#i had to take a break from ghostly scene cause it was doing not good things to my mental health lol
starrystevie · 2 years
your WIP have such lovely names. can you share about but what a ghostly scene and just trust the night? 💙
omg thank you!! i can take zero credit as they're all song lyrics from the songs that inspired them. i have a whole playlist for songs that have given me steddie inspo so it's pretty easy to scoop titles from there!
but what a ghostly scene: title taken from taylor swift's "my tears ricochet". easily my most angsty wip lol. eddie wakes up in the weird black limbo space that el goes to and is trying to find his way back to his body/to a final resting place. no one can hear him scream out for help other than, you guessed it, steve. the same steve who thinks he's now losing his mind cause he can still hear eddie screaming even though he's "dead". so he thinks he's talking to a ghost he's in love with and eddie thinks he's talking to like... the idea of steve because he thinks he's in purgatory.
just trust the night: title taken from conan gray's "overdrive". set after season 3. robin convinces steve to throw a party at his house so she can bring this cute girl from her science class. steve does even though he doesn't want to and pouts the whole time. enter eddie munson, there to sell drugs and maybe get laid. (he achieves both). steve and eddie spend the whole night together, getting into a bunch of shenanigans.
these are also two of the ones that i have finished most of the way so they should be out soon!!!!
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Lost son of catbat au where Danny learns who his bio parents are and freaks out. Batman was notoriously observant and would find him out in a heartbeat. Not to mention if it came to a custody battle he would win against the Fentons easily, or worse, someone would get overshadowed and the situation could get messy.
Batman might also seek ways to control or contain him which was terrifying. He spent his entire life feeling like he was in a cage, trapped by his adoptive parents. He didn't have many friends because his parents would scare people off with thier high tech weapons and neon jumpsuits and the ones that did stay...well they did more than look down the barrel of the sci-fi guns they touted, even if they were only covered in goo, getting shot at must be a traumatic experience. The rest of the time he felt like he was trying to creep across landmines without setting them off.
No one wanted his parents undivided attention not even thier children. That combined with the fact his house was mixed with a lab resulted in it being a giant cluster of Osha violations. Opening the fridge was dangerous long before the portal opened and the food inside it would come to life, this was because they often stored dangerous and volatile chemicals inside of it and something as small as the light bulb flicking on inside could cause something to explode.
Danny had never felt safe in his house. Tuckers place had always been his safe haven and his parents had practically raised him as thier own. Thank the Ancients for Mr and Mrs Foley. He didn't know where he would be without them. This, of course, changed after the accident. Now he didn't feel safe anywhere.
After six months with his powers he began making contingency plans for everything. His friends called him paranoid but were forced to eat thier words not even a three days later when one stopped a new ghost from taking over the city.
Danny had always been good at making plans when he actually had time to sit down and think things through. He was also excellent at sneaking around and stealing. Now he knew why.
He might not want anything to do with his parents but he very much wanted more siblings. Jazz was great but she helped raise him since she was a baby. She felt way more like a mom than a sister. Dani was self explanatory. It hurt him to know that his siblings didn't know about him-couldn't know about him.
That is, until Red Hood appeared on the scene. At this point Danny had given up on his human life and found he had so much more free time. Sure he was technically still going to school, but that was to fight ghosts, he didn't attend classes. He set up alliances with other ghosts in the zone to help defend his territory and now Amity Park had a thiving ghostly undercity that few of the living knew about.
Danny finally had time to himself, even though Sam hated it. She kept telling him it was wrong. This was a hot topic of debate between him, Sam and Tucker with the boys both against her. Sure, watching the people who took him in and -well, not raise him exactly but fed and clothed him for years- drive around the city desperatly calling his name did make him feel kinda crappy.
Red Hood gave him hope. He was estranged from Bruce but was still his brother. Jackpot! Plus he was older than him and a known killer, so he wasn't likely to tattle on him to the big bad bat about Danny making Vlad "disappear" a few months ago. Hood made people disappear all the time so who was he to judge anyway?
Still, he could admit just showing up unannounced in his apartment was kinda dangerous. There was no garentee Hood would shoot him, brother or not. I mean, he's been violent with Robin lately and no one knows why, and he's thier brother.
Just as he was about to talk himself out of this and go back to his own city he heard the tell tale click of a gun. Crap.
"So, who are you?" Hood asked, seemingly aloof even while being confronted with a stranger breaking into his home.
Danny nervously gestured to the cookies he had made for them, "If i tell you will you promise not to tell Batman?"
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 7 months
The Consort - Chapter 11 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
During class this room feels small.
Now that it's empty, it looks about as big as a football field.
A bead of sweat collects near my temple and slips down the side of my face.
I can't move.
I can't take my eyes off the door's window, my only visual on what's happening in that hallway.
More screams echo in the distance.
I never hear the sound of gunshots, which leads me to believe the cause of this attack goes beyond the mortal realm.
There are vampires amongst us.
I hug my knees to my chest.
Leo is on his cell-phone, whispering to someone softly enough that I can't make out what he's saying.
What I wouldn't give to reach into my pocket and text to Brayden or Kelly to come and protect me.
I can't do that, though.
It's against the rules.
Besides, even if I asked them to, there's no guarantee they would.
A sudden screech erupts just outside the classroom.
My eyes snap to the window with an increasing heartbeat.
A vampire stands just outside the room, a woman clutched in his arms.
His eyes are a piercing red, the color matching the fresh blood wet around his lips.
He leans forward and bites down.
When he pulls away, that gurgling sound happens again.
This time I see why.
He rips out a hole in her neck, draining his victim of her blood like an animal to its prey.
I watch in horrified disgust while the unknown female loses her color.
Loses consciousness. Loses her life.
It's a scene from a nightmarish horror movie and it's playing right before my eyes.
My lungs whine with protest and start to prickle with a burning sensation.
I'm too afraid to breathe.
Every passing second is weighted down with what if's and silent prayers.
The vampire drops the ghostly corpse to the ground and I can faintly hear the thud of her body hitting the tile.
Blood slides down his chin.
He straightens his posture and tilts his head to the side, leaning his ear closer to our door.
It's too late for me to run. It's too late for me to hide.
A slow grin tugs at his lips, exposing long fangs and blood-stained teeth.
He takes a step closer to the classroom and looks into the window.
Our eyes lock instantly.
Then his nostrils widen and a look akin to disbelief clouds his features.
He squints at me.
"Open this door, human," he instructs to me.
"I can keep you safe."
His deep voice is muffled through the door but its toxicity is still potent enough to make the bile in my stomach rise to my throat.
"Stay put," Leo hiss whispers to me in the corner.
"Do not move, Finn."
The vampire presses his face against the window, so hard the glass begins to bend beneath the arch of his nose.
He never breaks his gaze from me and that smile returns to his face.
"I will keep you safe, Nirv, " the vampire promises, his voice taking on a seductive edge.
My limbs tremble.
Did I hear him right?
Maybe it's someone who has never had blood taken from them before.
Can vampires smell something like that?
I hug my knees tighter to my chest, forcing myself to lower my gaze.
He bangs against the door once and the hit makes me flinch.
"Come to me now, human," the vampire shouts.
There's an emotion in his voice that's growing in intensity every time he speaks... need.
He just got done consuming blood.
He can't still be that hungry, yet he's looking at me and speaking to me as if I'm the only human around for miles.
I slump against the desk and tears collect at the corners of my eyes.
I squeeze them shut and shake my head, wordlessly wishing for safety.
There's sinister laughter in the distance.
I open my eyes just in time to see the vampire backing away from the door.
"I'll be back for you, Nirv," he says and even though he's a good fifty feet away from me, the conversation feels far more intimate.
"You will be mine."
He gives me a menacing smile that sends a shiver down my spine.
It's a smile of promise and victory.
This time I don't have the courage to look away.
His smile stiffens, suspended in time but after a fleeting moment, the vampire makes the next move and vanishes into a blur of movement.
I blink at the window.
A few seconds pass and I remain unmoving as I wait for him to come back with an attack.
My fingers are like vices around my legs and my heart slams against my chest with a beat of indignant protest.
The silence is deafening and my ears painfully ache waiting to hear something.
I'm not sure how long it takes until I find the courage to breathe.
When I do, the rest of my body trembles with fatigue and I slump against the desk to support my weight.
Leo slowly moves to the door and looks around.
"They're gone," he confirms in a whisper.
"Police are here now."
Fiona pushes open the closet door and emerges with tear streaked cheeks.
She and I exchange a look that's lost on Leo.
It's a mixture of fear and guilt, fear of the immortals and guilt that Kelly is now a part of it.
Leo rushes to my side.
"Are you alright?"
I nod weakly.
Fiona walks over timidly and takes a seat beside me.
She leans against my shoulder while Leo affectionately puts his hand on my knee.
"Finn, I want you to either stay with me or Fiona until further notice," Leo says quietly.
I glance up at him and nod without question.
After seeing what happened today, it's clear my impression of the immortal population has been terribly skewed.
Maybe Kelly isn't so bad right now but there's a chance he'll end up just like the vampire that was murdering students left and right.
Heck, Brayden could already be like that and I'm just blind to it.
The truth is, I don't feel like I know anything anymore.
And it terrifies me.
Leo squeezes my knee and loosens the tie around his neck.
"For now, we'll wait until the police give us the clear to leave. After that, I want us all sticking close together."
Fiona and I both nod in agreement.
Leo glances up at the window in the corner of the room.
Despite all the chaos, it's managed to remain cracked open just an inch, the same breeze passing through it as the one during Leo's class.
The same breeze that carried a peaceful calm during a typical college class now carries the last breaths of countless victims.
"The war against immortals. It's happening all over again, isn't it?" Fiona's hoarse voice is on the verge of tears.
Leo sighs and with his response comes a sudden and sinking despair I can feel looming on the horizon.
"Yes," he whispers. "It is."
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sagaofstardustmkg · 2 years
The Black Gate Opens | CH5 ???
An otherwise ordinary afternoon brings a rather odd scene out on the cricket pitch-- well, maybe not as odd as a regular game of wizard cricket. A large circle has been carved into the grass, its sides lined with runes and small bundles of herbs and candles set at each cardinal direction, giving off a pleasant smell. In the middle of it sits a shining, clear crystal prism, apparently inert. And around it stand seven individuals-- Baku, Ben, Caleb, Bo, Mari, Amon, and the ghostly Nobuhiko. At first glance it bears an unfortunate resemblance to the murder scene everyone had just dealt with, but it serves a hopefully far better purpose. 
A few of them are busy comparing the runes inscribed around the circle to several sheets of paper and books they've brought with them, apparently checking them for completeness before they do whatever they plan to. Baku stands at the top of the circle and watches, her hands wringing together frantically in a way that belies her anxiety. No matter how reassured she was about the soundness of their plan, and no matter how much testing they'd done (involving an unfortunate experiment conducted on Long Pengi...) she still can't shake the thought that something is going to go horribly wrong. And with most of the people she cares about most gathered here, the destruction she could cause was immense. She could ruin every nice thing she'd found here irreparably. The blood on her hands could spread and spread until it consumed every part of her and every part of everyone else, too--
But. Everyone had assured her that the logic behind their plan was sound. And so Baku tries her best to let her trust in her friends overcome her anxiety, just this once. 
"I-If it... if it goes wrong... y-you all have to run away... a-as fast as you can..." She mumbles into her hair, for what must be the tenth time since they started setting things up.
Ben places his hands on her shoulders, rubbing small circles with his thumbs as he leans down to speak gently to her, “It will all be fine, mate. We’ve tested this whole thing a sufficient amount. Nothing will go wrong, promise.” It’s a promise he can’t really make for sure, but the confidence he says it with beggars no argument.
Bo and Caleb have been carefully walking around the circle once, twice, three times with the group's meticulously compiled notes in hand. Every so often Bo will pause to point at a specific rune or line in the circle, and then look up to Caleb for confirmation. The older man sometimes nods in agreement or occasionally crouches down to make an adjustment so that Bo doesn't need to touch it himself, but after several uneventful rounds of scrutiny all of the final tweaks have been made. There's nothing left to fix.
Bo looks towards the others with a small nod, and then to Baku. It's her call, after all.
With the checks on the circle complete, Baku looks up, nails digging into her hands. She freezes for a second, and then takes a deep, shaking breath. "O-Okay... let's, let's... let's do it."
Nobuhiko nods calmly, as if he’s reassuring a patient. He holds out one hand for someone to pass him his focus, a stethoscope. Once he has that, he places it around his neck, and puts a hand on either of Baku’s shoulders. 
“This won’t hurt, I promise.”
And true to his word, it doesn’t. His hands glow a soft pink color, as do the parts of Baku’s body that he’s touching. His eyes begin glowing to match that. He maintains contact and doesn’t break his gaze from Baku for a good fifteen, twenty, thirty seconds, and then suddenly he lets go, taking a few steps back. 
“It’s loose! Get ready!”
For the first time since she inherited the curse, the black smog that accompanies the transformation doesn't consume Baku-- instead, it appears to be almost siphoned away from her, coiling into the center of the circle drawn in the grass. And for the first time, Baku watches what everyone else is now seeing a second time-- the coagulation of the evil magic into a massive, quadrupedal being covered in scales and feathers. The darkness seems to drip from it, like it's having a difficult time solidifying without a vessel to transform from, as it rises to its full height. A familiar pair of narrow red eyes open, and the mouth spreads wide, showing its awful teeth. It sees those it had attacked before, and it sees its loathed vessel, separate from it for the first time. The demon opens its mouth and screams at them all, lowering into a crouch like it's preparing to pounce. Baku gasps in terror, stepping back away from it, but before it can even try--
A small cacophony of gentle squeaking can be heard from above, which is a bit of an unusual place to hear squeaking. Looking up quickly explains the source: a host of Caleb’s signature familiars, inky black-blue in color, a bit larger than normal and sporting wings. They’re working together to carry a few buckets… All of which are tipped over from a close distance that wouldn’t be safe for anything sentient.
The goop falls from the sky and lands squarely atop the demon, dousing it thoroughly. It makes an almost comically disgruntled noise as it recoils and tries to shake it off, but the second part of their plan is already in motion. The goop, helpfully borrowed from Benedict, begins to work its magic. There's a poof of smoke large enough to consume the demon's entire form, and when it clears, in its place stands...
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Something far less intimidating.
The little eggdog, clearly confused as to why everyone is now much taller than it, growls and starts bouncing towards them, clearly still intent on attacking. It doesn't get far, though, not that its attack would have been very effective in this state to begin with. It's like an invisible wall stops it from exiting the circle, and it bounces off like a rubber ball, falling on its back with its little legs wiggling in the air. Some furious little eggdog noises ensue... but it seems the evil is contained. 
The celebration at the success of the eggdogging is short-lived, though-- and not for a reason any of them could have predicted. As the group looks between each other in relief, a shadow is cast over their heads, moving across the cricket field at a rapid pace. They crane to look overhead to try to catch whatever it is, but it's too late. A large, very strange-looking bird swoops from the sky. 
Before any of them can do anything, it lands in the magic circle and opens its beak, swallowing the demonic eggdog. Like a pelican swallowing a fish, it tosses its head back a few times. A shudder wracks it, some of the black smog oozing out of its mouth as it seems to cough. Its eyes close briefly, and then open... are they tinted red? 
Then it turns to regard the group staring at it in shock with the energy of something that just unexpectedly came into a massive amount of power. Uh oh.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Doing dirty things w/ AOT characters while you two most definitely shouldn’t be (Reiner, Erwin, Zeke, Levi)
A/N: my faithful stoned thot anon, shoutout to you for this request and I hope this was something like you were imagining in your mind. I know you only asked for simple mundane tasks, but I wanted to be extra and include more situations. I can’t wait to work on the other ones you sent me !
Synopsis: Basically, you’re trying to do a task that requires a lot of your attention or you to be silent (like on the phone, out to eat with friends, etc), but your partner really really needs some attention in that moment. I suck at descriptions sorry 🥴 If you see any typos no u didn’t, but really I was too lazy to proofread.
TW: Modern AU, hehe naughtiness obviously, choking for Zeke, also embarrassment, fembodied!reader, 18+, MINORS DNI!
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REINER BRAUN: Movie night with friends
Reiner just couldn’t help himself, he really couldn’t. The first sight of you in your silky pajama shorts and this man’s thoughts were going crazy watching you parade around the house as you grabbed the snacks and needed materials for tonight’s movie night with some of you guys’ friends. Luckily the fabric of his pajama pants were loose enough to hide the growing boner in his pants, but of course he made it known to you by approaching you from behind and pressing it against your ass so you could feel just how hard you had made him simply by looking pretty.
His hands began to roam all over your body, stealing a grope of your breast, and his mouth attached to your neck, taking breaks in between kisses to tell you how good you look and how much you riled him up. As good as it all felt, Pieck and Porco were only right down the street, so you took his hands off of your body with promises of making him feel better later in the night once they had left. You’re lucky he doesn’t like quickies like that and prefers to take his time with you or else he would’ve taken you right there up against that counter chile.
Pieck and Porco finally arrive and what was supposed only be one movie turned into two, and now here you were snuggled up under Reiner on a completely different couch than Porco and Pieck while they flipped through a catalogue on the television looking for a new movie to start up; Reiner growing more and more impatient as the minutes went on. The constant caressing on your thigh and pinches he would give your nipples every now and then giving that away completely.
You got tired of fighting his advances off a long time ago and part of you wanted him to continue, to see how far he would actually go, because truth is you wanted him just as much as he wanted you right now. You were just a lot better at hiding it.
It was halfway through the movie that he finally decides to make a drastic move, moving you to a position where your back was pressed against his chest and tapping your hips, signifying for you to raise them so he could pull your shorts down to your thighs.
“Sit still for the rest of the night and I’ll reward us both so good once they leave.” He’d whisper in your ear. The only warning you’d get before he’s slowly easing his cock into you careful not to stretch you out too much, but the wetness that accumulated between your legs all night long makes it so you swallow him completely. A shocked moan leaving both of your lips, but luckily being silenced by the action scene on the tv; both Porco and Pieck too into it to even pay attention to the two of you.
So desperately you wanted to swirl your hips up against you, create any sort of friction to make his cock hit that spot in your soft velvety walls that left you clenching and squealing and him growling into your ears, but instead you had to be as still as possible while cockwarming him. Not being too careful would surely draw the attention of the other two, but Reiner still tested the waters every now and then by shifting every so often on purpose to cause movement.
He was even able to draw a weird moan out of you once that had Porco and Pieck looking over at you like you were crazy, questioning if you were okay which you had no choice but to reply yes to. Barely able to get that out because the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of you mixed with your walls clenching around him was a whole sensation on its own.
“Careful, you don’t want them knowing that I’m balls deep in you right now would you? Or would a slut like you enjoy that; them knowing that your pussy is swallowing my cock whole right now?”
Reiner is degrading during sex sometimes and you cannot tell me otherwise #sorrynotsorry.
And when he said the two of you would be staying like this the whole night until they left he absolutely meant it. After that little moaning incident he surprisingly acted normal the whole night, like the two of you weren’t even doing what you were doing underneath the cover. Knowing how torturous it must be for him to deny you the skin to skin contact and hip bucking you needed from him.
ERWIN SMITH: In a restaurant surrounded by friends
You never thought Erwin to be the bold type to try something out in public with you. The closest thing the two of you have done to it was a quick quickie in his office once with you pressed against the window of the skyscraper building it was located in, but even then you could feel the anxiety in his muscles as he pressed himself up against you; scared of an assistant or important business partner to come barging in on the two of you.
So you can imagine the shock on your face when you were spending the night out with friends at a restaurant, preoccupied with listening to Levi’s horror stories at his tea shop when you felt the ghostly tingles of Erwin’s fingers trail up on your thigh. A hand on your knee was nothing, something he had done plenty of times as a small sign of PDA, but this was different. You looked over to him with a questioned look in your eyes, but his kept his eyes straight and responded to you physically by pressing his thumb against the cloth that separated his finger from your clit.
Almost immediately you choked on the spit going down your throat which garnered the attention from everyone else at the table asking if you were alright. Everyone but Erwin turned to you and if they were truly paying attention that would’ve been a major sign that something was up, but your quick, “I’m okay!” Response had them off your back in an instance and only edged Erwin on more, fingers pushing your panties to the side as he continued on.
The food in front of you hadn’t been touched in around 10 mins since you found yourself full before you were able to finish it all, but you had to pick up your fork and abruptly take a bite of of it when you felt Erwin’s long fingers plunge into you with ease from your wetness and curl up into you; the metal between your teeth the best attempt you had at covering up your moans.
You swear you saw a slight smirk on his lips when you glanced over at him because he’s a menace to society like that.
His hands moved so languidly inside of you hitting all the right spots and pressing down on the sensitive parts of you that always guaranteed a reaction out of you. While also simultaneously still rubbing your clit with his thumb in wide circles, enjoying every twist and turn he saw your face do as you tried desperately to hold your moans in.
At one point, to mess with you even more, he leaned in and whispered into your ear, “You think all these people know that your cunt is clenching around my fingers about to cum?” No one else heard him but you, but it definitely drew the attention of Levi who threw a confused look your way. To which you could only reply to with a smile and awkward chuckle that almost broke out into a moan because Erwin thought it would be a good idea to speed up his fingers.
You didn’t care how obvious it looked anymore, your teeth found comfort in the skin of his arm to stifle moans and your fingers had a death grip on his thighs as your orgasm hit you like a wave. Leaving you with nothing to do but grind your hips down into his fingers slowly to not draw attention as you rode out his orgasm. His fingers were covered in your slick as he pulled them off of you and instead of being discreet and wiping them on his pants or even your dress, he picked up a small dessert off his plate and turned to you. Feeding it to you and sticking his fingers a little too far in your mouth so you can clean your own orgasm off of your fingers. His thumb going between his own lips once he took his fingers out of your mouth and sucking on it gently. “That was delicious.” He would state, never breaking eye contact with you.
The tent in his dressy slacks gave away all the excitement he was feeling on the inside as he watched you squirm in your seat while he did something so naughty to you in public. He couldn’t take it anymore, placing his share of the bill on the table and excusing the both of you for the night before going around and saying your goodbyes. No one seemed to notice anything, except for when you went to Levi to give him a goodbye hug and he whispered in your ear, “Next time get a room or go to the bathroom you freaks.” You totally weren’t embarrassed and didn’t leave the restaurant with warm cheeks.
ZEKE JAEGER: During a zoom meeting
First off, sexy time stuff aside, Zeke is a menace to society and always interrupting your zooms. Whether it’s him barging into the room and asking a question like “Did you eat the last bagel?” While you’re unmuted or walking behind you with his shirt off while you have you camera on. You will never know a peaceful smooth sailing zoom meeting with Zeke in the house.
But you were immune to it at this point and he was a little too immune and comfortable with messing with you while you were in them. But hey, you couldn’t blame him! You looked all too good to him while you laid in the bed on your stomach in one of his band tees and nothing else while you payed attention to the boring lecture happening on your laptop.
Once he realized that your camera was off his hands were on you immediately, rubbing up and down your legs to signify to you that he was in a mood while he made his way on the bed behind you.
“You can’t just be walking around the house all sexy like this and expect me not to pounce on you.”
You want to say something snarky and remarkable back, but a distraction from your boring ass class is exactly what you needed. So instead of protesting this time around, you arched your back so your ass was nearly up to his face to which he replied with playfully slapping you on it and even taking a nibble of your cheek. And because you’re a menace to society you run your own hand along your clothed slit and moving your panties out of the way to put it on display for him.
“I could really use some distracting right now.” Say less, this man’s mouth is on your clit in an instant, devouring you like you’re his first meal of the day. Your hips instinctively grinding down against his tongue as he moved his focus to sucking on your clit at a pace that left you ass up face down on the bed moaning like a pornstar. Never mind his beard scraping against your thighs and possibly leaving a rash there later for you to deal with. It adds a nice touch of pain to your pleasure.
So caught up into the pleasure warming up your lower stomach, you don’t even notice your teacher calling on you until Zeke reaches out and taps on the keyboard to move your attention back to the zoom in front of you, his mouth still working magic on your clit; a mixture of his spit and your juices trailing down his chin. The site is enough to make you cum but you’re forced to divert your eyes away from it as you unmute yourself, quickly asking her to repeat the question, going back on mute before they can hear the slurping noises that Zeke obnoxiously made louder once you unmuted.
“I’m going to kill you.” “Pay attention to school sweetheart before I stop completely. Education comes first!” What an asshole, but despite the joking tone of his voice you know he’d stop in a heartbeat just to mess with you and you’re too close to an orgasm for him to up and quit like that.
From the way your hips move sloppily against his face he can tell that you’re close, but once the teacher repeats the question at you to answer he pulls away completely seemingly to cut you some slack. But, surprise, he only moves his mouth away to replace it with his cock, sliding into you with ease and thrusting into you at a steady pace that has you moan loudly into the microphone on accident.
His face lights up with a smug expression and smile, the embarrassment on your cheeks making him pick up his pace and turning him on in a way. “Now your whole class is going to know that you were getting fucked by me. Too busy getting your hole pounded to even pay attention to the lesion. What a dirty little slut, they’re probably talking about you right now as we speak.”
You’re at a loss of words, not only because of embarrassment but because you can barely form a sentence from the way Zeke is pounding into you so ruthlessly from behind. His hand even coming forward and grabbing at your neck to balance himself against the bed while on his knees.
Your morning with him is far from over and the embarrassment from this zoom is going to last with you forever.
LEVI ACKERMAN:  On an important phone call
I know Levi Ackerman with his hands around our necks really get us going and the thought of dom him fucking us from behind while on the phone with our boss  makes us feel butterflies in our stomachs....BUT the thought of sub Levi whimpering and having to put his phone on mute while discussing business with someone because you have his cock halfway down your throat, is an equally as hot image.
He would glance at you from over his phone and let out a silent “What are you doing?” And make a faint shooing away motion in the air to make you leave, but he doesn’t want you to leave. You know that and he knows that which is why when you went to unbuckle his pants he gladly let you, hips even raising slightly so you can pull them down enough to let his cock and balls free from the restraints of his underwear and pants.
It was such a sudden and rash decision on your end that he wasn’t even hard at all when you pulled him out, but one lick from the base of his cock to the tip of it is enough to make it stand tall. Warranting a deep intake of air that has the person on the other end of the line asking if he was okay. Between the embarrassment from nearly being caught and the pleasure exploding in his lower half from how good you’re working your mouth, his cheeks are flushed with a bright pink color.
“Do you want me to stop” “no, no, keep going, please.”
He’s so needy and close to that sweet release already, the excitement from doing something so naughty while the person on the other end of the phone has no idea has his senses in an overload. Even the broken ‘Y-Yes’s that have to leave his lips every time he unmutes his phone strikes an excited nerve in him that he didn’t know he had; wishing he could moan as freely as he could to show off how good you make him feel, but he bites back those moans with his teeth. Instead opting for a number of praises when he can.
“You look so pretty on your knees in front of me with your cock in my mouth.” “You make me feel so so good, you don’t even know how good I feel right now because of you.” “Keep that up and I’m going to cum.”
Eyes closing shut and breath picking up the closer he gets. His hand even coming down to move your head at a pace that feels godly around his cock.
Usually you would tease and pull away altogether when he did this, reminding him that he couldn’t be too needy, but you would be lying if you said this didn’t have just as much of affect on him as it did on you, thighs clenching together with each bob of your head and moan that left his lips that he couldn’t quite bite back.
He’s an incoherent mess at the end, lips not even able to move together to form sentences and his hips bucking up wildly into your throat to release his load down your throat. His hips still bucking up slightly even after he came because it just felt that good. His mind was so clouded with pleasure that he didn’t even notice the person on the phone had hung up a long time ago, something he would have to deal with later but that proved helpful right now.
“I hope you don’t think that this was it.” Oops, now you awoke the dominant side of Levi’s switch personality and he’s definitely not letting you off the hook for this one.
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
A little help | BoKuroAka (n$fw)
Or “Lewd Side” pt. 2
A/N: Aaahh, I'm sorry for the long, long wait, Dani ( @danibby )! I honestly had so much trouble writing this because I felt the pressure of "Lewd Side" sjdkdkf, but it’s here now and I hope it meets your expectations!
Thank you very much for your support ☕!!
Summary: Akaashi woke up with a headache after partying the night before with his lovers, but it seems that he’s forgetting something big that happened last night?!
Words: 5791 (wow! Under the cut!)
Here it is dkdnf
He still didn't even open his eyes and already felt his head throb.
He knew it wasn't a good idea to go out to that party last night; especially because Kuroo and Bokuto had been abstinent from alcohol for a few weeks now, of course they would go crazy and drag Akaashi with them.
And Akaashi could never say no to them... so these were the consequences: a headache and a blurry mind with little to no memories of the night before. 
The only thing his tired brain allowed him to remember was Bokuto whispering in his ear while the three of them were in the bathtub:
"Keiji, don't fall asleep here," Bokuto said, his lips brushing against Akaashi's ear, making him shiver even as he remembered.
Why were they in the tub?
"You should do that to wake him up," Kuroo purred behind Bokuto and a chuckle puffed against his ear.
What was that?
"I think I will," Bokuto said with a teasy tone and then Akaashi heard himself giggling, the sound making him cringe as it echoed inside his head. 
That was definitely a dream. He didn't make such sounds in his right mind and he was sure he didn't make those sounds even when drunk. No way.
But that didn't matter right now, what mattered at the moment was the fact that not only his head was hurting, but also his arms and hips; he recognized that hip pain, though, they definitely had some fun last night, but his arms, why did they ache? Even the muscles of his stomach felt tense and sore.
He thought it was weird, but he couldn't recall anything from last night and thinking so hard was not only making his temples throb, but it also chased away his sleep, forcing him to open his eyes only to discover that someone had already open the curtains and the sun filtering through the window hit him directly in the eyes, making him shut them close again.
His head didn't hurt that bad, but it was hurting and, even though he had high tolerance to pain, headaches were the worst to him. They made him slow and couldn't let him think properly and- for God's sake, what was that damn sound? 
"WAHAHAIT! T-Tehehetsu! I don't- AHAHAH! Not thehehehehere!"
Akaashi's eyes went wide immediately, the sun blinding him a little, but his eyes quickly focused on the source of that loud laughter and his breath hitched: it was Bokuto. 
Torso bare, back perfectly arched, head thrown back as loud laughter bloomed past his lips. His hands were reaching down, trying to push those hands away from his stomach, where Kuroo clawed at the tight muscles around Bokuto's belly button, right where both Kuroo and Akaashi knew Bokuto was so painfully ticklish.
Had they been right there all this time?
"Calm down, Bo. You'll wake Keiji up," Kuroo purred and Akaashi felt his insides fluttering at the teasing tone of his voice.
"I cahahahan't! Plehehehease!" Bokuto cackled in hysterics and Akaashi couldn't take his eyes off from Kuroo's hands torturing Bokuto's belly; they were almost mesmerizing, knowing the exact techniques needed to make Bokuto shriek with laughter.
What was going on? Why were they doing this so early in the morning? On the bed. With Akaashi right there!
Akaashi gulped, feeling a certain part of him starting to react at such a scene. His brain screamed at him to leave like he always did when Bokuto and Kuroo started to feel too playful, but his hangover body wouldn't move at all, it was as if he was glued to the bed.
Akaashi gasped, his eyes quickly looking up, finding Kuroo looking at him and a shiver ran down his spine. Why was he smirking so much?
"Did we wake you up, Keiji?" He asked and Akaashi thought that he didn't look like a kitten right now, but more like a panther ready to jump on his prey.
A sudden thought assaulted his head: he'd seen that same look before, perhaps last night? He didn't remember, but by the way heat started to pool at his lower belly, he knew that he did see this face last night.
"I told Kou to keep quiet," he said, his eyes turning back to look at Bokuto who was losing his mind, his hysterical laughter and shrieking turning wheezy and silent. "But it looks like he's too ticklish for that, don't you think, Keiji?"
"Ohmygahahahad! Stahahahap, Tetsu!" Bokuto begged, trying to roll on his stomach.
Akaashi's mouth nearly watered. His whole body tingled, his heartbeats picked up in speed, causing his cheeks to blush brightly.
This was bad. Akaashi was usually extremely good at hiding this, after all, there had been some other times when he couldn't escape a situation like this and he could keep his poker face and just live through the whole thing, but now, his body was reacting so wildly and so different, even his mind was going a little crazy, feeling ghostly tingles around his armpits and ribs-
Oh no.
Akaashi gasped.
Could it be that… no!
"What's this?" Kuroo said and Akaashi looked at him again, his eyes a little wide. “Are you hard, Keiji?”
No. Yes… he definitely said something. As his body finally reacted and he tried to cover up his arousal, Kuroo was giving him that know-it-all grin and Akaashi felt his face burning up, his mouth going dry.
Meanwhile, Bokuto was finally shaking with silent laughter as Kuroo did that vibrating claw that had always been Bokuto's perdition, tears of laughter already running down the sides of his face as his hands held Kuroo's wrists weakly, not even trying to push him away anymore.
"Bo, Keiji is kinda getting turned on looking at me tickling you," Kuroo said, and even though Akaashi's heart was beating like crazy against his chest, his tummy fluttered as he noticed how fondly Kuroo was looking at Bokuto as he tickled him to pieces.
"Should I continue?" He asked softly and Bokuto shook his head, snorting once, twice and Kuroo finally stopped, letting the former Ace take a break.  
Akaashi wondered if he should escape right now, but he was suddenly curious about what exactly happened the night before. Did he actually confess his secret (a secret that he said he would take to his grave, mind you) to them? Did they make fun of him? Were they making fun of him right now?
No. They're not like that... Yet again, you hardly meet someone who isn't a five years old admitting that he likes to be tickled; even worse! Someone who likes to be tickled and gets off for it!
But... If he confessed and they didn't mind it... Did they actually t-t-tickle him last night and he can't remember?!
"K-Keheheheiji." Akaashi flinched. "You- yohohohou are s-so strong stahahanding that!" Bokuto said breathlessly as he cleaned the tears clinging to his lashes.
Kuroo laughed, sending a playful poke to Bokuto's tummy, making him giggle. "Why, of course! Keiji likes his tickles, right?" He said, wiggling his fingers at Akaashi, but Akaashi couldn't even flinch as he stared at them, blinking a couple of times and noticing how a soft pink blush started to cover their cheeks.
"Did we have... A shared dream?" Bokuto asked, looking at Kuroo.
Kuroo looked at Bokuto and then at Akaashi, also blinking a couple of times. "Hmm, could it be that you don’t... remember what happened?"
"I-" Akaashi finally found his voice, even though it sounded a little raspy, "I think I don't... Did I- What- What happened?"
The room was silent and Akaashi felt like he wanted to become one with the mattress as both his lovers looked at him intently, perhaps not believing his words.
"I'm- I'm truly sorry," Akaashi said, raising a little, his body still feeling heavy. "I'll... I'll try to remember," he quickly sat on the bed, feet touching the cold wooden floor. “Meanwhile I’ll- hah!” He gasped when he was dragged back to the bed by the shoulders and his face turned scarlet when both his lovers were looking at him with big grins.
"Oh no, Tetsu," Bokuto said. Kuroo was off him now, so he slowly started to kneel beside Akaashi. "Keiji forgot what we did!"
"That is a shame...," Kuroo answered, also finding his spot at the other side of Akaashi's body. "I think it's only fair if we remind him what we did, don't you think so, Kou?"
“I do think so,” Bokuto mumbled and Akaashi could only look at them with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Bokuto licked his lips. “You were so naughty last night, Keiji.”
“W-Wha- Naughty-
“I think I’ve never seen you acting like that before, ‘Kaashi,” Kuroo said, not letting him speak. “It was really hot.”
“I don’t- I don’t remember, so-
“Don’t worry,” Bokuto said, holding Akaashi’s hand. “You’ll remember.”
They shared a look and right in front of Akaashi’s eyes, flashed the same scene, but it was dark outside and the only thing that illuminated the room was the dim light of the moon. 
Kuroo and Bokuto moved at the same time, each grabbing one of Akaashi’s wrists and lifting his arms up towards the bedposts. Akaashi shrieked, and he heard himself giggling hysterically in his mind, again: 
“We’ve done anything yet, Keiji.”
“We’re just going to cuff you up. Why are you suddenly so jumpy?”
He shivered heavily, licking his lips when he found his lovers’ lustful eyes staring at him. 
“Does this ring any bell, Keiji?” Bokuto asked, raising one of his eyebrows as Akaashi let out a soft sigh.
It did ring a bell, but his memories were still a little blurry and messy, but now he could tell that he did share his secret, and not only that, Bokuto and Kuroo indulged him with it; to what extension? He didn't know, but they were already at it again, and Akaashi's head was starting to feel light, his heart racing against his ribs, his lower belly heating up, his cock getting harder - might as well enjoy the moment. 
He hummed, “Are you not going to cuff me up?” He asked, a teasy grin pulling at his lips: if they already knew, why would he act all shy? “I still can’t fully remember, so maybe you should continue, don’t you think?”
“Bo,” Kuroo said and Bokuto hurriedly stretched out towards the drawer to pull out the cuffs, letting out a soft squeak as he almost fell off the edge of the bed. Akaashi bit his tongue to suppress a laugh, Kuroo actually laughed and Bokuto threw a pair of cuffs at his face, making Kuroo cry and Akaashi finally let out a quick laugh.
“Don’t waste your laugh on this, Keiji,” Kuroo teased as he grabbed Akaashi’s wrists and pulled at his arm. “You’ll definitely need all of it in a moment."
Akaashi felt his belly fluttering, nervousness growing in chest, making his lips tremble before a surprised little giggle escaped his mouth when Bokuto pulled at his other arm and cuffed his wrists to the bedpost. 
"There we go," Bokuto said with a smile and Akaashi shook his head a little, biting his lower lip and reflexively pulling at his trapped arms. "Do you remember now, Keiji?"
Akaashi shook his head. He was not lying, he really did not remember 
"Ah, but it looks like your body does," Kuroo mumbled and Akaashi gasped when he felt a hand cupping his arousal, his legs immediately closing together. "Oh? These legs didn't hide anything yesterday. Are they going to be like this, 'Kaashi?"
"Well then."
Akaashi let out another giggle when his legs were suddenly pulled apart and pressed to the bed so Kuroo and Bokuto could sit on them, straddling his thighs as they leaned down, hovering over Akaashi. 
For a moment, he couldn’t actually believe that something like this happened a few hours ago. He really must’ve been out of his mind to stand the anticipation these monsters were making him feel right now. He knew Kuroo and Bokuto enjoyed to tease, but they usually never teased him that much, not even during sex.
This new side was definitely so exciting to him and he couldn't help but softly start to thrust his hips.
"What did we learn yesterday, Bo?" Kuroo suddenly asked, eyeing Akaashi with a dangerous smirk and Akaashi tensed his legs under his lovers' weight. 
"Akaashi loves getting tickled," Bokuto started, smirking just as hard. "He really, really loves it,” He mumbled and being the soft boyfriend he was, he ducked his head down to press a tender kiss to the corner of Akaashi’s lips. “And he’s so hot because of that.”
"He really is," Kuroo nodded, letting out a soft chuckle, and Akaashi smiled softly at feeling Kuroo’s warm lips kissing him too. “What else did we learn?”
Akaashi let out a bright laugh when he felt a surprise tickle attack against one of his armpits; Bokuto’s fingers gently vibrating right at the middle of his underarm, making him jump to the side as laughter bloomed out of him.
“He’s got ticklish armpits,” Bokuto said excitedly, enthusiastically scribbling against Akaashi’s armpit. 
"Oh, yes," Kuroo said with a chuckle. "These armpits are just as ticklish as last night!" 
Akaashi shook his head, feeling his cheeks starting to warm up as a deep blush assaulted them. “B-Bohohohaha! Bokuto-sahahahan! Wait! WahahAHAHA!”
Akaashi shrieked when he felt one of his arms being pinned down to the bed and pushed up to expose the sensitive skin a little more; with a gasp, he saw Kuroo leaning down and he cackled, loud and bright as Kuroo started to nibble at his underarm.
“Kuroo-sahahahahan!” It tickles so bad, he wanted to say, but it really tickled so bad, he was tripping on his own laughter. 
“Oh! I want to try too!” Bokuto said, also pushing Akaashi’s arm further up to make his skin taut. 
“N-NO! NAHAHAHA! Ahahaha, n-not th-thahahat! Unfahahahir!” Akaashi cackled, feeling the maddening sensation of teeth gently grazing his skin travel all the way down to the tip of his cock. 
He tried to close his legs to hide how much this was affecting him, but Kuroo and Bokuto settled down on top of his legs quite nicely, preventing him from moving at all.
This really was getting into him already, but he was surprised when a moan escaped his mouth, before shrieking cackles bloomed past his lips as playful fingers suddenly found his ribs; mouths still eating his armpits up. 
“Oh,” both tickle monsters purred against Akaashi’s skin, only adding to the tickly sensations as thumbs rubbed deep circles from his lower ribs to the highest. 
“W-WAHAHAIT!” Akaashi begged, shaking his torso and pulling at his arms, trying to break free from his restraints. 
“Aren’t his ribs more ticklish than yesterday?” Bokuto asked, his lips brushing against Akaashi’s skin, making him shiver heavily as his head tipped back with a soft snort. 
“They really are,” Kuroo answered, his thumb finding one of Akaashi’s highest ribs, the closest to the hollow of his armpit, and rubbing deeply against it, sending Akaashi into a fit of silent laughter. “Oh? What’s this? Does it tickle so much, Keiji?”
Akaashi could only nod as his hips thrusted weakly, the fabric of his underwear making the tiniest of frictions against his cock, precum leaking from his tip as he started to go a little insane thanks to the tickling.
Shit, he's been wanting this for so long. 
"Mohohohahahare!" Akaashi cried out when he recovered his voice, his skin covering in goosebumps. "Plehehehease, mohohohore!"
"Ah yes, this is exactly what you said last night, Keiji."
"I think he's remembering."
"Ah but there's something I do remember, Kou… Akaashi said that we didn't find his worst spot yet!" Akaashi moaned between his laughter. "And I think he wants us to find out," Kuroo purred before blowing a raspberry against Akaashi's armpit, making him shriek and flich to the other side, only to earn another raspberry that made him jump back to Kuroo and Kuroo raspberried him again.
"Ohmygahahahad!" Akaashi cackled, bouncing on the bed a little and flexing the muscles of his stomach when the fingers tickling at his ribs moved to the lower ones, making him giggle hysterically. "Plehehe- ah! Nngh!" 
A sudden suck to his armpit made him cross his eyes a little and he let out that delicious moan he made every time he was about to cum. Yes, so close to release, but a hand quickly wrapped right around the head of his cock on top of his clothes and he gasped.
"Wh-Why?!" He cried, circling his hips to chase that wonderful sensation, but it was gone and he couldn't do anything else but whine pathetically.
"You cannot come yet, Keiji," Bokuto said. "You did come yesterday night after we played with you for a bit… but today we should see how long you can take it, don't you think?"
Akaashi shivered heavily. He's never seen Bokuto looking at him with those eyes, there was nothing but desire and lust in them. He was looking at him hungrily, ready to eat him up at any second. 
He loved to be looked up like that. 
"Sounds like fun," he answered, his tongue lazy as he raised his chin a little, tensing the muscles of his jaw and exposing his neck, spots that he knew Bokuto loved to kiss. "Please drive me crazy, Bokuto-san," he mumbled, finding Kuroo's eyes when he raised from where he was kissing Akaashi. "Kuroo-san, too. Please wreck me."
Akaashi smiled as Bokuto and Kuroo shared a look and a giggle escaped him as they both looked back at him. In a blink of an eye, they both launched at Akaashi, one hand vibrating against his ribs, another one clawing at the center of his tummy. 
"Oh looks like this tummy is very sensitive," Kuroo chuckled as bright, hysterical laughter poured out of Akaashi's lips along with loud moans as two hands sneaked under his underwear: one hand massaging his balls, the other one rubbing against his erection.
Who was touching what? He didn't know, it just felt like more than two people were making him feel good all at once: tickling him, teasing him, wanting to draw every laugh and moan from his very core. 
It felt insanely fantastic. 
"Haaaah," Akaashi gasped. "N-Nohohoho! D-Don't- anghh, tohohouch thehehere!" He begged, his hips circling and wiggling as he grinded against that warm hand cupping his dick. 
"And why's that?" Bokuto asked, and Akaashi tried to answer back, but a soft cry bubbled past his lips when Bokuto's mouth closed around his hard nipple 
"No! Nohohoho!" Akaashi moaned and laughed, throwing his head back when the fingers vibrating against his ribs (now he knew it was Bokuto), found the highest ones and the ones at his tummy, (that was probably Kuroo), wiggled into his belly button, making him shriek and give a thrust to his hips, his cock trembling under the hand cupping it.
"Oh? Is your cute belly button sensitive, 'Kaashi?" 
Akaashi shook his head, cackling hysterically as Bokuto kept tickling his ribs, sucking on his nipples and, highly probably, massaging at his balls the exact way he knew it made Akaashi see stars. 
"It's not! It's nahahahaha- nngh!" Akaashi arched his back when he felt Kuroo's lips over his navel. "A-Ah! Kuroo-s-saaangh!" He babbled, desperately jerking his hips, feeling himself reaching the edge. "Your- Your tohohohongue!"
"What is it? Do you like it?" Kuroo asked, blowing a raspberry to Akaashi's belly button just as Bokuto grazed his teeth against his nipple.
"Hah!" Akaashi gasped. " Nnghh! I'll c-cum- I'll- aaaah, pl-please!" Akaashi nearly sobbed, feeling himself so close to his climax, but all attention he was receiving stopped at once, even the maddening tickling. 
Akaashi whined, his dick trembling and he thought he'd make it, he'd cum… but he didn't. "P-Pleeease!"
"What's wrong, Keiji?" Bokuto purred, his fingers gently teasing Akaashi's nipples. "Did you want to come already?"
Akaashi nodded, looking at Bokuto with pleading eyes. "Yes, please! Pl-please! Let me c-come, yes?"
Bokuto licked his lips and Akaashi followed his eyes as he turned to look at Kuroo. Kuroo was staring at Akaashi just as hungrily.
"What do you think, Tetsu?" 
"I'd love to let you come, baby," Kuroo said with a fake concerned voice. "But, you'll see, these pesky hips of yours… they just wouldn't stay still!"
Akaashi was not ready. He couldn't even understand Kuroo's words until it was too late. 
"WAIT! Wahahahait plehehehease! N-Nohohot there!" He shrieked when he felt a squeeze to his hip bone, his whole body jumping as loud giggled poured out of him. 
It was just a squeeze. A single squeeze to one, only one, of his hip bones. 
"I think we found the spot."
Akaashi widened his eyes. That was, indeed, his most ticklish spot. He knew it and he tried to keep it as safe as possible from every single person. Especially from his boyfriends, he knew that they wouldn't let his poor hips be until they made sure to draw all the laughter out of Akaashi. 
Fuck… he really wanted that. 
"I- that- that spot isAHAHAHAHA! Wait! Ohmygahahahad, wait!" There was absolutely no waiting. 
Hands were already latched to his hip bones, one of them (Kuroo's) squeezing and pinching at the sensitive spot, the other one (Bokuto's), rubbing deep circles with his thumb. Akaashi was sent to hysterics right away. 
He tried to hide that spot, and he did. He hid it for so long that even the gentlest of touch would make him go crazy, but now he had a full on tickle attack going in his worst spot and Akaashi almost forgot how to breathe.
It tickled. It tickled. It tickled. It tickled. 
It tickled so fucking bad! 
"So Keiji's hips are this sensitive, huh? Did you know, Bo?" Kuroo asked, noticing how the squeezing made Akaashi shriek.
"I didn't, but it's good to- oh!" Bokuto said and he stopped tickling Akaashi as he raised from the bed. 
"Bo?" Kuroo asked, also stopping.
Akaashi whimpered when the tickling stopped and he flushed brightly- it tickled so much, but it seemed like he really wanted the tickling in his hips to continue. 
"B-Bohohohokuto-san," he whined between pants and residual laughter. "W-Whahahat are y-you-
"Tetsu, why don't you take off Keiji's boxers, hmm?" He asked as he opened the drawer, rummaging inside, looking for something. 
Akaashi gasped and Kuroo chuckled, looking at Keiji with playful eyes. 
"As you say," Kuroo purred, lifting himself from Akaashi's leg and easily pulling off his underwear. 
Akaashi moaned as soon as his dick was freed. It looked painful: red, wet, pulsating. Akaashi loved the way Kuroo licked his lips and he teasingly thrusted his hips, making his dick shake a little. 
"Nnnghh, sh-shit!" He moaned deeply as Kuroo held his cock from the base and leaned his head to suck the tip into his mouth. "F-Fuck, Kuroo-s-san! AH!" A cry left his lips when Kuroo's tongue pressed against his glands in a hard lick. "Yes! Y-Yes! Keep going, please! K-Keep- aaah, no!" 
He sobbed when Kuroo let go of his erection with a smirk. Akaashi whimpered and shivered - he wanted to come. Why weren't they letting him come?! 
Bokuto hummed when he finally found what he was looking for. Both Akaashi and Kuroo turned his head to look at him and Keiji widened his eyes when Bokuto raised his hand, showing a bottle of lube with a smirk. 
"N-No mohohore!" Akaashi jolted, giggling already. "No more, plehehehease! I- I cahahahan't! It's- It's too bahahahad!" 
"Huh? Did you hear something, Bo?" Kuroo said, smirking at Akaashi. 
"I certainly didn't hear anything, Tetsu. Especially not a safe word," he said and Akaashi let out a strangled sound.
"I'll die!" He said, shaking his head and sobbing when they both sat on his legs again, pulling them apart, fully exposing him.
"It was nice to meet you, 'Kaashi."
The coolness of that thick liquid against Akaashi's heated skin made him shiver. He had to bite his lip, giggles building up in his throat as Bokuto poured lube on his hips, dick and even his inner thighs. 
He was not ready. He was still in time to use the safeword, but fuck, he didn't want to. He wanted to see how long he could stand this, he wanted to see- 
"SHIT!" He shrieked in a very high pitched voice before loud, hysterical laughter bloomed out of him. 
He didn't think the tickling would be worse after the lube, but it was. It was terrible! The fingers abusing his hips moved so easily and smoothly against his skin: rubbing deep massages, pinching, squeezing, vibrating, scribbling, just every single technique they could think off to tickle those poor hips. 
Akaashi was laughing, but he was also screaming and, for God's sake, he was moaning so much. 
"PLEHEHEHEASE!" He begged desperately, his cock sticking up, bouncing and wiggling to the shimming of his hips. "NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" 
"Does it tickle here, as well?" Kuroo asked as his free hand found that very sensitive bone that connected Akaashi's legs to the hips at his inner thighs. 
"KAHAHAHA!" Akaashi pulled harshly at his arms and he jerked his legs so hard, he almost, almost, throwing his darlings off him, but he didn't and soon enough Bokuto's hand was joining in the fun, tickling his other inner thigh as they kept tickling his hips at the same time. 
He wanted to cum. He was going to cum. He was going to cum. He was going to cu-
"I have an idea," Kuroo said, gently touching Bokuto's arm.
The tickling stopped at once and Akaashi shrieked, residual laughter still making his body shake as he tried to catch his breath. He was a mess: Tears of laughter were rolling down his face. He was completely flushed, sweating, voice hoarse and his ears were ringing a little from laughing so hard. 
"Pl-Plehehease! N-No m-more tihihickling to that spohohohot! It's- it's too tihihihicklish, I- AH!" Akaashi thought that he never heard himself moaning so hard.
"Oh?" Bukuto mumbled.
Kuroo was suddenly holding Akaashi's dick again, moving his hand up and down, thumb teasing the little 'v' at the base of his tip.
"N-No! W-Wait! I'll come! I d-don't- ah!" Akaashi arched his back, fingers and toes curling when Kuroo pressed his thumb against the slit, rubbing it with a swift move that made Akaashi see stars, tears filling his eyes and saliva drooling from the side of his mouth.
"Already?" Bokuto asked.
"You'll see, Kou."
"Stop! I'll cum! I'll c-c- nnghhh!" Akaashi gritted his teeth, his eyes crossing and rolling back as he finally reached his peak.
It felt so painfully fantastic. Shit, he's never had an orgasm like this before. His body shook heavily and it felt as if he wouldn't stop to come never. He heard someone whistling and then someone chickling, but his mind could only focus on Kuroo's hand still pumping him, overstimulating him until Akaashi was squirming and whimpering.
"N-no! No! Stop!" He babbled with a soft cry as Kuroo teased his tip, it kinda tickled, but it also made his skin prickled with goosebumps. "K-Kuroo-san!"
"Okay, now," Kuroo purred and Akaashi was definitely not ready for what happened next.
Warm hands were back to his oiled hips and thighs and Akaashi never felt that overwhelmed before.
He gasped loudly and the sensation was so intense that he couldn't immediately laugh, but instead, a loud scream echoed through the whole house. He cried and then, after a few shakes of his hips, he finally erupted into loud, hysterical laughter.
"Oh, fuck," Bokuto whispered.
"No please! It's too bad! Too bad!" Akaashi screamed with laughter. He bounced and shook his hips, trying to dislodge those fingers from his ultimate worst spot.
"I once read that one person is more sensitive after an orgasm," Kuroo explained to Bokuto, Akaashi couldn't listen to anything beside himself.
He was going insane. He really was losing his mind, the tickling was so electrifying, it made his brain scream. It was torture, he never felt something like this before, he-
He came again, but Akaashi couldn't enjoy that orgasm because the tickling didn't stop and Akaashi didn't think it could feel more intense than what already felt, but it did and that was his breaking point.
"Cream Puff! STAHAHAHAP!" He yelled and the tickling stopped right away, but Akaashi's laughter continued and his hips kept twitching slightly as he relaxed into the bed.
"Keiji, all good?" He heard Kuroo asking, but Akaashi could only nod weakly as both his lovers moved away from his legs. "Are you alright?", Kuroo asked again and Akaashi nodded once more, panting heavily as he felt his wrists being freed. 
"You did so, so good, Keiji," Bokuto said with a warm voice, making Akaashi open his eyes to sleepily look up at him. "You were amazing!" 
Akaashi puffed out what sounded like a soft chuckle before sighing when something cold was being pressed to his forehead. 
"Water, Keiji," Kuroo whispered, gently holding Akaashi's head to help him drink from the water bottle. Akaashi drank the whole thing at once, letting out a pleased sigh when he finished. 
"You are amazing, Keiji," Kuroo praised him, gently carding his fingers through his wet hair. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
Akaashi nodded, ultimately, that was the only thing he could do while he came back from the tickly subspace he was thrown in. He smiled softly and wanted to tell them that he really did enjoy himself and that he wanted to do it again very soon, but he couldn't speak. 
"Let's clean you up, baby."
Akaashi was cackling as they cleaned him up. He was so sensitive right now, that the mere touch of fabric touching his skin was enough to make him laugh nearly in hysterics. 
"Stop squirming so much, love," Bokuto said softly, a gentle smile in his face as he tried to clean up Akaashi's inner thighs. 
"It t-tihihihickles! Wahahait!"
"Hold it for a little, Keiji," Kuroo asked him, also smiling lovingly. "We're almost finishing."
Under his arms, his stomach, his hips, his inner thighs, even his dick, it all felt extremely sensitive and Akaashi thought he was going insane again, but they finished before he could blurt out another moan, (his cock hard again). 
"You're such a good boy, Keiji," Kuroo mumbled, laying down beside Akaashi and bringing him close to him, chest to chest. 
"You are so beautiful, baby," Bokuto purred behind him, sandwiching Akaashi between them. "You are so wonderful."
Akaashi felt his ears heating up at the compliments and he hid under Kuroo's jaw. "Th-Thank you… for indulging me."
Kuroo giggled, his hand gently cupping Akaashi's cheek. "Aren't we all in a relationship? Of course we would indulge you, Keiji. There was no need to hide something like this from us."
"We'll now have to do this many times because you were holding yourself back for so long!" Bokuto promised and giggled against Akaashi's ear when Akaashi let out a soft whimper 
"You would love that, wouldn’t you, Keiji?" Akaashi nodded, there was no need to hide it now. 
"Oh, I think he'd really like that," Kuroo said with glee and Akaashi squealed shyly: he was fully hard again. 
"Uh-oh, what to do?" Bokuto asked behind him, pressing kisses to the back of Akaashi's neck, making him moan softly.
"What should we do, baby?"
"Make me cum," Akaashi whispered, lifting his face from where he was hiding and looking directly at Kuroo's eyes, making him shiver. "I'll make you both cum as well," he promised, reaching down, inside of Kuroo's underwear to touch his hard cock. 
Kuroo grunted as he reached down to also touch Akaashi's. 
"Nngh, yes! B-Bokuto-san," he moaned, moving his hips back a little so his ass could rub against Bokuto's arousal. "F-Fuck me, please."
"Shit, Keiji," Bokuto mumbled and he quickly started to prepare Akaashi. 
"Ah! Y-Yes! Don't stop, please!" Akaashi begged, feeling another finger entering him and teasing that sweet spot within him as Kuroo's thumb rubbed his tip. 
"Don't t-tease! A-Ah, Bokuto-san! Please! Put it in a-already!"
Akaashi cupped Kuroo's tip and rubbed gently at it, making him moan deeply as one of Akaashi's fingers played with his nipple. 
"Kuroo-s-san, aah! K-Kuroo-sangh! Touch me m-more, please! M-More!"
Akaashi moaned deeply against Kuroo’s chest when Bokuto finally entered him, filling him completely. 
“K-Keiji, you feel amazing,” Bokuto said through clenched teeth, thrusting inside Akaashi, making him let out the filthiest of sounds.
Kuroo grunted deep in his throat and Akaashi looked up at him through teary eyes and bright red cheeks, “Kuroo-saaan,” he gasped, rolling his hand against the tip of Kuroo’s cock, just the way he liked it. “C-Come for me, ple-ah!”
Kuroo widened his eyes as he shuddered heavily. “F-Fuck, I’m-” Kuroo came first, hard and spurting his seed all over Akaashi’s stomach.
He gently tensed his hand around Akaashi’s dick and with a cry, he came next, trembling and holding onto Kuroo as Bokuto kept thrusting inside him, hitting that tender spot over and over, until Akaashi was drooling again, his eyes rolling back.
With a soft growl, Bokuto finally came inside Akaashi, his nose nuzzling on the back of Akaashi’s neck, breathing him in as Akaashi stopped trembling and his eyes could focus on Kuroo once again.
He was smiling at him. His cheeks a little flushy. 
“How was that, Keiji?” He asked, catching a stray tear falling from Akaashi’s eye. “Did Bo fuck you good?”
Akaashi nodded, his smile dreamy. “You both always fuck me so good,” he whispered, feeling his eyeslids heavy, his eyes rolling back for a different reason. 
“Don’t fall asleep, Keiji. We need to take a bath,” Kuroo whispered and Akaashi heard a soft chuckle from behind him.
“Maybe we should do that to wake you up?” Bokuto asked and Akaashi giggled, shaking his head. After all, he did make those sounds even with a sober mind. 
“Carry me there, then. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk in a while.”
The three of them laughed and didn’t immediately move to the bathroom, instead, they started a fest of gentle kisses and sweet words for each other: endless I love you’s and thank you’s whispered into each other’s ears as playful fingers made the other let out sweet giggles and perhaps some other little sounds.
Akaashi was still not completely sure how everything happened, but he couldn’t be more happy to share this little secret with the two people he loved the most. 
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Notes on Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera” - Chapter 5: “Continuation of ‘Box Five’”
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The remarkable alliance which exists between the usher of Box 5, Madame Giry, and the elusive “opera ghost” is at the heart of this chapter. Madame Giry lives in the Rue de Provence in the vicinity of the opera house, and is the mother of Meg Giry, also known as “Little Meg”, who is a dancer in the corps de ballet. Her faded and worn clothing indicates that she is quite poor, but she nevertheless carries herself with pride and haughtiness. Contrary to her character in the ALW musical, she is not the ballet mistress, and neither she nor Meg have any kind of relationship with Christine Daae - it is quite possible that they might not even really know each other. Madame Giry’s loyalty in the novel belongs solely to Erik.
The managers ask Madame Giry about the events of the previous night in Box 5, and she says that “someone has upset the ghost again”. Hearing a bodiless voice in Box 5 is nothing new to her, as she is firmly convinced of the ghost’s existence, having heard him speak to her quite often. She thinks Moncharmin and Richard are ignorant fools, and chooses to recount a similar incidendence from the time when Debienne and Poligny were still managers and made the foolish choice to rent out the ghost’s box. During that night, Erik caused a brawl in Box 5 by kindly letting one of the occupants of his box know that his friend, Isidore Saack, has been making out with his wife behind his back. The piece which is performed during that scene is Mephisto’s aria “Vous qui faites l’endormie” from Faust. (Faust was basically the “hit” opera of the time, so it’s not too surprising that we see a lot of it in the novel).
While fleeing from the box, Isidore Saack breaks his leg when he falls down the grand staircase. Even though this probably was an accident caused by his rapid escape, the ghost still gets the blame for the broken leg. Another incident occurred during a performance of “La Juive” when apparently M. Poligny still had not heeded the ghost’s warnings and had sat in Box 5, suddenly walked out of it, paler than a corpse and in a state of utter confusion. We do not know exactly what happened to him, but from then on, Box 5 was always left empty.
When Moncharmin asks Madame Giry what the ghost says when he speaks to her, she replies the he asks her to bring him a footstool - an item which is obviously only used by women, as it prompts Moncharmin to guess that the ghost is a woman. Madame Giry insists that he is a man though because he has a beautiful man’s voice. According to her, he‘s actually a rather lovable and polite ghost if you don‘t mess with him! He is kind and friendly to people who do not threaten him, therefore Madame Giry is not afraid of him. She also states that he obviously needed the footstool not for himself, but “for his lady”. More proof of a woman being involved with the ghost are the roses that she sometimes finds on the floor in the box, and that she once found a fan there too, which she subsequently returned to him - receiving a box of her favourite sweets as a thank-you from the ghost.
To keep Madame Giry in good service, Erik also leaves her a tip of about 2 to 10 francs on the railing with the programme she brings him. But the greatest mystery in this chapter is still unanswered: who is the „ghost‘s lady“ that Mme Giry is talking about?
There are at least three possibilities, and perhaps more:
The footstool is for Erik himself. Not very likely, given the fact that he doesn‘t actually seem to be sitting in the box, plus it doesn‘t explain the roses or the fan left behind - although it is possible of course that he left the rose for Madame Giry on purpose. But I guess in that case, he would have left them on the railing for her to find rather than on the floor.
Erik has been bringing random women into his box. Again, not a likely explanation - even though he does seem a little flirtatious (he knows exactly how to wrap Mme Giry around his finger), I don‘t see a lot of occasions for that happening. Unless sneaking into dinner parties is something he habitually does…? Still, the fact that no woman has ever let him kiss her before doesn’t mean that he didn’t, well, make a try for it at least.
As we all know, the opera ghost���s heart belongs to Christine, so the most obvious possibility would be that he has been bringing her into Box 5. He would have to remain concealed since he is still „the Voice“ to her - which would not be a problem once inside the box. The question would be though: how did she get into the box? Sneak past Mme Giry? Crawl through secret passageways by herself? Besides, she would only be able to attend if she wasn‘t performing, but as she was apparently sidelined a lot, there should have been enough occasions for her to watch.  Another thing to consider is that at this point, Christine and Erik have been seeing (or rather, hearing) each other for about three months. The three month period would suggest that the whole opera ghost business has only been going on for a relatively short time, which would also align with the statement that the ghostly occurrences have been going on for “several months”. 
As Madame Giry has now told them everything about her working relationship with the ghost, she takes her leave. Moncharmin and Richard decide to fire her, and take a look at Box 5 with their own eyes…
The pieces from „Faust“ and „La Juive“ can be found on the Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3N3HOQcCzKIH0D4UROxO0N?si=l9QzuLw4S1iiafjkKnp_Zg&dl_branch=1
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Images are not from Box 5, but from another box as Box 5 was not accessible during my visit to the Palais Garnier. The smaller boxes are all furnished in the same way, the only major difference is that Box 5 is flanked by an ornate marble pillar on the left.
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jjba-plasticbeach · 3 years
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End of November 2011 Florida
- “Hey idiot! You missed my stop at Cape Canaveral! " –Announced a feminine and decisive voice that came from the back of the car causing it to brake abruptly, sliding down the wet road a couple of meters ahead.
The raindrops were falling with greater intensity on that beige car, that competed with the discussion that the determined woman and Anakiss had regarding an additional charge per trip, but Emporio's mind was elsewhere when he pressed Irene's vest on her chest, trying to find a logical explanation for what was happening. Had he really died and was this a kind of post-mortem dream as he had read about it in the books of that prison?
Irene unbuckled her belt to turn around and meet the boy's gaze, it seemed curious to her that a child was lost in that gas station, but it was not an improbable event, the radio was always in charge of announcing who disappeared and / or appeared but had never heard a name as striking as Emporio.
-"All good? Aren't you dizzy or something like that? " –Irene asked kindly while she denoted a subtle smile on her face and leaned on her seat waiting for the response of the young boy- "If so, we can stop for a longer time, maybe a soda would do you good- ..."
- "I'm fine" –Emporio interrupted, once again gritting her teeth to his lip causing a subtle bleeding cut- "Thank you very much Jolyne"
- “Jolyne? Is that your mother's name? " -She cocked her head curiously, settling herself between the two seats. "Don't worry Emporio, as soon as we get home, I will try to get my father to help us find your family... you won't be alone little one.
Once again, the tears ran down the young blond boy's cheeks, the words could not connect with his thoughts and it seemed that each time he had an apple across his throat. He tried to remember accurate things in order to show that he was not just a stranger, he had to explain what had happened, that was his mission to survive the restart of Made in Heaven.
- "Jojo-... Kujo, your father's name is Kujo Jotaro, isn't it?" –He raised his voice while tightening the lady's orange vest on his legs, Anakiss returned to the pilot's seat but that strong statement made him turn his head, meeting Irene's alarmed gaze- "and your name is Narciso, if I'm not wrong".
There was a brief silence from both of them, without doubt they were not dealing with an ordinary young man but while they looked back at him, he placed both hands on his head in a symbol of sincere concern, to the point of hiding his own face between his knees.
- "It will be better to hurry Anakiss, the only ones who can help us at this time are my parents".
 The tour was faster, quieter and without any interruption. They had reached the end of the route to undertake a journey up the hill, Emporio could see a small sign pointing two directions which the last one called "Melancholy Hill" could be read  and nothing to do with the rain that enveloped them. They parked in front of a large house made of dark wood but illuminated inside and seeing how Irene offered her hand to Emporio, they were both covered with Anakiss's large jacket until the dry area in front of the large entrance door.
They waited a few minutes until a strong but feminine voice was heard announcing that it would open the door and each closer step was enough reason to accelerate the young Emporio's heart. Three purple locks fell gently on her face, two longer than the middle one, and her silver eyes widened with her smile when she saw Irene open her arms and fall to the chest of such a woman. Anakiss cordially took off his hat, placing it on his chest and receiving a warm kiss on his cheek from her, but the moment his eyes met those of the young Emporio, he took two steps back pointing at her with his index finger while hesitating:
“Mrs. Castiglier…!”
Francesca, without leaving Irene's embrace, stared at him scared, as if she had witnessed a crime scene right there, shaking her head and removing that sharp look of fear, she bent down to recover her friendly smile and offered Emporio a hand.
- "I do not seem to have seen your face somewhere before, besides seeing your eyes you made me understand that you have not slept well in recent weeks... do not be afraid little one, go ahead and feel at home while I look for a first aid kit to heal those ugly wounds on your arms and looking for clean clothes so that you can take off the wet clothes that you bring, it is better to prevent a cold than to regret it! -Emporio had his eyes wide open contemplating that woman in front of him and with a trembling hand he took her left hand that did not have any trace of metal- "Welcome to our house"
Emporio was sitting in the hall of that house, everything was beautifully decorated and looking very familiar and welcoming. In his hands she had a bowl of hot milk that he couldn't drink yet, and he didn't know if it was because of how hot it was or because of its impact a couple of minutes ago. He looked up, meeting for the first time with a boy of his age who was looking at him from the second floor between the railing separations but they managed to meet glances the little one fled the place feeling Irene's soft voice once closer to him, taking his hand right and placing it between both hands.
- "His name is Emporio, we found him lost at the gas station... small one, can you repeat what you mentioned in the car a couple of hours ago? –He looked first at the girl and then at those around him, sincerely his chest was squeezed once again as he perceived how a pronounced and tall silhouette was present who was looking seriously at what was happening in the room. Placing his left hand on Francesca he was able to demonstrate that ring on his ring finger which was intertwined with the lady's hand as a symbol of concern and waiting.
- "My name is -... My name is Emporio Alniño, born in 2000 in the Green Dolphin Street prison, my mother passed away and I have no other close family, I- ... and- ..." - The boy hesitated while clasping his hands on the towel, letting his tears fall on his little hands, he tried to calm himself so that he could continue with what he should say, what he should ask, but the more he thought about it the less words came out of his mouth. How to find an explanation for something that only he witnessed? - "... And I am very sorry to break into his home in this way".
He looked up feeling a strong hug coming from the purple-haired woman who had knelt before him trying to reassure him while she whispered a little melody that closely resembled a lullaby. He pressed her cheek against her heated cheek and lifting her weak arms from her he could hug her as well hiding his face without stopping to cry while gasping. He was rocking on Francesca's chest in a calm and relaxed way never seen before, his heart was beating slowly as she passed her delicate hand over the boy's forehead, detaching his wet cap while still humming that melody. His eyes slowly closed seeing Irene for the last time, who got up to stand next to her father to hug him worried, he supported her wounded face on his daughter's hair giving her a soft kiss in her forehead that reassured her. Anakiss politely looked at the situation from behind, without a doubt the heart-breaking cry of Emporio was something that was not heard every day.
- "The worst has already happened, my dear Emporio, now you need to rest and forget all those worries that afflict you... let us be your shelter, your family and I promise that nothing bad will happen again".
A light bothered his eyes which caused him to wake up, he was lying on a bed a little higher than usual next to another bed which was separated by a night table, the little boy with whom they had exchanged glances previously was on his knees covered under his bed with a flashlight on. Before Emporio could move or utter a word the boy jumped on top of him, standing next to him, pointing the flashlight at him.
- "Don't ever move a muscle, or that evil spirit will get angry" - Mentioned the boy being separated by Emporio at the same moment. But before answering him, four ghostly arms managed to peek out from under the young boy's bed and, finding no more comfort, he hid in Emporio's shirt.
- "It is not an evil spirit; it is a Stand!" –The blond boy yelled invoking Weather Report, which was preparing to take the first blow, but it was not an enemy Stand, it was more a scared Stand just as its young user was - “Child, you must learn to control it, what you are perceiving is your own soul!"
- "Isn't it going to hurt me?"
- "No, unless you want that for yourself... you have to wish him to go and he will go, that simple" - He held the shoulders of the dark-haired young man while he turned, frowning, and clasping his hands tightly, he could visualize as those four arms immediately disappeared as if by magic. The situation that he had longed for so long finally had a grandiose outcome and smiling exaltedly at him elicited the same smile from the young Emporio.
-"What is your name? I saw you cry recently on the first floor, but I couldn't hear your name... if you don't want to tell me, I understand, I can always call you a crybaby".
- "Look who says it, my name is Emporio and yours?"
- "Jonas... Although my mother and older sister usually call me Jojo".
From the first level, Francesca talked with Jotaro and Irene about what happened, they agreed to send for information about the boy and watch him with his behavior for a while. They would not ask more than the boy had to talk about and they would try not to collapse him into questions, he was just a 10 year old boy after all.
Francesca mentioned that she would prepare more coffee while Anakiss and Irene were slightly more nervous having Jotaro with crossed arms waiting for the explanation of their visit, the woman with purple hair only let out a subtle laugh walking to the kitchen depositing the couple of cups on the counter close to the phone. She took it and quickly dialled a number while her hands shook.
-"I'm sorry to call you so late Tenmei, but I need you to find a paper and a pencil to write down the following, try not to ask or tell others about this..." - She took a deep breath, letting a series of words flow without meaning to the man on the other line But he followed every indication she had told him— “The name of the mafia is Passione; Sicily ... if something happens, try to keep the name of Domenico Castiglier".
- “Hey! Emporio? Sleeping in class again? -A much more serious voice was heard but in a mocking tone while hitting him with a crumpled paper in the hundred- "Man, I know that math classes are boring, but I never expected that someone who really likes them, would fall asleep in one of them".
- "Jonas..." -the blond opened his eyes quickly to meet the heavy body of his friend and now his brother pulling him by the cheek to get up- "I wasn't sleeping, just remembering things..."
-"Things?" -Jonas looked up, arching an eyebrow as he leaned against the table opposite Emporio  student table. "What things would leave such a bad taste in your mouth to answer me that way, dude?".
- "Things like my sandwich that you ate without my permission, Jonas Kujo... do you think I was born yesterday?" - Emporio lied as he got up from his desk arranging his backpack to place it behind his back, Jonas's face began to take a small blush as he denied any existence of his foolish theft but from one moment to another, they began to laugh like two naughty children about to commit some other evil.
"Are we going home now?"
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padfootagain · 4 years
The Perks and Pleasures of Being an Actor
Hello!!!! Here I am with my first little drabble for Ben's week!! We are only a few days before his birthday, and I'll be posting drabbles and one-shots all week for the occasion, participating in the event hosted on @benbarnesbirthdayparty​ ! Today's writing prompt was 'the perks or pleasures of being an actor', so here is my little cute piece for it!
I hope all of you like this cute little fic, and have fun this week for the event!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word Count : 1671
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There was one good side to being an actor.
Actually, there were many, and Ben being passionate about his work was not the kind to deny it. But overall the good things that had come out of his career as an actor, and everything it had changed in his life, there was one thing that stood above everything else. One thing that was better than the rest. And if he were to be fully earnest, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
And it was you.
As he stared at you reading a book in his armchair, wearing one of his comfortable and warm jumper and an old pair of sweatpants, relaxed and soft, he had to admit it at least to himself.
He studied the curve of your lips and the bridge of your nose and the shape of your cheekbones and the colour of your eyes and the little crease of your focused frown. He memorized it all, carved it in his mind, a memory to be remembered when you would be apart. If you had caught him staring, you would have asked him to stop, shying away from his intense gaze and hiding your features behind your book. You would argue that you had barely gotten out of bed and hadn't even taken a shower yet. That you looked dishevelled and sleep-deprived. And he would joke about how proud he was to be the cause of your sleepless night, making you groan in embarrassment, probably. Meanwhile, in his head, he would think about how much he adored seeing you like this, in your comfy clothes and relaxed demeanour.
Sometimes, it was hard though to say all that he felt. Maybe it was because you made him feel too much. Maybe it was because deep down he was still afraid you would end up walking away. Maybe he was simply not ready to let out every truth he held on his tongue. It didn't really matter. He reckoned he could just wait for a little longer before telling you all this. He had told you he loved you before, after all. You knew how he felt, you simply... weren't aware of how deeply his feelings for you ran in his bones and soul, that was all.
As he watched you peacefully reading a novel in his home, his mind travelled back to the day he had met you. How hot it was on the set of Westworld, and how painful his foot was after his clumsy self had broken his toe a few days before. He had broken a prop during a scene and you were the one to come on set that day to replace it. He always felt guilty for breaking anything on set, and so he had walked up to you to apologize. He remembered how you laughed at him, brushed his remark away. It was nothing, you said, happened all the time. He could hear your voice speaking to him for the first time all over again so vividly. He reckoned that it was surreal, the way he remembered all the details about you. And if he felt guilty every time he broke something, this oil lamp was the only object he didn't feel bad about shattering. It had allowed him to meet you, after all.
Being an actor also had its disadvantages, though. The fact that he travelled so much was both a curse and a blessing. He had seen so much of the world thanks to his job, but he had to spend some time away from you. And as you worked as a set designer, your suitcase was often packed and ready as well. Fame was a strange thing, and he was grateful to not have the attention that others had to carry with them. He reckoned that his life was pretty normal these days. Still, the media and rumours was a world he had to keep at bay for you. It made everything complicated. It made his life lonelier than he wished it to be, most of the time. Until he met you, of course.
There were only a few weeks left before he would have to fly away to New York for work, while you'd be heading to Canada to start building sets there. And for a moment he hated both of your jobs for causing you to be apart for a few months. It was because he was an actor that he wouldn't be able to wake up by your side every day for a while, and for a moment, he wanted to drop everything so he could just keep you close.
All he wanted then was to walk over to your spot on his armchair and hold you close.
And he could for now, so he did.
He grazed his fingertips across your knuckles first, touch so gentle it was almost ghostly. His tender gesture made you look up at him, offering him one of these warm smiles that never failed to brighten the whole room.
He gestured you to move over to let him settle with you in the comfortable piece of furniture. You snuggled against him, warm and content, the scent of your shampoo overloading his senses and making his head spin.
"How's your book?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you to draw you even closer, until you rested your head against his shoulder.
"Good so far. Want to read it too when I'm done?"
He hummed in quiet agreement, pressing a kiss to your hairline. You readjusted your book in your hand to hold his fingers too, and he traced the calluses across the pad of your fingers and your palm, traces left by your work building all kinds of objects and sceneries. He brought your hand to his lips too and kissed the centre of your palm.
"What do you want to do today?" you asked absentmindedly, your mind still half-focused on your book.
"This," he simply answered, a smirk making its way to his lips.
"This?" you frowned, looking up at him.
"Cuddling with you all day. Or maybe not just cuddling at one point this afternoon..."
He added a wiggle of his eyebrows for good measure, making you burst into laughter.
"Subtle, Ben... Very subtle..."
"I'm always subtle."
"Of course."
"You don't like my plans?"
"Hmm... I might let myself be tempted..."
"You might?"
"We could also get ready, take a shower and get dressed. And we could take a walk this afternoon."
"Where would you like to go?"
You shrugged, capturing his gaze into yours. As usual, he found himself unable to look away.
"I don't know. Wherever you want. But it's sunny outside today. It would be a shame to stay inside."
He nodded, seeming lost in thought, and for a moment you reckoned that he was looking for a place to go to for the afternoon. Eventually though, he rested his head against his armchair, his lips barely brushing your temple, with just enough contact for you to feel his warm breath against your shivering skin and his voice send vibrations all the way down your spine.
"Can I be honest?"
You felt too good to gather the strength to speak, so you merely nodded instead. It was a quiet moment, soft and fragile and ephemeral that would break at the first movement, it would seem. Ben too seemed to feel this way, because he whispered his question, his deep voice barely loud enough for you to hear him.
"I'd rather stay in today," he went on. "Just you and me. Just like this. Doesn't matter if you want to read or watch TV or whatever. As long as I can hold you close like this, I'm up for it."
Your smile grew even more tender.
"You're adorable, you know that?"
He wanted to answer that perhaps it was just because he loved you this much. Maybe he was just so enamoured right now that he didn't want the world to slip into the cocoon your arms created for him. Maybe he loved you enough for you to be all that he needed.
He had time to tell you all that, though. He had time to show you how much he cared. In moments like these, he felt like they two of you had all the time in the world.
Instead, he leaned down to reach for your lips with his and give you a loving kiss. And when he pulled away he could read in your eyes that you knew what he had almost uttered anyway. You could feel it in the way he kissed you with so much care, and how he held you close as if worried you'd slip through his fingers otherwise, and how he touched you so gently like he was worshipping you.
But then again, maybe it was time, after all, to actually let you hear what he meant to say but hadn't been brave enough to speak out loud until now.
"I really love you, you know that?" he asked, his eyes almost black in the morning light as you lost yourself into their depth. His voice was a little hoarse, too many emotions boiling through his chest for him to contain them. You gave him a touched smile in return, traces of happy tears glistening in your eyes. "I mean it. I'm really... deeply in love with you."
"I know. And I really love you too. You win. Let's stay in today. We should watch something on Netflix."
A mischievous smile made its way back to his lips.
"You mean... just Netflix or... Netflix and chill?"
You both broke into laughter, and for a long while, the morning light bathed a room filled with love and happiness thanks to the two of you.
Yes, being an actor most definitely had its bright and darker sides. But if only for allowing to meet you, he reckoned that he had no regrets in choosing such a demanding career.
Taglist : @ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​ @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​ @stuckupstucky​ @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity​ @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony​
@geeksareunique​ @giggleberts​ @sad-orange-thoughts​ @aylinnmaslow​ @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla​ @madamrogers​ @drinix​ @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse​ @newtstarmander​ @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @shinebrightlikeafanbase​ @wangmangagavroche​
@presstocontinue @ilmiopiccolounivers0
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bubblemiya · 3 years
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Ace of Spades ~ Natsuo Todoroki x Reader
Chapter 1 : First day disaster
Next | Masterlist
Warnings: blood mention, abduction mention
word count: 2.2k
A/N: This is my first fic on my new blog and I am so excited about it! I hope you enjoy
You knew hero work wasn't going to be easy but there was still a tiny part of you that thought you'd be snatched up by a top agency right away with your flashy suit and unique quirk. That wasn't quite the case. 
In fact the opposite happened, your strong quirk had very little drawbacks and many people saw it as dangerous, the nature of your quirk drew villain organisations to you. You defeated them, reported, even 'disposed' of some of them but there was one organisation you couldn't quite shake.
It was your loyalty to the side of heroes and your impressive skill set showcased in your fights that caught the eye of the Endeavour agency. Today was your first day at the agency, it had been a full year since your graduation from shiketsu, and it hadn't properly sank in yet until you were pulling on your hero suit in the women's changing room and a fiery haired sidekick basically pounced on you.
"Aren't you the new girl? I'm Moe Kamiji, my hero name is Burnin'" 
She was beautiful, her hair was unique and her loud personality made you envy her. Her inquisitive staring distracted you and you almost tripped pulling up your body suit. She chuckled and helped steady you before offering to help you zip up.
"I'm y/n l/n, my hero name is Phantom Light"
"from what I've seen of your quirk, you're like a ghost type pokemon! that's so cool"
If she sensed your nervousness or felt the heat rising in your face, she didn't mention it. She instead just waited for you to tug on your boots and rambled about how much she loves working at the agency. Her bright attitude was nowhere near what you expected walking into a workplace run by the most intimidating man you've ever seen. She had a natural warmth to her that seemed to calm your fears. You guessed that they sic her on all the newbies at the agency because of that. 
"well I'll show you around, newbie"
She looked confident and comfortable as she showed you around the main floors and you only hoped to feel the same way soon. You had already seen the reception and social media/pr team offices as they were on the way to the changing room but Moe had shown you the gyms with in-house saunas, break rooms, conferences rooms, and investigation rooms. The place was huge and despite being full of people, felt empty. It was terrifying, but still exactly what you expected from the new number one. Moe's phone beeped as you passed into another hallway and she pulled it from her bra to check.
"I regret not asking for pockets on this thing" she growled "shit, I'm being called to a villain attack not far from here, you're on your own for now, newbie." she turned to run down the hallway.
"Thank you Kami-"
"Call me Moe!" and before you could even respond she was gone. Your nerves suddenly came flooding back without your new friend there to ease them. With your 'almost fall' in the changing room and Moe leaving when you needed her most, it seemed lady luck was not on your side today. Right as you turned the corner you smacked right into someone exiting an office and they spilled their coffee down your shirt.
“Oh i’m so sorry!” 
“It's ok, my hero suit is quite thick so it's not that bad” you attempted to laugh it off but paused as you finally looked up. Your blood ran cold as you realised who you bumped into. The six foot five figure of your boss loomed over you. On your first day you just so happened to bump into Endeavour's son and cause a coffee spill right in front of the man himself. “I-it was my fault any-”
“You just started today and you’re already causing problems, we scouted you because of your impressive skill set but -”
“Shut up, old man” Endeavour's face immediately twitched in anger but he listened to his son, not wanting to cause a scene with him. “It was an accident and it was both of our faults” Endeavour looked embarrassed but grunted something inaudible under his breath. “I'm Natsuo, I'm sorry about your suit, take this” he held his jacket out to you.  
 “Its ok, it's just a stain”
“Please I insist”
You took it, not wanting him to be offended, and you got a chance to get a proper look at him. He awkwardly scratched his neck as you put on the jacket. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Endeavour pushed Natsuo past you and carried on walking down the hall. You shook your head to try and rid you of your shame, you hoped you had not just ruined your big shot in the hero world. You walked back down to the offices, keeping your head down as you passed Endeavour and Natsuo to avoid the awkward eye contact. Endeavour was immensely intimidating so you wanted to avoid getting further onto his bad side as much as possible. You filled out the last of your paperwork and set out on your daily patrol.
You kept the jacket on during your patrol and kept in mind that you should take it off to fight but hoped that wouldn't be necessary. You wandered your designated streets, taking in the general hustle and bustle of the town. Bike bells and shop doors opening were sounds you considered comforting. You nodded at people as you passed them, even stopping to say hi to some kids, and stopped at a cafe for a drink. You walked with your drink, hoping for a peaceful end to your work day, until the bird chirping and happy kids turned to screams for help. Your feet, as if on autopilot, followed the sounds until you turned a corner and came face to face with a guy harassing a group of high school girls. You recognised his face from the news, he was a low level villain who had abducted some high school students over the last 3 weeks. He didn't have any strong quirk that you knew of so you went straight in with a strong punch. However, in your haste, you failed to notice the knife he had concealed until he swung it in your direction and he caught your stomach. It wasn't so deep that it needed immediate attention so you continued to fight him off. you had shouted at the girls to leave the alley but they were frozen in place. Fear sometimes acts as an invisible paralytic, 
one that we can't or struggle to fight against.
He had gotten in a couple of good swings but once you knocked the knife out of his hand he was pretty much useless. You gave him a harsh elbow to the nose that definitely broke it, a noise that you didn't wanna admit made you feel good and all but knocked him out with the hardest punch you could throw. While he was incapacitated you leaned down to slip him under your control into his body to possess him to make him easier to carry. Your quirk was called 'ghost' which not only gave you the ghostly ability to walk through walls but also to possess people and communicate with the dead. Your possession ability works like a telepathically controlled puppet instead of a typical spirit possession. Once you had his unconscious form up and ready to walk himself to the nearby police you made an attempt to calm the girls and make sure they followed you to the police so police could do safety checks and collect statements. You found it was easy to keep them distracted from their feelings by talking to them and answering questions they might have. You learned one of the girls, a short girl with black hair and black bunny ears, was named Hoshi.
"Are you a pro hero?"
"yup! I started at the Endeavour agency today!"
"Saturday is a weird day to start a new job"  
"There's no such thing as weekends when you're a hero" you chuckled at the way she rolled her eyes.
"Don't I know it. My dad is a pro too" 
"oh really?"
"yeah but he's away visiting my stepdad"
Your conversation abruptly stopped when police arrived on the scene and took both the unconscious villain and Hoshi away from your custody. The only thing left to do now was find where you had left Natsuo's jacket and head back to the agency to get stitched up. You ran back to a bench you passed to luckily find Natsuo's jacket still there. you didn't wanna get blood on it so you carried it back to the agency instead.
When you walked back in the agency building, Endeavour was standing in the office, handing paperwork to the receptionist, and he noticed you almost immediately.
"Phantom Light, what happened?"
"I got that guy who was abducting high school kids, the one that's been all over local news" Your chest felt heavy as you struggled to pant out your sentence. You were holding your free hand over the wound, putting as much pressure as possible on it to reduce bleeding.
"You're gonna need stitches, I'll take you to our in house doctor" He seemed a lot less tense than he did earlier and Natsuo was nowhere to be seen. You muttered a thank you and slowly walked behind him. He led you to a white door with a black metal name plate on it reading 'Dr.Kita'. You thanked Endeavour again and wandered into the room.
"Good work today, Phantom Light'' was the last thing he said before he shut the door behind you. He was being a lot nicer and even attempting to be encouraging which you figured was his own way of apologising for yelling at you earlier. 
The doctor was a tall guy around forty with yellow eyes and brunette hair that was already starting to grey. He welcomed you and got you to lie down on the bench so that he could stitch you back up. He was very talkative, as most doctors are as a way to distract from pain, and he asked about a couple other visible scars to focus your mind elsewhere. 
"I got the skin graft about a year ago, I got in a fight with some villain who had a fire quirk. I wasn't even at an agency yet, I was still looking to get scouted, but I walked past him harassing this man for money and I couldn't just walk past it" The doctor nodded as you told the story of the man with white hair and some nasty facial scars who burned you last year. You hissed as the final stitch went through and the doctor clasped his hands together.
"that's you all fixed up, now you just need to change and go home" he said, helping you off the bench and shaking your hand.
You walked back to the changing room and shoved your coffee and blood stained clothes in a bag and changed into your normal clothes. On your way out the building you passed Moe who all but begged for your phone number before you left.
The walk home was quiet and peaceful, The sunset was pretty and nice to watch as you made your way to the train station. The subway ride home had very few people and it was nice to have some time to yourself. You almost missed your stop though because your mind kept drifting back to white fluffy hair and pretty grey eyes. Natsuo was all you could think about. It didn't help that you had his jacket wrapped around you. The smell of an expensive cologne lingered around the collar, it was faint and softer than the cologne you expected him to wear. It was nice and comforting, a smell you could get used to.
Once you got back to your house you used your quirk to pass through the door - which is always locked because you used your quirk and had no reason to open it unless you were expecting food delivery. When you turned around to kick off your shoes you noticed the chain lock had been busted open. You quickly looked around the entrance to your house to check if anything was missing but everything was exactly as you left it in the morning. You dumped your duffle bag full of dirty clothes on the floor and went to check around the rest of the house. You upturned cushions, sifted through cupboards and looked underneath your copious number of house plants but everything seemed normal and in its right place. The only place left to check was your bedroom. Your hand shook as you grasped the door handle nervous to see if anything had been taken but when you walked in you couldn't see anything out of place until you turned your head to the dresser and there it was. Tucked into the frame of a photo of you and your brother sat a playing card, the ace of spades to be exact, with a time written on it.
"2:30 pm"
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hinamoria · 3 years
Clumsy ghost
Hitsuhina Week 2021 : Day 9- AU / Ghost
Rating: K+ or T ? (It’s a little bit angst, we’re talking about ghost, so character’s death, but no violence or anything like that)
Synopsis: Living with a clumsy ghost was no rest for Hitsugaya at all.
Word Count: 1953 words
Setting:  Modern world
Author’s Note: my favorite one shot of the challenge <3. The first one I wrote immediately after reading the themes. And, rare enough to note it, I liked what I wrote at the first try xD
The sound of shattered glass abruptly stopped Hitsugaya in his chemistry exercise. It was 9:00 p.m., his parents had gone out to see some friends, and he didn't have any cat that could make that kind of noise last he noticed. He almost wished the culprit was a thief sneaking into his home. It would have been easier to justify the disaster to his parents on their return. But no, the probability was almost certain that Hinamori had done something stupid again.
The young boy let out an exasperated sigh and shouted in the direction of the downstairs.
“Hinamori! What did you break again this time? "
Silence answered him. But he was not fooled. Putting down his pen on the notebook, Hitsugaya got up from his desk, stretched briefly, and walked towards the crime scene. The living room seemed unoccupied, but right in front of the wooden bookcase was one of her mother's little blown glass figurines, shattered into dozens of pieces on the floor. Beyond repair. Better get it all out quick before someone got hurt.
As he picked up the pieces, Toshiro noticed a book also on the ground, a few inches next to the statue. “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Caroll. A classic. Hinamori probably wanted to read it and must have dropped it on the figurine. However, the culprit still had not deigned to show up.
"Instead of watching me clean your mess in silence, you could at least apologize," he said sternly, keeping his eyes on his task. “My mother loves this stuff, she's going to notice it "
A silhouette gradually appeared a meter beside him, remaining translucent. A brown-eyed brunette teenager, looking half embarrassed-half pained, played nervously with her hands while looking at her white-haired friend.
"Shiro-chan…" She started in a small voice. “Sorry… I wanted to grab the book, but it slipped out. "
This sort of thing has unfortunately happened quite frequently over the past few months. As a ghost, the young woman could not interact with objects as easily as a human being. But as she built up enough spiritual energy over time, she could do small things like turn on the light or the TV, or read. But if turning the pages of a novel was easy, getting the book out of the library was more complex. And she frequently dropped the objects she was holding for lack of spiritual energy.
"Here’s the result," thought Hitsugaya, looking at the fragments one last time before throwing it in the trash.
He will look on the internet to order the same item. With any luck, it would all go unnoticed. In two years of living in this house, he had ended up gaining a reputation as a “legendary clumsy”, completely false. But being the only one to see Hinamori, unless he wanted to be taken for a madman, he preferred accepting the reproaches, and turning against his ghostly friend afterwards.
His parents had made a good deal by buying this house. The former owners, devastated by grief after losing their daughter in a traffic accident, wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. Everything reminded them of Hinamori here, to the point of even thinking they saw her or heard her voice.
Their hallucinations must have been caused by their daughter's ghost desperately trying to make contact with them.
When he arrived, the feeling of being watched had not left Hitsugaya. He wasn't naturally paranoid, but something about this house was bothering him. And then one day, when he almost hit the corner of a cupboard in the kitchen cabinet, he heard a female voice screaming "watch out!" ". His face had crumpled up when he saw the half-translucent young woman right in front of him, and she mimicked his expression as she realized he could see her. And since then, she never left him. Sometimes to his dismay.
Ghost life seemed boring, especially when you mysteriously couldn't leave the house. So the young woman spent her time talking to him about everything and nothing, most often nothing. His ability to grab objects was a small revolution in their lives. Granting some peace of mind for Hitsugaya. He brought her CDs and books from the library every week to her delight. He also frequently left his computer or television on for her.
Sometimes he wondered why she didn't go to "heaven" or the afterlife. But she always dodged this question. So he had come to terms with her daily presence. At least she had the decency not to go into the bathroom. He would probably have asked to go to a boarding school otherwise.
Finishing cleaning up the mess, he motivated himself to return to the bedroom to end his homework and have his evening free.
"Can you take the book and bring it to the bedroom?" Momo asked behind him with a small smile. “I don't know if I would have the energy to do it on my own all the way."
Denying her nothing, he put the open book on his bed, letting the young woman start reading, while he finished his work.
"Alice in Wonderland ". She must have read this book at least fifteen times since he had known her. It had to be her favorite without a doubt. The book was starting to get damaged around the edges from turning the pages.
He walked over to the bathroom to relax in the shower and found himself disappointed that the bulb was burnt out.
"I had nothing to do with it this time!” Hinamori objected reflexively upon hearing his friend's exasperated sigh again.
You spend your time turning on the lights in the house," he retorted. “You are indirectly guilty of that”.
She pouted at him at the new accusation but didn't refute. Spare bulbs were in the attic and Toshiro walked there wearily.
The house had been renovated with the exception of the attic which retained old with its creaky and fragile parquet. A real ghost room, Hitsugaya thought.
Having found the purpose of his visit, he was about to leave when he noticed a partly defeated wooden slat. Better put it back on before someone got hurt. Crouching down, he was about to reposition it when he noticed a metallic-looking object underneath.
Removing the slat, he noticed with surprise a small metal cookie tin hidden in a recess between the parquet floor and the ceiling below.
Intrigued by this new treasure, he opened it. Inside he found a multitude of photos, as well as several papers and small items. He recognized Momo in one of the photos, dressed in high school clothes, surrounded by two boys, one blond and one with red hair.
He then decided to take the set to its real owner.
"I found this in the attic," he showed her, putting the box on the blanket with a small metal noise.
Momo's face lit up at the find.
“My treasure box! I can’t believe it! I completely forgot it was there!"
Abandoning her book altogether, his friend immediately took an interest in the content, scattering the photos everywhere.
"Look! It's Kira-kun and Abarai-kun! "She explained, pointing at the two boys earlier. «I’ve told you about them before. We went to college together and we were in the same class in high school! A real sign of fate. I wonder what happened to them now...”
She paused, staring at the photo for a long time.
"They must be in college today," she continued. ”Kira was a good student. I could see him teaching one day. Abarai was more impulsive. He spent his time being reprimanded. But I think you could have got along.”
Her tone had grown melancholic as she explained the scenes in the photos: Momo dressed in some sort of pumpkin costume for her fifth birthday, a family outing to the beach, birthdays...
"And this is a bracelet I made in elementary school!” She showed him, grabbing a sort of black rubber band with a small turquoise bead. “It's the same color as your eyes. Another sign of fate! » She added, laughing.
She started the gesture as if to put it on her wrist, but the bracelet crossed her arm and fell back on the bed, triggering a temporary silence in the young woman. A cloudy veil seemed to appear for a moment in the young woman's eyes but disappeared before Toshiro could even speak.
"I'll give it to you Shiro-chan!" She finally declared smiling again.
He grabbed the jewel and inspected it for a few moments between his fingers. He wasn't the type to wear this kind of thing, but the style was simple and the stone was pretty on its own.
“Thank you”, he finally answered, picking up a micro smile from the little brunette.
She nodded and turned to the photos again.
“Maybe we could make copies for you and send the originals to my parents?” She proposed. “They would surely be happy to have them”.
He nodded, approving of the idea.
As he began to put them away, Momo spoke again:
“You know…I didn't want to die Toshiro”, she blurted out followed by a bitter little laugh. “I…”
He was surprised that she brought up the subject so suddenly, but let her continue. The veil over her pupils reappeared, brighter than before.
"I loved my life," she said with a tight throat. “I had a lot of plans. I wanted to travel, adopt a dog, fall in love, take a parachute jump, learn baking... Those things may be trivial but I will never have the chance to do them again. When...”
A first sob broke her, and Toshiro, who by reflex wanted to put his hand on his friend's arm, saw it cross her without feeling the contact of her skin. She smiled at him, appreciating the gesture nonetheless.
“Thanks Shiro-chan”, she said taking a deep breath. “I was saying, when the accident happened, I kept telling myself that I didn't want to die and then I ended up at home like...that. A ghost. And then I met you... And I loved those two years with you, I don't think I could have dreamed of a better roommate to tease."
She giggled in front of his "hey!" and continued
“But seeing all of this, I realize what a lovely life I have had. And even if it was a little too short, it was happy and full. I shouldn’t have any regrets ".
Hitsugaya watched her with a slight pang in her heart, understanding where she was going.
"You're going, right? » He asked her
She paused, thoughtful, then turned to her book on the bed.
"Did you know I never finished it?" She confessed to him.
"I've seen you read it a dozen times," he remarked to her in surprise.
"That's right, but I’ve never read the last chapter."
She laid down on the bed and turned to her friend
"Can you read the end of the book to me, Shiro-chan? It would be a shame not to know how the story ends."
"Haven't you seen Disney? She wakes up, that's all," he replied to tease her a last time.
But he accepted, because as said before, he could not refuse her anything. And it was as if she had dictated her last will to him.
The text was crazy. His serious tone didn't match; but he continued to Momo's laughter anyway. And as he said the last sentence, he found that he was now alone in the room, surrounded by photos of his friend. On the back of one of them he could read in a somewhat shaky handwriting: "Thanks Shiro-chan, and goodbye."
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Vices (Part Two)
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Word Count: 2.8K+
Author’s Note: So... You guys made this shit blow up last night... Kinda feeling like this is my viral moment, and I am shocked and eternally grateful. As such, I decided there was no better time to provide Part Two than now. (Side Note: I said last time this would probably be a three or four parter, but I’ve written almost all of it now and it’s looking for like six or seven soooo... Yay, I guess?)
Warning: Discussion of murder, rape, and violence. Graphic depictions of all three. Extensive discussion of drug abuse, drug withdrawal, and general angst.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: As Dr Reid reaches three years sober, a case comes to the BAU that his old vice Dilaudid plays a key role in – the only witness to the murders is a young woman who abuses the drug to forget. Can Spencer break through to her and catch their killer before he strikes again?
Read ‘Vices (Part One)’ here. Explore the Masterlist here.
Part Three is posted! Check it out here.
“So, Y/N, how long have you been addicted to Dilaudid?”
“You can’t arrest me for this. I know my fucking rights.” Y/N spoke into the empty room, looking directly at herself in the mirror, just hoping she had met someone’s eye contact in the hidden room on the other side. “So, either let me go, or arrest me for something I didn’t do, but I’m not waiting anymore!” Her voice rose, and she stood up, kicking her chair back against the wall and beginning to pace.
She had been in the same room for 5 hours and 13 minutes now, 4 hours and 41 minutes of which had been alone. One of the other agents had brought her in some food and a jug of water about 2 hours ago, but it hadn’t been touched, Y/N had left it to go cold on the metal table. Like she was going to eat anything these bastards gave her.
“Can someone turn down the AC? It’s so fucking hot.” She called out again, finding herself quickly losing breath and becoming tired out from her pacing. It only took a few more moments for the nausea to kick in, and she rushed over to the trash can in the corner of the room, throwing up what little was in her system along with a ridiculous amount of bile.
They had poisoned her, that had to be it.
“I… I invoke my right to a lawyer!” She managed to call loudly enough to be heard before throwing up again, pure water and acid this time. It burned her throat in the wrong way, not like alcohol would: it wasn’t smooth, everything about the vomit was sticky and dry, and it came up in bouts, leaving her mouth tasting like methanol and week-old bread.
“We didn’t arrest you, you were not read Miranda Rights, and thus a lawyer won’t be necessary.” She looked up from her perch over the trash to find the definition of tall, dark, and handsome stood by the door. Two guards came in after him, carrying a cot bed, setting it up in the corner of the room before disappearing. The FBI agent shut the door behind them.
“I want to go home.”
“We can’t let you do that, Y/N.” He sat himself where Dr Reid had sat hours before, and Y/N spit into the bucket one last time before pulling her chair back to the table and taking a seat. Once she had settled herself, even taking a sip of the water provided to her, the Agent introduced himself. “I’m Special Agent Derek Morgan with the FBI.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She responded, looking longingly at the cup of water in front of her, Derek knowing she wished there was something stronger in the plastic tumbler.
“Y/N, I need you to be honest with me about what you’ve taken in the last 48 hours.” Derek moved right on to his desired line of conversation, and Y/N let out a cold laugh, rubbing her arms up and down over flushed skin.
“You’ll arrest me, if you haven’t already.” She responded, and Morgan pulled something from his back pocket, sitting the paper on the table.
“If you cooperate with the FBI, I have permission to ensure you won’t be charged on confession of substances used, sold or held by you.” He said simply, and Y/N snatched the paper from the table, reading over the statement provided. Three signatures sat at the bottom of the page, two of which the woman recognised: Police Chief Knowles and Detective Caldwell. The final signature was familiar, but only after reading the name below did it click.
Aaron Hotchner.
“All I have to do is sign, right?” She said softly, looking up at Agent Morgan, who held out a pen to her. She took it quickly, scrawling over the dotted line left blank for her signature, before handing back both pen and paper.
“We need your help in solving a case.” Morgan said quietly, taking a moment to listen, Y/N assumed, to the voice in his ear. He seemed to frown a little at the message he received. “Excuse me a moment.” He quickly got up, opening the door to let the police officers from before back in. This time, one brought a pillow and blanket, while the other collected the trash can full of Y/N’s vomit, both leaving within twenty seconds. Not looking at her, not acknowledging her. But Derek Morgan kept his eyes trained on the side of her head until he closed the door behind him.
“Morgan, do you have her signature?” Hotch asked as the Agent stood outside the door, Hotch followed closely by Agent Caldwell from the viewing room. Morgan nodded, handing over the paper to Hotch and Caldwell, the pair stopping to examine it.
“That’s it. That’s the signature.” Caldwell said softly, causing Morgan to raise an eyebrow.
“Why did I just have to lie to that woman?” He asked, and Hotch tucked the paper into his pocket.
“We needed to be sure. She kept her signature while using the identity provided by witness protection. She’s been in and out of LAPD’s jail for the last eight years.” Hotch explained, leading both Morgan and Caldwell towards the IT room, where Garcia was set up. “If she has ever been admitted to hospital, we have the signature she would use to sign in and out, even if she kept fake names.”
“Hotch, that doesn’t explain why we still have her in custody.” Morgan was confused, but a small cough from behind him garnered attention. Reid stood in the doorway.
“We need her sober before we question her. Average length of withdrawal from Dilaudid takes 2-3 days. If we don’t find proof when we catch this unsub, we need a witness whose sobriety won’t be questioned in court.” Reid explained, taking a few steps to stand beside Morgan, giving him an awkward smile in greeting. The pair hadn’t seen each other all day, with Morgan going from crime scene to crime scene with Prentiss, and later Rossi, looking for behavioural patterns from their unsub.
“Can that withdrawal period be affected by anything? Other drugs she’s taken?” Morgan asked, and Reid nodded.
“The sooner we know her vices, the better.” Reid agreed with Derek, and Garcia let out a small yelp.
“Bingo!” She said with a smile. “Seems like Y/N has been using two separate names for her hospital visits and her police encounters. Elizabeth Colt and Rachel… Rachel Durham. Wait, wasn’t she?” Garcia looked up at Hotch, the stern face man nodding.
“Rachel Durham was one of the victims from twelve years ago.” He glanced over at Reid, who nodded, heading towards the interrogation room once more. “Y/N knew another one of the victims.” He paused for a moment, looking to Caldwell. “Is the Durham family possessions still in evidence?” He asked, and Caldwell stumbled a little over his words in response, trying to process the new information.
“I think so. I’d have to check with Knowles…”
“Do it. Take Morgan with you, and Prentiss. We won’t get anything solid from Y/N while she’s high, the next best thing is the family we know about. Garcia, run a full check on the Durham family. I want everything you can find. What churches they attended, extra curriculars, favourite shopping spots, schools, jobs, neighbours, enemies, anything you can find.” Hotch ordered, Caldwell leading Morgan towards the evidence lockup, and Morgan gesturing for Prentiss to join them. The brunette shot up right away, leaving her conversation with JJ and Rossi about the press release and following behind.
“What’s going on?” She asked, looking back to see Hotch talking in quiet voices to Rossi and JJ.
“Y/N knew Rachel Durham. We have the job of searching through evidence.” Morgan said, stopping by the locked door to Evidence, taking a moment to pull on a pair of latex gloves. Prentiss did the same.
“And Reid?”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Prentiss asked, the pair following Caldwell into the room, taking a moment to look around at the rows upon rows upon rows of shelves, each stacked with cardboard boxes.
“Hotch said-”
“I’m asking what you think.” Prentiss restated, and Morgan sighed, the pair a few steps behind Caldwell as he led them towards the back of the room.
“I think it’s too soon to ask him to face that demon without him wanting to solve it.” Morgan admitted. “And I’m worried that Reid will be more interested in saving her than our next victims.”
“You’re not Agent Morgan.” Were the first words Reid heard as he entered the interrogation room, Y/N sat in the far corner, cradling the bin in her arms. Her face was ghostly pale, the dark circles under her eyes and bleeding lips making her look like a corpse in a horror movie. Reid remembered when he looked like that, and it made his stomach twist into knots.
“Have I disappointed?” Reid asked, taking a seat on the floor, his back leaning against the cot, the pair now at the same eye level.
“I don’t know Pretty Boy, you hear to tell me I can go home?” She asked, and Reid looked down, answering the question for her. “So, why did they send you in? Seems like Derek is more an interrogator than you.”
“I have experience dealing with your… Condition.” Reid answered. “I need to know what drugs you took. Aside from Dilaudid.”
“The contract still stands?” She asked, and Reid nodded, though he wasn’t quite sure what she had been offered. Y/N took a moment, sitting the trash can back on the floor, hugging her legs into her chest. Her vision wandered, eyes glazing over as she involuntarily shivered, her fingers scratching at her shoes.
“Y/N…” Reid got her attention again, and her head snapped up. “What drugs?”
“Uh, right… In the last 48 hours… I took, uh, I took Dilaudid 4? 4 times… I was drinking a little… Someone offered Vicodin but… But I didn’t take it.” She said softly, tears welling in her eyes. Reid instinctively moved closer to her, placing a hand on her knee. It hurt him to see her breaking apart so quickly.
“We need to keep you in police custody for another day or two, Y/N.” Reid said softly, her tear-filled eyes looking into his own.
“You can’t. I need to go home.” Y/N said again, and Reid took one of her hands in his.
“Y/N, where is home?” He asked, and the tears fell.
“I… I…” She stuttered, closing her eyes, and taking a few deep breaths, no doubt something she was trained to do after her trauma. “A halfway house… If I don’t make it there before 11, they’ll give my room away.” She said softly, and Reid nodded.
“How about I send my friends JJ and Dave over? They can collect your things; you can stay here until it’s safe.” Reid suggested, hoping to be met with some sort of smile or nod. Instead, Y/N froze, taking a moment before looking back up at him.
What sadness had filled her was replaced with anger.
“You… You’re keeping me here to get me clean.” She started slowly, and Reid stood himself up, turning to head for the door. “Aren’t you?”
“… Yes.” Reid confessed as he opened the door, Y/N letting out a blood-curdling scream once he was on the other side of it. He locked the door quickly, jumping away from it as Y/N fists bangs on the wood, incoherent yells of defamation and hate filling the precinct.
JJ rushed over at the yells, placing a hand on Reid’s shoulder.
“Was I... Was I ever like that?” He asked, not able to draw his eyes from the door.
“Never.” Rossi answered for JJ. “But from what Garcia was able to find in the two sets of medical records, Y/N has been on the drug since her coma.” He informed, Hotch walking from the viewing room towards the trio.
“How is that possible? Dilaudid is rarely given to kids…” JJ asked, and Hotch answered.
“The US Marshall in charge of her protection was recovering from a back surgery. He was given a month’s supply, only ever took a few. When the pill bottle went missing from his cabinet, he thought he had thrown it out… Seems like Y/N got to it first.” Hotch sighed. “It’s late. Everyone get to the hotel, be back here at 7, sharp.”
“Someone needs to phone halfway houses in LA, find out which one she was staying at and collect her things. And it might be an idea to have a female officer watching her tonight.” Reid suggested through a shaky breath. “Someone to watch her whenever and wherever.” Hotch and Rossi agreed, the four bidding a goodnight to Knowles and Caldwell. Morgan, Prentiss, and Garcia soon joined them, the team stepping into the SUVs and heading back to the hotel, all in desperate need of a good night’s rest.
That night, while the rest of the team slept, Spencer tossed and turned in his hotel bed, never quite able to shut off his mind to grant himself rest. After a few hours spent attempting to reach peaceful slumber, Reid gave up, opting to stare at the ceiling and spin the chip gifted to him the night before between his fingers.
They had another four days to solve the case before another family died, before another girl was raped like Y/N had been, forced to watch this unsub kill her parents before being murdered herself, Reid thought, sitting himself against the headboard as he realised the key fact he had been avoiding.
Y/N wasn’t lucky enough to die.
Only a few blocks west of Spencer, Y/N also couldn’t sleep, no matter how much she wanted to. Instead of a case weighing on her mind though, it was the cravings for a fresh fix. She had been counting the seconds from her last glance at a clock when Officer Isabelle Gomez accompanied her for a bathroom break. It was 11.52 at night then, and one of the other officers was packing up Y/N’s possessions into one of those evidence boxes.
It had been 6 hours, 43 minutes and 13, 14, 15 seconds. 17, 18, 19…
“I need to go to the bathroom…” She called out, looking into the mirror, knowing her security detail was on the other side. When no answer came, she tried again. “Please? I feel sick again… I think it might be diarrhoea.” She said with as much worry she could muster in her voice. It wasn’t true, but she knew the last thing any officer wanted to do at 6.36 in the morning was clean up her shit. A crackle came first, followed by a voice through the speaker.
“Give me a minute, I need to find a female officer.” A male voice stated, and Y/N shook her head.
“I… I’m sorry, I don’t think I can wait. Please?” She begged, hearing a sigh on the other end.
“Fucking junkies…” He muttered, the intercom turning off and a few moments later, a rather fat police officer opened the interrogation room door, gesturing for her to hold out her hands. Y/N did so willingly, the officer slipping the cuffs onto her thin wrists and leading her towards the women’s bathroom down the hall. “You have five minutes. I’m not staying a second overtime.” The officer stated, and Y/N nodded thanking him before entering the empty bathroom.
Had Y/N been sober and thinking rationally, she would have known her scheme was a bad idea. She really would have. But she had been sobering up for almost 24 hours, and if the vomiting and fever wasn’t enough, the cravings and oncoming headache were. So, with little remorse or worry for her own safety, she headed into the end bathroom stall, using the toilet to boost herself up onto the cubicle wall and open the small window of the second storey room as far as it would go. It was a squeeze, the front of her body pressed against the window ledge caused grazing, but thanks to her ‘junkie’ frame, too skinny for her own good, Y/N managed to get herself hanging out the window, dangling from the ledge a good 20 feet from the ground in an alleyway beside the precinct. Below he, the dumpster, and piles of trash.
If she had any other option, she would have taken it. But she didn’t, so Y/N let go and let her body go limp as she fell, her blow softened by bags of office waste.
From there, Y/N took a moment to scour the ground, finding a loose bobby pin amongst the trash to open the cuffs. And then? She ran, and kept running until her lungs burned and her legs shook. Once the police station was out of sight, she faded back into the surroundings, making her way towards the one place she knew she could get a good fix.
Tags: @alliyjane​ @gia-kerks​ @thatsonezesty13​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @bethanyb1110​ @mjloveskids666​ @studentdying3267​ @rottenearly​ @spencerreidisdaddy​ @ladyravenclaw​ @britishspidey​ @random-thoughts-003​ @sungieeeeeee​
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
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Request by: Mi1234ll
Request: B4 and b27 with Carlos?
Prompts: B4*- “Grab The Headboard For Me, Will Ya?” & B27*- “Don’t Be Gentle.”
A/N: I’m sorry, but there isn’t a detailed sex scene this time, .
Warnings: Cocky!Carlos, One night stand, explicit language, Pre-Covid-19, drinking, public touching, nude, getting eaten out, face sitting, cum swallowing, handjob, safe sex mentioned.
Word Count: 2.5K
【 • Primary Masterlist • Carlos Sainz Jr Masterlist • 】
【 • Smut Prompt List • 】
【 • Characters & Drivers I Write For • Rules & Request • 】
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It was a night for celebrations when Carlos had got back home after getting his first podium with McLaren, as soon as they were back home they went to a club to celebrate with the team, once they arrived the place was already packed with music blaring through the speakers as sweaty bodies danced to the beat, or tried, they made their way towards the bar and ordered some shots for every, (Y/n) sat on the other end of the bar watching her friends dance with people they had met earlier, she had once again lost out and hadn’t found anybody that piqued her interest, she stirred the cosmopolitan before taking a sip from the drink, her eyes moved away from the dance floor to stare at her drink, Carlos picked up his shot glass and tossed his head back as he tossed the drink down his throat, he lowers the glass and cheered with his friends before h looked around the bar, his eyes fall on (Y/n) as she sat by herself looking almost miserable, he quickly excused himself from his friends and made his way towards her.
“Hello,” Carlos says as he comes to a stop behind her, (Y/n) takes in a deep breath as yet another guy greeted her, she turns to look at the person and send him on his way only for her words to get caught in her throat, her eyes moved over his face as she took in his dark brown eyes. “Can I buy you a drink or at least pay for the one you’re currently drinking?” He took a seat in the empty chair next to her.
“Well, we have a tab open, I doubt you’d want to pay for everyone’s drink.” (Y/n) says as she felt heat run up her veins.
“We?” Carlos questions as his brows furrowed. “As in you and your…?” He trails off, hoping she would tell him that she was single.
“Friends.” (Y/n) finishes his sentence.
“You and your friends,” Carlos says as he nods his head, but he still didn’t know if she was available or not.
“Yes, although they have abandoned me.” (Y/n) says as she glanced towards the dance floor, her friends still clung to the people as they tried to dance, (Y/n) looks back at Carlos. “I’m (Y/n).” She extended her arm towards her.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/n),” Carlos says as he took hold of her hand. “Carlos.” He could feel her soft delicate skin underneath his touch.
“So, what brings you here, Carlos?” (Y/n) ask as she releases his hand and placed it on her lap.
“Celebration, and you, what brings you here?” Carlos asks.
“A night out to let loose.” (Y/n) says, it was a month thing for (Y/n) and her friends, they would go to the club and hoped they would have a fun night, Carlos glanced towards the dance floor, unsure who her friends were.
“Well, it looks like you’re not having any fun,” Carlos says as he returns his gaze to her, the lights flickered around them, the lights creating a slight illumination on her.
“Nobody’s caught my interest.” (Y/n) says. “Yet.” Her eyes fall from his face to his chest before moving lower, she could see the outline of his body through the white t-shirt he wore, he moved closer to her and placed his hand on her knee, watching her reactions carefully.
“No?” Carlos says. “Have I not caught your eye?” He made sure she didn’t tense as his hand moved higher up her exposed thigh, he didn’t want to pressure a woman he had just met into something she didn’t want to do, but she has yet to make a move to remove his hand from her thigh.
“You are quite good looking, but I’m not convinced that you’re what I’m looking for.” (Y/n) says causing Carlos to chuckle, he started to trace circular patterns on her inner thigh.
“Then let me convince you that I am what you are looking for,” Carlos says, she could feel her body tingling with excitement as she felt his hand on her inner thigh, heat pooled between her legs.
“If you think you’re worthy, I will give you a minute to convince me.”
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An hour had barely passed when (Y/n) and Carlos stumbled into a nearby hotel, quickly checking into a room for the night before making their way towards the elevator, once the doors shut with them inside, Carlos pressed her up against the mirror walls as his lips brush against her, her lips felt soft against his lips as the kiss deepens, they barely realized the doors had opened on their floor as the kiss became rougher.
“Mhm.” (Y/n) tries to speak against his lips as she saw the floor number, they break the kiss and quickly step out of the elevator and make their way down the hallway towards the room, Carlos quickly unlocked the door and stepped aside to allow (Y/n) to enter first, his eyes fall to her ass as she walked past him entering the room, he followed her inside and placed the ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the door before shutting the door, the room appeared to luxurious, but they barely noticed the expensive things as they rushed towards the nearest bedroom, she quickly removed her heels as he discarded his shoes and socks before closing the space between them, his hands gripper her hips as he pulled her body against his, she placed her hands on either side of his face before pulling him in for another kiss, his hands moved to the back of her dress and quickly found the zipper, his fingers fumbled with it for a few seconds before he pulled it open, he tugs at the dress before it felt to the floor and pooled around her feet, she steps out from the dress and felt the cool air from the room surround her casing her to shiver from the cold.
Carlos’s hands moved down to her thing, the only thing still clinging to her skin as she had decided against a bra for the night, they break the kiss as their lungs became to feel the effects from the lack of hair, (Y/n) took in a deep breath as her lungs felt on fire while Carlos’s fingers curled around her thong while peppering kisses down her jawline, he tugged the thong down before releasing it to fall to the ground, she steps away from the thin fabric and took hold of his hand and started leading him to the bed.
“I wanna taste you.” Carlos suddenly says, his words taking her by surprise. “Eat you out.” She looks back at him as her eyes darken with lust.
“Soon.” (Y/n) says, she wasn’t used to men willingly wanting to eat her out, they usually used their fingers before deciding it was time for the deed, Carlos tugged at her arm, pulling her against him, his free hand moved between her legs and felt the warmth coming from her as the heat stepped through her folds.
“Soon?” Carlos questioned, her eyes closed halfway as she felt his fingers ghostly brushing over her folds. “You feel ready now.”
“You caused that at the club when you kept teasing me.” (Y/n) says as she releases his hand. “But if you’re that eager to taste me, we can skip the touching, and you can dive right in, I’m already so damn wet for you.” She moves to sit on the bed only for him to stop her.
“Oh, no, I want you to sit on my face while I eat you out.” A devious smile tugged at the corner of her lips, it would be her first time sitting on top of somebody’s face.
“Well, I’m not gonna turn that down.” (Y/n) says as her fingers curl around his white t-shirt. “But we should remove this, I wouldn’t want to make it dirty.” She begins lifting his shirt, her knuckles brushing against his warm skin, the ghostly touch sending shivers up his spine and he was left to imagine how it would feel once her hands wrapped around his growing cock, he lifts his arms letting her remove the shirt, she tosses it aside while stepping away from the bed, he quickly climbed on then ed and moved to the middle of it, she quickly joined him on the bed.
“Ready?” Carlos asks, she carefully climbs on top of him and his arms wrapped around her thighs, his hands digging into the skin on her inner thigh, her moist pussy hovered above his face. “Why don’t you grab the headboard for me, won’t ya?” (Y/n) placed her hands on the hard wooden headboard, tightening her grip on it as she waited for him to begin, she could feel his breath blowing against her warm wet pussy, causing her to shudder in excitement while a knot slowly formed inside her. “You’re so wet.” She barely had time to respond when she felt his tongue move between her folds.
“OH!” (Y/n) gasps snarly at the sudden foreign contact, his tongue flicked over her clit and a shock wave of pleasure ran up her spine as her fingers gripped the headboard tighter, the pleasurable feeling of his tongue moving between her folds and licking her clit almost sent her over the edge, it was something she had yet to experience. “Oh, oh, right there!” She could feel his hands on her inner thigh tightening, his lips wrap around her sensitive nub. “OH, MHM!” As he sucked at her clit, her insides were set ablaze from the pleasure, her mind fogged up as nothing else mattered but the pleasure he was causing her, she could feel the knot inside her tightening as the pleasure became more, the once cold air that surrounded them now felt hot and thick, the cream satin sheets on the bed stuck to her legs as a thin layer of sweat formed on her skin. “SKSK!” His lips moved away from her clit and his tongue moved towards her slit before moving back to her clit, she throws her head back in pleasure as her breathing became hard, deep and rapid, the sounds of her breathing and Carlos eating her out filled the room, the sinful sounds seeming to motivate him, his tongue circled around her slit before he died his tongue inside her.
“OH, GO- CARLOS!” (Y/n) screamed as the immense pleasure running through her, she could feel her clit twitch with pleasure as her toes curl in pleasure while her grip on the headboard became tighter. “CAR- OH- CARLOS!” His tongue darted in and other slit causing the tension to tighten inside her, her skin felt ablaze as her eyes rolled to the back of her head before her eyelids fell close. “I’m- oh, oh- close.” She breathes out, he flattens hit gone against her pussy and licked a stride towards her clit before flicking his tongue back and forth over her clit, her muscles tightened and Carlos could feel how close she was.
“Mhm.” Carlos hums, the vibrations travelled through her body, sending her towards her edge.
“Oh, oh, oh.” (Y/n) moans out as her mind became clouded with pleasure, her body quivered with pleasure and the tension continued to build up inside her, it continued to build until it broke and pleasure washed over her body, fireworks seemed to go off behind her eyelids as Carlos’s tongue moved back to her slit and lapped at her slit as she released against his mouth, his tongue darting around as he lapped everything up, not wanting to miss a drop, she lowers her head as her toes uncurl, her grip on the headboard loosens as her eyes slowly open, she takes in a deep breath and felt his grip on her thighs loosening, she climbs off from him and saw his chin covered with her wetness, her eyes move down his toned torso before stopping at his jeans and stared at the bulge in his jeans, her hands reached for his jeans, one hand unbutton them and the other one unzipping them, she scoots lower and begins to tug them down, he lifts his hip for the bed allowing her to easily remove them.
“You tasted so good,” Carlos says as his jeans reached his ankles, she quickly pulls them over his feet and dropped it to the ground before she placed her hands on his legs, she slowly slides her hand up towards his underwear, the touch leaving a burning trail behind on his skin, her fingers curl around the fabric and she carefully pulled it down, his hard cock standing tall as she pulled his underwear down, her eyes stared at his length while quickly pulling the fabric down his legs and quickly discarding it. “Like what you see?” She quickly moved closer to his cock, her hand gently wraps around the base of his cock and twisted her hand around as she moved her hand upwards, he closes his eyes and focused on the pleasure her hands were causing him, as her hand moved upwards his pre-cum dripped from the tip, she licks her lips as she watches it slowly roll down his length before stopping against her hand, she slides her thumb over the tip, coating her thumb with his pre-cum before spreading it over his cock. “Mhm.” Her hand twists around his cock as her hand moved down his length, her other hand reached for his balls and softly took them in her hands. “Oh.” Her hand carefully played with his balls while her other hand moved up and down his length, brushing her thumb over his tip each time she reached the top of his cock. “Your hands feel so good.” She could see his muscles stiffening as he was getting closer to his release, each stroke over his balls and cock felt incredible to him and edged him closer to his high, he couldn’t describe the pleasure he felt from just her hands. “I need to be inside you, now.”
“You’ve got a condom, right?” (Y/n) asks as she continued to stroke him, she wasn’t going to let him near her unless he had protection.
“Yes, in the pocket of my jeans,” Carlos answered, she unwraps her hand from his length and her other hand released his balls, she climbs off the bed and picks his jeans up, she reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver packet, she hands it to him as she dropped the jeans back down to the floor, he tore the packet open as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, he took out the protection from the packet while she stepped closer to him, he dropped the empty silver packet to the floor and rolled the condom over his cock, once he secured the condom he reached for hips, his fingers digging into her skin as he pulled her closer to him, she placed her hands on his shoulders before he laid back down on the bed, she could feel his length brushing against the inside of her thigh.
“Remember, don’t be gentle.” (Y/n) purrs into his ear.
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB/BatB AU: Imprisoned
Summary: Pinky tries to rescue his father from a spooky, mysterious castle, only to wind up the prisoner of a terrifying monster. Also the terrifying monster has no fucking idea what he's doing, but Pinky doesn't know that.
AN: Because I desperately want to write a BatB/PatB fic but I don’t want to tackle the entire movie cause this movie is more slow burn than most other Disney Princess stories. I decided to try the scene where Belle first meets the Beast just for curiosity’s sake.  
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Pharfignewton’s hooves nervously stirred up dead leaves and twigs as she halted in front of an eerie black gate, its bars crisscrossing over each other as if to prevent anyone from entering…or leaving.
An unfamiliar sense of dread swept over Pinky. The enormous castle beyond the gate loomed, the highest towers piercing the thick, gray clouds above. Still, Pharfignewton’s instincts were never wrong. If she said Papa was somewhere in that large, gloomy castle, then he was going to be in that large, gloomy castle.
Pinky gently flicked the reins, but Pharfignewton didn’t move. A tremble ran down her back.
“It’s okay, Fig,” Pinky whispered. He stroked her mane, and Pharfignewton whinnied softly. “Just think of your favorite things. Like apples, carrots, grassy meadows…”
A gust of wind blew the gate open. It crashed against the unforgiving stone wall.
Pharfignewton leapt back, the sudden move nearly pitching Pinky to the ground, but he clung to several strands of her mane and quickly scrambled into his usual position at the base of her neck.
She trotted across the stone bridge, ears swiveling in every direction.
“P-poit. They oughta change the lock on that thing,” Pinky murmured as the gate slammed shut.
Pharfignewton stumbled against a crack in the stone pathway leading up to the castle’s front door. She couldn’t go any further. The stone would damage her hooves, and they’d need to be in tip-top shape for the ride home.
“Fig, you’ll have to wait here.” Pinky climbed up her mane and onto her long muzzle, petting the soft fur between her eyes. Her head rose indignantly, stamping a hoof against the stone. “You shouldn’t go onto the stone without horseshoes. It’ll ruin your lovely hooves. And don’t worry, Papa and I will be back before you can say sugarcube!”
They couldn’t afford horseshoes for Pharfignewton, which prevented Pinky from riding her as often as he would’ve liked. Pinky’s chest ached from the reminder. Pharfignewton deserved pretty shoes.
She let out a gentle puff of air as she lowered him to the ground, giving him an encouraging nudge.
Pinky slowly approached the heavy doors, a brass gargoyle with bulging eyes serving as a doorknob. But the knob was at human height, not mouse height, so even with a running start and flying leap, he couldn’t reach it.
Then he remembered his manners. Breaking into a haunted, abandoned castle was awfully rude. What if he disturbed some ghosts in whatever ghostly things they did?
“Hello?” Pinky called, pressing an ear to the door as he knocked. “Anyone home?”
Nobody answered, but the door creaked slightly, allowing Pinky enough room to squeeze inside. Pinky bundled Mama’s well-worn traveling cloak around himself, trying not to think of the scolding he might’ve received as a young mouse about breaking and entering into strange places.
But he wasn’t stealing anything. He was just going to find Papa and bring him home. If Mama were alive, she’d understand.  
Somehow the castle interior was even colder and draftier than outside. Gargoyles lined the walls, crouching with their wings outstretched, and each one seemed to have their eyes trained on him. The inside was mostly stone, with a wine-red carpet leading from the doorway and splitting into two paths along an enormous staircase.
Torches and lanterns hung along the walls, but they were dim and barely provided light to see by.
Whoever built the castle must’ve had a great love for the Gothic style. Pinky could appreciate dedication to the theme, but he shied away from an eagle-like gargoyle all the same. There were eyes boring into him. He just knew it.
“Hello?” Pinky shouted.
Pinky grinned. The echo made up for the dreary décor.
This time, he cupped his hands to his mouth, took a deep breath, and yelled from the top of his lungs.
Feeling slightly bolder, Pinky played a quick game of eenie-meenie-miney-mo for the path he’d take, since there were so many of them and he couldn’t choose just one. There were so many rooms. It would take a while to go through them all, so he’d have to chance it.
On the last count of ‘mo’, Pinky’s finger pointed at the rightmost staircase, so he climbed the long flight, his bare feet sinking into the carpet. He hoped the ghosts would forgive him for tracking dirt inside.
Clink clink clink.
Funny. Feet didn’t usually make that kind of noise on carpet.
Probably just the creaking of old metal. This castle had definitely seen better days, judging from the cobwebs that spanned entire corners far above his head.
He reached the top of the staircase. More doors and rooms awaited him down the dark hallway.
Pinky knocked on the nearest door. He heard a splash of water and the sweep of a mop coming from within. A maid, maybe?
They could point him in the right direction!
“Hello? Are you a castle maid? I’m sorry for interrupting your work, but I’m looking for my Papa!” Pinky shouted, pressing an ear against the door. Someone whispered urgently, the exact words too muffled to make out, and the splashing and sweeping noises stopped. “His name is Jack, he’s a little shorter than me, and…oh, he has a big bushy mustache too! He tends to get vegetable bits stuck in it when he eats. Have you seen him?”
No reply.
Pinky’s tail twitched nervously. Maybe the maids really didn’t like having their work interrupted.
“I’m sorry, I’ll…I’ll let you get back to work,” Pinky said. He backed away from the door, the hood of his cloak falling into his eyes.
Clink clink clink.
That noise again. Pinky lifted the hood away from his eyes, and he came face-to-face with a teacup, and he was pretty sure he hadn’t seen any teacups yet. Mostly gargoyles and spooky stuff, really.
The teacup was about his height, with a polished white surface and golden trim around its rim and base. Its handle was a shining red, and its pink base looked almost skirt-like, with a single yellow flower painted on the front.
“Aww, what a cute teacup!” Pinky exclaimed. He’d never seen any teacup like this before. Not even Snowball had something this ornate and pretty. “Wonder who painted you? Whoever it was, they’ve really got a great eye for color!”
He could’ve sworn the teacup’s handle lifted out of pride, but maybe the dim lighting was just playing tricks on him.
“Well, I don’t know how you got here, but I can’t just leave you alone either. What if somebody stepped on you?” Pinky lifted the teacup by the handle and carried it further down the hall. The teacup’s base seemed to twitch every few seconds.
He didn’t know where the kitchen was, but surely there had to be a cabinet or cupboard somewhere around here. He turned left when the path split again, and counted his lucky stars once he spotted a small table up ahead. The higher surface was several feet above his head, but the lower platform was at his shoulder level.  
Odd. There was a candelabra and a mantle clock here too. Strange place to store one’s knickknacks, but then again, Pinky kept his rock collection in a tea kettle, so he couldn’t be too judgy.  
Pinky set the teacup on the lower platform, sliding it over until it touched the candelabra and clock. The two objects were oddly painted, with black and white markings running throughout their brass bodies. The candelabra’s lower half was painted brown, and the clock’s topmost carvings looked almost like a cap.
Though none of them were similar objects, Pinky thought they fit together quite well.
Curiously, Pinky ran his finger over the decorative carvings on the legs. “Egad, this must be real mahogany!” he said. His fingertips were covered in a thick layer of dust when he pulled away, and he shook it off, sneezing at the small cloud that formed. “Whew, really dusty though.”
“Gesundheit!” a Scouse-accented voice said.
“Narf! Thanks a bunch!” Pinky wiped the remaining dust against the inside lining of his apron. It was going in the wash later, so it didn’t bother him too much.
Only as he climbed another flight of stairs did he realize he hadn’t seen any living being yet. Maybe the castle was just full of polite ghosts.
The carpet beneath his feet was ragged with little holes revealing cold stone underneath, the ceiling arching far above him. The pillars had rough seals over their creeping, winding cracks. There were no gargoyles, no furniture, no rooms at all.
Nothing but dust, cracks, and cobwebs.
It seemed that not even the ghosts used this area much.
“Papa?” Pinky shouted. His echoes answered back, yet there was no sign of Papa.
Wind battered the stone walls, and Pinky’s heart leapt from his chest. He wrapped his cloak around himself, willing his heart to stay where it belonged. For goodness sake, he’d grown up in Paris. If streets full of reeking garbage didn’t scare him, then this shouldn’t either.
Pinky reached a dead end, the path blocked by a barren mass of stone. With a sigh, he turned around. There wasn’t anything here. Maybe he should try the second floor again? There were a lot of rooms he hadn’t checked.
A light flickered around the corner, a bright circle of hope illuminating the unfeeling stone. Pinky hadn’t gone in that direction yet. He hadn’t planned to, but the light skipped and waved, beckoning him closer. And if there was light, that meant somebody was in the castle after all!
“Narf! Excuse me!” Pinky cried, rushing over to the ray of light. “I don’t mean to interrupt your work, but if you could please tell me-“
The light vanished. Pinky pressed his hand to the wall. It was dark and scary in here. That light had been the first sign of life he’d seen in this castle.
A shrill creak startled a ‘troz’ out of him. But it meant someone was moving around, so he followed it until he came to a doorway in the middle of the corridor.
The door was open, so Pinky peered inside.
A winding, narrow staircase led upwards. There was no carpet, only coarse and rough stone. Then the light returned, a shining beacon in the dark.
“There you are,” Pinky whispered, hauling himself onto the first step. These stairs weren’t as smooth as the rest of the castle’s, but years of routine chores had given him enough upper body strength to manage just fine.
Cold seeped into his fur. His teeth chattered, but he pushed forward. Papa needed him.
A candelabra rested on a nearby platform, its three candles burning brightly. It had the same brown base and markings as the candelabra he’d seen downstairs. Funny. He never knew candelabras came in matching sets. But once again, he was alone.
Not even a ghost in sight.
“I could’ve sworn I heard someone…” Pinky sighed. The room in front of him only contained a dimly lit torch and a row of heavy, barred doors. Fire provided the only colors, and it wasn’t enough to chase the cold, damp shadows away. Neither was the thin, colorless light that peeked from the cracks of the foundation above. “Is anyone here?”  
A hacking cough came from behind the door nearest to the torch.
“Pinky?” a weak voice murmured.
Pinky’s ears perked as he rushed over to the door. There was a barred window close to the ground, Papa’s face peeking out from between the thick steel pieces. His fur was dirty and wet, eyes wide open with fright. He stared straight through Pinky, gripping the hood of Pinky’s cloak with desperate, clammy hands.
Papa was in a cell.
Pinky bit his lip. How? Papa wasn’t a criminal. Sure, his machines blew up a lot, but that was hardly cause for jail!  
“Papa! Are you okay? Did you see any ghosts?” Pinky gently took Papa’s hands in his own, quickly rubbing the pale pink skin to bring some warmth back. “Poit. I guess they weren’t as polite as I thought…”
Papa stammered as Pinky drew him close. The bars were wide enough that Papa could slip through them easily, but as much as Pinky tugged on his arm, Papa refused to budge, heels digging into the cracks underfoot. “He’s…he’s no g-g-ghost, Pinky. Y-you have to go. Save yourself.”
“He? You mean whoever put you in here?” Pinky repeated. Papa’s bushy mustache quivered, the tiny hairs unkempt and matted. He couldn’t speak, his hands freezing in Pinky’s own. They had to get out of here. The sooner Papa warmed up in front of the cottage’s fireplace, the better.
“Food pellets. There are no food pellets here…” Papa murmured. “Your mother made the best food pellets in the world.”
Pinky’s heart clenched at the reminder. “I know. She made the best. We should go now. Please, Papa?”
Later, when they got back to the cottage, he was going to ask exactly why Papa wasn’t at the fair. Why Pharfignewton was unhitched from the wagon and terrified out of her mind. How he’d gotten locked up in the first place.
Papa’s shivers were fiercer than before.
“It’s safe and warm at home. Let’s go…” Pinky whimpered, but Papa’s arms remained glued to the cold, unfeeling bars.
Papa’s mouth opened…
“Run, Pinky!”
A thundering roar shook the entire prison. The floor, walls, and ceiling trembled with a frightened rattle. Pinky clamped his hands against his ears, and Papa tried to do the same, though he was shaking too violently to do it right.
The only light came from above now.
A massive clawed hand clamped painfully around Pinky’s shoulder and yanked him around, the prison briefly becoming nothing more than a dark blur with a swirl of purple.
Pinky blinked the stars out of his vision, pressing his back against Papa, wordlessly urging him to dart to the back corner of the cell for his safety. But Papa tightly gripped Pinky’s shoulders, and Pinky winced as Papa’s fingers dug into a sore spot.
An enormous shadow loomed above them, its shape melting into the darkness. The only features Pinky could see were a pair of sharp, white fangs and the trailing end of a purple cape.
Pinky’s ears flattened, his heart pounding out of his chest. “Who are you?” he called out, trying to keep his voice steady. He had to be brave for Papa.
“The master of this castle.”
Every word was accompanied by a low, animalistic snarl. Pinky caught the gleam of long, twisted horns atop the shadow’s head.
“Please, let Papa out,” Pinky begged. Another growl cut him off, and Pinky’s throat tightened in panic, but he continued to plead his case. His words were useless. He was use-no, not now. He couldn’t afford self-doubt. “It’s cold here. Can’t you see he’s sick?”
More cruel white fangs were exposed.
“But he could die!” Pinky pleaded. “Please, I’ll do anything!”
“There’s nothing you can do. He’s my prisoner.”
The shadow moved again, always skirting the edge of the light.  
“There must be something…” Pinky murmured. But he had no money or valuables to offer, and trading Pharfignewton when she was a valued member of the family was out of the question. He looked down at his hands…and he had his answer. “Wait!”
Pinky reached for the shadow’s cape, but a bloodshot glare made him stop and think better of it.  
Pinky closed his eyes. And he sealed his fate.
“Take me instead.”
The shadow turned away with a scoff.
Pinky tried not to flinch. He didn’t have much value. He could keep house, but that was hardly a unique skill in the village. But he had no other material besides his clothes and fur.  
“You would…take his place?” The harsh tone and growl vanished. The shadow’s deep, guttural voice sounded more confused than furious, as if he hadn’t expected such a trade.
And why should he?
Even so, Pinky had to push forward. There was no turning back now. “If I did,” Pinky said, just wanting to make sure before he agreed to anything. “Would you let him go?”
“Pinky, you don’t know what you’re doing!” Papa hissed.
I’m saving you. That’s what I’m doing.
Complete silence. Pinky bit his lip. Finally, the shadow spoke. “Yes,” the shadow drawled the word softly. “But…you must promise to remain here for the rest of your life.”  
Pinky gripped the folds of his dress.
Rest of my life?
Would he ever see Papa again? Pharfignewton? The little cottage in the countryside?
Trade everything to be trapped with this shadow?
A shadow had to belong to somebody…
“I’d like to know who I’m speaking with,” Pinky said. “Would you come into the light, please?”
For a moment, there was nothing but an anxious growl. Then a pink, hairless foot slid into the colorless light.
A human?
Couldn’t be. The feet were tipped with sharp claws, and the heels lifted off the ground. Nor did they look like they belonged to any sort of rodent Pinky had ever met.
A pair of ragged black trousers. A long, crooked tail with many sharp bends. Grayish-brown fur over a large chest and pudgy stomach halfway covered by the purple cape. Arms that were far too thick, long, and coarse for even the largest rat.
The shadow slowly raised his head, curved black horns adding to his already intimidating height. Large, rounded ears. A broad, wide face with sagging cheeks and thick, furrowed brows.
But what struck Pinky the most was the creature’s unreadable expression. Though he was obviously angry, it was impossible to tell if those narrowed pink eyes were glaring at him with disgust or hatred. Despite the light, the eyes were partially hidden by dark patches of fur. He was silent, but a pair of fangs were still exposed.
Placing the species was impossible. He seemed to be many animals at once.
“Narf,” Pinky whispered.
The monster’s brows lifted in surprise, and if Papa weren’t locked away right now, it might’ve been comical.
Pinky turned away, unable to brave through the staredown, but he felt the monster’s gaze boring into his back.
“I won’t let you do this!” Papa cried out.
But he had to. For Papa’s freedom.
Pinky lifted his head. He stood up, gently sliding Papa’s hand off his shoulder. He let the touch linger for as long as possible and gave his Papa one last smile before turning around.
The monster was hunched over, one clawed hand resting on the ground. It wasn’t a bow of courtesy, but he seemed to have trouble with his balance. He growled in warning, as if challenging Pinky to say something about his position.
Pinky approached slowly, each step echoing in his ear. The monster didn’t move. When their faces were just inches apart, Pinky closed his eyes.
“I promise,” Pinky said. He stuck out his hand to shake on it, because that’s what people did when they wanted to set their deals in stone.
The monster snarled and shoved past Pinky. Unable to keep standing much longer, Pinky dropped to his knees and wept, unable to hold back his tears anymore.
He wouldn’t see the light of day again. Trapped forever with a monster in this lonely, dark place.
There was a squeak and the sound of frantic scampering behind him, and Pinky opened his eyes to see Papa’s desperate face, pleading with him to reconsider. “Pinky, listen to me! I’m old, but you have so much to-“ Papa’s words cut off as the monster dragged him off Pinky, lumbering towards the stairs on all fours with a hand clenched around Papa’s cloak.
“Wait!” Pinky shouted.
But the monster didn’t care. He and Papa disappeared down the stairs, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.
He never got to say goodbye.
Papa was thrown into a carriage that moved on spindly, wooden legs and carried across the stone bridge. The carriage disappeared into the forest, Papa’s cries fading away.
Pinky clung to the barred window that was several feet off the ground and several stories high. It didn’t allow him a wide view, and he wasn’t sure where Pharfignewton was. Still looking for grass to eat, he hoped.
He slid to the floor of the cell, huddling underneath the window in a tight ball. His tail was always a source of comfort for him, and he twisted and wrung it in his hands. The sun started to go down, and he imagined how beautiful it would’ve looked from the sweeping grassy hills just outside the cottage.
Beautiful rolling clouds. His cozy bed in the upstairs loft. The sound of Papa tinkering on a machine as a vegetable broth brewed over the stove.
The door slammed against the wall, and the crash startled Pinky out of his fantasies.
It was the monster.
Something inside Pinky snapped. Now he was angry, and angry was a feeling he didn’t like, but this…this cruel excuse of a…whatever he was stole his freedom and his Papa.
“You didn’t let me say goodbye!” Pinky screamed. “Now I’ll never see him…I-I’ll never see him again.”  
He expected the monster to roar in defiance or deny the truth, but he did neither. He only leaned heavily against the doorframe in complete silence. His ears dropped, and something akin to remorse flashed across his face.
But that new emotion quickly disappeared. “Come,” the monster said, dropping to all fours. “I’ll show you to your room.”
New room? It was such a sudden offer that Pinky forgot his anger completely. So he wouldn’t have to live among old chains and damp stone?
“I thought-“
The monster arched an eyebrow, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice. “Unless you’d prefer these accommodations?”
Pinky shook his head.
“Then follow.”
His captor crossed the room without pausing, and Pinky realized he’d never asked for a name. If he was going to live here for the rest of his life, he wanted to at least have a name.
“Hold on,” Pinky said. “I never got your name.”
The monster’s hand hit the floor with a resounding thud. “Call me the Beast,” he growled. Pinky stepped back in surprise, but the mon—the Beast didn’t turn around. “And don’t ever ask again.”
There was a tinge of bitterness in his tone, as if he hated his requested name. But that didn’t make sense. Why call himself a name he hated?
“Poit. Well, my name’s Pinky so-“
The Beast was halfway down the stairs already. Pinky folded his arms. Well, that was very rude. His captor didn’t have manners at all!
Pinky hurried after him. The Beast didn’t turn around. He was a very poor conversationalist.
Another candelabra stood just outside the door to the spooky hallway. It hadn’t been there earlier. “You really shouldn’t put your nice decorations on floors. What if someone stepped on them?” Pinky said.
“So we’ve got an interior designer for a long-term guest?” the candelabra asked. “Now we can finally replace the doom and gloom with something different! Maybe an indoor jungle with monkeys!”
The candelabra could talk! That was pretty cool!
His waxy face was eye level with Pinky. His grin was a little lopsided, his candleholders folding against his gold and brown body with an easy, light confidence.
“Yakko, this castle can’t possibly tolerate more monkeys, nor does it require the aesthetic of a jungle to be one,” the Beast huffed. He still sounded irritated, but less so. “And while we’re on that topic, Wakko and Dot need a reminder to not engage with outsiders. Where are they?”
“A real spoilsport, isn’t he?” Yakko whispered to Pinky.
Pinky giggled, and Yakko’s grin became wider. Alright, so not everybody in this big scary castle was a mean ol’ grump. It was good to know.  
“Oh, they’re just telling Scratchy the news,” Yakko shrugged. “He’s a real couch potato these days. Anyway, maybe you oughta tie a string around your finger, cause you’re clearly forgetting something.”
He waved a flame like one would wave a finger to scold.
“But I patched the leaking roof,” the Beast said. “My work was thorough.”  
Yakko coughed and pointed a flame at Pinky.
The Beast only stared. Then his pink eyes widened as whatever he’d forgotten finally dawned on him.
“Where?” Pinky whirled around.
Oh, right. He was a mouse. Silly him.
The Beast growled, like he didn’t know what to think of Pinky. Well, neither did Pinky know what to think of him. So there.
“You owe Yakko for your new room. Let’s go. We’re wasting time.”
With that, the Beast stalked off.
“So…thanks for the room, I think. Poit. Is he always like this?” Pinky asked. He kicked at a speck of dust.
Yakko gave Pinky an encouraging nudge with his candlestick holders. “The Master of the Castle he may be, the Master of First Impressions he is not. If his rawwwwr-fear-me shtick gets to be too much, say the word and I’ll set his cape on fire for ya.”
“Is that a good idea?” Pinky asked. Despite his worries, he couldn’t help but laugh at Yakko’s attempt at roaring.
Yakko nodded, or as much as one could nod when one’s head was a wax candle. “It’s amazing what you can get away with in this place.”
Pinky was led down to the second floor, into a corridor with the most frightening gargoyles he’d ever seen. But he had to be a good guest, right? Good guests knew the names of every gargoyle, as Yakko was trying to teach him.
He tried so hard to pay attention, but he wouldn’t be able to remember which one was Hugo or Goliath or Laverne or Brooklyn. Yakko didn’t seem like the type to hold it against him though. He talked a lot and knew a lot of things Pinky didn’t know, explaining things like he was used to explaining things.
He seemed awfully young though.
Ahead of them, the Beast lumbered with a heavy gait. His strides were long and lacked the lightness of a rodent’s steps. Though he’d locked Papa up, he seemed more awkward than scary now.
Was he home now? Would he be alright? There were chickens to feed and cows to milk. He hoped Papa wouldn’t put his noisy milking machine on Moo-Moo. She didn’t like that.
A tear ran down his cheek, then another. Pinky clutched his tail, staring down at the floor to avoid all the glaring stone eyes on him.
Yakko’s hopping sped up, the brass sounds muffled by the carpet.
There was the smell of slightly singed fur, followed by an irritated grunt. Pinky realized the Beast was watching him from the corner of his eye. A tiny cloud of smoke trailed from his right elbow.
“You can…make yourself at home,” the Beast said, brushing off the tiny fire. “As your new residence, you have free reign of the castle and the surrounding property. You may go anywhere but the West Wing.”
The West Wing?
“What’s in the-“
“IT’S FORBIDDEN!” the Beast bellowed, his massive hand slamming into the carpet and leaving long clawmarks behind. Pinky flinched.
The Beast kept walking. Yakko filled in the silence with chatter.
To Pinky’s relief, his room wasn’t far.
The Beast opened the enormous door, which led to a bedroom that was twice as large as the cottage.
The cottage was home. Not here.  Yakko meant well, but this would never truly be Pinky’s room.
“My servants will attend to your needs,” the Beast said. There was nothing harsh about his words this time, but servants? Pinky didn’t know if he could get used to that. Nor had he seen any servants around. Was Yakko a servant? He never asked for his job title.
“Don’t worry! The toilet’s not alive. None of them are,” Yakko added.
It was probably meant to be helpful, so Pinky did his best to smile at him, but he could only manage a weak nod.  
Then Pinky noticed the giant bed, with thick comforters and a dozen pillows and velvet curtains around the edges. Though fancy and straight out of a fairy tale, it wasn’t his tiny bed tucked in a cozy corner. Meekly, he stepped inside.
“Psst! Invite him to dinner, Romeo!” Yakko hissed. 
“I order you to…join me for dinner,” the Beast demanded. “THAT’S NOT A REQUEST!”
The door slammed, and Pinky was once again left in darkness.
This wasn’t home. It was dark and cold. Homes were cozy and happy and loving. No walls, no prisons, no locks and keys to be thrown away.  
Home was elsewhere. His heart was elsewhere.
Pinky curled up on an unfamiliar pillow. His heart was broken, his chest ached, and there was a deep longing within him. For Mama’s laughter. For Papa’s joy. For the hills and the meadows and the open blue skies.    
His tears flowed. They were many and endless. He felt they would never stop. He’d cry for the rest of his life, for as long as this exile from the world beyond took.
Outside his window, the first snowflakes began to fall. They marked the start of a very long, very cold winter.
AN: Let it be known that this AU is the only place, besides maybe anything involving Brain Meets Brawn, where Brain’s size can be described as intimidating. I want him to be, you know, like an actual monster and not just a big mouse with horns. Don’t get me wrong, tiny beast!Brain is cute, but that would just be more comical than dramatic if I tried to play it as such a serious moment.
For my personal Beast!Brain, I combined elements from @deez-art and @sleepy-hooves art. Deez for the overall look, and the way he glares at Pinky during the “come into the light” part comes from sleepy-hooves.
In this AU, rather than appearance, Brain fears the loss of control the most. He knows his mind is dwindling away unless he can break the curse. Unlike Disney’s Beast, he’s a bit more proactive with trying to break the curse and tries to keep busy instead of brooding in the West Wing all the time, though some tasks can be very difficult for him.
Yakko is the candelabra, Wakko is the mantle clock, and Dot is the teacup. You’ll have to excuse them for following Pinky around. They’re curious kiddos.
Yakko calling Scratchy a couch potato is literal. Scratchy was turned into a p-sychiatrist’s couch.
No matter what happens, Brain always has a soft spot for the Warners. The Warners aren’t scared of him and will snap back.
Poor Pinky gets put through the wringer. But y’all know the story. Eventually they fall in love and get their happily ever after.
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baepop · 4 years
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Pining for an elusive yet bewitching stranger has its advantages and disadvantages.
Word Count: 10k
Pairing: You x Taehyung
Genre: Smut, Horror, Vampire!Taehyung
There were those eyes again. Those damn eyes that followed you around the room as if you were observing the Mona Lisa. They were the most beautiful you’d seen in a good while, alluring yet mysterious, though you suspected that was attributed to the face holding them. Surely, it too, was out of a Da Vinci painting. Flawless tan skin, pointed nose, ash brown tresses that waved out of his scalp with calculated precision. Was it possible for angels to walk amongst human beings? Surely you were a believer after tonight.
Oh. He’s smiling. Of course, he has a perfect set of pearly whites to boot, why wouldn’t he? You sipped from your glass, refusing to look away as you had previously been doing all night. No, you couldn’t deny your attraction to him anymore. The prolonged eye contact was more intimate than sexual experiences you’d had in the past. They say if someone stares at you for longer than 6 consecutive seconds then they either want to sleep with you or murder you. You wanted to find out so badly which one it was, hoping more so for the former. Either way, you were his prey tonight.
You felt an incessant tapping on your shoulder, causing your eyes to rip away from the tunnel vision you two had built. Eyeing your friend in mild annoyance, she pulled you down to whisper into your ear. “Should I leave with Mike tonight?”
You sighed deeply, a rooted exhaustion you had grown quite familiar with making an appearance as if waiting on queue behind stage curtains. Your best friend and her ex-boyfriend were a five act play of their own, and you were the sole ticket holder forced to sit in an empty theatre and react appropriately.
“Babe, we’ve talked about this. You can’t keep going back to him every time you run into him at a party.” You may as well have been reciting a monologue. That dream-like stare fixated in her gaze was telling, she had already made up her mind.
He’s gone. You did a subtle scan of the room, holding your Tom Collins drink to your lips for dissimulation purposes. The penthouse hosting this party had impressive square footage, he could be anywhere by now. You spared your friend one last glance before setting off to make your move. She was already in the arms of her previously scorned beloved, painful lessons being the only thing that could save her now.
Making your way through each room, your eyes searched frantically amongst the intimate crowds. Your coworkers were littered throughout, sometimes catching your looks in passing and drunkenly beckoning you over. Most of them were people you couldn’t stand to be around, even after a few drinks, so you had perfected the “I can’t hear you” miming down to an exact science.
Could he be in the kitchen, maybe? Your heels clicked against the marble flooring, echoing against the abundant stainless-steel appliances that lined the spotless white walls. You bit the inside of your cheek, considering the possibility that he could’ve left. You plopped yourself down on one of the stools lining the island, ready to sulk with your cocktail in hand.
Work gatherings always bored you half to death. After listening to the same stories for the 10th time, they started to lose their appeal. The only excitement that came was from the random people who’d show up or get invited to dilute the professional crowd. You wondered who had invited that Adonis, you’d be sure to send them a nice memo come Monday.
“May I join you?” A velvety timbre pierced through your reverie. You swished your drink around in your cup, nodding with a smile. There was no need to look up and see who that could be, surely a voice like that could only come from the man who had stolen your attention for the night.
A slight breeze indicated him passing behind you, his thigh slightly brushing against your bare skin as he took a seat next to you. You crossed your legs as you looked over at him for the first time, taking advantage of the close proximity to rake in his appearance in its entirety. Your eyes were drinking from a sacred river, your sexual prowess finding salvation.
Your pupils followed his sinful tongue as it dragged across his bottom lip, wetting everything in its path. Your mouth swallowed involuntarily as your eyes took a road trip down the expanse of his neck and stopped at the fork in the road at his parted button up. Maroon was definitely his color.
“I take it you like what you see?” His chuckle was sinister, each contraction of his diaphragm resonating with the deepest parts of your core.
You smirked and took a sip of your drink. “That’s an understatement.”
The padding of feet running down the hallway towards the kitchen was too distracting to ignore. Suddenly your best friend’s shaking figure approached the entryway, the trauma in her eyes evident. You slid out of your seat and hurried over to her, holding her shoulders firmly as you struggled to get her to look at you.
Her lip quivered, unshed tears threatening to spill. “M-Mike…he…” She broke down into a full sob, embracing your midsection and burying her head in your bosom. A deep sense of dread grew within you. You’d never seen her distressed like this. You glanced behind you, suddenly remembering your elusive guest. He was gone yet again.
“Did he hurt you? I’ll fucking kill him.” She shook her head adamantly, looking up at you with a runny nose and smeared mascara.
“He—He’s dead!” Your lips became pale as all of the color drained from your face. You held her head to your chest, cooing and patting her disheveled hair. It was only then that you began noticing people grabbing their belongings in a hurry. The music had stopped playing after a blood curdling scream reverberated throughout the apartment. You removed your blazer and draped it over the girl, leading her to one of the stools.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back, okay?” She nodded, unable to formulate a coherent sentence as sobs continued to wrack her entire body.
You rubbed the goosebumps on your arms, a sudden chill apparent in every room and corridor you walked through. The penthouse had cleared out quickly, yet a healthy crowd of people remained in the parlor. You squeezed past frantic party goers to get to the balcony. Just as you cleared the onlookers, a meaty hand hovered in front of your chest and halted you in your tracks. You looked up at the gentleman, unable to recognize him but grateful for his concern.
You lowered his hand and smiled weakly. “It’s okay, I can take it. I’m with his girlfriend, I need to see what happened, for her.” The man sighed, contemplating your reasoning before holding his arms out to stop other people from getting past him. You took the opportunity to exit through the glass doors that lead to the balcony. The air was below freezing, but somehow you couldn’t quite feel it, the sensation of weightlessness overpowering everything else. Your breathing became shallow as you placed your hands on the icy railing, leaning just past it to look 42 stories down.
The scene was gruesome, even from the impressive height you were observing it from. To put it simply, Mike was a stain on the pavement, surely unrecognizable if not for his distinct beige sweater vest now stained crimson. You swallowed vile as squad cars blared their horns on the way to the grisly scene splayed on the outside of one of the city’s fanciest hotels.
You hurried to find your best friend in the pandemonium that had transmuted your quaint work party. She wasn’t in the kitchen anymore, but it didn’t take long to find her near the elevator, being questioned by two policemen. She was frantic and her body language was defensive, causing the two gentlemen to exchange looks numerous times. You hurried to her side with your coats and purses in tow.
“Excuse me, I’m her lawyer. My client isn’t in any state to answer questions right now.” You helped her put her coat on as she fell silent, short of sniffling. Before leaving, you handed one of the officers your business card. “I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. We’ll fully cooperate to any investigations underway in the future. Have a goodnight.” You were used to the exasperated look from law enforcement whenever you halted their invasive questioning.
Your primary concern for the night was tending to your best friend’s shattered state. She had stopped crying by the time you had arrived outside of her house, though you weren’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing. Her hand paused on the door as you reached out and held her forearm.
“Before you go, while it’s just us here, I have to ask. What exactly happened?” Your eyes were flooded with concern. Her nose and her eyes were crimson, her dream-like gaze now replaced with a ghostly stare. She nodded, knowing by now it was your obligation as her attorney.
“We were going to go downstairs and get a room for the night, but he wanted a cigarette first, so he went outside for a quick smoke. When I noticed he was gone a little too long I went out to the balcony to look f-for him.” Her voice began shaking, recalling the horror splayed in front of her disbelieving eyes. “H-He wasn’t drunk I…I don’t know why—"
You shushed her, rubbing her shoulder to halt her from saying any more. “That’s all I needed to hear. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it’ll be hard but try and get some sleep. I’ll come by tomorrow morning, okay?” Your heart was breaking for her. You idled outside of her house until you saw her enter safely.
A sadness washed over you on the drive home and it didn’t quite leave you for days on end, the eerie feeling of death so close to you putrefying mundane tasks every time you remembered the current state of affairs. You had always wanted your best friend to move on from him, but not like this, not in a way that was so utterly disturbing that it’d affect her future relationships devastatingly so.
Part of you also hated the way people who died young became immortalized as saints. You held back the need to spit into the soft dirt that surrounded the plot. That cheating bastard surely didn’t deserve such a ghastly demise, but he also didn’t deserve to be honored so wholly by his faithful girlfriend. Still, you knew she needed to say goodbye to her greatest love, so you held her hand as she gave her beautifully melancholy speech in front of Mike’s friends and family.
It had only taken a couple of days to make funeral arrangements and plan the ceremony, closed casket of course. You held your umbrella with your free hand as you looked around the funeral attendees behind the privacy of your sunglasses. It seemed the sky was also intent on spitting on his grave, the brooding clouds hovering ominously above the small assembly. Most of the guests were familiar faces, but you had expected as much, the irony of the absence of his long-time frat brothers who’d conceal his disgusting behavior tugging at the corners of your mouth. There was one face you hadn’t expected to come across, however.
After dreaming of those features for nights on end, you’d recognize them anywhere. Much to your surprise, he was already looking at you, though his facial expression wasn’t as inviting as it had been that night. His expression was grave, his eyes empty and his lips set in a hard line. You wondered if he and Mike were close, and if so, you wondered why you’d never seen him until recently. You offered him a small polite smile before turning back to your best friend who was struggling to get through her speech without breaking down. You squeezed her hand, letting her know it was okay to cry, or to just stop talking altogether.
As the ceremony came to a close, and the crowd dissipated into smaller groups of mourners as they hurried to get out of the pouring rain, you couldn’t help gravitating towards your mystery man. Your best friend was busy speaking to Mike’s parents, so you decided it might be okay to leave her side even if only momentarily. You approached him carefully, not wanting to startle him from his reverie. His hands were tucked into his pockets as he stared into the grave.
After a minute, you cleared your throat, looking at the ground as well. “Were you two close?”
The man looked over at you absentmindedly as if noticing your presence for the first time. “Something like that. What about you?”
You held out strong under the immense pressure of his gaze, your knees threatening to buckle. After replaying the events of that night many times, you realized your initial feelings hadn’t been exaggerated after all. It wasn’t just his beauty that had the ability to command a room, but his presence as well. You felt the pressure around you shift, feeling oddly alone with him in the middle of an outdoor gathering.
“Hardly. I’m here for support.” You both looked over at your best friend who was hugging Mike’s mom.
“My condolences.” The man turned to you, looking down as your eyes met back up with his.
You smiled and nodded, thanking him as you turned towards him as well. “Our encounters are always so brief, and I still don’t know your name. Can I at least give you my card this time, before you go? Maybe we can get to know each other properly.” You looked up at him with hopeful eyes, watching as his irises darkened.
He drew his slender hand out of his pocket and tipped your chin up with one of his delicate fingers. “Oh, we will be seeing each other again, much sooner than you think.” An alluring smile parted his lips, showing you those perfect teeth again. You were helpless to his charm, his demeanor baleful yet deliciously inviting. You swallowed thickly, unsure of whether he was rejecting you or asking you out.
“Y/N!” You heard your name being called out in the distance like the incessant ringing of an alarm clock in the background of an intense dream. He dropped your chin as you turned to look over your shoulder. Your best friend and Mike’s parents were waving you over. “We’re leaving now!”
“Okay, be right there!” You shouted back at them, turning back to your enigmatic love interest. He was gone, as much unsurprising to you as it was vexing. You searched among the groups of people dispersing, unable to make him out anywhere. With a sigh, you trudged over to your friend, hoping that his word would come true. You wanted to see him again so, so badly.
And you did see him again, at least in the form of a fever dream later that night when you finally got to bed. The day’s events had been so taxing that you only had enough energy to strip and crawl onto your bed. You laid over the sheets, feeling the satin with your hands as you made something akin to snow angels. You hummed, your eyelids sealing shut as they bared the weight of your best friends world crashing down. The onslaught of tragic events had you so wound up and distracted that you’d forgotten how long it’d been since you felt the lustful touch of a man. Your fingers slid over your breast, tugging on your hardened nipples as they traveled further south.
When did it get so cold? I don’t remember leaving the window open.
Slowly yet steadily, you fingers crept over your stomach, then your pubic bone as they slid under your lace underwear. You hummed again as your cold fingers slid past your folds, a violent shiver wracking through your body as they made contact with the growing slick between your legs.
You thought about past hookups that were now, at best, dull memories of men without faces, indistinguishable bachelor pads setting various scenes. None of them excited you enough to get off on, that is until you thought about him.
His angelic face flashed in your mind, the devilish curl of his lips oh so telling in the things he was imagining he might do to you. You licked your lips, another chill causing goosebumps to break through the surface of your bare skin. You arched your back as you plunged a digit into your core, lapping up the juices to better lubricate your clit. Your eyes refused to open, to investigate why your room was getting so cold, but it’s not like you cared enough, not when there was a fire ablaze in between your legs.
The incessant burning began at the tips of your fingers pumping in and out of you and traveled outwards from your core. Your lower stomach twitched as the feeling of being slowly set on fire spread to your extremities. It’d be so painful if it wasn’t so delicious. You craved to be consumed, engulfed in the feeling of having your mystery man’s undivided attention. The image of his eyes on you continued to replay over and over like a film reel running on repeat. His eyes sweeping over you, blinking seductively as the filthiest fantasies shown unabashedly across his features. You were panting, removing your fingers from inside you in favor of giving in to the unknown pleasure that was taking over. A small voice in the back of your head questioned everything that was going on, but who were you to listen? You had an all-consuming need that was being tended to.
Suddenly his honey brown orbs were darkening to shades blacker than black, colder than the night you two had met. You moaned out, feeling your legs being spread apart. Your knees hit the bed and your arms laid beside your head. Surrendering yourself to the pleasure was easy. You were hot now, so, so hot that it was suffocating. Dimples formed on the inside of your thighs, his grasp staking a claim over your flesh. Your back arched as you felt his tongue licking a stripe up your sex. Sighs of relief slipped past your parted lips rhythmically. More, more, you needed more. Who was he?
Your head tossed and turned, vivid imagery of your firm party in full swing, dancing behind your eyelids. No matter where you turned, looking for your angel, he was nowhere to be found, yet the presence of his ominous eyes followed you to every room. Everywhere you looked, he was always just out of reach, both far and near. You were sick, consumed with the need to get to him, unknowing that he was with you all along. A minacious chuckle reverberated so loudly within your fantasy, you weren’t sure if it came from your mind or from within your bedroom.
His tongue was now circling inside you, making you feel full yet needier still. You couldn’t help fucking yourself against his face, the chuckle now coming clearly from between your legs. The thought of him slipping into your room in the quiet of the night excited you. You chased your high with fervor, wanting – no, needing to find your release. However, part of you knew that it was him who was pulling the strings all along, so you danced like a puppet on strings and prayed for mercy.
He was now leaning over your body, slowly circling his hips in between your legs making sure to rub your clit in the most exquisite way. His hands took hold of yours, keeping them above your head. You felt his cold fingers lace themselves in between yours, sizzling your burning flesh on the surface. His lips were at your ear speaking in that deep sultry voice you’d never be able to forget. Yet the voice came from inside your head, although you were sure you felt his distinct breath tickling your ear.
“Who am I? Darling, I’m the man of your dreams.” You hissed as he chuckled, the sound becoming deeper and deeper as you floated higher and higher into a frenzied state. You wanted to cum so badly, pleas slipping from your mouth incessantly.
“Your name…what’s your name?” You panted out, your words turning into condensation in the stale chill of your bedroom.
He leaned in, and when he spoke, you instantly came undone. You cried out in pleasure and in pain. Jolting upright, your eyes finally burst open and searched the room frantically as you came to. Your body was covered in sweat from head to toe and your fingers were wetter still as you removed them from your core, your juices dripping from your digits. You caught your breath, unable to make anything of the situation. Had you been touching yourself in your sleep? That’d never happened before.
You sighed and began stripping your soiled sheets from the bed, unable to shake the haunting feeling that emanated from within you. And those eyes, they’d kept following you even long after your fever dream had ended so abruptly. As you dowsed your body in cold water from your showerhead that night, you kept looking over your shoulder, convinced you’d see something horrifying staring back at you, the name Taehyung echoing in the depths of your thoughts like the utterances of a poltergeist.
You could no longer find peace in anything you did following that fateful night, the feeling of being incomplete always just under the surface of your psyche. Your only solace was the mountain of paperwork that awaited you at your desk every morning, mountains of mind-numbing tasks that would help you pass the time. You didn’t have to think too much when you were buried under a pile of corporate by-laws and non-disclosure agreements.
You simply loved working at the firm. While some would call you a workaholic, you preferred careerwoman. Your friends and coworkers just couldn’t understand your preference for staying late at the office instead of going out with them for drinks. The truth was that there was no one for you to come home to and therefore no excuse to limit your potential income.
Then there was the more truthful reasoning, that growing up without had turned you into someone who was ruthless. Your earlier work was nothing to brag about, though it got you the stepping-stone you needed to launch your career in corporate law. Your fresh-faced, former self newly graduated from law school would have never guessed that bailing criminals out of serving time was her ticket to accessing the kind of money that would change hers and her family’s life forever. However, you were by no means proud of it, so you tried not to think of the kinds of things all of those guilty scumbags might be up to as they ran rampant on the streets again, thanks to you. Perhaps the only thing that disturbed you more than exactly how many victims never got justice thanks to you, was your skillful knack for doing it. You had garnered a reputation, it seemed, as all kinds of shady individuals threw money at you to make their pesky problems disappear. You grabbed at the cash eagerly for some time, but as soon as a cleaner way to earn income presented itself, you found yourself spending days on end behind your desk away from all the things you were ashamed of, almost as if you could bury your past underneath all of your new accomplishments. An impossible task, you knew, but it didn’t stop you from giving it your all.
As you sat in your office and watched your coworkers leaving together by the handful, a sudden phone call caught your attention. It was your best friend, begging you to attend church with her that evening. Having too much paperwork wasn’t a suitable enough excuse as she knew all about your workaholic tendencies all too well, so you begrudgingly shrugged on your peacoat and headed for the elevators. Organized religion wasn’t your thing, but you’d make anything your thing so long as your best friend could be comforted during these trying times.
You found yourself sitting at the end of an uncomfortable wooden bench just 30 minutes later, many just like it filling the hollow room of the sacred space your best friend frequented weekly. Though the space was filled with warm bodies, there was somehow a coldness in the air that had you draping your coat over your shoulders. Everyone had their eyes closed as they whispered in unison. You took the intimate opportunity to take in the vast room and the artwork that adorned the windows. The walls were lined with mosaics depicting what ancient peoples deemed angels might look like. All kinds of barely clothed, rubenesque women holding children on their laps stared down at the congregation with apathy in their vacant stares. Your eyes swept over the intimidating appearance of the organ that sat at the head of the room, looking out at all of the devoted attendees. Amongst the sea of bowed heads, shiny brown tresses at the forefront caught your eye.
He was seated alone, dressed in a peacoat and sweater of the same black color. Your eyes burned holes into his back, wondering how exactly it was that you kept running into him. Almost as if responding to your internal beckoning, he silently rose to his feet and slowly turned towards you. You gasped, wondering if he had seen you coming in. A wide crooked grin grew lazily on his face, his dark eyes holding you in a trance. You were so laser focused on him that your eyes caught his tongue dancing behind his teeth, even from several rows behind him. He began walking out of the church, but not before stopping at your bench and extending his hand out towards you. Your heart fluttered as you looked around. No one was paying attention to the two of you whatsoever, and your best friend looked awfully busy, so you took the opportunity to steal out of the cathedral, feeling like two kids doing something you shouldn’t be. You smiled down at yourself, feeling elementary as your hand tingled in his delicate grasp.
“Shall we go for a walk?” The tall stranger gazed down at you enticingly, bearing his pearly whites. You bit your lip and nodded as he pulled you along towards a dirt path that lead to the church’s cemetery.
You watched your feet trudge along the path for a while in silence before you finally thought of what to say. “I’m starting to think you’re following me.”
The man chuckled richly, his eyes twinkling as he squeezed your hand. You couldn’t help but smile in return, feeling as if you’ve known him for a long time. “Would it be so bad if I was?” He looked back at you, his eyes lingering on your lips.
“Well, it would explain why you were so certain we’d meet again.” You two continued along the dirt path, passing stragglers in the open field. Most were making their departure in time with the setting sun.
“And here I thought we ran in the same circles.” He smiled, enjoying a private joke.
You shook your head, “I don’t think we do. I would’ve definitely remembered seeing you somewhere.”
He hummed in response. “Is that so?” You bit your lip and nodded, the sultriness in his town making your heart flutter anew. “The feeling is mutual. I actually haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” He smiled shyly as you two came to a halt in front of one of the many plots lining the path.
Your breath stuttered at his small admittance. You couldn’t wrap your head around someone like him possibly reciprocating your feelings. You hummed, wanting to tease him a bit. “Well if that’s even a little true then you have some explaining to do. Leaving a girl guessing won’t get you far, you know.”
He tsked, pulling you to him by the hand then holding you firmly against him by the hips. You gasped, his sweet scent filling your nostrils. Your eyes took their time on their ascent towards his face, drinking in his intoxicating proximity to you. His chest protruded against your palms where they laid, the black turtleneck he was sporting doing wonders for your libido.
As you looked up at him, you were transfixed by his obsidian gaze, his arms around you tightening as if you’d ever dare leave. You swallowed thickly, your clouded thoughts fervently pleading for a taste of his lips.
“What ever happened to the mystery in romance?” He spoke softly as if others were around to hear you. Your lips parted as your glistening tongue laid in wait, your mind barely aware of how you two gravitated towards each other inch by inch.
“Turns out I’m not much of a romantic. I like having what I want, when I want it.” You challenged him, yet your cheekiness only served to urge him on. A low growl rumbled in his chest, a snarl forming on his soft lips.
“Oh, but you have me already.” He grabbed your wrist and brought it up to his nose, running it along the soft skin just past your bracelet. You stared at him in wonder as he panted with desire. You couldn’t be bothered being ashamed of your amorous public display in the middle of the field. You’d had enough of waiting as you resolved in crashing your lips against his, but before you did, you considered asking one last question.
“At least tell me your name.” He smiled wickedly as he leaned in to whisper into your ear, the eerie déjà vu feeling startling you. He squeezed your wrist tightly, almost to the point of pain.
“I’ve already told you my name. Don’t you remember? Or were you too busy fucking your fingers to remember?” He grinned salaciously while releasing your arm. You gasped as you felt your body become weightless in your descent towards the pit that was dug out just for you. You reached out to him for help, but he simply stood there licking his lips. Darkness surrounded you as your back hit the bottom of the plot with a thud. The only source of light was the narrow rectangle of sky above you. The impact had knocked the wind out of your lungs, leaving you gasping desperately for air. Your eyes searched frantically for signs of help, but all they observed was Taehyung squatting and peering into the grave. He tsked with pity as if in mourning.
“T…T—” You wheezed, unable to form his name or cry out for help. You grabbed handfuls of dirt around you, trying to find the leverage you needed to get up and out of the hole you had fallen in, but no matter how much time had passed, you still couldn’t catch your breath. Taehyung began shoveling dirt into the plot until it was completely level with the ground, leaving you burried under seven thousand pounds of dirt.
Clawing at your chest and panting in a sweat, you bolted upright. Your satin sheets slid off of your chest and formed a crumpled heap on your lap. Your hands clawed at your neck; the feeling of dirt lodged in your esophagus still present. You coughed and spluttered, expecting to expel remnants of your grave but coming up short. Your breath shook as tears fell hot and silent down your cheek. You were so shaken that you absolutely couldn’t go back to sleep.
You tried making a hot cup of tea and putting on some mellow tunes, but nothing could qualm the inner panic that bubbled violently beneath your dazed exterior. Your fingers shook as they struggled to find your best friend’s contact on your phone. The phone rang three times before a groggy voice greeted you from the other end.
“Hey,” You breathed the words with relief, willing your beating heart to slow down, “sorry, did I wake you?”
“No, no it’s okay! What’s wrong babe?”
She seemed alarmed, so you tried to speak in a soothing tone so as not to worry her. “Nothing! Just…wanted someone to talk to. I had the worst nightmare and I need to get my mind off of it.” You chuckled lightly but she was unconvinced.
“What was the nightmare about?”
You took a moment to think, not knowing where to start. You weren’t exactly sure what was real and what wasn’t. Had you actually met up with him? Had you even gone to church yesterday?
“Okay, this is going to sound weird…but did I go to church with you yesterday?” There was a long pause before your friend spoke, sounding thoroughly confused.
“…Yesterday? The church doesn’t offer services on Thursdays, you know that.” You swallowed thickly, a fresh wave of sweat beading on the surface of your neck. “But I did invite you last week. You told me you would come but you never showed. Is that what you’re talking about?” You furrowed your brows while searching for the date on your phone. “Was your nightmare about church or something?”
Your bottom lip quivered as you struggled to hold back fresh tears. You were absolutely sure that you had been at work just yesterday when you agreed to go with her, yet somehow an entire week had passed since then and you didn’t remember any of it. Had you been asleep that whole time? That’s impossible.
You scrolled through your messages and saw a couple from your coworkers who had texted you worried throughout the week. You had never missed a day from work before.
“Y/N? Are you there?”
“Y-Yeah! Sorry I—it’s stupid. I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”
She paused before answering, concern evident in her tone. “Well, alright. But don’t disappear like that again! I was worried when I wasn’t hearing from you these past few days. Try and get some sleep. Goodnight.”
After the line went dead, a dreadful silence ensued. You looked around your apartment, the furniture and photographs on the walls suddenly feeling so alien to you. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around yourself as you settled on the couch, shivering in deep thought until the sun’s rays began peaking through the cracks of your curtains. You weren’t sure how long you sat there in thought, but it was suddenly time to get ready for work, if you still had a job that was.
The day that followed your resuscitation was strangely normal. Your coworkers greeted you with concern when you got to the office, but you had been equipped with a viable excuse for your absence, conjured in the privacy of your drive to work. Thankfully, none of them decided to pry, since you yourself still had no idea what happened to you.
The first thing you did was close your door and begin googling if it was possible to be unconscious for days after falling asleep, but only studies of narcolepsy appeared in the search results. That also wouldn’t help you, since you don’t even remember going to bed in the first place. You had woken up in the same clothes you had worn to work that day as well. You pondered the possibility of having been roofied sometime after work, but that didn’t hold much merit either.
Much to your displeasure, the workday had ended as fast as it had arrived. You absolutely abhorred the idea of returning to your cold and solitary apartment but being alone at the office afterhours had also lost its appeal. You didn’t want to be alone with your chilling thoughts under any circumstances. So, when your coworkers walked past your office in a hurry to make happy hour at a local bar, you hurried to meet up with them, much to their surprise.  
The bar was huge and already crowded by the time you all had arrived. Your coworkers frequented it on Fridays, since the venue turns into a club at night and hosts some of the best DJ’s in the city. You immediately understood the appeal as you all took purchase in a secluded section adorned with red cushioned love seats and a small table front and center. The section was a bit big for your party of four, so one of your coworkers texted an invite to a couple of guys that worked at another firm downtown. While they made their way to this side of town, you all didn’t waste any time getting loose with a few shots.
The warm liquor flowing through your body eased the tension present since you awoke and it didn’t take much at all before you were able to focus on stories being told and laughing along appropriately. You were starting to think you might actually be able to have some fun after all of the weirdness going on in your life as of late.
By the time the boys arrived, the DJ had already begun his set and the music was ten times as loud as it was before, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a conversation. On the bright side, no one was talking anymore as you all had started singing and swaying to the beats in your buzzed states.
It was your loudest coworker who had noticed them shuffling through the packed crowds hoarding the bar. She squealed and stood up, waving them over as you all shuffled closer together to make space for them. A blush joined the liquor glow that was already apparent on your cheeks. They were all extremely handsome, making it hard to maintain eye contact as everyone greeted each other. You took turns smiling at each one as they took seats on either side of the couch. When you reached the last face, your heart nearly stopped. It was your mystery man, adorned in a black suit and tie identical to the ones his apparent coworkers wore. You couldn’t help ogling at him, causing the boy to blush and clear his throat as he took a seat at the end of the couch.
Your friend elbowed you and whispered in your ear, “Oh my god, you’re staring! Do you two know each other or something?”
“Something like that.” You smiled at her widely. The alcohol was already dismantling your inhibitions.
A waitress appeared shortly afterwards to take everyone’s drink orders. You watched as the tanned adonis ordered for the table. The waitress giggled and bit her lip as she nodded to everything he said, hanging on his every word in a fashion that didn’t strike you as professionalism in the slightest. But who were you to blame her? You, too, were transfixed on the way his lips danced with every word that departed. You swallowed absentmindedly every time his tongue jutted out to wet his lip. You weren’t sure if he could feel your eyes on him, so when they both turned towards you, you froze. He looked at you seductively through half lidded eyes, his long fingers rubbing his chin briefly as a look of amusement arranged his facial features. He turned back to the waitress and finished his order while you tried to look anywhere else but at him, feeling slightly embarrassed for getting caught.
You cleared your throat and initiated a conversation with the girl closest to you, hoping that it’d make you seem more aloof than you actually were. However, it seemed you had nothing to worry about since you caught him staring at you a few times, easing your initial fears and serving as an ego boost. You started to wonder how or when you might be able to talk to him, since you were too far from each other to start a conversation.
When your coworker became distracted by the blonde with a dazzling smile sitting next to her, you allowed yourself to watch your angel nonchalantly. You still felt a bit guarded towards him, given the role he played in the nightmare that shook you to your core, but you tried your best to rid yourself of those illogical thoughts. It was silly to feel he was dangerous, especially as you watched him chat and laugh happily amongst his coworkers. You watched the way his eyebrows shot up during a punchline, the way his smile grew horizontally in the most adorable way, and how he’d lean back when something was especially funny. He seemed to be well liked amongst his group, and even amongst your own coworkers, and the staff here for that matter.
From what you had gathered by listening in on the conversations going on within earshot, they were all employed at a marketing firm not too far from here and were all well acquainted with the girl who invited them.
His words from the funeral rang in your ear once more. Oh, we will be seeing each other again, much sooner than you think. A small smile formed on your lips as you watched the waitress approach your section with your drinks. It had never occurred to you that he might’ve already known who you were, which would explain his confidence in meeting you again.
As the waitress placed the drinks on the table, everyone took turns grabbing theirs. You lifted the glass placed in front of you for further inspection. A Tom’s Collins. Looking up again in the direction of your mystery man, you found his attention to be on you once more. You quirked a brow at him and he winked cheekily at you, his suggestive smile refusing to go unnoticed. You grinned and took a sip. He’s got a good memory.
Soon enough, your group split up into smaller sections. Some headed outside for a cigarette while others squeezed their way through drunken professionals to get to the bar. You took the opportunity of space freeing up on the couch to get up and sit by the man who had captivated your interest.
He had taken a minute to check his phone, but instantly smiled up at you and put it away as he watched you approach him. He moved his drink over on the table and scooted down to make room for you as you smoothed your pencil skirt before plopping down. You were instantly pleased with your decision as the smell of his cologne wafted into your personal space. Not only did he look delicious, but he also smelled it too. This man was going to be the death of you.
He turned his attention to you, raking your appearance in dramatically with hungry eyes. They lingered on your legs for a beat too long, observing the hem of your skirt that rode further up along your legs throughout the night. He licked his lip as his head snapped up to meet your inquisitive stare. Suddenly you were reminded of how forward he had been the night you two first met, and it only enabled the growing dampness that soaked your underwear through and through.
“I take it you like what you see.”
“That’s an understatement.” You both chuckled at the callback and sipped on your drinks, instantly being transported to that cold night.
“So, what’s a girl gotta do around here to find a dance partner?” You smiled cheekily at him and he returned the expression.  
“Your wish is my command, beautiful.” You blushed at the compliment as he swiftly stood and held his hand out to you. You took it and led him to the center of the dance floor, wrapping your arms around his neck once you found the perfect spot out of sight from ogling eyes. His hands slid around to the small of your back and pressed you up against him as you two swayed to the beat. A chill ran along your spine at the feeling of déjà vu that presented itself. Focusing on swaying your hips in time to the beat, you tried to remind yourself that it really was just a dream.
Your hands shook as they settled on his chest, just as they had before. You looked up at him, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spreading to your extremities. He leaned his forehead on yours with concern in his eyes.
“Everything okay?” You smiled in return, looking into his eyes before finding the resolve to grab onto his tie and pull him into you for a kiss.
His lips overpowered yours ravenously at first, but you soon matched the intensity as your hands held onto the back of his neck for leverage. The kiss was as wet as it was sloppy, both of you clawing onto each other for dear life and gasping for air in intervals. Your tongues tangled themselves in your mouths as his hands slid further down your back to give your ass a healthy squeeze. You broke away, the sinful moment sobering you enough to look around for any spectators.
Before you could do a full sweep, his thumb and forefinger enclosed around your chin and pulled your focus back onto him. You looked up at his blown-out pupils, the look on his face tantalizing and the massive growing bulge pressed up against your pelvis proving the power in its temptation.
You smiled and brought his ear down to your mouth. “Wanna get out of here?” He smiled and nodded in return before you led him outside. Realizing you left your car at work, he held up his own car keys much to your relief.
“Mind if we go to your place?”
“Sure, but only if you stay the night.” You smiled and bit your lip, hoping he’d agree to it so you wouldn’t have to be alone in your apartment.
“Your wish, remember?” He purred in a coquettish manner that had your toes curling prematurely. By now you had already accepted your overpowering attraction to this stranger.
It wasn’t long before you were both crashing into your furniture, a trail of clothing leading to your bedroom. You stood against the wall in nothing but your underwear with your leg hooked over your guest’s shoulder. He knelt before you on the hardwood floors in nothing but his unbuttoned white shirt and his black boxer briefs. Your eyes drank in the expanse of his tanned skin which stretched over his taught pecs and toned stomach. His bulging thighs were spread as he buried his head in between your legs. His teeth pulled on the fabric of your underwear which only served to edge you along further.
Normally, you enjoyed tons of foreplay, but it felt as if you two had began the foreplay weeks ago when you had first laid eyes on each other. Now, you didn’t want to wait any longer. You whimpered as your moistened underwear snapped back to your sex with a crack. He groaned, digging his nose into your clit and repeating the torturous act.
“Fuck, please just take them off already.”
“Feeling needy already?” He teased you further before chuckling profoundly and pulling your underwear to the side. He looked up at you and inhaled deeply, reveling in the way you squirmed and blushed over him. He wet his tongue before licking at your hole and up towards the apex of your lips. You shuttered at the overwhelming feeling of relief. You were finally getting his attention where you needed it the most. Your thighs began closing on instinct as the electric pulses that radiated from him flicking your clit became almost too much to take. He massaged your thigh with his broad hand to get you to relax while the other massaged at your entrance. You jerked your hips, welcoming his fingers inside of you. He held them just at the entrance as he looked up at you from between your legs. When he was satisfied with the view, he plunged two fingers into you and began easing them in and out of you languidly, taking his time to find your g-spot. You couldn’t stop moaning as your arousal leaked out of you endlessly. Once he found the fleshy mound inside of you that instantly made you want to scream, he stopped licking at your clit in favor of watching you fall apart for him. And it didn’t take long at all. You had immediately surrendered to the feeling of the pent-up stimulation threatening to break free. He stood up without letting his fingers cease their motion, milking you for everything you had as you held onto him for support.
He bit his lip with unadulterated lust as he crashed them into you once more. You were limp against his hard body on yours, your head still swimming from your high. In one swift motion, he brought both your legs up to his hips and carried you to your bed. Once his knees met the edge, you both fell back onto the mattress with a bounce earning a fit of chuckles from you both. He got ride of his shirt and your soaked underwear, taking his time to take in your naked body as he palmed his massive erection over the fabric of his underwear.
Your chest heaved with desire, not ready to call it quits even after the amazing orgasm you had just had. He looked like a god standing over you, even with the light sheen of sweat that shown on his chest and the dewy strands of hair that stuck to his forehead. He was absolutely perfect in every way, and the fact that his sole attention was on you had you glowing from the inside out.
He spread your legs wide and gazed at your sex then up at your face, sinking down onto you to give the rest of your body some much needed attention. Goosebumps broke out all over your skin as he trailed sultry kisses from the base of your ear, down your neck, across your collar bones and onto the softness of your breasts. He took his time licking and sucking on the engorged buds before that familiar feeling began resonating deep inside of you and causing the orgasmic sensation to build up again. You breathed shallowly and circled your hips under him, wanting to feel him rocking into you already. He ignored your needy response in favor of continuing the thorough service that your body so readily responded to.
Your stomach heaved as he planted kisses and licked some of your most sensitive spots. You watched him silently, wanting him to fuck you so badly but also wanting to see what he’d do to you next. Your eyes met each time you reacted to his touch, eliciting a smile from him and a blush from you. When he planted a kiss just under your naval, he blew on your core and thoroughly enjoyed the way it made you squirm under him. He came back up and caged your head in with his arms, brushing his lips tenderly on yours before you began kissing him eagerly. You moaned into the kiss as he began rocking his covered erection onto your clit. Your legs quivered involuntarily, welcoming the feeling of slight overstimulation that ensued.
When your walls began clenching, you broke away from the tender kiss, panting. “How long are you going to keep me waiting?” He smiled and brushed his nose along your skin on the way to your ear. When his gravelly voice vibrated on your eardrum, a full body shudder wracked your body.
“Turn around and bend over for me.” You bit your lip and nodded, excitement blooming in your chest. You knew his length was massive from the intimidating silhouette outlined on his briefs.
You obeyed his orders as soon as he got off of you, getting on all fours and perking your ass up for him. You felt his broad hand on the small of your back push you onto the mattress which elicited a carnal groan from him. His hand came down hard onto the skin of your bottom with a loud smack. You whimpered at the stinging feeling as our walls clenched once more. He grabbed at the flesh greedily, a string of curses freeing his bottom lip from his teeth. He took turns smacking and groping your ass, enjoying how the marks that bloomed on your skin became physical proof of his time with you.
When he had his fill, you felt the bed dip and groan as he got on his knees behind you. He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you against him, but this time, you could feel the bear skin of his cock resting along your slit. He moved his hips a bit, and with it, his length along your dripping sex. You moaned softly and wiggled a bit, wanting him to indulge you so badly. His hand returned to your back, but this time, it slid upwards towards the nape of your neck and grabbed all of your hair. Your head was yanked back as his fist acted as a ponytail, the curve of your back bending further at his will. Your fingers grasped at the sheets as you waited impatiently, and thankfully, he seemed to finally be taking mercy on you.
Slowly but steadily, the head of his leaking cock pushed into you, meeting some resistance from the tightness of your walls but was lubricated enough to slide in undeterred. Your answering moan was more of a cry since he instantly began pumping in and out of you with ferocity. Your knees spread to allow him better access to which he took the opportunity to speed up.
“Fuck, yes, just like that,” You sank onto the bed while keeping your ass in place for him, “fuck I’m going to cum again if you keep this up.”
You could hear the smile in his voice as his fingers tightened around your hair. “You’re a needy little slut, aren’t you?” You could only moan in response, his words getting you impossibly wetter. With his free hand, he began smacking your ass again, biting his lip as it jiggled with each thrust of his hips. “Look at you, bent over like this for some guy you barely even know. You get off on that kind of thing? Hm?” He pulled on your strands when you didn’t answer fast enough. You struggled to agree, your eyes crinkling shut at the feeling of your orgasm fast approaching.
When the pitch of your moans grew higher, he quickly pulled out and slapped his blushing shaft against your clit, sending intense pulses to your core. You turned around to face him, realizing exactly what he wanted as he licked his bottom lip and eyed you wickedly. He held his glistening cock straight out and took your chin in his other hand, leading your pretty lips to the head of his dick. Taking hold of your hair again, he watched you open your warm and inviting mouth then slowly led you down his length. With a loud groan, he tossed his head back and began fucking into your mouth, hitting the end of your throat. You moaned around his dick which only served to fluster him more.
“Fuck. You take my dick so well. And you look so pretty doing it too.” He looked down at you as he wiped a stray tear from your cheek. Your hand inched towards your core, rubbing circles on your clit as he continued to use your mouth. He was too hot for words.
When he noticed you fingering yourself, he pulled out and flipped you over on your side. Positioning himself behind you on his side as well, he hooked his arm around your thigh and lifted your leg up as his slippery cock eased into you again. This time, you both groaned in unison.
His lips were at your ear, causing your high to come back much quicker with every guttural sound that left his sinful lips. Your walls clenched around his girth each time his lips were at your ear, uttering the filthiest things imaginable to edge you further. His fingers left dimples on your thighs as his hips refused to falter in their relentless motion, a mission to get you to fall apart all over again. You relished the erotic details of his fucking you as your high picked up where it had left off.
“Mm, you’re good at this.” You closed your eyes as you both chuckled at your appraisal.
“Don’t compliment me just yet, wait until I give you something to scream about.” You moaned loudly as his fingers found your clit and began circling expertly. “Now, be a good little slut and say my name so I can let you cum.”
You quirked your brow and smiled at his cheeky command. “But you never told me your name.” You humored him with feigned innocence in your voice.
His answering laugh was a few octaves lower than you were expecting it to be, causing your eyes to snap open. Just then, the feeling of your orgasm approaching was too much to bear as your thighs threatened to close again, but his hold on you was ironclad. “Oh, but you do know it. You called out to me, don’t you remember?” He hissed as your slick walls made a vice grip on his throbbing member. His hips continued relentlessly while you hovered in a state of pure pleasure and helplessness.
“I—I did?” You panted, feeling yourself on the verge of falling apart.
“Mhm” He cooed into your ear as you recalled your infamous dream.
“Taehyung.” You whispered, faintly noticing the condensation of your breath in the air as you spoke his name. His answering ministrations had you rigorously falling apart on his fingers and his wet cock.
“Good girl.” He purred, sounding impossibly distant. Once your orgasm hit it never left as you laid on the bed in a pile of useless limbs. A feeling of drowsiness washed over you, yet you remained acutely aware of him talking to you, his deep voice sounding inside your own head. You were too lethargic to panic, instead, humming peacefully as he continued speaking. You’d never get enough of that sultry voice you had grown to love so much. ”It’s a shame, truly. I would’ve loved to enjoy this at least a few more times. But alas, I can’t help myself.” You shivered in the cold of the room, finding it odd that him spooning you brought no comfort to you. However, you didn’t have to endure for long. As Taehyung plunged his growing fangs into the crook of your neck, a blazing heat that originated from the puncture spread outwards, engulfing your body in a comforting blanket of warmth. “I have to punish those who’ve done bad things, and as sweet and beautiful as you are, you, unfortunately my dear, are one of them.” Suddenly, an array of criminals you had helped years ago began playing in your mind like a slideshow. “It was a pleasure erasing that wretched boy from this plane of existence, but I can’t help but feel sad at your departure, my dear.” You moaned weakly at the feeling of being drained. Taehyung sucked on your neck one last time before removing his mouth from your skin with a pop. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, his obsidian irises expanding until they covered the entirety of his eyes. “I just want you to know,” He caressed your stiff cheek thoughtfully, “you were my favorite, okay?” You could barely muster an acknowledgement of his adieu, the timbre of his voice lulling you further into a deep sleep from which you’d never awaken from.
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anxiouslyfred · 4 years
He Could Be Tempted
for @dukexietyweek‘s day 1 prompt of Halloween since I forgot yesterday. I’m going to try and do todays after this, It’s being written and posted unedited and hopefully it turns out alright
Summary: Remus doesn’t like Halloween but his flatmate Virgil loves it. He comes around sort of.
Warnings: nothing really, some weird halloween things like murder being referenced to food
Remus didn’t really like any holidays. They were always a bit dull and too, well regimented felt like the wrong word given how everyone celebrates different things in different ways but a lot did feel enforced.
Even Halloween wasn’t something Remus enjoyed at all despite every friend, roommate or co-worker he’d had since high school insisting it must be his favourite holiday. Really it just made his one tradition of such to be shutting himself in his room and drawing all day as soon as he was out of work. He defintely wouldn’t take the day off when everyone encouraged him to do so and make the best of the spooky holiday they thought he’d love.
In all the months he’d shared an apartment with Virgil they hadn’t spoken about any holidays aside from disparaging them as forcing cheer onto people needlessly. Halloween was only a couple of months away and Remus was hoping to avoid being forced to celebrate though he wouldn’t do anything to prevent Virgil from enjoying the holiday.
That did nothing to stop his shock upon walking into their flat after work at the start of September and finding it looked more like a haunted house than their home. Even Virgil fitted in to the dark background of spiderwebs, though he looked more nervous than usual.
“You should have told me we were having a fancy dress party. I’d have stocked up on extra fake blood since the supply I keep for theatre is running low.” Remus remarked after a moment, trying to question what was happening indirectly.
“I know you don’t like well, Roman said any holidays, but Halloween is like my favourite celebration ever. Please can I keep my decorations up?” Virgil mumbled, looking more at the floor than Remus.
It took a second before Remus decided commenting on the date was probably a terrible idea given how nervous Virgil already was. “Of course Spiderling! It’s true that celebrations are not my party but you do you!”
That was the start of the craziest two months Remus had experienced without being the one to cause the madness.
He grew used to the slightly darker aesthetic than usual easily, but constantly found himself staring at his roomate as Virgil sang things from horror films or halloween films while going about his day.
Just watching the excitement grow in his friend was adorable, especially with each week that Virgil added an extra way to celebrate halloween to the mix, whether it was bringing all the halloween films out to watch one each evening, or just mixing up a few juices until he had at least 15l of the flavour of halloween in the fridge.
Remus still planned to avoid the day as much as he could but for the first time he actually wanted to watch one person celebrate the day however Virgil would end up doing so in the end.
“Have you seen that cafe on the corner, Remus? They’re going to be doing a ghostly grains breakfast special! It’s just for Halloween but the pictures look so perfect. Oh I wish I could go, but everyone just asks why they’d want to eat something that looks like a murder scene when I’ve asked my friends!” Virgil came hope somewhere between excited and moping the day before Halloween.
The pout was what convinced Remus that he couldn’t just leave Virgil to his celebrations the next day, and before he’d actually thought it through the words were leaving his mouth. “When does that place open? As long as I have time before work I’ll go with you!”
“But you don’t like Halloween!” Virgil was clearly torn between hopeful that he could go and unwilling to force someone who wouldn’t want to.
Remus nodded, finally putting words to the emotions he’d been ignoring growing over the last two months. “But I do like that adorable excitement that’s had you bouncing around since putting the decorations up and want to see you looking that happy as often as I can. If that means taking you on a Halloween breakfast date, then I guess I’m your date for Halloween.”
“Dating!” Virgil squeaked, flushing, but not upset by the word.
“Well, usually my first date plan would be the graveyard or breaking into the dump but I guess that can be a second date if you want to.” Remus carried on, not quite realising the state Virgil was in until he was suddenly in his lap.
Virgil paused after making that move, not entirely registering it in his anxious reaction. “Remus, are you serious about wanting to date me or if that just something you said as a thought crossed your mind?”
Remus gulped at that, reqinding through what he’d just been saying. “Serious, dating sounds good. Be my boyfriend and lover boy?”
“Yes.” Virgil nodded, before pausing. “Whatever that graveyard date is, can we do that in the evening?”
“I could be convinced, but didn’t you have other plans for your halloween?” Remus accepted easily, already compiling a list of what he’d want to fetch on the way back from work the next day.
Virgil snorted, “Yeah, toning my costume down enough I can go to Patton’s party without terrifying him and avoiding all the trick or treaters I can.”
“Well then Virgil, it looks like you halloween shall start and finish with a date.”
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