#he's devastated all over again not just bc he lost her. but bc he abandoned her. he failed her.
pebbledrat · 1 year
The longer I'm around the more convinced I become that Jill and Michael also had some kinda codependent-besties archetype thing going on?? they may or may not even have been aware of it, but like. they're kind of a matched set, you know? Frequently purchased together, do not separate them
#this is based more on vibe then evidence but like. boy oh boy is there evidence#you could look at how the Lovers archetype affected Raven and Lloyd when they got split up and then compare that to Michael spiraling#idk. obviously there are a lot of factors at play here but like. sort of chronologically-#they were trapped in the tower together and had to stay sane for each other. making up games together. trying not to crack.#she was his first friend. you know?#they show up to the dinner party together. they bring wine and scotch! (she taught him to drink)#(they used to laugh and drink and party together until suddenly they couldn't anymore)#jill takes the chance to admit to lloyd that she worries about michael. to which!!!! lloyd says!! at least he has you#jill and michael's well being has ALWAYS been interwoven#or like. or like. in act 6 in the final battle jill follows her own melody line bc she's ticked and this is personal#compared with michael who doesn't have a personal stake in this other than the playhouse crew being involved!#michael doesn't have his own melody. he sings to the love and a dream playhouse tune bc that's his motivation for fighting#UNTIL jill is in danger!! when Michael jumps in to save her he finally gets his own musical flavor in the song! then it's banjo boy time#idk. there was a lot of loss and multiple different traumas Michael went through after that. but suddenly he's alone again#at least he's not stuck in a swamp or a tower for years but. he's all the way back to square one. he's alone. he doesn't cope well with that#and while he misses all of them he really misses jill. at the worst of it he doesn't even want to reunite with lloyd and david#but like. he's in a real bad way. he's hit rock bottom and he carries so much guilt over not being able to help jill#to the point where even hearing that there's hope is crushing to him bc it means that there Was something he could've done#and he did nothing#he's devastated all over again not just bc he lost her. but bc he abandoned her. he failed her.#we don't have nearly as much about how jill is doing but we do have her song titled Michael about their early relationship#and the way they rely on each other#go listen to that and tell me the narrative wouldn't just eat that up and link their destinies and mental stability#they spent years in level five. you can't tell me they got away with all this unscathed#i definitely think losing son mi was a big part of why michael spiraled but this essay is about jill and michael specifically#hdhjdfhrjrdgtsg how long can post go (challenge mode)#pebble speaks#shaperaverse
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judebelle · 7 months
Gavi breaking up with the reader bc he needs space and stuff and she takes it really hard and it affects her a lot but he realizes he was wrong for it and gets her back. Just a lot of angst but fluff ending plssss. You are the bestttt
rekindled - p.g. x reader
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authors note : thank you guys for the love on my recent posts, and for sending in requests. psa, the more requests i get, the more motivated i am and the more i post!
cw : just heart wrenching angst for the most part, but it gets fluffy dwww!!, swearing, sad :(
wc : 2.3k
pairing : pablo gavi x fem!reader
“i just don’t have the time for you anymore!”
his words truly devastated you, tearing apart the delicate threads of your heart. couldn’t he at least try? why was he just giving up?
“i don’t understand why we can’t just try to work it out, pablo! we could compromise, we can even make a schedule.. we could make it work!”
it seemed like only you were really trying, and he seemed eager to end this relationship. over what? a busy schedule? you felt useless, standing in his empty home, the echoes of your voices ringing in your ears. it was as if you were singlehandedly trying to stop a sinking ship from descending deep into the dark and bottomless blue.
“it’s not that easy, y/n! i have a lot on my plate! between football practices and matches, i barely have time for myself anymore. and then adding on this relationship, i need to make time for you as well! its too much. i know you wouldn't understand but-"
"i wouldn't understand? what is that supposed to mean? there are two people in this relationship. and it's not like i sit around all day and do nothing! i also have my own things to do! you make it seem like i am so high maintenance, like i'm too much for you to handle!"
you were growing increasingly angry as the argument progressed. how little did he think of you?
"you know that's not what i meant.."
you sniffled, "i dont think i know you at all anymore."
it had been a week since the break up.
you tried not to let it affect you too much, but his absence left a crater in your heart you were left too weak to fill.
the breakup casted a shadow over the once vibrant hues of your life. you found yourself dealing with the aftermath of shattered love. you were picking up the shattered pieces of your heart, the sharp glass cutting through the skin of your hands. you felt the pain during tearful nights when sleep also abandoned you, and in the empty spaces that once resonated with shared laughter.
the breakup left an indelible mark on you.
you didn't call anybody. you just sat at home. it was like pablo's words became your new reality, now you were truly sitting around all day and doing nothing.
you hadn't heard from him at all, thanking the universe knowing that if you did, it would be too much on your aching heart.
one month had passed.
you were finally feeling like yourself again. yes, you missed his warm embrace and touching words, but you learned to live without it.
you couldn't depend on someone to be the sole reason for your happiness. you still loved him, and you always will, but fuck did he cut deep.
pablo's pov
pablo found himself grappling with an unexpected wave of regret.
the relentless demands of his busy life had driven a wedge between the two of you, leaving him to confront the harsh reality of what he had lost.
pablo now spent the time he would've spent with you alone, in his home. he didn't hang out with friends. he didn't go out for dinner, just ordered food to his house. he felt lonely and bored without you.
how ironic.
the void left by your absence became easily recognizable to everyone around him, and he began to yearn for the warmth of your shared moments.
but pablo kept the painful truth of your breakup to himself, unable to utter the words aloud to anyone.
"hey bro, what's on your mind?"
he felt an arm drape across his shoulders, startling him from his thoughts.
pablo was at barcelona's training grounds, and didn't realize his slumped posture and absentminded features were noticeable to anyone but him.
pedro was walking next to him, his arm slung around the back of his neck.
"hola?? what's up with you?" pedro was insisting on finding out why his close friend was acting so strange.
"sorry, just tired.. didn't get much sleep last night." in all honesty, he hadn't. he spent most of his night lying awake, thinking of how badly he had messed up. his screen time was through the roof, scrolling through your feed and posts, reminiscing on what was once his, about the warm soul that would sleep next to him in this very bed.
"ai, don't lie now. you know i can see right through you. what's wrong, bro?" pedro wasn't giving up, pestering pablo on his silence.
pablo gulped and turned to his friend, "i.. i messed up bad bro, like really bad..".
he didn't elaborate further, unable to bring himself to come to terms with what he had done.
"uhh, that's cool and all, but it would be helpful if you explained, man. i can't help you if you dont tell m-"
"i broke up with y/n."
pablo shut his mouth after, the words leaving the bitter taste of regret in his mouth. he might've said that too loudly, causing some staff members and teammates to look his direction.
pedro didn't seem to believe it, raising his eyebrow at the boy.
"you what? wha... when?"
everyone who knew pablo knew that he was absolutely smitten with you. you were always on his mind, and he was quick to talk about you if he had the chance. it annoyed his friends sometimes, but it was cute how much he loved you.
the fact that he had broken up with you was appalling.
"around a month ago.." pablo confessed, his hands hidden behind his back like a guilty child. "i told her i was too busy to focus on our relationship, and i told her that i needed to focus on my career. it's honestly a load of bullshit. i think i was just stressed and took it out on her."
pedro's confusion was evident, his eyebrows drawn together.
"i don't understand, bro. your schedule was never an issue for you before. and why didn't you tell me? i could've, i don't know, been there for you!"
it was like pablo was being scolded, and he really did deserve it. he'd lost you because of his own stress and poor time management. you didn't deserve to suffer because of him.
"pablo, what were you thinking? i mean, i can't believe it! i would've never expected you to- okay, i'm sorry.." pedro stopped his lecturing upon seeing his friend growing increasingly upset. "my advice to you is to go apologize. and not just a quick 'sorry', but a good one. get her flowers, chocolate - i don't know, whatever chicks like. just go say sorry."
pablo looked up at his friend, hesitation on his features. "what if she doesn't take me back? w-what would i do then?" he stuttered. he was worried you would realize how big of an asshole he was, and how much he didn't deserve you.
"i mean, i wouldn't blame her," pedro smiled teasingly. "but i know y/n pretty well, she would understand." he laid a comforting hand on pablo's shoulder. "don't sweat it bro, it'll all be okay."
your pov
you were currently sprawled across your couch, stuffing popcorn in your mouth as you binged a show you had already seen a million times.
the bell rang.
that hadn't happened in a while. the unfamiliar sound rang in your head before you pulled yourself up from your comfortable position, walking to the door. you yanked the door open, popcorn still in your mouth.
you looked up to see the man you thought you'd never see again.
"..hola.." he whispered before sending you a soft smile. you froze in your spot. not knowing what to do as you weren't expecting this at all.
it was like you'd turned cold from shock. you acted before you thought, slamming the door on his face. you scrambled to fixed your hair and finish chewing your popcorn.
giving yourself a moment to breathe and think, you quickly opened the door again, worried he might leave. surprisingly, he was still standing there, waiting for you.
"can i come in?"
you let him in, of course. how could you not?
he walked in with a hunched back. his feet dragged against the floor wearily.
you told him to sit on the couch and wait as you grabbed two waters, one for him, and one for you.
the unexpected arrival of pablo, whom you thought had become a distant echo of the past, sent tremors through the newly rebuilt walls around your heart.
is there a possibility of rekindling what was once lost?
you finally dragged yourself out of the kitchen and back into the living room to where pablo was sitting with his legs shaking anxiously and his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. there were still popcorn crumbs on the couch, the halfway eaten bowl of it placed on the table across from the paused movie displayed on the tv.
oh, how you wish he warned you before showing up at your doorstep.
he turned his head to see you standing tensely in the doorframe. he smiled awkwardly as he scooted over to give you some space to sit far from him.
you sat down and placed the waters on the table in front of you. you took a deep breath before gulping hard. you eventually found the courage to croak out a few words.
"what happened, is everything alright?"
the air was thick, the unspoken history you shared lingering in the air. his eyes were red and cratered by bags. he tried to hide the lines on his face by putting on a decent outfit and gelling his hair back, but you saw right through his façade.
"i just.. wanted to apologize.."
your silence was his cue to continue speaking.
sitting in the soft glow of your living room, pablo took a deep breath before breaking the heavy silence.
"i need you to know how sorry i am for what i did, y/n. breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life, and i've spent every day regretting it. i miss you, not just the idea of you, but you - the way you laugh, the way you challenge me... i was foolish, and i can't keep living my life without you in it. i came here to make things right, to find a way for us to work through the challenges together. can we try again? can you forgive me?" His vulnerable pleas hung in the air while also knocking you down like heavy wind.
your gaze flickered with a mix of surprise as pablo's heartfelt words settled in the room. the weight of his apology hung between you, and for a moment, time seemed to stretch as you discerned the sincerity in his eyes.
you took a moment before responding, your voice a sorrowful blend of vulnerability and caution.
"pablo, you hurt me deeply when you walked away. i've spent nights replaying those moments, the day you left me, wondering if i meant as much to you as you say now...". The room held a fragile hope as your eyes locked.
in a desperate plea, pablo's words spilled forth with an intensity so raw it stung in the depths of your heart. his eyes reflected the sincerity of his emotions. "y/n, i can't imagine my life without you. every moment without you feels like a void i can't fill. i was foolish, and i let something so precious slip away." his voice wavered with a mix of regret and hope, showing the depth of his desire to rebuild what was lost.
"please, i'm begging you, give me another chance. i know i hurt you, and i'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. i've learned from my mistakes, and i'm not the same person who walked away. i love you, and i'm ready to fight for us. please, take me back."
you listened to pablo's heartfelt pleas carefully. after a thoughtful pause, you spoke with a calm and resolute tone,
"pablo, i appreciate your honesty and the effort you're putting into this. it's not easy to admit mistakes, and i can see the sincerity in your eyes. but i need some space to process everything. let's take things one step at a time."
pablo quietly absorbed your response. he nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of his actions. "i understand, y/n," he said with a quiet sincerity,
"i know i hurt you, and i can't expect you to erase that pain overnight. i'm here, whenever you're ready." his words left a subtle sting on your heart. he raised up from the couch, before leaving with the same hunch of his back and drag of his steps that he entered with.
the sound of the door latching closed sent a stab through your heart. your eyes began to water as the painful image of him leaving stuck in your mind.
you were standing in the doorway, and felt a sudden surge of clarity and yearning. spontaneously, you threw the door open and rushed after him, the urgency to convey your changing feelings propelling you forward. "pablo!" you called out, running down the driveway, and as he turned in surprise, you closed the distance between you. without a word, you reached out, cupped his face in your hands, and pressed your lips to his. his hands wrapped around your waist as he dipped you forward slightly, embracing your warmth and forgiveness. your brows furrowed into the kiss as you felt the craters in your heart fill slowly.
the kiss was heavy, holding many unspoken emotions—forgiveness, longing, and the realization that sometimes, the heart finds its way back when the connection is too strong to resist.
in that moment, under the dim streetlights, things changed between you two, and it seemed as though the process of reconciliation was beginning to unfold.
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bloogers-boogers · 6 days
Oh man
If Cain was ever successfully kidnaped from Adam I imagine that it would completely mentally break him. Abandoned by everyone, force fed the forbidden fruit and banished, and then his CHILD gets stolen and he can’t get him back
I think the resulting version of Adam would be MUCH darker and bring new meaning to the term “hell to pay”
On the other hand, maybe Luci will learn something from watching Adam’s love for his son. Maybe he’ll realize he can’t take something like that away and he wants something similar
Very different endings for this story
Dude if Cain were to be taken away, jesus, nothing would bring that eden Adam back 😭 he WOULD make sure they all pay for it and I dunno maybe once Cain finds out about the truth he would try to reason with his dad but Adam is already too lost to care, which will be super sad cause I can picture Lucifer telling Cain stories when he’s a child about how Adam would be this amazing guy who took ‘care’ of him while in the garden. I feel that’s something Lucifer wouldn’t be able to take away from Cain even if he has to say that Adam was just like a babysitter to Cain (cause he wasn’t allowed to tell the truth about what happened in eden or talk about Adam at all bc of Eve).
But behind their backs though... Lucifer would be telling Cain stories about the first man and how nice he was with him when he was a tinsy bitsy baby.
Like. This would be Lucifer’s story to Charlie.
“And then came Eve, made from the rib of Adam.
Both humans fell madly in love. For a long period everything was perfect, peaceful, beautiful. And from that same love flourished a seed into Eve’s womb, and then Cain was born.
However, when Cain was just welcoming life in his heart with curious eyes, an innocent sweet soul oblivious to his parents growing struggles and disagreements. His parents broke apart due to Eve’s will to be free and find new purpose within herself.
Adam was left disappointed, he disagreed with Eve, he refused to support her dreams and was left behind as Eve forced herself out from Adam’s stubborn faith for heaven.”
And this would be Cain’s.
“And then came Eve, made from the rib of Adam.
Both humans fell in love in an instant but the love was not strong, at least not enough for Adam to leave the garden with Eve. Leading Adam and Eve to break up but remaining as friends and partners.
When Adam and Eve were given the news from the angels that Eve was blessed with the child of a miracle granted by the devine magic of heaven, they were enthusiastic for another human.
However, the angels were oblivious to Adam and Eve’s struggles to form a bond. The birth of Cain made both humans team up to raise the baby, this left Eve’s desire to leave the garden to withhold for the time being.
Adam had become a caring and doting figure to Cain, he gave his all for the baby; every ounce of love in his heart was given to the miracle baby, he protected him from anything that could possibly upset or cause harm to Cain. He sang and played with him. The baby adored him and Adam adored him back.
Everything seem to return to its peaceful state in the garden, as Adam and Eve had made a truce for the sake of Cain. But it didn’t last long as for Eve began to feel the emptiness surging in her heart once more when it came to the garden.
Eve grew tired again and the dream of wanting to be set free resurfaced with much more fire, she tried convincing Adam again but this only lead for another argument between the humans. Adam picked the garden over Eve, Adam loved the garden he wanted more than anything but to stay. This left Eve devastated and heartbroken; making the poor woman search for comfort in the arms of Lilith and Lucifer.
Adam took care of Cain until Eve decided in what she’d choose. She chose to flee with Cain outside the garden alongside her friends the angel and first woman. Leaving Adam alone in the garden.”
Adds more to the hell lore and the conflicting feelings Cain would experience when he actually meets Adam and this whole drastically changed man from the stories he’s been told turned out to be a really cold and heartless person.
But in this au I’m pretty much going to a similar route like the last part you were going with! Like Lucifer falling to realize that Adam isn’t this controlling freak as Lilith would make it seem was, finding Eve’s desires to take Cain from Adam being a little selfish and all that conflicting stuff
Let’s just say… that he falls in love with Adam in the process regardless of the outcome sbelfvwlsnwñw
I’m still trying to figure it out tbh so things would change in this au if I decide to continue it
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lazaruspiss · 10 months
sladedicktalia??????? i am LISTENING
there's like. 5 fics. im so starved. i think theyre so hot and funny together!! im obsessed. also this got long so im adding a readmore. whoops.
SlaDick: classic enemies to lovers. they may try to kill each other half the time but they respect each other more than anyone else. OBSESSED with each other, Slade knows he's weird about Dick and couldn't care less but Dick is so in denial about it. they could both give explicit consent but be so antagonistic about it that it becomes unclear if "yes i want to have sex with you" is actually code for "die right now" and i think that's beautiful.
SladeTalia: they fucked! in canon! there was some bullshit plotline where Talia tried to give Slade Damian and pretend he was his son instead! ex fuck buddies who show up just to make each other's lives harder bc they wanna fuck so bad it makes them have stupid brain. also they're both hot as hell. i'm weak for big strong milf/dilf idk idk.
DickTalia: LISTEN TO ME. TALIA WOULD TREAT HIM RIGHT. THEY BOTH KNOW HOW EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING IT IS TO LOVE BRUCE. LISTEN TO M- ok aside from that. Talia is someone who tried so hard to be good, to choose to be kind. She loved Bruce because she saw how hard he tried to do good in the world. Her character has gotten considerably colder over time, in huge part due to a certain writer writing about her despite knowing nothing about her, but in universe i try and rationalize it as a growing cynicism stemming from both her father's gradually increasing cruelty and Bruce's failure to support her or commit to her or to even just respect her. She hasn't been shown to have very many people in her life who she can really trust and be close to. She used to have a good relationship with Ra's, she used to have Bruce, she's even lost Damian at this point. She feels like such a lonely character to me. And I think Dick would be able to see that, be able to understand it better than most. He's always had people who loved him, people he could turn to, but he's also ended up perpetually isolated for one reason or another. Dick and Talia both feel to me like characters who are so lonely the further they get in their lives. I could see a silent understanding there. The kind of people who would be able to find solace in simply sharing a space with each other. Neither of them like to talk about what they've been through, I think they'd like to have someone who just gets it. Trauma for trauma, you know?
SlaDickTalia: several angles available here.
1) Dick deserves some sexy older lovers who would wine and dine him and also rail him within an inch of his life and also kill for him. i am not immune to the aesthetics!! to the allure of a hot older duo double teaming their young spitfire partner!!!
2) corruption arc. u know u wanna.
3) Dick's fear of abandonment x the 2 most devoted people on the planet. if they were dating nothing bad would happen to Dick again, Slade and Talia just wouldn't allow that. smth smth, couldn't get rid of them if he tried <3
4) Bruce would hate it and that's always fun :3 not that that's hard tho, Babs is like the only one of Dick's partners that Bruce liked and that's bc he wants to keep it in the family.
5) healing.... sobs...... esp when it comes to feelings around parenthood. Those three have shit to work out and i think having some company would help.
6) They all need more people time but 2/3 of them don't get along with anybody so they're kinda stuck with Dick. that kid will forgive anybody if u bat ur eyelashes and behave well enough. He's also more likely to still see them as people despite everything they've been through, and when you're a military experiment and a semi immortal daughter of an immortal terrorist... It can be hard to find someone who looks at you like you still have a chance at humanity.
7) Slade and Talia playing a Cat Vs Dog type game with Dick in the middle. I think it's funny.
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hiiii can you do a deep dive into hawkeye's attachment styles pretty please :') i don't know much about attachment styles but i love psychology and i'm super normal about that guy (lying) so this is all fascinating 2 me !!!
Hi! I can certainly try!
I'm by no means an expert on attachment theory but I guess I can maybe talk about it since I'm studying it right now and have for a few years. I'm a psych major specializing in psychological development, and a lot of my interests and papers in the last few years have been on attachment theory specifically in adults bc believe it or not, most people think that it's only a thing when you're in infancy and early childhood. False! You actually grow an attachment network as you go from adolescence into adulthood and that's how it stays essentially, but your attachment style is important for the people you choose to be around and how relationship dynamics work (there's more nuance to this but I'm not really sure how to explain it without going super in depth). Anyway... Maybe I should do a general post about attachment theory.
For Hawkeye I think he's definitely in the preoccupied type, but he can also sometimes be a bit dismissing. Let's be real, Hawkeye has abandonment issues. If you think about it, he lost his mom when he was a kid, and it was pretty sudden. She got sick and he didn't really know what was going on, and his dad didn't tell him how bad it was. Then a few days later she was gone. Not only did he very suddenly lose a primary attachment figure, but he likely felt a sense of betrayal from his other primary attachment figure due to his dad not being honest with him. Yes, he was only a kid, but that doesn't stop him from feeling that way. That is still the case to a degree, he mentions it in that one episode... I think it's called Sons and Bowlers? When his dad was going into surgery for something serious and Hawkeye thought it could be cancer but he didn't find out until his dad was already in surgery and he spent forever trying to get through to the hospital. He was rantic and said something about his dad doing it again, likely meaning holding back the severity of an illness from him to protect him.
The loss of a primary caregiver is devestating to a young child even if they don't really understand what happened. The person they've relied on, who they knew was going to keep them safe and take care of them is just no longer there, whether they know why or not doesn't matter. Now, hawkeye I think was a bit older... 10, maybe? So he understood that it wasn't his Mom's intention, but that doesn't stop the pain. It seems very much like he clung to his dad after that, and he seems to have a very secure attachment to him. But I don't think that overall he has a secure attachment style. Definitely not.
The preoccupied attachment style is typically characterized by people who have positive views of others but negative views of the self. This usually means that they want close relationships but don't feel they're deserving of it necessarily or that they can trust others. In a modern sense, they'd be the person who'd text you a thousand times if you didn't respond. They can be clingy and they need reassurance. And while Hawkeye can be arrogant, I don't think he really likes himself that much. I can't think of anything speciifc he says but he definitely seems to think he's not a good person. He probably doesn't think he's ideal for a relationship. And we can see that in his interactions with his ex.
Carly and Hawkeye lived together for over a year, and he was devastated when she left him. Again, abandonment by another primary attachment figure. When she showed up at the 4077th he was hurt and a bit bitter, but when he talked to her he was desperate. He would do anything to keep her by his side, including marriage. And she knew it was desperation. A lot of it was his work that got between them, as she said, because he isn't someone who can put his work second. But another piece of those commitment issues might be that doubt or anxiety around relationships that are more than just sex.
This isn't just in romantic relationships. Think about how he reacted when Trapper left. He was so hurt that Trapper didn't even leave a note and chased after him to try and catch him before he left despite knowing he had little chance of catching him. He and Trapper were always together and he seemed a bit more secure in that friendship... but that went out the window when he left. Now, I don't really know that much about Trapper, esp since he was only in 3/11 seasons. But the effect he had on Hawkeye was immense.
You can see that in the way he interacts with BJ. He's clingy. He needs validation. He's scared of being abandoned again, whether or not he wants to admit it. And in GFA, he gets so irritated when BJ won't say goodbye. Hawkeye knows they won't see each other again, so leaving without a goodbye and a promise of seeing each other again is the same as being abandoned. BJ is important to him.
This validation isn't even just with BJ. It's pretty much with everyone. He cracks jokes and the laughter is validation. Sleeping with one of the nurses is validation. To me at least, he seems to feel inferior when comes to anything that's not surgery. Just as a person. But he also seems to have a defense against that, acting like all he needs are one night stands. Keeping the nurses at an arm's length, never going further emotionally than just sex. Which is why I said he could also fit the dismissing style a little bit, too. It's a defense mechanism so he doesn't get hurt. Dismissing is when someone has a positive view of self and a negative view of others, usually relying on being self-sufficient and independent, not needing close relationships even though they desperately want them. He just thinks people will leave him so he doesn't let people get to close to him. That seems to more be the case with women.
I hope this makes some sense! He has a bit of a mix of styles but I think more preoccupied than anything else. I wanna give poor Hawkeye a hug :(
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yannadere · 3 years
daryl dixon, shane walsh and glenn rhee (separate) reacting to their s/o getting bit
cw: loss, depression, unhealthy coping, suicide, angst, hurt/comfort
Daryl Dixon:
you're scared to tell him
he's lost so much even before the apocalypse, you don't want to hurt him
trying to distance yourself from daryl doesn't work at all
he just gets worried, which comes across as him being angry, and he clings to you
poor bby has abandonment issues
it's a few days after you get bit when you finally tell him, you already feel your health deteriorating but you hold up for him
you tell him when he's getting ready to settle for the night
bc evenings with you are when he's the most calm
"hey, daryl?" you mumble, and he hums softly, eyes still closed. "hey, look at me. i have to tell you something." you sigh, nudging his arm with your uninjured hand. "what?" he groans, finally looking at you. "i.. my hand isn't just cut, daryl..." you sigh, unraveling the bandages. "what'dya mean?" daryl's brows furrow, eyes falling onto the bandages as they fall.
his blood goes cold, and he sits up suddenly and grabs your wrist to observe the nasty bite on the side of your hand, between your thumb and forefinger. "damn it, why didn't you tell me?!" he snaps, stopping to take a breath as you flinch back slightly. "c'mere..." he sighs, pulling you into a tight hug. "i'm so sorry..." you whisper clutching his shirt tightly. "sh, it's okay... i... when you go, i'll be here."
"daryl... you shouldn't have to do that..." you close your eyes, tears slowly falling. "nah. it's fine. i... i wanna do it. i don't trust anyone else to. not even you." he holds you tighter, kissing your neck gently.
"i'm so sorry, daryl... i was being stupid, i-" he silences you, moving away and pressing his forehead against yours. "don't blame yourself. i knew something like this would happen eventually... i put merle down, had a feeling either of us would go next." he gently cups your face with his hands, wiping your cheeks and nuzzling his nose against yours affectionately.
"i don't want to put you through this, daryl." you cry, going to leave when he pulls you back. "don't leave... please don't leave..." daryl begs, pulling you back to him and letting your body fall limp against his. you let out a small sob, wrapping your arms around his middle as your head rests on his shoulder, tears dampening his shirt.
"it'll be okay. i'll take care of it. for now, get some rest. i'll be here when you wake up." he kisses your cheek, waiting for you to calm down. you sniffle, holding him tightly. "i'm so sorry..!" you repeat the words over and over, and he closes his eyes, trying not to cry himself.
"shh... please... don't be sorry." his voice wavers and he hates it. "just sleep, darlin'... i'm right here." you whimper before falling quiet, resting your hand on his jaw and nuzzling into his neck. "i love you, okay..? i didn't want it to be this way." you breathe out, letting him lean onto you slightly. "i know. i know. just sleep for me, darling." he sniffles, cradling you close as you fall asleep slowly, knowing it would be the last time.
you fall asleep in his arms, but he can't bring himself to harm you
so, he tells rick, who's also upset upon the news
however his best friend's distress makes it even worse
so, rick does it for him as the others try to comfort daryl
after your death, he becomes reckless and depressed, not eating or drinking at all and becoming skinny and malnourished
he shoots openly at walkers, and when his ammo's out he takes out his anger on other walkers in other ways
whether it's stabbing them, bludgeoning them, or just hitting their bodies after they fall.
rick decides to put him under close watch to ensure he doesn't harm himself
but daryl's rather experienced in sneaking out/away, and he visits your grave often
unfortunately one morning, rick finds him at your grave with a bullet in his head
he's buried next to you, as rick knows it's what daryl craved
to be with you again.
Shane Walsh:
you got bit on the way back from gathering medical supplies for carl
and with shane you knew there was no way he would take well at any time of the day
so you decide to rip the bandaid off and talk to him an hour after your own little grieving session.
you approach him when he's talking to the small group, asking him for a private talk, saying it's important
so, of course, he's worried, as are the group
you take him behind the barn and hug him
he's genuinely confused as to why you're acting like this
deadass asks you if you're expecting or smth
you hate to break his heart
"so why did you bring me back here?" shane asks, crossing his arms and cocking a hip. "shane... i'm sorry." you sigh, pulling the collar of your shirt to reveal the bloody bite on your shoulder.
he's speechless, blinking a few times before almost collapsing. you yelp, catching your boyfriend quickly, but fall under his weight. on the floor behind the barn, shane closes his eyes, crying as he holds you tight. "shane... don't cry. it's okay..." you try your best to smile, cupping his face and wiping his tears.
"this isn't okay..! baby, you're not okay!" he sobs, cupping the back of your head and pulling you closer. "shane- baby, stop crying... it's okay." you sniffle, smiling through your own tears as you kiss his jaw lovingly
shane tries to gather himself, but his whole world feels like it's collapsing. "shh, shh... c'mon, let's get you some water." you grab his hands, trying to pull him up. slowly easing him onto his feet, you help shane back to the house. rick spots you two immediately, stumbling to help you both. "shane-?"
"rick..!" shane is clearly distraught, and his best friend latches onto him quickly to try and calm him down. "shshsh- hey, look at me." rick soothes, and you stand back slightly, trying to calm your nerves. "what happened?" rick demands, eyes steeling as he stares at you. "rick- it's not-" you try to explain what happened, when shane answers for you. "they got bit! my baby got bit..!" shane sobs, knees feeling weak as he almost collapses again.
rick processes the information, looking at you in shock. lori overhears, muttering a fast "oh my god..!" as she approaches the three of you. "how did this happen?!" rick asks, trying to support shane fully. "i was in a rush, i got grabbed and..." you trail off, moving over to comfort shane who can't calm down at all.
"he needs to sit down..." you say softly, glancing at hershel who was observing from his porch. "come, sit him down inside. i'll get him some water." hershel guides you and you help shane in with the aid of rick. flopping down onto a couch, shane can't seem to catch his breath, so you crouch in front of him to cup his face, whispering comforting words to him. "baby... i'm so sorry, it should of been me..!" shane cries, and you hush him quickly. "don't you dare say that, shane walsh." you scold, pulling him into a tight hug.
"never blame yourself for my death. i wouldn't rest easy if you did." you sigh, smoothing his hair and kissing his temple. rick stands anxiously nearby, and you sense his worry. "sit, rick. relax... i've got this." you nod at him, and he nods stiffly, taking a seat of his own when lori pipes up. "when do you think you'll turn?" she asks, and you freeze. "lori-!" "i'm just thinking ahead, rick!"
shane becomes more distraught by her words, clinging onto you tightly. "shh, it's okay... i'm here, bubs." you sigh, cradling him impossibly closer. "the hell's goin' on?" maggie asks, confused as ever. "not now, please..." rick sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "right..." she mumbles, leaving as hershel comes back with some water. "here, drink some of this, son." he nods, giving the glass to you so shane could take it.
after taking a few sips, shane goes back to codding you, slowly winding down. "there you go, just breathe." you smile, kissing him gently. "i'm sorry i couldn't protect you..!" shane hiccups, nuzzling your neck. "shh. don't say that..!" you sigh, holding him tighter. your boyfriend whines softly, and rick closes his eyes with a pained sigh.
you last a few more days before turning, spending your time slowly becoming more sick with shane next to you all the while.
when you turn, shane is devastated, holding your head as you stare up at him with discoloured eyes
he ignores how you try to bite him after a few minutes of your brain losing all memory of him, and his tears drip down onto your face
rick walks in, and sighs. he knew it would happen eventually... everyone did.
shane holds you for a few minutes. you were slowly gaining strength but he was always stronger.
the room is silent except for you little noises, and shane finally accepts this fate when rick puts a hand on his shoulder.
"let me do it..." his best friend gruffly says, and shane shakes his head. "leave 'em be, rick... just for a little while longer..." shane begs, and rick sighs, looking away briefly.
"you know i can't do that. if you or anyone get bit-" "rick, i am asking you nicely. leave."
he spends a few days with you in walker form, and it scares everyone. lori tries to convince him that you're not there anymore, a hollow vessel of what you once were but he wont buy it.
he loves you too much to believe anything like that, or hurt you. to him, you're still his darling, his everything who held him when times got tough.
you scratch at his arms, not even breaking skin due to your blunt nails, and he doesn't mind.
finally, with a few kisses around your pale, sunken face, and a final kiss to your lips that he forced closed- shane raises his gun.
he hesitates, letting you get the jump on him, but he grabs your jaw before you can do anything
the sudden commotion makes rick fly in, only to see you lifeless once more in shane's arms.
Glenn Rhee:
unlike the other two, he watches you get bit.
he's completely distraught as the rest of the group fight off the walkers whilst he makes his way to you
he rams the zombie with all his strength, knocking it down before shooting it
you've collapsed, sat back against the car door as blood seeps from your cheek, whimpering in pain and holding the gash with your blood-soaked hands.
he's crying before he knows it, dropping down next to you and carefully covering your cheek with his shaky hands.
he tries to reassure you, and himself, that you'll be fine and won't get infected,
but the sad look in your eyes confirm that you're not making it to the date he wanted to take you on tomorrow
as you slowly bleed out, he tries to tell you stories, to keep himself calm as you slowly die.
"hey, remember when..?" you're not paying attention, just admiring him as you move your hands to cup his face.
"i love you.." you croak with a small smile, and he smiles sadly, sobbing all the while.
the others have to watch, all waiting for the inevitable
"please don't leave me... please, i need you." glenn pleads, and you smile sadly.
he's pressing kisses to your forehead as you hold him close, your blood staining his hands, arms and shirt
"baby...?" glenn mumbles softly, sitting with you leant against him. "i'm still here, darling..." you whisper, gripping his shirt tightly. "i'm gonna miss you..." glenn sniffles, kissing the top of your head gently. "me too. i'll always be with you, okay. when i go, i don't want you to be sad. i want you to keep going, to find happiness again, even if it means finding love in another. i want the best for you." you smile, despite the ache in your cheek.
glenn breathes out as his eyes close, his tears still falling. "i could never replace you like that..." he whimpers, fingers curling into your hair as he holds you closer. "baby, don't cry... don't cry, because i'll cry." you try to laugh, and glenn laughs too, gently rubbing your uninjured cheek.
"glenn, we've got to, y'know..." rosita sighs, but glenn shakes his head. "no! we don't kill the living..!" glenn protests, his hold turning protective. "right, right... okay." she fakes surrender, walking away.
when you pass, glenn just knows. he doesn't even look at you. he can't bring himself to.
however, when you turn, he doesn't even bother to restrain you, just holding you close as you bite into his neck.
abraham shouts in alarm, shooting you instantly, and glenn cries as you fall, cupping your face and leaning down to press his forehead against you.
the group is distraught, but glenn just lets everything happen, telling them to leave him be, move on.
abraham gives him a spare pistol, and glenn takes it with a nod.
the group leaves, and glenn knows what he has to do. so, he opens the car door, slipping you into the car easily
he gets in himself, closing the door so walkers wouldn't chew on you or him.
alas, glenn admires the gun before pressing it to his chin.
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Together under the moon
Pairing: Oz x male!werewolf!reader
Request: could I request something for oz? enthusiastic male reader who is mayhaps also a werewolf and has been for him for a while and finally gets the guts to confess to him! whether its fluff or not idc bc I'm a sucker or fluff and angst but i rlly enjoy your work so thank you for seeing this!!!
Requested by: Anon
Warning: Oz gets a little hurt. But nothing is described.
A/N: Sorry for the wait! Thanks for your patience, hope this is okay !! 💜🖤
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You had loved him for as long as you could remember now. You had been friends for so long but these feelings that you harboured in private you just weren’t ready to share. You didn’t want to lose the close relationship you already had.
You were completely, blissfully head over heels for him. Oz. He acted so cool and unaffected, but you knew that he had such a sweet and kind soul.
And he got you, like he really got you. He was a werewolf like you.
Becoming a werewolf had never really been on your bucket list. You had been bitten one evening when you had taken a misguided walk after dark. It had devastated you at first. You had confided in him, knowing already that he was a werewolf too.  He had helped you adjust. Pulled you into a hug when you thought you couldn’t go on that way any longer. It had near-broken his heart when he saw you that way. You were usually so enthusiastic and sweet.
You had been worried when you thought he was graduating, wishing that you could still see him every day. Spend all your time together. In comfortable silence and others with you chattering, gushing over your interests. Him encouraging you softly. He near melted for you. So, when you found out he was re-doing the year you were secretly so pleased.
You were the reason he realised he was attracted to men. He had just gone ‘huh’ and shrugged when he realised and just accepted that he liked you. Only now, it was hard for him to actually verbalise his affection for you.
He found expressing his earnest feelings harder despite how often he tried. He would open his mouth, ready to confess how much he wanted you to be his boyfriend. But then you would look up form what you were doing and make his words fade back into nothing.
It was afternoon and you and Oz had a free period together. You loved this time of day because you could spend it just you and him. You rush into the library, a whirlwind of enthusiasm as you sat beside him and waved a little. He began to smile in that wry way he would when you made your presence known to him.
You had run in, gushing over everything that had happened and excited you in the last few hours since you saw him. He listened closely, he always did when you spoke. Even when he wasn’t as invested in the topic as you were, he always loved hearing your infectious excitement.
“Cool, man, very cool” He nodded. He adored you. Your enthusiastic nature was incredibly endearing to him. He wanted to spend all of his time with you.
“What’re you working on?” You asked, a smile tugged at his lips again. When you asked questions you were always genuinely interested in the reply. Ready to hang onto every word. You were special to him.
“Another song - for tonight. We thought as a band we’d give the whole gig thing a go”
“Nice! Are you gonna play ‘Together under the moon’?!” You couldn’t hold yourself back from gushing, that song was one of your favourites by Dingoes. Saying that, you did claim this about all the songs they played.
“Yeah, it’s on the setlist” Oz shrugged a little but his face always softened when he was talking to you. In a way it never did with anyone else, no matter how fond of them he was.
“You’re super talented! You say you wrote that one by yourself?” You praised him, missing the slight blush tinging his complexion as you laid such kind words upon him. He began to open his mouth to speak, to explain his inspiration behind it.
But he was interrupted as everyone else rushed into the library, their faces were solemn.
Giles explained that there was a wolf hunter in town. A really cruel one, his speciality was hunting werewolves while they were human, catching them and hunting them for sport later. It made everyone in the room’s blood run cold. Especially yours and Oz’s. You weren’t only worried about yourselves, but the idea of the other getting taken this way. It was horrible to even think about it.
There was a tenuous plan, whereby Giles suggested that you would have to wait it out until research told you otherwise. The group split into two halves so that you and Oz were split up and the others can provide back up. That way, if the hunter came across one of you, he wasn’t able to potentially capture the both of you at the same time.
You were both incredibly important parts of the Scooby gang so everyone nodded along to this plan, wanting to assist you both the best they could.
You didn’t want to be separated from him and the lingering gaze he gave you told you that he didn’t want to part from you either. He loved you, wanted to be there with you. Even if neither of you had spoken on it, in this moment somehow you knew. Even if you were still nervous to act on it.
Oz left you in the care of Willow and Giles. You were nervous, pacing and wringing your hands. You had so much nervous energy. The further he was away from you the harder it felt. You couldn’t bear being away from him.
You eventually sat down, leg bouncing still but you had appeared to calm down a little.
“You should tell him, you know…” Willow said kindly, watching how your gaze was still on the door from where Oz and the others had left through.
“What?” You asked. You were fond of Willow, she had been very nice to you ever since you had come out to her. She understood, maybe even more than she comprehended herself.
“U-uh, you and Oz with the softness and the heart-eyes” She murmured a little, faltering as she realised she could have gotten it wrong. But you smiled at her.
“Is it obvious?”
“Only to people with eyes” She said, although she was smiling. Trying to distract you from your worry. To give you something to hold on to. Telling him how you felt.
You appreciated her friendship and her encouragement. You felt Oz’s eyes on you when you were in the same room. You dared to hope he felt the same, just like how you had read his expression earlier. His innate need to be by your side. Because you felt it too.
But you often second-guessed yourself. You could have been projecting your own feelings. But hearing this from Will just confirmed it. Your love was shared.
The sun had set and it was early evening. You were still in the library with your minders. Willow was practicing a few spells just in case the hunter came your way. Just as she whispered a few practice incantations there was a massive bang at the door.
All three of you jumped, looking up. Hoping it had been Willow’s spell gone wrong and not worse.
Buffy and Xander ran in, turning your fears true. It was Oz. The hunter had managed to take him. Buffy was limping, holding her side. You didn’t blame her. you thanked her for protecting him the best you could. But you got angry yourself. Because it was him.
Your usual demeanour changed. Had an edge to it. You were kind-hearted and near wholesome for the most part but not now. Not when he was in danger. His heart called out to you. His cries. You felt it in your very soul.
You ran to where Buffy had said that it had happened. They warned you against it, tried to stop you but you just ran. As fast as your legs could take you. Through the thick undergrowth and past crumbling cemetery plots.
You saw blood. A trail of it. Leading towards the abandoned warehouse on the corner. You couldn’t not follow it, despite your instinct telling you it was going to be bad.
You felt this pull. This need for you to follow the path. The path to him.
You ran into the room, spotting him immediately. He had gotten away. Managed to release himself from the hunter’s grip but not without being hurt in the process. He had
“Oz!” You shouted, voice echoing around the abandoned warehouse. He was crouched on the floor holding his side.
“God, Oz, are you okay?!” You ran full speed over to him kneeling beside him, “I couldn’t stay away, I came as soon as I could!” You explained, your touch gentle with him, expecting the damage. You lifted his shirt up gently. Luckily it was a surface wound but you would patch him up once you got him back to your place. You explained this to him.
“It’s ok” He shook his head at you, his hand resting over yours as you let go of his t-shirt, “I knew you were there with me”
“We’re always together under the moon” He said, wincing slightly after the fight he had put up against the hunter. The song. It was about you.
You gasped, whispering feelings that had only been allowed the release in this moment. You cupped his cheek, eyes staring into the other’s. 
You needed to leave, before the hunter tracked his blood the way he had. Your werewolf instincts made it easier, but it was only a matter of time.
But before you helped him to his feet, took his weight and helped him back to yours, there was something you had to do. It had been building between you for so long. You knew so completely that he was yours. Wanted you to be his. You just had to.
You kissed him. You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. You had almost lost him. Your lips met his and he responded immediately. Pulling you closer, the scratch forgotten with his innate need for you. Instinctual yearning. Love. All of it. In that moment, neither of you knew where he ended and you began. You were connected. Soulmates. This kiss, passionate and full of urgency told you everything. Confessed all. As if you could read the other’s thoughts. The wolves inside you that had been calling for so long for the other took over.
This was no mere lust. Both of you with this kiss weaved stories of love. Of adoration. Desperation to name this feeling.
You were destined to be together, hold each other this way. To love him was as easy as breathing and as soon as you thought it, he knew.
From that moment, you truly would always be together. Connected by love. The moon blessing your union.
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I replayed Seven’s route and saw through the secret ending episodes (haven’t done that since 2019) and man is it me or is Rika kinda apathetic towards Saeran in the secret endings. In Ray’s route and especially his AE, she’s so fixated and obsessed with him and Saeyoung in hopes of this “happy family” and to feel needed. She was obsessive and possessive saying how much she loves Saeran like a mom loves her son. But in the Secret Ending when Saeran had a mental breakdown over him not getting the revenge Rika promised him. She got irritated and basically asked her believers to brainwash Saeran again and treated him like he was disposable, like Saeyoung can just take his place in “paradise”.
Like what happened, do you think the time between Another Story and Original Story was enough for her to lose her humanity along the way and play prophet full time. Like how Saeran’s demeanor in both those timelines are different bc he had to withstand Mint Eye’s treatment long enough to fixate on revenge completely and get a tattoo that solidified his devotion to what he didn’t know was a false cause.
Do you think Rika’s apathetic attitude is why Ray was “disposed” of in OS (I would say as an alter he was just dormant, covering his eyes and ears in a sense yknow?). Ray didn’t really play any part in OS so I thought Rika was done “playing mom” (since in the AE she said she missed Ray bc Ray was someone who needed her.) and wanted 100% focus on her plan
Sorry for rambling too much, this started off as a simple question but then my brain went “wait 🤔 what if 🤨”
So, a lot of this comes down to how you feel about connecting the two stories. A lot of people do not connect Another Story and Deep/Casual. So there are people that will say that it's just two different realities where possible circumstance can happen. I personally connect the two and I write with that in mind. Let me just say that there is a two-year time period between the two points that you can play in. That is a long time for things to happen and play out.
It's only been 6 months since he was taken in Another Story when Ray is there. Not a lot of time has passed and he is fresh in paranoia and in the manipulation that has been expended upon him. He is loyal to a T and very emotionally distraught. He is very lost and clinging to the last shred of hope that he has. There's a part of him that is cut throat and willing to destroy if that's what he has to do, but there's another part of him that's crying out when that happens.
Because he doesn't want to do those things but he has no choice.
She is the only person that's left in his life that hasn't abandoned him and he truly believes everything that she's told him. He's constantly trying to get her praise and attention because he doesn't want to be left behind. Suit Saeran said to himself that all of their vulnerable points of holding onto hope are inside of Ray. There is a reason why without the MC that Ray wouldn't be able to survive for very long. It's because Ray would never be getting positive influence. He would be a hurt more and more the longer that he was forced to lash out.
It would eventually destroy him. It would be too painful for him to exist because he would have nothing and it would be pointless. He would run himself ragged to give his savior what she wanted and he wouldn't be able to keep up with what she wanted. It would overload him. That is why Suit Saeran what eventually emerge at some point during that time period that would be after Ray combusted.
Suit Saeran isn't exactly stable either. He is built on anger and animosity, but he has just as many emotions as Ray has even though he tries to deny them. It's just instead of balling up everything inside of him, he's taking it out on everyone else because that's what he's been told his strength. He would work himself just as hard as Ray had, but there would be a part in the side of him that was just as twisted.
I personally do not see Suit Saeran and Unknown as the same person so that's important to note here. I imagine that at some point during that period after he gained control, something really bad would happen and it would cause a fracture inside of him. Unknown would be born if that split and eventually take control of the body. He is a lot more twisted. He's let go of the part of him that has hope, and the only thing that he's holding onto is devastation and destruction.
Everything is everyone else's fault and they need to pay for it. His sole purpose is completing their Revenge. He has a one-track mind and there's no doubt about that. He doesn't know what he's even going to do once he gets his revenge. He hasn't even planned that far. You can see that in a lot of the Bad Endings on Seven's Route. He is very emotionally vulnerable and on a hairpin trigger that could be easily broken. In a way he's like Ray. He and Ray have a lot more in common than he and Suit Saeran do with that.
Unknown has fully committed himself to this system. Whereas, with Ray and Suit Saeran, the both of them are able to express to the MC in the game, but they have doubts and that they know that she's not right but they have no other choice. Yes, they are committed to it in a sense but that doesn't mean that they are completely and wholeheartedly consumed by the Cult. There is still a part of them that is seeking that individuality and fighting against the pain and what sounds wrong.
Unknown has given himself to this. He sees no other point and he sees no other purpose. He's been tortured and pushed around his entire life, and it's been blamed on V and Saeyoung. This is the only thing that he's able to focus on and it's the only thing that he knows. It's the only thing grounding him. Rika is right behind him and whispering these lies and manipulation into his ear every single day. She treats him the way that she treats all of them, like a dog chasing food on the end of a string. She says pretty words and has great ideas, but if you follow her, you're never going to get the treat at the end.
And with Unknown, you know that he's been gaslit and manipulated to a degree much more lengthy than what Ray and Saeran went through; he's been stuck in this place by himself with nobody to hold on to. That just didn't stop because he started listening to what she wanted. That continued on. So did her constant denial of giving him praise. He's constantly trying to do things for her and that will make her praise him, and she always avoids doing it. He's always Chasing the Sun but he's never going to be able to touch it.
With Rika, you know that she's trying to cope by saying that she's a better mother. She's so lost in everything that she's been through and all of this anger that she's holding onto, that she's masking everything that she's doing and living her lie to the fullest. It's her way or the highway. She wants to get her revenge and she wants to prove that she was always right. She wants to be able to look at the crumbled remains of RFA as they seemingly all join her side one by one, and leave V in the dust.
She wants him to be a million things all at once. Her expectations for him are beyond what anyone could ever be. She says if you do this or that, she'll praise you and you'll be the best. But in reality, you're never going to be good enough in her eyes. That is the reality that he has to face. It's one that he tries to deny because she's made him truly believe that she's the only person that he has left. Yet, she treats him so horribly and only gives him enough so that he doesn't have enough doubts to make a fight.
She is apathetic. It's been so long and he's been failing her consistently in the secret ending. He wasn't able to get the MC. He wasn't able to get the party guests or the plans. He wasn't able to make good on any of the promises that he said that he was going to do. She's angry at him and she does what she's always done, blame him for being too emotional and punish him with more cleansing ceremony is so he can become the person that she wants them to be.
But like I said, the problem with that is that he's never going to be what she wants him to be.
She gets impatient. She stops putting on a pretty and friendly face for him. It's because he's not getting her the results that she wants fast enough. It's because he's not living up to what she wants him to be. It's because she's not happy and no matter how much she tries to use him to get what she wants to be happy, she's never going to be happy.
She's in a completely different place at this point in her life than she was in Another Story. She's had a hell of a lot more time to ruminate and get angry about how she's not getting results. At some point, she gets bored and tired of not getting what she wants. She's got a throne and she's got all of this power, but it's not making her happy. V is never giving her the response that she wants whenever they interact, and this just keeps feeding back into it. Her unchecked trauma and inability to accept responsibility for her crimes all play into this. The shame and the guilt...
I really do think that she lost whatever shred of humanity that she had. If you want to say that she had any of it. She's really had more time to get herself into place with the Savior position. She starts to think that she did the right thing by what she did to Mother Choi. She starts to think that she was right about doing what she did to the boys. What she did to V.
All of the people around her are constantly likening her to a saint and telling her that everything that she's doing is perfect and correct. She becomes more and more desensitized to the violence that she is committing. She is personally involved with many of the cleansing ceremonies. She is constantly there with all of this violence and trickery.
These are things that affect your psyche.
At some point, everyone around her is just useful for her goals. She doesn't really care what happens to Saeran because she has no more patience for him. He's constantly questioning her and fighting her. He doesn't listen like Ray listened. He makes a point of pushing back and at some point she just decides that it would be easier to get rid of him if she has to do it. In a lot of the Bad Endings, he does not know what the trigger to the bomb does. She literally just tells him that it's going to do something that will hurt his brother so much.
And he believes everything that she says. In those endings, she gives him the trip to the bomb because she wants to clear up the loose end. If she gets rid of him, she can easily manipulate his brother to do what she wants and turn him against V. She can use that opening to get whatever she wants. Seven would never know. She would just change her tactics and manipulate the other brother. Because at this point in her life, all she cares about is getting back at V. She blames him for everything and wants to destroy him for it. Nothing else matters at that point. She has a one-track mind at that point.
And what's more disheartening is the fact that she thinks that she wants that, but there's something inside of her that doesn't want that. She's just as conflicted as the rest of them are. I think it should be very telling to anyone about what's going on in her head space just by telling you to look at how willing she is to throw him away in the secret ending. She was ready to just throw him into the basement to have him used and abused again. Even if his brother tries to defend him and offer himself up, she's still pretty much ready to throw Saeran away.
She screams at him because he doesn't listen. That's why she says that she should have took his brother instead. She's tired of him fighting her and not obeying her every order and being her little puppet. She stops caring about him as a son when she realizes that a son isn't going to be her cute little puppet.
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On Days Like This (part 5)
Carwood Lipton x Reader
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Warnings: survivors guilt, comfort, a disgusting amount of fluff, a sick and sad mother of Easy Company doing his very best, some random dialogue, a lack of forward progression but I’m still proud of it for some reason
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You wake up to the smell of cigarette smoke and for a few moments you think you are back in the makeshift hospital you’d been taken to in Foy.
It’s the feeling of Carwood’s heartbeat against your cheek that brings it all back for you- how you’d snuck out from under the aggressive nurse’s nose during her shift change and managed to bully your way onto a supply truck headed to Hagenau, dressed in a combination of pilfered wool sweaters and a set of fatigues you’d collected from the bodies of fallen soldiers. 
You’d stolen some boots from the supply truck, and when they’d threatened to tell your superior officer you’d informed them that they were more than welcome to do so, as long as they were prepared for your SO to also be told that the supply truck had been delayed a day because it’s drivers wanted to engage in one last sexual encounter with the nurses who’d welcomed them into their beds.
The two men hadn’t bothered you after that.
The moment after you’d reconnected with Nix and Sink, you’d gone to find Car.
Just from the way he’d broken down upon seeing you again, you knew that he’d lost some sense of himself in the time you’d been apart. It broke your heart. It had taken everything in you not to cry as well.
But Carwood had needed you to be strong, and you had decided long ago that you would do anything for him.
If that meant holding him as he cried himself back to sleep in the first mattress you’d shared since your time in Georgia, then so be it.
 When you allowed one eye to peek open, you found that the smell of smoke wasn’t coming from somewhere outside the room- but rather from Carwood himself.
You watched for a moment as he lifted the white stick he’d once called a cancer tube to his lips and pull from it like he’d been doing it for years, a memory of him chastising you for lighting one up beside his cot after he’d been wounded in Carentan flickering in your mind’s eye.
Taking a deep breath, you allow your ribs to expand as you arch your back in a creaking stretch, the movement alerting Carwood of your wakefulness.
“Hm, never thought I’d see the day Clifford Carwood Lipton would willingly smoke a cigarette…”
His light chuckle is warm against your ear, the arm that he’d wrapped around you pulling you close into him and his fingers prodding your ribs playfully until you yelp and attempt to roll away from it.
Car leans over the side of the bed to stamp out the cigarette and set it down, shaking his head slightly as he exhales the remaining smoke in his lungs through pursed lips.
Before he can reply to your teasing, a body-racking cough has him sitting up and trying to catch his breath, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and bracing his elbows on his knees to combat the force of the hacking.
You frown, pushing yourself up to sit behind him and wrap yourself around his back, pressing a kiss between his shoulders once his coughing subsides before resting your cheek there.
 “Got the black lung already?”
He sniffs, clearing his throat a few more times before sighing deeply.
“Doc says it’s pneumonia. Not much he can do.”
You hum at that, closing your eyes as you listen to the strong thud of his heart again.
“You should’ve told me you were hurt.”
Opening your eyes, you lift your head from his back, furrowing your brows at his admonishment.
 Lip turns enough that he can face you side-on, his tired eyes looking even more exhausted as he nods his head guilty at your arm.
Looking at your right arm, you take in the large lump of bandages wrapped around your bicep, the gauze beneath the sleeve of your sweater making it look almost comically swollen. The three bullets they’d pulled from your arm still remain in a pouch, buried near the body of your knapsack.
 “Car,” you sigh, ready to assure him that you’re perfectly fine and that it’s nothing and that he doesn’t need to worry about you. But, judging by the way he narrows his dark eyes at you, you decide it’s best not to argue the point any further.
“I could’ve hurt you, Y/N! You should’ve said something, shouldn’t of let me grab at you like that—”
“Well, sorry that I was so excited to see the man I love that I didn’t think to give you a full medical report.” you snap, shaking your head and rubbing a hand over your face. “I’ll be sure to remember that from now on….”
 Lip clenches his jaw and curses under his breath, raking a hand through his mussed hair before mumbling your name softly and taking your hand from your face to hold it between his.
 “I didn’t mean it like that, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
When you continue to stare at a point over his shoulder Car sighs and turns to face you further.
You allow his hands to come up and hold your face, eyes flickering to meet his remorseful ones and biting the inside of your cheek.
 “You’re right, I’m sorry...Hey, c’mon.”
The press of his forehead against yours is sweet, despite the fact that you can feel the fever radiating from his skin.
“I just get worried, you know. I missed you so much—”
 You shake your head, pulling your forehead back from his so you can press a kiss to his hairline.
“I do. I know. I’m sorry, too.”
With your uninjured arm, you brush your cooler fingers across his cheek, feeling a bit guilty for snapping at him.
You wondered if a day would come when the two of you would stop having to worry about each other. These days, it was hard to imagine a life consisting of anything other than loss and pain and heavy exhaustion.
 At the feeling of tears rolling over your fingers, you pull back to look at him with concern.
“I’m so glad that you weren’t there.”
Your throat feels tight, immediately knowing what he’s referring to.
 Your torment at the hands of the German army was nothing compared to the horrors you’d heard occurring in the forest Lip had been in. whatever earth-shaking fear you had experienced second hand couldn’t ever hold a candle to what it must’ve felt like to Easy and Dog Companies.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, ignoring the slight twinge of discomfort in your other arm and bringing your other hand to his face to wipe the tears from his eyes. “I’m just….I’m so fucking sorry, Sweetheart—”
 He’s apologizing again, and you know that he’s not simply apologizing to you for crying in your arms.
With devastating sobs, he tells you about all of it- of Buck and Toye and WIld Bill. you pull him to lean against you when he cries for Muck and Penkala, the other eighty-two lives that had been snatched away from this world while he’d ‘cowardly hid in a hole’ the whole time.
You don’t interrupt him, tears of your own welling in your eyes but unwilling to let them fall.
He needs this, he needs this, I can be strong for him
When he does pull away from you, he’s red-faced and his eyes are swollen, weakly repeating how sorry he is. You kiss him as softly as he had kissed you for the first time in Toccoa, inhaling sharply when he pulls your face closer and smashes your lips to his almost painfully.
You stroke at his face when he pulls away, letting him catch his breath in his own time.
 When he starts coughing again you reach blindly around his feet until you find his canteen, giving him an appreciative smile when he helps you sit back up again.
He drinks dutifully, closing his eyes and letting his head roll from side to side as he swallows.
As you bring his once abandoned cigarette to your lips and relight it with the lighter you’d also managed to find, Lip looks over at you and sighs a weak laugh.
 “You shouldn’t do that, young lady,” he jokes hollowly, taking the cigarette from between your fingers and taking a puff before putting it out again. “It isn’t good for you.”
 Smiling at the ridiculousness of it, you blow the little smoke you’d managed to get into his face.
“You’re lucky I like you, otherwise I’d hit you, you handsome hypocrite.”
 With a soft groan, you swing your legs around so you’re sitting beside him, your thigh pressed against his as you mirror his pose. Car brings your hand into his and laces your fingers together.
 “In the interest of being candid, I should probably tell you that I’ve lost three toes since we’ve last seen each other—”
 His head whips to the side to look at you in surprise, gaping at the casual shrug you offer in explanation.
 “Frostbite is a bitch….”
 Carwood opens his mouth to protest your nonchalance, before seeming to think better of it and shooting you a glare.
 “Well, as long as we’re being honest, I might as well tell you that I’ve been promoted.”
 You feel your face drop in surprise for a moment before you grin like an idiot, bringing his hand to your lips and kissing it excitedly.
 “Lieutenant Clifford Carwood Lipton,” you murmur, liking the way the title tastes on your tongue.
“Just wait till my mother hears that I’ve snagged myself a Lieutenant—!”
 When Car rolls his eyes you press a quick kiss to his cheek.
The dead may always hang over your heads, and maybe they’re meant to.
But, for right now, the two of you have never felt more alive.
 And that was more than enough.
~ ~ ~
( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here we be, kids. I love you bbs and will fight for your honor any day of the week (just not Mondays at 11am, bc Mama has therapy)
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @teenmagazines​ @liebgotttme​
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roozilwalib · 3 years
Comfort jily
bc honestly they are my comfort couple and when I think about jily and their essence I just imagine comfort
When Lily got the news she felt the world shift beneath her. She sat silently in a state of shock for a moment, clutching the letter in one hand. For a minute she was transported. She forgot she was at Hogwarts eating breakfast with her friends, beginning to prepare for their next set of exams.
For just a moment, she was eight again. She and Tuney were still best friends. She didn’t know what magic was. Her mum called her and Petunia inside because dad was home from work and it was time for dinner. Lily and her sister ran inside to give their father a hug, and then sit down for dinner.
But as little Lily raised a spoonful of soup to her mouth, seventeen-year-old Lily’s fork clattered loudly onto the Gryffindor table. Pairs of eyes whipped up to the ruckus and Lily briefly registered a light hand on her elbow.
“Lily, are you alright?” She thinks the voice was Marlene, but the world around her was turning to static and before anyone could comment on the tears already streaming down her face, Lily was up and gone out of the Great Hall, letter still clutched in hand.
She didn’t notice all of her friends sitting silently in shock for a moment. Nor did she notice the first person to get up and go after her.
All that Lily could focus on was the fact that she couldn’t breathe. She was trying so hard but it felt like her lungs were betraying her. Every intake burned in her chest as it scraped through her bronchioles. Every outtake was a loud shudder that shook her ribcage. She couldn’t get enough oxygen.
She stumbled her way into an abandoned classroom and sank to the floor against a wall, too caught up to worry about locking the door. With her knees to her chest, elbows on knees, and her face in her hands, she tried desperately to fight for the air her body needed.
But with every breath, a new memory forced it’s way through her consciousness, which only caused her to sob harder. Right when she thought she could pass out, she vaguely heard the rattling of a door and footsteps approach.
By the time the figure was at her eye-level, Lily’s eyes were blown wide and her fingers were tangled roughly in her hair. She could see a mouth moving in front of her but the static covered up any sound. There was a flick of a wand in her periphery and her breathing became slightly easier. The tears didn’t stop, but her brain seemed to be getting more oxygen and her breathing wasn’t as ragged as before.
There were hands on her shoulders and she started to make out the sounds of a familiar voice.
“Evans—hey—can you hear me?” James asked, a bit frantically, Lily noticed. She nodded her head in response and James let out a sigh as he nodded his head along with her.
“Oh, thank Merlin. I’ve been practically yelling at you for the past five minutes.” Lily merely let out a sniffle in reply. She didn’t have a witty remark—or any reply, really. Lily noticed numbly that she didn’t feel like she had anything anymore.
This realisation caused her to break into another fit of tears, burying her face in her elbows. James scooted to sit next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly into his chest. Lily allowed herself to be comforted by the dark-haired boy. She didn’t know what to do, she felt so lost, but James was warm and whispering comforting words in her ear I’m here, it’s going to be okay, I’ve got you. His presence grounded her.
James stroked Lily’s back soothingly and never let up on his grip on her. She didn’t know what she did to deserve this. She’d always been so mean to James. Of course, there were times when he definitely deserved it, but there were also times when he didn’t.
When Lily quieted enough for James to feel comfortable speaking, he delicately pulled away enough to cause a whimper to fall out of Lily’s mouth. James’s heart broke at the sight of her. She looked unbelievably devastated. He could only wonder what the letter said. He softly tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and ducked his head to meet her eyes. Cradling her cheek in his hand, James asked softly,
“What happened, Lily?” Her bottom lip quivered and she could do nothing but thrust the letter in front of him. He took it carefully and read the words that caused Lily to spiral. Her parents were dead. He didn’t bother to read further because he had enough information to know what caused Lily to feel like this and all he cared about was fixing that.
James pulled her into his arms arms again and rocked her as she began to cry again.
“I’m so, so sorry Lily. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s hurts.” She cried out. Her fists were twisting his sweater and her entire body leaned into him, desperate to crawl into the warmth that was James Potter and never come back out.
“I know it hurts. But I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll do whatever you need.” James allowed himself to plant a firm kiss to the top of her head and held her close.
“Just please don’t leave me.” She whispered. James shook his head.
For the rest of that day, James stayed true to his word. He skipped his classes and instead accompanied Lily to the dorm room. He tucked her into his bed and snuck down to the kitchens to grab her any comfort foods he could get his hands on.
When he made his way back up, he found Lily sitting in front of the fire, parchment in front of her and quill gripped tightly. She appeared to be fighting for words.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He tucked a stray hand behind her ear again (a habit he seemed to be forming quickly).
“I, um, I’m trying to write to my sister,” she croaked, “but I’ve realised that I don’t even know her current address.” She gave a watery laugh. “Isn’t that ridiculous? My sister. My—my only living relative hasn’t spoken to me in years, and I have no idea where she lives!” She laughed hysterically and James scooted closer to her.
“Lily…” He started warily, but she cut him off.
“My only living relative!” This time she shouted. The laughing had stopped and the tears returned. Before either of them realised what was happening Lily’s body sank into his chest. James didn’t hesitate: he curled his arms around her and rested his chin over her shoulder, softly swaying left to right.
“My only living relative.” Lily whispered, so softly James wouldn’t have heard it if he weren’t right next to her. “My entire family is just one person who hates me.” James stiffened at that and forced Lily forward to turn her around and lift her shaking chin up so she could look him in the eyes.
“Lily, I love you, and I know how much you’re grieving right now, but I need you to understand one thing for me, okay?” Brushing past his confession and the colour filling Lily’s cheeks, James continued,
“I know your parents have died and nothing can replace them. But Petunia is not your only family. You have Marls and Dora and Mary and Remus and Sirius and Peter and me.” He finished. He cradled the redhead’s puffy cheeks and wiped the tear streaks away.
“We may not be blood but we are your family. And we’re here for you, however you need us.” Lily nodded deftly and allowed James’ words to wash over her.
She closed her eyes and allowed new memories to infiltrate her mind. Studying with Remus, helping Peter with potions, giggling with the girls in the dormitory, Marlene helping Lily learn how to do a fierce dark lipstick, she and Sirius cackling over a joke only they understood, and James. Yelling at James, hexing James, hating James, befriending James, asking him for help with transfiguration, snuggling into his side, warm with fire whiskey.
With him right in front of her, James filled her senses and before she allowed herself to second guess anything, her hand shot out and pulled him by the sweater into a kiss.
It wasn’t a snog because Lily was tired and pretty sure she still had snot on her face, but it wasn’t just a peck either. Their lips slotted together slowly, and James’s grip on her face tightened. When she pulled back, she could hear James’ shaky breath.
“Lily…” he managed out.
“Thank you.” She replied softly, looking into his warm brown eyes. She hoped that James could tell everything that she wanted to say just from those two words. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for loving me. I love you too, so much. James nodded, eyes blown wide in shock and Lily let out her first giggle of the day, allowed the first smile to etch its way onto her face.
Lily allowed herself to sink into James and his warmth again. Despite his shock, his body reacted to hers and held her tight. James was so warm, Lily thought to herself. She wanted to wrap him around her like a blanket.
It wasn’t like everything was all of a sudden perfectly fine again. Lily’s parents were still dead and there was still a terrifying war going on outside, but James was right. Lily still had a family, and they would hold her when she cried, support her as she grieved, and fight by her side until the very end.
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worksongdean · 4 years
so like this isn’t gonna be coherent at all but bear with me, bc i just watched the bad boys ep for the first time (i’ve been putting it off for Reasons™️) and uhhhhhhh insert that john mulaney “now we don’t have time to unpack ALL of that” meme but like i’m gonna try.
So first things first: John Winchester aka shittiest dad of the millennia. This may be an unpopular opinion but after watching bad boys I can comfortably say that John Winchester is an even worse father than god was. GOD. I was gonna brush over the fact that we all knew which is John probably didn’t even give Dean enough money for food to begin with, BUT upon thinking about it that’s a more important point than it seems because when Dean is first explaining to Sam why he went to a boys’ home he says he lost the money playing cards. Now at first that might just seem like some irresponsible teenage shit, but when you think about it it’s not because Dean was probably playing that card game in the first place because he knew John hadn’t given them enough money so he was trying to get more, but through some bad luck or whatever he ends up losing it instead. That then causes Dean to have to steal food because how else is he going to feed Sam, because let’s face it that boy was not thinking about feeding himself at that point, evidenced by when Sonny confronts Dean about him being hungry after the cop leaves in the first flashback. So then Dean gets caught and when John is told that Dean’s been arrested for stealing food, aka taking care of Sam, aka doing the ONE THING John has been hammering into his head since he was 4 years old, he tells the officer that Dean “can rot in jail”...... WHAT KIND OF BACKWARDS ASS SHITTY ASS PARENTING.....anyway I digress. Now imagine being Dean, 16 years old trying to be a mother and a father to his 12 year old little brother because their actual dad pretty much left them to starve while he was off on some revenge quest, and hearing that said father has abandoned him for doing the one thing he had always taught Dean to do. I know Dean is an emotionally repressed bastard even as a teen, but dear god I wanted him to burst into tears when he heard that. Not because I think he deserves to be upset, but yes I do think he deserves to be upset. Let me explain. I wish Dean never had to go through what he went through, but he deserved to feel upset that his father was gonna let him “rot in jail”, because what kind of a father does that? Dean deserved to feel that pain and heartbreak instead of bottling it all up and pushing it down. Also as an aside because I just remembered, why the hell is the cop (this is a rhetorical question bc cops are shit and it was the 90s) that arrested Dean not suspicious as fuck when this father says his son can “rot in jail” for stealing some bread and peanut butter?
Okay moving on before I become even more unhinged over John Winchester’s shitty parenting. Next I want to talk about Dean’s stay at Sonny’s and what that means to me in light of the finale. So we find out that he only stayed at Sonny’s for 2 months, which I honestly thought he was there for longer but anyways. It’s in that 2 months that we find out just how much Dean thrives in a normal home environment, or as normal as he can get anyway. As we find out in the diner flashback with Sonny, Dean is doing good in school, he’s making friends, and he’s joined the wrestling team which why join a sports (which he is very good at, looking at you championship certificate) team if he doesn’t plan on sticking around but again I digress. Now I know we tend to say that at Dean’s point in life now (bc he’s not dead fuck the finale) he wouldn’t be able to deal with/wouldn’t want the whole apple pie life, but at 16 years old Dean still hasn’t gotten fully entangled in the hunter lifestyle. Dean doesn’t want to be a hunter and for the first time (and probably last time bc I sincerely doubt Dean thought he had actually gotten out with Lisa and Ben), he sees a viable way out. Aside from Sonny’s talk with Dean at the diner, we also see evidence of this in Dean’s flashbacks of him and Robin, especially the one during their guitar lesson. When he and Robin are talking about what they want in life, Dean says he doesn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. He dreams of being a rockstar and wants to be a mechanic, a job where once he’s done with the cars (cases) he can let them go and he doesn’t have to worry about carrying them with him when he’s done with them. He dates this girl, he takes cute pictures with her, he wants to take her to a school dance. He begins to settle into a normal life in one place in a way he hasn’t been able to since he was four years old. And it all gets ripped away by his father who abandoned him, who only comes back for Dean when it’s convenient for him, because that’s all he sees Dean as, a soldier, daddy’s blunt instrument. And Dean is devastated that he’s losing his chance at a normal life. We see that he is visibly upset, even if it’s just for a minute before he pushes it away because even though Sonny told him that sometimes he needs to do things for himself, he still needs to take care of Sam.
Which brings me to the finale. God is gone and for the first time in his life Dean gets a true chance at freedom and the chance to live his life the way he wants to. (This is solely about Dean so I’m not even gonna talk about Cas and destiel bc that’s a whole ‘nother post.) In the beginning of the hellscape that is the finale, we see Dean getting to sleep in and waking up to his dog jumping into his bed, we see him go to a pie festival with his brother just because he wants to. With no big bad to chase after he goes to this festival that before would have been a trivial thing, but now it’s something he goes to because he can. Because for the first time in his life he gets to decide what he wants to do with it. And that includes hunting. Like I said before, I doubt Dean would ever be able to completely give up hunting. It’s something he’s good at and he likes helping people. He wants to help people. And if that means the occasional motw hunt between shifts at the garage, because even 25 years later Dean still wants to be a mechanic, then so be it.
Now what really gets on my fucking tits is that while on one of these routine hunts, a “milk run” as Dean would say, something that he has done hundreds, possibly thousands of times before, Dean is killed. This man who has spent his whole life doing what other people wanted, who sacrificed himself over and over again for the people he loved, even when they left him, is killed the second he gets the chance to do what he wants and just live. What’s worse is the fact that this hunt was one of John’s old cases that he failed to solve, because even from the grave John Winchester is still able to ruin his son’s life.
Now aside from the whole “bury your gays” problem, because I firmly believe Dean was killed for being queer, what kind of a message does that send to your audience? That no matter how hard you may work for a good and happy life, no matter how much you may want it don’t you dare think you deserve to have it. Especially if you’re queer, neurodivergent, suicidal, whatever. In the end you’re just a pawn for everyone else in your life
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angeltrapz · 3 years
for the “give me a character” meme! Eric, Adam, William, Mallick, Strahm, Rigg!!!!
YESS thank u!!!!
How I feel about this character: That's my boy!!! <33
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uuuu okay. Adam, obviously, but concerning the SAW polycule: Adam, Art, Lawrence, William, & Mallick!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him & Rigg!!! That's his best friend!!! + he and Gibson in the Eric Lives AU!! (Gibson IS dating his best friend + recognizes that he's made the effort to change <3)
My unpopular opinion about this character: You Understand This but the idea that he's irredeemable/deserved to die is complete and utter bullshit. This post that you made perfectly describes my feelings on that!!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Firstly that he. Y'know. Didn't die. But I would have loved to see any of his interactions with Hoffman? Obviously they knew each other + I like to think they have since they were in academy together, so there's gotta be some sort of history there, y'know?? I feel like he definitely cared about Eric so I would've been very interested to see more regarding that relationship! + one more big one: I wish he knew/was at least made aware of the fact that Daniel was ALIVE and okay. It kills me thinking abt how this man died not knowing if his child made it out.
How I feel about this character: I loooove him he deserved better. I relate pretty heavily to him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hehe. Lawrence obviously!! Chainshipping is a HUGE comfort ship for me. BUT! Regarding the SAW polycule: Lawrence, Eric, William, Gibson, & Mallick!! + when concerning that alternative canon continuity we've been talking abt, Strahm. But only in that circumstance lol,,
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MANDY!!! In any AU where she's either not a disciple or abandoned her apprenticeship, I firmly believe that he and Amanda would be best friends. Mean gay/lesbian solidarity siblings who would fight tooth and nail for each other + who get each other on a level that not many others can. Pamela also!! Along w Mandy I like to think they talk about their experiences being trans a lot + just bitching w each other lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character: IDK how unpopular this actually is but I 100% believe that Adam would never become a disciple in any capacity, ESP not of his own accord. I genuinely think he'd rather die. That's just not something I can see him doing in any circumstance.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish someone had gotten him out of the bathroom :( And in an AU where he lives I hope someone tells him what a bastard Zep was!! No one made that dude hold a gun to Diana's head and listen to her heartbeat what the FUCK was that!!
How I feel about this character: He's such a sweetheart I love him,, <33
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lawrence & Adam <3 in the polycule though this includes Eric & Mallick!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: He and Pamela obviously!! His sister is his best friend and they're there for each other 100%.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Much like Eric I don't think he deserved to die/that he's completely irredeemable... he fights so hard to save everyone and is utterly devastated when he can't. He's willing to hurt himself to save others (nearly dislocating his shoulders trying to keep both Addy and Allen, burning himself with the steam for Debbie, etc.) and it's like. John is always talking about how it can't be personal but it seems pretty fucking personal here!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: The fact that nobody saw how hard he fought for his coworkers + the sacrifices he made for them upsets me to no end. That was intentional. John didn't want Tara + Brent (or Pamela for that matter!) to see him as human and that fucking bothers me!! So basically I just wish that they could've seen it via camera like literally almost every trap victim gets in some capacity!!
How I feel about this character: Yet another character I relate to wayyy too much <33 I love him...
All the people I ship romantically with this character: BRIT!!! + concerning the SAW polycule: Adam, Eric, William, & Lawrence!! (Art maybe too,,)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I like to think he and Laura would've gotten along actually? I feel like that would be a good, healthy friendship. And I do like the idea of he and Brit like this too!! Other than that maybe Mandy? I feel like they could relate to each other a little bit, help each other when they're feeling brainweird,, (Mallick n Mandy: havers of Symptoms Disorder <3)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Again I don't know if it's unpopular, persay, but uh. I don't think the Mallick we meet in V would willingly sit and listen to Bobby Dagen in 3D. He'd hate that dude. My take on it is that Brit didn't survive V (although I think read somewhere that the crew confirmed she survived?) and that's why he was there: because he'd lost the one true connection he'd made in god knows how long. That's rlly the only way I see him sitting thru Dagen's bullshit lmao.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wanted him to see Brit again,, and I just wanted to see him more in general tbh, esp because he makes a reappearance where so many prior Jigsaw survivors do not. I would've liked to see him interact with Simone given that they both lost a limb/nearly a limb (in Mallick's case). This is related to that, but I also wish the evidence of the 10 Pints trap wasn't just. A tiny scar? I HC that it took his whole hand, so.
How I feel about this character: Ohhh my beloved. Why didn't they give you a better narrative it would've been SO interesting. I love you though <3
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Honestly? Still super fond of Gibson/Strahm in a scenario where things are different,, I've written quite a bit abt them and kinda want to again but if I do it'll probably be. Not for a while + VASTLY different. but recent additions have been Hoffman (I used to. not understand Stroffman whatsoever. now I Get It) and Adam!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: PEREZ!!! I've always thought of them as best friends since I first saw IV, and I do think he genuinely cared about her - quite a lot, actually, esp given how devastated he was when she was injured. They hang out at each other's apartments all the time + get coffee regularly. I love them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think he's a dumbass?? I don't know if that's unpopular. I think that he's IMPULSIVE and that it gets him into trouble, but Strahm has always struck me as incredibly intelligent + has a good moral compass for the most part?? I mean, he figured out there was a second apprentice (second as far as he knows, anyway) helping with traps just by examining Kerry's crime scene. I think he's VERY smart. He just acts quickly + sometimes that means there's not much planning for if things go south. (I DO agree that showing up to the packing plant w/out backup was dumb though,, doesn't mean he DESERVED the Water Cube but y'know)
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: It's not really mentioned if he does in canon, but I wish he'd been made aware of the fact that Perez was alive,, it bothers me that he might've died not knowing she was okay. The other thing is that I wish he'd survived V!!! I think it would've been WAY more narratively satisfying for him to kinda follow in Tapp's footsteps as a vigilante Jigsaw hunter. (That's why I love yr takes on him so much!!)
How I feel about this character: He has such a big heart. He cares so so much. I wish ppl talked about him more :(
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Gibson!!! And uhh Hoffman, but they're exes,, but! In a scenario I'm kind of going over in my head, maaaybe Adam... the basics though is that he searches the Nerve Gas House independently and somehow finds the Bathroom following II, and He is the one to rescue Adam. Very tentative abt that one though bc I'm still working it out lol. (Possibly Eric/Adam/Rigg???)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Eric!!! His best friend <3 I think he's also pretty close with Kerry, though I think he hangs out w her independent of Eric given,, the messy ex situation. I think he probably got along well with Fisk too!! OH and I think he and Sing would've been good friends as well. The chaos of a Rigg/Gibson/Sing friend trio...
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mmm I don't know that I have one? Other than maybe like. I understood why he went through the door. He knew Eric was on the other side; he just didn't know the circumstances or what would happen if he went through. All he knew was that he was that much closer to someone he's been trying to find/rescue for MONTHS + someone he cares for deeply. Of COURSE he went through. He breaks my heart ugh,,,
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish he hadn't even been tested!!!! His one flaw was that he cared about ppl and somehow John saw that as something he needed to fix!!! Like yes I do agree that it was eating away at him and the obsession might've been unhealthy, but that's two of his closest friends dude!! I don't think he deserved to be tested for that. I don't. He just wanted to help ppl and keep them safe. I absolutely despise how Rigg was treated dkjflkdf!!!!
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brackenfur · 4 years
reedwhisker & mistystar drabble
i always wanted a scene in shattered sky between these two; poor reedwhisker had been held prisoner by darktail, and i always felt like mistystar must’ve been worried sick about her poor baby - i decided to write something for them bc these two rly are one of my fave families in all of wc.
after reedwhisker is rescued, before he goes on the patrol with the other deputies to talk to onestar.
Mistystar’s eyes are fond as she looks over him, slowly padding into the medicine cat den. “Hi. How are you doing?”
Reedwhisker blinks, squinting at the light seeping into the den from outside; the hollow of ThunderClan’s camp usually offers shelter from the harsh elements, but at this time of day, the sunlight seems to be especially blinding.
He smiles at his mother weakly. “I’m alright, Mistystar. Hanging in there.”
She frowns; his mother’s tail twitches absentmindedly as she looks around, as though pondering of something else to say. After a few moments of strange silence, she settles down, curling her tail over her paws as she sits in front of him. She eyes Reedwhisker cautiously.
“Leafpool said you were getting better,” she murmurs, relief in her voice.
Reedwhisker shrugs, ignoring the stab of discomfort as he jostles his aching shoulder. “Almost as good as new; ready to get back to our own camp, once this is all over.”
His mother stares down at him, overlooking him with pained eyes. “I heard you want to go on the patrol to WindClan to speak to Onestar,” she says slowly; Reedwhisker knows his leader’s tone well, and knows that she’s ready to discourage him from doing so.
He’s already building up his protests as she continues: “And I don’t think you should.”
“Mistystar, I’m fine,” he tells her, gritting his teeth. “Well, okay - I’m better. You said it yourself - Leafpool says I’m getting better. I can make the walk to WindClan and back; Bramblestar wants the deputies of each Clan to go.”
“I can send Mintfur, or Minnowtail,” Mistystar meows, her voice tight. “You need your rest, Reedwhisker; I don’t-”
“I’m fine,” he repeats, tail-tip twitching. He’s trying to remain respectful of his leader and mother, but he can’t help but think she’s being overprotective in this moment - he’s healed from Darktail’s prison, more or less, and the walk won’t be too hard for him. He made it to ThunderClan camp, afterall, and that was when he was days from StarClan’s paws.
“You need rest,” she tells him, abandoning the soft approach for something more authoritative. “You almost-” She hesitates, as if saying the word could make it come true. “Your condition could have been much worse.”
“I’m alive and ready to protect my Clan,” he reminds her, twitching his whiskers. “I want to take down Darktail, Mistystar; Bramblestar and the other leaders want my help convincing Onestar to join us. What - do you think I can’t do it?”
He knows he’s being unfair to her, lashing out at his mother for the pain he still feels from his time as a prisoner; he can see her flinch slightly.
“I know you can do it,” she tells him firmly.
“But you don’t want me to.”
“No,” she says simply, narrowing her eyes. “You need to recover, and stay in this camp for as long as possible until you can walk around without needing breaks because your shoulder hurts too much.”
They’re both silent for a few moments, eyes locked on one another, until Reedwhisker finally lowers his gaze.
“Are you saying this as my leader,” he meows softly, “or as my mother?”
Mistystar is silent for a long time; he almost thinks she’s going to walk out of the den, until she finally speaks: “As your mother,” Her voice sounds...broken, almost, losing all of it’s strictness from minutes before. She sounds exhausted. “As your mother, Reedwhisker, please stay here. Stay with me. I can’t-”
She stops, and he realizes that she’s shut her eyes, turned away from him for a moment as she composes herself.
“I thought I was going to lose you.” She finally says, shaking her head and looking down at him with a devastated expression. 
“You didn’t, though,” he meows, flattening his ears. He’s suddenly back to when he was an apprentice, when it was just he and Mistystar left in their little family. “I’m right here, Mom.”
She cracks the tiniest smile at hearing him call her Mom; it’s been a long time since he’s done so - he’s also her deputy, after all. He can’t invoke much respect from RiverClan if he’s trailing after her, calling her Mom and Mama.
“But I almost did,” she reminds him, sighing. “You don’t know how hard it was to leave you, when Darktail drove us out of our territory. Reedwhisker, you- you don’t realize, how agonizing it was to walk away from you.” Her eyes are swimming with emotion. “I failed you.”
“You had to protect the rest of RiverClan,” he tells her sincerely; he doesn’t blame his mother for leaving him behind, not with the threat of her and the rest of the Clan being killed by the Kin. Darktail meant business; they’ve all come to realize it. He didn’t teter around or make exceptions - it was leave Reedwhisker and the others behind, or die themselves. No room for comprises, and the Clan was in no state to keep fighting.
“But as your mom, my job is to protect you,” she reminds him, and it’s at this point her shoulders shake; he can see how hard these past few weeks have been on her, and he realizes at this point - not for the first time, but this time with more shock and dread than any of the others - that she is an old molly, an old molly who has lost too much and been through some horrible times.
“You’re my mother and my leader,” he says, and then finds himself chuckling lightly. “You kinda-” He shakes his head. “I mean, Ma, you kind of asked for some complicated emotions when you asked me to be deputy. Sometimes I forget you’re my leader, and I can’t just treat you like I did when I was ‘paw.”
She sighs; she gives him a weak smile. “Believe me, so many others were telling me the same thing when I made you deputy,” she tells him, voice soft. “There’s times when...when all I want is to comfort you, or stop everything to ask you how your day has been going, if you’re finally going to give me grandkits,” At this, Reedwhisker rolls his eyes. “But I don’t regret asking you to be my deputy; the pros have outweighed the cons by far.”
“Cons like now,” he meows, frowning. “Where you’re blaming yourself for making the best possible decision for the rest of RiverClan, and trying too hard to protect me. But I’m- I’m a grown cat now, Mom. I’m your deputy; you need to trust that I’m making the best decisions, too.”
She blinks at him. “It’s just so hard, when all I can think about is you in that prison, being starved and neglected, about you almost dying,” She shuts her eyes. “You...I mean, for StarClan’s sake, after TigerClan, how was I supposed to feel, baby?”
He looks away; he’s come to realize over the past few days that his mother must have thought back to Tigerstar’s rule over RiverClan while he was with Darktail. He knows that, but her saying it makes it more raw, more real, for him; he feels a nugget of guilt in his belly, for lashing out at her when she must have been plagued by nightmares about all those years ago.
(Sometimes, he has them as well.)
“We both made it through those times,” he tells her, reaching a paw forward to place it on hers. “Mom, we both made it through those guys. We just need to go the extra step, and get rid of Darktail for good - let me do this. For both of us.”
She blinks, ears flattened to her head. “You’re so stubborn,” she says, a very light purr dipping into her words. “You remind me of your uncle; Stonefur...he never listened to me, either. Always telling me I’m overprotective, I fret too much.” She seems to be lost in her memories for a few heartbeats. “I lost him, and your brothers and sister - I just have you left, baby. You’re an adult now, and yes you’re my deputy, but-” She sighs. “You’re my only baby left.”
“All I have is you, too,” he reminds her, frowning up at her. “You’re my only family, Mom - don’t you see? I have to protect you, too. Family isn’t just moms protecting their stubborn sons; it’s sons protecting their tough moms, too.”
She shakes her head at him again, but he gets a small chuckle from her. “Just like Stonefur,” she sighs, taking a deep breath. “If I let you go to WindClan, will you promise me that you will come back home as soon as you start to get dizzy, or if you start limping? Any sign that you’re not feeling well, you come straight home.”
Reedwhisker blinks, and nods at her. “I promise, Mom. I’m fine.”
She stares down at him, nodding slowly. “I can’t lose you,” she reminds him, sighing. “But I have to let you be my deputy; I know that.”
Reedwhisker smiles at her, and begins to sit up; his joints ache, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was. He’ll make the journey there and back; he has to. For himself, for his mother, for RiverClan in all - he needs to do this. Anything he can do to take Darktail down, he’ll jump into, no hesitations.
“I love you,” Mistystar tells him, looking over him for a moment before touching her nose to his forehead. “You always were the best option for RiverClan’s deputy; not many cats would have endured everything you have, and still give their all to protect us. I’m so proud of you.”
Reedwhisker swallows down his emotion; he’s an adult, a senior warrior of many seasons; he knows he can’t get emotional at his mother’s words.
“I’m proud of you too,” he tells her, giving her cheek a lick.
She moves back, looking him over, and gives him a nod. “Don’t let Onestar boss you around, though; that tom is in no position to tell my son what to do, or how to act. He’s an idiot.”
Reedwhisker affectionately rolls his eyes, smiling at her. “Yes, Mom.”
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jostenneil · 3 years
your top 5 anime couples?
ok so the funny thing is i wrote out my answer to this ask a few days ago and just as i was publishing it my internet decided to die so i lost the whole thing and got rly sad. but i’m back now and perhaps with some better answers so maybe this worked out to your benefit lol 
edward/winry (fullmetal alchemist) → this is pretty self explanatory but nonetheless, i adore the potential with these two. i think there’s a lot of subtleties to their relationship that aren’t touched upon enough in fandom, like how far their intimate understanding of each other goes, how their fears for each other manifest in the work that they do every day, etc etc. they’re a wonderful portrayal of the childhood friends to lovers trope just by way of the fact that they know each other down to a microscopic level. like i think it can’t be overstated enough just how amazing it is that a part of ed’s life is in winry’s hands and a part of her life is in his hands, and how that builds upon the foundations of their unbreakable trust in each other. i also love how their relationship is built on the fact that they’ve essentially been the heads of their households since they were kids. that burden and sense of responsibility they share in is so palpable and esp fun to explore in the post canon when they finally have time to focus on themselves and what they want to do with their work and their family in the long term, i love to think about it! 
tsumugu/chisaki (nagi no asukara) → there isn’t a lot i can write here without spoiling the events of the series itself, but to describe the basics of these two, it comes down to a sort of complicated love polygon that they’re caught in the middle of, and i love how it plays out here. chisaki has loved one of her childhood friends for her entire life, so when her feelings start to change and she develops them for tsumugu instead, she’s weighted with this intense sense of guilt that parallels to a traumatic event that occurs mid series. chisaki is someone who hates the idea of change and growing up and tsumugu as first her friend and then her potential love interest is someone who subtly tries to challenge that mindset and help her grow, all while caring very deeply for her. it’s a really nice case of push and pull, and what amplifies it even more are all of the sea associated metaphors that their relationship is entwined with. chisaki is like this tumultuous and unpredictable sea, while tsumugu is the boy in the boat who patiently weathers her storms. it’s magnificent (and on netflix)
junichi/yurika (kids on the slope) → the funniest thing to me about this manga is that unlike most ppl my greatest takeaway from it was the relationship between these two as opposed to the main focus between the homoerotic, catholically symbolized best friends (which is still impeccable), but i have my reasons! i like these two bc they depict what a mature relationship between two people, no matter how damaged, ought to look like. when they first meet, jun is charismatic, flirtatious, and daring, yurika haughty and alarmed but also intrigued. there’s a brief potential there for some magic, and then they don’t see each other again for several months. the next time they meet, all the previous facades have been shattered. he’s been disowned by his family and now lives alone, depressed and jaded by the world, and she’s growing increasingly frustrated with the impositions put upon her as a pretty girl from a rich family growing up in 60s japan. the conversations between them thereafter are very charged and challenging as they poke and prod at each other’s world views, but it’s ultimately a healthy banter that’s necessary for them to come to an understanding and move forward. jun fears hurting the people he loves and isolates himself as a result, and yurika pushes back at those walls and limited thinking bc they’ve been towering over her all her life. it’s just a beautiful exploration in balance esp since they’re a couple that has to make it on their own without their families’ support, so they need mutual understanding to survive 
marco/connie (gangsta.) → the relationship between these two is pretty complex. marco is originally a born and bred child mercenary, but at a point in time he begins to harbor some doubts about the work he does with his “friends”, and the turning point in his life becomes the death of connie’s parents at their hands. connie cries these angry, unforgiving tears and stares at him with so much hatred in that moment that it rocks him to his core, and a series of events leads to him abandoning the mercenary lifestyle and completely starting over in an effort to repay kindness to the people he’s only ever harmed. what’s interesting about these two is that connie rly holds him to this endeavor. she’s constantly skeptical of him and she doesn’t like him nor holds these great hopes for him to improve as a person. she makes no moves to help him initially when he’s mocked and jeered at for attempting to start fresh, and why should she? he ruined her life. but the interesting thing is that marco’s persistence when it comes to doing good and wholeheartedly repenting is something that begins to intrigue her, and slowly she starts to let him into her life. first as a delivery boy she greets at the door, then as maybe an acquaintance, then a friend, and somewhere along the way, a lover. it’s a really dark relationship (explored in more detail in gangsta. cursed) but i love how it’s explored and how they push each other to be better people 
taichi/arata (chihayafuru) → if you know anything of this fandom you know this is the unpopular choice, but nonetheless, my reread this past year enlightened me to it. i feel like these two really take rivals to lovers to the next level. their initial friendship as kids barely touches the surface of some of the insecurities each of them harbors, but as they grow up apart from each other there’s this simultaneous loathing and longing that manifests in each of them for the other that’s really amazing to watch unfold. there’s so many backhanded comments between them followed by bouts of remorse and self-hatred, there’s secret expressions of just how happy they feel when they’re able to play each other, the tension that exists between them as they fight not just for chihaya’s love but for the love of karuta is so so intense and devastating, and ultimately it’s a really well fleshed-out exploration between childhood friends vested with different life experiences that ultimately put them at odds with each other. the way their relationship has developed up until now in the manga is just crazy to see and i sometimes wonder if they’d be more popular had they been straight lmao 
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shima please tell me about your galaxy brain human Lucario AU I wanna know how it all pans out
NDASKMADMLASMKSA OMG ANON I am more than happy to share :'D This got really REALLY long, I hope you enjoy a good read lmao
So we have. Lucario. As a human. Possibly named after an actual Pokemon Lucario, idk. He's still Aaron's apprentice—trains under him at the castle to become an aura user. However, human Lucario is like. 15, making his connection to Aaron that much more powerful bc he's pretty much baby and Aaron's in his mid twenties practically raising this kid by himself. Lucario views Aaron as kind of a father/guardian figure? He's still so uptight at this point tho;; and he views Lady Rin as a mother (which. Is. SOFT). Rin and Aaron might be in love, it's hard for Lucario to tell, he doesn't Romance. He just focuses on his aura training. Pssh.
Fast forward to the time of the Big Pokemon War. Aaron realizes the only way to stop the fighting is to go find Mew at the Tree of Beginning. However he knows that this is a huge sacrifice—and knowing how loyal Lucario is to him, Aaron knows he'll follow him and be subjected to the same fate. And Aaron's like—Lucario is just a kid, you know? He still has so much more to experience and live for. So while it fucking breaks his heart to shatter Lucario's trust in him (for the time being) and totally ruin his father figure status, Aaron "betrays" Lucario and traps him inside the staff. It's some crazy magic aura crystal thing that seals something inside of it, whether it be a Pokemon, human, spirit, or whatever else. At this point it's also for Lucario's safety—bc nothing can really touch him while he's in there, and they're in the middle of a war, so yeah it's just really good timing and planning to protect his kid. However Aaron, being the adorable himbo dumbass he is, kinda forgets that this is an aura crystal, and therefore needs aura to "unseal" it essentially, which would set Lucario free. Unfortunately after Aaron goes to the Tree and gives up his life to stop the war (cue Titanic music) there's not really any other aura user around. They're pretty rare, even way back then;; so Lucario falls into a deep slumber, being sealed, and is kept there for about 1000 years.
And then!! Ash fucking Ketchum enters the picture!!
Lucario is suddenly woken because he senses Aaron's aura nearby. Absolutely pissed at Dad for leaving him behind, Lucario escapes from the staff and goes to attack, but stops when he realizes Dad is actually not Dad, it is adorable 14 year-old boy who has a similar aura to Aaron. Cue a very disgruntled teenager running through the palace, totally out of place and confused. Eventually he's stopped by Lady Ilene, who explains what's going on. Naturally Lucario's heartbroken—not only is his master/dad/guardian dead, but so is his mother figure, and everybody else he'd once known in the castle. Bc Ilene looks so similar to Rin, Lucario takes comfort from her. Ilene does her best to console him and asks if he'll do her a favor. He leaps at the chance to make her happy—apparently he's a sucker for getting good Parent Figures to like him—and agrees to go help Ash and co. find Pikachu at the Tree of Beginning.
Instead of Lucario doing the Naruto run ahead of the group (which like. How the fuck is he so fast...) he actually sits in the car in the passenger's seat with Kidd doing the driving for him, bc hell if a human can run for that long and not be totally wiped out afterward (also he just woke up from a 1000 year nap. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen.) Also baby has no idea what the fuck a car even is so he's a bit nervous around it, and Kidd's like "Um yeah no I'm not letting you drive. Just tell me where to go" so Lucario uses his aura to lead her. Things progress p much the same way, with Lucario getting strangely attached to Ash despite not wanting to, at all, but it's hard because Ash is just Perfect and a Good Boy and pretty much gives Lucario the sort of attention he craves. Eventually tho that all comes to a head when Ash brings up his friendship with Pikachu. Lucario's still bitter about Aaron and honestly can't bring himself to trust any of them—and is pissed at himself for having taken a liking to Ash despite that—so that leads into their giant fight in the first step of their enemies to lovers trope. Ha. Even so, he still gets consoled by Max (and is given CHOCOLATE!! Which is the most fucking heavenly thing he's ever tasted), and witnesses Ash unable to sleep bc of his honest worry for Pikachu. Lucario does some Deep Thinking to himself about his relations to the group.
The next day, the group activates the Time Flower that recorded Aaron's entire abandonment of Lucario. Believe it or not being a young kid in training for a war tends to give you a bit of trauma, so Lucario freaks out a little and starts attacking the hollow projections of the enemy Pokemon. Ash manages to calm him down. Lucario collapses and asks why Aaron had abandoned him. What did he do wrong? Why would Aaron turn against the kingdom? Why did Aaron trap him in the staff? He doesn't know shit and it's frustrating. Ash comes up to him and apologizes, and as soon as the waterworks turn on Lucario's like oh nooo. Oh NOOOO. Here's this boy laying his heart out on his sleeve and is so honest and open and sincere that he can't help but feel awful for how he treated him. Lucario immediately forgives Ash and is like "I will now protect you with my life" bc Ash is baby and Lucario realizes for the first time!! He's made an actual friend with somebody that isn't his dad or the queen! And if he's friends with Ash that means he can be friends with Brock and May and Max and Kidd too. The prospect is EXCITING. He can trust these people now, he knows, because they saw what happened and they believed him about Aaron. They're choosing to side with him over the "kingdom's hero" and that honestly means a lot—it's a huge commitment and Lucario's just. Super grateful that he has a group of people backing him up. Lucario promises himself that he'll reunite Ash and Pikachu, bc if he were given the chance he'd reunite with the people he once held dear too. Ash and Pikachu really care about each other and Lucario admires and respects that a lot and he wants to make Ash happy so!! He's like. It is my personal mission to see that we find Pikachu successfully. And Ash is just like :'D !!! And it's that moment when Lucario realizes that he might like Ash a biiit more than he originally thought he did. Huh.
Literally not even 30 seconds after that revelation Regirock attacks and Lucario almost has a fucking aneurysm because he JUST made friends with these people!! And now they're going to get killed if he's not careful! Story of his life. He immediately shifts into Protect Ash Mode™ and hurries everyone to safety. Things are crazy. Lucario has too much of a burden on his shoulders. He's stressed. But Ash is with him and that makes things a little bit better so he focuses on getting them to where they need to go and protecting them along the way. Big job for such a young kid. Whew!!
Traveling through the Tree of Beginning, weird antibodies keep voring people, and it's not fun. At one point Lucario takes the bullet for Kidd, but is mysteriously released (probably bc of his aura and his connection to Aaron, who gave up his life, which gave energy to the tree and to Mew. So there's a connection there. The tree kinda sees Lucario as one of its own.) Finally, finally! Ash and Pikachu are reunited! Lucario can immediately sense how close they are and how much of a bond they have. Seeing someone with so much history with Ash makes Lucario a bit shy around Pikachu, but it’s cool, they warm up to each other eventually!
Right after this, Ash and the others find out that May, Brock and Max were devoured by the antibodies. Lucario barely has any time to grieve for them before the Regis burst in and essentially trap him as Ash and Kidd are attacked by the cells next. Lucario watches in absolute horror as Ash is swallowed up. It’s like Aaron all over again—and this time it’s worse because Ash hadn’t done anything wrong, and Lucario had really come to trust him and admire him as a person. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. He watches in hollow-eyed despair as Pikachu and Ash’s other Pokemon cry over him. Everything sucks. The world is a nightmare. Lucario almost wishes he’d gotten swallowed too. Why is it always him that’s the last one standing, the only one left, the remainder to deal with the carnage and the loss by himself? Then Mew performs its voodoo magic and lo and behold!! Ash and the others are miraculously revived! Lucario is absolutely overjoyed and relieved. It’s then that he realizes he’d be absolutely devastated if he lost Ash for good—even more so than Aaron. At this point he’s kinda come to terms about Aaron’s death, though it still hurts because there’s so many questions left unanswered.
Of course right after this Mew collapses and everything goes to shit again. Great. (Can he get like five seconds to maybe just breathe?? Idk.) At the center of the Tree of Beginning, Lucario finds Aaron’s gloves and things start to click into place. Maybe...the stories were true? Lucario activates the Time Flower there and realizes what Aaron had done, his noble sacrifice, and why he couldn’t bear to get Lucario involved. Lucario breaks down in tears bc he’s so relieved and yet so unbearably sad. Aaron was like his father. Someone who cared for him so immensely and deeply. Aaron urged Lucario to continue on and live his life to the fullest—that’s what he wanted for him, after all. But at this point Lucario isn’t sure if he can. Mew needs saving, after all.
Lucario decides he’ll follow in Aaron’s footsteps and save Mew, no matter how sad it makes him to have to leave his new friends so early. Ash immediately protests, along with Kidd, and Lucario tells them that it’s a risk he has to take, just like Aaron. Mew and the Tree need his power more than ever now, and he can’t just abandon them. He starts to pour all of his aura into Mew, but it’s not enough. Ash puts on Aaron’s gloves and jumps in, deciding to help out. Lucario is grateful but also very panicked because Ash literally just came back to life—he couldn’t bear losing him a second time, especially since he already lost Aaron. Lucario tries to bump him out of the way but Ash absolutely won’t let him!! If they’re going down they’re going down together. Ash tells him that he can’t watch Lucario take on the burden by himself over and over—that he wants to split the weight and make things even. Cue a very emotional tense moment between two boys about to sacrifice their lives together. Neither of them want the other to die, but they don’t really have a choice. Mew absorbs their power and then…
Lucario wakes up.
And he’s alive. Holy fuck!! (There’s no fucking way I’d kill him nope not happening not this time bitches)
Apparently splitting the burden of giving one’s life energy to another with a second person eases the consequences—leaving both Ash and Lucario alive (which makes him realize that if he’d gone with Aaron all those years ago and split the burden, both of them would have lived. But strangely Lucario wouldn’t trade that opportunity for what he has now.) Ash literally jumps on him and hugs him so tight he nearly dies a second time, but it’s fine. It’s a good way to go.
The tree is safe, and so is Mew. Ash rejoins the others, bringing Lucario with him. They all have a merry little reunion, and then head back to the castle together.
At this point, Ilene thanks Lucario for all he’d done—for Ash and co. and for the tree and Mew. She then sets Lucario free—saying he can do whatever he wishes, he can follow any path in life he wants to now! Suddenly there’s a whole world full of possibilities, and that world is there for him to explore. He can practically hear Aaron encouraging him to take a step into the unknown, journey to his heart’s content, make tons of friends, and master his aura. Except Lucario isn’t really sure he wants to take the trip by himself. He bashfully asks Ash if they’d be alright with him joining them. Ash is absolutely fucking ecstatic, of course. He asks Lucario to teach him how to properly use his aura, and Lucario has a big self revelation moment like “The student has become the master” and it’s magical. So we hit off a brand new adventure with Lucario traveling with Ash, Brock, May, and Max, and teaching Ash how to hone his aura! Which gives us more aura Ash moments, which everybody craves! And it’s kinda gay and lovely!!
And that is my rewrite happy ending for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew thank you goodnight ✌️
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