#hmmmm gay thoughts hmm
it hurts me. the chaggie hurts me s o good
Vaggie having been such a great murder soldier (one of the best exorcists) (battalions worth of dead souls piled under her lost wings)
but Protect Charlie and Support Charlie became so important to her (the revelation of reaching out to strangers to heal hurts instead of causing them) she for real got out of practice with actual physical fighting bc she was busy helping Charlie with the emotional battles instead-
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it feels so good.
it's such a big and happy difference, from vaggie the exorcist
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she's fighting for her girl every time she holds Charlie's hand and it's NOT what she's trained for or is always good at, solving people problems without just stabbing anyone who hurts Charlie or gets in Charlie's way- soldier life bleeding through even when Vaggie tries so hard- (a life lived with the kind of people who would use cutting out someone's eye and ripping off their wings as a solution to a problem)
but she says herself she wants to be Charlie's ARMOR. she could have said spear, could have said she wants to be the blade that cuts through all Charlie's problems-
she doesn't want that. Amor, something that stays close, something not meant to hurt, something that isn't a weapon. not anymore
even if it (she) isn't used to that yet
and you know what. maybe that's what getting saved by Charlie actually meant.
Charlie didn't pull her down from heaven- she wasn't the reason that Vaggie looked at a kid in hell and couldn't go through with sticking a spear in them
but without Charlie, Vaggie could still have been a spear raised and redirected towards heaven. even after years in a peaceful life Vaggie still reaches for her spear so quick, how fast on the draw would she've been if Charlie wasn't there? hadn't been there?
(if kindness hadn't pulled her out of that alleyway, would the chance for revenge at the next extermination day have gotten Vaggie moving instead? would the first dead angel have been found years earlier- or would it have been her- a loose end that didn't unravel quietly getting neatly cut away?)
that didn't happen. Charlie was out looking to help people on extermination day. she did find Vaggie
and with Charlie, the spear is a prop more than anything else. part of Vaggie yes, probably forever- not a NEEDED one though. an old instinct always at the ready while not having to be used much anymore.
life with Charlie is Vaggie carrying a spear, sure.... and also growing out her hair. not being used to fighting with it long, because she hasn't had to be fighting
she's still been able to fight for girlfriend anyway
Charlie isn't asking power or wins from her. that's not what the princess of hells needs.
Charlie needs the hand that holds hers during a hard call with her dad, the hug waiting for her when she comes back after a bad day, the soft smile not judging her for telling herself stories when she's sad- likes that side of her, actually-
the woman who knows every embarrassing personal thing about Charlie because Charlie trusted her not to make fun of it, trusted that Vaggie loved her
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Charlie needs the push of Vaggie's words telling her it's time to make that hard call to her dad in the first place, the later unshakable reassurance from Vaggie when Charlie breaks down crying before the battle (breaking down over not being able give Angel Dust the better life she promised, everyone in even more danger now instead)
and Vaggie (pragmatic, realistic, honest Vaggie) does not tell her that things will be okay and they'll win their upcoming fight- but that Charlie has already done so much.
if for no one else, then at the very least for Vaggie
Charlie really has, hasn't she. 'just' by seeing Vaggie as a person she saved her from being nothing but a soldier, a weapon, the hair trigger response of someone who learned trust on a battle field and had her body torn and scarred by the people she trusted-
but now Vaggie does the worst damage to the people who hurt her when she holds her girlfriend's hand. she grumbles but gives people chances, often stressed but just as often smiling in her new life with Charlie. she goes back up to HEAVEN (even though she really really doesn't want to) because her girlfriend takes her hand and askes her with big soft eyes and says they're partners- it's such a change from being a soldier following orders.
partnership is all Charlie's asking for
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and fucking HELL if Vaggie hasn't answered by being there in the darkest moments, tugging Charlie gently back into the light of their shared dreams and the reality of having someone there to share them with
and uh, also getting charlie to call her dad
....and.... yeeting random lit bombs out the nearest new hole in their hotel, when someone hands it to her gf and charlie gets sidetracked trying to politely juggle the thing...
how DID charlie manage before she equipped the smol spear gf??
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso S3E5 Thoughts- This Episode Made me Cry (w Joy) *SPOILERS*
-Did not expect Hamilton stan John Wingsnight to make another appearance.. tbh I forgot he existed.
-Interesting how the psychic’s prediction about the ‘shite in nining armour’ played out.
-Hmm the way Jack and Keeley are looking at each other… and going to get lunch.. hmmmm.. It’ll never happen though.
-“My wife Christina is the only woman I see with clarity. Every other woman is a smudge”. So on brand Zava.
-“I can’t believe that our white whale has the same name as the strip club I danced at while in college.” Somehow not unexpected. The Beard lore continues.
-Ted comparing Trent to a ‘sadistic nature documentarian’ sent meee…
-Roy crossing the line from gruff and angry man to serial killer.. ‘4:00 a.m is the hour people are least prepared to defend themselves’. Then Shandy calling about that business deal at 4 am. And Roy picking Jamie’s training time as 4 am..
-My hope for Colin or Trent content is fading like Zava’s vision when he looks at women other than his wife.
-What is in Barbara’s drawer? More snow globes? Murder weapons???
-Ted Lasso Drinking Game: drink every time someone says ‘father’.
-The roller coaster of emotions before Jack and Keeley kissed.. I went from despair that they’ll probably never get together to crying with joy.. pls i did not expect that! Finally a win for the Gays..
-Jade is being nice??
-Ted canonically plays both Roblox and possibly Fortnite. Concerning.
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a-drama-addict · 2 months
Your Dari post got me curious: if you put your DA kiddos in BG3 (or the other way round!) what would their impression of the companions be? Who would they get on with?
HMMMM i'm just gonna pick da'revas for this because oHOHOHOOOOO i have thoughts about this. (the others will get this too but LATER so i can compile all thoughts) (under the cut bc this will be loooong rambling probably.)
Wyll: I feel like he'd get on super well with Wyll, (local goodest boys meeting.) I feel like he'd want to choke Mizora the moment she shows up lol I feel like he'd definitely enjoy the whole hero persona of the sword coast thing, then when he finds out that Wyll got cast out by his father from Baldurs Gate he'd also want to fistfight Ulder lol
Astarion: Dari would not enjoy the vampire man. At first anyhow, though it's not the first time he made friends with someone who tried to murder him at their first meeting (looking at you ZEV).. but they wouldn't become incredibly close either, more just casual friends that check on each other once a year
Karlach: HIMBO BUDDIES. karlach's a himbo to me, da'revas is a certified himbo. NEED i go on. they'd be besties, he'd kill anyone who look at Karlach wrong
Shadowheart: Well. he has a thing for goths. No but they would get along, he is used to the secretive or more held back nature, he definitely enjoys having her around. Not too fond of the whole shar dogma she spews in the beginning but the second she opens up he goes full protective mode (“I will NEVER let ANYONE hurt you EVER AGAIN. I’ll kill all wolves personally” “Sweet of you but your hug is choking me, Da’revas-“)
Lae'zel: he also has a thing for women who are mean to him. He'd be interested in her culture definitely, and I just know he would love the way she speaks. definitely would be friends with her
Gale: Eh. Probably neutral on him, no strong opinions one way or the other, he'd definitely be more sympathetic towards him near the end and will have a third goddess to fistfight
Halsin: unironically would probably have the biggest crush on the man. Da'revas sees a tall strong elf with a fondness for nature and whittling? floored. goes “hey breastie- i mean bestie. hows your gay going— DAY going. haha”
Jaheira: That would actually be his mom
Minthara: Hmm. I think he wouldn't get along with her, mostly because of her evil alignment, and would kill her in the goblin camp act 1 so no REAL relationship on that front
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aemiron-main · 2 years
I have a few questions actually Mr...Aemiron? sure, anyway- my first question is 1: what specific powers do you think will is going to have?
2: will we see new monsters? if so, what will they be?
3: are the kids gonna still go to school?
4: what characters are you absolutely CERTAIN will die?
5: also this isn't a question but how COOL would it be to see Mike with a SWORD?!??! I MEAN IT WOULD BE SO COOL TO SEE MIKE ACTUALLY DO SHIT FOR ONCE.
6: and my last question, how do you think El is going to die?
AAAAA HELLO LMAO!!! <3 MR AEMIRON IS SO FUNNY BUT IN A SWEET WAY LIKE ITS WONDERFUL but please feel free to just call me Em or call me whatever you want LMAO like im happy to be called anything i just dont want you to feel like you Have to be formal ANYWAY IM RAMBLING LETS GET INTO YOUR QUESTIONS! 1.) OHOHOH THIS IS A QUESTION IM STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT. Personally I think a lot of will's powers are going to be tied to the fact that so far he's the only person we've seen whose physical body can do the same thing in the real world and in the upside-down at the same time, and so technically that may also fall into time travel because if the upside down is really stuck in time and doesn't just look like it's stuck in time, then therefore, Will has been able to exist in two times at one during his upside down episodes in s2. I also think he might have healing powers, with him being referred to as a cleric regarding dnd (but also a wizard sometimes so hmm but i think its more that will the wise is a wizard whereas mike sees will himself as a cleric- and mike as a paladin- and so that would align w will having cleric-like powers). 2.) Absolutely. I feel strongly that we will totally see new monsters, and that one of them is going to be some sort of weird dragon creature, like what Nancy mentioned about a huge creature with a gaping mouth. 3.) THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION: I think it could go either way but seeing how the school gym's been converted into a relief centre for the time being, and how the storm was approaching the characters at the end of s4 and how the duffers talked about jumping right into the action in s5, I don't think they'll be in school because I feel like a.) theres too much happening and b.) story-wise, the duffers have already set it up in a way where them not going to school isn't a plothole/their absence wont really be questioned because even though the whole town doesn't know about the supernatural side of things, they DO know about the earthquake destruction. 4.) HMMMM I can't say I'm absolutely certain of anyone's death except for Vecna's (and even then i wasn't really certain of his until they had Will emphasize that they have to kill him and then thought more about the ways in which Henry's tied into Will's narrative and why he's gotta die/Will deserves to kill him), but I'm starting to wonder about a steve death considering that fire and rain, a literal song about death and mourning and suicide (which could tie into steve sacrificing himself and getting himself killed), played during steve's six little nuggets speech. I'm also definitely starting to lean towards the idea that Mike is going to die briefly and then come back to life because a.) s5 is seeming like it's going to tie back to s1 in a lot of ways/parallel it, which means that since will was the one who seemed to be dead in s1 and mike was searching for him, the roles will likely be reversed in s5 and b.) mike has too many death flags waving about his head for him not to die in some way but I can't see them killing him permanently. 5.) IT WOULD BE SO COOL IT WOULD BE AMAZING I WANT MIKE TO GET BACK TO DOING THINGS BC USUALLY HE DOES DO THINGS LIKE HES SMART HE FIGURED OUT THE UPSIDE DOWN AND THE HIVEMIND BUT SEASON 4 WAS MOSTLY GAY PINING TM FOR HIM SO HOPEFULLY IN S5 HE GETS TO GAY PINE WITH A SWORD!! 6.) I don't think that El will die in s5, I think that in a metaphorical way, the identity of "Eleven"/that superhero persona that's been forced onto her is going to die by the end of it once everything is saved and she has her independence and freedom! In regards to El's eventual death because she is a human being after all, though, I like to think that she'd be somewhere after living a long life, surrounded by people who love her in a place that makes her happy!
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lost-sunset-canine · 1 year
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day 6 of mermay 2023 - mushroom 
soo i know this hasn't got to do anything to do with mushrooms but please listen to my thought process qwq !!  soooo it went from : oh mushroom, to rotting mermaid, :0 dead mermaid ,  biiiiig mermaid - many tiny mushrooms, no mushrooms just rotten, dead  so bones, give it bones, saggy skin falling into its self, so skull and shit gonna be a lil visible :0!!!!, hmm gore or no gore thats the question >->, no gore!!, wanna keep it a lil majestic cuz big whale woman , i dont even like whohemen cuz i’m gay as shit xD so why gotta draw it so pretty o^o??? hmmmm, anyway , now dam tiny humans, gonna get that big vs small aspect all down, fuck the background is blank, gotta draw some trees and shit i guess, oooh a parking lot cuz hotel at the beach shit going on tldr - mushroom means possible rotting thing so why not draw a dead whale merperson owo so ye qwq!! this was such a god dam challenge too!!! qwq!! i am trerrible with backgrounds so this was a nightmare to think about and actually color and shade in qwq but i am super happy and proud to how it came out in the end qwq!!  -dairiem
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
10 and 24 for the ask game
10. did you do anything gay as a kid that makes sense when you look back on your childhood?
hmmm i was very much a tomboy, not that it necessarily means a kid is gay but i always wanted to roleplay male characters (like i INSISTED on being harry from hp with my two male friends instead of hermione, one of them was annoyed abt it but the other was a Real Ally and was like NAH JUST CUZ SHE'S A GIRL SHE CAN'T?? FRICK OFF!!! i loved that kid) and i rly think for me it was tied to wanting to be The Man in a lesbian kinda way, like i saw straight couples in families and i was like hmm the woman being there feels right but i want to be the guy. and in my kid's brain that meant i needed to be the man, i couldn't be a girl/woman and be in that role bc that was impossible. i always had *VERY* intense feelings about girls and always felt different, like i was hiding a forbidden secret but couldn't pinpoint it at that age. i was a very shy nervous autistic kid with lots of repressed feelings, raised in a small conservative french village. also as a tween i had three girls fight over who would get to take me to their place to eat during lunchtime everyday and pulling on my arms and calling me senpai bc we were all cringe af and i remember being like HMMMM THIS GIVES ME FEELINGS I CANNOT THINK ABOUT I GOTTA LEAVE
24. thoughts on marriage?
listen my guy there's no fucking way i'm dying without having a wife at least once i absolutely REFUSE!! like I NEED THE WIFEY EXPERIENCE I NEED A FOREVER BABYGIRL I'M UNKILLABLE TIL THEN
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rowan-ashtree · 3 years
many thoughts head buzzing (yet empty)
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Favorite headcanon that doesn't really have any justification, you just feel really strongly about it?
hmmmm hmm let me thinks .... OH I LOVE THE IDEA OF DUSTIN WEARING NAIL POLISH. like just wearing nail polish because he's cool as fuck and generally awesome. and also i headcanon steve likes wearing jewellery and him and robin go shopping at like flea markets and shit that have all the GOOD STUFFF (as a jewellery nut .. if u wanna find good awesome cheap jewellery .. go to a market. my god. they have just .. the best stuff in the entire world it's a literal haven. adore it. god found the best rings and earrings and necklaces and EVERUTHING !!!) and also i headcanon el still has the jacket she wore when she went punk and still likes dressing up like that sometimes . also headcanon that mike looked up to nancy legit so much when he was younger , and headcanon that joyce had "casual lesbian affairs" in high school... oHHH MY GOD IM GOING ON A TANGENT SORRY DHDJD not even all these headcanons are like wild and like no basis i just love it a lot ok. i have Many Thoughts About This Gay Show (that has a side of portalussy. the quote can be credited to @oncat-my-beloved on my st server 😔sorry to @ u fert
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dooandpoo · 3 years
Boo’s clown thoughts about Dan
I just re-watched the Heartthrob video from 2018. I have listened to Dan and Phil playing Heartthrob in 2021. I have watched compilations of Dan and Phil’s liveshows and ✨ gay moments ✨ throughout the years. I am officially qualified to make reaching assumptions about Dan’s psyche, and his taste in men 💅. (I am a clown.)
Dan hides many of his feelings under sarcasm. This essay is predicated on a combination of assuming many of his jokes are actually his real feelings, and also taking into account things he has said with sincerity.
First, he wants to fix people. His whole perspective of Bobby changes when the card “never been kissed” is added — Dan gets all soft and literally says “that’s a game changer”. Phil thinks the same, suggests that everything else of Bobby is bravado, to which Dan heartily agrees. Dan loves himself some 💪 meaty men 💪, but gravitates more to the men that seem soft or personable. “Never been kissed” is a big deal for a cool sexy rich guy in high school, and Dan just knows that he could take care of him. It brings Bobby back down to earth, makes him feel real, makes him someone that Dan could relate to. Dan is obsessed with cleaning, takes forever to plan things, gets worked up when things aren’t perfect, must be in control. But he’s drawn to the imperfect, knows that he can do something with it. Someone that’s already perfect isn’t interesting to Dan. But Bobby, who’s rich and sexy but never been kissed? That’s interesting to Dan, that’s someone he can work with.
Dan is a gold-digger 💷💰 (let me explain). Even before the kissing detail is learned about Bobby, Dan chose him to go to the party with just because he’s rich, because his house would be cool, and Dan could pretend to like him for a night of luxury. Dan is a minimalist, he enjoys things to be simple in his life (as stated in the pizza mukbang video), but he loves opulence .... but not for himself. This is fascinating — Dan doesn’t parade his current wealth around, actively works against it. But. He wants to go to a party at a fancy house with a pool, hang off the arm of some cool guy. He wants to have a “team of stylists” for red carpet events to choose his outfits and dress him up all pretty for the world to see. He loves his fancy trips to beautiful places. He gives his Sims elegant and gaudy accessories and furnishings, splurging in a way he never would in real life. This boy loves him some extravagance and attention, wants to parade around looking like a snack, even though most of the time he prefers being low-key.
Dan loves cultivating a specific image for himself. He spent much of his teenage and young adult life trying to fit in, making sure his hair is perfect, making sure his photos are from the perfect MySpace angle, not being “gay”. His Instagram is a wall of black, broken up by only a few things. This is partially because he doesn’t like choice, can’t commit to things when it’s his decision. He can’t choose something “wrong”. See the mukbang video where Phil suggests just picking different clothes from along the line in his closet, and Dan says “that’s how you get ensembles that look like this” indicating Phil’s absurd get-up. Dan can’t imagine just throwing things on willy-nilly, he must present a completely unified vision of himself to the world. In the Attitude shoot, he was devastated that he couldn’t wear the cool boots, that his hair was too long. He secretly wished that it was a nude or horny photoshoot, joking about this during their first Stereo, because he wants to be noticed in that way. He wants to be seen as sexy and cool, he loves it. He wants positive attention. His mid-2020 thirst post on Instagram is a perfect example of this, playing it off as silly when he clearly was really into it. He does this with most of his photos, needing to look a certain way so that the world sees him as cool and sexy even when he’s masking it behind sarcasm. He knows he’s cute, and flaunts it, even though “flaunting it” means he has to be in control of everything all the time.
Let’s go back to the 2018 Heartthrob. One of the boys’ personality traits is revealed to be “can’t wait to have kids”, and Dan is not having it. 🙅‍♂️ Now, Dan would describe that as his fear of commitment. But let’s look closer. Earlier that year, Dan and Phil met Louise’s newborn baby. Both boys go completely gooey the entire time, entranced by her. Dan gets this look in his eye when he hands Pearl to Phil. He watches Phil closely to make sure he’s holding her correctly, hovers and touches her, needing to protect and feel the inherent trust of a baby. He and Phil keep smiling, and then Dan — out of the blue — gets a far away look and comments that there will be phanfiction of him and Phil adopting a baby. Dan was thinking about having a baby with Phil. But he’s scared, because even though Dan would take care of his baby so well, he’d probably worry his ass off making sure the baby has everything. It’s not just the fear of commitment, it’s that he can’t trust himself to do it “correctly”. Even though he’s been with Phil for years, I think Dan second-guesses himself constantly. A baby, or even a dog, for that matter, would send his anxiety into overdrive, because he can’t be in complete control (even though he’d be the best dad and partner ever).
Time to think about thot Dan. In the end, Dan is horny. He visibly reacts to each of the Heartthrob boys that have their “guns out”, and doesn’t easily deny that he’s interested in Bobby for his arms. And Phil knows that. When Dan asks Phil why he thinks Dan chose Bobby ... Phil stalls. Phil does his best to justify his guess that Dan likes Bobby because of his random personality traits, because Dan would like being driven around in a nice car and to ask Bobby about his dream of being a secret agent, but Phil clearly thought Dan would choose Bobby because he knows Dan loves the meaty lads. Phil knows Dan well enough to know that this boy loves him some skin and some muscle showing. (Hmm, interesting that Dan likes his boys meaty 👀, and frequently refers to Phil as such, even at the beginning of this very Heartthrob video …. hmmmm ... says he’d like to receive a lapdance 💋 from Phil “for the spectacle” .... hmmmmmmmmm.)
Back to “commitment” 💍 issues. During a liveshow from the early danisnotonfire days, Dan is asked for relationship advice. Here, he is surprisingly honest and serious. He says to not stay in a relationship where you’re not happy. It seems simple, but Dan really digs deep here. Dan says that if you’re not going to marry a person, don’t stay with them for even a day longer. Dan said that. Dan is scared of trusting others, he is constantly sarcastic and talks about himself disparagingly, but he is self-aware enough to know that he wants commitment. He wants someone to love him forever, to be by his side. That’s why he says there’s no point in remaining in a relationship if you and the other person can’t see yourself together in 50 years. And Dan had been with Phil (in whatever way that means for them) for a few years at that point, completely comfortable with each other. They were already making huge decisions together, like living together and moving to London and starting a radio show and considering moving to New York together. Dan had committed to Phil at this point, knew that he could see himself still with Phil in 50 years. And Phil had committed to Dan, regardless of if Dan felt sure of that or not.
Even earlier than that, Dan had told a fan on formspring that he loves sleeping in the same bed as other people, not even in a sexual way. He loves human contact, sharing space 😌. We know this because he’s so open to hugs with his fans, wants people around to make him feel safe (by people I mean Phil), and is so exasperated by quarantine because he needs more touch and contact. (Tangent — Phil also loves physical touch, as stated in an old liveshow when he said he prefers cuddles to kisses, and is very handsy 👐 with Dan.)
This doesn’t end in physical touch though. He needs other people around. He wants a companion through life. He misses Phil when he’s gone because he’s scared of the house being empty, because Phil makes him feel safe. He wants another person in his bed because it feels nice to be with someone, knowing they’re there. He wants to have someone to work with, to connect with, to make music with, to share moments with. And now this boy has all of that. He has for the last ten-odd years. But this is scary. Dan isolated himself growing up, built barriers between himself and everybody else. He needs to be control of the situation at all times, embarrassed when he’s not. Dan uses self-deprecating language constantly, complains about his inability to connect with people. But he has Phil. Every day they’re together, I think Dan accepts just a little more that he can deserve happiness, that he won’t lose Phil, that Phil is not temporary. Phil shows him that he is worthy of affection, physical and otherwise, that Dan is allowed to reach out and it’s safe to do so. Dan doesn’t have to be alone anymore, he can reach out and Phil is there.
These nonsense ramblings are just to say that Dan has the perfect life partner in Phil. Phil balances him out, lets Dan be himself loudly and quietly, jokes when Dan is too serious. Phil will never leave him, proving that every day, making plans with Dan in mind. Phil is confident and self-assured where Dan is not. They ease each other’s anxieties, approach their fame in similar ways. They genuinely enjoy being together, not just in their personal life, but professionally as well. They are a perfect match, soulmates. 💕
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hetakiba · 2 years
Guts and Griffith for the character meme
Thank you for asking 😊 Idk that I've ever written any thoughts about these dudes but I'll do my best!
Favorite thing about them:
Hmm. His swords pretty neat looking 😂 idk man, I don't necessarily dislike the dude but I'm struggling a bit 🥲 he can be pretty unexpectedly funny, and on occasion kind. I do admire his ability to keep going after all the stuff that's happened in his life, and he has a fair amount of loyalty too.
He is at least mostly always very aware I think of what things he's doing and if they're hurting people or himself, even if he chooses to ignore it or do it anyways. He's also obviously pretty intelligent and it might seem a little counterintuitive but. Honest? Like I know he isn't that much but 😂 idk man there's some amount of earnestness sometimes that kills me. And also I guess his ability to open up to guts and occasionally casca, like it's not really his fault his relationship with guts got off track, mostly
Least favorite thing:
His complete lack of self awareness. Like, I get being in denial and also like guilt can keep you from realizing some things but there's an almost like 🤔 complete detatchment from cause and effect for this dude 😂 mostly for like, his relationship with griffith and casca but also in general his attitude towards life and himself. I think he'd benefit a lot from being honest to himself
Hmmmm.... I guess the self destructive tendencies? Like obviously he pays pretty heftly for them but it obviously hurts a lotta people. Beyond that, obviously yeah the eclipse incident was the most condemnable thing he's ever done to me. And also yeah the denial...
Favorite line:
Guts: the part where he thinks he doesn't want to kill griffith the first time he sees him again post eclipse. Or I guess the part where he says he doesn't need a reason to fight for him 🤔
Oh! I just saw a screencap of it the other day, where he's talking about being confronted by your worse fear and either confronting it back or succumbing to it completely. And also there was one part where he was ruminating on his like. Past actions and feeling guilt and I can't remember it exactly but it kinda hit different
Guts: hmm. I read I think a fic where he was besties with uh Judeau? And that was kinda fun 😂 otherwise, I do prefer his relationship with casca being platonic
Griffith: 🤔🤔 I've wondered if he would get along with farnese before, but in canon it's hard! He isn't really too open with lots of people. I would love to see more of him and the not guts casca of his band
Eachother, no real other romantic ships for either
Hm. I don't super like either of them with casca, or any woman really. Haven't really seen many ships for them though tbh!
Random headcanon:
Guts: hmmm. 🤔🤔 I don't think he's a particularly 'good' or empathetic person but I do think a like. Normal life wouldn't be that hard for him to have, at least like. Pre-eclipse. I feel like he doesn't like animals also
Griffith: probably likes animals 😂 forest ranger modern day?? Would probably be a good sibling 🤔
Unpopular opinion:
Guts: I guess thinking he's gay is pretty unpopular 😂 or that he's in love with griffith. Beyond that 🤔 kinda cringe? 😭
Griffith: hmmmm.... might be more of a headcanon but. Might enjoy having short hair? More of a "better person" than guts? I feel like he feels more guilt for the bad things he does than guts
Song I associate with then:
My notes had rolling in the deep by adele and this is what you came for by rihanna 😭 I have no specifics off the top of my head
Favorite picture:
Hmm for guts there's a lotta really cool ones of him in his full armor that I love and also these 'casual' peaceful ones too (https://hetaliankiba2.tumblr.com/post/647927055097462784/immloveanime-berserk-calendar-1998-illustrated)
For griffith there's a ton of fanart I really love and like any panel where just his eyes are showing or he's looking directly into frame are always super cool
For them both I also always really get affected by the panels where guts helping the post dungeon pre eclipse griffith in or out of his armor always just. Breaks me... (https://hetaliankiba2.tumblr.com/post/643035827640975361)
Thank you so much again, I saw you had like the same ask but feel free to let me know what you think about my answers as well 😀
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001 catradora or 002 marcia and/or septimus 😳👉👈
when I started shipping it if I did: hey adora how's it hanging 😼😼
my thoughts: MMMMMMMMMMMM gay people. gay people in love.
What makes me happy about them: idk just. their dynamic + the fact that they get like. a moment of peace and they're so in lobe :)
What makes me sad about them: ANGST. they have 2 go through hell and back to be w each other
things done in fanfic that annoys me: when they make catra the hyper-feminine one d,jNBDND i can't stand that at all
things I look for in fanfic: hurt/comfort. literally any hurt/comfort. and anything that recognises adora's trauma as well and doesn't blame it on catra
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: oooh i feel like i'd def be fine with glitra canon as long as adora didn't like. die lol but i'm not rly sure for adora? maybe adorpia i think they're sweet :)
My happily ever after for them: i just think that they should get to live in bright moon together doing nothing n having fun n being in love :)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: catra is the big spoon idc
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: cuddles :)
002: marcia my beloved
How I feel about this character: MY BELOVED MY BELOVED MY BELOVED
All the people I ship romantically with this character: jkhKLDJJKKDJ marcia/milo really, i can't think of any others
My non-romantic OTP for this character: marcia and alther :)) but also marcia and silas
My unpopular opinion about this character: she is bi and ace and autistic and also trans <33
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LMS<NCSMKND ummm it's been a minute since i read the books but i wish she'd gotten more time to bond w the heaps and i want to hear about her apprenticeship w alther they r VERY special to me
my OTP: marcia/milo :)
my cross over ship: hmmmm i think she'd get very attached to angella or micah from she ra. or maybe spinnetossa? and she'd both love and hate eda and lilith.
a headcanon fact: she is autistic and she uses the akhu amulet to stim with :)
002: septimus (gender)
How I feel about this character: MY SON. LITTLE GUY. CHILD. NEEDS THERAPY.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: marwick and beetle :)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: sep + jenna!! best friends and best sibling duo
My unpopular opinion about this character: we do need to talk abt his trauma more
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: needs a HUG
my OTP: hmmm sep/marwick/beetle polycule
my cross over ship: hmm i feel like he + gus + luz would get along. don't rly ship them as such but they'd be mates :)
a headcanon fact: sep 🤝 marcia = trans and bi and ace and autistic. also he uses he/they pronouns
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nice and cozy(percy/nico)
It had been one of those days where Nico just wanted to quit, his work life was hell, no one would budge about his opinion on the conference table and he wondered if that was really just because he was younger or maybe because he was gay.
His friend, or who he thought was even said,
"Is it even worth it? like I understand you are different and I respect that but just like asking, were normal before?"
He wasn't sad just really irritated and wanted to scream, he would literally snap if anything else went wrong today.
He stepped in the car and the driver got the hint and started driving, they got across the lane and everything, since he got a coffee to go to sign the report, came rushing back, all the stares which were getting regular, people leaving the room when he entered was now hitting home.
He then reached his place with sore eyes, no tears just too much irritation and tiredness.
He got off mumbled thankyou and was overall just relieved that he is going to meet his husband.
The door opened and percys head poped out of the bedroom door "you home hon.?" said in his sweet voice,
"something wrong love?" the green-eyed man said slowly wrapping his arms around the thin pale waist,
"hmm.." Nico didn't even feel like saying anything
pink plum chapped lips met the other loving pair in a lovely kiss, which made nicos tired head fall on percy's shoulder, with a load sigh nico closed his eyes and said, "I am so tired." that's all he could say, actually that's all he HAD to say,
percy just smiled and gingerly picked him up bridal style and sat him on the couch,, turned on tv, "ate anything?"
"..um..no" he said massaging his temple,percy clearly saw that he had a stress full day and knew exactly what to do, he went inside and all the fluffy blankets he could find, seven pillows oh wait no, ten pillows.
he went and arranged all of them on the couch flowing on the ground, threw pillows and went to get pasta he made, he got it and kept it on the table.
then he looked at his husband and kissed on his forehead and removed his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers,
he removed his clothes too and lay down on the couch with open arms, "come biscuit." he mumbled and nico just blushed and slithered in his arms, his heart was still heavy, but now it felt like a big ship floating in pacific,
"nice and cozy?"
his husband asked, who pulled his quilt up and tugged his arm around his man.
"hmmmm nice and cozy,"
he repeated and everything just fit perfectly.
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Okay, I’m all caught up on The Devil Judge. Was surprised and excited to find out episodes come out on Saturday AND Sunday. I’m obsessed now, so here are some Episode 1 thoughts with occasional updates since i’m up to 8 now:
- Love the music right off the bat
- Is the plague COVID?
- I hope I’m not supposed to remember all these peoples names that have been flashing up (update: I was!)
- I am the authority!
- Ooh, is this his future boyfriend? (I know we won’t get a mainstream gay couple from Korea, but I can dream)
- Oh, he’s also a people’s live court judge? So the Supreme Court judge appointed you to the people’s live court to watch over (and fall in love with) Yo Han and hopefully keep him in line? Interesting.
- Getting real close there, Yo Han.
- Why do you have that file?
- I would really like a Yo Han/Ga On good guys (in a morally grey way) team up vs Jin Ju/whoever the lady in pink that I’m sure is important was, evil ladies team up. (Update: never mind. Resist her influence, Jin Ju! Resist!)
- Or maybe Jin Ju is also good because she seems nice? Maybe?
- First appointment and he’s in Seoul. Does that mean he’s really good?
- She just said you and Yo Han are hot and that’s why you’re here.
- Okay, I changed my mind. I think I might be afraid of Jin Ju…
- What’s a kangaroo court? (Googled it. Some sort of unofficial court)
- Oh, dang. Ga On saved the little girl, and Yo Han saved Ga On :)
- He’s pretty good with that big gun. I wonder if he meant to hit right next to him (update: I somehow keep forgetting about this because so much has happened in these 8 episodes. And every time I remember, it’s a joy)
- He’s saving the driver, too?! And now he has Yo Han’s attention even more…
- Is this the lady who was wearing pink earlier. She’s real creepy.
- I’m sorry Si Hyeon. Normally I love best friends to lovers, but I’m already aboard the Yo Han/Ga On train.
- Ooooh. “I guess I shouldn’t become the lessor number when you are involved, Chief.” Dang, Ga On. But true.
- That tea was really steaming.
- What is this? A sneaky sneak Ga On?
- I’m blocking my future with my own hands. Aw :(
- Hahaha oh, Ga On. I love you. I don’t ship you with her, but you’re both cute friends.
- Why did you reject her 5 times if you like her? Y’all weird. Just stop.
- I like Chairman Cha. She’s shady, but I like her. (Update: I do not like her. Still appreciate her as a villain.)
- I still think this other lady is creepy. Even the way she talks annoys me. So falsely, sugary sweet.
- So Yo Han is Ga On’s cheating girlfriend? I see you guys.
- Chief Kang? Whatcha doing here? Who are you looking for?
- How many of these do you need to plant?
- Ooh. Mmk, mmk, mmk. I see you two. They’re definitely in love.
- Really needed to rub both those shoulders, huh? And almost caress his neck moving from one side to the other.
- I heard you live alone. Must be hard. Do you want him to move in with you, Yo Han? (Update: He did!! Hahahahaha)
- He sure does have a bright billboard right outside his window, huh?
- “He’s an interesting person” hahaha
- Who’s Doctor?
- Is he chasing a car on a bicycle?
- That’s a fancy robe. Were you… a priest? What happened in that church? (Update: he was not)
- I know the show is called The Devil Judge, but I didn’t expect religion to plan into it so directly.
- Well, don’t they look fancy.
- Pretty sure Yo Han walks up to their seats on Ga On’s side. Just saying.
- What do they need judges for if they’re just gonna let public opinion decide? I mean, they might not be wrong on this case, but who knows what they’ll think in the future.
- Are people just allowed to talk willy-nilly in Korean courts? They don’t have to take turns? And why is the defendant allowed to speak? Or is this just for the People’s Live Court?
- Defendant!
- Jin Ju looks legit scared haha
- Dang, he’s intimidating. I love him.
- It’s getting good! Tricked him with the water. And Ga On’s like, should I be crushing on you or not?! Just tell me!
- Did the doctor just die?? What’s happening here?
- Are you intimidating this witness Chairman Ju?
- Hmmmm Doctor Safety
- Did Yo Han bribe this witness?
- Oh, dang, Yo Han trapped another one! Man, he’s good at this. No wonder Ga On can’t resist.
- So did he do this to incriminate him or get him the occupational negligence sentence specifically?
- Ga On looks like he’s gonna cry on TV.
- He left on Ga On’s side…
- He is dramatic.
- 235 years! Man oh man.
- Why did all the shady people trust him?
- Yo Han is crying!
- They’re all crying. Bunch of sap judges.
- Wow, he hates you.
- Hmm. Did his attorney work with Yo Han?
- He yawned! Hahaha so mean
- Poor Ga On. He’s like Yo Han is bad, Yo Han is good, Yo Han is shady in a bad way, Yo Han is shady in a good way?, Yo Han believes in justice, Yo Han has ulterior motives?
- What’s this? Yo Han only sees him and Ga On in the room? How very Lizzie and Darcy of him.
- What’s with the fire again? Was Ga On in the fire? And the teddy bear?
- Was he a kid? Did you save him? Did you know his parents? What’s going on, Yo Han?!! (Update: no, all wrong!)
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nicky999doors · 3 years
1, 2, 5, 12, 21, 26, 34, and 45 :)
omg u got it, lets go: 1. What’s your sexual orientation? gay, i guess 2. What are you obsessed with right now? pokemon cards and the song one you know by food house 5. How many people have you kissed? hmm not sure how to put a number on this one tbh bc like WHAT are we calling a kiss here... a simple kiss? many maybe 12. What’s one of your fantasies? flying around the taj mahal with fairy wings on inside the simulation 21. Describe your best friend. my soulmate, kind, thoughtful and responsible, secretly mischievous, most supportive person ever  26. What’s your favorite season? autumn, specifically autumn in toronto  34. What’s your coffee order? cold brew with a little bit of soy milk 45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? hmmmm i’ve been on mostly lukewarm dates, i think there was one where it was soooo clearly never going to work and both of us were too chickenshit to end the date. it was just fuckin weird. 
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starshine-selfships · 3 years
1, 10, 11, and 12 for the ask game ? 😺🙏💟
Hi hi hi!! You're getting long answers to these bc any excuse to talk about this man makes me go crazy stupid 🙌🙌🙌💕
1) What's a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
HE👏IS👏NEURODIVERGENT!! I'm specifically talking adhd, but he checks a lot of boxes for something more ambiguous too. I'm actually rewriting my adhd sh.aiapouf post and I'm gonna put it here too, but the cut time version IS: noticeable hyperfixations/special interests in music and the monarchy, practically no empathy + has difficulty understanding the emotions of others, fast thinking + thinks a LOT, almost weirdly analytical + book smart with little to no interpersonal skills, extreme emotions all over the board, like there's a LOT here and it explains like 80% of why he's Like That 😤
10) How did you feel when you realized "oh of course I had to like That Character"?
Okay I have a lot to say on this one djnfkffk please bear with me as I write a whole novel
✌U_U ✌
Honestly,, , I wasn't happy LMAOOO, around the time I watched the anime for the first time i was actually still pretty into j.jba and unfortunately was really into dio U_U
I was fascinated by pouf as soon as I saw him in the opening, lots of neat ant designs and then this butterfly man?? I need to know everything about him 👀 His intro with the rainbows in the wings, the fairy chimes, the solo violin, all had me like 👁👁 Sir I Am Going To Study You Like The Insect You Are, and then I saw him actually play the violin and was sold lmao. He was funny as far as comic relief went and then? The giant improv ballet breakdown and antagonistic turn drew me in further and then I was invested in a no going back sorta way as soon as he went chibi for the first time, just watching the chaos of the entire scene with this ridiculous huge grin dhjdkxkf every single thing he did was in the extremes and it was like watching a train de-rail in real time, I saw him face down in the dirt at the end of the arc and didn't even feel anything, he was just so WILD
So I finish h.xh not too long after that and texted a friend and was like hmmm. I need to watch j.jba to return to my roots and also to forget that I think I might've accidentally given myself a lil crush on the butterfly man 😳 idk if that return ever happened but I DO remember being frustrated with how pretty he is,, I didn't really wanna shift hyperfixations at the time and also didn't know if it was attraction or gender envy bc. what I would give to simultaneously look so fem and so masc 👁 either way it was a 3 month struggle of "oh no oh my god I wanna kiss a bug so bad?? 😞" and then I caved at midnight in a denny's and was like okay. fine. I'm gay for a bug, I really really like him but *i* don't have to like that 😤
I did, in fact, proceed to like it, enough to make an entire separate blog for him. It was a slow progression of "I mean, I'd share a ballroom dance with him, like a waltz maybe", "hmm okay he's funny but whatever", "oh uh. he uh. I mean he's neat, a lot of people didn't like him but I just think he's an interesting character 😳" and. and then I finally caved and I never stopped talking sjdkfkf though to be fair, I was already talking about him a LOT on my main, I just decided that maybe it would be nice to have a space to just. contain 90% of my poufposting LMAOOO
Final note on this, but I think what really got me is how many characters are in this series and yet I gravitated towards the one no one could stand 😞✌ though to be fair the hatred for him has definitely gone down compared to what I can remember from a few years ago; absolutely does not change the fact that He Is The Way He Is, but I saw the war crimes, malice, potentially treason, and I won't name it but it's by far the most uncomfortable thing to sit through in the arc, I saw ALL of that and still went hmmmm yes I want that one U_U true love huh
11) Do you think it's better to have copious amounts of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?
The art situation with him is strange bc there's a decent enough to be notable amount of art of him captioned with some variation of "I hated him but he had a really cool character design", but it's still content. Surprisingly, I actually don't track the tag for him but take a look at it anyways almost every day and there's maybe one new thing there like once a week, minimal content bc so many people just didn't like him, which is fair!! But also, he was definitely there as a prominent character, I'd just like to see more of him U_U I would put more art here but I'm too conscious of the art ops seeing my bs over here jdkdkfkk
There actually are a handful of ship art drawings of him, which astounds me bc this man wasn't there to make friends, not even with his own siblings :/, but the errant art of him with morel or kite is honestly pretty cute, please just let this man be happy, I love to see him smile 🥺
12) Aren't you tired of being nice? This is an excuse to rant.
He wasn't the worst guard!! All three had reasons for doing what they did and arguably, pouf's motives were the most complex. Yes he did some pretty awful things, but he considered them to be the right thing to do without a doubt in his mind, all his actions were selfish in that they were based off his own feelings, but he did things ultimately for the king, so his actions also had an edge of selflessness to them as well. He was just. so much more than annoying and while his character development wasn't positive, it was still some pretty astounding growth; as an antagonist, he's also fairly plausible 👀 sometimes people just are manipulative, sometimes feelings do get the better of you, pouf just has all those factors amped up to 11 at all times so they're magnified. I have. a lot of thoughts on him, he interests me very much 😞👀🤔👀
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passionatememes · 3 years
all apple basket gang, all the time: Ms. Lara Ravel please !!
First impression
hmm i dont think i paid much attention to her?? i think i liked her but in the kinda “oh shes nice :)” way. didnt think too deeply about her but i thought she was cool (if a little boring)
Impression now
ok aside from me just being a giant lesbian over lara ravel i absolutely ADORE her..... i love how bitter she is and how you can really see her pain in everything she does :’) but she cares really deeply,,,, her character is so interesting because she doesnt quite fit a lot of the typical character troupes that she couldve, and i really appreciate that!!!
Favorite moment
#girlboss murder time (i love seeing characters make Horrible decisions its so fun and this moment is so great. lara come here let me give you a hug)
ALSO the first time i played i took the travellers deal like a dummy but that did mean i got to give lara a hug on day 11 and honestly? trading my soul was worth it she deserves it
Idea for a story
hmmmm i started to write a lara/yulia fic where yulia cuts her hair and lara is [i am looking respectfully] and it ends up with yulia cutting lara’s hair for her as a kind of fresh start?? i dunno. gay rights
Unpopular opinion
i dont know what the popular headcanons are with lara?? i strongly headcanon her a lesbian if that counts and i can see her with a lot of issues with compulsive het, going on dates with men of the town just to try and force it to feel Right :’) (the date with vlad jr was the worst Do Not bring it up to her)
Favorite relationship
lara/yulia.............. i can also see lara/eva tbh or even lara/yulia/eva. they all have two hands
Favorite headcanon
ok so i think that out of the four apple basket folks, lara and artemy were the first to become friends,,, and i think over the years, they both end up doing a lot of platonic casual affection!! like, artemy’s talking to rubin or something and lara’s sitting next to him and she just takes one of his hands and fiddles with it idly, or she’ll walk over to him and lean her entire weight on him and both of them continue the conversation like its nothing :’) might lead to people thinking theyre dating, especially because its lara ravel initiating it, but nah they’re just really comfortable with each other
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