#and then when sister location came out i was in for about 4 months maybe
But fr this is one of the longest running fandoms I've been in
#like ive been in a lot of fandoms for a long time#but not like.. taking in content daily and just generally being hyperfixated#i think my second longest fandom qas the Beatles#which i was absolutely brain fogged for about 8 months before it began to fade#fnaf was kinda on and off#i was there since the beginning for maybe a few months#maybe like 2 or 3#and then when sister location came out i was in for about 4 months maybe#and then for a little bit when security breach came out maybe a month or so#so i dont like counting that one#other longer ones were Undertale (base game) which was for about 4 months#Everymanhybrid although that was like the entire summer of 2021#and then about an entire month in 2022 right before i got into dsmp#Gorillaz for about 3 months in 2019 (good god it was that long ago)#Sanders Sides was super split up#maybe like 2 weeks after a new episode came our since 2018#so a decent amount of time#Dan and Phil a little bit in like 2016-2017#probably like a month or so#full swing after their coming out like maybe 4 months#and then the entirety of April and May in 2021#Squid game about 2 or 3 months#Good Omens took over my Gorillaz hyperfix in November 2019 to about January 2020 when the Beatles took over#OFMD and Heartstopper were congruent for like 2 months#Moon Knight for about a month#yeah theres a lot#anyway most dont make it past 4 months until either taking a break or just stopping completely#so this is a bit wild for me#and its strange cause this is one of the more.... stressful fandoms ive been in 💀#anyway YIPPEE anniversary coming up
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httpsleclerc · 7 months
a villa in biot
summary: Charles and Gasly!reader are in love with the one thing they can't have - each other.
w/c : 1.6k
c/w : terrible ending? nothing, I dont think there actually is any
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Charles wasn't quite sure when he had fallen in love with you - But he knew he shouldn't have. You were like a forbidden fruit for him, dangling in front of him, something he could touch, hold, smell, but never have for himself. It was cruel. It was so cruel that you just so happened to be his best friends younger sister, and his younger brothers best friend. 
You had all grown up together, Charles and Pierre having done karting together for many years, you had been on family vacations together, he had watched you grow from a shy young girl, attached to her brother at the hip, to a confident young woman, who admittedly, was still attached to her brother at the hip. He found it unfair that you had to be Arthur's best friend and not his, maybe that would make his love for you more justifiable - but how could he tell his younger brother that he was truly, madly deeply in love with you? 
To cut a long story short, he couldn't.
He didn't want to hurt you or Arthur, he didn't even know if your feelings were the same as his, and he couldn't face the embarrassment of it all if you didn't. So he had to try and move on. However, as hard as he tried, he couldn't. Everywhere he went, he was looking for you. He dated girls that looked like you, down to a t, but they didn't have your infectious laughter, so he looked for girls who shared your laughter, but they didn't look like you. It was impossible to find you in all of the girls he dated, so he eventually gave up, accepting that he could never have the one girl that he truly wanted, as much as it broke his heart to accept.
As it came time for your annual family vacation with the 3 Leclerc boys, you found yourself newly single, breaking things off with your boyfriend of 3 months due to the fact that he was nothing like how you thought he was - you thought he could fill the Charles shaped hole in your heart. You hated yourself for wanting him, he was your best friends older brother, and your older brothers best friend. As much as you wanted him, you remembered the promise you made to Pierre, that you would never go near any of the people he raced against, especially Charles. 
You sighed as you sat on your suitcase, forcing it shut and having Arthur zip it shut for you, he shook his head as he grabbed your hand and helped you up onto your feet.
"How much did you pack, we're only going for 4 nights?" Arthur asked you with a chuckle, looking at your suitcase and then you as you shrugged with a grin.
"Just because you're a guy and can fit all of your things into your backpack, some of us are actually civilised," You jokingly critiqued your best friend, who feigned offence at your 'mean' comments. "And anyway, I wasn't sure on outfits so I had to take two options for at night, I'm probably gonna be in a bikini for most of the day anyway." You told him, acting as though your explanation was the most common knowledge thing on earth. 
"I'm going to go out on a crazy whim and suggest that you haven't shown Pierre your choice of bikini's, because he was not happy when me and you went to Ibiza when we turned 18 and you were like, half naked," Arthur reminded you, your joint 18th birthday trip to Ibiza had been eventful, with Arthur getting so drunk he forget where your hotel was and you, even drunker, had to try and find him through his Snapchat location.
"You weren't complaining that week, Tutur," He shook his head at your comment and put your suitcase on it's wheels, saying that he would carry it down the stairs for you. You also knew that Charles wasn't complaining about your instagram pictures that week, since he was the first person to like every photoset that you posted.
Charles watched as you leaned against your brother, your face illuminated by the orangey-red glow of the fire burning in front of you, a half glass of the last of the limoncello in your hand, which Pierre took from you, despite your protests.
"It's late and you're already drunk, take it easy," He gently scolded you, since he understood that maybe you were drowning your sorrows following your recent break up. Pierre huffed as he stood up, placing the glass on the table beside him. Soon after, Pierre called it a night for himself, placing a kiss on the top of your head and jokingly telling you that he'd know if you drank the rest of the glass of limoncello - Lorenzo and Arthur followed soon after him, leaving only you and Charles in the living room of the Villa you had rented in Biot. Charles shifted to sit beside you, his heart racing as he realised just how close the two of you now were.
"How's your boyfriend?" Charles asked you, watching as you nervously fiddled with your hands and the ring on your finger, one that Pierre had bought you for your 21st birthday a couple of years ago.
"I broke up with him," You deadpanned to Charles, any semblance of a filter you had disappeared completely when you were drunk. You looked up at him, a flicker of desire burning in your eyes. "He wasn't who I thought he was. How's your girlfriend?" You asked him, noticing the way his eyes flicked away from yours.
"We broke up, same reason as you," He told you. The two of you sat in silence for a minute, you leaning into Charles' embrace as he put his arm around you. "Who did you think your boyfriend was?" Charles asked you, his voice dropping lower than you had ever heard it. You licked your lips, your breath shaky as you looked up at the Monegasque driver.
"I thought he was you, Charles," You admitted quietly, having no time to react before he leant into you, pressing his lips onto yours in a passionate kiss. You leaned into his kiss, your hands snaking up to the back of his head, hands entangling through his brown hair. Then you suddenly sobered up. Oh God. You were kissing your best friends older brother. Your brothers best friend. Oh God. 
Oh fuck. You abruptly pulled away, unable to look at the middle Leclerc sitting in front of you. "I um," You stuttered over your words, the words which you wanted to say but couldn't force out. "I should go to bed, goodnight Charles." You didn't mean to be so abrupt and harsh with him as you stood up, wobbling a little as you made your way into yours and Pierre's shared bedroom, your aforementioned older brother already asleep and hanging out of the single bed in the opposite corner of the bedroom.
You and Charles managed to get through the rest of the vacation without many hiccups, the other 3 boys on the trip putting your strange moods down to your respective recent breakups. Upon yours and Arthurs return to your shared apartment in Italy, you realised that you were lying through your teeth to your best friend, about how you had all but confessed to Charles how much you loved him, and your heat of the moment kiss with him. 
And you almost forgot about what had happened in the villa in Biot.
Then he was at your apartment, his eyes rimmed red as if he had been crying, looking pitiful as he sat on the couch.
"Charles, what are you doing here?" You asked, dropping your bag beside the sofa and sitting beside him, unsure of what to do to try and comfort the older Monegasque. He sniffled as he shook his head, looking up at you as he stood up. "Charles?"
"What is going on? Why are you here?" You stood up and faced him, looking up into his eyes as he looked down at you. "Tell me what is going on. Please." There was a tense silence as Charles looked away from you, shaking his head as he pulled back from you.
"I need to know, Y/N," He was almost pleading with you, but you didn't know what to tell him, you didn't know what he wanted from you, what he wanted to know. You shook your head with an exasperated sigh.
"You need to know what, Charles? I don't know what you want from me," You were growing increasingly frustrated. He grabbed your hands, and you locked eyes.
"I need to know. Do you love me?"
You went silent, it was like all the air had been sucked from your lungs, and your brain was no longer processing anything. What did you tell him? Would you be honest and admit your undying love for him? Or would you think of your friendship with Arthur, and your promise to Pierre?
"I love you, Charles."
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chaoticbardlady99 · 2 months
Darling, Never Stop Haunting Me (Spawn Astarion x F! Ghost Reader)
Chapter Five: Nisi Pellis Nostra (SOS)
Synopsis: The Lich reveals his fate for you and your 'higher purpose' after a series of experiments that leave you feeling hopeless. The Spawn Monster tries to reassure you that everything is going to be okay.
CW: Mentions of gore, mentions of non consensual surgical-esque procedures on Ghosts, basically I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately, being changed against a character's will.
Disclaimer- put together the picture for the banner, but I do not own any of the pictures. Birdie's 'image' is a stock image. I will not describe the readers body in detail- she is just merely on the banner for ✨drama✨. I believe the picture of Astarion is from @cheekylittlepupp . And then the symbol of Orcus in the back is a free image off the internet.
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all your support and love!
Chapter 4 : Chapter 6: AO3
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You know you have only been in the liche’s ‘care’ for a little over 24 hours now, but it feels like you have spent forever and a day down here already. 
 Yesterday he had performed multiple experiments on you by seeing how your body responds to various types of magic. You are extremely sore
  It’s just you, Leon’s desecrated body, and the Spawn Monster. You’ve had a few exchanges with the creature as it tries to tempt you into conversing with it. 
 You want to, but it’s too confusing and makes you feel sick. 
  Aurelia had been Cazador’s first spawn and she had fought so hard to keep him from being angry with her while Astarion turned towards malicious compliance. 
  After Aurelia came Astarion and then Dalyria. Dalyria has always fascinated you with her brilliance and pension for medicine as well as modern tactics. She did not believe in the Gods nor that they would save her so she was determined to save herself.
 Violet and Yousen became spawn within days of each other and fought like cats and dogs- neither one of them willing to be the Scratch of the duo and keep the peace. You did enjoy their pranks on each other (when they weren’t ridiculously cruel). 
 Petras had been maybe two, three decades before Leon- who only became a part of the coven a decade ago. Petras' dullness had driven Cazador, Astarion, and frankly, everyone mad. You have never met someone so dense in your entire existence, but at the end of the day, he was always good. He tried to keep his intentions as pure as possible and despite Astarion’s disdain for him, Petras did adore him and considered him his brother. He had been the hardest one to crack regarding Astarion’s location in Baldur’s Gate that day so many months ago. 
 “What does dick cheese mean?”
 It’s a fair question that not even you can really answer- to be frank, you had kind of panicked when Leon had turned on you with his hackles raised. You just threw out some words to break up some of the anger.
 You want to look over at the other siblings- you are desperate to be able to look over and see them all separated- somewhere far away and happy. 
 Somewhere safe where Leon’s grief could never- would never- touch them. 
 “I honestly don’t know,” you whisper, “I was just throwing out words.”
 “It was clever,” the Spawn monster says, “it made me think of a STI. 
“Which Leon has been for a while.”
  You snort and look over, only to look away again. Your heart is truly broken for them. You will never complain about being stuck as a Ghost again- you are very very lucky.
  Astarion will be devastated, despite what he would lead others to believe, he does actually care about the individuals he suffered alongside with in Szarr Palace. He will be especially upset to see Dalyria, the one he does consider a sister through and through, is gone. He will even grieve Petras who he pretends he is incapable of tolerating. 
  You shake your head- yes, he will grieve, but you will make sure he doesn’t fall to his knees and let life guillotine his heart. The survivors' guilt will not win- you will make sure of that- and if there is a way to save the Spawn, they will find it. 
 “Is it that bad?”
  The sadness in their voice is still recognizable through the heavy slurred speech. You nod numbly. There is no point in lying. 
 “I’m sorry.”
 “Whatever for!?”
  This time you do look over and face your fears- looking her in her eyes (well Aurelia and Violet’s eyes). It’s odd how you can see how the five distinct personalities are still there all from a look or a change of posture. 
 A sudden burst of pain causes the creature to keel over and cry out- the stitches glowing with an angry red color. 
  The monster looks you in the eyes with tears. 
 “We’re a monster,” it says, “we should have stopped Leon the moment Yousen and Aurelia went missing. We suspected, but thought it was too good to be true. Leon couldn’t do this to us.” 
  You shake your head aggressively, trying to will your own tears away. This is not about you- you're not the one who has had your autonomy ripped away time and time again. 
 “You will not apologize to me for something out of your control,” you say softly, “Leon made his own choices. I wish they hadn’t involved any of you.”
 “We know,” it says, “we appreciate it.
“And personally,” this time you know it’s Dalyria, “I am grateful to you for taking care of Astarion. You need to promise you will continue to take care of him.” 
  There is a finality in their voice that causes you to release a choked sob. They don’t plan on ever being saved or fixed. 
 “Birdie, you must do us a favor.”
 “You have to destroy us.”
 “What!?” You hissed in surprise, “no!” 
 “Please,” it begs, pleads, a tear going down Dalyria’s face, “it hurts- he will continue to refurbish us like he has been doing. The remainder of our bodies- they have been scattered around. We will never be able to rest while he continues to resurrect pieces of us at a time. 
“Last time, Petras was doing all of the talking until he became annoyed with Petras. That’s why his lips are stitched shut with silver- any talking will make his pain worse.
“Don’t leave us here to suffer.” 
 “But what makes you so sure I’ll be out of here anyhow? Maybe we can find a way to save yo-“
 “No,” it says, “there is no way to undo what has been done. 
“We can still feel his emotions to an extent. Half hysterical and racing to get here. Nervous, scared that he has lost you permanently. Cazador is dead, but our own connections are still there- faint, but there.
“Promise us that you will destroy us- every last piece.” 
   You take a shaky breath in- maybe you should also be concerned for your own survivor’s guilt. 
 “Okay,” you whisper, “I promise- if it has to come to that, but don’t give up hope.” 
  The sad smile is unsettling and full of rows of razor sharp teeth- you breathe unevenly and try to calm the galloping in your chest. 
 It may not matter that you know who they are- it’s still terrifying and unsettling to see them this way. 
 Clanging from down the hall- you can hear the Shadar Kai soldiers coming towards you. You wish you could turn invisible and hide, but whatever magic is around your cage is preventing you from being able to cast anything. 
  The lich walks into the room- an unsettling smile across his dead, rotting face. He stares into you as if he can see your entire existence. It’s been one whole day of not being bothered of him- you knew becoming complacent was a bad idea. 
  The Spawn monster protests and slams against the cage- trying to keep the Lich from reaching you, but it’s too late. Your body feels like jelly and you begin to unravel to the floor- your form is absolutely paralyzed. 
 “Leave her alone!”
   A ripple of red, angry magic goes through their body and the scream that echoes through the room makes you cry and your heartbreak. They just wanted to help you- you will find a way to help them. This will not be the end for any of you- you are determined to save yourself and them. 
 You may not be very big Birdie, you think, but apparently you are pretty strong for whatever reason and you know how to use Bardic Magic to an extent. You know how to use Vicious Mockery and you have a decent amount of cantrips like Firebolt and shocking grasp. You just need to break whatever hold he has on your body. You can do this Birdie- you badass bitch!
 You continue to hype yourself up in your head as they carry you off down the hallway by your limp limbs- at least it doesn’t hurt. 
  You focus with everything you have in your body and begin to chip away at the grasp the liche has on your body.
 “How very fascinating,” the lich muses as you are laid down on a stone slab, “you are rather strong and you think rather quickly on your feet for someone who died so young. I wonder what secrets I will find inside you…”
  Gods no. This isn’t happening to you- the knife begins to cut into your abdomen like your skin is butter and it’s horribly painful- the blade coated in silver and silver itself. Even if you do regenerate (hypothetically you should) it’s going to hurt and take a lot longer than you would have hoped to heal.
 You can feel the lich enforce his will on you and you are forced to lay there quietly- entirely unable to move and no matter how much you try to fight against his grasp- it doesn’t happen.
  He pulls out each of your organs- inspecting them and it hurts. You can feel him put your heart in other, dead bodies- seeing if the body will come to life. It does- momentarily, but then you begin to choke and the body dies and your heart is returned to you.
 You have never been touched before by anyone and now? Now you just feel violated. You stopped keeping track of what he was pulling out, putting in and out of other bodies before putting back in your own, and even scooping out ectoplasm surrounding your organs. It all feels unnatural and painful- you zone out.
 You are there for hours- you know because you’ve been counting the seconds in your head- trying to focus on every passing second instead of the grubby, evil fingers tearing you apart and putting it back together. 
  You give up- unable to justify trying to live through this if this is the existence you are doomed to. 
 For once, you don’t want Astarion to come. You don’t want him to see you this way and you hope he’s turned tail and ran away instead of rushing into danger to save her. Your tears begin to fall again- the Lich pulling out one of your eyes, commenting how fascinating it is that you are still able to produce tears without it before putting it back in to mend it back together. 
 You drift off into a land where this had never happened. Maybe a different time period, an alternate universe, where you are playing at a Tavern, a young bard trying to make a name for herself. A beautiful, cocky Magistrate walks up to you with life in his cheeks and blue (or maybe green?) eyes. 
 In this reality, Astarion courts you, adores you, and neither one of you is horribly traumatized to get there. You live a happy life together, you go on adventures, own a home together, and maybe even one day have children together. 
 Your parents would have adored him- you wonder if his would have adored you?
 “Lubanac is going to be most pleased,” the lich hums, “you are going to be the perfect little creature for the Morbid Maze. I know exactly what I am going to turn you into!
“Ah here it is,” the Lich menancingly smiles at you and your own scream of terror reaches your ears, “a Necroplasm! It will take another day since I have more tests to conduct, but you’ll be one of these beautiful creatures soon, my beautiful little Ghosty.” 
  It’s just a blob of ectoplasm and bones. You whimper and begin to shake.
 “Oh no, no, no,” the lich strokes your face, “do not cry little one- you won’t even remember any of this once I change you.
“It will all be over soon,” he coos, “and in the meantime- you are doing an honorable service for our Lord Orcus and his priest, my leader, Lubanac. You will have a higher purpose once again- you will protect the morbid maze and fight alongside Orcus. What a boon- I’m almost jealous.” 
  It’s a fight not to continue crying- not wanting to give the lich more curiosities to poke around with or a reason to turn you earlier-  so you do the only thing you can think of doing. 
 You fall asleep.
  You can feel all of your organs back in the right place within your body, but you feel entirely ruined to your core. 
 Astarion would never want you this way- used and rearranged, ectoplasm happily consumed by a lich who was constantly telling you every ‘fascinating’ detail he finds in your form as he worked. The lich at least gave you a bit more insight into your own condition- technically Donella did succeed in changing you, but she didn’t know how to resurrect you so that’s why you are stronger than a normal Ghost- you harbor some Spawn strength. 
 You went from being a Ghost, a Cat, a Person, and then a Science Project for a Necromancer. How fitting. Next? A necroplasm- unable to be saved or changed back to your original form. 
 “Are you okay?”
   You look numbly in the direction of the Spawn Monster and their eyes look worried for you- your eyes are filled with angry tears, you can barely see them through your vision. 
 “No,” you choke, “I feel violated. I feel….
“I feel unworthy,” you whisper, admitting it outloud, “I feel disgusting.” 
 “We understand,” the spawn monster gives you a smile, “but you are going to get out of here and that will never happen to you again.”
 You just shake your head, crying harder.
 “I don’t know if I care anymore,” you sob, “I don’t want to go through that again- I can’t. He’s going to change me into, into-“
  One of the creatures he showed you slimes by and it eats up the dripping ectoplasm on the ground like a starved dog- bones being stretched apart. The creature looks you in the eyes as if it knows and it lets out a wailing scream. You barely scoot out of the way in time before it’s limbs make it through your cage- a starving look in it’s eyes.”
 “Shhhhh,” Dalyria’s voice soothes you, “you won’t go through it again- you will be okay. He’s coming as fast as he can.” 
   The spawn monster, as horrific as it is, leans up against the part of the cage that is close to yours- offering a hand. You crawl over and reach for it like a child- the creature, the remainder of people you care for, try to soothe you by running their thumb over your hand and keep telling you it’s going to be okay. That you are not allowed to give up any hope. 
  And that Astarion is on his way. 
Author note: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list! I am using the Ghostwalk campaign for NPCs, locations, etc. It is a 3e Campaign and doesn’t mirror 5e Ghosts. I have tweaked some of the ghost powers and such for the sake of the story, but if you would like more information on Ghostwalk and the City of Manifest, there is a PDF online that is free to download :)
Tag List: @n3rdybirdee @fandomarchiveilyd @dajeong @hotmesshobbit @godoffuckedupcats @bitchstarion @hereliesblackdragon @pebble-bb @preciouslittlebhaalbae @lavvyan @beepersteeper
Special thanks to @davenswitcher thank you for helping me brain storm 💜
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jakethesequel · 10 months
Trans-Femme Fatale
We were partners, he and I. Private investigators, ace dicks, problem sleuths, whatever way you gab it. Only so many ways to put lipstick on a pig. But I digress. Now he's missing. Three days. Could be dead, far as I know.
All started when that girl walked in. He was out on a case, I was keeping up an important conversation with a bottle of scotch. Girl said she was looking for her brother. Ran away from home in '44 to join up. Good on him. Get away from family drama and kill some ratzis to boot. Except the war's over and nobody's heard from him since. He and his folks, the girl tells me, never much got along, but her brother always doted on her.
New York City, that's a long walk from here. She tells me some actress friend of the girl's moves here a few months back and swears up and down she saw this brother on the streets, but couldn't tail him. So the loving sister comes down to reunite. She tells me the location. It's near my partner's building, so I call him and I'm lucky enough to get an answer. I give him the case, on merit of location.
I never hear from him again.
And the girl, neither. Hotel clerk says she signed out the morning after we met, with an older woman. Possibly a relation, he says. Something fishy about what the girl told me. The mother wouldn't come to find the brother if he was on fire, to hear her story.
No sign of a forced entry or a quick exit at my partner's pad. Hell, all his clothes are still there, so if he ran off on his own, he did it in a hurry. But no note? No nothin', after these years of working together? You'd think I'd earned that much. All's I got to go off of now is the faint smell of a nice perfume hanging low in the air. Fennel. Maybe a clue, or maybe a hooker.
I ask the old landlady if she's seen anyone go up to his floor. He seeing anyone? He ever meet with this girl from New York? She doesn't spy on her residents, she says. I get Andrew Jackson to repeat my questions. She tells me sometimes this dolled-up blonde visits him, late. Looks a little like that New York girl, she says, only with a whole lot more woman. Like I said: fishy.
Imagine my surprise to check back at the office and find this leggy dame sitting at his desk. I'd be pissin mad if she didn't fill those stockings so nicely while she did it. As it stands I just drag my eyes up over the broad's body so I can ask her to her face what she did to my partner. Is he dead? Who's the girl? What's your angle here, lady?
"Dead? No, no, only in a manner of speaking."
I tell ya, I almost pulled my piece right there, joking about this kind of a thing. But it'd be a cryin' shame to ruin a chest like that. I let her sultry voice speak. She starts by telling me she's the girl's sister. Bullshit. The girl told me she only had the one brother. Shut up and let me finish, she says. Yes ma'am, I say. Feisty one. Says her parents always thought they had a son, but she knew otherwise. Don't know how you could make w mistake like that! They made her live as a boy and tell everyone else, too. So she runs off to join the fighting in Europe. Gets denied, 4-F she says. I didn't know they made 'em bigger than a size D. So she does the next best thing: hop a train west and hope there's work wherever you get off. Sets herself up a new identity once she's got living money. Two, in fact. Some people still don't like her being a woman, apparently. A double life: one for work and the other for leisure. When her sister came around looking, she got in touch and explained everything. Apologized for running out on her, paid for her trip back home, even gave her the phone number if she ever needed anything else.
Lovely story, pulls at the heart-strings. She needs a minute to compose herself. I offer her some scotch and she takes it, staining red lips on the glass. Still, I lean forward, I've got to press her: how does my partner play into all this? Is he all right? Is he safe? Is he even alive? Then I catch a whiff of fennel, and I realize. We were partners, she and I.
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highlighterbear · 1 month
considering scott hasn't made a statement, i guess that book was real. which is still extremely hard for me to genuinely believe. this whole situation is like finding out a kid's uncle really DID work at nintendo. it's like i was just told that l is real.
anyways, the book itself is extremely outdated and doesn't make much sense, though that obviously hasn't stopped people from insisting their theory got confirmed.
i assume this book is ghostwritten like the actually released fnaf books are. maybe i'm looking too much into it or this is copium, but i get the impression that at the time this book was written scott was conflicted about the story he was telling. he's always been really concerned with the fandom's feelings about it, after all.
i really can't imagine him having so very little of the story planned out at this point. to be clear, this book is a scrapped beta for the freddy files, and the freddy files came out in 2017.
for context, the silver eyes came out in 2015 and the twisted ones came out two months before the freddy files. this would mean he made a "re-imagining" of a story that literally did not exist.
fnaf 4, the prequel meant to explain things, would have no explanation at all. it would be a meaningless "man, isn't that fucked up?" moment. those hints in fnaf world would have no meaning behind him, because the story would not have been a thing at the time.
i don't think this was him coming up with random ideas to pretend he had a story. i think these were ideas for a retcon, because people didn't seem to like the story he was setting up.
at the time of fnaf 4, people thought the kids were purple guy's. when sister location came out, people became even more convinced of this. at the same time he made fnaf 4, he was writing the silver eyes, wherein purple guy is a loser security guard living in an abandoned mall and his business partner, the fredbear to his spring bonnie, has a child who died in 1983.
maybe this all is parasocial but like.. i think that after five games and two books he probably had a pretty damn good idea of what he wanted to write.
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rat-sak · 2 years
The trauma dump
You know when things happen and you just roll with it and then the more you think about it, the more you realize how wrong it was to have happened?
We've got a lot of that to unpack today.
I went to a specific grocery store today. Just to run in. I told my mom, look do you realize it isn't the people? It's the actual store...I get a physical and visceral reaction to having to be there.
But I'm a good daughter. So I went in to get some stuff. Chicken breasts and a coloring book (for myself), if you're wondering.
Walking through the place, glance down an aisle...THINK I'm just imagining someone. A flashback maybe? No, it can't be the same person that used to work here. Go up front to check out.
They have pictures of management posted at the front of the store. I look at them. It is the same person.
Just in a position of power. Not like he didn't have that power before. Over me.
I got sick. I paid for my mom's groceries because I couldn't stomach having to go through two separate transactions.
I told her if she EVER had to go back, to get someone else to go with her. I told her my sister takes me to 'fancy' grocery stores to avoid that, not because I'm high maintenance.
She said what about this same place in another location. But that's just as bad because they work all over. They're every where.
I don't have a lot of my OG posts about any of these people anymore because I reread them...and once I had the realization of what had been happening I deleted them because I didn't want to be reminded in my own domain.
They're just going to be numbers. That way they're less human.
One: Not only was he engaged and then eventually married during the whole thing...the entire family worked there at one point. They all knew me. Once I stopped doing what he wanted me to, they all turned against me. Even though they were all my friends at one point. One of them has recently started reaching back out, probably because they see One for who they are now. But I digress. At this point in my life I had been in a single relationship. With someone for about 4 months. And that's it. Once knew all of that. He knew my background. I've decided he took advantage of my naivety and of me. I'm not saying I'm not to blame at all here. Because maybe I am. And that goes for all of the situations. It started with him passing me too closely in our department. He started rubbing against me. Hard ons against my butt, reaching over me basically pinning me to the wall, trying to get me alone in the department. All the while acting like nothing was wrong. I remember vividly one incident where I was sitting on a milk crate because we were closing and I was tired. He came into the office and had his crotch in my face, I leaned away from him and he just got closer. He took it out and told me I couldn't leave until I gave him a blow job. I told him someone would eventually come back there and he said well you better do it quick then. I told a couple of people because I didn't know if it was right or wrong or normal. They were excited about it. So I figured it was right and didn't matter and everything was fine. So when it happened again and again...I just went with it. Months of this happen. Him grabbing my ass, my pussy, pulling my hair, making me get him off, locking me in the cooler with him, forcibly sticking his hand in my pants and putting his fingers in me, slapping me, forcing me against walls and into small spaces so he could kiss me. Telling a coworker he could do it too because I was 'easy' and wouldn't say anything...All the while I'm confiding in two women I thought has my best interests in mind and all the while they're telling me I'm living the dream to be the 'other woman' but that wasn't really what was happening.
Then he quits. I tried telling his fiancé, but she wouldn't listen. So I stopped trying. A few months pass and I accidentally stumble across him at his new job. He cornered me and groped me. In a very public place and told me he'd be thinking of me.
He's the reason for this entire post. He did all this shit to me. He's done God knows what to other women (he does have a record), to his wife, to anyone weaker than him...and he's a manager. He's been put in a position where people aren't as willing to tell him no.
The entire time I thought it was normal. I thought it was a weird secret relationship. The people I confided in told me it was fine. They made me believe I was in a good place.
[Just a moment of realization I'm currently having: all of these people have been 'secrets' and that should be filed in the red flag bin]
Two: As previously mentioned, this was the coworker that One ensured I'd keep quiet. After his discussion he decided to test the theory. It started with texts. 'Oh my baby mama and I aren't doing good' 'I don't love her' All the while I'm confused because I never gave him my number. Regardless...and eventually he sends dick pics. He starts getting too close for comfort. Coming in the freezer with me. Cornering me in the wash area. Then it escalated. Just once, but it was enough for me to get scared. Two was about 3 times my size and he towered over me. I went into the freezer and when I tried to come out the door was jammed. He jimmied the door open and came in there. I turned around to grab the box I went in for and when I did, he shoved his hand down my pants and put his fingers in me. He ripped my pants he was so aggressive about it. I froze and just stood there. He got right behind me and pushed me into the wall. He laughed and left. I stayed in the freezer until my manager came looking for me. She found me cold and crying. She never left me alone again. A few months pass and Two tells me how profoundly sorry he is and asks me if I want him to quit his job. One is gone by this point. I transferred to a different department. Nobody else knew at the time. I felt like it was something that would just be happening at this point.
I eventually told my mother. Years later. I cried when I told her. And honestly I don't remember her response, but I remember thinking it was weird she didn't react as strongly as I thought she would have. She made me feel like I had done something wrong. I haven't told her anything else personal (sexual) since.
Three: Speaking of telling my mother...I should have known her reaction based off of what happened with Three. He came around in high school. I was a junior, he was a senior. We rode the bus together. We kind of dated? But in secret. We never held hands, we never went on dates...we just made out after school. He told me I was lucky he decided to show up when he did. It was mostly fine. One time he slammed my head into a metal door, I don't think it was on purpose? I think he just got too aggressive when he was kissing me. And one time in the back of the bus he took my hand and put it down his pants. Everyone was watching. I was embarrassed and didn't want to ride the bus after that. Then the first time happened. The only time with him, but the first occurrence I remember. He came to my house on Martin Luther King Day. We were out of school, it had snowed. We took a walk out in the woods by my house. It was mostly normal then he took his dick out and asked if I wanted to play with it. I didn't know? It was the first time I'd seen one. How would I know. I told him I didn't know and my mom would wonder where we were. He wanted a blow job but I told him no, so he just waddled around with it out until I gave him a hand job. I got semen on my hand and got sick. I never said it was the most traumatizing story with Three - but I didn't want to touch it and he made me feel guilty about it until I did something. It is worth mentioning, Three is the only one that didn't happen at work.
I told my mom a few weeks later and she said 'well just be glad something worse didn't happen'
And honestly...that's when I should have stopped telling her stuff.
Four: He was my manager at the time. He was...is I guess...20 years older than me. At first it was just a little flirting to get what I wanted. Again. I'm not trying to play the blameless victim here. He would drunk text me. Honestly, four was...See herein lies an issue. I was about to tell you thst four wasn't that bad. But, truly? I don't know - so you make the decision for yourselves. I did any and everything he asked of me, I covered for him when he came in drunk, I watched the store when he decided to leave to get lunch, I did and would have done anything he asked me. Four thought he was hot shit. He told me about porn, about his sexual escapades, how if I didn't live with my mom he would just like to do A, B, C with me. He'd go into detail. Now, I'll introduce Five here for a hot minute and we'll get back to him. But Four and Five are closely intertwined (as are Five and Six, but that's a tidbit for Fives story...) Five and I were dating. We were dating for....4 or 5 months? And Four did NOT like that. He always talked bad about my relationship. Four told me bad things about Five. He tried to break us up a few times. At one point I needed a few extra bucks, and I asked Four if I could have some overtime. Four told me I could suck his dick for the money instead. I jokingly mentioned it to Five...then all this other stuff happened and Four eventually got fired for sexual harassment. While he never did anything physically (minus like hugging me), he did warp my frame of reference on a lot of stuff. After doing the research and looking back through journals, I'm pretty sure he was grooming me. I started working under him when I was 15 ½. He talked to me about sex and sexual content for 7 years. He told me he wanted to take my virginity. He told me I'd never be good enough for anyone else. He made me his little doll. A lot of times I'll think about him and compare other guys to him because he was such a big part of my life for such a long time. He wanted it that way. I'm trying to break these habits. I honestly felt so guilty for getting him fired that I tried to take my accusations back. But they had the proof and told me it was normal to feel this way. While Five and I were first 'talking' everyone told him I was the one who went after Four and it was my fault. I believed that for a long time. I still do sometimes.
Five: Oof. Okay. Five is a whole ass thing. Let's get the background out of the way before I get into it. We dates for about two years, I should have beoken up with him long before that...he was my first long term boyfriend and I his first girlfriend. Five was a special kind of ass. Not only was he manipulative and made me feel bad for all kinds of things (having guy friends, having lesbian friends, being friendly with HIS DAD, crying over my food being wrong) he also nearly broke my wrist a few times. Let's do those stories first.
Okay hello, I'm (maybe?) bisexual. I'm attracted to at least men and women (that I know of so far)
There was this lesbian that worked with him and she had a derogatory nickname for herself. We'll just say it was Sheep (for sake of not being horrible) and she used it when speaking in third person. She flirted with me, but she would have flirted with a brick wall...I thought nothing of it. I was dating Five and she had a girlfriend. Her and I confided in each other about our relationships. Five did NOT like that. I had been talking to her and told Five a story starting out by saying "Oh yeah, Sheepy said..." he stopped walking, grabbed my wrist and told me not to use thar nickname because nicknames meant I was closer to her than to him and it's not like I was dating her. I wore a wrist brace for two weeks after this.
Ah yes, there's also a Seven. Five is closely related to Six and Seven. But I'll introduce Seven now because the abuse thing. Seven was a married man that I fooled around with. Five knew about it because I felt like I should be transparent about my past. One day Five and I went to a restaurant and Seven was there. He said hey to us, because (if you guessed we worked together, you'd be correct) and apparently it was my fault that Seven said hey. Five was pissed and dragged me out of the restaurant and he almost broke my wrist. I wore a wrist brace for about 3 months after this.
Now. To the next part of Five. Honestly he will probably be the longest.
Technically, I lost my virginity to Five. It was this big ordeal and he told me I owed it to him basically. He was about twice my size and a foot and a half taller than me. I told him I thought we should wait because we'd only been dating for about a month at this point. We hadn't said I love you....I barely knew him. We were watching The British Bake Off and he took my pants off, I thought with the intention of hand stuff, but little did I know he already had his dick out and a condom on. He rolled on top of me, couldn't find the hole, I'm telling him to get off me, and when he finally found it - he used no lube, I was sore and raw. It didn't last long. Every time after that it was his idea, it was something we fought about all the time. I'd always tell him I didn't feel like it. And he would cry and manipulate me into it. I felt like a hole. He'd come to my house, fuck me, then just leave. Luckily, I don't remember a ton of this relationship. I do know I cried a lot during those two years. I tried to breakbup with him countless times, but it turned into a shit show every time. If he is still the way he is, he still has a video of me crying and giving him a blow job telling him to tell me when he was about to cum, him not telling me and holding my head down and in place until I was gagging on his dick and cum and not being able to breathe from crying so hard.
Near the end is when Six came along. Their stories intermingle, so now is a good of time as any to swap.
Six: He was a dream come true...at first. He had a girlfriend at the time we first started becoming friends. And he broke up with her around the time I broke up with Five (for the first time). Six would call me on the phone and we'd talk for hours. Sometimes we would fall asleep on the phone. He brought me lunch to school when I was too busy to go to the cafe and they closed before I got there. He would rub my feet and my back. But we hid whatever we were, because of Five. For a long time Six and I would hang out and make jokes. Then Five and I got back together and Six was not super happy about it. I tried to break up with Five again but he wouldn't let it be a clean break. Six and I stayed friends in secret. One day, he took me out to eat. I told him my curfew, I told him no I didn't want to go to his house, I told him no I didn't think it was right, I told him I didn't feel comfortable or safe. He drove me to his house, had me wait in his room, he 'accidentally' left my phone in his car. I sat on his bed awkwardly as he got changed. He told me to take my pants off, I told him no I didn't want to. He told me to take them off or he'd take them off for me, so I did because I was scared of what would happen if I didn't. He did not wear a condom, he came in me, and Star Wars was playing in the background.
Which is why I had never seen it. I tried to watch it recently because everyone says it's a classic....but I just can't do it.
I cried all the way home. When we got to my house he told me if I said anything to anyone, he'd ruin my life, my reputation, and he'd do it again but worse. Little did I know all of these things would happen any way.
Five and I reconciled because I thought if I was dating again Six would just leave me alone. That was incorrect. Six asked my mom if he could come over and because she liked him, she always said yes. She never asked me. After she went to bed, he'd always do whatever he wanted with me and then threaten me afterwards. One time he mistook my crying for 'sweet little noises' and now the thought that I might make noise during consensual sex in the future makes my skin crawl. I've seen in porn how guys will mention the noises. I don't think I could stand that. He'd hold his hand over my mouth the entire time. Some times he'd cover my nose as well. But every time he left, he'd remind me what would happen if Five found out. Which included Five probably hurting me (remember the wrist braces?) and everyone thinking I was a cheating whore. This went on for about 6 months. Every week. For six months. Then he got a promotion and became a manager at another store. He lost interest in whatever I was doing at that point.
The worst part about Six is that I miss him so much some times. But the before Six. The Six that would talk to me on the phone all night and the Six that massaged me and the Six that genuinely seemed like he cared about me. I want that back desperately. But not at the same cost.
And finally
Seven: As I said, he was a married man I fooled around with. It wasn't until the end of this foolery that I knew he was married. Because up until the end, this was a pretty sweet deal. But he's on the list for being a dirty damn liar and for making me feel guilty. He had the dick of a god. Most of the time I went with him willingly. There were only two, maybe three times, he just kept saying 'come on, whats it gonna hurt' and I eventually caved. The last time was one of those. I went to break to eat some Mexican food. He came and found me, said he was tired of waiting around and I needed to make a decision. I told him I wasn't sure...he said look we can just make out a lil come back here with me. So I did. And the next thing I knew a female manager came and busted the door open and dragged him out of the building. Because he had apparently been bragging about what he was going to do to me. If it hadn't been for her and whoever told her, who knows what would have happened.
Now. Here's the thing. One, Four, Five, Six, and Seven all have gotten promotions. They're all working as managers and/or owners of different places. This is what has bothered me the most about today. Why and how are they all in such better positions than me in this life at this exact moment?
I have nothing. I haven't accomplished anything of merit. I have nothing to show for my life except for mental illnesses. What have I done wrong. Seriously. What have I done that's been so wrong that I get secually assaulted time and time again, that I got hurt physically and mentally, that I will forever have trust issues when it comes to relationships both sexual and romantic and 5/7 of these men are doing great. Having a great time. I don't know what Two is doing, he's fallen of the face of the earth. Three was in the Navy, no word on what he's doing either. But in my eyes they were the least problematic (comparatively)
So. Any who.
The entire time all of this was happening I tried to tell people. I tried to reach out and ask if this was normal behavior. I was told it was and it was fine and expected. It wasn't until I friended more people online that I realized it was in fact not okay and not right. It wasn't until the No means No campaign really came out full force. It wasn't until I saw that list of "No means no, but so does......" that I really took a step back and thought to myself how many times had I said no. How many different ways had I said no. And I still got in these situations. I'm still trying to cope with it and figure out where I want to go from here.
I joke about tumblr being the void, because who is going to read all of this? And that's fine because I really truly just wanted to get it all out there. I want to say how awful it is to think you have women who had gone through similar situations telling you it was fine and normal and to expect it your entire life in your corner telling you the right things.
Well. It's taken me over 3 hours to type all this. And I guess I'm done now.
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she’s insignificant
chapter 1: we only see each other at weddings and funerals
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters. 
warnings: mentions of death (rip reggie), mentions of overdosing
we start our story in a lonely house. it was never quite the normal childhood house for the family that occupied it but it was definitely more lively than it was at the moment. she missed that. the house felt too big, too quiet. 
most people get the chance to move out when they grow up and that’s what the children of this house did. they weren’t comfortable in this house. she thought it was unfair. she never got the chance to grow up. she was stuck, trapped in the stupid house she could barely call home. maybe she could have had a wonderful life. met a nice man or woman, started a family. 
he stripped that life from her. tore it out of her grasp and toyed with her again. she was so sick of this life, she wanted an escape. 
she hated him. so why? 
why wasn’t she happy he was gone?
october 1st, 1989.
on the 12th hour of this day 43 women around the world gave birth. this was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day began.
sir reginald hargreeves. eccentric billionaire and adventurer. he resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
he got eight of them.
number 1 “luther”
the abnormally buff man steps out onto the moon, bouncing along to put his trash in the pile made before. he stares out at earth with a sad look. a beep on his arm breaks him out of his thoughts. he flips the material off his wrist, taking a look at the transmission sent to him.
number 2 “diego”
a masked man hurls the attacker into the wall, taking him out. he steps around the corner to help a scared family. “you’re family’s safe now” he goes to walk away, pausing at the tv. the news plays in front of him, stopping him short.
number 3 “allison”
a beautiful woman with curly highlighted hair steps onto the red carpet in an equally stunning red dress. she smiles and poses for the many cameras pointed her way. several reporters call out her name. it is then that one is whispered something. suddenly the questions change, they become more personal, asking about her father. a woman walks out and whispers something into her ear. her expression changes and they quickly walk away.
number 4 “klaus”
a man with short messy black hair jumps off a bed, saying his goodbyes to several other men in the room. he collects his things from a man through a window. he’s chucked a coin and he smiles giddily, looking rather happy to be out. immediately he goes back to buy drugs, consequently overdosing. he wakes up in an ambulance having been resuscitated. he notices the news, frowning.
number 7 “vanya���
the violinist beautifully playing to the empty theatre stops, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. she leaves, wandering down the street when she notices the news on a tv showing through the window. she whispers one word to herself, in disbelief. 
number 8 “y/n”
the h/c haired girl sat in an all too large library reading an anton chekhov play. she looks up at a small knock on the door. a chimpanzee dressed in a suit stands solemnly in the doorway. she raises and eyebrow, confused by his behaviour. he speaks softly, informing the girl of what her siblings were currently learning all over the city.
number eight. the demon. 
the same h/c girl stands in a line with her 7 other siblings. a younger vanya is asked to leave. they all avoid looking at her. she was different.. at least that’s what their father told them. eight didn’t understand it. she was different too and no one asked her to leave. 
as usual eight is pulled away from her siblings as they train together. she is taken to a separate room, one built for her. it’s plain and white, much like a cell in a mental asylum.. or at least what she imagined a mental asylum to look like from what she had read in stories.
she hates this room but she hides her emotions just like her father taught her to. 
“don’t let them control you, number eight” he scolded, “you should be in control”
the doors to the academy are slowly pushed open. vanya steps into the house, taking in how big the house was. it had been around 13 years since she’d been here. she took small steps through the large room, looking up at the chandelier. she turned towards the parlour where her mother sat by the fire. 
“hey mom” she called out softly. she received no answer. 
“she probably won’t answer” a new voice called out and vanya stepped further into the parlour to see her h/c haired sibling. she sat atop the bar, reading a book and not sparing her a glance. “she’s been lonely ever since you all left.. gone a bit weird i guess” 
vanya’s mouth fell open. how was she the same age? y/n hadn’t aged a day since they left. she was still in her 16 year old body. at her sister’s silence the h/c finally looked up.
“what?” she raised an eyebrow, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost” 
“vanya?” a voice sounded out from the stairs. the brown haired woman turned now spotting their other sister, allison. “you’re actually here..” she huffed, surprised but not at all disappointed.
“hey allison” vanya greeted carefully.
“hey sis” allison’s voice was soft as she walked over, offering a hug. their moment was ruined by diego.
“hah” he scoffed, “what is she doing here? you don’t belong here. not after what you did” he didn’t even look over at them, making his way towards the stairs.
“you’re seriously going to do this today?” allison asked in disbelief but diego only ignored her. “hmph, way to dress for the occasion by the way”
“at least i’m wearing black” he shot back, disappearing up the staircase.
“don’t mind him” the two girls turned towards y/n who now had her book tucked under her arm. “he’s just grumpy he had to come back”
“you know what.. no, um.. maybe he’s right” vanya shook her head, ready to leave. “i shouldn’t-”
“forget it” y/n stopped her, “he doesn’t matter.. i’m glad you came, all of you. even if you don’t want to be here.. i- i want you here” 
“i’m glad you’re here too” allison nodded, agreeing. y/n gave them a soft, small smile before moving away. the two older women shared a look as she disappeared. she had been lonely..
vanya stood near the bookcases, looking over the old umbrella academy comic books and articles. she looked through the books until she came across her own. gently pulling it from the shelf she eyed it over, hopeful. there were creases in the fold. she opened the cover, revealing her note to her father. 
pogo interrupted her, clearing his throat. she smiled, crossing the room to embrace him. he noticed the book she was holding.
“do you know um.. did he ever read it?” she seemed unsure, not wanting to know the answer she expected. slowly, pogo sighed,
“not that i’m aware of” he shook his head, “i’m afraid those creases are from ms y/n. she loved reading it when you first released it”
they both glanced over at the painting of number five. 
“how long has it been since five disappeared?” vanya asked, 
“it’s been 16 years-” pogo was interrupted.
“4 months and 14 days” they both turned to see y/n entering. she either didn’t notice or ignored their stares, moving across the room to grab a new book. 
“did you.. did you ever find him?” vanya breathed, waiting in suspense for the answer. y/n finally looked at them now, pausing. she had always told her father that she didn’t, that she couldn’t but maybe just maybe she did.
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gukieater · 3 years
Fic idea 1 : Apocalyptic Heart
Pairing: Jungkook x OC (f) X Taehyung
Genre: Post Apocalyptic World, Zombie, Special Ability (Jungkook), experiments, evolution, illegal medical trial, inhuman treatment, Survival, Angst, fluff (eventual smut), possible future yandere (Jungkook), blood, possible dismantling, biting, death of minor characters, age difference, noona.
Disclaimer: This is not a full fiction or story, merely a plot. Please read this post before proceeding. If you are reading this, you can reblog the post if u want to!
Music Recommendation: Wolves of Odin- Colossal Trailer Music
Plot or Synopsis: It is about an apocalyptic world where the human population is overthrown by mutated creatures, who once used to be human. L/N Y/N is a 21 year old girl surviving on her own. She's constantly on the road, salvaging supplies for survival, on her daily run, she meets lone or group of survivors but she never sticks around, living by her rule "Alone is Safe".
On her journey to survival she meets a pregnant woman who seems to be on the run and in a pretty bad shape. Around 3 years ago, Y/N lost her sister when the breakout started, and she remembered how she was helpless enough not being able to save her sister. Seeing the pregnant woman, she is reminded of her elder sister and gets attached. So she decides to stay by her to take care of her and her unborn baby and breaks the one and only rule she lived by so far, to survive alone.
Soon she realizes the woman is being chased by people, not just brain eating monsters. They seem powerful and battle ready. She kept asking the woman why she was being chased and she told Y/N the less she knew, the safer she will be. Running from them being the 1st priority, she doesn't press the woman for further explanation. One day while supply run, they are cornered by those mystery men's and they go into hiding. The anxiety and stress leads the woman to go into labor and she gives birth to a boy. But soon their hiding location is compromised and they need to run again. After the birth the woman is too weak to run. So refuses to go with Y/N saying she will slow them down. So Y/N now has a choice to either stay and get caught by those men or take the baby and run, leaving the mother behind. The woman insists she does the later. Y/N doesn't argue further, knowing that's the only logical thing to do. So even though she feels guilty, she vows to the woman to protect the child and runs away while the woman buys her time by tricking them thinking she has the baby.
Y/N is not the kind to stay in the same location for long as it draws the undead but she needs a place to keep the baby safe, since she can't carry him to her daily run. So she decides to settle down in some outskirt, to raise him in safety. But things starts to get complicated when she notices the kid isn't an average child. He is growing at an unprecedented rate and shows undisputable strength. By the time the child was 1 months old, he already grew into a 1 year old kid.
Although she decides to take the child in to protect it and raise, in the back of her mind she somewhat resents it, knowing it was the reason the mother had to sacrifice herself. It reminds of herself, how her elder sister sacrificed herself to a group of undead when they broke into her house in the middle of the night so she can buy Y/N some time to run away. If it wasn't for either of them, her sister and the mother would be alive. So she never cuddles the baby, only holds him when he's crying, doesn't name him, never shows any affection towards it. She feels kind of relieved for the child's growth as she didn't need to care for an infant for long. But there is something in the way the child looks at her, like she holds the moon and star for him, sometimes it bothers her as if the child sees through her.
After 4 months of settling down in a outskirt school near the hill, one day she returns home after salvaging for rations, she saw that the boy was not in the room. She clearly remembers locking the door when she left but seeing the door unlocked, she starts to panic. She starts looking for the boy and curses herself for not naming him. While calling out to the boy, she hears a faint voice. She followed the trail of voice and as she moved closer, the faint voice became clearer and she can clearly hear someone calling for 'Noona'. When she stepped into the backyard she could she the boy crouching down to a half-dead plant. As the boy touched the plant she watched in her dismay the plant coming back to life. Noticing her presence, the boy looked at her direction and calling out to her as "noona". She was both shocked and scared because she never taught him to speak neither spoke much around him. The boy observed her and watching her act distant and frightened around him made him upset. As he tried to approach her to hold her hand and comfort her, she kept looking at the plant. She saw the plant wither and eventually rot as he took a step further to her direction. She was startled, she tumbled on her feet and fall down on her back and called him a monster. With teary eyes he told her his name was Jungkook,not monster or "kid". Jungkook, that's what his mother wanted to call him.
She had a lot of questions to Jungkook. Like how he opened the lock, how he knew what her mother wanted to call him, how he knew how to speak and knew what monster meant and how was he doing that to the plant. He said that he felt sad and lonely so he wanted to find you, at first he didn't know how the lock worked but he figured it out. When he made it to the backyard, he the only thing that felt alive in there was the plant and it was dying. He felt like he could help it. When she asked how he knew what sadness and loneliness was he said he shared the memory of his mother from her pregnancy. She would often cry and feel restless what she termed as sadness or loneliness until she came along. That's how he knew who Y/N was, why he called her noona and how he knew he could trust her, as he described how his mother felt around her, safe & warm. She doesn't question further about the wilting plant. After talking to Jungkook, she started connecting the dots about why his mother was chased and how Jungkook was no ordinary child. She realized maybe keeping Jungkook safe won't be just as easy as raising him.
Jungkook learned and picked up on things quite easily so going to runs was getting quite easier but still uneasiness settled in Y/N's mind. She can't control the situation when she's away and the thought of Jungkook taken away or even worse getting attacked was quite startling. She never shows it but she deeply cares about the kid. Jungkook himself was quite clingy towards Y/N although she never reciprocates the affection. She simply keeps up the role of a provider. it's been already 16 months since they've been living in the outskirt and the undead are picking up on her scent due to her daily trail in the same direction as she keeps seeing more and more of them in the surrounding area.
So after a few close encounters and trial salvage run with Jungkook, she decides to move out of the outskirt and target bigger cities. She avoided bigger cities so far thinking the people chasing Jungkook's mother may still be looking for him. By the time living there, Jungkook already grew up to become a teenager so she reasoned, the people looking for him would be looking for a child, not so much of a well-build boy who looks like who is in his late teen's. She thought maybe it's time to move around. But maybe it was not a good decision after all. Things starts to shift, not always for the best interest. Few days in the city, Y/N starts to realize that Jungkook is perfectly fit to tend for himself and rather than keeping him safe, Y/N is the one slowing him down and making him vulnerable. If she's caught with Jungkook they can use her against him to make him comply but if she's not with him, he is perfectly capable and trained to slipping away.So she decides its time to go back to her old way of life. But things doesn't go as easy as she thought as with time she got extremely attached to Jungkook. On the other hand, Jungkook experiences the same thing unfold in front of him again. At first it was his mother, who was separated from him and now his Noona whom he loves very dearly is abandoning him again. He is upset and he doesn't understand why is she leaving him and it's driving him mad. He can't even read her as he promised he won't do it without her permission. Jungkook's heart is breaking but he departs from her without any objections.
On a run close to a suspicious facility, Y/N meets a survivor who she helps escape from people that looked a lot like the people chasing Jungkook's mother. The boy, not more than 2/3 years older than her introduces himself as Dr. Kim Taehyung, a young scientist from the facility. At first she doesn't trust him but things take turns and Taehyung proves to be someone reliable. Eventually she discovers a lot about the breakout, the undead and how the facility handled the things only to make it worse. Then he mentions something about the authority going crazy about a subject escaping the facility more than 1.5 year ago and Y/N becomes alert. The description of the escaped subject eerily matched with Jungkook's mother. So she questions taehyung about it and what she finds out leaves her frantic and full of fear & guilt. She sets out to find Jungkook with the help of Taehyung as soon as she can. When departing from Jungkook she knew they would both suffer but what she did not know that, growing up, the bond he shared with her, breaking it or separating Jungkook from her would take a big toll on Jungkook. With every passing moment without her, Jungkook will loose a piece of him that made him human, made him the boy Y/N knew & raised and turn him into more of a thing Y/N feared him to be in the beginning, a monster.
PS: is it a plot anymore? I'm not sure 😅. The plot I intended to write turned out to be more detailed than I would have originally liked but ehh, whatever. If anybody does decides to write about it, they have the full liberty to make changes into the plot or turn or take the story further in any direction they want. Whether they decide to give me a credit for it or nah, it's their discretion but if they do, it would be appreciated so the readers finding this blog may enjoy the full story as well ❤️
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This picture is inspired by the entire storyline so far. The pictures I used to make this collage are collected from Pinterest, I don't own them.
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princesspiratecat · 3 years
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The Rise and Fall of the Shepard Family Finale Part 2:  Fall 1085
Part 1& Part 2
Part 3 & Part 4
Part 5 & Part 6 & Part 7
Part 8 & Part 9 & Part 10
Part 11 & Part 12 & Part 13
Part 14 & Part 15 & Part 16
Part 17 & Part 18 & Part 19
Part 20 & Part 21 & Part 22
Part 23 & Part 24 & Part 25
Part 26 & Part 27 & Part 28
Part 29  Finale Part 1
“Llywelyn? His name is Llywelyn?” Frances was incredibly confused. “Where did you get these letters?”
“Under the bed. Morwena found them while she was cleaning. Please continue.”
                                            Llywelyn & Algarda
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According to the seven letters stashed away in the box, they had both been very young and had met while Llywelyn had served as a mercenary soldier under Aélgarda’s father, a Saxon Ealdorman that had died by the hand of the bastard King in 1067. Both of them had been in their prime and Aélgarda was considered something of a ginger-haired beauty. There were expectations that she would make a grand marriage.
Gwendolyn had heard her father talk about his time fighting for the Saxons before. Her mother had also said that her father had been a fine soldier. He was well respected and handsome, dangerous with a sword, and had a promising career ahead of him.
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They had danced together during several feasts at her father’s estate in Chester, and eventually became clandestine lovers. They knew her father would never allow such a match to take place, as there had already been a match made for Aélgarda by the time they met. But the man in question was never mentioned again after the second letter.
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They continued their affair for a little over two years, but he was gone most of the time. He eventually got her with child. 
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Shortly after, he had been sent up north to fight off Norse raiders, and he promised to come back for her and marry her as soon as he was able. Sometime after his departure she wrote that she had suffered a miscarriage, and after six months, he still had not returned. There were no more letters after that.
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After they had read them all, and then read them again, they both took some time to digest what had been written. There seemed to be more questions than answers within each letter. Had Llywelyn followed Aélgarda, even though they were both already married? Was Frédérique the daughter of Llywelyn? Had they continued their affair after Gwendolyn’s mother had died? Together, Frances and Gwendolyn tried their best to sort out the pieces of the puzzle and make them fit into a kind of timeline that might give them answers.
“My father talked about his days in Chester on more than one occasion. Is it near Wales?”
“Yes. It’s near the border of Whales, west of here.”
“So, the man in the letters must be my father. Although my father couldn’t read, so how could he have read these? A third person would have had to have been involved, and they would have needed to be very discreet. That’s quite a risk to take!”
“I agree. Yet it happens all the time, you’d be surprised at how many Nobles can’t read. And yet, I would have taken the same risk if I knew I would not see you for  months at a time.” 
Frances knew that in 1066 Aélgarda ran off to marry Marcelle and gave birth to Frédérique the same year, which was when Gwendolyn had also been born. They journeyed to the Humber River in 1070 from Rotherham, a small market town. Frances had only been two and Gwendolyn four. Unlike Frances, Gwendolyn remembered the journey to Grimsby, and she remembered what had come after.
“It could not have been mere coincidence that your family arrived here around the same time, and in the same location, as my family. Especially considering how long of a journey it is,” he said.
They both wondered on what grounds Llywelyn had sought her out. Was it because they wanted to be together, or had he been looking for employment? Most of the great men Llywelyn had served were already dead or had had their lands seized by the crown. So it was a real possibility that he sought her out for protection, especially since she had married a Norman man.
“He needed work. I remember we had to sell one of his beloved swords just to have enough to eat. It was a desperate time.”
The other possibility was that he knew Frédérique was his daughter and wanted to be near her. Frédérique had invited Gwendolyn to their estate several times, and each time Llywelyn had accompanied her. He could have watched her from afar, and that might have been enough for him.
“That would explain my father’s behavior. He must have thought that Frédérique was not his child, regardless of what the truth really is. Since he knew of your father’s indiscretions with Olric’s wife, he must have also questioned my brother’s parentage as well! I can’t imagine how it must have plagued his mind! The proof is in his treatment of them and their piteous inheritance.”
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“Of course! And it completely explains his treatment of me, although it does also speak to his vengeful character. Now I understand why he sent us away, we were reminders of my father. Your mother wanted to protect us, for my father’s sake! ”
He nodded, remembering everything that had happened with a tinge of shame.
He could see Gwendolyn’s mind racing now, and Frances knew he would have to tell her everything that had happened the night his father had broken off their engagement. It was something he had not gotten around to doing, mostly because he had wanted them to forget. He took a deep breath. 
“I fear I have not told you everything that my father said the night he cut off our engagement. But let me tell you now. According to him, she actually wanted us to marry and had pushed it from nearly the moment you arrived here.”
He then relayed everything that had occurred that night in it’s entirety. How his mother long considered Llywelyn an honorable man due to his serving the Welsh king. How she had not only preferred for him a match with Gwendolyn over the Merchants, but that she had actually helped to arrange it. He told her of his anger and how he had camped out under the stars, which had been the reason why he never got a chance to say goodbye.
“For a long time I didn’t think about what he meant, because I had been too angry. But then I realized she had arranged for us to walk together, alone. Do you remember all those times she said she was too busy to come with us?” Gwendolyn nodded. “Well, she knew I already liked you, and wanted you to break off the match with Oswald and marry me instead. She must have figured that time alone together would make us fall in love.”
“That is why they sent him away! According to Frédérique, he came to visit me twice, and both times he had been sent away. Did you know that?”
“No. But it hardly surprises me. For his part, I know my father initially agreed because you had a good dowry, you were an heiress of a rather small fortune. But after he had already helped himself to it, he must have gotten ahold of the letters and used them to further justify his cause. Or, he read the letters and then spent your dowry. I’m not sure which.”
Gwendolyn’s eyes bulged at this information, and she had to sit down. It was an incredible story, and one that she would not have believed if she had not have seen it unfold with her own eyes. 
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“So, I have been groomed me for the position of being your wife! Why did you not tell me of this before?!”
Frances shrugged. “It is a painful memory to speak of, and I didn’t want to stir up fresh anguish for you. You’ve suffered enough already. What good would have come of it?” Gwendolyn acknowledged there was merit in his reason, but chided him for not giving her the choice of knowing. 
“You’re right. I should have told you when I first found you. I’m sorry.” But her mind was racing again and she hardly heard what he had said. 
“He must have discovered the letters after Aélgarda’s death, as there can be no other explanation. She must have hidden them away somewhere and he, or someone else, discovered them. He refused our marriage and sent me away to get back at them both, even after they were dead!”
“Yes, he was petty and vengeful. What I want to know is what on earth made her keep them? That I cannot understand!  Did your father return them? Or did she somehow get them back after he died? Maybe Llywelyn had them and my father got them after he sold your property. Have you ever seen this box before?”
“No, never. It’s too fine a box to have escaped my notice. If he did have them, he certainly would not have put them in that box. In fact, I do not recall her ever visiting us when my father was alive either. Only Marcelle came to collect rents and sup with us. He and my father used to talk business. He used to bring us cherries.”
Neither one of them spoke for some time, as they were busy going over the facts in their own heads. They both agreed that had Marcelle known then about the letters, he would not have been so kind. Although Frances didn’t agree with his father’s ways, he could at least understand him a bit better. 
“He never was unfaithful to my Mother that any of us knew about, so it must have shattered him to read these letters. He had once loved her very much... as much as a man like my father can love anyone. I do not believe that any of my siblings were sired by Llywelyn- not even Frédérique. We look too much alike, and I see nothing of you in her face. Now that I think of it, you were born the same year as Frédérique, so Llywelyn would have had to have been a very busy man for all that to have happened in only a year! And it means my mother would have had to lie about losing her baby. Yet if she loved him, why would she do that? It’s quite clear from the letters that she loved him very much.”
“Unless she thought she would never see him again. She may have lied in order to marry your Father, whom had come from a noble family. Perhaps she figured that she would be better off with a well connected Norman than a poor Welsh solider. She could have been forced to do it for the greater good, to protect your sister.”
“I doubt it. But it is possible.....” a look of worry crossed his face, and then hint of anger.
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In the end they both agreed that no good could possibly come from keeping the letters, as it called into question the parentage of too many. It also painted three of their four parents in a very unfavorable light. 
The facts were there. Aélgarda had been lovers with not one, but two men while engaged to someone else of her father’s choosing. Llywelyn had been a seducer of women and clearly had no respect for the marital status of others. Marcelle had been a miser and a thief who sought revenge on helpless children, even children that were most likely his own.
 Frances lifted the parchment to the fireplace and stared at the contents. It angered him to know that such small things had caused so much anguish to him, and his wife especially.
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“Let them burn,” he sneered, as he tossed one of the letters into the fire. “I know the truth. I know what a good wife she was to him, and what she meant to us, and that’s really all that matters. She was no whore, and I won’t have anyone speak of her that way, ever!”
“Let us burn them all,” Gwendolyn said. 
When the house was quiet and still, they made their way downstairs and watched as the fire flickered while hungrily devouring the remaining letters. It went unspoken, but they each understood they would tell no one of them.
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“Are you ashamed of our parents?” He asked her while he watched the bright orange light reflected in her eyes. It was one of those rare moments that he really had no idea what she was thinking. He pulled up chairs for them both so they could sit awhile without being heard.
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“Yes....and no. In some ways I am shocked, but in others, I feel relieved to know the answers now. Your father’s behavior towards myself had always weighed on me, because I blamed myself. Now I know it was because of nothing I did, but because of what I represented. He used my father’s status as an excuse, but it was really not the reason.” She pinched the corners of her mouth, then turned back to the fire. 
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“Yet the feeling that seems to make the biggest impression on me, is one of their love. Despite everything, I’m glad they had been lovers, and I’m happy that she still held my father in high regard even after his death. She wanted to honor him by honoring his children, and for that, I will always honor her.” Her heart felt easier now, and she almost found the situation humorous. Almost. 
They treaded up the stairs to their chambers. It had been a long, exhausting evening.
Gwendolyn chuckled to herself. “What I really want to know is, who was the man she was originally engaged to? He must have been quite awful for her to have chosen a mercenary soldier and a Norman over a match her father preferred! The poor fellow. I feel a bit bad for him.”
Frances was more wistful. He didn’t like talking about his family, as there was so much he didn’t know, and so much to resent. Would they have survived if they had allied with the King or a powerful Norman family such as his father’s? What would it take for the King to stop his sheer brutality to the Saxon people? By the time his reign was over, would there be anything left of their language, or laws, or culture?
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“Perhaps he died before anything ever came of it. The Saxons paid a heavy price to the Danes with many lives, even before the King conquered these lands. And after, all of the men on her side were completely wiped away, as if they had never existed at all. Their fortunes, that had taken decades to build, were the first thing to go. Her family was one of the wealthiest and most powerful, and now there is nothing but dust. Sometimes I wonder that I was born at all. It truly seems a miracle.”
She sensed his sadness and caressed his cheek, then embraced him.
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“It is a miracle. You’re a testament to the power of love amid war. Whatever happens in the world, love always seems to have a way of burning bright, sometimes even against all odds.” He smiled at her words because they were wise beyond her years, and they were true. He thought of his mother then, and how it was love that had driven and guided her throughout most of her life.
She had gotten her wish.
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babiemingoo · 4 years
fantasy faire || yoon jeonghan
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summary: [apart of the seventeen stars to the right series] jeonghan figures babysitting his niece at disneyland can’t be that bad, but it definitely gets better when he finds out you’re the cast member assisting his niece’s favorite princess, cinderella.
genre: fluff, cutie uncle!jeonghan || wc: 2.3k
a/n: yes I did take too long to post this and yes I did go overboard... i’m sorry
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I’m definitely the only college kid that has to spend their Saturdays like this, Jeonghan thinks to himself for the second time that month. When he had spent all those nights in high school imagining the crazy parties and wild events he’d attend on his Saturdays in college, there was never any 4 year old niece involved, and definitely no Disneyland either. Yet here he was, his right pointer and middle fingers wrapped tightly around his niece’s hand as she tugs him towards the opening gates of the amusement park. Despite the fact that he did want to go out day drinking with his friends like normal college students did, he also couldn’t complain too much. A free year pass to Disneyland and getting paid just to spend the day with his niece every week? There’s worse things to do on a Saturday.
Still, Jeonghan curses his need for money in the back of his head when a mere 15 seconds after stepping into the park his niece won’t stop begging him to go to the Royal Hall, of all places. “Uncle Hannie pleaseee you told me last time that you’d let me meet Cinderella!” He tries not to groan at the way his niece looks up at him, eyes pleading and much too big for his dwindling resolve.
“Why do you want to go there?! Don’t you want to, like, ride Space Mountain or something?” Jeonghan complains to her as they walk down Main Street, wearing matching Mickey and Minnie Disney ears while weaving through the overwhelming crowds of families and couples.
His niece lets out a whine just as they pass some teenager asking her parents for pictures in front of the castle, “I want to meet Cinderella! She’s my favorite! Uncle Hannie pleaseee!” Her walking halts and she begins to stomp her feet in protest. “You’re such a meanie, you told me last time we came that we would see Cinderella and the time before that and the first time and-”
“Fine!” Jeonghan thought he was first at a lot of things in life, but his niece definitely has him beat in the whining and persistence departments, “We can go see Cinderella at the Royal Hall, but only once today okay? We’re not going over and over again.”
His niece pouts, but doesn’t complain further as she makes her way to the left where the hall was located. Disneyland was always fun - it was Disneyland - but Jeonghan wishes he could enjoy it to it’s full potential rather than being dragged around to visit people in costumes and watching the same shows over and over again.
The boy watches as his niece makes small conversation with the cast member dressed as Ariel. They had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get into the meet and greet and his niece only looks half amused when the princess asks her if she’s met any new fish friends lately. Jeonghan doesn’t say much during their interaction aside from taking a few pictures to show his aunt later and thanking the cast members for their time. 
Almost immediately after Ariel bids her goodbyes, the little girl goes taking off around the corner, calling out a, “Cinderelly Cinderelly!” in excitement. Jeonghan rushes to keep up, and right as he rounds the corner himself he sees his niece happily jumping into the arms of the woman dressed in blue. 
He already knows this is going to take twice as long as Ariel’s meet and greet did; his niece is already spewing off about how she wants her own castle with a mouse named Gus Gus and a carriage shaped like a pumpkin. With a slight puff Jeonghan makes his way to stand next to the cast attendant with Cinderella and for the first time today it’s his heart that goes pumping with excitement.
You stand next to the pillar with a smile watching the interaction between the princess and Jeonghan’s niece. You loved your job of attending to the princesses at the Royal Hall - the way a few magical minutes in someone’s day always makes the tiring hours more than worth it. You beam as Jeonghan’s niece claps her hands while speaking to Cinderella, questioning her on whether or not the King and Queen of the kingdom forced her to eat broccoli, too.
Since starting your job at Disneyland, there were many days where you and your favorite coworker would talk after a shift to discuss the cute guys that would funnel in and out of the parks. Turning to look at the man who came into your area with the little girl, you knew today would be one of those days. “Is she your sister?” You decide to ask, you know, for good measure. He technically looked old enough to have a child around the girl’s age, but you learned the hard way it’s better not to assume.
“Niece,” He answers with a small smile once he settles next to you. Jeonghan lets a few moments pass as he watches his niece happily bounce next to the princess, but in the corner of his eye he’s watching you. You were probably one of the cutest people he’s ever seen - if not the cutest. Knowing he only has a limited amount of time before the family on the other side of the wall moves on to get their meeting with Cinderella, the man attempts to strike up a conversation, “My sister makes me bring her to Disneyland every Saturday.”
“Every Saturday?!” Your eyes get wide, turning to fully face the man, “Did you have to buy an annual pass for that?”
“Nah, they pay for it.” The boy decides to face you completely in response while rubbing his fingers together, “My sister married well.” For a split second he wonders if he should’ve lied and said he did pay for it all himself - to impress you or something.
Your mouth opens to reply, but you’re quickly distracted when you catch the two girls posing for a picture. Despite your desire to talk to the cute guy, you know you’re technically still on the clock, so you cut the conversation in favor of taking pictures of his niece with her favorite princess. Jeonghan decides to do the same and pulls out his phone for pictures, but really, his attention is on you the entire time.
When his niece first begged to meet Cinderella, Jeonghan fully prepared to tell her every week following that they can’t go the Royal Hall for whatever made up reason and somehow convince her to go on a ride instead.
However, with the thought of you, the cute cast member replaying on his mind like a loop, he doesn’t complain for a second when his niece asks to see the princess in blue. In fact, it’s become a habit to head straight to the left whenever they enter the parks. Sometimes Jeonghan even takes his niece through the meet and greet twice if she behaves well (but she doesn’t really have to do anything. He just wants an excuse to see you again).
With their new routine in play, you and Jeonghan become more and more familiar with each other. You learn each other’s names, where the two of you go to school, and even things as in depth as Jeonghan’s love for basketball and the story of how you came to work for Disney. He figures out that your shift ends at 3pm every Saturday and he always seems to make it at least once before you’re off. Coming to Disneyland goes from babysitting his niece to borderline using the little girl as an excuse to talk to you. The bond you two create is simple, and definitely unexpected from your job of working with families and couples more often than not, but it’s special; even magical in a way.
So when Jeonghan’s niece makes a move to go right instead of left one Spring Saturday, Jeonghan nearly gets whiplash, “What are you doing? Don’t you want to go to the Royal Hall?”
To his surprise, the little girl shakes her head and points towards Tomorrowland, “Can we try Space Mountain instead?”
For once in his life, Jeonghan is rendered speechless. His niece never turned down an opportunity to go see her favorite princess. He does nothing but blink at her for a bit, trying to understand her sudden fixation with the opposite end of the park, until he’s pulled back to reality by her tugging on his hand again, “Do you want to see Cinderella later, then?”
Jeonghan’s okay with going on the ride first - as long as they get into the Royal Hall by 3pm. “No,” His niece suddenly answers and the boy can only imagine how high his eyebrows raise, “I don’t really like Cinderella anymore.”
“You what?!” Jeonghan drops down to the girl’s eye level to shake her shoulders dramatically, “What do you mean you don’t like Cinderella?! She’s your favorite!”
“Not anymore, I watched Frozen yesterday and Elsa’s dress is prettier. She’s my favorite now!” He’s sure this could go in a Youtube compilation of Top 10 Anime Betrayals, “I wanna go see Elsa today instead!”
“Screw Elsa!” Jeonghan forgets for a second just where he is, catching a middle aged mom in the corner of his eye covering her daughter’s ears. Clearing his throat and bringing his tone down, he continues, “You like Cinderella, okay? When we get back to your house later tonight we can watch all the Cinderella movies and I’ll even buy you a doll today! But we're not going to see Elsa! We’re seeing Cinderella!”
The small girl, as expected, isn’t very happy with his demands. She begins to stomp and whine like that first day he took her to meet the princess, and although she got the best of him that time, it’s not happening today. “Why can’t we see Elsa?!”
“Because-” Jeonghan pauses to bring his voice down once again, “Cinderella’s friend is really, really cute, okay? And Uncle Hannie really wants to get their phone number. So, we’re going to see Cinderella and later on when Cinderella’s cute friend doesn’t have to work anymore we can go see Elsa, I promise.” With his pinky stretched out, he’s hoping his explanation suffices. His niece was young and maybe she won’t understand just how desperately he wants those two or three minutes with you every week; but it’s worth a shot. 
For a second, she does nothing but stare at his outstretched hand, almost as if she’s weighing her options. Then, with a small smile, she lifts her small hand to meet his and hooks their pinkies together, “Okay.”
Today, Cinderella is placed at the end of the Royal Hall, and Jeonghan’s sure that his niece knows exactly what she’s doing when she nearly flies through the first two princesses with little to no conversation. He decides not to point it out though, and just goes through the routine of taking a picture and thanking the workers.
Jeonghan wonders how the interaction between his niece and Cinderella will go; will she pretend to be interested? Will she tell Cinderella that she’s found a new favorite? Or, worst of all: will she take nearly no time with the princess, and Jeonghan will be forced to talk to you for less than a second before having to leave?
Surprisingly, his niece does none of the three. Without even sparing Cinderella a glance, she immediately marches over to you standing in your usual spot against the pillar and says, “My Uncle thinks you’re cute.”
Silence. Jeonghan, despite being a naturally confident guy, doesn’t know what to do when you look up from his niece with an amused smile. Even Cinderella seems to lose character for a few moments when she slaps her hand over her mouth to conceal her laugh. Before Jeonghan can open his mouth to redeem himself, you look back down at his niece, “Oh? Does he?”
“Yes! I told Uncle Hannie I wanted to meet Elsa today but he made me come here because he said you’re really cute and he wants your phone number,” The girl replies and Jeonghan wonders where kids learn this stuff. “Can you give him your phone number so I can see Elsa now?”
 Jeonghan sighs. This would happen to him. It’s probably karma for using his innocent niece as a way to talk to you. What is he even supposed to say now? Breaking into an awkward smile, he grabs his niece by the shoulder and shrugs, “Uh, kids, right?” Damn kids.
You laugh for a few seconds before lowering down to his niece’s level and grinning at the girl, “Tell your Uncle, that I think he’s really, really cute,” You spare a glance at the man briefly, “And that I’m flattered he’d like to get my phone number. But it’s against the Disneyland rules for me to give it to him.”
Of course it is, he thinks to himself. Leave it to the happiest place on Earth to ruin his chances with you. Jeonghan’s about to nod in understanding and motion for his niece to (very quickly) finish her meet and greet and he can stuff his face with churros for the rest of the day. But before he can make any sort of moves you continue, “However… If you and your Uncle were to see me at the castle around 3:30 after my shift today… I’m sure Mickey wouldn’t mind, right?”
“He wouldn’t!” His niece answers happily before jumping up and down, facing Jeonghan to say, “Can we see Elsa before then?!”
Chuckling (mostly to mask his sigh of relief and excitement), Jeonghan nods and points to Cinderella across the room, “Finish saying hi to Cinderella and I’ll take you to meet Elsa right after this.”
The little girl squeals in happiness before running over to the woman in blue, who he knows is giving him a knowing look. Jeonghan fits into his spot next to you, whispering through a smile, “So… churros at 3:30 then?”
You beam at him, nodding, “It’s a date.”
212 notes · View notes
tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】  Tears of Themis: Xia Yan Personal Story 4-4 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Video
Chapter 4: 4-1 / 4-2 / 4-4 / 4-5 / 4-6 / 4-7 / 4-9 / 4-10 / 4-11 / 4-12 / 4-13 / 4-14 / 4-16
North District
Ji Xiaoyu and older sister Ji Xiaoqing originally lived in a two-bedroom apartment in the north district, left by their parents.
After that apartment was forcibly seized by the loan company, the sisters started to rent an apartment.
Xia Yan and I came to the place that Ji Xiaoyu was now renting, according to the address Sphinx gave. However, we waited for a long time, during which Ji Xiaoyu never showed up.
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Xia Yan: According to Sphinx, Ji Xiaoyu took on three to four part-time jobs at the same time after Qian Yi’s death.
Xia Yan: Within a few months, she took on a severely high workload from morning to night. Typically, she returns home at around 11:30 at night.
Xia Yan: However, she suddenly left all her jobs two days ago.
MC: Could she be engaging a lawyer for a lawsuit? To repurchase her parents’ real estate?
MC: She’s saved enough money now and needs to focus on the case, so she left her jobs?
Xia Yan: Possibly.
MC: Then I could probably provide her legal assistance to talk to her, right? Perhaps she’ll be more willing to communicate with us then.
Xia Yan: Okay. I’ll say that I received a commission to investigate the Bedo Loan Company trap loan issue, and that I’m preparing to help my client file for a civil compensation lawsuit.
Xia Yan: If she wants to file for a civil lawsuit, she’ll probably be willing to talk to us.
Xia Yan and I were in the middle of talking when we heard faraway footsteps – it just happened to be Ji Xiaoyu.
In the video Xia Yan and I had seen in the afternoon, Ji Xiaoyu’s condition could be called “haggard” or “fragile”.
But now… she was basically skin and bones, surrounded by an air as heavy as death, and her face was completely frozen.
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⊳ Box and leaflet
MC: (A casket and a cemetery leaflet…)
MC: (So she worked hard to accumulate money to buy a place in the cemetery for her sister?)
MC: (The casket looks newly bought. She’s probably selected a place at the cemetery and is preparing to bury it…)
 What are the injuries on her right wrist?
⊳ Wrist slit injuries ⊳ Scrapes
MC: (Injuries layered on top of each other… she must have attempted suicide many times.)
MC: (Though they look like old injuries, she really doesn’t look like she’s come around…)
 ⊳ Clothes
MC: (Her clothes are splitting at the seams, yet there was no attempt to fix them… it looks like she doesn’t care about herself.)
 ⊳ Eyes
MC: (Such severe dark circles. She must not have slept in a long time…)
MC: (Ji Xiaoyu’s condition does not look good at all. I should carefully observe some more and think cautiously first.)
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MC: Xia Yan, Ji Xiaoyu…
Xia Yan: Mhmm, I know. We have to find out what’s going on with her as soon as possible.
Xia Yan and I walked towards Ji Xiaoyu. However, she walked past us expressionlessly, without even giving us a single glance, as if we did not exist.
We could only double back a few steps and block her with outstretched hands.
Xia Yan: Hello, you must be Miss Ji Xiaoyu?
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Ji Xiaoyu: …
Xia Yan: I am a private detective who’s received a commission to investigate the case of Bedo Loan Company’s trap loans.
Xia Yan: This case will open trial soon. My client plans to collect evidence to file for civil litigation.
Xia Yan: Miss Ji, may I ask you a few questions?
Xia Yan: With your clues, I might be able to find a few new investigative directions.
MC: Miss Ji, I am Lawyer MC.
MC: If needed, I can provide legal assistance for you and help you file for a civil compensation lawsuit.
Xia Yan and I handed her our own namecards, but Ji Xiaoyu did not take them.
She searched up the employers indicated on Xia Yan’s and my namecards, only stopping when she saw news that involved my legal defense.
She lifted those lifeless eyes slightly.
Ji Xiaoyu: What do you want to know? Do you want me to serve as a witness or write a testimony?
Ji Xiaoyu: I’m fine with it all. Only… my sister will be buried within a few days. Please do not give me trouble during this time.
MC: Understood, we will be careful.
Xia Yan: My apologies, Miss Ji, but we have a request right now.
Xia Yan: Can we speak with you about the progression of events for this matter? Of course… I understand that this will make you remember unhappy matters.
Ji Xiaoyu’s expression remained as numb as ever. Only her lips pursed slightly.
Ji Xiaoyu: … Come with me.
Ji Xiaoyu’s Residence
We followed Ji Xiaoyu into the place she was now renting.
That was a room of a mere ten square meters. The room was filled with a musty smell, as if no air had circulated here in a long time.
Miscellaneous items were piled in the corner of the room. Only the two boxes of corrugated cardboard near the door were uniquely neat and tidy.
Ji Xiaoyu: I’m guessing that you wanted to ask why I ended up in that trap loan?
Xia Yan: We do have some questions about that.
Ji Xiaoyu: Because I wanted to buy something, but was short by two thousand dollars.
Ji Xiaoyu did not wait for us to continue asking and began to speak.
Her tone as she spoke was completely emotionless and smooth, as familiar and indifferent as if she had repeated it many times.
Ji Xiaoyu: I feared being criticized by my classmates if I bought something so expensive suddenly, so I did not borrow from them.
Ji Xiaoyu: Back then, I thought that I would be able to repay it the month after, when I received my wages.
Ji Xiaoyu: I never thought that I would end up trapped.
Ji Xiaoyu: Because I could not pay back the money, they said that if I agreed to take a nude photograph, they would extend the time I had. Otherwise, they would tell my sister and school immediately.
Ji Xiaoyu: Foolishly, I took the photos.
Ji Xiaoyu: So after, I was even more scared of telling my sister, and I didn’t dare call the police. And for my reputation, my sister could only bear the humiliation and not call the police.
She narrated until the end, a heavy self-mocking gradually settling itself into her voice.
MC: (Miss Ji…)
Ji Xiaoyu: What else do you want to ask?
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⊳ Qian Yi
Xia Yan: Miss Ji, you once accused Qian Yi and Bedo Loan Company of being related. But the police concluded that evidence was insufficient after investigation.
Xia Yan: What did Qian Yi do during the case?
When this name was brought up, Ji Xiaoyu’s frozen face suddenly distorted as she clenched her fist.
Ji Xiaoyu: He never came to collect debts with that loan company before.
Ji Xiaoyu: He merely kept providing me and my sister’s whereabouts to those people.
MC: Providing your whereabouts?
Ji Xiaoyu: After Bedo Loan Company took away me and my sister’s house, we thought everything was over.
Ji Xiaoyu: But they refused to release us, saying that I still owed them money, pushing me to work at a karaoke bar to return the money.
Ji Xiaoyu: Otherwise, they would reveal that photo to all the people around me and my sister.
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MC: …
Ji Xiaoyu: Sister moved houses with me several times to hide, but he kept finding us very quickly.
Xia Yan: After finding you, what did he do?
Ji Xiaoyu let out a strange laugh.
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Ji Xiaoyu: Nothing at all.
MC: Nothing at all?
Ji Xiaoyu: He merely appeared near our rental location and smiled at us smugly.
Ji Xiaoyu: After, the scoundrels from the loan company would come to our door.
Ji Xiaoyu: Once, big sister couldn’t bear it anymore and begged him to let us go, but…
Qian Yi: You say that I’m following you and revealing your locations to Bedo Loan Company. Then… “where’s the evidence”?
Qian Yi: Under the clear heavens, all is balanced. You cannot slander others based on nothing.
Qian Yi: I simply just… somehow always manage to run into you. Maybe this is some sort of destiny?
Qian Yi: Then, I just happened to bring you two up with those that I know.
Ji Xiaoqing: Then… what will it take for you to stop bringing us up?
Ji Xiaoqing: You all have already taken all our money—
Qian Yi: Miss Ji, people are also a sort of financial property.
Qian Yi: According to what I know, Miss Ji, you just hopped to a big company with a pretty decent annual salary?
[Flashback end]
Ji Xiaoyu: Sister originally wanted to move out of the city, but my student enrollment is within Stellis.
Ji Xiaoyu: Which is why we’ve always stayed here.
Ji Xiaoyu: Bedo Loan Company and Qian Yi were basically two colluding villains.
Ji Xiaoyu: But in the end, the police said that there was no evidence and they could only let him go.
Ji Xiaoyu let out a mocking laugh.
Ji Xiaoyu: I’ve heard people call this “procedural justice”. What is justice, then…
Xia Yan: …
MC: …
 ⊳ Relationship to Qian Yi’s death
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Xia Yan: Miss Ji, according to my investigations, you bought a restricted blade the day before Qian Yi’s death.
Xia Yan: That day, you were given a violation ticket from police for carrying prohibited items, and the blade was confiscated.
Xia Yan: After Qian Yi’s death by cardiac arrest, the police also investigated you.
Xia Yan: Back then, a police officer testified for you, saying that he had been keeping an eye on you secretly, and that you did not have the time to commit the crime.
Xia Yan: But if I’ve guessed right, you were following Qian Yi back then, correct?
Ji Xiaoyu: Is how that human scum died that important to you?
MC: It’s like this, Miss Ji. Qian Yi just might be linked to another case that we’re investigating.
MC: So we wanted to ask you whether you noticed if Qian Yi was acting unusually at any point.
Ji Xiaoyu: No need to explain. He’s dead anyways, and I don’t care why you’re investigating him.
Ji Xiaoyu: But you came for nothing.
Ji Xiaoyu: I did follow him for a few days, but didn’t notice anything unusual about him.
Ji Xiaoyu: Even if someone did kill him, they would have just been “enforcing justice for the heavens”.
 ⊳ Ji Xiaoqing
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MC: Miss Ji, we… have a few questions about your sister Ji Xiaoqing…
Ji Xiaoyu: No need to be so hesitant. Go ahead and ask what you want.
Xia Yan: Miss Ji, according to what we know, your sister found out about everything only when Bedo Loan Company seized your real estate.
Xia Yan: After, she was always low-spirited, and then ended up getting into an accident due to drunkenness.
Xia Yan: I’d like to ask you about the details when your sister found out about the trap loans.
Xia Yan: Did she make any unusual actions?
Ji Xiaoyu: Unusual? Under those circumstances, what sort of actions wouldn’t be unusual?
MC: …Could you tell us about where she was different from before then?
Ji Xiaoyu: My sister had always been a very hardworking, motivated person, both in work and life.
Ji Xiaoyu: The year my parents passed just happened to be the one where she was testing for university.
Ji Xiaoyu: Because of limited money and to take care of me, sister gave up on the famous university she’d set her heart on and went to a typical university.
Ji Xiaoyu: Without the halo of a famous school, she worked harder than anyone when it came to studying and work.
Ji Xiaoyu: A few months before Bedo Loan Company found my sister, she had just job-hopped to a very famous company.
Ji Xiaoyu: When Bedo Loan Company had just come knocking, sister still pretended to be lively as she went to work…
Ji Xiaoyu stopped for a moment.
Ji Xiaoyu: But when the police were investigating my sister’s cause of death, they found the people from her company. Only then did I find out…
Ji Xiaoyu: Those scoundrels knew that sister was working at a big company, so they often went to harass her, to make her hand her earnings to them…
Ji Xiaoyu: Sister refused, so those people handed out flyers insulting us at the company…
Ji Xiaoyu: Sister’s mistakes increased in frequency at the company. After, she resigned.
Xia Yan: But you just said that she would pretend to be lively at work? So she went out to…?
Ji Xiaoyu: I don’t know why sister pretended to go to work in the days after.
Ji Xiaoyu: I’m guessing that she just didn’t want to see me at home and think of sorrowful things…
MC: Have you ever secretly followed your sister?
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Ji Xiaoyu: … What right do I have to follow my sister?
Ji Xiaoyu: It makes perfect sense for her to want to avoid me, to have time and space to herself.
Ji Xiaoyu: I harmed her so much. Should I not even give her this bit of space?
MC: Miss Ji…
Ji Xiaoyu: But you’re also right. I should have followed my sister.
Ji Xiaoyu: If I watched over her more and worried over her, then at least, I could’ve brought her home after she got drunk, and she wouldn’t have gotten into an accident.
Ji Xiaoyu: But back then, I was only worried about my own sadness and shame. I never thought once for her.
 ⊳ Other people she’s interacted with
Xia Yan: Miss Ji, may I ask, has anyone found you after you told the police about the trap loan?
Ji Xiaoyu: After sister passed, I dropped out of school.
Ji Xiaoyu: After teachers at school found out, they came to see me a few times.
Ji Xiaoyu: The rest were a few reporters who came to interview me and take pictures for news.
Ji Xiaoyu: After attention on this matter subsided, no one else came.
 ⊳ Civil compensation
MC: Miss Ji, Bedo Loan Company will begin trial for a case soon.
MC: I read the case details – the real estate that your parents left behind were defrauded away by the company using a fake lawsuit.
MC: After the court comes out with a criminal case verdict on Bedo Loan company, I can help you file for civil litigation.
MC: This way, what your parents left, as well as your assets that were defrauded from you, can be taken back.
Ji Xiaoyu: No need. I don’t need compensation.
Ji Xiaoyu: It’s already pointless…
 Ji Xiaoyu: Are there no other questions?
Ji Xiaoyu finished answering all of Xia Yan’s and my questions.
I originally thought that asking these would poke at her emotional wounds, but the whole time, her voice was expressionless, unusually indifferent.
Xia Yan and I locked eyes for a moment, seeing the same confusion and worry in each other’s eyes.
Xia Yan observed the items in the room again, looking at those two cardboard boxes near the door.
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Xia Yan: The things in these boxes are…?
Though we could guess what was in it, Xia Yan still acted with caution, avoiding saying anything along the lines of “things left by the dead”.
Ji Xiaoyu: They’re my sister’s things.
Xia Yan: Can we take a look?
Ji Xiaoyu nodded slightly, then opened the cardboard box.
We first saw a journal with Ji Xiaoqing’s name on the cover.
Xia Yan flipped through the diary, giving it a few flip-throughs. The handwriting was beautiful and organized, and the contents focused on work and the comfortable times spent with her little sister.
Xia Yan: Your sister had a habit of writing in a diary, yet she didn’t write anything after finding out about the trap loan?
Ji Xiaoyu: She did. Several times, I saw her writing things in a black leather notebook.
Ji Xiaoyu: I don’t know what she wrote in there. Every time she saw me come over, she would immediately hide the notebook away.
Ji Xiaoyu: She probably wrote a lot about hating me…
Ji Xiaoyu: She clearly should’ve blown up at me, beat me, cursed me, and thrown me away so she could live in another city… but she still put on a strong face in front of me, every day.
Ji Xiaoyu: She also needed to vent, so I didn’t sneak any peeks.
MC: (Miss Ji…)
Xia Yan: Is that black leather notebook still around?
Ji Xiaoyu: I couldn’t find it. Maybe she tossed it away after she finished writing in it, or maybe it dropped somewhere on the day of the accident.
Just when Xia Yan and I were planning to look at some of Ji Xiaoqing’s other items, Ji Xiaoyu brought up a suggestion.
Ji Xiaoyu: You can take these boxes away and take your time going through them.
MC: Can we? These things…
Ji Xiaoyu: I’ll be preparing to bury my sister tomorrow, so I’m very busy. I need to rest right now, and I can’t wait for you.
Xia Yan: I understand – we’ll take these away for now, then. Don’t worry, we’ll examine them carefully and won’t break them.
Ji Xiaoyu: …
Ji Xiaoyu: I’d like to let you know that after my sister’s accident, the police also examined them. But they didn’t notice anything.
After hearing Ji Xiaoyu’s words, Xia Yan and I picked up the boxes with Ji Xiaoqing’s items and prepared to leave.
Ji Xiaoyu: Wait.
MC: Miss Ji, is there anything else you need?
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Ji Xiaoyu: Why… why are you treating me like this!
Right when we were about to leave, Ji Xiaoyu suddenly became agitated.
MC: I’m so sorry, Miss Ji. If we have offended you in any way—
Ji Xiaoyu: Why aren’t you condemning me!
Ji Xiaoyu: It’s because I got too greedy and wanted to buy something expensive that I borrowed the money! It’s all because I wasn’t cautious enough that I ended up in the trap loan!
Ji Xiaoyu: It’s because I was a coward who was too scared to tell my sister or call the police that I kept sinking deeper!
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Ji Xiaoyu: It’s all because of me… that my parents’ house ended up being defrauded away and that my sister died…
Ji Xiaoyu: You asked me so much, but why didn’t you scold me…
Ji Xiaoyu: Why… did you speak to me so sympathetically… when I committed so many unforgivable mistakes…
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MC: …
Xia Yan: …
For a moment, I wasn’t quite sure of how to respond.
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Xia Yan: Miss Ji, though this issue started because of you, you were not the one to cause all the misfortune.
Ji Xiaoyu: Have you not heard of the phrase, “flies don’t bite eggs without cracks”? Those who are pitiful must have a hateful side…
Xia Yan: But those who did evil are ultimately those “flies”.
Xia Yan: Whether pitiful or hateful, I have never thought that the focal point of a case should be whether the victim is perfect.
Xia Yan: You’ve already condemned yourself enough.
Ji Xiaoyu: …
Xia Yan: Even if you’ve already bought your sister’s resting place, don’t rush to do anything foolish.
Xia Yan: At least wait for our investigation to end.
Ji Xiaoyu: W-what do you mean?
Xia Yan: I feel like we might be able to find your sister’s black leather notebook.
Xia Yan: No matter how much you just pretended to not care, you must actually want to know what your sister was thinking and doing during that period of time.
Ji Xiaoyu was silent as tears rolled nonstop down her face.
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Ji Xiaoyu: If you really find any clue that my sister left behind…
Ji Xiaoyu: No matter what it is… no matter how angrily she cursed… please tell it all to me.
Xia Yan: We will.
22 notes · View notes
Code Silver - Life in the ER
This is the continuation of my “Life in the ER” series. This takes place two months after the previous installment. As always, you don’t necessarily have to read the previous installments but it may help clarify any questions you have.
Now take note of this MAJOR WARNING - there is an active shooter situation in this chapter. There will be blood, cussing, needles, surgery and death in this chapter. You have been warned.
I do not own Dr. Leighton. His name was originally used in Code Black, which is one of my favorite medical dramas. I do not own that name. And Dr. Weasley is named after the famous red-headed family in Harry Potter - I don’t own that name either.
As always, feedback would be wonderful and much appreciated. Buckle up kids, this is going to be a doozy of a ride.
June 10, 2021 11:00am
He never wished for a normal day while working in the ER but he wished for one today. Wishing for normal days, usually, meant that the hours in the ER were filled with chaos and craziness and somehow even more casualties than an average shift. He sighed as he thought back on the long night he had. Mack had been up most of the night, and usually Race could get her settled down but he was at his wits end. Spot ended up getting up to help him, making the 5am wake up call a struggle.
“Get it gear, Conlon.” Plums teased as she stood at the nurse’s desk giving a look. “Coffee not kicking in?”
Groaning, he looked up from the keyboard he was staring at a little too intently, nodding to the white cup sitting beside his hand. “This is my fifth cup; if it hasn’t kicked in yet then I don’t think there’s hope. Little miss only wanted me last night.”
“Ahhh those days are fun. Addie is in a Jack phase right now and I’m chopped liver.” Plums grinned. “Hopefully that won’t last long?”
Spot shrugged. “It’s been a week already. It doesn’t help when I’m working the early shift. She loves to party between 2 and 4.”
“Ugh do not miss those days. Addie is finally sleeping all the way through the night. She gets up at 5:30, just as I’m walking out the door though.” She smiled as Albert slid into a chair. “You okay, Al?”
He grinned. “Yea, patient in room four needs a checkup at some point. What’d I missed?”
“Noted - thanks. Spot’s kid throwing a rager from 2-4am.” Plums pointed out.
Albert chuckled loudly. “Ahh that sounds like fun.”
“Don’t laugh - this’ll be you this time next year.” Spot pointed his index finger in Albert’s direction. Finch and Albert had announced their little bundles of joy would be arriving around the beginning of December.
The grin slid from his face as Spot’s words made him pause. “Shit. I guess I will be taking notes from you both before that time.”
A call came over the intercom as Plums grabbed a chart before heading down the hallway. “Duty calls. Meet you guys in the cafe around 1 for lunch?”
“See you then.” Spot saluted her as he finished typing up his notes, looking over his shoulder at Albert who was writing in his own chart. “You doing good?”
A smirk crossed Albert’s face. “Doing well. Finch mentioned that we should have you and Race and Jack and Kat over for a cookout.”
“That’ll be fun.” Spot sighed, typing something in the chat he was having with another doctor, groaning as he stood up. “I’ve got to go draw another vial of blood. Don’t miss me too much.”
Albert blew him a kiss as he watched him walk away with a shake of his head. “Don’t worry, pooks, I won’t.”
Spot quickly drew the vial of blood from his patient in bay 12 before walking it upstairs to deliver Elmer. “Got some fresh, still warm blood for you. Orders should be in your inbox.”
“How’s the world of emergency today? Quiet?” Elmer accepted the vial before typing a few keys on his keyboard, giving Spot a quick smile.
Spot sighed, leaning against the wall, trying to stretch his back. “It’s quiet but two ambulances were pulling up just as I escaped up here. Is it 6pm yet?”
“Sorry, you still have 6.5 hours to go.” Elmer was way too cheerful as he delivered that news to Spot, who merely groaned.
The hospital phone that was attached to his hip dinged with a message that made him smile. “Hey if you haven’t eaten by 1, we’re planning on eating in the cafe. Come by.”
“I’ll see if I can get away. These results will be in your patient’s chart by the time you get back downstairs.” Elmer grinned.
Saluting him, Spot grinned. “Thanks, Elm. You’re the best.”
Whistling along to a song that was stuck in his head, he headed back downstairs, via the stairs. He hopped down the stairs as he thought about everything that he needed to do before his shift ended. Just as his foot hit the bottom stair, the intercom blared to life with a “Code Silver” followed by the Emergency Department as the location. Words you never wanted to hear in a hospital. A shiver ran down his back as his brain processed the words. Gripping the handle of the staircase he faltered in his step. Active shooter.
Throwing open the heavy stairwell door, he found himself in a surprisingly empty hallway. His shoes squeaked softly as he made his way to an empty patient room, quickly darting behind the door for protection. Grabbing the blue hospital issued phone, he opened it, silencing the volume. He sent a message both to Plums and Albert asking them where they were.
As he waited, all he could hear was someone yelling and the blood rushing through his ears. The phone vibrated in his hand as he quickly brought it up to eye level. From Plums: Patient’s room, door locked, everyone okay. You?
Ignoring her message for now, he started making his way back towards the center of the Emergency Room. In the back of his mind, he knew he should get out while he could but not while his sister-in-law and best friend were in the middle of danger.
“Where the hell is Nicole Ridder?” A loud voice raged, catching his attention as he slid under a desk. “Where is she?”
A gunshot went off as several more screams pierced the air as a hand slammed on a desk. “Where is she?”
Looking around the corner, Spot’s eyes went wide, as he took in the scene. Albert was under the desk, the very desk the man was loudly banging his fist on. Sadie, a nurse that Spot didn’t know too well, was staring down the man. “Sir, there is no Nicole Ridder here. I just checked our in-patients and there’s no one here by that name.”
“She texted me and said she’s here and now you won’t fucking let me see her.” The man screamed as another gunshot exploded, breaking the silent air. All Spot could do was watch Sadie crumble as the bullet hit her.
The man hit his hand once more before taking several steps, waving the gun in front of several other nurses, the air returning quiet. “Nicole, where are you?”
The man neared Spot’s position, as he tried to make himself smaller. “NICOLE!”
His shouts became more desperate as he started pushing open closed doors. Spot tried to regulate his breath as the man’s footsteps came closer.
He stopped at the desk that Spot was sitting under, his hand pounding the top. His voice was gruff as he cocked the trigger of the gun. “I know there are more people here - just tell me where in the hell Nicole is and I won’t shoot up the place.”
A cry broke the silence, as both Spot and the man looked towards a closed door. Within seconds the man was standing in front of the door, the butt of the gun banging against the solid wood door.
His hand tightened around the door handle, jiggling it to open it but found it locked. “NICOLE, OPEN THIS DOOR! I know you’re in there.”
A noise behind Spot made him look. Albert and a few other nurses made a break for it, running for a door that would lead them outside. Spot felt a rush of air escape his mouth. Albert was safe. But he feared for Plums’ safety.
Plums’ POV
The jiggling of the door handle sent a shiver down her back. She was currently hiding behind the bed, with her patient and her patient’s child, trying to keep them both safe. Putting a finger to her mouth, she locked eyes with the two.
She had been about to discharge Josie, who had strep throat, when the Code Silver had come over the intercom. Immediately she had shut the door, locked it and put the chair under the handle, blocking them in the small room.
“NICOLE, OPEN THIS DOOR! Goddammit I know you’re in there.” The jiggling continued as tears crowded her eyes. She attempted to calm her breathing.
Grabbing the blue phone, she quickly typed something in and sent it to both Albert and Spot, hoping the two of them got out before this madness began.
“NICOLE DAMMIT OPEN THIS DOOR.” The man’s voice pleaded as his fists hit the door, each bang louder than the previous.
She slipped her hand into the little girl’s, giving it a squeeze, as she prayed that the ordeal would end soon.
Spot’s POV
He felt the phone vibrate in his hand as he opened the message.
I’m in the room with her and her daughter.
The gasp escaped his mouth before he could help it but the pounding on the door told him the gunman hadn’t heard. He wished he had his personal cell on him but the hospital frowned upon that. He just wanted to get a message to Race.
His thoughts stopped for a minute. Race. His husband who was out on summer break, at home with their daughter. Or maybe he and Jack took the girls out for lunch and were at least together. Leaning his head back, he stretched his neck muscles, praying that he’d get to see his daughter and husband at least one more time.
Taking a steady breath, Spot’s mind started turning. He needed to get that gunman away from that door if Plums had a chance to get away.
Opening up the phone, he quickly typed out a message to Plums Right outside the door under the desk.
His butt was falling asleep as he sat scrunched up under the desk. He slowly adjusted himself, cussing when his shoe squeaked. Spot cussed under his breath as the pounding on the door came to a standstill. “Who’s there?”
Eyes wide, Spot bit his lip in an attempt to stay quiet. “Show yourself or I will put a bullet through this door. This isn’t a game.”
Another gunshot sounded as screams pierced the air. Several more gunshots were fired in quick succession as the man growled under his breath. “Damnit, Nicole, get your skinny ass out here now. Quit playing these damn games.”
Another several gunshots were fired through the door, wood splintering as the bullet made contact. Several screams pierced the quietness, one of which was most definitely Plums.
Spot could hear the man pacing in front of the door, as his shoes squeaked with each pass. Every few seconds, the butt of the gun would knock against the door. Spot could hear him growl, growing frustrated by the situation at hand. “You leave me no choice, Nicole.”
Before he could take another breath, the gun was fired in quick rounds, several bullets hitting the wooden door as screams erupted from the small room. Spot eased out from his position, looking at the man as he screamed and unloaded his gun into the small room.
He heard the familiar click of the gun, signaling that it was out of ammunition. Spot took that moment to stand and look at the man. He moved stealthily, as he made his way to the man. Before he could think, he punched the man, successfully crumbling him to the ground. The gun went sliding down the hallway as Spot punched the man a few times. “Plums, get them the hell outta here.”
The man attempted to hit Spot back but was unsuccessful and several seconds later, the police came in, slapping handcuffs on the man before helping Spot up.
Spot stood, chest heaving as his brain caught up on what had just happened. He faltered in his step just as a police man caught him. “Sir, you okay?”
“Dizzy.” He mumbled just as he collapsed and fell to the ground.
Plums’ POV
Holding up her hands, she hurled herself over to the police and told them to get the hell in there, that the gunman had been subdued.
Without another word, she watched several police officers make their way into the building as she was led to a makeshift medical area. She was led to a stretcher where her vitals were checked and she was given a check over. She had some cuts from glass and bruises but nothing life threatening. The mental reminders would take some time to overcome. Albert wrapped a warm blanket around her shoulders as she sat on the bed. “It was Spot.”
Albert’s hands stilled as he took her blood pressure. “Spot what?”
“Spot subdued the gunman by hitting him and knocking him out.” Plums whispered as she looked at Albert.
Albert dropped the stethoscope, before pulling her into a hug, as she lost it. The tears, fears, relief all came bubbling to the surface. He hushed her, brushing his hand up and down her back as he attempted to calm her down. “Hey it’ll be okay. Jack, Race, and Finch are all outside and as soon as you’re done, I’ll bring them all back, okay?”
She nodded, her breath coming out in gasps, as he took her blood pressure. He did a few other checks, she figured for bullets or any other damages before jotting down something on the piece of paper at the makeshift table. “Do you want me to stay or go get them?”
“Can you stay and have someone get them? Also, where’s Spot?” She asked, eyes wide with the fear still radiating through her body. She knew the adrenaline would be cursing through her body for some time yet.
Albert nodded, stepping out for a moment before coming back in. “Maddie is going to get Jack, Race, and Finch and she’s checking on Spot.”
“Albie?” She asked, clutching the blanket tighter around her.
“Yea Plums?” He asked, scribbling something on a chart in front of him. He looked up, looking at one of his family members, trying to keep it all together.
She sniffled, looking at the cut on her hand. “Was anyone killed?”
He stilled with the question, dropping the pen before walking over to wrap her in a hug as she broke down crying. “Shhh.” He whispered as he ran a hand up and down her back.
Tears clouded his eyes as he listened to her heartbreaking sobs. Soon they turned to snuffs as she pulled away from him and wiped her eyes. “Sorry.”
“No, Kat, you have nothing to apologize for.” He shook his head. “You’re safe and your body is trying to regulate itself. It’s okay. But to answer your question, I haven’t heard anything about anyone. Once I got out, they checked me out and said they needed help with injuries so I’ve been doing this. I was just relieved to see you run out.”
Looking up, she gasped seeing Jack, Race, and Finch all standing there. Before she could do anything, Jack was pulling her into a hug as she busted into another round of tears. Jack was mumbling stuff in her ear and running his hand through her hair as she immediately felt safe in Jack’s arms. Leaning back, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Love you too.”
Stepping away from Jack, she pulled Race into her arms as he sniffled. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Where’s Spot?”
“He was the one who subdued the gunman. He’s probably talking to the police.” She mumbled, watching Race’s face crumble.
She watched many emotions cover Race’s face as he faltered. “He did what?”
“I don’t know how but he knocked the gunman out and told me to get out of there.” She looked at him. “He’s a hero, Race.”
Tears clouded Race’s face as she pulled him back into a hug. “He was fine when I was running out of there so I’m sure he’s talking to the police.”
She soothed him, by rubbing a hand up and down his back. She watched Jack talk to Albert and Finch. “Where are our girls?”
“Medda has them.” Race pulled back, wiping his eyes. “Jack and I were hanging out at your house when she stopped by. When this came across the news, Jack said we needed to get down here. We held our breaths every time the door opened. We got here just after Albert came running out.”
Nodding, she sat back on the bed, wrapping the blanket around her. She looked over at Finch, whose fingers were laced with Albert’s. “Hi Finch.”
“Hi Kat. Glad you’re okay.” He smiled, squeezing Albert’s hand.
Nodding, she looked at the men in the room, sighing. “Hey Al, can you go check with Maddie?”
He nodded, leaning over to kiss Finch before escaping out of the medical area.
Sighing, she kicked her legs, antsy with wanting to know what was keeping Spot. She figured the police would want to talk with him but he should be done by now. She felt Jack stand behind her with his hand on her shoulder. She knew it would be a long time before he would be able to have her out of his sight.
Albert’s face was stoic as he returned with a police officer. “Plums, this is Office Ramirez. He’d like to talk to us for a few minutes.”
“Katherine Kelly, sir. This is my husband Jack and our friends, Tony, Albert, and Patrick. Tony is Sean’s husband. Can you tell us what’s going on with Sean Conlon?” Plums sat up straight, trying to look more authoritative than she felt. Her heart plummeted into her stomach as he was introduced. Usually having a police office come talk to them was never a good thing.
Officer Ramirez shifted, pulling his hat off before looking at the same group of friends. “I was first through the doors when I saw Sean on the floor punching the gunman. Several officers took care of the gunman while I went over to Sean. I got him to his feet when he mumbled that he was dizzy and before I knew it, he had fainted.”
“Doctor White was in the vicinity and immediately started checking Sean. In the initial check, he had blood on the left side of his scrubs. Several nurses and Dr White loaded him onto a gurney and rushed him upstairs to surgery.” Officer Ramirez’s face was grime as he relayed the information. Race gasped, processing the information. “If you’d like, I will escort you up to the surgery floor where you can wait?”
Kat sat back as the words hit her. She looked over at Race, who staggered a bit, only for Albert’s arm to wrap around his waist. “That would be great. But I have one other question - was anyone killed today?”
The officer paused. He was conflicted on how much he should actually tell them. “There were two nurses and an orderly that were killed. There were several that were injured by the stray bullets.”
Tears crowded Kat’s eyes as she thought about her coworkers and their families. Hanging her head, she let a sob out as someone put their arms around her. She looked up at Race whose face was tight with a mix of emotions as he hugged her. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she looked at Officer Ramirez. “I’ll need a few minutes to talk with some of my colleagues but after that, can you escort us upstairs?”
“Absolutely ma’am. There will be a police officer outside the waiting room just for some extra protection. And we will need to speak with you and Mr. DaSilva at some point.” The office said, as Kat nodded.
She pushed the blanket off of her before she looked at Jack. Leaning up, she gave him a quick kiss and hugged Race before walking out into the still mayhem scene.
Maddie came up and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay. Any word on Spot?”
“He’s in surgery but that’s all I know. We’re going to head up to the surgical waiting room. Can you let the head honchos know?” Plums asked, giving the young nurse a look, as she looked around the mayhem of police officers, nurses, and patients.
Maddie quickly nodded. “I can do that. Do you want me to have food sent up?”
“Thanks, that would be nice since all of us just want a status update.” She smiled at Maddie.
“Consider it done. Just let us know when he’s out and doing okay?” She asked, as Plums quickly agreed before going back to the medical area.
Making sure they had everything, Kat gave Officer Ramirez a look as he led them through the eerie empty halls of the Emergency Room to the elevators. Katherine moved quickly, not wanting to be reminded of what had happened there just a short while ago. The group was silent as they got on the elevators, watching the numbers slowly rise up to level 8, the surgical floor.
Several police officers were already waiting outside of the waiting room as they stepped off the elevator. Kat led the group into the room, where a couple of styrofoam containers were on a table along with two sets of scrubs. “If you need anything, my officers will be outside. When you’re ready to talk to us, just let us know.”
“Thank you for everything. Let us get changed and get some food, then at least I’ll be ready to talk.” Kat told him before she looked at Albert, who nodded.
Officer Ramirez gave her a slight smile before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
She watched Albert and Finch walk over to the food as Jack and Race hovered near her. She smiled weakly at them both before picking up a pair of scrubs and walking over to the bathroom to change. Not wanting to see the scrubs she had on ever again, she threw them into the trash before joining the men in the waiting room. As the door closed behind her, she pulled her hair down, wanting her hair to be done, instead of up in a ponytail like it normally was when she was on shift.
Jack and Race had styrofoam containers balanced on their knees as they ate. Finch and Albert were throwing theirs away.
“There’s a sandwich and mac and cheese there for you.” Jack motioned over to the table as he continued to eat.
Nodding, she sat at the table, immediately opening the mac and cheese container and eagerly eating the cheesy goodness. “Any word?”
Shakes of heads were her answer as she sighed and banged her head against the wall. She knew she should go downstairs to get hers and Spot’s stuff but she just didn’t have the energy.
Her eyes darted around the room. Apart from the eerie quietness, the people in the room were okay. She just wished she could find out what was up with Spottie and why it was taking so long. Her brain kicked into medical mode and she wondered how serious Spot’s injuries really were.
“Kat?” Jack broke her train of thoughts by softly calling her name. She raised an eyebrow at him. “The police are ready to talk to you if you are.”
Nodding, she quickly threw away her trash, grabbing a water bottle before she walked out of the room, ready to be done with the day.
Jack looked at Race who was twiddling with his hands, looking absolutely lost. “Race?”
“Yea Jack?” He asked, looking up from playing with his wedding band.
“I know it’s a stupid question but you doing okay? Do you need anything?” He asked.
Race shrugged, sighing. “I just want to lay eyes on him and make sure he’s okay. My mind keeps playing the what if game and it won’t stop until I can see him.”
“Do you want me to have momma bring up the girls?” Jack asked, knowing Kat would want to see Addie sooner rather than later.
Race was torn. On the one hand, it would be good to hold Mack until he knew about Spot; on the other, the little girl would want to explore the unfamiliar place and Race didn’t know if he could be patient with her as his nerves were already frayed. “As much as I would love to say yes, she’s better off with momma at the house.”
Jack nodded. “Do you want to play cards?”
Race loved his brother but he could slug him at the moment. He understood what Jack was trying to do but he just wanted to know how the hell Spot was doing. “No Jack. I’m fine. Just anxious to hear how Spot’s doing.”
Silence fell over the room as Race began to day dream. He thought back to earlier that morning. Did he even say he loved Spot as he said goodbye to him? Did he say have a good day or that he’d text him later? Race let his head fall backwards as it collided with the wall. Tears crowded his eyes at the lack of updates and knowledge of what the hell was going on.
Race wasn’t going to lie. It was painful to see Jack and Kat along with Albert and Finch reunite as he sat there awaiting the news of his husband. Race just prayed to whoever that Spot was okay and he would be back by his side soon.
His eyes met the clock on the wall. 1:35. Just over two hours since he heard the news about an active shooter at the hospital and his heart damn near stopped.
Pulling out his phone, he noticed there was a 40 in the top corner of his messages. People had been contacting him to find out if Spot was working and if he was okay. Race just didn’t have the heart to reply to any of them. The only one he opened was from momma as she had sent a photo of Kenzie sleeping. He smiled slightly before locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.
The opening of the door caught his attention as a nurse slipped through. “I’m Maeve. Is this the family of Sean Conlon?”
Nodding, Race looked at the young nurse with a pleading look. “I’m his husband. Is he out of surgery?”
“I was in the operating room. The doctor is just finishing up surgery and will be in shortly.” Maeve tight lipped smiled at them.
Race cleared his throat. “Is he okay?”
“I’m sorry but the doctor will be out shortly.” She apologized as she slipped out of the room.
Jack stood, stretching his back. “I’ll go let Kat know. Anyone need anything?”
Everyone shook their heads, watching him leave the room. Race tapped his feet, a renewed energy knowing that soon he’d have some answers and maybe he could see Spot sooner rather than later.
Kat joined Jack as they came back into the room. Before she took a seat, she held something out to Race. “I had the police collect his belongings from downstairs. He has quite a lot of missed calls and texts.”
Race accepted the phone and Spot’s canvas bag with a nod. He didn’t go through it, and merely pocketed the phone. “How was your talk with the police?”
“Okay. They just wanted to make sure they had all their ducks in a row. They’re going to want to talk to Spot and you, Albert.” She directed her last words to him as he nodded, fingers laced with Finch’s.
“It might be a few days before Spot’s up for it.” Race gave his sister-in-law a look.
She quickly nodded, looking at him. “The police are well aware of that fact. His doctors will have to clear it before he is able to do so. Plus he’ll have us by his side when he does talk to them.”
The door opened once more as they all looked up. “Doctor Leighton.”
“Katherine, I’m glad you’re doing okay.” He gave her a side hug as he turned to the other four. “I’m Doctor Leighton, I did Spot’s surgery.”
“This is Tony, Sean’s husband. My husband Jack. You know Albert and his husband Finch.” Kat made the introductions. “How’s Spot?”
Doctor Leighton nodded at all of them before taking a seat. “Spot’s okay. He’s in recovery at the moment. It was tough and go for a while. He had a bullet hit him on his left side. We ended up having to remove his spleen but he lost a lot of blood. We’re currently giving him blood transfusions to try to replenish what was lost.”
“Will he make a full recovery? Can he live without his spleen?” Race asked, looking between Kat and the doctor.
The doctor nodded his head. “Yes, he will make a full recovery and at this point, we don’t see any cause of concern. We’re waiting for him to wake up. And yes, he will be fine to live without his spleen.”
“What are your concerns for him in the next 48 hours?” Kat asked, as Race was glad she asked because he didn’t know what else to ask.
Dr. Leighton sighed. “You know the concerns, Katherine. Since the spleen is so instrumental in fighting infections, I’m a bit more concerned with him catching infections going forward. He will need to make sure he’s up to date on all of his vaccines after he’s discharged.”
“So I should be more concerned when he comes down with a cold?” Race piped up as the doctor nodded.
Kat nodded. “Yes, especially in the next year as his immune system adjusts.”
“When can we see him?” Race asked, his toes tapping anxiously, just wanting to lay eyes on his husband.
Dr. Leighton looked at Race, smiling softly. “Give us about 20 minutes to get him moved to a room then you can see him.”
“Thank you Dr. Leighton.” Kat stood, shaking his hand as the rest of them did the same. He gave them a tight smile before he left them alone.
“Well he was helpful.” Race choked out as Jack Finch, and Albert both snorted.
Kat shook her head. “He’s a brilliant surgeon but he’s got little bedside manner. I’d request him in a heartbeat, a thousand times over some of the surgeons in this hospital.”
Race nodded, trusting her 1000% with anything medical related. Standing up, he started pacing, just wanting the time to go by fast so he could see Spot. “Race?”
He stopped, looking at Kat who softly called his name. “Do you need anything?”
“Just to see my damn husband.” Race sighed. “Sorry but I can’t think of anything else until I lay eyes on him.”
Kat nodded, as she couldn’t imagine if that was Jack in surgery and wanting to see him to make sure he was okay. “You heard Dr. Leighton, Race. He’s okay but I understand your frustration. Do you want us to hang back when you first see him?”
“Do you mind?” Race asked, his voice small, not wanting to give away how scared he truly was.
She stood, pulling him into a hug, running her hand up and down his back. “Of course not. You should be the first to see him. We’ll hang around while you go to visit him. Al still needs to talk to the police so he can do that while you go see him.”
The door opened and the nurse from earlier stood there. “We’ve got him settled into his room. We still have him sedated but you can go ahead and see him.”
Kat nudged Race. “Go see our boy and give him our love. We’ll hang back and see him later, alright?”
Nodding, Race hesitantly stepped forward as he followed the nurse down the hall to a room in the corner. “I’ll be right at the nurse’s desk in case you need anything.”
She propped open the door as he silently walked inside. There were two IVs, one going in each hand, one fluid of clear liquid, the other full of blood. He stood at the foot of the bed, looking at the step up, two chairs, one on each side of the bed, along with a table and two chairs off in the corner. Stepping around the bed, he sat in one of the chairs, and being careful of the IV, lacing his hand with Spot’s.
“Hey Spot.” He whispered, torn between waking him up and letting him sleep. Race had always loved watching his husband sleep, due to the fact when he was awake, he was never still. Spot was always moving around, unable to really settle unless he was sick or sleepy. “I heard through the grapevine that you’re some kind of hero. You saved a lot of people today, Spottie.”
Time, Spot only needed time. Time to heal, time to recover, time to wake up. “I know you want to sleep but I really want to see your pretty brown eyes. It’s been a pretty rough afternoon and I need to tell you I love you, because I’m not sure I actually said it this morning.”
“I’m not leaving, Spot. Wild horses couldn’t pull me away.” Race promised, squeezing his hand. “Kat, Jack, Albert, and Finch are out in the waiting room. Momma is at the house with Mack and Addie. As soon as you wake up, I’ll get her to bring the two of them up to see you.”
He continued to ramble about random things, always being told that patients could hear when they were unconscious. He didn’t want Spot to be alone and promised to fill the quiet room with his cheerful chatter.
Race held his breath, knowing that Spot would wake up with time but he wasn’t the most patient person. Squeezing his hand, he felt himself relaxing in the chair for the first time since arriving at the hospital. Race kicked his feet up onto the bed and let his head fall back to the back of the chair, listening to the constant beeping from the monitor, his eyes closing as he dozed off.
Kat’s POV
She watched Race leave the room, wanting to join him as he saw Spot but knowing Race needed some time to adjust to having Spot in the hospital bed. Standing up, she felt antsy from waiting so she paced the room as she answered texts from family and friends concerned about her.
“Kat?” Looking up from her phone, she looked over at Jack who had concern written all over his face. “You okay?”
She sighed, walking over to him and sitting beside him. “Just antsy. I’m glad Race gets to go see him but I want to check up on him as well.”
Pressing a kiss to her head, Jack nodded. “I know. Despite our rough start, Spot is like a brother to me and it’s hard when we don’t know what the next few days or even weeks will look like. But we have to go along with the doctor who seems optimistic that he’ll be alright in the long run.”
Kat reached over and laced her fingers with Jack’s. “We’ll see him soon. Let’s give Race some time with him.”
She looked at Finch and Albert and smiled sadly at them. “You two doing okay?”
“Just hanging out until we can see him.” Albert looked as worried as she felt. “You two hanging out for the night?”
Jack shrugged, giving them a look. “Depends on what Race wants us to do. We’re kinda letting him dictate what we’re doing. I just checked in with momma and she said the girls are down for their afternoon naps.”
She didn’t get a chance to answer as the door opened slowly as an older man poked his head in. Standing up, she weakly smiled at him as surprise was evident in her voice. “Dr. Weasley.”
“Katherine, they told me you were up here. I just wanted to check in with you, Spot, and Albert to see how you were doing.” He said as she nodded.
Motioning for him to come in, she sighed. “Spot had emergency surgery and he’s in a room down the hall. This is my husband Jack and Albert’s husband, Finch. Guys, this the director of the ER, Dr. Weasley. We’ve just been hanging out here waiting to see Spot after his surgery.”
Dr. Weasley nodded. “I heard that he had to have his spleen removed - he’s a tough nut and will be okay. I’ve come to tell you that you and Albert have the next week off. There will be a check-in before you’re allowed back into the hospital, per guidelines. As for Spot, we’ll take it day by day with him and when he’s cleared to return.”
“Is there anything we need to do in the meantime?” Albert came by Kat’s side as he was curious what the requirement was going to consist of.
Dr. Weasley smiled at them. “You’ll both need to see one of the hospital’s trauma specialists before you’re released to come back. You will also need to take the mandatory 5 days off before you step back in here.”
“How long will the ER be shut down for?” Kat asked, knowing it was only one of three emergency rooms within the city.
Dr. Weasley shook his head. “It’s going to be shut down for tonight but obviously the hospital doesn’t want it down for too long. They’re hoping to have it back up and running tomorrow morning.”
Frowning, Kat shook her head. “It doesn’t seem right. There were people killed in that ER earlier today and tomorrow it’s back to business like their lives don’t even matter.”
“I agree with you Plums but you know how the head honchos are.” Dr. Weasley agreed as he shook his head.
She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “It’s just not right. But I make pennies compared to them and I know nothing.”
“Keep up that attitude Plums and you’ll be alright.” He smiled, looking between her and Albert. “Do either of you need anything?”
Albert shook his head with a smirk. “Million bucks, new scrubs, better hospital food?”
“Noted but not sure what I can pull out of my magic hat.” Dr. Weasley looked between the two of them with a shake of his head. “You have my number if you need anything. I’m glad you two are okay.”
Watching him leave, Kat shook her head as the door shut gently behind him. “That was nice of him to check up on us.”
“You know it was because we’re not down at the ER with the rest of the staff.” Albert told her with sarcasm laced in his voice. “He knew it would’ve gotten around the ER if he didn’t come check up on us and Spot.”
Kat nodded. “True. I’m going to check up on Race. You guys staying here?”
Albert agreed while Finch and Jack stayed behind, letting the two of them go. Her shoes squeaked as she walked down the hallway. Pushing open the door, her shoulders immediately relaxed as she took in Spot’s appearance in the bed. A noise drew her attention away from Spot and to the chair beside him where Race was snoring away.
Stepping up to the bed, she looked Spot over as his quiet breathes matched Race’s deep snores. Albert shook his head as he reached up to wipe his eyes before taking Katherine’s hand and squeezing it. “He looks better than I thought he would.”
“What did you imagine?” Kat asked, looking over at him with a smirk.
Albert shrugged. “Bruises, black eyed, ruggedness. You know, someone who just got into a fight but he actually just looks normal.”
“Excuse you, I’m ruggedly handsome.” A voice drew their attention from each other to the bed. A smirk was on Spot’s face as he looked at two friends.
Kat’s eyes immediately watered with tears as she looked at him. “Spot.”
“I’m sore . . . what happened?” He asked as he tried to move but felt instant pain.
Albert stepped up, giving him a look. “You had surgery. They removed your spleen due to a bullet. You fainted in the ER just after the police came to take the gunman away. Race was really worried about you and had been in here for about 20 minutes before he must’ve fallen asleep.”
“Is that what that train sound is?” Spot asked, craning his head to look over to Race, who quietly snored away.
“Yes. He’s been worried sick about you.” Kat smiled. “Do you want me to wake him up?”
Spot shook his head. “Nah, let him sleep. Who’s got Kenzie?”
“Momma’s got her and Addie. Last we knew, they were taking their afternoon naps. Jack, Race, and Finch have been here most of the afternoon. They watched Albert run out.” Kat explained.
Spot nodded, as he bit his lip as a wave of pain coursed through his side. “Anyone killed?”
“Two nurses and an orderly.” Kat frowned. “But thanks to you, no one else was killed. There’s a few injuries but you saved a lot of people, Spot, including Nicole and her daughter.”
Spot shook his head. “I about died when you texted me that you were in the room with them. I knew I had to draw him away from the door in order for you to escape.”
“I’m thankful that you did but I almost passed out when I saw you slugging him.” Kat shook her head. “You’re an idiot Sean but I do love you.”
“Love you too Kat.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Do you want to go get Jack and Finch? I don’t know how much longer I’ll be awake.”
Albert rushed from the room, leaving Kat and Spot alone with the sleeping Race. “He doing okay?”
“Worried about you but he’s been alright.” She smiled. “He has your phone but hasn’t done anything with it. I got your stuff from downstairs.”
Spot nodded. “Thank you, Kat for everything. Any idea how long I’m in here for?”
“Dr. Leighton didn’t say but I’m sure he’ll be around to see you later.” Kat shrugged. “I’m guessing in a few days you'll be released. Albert and I are on mandatory leave for the next week and we have to see one of the trauma specialists before we’re allowed back in the ER.”
Spot didn’t say anything as the door was opened as Jack and Finch stepped into the room with Albert behind them. Kat stepped back, letting the two talk with him. Albert came over and wrapped his arm around her. “Counting your blessings?”
“Something like that.” She smiled, laying her head on his shoulder. “Just really glad my family is okay. Really glad my closest coworkers are alright. Sad that we lost some good people but happy that everyone else is okay.”
Albert shook his head. “Love you Kat.”
“Love you too Albie.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Are you and Finch heading home?”
Nodding, Albert sighed. “I just want to go home and put today out of my mind. I have a feeling we’re in for a few rough days.”
“Agreed. We’ll be around if you need someone to talk to.” She smiled. “I’m only a phone call away, okay?”
He nodded, a ragged sigh left his mouth. He watched Jack and Finch joke with Spot as he started to doze off. Once he was asleep, Finch and Albert made their way out, leaving Kat and Jack with Race and Spot.
“What do you want to do? I’m sure you could use a shower and some Addie cuddles.” Jack suggested as he looked between the two sleeping men in the room.
Kat stretched, a groan escaping her mouth. “You’re probably right but I just don’t feel right just walking away after everything we’ve been through this afternoon.”
“Kat, you’re not walking away.” Jack gave her a look. “How about I take you home, you can shower, cuddle Addie, then we can come back up here and bring them food? Does that sound like a plan?”
Nodding, she pushed off the way, pressing a kiss to both Spot and Race’s foreheads before walking out of the room, hand laced with Jack’s.
An Hour Later
The rustling of bedsheets was the sound he heard as he slowly woke up. Cracking open his eyes, it took a minute to figure out where he was. The hospital, active shooter, Spot surgery all came rushing back to him.
Sitting up in the uncomfortable chair, he cracked his back as he looked at the bed. The most beautiful sight he had seen was staring back at him. Spot, with a smirk on his face, and eyes opened as he stared at Race. “Hi.”
“After all this time and scaring the literal shit out of me, all you can say is hi.” Race was out of the chair and sitting on the side of the bed smirking. “Hi yourself. How are you feeling?”
Spot grimaced. “Sore, really sore. But other than that, okay. Kat and Albie filled me in on everything that had happened when they were here earlier.”
“You were awake and they didn’t wake me up?” Race frowned, giving Spot a look.
Squeezing their linked hands, Spot looked Race in the eyes. “I asked them not to as you were in a deep sleep. I’m sorry I didn’t wake you but I needed to know what had happened.”
“You doing okay, Spottie?” Race asked, worry in his voice.
Spot sighed loudly. “To be honest, I don’t know how I feel. I’m angry that someone interrupted the safe space the ER was. I’m upset that I lost coworkers. But I think I’m mostly grateful that Albie and Kat are both okay and safe.”
Leaning forward, Race captured Spot’s lips in a kiss. “I love you and it’s completely okay that you’re not okay. There were a lot of emotions involved in today but I’ll be here for you as we go through the next couple of days, weeks, and months. Kat and Al aren’t going anywhere and they’ll be here for you, when I can’t.”
“Love you, Racer.” Spot smiled slightly. “Also, you did tell me that earlier this morning before I left the house.”
A light blush raised on Race’s cheeks. “You heard me?”
“Yeah . . . but it was a big foggy so I couldn’t actually tell if you said that or if it was my mind playing tricks on me.” Squeezing his hand, Spot sighed. “I kept kicking myself that I didn’t have my phone on me. I only wanted to get you a message that I was okay and that I loved you. I’m just glad I have the opportunity to tell you that now.”
“Love you Spottie.”
“Love you too Racer.”
Later that Evening
He found himself sitting up in bed, a course of antibiotics and pain medication surging through his body. He was happily slurping on a strawberry milkshake while Race was cracking jokes with Jack. Kat was watching her husband and Race with an amused smile on her face. A few of their coworkers had stopped by to check up on them both, not staying long but to say their thanks to Spot for being a hero.
“You okay, Plums?” He asked over the crackle of Race’s laughter at something Jack had just told him.
Looking up from her fast food chicken nuggets, she smiled. “I’m fine. I got to cuddle Addie and Kenzie, take a shower, and pet Basil for a little bit. I had a good cry in the shower.”
“Promise me, you’ll text if you need anything?” Spot gave her a look, knowing full well that she was just as likely as him to keep things bottled up.
Nodding, she smiled. “Of course. I’ve been made to promise by Jack, Albert, Race, and now you. I scheduled my appointment for the trauma specialist for next week.”
“Good. I’m proud of you for scheduling it out already.” Spot said, giving her a look that he knew what she was thinking.
She couldn’t say another word as there was a knock on the door. Kat raised an eyebrow to Spot, silently asking if he knew who it could be. He shook his head, as she got up and answered the door. She smiled at the guests as she reached out and grabbed Addie. She pushed open the door as Momma walked in, Kenzie in her arms.
“Momma!” Spot sat up and grinned despite the pain on his side. Race stood, taking Kenzie from her arms before kissing her cheek loudly. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought it might be a good idea for you two to see your daughter. Addie is just along for the ride, though I thought her parents could see her too.” Medda grinned, watching Jack take Addie from Kat’s arms. “Besides, I wanted to check up on you to make sure you were okay.”
Spot grinned at the woman who had been the replacement momma in his life. Ever since he and Race started dating, Medda had taken him in as one of her own. “Doing alright momma. Will be laid up for a little bit as I recover but I’ll be just fine in the long run.”
“Good.” She patted his foot. “You make sure that son of mine takes care of you, waits on you hand and foot.”
Race, cuddling Kenzie, looked up at his mother with an insulted look. “Hey! As if I wouldn’t wait on him hand and foot! I take offense to that.”
Laughter sounded around the room as Medda shook her head. “I’m just thankful you, Spot, and Katherine are okay. I checked in with Albert and Finch earlier and they’re doing as well as could be expected. I’m just glad all my babies are okay and here with us tonight.”
Kat looked around the room, locking eyes with each of the people in it, giving them a smile. “I’m glad today is almost done and tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow we start to move on from today and though we'll never forget, we will start to move on.”
Kat and Spot locked eyes. Though they had always been close since college, it seemed their bond had dug a little deeper. And she smiled, there was no one she’d rather have in her corner than Spot Conlon, as he would always have her back, just like she always would have his.
Feedback would be wonderful and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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sendme-2hell · 3 years
Ranking the books I read in April
aka just ranting about the books I read in april pls ignore me
1. The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson 
I cannot believe this book wasn’t nominated for a Hugo! I like the Hugo list (of the books I’ve read) but cmon. This book is like if you combined the social commentary in The City We Became and the queerness of Harrow the Ninth. Seriously this book had everything I wanted: parallel universes, great character development, social commentary, woc sapphic slow burn, satisfying ending. Also I feel like the title is paying homage to W. E. Dubois which is cool. “Between me and the other world, there is ever an unasked question: How does it feel to be a problem?” Like there is just this very cool idea of talking about other worlds as in literally other universes but also different worlds due to social and racial hierarchies. 
2. Plain Bad Heroines - Emily m. Danforth 
Horror, Hollywood, boarding school, everyone is gay, the narrator talks directly to the reader and it is hilarious, copious footnotes, have I mentioned how many sapphics there are? It’s hard to keep track. Plus polyamory. I just really loved this book and I felt it all came together in a way that was worth it. 
3. Steel Crow Saga - Paul Krueger 
This godamn book. I loved this book so much. I was so ready to yell about it on tumblr and tell people to read it. But apparently the author is someone who has harassed a lot of women so...uh...yeah. Nevermind I guess.
 I do want to say it is the most accurate depicition of a Sherlock Holmes superfan that I have ever seen in media. 
4. The Tiger’s Daughter - K. Arsenault Rivera
What if we went on a long trip on horseback and we were both lesbian warriors...jk unless…
Yeah so I loved this book so much. A lot of it is about navigating familial responsibility, fighting literal and metaphorical demons, fighting the patriarchy, fighting your anger, fighting tigers, etc...and yet I kept thinking to myself “this is the most romantic book I have ever read” and honestly I am gonna stick by that. It also has the “you think me a monster so I will become one” trope which is great. It is set in an Asian-based fantasy world and I did read a goodreads review that said it was as accurate to the countries it draws inspiration from as Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse is to the Russian and Scandinavian cultures it takes from. So that’s not great. 
5. Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
Speaking of! A few months ago I tried to read Shadow and Bone in preparation for the tv show and I could not finish it. The writing was...bad. Anyway I really liked Six of Crows and even though, yeah it’s tropey (I’m looking at you, Helnik backstory), there’s a reason those tropes work. Plus you cannot go wrong with a heist. About halfway through I did realize that there are six mcs and three couples so its kinda just like a giant triple date, which really changed how I read the whole story.
I’m very glad I did read it before seeing the tv show because I was able to be appropriately excited for the Crows and catch the Wylan reference and everything, but I also got to see the Alina stuff without having to read about it. 
6. Crooked  Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo 
I think I somehow liked this even more than Six of Crows, but for narrative simplicity I’ll put it after. I really like it when you put people in an impossible situation and see how they figure it out. Especially if they get out in a clever and reasonably possible way that ties together many different plot threads and has a few good fake-outs. This did all of that, and also developed every character in a way I found satisfying (except [redacted] *cry emoji*). 
Kaz pulls a Baru Cormorant with some money stuff and now I wonder if they would be friends. 
I read this after watching the show which was good because I knew who Zoya and Genya were but bad because there is a point where Nina is like “here is how shadow and bone ends.” She’s just talking to Mattias and casually spoiling everything for me. So there goes my dreams of living spoiler free until the end of the show. 
7. The Miseducation of Cameron Post - Emily m Danforth
My expectations for this book were....very different than it turned out, and I’m glad for it. After reading Plain Bad Heroines I shouldn’t have been surprised at how well written it is. I really appreciated how nuanced it is. It doesn’t spell out its ideas or themes and therefore lets you really sit with them. I would rank it higher but I don’t really enjoy reading about high school. 
8. Foundryside - Robert Jackson Bennett
I love a good found family, especially if at the beginning of the book they are on opposing sides. Enemies to friends = best trope! Also it’s sapphic that’s always good. But the best part of this book was the worldbuilding which was so cool. 
9. Malice - Heather Walter
Remember what I was saying about “you think me a monster so I will become one”? This book is the definition of that trope. Women becoming unhinged after being treated like shit, we love to see it! Especially if it’s gay. I do have to say, authors who write duologies where the first book ends on a cliffhanger, I see what you’re doing but yes, I will be preordering the next book. 
10. Fugitive Telemetry - Martha Wells
I don’t have much to say because Murderbot is so consistently excellent.  uh why is it so cathartic when xenophobes disrespect Murderbot and it’s humans step in and shut that shit down. Gets me every single time. 
11. Queen of Coins and Whispers - Helen Corcoran 
This book was like half romance half politics and unfortunately I did not find the politics that interesting or well written. But the romance was A+. It reminded me of Priory of the Orange Tree a LOT. Though significantly less dragons and I’m taking many points off for that. 
12. The First Sister - Linden A. Lewis
I wanted to like this book a little more than I did. There was just maybe too much body horror for me. Interesting characters and world though. There was  a location named Cytherea that they mentioned a lot and it was very distracting. I guess I still have tlt brainrot. 
13. Shorefall - Robert Jackson Bennett 
I think this book was well plotted out but it didn’t quite have my attention like Foundryside did. Also yet another book where a woman’s girlfriend ends up in her head. This time no one had to die so that’s nice. TM and SD take notes! 
14. The Deathless Girls - Kiran Milwood Hargrave 
Ok I LOVED the Mercies by KMH so I was a little disappointed in this Dracula retelling. It got interesting in the last 50 pages, but unfortunately that is not enough for me.
proud of myself for not reading a single straight book this April 
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Day 4 -Habits
I just wanted to put a trigger warning up at the top. It's not very well discribed, because this was edited at 3 am, BUT. Marinette... Disassociates(?) Toward the end of this. I know that it's a little different than what people usually discribe for her, but I kind of based off my experiences I've had and experiences my best friend has had.
The sun started to peak its way through the windows as Dick Grayson made his way into the kitchen at the manor. It wasn’t often that he was able to come back for long stretches of time, but when he was, he enjoyed beating his family down. As he walked in, he blinked in shock. There sitting at the counter, was Marinette. His younger sister (who he was still mad at Bruce for hiding from him) was siting there happily chatting with Alfred as she sipped on a mug of coffee. She was already dressed and seemed too chipper for 5:30 in the morning.
 At the sound of him slinging himself into a chair, Marinette threw him a smile that made Dick squint in return. He huffed in response and latched onto the mug that was passed his way. There was a reason he made sure to be up before the others, after all.
Tim was settled with his laptop when Marinette maneuvered into the sitting room. In one arm, she had her sketchbook, a bag of pencils, and a cup of water. In the other arm, she had her computer, phone, and a tray that was holding four cups of coffee. When she set one down in front of Tim, he hummed in appreciation. She sent a smirk his way and added “a gift to the lord of the room” his responding
“Hey! Get back here Little Bit!” was met with laughter. She threw him a smile and arranged herself onto the opposing couch. He smiled at her and returned to his homework. This was his quiet time, and she knew that. Recently she had been making a point to spend time working in the same space with him when they both were busy. Both times she had come to visit since Thanksgiving, he had found himself working with the girl. Somehow, she always knew when he needed a break, and the thirteen-year-old girl made sure to pull his attention away for an appropriately short amount of time. He had often found over the last few weeks that he was sleeping better because of it too. Now, as he reached over to grab the coffee, she had brought him, he smiled. Maybe he could convince her to make a habit of this.
Every week his sister had been at the manor over the course of her winter break, Dick had been beaten to the kitchen. As he stumbled through the kitchen once again at an ungodly hour of the morning, he realized that he could hear Alfred and his sister talking quietly in the smaller dining room. As he made his way into the room, he could make out the tail end of their conversation, “-do know that they would be more than willing to let you talk about this, Miss Marinette. You do not have to carry this burden on your own.” The sound of a disbelieving snort followed.
“I know you keep saying that, Alfred, but I just…they all have such busy lives and there’s so much going on in Gotham and- “
“and you are still part of the family, Miss Marinette. Master Bruce is starting to worry about you, and Master Dick is starting to notice that you are avoiding the topic. Do not shut them out, when they can help you. This situation may need an outside touch.” When Alfred finished speaking, Dick decided that he had overheard more than he should have.
“Alfred? Are you in here?” When he called out for the older man, Dick watched with a cringe as little Marinette jumped at his voice. “Hey Net! I’m not sure if I should be jealous that5 you keep beating me down in the mornings!” as he teased her, he watched her eyes light up.
“Well, Dick, you try being the child of two bakers- “as the girl started her comeback, a groggy voice cut through the air.
“what the hell are you all doing up?” the three turned to see Tim standing in the recently vacated doorway, clutching his water bottle and looking around with bloodshot eyes. “it’s like, 2 am.” At Tim’s declaration, Marinette giggled.
“Tim? Its almost 6?” the look of shock that flashed over the boy’s face made Dick frown. Tim’s all-nighters were becoming more and more frequent. The way the teen stumbled out of exhaustion was worrying.
“Hey Timmy? Let’s get you to bed.”
In the week prior to Christmas, Bruce made it a point to try and come home earlier so that he could spend more time with both Marinette and Tim, who were both supposed to be enjoying their winter breaks. He knew, of course, that Tim had wheedled his way into doing extra course work over the holiday to cut down on time spent in school. That didn’t mean that he expected the boy to focus solely on the work. Imagine his surprise when he had come home to both of his teens settled in the sitting room working. Marinette was sketching furiously, while Tim was typing away on his laptop with a ferocity that would scare many of the villains that populated Gotham. Bruce blinked in shock before turning to find Alfred standing off to the side smiling.
“They have adjusted their habits so that they can bond even though this season is busy for the both of them, Master Bruce.” He turned back to his children and smiled at the two of them as they continued working, unaware of anything outside of the sitting room.
The next morning, when Dick came down, expecting to see his sister and Alfred, he was instead met with the sight of macaroons cooling on the counters. On the island, there were croissants, and on the stove, there were pans full of freshly baked sugar cookies. He blinked in concern and turned around the room searching. On the other side of the kitchen was his sister, standing over the sink, hands unmoving, as she gazed out at the slowly rising sun. Her eyes were unfocused, and as Dick made his way over, his eyes focused on the slight tremor that was running through her hands. “Net?” When he received no answer, he moved closer, “Marinette? Hey- “the girl moved, and Dick’s hand shot out and caught the bowl that she had been holding and set it down. Gently, he guided his sister out of the kitchen and led her into the sitting room, where they passed Alfred as he made his way down for the morning.
Once Dick had Marinette settled, he sat next to her and held out one of his hands, leaving the offer for comfort open as the girl blinked and started to look around in confusion.
One moment, Marinette had been starting on the dishes, the next, she was sitting on the love seat in the siting room next to her brother. The sharp poke in her side that had brought her out of her mind was one that she could only attribute to Tikki. As she sat there, adjusting to the change in location, Marinette took a deep breath to ground herself. She wasn’t expecting her brother to speak.
“Do you want to talk about it, Net?” The girl studied the Man sitting next to her for a moment. When she decided that she couldn’t find any hint of insincerity, Marinette nodded hesitantly and trained her eyes on her hands. They were twisting in her lap, working as a distraction and an outlet for the nervous energy that had been building up since August.
“I- “Dick waited patiently for the girl to collect her thoughts, “I love Paris, I really do. I mean- it’s the place I grew up! But. Well, recently.” She hesitated again. She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. “everything is wrong!” The phrase tore out of her, and she clamped her mouth shut afterwards as her mind flew through damage control ideas. “I mean. Well. Everything is do tense. Too perfect. No one can feel anything!” When had she started crying? Marinette could have sworn that she had a better handle on her emotions after spending the last five months held emotionally hostage. As she started to devolve into true sobs, Dick pulled the girl into a hug, and she clung to him. For the first time in almost five months the girl was able to truly process what was going on in her home city.
When Alfred came to check on them 20 minutes later, he found the duo sitting curled on the couch. In the other doorway stood a shocked Bruce. Alfred smiled at the look of shock on the fathers face before the man strode over to join his oldest and his youngest. As Alfred turned to go back into the kitchen and finish making sense of all of Marinette’s baking, the man shook his head. Who knew that the habits that Marinette influenced would be the ones that would bring the Paris situation to light?
so, i plan on picking up in the same place for tomorrow’s prompt (overprotection) so i didnt resolve anything. i think i have the rest of the month plotted out as well! as soon as i have a day where im not stuck at work all day, im going to go through and put all of these in a master post, along with my other fic *ideas*. 
just so that i can also clear up any potential confusion, no. Damian is not yet present in this. yes. he will eventually. at this point, Marinette is 13, Tim is 15, Jason (who is going to be in the background for a bit still) is 19(ish) and Dick is either 24 or 25, i haven’t decided. I do plan on including more of the Batclan as i go...
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mightydragoon · 4 years
Luke and Leia vs the Galaxy
.Our favourite Space Twins against the Empire with varying degrees of success. 
1. Legacy ---myrlendi (thehistorygeek)
Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be.
When Luke fails to return from his mission, Leia goes after him, retracing his steps to the ancient temple — and to the past, to the time of the Clone Wars and the waning years of the Old Republic. Under suspicion by the Jedi Order, the twins struggle to find a way back to their own time while trying to keep their knowledge of the future from affecting the past.
This, however, turns out to not be as simple as it seems.
2.  Skywalker Family Values- Ariel_Sojourner
Camp Chippewa is proud to be the Empire’s foremost camp resort for privileged young adults. Located on the picturesque forest moon of Endor, your child will have the opportunity to participate in wholesome outdoor activities and socialize appropriately with their peers. We invite your offspring to join us for the experience of a lifetime and a bright future in service of the greater glory of the Empire.
On opposite sides of the galaxy, on opposite sides of a civil war, Darth Vader and Padme Amidala unwittingly send Luke and Leia to the same camp during school break. Chaos naturally ensues.
3. Back To The Future - PinkEasterEggs
Teenage Princess Leia, heir to Alderaan's throne and her twin, Luke Vader, heir to the Imperial throne, get thrown back in time with the chance to save their parents before it's too late. With the Force finally on their side, they decide to have a little fun whilst they try and save their father's soul.
What could go wrong?
(Part of the Back To The Future series. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1648657) 
4. No Time Like The Present - PinkEasterEggs
In a Galaxy where Princess Leia Organa and Imperial Prince Luke Vader didn't Time Travel to save their father's soul, a deadly discovery by their biggest enemy throws their entire lives upside down. Yet again.
Now on the run from the Empire, the Skywalker Twins find it their mission to bring peace back to the Galaxy once more. And with Darth Vader on their trail, that mission is far more complicated than they originally believed.
(Part of the Back To The Future series. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1648657)
5. Great as the Sea-- Valkirin
Rescuing the last of Alderaan's survivors was an important duty, not an obsession, and Leia did not need to take a break. She did not have time to think about Darth Vader, the Force, or Luke Skywalker. It’s just her luck that the Force sends her with Luke Skywalker to a time where Darth Vader is about to rise.
6. turn my sorrow into treasured gold - cosmicocean:
“It might be better for you to die,” Obi-Wan muses as she holds her children in her arms. Padmé looks up at him and arches an eyebrow.
“I didn’t mean literally,” he clarifies.
“I know what you meant. I’m thinking about it.”
Padmé survives childbirth, dies as far as the rest of the galaxy is concerned, takes her children with Obi-Wan, and runs.
Pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow.
7. The Assassin's Blade - LadyVader23
Two years after Order 66, Padme is both an assassin for the Rebellion and a mother of twins. She will stop at nothing to bring democracy back to the Galaxy, even if it means killing Imperials to do it. But news of suspicious assassinations reaches Sidious, who dispatches Vader to hunt down this mysterious assassin. What Vader discovers will change the fate of the Galaxy.
8. anything is possible the second time around cloverblob
Leia Organa is sure that she died. She laid herself down, ready to become one with the Force. Except that she isn't dead--she hasn't even been born. So how did she end up on Tatooine? And why would fate bring her right here, right now?
9.  Influence of Time Cateyes1401 and  SkylaDoragon
A freak accident sends Luke, Leia, and Vader splitting off to different points of the galaxy, over twenty years in the past. While Vader is careful to correct any errors his sudden appearance may cause in the timeline, Luke and Leia are not so cautious.
10.  Laying Down the Sand - Knitzkampf
An AU set at the time of ESB. Han Solo abandons Luke, Leia and Chewie to settle some unfinished business and sparks a series of events that challenges each one's destiny and the fate of the galaxy. An epic tale of friendship, love, family and lightsabers.
11.  Binary Sunsets, Binary Siblings - Coffeesforcatchers
The projection was as blue as the Tatooinian sky, making it hard for Luke to discern its features. But as the audio began to play, Luke felt his heart seize in his chest.
"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."
Luke stared at the droid, his mouth open. "That's my sister!"
12.  Deja Vu - oncomingstorm42
Time travel AU fix-it wherein Luke and Leia are sent back in time to halfway through The Phantom Menace. They proceed to unscrew the timeline and save their parents while also kicking ass.
(note* Private story. To read you must have an AO3 account) 
13. Heralding Home -planningconquest
Family can be what we make of it. It can be lost and found and comes together in strange and amazing ways.
(Note* Modern Au but still same principal applies) 
14.  Like Fire in Our Bones --- acuteneurosis
With all of the most important things in the galaxy literally exploding around her, Leia is given the chance to go back and help keep a promise she never personally made.
But then, for Skywalkers, saving the galaxy was always a family matter.
15.  I am as Strong as the Seas are Stormy (And as Proud as an Eagle's Scream)- RhiannonOfTheRoses
Leia Skywalker is only hours old when the Empire rises.
Leia Organa is twenty-three when it finally falls.
OR: The one in which Leia Organa is explored, and her life is uncovered.
16.  Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns chancecraz
I went to sleep on the worst day of my life and woke to find myself in the past on the second worst day of my life. As experiences go, I don’t recommend it.
(Part of the Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns series https://archiveofourown.org/series/825216)
17.  Runaway SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
18.  take the spade from my hands (and fill in the holes you've made) A_Different_Type_of_Flower
With her dying father's last request, eighteen-year-old Leia Organa sets out for the Outer Rim to find an exiled Jedi master and a brother she knew nothing about.
19.  Sparks SpellCleaver
Vader had every intention of ignoring that petty—if notorious—burglar on Coruscant, until evidence suggested that this "Angel" had Rebel ties.
Meanwhile, Luke never expected his father to actively hunt him down, and he doesn't like it.
20.  the price of forgetting - surabayuh
 Vader always thought that epiphany would come in waves; in the middle of meditation, perhaps, or a dream while he was resting, giving him unimaginable glee and satisfaction at its revelation.
He’d never thought epiphany would sledgehammer him here, at cell room number 2187, in the middle of an interrogation session, with an unconscious Alderaanian Princess laying on the floor.
(Part of the  the bang the war-drums series) 
(Note* Read the rest of this series seriously its so good) 
21.  heirs of the desert -- surabayuh
There was something about her, something familiar beyond the hairstyle or the attire; It was like a hole in his chest mended back by her presence. They walked closer to one another, slowly, slowly—like a planet realigning to their axis.
Dreams of a different life, a different reality, haunting him for as long as he could remember. Dreams of lush greeneries, of clear blue waters, of a high castle, of a brunette with bright brown eyes crinkling with laughter.
Leia, her name was Leia and he felt like he had known her his whole life, as if he'd known her as old as he had known time.
Around them, the Force sang.
(Part of the  the bang the war-drums series)
22. taste the regret (it's bittersweet.) - surabayuh
Han Solo didn't want much, really; he only agreed to pilot his way away from the grips of Jabba the Hutt, and maybe have a little adventure along the way. That was why he said yes to that old man's offer, back in Tatooine, why he came back to aid the Rebellion, back in Yavin.
But then again, who knew that somewhere down the line, he would have to be the middle-man in a galactic family drama that could determine the very fate of the universe?
Well; certainly not him.
(Part of the  the bang the war-drums series)
23. Endings and Beginnings, and Everything in Between - ITookTheOneLessTravelled
Dad might be mad at them, but Leia doesn't regret it. Luke and Leia Skywalker might be only fifteen, but they'd never have left their Dad in an Imperial prison cell to rot.
OR: Anakin raises the twins. Everything changes, but also nothing does.
24.  No Heroes on the High Seas - SpellCleaver
When Luke's aunt and uncle are executed by order of the Emperor's right hand, Lord Vader, he flees his home to search for his sister and the mother he never knew. But then Obi-Wan Kenobi stows away aboard the same ship, Vader gives chase, and Luke is dragged into a conflict that his family are at the very heart of.
25.  Ad Utrumque Paratus - obeyingthemuse
It's hard to bring balance to the Force when the only method you've seen is your black-cloaked psychic cyborg sorcerer dad with a severe breathing problem throwing an old man down the Death Star reactor shaft. As much as Luke would like to see the not-yet-Emperor dead, he doesn't want to be arrested by his unusually attractive(?) war-hero dad and spend the rest of his indeterminate time in the past dropping Ewok beats in a jail cell. Also Leia would probably kill him. But not before breaking him out of jail.
So when the twins wake up on Tatooine decades in the past, they play it safe. They take over a planet, reconnect with their adoptive and real parents without weirding them out (too much), and accidentally cause the Chancellor perpetual near-death experiences.
Nailed it.
Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker 
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swordsandshields99 · 3 years
Chapters: 4/6 Rating: Mature Day 5 - We are Family - TW: Depictions of character death; grief  @cactuarkitty​
Chapter Summary: After the suicide mission, Garrus goes to visit his family, and his mother one last time. Regret, grief, family, and bitter-sweet, beautiful closure. 
When Garrus awoke on the Octavian Frigate, he forgot where he was for a moment. It took him a bit to gather his surroundings, taking deep breaths and calming his subharmonics. It'd been so long since he wasn't either on Omega, or a Cerberus ship. He heard the loud engines of the Turian frigate, the familiar humming of 100 Turian subharmonics ringing throughout the ship. Right. Family. He was on his way to see his family. For the first time in, well almost 3 years. He had been about to book a flight for Palaven when his sister, Solana, texted him saying they wouldn't be there. They were on a colony near Sur'Kesh. Where the Helios Medical Institute was located.
His family would never know, that it was his donation of Collector tissues, all the credits he had, and a wonderful letter of clearance from Mordin, that was the reason his mother had qualified for the treatment. From his father and sister's perspective, an anonymous donation allowed room for one more Turian patient. They'd' never know it wasn't anonymous, and it wasn't a donation. Garrus was broker than broke after that payment. They'd never know that after the mission on Horizon, he would have begged Mordin to send a sample to help his mother. Luckily for him, he only had to ask and Mordin was more than happy to help. He also knew, that without the Salarian's clearance, it still wouldn't have been enough to get the project running in time to help his mom.
And even for all that, it still wasn't fast enough to truly help her. At first, it seemed it might slow down her disease. But only for a few months before she took a turn for the worse.
Garrus stood at the docking bay doors, waiting for his cab. When it arrived, he got in without a word and punched in the facility's name. The computer did the rest. He spent the drive trying to figure out what he would say. He had decided a long time ago not to inform his family about the money and the tissue samples. As much as it had done to help her, and as much as it had relieved his family from the pressures of trying to care for her at home, it was nothing compared to the fact that he wasn't there for them.
Yes, his mission this past year with Shepard was important. Important enough, or he wouldn't have done it. But the two years before that? Omega? No, not only could he not tell them about that anyway without enduring a shame he didn't think he could shoulder, he should have been at home. He should have been helping. So now what? Lie? Say that his past mission was three years instead of one?
There was no way in hell he would lie. Never to his family. Not to most, but never to them. So what? He knew, while his father might just be disappointed enough not to even ask, his sister would.
He stood outside the facility doors, before taking a deep breath and going in. He pulled up his omni-tool to send a group text.
G: Dad, Sol, I'm here. What room #?
D: Room 203
S: I'll come get you.
It only took Sol 45 seconds to enter the lobby, their father in tow behind her. He knew the second they saw him. Sol's shocked face, her mandible's splaying out in horror. His dad's pained subharmonics.
Sol didn't know. Couldn't have known. When he finally made contact again, he refused to vid-call, always coming up with excuses. And after he called his father right before he thought he was about to die, well maybe his father was expecting as much.
"Garrus," Sol said, a bit breathless. "Spirits, what happened to you?" Sol had grown up tough. Always trying to keep up with her big brother. And she always succeeded. Garrus wasn't sure what she did after her initial period of service, but even he didn't have the military clearance to know what she was up to. But in this moment, she was the most tender he had ever seen her. She reached her hand out tentatively, holding the side of his face that was horribly mangled and scarred. Her subharmonics were ringing, part sadness, part shock, and the smallest bit of 'ick'.
"Missile to the face," he said, the same joke (that wasn't actually a joke) he'd be making for the rest of his life.
Castis walked up to his son, head held high, hands clasped behind his back. "This happen after our phone call?"
Garrus' subharmonics wavered, sounding with a certain acceptance and gratefulness. His father's brow plates rose when he heard it. Perhaps the old man wasn't expecting gratitude at bringing up that phone call, but Garrus felt it none-the-less. He would always be grateful for that 50 second phone call. The one where his father gave him some peace when he thought he was in his final moments.
Castis could hear that from his son's subharmonics now. His hard exterior melted into a relieved one. Castis placed a hand on Garrus' shoulder, "It's good to have you back in one piece, Son." His own subharmonics rumbled with relief and, to Garrus' surprise, fatherly love.
Garrus fought down his emotions, "How's mom?"
They were both too silent. Garrus' knew that was answer enough. Sol's subharmonics wavered with regret and grief. His mother wasn't gone yet, but she would be soon. "Let's go see her," Castis said softly as he turned to lead his children to their mother's hospital room.
Garrus wasn't sure what he expected. The last time he saw his mother, she was forgetting things. She could never remember what she had just been doing, or where she left any of her things. She was forgetting who people were, like their neighbors. And it was so unlike her, his mother always with sharp wit and a sharper tongue, that it hurt all the more to see. Her hands and legs had been shaky, but if she concentrated she could control it. And that was three years ago. Corpalis Syndrome wasn't kind.
They entered the dimly lit room, monitor's beeping softly. "When she's sleeping, she's so peaceful that it's a relief. But, I always want her to wake up. So that I can be with her," Sol's second vocals wavered heavily, her subharmonics grief stricken. Hearing his sister cry was hard, even if they were both adults. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed.
Their mother gasped suddenly upon hearing them, her eyes shot open. She wheezed heavily, each breath a struggle. Her eyes darted around the room. Castis walked calmly to her side, "We're here, dear. You're alright."
"Who.. who are..." Garrus' mother began. If she didn't recognize Castis, there was no way in hell she'd recognize him. Especially with half his face blown off. "Ah... Cas-castis, dear." She stuttered horribly, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she tried desperately to clasp her bond-mate's hand. Castis reached out and held her hand tightly, but even that wasn't enough to stop the shaking. "Castis, I d-d-don't want t-to be h-h-here. P-please, where are we? T-t-take me home?!" Her voice was pain-stricken. Her subharmonics were wavering wildly, changing from scared to angry every other sentence. Garrus had never heard his mother sound scared a day in his life.
Garrus' felt Sol squeeze his hand as she whispered, "Dad thinks she's been waiting to see you Gar. She's been holding on."
Garrus' throat tightened and his hide itched at the thought. Had she? Spirits.
"We're here so you can be more comfortable, I promise my bonded," Castis said in a soothing tone.
"She'd want to be at home at the end. But the medicine is keeping her as comfortable as we can manage. Without it, she'd be in too much pain. Everything is just... shutting down so quickly," Sol said quietly.
"Look, bonded, the kids are here to see you."
Garrus' mother looked at the pair. "Kids... we have kids?"
Garrus felt horrified, but Sol acted like it was just another Tuesday. "Hi mom, it's Solana," his sister said as she approached the bed so her mother could see more clearly.
"Sol! When did you get here?" his mother said happily, chirping as if Sol was 10 years old. "Are you being good?"
"Yes, I promise," Solana said with a forced laugh. Sol looked back at him and gave him a forceful look.
So he stepped forward. "Hi mom, it's me, Garrus," he said, taking his sister's lead.
"Garrus. You're not Garrus," his mother said, furry in her eyes. "Not my Garrus." His mother looked at Castis then, "Garrus is at target practice out back, isn't that right Castis?"
"No dear, this is Garrus. Isn't he all grown up now? He's been away on a mission."
"A mission? My, aren't we so proud of him Castis," his mother said as she turned back to him. Suddenly, her eyes cleared and her subharmonics rang out with motherly affection and love. "Garrus... my Garrus. You've been hurt."
"Hey mom," Garrus said, relief flooding his bones. "Yeah, all better now though, promise."
She nodded. "You'll be alright. You'll see," she said with meaning behind the words. He felt like keening right then and there, but fought it down. She always knew what to say. She tried reaching out for him, so he got closer and held her other hand in his. "I love you, my son. I'm not sure what your mission was, or what your next one will be, but your mother always believes in you." And just as quickly as it came, the moment of clarity vanished. She wrenched her hand from his. "Who are you?" she said angrily. "Castis, where's Castis?!"
"I'm here," Castis said, grasping for control of his emotions. "I'm right here."
"Castis," she wheezed as she looked at her bond-mate. "It... it hurts."
Castis keened, his control slipping. He regained control of his vocals and subharmonics quickly and said, "I'll give you more medicine, bonded. Hold on."
"It hurts," his mother whispered. "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts." Her body stiffened and shook for a split second, and when she relaxed again continued quietly, "Castis, my hurt. My hurt. My hurt."
Castis fumbled with the button and pressed it twice, and slowly it seemed as if she had drifted to sleep. The family stood in silence for a moment before she whispered, "Castis. Take me to the window?"
"Bonded?" he asked, unsure if she was in her right mind or if she meant it.
"I long to see the stars again, just once," she wheezed.
Castis scooped her up in his arms, and Garrus saw just how tiny and fragile his mother was. Castis pinned down her arms, but her legs shook still. Garrus saw the cords getting pulled, so he pushed the medicine trolley behind them.
Castis brought her to the window and opened the curtains. Garrus thanked the Spirits the stars were visible that night. His mother gazed at the bright stars for a few silent moments with his father before she turned her head into Castis' chest and whispered, "Starlight and dancing?"
Castis chuckled softly. "Starlight and dancing. Always."
Garrus wasn't sure what it meant, but it was clearly meaningful to them.
The slow and erratic beeping of her heart monitor slowed. Castis went rigid, and Garrus heard the low, mournful rumblings of grief begin to form in his father's subharmonics. They listened to the heart monitor in silence, until 5 minutes later, it stopped. A Salarian doctor came to the door, and without disturbing anyone in the room, checked his mother's pulse. He made a note in his omni-tool. "I'm sorry," the doctor said quietly, and left the room.
Castis collapsed in the chair near the window, still holding his bond-mate in his arms. The rumble that Garrus heard earlier grew louder and louder until the subharmonics were nearly deafening. Garrus wasn't sure how humans couldn't hear something so loud. Something so utterly bone shattering. Solana began keening quietly, and he drew her close, hugging her tightly. And Garrus did what he always did. He shut it off. All of it. He clamped down as hard as he could on his subharmonics and was silent.
After 30 minutes passed, Solana's keening died down as she said, "I guess she was waiting for you."
And just like that, he shattered. He dropped to his knees and put his head in his hands, keening louder than he ever had as a child. He felt Sol kneel down beside him and embrace him as she too keened, but more softly. He felt his fathers hands on them, his subharmonics naturally rumbling comforting tones to his children. Garrus wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, but eventually he came back to himself. Sol had fallen asleep, so he picked her up and set her in the chair next to them. He looked over at the bed. His father must have placed their mother their before coming to them.
A different Salarian with a lab coat came in then. "I'm sorry for you loss, Vakarian clan. I wish there was more that could have been done." The Salarian turned to Garrus. "She was lucky to have such a devoted son. With your permission, the Institute would appreciate keeping the samples and donations you sent. While we are incredibly sorry that it was not in time to help your mother, the research we are conducting now with the tissue samples you sent will most certainly help us find a cure, and many others in the future will be spared."
Garrus nodded his head numbly.
"Thank you, Mr. Vakarian." The Salarian turned to Castis. "Senior Vakarian, please take your time here. When you are ready, please indicate what you would like our next steps to be. We can take care of her here, or send her home to Palaven, but we must prepare her either way."
Castis nodded, and the Salarian left.
"What?" Sol suddenly asked. She must have woken from the Salarian.
"What?" Garrus asked.
"Samples and donations?"
Shit, he thought. Garrus sighed. His mind was fuzzy, and he didn't have the capacity to think clearly at the moment. He shook his head, trying to clear it.
"Garrus," his father said, his subharmonics sounding panicked. "Tissue samples... yours? Son, do you have Corpalis?" His father's second vocals wavered so intensely Garrus worried he might fall over. Sol's subharmonics joined in with panic.
"No! No. No, the... the samples, I," it took more than he had to explain the collectors right now.
"Son, please, I," Castis started.
"No, I promise, I don't. The tissue samples are... they're Collector tissue samples. I worked with an STG agent when we acquired them. We believed they showed capabilities to cure some neurological diseases. And it turns out we were right. I thought I'd have to wait until we went through Omega-4, but the Collectors came early. Sent in the tissue samples, with the Agent's approval to move ahead with the Institue's Corpalis project."
Castis was visibly relieved, and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the back of his chair. "Spirits," he said softly, his eyes closing.
"You... you did all that for mom?" Sol whispered. "And, donations?"
Garrus sighed, hanging his head heavily. He hadn't wanted this. Still didn't want this. "Every credit I've earned the past 3 years has gone to getting mom into the project." He stood angrily. "And it was all for nothing. I wasn't... I wasn't fast enough. It wasn't enough." His hands balled into fists, so tight his talons broke skin.
He felt Sol's hand on his arm. "Garrus, even if Dad and I had been able to save for 10 years, we couldn't have paid for mom's treatment. Do you have anything left?"
"I sold my apartment, and everything I own, and took every job I could take. And my last mission was assigned to be a suicide mission. I wasn't supposed to come back from that, but it paid well. Well enough to pay for 75% of the treatment."
"So, the missile incident wasn't even the suicide mission?" Castis said.
Garrus shook his head, "No, just a job gone wrong."
"I'm sorry," Sol said abruptly.
"For what, Sol?" he murmured.
"When we spoke before your last mission, I... well I thought you had just abandoned us. I was so harsh... so mean, and you were on your way to what, die in a mission while saving mom? Garrus, I had no idea."
"Sol, you couldn't have known. And even if you had known, you were still right. I wasn't here. Wasn't here for her."
"G, you were here for her. Fighting for her every day. You heard her, she believed in you. She knew you. You were doing what we couldn't. That's what families do."
Before he could argue, his father cut in. "Garrus, you said it was for nothing, that it wasn't fast enough," Castis said with a sigh. "Before she came here, it was worse than what you saw today. We weren't equipped.. I.. wasn't equipped to handle your mother's care. She needed around the clock care and medicine. She was lingering, not bad enough to die, but bad enough to be in constant misery. She couldn't talk, at all. Not at all. This treatment saved us. It saved her. Saved her spirit, her dignity, gave her peace and relief from the pain. It gave her," Castis choked up, "it gave her a much better end than what we could have given her. I would've given anything for that, for her." He walked up to his son, "Not enough? Garrus, it was everything."
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