whispers. Tristan whimpers softly at the thought. But before the silverette can respond, the place where Lance was is completely empty. "I just gotta get dressed real quick and then I can drive you home. I'll be right back!" He calls from the hallway.
Tristan stands there sputtering for a moment, face completely red, before he recovers enough to yell back at him. "Rude!" All he hears in reply is Lance laughing loudly from his bedroom.
Four hours later, Tristan is showered, freshly dressed, walking up to Isolde's doorstep. She lives in a quaint, little, brick townhome on the south side of Liones. He walks up to her front steps and slips through the door, closing and locking it behind him. He had asked her if it was okay for him to come over today and she had told him that it was and that she would leave the front door unlocked for him as always. He pushes his hands into the pocket of the large jacket he's borrowing from Lance, fiddling with his car keys.
"In the kitchen!" She calls out to him.
He smiles and walks through the house until he reaches the kitchen. She's bustling around the whole space, the light pink apron she's wearing covered in flour and other powdered baking ingredients. He doesn't see anything wrong with the scene until he notices the smell of the room as well as the batch of already baked cookies out on a cooling rack. A strong scent of cinnamon and nutmeg. A bowl of cinnamon sugar resting off to the side. She's making snickerdoodles. His absolute favorite. His brows furrow and he looks at her, finding her standing completely still and already staring back at him.
"What's wrong?" They both say at the same time.
"Wait, what?" Tristan blinks.
Isolde sighs and grabs a kitchen towel from the counter behind her, using it to wipe off her forehead. "Tristan, you've been acting weird since yesterday. You were so quiet all day, you spent way more time than usual getting ready just to go to The Rogue, of all places, you were so tense the whole time we were there, and then you just ditched with Lance so quickly, I just-" She throws her hands up in a frustrated gesture. She looks his form up and down as if just now actually looking at him. "What's with that big jacket? See, you're acting weird!!" She exclaims exasperatedly.
Oh, Isolde. Always working yourself up. Tristan takes in a long, deep breath, wishing there was a way he could stall this conversation a bit longer, but he knows there's no point in pushing it away. He and Lance agreed that they'd break things off today and he was still planning on talking to his parents after he finished talking with Isolde. "Isolde. I'm ending our arrangement." He breathes out, holding his breath.
"Oh, thank gods." Is the first thing out of Isolde's mouth and the thing he expected to hear the least.
"Excuse me?" He coughs.
Isolde walks over to him, reaching out and grabbing both of his hands in hers. "Tristan, I love you to death, but marrying you would be the equivalent of marrying my brother." She makes a disgusted grimace and he can't help but mimic her expression for a moment.
"Yeah, that's exactly how I feel about you. You're amazing, Isolde, but I really couldn't ever see you that way and I'm really, really glad that you don't see me that way, either." He tells her sincerely.
She smiles softly. "No worries, Trist. You're honestly not even my type anyways."
At Tristan's questioning look, her smile turns shy. "It's not just you. No guy is my type." She admits.
The silverette's eyes widen. "Oh. Oh. Wow. I...never even realized. That's...wow. Of course, I accept you, you know that. Well, at least, I hope you know that, cause if you don't, then that would be a problem that I definitely need to fix because I'm-I'm rambling and I need to shut up." He takes a deep breath.
Isolde giggles, letting go of his hands. "Everything's okay. I know what you mean and I do know that you accept me, I've never thought anything different. I am curious, though." She studies him closely. "After all this time of just going along with it, what's gotten you to finally switch things up?"
Tristan's face blooms into a brilliant fire hydrant red, making Isolde look at him with great interest and curiousity. "Alright, this is gotta be good. Spill it." She demands.
Tristan chews on his bottom lip. "Okay, first of all, I have to apologize. Because I totally lied to you about what I was doing last night." He admits sheepishly.
Her eyes narrow and one of her eyebrows raises, her arms crossing over her chest. "So you didn't go spend the night with Lancelot?" She questions.
"Oh, uh, I, uh, definitely spent the night with Lancelot." He says, clearing his throat as the heat burning across his face spreads to the tips of his ears. Rather than try to explain outloud, he decides it best to rid himself of the jacket. It's getting a little stuffy wearing it since he's inside now, anyways.
He avoids looking at Isolde completely as he unzips it and pulls it off of his shoulders, folding it over his arm. He studies the floor for a long minute or two before finally looking up to see Isolde's reaction. All he's wearing under the jacket is Lance's red t-shirt, which he had slipped back on after his shower, which means that all of the dark bruises on his neck are still on full display. Isolde is looking at him about how he expected her to. Her eyes are wide, staring directly at his neck, her mouth open in surprise. She looks the definition of shock.
"So, you-. But you-. And he-. His apartm-. I-I mean-" Isolde shakes her head rapidly. "J-j-just wait a second, let me get this straight." She stutters out finally. "Lancelot..." She looks at Tristan again now. "And you. You guys-" She cuts herself off, gesturing to the man's neck.
Tristan chuckles nervously. "Y-yeah, we did. Lance and I. We slept together. Last night. At his apartment." He confirms.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got that part now." Isolde starts pacing back and forth in front of him. "I mean-" She stops and gives him a skeptical look. "Lancelot?? Really?? Isn't he supposed to be getting engaged to Guinevere??" She questions.
Tristan's eyes harden slightly at the mention of Guinevere. "Yes, he is, but he doesn't have any feelings for her. Like, literally. They're not even friends, based on what he's said." He informs her.
The pinkette in front of him looks at the counter she's standing next to, lost in her head. "Huh. Weird. The way Guin talks about him, you'd think the two were all in."
Tristan scoffs and crosses his arms. "Not even close. It's all one-sided. She just likes to think that she has some claim over him when in reality, he wants nothing to do with her, which is exactly as it should be." He says, irritation seeping into his tone. He couldn't help it. He doesn't like Guinevere at all, never has. There's just always been something about her that makes him feel uneasy, though he's not quite sure what. Not only that, but she was always clinging to Lance whatever chance she got and Lance was clearly uncomfortable each time she did it, yet she either didn't care or wasn't paying enough attention to him to even notice.
"...Tristan, was that a hint of jealousy I heard just now?"
Tristan's eyes shoot open. "What? No! Why would I ever be jealous of Guinevere?" He immediately denies her claims.
Suddenly, Tristan's vision is filled with nothing but Isolde's face, the woman grabbing his shoulders lightly and leaning down so that her face was level with his. "Trist, what aren't you telling me?" She asks him gently.
Tristan immediately deflates and groans as he steps over to one of the kitchen island stools and plops down onto it. "Lance and I have been flirting with each other for the last 8 months, pretty much ever since we first met. For awhile, it was just attraction, but eventually it started to change. Or maybe it had been like that the whole time and I'd just never noticed. But suddenly it wasn't just that I wanted to sleep with Lancelot, I...wanted something more than that, I thought. And that thought solidified more as time passed and then we'd settled on a date for the wedding and I just couldn't take it anymore." He runs his hands over his face. "So, last night, we talked before we went back to his place. I told him how I feel and he feels the same. We made an agreement that I would end my arrangement with you while he ends things with Guinevere, and then him and I are gonna get to know each other, see where this whole thing goes." His voice is quieter as he finishes talking, a small, warm smile spread over his face as he looks down at where his hands are resting on the island counter.
"Tristan Nathan Liones, is that the look of love I see on your face?" Isolde gasps playfully.
Tristan turns to her, sputtering. "What- I- No!" He looks down as he nibbles his bottom lip. "Not yet, anyway..."
Isolde squeals and pulls Tristan into a tight hug that Tristan gladly returns. "Oh, Trist, I'm so happy for you!! This is amazing!!"
Tristan laughs. "Thank you, Isolde, I know it is." They pull back from the hug, Isolde holding him at arms length. "I think he's really great so far." He pauses for a moment. "...this morning, he told me that I'm becoming important to him." He whispers, gaining another squeal from Isolde in reply.
He laughs some more as she coos at how cute that is while walking over to the fridge and pulling some things out, starting to get back to her baking. He sits and watches her mix and knead and bake for a couple more hours, the two of them talking the whole time. Tristan is so glad that things have worked out between them like they have.
"Hey, Thetis, is my mom busy right now?"
"I wouldn't know, Tristan, she's not here. She's working with your father today." His mother's assistant tells him formally.
"Oh, okay. Well, thank you for letting me know." He thanks her.
"You're welcome." She says before hanging up. He sighs. Same old Thetis.
He switches lanes, then, heading for city hall instead of his parents' house. The difference in drive time isn't much, thankfully. He pulls into the outer parking lot that the public used. It wasn't very crowded at the moment and he's hoping as much as possible that he won't be here for very long. He locks his car behind when he gets out before stopping a moment and making sure his jacket is adjusted correctly. He doesn't even want to imagine what would happen if his parents saw any of those damn hickies.
He enters the building, relieved that it doesn't seem to be too terribly warm inside. He waves at a few people as he walks through the halls. He's a familiar face and he knows all the passcodes to the staff only rooms and elevators, so it's not too much trouble getting to his dad's office. He spots Rose at her desk, as usual. She's his father's secretary. From what Tristan's heard, his dad didn't actually want one at first, but everyone else convinced him to, eventually. Rose has been around for nearly ten years now, ever since he was a preteen, and she's about that much older than him by now.
"Hey, Rose!" He greets warmly.
"Mr. Liones! It's been awhile since you've been around here, how have you been?" She asks just as warmly.
He sighs inwardly. For the longest time, he tried to get her to just call him Tristan, but he gave up on that ages ago. "I've been good. Really good. And you?"
"Oh, I've been wonderful, thank you. Oh, and your parents are right through in the office." She informs him.
Tristan is about to open his mouth to thank her when he suddenly realizes what his mom and dad together in a close space with a lockable door might mean. His face scrunches up into a look of disgust that Rose seems to notice immediately. "Don't worry, Mr. Antin is in there with him. I believe they're discussing this year's Pride parade." She says with a laugh, knowing exactly why he'd pulled that face.
He visibly relaxes. "Okay, good. Thank you so much." He tells her as he walks forward, seeing her nod as he pushes the office door open and walks through.
"...I don't know, I just don't think we should do all that without getting a confirmation back from 'em first." He hears his Uncle Ban say.
"It's really no problem. They'll come through for us, just like they do every year." His mom.
"See? It'll be perfectly fine, Ban." His dad.
As he enters the room, he observes them. Uncle Ban is leaning his back against the right wall of the office with his arms crossed over his chest while his parents are standing in front of his dad's desk. His dad is looking at the papers scattered all over his desk, his hand under his chin and a thoughtful look on his face and his mom is standing right behind him, peeking over his shoulder.
Uncle Ban mutters something along the lines of, "Why do I even bother?" before the door finally closes behind him with a heavy thud, drawing the attention of all three people right to him.
"Oh, Tristan!" His mom comes rushing towards him with open arms and he returns her hug without hesitation.
"Hey, ma." He greets her.
As they pull away, a warm hand is placed on his shoulder. "Hey there, Trist." His father says with a grin.
"Hey, pa." He replies, returning his grin. Then he turns to the other man in the room and greets him as well. "Hey, Uncle Ban!"
"Yo, kid, how ya been? It's been awhile." He points out.
"That's true, actually. The last time you came to my office was nearly a year ago." His dad says, walking back over to his desk.
Tristan walks towards the desk as well. "I've been really good. And I wanted to talk to you guys about something, actually." He tells them, looking pointedly between both of his parents.
Both of them look at him with furrowed brows. "Oh, okay. Would you like Ban to step out for a few minutes?" His mom asks him gently.
"Oh, um, no, he's fine to stay in here. I don't really plan on taking very long, there's just something I want to tell you both in person." He explains, his nerves flaring up now that he's actually at this point. He just can't say anything about Lance. Not like he had been planning to, anyways.
His dad sits down in his chair and his mother leans against the front corner of the desk. Even Uncle Ban comes over and stands next to Tristan's dad, a grin on his face and a mischievous glint in his curious eyes. The eyes of all three adults are now on him and he holds back a nervous squeak. "So, what is it?" His dad prompts.
"Is everything okay?" His mother questions, her eyes worried.
Tristan isn't sure if he's even breathing or not anymore. He quickly forces the words out, afraid that if he takes too long to say it, then he'll end up bolting out of the room before he gets the chance to. "I'mnotmarryingIsolde." He forces out.
"Um, what?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're gonna have to repeat that, sweetie."
Tristan mentally slaps himself and huffs slightly, his cheeks puffing up as he lets out a deep breath. He shakes his head at himself and straightens his shoulders. "I'm n-not marrying Isolde." He wanted the sentence to come out sure and confident, but in reality it came out small and quiet, barely above a whisper. He looked at his mom, not wanting to see the look of disappointment his dad was undoubtedly sending in his direction.
"What?" The silver-haired woman questioned. "Why? Did something happen between you two?" She questions, her concern growing.
"Oh, no, nothing like that at all!" He reassures. "Isolde and I are perfectly fine, great even. Nothing's happened between us." He finally looks to the two older men behind the desk. His dad's face is completely blank and his Uncle's face is skeptical. He looks down for a moment, thinking of Lance. A blush comes to his face and he can't help but smile as he remembers his morning with the man just earlier. The two of them had left Lance's apartment and stopped for a quick breakfast together, Tristan learning that the blonde prefers his coffee with plain creamer but no sugar, and that he favors biscuits over croissants.
He gets lost in his thoughts for a moment and is suddenly brought back to reality when his mother speaks up again. "Oh. I see." Tristan's head shoots his head up as his mother steps closer to him, reaching her hands up to tuck his hair behind his ears before cradling his face gently.
"Ma...?" He asks uncertainly at the same time that his dad says, "Elizabeth...?"
His mom has a warm, knowing smile on her face. "Tristan isn't going to marry Isolde because there's someone else he has feelings for instead."
Tristan's blush deepens slightly upon realizing how quickly she was able to figure him out, but he returns her smile, nodding in confirmation. "Yes. Things aren't very far along, yet, but I think I'm going to fall in love with him, ma." He admits softly.
"I think you already are." She tells him and his stomach flutters. Is that true? He wonders. Have I really started falling so quickly? The knowing in his mom's eyes only grows as she watches the emotions swirling in his eyes and she kisses his forehead before stepping away from him.
He finally looks to his dad, his nerves returning. His father is still looking at him with that same blank look as before, but suddenly, he grins widely and lets out a small chuckle. "Okay, Tristan. As long as this guy is treating you right and makes you happy, then I'm perfectly okay with your decision!" He tells him brightly.
Tristan stands there blinking at him. What? He waits for the blonde man's expression to change, for it to be some sort of joke, but his dad's grin was completely unwavering. Tears spring in Tristan's eyes and before he even realizes what he's doing, he's behind the desk and throwing himself forward, hugging his dad tightly. The man doesn't return the embrace right away, instead staying completely still at first, before slowly wrapping his arms around his son.
"He's treated me wonderfully so far and he makes me feel like I could do anything." He admits quietly.
"Good." His dad says. He reaches up and pats the top of Tristan's head a few times. "Good."
"Man, first Lance and now Tristan. What even is today, huh?" Tristan perks up at hearing Lance's name as he pulls away from his dad.
"What about Lancelot?" His dad asks the other man.
"The kid called Elaine and I up this mornin', says he isn't gonna marry Guinevere. Wouldn't tell us why, though." His Uncle Ban tells them. Tristan bites back a victorious smirk at the news. "But it's whatever. As long as he knows what he's doing. Anyways, do we get to know anything about this guy of yours, Tristan?" He asks with a grin.
Tristan shakes his head, nibbling at his bottom lip. "No, not yet. There's still a lot that him and I need to figure out first." The silverette tells his uncle honestly.
The tall man's shoulders slouch. "Aw. That's no fun."
"Don't worry, Ban, I'm sure Tristan will share more once he's ready to." His mom reassures. Tristan nods and turns to smile at his mom gratefully.
Soon after that, Tristan is leaving his dad's office and heading back out of the city hall. He feels so much better than he did 24 hours ago and he can't wait to see where this new path takes him. Right as he steps through the front entrance and out into the light drizzle that's falling from the clouds overhead, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees a text from Lance. He beams and unlocks his phone, pulling the message up to read through it.
'Just finished talking to Guinevere and already talked to my parents this morning. No other strings to cut. I believe this means I'm all yours, your majesty 😉'
Tristan bites his lip, giggling softly. He walks over to his car slowly as he types out a reply.
'I believe it does, Sir Lancelot. But only if I can be all yours, as well 😘'
Tristan falls into the driver's seat of his car, feeling giddy and warm all over. He has a feeling that this will be one of the best decisions he's ever made.
A/N: What did you guys think?? Please let me know!!! There’s gonna be lots of more characters in the next chapter, most of them being introduced in this AU for the first time!!! A few more ships as well!!! ALSO!!! In the series masterlist, I’ve added the names of all upcoming chapters, so if you’d like to take a peek at those to try and see what kind of hints you can find, you can now do so!! 
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
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I posted 4,497 times in 2022
That's 4,477 more posts than 2021!
2,892 posts created (64%)
1,605 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,825 of my posts in 2022
#soft thoughts w/ari - 943 posts
#thotty thursday w/ ari - 436 posts
#thotty thoughts w/ ari - 415 posts
#nick blankenburg - 280 posts
#brendan brisson - 164 posts
#thomas bordeleau - 157 posts
#matthew knies - 151 posts
#matt boldy - 114 posts
#luke hughes - 103 posts
#ari’s soft night - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#but when you start going omg i want xyz to [redacted] and [redacted] me that's where we're going to have problems
My Top Posts in 2022:
lie to me - brendan brisson
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prompt 044: how many times are you going to look me in the eyes and lie to me?
requested by: @bitchinbarzal
OKAY i might have plans for this one to be a bet. like i couldn’t run with it with this prompt. thanks bestie for requesting <3
DON’T forget my requests are open until 3/31! here is the link for prompts and the original post!
also maybe part 2? i left it open so there could be one if wanted!
“come over after class?” brendan gave you that soft smile that absolutely warmed your heart.
you gave him a nod, watching him walk back to his hockey friends as they looked you up and down.
huh. weird. that was new as you had always gotten along with the boys really well, at least you though. you shrugged, letting the feeling roll off your back as you continued walking to your next class, feeling eyes on your back as you walked away.
you covered your eyes, the sun blinding you as you walked down the sidewalk, looking towards the cars that were in the driveway of the home that brendan was living in during his sophomore year. you made your way up the stairs, sliding your wet shoes off before entering the house.
“it’s s-so cold out there.” you said as your lips chattered.
brendan jumped off the couch, him wrapping his arms around you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms trying to warm you up.
“well babe, it probably doesn’t help your clothes are damp.” he gave you a lopsided smile as he lightly pushed you towards the stairs, “go grab some clothes from my room.” he said. you quickly nodded at him, taking off up the stairs as he sat back on the couch.
“so..” truss began, raising his brows at bren, “i thought you were cutting it off after three months?” he asked, “at least that was what the bet was for.”
“shut up truss, she might hear you.” brendan hissed, “but that’s besides the point, i actually think i love her.” he whispered.
what brendan didn’t know, is you had heard what truss had said, but not what brendan had said, well at least the second part.
your mouth had dropped as you waited around the corner of the stairs, waiting for something else to be said.
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226 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
happily - ethan edwards
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this was requested by @ethanedwardsgf
please don’t forget my requests are open!!
it’s not how you’d normally do a song imagine, but i did it my way.
check out my other work here!!
based on happily by one direction
lets just start with a flashback to a couple of months ago, right when freshman year was starting. you and ethan had always been closer, compared to the other freshies, but for some reason, he was pulling away and you were taking notice of it.
“have you noticed a change in ethan lately?” you asked mark as you took a bite of the sandwich you had brought from home.
“not towards me, but maybe you.” he grunted back, taking a swing of his water.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, genuinely confused.
“ask mason.”
mason. mason harris. the boy you had started dating a couple of weeks before everything blew up. the boy from your pre-calculus class that you had been drawn to.
“what does he have to do with eddy?” you asked, not getting the bigger picture.
mark raised his brows at you, “have you really not seen how ethan looks at you? especially when he’s around mason? anytime mason holds your hand or just touches you, he looks like he’s going throw up.”
“i guess i never noticed.” you slightly shrugged, looking back.
“you don’t realize what you do to him, y/n.” he started, “you don’t realize you two were meant to be. but one day you’ll see it.” he said standing up, “i gotta go, i gotta get to class. see you later y/n/n.” mark gave you a soft pat on the shoulder leaving you with your thoughts.
this lead you to now, at a party with your current boyfriend and the boys. blanks had thrown a party for the championship they had just won.
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227 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
baby kuemper - cale makar
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my fav rosy cheeked boy, i just had to write something for him. and how else would i do it? by making the reader my fav goalies little sibling.
pairing: kuemper!reader x cale makar
no warning! just fluff and the boys teasing cale & reader
“i’m so excited you’re here.” darcy grinned at you as he wrapped you in his arms as he picked you up from the airport.
“me too darc. me too. i missed you so much.” you smiled back at him as you grabbed the handle on your suitcase once again.
“i have so much planned for us, other than on game days, obviously.” he trailed off as the two of you walked to his car. he loaded your stuff in the trunk before walking to the driver door and getting in. the two of you made small talk before you finally arrived at his and his wife’s home, seeing a couple of cars in the driveway.
he unloaded your stuff, him grabbing the handle of the suitcase and tugging it behind him, “oh yeah, i hope you don’t mind, but a couple of the guys were over before i left to grab you. i just told them to stay put.” he mentioned as he unlocked the door.
“darc, it’s your house.” you laughed, “i don’t care who is over.”
he opened the front door and that’s when you heard all the chaos.
“what the fuck ej?”
“i told you not to do that!”
“shut up landy! i do what i want!”
“this isn’t your house ej!”
“shut up!”
darcy looked at you with wide eyes before walking to the living room, leaving you standing in the foyer.
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232 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
just imagine kniesy on vacation with you and your family and he's slowly fucking u at night and no one can hear it so he keeps kissing your moans away
oh my god, you cannot tell me he wouldn't do this.
matthew had been after you all day honestly. you were in florida with your family, him coming along this year, unlike last year. you guys had just finished dinner and your family was back in their villa, watching a movie in the living room.
matthew was sitting beside you, a blanket covering you as he rested his head on your lap, one hand tucked behind your back and the other on your thigh, dangerously close to your heat. every time he would move his hand, you'd suck in a small breath, waiting for him to get closer but he never did.
the movie finally ended, your family saying their goodnights as you all dispersed out of the living room. you felt matthew finally raise up, a smirk on his face as he looked towards you, it just now being you two.
"i can literally tell how fucking horny you are from here." he grinned as he traced his hand up your thigh, hooking it in to your shorts waistband, "you- you really thought i would do something with your family right there?" he continued, "you're a bigger slut than i thought." he grinned as he slipped his hand into your underwear, causing you to let out a low groan.
"matty, please." you whispered, "do something."
he let out a laugh as he stood up, letting your waistband go with a snap. you huffed and flopped backwards on the couch as you stood up, following him into your shared room for the week.
"that's so not fair." you whispered to him as he sat on the bed; pulling you between his legs.
"oh yeah?" he grinned as he looked up at you, you taking his face in your hands.
"yeah, its not." you replied as you moved your knees to rest on his thighs, him tugging you closer, "so not fair." you mumbled as you pressed your lips to his, the kiss becoming heated quickly as your teeth clashed together; it becoming needier than usual. he tugged at the bottom of your shirt, pulling it off when you leaned back for a second before shoving your lips back on his.
"oh shit, is the door locked?" he asked, breaking the kiss as he shoved you off of him, to get up to check. it wasn't, which was good for matthew to remember it, unlike the one time his roommate walked in on you two.
by the time he was walking back to the bed, you had flipped over; your gaze already on him.
"god, you look so beautiful," he started as he crawled up the bed, "but you'd look even better without this." he quietly said as he undid the clasp on your bra, him helping you slide it off as he crawled up your body. he attached his lips quickly to your neck, causing you to let out a low moan as he popped the button on your jean shorts, his hand dipping back down in them, but this time, he gave you what you needed. his finger teased your clit as he licked a stripe up the base of your neck before sucking in one spot.
"you- you can't leave a hickey, m-matty." you panted out, "not this week."
he laughed against your neck, hearing how desperate you sounded for him. he leaned up, him helping you slide your shorts and underwear off in one swoop before he tugged his own shirt off. he
"god baby." he mumbled, "you're so wet for me." he grinned down at you as he kissed down your body, his body settling between your thighs as he kissed the inner part, you let out a deep breath.
"matt, please." you muttered, "do something." you begged as he smirked, his tongue drawing lines against your thigh, him stopping to suck in certain places before he attached his lips to your clit, you letting out a moan.
"baby." he said as he pulled away, "you have to be quiet. there's no other way well be able to do this." he said as he stared up at you, "now, are you going to listen to me or am i going to have to stop?" he asked.
"i'll be- i'll be good."
"good girl." he said as he attached his lips back, running his tongue in different patterns and shapes as he massaged your thighs before wrapping his arms around them to keep you in place. you pulled your hand up to your mouth as you bit on your knuckle to keep you quiet as your other hand went down to matthews hair, tugging slightly.
he hummed against your clit causing you to jerk as he inserted a finger into you, slowly working you up; to prepare you for him.
"baby please." you mumbled out, it being disrupted by your hand.
you could feel the coil tightening in your stomach as you felt him speed up his movements, your body shaking slightly causing him to tug you closer. he knew you were getting closer and the moment you were about to release, he pulled away.
"what the fuck knies?" you hissed as you leaned up to look at him.
"you're not cumming that way baby." he grinned, "you're only cumming with my cock in you." he continued as he shoved his shorts down, his underwear going with them. he prepped himself as he went to enter you, lining himself up before shoving in slowly.
he let out a small grunt as he leaned forward, connecting your lips to keep you quiet as he slowly moved, his hand finding your clit again to help edge you closer, back to where you were. he felt you clench around him, a breathy moan being let out into your mouth, him pulling away for a second to watch his length slide in and out of you at a steady pace.
"you gotta- you gotta be quiet." you teased as he pushed himself back into you, him shutting you up by pressing his lips back to yours, his hand rubbing faster as he brought you closer and closer.
"go ahead baby." he muttered as he felt you clench around him once more, you releasing, him not being too far behind as it only took a couple more thrusts.
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239 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
salt and sugar - owen power
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please don’t forget my inbox for requests is OPEN
fwb!owen x reader, bestie!kent slight.
“i still do not understand why you don’t like him.” kent sighed, “he’s my best friend and you’re my best friend. i just want you to get along.” he pouted.
“i’m not sure what to tell you kent.” you shrugged, going back to reading on your phone. little did he know, you and owen had been talking. not in such friendly ways, but more of a friends with benefits type of way. but no one else needed to know this except you two.
it happened at a party the boys threw. couple of drinks later, you and owen had found yourselves in his room, you pressed against the wall as his lips attacked your neck as your hands traced down the front of his body, stopping at the button of his jeans.
“are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, his lips nipping at your neck.
“shut up and kiss me power.” you muttered, pulling his lips to meet yours.
it didn’t take long for you to end up under him in his bed multiple times after that, mainly when you two weren’t sober; but you’d be lying if you said that there hadn’t been times where both of you just needed the other with no alcohol involved.
there was times you two just simply needed to let frustration out and both of you knew it was okay to take it out on the other.
kent had tried to get you to two get along for a while now, but nothing was working and he was starting to get annoyed.
“can you two please just go try and talk things out?”
“i guess. but the moment he starts his shit, i’m leaving kenny.” you threw your head back, letting a sigh out, “i don’t see the point but whatever.”
that brought you to this moment here. you standing in the middle of owens room, the two of you glaring at each other over a small disagreement, knowing where this was probably going to lead. you weren’t sure you should have even listened to kent at this point.
“be careful who you trust, ya know,” owen smirked, “salt and sugar look the same.”
“oh really now? you weren’t saying that when you were on top of me last night.” you grinned, the excitement of this man and his words coursing through your veins, “honestly, i don’t think you’d be able to tell the difference, mr. power.”
as much as you hated owen, there was just something so… intriguing about him.
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288 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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booksandwords · 1 year
The Wicked + The Divine: Imperial Phase, Part I by Kieron Gillen. Art by Jamie McKelvie. Coloured by Matt Wilson. Lettering by Clayton Cowles.
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Series: The Wicked + The Divine, #5 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 4/5
The quote: "If you have a giant laser, I will be disappointed but not exactly surprised by your cliched over-compensation." "I wish. Who wouldn't want an enormous phallic laser cannon." — The Norn and Woden
I'm back to The Wicked + The Divine after several long months off. It turns out taking a break after volume 4: Rising Action was possibly the best timing. A lot happened at the end of that volume, this volume recaps some of that action as needed and actually takes place some time later. Baal and Persephone are together, Minerva lives with Baal full time he is her legal guardian. A lot happens in Imperial Phase Part 1 too, the reader has a lot thrown at them. Alliances are ever-shifting, power dynamics too.
Issue 23 is one of the more unusual issues I remember seeing. The whole thing is formulated as an issue of Pantheon Monthly, the glossy fan magazine of The Pantheon. It is interviews with The Morrigan, Baal, Lucifer, Woden, Amaterasu and a couple of other additions. These are complete with portraits that fit the Gods. The portraits included of The Morrigan, in all three of her forms in stunning. I appreciate the incredibly meaningful inclusion of the gorgeous black and white photo style portrait of Baal and Inanna. Woden looks stunning as always with his Valkyries, Gõndul and Eir. On Woden this issue gives us a whole different look at him, it's honestly fascinating like his walls drop just a little.
There is a wonderful illustration on a single page that I really need to mention. I little bit of context is needed, the page is during a high-tension moment. Persephone gets the swing vote in a Pantheon vote, the two sides are led by Sakhmet and Baal. It's a half page on an angle of Persephone linking Sakhmet and Baal with The Norns (Cassandra), Persephone's friend and generally strongest ally in the middle. It's just sticking with the angles used, the darker colouring and Persephone's electric blue hair.
There is a change in the way Minerva is illustrated now, more than that the way she is presented. It is hard to remember how young Mini is sometimes, she's only 14 at the oldest. And over the course of her last birthday, her parents died in front of her, in a truly horrifying fashion. We don't see her in her god form anymore, she is shown as a teenage girl. A grieving, hurt and occasionally angry teenager who knows her own death is coming. Baal has a new nickname for her too Li'l Flower. Essentially Mini just feels so much younger and I don't know softer maybe in Imperial Phase Part 1 her god form looks older, a bit colder. The big evil, known as The Great Darkness, is targeting Mini for her fear or at least that is the presented reason.
Just some other quick comments. Dionysus is interesting in this volume, he feels a bit like he's playing off type. But I'm not sure how much we really know about him. We find out a lot about Woden in this volume, why? He has always been the mystery. Why give us details now? And yes despite his kinda distasteful attitudes at times I like him, he's the comedy. Overall throughout Imperial Phase Part 1 Persephone, our primary eyes to the world is an unrepentant mess. I kinda think she is presented as a pansexual aromantic (with no disrespect intended to lgbtq sibs). I say Persephone is a mess, well everyone is getting there. We are within months of the deaths starting now everyone is beginning to unravel slowly. Also WTF Sakhmet? What have we said about cannibalism? Lastly, props to Kieron Gillon (and the whole creative team) for showing domestic violence in the traditional/normal accepted gender roles. Baphomet (the male) is the one getting abused by The Morrigan (the female) and he is giving the exact excuses you expect. You never want domestic violence to happen but I appreciate fiction that shows twists the norm.
I'm glad I've come back to this. I forgot how much I like these characters, this world. I really hope I can finish the series.
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softly-potter · 1 year
Still Friends | Chapter 3: Cherries
Summary: After a chance encounter at a party, Wanda and Bucky find they have more in common than they realized.
This fic is heavily inspired by 'Friends' by my lovely friend Poppy. She is aware of this fic and I've been given permission for this marvel-version retelling! If you haven't read her dramione fic 'Friends', I HIGHLY suggest it. I fell in love with the story and couldn't help but wonder, what if it was Wanda and Bucky instead of Hermione and Draco? Thus "Still Friends" was born. Enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky X Wanda
Word Count: 33,068
Warning: smut, drug use, depression
A/N: Find the rest of the chapters here; Chapter 1: Greetings | Chapter 2: Unloading | Chapter 4: Worth the Wait | Chapter 5: Books | Chapter 6: Grief | Chapter 7: Unlikely | Chapter 8: Happy Birthday, Soldier | Chapter 9: A Christmas Moment | Chapter 10: The Best Holiday | Chapter 11: Permission | Chapter 12: Revitalize | Chapter 13: Backstabber | Chapter 14: Luck of the Dead | Chapter 15: Pain Reliever | Chapter 16: Apologize | Chapter 17: Specially Gifted | Chapter 18: New Day
Chapter 3: Cherries
May 3rd, 2025
She was able to keep up the facade for most of the night. But her red rimmed eyes and inability to hold a conversation gave her away.
Of course he had heard about Westview, was genuinely shocked if he was honest. While he’d been busy fighting off the flag smashers, Wanda had accidentally unleashed her chaos on the sleepy town, unknowingly entrapped its civilians and played house. From the little that he saw on the news, it looked like no long-lasting harm had been committed.
Physically, anyway.
Somehow, the Scarlet Witch had been able to resurrect her dead husband. Eventually it had all come undone, and she was lucky to evade arrest. Bucky hated that he’d been overseas, grappling with mislead kids while she’d been stuck in her little bubble, consumed in her fantasy but utterly alone.
Just like last year, he found her on the front porch, this time standing by the window railing. Her hair had grown, scrapping by her upper elbows, and her eyes were rimmed red, nose stained a similar blush. She caught his eye as he approached, and instead of turning away, she starred him down.
Emotions on full display, she said nothing as he stopped in-front of her. Her hands clasped, Bucky gave her a nod, his own hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hell of a year, I heard.” He said, cautiously. He knew it was rude, insensitive as hell, but how else was he going to get her to stop starring?
Wanda blinks once, then again, before turning on her heel and entering the house. A few moments later she comes back with two empty glances, holding one out to him. He takes it wordlessly, removing the flask from his pocket and devising them each a serving.
She began to cry as she took a swing, her nose and eyes contorting from the strength of the liquor.
They both lean against the railing, starring out at the makeshift drive way and water lapping on the shore. Wanda swirls the liquid around her glass, but doesn’t say anything, silent tears falling from her face.
He wants to speak to her, say anything to brush the thoughts of the past year away. Anything to help her crying. Maybe an argument, or a revolution, or something as petulant as American sports.
“Whats wrong, Wanda?”
She lets out a shaky breath, and like all the years before he looks away, for her sake. She sniffles again, then a muffled sob echos around him.
"Look, I don’t really know what went down in Westview, but it's been a few months and from where I’m standing, you sound pathetic.” He takes a sip.
She lets out a choking sound.
She’s shorter than him, with petite hands, and he wonders how she and Vision had ever made a match. From what he remembers, the Android had been tall.
“Go fuck yourself.” She spits, venom lacing her tone like a glove.
If she’s baiting him, he’d be more than happy to oblige.
“How nice.” He drawls, nodding. “and yet again, pathetic.”
“The only reason you’re fucking standing here is because Sam pities you, Barnes.” She stares at him hard. “He pities the fact that you were a mindless killing machine, and the only person that actually gave a shit about you abandoned you. You think he actually wants you around his sister and nephews?”
It hits him so hard he nearly loses his balance, nearly misses the fact that she used his last name. He’s nodding again, hoping it can mask the hurt. “Heard that before.”
“Why do you even bother coming?” She cries, banging the glass on the railing. Her feet sway, and he’s glad he had given her just a bit less than himself, not knowing how his special liquor would affect her.
He doesn’t say anything, instead watches her, now fully turning to face her. She wants to hurt him? Go ahead, he can take it.
“You come here and hang out with people that don’t even want you here, that know you’re dangerous.” She seethes, and he pales because he didn’t know she was trying to kill him, not hurt. “You’re dangerous, more than anything I could’ve cooked up, and you’re alone. So do us all a goddamn favor and fuck. Off.”
His chest aches. Wanda had never been this cruel, even when he’d pushed her. She’d never looked so dead while still breathing, and it hurts him that he only feels anything but the numbness when she’s around. She chases the numbness away; and now, he’s raw and exposed, her words slitting his wrists.
“Why are you here then?” He challenges, loading his weapons. “Crying on the steps for things that are a fantasy. Vision is dead. Just because you have powers to create some dumby version, doesn’t mean its actually him. You’re fucking alone too.”
She’s moving on him so fast he barely registered, her finger jabbing into his chest. “Don't compare me to something as lowly as yourself.” She stabs her finger again. “We’re nothing alike.”
He’s proud of himself for getting that reaction, for being able to crack that hard exterior. He knows it’s hard because he’s constructed one for himself.
She’s so close he can see the flecks in her eyes. “What, you think just because you apologized that mind-controlling an entire town doesn’t ostracize you? Your reputation has gone to nothing.” He drops his head, and he can feel her breath on his face. “Almost like me.” He says quietly.
She smacks him hard, her wrist colliding with his cheek and his head whips back. He lets her continue her assault. Lips in a tight line, she hits him again, this time her hands in fists land on his chest.
“Fuck you.” She’s panting, her brow furrowed as she hits him again and again. Her limbs must be exhausted, because her speed digresses, but her strength continues, hands and fists landing on his chest, shoulders and face. His eyes sting, the heat shooting across his face, his scruff scratching her palm.
He gives her an enraged look as she continues her outpour, shooting a hand out to grip her. Holding her by the shoulders, he flips them, hitting her back against the wall of Sam’s porch. Her head cracks against the panels.
“You fucking coward.” He seethes. He would never hit her, no matter how much she pushes him. Real men don’t put their hands on women.
“Get off of me!” She screams, the music drowning her out, and he shakes her. She hits him, this time in the side, but he’s unmoving, her fists turning white in frustration.
“Calm down.” He instructs, and she gives him a wild look, her eyes tinged red. Leg raising, she knees him in the groin.
”Let me go. Let me fucking go," she growls at him. He inhales harshly, losing his breath as pain spikes all over him. He leans his weight on her, preventing her from moving, and puts his chin on top of her head.
“You’re a fucking bitch.” He gasps, trying to ease through the pain. She gasps at his language, and juts her shoulder against his.
“Don’t make me hurt you-“
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Don’t you ever-“
“Fucking shut up!”
His chest vibrates against hers, and she doesn’t respond. He’s glowing in the fact that she’s at a loss for words. They’re both breathing heavy and he inhales deeply, accidentally catching her scent.
Cinnamon, with a touch of cherries.
“Get your hands off me.” She warns. Removing his chin from her head, he looks down at her. She stares right back, jutting her face defiantly, eyes rimmed with a red that wasn’t from crying. Their noses brush.
“Are you going to be good?” He mummers, voice dangerously low, and her eyes widen.
Her jaw opens to say something, then closes, opening one more time before she snaps it shut, and her eyes are wild, like they’ve been touched by the sun itself.
Her mouth is on his, connecting them, and she’s patient, waiting for him to decide if he in fact, wants her to be kissing him.
He’s frozen, in shock or fear he’s not sure. She had been moments away from killing him, and now she’s trying to force her tongue into his mouth.
He pulls away, brows etched in confusion, and they stare at one another before she drops her eyes, embarrassment oozing from every pore.
“Sorry,” she huffs. “I didn’t mean it. Got lost in it. I’m sorry.”
He’s the opposite of sorry. He’s vastly annoyed that she’s trying to take back the most meaningful thing thats happened to him in years. That kiss made stopping the Flagsmashers seem like child's play in levels of importance.
He straightens, still slightly aching in his groin, and grips her shoulders lightly. “I’m not.”
He places his lips onto hers, fast. Their teeth clink, and he puts all his wanting into the kiss. Years of pining, all colliding into a single moment. He kisses her with heat, desire flowing from his mouth and pouring into hers, firing through his veins. When she lights up, it's nearly electric, and he’s amazed he can feel it.
Her aggravation and anxiety push her actions forward harshly, pressing into him as her hands grip his jacket, pulling him to her, chests flush.
They kiss as if they’ve been drowning, and finally have surfaced for air. He lets go of her shoulders, instead wrapping around her waist, the other hand in her hair. Licking her bottom lip, she drops her mouth open, their tongues sliding against one another, and it’s everything he’d ever thought he could never have. She was a prize he’d never been able to afford, yet she was unwrapping herself like a present to him.
He says a silent prayer to whatever being is listening, thanking them for not forgetting him this time.
Tugging her hair slightly, she moans, the sound vibrating against his mouth, and he moves down to her neck, sucking and kissing her skin. His other arm squeezes her tightly, can feel her bones beneath the layers of clothing. Her hand fists his shirt, knuckles brushing against his stomach. She’s warm, scorching, the trace of her fingers burning him and he adores the sensation.
He pushes them back against the wall further, crushing her against it but she doesn’t complain. He bites her lightly, just below the ear, and she sighs heavily. Pulling him by the back of his hair, she tugs him to her face, pressing her mouth to his, nipping at his bottom lip. He groans, the taste of copper at the tip of his tongue, and she sucks on his lip.
His stomach rolls in turned-on anticipation.
Hiking his knee, Bucky places it between her thighs, locking her against the wall. He lifts slightly, rubbing against her, not enough for her to get off but enough that it makes her whimper.
“Oh god.” She whispers, separating from his mouth to squeeze her eyes shut, hands gripping his shirt and neck tightly.
“That what you like?” He says, dipping down to claim her mouth, moving his knee again. She groans again, hands shaking, and he takes it as a yes.
Lips unmoving, she slowly begins to grind down on his thigh, her hips moving in an enchanting pattern.
The kisses become deeper, more insistent, their bodies vibrating more than the music in the house. He’s never felt so good. He wishes he could bottle it, store it for a rainy day.
Wandas tongue flicks against the roof of his mouth as she grinds down, a small yelp escaping and he swallows the sound.
“Shhh,” he warns, although the sounds of the music and people inside drowns her expressions immediately. “Wouldn't want to scar the festive-goers.”
She ignores him, moving against his thigh again, and he places his hands in her hair, yanking her head back. Licking a line up her jaw, his flattens his tongue, tasting her skin. He returns to the same wet area, placing open-mouthed kisses.
He can feel her hands tremble as she undoes the lowest button on his top, and his brain ticks. He wants her to continue, wants to rid himself of his clothing and feel her hands all over him. Wants to remove her clothing, and kiss every inch.
But not like this.
The liquor is apparent on her tongue, her sweet aroma tinged with it, and he slowly eases his grip on her hair. Presses a light kiss to her mouth, her cheek. Nips at her ear then returns to her lip, slowing her movements. She’s still working at his top, the second one undone now, and it takes all of his strength to break his mouth away from hers.
They’re so close they bump noses, her breath fanning across his face. He cups her face, momentarily worried she’ll pull away. Her green eyes are sparkling, littered with slight confusion, and he knows he shouldn’t stare but he can’t help it. He may never get to look at her like this again; undone, guards lowered.
Her fingers are still on his shirt, and she leans forward. He shakes his head, before placing a slow kiss to her mouth.
“Not tonight, little witch.” He whispered against her lips. Her eyebrows lift, and he lets himself fall once more, kissing her again. She throws her velocity at him, but he holds her in place, keeps the kiss slow, meaningful. Runs a thumb just below her eye.
And then he lets her go.
He gives her a lopsided smile that she doesn’t return, slipping his hands in his pockets before he ambles away, fingers brushing on the keys inside his jacket.
Bucky doesn’t look back at her, isn’t sure he can handle whatever expression she was wearing. As he starts his bike, he licks his lips. Whatever had been on her mouth was now on his, tasting of cherries. He’d never really been fond of cherries; they were definitely his favorite fruit now. He starts the ignition, and begins the ride home, slowing down after a few miles to breath.
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television-pil0t · 1 year
Unsurprising I went to the mental hospital. The Carolina Center for Behavioral Health. I stayed 2 almost 3 days.. maybe 3 almost 4 days idk. Idk time blindness is a bitch but whatever. I’m back so I’m gonna talk about it because.. GENUINELY what the fuck.
So I was having a episode odviously. Full out psychotic ass bitch. Voices, believing I was god, thinking there were tall black people in my room (shadow people I just like sounding racist) like the whole nine yards. After I got off I’d tumblr swing “I keep hearing shit” or “seeing shit” or whatever I said I’m not gonna check. I called my friend queenie. She was asleep.. of course. Like no duh it was late.
I’m talking to her and I have her my account so know she knows about my awful bad boy tumblr account but I wanted her to understand what was going on. She dead ass is like “daemon this is really bad. Like your not thinking straight.“ I’m like “whatever whatever I do what I want.” I hang up and sleep like nothing happened.
Next day hits me like a fuckibg truck. I completely convence myself to go to the FUCKING AIR FORCE! LITERALLY LIKE
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BRO WHAT LMAO!! I GOT IN CONTACT WITH A FUCKING SARGENT BRO!! AT MY SCHOLL LIKE!! ?!?? So I clearly had no intention of.. preserving my life. I get into a PHYSICAL fight with one of my DEAR FRIENDS and tell him to FUCKING KILL MYSELF. Like.. basically pushing everyone away as fast and aggressively as possible so.. as I told my psychologist ”If I say something or do something so bad then I won’t be tempted to come back to them. And they will hate me to much to come back to me.” 😀? What was I on? Nothing MOTHERFUCKER AND THATS THE PROBLEM.
So after that I go home. I told queenie I was going to the military. She’s like “literally don’t cancel that. Like your not doing that. That’s as never in your plans. Your going so far off the rails rn. What’s up with you. You had a whole plan and you’ve gone so far from what you wanted to do like.. your so creative you can really do something with all this..” blah blah blah saying every true stuff but I was insane so I didn’t care. Hung up. Blocked her in everything. Said fuck her she doesn’t undersand me 🥺 and.. she called the police telling them I need to be taken to the hospital..
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THEY HAD EVERYONE OUT THERE BEO. The cops were farther down but they were making sure I didn’t try and kill myself or something so they brought everyone.
So I go to the hospital and I’m out of it at this point I can’t lie I barely remember this shit. Straight up. I don’t remember a lot of this whole.. few months because I’ve been stirring up a episode but like.. I really did good on dissociating the entire thing.
I do remember them giving me apple juice but it was open. I was like “can you.. give me another one I’m not happy that it’s open.” And they were like.. :/ and got me another one but THAT ONE WAS ALSO SLIGHTLY OPEN?! SO I WAS PISSED OFF. Because I was like?? ARE YOU TRYING TO DRUG ME LIKE?? WHY IS IT FUCKING OPEN CUNT?! I eventually just said fuck it and drank it and it did have meds in it because I was knocked out in a matter of a few minutes but like.. if they just told me I’d drink it?! I just don’t like they were like.. hiding it.
So some shit happened. At night they would watch me and I’d be like :/ and they would be like 🤨😦😑🫤 and I be like ☹️🥱😴 and that was that. So then..
This nurse?? Come in. It’s like 8 in the damn morning and I’m tired as fuck and she gives me breakfast and asked if im ok. I’m like “yeah whatever”. She’s like.. “do you know why your here” im say “because im a bad person.” He’s like “can you explain to me how.” I’m like “that would be to long and you have other patience and I’d rather just talk without a time limit.” She looks at me with the most.. “damn.. you right but shit” look I’ve ever seen and then leaves after writing something down on her little tablet.
I stay in the room almost all day. They keep checking in me. I keep responding the same.
So at the end of the day.. bout.??? 9 or 10 idk they didn’t have a clock in there. That nurse came back and sat down in a chair. She was like “would you like the light on” I was like “nah it’s better it adds dramatic effect when it’s dark” I make her laugh at this point I’m like “Hehe I’m in baby!” In where idk but lord knows I was fucking ovulating so nothing I was saying or doing was making since. Thinking with my dick and shit or something idk idk.
So we have a long conversation.
She gives me my phone… and I show her my tumblr..
She looks at me with the most 😐😧😦😬😨😰 look I’ve ever fucking seen. Like bro was SCARED.
She sets my phone down.. DOESN’T TURN IT OFF BTW. And goes “so you think you have aspd. You know you have bpd right.” I was like “very aware.��� She was like “well.. I think you have some define characteristics of both.” I just kinda was like thinking ok the worst that could happen is that I stay here for like.. a month if I tell the complete truth. So I go all out. Say fuck it. Tell my whole ass truth because I’d im gonna be here im gone leave with a correct diagnosis and help that I need. I’m like “I feel like I’m constantly in conflict with myself about caring and not caring. Like I know I have abandonment issues but I broke up with my bf out of pure anger and then did shit just to hurt him and I did that to my friend when I got into a fight with him and I did that to my mom when she was still alive.” She as like “do you feel bad?” I was like “I don’t know.” She put her tablet down and it felt like she was just taking to me and not working. I know that’s literally just a ploy. She way probably recording the conversation but it felt nice. “Do you know what it feels like to feel bad about something?” I’m like “I think I remember.” And that goes into my emotional blindness and perception. After a while of not feeling a emotion I forget what it’s like and it feels like I’ve never experienced it before and I tell her that and she’s like “well that sounds like both disorders working together pretty well. Do you ever feel like your fighing against someone else in your head” and I’m like I don’t have DID but.. sometimes sure I do. Because it’s hard to keep both feeling in check. I don’t wanna be reckless but the more I think about something the more in convence myself what I’m doing is right.
So we start talking about people. We talk about the first and I admitted it was a bit irrational (now I know it was very dumb but I wasn’t there yet) and we talk about my mom because I just kept being her up and then she looked at my phone again and asked me how I felt about my ex. I was like “I feel like I did the same thing to him as my friend except I feel like I lost feeling.”
This woman said something that ripped my apart. “Did you lose feelings or did you just not remember them once he hurt you.”
Bro I’m gonna throw up at this point. She goes on because I’m completely silent because I never thought of that but she was completely right. “you wanna feel better than everyone else because that’s how you think you deserve to be treated. Do you treat others like that?” I’m like “yeah I treat all my friends well.” She looks at me and she’s like “do you? Do you treat them and say things you’d like to be said to you? Or do you stop being nice once you realize you can’t control them.” And I’m like “I think I’m nice.. I think I say nice things.” And then I remember again.. she was right. I’m just kinda a asshole. Once I realize I’ve lost someone’s “undying loyalty.” I stop caring for them. Happened with my mom. With Mali once he got a gf I almost completely treated him like a completely different person. Happened with khye. And we didn’t even talk about the “others” until the second day but..
I’m like at a lose. I’m really sad because I realized how bad I fucked up and I start feeling empty and like shit. Idk if it was guilt but.. it all made a lot of since
I felt like I couldn’t feel love for a very long time because I just forgot what it felt like. Not that I want loved by my bf I was. And I loved him. It was just I was having a episode and genuinely couldn’t see it or feel it at the time because sometimes in her words “when your long distance it’s hard to hold someone with your words. You seem to crave that. Even if you don’t want the physical affect do you think he hugged you with his words enough.” And I’m like “I think so. He wrote me letters and gave me gifts” and she as like “ok.. did those make you happy or did they make you feel warm. Did they remind you ‘oh yea this person loves me’ or was it more if just.. this is how I should be treated.” And I was like :( because damn girl this hurts. Your hurting me. She was like “did you stop loving your mom when you realized she didn’t do anything worth loving.” And I was about to fucking kill myself because as much as I saw her struggle.. in my mind the bare minimum was her feeding me and giving me a house and shit. That’s all she COULD do. That’s literally it. She could only do a little bit for me and I didn’t feel love for her when I realized that’s all she could do. That’s.. awful. I feel so fucking bad that I thought like that.. and that I thought like that too late before I could change it and be better. Yes she fucked up. We would fight and argue and she would say some awful shit but she also tried so hard to give me a good life with the best possible education and food on the table as often as she could and the fact that I didn’t see that as enough.. that sucks.
She basically kept going on for about an hour or 2 until I was like.. “damn. I’m tired.” She gave me my meds and I went to bed and the next morning I went out and talked to some people.
Met this guy that was pretty neet. I got called into the office and they talked to me some more this after noon. It was basically just “you have very conflicting mental illness and we’re surprised you haven’t ended it all yet. Here have meds.” Lmao
Fr tho. I have autism, bpd, adhd, and some kinda aspd (not officially diagnosed.. or maybe I am but they gave my paper to my parents and I never saw it.) but they were like “Your listed here as a self centered .. extremely selfish narcissist with paranoia, social anxiety and general psychosis or schizophrenia (like all of it delusions, hallucinations, disorganized, thoughts and behaviors etc I was fucked up yeah I know.)
So paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic personality disorder and religious psychosis. (Supernatural reference) and I was like :/ damn son where’d you find this.
They gave me some meds to take and the. Kinda watched me for a while.. I have to go back and be watched a few more times cuz ya know but I’m not excited about it.
My meds definitely work. I’m not like.. batshit insane anymore but I still have my symptoms because they didn’t cure me. I still have to go to therapy and shit for a while. I feel bad because my friends fucking hated me for a while because queenie told them what happened and tbh I’m surprised I was even slightly forgiven. I don’t use my mental health as like a “sorry I did that” moment but literally they was no other explanation for what that happened. It was straight up I thought I was god full on insane mode and then basic “your think in a shitty way and that’s not your fault but you still have to work on changing it.” Therapy.
Am I gonna apologize. Yeah. When.. idk. I pissed off so many people I’ve the past couple of days including my parents. They didn’t believe me at first but now they feel really bad for everything and shit.
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flwoie · 1 year
long ask ahead (im so sorry)
hehe hmmm i don’t rlly have a fave trope besides protective characters and fantasy!!! i love it when the ml just comes up and defends the reader and like, pushes them back and steps in front of them and uses a deep voice (like felix from stray kids cuz he has a GREAT voice) and then the bad guy goes and then he turns around and looks at the reader and IT GETS ME EVERY TIME IM NOT KIDDING!!
I also don’t like bully x victim fics. there’s also a lot of bullying in the philippines (where my fam is from) and then i experienced it pretty bad too. it’s just usually upsetting to read and i can’t forgive any of their excuses in fiction, it just feels disingenuous 
…and yes, i did send u an ENTIRE ESSAY OF JUNGWON LMAO!! he’s my baby. i am attached. completely. i think he’s becoming one of my many hyperfixations. 
and help those pics,, ugh i wanna squish him he’s bby
also, i legit had a full on convo w the admin of kfn (who is also an engene,, who knew??) and we were just simping over en- and she was like “oh man, sonata is gonna love u when u tell her this” and im like “I HOPE SO AFTER EVERYTHING SHE PUT ME THROUGH (aka the jungwon photos lmao)”
also,,, i rlly wanna unveil myself now cuz getting to know u and become friends w u made me realize I CANNOT KEEP ANONING FOR U FOR A MONTH?!?!?! i wanna spam u with heeseung already 🥺but i will continue on, im just so excited!
mwah! have the best day!
YESS PROTECTIVE CHARACTERS AND FANTASY >>> those type of characters are just immaculate (and whenever they got a deep voice like felix, it got me swinging my feet)
yeah bullying is the worst, i don’t know why ppl romanticize it 😟
LMAOOO ATP U CAN PRACTICALLY SEND ME A THREE PAGE ESSAY ABOUT JUNGWON AND I WOULDNT COMPLAIN AT ALL (he’s the best!!!) keeping my mouth shut about his duality can’t make any promises tho LOL he can look so baby yet so fineee, i wanna fight his parents for making him this cute and hot 🙈🙈
and the way i started giggling and screaming when i was mentioned 🤭 I ALREADY LOVE U FOR YOUU and yes whenever i will answer ur asks i will add won pics 😈😈
tbh u do u, u could literally unveil urself rn (or maybe not, who knows 🫢) i cannot wait for the amount of hee i’ll have in my inbox once u reveal urself. i’ll be honest i’ve been doing some detective work aka trying to find out who you are and i gave up 😭
anywayss have an amazing day/night!! hugs and kisses <33 🫶🫶
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more wonnie pics 4 u <33
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goboymusic · 2 years
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It’s Monday. #HouseOfTheDragon finale spoiler review at the end of this post.
Drunk recording session 6.
Watched Matt Reeves’ #TheBatman on HBO Max while mixing vocals for #Gimme. I like the Nolan films more, because the pacing is way faster, but it’s still a good Batman movie.
This song is about the hesitancy that some have when provided the opportunity to enter a new relationship, as heartbreak from past relationships might reveal more cons than pros in the endeavor of romance. We all know middle-aged and older bachelors and bachelorettes - many of them know exactly what I mean.
The vocals took 3-weeks to mix. Most amount of time spent mixing vocals for any GoBoy song. If music was a full-time endeavor, it would have taken about 1.5 weeks. A syllable extension technique was utilized for “Granola (Song 108)” where select syllables would be stretched in Logic Pro to remove gaps between notes, making the song sound more beautiful (let’s be real, my vocals will never be beautiful). This technique would be used more aggressively in “Gimme,” resulting in more time spent mixing than usual.
The swing beat at 1:02 was a happy accident born out of experimentation with loops, and it serves as a break from the rest of the song’s trap beats.
Starting with “Granola (Song 108),” the complexity of the harmonies was difficult for my brain to handle. To do so, I started utilizing a technique of changing the pitch on the master track (essentially increasing or decreasing the pitch of the entire song) and listening to the song at those different pitches. When you listen to your own song at a different pitch, it’s as if you’re hearing it from a fresh perspective. You catch mistakes that weren’t noticeable before. It’s really interesting. This technique has been used for all subsequent songs (this paragraph contains excerpts from post 108).
Throughout GoBoy 3 and 4, a lesson was relearned after a seven-year hiatus: listeners can sense any hesitancy in your voice. Confidence is important in a recording booth. This rediscovery would lead me to experiment with drinking while recording GoBoy 6. What results would liquid courage bring? Just an experiment that has been abandoned for GoBoy 7 (this paragraph contains excerpts from post 102).
Songs 102 - 117 (total of 16 songs) were produced simultaneously, resulting in an eight-month gap in releases. Melodies, chord structures and lyrics were written for all 16 songs before recording any of them. During the recording phase, one-week intervals took place between recording sessions to let vocal cords recover. The raspy, punk style sounds cool, but it destroys your voice after a few hours. During those intervals, all free time was spent splicing and aligning each syllable to the tempo, which was more important than usual because of the more unpredictable results from drinking, and pitch correction was applied where it was needed (everyone uses pitch correction in the studio, even Beyoncé, shut up) (this paragraph also contains excerpts from post 102).
Finale spoiler review: yeah, so my predictions were wrong. Last night’s episode was possibly my favorite episode of the season. The only thing that I didn’t like was the miscarriage and funeral. Maybe I’ll come to understand a deeper meaning of those scenes later, but they seemed so unnecessary as I watched the episode for the first time. Aemond finally killed Luke (in epic fashion), which they’ve been foreshadowing for a while now. I think he’ll eventually kill Jace too. Looks like Daemon is going to wreck shop in season 2 with multiple full grown dragons under his command. Rhaenyra and Daemon are such intriguing characters. They were sorely missed in episode 9.
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forthelulzy · 2 years
I work tomorrow but I can't sleep as I accidentally thought of, and thus remembered, That Guy from 2 months ago and am now seething with rage.
So. Story time. (Be warned, there is no happy ending or comeuppance for this Karen. There is only impotent festering anger... until I blissfully forget about him again.)
Saturday afternoon at the movies. 4:15pm. The snack bar rush is in full swing but we are getting the folks through without issue. I am, as usual, right in the middle of it, loading the popper for the next batch.
I overhear the family at popcorn order a pizza. (We have a self-serve style stand, so most everyone orders any hot foods at popcorn and they pass it along.) Then they add chicken. I tell them I'll grab their order and it'll be out shortly. Fellow ordering for the group, henceforth known as That Guy, asks how long it'll be.
This is generally a thing I hate. I have come to hate it more now. I REFUSE to give times now. How long? Longer if you keep interrupting me.
But I throw out what at any other time would be a generous number giving me lots of room to work. 15 minutes. There's another order ahead of them, so not too bad.
Cook time for chicken is generally 4 minutes. A single pizza is like 3 minutes. Lots of room, even with the running and the prepping and the boxing.
Run to the back. I am in the walk-in, have my head in the freezer grabbing a pizza, and one if my workers comes running to tell me it is actually SIX PIZZAS.
Ok, gotta hustle then. I load up on a stack of pizzas, plop the bag of tenders on top. Me and my best hot foods employee in a whirlwind, almost like a dance as we move around prepping and shoving things in the ovens. (We have 2 ovens, each of which fit 2 pizzas. It lengthens the cook time by like 45 seconds, but if I had to cook 6 pizzas 1 at a time I would cry.)
The ovens are stacked, which makes it kinda awkward to use both at the same time. Also we only have 1 flat metal flipper thing to move things with, so we have to stagger the start times.
We are a movie theater, not a Papa John's for fucks sake.
Everything's finally ready, so we go find the family down near the register and I ask what sauce That Guy's girlfriend/wife wants (since the chicken seem to be hers). That Guy isn't around at this point. BBQ. It comes with one sauce, but I grab two cause the days almost over and I'm feeling kind.
They go to pay and I continue on.
Couple minutes later, maybe 5. The senior adsistant manager, one rung higher than me, calls me over to let me know... this ASSHOLE had the audacity to complain that my estimate was off! It ended up being 22 minutes. Not bad for six. Fucking. Pizzas. (And a tenders.)
The SAM even said the guy was a jerk to him (first time i ever heard him call a customer an asshole, though it was in private after the fact), yelling and posturing and demanding I be in trouble. No mention that it was initially one pizza. So the SAM, without asking me the truth, decided that getting the guy to leave him alone was worth giving the guy a refund. On all 7 items.
When I tell you I seethed...
Then, a few minutes after THAT revelation, That Guy has the audacity, the utter GALL to come back and say never mind, he wants ranch instead! Lucky that he asked one of my employees- I would have probably thrown it at him at that point. As it is, he got THIRD sauce.
Needless to say, the GM was not happy with the SAM for going behind my back just to save himself the trouble - not only was it a lot of money we lost in free food, not only did That Guy get away with being an ass, but it undermined me as a manager and as a person who just maybe knows what the fuck they're doing at least some of the time.
So yeah. New world record on insane order expediting set? Possibly, but to no avail. Still don't really trust that SAM to have my back, BTW. Eroded a lot of trust. But I do still love my job, and love the people there. The management is actually really supportive, and I feel lucky to have bosses that don't suck (the GM's boss and the corporate folk are meh, but the local team rocks).
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sapppy-cocktail · 2 years
Broken - Part 2
Max Mayfield x Reader
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Stranger Things S4 Spoilers
Today was the 4 month anniversary of the Starcourt Mall fire, and ever since the incident, I've gone to Max’s house. She had moved to a different area after Billy’s dad left, leaving nothing behind. Every day I knocked and waited on the porch for someone to open the door. Her mum was working overtime, so she wasn’t in the house much. It was just Max at home, and I was well aware she was ignoring me, but I couldn’t let her be alone, especially at this point in time. I wanted to help her, so from 5pm to 10pm I stayed outside her house. Whether I was sitting on the porch or playing on the playground in front of her place, I waited all 5 hours. Sometimes it looks like I see her looking through the curtains looking at me. Usually I also take a blanket so I can put it down on the ground and take a nap if I was tired or get hungry. This was my way of showing support, love, and care for her. For a while, I noticed Lucas coming over. He waited around half an hour before he left. He did that once a day for about a week before Max let him in. I stayed outside on the swing because, obviously, she didn’t want me in. After a few minutes, I watched him walk out, his head hung low. I jumped off the swing and jogged over to him. “Hey Lucas, are you alright?.” I ask, watching as he takes his bike and hops on it. “Does it look like I’m alright?!” He snaps at me before pedalling away. I stayed still, watching him cycle away fast, his hands rising to his eyes and rubbing them. After a few seconds of standing still, my stomach started grumbling. “Oh, shit.” I say, looking towards my empty backpack. I go to her door and knock. I put my ear to the door to see if I can hear her. There was no sound, so I took a step back and spoke up. “I’m going to go see if I can find any food around here because my stomach’s crying, I’ll be back in a few” I wait a few seconds, silence being my only reply. “Lovely” I whisper to myself before picking up my stuff and walking away to go find something.
After about half an hour of walking around, I found a van full of food. Food vans gained a bit of popularity because most of the popular stores burned down in the mall. I ordered food for 3 because, obviously, I knew Ms Mayfield was struggling as well. I gave the man my money and walked all the way back to her place. “Hey Max, I brought the food. I’ll be out on the table facing the other way so you can take the food without me giving you any attention.” I call out, placing the food right in front of the door before walking over to the table. I ate for a few minutes before I heard a click behind me. As much as I wanted to turn to see if it was Max opening the door, I didn’t. I told her I wouldn't, so I just kept eating my food. As soon as I finished, I cleaned up my mess and threw it in the bin. I walked over to my backpack and pulled my blanket out to lay down. I went I stayed there, thinking 'maybe I shouldn’t come here anymore.’ 'She obviously doesn’t want me there’. But then my other thoughts tried to shut those out by saying ‘you have to be there to support her and help her out of the hole she’s stuck in’. But as much as I wanted to stay, I knew I couldn’t. It was draining for me to see no improvement. I went every day and I did my homework there as well, but it's so hard putting 100% every day. So from that day on, I went for an hour every day. I brought food for her and her mum and did an hour of my homework before packing my stuff up and leaving. Even though I know she has been going to school, I haven’t seen her once. The only reason I know she goes is because the councillor keeps trying to talk to me about Max, how I should try talking to her and that she put our lockers close to each other because she knew we were close. I told her we grew apart, and not because of the fire but because people grow apart and they don’t stay friends forever. I told her that not because I don’t want her to try to get Max to talk to me, but because I don’t want her to deal with more when she has enough on her plate. But I know if Max doesn’t want to do something she won’t do it. It’s just why give her more stress? She’s not in any of my classes and doesn’t hang out with anyone from what I know. She probably wouldn’t even be at school if it wasn’t for her mum. I’ve seen her mum more than her, I haven’t seen her face for 6 months. That was until today. The six month anniversary of the Starcourt Mall fire.
“Ouch” I said before walking to my first class. I ignored the teacher for the first 30 minutes by putting my head on the table and closing my eyes. That was until I heard about space, opening my eyes and tuning in but not lifting my head up. I was in math, but once someone mentioned it to their friend, the teacher seemed to travel off-topic into his theories about black holes and the universe. He mentioned the multiverse, so someone had asked if it’s possible for 2 universes to merge into 1. It instantly made me think of the upside-down. “That could be possible, but I’d have to bet that everything is opposite to each other and that people can’t be in both at the same time because they’re connected. “Is it possible for us to go there?” Another kid had asked. “Probably, there’d have to be a door or a gate that connects the 2 universes, you can’t just dig through the ground and expect to find it.” He replied to the student. “So kind of like a wormhole?” I asked, taking my head off the table. "Yes, exactly like that” he said smiling widely, excited the class was engaged in the conversation. More questions about space were asked and answered until the bell rang.
As soon as it rang I picked up my books, stuffed them into my backpack, and went straight to the bathroom. The rattling noise coming from the bathroom stops me. 'Great, junkies.’ I lowered my head, looking towards the ground and opened the door. I begin walking to the stalls but the maroon vans stop me in my tracks, remembering Max and I bought them at the mall.
“I just don't think it's my colour.” Max says putting them back “What on earth do you mean? They're so your colour. It matches with your hair and everything.” I say grabbing them and putting them back in her hands. “I just think they’ll make me look emo.” She says sighing, looking closely at the shoes. My mouth opened in shock and I let out a laugh. “Oh, so you think you're a cool kid now, using the word emo and all” “Hey, it's whats popular now” she says turning her back to me and laughing as she looks at the other items in the store. “Since when did you care about being popular? You hang out with weirdos all day, remember?” I say laughing as I walk closely behind her. “You're not a weirdo” she replies turning to face me. “Who said I was talking about myself?” I grin before she shoves me laughing. “Bullying the boys is your new hobby?” she laughs as she looks through a pile of clothes. “It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle and even, you've been doing it for the past like, 10 years.” I say as we walk towards the counter. “Oh you wish.” she said as she placed the clothes on the counter. “Nah, I think you do” I say as I take cash out of my jacket pockets and hand it to the lady on the other side of the counter. “What? No, why would you do that Y/N? Here take this please.” Max says attempting to give the cash to the lady but I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back leaving her extending her arm to the air. “Think of it as a birthday present” I say, letting go of Max when I see the lady extend her hand out with the change. “Thank you” I say taking the change from her hands and grabbing the bags of clothing and shoes. “When we get to your house, you're going to wear the shoes and see how good you look. Especially with those blue jeans you got a few days ago.” I say as we walk out the mall “I can't wait to the see the look when you see how emo I look.” she says emphasizing the word emo. “You're doing too much.” I say laughing as we get into the bus.
I look up from the shoes to see Max staring at me. Seeing that it’s just us 2 and remembering the rattling I heard earlier while I was on the other side of the door, my eyes drop to her hands, and that’s when I see the bottle of pills in her hands. I instantly take a 180 and head straight towards the exit but that’s when I hear vomiting, making a third persons presence known. I walk up to the bathroom stall and give the door a light knock “are you alright?” I ask completely forgetting about Max. “Yeah… Yes, I’m… I’m fine.” The girl says, her voice sounding familiar to me. “You sure?” Max says walking closer to me. “Please, just go away.” That’s when it hit me. “That’s Chrissy Cunningham” I mouth to Max, a shocked expression on my face. She rolls her eyes at me before heading towards the door, leaving me in the bathroom with the most popular girl in school. I was about to walk into the stall beside her, but that’s when I heard her yell at me. “Are you deaf? I said go away.” Laughing at her words, I reply back. “You do realise you’re in a bloody school bathroom, right? Like this isn’t your home, can I not go to the toil-” “mum?” “Are you stupid?” I asked as she cut me off. It’s quiet for a moment before she starts screaming her lungs out “Go away! Go away! Go away!” It’s quiet again and I ask her once more “are you alright?” That’s when it begins again. “Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!” I take a step back and begin walking to the door. “Jesus woman” I whisper to myself before I hear her stall unlock and watch her walk out of it.
She looks terrified, tears stinging her eyes. She goes to the sink to wash her hands and looks up into the mirror to see me by the door. I sigh and drop my bag onto the disgusting floor, knowing what I need to do. I walk over to her like an idiot and awkwardly open my arms to her, hoping to God she won’t make me look stupid. But the Lord heard my prayers as she practically jumps into my arms and begins sobbing into my shirt. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. Due to our height difference, I place my chin on her head while her head lays on my chest. “Hey, Whatever you’re going through and whatever you’ve been through I want you to know that you’re trying so hard to get through this and that you’re doing so well… It’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.” I say as I run circles into her back, after about a minute or 2 of me talking her sobs begin to turn into silent crying and that silent crying turned into her just holding me close to her. Eventually she sighed and let go of me. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. “Thank you, I really, really needed that, and I am so sorry for wasting your time.” She said wiping the tears from her eyes. “You didn’t waste my time, I’m glad you’re feeling better though, and hey if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, about anything really come find me” I said watching her as she begins to smile, as I was talking I notice her puffy eyes and her red nose and ears from crying. Her cheeks were tear stained, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the sink. “Let’s wash those tears off. Pretty girls should never be allowed to cry” I say turning the tap on and helped her look as if nothing happened. “You think I’m pretty?” She asks looking at me through the mirror as she dries her face with a towel she had in her cheerleading bag. “Gorgeous if I do say so myself, but I’m sure your boyfriend’s told you that enough” I say stepping back a few steps to pick up my bag off the floor. “I’ve got to go now, but I’ll see you around Chrissy” she smiles gratefully as I step out of the bathroom and begin walking out to the front. That’s when I see Dustin and Max talking to each other. Judging by the smile she’s got on her face she’s being sarcastic, and judging by Dustin’s face he doesn’t know it or can’t tell when she’s being sarcastic or not, but being Dustin, he probably had no clue. I stand by and watch them talk until she skates away. That’s when I grabbed my bike and began cycling back home.
Part 3
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