#help network
friskafriskito · 4 days
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Some silliness in the fanserver I'm in; someone mentioned Minecraft is a lonely game :')
(Disclaimer I have not played minecraft before so)
The Magnus Archives (CC) The Rusty Quill Podcast Network Minecraft (c) Microsoft (originally Mojang)
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feelingtheaster99 · 25 days
I’m rewatching Young Justice again and in “Independence Day” I am just STRUCK by how well they introduce all four of the “sidekicks” and their respective mentors.
Like Robin is so at home fighting against villains. He cackles and he almost seems bored because he’s rather dismissive of Mr. Freeze and of the fight. He’s also fairly at ease with Batman, because I imagine not many other people, can tell Batman, “yeah, yeah” in that tone.
Speedy, on the other hand, is very serious. He’s the only one of the four who questions the villains’ motives and he is the one getting annoyed with Green Arrow for joking around.
Aqualad is also serious but in a much calm and less aggressive way. He absolutely oozes respect for Aquaman, even when his mentor teases him about being excited for the day ahead.
And Kid Flash? He’s going full-on impatient, excited puppy mode. He’s so impatient to get there that he allows himself to get slightly frozen in order to stop the fight as soon as possible. And his wide, excited grin is so telling of his generally positive personality
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financeprincess · 9 months
I love Tumblr and Pinterest and YouTube but you seriously need to get off your phone as much as possible if you want to make actual changes. Stop the doom scrolling. Turn off notifications. Turn on DND. Log off. Delete apps. Delete accounts altogether. Unsubscribe from texts and emails. Put time limits on the apps on your phone. Unless social media is making you money, limit it as much as possible. Overloading yourself with information is just another form of procrastination. At some point you actually have to take action. Less consumption, more creation.
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
How To Improve Your Social Skills 💬🥂📱✨
Pay close attention when others are speaking. Show that you're engaged in what they are saying, maintain eye contact, and providing verbal cues like "I see" or "interesting." Ask questions.
Good eye contact shows interest in the conversation. But avoid staring excessively in a frozen state, as it can make others uncomfortable.
A warm smile and open body language can make others feel more comfortable around you.
Work on your conversational skills, including starting and ending conversations, asking open ended questions, and finding common topics of interest.
Try to understand and empathize with the feelings and perspectives of others. This helps create trust.
Small talk is essential for building rapport. Practice starting conversations with light, non controversial topics and gradually steer them toward more meaningful subjects.
Confidence is key to effective social interaction. Work on building your self esteem and self confidence through self affirmations and positive self talk.
If you experience social anxiety, try deep breathing exercises or, visualization. Try to focus your attention on something. I used to have a lot of social anxiety so I would hold a drink in my hand to keep me centered and focused.
Familiarize yourself with cultural and social norms to ensure you're behaving appropriately in different situations so you don't look out of place or rude.
Social skills are like any other skills; they improve with practice. Start with friends or in less intimidating social settings to build your confidence.
Pay attention to nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. These signals often convey more than words.
Avoid dominating conversations. Give others the chance to speak and actively listen when it's their turn.
Show respect for others by using polite language, saying "please" and "thank you," and being considerate of their feelings and opinions.
Having a broad range of interests and knowledge can give you more to talk about and connect with others over. Learn, learn, learn.
Ask friends for feedback on your social skills. They can help pin point areas you can improve upon.
Join clubs, groups, or activities that relate to your interests. This helps you meet new people and practice social skills in a comfortable setting.
Observe individuals with strong social skills and learn from their interactions. Note how they engage with others and start to incorporate some of their techniques.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Autistic Shutdowns: a guide
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I CAN Network Ltd
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rassebers · 1 year
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Pull yourself TOGETHER man
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asterlark · 7 months
me and den @unloneliest were just talking about murderbot and ART's relationship and i want to discuss how they quite literally complete each other's sensory and emotional experience of the world!!
there's a few great posts on here such as this one about how murderbot uses drones to fully and properly experience the world around it (it also accesses security cameras/other systems for this same purpose). but i haven't seen anyone so far talk about how once MB stops working for the company and consequently doesn't have a hubsystem/secsystem to connect to anymore (which for its entire existence up to that point had been how it was used to interacting with its environment/doing its job), after it meets ART, ART starts to fill that gap.
ART gives MB access to more cameras, systems, and information archives than it would normally be able to connect with while MB is on its own outside of ART's... body(? lol), but also directly gives MB access to its own cameras, drones, archives, facilities, and processing space. additionally, so much of ART's function is dedicated to analysis, lateral thinking, and logical reasoning, and it not only uses those skills in service of reaching murderbot's goals, it teaches murderbot how to use those same skills. (ART might be a bit of an asshole about how it does this, but that doesn't negate just how much it does for murderbot for no reason other than it's bored/interested in MB as an individual.)
we all love goofing about how artificial condition can basically be boiled down to "two robots in a trench coat trying to get through a job interview" (which is entirely accurate tbh) but that's also such a great example of ART fulfilling the role of both murderbot's "hubsystem" and "secsystem", allowing it to fully experience its environment/ succeed in its goals. ART provides MB with crucial information, context, and constructive criticism, and uses its significant processing power to act as MB's backup and support system while they work together.
from ART's side of things, we get a very explicit explanation of how it needs the context of murderbot's emotional reactions to media in order to fully understand and experience the media as intended. it tried to watch media with its humans, and it didn't completely understand just by studying their reactions. but when it's in a feed connection with murderbot, who isn't human but has human neural tissue, ART is finally able to thoroughly process the emotional aspects of media (side note, once it actually understands the emotional stakes in a way that makes sense for it, it's so frightened by the possibility of the fictional ship/crew in worldhoppers being catastrophically injured or killed that it makes murderbot pause for a significant amount of time before it feels prepared to go on. like!! ART really fucking loves its crew, that is all).
looking at things further from ART's perspective: its relationship with murderbot is ostensibly the very first relationship it's been able to establish with not only someone outside of its crew, but also with any construct at all. while ART loves its crew very much (see previous point re: being so so scared for the fate of the fictional crew of worldhoppers), it never had a choice in forming relationships with them. it was quite literally programmed to build those relationships with its crew and students. ART loves its function, its job, and nearly all of the humans that spend time inside of it, but its relationship with murderbot is the first time it's able to choose to make a new friend. that new friend is also someone who, due to its partial machine intelligence, is able to understand and know ART on a whole other level of intimacy that humans simply aren't capable of. (that part goes for murderbot, too, obviously; ART is its first actual friend outside of the presaux team, and its first bot friend ever.)
and because murderbot is murderbot, and not a "nice/polite to ART most of the time" human, this is also one of the first times that ART gets real feedback from a friend about the ways that its actions impact others. after the whole situation in network effect, when the truth of the kidnapping comes to light and murderbot hides in the bathroom refusing to talk to ART (and admittedly ART doesn't handle this well lol) - ART is forced to confront that despite it making the only call it felt able to make in that horrifying situation, despite it thinking that that was the right call, its actions hurt murderbot, and several other humans were caught in the crossfire. what's most scary to ART in that moment is the idea that murderbot might never forgive it, might never want to talk to it again. it's already so attached to this friendship, so concerned with murderbot's wellbeing, that the thought of that friendship being over because of its own behavior is terrifying. (to me, this almost mirrors murderbot's complete emotional collapse when it thinks that ART has been killed. the other more overt mirror is ART fully intending on bombing the colony to get murderbot back.)
in den's words, they both increase the other's capacity to feel: ART by acting as a part of murderbot's sensory system, and murderbot by acting as a means by which ART can access emotion. they love one another so much they would do pretty much anything to keep each other safe/avenge each other, but what's more, they unequivocally make each other more whole.
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not-a-font · 26 days
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The shade is real... So is the power of friendship
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gambeque · 2 years
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plus a marceline
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suffersinfandom · 3 months
OFMD fans? Thank you.
Thank you for making art and writing fic. Thank you for typing out meta and analyzing overlooked details and arguing about interpretation and intention. Thank you for making gifs and recoloring stills. Thank you for cosplaying. Thank you for collecting news, memes, and behind-the-scenes from other platforms and bringing them to Tumblr. Thank you for sharing your favorite fanworks so the rest of us can see them.
Thank you for being good to others. Thank you for donating to fundraisers and mutual aid. Thank you for uplifting other voices and creating a safe space ship where even timid people who have never participated in an intense fandom before feel welcome.
Thank you to the folks who are kind to the people who disagree with them. Thank you to people who are truly willing to talk it through, who block instead of engaging negatively, and who ignore opinions that make them mad.
Thank you to everyone who likes and comments and reblogs. Thank you to the lurkers and the cheerleaders. Thank you to creators who are still afraid to share their creations but create anyway.
I love Our Flag Means Death and I love this fandom. I love you, and I hope you'll stick around. No matter how much or little you participate, you're part of the crew; whether we've spoken or not, you're my friend.
Thank you.
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selfhealingmoments · 6 months
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
How To Support People
Sometimes, when someone is struggling, we default to giving or offering what support we would want in that specific situation. We don’t mean to, but it can cause harm to someone who we are trying to help.
So what can we do instead? I would ask people: “How can I support you?” But it was often too open-ended. My loved ones didn’t know what they needed.
Mental, emotional, and physical are support types that can be used to give personalized offers for support! Sometimes, people need specific offers of support, usually a mix of types.
Mental support could be:
Constructive feedback
Pros and cons
Logical steps
Some examples can look like: - “I complied resources for you” - “Let’s make a support plan together” - “When I was in a similar situation, I did…”
Emotional support could be:
Some examples can look like: - “Tell me what’s bothering you” - “I think it’s reasonable that you feel this way” - “You got this!” - “Do you need space?”
Physical support could be:
Physical touch
Mutual aid funds
Body doubling
Acts of service
Some examples can look like: - “I finished your to-do list for you” - “I made you your favorite dinner” - “Let’s do this together” - “Can I make a fundraiser for this?”
We all have various needs and capacities, but I hope we can all find creative solutions to help support each other. Keep caring.
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kor0kke · 11 months
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This art is oldd but I still like it so-- haha that Cartoon Network palette challenge was pretty fun to work with ✌️
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
How To Respond When Your Emotions Are Invalidated ✨
Keep Your Cool: Before you respond, make sure you're feeling calm and collected. It helps you talk things out better.
Use "I" Statements: Share your feelings using phrases that start with "I" to avoid sounding like you're blaming them. Example: "I felt hurt when you said that my feelings don't matter."
Explain the Situation: Tell them what exactly happened or what they said that made you feel invalidated. Example: "When you brushed off my concerns, it felt like you didn't care about what I think."
Share Your Emotions: Describe how their actions or words made you feel. Example: "It left me feeling frustrated and like you weren't listening."
Ask for Understanding: Request that they try to see things from your perspective and acknowledge how you're feeling. Example: "Could you try to understand where I'm coming from and why I'm upset?"
Set Boundaries: If needed, let them know how you want to be treated in the future. Example: "Moving forward, I'd appreciate it if you could take my feelings more seriously."
Stay Calm: Avoid making things worse by staying focused on the issue and not getting into a heated argument. Example: "I don't want to fight; I just want you to understand how your comments affect me."
Encourage a Conversation: Ask them to talk openly and respectfully. Be open to hearing their side as well. Example: "Let's chat about this and try to understand each other better."
Be Patient: Give them time to process what you've said and don't expect an instant change in their behavior. Example: "I know it might take time to make things better, but I hope we can work on this together."
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Ways to Help an Autistic Person Who is Struggling
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I CAN Network Ltd
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shelbswastaken · 4 months
What would happen if persona teams lent each other their bastard boys
Investigation Team w/ Ryoji: Considering their track record with Marie and Labrys they'd probably be able to find some way to get him to stay without the world ending, though they'd definitely still have to fight
SEES w/ Akechi: Oh you're an illegitimate child who got lost in the foster system after your mother killed herself? Welcome to the Childhood Trauma Club, here's your sword and concerningly realistic model gun
Phantom Thieves w/ Adachi: They would kick his ass in the metaverse like the moment they found out what he did. No time for rants about nihilism this guy is getting fucking CLEARED
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