#hetalia match up
sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Thanks for the quick reply, hun. I’m pretty excited! I’m so happy that you’ll accept my request for my birthday, it means a lot to me!
Okie, I’ll try to make this short and sweet! I’m pretty talkative and tend to get carried away with what I write—
I am non-binary and also Biromantic. I use she/they pronouns!
I’m monogamous! Only one person at a time.
My chosen fandoms are Cookie Run, My Hero Academia, and Hetalia! I’m secretly excited for the Hetalia match ups, it’s my favorite anime. ❤️
Let’s see.. four things my partner should have are:
A LOT of patience. I’m a very impatient and stubborn lad, I need someone who’s patient with me.
LOYAL. PLEASE. Ive got major trust issues, so I’d like a partner that I KNOW I can trust.
Someone fun to be around! Someone that loves to be a lil’ goofball all the time but gets serious when they need to be (Like Mirio)!
I have SEVERE body image issues.. a partner who constantly reminded me that they love me no matter how I look is definitely a must have for me.
There’s not much I wouldn’t want in a partner, I’m pretty open to different personalities, but two that I wanna point out are:
Short tempered people. They are the worst. I should know, I AM short tempered.
I’m often misunderstood because of my ADHD (often VERY irritable, mood swings, short attention span, etc.) and I’m terrified of having a partner that would disregard that completely. Someone open-minded who will take their time to understand me would be nice!
Four main aspects of my personality:
I want to have friends and yet I’m a massive introvert. I want to make friends but the moment I try to talk to someone, I freeze up.
I like being able to watch out for other people. I’m like the mother of the group 😄
I’d like to think I’m creative! Mainly in arts and crafts, though. Everything else? Meh.
I worry about EVERYTHING. I’m the type of person that thinks that “whatever can go wrong will go wrong” so I’m constantly worried about the smallest things.
Two things I love to do are drawing and writing! Two things I hate are heated arguments with others (I get nervous when things get loud) and messy rooms. Seriously, I spend a solid hour everyday cleaning up my room in the morning 😭 I just can’t stand it being messy.
SUPER SORRY for writing the whole Declaration of Independence here, love— I just wanted to be as detailed as possible so you could have a more accurate idea of what I’m looking for. ^^ Thanks again for accepting my request! You’ve made my birthday a good one! ❤️
birthday match-up | cookie run, hetalia & my hero academia
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happy birthday!
note : characterisation may be slightly off here because i haven’t watched hetalia or mha in a while, so apologies if that was at all the case (i also had to rewrite the entire thing because my tumblr app reset mid way through the hetalia section - sorry!!)
i matched you with…
Cookie Run
-> pure vanilla cookie
endlessly patient, empathetic and protective of those he’s close to, p.v would be the perfect partner when it comes to avoiding misunderstandings and offering any and all reassurances you may need in the moment. he’s unconditionally supportive of your passions and adores your creativity and he’s far from the type of person to stray from your relationship or get into any heated disagreement with you. p.v also appears to be incredibly put-together, so you wouldn’t have to worry about messy rooms with him. his reputation and endless patience would also mean that he’d be more than willing and capable of helping you with making friends and the surrounding struggle.
-> canada / matthew williams
although his prominent introversion would mean that he’d struggle with helping you make friends out of those you’ve each made independently, it would allow him to more deeply and genuinely understand you and your struggles in that regard - minimising the risk of you being misunderstood or being dragged into anything resembling a heated argument. he’s immensely loyal and patient with you and would be your cheerleader from the sidelines as you pursue your interests - offering plentiful assurances about your looks, personality and anything else that’s worrying you along the way. that being said, the goofier aspects of his personality would be quite solidly reserved for when the two of you are alone.
My Hero Academia
-> uraraka ochako
ochako is an incredibly friendly and positive person by nature, so you can guarantee that she’ll offer you endless support and reassurance when it comes to your passions, goals and her feelings for you. she’ll help you branch out and make friends without complaint and she’ll keep note of your concerns by avoiding raising her voice around you where possible and making great efforts to prevent any misunderstandings from occurring. another method she’ll employ to help you is by allowing you to work through the worries you have and helping you rationalise them without minimising or dismissing the concerns you have - and just generally supporting you in anyway you need her to. she’s also just an incredibly fun person to be around who’s not afraid to laugh and make others laugh.
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cowboy-robooty · 10 months
this is what i imagine if germany and america were friends like all the fanfictions say (for context they faked their deaths and everyone thinks they died)
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digital999placebo · 11 months
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so.. smiles. anyone remember my golden age boxing au?
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ifindus · 8 months
norway as sanji and scot as zoro?🩵💚
ofc!! 🥰🥰🥰 my two fave ships 💖
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i’ve always loved hetalia spain and i remember when i got into hetalia in 2017 i used to go crazy asking my best friend who’s argentinian but grew up in spain about stuff related to spain that i heard in his character songs so im finding texts from years and years ago where we’re talking about cosechas and the fiesta de San Fermín 😭
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baizhoobies · 7 months
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Notes: Oooooo yeah here we go
Thank you so much for 200+ followers, time to celebrate with a match-up event!
Must be aged 16+
Must submit in my ASK BOX
The event IS NOW OPEN
Anon will be accepted but non-anon will be prioritised
Please choose up to 3 fandoms!
No hate if you get matched with a character(s) you don’t like!
You don’t need to be following to participate, however if I reach 300+ I may extend the deadline!
What I need from you:
Which fandoms you want to be matched up with (can be multiple in one ask~)
Preferred pronouns
Preferred gender of characters you want to be matched up with
A little bit about you! So a short description of yourself, this may include: MBTI type, hobbies and interests, style/aesthetic, anything that can help me match you with a character! - please be specific!
Appearance does not matter but if you want to describe appearances then go ahead!
Fandoms included in this event:
Bungo Stray Dogs
Black Butler
Genshin Impact
Attack on Titan
Thanks again for the follows~!
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aphimagining · 1 month
I am an absolute nerd for music, drawn and written art. I love analyzing lyrics to fine emotional details, and can appreciate personal artistic choices in ones drawings, or how refreshingly lifelike or detailed a passage in a book or work can read off as. art <3333 art my beloved
I’d consider myself somewhere between an introvert and extrovert, in the right setting I have no issues in approaching others and with the right people I can change from being quiet and shy to being just as loud and SILLY as who I’m with !! I also tend to be chipper with new people !
I match you with North Italy/Feliciano Vargas!
Feli would meet you all the way in your appreciation for art. While he can be a little ditzy, I do believe he'd have a taste for the finer things. I could see him indulging you by taking you to museums and art galleries. I don't foresee him analyzing things in such scrupulous detail, but I feel as if your ability to do so would totally captivate him.
He has a pretty innate ability to bring the best out of people I feel, so I could foresee him being someone you'd be immediately comfortable with. Feli is super fun and very silly, and would love that you could match his energy. He's often scolded for letting loose, but having someone who can do the same would be amazing for him.
-Admin K.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 1 year
Hi ! I hope you're doing well! Um, if it's not too much to ask, could I have a match-up? Both 1p and 2p are equally fine, so I don't have a preference! ^^" I'm an incredibly shy, awkward ball of anxiety who falls in love with pretty much everyone around me. I tried to make it easy to read :
🫀 Likes ; Horror, Cats, Sleeping, Gardening, Sketching, Crocheting, Sweets, Analyzing movies
🙈 Dislikes ; Rude people, Loud noises, "Adulting", Messing up, Worms (bless their hearts)
🤡 Personality ; shy, quiet, sleepy/low energy, friendly, very sensitive, clingy, childish, usually too deep in emotions to remember what's going on ^^"
🍪 Hobbies ; Watching scary movies! Crocheting, playing with my cat (best friend), drawing, daydreaming, napping, checking on my plants, playing solitaire, smoking
💬 Misc ; ND (autistic, severe anxiety), CisFem Bisexual, Chubby, Professional over thinker, Has tattoos and piercings/gauges, dresses like a grandma
Thank you so so much!! I hope the world treats you good today 💕💞💖
I match you with... 2p Seborga!
Though being quite different in terms of personality, you share a lot in common! He also loves horror, he does get freaked out easily but that won't stop him from engaging in it, especially with you. He would attempt to get his cat to befriend yours but his cat is a freaky little demon so it may not go so well, but napping together absolutely would go over a lot better. He may know nothing about crocheting but he's absolutely enamoured by people who can do things like that, he will just sit and watch for ages because it's so amazing to him. He absolutely loves piercings and tattoos, enough to get many himself as well, he thinks it's really cool.
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Canada is from the manga/anime Hetalia: Axis Powers. From submitter: [He is] literally the personification of Canada, you can't get anymore canadian than that
Evangeline is from the poem of the same name by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. She is an Acadian woman from Grand-Pre, and has become an enduring symbol of the Acadian people. The Evangeline trail in western Nova Scotia is named after her, and a statue of her (pictured) stands before the Memorial Church in Grand-Pre National Historic Park.
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anime-horoscopes · 2 years
Hey I was just wondering it says you do match ups, what would we send in?...
Yes I do Match-Ups, if you’d like one I’d need:
- Three Anime’s you’d like a match up from, or I could do three characters from one anime!
- Your astrology sign!
Please make sure to specify the character’s gender you’d prefer aswell, or if you’d like a mix!
That’s all I’d need from you! I hope to be seeing your ask soon ;3;
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bloodyodyssey · 1 month
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COMM POST IS BACK UP YAYYYY 🎉🎉🎉 This time with up to 8 slots at a time, 3 for busts, 3 for half body, and 2 for full body! Each listing also allows for up to one extra character to be added on at half price!
***If you don't want to commission me that's also fine i'd apreciate just a regular kofi dono or just sharing this around bc my finances are maybe extremely worrying right now. i will also be considering opening a google doc or some other order form to allow payments via cashapp. Anyways heres a general breakdown of the pricing system and my will's/wont's under the cut:
So how do I (you, the buyer) choose what I want?
SO when you open up the request form it should look something like this!
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We're using the bust order as our example here. At its base price, $15, it is set for the black and white option. If this is what you would like, then you don't have to worry about the add ons at all and you go straight to submitting your request! Now, if you're choosing add ons, it'll look something like these:
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The first would be an example of an order of a flat color bust + an extra character bust with flat coloring as well. The color option adds the extra $10 (to match the listed price on the poster for $25), and the extra character with flat coloring adds half of that $25 to the order (well a little less bc i knocked off the .50 cents) which is why it comes out to $37.
The second would be an example of a black and white bust order with an added black and white bust character. This just adds an extra $7 to the price totaling $22.
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) draw?
If you want me to draw your oc or fanart of your favorite character I GOT U!!!
I'm also comfortable drawing blood and gore though I'll have to keep it on the lighter side (I enjoy blood if it isnt obvious by my url though so depending on what you want we might be able to go a little further with that).
I can do characters with armor as well, however I will require a reference of some sort from you, the client, as I'm frankly not going to attempt armor off the dome. I won't design armor myself either.
Pinups (not full nsfw due to how much of a struggle it is to navigate different site policies) and other suggestive works are also a-ok! a tity does not bother me if that wasn't made clear by my commission card 👍🏽
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) NOT draw?
Im not comfortable trying to draw real people as of right now sorry! I'd hate to mess that up and have somebody clown me for messing up their beloved's features so that is off the table right now but it's subject to change.
I also won't do furry/anthro just because that isn't my forte as I haven't practiced drawing animalistic characters. There r plenty of talented furry artists for you to choose from and I could talk to someone to guide you to a few
(I can do more humanoid fantasy characters however. like mermaids, satyrs, etc)
More extreme gore and body horror is also off the table.
I may love mecha but as it is like armor and a bit more extreme, I'm not drawing it sorry. And also as stated above I'm not drawing armor regardless without a good reference.
Certain fandoms are a no-go for me due to my own comfort. A quick list would be: mogeko games, omori, south park, hetalia, attack on titan, mcyt, hazbin hotel/helluva boss. if you're not sure just ask!
I reserve the right to decline any comission request for any reason. Getting paid is nice but my comfort is nicer yknow.
And that should cover everything! If you still need to ask me anything, my main is @odysseys-blood (since you cant recieve messages on a side blog). Thank you so much for reading and a little extra thank you if you decide to commission me ❤️
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atom-writings · 5 months
hetalia axis & allies (+ canada) xmas headcanons
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1.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: uhhh christmas obviously. mention of religion and underwear?? uh... i think that's it
a/n: this is my first christmas as a jewish convert so that's been weird. anyway I just wanted something quick, so its mostly a list of gift ideas (:
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Alfred is SUCH a huge Christmas fan. I mean, canonically he dresses up as Santa, so he goes all out for the entire month of December. He's been working on a huge holiday home display for decades, and it shows.
He plays Santa at his local mall during the weeks leading up to Christmas; and on the night of, he hands out hot cocoa outside his house. It's fun, but it also means he's a little distracted when it comes to you.
What he would get you: Posters of your favourite movies, super comfy pyjamas, expensive figures of characters you like, candy you like but never get for yourself, model planes or Legos for you two to build together, novelty pens, a stupid cowboy costume so you can match <3, those handmade coupons because he 1. Loves you and 2. Forgot about Christmas until yesterday
What he would want: Any video games, Funko Pops, vinyls of music he likes, those big packs of shirts (he is constantly running out of shirts because he rips or irreparably stains them,) Marvel comics, anything with an eagle on it, those mini wacky waving inflatable tube men things, bulk pens and pencils because he also breaks those constantly-
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Arthur is not big into Christmas and never has been. He'll celebrate with you, but he's not going out when it comes to any aspect. If anything, he finds it a little exhausting getting gifts for everyone
But, he does adore walking around and looking at all the lights. He'll do that a couple times with you in December.
What he would get you: Any novel you’ve mentioned even once, tickets to a concert both of you will enjoy, classy jackets that fit you perfectly, cute keychains, fancy art supplies, fragrances that remind him of you, bags/purses that fit your style, CDs
What he would want: Sewing supplies (thread, new needles, new fabric scissors,) framed photos of the two of you, Doctor Who merch, foreign tea, a book on how to take care of your eyebrows properly (he will not learn otherwise,) slippers, those sarcastic magnets that all millennial women have at least one of, any ridiculous piece of merch with the union jack on it
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Francis has very mixed feelings about Christmas. On one hand, he hates how consumerist it has become, but on the other hand, nothing makes him happier than seeing the joy the season brings to others.
Plus, he does enjoy giving and receiving presents. The music too? Wonderful. As long as you don't get too stressed out, the holiday should be perfect.
What he would get you: Tons of clothes; stuff that's already your style, and completely new stuff, room decorations (NOT posters,) a reservation at a nice restaurant, bracelets that he made for you, makeup (if you like that kind of thing,) candles that smell like his cologne, CHEESE
What he would want: Fancy fabric, any clothes (he doesn’t care what they are as long as you think they’d look good on him…) paintings or photography, literally ANYTHING creative you’ve made, hair ties (he loses at least 5 a day,) bird stuffed animals, (Basically anything! Francis is not picky)
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Christmas is a new occurrence for Yao, and he isn't the biggest fan. He'll buy you stuff for it, but he would do that normally. The lights and the music aren't anything special to him either. Basically, he won't celebrate unless you want to.
What he would get you: Elaborate, very expensive jewellery, huge stuff like a car, Chinese cookbooks, traditional clothes that he made specifically to represent you (: luxury handbags (that he got at SUCH a good discount,) tons of weird off-brand merch of your favourite show, probably a nice meal too!
What he would want: Yao is hard to buy for. Soft robes, stuff to help with back pain, face masks, Hello Kitty keychains… reading glasses maybe?
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Although he isn't as excited about Christmas as he is about the New Year, he still loves the holiday. It's a nice excuse to see family, and everyone is just so happy around the season! He's especially excited to celebrate it with you.
He's not the best at giving gifts, but he could be worse. Regardless of whether you like all of it, you're gonna get a lot of stuff.
(Also, he plays Santa for the kids sometimes. It's so cute-)
What he would get you: Random knick-knacks he probably found at a local market, knitted hats and gloves in your favourite colour, a scarf to match his, tickets to go somewhere warm on vacation, stuffed animals! books that made him think of you (usually philosophical or religious novels,) pretty rocks (:
What he would want: SUNFLOWERS! (This works for every occasion,) baked goods, clothes that aren’t 250 years old- new doilies and paintings to decorate his house, pictures of yourself, friendship bracelets, stuffed animals, if you can make a scarf somehow, DO THAT
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North Italy
Feliciano cares about Christmas in a more religious way, but he's never mad about getting presents. So, he'll probably spend most of the day in church, but he still did put a lot of effort into getting you stuff you love.
What he would get you: Pajamas & bath robes, shitty romance novels that he wants you to read, weird hand-made knick-knacks, makeup, strange mugs that he found at a thrift store, a painting of you (: probably a pair of his boxers-
What he would want: New paint brushes, novelty pasta shapes, fancy jackets, any art that you’ve made (regardless of quality,) cat stuffed animals, The Ability To Get A Grip, skincare products, shiny garbage (For art purposes, duh,) those handmade coupon things
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Ludwig does not enjoy Christmas particularly. He's terrible at giving gifts but he wants to so desperately that he spends all of winter stressing out about it. Yes, he's excited to see your reaction to his gifts, but at what cost?!
Although he does still like all the decorations at least. Maybe he just likes re-decorating though.
What he would get you: Puzzles you can complete together, soft sweaters, practical stuff you need (like book bags, lens cloths, that kind of thing,) stationery, reservations for private tours at museums you would find interesting, a subscription to whatever silly service you want (:
What he would want: Books about city planning, nerdy card games, a fun lanyard, a new coffee machine, those aroma-therapy diffuser things, household tools like vacuums and stuff (Get him an air fryer. He’s going to be fascinated.) stress balls, pens (He is boring.)
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Kiku really has no particular feelings towards Christmas. If you weren't there, the most he would do was put up a mini tree. He's stressed out by both giving and receiving presents and is only willing to do that kind of thing if you want to.
What he would get you: Electronics, merch of your favourite Sanrio character, books that he thinks you’ll like, stickers, a bento box, comfy sweatpants, cute hairpins, plushies from your favourite media, a bunch of pillows, some obscure Japanese snacks too!
What he would want: Miku figures, posters, video games, manga, general nerdy stuff, history novels (he likes to correct them,) blackout curtains, cute face masks, a Polaroid camera, a guide on socialization (Seriously.) a knit scarf, if you can knit (:
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South Italy
Romano desperately wants to care about Jesus more than getting gifts. He's a devout catholic, g*ddamnit! But... he does just really love eating baked goods and getting gifts more than anything. Getting together with family, the music, the lights, he just ADORES the holiday.
What he would get you: Blankets and pillows, your favourite snacks, clothes that are a little more revealing- cruise tickets (if going on wouldn’t be hell for you,) a journal where he wrote down all of the things he loves about you (completely honestly,) religious items, fancy perfumes
What he would want: Paintings from local artists, post-its (so he can finally remember SOMETHING,) anything with the Italian flag on it, stupid bumper stickers, pictures of the other nations that you’ve written insults on, fancy patterned scarves and fabric
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Like Alfred, Gilbert loves Christmas in a very childish way. He embraces that side of himself during the holidays and he'd love it if you joined him in that. He constantly insists on going out to see the lights, and he just can't get enough of Christmas movies. Even the bad ones (He's a Hallmark girlie.)
What he would get you: A vintage music box, hair dye, DVDs of your favourite movies (just to have,) stationery, random snacks he picked up from a gas station an hour ago, weirdly sentimental jewellery? Vintage journals, pictures of himself
What he would want: Coupons (???) goofy temporary tattoos, metal CDs, tea (he’s weirdly embarrassed about liking tea and doesn’t buy it for himself?) vintage maps that he can frame and hang up, probably like, WD40? DC comics, novelty trophies, Pokemon cards, video games
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More than anything, Matthew loves winter. So, therefore, he loves Christmas! Seeing you smile when you open your gifts, he looks forward to it all season. It seems like the only time of year when everyone else is either as miserable or as happy as he is, so it's his favourite holiday.
Cuddling up in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa, watching some old Christmas movie, its all he wants.
What he would get you: Comfy hoodies, comfy slippers too, hot cocoa packs, big stuff like a new PC or fridge or smth- decorations for your room, face masks, fidget toys, novelty Canadian keychains, figures of your favourite characters, festive sweets (like candy-canes and stuff.)
What he would want: Anything with a maple leaf (yes, he wants MORE of that,) boring stuff like socks, wood-working tools or like a new snow shovel, fairy lights, DVDs (because he still uses them? Why.) a new phone case, gift cards (HES BORING,) pre-packaged crafts, lotion and cologne that smells like pine
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merry christmas if you celebrate! this'll probably be the last full thing I post until 2024, so thanks to all you readers for sticking around this year (: you have no idea how much it means to me. i love yall. and to all a good night or whatever santa said
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pvffinsdaisies · 3 months
Ireland Headcanon Masterpost
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Artwork drawn by @nordickies
Part three of creating master posts for my interpretation of certain characters & nations. This time we’re doing the lovely miss Ireland! Who has been occupying my mind a lot recently. Before we get into it, I want to say that I have not been developing Ireland for even half as long as I have been every other character I have. She’s been a floating concept in my mind for years, but I only actually started to develop her properly last month. For most of the time I’ve had her, she’s just been a pretty face and a name, and I’ve been having so much fun actually exploring her. If you enjoy reading her information, I’ve also made posts for Scotland and my OC of Northumbria, both of those posts are going to be much longer than this one is.
I want to emphasise that I am no history expert, and I do not even wish to be associated with historical hetalia. However, as I am from England, it means I am treading a very fine line with my portrayal. That being said, if anyone from Ireland sees this post and takes issue with anything I say here, I encourage you to reach out and correct me! I am still learning, and, as I’ve said before, my portrayal is still very new.
Ireland stands at about 5’5, or about 165cm. Making her about the average height for an Irish woman. She still gets teased by Scotland for being “short.”
She has pretty small features. Small, green eyes, a tiny little button nose, and a small mouth with thin lips. She is very pretty, but she still looks quite approachable.
She has long, beautiful ginger hair. It’s pretty wavy, her natural texture is 2c, but she styles it pretty often. Her siblings have always loved to tease her about her hair- the colour and texture- so she’s pretty insecure about it.
She’s very good at styling her hair because of this, though she’s no longer a massive fan of fancy up does. She insists she’s no good on hair that isn’t her own, but she taught most of her siblings how to do at least a plait growing up.
Ireland is covered in freckles, from head to toe.
Her skin is naturally very pale, but it’s also very sensitive, and can turn red pretty easily. She always has to be careful about the stuff she puts on, or else she’ll come out in a rash.
She has a tooth gap between her two front teeth, it represents the River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland.
She has a rectangle body shape, although she used to be a bit curvier when she was younger.
Once rounder and softer, her body still hasn’t returned to how it looked before the potato famine of the 1800s. Her size is far healthier now, but she’s still quite thin and boney. Ireland is not her ideal size, and wishes she could gain a bit more weight to feel more comfortable.
That being said, her bottom is actually pretty plump. Representing the mountains that lie around the edge of Ireland.
Whilst she does like to wear make up every now and then, she’s actually pretty bad at it. Her application can be patchy, and she’s not the best at matching shades. It’s nothing you’ll notice straight away, however, and she genuinely does feel prettier when she wears it.
She has the Triskelion, or the Celtic Spiral Knot, tattooed on the inside of her upper, right arm. The symbol has different meanings depending on who you ask, but she had it tattooed to represent the continuous of life, and moving forward. It was also just a way for her personally to show that she will never, ever let her culture be stripped from her.
Ever the extrovert, Ireland is friendly and welcoming to everyone she meets. She has a natural ease about her, and a remarkable ability to make people comfortable around her quickly. Within 2 sentences, you could easily feel as though you’ve known her your entire life. Like you’re laughing and joking with an old friend.
Much like her brother, Scotland, Ireland is remarkable at comedy and making people laugh, she firmly believes a good sense of humour goes a long way. Her humour is a bit more lighthearted and witty than the rest of her siblings.
Ireland shows her affection through teasing and sarcasm. It’s how she jokes with her friends, and the more she teases you, the more she likes you. It could come across as mean, but her tone is usually playful enough to not cause harm.
Her culture truly means everything to her, and she loves sharing it with people. She actually loves meeting tourists, she loves telling them stories of her people, and she actually isn’t opposed to sharing her past with them. She will proudly gives them ideas of other places in Ireland to visit, and things to do, she hopes that everyone who takes the time to come visit leaves happy and smiling, having had a fun, interesting and informative experience.
However, she is also extremely protective and defensive of herself, her culture and her past. After years of oppression, being ignored and spoken over, who can blame her? She isn’t too appreciative when someone speaks on her behalf, she doesn’t like other’s sharing information without consulting her directly. She is vocal, and not afraid to step up and correct people, and put them in their place.
Empathy is where Ireland truly shines. Easily feeling and immediate connection with and understanding for those going through hardship. She will always be an advocate for the underdog, for those whose voices are not being properly heard. She longs to provide the compassion, and the feeling of having someone in your corner, that she lacked when she was suffering.
That being said, she can be very judgmental, and she’s a huge gossiper. She usually attempts to soften it by saying something like “and, god love them” or “god, bless their heart” or “but who am I to judge?” as though she’s not just been talking shit for the past hour.
Ireland cannot hide her feelings, and she doesn’t see the need to. She’s very open when she’s happy, upset, angry etc.
For as open a person as she can be, she still hasn’t quite processed her hurt and her negative feelings correctly. Choosing to brush it off, and pretend she no longer cares. She can grow very resentful because of this, but she absolutely refuses to accept this may be a problem.
Ireland can be feisty and fiery if need be, she knows how to defend herself and she will! She’s never been shy, no matter what, and she won’t let someone walk all over her. She never has, and she never will go down without a fight. She prides herself on this.
Ireland is extremely laid back, she’s not prone to jealousy or possessiveness, and she’s certainly not over-protective about anything. She doesn’t see the point of trying to cling onto someone, it all just seems pointless.
Ireland is creative mind, and one of her best skills is gold-smithing and her ability to work with metals. She prefers to make her own jewellery, and she loves making fancy and intricate broaches especially. However, she mainly does smaller projects now, as her workshop is merely a cleared out space in her basement. She’d love to find a bigger place to rent out.
You will rarely ever find someone who’s a better storyteller than Ireland, she truly has a way with words. Be it short stories, poems or songs, she excels at it. She absolutely loved to share her stories with her siblings when they were growing up.
Music means a lot to Ireland, she wouldn’t know who she is without it, and as well as writing songs, she also sings. She doesn’t have the best voice, but it’s pretty and melodic. It’s soft and calming, and she has fine technic. But it’s certainly nothing special.
She also plays the harp, which she’s very skilled with.
Ireland loves a party and celebration, and she always goes all in. She seemingly never gets tired, or never needs to go home to rest, she can just keep going.
On a calmer note, she also loves just sitting in a pub and having a few casual drinks. Doesn’t need to be a celebration. She especially loves a proper Irish bar, and she almost has a sixth sense where she can find one wherever she goes.
Speaking of bars, Ireland is pretty good at snooker. She’s no hobbyist though. She and Scotland are at pretty much an equal level, and they’re the only two in the family who stand a chance of beating one another.
She loves a good walk around the countryside, and she’s always driving out of the city to have a stroll. Though she will constantly complain about the sheep blocking the road.
She does boxing, though she’s still a very low level beginner, and definitely not good enough to go up against anyone yet. It was a hobby she picked up a few years back, to try and help her build some strength and muscle.
As well as sharing her own, Ireland absolutely loves taking the time to learn about other cultures of the world too. Every time she has a meeting in a foreign country that she doesn’t visit too often, she tries to see and do as many cultural things as she can outside of work. She absolutely loves travelling.
She adores animals, she firmly believes they’re smarter than humans give them credit for, and she loves to draw them! She’s not the most skilled artist, she really only does sketch work in a sketch book. She rarely attempts to colour in, or smooth out the lines.
Ireland’s favourite, and her comfort show, is Father Ted, she puts it on whenever she’s upset. Without fail, it will always make her laugh, even if she’s seen every episode about 1000 times already.
Ireland enjoys knitting, alongside some of her other family members. She pretty much exclusively knits all of her own cardigans herself.
Ireland uses the human name Saoirse Ó Raghallaigh, which later got anglicised to Saoirse O’Reilly. Between the use of these different spellings, she was forced to take the name Kirkland for a time. She changed it back following independence, but used the new spelling to help blend in with her people.
Irish is her first language, and she is determined to help keep the language alive. She offers tutoring lessons for people (Irish or not) to learn the language. Unfortunately, she’s not the best at teaching.
Alongside Irish, she also knows English, ISL (Irish Sign Language), Latin and BSL (British Sign Language). She knows a little bit of Manx and Scottish Gaelic.
Saoirse currently lives in Dublin. She used to own a farmhouse, but following independence she decided it’d be best to move to the city. She sometimes misses her old house, and you’ll catch her reminiscing on it. She doesn’t hate city life, though.
She is incredibly family oriented. If you ask Saoirse, family always has and always should come first. As the oldest, she helped raise all her siblings the best she could. She always felt closest to Northern Ireland and Scotland when they were growing up, and whilst she & Scotland are still close to this day, things with N. Ireland have been better. Their relationship has recently been… strained, to put it nicely. Saoirse is still waiting for the day when they can be close again. She never has and never will stop reaching out.
Ireland does not have any pets. However, for most of her life, she had a Wolf friend who would always find its way back to her no matter where she travelled. She did not own this wolf, it was free and was part of a pack, however, it was supposedly immortal, like many hetalia pets. It was killed in the 1700s. Ireland has a picture of it that she drew herself hung up in her living room.
In terms of religious beliefs, Saoirse would describe herself as “Catholic Pagan.” She might get some strange looks from foreigners who hear this term, but her religious beliefs combine both Catholicism and Celtic Paganism. She believes in the Lord, and in Jesus, but also believes in and sees traditional folk creatures. She seeks guidance and truth in tales from both religions.
Out of all of her siblings, Ireland is probably the worst driver. She usually is not in front of the wheel when someone else is in the car, because they don’t feel entirely safe in the car when she drives.
Saoirse is so bad when it comes to procrastination. She’s perhaps too laid back in that aspect. She doesn’t like to rush anything, and will continue to push back things she needs to do until she can actually be bothered. If anyone calls her out on it, she’ll blame the weather, saying something like, “have you seen how it’s raining out there? It’s not fit to do anything!”
She has a small fairy friend who lives at the bottom of her garden, named Órlaith, who likes to sneak inside the house and cause trouble when Saoirse isn’t in. Otherwise, you can sometimes see her fluttering above her shoulder. It’s not uncommon for the pair of them to gossip together about certain people they meet.
You’ll never not see her without a cup of tea. She perhaps has too much of it, drinking multiple cups at home, and taking some out with her in a travel mug if she’s going somewhere. If she’s visiting someone, she’ll be sat waiting to be offered a cup of tea. She drinks the most out of the whole family, which drives england nuts. She’ll get grumpy if she doesn’t have a cup of tea on a morning.
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Their thoughts from left to right.
"He's insane."
"I'm insane."
"They're both insane... How amusing."
I have this self-indulgent cross-over project for the three franchises I ever got seriously into: Hypnosis Microphone, Hetalia and now One Piece! The idea is to put characters of a similar vibe and temperament together, aka characters whom I think would all get along well.
Today, it's Jakurai, Ludwig (I'll use human names exclusively to refer to Hetalia characters, it sounds better) and Law!
They're all relatively serious and intelligent. It helps that Jakurai and Law are both surgeons so I bet they'll enjoy talking about medicine. I wonder how their medical philosophies match/clash, since from my understanding, their ideals for saving people are quite similar. Ludwig, while not a medic, definitely has the smarts to keep up and would enjoy learning from them.
I like to think they all have their sadistic/a bit strange side. Ludwig's into bdsm (I swear this is canonically confirmed in the anime), Law is Law and Jakurai is a raging drunk. I wonder how they'll get along while drinking, especially since Ludwig likes drinking. From the drama tracks, Jakurai goes wild when drunk and I joke to myself that you'd need a prime Whitebeard to hold a drunk Jakurai back lmao.
Another common point among them is the fact that they each have their own annoying, bright little gremlin. Ludwig has Feliciano, Law has Luffy (or the whole of the Hearts Pirates tbh) and Jakurai (begdrudgingly) has Ramuda. Something to think about.
TMI, Law is German and Ludwig is APH Germany like the coincidence is so funny to me.
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hetalia-fannn · 10 months
Can you do Allies x reader x Axis? They are all fighting for reader's love.
Sure thing!
I'm so sorry it's late :"(
Characters: Aph America, Aph England, Aph France, Aph Canada (added), Aph Russia, Aph China ->Allies + Aph Germany, Aph Italy, Aph Japan ->Axis
Reader: Gender-neutral
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italy gif, couldn't find a one with all
Allies + Canada and Axis fighting for reader's love headcanons:
When all of the members of your friend group fall in love with you, what would you do?
You had no clue but suddenly both Allies and Axis countries seemed to be interested in you. It all started when you noticed they wanted to go out with you.
One day, you promised to eat hamburgers with America, and immediately after that Canada asked if it was okay for you to go to watch a hockey match with him.
Not after a while, England invited you to have tea with him, Russia seemed to ask for a chat while Germany had flowers especially for you.
Japan got you his newest mangas as a gift, Italy cooked pasta for you and called you "Bella*" and China was excited to talk about history while going to a museum. (*= Bella means "Beautiful" in Italian, people most likely already know that but wanted to add in case)
You had so many plans with them but bad part was most of these events were at the same time, yet you just couldn't say no to their faces but you had no idea how to catch up on everything.
Then you saw all of them at the same time, in front of your door.
They were all fighting, when you came there they immediately stopped.
America: S/o please go out with meee!!! Canada: S/o I r-really like you! We should watch that match, eh? France: S/o mon amour, I love you so much~
England: Forget that bastard, think about drinking tea with me /// China: S/o I like you aru. Russia: I think chatting with me is the best idea, right s/o?
Meanwhile Italy was screaming: Bella I've made you pasta ve.
You also saw Germany with more flowers with a note saying "Ich Liebe Dich*" and Japan with more mangas. (*Ich liebe dich= I love you in German)
Japan: S/o-san these are for you...
Germany: Yeah,,, I g-got this for you S/o
You really didn't know what to do but two things were sure, they both were looking very adorable and secondly looks like it was about to start of ww3 ooops.
I hope you enjoy this anon ^^' I feel like I'm not really good at writing with s/o :")
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hetalia-club · 11 months
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Hetalia fans, I have just one question for you…Are you ready? Ready to see your favorite Idiots fight it out in hand to hand combat? Show up every Wednesday Night on tumblr to watch your faves battle it out for the ultimate prize THE BELT.
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There are just two 2023 belts Hetalians, A light weight and Heavy weight. Place your bets and grab your popcorn and sit down in front of your phone screens or laptops or whatever else you have and join us all in giving the strongest idiot his chance to shine. Starting on Wednesday until the next Wednesday we will vote and let someone kick the others ass. No pay per view required (No before you ask we couldn't book the colosseum, Italy said no, but we got the octagon!) We should try and keep this as logical as possible but everyone does love an underdog. I’m tired of seeing these idiots kiss I want them to get their shit rocked from America all the way to Australia Remember all this is not a favorite character competition these are 1 on 1 fist fights. Divided up into two divisions. Light weight, and Heavy weight. That way we keep it fair and Italy won’t get his head ripped clean off his shoulders by America.
The poll will be released weekly with 2 rounds 1 round for the light and 1 for heavy.
Line ups. Don't like a match up? Don't blame me. I spun a wheel and did what it said. Their fates will be decided in the octagon
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Weight classes are divided by known strength, weight, height and aptitude. Basically just imagine everyone is fighting to win each round. They are putting all their energy into the fight. No wimping out no crying and running away. THEY ALL WANT THAT BELT!!!
Light Weight bracket is 1 round short that’s because I couldn’t think of anyone else and didn’t just want to throw random people in.
Want to stay up to date on voting? Follow: Me Or The 2023 Hetalia Fight Club tag
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