#gonna make a bunch for me mom's retirement group
hookedatweiss · 10 months
Cute Crochet Ghost Applique
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Love these dudes: sooo quick and easy! This is my cheater version with black Sharpie eyes 👀
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any headcanons of the operatives (maybe even the faculty) as parents? Just thought it'd be fun to know if you have any.
- 💖🔫
VILE Faculty as Parents Hc’s 
[Author’s Note: Hell yeah I do! I love this concept so much and also reader gets to be the child. Let’s just say this takes place after VILE crumbles and they all escaped and have given up and are living their own lives. Readers age group is preteen.]
Once VILE was taken down he said his farewells to the group and went back to Japan so he could mend his relationship with his brother and help him with the museum. 
While our at night he found a homeless, sickly, someone that happened to you. 
Showing you kindness was the best thing in both of your lives. 
He’s a strict parent but he never yells and always hears what you have to say with an open mind. 
He homeschools you and it’s a huge help. He helps you in ways a regular school can’t and you can actually show off your true intelligence. 
Also teaches you some pickpocketing tricks and self defense but makes it VERY clear it shouldn’t be used for evil. 
Someday he’ll tell you about his criminal past, he’s just scared you’ll never see him the same way.
Dr. Bellum:
She’s more like the cool aunt than a mom. 
Hopefully you’re not allergic to cats because there’s four of them in the house. 
It’s up to you whether you want to be home school or not, either way you’re gonna learn a whole bunch of science skills. 
Makes you a bunch of yummy food and loves to do fun things with you. 
She’s into some modern media and pop culture so both of you may be up for hours making up theories, pointing out details, or even arguing over which ship is superior. 
You’re her pride and joy and will electrocute someone if they look at you the wrong way. 
Gives a lot of encouragement, it doesn’t matter if it’s creating a bomb or having a test to do. 
She will always be your friend and be proud of you no matter what you do with your life.
You can always rely on her.
Coach Brunt: 
Once a momma bear always a momma bear.
Doesn’t believe that you can do anything, you’re an angel in her eyes.
“Y/n didn’t push you down the stairs even though there is proof. My sweet angel wouldn’t do that!” 
If you go to a public school your friends will think she is the fun mom. 
Your birthday parties are always super fun filled and snacks are always made when your friends are over. 
Meanwhile the parents don’t like her because her style of parenting can be different than how others might take care of their kid. 
They even get annoyed since their kids favor her. 
“Y/n’s mom doesn’t get mad over failed homework.”
Definitely a PTA mom.
Goes from: 
“What the hell is this??”
“If anyone hurts Y/n I will become a war criminal.”
If you have an alt style he absolutely loves it.
Both of you are definitely vampires or slashers for Halloween.
Everyone is scared of him because of his sinister smile and personality. You don’t get the big deal though, he lets you braid his hair and buys you Sanrio plushies. 
If you get a partner god help them. He won’t threaten them directly but will certainly drop hints. 
He shares his love of psychology with you. You can read someone’s body language easily and spot the most cunning of manipulators.
Countess Cleo:
Doesn’t matter what your style is, she makes sure it looks great on you. 
Please tell her all the latest gossip going on at your school she needs to know.
If you need to rant go to her because she’ll get angry, happy, or sad with you depending on what’s being talked about.
Teaches you how to be calm even when you’re angry. 
Also teaches you about the history of art
She’s a “don’t talk to me or my child ever again” kind of mom. 
Encourages you to do theater in school and will go to all of your plays or rehearsals. 
Vile Operatives 
Some would say she isn’t the best mother but you disagree.
She is a retired operative but if someone says something she’ll bring the claws back out.
Most supportive mom ever.
Oh you’re trans?
Both of you are going to the mall, getting ice cream, and buying you a whole new wardrobe.
Even if you say you want to be janitor she will do research about the career. 
She’s with you for the ride. 
Worried about 24/7. 
The cool dad that is also your friend’s father figure.
Likes hearing about you talk about your day.
Tries to keep you away from all the criminal stuff because he doesn’t want you to be like him. 
You probably find out on your own and confront him on it. (now I gotta write this.)
If anyone does anything to you they’ll die. 
Not even joking.
He stood for the “leave no witnesses” rule remember? 
Unrelated but plays Donkey Kong in every game where he’s a playable character. 
Mime Bomb:
Your father is weird.
He’s street performer 
He doesn’t talk 
And somehow he gets a lot of money from his job. 
People are scared of him.
But you love your funky dad. 
He’s a father and a friend.
Like on the weekends both of you will be watching cult classics at three AM and while eating ice cream and painting each other’s nails black. 
Will let you put makeup on him.
Yes he will wear it for the whole day.
El Topo + Le Chevre:
You are so blessed to have such great dads.
They teach you at least three languages: English, French, and Spanish. 
They don’t hide their criminal past from you but expect you to choose a better career path.
El Topo always makes you and Le Chevre breakfast. He is such a great cook. 
If you go to school he even makes your lunches no matter how old you are. 
Everyone is jealous of your delicious lunches.
Definitely learn parkour from Le Chevre.
It impresses everyone.
They love having family outings.
They always buy (aka steal) cool stuff for you. 
Paper Star:
Definitely not mom material but she tries for you. 
Teaches you everything she knows and encourages your wild side. 
Home schools you since otherwise she’ll encourage you to beat up your teachers or bullies. 
Sings to you all the time.
Loves to style/cut/dye your hair.
Not many restrictions either, dress how you want. 
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iwaizumilovesme · 3 years
U. Wakatoshi x Wife! Reader
You can also find me on Wattpad @iwaizumilovesme
Fluff and Slight Angst Parenting One-Shot 
~ "2:15", you read the clock out loud and quickly put the laundry basket that was in your hands down. I guess folding laundry has to wait for now, you thought. As you were trying to find your phone, you turned around only to be met with your husband. You would usually greet him, but this time you side-stepped your way around him and continued to try to find your phone. Wakatoshi stood there and chuckled, knowing what you were looking for. "I have it, right here," he waved the phone in his hands and looked at you with a soft expression. Your eyes glistened and you gasped, "Hey! Where did you get that? I thought I put it on the kitchen table?" you mumbled the last part to yourself as you made your way towards your husband. You were about to grab your phone, but Wakatoshi wanted to play around a bit. He held his arm high enough were you couldn't reach him.
You didn't whine as you reached up at him with your tippy-toes, but instead of reaching for the phone, you kissed his lips. You let your feet relax, and but you still craned your neck up towards Wakatoshi, "So can I have my phone now, please?" He chuckled a bit and lowered his hands, "Well, I thought maybe I could pick Hana up from school today." You blinked. He stared at you and waited for your answer, "But why do you have my phone?" It was his turn to blink. "Oh, yeah. Mine is still in the shop being fixed. Sorry." He kissed your forehead, "So I'll go now, okay? Be back in a bit." ~ You and Wakatoshi have been married for twelve years now, but you've known each other for quite a while now. He proposed to you right after your college graduation, and you two were officially married a year later. You two settled down at a young age, and even through the difficult times, you two stuck together like glue.
You gave birth to your amazing daughter, Hana, at twenty-five. At the time, Toshi had been playing in the professional volleyball league for eight years already, and you had a stable job as a teacher at a middle school close to where you lived. You decided to resign to take care of Hana, while Toshi took a year off for you. But after that was when things became a bit difficult.
Although Toshi was around when he wasn't training, it was still difficult to handle baby Hana during the times he was at training. He made a really huge amount of money for the family because he was so talented. You couldn't thank him enough for that, but then you felt he couldn't enjoy time with Hana as much as you'd liked. It was incredibly hard sometimes, but you two always seemed to find a way.
Four years later, he decided that he would retire from being a professional volleyball player. He decided to become a full-time house dad. Don't misunderstand, though. He still maintained a healthy body even if he didn't play for the national team, anymore. Since Wakatoshi had made so much money, you settled on working part-time at a bakery instead of going back to teaching. His talent playing volleyball led him to play for the national team. Meaning he received many sponsorships, as well as attention from the public eye. He modeled for various athletic clothing brands. He was just so successful, however, he decided it was time for family.
Luckily, Hana wasn't old enough quite yet to know that she was "missing" her father for the first few years of her life. In fact, his retirement was perfect timing as she was finally starting to grow a personality of her own. And only a mother and father could help her shape it into something beautiful.
Back to the present, now. You and Toshi are currently thirty five, and your daughter is ten. She's in the fourth grade, and she looks exactly like her father. She has his eyes, along with his stoic resting face and his hair. However, her personality matched yours. She was gentle, and actually very open to talking to people. Unlike Wakatoshi, she loved talking. She also happened to hate being alone because she-
"Hey, mom". Your thoughts were interrupted by Hana, and her back- hug. You almost spilled the whole salt shaker into the soup you were making. "Hey, girlie. How was school?" You turned around and saw her drop her backpack under her seat by the kitchen table, "It was fine..." She avoided your gaze as she answered. Wakatoshi was standing by the entrance of the kitchen  and you communicated with him through your eyes. What's wrong? You said silently. He only shrugged an, I don't know, in response. This was weird because normally Hana would be so excited after knowing her dad picked her up from school. You turned the stove off and sat down in front of Hana. "What's wrong?" Your husband took a seat beside you and held your hand, "We're here for you, Hana." You squeezed his hand as Hana sighed.
"Spring time is coming up soon and it means that school sports day is coming up. The school said there are gonna be basketball, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and soccer teams for boys and girls. We have to choose one sport, and then there will be a mini-tournament."
You piped up at the fact there's volleyball, "That's great, honey! There's volleyball? You love playing volleyball, don't you?" She sighed again, "Yeah...but none of our teachers want to coach us. They said they're just supervising...And everyone else but the girls volleyball team and soccer team have coaches, meaning we're forced to choose another sport..."
You whipped your head toward Wakatoshi and gave him a look. He sighed, "Hana, it'll be okay. Try not to worry too much, okay? Why don't you go start your homework while mom finishes making dinner. We can talk more about it through dinner." She nodded, grabbing her backpack, and making her way upstairs toward her bedroom.
You and Wakatoshi silently waited until you heard her door click, signalling she was inside. You cocked your head to the side and furrowed your brows trying to process the situation, "What was that? Toshi, why didn't you offer to be the coach? Isn't that what you do? You played volleyball, so you can coach, can't you?" He shook his head, "Well, she didn't ask me. And yes, I played volleyball. I don't do that anymore, (Y/N)." You ran your fingers through your hair, "Toshi, they're children...! Just a bunch of kids who want to play for fun! Did you see the look on her face? She just wants to play and have a good time. I'm sure the other kids want to experience that, too." He stood up and began to heat up rice for dinner, "And that's exactly it, (Y/N). They're just kids," he turned to you, and although his face remained stoic, you saw there was a softness in his expression that made your heart melt. "I'd love to coach for them, but what if I'm too hard on the kids? I don't want to hurt Hana. I love her to death, (Y/N), and you should be the first to know that. What if I get back into that serious volleyball mode like in high school and college and in the national league? I can't allow that to happen, (Y/N)."
You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck, "Toshi," you whispered into his ear, "it'll be okay. I know you won't do that. We can do this together." You stared up at him, "I'll be there with you. I may not know how coach, but I can assist with whatever you need. Think about it, Toshi. You can coach and I'll help collect balls, help with drills, and I'll even make some snacks for the girls. And when you get a little out of hand, I'll be there to calm you down." You smiled at him sweetly and he chuckled, "You mean like in high school?" You nodded, "Yes. Like in high school." You laughed as you recalled memories of you being the manager of Shiratorizawa through out all your high school years. After a moment of silence, he stared at you. "I love you, (Y/N)." And he leaned in and kissed you passionately. "I love you too, Toshi."
"Okay, I'll do it." ~ When you ended up telling Hana, she squealed like she had just received a long-awaited birthday present. She was so excited, and when the time came to begin training the girls to play volleyball, they too, became excited. It was no surprise that Hana's team ended up winning against other girls teams and boys teams. Hana's group received cute little volleyball medals, and after Hana received hers, she ran up to Wakatoshi and hugged him. "Thank you, dad," she then hugged you, "Thank you, mom,". Toshi let out a genuine laugh, "No need to thank us, Hana. If it makes you happy, we'll do anything for you," he grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "together."
~ Hey, y'all. I hope you enjoyed this one. I know it's a bit cheesy. Also the ending sounded way better in my head. Anyway, please let me know if you have any ideas, requests or anything. Love you lots~!
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Old (2021)
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Oh you guys. You guyyyyyys. Buckle the fuck up, I am so pumped to tell you about this absolutely GONZO mummified deuce of a movie. Spoilers will be had in this one, because you need to know everything. 
Old is the latest from M. Night Shyamalan and like....I think we all know M. Night’s track record. For every Sixth Sense, we also get a Happening or a Village. In some ways, he’s the most exciting director working today because every new film is a 50/50 coin toss, and mama loves living on the edge. The gist of this latest roll of the dice is that a group of different families who have all come to stay at a remote luxury beach resort get invited to go to a secluded private beach for the day, and after they arrive they discover they can’t leave. That’s not great, but the bigger problem is that they seem to be aging rapidly - like 2 years older every hour or so. That’s a solid “how are we gonna get outta this one” bottle episode premise, and in the hands of a better writer, it could be a fun sci-fi romp. M. is NOT that writer. 
Some thoughts:
I should have known it would all go wrong from the terrible foreshadowing starting at the very beginning scene. The mom of our main family, Prisca (Vicky Krieps) says “You have such a beautiful voice, I can’t wait to hear it when you’re older.” The dad, Guy (Gael Garcia Bernal) says, “Don’t rush this moment, enjoy the present while you can.” BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS WON’T BE ABLE TO LATER, DO YOU GET IT? dO yOU GEt iT? Wife leaned over and said “look at all the ferns - the oldest plants!” That last one was probably her projecting, but the point stands: there is nothing subtle about Old. 
There’s a lot of just like, shouting out loud the things that are currently happening onscreen. “She’s having a seizure!” “People who go back the way we came black out!” “The rust has entered your bloodstream; it acts like poison!” That’s how you tell stories, right? Just having characters point out events that are occurring right in front of their stupid fucking faces with no other commentary or reflection? 
An additional element that feels woefully ignorant at best and malicious at worst is the inclusion of a black male character (Aaron Pierre) who 1) is a rapper 2) is named Mid-Sized Sedan [I’ll give you a moment to deal with that detail emotionally] 3) says the single line of dialogue “Damn.” at least 4 times and 4) suffers the bloodiest, most violent onscreen death at the hands of a racist white man who is revealed to have paranoid schizophrenia. There are other gruesome deaths onscreen, to be sure, but the worst are body horror nightmares that could never occur in the real world - a woman whose bones are breaking and setting in the wrong position nearly instantaneously until she resembles a horrifying spider creature, and the aforementioned rust-in-the-bloodstream trick that leads to a Jeff-Goldblum-in-The Fly-bubbling-skin infection kinda deal. But Mid-Sized Sedan just gets stabbed in the chest repeatedly, brutally, a bunch of times by a white guy who pleads fear for his life even though MSS posed no danger to him, and it all happens onscreen when so many other characters are offered the mercy of offscreen deaths. I’m not sure if M. is trying to throw some real-world horror in and he’s just shit at it, or if it really didn’t occur to him how malicious this inclusion feels in a fantasy narrative, and I don’t really care. If you have a black character in your story and they die, you better think really long and hard about how it happens and what it means and it’s clear no one did that here.
Nothing to do with the film itself, but it did tickle me that someone brought a tiny infant to my pretty packed screening. The baby was very chill, thank goodness, and as far as I know did not age up to a kindergartner during the course of the film.
There is a Very Good Dog, a Yorkie, present for the first part of the film, but unfortunately the dog dies. It occurs offscreen, and given the premise of what’s going on on this beach, it’s not a shock when it happens BUT STILL. 
The old age makeup, at least on Prisca is pretty great. Good job makeup department!
At one point, Guy gets attacked by another beachgoer, and his eyesight is failing so he has a hard time fighting back. But you are surrounded by sand, my dude, and you can still see blurry shapes. You’re not gonna throw some sand in the eyes until you’ve been stabbed like 10 times? Not gonna try to push him down, or sweep the fucking leg, or do anything but just keep raising your arms and getting stabbed while yelling “I’ll protect you!” I’ve seen stale tuna sandwiches with better defense mechanisms than you. 
Like most fantastical premises, there are only a certain number of ways this narrative can end that really make any sense. It reminds me quite a bit of 2019’s Brightburn which was like “what if Superman but evil?” Either everyone is gonna die, or someone is going to improbably survive and you better have a real neat explanation for how that’s possible. Oh M. Night, when will you realize that your explanations are never as clever as you think they are? There’s no “twist” here really, simply a reveal, and it’s the equivalent of eating one of those sugar-free, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free snack cakes I broke down and ate out of desperation when I was on Weight Watchers. That shit is “food” in the same way that the climax is a “logical explanation for all this.” Big Pharma is luring sick people to the resort through targeted ads, then arranging these excursions to the wacky time beach in order to test how medicine they secretly slipped into the guests’ drinks works over decades of life. These sneaky medical breakthroughs are saving hundreds of thousands of people’s lives, we’re told, and the scientists offer a moment of silence for each fallen group of unwitting human lab rats after they inevitably die. Because if there’s one thing the world needs right now, it’s more distrust of pharmaceutical companies and the ethics of modern science! I can’t think of one possible reason we’d want to portray molecular biologists, immunologists, and virologists in a positive light right now, can you? When will those assholes get off their high horses and stop being universally trusted and beloved by everyone, am I right?? 
My saddest takeaway, tbh, is that this is a stacked international cast, with at least half the roles going to POC - this is the future liberals want, etc etc - and the result is THIS.
Did I Cry? Of course not.
Not all is terrible! It’s a beautiful movie to look at, because M. Night’s direction is never the problem, but combined with the script, the acting, and the absurd narrative leaps needed to make this story make even a little bit of sense, the whole thing turns into a mess. Unfortunately, getting Old with M. Night is less “leisurely retirement at a plush resort in Florida” and more “rancid can of Ensure and a poop-choked pair of Depends.”
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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purekesseltrash · 3 years
Chapter 12 of Bury Them Deep, the final chapter, is out!
Fave Excerpt:
Mezou jammed his hands inside of his coat pockets, unsure of what to say or even do besides grin like an idiot.  Tokoyami came to a stop finally and stared at Mezou, mouth open as if he was about to speak.  He gaped for a moment more before a distinctly annoyed look came across his features.  “Fuck,” he hissed, “I had a whole speech that I was thinking up on the way here and suddenly I have found my mind to be a blank slate.”
Mezou laughed, unable to help himself, “I don’t need speeches.”
Tokoyami stepped forward to grab at Mezou’s coat, his grip firm and his face honest, “You deserve them.  I fear I am an incurable romantic and this is simply how I function.  But my words have fled like cowards and the only part of the speech that I can remember is this, but it is the important part.  Let me take you on a date.  A real one.”
“I’d like that,” Mezou said softly.
Fun Facts:
- Hand to god, I had not decided on names for all of Shouji’s siblings until I had to write them.  Thank you, Japanese Name Generator.  Though Makoto is another Sailor Moon reference.  I also had not know that Shouji’s mom was where he got his artistic eye from, though I am glad for it.
- My favorite Hip song is ‘Lake Fever’ or ‘Scared’.  I thought that the lyric in Lake Fever was ‘You whispered Courage’ for the longest time, legitimately until I checked the lyrics to write the pivotal fucking scene only to find out that no, it was ‘hurry’.  It all worked out, thank GOD.
- IDK if anyone noticed, but I ship them as Tokoshouji, as opposed to Shoutoko.  I like the idea of Tokoyami being one taking the initiative better and it seems to fit his character anyway.  I don’t see this dynamic often and it drives me nuts because I could write an ESSAY on why it works so well.  Idk.
- Not even gonna lie, the last Mic segment made me cry.  It was like my final good bye to everyone reading, it’s personal.  And it’s basically me peeking out there, as opposed to just Mic.  For all of hockey’s shitty aspects, it’s the best game in the world.  I love it and I want it to be good and I will do what I can to make it be good.
More stuff under the read more about my future plans with this universe:
- So I have written a chapter and a half of an Erasermic prequel, basically telling the story of what happened when Shouta retired and ended up drugged to the gills and numb to the world at Hizashi’s doorstep, despite the two of them not having seen each other in legitimately over 10 years.
- I also have a side story of Kirishima and Bakugou, both with an idea of how they got together as well as what happens to them when they get to the NHL.  (Spoilers:  Kirishima does not have a good time as the first out and gay NHLer.  He basically gets buried in the minors despite being legitimately good.  Eventually he finally quits hockey way too young.  Bakugou meanwhile is a generational talent and is legit too good to bury in the minors.  When Kirishima retires, Bakugou flies to Tokoyami and Shouji’s house, where Kirishima is licking his wounds, and is like ‘Marry me.’  Kirishima tells him that he’s only going to say yes if Bakugou proposes with a Cup ring and Bakugou is like ‘Bet’.
- I also have one in mind on Ojiro and Shinsou.  They had an amicable breakup when they graduated, both understanding that the life of a hockey wife wasn’t gonna work for Ojiro.  Ojiro went on to meet a super cool alt girl through the info sec community and they got married and had a daughter.  They end up splitting up amicably when their daughter is around 7 and split custody without much of an issue.  Ojiro works remotely and lives in what is basically a lake cabin up in northern Minnesota.  He and Shinsou have kept in touch and when Shinsou finally retires, he comes to visit Ojiro.  The fic would go over them meeting up again.
- And then, of course, there’s Shouji and Tokoyami.
They get their shitty apartment in Atlanta.  Kenta helps them with the deposit and also goes with Shouji as he tries to find one.  Shouji ends up getting taken on by Orca, a buddy of Loder’s who generally doesn’t take Midwestern farm boys on as apprentices but he makes an exception, despite the fact that his work very afro centric.  Shouji is a nice guy though and a damned hard worker and has a good eye so Orca keeps him on for a long while.  Shouji still ends up picking up a bunch of odd jobs here and there, mostly grunt work like putting up drywall, but it gets him and Tokoyami through the absolute agony that is legal school.
Tokoyami goes into intellectual property law.  He knows how much work goes in to art and creative stuff and he wants to protect people like Shouji.  He ends up making a pretty nice living and they’re able to pay off the credit card debt that they accumulated during Tokoyami going through law school.  Shouji actually starts doing pretty well for himself too, mostly with his pottery but still with some sculpture.  Eventually Tokoyami proposes that they move to Raleigh, both because it makes sense for both of them and their jobs and well... because they have a hockey team.
Shouji never gave up hockey.  He had some years right after college where he did struggle to even look at his gear.  He had told his parents that he was gay and not going to the NHL over the phone as they were planning to come to his graduation, because he just couldn’t take them wasting money when he knew that they would never want to talk to him again.  Unfortunately, he was right.  Kenta still came to his graduation though and had two bullhorns that he slammed the entire time that Shouji was accepting his diploma.  He even brought Shouji his own pride flag and insisted on taking a picture with him holding it.  He posted the picture on his facebook with a very bold pronouncement that he was very proud of the first Shouji to get a college degree and how anyone that had a problem with his little brother could take it up with Kenta.  Still, Shouji went through some real mourning with the loss of his family and he took a small break.
But then he came back to it, once they started to get a little extra spending money.  He found a beer league group in Atlanta and started to really get back into the game, researching ways to improve in his downtime.  It got a little weird sometimes at the beer league games because sometimes Shouji would forget that he’d decided to wear eyeshadow or would forget that he had on entirely wrong undergarments but everyone accepts that goalies are weird so it was accepted.  Eventually he ends up having people ask him to coach for their kids, which he is loathe to do until Tokoyami points out that it’s better than Shouji do it, as someone who knows how damaging expectations and pressure can be, than anyone else.  So that becomes a little part time job of his.
Everything isn’t perfect for Shouji and Tokoyami.  Nothing is perfect.  Tokoyami is a borderline hoarder and Shouji can’t stand mess and that causes them to fight enough that they wisely seek counselling. But they’re happy.  Tokoyami eases up on the goth stuff and accepts his accent a bit more, though he still dresses in dark colors, especially for court.  Shouji actually gets to play around a little with the whole genderqueer thing and makes up for the time that he spent avoiding anything that would make him seem too gay.  And they still work really well together, becoming the pair that everyone from college kind of groans at, because they’re so ridiculously in love, but also envies.
They get season tickets to the Carolina Hurricaines.  You’ll see them with Tokoyami in a Devils jersey and Shouji with one of many from his massive collection.  Tokoyami will make comments here and there during the game, showing that he does actually listen when Shouji talks about goalie stuff and they only ever miss a game for gallery openings or work events.  Otherwise, they are there in their seats, holding hands and watching the game.
Feel free to ask me any questions!  I’m more than happy to talk about this, if you couldn’t tell.  (Also, I do have some half written smut so uh.... yeah.)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
The Arrival - Ep. 01 - JJ Maybank
Summary: The pogues (and Sarah) decide to get away from the Outer Banks for senior week though Sarah’s suggestion that they spend the vacation with a friend of hers doesn’t sit well with JJ, who just wanted a week away with friends. Though his opinion of the situation may change his expectation that nothing will go according to plan is truer than they could have hoped.
A/N: This is a ‘they’re just regular teens and there was no gold hunt’ AU. This will be a 5 part story. 
The S’week Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
“No.” JJ shook his head, “no, no, absolutely not.”  
“Why not?” Sarah asked, looking back at her boyfriend for support. John B quickly looked away, staring out at the marsh in order to avoid the conversation.
“Why not? Because I’m not spending senior week with a bunch of fucking kooks while they prance around like their in some MTV reality show!” JJ stresses, voice raised. He ran a hand through his hair, leaving it stuck up all over the place.  
“It might not be so bad,” Kie cut in, regretting it almost immediately when JJ looked over at her, “you said yourself that we’ve done senior week here...let’s do ours somewhere else?”
“Sure. Wherever you want as long as it’s not a trip to kookland.”  
“You are so dramatic, oh my god JJ. Last time I checked you weren’t exactly rolling in it. How do you propose we pay for a week down the beach?” Sarah pointed out.  
“You got money.”
“You shouldn’t even be going! It’s not like you fucking graduated, this is senior week. For graduating seniors.” Sarah waved her hand to indicate her, John B, Kiara, and Pope.  
“Screw you!”
“Guys!” Pope finally intervened, pushing his best friend back, “okay, let’s cool down.”  
“Can we please just go to the keys? I’m sick of wasting my time arguing. If we’re going we need to leave tomorrow morning...early.” Sarah said, looking pointedly at JJ.
“Hey, I’m always on time!”  
Despite his protests JJ was exactly where he said he’d be on Friday morning at 5:30a. Sitting outside John B’s house, on time and with his bag packed for Florida. He was the first one to arrive, followed by Kiara who’d almost been early if it wasn’t for the half hour argument she’d gotten into with her mom for leaving the week after graduation. As if that wasn’t ritual.  
JJ said nothing, unusually quite and still completely pissed that everyone had been so on board with Sarah’s plan to spend Senior Week in Florida with some friend at their grandparents’ vacation home. He wanted a chill holiday, just the four of them (five because John B couldn’t be separated from Sarah) spending every day on the beach. He didn’t want some kook vacation laying around a pool drinking vodka in crystal light and talking about ‘daddy’s credit card’ and whatever dumb shit else they did on their weekends.  
With the Twinkie packed to exploding with teenagers and luggage John B took the first leg of the drive south. JJ spent the trip sitting behind the passenger’s seat, rolling blunts in his lap and ignoring his friends excitement for senior week. When Kiara nudged his leg halfway to Florida and he looked over she smiled sympathetically at him.  
“It might be a good week.” Kiara tried to sound reassuring, knowing that it was JJ’s idea to go away in the first place and that they had in fact hijacked his plans, “at least the change of scenery will be nice?”
“So far the only good thing about this trip is not being home for a week.” JJ replied, refocusing on his task. He would definitely murder one of them if he didn’t spend the week at least somewhat buzzed. If you asked anyone in the obx they’d tell you that JJ was laid back and chill, a go-with-the-flow, weed smoking, kid who would probably never grow out of his ‘it is what it is’ phase. But that wasn’t JJ at all. Sure, he could hit up a kegger at the drop of a hat but he liked a plan and he liked the plan to consider him as an important factor. Not just another nameless sidekick to John B’s summer. And so far, that’s exactly what this senior week was shaping up to become.  
“It’ll be fine dude.” Pope said, voice low so he wouldn’t draw anyone else’s attention in the van.  
JJ looked up at him and frowned before nodding. What else could he do but nod and pretend that he agreed with anything that Pope said. They were already halfway to Florida and no one cared about his opinion.  
Sometime after that JJ fell asleep, Kiara taking the same case of blunts from his lap and folding everything up into his backpack. By the time Pope pulled the Twinkie into the horseshoe driveway of a house bigger than Tannyhill, JJ had woken up again, rubbing his eyes as he looked out the window.  
“This is the shit I was talking about.” He said.  
Sarah whipped around, hair flying against her shoulders as she glared at him, “for god sake JJ, can you have a good fucking time? Please.”  
John B made a face, pleading with his best friend to chill. All he wanted was a stress free vacation and the fact that Sarah’s friend was willing to let them stay aided his ability to relax. If only it would aid JJ’s.  
You were standing outside on the steps when the bus pulled up, engine cutting in the middle of the horseshoe. Kiara recognized you from school and Pope recognised you from running groceries for his dad. Sarah pulled the door open and jumped out, throwing her arms around your shoulders.  
“Oh my god, you have no idea how much I missed you.” Sarah said, pulling away, “I’m literally gonna kill everyone, starting with JJ.”
“That makes two of us princess.” JJ remarked, glaring at her as he climbed out of bus.  
“Hey,” Kiara called, drawing attention away from JJ and Sarah, “thanks for having us.”  
“Trust me I was just happy to tell Scarlett that her and Kelce couldn’t stay here.” You replied, looking over at JJ, “I’d much rather spend my senior week with you guys.”  
“Hey, you’ve never had to sit around listening to Topper talk about workouts.” You replied, feeling unusually proud of yourself when JJ cracked a smile.  
“Oh come on, you can’t just do a bench press without the proper preparation,” JJ joked, imitating Topper’s ‘bro’ dialect.  
You laughed and nodded, following him to the trunk to help them unload packs. “Hey Pope, my mom said you got that scholarship you were going for?” You mentioned as you grabbed Sarah’s bag.  
“I did yeah,” he smiled, surprised that you knew or remembered anything about it. He definitely considered you better than some of the other kooks on the island but that didn’t make you friends with him. You were just someone he delivered groceries to every once in a while.  
Once the bus was unpacked you led the group inside, beginning the tour of the house. You lived on Figure Eight in the Outer Banks and you had a house as nice as or better than the Camerons’ but this house was even nicer than that. Your grandparents had old money and they had used it to retire to the Florida Keys where they really only spent the winter months.  
“There are four guest bedrooms, you can divy them up however you want to, I’m this bedroom,” you pointed to the closed door behind you at the end of the hall. “The master is off limits, it’s my grandparents and they’ll murder all of you before JJ even gets the chance if you step foot in their room.” You instructed, looking over to JJ as you spoke. He smiled.
“How’ll they know?” He asked, looking down the hall toward the double doors of the master bedroom. This house could fit four of his inside of it. He shifted his weight as he looked around the hallway, the art on the wall looked like something he would have seen on a field trip to a museum, ugly and old but a clear representation of their wealth.  
“There’s a camera in their room.”
“Ew, oh my god JJ!” You practically gagged, causing him to laugh as Sarah scrunched up her face at the thought of your grandparents using the camera for anything more than G rated. “Moving on!” You continued through the whole house until you’d looped back around, reminding them again that the beach let out right behind the patio.  
Once the tour was over you pulled Sarah away from John B, telling her that you needed to talk to her alone. And truthfully, you did. You hadn’t been lying when you told her that you had turned Kelce and Scarlett away for the week. Kelce had texted you days before Sarah and asked about ‘all of us’ getting together for senior week at your grandparents. You knew what ‘all of us’ meant. Him, Scarlett, Topper, and (despite having graduated two years earlier), Rafe. If Sarah was still hanging out with them she would’ve been there too. That was the senior week Scarlett had always planned for but there wasn’t anything you wanted less in life than spending time with all your least favorite people.  
While everyone else unpacked you led Sarah into the kitchen, “so, I told you Kelce had texted me about them doing senior week here?”
“Yeah, but they’re not...”
“No,” you shook your head, “no I told them I had a full house. But they are here.”
“What do you mean here?”
“I mean they rented a place down the street. Like we can see their house from this house. Topper texted me this morning before you guys got here.” You fished your phone out of your pocket and showed Sarah the text that Topper had sent along with the picture of you out on your deck.  
“Bit stalkerish.”
“Sarah, not the point.”
“Look, it’s fine,” she replied, trying to play off that maybe she actually believed that it was fine, “they can do their thing and we’ll do ours.”  
“Yeah, that would totally be fine. Except your brother is here too.”  
Sarah groaned, “fuck.”
“What’s the matter?”  
You and Sarah turned to find John B and JJ coming into the kitchen, the latter going straight for the fridge and pulling out one of the beers that you had bought before they came down.  You watched as he popped the cap off on the counter and took a long gulp, head tilted back. Sarah smacked your arm to get your attention and both of the boys turned to look at her too.  
“Topper told me that he’s here for senior week. Him, Scarlett, Kelce...Rafe.”
“Oh cool...cool, awesome...so, the kook fucking vacation I said I didn’t want.” JJ replied, grip tightening around the beer bottle. Sarah rolled her eyes.
“It’s fine. It’s not like we have to see them.” John B replied, trying to ease his friend’s mood. He didn’t need this argument to flare up again. JJ had only just started to relax and the last thing John B wanted was for him to be in a shitty mood all week.  
“Except we always do. It’s fucking like...what’s the word?”
“Kismet?” You asked, pulling yourself up to sit on the counter as Kiara and Pope joined the small gathering.  
“What’s kismet?” Kiara asked, shaking her head when John B offered her a beer.  
“Topper and” Sarah waved her hand as if to indicate the rest of the group, “them are here.”
“What is kismet?” JJ asked, leaning toward you.  
“It means fate or destiny.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what it is. It’s my destiny to have the shittest fucking time imaginable because we all had to agree to Sarah’s kook vacation.”
“What is that, your vocabulary word for the day? I’m sorry that I didn’t envision senior week as us sitting around together in a dumpster motel with a bunch of other pogues trying to pretend that we’re not still in the Outer Banks. How dare I fucking plan an actual good vacation that you, oh that’s right, don’t have to pay for!”
“Guys,” Pope stressed the word as he stepped between Sarah and JJ, “can we please just focus on having a good time?”
“I’d have an awesome time if I was anywhere but here!” JJ shoved passed Pope and headed out the sliding glass doors toward the beach leaving the five of you to stand in the kitchen awkwardly.  
“So...” Kiara began, looking around at the group, “so Topper is here?”
“Topper, Kelce, Scarlett-”
“She’s a bitch.” Sarah cut in.
“-and Rafe.”
“Isn’t your brother a little too old to be partying on senior week?” Pope asked, looking toward Sarah. Rafe was at least two years into college by now, there was no way he should’ve been hanging around a bunch of high school kids. “Didn’t he already have a senior week?”
“He’ll probably go on senior week with Wheezie too.” You joked, “anything to party.”
“Honestly.” Sarah agreed. She had a feeling her brother’s intention was for more than just partying. If Kelce had planned to stay with you than it was obvious why Rafe was even coming down in the first place though she wasn’t about to say anything to anyone right now. Kiara, she assumed, knew that you had broken up with Rafe over spring break but she doubted that it was common island knowledge that you had been dating him at all.  
Pope suggested that it was a good idea to leave JJ be, that he’d eventually cool down and come inside on his own, especially once he realized that he had no means to get back to North Carolina. He either came in and accepted that this was the vacation they were getting or he camped out on the beach, either way he was stuck in Florida for the week. Still, you couldn’t help feeling guilty that he was having a shitty time. When Sarah had asked if she could stay with you for the week you had stressed whether it was okay with her friends or not.  
That guilty feeling was completely, so you said, the reason for heading down the beach to find JJ. “I did ask Sarah if it was cool with you guys...coming down here. I know it’s not exactly what you had in mind.” You offered as you sat beside JJ on the beach. In another hour the sun would be completely gone from the sky, the oranges and pinks in the horizon hinting at the coming night.  
“I feel like I should be bitching to a confessional about how much I can’t stand Sarah right now.” He replied.  
“I mean, you could try it?” You teased, moving so your back was to the water and you were facing  him, “alright JJ, tell us what’s got you so upset and try to include a tragic story from your past.”
JJ cracked a smile, meeting you eyes as he put on his best reality show sob voice, “I’m just like, really pissed at Sarah and it totally reminds me of the summer my turtle died.”  
You couldn’t help the burst of laughter as you fell back into the sand. JJ joined in, sour mood getting shelved for another day. He honestly didn’t hate the view or being near a beach, or the incredibly comfortable mattress that he had in the room he had claimed for himself. He was even hesitant to complain about you. Not quite the stuck-up kook that he expected, you’d been welcoming to them since the Twinkie first pulled into your driveway.  
“If it’s Top and them you aren’t thrilled about I don’t blame you. I was definitely looking forward to a drama free week and I feel like that might have just become unattainable. But, we’ll avoid them best we can and focus on other stuff.” You said, trying to ease his upset.
“Other stuff like?”  
“Other stuff like, I got invited to a party down the beach tonight...if you wanna go?” You asked, “I mean who can be sad when they’re drunk?”
“John B...never let him talk to you when he’s drunk.” JJ replied. He stood up and offered you his hand to grab.  
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You said, texting Sarah that you were headed down to a party with JJ.  
The party wasn’t far away and groups of people had already gathered despite it still being early in the night. People who had just shifted from lounging on the beach to the beginnings of what would become a party. It was still in the transition between disjointed groups sunbathing and people getting drunk as you and JJ walked up. He was quiet as you walked through people trying to find somewhere to set yourselves up.  
You weren’t sure if Sarah would really show up with everyone or if she was so peeved with JJ’s attitude that she’d stay away for the night. You kept an eye out for any sign of Topper or anyone else in his group, hoping to avoid them for as long as possible. Maybe the whole week if you were truly lucky.  
Beach parties in the keys were not as good as the boneyard parties you were used to but it would have to do for tonight.  A little less chill and relaxed, people seemed to be forcing the good time as opposed to just letting it happen. The chill vibe that you felt like it should’ve had was non-existent but you weren’t entirely sure that wasn’t just you projecting. Maybe everyone else was already having a good time and you were trying too hard already for the sake of the boy trailing  behind you. People had coolers sitting around with different seltzers, hard lemonades, seagrams, and locos but not a plain beer in sight. JJ complained about the missing keg and you tried to make up for it by offering him a peach Jack Daniels. You took a can of something called Unicorn Swirl, bypassing other people on the beach to sit up on the lifeguard’s deck.  
“This is disgusting, by the way.” JJ mentioned as he took a drink, face screwing up at the overtly sweet taste of the peach. He downed another gulp quickly, trying to trick his brain into not realizing the taste and only getting the alcohol.  
“You’ll be hard pressed to find a keg here.”
“So what I’m hearing is, even the parties are shit?”  
“Not total shit-” you paused to take a sip of your drink, JJ laughing as you almost spit it out. “Oh my god, that’s disgusting!” You gagged at the after taste, holding the 16oz can out for JJ to take, “try it.”
“You just spit it out and you want me to try it?”
“Just...you have to experience it...I can’t even describe that taste.” You replied, taking the peach from him to wash down the taste. “It doesn’t even have a flavor.”
JJ kicked it back, tilting his head and gulping. The sugary taste of whatever flavor they intended it to be made him gag worse than you had and he leaned all the way forward, spitting most of it back out onto the sand. “Holy shit! That is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever had in my life!” He exclaimed, “it tastes like fucking medicine! Why did you make me drink that?”  
“I didn’t make you.” You insisted, taking a sip from his peach.  
“You literally held it in my face and told me I ‘had to experience it’. How is that not making me?”
“Yeah  but I told you it was gross before you drank it so you already knew that.”
“I can’t believe you brought me to a beach party with nothing to drink.” He replied, taking another, smaller sip from the can and pulling a face as he made himself swallow.  
“Why are you still drinking that?”
“Trying to get drunk enough that this whole vacation doesn’t suck.” He shrugged.  
“Hey!” You reached over and smacked his arm, “the whole thing doesn’t suck! I’m super cool, what’re you talking about!”  
“Except you brought me to this party so...not as cool as you think you are.” He took another sip and gagged again, “god I have to stop drinking this.”
“Come on,” you put your peach down and grabbed the unicorn from his hand to abandon that on the lifeguard stand as well, “I know there’s a distributor around here...lets get some real beer.”  
“Sounds good to me, anything but this.” JJ replied, following you away from the crowd of people on the beach.  
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @thelonewolfdies @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank​ @mybnkjj​ @averagxfangirl​ @mysterious-adventurer​ @justawilddreamerchild​ @rhyetaylor62​ @calm-rejects​ @99sxuxii​ @oh-annaa​ @katiaw2​ @aiifandomsunite​ @thatjohnd @pixelated-pogues @booksandshish @lopineapples 
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deathonyourtongue · 3 years
Resurrection | 12
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Summary: A ragtag team of Spec-Ops operators are brought out of retirement for all the wrong reasons. When the dust settles, only the best will be left standing. Pairing: Pablo Schreiber x OFC, Henry Cavill x OFC (listen, she gets with the whole team, okay? Don’t lie, you would too.) Word Count: 2K Warnings: Nothing much really. A/N: Sorry this took so long. February really is the worst month.
By the flight manifest, we’re half an hour behind Wallace, and I feel every minute of it on the plane ride from London to Benghazi. Prior to joining the team, I’d only been assigned to Libya once and it was from the comfort of the Whitney parked off the coast of Italy. This will be my first time with boots on the ground, and the history of spec ops in the country isn’t lost to me; it’s just one more reason why I’m glad I no longer have to wear a uniform.
“Ten minutes out,” the pilot calls over the comms, everyone prepping their go bags, ready to make up for any head start Wallace has. 
Benina International Airport barely registers in my mind as we pick up two vehicles that were prepped for us courtesy of Uncle Sam, my mind’s sole focus being on saving the hostage and capturing Wallace. All of us want our pound of flesh, none more so than those he’s directly injured over the course of the last few weeks. 
“I need everyone on their A game. We can’t afford to let him slip through our fingers again. His behavior is escalating and since he’s so well-connected to the who’s-who, it stands to reason, he’s going to throw everything he has at us. Above all else though, we leave no one behind. Understood?” Rick’s voice is firm but warm over our comms, making it clear that despite the gravity of the situation, he cares about our well-being first and foremost. 
“Do you think he’s trying to do a shot-for-shot remake?” Jake asks as we roll into Benghazi proper, grateful for the tinted windows on the late model G wagons no doubt left over from Gaddafi’s rule. 
“If you mean do I think he’s going to go to the same village we were patrolling? No. I don’t think he’s that sentimental about things. I think he’s going to pick a spot that’s overlooked by the country and blow it to high hell after he finishes reenacting his sick fantasies. Remember, had we not stopped him that night--”
“I know, he’d have committed war crimes,” Jake cuts Dom off, his sickened expression making it clear that he doesn’t need to be reminded. 
“Has intel found him yet?” I ask, hoping we don’t have to waste any more time in tracking him down. 
“They don’t have a lock yet, but they are tracking a BMW that came out of Benina half an hour ago. Reports of a blond woman without a hijab and a red-haired man poured in the second they landed.” Rick explains, all of us shaking our head. 
“Muslim majority country and she already sticks out like a sore thumb by being blond, but he didn’t bother to make her wear a hijab? If we don’t get to him, the Libyan police will,” I snort, finding little humor in the recklessness with which Wallace treats the lives of others. Like any good narcissist, he cares only for himself and if others get hurt in the process of him getting what he wants, so be it. 
“They’re going to attract attention no matter what. All of us are. Keep as low a profile as possible, and with any luck, we’ll be out of here by this time tomorrow,��� Rick adds, all of us hoping for the outcome that’s eluded us since we reunited. 
Our hideout in Benghazi is simple, yet beautiful. Like most places, it’s heavily fortified, a solid metal gate closing behind us and men standing watch on all four corners as we make our way towards something that resembles a Roman villa of old. Outside, the heat hits me and for a second, I’m brought back to the op that nearly took my life, hoping that this time, things will end differently, at least for our team. Max’s cologne brings me back to the present, and I fall in step with him as we make our way into the blissfully cool war room. 
“Oh fuck yeah. Don’t mind if I do!” Jake enthuses as he takes note of the tea and finger foods laid out on the table. Shaking my head, but nonetheless pleased, I take a seat and let out a breath I don’t realize I’ve been holding. Max’s hand smooths over my hair as he sits next to me, his gaze still eyeing my bruise with concern. It’s endearing to say the least, and not the kind of treatment I’m used to in any part of my life. 
“Okay, fuel up, but pay attention. Intel has an eye in the sky and they’ve found the BMW. We’re tracking him now. Gonna let him get settled in, then we’ll pay him a house call. He’s also traveling light; only two body men and paid local team which means--”
“Which means a bunch of teenage human shields. Fucking great,” I mutter.
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Stephanie Pierce had been dumped half an hour before getting to the airport. Doing her best to save face, she’d made it through security and was intent on getting a little drunk before boarding, if only so she could sleep on the flight. American by birth, she had come to London for school, and had, up until the breakup, been having the time of her life. 
Now it's all spiraling into a nightmare. 
“Please, just let me get back to the airport! I don’t have anything to do with this! I didn’t do anything! I’m just a student! Please!” 
“I can’t do that, darling. For one, you’ve seen my face, and two...Well, you’re my insurance policy. You see, the people that I’m after, they have a soft spot for those they consider innocent. Problem is, no one’s ever truly innocent, are they? No, not even you, dear Stephanie. It only took a few moments for me to do the numbers, so to speak. Young, parents are middle class at best, no real money for school, especially abroad, but here you are in designer clothing, taking vacations whenever it strikes your fancy, and not a dime in debt. Do your parents know what you do on the internet, my darling? Didn’t think so. No, that deep, dark secret won’t be revealed until after you perish, which...will be soon, I’m afraid.” 
Her screams make her captor laugh, almost as though he’s delighted by the reaction. It chills her to the bone. Now she understands that this isn’t some wannabe who hijacked a plane and has no real plan; far from it. Whoever he is, he has calculated each and every move leading up to this point. 
She wishes she could talk to her mom one last time. 
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“Night Train to Alpha, confirm visual.” 
“Alpha to Night Train we have visual. We count 12 signatures, including the hostage. You are a go.”
We’re no stranger to David and Goliath fights, and 12 is on the smaller side of some of the groups we’ve taken on, but no matter the number, we approach this one with extra precaution, only because of Wallace’s M.O. None of us are looking to be anywhere near another one of his bombs. 
The compound he’s made his hideout is run of the mill for this part of the world. Like our own, Wallace’s has high walls, a sturdy gate, and a simple floor plan. It leaves us with two options; come in with a bang, or creep in with a whisper. 
“There’s two gates,” I remind the boys, knowing full well that while they all prefer coming in with as much firepower as possible, it opens the door for Wallace to get away in the commotion, and I, for one, want to end this once and for all. 
“Alpha, how many signatures on the exterior?” Dom asks, all of us hidden in the shadows, waiting for the deciding factor on how we proceed.
“Looks like 2 on the south side, patrolling the far gate. If you’re going in quiet, now’s the time to move.” 
We all nod and immediately get to work. Strapping on my gloves, I grab my wire cutters out of the pocket on my kevlar, and wait until Flip has gotten into position. The tallest of the team, he bends over, providing me with the flat of his back to stand on so that I can cut the razor wire off the top of the wall. Carefully, I peek over the edge, relieved when I find the courtyard empty. Though there are lights on in the compound, every window is covered with an opaque blind, making this way of entering far better suited to our needs. 
I cut enough wire away to allow all the boys to climb over, making sure to throw it away from the compound not only for safety, but to reduce the chances of us being heard. Satisfied that everyone has clearance, I pocket my multitool and quickly hop over, landing softly in the dirt. 
Rick and Benji are quick to follow, the three of us taking up post so that the rest of the guys can come in safely. It takes less than five minutes for all of us to breach the perimeter, and after a moment to regroup, we move towards our target. 
“Alpha, we need your eyes,” Rick whispers, taking point as we position ourselves flush against the nearest wall of the compound. We could clear the place blind, but that increases the chance that someone will sound the alarm as they die, and we can’t take the risk. Though they said they had to wash their hands of it, after Rome, the DOD extended their resources; while they can’t send those currently serving, they can provide a helping hand to those who are willing to risk it all to capture one of our own.
“Two at 3 o’clock, in the first room. There’s two at the back gate you’ll want to handle first.” 
Nodding at one another, we split up. Rick and Dom position themselves at the first room, Flip and Benji take up post across the villa in front of another room, while Max, Jake and I edge around to the back of the compound, intent on taking out the two men guarding the rear gate as silently as possible.
With Jake on one side, Max and I move around to the other side, all of us needing to get eyes on the men. As I predicted, they’re young, but I find cold solace when I see that they’re not teenagers, bought out to act as human shields. Checking my gun, I make sure the silencer is on tightly before leveling it into place to look through my scope. At less than 50 feet, it’s an easy shot; it just has to be timed correctly. Max counts us down using only his fingers, and when the time is right, both Jake and I take double-tap shots, killing the men before they have a chance to make a sound.
Over comms, I can hear Rick and Dom breaching their first room, and as we move back towards the center of the villa, Benji and Flip do the same. My relief grows with every room that’s cleared, the body count growing as we approach the spot where Wallace is holed up with the hostage. 
“Last room has the prize. Good luck, and godspeed.”
The room in question lies at the heart of the villa. Protected on either side by anti-rooms, We have to work our way through two more sets of men before finally being able to come face-to-face with Wallace once again. 
A bright smile is the last thing we expect when we finally level our guns to his head. 
“Nice of you all to finally join me. Thought it would take much less time for Uncle Sam to track me down. No matter, you’re here now, we can get to it. In your haste, I’m afraid none of you noticed...” Wallace’s gaze goes to the floor, and as my own eyes follow, I can’t help but feel my heart sink. My eyes dart quickly to Max and Dom, nausea overcoming me as I find that every single one of us has stepped on a trip wire. 
“It’s like Russian Roulette, except I’m the one holding the gun.”
Wallace’s laugh will be imprinted in my mind for the rest of my life.
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aricazorel · 3 years
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"Being alone with you is the best part of my day." prompt
pairing: Kaidan Alenko x Kori Reese (OC); set during ME3; word count: 1311
Major Kaidan Alenko made his way from the QEC through the war room. He paused at the doors to the security checkpoint. Sighing and rolling his shoulders. he attempted to push away the annoyance, frustration, and very real anger that he felt. All day it seemed that he had been dealing with nonsensical issues while not receiving any information he had requested.
He had expected an update from several groups of his students that morning. Waking up to a lack of information about their safety, whereabouts, or activities was disconcerting to say the least. He'd given them names and contacts both he and Reese had after he rejoined the SR-2. Unfortunately, none of them had heard a thing from his kids either. It was a hell of a way to start the day.
Later in the morning he had received an email regarding his inquiries about his mom. Since learning that she'd made it to the orchard, he'd received no other updates. Even using his Specter status he'd only gotten messages stating ‘status unknown.’ His father was still listed as MIA. Nothing had changed. Nothing new to be learned. Nothing to give Kaidan hope.
Kaidan shook off the thought as he finally allowed the doors to slide open. He passed through the checkpoint giving each guard a polite smile and a nod. He headed straight to the elevator hoping no one would stop him along the way. Surprisingly, he was successful. As the elevator doors shut behind him Alenko leaned against the back of the lift, resting his head against the cool metal wall. He closed his eyes attempting to clear his mind.
Suddenly the elevator came to a halt before reaching its intended destination of the crew deck. Kaidan frowned about to ask EDI if there were a problem when Joker’s voice came over his omni-tool instead of the intercom.
“Hey, Major? You got a minute?”
“Why is the elevator stopped?” Kaidan demanded, in no mood for any of Joker’s nonsense.
“'Cause I need to ask you something.”
“Joker, I've had a long day …and I'm off duty now …”
“Then you have a minute.”
Kaidan exhaled sharply. “Only because you had EDI stop the elevator.”
“It will just take a minute.”
The Major exhaled sharply. Why was he the lucky enough to be Joker’s advice dispenser? “I've already given you enough advice for the rest of our mission. Can you ask Cortez or Vega or Traynor or Shepherd? Literally anyone but me?”
“Those guys aren't in a relationship and even though Shepard is, EDI has already asked him about this.”
Alenko sighed. There was no fighting it. Maybe if he answered one more question he could have peace the rest of the night. “Fine.”
“You and Reese are together. You two made things work after a bunch of shit happening. You two fight and have different ways of doing things. But you're still together. How? How do you do it?”
Kaden scrubbed a hand over his face. He really was in no mood for dispensing dating wisdom. He received no news today on things important to him plus dealing with political BS from people demanding special favors because of his Specter status didn't help.
The pilot had been pinging his ‘tool all day for advice. Apparently EDI had cornered Shepard earlier in the day in the cockpit asking for advice. Now Joker was starting to seriously consider a possible relationship with this sentient AI.
Why go to him for advice though? Why when he just wanted to retire to his quarters and forget about most of the day's events?
“Joker, I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask for the exact things you just listed. Reese and I …We made things complicated when we didn't have to.”
“But you two are together now, man. That's gotta count for something. How did you do it? Overcome all that and you still want to be together?”
Alenko rested his head against the wall again. He took a breath. He thought of everything he and Kori had been through, everything they had done, everything they add said.
Staring at the grey ceiling the Major said, “Look, Joker, anything I tell you take with a grain of salt.”
“Okay. Fine. Just tell me—"
Kaidan sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. “Sometimes you just connect with someone. You see something in them they might not see in themselves. Sometimes they see that in you. You can either decide to take a chance or you play it safe. You can choose to get to know them or ignore them. You can learn more about them, learn how much you have in common and what drives them crazy, or you don't. You can learn to trust them with more and more of yourself or not. You can build a foundation to a meaningful relationship or not. I've done both with Reese and in the end choosing to take that chance was the best choice of my life.”
“So …take a chance?”
“It's a gamble but it can be worth it.”
“Thanks, Kaidan.”
“You're welcome. Can I go now?” the second human Specter replied briskly.
“Oh yeah sorry,” Joker’s voiced replied over the ‘tool, sounding a little sheepish.
The elevator continued its short journey to the crew deck as the pilot added, “I really appreciate this. If you need anything –“
“Ask someone else from now on.”
“Yes, sir.”
His omni-tool clicked off as the doors opened. He ran a hand through his hair as he headed to the cabin he now shared with Reese. Surely nothing else would happen.
As soon as he entered their quarters Reese smiled but didn't look up at him. She sat in the middle of the bed working on yet another mod for omni-tools. “I just told EDI you wouldn't be receiving any more calls or messages for the rest of the night.”
Kaidan groaned as he took off his boots. “Do I even want to know what it was about?”
“Some Alliance Admiral…McTaggert I think—wanting to make sure you understood the seriousness of his request,” the Lieutenant Commander said in a derisive tone. “I'm gonna guess it in fact isn't serious or important.”
Alenko flopped down on the bed beside her, his legs hanging off the edge while his head laid even with her hips. “McTaggert thinks I should use my Specter status to order the Normandy to retrieve some vital resources for the Alliance from his previous post. I checked with Liara. She says the vital resources are rare and very illegal cases of brandy.”
Reese glanced down at him within amused grin. He went on as he used air quotes for the last part of his sentence. “He wants me to retrieve alcohol because it will increase morale.”
The L3 snorted as she feathered her fingers through his hair. “I'm sure if you ask Liara could subtly have the Admiral investigated for misuse of resources or his position. His service record isn't that great. Mostly desk jobs with no real significance.”
He arched an eyebrow. “You already looked up his record?”
“Of course! What kind of paranoid girlfriend would I be if I didn't?”
Kaidan laughed. “Your paranoia has saved us a bunch of times. Plus you are just naturally thorough. And resourceful. And beautiful. And smart. And compassionate. And –“
“Okay, tech boy. Flattery will get you everywhere,” Reese chuckled. “So what do you want?”
“You. Alone. With me.” He replied simply as he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“You have me, Kaid,” she said as she leaned down to kiss his temple.
The second human Specter snuggled his face into her side as he murmured, “Being alone with you is the best part of my day.”
“Mine too, tech boy. Mine too.”
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Gonna rant about something for a bit cause I had to sit though the “feast of the Holy Family” sermon that I swear is the same one they used in the 60s and I wanted to vomit all through it.
Two points:
1. Running a house is a lot easier nowadays.
I’m not talking about spiritual anything, I’m talking about the physical actions of running a household. If I want to do some laundry, I stick it in the machine, add some soap, and hit a button. My family has a dryer right now but we’ve used a clothesline a lot when I was younger and that doesn’t take that much time either. Cooking is easy as heck too. Even making a meal from scratch generally takes about an hour and there are plenty of ways you can cut that down even more. We have machines for cleaning carpets, vacuuming floors, we have chemicals that make washing windows simple and fast, my iron heats up in three minutes and has a built in steamer. We are able to do the various tasks that would have taken ages to do in the past in very little time. Of course, there are people who choose to live without all this and power to them. But the average middle class American (I.e. the people this priest was talking to today) has at least some of these elements in their home.
So why the hell is it so important that the wife stay home??? Ignoring the problematic gender norms for the time being, why is it so very important to keep someone at home if there is really no practical reason for that to happen? Sure, there could be kids to take care of, but outside of very little children the kids will generally be at school during the day (and this parish has schools asociated with it so it’s not like they believe we should all be homeschooling) and the husband, according to this theory, should be at work all day so where does that leave the wife? Bouncing around her house alone? Only socializing with one (1) man and a bunch of little kids in the evenings when humans suddenly reappear after a day alone??????? What is wrong with a job that she enjoys, that challenges her, that makes it so that the family either has a little extra income or balances out the guy’s job so he could work a little less and spend more time with the family??????
Before I go any further I want to make it clear that my mom quit her very respectable job as an Airline Captain to raise us. And I think for the place we were at, it was the right choice. We were financially well off, we were homeschooling due to the unpredictable nature of military family life, and we were pretty engaged in our community. She loved flying and misses it, but she weighed her options and chose the family.
Because this brings me to my other point:
2. Isolation is not human.
I don’t know when the nuclear family came to mean “group of people that only interacts with those 6 people tops” but it’s utterly insane. Humans raised families together. You lived in a community and the kids all played together and the women all worked together and the men all worked together and you were never isolated. Generations lived together (and the refusal of modern parents to recognize their children as adults is another rant) and you could have upwards of twenty people home at any time. You most certainly did not live in a little bubble, cut off from other people.
My mom, bless her heart, should have gotten a job once my dad retired from the military and went back to the airline world. We were all in school, dad was gone on trips, she didn’t have a ton of friends here (or really any at the beginning) and she went stir crazy there for a while. But no, she felt like she owed it to the family to stay home, she says she made the choice when she quit the airline so now why would she go get a minimum wage job that would potentially make her miss out on stuff with us?
Because she’d be healthier and happier and so we would all be better off. She bounces around our house, skipping between her various hobbies. She wants a job but can’t bring herself to not be present for us so she studies gardening and generally is not present for us even though she’s sitting in the kitchen. She has come to know a few friends through the gardening community and her classes so that’s good, but it’s taken a long time to get to here and she drove us all crazy in the meantime.
I know so many other women in this area who have taken on various jobs like this at home. One lady runs basically a day care. One lady mends clothes. One lady sells eggs. And if that’s what they love, great. But you cannot tell me every one of them is better off that way. And I know for sure their kids my age are not.
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sepublic · 4 years
The First Day!
           …Honestly, where do I even BEGIN? This episode had SO much in it, I really feel like the writers were trying to fit a lot into this episode and I appreciate that!
           I suppose I’ll go from the start; I’m a little confused by the beginning, and how we see Luz with her multi-track uniform, even though she gets it at the end of the episode? And when she DOES appear seconds later for her entrance exam, she’s wearing regular clothes? I’m just going to assume it’s an animation mistake for now, but that probably won’t stop me from coming up with the most convoluted explanation for it! Maybe Luz had an ideal uniform prepared beforehand as part of her presentation, but then decided to just do it in her regular outfit, I dunno…
           I love Eda! She’s amazing and great, and what little we got in this episode was very sweet to me! I really appreciate how she legit threw her hand at Luz, just because she wanted to rub her head and say goodbye! Eda’s being such a mom and it’s amazing…
           Amity! Amity is happy to see Luz and now open about it; I really feel like the actions of her Abomination in regards to others tends to display how she REALLY feels about someone… It’s sweet seeing her basically make an inside joke with Luz, and so confidently as well, without fear of Luz getting upset or judging her…!
           On another note, it’s pretty obvious that when we see Amity talking to herself, it’s about her confusion about being in the same class as Luz, and what that means! Not gonna lie, I remember wondering if Amity would have more of a reaction to Luz being in Hexside with her, and I was right! It seems that Amity hid her initial reaction during Adventures in the Elements (she’s reserved a bunch like that), but it’s clear that in reality she had a lot of thoughts on it… I love this show’s writing and how a viewer can deduce this sort of thing, and then have it confirmed afterwards!
           It was pretty neat to see what looks like our Potions and Oracle teachers respectively, and I’m grateful for the look at Oracle magic we got! I love the cut of Luz walking away, only to practically teleport- That’s comedic timing and I loved it again when used with Gus! Speaking of Gus, is it me or did his voice sound different? I don’t know how old his voice actor is, is he going through puberty? If so I’ll miss his old voice, it was honestly sounded youthful and endearing!
           We learn that the nine (technically ten, we see two for Illusions but that could ALSO be an Illusion) witches depicted on the banners are the main ‘heads’ of the major covens; Given the way Willow phrases it, I’d assume that this means they’re currently active! Given Bump’s line about three-hundred more years until retirement, I have to wonder how old these heads actually are… Were they around since the beginning of the Coven System? Or are they the latest leaders? It definitely makes one wonder how old Belos is…
           (On another note, it makes me wonder if the Abomination Witch really IS a Blight… Because if so, how must that be for Amity? Could that actually be her father- His hair is in a bun but in the trailer, Amity’s dad has his hair like Edric’s.)
           I do have to say though… That was unreasonably harsh on Bump’s part, immediately putting Luz into the Detention Track just for looking at the crystal ball once. I guess I can sort of see why- He really wants the funding for the school, and he’s already breaking some huge rules by having the associate of a wanted criminal here. I can see why he’s really nervous about keeping Luz’s involvement in Hexside as minimal as possible, but come on man- Give her another chance! Or at least let her back AFTER the Inspector has left!
           That’s the interesting thing about Bump, it’s that I think he DOES know about the validity of his rebellious students’ concerns and is considering them… But a part of him is in a role deeply-entrenched with maintaining the Coven System. I imagine that he really does want to do what Eda and others suggest, but he fears the Emperor’s Coven… But it seems like he’s beginning to just say ‘Screw it’ and do what he wants! He’s clearly a principal balancing his students’ interests with the obligations of his role. On an unrelated note, I noticed that the Trouble Detectors are gone- Given the aforementioned budget issues, it seems Bump could no longer afford them!
           Viney, Jerbo, and Barkus! We needed more of them, I loved them from our small clip and I’m sad we didn’t get more! Hopefully they’ll return… I like their schtick of being outcasts like Luz, and I love how self-conscious Luz is about the effects she has on others! Like how she checks up on Amity after the Covention duel, she really does have a tendency to reach her hand out- Again, I’ve said it before but Luz is KIND. She’s such a lovable dork!
           In general, I really appreciate how outspoken Luz is getting about her own views towards the Coven System! She obviously wants to give Hexside a chance and all, but it’s clear that Eda’s own teachings –and Luz’s OWN personal ideas- are really coming into play here. I respect Luz a lot for refusing to take advantage of a circumstance if it means that others don’t get to reap the benefits alongside her- She’s incredibly fair-minded, and I can only imagine Eda being SO proud once she hears what happens! In conjunction with Luz talking back to that one apathetic teacher, I have to wonder- Was she always like this back at home? Or has her recent adventures taught her to be more outspoken towards standing up for others- Especially after the Conformatorium breakout?
           Either way, I gotta love Luz for sticking her neck out for others. She really could just quietly let it go, just turn a blind eye like most… But like Eda, such apathy doesn’t resolve with her conscience well.
           Speaking of Eda, let’s be real- We all knew it was her the moment that painting showed yellow sleeves and pale skin! Her portrait is adorable and I have to wonder who made it… Also, did Eda make the series of shortcuts throughout the school? Or did she just find them… If so, who made those shortcuts? We know Bump was a young student when Hexside was built on the bones of a rival school… He doesn’t know about it until later, but again- Students don’t tend to supervise the construction of schools anyway, even if they attend them.
           And amidst the signatures of Viney, Jerbo, and Barkus, we also see names such as Sabrina, Rad Maddie, Chris, and Emmy! I wonder if we’ll ever get to see these people again, and if one of these names belongs to the lunch-money thief that Lilith and Eda teamed up with during childhood? Regardless, I hope that after this episode, Luz got the chance to write her name on the wall; Although given that Bump now knows about the shortcuts, they’re PROBABLY off-limits now, or being converted into official hallways. Combined with Eda’s cleaned painting, and that wall of troublemakers is probably going to be wiped- Alas!
           I have to feel for the Detention kids as well… I can understand not being sure what to choose, although in their case, and I low-key resonated with Luz’s fear of being locked into something she ultimately wouldn’t have the passion for. I feel like it kind of describes a lot of kids’ anxieties in high school and college, and it really shows how messed up the Coven System is in desiring total order. Amidst the rule of no track-mixing, and it’s clear that Belos wants to separate Witch society into highly-specialized groups, with the Emperor’s Coven at a natural advantage…
           I can only imagine Eda watching the lessons from other classes from afar, too- I wonder if that’s contributed to her skill as the Boiling Isles’ most powerful witch? Bump mentions that Eda never got to be offered the chance to do multiple tracks (given it just became available that day), so I really have to wonder what were the exact circumstances behind her dropping out… In general, I like the point this episode makes about how students like Eda, Jerbo, Barkus, and Viney aren’t bad at school and don’t dislike it; They actually LOVE to learn and are very innovative! But the specific system of school and the way it’s structured is just not conducive as a learning environment. It’s definitely a nuanced take on the subject, I like it!
           Also- With how boldly Luz is standing up for others, it’s only a matter of time before she personally challenges Belos! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, she literally challenged Amity once for King’s honor… She cares about others, and FIERCELY, too! It was adorable seeing how delighted she was to have her name on the troublemaker wall- She really does want to be included and while there is the benefit of learning all magic (technically against the rules), I appreciate how Luz embraces the comradery of being misfits!
           Onto the Greater Basilisk! I saw that ‘inspector’, and let’s be real we ALL recognized her- Oddly enough, she seems to have teleported in. Having absorbed Magic, can the Greater Basilisk utilize it? Or is it a non-magic illusion, similar to the ones that Adegast has? Either way, I’m REALLY fascinated by the implication of a demon(?) that can absorb magic and feed on it; I’d wondered about this and once again, the show delivers!
           What’s interesting to note is that the Greater Basilisk can’t seem to digest Luz’s spells; Maybe Light just so happens to be potent, but the implication seems to be that glyph-magic is immune to her absorption! Which in turn, would imply that the Greater Basilisk specifically feeds on bile… That’s VERY interesting and really piques my interest on the stuff. The whole concept of someone absorbing witch bile, only to be foiled by Luz’s glyph magic, reminds me of this idea I had a while back… Once again, this show offers, and then delivers on implications and possibilities!
           Another thing to note is that Greater Basilisks were thought to be extinct- Obviously I can see Witch society having worked together to eradicate them. I have to wonder if the show will later touch up on this anomaly, or if it’ll be a one-time thing. What’s weird is that the Greater Basilisk was able to forge a letter from the Emperor’s Coven, to pose as an inspector… That, or she took the place of the REAL one. Bump mentions the EC not knowing about the Basilisk, does that mean she had infiltrated the group as an inspector from the get-go? It’s a lot of questions, but either way that lady was FREAKY, we saw Puddles bleed because of her! I wonder what happened to her afterwards- Was she imprisoned in the Conformatorium, or did the Emperor’s Coven make sure to, y’know…confirmthe species’ extinction?
           (Also, I guess Glandus will still have that Grudgby match, huh? I was wondering if the forfeit would lead into Wing it like Witches, but apparently not.)
           I really loved that Magical Girl transformation sequence for Luz- She deserves it! I can imagine Bump planning to include nine colors for all nine tracks, but then he realized that Luz only had four sleeves and was like, Shoot, which ones should I choose for her? Either way Luz is a fashion disaster, but she OWNS it- She’s so weirdly proud of her bizarreness, it’s incredibly endearing.
           Finally, we have King doing his own thing as a substitute teacher! Not much else to say here, but I do love the gags they had with him, they were great! Overall this was another fine episode, and I can’t imagine how overloaded my mind will be when we get TWO new episodes at once, next week!
           (One more note, I like the clever background-reference to Mattholomule being in charge of the HAS now, that’s a pretty neat call to continuity! And look- Glandus outfits!)
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gonna ramble about the ILSP redesign under the cut :) its just revamping some old worldbuilding stuff lol
so if u don't know what i've been talking abt the past while- which, fair, because i don't bring it up a whole lot- this is a kind of. headspace? thing? its all been a kind of. a representation of the world my ocs and fandoms and whatever else inhabit thats been in my head for as long as i can remember. a lot of it is based on stuff I've been making on/working on/has been around for years (read: pretty much my whole life) and it is deeply tied into my daydreaming, art, and just kind of who I am as a person.
for the longest time it was largley just this big white void with some floating doors, leading to different places (the portal room, the owl's domains, the lounge, etc etc.) that are usually either a certain thing in a smaller white void, like the Clock of Memories or the Tree of Life, or they're just another place, like Youth's Grove or the Lounge.
it was just called "ILSP" and was just. what i thought of when i thought of it. its been around sense most of my ocs were lps.
anyway, the new one is- I've mentioned it in my tags a couple times- but its a big forest based off the minecraft seed "taiga bay". the old place is mostly retired, and I and the ocs I've been posting about have moved to different places across the woods. a lot of my, subconscious? i guess? (idk, i didn't really plan most of it) filled out a bunch of smaller villages and even a big market and stuff.
because of that, there are some ocs that kind of. came w/ the environment? i guess? like Bailey or Maisie or whoever. fill-ins who got designs and connections to the Main Cast (i suppose is what you could call them? there isn't really a story here, just where me and my friends live haha)
the Tree of Life did move from it's previous anti-void to a clearing in the neighboring oak forest (where Naomi goes sometimes because oak forests do fall under her domain even tho she favors birch) and the Clock of Memories (which I havn't talked about yet, its based off a jewelry box my mom gave me and its hold the past present and future memories of everyone in ILSP, as well as a bunch of memorable objects from different fandoms and fics I've gotten into) anyway, The Clock as well as History and Sprocket have moved to somewhere in the forest too. those two really need a redesign actually, especialy History, her design has. not really aged very well. hm.
anyway, like i said, the old ocs still live in the old void that used to be ILSP, but some of the rooms that used to be there have moved, like the Tree and the Clock's rooms. the Lounge is still in the last place but it was more or less duplicated and put into the Big Tree House that the main cast use as a kind of. group house? like we all have individual places ofc, but we all have out own spots and stuff there too. uhhh. there are more, but i forgot what they are. damn. it'll come to me later.
seeing as we have like. an actual environment now, it opens the door to like. backstory stuff? i guess? and because of that I figured out a bit of backstory for Gordon! I don't think they're so much a god, as much as they are like. a spirit? or something like that. they crawled out of one of the rivers going through the woods and Delphi found them wandering around near a cave or something a while later w/ no memory. so probably like, some kinda spirit or something that had just waken up lol
uhhhh anyway! i think i'm done for now. I'll add some more if i get any more ideas, but my brain has been rung dry at the moment. hope all this is comprehensible, feel free to ask questions abt whatever if u have any :)
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isellcrackforthecia · 3 years
a film written by  Ayden Wylde
SETTING [starts out taking place at an apartment complex in north carolina] [shows the drive from there to colorado] [blackwater ridge colorado is where most of the film takes place]
[CHARACATERS] [T1_C1_Wade:23; Micahs younger brother and Maries BF:Cocky:skilled] [hunter/tracker:versed in weapons:rock climbing champion:] [T1_C1_Marie:21; Wades GF:Shy:hiker:] [T2_C2_Micah:25; older brother to Wade, leader of the party:Mysterious:skilled] [hunter/tracker:versed in weapons:] [T3_C2_Evie:21; Maries bestfriend and Mariahs GF:Outgoing:athletic/runs track: [T3_C2_Mariah:20; Evies GF:Super smart:versed in the supernatural:versed in] [weapons:] [T4_C1_Caleb:22; Amandas BF:Full of fun:athletic:] [T4_C1_Amanda:22; Calebs GF:Lighthearted:]
[Wade and Marie have been together since the beginning of highschool] [Evie and Mariah have been together for 3 years] [Caleb and Amanda have beenm together since their tenth grade year]
  scene opens with a wide overhang shot of a large forest, with a faint scream, birds fly from the trees                                                           camera flys into the forest where the scream came from (via drone)(one shot)   camera slows into a clearing with 4 tents, torn to shreds, several bags and supplies,   all dumped out and signs of there have being a firepit
fade to black   9 days ago
fade from black opens to a young man and a young woman sitting in a car the young man in the drivers seat of the car jammin out beatin on the steering wheel                                                      
Caleb: C'mon guys what the hell is the hold up?? Amanda: Cal' lighten up. we will get there when we get there. Caleb: Bullshit! (he honks his horn multiple times) GUYS!
            Wade comes flying out the door with Marie's and his bags in hand and begins to load up
Caleb: Wade where is your brother man, im trying to get to the site. Wade: He should be here any minute dude, chill out. Youre gonna piss off my neighbors with all that noise.
            just as Wade says that Micah comes speeding over a hill down the street honking his horn.
Micah pulls up behind his brothers car Micah: Ive got room in the back if you guys need it
            Micah, Evie, and Mariah all step out of Micahs car
             Micah and Wade go inside for a last minute check  
              Micah rapidly slows down and grabs his brothers shoulder                                                                                                                            still walking just slowly Micah: sooo..how are you and Marie doing? Wade: *scoffs* we're uh we're good. great actually. Micah: thats awesome and kinda unbelievalbe, you..talk to mom at all recently? Wade: yeah we-Micah whats up? Wade stops walking Micah: *sighs* i just, i havent been around in more than a couple of years and i, i dont know Wade i feel like i shouldve been,        and im sorry. thats why i set up this trip. i just want to be back in everyones lives again okay. i just- Wade: okay. okay. i get it quit being such a bitch Wade smiles and runs down the hall to the door of his apartment              Micah lowers his head a chuckles a bit and carries on walking to the apartment              leaning in the front doorway catching the end of Wade and Maries conversation
Wade: babe cmon ive already triple checked youre going to be fine for a week in the wilderness. Marie: what if something happens i mean life is unpredictable Wade: well...i'll be here to protect you *leans in* Micah: i wouldnt trust that so much if i was you Marie. *he says jokingly walking into the apartment* Marie: MICAH!! *she runs over to hug him* god how long has it been, look, im all grown up now *laughs* Micah: *scoffs* yeah, we all are.
Caleb yells from the door of the apartment building Caleb: i swear to christ i will come in there and f-
Micah and Wade: OKAY!
cut to them all getting into their cars and hitting the road to Blackwater Ridge CO                                                                                   #montage of them driving from north carolina their drive was roughly going to be 24.5 hrs long during montage they see the north carolina, missouri and colorado state signs they hit several gas stations, and just driving sight seeing shots montage song; gamma rays by louden swain (i dont know if i have to ask XD)
         both cars pull up to a parking area with multiple trails leading off of it                                                                                                     they all exit their cars and begin to grab their things
Micha: so we are going to be walking down this path about a half a mile guys so prepare yourselves Amanda: half a mile!? babe carry me? Caleb: wish i could hun but i am kinda carrying everything else...sooo... Amanda: you want to be an ass then i can just leave Caleb: *drops the things hes carrying and jogs to Amanda* okay im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your little feelings        lets just get to the sight and ill set up the tent and we can...relax...for a bit yknow Amanda:*excitedly* Okay!
Evie:*grabs Amanda from behind to scare her a little* a half a mile isnt even that bad dont get your panties in a bunch
         Evie begins tickling Amanda and picking on her.
Caleb: quit flirting with my girfriend Ev come get your pack
         Evie begins to walk towards Caleb just barely coming to pass Mariah before grabbing her for a hug
Evie: why would i be flirting with your girlfriend when ive got a perfectly good one right here Mariah: shut the hell up and grab our packs, dork Evie: okay, okay, but you guys havent heard the last of Evie Welsberg
Micah: do you guys ever stay on one task          he says as he grabs his things Wade: why would we ever big brother?
         they head down the trail about halfway through Marie starts to get a wierd feeling
Marie:*looking over her shoulder* i kinda feel like someone is out there watching us guys Wade: just relax, its a forest and theres animals, so there probably is something out there watching you 'oooooh' Marie: shut up wade im serious Micah: lets just get to the camp and if you still feel that way then we will have a look around okay? happy?
          they get to their barren campsite and set up for the night
Amanda and Caleb retire to their tent
Micah: do you feel better or do you still think i need to check it out Marie: *seeing Wade over Micahs shoulder shaking his head no* i dont know i guess i feel fine Micah: so? youre fine then? cool. *he turns*
Wade and Marie retire to the campfire
          Wade starts playing guitar (carry on my wayword son)            Evie, Mariah and Micah gather around the fire with them listening to him play
           a twig snaps in the dark woods             Micah flips around to look              they hear a moan come from the almost pitch black forest which puts them all on edge
Micah: Whos out there!? *no response* Marie: what the hell was that? Micah: i dont know but im going to go have a look Wade: NO! Micah no. its dark i have no idea what that was youre a skilled hunter but just wait for daylight Micah: whatever that was could pick us off by daylight. im going to go have a look,       besides ive got ole bessy *pulls out pistol* Wade: Jesus K Le Christ! Micah why did you bring that you know Evie hates guns. Micah: for protection? and it seems like we may need it
           Micah disappears into the dark forest
           Wade sits back down at the campfire and no sooner does he hear his brother scream
Everyone: Micah?! *saying it at different times and in different times*
           Caleb comes barreling out of his tent buttoning his pants.
Caleb: what the hell was that? Wade: it was Micah. put on your shoes and come with me *he grabs a flashlight* Caleb: say less.            Caleb gets dressed and as theyre heading out into the woods Marie comes running up to Wade
Marie: come back to me okay? one piece. promise? Wade: promise.
            Wade and Caleb venture out into the woods in the direction Micah went.
Caleb: sooo..why are we out here what happened? Wade: we heard something out here..dont know what it was..didnt sound like any animal ive ever hunted. Caleb: and Micah..? Wade: Micah came out here to see what it was and something happened to him you heard it. *Wade begins to panic*
             Caleb Stops Wade
Caleb: okay relax deep breaths hes fine he got away from it hes smarter than all of us combined okay just...       lets walk a little further and if we dont find anything we head back to the camp and look in the daylight
             they begin walking again              they walk a couple of meters when Wade kicks something in the brush              its Micahs gun
Wade: dude... Caleb: okay lets head back to thecamp and wait till light Wade ive got the most messed up feeling              Wade looks around for his brother and doesnt see anything Wade: *taking a deep breath* okay
              making their way back to the camp the hear something behind them and beging to sprint back               they get back to the camp half out of breath looking terrified
Evie: what the hell happened to you? wheres Micah? Wade: we couldnt find him only found this *holds up pistol* Evie: great what are we supposed to do now Wade: we wait till light then we find my brother
cut to the sun coming up
             Evie, Mariah, Amanda and Marie all slept Wade stayed up all night and              Caleb stayed up to make sure he didnt do anything stupid
             as the sun is coming up the girls all emerge from their tents
Wade: okay guys, lets get a plan going Caleb: we should split up into a couple of groups, Wade, you and Marie head off in the same direction Micah went last night       Amanda and i will go around the creek and meet you on the other side       Evie, you and Mariah go back in the opposite direction and see if he just got turned around and lost
             as they go in their respected directions fade to black
open too Evie and Mariah walking through the forest shouting for Micah
Evie: MICAH! Mariah: shhhut up. you dont know what could be in these woods Evie: i swear to christ, youre always going on about the 'supernatural'.      please just give it a rest and try to be serious for one second, please? Mariah: but honestly think about it Micah is a big dude and he had a gun no predator is going to be able to snatch him up        without leaving some kind of trail. im just saying that anything is possible dont rule anything out.
              Evie stops walking and begins to mock Mariah.
Evie: oh yeah what would it be then? Mariah: well i dont have alot of deets on what it does...but i guess it could be a black dog, its quick..?
              Evie busts up laughing and begins to walk again hollering for Micah               when the hear Marie screm from the opposite direction           Evie and Mariah both hightail it back to the campsite as they come barreling in so do Marie along with Caleb and Amanda Marie: What the HELL was that thing?!? oh what the...what.....
Marie looks as if shes seen a ghost
              Caleb grabs Marie by the shoulders.
Caleb: where. is. wade?
              Marie doesnt answer
Evie: give her some space for a second Cal shes obviously in shock just let her breathe
               Evie guides Marie away from the group to sit down on a rock
Caleb: does anyone know what the HELL is going on?! someone is out there messing with us and ITS NOT COOL! *he yells*
               Amanda getting Caleb to calm down in the background of Evie and Marie talking
Amanda: okay babe youre fine just look at me and forget about all of this for a sec
Evie: Marie? you ready to talk about what happened?
                Marie looks at Evie with absolute fear in her eyes
Marie: Evie,i have absolutley no idea what that was...it looked like a man but it was too tall and skinny and grey-*she begins to panic* Evie: okay, okay deep breaths, did he talk Mariah: dont call it that...that thing was not human Evie...                 Evies eyes widen as she gets up and walks over to the rest of the remaining group Evie: Mariah, can i talk to you over here please...now...the rest of you go talk to Marie without making her more distraught, okay?
Mariah: whats the deal. Evie: im not saying its all real, but tall, skinny, greyskinned looks like a man and is fast. Mariah: uuuuhhhhmmm.....gimme a second, it could be a lot of things...maybe a skinwalker?..or a Wendigo,        i kinda believe they are the same thing. Evie: okay so what is it? Mariah: well they used to be human, but cannabalism drove them to mutate both in body and in mind making them no longer human        fun fact actually the donar party mishap was in this area so maybe its a wendigo from that- *Evie interupts Mariah* Evie: please no rambling its not the time...actually that makes sense...kinda, keep going what kills them and where do they keep their 'food' Mariah: well like most things a solid decapitation and burning whats left would be the way to go as in to kill it        but we dont have anything to decap it with so...we could disorient it long enough to get away... Evie: how? Mariah: ffffire?? Evie: baby that is stupid but it may just work *kisses Mariahs forehead*             they both jog back to the group Evie: okay guys i cant explain it all right this second but ive got a plan.
Evie: alright so- Marie: do you even have a clue as to what this thing is? Evie: well- Mariah: its a skinwalker...ooor a wendigo its undecided Marie: a what? Mariah: a skinwalker they- Evie: enough...we need to get our boys back yes? *the group agrees* Evie: alright well then heres the plan. Caleb, you, Amanda and Marie are going to try to keep its attention but be super careful      this thing is quicker and smarter than us. Mariah and i are going to try to find its little hideout Caleb: wait we could do this smarter Evie. Evie: what do you mean? Caleb: weeelll..we get bait out there and the rest of us close enough to follow but not enough to be seen. you following me? Mariah: well whos the bait? Caleb Marie and Amanda all look at Mariah Evie: oh no, Hell no, absolutley not Caleb: oh cmon Ev shes perfect she knows everything about all the monsters right? Mariah: well yeah... Evie: you dont have to babe its okay Mariah: yes i do its okay neither skinwalkers or wendigo kill thier prey before taking them to its 'home'        unless you piss it off...Which i promise i wont do, okay...ill be safe Evie: okay well...what do you guys have that is flammable? *she says with a giant smile* Amanda: ive got a can of hairspray and a lighter. Evie: okay we got booze how much? Caleb: a bottle and a half Evie: okay well make two molotofts use a shirt or something. Caleb: on it. Evie: Marie? are you ready to do this? Marie: we have too. to get Wade and Micah back. Evie: alright babe come here. Mariah walks up to evie and they hug for a long time Evie: i love you you know that right? Mariah: of course i do im going to be fine lets go Evie: you heard the woman, lets go!
Mariah ventures out into the wilderness alone, the group waits 10 seconds and then they follow keeping her in eyeline but keeping their distance
Mariah singing to keep herself at ease: its like teaching arcitecture to an eskimo you can show him everything you know                                        hes still gonna build it outta snow *shakily*
            a loud shout from out in the forest makes her jump it sounds like Wade. Mariah: Wade?! Wade is that you?             another shout seemingly closer but it sounds like Micah the second time around Mariah: okay so mimics voices..dingdingding wendigo for the win..oh jesus
            she continues to walk checking over her shoulder every couple of seconds she can hear the beast circling her              she continues to sing eskimo by louden swain               the rustling stops and she hears what is almost a whisper but sounds scratchy and terrifying "help"                she turns around and everything goes black
Caleb: is she singing? Evie: leave her be shes nervous and i think its cute              they hear the creature making noises and they watch patiently until it snatches up Mariah and bolts
The group of four takes off running following the creature they follow it to an old run down mine it looks over its shoulder and then proceeds to walk into the mine
Evie: okay we give it a second and follow it in weve got to be quiet as mice i dont care what happens not a sound      understand? Group: got it Evie: Caleb you and Amanda stay together with a molotoft and the flamethrower? i guess that what we could call it.      Marie and i will keep a molotoft with us and we are going to find our friends. lets go.
             they collectively head into the mine
             walking through the mine they come to a fork and they split into their respective groups and go along their way
Caleb: its so erie in here Amanda: it is kind of a monsters hide out..what did you expect kittens and rainbows? *laughs* Caleb: SHH! mice remember? Amanda: sorry...i was just pickin Caleb:...did you hear that (he moves Amanda up against a wall next to him) peaking aroung the corner Caleb Gasps and instantly covers his mouth Amanda: tapping him and without using words motions what? Caleb: *mouthing* its right there he peaks aroung the corner again Caleb: i see Micah and Mariah, i dont see wade though. go find the others ill stay here and hidden and keep an eye on what happens here Amanda: *while walking away* i swear to god if you die i will kill you Caleb: *salutes and smiles* understood captain! Amanda giggles and wanders off to find Evie and Marie
Fade to black
Evie: i think we shouldve gone the other way theres nothing down here but a maze. Marie: maybe thats the point Evie...it traps us.. Evie: Marie, refreakinglax okay lets head back the way we came youve been dropping trailmix the whole way? Marie: of course? im shook not stupid?
             they begin to follow their trail back the way they came when they hear footsteps.
Evie: over here! she whispers they duck behind an old couple of crates. Evie peaks over the top
             as a figure emerges from around the corner Evie ducks, then begins to just barely peak over the crate to see Amanda
Evie: *stands* you scared the living christ out of us Amanda where the hell is Caleb? Amanda: hes fine waiting for us actually, we found it. where its keeping everyone Marie: then why are we standing here lets go!
             quietly they make it to Caleb               standing at the wall where Caleb and Amanda were is Amanda, Marie and Evie
Caleb: psst guys Evie: guys over here *she leads them behind some debre Caleb is hiding behind* Amanda: how are we going to get it to leave? Marie: we could distract it.. Caleb: how so? Marie: well Evie and I were getting pretty lost in the other side of the mine. we left a trail..so just use the trail to hide in that       side of the mine and make a lot of noise to get it to leave long enough we can get Micah and them cut down and get out of here. Evie: whos..gonna do that? Caleb: i will. Amanda: Caleb, what did i tell you i- Caleb: Amanda look at me *he grabs her by the face* ive got to say this now because i dont know if im going to get the chance to later       Amanda Miller, you are my light in the dark, my bell in deep water, you are the sand in my pockets that keeps me on earth.       i love you with every ounce of my being and NEVER think otherwise you hear me. know i always will even if im not here       ill always be here *he places his hand on her heart as a tear falls down his cheek* i am going to do everything in my power to make       it out of here alive with you by god. but if i die protecting you then i die happy. and im okay with that. Amanda: well im not *she struggles to say through her tears* Caleb: not right now youre not, and not for a long time you wont be but one day you will. *he kisses her and then stands up picking up a molotoft on the way then disappearing into the mine*
              they wait what seems like an eternity passes and they hear Caleb in the other side of the mine Breaking things
              the creature turns quickly running down through the mine towards Caleb
              Amanda Marie and Evie make their way through the debre and remains on the floor of this mine                Marie sees Wade tied up and rushes towards him Marie:Oh my God! *while turning around she vomits*
Wades body hanging hands tied to a metal hook on the ceiling his throat slit and eyes still open his stomach torn open with his entrails laying across the ground in front of him. even dead his eyes seemingly filled with dread
              Marie falls to the ground at his feet and begins to sob
Amanda cutting down Micah And Evie cutting down Mariah they both are unharmed other than the bleeding lumps on their heads from being knocked out Amanda lays Micah down on the ground and begins to try to shake him awake Amanda: Micah wake up cmon
Evie gets Mariah down and wakes her up fairly quickly Mariah still groggy: youre here! she says happily Evie: of course i am, im too stubborn to have left you Mariah: i think my arm is broken it hurts and i cant move it Evie: okay, can you stand? Mariah: lets see shall we (shes still obviously groggy the hit on her head probably caused a concussion)
           Micah begins to stand up Amanda: be careful. youre head wound will styphon your senses Micah: im fine wheres my brother? *slurring*
           Marie (who has been quiet stands up and walks towards Micah): Micah im so sorry we came as fast as we could we tried so hard to-
           Micah pushes past her and cuts his brother down crying Micah: im so sorry baby brother i shouldnt have been so stupid...(he closes Wades eyes) *as Micah begins to stand* Amanda: Micah we- Micah: wheres Caleb? Evie: hes distracting the thing...speaking of...*she goes to the corner to peak around it and listen.                                                 she still hears Caleb yelling and Breaking things.* Evie: hes okay for now but we need to go. Marie: we cant just leave him here?! Micah: we have to. no use carrying dead weight. Marie: how could you say that hes your brother?              as marie says that they all hear Caleb Loudly "SHIT" and a scramble
Micah: we need to go now, what did we bring as a weapon. Mariah: *giggling* FFFFIRRRE! Micah: keep her quiet lets go
            they proceed out of the mine when Caleb barrels into the group Caleb: go. Go. GO!
           Micah picks up Mariah knowing she cant run on her own and they all start sprinting
           with the monster gaining on them, coming closer to them faster then they were going to hit the entrance             into the mine let alone the forest
           Micah trips and falls busting his knee and dropping Mariah             Caleb makes a split second decision and turns around to help
           he helps Micah up and the wendigo grabs Mariah in the mess, snaps her neck, drops her and keeps coming   Evie: NO!          Marie grabs Evies arm and frantically tries to keep her running as Amanda makes her way out of the mine           stopping just outside the entrance Amanda: Goddamnit come on!
Caleb: Go. Micah: What? no. Caleb: GO! NOW!          Caleb lights a molotoft and throws it at the beast turns and pushes Micah closer to the mine entrance Caleb: GO! *he says as he full body tackles the flaming monster getting over it and running into the mine* Caleb: come get me you stupid son of a bitch
          during this Micah gets out of the mine grabs the girls and keeps them moving
           the creature turns and sees the rest of them are gone and follows Caleb down into the mine
Micah, Marie, Evie, and Amanda haul ass to their campsite and rapidly grab the packs with only their radios and keys and continue to haul ass through the forest looking over their shoulders the whole time
           they get to their cars get them into the road and wait just in case he made it out
cut to Caleb running through the mine Caleb: *panting* theres got to be something in here to kill this thing with he hears the monster make a shrill moaning sound still a bit aways from him rummaging through debre he finds a pickaxe
Caleb: oh hell yes! a very low growl coming from right behind him he jumps up turns around and swings
cut to black
still waiting in their running cars for the slightest sign that Caleb is out there they hear it
In the depths of the forest, the wind begins to rush against the fragile tree branches. A shrieking howl can be heard. It starts as a bone chilling moan and continues to rise in both power and terror until it climaxes in blood-curdling horror. A sense of dread consumes them as they realize their friends will never make it out of those woods,
backing up wide shot as they drive off
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hispeculiartreasure · 5 years
All We’ve Got is Time - Chapter Eight | B.B.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
AU: If They’d Survived/Post-War/Window Washer!Bucky Barnes
Rating: Teen
Word count: 4,000
Chapter 8/24
Warnings: Just a bad word or two. Otherwise, intense amounts of fluff!
AN: This chapter gave me all sorts of fits and is nerve-wracking for me to post. Mostly because I’m putting a ton of pressure on myself. But whatever. Huge shoutout to @lucyyannabel for being a precious human being and beta-ing for me and helping me fill some plot holes. You da bomb.com. I also pulled a ton about cars from this helpful article and this article was referenced for the Harlem Hellfighters. Let me know what you think?
Chapter Seven
‘All We’ve Got is Time’ Masterlist
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Bucky checks your distinctive handwriting for what feels like the thousandth time, double checking the address of the garage. When he thinks he’s only got a few blocks to go he picks up his pace. There’s really no need to rush, he’s going to be on time. After seeing you in his dreams and talking about you all day, intentional and not, he really just wanted to be with you.
A freshly-painted white building comes into view, the numbers on your note matching the ones painted in red block letters on the side. There’s several driveways leading into the garage; even with the rolling doors down, he can still see a flurry of activity through their windows. On his way to the front door he passes shiny cars parked out front underneath a sign proudly proclaiming “Durst & Co. Automotive”.
Cautiously he enters the sparse waiting area, unsure where you’d be waiting for him. It’s clean, tidy, with bare-minimum furniture of chairs and a reception desk. Looking out a window leading into the work area he sees a large room filled with popped hoods, tools scattered, and workbenches covered in spare parts. After a minute of awkwardly shifting from foot to foot in the empty room he hears a roar of laughter from a door behind the desk. Checking his surroundings one more time he slides around the desk. Hoping the door leads to the actual garage and not something terrifying or inappropriate, Bucky takes his chances and pushes it open. The chatter and laughter grows louder. He hears your voice and suddenly his feet are moving to follow it.
Seems to be organized chaos, Bucky thinks to himself. Looks were deceiving because the activity inside hinted at a much larger operation than what he had expected. The cars he passes aren’t junkers, they seem to come from a solid, well-paying clientele. Cars are on lifts, some engines have been raised out of the bodies. . . the only thing missing was people.
He rounds the corner and stops dead in his tracks. You’re leaning against a car that’s hood is popped, one saddle shoe-clad foot resting against its grill. Your stained shirt matches the bright red bandana wrapped around your head. Hands are in the pockets of your denim overalls, sass painted on your lips. Mechanics in coveralls surround you, attention arrested by your story.
Again, the garage is filled with howls of mirth - a reaction to a witty punchline, he’s sure. He can’t help but admire you from afar. You’re more relaxed than he’s ever seen you yet you still maintain an air of assuredness that holds its own among the group of men. A smile comes easy to your fresh face. All you really need is your sparkling eyes to highlight your naturally stunning self. And then those eyes meet his and the sparkle seems to intensify.
“Oh hey, Bucky!” You wave him over and then he’s encircled by strangers and a wave of uneasiness washes through him. All eyes are on him, obviously sizing him up. Bucky makes a conscious effort not to puff out his chest. “Boys, this is my. . . this is Bucky. Bucky, these are the boys.” He receives a litany of greetings from the large group to which he tries to smile and memorize all the names he can.
“Alright boys, back to work. Sassafras has distracted us long enough.” A gruff voice breaks through and prompts the other mechanics to drift back to their tasks. A man with a head of salt-and-pepper - well, mostly salt - steps forward, Bucky noticing a slight limp to his otherwise confident walk. “So this is the guy I’ve been hearin’ about.” He smiles a big, teeth shining bright white against his dark brown skin. Towering over you, he slings an arm around your shoulder in a familial hug.
“You’ve barely heard a thing, Harve,” you retort, leaning in to his embrace.
“Is that the way you’re supposed to treat an old friend when he’s doing you a favor? No. Your momma taught you better than that.” He turns back to Bucky, eyes wrinkling kindly behind his spectacles. “Harvey Durst.” His hand moves from your shoulder and h offers it to Bucky, who grasps and shakes it.
“Bucky Barnes.”
“Nice to meet you, Bucky. Heard you served, right?”
“Was in the 107th for a while, moved into special ops the last few years.”
Harvey tosses a thumb at himself. “Served in the 369th Regiment from ‘17 ‘til ‘19.”
That number, why is that number familiar. “Wait,” Bucky’s brow furrows. “You were a Harlem Hellfighter?” Blatant pride beams from your features as you watch Harvey bob his head reluctantly. “My father’s unit was in France around the same time, he said y’all were tough as nails. Never lost a trench, right?”
“Or a man to capture or a foot of ground to the enemy,” the veteran recites, as if he’s spoken the same information time and time again.
“Colonel Chester Phillips always spoke highly of your regiment. You’re the stuff of legends, sir.”
“The same could be said about you, being Captain America’s right-hand man.”
Your eyes immediately drop to examine the floor while Bucky feels heat in his cheeks. Seems like Harvey had heard a thing or two. Clearing your throat, you step away from Harvey and slightly closer to Bucky.
“Just kept him out of trouble, mostly. Nothin’ special.”
“I hear that. I fought alongside Miss Sassafras’ Grandpappy in the trenches,” Harvey points to you. “Talk about bull-headedness.”
“Sassafras?” Bucky asks, eyes flitting to you as his apprehension gives way to a grin.
“Oh yeah. When she was a youngin’ and I visited to chat with William she was always gathering up sassafras flowers and bringin’ ‘em to me as a gift. Was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Then she really grew into the “sass” part.”
“I’ll say,” Bucky directs his grin back to you.
With an eyeroll you explain, “My grandfather enlisted right before he would’ve aged out. He’d owned the shop way before the war, my mom practically grew up here. Harvey has been around as long as I can remember.”
“Only out of the kindness of your grandpappy’s heart.” Harvey shifts his focus back to Bucky in explanation. “Once we got shipped home, I was out of work and William offered to teach me his trade. He graciously passed the shop on to me when he retired. Thankfully the neighborhood put a lot of stock in William’s character so I wasn’t totally run out of business when I took over.” Bucky grimaces in sympathy.
“Good thing people had the sense to see a good man who does good work,” you mutter, a bite to your tone.
“Alright ‘Fras, don’t get worked up. It’s not worth it, darling. Almost all the other mechanics here are veterans, so if you ever need anything just ask. We’ve got each others’ backs here too, ya know?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
“Now,” Harvey’s voice drops an octave as he peers over his glasses at Bucky. “You keepin’ everything all honorable between the two of you?”
You choke on air before planting your hands to Bucky’s chest, urging him to take several steps back. “Thanks Uncle Harvey, we’ve got work to do, talk to you later!” Several more steps away and you groan. “Sorry about that. He can be a little protective.”
Bucky shakes his head, not sure whether he wants to laugh out loud or have the earth swallow him whole. It was a toss up. “‘Uncle’, huh? So he’s practically family.”
“I’ve known him my whole life. He’s not old enough to be my grandfather’s brother, too old to be my mom’s brother. Uncle just suits him best, ya know?”
“You didn’t tell me I was meeting family today,” Bucky teases, knocking a hip into yours.
“Steady on, he’s not technically family.”
He scoffs. “Technicalities.”
You face Bucky completely, taking him in for the first time that day. “Hi,” you hum.
“Hi,” Bucky practically beams. “Glad to see you again.”
“We were together less than 24 hours ago, huh?” Your lopsided grin whispers bashfulness. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Y’all gonna stand there giving each other googly eyes or are you goin’ to work on my cars?” a shout from Harvey reaches you both from his office.
“Mind your business!” You holler back before burying your face in your hands. Bucky can’t help but chuckle, his own relaxed state puzzling him. Seeing you a little embarrassed was more endearing than he thought it would be. “Anyway,” you perch your hands on your hips. “Let’s get you an apron and get to work. We’ll start with the basics.”
Passing a workbench you snag him an apron as you approach an engine that’s been lifted out of a car by chains. Trailing behind you, Bucky ties the apron strings and stops on one side of the machinery, you rounding the other side.
“How much do you know about engines?” you ask, zero judgment in your voice, only asking a basic question to find a jumping off point.
“Next to none. I know math and science are involved, which I’m okay at. But treat me like an idiot.”
“You aren’t an idiot, Bucky.”
“Never said I was. Just told you to treat me like one.” He winks at you which only earns a narrowing of your eyes.
“Anyway. . .” Your tone turns all business, motioning to the engine. “Cars have internal combustion engines, right? So it takes a fuel source, gas, and combines it with air. It compresses and ignites the mixture. A bunch of little explosions happen that cause these pistons,” you point toward a row of metal cylinders, “to move up and down. The pistons are attached to this crankshaft.” You move your hand to gesture the connection. “That motion makes the crankshaft turn. Then the crankshaft transfers that energy to the transmission, which ultimately powers the wheels to the car. Got it?”
“Got it. I think,” he amends, turning the process over in his mind, pieces falling into place after a few repetitions. “Okay, I got it.”
“Good. Now onto the fun stuff,” you smile a little wolfishly, signalling to Bucky that he was in for a long day of lots of information.
You run through the more technical version, explaining the physics and practicalities as well as the failings of the engine. Next, you explain what a tune-up would look like for a typical 1940s model. Soon you’ve drug him over to another car, making him clumsily replace the spark plug with your smaller hands guiding his. Next you set the mixture on the carburetor, fit new plug wires, and remind him these things should be checked on every 30,000 miles.
Currently he’s watching you struggle with a particularly rusty bolt, arm muscles straining as you finally break it free with your wrench. Your hair is a disaster, to put it kindly. Flying this way and that, becoming more untamable by the moment. But you’re so charming in this role of teacher that it only enhances your allure. Shaking his head, Bucky reminds himself to listen to your well-intentioned stream of information.
“What’s being produced right now are basically 1942s with tiny modifications. As you know, almost all production of civilian vehicles was halted in favor of supporting the war effort. So designers were stuck with getting something “new” on the assembly line as soon as peace was official. They’ve added some new body colors and a fancier bumper. We told them in the factory for years that they needed to seal the ignition so water can’t leak in and they’re just now starting to listen based on that brand new 1946 over there,” you wave vaguely behind you, nose still stuck beneath the hood.
“So what was your training like?” Bucky inquires, handing over a tool you’d asked for, hoping it was the right one.
With a hum you start, “My learning process was accelerated because of the war. It involved a ton of reading and studying, as well as a couple weeks of intensive training at a factory upstate. Usually a mechanic would need to find a shop where they could work at the lowest level doing the most rudimentary of repairs, like replacing the spark plugs like you did earlier. As they’re doing that they keep studying and move up through the system. Some people start at the bottom because they want to own their own shop or become a salesman. But most of the guys here just want to work with their hands and make an honest living doing something they don’t hate. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure what it would look like for you to start down this track.”
Leaning back you gratefully accept the rag Bucky offers, rubbing some excess oil off your hands.
“Was this too overwhelming? I know I just threw a ton of information at you. Hope it didn’t scare ya. Here, triple check my work for me.”
Bucky bends to the engine. “Overwhelming, yeah. Scary? Not really. You replaced this belt, right?” At your assent his fingers trail over it, inspecting it’s fastenings. “It’s interesting work. Don’t really know how to move forward with it, if I’m being honest.”
“Don’t forget about the third attachment,” you remind as he starts to back away. “I think someone here mentioned that the V.A. provides job counseling to veterans.”
“I think you may be right. They tell you that stuff when you get discharged but at that point all I was thinking about was Ma’s cooking and hugging my sisters. Worth asking about though.”
A smile graces your lips. “I don’t blame you one bit. All good?”
“All good,” he affirms. With Bucky’s help you set the hood in place, propping your elbows on the surface to take a breather.
“Then that’s all I really had in mind for today. There’s a lot more but you’ll pick it up fairly quickly.” He thinks it’s only been an hour, maybe two at the most. Then he notices the shadows at his feet and realizes the sun is slanting through the garage windows. You must notice Bucky looking outside because you follow his gaze. “It can’t be sunset already. Have we really been here that long?”
“Guess so.”
You wipe the sweat from your forehead, leaving a giant smudge of grease in its stead. Bucky finds it too endearing to tell you anything. After a glance around the garage you say incredulously, “When did everyone leave?”
Bucky doesn’t remember when the garage had emptied either. Neither did he recall the shop becoming so clean - almost spotless. Someone had turned on a radio; the crooning of Louis Armstrong’s trumpet floats toward you from a neighboring table. The sound of Harvey shuffling around his office is the only other sign of life in the building.
“I feel like I’ve done a full day of PT,” Bucky groans as he arches his back. “Who knew leaning over an engine all day could hurt so much?”
“There’s one way to loosen up sore muscles,” you hint cheekily. You hold out a hand, waiting for him to take it. “Dance with me.”
He grips your fingers but resists your tug away from the car. “I dunno, I’m out of practice.”
“C’mon, it’s just a sway to a sweet song.”
Bucky hesitates. His last few attempts at dancing were more akin to a stumble than anything else. He can vividly remember his first night out on the town in a peaceful New York City. He can see the blonde who’d herded him to the dance floor, her grimaces as he crushed the tops of her brand new shoes. She’d been kind enough to his face but had excused herself only a minute into the song. He hadn’t danced since.
He gulps. “I might step on your toes.”
“That’s alright,” you shrug animatedly. “I may step on yours.”
There’s something so genuine, so earnest about you that he can’t help but follow your lead.
Timidly he wraps an arm around your waist, reminding himself to keep a respectful distance. Your other hand grips his bicep lightly as you step into him. This is the closest you’ve ever been to each other. Breathing the same air, sharing space. It should feel awkward. But it only feels right. His hand on your waist snakes further across your back bringing you chest-to-chest. You lean a head to his shoulder, respectful distance be damned.
S’just a dance. He reminds himself.
Taking your suggestion, he simply sways back and forth to the tune. Shifting from foot to foot you follow his feet in a slow circle.
It’s effortless.
No one’s toes gets squished. In fact, Bucky feels like he’s floating on air.
You share a sweet silence. He looks down and notices your eyes are closed. If asked why, he wouldn’t be able to answer why his chest felt so tight.
He sighs your name, prompting your eyes to open. “I feel like I’ve known you a lot longer than a week.” The words slip out almost involuntarily, like an impulse. For a moment his chest tightens even more, afraid you wouldn’t react kindly.
You continue to gaze up at him and say softly, “Technically we’ve known each other longer than that.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yeah. . .” your voice goes even softer, “I really do.”
Fear releases its grip on him prompting him to pull you ever-so-slightly closer.
Neither of you know when the song ended but you are jarred out of your reverie when the radio host’s jabber breaks the spell. Moments later a new, upbeat song starts up. Sounds like Glenn Miller, Bucky thinks, foot already tapping to the bouncing trumpets and steady tap of the bass.
With boldness flowing through him like adrenaline he gives you a cheeky smile. “Let’s see if we have more than a sway in us, huh?” He pulls away from you only to give you a quick turn so your back is to his chest, arms connected and crossed over your stomach.
“What happened to being out of practice?” you sigh over your shoulder.
“Only way to be in practice is to practice, right?” Your only response is a giggle and you twirl away before coming back to him - feet flying across the concrete floor.
It is by no means perfect. Every once in a while you bump into each other or take a turn too hard. But your laughter soothes the hesitancy in him, reminds him that dancing isn’t about being perfect with someone, but just being with someone.
The song is swelling and muscle memory leads Bucky, sending you into spins over and over and over again, just enough to make you a little dizzy.
“Bucky, the oil-!” It’s happening before he can stop it. He’s spun you directly into a puddle left behind from a leak. Your foot flies through the slick, disrupting your already precarious balance. Down you fall - hard - taking Bucky tumbling with you to the ground.
He helplessly watches it happen in slow motion. Feels your woosh of breath escape when his full weight lands squarely on top of you. Rolling to the floor he scrambles to his knees beside you, words rushing out of him.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay, did you hurt anything? What a fuckin’ idiot, I shouldn’t’ve - are you alright?”
Your chest is heaving, doing its best to recover some of the air that had been knocked out of you. Slowly you nod in response to his question, lashes fluttering as you seem to steady yourself.
Then you’re laughing.
A deep, unbridled, straight-from-the-belly laugh that brings Bucky back down to earth, reassures him that you can’t be hurt too badly. It doesn’t stop there - he’s fairly sure you snort in the midst of your giggles but he’s too overcome with his own chuckles to be certain. Your joy is infectious and soon he’s out of breath himself.
As the laughter subsides his hand clasps yours to pull you up to a seated position, watching you closely for any signs of discomfort. You seem fine, maintaining the grip on his hand as you join the vertical world again. You’re smiling that small smile of yours. The smile that caught his eye in the first place.
Your thumb swipes over the back of his hand and it registers just how close you are. Close enough for him to see the depth in the color of your eyes. To see every individual eyelash, to count each freckle he finds.
In a similar fashion your eyes rove his face. No doubt thinking what he’s thinking, wanting what he wants.
“Can I kiss you?” he breathes raggedly.
“You better,” you gasp, fingers curling into the front of his shirt.
Before he can lean down fully you’ve met him halfway, soft lips all his for the taking as your eyes slip shut.
Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss. A peck to the cheek, a smooch saying goodbye, a brief moment to show affection. Given freely, barely a blip on the radar. Kissing wasn’t something Bucky thought about often. He had enjoyed his fair share of kisses, sure.
But this. No other kiss has triggered the emotions swelling in his chest like this one. It’s almost as if he’s feeling sunshine on his skin for the very first time. Like a lamp has been lit in a room shrouded by black, glowing fiercely in darkness. Somehow he learns so much about you with this kiss. You’re soft to his chapped, pliant to his firm. Warmth to his breeze.
He leans back to catch his breath allowing his forehead to rest against yours. You hum contentedly, eyes still closed, mouth twisting sweetly.
“Hey lovebirds!” Startled, you jump away from each other. “I’m locking up, some of us have dinner waiting on us,” Harvey shouts from the office.
Grinning at your embarrassed moan Bucky helps you to your feet. “Since we don’t have dinner waiting for us, wanna catch a bite?”
With a raised brow you look down at your clothes. “I’m a mess and now covered in motor oil, no decent place would let me in the door.”
“Truly decent places welcome everyone.”
“Shut up.”
“Then at least let me buy ya a hot dog on the way home,” he compromises with a grin.
“No, it’s okay, my place is out of your way.”
“It’s almost dark, I’m not letting you walk home by yourself.”
“Bucky I can’t be that much of an imposition-”
He grabs a hand you’re waving wildly as you try to refuse. “Are you trying to get rid of me? ‘Cause it ain’t workin’.”
“Never,” you reply with a huff. “Fine.”
After your goodbye hug to Harvey, Bucky shakes his hand again before thanking him for his time.
“Get her home safe, alright?”
“Yes, sir,” Bucky ducks his head, fingers threading in yours.
Moving to leave the garage, Bucky stops you. “Hold on,” he snags a clean rag from a shelf. “May I?” he motions to your face. After you nod he gently wipes away the grease you’d relocated to your forehead during your work. He shows you the stain left behind, can’t stifle a grin when you look horrified.
“How long has that been there?” you ask incredulously then hold up a hand before he can respond, “You know what, don’t tell me.”
Spring may be on its way to summer but the evening still carries a light chill, tempting Bucky to keep you even closer than usual. Somewhere along the way you wrap your other hand around his arm, basking in the safety of being able to be this close to someone.
“I have a question for you,” he rasps.
“Yeah, Bucky?”
“Can I call you Sassafras now?”
Chapter Nine
@moderapoppins @lookwhatyoumademequeue @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @thinkwritexpress-official @fearless2tobeme @laneygthememequeen @past-perfect-future-tense @drhughgrection @wildsageleon @promarvelfangirl @connorshero @anditwasjustus @p3nny4urth0ught5 @just-add-butter @usernamemingmei @the-canary @thorfanficwriter @blueskiesbleakeyes @silverwing2522 @satansmushroom @nerd-without-a-cause @barnesrogersvstheworld @firewolf-marvels @reginaphlanageadams @kiliakit @forsaken-letters @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @part-time-patronus @biavastarr @ellaenchanted91 @ihopeyousteponarosepetal @handfulof-roses @bloatedandlonly @barnestruck @itsbuckysworld @captainsbuck @writemarvelousthings @havanaangel @animeflower26 @igotkatiepowers @clockworkherondale @iamthemaskhewears @buckybarneshairpullingkink @abovethesmokestacks @ursulaismymiddlename @hiddles-rose @thisismysecrethappyplace @palaiasaurus64 @fanfic-diaries @fangirlfiction @creideamhgradochas
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prince-ampora · 4 years
One Happy Christmas
INFO -dave focused -semi sadstuck -dave is ftm and june and jade are mtf -dave is mute so he signs  -dave is going to school for a paleontology degree. you dont need to know that for this oneshot but its my headcanon so i wanted to share.
TRIGGER WARNINGS -abuse -bro and mom
"Dave! What are you doing for Christmas?" Dave shrugs at June's inquiry and flips another page in his textbook. "The Strilonde family was not very interested in holidays, not only because Mother was Jewish." Jade turns to Rose, "So are you and Dave Jewish?" Rose reads while talking, "By blood yes but we don't follow the religion or holidays." June smiles, "Then you two should come with me and Jade to Dad's house over Christmas break! He'd be happy to have more people to cook for." "I wouldn't mind that. Strider?" Dave shrugs and signs, "Sure I guess, as long as he's okay with having a guy like me over." June rolls her eyes, "You know he loves you, Dave." "Yeah, Dave! He even wanted to pay for your testosterone!" "I'm more than happy to use Bro's money for that." June laughs, I know.
Christmas break finally starts and June piles everyone into her car. The drive to Washington took a couple of hours, mostly spent listening to music and joking around. When they pull into the driveway, Dad Egbert is waiting for them. He waves to them as they pile out of the car and helps them unload their bags. "It's great to see you all again. Dave, Rose! How has everything been away from your parents?" "Amazing," They both say at the same time. Dad Egbert shows them to the kitchen and talks about what he'll make for Christmas dinner. "Would any of you like to help me with this tomorrow?" June and Jade offer to help but Rose says she'll be working. Dave decides to help too. "For now, let's put up the tree. I wanted my daughters here to help and having you two here as well is even better." Rose smiles and thanks him, and the group makes their way to the living room.
They get the tree up by an empty wall in between the door and stairs and have fun going through the ornaments, a lot of which were made by June and Jade in grade school. Dave teases June about her baby picture ornament and she laughs, "As if I haven't seen any of your embarrassing baby pictures Dave." They wrap lights around the tree in a speed competition and try their best to make the ornaments look evenly placed. Rose loses her mind. Jade eats popcorn off the strings. Typical Christmas things. Dave is smiling the entire time, which is so nice for a change. He even takes off his shades. He's safe here, he doesn't need to hide his emotions behind them. Dad Egbert put on Christmas music and June wraps some tinsel around her neck as a scarf and takes turns dancing with everyone. Rose plays her violin along to Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy and Carol of the Bells. June joins in on piano and Jade even gets out her bass. Dave doesn't have an instrument so he just beatboxes a little and does meme dances.
After they get back on track and actually put the star on the top of the tree, as well as some photos of each other ("You're an angel Dave, you need to be on the top of the tree." "Only if you're there too June."), they sit down to watch Christmas movies. Rose and Dave recommend Nightmare Before Christmas, June insists on seeing Home Alone, and Jade brought one of her copies of The Grinch, appalled that Dave and Rose had never seen it. Dad Egbert, June, and Dave fit on the couch. Rose happily shifts from the back of the couch, to the arm, to the floor, and Jade is content to curl up on the floor. Jade is the first to fall asleep, and Rose retires to Jade and June's room to work after Home Alone 3. Dad Egbert eventually gets tired and retires to his room, telling them that there are cookies in the fridge and to go to bed at a good time. They do because 3 am is totally a good time. Rose is already asleep on the top bunk with Jade, who had gone to her room at 2 am. June and Dave squeeze into the bottom bunk and fall asleep quickly.
In the morning, Rose works on her novel as June, Jade, and Dave try their best to be useful in the kitchen. Jade gets plants to chop up from the garden she started that summer, June helps her dad prep the meat and Dave tries to be useful where he can by getting out and putting away ingredients, handing out utensils, and washing dishes. After the main courses are started, Dad Egbert ushers everyone out of the kitchen so he can bake pies, cakes, and cookies for after. June "Bluh"'s at the Betty Crocker products on the counter and happily leaves to eat gushers on the couch. Neither Jade or Dave could bring themselves to tell her that those are Crocker products also. "Are you having fun, Dave?" Dave smiles and nods, "Yeah. I am." Dave and Jade compete in Mario Kart, with Jade coming out victorious. Rose eventually joins them and watches their match with occasional quips.
Today is Christmas. Dad Egbert had somehow found the time to wrap a bunch of presents in secret and place them all neatly under the tree, as well as fill stockings and hang them on the fireplace. He wakes the four of them up with cookies and hot chocolate and they groggily make their way downstairs. "It's a good thing I didn't wait to buy your presents. I was going to have June and Jade take them to you after the break." They sit in a half-circle and Rose is baited into putting on a Christmas hat and passing the presents out. Dad Egbert films the kids' reactions as they open their presents. He got June a nice blue dress and some other new outfits, a bra with good quality inserts, and some movie sets. Jade unwraps custom made dog ears and tail, some exotic plant seeds, a bra with good quality inserts, and some outfits as well. Dave, after hesitating, unwraps his presents to reveal some stuff for his turntables, a new binder, a book on weird preserved dead things, and a trans pride flag. Rose happily unwraps her presents of a violin care kit, some wizard cat-themed pajamas, and a hard drive and printer ink.
They each present Dad Egbert with their own present as well, cheap because College Students, which they bought before leaving for break. June got him some icing in a shaving cream themed bottle. Jade got him a book of Betty Crocker's secret recipes. Dave got his hand on a new pipe, and Rose came through with some really cool Dad™ hats. He cries while holding his presents and thanking them, pulling them into a hug. Dave doesn't start crying at all, what are you talking about, Shut Up Lalonde. After the hug ends he signs to everyone, "This was the best Christmas ever. Best day ever. I love you all." June smiles, "Y'know how we can make it even better?" Dave raises an eyebrow, "Let's mail your parents coal." Dave and Rose smile, "Hell. Yes."
A couple of days later, Dave gets an angry call from Bro, and Rose gets one from Mom. After they were done getting yelled at they hung up without a word. "What was yours about?" "'Elizabeth Strider you little bitch I will maim you. Your lucky I'm busy here or I'd go there and stab you.' Yours?" "Rose Lalonde, what the hell is this? I was gonna send you alcohol from my personal stash or maybe even some candy but not now. I'm gonna go drink this headache away and if I still remember this later, you'll see what happens when you cross me." They laugh at their terrible parent's predictable reactions and go down to join the others for breakfast. This is their family. Not an alcoholic and a weird puppet sword guy. Their family is the two girls and their father sitting at the table offering them food and smiling. They chose their family.
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OverhaulXreader part 23
Time went on. Gramps got a granddaughter. He stayed away though due to the strained relationship. He still had Kai. Y/n would come over here and there, and even cooked for gramps sometimes.
The add-on bakery was stressful to say the least. Y/n was working double time for the restaurant and starting the bakery. Menu, ingredients, advertising, permits, inspections, and management were all struggling. Those were the problems Y/n was trying to control. Then there was villain activity which was also stressing her out. They were just people using their quirks and destroying buildings and stealing. Organized crime was a lot less annoying, they didn’t involve civilians like Y/n. Sometimes she had to take a different route home or wait for subways to get repaired. Witness reports also took up her time.
Though her least favorite was the hostage situation. Mainly because all she wanted to do was cash a check out to have a fun weekend with friends on a holiday. Some villain who has never robbed a back shot the ceiling and told everyone to get down.
“I need a hostage-you” the villain pointed at her.
He grabbed her by the wrist and held the gun to her throat. She had mixed feelings, one being scared, the other being done with life. There was no easy day and she was a little done with life.
“C'mon this way.” The man said.
How did these situations happen? Sometimes she wishes she was a zombie detective or at least had a cool quirk to defend herself. Her mind was nowhere near where her actual body was.
“Maybe after this you and I could go on a date, I got money.” The man said.
“Yeah, we’re gonna tell our grandkids that grandpa went to jail for shooting grandma at the bank?” She sassily said.
“You didn’t have to be such a-“
A police officer took them out like an American football player. Her shoulder popped when the three hit the floor.
Luckily Y/n was going to a hot spring resort with some girl friends. They were from the choir group, but the ones they were around her age. She however bought her own separate room. They gossiped, laughed, and truly relaxed in the communal spring. It was all nice and she felt the stress melting away. In a robe she went to her hotel bed and just laid on it. She let her legs hang off the side. The phone rang and it was her non labeled love.
“Saw you were on the news.” Kai said on the other side without a hello.
“I can’t even cash a check without someone rubbing their damn quirks or guns in my face.” She groaned .
“Come over tonight. I got you a bottle of wine.”
“Sorry handsome, I’m at a resort this weekend.”
“You’re what?”
“Girls from my choir group thought it would be fun to sit in a hot spring together.”
“Did you get naked with those old ladies?”
“No younger girls joined my group awhile back.”
“You know you’re sitting in your own filth in those baths.”
“Good thing I couldn’t come over this weekend.” She told him.
“You could shower in my shower.” He offered.
“Is that your attempt at foreplay?”
“I can try can’t I?”
“I do miss you.” She told him, making sure the air was clear.
“What day are you coming back?”
“Why, you miss me?”
“I haven’t seen you since your period incident.” He told her.
“Work has been hard. Sometimes I wish I was just a housewife without any kids. Like maybe I have hobbies like I garden and I smile and wave at people and it’s enough contribution to society.” She rambled.
“You know-“
“I don’t mean it Kai. I’d be so bored. I’d have to have like a small army of kids to be the same amount of work as this bakery.”
“So when can I see you again?”
“I’ll let you know after the trip. I've been working overtime last month.” She whined.
“I’ll be waiting for you. Are you fine with the whole hostage situation that happened?”
It was weird hearing Kai being emotionally worried.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams angel.”
Y/n had a nice time and the weekend ended. Some of her choir friends joined her to clean the new
Bakery. They bought the building, and now they had to clean it.
“So, you seeing anyone Y/n? My brother was kinda interested at the last concert.”
“Uh-yeah I am.”
“Ooh a boyfriend?”
“No...he’s uh.”
“So you’re not seeing anyone or you’re talking about….” her friend trailed off.
“Is he a lame ass no labels type of guy? Y/n you’re so hard working you deserve someone who wants to give it their all!” Her other friend said.
“It’s not like that, we just haven’t talked about that.” She tried to explain.
“Wait are you like that? I never took you for someone so casual, Y/n.”
“It’s not like that.”
The subject died down, but Y/n couldn’t stop thinking about what her and Kai were. He called her his angel, but never his girlfriend. After the hard work, the girls started drinking, and not thinking, Y/n took the subway to the main compound. She was looking for Kai. She knocked the door over a million times and Pops answered.
“Y/n, what are you doing here, it’s the middle of the night?”
“Oh my god, I’m looking for Kai and looking back at it I should have just texted or called or, something instead of showing up, but I really wanna talk to him, is he here? I saw a dead rat on the subway.” She drunkly rambled.
“Kai should be home soon, why not wait with me.”
“Okay.” She started crying because that’s just how drunk she was.
The two sat at couches as they tried to play shogi. Instead Pops let her pretend to know what she was doing as she talked.
“I just don’t know Pops, what are Kai and I? He’s so cute and he’s so nice to me, but he doesn’t even want me talking to his crew. God every time I talk about him I make him sound like a hip hop rapper.” She sobbed.
“Well when he gets here you can ask him, but I promise you, Kai likes you very much.” Pops promised.
“Yeah? When he gets old is he gonna own a koi pond and just feed the fish all day?” Y/n asked.
“I’m not sure.”
“I’m in a choir group to make friends and there’s a bunch of old ladies, maybe you might want to meet them if you’re not seeing anyone. I know you lost your wife to cancer.” She was still sobbing but Pops wasn’t judging. “And I told them that if they don’t find anyone at the retirement home I’ll take them clubbing and I’m not ready for clubbing with anyone.”
“Kai won’t make you go clubbing.”
“He’s such a prince, you raised him right.”
The front door unlocked and the awkward situation for Pops to be over. It was not the man of the hour, but instead Chrono.
“Oh my god, it’s you, the guy who bought a gun from my mom.” She was still sobbing.
“You don’t remember my name?” Chrono asked.
“No, I’m drunk and conflicted about so many things.”
“Chrono why not keep Y/n company, I’m old and tired”.
“Goodnight pops.” Y/n said like a person.
“This situation keeps happening. You drunk, me sober.”
“Oh my god, where is Kai?”
“He is taking care of some final things, I thought I would leave some paper work here.”
“Does he talk about me?”
“No because he told us not to talk about you, remember that?”
“I don’t even remember your name, and want me to remember things. Does he even like me?”
“Yes. That is an easy one.”
“You think he thinks I’m cute.”
“I would bet money on that.”
“I saw a dead rat on the subway and I thought that was an omen for my death and Kai showing up to my funeral saying he’s my friend and my mom is gonna be like damn wish he would have said more because she knows on the down low him and I are you know…”
“Wait you think Kai is gonna speak at your funeral.”
“He’s gotta be a leader. He’d be like Y/n was sufficient at cooking and she made people smile, her only downfall was having periods.”
“I’m sure he knows that periods are inevitable.”
“You were friends with him after I left, you there when school gave him the puberty talk? We’re they honest?” Y/n asked.
“Let’s call him to make sure he knows the truth about periods.”
“No, I’m too drunk to make phone calls.”
“But not too drunk to go to someone’s house?”
“I just feel like if I explained my system, you wouldn’t understand.”
“I would travel with you.”
“Girls trip!” She sang. “But on the real real, I don’t know if you could handle my thunder I love hotel rooms and pools.”
“Is that a-“
“Oh my god, that wasn’t sexual.”
Kai came through the door, he was stressed that the meeting took longer than intended and he didn’t understand why they had as many questions as they did, unless they were undercover cops. He found Y/n and Chrono sitting in the front room. She looked a little disheveled.
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taeyangdyb · 4 years
Still Holding On part 1 (S.H.O)
In the first few years of our marriage, we found ourselves in many circumstances. we had good moments and some not so good ones. Despite everything, she still stands behind me, taking my side even when I'm wrong and she's hurt. 
  I turned 40 two years ago, Jaeha threw me a surprise party fits for a king, literally. It's really one for the book. She went back to work in her office, once the kids turned two years old. I knew I married a superwoman from the start, but I didn't know that she would be that amazing. She raises the bar higher and higher. She watches the kids in her office. At first, when she said that I thought to myself that she was joking, but every morning she wakes up to go to work, she takes them with her.
Our relationship? still feel different. right now, it's more like I love her, but she likes me. everyone else? pretty good, now the whole click has kids, no one has time for the excessive clubbing anymore. Byul's first, Jaeha second, Ailee third, Yori fourth, Jimin fifth, Mark sixth, Eric seventh, and Joon who is the oldest is the last one to have a baby.
I have so much to look forward to this year, Jae's turning 35, our kids’ third birthday. The past 3 years Jae's been focusing on the kids' parties, but only have dinners, so I'm gonna throw her a party, well I'm gonna try.
Simon: Hey you going home?
Jay: No, I have to pick up the kids from Jae's parents.
Simon: working late again?
Jay: Yeah.
Simon: Okay, I'll see you later
Jay: alright
My relationship with the kids got better, Mom is still their favorite, especially momma's boy Hoon. 
*hours later*
After picking the kids up, I take them home to shower and put them to bed. well, that's the plan I had, but the drive from their grandparents to our house is an hour away, they fell asleep and wake up as we get home. My new plan is to let them run around, get them tired and then shower. 
* later*
Well, the second plan works, who need to work out when you have to chase 3 three years old. 
*two hours later*
Jae: hey
Jay: Hi, how was work?
Jae: if I have to sit in one more two-hour business meeting with a bunch of old people who are drinking coffee, I'll throw myself out of the building.
Jay: *LOL*
Jae: that's not funny you know how much I hate the smell of coffee. how was your day?
Jay: meh, better than being stuck in a room with old men smelling coffee
Jae: how were the little angels?
Jay: Angels? good, they fell asleep on the way here. so I let them run around for a few hours and then shower them.
Jae: that's a good way to do it.
Jay: you want me to get you something?
Jae: no thank you, I’m tired I just wanna sleep, I'm off tomorrow I'm going to sleep all day.
right, I doubt that's gonna happen.
Jaeha took a shower and within minutes, she passed out. 
*next morning*
It's actually 9 am and she's still sleeping. Normally she'd be up by now, but I guess even Wonder Woman has a limit. well time to go check on the minions.
right now they're all sleeping in one room, but due to the house being so big, and to them being too active, their door is blocked until someone lets them out. As expected they're up and ready to destroy things. 
At this point, I'm used to them, their allergies and such. Jaehoon likes me but loves his mom. After breakfast, they shower and time to go outside. yes, I mean outside, with all this technology we try to keep them as far away from them as possible. They are not allowed to watch T.V for more than an hour and a half. I know they're young, but it's better to start now. keep them active instead of being glued in front of the T.V, Tablet, or computer. they have enough place to run around, they love being in the studio, so even better.
They run around for two straight hours, where do they get their energy from?  I know they're 3 but damn. 
*hours later*
After the running around for most, I take them back inside for lunch. Jaeha hasn't woken up yet. I should go check on her.
*in bedroom*
Jay: babe? *sits on the bed next to her*
Jae: ...
Jay: Honey are you okay? *pushes her hair out of the way*
Jae: *puts her head on his lap*
Jay: Jaejae, I know you love your job, but you have to take it easy
Jae: I know, I should get up and check on the kids
Jay: the kids are fine, they're having lunch right now.
Jae: what about you?
 Jay: don't worry about me. You need to get up, take a shower
Jae: my body hurts
Jay: Okay, just brush your teeth, I'll bring you lunch in here and later I'll give you a massage.
Jae: Can I get the message first? 
Jae: no princess.
We had a good night just talking and relaxing, things we barely have time for anymore.
*Next day*
*Jae's views*
I have so much to do today, yet I'm just sitting here in defeat. I give up after diapers.
Jae: you guys planning on getting dress today?
Hee: no
Jae: Jaehee you say no?
Hee: no, mommy no 
Jae: okay fine. I'm going to leave you all here.
Hoon: no *follows her* 
 Jae: you guys don't wanna get dress, stay here with your dad.
We left the house after an hour and finally made it.
Byul: How do you manage to still look that good?
Jae: good luck to all of you who wants more kids
Jimin: honestly I don't know how you do it? 
Jae: it took them an hour to decide whether they want to put clothes on or not. I think They're at the age to start doing activities
Yori: huh? aren't they too young?
Jae: They have to start early
Ailee: so what are you thinking?
Byul: What about your husband, what did he say?
Ailee: what can he say?
I want my kids to have that somewhat normal life, interacting with other kids other than just my friends' kids. I want to be that soccer or that dance mom, coming from the office drop the kids off to their after-school activities.
Jae: besides, My dad is retired he needs something to do besides playing golf and smoking cigars.
Ailee: speaking of which, how's your relationship with your mom?
Jae: nothing changed, she likes to give advice like, lady you have not raised a kid or anything your life, besides her dog and that little thing, has no manners. I don't even trust her to watch them.
Ailee: some people change with age, but I can't say the same for your mom.
Yori: what are you doing for the party?
Jae: I'm still thinking
Yori: your kids are already picky
Ailee: and they're all different, which is weird
Yori: you think they'll follow your business side?
Jae: I think it's a little too soon to tell, But Jaehee loves music 
Jimin: music business?
Jae: I don't want to imagine it
Yori: By the way, Jae
Jae: what?
Yori: don't you find it difficult calling all three of their full names or telling them apart?
Ailee: yeah, I mean it's not like you can call them "Jae" you have Jaebum, Jaehoon, Jaehee, Jaehin, and your name is Jaeha 
Jimin: how do you even call them? 
Jae: they're my kids, I can always tell who's who. 
Byul: Am I the only one feeling guilty?
Yori: about what?
Byul: the other girls not being here?
Jimin: I'm not
Ailee: not
Yori: no
Byul: what? Jaeha?
Jae: they don't seem like they're interested in getting along with us unless the guys are there
Byul: I still feel guilty
Jae: if you feel so guilty, call them
*all eyes on Byul*
Byul: I don't have any of their numbers
As close as we are, we ended up separated into two groups. Eric, Mark, and Joon's wife versus the rest of us. Mark dated my friend for a bit and then married another girl he had recently met, so we don't really connect with Joon, Eric, and Mark's wife at all.
Byul:*phone rings* Gray
Jimin: don't tell him we're having lunch
Byul: I can't lie to him
Yori: you're not lying, just don't tell him you're having lunch with us. 
Byul: hello
Gray: Hey, what you up to?
Byul: uhh, just chilling you
Gray: you want to go out tonight
Byul: out where?
Gray: I got invited to do a club performance I want you to go with me
Byul: who else is going what about-
Gray: My mom's watching her, I know you take ages to get ready I'm letting you know now, I can't be late
Byul: okay *hangs up* 
Jae: what?
Byul: I guess I'm going out tonight
Jimin: must be nice
Byul: you guys are not coming?
Jae: I can't
Byul: so I'm going to be alone
Yori: I'll go with you? 
Byul: really? 
Yori: yeah
We had our lunch and go home. We try to hang out as much as we can whenever we have the time since we have more responsibilities now. 
*two weeks later* 
*Jay's views*
The last time I was talking to the guys, and it seems like there's a little bit of tension going on between Jae's friends and the other girls. Whenever they have their "women outings" it's just the five of them the other three are never included. 
This click is so tight, I get how difficult it would be for anyone to fit in, but it's been a couple of years now, and it seems like there's no progress.. at all. 
Gray: I think we need to make them spend a weekend together
Jay: Uhm yeah things are just starting to get better between Jaeha and me I'm not going to mess it up.
Simon: My wife doesn't think before she opens her mouth
Loco: that's a recipe for disaster 
Gray: you never know
Simon: besides how are you going to get them to agree?
Gray: I'll try to convince Byul, and get her to make get Jaeha to agree. There's a four days weekend coming up in a few weeks, get them together to plan something.
Jay: good luck 
*days later*
Eric: it's been a while
Joon: I know right
Rin: where's everyone else?
Naya: probably putting on makeup 
Sam: what? 
Jay: sorry I'm late
Eric: it's fine we haven't been here for a while  
Simon: what's up?
*everyone greets each other* 
Yori: where's Jaejae?
Byul: I haven't seen her since last week.
Jay: she'll be here, she had a meeting *looks at his watch* She should be here soon. 
Jimin: how old is this place? who's idea was it? The A.C is not even working.
Simon: *sigh* 
Yori: what's with the decor? 
Ailee: I feel like I'm on set of a horror movie
Rin: I picked this place, I thought it'd be a good change of scenery. 
Jimin: *mumbles* well that explains a lot 
This is going to be a disaster if anything goes wrong all on Gray.
In the first few years of our marriage, we found ourselves in many circumstances. we had good moments and some not so good ones. Despite everything, she still stands behind me, taking my side even when I'm wrong and she's hurt. 
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