#i don't want to say goodbye to these two weirdos
shesalittlelost · 3 months
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I'm gonna fucking cry
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do a bakugou x reader where the reader went to the states to visit family and as a surprise the reader came back on an earlier flight but something bad happened to the flight she was supposed to go on but thank god she wasn’t on it and bakugou thought the worst when she wasn’t responding to her texts but it turned out all okay in the end? sorry if that’s vague 😭😭
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Flight Frights (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: katsuki gets a little emotional in this one, slight talks of death but nothing crazy
Word Count: 1.7k
hello thank you for this request :)) it was enough for me to work with so dont worry! i hope you like it 🩷
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"You sure you got everything?" Your boyfriend asked for the millionth time.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I have everything. You can even double check my bags!" You insisted.
He squinted and began looking through each of your bags silently. After a few minutes you looked at him smugly, "Are you going to tell me how perfect I am and that I didn't forget a single thing?"
Katsuki smirked, "Nah, I was gonna say you forgot your brain somewhere." He teased and gripped the top of your head lightly.
You smacked his hand away, "You're not funny, Katsuki." You laugh, despite your words.
"Yes I am and you know it."
The two of you continued to spend time together until it was time for you to go to the airport. You were visiting your parents in the states, so Katsuki was going to drive you to the airport and send you off.
When the time to go to the airport came, he drove you there and waited with you until you boarded the plane, which you felt bad about but appreciated a lot.
Some time later, a boarding announcement for your flight rang out loud through the speakers and you frowned at Katsuki.
"I'm gonna miss you." You said and hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back, "Yeah, I know."
"Stop it! Be serious."
He laughed and apologized, "I'll miss you too. Be safe on the plane and everywhere else, and don't talk to any fucking weirdos okay?"
You nodded and gave him a kiss, saying goodbye.
The time spent at your parents went well and you called and texted Katsuki as much as you could but it was hard, considering the time difference.
But like always, you managed to make it work.
As your trip neared it's end, your mother asked you if you were going to take the later flight like you planned.
"Jeez Mom. You trying to get rid of me already?" You teased her, making her pout at you.
"Oh stop it. You know that's not what I mean."
You smiled and said, "I know, it's just fun to mess with you," with a laugh, "but nah, I think I'm gonna take the earlier flight actually. I wanna surprise Katsuki, even if it's just a few hours earlier."
Your mom smiled at you, "That's sweet of you. I wish he could've come along with you..." She trailed off, making you a little jealous that your mom was wishing someone else came along too.
You crossed your arms, "Yeah well, he's busy with hero work, so he couldn't." You excused, "And besides, you should be glad it's just me! I missed you and Dad."
She smiled and patted your head. "Well of course I'm glad you're here! But I know you two must miss each other a lot. I know what it's like to be in love." She winked, and coincidentally your father walked in at the same time.
You both greeted him and continued talking about mundane things. You only had two days left with your parents, so you wanted to make them count more than the previous ones.
Fast forward to the day of your flight. Your parents took you to the earliest one at 5:00 am and said good bye to you, but not without some tears.
After sending you off with a lot of love, you were now on your way back home. You felt weird not texting your boyfriend about what you were doing, but you were still excited to surprise him. You wondered how he'd react.
You were a little nervous about how he'd react to you not answering his messages, since you wouldn't be able to text him regularly during the whole flight. Maybe he'd think you were sleeping in, since it was a likely scenario.
Ignoring your thoughts, you looked out the window at the raining sky and decided to fall asleep, hoping it would make the trip go by faster and thankfully it did.
Back in Japan 5 hours later
Katsuki had been on his phone mindlessly scrolling through his feed when suddenly a video caught his attention. It was a recent news post about a plane crash coming back to Japan from America.
"The flight had taken off at 10:00 am, and an hour into the flight the plane experienced a high amount of turbulence due to the unexpected weather conditions. Suddenly, the plane went crashing down-"
The news now had all of Katsuki's attention. He felt his heart racing in his chest and the world went silent, only the sound of his beating heart now filling his ears.
The plane that had crashed, was the flight you were on.
He felt as if time was slowing down as he watched the news. The news reporters had been describing just how bad the accident was, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.
There was no way you were hurt or even dead, right? You had to come back home to him. He had so many plans for your future. There's no way he'd be able to live life knowing he'd never get to act on them.
He grabbed his phone and clicked on your contact to call you but it went straight to voicemail. It was just because you had it on airplane mode right? They always make people turn that shit on.
He called again and again until he thought he was going to go crazy at the sound of the automated system's voice. He threw his phone across the bedroom and rubbed his hands through his sweaty hair.
After taking a few deep breaths, he got up and walked over to where his phone was and picked it up. Turning it over, he sighed at the large crack on the screen.
"Fuck..." He mumbled. Whatever. His phone didn't matter right now. What mattered was you and your safety. That damn phone was replaceable, but you weren't.
He continued to use his phone to call your mom, who was confused at his phone call.
"Hello Katsuki!" Your mother said.
"Hey, um-" He cut himself off to hold back tears. Fuck did your parents even know about what happened? Your mom sounded so happy, he didn't want to ruin it.
"Katsuki?" Your mother asked in a worried tone, "You okay, dear?"
He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He wiped his eyes, "I'm fine. I was just calling to ask about Y/n."
"Oh! She should be fine. We dropped her off at the airport a while ago, so she's on her way back to you."
Holy crap. Your mom didn't even know about what happened. He couldn't tell her, there was no way. All he could do was thank her and hang up before he began to cry.
"God dammit." He cried.
Katsuki had never felt so defeated and devastated before. He continued to sit on your shared bed, eventually laying down in it and crying out for you. He didn't know what condition you were in right now, but like he was trained to do, he assumed the worse.
Hours later, you were finally off that cramped plane and on your way home. You couldn't wait to see Katsuki and the look on his face when you surprised him.
As you were driven home in an Uber, you were on your phone when a news report popped up. Curious, you clicked on it and found out that it was about the flight you were supposed to be on.
You put a hand over your mouth and thanked every god there was that you ended up on a different plane.
You closed the news article and focused on something else to distract you until you got home.
When you finally did, you giddily ran up the steps to your home and opened the door as quietly as you could. It was pretty early in Japan, so maybe Katsuki was still asleep.
Pulling in your luggage behind you, you took your shoes off and scampered around the house to look for your boyfriend. The house was so quiet, which was strange since his presence was so loud.
Tip-toeing into your bedroom, you awed silently at the sight of him sleeping. You snapped a quick picture and walked over to him, sitting on the bed next to him.
You reached out and stroked the top of his head, lightly scratching his scalp to wake him up. You frowned a bit when you noticed how irritated his eyes seemed. Maybe spring was getting to him already.
"Katsuki, wake up." You whispered.
He grumbled a bit in his sleep, shifting around a bit before finally opening his eyes.
You smiled and held one of his hands in both of yours, "Surprise! I'm home early."
He looked at you with a sleep clouded gaze for a second, and then shot up in bed.
"You're okay?! Oh my fucking god." He said and wrapped his arms around you in a bone crushing hug.
You hugged him back, "Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?"
He rested his face in the crook of your neck and said, "I-I thought you were hurt. I saw the news about the flight and it crashed!"
You frowned and hugged him tighter, "Oh Katsuki... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anything." You pulled away slightly and placed your hands on his face, "I wanted to surprise you, so I got on an earlier flight."
He sighed and leaned his forehead onto yours, "Thank fuck you did. I would've brought you back to life and killed you myself if you died." He said, making you laugh now that his personality seemed to be back.
"Now cuddle me." He demanded and wrestled you lightly to lay you down next to him.
You gasped at his words, "Did you just admit you want to cuddle me?" You asked.
"Of course I do, woman. I haven't seen your ass in weeks." He said and laid his head on your chest, wrapping an arm around your waist, lightly stroking the skin there.
You moved around, trying to get into a comfortable position which made Katsuki groan.
He pinched one of your thighs, making you yelp, "Stop squirming. We're going to bed now."
You smiled, "Sorry love," and messed with his hair. "Can I put on a movie Kats?"
You took that as a yes.
As you watched the movie, you continued massaging Katsuki's scalp and playing with his hair which made him eventually fall asleep. You smiled down at him, happy that he was now at peace compared to earlier.
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authors note
thank you for reading <3
btw for people who have sent a request, i'm working on it i promise! it's just happening a little slower since i'm sick lol
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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denwritesandcries · 4 months
The Wilderness Wants Us To (Kiss) – YJS
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Pairing: poly!yellowjackets x fem!reader
Summary: Have you ever experienced all kinds of weirdness since the plane crashed months ago, so why the weirdest thing so far is it seems like all the girls are suddenly courting you? 
Or, a series of kisses between you and your dear football team.
Word count: 4,6k.
Content: cursing, kisses, fluff, suggestive, angst if you blink, slightly dark, intoxication, the doomcoming, the wilderness but nobody has been eaten (yet).
Note: They’re all weirdos in a romantic, toxic and codependent way.
English is not my first language.
Your life has stagnated into a familiar routine since the plane crash. To clean. Hunt. Eat. Exist. Survive. Doing the same chores in the cabin, the usual hunting trip, seeing the same faces every day, not dying of hunger.  Not dying of boredom.
Nothing really seems to change other than the cultish trends that your friends seem to be slowly embracing, so if something different happens, you notice it immediately.
Once is an incidence.
Two, it could be a coincidence, but there are no coincidences in the wilderness.
Three is a pattern. That exists in the wilderness.
And the fourth is proof that there is definitely something weird going on – if you even have a sense of what is normal or not –, something that you have no idea what it is, but you know it’s there.
There's something wrong with your teammates. I mean, there's something wrong with all of you, but that's different even for them.
The thing is that you, thinking that maybe it was just in your head, only realized that you weren't imagining anything after the fifth time it happened and now that you know you can't stop thinking about it. Events keep coming back to you from times when this has happened before and you never connected the pieces.
You didn't notice at first, of course you didn't. Physical affection was becoming more common and normal between all of you every day and also because it was Jackie, the captain of your team, and physical affection on Jackie's part was already completely normal even before the plane crashed. She liked to pat you on the shoulder and hug you goodbye after classes and parties – as if she hadn't spent the day barking orders at everyone during practice, but it's Jackie and you really like her a lot, so it's okay –, you could always see her clinging to Shauna's arm, if not hers, then whoever was closest to replace her for a few minutes. Jackie likes to touch and you know it.
Receiving affection from her is like second nature, so you don't even blink when, on yet another boring and lazy afternoon, you give Jackie her old walkman, now repaired and working, and get a kiss as a thank you.
It was a silly treat to make her smile, just because she seemed so sad lately that it made you sad too. She squeals loudly and excitedly, before wrapping her arms around your neck and placing a kiss on your cheek.
She immediately runs off somewhere saying she was going to test it and show it to Shauna, completely abandoning the task of pretending to chop wood so you can complete it.
You only process what just happened when you hear a giggling coming from nearby, because of course Jackie would kiss you in front of your younger colleagues.  One of them points at your cheek provocatively and you lift a hand to your face to feel the texture of pink and shiny lipstick marking your skin. Of course, silly you not to assume that Jackie Taylor wouldn't stop wearing makeup just because of some plane crash.
Whatever, you thought, not bothering to clean the mark. Jackie is sweet. She does things like that all the time, obviously you wouldn't think there's anything weird about it. It wasn't even the first time she kissed you. Kisses on the cheek were a thing long before you left civilization.
You only wipe the stain from your face, in a short and hasty gesture, when you return to the cabin and Mari makes one of her smart comments about it, because there really was no big deal, but the provocation still makes you a little nervous.
(Jackie wears lipstick a lot more often after that, even though she's quickly running out of the only one she has left, but you don't say anything. It would be really weird to imply that you noticed her lips that much. Which you didn't do, no way.)
The second time it happens shouldn't have left you as perplexed as it did, after all everyone knew that Shauna Shipman was never far behind Jackie in the things she did, but it didn't pass through your head that she would kiss you. It was Shauna. Even though she was never rude, you weren't really close and it was embarrassing to admit that you found her a little intimidating. She had a tendency to stare in silence for a long time, which made you avoid conversations whenever you could.
Well, it wasn't a kiss-kiss since it wasn't actually on the mouth, but seeing as you weren't expecting it at all, it could have been. You're learning that reading Shauna is much more complicated than it seems, making it difficult to know if what awaits you is a punch, a bite, or – the most recent discovery – a kiss.
It happened because of the thing that seemed to drive your little society: meat. Because the food was almost running out and no matter what you and Natalie brought, it seemed like there would never be enough. And Shauna was hungry. Painfully hungry.
She always seemed to get hungry more quickly than the others, craving meat with an almost drunken need and you didn't quite understand why, even though you had noticed this detail some time ago. So when you and Nat are seen arriving back at the cabin carrying a deer, a big deer, Shauna practically runs up to the two of you, basically ripping the antler out of the blonde's hands and making you stumble to follow her back to the meat house.
You offer to help her just out of politeness and how rushed she seems, without expecting a positive response since it was common knowledge that Shauna preferred to work alone.
However, she nods her head enthusiastically as she hands you a knife and you swear you've never seen someone look so happy to slit an animal's throat alongside someone else.
When the task is done, you end up at the door with a full tray ready to be prepared for dinner back and Shauna is right behind you, with that same enthusiasm and silent yearning. It's a little unnerving, but at least she's not staring at the back of your head like she's trying to burn you like she usually does. You guessed any progress was welcome.
You just didn't expect it to progress to Shauna pulling you by the elbow to face her and tilting your face towards hers. You're so startled by the sudden touch that you only feel your face heat up as hot, wet lips meet the corner of your mouth when Shauna pulls away, taking the tray from your hands as if it weighed nothing and continuing on her way, muttering a quiet and embarrassed “thank you” over her shoulder.
You stood there like an idiot, feeling your bottom lip and part of your cheek tingle where she touched you just a moment before.
So Shauna kissed you. Okay. Nice. Maybe she was just very grateful and very hungry. Twice, coincidence. Nothing more than that.
(Shauna looks away from you when she's caught staring at that night, which never had happened, but you attribute her red face to the fact that you're sitting by the fire.)
The third time is the one that makes you go “okay, maybe that's a thing now,” because apparently the kisses have nothing to do with Jackie-Shauna or simply gratitude – at least not entirely – and much more to do with the fact that it's you.
Which actually doesn't make much sense. Van and Taissa are together, why would either of them feel the need to kiss someone else? Why would they both feel?  And why you? It's true they haven't told anyone yet, but you know. It's a little hard not to notice when they both disappear at the same time into the forest or behind the cabin so often, but still. You don't kiss other people when you're committed. It's a principle, damn it.
Anyway, it's starting to get cold, you think there's just over two months left until winter arrives, maybe less, which makes tasks much more complicated and annoying to do. Especially when it comes to washing clothes.
Luck – Mari's damn shuffle – decided that you, Tai and Van would be the ones to do the laundry this time and the three of you dragged yourselfs grumbling and complaining to the lake, carrying piles of clothes in your arms.
Now, of all the things you have to do around the cabin, scrubbing clothes in cold running water is probably the one you hate the most. Cold, wrinkled hands, chills running down your spine, ew. The fact that Van and Tai went with you makes things at least a little less boring, with the redhead happily filling the silence, her silly jokes making the task almost bearable to accomplish. Almost.
“Ugh,” You groan for what feels like the thousandth time in the last hour, “We’re gonna end up catching a cold like this.”
“You definitely will, if you keep annoying me like this,” Tai replies, swinging her arm towards you, cold water splashing in your arms, “I'm gonna push your dramatic ass into the river, I'm warning you.”
The drops make another chill run through your body, so just for the audacity, you straighten up and let your body fall against hers with the most done expression you can muster in a few seconds.
Tai screams your name indignantly when a wet t-shirt slips out of her hands and falls straight to the ground, but you don't pay much attention when lets out a loud and exaggeratedly long sigh, hearing Van’s laugh as she watches the scene.
And Van, wonderful, too sweet for her own good, Van, decides to finally take pity on your little show – maybe you really were spending too much time with Jackie – and finish what you had left of your part of the pile and you would definitely have jumped in her arms and kissed her for it, if you weren't, you know, in front of her girlfriend.
It turns out that blinking your eyes and sighing doesn't work as well for you as it does for Jackie, because as soon as you get ready to go back, bending down to pick up the heavy basket full of clothes, a familiar hand pushes your chest.
“Shit, Taissa!”
“I said I would do it, didn’t I?” She stands in front of you, hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised as she watches your form lying, shaking and soaking wet at the river's edge.
Van's laugh doesn't bring you that rush of happiness from moments before, since now you're sure that she only decided to help you because she knew what Tai was going to do anyway. That little shit.
You walk past them with the basket in your hands, a trail of water in your wake and a frown on your face.
The way back is completely silent, except for the sound of your fast breathing in your rush to get there and warm up and the girls' requests for you not to get upset over a silly joke. Whatever. You won't say a word to them no matter what they do.
“Oh, come on,” Van wraps an arm around your neck, “We didn’t want to make you so upset, right Tai?”
Tai moves closer, her shoulder brushing against yours, but you remain quiet regardless, even if your willpower to remain upset wanes a little.
“Right” she agrees, sounding very unconvincing, “What can we do to make it up to you?”
“We are so sorry,” Van reiterates, blinking innocently.
Your only response is a noise from your throat that sounds a lot like a petulant mumble and you feel the look they exchange over your shoulder.
And then Van's arm brings you closer and there are lips on either side of your neck. You freeze, breath hitches.
It's not fast like the other ones, but long and drawn out as if it's trying to prove you. A shiver runs down your spine and the baby hairs on the back of your neck stand up, even though you swear it's just because your skin is still damp from the fall. You can feel Van's hair tickling your face and Tai's breath is warm against your chin.
You blink and Van is walking away with a wolfish smile on her lips, whistling absentmindedly and Taissa has the basket you were carrying in her own arms.
“Aren’t you coming?” Van turns when she notices you still standing and Tai arches an eyebrow, as if to say 'so?' and you stumble after them.
“...Sure, whatever!” You stutter, face as red as your goalie’s hair, “But if I get sick, that’s on you!”
“You won’t!”
You return to the cabin with your head down, but for a completely different reason this time. You feel weird, embarrassed, even with your friends walking calmly beside you. It feels weird to just call them friends too.
(Three times – or was it four? It's a pattern. Definitely a pattern.)
You do, in fact, get sick and the fifth time feels more like a fever dream than anything.
Seriously. You survive a plane crash without any serious injuries, but a flu is what knocks you out. You end up in the attic, with a heavy chest, incessant sneezing and a high fever that won't let you sleep.
And of course, Misty Quigley hovering over you like a hawk.
In fact, all your friends seem to be hovering over you in an overprotective way these days, which might not be strange considering the situation, but other people in the group have gotten sick before, including the younger ones, and none of them have reacted like this.
Van and Tai spent the entire time staring like kicked puppies from across the room until Misty kicked them both downstairs so you could try to get some sleep. It wasn't doing much good, but the momentary tranquility was really appreciated.
Misty has been with you the whole time since your fever started and you let her ramble happily while she plays nurse, putting damp cloths on your forehead and helping you drink hot tea, even though you insist you're well enough to do so. She seems very happy to be helpful, so you let her spoil you as much as she wants.
You turn over on the cold floor, wrapping the blankets tighter around you as you sneeze again and Misty sits next to you, but there's nothing she can do at the moment to make you better, so she stays still, looking nervous and pushing her glasses on the tip of the nose with her fingers.
You think about how she seemed to have looked with longing and something that might have been envy when Jackie ran her hand through your hair in the morning before going outside with Shauna after leaving you another blanket. She looked the same when Lottie rubbed your shoulder gently and spent time by your side throughout the afternoon, leaving what appeared to be a half-cut crystal near where your head rested. It's just like she wanted something, but didn't know what or if she could do it. You don't know exactly what too.
Your ears ring and you think about your teammates, your friends and kisses. Four kisses on three occasions. Things that didn't happen before, but apparently happen now and that follow a strange pattern. You wonder who will be next to follow it.
You do what you do next in the fog of sleep and fever, because you'll never be able to actually sleep if you don't have a proper place to rest your head. It has nothing to do with the possibility opened in your last thought.
Her legs are soft under the blue and yellow shorts she wears when you crawl around and rest your head on them and it's certainly much more comfortable than the floor.
“Talk,” You mumble, clearing your throat at the hoarse voice.
“What?” She squeaks and you can tell it caught her in surprise by the way her eyes roam over your form, unsure of what she just heard and what's going on.
Misty is clearly alarmed, arms raised above her body as if she's afraid to touch you, her glasses falling onto the tip of her nose again as she looks down to face you, blonde curls falling across her face.
“What– What are you doing?” She asks.
“Weren’t you saying something about Plato?” You hold back a yawn as you fix yourself on her lap, ignoring her question completely, “Come on, keep going.”
She seems to ponder for a second, jaw dropped in confusion, but you don't move, so she picks up where you assume she left off. After a few minutes listening with your eyes closed, you feel her soft hand rest hesitantly on your back, running her fingers up and down when you don't protest.
You let out a sigh when you finally manage to relax, her voice calming the ringing in your ears a little and when you squint your eyes, Misty seems perfectly satisfied.
That's it, you think, that's what she wanted then.
Your body still has sporadic chills, but you feel like falling asleep, having lost track of how much time has passed with Misty talking to the walls about whoever the philosopher of the moment is. Your head feels heavy, you can barely keep your eyes open. It's good not to be alone when you're like this.
You're not sure whether or not you imagine the cold lips against your warm forehead when you sleep, but it counts as success for your little test. Five.
(You only wake up the next morning, feeling much better and more energetic, even without remembering a single word you said to Misty, just having fallen asleep on her lap for a while. The way she blushes and laughs after that, staring and following you around whenever she can, says that she remembers it very well. Coach Ben gives you a look full of sympathy when he sees her clinging to your arm, which you don't quite understand.)
The sixth time happens in the middle of the forest. It's windy, sun almost down, with Natalie walking beside you. It's the most peaceful moment you've had in your life in weeks, and it's also the moment you realize that maybe there's something wrong with you as much as the rest of the team.
Nat is talking, complaining about how Travis – the closest thing she'll have to a boyfriend in this place – is mad at her. He won't hunt or talk to her, much less touch her.
That's why you're following her, actually, the hunting part. You don't have much sense of your place in the group compared to the others, doing a little bit of everything when necessary, but Natalie seems to enjoy your company on these occasions, even if your aim with the rifle isn't as good as hers.
You spend so much time listening to her complain about mundane things like condoms and the flask of old booze she found in dead-mummified-guy's stuff that you feel the absurd urge to laugh. It's so strangely normal – except for the mummy part, but still.
Maybe that was what made you open your mouth after minutes of silence and broken snorts:
“So he can't get it up once and now he's mad at you? Damn Nat, if you need someone to make out that badly then I could help you with that.”
It comes out half as a mockery, half as truth, because that's what you do. Help people, fix things. But it's sarcastic, because it's just a stupid idea for Natalie to even consider.
Except she suddenly goes quiet and when you turn your head, she's looking at you. Eyes half-closed, mouth open, wanting.
When she kisses you, you're already waiting, longing for it, arms wrapping around you and pressing your body against the nearest tree. You think about how she was the only one who had the courage to chase your lips, to take what she really wanted.
The only thing you can feel is the weight of Nat's hands – cold, always so cold, even though winter is still a while away – on your hips, one sliding up your back to grasp the hair at the back of your neck, lips parting and tongue finding yours almost desperately and then you can't think about anything else but her. Natalie, who is much stronger than she looks and who also holds her own to stay sane in this place much better than anyone could imagine. Natalie, the bane of your existence and also your best friend. Natalie, who kisses like she hunts: with all the confidence her reputation demands.
If you close your eyes tightly and try hard, you can almost pretend you're at one of Lottie or Jeff's parties, listening to your friend complain about a stupid boyfriend, getting euphoric because she likes you better than the said stupid boyfriend.
And then she's pulling away, mouth swollen and hair completely messed up from where your hands had been placed. The moment ends and you come back to reality, picking up the rifle from where it was lying on the grass and looking around uncertainly. You guys didn't catch anything today. Food is running out.
You return to the cabin in complete silence.
(You don't see Natalie trying to talk to Travis after this, nor him with her, but you don't think she cares.)
You stopped counting after that, kisses and touches becoming a blur in your mind as the days pass and your worry increases. Whatever this is seems less important than what's happening at the moment: little food, few coats, winter approaching, a fucking baby coming.
However, it all comes back to them anyway, when you finally realize that you were right all along, that there really was something wrong with all of you and everything goes south quickly when someone decides to put mushrooms in the food.
It was an unspoken knowledge between you that the Yellowjackets would never be able to have a proper homecoming, so when the idea of a ​​doomcoming came up in the conversation, even as a bad joke, you were one of the first to agree to it. A bittersweet goodbye sounded better than nothing.
You just didn't expect everyone to end up on drugs and acting like they were in some kind of cult. What did you miss that got you all to this point?
There is someone howling in the forest. Someone, not an animal. Or maybe they really were animals, given the way they're all chasing you now.
Just a moment ago you were genuinely enjoying the night, dancing with Ravi to Lottie's humming music and drinking fermented punch for who knows how long, even with a small feeling of being watched sent shivers down your spine at times. Then there was no sign of Ravi or Travis – nor Coach Ben, but he escaped somewhere in the woods with Natalie's canteen in his hand the second Misty's back was turned – and things started to get... confusing after everyone helped themselves to some stew.
Now there's someone howling in the forest and your head is spinning, hurried footsteps sound behind you as you end up back in front of the cabin after running in circles, a rabbit cornered by an entire pack.
Leaves are stuck in your hair, the hem of your dress is torn and covered in dirt, and you're sure you scraped one of your knees while running. There are also a bunch of dilated pupils focused on you.
Shauna is the first to approach, which surprises you so much that it gives the others time to do the same, big, sad, hazy brown eyes seeming to see deep into your soul.
“Why do you keep running away from us?” she asks, a pout that you can't tell if it's fake or not formed on her face, sliding a hand gently up your arm to your waist pulling you close and keeping her grip tight.
Jackie has her head cocked to the side and a smile painted red rather than pale pink like the first. She looks a little more composed than you'd expect, standing next to Shauna and bouncing in her step expectantly.
That was all it took to realize that you couldn't pull away even if you wanted to, melting against the scalding skin as if you had no problem getting burned.
“I'm not. I just… I don’t know what’s going on.”
The words came out slow and slurred on your tongue as if you didn't know exactly what you were referring to.  This whole crazy night? Absolutely, but there are also so many other moments not recognized before.
You find yourself guided back to the cabin when you hear Lottie's voice in the background and Misty taking your hand to guide you. It all ends up there anyway.
You're unsure when you're placed in the pile of blankets and sheets on the floor, the lit fireplace warms the room like never before and there seem to be hands everywhere when Natalie enters your field of vision.
“I think you're a little too high right now, hun,” Nat scoffs, as if she's amused by your slowness.
You feel a laugh grow in your chest though you don't mean to, “You– you think so?”
“Yep,” she clicks her tongue, “The mushrooms hit hard.”
“Mushrooms!?” You let out a squeak of surprise when you're suddenly pulled back against someone's front, recognizing Taissa's nails scratching your back through your dress.
“'M sorry." Misty mutters disjointedly, tracing the lines of your palm like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
You stop mid-sentence when you make a sound in the back of your throat as you feel Van's teeth graze the junction of your shoulder and neck, bright green eyes and a wolfish smile on her recently healed face. You knew right away who the hell was howling.
“Oh, come on,” Van echoes with the same provocation from the day in the lake, “Don't tell me you're afraid of It.”
“It?” Your breath hitches when a hand guides your head up and there she is.
Lottie Matthews looking down at you, an antler crown on her head that makes you slack-jawed and hazy looking, looking completely divine and you hesitate when you realize that the entire team has gathered around you, as if they were waiting for something. What the fuck is going on?
Lottie leans down to your level, face dangerously close to you, and you swallow hard when your eyes settle on her lips. She never kissed you, not like the others, something that always left a doubt in your head; an almost embarrassing curiosity to know what it would be like.
She meets your eyes with a malicious gleam, like she knows exactly what you're thinking and leans in a little more and just as you close your eyes to meet hers, hunger lips stray to your jaw.
“Lottie–” you squirm and the hands on your hips hold you tighter.
Nat silences you, running her fingers through your face provocatively while Lottie trails kisses down your neck, working her way down. Everything seems too stuffy, like you're melting at their touch.
“It's okay.” She reassures, cold, chapped lips finding your chest, teeth scraping the skin, “It wants us to, can't you feel It?”
You can't feel it, not really, you never understood this strange connection everyone seemed to feel with the wilderness that you didn't, but there are gentle hands caressing you, making you sink deeper and deeper and Lottie is finally kissing you, just like you wanted; lips stopping right over your heart, as if she wanted to devour it.
“Yeah." You say, “I feel it.”
You're sure the cabin is on fire, but you're the only one who's burning.
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prettynice8 · 6 months
Kinkmas Day 19: Spanking
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x male reader
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This guy
Warnings: Kissing, no actual sexy times, jealousy, marking, funishment, BDSM? spanking DUH
Word count: 1147
You were just having a normal conversation with Yuji, who's probably the sweetest person you know.
"I fucking hate that geriatric fuck of a principal." You stated sourly, referring to the Kyoto school's principal, the weird guitar dude.
"He is pretty weird." Yuji agreed, not quite sharing your fiery hatred of the man.
"That whole Kyoto school is pretty weird, except for Todo I don't like any of them." You exclaimed.
"You like Todo?" he asked, surprised that you would like someone such as him.
"He's a silly guy, and hot, just a loveable teddy bear that I want to plow me." You said bluntly and with a straight face. It was after this declaration of thinking someone is kind of attractive is when Megumi appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
"Who's hot?" Megumi asked a little too quickly.
"Just Todo." You responded.
"Why?" He questioned again, "He's just a big fanboy who's dumber than rocks."
"Big being the operative word here." You said, catching Megumi off guard.
"He still calls me his brother; I don't know what's up with that." Yuji said.
"Well clearly not, compared to you he looks like a hunchback." You joked, causing both you and Yuji to giggle, while Megumi's face remained emotionless, maybe even a tad frustrated.
"No one compares to your beauty." Yuji joked back, bringing up even more laughter.
"Period." You said, then snapping your fingers. This causes Yuji to burst out into laughter, even gaining a smile from Megumi.
"Straight boys like you love me when I do that." You exclaimed, referring to Yuji.
"Bold of you to assume I'm straight." Yuji said before kissing your cheek, causing you to unknowingly blush. That's when Megumi breaks his long-standing silence.
"That reminds me why I'm over here. Y/N, could you come with me?" Megumi asked, seeming semi upset.
"What about Yuji saying, 'Bold of you to assume I'm straight' and then kissing me reminds you of coming over here?" You asked, a little snicker coming from Yuji in the background.
"Just come with me." Megumi demanded before grabbing your arm, pulling you away from poor sweet Yuji.
"Holy shit fine, got the message." You said, Megumi is still pulling you along with him.
"Goodbye Pookie." Yuji called out as you were being dragged away.
"Byesie daisies, love of my life." You called back, causing you both to giggle at each other, this also makes Megumi hold on to your arm tighter and walk faster.
"So, what did you want?" You asked. Megumi stays silent, just dragging you along with him to who knows where and to do who knows what, hopefully fucking.
You were a bit of a man whore, having mini crushes on Yuji, Megumi, Yuta, and even your teacher Gojo. If any of those men made a move, you would be putty in their hands, which is exactly what you are when Megumi brings you to his room and instantly shuts the door, slams you against the wall, and begins to kiss you roughly.
You obviously reciprocate, hands already going to undo the buttons of his shirt, but he stops you after only popping the first two.
"Stop." He ordered simply, holding your hands between his own. "You need to be punished."
"Punished?" You questioned, looking at him with your hand, now gone from his grasp, resting on your popped hip. "We're not in Fifty Shaded of fucking Gray here."
"Shut up." He said simply, which you obey, already getting caught up in his dick sand.
He then proceeds to pull up his comfy spinny chair, sitting down on it and gesturing for you to get on his lap, which you do quickly. He returns to kissing you, his tongue entering your mouth.
He dominates your tongue with ease, even putting it between his teeth and lightly biting it. He then takes your tongue out of his mouth and proceeds to go down to your neck.
He leaves light kisses throughout, with the occasional lick or two. For such an anti-social weirdo he really seems like he knows what he's doing, which is only further proven when his light kisses turn into rough bites.
He wants people to know who you belong to, and they will after he's done with you.
Megumi then flips you over, so your stomach is on his legs, your pants are also gone, all of which happening within an instant and before you could even tell what's going on.
"Wha-" He cuts you off.
"Like I said, you need to be punished for being such a fucking slut." He's rubbing your bare ass all the while, not that you're complaining.
He does this for a while until suddenly and without warning slaps your ass the force of a truck. You scream from the pain, though not just because it hurts. A bright red handprint starts to form on your left cheek. He goes back to rubbing your ass sensually, almost as if he didn't just hit you there mere seconds earlier.
"Told you." Which is all Megumi says before going straight back to slapping your other cheek. You scream even louder this time because his slap was even harder, if that's even possible.
"Ready?" Megumi asked, catching you off guard since he didn't ask the two times he previously did this. You answer with a nod, but that's not good enough for him. "Use your words."
"Yes." You answered quickly. That's all Megumi needs before going back to slapping you bare ass, this time going one spank after another.
He almost has a rhythm with it, going one after the other in perfect timing. The sounds of his spanking, along with your screaming/moaning fill the room and probably the hallway. His slaps are truly relentless.
At first it just hurt like a bitch, maybe a slight undertone of sexual pleasure, but now you are moaning your ass off, literally. Tears begin to form in your eyes from the pain of his continuous slaps.
You start to think that it will never end, both terrifying and exciting. You belong to belief all at once. But sadly(?), he stops his force of 1,000 supernova spankings.
Megumi sensually rubs your completely red and sensitive ass, putting it back on his lap as he wipes the tears from your eyes.
"Did you learn your lesson?" He asked, giving you a kind smile that completely contrasts what he was just doing.
"Fuck off." You started before getting up and off his lap, heading out the door, but before you did you offered a wink to Megumi and then kissed his cheek. "Hopefully."
He begins to blush, his confident persona totally forgotten at your act of affection.
You walk into the hallway, walking down to your own room, rubbing your sore and hurt ass. That's when Yuji runs into you.
"What the fuck happened?" He asked.
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etherrreal · 1 year
"an ode to tendou's hands"
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Pairing: tendou x fem!reader Genre: fluff, slight nsfw Summary: you want to be normal about your boyfriend, but how can you when he's flaunting his hands everywhere WC: 2,138 Warnings: references to you gushing, reader’s got enough hair to stick a hand in lol, reader wears a sundress A/N: dipping my toes further and further into nsfw so that maybe someday my ass will write some full-blown nsfw for y'all -Luna
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When you hear people gush about their partners, they often talk about how kind they are when they bring them their favorite candy bar or buy their favorite smoothie "just because." Maybe how caring they are as they tuck them in when they're sick or detangle their hair for them in the shower. It’s always the little things that they do for them that matter the most. 
The few times they bring up their appearance, it's always the common stuff. Their hair is so fluffy and smooth, maybe their eyes are piercing, yet soft only for them. You hear them describe how their arms are so built that it makes them drool. Or they—and you’re specifically talking about your friend Eri—describe their significant other’s thigh muscles with such strange detail and precision that you’re left floating in a space between understanding and deep worry. 
But even their odd infatuations with their partner's features never compare to yours, because even when Eri gets going on her weird tangents about her boyfriend’s thighs and how she’d like for them to crush her skull like a watermelon, your other friends nod and laugh along. You’ve tested your answer on a crowd before and all you got was the loudest silence you’ve ever heard followed by someone too many moments later saying, “what?” They just didn’t get it.
You've always been embarrassed to share your real answer with your closest friends, not because they’d make you feel like a freak (derogatory), but because they’ll make you feel like a weirdo (affectionate). And while Eri can take the casual ribbing, you’re not so sure you have a thick enough skin to be able to last a quarter as long as she has. So you've settled with picking something a little more normal, like gushing about how, although your boyfriend Tendou is lean, he’s much stronger than he looks. 
They don't have to know that the real answer has you gushing elsewhere, though.
Tendou’s hands.
Two palms. Ten fingers—two of which are thumbs. Fourteen knuckles. 
They’re long. They’re slender. They reach places you can never reach with your own, like the bottom of the Pringles can.
Unlike a boyfriend’s thighs or abs, hands aren’t hidden in everyday life behind some piece of fabric. They’re constantly touching you or things around you which makes it nearly impossible to keep your focus. In previous relationships, or even in everyday life, a person’s hands didn’t catch your attention as they do now. But when you started dating Tendou, it was like a sleeper agent activated. 
The first time you took notice of his hands was at the end of your second date, after he walked you home. You both lingered in front of your apartment door, not quite ready to say goodbye to one another. He decided to take a risk, using his hand to brush some hair behind your ear—although, you’re pretty sure it wasn’t out of place to begin with—then letting his fingers trail down your jaw, sending shivers down your spine. His hand then came back up to cup your cheek, and it dawned on you that, with the way his hand stretched, he could palm your whole head like a volleyball based on length alone.
Then he sealed the deal by leaning down, his lips hovering just a hair over yours, and whispering, “Do you mind if I kiss you?” 
What always amazes you when you replay that moment in your mind is you hardly remember the kiss itself, but what you do remember is what it felt like to have his hand slip into your hair and grasp it at the roots in his excitement. How his other hand slid around your waist to pull you against his chest, fingers playing with the edge of your crop top and barely brushing against your bare skin. You had goosebumps from head to toe, leaving you with no choice but to lean on him to keep yourself upright. You were smitten from that day forward and would do anything to get him to touch you again like he did that day.
You're about 98% sure that Tendou has never noticed your infatuation—not once—because you're just that smooth. Like a fucking ninja. There's no other word to describe your actions besides subtle.
Except, if you asked Tendou, you're not even close. In fact, in his eyes, you're about as subtle as a gun.
Tendou lets you think you are because he enjoys seeing your poor attempts at hiding your obsession. The truth is he's noticed every single time your eyes drift from his face to his flailing hands as he tells you a story then snap back to his face once you feel like you've been distracted for too long. Or, when you decide to keep him company while he's testing new chocolate recipes and techniques in the kitchen, and, instead of ooh-ing and aah-ing as he pipes an intricate design on a truffle, you're more occupied with staring at his mouth as he licks the smeared chocolate on his fingertips.
God forbid he offers you a taste of chocolate he swipes from the edge of a bowl with his pointer finger—then he's the one who has to control himself when he notices your eyes gently flutter as you lick it off, the tip of your tongue flicking his fingertip. 
He doesn't really understand it, and initially, he took your distracted gaze as disinterest. He was afraid he was boring you when he was going off on tangents or when he suggested you sit by as a taste tester in the kitchen. But he soon caught on when he noticed that your eyes weren’t glazed over in boredom and staring forward with no focus at all. He could see them following his hands like a hawk, taking in every bend, twitch, or grasp. And while he did notice them glaze over occasionally, he had a feeling it wasn���t because you were bored. 
Tendou's been trying to find the right time to bring it up. He doesn't want you to think he's making fun of you or that you should be ashamed of your little fixation. Since he’s first noticed, he’s been trying to hint to you that he knows; brushing an imaginary eyelash off of your cheek, cupping your face whenever he gets the chance, trailing his fingers up your arm whenever he peers over your shoulder to look at what you're cooking. 
He’s not sure if it’s working or if it's had the opposite effect, but he has been enjoying watching you squirm in the meantime.
Then it all culminates one weekend in August.
He suggests taking a trip to Barcelona after a colleague of his recommended a little chocolate shop there that he’s been dying to try. With about an 8-hour drive from where you live, you suggest you make it a little vacation, taking off that Friday and Monday to properly enjoy it all.
The trip starts off as all of your trips do. Tendou decides to drive so you play DJ, quizzing him on certain songs and annoying him with others. You feed him some snacks so he can keep an eye on the road, purposefully playing "here comes the airplane" until he bites your fingertip like an overzealous toddler.
It dies off about 2 hours into the trip after you get back in the car from a short gas station trip. You play a more relaxed playlist, filled with instrumentals and some ballads. The only chatter from both of you is when either of you comments on the view. Otherwise, it's a comfortable silence, leaning your head on the window and watching the trees and other cars fly by. 
Your peace is disturbed when you feel Tendou’s hand slide onto your knee, giving what’s supposed to be a comforting squeeze, but feels more like a jolt to your system. Unintentionally, you jump in your seat, trying to play it off like you’re shifting to be more comfortable, but he notices. 
“You okay, baby?” Tendou asks, with a smirk you don’t see because you can’t meet his eyes. Let’s see you try to get yourself out of this one.
“Yeah, uh, your hands were just cold.”
“Oops. My bad, honey.” He squeezes your knee again as he says it, and you can only hope he doesn’t notice that you tense up. “They’ll get warm soon enough, I’m sure.”
You shoot him a quick smile, before turning to look out the passenger window, hoping that he doesn’t notice how nervous you actually are. You’re tempted to start bouncing your leg, but you can’t risk him asking any more questions. 
Eventually, you relax enough to rest your hand over his, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb. You’re so lost in thought that you don’t realize that your hand started acting on its own, tracing the veins on the back of his hand and over the pronounced knuckles of his fingers. 
Tendou, of course, notices immediately. “So you like my hands, huh?”
You freeze. This isn’t how you wanted him to find out, you think as you pull your hand towards your chest like it touched an open flame. If there was ever a perfect time for the ground to suddenly open up so it can swallow you whole, this would be it. In fact, you contemplate opening the car door and tucking and rolling onto the highway just to get yourself out of this situation. 
Your diabolical red-headed boyfriend glances over at you a few times during your prolonged silence, before clearing his throat and saying, “I’ve known about your… thing for ages, you know.”
Your panic shoots out of you all at once. “You knew?! When? How!? I’m so lowkey about it!”
“Well, you don’t exactly make it subtle,” he chuckles. “How else would you be able to explain why you either jump out of your skin or completely shut down whenever I touch you? Or when I can't even make eye contact with you during our conversations because you're so focused on my hands?"
"...Trauma and social awkwardness?"
Tendou shoots you an incredulous look before returning his eyes to the road. “First of all, if it was trauma, we probably would’ve talked about it during the years we’ve been together. Second, you? Socially awkward with me? You’re the one who has no problem pooping while I’m showering, so there’s no way.” 
Your mouth opens and shuts repeatedly, failing to produce a good enough excuse. Instead, you turn your head far enough that you can’t see him from the corner of your eye anymore, but you sure can hear him cackle because of his effect on you.
You still refuse to make eye contact when you feel his hand trail up your thigh, barely making it to the hem of your dress before making his way back down to your knees, his fingers leaving trails of heat in its wake.
“What do you like about them, hm?” His fingers trail back up, playing with the hem of your dress and inching it higher. “Is it how long my fingers are? How gentle they are when they caress the skin of your thigh? Probably giving you goosebumps, huh?” 
And they absolutely are, along with a shudder up your spine with how low his voice has dropped. 
“Or maybe how talented they are, like when they curl just right?” His hand finally dips under the fabric, brushing his pinky against the edge of your panties. "Oooh, no safety shorts today? How risque! What are you preparing for, honey?"
"Nothing, I just—”, you take in a shakey breath as you feel his pinky play with the edge of the lace,”—didn't want to sweat with the extra layer."
"That's what the AC is for, honey. Are ya sure there's no other reason?"
"No. I mean, yes, or—wait. Fuck." Your head feels like it’s full of cotton, your mouth too dry to speak. Your eyes are unable to focus on anything at the moment, the leg he’s not touching restlessly bouncing. You glance over at the time displayed on your phone that’s mounted to the dashboard and calculate that you’ve got about 4 hours left before you reach your destination, and that’s when you realize that you can’t wait until you reach your hotel.
You need him. Now.
“Can you— Over there— Just—” You stumble over your words, unable to form a coherent sentence as you point frantically over to the side of the highway.
“You want me to pull over onto the shoulder?” He says smugly, not even sparing you a glance.
“God, yes, please.” 
He steers the car abruptly to the right, and you’re in his lap before he can even properly put the car in park, hands all over each other.
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Written by: Luna you've got an @; we've got a taglist~
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munchmemes · 2 months
taylor swift lyrics, ttpd: the anthology edition, part two
i look in people's windows
▸ i had died the tiniest death. ▸ i spied the catch in your breath. ▸ i still ponder what it meant. ▸ does it feel alright to not know me? ▸ i'm addicted to the 'if only'. ▸ i look in people's windows like i'm some deranged weirdo.
the prophecy
▸ i got cursed like eve got bitten. ▸ i guess a lesser [person] would've lost hope, a greater [person] wouldn't beg. ▸ please, i've been on my knees. ▸ i don't want money, just someone who wants my company. ▸ who do i have to speak to about if they can redo the prophecy? ▸ i'm feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen. ▸ even statues crumble if they're made to wait. ▸ i'm so afraid i sealed my fate.
▸ in the streets there's a raging riot. ▸ when the truth comes out it's quiet. ▸ do you believe me now? ▸ they say, what doesn't kill you makes you aware. ▸ they knew. they knew the whole time. ▸ blood's thick but nothing like a payroll. ▸ i was onto something. they all said nothing. ▸ no one heard. not a single word was heard.
▸ is it something i did? ▸ i thought it was just goodbye for now. ▸ you said you were gonna grow up then you were gonna come find me. ▸ promises oceans deep but never to keep. ▸ are you still a mind reader? ▸ life was always easier on you than it was on me. ▸ we both did the best we could do underneath the same moon. ▸ love's never lost when perspective is earned. ▸ the shelf life of those fantasies has expired. ▸ forgive me, [name], please know that i tried to hold on to the days when you were mine.
the bolter
▸ i can confirm i made a curious child. ▸ excellent fun till you get to know them. ▸ oh, we must stop meeting like this. ▸ all my fucking lives flashed before my eyes. ▸ i've been many places with men of many faces. ▸ hearts are mine for the breaking. ▸ there's escape in escaping.
▸ long may you reign. ▸ you're an animal. you are bloodthirsty. ▸ way to go, tiger. ▸ you look ridiculous and you have no idea. ▸ buried down deep and out of your reach the secret we all vowed to keep from you. ▸ you have no room in your dreams for regrets. ▸ the time will arrive for the cruel and the mean. ▸ you'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline.
the manuscript
▸ i'm not a donor but i'd give you my heart if you needed it. ▸ if the sex is half as good as the conversation is, we'll soon be pushing strollers. ▸ afterward i only ate kids' cereal. ▸ years passed like scenes of a show. ▸ looking backwards might be the only way to move forward. ▸ at last, i know what the agony has been for. ▸ now and then i re-read the manuscript but the story isn't mine anymore.
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nanasparadise · 9 months
A Visit
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☆彡 Yan! Zeke x fem reader (Modern AU)
☆彡 Part 1
☆彡 Word count: 1039
☆彡 I do not condone any 'yandere' behaviour in real life.
☆彡 A/N: I was kinda hesitant to post this because it's super self-indulgent and I feel like many people hate Zeke (which is totally fine, you can like/dislike any fictional character, I just don't want anyone to judge me for writing this), but maybe someone else might enjoy this as well!
! TW: yandere behaviour, noncon touching, implied age gap (since reader and Eren are around the same age and Zeke is ten years older than him), just Zeke being a weirdo, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI !
Summary: You want to visit your friend Eren. Instead, you end up being alone with his brother Zeke.
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You really hoped Zeke wouldn't be there this time.
He wasn't mean or rude to you. On the contrary, every time you went to visit Eren, his brother was accomodating to you and played the perfect host.
Maybe a little bit too much.
Eren was always annoyed by his behaviour and grumbled to turn it down. You, on the other hand, didn't want to be a bad guest, so you just chuckled awkwardly and kept quiet. You'd always wondered how the two brothers could live together, since they couldn't be any more different. Eren had once mentioned that his father wanted them to get along better, but this topic seemed to be a sore spot, so you let it drop.
Right now, you were in front of their shared apartment, waiting for someone to let you in. Eren had spontaneously texted you to come over and play video games. Not one to turn down a chance to finally beat him at Mario Kart, you quickly accepted. Though your excitement was quickly squashed when you saw Zeke open the door.
"Ah, Y/N", he spoke your name with such familiarity. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" He shot you a warm smile.
You gave him a nervous smile in return. "Hey Zeke, I'm actually here for Eren. He asked me to drop by."
"Oh, did he?" His head tilted slightly to the side. "Are you sure he asked you to come now? He's currently not home, he should be still at the gym as far as I'm aware."
You furrowed your eyebrows. He wasn't home? Why would he say to come over then? You took out your phone and checked the chat, just to make sure you didn't misunderstand anything.
No, he clearly wrote two p.m.
Not wanting to bother Zeke, you played dumb. "Oh yeah, you're right, he did say to meet later. I must have confused something." You let out a quiet chuckle, trying to cover up for the unease you felt. "I'll come back later, sorry for bothering you." You turned away from the entrance door, angling your body towards the stairs. Giving Zeke one last smile, you bid goodbye. "See you around, Zeke."
A hand shot around wrist and stopped you from moving any further. "Wait, Y/N!" Zeke gave you an intense look. Your heart started beating faster, startled by the sudden touch, and you pulled your wrist out of his grip. Noticing your discomfort, he schooled his expression into his typical calm smile again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. But how about you wait here? I've got an hour left before I need to go to work, so I can keep you company. That way, you don't need to come back later."
You didn't like the way he seemingly stared into your soul, trying to get an answer from you. Would he be upset if you refused? In the end, it'd be easier to stay, wouldn't it? "If that's okay for you, I don't want to impose", you hesitantly replied.
His smile reached his eyes now. "You wouldn't impose at all! In fact, I'm glad I don't have to be alone now." Zeke put his hand on the small of your back and gently guided you inside the apartment. You took off your shoes and were about to do the same with your coat, but Zeke was faster. Quickly, he grabbed the fabric and forced you to wiggle out of it.
"You didn't have to…", you uttered, embarrassed by his action.
He, on the other hand, gave you a chuckle in return and winked. "Only the best for my guest."
The two of you ended up playing Mario Kart instead. When you admitted that you didn't think he'd be so good at the game, Zeke answered he 'was talented with his fingers'.
You prayed he was only referring to his job as a surgeon.
Luckily, that one hour passed quickly. Zeke stood up from the couch and made himself ready for work.
Before you could realise his intention, Zeke had already bent down in front of your seated form and pressed a kiss on your head. His right hand gripped the back of your neck, making an escape attempt difficult. "I'm looking forward to doing this again with you", he whispered close to your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. The smell of nicotine and expensive cologne permeated the air and clouded your senses as you were fixated on his longing gaze. What the hell was going on?
Wordlessly, he got up again and offered you a small wave and innocent smile, as if the whole interaction hadn't happened.
You were about to say something — anything, to make clear that you were definitely not happy with this —, but Zeke had already turned around and left the room.
Still too perplexed by the situation, you stared at the TV in front of you, hoping the device would miraculously give you an answer on what to do. Of course, such thing didn't occur, so you grabbed your phone instead and sent Eren a message, telling him to get his ass home now.
A few moments later, the front door's lock clicked open and a sweaty Eren came to the living room. Relieved by his appearance, you got up from the couch and went to greet him.
"You could have told me the correct time instead of making me wait here with your weird brother for an hour!" You playfully boxed his shoulder, yet your words were genuine.
Eren shot you a puzzled look. "As much as I'm happy to see you, I have no clue why you're here." Now it was your turn to be confused. "I didn't ask you to come over today. In fact, I forgot my phone, so I couldn't have texted you."
„This can't be, look, I've got a text from you that clearly said-" as you showed him the chat, a sense of dread began forming in your stomach, heavy like a stone.
Realisation hit you hard. Eren couldn't have written that message, but someone else, who had been home the whole time, definitely could.
You wouldn't come back to Eren's place again.
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goodluckclove · 26 days
I'm having a lot of fun talking with people about why they struggle in their writing, and I figure I'd share a little bit about what would keep me from writing. It's especially relevant given how soon Blind Trust is coming out - and, like I said, if you're willing to be real to me I'll be real right back.
I'll put it under a read more, as I've had the amount of alcohol that it takes me to be extra loose - meaning half of one canned cocktail. And I don't want to freak anyone out who doesn't want to see me feel a little more angsty than I tend to be online. But as I said before, I want to be honest about the craft as much as I urge others to be.
Here we goooo. Say goodbye to proper capitalization babies, Dad's getting funky.
so i started writing when i was twelve years old. i wrote carnation, a 10k word zombie novella about thinly-veiled representations of me and my two best friends at the time fighting zombies. it wasn't very good. i never wrote anything before. i enjoyed it though, so i proceeded to keep writing, near-constantly for the next fifteen years.
here's the thing, though, and it's something i don't see a lot of elder writers talk about. probably because it's not a super pleasant thing to hear, but i'm pretty sure i could pull it off.
uh, my name is clove gardener. i'm twenty-seven years old now. and i do not think i'm that good of a writer.
i don't think i'm bad. i mean, i've been published. i've worked as a copywriter and a ghostwriter. i've written for work for a few years now, so - like - objectively it must be passable. i don't hate my writing. i think it's accessible, which is cool. but if you were to ask me hey do you think you're a good writer? i would skirt around the question without answering directly until i could figure out a way to change the subject.
at this point i don't think that's going to go away. the improvement, though, has been that i barely think about that anymore. it's like there's a little dipshit in the back of my head, and occasionally he will hiss-whisper this is shit what are you doing until I find a way to shut him up.
i kind of feel like that's just the thing that happens when you're a writer. it's the camp i'd rather be in, at least. because the alternative is that i'm a really good writer who might consider themselves capable to claim authority and tell you how to do things i actually know nothing about. i'd rather have doubt. maybe less than what i have now, but still.
writers, i think, overlap with theater kids in the sense of being dramatic little piss babies. i am proud to say that i am significantly less of a piss baby than i potentially could be, especially considering that i'm in writing and theater. but you're bound to be a little dramatic at some point.
i think in the six-ish months since i've started blind trust, i've had maybe two creative existential crises. that's pretty good. that's reasonable. and they were not too unproductive either. i've learned that you can feel whiny and pitying and scared and self-loathing, and still do the thing.
i don't think you should publish your book. cool, ryan (i named my inner dipshit ryan). i'm doing it anyway.
nobody actually wants to pay money for it. yeah, ryan. maybe.
you're a terrible writer. i like it, though. i want to see how it ends. so let's keep going.
if you're wanting to publish/self-publish, and you think you don't have a chance because you aren't a beacon of self-assurance and confidence - guess what, buddy, i don't think many of the greats were. it's almost a stereotype i've seen of famous writers also being angsty weirdos who crumble into despair because the apple they ate was slightly too mealy (this is based on nothing but i can see it happening to kafka). if you think you can't be a writer because you aren't like me - friend, colleague, son, daughter, child, we are both angsty weirdos and that's okay.
last week i sobbed because riley showed me a video where a kiwi bird was sad and we had to spend the rest of the night watching videos of kiwi birds before donating to a kiwi bird charity. i make one phone call to the doctor and i have to lie down for the rest of the day. i am kind, i am fun, i am funny, and i am also like three bad dice rolls away from a breakdown. you can be both of those things. i have nuance.
i'm fine, by the way. it's been a good day. i'm just stressed about publishing because the thought of asking people to pay Human Currency for my work makes me deeply uncomfortable. but we're going to fucking deal with that, aren't we, ryan?
i don't know if this is unprofessional to reveal, but if it convinces one person to pursue a life in writing even though they sometimes take a trip to the Panic Zone, fuck it. i'm fine, you're fine, we're all going to be fine.
we should name our inner dipshits. drop your dipshit names below. ryan is your classic little goblin, but he's dressed like an e-boy. i think he vapes. i hate him.
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bagely · 7 months
HI! this is a translation of a fanfic I already published in AO3 but, I'm trying to prove myself and write in english, Soo yeah my first lenguaje it's not english is Spanish and because of that this work would have some mistakes 😬 sorry for that I do my best but I'm still just learning, so you can correct me, I would appreciate that.
Oh, and its in Missa's pov
Title: Can I have your number?
Words: 2,009
Ao3 link:
I walked through the door of the small university café, feeling the warm aroma of coffee fill my senses.
The barista, whose name is Starboby, was very welcoming, and there was nothing strange about her until I saw the bar where someone was preparing coffee with their back turned. I didn't recognize that haircut or the same tone, and I could say that with certainty since I had worked part-time at this place many times before.
«It seems like Roier has hired someone new» I thought, as I didn't recognize any of Roier's blonde friends. There weren't many people in the place, it was still very early. I adjusted my hair, which was longer than usual and a bit uncomfortable.
I walked confidently to the bar, and the barista turned around when she heard my steps and stood in front of me, several meters away. I stopped instantly.
"Oh, I didn't hear you," he said with a warm and cheerful voice while smiling at me. "Do you need anything?"
He was gathering some hair into a ponytail, and her deep blue eyes stirred something within me.
«WHY IS HE SO HANDSOME» I started feeling my heart stop or perhaps start beating so fast that I couldn't measure it myself.
"Uhm... I...just–" I was trying to forced myself to talk. I took a step back and said, "uh... I forgot something... I, uhm... goodbye"
Did I run away or walk very fast? I don't know, the point is that I was already two blocks away from that café. I slap myself.
«Missa, why do you always embarrass yourself? Fool, idiot, idiot...» I wanted to hit myself harder.
A few days had passed, and I had "forgotten" (or rather ignored to maintain my sanity) that encounter at the café.
Rivers, a classmate, ask me if we want to do some homework together, and since my house was a mess due to my lack of organization, she decided it would be better to go to Starboby, Roier's café at the university. And here I am again, and he is here.
If someone asked me to organize the 5 most embarrassing moments of my life, what happened in this café a few days ago would occupy the top 5 places.
I'm behind my computer while looking at him, hoping he doesn't notice. After half an hour in the place, I only know one thing about him, and that is his name, which is Philza, and I only know that because I noticed the shiny name tag that I didn't see on my first visit.
I want to ask for his number... I would love to be able to get up and approach him, act like a normal person, and just talk to him, but at this point, I'm sure he thinks I'm a weirdo. I am a weirdo, but I don't like to think that he knows it.
"You could ask Roier for his number," Rivers brought one of her pens to my face and started poking my cheek with it insistently.
"And seem like a stalker? No, thanks," I replied in a somewhat annoyed tone because of what she was doing to my face, but I couldn't complain much anyway since I'm a bit behind on our task.
"Sure, you don't want to seem weird to your boyfriend," she started sarcastically, and she moved away from me in her chair while rolling her eyes. "Okay, be subtle and keep staring at him like a crow."
"I'm not...–" I don't even know what I was about to say because my mind freeze when my eyes were caught by his.
«Did he notice?» I felt a bit scared, I immediately looked away, but I heard a slight laugh coming from him. «he got me.» my face is completely red. I couldn't look in his direction for the rest of the afternoon, which was beneficial for Rivers since we were able to finish some work in one day and organize the ones we have left.
I started packing up my things to leave the café, and I felt someone behind me. My body tensed up when I turned around and saw him there. Time felt slow as he handed me a piece of paper. «His number?» That thought made me blush again until I looked down to see the piece of paper he had given me.
"Thank you for coming," he smiled at me, well, at us, Rivers is still here saddly "Again."
I'm sure that last part is for me, but he only gave me a receipt, just a receipt.
Today the café is a bit more crowded, it's rush hour, so I should have expected it. The line is at least 10 people long, and when it's my turn, I find myself too excited. I'm at the front, and I see him. He smiles at me but turns and moves away behind a door to the back. I'm late.
"Missa, what's up?" Roier is now at the bar, smiling at me as if he had just heard the best joke in the world. "Have you seen my new barista?" The look Roier gave me was so indiscreet that I almost hit him, it's obvious that Rivers told him everything.
I restrain any aggressive impulse that grows within me because if I expose myself more than I already am, I'm sure he won't leave me alone.
"Cold coffee, and remember to sweeten it well... You always make it a bit bitter," I tell him, completely avoiding the topic.
He laughs and turns around to start doing what I asked. I lower my head to the counter where the desserts are, I only came to the place for coffee and to see Phil, but it wouldn't hurt to have a donut anyway, one of the things I wanted to see wasn't there, I need a consolation prize.
"Are you ordering something?" That voice makes my heart skip a beat, and it makes me lift my head to see Philza on the other side of the bar with his ever-present kind and reassuring smile. I could die at that moment and be satisfied. "Didn't he finish his shift? Oh, it doesn't matter, my prayers were answered," I say.
"Yes," I say, perhaps a bit too loud.
"Phil! I see you've met Missa," Roier's joyful voice also stirs my guts, but in an unpleasant way, as I'm sure of what's coming.
"Oh, yeah, I've talked to him before," Philza replied, nodding.
I'm not saying anything, and it's awkward because this conversation is about me, but I can't do it, everything in me prevents me from commenting on what's happening.
"You need to treat him well" Roier speaks again, and I have the urge to run away from there, again. "He's not new here, he's one of our most loyal part-timers. A VIP customer," Roier says.
"Roier, no, don't exaggerate," I finally speak, looking into the brown eyes and begging him with my eyes to shut up for once.
"I see," Philza laughs, I notice how easy it seems to make that man laugh, which defensively doesn't bother me, I would love to hear that laughter for longer. I look at him again, and he returns the gaze. "I'll take good care of him then."
If he continues to be like that, I'll probably have a heart attack and die.
It's almost the end of autumn, which means it's been a month since I met Philza, and I still haven't asked for his number. But I'm making progress, I'm at the point where I can say a complete sentence without stuttering. Anyway, I'm sure he thinks I'm weird because that's the only part of my personality that I've shown him throughout this month.
I'm at the café again, but I'm smart and learn from my mistakes. I don't go to the café during hours when I'm sure Roier will be there. I made that mistake twice, the last time was last week, and the man managed to embarrass me by telling Phil about all my mistakes when I was a rookie.
I'm not hiding behind my laptop this time; I'm "reading" a book. I read on the internet that people who look intelligent are more attractive, and I must use everything I can to my advantage.
Although I haven't talked to him much, I now know a few more things about Phil than just his name. For example, he's 25 years old, which means he's only three years older than me, and apparently, he knows Roier from his boyfriend, and knowing Cellbit's great social skills, he's probably a classmate or a fellow student.
Among the little things I know, I also managed to ask him if he's dating someone in the most discreet way possible, which means I told Rivers to ask him, and I was next to her to listen, and miraculously, the answer was no. I had never felt luckier in my life. I think I almost screamed when I found out, almost because I managed to maintain my composure as much as I could.
"Are you going to order something?" His voice, his terribly charming voice, snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize when he had approached me, placing his hand on the table in front of me.
«Your number» I didn't say it. I wish I had said it. Damn it.
"I'm... I'm fine, you know, just chill.. yeah.." I said, and I'm sure that every word coming out of my mouth It's getting worse and worse.
"Right " He said, and I felt something strange inside me when he sighed after speaking.
Phil seems very committed to his work, he always comes to ask me if I need anything, even if there are several people around. It's very admirable.
He's about to lift his hand from the table and walk away, but I don't want him to. There's no one else here, and a force that I hadn't felt all month pulls my hand, tugging at the sleeve of his white shirt, back to the table.
I turn to look at him, and that momentary force leaves my body.
"Yes?" He asks with a lopsided smile that suits him torturously well.
My eyes sink to the ground. I can only see his shoes and mine.
"Uh could you...uhm" I'm sure I must look like an elf, with my ears burning from the amount of embarrassment I feel. "Can I have your number?" Somehow, that sentence came out in full.
"I already gave it to you."
"WHAT?" I shout. Because there's no other way to express what was going through my head at that moment. I'm trying and searching through hundreds of memories if that ever happened and I have nothing...
"You threw it in the trash, I thought you had rejected me and now you were just giving me confusing signals." Well, with that, I raised my head, he still looked calm, only with a hint of blush almost imperceptible on his cheeks.
"Who was giving confusing signals to who?" My brain was melted, or maybe I was swapped in the middle of the night into someone else's life because all those things he says don't make sense. "Me rejecting you? I'm not insane."
He laughs, and I feel the atmosphere lighten. "Well, you did it." He speaks through clenched teeth, holding back laughter. "When you were with your friend, I gave it to you on the back of the receipt and you threw it in the trash."
«Idiot, idiot, idiot, WHY DIDN'T I SEE THE BACK?»
"I... I didn't see it." His hand goes to my cheek, and his face begins to approach.
«Am I dreaming?» I'm completely paralyzed.
He lightly taps his forehead against mine and then takes a few steps back, but I stand up so we're still close. He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.
"Dumb" He says to me in that charming tone of voice that I'm sure I'll never get tired of.
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reputationmunson · 1 year
Lavender Wishes | Robin Buckley x reader
summary: your first sleep over with your girlfriend, robin <3
content: fluff, mentions of eating, swearing, brief mention of the upside down, no pronouns directed towards reader, no use of y/n, pet names
word count: [1.5k]
“Oh, I want m&ms too! And don’t forget the popcorn!”
“It’s gonna be hard to forget anything, robs, since you want the whole store” you joke as she rambles over the phone about all the snacks she wants.
“Not the whole store. Maybe half”
“Alright, but you’re gonna owe me a lot of kisses tonight” you bargain, knowing she’s already planning on doing that.
“Yeah, I can do that. Now hurry up and get to the store so I can hold up my end of the deal soon”
You say your goodbyes and hang up the phone and quickly head to the store. Tonight was the first night you’re staying with Robin since you started dating. The relationship was fairly new, but it’s felt like you’ve been together for years. Everything felt so natural with her and you weren’t even nervous about tonight.
Okay… the nervous part was kind of a lie. Of course Robin makes you feel comfortable, but anyone would feel at least a little bit nervous about staying the night with their partner for the first time.
After a trip to the supermarket and way too many snacks for one night, you finally arrive at Robin’s house.
You take a minute and give yourself a pep talk before walking up and knocking on her door.
“Oh my god, it’s about time! I almost died of boredom” Robin throws her arms around you and you try to hug her back as best as you can with your hands full.
She grabs some of the bags and drags you into the house, leading you into the kitchen to put all the snacks on the counter.
“I’ve been here for three whole minutes and still haven’t gotten a kiss. What are you gonna do about that, Buckley”
She smirks at you and cradles your face in her hands before leaning into you. You can’t help the smile that forms on your face and the giggle that escapes you as she kisses your lips.
“I’ve been waiting on that all day and now you’re laughing at me?” she says with the biggest smile on her face "Don't make me revoke your all access pass to these” she points to her lips and makes you laugh even harder. She’s 110% joking and you know that because she always claims that she’d probably die if she never got to kiss you again.
“Lemme make it up to you”
Five, ten, fifteen minutes pass as you kiss her in the kitchen, barely coming up for air unless it’s absolutely necessary.
“Wow. Now I know what that song by Berlin was talking about” She says when she pulls away from you and you look at her, puzzled.
“That one song from Top Gun. Take my breath away” She clarifies and you chuckle.
“You’re so cheesy. Also, remind Harrington he’s not allowed to pick that movie again next time for movie night”
“But that would break his heart… so yeah I’ll do it and speaking of movies, I got about a thousand of them so go pick one out and I’ll make the popcorn.” she gives you a peck and you head to the living room.
Robin really wasn’t kidding about her getting a thousand movies because there’s a stack of them about a mile high on the coffee table. You decide to go with a horror, knowing she’ll have to cuddle up to you for protection.
Your girlfriend has fought against monsters from a weird, alternate dimension, but she draws the line at a guy with chainsaw.
“What are we watchin’ first?” She asks with a big bowl of popcorn and your favorite candy in her hands.
“Texas chainsaw!” you answer, excitedly and she groans. “I knew you’d do this to me. Next time I’m only getting movies that I like and don’t give me nightmares”
“Didn’t you fight evil Russians and that mind slayer thing?”
“Mind flayer and I’d take either of those things over some weirdo who harvests peoples skin”
“Pleeeeaasse, baby, for me?” you give her your best pout and puppy dog eyes and she gives in within two seconds. “Fine, but don’t expect that to work every time” she points her finger at you. “you know you can never say no to me” she doesn’t deny it.
It’s not even ten minutes into the movie before Robin is laying on top of you with her face hidden in your neck. Your hand rests on top of her head and you play with her hair to comfort her.
“Do you want me to change the movie, robs?”
“No, ‘cause then you’d have to get up” she whines and you huff out a laugh. “I have to get up anyway because I have to pee”
She looks up at you and furrows her brow. “And leave me alone? I told you not to drink your soda that fast!”
“You’ll be fine. I’ll pause the movie and the door is locked.”
“A locked door isn’t going to stop a chainsaw! They are literally made to chop wood and take a wild guess what my front door is made of!”
God, you love her so much. You know it’s crazy to even think that this early into the relationship, but you were friends long before you started dating. Plus, it’s Robin. You’d be crazy not to be in love with her.
When she finally gets up to let you move, she dramatically throws herself back on the couch with a loud huff. You lovingly roll your eyes and pause the movie before going to the bathroom.
“When you’re done can you bring me some more candy?” she yells and you already know she’s going to be like a toddler on a sugar high.
You come back to the living room with m&ms in hand and Robin is pretending to be dead on the couch. “Oh no, she’s dead! Guess I have to eat these m&m’s all by myself”
She opens one eye to look at you “False alarm, I guess. Don’t worry I’ll help you eat those”
You toss the m&ms at her and go to change the movie. “Actually, I’m kinda tired. Wanna go to bed?’’ she suggests. “Robin, it’s 9 p.m.” you deadpan.
“Okay, bedtime police. I wanna change into pjs and cuddle in my bed”
“Fine, but only if you bring the candy with you”
She jumps up, grabs the candy and practically sprints towards her bedroom. You grab your bag and get ready for bed in the bathroom.
When you enter Robin’s room, she’s changed into only a sports bra and sweats. Your gaze can’t help but linger.
“Wow, perv! You’re just as bad as Steve” she jokes and you get into bed to snuggle up to her.
“I can’t help it. They’re hypnotizing” you say, referring to her boobs and she snorts.
“So, I was, um, thinking about how it’s only friday and we both have the weekend off, so maybe you could stay tomorrow night too? Of course, you don’t have to or anything I just thought that it might be-”
“I’d love to stay all weekend and conveniently enough, I brought plenty of clothes for the whole weekend” you say before she finishes her sentence.
“I knew you would. just can’t get enough of me”
you start to drift asleep as she rubs your back, but all of the sudden she gets a burst of energy.
“babe, i had too much sugar. Let’s do something fun!”
“I had a feeling this would happen. Alright, what do ya wanna do?”
“Let me paint your nails! I promise I won’t mess it up this time ”
Every time you’ve let Robin paint your nails, she’s made an absolute mess. There was one time she spilled a bottle on the carpet because she was flailing her arms around while telling a story.
“Okay, I’m in. show me what ya got”
Robin displays ten different nail polish colors and goes into detail about what she likes about each one. it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“And this one I think would really make your eyes pop. you always look so good in this color”
“What’s the name of the color?”
“Lavender wishes. Cute, right?”
“Adorable” you hold your hand out to her and she starts her masterpiece. Her concentrated face is so fucking cute you can’t help smiling. Usually, Robin is such a chatterbox, but she’s too focused on doing this perfectly that she hasn’t said a word.
“All done. Do you like it?” she asks when she finishes
“I love it. Thank you, baby”
Robin gently blows on your fingertips until they are dry. When she’s done, she kisses both of your hands and helps you up off of the floor.
“That was some tedious work. Wanna go to sleep?” she asks and you nod. You wrap your arms around each other and tangle yourselves together under the blanket.
Both of you end up staying awake until the hours of the night when it feels like the rest of the world is asleep. You talk about anything, nothing, and everything in between.
It’s the best Friday night you’ve ever had.
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at0micc0la · 1 year
Tommy's little crush
synopsis: headcanon about TommyInnit crush in Wilbur's new friend
words: 1.4K (when did that happen)
a/n: sorry, didn't proof read it and the ending is a little out of nowhere. Hope you guys like it
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Wilbur inviting friends over was a weird occurence, mostly because everyone in the house is an over the yop weirdo (w love)
So the moment you walked through the entrance door Tommy was intrigued by you
"Who's this Wilbur?" Tommy asked, looking you up and down, only making you a bit uncomfortable under the boy's eyes
Wilbur stopped in his tracks, almost as if he didn't notice his sibling was in the room "This is Y/N, we are going to my room so don't bother us" the man took your hand and guide you what might be hus room, but before dissapearing with his brother Tommy saw you smile and wave at him, making him intrigued by you
When Tommy told Phil about Wilbur taking someone to his room, the man giggled
"Why don't you go offer them something to eat? Maybe you could talk with this mysterious friend of WIlbur"
And that's what Tommy did
He carefully oppened Wilbur's door, and through the creek he saw you laughing at Will, who was talking to you about God's knows what with a big smile on his face
But Tommy wasn't interested in Wil's dumb smile, but yours. You radiate some type of magnetic energy that calls him, that makes him want to be one of the reason you smile
This thoughts were quickly pushed to the side when Wilbur's tall framed blocked his view
"You lost something?" Wilbur looked at him as if he was commiting some type of crime so Tommy just let the first thing that came into his brain leave his mouth
"Phil wants you to go to the kitchen"
With a groan Will left his room, promising that he wouldn't take long, and this was the wooden opportunity for Tommy
He needed to know who this person in his brother's room was, to take care of Will, not because he thinks they are cute or anything
So that's how he met you, he learned that you were friend of a friend of Will and you two met because your love for the music
He learned your favorite band and a little bit about what you were currently doing (studying something he couldn't remember what because he was entrance by your eyes that were shining)
When Wilbur arrived with a tray with two glasses, juice and cookies, Tommy knew it was his sign to leave, but he didn't want it, not yet
Months passed and you were a common guest, and Tommy's crush just grew
He wanted to spend just a little more time with you and an opportunity came
Wilbur was talking about going to watch Avatar with a friend
"Phil, where is Wilbur going?"
"He's going out with Y/N" The man answers without much thought, boy nodded crafted a plan, he would go with them and sit next to you, then in the middle of the movie he would do the yawn trick and you will lean your head into his shoulder, he just needs to take action
"You think we would mind if I go with them?" Phil just looked at him as if he was growing a second head
"I don't think he would like you going with them... Also he invited you last week to watch the movie with him, what made you change your mind?"
With Wilbur's step getting close and Phil in front of him questioning him made his face flush "Eh.. um, well Philza, a man is allowed to change his mind"
Phil just looked at him and laughs "Oh just curious, mate. I want to know what made you change your mind, or may I say who" the man just laughed harder when he saw how embarrassed the kid was "Hey Will!" The man stopped on his track
"Tommy here needs to ask you something" he patted his head and left the room
Tommy stuttered asking if he could go with him, only to be rejected
"Oh, no. Maybe another day, it's just that. You don't know everyone that's coming and I can't look after you"
Wilbur blushed and said his goodbyes, leaving Tommy with a failed Plan A, so here comes plan B
The boy wasn't going to leave without a fight so he called Tubbo and left to the movies
"I don't understand why I'm always dragged to your crazy ideas"
They followed Wilbur uptown, where he met you
The two boys stayed behind, waiting for you other friends to arrive, to only be surprised about the two of you leaving the park you met at
"He is a liar!! He told me there was going to be more..." Tubbo cover his friends mouth with hopes of silence him
"Tommy, be careful they're gonna discover us"
When they arrived at the theater they joined the line, where they made the plan
Tommy pays for his and Tubbo's ticket (bc poor boy), the boy would distract Wilbur so Tommy could sit next to you and Tubbo on the other side
"Please tell me you two are not scheming"
The boys looked at Wilbur, who had the most neutral face he can make
"Oh, C'mon, they can't be in something evil? Let them be Wil" you giggled and grabbed the man arm and took him to buy popcorn and candy
"Wait , no, Y/N!" he made a "I'm watching you" gesture and willingly let you guide him, moving his hand to hold yours
This little action called Tubbo's attention
"Tommy, are they on a date?"
"Bah, as if" they boy paid for the tickets "Y/N is his best friend, and he would've told me"
can you imagine??!!
Anyway Tommy sat next to you, and Wilbur to your other side
When you were already midway the movie, he tried to do the yawn trick
It took Tubbo 17 nudges, until Tommy gave him the "Okay, I'll do it"
And when he did it, intead of your shoulders he was found with Wil's arm, who beat him at holding you
Wilbur sent him a "What are you doing?" look and then Tommy realized, You were on a date with his brother
He stood up and dragged Tubbo with him
"Tubbo, I think they're on a date"
"Took you long enough"
When Tubbo saw Tommy looking down, he comforted him, they came back to finish the movie but sat somewhere else
The movie ended and they catched up with the couple, Tubbo being the one who talks since his friend is unable to form words
"Tommy, you seem cold. Let's go to the car before we leave" Wilbur dragged the boy to the parking lot, where they had a small talk
The boy was tense, he wanted to hate his brother for being with his crush, but if they like his weird ass brother and they are happy, Why would he stop it?
"Look Tom, I know you have a crush in Y/N" the boy tried to denied it but couldn't say anything, he just stopped on his track. Wilbur took a deep breath
"It took me too long to finally ask them out, I truly like them" Wilbur wasn't even looking at him to have this conversation, but at the distance, where the two men could see you and Tubbo talking about God knows what.
"I know big man" the pain of not having any type of opportunity left TOmmy's body, the protectiveness of a brother invaded him intead "And take care of them, 'Cause if you don't I'll make Phil hunt you down" teary determinated eyes lookes at Wilbur, who softly smiled and ruffle(? the boys hair
"Will do, don't worry"
They walked back to you, who greeted them with a big smile and reaching for Wilbur's hand, who took yours without hesitating
Tommy and Tubbo left you do your couple stuff alone, to not see something they didn't wanna se (like don't kiss in front of a heartbroken boy)
And the boys were so invested in their plans fo the weekend (to distract themselves of this failed plan), so they didn't see the group of girls near the exit of the theater
Well, they noticed them when Tommy tripped and fell into one of the girls
Her friends helped her getting up while Tubbo was silently laughing
Tommy was standing up to apologize to the girl and he was thankful of this misfortune, a beautiful girl was in front of him
"Gosh Em, you ok?" the girl brushed off her friends question, looking at Tommy who was entrance with the girl
"I'm sorry, he is a bit dumb" Tubb apologized on his behalf, to which the boy
"Sorry, woman, let me make it up to you" and that's how Tommy got a date and Tubbo thirdwheel two times in a day
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
So I know this is a bit of a odd combo, but could you do a Cash Wheeler x Hook x Christian Cage x MJF x Female!Reader where they’re all a mixed faction, but these men are also all fighting for the reader constantly? I actually really love these four and I’d love to see what happens when they’re all paired together
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Pairing: Cash Wheeler x Hook x Female!Reader x Christian Cage x MJF
Warnings: Men fighting over their same crush, cussing, slight obsession towards reader, bets placed about sex
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Main Blog!: @dirtywrestling
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"You think she likes you? Ha!" MJF laughed in Hooks face as Hook stood there with no emotion showing what so ever. "Kid, she runs from your goofy ass hair style."
"And like you don't have a goofy ass hair style?" Christian chuckled as he tightens his boots up for the night. They were getting ready to do a promo with you which started soon.
"Yeah, Christian and I are the only ones who have a decent cut, you both look like clowns." Cash laughed, shaking his head with a smile.
"Shut up, doesn't mean Y/N likes old geezers." MJF snapped towards the two older men. "Maybe she wants them young, like me."
"I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you." Hook raised his eyebrow.
"Maybe she likes them older." Cash grinned widely, clasping a hand over Christian's back.
"Yeah!" Christian agreed.
"I bet I can get her to kiss me first!" Hook blurted out making everyone stop and stare at him. Hook bit the inside of his cheek not knowing what to say.
"Oh yeah?" MJF stood tall in front of Hook, chewing his gum and smirking. "I bet I can get her to suck my dick first." MJF raised his eyebrow in a devilish way.
Christian and Cash shared a look, not saying anything. "I bet I can get her on my dick first." Christian engaged.
"I bet I can-"
You walked through the door making all the men shutting their mouths. "You bet you can what?" You laughed, raising your eyebrow to Cash who's face became bright red. "Woah," You looked around, noticing the mood changing. "Did I kill the mood?"
All the men exhaled a breath as they knew you had no idea they were making sexual bets against you. "Nothing." Cash nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"Whatever you weirdos, the promo starts in ten, meet me in catering." You waved them goodbye and left the room.
"Way to almost ruin our bets." MJF rolled his eyes towards Cash.
"I bet I can get her to come on my tongue and fingers first." Cash smirked darkly.
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arvensimp · 1 year
hi!! omg tysm for creating a blog for writing for our fluffy dude 🥰 could I request a short fic!! the reader making friends with the former team star members, particularly Atticus and Giacomo, and Arven mistakes your friendships as them flirting with you, so he gets kinda jealous and nervous, then rushes a confession? and then the reader is like omg they’re just my friends but yes I like you too! tysm 💟
Thank you! I hope you like this alright?
Gotta Gotta Be Down
Arven x reader, no gendered pronouns used
Arven is not a bully.
Well.... Maybe sometimes he's a bit of a dickhead, but he's not, like, a bully-bully. Like he's not going to sit there and make fun of someone who talks weird or looks weird or whatever. Live and let live and all that.
He's aware that those Team Star guys went through the ringer, so he doesn't purposefully want to be mean to them...but fuck, could they just leave you alone?
He gets that you're pretty much the coolest person in the region, so he understands why they want to be around you so much, but...damn it you were his friend first, and... Well if he's completely honest he wants you as much more than just a friend now.
So, it pisses him off when he sees Atticus with his hands on you one day when he goes to pick you up from the now League-Sanctioned training center that was the previous star base.
Arven had opened the door, calling your name, and you had jumped a bit. Atticus was on his knees behind you, a measuring tape around your waist.
Wait... Was that Atticus? When did he get so hot? Was he always that hot? What the hell? Why was he hot? Why was he even touching you while being hot?
Arven blushed. "S-sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt!" He covers his eyes with his hands even though you and Atticus are both very much clothed and decent.
"Arven!" You cry, surprised. "It's not what it looks like."
Atticus stands behind you, wrapping his tape measure back up. "Greetings! I was only getting our illustrious champion's measurements, so as to complete a gala costume for the upcoming League Festivities, my good man." Atticus supplies helpfully while resting an amicable hand on your waist. The motion isn't lost on Arven whose eyes narrow in frustration.
"Yeah? Well. I was...uh, bringing our illustrious champion some lunch!"
You smile, stepping away from Atticus' grasp, making Arven inwardly cheer a bit. "Really? Ugh, hell yeah!" You groan. "I'm starving! Where's the food?"
Arven panics a bit. "Uh... I...um. haven't made it yet. I was coming to get you, so I could, uh...take your order, special?"
"Oh great! Let's see..." You pause, wracking your brain to decide what you might like for lunch. Fuck, why is it so hard to decide what to eat whenever someone asks for your order?
Arven stands there looking between you and Atticus for a moment.
"Well, if you don't mind, we'll just be on our way then?" He says, trying (and probably failing, to be completely honest) to keep the vitriol from his tone.
Atticus only smiles as he waves the two of you out of the facility.
You leave without saying goodbye, too lost in thoughts of lunch and what you want Arven to prepare, so you text Atticus an apology later for your poor manners.
A few days later, Arven is once again looking for you. This time he's freezing his balls off in Montenevera because you said you had some business at Ryme's gym. When he heads over to the stage though, he sees you and that weirdo Giacomo huddled closely together watching something on a laptop, sharing a pair of old school wired earbuds.
He seethes so hot the icy temperatures hardly seem to faze him for a moment.
Wait. What the fuck? Why is he getting so possessive over you like this? Like it's not like you have feelings for that pineapple head anyway, right?
That's when he sees Giacomo place a casual arm around your shoulder as he points to something on the screen while his head bops to some beat unheard to Arven.
It's too intimate a touch, and Arven can't stand it. He shouts out a stuttered yell of your name, maybe a bit too loud for public, but he wants to be sure you hear him over whatever trash Giacomo is probably playing through the earbud.
You look up to see him in the distance and stand up, waving him over with a cry of "Arven! Hey!"
Meanwhile, your abrupt motion causes the laptop to topple over and the earbud to pop from your ear, making Giacomo scramble beneath you as he tries to keep the tech safe.
Arven jogs over, smugly satisfied to have interrupted whatever was happening. Was that dickish? Fuck, maybe it was, but you're smiling at him from up on the stage, and he forgets any semblance of whatever wrong thing it was he just did.
"I was wondering when you were gonna get here! Giacomo was just playing some of his beats that he's working on for the gala. Right?" You look down and notice your friend still scrambling to pick up the pieces of your sudden movement. "Shit, sorry. Did I fuck that up?"
He sighs. "No harm, no foul. I'm gonna head inside though. Ryme'll be pissed if anything happens to her equipment."
"Sorry!" You repeat, feeling your face flush in shame.
He shrugs. "S'fine."
"Can I...?" You're not quite sure how you could help, but it feels weird not to offer. You look to Arven for guidance, but he just shrugs and offers you a hand to help you jump off the stage.
"I think Giacomo's got it, right, buddy?" He almost called him little buddy as some kind of dig. Oh, he was so close, it was right there on the tip of his tongue, but he held it back.
Giacomo nods, none the wiser, and you take Arven's hand as you hop down. It's warm against your own. How long had you been out here listening to music anyway? You shiver, only now feeling the chill.
"Wanna grab some hot chocolate and get somewhere warm?" Arven asks you, resisting the urge to wrap a protective and warm arm around your shoulders.
"Sounds great! See ya, Giacomo!"
Arven leads you away without sparing a second glance at the guy.
The two of you end up grabbing some warm cups of hot chocolate from a vendor down the hill a bit and then post yourselves on a bench near a space heater looking out over the northern mountains and sea.
You sigh contentedly and lean against your best bud as you sip your drink, and Arven had to put a concerted effort forth into not physically melting.
"S-so, uh... The league has been keeping you busy lately."
"Yeah," You huff. "La Primera's all gung-ho about this gala thing, talking about how it'll reflect well on the league and the region and everything."
"So...she's been making you hang out with the team star bosses?"
You laugh. "What? No, they're just work friends. Or... I guess regular friends, too? They're all good people. You should hang out with them, too!"
Arven's chest squeezes uncomfortably. You go on. "We're just all involved in the project in different ways, and I'm overseeing a buncha stuff for La Primera anyway, so I've been using it as an excuse to catch up."
Arven hums. "They're...uh. They're not expecting you to bring a plus one to this gala... Are they?" It's not the most tactful he's ever been. But then again, Arven Sada-Turo has never exactly been the definition of tact in the first place.
"I'm allowed to bring a plus-one, yeah, but I don't think any of the Star folks need it. They all have their own invites, after all." You take another sip of your drink, blissfully missing the point.
Arven laments. "N-No. I mean. Uh... Can I...escort you, or whatever, to the gala? As your plus one?"
Smooth, Sada-Turo. Smooth.
"Oh! Sure! I'd love to bring you along! It'll be great! Big buddy and little buddy at it again!" You knock your shoulders gently against his jovially.
"N-No... I mean, not as 'buddies'... Like. Could we, maybe...?" Arven looks away from you and sets his cocoa down on the bench's armrest to cover the lower half of his face with his hand. His free hand meanwhile feels for yours, interlocking your fingers in a way that feels puzzle perfect. "Ya know?"
You look at your conjoined hands and smile widely.
"Oh! Oh, yes! Yes, of course, Arven, yes!" You put down your own drink, which is nearly empty now anyway to wrap him up in a massive beartic hug.
"I didn't think you'd want to! O-or that you even felt that way!"
Arven chuckles a little bit, your acceptance of his confession making him feel so much lighter than before. He returns your embrace, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
"Are you kidding? I've felt this way for... Geez, I dunno how long. I just... I didn't want the Star guys to get to you before I got my chance, ya know?"
You laugh, not breaking contact.
"Who? Atticus and Giacomo? C'mon! They're only friends! Nothing like my best...uh...boo? Boo-dy? Boyfriend buddy? ...You!"
Arven snorts. "We'll figure out terms later."
"Later." You agree.
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k-dokja · 2 years
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Compiled work for Samuel Seo. Theme Song: Day & Night - Lee Youngji 
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— Storyline.
Preface: The reader was from Big Deal before leaving. The two of them later on reunited while working for Workers. [Meta]
Once upon a time, someone liked someone they couldn't have.
Saying goodbye can be easy with the promise to meet again.
Old friends reunited in strange ways.
There is a lot to do, so get to it.
You being an annoying gnat.
...Who brings a gun to a knife battle?
Movie night is weird, you make it weird.
Don't overwork yourself, idiot.
Sometimes, your nosiness leads to strange things.
You are technically his work-wife, he's in denial.
When stuck in a tight spot, don't be with Samuel.
Relaxing leading to weird things.
Maybe he's a little jealous.
Samuel stays with you after your first kill.
What happened to your plan of moving out?
The Winter Sonata except he's a bastard and you're annoying.
...It bothers him that you're sick.
The probability of failure is unaccounted for.
Cloudy judgment, murky water.
Preparations for war is a taxing thing.
That's the nicest he can be.
A promise for the future.
[403] Staying in the meeting room with a bunch of weirdos.
[406] Samuel is a bit annoyed
[407] Late night endeavor leads to troubles
— Standalone.
An analysis of Samuel Seo.
Your dynamic with Big Deal depends on your position.
Notes on his MBTI type.
Soulmate, canon divergence from the storyline.
Random headcanons.
Finish the heart.
Yer a law student, Harry.
A love triangle between Jake and Samuel.
A love triangle between Joongoo and Samuel.
You being a tease.
The stoic you smiling for the first time.
Emoji Meme | (1) (2)
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— Retired Storyline.
Preface: Pieces which were written in compliance with the original storyline but no longer fit with the new revision. Super OOC since I wrote these back when I haven't gotten proper grasp of his character.
Meeting Samuel again but somehow you forgot his face.
Once upon a time, he wanted someone he couldn't have.
A mess and a half, that's what you two are.
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locoforloak · 1 year
"Step Back" Lo'ak x fem! na'vi
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Context: You always have to fight for your boyfriend in situations you didn't want to
Disclaimer: violence, swearing, kissing
wrd count:907
A/N: short lil story cause I'm so nice
"Get up!" People were crowding around you as you were on top of a girl. Punching her and yelling in her face. You felt someone pull you off of her. "Never talk to my man again BITCH!" You screamed at her. You pulled yourself away from the person holding you. Turned out to be the person you were fighting for. Your boyfriend Lo'ak. You rolled your eyes at him "You can't just beat up every girl that calls me attractive babe" "That's literally my job. I can't just let some random girl call MY boyfriend hot" "She called me hot" "Yes bruh that's why I beat her ass" "Well thank you I guess, you're like my protector" You smiled at his comment.
<❊ ❊ ❊>
You guys held hands at you walked back to his hut. Neteyam met you guys. "Did she beat another girls ass again" Neteyam was leaning against a wall. Lo'ak rolled his eyes "Yes" "I sure did I beat that girl a-" "Watch your language please" Neytiri said while holding Tuktirey in her arms. Tuk laughed, "My apologizes Mrs. Sully" "I told you, you can stop calling me that. You're family" Lo'ak smiled while looking you. He was happy his family accepted you. You dragged him into the hut to eat something. "Another fight Y/N?" Jake asked while trying to fix his gun "Yes. Can you believe she called him hot. Like I'm the only one that's supposed to call him that" Jake laughed "Good thing you let her know" You were proud people agreed with you. You looked at Lo'ak while he was eating, having something on the side of his face, you took him by his chin to face you. You slowly wiped it off from him. He looked at you while you did it, "Stop looking at me weirdo" You lightly pushed his face away. He laughed while resuming what he was doing. You both heard commotion coming from outside. You looked at each other, getting up. It was the girl and her, brother? Boyfriend? "Where's that girl that was in a fight with my sister" Her brother. "I'm right here" He walked up to you. Before he could get any closer, Lo'ak got in front of you pushing the boy in the chest. "Step back cuz" "What are you her boyfriend? Pretty scrawny for a boyfrie-" Before he could say anything else you punched him in the face. "Say something again" You looked at him on the ground, holding the area you punched. Lo'ak lightly pushed you behind. "She had to do it for me. Next time it won't be her, don't have her name in your mouth again" "And control your weirdo of a sister" You added from behind him. Lo'ak family was all behind you witnessing this unfold. The boy scrambled up off the ground, running away. "Damn I didn't know you could punch like that" Lo'ak pulled you in by your waist, his family groaned as they all walked away.
<❊ ❊ ❊>
"Wanna go see Payakan? I haven't seen him in a while" He held your hand as he lead you towards the water. "Yeah of course" You two headed out towards Three Brothers Rocks, Lo'ak started calling for Payakan. He came up behind you saying hello. "Hello brother, remember Y/N, my wife" You were shocked by what he called you while talking with Payakan. He looked at you and smiled. Payakan responded [Yes I remember. You talk about her all the time]. "Hey" Lo'ak shooed Payakan. "What did he say?" "Nothing, nothing important" You nodded your head. You two talked to Payakan for a few hours, until it was eclipse, "Bye brother, I will see you soon" "Bye Payakan" You gave him a goodbye kiss. "He said thank you" "You're welcome" You rode back while fooling around with each other. You got back just in time for dinner, Neytiri was strict about that.
{the next day| Lo'ak's POV}
I was trying to catch some fish for Y/N when a girl came up to me. "Hello what's your name?" I ignored her at first, in case Y/N was around. She got impatient and tapped my shoulder. "I have a girlfriend" "So what. I was just asking for your name" "Lo'ak now bye" "So feis-" "Excuse me?" As I expected. "Woah you're beautiful" "Thank you, now I'd like for you to get away from my "feisty" boyfriend. Please and thank you" You gave the girl a fake smile as she slowly walked away. "I knew you were around" i said while taking the fish off of my arrow. "You did good" She rubbed my back. For some reason I felt something from that. Praise from her was my weakness. She helped me with the rest if my fishing. As we were walking back, a boy approched her. "Hey are you Y/N?" "Yes. What do you want" She had that attitude she always has. I loved it. "I wanted to let you know that you're really pretty and I'd like to take you out" "Uhm do you not see my boyfriend standing right next to me?" "Oh I thought that was your brothe-" She slapped him quickly "Don't you ever again, say something like that to my Lo'ak" She walked away. I caught up with her. I put down the fish and turned her so I could kiss her. "God I love you" I kissed her passionately as she held me in her arms.
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asterkiss · 8 months
Random freeform drabble for Halloween written in twenty minutes. I have not proof read this yet.
When she and the girls decided to use a Ouija board for fun one sleepover, Mabel didn't see the harm in it. They asked the ghost what boys liked them, who they would end up marrying, how many children they would have in the future - normal girly questions to the undead.
But then they got distracted by the karaoke machine, and forgot in their excitement to move the planchette to "GOODBYE". If Dipper had been there he would have yelled atrocities at them for being stupid enough to not banish the spirit they'd invited along.
And so the weird dreams began.
She was used to weird dreams, weird dreams were her thing after all. But normally it was a type of weirdness that she could dance along to. The days following the sleepover however her dreams seemed to take on a more darker and sinister tone that was unsettling.
It all came to a head on the seventh day where she awoke in her bed to the sight of a solitary bulging eye floating overhead. She could see her own reflection trapped in the darkness of his pupil, her hair fanned out over her pillow and face caught between a mixture of surprise and disbelief.
Was she still asleep right now? She slapped herself on the face.
The eye creased in amusement and leaned back, allowing her to see it was connected to an actual body - if you call it that. 'Sup.'
She slowly sat upright. 'Um... sup?' A pause. 'Are you my night paralysis demon? Normally it's a mean unicorn.' Wait, that couldn't be right or she wouldn't be able to move.
'Ha, well you got the demon part right! Not as stupid as you look, are ya?'
'Name's Bill Cipher, nice to meet'cha,' he said, shoving a gloved hand in her direction. Mabel stared at it blankly before taking it uncertainly.
'Why are you here, Bob?'
The eye narrowed. 'It's Bill.' A clear of the throat. 'And you invited me, don't ya remember? You and those pals of yours gave me a nice lil' invitation on that Twilight Ouija board of yours. that ya got from Walmart.'
'It glitters in the sun like the vampires,' Mabel muttered back before raising her voice. 'And wait, that was you? Why are you still here?' She gasped, clasping her hands together. 'Are you here to tell me more fun stuff about my future? How many grandkids do I get?'
Bill's eye twitched, and if Mabel didn't know any better she'd say he looked annoyed. 'I'm here because you idiots forgot to banish me!' He chuckled. 'And now I'm free to roam this dimension as much as I want!!'
'If that's true, why are you still in my bedroom?' she asked, arching an eyebrow.
The laughter cut off.
'Are you stuck here?'
Bill regarded her ominously. 'I guess you could say I'm sorta tethered in a way.'
'To my bedroom?'
'No.' He suddenly shifted closer, eye inches from her face as his hands grasped both sides of her head. 'To you.'
She flinched, feeling his fingers graze against her scalp as she jerked away. 'What the heck- get off me you weirdo!!' She shoved him away as she leapt off her bed. Reaching the middle of her room she span around to find him watching her from the bed. Creepy!
Her eyes caught sight of the Ouija board peeking out from beneath her bed and she leapt forward to grab it, yanking it back out as her other hand fumbled for the planchette. Time to say goodbye to this jerk!
But just as as she went to place the planchette down, the board splintered into two pieces with a resounding crack. Mabel gasped.
'Tut, tut, now it's just rude to kick out guests like that,' Bill said.
Mabel shot him a glare. 'What do you want?'
Bill blinked slowly. 'What I want is simple. To invade this dimension and take over all of humanity for enslavement purposes.'
Mabel jabbed a finger in his direction. 'Like that would ever happen, you look like a giant dorito!'
He narrowed his gaze. 'Oh yeah? Well guess what kid, you're tied to this giant dorito and you better help me get what I want or else I'm gonna haunt your glittery dreams forever and- hey where are you going!'
To find some salt. Mabel raced out the room towards the kitchen. Okay so she was bound to some evil spirit/demon that she had accidentally invited in. No biggie. She could handle this.
'Hey, get your butt back here! I'm talking!!'
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