#i live for the warm winter hugs and back pats and back rubs
miyaeto · 2 years
T’was a good day today, went out to the city to meet my bestie and two other friends. Got some good dinner, drank a little, walked around while talking and played a bit of darts too! Life is really all about the simple small things and it’s stuff like this that makes me happy to be alive…
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jungkookslipring · 6 months
This is Home
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summary: reader's house no longer feels like home, but she has her best friends to help her escape.
pairings: Yeosang + San + Wooyoung x Reader (w/ mentions of OT8)
relationship: Platonic
genre: hurt/comfort
tw: mentions of depression, crying, mentally/verbally abusive parents. If any of this is triggering I would steer more towards my happier fics. Please be kind to yourself<3
It wasn’t uncommon for you to show up unannounced at your friends’ apartment, especially late at night, but this time, it was different. This time you ASKED if you could come over. The group chat was only used to send memes, nothing more nothing less.
~8 makes 1 Team + y/n~
You: ‘Can I come over please?’
Your phone immediately started ringing, and San’s profile pic popped up on your screen.
“Y/n? You alright?” he asked. You bit your lip, shaking your head. 
“Would you like us to come get you?” He asked quietly. He was assuming you were trying to keep quiet. You hum in a disagreement, cause if you talk you’ll lose it.
“We’ll unlock the door, come over whenever you’re ready,” he whispered. You sniffled, hanging up and trying to catch your breath. You packed up an overnight bag and tiptoed out of your bedroom and out the door. The drive was short, blessed that they lived only 10 minutes away from you. You walked up to the door and knocked quietly it was midnight, so there was a chance everyone was awake or asleep except for San. The door opened, San’s face full of worry.
“You normally don’t knock either, Y/n,” he said with a worried chuckle. Everything you were doing was beyond out of character. You sucked in your cheek, trying to will the stinging behind your eyes. San pulled you into the warm apartment out of the freezing weather. 
“Here let’s get you out of this,” he whispered, taking off your winter coat. 
“Is every one asleep?” you ask. San nodded.
“Yeah but they’re heavy sleepers I’m sure if you ran around screaming like a banshee they’d be dead asleep,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. You couldn’t help but smile at the efforts San was making. You saw the couch had a few pillows and a couple of blankets, where you normally slept. You put your bag down and got ready to sit down. San gently stopped you.
“You can take the bedroom, Woo and I are going to be out here,” he said. You looked at him in disbelief.
“What? Sannie, no, that's your guys' room.”
“We want you to have your privacy,” he said kindly. Wooyoung stepped out of the room with worry in his eyes. You were so used to him nearly breaking the furniture and decor to tackle you into a hug, so you weren’t used to him walking up to you slowly but with urgency. 
“You okay?” He asked quietly. You bit your trembling lip, your vision blurring when Wooyoung touched your shoulder. 
“Oh come here…” Wooyoung said, pulling you into his arms, San joining shortly after. 
“Do you want to talk about it,” San asked, rubbing his hand up and down your back. You shook your head sniffling. You weren’t ready yet.
“If you want to talk about it we’re here, for now, let’s get you in bed,” San said, patting your head. You nodded while Wooyoung wiped your eyes. San had already grabbed your bag and took it to the bedroom. Wooyoung gave you one more squeeze before he got settled under the blankets on the pullout bed. You made your way to San and Wooyoung’s shared bedroom, giving San one more hug before you got under the covers. 
“Let us know if you need anything,” San said, squeezing your hand. You nodded before turning over in the bed, almost immediately falling asleep. 
The next morning you woke up feeling groggy. Your eyes were swollen from the tears you let fall when you got into bed. You checked your phone, seeing it was 9 am, everyone was probably awake by now. Normally, you would hear people stomping around, voices loud, just chaotic, but it was something you were used to. What you weren’t used to was it being super quiet. You heard footsteps but it sounded more like tiptoeing. You were brought out of your thoughts when there was a small knock at the door. Judging by the knock you knew who it was. 
“Hi, Yeosang,” you called quietly. A timid “hi” was at the other end of the door.
“You can come in, Sangie, it's okay,” you say from your bed. The door knob slowly turned and in came Yeonsang.
“What time did you get here last night?” He asked as he came and sat at the end of San’s bed. 
“Around midnight, I think everyone was asleep except for Sannie and Woo,” you said. He hummed as he tapped your foot.
“Did something happen?” he asked carefully. He didn’t want to push you if you weren’t ready. You nodded, trying to hold it together.
“Is it your dad?” he asked. You bit your lip and blinked back the tears. Wordlessly, Yeosang came and sat next to you, pulling you into a hug, but making sure you stayed warm under the blankets. 
“We were worried when we saw your text, wasn’t very on brand of you to ask to come over,” he said comically but with a sad tone. He and San were right; because they started leaving their door unlocked so you could waltz right in because you would stand and knock repeatedly on the door or ring the doorbell till it was close to breaking. You sighed and decided that if you didn’t say something now, you probably wouldn’t later. You let Yeosang in on everything, telling him what had happened, and he didn’t speak a word until you were done, heartbroken seeing you so hurt.
“He had no right saying that about you, you know that right?” he asked. You were torn because you had the “I don’t give a fuck what you say” energy but you’re still human, and cruel words from anyone hurt, let alone your own family. Yeosang was alarmed by the lack of response, and he slowly turned his head towards you.
“He had no right, Y/n, what he said was not true,” he said with more confidence this time. You nodded because Yeosang was a man of very few words but when it came to the ones he loved, he would do and say anything to protect them. Shortly after his little speech, he offered to go refill your water jug, and not too long after, there was a small knock at the door, it was San and Wooyoung.
“How are you feeling, Y/n?” Wooyoung asked. You shook your head.
“Not great, I just told Yeosang what happened,” you said rubbing your eyes.
“Are you okay with sharing what happened? If it's just him that knows it’s okay!” he reassured seconds before Yeosang walked in with your water jug that was now filled with ice cold water. You took a swig and set it on the bedside table.
“I can tell you,” you croak, already feeling yourself choke up again. Everyone made their way onto the bed and you told them everything. While you explained your story, tears coated your cheeks and it took them everything in them not to get angry. They were appalled by what they were hearing, but also so sad seeing you hurt. 
“Y/n… you do have respect for yourself. Everything negative your father says about you is wrong,” San says as he wipes your eyes. Wooyoung rubbed a thumb over your hand while your head rested on Yeosang’s shoulder.
“It just sucks…*sniff* the one permanent safe space, my home, doesn’t even feel like a safe space anymore,” you say before breaking down in Yeosang’s arms. Yeosang’s heart hurt while San and Wooyoung saw red. How dare the person who is supposed to be a role model, a friend, or a PARENT, not make your home a safe space. They let you cry for as long as you needed and didn’t dare speak a word until your cries were reduced to sniffles and the occasional hiccup.
“How can we help, Y/n?” Yeosang asked. You shrugged, because what can you do? The damage was done. 
“Unless you know how to magically reverse emotional damage, I don’t know… I just don’t know anymore,” you whisper, feeling so defeated.
“Well, is there anything we can do for you now?” Wooyoung asked. You shook your head.
“I just don’t want to go home…I don’t feel safe,” you whisper, your vision blurring again. The boys gave each other knowing looks, clearly able to read each other’s minds.
“You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need to, and if you truly don’t want to go home, you are more than welcome to move in,” San said confidently. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head.
“Guys…no, this is your space… there are 8 of you already living here!” you say in disbelief.
“What’s one more?” Yeosang asks. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You put a hand over your mouth and tears of happiness started flowing,
“Don’t you make me cry now!” Wooyoung exclaimed while he was looking up at the ceiling blinking back the moisture in his eyes.
“Take all the time you need, okay? Let us know and we will support you no matter what,” San said before all of them pulled you into a group hug.
“I love you all so much,” you said tearfully. They said it back, and when you heard them say it, you knew they meant it. Your house may have been where you lived, but in this space, this was home.
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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vibratingskull · 3 months
What would you think of maybe Thrawn x Reader on a camping trip to somewhere scenic and isolated? Maybe on vacation, away from the stresses of work? I'm definitely imagining Thrawn shirtless and chopping firewood, for some eye candy. Maybe like, half fluff/half spicy?
🥺 pretty please?
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(my love as a gift, regardless of if you write this!)
Of course, anything for you my sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Tags: Winter vacation, fluff, fingering
“Ch’acah, we have arrived.” Thrawn pats your thigh to wake you up.
You rise up in a jolt, still half asleep. You were so comfortable pressed against Thrawn's back, holding him tight on the speeder, his body's higher warmth still spreading to you past the thick leather jacket he wears. 
You rub your eyes and wipe a bit of drool off your mouth and discover a wooden cabin under a thick layer of snow. Thrawn already jumped off the bike to get the luggages as you hug yourself to shield yourself from the biting cold. He was so warm…
“You are shivering, Vir. Let’s get inside.” He invites gallantly.
You jump on the ground, leafing through the bunch of keys you have. You haven't come here in decades, you almost forgot your grand aunt bought that cabin in the middle of nowhere.
You would have come in summer under a blazing sun but you saw how Thrawn's eyes were shining when you told him everything froze in winter in the region. You hoped for a resort near a beach for those vacation, but seeing him getting excited by the prospect of living through a cold climate for some weeks made you cave in, for your Chiss…
As much as Thrawn shows excitement of course, which is always in moderation. 
But enduring the cold and wind is worth it if Thrawn gets something reminding him of his homeworlds.
You enter the key in the door and push the heavy block of wood to enter the modest abode. It is completely dark and cold. You search for a lightswitch on the wall until you find it and flip it.
You flip it again.
Still dark.
“We may have an electricity problem.” You annonce.
Thrawn puts the luggages down in the largest room, consisting of a kitchenette, a sofa, a double bed and a fireplace.
Real small cabin, you see.
You mingle with a heater mounted on the wall, to no avail.
“Let’s start the chimney.” Thrawn says. “Let’s get some light and warmth.”
You go around the cabin in search of the wood reserve, finding the ax in the meantime. You find back Thrawn securing the bike in the nightfall against a tree. You don’t know who would come lost themself in this forest to steal a speeder bike, but security first you suppose.
“No cutted logs, but I found the ax.” 
He nods, standing up. He is only wearing his leather jacket while you're wrapped in the puffiest winter coat you ever saw, a heavy lana scarf and some gloves. 
“I will see the wood, go collect some ice.” He instructs
“Why?” you tilt your head, blowing hot air on your hands.
“For the bath.” He says with a thin smile.
You take a hammer from the top case and a very large bucket. You wave at Thrawn as you go, looking at him chopping wood with application and venture a little bit deeper in the forest. If your memory serves you right there must be a lake not too far away…
You break the ice with the hammer and collect enough to fill the bucket. It is a really, really large bucket and it gets really, really heavy. You have all the pain in the world carrying it back to the cabin, especially with this hindering coat. You take double the time it took you to reach the lake to come back.
But you’re not disappointed, far from it.
Because when you finally reach the cabin, you raise your eyes from the heavy bucket to discover Thrawn, still cutting logs, bare chested and muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat shining under the rising stars. 
You are so surprised and enthralled you stop dead in your tracks, completely hypnotized by that scene. You cannot help but admire his form, his powerful muscles flexing so wonderfully under the new moonlight. 
You remained silent, eyes wide open, arms holding on desperately on the heavy bucket that started trembling in your hands. He catches a glimpse of you mid swift, sliding a log in too with such force and power the two parts fly on the side. He lays down the ax to turn to you, gasping for air, his breath forming steamy clouds at his mouth. You see his large chest rising up and down rapidly and you imagine his heart beat racing in his rib cage. 
You close your agape mouth with a gulp, shaking your head back to reality. 
“I found ice.” You inform gingerly, trying to keep your eyes to his ember eyes and not his mouth watering chest and abdominals.
Maker… He is such an athlete! He has been carved by the gods in pure marble!
“Good.” He nods, already getting back his breath under control, “Put it in the chimney, we are going to melt it for the bath.”
You greet your teeth as you carry the bucket inside. Right behind you Thrawn gathered the wood he cut and places them in the fireplace. He starts the fire as you get rid of your heavy coat. You take one of the furry plaid and lay it on his naked shoulders, he raises his head to meet your gaze, a silent ‘thank you’ in his eyes.
“You’re going to catch a cold in this outfit.” You smile gently.
You just see a drop of sweat rolling from his pac to roll on his muscular stomach, making you gulp again. He doesn’t close the plaid over him, only holding the sides with the tip of his fingers, letting you appreciate his whole carved bust as he rises back on his feet. The red and yellow flames bounce beautifully on his deep blue skin, creating delightful tones and shades dancing on his skin. You breathe deeply through your nose, trying your best not to drool at that sight.
He turns his head to you, completely lost in your admiration of his body, and smiles thinly before booping the tip of your nose with his knuckle. You wince and wrinkle your nose in reaction, almost sneezing.
“I think we still have some hot cocoa in the thermos. You are shivering, Ch’acah.”
He invites you to sit on the sofa in front of the burning fire and brings the two cups and the thermos bottle, pouring you a cup of the fuming drink. As you blow on the steaming cup in your hand he sits beside you, throwing the side of the plaid over your own shoulders. You smile and snuggle against his warmer body with a sigh of contentment.
“I know you wished to go to the beach for those vacations.” Thrawn says after a very long moment of comfortable silence, “I am sorry, Ch’acah.”
You kiss his shoulder before laying your head on it.
“No need Thrawn. I saw how happy and interested you were in this location.”
“And I am thankful to you for accepting.” He brushes his cheek against the top of your head.
“If you are happy, it is good enough for me.” You assure, sighing contented as you finally started to warm up.
“We will go to that resort you saw, cheo vir, I promise you.”
“And we could come back here each winter, if you wish!” You propose.
“Thank you, love.” He kisses your hair tenderly.
You press yourself against his warm body, feeling his arm circling your shoulders, pressing you tighter against himself. You deeply inhale the natural musk of your Chiss with glee, letting it invade your lungs with great pleasure.
He is so, so warm…
And smells so, so good.
His thumb comes caressing the plump of your cheek softly.
“I love you, Thrawn.” You let escape in the softness and intimacy of the moment.
“I love you too, Ch’acah.” He responds with a melodious tone.
You sip your cups, letting the heavy and thick chunks of ice slowly melt in the bucket over the fire. He keeps caressing your cheek with his thumb, softly, lightly, tenderly…
You hear him purring lowly, feeling the waves through the skin of your cheek. You close your eyes, comfortable and relaxed.
“Do you like it here?” You ask.
“It is quite rudimentary, but yes. It brings back some soft memories.” He admits.
“Good, that’s what I wanted for you.” you press your cheek on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Ch’acah. You take such good care of me.”
You raise your head to look him in the eyes. His so beautiful crimson eyes.
“Because you do it too…” You whisper.
His fingers travel from your cheek to your chin, tilting it to give him a better access to your lips. He leans forward and captures them delicately, pressing sweet kisses on your lips, purring deeply at the sensual contact. In place of purring you moan for his ears, mewling alluringly for his pleasure.
He parts from you with a satisfied sigh, looking into your eyes. His face is stern and unreadable but his eyes are spilling love and adoration. He gently puts a strand of your hair behind your ear before taking your cheek in his palm. You mewl and snuggle against his warm palm.
“I could drown in your eyes.” He murmurs with his deep baritone voice.
“Your eyes set fire to my soul.” You respond.
He kisses your forehead lovingly.
“We should take the water off the fire before it boils.” He simply says, leaving your embrace.
He lets the plaid fall off his large shoulders like a cap in a regal movement, letting you admire his magnificently sculpted back and well defined shoulder blades. You feel your throat drying at that simple sight.
“Will it be sufficient?” You ask tilting your head.
“It is plenty.”
You hardly see how it is enough to fill a bathtub…
He seizes the heavy bucket, flexing his powerful biceps just for you and easily carry it to the ridiculously small bathroom.
This room is hilariously small.
There is no bathtub, not even a shower. There is only a larger than usual metallic barrel next to a crude, but serviceable toilet. Thrawn easily lift the bucket and pour the fuming water in the barrel, filling it up.
“Oh this is really, really rudimentary.” You concede.
“We will be a bit squeezed in here, but it will be quite… pleasant.” He turns to you.
Your gaze travel between the barrel to Thrawn, eyes round.
“You want us to take our bath together, in… this?”
“Will it be a problem?” He asks, opening his pants.
You purse your lips.
You hardly see how Thrawn could squeeze his large and tall body in this barrel, so your two bodies at the same time…
“I thought it would be agreeable to bathe together, in each other's arms.” He presents his argument.
“I mean…” You hesitate.
You turn back to him to see him naked in all his glory and immediately avert your eyes, suddenly shy.
Which is quite weird, you've been seen naked more than once. And you always loved it, a lot!
You feel him come to press his naked form against your body, gently opening the buttons of your thick lana cardigan.
“Come bath with me, Ch’acah.” He whispers in your ear, making you shudder instantly.
You gulp, feeling your body temperature skyrocketing by the second. He pulls the cardigan off your shoulders  gently, nibbling at your ear. You gasp at the touch of his breath on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your spine and pussy. You bite your lips and take your shirt off while he unbutton your pants before pulling them down, letting you in your bra and tights. You fill his warm hands snaking their way back up your legs, caressing and squeezing the flesh as they rise. 
This is not an alluring stocking but lana tights with extravagant colors and patterns as they tend to be. You hear a low chuckle behind you.
“I am sorry, you may have hoped for a thin shaded stocking.” You mumble. “I am sorry.”
“Not at all, Ch’acah. I know you cannot endure cold climates as well as I. These eccentric patterns and colors are also pleasant to see.”
“I was so cold on the ship.” You admit. “I needed a new layer.”
“I will make sure you remain warm during our stay.” He says lowly, darkly, seductively…
You feel his lips on your lower back brushing the thin sensitive skin like a butterfly, making you shiver again. He stands back to his full height and opens your bra expertly, with a snap of the hooks and his warm hands come forth and grabs your tits delicately. You breathe through your nose, mouth agape as he gently kneads the round mounds of flesh, before making your nipples roll between his master fingers, tugging on them softly.
“I love unclothing you.” He whispers again, “I know really well what I will found, but it is like I am rediscovering our body each time, like a new first time.” and he bites down your ear.
You yelp, to his pleasure.
“Come in with me, sweet thing.” He kisses your shoulder and leave you to enter the barrel.
Somehow, someway he does enter the barrel entirely, sitting down in the warm water, his legs wide apart to leave you space. He extends his hand to you invitingly.
You get rid off your tights and panties quickly and enter the fuming, hot water. Miraculously you manage to both fit in the barrel, squeezed against the other, but surprisingly comfortable nonetheless. Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit between his legs. 
“How is it?” He asks.
“Too hot?” He worries.
‘Against a body such as yours? It is scorching hot’ you think.
“It is agreeable.” You correct, getting comfortable against his chest.
You sigh of comfort, slowly relaxing in the fuming water.
“See? We could fit without any difficulties.”
“I wouldn’t have bet on it!” You retort.
He kisses the top of your head, pecking your hair, hugging your body tightly in his arms. He crosses his legs before yours, imprisoning you between his embrace completely.
“Lay on me, Ch’acah, I am warmer.” He invites.
You let your head fall back on his shoulder with a moan. One of his hands starts drawing circles on your arm while the other one sneakily traces its way on your stomach and goes south. He keep kissing your ear and temples as his hand keeps going until it scoops your sex in his palm. Air gets stuck in your throat as you feel him dressing down your cunt with his large hand. One single finger curls up, trailing your slit until it flicks your clit at the top. You immediately jolt back, and in doing so compress his cock between your two bodies. He hisses in return in pain and pleasure.
“I’m sorry!” You immediately present your excuses.
“Do.not.move.an.inch.” He orders. “Remain here.”
He trails your slit once again, before going at it seriously, pushing past your folds and massaging your entrance with the pad of his finger.
“You are already gaping, I can feel you pulsing against my finger.” He notes satisfied.
“You are teasing me, of course I am going to react!” You defend yourself.
He adds a second finger at the circles he traces around your entrance, applying sweet pressures here and there, titillating your cunny from time to time. His fingers rise to your pearl and knead it thoroughly, adding pressure, making it roll, flicking it repeatedly. Your legs start trembling and you try to close them, but it only imprison his hand in place.
He licks your ear with his warm, wet tongue and a guttural growl. His second hand leaves  your arm to caress and grope your breast, kneading it lovingly, weighting them in his hand, appreciating their roundness and fullness with a hum of approval.
His fingers go back south and one enters you, gently, letting your entrance time to embrace the girth of his digit. He pushes it further, knuckles deep and immediately grazes at your gummy spot, caressing it and crossing it without missing a beat.
You can feel all your south muscles contracting at the shockwaves of pleasure currently spreading in your body, squeezing his finger inside.
“That is the kind of reaction I enjoy…” He says amused and pleased.
To prove his point a second finger enters you deeply, stretching you wide open. His fingers are like his hands: large and long, and a trial to take in, but they give you so much pleasure they are worth any struggle. He spreads his fingers wide to stretch you more and more until your cunny muscles are at their maximum. Shuddering terribly, you hold on his arms for support.
“Can you take a third one, Cheo vir? For me…” He purrs deeply, enjoying himself tremendously.
Mouth agape, gasping, only a strangled moan escape you as an answer. He kisses your cheek and decide for you.
“Yes you can, sweet thing.”
And he pushes the third in. This time you are at your maximum. You are fully stuffed and feel your pussy compressing his three fingers tight, threatening to cut the blood flow in them.
“I love how your tight pussy always struggles to take what I offer you. Even fingers are too much… Somedays I wonder how you can take my cock in your sweet little cunt. But you always do. To my utmost pleasure.” He praises, licking your neck all the way up. “You are so good for me, Ch’acah, always pushing your limits to please me.”
He thoroughly massages your pussy as he speaks, caressing and stroking any hidden spots inside your pussy, sending powerful waves of pleasure in your core.
“I am so stuffed!” You manage to let out in a gasp.
“Are you?” He muses, “Already?” And he pushes his finger deeper until their whole length is inside.
You pant terribly, digging your nails in his arms. You are so stretched! So full! So filled! You cannot take anything more, it is impossible, you would explode in a million pieces!
“You are strangling my fingers so much, sweet thing.” He breathes lowly, “This is so… delectable.” You feel his hips moving behind you, his big, lengthy cock brushing your lower back from side to side, getting as much friction as he can.
He circles your G spot, scratching the itch and resumes the flicking of your clit, he is not one to neglect such an important aspect of womanly pleasure, quite the contrary.
You moan and mewl uncontrollably under his caress as he deep massage your pussy while licking and kissing your neck and shoulder.
“Maker!” You cry out.
You feel your pussy clenching and convulsing furiously around his large fingers while your nervous clit pulsates powerfully.
“Come for me, Ch’acah. Come hard for me...” He whispers seductively in your ear.
You come in a jolt, the pleasure suddenly exploding in your sex like fireworks forcing you to curl over yourself, but Thrawn holds you down with his mighty arm. Your eyes roll inside your skull and your toes curl deliciously as the fire spreads in your veins slowly to your nerves ending.
You tremble, but not of cold, but of pure, raw shock. The aftermath of your climax slowly subsiding, you relax bit by bit, relaxing easily in his arms with a sigh, slouching in his embrace.
“Thank you, Cheo vir.” Thrawn praises you, “You came hard and good. Just as I wanted.” He kisses your cheek again, purring loudly, so much you feel vibrations in your back.
As much as a hard, long warm shaft in your back…
He rolls his hips again, brushing his erection against your back gently with a hum. You slide your hand between your two bodies to stroke and caress him but he stops you.
“No. Leave it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask nicely. “You made me cum, I should reciprocate.”
“Not now.” He decides, pressing you tighter against him, “It is so nervous and sensitive like that, it is really pleasant.” He moves his hips back and forth gently, “I quite like it. Let me appreciate it a bit longer…”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
I have been summoned by the power of soft prompts 🙏🏻 Would you do one of these if you find the time and energy? Touching foreheads in a hug or head pats! I love both so much, I just can't choose between the two ;; Sooo... You do whichever you like the most :D With Arkham Ozzie, please! Thank youuu 💗
I'm being brave and not hiding behind the anon option this time, hehe
a/n: Aww omg I am so proud of you for going off anon! I know it can be very nerve wracking but I’m so glad that you made a request from your beautiful blog! Of course I can do that for you sweet, sweet Mary! I’m an absolute sucker for touching foreheads so I’m gonna go with that lol. Thanks for letting me be soft and sorry this is kinda short and ends abruptly I wasn't sure how to end it but I hope the sweetness makes up for it hehe
Content Warning: none just fluff
Word Count: 338
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Arkhamverse Penguin x Reader - Huddle Up
You'd think after living in Gotham for so long you would be used to these absolutely frigid winters.
Yet no matter how many layers you drape yourself in, you still feel like you're being frozen alive.
"You all right, love?" Oswald asked after he walked out of the door and walked up behind you. You both were waiting for your ride in front of the Iceberg Lounge.
He noticed you were still shivering. Your hands were quivering as you tried to rub them together to friction any kind of warmth.
"Y-Yeah…I-I'm fine, Ozzie, just still a little cold." You shrugged.
If you shrugged out of embarrassment for being cold or an attempt to cover your ears to warm them, who's to say.
Oswald hummed knowingly. He did find it cute how you tried to hide your aversion to the cold.
“A little is an understatement, love, c’mere.” Oswald waddled closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.
You couldn’t help but smile as you instantly felt his warmth envelop you. You giggled as you felt his arms tighten around you as he turned you around to face him.
You always did enjoy these small soft moments with him like this. Just how special you are to see this sweet, thoughtful, and loving Oswald.
You giggled as he smiled softly up at you. “Thanks, Ozzie.”
“It won’t be long now, love, our car should be here soon…or else.” He grumbled the last phrase under his breath, which you barely heard.
Thankfully, your ride back to the penthouse did arrive, and you took refuge in the warmth of the heated backseat of the car.
Once the two of you got settled in, you leaned in and gave him a small grateful kiss on the top of his head where he was surely balding.
You rested your forehead against his own, smiling contently to yourself.
“Feeling warmer now that we are out of the cold, love?” He asked.
You nodded. “Much warmer, thanks Ozzie…”
“Of course love, now let's go home.”
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k1ssmeinmydreams · 6 months
❄️Drabblecember Day 7 + 10❄️
❄️Snowed In/Stuck Inside + Sleeping In☃️
(Prompts by @eternally-smitten)
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Pairing: Sara X Pam B.eesly
Word Count: 724
A/N: Went with a more ‘loose’ interpretation of the prompt(s) for this one 😅
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Sara heard the whistling of wind through the windows and slowly opened her eyes.
The miniature television was on in the kitchen playing the news. Sara stretched, yawning and looking around her makeshift ‘room’ that also functioned as the living room most of the time.
Pam walked in humming and carrying a novelty Christmas mug of what Sara assumed to be tea. “Hey there sleepyhead.” she chuckled. Sara gave a sheepish grin and yawned again, still only half awake.
Sara suddenly heard Cece run into the living room, crawling up on her bed. “No school!” she shouted. She bounced on the bed a little until Pam shot her the ‘don’t’ look. Sara laughed and fixed her bed head as best as she could with just her hands.
“So I’m guessing the blizzard hit pretty hard last night?” Sara asked. Pam nodded “8 inches. They’ve cancelled school and work for most people.”
Sara was delighted she wouldn’t have to work, even if the day did mostly just consist of shoveling snow, keeping the kids properly entertained and sleeping.
Jim walked in with Phillip in his arm, carrying his own festive cup of coffee in the other. “I see everyone’s up and at ‘em.” He smiled and sipped.
The wind whipped around them and snowflakes stuck to their hair as the Halpeesly family entered back indoors from a decent length snowball fight and snowman building session. Sara had brought out her Polaroid to take a few photos and was currently cradling a snapshot of the snowman in question in her mittened hands.
As they entered the toasty house, Pam let out a big yawn. “That snowball fight tired me out more than I thought it would.” She shut the door behind them and yawned again.
Jim grabbed Philip from Pam as Cece trailed behind him. “Why don’t I lay the kids down for a nap and you and Sara can chill for a minute.” He smiled and leaned over to give Pam a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled back and nodded, her eyes appearing to be a bit heavy. Sara felt her own mouth form into a yawn, the warm air making a nap sound that much better.
“Oh no, you’ve caught my sleepiness.” Pam said to her, chuckling quietly. Sara laughed back as Pam pulled her in for a quick embrace. “How did the photo turn out?” she asked, wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist and placing her head on her shoulder. “As good as possible I hope.” She handed the square photo to Pam, who held it so they could both look.
Peering back at them was a moderately sized, lumpy snowman with black button eyes and an Eagles ball cap. Sara let the kids use some of her old accessories to decorate as well. His black and red gingham scarf, green heart earring nose and ‘stylish but work appropriate’ cardigan had all belonged to her in the past.
“It’s like our collective little snow baby.” Pam replied. Sara chuckled, squeezing Pam slightly.
They entered the main bedroom, aka Pam & Jim’s room. Pam took off her winter wear, as did Sara. They both helped each other get their boots off.
Pam sat on the bed and sighed tiredly. Sara looked over and smiled. Pam looked at her and smiled back, laying down and getting comfortable. She patted the space next to her.
“Are you sure?” Sara asked quietly, eyebrows raised.
Pam nodded “Of course, come on.” She patted again, this time more eagerly.
Sara gingerly walked over, awkwardly placing herself onto the bed. Pam laughed and pulled her in for a cuddle.
Their foreheads touched and Sara felt her face flush.
“I’m really glad you’re back.” Pam said, placing her hand on Sara’s face. She rubbed her thumb gently. Sara nodded and placed her own hand on top of Pam’s. “Me too.” She responded quietly.
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Beesly.” Pam shut her eyes and hugged. Sara laughed and shut her own eyes. “Merry Christmas Mrs. Halpeesly.” she whispered back.
Before she knew it they were both asleep. When she awoke a few hours later she noticed the lamps had been turned off and a quilt now laid on top of them. Sara smiled, knowing it was Jim’s doing. She curled close to Pam and let them sleep for just a few moments more.
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Taglist 🏷 (if you’d like to be added or removed please don’t hesitate to ask): @gideongrovel @deadlock
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montcumbry-gaytor · 10 months
Nepenthe. chapter 02
act one : tacenda
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— bluhh chapter two!?! I'm just gonna preface that the original script of the Witcher will be extremely audited to fit the added chatacter? and it might come with a side of plot holes and out of character actions.
tw for : canon typical violence, mentions of alcohol, burning buildings.
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(n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.
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We are deep in the woods, my back is to a tree as I run my dagger against a small grindstone, the fire in front of me provides a much needed warmth in the damp and cold environment.
Over the fire are fish speared on sticks, Geralt makes quick work of cooking them, I can see he takes the one that has been slightly overcooked and hands me the other.
"What exactly are you looking for in Posada?"
I ask, when I set my grindstone and dagger away for the fish, my fingers graze Geralts for just a second, though neither of us seem to mind.
"Work, Silence, Money."
"Same old routine until the winter?"
I ask, picking apart the fish and pulling at what I choose to eat.
"You could say that."
Geralt replies, and eats away at his own poor excuse of food, I can see the bags in his eyes, he's becoming restless.
"I'll take first watch, You need sleep."
I say, raising from my spot by the fire to look over our small camp, if you could call it that, Geralt crosses his arms over his chest and shut his eyes, he's never been one to easily fall asleep.
Though he eventually does, and I stay vigilant through the night, I'm tucked up on a thick three limb, The forest is quiet, and I continue to sharpen my blades, and make work of the silver arrows I keep on my horse as well.
Geralt sleeps roughly halfway through the night, his eyes shoot open as he scans his surroundings, landing on me as I halt grinding away at my weapons.
"Did I wake you?"
I ask, letting my legs hang off the branch, they dangle slightly and I kick them to keep my blood flowing.
Geralt shakes his head and lets out a gruff 'no' and stands in front of the still going fire, though it's now at small embers and lingering heat.
I hop off the small perch, planting my feet into the soil, I watch him as he rounds the fire, and eases a gentle hug around my shoulders, I stiffen, unsure what to do at first, before my arms snake around him.
He doesn't do anything, but he stays in the embrace, his breathing is hot to my ear.
"Love it when you just hold me here."
I say, letting out a fond chuckle as I rest my chin on Geralt's shoulder, I can hear him let out a deep breath from his nose, it's a mix of a sigh and a soft chuckle.
"I'm sorry."
He says, I can feel him thickly swallow, he's worried about what I'll say, so I say nothing, but give him a small pat on the back and pull away, my eyes flicker to his, before I back myself to slide down a tree, landing on my rear.
"Goodnight Geralt."
I say, positioning myself in a similar position Geralt was in to sleep, and let myself doze off, the burning fire only warms up my body and old memories.
It's Tir Tochair, I can see it as it's structure is up in flames, though I cannot do anything more to save it as my horse keeps galloping through snow, but I can smell it's remains in the air, It's the reason I could not have a normal life, but would I have lived past it nonetheless?
I have not returned since, I seem to always abandon my home.
When I wake up, the sun is barely over the horizon, it's light bouncing off the dewey trees, the fire is out and I find Geralt sitting across from me from the other side of the fire pit.
"Should we get going?"
I ask, I rub over my eyes, my left hand is more gentle as it passes over that scar, my skin raised from the claws of an old friend.
Geralt stands, nodding with a gruff 'Yeah' and begins to collect the things left around the campfire, I do the same and bring my quiver back to my horse, belting it back to its upper thigh.
I take a moment to pet through its deep mane, he whinnies and his body shivers lightly, warming himself up as he prepares for yet another long ride.
"How long do you think it'll take us to Posada?"
I ask, untying my horse from the tree as Geralts horse —which he named 'roach' much to my confusion— Sidesteps around the tree, deep brown eyes focused on me, so I pet her gently on the snout.
"Shouldn't take us more than a day, unless we find work in between trips."
Geralt replies, sitting a medium leather bag on Roach's back, She doesn't seem to mind.
"That's good, Any stops in particular?"
I ask, I try to make small talk, though I'm not sure why.
"If we need to, we'll stop by Kalkar."
I let out a hum and keep quiet after, mounting my steed, as Geralt has done the same we ride out of the woody outskirts of the mountains, the sun holds on our backs, and by the time we're in central Aedirn it's over our shoulders, and Dol Blathanna isn't far.
The land is flourishing In Posada, even on its lower levels the grass is thick, when we enter we find a stable, leaving our horses in the hands of a man with coin, and enter the Middle levels of Posada, a large tavern awaiting us.
When we enter, a bards music hits my ears, it's not bad, but the writing is.. a tad unrealistic to my standards, but nonetheless I follow Geralt into a small booth and take a seat.
A young woman occasionally stops by our table, once to let us make our requests, and another to drop the drinks off, Geralt seems distant, as stares into his drink, though I'm quick to down mine, the alcohol feels like water in my stomach.
The tavern boos as the bard sings an odd lyric, and throws an assortment of food at him, which he pockets, and i can't help but chuckle, as i take a deep swig of my drink, an unfamiliar voice speaks.
"Love the way you both just sit in a corner and brood."
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— sOOOO... how was that?!? a good intro to the second episode? I thought so >:) as always this shit is NOT proofread and there MAY be plotholes, but hey, I'm trying </3
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cinnaminyoons · 2 years
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ミ☆ you have the world cupped in the palm of your hand. the world has pretty lips and soft hair, with a love for drinking iced coffee in winter.
⤷ PAIRING myg x m!reader
⤷ TAGS 8th member!reader, bisexual!yoongi
an 8th member m!reader fic w yoongi? like they recently came out as a couple and they openly show affection to each other in a vlive or variety show? thank u :)
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if you have to describe yoongi, it would be as ‘resolutely nonchalant’. he’s naturally more of a listener than a talker, and on-screen, he squirms away from physical affection and waves off thanks for his own actions with an affectionate half-smile.
the other members were, at first, a little afraid of him. yoongi can remember your first meeting as if it was yesterday. you had raced up to each of them personally, bowed deeply, and exclaimed your excitement for working together. what you had said was fairly typical of every new start at work – nice to meet you, i look forward to joining the team, something like that – but all yoongi can truly remember is the giddiness in your grin.
at that age, right in the middle if you lined up, you didn’t have the worries of the older ones or the shyness of the younger ones. you’d been honing your talents for years and, yoongi thought, were simply excited to be going somewhere.
yoongi fiddles with the camera set-up in front of him, aiming it higher. he leans forward in his chair, slowly twisting from side to side as he responds to comments.
“yn is live too,” he reads aloud. he glances up. “yeah, he is. last time i heard, he was making bracelets with hoseok.”
he squints at the screen and the words flying by. “ah, slow down, i can’t read that fast… he’s writing my name in beads?” a tiny smile creeps onto his face as he pushes his beanie down his forehead. “aw. that’s adorable.”
the chat explodes at his words. it’s not a big deal, in his mind, but he guesses that the switch in relationship status changes the context. you’re no longer only someone close like a brother – you’re someone close like a lover.
he sits up straighter. the muffled voice came from outside his door.
“yoongi-hyung, i have a surprise for you!”
a dark, blurry shape presses against the frosted glass. the hands are the sharpest outline, pressed flat.
yoongi rises to his feet and calls out jokingly, “is it a dinosaur?”
“if i tell you, it’s not a surprise anymore.”
pulling open the door, yoongi is met with a sudden hug that nearly has him toppling over. he pats your back, keenly aware that the camera can see most of what’s happening.
you pull back and beam down at him. you’re wearing a white shirt covered in doodles drawn in various colours of permanent marker. there’s a group of yellow stars on your left shoulder, and an ‘i love kim taehyung’ written in taehyung’s script-like style on your right.
“hello, hyung,” you say with fond eyes.
he sighs and brings you over to his seat, rubbing his warm cheeks. he points at the chair. “sit.”
“what? but this is yours.”
“sit,” he repeats.
you slide into the leather seat. it’s set a little too low for you but you don’t dare adjust it, just in case he notices and takes it as a personal slight. he carries a chair over from the corner of the room and says, “scoot.”
while yoongi gets settled, you duck into frame and wave at the camera. “hi everyone,” you chirp, “i’m yoongi-hyung’s boyfriend.”
he pushes your shoulder lightly, the corner of his lips quirked up. “they already know that, no need to say it twice.”
“ah, but i’m happy i can finally be honest! i love being able to call you ‘baby’.” quickly, over the top of the embarrassed ‘yah!’ that bursts out of him, you hold out a long, thin rope strung with colourful beads. “this is for you.”
his narrowed eyes promise you you’re not out of the danger zone yet, but when his gaze flicks down to your hands, his face softens. he takes it gently, careful not to ruin it.
the round wooden beads have been carefully ordered in a rainbow gradient, one colour smoothly turning into the next. some white-lettered ones in the middle section spell out his name next to yours, separated by a blue bead.
“weren’t you making bracelets?” he asks, rolling the beads between his fingers. “this is too long to be one.”
your hand lifts to touch your neck briefly, a motion that yoongi’s come to associate with shyness. “i didn’t want to leave out any of the colours, so i made it a necklace. but,” you add, “it should fit your wrist if you twist it.”
yoongi passes it over when you reach for it, taking his hand. he leans in to watch as you loop it around his arm three times, twirling the beads face-out.
you raise your eyes to meet his and you smile brightly. you are only a few inches away from him. “see? perfect fit. do – do you like it?”
turning his hand palm-up, and back down again, yoongi admires the care put into it. the knot is the perfect size to completely fill up the bead’s core, hiding it, and the length of the string is just right so that the beads don’t slip out of place.
in an unexpected flare of confidence and recklessness, he leans across the armrest of the chairs and presses your lips together. at the same time as he closes the gap between you, your hand shoots out and tilts the camera away.
his lips are slightly chapped, but otherwise soft. you have to remind him to drink more water when he’s huddled up in his studio.
his kisses are always quick, as if he’s trying to fit one in while an onlooker is briefly distracted. he makes up for the lack of contact with more of them. for the length of a kiss for someone else, they get one – you get three.
yoongi’s playful. he tangles his hand in your hair and chuckles at your flustered expression. “what?” he asks, voice too low for the microphone to pick up.
you match his volume. “you want to be so bold now? hyung, you’ve got a horrible sense of judgement.”
he just smiles, seeming much looser and relaxed. he leans back, adjusting the camera as if nothing happened. the chat’s a flurry of text and exclamation marks but he pays it no mind.
he turns back to you, scanning your shirt. “hey, why is there a space here?” he touches your chest on the left side.
“that’s your spot.” you pull a blue sharpie out of the pocket of your jeans. “jimin was very upset i didn’t let him take it.”
yoongi tucks one leg up onto his chair as he uncaps the pen and smooths out your shirt. “why is this spot so special?”
you laugh. “because my heart is yours.”
yoongi clicks his tongue, pen poised over the material. “yn, stop moving, otherwise i’ll mess up.”
“you’re blushing,” you smile wider, “you liked that, right?”
“it’s cheesy,” he mumbles, “but you’re cute, so i’ll let it slide.”
“you can’t just say things like that so casually, hyung!” exaggeratedly, you fan your face. “i think i’m falling for you again.”
yoongi caps the pen and sits back with a small smile on his face, eyes closed in sheer satisfaction. “there. now nobody can take you from me.”
taking the hem of your shirt, you flatten out the front and read the upside-down letters. “mine,” you read. “there’s a heart under it.”
“and our initials on either side.” yoongi tugs you closer to the centre of the frame and stares at the camera lens with a smug grin. “all of this—” he waves a hand at you “—is mine. you can’t have him.”
a laugh bubbles its way out of your throat. you reach forward and tuck stray strands of his fringe behind his ears with a soft look in your eyes. “don’t worry, hyung. i’ve only got eyes for you.”
there are thousands of fans. the stage lights burn into your shoulders but it doesn’t hurt. seokjin’s smooth, soothing voice flows across the sea of blinking, swaying lights, and the youngest three are up at the front, arms thrown over each other’s shoulders as they wave their hands from side to side, guiding the lights.
you’re standing near yoongi, waving and smiling at fans below as they scream your name. a flash of colour catches your eye. yoongi’s crouched at the edge of the stage, reaching for a flag held up by several arms. you don’t notice the big, beaming smile on your face as you watch, but fans do.
yoongi smooths out the pink, purple, and blue-striped flag and throws it across his shoulders. holding his microphone takes up one of his hands and you run over to help him tie the flag up, one hand from each of you twisting the corners and knotting it until it’s firmly attached to him.
you press your lips to his forehead for all the world to see. yoongi’s toothy grin is so pretty under the flashing lights, and he grips your hand tightly as you run together back to the centre just in time for your part to come in.
the sweat glitters on your skin as you dance, the beat thundering in your bones. your movements are viciously sharp, and your voice rings out with a clean, steady crispness to it. you were born for this, yoongi knows. he’s perfectly content to come along for the ride, your pinkies linked together for as long as you'll have him.
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warm embraces & sudden kisses | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | drabbles/headcannons ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: anon ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ: “ENHA REACTION TO YOU KISSING THEM OUT OF NO WHERE OR JOW THE CUDDLE WITH YOU PLS AND THANK YOU 🙏” ↬ ᴀ/ɴ: 
since this is the 100th post on this blog I decided to do an ot7 one
simultaneously, this was a request so it worked out !!
anon said or but I decided to try & write both in here :$ so there’s kinda 2 mini scenarios for each member
also i wrote this on my phone in my notes while i was out today which is why everything’s lowercase :)
anon if you’d like me to rewrite this less as scenarios and more as bullet points just lmk!
Lee Heeseung
[a light’s on in the kitchen]
you wake up with the feeling of warmth no longer around you. looking around, you see that heeseung’s no longer in bed with you. your hand makes it way to your phone on your nightstand, 3:07 am greets your eyes and you hear faint sounds from outside the room. you get up with a yawn, the haze of sleepiness still on you as you make your way around the apartment the two of you share, a light’s on in the kitchen. he’s making ramen, you think to yourself. he stands tall by the stove, your footsteps are quiet as you hear him singing a song. when you get to him, your arms arm around his waist as he turns around to greet you, you jump up to give him a quick kiss, intending to meet his lips but because of how tall he is, your lips meet his cheek. he smiles, pulls you in closer to him, tilting up your chin but teases you by pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
[finally home]
you’re nestled up on the couch while a movie plays on the tv. today wasn’t a good day, to say the least. you woke up late which didn’t give you a chance to eat breakfast with heeseung, when you ordered lunch the fries were burnt and the food undercooked, and when you got home heeseung texted you to let you know that practice was running a little late which meant he wouldn’t get to have dinner with you. your eyes stayed settled on the tv until the sound of the apartment door greets your ears, bringing you out of that movie marathon haze you were trapped in. heeseung smiles as he sees you, makes his way to you, as he hands you a takeout bag.
“i bought some food on my way home, i’ll change and then we can eat, yeah?” he notices that you’re sad but doesn’t press you on about it. you nod, taking the bag from him. when he comes back, the two of you eat while a new movie is running. when you’ve finished all the food, his arm wraps around your shoulders and his head rests on top of yours.
“you ok?” he asks. his embrace is comforting and safe, similar to what it feels like when a blanket is draped over you just before you fall asleep.
“i am now that you’re finally home.”
rest of the boys under the cut !!
Park Jongseong / Jay
[flustered and red]
jay’s making dinner in the kitchen while you’re setting the table. you hear him chattering, more to himself than anything as he tries to make dinner the best that it can be. with how busy his schedule was and how much you’ve been swamped with your own work, the two of you haven’t had much time for each other. so, the you both having a free day today was something you were definitely going to take full advantage of. after setting the table, you head into the kitchen to see him slicing up lettuce for a last minute salad. you let out a smile as you see him make a honey based dressing and decided to surprise him by hugging him from behind. usually, he does it to you. despite his confident appearance and composure, you can already tell that he’s getting all flustered and red.
“Yah, who said you can sneak up on me like that!” he says, but makes no effort to pull away. You move so that you’re in front of him,
“If that’s how you react when I hug, how will you react when I do this?” Going on your tiptoes, your arms make their way around his neck as you feel the softness of his lips on yours. Guess honey was good as moisturizer…
[i built us a house]
jay was sitting in his gaming chair, his gaming set up in its own room while you were in the living room doing your own thing. while you were typing away on your laptop you hear your name being called, causing you to look up.
“i wanna show you something,” he said.
“i’m busy, hon,” you reply.
“real quick, i promise.” you sigh, knowing damn well jay wasn’t going to leave you alone until you went with him. so, following him into his game room he sat on his chair.
“why am i here?” you asked. he patted his lap, motioning for you to sit on him. as you did, one of his hands moves your hair to the other side while an arm stays settled on you. you can feel his breath on your neck, the butterflies in your stomach now doing somersaults.
“i built us a house.” your eyes look at the screen to see it on his minecraft server as his character walks around. you smile, turn your head so you’re looking at him,
“this is our house?”
“one day i’ll make it happen in real life.” despite the large promise, deep down you knew jay was going to find some way to make it a reality.
Sim Jaeyun / Jake
[just a little more]
you were on the living room couch, layla’s head on your lap while you pet her. as you do, you’re typing on your phone with your free hand. jake makes his presence known by sitting next to you, his head popping into your line of sight. you set your phone aside, smiling as you pat his hair. he frowns,
“you’ve been giving layla your attention all day, what about me?”
“layla’s cuter than you,” you reply with a teasing smile. he frowns, sighing slightly as he looks at the sight of all your attention on layla. jake heads to your room, glad that you loved layla as much as he did but wished you loved him just a little more. you head to the room, seeing jake seated by the edge of the bed, you settled yourself so that you were sitting on his lap, your legs around his waist.
“i want your attention too.”
“someone’s jealous.”
“naur, i’m not jealous,” he says, looking away. you lean forwards, pressing a kiss to his lips that lingers on for a few seconds longer than it should.
“yaur, ya are,” you tease. he smiles, kisses you again as his grip on you tighten slightly,
“it got you here, didn’t it?”
[a pair of fuzzy socks]
you’re half asleep when you feel warmth to your feet and suddenly a pair of fuzzy socks have been placed over them. you say nothing, wanting to go back to sleep more than anything. a few seconds later, you feel a dip on the bed, two actually, and you’re aware of both jake and layla around you. jake lifts up your head gently. you hear him whisper,
“layla, don’t wake up your mother,” and the feeling brings tingles to your heart, fireworks spreading throughout your body. he snuggles closer to you, intertwining his legs with yours as he traces random patterns on your back just before falling asleep.
Park Sunghoon
for as long as he could remember, park sunghoon has lived life cold. on the ice he was cold. towards people he acted cold. you entering his life was like the sun rising after a freezing winter night. you were the heat that rid himself of the icicles stuck to his cold exterior. you melted the snowflakes of winter and turned them into roses of spring. you were the warmth he never knew he was missing. he was in your apartment, washing the dishes after you made lunch. you headed to him placing your hand on his arm. he looked over to you, smiling as you hugged his side. you leaned up as you kissed him, he couldn’t hold back his small laugh. as he felt your lips on his, heat rose to his cheeks. but despite the shyness in him about to take over, he fights it, leaning into you and kissing you once more.
[cold hands]
sunghoon has always had cold hands. and whenever he cuddled with you, he made sure that you knew it. the two of you were joking, running around the apartment when you and sunghoon both ended up on the bed. a glint appeared in his eyes, a plan forming in his head. the tips of his fingers met your stomach as you started bursting out in laugher.
“HOON WHY DO YOU HAVE COLD HANDS,” you yelled as you tried to fight him off. he smiled, vampire teeth showing in all their glory as he settled next to you in bed. his hand rested on your stomach as he brought you to him, his cold feet pressing to yours.
“you’re my personal heater,” he said, pulling you closer to him.
Kim Sunoo
[a little too close]
sunoo has always been clingy around you. some days, he’ll grab your hand out of nowhere and start fiddling with your fingers. at the most random times, he’ll play with your hair and think about how to style it. being in sunoo’s embrace is something that you’ve always welcomed. you were sort of the opposite, accepting and welcoming his touch but never really initiating it. until, today that is. you noticed someone talking to sunoo getting a little too close to him. you didn’t think much of it knowing how friendly sunoo was towards people and how others naturally gravitated to him. but, you couldn’t help yourself when you made your way to them and held onto sunoo’s hand, practically staring down the other person. sunoo smiled, intertwining your hands together while bringing you into the conversation. unsurprisingly, the outsider moved closer and without even thinking, you kissed sunoo’s cheek. his eyes slightly got wide as he looked at you, but it was an action he was glad for. in return, he kissed your cheek with a smile and couldn’t stop talking about it for the rest of the day.
[a tough day]
you were having somewhat of a tough day, having cramps, on and off headaches, and an annoying ringing in your ears that you just couldn’t get rid of. sunoo came home to find you layed on the couch, his heart breaking at the sight. he got some things and brought it to the living room,
“what are you doing?” you asked.
“spa day!” he replied excitedly. he rubbed lotion on your hands, placed cucumbers on top of your eyes, and combed out your hair. the night came to an end with you and sunoo laying on the couch together, him patting in the face mask then rubbing soothing circles on your stomach. with sunoo came a bubble of warmth you never wanted to leave.
Yang Jungwon
[make me]
jungwon’s in a playful mood today and with that playful mood comes teasing you. you’re in the living room where he decided to grab your sketchbook and hold it up above your head.
“won, give it back!” you exclaimed in annoyance, glaring at him. he has the audacity to look amused and he tells you,
“make me.” he’s always found joy in teasing you for your height and right now was no different. a plan forms in your head as you take some steps backwards. as you practically run to him, his eyes widen with fear as he’s forced to let go of your sketchbook to catch you and you end up latched onto him like a koala. you kiss him, in those few seconds the entire world stops and it’s as if no one but him exists. the kiss lingers on a second or two longer than you intended as jungwon’s grip on you tightens so that you don’t fall. on his face you see him smiling and those dimples that you’ve always loved appear. jungwon was never good at hiding his emotions, his love for you no different. you close your eyes as he leans down, you expect a kiss returned but instead, he kisses the top of your head. lightly flicking your forehead gently,
“that’s what you get for being short,” he says.
[i'm here]
with all his responsibilities and the things jungwon needs to take care of at such a young age, coming home to you is the one constant in his life. to him, the second he’s able to wrap his arms around you, revel in the scent of your shampoo, and gets to hold you, everything is just complete. at 1:06 am, he came home. it was late, he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was sleep. he headed into the room you two shared, only to see you still awake.
“you’re up?” he asked.
“no, i’m asleep,” you reply sarcastically. he sighs, setting into bed next to you, “someone’s tired,” you said.
“i want cuddles,” he mutters unable to hide his need for your affection. you shift and his head lays on your shoulder. you run your hand through his hair while you kiss the top of his head,
“i’m here.”
Nishimura Riki / Ni-ki
[bungeo to his ppang]
more than anything, ni-ki liked to be by your side. whether it was while he was watching something on his phone, showing you a new dance routine, or asking you to dye his hair, as long as you were just with him, he was happy. sleeping is something that ni-ki has always enjoyed, how could he not when it grants him a few moments of peace before a busy day? the two of you are in the car, he rests his head on your shoulders. unlike normal, he doesn’t fall asleep this time. he pretends to, he closes his eyes, stays still while enjoying your warmth, but he’s not actually asleep. you didn’t seem to notice, he feels you messing with his hair a bit, something he’s never minded as long as it was with you. he hears you talking about how cute he is, practically fangirling over him. he feels you kiss the top of his head lightly,
“sleep well, ni-kitty,” he hears you whisper. he doesn’t move, doesn’t show any sign that he’s affected by your sudden actions of love. but deep down, he feels a happiness around you that’s greater than how he feels when he’s on stage. when he performs he enjoys the thousands of eyes that watch him but all he thinks about are how your eyes look at him with adoration and pride. it was in this moment that he knew, you were the bungeo to his ppang.
[take a break]
after dinner, you’re sitting on the floor of the table in front of the tv, trying to get some work done. suddenly, you feel a weight on your lap. you look down to see ni-ki’s head on your lap, his eyes closed but he’s clearly still awake.
“yah, get off,” you said, slightly lifting up your leg.
“no.” you roll your eyes, deciding not to pay attention to him as you go back to sleep our work. it seems that ni-ki had other plans as he took your one of your hand and starting fiddling with it.
“ni-ki, i’m busy.”
“take a break,” he said. you look down at ni-ki… how could you refuse? you put away your things, shifting so that your full attention was now on him. he smiled up at you, fiddling with the edge of your clothes while saying the most random things that made you laugh.
↬ ᴀ/ɴ pt. 2:
if anyone’s read up to this point pls lmk how it was, i’m not really good with ot7 scenarios typa things 😭
❦ written by riri @enhykkul | blog masterlist
requests are currently open! rules can be found here | anon emojis
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k-comfyspace · 2 years
Dreamcatcher reacting to a cuddly s/o
Star: Dreamcatcher
Idea: Yes
Love:Good day! I hoping to see if I could request a reaction to a cuddly s/o for dreamcatcher? I want some soft times🥺-🎄
A/n: truth be told this was just a way for me to write clingy reader and clingy-catcher c:
It was a cold winter night. The wind howled outside, snow falling from the sky. You were smiley while skipping down the path, giggling to yourself every so often when you felt the snowflakes land on the tip of your nose.
You hugged yourself with your coat, fluffy earmuffs covering your ears, and mittens on your hands. When you arrived at your house, you saw the lights open, a bright smile lighting up on your face before you increased your pace.
When you stepped onto your porch, you shook off all the snow that was on your shoulder, entering the house as a gust of warmth spread through your body. Due to the fireplace, you felt your body warm immediately, taking off the layers that you wore as you walked down the hall.
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Minji was busy in the kitchen, heating water while preparing two glasses. She could hear the faint sound of the door opening. A smile spread across her face when she heard that, pouring the boiling water before walking into the living room where she saw you exiting the hallway, your smile appearing when you locked eyes with your girlfriend. She gestured to the two glasses she held in her hand, sitting on the sofa and patting the space beside her. You gladly took the empty space, taking your glass and enjoying the warmth that spread to your chest because of the warm liquid.
Minji wrapped her arm around your shoulder, taking a blanket beside her and laying it on both of you. The added warmth made you curl up, nuzzling your cheek against her shoulder. You felt so warm that it was almost radiating off of you, making you cuddle deeper into the older girl who smiled at the gesture, a deep shade of pink painted on her cheeks. She was also affected by your cuddles, a tingling sensation forming in her chest while tightening her arm around you.
Combined with the warm fireplace, hot chocolate, and your cuddly self. Minji surely had enough warmth for the cold winter night.
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Bora was in the kitchen, busying herself with cooking when she suddenly felt arms circle her waist. She smiled at the feeling. Not bothering to turn around when she saw your head in the corner of her eye, she rested her free hand on top of yours. You kiss her on the cheek, closing your eyes and listening to the sounds of her cooking. Even when she went to get something, you stayed linked with her, your arms loosening when she reached up to get something or when she asked you to move.
Bora didn’t mind the company. She enjoyed it. The warmth that you were spreading on her body was delightful. It helped calm the shivers that she would get periodically because of the cold. While she would also admit that your cuddles brought her to heaven, your every touch electrified her skin. Every time you would sidle up to her and wrap your arms around her waist, it made her euphoric. Plus, she could admit that even through all her teasing, she was happy to feel you nuzzle into her whenever you got embarrassed.
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Siyeon was wrapped like a burrito on your bed, scrolling through her phone before the door opened. She set down her phone and locked eyes with you. You smiled at the cute position your girlfriend was in, making your way towards the bed to join her. Siyeon happily opened the blanket and let you cuddle in, immediately feeling your arms wrap around her whole body. You tucked your head in the crook of her neck, shivers running down her spine when your breath caressed her skin.
For most of the night, both of you spent it in the same positions. Both are buried against each other while you let the warmth travel to and from. Siyeon was calmly sifting her fingers through your hair, her hand rubbing your back while you purred at her actions. The amount of domestication seemed to fuel your softness, further pulling your girlfriend closer while she giggled in happiness.
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Dong was a bit playful when you approached her when you got home. Denying your hugs and pushing you off to go clean up. "I don’t want snow on the bed." She excused, hiding her laugh when you showed her a pout and puppy eyes. "But I need my cuddles!" You whined, yet the older girl wasn’t giving in, ushering you towards the bathroom. You listened to her desires, taking a quick shower and changing your clothes before walking excitedly to meet your girlfriend. However, before you could wrap your arms around her, she added another need.
"Your hair is wet. Dry it first." She said, and this time you stopped and gaped at her, judging if she was serious or not. Your girlfriend looked you in the eyes. You could see the teasing swimming in her orbs, but she was adamant. With a sigh, you walked defeatedly to dry your hair, hearing her laugh behind you. After a painstakingly long blow-dry, you walked back to the room, seeing her get ready for bed. Excitement rushed through your system, but yet again, before you could get in, she stopped you. "I’m thirsty."
Without any arguments, you rush to get a glass of water and bring it back to your girlfriend, who drinks it. She finished the glass and set it down, looking at you one more time. She found it funny how your eyes were glossed over, seemingly nearing the edge of having a breakdown if you didn’t get your hugs soon. With a final chuckle, she opened the blanket, allowing you to lie beside her and wrap your arms around her waist.
At the first contact, you nearly burst into tears, sighing heavily because of her warmth. After all the stalling she did for the night, you were glad that she hugged you back just as tight as you did, giggling at your eagerness. She surely made you work for it, but it was well worth the wait.
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The puppy didn’t have any arguments when you suddenly clung onto her, burying your face on her back while your arms circled her waist. She giggled and leaned back into your front, laying her arms right above yours before sighing at your warmth. Both of you stood there, embracing each other for as long as you could remember. You clung to her wherever she went, keeping your arms around her waist and your head tucked in the crook of her neck.
At the rate both of you were going, partnered with Yoohyeon’s luck, it wasn’t a surprise when she tripped on her own feet. Both of you hit the carpeted floor, a huff leaving your lips before giggling altogether. It was truly a night filled with laughter and joy that thawed out the cold snow.
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Yubin busied herself with the book in her hands, her surroundings fading till a warm feeling in her chest pulled her away. She looked beside her, her face brightening when she noticed your brown hair, your head tucked into her shoulder. You were encircling her torso and nuzzling your head in the fabric of her hoodie. She rubbed your arm, shifting into a different position to complement your presence.
Resting on the headrest, she had her left arm around your shoulder, her other hand holding her book to read. She let you cuddle on her side, saying nothing while sifting her fingers through your hair. It was an adorable sight to see. The softness that floated in the air made both of you tingly and warm. Even if Yubin had nothing to say, you could see the small smile she had on her face whenever she took a glance down at you.
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Gahyeon was in the shower when you arrived, taking a warm bath to get rid of the cold air. You arrived upstairs with your smoking glasses, seeing your girlfriend exit the closet wearing your hoodie. She beamed upon seeing you, accepting the warm drink before you got under the covers, turning on the TV, and watching a movie.
Halfway through, she felt you slip deeper into the bed, your arm snaking around her waist as the other slipped under her hoodie. She smiled when she felt your hand caress her stomach, recognizing it as one of your habits that made her heart flutter.
She sank deeper into the pillow, reciprocating your skinship with her own. Your embraces felt the best, especially on a cold night. She didn’t feel the cold that caused her to shiver; instead, she felt much warmer, both in her heart and her body.
"I love you."
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
The Dimitrescu Ladies and Donna Beneviento with their S/O who is a Reaper.
Requested by the lovely @kristieray
I don't know if this makes sense but I just love the idea that there are many reapers out there. So Reader is not alone in being a reaper.
She also has typical Reaper powers and a scythe as a weapon.
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
You were a free-spirited reaper. Most of the other reapers get annoyed at you because sometimes you make the job more interesting.
You get to the village to guide a soul when a certain giant lady got your attention. You gulp as your eyes follow her.
"Y/N!" Your fellow reaper sighs at you. "Stop staring at the giant lady with no soul and guide this one!" The ghost waves at you and you nod.
You guide the ghost to the afterlife and come back to the village. It was weird. Seeing someone with no soul whatsoever. Souls are what makes a human human. If they have no soul? Are they even considered as one?
You roam the Castle and got even curious of the Giant lady. She could tower over you.
"Who goes there?" You hum as Alcina appears before you. She seems so lifelike yet so dead. As if she was on a time still. You decide to appear before her and she gets taken aback.
"No need for any trouble. Lady. I'm just curious."
"Of what, exactly?" You smile at her.
"Of you."
Ever since then, observing Alcina has been your past time. Most of the other Reapers knew that the Village has been designated to you since you kept coming back to it.
You keep roaming the halls and sometimes even play pranks on Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
Ray, one of your friends who is also a reaper can't believe that you actually are falling for a non-human. You just shrug at her.
You and Alcina become closer as you spend more time together.
The real test came when Ethan and BSAA came to the village. So many souls were wandering around. You quickly phone Ray so she could help the souls and you quickly came to Bela's rescue.
You push her behind you and quickly used your powers to repair the window. One of the reaper's perks.
"Ethan Winters! Don't you dare take another shot!" You state, anger fueling your body. "Don't you dare hurt her."
Ethan is actually trembling as you take another step towards him.
"I know where Rose is. I know how hard it can be to lose a child." You sigh. You've witness too many deaths, heard too many cries. So can anyone really blame you if you try to sometimes cope? To sometimes at least laugh?
You hold out your hand to him. "I'll help you get her back so just stop killing everyone I love."
"What are you?" He asks as he accepts your hand and stand.
"A reaper." You brandish your scythe and Ethan gulps. You ultimately made the four lords and the three Dimitrescu daughters leave the village.
You knew how Ethan would die if you weren't here. You assured them and even kissed Alcina as good measure.
You came back with Ethan all bloodied up but you both survived.
You were scolded and punished but it was well worth it.
You spend more time with Alcina and the girls.
You haven't officiated it but when you show up to work wearing a necklace with a ring on it, well everyone knows who it came from.
Donna Beneviento
Being a reaper can be such a downer. Every day, you witness a death. Every day, you have to guide a soul to the afterlife.
You only stumbled upon the Beneviento house accidentally. You have a curious streak to you that some of the Senior Reapers actually scold you for.
The first time you see Donna, you were curious not only of her abilities to control dolls but also her veil.
You keep observing her and visiting her till one day, you see her take off her veil.
You were surprised, because she was just so beautiful? Why would she wear a veil?
"Who's there?" She asks and you didn't realize that you materialized. You land on the ground and smile at her.
"My name's Y/N. I'm just a curious reaper."
"Reaper?" You nod. You look at Angie and realize.
"Your soul is embedded in them."
"What?" You tilt your head. You thought she knew but apparently she didn't.
"This doll. And all the other dolls? A small part of your soul is embedded in them." You hum. "That's amazing." Donna blushes under her veil.
Ever since then, you visit Donna and Angie whenever you have your day off. Sometimes even when you should be working, you'd stop by for a quick glance at her.
One day, you had a rough day. There was an incident, one that took many lives. Too many souls who cried for their loved ones.
You get inside the Beneviento house and Donna perks up upon seeing you but you didn't have the usual vigor.
You don't tell her what happened but just hug her instead. You try not to cry at her shoulder as she rubs your back.
You don't tell anyone but she became the light at the end of the day.
So to no one's surprise, you asked her to become yours.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were friends with the grand chambermaid of the castle. She saw you once, guiding a maiden that was hunter down.
So once in a while, you visit her. Still concerned over an old friend.
Bela caught your eye when she was reading about your job. Being a reaper.
You hum as she turns the pages then scoff. You materialize right beside her and she yelps in surprise.
"This is bullshit!" You say as you take the book. "Even we don't know why we're chosen! Chosen ones my ass." You grumble.
You sigh. And Bela stands. "Are you a reaper?" You nod.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to take anyone's soul or something like that. Just visiting an old friend."
"An old friend?" You nod. She looks at the book then gets her journal and pen.
"If you don't mind then, I really would like to differentiate facts from fiction." You smile at her curiousity.
It was the start of a friendship between you and the oldest daughter.
You would visit her every chance you can get while Bela is always excited to wait for you.
One day, you see the three Dimitrescus hunting down a maiden and you sigh.
"So you guys are the main reasons why girls are always the ones who are mostly dead around here." Bela blushes as you materialize out of nowhere.
She splutters as she tries to find excuses but you just pat her head and smile sadly. "Must be hard."
She nods and you hug her. You don't tell her with words but you hope your actions are enough. That she'll know.
One day, when you gather your courage, you ask Bela out on a date.
And one day as well, when you've noticed how much you've fallen, you propose to her.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You were just a wandering reaper. Hoping that you won't come across a soul in needing of guidance to the afterlife.
One night, you see a blur of bugs pass you. You then sense that a soul was nearby. Did that blur just killed someone?
You follow your senses and your guess was right. Only that blur is now a girl and carrying the body of the soul. You guide the soul to the afterlife.
By then, you were intrigued by Cassandra. Something about her just triggers your curiosity.
You keep observing her. Her hobbies, her interest and you were amazed by her paintings.
One day, when you thought she was asleep. You materialize as you admire her painting.
"Who are you!?" She asks as she wields her sickle and you just raise an eyebrow at her.
"Look, I like you a lot but don't even try. I'm too tired and would like to just admire your paintings." Your honesty made her blush.
Ever since then, you would materialize when you visit her and she would look forward to showing off her paintings and drawings to you.
One day, Cassandra was all fidgety and shy. You hum as you materialize. Was something wrong?
"I would like to paint you." She says and you can't help but smile as you nod.
People rarely look forward to meeting you or the other reapers. And those who claim they do are either lying or just too tired.
Each visit with Cassandra was fun, you say random facts about being a reaper and she chimes in things about being a witch.
Before the painting was even finished. The both of you have made it official.
And you look forward to seeing her as much as she looks forward to seeing you.
Daniela Dimitrescu
You were guiding a soul of a maiden when Daniela sees you. She thought you were trying to steal a maiden.
She tried to attack you and the maiden so you brandish your scythe to stop her.
She freezes as she admires your weapon and you raise an eyebrow at her. How did she even see you?
You knew some creatures can naturally see reapers, even some humans can. You shake your head and guide the soul as planned.
You got curious of her so you went back to the castle. You explored as you didn't see her at first.
"Boo!" She tried to surprise you, she really did, but as a reaper, your senses are heightened, so you can sense her presence from a mile away. You just turn to her.
"So you really can see me?"
"Yeah? Doesn't everyone?" You shake your head.
"Not unless they're dead. People typically don't want to see me or my co-workers."
"Co-workers?" You smile.
"You didn't think that I'm the only reaper around, right?"
She drags you to the library and you tell her many stories.
Stories that you heard. Stories that you've experienced. Things that you've seen.
And every single time, she was just amazed.
In return, she tells you about the books she loves. The family she would do anything for.
Alcina, her mother that may be strict and busy sometimes but still protective and warm all the same.
Bela, the eldest who always scolds her for her antics but still listens to some of her ramblings.
And Cassandra, the middle child whom she's competitive with, whom would always treat her as an equal.
There was just something about her while she talked about her family that you kiss her.
She was surprised at first but kisses back nonetheless.
You pull away with a smile and she does the same.
You bask in her presence then kiss her forehead.
"I do hope I'll see you more often now." You laugh at her statement and agree.
You'll visit the castle more often just for her.
I am so sorry this took so long.
I've been having headaches for the past few days and I tried everything to chase them away.
I'm feeling a bit better now.
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
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badassbuchanan · 3 years
Call for Assistance
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Request: Hi hi! Idk if you write for Seb or not but if you do, maybe could you do a fic where reader is his assistant and sometimes that means assisting him with ~those~ needs 👉👈🥺
Warnings: smut; oral (male receiving), dirty talk, semi-public.
Word Count: 2246
a/n: I’m sorry the ending is so cheesy lmao - requests and taglist are open!
“There you are.” I smiled brightly as I walked into Sebastian’s private dressing room, throwing my Gucci purse on to the velvet armchair in the corner of the room.
Tonight he was a special guest on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, it was one of the only talk shows he didn’t mind doing. Tonight’s appearance was part of the publicity schedule for new The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series, but unfortunately, Mackie wasn’t able to attend.
I knew how nervous Seb got doing these interviews without his colleague beside him, which is why I wasn’t surprised when I was beckoned to his dressing room before he was set to go on.
Seb turned from where he was preping himself in the reflection of the mirror, a smile of relief appearing on his face when he saw me.
He was sporting a simple crisp white shirt, buttoned up with a navy tie around his neck. A black, open suit jacket and matching pants hugged his body nicely, complimenting his skin tone. His hair was slicked back and I could tell he hadn’t shaved today just by the slightest bit of stubble growing through his face.
“You feeling okay?” I asked innocently, walking over to stand in front of him as I patted down his chest to get rid of any dust which may have settled there.
His whole week was a full of press interviews and I knew exactly how much he’d be dreading it. He worked himself up and overthought everything, and he got real touchy when he was nervous.
Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist softly, head dropping as he whined into my neck. I chuckled lightly, unable to hide the smile which covered my face as I ran a hand through his hair lightly. “It’s just part of the job, you know that. and you love your job.”
“Why do you have to be right all the time?” He mumbled against my skin, a smile curling on his lips in amusement. Seb leaned his head back against the wall behind him, peering down at me with a cheeky smile.
He looked fucking hot. Too hot.
“Because one of us has to be.” I raised an eyebrow and smiled up at him in admiration, my chest pressed against his as I played with the back of his hair, careful not to mess it up.
I could smell his aftershave and it was intoxicating. “C’mere.” He gestured me closer with his head, causing me to move my face closer to his. “Help me relax.”
Seb took my lips with his, kissing me softly as he pulled my hips forward to rub against him.
I nodded as I kissed him back softly, tilting my head to give him more access. I part my lips slightly, letting my tongue gently run over his bottom lip.
Seb let out a grunt that vibrated from his throat, taking the lead as he glides his tongue teasingly into my mouth.
I let my other hand glide up touch his chest over the steamed shirt, feeling the definition of body. I sighed in satisfaction, deliberately palming over his nipples as my hand moved across the material of the shirt.
Sebastian moaned into my mouth, his kisses passionate and needy. It soon became too much, my clit twitching when I felt his hard cock pressing against my body.
I leaned my head back, my eyes dropping to the space where our crotches are rubbing together. I noticed his big cock straining against the material of his pants, desperate for attention.
“You like it when I touch your nipples, hm?” I asked sweetly, my hand roaming further down his chest to his toned stomach.
“Yeah.” Seb let out in a desperate grunt, his hips bucking to mine as I leaned in again, this time leaving gentle kisses down his neck.
I let out a little whine, causing vibrations to erupt against the skin of his neck. “Seb.” I nipped at his sensitive skin, feeling him buck his hips again as I moved my hand to the waistband of his pants.
Seb’s hands moved up to my waist, over my back and around to my tummy, just under my boobs as he gripped on the black lacy material of my top. “Off.” He whined with a pout.
“I can’t, bub.” I sighed sadly, pouting back as I used the pet name to soften him up. I skilfully unbuttoned his pants before lowering my hand inside, feeling my way into his underwear as I looked up into his gorgeous eyes. “It’s a bodysuit.”
Sebastian whined again out of frustration, unable to get what he wanted before he came up with the perfect solution. He tugged on the material each side of the low cut ‘v’ shape between my cleavage, adjusting it so that it rest under either side of my boobs, my tits now on full display for him.
“That’s better.” Seb smiled proudly, satisfied with himself as he cupped my tits in his hands, massaging them as my nipples harden under his touch.
My fingers wrapped around his cock as I kissed the base of his neck, pumping him slowly whilst collecting precum from his tip. Seb was big, but he looked even bigger with my tiny hand wrapped around him.
I leaned back with a smile, watching him play with my chest as his eyes focused on my tits. He tugged harshly on my pebbled nipples with his rough fingers. I bit my lip, fucking his cock with my hand as I felt myself getting wet.
I moved my lips millimeters away from his, our breaths meeting as we pant against each other. “M‘not gunna last, darling.” Seb whimpered out, his eyes looked up to gaze into mine.
“S’okay,” I squeak out reassuringly, lust taking over as my palm feels every vein on his cock. “You feel so good in my hand.”
“I wanna cum in your mouth.” Seb admitted in a mumble, his hands tugging on my sides to pull me down. I knew he was getting desperate from the way he was starting to talk dirty.
I kept my hand wrapped around him inside his pants as I got down on my knees in front of him. I shuffled close to him, Seb helped push his trousers down, out of the way, so that his cock could spring up freely.
I licked my lips, wasting no time guiding his tip towards my mouth with my hand. I kissed his leaking tip, swirling my tongue around it as Seb gasped loudly at the feeling of my hot mouth on him.
I hummed around his tip, still pumping his shaft with my hand as his hands moved to the back of my hair, guiding me further down on him.
Seb’s eyes closed tightly, a hiss escaping his clenched jaw as I replaced my hand with my mouth, taking him all in.
I moaned around his length, trying not to choke as I breath shallowly. My hands rested on his thick thighs, saliva escaping the corner of my mouth as I wait for him to take control.
But he doesn’t, he’s too fucked out, too close to even move. I could tell by the way his chest was rising and falling so uneven, trying his best to keep it together. Sweat was building on his forehead and above his parted lips, his eyes only opening when I started to bob my head up and down his length.
I flattened my tongue, relaxing my throat so I could fuck his cock with my mouth. I looked up at Seb, eyes so hooded he almost looked drunk, his hands dropping from my head weakly as his head dropped back against the wall behind him.
His eyes were fixed on the ceiling, he didn’t want to cum. It felt too good. He loved the way my lips felt so soft moving up and down his length. My mouth so warm and welcoming for him.
It sent me crazy seeing him like this, desperate to make him cum, to please him. I swallowed around his length, keeping him deep inside as my tongue flicked rapidly against the underside of his shaft.
My fingers traced ever so slightly over his balls, immediately causing him to cum with one final moan, spilling his load into my mouth. I pulled my head back, opening my mouth wide as he shot every single drop of his cum inside.
I watched his cock twitch, his eyes now glued on my mouth as I swallowed all of him.
Seb tried to calm himself down as I stood back up, tucking my boobs back into my top before helping him re-do his pants back up, his cock safely inside.
“You relaxed now?” I asked softly, looking up into his blown out eyes as he admired me with a nod.
“So relaxed.” Seb leaned in to mumble against my lips, making me smile against him as my arms wrapped around his neck.
“I’m glad to hear it, mister.” I replied sweetly, pecking his lips over and over.
“Mr Stan.” A voice called from beyond the door, startling us both with how loud they knocked.
“Mmh, maybe I’m still a little stressed.” Seb mumbled between kisses, making me giggle at the audacity he had to ignore whoever was knocking.
“Sebastian!” I used his full name to notify him of the seriousness of the situation, leaning my head back as I smile up at him in adoration.
“You’re on, Mr Stan.” The person decided to call out again anyway, hoping that someone inside would be paying attention.
“Guess it’s showtime.” He pouted slightly, stealing another kiss before he let go of me. “Thanks for coming to see me.”
“Thanks for coming.” I respond with an innocent smile, my cheeky comment catching Seb’s attention as his head swings around with a smirk.
“Just you wait till I’m done with this interview.” He shook his head, chuckling in amusement at my remark as he opens the door, taking one last glance back at me, which was when I noticed it. My heart sunk.
“Oh wait, Seb-“ I called out but it was too late. He’d gone. I didn’t get to tell him. Oh well. No one would notice right? Not a single one of the national viewers would notice the lipstick on his lips and neck, right?
———————- LIVE ON THE AIR ————————
“So Sebastian, we’ve talked about the new show, the friendships and behind the scenes mayhem, the travelling, even the amount of lube needed to get into your costume.” Jimmy cracked the joke as he started speaking, crossing his arms as he lent back in his chair.
“That’s right.” Seb nodded shyly, speaking unnecessarily to amuse himself with a little smirk as he became more comfortable in the interview.
“But one thing I think everyone is dying to know,” Jimmy continued, building suspense as he swivelled in his chair towards the audience, gesturing for them to nod in encouragement.
“Okay.” Seb dragged the word out slowly, anticipating what it could be as he sat up a little straighter in the armchair. He chuckled nervously, tugging on his jacket to straighten it.
“Is how exactly those lipstick marks on your neck got to be there.” Jimmy said in a wonderfully sarcastic tone, eyebrows raised as the audience cheered loudly.
Seb suddenly stopped all of his movements, trying to keep a straight face as the crowd kept on cheering. He stared at Jimmy, who was now giggling like a little school girl.
Seb caved after a couple of seconds, laughing loudly as he leaned forward to cover his face with embarrassment of being called out.
“And Sebastian,” Jimmy continued as Seb regained his posture, sucking in his cheeks and sitting up straight as he tried to get rid of his guilty smile, faking a frown of concentration.
“Yeah?” Seb answered shyly, letting out a nervous cough as his face twitched back into a smile momentarily.
“I couldn’t help but notice that Y/N is here with you tonight.” Jimmy’s words make my heart drop as a spotlight points me out in the audience.
My eyes go wide, but I can’t help but laugh as everyone cheers loudly. I cover my mouth, watching Seb able to do nothing but clap for me from the stage.
“So.” Jimmy dragged out the word in a high pitched voice. “am I right in suggesting that Y/N might’ve visited your dressing room before the show?”
Seb smirked, rubbing his hand over his mouth, his silence hid nothing considering the fact that his face completely gave it away. There was no point in him denying it.
I covered my face with my hands, utterly shocked that we had been called out on national television.
“Yeah.” Seb let out in a shaky breath, a beaming smile on his face as he chuckled from embarrassment too, his tongue running over his bottom lip.
The audience clapped, screeched and cheered at his answer, making me want to disappear in my chair.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Jimmy called out as the audience continued cheering us on. “Mr Sebastian Stan and Miss Y/N Y/L/N.”
And just like that, the cat was out of the bag. The many rumours confirmed. The many fans who shipped us would be tweeting, we’d probably be trending in an hour. I guess I’d just have to convince his publicist that we did it as a stunt.
I promised myself that after that, I was never going to attempt any kind of sexual activity in a public place again. But I knew that was a lie.
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the-only-ace · 3 years
Hey I know you are really busy with all the request and job and all that but can you do shinee's reaction to s/o stealing their t-shirts and hoodies?? You can make them one shots of you want too😁
shinee reacts: their s/o wearing their clothes
heyyy~ i really liked this request because i personally love to do this. for this request, i want to try something new since you gave me an idea with the one-shots part. so instead of describing their reactions, i'll convey it in a form of a short story. it will still be per member! i hope you will like this one (heads up though, the posts is a bit longer than my usual shinee reacts) <3
p.s. if you guys can, kindly let me know if you like this kind of format for shinee reacts. thank you!
send in your requests here!
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onew / jinki: you sighed for the nth time within just 10 short minutes. you were staring and pouting in front of your closet for you can't find the perfect clothes for your brunch date with onew. it was a hot day today and you just wanted to wear something cute but comfortable. however, it seems like your wardrobe doesn't offer that kind of outfit.
your eyes slowly traveled toward onew's part of the closet. his side was full of quirky graphic tees which you always find adorable. you don't usually borrow his clothes but you can't help but to take a peek at them and take the one that caught your eyes.
it was a white oversized shirt with a cute box cartoon drawn in front of it. you tried it on and it stopped perfectly on your thighs, making it look like a cute dress. surprisingly, it even matches the pair of sneakers you were wearing.
before you can even decide whether you were keeping it on or not, onew walked into your room. his hair a bit damp and he was only wearing a towel considering that he just took a shower.
"oh, is that my shirt?" he pointed at you.
"uh... yeah. do you mind? i just wanted to wear something that is yours." you sheepishly replied.
"no problem!" he beamed his big bright smile before proceeding to get his own outfit.
you muttered a thank you then went to your vanity to finish touching up your makeup. afterward, you grabbed your phone and wallet and placed them inside your shoulder bag.
"alright, I'm ready to go..." you trailed off as you saw what he looked like. "what the hell are you wearing, lee jinki?"
"your shirt?" he raised an eyebrow, clearly feigning ignorance.
he was wearing your favorite grey t-shirt and it looked pitiful on him, it was as if it can tear at any moment. it barely covered his abdomen and was stretched to its limit.
"no shit, sherlock." you facepalmed at his usual weirdness. "what i want to know is why... why are you wearing it?"
"i thought we were doing a thing wherein we wear each other's clothes." he shrugged as if his response should be expected.
"what? no! please have mercy on my shirt and put on your own clothes." you can't help but laugh at him as you pushed him back to the dresser.
"alright, alright! i just wanted to make you laugh and look, it worked perfectly." he playfully pinched the tip of your nose before taking off the top he borrowed. "also, you should keep that shirt since it looks a hundred--no, million--times better on you."
"thanks, love," you whispered as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into a warm hug.
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key / kibum:
after the long busy months, you were finally having a girl's night with your best friends. you stood in front of the full-length mirror in your room to give yourself a final check. your hair was styled into textured waves and your lips were colored with the boldest red lipstick you can find. your nude heels matched the little black dress you were wearing. your outfit looked almost perfect and you just knew what you were missing. you quickly snatched key's gold leather jacket and put it on. ah, perfection.
this was the norm for you. your boyfriend's wardrobe was beyond incredible especially his outerwear collection and you just had to wear them every chance you can get. to be honest, key was very stubborn in letting you borrow his clothes... at first. after all the compromising, begging, and crying you made, he eventually budged and gave up. of course, it does not come for free. he practically made you sign a contract that once you stained his clothes, you have to shoulder the bill of the laundry and the shop will be chosen by him. however, if you damaged or god forbid, lost his clothes, you have to replace them. you immediately said yes to all of the conditions in a heartbeat. so far you only paid for 2 incredulously expensive laundry bills.
now, you were finally ready to leave. you walked out of the bedroom and made your way down the living room. there, key was sitting on the couch watching one of his favorite tv series.
"I'll be going out now," you announced as you grab your car keys near the front door.
"hey, hey, hey!" key clicked his tongue upon seeing your clothes. he was now looking behind his shoulder and giving you a stink eye. "is that my jacket?"
"um... maybe?" you gave him an awkward smile.
"of course, it's mine." he shook his head disapprovingly. "only i can pull that off, by the way." he sassily added.
"wow, i didn't know the fashion police was here. you should have given me a head's up, babe ." you bit back with a scoff. the last time you checked, you looked damn fine in it.
"just stating facts, baby," he replied in english.
"alright, then why don't you take me shopping then? so you can buy me a new set of clothes that will satisfy your standards." you challenged and if he said yes, you were clearly the winner.
"excuse me, i do call you 'baby' but i am not your sugar daddy. go now, you'll be late." he shooed you off.
"okay bye," a playful smirk appeared on your face. "daddy."
this made key rolled his eyes before turning his back on you. he would very much rather ignore you if you keep on acting that way.
"it's bye now, for real." you giggled as you open the door. "love you!" you called out before stepping out.
"love you too, brat." key mumbled with a small smile.
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winter was approaching and the air was slowly becoming colder than usual. it was the best time to stay in the comfort of your warm home and enjoy hot cocoa with your loved ones. a perfect time to wear your sweaters and hoodies indoors. however, this was not the case for minho for his favorite hoodie was missing.
"hey, babe?" he called out from the bedroom. "have you seen my black hoodie? the one with the white writings on it."
"what's that, i didn't hear you?" you went inside a few seconds later.
and there it was, his favorite hoodie being worn by his favorite person. you looked smaller while wearing it since it was way too big for you. the hem almost touched your knees and your whole arms were lost inside the sleeves. he can't help but smile at the sight.
"nothing, i was just looking for my hoodie but it looks like i found it." he gestured at the clothes you were wearing.
"oh, shoot. sorry, i didn't tell you that i borrowed it." you hit your forehead with your palm.
"it's okay. you're free to use them anytime, anyway." he patted the top of your head.
within the last few weeks, minho noticed that you sometimes wear his clothes. it was not a daily thing though and you even asked for his permission. slowly, it became every day and he would just be surprised to see you walking around the house parading his jackets and sweaters. he didn't mind it though, he was just curious about what you do to your own clothing. also, he hoped that he still had some remaining tops for himself during the cold season.
well, guess luck was not on his side.
his eyes were staring at his closet wherein there was only one jacket left, one. you followed his gaze and you promptly felt the warmth raised to your cheeks. you were surely red from embarrassment now. you were happily wearing his clothes that you didn't have the time to count how much was left.
"oh my god, i'm sorry! i didn't--" you cut yourself off as you watched him put on the lone jacket from his dresser. "i'm sorry, i didn't notice it. i just... can't help myself. your jackets are so comfortable and warm compare to mine." you tried to explain yourself. also not to mention that they all smelled just like him.
"don't worry about it." he reassured you as he placed his arm around your shoulder. "just be mindful next time. i might end up half-naked someday, you know."
"how can you be so sure that's not my goal?" you teased before sticking your tongue out.
he laughed at your silliness and then pressed a soft kiss on your warm forehead. you decided to make a cup of hot cocoa for him as a peace offering.
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it was past midnight and it was raining cats and dogs outside. you visited taemin in his apartment for a stay-at-home dinner date but a storm came before you can even go back home. taemin then convinced you to spend the night there instead. it was not a big deal anyway since you stayed over a lot of times already. you just didn't bring your sleepover bag with you and the dress you were wearing was definitely not comfortable to sleep on.
your caring boyfriend of course promised to ease your worries. the two of you shared a warm bath after dinner and he lent you his clothes for you to change to. so that was how you ended up on his couch, fighting off sleep because the show you both were watching always had a cliffhanger ending per episode. you two needed some answers before you can drift off to sleep peacefully. it was the weekend tomorrow anyway so staying up late won't hurt that much.
your head was laying on his lap while his right hand was playing on the locks of your hair and his left one was comfortably resting on the top of your hip. his hand would occasionally rub circles on the exposed skin. as much as you hate to move from your cozy spot, you had to or else you might end up dozing off right there and then. not to mention, him playing on your hair does not help at all.
you slowly got up from the sofa as you tried to stifled a yawn. "i'll just go get some cold drink." you pushed yourself up from your seat.
you then raised your arms and stretched with a satisfied groan. your shoulders and back were sore after laying down for more or less 3 hours. you can even hear your joints cracking from stretching out. also, you felt the shirt you were wearing raised up.
taemin's shirts were not overly huge for you whenever you wore them. the hem barely covered your behind and right now you were sure that a tiny portion of your buttcheeks was peeking through the white tee. you weren't conscious about it, taemin saw much more than that anyway.
suddenly, you felt a slap across your behind which made you freeze on your spot. you looked behind and saw your boyfriend confidently leaning on the couch with his legs crossed.
"did you just slap my butt?" you inquired.
"uh-huh," he nodded with a cocky grin. "want me to spank you again?"
you frowned a little as you processed the sudden change of mood. taemin won't deny it though, seeing you in his shirts always made his heart skip a bit and his breathing ragged. you always looked effortlessly sexy in them.
"sure, why not?" you replied wickedly after a few seconds of silence.
taemin processed your answer in a split second and he hastily grabbed you by the waist and threw you on his broad shoulders. he did not forget you give you another smack on the ass when he made his way toward the bedroom, the television was completely forgotten.
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Family (Hank Voight x Daughter!Reader)
Word Count: 3,033
Pairing: Hank Voight x Reader (Familial relationship)
Summary: When you were 8 and dealing with a mother who left when you could barely walk and a father who was too loaded to even remember he was a father, Hank Voight found you and took you in. Now as an adult and working as a firefighter at Firehouse 51, you are shocked when your biological parents come back to be in your life again.
Warnings: talks of child abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, swearing, and angst.
A/N: Y/M/N - Your Middle Name. Also, this is probably the longest imagine I’ve written so far, I hope you all enjoy it :)
If you want to be added to my tags, just ASK!!!
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“Excuse me.” 
A rough gravely voice made 8 year old you look up at the imposingly tall figure above you. You squinted as flurries of Chicago snow fluttered around the two of you, sticking to the cracked cement and dried up grass on the sidewalk. The man had short dark hair and what your child’s brain thought of as “Dumbo-like” ears. He wore a blue and black police uniform and had a shiny silver star badge pinned to his chest.
“Hi,” The man said, moving down to kneel so that you were both around the same height. “Are you lost?”
You stared at the police officer for a second before shaking your head no, “I live around the corner.”
“Oh okay, how about I walk you home? Your mom and dad must be worried about you.” He offered. Again, you shook your head.
“I don’t want to go home. I don’t have a mom and my dad’s mean.”
“Yeah, he yells and-and one time he pushed me into the tiny table in the tv room and it really hurt.” You explained, not really understanding your situation but something clicked in the police officer’s eyes. “But a lot of the time he gets sleepy from the bottles of smelly juice and the needles.”
The police officer nodded, and looked down the road in the direction you pointed out where you live. There is a long silence as you shifted on your tiny feet, not really knowing what was going on. Then the police officer turned to you and smiled, his eyes warm as they looked at you.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” He asked.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“Well Y/N, my name is Officer Hank Voight. How would you feel about riding in a police car and seeing a real police station?”
For the first time since he found you, Hank saw your sad expression change into a huge smile, your eyes lighting up like the skyline on Chicago he loves so much. And he knew then that he was gonna help you out in anyway that he could.
23 years later...
“Hey, Voight! You got someone outside asking for you!” Lieutenant Kelly Severide called out. You looked up from the cards in your hand and then looked around at your friends on Truck 81 who you were playing cards with. 
“Who is it?” You asked, already putting your cards down.
“A woman? Says her name is Carla Jennings.”
Still confused, you got up and made your way out to the bay where the trucks and ambo sat waiting for action. Capp and Joe Cruz were sitting at the Squad table, looking up when you walked in and Joe pointed out a woman who was standing just outside the station. Her light brown and gray hair was pulled into a ponytail and she looked around jittery, her hands popping in and out of her jacket pockets. It was gray outside, another Chicago winter just started and soon enough the snow would fall down on the Windy City. 
You walked over to the woman, her jittery motions stopping when she saw you approaching. A smile came on her face, and for a second you thought that you saw her eyes water a bit from the sight of you. “Carla Jennings?”
“Yes, hi.” Carla said, pulling out her hands from her jacket again. It looked almost like she was going to go in for a hug, but stopped and then held her hand out to you. “Y/N, right?”
“Yes, Y/F/N Voight. Is there something I can help you with ma’am?” You asked. Her smile that she had on before dimmed a bit when you said your name, but she forced it back on after you shook her hand and let go.
“Wow, look at you. You’re so grown up now.”
“Excuse me?”
“I-I just, I’m sorry.” Carla wiped away a couple of tears and sniffled, trying not to look away from you. “It’s just its been so long.”
“Ma’am, I’m sorry but I think there’s been some mistake. I don’t know who-”
“Your last name. It wasn’t always Voight.”
You stopped, and looked at her as she walked a little closer to you. You could feel the eyes of your fellow firefighters watching this interaction, then being just as confused as you were. “I’m sorry?”
“Your last name, it was Y/L/N. I’m right, aren’t I?” Carla said.
“Who are you? How do you know that?” You asked. Carla’s eyes started to water again, and she looked at you and sighed.
“Y/N, I’m your mom.”
You look at her, eyes scanning over her trying to piece together what she had said. You weren’t stupid, you knew that she was probably referring to your biological mother, not your mom, Camille Voight who raised you like her own and died of cancer. You had no memories of this woman standing in front of you.
“My mom died in 2011 of ovarian cancer.”
“No, I’m your real mom. I gave birth to you and held you and-”
“Left? You left and you left me with that man.” You said, your voice a little louder then before. She looked stunned, like this was news to her. “I’m sorry but whatever you want, I’m not interested.” 
You go to turn away and walk back into the firehouse when Carla grabbed your arm and stopped you. “Please! Please I’m you mom, I’m your blood!!”
You pulled away and turned back to her, “No, you are not my mom. You are a woman who was supposed to take care of me and left me with a drunk of a man before my dad came and took me in. So I owe you nothing.”
“Is everything okay here?” Chief Boden asked, finally walking over to the two of you and trying to catch your eye.
“Yeah, everything is fine. We’re done here.” You said as you took one last look at Carla and walked back towards the house. Herrmann tried to stop you but you walked past everyone and straight into Boden’s office, sitting down and waiting for him to come back inside. The anger you felt before in front of that woman started to settle down, and overwhelming emotions of loathing, sadness, and abandonment bubbled up until you were trying to hold back sobs. The office door opened and Chief Boden, and Lieutenants Casey and Severide walked in, all three circling you in worry.
“Y/N, what happened?” Severide asked, slowly putting a hand on your back and rubbing it up and down. Your crying started to subside, and once you got to a point where you were just sniffling and whipping tears away, you finally looked up to the three men around you. 
“Um, so that was my biological mother. And... I haven’t seen her since I was maybe 3?” You explained. You turned to Chief Boden and took a deep breath. “Is there any way I could clock out early? I-I need to see my dad.”
“Of course, you shouldn’t be working with this going on anyway. Take a couple days and come back with a clear mind.”
“Yes sir. Do you mind if I wait inside until she is gone? I feel like she might still be out there waiting for me.”
“How about we drop you off at the 21st?” Casey said, then turning to Boden, “We’ll have our radios on in case there is a call.”
Boden looked at you then nodded, “Go.”
“Thanks Chief.” You said, getting up and patting both Casey and Severide on the shoulders before passing them and heading towards the locker room to change. Your mind was racing as you got out of your work clothes, memories of what felt like a past life, waking up with beer and condiments in the fridge, hand-me-down clothes from the family 2 houses down that felt bad for my situation, but said nothing. Once the image of the red-hungover eyes and gnarled and matted hair came into your mind, you shut your locker, snapping yourself back into the present.
Once everyone was on 81, the truck headed off into the city to your dad’s district. It was silent as the truck stopped at lights and turned corners, finally you got to the 21st and was about to jump out of the truck when Lieutenant Casey called out to you. “Yes, Lieutenant?”
“I hope you’re able to work everything out.”
You sent a small smile his way, thanked him and jumped out. “See you guys later.”
“See you around, kid!” Herrmann yelled just as the truck took off back to the house. Turning, you started walking towards the station, the patrolmen mingling with others on the steps outside. Once you got in, you saw Sargent Trudy Platt manning the desk as usual and that put a small smile on your face. Trudy was always funny and nice to you growing up, and she treated you almost like a daughter. When she saw that you walked in, and by how observant she is probably catching your puffy face and red eyes, concern completely took over her stature.
“What is it? What happened?” She asked, coming around her desk and over to you, rubbing your arms comfort.
“Is my dad here? I just need to talk to him about something.”
“He’s out right now with Olinsky right now, but I think he’ll be back soon. You sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“Maybe later,” You said, taking a deep breath and shrugging, “I want to talk dad first.”
Trudy took a second before nodding, “I’ll buzz you up so you can wait in his office.”
“Thanks, Trudy.” You said as she gave your arm a gentle squeeze and walked back to your desk.
“You know you are the only person that I can tolerate, Y/F/N Y/M/N.” Trudy called out. She and Alvin Olinsky, your dad’s best friend, were the only two who got into the habit of calling you by your first and middle name. Instead of it feeling like you were in trouble like it would when you were a kid, it was always met with love. You were just about to start walking up the stairs to head into Intelligence when a male voice called out.
“Y/N? Y/F/N Y/L/N?” You froze, that voice immediately sending anxiety through you like a bucket of cold water. You slowly turned around and found a man trying to stand up from a bench, but was handcuffed to it. He looked exactly the same as he did when you were 8, exactly from when you would see him in your nightmares after moving in with the Voights. His hair was matted and looked unwashed, his eyes red and teeth yellow, and even from how far you were from him, you could smell beer wafting off him. “It is you. Where’ve you been, girl?”
“Danny.” You said, trying to keep your cool. You could see that Trudy had picked up the phone and was whispering something into it, you only catching your name and “get here now”. 
“Danny? What happened to dad, huh?”
“You stopped being my dad the minute I left that hellhole called a house.”
“Sorry darlin’, but that’s not how gen-et-tics works. You’re my kin and I will always be a part of you no matter who raises you.”
“Shut up.” You yelled. Others in the station were watching your interaction, you even heard the gate open at the top of the stair and figured that whoever was up at Intelligence came down to see what was wrong.
“Oh, don’t like that now do you? You can try and hide where you came from and clean yourself up, but you will always be Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, and you will follow in your families footsteps. You’ll either leave like that junkie-whore mama of yours, or you’ll end up like your dear-ol’-daddy.” He smirked as you started shaking, him noticing your reacting and smirking more, “You can’t run from what you’re made of.”
Just as he said that, Hank and Alvin Olinsky rushed into the building, Hank noticing you and turning to Danny who looked like he just won something. “Get him out of here.” Hank said, pointing to a patrolman near Danny. As the officer uncuffed Danny from the bench and recuffed his hands together, he started yelling.
“Ha! Now you got your crooked cop to come and save the day! Just like when you were a kid!” Danny started putting up a fight with the officer, trying to stay in the area, then turned to Hank, “You can take her and gussy her up, but trash is still trash.”
“Get him out of here!!” Hank yelled again, and two more officers ran over and finally took Danny out of the space. You were still staring at where he was when you felt a hand on your arm and harshly flinched. 
It was just Hank, and he frown at your reaction to him, not seeing that happen since you first came to live with him and Camille. “Hey, lets go upstairs.”
You nodded, and the two of you walk up to the Intelligence Unit, you can feel the people downstairs all watching after that spectacle. Once you were both safely in Hank’s office, you both sat down in the chairs in front of his desk, Hank’s eyes still on you as you avoid his.
“Why aren’t you at the firehouse?” 
“After what just happened, you won’t believe me if I told you.”
After a few seconds of silence, you finally looked up at your dad, and he gave you a look you remember a lot from your childhood with him. It basically said, ‘try me’, which made you sigh and rub your hands over your face.
“This woman came to the house asking for me, Carla Jennings, and ended up telling me that she was my mother. My biological mother.” You explain. Hank looked shocked, him never even knowing your bio mom. “I wanted to come see you so Chief Boden gave me a couple of days to get my head straight. And then that happened.”
“Yeah, Trudy said he was arrested on a DUI that almost killed a little girl.”
“Jesus Christ.” 
You sighed, hating that you came from him in the first place. You dropped you head into your hands as the information sunk in.
“Hey,” Hank said, putting a hand on your back and rubbing soothing circles, happy that he didn’t have to see you flinch because of him again, “Don’t you dare listen to his words.”
“Isn’t he right though? I was lucky to get out of that hell of a home because of you, but his and that woman’s genes are in me. Its a matter of time before I screw everything up.”
“Genetics don’t mean shit. Hey, look at me,” You looked up and he had a determined look in his eye, “You may have came from them, but their mistakes don’t rule over what you will do. Look what you have done without them here; you graduated top of your class in high school, and then again when you graduated from the Fire Academy. You showed all those sexists bastards that you are just as good, if not better, than any man on that truck, and now there is word that you might be up for a promotion to squad?”
“What?” You said, shocked with the information.
“Boden called me last week saying that you had been taking the classes needed to get on rescue squad? And because you are amazing and smart and strong, there was word from the higher ups that you might get that open spot on Squad 3 as the first woman in the Chicago Fire Department history to be admitted to rescue squad.” Hank explained. You started to smile as some tears escaped out of a mix of happiness, confusion and some residual feelings from what had happened earlier today. “They’re just finalizing some things but they’re going to announce it at the Fireman’s Ball later this month.”
“Oh my god.”
“And you did that all without them. They had no say on these things, and they will not have say on the rest of your life.” Hank said, pulling you into a hug. The two of you hugged for a while, your tears subsiding as you basked in the feeling of love you were getting from your dad. 
“Thanks dad.” You said as you finally pulled away. He smiled and patted the top of your head, sneaking a kiss into your hairline while he was at it. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Goose. Taking you in was the best decision I ever made.” He said, making you smile wider than you were before. A beat of silence passed before there was a knock on the door and Alvin came in, his eyes bouncing from you to Hank in worry.
“Everything okay in here?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks Uncle Alvin.”
“Yeah, no problem kid.” He said, smiling at you and messing up your hair before turning back to Hank, “Ander’s girlfriend was picked up, she’s in interrogation.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute.” Hank said, turning back to you as Alvin leaves.
You turn back to your dad and smile, “Can I stay in here? I kind of don’t want to go back to my apartment right now just in case that Carla woman knows where I live.”
“Yeah, take a nap on the couch in you want. We’re winding down with this case so when we’re done, you and me can go grab some dinner and we can talk about getting a restraining order on this lady.” Hank said. You were about to argue but you knew he was right. So you you nodded as Hank stood up and left one last kiss on your head before heading out of his office. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Be careful.”
Hank turned just as he was passed the doorway and smirked, “I’m always careful.”
“Oh-kay.” You said, sarcasm in your voice as you could hear your dad chuckle then head towards the interrogation rooms. 
TAGS:  @l4life​ @ithoughtiwasflying 
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Bedtime Stories
Penny (Stardew) x They/Them Reader
A/N: Woo! With this, I have completed a fic for all the Stardew Bachelorettes! Hope ya’ll are ready for Penny time! Word Count: 5,618
(Y/n) stretched their arms way above their head, reveling in the pulling of their back muscles and the dull crack of their spine. They had been out foraging all day and their pack was full of blackberries, mushrooms and nuts. A very good haul.
They shivered a bit as another breeze blew through. The skies had only gone dark about an hour ago, but (Y/n) was ready to call it a night and turn in to their warm and cozy farmhouse.
They walked up the dirt path past Marnie’s ranch to their farm, smiling when they saw the light of their house in the distance. The children must have been giving Penny a hard time tonight. Usually they’d be asleep before (Y/n) got home, but they could get restless on occasion.
As soon as (Y/n)’s boots thudded against the wooden stairs, they could hear excited cries from within, and soon a small head poked out from behind the front door before swinging it fully outward.
(Y/n) flung their arms out to catch the small body that flew into their legs, soon joined by a smaller, more clumsy one.
“You two are up rather late, you aren’t giving your mom a hard time, are you?” (Y/n) asked their children.
“Mommy said we could wait for you if we ate all our veggies at dinner so we did. We did good so we’ll grow up to be strong farmers like you!” The older of the two exclaimed.
“Oh yeah?” (Y/n) grinned.
“Yeah!” The younger child shrilled.
“Well, now that I’m here, it’s time for bed isn’t it?”
A duet of displeased noises met (Y/n)’s ears but they quickly devolved into giggles when the farmer attacked them with tickles. Once the children were disarmed, (Y/n) slung them over their shoulders and bounced them into the house, meeting the loving eyes their spouse gave them from the couch.
Penny sat in a pile of rumpled blankets no doubt put there by their rambunctious children. In her lap was a book of fairy tales that usually served her well when bedtime came around but tonight it seemed it was not enough.
“Hi, love. Welcome home.” Penny smiled sweetly, getting up to meet (Y/n) halfway. She hugged them around the middle before lightening their load by taking the smaller child off their hands.
“Hi sweetheart, how was your day?” The farmer asked, setting down their eldest child so they could remove their bag and boots.
“It went well. The children were so diligent with their studies. I was very impressed.” Penny said, making sure the kids were aware of how proud she was of their work.
“That’s great! I’m really proud of you two.” (Y/n) praised their children while they glowed with pride.
“So we can stay up late and watch tv?” The eldest asked hopefully, the parents merely laughed at the suggestion, making the children pout.
“Afraid not, sleep is very important and I think now would be a good time to hit the hay.” (Y/n) said, already trying to corral the kids into their bedroom.
“Not yet! We want a story at least!” The younger proclaimed, agreement was quickly voiced by their older sibling. Rarely it seemed they could come to a consensus so quickly.
“Oh? Well, I suppose one story wouldn’t hurt.” (Y/n) agreed. “Go brush your teeth first, please.”
The children toppled over each other, trying to get to the sink first so they could rush back to the living room.
“They have so much energy.” Penny remarked with a content sigh, leaning into (Y/n)’s side.
“No kidding,” (Y/n) chuckled, rubbing Penny’s arm, “I could have really used the extra help in my first year of living here. Now I’ve got auto-feeders and sprinklers. A little late for fall, but I suppose they could help with the spring planting, maybe that would slow them down a bit.”
“Shhh, it’ll be a long winter and I don’t need to hear, ‘is it spring yet?’, everyday before then.” Penny playfully warned.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/n) nodded, pulling Penny down onto the couch to cuddle with her, making the teacher hum with delight and shyly steal a quick kiss.
A few minutes later, two bouncy young children crawled over their parents and wiggled into their sides and under the blankets with happy giggles.
“Alright kiddos, which one?” (Y/n) asked once they were all settled, patting the heavy book on their lap.
“We don’t want one of those stories tonight.” The eldest said.
“You don’t?” Penny blinked, confused by declaration.
“We want to know how you met each other and got married.” The eldest explained, the younger nodded along.
“It’s a long story kids.” (Y/n) said. They may have been trying to dissuade the children, but there really was a lot to cover. Seasons and seasons worth.
“What’s so long about it?” The younger child asked. “Didn’t you just know you liked each other so you got married?”
“People don’t get married right after they meet each other, honey.” Penny gently corrected.
(Y/n) definitely had a, ‘well, not usually anyway’, kind of look on their face but the warning look Penny gave them convinced (Y/n) to keep their mouth shut.
“Oh, I still wanna know though.”
“Me too!”
“(Y/n)...” Penny called upon her spouse.
“Okay, an abridged history, how ‘bout?” (Y/n) shrugged.
The children seemed content with that, once Penny explained to them what abridged meant, and looked to (Y/n) expectantly with shining eyes.
“Okay, it all started—“
“Once upon a time!” The youngest screeched, making everyone wince.
“Inside voices, dear.” Penny reminded.
“Sorry, but the story has to start with once upon a time.”
“It’s not a fairytale, you know.” The older said.
“It’s alright,” (Y/n) interjected with a grin, “it feels enough like one being married to such a sweet person.”
Penny turned away and blushed, a small bashful smile working the corners of her lips upward.
“Once upon a time...” (Y/n) began again, much to their youngest child’s delight.
“Oh my Yoba, this place is a mess.” (Y/n) groaned.
They had kept a brave face for Robin and Mayor Lewis, but now that they were gone, they voiced how overwhelmed they felt freely. They looked over the overgrown lot that was supposed to be the farm their grandfather had left for them.
“What if this was a mistake? Am I doing the right thing? I don’t want to crawl back to Joja but...” (Y/n) growled, thwacking the dirt hard with their hoe, “No! I just got here, I can’t quit yet.” They said, strengthening their resolve.
After a few hours of alternating between being proud with their progress and wanting to cry because there was so much left to do, (Y/n) decided they wanted to check out town. They just really needed to freshen up first.
To their dismay, but not surprisingly, the old farmhouse didn’t have indoor plumbing, but they didn’t worry because they knew there was a bathhouse in the mountains they could use.
“When I get paid, the first thing I’m gonna do is contract Robin to build a bathroom. I hope she’s as savvy with plumbing as she is with carpentry.” They mumbled to themself as they walked up the mountain path.
Entering the bathhouse, the space seemed void of life, the only sounds being the steady drip of water over the tiled floor. (Y/n) claimed a vacant locker and took a shower. After the day they had, it was the best shower they had ever had.
Once clean, (Y/n) decided they’d spoil themself and swim around in the heated pool for a bit before heading back to the farm. They put on their swimsuit and headed on in. Expecting to be alone, they hummed and sang as they made their way to the main room, enjoying the way their voice reverberated off of the walls and echoed back into their ears.
“Um, hello.”
(Y/n) nearly slipped on the wet floor from the shock. A woman with vibrant, orange hair was sitting in one of the near corners of the pool. She seemed to shrink into herself under (Y/n)’s wide gaze.
“Oh wow,” (Y/n) laughed awkwardly, embarrassment flooding their tone, “I, uh, didn’t realize anyone else was here, sorry you had to hear that.”
“It’s alright,” the woman smiled albeit, a bit tightly it seemed. “I was thinking about getting out anyway.”
“You don’t have to leave!” (Y/n) fumbled with the towel in their hands, “I promise to be quiet and give you your space. It’ll be like I’m not even here.”
They skittered across the tiled floor and slid into the opposite side of the bath, giving the woman her space.
A few painfully awkward minutes passed. (Y/n) leaned over the pool edge and counted the nearby tiles, the bricks on the wall... anything to occupy them until the other occupant left or a non-suspicious amount of time passed and they could leave themself.
“Who... who are you?” The woman asked, finally breaking the silence.
(Y/n) craned their head to face her, eager to introduce themself and hopefully make a better impression.
“I’m (Y/n). I just moved in. I live at the old farmhouse just west of town so you’ll probably see me around from time to time.”
“Oh, I see,” the stiffness of the strangers shoulders seemed to lessen, “Well, I’m Penny. It’s nice to meet you.”
(Y/n) grinned brightly as they swam closer to Penny, all previous worries forgotten. “It’s nice to meet you too, Penny! I hope we will be great friends.” (Y/n) suddenly splashed the water beneath their hand as another thought popped into their mind. “Hey, do you have any favorite vegetables or fruits?”
“Um,” Penny shrunk back, a bit intimidated by the farmer’s sudden approach, “Oh, I don’t know...”
“Surely there’s something, don’t be shy.” (Y/n) encouraged.
“I, I like melon?” Penny more asked than told. Her back digging into the edge of the pool a bit uncomfortably.
“Melon,” (Y/n) nodded sagely, backing up a bit from Penny’s personal space. “Yeah, I could do that! You’ll have to wait for summer though, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I can start planting melon in the summer. I’d do it sooner, but the seeds won’t take. I’ll be sure to give you the first one I harvest though!”
“You really don’t have to do that,” Penny waved her hands in front of her.
“I insist.” (Y/n) heaved themself out of the warm water, “Man, Penny, I have to thank you. You’ve inspired me to get back to work! I got to see if there’s anything else I can clean up around the farm before nightfall. I’ll see you around!”
“Okay, bye...” Penny watched them jog into the changing room, gasping when the farmer slipped on the tiles but continued on their merry way. She wasn’t sure what to make of the new addition to Pelican Town, but they seemed kind enough.
The next time Penny had seen (Y/n) was during one of her lessons with Vincent and Jas. She had been reading about the history of the valley when Vincent had waved excitedly at someone behind her back. Thinking it was just Sam or Jodi, Penny attempted to continue on with her lesson but she soon came to a stop when Vincent took to excitedly calling after the passerby.
“Hey, farmer! Good morning!” Vincent yelled.
“Really now Vincent,” Penny lightly scolded as she held her finger over the paragraph she had been reading, “you need to focus on the lesson.”
“Sorry Miss. Penny.” Vincent apologized. “But I see Farmer (Y/n). They’re so cool.”
“They’re probably busy—“
“Hi, Vincent! And a hello to you Jas and Penny.” A friendly voice cut in.
Penny looked up from her spot in the grass and watched (Y/n) approach, their arms full of daffodils.
“What’s going on here?” They asked once they were standing next to the group.
“School.” Vincent answered matter-of-factly. “Miss Penny is reading about history.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were a teacher Penny. That’s really neat. I’m sorry for interrupting your lesson.” (Y/n) said, turning their attention to Penny.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know. I apologize if Vincent has distracted you from your own work.” Penny politely stated in kind.
“No worries, I’ve just been foraging around the valley. Leah posted a request for some dandelions but I couldn’t seem to find any today. I got a whole bunch of daffodils though. Would you three like to take some off my hands?”
“Wow, thanks!” Vincent quickly grabbed one before Penny could even think about declining.
Jas shyly took one for herself, still a little intimidated by the fresh face. She’d been growing a little more used to them though, thanks to Marnie’s encouragement.
“A flower, milady?” (Y/n) asked Penny again, sporting a warm smile that made the teacher feel like the heat of the day was starting to get to her.
“Thank you, this looks special.” She said, gently cupping the flower in her hands.
“You’re welcome. It’s no melon, but rest assured that summer will be upon us before you know it,” the farmer declared before spotting Willy in the distance. “Oh! Hey guys, I gotta go catch Willy to tell him about all the chubs I caught yesterday. It was good talking to you, see you all later!” They said before jogging off.
“Bye (Y/n)!” Vincent waved.
“Bye...” Penny and Jas said together, much more subdued than the young boy.
Penny watched (Y/n) until they disappeared into the saloon before turning back to her book. Her face tinged pink as she twirled her daffodil in one hand and picked up where she left off.
Summer rain pelted the metal of the trailer, thumping loudly with each drop, but Penny blocked it out easily as she read all cozy in her bed. Occasionally she would snap up a bit of freshly cut melon from the Tupperware resting on her nightstand and smile to herself.
(Y/n) had made good on their promise and had been pushing their fresh melons onto Penny since midsummer. Another sweet bite and Penny sighed pleasantly whilst marking her page with the daffodil (Y/n) had given her in the spring, now a dried and fragile makeshift bookmark.
The farmer was so warm, gentle. Better than anything her books could come up with and yet they somehow existed in her reality despite being too good to be true.
Since their somewhat uncomfortable origin, Penny could not have been more happy to have encountered them in the bathhouse that day. Even after getting to know each other better, even after (Y/n) had seen the messy state her mother kept the trailer in, they never treated her any differently.
“Penny,” the teacher jolted at the sudden knock and the rasp of her mother’s voice through the door, “I’m heading to the saloon. You want anything?”
“No thanks, mom.” Penny sighed. “I was thinking of making dinner myself tonight.”
“Alright honey. I’ll be back late.” Pam informed, her footsteps rocked the trailer slightly and the rickety front door closed loudly, signaling the older woman’s departure. At least now that the bus had been fixed (by who else but the resident hero farmer) her mother had less time to spend drinking.
Penny scooted out of bed and headed to the kitchenette and turned on the stove, putting a large pot on the flame. She had been trying to make something to give (Y/n) in thanks. Something for all the good they’ve been doing for the town and for treating her so kindly.
She began her experimental stew, pouring whatever she had on hand into the pot that she thought would taste good. She was so absorbed in her creation that she almost missed the knocking on the trailer door.
Penny turned off the heat and went to answer the door thinking it was probably just Vincent with another excuse why he couldn’t return his homework in time. She was surprised to see (Y/n) waiting outside.
“(Y/n), hello,” Penny greeted, beckoning the farmer out of the rain, “please come in, it’s pouring buckets out there. You must be soaked.”
“I’m okay, it’ll take more than a little rain to take me out.” (Y/n) smiled as they stepped into the trailer. “Hi Penny, hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all. I was just cooking.” Penny bashfully admitted. So much for the surprise.
“Oh that’s cool. What’re you making?”
“Oh just some stew, I was actually hoping to give it to you,” Penny blushed, “for all the good you’ve done for the town.”
“Aw, that’s very sweet of you Penny. You didn’t have to do that.” (Y/n) said. They could feel their heart beat pick up in tempo at the gesture.
“I wanted to. Here, have a taste.” Penny presented a ladle full of soup to (Y/n), her blush grew warmer as the farmer leaned in close to take a taste before pulling themself to stand straight once more.
(Y/n)’s smile tightened the more they chewed, sweat dotted their forehead.
“Are you alright?” Penny asked, watching the farmer continue to chew.
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) squeaked, giving Penny a shaky thumbs up. Then they swallowed none too easily. “Wow,” they breathed, well, more like gasped, “that sure was something Penny. Thank you for sharing.”
“Is it really that bad?” Penny frowned, disappointed.
Immediately (Y/n) jumped into action, waving their arms, “It wasn’t bad at all! I was chewing so long because it tasted so good, I didn’t want it to end!”
Penny gave the farmer a doubtful look before looking down at the leftover stew in her ladle and raising it to her own lips.
“Wait, Penny—“
“Oh dear, that is vile...” Penny gagged. She hardly had so much as a sip before tossing the rest back into the pot. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I should have tested it first...”
“Hey, it’s okay! You’re learning. It took me a lot of practice to learn how to cook too.” They assured. “If you want to come over sometime I could teach you a thing or two.”
“I wouldn’t want to interrupt. You’re always so busy...” Penny said, already contemplating how she was going to get rid of her hot, liquid garbage.
“You wouldn’t be interrupting anything. All I really need to do is water the crops and feed the chickens. I can take it easy every once in awhile. Besides, I’m always looking to spend time with you anyway so... yeah,” They rubbed the back of their neck.
“Yeah, so if you ever want to plan something... I’d really like that.”
“Okay.” Penny nodded, nervously fiddling with her hands. “I’d like that too. Very much.”
“Cool! Nice, yes.” (Y/n) practically sparkled at the affirmation. “When do you want to meet up?”
“Is Tuesday fine?”
“Tuesday is great! This is so exciting!” Just as the farmer pumped their fists over their head, a loud burst of thunder shook the trailer. “Wow, it’s a monster out there.”
“Yes, you should stay for awhile. At least until it calms down a bit... movie?” Penny suggested, gesturing to the little DVD player in the corner.
“That sounds like a great idea,” (Y/n) followed, their hand reaching into their bag, “I almost forgot I came to give you more melon!”
“You spoil me, really. How much melon do you think one girl can eat. I’m still working on the last one you gave me.” Penny giggled quietly.
“Fall will be here before long. Best to enjoy them while you still can.” They half-joked, sliding into the seat of the booth.
Penny slid into the seat beside them and popped open the DVD player. Maybe the melon season was coming to an end, but at least the farmer who planted them was here to stay.
By mid fall, Penny and (Y/n) were nearly inseparable. Any free time they had they usually spent together cooking in (Y/n)’s farmhouse, relaxing in the bathhouse or curling up with some books or other media.
The day was unusually warm for fall and Penny decided to treat Jas and Vincent to a picnic in the Cindersap Forest for all their hard work. While they ate and went through their lesson, Penny saw the farmer and waved them over without a second thought. She was simply thrilled to see them and thought their presence in the woods must have been fate.
“(Y/n), wonderful timing seeing you here. I was just teaching the children about natural resources. Could I trouble you to talk about how natural resources are involved in farming?” Penny asked once the farmer came up to them.
“Sure, I’d love to!” (Y/n) nodded.
Penny stared off dreamily at (Y/n)’s side as they explained what they knew about the valley’s resources while wondering how she could be so lucky as to know them. Once (Y/n) had explained a large amount of their process, Vincent raised his hand.
“Question, Vincent?” Penny asked, impressed that the boy seemed so invested in the lesson.
“Yeah, are you dating anyone Farmer (Y/n)?” Vincent asked.
“Uh, no. No I am not.” (Y/n) laughed, rubbing the back of their neck.
“Vincent!” Penny said, aghast.
“What?” The young boy questioned.
“You can’t just ask people stuff like that, Vincent.” Jas spoke up. “My auntie Marnie told me that when I asked her if Mayor Lewis was her boyfriend.”
(Y/n) and Penny gave each other an awkward side glance. After the incident with the bush, (Y/n) had to tell someone about it, and Penny had been the unfortunate mock therapist in that scenario.
“Ah, well, no harm done.” (Y/n) laughed. “Any questions related to the topic of natural resources?”
Penny observed how well (Y/n) got along with Jas and Vincent and thought they would make a wonderful parent. When the lesson had concluded and the children were playing by the river, Penny couldn’t help but ask (Y/n) if they had ever thought about having a family before.
“Every once in awhile I do. I think it would be nice. It would make the farm more lively at least.”
And with that admission, Penny couldn’t help but hope that one day, (Y/n) might see her as a suitable partner to share their life with.
Winter was, well, cold.
But Penny was glad for it because there were no crops (Y/n) needed to attend to and they were therefore, more available. They spent much more time together in winter than the previous seasons.
Today, Penny was heading to the farm for another cooking lesson from (Y/n). She was getting much better with the skill. She could even get her mother to spend more nights away from the saloon with the promise of a hot meal.
Penny stepped up onto the snowy porch and knocked her gloved hand against the wooden door. She could hear clattering from within the farmhouse and waited patiently for (Y/n) to usher her in.
“Penny, hi, glad you could make it!” (Y/n) grinned as they opened the door, guiding Penny in by the waist,
“Thank you for having me.” Penny flustered at the contact, despite her thick coat blocking the farmer’s touch. “What are we making today?”
“I thought some warm snickerdoodle cookies would be great on a cold day like this.” (Y/n) said.
“That does sound good.” Penny nodded as she hung up her coat and stepped out of her shoes. Then she followed (Y/n) to the kitchen and they got to baking.
Before long, the smell of cinnamon and sugary goodness permeated the space and the chill of the winter air outside was long forgotten. They were just getting ready to settle in with a movie when (Y/n) excused themself for a minute to go grab something from another room. It reminded Penny how small the farmhouse used to be before (Y/n) had commissioned Robin for a few projects.
Penny nervously eyed the bag she had left at the door. Was now a good time to bring out the bouquet? Penny had been silently agonizing over it all day. She had bought it from Pierre almost on impulse, she knew who she wanted to give it too, but what if (Y/n) saw her only as a friend and wasn’t looking for anything different? It was sure to make things weird between them.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Penny jolted in her seat as (Y/n) reappeared, something held behind their back. She quickly assured (Y/n) that it was alright and motioned them over to the couch so they could start their movie.
“Wait, Penny, can I ask you something first?” The farmer asked, still standing in the stairway.
“Of course.” Penny nodded, concern seeping into her tone. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“No! No, at least, I don’t think so. I just wanted to ask if you would want to... and you can always say no, you won’t hurt my feelings... okay, it might sting a little but I’ll get over it—“
“(Y/n), what is it?” Penny asked, standing up and walking over to the fumbling farmer. She had never seen them look so shaken.
The farmer seemed at a loss. Opening and closing their mouth until finally they just brought their hand out from behind their back and presented Penny with a bouquet of their own. The teacher gasped, her hands flying up to her mouth in elation and surprise.
Without saying anything Penny bounded over to the front door and opened her bag, producing her own bouquet and delighting (Y/n) to no end as she wrapped the farmer in a tight hug.
After hours of cuddling on the couch and half paying attention to their movie, Penny decided she had to get home, despite (Y/n)‘s offers to have her stay over. She needed to make sure her mom didn’t overdo it at the saloon.
A quick glance around the bar and she noted that Pam wasn’t there. She gave Gus a polite wave before heading home. Upon arriving, she found her mother already settling into the pullout for the night and their eyes met. Pam’s eyes drifted down to the bouquet secured in Penny’s arms and grunted.
“It’s about time.” Pam grumbled before turning over on the noisy mattress.
Penny could only smile at her mother’s gruffness before retiring to her room to quietly continue celebrating in her own space.
By the fall of the third year since (Y/n) had moved into town, the pair became a well established couple and it was just common knowledge to suspect if one was out and about, the other couldn’t be too far off since they were practically joined at the hip.
Some of the townies had expressed worry that the farmer was shrinking off too much of their duties but in reality, the farm was a well oiled machine now and required little maintenance. The farmer had worked themself to the point of passing out on their farmhouse floor on occasion to get to this point. Money was hardly an issue anymore for the farmer who, quite literally, built their legacy on five hundred gold and a handful of parsnip seeds.
“There you are,” Penny kissed (Y/n)’s cheek chastely as they plopped down next to her under her favorite tree, “where have you been?”
“Just needed to take care of something quick.” They said, leaning their head against Penny’s shoulder.
“And what would that be?”
“I was talking to Robin. She had a request up.”
“And what did she want?”
“You are full of questions today, sweetheart.” The farmer laughed.
“And you aren’t being as forthcoming with information as usual. Usually, I wouldn’t even have to ask before you tell me all about your adventures, big or small.” Penny pointed out, “I do believe you might be hiding something.”
“No way!” The farmer scoffed before slouching a bit more because of the look Penny gave them, “Okay, maybe I am hiding something, but it’s a surprise. Give it a few days.”
“Just what might you be up to, hm?” Penny smiled, cupping (Y/n)’s cheek.
“You’re a teacher,” (Y/n) laughed again, “you should know what surprise means.”
Penny sighed before laughing along with her partner. Then the couple went in about their day and before long, the thought of (Y/n)’s surprise left her mind and she had forgotten all about it by the time Jas and Vincent’s lessons were over for the day.
A couple days later, (Y/n) had invited Penny and Pam over for lunch. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence. One of the things Penny appreciated most about (Y/n) was their willingness to reach out to Pam and build a good relationship with her as well. However, what made this trip particularly extraordinary was what waited for them where their old, rundown trailer used to be.
“Oh, Yoba...” Pam breathed, a hand placed heavily over her heart as she stared up at the grand looking house.
“Robin, what is this?” Penny asked, nearly as breathless as her mother and just as overwhelmed.
“I got commissioned for a community upgrade,” the carpenter smiled, “I hope you guys like it!”
“This is too much... how can we— who commissioned this?” Penny asked, running her fingers through her bangs.
“Anonymous donor,” Robin winked before making her way back up to the mountains, “enjoy the new house ladies.”
Penny hugged her mother while she cried and together they entered their new home, unsure how they could ever thank the donor enough. It didn’t take long for the mother daughter duo to figure out the identity of the commissioner. After all, there were only so many people who could pull off such a project and have the funds necessary to complete it.
“I’m going back to (Y/n)’s!” Penny called out. It felt weird having to actually throw her voice enough for her mother to hear her across their new house.
Pam managed a wave, still a bit overwhelmed by the vast space surrounding her.
Penny practically ran to the farm, the seashell pendant her father had gifted to her mother so long ago grasped tightly in her hand. Breathing heavily, she knocked on the door and waited for the farmer to appear.
“Hey Penny, did you forget a book or something? It must be good for you to run all the way over here for it.” They laughed, “come in, do you need some water—“
“I love you,” Penny declared, leaping into (Y/n)’s arms, “I can’t believe you did that for us.”
“Did what?” (Y/n) asked, looking a bit coy.
“You built my mom a house you wonderful busy body.” Penny said, smacking their shoulder.
“What? Did Robin tell? I asked her to keep it a secret.” (Y/n) pouted.
“(Y/n), it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you were behind that project,” Penny sighed, “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for anything. I was happy to help get the ball rolling. I love you guys and you do so much for Jas and Vincent, you deserve it. Now,” (Y/n) shifted a bit uncomfortably, “what exactly is digging into my back right now?”
“Oh!” Penny pulled back a bit, but kept the pendant out of (Y/n)’s sight. “I’ve only dreamed of doing this until I met you, it’s never felt more real, tangible. Oh my, this is nerve wracking.” Penny blushed.
“Take your time dear, breathe.” (Y/n) regarded Penny with soft eyes, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“(Y/n),” Penny spoke after a moment of collecting herself, “will you marry me?”
Penny presented the pendant, her eyes struggling to look at the farmer directly, but when the farmer pulled her back into another tight embrace she melted into their arms like warm butter.
“Yes, I love you! Yes.” The farmer cheered, their voice muffled by Penny’s shoulder. The vibrations, and words that created them, made Penny giggle with delight.
They stumbled into the farmhouse to celebrate their engagement, basking in each other’s company.
“I almost feel bad.” Penny suddenly stated, curled up in (Y/n)’s arms.
“Hm? What for, sweetheart?” (Y/n) asked as they ran their fingers through Penny’s hair.
“Mom will be in that big house all by herself. I’ll still see her everyday though, it’s not like I’m moving to Zuzu City... the idea of not living with her after all this time just feels odd.”
“I can understand that. It’ll take some getting used to. Just think of how nice it’ll be though, when somewhere down the line, we send our kids to grandma’s house for visits.”
“That does sound really nice. I’m really looking forward to starting a family with you.”
“Me too.” (Y/n) said. Then they leaned in to kiss Penny’s nose with great care and affection.
“Then a couple days later, we were married in front of the whole town.” (Y/n) finished softly, looking fondly over at Penny.
“That’s a nice story,” the eldest child yawned, “I wanna stay at grandma’s house again soon.”
“Of course, sweetie. We’ll work something out soon.” Penny promised whilst adjusting the fast asleep younger sibling in her lap, “now, it’s time to go to bed.”
“Alright,” The older child sighed before yawning again. “Carry me.”
(Y/n) released an amused exhale before standing and hoisting their child into their arms. Penny followed suit with the other, tucking them into their beds and kissing them goodnight.
Together, (Y/n) and Penny retired to their own room, falling into bed with tired groans.
“Those kids can be handful sometimes.” (Y/n) said, smiling all the while.
“Yes, and I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Penny rolled over to peck the farmer on the lips, “love you, sleep well.”
“I love you too, sweet dreams. I can’t wait to do this all again tomorrow.”
“Neither can I.”
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Kim Taehyung
Your sleep broke temporarily as you turned over in bed, never minding as you were ready to go back to sleep immediately. But notice that Tae is wide awake, his phone screen lighting up his beautiful face, his eyes shining as he's silently laughing at something he's watching. You shift towards him, all sleep drowning almost instantly noticing the intimacy in how he lay sprawled out across the bed, yet close enough to you that he could possibly hear your breaths.
"What's so funny bear?" You mumble.
"Did I wake you up?" His tone sounds apologetic and concerned. You shake your head, assuring him that wasn't the case.
He puts his phone away, "It was just a funny scene in the drama I'm watching." He says as he turns his attention to you. "Do you need anything. Water?" He asked
You chuckle and shake your head again, sleep climbing back up your legs slowly as you felt your eyes get heavy. Maybe some cold water wasn't such a bad idea. You rub your eyes and sit up, not willing to give up this precious moment to sleep.
"Heyy," V giggles, pulling you back to your soft pillow. "Go back to sleep"
"Mhmm, I'm not sleepy" you lie through your teeth.
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V giggles and starts telling you about the plot of the latest show he's watching, his deep voice, though low because of the night time, served as a cup of chamomile tea, dragging all tired thoughts out of your mind as you weren't even focusing on his words, just his tone and pitch. Perfect, as all things about him were.
You noticed he'd stopped, maybe because he'd asked you something. "Hmm, yeah" you said, no idea what he'd said.
"Yahh, you're not listening" he growled. "I am" your voice exposed your lie as you immediately yawned.
And suddenly all you felt were long slender hands patting your head as one of his legs wrapped around yours, a cage of comfort tossing you back into the deep confines of sleep you had accidentally escaped from. "Just sleep silly" he said.
You were more than happy to oblige.
Jeon Jungkook
You were snuggled up in a thick fleece blanket, a warm cup of coffee in your hands, your feet warm in your fuzzy socks, as cold rain pelted the windows of your apartment and the soft music that you loved so much, played from your laptop in front of you, acting as the perfect background noise to your random musings. There was peace in your house. The clock read 6:30 pm and it was already dark outside.
You knew Jungkook would come home soon, since he had been making it a habit to rush home after practice to spend some time with you, as you had vacations from your university and he wanted to make every moment a memory. Cupping the mug into your warm hands, you smiled as you heard the tell-tale beeping of the computerized security system announcing your boyfriend’s arrival.
“Baby, I’m here!” he announced enthusiastically.
“I’m in here!” you called to him, as he made his way to the living room, a big smile plastered on his face.
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You spread your arms, opening the blanket along with your arms for him to hug you, as he gently lowered himself over your smaller frame, gingerly wrapping his arms around you and slowly letting his body weight crush you, but not completely.
You inhaled his clean hair and sighed contently, feeling him smile against your shoulder. “How was your day?” his voice was a little muffled, but adorable nonetheless.
“Relaxing. I did nothing all day.” You announced proudly.
Jungkook looked up at you and kissed the tip of your nose fondly, “As you should, my little baby.” He said with the cutest smile on his face.
“I ordered us some chicken.” You told him.
“Ahh, you say all the right things.”
You giggle as he rests his head against your chest, content for the moment with just lying here with you after his hectic day, waiting for the food to arrive, the environment calm and quiet, with no expectations in the air, only peace and love.
“Did I tell you I love you today?” you asked the top of his head.
He nodded, “But you could have said it a little more” he said in a playfully pouty tone.
You giggled. “I love you Jeon Jungkook.” You kissed the crown of his head, “so much.” You assured him, though it wasn’t even a doubt in either of your minds.
“I love you more my Jagi.”
Kim Namjoon
Opening the door to Namjoon’s study, just a crack, you peeped in. Joon sat facing the antique fireplace, which had been lit by his skilled hands a few hours ago.
When you both had been house hunting for the perfect house to move into together, this fireplace had been something that had immediately sold Namjoon on this house. He had designed a whole study on the aesthetic the fireplace lent the room, and after your shared bedroom, this was the room he loved spending most of his time in, and he loved working there. So much so that he often brought projects over from work so he could sit and complete them in his study.
You lived for the winters, because that was when you saw him thriving in his study, the fireplace happily crackling and dramatic shadows playing across your boyfriend’s face.
Even now, he sat facing it, his laptop on his lap, the room toasty warm, and peaceful.
You stepped in, and shut the door behind you. Cleaning your throat slightly to announce your arrival, you stood beside his desk, fondly admiring the intricately carved patterns on his desk.
Joon looked up from his work and smiled brightly at you, the warm yellow cast of the fire, lighting him in an ethereal glow. He worldlessly placed his laptop to the side and spread his arms.
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Immediately you were in your place. The only place you were sure was entitled to you and you alone. Namjoon’s strong arms and his firm lap. You smiled and lay your head on his shoulder. Still wordless, both of you sat like that for quite a while, his deft fingers combing through your hair, you feeling the rise and fall of his chest under you, the merry fire giving light and music to your intimacy.
He shifted his legs slightly, making you realize that they were probably going numb by now. You pulled away hurriedly, in an attempt to get up, but strong hands wrapped around your waist, almost immobilizing you. He straightened his legs out in front of him, to return circulation in them, pulling you closer to him as he did.
“I’m okay honey. Just stay.” His deep low voice rumbled, his tone displaying his calmness and peace. You smiled softly, “You sure?” you asked, still unsure. He merely nodded, hugging you again and humming softly, a tune unfamiliar to you. His needy side was something that endeared you to no end, and with your own love language being that of physical touch and affection, you were more than happy to entertain all his little gestures.
And that’s how the first snow of winter found you both. Wrapped up content in each other’s embrace, in a room warmed not just by a fire but also both of your love and absolute happiness in each other’s silent company. And that was exactly how you intended to stay.
Well, at least until one of you got hungry.
Jung Hosoek
Hobi ran upto you, his electric smile shining on his face as he hugged you and lifted you clean of your feet.
“Y/N!!!!” he squealed happily.
Hyped up giggles and happy sounds were all you could manage to let out for a solid minute as your face was assaulted by a peppering of little kisses.
“Hope…!!” you finally reminded him that you both were still standing in the lobby of the hotel he was staying at. His crinkled, happy eyes met your flustered ones, and he immediately dragged you to the elevator.
“It’s so chilly outside, it’s a good thing you’re all bundled up baby.” He said, patting your gloved hands fondly. You smiled to yourself, and nodded as the comfortable silence settled for a little moment as the floors swept past. Finally reaching the floor he was at, both of you stepped off, Hobi still holding onto your hands. Stepping into his suite, you were immediately swept by the immaculately clean room. It always blew your mind how tidy and clean your boyfriend was. Even though you were a normally tidy person, you had often caught yourself slipping, but Hobi was something else entirely. Sitting gingerly on the edge of the neatly made bed, you put down your handbag and the little gift bag you were carrying. It was the start of winters and you had been wanting to give a nice little thoughtful gift to your lovely man, before he was swept too much in his schedule in time for the holiday season.
Pouring you a cup of the comforting plum tea he had ordered beforehand, he sat next to you, grunting softly as he pulled you into a more comfortable position on the bed.
“I missed you y/n-ie” he said in his cutest voice, hitting you with the force of his pouty face.
“We met last week babe.” You reminded him.
“A whole week.” He argued. You smiled and leaned closer, leaving a kiss on his soft lips, pulling back to see them formed into a beautiful smile.
“I got you something.” You said softly, suddenly shy.
“Oh?” immediately, his eyes went wide and his mouth formed an “O”. His expressions were always comical and accurate, and whatever he was feeling, you’d always be able to tell, simply with his expressions. You giggled uneasily.
The reason you were suddenly so nervous was that Hobi gave the most thoughtful gifts, and since he didn’t like worrying about the expense, the cost never seemed to bother him if his vision was being fulfilled. He had given you many extravagant gifts before this, and you knew he’d get you something crazy expensive, personalized and thoughtful for the holidays too. So suddenly your hand knitted wool gloves seemed silly and childish.
“Well, what is it?” he asked you kindly, as you fidgeted with your hands.
“It’s nothing too extravagant.” You shrugged and looked at your nail beds, when you saw his pretty hands wrapping around yours. You looked up to see sincere eyes very close to your face, which smiled when yours met them.
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“Baby, I’d treasure even a chocolate wrapper from you, you know that. Now don’t make me too curious.” He giggled.
At ease a little, you picked up the little gift bag and gave it to him. His face lit up.
“Oh I love it already.” He looked at you with genuine sincerity in his eyes.
“Open it.” You urged him, excited by now.
He took the small, soft package out of the bag and looked at you surprised. “I’m really curious.” He informed, carefully taking off the wrapping paper, your smile widening at the same rate as his eyes disappeared under his own.
He held up the pair of black gloves with awe and pride in his eyes. He looked at you, so pleased that you thought you’d cry.
“I recognize this pattern, y/n. It’s the one you have on your gloves.”
Spot on. These little observations were what always confirmed how much he loved you.
“You made us matching gloves?” he exclaimed happily. You giggled, his happiness contagious, as you held up your hands for him to examine.
“Woahhhhh.” He said, genuinely awed. “My baby is so talented, really. I’m amazed. And they’re black. You told me it’s harder to make designs with black wool because it’s harder to see what you’re doing.” He looked up, his pupils wide.
You laughed loudly at that. “It’s not that hard Hope.” You assured him.
“No, really!” he said, still in that loud incredulous tone. “Wow. I don’t have words. These are amazing, and you made them with your own talented hands. I’ll wear them till they’re absolutely ruined. No. I’ll wear them even then.” He said, his face 100% truthful.
His sincere and warm reaction had brought a few stray tears to your eyes by now.
“Oh Hobi, you’re too much.” You shook your head as you hugged him tightly.
He firmly wrapped his arms around you once more. “No, no this really means so much honey. I love it. I don’t know why you were so shy about it. They’re so cool, and I’d love to wear something that matches my cute girlfriend…”
“Hope, you’re talking too much. It’s giving me butterflies.”
“Let me fix those butterflies then.” He stated and decisively captured your lips in a firm kiss, that showed just how much he appreciated your effort and thought, as you melted into the kiss, absolutely satisfied with how that had turned out.
Find Part 2 here!
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Just 900 words of birthday fluff, just a teensy tiny bit of angst at the start.
For some writers that constantly hurt my feelings with their Tony, @areiton and @riotfalling and @iam93percentstardust
Surprise Party
Tony wakes up grudgingly, turning onto his back and throwing an arm over his face, not so much to block the light filtering in through the cheap curtains in the apartment he and Rhodey rented this semester, as to block the whole day in general.
His birthday has never been a day he enjoys; most of them up until this point having very little to do with him, and everything to do with his parent's image as they trotted him out in front of a room full of Howard's business associates and press to blow out candles and smile big and false at the gathered masses. Projecting the image of a perfect, happy family, celebrating his birthday was always a chore. Until later, after all the guests had left, and Jarvis and Ana would bring him to their quarters to share a cake that Ana made-- Tony's favorite flavor, whatever it happened to be at the time, instead of the massive, ostentatious vanilla to appeal to the masses thing that Maria ordered every year. There were small gifts from each of them, and warmth he only ever really found with them. That was what he'd always considered his actual party.
Only this year, he was at MIT, and the Jarvises were in New York, and even though his exam the next day meant he was saved from the usual spectacle of a public celebration, he found that he already ached with the knowledge it also meant missing those hours in Jarvis and Ana's kitchen.
With a groan, Tony resolves to get out of bed. When he throws himself up into a sitting position and gives himself a quiet moment to adjust, he notices there are hushed voices coming from the living area. Curiosity wins out over his general misery, and he swings his feet over the side of the bed and pulls on a sweatshirt he stole from Rhodey that is hanging haphazardly off the bedpost, shuffling to the door as soon as it's settled over him.
When he makes it down the short hallway, rubbing sleep from his eyes, he freezes and feels shock paint his face.
Rhodey is setting their small kitchen table, and at their stove is Ana, flipping a huge, fluffy omelette onto a plate. Jarvis is in the living room, carefully arranging a small pile of perfectly wrapped presents on the coffee table.
A small, choked sound escapes his throat, and three pairs of eyes turn to him. Tony is nearly overwhelmed by the warm smiles and unmasked affection shining at him.
"What-" he begins, not sure what he means to finish with, but Rhodey saves him from having to figure it out by coming over and pulling him into a quick hug.
"Happy birthday, Tones," he says brightly, pulling away and grasping his shoulder, steering him toward the kitchen.
Ana steps away from the stove and cups his face in her hands, smiling softly at him, "Happy birthday, kedves fiú," she tells him, her accent curling around him as warm as the hug she gives him.
As she pulls away, patting his cheek, Jarvis is there at her shoulder, and he takes over the embrace as she goes back to the stove. "Happy birthday, my boy," Jarvis says into the crown of Tony's head. When he steps back, he moves his hands to Tony's shoulders, his familiar smile in place. "I do believe you've grown since new year's," he teases, and that finally breaks Tony's stunned silence.
"Rude," he declares in mock offense, mildly mortified to hear how watery his voice sounds.
Three chuckles answer him.
"No, I think Mr. Jarvis is right, Tones. Pretty sure that sweatshirt fits a little better now than when you stole is before winter break," Rhodey jokes, and Tony can't help but laugh at the false look of consideration on his face.
He moves into the kitchen, Jarvis's arm wrapped around his shoulders now as they walk the few steps together.
Settling into a chair, his stomach rumbles as he takes in the stack of pancakes and fresh fruit bowl on the table. Ana giggles as she sets the eggs on the table. "You've missed my cooking, Anthony," she hums, kissing his temple.
"You have no idea, the student cafeteria is barely food," he answers honestly, scooping some melon and berries onto his plate.
As everyone takes a seat, Tony takes a moment to look at them all, letting the simple joy of the morning fill him up.
He wants to question why they're there, but he knows it's because they love him.
The Jarvises know him so well though, that he gets his answer anyway.
"We couldn't miss your day, sweetheart. I am glad we could come be with you. I am glad you have such a good friend we could conspire with," Ana says, patting Rhodey's hand affectionately.
Rhodey grins. "I even helped with the cake!"
Jarvis snorts, "Yes, he took your role this year; official stirrer and taste tester," using the same fond tone he has when he speaks about Tony himself.
They fall easily into conversation then, passing food and eating happily, catching up on each other's lives as though they don't speak regularly, Rhodey adding the most embarrassing parts to Tony's stories.
As Tony sits with the family he's managed to find-- the family that's found him -- he can't help but think best birthday ever.
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