#i is the confuzzled
puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 290
Ghosts have the habit of taking names of those they’ve defeated. Not in spars or play-fights of course, and one has to actually be an adult for the instinct to hit, but it happens. It happens far more often than one would think. 
Jason? Actually has no clue when he comes back to the living why he stole one of the Joker’s older names, nor why the Pit goes so angry when he thinks about Robin- HisTitleHisFraidNameFromFamily- 
Now the Pit? Not a baby semi-near the cusp of adulthood, in fact is Very Old even if it’s more hivemind-esque then a full on realms entity. Very offended for the Baby it was gifted, because who takes that from a literal infant?! 
Oh! Oh that’s another baby! Hm, change of plans, obviously the baby is also its. Because while adult ghosts trying to forcefully take a Name is a direct challenge? A ghostling- or in this case liminal- doing it is an open invitation for adoption. 
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lil-inky · 1 year
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Im going insane, perhaps wacky, one might even say cra—
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
About your comic, I imagine E gadd seeing his two children as babies and immediately adopting a protective role with them, or adopting them, period. I laugh thinking about it.
Excuse my phone's shadow, lol! Idk when I'll include Gadd in the comic itself, but your ask inspired me!
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hearts4pearlescentmoon · 10 months
I wanted to see how far back the Jonmartin Fics went and
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I don’t know how posting a fics on ao3 works. Is this like a common thing or.
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atruesweetheart · 4 months
okay, so nobody laugh but i recently learned that there was more than one robin??? like, as in batman’s sidekick??? looks a bit like a traffic light, THAT lil guy??? apparently there are many and i’ve just been living under a rock up until a couple of months ago and honestly idk what to do with this information because the deeper i dig the more i find. nothing is as it seems, and most pressingly of all none of them appear to be okay. one seems like he’s holding on by a thinning thread, another one apparently became a crime lord for a time, another one just gives off the same energy as that one kid at the back of the class who chugs energy drinks and never knows peace, and another knows how to use a sword. a SWORD, people. he’s, like, ten. he is an infant with a murder weapon. oh, and apparently there was a blond girl one for a second???? guys please i’m spiraling GUYS—
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igotsnothing · 1 month
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local-homosexual · 2 months
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Sjjwiwisi BigB au doodle
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samrut · 8 months
Liet offers you coffee.
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No, he doesn't have anything smaller and he looks at you confused if you ask -
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hyrulecollective · 30 days
OK SO, I have a question for the linked universe fanbase
What in Hylias good name is team Time and why is everyone calling me hot
Im really not, I’m not even all that attractive I don’t know what Malon sees in me ;- ;
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boop boop
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Is any other trans (FtM or FtNB) person afraid they’re such a hardcore pick me girl? Like I am actually so afraid that I am such a bad pick me girl that I think I’m not a girl at all, but also not?? I have no idea how to describe it lol, (but seriously please tell me thats just weird slight internalized transphobia (I live in a very conservative area) and that’s not actually the case).
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ancicntforged · 10 days
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batzdites · 11 months
ok now im severly confused, how the hell is it 2013 in TT?
why i am super confused about this is this one scene, that made me happy cause i was right that it was 2012 in TT
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now, at first i thought it the expiration was september 15th, 2013. confirming that it was 2012
but.. apparently TT DOES take place in 2013..?
so either
1. the candy expires on september 13th, 2015 (idk wtf their putting in the candy to make it last THAT long
2. halloween takes place in 2013, but before september for some reason?
or 3. it really IS 2012, and DS took place a little before october. (considering that it is possible to get snow before october)
OR 4, the candy is expired.. ig
timelines are shitty and confusing and i HATE THEM ❗️
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cawareyoudoin · 2 months
Recently I have gotten many, many followers who seem to be normal-ass blogs, I wouldn't suspect them of being bots at all... But neither before or after they follow, do I get anything else from them. No likes, no reblogs. Why are you following me, people? Are you relatively new users forced to follow a certain amount of blogs? You don't look new. Are you just shy? Please come on and interact, this is a social media site! Are you just... Bots that are so well-adjusted that you seem like normal users? You're not even trying to sell me anything!
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Ambessa but with a primal kink—
Gonna do this with royal!reader. I sat on this for a bit cuz I thought I'd have time to write a short or smth but after having the Alcina fic that was basically this, some hcs instead:
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This is so up her ally, I can see this happening while you're wearing some flowy lingerie she bought for you, like a long black or white sheer robe. Something that looks dramatic when your run lmao.
Perhaps here it's with the royal reader. I can imagine you're just curious at first, asking her what it feels like to fight another person, to look at them and want to take their life, to pursue them with that killing intent, and what it felt like when she succeeded.
She describes it to you as the feeling being much like a predator to a prey. She lies in bed with you beside her, voice a steady murmur as her fingers brush over your side. "There's a reason why they call it a bloodlust. The line between the desire to kill and to love is a fickle thing. You can love a thing so greatly that when it's in your hands all you want to do is squeeze...until you crush it."
She goes on like that, and it's an intellectual, enlightening conversation...but it also makes you squirm.
The way she muddles the difference between what you know as love, and the carnal, near primal desire of human beings...is frightening to you. Ambessa understands it well...almost suspiciously too well, this seemingly unfiltered and raw kind of love.
In reality, Ambessa very clearly knows what she's doing.
She caught your little squirming easily, along with the confused, glazed eyes you fixed on her. She found your curiosity adorable, but like usual, you needed a little pushing before she could suggest anything. Now with your warm cheeks and heavy breathing...
"Would you like to try it?" You gulped, looking up into your warlord's warm, teasing gaze. "Being hunted down as my little prey? Ah–" Ambessa leaned back, as though thinking.
"But you are a princess, and I wouldn't want to insult–"
"Y-yes!" You quickly spoke, and from Ambessa's smirk...you vaguely realized that might of been a bit of a trap.
Ambessa let's you have a head start. She's not greedy. You both have the entire palace to use as your playground, and she wants to see you truly dishelved, weak, and looking at her like she really will swallow you whole.
Of course, the warlord gets what she wants.
You've never seen Ambessa use her brute strength on you. You've seen her spar, protect you and defend herself. But against you?
You wait just around the corner for her to pass. You think she's gone this way–at least, you heard her do so a moment ago. Suddenly, something flashes from the corner of your eye. Huh? You turn just in time for a hand to slam onto the wall, war torn fingers inches short of your face.
Oh my God.
Your frightful cry is overshadowed by her booming, terrifying laughter. It echoes through the halls, bouncing around your fleeing form as you sprint, desperate to get away. Ambessa walks with quick, yet leisure strides behind you, as if she knows that no matter your efforts she'll catch you soon enough. She calls out to you in a deep, sing song voice.
"Did I scare you, my little princess? Don't worry–I'll do much worse when I have you in my hands."
When she decides to finally catch you, it's in the bathhouse.
The steam makes it hard to see her until it's too late–and suddenly there are thick arms around you, pulling you underwater. When you break the surface you sputter, quickly turning red when you feel Ambessa's bare breasts against your back. Your own attire hides nothing now that it's drenched, and your warlord is particularly happy she got it for you at this moment.
She doesn't say too much, chasing you was fun, but seeing your wide eyes and heaving chest, your soft pleas to spare me like honey dripping over her ears...
She's a bit. Heated.
So it's growls in your ears and snarled out commands, pinning your arms to the edge of the bath to fuck you senseless. She's rougher than usual, hands pressing hard enough to leave light bruises and bites all over your skin. You feel a bit like a ragdoll under her touch, tossed into position after position until your full of tears and begging for her to be satisfied, because God fucking damnit–at this rate, she might kill you.
So. In conclusion, that day you find out how very intertwined regular lust...and bloodlust is for your precious warlord :)
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p01kad0t · 1 year
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Castlevania aria of sorrow is a very fun game where it's not easy to get lost at all yep
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