#he‘s so important to so many people
rafesslxt · 17 days
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[ aftercare ] ― oh he would be the sweetest boy after sex – running you a bath after a long and intense session, using your favorite bathing stuff so you can relax in it
[ body part ] ― he loves everything on your body but especially your neck, hips, stomach and ass. All soft skin for him to taste. On his own body he likes his stomach, trained abs and v lines
[ cum ] ― also would go feral seeing his cum on you - loves it when you swallow
[ desires ] ― He‘s a switch so when he‘s in control he gets turned on by seeing you tembling under his touch
When he‘s sub oh boy – he‘s a moaning mess as soon as you start whispering dirty things into his ear and how you wanna ride his cock. "Shit baby, please.. let‘s go to my dorm, need you."
[ experience ] ― he would be quiete experienced even tho he seems shy to many he just knows how to seduce the girls and lure them in. He has a lot one night stands but always makes it clear from the start that this is a one time thing
[ first time ] ― he was quiete a mess with all these new feelings and sensations on his body
[ grooming ] ― completly shaved - i can‘t explain why
[ horny ] ― oh sex is defined important to him and he would be horny all the time especially with you as his girlfriend by his side. Just a look at your skirt would be enough to have him turned on in his seat. Just 2 days without sex and he would have blue balls already
[ intimacy ] ― he can do both – romantic and casual. Depends on his partner and his relationship with them. If it‘s just a fling he would be more casual but If he‘s with his gf then he would do romantic stuff like candles and rose petals all over to floor
[ joker ] ― he would be clumsy sometimes and is able to laugh with you while having sex
[ kinks ] ― he has so many and is open to experimenting with you from all possible positions to any kind of kink. He would love being a sub from time to time, has a classic daddy kink, breeding kink, orgasm control, edging, tying yours or his hands up to the bed and so on – kinky little baby
[ locations ] ― he loves to do it in front of people but in a way no one notices. He would make you cockwarming him under a blanket while you‘re in the common room with the rest of the gang, slowly circling your hips. He would whisper in your ear. "Hmm If you continue moving I‘m gonna drag you to your dorm or fuck you over the desk in front of us, you want that, doll?"
[ masturbation ] ― he loves to do it with you together or when he knows he‘s not allowed to and lets himself get caught just so you punish him. But sometimes he would be a good boy and not touch himself, begging under you. "hmm baby please I‘ve been such a good boy. I didn‘t even touch myself!“
[ no go ] ― knife play. He likes slapping you or grabbing you harshly If you like it too but knife play would be a no go. Not because of the blood but because of the pain and knowing he could leave scars
[ oral ] ― a munch like Mattheo. He would beg you to eat you out, begging for your pussy to ride his face but he also enjoys getting a blowjob
[ positions ] ― 69 for sure so he can pleasure you while you suck his cock, also you riding him while he sucks on your nipples and watching you bounce up and down on him
[ quickies ] ― he would use every chance to do them between classes, in the bathroom in the broomsticks, before quidditch practice, before a quidditch game, while throwing a party in the common room so no one notices you‘re gone for too long
[ rounds ] ― high stanima since he‘s playing sports. He would go round for round until you‘re all sensetive and he would make you come over and over again until you‘re a whimpering mess beneath him. "Just one more baby, I promise.. just one more time, for me.“
[ secrets ] ― panty thief for sure. When you two are just friends and he has a crush on you, he would steal them when you‘re not looking or falling asleep while doing a movie marathon with him
[ toys ] ―he would love teasing your pulsating clit with your vibrator. "oh baby what was that? Can‘t hear you over all these pretty little noises."
But also when you use a cockrimg on him so he couldn‘t come "oh fuck please baby let me come. I need to come so fucking bad, oh shit –" he would be a whimpering mess when you start the vibrating mode.
[ underwear ] ― black is simple but would make him go crazy
[ volume ] ― let‘s be honest – he‘s definitely vocal doesn‘t matter If he‘s dom or sub in that moment. "God your pussy is so fucking tight baby, feel you milking my cock – merlin"
[ watch ] ― he would share you but only with his closest friends and when you really want to. He also enjoys watching you touching yourself – sometimes it‘s a punishment for him when he‘s a bad boy
[ xxx ] ― barely - cause of all the quickies you two have
[ yearning ] ― i feel like he would be a tease and try to get a reaction out of you until you can‘t tale it anymore
[ zzz ] ― he would cuddle with you and then drifting of to sleep with you together
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[ this is how I see Enzo, you don‘t have to like or agree 🤍 ]
thank you for reading and supporting 🫶🏻 heres my masterlist
taglist: @little-miss-naill @itsarajr @hisparentsgallerryy @littlemadamred @ummmmmmm-username @jeannie-beannie @belle-blue @sagetakami @simp-for-fantasy [send me a message If you wanna get removed from taglist]
xoxo sarah <3
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pandoraslxna · 11 months
Sweet like Cherry – Chapter 3
Miles Quaritch x female human reader
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Words: 5.1k
Summary: Miles has a secret admirer and apparently, she has a thing for photography.
Warnings: explicit smut, conflicted emotions, mentions of murder, dirty talk, praise & degradation, vaginal fingering, clit slapping, begging, virgin reader, obsession, authority kink, power play
Notes: if this reads like a I’m a villain fucker it’s because I am
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Miles Quaritch is everything your mother had conditioned you to hate in a person.
He's rude, you’re reminded every time he throws out insults and sarcastic comments like they're candy at a parade. He's disrespectful, you think, when he never has a good word to say about anyone who’s not an authority figure. And he‘s a narcissistic prick, you realize his high sense of own importance whenever he strolls through hallways and enters a room like he owns the place, not caring about anything or anyone that isn’t himself.
No, he certainly isn’t a good man. He's probably killed way more people than you could even count on both hands. But he did it for his country and mankind and all that stuff, and apparently that kind of murder is considered honorable. Still, there's no way Quaritch is anywhere close to being good.
At first, you liked to imagine he is; that he's got an actual heart where his badge of honor was. But if you've been hired by the government to do shady shit on another planet, killed by blue aliens and then somehow reincarnated, trapped in a body that looked like said enemy, odds are that you're probably just comfortable with bloodshed.
And while he's definitely no boy scout, he still seems far removed from that cold-hearted, disgruntled soldier that didn’t gave two shits about this moon and everyone who wasn’t considered human, the one you’ve heard so many stories about, that you have a hard time accepting that both versions of him are just past and present forms of the same person.
But no matter how you might want to put it, in the end, Miles Quaritch just wasn’t a good man.
And you hate it.
You hate the fact you don’t hate him at all.
Is this how it’s supposed to feel, you ask yourself. Are you supposed to feel the way you do as you wake up in the morning, sleep deprived and yearning for the man that had left you, abandoned like a toy he didn’t want to play with anymore?
Maybe you’re just so starved for touch that you don’t hate him at all, not even after what had happened. It's not heartbroken, or remotely close to the feeling of being sad. You hadn’t shed a single tear like you thought you would. You just felt confused and empty. Empty, more in a physical type of way than metaphorically, if you were being honest.
Quaritch had left you when you were still floating in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm you’ve ever managed to coax out of yourself, yet he hadn’t even bothered to touch you.
If anything, you just felt frustrated. So, so frustrated and embarrassed, like you’ve never been before.
If there was something you proved to be good at in these past couple of days, it was running on caffeine, carbs, and minimal sleep. You hunched over your equipment at the laboratory, carefully abstracting the fluid of a tsyorina'wll- a flour seed plant, before inspecting it under a microscope. You observed the reaction the plants fluid had when coming in contact with oxygen from Earth and then documented it.
Your breathing was at a steady pace, and your brows were furrowed in a tight knot, wrinkling your forehead above your eyebrows in concentration.
Despite the silence in the room, a headache was slowly spreading from your temples over your forehead, pounding loud enough that it almost completely drowned out every thought in your head. If only it was strong enough to stop yourself from overthinking…
You were working in a cleared space in the laboratory, a quiet corner you had mostly to yourself, which made the whole situation so much worse.
You had been personally situated by Dr. Garvin, who had sat you by the big floor-to-ceiling window, giving you access to your own computer and a rather big desk with all necessities you would need for your studies. You weren’t quite close to the big examination table, giving Garvin, who frequently worked there when he wasn’t away for outpost explorations, plenty of space for only God-knows-what. You got used to all the little yellow post-it notes littered across his desk, labeling basically anything as "do not touch!!!" (yes, even his favorite pen) pretty quickly.
Initially, Ian had been quite annoyed when Ardmore suggested letting you use up some more space. Impressed with your accomplishments and scientific studies, she had promoted you to the higher department on your very first week. But for two whole years, that had been his private space to fuck around and work, and he didn't like the idea of having to share it with somebody he didn't know. Yet that tension was quickly eased with how considerate, thankful, and downright nice you were to him.
Oh and there was also Laura. A kind, middle aged woman and fellow scientist that worked on a thesis about pandoras flora that was very similar to yours. If you were to ask Laura, she would probably describe you as neat, always cleaning up properly and not talking too much. But when you did, it was a nice, pleasant conversation that would elicit a few chuckles, even from Garvin himself.
Laura was kind, too. She probably wasn't even assigned to do this, but somehow she ended up becoming a mentor for you, showing you around and introducing you to everyone in the first couple of weeks after your arrival.
She was cute, small and very extroverted, which was funny considering that she had been sharing the same work place with the most introverted person you’ve ever met for the past two years. And she also had a notably adorable focused look on her face while she worked, with her glasses sitting entirely on the tip of her nose.
But unfortunately, Laura wasn’t here today. She had called in sick a couple of days ago, with what sounded like either a stomach flue or the symptoms of having caught a pandorian bug after her little field trip last week. You made a mental note on bringing her some soup from the cafeteria later that day.
The other scientists, like Maggie, who were closer around your age and could probably help distract you from the mess of thoughts running laps in your brain, were spread out on the other floors and different laboratories, which left you to work all on your own today and most likely the rest of the week too.
Normally, you were glad for all of this alone time.
Being alone usually meant, you could zone out of the window and if you were lucky enough, you could catch a glimpse of Colonel hot-as-fuck, before he went on another mission into the depths of pandoras jungle. Or you could gawk at him during lunch break, stroll up and down the hallways more times than actually necessary just to maybe walk past him and get a whiff of his cologne.
Usually, you were more than just glad to be alone, because the thought of being caught gawking at him by a coworker and having to explain why you were eye-fucking the recom squads leader would be kind of degrading.
But right now, you absolutely hated being on your own, left alone with thoughts that dared to consume you whole if you wouldn’t find a way to distract yourself within the next hour or so.
This whole week had felt like you were stuck in a loop.
Almost two weeks had passed since your little encounter with the Colonel. And it suddenly felt like the days went by quicker than you could even blink. You had spend most of your time cramped inside the laboratory, only ever coming out to take a shower and sleep for a couple of hours, maybe even get something to eat, if entering the cafeteria felt safe enough, before you went back to work.
Before Pandora, before Quaritch, there was never really a face to the man in your dreams, your dirty little fantasies; only the blur of a body, hands touching you, feeling you up and down. But now there was a face. And there were eyes now, too. Watching you, always just watching. To the point you got anxious walking through hallways and entering the cafeteria to get yourself something to eat, because what if you accidentally stumbled upon him, what if those eyes were also there, watching you like they had been watching you from across the bed.
Okay, scratch that. Anxious was maybe the wrong word to describe what you’ve been feeling lately. You were embarrassed. Embarrassed because you spend day and night overthinking all the possibilities that lead him to just get up and leave like a coward.
You spend a lot of time after that wondering just how the fuck Quaritch of all people came to be the one you just couldn't categorize. None of the many little boxes in your head that stored people you‘ve got all figured out ever seemed like quite the right fit for him.
Why did he leave? Why?
Did he not like what he saw? Did he not like you?
He had proven to be harder to read than most people, you came to realize, and you didn’t like that one bit. It had your mind spiraling, running wild with the absurdest thoughts and theories.
Of course a man like Quaritch, who had about four decades worth of sexual experience, wasn’t fond of the idea of fucking a dumb little virgin that probably had no idea what she was even doing. God, you definitely made the biggest fool out of yourself, you thought. Vivid images of Quaritch, passing around all your polaroids to a snickering recom squad, began to visualize themselves in your head. All laughing over the naïve scientist that thought she could get into the Colonels pants just like that. Like she was someone.
It was pretty much self explanatory why you had stopped sending him polaroids after that day. Obviously you wouldn’t continue to act as a dumb little plaything for him and his squad to make fun of. You were just glad that the ones he already had of you didn’t show your face, so if he ever decided to make them public, you at least had the chance to deny that the woman on these photos was you. And it wasn’t like the whole of bridgehead knows about your little cherry tattoo, basically the only indication that it was, in fact, you on them. Hopefully that meant you could keep your job, if any of your supervisors was ever to see these damn Polaroids.
The hard-to-ignore fact that Quaritch also hadn’t bothered to reach out to you since then only adds further to the horrible images in your mind, until you actually felt yourself starting to believe that this was clearly a one time thing and that he only wanted to see what he would get himself into, before deciding that he would never want to see or talk to you again.
Besides craving the numbing of whatever you currently didn’t want to feel, you also began to crave the lunch that you completely missed to get about three hours ago. The loud grumbling of your stomach informs you so. Unfortunately the decision to get up from the chair you had seemingly been glued on for most of the day came to you when the cafeteria was already closed, which left you with no choice but to take the elevator, travel two floors down and get some unhealthy snacks out of the vending machine. But it’s whatever. Not like you had to look good in a bikini any time soon or would put on another show, as naked as the day you were born, in the next couple of days– or ever again.
Rounding the corner after exiting the elevator, you don’t even wait until you reach the laboratory again, already fiddling with a bag of chips that somehow, even on Pandora, ended up being filled with eighty percent of air. Pushing the labs door open with your hip, your whole focus was on opening the damn bag of chips and greedily reaching for the first one, before stuffing it into your mouth.
Finally glancing back up to look over at your workplace, all blood in your body seems to run cold at once.
There he is, Colonel fuckin' America, leaning against your desk with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at you like you had the audacity to keep him waiting. Like nothing has ever happened. Like this is so natural for him, to be here in your space.
The sight of him practically sitting on your desk, unbeknownst to him crumbling several important documents under him, had you stopping dead in your tracks. Confused didn’t come nearly close to the word that could describe your facial expression when you looked at him, the bag of chips almost slipping from your grasp as you wondered just how the fuck he even knew where exactly you worked?
"Colonel", you simply say, itching to face palm yourself because you might as well salute him too now.
"It’s Miles", he responds, the corner of his mouth curving up in what could be a grin as he pushes himself off the desk and slowly walks over to you. When he begins to circle you, the by now familiar feeling of being his prey returns to you.
The clinically white lab coat you were wearing always helped you feel grounded, like a talisman that reminded you of your true nature, your worth, and it also gave you something to fiddle with to ease your nerves. You wringe the fabric of your sleeve between your fingers, pulling and pinching it in an attempt to keep your hands busy so they wouldn’t start shaking.
With your nerves on high alert and more adrenaline pumping through your veins by the second, your legs decide to move without your brain’s consent, walking over to your desk to place the bag of chips on the smooth, white surface, before you awkwardly begin to sort every document that Quaritch was so kind to make a mess with, as he sat down on them.
"What are you doing here, sir?", you ask to try and end this nerve wrecking tension. That elicits a low chuckle out of him. You force yourself not to look up at him, but you hear him follow you, stepping closer, until you feel his warm breath fan over the top of your head.
"It seems you’ve stopped sending me your little polaroids, cherry", he hums, tilting his head so his lips were closer to your ear. "How come?"
"I- I- I‘m, I didn’t know if you would still…", there’s a pause and you take a deep breath, your voice growing quieter with every word, "if you were still interested in them."
Behind your back, Quaritch’s ears twitch. Damn Na’vi and their distinctive hearing, you curse them. You see the dancing shadow of his tail, curling and swaying as he processes what you had just told him.
"And what made you think that?", he then asks, and your heart skips a beat at his voice, giving you false hope with the sound of being genuinely interested.
"I don’t know, I– I just-“, you struggle to find the right words and sigh. "I thought you weren’t interested in me." It’s a honest confession. You squeeze your eyes shut, pinching the bridge of your nose in embarrassment as you keep letting the words flow out. There was no going back anyways now. "You didn’t even… touch me or anything so I thought you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me. Especially after finding out that– that I’ve never…"
You don’t finish the sentence. Partly because you can’t bring yourself to speak it out, name the obvious, and partly because he didn’t let you.
"Is that what you want?", Quaritch cuts in and you whip your head around just in time to see his lips part into a toothy grin, his sharp canine poking out from under his lip. He cocks his head to the other side, "You want me to touch you, huh?"
There was something to be said about power and pleasure. Any moron could inflict pain, for all the power it gave to them and certainly pain could be a useful tool, especially to someone like him. But it surely wasn't pain that gave him the feeling of power when it came to you. Quaritch stroked a finger over the back of your neck, carefully flicking your hair over your shoulder.
"Alright, I‘ll touch you, cherry", he hums, "But only if you promise to keep these pretty pictures coming, yes?"
Humans were never designed to fight what felt good to them, you knew that. Pleasure had someone who was expecting a fight as disorientated as a baby bird that just hit glass. The power of making someone melt in your hands, it must be intoxicating. You couldn’t just see it in his eyes, you also felt it in the way his hands wandered from your neck to the collar of your lab coat, gently pulling it down over your shoulders.
You never wished to be better at controlling your expressions as in this moment. You could feel the blush growing on your cheeks, giving away what you were feeling too easily. And it only encouraged Quaritch further. You let him pull the coat off of you completely, and look away briefly as he tosses it over your chair. A moment passes, his hands just lingering but not entirely touching you, until you cast your gaze back at him.
"Okay", you breathe out, nodding slightly, and that’s all the confirmation he needed.
Quaritch lets his hands fall lower, to snake down your thigh, fingers skimming over the fabric of your skirt. His big hands almost entirely curl around your leg, fingertips pressing into what he already seems know is one of your favourite places to be touched: your inner thigh, where it tickles and arouses you in equal measure, but he doesn’t linger there. His hands wander past the vulnerable flesh, further up where he then hoists your skirt up to expose your panties.
A sound between a low hum and a content purr comes from deep within his chest, as he cups your clothed cunt with his warm balm, slowly running the tips of his fingers against the soft fabric between your thighs. Your breath hitches when he finds the outline of your clit, nudging it gently. He drags his knuckles across the fabric of your panties, a barely-there touch, but you’re so sensitive already that your hips twitch at the contact and you bite your lip to keep from moaning. And that ultimately makes you come back to your senses.
"W-Wait, you– here?", you whisper. Your eyes slide to the door, made out of milky glass, closed but unlocked. It’s late and you’re almost sure everyone else that worked on this floor has already went home, but still. Anyone could just walk in here at any second.
You take a quick look at Quaritch over your shoulder, brows furrowed, a worried almost pleading look on your face.
"Yes, here", he confirms.
"You- you can’t be serious." You’re blushing more deeply now. The colour blossoms over your cheeks, the tip of your ears and even creeps down your neck, disappearing beneath that neatly ironed blouse you picked out this morning.
The Colonel chuckles, "You want me to touch you, don’t you? So that’s what i‘m going to do, cherry."
"I didn’t mean right here!"
"But I did. C’mon now, take these off for me", he says, hooking a finger under the waistband of your panties to pull and let them snap back against your skin, causing you to flinch slightly. You hesitantly reach for them, pulling the soft fabric down ever so slowly, like you were still debating if you were loosing your mind and with it, any sense of caution.
All it would need was for one oblivious person to enter your lab and catch you with a ten feet tall recom, messing around in a workspace area that’s supposed to be clean and free of any contamination, and you would most likely loose your job and get sent back to earth within the next twenty-four hours.
But do you really want him to stop though? His velvety voice washes over you, ensnaring you in warmth, his desire, and anticipation.
You don’t want him to stop. It would kill you if he did.
Once you slipped out of your panties, Quaritch places a heavy hand between your shoulder blades, pushing you down until your chest lays flat against your desk.
"Spread yourself for me." It’s an order to be obeyed directly, so you reach behind yourself, one hand on each side as you pull your cheeks apart. Your glad for the rather cold surface of the table when you rest your burning face against it, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
Behind you, Quaritch groans at the sight.
"What a cute little pussy, all pretty and pink."
You feel his eyes rake over your body, burning across your skin, drinking in the sight of you bent over for him oh so nicely and willing, entirely at his mercy. You hear him give a satisfied exhale and your flush deepens.
"Poor thing really missed me, huh? Dripping already and I haven’t even started", he laughs.
Your breath catches in your throat. You’re warm all over, particularly between your thighs, where you feel more wetness pool. It amazed you that he had this much control over you with just a few touches and some pretty woven words. His voice, his touch, the power he exudes in the air around you… it all targets you.
Ever so slowly, he then slides his middle finger between your folds, coating it in your arousal. You whimper softly, once he comes in contact with your clit. It’s a teasing touch at first, but he soon puts more pressure into it as he expertly begins to draw small circles over the little nub.
Your breath comes in quick gasps, the more Quaritch plays with your clit, and you can already feel your legs begin to tremble. Your abdomen clenches with your exasperated breathing and the throbbing between your thighs, but it’s not enough. Another whine leaves you and he chuckles deviously directly into your ear.
"So needy…", Quaritch hums, his breath hot against your skin. To your surprise, his warm, wet tongue then licks the curve of your ear, before he bites down playfully. You gasp sharply, and at the same time his middle finger moves to tease your entrance. "…and so wet for me.”
You should feel shame, you think, as you arch into the broad stroke of his palm.
"Please", you can’t even muster your own voice to have any strength to it, "please, sir. I- I need more."
And then, a single finger slides into you, answering your prayers.
Despite the ridiculous amount of slick seeping out of you, it’s a tight fit. Quaritch pushes inside with some effort, slowly sinking into your tight, wet tunnel, spreading you wide around his thick digit. It’s twice the size of a human finger, in girth and length, and you bite your lip, whimpering softly while he enters you, hands digging into your own flesh as you continue to spread yourself.
Another finger moves to roll over your clit, while he pushes inside you to the last knuckle.
"That’s it, cherry. Just like that. Look at you swallowing my finger like a good girl", Quaritch huffs out a breath, "Goddamn, your fuckin' tight."
He gives you a few second to collect yourself, let your body adjust to the unfamiliar stretch before he starts moving. Your velvety walls clamp down on his finger as he sets his pace, moving it in and out, curling it up and dragging it along your insides.
You work to steady your breathing, reveling in his touch, but the feeling of his finger moving inside you while another runs over your clit is something else. Your toes curl into your soles and you can’t hold back the moans spilling from your parted lips.
Your mind felt fuzzy, clouded with the squelching sounds he expertly worked out of your pussy and the delicious stretch that his rough finger bought you.
"There you go, there you fuckin' go", Quaritch groans. His fingers work relentlessly on you, somehow finding the exact spot where you craved him most. And as if the floodgates finally broke, a stream of incoherently words and syllables came out, babbling and begging as his thrusts became more rapid, the palm of his hand smacking against your folds with the sheer intensity he was suddenly finger-fucking you in.
"Oh f– please. Fucking– please", you gasp, squirming underneath the large palm that kept you pinned against the desk with enough pressure that you started to feel a little lightheaded.
"What was that?", the Colonel raised his brows, snickering at your already fucked-out state.
"I need you–", you manage to force out between wanton moans, but then you take a big, heaving breath, and your next words come out in almost a sob, "I need you to fuck me!"
There comes no response. His movement doesn’t falter either, he doesn’t slow down for even a second and you feel that familiar coil in your core tighten more and more.
"Miles–", you try to straighten up, but he pushes down on your back again. You let him push you flat against the table without putting up any sort of fight, safe for the begging of course. "Miles, please." You try to reach him by calling his name, pleading, but it’s no use.
Taking matters in your own hands, you push back against his palm, trying to roll your ass directly onto his crotch behind you. The hand that had been laying on your back moves down to your hip and tightens there, fingertips digging into your flesh hard enough to bruise. His sharp intake of air, followed by a low growl leave you momentarily satisfied, thinking you might actually get what you were begging for this whole time.
"You really are desperate.", Miles growls. Then, he pulls his finger out of your sopping hole, until only his fingertip rests inside you. It makes all hair on your body stand up straight as you wait in anticipation. But instead of drawing away entirely to replace his hand with his cock, you feel a second finger nudge past your tight entrance. You inhale sharply, feeling yourself get stretched to the absolute max as both of his thick digits enter you slowly. You nearly sob, once both of them are halfway stuffed into you, all the way in to your own physical limit.
"I thought I’d fucked an onslaught of people who topped the list of desperation, but cherry, sweet thing, I have to say–", his other hand reaches around your middle and gives your clit a light slap to emphasise his point, pushing his fingers just barely an inch further in and you whine in response, “Nobody was ever quite as pathetic or as needy as you are."
It felt like your brain was overheating, daring to melt out of your ears the moment he curled both of his digits inside you like he was beckoning to you, and then started to thrust them at a fast but steady pace.
His palm smacked against your wet folds, fingers creating loud squelching noises as he fucked you with them. The feeling of your juices running down his wrist actually had him grinning behind your back like the smug bastard that he was.
“Oh my god, don’t– don’t stop", you moan, cursing under your breath, and thank fuck he doesn’t. He fingers you in the same way you imagined he would fuck you. Hard and fast and deep enough to feel so incredibly full of him, but it only reminded you of much you actually wanted this to happen. "Yes, yes please. Please I need it, need you to fuck me, please, sir!” You cry out, cutting yourself off with a moan of his name, "Miles, Miles, please–”
You nearly scream when he pushes his digits in to the last knuckle, feeling his fingertips prod at your cervix in a means to shut you up.
"That’s not gonna happen, cherry", he forces out through gritted teeth, leaning over your much smaller frame before his tongue once again curved over the shell of your ear.
A shudder runs up the curve of your spine and you whine softly, "Wha– Why?"
"You really think you can take me? Look at you", he chuckles lowly into your ear, causing goosebumps to raise all over your body, "You’re already sobbing and I’m barely two fingers in. You couldn’t take my cock even if you weren’t a goddamn virgin."
You shook your head frantically, denying his doubt of your physical abilities. But with the way he was plunging his fingers in and out of you, the obscene sounds of slick smearing between his palm and all over your pussy, it was hard to talk back to him. Instead, you were chanting his name under your breath and it became louder and higher in pitch the closer you got to your release.
Your brain had completely checked out sometime around when your felt yourself squeeze his digits so painfully tight, it didn’t even left room for some of your slickness, so it started leaking out, running down the inside of your thighs and dribbling on the tiled floor.
Your breathing has turned rapid, struggling to keep steady as he was driving you over the edge faster than you could probably even process it. With a downright embarrassing, needy voice, you began to brabble whatever nonsense came to your fucked out mind, your need for release so shamefully on display that it made him scoff.
Even though your eyes were squeezed shut, you were fighting the urge to lose consciousness. You never welcomed the cool surface of your desk against your cheek as much as right now. Your whole body felt hot, sticky with sweat and other body fluids as you went slack, only held upright by the table you were half laying on and the force of his hands on you.
"Don’t pass out on me", you distantly hear him laugh, before he delivers another slap to your clit, causing you to jolt. "You cock hungry little slut."
The heat that pooled in your stomach felt as if it would overflow soon, as if the knot that had tighten would snap any second, harder than you ever thought was possible. And then, showing more mercy to you than he probably ever had to anyone, Quaritch curls his fingers against your g-spot just right and growls,
"Come for me. Now."
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bfiaflbox · 5 months
The only time I feel I might get better
Pairing: Matty x Reader Warnings: Mentions of Drugs, drug use, alcoholism and recovery Disclaimer: All I know about this is second hand knowledge and things I googled so don't get mad when I get something wrong. I just thought this scenario is an interesting one and wanted to type it out. I kind of hate and love it at the same time.
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It‘s around 11 pm when your doorbell rings. You were about to go to bed and were definitely not expecting visitors, so you‘re hesitant about answering. The doorbell rings again. „Y/n, are you there?!“ you hear a familiar voice shout. It’s Matty. In the middle of the night. Frantically ringing your doorbell. This is not a good sign.
You open the door to a disheveled looking Man who seems like he‘s about to cry. He‘s breathing heavily and fidgets with his hands. „I fucked up“ he almost whispers. Without asking any questions you let him in and go into support-person-mode.
The second the door closes behind Matty, he starts rambling. „Fuck, I‘m sorry, I’m so SO sorry. I'm so fucking tired, I can't think. I fucked up. I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t fight the urge to use anymore so I went out and…“ tears start falling down his face.
„Okay, okay, breathe!“ you try to convey as much calm as you can and look him in the eyes. You notice he doesn’t look particularly high or out of it just… sad and tired. „Is it ok if I touch you?“ it’s the most important question in this friendship of yours, however fucked up and complicated it may be. He had to ask before he could touch you every time not to trigger something in you, and you extended the same courtesy to him. He nods and you start to stroke his arms. „How about you come in and we talk?“ and maybe calm down before going to see a professional about it.
He nods and both of you make your way to the living room and sit down on the couch. Matty buries his face in his hands, elbows on knees.
„Okay, Matty, tell me what happened“
„I don’t know, I haven’t really slept in days and I feel so drained and everything‘s too much and I just wanted something to make that feeling go away, to feel some peace and smack was the only thing I was able to think of. Fuck! This is bad. I don’t want to do this again.“ you know the feeling all too well. „Fuck. I couldn’t even score myself, the guy selling knew who l am so I paid another junkie to do it. I'm so pathetic.“
„Have you consumed any?“
He shakes his head. „I didn’t. I couldn’t. I came here instead. I’m sober right now. Please believe me“
„I do, I believe you“
He‘s pressing his palms into his eyes, probably a desperate attempt to stop the tears.
„Do you still have it?“
„Go on, hand it over“ you extend your open hand. He can’t have it near him. It’s like the first rule of addiction recovery: remove temptation. It‘s what he did for you when he got rid of all the alcohol that you were gifted early into recovery by people who didn’t know about your addiction. It‘s what he kept doing for you over the years, being there with you, frequently checking in during family gatherings, work events and birthdays, occasions that were typically linked to alcohol consumption.
Matty reaches into his pocket and produces a small packet of tinfoil wrapped in plastic and hands it over without question.
„That all?“
He nods
„Right, ok. I‘m going to dispose of this in the kitchen, do you want some tea?“
„Yes please“ he chokes out.
You go into your kitchen, put the kettle on and get the opioid disposal process started. How to get rid of heroin is one of the many things you had no idea of before your friendship with Matty, but now you know exactly what to do: you get out a glass from the cubboard, fill it halfway with water and dump the contents of the little packet into it. You go to your fridge and see if you still have any lemon juice left and find some that you forgot you had which also smells rank. Doesn’t matter, it will do. You add the juice to make the opioids dissolve in water like you learned in a fucked up chemistry lesson you would only get from a sober heroin addict and stir. Then you get a ziplock bag and go to the hallway cubboard where you store cat litter for exactly this occasion. You fill a good amount of the cat litter into the ziplock bag and return to the kitchen, take the heroin-lemon-water and dump it into the cat litter. It produces an absolutely disgusting looking brown mass, rendering the opiates completely unsalvageable. You zip up the bag and throw it in the trash.
When you come back to the living room from the kitchen, two mugs of tea in hand, you find Matty laying down on your couch, blanket over his legs. You put the mugs down on the coffee table and sit down on the floor in front of the couch. You reach your hand to his face and stroke his cheek with your thumb. He sighs and absolutely heartbreaking sigh.
„I know“, you whisper. And you do. You know how hard it can be to be a recovering addict, being on the brink of relapse.
Matty seems to calm down a bit. He's stopped crying and you just sit with him and the emotions in silence.
„Thank you“ he whispers after some time.
„Always“ you reply softly.
„Can I stay?“
„You know you can“, you smile.
He audibly exhales and timidly asks „can you please not tell George?“ oh yes, the accountability system. No keeping secrets, owning up to your mistakes, making sure you don’t isolate, etcetera, etcetera. It‘s not an official program, more like a thing you both came up with on your own.
„You know I have to tell him, it‘s part of the deal, remember?“
„I know, but I want to tell him myself.“
„Okay. But I‘m gonna make sure you do!“
„Tomorrow?“ he sounds so drained and exhausted.
„Tomorrow“, you agree. You don’t think you‘d have it in you to ask anything of him that he doesn’t want to do. You’re soft like that for him.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, admiring his face. His annoyingly handsome, lovely face and his slender but strong body. You long for him. And you long for him to get better. If only you could crack open his ribcage and personally fix everything that gives him grief, you would do it.
„I‘m so sorry“ he whispers again.
„I know. Trust me, I know“
„I feel like this right here is the only place where I can exist without judgement“, he admits and it makes you proud that you managed to create such a safe space for him and at the same time it breaks your heart knowing that the world is full of people watching and judging him. But truly, you feel like you‘re only returning the favour. He‘s been there for you through the worst parts of your life, always turning up for you when it mattered. A part of you fears you might no longer be here had it not been for him.
„Maybe here with you is even the only place I might get better… being with you makes me feel less helpless“
„Next time just come over without stopping at the dealer‘s before, yeah?“ you joke but on the inside your heart is burning. You want him and you want him to want you.
Matty smiles and you can feel him relaxing even more. Your hand is still tangled in his hair, thumb still stroking over his cheek. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He‘s exhausted and his body is begging for sleep. „It‘s okay, you can sleep, I‘ll stay here“ you say softly and you‘re not sure if he heard you because all his muscles are relaxing and he‘s lightly snoring, seemingly fast asleep.
You just sit here and watch him. You think about that one time he told you he didn’t feel worthy of any love or affection coming his way which makes you acutely aware of all the love you hold for him, that you don’t know where to put, that has nowhere to go. You wish you could tell him. Tell him that you‘ve never loved anyone like you love him. That you feel like you‘re missing an integral part of yourself when he‘s not there with you. That you love every part of him, even the ones he himself hates, that his vulnerability only makes you respect him more.
It is there and then, sitting on your living room floor in front of your couch with a sleeping Matty on it, that you decide you‘re gonna tell him. Tomorrow. You lay your head down on the couch, telling yourself you‘re only going to rest your eyes a bit before you fall asleep as well.
Little do you know that when Matty wakes up from a weird dream in the middle of the night and finds you asleep in what must be an uncomfortable position on the floor next to him, he decides that in the morning he is going to get over himself, be brave for once and just tell you that he loves you.
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atmajolish · 1 year
Headcanons for Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, and Asmodeus with touch starved gender neutral s/o?
here you go! i hope you enjoy it at least a bit!
he will deny it forever, would never admit to it unless in very rare tender moments, refuse to say it out loud, but the truth is that he is kind of glad that you feel that way because it‘s the same for him.
mammon tends to hide his feelings behind harsh words, but you can notice him putting in more effort to be close to you. holding your hand as you walk together, cuddling more often and hugging you more. when you mention it he will immediately deny doing it while blushing.
even his brothers notice how much more he tries to be consciously affectionate and they will tease him about it sooner or later. he‘s fine with it, but if they start teasing you, he will get defensive only to deny it.
you mean a lot to him and he‘s your first man. he‘s happy you came to him with this and not anyone else. even if they might be better at dealing with it, are better at showing affection, but he‘s getting there.
with levi, it‘s kind of obvious that he‘s touch starved too. the thing with him is that he‘s horrible embarrassed about it too though
levi can‘t handle much physical touch. he heats up, needs time to cool off and get his energy back. his type of affection is more on the side of being in the same room, spending time together and listening to each other talk. he needs to get used to anything else after not having it for so long.
most of his experience with these type of things comes from anime and manga which isn‘t really..the best source, so feel free to tell him that. it would make things less awkward in the long run.
with levi it‘s a journey of healing together, getting used to touch again as you get to know each other. he‘s doing his best but he needs your guidance too, just so he doesn‘t feel to embarrassed about not really knowing what to do.
satan wouldn‘t say he‘s touch starved, he‘s just doesn‘t need as much attention and affection as some of his brothers. that‘s what he says if anyone asks at least. the truth is he‘s probably at least a bit touch starved as well, if only because people get nervous around him. he is the avatar of wrath after all, he‘s not seen as approachable by many people.
the point is, he doesn‘t see it as a problem for himself, however when it comes to you that‘s a different matter.
as a demon, there aren‘t really many side effects to not getting physical contact with other demons, so it comes as a surprise when humans are different in that regard. he didn‘t look into it when he read it when figuring out more about humans, but apparently it‘s more important than he thought.
the thing with satan is, he tries his best with it. but much like levi most of his idea of touch and romance comes from novels he read and not actual experience so it can get pretty awkward sometimes. but he does his best to make sure that you aren‘t touch starved anymore, no matter how awkward it might be.
asmo is probably the only one on this list that isn‘t touch starved. he‘s not shy to ask for affection or give it after all.
so you will never be touch starved again. asmo doesn’t really care for personal space and the second he decides he likes you he becomes affectionate. simple touches are a constant for him, holding hands, surprise hugs, back hugs. all of that and more are to expect with him.
he is surprisingly aware of how touch starved you are. he makes sure you’re comfortable every step of the way, wanting to show you that you don’t have to miss out on touch anymore, that he is there for you.
if you ever tell him it’s too much he will reign himself in a little. he doesn’t like making you uncomfortable so make sure to tell him if he goes overboard. he‘s hyper aware of his partner‘s reactions when it comes to these types of things and also the one with the most experience.
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ironcroft11 · 1 year
What are things that you like about the dynamic between Miles & Gwen? What do you like about their individual personalities? I'm not the shipping type but something about these two just feels authentic
I could write an entire book about what I love about their dynamic but I‘ll keep it short:
I love how, above all, their friendship is what’s most important to them. They are best friends first. They trust each other completely, Gwen is one of the first people to actually believe in Miles in ITSV. The way they admire each other and genuinely care for each other is a beacon if light in comic book movies.
Their chemistry seems so natural. It’s not forced at all and their feelings are slowly built up throughout multiple movies. The relationship isn’t rushed.
What I LOVE is that their relationship is REALISTIC. It’s not cliché like many teenage romances. They could have easily went with "boy has a crush on badass girl and badass girl rejects him but comes around in the end and realizes she loves him“. I have seen that trope so many times. While Gwen is badass you can still see her soft side all throughout. You can see she genuinely cares about Miles. We can also see that they STRUGGLE and that they go through these tough phases. Thats REALISTIC. No relationship is perfect and friends WILL have fights. But their relationship will only strengthen because of that.
What I also love is how it’s not a one sided crush. Another famous trope. ATSV really showed us HOW MUCH Gwen cares for Miles. If anyone still thinks the crush is one-sided they watched the movie with a blindfold on.
Also important: Miles and Gwen are their own characters that happen to be in love. Both are fleshed out. None exist solely for the reason to be a love interest to the other. That’s the case in many movies or shows, especially when it comes to female love interests.
Individually I love how Miles is so pure and optimistic. He really is the best of all of them like Uncle Aaron said. When faced with destiny Miles looks the other way and says: Nah.
He‘s really inspiring and we should all thrive to be like Miles. He shows us what’s really important.
What I love about Gwen is how you see that her heart is always in the right place, even when she struggles to make the right decision. She doesn’t give up and would do anything to save her friends or help innocent people. She embodies everything that a Spider-Person should be.
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burningtheroots · 2 months
Also, it‘s so fucking annoying how a man will get praised for doing the bare minimum (or even less) whilst women get criticized for the exact same thing, and even if they put in more work than their male counterparts. And this applies to everything, from personal achievements to the workforce to feminism.
When praising men, people really need to start questioning ”Would we praise a woman the same way? If not, why not?”
It‘s not a secret that showing up, doing your work/“duties” and being 100% modest anout it is the standard expectation for women, meanwhile for men, praise awaits them around every corner.
It‘s also not a secret that for criticism, it‘s the other way around.
In terms of feminism — WOMEN‘s liberation — it‘s the exact same pattern. A woman stands up for women, defends her rights and speaks her mind? It‘s seen as self-evident at best and as entitled (or even crazy/misandrist/evil) at worst. A man stands up for women and speaks his mind? Suddenly it‘s a phenomenon that must be celebrated like some national hero.
Sure, many people will say "but when a man does it, it‘s more selfless because he‘s speaking up for others!!!" — excuse me?! Women who speak up are the truly selfless ones — they‘re speaking up for an universally oppressed class whilst being exposed & subjected to the same horrors since they‘re a member of said class themselves.
And many people will say "but when are discouraged from speaking up for women due to tOxIc mAsCuLiNiTy!!!" — again, excuse me?! Since when are the oppressors‘ feelings more important than the suffering of the oppressed? Since when do the oppressed have to sympathize with their oppressor, and even before their oppressor sympathizes with them? Also, women & girls are getting brainwashed and gaslit since birth to obey patriarchy and serve men.
I could go on and on and on, but the point is clear:
Women are women‘s heroes, protectors, friends and allies. Men are not. If they were, they wouldn’t expect to get recognized for work which is predominantly done by women, and especially women who are marginalized on several axes of oppression, and worry more about the movement‘s actual progress and the impact of their own contributions instead.
P.S.: When you seriously think that men getting praised for the bare minimum is justified because they got "raised that way", why do you think this narrative is only ever applied to them, and not to women? And why is it always only applied when they fuck up?
In my humble opinion, it‘s (psychologically) much more difficult to recognize your own suffering as a problem when you‘ve been taught to internalize it as normal, necessary and expected (and often even seek comfort and a purpose in it because it‘s so familiar) than it is to recognize the subjugation of others as a problem, unless you lack basic empathy and enjoy the benefits you reap from their pain.
So, instead of worrying about men‘s bruised egos and their conditional "allyship", perhaps focus on uplifting women. Invest the energy you invest into men into women instead and see how that makes an actual change.
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sharenadraculea · 4 months
As the lovely @lepetitmonstre has posted some very good smut over on AO3 set in a Mafia-Au I with some other on discord came up with, I wanted to talk more about it! There is theoratically a plot somewhere, but no promises that this will ever become a finished fic.
The Emporer: Runs The Imperium, newest and now biggest Mafia-group in town. No one knows where he came from, how old he is or how many kids he actually has. A absolute maniac with no problems to kill people and thinks that covering everything in gold is a great idea. Malcador: Emps right hand man, he does all the boring stuff. One of the very few people allowed to criticise Big E. Very exhausted, he needs a vacation. Valdor: E‘s butler, bodyguard and whatever else he might need. Makes very good tea and cake.
The Primarchs: E‘s most important underlings he delegates most tasks to. Some, but not all of them might be related to him. (Note: I haven‘t worked out all of them yet) Lion: Hitman, tough he has been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot as of lately. Definetly-neither-heterosexual-nor-monogamous-lifepartner of Leman and absolute psychopath. He has a pet-lion! Jagh: Everything vehicle-related. Need a get-away car? A car disappeared? Just a limo-driver? He‘ll do it. Also on the older side. No one really knows much about him. Leman: The other hitman. He has two giant definetly-not-wolves that might have a taste for human flesh. He has also been on bodyguard-duty for Sang a lot and yes, there is a very messy love-shape-thing-situation going on. It‘s gonna end in disaster. Sang: Daddys princess. The only one of his illegitimate kids E has ever acknowledged. He even tried to get her away, but why have a comfy luxurious life if you could do organized crime? Sometimes shocks people with how brutal she can get. Menace: Sangs cat. She found her in the trash. Has only one eye and probally wants to take over the world. Will try to murder everyone except Sang. Especially Horus. Rob: The one sane man. He runs a pizzaria (definetly not for moneylaundering purposes), the mafia is more his sidegig. He wants to get out, he is so tired of all that bullshit, but he also values his life. Has a surprisnhly healthy and stable relationship with Yvraine, despite her beeing from a rival group. Under no circumstances mention pineapple-pizza while around him. Floof: Robs dog. He‘s very big and fluffy and dumb. Loves cuddles. Floof is afraid of E. And cats. And gunshots. Because of that no one is allowed to carry firearms while in Robs Pizzaria. Horus: Emps‘ only legitimate child. Don‘t ask what happend with his mother. The favorite child and heir to E‘s crime-empire. Also engaged to Sang, because you know, keep it in the family. Their relationship is a toxic dumpsterfire even at the start. He‘s thinking about… let‘s just say getting rid of Emps. (Monstre changed some of the relationship-details for his one-shot) Alpharius and Omegon: No one knows where they came from, but E dragged them into his villa one day and announced that from now one they will do the internet-stuff. Most likely some of his many, many bastard-kids.
The Eldar: Used to be the big deal around, then somehow shattered into a lot of smaller groups and a lot got also arrested. Sometimes work together with the Imperium. Yvraine: Leader of one of the many Eldar-splinterfactions. In a semi-secret relationship with Rob. Still a absolute badass you should never underestimate.
The Orks: A gang of thugs/hooligans that just like to beat people up. There is very little logic behind how they act and they just generally are a problem for everyone else who is trying to do organized crime.
Chaos: The highly corrupt local authorities/police. They do absolutly nothing against the crime running rampant (except that one time Slaanesh destroyed the eldar) while getting bribes from everyone. But when they hear that Horus has some plans, they get interested…
I definetly want to include the other Xenos-factions, but I don‘t really have a good idea for them yet.
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zimthandmade · 6 months
I really wanted to know more about Near's relationship with the SPK members in his view.
I like to imagine that one time they went to an amusement park and Near couldn't go on almost any ride because of his height.
Or them going to Burger King, because Near wanted Spider-Man's cup.
Okay, look. I thought about this for a while. Hear me out.
As dull as it sounds, I think Nears relationship towards Halle, Gevanni and Rester probably doesn‘t exceed much from them being colleages. We know that Near is probably closest to Rester and I think Halle, being the most approachable of the three, takes on some "parental“ tasks for Near, like pushing him to take care of himself (eat, shower, sleep, ...). Gevanni is probably the most distanced from Near. He‘s professional, no doubt, but for some reason I can see him complaining to Halle and Rester about Near, once they‘re out of Nears earshot.
The SPK is founded in early 2009, about 90% of the SPK is killed off half a year later, so the 4 characters effectively only have 3 1/2 months to get to know each other in this constellation until the end of canon Death Note. Everyone is being incredibly secretive about their personal lives, not only for their own safety but so no information can get out. Once the SPK is down to only 4 people, Near probably tries some things to improve the work morals, lighten the mood or something. He read that team building is important and keeping your colleages happy and motivated is a good thing. So maybe he arranges regular activities out of work, like going to an amusement park (it‘s all stuff he googled), having meals together, stuff like that. But it all just ends up being incredibly awkward. Here are two scenarios I can see happening:
Amusement park The SPK probably went like "Near, are you 100% sure you want to go to an amusement park...? I don‘t want to be degrading or anything but do you really think you can handle that?" "Yeah, why wouldn‘t I, it‘s gonna be fun for sure." "If you say so..." Once they‘re there, all the impressions come crashing down on Near and he‘s barely able to deal with the situation he put himself in. He probably wouldn‘t even cope with just going on a single ride. Too many people, too many lights, too many noises, too many smells, too much adrenalin to handle at once. On top of the approaching meltdown, he will most likely receive looks from people and hear comments from kids walking past him "Why is that boy so white??“ "Look mom, a ghost!!“ "OMG is that kid sick?“, inceasing his anxiety levels even further. I can see him lecturing someone who was just trying to be nice about his albinism pretty rudely about his condition.
Lunch Near suggests the 4 of them have lunch together. And I imagine the SPK being in this massive office building with all sorts of companies in it and they go downstairs to the canteen and again, Near gets all sorts of looks (”Why is there a teenager here…?” “Duuuuude look at how white this guys hair is”). I headcanon Near having misophonia, meaning he gets irrationally angry when he hears people eat, swallow or make all kinds of mouthy sounds. And Near, once again, is this close to rage-quitting the whole thing. The noises, the smells, too many people. And Near printed out a list of things to make small talk about, because that REALLY not his area and he awkwardly checks the list and reads out some questions. “Ok so, Gevanni. Uhh about the weather…” “Near, we really don’t need to do this.” “… would you like to talk about the local weather or are you more interested in the recent monsoons over in New Delhi?” “Near, really…”
Sorry for the long read. Let me know if I'm completely off with my thoughts here or you can see any of this happening as well!
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harpygon · 2 months
Okay @vixonimus I watched the 2004 hungarian version thoughts under the cut (bc it‘s quite a lot)
I really enjoyed it. I had feared that my not understanding hungarian and having to rely on subtitles would linder my enjoyment but I am glad to report that it didn‘t.
The entire thing is choreographed so great (especially the ensemble: the fan-dancing-girls, the one guy in the Bad Ischl scene who just twerks for like 30secs straight, also that one guy who kisses Lucheni‘s suitcase in Kitsch?? The ensemble is so expressive and fun.)
Also the stage-scenery is good (I really liked the design of it. Elisabeth‘s dressing room and the setting during first 4 years are my favorites but most of them are really nice)
costumes are a little meh… there are no vines and in general they aren‘t spectacular but it didn‘t bother me to hell and back or anything.
It is really good at guiding the watcher through the story: Things get shown, connected, explained by Luchini,and are generally sensible.
There is a lot of politics but it is done in a way that is cohesive and easily understandable: The Hungarian side of things gets shown at every step of the way (as well as the disparity in opinion in Eljen which explains/shows later hungarian unhapiness in a way that the german versions don’t?), The austrian commoners/developement of nationalist hatred and antisemitism also get‘s shown clearly and distinctly. Elisabeth‘s development and both personal and political impact (position as an idol, grasp at power, complicity in negative development, abandonment of responsibility in favour of personal freedom). Sophie‘s desperate attempt at upholding the absolutist system she believes in. Franz Joseph‘s deadly impassivity, inwhich he just follows his mother or Elisabeth and otherwhise just wallows in his broken heart letting his country sink into hatred. AND ALL OF THIS WITHOUT GETTING CONFUSING.
Rudolph especially works as a kind of centerpoint for many of these political arcs (except Sophie, they don‘t have the „Kind oder Nicht“ scene which would‘ve connected them), but otherwise he deals with about everything listed above. (I especially feel the way he stumbles into „Hass“ is really nice and kinda solves many of the problems people bring up about it feeling disjointed).
During „Mama, wo bist du“ he brings up shadows a lot, which along with a lot of other references to the downfall of the Habsburg Empire ties really nicely into the political angle (also just shadows have so many meanings: Literal shadows, his fears in general, the downfall of the empire, the growing hatred in the empire, his own declining mental health)
I didn‘t like how in „Wenn du mein Spiegel wärst“, Rudolph‘s entire request was about his divorce? In the german version there‘s a line about it sure, but making the entire thing about a marriage we never heard of before when his entire arc was about politics and literally comitting treason against his father, that seemed really disappointing to me.
Tod for Rudolph is pretty much something pressuring him into taking more of a political stance (both bc his own rising desperation and bc ofc the manifestation of death is interested in further nearing the Death of the Habsburg Empire) and it works so well i feel. for Elisabeth it‘s a little muddled bc of the „romance“ angle that Lucheni‘s framework (or Meta-reasons whatever you want to call it) places on it (Not a fan of death solo). But in general it‘s not the worst Tod I‘ve ever seen? At times he really seems to be desperation and hopelessness (like when he tries to tempt her into suicide by talking about the end of the world; end of the world being both the eventual end of the monarchy and also her childhood and her pre-first child death world) and at other‘s he‘s just luring her in. („You are just decoration to his bed“ was fire though) (that‘s good btw.)
I also likes that he just pops up, that‘s important in Tod for me. He‘s the manifestation of death and not an actual person, he will further death in every form that it takes and everywhere it might take place (again political angle very important)
(I‘m not sure I can be impartial about FJ in this version bc his actor is just very attractive to me. He seems sympathetic and totally unable to do anything except obey, wallow and simp. But I really liked the depiction of his unsureness in the first act, how he goes from a really lovesick guy marrying his wife to „clearly very annoyed but is trying to hold it together for both her and the empire“ to „at the breaking point grovelling but also still upset will scream about something being just education“ to „okay babe I will give you whatever you want forever actually haha“ and then doing nothing ever again except being sad missing and worrying about his wife. BUT yeah I really liked FJ in this version :) )
The physical depiction of Elisabeth‘s father and Sophie as ghost‘s as a symbol of Elisabeth‘s growing self-doubt/self-hatred were very nice.
I never heard a version of „fröhliche Apokalypse“ I didn‘t like and this is no exception :)
(Also that Todcheni handkiss moment???)
There‘s probably more but this is everything that‘s in my head immediately after watching it :)
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mzwraum · 9 months
Ok, so here’s my idea for a RWRB sequel (just really need to share this with the void right now):
Given that the main focus of RWRB 1 was Henry’s struggles, I think it’d make sense to shift to Alex in RWRB 2.
We still have them moving in with each other and I think logically, Henry would abdicate eventually (given how often he speaks about his role as prince with disdain), but that would be just the sideplot.
The main plot would be Alex’ struggle - the chip on his shoulder we already saw in the first movie. He comes from a working class background and he wants to make a difference in politics. But he’s not working class anymore, is he? As his dad pointed out, he is now rich, has lived in a palace, and is the child of the most powerful person in the country. And he’s in a relationship with a literal prince. From a certain point of view, he has become part of the establishment. As a politician, he is similar to the Kennedys and the Bushes and all those other political families.
But he also isn’t. His ancestors didn’t come over on the Mayflower, he didn’t go to the Rockefeller‘s garden parties and stuff. He‘s still uncomfortable in fancy surroundings, by people looking down on his working class background, and all the ostentatious parties. While he does hate the extravagance and wastefulness displayed by the upper classes, deep down he‘s also a bit embarrassed and out of his comfort zone when surrounded by them.
Offense has always been his best defense, of course, and he doesn’t want to lose sight of where he comes from and of his ideals, so he ends up repelling some very important people who could have helped him a lot with his campaign - people whose support he really needs, just by the way the system works. Alex doesn’t want to believe that he needs them and just sees all of them as evil and with bad intentions. At the same time, the voter base he wants to represent and serve - the working class - believes he’s too far removed from them. Maybe they even flock towards Alex‘ opponent, who actually comes from LOTS of generational wealth money and catches voters with plain, incendiary phrases.
So Alex struggles, with his own place in the world and his position, with what’s good and bad, and with who he‘s doing all of this for. With Henry as the epitome of institutional wealth and power, he has someone who can prove his point about social justice, but also someone that he can learn from (how do rich people do things, how do they influence things, and how can you work with and against that, and how can you best disarm them and beat them at their own game). His own experience and his family are the counter-point in terms of the working class experience of all that, maybe in combination with a childhood friend or the lime.
In the end, Alex has to figure out how HE will do things as a politician, how he will act and who he will work with and how. I think that would work quite well.
Also, there would be a TON of fluff, domesticity and so many cuddles. Duh.
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caralara · 2 months
I know Louis' your fave so I hope it's okay that I send you this. But recently the blinkers have been coming off for me in regards to Louis. I think I used to have him up on a bit of a pedestal. I just thought he was this really intelligent guy, really aware of social issues and willing to fight for the right thing and be rebellious when necessary. I don't know. I saw things playing out very differently. But unfortunately, lately, I've been seeing a lot of laziness and complacency and a willingness to settle from him. A lot of contradictions as well. Like he gets the anarchist symbol tattooed but doesn't speak out or place his support behind anything substantial. I'm sorry, legalizing weed is his most political stance. And then being seen with the Starbucks cup and actually covering it in the video like lmao. Not knowing what number year your festival is when he supposedly had big dreams for it. I know this is so small but it irks me that he's been going on about playing the guitar for years. And he is yet to bring it on stage for even one song! I know it comes from a place of self-doubt and insecurity no matter how confident he makes himself appear but like he just doesn't help himself. And fans exaggerating and praising every little thing he does as if he isn't just some basic white man does my head in. Sorry I word vomited on you and I know this sounds harsh but I acknowledge it comes from a bitter place where I feel like his potential is just not being met. At the end it's his life and I genuinely hope he doesn't have many regrets later on.
hi babe
I think I am completely in the same situation as you! I might not be triggered by exactly the same things but I’ve been going over and over it for the last couple days asking myself why I’m so annoyed with him right now?? And I think it really is just the disappointment finding out your fave man is after all, just a man.
Like, to me, it feels like he’s been stagnant since early 2023. right now, to me it feels like he’s just on the hunt for the cheap thrill, getting the validation in that he also can pull massive crowds of screaming girls just like he did during 1D (and it isn’t even the actual validation he’s looking for??? Like he still starts yapping every time a man validates him as if it’s so much more important??)
I feel like he lost focus, or energy, or both. You know, you said it!! You know I love Louis to death, he’s my favourite, and genuinely, I don’t blame him. It makes a lot of sense to me. He’s finally proven himself to not be a flop to all the people doubting him. He’s overcome all the obstacles, did LTWT and had massive success with it, way beyond anyone expected, rode that wave, made a second album that proved he’s not a one hit wonder either, an album he actually enjoyed making, and proved his fans liked it, too. And then… it just kind of stagnated. His team made mistakes and miscalculations. Announcing Asia tour so short notice thinking, then cancelling bc it didn’t sell out, handling the announcements horribly, not realising LTWT was massive bc of all the pent up excitement and desire throughout years of a pandemic, the magnetism of it being the first solo world tour. They also didn’t get it when it came to Milano Summer fest vs. AFHF. The 35k sold out bc it was announced many months in advance and it was the last LTWT show - that’s meaningful to fans. It was easily accessible. You can’t translate just the numbers to „it’s bc he’s popular in Italy,“ there’s so many factors at play they ignored, and therefore AFHF Italy only sold 2/3 of tickets, and a lot of these people didn’t even show up (couldn’t, I better say).
For me, FITF felt like he had checked out a little. He’s plateauing. The excitement and irresistible draw he has is largely due to his resilience, his underdog persona he created that allows normal people to identify with him. And there just wasn’t any… growth since early 2023. He‘s also alienated a large part of his fandom with the bbg pushes, and as you know, I still believe it was all part of the bigger plan to end it, but it does feel like he gave up, got comfortable. And it’s not that I blame him for it necessarily?? Like all he’s been through? It makes a lot of sense to me that now he’s achieved all the things people told him he wouldn’t be able to achieve, that now the burn out sets in, that now, the driving energy of spite and wanting to prove himself has run out.
I feel like the jokes of “oh I’m a pothead I can’t remember if it’s the third or fourth edition of my super duper important close to my heart festival project” or “oh yeah sometimes I forget I’m an actual parent and have a kid” are getting old. Like, it doesn’t serve him anymore it feels like? To me it feels like the weed was a coping mechanism that helped him get through hard times, and that’s completely valid, but now it looks like to me it’s holding him back, blurring his genius.
I’m sorry for the rant back to you. I’m deeply upset because Louis is my escape, my happy place, fandom is my comfort, and I feel like it’s slipping through my fingers because it causes me more upset than happiness at this point. The amount of “kill yourself” messages I have gotten over criticising louis for announcing AFHF so short notice is frankly INSANE. Do people not talk to other people in real life?? How do the people around these people that send those messages deal with them in real life?? It’s so upsetting to see how many people feel comfortable typing out these kind of messages and sending them.
I do hope this feeling of mine calms down, and I can go back to just glorifying louis and have him as my comfort place, because I do not like the thoughts I have and the way it makes me feel.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 months
I don’t wanna hate on castin but like what’s up with „our kids shouldn’t inherit your title“ like does he think we’ll let someone abuse our kid?? He‘s being so weird and I don’t like it. Anyway just wanted to know what you think about that?
Someone in the comments said making someone else out heir might cause a succession crisis and I kinda agree..
Yeah, my jaw was on the floor when he said that.
"Your legacy is just as important but - "
It's not about whether other people can take on the burden of a Baroness and her duties. It's not even about our safety already. Castin is trying to erase what makes us... US! The Baroness' childhood abuse, how it shaped her to become the woman/listener we know and where it brought her - Castin is trying to take that away.
"Oh, the Baroness was nearly assassinated the moment she returned to the Empire, and now look, a distant cousin now holds her title. And then she ran back to Intacia immediately on the next day?"
Nah, fam. I get that Castin is scared and just trying to protect us. I get that he has our best interest in mind. I get that he's scared and is now panicking for us and our unborn baby.
But he has no choice but to think beyond just a husband and a father. It's sucks, but that's the life our couples have chosen for themselves.
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bartonsarcheryacademy · 8 months
Okay, so I‘ve had this story idea- TWO YEARS AGO. I haven‘t started writing it yet, because I have so many other projects running, but I at least wanted to share the idea wit you all. Maybe you like it as much as I do.
Clint Barton (just turned 19), got recently released from juvenile prison, where he was sent for a short detention time by a judge who was sick and tired of repeatedly seeing him charged with smaller crimes. He‘s out now, lives in a shared apartment with a 4years older Brock Rumlow (uhum) in a small town. To get through his probation time, he needs to keep a job. News travel fast in the small town and he lost his two last jobs. His social worker and somehow friend Phil Coulson (Yeah we need Phil) gets him at job at a janitor at SHIELD Academy, which is located outside town. Clint hates it, but takes the job, because damn he needs it. Principle Fury and his second in command Maria Hill (who else?) are sceptical, but they owe Coulson a favor, so they give Clint a chance.
Enter the rest of the Avenger crew as teachers- suggestions about who could teach what can be taken, but I have a rough idea. Of course they get curious why a kid suddenly works at the academy. The first approaches don‘t go well. Clint feels super uncomfortable at an elite Academy for the offsprings of all the rich and important people. It takes a while, but eventually Clint opens up a little- following is a reveal of a troubled childhood, a bunch of triggers and fears, an abusive room mate, zero self worth on Clint‘s side, stumbling into drug dramas with the not so clean students of the academy, developing friendships and ultimately - WinterHawk ship.
It‘s all planned out, and will maybe never see the light of day as a story, but I at least wanted to share the idea.
Opinions welcome
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 169 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the Kolkwitzia amabilis in my garden.
JON: "Some fears don’t need to be intensified. Only manifested." Hm, insufficient or blatantly negligent fire escapes are so common in apartment buildings… Often seen escape routes get affected negatively by tenants, leaving shoes and all kinds of obstacles in the hallway. Of course this in turn can be a consequence of too many people crammed into one flat because otherwise they can’t afford living there. What I absolutely hate, is when they do that in the hospital I work at. There is no excuse. Leaving wheelchairs or even beds in the hallway even though we have fire prevention and fire action training every year and every year it’s said, that this is not allowed.
Oh this episode shows a dark side of Jon. He didn’t tell Martin what was the deal with the fire, probably hoping he wouldn’t ask (since he’s getting a bit cagy there) because he wants to revenge himself on Jude.
This conversation really shows Alex‘s VA talent again. He‘s so good at portraying fear, panic, you can hear he’s on the verge of tears.
MARTIN:(overlapping) "I know! I know, okay, I just – (bracing exhale) Look, I j,just – don’t want to get burned, all right? It’s, it’s like my least favorite pain ever." JON: "Is that – a joke?" They really gotta work on their understanding of humour. Neither one knows when the other is making a joke or not.
MARTIN: (a bit faster, a bit shaky) "No, no, okay? I, I legitimately hate burns, alright? They’re, they’re awful, and they scar horribly, and they just – it – it just makes me sick; I, I hate it. Hate it!" Hm, would love to hear what Jon would have thought about this. Like, thanks I know what it’s like to get properly burned... His hand is probably a hot mess, if you excuse the pun xD 
JON: "Alright. If you really don’t want to do this, w-we can go another way." MARTIN: (somewhat smaller) "Really?" JON: "Really. My revenge… (long sigh) Well, let’s just say you’re more important." After lots and lots of talking how much Martin hates this and is afraid Jon caves in. That is good to see. If it weren’t for what’s following…
JON: "Maybe? It’s… (inhale) Like I said, I can’t see the future. It wouldn’t free them, if that’s what you’re asking. ‘Free’ doesn’t really exist in this place." MARTIN: "Apart from us." One of those instances where Martin gets acutely aware of their privilege. Also, not sure what Jon's deal is here. That hesitant "maybe?". Does he legitimately not know or does he want to stay bit vague so Martin would be on board with going in. (Couldn't Jon just know how the merry-go-round is doing since he has destroyed the Not!Them?) I mean he's at least honest about the fact that's it not freeing the people trapped in here.
JON: "I – Oh, right: I want revenge on Jude Perry. I want to… smite her. Make her feel what – (sigh) What all her victims felt. But I’m not willing to force you to suffer for it." MARTIN: "Okay. So it’s – (brief pause) I have to choose, do I?" JON: "Or we could sit here." MARTIN: "…No. No, I’m not going to choose; I don’t, I don’t think that’s a fair decision to put on me. It’s your revenge; your choice, not mine." It’s good that Jon hears Martin’s feelings on this and actually tries to respect them. But yeah, putting that decision on Martin is complicated. It’s once again a shitty situation in which nobody wins (except that I think Jon also didn’t win. At least not in the way he wanted. But at least he’s one step closer to realizing that this is doing nothing).
[SILENCE.] JON: "Fine. We go in." I like the long pause. Jon‘s inner fight about what to do is almost audible. He probably thought if Martin really, reaaaally doesn’t want this he would have said so. As he said, he's not forcing Martin to suffer for it. And Martin bounced it back to Jon. Still, he’s putting his desire for revenge before Martin…
"Home. Such a simple word. Home – not house, not dwelling, not residence or address, not domicile or flat or lodging or abode or apartment or property or accommodation. Home." How many synonyms xD
"And home is where that heart can be hurt most severely, because within that place of safety, the warm and welcoming embrace of the cramped and well-trod floors whose layout has ingrained itself into your soul, there you are most vulnerable." A lot of people are not aware how much their home means safety. Even when things happen which limits people in the capacity of feeling at peace at their home (noise, aggressive neighbours etc.) Still, a lot of people underestimate what it can do with you when your home gets violated in one of those most horrible ways. Break-ins, catastrophes...
Usually I have problems following statements which ramble a lot about general premises, but here I find it super interesting. How that first part is just generally putting it all into words. What a home means, what's it to you, which bad things can happen to it, how you become aware of said bad things etc.
"Sabina senses it, feels it drawing near." Okay, people who also had statement people with your name, how did it make you feel? Because it's such a jump scare every single time for me. It's also, I'm not used to hearing my name in media and when there actually is a character (Star Wars, Miraculous), it's always anglicized version with the silent E at the end. But the way Jonny pronounces the A at Sabina, it sounds so much like the German pronunciation of my name. I of course have no reference, but I also feel it's worse because it's one of the S5 statements and they are a lot closer to rl than some supernatural shit. I don't know, any other experiences with this?
MARTIN: (overlapping, coming into focus) "Jon, you idiot! Please go back!" Why "you idiot"? Also is it really "please go back" or is it "please come back"? The official transcripts doesn't have this line at all, it's just Martin yelling "Jon!" again and again. "Pls come back" would make more sense because he wants him to snap out of his Eyepocalypse Guidesona. Maybe that "idiot" because I'd guess Jon lost all sense of his surroundings and marched ever deeper into the inferno.
I know there’s the debate about Martin slapping Jon awake. He already did it in MAG 160 and it will happen one more time I think? Complicated matter, it’s such a trope to slap someone awake, but it being a trope doesn’t make it okay. There is also the matter that this is an audio medium, how would you hear, say, shaking someone to snap them out of it? The olfactory sense is really sufficient, I think? But very rarely that people have something for that to use. Water would be audible, but there wasn’t really any at their disposal. Perhaps in MAG 160..? But yeah, a slap is audible in a way, that people know what’s going on.
JUDE: "Fancy seeing you both here. (sarcasm) To what, exactly, do I owe the pleasure – the honor – of being graced by the great and powerful Archivist, harbinger of this new world and his, mm… (deliberately obtuse) …valet?" Oh god, I hate that mocking tone of Jude xD Also funny to see how everyone addresses Martin. Of course they don't know him, they're all like "who's that, what makes him so special that he's traveling with the Archivist?"
JUDE: What’s wrong? Scared of a little flame? (delighted) Oh, you are, aren’t you?" [SHE LAUGHS.] JUDE: "How pathetic." MARTIN: (high) "Screw you!" JON: "Leave him alone." Ah yes, antagonizing Martin, not good. Still, don't know how much that actually does. Cause Simon... But also, Simon was never actively antagonizing Martin in front of Jon, he always seems rather polite and very funny.
JUDE: "Oh, I see. I get it. You finally get a sniff of power, and the first thing you do is try to settle some old scores. (enjoying this) Play the big man; get off on good old-fashioned petty revenge." JON: (not in the mood for games) "I’d have thought that was a mindset you would appreciate." She's not wrong, and he knows it.
JUDE: "I’m… happy in this world. I belong here. And so do you." Jude has some very difficult but kinda true statements... The Archivist does belong here, the fear of others feels good to him. But with Jon it's not that easy.
MARTIN: (half screaming) "Just DIE already!" JUDE: "You’re not – better – (audibly struggling) than – me!" Also kind more of Martin's dark side. This overall stance of the revenge arc didn't really surprise me, especially not after S4. But directly shouting as someone "Just die already"... Also Jude again... Probably got a lot into Jon's head. Is he better? He surely has caused less pain on purpose than Jude did. I refuse to contribute the Eyepocalypse to Jon, he didn't know, he was tricked into this like all the others. I don't fault him for not wanting to die and also not for not immediately wanting to gouge his eyes out especially when he knew Martin wouldn't follow him and he therefore would have lost the last bit of influence/protection/support/whatever he could offer Martin. The thing about his statement victims is complicated as it seems that he does kind of need them to survive. Old statements wouldn't have done it forever. We saw in MAG 155 that the Fears want maximum pain out of all this... Love it, the entire moral dilemma! It's super interesting!
JON: "She’s gone." MARTIN: "The fires are still here. Doesn’t look like much has changed." JON: "No. I suppose not." I would love to know if there was a thought behind this, if it was taken into account if Jon knew it wouldn't do anything, or if it's open, like it didn't matter for the character growth/narrative here.
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piccolotiranno · 2 years
Silver tongues sounds like a love song to me. The vodka in a mug is a reference to Harry. The partying visuals is for public narrative, like Miss You, because he obviously can't say it's about his long term partner, especially that Eleanour is done with. Every time Louis writes a love song the Louie-Larries try to spin it so it's about his mates or fans because they do feel threatened by Harry and want Louis to themselves.
Hi, nonnie. Generally, I think fans tend to read into lyrics too much. We often attach importance and extra weight to some lines which are not necessarily of any particular significance.  When you read a novel (or a poem for that matter), you don’t expect it every time to be autobiographical, do you? But when it comes to songs, people somehow expect them to be totally based on artist’s real life experiences and relationships, that is to be personal.
You know, I’ve been very close, for many years, with someone who is a composer and a songwriter, and I know for a fact that some lines mean literally nothing to their creator, they only appear in a song because a rhyme was needed or a phrase looks catchy.  And any lyrics interpretation is highly subjective, we can never know what exactly was on the songwriter’s mind during their creative process.
Therefore, I can’t be sure if Silver Tongues is a love song or not. It is presented by the artist as a song about long-standing fellowship, if the visuals are anything to go by.  And the lyrics can be easily interpreted as about friendship. But as I said earlier, by choosing ‘’you+me’’ instead of ‘’you and me’’ in the lyric video, Louis makes sure we don’t interpret this song as about fellowship, it’s as if he‘s saying ''Well, you know it's not really about me and the lads'', because how on earth ''you+me until the end'' can be about friendship with multiple people? “You+me” or “Alex+Lux” is what kids carve into their school desks when they are, like, 14 and smitten, right? It was a deliberate decision to go on with this way of writing the line, and I don’t think it was for us to think the song is about his mates. And then again, who are his mates that he used to write songs with? I don’t really see how we can interpret the song as nostalgic for his Doncaster youth friends.
About “vodka in a mug” being a reference to Harry… Well, I can easily imagine Harry preaching with a vodka in a mug, but to be honest, this line can be about anyone. I can vividly remember myself in someone’s kitchen, on more than one occasion, drinking vodka from a teacup lol.
About Louie-Larries feeling threatened by Harry and wanting Louis to themselves… I don’t even know what to say. I mean, can anyone around here seriously want Louis to themselves? And perceive Harry as a rival? Like for real? I don’t follow too many people here, but no one on my dash is delusional.
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unforth · 8 months
damn i felt your post abt your kids‘ question this morning. i have a brother with a cognitive disability and he‘s had things like that (incest = big no) have to be explained to him too. plus also the importance of age, eg only other adults can be potential partners once you’re an adult. it’s uncomfortable to have to explain, but of course important that he‘s actually told and explained it
many hugs, anon.
It's really tough when the level of knowledge needed to understand why it's bad (genetics! inheritance! mutations!) is just so far above what they can comprehend, so we have to just default to "it's just bad." I always struggle to figure out clear, accurate ways to explain why (for example) an adult shouldn't be touching their bits, either. It's like, "well, they just shouldn't...unless they're helping you cause you had a potty accident...or it's a doctor...but they should always ask first!...but even if they ask you don't NECESSARILY say it's okay...it depends what they're asking and why...and your family is also okay to ask...except again depending on when and why they ask...basically your private parts are for you and you decide who sees them and why but 'they asked so i showed them' isn't adequate...they should have a good reason...and gaaaaah why is this so hard to explain!!!???"
but yeah. we still have to try, because we need these people we love to stay safe and make sure no one hurts them.
weary sigh
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