#hopefully this is cryptid enough though
chaoticrobotics · 2 years
Do you have any subtle hints to what could happen next? You know that you can tell people without accidentally directly saying what will happen next
[Old wisdom meets new stupidity]
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milimeters-morales · 9 months
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yay ACAU peter redesign! miles is next :3
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mistyriousness · 1 year
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-Nothing of Consequence-
Whaaaaat, who, me? Make William Afton parent OCs? Perish the thought
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
I’m not much for setting lofty New Years resolutions, but I want to at least set a goal to do an art piece every month so I can make a 2023 year-in-recap post.
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scarletwritesshit · 3 months
🍣 Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 🍣 The Dreadful Secret of Shinjiro Aragaki
Shinjiro was in no rush to return to Iwatodai Dorm. Wandering the streets alone in the dead of night was something that he was, in fact, rather used to. With familiar sights all around him, Shinjiro felt strangely at home.
He pulled the worn leather watch out of his coat pocket, unable to see it in the darkness of the streets. Once he wandered beneath the light of a streetlamp, Shinjiro stood still for a moment to read the time.
10:58 pm.
As long as he gave himself some time to spare before the coming of the Dark Hour, he otherwise did not have to worry himself sick about the clock
Regardless, he had a nagging feeling that perhaps, he should attempt to return to the dorms sooner rather than later. Kotone was surely going to scour the streets to hunt him down, whether he liked it or not. He knew what that girl was capable of, and was confident that she could hold her own, but he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if she sustained even the slightest of injuries. God forbid another accident were to happen, it would be the final shot to Shinjiro’s heart before he would truly be unable to live with himself any further.
The more he thought about this plausibility, the further into despair his thoughts sank, so Shinjiro picked up the pace to focus himself on returning to the dorm in a timely manner.
With his hands in his pockets and his body slouched over, one could easily mistake him for a cryptid out for blood, when in fact, that assumption could not be further from the truth. Shinjiro wanted to prevent the chance of any blood being spilt, should him or Kotone get too careless. He took a deep breath and attempted to keep himself calm as he walked back to the dorms, but it would be a lie if he claimed that the lingering anxiety was not eating away at his thoughts.
Abruptly, Shinjiro stopped in his tracks when he heard a weak mew coming from down one of the alleyways. He remained as silent as possible for a moment, making sure that he wasn’t losing his mind and hallucinating. He heard a practically identical mew once again from the same direction, turning to look down the alley in response. The sight he was greeted with was a small, frail kitten.
It didn’t look like a lost pet gone astray. The kitten was weary of Shinjiro’s presence, had no collar, and appeared roughed-up and rather malnourished. In its current condition, he couldn’t just leave this poor kitten to rot. Shinjiro didn’t have it in his heart to ignore it, as he too, once found his life reaching such low points.
He crouched down and gently reached out his hand, attempting to show it that he was of no threat. It completely refused to approach him, but was most likely too weak to bolt away out of fear.
"It’s okay, little fella. I ain’t gonna hurt you," Shinjiro said, as gently as his rather rough voice would permit him to.
The cat sniffed his hand, but still backed up, clearly weakened with fear. Careful as to not startle it, Shinjiro gently took out his watch once more, moving it around until the light reflected just enough for him to catch a glimpse of the time. It was only a few minutes after 11, so if he was fast enough, he could at least secure the cat a meal to last it through the night.
"Hang tight. I’ll be back as soon as I can," Shinjiro whispered to it.
The cat looked up at him with helpless, desperate eyes, as if it understood his words, and even wanted to believe him, but its circumstances caused it to feel otherwise. Shinjiro stood up, and looked back at the cat one more time before bolting back the way he came down the sidewalk. Hopefully, he would luck out and a street market would still be open at this hour. Any of the popular restaurants in the area would be either closed or packed to the brim with guests, so there was no use in resorting to one of those. Though Shinjiro found the cat rather close to Iwatodai Dorm, he did not believe that he would have enough time to wait in a restaurant and be able to safely feed the cat. Especially with having to explain his late arrival to the others, Shinjiro would rather die than let this secret of his slip.
After some running, Shinjiro came across a sushi stall that still had its lights on. He silently prayed that someone would still be working, and its purpose wasn’t to serve as flashy light pollution.
He was in luck. An old lady was still tending to the stall, though it appeared as if she was packing up for the night. Shinjiro couldn’t see any other options in the vicinity that would have a chance at being open, so he had to try his luck at this stall right here and now.
"Please say you’re open, lady," he said, running up and slamming his fist down on the table.
"Goodness, me. Someone is hungry, isn’t he? I’m sorry dear, but I already put my equipment away for the day-"
"I ain’t worried about all that! I just need some fish!"
"Raw fish? Who needs raw fish at this hour?"
"I do! Er...my...friend does."
"Your...friend needs raw fish?" she asked, confused.
"Yes...they’re quite hungry."
"By any chance, would this friend of yours happen to be a stray cat?"
Shinjiro was left speechless. Of course, it was a little obvious, considering how he was specifically demanding raw fish, not a quick fixture of sushi prepared this late at night. Still, he was hoping that perhaps, he wouldn’t have to resort to exposing himself. Not like the woman would have a reason to collect any “dirt” on him, nor would she know anyone who would be interested in Shinjiro, but putting his true intentions into words still felt agonizingly awkward.
"Why didn’t you just say so, dearie?" she said, opening up the freezer and pulling out a slice of raw tuna.
"I-I’ll give you as much yen as you want! Just please give me the damn fish."
"Oh please, don’t worry about it. It’s not often a young gentleman as kind and caring as you shows up around these parts," she said, sliding him the tuna on a plate.
Shinjiro looked at the woman in disbelief for a brief moment, until she nodded her head in assurance. Shinjiro really did not have this much time to debate her, so he grabbed the plate of tuna and took off running back towards where he found the cat. He looked back for a brief moment and waved in thanks, before picking up speed.
"Stay safe now, dear!" the woman shouted to him.
Much to his relief, Shinjiro stopped to see that the cat remained in the same location where he left it. It was still visibly nervous, but Shinjiro didn’t have all the time in the world to gently coax it out. By now, it was likely nearing midnight, and there was a distinct possibility that Kotone had departed to look for him by now.
Just a few minutes was all he needed.
He crouched down and presented the cat with the plate of tuna. It looked at him, and crept forward as if it fully intended to charge straight into the paper plate, but it held back. It was hesitant, still, to approach Shinjiro, even with a generous offering of food.
Come on, dammit. I ran halfway across town for this.
The Dark Hour was soon approaching and the fear of being discovered by Kotone was quite real. He tried holding out his hand to further encourage the cat, and it felt like forever before it finally gave into the temptation to sniff the tuna and devour it. Shinjiro breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the cat had another shot at pulling through, even if it did roam solo on the streets. He wanted to take the cat back to the dorms with him and give it a second chance at a better life, though he knew that Koromaru would likely be rather displeased with the intruder.
Putting his thoughts aside for a brief moment, Shinjiro smiled, and as the cat chowed down, he once more slowly reached out his hand to pet it. He gently scratched behind its ears, careful to not overstep boundaries so soon, but the cat seemed to not mind him handling it as it happily ate away at Shinjiro’s generous offering. Maybe this cat wasn’t truly hostile or cowardly at heart, but rather, was being driven to the edge by hunger.
"There you are, Shinji!" a familiar voice shouted.
Uh oh.
Shinjiro froze, his hand still on the cat’s head. He knew all too well whose voice that was, and he was quickly becoming far too embarrassed to turn around.
"Making some friends without me?" Kotone asked as she ran up to him.
"I swear, it’s not what it looks like, dammit!" he said, forcing himself to turn to look at her.
"Hmm…looks to me like you’re feeding a stray cat."
That was indeed true. There was really no other way to put it.
"Listen...it was gonna die if I didn’t do anything, okay? Not gonna just give up an’ leave ‘em to rot."
"What about taking it back to the dorm with us?"
"Cant. Koro-chan wouldn’t exactly be very happy with me.”
Kotone thought for a moment as Shinjiro pulled out his pocket watch. 11:48, it read. The clock was ticking, and although the dorm wasn’t far away, Shinjiro stood up out of alarm.
"We have to get goin’," he said. "Don’t want to get caught out here alone during the Dark Hour."
"Or could it be that you don’t want me stuck out during the dark hour?" Kotone teased.
"Whatever you want to think," he said. looking off to the side. "We could make it back in a few minutes with time to spare, so we don’t gotta take off too fast."
"Thought you said we had to get going, unless you just wanted to squeeze in a little bit more time with the cat?”
Shinjiro looked down at his newfound cat friend, who had finished eating. It looked up at him with wide eyes, flicking its tail gently. If Kotone were not present, he would not hesitate to scoop the cat up in his arms and tuck it away in his coat.
He said nothing about his desires, though Kotone smiled at him. She walked over to pick the cat up, and Shinjiro held himself back from pushing her away out of fear that she would accidentally scare it off. It tensed up a little, but relaxed once Kotone sat down and allowed it to sniff her for a moment. Shinjiro was absolutely baffled at how quickly it warmed up to her
"Ha, it must’ve already smelled my scent on you," she noted.
That was indeed a plausibility, as Kotone was quite physically affectionate with him, to say the least.
"Maybe..." Shinjiro said.
Kotone held out her arms, inviting the cat to come closer. Much to Shinjiro’s surprise, it walked into her arms, allowing her to scoop it up. As soon as she got ahold of it, however, she shoved it into his chest. Instinctively, he gently held onto it, and Kotone looked at him with a triumphant smile.
"It already likes us, so why not take it home?" she said, not exactly giving Shinjiro much of a choice.
"But, Koro-chan..."
"He’ll be fine. He’s smart enough to fight shadows, so learning to leave a cat alone shouldn’t be an issue for him."
He looked down at the cat, and it looked up at him and weakly mewed.
"Guess I really don't have a choice now do I?"
"Nope," Kotone said, tugging on his sleeve, "now come on, you adorable thing, Iwatodai Dorm isn’t far from here!”
“That adorable thing was forcefully put into my arms, Kotone.”
“I wasn’t talking to the cat, Shinji,” she said with a smile.
It took Shinjiro a moment to fully process her words, but once he realized that she was referring to him, and not the cat, he shrunk his head into his coat as much as possible in order to hide the embarrassment that was all over his face. With eyes adapted to the darkness of Tartarus, however, no amount of blush was safe from Kotone’s watchful eyes, daylight or Dark Hour. Convenient for her, not so much for Shinjiro.
Left without a retribution for the woman his heart was so weak to, Shinjiro, couldn’t really protest her now, especially if he did still intend to make it back in a timely manner. He held the cat close to him as if it were his own child as Kotone lead them back to the dorm, with mere moments to spare before the dreaded hour struck.
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roselaughs · 3 months
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I had these guys for a long while, because surprise I have Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays OCs. I love Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays and one day I was like "hey why won't I make a sequel to both shows lol". So meet Secret Galaxy, the rag tag team of freelance superheroes consisting of Ben Tennyson's grandson, Zak Saturday's granddaughter, Vilgax's son, and Charmcaster's protege. Feel free to ask questions about them!
Denny Tennyson - Dennis Lee Tennyson is the grandson of the famous Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. Unlike his grandfather when he was his age Denny is a quiet and reserved young boy, prefering to spend time only with himself and a select group of friends due to not trusting people's interest in him. Despite this he's sympathetic and will try to reach out to someone if he sees that they're in trouble or in need of help. Denny is also very creative and artistic, which extends to how he battles as well as him prefering to use his alien forms's powers to their fullest extent rather than just bruteforcing his way through everything. Originally during the summer he graduated elementary school Denny got his very own Omnitrix, which he was initially hesitant about but grew to appreciate and like his Omnitrix.
Sam Saturday - Samantha Saturday is the granddaughter of Zak Saturday. She is a spitting image of her grandfather even having the same cryptid controlling powers he did. Sam's a mischevious and tomboyish young girl that seeks adventure at any moment and likes to mess with people around her. However she does have a more caring side, as she deeply cares for and stands up for her family and friends. This more caring side also extends to her being willing to defend those she sees as in trouble, no matter how dangerous her opponent is. While she has inherited The Claw from her grandfather, on the same summer Denny got his Omnitrix she also found a mystrious Omnitrix-like device that she dubbed the Cryptrix, which allows her to turn into 10 cryptid like forms (and also allows her to channel her cryptid powers easier). Sam and Denny are best friends since childhood and are usually seen hanging out together, though a lot of people including their families say that they two kids sometimes feel like siblings.
Sytrax - Sytrax is the son of the feared conquerer Vilgax. He's a serious, honor bound chimera sui generis (ex) bounty hunter. He acts somewhat self centered and dislikes being underestimated or being looked down upon. However he does have a softer side that he does not like showing, and desires to have a group of people he can trust and feel safe around one day. On top of that his sense of honor makes him more fair in combat towards those he sees as weaker than him. Originally he was trying to find his own footing to carry on Vilgax's legacy, being raised to see his father as a noble but powerful ruler. But after encountering Denny and eventually learning the truth of his father's nature Sytrax started rejecting his father's legacy and went on to try to forge his own identity seperate from Vilgax, such as trying to become a plumber. Despite Ben's and Vilgax's rivalry, Denny and Sytrax end up becoming very close friends and even having a somewhat brotherly dynamic.
Curseslinger - Curseslinger is the (adopted) daughter and apprentice of Charmcaster, the Queen of the Legerdomain. She was chosen by Charmcaster for her reat magical abilities and cunning street smarts. However, Curseslinger feels that she's actually not good enough to be the student of the Queen of the Legerdomain, which results in her frequently performing on the streets and in talent shows to show off her magic powers to people and hopefully win over their approval as a substitute for her own internal approval. Although Curseslinger's very quirky and can come off as creepy to some people, she's friendlier than she appears, and is very loyal to her friends and those she likes even though she may not appear to at first glance. Curseslinger takes an interest in Sam and the Saturdays due to their connection to more mystical elements of the galaxy such as cryptids. Sam does in fact admire Curseslinger and her magical prowess, which gives the witch some confidence in her powers and have even more of a fondness towards Zak's successor. Curseslinger and Sytrax also end up as a couple, and tend to be very affectionate with one another.
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saintunhinged · 2 years
Salutations! This one's going to be a weird one, so strap in. Imagine if, when Asra revived MC, they came back as an otherworldly, human-imitating cryptid who doesn't quite know how to Human properly. The only thing they remember is that Asra and Faust make up their Family Unit, and the only reason they don't attack random passerby on sight is because Asra Wouldn't Like That.
this was actually so fun to write. hopefully, you enjoy :) i haven’t proof read this yet
content warning : mention of death & violence.
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On the outside, you appeared to be as normal as the next person, but you knew you weren’t. You knew it from the moment you opened your eyes. You didn’t feel the sudden urges you had were strange, but the look Asra shot you when you were preparing to act on something made that clear.
You vividly remember the suffocating smell of lavender and dried flowers filling your nostrils. Its aroma was almost overwhelming, and your ability to think of anything else but the scent was quelled. You immediately noticed your field vision being locked by a person with fluffy white hair leaning over you.
You knew nothing about him whatsoever, but his presence alone was enough to make you feel at ease.
“Friend woke!” You heard a tiny voice, seconds later another head appeared, but it was much smaller in comparison, and blue.
Asra knew something was up. Every little thing seemed to spark irritation within you, and sometimes he’d even find you sitting in positions that no human could manage. Asra wasn’t naive enough to believe bringing you back from the dead meant you’d be the same, he just didn’t expect to bring back what he brought back.
Despite your condition, Asra was more than determined to get you to your best. You indisputably had a lot to learn. Knowing Asra and his familiar planned to be by your side throughout the journey was the motivation you needed.
Time passed before you were going through life as would you in your previous life. Asra was patient in teaching you everything you forgot. Praising you when you did something well, encouraging you when you didn’t. There were still many things you didn’t understand, but you were trying your best. If not for yourself, then at least for Asra.
Every day you were learning. You preferred to stay to yourself when you weren’t with Asra. Usually, you curled up in the corner and stared off into nothing for minutes or even hours.
You never went outdoors. The first time you did, someone got hurt. Asra had taken you to town to look for ingredients he ran out of at the shop. He didn’t want to leave you alone, but there were things he needed to get done. Trying to kill two birds with one stone, he figured he could restock the shop and allow you the chance to reconnect with society.
That trip ended with Asra apologizing on your behalf for attacking someone who walked too close for your comfort. Though he wouldn’t openly admit it, the frown that played on his face let you know he did not approve.
The walk back to the shop was eerily silent. He dolefully sighed, “I shouldn’t have brought you out here.” His remorse was merited, but you refused to meet his gaze. His purple eyes stared at you intently and he shook his head, hesitantly stating, “Too soon.”
He let you isolate yourself for a few hours, giving you time to process what happened, but knowing you weren’t going to come to him, he went to you. That night, even though you were hardly responsive, he explained why your actions weren’t okay.
You had predacious desires, that was something you couldn’t help. With Asra mentoring you, you were getting better at keeping them at bay, and matter how strong your urges became, Asra believed in you; the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint him.
Usually, when Asra was running the shop you stayed upstairs in the room where you were most comfortable. Today was no different. You weren’t necessarily fond of strangers. On the rare occasions you came down to observe what was going on, trying to pick up on anything you can to improve your comprehension and communication skills, you kept your distance. 
You never paid any attention to Asra’s conversations with any customer in particular, but the sound of raised voices followed by shattering glass caught your attention. Your light footsteps carried you to the main floor. You weren’t sure what exactly happened, but you could put together the pieces. 
The aggressive energy circulating the room influenced your emotions. Your penetrating gaze locked on the customer who was creating a scene in the shop. The snarl forming on your face was unable to be contained, seconds later an animalistic growl came from your throat, quickly catching their attention.
To his surprise, Asra’s eyes flickered between you and the patron. Your name left his mouth in a pleading tone and your gaze snapped to meet him. Seeing the signs of an oncoming assault, he timidly shook his head. If you wanted to attack, he doubted he’d be able to stop you before you leaped at them. He trusted you to do the right thing. After all, control was what he wanted you to learn the most.
Sensing the danger they were probably in, the shopper was quick to see themself to the exit. On the other hand, Asra stayed where he was until you calmed down. When he was sure you had no intention of acting irrational, he met you in a tight hug.
You’d never forget the look on Asra’s face when you first pounced on someone. The mix of shock and fear that was replaced with disappointment was something you couldn’t stand to see again. 
Unexpected maybe, but since it was coming from him you didn’t quite mind his warm, rather comforting embrace. “Thank you.” He softly murmured. It wasn’t much, but you’d grown accustomed to hearing it. It meant you did something right, that was all either of you could hope for.
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cryptidsofwakemoor · 7 months
Chapter 6 - Now and Den
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On his way back to his hiding spot, Matchstick encounters the Silver Fang once more, in the process of building a new den for itself. However, a surprise is waiting for him when he gets back to his own.
Is it... normal for giant forest cryptids to feel sorry for you?
Running back into the woods, he’s a lot more lucid this time around. The wonders that fresh(ish) water and food could do! He can even see faint scorch marks where his hands had dug into the earth whenever he tripped and dragged himself up again, singeing it from the stress. That was no good- obvious tracks. A few kicks at the soil was enough to erase the evidence.
While jogging, it occurred to him that his hidey-hole might not be safe and secure anymore. The former occupant had returned. Clearly they made the original den. Granted, they left him there and didn’t aggress, but was it worth the risk to piss off a big creature for a hole in the ground?
-and before he could reach the spot he’d marked (with a subtle singe mark on a tree bough), his travails through the woods are interrupted by the sight of a big silver tail, sticking out of the earth and draping over the ground. Every now and then, big puffs of dirt are thrown out into the air behind it, forming a pile of turned earth past the stocky silver-shingled legs.
Shit. This thing was still here. And it was- digging? This wasn’t the spot where he’d found the hole. Was it making a new one?
Whatever it was hadn't seemed interested in eating him, but he was still hesitant to get too close. If it was making a new hole, maybe it truly had abandoned the other one after finding him in it... but who the hell knows, it wasn't like he could ask.
Nervously biting his lip, he did his best to move stealthily behind the trees, past where the huge creature was snuffling and burrowing. He probably didn't have to worry about making noise so much, since it seemed pretty busy and its head was literally underground at the moment, but he still crept as quietly as he could... and then took off running towards his hiding spot once he felt he was far enough past that point.
Man, he was gonna need to plan out another route to that house if he didn't wanna keep running into that thing...
But that was a problem for future him.
For now, it was back to his- ...giant... very conspicuous pile of discarded food trash that wasn't there earlier.
He slowed to a stop and just stared at it. Holy shit, had he really eaten that much food since hiding out there? Didn't feel like there was nearly that much trash in there, but it was also dark so it was not like he could tell. The tunnel had some freshly scraped up earth at the bottom of it, and the same went for the inside floor of the den. All empty now, save for big sweeping claw marks that were a dead giveaway as to which giant silver armor-plated creature had done this.
....But why, though?!
No answers were forthcoming from the trash pile, which was his only company. Maybe it was just meticulous about keeping clean burrows. Hopefully that didn’t mean it was coming back.
…and now that it was in isolation, and he’d had a good face washing while guzzling down that pond water, boy did it stink. He’d been sleeping in that. He must smell awful.
Oh wow, THAT was a loud noise. Some sort of- dirt grinding sound? It was coming from back the way he came, where the creature was digging.
shfff shf-shf
Leaves rustling. Or being removed.
What in the hell was it-
thnk thd thshf
Fuck, it was coming back!
He was about to go back in the hole for a second, but stopped himself, realizing he'd just be trapped in there again, and instead he ducked behind the small mountain of trash. He quickly regretted that choice when the smell hit him even more strongly, and he backed up with a grimace not unlike the one the creature had made when sniffing him earlier.
As the creature came into view, he panicked, looked around, and scurried behind the nearest tree instead, still not really realizing that his eyes were still cartoonishly visible as he peeked out from behind it. He kept forgetting that little detail...
Soon enough, the creature returns from the other clearing where it had been digging the second hole. It walks with a strange gait that felt almost- awkward? The front claws were held up off the ground, as it stepped with the slouched posture of an eighty-year-old. In those strange paws it clutched a small, lightly dirty set of plastic bags- one empty, and the other bulging with unknown contents. The head swiveled back and forth, making a half-hearted check of the area, before it takes hesitant steps once again. It didn’t appear to notice him yet.
Satisfied, it slunk back towards the hole in the ground. Making a low rumble in its throat, it peeks into the hole. Seeing nothing, it backs up, and drops the bag containing things unknowable right at the hole entrance. With the remaining empty bag, it turns toward the trash pile. Turns out he made a good judgement call, as the silver beast lays out the plastic- and begins shoveling it with its massive clawed paws onto the plastic sheet. They definitely weren’t enjoying this, as their muzzle scrunches up in disgust once again. Oh yeah, he definitely smelled like garbage if it made that face at him.
Upon scooping all trash remnants into a pile, it then sits on its haunches, and begins the delicate process of pulling the corners of the bag up to cinch it closed… odd. That was a very human gesture for a distinctly non-human beast to do. Regardless, it struggles, grunting in annoyance any time its claws pierce the bag.
All finished, it picks up the freshly wrapped garbage, turns to leave-
-and stops dead in its tracks, making eye contact with him.
It didn't help he'd leaned out further, trying to get a good look at what it was doing. Seeing it work so meticulously with giant claws was quite a sight... Though he wasn't entirely sure what it was doing with all that trash. The closest comparison he could make was whenever he caught a glimpse of those humans with those big plastic buckets, pulling similar bags out of the smaller buckets around the lab and gathering them up to wheel them away to... somewhere.
He watched it heft up the huge bag and start to carry it off- did it want the trash for some reason?- but he realized too late as it stopped and stared right at him that he wasn't being as stealthy as he thought he was. He looked back up at it nervously, eyes blown wide and his mouth drawn into a tight line as he slowly tried to move back behind the tree. Like that would actually work.
As he ducks back into hiding, the thing takes slow steps of its own in retreat. The plastic bag of garbage fumbles in its grip- amazing it even managed to hold it to begin with- and it drops with a clatter of junk.
It glances from the garbage bag, to him, then back to the other bag it left behind, then to him again. Then back to the unknown bag on the ground.
In a swift movement, it ducks its head down behind the second bag, and extends its neck to push the bag across the grassy earth in his direction. The very next moment, it quickly grabs the garbage bag- in its mouth, this time, revealing a jaw full of sharp teeth. Dropping down to all four limbs, it pivots, and takes off at a swift sprint back the way it came. Branches crunch and leaves rustle in its wake, before it vanishes completely from hearing and sight.
He watched it trundle off into the woods, his mouth slightly agape, before he looked at the bag it left behind.
So... it was leaving something for him? This giant creature was trying to give him something. Was that... a normal thing for forest creatures to do? ...Man, he didn't know shit about wild animals, but that didn't seem like something that was supposed to happen??
He really wasn't used to being given something at all, let alone from a huge beast that looked like it could eat him. Especially with a mouth fulla sharp teeth like that... He poked at his own teeth with his tongue. He had some sharp ones too, and he'd put them to use easily enough in opening some of those metal liquefied food cylinders that he found in that big building with the locked food boxes behind it, but... They still weren't nearly big and sharp as those.
Oh right, bag.
Well, only one way to find out what was in it... He knelt down next to it and opened it up.
Opening the plastic bag proved to be less of a challenge than anticipated. The moment he gave it any kind of slack, the opening was practically forced open from the inside, as something that had been compressed within is given release. A plush square of linen pops out, filled with some sort of soft stuffing. It squishes pleasingly under his touch.
Underneath the small explosion of pillow softness was a pile of more fabrics- thicker, and stitched together in patterns. Pulling it free revealed that it was a very wide rectangle of this cloth, and also soft to the touch.
It left him soft things, and took the pile of trash with it. Huh.
He had lost his previous nesting material, but...
These seemed like a pretty good trade!
It was almost fascinating how soft this material was. And squishy. He gave the plush square a few more pokes, before pressing his whole hand into it. Removing his hand, though, he was surprised to see it kind of expand back into the shape it was in before. Guess that was how it fit in the bag...
This was... kind of exciting, really! He could only just barely remember something like this at the lab, from way back when he was still small… A semi-soft rectangle that he used to sleep on, at least before he outgrew it. It had been so long that he’d almost completely forgotten…
Aware that he was still in the open, though, he quickly scooped up the materials- along with the bag, figuring it might be useful for carrying things later even if he couldn't quite fit the soft stuff back in it- and squirreled them away into the den.
It still smelled a little bad down there, but probably not as much as before... But whatever, it was safe. He plopped down with the soft material, letting it fall in his lap. The big cloth wasn't as squishy as the square was, but it felt nice to run his hands over. It also made his legs feel warm beneath its cover, or at least kept away the subterranean chill. Mostly though, he loved this squishy thing. He was quick to pick it back up and smoosh his face into it. It made him feel a little silly, and a rare smile quirked up at the corners of his mouth as he let out a small, raspy chuff of a laugh.
Pulling it away from his face, he wrapped his arms around it and squeezed it against his chest, resting his chin on top of it with a relaxed sigh. This felt nice...
There was no mistaking it- that big silver thing definitely left these for him, as some sort of present. Something to replace the trash pile as far more suitable bedding. Why, he could only guess. Perhaps it was taking pity on him, after seeing its old den filled with trash and a teenager that stank of rotten food.
...he's sunk quite low, for a forest creature- questionable intelligence notwithstanding- to take pity on him.
But then, was it truly wild? It behaved in much the same way that a human from the town would. There were mannerisms in its behavior that were far more sentient than a simple animal.
A full meal, thirst quenched, and soft squishy things acquired for his safety den. For once, he felt satisfied, and... safe.
Wild forest creature or not... Whatever that huge beast was, it seemed better than people. Way nicer, anyway. He remembered all the false promises of 'helping him' he was fed back in the lab, when they only ever seemed to hurt him instead. Even if the big silver thing was only helping him because it felt bad for him, at least this felt like actual help.
It gave him a lot to think about, but after spending a good chunk of his waking moments today feeling like he was gonna die, only to end up snuggling up in soft materials with his stomach finally feeling sated for the time being... Yeah, a lot had happened, and needless to say, he was feeling pretty tired...
Still sitting with his back against the wall, he pulled the blankets up around himself and curled up around the pillow, finally feeling safe enough to get some much needed rest.
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writtengalaxies · 7 months
Characters: Heehoo
Word count: 629
Spicy Levels: Tame.
Author Notes: ....I blame @cookieface678 for the fact that I can now apparently write the wild man. I'm...just as surprised as y'all are.
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The reason you were here in these woods was simple.
You were looking for a legend. Well, sort of a legend. A myth in part.
Honestly, okay, you were out here on a stupid dare from your friends in the middle of the night, looking for trouble.
See, you were the most comfortable with camping, having done it several times before, but most of your friends didn't understand what it was like to just disconnect from the internet. The idea gave several of them pause, and you couldn't really blame them. Why would they do that, if they didn't have to? There was safety in numbers, and you...
Well, you bragged that you've done solo camping trips where your phone was only maybe able to get any sort of signal in case of an emergency.
In hindsight, that wasn't the best idea, nor was it to agree, even jokingly, to it. At least they came with you, helped set up your camp, made sure they knew where you were, so if something terrible did happen, they wouldn't be combing the massive woods for days. Hopefully nothing would happen.
The second part of this was because you had overheard them talking about a local legend. A wild man in the woods.
"Some people say he used to be a god, some local nature deity forgotten by time. People keep saying they see him show up in different parts of the world."
"Oh, c'mon, that sounds like Bigfoot."
"But for real, I heard he's more like a cryptid, though! Because he's way too big to be a person."
You couldn't help yourself, the skeptical mind coming to the front over anything else. "Has anyone actually seen him or taken photos?"
"Photos of the Heehoo?" You had to struggle to not laugh at the ridiculousness of the name, with the weight in which they spoke it, like if they said the name, he'd appear.
"No one's seen it and lived!"
"Some people take photos, but they're so blurry you can't make out what's supposed to be on them."
You scoffed, and thus the dare was born.
Which is how it was nearly midnight as you sat by your crackling fire, enjoying the solitude of the woods. It was beautiful out here, the air just crisp enough that the fire was comfortable to sit near, the stars peeking through the canopy overhead. It was peaceful. But over time, you became...aware. The noises of insects quieted around you, the soft hooting of an owl going silent. Every nighttime woodland noise that is easy to dismiss when it becomes a quiet background song has faded back to nearly nothing. And you are aware.
Aware of eyes on you, watching you, tracking your movements. You really hope it's not a bear, because you did your best making sure your camp was safe from that, but versus a determined bear? You really couldn't do much. You listened, trying to track the movement right back, listening to how the underbrush shifted and sighed, the soft crunch of tiny twigs and the hush of pine needles...
And he stepped forward, on two legs but hunched forward, to use his arms as a support as he paused and leaned forward further. Scenting the air like a dog, dark eyes piercing. He is tall, and muscular, and inches closer to you, as though he's afraid you might run. He glances down at your fire, and the simple meal, then back at you. Somehow, impossibly, you find your voice.
"Would...would you like some?"
He nods, sitting quite politely, all things considered. With shaking hands, you offer him the simple campfire meal, and breath out an incredulous sigh.
"Are...are you...Heehoo?"
He grunts with a nod.
This was going to be a time.
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void-writing · 2 years
I'm looking forward to more of Change in Management, and Sam and Tucker! I have no idea if it'll happen in the story but I'm imagining the two of them also becoming cryptids to the batfamily. XD Three teenagers that have no official documentation, are in no data bases, and regularly pull disappearance acts.
Also. Of course criminals in Gotham are dangerous. They have to be careful. They're are also seasoned and have met much more powerful people. So there's no fear.
Oh, the trio is going to wreck HAVOC for a while in Gotham while the Bats try to figure out what their deal is XD
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are going to have their own plot stuff going on too so that they’re not stuck orbiting any Danny plots. That’s one thing that I see a lot in DP fics and no shade on people who write them like that, but I often see Sam, Tucker, and Jazz’s characterizations end up centering around Danny and I’m a bit tired of that tbh.
I’m not going to keep the Bats running after them for too long though, but hopefully just long enough to squeeze some fun moments from the situation lol
One potential direction I’m chewing on involves Jazz possibly drawing the attention of the Arrows just for the sake of Bruce’s suffering XD I’m also toying with the idea of Dr. Fate ending up sort of in charge of Tucker because I want to include some aspects from the King Tuck episode and Tucker just keeps giving him grey hairs (metaphorically). He reads as neutral to me, alignment wise, so that’ll have some fun clashing with Mr Lord of Order.
I’ll try not to say much more about it, but even though this is marked as a Batman crossover, I have plans of bringing in other DCU characters.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
ik ik i should be writing more for that brat darling + rival yan part two, but i JUST got this idea. the pairing’s a little unconventional but damn does it have potential.
cryptid darling.
cryptid darling looks humanoid, but there’s like a ton of stuff that give them away. and they live in this very stereotypical cursed forest in a small town, and they’re kinda the reason why the forest is cursed.
their pupils are like a goat’s, their vision clear even during the darkest nights, able to see colors that you can’t.
their irises trap and hold onto the souls of those who fell victim to cryptid darling, the sight so terrifying it paralyzes you on the spot.
antlers, covered in old moss and (hopefully) withered tangled vines, strong enough to take the heaviest blows.
teeth, sharp enough to crack and chew through rocks, as if they’re nothing but soft marshmallows.
hands so nimble that they can grip almost any surface with ease.
they can run and swim faster than you ever can, escape impossible.
the one thing they cannot do is fly.
it’s just a myth, though. an old wive’s tale to get children to behave. of course the forest isn’t cursed!
no one is allowed to go in, though. whoever enters never comes out.
naturally, those rumors attracted a ton of wannabe paranormal investigators!
(supposedly) cursed forest? check.
absolutely terrifying creature that lives inside? check.
small town? check.
no one ever comes out after going in? check check and check!
despite all the warnings, people still go inside because of pure curiosity, a dumb dare, skepticism, or just wanting to be famous.
the forest became infamous in the paranormal world, with many people making conspiracy theories on what could truly be inside.
cryptid darling gets fed well.
and one day, someone somehow took a photo of cryptid darling and got it out into the public, albeit very blurry.
it only sparked more curiosity and debate, with more and more going into the forest.
it made just as many skeptical, because this “cryptid” was already a creature established in ancient myths.
but one day, someone strange came into the forest.
they held trinkets and food with them — even came during spring, when the forest thrived the best.
when cryptid darling prepared to strike, the human quickly knelt down, bowing their head low as they held out the basket of trinkets and food.
cryptid darling cautiously took them, and let the human flee.
they came back the next day.
and then the next and the next —
green leaves changed to brittle oranges and browns, and still they came, never missing a single day.
(okay no more story i can’t write the rest in a story format lol)
this might not seem like yandere, but think about the implications here.
i’m gonna call them loner yan, for convenience.
loner yan here is spending ALL their time with cryptid darling — ditching family, friends, their job, their college or something if they still go to school — everything.
i highly doubt they even live in the town where cryptid darling is, so they even ditched their HOUSE.
their obsession with cryptid darling and their life would grow so large i feel like loner yan would literally just reject humanity entirely, or even beg cryptid darling to make loner yan just like them.
idk i came up with this idea on a whim and just wrote everything i had for it in like 15 minutes lol
-poised darling
i can see everything so clearly.
cryptid darling getting used to the small, weak human, even guiding their path through the forest (as best they can, simply moving poison ivy and briar out of the way), being sweet to their new little worshipper and god, their yandere loves to worship them.
giving them gifts, food, anything they want, all while mumbling praise and worship under their breath, desperate to please their new god. cryptid darling starts favoring them, even enjoying their presence a bit... well, as much they can. its kinda hard to like something you view mostly as food. but cryptid darling shows their appreciation as best they can... by preventing loner yan from leaving, just for a little while longer. letting loner yan gently touch their long, dirty legs, letting loner yan braid their hair to keep it out of the way, even allowing loner yan to hug them. its all a bit much for the poor yandere but they still adore every ounce of attention they get from their darling.
they even offer to live in the forest with them, be their full time worshipper but cryptid darling refuses, not wanting to share their space, esp with a human.
and i love the idea of loner yan flirting with out of towners, leading them into the forest, kissing them, stripping them down and just imagining the moment of absolute terror in the strangers eyes when they see the darling looming over them, only getting a single glimpse before theyre lived up into the hair and gored on a tree like its nothing. the stranger fully expects loner yan to scream, to run away, to do anything other than bow down, shuddering and shivering with pleasure just by being in their darlings presence. just the utter betrayal and terror on the strangers face as cryptid darling leans down and slowly caresses loner yans back, praising them for bringing them another meal
i just love this idea!!!
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thecandywrites · 2 months
Monster March 2024- Day 28- Cryptid
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Because I can't resist. I know, I'm running behind. But hopefully I'll be able to catch up.
Huge thanks to @borealwrites for their fabulous Monster March 2024 Prompt List. As well as @thetravelerwrites for their OkCryptid prompt.
Monster March 2024- Day 28- Cryptid- 
OkCryptid- Beerfest
Phoenix felt she should have gotten a shower, or at the very least, changed out of her work scrubs. But there was no way she had enough time between her late emergency clients and this date. She was honestly tired, stressed and with all the tips she got, she had enough to treat herself - even if this date didn’t show as she went straight to the bar to get the strongest, fruitiest drink. Even though this bar was currently having a beerfest. But she wasn’t a beer kind of girl but she knew she could get one hell of a drink no matter what. 
“Hey Phoenix, what can I get you?” Andy asked as he approached her. 
“I need a bahama mama, could you make her lethal please?” Phoenix requested hopefully. 
“You got it. Rough day?” He asked as he started making her the drink, putting in twice the amount of alcohol as normal. 
“Yeah, I got booked for my two emergency appointment slots tonight- on top of a full shift. And I just got matched on OkCryptid and he wanted to meet me here tonight at the last minute and I don’t have time to go home, get freshened up first or anything. I just hope my deodorant holds out.” Phoenix admitted as she nibbled on her bottom lip. 
“Well if he tries anything, or even if he stands you up, you let me know ok?” Andy urged her. 
“Absolutely, thanks.” Phoenix thanked him gratefully before he finished her drink and she slid him a 50. 
“Understood. Tell the hostess you’re a friend of Angel’s and she’ll seat you around the bar where we can keep an eye on ya. And tell your waiter or waitress that too and they’ll keep a close eye on you too.” Andy urged her. 
“Let me get you change.” Andy offered.
“No. I don’t need change, I just need your eyes. I just got a bad feeling about this- my date all but demanded that I meet him ASAP, he just came off just a tad aggressive in asking me out tonight. He said he would meet me anywhere, and pay for any dinner I wanted, and he wanted to take me to some super expensive place that I'm way underdressed for. So here tonight- even on a Friday night during a beerfest was where I'm known- was a compromise.” Phoenix explained. 
“Thank you!” She nodded as she got her drink and took a long pull, melting at the ice cold, delicious, sweet and strong drink in her mouth. 
She kept checking her phone as he sent her several messages where he swore and promised he was coming, but just needed to find a parking spot nearby because the bar was packed and people were having to park in the parking garage nearby, where she too had parked, but walked here. She waited, a few anxious minutes before her date came in, only a few minutes late, but that was ok. She needed the drink to take the edge off and hopefully this wouldn’t blow up in her face, again. 
“Here he is, wish me luck.” Phoenix offered to Andy before she left the bar with drink in hand.  
“Draven?” She asked as she came up to him with her drink once she waived and he lit up with a bright happy smile when he saw her as he tried to move through the crowded restaurant to get to her as well.  
“Hey! Phoenix, right?” He asked charmingly and a bit nervously as he offered her his hand to shake. 
“Yup. A pleasure to meet you. Sorry, I just got off work. I look like a mess, had my two emergency appointments get booked tonight. No time to go home and get ready or anything.” She offered as she gestured to her appearance. 
“Oh pffbbsh, don’t worry about it. I know it’s still spring and still the busy season. And you don’t need to get all dressed up and dolled up, you’re gorgeous just the way you are.” He tried to charm her. 
“Aww, thanks. So did you get us a reservation?” She asked. 
“Yes I did. Let’s go.” He offered as he gently ushered them through the crowd to where the hostess was telling others who were coming in, what kind of wait there was for the pub tonight, with wait times now almost being an hour long. 
“Hi, I have a reservation for two under Harrison?” He offered. 
“And I’m a friend of Angel’s.” Phoenix offered as she and the hostess exchanged a meaningful look and a nod. 
“Oh awesome. Angel’s a great friend to have isn’t she? I have your down, it’s still gonna be another 15 to 20 minutes for your table to be ready.” The hostess offered as she put a symbol next to the reservation. 
“We can wait by the bar right?” Phoenix asked. 
“Yes, absolutely, here’s your buzzer, just come back when it goes off.” She offered as she offered them the buzzer before Phoenix grabbed it with her free hand and then went back to the bar to snag two open seats next to each other.
“So what can I get you?” Andy asked as he came over to Draven. 
“What do you have on tap? Besides what's on beerfest?” Draven asked before Phoenix slid the beer menu over to him once he gave the flyer a dismissive glance. Granted, it was for sour beers, which she didn’t care for either. 
“I’ll take a pint of….ooh, a toasted macadamia nut stout.” Draven offered before Andy nodded and poured the beer for him. 
“So why did you want to meet me tonight? And not tomorrow?” Phoenix asked. 
“Because I had plans for my other nights and this was the only one that opened up at the last minute.” Draven answered. 
“I see.” Phoenix nodded as she sipped her drink. 
“That busy for you too huh?” She offered. 
“Yes! It’s been crazy busy, but my friend is wanting to do a group date thing tomorrow night actually, and I don’t have anyone and I really don’t want to ask any of the girls in the office because office romances rarely ever work out. Like I know with shows like The Office and Parks and Rec and pffbbbshh, just about every other cast show, that’s like a big deal but in real life? It tends to be on par with nuclear disasters, at least in my experience. So, yeah, I really just didn’t want to go and risk being set up with anyone’s girlfriend’s friend? Because then it’s just really awkward for everyone too because especially if there’s nothing there between you, you’re both there because you’re friends with the involved party and you’re just counting down the minutes until it’s over and I’ve done that too many times to count now and I don’t even take my chances with that anymore. So, sorry if I came off as needy or pushy or demanding or anything, I’m just in a bind with this. But I really didn’t want to get set up on a blind pity date again.” He confessed. 
“Right, so when your evening opened up, you took your chances with OkCryptid instead?” She concluded as she nodded in understanding. Ok that made sense as her inner alarm started to ease just a tad. 
“Yup. I’ll trust an algorithm over sheer, blind luck any day. And with you just putting your profile up on OkCryptid and with you working at The Velvet Spa, I knew I needed to take my chances and shoot my shot sooner than later before you get snatched off the market because single girls in there, don’t stay single for long, like barely a day, a week at the absolute most.” Draven reasoned. 
“I guess that makes sense.” Phoenix nodded slowly again. 
“So, are you just looking to date a Velvet Spa girl period or…?” Phoenix asked suspiciously. 
“Sorry, that came off really wrong. It’s not a fetish, I swear, I was just happy we matched, you- doing the work you do is just a huge bonus because you’re used to working with clients who are anything other than human most of the time. And with OkCryptid, it’s more for “other” kinds of people, but obviously, a lot of humans will use it as something of a fetish too.” He clarified. 
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So, are you a client there?” She asked. 
“Oh of course.” He confirmed as she lowkey put his name into the system to hopefully bring up his client file so she would know more than just what his own profile stated. But his client profile didn’t really offer much more either, just his service history. 
“So, is your friend dating someone at The Velvet Spa too?” Phoenix asked thoughtfully. 
“Yes, River.” He confirmed. 
“Oh! So you’re a friend of Rane’s.” She realized. 
“Oh, are you a friend of hers?” Draven asked hopefully. 
“Uh, no. I don’t know her that well because I only know her at work, we don’t really hang out much outside of work. I’m new and still learning everyone. I only overheard her say Rane’s name in the breakroom, but I was just in there getting more supplies when I heard it. She wasn’t even talking to me. That’s about it. It’s the busy season, we’re in the trenches and practically still in the weeds. And will be for at least the next week or two then things will start to calm down.” Phoenix admitted. 
“Ah shucks, I was hoping you knew her so you could tell me if Rane got a good one or not. He’s one of my oldest friends and I’ve seen him go through the ringer a few times. And I was just hoping River would be the settling down type.” He snapped his fingers. 
“Sorry, I don’t really know River, so I can’t really say one way or another. I mean I always wish for the best and for things to work out for others in general.” She offered a small shrug. 
“Oh of course.” He nodded in agreement. 
“So, are you new to the area too?” He asked. 
“Yup. I got headhunted straight out of school by Maddison and the others on maternity leave because the girls on maternity leave, still need work done themselves and Bianca not only reimburses it, but it’s a way for them to- keep working I guess, even while on leave. Which is why I think half the staff always seems to be on maternity leave. Bianca even has a wing, especially dedicated to those who are on and off maternity leave. Which is really nice.” She noted. 
“But you must be really good to be headhunted like that.” He ventured. 
“Well, I would say I’m average for a newbie.” She chuckled a bit. 
“My class just graduated only two weeks ago. I started training even before I fully graduated because the way they teach us things in school and the way Bianca does things is slightly different. Actually Bianca does things better and to a standard that’s well above any and every State and Federal Medical Board and she runs that Spa as if every client is an inspector and keeps us practically in a constant state of readiness. And she makes sure all of us are ready for when and if the board does a surprise inspection. And I was lucky that my clients followed me from the school’s clinic to The Velvet Spa, even though, most go to the school clinic because it’s much cheaper and easier to get in there than it is to the spa. But, with the school clinic, it’s still a blind grab bag because you could get a first, second or third semester student. But I live like, an hour away, just outside the city. So it’s a long drive, but so far, it’s been well worth it. There’s little towns with little beauty salons that others go to. But the client density is way smaller out there and barely enough to fill a part timer’s hours. But with Bianca not only offering full time hours with full time pay, but with benefits to boot which in this industry- is a rarity.” She offered. 
“Oh, so do you know Dove?” He asked hopefully. 
“Yes! Dove I know. She was in the class ahead of me. And she even vouched for me to get the position in the first place.” Phoenix nodded. 
“Well, she is supposed coming too with my friend Finley, so at least you’d know someone if you went with me to the thing tomorrow.” He supplied. 
“Yeah I would. So you work with Finley and Rane? Because I know they are working on a project together but from two separate companies.” Phoenix recalled. 
“In a way, yeah, I work in financing and I’ve helped with the financing on their various projects.” He offered. 
“Oh, that’s nice.” Phoenix nodded. 
“So what’s this thing tomorrow?” Phoenix asked. 
“Oh Rane wanted a group dating- thing at this really nice teppanyaki restaurant, it’s called Sakura Fuji. And they invited me and others that are in on the project and some of them are married and others already have girlfriends or whatever but I was the only one without a partner. And I didn’t want to chance any of them- putting stress on their new relationships- trying to ask their girlfriends to get a friend of theirs to come be my date for it, because again, bad experiences with that in the past. And this time, I just kind of went out on a limb and you’re practically my hail miracle.” He offered. 
“And what time would it be at?” Phoenix asked. 
“Oh I think it’s at 6. Six or seven.” He answered. 
“Ok, that sounds fun. I’ve only been to like a hibachi place before, so that’s kind of similar right?” She mused. 
“Yeah, practically the same thing, just a lot nicer with much better ingredients.” He expounded. 
“Well, in that case, I’m looking forward to it.” Phoenix grinned as she gave Andy the ‘I’m good’ grin and subtle hand motion just as the buzzer went off
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sonicasura · 2 years
Yup, our ranch hand is gonna be a yokai. Yokai are Japanese mythological creatures that ranging from spirits, dragons to even a few gods. Twilight is gonna be a split between two types: shapeshifting obake and two faced specter Ryomen Sukuna.
Natural born Yokai who wanders about either as a wolf or human. Twilight's true form stands around 3 meters and his second face looks like his wolf's form. Upper back and slightly wolflike upper arms are covered in thick fur that it's often mistaken for a pelt. Has a wolf tail on his lower spine and only one pair of legs in humanoid form but three in wolf form.
Twilight was about four years old when he meets Rusl and Uli. The boy was actually consider a cryptid to the village called the 'Beast' as no one really saw him up close. Just his inhuman shadow. Uli found Twilight trapped under a tree and manage to convince Rusl to help free him.
He quickly left in the middle of the night after recovering from the incident. Although Twilight chose to secretly watch the two over the years. Getting rid of any threats like bandits or monsters that would dare cause the two humans harm.
Twilight's finally taken in by Rusl and Uli around eight years old. A clan of bandits had recently been causing trouble on the path to Castle Town, something the married couple unluckily gets caught in. Twilight makes his appearance and subdues their attackers.
He didn't want to brutally kill said scum in front of Rusl and Uli. They intrigued Twilight and making them fear him wouldn't help. Once again, Uli was the one to reach out to the young Yokai.
It took awhile before Twilight felt comfortable enough to interact with the villagers. He prefer lazing about out of reach if he wasn't doing chores whether in either disguise or true form. Ilia's tenacity to befriend Twilight helped get him outta his shell.
It's an equal 50/50 when it comes to his two goat herding methods. Riding Epona in human form or intimidate/wrestle the more bull-headed members in his true form. (Just like FD, Twilight is too big to ride a horse unless it's the giant one from that BotW quest.)
Ladder, he's a living ladder to the villagers (and a personal jungle gym for the kids.) Twilight doesn't really mind though cause he can at least catch someone before they fall. Just a big gentle giant compared to his younger years.
Only some groups not from Ordon know about Twilight's true form which includes the Zora, Resistance, Gorons, Oocoo, Bulbins, Great Fairies and Spirits. First exposure to the Twilight made him ill than force his wolf transformation. Still took Midna's help to get out as his magic won't work properly (until he acquired the Dark Crystal).
Sass, he gave his new imp companion plenty of sass whenever prompted. Twilight isn't gonna take shit from anyone especially considering his Yokai nature. Might've snatched a mirror shard before Midna cut the connection between both worlds.
When the Chain arrives, he's more upfront about his inhuman nature as Twilight didn't want to join. Had enough goddess given quests and hopefully his true form is enough to further drive the point home. Why would Hylia need "an abomination's help"?
Twilight would definitely had stayed in Ordon Village cooing over his new baby sister more for two reasons. If Dink didn't decide to stir trouble with a troop of monsters and Time didn't give off that same air Uli did all those years ago.
Like with the villagers, it takes awhile before Twilight fully interacts with the Chain. Wind and Time chipped away at his closed off demeanor the most. Kids even young preteens like Wind are something Twilight has problems saying no to.
Wild was the last push needed to have him fully open up. Twilight's nature picked up the Champion's lingering scent of death and it didn't take long to piece together the events in his Hyrule. Wild was a newborn Yokai in his eyes, fellow kin just like him.
The other Links definitely used his large size to either get to unreachable places or in Wild, Wind, Four and Hyrule's case a perch. (Mostly Four cause someone keeps calling him short.) Also wrestles any companion that don't properly take care of themselves as blanket (and scarf) burritos are in their futures.
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dadumtss · 1 year
Hybrids are they a thing? and not meaning "the once human cryptids", but do they allow cross breeding. maybe with the help of magic? or is it banned from cryptids society.
AND what if it was some kind of beautiful angelic looking creature doing it all.👁👁
And the slender brothers witnessed it happening, creations of hybrids of cryptids & animals that were never possible before. how'd the brothers react?
i think the angelic creature would be aware that it's being watched, but "acts oblivious" to it.
In the case of your Angelic OC in my AU:
Bureaucracy gets them before the Slender Brothers ever stumble upon the creature doing the act.
Slenderman hears about it from talk around the office and doesn't think too much about it. He'll know if the rumors are true if the investigative teams return with a report of someone practicing untested, unlicensed and unauthorized magic involving life essence.
Sure enough, the report is delivered to his desk shortly after.
The person has been detained, evidence continues to be gathered and they're moving forward with the charges. In addition, the resulting hybrids as well as the people on which the magic was practiced are being rounded up for study to ensure their health and safety as well as the safety of others.
Slenderman sighs. He spares little thought about the angelic creature beyond the work it's causing.
Offender hears rumors and mentally raises an eyebrow. He's not the most studied on magic, but even he knows that messing around with magic surrounding life essences and souls is more reckless than even he's willing to be. And all for birthing some crotch-goblins?
He doesn't get it.
But whatever, it's not his problem. Let his brother and his government cronies deal with that. He's got better things to do.
Trender hears the rumors and doesn't initially believe them, though they leave a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knows enough about magic to know the potential dangers of using untested magic involving life essence.
He asks Slender about the rumors as soon as he can and is surprised to hear that they're indeed true and the person involved was detained.
What on earth is this person thinking? Hopefully this 'angelic creature' is just some naïve cryptid who thinks they're a good Samaritan for helping incompatible couples have children and not someone with destructive goals.
He makes a note to ask for all of the details the next time the brothers get together. Even if he has to make them get together.
Splendor hears a few whispers here and there but even though he knows the danger of such magic very well he doesn't pay them much mind.
Until, of course, he gets a call from the division of magical research asking him to come in to help study the methods that was used to create Hybrids from magic involving life essences as well as to help in researching possible effects those magics have on the parents and resulting offspring.
He's stunned.
The fact that the rumors were true and someone was dealing with such dangerous magics unsupervised absolutely flummoxes him. He almost refuses to help, unwilling to be dealing with such dangerous magics himself. 
But he takes a moment. They wouldn’t be calling him if they thought they didn’t need help and the safety of others came before his own discomfort. So he agrees. 
After days of research and study he finally meets the “angelic creature” responsible in order to question it on its methods and theories in order to better understand the potential effects of the magic. He’s perfectly polite and friendly but he can’t help but to worry about the type of person willing to play around with magic like that.
Explanation & General Thoughts
(The above headcanons are based on my AU and have a lot of references to the brothers’ jobs. A detailed explanation of their jobs can be found here.)
Hybrid cryptids are a thing in the AU! I even wrote a post about them here.
Hybrids are a well-known phenomena but are still pretty rare since finding two naturally compatible cryptid species is difficult. But there's no rules against 'naturally' conceiving a hybrid.
When there's magic involved things get a bit more dicey. If you're using magic as supportive care to ensure the mother's or fetus's health or using magic to up your personal fertility then few see a problem with that. If you're, say, using magic to Frankenstein the essence of two people of different species together into a hybrid child with unknown capabilities, needs, or fuctionings then you're going to have a problem.
Lots of people may flock to someone willing to do that so they can finally birth a child with their partner but most people would be put off and the Cryptid Government certainly wouldn't like it.
Magic dealing with souls or other life essences is dangerous and highly regulated. Think of all the things can go wrong with just the above 'Frankenstein' scenario:
The parents may die or otherwise be magically damaged or altered
The magic can go wrong causing explosions or other harm to others or the natural or magical environment.
The child could be born physically or magically unstable and live a life of suffering.
A magical union could produce a child that is a danger to cryptid society and can not be controlled.
and more!
So to answer your question more directly, all of the Slender Brothers would report anyone they saw using that type of magic without the proper safeguards and permissions.  
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fbwzoo · 2 years
And last, but not least...
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Charis ate a couple weeks ago, though she'd really like to eat again now please. I'm almost out of food for her and most of what's left is fairly small, sigh. I have an order in with Rodent Pro for a new food stash, so hopefully we'll get that soon.
Also planning to fix up her viv a bit soon. I've ordered Terra firma substrate from Biodude, plus some additives, and a bunch of leaf litter and moss from a fellow crab store. I'm going to replace her substrate, add some clean up crew, and I also got coconut mat to try putting on the walls & see if it'll help with humidity at all. It's always a struggle keeping her humidity up enough during the winter, sigh. I have a humidifier running in my room that at least helps keep it at the minimum. Plus she has her moss box, which helps.
Nova is still full of fire & loves to eat! She's gotten a bit better body condition too, though she currently has a bit of a pudge, either from gorging a bit yesterday, or maybe has eggs. Still only terrible cryptid pictures of her. 😂
Her snail buddy seems to be doing well too. I added some cuttlebone for them, which they very much appreciated. I got a short video of them eating leftover food today too! It's extremely weird! I'm glad they're doing good though, and so far I haven't seen any signs of an impending snail invasion, so I don't think they've decided to create clones yet.
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braveparanoiac · 5 months
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"Need a hand?" starter prompt, sent by @crsdtm
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"No, no no," Stanford waves a dismissive hand without much thought at the stranger's voice, thumb pressing down on the top of his pen over and over. Click click click click - he could've sworn he picked up something around here. There was a peculiar reading, usually meaning some form of anomalous activity was about. Strange for it to be so high in the Midwest - he had figured Oregon was the only hotspot. Exceptions happen, of course. Sometimes one or five might pop up here and there. Brighton, however, seems filled to the brim with very similar readings. Hopefully the readings can be identified soon - it took some convincing to rope Stan in to explore this town. The ocean is nowhere. This was not part of the plan. Ford's not about to ignore such high readings, though. ...Suppose it's better to ask than to keep it to himself, though. Have to word it carefully - people might turn away from him if he outright said 'I think your town is infested with cryptids or otherwise supernatural creatures.'
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"Wait- actually... yes. I think you could provide a bit of aid, if you are willing." The clicking of his pen slows as he glances - down. Little girl, probably about his niece's age, maybe younger, maybe stubborn - did she not plan on leaving him alone when he said no the first time? ...He's starting to get sidetracked. "Er... Stanford Pines," he holds out his hand in offering - the wrist containing an odd looking wristwatch with a mini satellite dish he was watching before. "I am a -" a paranormal investigator? Scientist in all things 'weird?' Cryptid and alien enthusiast? Last he checked, that is a surefire, bonafide way to get called a nutjob - "...I am simply... passing through." Too vague, but maybe good enough. "...My brother is restocking our supplies before we head out on the road. I figured it be best to take in our surroundings and observe the area on my own." Which, isn't entirely a lie. Stan might be pickpocketing stores. Good lying means basing it upon some of the truth, and not revealing everything. "You... wouldn't happen to be a local, would you?" Could be in luck. She could take him to wherever these energy readings are highest. If not, well, he knows where not to look.
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