#he would be a lot angier at the world
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willingly unloved
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
So I've been seeing this come up often enough now, so I'll talk about it. Discrediting Nettles' impact on Daemon ruins his character arc.
Nettles comes into his life around the same time Rhaenyra is distressed and grieving. He meets her, if not a bit before, when they are both in King’s Landing, where Rhaenyra is executing people and is described, when the news of Jace’s death comes up, as 'hardened'.
Nettles also notably has a reaction to Jace’s death. She is seen with tears leaving streaks through the soot on her face after fighting with and losing him during the battle.
Then Daemon comes back, with the death of two sons apparently on his conscious, to a hardened Rhae Rhae, and they fly to Kings Landing.
After that, they shortly leave for Maidenpool, where all the rumours and their story come from. The baths, flying and sleeping together, eating, teaching, and doting with Nettles all come up.
Before this, we had the attack on Harrenhall and Blood and Cheese.
A lot of Daemon's worst qualities and moments happen at Rhaenyra's side in the books and on the show. His best is with Laena, who he loves in the books and is away from court in the show and Nettles, who he cares for and protects in the books.
It's a bit strange to reduce her to just an innocent child or a Mentee when we read their relationship described in the books.
A lot of people also reduce his decisions in the end to come to the strange conclusion that it was all for Rhaenyra. Let's start there
1. He threatens a maester at his home
This maesters walks in on him talking softly to Nettles and gives him the declaration for Nettles to die and for him to return. He holds Dark sister to him and asks if there's anyone outside, not explaining why he's doing it yet to Nettles.
2. How their last night is spent.
This is a point in the books that the maester didn't record how they spent their last night together, only that they do.
3. She leaves in tears.
She leaves Daemon in tears while Caraxes screeches near Daemon loud enough to shatter Jon Quil's tower
4. The house they are at then changes to team green.
Maidenpool is loyal until Rhaenyra’s decree that would break guests right in Westeros. They also said that no matter Nettles' crimes (treason, sleeping with Daemon), they can't kill her under their roof. They also understand that Daemon won't come back to enforce the consequences of their treason.
5. Daemon defies Rhaenyra
This is a part many people get confused with. Daemon defies Rhaenyra.
Nettles is sent there with Daemon because he understands he doesn't survive without her in the fight. Vhagar is huge and a massive threat. If Daemon goes solo, he dies
Then Rhae Rhae sends her decree to kill Nettles and has Daemon return at her side. Neither of those things happened.
He sends Nettles away and goes to fight Vhagar alone. Dying most likely afterward. That's defience and sends the message that he did not want to return to her side.
6. He's lived long enough. that's something they can agree on.
Those are the last things Daemon and Aemond say to each other allegedly.
That's where his story ends. He fights and dies. He's grown, matured, avenged, and found peace by the end of his life. Nettles is the reason he's read as morally grey.
I don't care about the nature of their relationship, mostly because I think a clear reading allows for the fact that it managed to dip its toes in everything we are told it could be.
But it's safe to say Nettles wouldn't be in the best place after her first battle. She loses her leader, a friend it seems, and kills a lot of people like herself from Driftmark.
Then, when the queen gets angier and more isolated, without the promises being made and given to the other dragonseeds, Nettles is sent with a strange man to fight the world's largest war machine.
But by the time we see her again, her and Daemon have a routine, find comfort in each other, she's cared for by him, and she cries as she leaves him. Not when Daemon makes his cute little remarks, a Queen’s words a whore's work line, not she's accused of Treason and sentenced to death, but when she leaves the person who was a literal stranger 4 months before.
That's a good light to leave Daemon in. She doesn't think he'd kill her, for Rhaenyra even though we can assume she may knew about Blood and Cheese or at least have an understanding for what Targaryens do for the people they love being around, Jace, Baela and later Rhaenyra and literally fighting a battle for it.
She doesn't hesitate to ask him what's wrong when he's literally holding a sword to someone and after reading it doesn't feel the need to run or leave or plea for her life. Something uncharacteristically strange for Daemon to create an environment for, especially when it comes to Rhaenyra’s words.
He killed a man in front of the king and the court when she shook her head, telling him to do it. And actively protects her and her kids from the 'obvious' bastard thing.
All this to say if Nettles isn't a bit concerned that Daemon will kill her when Rhaenyra commands it, leaves Daemon in tears, and Daemon defies Rhaenyra, getting himself killed instead of returning to her side. I'd call their relationship the reason for his moral grayness or at least character developement.
I also see alot of people saying the show pushing Daemyra so hard for giving them lines like they were meant to burn together means that most likely Nettles won't be a love interest for Daemon.
I disagree with that for two reasons.
1. Marketing:
Right now, it makes sense to push them, like pushing Tyrion and Shae or Dany and Jon at the time. It kind of distracts from the narrative and gives anticipation when it comes to future character decisions. To see Tyrion and Jon switch so dramatically was a shock to the audience because they were so in love. It's also Matt and Emma's job to push the idea right now for their characters and the audiences benefit.
2. We were meant to burn together.
I think this line is going to be used for irony in the end. They don't, and that's the sad thing. They both change from the people who agreed to that in a heartbeat to people who couldn't stand the change in the other person by the end of their relationship. Rhaenyra wanting Nettles' death immediately leads to Daemon's. They don't die together, but they do give a big hand in each other's deaths.
All this to say, I think that if you don't like Nettles in the book, you'd prefer the show's current version of Daemon. Loving to his family, although abusive and dismissive to Laena, Baela, Rhaena, and Rhaenyra, respectively.
With their relationship comes his biggest growth as a character, one who wouldn't return to Rhaenyra’s side and to discredit that for a ship is underwhelming for the story and disingenuous to him.
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lavender-ghosting · 2 years
fun fact. i have a lot of favorite movies, but one of my first favorite movies i watched when i was 14? 15? was the Prestige. it blew my mind as a teen and i recently just rewatched it for the hundredth time. it’d probably been 2 years since i’d watched it, and i’m still in LOVE with the movie. but i never talk to anyone about it bc i refuse to give spoilers. i love the whole experience of the movie so much. i have to try to get all my friends to watch it. cause like. I WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS MOVIE. 
so i’m going to make a post about it. here are the rules lol. no reading unless you’ve watched it. and if you don’t care, then whatever, read the post anyways. but big recommendation that you watch it.
It’s about two people who are obsessed with art in such different ways, but nevertheless it still destroys them both. it’s about a man who’s content with living half a life, but how unsustainable that is for anyone else around him. it’s about revenge making you blind, losing sight of your goals. when angier says “it’s not about my wife” it’s about the lengths man will go for art, for love, for revenge. it’s about the idea that there is no art without sacrifice, there is no success without getting your hands dirty. and yet in the end, it brings only destruction and ruin. two dead, one who lost his brother, wife, and livelihood.
borden sees magic as this technical thing. a business that requires risks and always something new. it needs hard work, you must be willing to give everything to create something amazing
angier sees magic as a whimsical gift to the world, he sees the pure performance aspect of it. he’s obsessed with the crowd, the reaction. but this is distorted through his obsession with revenge, and with borden. suddenly he finds himself drowning every night, and now he’s no longer performing for the audience. he’s performing for borden. to set up his imprisonment and ruin.
two selfish men. they deserve each other. the amount of people caught in their crossfire of their petty feud. lives are toyed with, ruined, lost even.
man i love this movie. if anyone wants to talk to me about it, i would LOVE to anytime :)
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365days365movies · 3 years
May 1, 2021: The Prestige (2006) (Recap: Part One)
What’s that old Arthur C. Clarke quote again?
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Not that one, although that’s...that’s fantastic, and I need to know more context to that conversation. But no, no, not that. The other one.
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Not that one, although that’s...horrifying. Let me explain something first, then. Clarke was the author of the classic science-fiction novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, which definitely didn’t go on to become one of the most widely regarded films of all time. Anyway, he was a big-shot in science fiction, and was even knighted for his prominence in pop culture in the UK and across the world.
Fellow famous sci-fi author Isaac Asimov is well known for three rules of robotics, but Clarke has three rules of his own. A futurist, his laws describe conjecture about scientific development in the future of out societies. Those laws are:
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Magic, huh?
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God, I love Weird Al. Anyway, as a child of the ‘90s, I am well-acquainted with the boom of stage magicians that appeared during that time, and during the early 2000s. David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, David Blaine coughed up a live frog, Criss Angel freaked minds; lot of stuff back then.
And yet, despite other recent magicians like Penn and Teller or Dynamo, the greatest age of stage magic isn’t even CLOSE to the 90′s. No, no, to really see magic in its heyday, we need to go back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, to the days of the stage illusionist. 
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Obviously, the first person that comes to mind is Harry Houdini, a man whose feats have lasted the test of time, and may have led to his death. Not only did he get buried alive, not only did he escape from a straitjacket in chains underwater, NOT ONLY did he hold his breath inside a water-filled milk can inside of a wooden chest repeatedly for FOUR YEARS, but he was also the greatest enemy of spiritualists and mediums everywhere!
Yeah, despite being a stage magician, Houdini was OBSESSED with exposing those who claimed to be actually supernatural. After all, as a showman, he was interesting in exposing tricks that were meant to defraud the innocent public. Dude was awesome, is what I’m saying. He died from a burst appendix, which miiiiight have been caused by a student who punched him in the stomach after asking if he was actually resistant to abdominal damage. Yeah, not a great death. And he wasn’t the only illusionist to die of tragic circumstances, but that’s a discussion for another day. Because of this is sci-fi month...why am I talking about magic? Well...imagine a lighter.
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Now image that you went back 5,000 years, to any civilization, and showed them a lighter. The ability to create fire with seemingly nothing but your bare hands? You’re basically a wizard! Fire from no visible fuel? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, O SORCERER OF THE FLAME!!! And that’s just a goddamn lighter. 
What about a light bulb? Light from energy you’ve harnessed from metals and from the air itself? Jujube! A camera? With the ability to capture a moment in time in the form of a tangible image? WITCHCRAFT!!! A smartphone? A FUCKING SMARTPHONE???
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And so, in celebration of the blurring of magic and science...why not start this month with an unconventional form of science fiction, huh? Something that blurs magic and science in a way that’s indistinguishable. And so, I can FINALLY watch a movie that I’ve wanted to watch for YEARS!
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I am so excited, and this is a hell of a way to kick off the month! Why this? Well, I’ll explain that later. But for now...LET’S DO THIS.
Recap (1/2)
There are three acts of magic.
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First is “the pledge”, where the magician shows something normal. Then, there’s “the turn”, which is when the ordinary becomes extraordinary. And finally, there’s the act of bringing the show full-circle; bringing back a disappeared object, in a new way and with a new technique. That final act, the showmanship, the establishment of the mystery, is called “the prestige”.
So is told to us by John Cutter (Michael Caine), keeper of canaries and stage engineer to magicians, via narration abut magic. Intercut with that narration, and with a disappearing canary trick, is the presentation of an act being performed by Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman). In it, he turns on a machine using electricity, with lightning bolts flying freely. He steps inside of it, and disappears.
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Meanwhile, coming from the audience, a man pretends to be part of the act, and goes backstage and underneath the machine. There, he witnesses Angier fall through a trap door into a water tank, unable to get out, panicking and drowning. Which is just super fun to watch, lemme tell you! And that is where the story starts.
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The man from the audience was Alfred Borden (Christian Bale), who is quickly put on trial for the murder of Angier. A rival of his during the 1890s and early 1900s, Borden is sent to jail, and sent to death by hanging. This is as his young daughter watches on. In court, Alfred testifies against Bruce Wayne on how he murdered Wolverine, because this is all I could think of the entire time. Anyway, the court asks for more details on the trick that killed Angier, called “the Transported Man”. He refuses to divulge it publicly, but agrees to tell it to one of the judges in secret.
In prison, Borden’s visited by a representative of a wealthy collector of items, Lord Caldlow. He asks if he will sell him his most prominent trick, the “Transported Man”. But Borden also refuses, as it’s HIS trick. Still, in response, the man gives Borden a journal of Angier’s’, and asks him to think about selling the secret. And from there: flashback!
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Angier is on a train, heading to Colorado Springs, where he’s surprised to see that the whole town has electricity. His plan is to go up the mountain, which is closed for scientific experimentation. Which isn’t ominous at all! That completely banal revelation is followed by a walk up the mountain in the fog, past a fence that says no trespassing and LITERAL WARNING SIGNS.
There, he’s greeted by Alley (Andy Serkis), the assistant of the estate’s owner. Apparently, said owner made a machine for Borden, and Angier wants to learn the secrets. Another flashback, and we learn that Borden and Angier, rival magicians now, met a long time ago at the show of another magician, both volunteering to tie up the female assistant, Julia (Piper Perabo). Which would be creepy out of context, and then is creepy IN context when Angier kisses her thigh. Ew.
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Anyway, they drop her into a tank, with a pretty stereotypical trick. After the show, we also learn that these two men are actually working for the magician, Milton (Ricky Jay), which makes that thigh kiss less creepy. Talking to Cutter and Julia, Borden mocks Milton’s trick, noting that the old magician won’t even try something like a bullet catch. Cutter mocks this idea, and asks if Borden has any better ideas. It’s around this time that Cutter suggests seeing Chung Ling Soo. Huh. I won’t say anything about that until later.
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Or right now! And, uh...oh shit, this is extraordinarily awkward. Here’s the thing: this is NOT Chung Ling Soo. I know this for two reasons. One, Soo didn’t really pretend to be crippled, as Borden and Angier suggest. Wasn’t really his bag. But something that IS interesting about the guy is how he died! BULLET CATCH TRICK!! Yup! He tried the bullet catch trick, and he died when the bullet actually fired at him! Yeah, awkward.
And you know what else is awkward, and really different from this story? Chung Ling Soo was...not Chinese. Even a little bit. His real name was William Ellsworth Robinson, he married his assistant, cheated on her with another assistant, never divorced and still married his new assistant illegally, etc. He was an interesting guy. Ignoring, y’know, the whole disgustingly shitty yellow-face thing. Different times, unfortunately.
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Borden’s frustration with an act he considers boring and obsolete erupts during one of Milton’s shows, where we see him KILL A BIRD, FUCK ME MAN. Yeah, I get it, Borden, this is terrible! This coincides with meeting a young woman and her nephew, who is also upset to see a bird die in front of him. The woman is Sarah (Rebecca Hall), and the two start a romance. Meanwhile, the romance between Angier and Julia is a straight-up marriage, making that thigh kiss fare more understandable. And, the two are about to have a baby, to both of their delight! Nothing bad will happen now!
We flash forward to the future, where Cutter is showing the judge what’s what with the device. He claims that a wizard built it, and that the machine can actually do what magicians have only pretended to do for years. They also look at a tank, and Cutter reveals that the tank has a terrible history, especially for the two magicians.
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Flashback again, to a night of yet another show. That night, Milton and the group go through with their trick, as per usual. However, Borden decides to make it a little tougher and more exciting by tying a different knot this time. And unfortunately...Julia can’t untie it. They try to get her out in time, but alas...it’s too late.
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Julia dies, and Angier blames Borden, who isn’t even entirely sure if he tied the knot that killed Julia...allegedly. Not a big fan of Borden right now. The act is over, and Borden decides to split off and do his own act, calling himself “the Professor”. Now having a child of his own with Sarah, he decides to do a bullet trick, with the help of new stage engineer, Fallon. But this is a tricky trick to perform. And the understandable mental breakdown of Angier causes its own problems.
See, during one of Borden’s shows (which is going TERRIBLY), a disguised Angiers shows up and loads a REAL bullet into the gun for the trick, and BLOWS OFF TWO OF HIS FINGERS FUCK ME!!! Borden’s not exactly happy about this, but he recovers quickly. Shortly after, Cutter finds Angier at a bar, and offers him the opportunity to make a new show of his own. Reluctantly, he accepts, and takes up the moniker “the Great Danton”, a name that his late wife suggested.
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With a new bird/cage trick, one that lets the bird LIVE (THANK YOU), they’re almost set. But they also add a new assistant, in the form of...Black Widow. I mean, sorry, Olivia Wenscombe (Scarlett Johansson). Yeah, um...Wolver, Alfred Pennyworth, and Black Widow are working together in competition against Batman. Also, Gollum is in the movie, too. God, what’s next, David Bowie?
Anyway, the show is on once again, and Angier asks for some volunteers in the audience. But, uh oh! One of them is Borden in disguise, and he sabotages the trick in front of EVERYBODY, breaking an audience member’s fingers, and killing the bird, completely fucking up Angier’s career, in revenge for his fingers. Oh, also, MOTHERFUCKER YOU KILLED HIS WIFE (maybe)!!! Doesn’t justify Angier shooting off your fingers, but you could’ve just let bygones be! No wonder you’re rivals in the future! Batman’s a dick (which, given Christian Bale, isn’t that surprising).
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Well, since his trick, Angier’s fucked. They’re kicked out of the theater, and in need of a new act. Cutter suggests that Angier goes to the upcoming science exposition for ideas. And yes...that’s where the science fiction angle starts in. See, like Clarke said, any science that’s sophisticated enough LOOKS like magic to audiences who don’t understand it. And Borden has the same idea, as he also heads to the expo. 
It’s there that a presentation of a massive electrical generator is being held, with the machine having been invented by...Nicola Tesla! YO!
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I don’t think I need to tell anybody about Tesla at this point, but he was a brilliant physicist and inventor from the early 1900s. His legendary Current War with Thomas Alva Edison for the current to be used by the United States (Tesla’s DC vs. Edison’s AC) is the stuff of science legend...and is a conflict that the far less charismatic Tesla lost. Still, his mastery of electricity (such as the above Tesla coil) is remembered today. If you want to go sightseeing, check out New York! In Niagara Falls, he’s got a massive statue overlooking the falls; and in Bryant Park in NYC, you can sit on the bench where he fed his beloved pigeons. Yeah, he loved pigeons, which I respect.
Anyway, the expo’s shut down due to presumed danger of the exhibit, possibly spurred on by Thomas Edison and his PR team. Which is pretty accurate, not gonna lie. Still, the experiment interests both Angier and Borden. Still, Angier doesn’t do much with this information. Right now, anyway.
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Flash forward to Angier in Colorado Springs, and a group of men from Edison’s employ are there for some reason. But undeterred, Angier heads back to Tesla’s lab, where Alley shows him a gorgeous sight: lightbulbs dotting a field, making a gorgeous grid of light. He reveals that the source of the electricity is 15 miles away, as a testament to Tesla’s scientific genius. Stellar.
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A great place to pause. See you in Part Two of this Recap!
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thecreaturesblog · 3 years
I said Crystal, would you please come on over, yes my place out here in the suburbs
Rang the bell and I scurried on over, to let her in, like baby do you wanna?
She loads a pipe, sets it in between my slightly parted lips, sparks the lighter, no one's forcing me, but I don't know if I'm enjoying this...
Crystal says baby come on, suck it when there's fire, whats wrong, you asked me to come here? He said alright im ready, and he started to inhale, tweaked the pipe round and round, in semi circles, out of his mouth, one huge, thick ass cloud pours out.
Crystal its your turn, he says, she tells him no baby i know you wanna, has him takin hit after hit, he's spun outta his mind now, the worst case id ever sceen, he said girl come on now, but she insists again and again until he caves to her, hes tweaking around, taking the tv apart, stops bout half way and then hes on to cleaning the whole house, it goes okay but he says its time to organize it, shit winds up everywhere, covers the floor, and the furniture, no method what so ever, pure madness, all the time Crystal sticks around to make sure he cant come down, shit girl he'll be high for a week if not his whole life huh
In the early morning she leaves, but his addiction stings, he calls her back more and more often, she always comes, takes lots of his money, and leaves him in outer space, driftin around, no sign of life out here,
Then hes keeping her hostage, wont ever let her leave his house any more, he loves her, so hes gon smother her, he gets angier and sadder.
Finds out, the time has come, cant get high like before, then its losing all of its effects on him, so he rolls and smokes more and more, cant barely breathe, super skinny, pickin at his face where the bugs are, crystal cant even handle it, well shit, you fucking hoe, you held it to his lips and told him you want that, dont watse anything baby, or my pimp will come over and handle ya,
Hes angry all the time, never high, but his body still craves that dope, his temper has reached a spot on him being out of control, one night, he beats Crystal half to death man,
She tried to avoid him, but no matter where she goes he finds her and waits in front in his truck, untill she finally comes out, then he kidnaps Crystal, every damn time, smokes all day and night, finds no pleasures in life, doesnt even like tryna get high, doesnt ease the pains like it used ta, hes spun the fuck out, staying up for weeks and forgetting he needs some substance to keep him alive huh, hes getting sick, then sicker, hes dying all alone in his living room, Crystal is just a crystal to us, but shes a beautiful lady the way he sees her, something aint right, the universe keeps sending signs, but he has no idea, this couch will be his death bed, that hes the only one looking out for him, thinks shes there to tell him when its gon to far, tell him to go to the hospital.
One day, hes rolling a pipe and smoking a cigarette at the same time, and boom! Hes having a major heart attack, all alone all alone, what cha gonna do junkie, cant tweak outta this one dude, he fell on the ground and he shakes a little, but its only a few minutes till the worlds craziest tweakstar has died by himself, how long before some one finds him? Dont wanna think about Crystal.. you took another mans life, and youre proud of yourself arent cha..
The whole thing is fucking sick, never take that first hit, so you wont be fallin in love, two or three times later, choose life for yourself, dont let the media control ya, stay outta the game, leave that trap house out of your plans, and never let ghost man tell you just one time and its over
Keep yourself straight, shout out to all the homies who aint never smoke and to all the homies who quit toking, huh
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
too far - d.d.
requested: yes, i had two requests that were somewhat similar so i combined into one story! 1. You + all the VS are hanging and Jonah makes some rape joke (or something like that) and you yell at him and have a panic attack. The girls calm you down and then you open up to david (and maybe the girls + zane and heath) about your sexual assault. lots of angst and fluff and comfort and 2. can you do the reader snapping at david bc he laughs and eggs jonah on when he’s disrespectful to the female vlog squad members
word count: 1210
warnings: mentions and description of sexual assault, rape jokes
"Jonah, what did you just say?" David asked, picking up his camera and pointing it on him. All your friends were over and once again, Jonah had taken a joke too far, both him and David failing to realize it.
"I knew a girl once who constantly kept rejecting me and then one night, when she was drunk, we finally hooked up."
"So you took advantage of her?" you asked, trying to keep calm.
"It's not rape if she liked it," Jonah joked and you could feel your blood boil.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" you shouted, now on the verge of tears.
"Jesus, calm down. It's not like it happened to you," Jonah rolled his eyes, annoyed at what he thought was your overreaction. Your hands were trembling as you lifted one, ready to slap him across the face.
"Hey, it's not even worth it," Mariah whispered, slipping her hand around your waist and pulling you into the guest bedroom. Carly, Erin, and Corinna followed quickly behind you and locked the door behind them.
You sat down on the bed and let out a sob, Mariah sitting next to you and rubbing your back to help calm you down. Your breaths were shaky, your cheeks were tearstained, and your eyes were bloodshot.
"You're okay," Mariah whispered repeatedly, but that only made your cry harder.
None of the girls asked questions, even though you hadn’t told anyone besides Mariah about it. They knew you didn't want to talk and that you’d tell them if or when you were ready.
You heard a soft knock on the door, followed by David's voice. "Baby, can we talk?" he asked from the other side of the door. You shook your head, even though David couldn’t see you.
"Dave, go away," Corinna said. "She'll talk to you when she's ready."
"Thank you," you whispered. You really weren't in the mood to talk to your boyfriend who had just let his friend make a joke that disrespected and dehumanized women for his YouTube channel.
"Of course," Corinna replied with a sympathetic smile.
A little while later, you had finally calmed down and had even fallen asleep. All four girls had stayed by your side, none of them wanting to leave you alone in your fragile state.
"Hey, how are you?" Erin asked when you opened your eyes.
"Better," you smiled, standing up to go find David. You wanted to talk to him about what happened earlier and in the past.
You walked into the living room to find him editing, the girls following behind you. Zane and Heath asleep on the couch with him.
"Dave, can we talk?" you asked, glancing around the room. "Alone."
David stood up and followed you into his room, scared to say anything in fear that it would upset you.
"So, about earlier," you started, taking a deep breath. "I need to tell you something serious, okay?" 
David nodded.
"You might want to sit down for this," you said and David listened, sitting on the edge of his bed next to you.
You kept your eyes low, too ashamed to make eye contact with him. "My second year of college I was raped," you rushed out, your voice in a low whisper. You swallowed a lump in your throat as tears rolled down your face. David wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, hugging you and holding you tight. And you wished that was all he had said. You wish he would've just dropped the subject and just comforted you. But that didn't happen.
"Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have let Jonah make any of those jokes and I would've been more gentle with you," David rambled.
"I'm not broken, Dave. I don't need to be treated any differently just because a guy took advantage of me when I was drunk. And you shouldn't let Jonah, or anyone for that matter, make those kinds of jokes. They're disgusting and vile and so many people in this world deal with sexual assault. It's not anything to joke about," you spat. You were angry. Angier than you thought you would be, but you needed to talk about this.
"I know that it isn't," David sighed.
"Oh, do you really?" you snapped. "Or would you have put the clip of Jonah from last night in your vlog if we weren't having this conversation right now?"
"That's not fair," David protested, answering your question without actually giving you an answer.
"Yes, it is!" you shouted. "You would've used a joke that glorified sexual assault and not have seen any issue with it and that's the fucking problem. You egg people on, especially Jonah, and let them make disrespectful comments that you see as a joke. You don’t realize that they affect people that have gone through the situations you joke about!"
You were mad and frustrated at him and you didn't know what to do.
You ran out of the bedroom and into the living room, where Zane and Heath were awake and joined by the girls. All of them were sitting in silence, clearly having heard you yelling at David.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Carly asked, and you nodded. You sat on the couch between Carly and Zane, both of them holding you tightly, while Corinna and Erin grabbed one of your hands.
"I was in my second year of college and I had just joined a sorority, so we had parties with different frats. I had too much to drink during one of these parties and I'm not sure what else happened that night, but I was woke up in a room I didn't recognize with no clothes on. I don't know what happened that night because I was so wasted and for the longest time I blamed myself." You stopped talked to swallow a sob and Erin squeezed your hand for support. "I know now that it wasn't my fault and it took me a long time to realize that."
You watched Corinna blinking back tears and pulled her in for a hug, her tears now streaming down her face.
"I'm so sorry," she sobbed.
You held back tears as Mariah told you she was proud of you for being able to talk about it and Zane called you brave. You were thankful to have friends who cared about you so much. You felt loved and supported as you sat on the couch, engulfed in their hugs.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw David standing against the black mirror painting in the hallway. His eyes were bloodshot and when you locked eyes on you he opened his mouth to apologize, but he couldn't find the right words. Everything he wanted to say didn’t seem like enough.
He walked over to you and held you in a tight hug, his hand rubbing your back. "I love you, and I'm so sorry," he whispered, holding you tightly and kissing the top of your head.
You were still beyond pissed off and angry at him but right now you didn't care. You just wanted to hug your boyfriend and have him stand by and support you.  
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inkederror · 4 years
So what exactly happened to Error? I mean I get he died and stuff, but what happened????
WARNING- This story does contain self harm, self loathing, and ends with suicide. This is the the past before Inked!Error was created.
Dust in my arms
Part 1
Error sat up with a start from his makeshift hammock, his chest rising and falling with each rapid painful breath. He growled in frustration as he held his head, the memories of the previous dream beginning to fade away. The memories of Papyrus's smile still haunting him along with the dust that stained his clothes after that day. Error let out a small laugh as he thought about it, him, a real Classic Sans? Even if it was a genocide ending, it was foolish to even entertain the thought that his world would ever come back, he destroyed it long ago. His brother, his friends, he was already too far gone, they’d never accept him even if he could bring it back. He let out another laugh before wiping the yarn tears from his eyes and pushing up from the glowing yarn hammock. Time to get to work, stretching up he listened to the bones in his spine pop one by one before grabbing his bright blue scarf and jacket to throw on. He had AU's to destroy, and a squid to avoid. He just needed one win and this feeling would go away, this suffocating dread that clung to his bones weighing him down. Shaking off the feeling he snapped his fingers and opened a portal, ending up in an UnderSwap.
Ink was quiet, staring down at his vials with his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth, forcing himself to concentrate. He had to measure out the correct doses of blue and red to make the perfect purple. Having the right shade was always imperative, he didn’t want to experience regret when he was going for curiosity. However focused as he was, Ink almost missed the faint ripple in the fabric of the multiverse, though decades of being on his toes due to a certain friend of his wasn’t so easily forgotten, and he knew that feeling was Error.
Ink huffed as he set down his vials, capping them, and placing them back on his sash. He’d forget to finish later undoubtedly, so he scribbled a note on his scarf before throwing broomy, who was lovingly placed on the table into his holster. Shaking off any jitters that still clung to him from weeks of not seeing Error, Ink couldn’t help but wonder what Glitchy had been doing so long alone in the anti-void. He’d ask later. With a bounce in his step Ink hopped out the door of the home he had so finely crafted and out into the doodle sphere. Ink followed the tugging sensation that echoed through his bones before grinning, yet that was his Error, no doubt about it. He stopped in front of a piece of paper held up by string, Underswap copy 3089. Dipping into the au, his grin only widened when he saw the carnage. Yep. Error was here. Ink began to follow the breadcrumbs like a bloodhound. It wasn’t long until he ended in the judgement hall.
By the time Ink got there Error was in the middle of his fight with papyrus. It seemed whenever Error came to a Swap timeline he always gunned for Papyrus first. His blue yarn already tangled through Blue’s rib cage, holding his soul tightly so the small Sans could barely even breath without pain filling every inch of his soul.
“W-we don’t have to fight,” Blue began but Error pulled his soul leaving his body before shattering.
“Sans!” Papyrus screamed, bright orange tears rolling from his eyes sockets as his brother dusted before his eyes. “You… You…! You dirty brother killer,” He growled while summoning a gaster blaster. “Let go of Chara so she can reset.”
“Chara?” Error said with a laugh while summoning his own blaster, “Never going to happen.” A battle erupted between the two until papyrus finally got caught in Error’s web of yarn, “Any last words before I end your sad existence you abomination? No? Alright.” He fired.
Ink had been watching in silence, wondering whether this AU’s Papyrus could hold his own. From the look of things, the answer was no. Ink watched for a moment more, Papyrus becoming tangled in Error’s yarn, he was losing his grip. Right when the glint of hopelessness filled Pap’s sockets Ink stepped in with a harsh yank of his brush against the strings, blocking what would have been a death blow. He had to admit, he always loved that expression on Error’s face, confusion, shock, dismay, and then anger. With a wink Ink hollered over. “Hey Error, didja miss me?” He didn’t even give him time to answer as he yanked the strongs as hard as he could and threw his Glitchy across the room.
The throw made Error hit a pillar making it crumble behind him, but he brushed it off, getting up and summoning a baster. He didn’t say a word as he focused on the fight, he couldn’t lose, not again, not like this… If he focused then maybe he could win. He clenched his teeth as he kept firing on Ink, hoping he’d slip up, hoping he’d finally get the upper hand, he had to keep an eye on that squid. God did he want to yell at him, to tell him to leave but his energy was already dropping, he couldn’t waste an ounce on anything but focusing on winning.
“Woah!” Ink said throwing up a shield with his bones made of ink to block the blast. “Somebody’s cranky,” He chirped, the moment there was a lull in the bombardment of attacks Ink made a break for it, darting out in a zigzag motion across the floor to get closer.
Error watched him move taking a few quick steps back before throwing up his bones in protection and teleporting even further back. “Would be a lot happier if I didn’t see your stupid face!” He growled in annoyance throwing up more glitching bones for protection. He could feel failure weighing him down, but he couldn’t give up, not yet, the fight could still be his!
Ink couldn’t help but snicker at his rival’s tone, “Awe but I look so handsome! Who wouldn’t be happy to see me?” Ink tittered. Many people actually, but Ink wasn’t about to say that. Seeing Error throw up his bone attacks Ink couldn’t help but roll his eyes, they both knew they weren’t a problem for Ink. Flicking his brush in his hand he broke through them with ease before rushing his glitch. He pounced on Error, knocking him down and pinning him, a hand crawling up under the destroyer’s jacket.
“G̶̬̣̬͆̄È̸͇T̶̬̐̉̀͜ ̵̭͊Ỏ̵̩̈̏F̷̧̪̺̕F̸̩̑̇͂ ̷͚̅́͘O̵̞͓͌ͅF̵̛̻̐̋ ̸͙̭͚̏͝M̴̝̆̓Ḛ̷̳́̍!̴̨͚͙͂̐͒” Error nearly screamed as it took everything in his body not to reboot. Ink didn’t respond as he felt Error’s body stiffen under him, still as stone until the earthquake of glitches covered him. Ink ignored it though, grin widening even more when he finally grabbed something soft and warm and filled with determination. With one quick tug he snapped it free, the human soul glowing in his hands. Ink giggled as the world shivered and rippled beneath the two as the true reset took over. Now their fight could really start. However Error was already low on energy. Finally kicked Ink off himself and got back to his feet before he took a few steps back, “S̶͗͝t̶̀̑ä̶́̽y̴̒̅ ̸̈́̕ả̴̏w̴̽͆a̵̛͂y̴̌̾ ̷́̚f̴̈́̚r̸̈͌o̵̎̋m̶̰͗ ̴͌̚m̴͒̐ë̸͑ !” Error huffed in exhaustion. His warning seemed to fall upon deaf ears as Ink’s smile widened. Usually Ink would back off the moment Error didn’t immediately go for his throat. He wasn’t the type to just go all out unless he had to but… He hadn’t seen his destroyer in so long, he missed his glitch and it seemed like the times Error was going out to destroy a helpless AU were growing further and further apart. Maybe he was just busy watching undernovela or something but Ink couldn’t help but fixate on it. He wanted to make the most out of this fight, he wanted to poke and prod at the other. He wanted to listen to his angry glitchy words as he insulted Ink with all his might. He wanted Error, he needed him.
“Error~” Ink smiled, something like delight welled up in his chest the angier Error got. Ink wanted to both sip on some yellow paint and puke. Cocking his head to the side he watched Error get into a defensive position, so he lunged at him, broomy raised for the attack.
Error’s sockets widened as he snapped his fingers to teleport but nothing happened, he’d used too much magic, he couldn’t. His eyes locked on Ink’s for a moment before he moved to dodge but he didn’t have enough time. Ink hadn’t expected his attack to land at all, or even come close. He was sure that the destroyer had enough time to dodge, evade, or hell even block the blow. It all happened almost in slow motion, Ink lunging, and realizing the other wasn’t moving.
Error wasn’t dodging, why wasn’t he dodging.
Ink tried to pull back but there was no time, no time to take back his swing, no time to even lessen the blow. Inside he begged for Error to move, he couldn’t hurt his Glitchy like this. He caught the sight of Error beginning to move but it was too late. The brush collided with a sickening crunch, knocking all the air from Error’s nonexistent lung and sending him flying back like a ragdoll into the golden walls of the judgement hall. Ink was stunned as he watched in horror, as Error crumbled to the ground, any magic left in him fading from his eyes, he didn’t even have an ounce of his own determination. He slid down to a sitting position, in which Ink found the strength to step forwards, but his small movement was nothing compared to what happened next. The crack that had formed from Error’s collision reached up the wall, and made the ceiling crumble, falling onto him. Ink was nowhere fast enough, reaching the now pile of debris that crushed Error once it was too late. Everything went blurry for the destroyer as he sat under the pile, completely trapped, he let out a huff of pain, everything hurt.
Ink gazed upon the pile in abject horror, “Error…?” He breathed, hoping that his rival would get up. He was strong, he could just use a blaster, or his yarn, yeah, he’d get up for sure. Ink watched, he could only watch, his body wouldn’t allow him to move as he waited. Nothing changed, Error remained trapped, hidden beneath the rubble, oh god, he didn’t dust did he? “ERROR!” Ink screamed, rushing the rest of the way over and using his brush to throw the rubble from Error like a golf ball. There he was, Ink felt sick to his stomach but he held it back. There was a large crack reaching from just the top of his mouth, over his right eye, and all the way back to the base of his skull. In the middle of the crack there was a large caved in piece as well. His horror only grew the longer he stared, so he pried his eyes away and searched for a way to free his destroyer.
This is the beginning of Inked!Error’s story, this story is about abuse, obsession, and a lot of pain.
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dweemeister · 5 years
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The Happiest Millionaire (1967)
Younger readers do not know of a time when Walt Disney Studios was never considered a major Hollywood studio. That recognition, to stand alongside the likes of Columbia, Universal, or Warner Bros., did not officially arrive until after The Little Mermaid (1989) and the resulting 1989-2000 Disney Renaissance and Disney’s close ties to Pixar (which it would purchase outright in 2006). In its early years, Disney did not distribute its own films, instead going through United Artists and later RKO. Disputes with the eccentric Howard Hughes – who purchased RKO in 1948 – over the True-Life Adventures documentary series led Disney to (correctly) predict that RKO was a studio in a fatal tailspin, and the RKO-Disney partnership was soon abandoned. Walt and older brother Roy O. Disney co-founded Buena Vista Film Distribution Company (renamed Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in 2007), but Disney – taking the animation and live-action studios together – lacked the distribution reach of the established Hollywood studios.
As Walt paid less attention to animated features for his anthology television series and the live-action features, an occasional live-action Disney film became part of the American cinematic zeitgeist: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954); Old Yeller (1957); The Absent-Minded Professor (1961). In a decade heralded (and ridiculed) for its sumptuous musicals, Mary Poppins (1964) was considered the defining film for the studio’s live-action efforts. Of course, an ailing Walt desired to replicate the artistic and financial success of Mary Poppins. Norman Tokar’s The Happiest Millionaire is that follow-up film, adapted from a play based on My Philadelphia Father by Cordelia Drexel Biddle, and doomed to unforgiving comparisons upon release and today. The Happiest Millionaire is an unfocused fever dream of a musical film, surviving – just – because of a handful of Sherman Brothers songs and its unironic charm.
The film begins with Irish immigrant John Lawless (Tommy Steele) arriving in Philadelphia, ready to become the butler of a household headed by millionaire, amateur boxing trainer, Bible School teacher, and alligator enthusiast. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle (Fred MacMurray). Lawless is the on-screen narrator for the film’s duration, noting how he enjoys the Biddles’ eccentricity. He observes or comments on Mr. Biddle’s antics and, more seriously, his eagerness to have the U.S. intervene in World War I. Mrs. Biddle (Greer Garson) and Aunt Mary (Gladys Cooper) pay little heed to Mr. Biddle’s unusual beliefs and behaviors – most likely out of love, not marital/familial capitulation. The Biddle children are older teenagers trained in boxing by their father, and we see little of sons Tony and Livingston (Paul Petersen and Eddie Hodges). Cordy Biddle (Lesley Ann Warren in her film debut) is the best boxer of the Biddle children and, while away to boarding school, falls for Angier “Angie” Buchanan Duke (John Davidson) – what a name!
If it seems difficult to ascertain the narrative focus of The Happiest Millionaire judging by the above paragraph, that is how it feels like to watch the film after the opening song. Though it is ostensibly about Mr. Biddle as the allegedly happiest millionaire, the story transitions between Mr. Biddle, his wife, John Lawless, Cordy and Angie, and Angie’s family without much signaling. These shifts are abrupt, resetting often, and disrupting the flow of the movie. Norman Tokar’s direction and Cotton Warburton’s (1949′s Neptune’s Daughter, Mary Poppins) editing appear scattered, lacking any semblance of cohesiveness, and making The Happiest Millionaire feel like its 172-minute runtime (this is the most complete version of the film; I will go into this more later, but beware of any versions that are shorter and are not presented in the 1.66:1 widescreen format). The adapted screenplay by A.J. Carothers (1963′s Miracle of the White Stallions, 1964′s Emil and the Detectives) just barely connects the competing plotlines to form a comprehensible whole.
Carothers’ screenplay is packed with references to the turn of the twentieth century that probably will be lost on younger viewers, who might be instead charmed by Biddle’s pet alligators and his Bible study masquerading for a boxing school. Too much of the broad humor falls flat, as The Happiest Millionaire is at its comedic best when it elects to be witty rather than relying on slapstick or its bizarre, absurd situational humor. The performances are uncomplicated, but does one ever really expect excellent performances from such a disorganized screenplay?
With 3,000 costumes tailored for the extras and principal actors of The Happiest Millionaire (250 were for the principal actors), Bill Thomas (1960′s Spartacus, 1971′s Bedknobs and Broomsticks) crafts gowns and suits for various occasions: casual, formal, sporting, professional. Thomas’ work helps the audience feel like they are embedded within this well-to-do family in the mid-1910s. The art direction by Carroll Clark (1933′s King Kong, Mary Poppins) and John B. Mansbridge (1965′s Those Calloways, 1982′s Tron) is as flamboyantly tacky as could be expected for showing the interior of an eccentric millionaire’s family residence – there is a lot of glass in this film.
Yet from a technical standpoint, this is the Sherman Brothers’ film. Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman combined to be the most prolific songwriting team in Hollywood – no other duo worked together for as many film musical scores as they did. The Happiest Millionaire is not the best entry from the Shermans in part because of the film’s lackluster screenplay. That is a high bar, however, for the songwriting brothers whose credits also include Mary Poppins, the Winnie the Pooh films from 1966-2000, numerous other Disney animated and live-action films, and extra-Disney productions including The Slipper and the Rose (1976). Immediately after the opening credits and overture, “Fortuosity” (a supposed neologism derived from “fortuitous” and is one of the songs played on rotation at Disney parks’ Main Street) describes John Lawless’ situation and personality in three minutes. The film never approaches that level of efficient musical characterization ever again – not even with the multiple musical quotations of “What’s Wrong With That?”, which is to Fred MacMurray as “The Life I Lead” was to David Tomlinson in Mary Poppins.
The more musically and narratively isolated songs serve their momentary purpose, with little function after they have completed. Some will elicit laughter, like “Watch Your Footwork” and “Bye-Yum Pum Pum”. Others are catchier or more musically interesting than others, such as “I’ll Always Be Irish” and especially John Davidson’s vocals in “Detroit”. Nevertheless, there are too many meandering clunkers (“Valentine Candy” and “It Won’t Be Long ‘Til Christmas”; the latter has hints of late nineteenth century American folk music in its woodwind section that would have been interesting to use in this film), with uninteresting musical phrases extended far past the point where they should resolve to the tonic.
Appearing at the roughly around the one-hour mark for The Happiest Millionaire’s, “Are We Dancing?” does not have the lyrical genius and the poetic personification of Mary Poppins’ “Feed the Birds”, nor has it imprinted itself into the public consciousness to the extent of the Winnie the Pooh theme. Its lyrical imperfections and lack of cultural impact aside, I don’t recall a Sherman Brothers for a Disney film being orchestrated as gorgeously as “Are We Dancing?” (if we want to open it up to their non-Disney careers, then it rivals “He/She Danced with Me” from The Slipper and the Rose). Every section of the orchestra – whether it is the string instruments doubling John Davidson and Lesley Ann Warren’s lyrics or the woodwinds and brass providing a heavenly lift in three-quarter time – is providing some of the lushest harmonies ever heard in a Disney song. Within the film, “Are We Dancing?” – you guessed it – is Cordy and Angie’s first dance, where love begins to a waltz’s pulse. Some, including Cordy before she begins dancing, might consider that old-fashioned. Like she and numerous characters in movie history who have waltzed on-screen, she changes her tune by music’s end.
When The Happiest Millionaire premiered at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood on an early summer day in 1967, the occasion became less of a movie premiere and more of a testimonial to Walt Disney, who passed away that last December and had seen a rough cut of the film that would be bitterly contested by his successors. The Happiest Millionaire was the final film Disney personally oversaw and, in its most complete form, remains the longest film to be released under the banner of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (excluding Hollywood, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Miramax, Pixar, and Touchstone). Following its Hollywood premiere, The Happiest Millionaire was released as a roadshow. The roadshow theatrical release, popular in the 1950s and ‘60s but largely having run its course by the ‘70s, was where a film would first open in a major city before going “on the road” – a film that debuted in Los Angeles or New York City would then premiere in another large city for limited showings (perhaps one or two performances a day for select days during the week). Only after the completion of this roadshow would the film be released across the United States, typically shorn of some scenes that only appeared in the “roadshow release”.  Roadshow films were typically longer, containing an overture, an intermission, an entr’acte, and occasionally closing music. It is the roadshow release version that viewers should seek – the roadshow version is available on DVD (VHS and all formats prior to DVD have shortened theatrical cuts) and, hopefully, will be on Disney’s streaming upcoming service.
By the time The Happiest Millionaire premiered, roadshow releases were on the wane. Studios executives (including Disney, which led him to produce The Happiest Millionaire after the triumph of Mary Poppins), inspired by the financial success of such musicals from the early- and mid-1960s, believed these movie musicals to be their answer to shifting winds in Hollywood. They would, as a post-Walt Walt Disney Studios learned, be mistaken. Any notions that Walt Disney Studios could ever challenge the Hollywood studio stalwarts seemed unlikely. The Happiest Millionaire, for those who temper their expectations and are interested in the final Disney film with any connection to Walt himself, is a flawed effort saved only by a selection of its musical performances and songs found within.
My rating: 6/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
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fanficqueen306 · 5 years
The Devotion of Light and the Allure of Darkness
Normally I would not post chapters on here but I want to try and reach more of you guys with this story. I will put the links to the rest of it at the bottom. I hope you all enjoy this! :) 
Chapter 1: Men and Monsters
When we are children our parents teach us right from wrong. Or they are meant to anyway. In the end, children often see the world in black and white... Good and Evil, Men and Monsters. But, as we grow older we start to learn that there is much more to the world. That sometimes, something that we were raised to believe, was not as set in stone as we first thought, we learn that life is fluid. The balance is ever changing, yet man always tries to change the scales with talk of light as they add a coin to the dark. But then again, life is an ever changing balance...
It was just my luck that I had the worst taste in men. And I'm not just talking about the typical bad boys who are good for nothing and like to push me around, though I have had a lot of those in my life. No, I had also dated guys who were wonderful and sweet who did everything to make me happy, but they always seemed to love me more than I did them. However, I guess that's not so much bad taste as bad judgement. Whatever it is though, I never thought that it would lead me here.
Here, being the middle of nowhere Ohio, in a downpour of bitterly cold rain... Again, just my luck.
You see everything had started out good, maybe too good, I had found a guy that seemed to be the perfect mix of bad boy and good. His name was Zane Porter. He was a rather good looking guy who had forest green eyes that always shined with some kind of mischief. He was a lawyer, one of those guys that with one look you would think that he was born in a suit. But something most wouldn't know was that he was in to fast cars and had a 1969 Boss 429 Mustang. It was an electric blue with black leather seats that were a soft and buttery.
Man, I loved that car... But, not anymore. I think if I ever saw that car again I may be sick.
Here, running from that car... From that man, no, not man, monster. Someday I would look back on my definition of a monster and he would still be at the top of the list... But today, I was running, the bitterly cold rain doing little for my bruised and aching body. No, the only thing it did was cover the tears as I cried.
I knew he would follow me. After all, I got away, but for how long? If I didn't find some help soon I knew he would get me, and this time I would never get away from him. I can't tell you how, I just felt it deep in my bones. As a rather angry bolt of lighting struck the sky, lighting my dark world for a moment, that was all I needed to see a man and women up ahead of me at what must have been a crossroad. Why anyone was standing out in the middle of all this I don't know and I can tell you I didn't care.
I pushed my body just a little harder praying not for the first time that night, though this time it was that I was not seeing things, and that whoever I was seeing would help me.
I had been so lost in my head that I ran right into the rather attractive brunet. I have no idea how I didn't take us both down but maybe she was just stronger then she looked. Or I was weaker.
"What the fuck!" The women cussed trying to pry my hands from her shirt.
"Please, you have to help me!" I begged not letting go of the women; I feared if I did my knees would give out.
The women look a mix of confused and uncaring as she said to me, "You'll have to get in line, sweetheart. I already have one paying customer and you ain't it."
I had no idea what she meant even as she and I both looked over at the man who seemed to have no idea what to do with our exchange. In the time I was looking away, the women was able to remove my hands from her, dropping them and watching with a raised brow as I dropped to the soft muddy ground. Stepping over me and asking the man if they had a deal.
"But you have to help me! He's going to find me again I just know it!" I begged looking between the man and women.
I continued to beg as I did my best to pull myself up even going so far as to grab the man's leg when he looked down at me. The women sent me a dirty look.
"Stop distracting my client!" She hissed at me, before turning back and asking once again if they had a deal.
The man took one last look at me and then looked at the women, calling her a demon, giving her a yes. In a moment so quick you would think it never happened she kissed him.
"See you in ten years, Doll." She smirked and snapped her fingers and the man was gone.
Just gone, poof like some kind of magicians magic act. Except there were no trap doors, no smoke or mirrors, he was just gone like he had never been there at all. Just as I was trying to make some sense of what I just saw, the women or demon turned to me with a bored look.
"Now I wish I could help you, Doll, but you didn't summon me. And well demon or not, it's the rules, maybe next time though." She straightened up looking for all the world like she would disappear just like she had made the man.
"Please..." I wimpred one last time looking up at the women.
"Now what's all this?" An accented man's voice sounded from behind me.
Both myself and the Demon women looked at the man who had just appeared out of nowhere. The man, who I guess was a Demon too, and oh God I must have lost my mind, Demons... But, I guess at this point that's better then Zane getting his hand on me again. I shivered at the thought. The Demon was dressed in an expensive dark blue suit with a matching overcoat, and if I had been in my right mind, I would have said he was rather hot. He had a bit of a beard and a mustache, but unlike most men it fit him, he also had a full head of dark hair that was plasted to his head.
"Crowley, I was just saying goodbye to the little pet. Came running in on my deal." The Demon women said with both a verbal and physical eyeroll.
"Help me... Please..." I felt like it was rather hopeless, but I didn't think I had it in me to get up and keep moving.
Crowley looked down at me and at first the look on his face and in his eyes said he was bored with all of this already. And then his eyes moved down my body slowly, taking in my ripped leggings and the bruises that I'm sure were starting to develop on my face and wrists, that's when the look in his eyes changed though his face didn't. Somehow they became both soft and full of fury, then they snapped back up to the women beside me.
"Leave." He said in a commanding tone that had the women gone without protest.
I looked up at him fearfully, after all, what if he wanted to hurt me too? I don't know that I could get away a second time, I didn't even know how I did it the first. But I knew my strength was failing me when I very well may need it again.
But then he walked slowly to me kneeling down to touch my face "Oh Dove, what happened to you?"
Something about his soft voice made me feel safe like nothing was ever going to hurt me again though I wasn't so naive as to believe it, I let it take the fight out of me. My eyes rolling back in my head just as an even angier bolt of lighting fractured the sky in two.
I hope you all love this new story as much as I do!! You all can thank @Polkadottedgiraffe11for the idea and editing on this story! Leave a review and let me now what you think!
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rafaelthompson · 3 years
10 Minutes With Bev Tumi Makhubele And Naledi Yaziyo
We spoke with the founders of Rofhiwa Book Café, a Black-owned business and community hub coming to East Durham, N.C.
Cover photo taken as a screenshot of Rofhiwa’s Kickstarter campaign
Coming soon to Old East Durham, N.C., Rofhiwa is a book café and community hub, which hosts a lovingly curated collection of Black and African literature and imagination. Rofhiwa means “we have been given” in Tshivenda, a South African language, and the business features a rotating lineup of coffee from Black roasters, with books for sale from Black and African authors all around the world, including children’s literature, too. Founders Bev Tumi Makhubele and Naledi Yaziyo have dreamed up a book café invigorated by the Black entrepreneurial spirit of East Durham. 
Bev at work at the future site of Rofhiwa, at the corner of Angier and Driver in East Durham. Photo by Naledi Yaziyo.
Rofhiwa (pronounced Ro-Fee-Wah), has been years in the making. Bev, who is of Bapedi and Tsonga descent, says the idea grew from their book-collecting habit of finding rare and out-of-print books by Black authors like O.K. Matsepe. After visiting a Black-owned café in D.C., and later with the passing of their grandmother, Bev was moved to connect their book collection with the idea of a community coffee shop.
In 2018, they moved to Durham and started looking for a location to house their vision. When they met Naledi, a grad student of Xhosa descent (Nelson Mandela’s linguistic group), in the Ph.D. program in Cultural Anthropology at Duke, the two realized they had a common understanding of the specific type of book café they wanted to curate—one in which the books could “talk to each other.” Naledi joined the project as curator. Bev and Naledi launched a Kickstarter for Rofhiwa on December 3. If all goes as planned, the grand opening will be in March. I was honored to connect with both Bev and Naledi over Zoom, where we chatted for over an hour and covered so much ground around books, coffee, and the experimental vision they have for Rofhiwa. Be sure to visit their Kickstarter campaign here, donate, and share the cause.
This interview has been condensed for brevity.
Mark Van Streefkerk: Tell me a little about the vision for Rofhiwa and how it started.
Bev Tumi Makhubele: It started as a book collection. I’m a book collector. I try to find rare, out-of-print, and hard-to-find titles—Black and African. I thought that one day I’d get old and put it in a room somewhere in my house and open it up to people to come and browse and borrow books as they needed. In 2013-2014, I went to this book café in (Washington) D.C. called Sankofa. It’s right across from Howard University. I really liked the vibe of the place. In 2017 my grandmother died. That was the big galvanizing event. That’s when I started to think about, “What if Rofhiwa were more than just a room somewhere later on in my life? What might it look like now in this moment?” That’s when I started to piece together that I could make it a book café.
I acquired the words for what I wanted it to feel like when I met Naledi (in 2019). Really what I wanted was to have books that yes, come from everywhere in the Black world, but I wanted them to be in conversation with each other. I wanted books that talked to each other. When we met and I told her about it, it just made sense.
Naledi Yaziyo: What attracted me to Rofhiwa was it sounded very close to the way I had experienced libraries in South Africa. My mother’s a librarian, and I had grown up in libraries. I’d go with her to the library. These were libraries in Black neighborhoods, previously segregated Black neighborhoods, and this is the late ‘90s which is early days of South Africa’s democracy, so a lot of libraries were being built in areas that didn’t have access to libraries before because the Apartheid state just didn’t care to give Black people books. Or they were resourced in a way that was very intentional, because also a lot of books were banned. Often in those neighborhoods the library was also doubling up as a community center. People would have meetings in libraries. They weren’t these silent spaces. Parents were very curious about the libraries so sometimes they would just literally take their child by the hand and take them to the librarian and say, “They need to read something.” I recall how my mother, with this very eclectic mix of things, was often having to make bundles of books from things that weren’t otherwise related. She was always doing this thing of making books talk to each other. That’s what immediately came to mind as Bev was telling me about this; I was like, “Yes!”
Let’s talk about Rofhiwa’s location.
Bev: It’s either right on the border of, or it truly was, in the historic Hayti district. It was an independent Black district in Durham. The intersection where we’re at is like a Black district of its own now. There’s a Black-owned pharmacy, Black-owned commissary and diner, Black-owned screen printing shop, barbers, there’s so many things happening down there. It feels like we are recuperating something of the commercial and entrepreneurial spirit of Black Durham. We’ve had a lot of folks message us and say, “It’s good to see that corner alive again.”
How are you building your coffee program?
Bev: We definitely want to have multiple roasters in our retail space. We have been very fortunate to get samples from so many different places. We got some samples from Three Keys in Texas. Naledi’s a big fan. We’ve got some samples from I Love Cute Coffee in California … (Candy Schibli, at Southeastern Roastery, was) one of the first people I reached out to and one of the first to respond. Chris (McAuley, of Getchusomegear) is a beautiful person and has been so gracious in facilitating our learning journey. We love coffee, but haven’t always had opportunities to learn about coffee. In the last three months Naledi and I and Chris and Chelsea (Thoumsin) have sat down for cuppings and we’re acquiring language for notes. I’m interested in Black people becoming interested in coffee through Rofhiwa. Naledi and I have talked about what it might be like to facilitate cuppings in South Africa in other languages.
Attending a virtual cupping with Chris McAuley and Chelsea Thoumsin. Photo by Bev Tumi Makhubele.
Naledi: I know how this tastes in a language that’s not English! Now you’ve got me describing this to you in English and I’m feeling very limited and it’s frustrating. I was thinking about how you could do a cupping in isiXhosa or any other language and how the coffee might come out tasting in a different language.
Bev: How do you return Black folks to coffee? One of the things we all say is, “As soon as a coffee shop comes to your hood, you know that it’s gone. That’s the end of your hood.” It sucks because coffee’s Black. You get your coffee from Ethiopia, that’s coffee heartland. So many amazing roasters in Kenya, in Ghana. There’s so much more to coffee than this thing white people drink. I’m very interested in returning Black folks to coffee, I’m interested in how Black people drink coffee.
Naledi: I’m interested in making coffee speak different languages, whether that’s in South Africa or East Durham. I think there’s a way to have coffee and describe coffee that doesn’t have to be in a language inaccessible to someone like me.
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mark Van Streefkerk is Barista Magazine’s social media content developer and a frequent contributor. He is also a freelance writer, social media manager, and novelist based out of Seattle. If Mark isn’t writing, he’s probably biking to his favorite vegan restaurant. Find out more on his website.
The post 10 Minutes With Bev Tumi Makhubele And Naledi Yaziyo appeared first on Barista Magazine Online.
10 Minutes With Bev Tumi Makhubele And Naledi Yaziyo published first on https://espressoexpertsite.tumblr.com/
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fireofmyloins19 · 7 years
Secrets and Lies - part two
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(Part one)
Thomas Shelby - Secrets and Lies part two
They were happy, attractive and successful,the epitome of a perfect couple. One which everyone dreams to have and loves to see, but he should have known she would always be a liar; secretive and sly. Grace had seemed like the answer to his freedom, the one thing that would bring back a part of the man he was before the war. Now he knew Grace was never his answer, just his distraction. A distraction from the girl who had always been his answer, but he had allowed himself to forget as he couldn’t bare to admit his biggest mistake of causing her to leave.  And it was only when he saw her name and face again that he was forced to admit this to himself. He had allowed himself to remember.
He was past caring who else in the house could hear the argument about erupt when he stormed into their bedroom, the golden handle of the door cracking against the wall as he threw it open. She sat on the edge of the bed, papers scattered out in front of her with a smile on her face at his arrival, too familiar with his rage to realise it was aimed at her.
“Why the fuck are you getting involved with business that is nothing to do with you?”
“And what business would that be?”
A small smile still played on her lips which only made him angier but it was clear she was beginning to worry now, he could almost see her mind running through scenarios that he may be referring to.
“She was a part of my life before you, before all of this” he threw his arms into the air gesturing towards their grand bedroom with its fine interior, showing what ‘this’ was. His voice began to rise and break with anger at the sound of himself merely referring to her, “You don’t get to be involved with anything to do with her, you don’t hide shit from me and you certainly don’t try and control my fucking life”
Rather than becoming apologetic, her face became rather cold. Her eyes boring into his having never been afraid on the man stood before her and knowing she could usually talk her way out of anything with him, she didn’t see now as being any different.
“Our life Tommy.” she paused, watching his crazed eyes and heavy breaths as he towered in front of her before simply looking back down to her paperwork, “but I have no idea what you’re talking about”
She waited for a moment, flicking through the papers as though to attempt to look preoccupied and uninterested in the conversation but eagerly waiting for his reply, the silence making her nervous and unwilling to look towards his face. But soon enough she didn’t need to, the answer crashing down onto the bed in front of her.
“That’s what I’m fucking talking about”
The scrunched up section of newspaper she remembered very well lay there, having been retrieved from the draw she had attempted to hide it in. She didn’t look at him, simply stared at the words, reading them over and over. The anger coursing through her body at the sight of your name, whilst an unusual heart wrenching pain resided in Tommy having caught a glimpse of the page again.
“James Marques, Duke of Kent and Y/N Y/L/N, soon to be Duchess of Kent, are due to be married on the 15th of March 1924 at Hampton Court, the ceremony will be family only.”
You took your time pinning up the last few strands of your hair while you gazed into the mirror, blankly looking ahead as you no longer concentrated on your reflection or your movements, deep in thought and buying yourself time.
“Darling we’ve really got to go downstairs, my guests are arriving and we must be there to welcome them”
“Yes sorry, I’ll be there in a moment”
You smiled at him through the mirror at he stood by the door, the usual look of worry and haste on his face as he hurried you before rushing out of the room. You let the smile dropped instantly, a big sigh leaving your mouth as you fixed the final piece of hair in place and heaved yourself from the seat, brushing down your far too expensive satin dress before making your way to your children’s room.
“And what do we have here?”
Both their heads shot up in your direction when you spoke cheerfully, almost singing your words as you smiled down at them whilst they gripped onto the same book with their little hands, trying to read together. Their attention for the book was lost immediately, dropping it in unison and both jumping up at you squealing. You couldn't help but falling into a fit of laughter and you knelt down with your arms wide for an embrace, not thinking twice about the stupid fancy dress you wore. You placed a kiss on each of their foreheads, making an exaggerated kissing noise as you did so which made them giggle more before grabbing each of their cheeks playfully as they grinned.
“Right my loves it’s time for bed”
You noticed the pouts instantly appearing on their faces but they went without arguing, both scrambling up the side of their beds and tucking the duvets close to their faces. You did your usual routine, walking to your daughters bed side first and crouching down to plant a soft kiss on her head, brushing her dark loose curls from her face. She stared up at you with a sweet smile, the little dimples on her cheeks appearing. She reminded you of him so much. The eyes. Thankfully, your son didn’t have those eyes. You had considered this would have been somewhat worse, a clone of his father.
“Night sweetheart”
She mumbled good night back as you got up, moving to your sons bed and crouching down to give him a kiss also.
“Yes darling?”
“Why does dad always have friends at our house”
His curiosity confused you for a moment but when you caught sight of his face you realised it wasn’t curiosity, more upset at the fact. You brushed your finger gently across his cheek whilst his head rested into the pillow, looking up at you with innocent eyes.
“You father is a very busy man, It’s sort of his job to have his friends at our house. You’ll see him tomorrow love, I promise”
You were unsure whether your reassurance helped but you hoped it had, planting a final kiss on his forehead as he too snuggled into the sheets to sleep. You took a deep breath trying to hide the worry on your face at the situation, not wanting your children to see you too weren’t fond of your soon to be husbands constant dinners you had to attend. Quickly creeping around the door and closing it softly behind you, you finally made your way down the stairs. Only to be greeted by your fiances forced smiled as he tried to hide his annoyance at you being late, from both you and the guests around him.
“Ah darling you’re finally here. Come, take a seat.”
He got up and pulled out your chair. You gave a small smile to the men and women sat at your table, each dressed in fine attire with jewelry that glistened around the room as the light bounced off the many gems swarming their fingers and necks. You sat without saying a word, letting your fiance do the talking. The conversation soon picking up where it had left off, with you simply sat in silence smiling, not really listening. Your attention was completely elsewhere, in your own world. That was until the frantic cries erupted from the other side of the door. Footsteps and orders being bellowed through the corridor growing louder as they grew closer. The atmosphere of the room changed, the conversation grinding to a halt as everyone sat uneasy in their seats. Some half standing as though ready to make a run from the unknown, hands gripping the table amongst the delicate china.
Unlike the others, you were more afraid once the door actually opened. The man in his traditional grey suit, a peaked cap on his head and icy blue eyes that now stood before you, scared you a lot more than the shrieks of the unknown had on the other side of the door.
The sound of his voice saying your name made you feel physically sick, closing your eyes tight in the hope that if you couldn’t see him, it would all go away. You tried to steady your breathing, the voice that had haunted you in your sleep for the past few years now speaking your name right in front of you, causing all the painful memories you had pushed to the back of your mind to come racing back. For some reason that you couldn’t comprehend yourself, you opened your eyes. Maybe part of you wanting to reassure yourself he was actually there, part of you wanting to confront him, or maybe, part of you actually wanting to lay eyes on him again. You did nothing but stare, a cold hard stare of both anguish and awe. You could feel the others eyes on you, their heads turning from the crazed man stood before them back to you. But all you could focus on were his eyes.
“Is this him?”
You glanced to your fiance, hearing his words but unable to give a reply, simply looking back to Tommy who now stood with a offended look on his face, eyebrows raised as he stared at James as though to suggest he should know exactly who he was.
“Is this him?”
James repeated himself more sternly, pointing at Tommy now. All you could do was nod lightly, knowing what he meant by the question. Is this the man who broke your heart? Is this the man who had broke your trust? Is this the man who gave you your two beautiful children, still unbeknownst to him? You guessed it was this last thought that made James determined to get him out of the house, calling your guards as soon as you nodded. His face was full of more worry and intimidation than anger, knowing himself this man could take away what he regarded as family. Knowing if this man had the chance, he could probably take his place, which even you were reluctant to admit but knew it were true.
Tommy now stood in between two guards who had a hold of each arm, all he did were shake his head and laugh. A smug smile playing on his lips.
“How the hell did you find me?”
“Oh you know I’m capable. Very capable of a lot of things”
His words sent chills down your spine as he looked straight at you whilst he spoke, leaving you fighting against your anger towards him and disgust at his sureness, yet melting inside at the sound of his voice. You scoffed, giving him a disgusted look as he smiled towards you. You could tell he was drunk. His eyes slightly more vacant, if that was possible, and a wary look on his face as though tired but you could tell otherwise. The smell of the liquor was enough for the others around you to know.
“Yeah you are capable of a lot of things Tommy, like sleeping with other women behind my back”
You saw his jaw clench and face tense up, not having expected your directness and not wanting to relive that day. There was a moment of silence before he spoke, ignoring your previous comment and attempting to mock you instead.
“So, living amongst the snobs now are we? Part of the aristocracy. Never imagined I’d see this from you. A snob”
He laughed to himself, loosening his arms against the guards who did nothing to fight against him as he reached into his pocket nonchalantly to fetch a cigarette and match, lighting it swiftly. You glared at him, feeling slightly stupid now stood in that grand room across the excessively long table with the real snobs.
“Ahhh Y/N, Dutchess of Kent” he took a long drag of his cigarette as he watched your eyes grow wide, “mmm, the newspaper article. Funny what you find out when you actually take the time to read a newspaper, never seen the appeal in it myself but I may have to pick it up more often. Got a nice ring to it by the way”
You could feel the anger surging through you, rising to your cheeks as you grit your teeth. You wanted to hold it in. You didn’t want to give him the rise he was craving, the rise you told yourself you would never let him see and never allow yourself to feel but you were un capable of stopping yourself now you were here. You lunged forward, hands on the table as you opened your mouth ready to scream all the thoughts you had been consumed by late at night for all those years, until their little faces came into view.
Your daughter first, then your son. Lead into the room by the maid, a hand in each of hers as they cowered by her side looking around at the strangers in the room. Everyone’s heads turned to face them when yours did. That same nauseous feeling rising back from your stomach into your throat. You glanced to the side, not being able to hide the guilt and unease on your face as you attempted to study Tommy’s. His shock yet realisation clear.
“Gillian please, take the children back to bed”
You reached your arm out towards them, wanting to hold them and protect them but equally wanting to get them out of the situation as fast as you could.
“Vera, John, listen to mummy please go back to bed now”
You shut your eyes and cursed yourself under your breath, not having thought twice about saying your son’s name. You turned to Tommy, his eyebrow raised as though to question whether the choice in name was a coincidence but you knew he had realised the truth. If the name wasn’t enough of a clue then your daughters eyes were. Staring between you and Tommy, icy blue.
“How old have these kids got to be ey? 3? 4?”
“Come on kids please, go back to bed”
“Y/N, answer me.”
He looked stern now yet pleading, a hint of desperation in his eyes that you thought you should have felt bad for, yet all you felt was anger as your desperation began, trying to protect your children. You stormed around the table towards them, a hand on each of their backs to guide them towards the stairs while Tommy thrived in the guards arms.
“Give me a fucking age, if they’re by blood I deserve to know”
His voice was a roar now, echoing through the whole house as the guests looked on in horror. You spun around on the step leaving your children to hurry up them with the maid to hide in their room, away from the monster that was their father. You stalked towards him slowly as he calmed, his cap now laid on the floor and his hair lay a mess on top of his head. Beads of sweats ran along his face and dry blood lay across his knuckles from his forced entry. You shook your head, letting your eyes trail up and down his body until you met his stare again, letting your disappointment and disgust known.
“The only thing my children will ever share with you is a name on a family tree and those god forsaken eyes. Now get the fuck out of my house”
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imaginesofoverwatch · 7 years
Could you do genii and zenyatta (separate or poly whatever you prefer) finding out that their future s/o is stuck in an abusive relationship? And like the flinch when people try to give then high fives or fist bumps and stuff?
Again, didn`t specify so i`m doing small ficsI`m doing it separate cause i honestly do not know how to make it work in poly ;-; Btw, thanks for requesting! I fell asleep before i could finish the Zenyatta one haha
You had just gotten done with a mission and was on your way out of the hq to your car, when Genji came running up to you“Hey, you did really well today!” Genji said in a cheerful tone, lifting his hand to smack you across the face, you closed your eyes, preparing for impactWhen you didn`t feel anything you opened one eye and saw that Genji was actually just holding his fhand up for a high five… Oh…You let your hand smack his, letting him lower his hand, so that it didn`t start getting awkward… Never mind, it was pretty awkward already.“So, i wanted to see if you maybe wanted to go out for ramen this thursday?” Genji said, completely ignoring that whole… awkward moment that happened just now“I`m sorry Genji, but i`m in a relationship at the moment” You laughed nervously, Genji`s posture changed slightly to one that seemed a little less, confident.“Oh, Sorry! I didn`t know,” Genji apolagized looking down scratching his neck, even though he probably didnt need to, he was part machine..“It`s fine Genji!” You smiled, It was nice, he kind of made you forget why you were outside.To be honest you dreaded going home… More than anything..“By the way, why have you never told anyone about your relationship? I mean.. Are you guys a new couple or..?” Genji asked, genuinely curious, and maybe onto something..“We`re… Kind of… It`s complicated.” You said, your mind reaching for ways to exuse yourself out of the conversation.“Anyway, i need to go home, bye” You waved, stepping into your car..Fuck… You couldn`t let him find out.. this was the only way out…Once you got home beer bottles littered the floor, on the couch was your partner, passed out..A vodka bottle on the coffee table. Time to clean…
Once you managed to clean everything up without waking your partner, you had to go grocery shopping.This was the only part of your chores you liked, cooking.It was always fun to think of what to make, looking up new recepies to try.Today, you wanted to make lasanga. You mostly made things with meat cause your partner could yell if you didn`t make anything he liked, and all his favorites were meats…Once you got home again you notice that the sleeping figure wasn`t on the couch anymore.
“Where have you meen? Bich” Your partner screamed from the kitchen in slurred words..“I had to make dinner mysellf!” They yelled, you bearly had anything in the fridge.. whatever they made… can`t be good..Come on! Eat. They came over and grabbed your arm, dragging you to the kitchen. they sat you down in front of a plate of… soup? on a plate?You stared at the… concauction.. not sure if it was safe to eat or not…“Eat.” They demanded again.. Their voice more threatening.. when you didn`t start eating they got up.. uh ohThey grabbed your spoon forcefully and forced a spoonfull of their “food” down your throat. That tasted fucking horrible..“Don`t fucking pull that trick again now eat.” They yelled. God no… I think i`m going to throw up..You did just that, throw up on the carpet, which you had to clean afterwards..What was in that thing??“You ungratefull little fucking brat, you think you can just do that to me?"They yelled at you, kicking your side. It fucking hurt, but that was probably because they had already bruised your sides..
After a night of hell, you were back at the headquarters… But a lot more covered in clothes..¨You greeted your co-workers before reporting to the office. "Hi, S/O, your old uniform is a little… ragged so we got you a new one.” Morrison announced to you, giving you a box“You can change in the lockers, i`ll send someone to see how it fits you to make sure its good” you nodThis can`t be that bad, it`s just a new uniform!
It is bad… Holy fuck is it bad… It showed off part of your arms before covering the rest with gloves.. fuck, you could see the bruises..you sighed, pulling a jacket over your arms..You walk outside of the lockers to find Genji standing there“Hello! The new uniform looks amazing on you! but what`s with the jacket?” Genji asked, a single sweatdrop rolled down your face. fuck“I just think the parts around my arms don`t fit correctly…"I partially lied, i mean they did FIT, but not like how i wish they were..Genji was in your face in a blink, "Well i guess i`ll have to see the part around your arms then”“n..no it looks horrible, it`s embarassing” You liedgenji tugged on your jacket, exposing a part of your arms, before throwing it off you“Why are you so bruised?” Genji asked, inspecting your arms“You know, being in battle and all that” You tried to lie your way out of it“Yes, but Angela and her team could easily fix this…” Genji then stopped inspecting your arms and went to face you, staring straight into your eyes.“Was this done by that "partner” you haven`t told any one about?“ Genji asked, keeping his cool.”… no" You whispered
“Do not lie to me..” Genji said, lifting your chin to look at him“Yes.. it was them..” you said, like a guilty child found in the middle of the act of something they weren`t supposed to do.“Why did you not tell anyone? This is horrible… you don`t deserve being treated like… this!” Genji said, for the first time ever, you saw him even remotely angry..You just frowned not having any words to say..“Look.. you don`t need them if they act like this towards you, leave them” Genji said, sounding like he was pleading“But.. i don`t have anywhere else to go! I live with them” you semi yelled, not because you were angry, you just felt miserable in this talk..“I`ll make some agreement with Morrison, or at least take you into my home! I don`t want you going back to a house with someone like that waiting for you..” Genji said, his voice actually sounded like he was about to breakdown..“Why do through the trouble for me? you dont have to..” You said looking away“Yes, i dont have to, but i want to. So let me help you” Genji pleaded, taking your face and facing it towards himself“Why?” You quivered.. why would he care so much?Genji looked away for a second, detaching a part of his face plate, his face showing.. You have never actually seen genji`s face, heck, you didn`t even know he still had a human one.He then pressed his lips against yours, at first you were taken back, but soon melted into it..
Genji ended up finding a really cheap apartment, big enough for two, you two moved inn and started dating immediatlyHe made sure to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are each day, to remind you that this is what a good relationship is like.
You had decided, you couldn`t just keep going in a relationship like this…So you made up your mind, you were going to tell Zenyatta, he was pretty much your best friend.Plus, he is so calm in any situation, so he probably has some good solutions.How do you tell someone you`re in a abusive relationship?Pou sigh, this is going to be harder than you thought, but you were up for the challenge, for once.Just need to find out when you and him can be alone, toghether for long enough…The day went by and you still hadn`t found a way… damn..That`s when your phone buzzed, it was a text from your partner..“You`re going to be home alone. Don`t fuck over the house while i`m gone bitch.” Ugh…i just resonded with “fine”, no need to making angier than he already always is..
You came up with the brilliant idea of inviting Zenyatta over to your house!You looked around, hoping to spot the omnic and to your luck, he was on the other side of the room, talking to Genji.You walked up to them “Hi Zen, Hi Genji” You waved to them, a smile on your lips, this might be your only chance.They both turned to you and said hello at the same time.“Hey, uhm, Genji, I need to talk to Zen for a bit, is it fine if you..” You trailed of“Haha, Of course, i was just about to go and bring something up with Jesse, Bye S/o, Bye Master”You and Zen both waved him off“So, what was you needed to talk about, S/o?” Zenyatta said, turning his attention to you.“It`s kind of private, you could come over to my house and we could talk there?” You asked, unsure if he`d be interested“Sure, I`ll come over, but i don`t really now your address..” Zenyatta Said, laughing slightly“Oh, are you doing anything for the rest of the day?” You asked Zenyatta“No” Zenyatta replied, you smiled, great!“Then i can just drive you over to mine now, i`m not doing anything else today anyway” You smiled, finally!“Ok then, i`ll follow you” Zenyatta nodded, you turned and started walk out the exit, Zenyatta following behind you
Once you both had gotten home is when you remembered, what if the place is littered with beer bottles…You cross your fingers as you open the door, the smell of beer hitting you in the face“I didn`t take you as this much of a drinker” Zenyatta said, looking inside seeing all the bottles.“No, those are my partners… They have a drinking problem.” You sighed, and started cleaing up.You then heard the sound of mettal hitting glass, You turned around to see Zenyatta picking up bottles too.“You don`t need to help me” You said, but still grateful, Zenyatta is too good for this world“Of course, i want to.” Zenyatta replied, “where shall i out them?” Zenyatta asked you“I`ll show you” You smiled, he followed you to the kitchen where you had a big black garbage bag, You just threw the bottles in there and washed your hands.“Now, What did you want to talk about?” Zenyattan finally asked“My partner… They are… Horrible to me” You said, better to get it over with, talking about it is the hardest part.“I guessed so… by the bottles… Why have you not left them?” Zenyatta asked“They threaten to hurt themselves if i dont…"You said looking at the omnic, A frown playing on your lips"They need help, they are probably dealing with their own problems, I`m not justifying the fact that he is adusing you.. But i think he needs professional help” Zenyatta concluded, you had never thought about it that way… huh“Then how?"You asked "How to we get them help?"You asked, you still cared about your "partner” even though they were horrible, you just kept thinking back to the start of the relationship. They were so nice and everything was fantastic.“Well just call the psychiatric hospital, It`s the best we can do for them” Zenyatta said.You nodded, hugging the omnic.His arms wraped around you and you two stayed like that for a while.“What about this house? Will you be able to keep it?"Zenyatta asked."Yup, my partner didn`t have a job actually, it was me paying the rent..” You sighed, happy that your bad way of living is over.
Later, you and Zenyatta started visiting eachother more, He even helped you paint your house, You wanted to renovate.Zenyatta then moved inn with after a year of dating, and you two are both so happy toghether.
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem: Fates Request
Requester: World Collision Anon
Prompt: How do you think the Awakening kids (retainers???) would react to Robin joining the army            
Notes: I did this as if Robin didn’t know them, kind of like when you do the amiibo Robin battle. Maybe even Robin before they even meet Chrom or anything. (ALSO IF ANYONE WANTS TO REQUESTS THIS BUT SUPER ANGSTY WHERE ROBIN IS THEIR PARENT OR SPOUSE HMU)
Laslow would be incredibly shocked, but the best at keeping his composure. He might show just for a moment that something is up, as his jaw drops and his eyes flash with recognition, but he’d immediately regain his composure and greet Robin with his usual charming smile and a shake or kiss of the hand, depending on Robin’s gender. He’ll watch them for a while, see if they show any signs of recognition towards him or anything of the sort but it’s obvious to him pretty quickly that Robin has no idea who he is. Laslow’s not upset with Robin by any means, but every time he interacts with them it leaves him feeling a little farther from home. He cries a little about it, alone in his tent one night, but otherwise doesn’t show much of a reaction to anyone else - not even Odin or Selena.
Odin is a little more obvious than Laslow, but as he’s always a bit quirky and over-the-top no one really expects anything. He talks about ‘coming from another world’ and drops plenty of hints in front of Robin that everyone else just takes for him being his usual unorthodox self. So it’s pretty clear to him when Robin not only seems to completely lack understanding in what he’s saying, but is also surprised by his mannerisms, that they don’t remember him at all. Odin hates to admit that that hurts and his disappointment is kind of obvious, but no one really understands why. Seeing Robin makes him think of home a lot, which makes him think of his mother and his parents, which is incredibly bitter-sweet for him. Though Odin might talk to Selena and Laslow a bit about Robin being here when he’s sure they’re alone he otherwise seems to go back to normal around everyone else.
Selena is the most emotional about it, but because of how she always is no one can really tell. She doesn’t introduce herself to Robin or anything, and just watches from a distance, wondering what they’re doing here, and how they got here. It becomes obvious to Selena that Robin doesn’t remember anything about her or the others which actually really upsets her. She denies it for a bit, but that stage doesn’t last long at all. She’s just a bit angier than usual for a while after that because somehow having someone from her past just not know anything about her really stings? Like it was nice to have them there and the little hope she let herself have got crushed, which she curses herself for too. Selena tries to avoid Robin as much as she can and gets grumpy whenever one of the other two tries to mention it to her.
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thornburgrealty · 6 years
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