#he's got a bite in his head but his insides are cake and his blood is bright pink so
ghstmsk · 2 months
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nysrage · 8 months
Play Wit It, Onyankopon
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you were putting the last touches on your costume, that was planned by you and your bestfriend. going as the grady girls from the shining. ony entered the room to you bent over adjusting your thigh high stockings and black heels, skimpy dress falling just at the back of your upper thigh. that pastel blue hugging all of your curves just right. the smothering aroma of your flirty perfume. he couldn’t take his eyes off you, let alone those soft brown cheeks peeking beneath your dress but the icing on the cake? we’re those plump outlined lips nestled in your panties just below them. clit practically poking through the thong, while you mindlessly fiddled around with your shoe.
before he knew it, ony found himself standing barely a inch away. hands rubbing against the soft skin of that round ass, thumb dipping just above your clothed folds. “ony, not now..” you started to stand but your boyfriend stopped you in your tracks. “i know.” he breathed out, “i know but fat ma just begging for attention right now..” running his hands over your folds, teasing slow circles around your clothed clit. your legs unconsciously spread to give his hand more room, biting down on your lip from the small shocks of pleasure. “onyaa—”
a small smirk on his lips as he gently cups your pussy, bending down to your level to place a wet kiss behind your ear. “c’mon mama, just let me play with her..” softly running his fingers up and down your damp thong, getting you right where he wanted you. that resolve crumbling away with a small whisper, “that’s it, just play with her..?” rocking your hips back against his hands giving into those pleasurable sensations. ony bit down on his lip with a small nod. “that’s it baby..”
“so fucking wet.” ony groaned, thick tip pushing into those gummy walls. soon as he got his hands on you, he ate and finger fucked you sloppily. slick and spit running down the back of your stocking covered thighs and onto the grey wooden floors of your apartment. those soft hands clutching at your ankles for dear life, pussy swollen and throbbing from the overstimulation. “gimme one more..” slapping that fat head at your clit before sinking it back into that clamping hole of yours. head hazy from the blood rushing down to it. ony wanting you bent over, head down ass up. “mm, papaaa” moaning out at the pressure of him slowly filling you up, still pulsing from the last breathtaking orgasm. “open up, let me have that pussy.” your walls molding around him with every deepening thrust, letting him in easily and gripping onto him tight. a low moan escaping his lips once that soft ass finally meets his pelvis. “mmhm, justtt like that pretty girl, f-fuck.” starting out with a slow deep pace that had you slobbering, face twisted with building pleasure.
“mmm, right there!” whining out for more, which ony had no problem giving you. pounding into you hard and steady, moaning with his eyes trained on that pretty pussy that sucked him in deeper than before, leaving his dick slick and glistening. “you love this dick?” roughly slapping your ass, making you clench down on him hard. “ouuu yesss shitttt!” one hard thrust leaving you screaming out, as he continued to build that pressure almost toppling forward but his hands always caught you. “love how I fuck this pussy? huh?” you nod, his thrusts fast and deep. “words mama.”
“yes, i love how you fuck me papaa!” nails digging into your skin, ony angling his hips up right into that spot that always led to a mess. “cum on this dick.” your eyes rolling back while your legs shook uncontrollably, gushing out a creamy mess onto the floor and the two of you. loud squelching and ony’s moans filling the room as released all of him inside you. “so fucking good, gushy ass pussy.” pulling out and getting on his knees instantly, face met your legs weak, wobbly, and the mess you made.
“you might as well call sash, we ain’t making it to no party..”
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Mafia!au part 5!
A bit of fluff, a bit of drama, a bit of Soap!
Content: Attempted Gaslighting, Violence
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“Gooood morning, sir!” you sing as you sweep into Mr. Price’s office. “And happy birthday!”
His head shoots up from whatever he was brooding over, brows arched high in genuine shock. Surprise is a good look on him.
“How the bloody hell did you know it’s my birthday?” he demands, sitting back in his chair.
You beam, sauntering right up to his desk. His eyes flick to the round white box balanced on top of your tablet. Nothing big, a little something you baked at home after a couple dissatisfying trials.
“It’s my job to know,” you reply easily.
He blinks– a habit you flatter yourself thinking he might have picked up from you. “What else do you know about me?”
You tilt your head at him, a smug curve to your lips.
“Just the basics. Your full name and birthday,” you demure. Hold up your free hand and start rattling off on your fingers. “Height, allergies, tea preference, pastry preference, blood type, drink of choice…”
You set the box in front of him and resettle your tablet in the crook of your arm. He stares at you for a beat, expression bleached from surprise to outright shock. You spin your stylus around your fingers.
“Which is why I made you a marble cake with whiskey instead of rum.”
His eyes lock onto the unassuming white box. It’s not a big cake by any means, about six inches in diameter and only one layer. Just a small something for Price to have for himself. God knows the rest of the boys (and Farah) get enough treats from you as it is.
“You made this?” he asks, leaning a bit forward.
“Yessir,” you declare, “and I’m pretty good at it too. Perks of stress baking.”
He runs a hand down his face, as if his beard got ruffled. “Christ, you need a raise.”
“Yes. Anyway – I’ll get you a plate after I’m done,” you say, swatting at his curious hand. He huffs but sits back to give you his full attention. You smile in reward and begin reciting his schedule for the day.
He listens, only interrupting when he needs clarification on little details. You try not to be too endeared by the way his eyes occasionally flick to the covered cake. When you finish, you twitch your nose at him knowingly.
“I’ll get you a plate before I get started on that expense summary,” you say, turning on your heel.
You hum in surprise when a large, calloused hand catches your wrist. It’s not the hand of a businessman, you think, but a man used to work. A man who does the hard things for himself. Before meeting John Price, you would have scoffed at the thought of a rich man knowing labor. Price though… well, he’s been proving to be a welcome exception since the very start.
“Thank you for this, love,” he says, voice hitting that tone and pitch that makes your insides squirm. He caresses his thumb over the tender skin before releasing you. “Really.”
You can already feel the blush climbing up the back of your neck, over your ears, creeping onto your cheeks. Can’t ever catch a break with him.
“Well, don’t thank me ‘til you’ve tried it,” you try to deflect.
“Weren’t you the one saying you’re decent at baking.”
“Yeah, well… maybe I poisoned you or something – for that time you closed my skirt in the door.”
He sputters a bit. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from giggling at the indignance on his face. Such a handsome, almost regal man. You love to rile him up.
“I apologized. Profusely.”
And offered to buy you a new skirt entirely. The way you’d shrieked that that was not an appropriate response made Soap choke with laughter as people stared.
“Yeah, well, I hold a grudge,” you reply, shrugging.
It’s true, but not about things like that. Graves and his assistant? Oh, that’s practically a blood feud at this point. A silly little accident where your boss left a crease in your fourth favorite skirt? That’s not even something to forgive him for, but you sure as hell will never forget. Especially when he still seems mildly sheepish about it.
“You wouldn’t be the first,” he grumbles. You’re not sure if he’s talking about grudges or poisoning, but the dramatics finally make you laugh.
“But I could be the last,” you call over your shoulder as you flounce out.
Not for long though, returning with a disposable fork from the breakroom. There’s something amusing to only you about a man in a thousand-pound suit using cheap plastic.
“Come to see me keel over for yourself, then?” he asks.
“Well, I can’t have you getting cake crumbs on the expense reports,” you reason.
He’s already got the lid open. No icing on the cake – you’re shit at decorating, so you chose a recipe without icing. The flavor of the whiskey and sugar should be plenty. To make up for it, you folded a tiny placard and wrote “Happy Birthday, Boss!” in your best loopy cursive.
He takes the fork, fingers brushing yours in the process. You remind yourself not to snatch your hand away like a scandalized Victorian lady. Christ, you really need to get it together.
“Tell me how you like it,” you say, making to leave again.
“Come try it yourself,” he protests.
You pause, give him an amused look. “I didn’t actually poison it, sir. You’ve not done anything that heinous. Yet.”
He snorts, carefully digging out a respectable bite from the edge. “If you see fit to toss a little rat poison in, then I’ll likely having it coming.”
You hum. “Arsenic is more my style. Classic.”
In the corner of the room, Simon makes a little noise you’ve come to recognize as repressed laughter. You shoot him a quick, amused look, before shifting your attention back as Price gestures with the fork.
“Regardless, you should get a little taste of the fruits of your labor,” he offers.
The fruits of your labor, you think with a bit of regret, will be his enjoyment of your baking. You’re not sure when his admiration became your favorite part of the day, but you’re spoiled for positive feedback from your otherwise stern boss.
“You first,” you insist, “it’s your birthday after all.”
He keeps unnerving eye contact as he brings the bite to his mouth, tongue flicking out to catch any spare crumbs. He hums, eyes closing a for a second in enjoyment, before opening and fixating on you again.
“That’s bloody brilliant, love.”
He scoops up another piece, brings it right to your mouth. You hurry to put a hand beneath in case it falls; don’t even think before parting your lips. Sugar and whiskey, chocolate and vanilla, burst across your tongue.
“Oh!” you hum, hiding your mouth while you chew. “That is pretty good.”
It only occurs to you as he takes another bite for himself, a twinkle in his eye, that you just ate after him. Used the same fork like it was nothing, like that’s an acceptable thing to do as his assistant. You’re not squeamish by any means, no. It’s just… it’s gotta be crossing some sort of professional line. You can’t imagine any of your previous bosses ever sharing with you like this.
“Let me tell you, if you did poison it,” he muses, “I wouldn’t mind it being the last thing I ate.”
You roll your eyes, swat lightly at his arm again. “I told you; it’s not poisoned.”
“I know, you just took a bite,” he answers smugly.
You click your tongue at him, playing at exasperated. “I’m going to work now.”
“Ta, love.”
“Oi, li’l miss?”
You glance up at Soap curiously.
(Recognize, in the back of your mind, that it’s a nickname that’s not only spread – thanks, Simon – but that you’re responding to as quickly as your own name now. You should probably feel some type of way about that. Probably righteously annoyed or something. You don’t.)
Soap is standing at your desk, shifting from foot to foot. Uneasy. But the expression on his usually friendly face isn’t nervous. It’s… something else. Something you don’t know how to decipher but makes you sit up a bit straighter, alert.
“What’s up, buttercup?” you ask, voice light.
“There’s some bloke down in the lobby, says he’s got a date with you?” he explains, frowning deeper than you’ve ever seen.
It gets deeper – and angrier – when he sees the blood drain from your face. You push your chair away from your desk to hide the tremble that’s trying to infest your hands.
Absolutely not. This is your place of work, dammit. Where you’re calm and collected, the person anyone can turn to for solutions. You’ve worked so hard to craft this sleek vessel of professional grace and you’re not about to have it sullied like this.
“He does not have a date with me,” you state, keeping your voice flat and tight. “Would you come down with me, please?”
“’Course,” he replies instantly.
You stop by Price’s office, knock twice, then poke your head in when he calls for entry.
“I’ve just got to pop out for a mo’,” you explain, “I’ll be right back!”
He nods and you duck out again before he can notice anything amiss. For a rich bastard, he’s too observant of others. (Especially you.)
“What’s he here fer, then?” Soap asks in the elevator.
You let out an annoyed puff of air. “A reality check, I assume.”
He side-eyes you but doesn’t ask any further before the doors open.
Sure enough, standing in the lobby, is the last man you want to see. Your ex, Brandon.
“There you are, bunny. You’ve been keeping me waiting for—”
“One, do not call me that. It’s inappropriate,” you interrupt, crisp and sharp. “Two, I haven’t been keeping you waiting, because there’s nothing to wait for. Three, get out.”
He rolls his eyes, that smarmy curve to his lips never leaving. You don’t think he’s even noticed Soap just behind you yet.
“Look, I know you’re still in a mood about everything,” he says, “but that’s why I’m taking you out. To smooth things over. Clear the air, and all that.”
“You’re not taking me out,” you repeat. “Get out.”
He crosses his arms, tilting his head in that condescending way you’ve always despised. It sets your teeth on edge, makes you burn with anger.
“This isn’t your building,” he goads, “you can’t kick me out.”
“Might as well be hers, mate,” Soap interjects, “she could kick out the goddamn queen.”
Brandon’s focus shifts to him. You feel a curl of vindictive satisfaction when his expression curdles a bit. Soap may not be a particularly tall man, but he can be intimidating. Built thick and strong, doesn’t bother to conceal his physique at all with his sleeves rolled up his forearms. And you’re not oblivious to his looks either. Soap is a handsome man. A walking ego bruise for a man like your ex.
“Fine,” he huffs, “then come outside so we can talk like adults.”
You click your tongue, fold your hands behind your back to conceal the way your fingers clench into fists. “We did talk like adults. You just failed to listen like one.”
And ohhhh, the petty satisfaction that bubbles through you at the way his teeth click in shock, a flush of embarrassed anger curtaining his face.
“Now, I’ll ask one more time and then my coworker is going to toss you out himself.” Soap chooses that moment to crack his knuckles. “Leave this building. You’re not welcome.”
You drop your arms and turn on your heel, ready to get back to work and compartmentalize this until you’ve got a fuck-off sized glass of wine in front of you.
“Hey, we’re not—”
Even if you did see what happened, you don’t think you could have followed. It happens so fast. One second, Soap’s eyes are on you. Burning with questions and fury on your behalf, checking that you’re okay. The next, he’s darted past you. There’s a scuffle, fancy shoes squeaking on polished floors, a thick, wet pop. Then Brandon is shouting in pain.
You jump, twist to see what the commotion is. Soap’s got a white-knuckled grip on Brandon’s extended wrist – though now it’s bent at an awful angle, you realize he must have been reaching for you. Your skin crawls.
“Away ‘n bile yer heid,” Soap growls, shoving Brandon back roughly.
He doesn’t fall on his ass but it’s a near thing. With the eyes of reception, a few employees, and you on him, he spits a curse at Soap and retreats. You stare after for a moment, lips parted in shock.
“All set, miss?” Soap asks, adjusting his sleeves.
“Um, yeah,” you say. Blink and pull yourself together. “I mean, yes. Let’s head back up before the boss misses us.”
He places a hand on the small of your back on the short walk back. It feels grounding rather than proprietary; you’re grateful for it. He lasts until the doors close before turning to you.
“The hell was that about, lass?”
You sigh, smooth your skirt down for lack of anything else to do. “That was my ex. He wants to… reconcile, I suppose. And he’s quite keen on getting his way.”
Soap mutters a few choice words under his breath. Scottish slang, you suspect. You’ll have to get him to teach you sometime.
“Anyway, thank you for your help,” you continue, eyes on the elevator doors. “I can’t believe he showed up here. I’m so embarrassed.”
“You’ve nothin’ to be embarrassed about, hen,” he protests. “He’s the creeper here.”
You sigh. “I know, I just… you don’t think less of me, do you? That I didn’t… take care of him myself.”
Soap’s expression softens. He draws you into a quick one-armed hug. “You did take care of ‘im, far as I’m concerned. I was just there to enforce. No need to mess up yer pretty nails, aye?”
You smile, small but genuine. “Thanks, again.”
“Anytime, li’l miss.”
The elevator chimes as it reaches the top floor. You turn to Soap just before the doors open.
“Oh, and please don’t tell the boss.”
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Hi, can we have König picking you up from work and sees you developed a relationship between your co-worker and ends up you both having an angry (possessive) car sex? Thank you 😚😚😚
"You Asked For This"
König x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, Car Sex, Oral, Possessive!König, Mean!König, Kinda Dub-Con?
As you were leaving work you gave your co-worker Jay a hug goodbye, you two had become very close friends.
The icing on the cake was just how tightly he hugged you, König watching like a hawk as he sat in the car, hands roughly gripping the steering wheel.
He trusted you- he knew you wouldn't ever betray him. But fuck if it didn't make his blood boil anyways, making that ugly green monster rear it's head inside the beastly large man.
You slid into the front passenger seat and quickly buckled your seatbelt, happily flashing an unknowing smile to your boyfriend.
"Hey, honey! Thanks for picking me up today."
You received a silent nod which set off alarm bells in your head, him pulling out of the parking lot and driving in an uneasy quiet.
"He was all over you."
You flinched slightly at the cold tone of voice, a slight confusion crossing your face for a moment before you realized what he was referring to.
"He's just a-"
"You know you belong to me, Maus."
You paused and narrowed your eyes at him.
"Don't be a dick, König."
You cried out as you were pinned in the back seat, windows fogging up and you barely had enough room. It almost felt as though you had no oxygen, brain clouded while you were caged onto the seat by König's large form.
"What is that, Maus? Can he make you scream like this?"
He hissed as his hips met yours in angered thrusts, cries leaving your lips along with drool. Your insides were on fire and you felt as though he was going to end up all the way into your stomach.
"You're fucking mine"
He grasped your hair roughly snatching your head back into a position so he could have easy access to your throat, he began leaving several hickeys sucking and biting at your delicate skin.
Your eyes rolled back as you approached your orgasm and you felt him grin against your neck, he could feel the way your walls clenched onto him desperate for release.
Soon both your orgasms came crashing in like a harsh tidal wave, his thrusts faltering as he pumped you full of cum. Slowly he slid out and you finally got a moment to catch your breath.
However suddenly your legs were propped up against his shoulders his head dipping down between your legs, tongue lapping at your sensitive bud and cleaning up the spilled cum. Twitching you pushed at his head weakly.
"König wait-"
He lifted his head and gently grasped your wrist.
"We're not done yet... You asked for this."
{More Content}
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coryosbaby · 7 months
♡ MDNI!! 18+
Thinkin’ of dilf! Anakin fucking in missionary <3 only your legs are lifted off the mattress as your upper body is relaxed on the bed, drool caked all over your chin and your pussy clenching tightly around him. He’s got his big hands wrapped around your thighs as he fucks into you, the tattoo with your name on his v line entirely prominent as it slams against your skin. He’s on his knees so he can fuck you as deeply as he pleases. He groans as he watches your fucked out face, tears falling freely down your eyes as you let out pathetic little whines.
“Oh, baby,” he coos, using one hand to push his black hair out of his face. “So fuckin’ beautiful. Look at that… gonna cream on my cock again?
“Daddy!” You cry. “No, no, I can’t…”
He hums, reaching down to rub your swollen little clit for the fourth— fifth?— time tonight.
“You can, sweet girl. Cmon, don’t you want me to be proud of you? Daddy’s so so close, jus’ gotta see my pretty slut cum one more time…”
Your cunt is so sore that it hurts, but when Ani says things like that in that sweet tone it makes you want to do anything for him. You reach out, begging for his closeness, begging to wrap your arms around him. He notices your pleading eyes, and mockingly pouts back at you.
“What is it? Need some cuddles? Need me to hold you?”
You nod eagerly, your tongue lolling out in pleasure as your orgasm nears. Anakin rolls forward, putting all of his weight on top of you just like you like. You mewl, your skin tingling, your heart surging. This is perfect.
He’s hitting all the right spots, and it isn’t long with his fingers flicking your clit and his teeth scraping your jugular that you cum again. Watching you fall apart beneath him, Anakin bites his bottom lip so hard that it draws blood. He can feel his cum filled balls drawing up, aching to empty themselves into your tight little womb. His ring clad fingers dig into your hips as he finally shoots rope after rope of warm, delicious seed inside you. You keen, holding his big shoulders as he fills you up. He makes no move to pull out— he likes keeping himself inside sometimes after your sessions. Sometimes he even falls asleep like this if he’s spent enough. Looking down, you simply sit and admire the way his perfect cock parts your folds and splits your hole. Anakin breathes heavy against you, exhausted from your hours of continuous fucking.
“Okay?” He asks you softly. You don’t reply; your eyes are closed, your brain all fuzzy and dumb. Anakin lightly slaps the side of your cheek. “Angel?”
You smile, dazed.
“I asked if you were okay,” he whispers against you. “Do you need some space? I can move—“
“No,” you whine. “No, daddy, please. Stay in me. Need you…”
He smiles, relaxing even more into your pretty body.
“‘Course I will.” He says, and you grin happily, running your fingers through his hair and letting out a tiny sigh.
“Wish you could jus’ stay inside forever. Wish you could jus’ crawl in me.”
He laughs, kissing your head.
“You say some weird shit sometimes, you know that?”
You shrug.
“I just love you a lot.”
Anakin’s heart flutters, bringing his thumb up to your mouth so you can suck it.
“I love you too, honey.”
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so like, I don't know the extent of what you write, but if you're ok with it, smutty/spicy head canons for Marshall x Reader? or, alternatively, if you don't write that stuff, first date HC? 💛
Anything for you <3 I’ve been wanting to make a smut for him for soooo long so dw about it
Tags: fem! Reader, smut, obviously, blood, general vampire stuff?, semi-public sex, also they do it unprotected, don’t do that irl pls, Marshall has a big dick 😊✋, this is not nearly as bad as my Judd smuts dw, I wanted to write minors dni but who am I kidding they’re gonna read this anyways 🧍🏻
Summary: idk, porn?
Author’s note: I have returned! Ngl I’ve been thinking of this request for so long, I was so giddy to write it lol 🤭🤭 I hope it’s okay, I feel like I need to work more with Marshall as a character lol but nonetheless I really enjoyed writing this. Eat up, children!
Marshall smut headcannons
Word count; 2,6K
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Smut under the cut!
He is SUCH a tease, omg 
Will tease you for hours, days if he’s in the right mood for it 
(which is most of the time, because he’s a little shit) 
He will act so coy about it as well; getting you to the brim of an orgasm MULTIPLE times or touching you in a way that he knows will turn you on and then just,,, get up and leave 
Oh, just a moment ago he was grinding you on his thigh and whispering the lewdest of lewd things into your ear? Too bad, now he’s up and going to get ice cream from the mart 
He loves to tease you in public too, more than anything in fact 
You’re drinking tea with Prince Gumball? Marshall got bored and thought it was funny to shove his hand under your skirt and into your panties, only to loudly point out how flustered you are 
Would go; “Oh, jeez. Y/n you don’t look so fresh, you okay there, babe?” 
If his cold fingers gently rubbing your clit didn’t feel so damn good, you’d definitely have kicked him 
Instead, though, you clasp a hand over your mouth and nod vigorously 
“Y-yes! Marshall, I’m just fine. Thanks,” You’d grit out, but the rest of your audience would find it hard to believe 
Gumball, bless the man, would insist you lay down for a while and grant you a guest room in the castle 
Bingo. Marshall’s plan fell through exactly how he wanted it to 
The Prince would quickly find out you’re fine, though, when the both of you return like 20 minutes later with mussed hair and you sporting a few bite marks that definitely weren’t present before 
Gumball would scold Marshall more than you, calling him something along the lines of “a hungry wild beast” while just telling you he thought you were better at controlling your urges lmfao 
Marshall is definitely quite the exhibitionist, however 
The two of you have fucked everywhere, all places in Aaa you could think off 
Unfortunately for Gumball, that means his castle has been subject to this quite a lot since he’s got A TON of secret rooms 
Marshall is more respectful at Fionna and Cake’s house though, he only convinced you to do it so much at the Candy Kingdom because he likes pissing Gumball off 
But on the topic of Marshall’s exhibitionism, he really likes getting you to be loud too 
It’s almost like he wants to be caught 😀✋
He’ll drag you around a corner or to the bathroom of a dingy bar or something and make you scream louder than you ever have in your life 
This is not so much a problem in the Nightosphere (yes, you have fucked there too) because I imagine there’s a lot of screaming sounds going on there anyways 
And either way, no one would dare disturb their Prince in his,, private activities 
He’d also really like to drink your blood while fucking 
Usually, he barely asks for it, only if he’s very sick or wounded because otherwise he just drinks the color of red 
But when he’s buried inside you and your nails are scratching up his back, he feels just that tad bit more animalistic 
Sometimes he won’t even ask ): 
Only because he knows you know he would never genuinely hurt you 
But if he’s already kissing and lapping at your neck, it’s soooo hard not to go that extra mile and sink his teeth in 
And your blood is heavenly to him 
Much better than drinking colours all the time fr
Ngl, your period would be love making season for him 
Sometimes, just the faintest smell of your blood is enough to get him sporting a boner 
But when it’s coming from you so steadily and from a place he already loves burying his face and nose in? Man’s a goner 
Please just,,, let him eat you out 🙏
He doesn’t even understand how you could find it gross, when it’s literally free blood he can drink from you without puncturing your skin 
He also LOVES making you cum, and get that taste of your blood mixed with cum.. mmm delicious 🤭🤭
Honestly, he kinda acts like he’s in heat on the week of your period 
But yk, orgasms makes the cramps go away, or so they say 
So take it like a champ lol 
He’ll fuck you in his bed, mostly 
His couch is kinda stuffy and hard bc he never uses it, only you and sometimes your friends when they come over does 
His bed is also nice and large, very good for violent vampire sex 
But let me present to you, an even better option; his bed in the Nightosphere 
Idc his mom tries ok, and has a bedroom set up for him there 
And it’s decorated very posh and such, but the bed is even better for a good round of fucking 
No okay but he rarely takes you there because when he does his mom is bugging the two of you for grandkids so hard— 
I’m honestly not sure if it’s even physically possible, but hey, his mom just wants a cute little grand baby 🫶🫶
As I stated before, Marshall is a man who thoroughly enjoys foreplay 
He’ll have you writhing and gasping before even filling you with his dick; 
His head was hung low, eyes focused on the spot where your bare pussy was dragging against the denim of his jeans. He tensed his thigh, corners of his mouth quirking up as he caught sound of your breath hitching.
You sniffled, softly whining his name and trying to rut yourself faster against him.
He looked up fully, fangs escaping his complacent smile and gently resting on his lower lip 
“Wow. You’re so greedy, baby,” He ‘tsked’, playfully scolding you. 
His hands kept their iron grip on your hips, rocking you back and forth slowly and dictating exactly how much pressure you got to feel on your throbbing clit each time 
You tried to glare at him, but then suddenly he was bouncing his leg and your glare became a sultry pout as you cried out for him 
Unusually, you were sitting on his couch this time around 
He had started by tricking you into watching a movie, clearly with other intentions in mind, but you fell right into his trap and happily obliged when he pulled you to his lap 
Cold breath ghosted over your neck as he had slowly inched his fingers into your sleeping shorts, edging you until you were completely cross eyed and just about to cum only to pull away and situate you on his thigh instead 
He had turned you around to face him, so he could observe your pitiful expressions as he kept giving you more but never enough 
He thoroughly enjoyed it, and now you had been subject to his cruel torture for nearly two hours 
He continued bouncing you, leaning in to get a long sniff of your neck 
You felt his long, wet tongue lap up and down right in the crook of your neck and his already tight grip on your hips became bruising 
He groaned softly, fangs lightly scraping your soft skin 
“Not fair,” he slurred. “You smell so fucking good.” 
You pushed yourself more into him, hands moving from his shoulders to the back of his head to cradle him against your neck 
With your fingers gently treading through his black hair, you barely managed to whisper; “T-take what you need, then.” 
Well aware that Marshall had now also fallen for his own trap, he complied easily 
He lifted you slightly with his arm around your waist, settling you to now grind on the bulge in his pants instead as his two fangs pierced your skin 
The feeling of his straining, but clothed, cock against your core was enough to momentarily distract you from the warm pain and pinch of Marshall’s bite 
With one hand locked around your waist, the other came to the back of your head to angle you to his liking, leaving your lower half to its own devices 
Maybe he was right when calling you greedy, because you instantly took the opportunity to sit down on his crotch 
His clothed dick spread your folds slightly, the zipper of his pants pressing on your clit and you moaned loudly— finally getting enough stimulation 
Marshall’s pupils were blown wide as he lapped up your blood, clutching you to him as tightly as he could without breaking your back as he started rutting his own ups up into you 
If felt heavenly, you quickly got used to his fangs in your skin and the full throb became somewhat of a pleasant ache in your neck 
Too caught up in his meal, he barely noticed when you came all over his pants, slick coating your inner thighs and now spilling over his crotch as well 
You whined loudly as you came, panting out a never ending mantra of your boyfriends name and shuddering all over from the intense fell of it all 
You clawed at his scalp, desperate for some kind of stability as you finally came down a bit 
However, Marshall was still rutting into you, with no intention of stopping, keeping the fire in your belly raging even though you just came 
When he finally managed to pull away from your neck, lower face and cheeks smeared with blood, he wasted no time unbuckling his jeans 
You cried out in relief when he lifted you again, lining you up with his long, pale cock, completely stiff and leaking 
The drunkenly satisfied meal that escaped you when he finally nudged into you was music to his ears
After hours of waiting, you ached to feel him stretching your walls 
He shuddered at the feeling, too, your gummy walls always fit him so snuggly he was surprised he could even fit inside
Your previous orgasm along with the drawn out teasing had made you beyond sensitive, your head was spinning, mouth parting in delirious moans as you finally, finally felt the fullness of his dick inside you 
He hissed when you gently rocked yourself against him, walls fluttering around his cock. “Easy there,” he breathed, mouth returning to that smug smile he bore before, this time coated in blood. “Aren’t you gonna be a good girl?” 
You whined helplessly, hugging him to you and burrowing your face in the crook of his neck 
He felt you nod against him in confirmation, gently licking at his skin and biting at his shirt to keep yourself sane 
He leaned back on the couch, cradling you to his chest and starting a slow and torturous pace of his hips 
You moaned each time he buckled upwards, meeting his thrust with a desperate one of your own 
He breathed out a laugh. “You’re so goddamn wet, it’s all over my pants, sweetheart.” He commented condescendingly, nuzzling your hair with his bloodied face 
It got in your hair, it was also still leaking from your neck but you didn’t care 
All you could manage was a small huff in response against Marshall’s collarbone, clutching his T-shirt in your hands 
His statement was true, though 
You were absolutely leaking on his cock, it dribbled down his shaft, creating a small puddle underneath you on his pants and the couch 
Gently, you lifted your head to mouth at his neck, then his jaw 
“More.” You muttered, your voice cracked slightly and it came as a whisper, but you knew Marshall’s supernatural senses would pick up on it anyways 
He cackled in response. “You can handle more?”
Vigorously you nodded and before you could even register it, Marshall had you on your back on the couch 
You looked up at him hazily, fingers trailing the few marks you had left on his neck, all of which was already beginning to heal 
He leaned down to kiss you as he started pounding into you, making the couch shake and knock against the table besides it with each movement 
He hoisted your leg up, bringing the left one over his shoulder and dove into you deeper, enough to make you feel him all the way in your lower belly 
When he was done kissing you, leaving you breathless and your lips swollen, he nosed down your neck until he found his bite marks and resumed his feasting 
You tightened and fluttered around him, flailing as the liquid flames in your belly grew until they became almost unbearable 
You tried pleading with Marshall, but all that came out of your mouth was incoherent mewls of his name or loud moans 
He was close too, you could tell by the way he was clutching you, his demon-like nails had grown and was leaving small cuts and indents where he was holding you 
He groaned into you, deeply and animalistic and it vibrated through your whole body in the most pleasant of tingling sensations 
That was enough to tip you over the edge, and without warning you creamed on his dick, walls fluttering and constricting so tightly around him he almost found it hard to pull back out
He took a sharp intake of air, departing from your neck for only a moment to glance down and watch the way your pussy was milking him 
He moaned a little at the sight, licking his lips and picking up speed
You could only just lay there as his thrust became inhumane, you knew he was holding back when you two fucked, but it never failed to surprise you when he took use of some of his actual strength 
Something in the sofa cracked, the sound of wood splitting barely reaching your sex-drunk mind as Marshall fucked you rough and fast 
His own thrusts became somewhat sloppy as he used you to chase his end, he watched your face intently, eyebrows knitted in concentration 
When you finally opened your eyes, locking eyes with him and presenting him with the most fucked-out expression he had ever seen you hold, he came 
He didn’t bother to pull out, instead he held your hips tightly to his, releasing his load inside you 
You softly sighed in delight, body numb and heavy 
It took a while for him to pull out, but when he finally did, he went straight to nuzzling into you again 
He hugged you closely, supporting you against his chest as he sat up, lifted his hips and pulled his pants back up 
Marshall is surprisingly good at aftercare, I mean, after all that teasing he better be treating you right after 
He’s always very cuddly, and makes sure to clean you up properly after
He starts with you always, his own needs come in seconds after he’s done with you 
He’s looking at you all lovestruck and starry eyed too, with a goofy lil smile on his face, adorable 
He tugs you against him, preferably in his bed, and helps you clean up the puncture wounds with his tongue and a wet towel 
Awe, he’s so cute (,: 
He just wants to make you feel loved 🥰🥰
Especially cause he knows humans are not build for the kinda sex he’s build for, he’s always a bit scared he’s breached your limits too much or exhausted too much 
And I mean, yes, he has, but you thoroughly enjoy it so.. 
No okay I know I just said he’s soft in the post-but clarity, but sometimes he can also be a teasing little shit 
Depending on how loud he made you moan or how much he got you to embarrass yourself 
In the instance above, he’s pretty soft, but don’t be fooled, man’s is a demon after all 🫢
He’s so hot pls 🥲✋
He’s been needing his own smut for so long too oml,,, I hope you enjoyed it.
Sorry this is also not as fluffy as a first date thing would be, but if it’s something y’all want I could write something about that too. Thanks for the read! 🙏
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spacesquidlings · 8 months
Hold Me, Carry Me Slowly; My Sunlight
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Description: With the warmth of the afterglow fading, Tav manages to coax Astarion into a bath, to show him all the ways she loves him and to hold him close until the water grows cold.
Warnings: Suggestive content, implied sex, mentions of blood, mentions of other bodily fluids
Notes: Hello!!! This is my very first attempt at writing Astarion. Saw him once, fell in love, went insane, now i'm writing fic about him and I cannot stop. I want to just squish his cheeks and tell him how lovely he is. This is set post-everything that happens in game, and he's unascended
Heavy curtains drawn across the windows stifled any hope of light sneaking in between the threads. It did not even bleed through the leaden fabric, staining the room in a strange glow the way wispy, gossamer curtains often did. But she did not need the curtains drawn to know that night had descended. The hazy burn of dusk across the sky had long since faded, a chill hanging in the air that bit at her bare skin that could only belong to the fathomless night.
Pulling blankets tighter around herself did little to stave off the sting of the air, siphoning away the last of the heat from her skin. And nestling closer to the body beside her was not the improvement she’d been looking for, the press of her skin against his bringing discomfort from everything that had spilled onto her skin into stark awareness.
There was blood; her blood, dried and caked on the inside of her thighs and her throat from where she’d let his fangs sink into her flesh. There was sweat of course, still drying on her skin, making her feel itchy, like a second, ill-fitting skin had been plastered across her. And she could feel where his release leaked out of her, where it had been smeared on the inside of her thighs, where it was congealing on the sheets beneath her.
So not only was she cold, but she felt very gross. And very much in need of a bath.
But she was wrapped up in her lover’s arms, and he seemed intent on holding her close, his soft breaths ghosting across her collarbone.
“Astarion,” she whispered, running a hand through his hair. It was softer than silk, and still cool to the touch despite how she had run her fingers through it, twisted them into his curls at every chance she got. He sighed against her, his lashes fluttering as he shifted.
“Astarion.” She slid her hand down to the nape of his neck, playing with the wispy baby hairs that curled there. “I know you’re awake.”
“So what if I am?” His response was muffled, rumbling through her bones from where he pressed his face against her bare chest.
She traced her finger over the curve of his ear, biting the inside of her cheek as he shivered. “I want to take a bath.”
His only response was a groan, clutching her tighter.
“I feel sticky.”
“I’m far too comfortable to move, love.”
She huffed, resting her cheek on the top of his head. “I’m covered in dried blood! And other things.”
Now he did lift his head, his crimson eyes bright in the shadows of the room. She caught the glimmer of his teeth as he smiled, his canines looking especially deadly in the dark. “You could know I could help if there’s something you’d like inside of you.”
A few hours ago his words might have made her blush, might have made her flustered enough to try and look away before he inevitably caught her to tease her some more. But his voice was heavy with sleep, his words more of a quiet murmur than anything seductive. It just sounded a little silly, and she snorted, a smile spreading across her lips.
“You could help by letting me go and letting me bathe.”
Now he was the one huffing, shifting until they were eye-to-eye, his arms never leaving her sides. “And why would I want to do that when I’m so comfortable right here?”
“Because you love me?” She cupped his face in her hands, squishing his cheeks just the tiniest bit. He was always giving her odd looks when she did it, squishing his face or showering his head in kisses or hugging him as tight as she dared. But even if one brow was arched in question, he always smiled softly, his eyes warm with contentment. As if perhaps he liked the sudden onslaught of affection, even if it seemed a little strange.
He chuckled, idly stroking her side. “I do love you. More than anything.”
She leaned closer, until their noses practically bumped together. “So you’ll come bathe with me?”
His brows rose, one arm releasing her as he trailed his hand up her arm. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you’d rather be doing?”
She didn’t bother to respond with words this time, simply whining, putting on her best pout and hoping it would be enough to sway him.
A snort. “Nice try, darling. But I like having you here in my arms.”
Not nice enough, clearly. She whined again, louder this time, leaning her head against his shoulder.
“Please, my love?” She went so far as to whimper, peeking up at him through her lashes, fingers still toying with his hair. “Please? You could come with me and then it would be so much nicer.”
He hummed, smirking as she wiggled closer, ignoring the stickiness between her thighs and the dull ache radiating through her nerves.
His eyes closed, and she knew she had won before he even started to sigh. But he did sigh, long and dramatic and very drawn out.
“Fine,” he finally conceded, fixing a glare on her that was entirely undercut by the smile still playing at his lips. “If you must. But you had better make sure to use those new oils I bought us. I don’t want to be smelling like cheap bar soap you found at a farmer’s market.”
“That’s not fair! It had smelled so pretty when I’d bought it.” She frowned, ducking her head. “I don’t know what happened that made it so plain.”
He tucked her hair back behind her ear, slowly dragging his knuckles down the side of her neck, his eyes softening. “It was probably enchanted to smell that way until it had been purchased. Or perhaps they simply tricked you and only the display one was perfumed.” He smirked. “Which is why you need me to help select the best perfumes and soaps.”
Rolling her eyes, she nuzzled her nose against his neck. “What would I do without you, my love?”
“You would be lost.”
“And I’d smell bad.” She smiled as he laughed, warmth blooming like a new flower in the spring.
“Thank goodness you do have me,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “And you’ll have me forever.”
If not for the chill in the air and the discomfort clinging to her skin, she probably could have stayed there for an eternity. He’d teased her mercilessly for how much she’d loved to curl up in his arms, but he’d always seemed just as keen to cuddle with her, his arms fitting perfectly around her, his breath tangling in her hair or tickling her neck, his hands stroking her sides or her back.
But she was cold, and she was uncomfortable, and as perfect as his arms and his body were, she felt desperate enough to peel her skin off if she did not bathe soon.
It was with a pathetic whine that she coaxed him from the bed, hands clasping his as she dragged him from the bedroom. He grumbled wordlessly, even as he let himself get tugged into the bathroom, eyes narrowed as they adjusted to the darkness.
She could hardly see in the dark, and it was only with Astarion’s help that she was able to light the candles that lined the counter in the bathroom, illuminating everything in a soft glow.
It was an effort to keep her eyes averted, to pretend like she didn’t think he looked beautiful, the edges of his body blurred by the candlelight, his face softened by the golden glow. He looked a little like his namesake, like a star given form, blessing her with his light.
Although if she told him that she would certainly never hear the end of it. Even now she could feel his eyes burning into her back as she filled the tub, tracking the steam as it curled towards the ceiling and melted out of sight.
“My love.” She felt his hand at her hip, soft as a whisper. She knew this game, knew he wanted her to turn around, to focus her attention on him. She could hear it in the lilt of his voice, the laughter she could hear in it though neither of them had made a joke. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“What do you mean?” She was careful to avoid meeting his gaze, gently brushing her hand over his. “I’m getting the bath ready. Alone, might I add.”
“Well, I’m here for moral support. And you’re doing such a good job I’d hate to get in your way.”
Against her better judgement she turned to glare at him over her shoulder. It earned her a bout of warm laughter that seeped into her veins like sun-warmed honey, heat blossoming in her belly. It was immediately followed by his hands taking her face, his lips stretching into a wide smile, the knife-sharp points of his canines glinting in the candlelight.
“That’s better.” He tipped his head to the side, his eyes softening. “I was worried you had grown tired of looking at me.”
She covered his hands with hers. “I’ll never grow tired of you for as long as I live.”
Lines appeared on his forehead as his brows drew together. So she stood on her toes, gently pressing her lips to each line until they were smoothed away and she could feel his smile against her skin. His hands slid away from her face, but she kept her fingers tangled with his, not wanting to let go just yet.
“My love…” He trailed off, humming as he lowered his head, the coolness of his teeth scraping over her skin making her shiver. “Wasn’t there something else you were doing?”
“You distracted me.” His answering laughter tickled her neck as he hovered above the marks leftover from where he had bitten her.
“You were preparing a bath, I believe?”
She took hold of his face this time as she rocked back on her heels, pulling his head back just enough to meet his eyes, to see the mischief shining in them. “You know, I think this is the exact opposite of getting in my way.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” He was awfully good at feigning innocence; his eyes were wide and sorrowful, a small pout pulling at his lips. Had she not known him she would have fallen for it entirely, believing him utterly innocent of any wrong-doing.
But she did know him, and she knew exactly how not innocent he could be.
She clicked her tongue. “Nice try. Maybe I’ll just bathe on my own.”
She spun around quickly, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing as he began to whine, trying to get her attention all over again.”
“My love.”
She went searching for his precious oils, finding them lined up in the corner of the small cabinet above the counter. They seemed to shimmer as she held them up to the light, as she uncorked them to smell them each and make sure she was grabbing the right ones. He was so particular about such things and she wanted to make sure she got it right.
“My darling.” His voice pitched up, cracking a bit as she began adding the oils to the bath. “I thought you wanted me to come with you!”
Much as she wanted to pretend she had a strong resolve, it crumbled to dust with just the slightest of provocation from him. How she was supposed to ignore his desperate whining, even when she knew it was a trap, was beyond her. So when he reached for her hand, drawing her closer, she didn’t resist, instead letting herself be gathered against his chest, his smug smirk illuminated in the glow of the candles.
“Well? Do you truly still plan to leave me and bathe all on your own?” One of his hands slipped down her side, leaving gooseflesh in the wake of his featherlight touch. “I could be of help, you know. I’ve become quite intimate with your body, I’m sure I could help in some way.”
She frowned. “Don’t get any funny ideas.”
His answering laughter was bright, like summertime sunshine was bathing them in its golden light. It made her smile, giggles bubbling up in her throat as he laughed, pale cheeks flushing with just a hint of colour, the same pink that promised the coming dawn and the warmth that would follow.
His expression was soft again as his laughter passed, as he waited for her own bout of giggles to melt away, that soft colour still clinging to his skin. It took her a moment to identify the look in his eyes, the gentleness with which he held her gaze, with how he rested his hands at her sides. And when the realization hit her, she felt like her breath was stolen away, yanked from her lungs with a gasp.
He looked happy. He looked so genuinely happy that her eyes began to burn, her heart aching from how it pressed against the cage of her ribs.
Lines appeared on his brow once more, the corners of his lips turning down. “What’s wrong? My darling, why are you crying?”
She shook her head, wiping her eyes quickly. “I’m not.”
“Just because I can’t go out into the sun doesn’t mean I’m blind, you know.” He huffed, mouth curling into a half-smile, something like sadness hanging at the edges. “Have I done something wrong?”
She sniffed, shaking her head furiously. “No! No, not at all. I just have something caught in my eye, that’s all.”
Nothing in his expression said he believed her, but he didn’t push the issue. “Well then, should we get in before the water gets cold?” He leaned close, his voice dipping to a sultry tenor. “Or is there something else you would rather do?”
She didn’t even have to respond before he was laughing again, grinning broadly as he drew back. “My darling, you make this far too easy. Your face is all flushed and I’ve hardly done a thing.”
He’d actually done quite a lot of things today, but her tongue was suddenly too heavy to properly articulate anything sharp and witty she could say in response. And she didn’t have anything sharp and witty to say in response either, a pleasant fog settling over her mind as fatigue tugged at her.
Instead she just climbed into the tub, sinking as far beneath the water as she could, only her nose and eyes still above water as he followed behind, still looking far too pleased with himself.
He reached for the little shelf of bottles that lined the wall next to the tub, the soft light of the flickering candles casting a golden glow around the room. If she hadn’t known him she would have thought he was an angel with how the light gilded his features, twined with the strands of his hair and made it glow. Even that infuriating, devilish smile looked soft in the light, still clinging to his lips as he tilted one of the bottles up to the light.
Her eyes were burning again, her chest aching, too small for her heart, for all of the emotion tearing it apart at the seams. Had there ever been such a beautiful smile? Had there ever been such a precious person ever before?
No, she was certain that there had not been.
He was watching her, and she realized it with a start, her breath catching as she met his eyes.
“What’s the matter, pet? You look like you’ve had a spell cast over you.”
She bit down on her tongue hard enough to taste blood, although the fuzzy feeling around her mind and the warmth in her chest did not dissipate against the sharp pain. She had drunk no wine and yet she felt a little drunk all the same, a little like she was hovering just beyond her body, her edges blurry, everything warm.
He moved closer, taking her hand. “What’s on your mind?”
She opened her mouth, closed it again, like a fish gasping for breath on dry land. She really could not say, not unless she wanted to be teased mercilessly, caught gawking at him like a child with a crush.
“Well?” He tipped his head to the side, reminding her of a predator.
Her voice would not come to her, and so she decided that she would express how she felt in a different way, her heart wishing terribly to be able to keep his heart warm, to keep that smile bright on his lips, to keep his eyes soft but never sorrowful again.
“What are you doing?” He blinked at her as she plucked the small bottle of shampoo from his hand, the sensual countenance falling away.
“Let me help you clean up,” she said, rolling the bottle between her palms. “I can wash your hair for you.”
He continued to blink, his brow creasing. Her heart constricted, fear sluicing through her veins, making her fear she had overstepped, that this was something unwanted. She’d already coaxed him from sleep, perhaps she was pushing against his boundaries.
“Only if you want to,” she amended. “If you’re comfortable with it. I don’t want to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”
When he tipped his head to the side it was less predatory this time, reminding her more of the curious head tilt small animals often did when you were speaking to them with a cadence they liked. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “You just can’t keep your hands off me, can you, darling?”
She muttered under her breath about how much of a menace he was, even as she squeezed out the shampoo into her palm. He was smirking, watching her intently.
“You have to turn around,” she instructed, earning nothing but a rebellious smirk. 
“Now why would I do that when it means I can’t see your adorable face?” He twirled a hand in the air, gesturing to her face. “I wouldn’t want to miss out on the pretty flush on your cheeks.”
She tried spinning him around, water sloshing over the lip of the tub. “Turn around! How else am I supposed to wash your hair?!”
“Just like this, darling.” He cupped her face, water sluicing down his arms, falling back into the tub with a quiet plinking.
“I feel like you’re trying to embarrass me.”
He clicked his tongue. “I would never dare.”
“I think you would dare.” She couldn’t bring herself to push his arms away, deciding she would have to yield. “I think you would just to see me squirm.”
“Well…” Unable to come up with an appropriate excuse, he merely shrugged. “I like that colour on your cheeks.”
“I didn’t realize you were an artist,” she deadpanned, lathering the shampoo between her palms. “And that you had such a nuanced appreciation of colours.”
“Only when it comes to you, love.”
She sighed, no clever rejoinder coming to mind. She liked getting the last word in, but Astarion so rarely gave her such an opportunity. He always had something else to say, something sharp and clever if not something that would make her blush so fiercely she thought she would burst into flame.
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “But you have to lower your head for me.”
He had no smart comment for that, instead quietly acquiescing, ducking his head enough so that she could run her fingers through his hair, dragging the shampoo through the silken strands.
She hummed, smiling as the gentle, moonlit ivory waves were smushed beneath the shampoo. She might have gathered it all up into a point, making him look a little silly while he trusted her to wash his hair. But he was always trying to make himself look perfect, and she didn’t mind when he looked less than perfect, when he looked silly or disheveled. He didn’t have to pretend with her, and she didn’t want him to.
“You’re doing something ridiculous to my hair, aren’t you?” He seemed to read her thoughts, peeking up at her from beneath his ivory lashes.
“Nooo.” She shook her head, massaging his scalp. “I would never dare.”
“So you are.”
She huffed, pouting as she ran her fingers down the back of his scalp, pressing gently against the back of his neck, making sure to catch the soft baby hairs that curled there.
“I trust it won’t look like that forever?” The corners of his lips quirked up, his voice dipping to a dangerous octave. “Right?”
She didn’t respond, fixing her gaze elsewhere, trying to ignore the way his eyes bored into her skin.
Another click of his tongue. She nearly leapt out of her skin when she felt his hand on her face, the pad of his thumb running across her bottom lip. “Why are you pouting? I thought this is what you wanted.”
“And I thought you were too tired to tease me like this.”
He tapped his thumb against her lip in time with her heartbeat. “I never said that.”
“I kind of assumed.”
“My love, I’m never too tired to tease you.” His hand fell back into the water with a quiet splash. “But please continue.”
“I’m just about done with your hair,” she admitted, dunking her hands into the water. “You’ll have to lean forward more or tilt your head back so I can rinse it.”
He straightened, shifting awkwardly so he could tip his head back, the sharp points of his ears grazing the surface of the water, sending out little ripples.
She scooted to the side, careful to keep the water from spilling into his eyes as she began scooping it up and pouring handfuls of water into his hair. “You know this would have been easier if you’d just turned around.”
He splashed her, rolling his eyes. “I have my reasons.”
“Would you care to divulge them?” She splashed him right back, not bothering to show the same care this time as water and suds sluiced over his face.
He sputtered, wiping his eyes. “Well not anymore, you wicked thing.”
“I think I’m quite nice.”
He flicked water at her as he sat up. “You’re not being particularly nice right now.”
She splashed him again, harder this time. Water rolled over the lip of the tub like ocean waves, puddling across the floor. “I am SO nice! I’m the nicest! I let you pick out the shampoos and soaps we use! I let you pick out the curtains! I let you be the little spoon!”
The more reasons she was, theoretically, “nice,” the more she laughed. Small giggles at first, bubbling into a laughter that gripped her lungs, shook her body until she was snorting with every breath. Her hands trembled as she tried to cover her face in a vain effort to staunch the flow, but it was of no avail. She felt like a fool, she felt dizzy, almost drunk although she’d had no alcohol.
Astarion snorted alongside her, eyes crinkling in bemusement. “I can let you be the little spoon if you want, my love. I had no idea you were sacrificing so much for my comfort.” Another snort, another flick of the water, sending her into another fit of hysterics. His lips stretched wide, a crescent moon smile that made her heart glow. “I didn’t realize falling asleep in my arms was something of such importance. Although I shouldn’t be surprised.”
Backing up until her back hit the edge of the tub, she covered her face, shoulder shuddering with laughter. “It’s not even that funny, I don’t know why I’m laughing.”
“I’m not sure either.” He moved closer, just enough to find her hand and run his thumb across her knuckles. “But I like the sound.”
“I was snorting!”
“But they were such cute snorts.” He was tracing the lines of her palm now, watching her with such warmth in his eyes she thought she would melt into the water and turn to suds and foam.
“You can’t possibly mean that.”
His bottom lip popped out; an adorable, impossible to resist pout that could make her to cave to almost anything he asked. To stay in bed for a little while longer, to buy him that pretty shirt they’d seen at a night market, to wear the glittering circlet he had mysteriously procured because it matched one that he owned.
“Don’t you trust me?” His eyes were wide as a doe’s, his voice soft as feather down. She was lost to him already, to that sorrowful, beseeching look. Lost to that quiet, almost whiny tone.
She knew she was being played, but there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.
It was with gritted teeth that she managed a quiet. “I trust you.”
His expression morphed almost immediately, his eyes bright once more, his teeth bared from the brightness of his smile. “Marvelous! I’m glad we’re in agreement that you’re adorable.”
“You’re awful.”
He kissed the back of her hand, his laughter rumbling into her bones. “And I’m all yours, my darling.”
Gentle warmth spread from her heart, beating steadily, spurred on by the sudden sweetness of his words. Her arms grew warm next, her belly, her fingertips, everything tingling as if she were caught in a warm haze. He was all hers, he was hers to love and care for and cherish. To hold close when they slept, to share the quiet moments with, to share the loud moments with too. Of course. There would always be loud moments with him, the unexpected always rearing its head as they searched for a cure for him, a way for him to stand free in the sunlight.
“You are,” she agreed. He was hers, and he had given his heart to her willingly. It had been his choice, and she would make sure to treasure it, to treasure him, for as long as she drew breath. And as long as her heart beat, it beat for him. “And I’m yours.”
A strange look came upon his face then, something between sadness and elation, something she could not name. It was gone far too quickly for her to dissect it, his lips brushing against her hand once more before he drew away, a smile plastered on his face once more.
“You most certainly are, my darling.” He gave her hand one final squeeze before letting it go, twirling a hand through the air as he gestured to his hair. “Now about whatever you’ve done here.”
“Will you turn around now?” Whatever had snagged her attention briefly flitted away. Suds were streaking down the sides of his face, his hair half matted, pure ivory with the shampoo still caked into his scalp.
It was only with a long, petulant sigh that he turned around, laying back so his head was nearly in her lap so she could finish rinsing his hair.
“Now was that so hard?” She teased, supporting his head with one hand while she used the other to pour palmfuls of water onto his hair.
“It was torturous. I couldn’t see you for a whole minute.”
“Oh please.” She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to comb out the rest of the shampoo. “You’re such a baby.”
His brow furrowed. “I am not! I’ll have you know I’m over two hundred years old-”
She sighed, rolling her eyes as she cut him off. “Yes yes, you’re an over two hundred year old vampire, you’re terrifying and powerful and someone to be feared. But you’re still a baby.”
His eyes narrowed, his mouth opening as if to retort.
“And you’re my baby,” she finished, cutting him off once again.
She swore colour flared in his cheeks, at the tips of his ears. He looked away quickly, whatever sharp comment he’d been about to make dying before it made it to his lips. “I suppose it’s acceptable when you say it like that.”
Curling forward she brushed her lips to his brow, listening as he sighed. 
He started to lift his head as she drew away, chasing after her in search of another kiss, but she gently coaxed him back down, cradling the back of his head once more. “Just relax, love.”
At first he did not relax, his eyes flickering to her face and along the shadowed ceiling of the room. But after a while she felt as he settled himself more comfortably against her. His upper back was cushioned atop her legs, his head cradled in her palm, just above her thighs, his legs drawn up so his knees cut through the water like mountains on the other side of an ocean.
“Let me know if anything is uncomfortable, okay?” She ran her hand around the sides of his ears, making sure she caught the last of the suds, making sure to rinse his hair fully so that when it dried it would be fluffy and soft just as it always was. She combed her fingers across his scalp, massaging gently, smiling as he gave a quiet hum of assent. The lines in his brow were smoothed away, his face softened in the light. He looked peaceful, serene as she rinsed the last of the shampoo away.
She could have told him to move then, that she was done and he had to sit up, but she found she did not want to, could not bring herself to be pried from this position. His weight against her was a comfort, the tranquil look on his face a balm to her heart, his even breaths lulling her into her own state of peace.
He looked calm, he looked happy, and she was loath to end the moment, for that gentle stillness to melt into the suds and bathwater.
So instead she reached for his preferred soaps, lathering it between her palms and running her hands over his shoulders, massaging the soap into his skin.
He shifted, a brow arching. “What are you doing now, my love?”
“Cleaning you up,” she said, pausing as worry flitted through her mind. “I’m sorry, I should have asked.”
His eyes opened, and where she had expected accusation she saw only the softness that accompanied a flower just beginning to bloom, petals not yet the brilliant crimson of blood. “You don’t need to apologize. It’s nice.” He sighed, eyes falling closed once more. “And I trust you.”
She was thankful to be sitting, because she was certain her legs would have given out on her from hearing such words from his lips.
She carried on, moving her hands over his arms and hands, sliding them back up to wash his chest, his torso. Eventually she did have to ask him to sit up, water sluicing down his back as she fetched a cloth to wash his back, careful to ensure her touch was light as she ran it over the lines of his scar. Her stomach still roiled when she saw it, remembering the sharp pain in his voice when he’d told her of its history, and when she remembered the scarlet light that he had been bathed in, that had set the scar aglow.
She bit down on her tongue until she tasted blood, forcing herself back into the present. That was behind them, it was behind him, and he would never have to fear his old vampire master agait. There was no more ritual, no more control, no more sacrifice. The scars would never glow again, they would never be anything more than scars. Fading reminders of a shadowed life and misery she would do everything she could to make sure he never felt ever again.
Suds spilled down his back, and she brought cupped hands of water to the nape of his neck, letting the water spill down his back as she began wiping up the suds. “Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at all, okay?” She scooped up more water and watched as it spilled down his back, washing away the last of the suds.
He gave a quiet hum of assent, seeming content to let her do as she wished for the moment. He was turned away from her, but she imagined the peaceful expression that must have been on his face. The dreamy smile, the pale pink of his cheeks, the same expression he often had when he first awoke, serene and blissful like he were caught in a beautiful dream.”
“I love you.” She murmured the words as she brought her lips to the back of his neck. “I love you so much.”
The quietness of the moment should have concerned her, but she’d written it off as him still being sleepy as she continued. She alternated between washing him up and scattering stray kisses along his skin. His shoulders, his sides, his arms. She made sure to catch all the little crooks of his body, fingers tangling together with his for half a heartbeat as she trailed soap and suds over his arms again before she rinsed him off.
“Alright.” She’d only just dunked the cloth back into the sudsy water, eying the lineup of pretty, colourful bottles along the shelf next to the tub, trying to figure out which ones were his favourites. They were unlabelled, but she knew what scents he liked best. “Don’t tell me which one is your favourite, okay? I think I know.”
She rested her cheek against his shoulder as she reached for the closest one, the one she was pretty sure smelled of bergamot. It was only then, as her fingers closed around the little bottle, did she notice the slight tremble of his shoulders, the soft sniffling sound that was quickly drowned out by the splash of water.
She drew back at once, the bottle slipping from her fingers and plunging into the water. For such a dramatic moment, as her breath caught in her lungs, she would have thought it would have made a louder sound as it crashed from her hand. But no, the bottle made little more than a quiet plink as it slipped beneath the surface of the water, the silence hanging in the air heavy, deafening in comparison.
“Astarion?” Her heart constricted, her lungs shuddering as they tried and failed to draw in breath. She hesitated before settling her hands on his shoulders, not knowing what else to do. “My love? Is something the matter?”
A beat. It was little more than half a moment but it could have been a century for how the time stretched between her question and his response.
“Nothing, darling.” His voice was much softer than usual, so soft she would have missed the tremor in it had she not been so close, had she not felt as it vibrated through him, resonating between them in the place where she had laid her palms.
“It’s not nothing.” She wanted to see his face, wanted to see what he was hiding. But when she leaned forward he turned his head away, nothing but his damp curls filling her sight.
“Astarion.” She settled one hand on his arm, the other brushing his hair back from his ear. “My love, why won’t you look at me?”
He cleared his throat, one hand coming up to rub at the side of his face. “It’s nothing. I think there’s some soap in my eye.”
“Let me see,” she insisted, reaching for his face. She cupped the cheek furthest from her, gently drawing his face towards her. “If there’s soap in your eye let me help get it out.”
He did not put up any resistance, although when he finally faced her fully he did not meet her eyes. Instead he just stared down into the water, his hands awkwardly clenched together in his lap. Red rimmed his eyes, his cheeks a splotchy red that spoke of tears, not the gentle flush of contentment or love. His face was wet, although that was most certainly from the bath as much as it was from his quiet tears.
Her hand slipped from his cheek along the curve of his neck, pausing only to rest on his chest, feeling its steady rise and fall as he took slow, measured breaths. “Oh my love, why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
His hand covered hers, an empty smile shuddering at the edges of his lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, darling. I just got something stuck in my eye, probably from being distracted by your hands.” His voice dropped an octave, was sweet as syrup, warm as the buzz of alcohol when she’d drank too much wine. “I was thinking about all of the other things they could do.”
The smile at his lips grew wider, the sharp points of his canines peaking out. He flicked his eyes up to meet hers, but they fell just as quickly, no smile in them.
“Is it me?” Her voice trembled as she spoke, drawing her hand from him and pressing it against her own chest. She slid backwards, worry an oily creature squeezing her belly until she thought she might retch. “Have I done something wrong? Something to hurt you?”
Ruby eyes flared wide, the water moving like ocean waves, spilling over the lip of the tub as he closed the small amount of distance between them. He cupped her face with such tenderness she thought she would be the one to cry now.
His voice was a dry rasp, his brow lined. “You have done nothing wrong, I swear. I promise, you are…” His eyes softened. “You are perfect.”
Some of the tightness in her belly eased. She wanted to reach out to him, but she held back, still fearing that perhaps her touch had been too much. Perhaps she had pushed him beyond the bounds of his comfort. She sounded small, like a child, when she finally asked “then what’s wrong? Why will you not tell me what’s wrong?”
A long sigh fell from his lips, his hands finding hers in the water, fingers threading together. He seemed to hesitate, his eyes scanning her face for a long moment, his brow drawn. 
“It’s not that something is wrong…” He tipped his head to the side, a humourless laugh ringing hollowly in the air.
She chewed on the corner of her lip, unsure whether to press him for details or to give him space to speak. Maybe he just needed to think through what he was going to say.
The corner of his lip twitched. “Don’t bite your lip like that, my sweet. I can smell the blood from here.”
She froze, frowning. “I haven’t even bit it that hard-” The coppery taste of blood spread across her tongue and she frowned even more, watching as his smile grew wider. “Hey! Don’t change the subject.”
“I can’t help it when all I can think about is sinking my teeth into your lips.”
He seemed quite proud of that line, and she wasted no time in splashing his face, washing it away. He sputtered, wiping his face, his smug little grin replaced by a pout.
“My eyes are up here,” she motioned to her face, earning the return of a small smirk. “Astarion, please. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, but if there’s something I did wrong, or something I could do to help.”
It was another beat before he responded, his eyes creasing at the corners. “You haven’t done anything wrong, my love. And I’m not upset, I promise.”
She elected to remain quiet this time, fluttering her fingers along the surface of the water as opposed to worrying her bottom lip with her teeth lest she distract him yet again.
The tenor of his voice softened, warm and low, reaching into her mind and easing away the last of her anxieties. “It’s quite the opposite, actually. It’s just…” He trailed off, holding her gaze steady as he searched for the right words. When finally they came to him, the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, soft as feather down, as morning sunshine in the air. “You were being so gentle. You weren’t trying to seduce me, or manipulate me. You just…”
Again he trailed off. He reached for the hand still skimming across the top of the water, holding it tight. “I didn’t want to say anything because it felt absurd to be crying over such a thing. I know you love me. And yet.” He shrugged. “I was overwhelmed. I felt so loved.”
His words hung, suspended in the air between them like spider’s silk. Delicate and gauzy, shimmering with the silver of moonlight as it was spun. She wasn’t thinking as she reached out to him, as she crawled into his lap with her hands on either side of his face. Her fingers slid into his hair, tangling in the wet curls.
“My love,” she breathed. She could not find her voice, her words little more than a flutter of gossamer wings, butterflies caught in a storm, a lone songbird taking flight in morning mists. Her heart was aching, her ribs cracking, splintering beneath it, the power of her voice stolen as the feeling drowned her veins.
His brows lifted, confusion and yearning twined together in his eyes. “Yes?”
“I love you.” It was all she could think of to say, the only words that would form in her mind for the longest of times. She ought to be better with her words, but in this moment, her fingers wrinkled and the water tepid, there was nothing else. “I love you entirely.”
“And I love you, darling,” he chuckled, his hands falling to her hips.
She shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. I love you.” She pressed her lips to his cheek, saying the words over and over again like a prayer. “I love you. I adore you. My chest aches from how much I love you.”
A breathy laugh escaped him as she passed her lips over his, as she scattered kisses across his cheeks and brow and the sharp tips of his ears. “I don’t want you to be in pain.”
“I want you to feel loved everyday, always.” A kiss to the side of his neck, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. “I love you, I’ll always love you.”
His arms came around her sides, hands resting on her back. “My love…”
She couldn’t stop now, smiling as his eyes flicked skyward in an eye-roll. “I love you!”
He held her tighter, drawing her in closer. “I love you too.”
“I love you with all my heart.” A brush of her lips against the bridge of his nose, the space between his brows, the hollow of his throat. His hands tightened, fingers pressing into her skin. “I’ll find a way to live forever so I can love you forever.”
A garbled sound escaped from his lips and she froze, her grip loosening in his hair. She hadn’t realized how tightly she’d been gripping it until she loosed her hold, her hands aching.
“No,” he said, his voice rough as sandpaper. “No, don’t stop.”
Silver pooled in the corners of his eyes when she pulled away, lines tracking down his cheeks and gathering at the edges of his jaw. Little droplets tumbled silently down, little ripples spreading across the surface of the water.
“Are you sure?”
A small nod, one hand sliding up her back, resting at the nape of her neck. “I am sure. Don’t stop.” He offered her a small smile, even as tears streaked down his face. “Please?”
She brushed the tears away with the pads of her thumbs, cupping his face as she brought her lips to his again. She grinned as he sighed, his lips parting against hers. It was so incredibly gentle, so tender and soft that she almost burst into tears too, feeling like she might melt into a puddle and be washed away with the soap and the suds.
“I love you,” she murmured as she broke away, breathless even as she drew breath. Shadows clung to the walls, stretched out from the corners and puddled along the floor, the flickering candlelight never quite reaching fully into the cracks and corners of the room. Yet for all that shadow everything seemed to burn bright, everything awash in technicolour. It was like an artist had come in and painted over a sketch done in grey, bringing it to life with colours she could not even name, made of crushed gemstones and sunlight and sugar.
Another sob bubbled to the surface, but it was chased by a soft laugh. The hand at her neck twisted into her hair, his free hand stroking her side gently, reverently. He looked away from her, lips pressed into a thin line as if he were embarrassed from the sound.
“You’re safe, you know,” she promised, stroking his cheek. “It’s okay to cry.”
He snorted, chuckling softly as he slowly looked back at her. “For being told I’m loved?”
She brushed away another tear. “Yes, exactly.”
He looked incredulous. “Really.” It wasn’t a question so much as a comment, one brow quirking up. “You don’t mind?”
“I’m just glad you trust me.” She traced the line of his jaw. “That you feel safe with me.”
He looked on the verge of saying something smart, so she kissed him quickly, fighting against her smile as he let out a choked sound, all that remained of whatever his snarky little comment would have been.
“That was unfair,” he whined, trying and failing to glower at her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She kissed the corner of one eye, then the other, the shudder that wracked through him echoing in the hollows of her bones. “I just love you, I couldn’t help it.”
He chuckled again, running his fingers through her hair now. “Well if you’re that determined to shower me with affection, I suppose I shouldn’t stop you.”
She frowned. “Unless you want me to stop.”
“It’s a good thing I don’t want you to stop.”
“Even if it makes you cry?”
His pale brows rose higher, the corner of his lip twitching. “Only if you promise to kiss them away.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, nestling as close as she could to the coolness of his body. Tepid water sloshed around her hips, but she did not care, did not even notice as the bath grew colder. It could have been made of ice and snow and still she would have felt nothing but the warmth of her heart, burning as hot as a star set to explode and spread fire and stardust through her veins. She could feel his heartbeat against her chest, feel it beat in time with her own, a harmony only they could create.
“I promise,” she murmured, lips against the curve of his jaw, trailing kisses up his face, tasting salt on her tongue.
“Then I definitely don’t want you to stop.”
She could have said something smart then. About how he was ridiculous, how he was being awfully needy and demanding. But in truth she didn’t have it in her to say something sharp, to come up with some witty rejoinder. Any smart comments she made were like training swords to the sharp-edged daggers he could create with only his tongue anyways. But more than that, she just didn’t want to. Why would she cut through the delicate gossamer of this moment? Why would she tear apart the diaphanous veil that clung to them?
All she wanted to do most days was hold him to her chest and press her face into his hair as she breathed in the rosemary and bergamot that he was so fond of. She wanted to cup his cheeks and kiss his face until he blushed, until he laughed, until he was so full of love he would never doubt his worth again. To run her hands down his back, to tangle her fingers in his hair and comb them through his curls, to soothe him so he felt safe as he slept. 
She was not about to pass up an opportunity to do exactly that, and she was not about to tease him when she was nearly fracturing from the effort it took to keep everything she felt contained in her veins and her bones.
She had been struck dumb with love, but she had never been happier, never been so glad to sit in a cold bath with wrinkled fingers. There were not even any words to describe it, so she repeated the same words over and over. That she loved him, oh how she loved him, her precious Astarion.
Eventually his tears began to slow, his quiet sobs no longer echoing through the room. She didn’t pull away, at least not right away, wanting to stay tangled with him for just a little while longer. She murmured one more “I love you,” pressed one more kiss to the corner of his lips, before she pulled away.
Astarion’s eyes were filled with stars when she found them, the smile on his lips adoring. “Where are you going?”
“Nowhere.” She brushed a damp curl behind his ear. “But you’re not crying any longer.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to stop, darling.” He sighed, mischief in his eyes once more. “And just when I was enjoying it, too.”
She splashed water at him, snickering as he shouted. “Come on! The water is getting cold!”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, their chests pressing together, holding her fast. “I’m not the one who started kissing me, darling.”
“I was trying to make you feel loved,” she whined, wiggling in his grasp but finding she was unable to escape.
“And you very much succeeded.” He spoke languidly, drawing out each word slowly, the sharp points of his teeth catching the buttery light. “I’ve never felt so loved before, in all my long, depraved existence.”
She looped her arms around his neck once more, running her fingers through his hair. “Well I’m very glad for that.”
He inclined his head, an approving smile on his lips. “But that doesn’t mean I want to let go of you just yet.”
“Astarion,” she hissed. “I wanted to take a bath.”
He was all wickedness now, tilting his head back, holding her fast with his eyes as much as with his arms. “And I wanted to stay curled up in my lover’s arms.”
A shiver ran down her spine, her body momentarily out of her control as she shook. She pressed closer against her better judgement, searching for the scraps of warmth his body offered.
He dropped a kiss to the top of her head, reminding her of a lazy cat from the way he watched her with half-lidded eyes. “So doesn’t this seem like an answer to what we both want?”
“We’re not exactly doing any bathing.” She shivered again, gooseflesh rushing across her arms.
The way he smirked made it seem like he had won a prize, all satisfaction and smug delight. “It looks to me like you’d be better off staying in my arms, darling. If you don’t, you might catch a chill.”
Frowning, she planned to push away from him and crawl out of the bath, but she was shivering again, harder this time, her teeth clacking together. For all the warmth stored within the cage of her ribs, beating endlessly in time with his heart, clearly it was not enough to keep the chills away when she was waist-deep in a cold bath.
Astarion grimaced, taking note of the gooseflesh prickling her skin, the way her teeth clattered together, the unending shivers she could not seem to control. He pried one hand from his hair, inspecting her palm, before sighing dramatically. “Why didn’t you tell me you were this cold?”
She pressed her lips into a thin line, looking away at the line of candles, watching as wax pooled at their bases.
A click of his tongue drew her attention back, although she wished she had not looked back as she was met with a look of reproach, his mouth a thin line, the corners of his eyes creased as they narrowed.
It was so bizarre, so utterly absurd to see such an expression on his face, when usually there was mirth or mischief or plain wickedness, that she couldn’t help but giggle.
He cocked his head to the side, the gesture of a predator having cornered its prey. “I’m not really sure what you find so funny,” he said leaning close. “But please, do enlighten me.”
“Nothing!” She shook her head quickly as she squeaked out her response. “There’s nothing that’s funny.”
“Hmm,” was his only response, although he looked like he didn’t believe her for even a second.
She tried to draw her hand away, to press it safely to her chest, but he held it tightly, his eyes boring into hers for a long, long while.
“I’m only a little cold,” she said, finally conceding. “I hardly noticed it.”
He sighed, loosening his hold. “Well I think it probably is a good idea to get out of the bath.”
She was not afforded a moment to consider his words as he stood, capturing her in his arms as he stepped from the tub.
“Hey! I haven’t washed up yet.” She wriggled in his arms, trying to get free.
“Relax.” He smirked, setting her down. “You’re not bathing in freezing water.”
“It wasn’t freezing.” She pretended she didn’t see the way his eyes flicked to the goosebumps still crawling across her arms and her legs now, too. Or the way she shivered again.
He sighed. “It’s a good thing I don’t love you for your intelligence.”
“Excuse me?!”
His hands hovered on either side of her face, his nose bumping against hers as he kissed her lightly. “I adore you, my dear.”
She glared at him as he drew back. “That is not what you said.”
“Isn’t it?” He shrugged, moving away to begin draining the bath. “I adore you, and I will always love you, no matter what silly things you say.”
“I’m going to pretend you’re not implying I’m dumb.”
He held a hand to his chest, looking stricken. “On my honour! I would never say such a thing.”
She considered turning around and stomping back to bed. But there had been a reason she had wanted to bathe, beyond lavishing Astarion in love, and she still itched to wash her body of the sweat and blood and other things that still clung to her.
“Don’t look at me like that, darling.” He looked on the verge of pouting again, reaching for her hands. “You’ll have some cuddles again in just a few minutes.”
“What are you plotting?”
“Don’t look so suspicious, I’m only drawing you a new bath.” He huffed, making a grand show of refilling the tub with steaming water.
Warmth like a newly kindled fire bloomed in her chest, velvet softness wrapping itself around her heart. It was a small gesture, and yet it set her alight, made her feel as though she were glowing a little from gratefulness, from the love that had her in its thrall.
Still, she had to argue, curious why he would do such a thing when he’d only wanted to stay snug in bed in the first place. “I can do it, it’s okay. I know you’d only wanted to remain in bed.”
Another click of his tongue as he reached for some of his oils, sniffing them delicately before sprinkling them across the water. “I never said that.”
She groaned. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Oh yes, I know.” He set the bottles to the side, offering her his hand, a teasing smile on his lips. “It’s allowed me to get away with much in the past. I’m hoping it will let me get away with much more in our future.”
She took his hand, letting him draw her back into the now steaming water. The heat of the bath seeped into her bones, relaxing her muscles as she sank into the fragrant water, tipping her head back so her hair streamed out behind her.
“How’s that?” Astarion asked, settling into the tub once more. He drew her legs into his lap, running his hands over them beneath the surface of the water. “Better, right?”
She sighed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, you’re right, it is much better.”
He flicked water her way, smug. “Now where were we?”
“Well I think I was almost done washing you,” she said, her memory hazy. Most of what she remembered was kissing his face, the desire to do so once more like a creature curling in the spaces between her cells, coiled tight, willing to wrap herself in his arms once more if he bid her to.
“That’s right,” he breathed. Something softened in his gaze, his countenance turning gentle, almost reverent. “But you’ve made me feel so loved. I’d like to do the same for you.”
A flush creeped across her face, reaching down her neck and across her chest as he took her hand. “You don’t have, I didn’t do it because I wanted you to reciprocate. I just-”
He kissed her hand, cutting her off, and for a moment he could have been an angel, the soft light gilding his features, his ivory hair glowing like moonlight.
“I know,” he murmured against her skin, eyes opening to find hers. “But I’d like to do it all the same. If you’ll allow me.”
There was nothing hidden in his voice, no double meaning to his words. Nor was his smile sly, or his eyes sharp as daggers. Nothing but earnestness lay in his countenance, a determined sincerity that had her caving at once. 
How could ever say no to such a display? Even now that his enslavement was behind him and his sire long dead, he was still guarded. Less so with her, but guarded all the same. It would take many years to coax him fully from his habits, from his attempts to shield himself and his true emotions. But he was not shielding himself now, he was not hiding anything. So how could she ever say no when his heart had unfurled like a flower in bloom, unveiling how he truly felt?
She leaned forward to cup his cheek with her free hand, unable to pry herself away from touching him gently, from stroking his face with light fingers. “Nothing would make me happier, love.”
He leaned into her touch, a sigh feathering across her skin as his eyes closed. “Are you sure there is nothing that has ever made you happier?”
He lifted both hands, palms out in surrender. His eyes fluttered open, his lashes tickling the tips of her fingers. “I was only teasing, love. Although.” His voice turned smooth as warmed butter. “I hope that everything I do makes you happy.”
“You make me happiest,” she breathed.
He sighed again, one hand circling around her wrist, his shoulders sagging. He looked like he was on the verge of melting, of falling apart and slumping into her arms. But he straightened, pressing a kiss to her palm before pulling away. “Then let me show you how much I love you.”
True to his word he did his best to wash her in kind, and the feeling of the warm water and the soap and his scattered kisses were so heavenly she nearly cried, too. They stayed together until the water grew cold once more, and then they wrapped themselves in soft towels, water puddling beneath their feet as they returned to their bedroom, as they perched on the bed while she carefully toweled off his hair, biting back a grin at how it stood up at funny angles.
And when water no longer beaded on their skin they curled up in bed once more, tangled together beneath the layers of blankets. Astarion’s head was pillowed against her chest, and she idly ran her fingers through his still-damp curls, listening to the even tempo of his breaths, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beating in his chest.
“I love you,” she murmured into his hair, stifling a yawn as she rested her cheek against the top of his head.
He mumbled something she couldn’t quite hear, a sleepy response that she felt in her bones more than heard quivering in the air. It made her smile, her arms tightening around him as she tried to hold him closer. She was happy, happier than she’d ever thought was possible, and she would do her best to make sure he was happy every day too, until the end of her days.
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autumn-hiraeth · 11 months
i wanna request! angry sex hobie :)
reader and hobie got a pretty big fight and well yeah... angry sex. with a shit load of dirty talking during fucking
i loved the idea but I feel dirty.. SO i hope you like it, anon!
Hobie brown x reader
Headcanons. Smut & angst.
a/n: holy water pls. Look I know this is NOT OUR HOBIE, OK?, I KNOW THAT. But I couldn't help writing this. I'm sorry. Tumblr, 'm so cynic but pls don't flag this.
You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist”
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You're a shit show
And I'm in the front row
You think Hobie has broken another of his promises and forgot about today's plans.
Honestly, You're tired 'cause Hobie keeps canceling plans and it feels so normal it hurt, but you're also upset, who does he think he is? treating you like you're one of his bitches that always seems to want to please him after a show.
All those thoughts consume you and without a second thought you are flirting with a handsome stranger, you don't care what he says, you just want to forget your “stupid boyfriend” for one night.
What you don't expect is for your stupid boyfriend to come to the club and almost kill the man who has his hands on your body.
And that's the cherry on the cake. As soon as Hobie takes you to your flat all hell breaks loose, he looks at you like you've lost your mind and you finally complain about his abandonment. " it's your fault! If you had arrived on time this would not have happened Hobart” “You always cancel our plans!” "You don't even call me on the phone when you disappear." "I pretend to believe all your lies, but I'm not going to waste my time with a half man."
Hobie knows he should apologize,tell you how ashamed he is to leave you alone most of the time but he has to do it, he loves you, but he's upset, upset 'cause he can't tell you the truth and he's not thinking, clearly he's not thinking when he says; “none of that is an excuse to act like a slut Y/n” You're not going to give him the pleasure of seeing you cry, no, instead of that you push him trying to hit his stupid pretty face 'cause you've had enough, but Hobie holds you in his arms.
Your back hits the wall hard and now you're pinned down by him as you try to wriggle out of his grip. But Hobie does something that paralyzes you, he's kissing you, his tongue tries to slip into your mouth, and you know you should push him away, have some dignity, but instead you bite his lip making him gasp, looking at you in surprise and then you press your lips against his. It's not a normal kiss, it's a wild kiss ; Hobie finally slides his tongue onto your tongue and your tongue tastes the blood on his lip making him moan.
Hobie is hard, as hard as ever before, so in the middle of the kiss he thrusts his hips hard into yours, his bulge hitting your clothed pussy making you moan. And even though you two have stopped yelling at each other, you and Hobie still upset, so there's no foreplay, no whispers saying "i love you", it's just you and hobie having angry sex against the wall.
Hobie rips your panties making you gasp, his strength has always surprised you, his mouth is biting into your neck, marking you, but you can see him unbuttoning his pants, removing his pants and boxers before making you wrap your legs around his waist. You moan loudly when you feel his hard length, his fat tip is on your swollen clit and you don't even have to ask to be fucked because Hobie is already guiding his thick cock against your entrance.
You let out a pornographic moan as Hobie slides his hard dick into your pussy and he hisses as your walls almost swallow him. When he is finally inside you, Hobie looks at you and without wasting time he's thrusting into you, hard and fast. Your head hits the wall every time Hobie hits deep inside you, his tip kissing your cervix with every thrust. “H—hobie!” you finally give him the pleasure of hearing you moan his name.
“That's Y/N, say my name” “let all your fucking neighbors know you're a fucking slut for my cock” “fuck, you're taking me so well” “know you couldn't live without this cock, Y/N” “ you're so fucking tight” “that man can never have this pussy” “I'm the only one who can fuck you like this, fucking slut” Your eyes roll back, every time he whispers to you, you dig your nails into his shoulder making him gasp. You don't even care how humiliatingly you moan every time he talks dirty to you or rotates his hips to touch that soft spot inside you.
Yet despite all the pleasure Hobie is giving you, you still want to piss him off by making him pay for all, even for having you impaled to his dick against the wall. 'cause you deserve the bed. “ I''m not your slut, Hobart” “You're an asshole” “ a fucking dick” “I hate you” “ I f-fucking hate you” However, all your insults stop when Hobie reaches for your swollen clit and rubs it hard and fast making you moan his name like a prayer.
"Aren't ya my slut? So why are you so aroused from cumming on my cock? ““ 'm gonna fill you up Y/N” “That's right, milk my cock so well” “''m gonna leave you dripping” “ I know how much ya love it” “ wanna my cum?” It's all too much that soon you're cumming and he's filling you up, painting your walls like he promised. And as soon as you two get down from your high, Hobie finally looks at you and when he calls you "luv", your tears are already falling on your pretty face.
And Hobie tries to calm you down, still inside you, you hide your face into the crook of his abused neck as he carries you to bed and finally whispers his apologies and how much he loves you as he cares for your abused body.
“ 'm sorry luv, you're right” “ i'll be a better boyfriend” “ we can fix this” “ don't cry my sweetheart” “ I love ya” But you're not crying because of how he treated you, you can handle that, in fact, you're crying because you know it's over. you can't do this anymore.
I'm leaving your shit show
No longer sitting front row
I bet now you're wishing
You treated me different
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obscuremantisman · 6 months
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By reading most fanfics with this fella, i realized that most of you want a kiss from this thing, so i decided to make some extra headcanons that are romantic ones.
⪧ I appreciate criticism, ideas, and your opinions. ⪦
Wow! You somehow managed to swoon and date Eyeless Jack! Why are you like this? Now, now, don't expect much from him. This thing has never been on the market after transformation.
Let's start off with gifts.
Eyeless Jack would hunt down a human heart, put some sauce he found in your kitchen that he knew you frequently used in your food, and give it to you, expecting you to pet his head and eat it.
If you express your dislike, he'd 'stare' at you for a long time, trying to figure out why you would not like such a perfect meal. Perhaps he should've put extra sauce.
Expect Eyeless Jack giving you inoffensive nibbles around, especially your fingers. it's his way of demonstrating to you that he doesn't see you as food and instead as something more special, or he just likes munching on soft things, who knows.
Although you shouldn't ever let him bite near any wounds, nor break any skin, you will get multiple diseases and eventually die, Jack has an inhuman immunity, you don't.
You knew that Jack was mostly active during the night. That was pretty obvious. But did you know that he oh so likes hanging out at night inside your home?
You were having a good time. It was the weekend, no work, no stress, the perfect time for a marathon night. you bit on a healthy bar, so much to see and no time to waste, you had everything prepared.
After some good time, you ran out of snacks, and so you got up, popping your shoulders, your back cracking in the process as you walked to open the door, walking around the house for the kitchen.
When you opened the fridge, taking a small piece of cake for yourself, a loud scream is pulled out of you as you see Jack appear just beside you, the cake in your hand almost being smashed into Jack's face.
Eyeless Jack is too accustomed to using his mask, mostly taking it off to eat, so if he tried kissing you, there's a great chance you'd get bonked instead.
Seeing as he's definitely some kind of cold-blooded creature. On raining days, he'll be cuddling you with a fierce grip, using you as a heater. If you're strong enough to carry him around, expect him to clutch to you like a koala. it's almost ridiculous sometimes. He'd go as far to clutch to your leg in attempts of staying with you, his personal heater. Even when you're cooking, does his arms ever get tired?
Ever since you've talked about random couple things and mentioned borrowing clothes, you have catched him using your clothes more than once, that's for sure. It's definitely an interesting sight, especially if you're smaller than him. One thing's for sure, he's so smelly that you had to buy a whole laundry bottle just for the clothes he borrows.
A great way for him to know the path to your house is by scenting around it, he leaves a disgusting black substance around your grass, making your home smell putrid, the smell being so bad that neighbors have complained to you multiple times.
So when he takes notice that his own partner has been getting rid of his scent, he feels just slightly offended. He has totally not been keeping a big distance and giving you a deep judging stare despite not having eyes nor being able to see. That's just your imagination.
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sorry if these are not so good, i'm not accustomed to writing romantic stuff.
Non-Dating headcanons
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mirisss · 4 months
Enhypen reaction to their gf's solo debut
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The New Kard part 2, part 1 can be found ~ here ~
Pairing: Enhypen OT7 x idol! (Y/n)
Wordcount ≈ 1.1k
Warnings: People sending some hate to (Y/n), a tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff
Summary: In a world where the Kard we know today doesn’t exist, a new Kard is created. “The new Kard” = (Y/n) - 02 liner dating Enhypen, Keeho (P1harmony), Ricky (ZB1), & Yunjin (Lesserafim). After The New Kard made their debut with Cake, the promotions for the song were over. However, (Y/n) still had much to do as she prepared for her solo debut. 
Authors note: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it even if I couldn’t fulfill everything in your request. 
Request by 🍮 - anon
Please reblog! 
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Third Person POV
The New Kard’s debut was quite a success. Everyone was talking about it. The MV received a lot of views and the rookie group even got a win on one of the music shows. Thousands of videos went viral of moments where the group hung out, performed, or joked around on variety shows. (Y/n) became particularly popular, netizens loving her stage presence and personality. Her group and her boyfriends were all so happy about their successful debut. 
Once promotions were over for Cake, the company booked a meeting with (Y/n), telling her that she would be making her solo debut after they saw how popular she was. (Y/n) was incredibly happy, she decided that it should come as a surprise for everyone, they wouldn’t find out until the info was posted. (Y/n)’s groupmates Keeho, Yunjin, and Ricky were all busy working as MCs or acting in a drama. Enhypen was busy preparing and then promoting their newest album, Dark Blood with the title track Bite Me. 
(Y/n) was working hard and tried her best to hide the fact that she was preparing for her solo debut. Her title track was just her style, she loved it. The styling was top-tier, the MV shooting had been a lot of fun, and she truly hoped the song would be a hit. Her friends and boyfriends were so busy with their own work that they missed the post announcing that (Y/n) would be debuting as a soloist in 3 weeks. Her debut album became one of the most-bought debut albums of all time. The fans seemed super excited for (Y/n). 
The day of her debut was finally here, (Y/n)’s MV was just posted, and thousands of views rolled in within seconds. It wasn’t until that day when the MV was released, that Enhypen found out that their girlfriend was debuting as a soloist, or well she now was a soloist as well. They watched the MV, mesmerized by her dance moves and her beautiful voice. The second it was over they called (Y/n), who answered, expecting them to have found out by now. “(Y/n)! You’re a soloist now!?! Why didn’t you tell us?” Jake along with Sunoo exclaimed loudly. “Surprise!” (Y/n) chuckled, nervous to hear their opinions. “Can you come over or should we come to you?” Heesung asked, wanting to congratulate her in person and not just over the phone. “Uh, hold on,” They heard a low mumble in the background, probably (Y/n) asking her manager when she could meet with her boyfriends. “I can head over to your place in 2 hours,” “See you then, miss you, love you” Sunghoon began saying goodbye, and as he came to the last part all the boys joined in. 
2 hours later, (Y/n) was knocking on Enhypen’s door. Jungwon opened the door, a silly smile on his face as he basically threw himself on the girl, hugging her tightly. “(Y/n)!” Jay shouted happily from the living room. Jungwon released her from his hug after a minute, allowing her to step inside and close the door, they walked over to the living room. The other six boys stood there, with a cake and a banner that read “Congratulations honey,” Which they all also said once (Y/n) had noticed the banner behind them. “Thank you,” Everyone was smiling as love-sick teenagers as they sat down together, eating some of the cake and talking about everything. The boys told (Y/n) about everything they loved about the song, the MV, and the dance. 
A little later, (Y/n) opened up her Instagram, checking some of the comments people were posting under her latest post, the one with the announcement of the MV’s release. Many comments complimented her and congratulated her for her fast solo debut. However, her happy feelings and smile soon disappeared as she found hundreds of people writing their dismay and dislike of the song and the choreography, saying that (Y/n) should have done better. Her heart fell as she found people writing that they regretted buying her album. Niki noticed the way (Y/n)’s smile disappeared, he scooted closer to her, throwing an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. He glanced down at her phone, finding her reading comments. “Hey, what’s wrong?” The others noticed the scene once they heard the maknae’s voice. 
“People are disappointed, I should have done better,” “Oh darling, no, you were amazing, they’re just being haters for the hell of it,” Jay said, also coming over to comfort (Y/n). “They hate the song and/or the choreo, saying it’s not my style and it was just a waste of money for the company,” “Do you like the song?” Jungwon asked, “Of course, I love it,” “Do you like the choreo?” He then asked, “Yes, it’s something I’ve dreamt of doing,” “That’s all that matters then. It wasn’t a waste of money or a disappointment if you love it, then it was a success,” “Wonnie,” “Hey, look, we’re so proud of you, your members are so proud too! And real fans will love it too!” Sunoo said, giving (Y/n) a bright smile, his eyes crinkling up along with it, something (Y/n) loved about Sunoo, his true smile was cute and sweet. 
“Please teach me the dance? I want to be prepared for the dance challenges for tiktok,” Niki said, Sunghoon and Jake immediately stood up to learn the dance too. No matter what happens, as long as (Y/n) has Enhypen, she will continue to smile and be strong. Within seconds of standing up and trying to teach the boys her choreo, she was smiling and laughing. Completely forgetting about the hate she had received. 
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐋♡𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬: No Escape
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There's got to be a way to pull your head out of that noose you made for yourself. Too bad Jungkook seems to be everywhere now that the week has started- and he's determined to snatch a bite of your heart.
Tags/Warnings: Fuckboy!Jungkook, Fuckgirl?Reader, Angst, Misunderstandings, Friends/Enemies to lovers, Very suggestive, adult, hurt and comfort, angst, Flirt!Jungkook, he's out for blood
Length: bite-sized (>3k)
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> Masterlist
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"So what? You told him you had sex before and actually didn't." Yoongi shrugs, looking at you from the other side of the table in the coffee shop. "Just tell him you lied."
"Yeah well I.. didn't just lie about that." You mumble, before you squeeze out what the real problem is. "I might've.. told him a lot of like wild stories and made up a whole persona that's not me at all." You rush out.
"Now why would you do that?" Yoongi asks with a little disappointment, and you whine, face in your hands as your legs kick around underneath the table.
"I don't know- I wanted him to like me!" You complain. "I wanted to talk to him but we have nothing in common and so I made up stuff to get his attention."
"Doesn't that guy have hobbies?" Yoongi wonders, brow raising. "His life can't just consist of sex. There's got to be something else."
"Well, he works at a gym as a boxing coach.. and he likes music festivals?" You say, before Yoongi silently watches you with judgement in his eyes. "Yoongi please, help me!" You complain, and he shrugs.
"I can't." He denies. "You gotta tell him. If he's half as nice as you say he is he'll be totally cool with it."
"No, he's gonna thing I'm lame and prudish." You huff down to your empty plate, cake already devoured.
"What do you have to lose anyways? Thought you were leaving for Busan." He argues softly. "So what if he doesn't like you? You're not staying anyways." He says, and you look at the crumbs, before a teardrop falls onto them. "Oh come on now, he's just a guy." Yoongi sighs, reaching out to wipe your cheeks without causing damage to your makeup.
"He's not." You mumble stubbornly. "He's cool, and nice, and handsome, and I like him-" you complain, pouting towards your friend. "-he's not just a guy." You say quietly.
"..You're a lost cause." Yoongi sighs, watching you.
Unable to really help.
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"You know, I'm still trying to figure out why you need to leave." Jungkook says, as he toes off his shoes at your entrance, before he walks inside after you towards your small, open kitchenette.
"Maybe cause I want to?" You huff back, not looking at him as he puts the plastic bag down, taking some icecream out of it to put into your freezer. He knows your apartment well at this point- he's even stayed over once or twice, said he likes your place and the 'vibes' it gives. It's a tiny place, barely enough to accommodate a single person-
but he says it feels like a home.
"Why is nothing packed then?" He asks, and you groan, rolling your eyes as you pour yourself a cup of hot tea to maybe help your growing headache.
"Cause I'm lazy and haven't started yet." You excuse, and he chuckles.
"Or because you just don't want to start." He responds, leaning back against your small table. "Come on now, I'm worried about you."
"Why?" You ask, genuinely confused. "Just cause you're gonna have someplace else to crash after drinking all night with Mingyu?" You accuse with playful intentions- but his face stays rather stern, serious as he shakes it no.
"Jimin said he saw you yesterday with someone at a cafe." He says, and you have to turn around again to not give away any of your expression. "He said you were crying-"
"Yeah well maybe someone dumped me?" You joke, trying to avoid the topic.
"Really? Thought I was the only guy you liked." He asks back, and you freeze for a good moment, blood suddenly cooling down to an icy temperature as the clock keeps ticking for a good moment. "Alright, come on lets watch our series instead. I'm sorry if I was too pushy." He apologizes, turning on your oven to heat it up for the frozen pizza he bought. "Did you remember what episode we were at last time?" He asks as he unwraps the pizza, and you shrug.
"Don't know." You answer, attention caught by the messages currently being received on his phone.
[Mary]: 'Thanks! Yeah I'm still sore from last…'
[Jimin]: 'Have fun, don't break her bed my fr…'
[Unknown]: 'Why Not? Hana said you fucke…'
"Snooping around?" Jungkook teases lowly into your ear as he reaches over your shoulder to grab his phone out of your sight. "I was wondering if we wanted to go to the beach together, tomorrow." He hums as he replies to the texts you assume, and you just shrug.
"Nah, go get your dick wet, I gotta pack anyways just like you said." You deny, washing your hands before you dry them on a small towel nearby.
"Who said I had something else to do?" He wonders, clearly confused, phone placed in the pocket of his sweats. "I offered because I don't have something to do tomorrow. Neither for the rest of the week." He says.
"Yeah well, sucks to be you then. I've got stuff to do." You say, trying to walk out, when he grabs after your shirt, keeping you close. It's not like you can't escape- just a gentle tug and he'd let you go, for sure.
"Why're you so angry with me?" He asks, and you sigh.
"I have a headache and I don't feel well, and you're kind of annoying me right now." You complain, feeling horrible to lie to him like that. But maybe you could make him dislike you- maybe that'll make things easier when you leave.
Maybe if he hates you it'll get a bit lighter.
"You're being unnecessarily difficult right now, you know?" He sighs, crossing his arms after letting you go. "I mean, it's obvious what we could have, isn't it? You like me, I like you- I'm honestly not sure what the problem is." He asks.
"I'm leaving-" You try and justify.
"You didn't let me close when you weren't leaving either." He chuckles. "You can just come out and tell me you're not interested in me past friendship. That's fine. But don't lead me on."
"I'm not leading you on?" You scoff. "Go and catch some post-nut-clarity or something, you're talking bullshit right now." You say.
"Am I?" He questions, walking after you out the kitchen into the living room, where he sits next to you on the couch. "Tell me you're not interested in me." He says, turning towards you. "Friendzone me."
"Why?" You ask, and the serious look on his face scares you.
"Because I can't move on from you if you don't." He confesses easily. It's always been easy. He's not like you- he's upfront and honest, he doesn't mask anything or hold back his words.
The silence between you both speaks volumes for a good moment or two.
"I'm not sure what's making you so hesitant to just.. take me." He tells you, before he smiles- and you're now even more intimidated by the challenging fire behind his eyes. "But I'll figure it out." He says.
"I'll make you stay."
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You're trying to lift the bag of groceries when a familiarly inked up arm takes them from you, and a chuckle is head. "Are you stealing my groceries right now?" You accuse him, standing back to full height to look at him with crossed arms.
"I was attempting to be a gentleman, actually." He jokes, as he walks next to you for a moment before he nods towards the parking lot in front of the store. "I'll drive you. Come on." He offers- or more so decides- and you hate that you instantly jump onto that opportunity.
His car is nice. It's cozy, with a hint of luxury due to the LED's inside and the rather sporty interior of it. He'd told you once that he got it second hand from a friend, and you know it's a pretty fast car too- but he never drives recklessly, or at least he doesn't when you're in the passenger seat.
It's uniquely him. It has the potential to be something over the top and awfully dangerous- but it isn't. It just.. looks like it.
"Have you found a new apartment yet?" Jungkook asks as he exits the parking lot after putting your stuff in the trunk, hands easily moving the steering wheel as he drives you home.
You stay quiet. You don't want to talk about it at all.
"Jimin can help. He said a friend of has recently moved- that apartment is still up for grabs I think." He offers, stopping at a red light. "I can ask him if you could have it."
"Are you giving up?" You ask, and he looks over at you, shrugging innocently.
"No." He says. "But I also don't want you to be homeless. I'd like to at least make sure you're alright." He tells you.
"You're acting like my boyfriend." You joke, and he laughs, before he licks his bottom lip, a mischievous look in his eyes.
"I could do more than just act the part, you know?" He says, laughing when you fall silent. "Listen, I'm not stopping until you talk to me, princess. I told you-" He starts his sentence, letting some people cross the road in front of him with a wave from his hand, before he continues driving. "-just friendzone me, and I'll let you go."
You know that- but you can't.
It's like your body physically denies even just the thought of saying that to him- and it's frustrating. You do want him, but you also can't have him. And most likely, he's not even interested in you, but the made-up persona you created that likes everything he does and adapts to every mood he might feel in any given moment.
The moment he parks in front of your apartment building, he reaches out to hold your shoulder, car radio faintly playing some pop song, engine silent. "Hey, if you're in trouble here, I can help you." He offers, awfully serious. "We all fucked up sometimes, running away from it won't help."
"I'm fine, thank you." You deny, getting out the car to open the trunk and take your stuff out- before he closes the trunk after you got your bags out, looking down at you after.
"I mean it, you know?" He tells you, and you roll your eyes back, groaning. "Don't think I'll let you go even if you move." He laughs, and suddenly, you freeze up.
You didn't take that into account. And from the sudden reaction, the smirk on his lips, he's realizing something too- something you did not want him to know.
"So you really are running away from me." He says, and you scoff.
"Why would I be running away from you?" You try and bite back, but he just shrugs, pouts his lips almost innocently.
"I guess that's what I'm trying to find out!" He exclaims, clearly desperate to push you just a little further to finally find out why you're trying to escape him. "What did I do-"
"Nothing-" You start, but he groans, turns to the side for a second as the frustration boils up in his veins.
"Well it's gotta be something if you're moving across the fucking country!" he whines, opening his palms towards you in a pleading gesture. "Talk to me." he asks, but you don't.
"...Thanks for bringing me home." You rush out instead, before you practically run towards your apartment building, leaving him behind with even more questions than answers.
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kassifieddocuments2 · 1 month
alright ill bite. a little thing for @subeddieweek with sprinkles of some of the prompts. SFW, bathing, hint of possessive Steve, non-sexual intimacy, pre-relationship, Kas!Eddie, kind of accidental subspace?, Eddie calls Steve 'sir' once (tumblr exclusive for now because titles are hard)
“Eddie?” Steve called out, shutting the door behind him.
Things have been hard since the beginning of the end, as some liked to call it. Steve was trying to be optimistic, though. He found Eddie in the woods a few days ago and nursed him back to health.
Eddie had begged him to keep his return secret. He wasn't ready for everyone to know. 
In the end, he'd valued Eddie's trust enough. He wasn't going to risk the maybe-undead man running off just to stop Dustin from being mad at him once Eddie was ready.
Though he would never admit it, there was a part of him that couldn't bear the thought of telling anyone else. Eddie was his now, in a way.
Like a siren's call, Eddie's voice pulled him further inside. Guided him to the bathroom with an echo of “Steve!”
He'd clearly been out again. Blood and dirt sat under his nails and in his hair, evidence of yet another hunt.
“You need help, Eds?” Steve asked, glancing at the water running pink under Eddie's hands. “I don't mind cleaning you up again.”
I don't mind. Of course he didn't mind. He wanted to, if anything. Steve liked taking care of people. Liked taking care of Eddie.
It was nice, hearing the gentle purrs that came from Eddie when he was scratched behind his ears. Washing his hair got easier after the first time, with the caked-on grime gone.
Steve pulled him to the shower, carefully peeling off both their clothes before the water was even on. “There we go, good boy.” He praised, pressing a kiss to Eddie's forehead.
Eddie bumped his head against Steve's hand with a chirp. It's something he had gotten used to, now. The undead didn't like speaking, preferring those soft noises when he could get away with it.
Both of them were dancing around whatever was going on between them. Steve would go to great lengths to take care of any of his friends, he knew that. Would he let anyone else sit in his lap in the shower? Probably not. Maybe Eddie really was different to him. Maybe it was all some vampire hypnosis.
He didn't care. 
Not when Eddie was purring into his chest, genuinely looking ready to fall asleep in the shower. “Hey.” Steve whispered. “Wanna go to bed, hon?”
Eddie nodded, though he whined a little when he had to stand up. Steve took extra care guiding him to his bedroom, tossing him some old clothes. There was an odd intimacy in dressing together, so unlike anything he'd felt in a locker room. Maybe it was knowing that they'd fall asleep in the same bed.
Maybe it was the fact that he liked Eddie.
They'd talk about it eventually. Hopefully before their true final stand against the Upside Down.
Steve was sure that the next real battle, win or lose, would be it. They'd win or they'd die.
For now?
He could fall asleep with Eddie's whisper of “night, sir” and pretend it didn't do anything to him.
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kai-anderson-whore · 8 months
Bloody Mary (austin sommers x fem reader smut) (kinktober fic 4)
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Summary: you just got back from your first feed and Austin couldn’t help but find you hot in blood
Warnings: smut, blood, blood kink, vampire shit (feeding), sex covered in blood, little nipple play, floor sex, p in v penetration, hickeys, riding Austin.
Word count: 1,1k
A/n: I have this figured out better in my head but got this I’m not mad at it but it could be better
The cold night crept out you sat in the passenger seat of Austin's car. You just had your first feed after taking 'the muse' as Austin likes to call it, both of you caked in someone's blood but you didn't care, you were just glad the hunger was gone till next time.
"Ready to go inside?" Austin asked a little impatient, desperate to get inside his house. "Yeah come on" you answered getting out the car. You didn't notice the way Austin practically jumped out the car rushing you into the front door. "What's the hurry" you giggled shrugging out your coat once in the door.
"Seeing you drenched in blood" Austin answered desperate for you. "So me in blood turns you on?" You teased stepping closer to him. "You have no fucking idea, your like my own little bloody mary" he smirked. You let out a laugh at his little nickname “bloody Mary?” You asked. “Mhmm”his arms around your frame, pressing his lips on yours feverishly. Your hand coming down to cup his erection through his pants, 'he wasn't half turned on' you thought. Austin groaned against your lips taking this as your opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
Austin moaned against your lips, "let's go to the bedroom" you whispered pulling away biting your lip. "I want you right here" Austin protested you nodded not caring where he take you. Austin's lips moved to your neck licking blood that coated your skin there. "God you're so fucking hot" he groaned marking your neck.
His hand cupped your breast through your blood soaked vest top before removing the fabric tossing it away. Your bare breasts on full display, taking one hardening nipple into his mouth licking away the crimson liquid that seeped through. You sighed closing your eyes in pleasure, arching further into his touch. Your hand back to rub him through his clothes.
"Austin, please" you whimpered, laying you on the floor Austin gave into you. You shivered at the cold wood coming in contact with your bare back, arching a little. You didn't want any teasing, already so worked up. Austin's licked up the blood from your chest to your lower abdomen, hooking his fingers in your skirt peeling away the fabric doing the same with your underwear.
Austin stood up quickly removing his clothes, he wasn't in the mood for teasing either. Dipping back down his hard cock between your folds teasing you just a little, you bucked your hips in a desperate attempt to get him inside you. Austin let out a cocky laugh seeing you so desperate beneath him. "Eager now are we".
"Please just fuck me Austin" you whined. Austin gave himself a few tugs before entering you. You gasped at the sudden full feeling, feeling like the air was knocked out your lungs. holding into his upper arm for some sort of leverage. "God your so tight" Austin groaned from above you, letting you adjust to his size. Still not used to it in the few months of being together.
His mouth attached to your neck once again, peppering his lips along the pulse point making you sigh. "Y-you can move now" you say, hips slightly bucking as Austin nodded his head, retracing his hips before thrusting into your in a slow pace. You could feel every inch of him deep in you, driving you wild.
"F-faster" you moaned out, clamping your legs around his waist making Austin hit deeper in you. His thrusts became more faster as per your request, fulfilling your needs. "Can't get enough of you" Austin groaned into your ear, your walls fluttered around him almost making him come undone then and there.
"Is that so" you teased breathlessly unclamping your legs from his waist, managing to flip you both over so you were now straddling him. Austin let out a shaky breath, eyes drinking you up, you are truly a vision to him. He just couldn't take his eyes off you, seeing you on top of him naked sinking down on his cock, he would take a picture and frame it if he could.
“Uh huh” Austin’s eyes scrunched shut at the overwhelming feeling of you sinking down on him. His hands gripped your hips, fingernails destined to leave marks on your skin. Your mind clouded at the feeling as well, your mouth agape, hand on his chest keeping you steady as you began slowly bouncing on his cock.
“Feel good baby” he smiled seeing you lost in your own pleasure. “Y-yes” you moaned out picking up a pace, one of Austin’s hands roamed to your ass caressing the plump skin. You moaned out letting him know you were enjoying this just as much as he was.
Austin sat up from the position you were both in taking one of your nipples back into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud you arched more towards him, his other hand fondling with the other nipple giving it some attention. Your hips never stopped moving, legs starting to feel weak from the pleasure and moving along his length.
Austin took notice and began thrusting his own hips upwards hitting that special spot each time. “Oh fuck right there” you cried out gripping into Austin’s shoulders for dear life. You were close to the edge, your hips struggling to meet his erratic thrusts, the erotic sound that filled the hallway you were sure the neighbours would hear.
Sweat glistening over you both mixed with blood, any other time before you became a somewhat of a vampire you would have never been seen dead in such a way. But now, now it was probably the most hottest thing you ever experienced. Your lips attached to Austin’s neck leaving purple marks along the skin marking him, you felt his cock twitch inside you, his thrusts starting to become more sloppy.
“I’m gonna”-. “I know baby just let go” Austin panted bringing you over the edge. Your body almost collapsed at the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm almost screaming out his name, Austin continued to thrust into you, making your legs shake at the overstimulation, till he came undone beneath you.
You felt lightheaded, resting your head on Austin’s shoulder catching your breath. “T-that was the hottest thing ever” Austin panted his body slick with the afterglow of his orgasm. “Definitely” you smiled weakly, you gained enough energy to get off the floor,Austin watching you with a pout.
“What?” You asked running a hand through your hair. “Where you going?” He asked not wanting to leave him just yet. “Austin I have to shower get this off me” you giggled gesturing to the crimson red and over you. “Stay with me for five more minutes” he says with that cute pout still on his lips.
“You can join me if you’d like” you smirked, swaying your hips seductively. Just as those word left your lips Austin was up in a flash “you don’t have to ask me twice” he grinned like a kid in a candy store chasing you up into the bathroom.
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Polaroids: Chris Redfield x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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Oh babe, you've been with me a long time. That's like 6-ish years I think
Thanks for sticking around ;)
Contains: Detailed polaroids of boudoir shots, male masturbation, phone sex(?), dirty talk/degration
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His brawny shoulders slumped as he was finally able to take a real breath for the first time in over a week. He had just freshly showered with hot water for the first time in such time, it felt almost euphoric to get all of the caked-up sweat and grime and dried blood off of him. Now dressed in clean clothes, Chris stalked back into cozy bedroom of the hotel. It was a shock to him that the B.S.A.A. forked over money for something like a hotel, but he wasn’t complaining. Cracking his neck for some relief, his tired steely-blue eyes scanned the room as he walked up to the locked patio door. He carefully opened it and slipped outside, his skin prickling from how cold the air had gotten as his exhales clouded in front of him.
He needed to relax.
His hand reached into his front pocket and felt around for the carton of cigarettes before fishing the damn thing out. His other hand reached into its respective pocket and produced the fancy metal flip lighter you had gotten for him as an on-the-whim gift a couple of weeks ago. He noticed that the cigarette carton was lighter than he remembered, he was just hoping it wasn’t empty as he leaned up against the metal railing of the patio.
Flipping open the top of the carton, Chris originally sneered at the sight of an empty cigarette carton only to notice that it wasn’t in fact empty, but filled with something other than tobacco.
Retreating back inside from the biting cold, he got a good look at what was inside thanks to the light illuminating from the bedside lamp.
His cigarette carton was nearly packed full of some thick-looking paper. There was no room left in the carton for him to slide his thumb in and take them all out, but he did manage to snag at the paper with his nails and pull them all out at once. The empty carton fell to the carpeted floor as Chris turned over the multiple pieces of paper which had turned out to be polaroids.
The heavy flip lighter fell from his hand and clattered against the carpet at what he saw when he turned them over in his hands.
His jaw unhinged a bit, his eyes wide, his blood suddenly boiling hot inside of his veins.
He shuffled through the polaroids like they were a deck of cards.
They were all of you.
They were all of you looking sinful as hell.
Chris sat down at the foot of the bed, legs spread as he stared at the polaroids one by one.
You looked absolutely divine in all of them, like you had been ripped straight from an adult magazine. He couldn’t help the slight tremble in his hands as he looked them over one by one.
The one he had first saw was of you in a loose black satin robe that was long enough to cover the curve of your ass. Your back to the camera, head turned, eyes peeking over your shoulder and right into the lens at the flash. You had garters strapped to your hidden waist, black silky bands stretching down the length of your legs to cling to black cotton knee-high socks that hugged every curve your legs had to offer.
The next was of you on your shared bed, the sheets rumpled up slightly beneath you. Your robe was gone, showing off the navy blue little number you had on underneath it. A deep blue babydoll dress was just see-through enough for him to make out the curves of your hips and waist. Your breasts were cupped by dual pads that pushed them together, a little golden bow right between the cups as you purposefully let the straps sag on your shoulders. Your hands were messing with the hem of the dress, small gold accents were stitched into the near-opaque body. You still had on the garters and thigh-highs as you sat on the bed facing the camera. Your face was painted, eyeshadow smoky and lips a deep matte wine color.
Chris felt his dick throb in his pants, drums of life stirring up the shaft.
He flipped the card to the back of the line, eyes lighting up at the next one. You were on your knees in a completely different set of lingerie. It was a bra and panty set that was ruby red. Your breasts were pushed together, the panties you wore hugged your hips and waist oh-so fucking well. It left so little to Chris’ imagination. You were on your knees on the bed, one hand was holding a compact open and the other was attempting to clean up your lipstick. The glossy red looked as though it had been kissed off, red smudged against your chin. He wanted to feel those lips wrapped around his throbbing dick so fucking badly. He wanted you to leave lipstick rings around his dick up to where you could take him before you gagged and pulled away.
The next was of you standing again with your back to the camera. You were bent over the vanity dresser in your room. Fuck, the angle you had your back at and the way your ass was just right there begging to be spanked had Chris pawing himself through his tight sleep pants. You were facing a mirror and the polaroid camera caught the reflection perfectly. You wore an olive green corset with a darker-colored thong and no bra. Instead, you had positioned your arm to be right under your breasts, hiding your nipples while also pushing your breasts together. Your other hand was swiping on dark lipstick across your pouted lips. Your eyes looked right into the camera through the reflection in the mirror, almost like you were staring right at Chris.
The next was of you completely naked but your body was slightly obscured by the sheet you had protecting your sensitive areas from view of the camera. You were on your knees again, fully facing the camera. One of your hands was holding the sheet up to your breasts, palm open and pressed flat against your tits to push them together for support as much as possible. One of your legs had not been tangled in the sheets, instead, it was out in front of your person, bent at the knee to show off the delicate curves of your body. Chris cursed to himself, his mind begging to feel your thighs wrapped around him as he fucked you mercilessly into that fucking bed. Your hair was tousled as though you just had sex, your eyes dazed on purpose and your makeup had been painted on naturally.
The last one was his breaking point.
You were wearing nothing but his old S.T.A.R.S. jacket. Nothing. You were completely naked sitting on the bed, one leg crossed over the other to hide your cunt from his greedy eyes. Your hair was touseled, your makeup was light with only eyeliner and a dee and nude lipstick. You had the jacket on in just a way that it barely covered your breasts but made sure to cover your nipples. He noticed that you were also wearing his old dog tags as well, the cold silver nesting comfortably between your breasts.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
As he looked at the last polaroid again, he saw that you had drawn a little arrow in the bottom corner pointing to the other side. ‘Call me when you see these’ you wrote on the back.
Chris stood up quickly, ignoring the swirling of his mind and marched over to his phone on the nightstand before he sat back down. He tossed the other five polaroids onto the nightstand and kept the one of you in his S.T.A.R.S. jacket in his big mitt as he tapped your name on his phone to call you. The phone only rang twice before you picked up.
“Hey handsome,” you purred.
You knew. You fucking knew why he was calling.
You fucking devil.
“(Y/n),” Chris grunted into the phone.
He was pawing himself, squeezing his clothed cock in his hand as he nestled the phone between his jaw and shoulder.
“Did you see the little surprises I left for you?”
He could hear rustling in the background. You were in bed, he could hear the tv on in the background at a low volume.
“I did- fuck- I saw ‘em. You looked hot as hell, baby girl.”
“I’m glad you like them.”
His mind was foggy from lust. His brain was going one million miles a minute. His dick was practically controlling his thoughts.
“What’re wearing right now?” he growled into his phone.
His hands snatched at the waistband of his sleep pants and boxers, peeling them both down until his heaty dick sprung out, nearly hitting his chiseled stomach. He squeezed himself at first, gritting his teeth as he felt a pressure tingle right behind his belly button.
“Mmm, just one of your shirts and a pair of shorts, the one you like, the one that you can see my ass poking out,” you hummed. Chris could just see you now, in a shirt that swallows you and a pair of shorts just waiting to give him a surprise should you bend over. “It’s pretty cold here, though. I may put on a jacket.”
Chris groaned, his hand giving his cock a good few pumps before he reeled his hand back to spit into his palm. He heard you laugh softly and sultry before you moaned. Were you also masturbating?
“You don’t know what you do to me,” Chris growled.
“I have an idea, Captain.” Chris’ head nearly smacked into the wall at just the way you called him. His mouth opened as a deep moan pushed through his chest, his hand quickened its pace against his dick. “Was that your favorite one of me? In your old S.T.A.R.S. jacket, just me naked?” He let out a pathetic whine, eyes squeezing shut as his chest grew heavy. “What were thinking when you saw that?” you spurred him on.
“I’m gonna ruin you when I get home tomorrow night,” he snarled, his cock twitching in his hand. His head had leaked precum, his thumb massaging his slit as he grit his teeth and moaned again. “I’m gonna fuck you into the mattress, make you choke you on my dick- ah! Fuck~”
His chest seized as he felt his climax beating his nerves senseless.
“Oh, I look forward to that, Captain Redfield.”
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fanfictionalraven · 3 months
Piece by Piece Pt. 4
Title: Piece By Piece Pt. 4
Summary: Dean struggles with his looming decision.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, original characters
Word Count: 3,288
Warnings: N/A
Author’s Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published in 2017.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 3 here.
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You finally manage to pull yourself up from the front porch steps and go back into the house. It was an absolute mess and you needed something to do. So you set about fixing your home. You set the shredded couch cushions aside, deciding to try and repair them later. You turn the coffee table right side up and return the magazines and flowers to their original spot. You struggle to pull the knife out of the wall and it finally budges, letting the bloodstained note fall to the ground. Crumpling it up quickly, you throw it away before dropping the knife in the sink. You’re in the process of scrubbing the blood off the wall when your phone rings. Dean. You close your eyes and put the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” You ask quietly.
“Hey, we’ve got them,” Dean answers from the other end of the line. You let out a breath and throw your hand over your mouth quickly.
“Are they okay?” You ask.
“They’re both fine. Tina’s unconscious so we’re gonna take her to the hospital,” he tells you. You nod, tossing the rag you’d been working with aside.
“Okay. I’m coming too,” you tell him, rushing to pick up your purse.
“We’ll meet you there,” Dean says before hanging up. You drop your phone into your purse before running out to your car. You fight tears as you fumble with your key, trying to stick it in the ignition. You stop and lay your head against the steering wheel, allowing yourself a minute to cry. M.K. was safe. Tina was safe. The monster no longer had them. Dean and Sam did and they were safe. You look over at the birthday cake still sitting in the passenger seat and smile a little. She’d get to have her birthday cake after all.
Once you’ve calmed yourself down, you’re finally able to get the car started. The drive to the hospital feels longer than it ever has despite there being little traffic on the road. Once you finally make it to the hospital, you park your car next to the Impala and, before going inside, you call Tina’s mom. It’s a difficult conversation to have. She’s your best friend and you hate lying to her, but you know you can’t tell her the whole truth. So you give her half-truths instead. She was taken by the killer but the F.B.I had found them. She lets you go, making her own way to the hospital now.
You rush into the emergency entrance and find Sam in the waiting room. A surge of panic rushes through you at the sight of him by himself. He stands when he sees you making your way over to him. He smiles, reassuringly, and places his hands on your shoulders, recognizing the look on your face.
“M.K.’s fine. Dean asked them to check her out too just to be sure and she didn’t want to go back by herself,” he explains. You sigh and nod before throwing your arms around him in a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, Sam. I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” you tell him. He lets out a laugh, returning the hug.
“She’s my niece, Y/N. You don’t have to repay me,” he says. You nod, looking up at him.
“Well, still. Why don’t you and Dean stay the night with us? A nice comfy bed, instead of the cheap motel I’m sure you’re planning to stay at. We’ve got birthday cake and I’m sure M.K. would love having you both there,” you say, trying to persuade him. He laughs again and nods.
“You had me at comfy bed,” he says. You smile then bite your lip.
“Will Dean go for it?” You ask. Sam smirks slightly and shrugs.
“Just have M.K. pout at him and he’ll melt,” he says. You raise an eyebrow but before you can question him…
“Momma!!” You hear M.K. call, joyously. You turn on your heels just as Dean steps through the door with her on his hip. She’s clutching a bear you’ve never seen before in one arm, the other wrapped tight around Dean’s neck. It was a sight you’d only ever dreamed of seeing. Father and daughter together at last. He sets her down and you nearly fall to your knees, holding your arms open for her. She bounds into your arms and wraps her own around you tight. You hold onto her, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Momma, you’re crushing me,” she laughs.
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl,” you say, letting her go. “What’s this?” You ask, pulling at the bear’s hat slightly. M.K. smiles widely and looks back at Dean. He smiles and sticks his hands in his pockets, looking down at the floor. “I see.”
“Well, Dean,” Sam starts. The older Winchester looks up at his brother. “Y/N has graciously offered to let us stay with them tonight.” Dean’s eyes widen slightly and M.K. spins around on him quickly.
“Please!! We can have birthday cake!! It would be the best birthday ever if you came over!!” She says, bouncing slightly. You watch in amazement as his resolve melts away instantly before he nods.
“Yea, sounds good. I love birthday cake,” he says with a wink. M.K. squeals and runs over, wrapping her arms around his legs again. You look up at Sam and he nods.
“Told ya,” he mouths. You bite back a laugh before rising to your feet. “How about – M.K. and I go back to the motel and pick up our stuff?”
“Okay!!” She says, looking back at Sam. You turn to Sam, pulling your wallet out.
“I know I’m starving and I’m sure everyone else is. Why don’t you pick up something to eat too?” You suggest, handing him some cash. He takes it and nods, before holding a hand out for M.K.
“Sounds like a plan. What should we get, Birthday Girl?” He asks. She runs to him, clasping his large hand with her tiny one.
“Bacon cheeseburgers!!” She says. Sam snorts and looks at Dean as they start to leave the waiting room.
“Who knew a love of cholesterol was genetic?” He asks. Dean rolls his eyes and tosses the Impala’s keys to Sam quickly. You watch Sam and M.K. leave and shake your head slightly. They both already loved and adored her more than you could have ever imagined possible.
“You okay?” Dean asks, pulling you from your thoughts. You smile at him and nod.
“I’m good. You know you didn’t have to get her anything,” you tell him, sitting in one of the chairs. He shrugs, falling into the one next to you.
“Didn’t feel right showing up empty handed tonight,” he says. You look at him and smile.
“So you were still planning on coming to dinner?” You ask him. He sighs and runs a hand over his jaw. Your smile falls slightly. “You’d changed your mind.”
“No,” he says quickly. “No, I didn’t change my mind. I was just starting to panic when you called. Look, Y/N, I don’t know the first thing about being a dad. And she’s got these huge expectations,” he starts. You reach over, placing your hand on his.
“Dean, it’s okay. I get that this is a lot to take in in one day. I really do,” you tell him. He nods and you bite your lip, watching him. He turns his hand over, interlocking your fingers.
“I’ve got so many questions and no idea where to start,” he admits. You let out a laugh and nod slightly. “What are we waiting for?”  He asks, looking up at you.
“Tina’s mom, Lily. She’s my best friend. I can’t just leave her daughter here alone,” you say. He nods and looks around the waiting room. There’s a long silence as Dean appears to be sorting his thoughts. His thumb rubs absentmindedly across the back of your hand.
“Did they know you were pregnant?” He finally asks. You shake your head, looking at your hand in his.
“No. I found out about a month before I graduated. I didn’t know what they would do if they found out so I kept it to myself. Met with my social worker after graduation and she tried to get me to give her up. Do exactly what my mother did. Told me it would be too hard to have a baby and go to school. We’d both be better off,” you tell him. He looks at you quickly and you shrug.
“Did you ever think about it?” He asks. You smile and shake your head.
“Never,” you pause and let out a laugh. “And it was really, freaking hard. I gave birth in the middle of my first semester of school and I was just about to flunk out when I met Lily. She started keeping M.K. for me and helped me study. She was a lifesaver.”
“You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone. If I had known, I swear, Y/N,” he says, shaking his head.
“I know, Dean,” you say softly. He looks at you and you’re surprised to find a sadness in his eyes. You reach up, placing your other hand against his cheek. He smiles a little when you do.
“Why didn’t you find someone else?” He asks. You smile at that.
“It’s not exactly easy for a single mother to get a date. I can’t just go out to have fun. I don’t even want to, really. And I’m not just looking for someone for me. He has to be right for M.K. too,” you tell him. “There have been a couple of men over the past few years. Good men that I thought would turn into something but they never did for different reasons.” He watches your face for a moment, as though he’s struggling to say something. He looks over at an empty chair as you watch him.
“You name her after Mom?” He asks.
“I did. I thought about giving her your last name but decided it would be easier logistically for her to have mine instead. But I did want her to have some part of you. I tossed around the idea of Deanna but I liked Mary better,” you tell him. He smiles and nods, a distant look in his eyes.
“She would have liked that,” he says. You smile and squeeze his hand, drawing his attention back to you. “I like it. It fits her.” He brings your hand up and kisses the back of it lightly.
“Y/N!!” A voice calls from the door of the waiting room. You look up quickly and find your best friend, rushing towards you frantically. You and Dean both rise, his hand dropping yours before you pull Lily into a hug.
“I’m so sorry Lily. This is all my fault,” you tell her. She returns the embrace, shaking her head.
“Of course it isn’t!!” She says. She pushes you back by your shoulders. “How is she?” She asks. You look back at Dean and he smiles.
“She’s fine. She was unconscious when we brought her in but last I heard she’s doing fine,” he tells her, reassuringly.
“Are you the one that saved her?” She asks. Dean cuts his eyes at you briefly then nods, holding his hand out.
“Dean Winchester,” he says. Your eyes widen slightly. You hadn’t expected him to be honest about who he was. You’d expected the fake F.B.I. badge to come out and some old rock star’s name. Lily stares at him.
“Wait. Y/N’s Dean?” She asks, looking at you quickly. You blush at that and Dean chuckles.
“Guess you could say that,” he says. Lily bypasses his still outstretched hand and throws her arms around him. His eyes widen before he slowly returns the hug.
“Thank you so much, Dean!!” She says. He laughs lightly and shrugs as she lets go of him. She looks over his face for a moment before turning back to you. “You were right. He is gorgeous.”
“Lily!!” You gasp, your face heating up instantly. You catch Dean smirk slightly as he looks down at the ground.
“And M.K. does have his eyes,” she says. You shake your head and loop your arm through hers quickly.
“Dean, we’re gonna go find a nurse and figure out where Tina is,” you tell him. He looks up at you, still smiling, and nods.
“I’ll go wait at the car,” he says. You nod and fish your keys from your purse before handing them to him.
“It was nice to meet you,” Lily calls to him as you drag her from the waiting room. You stop at the nurse’s station and they give you Tina’s room number. You start to go down the hall when Lily pulls you back, stopping you. “Tee’s fine. Get out of here.”
“What?” You ask, frowning. She rolls her eyes at you.
“You’ve been waiting nearly 11 years for that man to come back into your life. And the fact that he’s here now, it’s like destiny or something. So go!!” She says, pushing you towards the entrance. You laugh and turn, hugging her quickly.
“Give Tina my love,” you tell her. She nods and hugs you back before pushing you towards the door again. You smile and walk outside into the cool night air. Dean’s leaning against the passenger side door. He stands up when he sees you coming over and pulls the door open. You stop in your tracks and he laughs.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I made you drive?” He asks. You smile and shake your head.
“You don’t even know where you’re going,” you tell him, crossing your arms. He rolls his eyes.
“I’m real good at following directions,” he says. You let out a laugh then slide into the passenger side of your car, moving the cake to your lap. Dean closes the door before running around to the driver’s side.
The drive back to the house is relatively quiet. You give Dean turn by turn directions and he pulls into your driveway not long later. You both get out, you picking the cake up to finally take inside. He looks over the house appreciatively as you lead the way to the front door.
“This is nice,” he says. You smile and glance at him.
“Thanks. It’s the gold key with pink nail polish on it,” you tell him. He nods and looks at the keys still in his hand. He unlocks the door and pushes it open, allowing you to walk inside first. You hear him close the door as you walk into the kitchen, turning the lights on as you go. You set the cake on the counter then turn to the sink to wash the dishes that have been waiting since last night. “Sam said you had them check M.K. out too,” you call to him.
“Yea, wasn’t entirely sure I could take a ten-year old’s word on if she was actually hurt or not,” he says, walking into the kitchen. You laugh lightly and nod as he leans against the counter opposite you. “Better safe than sorry, right?” You nod, glancing over your shoulder at him. “She was right, naturally. Which she so delicately reminded me of before we found you.”
“Sounds like her,” you say. You run the sponge over a plate slowly and watch the suds slip around. “You didn’t have to tell Lily who you were, you know.”
“Well, I figured she’d get suspicious of some F.B.I. agent hanging around all the time,” he says. The plate slips from your grasp and hits the metal sink hard, breaking in half. You reach in to grab the pieces quickly.
“Ahhh,” you gasp, pulling your now bloody hand from the water. You’d managed to cut your palm on the knife you’d forgotten was in there too. Dean’s at your side instantly, wrapping a towel around your hand. “There’s a first aid kit under the sink,” you tell him with a sigh. He nods and you move out of the way, letting him get the kit out. He sets it on the counter then lifts you up onto it as well with ease. You watch as he works on your hand, holding it over the sink to keep the blood from getting on your countertops.
“Shouldn’t need stitches. It isn’t too deep,” he says, placing some gauze over it. He starts to wrap it up and you let out a laugh.
“You’re better at this than me and I’ve been medically trained,” you tell him. He smiles and shrugs. You bite your lip as you watch him. “You know, I’m not expecting anything from you.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, glancing at you as he cuts the bandage off and tucks the edge into the wrapping.
“You said that you introduced yourself to Lily because you’d be around all the time. I don’t expect that of you. I’m not asking that. I’m not asking you to marry me or move in or pay child support or anything,” you tell him. He laughs lightly, cleaning up the first aid supplies.
“I know you’re not,” he says. He returns the kit to its place under the sink before moving to stand between your knees. “Do you want me around?”
“Of course I do. But I’m not stupid. I remember the things you said about the life you live. And I know that what we had was just one night. I’d be certifiable if I thought you would just show up at my door and stay and we’d live happily ever after. That’s insane. But that’s not to say that our one night wasn’t special. I mean, I think we have a connection that we could possibly, maybe build a relationship on some day with some work but –,” Dean’s hand comes over your mouth, stopping you mid-rant.
“Will you shut up for half a second?” He asks, smiling. You nod and bite your lip as he uncovers your mouth. His hand drops to your waist where his fingers rub slowly. “I went back to find you. It was a few years later. Sam and Dad had this huge fight. Sam left to go to college and I thought if he could have what he wanted, why couldn’t I? But you were gone and no one knew where you were or what happened to you. So, I went back to Dad and kept hunting.” You slide closer to him, moving your arms to wrap around his neck. “You’ve always meant more to me than just some one night stand. That being said though, I don’t know if I can do normal.”
“I understand,” you tell him. He sighs and leans in, resting his forehead against yours.
“I feel like a freakin’ seesaw. I want to be around. I want to be there for M.K. And I sure as hell don’t want you with anyone else. But I don’t know if I can stay and that isn’t fair to you two. And coming and going feels worse,” he admits. You can hear a car pulling into the driveway and cutting off. Sam and M.K. back with dinner. You lean in quickly and press your lips against Dean’s in a short, chaste kiss.
“Just think about it. I know what it’s like to have you for one night then spend the next 10 years wondering where you are,” you tell him. He nods slightly and takes a step back as the front door opens. You jump down from the counter just as M.K. comes running into the kitchen, the bear still in her arms.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 5 here.
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own-tt · 1 year
"Say Yes."
Yandere Lawliet x Reader NSFW
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Summary: L had always wanted true successors. Ones that are tied by blood. Maybe you could help him with that fantasy
Warnings: breeding kink, mentions of blood, biting, L being a pervert, drugging , L ooc?, L doesnt like his successors much, masterbastion, L drugging sweets, Yandere themes, mentions of kidnapping,
Word count: 1234
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L just always liked the idea of blood successors. Raising them just right, to perfection. And now that he has you, that fantasy can become reality.
He slowly creeps to your door and knock on it carefully. No answer so he goes inside. And there you were, laying in your bed, in a slim nightgown. You looked perfect like that.
When he opened the door your eyes snapped towards him. You rolled your eyes away from him and grabbed a book from the nearby nightstand, Probably to ignore him. He doesnt mind as he crawls next to your legs.
“Dearest?” He asks in a low voice. You don't reply with anything. Just continuing to read your book, continuing to ignore his gaze. “Y/nn.” He sings. “Leave me alone.”
He pretends that he didnt hear that. “I was wondering something.” Now you were honestly curious. You never heard him ask for something from you. He always just took it. Your things, your clothes. Anything to gain your attention. But now hes actually asking for something? So you respond with an angry hum.
“You remember my successors, right?” You did. He talked about them quite often, saying they were good kids. And they were the best successors he's ever had. You hummed again. “Well. I've been thinking.”
“I think we need more then two.” You were confused. So you asked “what do you mean.” His head was now laying on your thighs, his hair tickling you. “Well. Personally. They could be better, if I had someone to teach instead of the orphanage. I would be able to have even better successors.”
“I dont understand.”
“I want blood successor, ones that are tied by blood.” He says, you finally understand, and your eyes widened. You tried to crawl away from him. Screaming insults in the process.
He tried to calm you down, but all he could do is pull you back underneath him. He shushed you, putting his hand over your mouth to keep you silent.
“I want you to consider it. Just think. If I personally raise them, they'll be better than me even. And we will finally have some company, some small company running around the house.”
You didnt want to think of that, small baby L’s and yours running around the house, clingy to both of you.
An L copy, maybe more. You didnt even know how many he wanted. “NO! I DONT WANT TO! YOU CANT MAKE ME!”
“Not at the moment I cant. I'll give you some time to think about it. You tell me your opinion later.” He said before ducking down and kissing your forehead.
He then got up and left your room. Leaving you dazed and confused on what just happened. You could feel small tear droplets running down your cheek as you stared blankly at the wall.
L held the small bottle in his hand, he carefuly read the label, “Spice up your sex life with the new Aphrodisiac. Only a spoon full.” He carefully filled the spoon up with the liquid. It was a nice hot pink, which was odd but he didnt complain as he dumped it in the batter.
He knew you were hungry, hungry enough for food that he made, he told you that he had to go somewhere for a bit, so he was leaving you here. There was no way you could escape. But he knew you were hungry enough to eat the cake he was making. The one that had a small special ingredient.
But he didnt realized that when he came back he was greeted with a whimpering you, on the couch. Trying your best to create some friction with your fingers.
“This is all your fault isnt it.” You panted, not even caring about the vulnerable state you were in. “I dont know what your talking about dearest.” He said with a low smug smile. He was extremely content with the view he had. But he wouldn't mind a little more, “do you need any help?”
“Fuck you.” You gasped.
“If you dont need my help, I guess I'll go get something to eat.“
“Wait! Please!” You screamed. Trying to stop him from leaving. He smiled and back up next to you again. “Yes darling?”
“Please. I need your help. Please, please!”you begged. Your fingers were getting tired and crampy. You couldn't do this forever, you needed someone else, you were too desperate to ignore his help.
“Have you thought about what you wanted?” He said while crawling in between your legs. “Huh?” You sighed. “Dont you remember? I thought you would, it was such an important topic, I cant belive you would forget.” He mocked you, he sat in your legs. Holding them right above his hips.
“Wha- I. I cant remember.” Your mind was so full of that drug, that all you could think about was the relief he was going to give you.
“Then let me ask you again.” he whispered in your ear.
“Will you give me my future successors?” He said in that low voice that made you weak. “But. I dont wanna get pregnant, it's scary.” You whimpered. “Dont worry.” He cooed.”I'll be with you a the way. But I do need an answer from you dear.”
You didnt want to get pregnant, but the need growing in between your legs was starting to hurt. And you had a feeling he wasnt going to start unless you agreed. So you nodded.
“That's what I want to see.” He buried his face in your neck as he started to grind his dick against you. Making you groan.
“I c-ant.” you stutter. You cant process anything when he makes you feel like this. “Its okay, just let me do everything.” He mutters into your ear.
As he grinds he leans over and bites your neck hard, hard enough to draw a thin stream of blood. You hiss, you could feel his mouth form into a smile.
Suddenly he gets up and pulled his pants and boxes down. “I'm sorry, Love. But I cant hold it in anymore.” He chuckles. He didnt hesitate before showving himself inside you. Making you gasp for breath.
It was like he knocked out all the air from your lungs, You could feel him soothing the burn in between your legs.
His thrusts were harsh. Like he was trying to find something, deep inside you. “F-fuck. “ he cried. “Imagine. Us, a little. Kid!” He tries to get his sentence out before he moaned. You cant even respond over him pounding into you.
It isnt long until the both of you come undone. “Cum with me, please.” He says into your ear. you comply, Now you were left with a mess underneath you, and a stalker above you, completely out of breath. At least the affects of that drug is a lot more numb.
“Now.” He pants
“I'll finally live a fantasy. And have a blood successor.” He says while slowly rubbing your belly. Already imagining the way your belly will swell with his child.
You fell asleep, trying to ignore every word that's coming out of his mouth.
But you couldnt lie, it did feel quite good.
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