#htp gift art
aquaquadrant · 6 months
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My take on Scáil. - Inspired by the Púca, an irish trickster spirit that takes the form of a shapeshifting, living shadow. - Scáil is more unstable than Grian, his wings/form never remaining the same animal/mob. His "ears" are that of Allay and Vex wings, while his wings are that of a bat, a parrot, a bee, and a phantom.
AYO???? this is such a neat concept, omg. i love how much definition u were able to get using white lines on black. and using something from irish folklore is just👌 very cool interpretation, thanks for sharing!
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lunarcrown · 8 months
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Read the HTP AU and had to take a crack at a Hels Joel design!
Here’s some notes of the design choices:
-purple instead of green because purple is opposite to green on the color wheel
-mans had an elytra in the fic so endermite/the end theme for him?
-Endermites dont get much love. they are lil parasites which is somewhat the opposite to overworld joel. Overworld joel being a team player and kinda everyones rock while Null is really a “parasite” haha
-his antenna are very sensitive to soundwaves and his surroundings, think echolocation but with feeling instead of hearing. He can somewhat pick up the direction of breathing with just his antenna alone, but that can also be his downfall. Very loud noises and certain pitches can immobilize him, causing him to wither in pain on the floor :(
-hes kinda selfish and unkind, Hels made him that way :( everyday is survival to Null, hes had the feelings beat outta him
-his name is Nolan/Noelan, but “Null” for short :3
The endermite born UM YESSSSS!!!!
And I’m SUCH a sucker for drooly characters AND SHARP TEETH?????? Wonderful
I love all the ideas about his endermite side helping him out and HAFSG WHAT A GREAT WAY TO GET ANTENNAE IN THERE!! But the loud noises hurting him nooooo (also SHULKER MASK YESSS!!!!! )
And poor guy getting the feelings beat out of him :,,( some players react by becoming a wet rag like timmy and some go full bore always-offense like Null and it’s all a HARD LIFE
Thank you so much for sharing this!! @aquaquadrant and I were going WILD!!!!!
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thewxtchers · 3 months
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We drew @lunarcrown / @aquaquadrant 's hels to pay au joel! We drew null!! Just look at this mans!! Pathos next!!! On the page in our sketchbook hed under null!! But look at this fuckinh goblin of a man- we are so proud TwT
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siriannatan · 1 year
Winter's Canary part 1
Tango escapes Hells with help from a man owing him his life, Timmy or Animosity.
He brings them to the frozen fortress of one S Minor. One of the most powerful people in all of Hells. Powerful enough to have a huge, always covered in snow and ice spruce forest and a whole castle in the middle of it.
Powerful enough to be able to send someone out of their very hard-to-leave dimension.
Inspired by the wonderful Hells To Pay AU by @aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown.
AO3 link for those who prefer to read there
Warnings: Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, In a way, Mysterious Potions, Hells Scott, Hells Jimmy, Harpy Jimmy, Scott is evil, violence
Jimmy was not sure why he agreed to help Tango get out of Hells. The whole idea was ridiculous to the point of being nearly a joke. No one has ever left Hells. Not permanently and without supervision of the few individuals who knew how to leave. But Tango was not joking and Jimmy owed him big time for something from years ago. And he hated owing someone something. And owing his life to this wet sad cat of a blaze hybrid was even less something he wanted. 
So he took him to one person he was almost completely certain would not kill them on sight or as soon as they mentioned what they wanted. Scott or Minor. Lord of the very few not burned and completely destroyed parts of the dimension that were not weeks and weeks of travel away. A sign that he was to not be messed with. Few were powerful enough to keep a piece of land that big to themselves and on their complete own. Minor was a major recluse. He hated company.
"The plan is, you'll wait in the entrance and wait while I talk to him. He's tolerated me the few times I had to deal with him in the past," Jimmy laid out how he wanted this to go. He'd likely end up having to do something for Scott but that was better than owing Tango. Depending on what it was it could be worth it beyond getting rid of this annoying favour he owed. "And if you do end up talking to him under no circumstances talk back. He gets annoyed easily and I'll be not thawing you out if he freezes you," he might have been a bit callous and slightly rude but that could save Tango from becoming an ice statue.
If he didn't freeze before they reached Scott's mansion. Jimmy himself wasn't good with cold but Tango seemed to deal with it even worse. Serves him right for all the hurrying and refusing to prepare properly. Jimmy tried warning him. And luckily he was one of the scarier people in the area between spawn and Scott's domain. Not that it was all that scary of an area, lacking much of anything but dust and destruction but he'd probably be fine a bit further away too. He was no pushover. He had to. Being a harpy with golden feathers made staying hidden quite hard. So he had to get good at beating others up.
"Sure thing. I won't even ask how or why we're not dead yet being this far into Minor's territory," Tango nodded, shuddering in the ever-present cold. He was really, really not dealing well with it. "Are you sure he can help? I'd hate it if he just tossed me back to the Professor..." Tango mumbled.
It took a lot of convincing from Jimmy to get him to admit where he was the last two years and what happened to him. Not a pretty thing but all Jimmy cared about was Tango being as far away from him as possible to not drag him any further into that mess. And if that took getting involved with Major more than he usually would then so be it. He was much more manageable than the Professor. Still not pleasant though. Certainly not with the way he always stared at Jimmy those few times they actually talked.
Eventually, they reached the frozen-over mansion. The main gate opened on its own for them. The inside was barely warmer than the outside. A low flame came to life in two fireplaces on two sides of the entry hall. "Who decided to pay the little old me a visit?" Scott's distant voice called out as Jimmy and Tango stood by the door, not yet daring to come in deeper. That could upset Scott 
"It's Jimmy, I have a favour to ask..." Jimmy started but stopped one Scott's considering hum rung out through the empty, cold halls of the manor.
"You can come further in, company will wait there, he can sit," Scott allowed and Jimmy almost bowed. Almost. There was just... something in his cold, almost completely void of emotions voice that called for respect.
Jimmy nodded. "Thank you, Scott," he said and went deeper in. To the room, he knew the host liked to receive his visitors in.
Up the twin curling staircases on the other end of the entrance hall and through the corridor right off the stairs. No turning left or right. Just straight to a small sitting room a few steps from the landing. It was just a big chair and paintings of wildlife lining the walls. It didn't have to be grand. Just Scott, in his full regal glory. Smirking from said seat. Lounging casually and staring at his visitors, in this case, Jimmy, with cold red eyes. White hair fell around his pale face in elegant waves. White shirt crisp with no wrinkle out of place, unlaced slightly at the neckline showing some of his chest. Cinched with a dark corset with dark red decorative embroidery around his lower torso. Tight, dark pants with matching decorations disappeared into knee-high boots where one leg was casually resting over the other. A half-empty glass of wine in one dressed in a short glove hand. Other hand serving as a rest for his chin.
"Well, well, well, aren't you a surprise Jimmy," Scott chuckled setting his glass aside. "You said you came here for a favour? What could someone like you need from someone like me?" he wondered, looking Jimmy up and down. Slowly. Deliberately. Looking through him and not at him. 
"My friend wishes to leave Hells..." Jimmy started but was stopped by Scott laughing of all things. 
"And why are you asking for it for them?" Scott wondered, leaning back in his seat. 
"I owe him a big debt..." Jimmy admitted, failing to come up with any excuse Scott would accept. 
"Mhm..." Scott hummed. Clearly not impressed. "Is it big enough for the price of what you're asking? Or more precisely... how much are you willing to give me for my help."
Jimmy stood there silent. Scott's words were so much more complicated than just a fight. He spend most of his life learning how to and fighting. Not the million meanings of Scott's words, smiles, smirks and stares.
"What you're asking for," Scott it would seem took Jimmy's silence as an invitation to keep talking. "Is no small thing. Sending someone out of here. For good. Is a difficult thing. It will not be a small price," as he slowly spoke Scott got up. And circled Jimmy like a predator.
"What would you want?" Jimmy asked, fully aware it was a mistake. It would be even worse if he offered something and it was not good enough for Scott's tastes. He never before, through the few times he absolutely had to meet Scott, never seen him smile as wide. He was clearly pleased to name his price.
"Since it's YOU asking and not your friend," Scott's smile reached levels of smugness Jimmy has never seen before. "What I want is YOU. All of you, Jimmy. Body. Mind. Soul. Heart."
Jimmy was stunned. Him? Since when did Scott have facial expressions more than his usual utter boredom? And since when did he have any desire for company? "If I might... why?" he wanted to ask more but thought better of it. He was not in the mood to become an ice statue.
"Even I get lonely sometimes, and you're the most tolerable person out there," as he spoke Scott leaned on Jimmy, resting a cold hand on his chest. "We'd have to do something about the cold... but that's simple," he grinned. "So? Is your debt big enough for my price? Is your friend worth it?"
For a second he had to scramble. Favour? Friend? Tango. Out of Hells. Scott can do it but wants Jimmy. All of him. For this rather big apparently favour. Where else could he take Tango to take care of the damned debt? Scratch that. Would Scott even let him leave now that he had him in his manor? Right in his grasp. With Tango as a perfect hostage... And everyone else Jimmy could think of that could help would be even worse... How bad could just giving his whole self to Scott be?
He was in Hells. Was not planning on leaving. And already spend all his days fighting. No matter what Scott wanted it could not be worse than what he did so far in his life. Right?
"I accept," he nodded, the thought of the Professor not even crossing his mind. Just that he needed Tango as far as possible and soon.
Scott's grin grew wider if possible. It was borderline unnatural. Not that about 90% of Hell's population was normal, natural and not modified in any way. Even respawning had its limits. "Excellent. I'll take care of your friend but first, to solidify the payment," he put emphasis on 'payment' that got a shiver go up Jimmy's spine. All across his wings. "You drink this potion and wait until I get back. I will find you if you leave," Scott's smile got down a bit but was still there as he passed a bottle to Jimmy.
"You were ready already?" he asked eyeing the thick liquid flowing behind dusty green glass.
"I could feel you two coming from far away," Scott grinned pulling Jimmy to his 'throne'. "I suggest you sit before drinking it. It can be a bit much."
The care and warning were a bit of a surprise but Jimmy expected Scott just didn't want a new toy breaking too fast. Once seated, and under Scott's cold calculating stare, he chugged the whole potion at once. It burned and swirled in his throat. But not like fire or too hot drink. Like cold water. Full of small, sharp bits of ice. Freezing on its way down. His head spun and his muscles seized. His hands grabbed at the armrest as he fought to not just slide to the cold, covered by only a thin carpet, cold, hardwood floor. And under Scott's feet. The ice bastard would probably love it. 
"Good job, Jimmy," Jimmy's brain registered a distant praise from Scott. It felt strangely... Comforting? Warm? Nothing like it used to be. "With this it should be easier to keep you in check and warm. I can't have you freezing on me before I have my fun." Scott's cold grin was the last thing Jimmy saw before passing out.
Scott grinned as he briefly petted Jimmy's head. He was slightly shocked he agreed to his conditions so easily. But when wasn't Jimmy full of surprises? And yes, the process could have been a bit less violent and painful but... It was all Jimmy's fault for bringing a friend along. How could Scott not be a bit jealous the pretty harpy was hanging out with someone else? "I should probably send him away so he doesn't get in the way," Scott sighed and left Jimmy in the chair. There was plenty of time to move him once Tango was dealt with.
"You must be Jimmy's friend in need of my help," Scott grinned taking in the sorry state the blaze hybrid was in. All battered and scratched. Scott assumed it was from before he met up with Jimmy considering the harpy was perfectly fine. "I'm Minor, but you know it already," Scott introduced himself, even gracing the pest with an almost kind smile. "I send Jimmy to rest a bit, don't worry. The cold is not the best for his wings," he effortlessly lied. "Follow me," he waved and went to the grand door under the stairs. "I'm supposed to send you to a different world aren't I?" he chuckled at the confused expression.
"Oh... about the pay..." Tango started, quickly catching up.
"Don't worry about it, it's entertaining enough and Jimmy promised to do a little favour for me so it's all fine," Scott continued playing a generous and kind host. 
"Oh... Thank you so much," Tango rambled. At least his voice wasn't entirely unpleasant. Not as nice as Jimmy's but it did not irritate  Scott as much as many other voices did. He did feel a bit bad about Jimmy handling the payment but he also doubted he had anything that could interest someone like Minor.
"Don't worry, the process is quite simple and painless," Minor assured stopping to open a tightly locked door.
Tango wasn't sure if he trusted him all that much but apparently, Jimmy did so be it. He was too far to back out. And if he did the Professor would probably find him pretty easily and quickly once he was out of the spruce forest. And there would be no escaping once he did. And Jimmy was kind enough to help and already owed Minor that little favour.  So he followed the ice mage into the room and waited for any further instructions. 
It was a small room and looked a bit like a dungeon. There was nothing but a magical circle on the cracked floor and a thick and heavy-looking book on a stand.
"Stand in the centre of the circle and try to relax," Scott instructed and Tango wasted no time following his words. "You might feel a bit faint and queasy when on the other side, try to not move too much for a few minutes and try to not die too quickly before setting a spawn. Be careful about a spawn until you get recognised as a player," Scott listed out warnings leisurely walking behind the book stand.
Tango nodded. Not sure if he was supposed to talk. And because he was trying to calm down a bit. It'd be embarrassing if he landed near players and their first impression of him was... well. Side effects.
"Have fun young Tango," Scott waved as the runes lit up. "Bye-bye," a cold farewell was the last thing Tango saw in Hells.
"You must be the new player, welcome to Hermitcraft," he greeted and Tango promptly fainted before he was able to ask him any questions.
Tango was pretty sure his eyes broke in the process. Everything was so bright and full of colour and... there were birds singing and no sounds of explosions or fighting. Be it close or far. There was no soot or ash in the air. And there was wind. And there was a person waiting for him there.
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thepiper0fhameln · 5 months
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For LadyGigi. @jijikero on Tumblr! "To take another Stark"
This is the sad Tumblr version.
View it uncensored here on AO3 instead!
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thedogsled · 1 year
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Hi friends! Welcome to my Stucky Bingo masterlist. I filled out the whole square, which is exciting for me because in two decades of fandom I've never so much as completed a single line of bingo before. It adds up to a total of 22, 817 new words and three (four) pieces of art, which is pretty darn cool. Hope you enjoy it!
Prompt: B1 AU: Concubine Rating & Warnings: G, None As the siege breaks and the battle wanes, Steve finds himself in Baron Zemo's quarters, where two people are hiding from the bloodlust beyond their curtains. Steve has a choice to make. Link: Looting the Baron's Treasures Prompt: I1 Red Skull Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Rape/Non-Con, Forced masturbation, Clinical voyeurism, Winter Soldier Bucky “So you see, Captain. Your friend is one of us, now. Zola has done an excellent job reprogramming him, don’t you agree?” Link: No Hero N1 "Your work has been a gift to mankind" Rating & Warnings: G, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Sleep Paralysis Bucky doesn't sleep well. Sometimes things from the past come back to haunt him. Link: Night Fury G1 Inside Jokes Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Naked butt in the art Tony's birthday presents are always inappropriate, and as usual he's completely outdone himself. Link: Butt Stuff O1 AU: Gang/Mobsters Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Anonymous sex, Internalized homophobia, glory hole When an anonymous voice makes him an offer, Bucky finds it hard to refuse. It's just a little stress relief. Nobody will ever know. Link: Friday Night B2 Enemies to Lovers Rating & Warnings: G, Implied homophobia/Misunderstandings Steve Rogers is a little punk and Bucky has had enough of it. Link: The Playbook I2 Holding Hands Rating & Warnings: G, None After all these years, Steve and Bucky get the life they deserve, and Bucky gets some birthday presents. He's happy to share one with the man he loves. Link: Stucky Bingo September Round Robin 2022 N2 AU: Sports Rating & Warnings: G, None When Russian figure skater Bucky Barnes defects, he can only skate for the Team USA if he skates with a partner. What he and Steve Rogers find together on the ice is golden. Link: Stucky Bingo February Round Robin 2023 G2 Kink: Hot Tub Sex Rating & Warnings: Explicit, PWP without Porn It takes a while to snag a little privacy after the party. Link: Water's Warm O2 Art Format: Explosion of Colors Rating & Warnings: G, None Art! Link B3 Major Injuries Rating & Warnings: G, Blood and injury It wasn’t that he hadn’t noticed Bucky being struck. He’d thrown out his shield to block the worst of the damage from the exploding debris, but he’d noticed Bucky clutching his side throughout the fight. Steve knew. But in the middle of it there had been no opportunity for pause, no moment where he could check that Bucky was okay. He kept moving, and that was what mattered. Link: Stucky Bingo March Round Robin 2023 I3 Space Rating & Warnings: G, None MCU Bucky is the Man on the Wall, and he takes Steve on a little adventure in space. Sad vibes! Link: Picnic on the Moon N3 Free Space (also adopted prompt: Drunken Hookup) Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Semi-Public sex, drunken hookup Bucky is leaving in the morning, and Steve can't let him go without making one last desperate leap of faith. Link: Leap of Faith G3 Steve Coming out of the Ice Wrong Rating & Warnings: Explicit, PWP without porn, Rimming, Sexual dysfunction Steve has a terrible secret, and he's not sure how well Bucky's going to take it. (Please note: Brief HTP mentions but Steve is mistaken, mostly.) Link: Parsnips
O3 Secret Injury Rating & Warnings: G, Blood and Injury Bucky is shot during the prison escape (in The First Avenger). When he realizes on the march home, he has to decide whether or not to tell Steve. (Canon compliant! Not MCD!) Link: Carry Me Home B4 Kink: Tickling Rating & Warnings: Mature, Consensual kink, Breathplay Bucky teaches Steve about one of his kinks, and while at first Steve's not sure if he likes it... Link: Giggles I4 Pic: Shower curtain Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Mutual Masturbation, Shower Sex, NSFW art In which Bucky pulls a prank and then they have to make up. 1471 words + a little NSFW art for flavor Link: Bucky Barnes: Shower Menace N4 Predator/Prey Rating & Warnings: Explicit, None Maybe Steve Rogers needs to get better at stealth. Not that the consequences of losing are all that bad. Link: When the Lights Go Out G4 Avengers Compound Rating & Warnings: G, None Bucky comes home, and Steve can't keep the smile off his face. Link: New Old O4 "Before we get started does anyone want to get out?" Rating & Warnings: Teen, Ableist language “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Avenge Your Love, the newest and biggest show on the Marvel Network, designed to match a man of honor and bravery with the love of his life. I’m Nick Fury, your host for this adventure, and I’m here with Captain Steve Rogers of the U.S. Army. Captain, tell us a little bit about yourself.” Link: Stucky Bingo Round Robin October 2023 B5 Clint Barton/Hawkeye Rating & Warnings: Teen, None Bucky loved his friends, and he didn’t really blame them for interfering. How could he? Clint was right; in the two years since they’d come here together for uni, Bucky’s ladykiller days had spontaneously ended. It was always about Steve, now. Steve this, Steve that. Nevermind that in all that time Bucky had probably said maybe 20 words to the man. Link: Stucky Bingo Round Robin April 2023 I5 AU: Pen Pals Ratings & Warnings: G, None Steve illustrates Captain America A fan writes to him Flirting ensues Link: The Man With the Umbrella N5 Writing format: Stream of consciousness Rating & Warnings: G, Night Terrors, Sleep paralysis, Hurt No Comfort, PTSD Bucky isn't sleeping so well. Link: Locomotive Breath G5 New York Rating & Warnings: G, None Did Bucky go back to HYDRA? Did they recapture him, torture him? Why has he disappeared again? And what can Steve possibly do about it while he's 'resting up OR ELSE' as Sam so sweetly puts it? Link: Broken Hearts (In a Drawer) O5 Kink: Clothed Sex Rating & Warnings: Explicit, Clothed sex, Sex toys under clothing, In public Steve really can't keep his mind on mission planning...not when he knows something the other Avengers don't. Link: Modern Conveniences
Adopted prompt: Sokovia Rating & Warnings: G, None Zemo was right about visiting Sokovia. He needed to come here, needed to see the things that Zemo has lost. Beyond that, it's a good place for some introspection on the things that Bucky himself has lost along the way. It's Steve. He's thinking about Steve. Link: Scars That Never Heal Adopted prompt: Art style: Charcoal Rating & Warnings: G, None “There…might’ve been a bit of a hiccup on the mission.” “A hiccup.” “Just a tiny one.” “Well, I would certainly say that’s tiny alright,” Bucky drawled, moving in closer. “Do I even want to know what sort of tiny hiccup landed you with a baby?” “Would you believe me if I told you that this is actually-ah-Natasha?” Steve grimaced with a shrug. “I think ‘magic’ about sums up the hiccup.” Link: Stucky Bingo Round Robin November 2023 Adopted prompt: Double Agent Rating & Warnings: G, HYDRA Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers is not HYDRA) Steve returns the Infinity stones. Some are far easier than others. Avengers: Endgame Canon Divergence. Link: I Knew Him
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samstevesmallgifts · 4 years
SamSteve Small Gifts 2020
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Welcome to the second annual 2020 SamSteve Small Gifts Exchange, where fans of Sam Wilson & Steve Rogers’ relationship come together and swap creations. This is a low-stress gift exchange to celebrate the end of the year with a little bit of SamSteve love.
Each participant will sign up with a list of three potential wishes and their likes/dislikes for giving & receiving. The mod will pair everyone up, and each participant will create something based on one of their partner’s wishes. Keep your gift details hush-hush until reveals week, when everyone posts their gifts. Then we all bask in the glow of SamSteve content!
Sign-Ups: Friday 2 October - Friday 16 October
Assignments Sent: Monday 19 October
Check-In: Saturday 5 December
Sharing of Gifts: Saturday 26 December - Sunday 3 January
Fics (min 750 words)
Original Artwork
Moodboards (min 6 images)
Icons (min series of 5)
Podfic (min 15 minutes)
Fan Vid (min 2 minutes)
Anything else of similar effort (we are open to suggestions!)
Remember, this is a small gifts exchange, so while there is no max, please keep your ambitions within the spirit of the fest!
Each participant will be asked to submit three wishes for their partner to choose from. These can be anything: a word, a theme, a song, an image, etc. You can also wish for a gift based on one of your own past works: a podfic or translation of a fic, art based on a fic, remix or AU of a fic/art piece, fic inspired by an art piece, etc. 
You’ll be asked to share your general likes/dislikes, as well as any rating preferences. You'll also be able to specify your preferences for gift-giving, including what you're willing and unwilling to gift.
Do our wishes need to be holiday or winter themes? Nope! Your wishes can be focused on whatever themes you like.
Are there any age requirements? This is a 16+ event, and if you are under 18, you will not be allowed to ask for or receive any gifts spicier than a T rating.
Are there any content restrictions? Yes, there are a few things to keep in mind, both while creating your wish list and committing to creating your gift:
All wishes and gifts should be focused on SamSteve in a romantic or queerplatonic relationship.
Side pairings are fine, polyamory is fine, but SamSteve is the focus of this event and therefore should not be sidelined so that another ship can have the spotlight. If you're not sure what we mean by this, please ask.
No HTP, sympathetically portrayed Hydra, or romantically portrayed noncon.
Please be mindful in portraying characters of color respectfully (check out this awesome resource page from the @samwilsonbirthdaybang​ for more info.)
No sexual relationships between adult and minor characters.
All of AO3’s major content warnings (graphic depictions of violence, major character death, rape/non-con, underage sex) are by request only. If your partner didn’t specifically ask for it, don’t create it.
How do we share our gifts? You may share your gifts on the SamSteve Small Gifts AO3 Collection, Dreamwidth, or Tumblr, or you may share it privately with your partner. Details will be forthcoming as we draw closer to the due dates.
I have another question! No problem, we’d love to hear from you! Send us an ask on Tumblr or comment on Dreamwidth, and we’ll get right back to you.
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🎶 What the world needs now, is trash, sweet trash 🎶 Since the fandom has become a pile of ash
Hey, do you like #HydraTrashParty premium garbage content?
Are you sad that it’s no longer 2014 and there’s less and less dumpster swill being produced by the day?
Welcome to the Hydra Holiday Trash Party 2019.
What is it?  - A gift exchange!
How do I participate?  - Fill out this form!
Where can I learn more before I dive into this dump truck with you?  - Read this document!
So this is just to write more terrible rapey HTP fic and put it out in the universe?  - NO!         We’re accepting art too!
Sign-ups: Oct 29 2019 to Nov 15 2019 Claims: Nov 15 - Nov 25 Publish: Dec 31st 2019
Sign up today and help your local garbage ecosystem to thrive.
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ao3feed-stucky · 4 years
by piglet_illustrations (thefilthiestpiglet)
The lovely DragonGirlG won the bid for my filthy HTP art for Fandom Trumps Hate 2020, and asked me to illustrate Bad Things Happening to Steve Rogers from two of her amazing HTP fics. Here's the first one!
Here's the link to the fic: an honest liar, taking on heavy fire -- basic summary is that HYDRA captures Steve during the movie of CATWS, plays a game with him, and then leaves him to the Winter Soldier.
For people browsing this in the FTH collection -- um, it's bad guys doing noncon sex acts to good guys who hate it. It is intentionally horrible.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Hydra Agents/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: HYDRA Trash Party, Gift Art, Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom Trumps Hate 2020, Non-Consensual Handjobs
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tessatalksbooksblog · 2 years
A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson #BookReview #Excerpt #Mystery #Fantasy #YA
A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson #BookReview #Excerpt #Mystery #Fantasy #YA
Thank you to HTP Books for my spot on this blog tour. Coming out Tuesday March 29, 2022 A FORGERY OF ROSES by Jessica S. OlsonOn sale: March 29, 2022ISBN: 9781335418661 Inkyard PressTeen & Young Adult; Fantasy; Romance$19.99 / $24.99 CAN384 Pages From the author of Sing Me Forgotten comes a lush new fantasy novel with an art-based magic system, romance, and murder… Myra has a gift many would…
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aquaquadrant · 6 months
Hi there. I’m going insane and it’s your fault. Like I discovered your absolute emotional masterpiece of a fanfic the other day and it’s all I think about anymore I’m so obsessed; I downloaded tumblr bc of you and I don’t really know how this site works but I do know how to click the ask button so that’s your problem now. I got words for you
First off: HOLy the writing and the voices are so good??? Like the characters say things the way their irl counterparts would say it? How?? Teach me your ways? Actually tho what did you do to learn to do that, is it innate, do you practice?
Second: “He wouldn’t have known the sight of Tango’s pale skin flushing bright red all the way down his chest.” That sentence just kinda stuck out to me from the last chapter… for some reason... anyways (idk what my point is here but it sure has got me thinking thoughts :P )
Third: I said I was obsessed, and I think it was an understatement. I didn’t study for my chem final because of this (still got an A tho so dw) and I went to bed for three days straight thinking about it and I woke up every morning thinking about it. (It took a solid hour to snap myself out of it when I actually needed to get work done lol) And on the plane ride home for break I drew some things so I’ll just leave these here if you don’t mind (umm ignore the tango faces on the first page and his left hand on the second, there's something Wrong™ about them I gotta practice, ok?)
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idk if the formatting is good or whatever but here they are
As you can see I love love love the scene after the nightmare. If I remember correctly, Tango started wearing the gloves to protect his claws so they could heal after he escaped, and then when Jimmy gets hurt he just instinctively gives them to him?? Hello, the symbolism??? Tango just surrenders his own protection, both physically, because he would rather protect Jimmy, but also emotionally bc it immediately reveals what he considers a flaw in himself, monstrous, hideous. And Jimmy sees him throw the walls up again, “He quickly shoves the gloves at Jimmy, moving to get up. “I’ll uh, I’ll get another pair tomorrow-”” but Jimmy won’t let him, instead looks at what could be considered Tango’s entire soul —his trauma, his Hels origin, the feral, blaze side of him, the side that lies and hides and lashes out at any who get too close, the “ugliest” parts of him —and loves him despite it? Even sees the beauty in him? Yea, no, I’m normal about that—
Anyways idk how long these things are supposed to be but I have a couple more thoughts so you’re still stuck with me. Ummm let’s see… I adore your impulse design. So I’m taking that, thanks. (If that’s ok) also was thinking about how Jimmy would wear shirts with the wings getting in the way (see bottom of 2nd pic), and then thought maybe that’s why he’s so good at embroidery or sewing in general, cuz he has to make custom clothes. And then I thought what if he made some *cough* outfits and had Tango judge them… or asked for help putting on/taking off a particularly difficult shirt... haven’t had time to draw that yet but ya know… one day. Aaaaand the blaze rods could theoretically make a pretty cool fire crown when Tango's angry, also blazes do damage when you touch them, but I don't think you get set on fire? So it must be the blaze rods themselves doing damage, so I imagine when Tango's fighting they swirl around him both to attack whoever gets too close and to block any incoming projectiles (see middle left of 1st pic). +gradients on the blaze rods :]
Last thing, I showed my sister the fic last night and she’s already read through it twice so you’ve infected two of us. We were theorizing on what’ll happen next chapter. We both think that the others will piece together, to some extent, Tango’s backstory before they figure out how to remove the collar, what with the cuffs he wears, the comments Atlas made about a farm, Atlas’s mentioning about using Jimmy that way for his feathers, etc etc. and the comment that Tango can hear everything? Yea, no, when that collar comes off he’s gonna be distraught, I’m wagering that everything immediately bursts into flames around him or something (cuz that’d be cool). I think he'll probably try to run away, too, but we'll see
Anyways, that’s not all my thoughts but this is getting pretty long, so maybe I’ll send another ask later if that’s alright. Have a good day! Post again soon! Please. Please I'm begging you. For my sanity plea-
(actually tho take ur time. quality is worth it, and this is nothing but quality)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg welcome. this was genuinely SUCH a lovely ask to read, but i wanna take the time to properly answer it so i’m gonna continue under the cut cause boy can i ramble
first off: HELLO, you got a tumblr bc of HTP?? incredible. i’m honored that this gay angsty little block man au was your introduction to the hellsite (affectionate). and don’t worry, i welcome asks no matter the length (tho i might not get to everything in a timely manner)
second of all: i’m SO happy you enjoyed my character voices. that’s definitely something that’s taken a bit of practice, especially for more understated characters that don’t have super obvious or unique vocal traits/vernaculars. i find it helpful to a) have spent a decent amount of time watching the source material and b) always go over my dialogue with the character’s voice in my mind, and see if it sounds like something they’d actually say. ofc, sometimes liberties can be taken based on the plot/setting of a fic but generally i spend a lot of time and effort on getting character voices right, so i appreciate the appreciation <3
thirdly: i like that particular sentence too ;0
fourth: THAT ART THO??? oh man. impulse looks amazing (i’ve always loved demon!impulse and gotta credit @lunarcrown for bringing that vision to life 💃) and the wings are SO well done, like you conveyed that leathery thin bat skin texture perfectly. the various tangos are SICK, i luuuuv seeing him in full blaze rage mode, using those blaze rods to their full effect. and those hands… goddamn. not only do i respect the hand anatomy but the ROSES… the shackles and their metallic texture… the gradient on tango’s claws… chef’s kiss 💋👌 and THANK YOUUU the post-nightmare scene was one of my favorites from that chapter, and you’ve summed it up beautifully.
moving on: as with all of lunar’s designs, she’s happy to inspire so BEHOLD, DEMON IMPULSE UPON YE (that’s a yes from both of us LOL) i love ur idea about jimmy making custom shirts to work around his wings, that’s one of those little details i never put much thought into but it fits so nicely with him being into embroidery. so jimmy def makes a lot of his own clothes (and occasionally some for tango), co-signed and approved. and ur on the right track about tango’s blaze rods- most of his defensive fire comes directly from them, doing that crazy swirly fireball thing that actual blaze do, but he does also have the ability to produce fire from his hands, he just doesn’t do it often. it takes a bit more concentration and practice, and he spent so long trying not to use his abilities that it doesn’t come second nature to him anymore. he was way more of a fire starter as a kid in hels.
last but not least: AWW it’s so sweet u got ur sister into the au (lord knows i’ve dragged mine into many a fandom 😂) glad y’all enjoyed it so much, AND now u have someone to theorize with 👀 i won’t say anything more on the matter other than i hope to get the next chapter out over the next couple weeks, so stay tuned…
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lunarcrown · 5 months
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Here I go again drawing Null again- this time with a lil ramble 💛
Anyways, I have a lil fan headcanon that Alisker paid Null to find Patho in order to give Patho the message: the paid job of visiting Hels Tek and helping Atlas.
Null’s sense of smell, his hearing, and Endermite senses make him a pretty good tracker, a “bloodhound” per say. In the addition of his elytra, he’d be the fastest candidate to find anyone if they paid him a good price. I like to think Null and Patho have met each other a few times due to people wanting to get in contact with the guy, Null being fully alone finding his location due to the fear of getting on Patho’s bad side. He’s already somewhat an annoyance, a postman to Patho and with the amount of respect and intimidation that Null has with him, Null has made it clear he would never bring a fight to Patho. He’s only a mere messager boy :)
Thank you for reading my Ted Talk, I’m also planning on making a lil side blog just for Null stuff maybe. Will update you guys haha 💛💛
YOOOO THE LIGHTING!!!! The GRADIENTS!!!! The bg and pose and everything happening in this!!!!
I love how expansive this piece is YET it’s so easily readable and so FOREBODING!! The lava and the skellies and the forest in the bg HEHHE
This is sooooo COOL!!! I can’t get over the atmospheric perspective and how you made it feel so HUGE 🥹🥹 absolutely STUNNING!!!!
HAHAFG I love too him being a messenger boy that’s met patho before and is like PLEASE DONT KILL THE MESSENGER!!! LITERALLY!!!
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siriannatan · 1 year
Guess who ignored all their drafts and other projects to write a fic inspired by the wonderful Hells To Pay AU by @aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown?
Me. I did.
But it's late so I'll probably finish part 1 tomorrow and maybe post it too. But here's a preview. (I hope it's good)
"The plan is, you'll wait in the entrance and wait while I talk to him. He's tolerated me the few times I had to deal with him in the past," Jimmy laid out how he wanted this to go. He'd likely end up having to do something for Scott but that was better than owing Tango. Depending what it was it could be worth it beyond getting rid of this annoying favour he owed. "And if you do end up talking to him under no circumstances talk back. He get's annoyed easily and I'll be not thawing you out if he freezes you," he might have been a bit callous and slightly rude but that could save Tango from becoming an ice statue.
If he didn't freeze before they reached Scott's mansion. Jimmy himself wasn't good with cold but Tango seemed to deal with it even worse. Serves him right for all the hurrying and refusing to prepare properly. Jimmy tried warning him. And luckily he was one of the scarier people in the area between spawn and Scott's domain. Not that it was all that scary of an area, lacking much of anything but dust and destruction but he'd probably be fine a bit further away too. He was no pushover. He had to. Being a harpy with golden feathers made staying hidden quite hard. So he had to get good at beating others up.
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samstevesmallgifts · 4 years
SamSteve Anniversary Week: March 29 – April 4, 2020
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Welcome to the 2020 SamSteve Anniversary Week, where fans of Sam Wilson & Steve Rogers’ relationship celebrate the anniversary of that first “on your left” (4 April, release date of CA:CW). Run by the SamSteve Small Gifts mods, this is a relaxed event for any and all types of fanworks, with no minimum requirements and no stress.
How It Works
Your friendly SSSG mods will provide a week’s worth of themes to inspire SamSteve creations. Anyone is welcome to create content based on any prompt. During the week leading up to Sam & Steve’s anniversary (29 March - 4 April) creations may be posted to our Tumblr, Dreamwidth, and AO3 Collection. 
General Guidelines
There aren’t many! We won’t have check-ins or sign-ups, simply post your submission during the week. The daily prompts are a suggestion to get your creativity going, but you don’t have to post your work based on the prompt schedule.
Fanworks of any size in any medium are welcome. Fic, digital art, traditional art, podfic, moodboards, remixes, vids, playlists, headcanons, songs, poems, interpretive dance — anything and everything is welcome! We do ask that all submissions are newly created for this fest and have not been shared previously.
Content Guidelines
All creations should be focused on SamSteve in a romantic or queerplatonic relationship. This is an anniversary celebration, after all!
Side pairings are fine, polyamory is fine, but SamSteve is the focus of this event and therefore should not be sidelined so that another ship can have the spotlight.
No graphic HTP, sympathetically portrayed Hydra other Nazi analogues, or romantically portrayed non-con.
No sexual relationships between adult and minor characters.
Please be mindful in portraying characters of color respectfully and avoid perpetrating anti-Black stereotypes or tropes (check out this awesome resource page from the @samwilsonbirthdaybang​ for more info.)
All content should be tagged appropriately and thoroughly. 
Day 1 (March 29): Non-Serumed Steve Rogers Day 2: (March 30): Captain America Sam Wilson Day 3 (March 31): Hurt/Comfort Day 4 (April 1): Kidfic/Married Day 5 (April 2): No Powers AU Day 6 (April 3): Fantasy/Magical AU Day 7 (April 4): Meet-Cute
Need more inspiration? No problem! We’ll be posting ideas throughout the month of March with more detailed prompt suggestions pulled from the mods’ imaginations. 
Have some inspiration you’d like to share? Awesome! Feel free to submit your own inspo posts to get people’s creative juices flowing.
Who are the mods for this event? Your friendly mods are @samstevebuckyhq​ and @mrsd-writes​
Do the creations need to be focused on the celebration of an anniversary? Not necessarily, no. Sam and Steve can be in any stage of their relationship. The anniversary celebration is for us, not them!
Do we have to share our creations on the same day as the suggested prompt we’ve followed? Nope, you can post any content at any time during the week (29 March - 4 April).
Can we create something that doesn’t fit any of the suggested prompts? Absolutely! The prompts are for inspiration only, they are not mandatory.
Are we required to create something for each day of prompting? No, you can create as many or as few fanworks as you like.
Are there any age restrictions? No, but we do ask that if you are under 18, please keep your creations no spicier than T-rated.
I have another question! We’d love to hear from you, please send us an ask on Tumblr or Dreamwidth.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 4 years
art for: an honest liar, taking on heavy fire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/382MTGQ
by piglet_illustrations (thefilthiestpiglet)
The lovely DragonGirlG won the bid for my filthy HTP art for Fandom Trumps Hate 2020, and asked me to illustrate Bad Things Happening to Steve Rogers from two of her amazing HTP fics. Here's the first one!
Here's the link to the fic: an honest liar, taking on heavy fire -- basic summary is that HYDRA captures Steve during the movie of CATWS, plays a game with him, and then leaves him to the Winter Soldier.
For people browsing this in the FTH collection -- um, it's bad guys doing noncon sex acts to good guys who hate it. It is intentionally horrible.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Hydra Agents/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: HYDRA Trash Party, Gift Art, Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom Trumps Hate 2020, Non-Consensual Handjobs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/382MTGQ
0 notes
Hydra Holiday Trash Party 2019 Gift Exchange Masterpost
We’re swimming in fresh, hot trash my friends, and you’re the ones who made it possible. Thank you, darling dumpster denizens, for your tags, tropes, and titillation.
Please enjoy the lovely feast of garbage that has been laid out before you, and we’ll see you for more trash in 2020!
“[Art] View of Bondage” by Sealcat for ladivvinatravestia (chose not to use archive warnings) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Hydra Trash Party, Bondage, Rope Bondage
What Steve found out at this mystery room in a Hydra Facility
“before you wake” by Hydra_Trash_Gal for MercurialTenacity (rape/non-con) Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes/Jack Rollins, Dehumanization, Hydra Trash Party, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Somnophilia, Nipple Play
Jack has a complicated fetish and Brock wants to watch. The Asset sleeps through it.
“Broken Toys” by Juane_Chat for Defiler_Wyrm (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Grant Ward, Alexander Pierce, Hydra Trash Party, Bondage and Discipline, Object Insertion, Dehumanization, Identity Issues
Alexander Pierce calls in Grant Ward to correct a listless Asset, a mission neither of them dares to fail.
“Control” by Mercurial Tenacity for Aquariusgarbag (chose not to use archive warnings) Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Hydra Trash Party, past trauma, obedience, under-negotiated kink, domme Natasha, Sub Bucky Barnes, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Face Slapping, Cunnilingus, Panic Attacks, Hopeful Ending, Injury, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery
“Cap needs backup,” Bucky says, trying to shrug Natasha off. “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll really appreciate it when you bleed out on the floor.” Bucky gives her a look, to which Natasha just raises her eyebrows. “I’ll hold you down if I have to.” It’s unfortunate that Bucky is still looking at Natasha when she says that, because it means she undoubtedly sees every microexpression he makes on his journey from yes, to can’t want that, to pretend it never happened. That’s the trouble with spies. Can’t hide a damn thing.
“Fit to be tied” by buckybleeds for buckys_barn (no archive warnings apply) Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes, Hydra Trash Party, Hydra Husbands, Shibari, Overstimulation, Mildly Dubious Consent, Cock & Ball Torture, Bondage, accidental crafting genius bucky barnes
Bored on a mission STRIKE Alpha decides to test the limits of the Winter Soldier’s skills. Turns out he could totally be an IG influencer if he were into that kind of thing. Thankfully he can also help Jack and Brock with the kind of thing that they’re into.
“Follow Me Down (into darkest deep)” by emptydistractions for Juane_Chat (graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/OMC(s), Brock Rumlow, Hydra Agents, Hydra Trash Party, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Creepy Brock Rumlow, Gang Rape, Face-Fucking, Face Slapping, Forced Orgasm
It was supposed to be quick - just in and out to see if they could find anything salvageable. The base was supposed to be abandoned. Hydra was supposed to be gone. Rumlow was supposed to be dead. But you know what they say about the best laid plans.
“geological time” by seinmit for glorious_spoon (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Fuck Or Die, Top Steve Rogers, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Hydra Trash Part, Shock Collar, Raped during rape recovery, Past Brainwashing, Past Rape/Non-Con, Trying to Comfort One Another, Self-Sacrifice, Torture, Some Victim-Blaming/Self-Blame on Bucky’s Part, Bad Guys Made Them Do It, Unaroused Victim
“They would grow up grappling with ways of living with what happened. They would try to tell themselves that in terms of geological time it was an insignificant event. Just a blink of the Earth Woman’s eye. That Worse Things had happened. That Worse Things kept happening. But they would find no comfort in the thought.” - Arundhati Roy, from The God of Small things
Bucky knows that HYDRA doesn’t need a reason to make Steve rape him.
“Growth Opportunity” by buckybleeds for BookofOdym (graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con) Hank Pym/Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow/Cynthia Mercer, Full Rectal Prolapse, Macro/Micro, Size Diference, Guro, Blood and Gore, Vomiting, Rape, Sex Pollen, Hydra Trash party, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Might actually be worse than the tags, Read at your own risk, Proceed with Caution, Hurt Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers and Hank Pym get trapped in a box full of sex pollen that makes their sizes go haywire: The Musical
“Happiness in Slavery” by HaniTrash for theletterelle (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Alexander Pierce, Jack Rollins, Hydra Trash Party, Rape/Non-con Elements, Restraints, Hurt No Comfort, No Happy Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Hydra sex dungeon? Yes please!
Steve is captured while on a mission and wakes up in a very uncomfortable position, surrounded by some very familiar people. Apparently HYDRA knows it can’t break his body, so they set out to break his spirit instead. And as it turns out, even the great Captain American can be broken.
“an honest liar, taking on heavy fire” by dragongirlG for BrighteyedJill (rape/noncon) Hydra Agents/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson, Brock Rumlow, Isaac Murphy, Natasha Romanov, Hydra Trash Party, One Bar  Prison, Come Shot, Sex Games, Predicament Bondage, Non-Consensual Bondage, Non-Consensual Touching, Hand Jobs, Overstimulation, Humiliation, Dehumanization, Collars, Leashes, Aphrodisiacs, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Protective Bucky Barnes, Identity Porn, Bittersweet Ending
Steve is captured by the HYDRA STRIKE team after the fight on the highway in DC. He wakes up trapped on a one bar  prison, forced to participate in a come-shooting game that he never agreed to play. The Winter Soldier wins Steve as his prize, putting on a show of fucking him before unexpectedly helping him escape.
“a hymn called faith and misery” by glorious_spoon for TiaNaut (graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con) Scott Lang/OMC(s), Scott Lang & Steve Rogers, Torture, De-Serumed Steve Rogers, Restraints, Escape, Hydra Trash Party, Whump, Concussions, Hopeful Ending
Scott wakes up chained to a wall in an underground cell, and it only goes downhill from there.
“Imprints” by buckybleeds for ladivvinatravestia (rape/noncon) Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Hydra Trash Party, Non-Consensual Bondage, Non-Consensual Spanking, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Recovering
When Bucky’s programming is triggered while raiding an abandoned HYDRA base Steve learns about how the soldier was bonded to his new handlers.
“in his limbs and joints also” by Aquariusgarbag for thefilthiestpiglet (creator chose not to use archive warnings) Bucky Barnes/Sam WIlson, Bondage, Leash, Hydra Trash Party
Sam and Bucky in Wakanda and after
“Mr. Self Destruct” by Defiler_Wyrm for seinmit (rape/non-con), Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes/OMC(s), Bucky Barnes/Hydra Agents, Sex Addiction, Unsafe Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Comeplay, Facials, Fucking Machines, Fisting, Large Cock, PTSD, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Top Steve Rogers, Gangbang, Gang Rape, Flashbacks, Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent, Memory Loss, Communication Failure, M/M/M, M/M/Other (the other is a fucking machine), Sexual Fantasy, Hypothetical Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes, Clubbing, Rape Aftermath, References to Drugs, Steve Rogers has a Great Big Dick, Hydra Trash Party, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Aftercare
He’s not sure if HYDRA put this hunger in him, or if he’s always been like this, but the Winter Soldier (mission alias: James “Bucky” Barnes) has a need he must fulfill - whether it be in the back room of a club or in his room with a marvelous Machine - in spite of the terrible memories that tend to take over in the moment. He’d really prefer it if his handler Captain Rogers, would step up to the plate to feed him...and given the chance, “Bucky” will do anything he can to have it that way. Or: Bucky is addicted to dick but often suffers flashback when getting his fix; strangers, Tony, and Steve all help out in different ways.
“No One Could Save Me But You” by Anonymous for HaniTrash (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, Hydra Trash Party, Hurt No Comfort, No Magical Healing Cock, Knife Play, Bucky Barnes’s Metal Arm, Depersonalization, Self-Esteem Issues, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, No Happy Ending, Additional Warnings in Author’sNote
Brock Rumlow is delighted to be able to see Steve and Bucky reunited.
“Objects Contain the Possibility of All Situations” by BrighteyedJill for buckybleeds (graphic depictions of violence, rape/noncon) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Improvised Bondage, Bottom Steve Rogers, Triggers, Conditioning, Blood As Lube, Hurt No Comfort, Hydra Trash Party
When a trigger phrase gives the Asset explicit orders to violate Captain America, what the Asset does and what’s been done to him begin to blur.
“On the Ropes” by buckybleeds for The_Reverend (graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con) Hydra Agents/Steve Rogers, Alexander Pierce/Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier/Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Hydra Trash Party, Bondage, Non-Consensual Bondage, Predicament Bondage, Gags, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, HTP is its own warning, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Hurt Steve Rogers, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Branding, Chastity Device
Steve never made it out after the fight on the bridge and Pierce decided to work out some frustration in a team-building exercise. (much horribleness follows)
“Only Pain - An Artwork” by Lasenby_Heathcote for emptydistractions (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes, Art, Hydra Trash Party, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Face-Fucking, Blood, Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Bucky suffers at the hands of HYDRA ~ an artwork
“Out on a Limb” by thefilthiestpiglet for Sealcat (rape/non-con, graphic depictions of violence) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, fuckpotato, Hydra Trash Party, I looked at the field and said ‘we need some Steve fuckpotato’, Rape/Non-con elements, hydra holiday trash party, hydra fucks steve nonconsensually, steve fucks bucky consensually, it’s mostly a recovery fic
Steve is missing and Bucky may be a half-recovered former weapon of HYDRA, but he is going to do whatever it takes to get Steve back in one piece. He doesn’t quite manage that last part, but Steve’s not letting that stop him, so why should Bucky?
“Self Calibration” by The_Reverend for teejcandraw (rape/non-con) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow, Alexander Pierce, Hydra Agents, Sam Wilson, Dubious Consent, Gaslighting, Self-Gaslighting, Hydra Trash party
The asset needs a handler. It’s not torture if you do it to yourself, right?
“So Search and Destroy” by the letterelle for AgentMal (rape/non-con, graphic depictions of violence) Bucky Barnes/Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Interrogation, Psychological Torture, Nonconsensual Fondling, Nasogastric Feeding, Suicidal Thoughts, Hydra Trash Party, (actually more of a SHIELD Trash Party this time), Face Slapping
Bucky Barnes joined up with HYDRA, betraying his country and his Captain. Phil Coulson is going to make him pay.
“used-up” by Anonymous for dragongirlG (rape/non-con) Steve Rogers, Fanart, Bondage, Gags, Crying, Creampie, Rape Aftermath
“we are not born for ourselves alone” by teejcadraw for Lasenby_Heathcote (graphic depictions of violence) Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Gaslighting, Hurt/Comfort, Scarification Dubious Consent, Hydra Trash Party, htp is its own warning, recreational stun baton use
Steve and Bucky both have memories they’d rather leave behind. Rumlow made sure at least one would be permanently ingrained.
“What We Give You” by AgentMal for Hydra_Trash_Gal (creator chose not to use archive warnings) Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes, Hydra Trash Party
Rumlow and Rollins have a little fun with the asset after a mission.
And that’s all, Folks! 24 wonderful works to sustain you for a while!
You can see the full collection Here, and please follow us on Tumblr for announcements about any future Exchanges!
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