#i had this idea as a joke originally
criiitter · 3 months
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part 1 of turning minecraft items into ponies: grass block!
feel free to send me an ask for which one i do next!!
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 2 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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professionalidiot32 · 2 months
volo in the beginning of pla: SQUEEEEEEE OMG RUINS ARE SO COOL!!! (and i HATE arceus for not answering my prayers!!!!!!)
volo in the end: okay giratina, now hit the second tower
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mangofanarts · 3 months
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catspritesquared · 2 years
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rose lalonde be like ‘i am so qualified to assess other peoples mental health because im the most mentally sound person to ever exist’ right after she does the most mentally ill things ever
also i completely forgot to post this i drew it like last month maybe
ALSO i really dont like when people make earth c postcanon fan content where they make rose a therapist . like i dont know how to word it but she should NOT be allowed to be a therapist at ALL shed like tell her patients that theyre going to die in 3 days because shed think its funny .
posting regular art tomorrow (rose again)
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cog-go-boom · 20 hours
Its pride month frost you know what that means....!
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( [[OOC:]] spamtoon is owned by @spamtoon !! )
(edit: also I know I forgot to fix HR's text and he says 's'. I write HR's text normally and I then need to do the switch later but I'm dyslexic so I don't notice or realize so please don't think idk how to write HR text </3 already insecure as is. i can't fix it anymore though oops! be nice)
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bolithesenate · 2 months
The origin of Sifo's hair loopies?
"Jo, what are you doing?," Sifo tried to peer at her busy fingers doing... something with a section of hair at the side of his forehead.
"Hush, hold still." She sent him a cautionary jab over the Force, concentrated solely on her little project. "I just learned how to do this, so don't fuck this up."
What 'this' was got revealed to Sifo-Dyas about half an hour later as he peered curiously into a reflective bit of a spoon (due to grievous lack of mirrors in the Archives). He tilted his head, shaking it a bit, the movement sending Jocasta's hairdresserial masterworks (?) swaying.
"And what are they?," he asked again, looking at his very proud looking friend.
"It's a Knight-braid," Jocasta said proudly, "I learned about them when I visited Jedha. Apparently they fell out of fashion already back in Grandmaster Sunrider's time, but there's still records of how to do them."
Sifo looked back into the spoon. Shook the braids some more. "Knight braids, huh," he murmured, "I've never heard of those. You sure that was a real thing that existed?"
She shrugged, already going back to her half-finished kaf she'd gotten before their little pause mid mission-prep. It must have been ice cold by now, Sifo would never understand how she could still drink it like that.
"Does it matter if they did?," she quipped back, before downing the contents of the cup. "They're cute and they suit you. Way better than that stupid beard Yan has been growing out."
Oh, so this was about the beard.
Sifo should have known.
"Maybe if it grows long enough you can braid that too?," he couldn't help but tease her, "You know, get some old traditions up and going again? Maybe start a new trend while you're at it?"
All he got was a look that could have shock-frozen Mustafar twice over. "Do not," she mocked throwing the kf cup at him, "even joke about that, Sifo. I'd rather personally shave down Master Tyvokka before touching that... thing."
Sifo laughed, fingers already reaching to play with the new braids. They were fun. "Oh, don't act like that. You can't fault him for trying to hide his babyface. There's been talks of him getting offered a Council Seat, you know. He's been stressing out over it all month."
"And his solutions to that was to grow a beard over it?" Jocasta sounded dubious. "I don't know. Sounds like a case for the mind healer to me."
"Oh shut it," he flicked her though the Force, "I think it looks stately."
"Of course you do." Her defiant murmur was barely audible, buried behind the datapad she'd pulled out. "Suckup."
"Not everyone is on a crusade against all facial hair like you are," Sifo singsonged happily, ignoring her dramatic mood (it was mostly an act anyways). "A bit of self expression won't do our dear Yan any harm."
Jocasta's face darkened further. "Not him maybe, but just see how you'll feel about it when it gives you beard-burn. That shit sucks."
Sifo snickered. "Advice taken."
"I'm serious, Sy."
"And I'll keep it in mind, Jo." He scooted over to her, flinging one of the newly installed braids against her cheek. "Plus, you've given me the weapons to defend myself now, haven't you?"
With an annoyed groan, Jocasta simply reached out, quick as lightning, and grabbed Sy's entire face, pushing him away. "Stop that you little kriffer," she complained, "I'm already regretting this, just so you know."
Sifo let himself be pushed away. Then he waited a few moments, before immediately diving back in, tackling his smaller friend in a hug. "Nahh," he said happily, rubing his face against her side, "You love me. You love the braids. Show me how to do them myself?"
"You're gonna keep them?," she asked, peering down on him. It was evident that she was flattered by the idea. Flattered that he'd liked them.
Sifo grinned up at her. "Of course. As I said, I gotta be able to beat back Yan's beard-attacks, don't I."
"Hmm." She looked off, clearly fighting down a smile. "I'll see what I can do."
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mishy-mashy · 6 days
Technically an OC fic that's not Resistance-based-
Yoichi singing the American anthem to make a baby sleep. It's the only song he ever heard on the radio, and it actually works
Kudo throwing a baby Factor over the edge to kick them out of the void because Bruce wouldn't do it
Bruce felt himself wither and die a bit more at what was expected of him.
Kudo rolled his eyes. "If you're not going to do it-"
"Second, don't you dare-"
"Kudo," Yoichi tried.
"I will," he finished, heaving her up by the back of her onesie like she were a trash bag. Raising her up to eye level, he did a brief three-finger salute.
Her head was too heavy, and neck too weak, for her to look anywhere but at his feet, biting her gums onto her little knuckles. She had no idea what this man was about to do to her.
"Hasta la Vista, kiddo. Enjoy your last seconds of life."
En speedrunning the marriage process because his friend wanted to (both ace, it's a QP relationship)
"Sorahiko-senpai, give me the marriage certificate," En nearly hissed over their burgers.
Sorahiko chewed slowly. "Why?"
"I'm about to set the world record for fastest divorce—!!!"
Quirk bullcrap where the story focuses on what happens if a Quirk Singularity can't adjust, and how Factors are their own personality.
AKA, when a Quirk Singularity is in a normal person, and not like OFA or AFO.
Gran Torino is bad at relationship advice
"In my experience, which is none—"
Aizawa has problem children (definitely plural) acting out on day 1
Aizawa slammed the door open.
"Hi, Shouta!" she waved, a raging blonde stuck to the classroom wall and screaming up a storm. The first day had barely started, too. "Fancy seeing you here-!"
Aizawa slammed the door shut.
Setting up a Monopoly game for the vestiges to play
"I want the doggy."
"I want the doggy!"
Kudo didn't even blink. "Shut up, Fifth, Yoichi gets the dog."
She looked at Midoriya, who suddenly went quiet. His expression was a bit cowed, staring blankly at the tiny player pieces.
"Ah..." His head jolted, called to attention. His head immediately fell down a bit as he admitted, a bit awkwardly, "They're, fighting over the doggy..."
"Yoichi grew up with nothing. Are you really going to deprive this orphan of even a playing piece?"
"Are you seriously playing the pity card right now?!"
"I'll play any card to let Yoichi have what little he never got when he was alive,” Kudo sniffed, arms crossed. “I may have been a murderer, but wow. I never took you for a heartless monster, Fifth."
"Guys," Shinomori spoke up quietly, completely ignored and otherwise unheard underneath their spreading bickering, "it's just a board game..."
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maulfucker · 4 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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astranauticus · 11 months
Rolling With Difficulty as texts I have saved on my computer for some reason
(i drew every day for like a month straight and burnt out so have this nonsense instead)
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ineffablefool · 12 days
Hey, if you're having a good lol at Trump's ridiculously tiny hands on that New Yorker cover, then I hope you know that I -- a transmasc AFAB person with small hands and gotdamn do I wish I could change that -- am taking notes on Who Thinks Laughing At Transphobic Humor Is Fine, Actually, As Long As I Personally Think The Target Deserves It.
I am not telling anyone what to do, or not do; and here on our beloved hellsite, I am a total unknown to about 99.999944% of you, meaning you have essentially no reason to care what I think.
Maybe you've got a friend who's got Small Hands, though. Maybe he's dysphoric about it, or they get clocked a lot because of it, or xe is just tired of people pointing it out. Maybe at some point you told them, her, whatever, that no, there is nothing wrong with nir hands. They aren't laughable. Those are good hands, dammit, and you don't see a single funny thing about them, and anyone who does is just an asshole.
Oh, your friend might think, looking from your reaction to that image, and then down at their own little hands. So that was a lie, then.
Intellectual honesty would seem to lead to the conclusion that these cheap physical-appearance-based digs are either always appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target, or that they are never appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target. If you are scrambling to justify why it's totally cool, actually, to use transphobic humor if only you can find a target who's bad enough to "deserve" it -- that means you think transness can be worth mockery. You're just saving the transphobia for when you think nobody in the room will call you out for it.
I'm not the boss of you, though, so. If you really insist on your sacred right to being able to make fun of a dude's girly hands -- some dude, somewhere, there has to be a situation where you can finally make these jokes that you've been sitting on all this time -- then I guess that is your decision.
(same with any other kind of humor that trades on bigoted stereotypes. believe me, I'm not looking forward to all the upcoming political cartoons that will Very Creatively exaggerate Trump's weight, either.)
(inb4 "I'm trans and I will still laugh at Trump's small hands from now until doomsday": I guess that is your decision. It's probably good for your current followers and friends to know that about you, because that may give them info they need to make some decisions of their own.)
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
the most homophobic thing thats ever happened in the history of sonic is im not staring at the moon and thinking about him being taken out of the english dub of sonic x
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swannholloway · 1 year
three patho fans in one minecraft server 😳 what will they do 🫣
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rapidhighway · 4 months
game, awesom, can you tag your sonadow now 👍
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freebooter4ever · 5 months
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sometimes i forget that people new here probably don't know teddy's name so missed the irony of this. back in 2020 i named him eugene. and this hockey season i put a r*angers jersey on Eugene. cause i think im funny. ive also started to worry that i pushed my luck and criss crossed my loyalties too much and now both teams are backsliding ;_; but Teddy Gene has been sporting this jersey since the start of the season so i dont think its his fault. both teams have back to back games starting tomorrow before the break and im Concerned :(
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blue-eli · 10 months
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@khoc-week I am late I am very late-
Day one: Introductions!
Nathaniel Ezra Wyatt: a scholar, magic user, and very concerned adult. His home world (Hyrule, yes he is technically an LoZ oc as well shhh) fell only a year or so after Radiant Garden’s fall, when he was around 37, and he found himself in Traverse Town. He ended up bonding with the group from RG who were living there (Cid, Leon, Aerith, Cloud, and Yuffie) and found himself part of their little patchwork family. He is, despite looking like an pretentious old librarian, quite outgoing, and loves hearing peoples stories. He is also quite parental by nature, and keeps on finding himself adopting any stray child soldier he comes across (why are there so many-), and co-parenting the RG kids with Cid. After Maleficent was defeated in kh1 he made the decision to go with to Hollow Bastion with the gang instead of staying in Traverse Town or hoping to find himself back in Hyrule. He’s settled into Radiant Garden quite permanently now, and spends most of his time helping his family rebuild it. :)
#khocweek2023#Nathaniel Ezra Wyatt#kh oc#kingdom hearts oc#kingdom hearts original character#kingdom hearts#blue boi draws#kh ocs#kh oc week#Ezra my beloved#because this isn’t coloured it’s hard to tell but: my mans wears a lot of brown#he has brown hair brown eyes brown skin all his clothes are some shade of brown#it’s kinda a inside joke at this point. Sora actually points it out and then gets him little colourful pins#(ala the one you can get at Disney parks)#to ‘give his wardrobe more colour’. Jokes on him because Nathaniel is actually very touched by this and wears them around a lot#and WILL tell people his son got them for him :))) also this made him double down on everything else he wears just being brown#it’s tradition at this point any world Sora goes to he’ll look for a pin to buy for Ezra. I imagine if he was a real character in the games#they’d be a type of collectible you could get.#just realised I straight up did not mention in the main bit that he has basically adopted Sora as his kid yeah that’s his son now#look at how cool and talented his son is he loves him very much. straight up originally made Ezra based on the idea of ‘what if Sora had an#adult in his life who was very openly amazed by how powerful and talented and skilled he is and told him that’ because gods know Sora needs#someone like that in his life. Wyatt’s Sora has less self esteem issues then canon Sora because every time he visits Ezra he’ll tell him#what he’s been doing and show him any spells he’s learned and Ezra will be like ‘that’s amazing you should be proud of yourself I am proud#of you good job you’re doing amazing’ and ‘that’s fucked up you don’t deserve that shit you deserve so much better’ and is very validating#Ezra is found usually by a training area where you can show him whatever cool moves you know and he will be amazing and talk to you about#how you learned this stuff and then give you a biscuit and some tea or something#we love him Ezra’s great
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