#gwen's fandoms ramblings
bokkerijder · 6 months
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I am so not ready for this Doctor
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
see my brain just doesn’t register the idea of anyone having a ‘one true love’ which is why the common fandom tropes of making canonical love interests terrible in order to justify why your ship is better always bugs the shit out of me. it feels like the only reason you would do that is if the idea of the characters in your ship having any other sort of romantic relationship that was important to them, even in the past, is a threat to their current one, therefore all their past relationships need to be demonized in order to make them ‘not real love’ so that they remain pure and chaste and ready for the True Love of the endgame ship.
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pinkpinkstarlet · 3 months
guys idea
atsv cars au
miles morales is lightning mcqueen, a hotshot rookie racer in the piston cup who has an arrogant attitude and a speed that is faster than anyone else
gwen stacy is sally carrera, the lawyer who loves her little town and falls in love with the racer as he grows and changes over time
pavitr prabhakar is mater, who's a goofy and lovable best friend who ships the HELL out of miles and gwen
miguel o'hara is doc hudson, who used to be a racer but was kicked out of his lifelong passion for it after crashing in '54 and fled to radiator springs, wanting to forget about it. The arrival of miles makes it hard for him however.
and finally...
the spot as chick hicks, the competitive and cheating old racer who wants nothing more than to win, no matter the cost
@urmadiik @champmorado @c4ndytr4p @x0stormie0x @orchestra-of-demonic-screeching @ace-and-sleepdeprived @cuichichan @darksidescorner @gay-lightning-mcqueen @l0starl @primaviva @ohara-n-brown @punkeropercyjackson @ptizzy @skullghoulz @tatumis-awesome @weirdo09
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
Short internet storytime: I remember when Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse first came out and since the fandom was brand new at the time, I saw alot of cool fancontent like fanart and animations on YT atleast. I'm sure there were some pretty sick fanfictions too but I didn't look over in that area because I was scared lol anyways, on that note I gotta make a spidersona eventually like I already came up with a gimmick idea but I'm lazy af. Another thing was me being grossed out by how many Miguel O'Hara simps there were in general so I decided to complain about it to my friends and saved some of the suggestive art I saw on my phone purely just to show them hoe ridiculous they were being but apparently you become one of his stans after saving only a few specifically posed drawings of him from your social media feeds shaking my head I hate big buff vampire-looking men fuck you. Anyways I need to find somewhere to pirate the movie since I for some reason wasn't able to watch it for awhile atleast due to being busy irl rahhhh. I am so cranky rn because I can't sleep so sorry about that ughh...
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lilysfandomhabitat · 2 months
you know the thing that fascinates me as a person is how there are all these small details about characters ive made up and stories but like no one else knows them. someone can see regina george as a soulless monster but i see a girl who hates herself but acts in that way out of fear of not being in control. someone sees natasha romanoff as someone who abandoned her sister while i see someone who needed to leave at any cost but who never ever ever let herself forget who she left behind. someone sees gwen stacy as a betrayer and a horrible person where i see someone who is scared and can't go home and is just wanting somewhere to belong. and the thing is its okay if that's how other people view those characters. everyone is allowed their opinion. it's just so fascinating to me sometimes. how differently we all see situations.
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trans-spidey · 6 months
taking a brief break from my unplanned hiatus to talk about gwen stacy from the latour rodriguez spider gwen run because I'm rotating her in my mind
this run starts with her dad knowing she's spider-woman, he didn't kick her out or anything, he knew she wouldn't hurt Peter, he was her best friend. this comic is literally rife with tragedy and I'm sure @/the-fair-maiden-of-fandom can tell you about how I was messaging her heartbroken about gwen fighting Harry, but at almost every turn when people who were seeking justice for Peter found out it was Gwen behind the mask they stopped, even aunt may and uncle ben, who never stopped thinking about it, who had files of newspaper reports on spider-woman because they lost their boy. idk where I'm really going with this I just love Gwen as a character and the whole run she feels like she's alone but she has all these great friends and family members looking out for her, and when they find out who she is that doesn't stop and its just such a nice run, I really do love her character
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beehindblueeyes · 2 years
Hi! I have a random question, are there any general headcanons that are shared by the fan base that you like or dislike with the Shadow Boys?
How much time you got? Shekskskka
I’m not aware of to to many headcanons that are shared by the fandom. Most that are shared(that I’ve seen) are X reader related and I’ve already expressed it’s not really my deal. One’s that aren’t, that I’ve seen generally shared- I’m unfortunately not a fan of for the most part
Scaredy-cat Finney (honorary shadow boy)
Literally loathe this one. Not only does it babify him but it also actively goes against what we see of him in the movie? He’s a pretty fucking brave kid from what he faces at school and in the basement. How it takes him till the very last minute to fully break down and cry. “Tough kids” like Vance and Robin broke down like everyone else.
momma’s boy Vance
I have a complicated relationship with this one. I think he did have a good relationship with his Mom but the way people use it to? Basically ignore how he acts/who he is I’m not quite a fan of. I agree he has a softer side, we all do. But to strip away that anger? No. (Not to mention saying mommas boy has a negative connotation but I don’t think people realise?)
Pretty boy
Speaking of not realising the meaning behind phrases. Not a fan on this being used in ships, mainly brance. It was a insult!! It’s a very 2020s thing to use pretty in relation to a guy. But this is a me thing- I’m very time period oriented (like as a joke or huff moment sure but as a compliment/flirt? Not necessarily idk)
Two kinds of boys sort of bad
*cough*Reddie treatment *cough* I just… the way the fandom treats the boys a lot of the time doesn’t sit right with me. Like people have never met 13 year old boys before- they’re the most annoying people you met in your life and it’s just not coming across. They’re heavily babified by the fandom. Uber soft, Uber cry baby or clingy or gentle. I’m - im not a fan. God if anything they should be trying to hard to seem tough (Vance and robin demonstrate this. They are tough but they also heavily put on a act- mainly Vance) and then when people do make them “bad boy” it’s sort of missing the point/idea behind it. Idk people don’t right them like a bunch of young boys. It’s messy and not as marketable I guess
Sunshine/sunshine protector
See above.
Hyper modern ones
Like those headcanons that feel like they’re for a modern au but the Op doesn’t specify. I’ve already said but this is a personal thing as I really like time period and staying to it when it comes to my own work.
Ones I like-
I don’t want this post to be all negative or seem like I’m tearing peoples opinions apart so here’s a few I absolutely love.
Griffin is a menace
It makes me laugh I like it. I like the idea of him being the weird kid that ate paste or bit a kid over a game one time. (Arson and actual law breaking is a bit to far but I love weird kid griffin)
Finney was the one to braid Gwens hair
It’s just cute! I can imagine their dad getting frustrated and calling Finn in to try one morning before school not long after their mom died and Finn nails it. He did it ever since
The pinball machine is out of order after Vance’s death
Sad and makes me think. I like it as a symbolic thing like it just so happens to break down more so it on purpose but the idea of the shop keeper having quarters waiting for the next game never to happen 🥲
The grabber can’t cook. (Bonus)
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a-concert-just-for-me · 2 months
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I’m excited, I think Potionless is going to become my new most popular fic within the next chapter or two
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gwenpendrcgon · 1 year
So tired of everyone dunking on gwen unnecessarily out of no where to prop other ships or characters
one day I'd have enough and start naming all those popular tropes in the fandom and deconstruct it using canon evidence and I'll not hold back
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do-you-read-me-00fu · 8 months
As much fun as writing is on its own, I gotta say, co-writing with your best friend adds a whole new level of fun to it.
Also takes a lot of the pressure off too, because neither contributor has to be great in all aspects of writing; they each can have their own strength and balance each other out.
What do you get when you have a plotter and a pantser team up to write together? A fic with a pretty detailed set of notes and roadmap for future chapters and someone who helps smooth out the in the moment chaos when the characters throw that well structured plan out the window.
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magicalfeminazi · 4 months
lately I've come across a couple people both here and on tiktok that are now getting into supernatural and basically going "woah you destiel shippers were not kidding, I always thought you were probably exaggerating". And it's like we definetely were not, but I also wonder where this reaction comes from and I think I've got it.
We all know what fandom is, especially if we're talking about non-canon ships. We take the subtext and make it textual, we live in the crevices of stolen glances and romantic paralels. But most of the time there's another (straight) canon ship that the writers can use to queerbait us, being like "see? this is who he really wants". Take BBC Merlin, for example: the devotion and closeness between Merlin and Arthur is obvious, but it's easy to point at Arthur's feelings for Gwen and say "see? this is what's real. you're reading too much into it".
Destiel doesn't have one. The very (mysoginistic) nature of the show means neither Dean nor Cas have any significant relationships the writers could point to and show us the "truth" so there is nothing to distract from what's obviously happening on our screens. There is no great romantic storyline to tell us "this is who he really wants" so they are all that it's left and what's between them becomes undeniable. What's even worse, the other main relationship in the show is as platonic as you can get because Sam and Dean are related (let's ignore the existence of wincest please and thank you), so the difference between Dean's relationship with Sam and his relationship with Cas is so stark, so obvious, that is hard to even begin to compare them and try to paint them both with the same brush.
I know I'm just rambling but would love to hear your thoughts on it.
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bokkerijder · 11 months
that radskier kiss is playing on a loop in my head!!!! the way Jaskier kisses him!!!! the way Radovid immediately arches up into it and the way he kisses back!!!! the way their faces slot together after the kiss!!!!! "I can't take you inside" "then take me here"!!!!!!! Jaskier's gasp!!!!
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rahhhbananas · 6 months
- male reader!
- fandom : atsv!
- pair(s) : miles morales x male reader
- warning(s) : not proof-read!
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“How long is this going to takee???”
Pavitr whined, he sat on the fire escape stairs, mindlessly fidgeting a rock. Gwen leaning against the bars smiled, “Come on Pav, it’s Y/n. He takes hours and I mean hourssss— To get ready.” Pav groaned at that statement alone, no longer bothered about how long it would take them, but how long it take to get something to eat.
“You talkin ‘bout Y/n, the hell Miles at? ‘Is got a good sense of fashion, but not good enuff to take this long.” Hobie groaned, his own stomach growling, Gwen snorted, her eyes crinkling from how large her smile was “This is only scraping the surface of those two. Once you’ve know them for a year or two, you start to prepare ahead of time.” Gwen reached into her bag, handing the two a bag of chips. “There, that should hold you guys.”
The two thanked their prepared friend, before their attention was draw to the window that had just opened. Miles walked out, he wore a black baggy jeans, a white shirt, and ontop of it navy blue varsity jacket, with white air forces. He smiled, as if he hasn’t been making the entire friend group starve for the past 20 minutes “Miles, my guy!!!”
“Oi! I trademarked that!”
“I’m surprised you did anything involved being in the same room as a government official.”
“Yeah, ‘ve gotten real desperate after the last situation with Pav.”
“That wasn’t my faulttt!”
“What situation?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“Okay..ignoring that totally normal..conversation, where’s Y/n? He’s glamorous and all, but taking this long? Is outrageous.” Gwen asked, sneaking a chip from Hobie’s bag.
“I’M HERE!! ★”
The group looked up, seeing Y/n on the set of stairs above them. He wore a cropped pink jacket, baggy jeans, white air forces, and on his back was a hello kitty backpack “So, where we feeling? Chinese, Pizza, BBQ? Oh, or Ice cream!” He rambled, not noticing the few irritated looks he got from his friends. “ANYTHING!” Pav screamed, using his hands to cover his face, “Anything, please.” Miles smiled, leading the group down the street, they chatted still deciding on their snacking spot.
“Oh! That cat café!” Gwen suggested, her eyes lite up at the thought of being surrounded by cute animals while enjoying a meal.
“Nah, ‘m allergic to cats.”
“And you care about your health for once? Shocking.”
“You don’t get it, bruv. My eyes swell so much I start thinking I’m in a kaleidoscope..”
“How does that even work?”
“We traveled through universes to get here, and that’s what you wanna ask?”
“Why don’t you say that louder, Pav? Maybe some crazy scientist will hear and try to kill us.”
“That’s so outta pocket.”
“I have never heard someone say ‘lol’ in real life..that’s so— icky.”
“Pheww, good job, Gwen. Y/n has a new ‘ick’. Bravo.”
The group walked into the restaurant. It seemed to be based off the heros of Brooklyn, “Ugh, why’d we have to come to your restaurant?” Pav groaned. Hobie snorted, picking at the small figures of Spiderman, Miles’ black and red suit somehow blending with the restaurant aesthetic— he even noticed a few figures of the original hero, his merchandise in a corner that formed a sort of mural. The cashier took their orders, before they sat down at a booth near to the window.
“Do they have some of my merchandise!?!” Y/n looked around, his eyes searching the brick walls for some bit of pink. He sighed, giving up, slumping down in his seat, “Hey look, I think I saw some pink over there!” Hobie pointed, Y/n blinded by joy looked at where the teen was pointing to see a piece of chewed up bubble gum stucked to the floor, “…Why do I feel like we have issues, no matter the universe.”
“Hey, the people want what they want. And it’s clearly not you.”
“Wow, no consistency, or manners. Red flag there, Hobie.”
“Yikes.” Pavitr mumbled, sipping from his drink. Hobie however shook it off, relaxing more into his position. Miles took out his phone, snapping a few pics of the group waiting on their food, before the waiter arrived, handing out the dishes efficiently.
“Man, I am stuffed!” Hobie cackled, getting up from his seat. Gwen rolled her eyes, before looking at Y/n, he took his card and receipt back from the waiter. Joining his friends at the exit, the sun was starting to go down. “Damn, sundown already?” Hobie looked at his watch, noticing how late it truly was. Gwen laughed, “We left pretty late, because of two certain people.” Gwen jerked her head towards Y/n and Miles who were mindlessly talking about something while holding hands, the way they childishly would swing them every once and then looked somewhat endearing.
“We should head back to our universes though. Miguel set a curfew for a reason.”
“Or, we could brea-“
“Nope, the guy looked like he wanted to blow a vein last time I saw him. And I’m not looking to get chased on all fours, likes Miles.”
“Oh, come on! He wouldn’t catch us!”
“Hobart, no. We’re leaving.”
“Miguel not catching us? Hobie you are HILARIOUS!”
Gwen grabbed Hobie’s wrist, who although didn’t oppose the gesture physically, he looked to be doing it mentally “You’re lucky ‘m tired, Gwendy.” Gwen rolled her eyes, before throwing the lanky teen into the portal, waving goodbye to the two. Pavitr jumped through as well, shooting finger-guns at Miles before falling into the colorful abyss.
Miles smiled, wrapping his arms around Y/n’s shoulder. Making their route to his apartment. The couple chatted on their way home, talking about nothing important, but what’d they do when they got outta highschool, you know, the norm. Until they arrived at Y/n’s apartments, Miles walked him to the stairs, his eyes focused on Y/n’s each move.
“Thanks for buying our food today, especially with how Hobie and Pavitr ate. I’ll find a way to pay you back…” Miles mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck. Y/n smiled, grabbing Miles’ arm “No. don’t worry about it, you guys are my friends. I’d spend much more money on all of you If I could.” Miles laughed, “Yeah. But I’m starting to think Hobie’s allergic to paying for…well, anything.”
Y/n laughed loudly “And what you said earlier, I don’t have a lot of ‘icks” Miles scoffed, looking at his boyfriend in disbelief at the statement. Y/n groaned “I’m serious! You’ll never have to worry about icks, because you’re perfect.”
“Really? Thanks. 😏”
“You know, except that.”
“A smirk!?!?!”
“Yeah, it makes you look like a Sonic character.”
“But I should go, my dad’s probably already made lunch.” Y/n kissed Miles on the cheek, before walking into the apartment doors.
“Wha? You can’t walks away like that!!”
“Is it a sonic character you hate??”
“What? No, i love Shadow!”
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sumarak · 3 months
I really enjoyed the new episode! rambling first impressions below:
I like how when Max is opening up he does it very monotone, mater-of-fact and kind of struggles through it, I see that as a natural progression for someone very new to expressing their discomfort. I also like how they dealt with Max's aversion to change immediately as opposed to dragging it into a whole arc because the previous season already dealt a lot with that aspect of his character. like he still has a tendency to regress but he's better at managing it. speaking of, I like how all the lessons about growing into a better more open person last summer have a legitimate effect on him and he didn't just revert. I like that you still get to see how the camp is a safe space for him, and how he struggles outside of it. I like how they didn't show him doing the gymnastics because it is simply something the audience is not supposed to witness. (and David being proud of him but not crowding him for it)
I like how Nikkie didn't realise why no dinner for anyone is bad and has to take social cues from Max and Neil. I love how her friend's moods still very much affect hers, she and Max are essentially having parallel fears -> he fears he hasn't changed and is thus behind, she fears that being different will lead to her being left behind. I like how when she hugs him he reciprocates with one sturdy tap, it's such a small action but for Max that is an unprecedented amount of affection. Neil trying to have "a thing" was also really fucking funny to me. even funnier that no one reacted to it in the slightest. I like Nerf leaning more into pop-therapy speak direction, it was already there in previous seasons and it's a great way to expand. Nerris multiclassing is real and beautiful. (i didn't understand the joke CJ made about that when he said "is that THEIR word" if someone can fill me in on that) . I like that they're setting up a clear arc for Ered as well.
CJ is going to be a fucking menace I can tell. I'm glad Gwen is back too but her being gone? and then coming back at the end was confusing tbh idk what they were trying to accomplish with that.
and lastly, the animation was noticeably better and I liked it a lot. i think they overused the dutch angles with Max a little bit other then that it was beautiful. my favorite jokes were for sure the visual ones.
it for sure has a season 1 vibe again, where it feels like a new chapter and like they're figuring out the dynamics vibes and pacing all over again. it was a decent episode and made me excited to see what's going to happen in the rest of the season but it didn't blow me away or anything.
(also the whole season being behind a paywall sucks ass i feel like the majority of the fandom is going to pirate that shit)
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Okay okay with all the script hate for ATSV I'd like to at least take a moment to praise How they did Hobie right
And why they got Miguel wrong.
Mini-Ramble: The Concept of 'Can-dom'
a.k.a the writers really love Hobie and just fucking hate Miguel and it's borderline funny.
So, you know we are called fans, and we have a fandom. The fandom writes 'fanon'.
But what do you call the group of people who write canon?
And can the people who write canon also be a fandom in and of itself?
As someone who has worked on TV and film sets in NYC - across a couple of different departments - I can assure you:
And they act JUST LIKE US.
And I call it Can-dom.
And there's no better example of this, than the ATSV script.
Look at how they talk about Hobie:
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To the writer who described Hobie as 'strong, long, and skinny-hot' and his guitar as 'throbbing' idk what you were on that day but keep it up.
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Look at them rubbing their little writer hands together going 'hehehe they're gonna love this mfer to death he's so hot'
Miles calling Hobie cool and Hobie agreeing is literally just the writers complimenting themselves on how insanely rad and attractive they made their own character. I love it.
They could've done so much worse or described him as rowdy or cocky or rough but they're just like 'he's hot. really fucking hot.'
And everybody was in on it.
The designers read the script and was like 'really really attractive? the coolest fucking guy you've ever seen? ok boss'
and then drew a black cop killer with natural hair and beautiful sharp black features
Then the animation team looked at Hobie and was like YEAH HE'S SUPER FUCKING COOL
Then made a supercool technology just for the insanely rad punk character
AND THEY WENT TO DANIEL KALUUYA and had him do the super cool ironic funny lines for the super cool rad fan-favorite-to-be character
And then the whole production team looked at Hobie and they all looked back at their work and his arc and lines and design and animation style and they were like
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Because after months and months and months of collective effort and going 'this guy has to be so likeable that disliking him is almost a moral failing'
And then just like us they finally saw the finished product and we're like
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'THAT'S A WRAP. CUT. SEND THIS SHIT TO THE PRINTERS. He can't get any cooler we did it.'
Cause as someone who has worked in TV & Film and had been in the offices I can tell you:
Screenwriters are not some big wigs that come to work in suits and sit around on chunky laptops in complete silence sending emails
They are normal ass people in a cramped ass office and cubicles who joke with their co-workers, come in in jeans and a 'casual tshirt', and sit there chilling revising the same script a dozen times because they came up with a new idea that HAS to be in it. And sometimes they be having dogs in the offices.
They're dorks just like us. That's how they got there. By obsessing over the tiniest minute shit in stories and getting way too into characters and writing out our little stories.
To think they were squealing about Hobie Brown this whole time for years while making him.
And then giving him to the fandom and we're like FUCKING THANK YOU HE'S OURS AND WE LOVE HIM.
I know a lot of the time it may come off as a shady corporation manipulating the punk aesthetic for revenue - while it is that - its also an office full of writers and animators and designers literally making a mini fandom between them and snickering at their own jokes and ideas as they write this story I love it
It makes me think that - while the language towards Miguel is like.. undoubtedly questionable and something of necessary discussion -
I also just think that the office fandom just.. didn't fucking like him.
Like in the writers room over time they didn't like him and wanted to bully him 'ayo this dude is a clown and he's wildin out like a BEAST'
And putting in lines of Gwen clowning him just because the writers wanted to make fun of Miguel 😭😭😭
like.. just the thought of that.
- and the thought of the ATSV writers team just ganging up on him only for the animation team to turn around and be like 'give him the thiccest ass imaginable. make it clap when he walk'
And then for the production team to have to look at this script of Miguel and look at his dummy think design and just sigh and be like 'fine okay the lines are fine but you HAVE TO TONE THE ASS DOWN'.
We bully our OCs all the time
And yeah they took that shit wayyyy too far cause like... The Spot murdered people why are y'all not looking at him and also Gwens dad is an asshole
But a part of me feels like the writers and production were fandom before fandom was fandoming.
Just like us they hyperfixated on two characters, the same characters the fandom would later.
And like the fandom originally did, they really really liked Hobie and just REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't like Miguel.
We're all like 'haha let's bully the shit outta Miguel as a little treat' and then they start taking it too far 😭😭
I'm just going to lay myself to (semi-)peace with this thought. I know it's pure speculation - I repeat, speculation - but like, writers are genuinely just like us. I wouldn't put it past them.
With the way the script is narrated I wouldn't be surprised if the first draft they put
**MIGUEL collapses to the ground with GABRIELLA in his hands as she DEPIXELATES. A look is devastation crosses his face. Ha, get owned, you fucking idiot.**
Also they absolutely know about fanfiction. I haven't heard them talk about it and I don't know how much they know. But they know.
They may not be in the shows fandom, but they've usually been into older fandoms like Star Trek and thus know about the fanfic and shipping stuff.
If you read this far!! Hey hi how ya doing thank you for listening to my rambling. I wouldn't call this a full essay cause it's just my thoughts and opinions and like.... thoughts???
Anyway here's Hobie to make up for the fact I just said a whole lotta nothing
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(actual picture of me arsoning the Sony headquarters if they fuck up Hobies characterization and make me regret this post lol)
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l0ve-bug-m1les · 11 months
Spider-Band With a S/o Who Hyperfixates on Things Hard
Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, and Pavitr Prabhakar (separate) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None! (Except my attempt at British talking—)
Summary: Really what the title says—
A/n: This is actually an idea i had when i first fell into the spider verse fandom but didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. Glad ya’ll picked this one! Enjoy!! Also lmk if any of ya’ll wanna be on a tag list!! I know i don’t write all that much but still—
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Miles Morales 🌻🎧🌻
Bby is here for it
Always listening to what you have to say and never complaining
I have a feeling he’d be just as excited as you even if he’s got no clue what you’re talking about
He’d try to get into your interests with you no matter how outlandish they may seem
(I mean he’s basically a spider what’s so weird about fnaf lore—)
Definitely draws you things based off of the subject
“You said they were your favorite, right?”
Is always sending you memes and funny videos about your interest
Asks you for updates on your interest if it’s a series
Holds you when something bad happens and you’re sad
“Shh, shh…Hey, at least they existed, right?—Oh, no that made it worse—“
Going back to rambles, he’s always listening but maybe not always looking at you
But trust me
That boy could recite what you say perfectly
He just likes to listen while he works or draws
Has definitely made a mural of you and him in the world together (used it as a date spot. It’s true, he told me)
20/10 boyfriend
(I mean they all are but like—)
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Hobie Brown 🎸⚡️🎸
Will spend hours learning songs related to your interest
But then he’s like
“What? Oh, i been knowin’ this song, luv. What’re ya on about?”
Say for instance, you dive deep into an artist or band
Obviously, Hobie’s gonna ask you about them
But would never ask you for your favorite songs because he’s “Too busy writing his own”
So he just pays really close attention to the songs you talk the most about
(As i previously stated, he learns them all and plays it off)
When you figure it out he’s just like:
“Took ya long enough, luv”
He also listens to your rants about whatever it is (much like Miles and everyone else here but shhh)
But here’s why he stands out
This man can keep up
He can and will remember all about it, and basically know about much as you do
Steals things from stores that are from the series or whatever it is
“Hobie, how’d you get this?” “It was on display and i knew you’d love it.” “Wow! I thought you didn’t buy things from brands..” “…” “You stole it…”
You’re too busy loving whatever it is to stay mad
(But we all knew you weren’t mad)
If you think your interest is cringey then you’re WRONG
“But it’s for kids—“ “And? So what?” “Well…uhm….hm.” “Yeah. Thought so. Now keep goin’, I’m invested.”
(But also in general, bby. Love what you love and come to me if anyone says it “weird” or “cringey”. I’ll beat them up bestie<33)
All in all, a king<33
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Gwen Stacy 🩰🥁🩰
I’m gonna be honest
She is lost
Even if you go over things twenty times she still won’t get it
And that’s okay!
She takes notes and tries to keep up
Definitely proud of herself when she gets a detail right
“And then—“ “Wait, wait. Let me guess…He…he burned the pizzeria down, right” “Uhm—yeah, actually!” “*insert proud face*”
(Woah look at the trans flag colors^^^)
Definitely binge watches or reads your interest and learns as much as she can
She keeps a notebook full of her notes that she refers back to whenever you two are on call
She played it off as writing down some notes for school
But one day, she asked you to grab her suit from inside her drum set, and you found the notebook
It caught your eye because it had the name of your interest on it and you were like:
“Hey, Gwen? What’s this?” You showed her the notebook
I wish you could see my vision
When i tell you Gwen stood there for a good minute
I mean she stood there for several
She just admitted to it and was all red and fidgety
Since this is her world, she was cast in mostly pink and red hues and the space around her fluttered yellow
You end up going through it with her, and talk about your favorite bits
Overall? She deserves several gold stars and cookies
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Pavitr Prabhakar 🍵☀️🍵
Bby is here for it
Whenever you get excited he’s excited
When you’re on the verge of tears he’s already crying
He is your favorite character’s number one supporter
He’s always going on and on with you about your interests
Because unlike the others, he manages to actually get into whatever it is you’re talking about and not just keep up
It’s honestly a skill of his
I feel like Pav also has special interests that he dives deep into
Deep deep
Same as you so you two get along well :D
He’s always looking for the newest content and sending it to you always
“Hey! They said the next episode would be released next Tuesday!! :DDD” “There’s a new theory for the last volume!”
It’d be cute if that’s how you met and became friends
You spend sleepovers diving into your shared and separate interests with eachother
You know what’d be funny?
If he also info dumps onto the villains he fights
Hear me out
Pav tying up a villain who tried to rob a place and just going
“Yeah, so me and my partner have a theory for why—“
And the villain is just like
But they’d never say that because it’s Spider-Man
All in all, your number one hype man and best friend :]
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