#hopefully I got your sona right
triona-tribblescore · 7 months
hello :3
Surprise hug attract >:3
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AHHH!!! Hugging back sm!! :'D
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
Doodled your dol pc cuz they look cewable /pos
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omg skhaishjsjs I love this, thank u!!! I love them in ur style omg,,
I don't have the energy to actually draw much rn but here's a quick phone doodle for u
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bumbling-kiddo · 1 year
been really wanting to draw a bunch of my friends’ sonas lately so i doodled @sunflower-lullabies to start :D
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i got lazy with finishing the tree branch hehe, whoops :P
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mydearsteven · 1 year
Double Stevens!!
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promt: in which SOMEHOW Steven got himself split up with his gem-sona(?).. please don’t ask me how
featuring: Teen!Steven x Reader x Pink Steven
Steven has been rather off as of late, he rarely came out from his house, not attending any of little homeschool meetings, and became a little distant from you. It made you really sad, so today you decided that you’ll buy him his favorite donut and visit him on his house.
“hey, Lars! how’s the business doing?” the pink haired boy immediately look towards you and smiled once he recognized who it was. “Oh hey __! man its been so long since i’ve seen you. And my business is doing great than ever, the gems really liked my baked goods.” Lars smiled at you feeling happy that the two of you finally saw eachother again after a few weeks. He instinctively look around to see that there’s no Steven following you from behind, it was unusual for Lars to not see his half gem half human friend not following his partner like a lost puppy.
“hey __? where’s Steven? its unusual for him to not holding your hand or following you until the end of the day.” Lars questioned you with his head slowly tilting to the side, you only let out a sigh. “i don’t know Lars.. he hasn’t been out from his house for like three days? four? though i want to visit him today.” you dropped your head only to be patted by Lars.
“its okay __! i’m sure he’s okay, that’s good that you visit him today. Here’s your order, have a nice day!” you took your orders from him and wave at him while walking towards Steven’s house.
you walked towards Steven’s house feeling that something bad must’ve happened to why he hasn’t come out from his house for the past couple of days, your anxieties grew on each steps you took. Once you’re finally at his house you gently knock on the door and opened up the door only yo be met by two Stevens.
“__? wait WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” Steven looked at you hopefully before finally realizing that you’re inside his house and was looking at Pink Steven. You look at both of the Stevens with wide eyes, yes today you wanted to visit your boyfriend… boyfriends..? but you didn’t expect that there would be two of him now.
Steven could only ran to you and hugged you close, feeling relieved that you’re here now. He’s tired dealing his pink version already, you only laughed softly as you rub circles around his back. You noticed that Pink Steven was walking towards you two but the thing you didn’t expect was him hugging you too from behind. Now you have two Stevens hugging you.
What you didn’t know was Steven sending a death stare to his other half while Pink Steven could only give Steven his usual stoic face. After hugging them both for awhile you finally took a notice of the bags under Steven’s eyes, indicating that he probably doesn’t sleep while dealing of his other half.
“Steven, please don’t tell me you didn’t sleep for the past couple of days..?” you take your hand to put it on his cheek while rubbing it gently, making him to sigh and put his hand on yours. “im sorry, __. But he’s very hard to take care with without him breaking every single thing he touch.” Steven spoke in a soft manner but still gritted his teeth on the last words, you pout at him and turn around to Pink Steven only to see him grab your other hand and put it against his, wanting to feel your warm hand.
your pout turned into a soft smile before sighing and took both of the Steven’s to his(their?) room with you sitting in between of the two Stevens. The three of you are ended up watching a movie. The one scene has a lover kissing their partner over and over again on their face, that leads Pink Steven wanting to try to do that to you since you’re technically his partner right?
you were caught by suprise when you were attacked by kisses from Pink Steven, you could see a glimpse of a darker shade of pink on his cheeks as he send kisses towards all over your face. Steven was flabbergasted at the sight of HIS partner with a version of himself. He take this as a challenge and now begin kissing your face also. You were laughing so much because of how much it tickles with the two of them now kissing your face over and over again.
let’s say that the night ends up the three of you abandoning the movies and went off into a deep sleep with smiles on your faces while cuddling close to eachothers.
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carrie-tate · 3 months
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i’m so frickin bad at texting on tumblr, but i want u to know that i really care about you ^^ you’re wonderful and im so happy we’re friends! i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself!
(hopefully i got your sona right)
What are you doing to me, what is this sudden influx of love and respect...
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Thank you very much for such kind words, my dear!!
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sparkly-caroline · 5 months
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(TRIGGER WARNING, this is a vent post, it's a long post and involves FNF drama)
I'm fucking tired, man.
The recent news of FNF left me a little bit dead inside, not gonna lie. Those who use Twitter know what I'm talking about.
No joke, I've been scrolling Twitter dot com all day just so I could get as much info as I could on what's been going on, and... ugh, this drawing of me (or my sona in this case) ain't an exageration, that's literally my expression after all that's been going on.
I still wanna continue making FNF doodles and stuff like that, cuz me personally, it's a "separate the maker from the art" kind of deal. So long as the creator(s) isn't part of the in-universe game, I can do it fine.
And even then, the person being outed here is the coder, not the musicians or the artists, if anything happens they can just get another coder. So we should be good. Hopefully, keeping my fingers crossed.
Also, FNF is what got me into posting and making drawings to begin with, and I feel like it affected my artstyle in irreversible ways at this point. I don't think I'd be able to change it even if I wanted to. If you wanna leave FNF behind for the rest of eternity, I understand and it's your choice, but please don't feel like you HAVE to do it if you don't want to. If drawing or making FNF related content is something you genuinely like and have fun doing, then by all means keep doing it. You're doing it for fun and for passion, not to make FNF Dev senpai notice you.
Though, I do plan on branching out from making FNF stuff for a while, drawing other stuff from other franchises and shit. To give my brain a break from the FNF situation at the moment.
I also kinda wanna wait for a bit to see if You-know-who responds to this whole thing or not, cuz I feel like they can't just ignore something like this, right?
That's it for my ramblings, sorry this one's not my usual "haha funny" stuff or even a drawing. I'm just exhausted from all this. Before I end this post, I'd like to shout out these fellas on Twitter dot com for making threads that stopped me from spiriling into depression because of this whole situation:
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I'm going to bed early today, y'all, buh-bye.
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quantumcryptologist · 21 days
Abandonment issues? Nooo no abandonment issues was my lineage, you misunderstood, I'm mr. abandonment
because I was abandoned by my deity abandoned by my family abandoned by the systems abandoned by friends
so I abandon my country abandon my family abandon the city abandoned a few friends I won't lie but they usually abandoned me first
(I'm not gonna dance over bullets,
I'm always trying to do better)
so I'll flee and I'll fly and I'll fuck off again
just like my father and his father and—hazard a guess—his father
but hopefully not my son, whenever he comes
I'm preparing to fuck off again I'm right here with my bindle you see me you see me. I'm actively fucking off. I'm on a journey here and at least rn if you're reading this you're with me. Strangers on the tumblr bus, but not shy ones. Ones that run their mouth because they're alive and they got shit to say even if it doesn't matter.
maybe we'll be familiar after a while
that's the point of being alive is just being that's what the big bang was about trust me i visited it just the other year the universe said "it's boring. i wanna be" and then it was and now we are. it's that simple when you're everything
anyway i can't share my Sona yet because my brain is OUT OF ORDER but one thing to know about THIS rick is that he's a FILTHY OPTIMIST but in a REALISTIC WAY i try not to be delusional about it (I don't always succeed I will admit) so just know the voice in the back of my head that yammers most powerfully is Joy's Lawyer and he's fuckoff good at his job because he has to make THIS BITCH not want to kill himself and that's really hard when your brain learned the "die just by giving up" power
like my brain like my body like my life
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blitzy-arts · 7 months
Commissions Closed permanently. (Please read.)
If you've missed what I've been posting on my other socials, I did forget to post about this on all my gallery sites, so here you go.
Yes, I am closing commissions permanently for the forseeable future. I'm struggling to sell slots, and I just can't handle the stress and sadness of it anymore. It's been nearly causing me to go into a mental health spiral. I can't afford NOT to do it as a second source of income, but at the same time, nothing is coming from it anymore, so I've decided to just save myself the hurt/stress of it all, and officially close.
I will still be doing Patreon rewards, and early access/exclusive content on my Patreon which you can find more info about there: https://www.patreon.com/blitzy_arts
But those will only be small headshot rewards. It will be the only way to get any art from me for any forseeable future. Otherwise, I may only accept commissions from a few regular/trusted clients and friends I've had over the years.
I will also hopefully be going back to my roots, and revisiting more human/humanoid art. I've been hyperfixated on BG3/Astarion lately, and will hopefully focus on doing fanart for that. I appreciate furries, and what they've done for me, and I will still always draw furries (specifically my own sona/bf's sona), but it's time I FINALLY get time to draw more things -I- want to draw, not JUST furries. I have so many other interests away from that, things I frankly care about more, and I want to express that, you know???
I hate that it's come to this, and I'm heartbroken, and things will be difficult going forward, but I appreciate the support I got in the time I've been doing this. Thank you to those who've commissioned me, and allowed me to run my little business.
And if I can just leave this with a few words: Please guys. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be there for artists/your artist friends right now. With the economy being fucked, and AI trash replacing us, things are not looking good. Please support where you can, sometimes that just means sharing/retweeting your fave artists' work, commenting etc. This includes musicians, writers, actors etc. Support creative people, and their endeavors. It matters a whole lot.
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mycelium-menace · 5 months
Happy holidays @yoshiintheweb !!! This is my gift to you for the @mcytblrholidayexchange. I hope you enjoy!
I saw Vampire Fwhip in your requests and got very excited, because I have been obsessed with Dracula this year. I hope you enjoy this Roseblings/Wither Rose Alliance vampire au! The playlist has songs that are vampire-coded (to me), as well as songs that just fit the vibe. The fic is epistolary like the original Dracula novel. It's sometimes serious, sometimes silly, and hopefully a lot of fun to read. Fic under the cut :)
Fwhip’s Diary, Sept. 17
So, my teeth are definitely getting sharper.
That shouldn’t be a surprise, but it’s definitely going to take some getting used to. You don’t just wake up to your teeth being different and say “Oh yeah, that’s not weird at all. Totally fine. Already adjusted to it.” Like, you don’t realize how well you know your teeth until they’re wrong. Ugh.
It is fine though… I think. We still have time before the transformation is irreversible. Between Gem and I, we’ll figure it out soon. That’s what we’ve always done.
It’ll be fine.
Gem’s Diary, Sept. 22
I finally got my hands on that book on vampire lore! Who knew the occult section of our local library would be so popular? (And to that, who even knew our local library even had an occult section??)
It has the best recipe I’ve found for a blood replacement meal for Fwhip, and this one doesn’t even need any sheep’s blood or expensive coconut water! Fwhip seems to like it pretty well too, which is an added bonus.
The rest of the book was pretty useful, beyond the basics (avoid sunlight, garlic, wolfsbane, silver, giant stakes in the heart, you name it.) It had some pretty good tips on how to slow the transformation, and of course what to do when we find the vampire who started all this.
We still don’t have any leads on said vampire, but I’m optimistic. It’s most likely they’re in this town or the next town over since they usually have to rest in their original grave during the day. Honestly it’s not surprising, all things about our local history considered...
Fwhip’s Diary, Sept. 30
We finally told Sausage. He wasn’t really buying my “sudden garlic allergy” story to begin with, and he was asking a lot of questions, so we figured we might as well let him on it instead of keeping secrets from him. And he’s taking the news pretty well actually! It turns out one of his cousins is a werewolf, which is… not quite the same thing? But his heart is in the right place.
He’s really enthusiastic about helping us with all this, which is helpful because he’s the only friend we know with a car. We want to drive to Dogwood Grove to investigate one of their graveyards. It’s the oldest one in the county, with a proper mausoleum and everything. Maybe we’ll find that vampire’s hideout and get him to turn me back. Maybe we won’t even have to use the crossbow I’m building.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 2
This isn’t strictly related to our research, but I thought it was interesting. The author of that vampire lore compendium, X. Thorn, also wrote a book on demonology, and I was curious enough to check it out too.
Apparently Thorn was an expert on all things occult, but also just a little… weird. I suppose that comes with the territory. He wanted to summon a demon army and conquer the world. Or maybe become a demon? It wasn’t super clear by the end of the book to be perfectly honest. He was kind of obsessed with some demon called Xornoth that he wanted to summon (or maybe it was his demon-sona? it’s not really clear which of those it was, and he published these books like a hundred years ago so we can’t exactly ask him.) Incidentally, Thorn was from right here in Rivendell. I wonder if we’ll come across his name any more during our search.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 3
Well, Sausage was the only friend we knew with a car. Now we’re all out of luck.
Last night we were coming back from a research trip to Dogwood Grove when a white fox ran out onto the road in front of us. Sausage swerved and luckily missed it, and his car wound up in the ditch. We’re all safe, if a bit shaken, but his car is totaled.
It’s weird… I didn’t know we had many foxes in these parts, much less arctic-looking foxes? I mean, I guess that’s not the absolute weirdest thing about this town (I’m literally turning into a vampire right now), but it’s still unusual.
In any case, we need to figure out a new ride soon. The recipe Gem found for substitute blood is fine, but I’m starting to get thirstier. A lot thirstier...
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 5
I’ve noticed Fwhip isn’t sleeping much anymore.
He stays up most of the day when we’re doing our research, although he can’t go outside without SPF 1000 and my old floppy beach hat. At night I usually find him in the garage working on his inventions. He’s always been a gearhead, but he only ever throws himself into his work to this extent when something is seriously bothering him. When I ask him how he’s taking all this he insists he’s fine, but… well, I’ve known him my whole life. I know when he’s lying.
There have been a couple recent incidents at night when I wake up in the small hours to find him standing at the bedroom window just staring. I call out to him, but he doesn’t hear me. It seems like he’s sleepwalking, which is something he’s never done our whole lives. After a few minutes he turns, looks at me with eyes that look right through me, and silently goes back downstairs. I ask him about it in the morning but he doesn’t remember any of it.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 9
Good news, we found someone with a car who’s willing to help us get around! Bad news, it’s Sausage’s cousin… the werewolf.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 9
Don’t get me wrong, Pearl seems really nice, and I’d probably get along with her great in any other circumstance. The problem is, well, the circumstance. I guess vampires and werewolves don’t exactly get along? It’s hard to describe the feeling I get around her, but I’m just so uneasy. I mean, for her part she’s polite to me, even if she might feel the same as I do.
I guess it’s good to have her on the team, and anyone to help us fight the vampire who turned me is good to have along. I just don’t want to have her around any more than we need to for right now. I’ll talk to Gem about that in the morning when she wakes up, hopefully she’s on the same page as me.
Pearl is the coolest person I think I’ve ever met. She has a van called Gilda that’s covered in sunflowers, she lives on a farm, she’s a classically-trained fencer, and she’s a werewolf?! I love her. I want her to join our group and also stay forever.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 13
Gem found something in one of the books about hypnotism, and we decided to give it a try. It’s supposed to help slow the transformation process, which would be good because I feel less and less like myself every day.
The thing is, when I was in the trance I kept getting these visions. There were shapes I couldn’t make out at first, and a smell of somewhere damp and musty, and the sound of stone on stone. But then I saw myself standing in a cemetery, right in front of an old mausoleum. There was an angel statue next to it which was pointing at the doorway, and a great big oak tree behind it. I really get the feeling that I’ve seen this before. I just can’t remember where.
I’m not really sure if the hypnotism is working to hold off the transformation. My teeth – fangs, really – are sharper than ever before. And last night I dreamed I was flying through the night sky on dark wings. At least, I hope it was a dream.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 18
We found the mausoleum from Fwhip’s vision! And get this, the family it belongs to? The Thorn family. That’s right, the same X. Thorn who wrote all those occult books. Somehow I knew he would come back up.
I did some more reading, and it looks like Thorn had a half-brother named Scott. Scott was actually one of Rivendell’s mayors, and he and his brother had a couple of public clashes that led to him stepping down from his mayoral seat. Then a few years later, he just apparently disappeared without a trace. In one of his last journal entries before his disappearance, he lists a bunch of symptoms eerily similar to vampirism: aversion to sunlight, sudden allergies to nightshade-family plants, and he couldn’t bring himself to enter the cathedral he had once attended regularly. If I’m right that Thorn was behind those incidents, we may have a solid lead. I’m going to see if I can find a picture of him to show Fwhip. That may help to confirm it.
I think we’re getting very close. I just hope we’re quick enough.
Fwhip’s Diary, Oct. 18
As soon as Gem showed me a portrait of X. Thorn, I knew that was who we’re after. It was just an old painting, but it sent a chill down my entire body. I would know that face anywhere. That’s the face that keeps me up at night. Those were the eyes I saw that night. The eyes of Xornoth, Dark Lord of the Night.
I know what we have to do now. Even if it destroys me, which the books say is about a 50/50 chance, we have to stop Xornoth for good.
I won’t let this happen to anyone else.
Gem’s Diary, Oct. 27
I’m starting to agree with Fwhip about garlic to be honest. We just had to buy, like so much. Garlic cloves, garlic flowers, garlic salt, garlic powder. It’s all for the binding ritual, which will hopefully go off without a hitch and get Fwhip back to normal without complications.
With the garlic, we have everything we should need now. Fwhip has his contraptions, I have the charged crystals, and Sausage got us some holy water. The only thing now is to wait for the next full moon.
Fwhip’s Diary, Nov. 6
Tonight was the night. It took a while for us to prepare everything, but we finished right before dusk. We all waited just outside the mausoleum door until we heard the scraping of stone against stone. Not long after, we heard an unearthly growl. That was our cue.
We found him trapped in the binding circle, spitting and hissing. When he saw us there, he got quiet for a second, and then started to laugh. This is the part I’d like to say that we were super cool and didn’t cower at all… and you know what? This is MY diary, and I want to keep my cool image. So yeah, we were like, “Hey Xornoth, turn me back into a human NOW or else we’ll send you back to your grave.” And he was like, “Oh no, please spare me! You’re too cool and that crossbow is super sick and-”
Gem’s Diary, Nov. 6
That’s not what happened.
Fwhip’s Diary
Yes, it totally is!
Gem’s Diary
Oh my god.
Fwhip’s Diary
Alright then, how would you tell it?
Gem’s Diary
Sausage screamed and your voice cracked when you were trying to confront Xornoth. And then he laughed at you. Pearl had to be the one to force him into starting the ritual to turn you back.
Fwhip’s Diary
Well, you also screamed.
Gem’s Diary
I’m not denying that! I’m just trying to keep you to the facts. Geez.
Fwhip’s Diary
In any case, the process worked! I have a reflection in the mirror again, and my teeth are slowly going back to normal. And we managed to banish Xornoth, or Thorn, or whatever you want to call him, back to his grave for good. A win all around, I’d say!
The one thing left that’s bothering me is, I think we’re missing one of the vials of blood replacement from the fridge. Gem was meticulous when she made those, with a date labeled on each vial so we could track my intake. The only other people who knew about those are Sausage and Pearl, and both of them swore they didn’t touch it. I just hope no one drank it. It has nasty consequences if you’re not already a vampire.
Well, that’s a problem for another day. At least we know none of our friends were dumb enough to drink it, right?
Sausage’s Diary, Nov. 7
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amphiptere-art · 10 months
This is me. . .
And I love it.
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Everyone has their sona's. These are mine.
You might be asking I thought you only had your dragon sona. And as of now yes. "AmphiptereArt" is my current sona. But I once went by Cheedon. And once dragon horse. There's been various other names. Like dead ice dragon or zombie in tin foil, but the ones listed previous were the ones I connected with most.
Dragon horse was the first. Made them when I was very young. I loved what every little girl loved. Horses, and of course as I started to grow I fell in love with dragons. Therefore dragon horse was born. A simple concept, for a simple time of art, but one I kept for years. It wasn't until I got into Junior high that they faded and retired.
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Then there was cheedon. Oh I loved him so. So many years where he was me. Another hybrid animal of a cheetah and a smilodon. But one that had heart. Mystical dragonwings of freedom followed him. Art was no longer a childish endearment. It was a pride.
He is where the yearly re-draws started. The one I used to celebrate with. He gave me hope. Spreading his wings as I indulged myself in art just for the fun of it. Because I could. Because I wanted to. There was no deadline. There was the one to impress. I was drawing for me. And I still hold him as the king of pencil and paper.
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And then there was my dragon sona. AmphiptereArt. I had to start work. I had to make sure my life ended up somewhere. This little dragon was drawn in the margins. A returning idea that kept coming back. Finally given form after so many years. Created as an ambassador for a digital age.
They are me after years of art. A dragon made of every little piece of my creations that I enjoyed. Made out of the colors I favored the most. Made after the dragon creatures I created and shaped. But they are left small. Crushed by the weight of what an adult has to do. Stuck as I force myself to evolve. To gain a reputation so hopefully my hobby can become a job.
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Life has been unfair of recent. Tight, crushing, wanting, waiting.
This doodle was just supposed to just be showing off the different heights of my sona's. I did it because I got hurt and decided to do something "simple". . But in recent times this has been the most fun drawing I have done.
What was supposed to be a simple mindless doodle made me so happy that I kept going. I kept adding and adding. This thing wasn't supposed to have colors. Or details, or shading. But this felt so right I couldn't stop.
I love blue moon. I love the daycare attendant's. I love FNAF, but if in order to get out of this stupor I have to draw creatures I will. I need to feel happy. I need to feel pride for more than just finishing a project. I need to feel pride for just doing something fun. Because I could. Because I wanted to.
I will still be answering asks. Perhaps doing a calming sams doodle once in a while. But I got to make a creature. I have one in my mind already. I hope you guys don't mind a small break.
If you're curious this is the heights of all my sona's. And yes I'm around 5'4. It was a convenient image.
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flower-zombie-rob · 1 year
what’s stopping me?
Another, much less depressing, R irissona fic! This time featuring @geekyfox2‘s sona Geeky and @ratwhowrites sona Remi. This one’s quite cute so don't worry, so sad angst here! Hopefully I used the right pronouns for these sona characters, I tried my hardest to do my research on what they're like. Enjoy!
It had taken a while for R to come to terms with the prosthetics, even longer to adjust to them. Their balance had been off and they’d toppled across hallways many times, clumsily attempting to get a hang of their sleek new artificial limbs. After the first few embarrassing tumbles, they’d learned the basics of the movement changes and they discovered exactly how to stop the leg from becoming detached mid-step, though they acquired the help of the more patient iris employees. Today they’d made it all the way to the cafeteria! For the first time in weeks they could climb the white plastic chairs and sit alongside those scientists they'd come to know in the years before the accident. The sentiment of their excitement wasn’t theirs alone, it was, most definitely, shared by the employees in the room, unprepared to see R today after the accident.
A familiar face came sauntering into the room, her walking speed rapidly increasing as she caught sight of R sitting at the cafeteria table. Within seconds, Geeky was cuddling the young altr from behind in a long overdue embrace. R wasn’t sure what the name of the feeling bubbling inside them was, but it must have had something to do with the hugs they’d missed from all the medical downtime. It was a really really good feeling, that’s all they could tell. Fuzzy, like the hair of the employee they were currently staring adoringly up at. They turned around, letting out a squeaky apology after bashing Geeky's shin with their new leg(the clunky thing was still too janky to swing around a stool safely). Comforted by the presence of a friend, R rested their head on Geeky’s warm shoulder, the lab coat fabric providing a pleasant pillowcase. It wasn’t lost on them how much they’d missed any sort of closeness while they were stuck in quarantine or kept in the medical wing to re-learn how to walk. Some employees, most, just didn’t have the time to go and visit them. Heading down to the medical wing was a trip for most of R’s common acquaintances, who worked on a completely different side of the facility, so seeing the frumpy scientist again was overwhelming R with joy.
“I missed you, buddy.” Said the taller employee, letting go of them to ruffle their messy, lilac hair. R smiled brightly in response and uttered out a simple sentence, making the effort to speak as well as they could for their friends.
“Missed you too!” They yelled excitedly, shoving their arms around the iris employees neck for their second hug within the same 5 minutes.
Suddenly, as they let go and leaned back, R found themselves hoisted up into the air! They felt the hands of another grumpy scientist friend, peering over their own shoulder to see the face of Remi, who’d put down a lukewarm mug of coffee on the table to swoop R off their feet.
“There you are, where have you been, huh?” R squealed in surprise. They were giggling excitedly in pure joy.
“Remi, you should be at your station.” Muttered Geeky, though there was no real weight behind it.
“I needed a coffee! And I’m so glad I got one, I would’ve missed R popping back up around here.” He looked down to inspect R’s new prosthetics, obviously surprised by how much more weight the fake arm and leg added to the tiny altr. “These are cool. Normal arms are for losers anyway.” He leaned down to whisper it, pulling his riding-up lab coat sleeve down.
“Get back to work or I’ll get done for not supervising you.” Geeky cut in. She took R from his hands and helped them back down to the floor, holding their hands as Remi picked up his coffee and waved at the two before shuffling back out and down the hall.
“Come on then,” Geeky encouraged, standing up and heading to the cafeteria exit’s double doors. ”looks like you’re unsupervised so why don’t we go out and get you some fresh air while I check if Bab locked the mothman up properly. They had one job and that was to turn a single key! Is that so hard? You’d do it better than they would, R, you-” she looked back suddenly to realise the altr hadn’t moved from the spot they’d been left in. Geeky beckoned them over, confused and concerned, only for R to shake their head nervously.
“can’t…” They looked down shamefully to their prosthetic leg. They’d only just figured out how to confidently walk from their room to the cafeteria, and that was barely a few metres! There’s no way they’d be able to make their way through all those halls to the outside cells. The dread of falling over when they’d just gotten the hang of walking again crept up on them and kept them glued to the spot until Geeky came over and took R’s hands gently.
“Hey” she spoke softly, moving one hand to rest carefully on R’s shoulder. “You can do this, Bud. Here, I’ll hold your hands and if you fall it’s no big deal, right? You just get back up, like always.” They gave R a little pat on the shoulder and aided them in their first steps towards the double doors, holding their hands tightly all the way through the facility. It was a memory R would recall for the rest of their time relearning to walk. Because no matter how many times they fell over and had their prosthetics fall off and seize up, they’d get back up again. I mean, they thought, if the others believe I can do it, what’s stopping me?
People who may be interested: @intothebutterflyburrow@glass-trash-bab @tahcoo @bondedostae
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thanook · 4 months
For some reason I've been thinking to send you an anon ask that would just say "sina kijetesantakalu pona" because I really like saying kijetesantakalu and really like your username & pfp and seeing them alongside your posts, and apparently somewhere some wires got crossed between the two and I thought it'd be funny to send a hopefully nice random anon ask in toki pona. But I worried an out of nowhere toki pona ask might come off as weird because I didn't think you knew about toki pona, and I probably shouldn't expect someone to see an ask like that and either know it's toki pona or want to take time to look into it to figure out what was being said or whatever... So I thought about it for a little bit trying to work out tumblr ask etiquette. I wasn't even sure if what I wanted to say was correctly worded so I also used it as an excuse to do some more toki pona learning.. And then after a while, almost randomly, I went to just look at your blog to see if you even had anon asks enabled and saw "Punkitt Kijetesantakalu Post Reblog Never Forget, Proud Maker of the Second Result to Searching "toki pona" on Tumblr" staring right back at me and then nearly immediately after realized, "OOOhhh!! I crossed those wires because you were the reason I wanted to get good at pronouncing kijetesantakalu and learn about toki pona more actively in the first place!!" Anyway, with that out of the way sina kijetesantakalu pona sina pana e sona mi pi toki kijetesantakalu
1. That's what anon asks are for, sweetheart!
2. mi pilin pona la sina ken toki kijetesantakalu! :3
3. Googling how to use certain terms is part for the toki lona learning experience. I had to do that to find out the grammatical rules for "ken" to write this post.
4. So back in the day when I was trying to tokiponise my name (in sitelen pona) I really wanted to use kijetesantakalu because this damn language has 150 words and there's one just for my favourite little guy!!! But I ended up not doing so because it's a joke word, and i would feel bad to put long words in my short-words-language name
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berryblu-arts · 11 months
I've been wondering this for a while but it only just occurred to me that I can literally just ask you lol, who's in your pfp? OC, fictional character, random girl you drew you with no thoughts head empty but you thought looked neat even though you will probably never think of her in a creative sense ever again? lmao
She's so cute btw :3
hiii ty!!!! she´s my sona :D, just a blorboified version of myself that only vaguely looks like me but gives off the right vibes i think hehe
my pfp is actually a doodle version of an old pfp i had (also added the incredibly blurry doodle of the original concept hehe), she´s axolotl themed on account of it being my favorite animal and also axolotl day falling on my birthday :D!
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but before her was this gal! same sona but bunny themed
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also made a pfp for fall, specifically halloween, based on the shenanighans my cousins and i were getting up to during the pandemic, she may or may not be possessed by the pumpkin <3
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and also had a concept for a christmas one but got too busy to actually do it last year TvT, hopefully ill use it thise time around :)
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asides from that i do have a scifi themed one to go with my concept of tumblr station, and a mushroom possessed one (similar to my pumpkin one) but i cant find the doodles for those??? ill post em if i do :3...
so yeah! berry lore unlocked :O!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 27/6
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I’ve heard about this! They’re both games about building up your house, so they’re a natural fit. Do send those games along when I get to the point when you can!
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It’s just like being a furry - sure, it seems weird, but many subcultures do. There’s not really anything wrong with weirdness, after all. 
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They’re a street gang, and they’re led by Gamzee himself. Watch out, Markiplier. 
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The whole thesis of the music video is a celebration of everyday miracles. 
Sure, it’s presented in a pretty bizarre way, but there is a good point there - life is full of things that, by rights, should never stop impressing us. 
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Jade + AC = future Juggalos? 
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Look. All I’m saying is: have you memorized Maxwell’s equations?
Jokes aside, I guess it’s pretty easy not to know how magnets work when you explicitly don’t listen to scientists...
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I didn’t even know there was one, to be honest.
It’s not unrealistic to see these thirteen-year-olds from 2009 dropping slurs, but I try not to include them in the commentary. 
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Bec is the invincible Super Dog, and he will help her complete the level. He’s even white! 
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Blue-bloods scoff at the low-brow Daedric, and Red-bloods think anyone who uses original script is stuffy and boring.
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Thanks!! I’m finding I’m enjoying this project more with every Act. There’s just so much to get into with this comic!
It occurs to me that the later you find this blog, the more of a backlog you have to catch up on. Which, depending on your perspective, can be another positive!
As for the ‘sona.. to be honest, it’s taken a lot of willpower not to pause the liveblog and make a full fanfiction for her Sburb adventures. 🤣 Guess I need all the Sburb lore to do that, though, and it’s fun to slowly develop her session as we slowly learn how sessions work. 
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Aw, shucks. Honestly, I haven’t really done any sprite art in years, but when I was answering the Alchemy ask, I realized I just had to depict these items I was coming up with!
Btdubs, I used Aseprite for all the art, including the gifs. Highly recommend it. 
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Oh, dang it, I didn’t even notice! Gotta amend the script a little, because that might cause some problems with interpreting the text down the line. 
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He kind of is that, isn’t he? 
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This was my full prediction for Gamzee’s personality, based solely on his username. The guy isn’t exactly a thrill-seeker, but he is a sopor addict with little concern for his health. Once again, these usernames really say a lot. 
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Yeah, if you actually think about what’s happening in John’s case, you can make an argument that his entry was the most stressful of all. He was the first in, and understood his situation the least, while Rose and Dave at least had the benefit of knowing what an Entry was. 
I didn’t think to interpret John’s hesitation to bite the apple as a deer-in-headlights response, but, now that I think about it, that may have been exactly what was happening. 
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No, but now I wish it was.
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Sally official title CONFIRMED as Chef of Food. 
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Since it’s not Terezi, I don’t think any of the trolls we’ve seen so far are Vriska - the vibes aren’t right. I think it’s one of the five trolls we haven’t heard from yet...
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Dimple, eh? I hope he doesn’t start possessing people, like some other Dimples I know...
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* Smells like SC4L3M4T3S. 
That’s one of my favorite Undertale quotes, and it’s only fitting that it be a Terezi reference. 
I actually don’t remember fighting that dude in Undertale, but yep, apparently it’s a Hotland spawn. The references never end!
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Thank you! Had a ton of fun making those items. 
I’ll hopefully be making more of them, down the line - maybe next time my Kidsona will try to make meta-items incorporating the Alchemiter, Kernelsprites, etc? 
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Act 5 has been a great demonstration of dramatic irony. We know all the trolls will end up in the same session, and we know the session is doomed - the only thing we don’t know is how we got to that point.
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Why does this feel like something Terezi would actually do?
And yeah, the gradual reveal that all of Terezi’s bizarre behavior with the kids was her actual personality is one of the best and most understated bits in the comic so far. 
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Terezi would fit really well in the Ace Attorney universe - either as one of the many unhinged human lawyers, or as a straight-up alien in a crossover game. 
I honestly feel like Terezi would make a really good lawyer irl, with the proper training. Her mannerisms wouldn’t be a problem if she had talent - and I think she has talent. 
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Heh. To be honest, the Witch class has always been the one that sounds the coolest to me. Bard and Maid are in joint second place, but I just love the irony of a technically-minded Player getting a mystically-flavored class - just like Jade did, I suppose!
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Kingdom of Ash, day 2
Ch 7
Is it bad that I kinda like the spider 😂
I just think it’s cute that she told him “you can’t pronounce my name” and then instantly had a human-pronounceable name ready to give him. Girl’s been working on her human-sona all her life and now she finally has an opportunity to unveil it.
Idk, I like spooky characters that are actually friends. Suriel vibes. Hopefully she doesn’t murder them all in their sleep.
Ch 8
Reading about Aelin getting tortured is going to break my feeble heart, I might actually be too soft to endure this, it’s gonna give me nightmares.
I don’t really know Connall that well, but it sucks that Maeve had him stab himself to death. I feel bad for Fenrys too! Like ugh. Emotional damage.
Ch 9
I need a small morsel of hope to cling to right now. I hate this.
Ch 10
Hey, remember when he proposed to you while you were in dragon form
Remember when you said you wanted to slow this down
And now this is happening
Mixed signals, Lysandra
He needs cuddles
That’s what he needs
If you wanna be with Aedion you gotta go get your dragon bod on and cuddle him up
Ch 11
I’m actually kinda surprised to hear Chaol’s father is the last stronghold against Erawan. I guess it makes sense, since he wasn’t too fond of his son serving the King of Adaran… but it just seems like all the villains should be in league with one another, doesn’t it?
If they’re gonna go where witches are - I wonder if we’ll get a sweet Dorian x Chaol reunion?
Probably not. Since I think they’re in two different places and Dorian wants to go into Morath.
But maybe the witches will be nice, and want to make out and join forces!
Ch 12
Fuck, Aelin. I’m broken too. It’s good she has some fight left in her. Very surreal to see her dead mom’s ghost come to comfort her.
Rowan and the others are on the way tho! They’re near enough to feel your fighting spirit! Keep hoping, keep fighting, because babe is on his way. And he’s bringing friends.
Ch 13
They found the Crochans! Do they want to join forces!
This old witch knows exactly who Manon is!
She’s family! And she’s very welcoming! Aw!
Ch 14
Omg ok shit just got real
I think I have too high of hopes for Manon “the child of peace who’s supposed to unite the witches.” She didn’t even try, lol. Just brutally murdered those two covens. I mean - it’s fine - they were kind of being aggressive and came at them first - and maybe it was a show of faith to the Crochan’s to fight and kill so many ironteeth, but! I’m team Dorian a little bit. Team, what if those wyverns were given love and good riders. Team, just because you were raised and trained to be evil doesn’t mean that’s all you’ll ever be.
My heart goes out to him, with that severed Yellowlegs head. He’s learning the hard way that witches can be just as breakable as human women.
Ch 15
“Cyrene slumped to the ground, eyes unseeing.”
Jesus, Dorian! Chill out!
I actually did like her, lol. It’s ok, I wasn’t that attached. Maybe she taught him a little bit about shapeshifting? In her final moment? Maybe Dorian can harness the ability to shapeshift and use that to get into Morath. As a mouse, or something.
And the thing with Manon. Idk. I guess I don’t really know what it means to unite the witches and bring peace. Because some of those witches are vile and violent and deserve to be brutally slaughtered, like Manon’s grandma, who’s pretty much never done anything to redeem herself. But then, other witches are pretty chill and cool once you get to know them. They’re people too, with hopes and dreams and feelings. So I feel like just inviting the Ironteeth here to the Crochan camp and killing them impressively is NOT the way to go about it. But idk if Manon knows any other ways.
Maybe Dorian can help her, but idk.
It’s good to see them talking to each other. Their relationship needs development, lol, so I’m happy to see them developing.
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azurityarts · 2 years
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Daily Doodle #167
(official lmao)
OKAY WOW THIS IS REALLY LATE- I got VERY caught up in Hero & Partner Week, but with that done, here's a proper celebration of the 300 milestone!! :D
I've already rambled in the unofficial celebration, so I'll keep it brief here, but thank you all again. Never in a million years would have I expected this blog to blow up as much as it has- thank you for all your love and support. y'all are the best <3
Unfortunately for this milestone, I won't be doing requests; the added workload really strains my arm and I would not like to make it worse. They'll hopefully return in future opportunities, but for this milestone, it'll just be a raffle.
For private, non-commercial use only! If you intend to repost the art, credit me (@azurityarts on Tumblr). If you do not own the request, please do not repost without the owner's permission.
I will post finished artwork on the blog when done; I retain the rights to use the completed work for business purposes. If do not want your won art to be posted or used, please inform me!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here on Tumblr or via email ([email protected])!
I can draw:
Pokemon (PMD is very welcome ^^)
I won't draw:
Complex characters, outfits, and accessories, etc
Complex backgrounds
Winners will be drawn on June 22nd! If you do not respond within 3 days of the announcement, I will be forced to draw another name.
I can refuse a winner if their character and/or subject goes against these guidelines, or at my own discretion.
With that all said, you can enter the raffle here! Goodluck everyone! ^^
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