#haikyuu royalty au
petriquors · 1 year
Maple & Steel
samurai!Iwaizumi x fem!reader angst
Pre-Edo Period royalty AU
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The kami blessed you with a perfect day in your family’s garden, but you thank them with a restless heart. Seated under your favorite tree, a stunning maple with leaves as red as blood, your mind is anywhere but here.
You’ve read the same sentence in your book a dozen times, but you still can’t remember what it says. Every syllable drowns under the ominous swirl of your thoughts, so, with a sigh, you decide that reading is just as hopeless as you feel.
“What troubles you, my lady?”
When you look up, you see a man whose broad shoulders eclipse the low afternoon sun. The turquoise-and-white kamishimo he wears moves gently with every step, making him look like water flowing calmly over stones. 
On any other day, his presence would soothe you just as much as a walk by the river would. But today, Iwaizumi Hajime, the eldest son of his clan, is the last person you want to see.
The gentle breeze stills. Without it, the summer air hangs heavily around you, and silence buries the garden. 
Iwaizumi inclines his chin in your direction, peering down his nose at you. “Speak.”
“You would command me?” You smile through your threatening tone. You are the daimyo’s daughter, while he’s just a samurai’s son. If your father heard him speak to you that way, swift punishment would be in order.
If only your father knew about the romance you’ve been hiding from him.
You stand up, hiding your face in the shadows of the maple tree. Carefully, you eye Iwaizumi; watching, waiting for him to answer. On most days, he would respond to your coyness in kind, but today is not most days.
Today, a rift as wide as the sea lies between you, and you fear what you might find in his face when you cross the depths.
“Please,” he says gently, “tell me what’s on your mind.”
When Iwaizumi calls, you can’t help but answer. From the moment you met him as children, he’s known your heart well enough to see through lies and half-truths with frightening ease. “I heard your name on the war party roster. You’re going to travel at my father’s side.”
Though it was not a question, he still answers. “Yes.”
Your breath catches in your throat and tears sting your eyes. You knew it was true, but your heart still clenches when you hear it from his lips. “Congratulations.”
Riding with the daimyo is an incredible honor, but his eyes are full of dread. He looks away from you, searching for comforting words he cannot seem to find. “We ride west in the morning.”
“How far? How long?”
“Telling you might put you in danger,” he says.
“With whom?”
The stiffness of his upper lip is all the answer you’ll receive. You know that he’s right. He’s doing his best to protect you from the storm of war that gathers far to the west, but something more slices through your heart with a katana’s precision. 
You leave the maple tree’s shade and step into the sun, placing yourself within arm's reach of Iwaizumi. You watch his hands twitch at his side, see him internally weigh actions and consequences, duty and honor—and then, he seizes you by the hand.
You grip his arm. It’s sturdy, like a tree branch, so you wind your weak, vulnerable roots around him. In seconds, you’re captured in his embrace, planted firmly where your heart knows you belong.
When he grabs your face, neither the cool silk of his kimono nor the warmth of his fingertips can stop your tears. He holds you as gently as he would hold the head of a rose, with a touch so delicate that you barely feel him. You need more, you realize, as your longing overtakes you completely.
“I will not have you become a ghost,” you sob. 
A shaky breath flows from his lips, and you marvel at how well he manages to tame his emotions while yours are a raging ocean.
“I can’t protect you from this pain,” he whispers. You know his heart, too; he takes on your pain as if it’s his own, and counts every ounce of fear you feel as a personal failure.
You can't bear to look at him, so you let your tears soak his sleeve instead. A hum ripples from his chest and reaches your ears, shushing you as gently as a honed warrior possibly can.
With his free hand, he begins to stroke your hair. “Please, don’t cry for me. Sadness doesn’t suit your beauty.”
“But what if—”
“I would kill every cruel thought in your head if I could,” he interrupts. His voice has a sharp edge that makes you believe the threat wholeheartedly. “And then, I’d fill the space with sweet words instead.”
You sniffle. “Iwa—”
“I would write ten thousand songs for you. I would use ink and paper I made myself, so you can feel the patience of my love in every brush stroke. I would string together the words the kami whisper through the trees when I think of you. I would read them to you personally, reciting every word by your bedside until you grow sick of me.”
Finally, a smile tries to return to your face. You bite your lip, nuzzling his chest. “I could never grow sick of you.”
“Good,” he says. “Because I am nothing without your affection. When I ride west, when I raise my sword, I only do so to fight for a better future—one that you deserve.” 
The wind picks up, rustling the maple leaves and billowing through his kamishimo. You tilt your head to look at him, and you find red-rimmed eyes and a sad smile that’s full of love. Your heart beats like a butterfly’s wings.
“Wait for me,” he says
“Come home to me,” you reply.
“I will,” he says. “I promise, my love.”
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mirrorsblogs · 2 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐖. 𝐔𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙣.
Dangerous would not even begin to describe you walking alone at night in this area of town. Barely anyone walked through and you heard in the distance the drunken merry of men in the distance as you desperately made your way to the cabin in the forest. 
“Might I help you, my lady?”
You turned to find a favorite of the King, Sir Wakatoshi Ushijima. He was known for his battle prowess and knowledge of any and all weapons.
“No thank you, I am alright.” You smiled abashedly and continued on your way.
“I apologize to you, my lady but I took an oath when I became a knight to protect the citizens of this kingdom.” You turned back ‘round and saw the great Sir Ushijima stand stoically a few paces behind you.
“Alright but do not disturb me.” He nodded and followed behind you at an appropriate length. If he was a regular townsman you might have made conversation but your nervousness got to you.
“What is you do, my lady?” The lumbering of his metal armor was heard from behind you.
“I am a physician’s assistant in the castle.”
“I must have missed you then. I would remember you.” You shook your head in amusement before letting a smile grace your face.
“And I you.” With your head kept forward you were unable to see Wakatoshi smiling lightly as he let his attention focus solely on you.
“How is it working there?”
“It is a lot of fixing up you knights.” Wakatoshi huffed a little in amusement.
“My sincerest apologies then.” You let out a huff as well.
The rest of the walk was filled with mindless chatter but Wakatoshi found himself hanging onto every word. 
“Here is my home. Thank you for walking me home, good sir.”
“It is no issue, my lady.” A pause. “Now I know who to come to if I am injured.”
“Yes I believe you do.” You smiled at him and he smiled back at you. 
On the day after this Ushijima had shown up at your work station with a nasty cut on his shoulder.
“When I said I would see you soon I didn’t mean this soon.” You huffed sarcastically as you gathered some things needed for the cut.
“It was not my intention.” He smiled a bit before staring straight forward.
You cleaned the cut with silence surrounding both of you until a particularly close swipe caused Wakatoshi to let out a hiss.
“I apologize, good sir.”
“It’s alright.” He remained stoic which made you turn your head away in shame. Without thinking Wakatoshi’s hand moved from his side to turn your head back around so you would be staring at him again. “It really is alright, my lady.”
Neither of you realized the proximity of the other until Wakatoshi opened his lips and let out a hot breath that fanned your lips. You cleared your throat and moved your gaze back down to his cut. Wakatoshi continued to stare down at you as you intently placed some bandages over the cut.
“Thank you, my lady.” Wakatoshi bowed his head.
“Not a problem.” You smiled and stood up ready to put back all the supplies. Wakatoshi grabbed your wrist before you could, however.
“I apologize for making you uncomfortable.”
“No you did not, sir. It was rather enlightening.” You sent him a cheeky smile that caused Wakatoshi to leave in a stunned state. 
You laughed a bit before resuming your work.
It was a few days later when you came back from the castle and decided to collect herbs you saw on your way back to your front door slightly ajar. You grabbed a cooking knife that you had stored in your boot and raised it in defense.
Slowly, step by step you entered the house until you heard a slight cling behind you. Instantly you turned around and shoved the person behind you into the wall and placed the knife with the point hitting their Adam's apple.
“I’ll cut your throat! That’ll shut you up!” These battle cries fell on deaf ears as Wakatoshi stared forward in full amazement and awe at you.
“You’re beautiful.”
At the sound of his voice you widened your eyes and finally realized who it was you had pinned with a knife. In an instant the knife clanged against the wooden floor as you took a step back in horror.
“I t- trespassed. The door was open and I thought there was..an intruder.” Wakatoshi could not remember the last time he stuttered through a sentence like that. 
His eyes became fixated first on your eyes that held a knife to his throat then your hair that moved slightly as you stepped back from him. He looked more and more at you and found nothing he could grow to hate. 
After a few moments you had finally processed what he had said.
“Sir Ushijima, though I accept your affections I would not be the best person to chase after.”
“Why?” The pure curiosity in his eyes saddened you.
“People would down upon you for marrying a working woman rather than a noble lady.” He paused in contemplation for a moment before losing track of his thoughts by looking at your eyes again. When have I ever gotten so dazed when looking at one person?
You watched Sir Ushijima turn around from you but still look to be in thought just facing the wall.
“Sir, are you alright?”
“Sorry for my rudeness but your face seems to distract me from thought.” Wakatoshi glanced a little over his shoulder to see you holding in giggles with your hand. “As for your earlier statement I would wish to continue our courtship and see how it fairs.”
“Why me?”
“You make me throw rational thought out the window.”
“So this is your way of asking me out on a date?” Ushijima’s eyes widened and he quickly turned around.
“If that is what you want?”
“Tomorrow after your training. Pick me up at the physician’s office and we can dine.”
He smiled at you and shortly left thereafter. 
You really are beautiful my lady.
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xsugarysweetsx · 2 years
King iwaizumi with maid reader : with iwaizumi genuinely loves y/n but y/n thinks he’s just playing around . One night iwa is talking to oikawa saying how he is going to propose to someone and reader gets the wrong impression and stays away from iwa until iwa confronts her and proposes!!
A/N: Omg I'm getting Stone King flashbacks
please enjoy~
"Your majesty-"
"Y/N, don't call me that. You know I'm serious about this. I love you!"
Here it was again. The ruler and king of Aoba Johsai was confessing his love to one of the castle servants- you. This happened about once a month when he'd come up with some plan to confess his love. That or he would straight out tell you, just like now.
"please, we've been through this. I Know you care about me but you know this can't work. Please don't play with my emotions.” You say picking up the basket of laundry and continue on your way. You felt bad with how you left him looking so hurt. However, you’ve heard stories where this never worked. The royal ends up either chooses someone else, or servant ends up getting in trouble or worse.
You couldn’t risk it.
Even if he was sweet, and charming…. And strong and handsome. That wasn't the point! It just..... Wouldn't work. Even if you wanted to. You had to admit at one point you did give in and you felt guilty about the entire thing. One night during a celebration you had a few things to drink and so did he.
He asked for you to come and help him with something. Before you knew it he was confessing to his hearts content, and his lips danced gracefully with yours. His hands were roaming your body holding you close to his body as the wall supported you both.
“Please, Marry me Y/N, I love you more than life itself. Be my wife, let me make you happy..please” you never hear a king beg, unless it was to the woman he longed for the most.
Things were getting heated, his lips found your neck and your corset began to become undone. That’s where you asked him to stop, you apologized for anything you had done and gone back to your own room. After that night Hajime knew what he wanted , and that was you.
Not in just a sexual way but he wanted you to be his wife, his queen, everything. However he wouldn’t force you either. So now he simply tries to confess as much as he could so you can understand his true feelings. Even if he had to try for the rest of his life he would.
How could he even explain it? You were so sweet, and caring, and smart and you were much tougher than anyone thought. It was like a surprise and it was always great to see you scare off even the biggest of people. You were in every way his perfect woman. Hell he had even bought you a ring….and you weren’t even his.
But, having this ring did give him an idea.
If he went to you and proposed with he ring then it would show just how serious he was! But of course he would have to prepare himself in case you’d reject him again…. He just felt toes feet deep connection with you…he didn’t want to lose it or you.
He spent about a week planning everything out. He had actually done the exact opposite from what everyone would expect. Only problem w we as that you had heard him planning things out with Oikawa.
“I will meet her at sunset and propose to her. She’s the only one for me and no one can ever compare to her. She will make a fine Queen and an even better wife” you heard him say. It couldn’t have been you….not with your status. Not with how many times you’ve rejected him. Even if you had every argument to not marry him…it still stung to hear he was planning a proposal to someone. Even though you had rejected him, you still felt the same motions towards him.
And so in order to cope with you you absolutely avoided him for about a week 🧍🏻‍♀️. This then lead him to command you to meet him the fields. Now since he commanded you they were direct orders you couldn’t ignore.
He got a simple bouquet of wild flowers, he dressed down and he had asked you to meet him in the fields that day at sunset. As you walk through the tall grass and wild flowers you see him leaning against a tree.
At first it didn’t look like him. He had no armor, or knights, no royal clothing. If anything you would have mistook him for someone from the village. He knew if he proposed to you as just a man and not a king, he would show you he’d give up everything if it meant to be with you.
“Your majesty…what are you-“
“Please, let me talk Y/N. Not as a king, or royalty…just as a man.” He said stepping close to you “I know I’ve been….pushy as of late. And I know what you think of me. However I love you. I love you more than the stars and sun combined. I ask you to marry me and become my wife. I will love you until the day I die, I will give you whatever makes you happy. Anything…I will even give up my kingdom to call you my wife.” He gets down on to one knee and pulls out the ring he had bought “Y/N, please let me make me the happiest man alive and marry me.”
He had hope in his eyes and sweat on his forehead. He hoped to have convinced you enough that his love was real and genuine. His face soon fell into one of worry seeing your eyes well up with tears and confusion.
“B-but I’m not who you’re proposing to..” you stated “I…we’re too different. Besides you planned this and it’s not for me, it can’t be.” You breathed out trying not to break down. He quickly rose to his feet
“What are talking about? Of course it’s you, it always has been” he said reaching out to you despite you shaking your head. He brings you against his chest “Y/N, there has never been anyone else. It’s always been you, I had planned this for you.”
“But we can’t…you’re a king and I-“
“And you, are perfect.” He said wiping your tears with his thumbs “whatever the advisors or other royals have to say they can say it to me and I’ll make sure to to have them swollen their words” he said with a serious tone “Y/N, be my wife…please.”
You just felt so much in the moment you couldn’t help but soon and cling to him. He was your rock, your support. He held you up and kissed your head as he stated you.
“Sshh, it’s going to be okay. I love you…I love you…I love you” he said between kisses as you both stood in the gels of flowers. The grass tickling your skin and the breeze drying your tears on your face. You finally look him the eyes and ask him
“…do you truly love me? You won’t find a mistress, or have me thrown into the dungeon for us being together?”
“I would never even think it, my Queen” with a gentle kiss to your forehead you felt grounded and reassured that, he was genuinely in love with you.
“Okay….I accept…Hajime.” You had finally said his name and it cussed him to pick you up in a passionate kiss. He had finally made you his.
he had finally gotten his Queen
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jasscheeks · 9 days
the emperor-to-be ; oikawa tooru
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pls pls plssss don’t flop its cute y’all i promise drop a like or a repost ty 🙏🏽😞
pairings: crown prince!oikawa x princess!reader
word count: 3,012
late at night, you’re visited by the crown prince, aka your husband-to-be
idk if this accurate but this is in honor of the new bridgerton season <3 and i tried my hardest not to make the ages weird ✅
my ao3 saw this before tumblr did so this is a repost
m.list | ao3
thank you for reading!
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"good lord your highness, have you gone mad?" she whisper screamed into the night, her frantic eyes scanning behind her for any signs of movement from her chamber doors. but she was quick to rest her attention back on the boy who was scaling the palace walls to her window. "you cannot be serious right now!"
for as long as she could remember, he'd always been rough around the edges, smart and calculating as such, and always out training or playing sports with his kingdom's knights. he knew how to have fun, and how to make his royal life a bit more interesting than usual. as the emperor's son, his rambunctious and outgoing behavior caught her off guard. if anyone was to imagine the emperor's son, to imagine the lineage of the cutthroat and remarkably powerful emperor of aoba johsai, they were to think of the spitting image of the emperor himself, someone who is as distinguished and capable as him.
the prince only scoffs stifling back a grunt as he struggles to lift himself up and over onto her balcony's railing. nevertheless, he succeeds, his eyes finally at the same level with hers. "i suppose if i've gone mad, surely it's because of your presence," he cooed in that sly voice she said she despised so much, yet her knees still buckled beneath her. "for i'd only go mad for someone as mind-boggling as you, (y/n)." but oh, did he have a way with words. even after all these years of bantering about with him, he still somehow made her yearn for his affections, even if he was as insufferable as when she first became acquainted with him, if not more.
he grunted, struggling to hold his body weight up. "now princess i am in dire need of your assistance, i fear i'll plummet to my death in the next second or so," with his hasty word and breathless tongue, "a little help?" the princess was quick to help him up onto her balcony, afraid he'd fall and turn into crown prince mush in the palace gardens tens of feet beneath them.
still her questions only piled up now that he stood in her chamber, catching his breath as though he hadn't breathed in hours. as winded as he is, what business could he possibly have in here? she asked herself.
during her stay at the imperial palace, he was always planning masterful pranks, his devious plans always seeming to grow bigger and well-executed when his cousins came around. as soon as her family finalized her engagement to the prince, in a month's time she was moving to reside into the neighboring kingdom. as the weeks went by, she'd seen and daresay partook in some of the crown prince's tricks. nothing too bad but always contrasting based on the person.
"your highness, if someone were to catch you here, you'd be done for, we'd both be involved in a scandal," she stated sternly, her arms crossing over her chest as she scanned him from head to toe. in his current state, he didn't look like he was to be emperor in a few weeks with his tattered trousers and his grass stained button-up. as she walked away from her balcony and into her room, he followed closely behind her, as if her mere presence was his life source. "and by the looks of it, you didn't come from your room either. where exactly have you been?"
"please (y/n), i've told you before, call me by my given name in private settings," he chuckled as he inspected himself, dusting off whatever dirt he could as he walked. "and can't a gentleman such as i partake in...a nightly jog?" so when she finally turned to look at him he paused before he looked up at her, flashing that same cheeky look she's seen all her life. he expressed himself in many ways and one of those consisted of getting on her very last nerve. "and why, never mind scandal, are we not to be wed in mere weeks? you already worry for me as a married couple should." a smile curved its way onto his lips, the looks of it twisting and turning her insides into knots. she'd always found him rather attractive, even when he was teasing her like this, she never ceased the feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
once again, she turned away from him, clutching onto the silky soft fabric of her nightgown, her back growing hot knowing he was watching her every move. "but we are not married, yet, now are we? i am still the princess and you, your highness, are still the crown prince." she moved farther into the room until she stood at the edge of her bed, her lack of manners others would deem as disrespectful. "and i know better than to address the crown prince by his name, it would be unjust of me, no matter my status," she knew she should be looking him in the eyes as she utters these words, she knows her mother would reprimand her for such behavior if she were in this very room. although, in this moment, she can't seem to meet his gaze.
"but (y/n), you are just as much as my fiancé as you will be my wife," the warmth from his body loomed over her semi-exposed back, his presence sending chills down her spine as she felt him graze his hands over her hips. his large, strong hands, the callouses gained from climbing the wall shown on his palms, placed upon her waist and held her steady against his chest. "the same applies to myself as well, you are mine as much as i am yours," his breath fanned across her shoulder, his lips just merely grazing her skin. almost as if she was put under a spell, her whole body set ablaze from the outside in.
prince tooru oikawa, the future emperor of japan, and her future husband. it was hard to fathom that this boy she'd grown up with, was to become the emperor and her husband all in one day. and the mere fact that she would become empress alongside him, none of it felt real.
she casted her eyes to the ground, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to contain the ever growing yearn inside for more. because she knew that's exactly what he wanted, for her to call for him, ask for more of him. "am i not, my lady?" there, his lips pressed into her skin, the patch where he laid soft yet blazing kisses with a desire left untold.
with knees weakened under his mere touch, she was melting for him like always. "your highness, this is unbecoming of the future emperor," she uttered through a shaky breath. no matter how much she denied his advances, there was no room for her excuses in the way she reacted to his touch. "y-you must retire to your chamber, we cannot continue any further than this." turning her head away from his, he could have sworn his heart wilted watching her shy away from him.
as gently as he could manage, containing a desire he knew he couldn't control for long, he hooked a finger underneath her chin guiding her to meet his eyes. "princess, can't you look at me when you're addressing me? it's wounding my heart not being able to see your eyes," and finally now she could see the look on his face, her heart pounded against her chest. for once, she could sense the pain in his curved eyebrows and sad eyes. had she really caused him so much trouble from avoiding his gaze? "now, can you explain to me why it is unbecoming of me to spend the night with my fiancé? what is troubling you so that you evade my touch?”
she grew quiet, as she drew in a shallow breath. already she was assuming the worst when the words "spend the night" fell from those lips of his. she'd only ever heard of one type of night spent between a man and a woman, and quite frankly the ones before marriage usually ended in misfortune. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement do you, your highness?" her voice dimmed, suddenly feeling the embarrassment that followed her question. despite the warmth in her cheeks, she could see a tinge of something different on his face when the honorific slipped so smoothly from her lips, but before she could say anything, it was swiftly concealed with a smile as he snickered.
"only if my lady so desires to as well, then we shall, i suppose the night of our wedding does seem far..." he jested, the sarcastic lilt in his voice brought a smile to her features. before she knew it his arms were wrapped fondly around her, hugging her close to his chest. yet she didn't say a word, nor did she realize. the feeling was so familiar, so warm and inviting, she felt no need to acknowledge it with hostility. instead, she found herself cuddling back into his strong arms, placing her hands atop his.
"i pray you're only teasing me," she pleaded, her eyes shining with that hint of mischief he distilled in her every time she was in his presence. his influence on her was strong, he was most likely the only one who could make her come out of that perfect princess act by just a glance.
his laughter filled the air around her, her heart swelling with adoration for the sound. "i would never do anything my lady advises me to abstain from." he snuggled closer to her, his lips once again pressing into her skin, spreading his affections over her neck and cheeks. "now if only she would confide in me over what ails her so..." he murmured against her cheek, his kisses reaching her other cheek, her forehead, and chin now as she turned in his arms now.
"tooru, you're still dirty!" she giggled out loud, her hands clutching onto his larger ones that held her firmly against him. as much as she squirmed and squealed, he ceased to stop until he deemed his work satisfactory. "it's nothing, nothing is bothering me!" she squealed once more before he backed away, his playful gaze meeting hers.
he stared on for a few beats, looking as if he was scanning her each and every feature. and what felt like an eternity of staring he finally pulled a smile on his face. "it seems she's also a terrible liar." he mused.
she can never remember exactly when her relationship with the prince became so physical. perhaps it was the night of her 18th birthday, when he'd teased her for being a late bloomer despite having turned 18 a month prior. she does remember that was the same night he confessed to her for maybe the billionth time, leaving her with a kiss goodnight, or rather a few kisses goodnight. she can still remember the sweet words he whispered to her, wishing her a happy, happy birthday as his lips met hers. that night she finally realized how much he'd grown up, how mature he really was. nonetheless how well he was filling his clothes, he stood taller than her with his broad shoulders that she found herself daydreaming about running her hands over. that was the first time she finally recognized him as a man and not the pesky prince who loved to annoy her.
his first time confessing to her was at none other than at her debut into society once she'd turned 16. a grand ball was held in her family's countryside manor, the hall was completely transformed into something that reflected that of a perfect princess. bouquets of yellow jasmines, camellias, and white magnolias sat prettily in every pot, giving off the impression of pure perfections. her mother's plan of society perceiving her as such was finally put into motion, and by the end of the night her mother had compiled a long list of suitors for the two of them to look over. well, for her mother to look over, considering she didn't have much interest in the boys of the gentry. but of course, her mother still pulled her every which way to introduce herself to every single guest, to mingle about and acquaint herself with the ton, she almost believed she wouldn't see the crown prince because of how busy her mother kept her.
but just before the night ended, he was able to whisk her away from everyone's prying and judging eyes giving her the chance to finally breathe and let loose. it seemed with oikawa she could finally relax, she didn't have to play some role in front of him because he'd known her since the day they were declared royalty as tiny babies. everyday he continued to be her breath of fresh air, her taste of something real, someone real. that night he somehow snuck in how beautiful she looked, how jealous he felt watching every possible suitor fawn over her, and how he wished she would choose him over them all. although startled, her answer has been made up in her mind for years, she just hadn't come to terms with the truth yet.
just by her reaction to his confession, it set off his need to remind her of how strong his feelings were every time he saw her. so now that she looks at him, youthfully aged 23, in just a few weeks she'd be there with him, she can't believe how long she's waited to tell him how she felt. maybe she hadn't loved the prince for as long as he has loved her, but from 18 to 22, the most crucial years in coming to terms with her feelings for that pesky boy. the moons light cascaded over his handsome, princely features, revealing the love he held in his gaze towards her. those same eyes were glancing at her lips, longing for that soft feeling against his.
with a touch that was as light as a feather, he caressed her cheek, his fingers gliding over her skin. "do you trust me, princess?" he whispered, his arm that wrapped around her waist tightened as he brought her closer. as he moved his touch further away, she found herself following him all the way up until the point where she held his hand to her cheek, smiling at the laugh he let out.
titling her head, she recalled every instance where he has gained her trust. in fact, he might've had her trust from the very beginning, from the moment they both began to think for themselves she'd always declared him as a trust worthy person. "how could i not trust you?" she murmured in that same soft tone he used as he pressed his warm palm against her skin.
"if that's so, then may i...?" he whispered before he leant in, his eyes cast down to her lips as his eyelids nearly shut. she didn't have to answer as the two of them met in the middle, sharing a kiss as delicate as the night sky. butterflies blossomed in her heart and insides as she pressed deeper into him, yearning for more of him. even as his lips curled into a sneaky smile, neither of them stopped for a second.
her chest finally met his as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he could possibly be. kissing his majesty always transformed her into a different woman, it had always felt like she was bewitched by his presence. "my lady..." he breathed out, his long and slender fingers finding the bow that kept her nightgown together and wrapped around her body, "you're so sweet..." he sighed as he basked in your whimpers and small moans to the hot kisses he left along her neck. he itched to undo the flimsy thing, show her how sweet she really was, but he knew she wouldn't want that, not now at least.
"tooru," she stuttered, awakening something below for him. his breath hitched hearing her call his name in such a manner, his lips pressing a kiss under her jaw. her sweet voice rang through his ears and he knew this is where the night needed to end before he couldn't contain himself any longer. "please, i—,"
"i like when you say my name, princess," he smiled, knowing exactly what you wanted to say. but it's too soon, the wedding is in mere weeks, they'd both get to have each other then but damn nobody told him it'd be this hard to resist. "in 3 weeks time, we'll have the whole night to ourselves, my love," he lifted her chin so her pouty lips could reach his once more, "and don't think i'll let you sleep for even a second of it..." he gave her a sly smirk before pressing one last kiss onto her plump lips.
but that wasn't enough for her, even as he backed away she wasn't satisfied. "how do you expect for me to be happy waiting when you've left me all high and dry?" she muttered, possessed by the lustrous presence the two of them left lingering in the air.
just by the way he snickered, she knew he wasn't going to comply to her wishes, not this time at least. "my, where has my sweet and innocent (y/n) gone?" he shook his head, "like this my lady," he angled her head down to press a loving kiss to her forehead. meeting her eyes once more he chuckled, the look in them insatiably sharp but she still couldn't resist him. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement tonight, my love?" he whispered to her, earning a grunt in return.
"i despise you," she mumbled, as she crossed her arms but he only smiled in return, understanding her bitterness all too well.
"and i love you,"
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knight!iwaizumi x princess!reader is on the way 😈
thank you for reading! happy pride!
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doodledraw · 1 month
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I had the pleasure of participating in the HQ Royalty reverse bang this year! This is accompanied by a fic by @volleyball-department :)) thanks for working with me!!
The fic is linked here!
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mantareidraws · 1 year
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In this life and the next, he'll always be a tease~
A piece I drew for the @/tlonzine!! Finally got to draw them in a royalty AU ft. a prince and tailor apprentice, with blush blush iwa making a comeback 💙 Leftover sales are currently open on twt and ig!!
I haven't posted artworks in a really long timeee. Long story short, I'm graduating from uni in less than a month!! And possibly continuing with grad studies 🫣
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noenoaholi · 1 year
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princes from allied kingdoms (yes, they can't stand each other... well, mostly sakusa can't stand atsumu)
this is one of the very first character design analysis i made of these two, it's from january 2023
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weathertheraine · 1 year
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I have put them in a situation (gay ppl come get ur little knight/prince au pspsps)
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
Congratulations on 7k!! I've been a fan of your works for a while and you inspired me to write and make a blog of my own. Thank you so much for all the hard work mango!
May I request 💐 for Oikawa?? I don't mind if you make it SFW or NSFW, preferably NSFW- (again! Don't mind either way! ^^;)
Nothing could go between childhood friends! Especially, if one truly do loves the other. No one could never suspect the Prince sneaking his personal maid into his bedroom during late hours, No one questions where the prince has disappeared to with his maid. Because they've been doing this disappearing act since they were kids, even if his maid was helping him practice for his upcoming arrange marriage with another kingdom, he's getting more handsy. Even as king or betrothed to someone, he's still sneaking off to do much more with his maid because they're the only person he'll ever love.
I hope this request explains much, please don't overwork yourself mango! And once again, congrats!! 💕💕💕
♡ The Princes Personal Maid ♡
(A/N: Wahhhhhh I went a little overboard with this and ended up writing 1000+ words lol!! I love this idea but I also just love fantasy au, I’m so excited for this fantasy au event, I’m loving it so far. And thank you so much, I’m so glad I can inspire you, you’re just way to kind 🥺🥺)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, fantasy au, prince!Oikawa, maid!reader, insecurities, NSFW, possibly DUB-CON, oral (fem receiving), female orgasm
Summary: Prince Tooru finally confesses his feelings for you, his maid (Yan!Oikawa x Fem!reader)
Prompt List ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You love Tooru, you had a crush on him ever since you were a child but now you knew that you loved him. You met him when you were both young, you were told not to talk to him because you were just a maid. You were the only person around Tooru’s age, so he immediately tried to become friends with you. You were reluctant at first, but you two quickly became friends. Secret friends but friends nonetheless.
But as much as you loved Tooru, you knew it would never work. He eventually become king, eventually marry a princess or royalty from another kingdom and you would forever remain the maid who would only ever be his friend. Or at least that’s what you thought.
The truth was Tooru had been in love with you as well. Except he had been obsessively in love with you for years. He’s just surprised you haven’t noticed yet. He’s been taking you to the secret garden outside the castle for years, just to be alone with you and talk to you. You have your own room, instead of sleeping in the maid’s quarters. Hell, you were barely a maid because Tooru insisted that you were supposed to do as little work as possible.
“Psst~ Y/n~” Tooru calls out to you as you walk down the hallway. You turn immediately, a concerned look on your face. “Your majesty, I thought you were supposed to be over at the neighboring kingdom courting the princess” you whisper, as if worried you were going to be caught by someone. He was soon going to be crowned king, in fact already ruling the kingdom.
You squeal a bit, Tooru grabbing your arm to pull you into the bedroom, closing the door after getting you in the room. “Ehh, I didn’t want to go” Tooru says calmly. “I’m not going to marry her” He says, cheerful attitude as he admits he’s not going to marry that princess. “W-Why not!?” You ask, completely confused. The whole kingdom was convinced that he was going to marry the neighboring princess, all the maids as well. You included.
“Hmm, I’ve just had my eye on someone else” Tooru says, trying to allude to you however it seems as if you still don’t get it. He waits for you to respond but it seems as if you’re thinking. “Who is it?” You ask softly, still not getting it. Tooru sighs dramatically, laying his head against the wall. You were just so clueless.
“It’s you” he says simply watching your facial expression change as if you’re dealing with the new information. “Even if that’s true, I- well your a prince and I am a- a maid, it couldn’t work” You mumble sad you have to reject him despite the fact you would love to be with him.
Tooru pauses for a moment before a smile creeps onto his face. It’s not exactly as if you have a choice if the prince, soon to be king, wanted you to be with him. If he wanted you to be his, you would be his. You didn’t exactly have a choice. “Y/n~ Do you not like me?” Tooru whines, subtly moving closer to you so he can corner you into the wall. “Well n-no, your majesty, that’s not it-” You start only to be cut off again.
“Then what is it? Are you nervous because you’re not royalty?” He asks, noticing the way you pause. He knows you better than anyone else, he can see the look in you’d eyes. Tooru can only chuckle at but at the way you pause after his words, speechless. “So that’s it, hm?” He asks, a smile on his face. You open your mouth to speak, Tooru quickly taking advantage of that to pull you into a passionate kiss.
You bring your hands up to his chest, you want to push him off but you can’t bring yourself to do so. Perhaps it’s your feelings for him that keep you from doing so. It’s a feeling both of you dreamed of. Tooru dreaming of the day this would eventually happen, and you dreaming of it as you thought it would never happen.
Tooru runs his hands on your waist, this being the first time he was touching you that wasn’t your arm or hand. He pulls away, going back in for more kisses but rather on your neck this time. “Your maje-” you start, Tooru immediately putting his finger to your lips, shushing you softly. “It’s Tooru to you, darling” He shushes, backing you up against the wall even more despite you small protests.
“Tooru- what’re you doing?” You ask as Tooru smiles up at you, slowly dropping to his knees. “You’re nervous about because you’re not royalty, I’m showing you how much this prince wants you” he’s says, although it’s a thinly veiled excuse to touch you after having waited so long.
He waited forever for the perfect moment to confess to you, the perfect moment to show you how much he loves you. Tooru kept other male guards and maids away from you because he loves you so much. He kept you out of the maid’s quarters because he loved you so much. He needs to show you all that love.
“T-Tooru, wait-” you call out nervously, Tooru giving you a playful smile before he ducks his head underneath your maids skirt. You can’t see him so the sudden kisses and bites on your thighs send shock waves through your body. You squeal a bit, Tooru ripping down your panties. “Hmm, you’re wet already” Tooru mumbles, his breath hitting your cunt before he gently licks just to hear your small moan in reaction.
You don’t have any time to react before it’s not just small licks, you try to grip on the wall just end up failing and instead placing them on Tooru’s head which is still underneath your dress. You almost topple over at the feeling on him humming, the vibrations sending your vision fuzzy and your brain hazy.
Your stomach tightens as Tooru grips your thighs to keep you stable as he roughly tongue fucks you. You can feel his playful smirk against your skin, he loves feeling you trembling like this. He thinks for a moment, his movements purposeful as he gets even deeper, his nose purposefully rubbing harshly against your clit.
That’s the final straw, you try to grip onto his head, trying to moan his name only for a small whisper to come out. Tooru gladly licks up your orgasm, he’s only waited so long for this.
He would never love anyone else other than you, no matter the things that would be said, he was going to marry you. He was going to make you queen.
Next ↠♡
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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phant0m-ch3rry · 6 days
i'm participating in the hq royalty week on twt and here is day 1 'arranged marriage' w/ yahashira !!
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the idea for this was that the seijoh n stz kingdoms wanted an alliance but since oikawa refused to marry ushijima the elders said ok fine the 2nd princes can be paired off...but secretly yahashira actually do like each other represented by their chosen bouquets of violets "secrets" and yellow roses w/red tips "friendship/falling in love"..also ennoshita is officiating the wedding no reason why lol
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these are the prompts for the week !!
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strawberrybutterblush · 9 months
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Kurotsuki Equinox 2023 Day 1 + 3
“The moon is beautiful isn’t it?” + Royalty AU
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artsemry · 10 months
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How is it that you go about defining truth and lies?
Royalty AU part 2!!
Don't forget to check my fanfic on AO3 for more inner context!
They are also individually available on INPRNT
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aapaixonao · 1 year
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listen, i can’t get out of my mind this royalty iwaoi au that my head created, there’s literally a movie in my head, i’d be writing down parts to draw them, here’s one where they are teens still, and they are discussing bc the king was scolding Hajime because they got caught slacking (the whole thing about this au is them meeting in a secret spot since they are kids to adults) and Tōru tried to stood for his friend, it obviously didn’t go well.
alexa play “love in the dark” by Adele
also, kinda wip, I’d love to render this more in the future, i actually wasn’t frustrated while painting this (which is weird on me lol) and I’m kinda proud how the coloring turned out
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soranihimawari · 9 months
And there was You
A royalty!au where our leads find themselves in the trials of young love & knighthood
Word count: tbd
Pairing: knight commander! miya osamu x royal!reader
Warnings: sword fighting; unwanted arranged marriages; first loves never go as predicted...
Reader armored // Armored! Miya Osamu
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it's not everyday the knight commander is in charge of the heir to the throne. it is also not everyday both of them are seen giving each other grief over life within the palace walls. however, here within the kingdom, the nobles aren't shy to deal with the merchants and walk amongst the people. the only royal brave enough was yn, royal heir extraordinaire. apparently the rumours of them wearing a half mask from the players was to hide such a hideous face. no one has seen the crowned heir's total face and if rumours from the fisherman's ports rang true, you'd either be blessed or cursed.
ah, but you see? that was not the case at all. upon their birth, the royal adviser to the emperor and empress consort had scheduled a fortune teller to arrive. the thing was, the person was a trickster in it for just 1 golden coin. fortunes and cards were read before an audience of select inner court peoples. one in attendance would be the lady in waiting to the empress consort, now heavily pregnant and waiting the birth of the first sun of the empire. the conman convinced the emperor and empress the babe in the woman's womb would be hideously disfigured before the child would be one year old. years later, the mask of the child had been painted and repurposed and even as name day celebrations carried on, the mask collection grew. the heir back then was known as the child of 1000 faces.
all this was relayed to the empresses' inner court of ladies in waiting. one who too was awaiting the birth of their first son. however, that woman was blessed with two: one with hair the shade of spun wheat and the other? the other, the younger of the twins, had hair the sparkled like the dullest graphite. both of which grew alongside the masked heir, playing as children do, and right before the cusp of their debut, we find the friendly trio on the squire training grounds. they were receiving their final day of squire training. when asked why the heir wanted to learn the blade, all you said at the time was, "i wish to be with those who will not judge me for my hideous face when we go to war."
meanwhile, while this last session is in practice, your parents hold an audience with another prospective representative from a more urban neighboring kingdom to the south. since no one has ever seen your whole and true face, marriage seekers far and wide send their paige boys to see if the fox-ran kingdom rumours were true. many were emptyhanded when they had returned and life had gone on. however, with knighting ceremonies commencing tomorrow at dusk, you evading marriage talks for the last nineteen or so odd years of your life had been eluded. this was the subject of many arguments with your family, especially since your mother had put pressure on you to birth the next heir, which you absolutely will not do. you hit her with the physician's accounts of births to death ratios one night and she relents. your father, on the other hand, reminds you that though you had arrived late in their and life as well as their fifteenth year of marriage, you were the only child who had survived past age two in the royal records. you thank your father for the reminder, but also his encouragement of honoring the tradition of waiting until your debut to the court at age twenty. yet time moves ever forward, and as your childhood friends, now young men can be the bane of your existence, are seen walking shirtless and down to their bare minimum in the squire changes, you cannot help but stare for a moment before another knight in training from a merchant family, suna rin, makes the following comment loud enough for you to hear:
"which one do you prefer because if you keep oogling at their biceps, i am definitely going--"
"i'm going to stop you right there," you hiss. "atsumu is for the public women's eye, a brat whom i'll always admire as an older sibling."
"so, osamu then? to match your radiance, your exellency," suna teasingly pokes your side, making you bark a laugh.
the twins finish changing and although your gender remains neutral and a secret even to the outside world, your two friends, well three now that you count suna into the mix, ask you what you are planning on doing for this evening's pre-ball ball in their quarters. they offer you darts, meat and wine, and even cheeses. you sadly decline with a dejected look as the twins' mother comes around the corner, ready to scold her sons for hiding the 'future sun of the empire' again. for the third time this week. suna hears her round the corner and tries to soothe the mother's anger who also yells that he is just as guilty as keeping the heir for longer than expected on the squire grounds.
"but madam! they were only my sparring partners for a few hours," you try to defend them. keyword there is try. you learned the miya woman had a strict way of bringing up her boys, but she had the explicit permission to have her sons be your first and for a long time, only friends your age at the palace. regardless, she sighs, a few graying locks frame her face as she scolds her sons even further. yet, she turns to you again, softly smiling after sending the three lads on their way.
"yn, your excellency, you're late for your civics lessons along with reviewing the guest list for the squire graduation ceremony. i'm sure lord kita and sir aran would be delighted to know you'd be attending, not as the sun of the empire they serve, but you'd be nominated to lead the western riders with my osamu as the operating commanding officer. atsumu, though, i heard, shines brightly with the spears and blades, so i wouldn't be surprised if your father requests him for your personal guard when visitors arrive or long diplomatic trips are thrusted upon you."
you snicker and laugh a bit, amused by her confidence, when she escorts you to the bathing pools.
"roses and lavendar, like you requested," she bows and lets you bathe in peace.
late into the evening, after you had your fill of spare treats from the bakers in the kitchen, you bump into osamu, chest first, and your mask falls. he apologizes profusely, bows even lower as a sign of respect, yet as he is about to give you your mask, his eyes flit to your face. he pauses before giving you the mask and he, boldly, touches your typically masked side. his fingers are light and calloused, but you don't say a word. too scared to even breathe with him that close, he asks you if you had dropped the mask, a term of endearment falls out from his lips right after.
"you are stunning," he whispers so deftly you strained to hear.
"thank you," swats his hand away and grabs the mask from his hand and refastens it around my head. "it's not everyday i hear that coming from you, lord osamu."
osamu bows and he can't look you in the eye as he lets you take your leave. the compliment and his cheeks burn in the night air just as brightly as the torches.
a few hours before dawn breaks, you struggle to sleep. all you could think about was the exchange at the quiet halls.
"he called me stunning, a half-faced demon," you turn and wipe the stray tear away. "i wonder if he was sincere."
come dawn, the ceremony preparations were underway. you're in the waiting room as your attendants make sure your royal robes were pressed and not a crease in sight. your mask for celebratory ceremonies hangs with the others while you tie the last bit of ribbon to the back of your clothing. you are about to swap the masks out (the one on your face to the ceremonious one) when a knock is heard at your quarters. dismissing the ladies in charge of your clothing, you beckon the knocker come once the last woman leaves.
to your abject surprise, it is the familiar person from last night's impromptu rendezvous.
"lord osamu, this is a surprise," you say when he shuts the door behind you, locking it as quietly as he can. "is something the matter? you locked my door."
"i don't want to alarm you into running away, yn," he is gentle in tone. there is a serious side to this,you feel it in your bones. "but about last night..."
"were you sincere?"
you try to help him guide the conversation into a more positive light.
"of course i was! how can you ask me that, me who has known you as long as my brother has," he has this incredulous look on his face like you had just told him his favorite stray cat died. osamu paces in his formal attire as well and you stop him with a hand to his shoulder.
"you're not afraid of my true face?"
you're relief and comfort astounds osamu. he turns around and he sees that infernal mask and before you can blink, he slides it off with a tilt of your face with his fingers--he tilts it ever so high to just analyze the face that was hidden from the world. curious eyes, filled with shame and understanding we reflect his of warmth and steadiness; you were always told to stay hidden, hideous scarring rumors spread rampant, yet no one told you how beautiful you really are. osamu breathes you in like the moon begging to be blessed by the sun even during the day. he steps forward, a soft gentle smile on his face. you must be so scared, he thinks. i will prove to you how gorgeous i think you are, his subconscious continues.
"i was right. you are stunning, your excellency," he smiles when your lips quiver a bit when his thumb grazes past the corner of your mouth.
you glance away, briefly and he thinks he may have over-stepped.
“osamu, it’s just us here in my dressing room, drop the formalities.”
you stand on your toes and when he doesn’t stop you from grazing your lips over his, he holds you steady by your waist. he chuckles when you come back to the ground, realizing that you really kissed him.
“don’t,” he hushes you by pressing his fingertips against your lips. he can clearly see how apologetic you seem about robbing him of his first kiss. “i’d rather have my first kiss be with the person i know better than myself.”
hours later, the ceremony and knighthood names are also called out with surname titles, we find ourselves in a corner, speaking with the other knights who congregated in a corner. osamu eventually walked away to the balcony where after you receive praises, you follow him.
the remainder of the party is blur, especially now you’re on him; his hands carry you to an abandoned bed elsewhere through a secret passage. he knows what you seek and for you, you let him lose himself to his star.
one night of passion turns into two, three until the months go by and it becomes a regular thing. atsumu and suna are the first to catch on, they can practically smell you on each other: you started to smell more like the forgery and earthy forestry and osamu? osamu smelled of finer bathing waters like lavender and rose. your friends and who he considered his family sit far away in some abandoned part of the woods where you always fled to when you had disagreements with the council’s orders even if your father was for or against the laws being voted on.
“what are you going to do?” suna sits on the blanket glancing at you with a cat like tilt of his head. “you can’t casually tell your folks you don’t want to go to war because you fear you might be—”
“oh hush! whether the physician says it’s true or not, we’ve been careful ever since. these are dangerous times suna, you know this.”
atsumu and osamu were off finding wild blueberries to snack on when you sit down next to your brother in arms.
“if you say so, your excellency,” he nods as his bow when he rises of the ground to chase his tuto class friends. “but i will care for the child of a friend if you or osamu ever find yourself in that corner. regardless of drinking potions before and after, you know humans like us are pretty stubborn when we take root in our mother’s stomach.”
you chuckle, your mask vibrates. atsumu stays out in the field while osamu brings back a handful of what he had picked. you breathe deeply and sigh as he explains why suna came out to keep atsumu company in the field. so, you tell him, you tell him about how the last time you laid with him, you tell him about the stress you’re under in terms of assisting your father with running the council meetings while feeling a little ill—he asks you if you’d taken the potions the apothecary had prescribed you both, to which you nod.
“have you?” you ask.
osamu nods. “we can’t have anyone find out…if this really is the case, should we run?”
his smile is infectious when you tackle him and he laughs the blueberries rolling away slightly.
it only takes a scare to set the record straight a week later. by that time, nature takes it course proving to the physician though you are sexually not a ‘virgin’, you definitely are not with an heir. the report is given to your mother as you are away for a reconnaissance mission in a neighboring village. you return under kita’s direct orders along with your escort, osamu. this time, your mother and osamu’s wait for you both in your solarium. you’re laughing ceases when you come face to face with the two women who brought you into this world.
“are you mad child?” your mother is furious. “do you know what your foolishness would have caused of the results were the opposite?!”
she hands you the physician’s private findings. you’re not expecting which was a good thing; your ladies in waiting were questioned about your monthlies as they had been dubbed by most common-folk. thankfully the stress to run this place and upkeep appearances to the public were to blame for your monthly to be considered tardy as all hell.
your mother berates you, shames osamu, but you can’t get a word in to fight for him. his mother though tuts saying he had flown to close to the sun this time.
“whatever this is,” mama miya is worse off than livid. “end it now before your father, the sun of this empire, finds out.”
they are about to exit, but you find your voice. it is shaky and defiant.
you shield osamu behind you and he holds your waist with a gloved hand when you sternly say, “no.”
“you dare—?”
slap! your hand collides with the empress consort’s face. osamu’s mother gasps.
“i dare because how can you listen to the words of the conman who managed to fool everyone at court telling them i’d grow to be hideous when the first person to see me without this damned mask is him?”
you slide the mask off, frustrated and angry. “he praises my beauty, one that was hidden because you and father believed the less of a faux fortune teller. so excuse us for wanting to rattle the stars. you both had a love born from humble beginnings, so why is it so hard for you to understand?”
you do not permit them leave until nightfall. the women kneel with their arms outstretched fit hours on end and though this punishment may be cruel to some, you ask osamu if you want him to permit his mother’s leave.
“not yet,” he whispers. “mother, true or false: when father died in battle, did you wish it was me?”
you raise your brow and let the interrogation of the second son go forward. mama miya, strong and proud like a peacock, succumbs to her child’s rebellious questions and she nods. he circles back to take his stance on the truth you had shared hours ago.
“do i love the sun? of course i do, you said so yourself mother…perhaps i may be an icarus with my head in the clouds, but i will never dictate to my children who they can and cannot see in this infernal century.”
you dismiss his mother first after she caves understanding just how brazen love can make anyone.
your mother though? she laughs behind her eyes.
“your father will never let you have him,” she chuckles. “did you think you were going to have forever with him?”
osamu looks at you worriedly.
“guards! arrest him,” she barks. unfortunately for her, she forgets who actually has watch over this area at this time of night.
atsumu and suna walk in, smiling at you and osamu.
“oh, we heard everything through the door, your grace,” suna bows to you. completely walking up toward his friend who holds your hand. “was she spouting her nonsense about you two not being together?”
“my brother has an odd taste for people he loves,” atsumu chuckles. “we too love your child empress, just more in a familial sense. we protect our kind. beauty is skin deep, but our anger is palatable.”
“don’t maim her,” you say stepping back into the light. “she’ll be a good little bitch and tell the captain of the guards bandits came and took me and ‘samu away. suna and you, atsumu, are to chase our imaginary outlaw friends until this empire becomes a republic.”
your mother raises her arms to strike you, but instead she yields when three different swords are pointed at her direction.
“you heard the heir, empress,” suna mirthfully laughs.
“go escort her majesty out of these quarters,” atsumu directs. “i need a word with my brother.”
suna obeys as does a defeated queen. her crown askew, she bitterly bit her tongue saying the brat wasn’t supposed to love that long abiding to the actual predictions.
“still buying that charleston’s lies?”
suna’s dagger is jabbed through the hanging tongue of the empress. he tells her to keep her mouth shut as he ties a rag round her mouth to staunch the bleeding.
“ah, silence at last,” he says when he delivers the queen to her men. “assailants took her tongue, sir. atsumu is in pursuit to the heir’s room as we speak.”
meanwhile, the twins have their exchange with you.
“you had to fall in love with the heir,” atsumu laughs. “here.”
atsumu hands him a pouch filled with some coins. brass, silver, and gold.
“take care of him, of each other, ok?”
the ash blonde kisses your forehead and hugs his brother close.
“send a falcon to me when you cross the border north. there is a friend who wears robes of emerald and gold. itachimiya’s territory beyond the iron wall of date city, that’s your destination. follow the night stars on your palms. the love line psychics use is the pathway.”
you hear the commotion outside your doors.
“atsumu?” you walk up to him and kiss his cheek. “be well and thank you.”
“go,” he tosses his head to the window where osamu has scaled the wall there too many times to count.
like a thief in the night, seven horses are let loose from the stables minutes later, only two of them split off from the group carrying nothing else but the riders on their backs.
suna and atsumu are eventually bright in for questioning in the months that pass. atsumu’s mother mourns the loss of her youngest who is presumed dead because of the raucous that night and the king, your father, at first was beside himself with grief as well. however, upon hearing the story suna and atsumu told the courts, even if it was just a way to answer the public’s cry for answers, the emperor’s eyes watched them.
“summoned again?”
“to his private study this time sir atsumu,” a young squire says. “it says to bring suna.”
on that night, right before the lantern festivals, the emperor hears the story of how a conman fooled a royal family and how a commonly born nobleman feel for a shooting star. the night was clear and a falcon was on its way with an invitation to attend a ceremony in the spring.
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ladysunamireads · 1 month
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beasty-xoxo · 7 months
III - The Caligo District
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Your exit from the party venue was rather stealthy considering the circumstance of your current dress. 
After politely excusing yourself from the two men working in the press, you were able to slink through the ballroom. Your only mistake was being so cautious in watching your father and His Highness that you walked right into the snake's gaping maw.
You felt him before you saw him, charging face first into a solid presence. Before you could wobble and fall in your heeled shoes, you felt his hands quickly steady you at the waist.
"My Lady Olores!" Simon Clarke gazed down upon you. His expression was a strange mix of worry and hope. "I would hope your condition has improved?" 
You gasped, jaw going taught as you wrenched from his grip in the most polite way you could. A bachelor like him holding onto you would surely have drawn eyes. 
"Ah– actually Simon I'm going to get some fresh air. This party is suffocating." 
Simon frowned, his brows drawing together. "Oh, about that dance? Would you say you're still–"
"I'm sorry– I missed the washroom and I'm at a point of retching."
He took a step back at the simple word, eyes suddenly blown wide before a nervous chuckle left him. 
"Another time then, My Lady."
You nodded curtly at him, lifting your dress to whisk yourself from the venue and into the slowly cooling air of Aves. You swallowed a deep breath of relief, brushing Simon's touch from your dress as you trudged down the curb towards your carriage. 
You were pleasantly surprised to see the very same coachman as before tending to your father's mares. A satisfied smile found your lips. 
He turned upon the sound of your footfalls, surprise overtaking him seeing you unaccompanied and exiting the party early. 
"My Lady Olores! Uhm– is there any way I can help you?" 
You noticed the new tint his face had taken, color burning up his cheeks and down his neck. You gave him your prettiest smile, offering him a single gloved hand in which he took rather timidly. 
"There absolutely is, good sir," you let him lead you to the carriage door, popping it open. "I would ask that you return me to Cygnus. I require a moment from the party…"
The coachman nodded quickly. "Of course, My Lady. Shall we arrive at your estate?"
You hummed. "Actually– I would much prefer to be left in the city square. I have a few errands." You made yourself comfortable, flashing him another smile. "I leave myself in your capable hands, hm?"
The coachman straightened at your speech, sputtering a bit to himself in embarrassment. "Yes, My Lady! We'll move at once!"
He quickly closed the door, moving round to the front and preparing the horses. You felt rather satisfied by your technique.
You allowed yourself to remove your gloves as the carriage startled into motion. With the pace taken by the flustered Coachman you would be arriving at Cygnus in no time to follow your lead. 
What would it be like, if you could see him again? 
Your parting from Lev upon the death of your mother and baby brother had been quite the tearful occasion. To think, the last time you had seen his face it had been streaked in tears. 
It wasn't your favorite memory– especially not of him. The two of you used to get up to so much delightfully wonderful trouble that such an upsetting memory could hardly be used to remember him by. Lev was always there– even when your mother first fell ill and your other playmates drew far. He was like a rock shielding you from the viscous pounding of the ocean's waves. 
You glanced out of the small window, fogged from the recession of the early morning dew. If you saw him again after all of these years… What would you say? 
You knew you could recognize him in a heartbeat. You just don't forget a boy like Lev Haiba; not with that shock of silvery hair and those eyes like giant, round emeralds. But would he even recognize you?
You let out a groan of annoyance from the pretentiousness of your thoughts. Surely he would recognize you! He was your best friend, after all. Surely the weather of a few years wouldn't decay that bond. 
Your fingers twisted the hem of your dress, nails picking at the laces of your bodice to just barely loosen it. The change in atmosphere outside of the carriage cabin told you that you would be arriving soon.
Cygnus wasn't too far from the capital city– being the kingdom's most prominent trading hub it's relative closeness had a myriad of positive effects on the city's economy.
A deep sigh left you. Who knew that the trading hub would begin to attract pirates? You knew that there were parts of Cygnus– parts your father forbade you to visit– that served as little dens of sin for the less morally sound. Your father had decided complete erasure of things like taverns would destabilize the city's infrastructure far too much, and so he settled on keeping you far from that section of Cygnus.
Everyone called it Cygnus' Caligo district, for reasons you were unsure of– and you had been curious about it your entire life. Now that you were hunting down pirates to somehow find your childhood best friend, it was your best bet. You would have to go against every rule your father had ever set, and enter the most dangerous area in your hometown. 
To be fair though, a dangerous spot in Cygnus is far nicer than normal spots in most other cities…
The tiny window at the front of the carriage slid open, and you could hear the earlier coachman speak to you. 
"My Lady, we are arriving in the city's square. I must ask– does Lord Olores know of this outing?"
You couldn't help but hiss at the question, composing yourself. 
"Of course he does. He knew I wasn't feeling very well."
The coachman hummed at your response. 
"My Lady, if you are feeling ill I would have no problem returning you home. If you tell me your errands, it would be my honor to complete those for yo-" 
"That's completely unnecessary." 
Your retort came quickly, and for a second all that was heard was the stamping of the moving mares. Then, he spoke again.
"Of course, My Lady. My most sincere apologies."
You bit your tongue, feeling guilty for reprimanding the man– however an apology could compromise your mission. Your payment would have to be apology enough. 
The carriage rolled slowly to a stop, one of the mares giving a sharp whinny at the abrupt change in pace. The coachman hopped around to help you out.
You had already pulled your gloves back up to your elbows, taking his arm and hopping to cobblestone the ground. You steadied yourself on his shoulders. 
"Thank you very much, sir. Here– for your trouble," You gave him a bright smile, placing the coins in his palm. "I very much appreciate your help." 
The man shifted the coins in his palm before nodding. 
"Do be careful, My Lady." He gave a small bow before returning to the mares. 
In that time you had already begun your search for the Caligo district.
Its location had never been explicitly said to you– only that it was bad and that you should avoid it. So, you would have to ask around. 
You made your way down the street, giving friendly waves and nods to all your neighbors as you traveled. Making your way slowly towards the more menacing parts of town.
Friendly people you had passed, who all recognized you immediately, gave very vague advice and directions. After all– defying you would be defying their Lady, but telling you wholly is defying their Lord. 
Eventually though, the hints started to work out rather well.
When walking the streets of the port city the pristine lawns and clean cut hedges slowly morph into something a little unruly. 
The houses stop looking the same, each more unique than the rest. The roofing takes on a characteristic slant– and the smoke runs a bit thicker. In this part of town, the people of Cygnus liked to shed their dignified shells to feed the gnawing bugs of release. 
You held your hands close to your chest. All around you people appeared to be celebrating some unknown event– and the areas around you looked rather friendly despite earlier depictions given by the maids and men you knew. 
According to them, it was no place for a dignified lady or maiden to conduct a social outing of any kind. People fought, and committed crime– but all you could see was partying, not much unlike the establishment you had just escaped.
A little ways down the bustling street, one establishment seemed to burst with so much music and festivity that you knew deep down you were headed in the right direction. The building was quaint, resting in a cute little nook favoring the harbor. Looking long-ways down the road would reveal the ships resting in port, and if anything screamed pirates it was the bar by the bay.
You stood outside, a determined expression on your face. 
The heavy wooden sign swinging on the post outside proudly displayed the establishment's title. It read "The Sunny Sailor", likely referencing the waterside view. Next to the wording was an engraved picture of a sailboat, next to a smiling sun. It was cheery.
As you approached the building, a large and laughing man threw open the door. His belly shook with his laugh, a younger looking man hooked under one of his big arms. You recognized them immediately as the butcher and his brother– surprised to see them on this side of town.
"Oh! Mr. Davis!" 
You called out to him, waving your gloved hand as you scurried forwards like a startled mouse. 
The large man paused his laugh, color draining from his ruddy face as he watched his Lord's daughter approach him at a tavern. 
"Oh, wow! If it isn't–" The man under his arm paused to hiccup, "The beautiful Swan of Cygnus!!" He laughed cheerily seeing you. "Must be my lucky day– a sweet drink and an even sweeter fac-" 
He was quickly cut off by his brother, who promptly elbowed him in his stomach hearing his improper speech. 
"Stuff it, boy! That there's the Duke's daughter!" He cleared his throat loudly, trying to remove the scowl from his face as he addressed you. "My Lady Olores! What are you doing here in this part of town? This shady place'll dim your shine!"
He laughed nervously, clearly far more sober than his younger counterpart. For that you were thankful.
"Oh, I am so glad I found you!" You came to a stop in front of both men, the younger humming.
"Glad we found you, toOOF!"
The butcher glared down at his brother again as you continued. 
"I'm actually, well, looking for someone?"
The butcher's eyes squinted as he thought out your reason. "My Lady, I'm afraid you'll find none of your young lady friends in this here bar…" His frown was deep.
"Ah, well that's quite alright– I'm actually looking for a man." Your face felt hot with embarrassment from the admission. "I thought he could be here… because it's by the water… and well, pirates like water, yeah?"
His eyes blew wide. "My Lady! You're seeking out a–" he lowered his tone to avoid eyes, "A pirate? I'm sorry, but I can't allow you in there on a good conscience."
You went a bit panicked, afraid for a second, he might sell you out. "Please, Mr. Davis!! I need to find him! It's very important to my happiness!"
You pouted up at him, a tactic you would often use on your father that proved notoriously effective. The butcher sighed.
"Dohh… Fine! But if he's not here I'm taking you home!"
You nodded happily, following both men into the crowded establishment and disappearing from the street.
The stench of hard gin and rum permeated through the air in plumes thicker than you had ever inhaled before, making your nose scrunch up. 
The inside was like nothing you would have ever imagined. All around the bar people danced merrily– not just men but also women in thin dresses with drinks in hand. The music was far louder inside, and laced with laughter and singing of popular shanties. Not a single person noticed your arrival. 
You worked up the courage, clearing your throat before you began to yell. 
"Uhm– Excuse me!! Hello!?" Not a single eye. "I'm- I'm looking for someone! Have any of you seen– or know of…" You sighed. Clearly that was getting you nowhere…
You chewed at your bottom lip, Mr. Davis' younger brother sidling up next to you. 
"Seems to me you're in need of something a little louder."
You looked at him thoughtfully, eyes scanning down his frame to his hip where a holster rested. You smirked.
"That's a good idea… could I borrow your gun, good sir?"
He looked at you a little incredulously, as if his drunk mind couldn't comprehend your words, before he shrugged. 
"Ehh, sure. Why not?" He slid the standard firearm from his belt to sit it in your open palm. You were handling it before the butcher could stop you, stuffing gunpowder down the nose and pushing the flash fan cover forwards.
You hoisted up onto a nearby table. A nearby candle to light the wick– and soon you were pressing the matchlock forwards in the air to dry fire the pistol. 
It exploded in a manner loud enough to drop the bar into complete silence– and were you ever a sight to see. Any residents of Cygnus could immediately recognize you as the Duke's daughter, Y/N Olores. Yet– there you stood holding a pistol in one hand, the other bunching up the fabrics of your frilly ball gown. 
All eyes were on you, shocked by your brazenness. You spoke before you could become too shy, handing the gun back to the man beside you as he gaped up at you. 
"My apologies! I just– well you couldn't hear me…" The room stayed still as you spoke. "Can anyone point me towards the crew of The Black Cat?..."
People blinked up at you, before everyone slowly shuffled to form an empty pathway leading deeper into the bar. At the end there was a large round table, seating many men who all watched you with incredulous expressions. You couldn't help but smile, finally finding your way. 
"Well! Uhm– back to the festivities then, thank you!" You hopped down from the table, and slowly as you made your way towards the infamous pirates crew, the festivities started once more. 
The crew was eerily silent as you approached. A man sat in the middle, tall with dark hair and a sly exterior. A pipe hung between his lips, billowing smoke. The cards he held in his hands were forgotten after your show, and all eyes of the crew were on you… unfortunately, your friend was nowhere in sight. 
Nobody uttered a single syllable, the crew staring you down– likely in utter confusion as to why a fancy maiden was hunting them down. If they wouldn't speak, then you would. 
"Hello… I'm Y/N… Y/N Olores. Which one of you would be the captain of your vessel?" 
The eyes around you slowly slid to the dark-haired man in the middle. He looked to be no more than a few years older than yourself. He inhaled his smoke, puffing it out and sitting the pipe on the table as he dealt out a few cards. 
"So this is what your navy resorts to, huh? Trying to tempt us with a pretty young maiden?..."
His brow arched as he looked at you, some of his crew keeping to their drinks– but their eyes stayed on you.
"Wh- I beg your pardon?" You felt a little offended. "I'm not with any Navy! I come on personal business."
The dark-haired man was going to disagree, but the man next to him spoke up. He was much shorter, his hair– which had been bleached near the ends– hung in his eyes. 
"She's not, Kuro. That girl's the Duke's daughter." He paused. "I don't think they're brave enough to send a prominent political figure's daughter into danger to nab a few pirates."
He looked up at you, cold, calculating, honey-colored eyes studying you silently. The aforementioned Kuro, who you supposed was the captain, suddenly stood. 
"Well then– don't you think you're a little too rich to be here? Swan of Cygnus?" He held out his hand, and you could feel embarrassment building that the nickname was more commonplace than your actual name… "My name is Tetsurō Kuroo, but you can call me whichever you prefer." He arched his brow. 
You took his hand, shaking it politely. "Nice to meet you, sir." Once you removed your hand, glove stained with gunpowder from earlier, you smiled. 
You opened your mouth to speak– to ask– to finally find confirmation about your long lost friend. However, before you could loosen a single syllable, a door near the back of the tavern slammed open. 
"Captain!! Captain, I heard gunfire!" 
Your eyes drew towards the new commotion, body stunned into shock by the familiarity of it all. 
A shock of silvery-white hair weaved through crowds and barreled towards where you stood. He shoved people out of his way, and when you could see him your breath left you. 
He was incredibly tall– a far cry from the shorter boy you knew. He towered over most in the tavern, eyes still just as big, and just as green as he searched the face of his captain. His shoulders had broadened out– but you could tell he was still rather lithe. He wore his hair differently, parted and styled in a more mature and gentlemanly manner. 
There was no denying it, though– even with his taller frame and deeper voice you knew him immediately. This was Lev Haiba. 
His eyes slowly trailed from his captain to who stood across from him. You. Suddenly, his eyes went wide. His spine went rigid, and the empty tankards he held in his long arms dropped to the floor in his shock. 
"Y-...Y/N?" He seemed to be in complete disbelief, but hearing your name fall from his lips sent you into such a frenzied state of joy– well– you didn't think. 
"Lev!!" You squealed happily, running forwards to launch yourself into him unabashedly– much like when you were kids. He quickly opened his arms to catch you, pulling you from the ground and as close to his heart as he could manage. A happy laugh bubbled in his throat. 
"Y/N, what are you doing here– why are you here?" He questioned you with a broad smile, pressed against your temple as he took a second to breathe you in. 
You sobbed happily in his arms, clinging to him like he would disappear if you let him go. "I was looking for you! I heard you became a pirate– I got so worried I just had to find you!!" When you pulled away you had tears rolling down your cheeks, and he shushed you as he wiped them away. 
"I… I thought you left Cygnus? I thought I'd never see you again."
Before you could even think to explain, you were interrupted by a cough. 
Lev sat you down, and you both turned to find the entire crew was watching with wide eyes. Kuroo still stood, arms crossed over his chest. 
"I think you owe me an explanation, Haiba?..."
While your reunion unfolded in the Caligo district of Cygnus, Arthur Olores still enjoyed his talk with His Highness– until your lack of return had begun to disturb him. 
Simon attempted to walk past him– but your father grabbed him by the arm. 
"Pardon me, son. Did you see my daughter anywhere?..."
Simon looked at your father, brows shooting up. "Oh, yes My Lord– She refused to dance with me on feeling ill. Said she needed air and promptly exited the venue."
Your father's eyes went wide as he looked at the prince. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness… I must find my daughter– she has an inkling for getting into trouble, and I fear the worst."
Prince Tobio shook his head. "No, Lord Olores. It was entirely the fault of my company. I will help you search." He nodded his regal head, and his aforementioned company began to fan out in search of you. 
Your father hung his own head with a sigh. 
"Oh, Y/N… where have you gone now?"
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