#i plan on emy as one in the next chapter
awlimagines · 10 months
A Year in Forget-Me-Not Valley
Chapter One
Alchemy is an ancient science. Rich with history and lofty goals, such as creating gold or everlasting life with the Philosopher’s Stone. She hated the name Alchemy the older she became. Alchemy knew her parent's dreams were bound to the unfortunate moniker. Her parents had amassed a fortune and expected their children to accomplish at the least same but would prefer better. 
Argon, her older brother, had already lived up to his name. He graduated from law school less than two years ago and was already one of the most sought-after lawyers in the City. Argon’s firm would handle almost any case in some capacity but avoided pro-bono work unless there would be a massive payoff afterward. Argon towered over the City's social life, brushing shoulders regularly with all the other elites like lifelong friends.  
Then there was Al. She struggled through courses but managed to keep high grades. Despite your perfect scores, your parents would constantly compare you to Argon. He had amazing marks and participated in several after-school activities. They expected better from her in college. Alchemy enrolled in the parent-approved pre-med courses. It seemed the best of her options; at least she could help people. Al’s heart wasn’t fully into the courseload, but she figured she would find it along the way. 
Alchemy did find what she wished to do in life. She hesitantly joined a writing club sharing some of the poems and stories written over the years. Al originally used them as a break from school and to fiddle with building worlds from the scientific texts she studied. The group was supportive. Alchemy felt terrible when she had to tell the English professor she had no interest in changing majors. Alchemy usually tried not to lie, not because she aimed to be virtuous but because she knew how terrible she was at it. The look on the professor’s face said they recognized the lie, but they didn’t press for more information. 
A year later, in mid-Spring, Alchemy failed her first classes in pre-med. She couldn’t keep up with the rapid coursework and clinical rotations. Alchemy stood there crying hysterically after the failed check-off. The years of smothered anxiety from struggling to meet expectations breaking through. Her stress and the thought of telling her parents she was a failure created a sharp stabbing in her chest and sucked away her breathing ability. Once stabilized, Al’s instructors refused to let her leave without someone. She endured a silent car ride with Argon (who was mad to have been called from a party for this) and exited into a screaming match between her parents. 
“We shouldn’t send her there! He has no accomplishments to speak of! What would she learn?!” her mother fumed.
“She’ll learn how hard life will be for her if she doesn’t change. I’m cutting off our money. She can move there until the next school year. The hard work and limited resources will teach Alchemy why we want better for her.” 
“W-where am I going?” she carefully interjected. 
“Forget-Me-Not Valley to stay with your cousin Daryl,” her father sharply said. She remembered Daryl was a lot of fun when they were kids before he went to college. He was kicked out for some sort of argument with his professors and then sent from home by his angry parents. She hadn’t seen him in years, and the family had disregarded him as a failure. Alchemy could feel how serious they were; this was her last chance from her parents to meet their expectations or be disowned alongside her cousin. 
She arrived in the valley by the next afternoon; her parents wasted no time in arrangements. They said Daryl had agreed without issue once contacted but muttered about him being too proud to accept payment for the trouble. Alchemy gripped the straps of her backpack, breathing in the fresh air and observing the sweeping fields at the mountain’s base. It looked empty compared to the City. She had never left the City’s cramped streets and felt vulnerable in the open like this. The sound of suitcases thunking to the ground startled Al into a small jump. 
“Yeah, this is it. I’m out,” Argon curled his lip at the sight before him. “Best of luck; I hope you see what’s important while you’re here.” 
“Y-you’re not going to help me find Daryl’s?” 
“Are you saying that you can’t find a lab on your own in a place this small?” he asked, waving his hand toward the tiny town. 
“No, I mean- I can. Thank you for helping me this far,” Al meekly responded as she bent over to gather her bags. 
“I hope you find motivation; I worry about you.” 
Alchemy straightened up to watch her brother’s form headed back up the mountain. She inhaled a breath, steeled her nerves, and turned to face the town. She accomplished dragging her bags past the little bridge before taking a breath. Why didn’t Argon tell her how heavy the books shoved into one was? Al didn’t see the lab from this vantage point either. A large building and trees obscured her vision of what lay beyond. 
“Hey!” a friendly voice greeted shifted her gaze toward a path to her left. A man she could only guess might be between Argon and Daryl’s age was approaching her. He wore the same clothes as the people her parents would frown at and mutter about in the City. The carefree hippies lived off of others and would lead her down a path of sin. Al couldn’t decide if fear or something else had her heart pounding at his smile. She watched an eyebrow lift from behind his purple shades and his smile slip into a worried frown. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I um- I wasn’t listening,” she mumbled, looking away from the man. 
“Heh, no worries! I’m sure you’re tired from lugging all that around. I was just checking if you needed help,” his smile slipping back into place. “I think the Inn’s rooms are full. Was there someone you were looking for?” 
“Daryl! He’s an environmental scientist and my cousin,” she mumbled. Al could feel her face flushing. Why did she feel the need to say he was her cousin? This guy was just being nice. 
“Ah yeah, the scientist guy. His lab isn’t hard to miss, but the scenery hides it at this time of year. D’you want some help getting there? I can carry one of your bags for you.” 
“Please don’t trouble yourself! I can-” 
“Not any trouble at all, I offered. ‘Sides, my mom always said I should help a damsel in distress,” he casually interrupted, grabbing a suitcase handle. He glanced up, letting you glimpse blue eyes behind the dark shades before he righted himself. “I think this way would be easier. It’s a bit longer than cutting behind the inn, but there’s a pathway.” 
She followed behind the man’s surprisingly long strides. Al felt terrible realizing he’d grabbed the case with her heavy books. He didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. It sounded like he was humming. She quickened her pace and leaned forward, trying to identify the tune. Alchemy was so focused that she almost missed him coming to a stop. She took a quick step back and raised her eyes from the gravel. Argon had been right. She would have easily found this place if she didn’t stop and trouble the man with the green hat. 
“Thank you so much! Mr.- I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” 
“Just Gustafa is fine.”
“Oh, okay, thank you again, Gustafa. You can call me Al,” she forced a smile. There was no way she was sharing her full name with anyone here. 
“I hope you enjoy your stay. The folks around here are nice; just holler if you need help. See ya later, Al-igator.” 
Gustafa waved before wandering back towards the river. Alchemy paused to watch a moment before she turned to face Daryl’s lab. She said a quick prayer to any gods that might be listening as she knocked on the door. Hopefully, Daryl wasn’t too different from the older and cool cousin she loved as a kid.
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voidshrubsquared · 7 days
Ok so Candied Circuits amirite (banger title also I am very proud of it)
(I was talking to emi about it thru tags and I felt like rambling a little about it :3)
So it would have been very much a Scrollon-centric fic, though I've thought of a few iterations that added a character or two for some extra Thought Experimenting. I had two more or less concrete iterations in mind: Either one, a smaller one-shot based completely on the hemoglobin post scene, or two, a 2-3 chapter long fic involving Cinna's story in Scrollon's POV, somewhat.
Short summary on each!
Idea one: Scroll goes out at night to catch an unsuspecting addison, drags them back to his bakery, scraps them, preps and eats them. Pretty self-explanatory, haha.
The idea here though would be that you get to hear him think, plan methodically, ramble about his addi biology knowledge and see him cook! There would have been a recipe section with a list of ingredients, and the reader would be able to follow the whole baking process! The descriptions would be really appealing :)
And when it came to finally eating his bake, the reader would also be able to catch that glimpse of feeling he's been wanting to experience this entire time. Just this super short sense of... euphoria? This THING he keeps trying to reach and can almost grasp but it disappears JUST as he thinks he's finally getting it. Oh well, there's always next time.
This fic would be very descriptive :>
Pros and cons of this idea:
Pros: Someone gets fully scrapped, death cool. Cutesy baking scene with an eerie atmosphere.
Cons: Kinda short? No Cinna :(
Idea two: This one is admittedly a bit more vague for me, but it would follow Scrollon's thoughts during Cinna's disappearance right after he thought he killed her. And some other branching-out thoughts of consecuences if his actions are brought to light, what his next move should be, etc etc. I'm a firm believer that Scrollon planned to kill two birds with one stone by killing Cinna, to both have another addison in his stash for later and also to try throw off suspicion over his department in a 'oh dear! our darling cinna has gone missing too! who could be doing this, I hope everyone gets found soon!' Kind of way, yknow? And it would be really interesting to just have him think while he idly bakes about what he should do now and how to keep things in control.
So anyways Cinna escapes, many thoughts occur, something something about keeping her missing arm as a reminder that she's out there. But then Scrollon finds out Cinna is BACK and she's ALSO eating people and she has a CREW, and so he's kind of irritated, more thoughts, tasteless simulacrum reference.
Things get more vauge as I go, but the idea is that at the end, he finds out that Cinna is out to get him, and that... makes him uneasy.
Pros: Okay so I'm gonna go on a little side-tangent here. So you know that one buks art of Scroll and Everette cuddling and Scroll wonders "Am I prey..." "No..." "I'm poison :3" (which. Btw. Super cool way to see how he interprets love. Or whatever closest he feels to love.) I love that. Because it's a little glimpse of how he sees things, and I think it applies well to the 'takes metaphors literally' thing. Well there would have been more of that in this iteration of the fic, and would have had heavier predator vs. prey theming. At the beginning there would be some stuff along the lines of "Scrollon is predator, Cinnemon is prey." And it would turn around on him in the end with something along the lines of "Cinna has a pack. Cinna hunts. Cinnemon is *predator.*" and a pause, "Scrollon is prey." And you'd just get a little dread... at the very least you'd get the sense that Scrollon has to be very cautious, and careful about what he should do next.
Side-tangent over, this whole thing is the pro. OH and Cinna. Cinna is always a pro.
Cons: Still vague imo? No real scrapping scene... no fun baking a Man scene... :(
Both ideas had stuff I wanted to incorporate, so looking back at both, I think I'd combine them, honestly. It would be something like Cinna disappears -> Scrollon kills, bakes and eats a man -> Scroll finds out about the Rainbow Café (I REMEMBERED THE NAME WOOO) and ofc in between all of that, we'd get all that juicy character exploration mainly on Scrollon :)
I hope none of that was confusing and made Complete Sense my brain is now Air
Anyways if I remember something else about this I'll rb with the additional info, but I think that's it! I wish I got to develop this a little more before the motivation went away, but ey, what can ya do!
(@emiplayzmc @jevajoy tagging ya both cause you two really like the scrollman and I thought you might like this/get something out of it, as small/vauge as it is :3)
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st4rrvcha · 3 months
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𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆(ch.1) - bfb!hyunjin x fem reader
wc: 571
genre: fluff... for now at least[WIP]
summary: you’ve been eyeing your best friend's brother for some time, but you’ve never said anything, for you feared that he wouldn’t like you back. your best friend ruko, seems to think he may like you too. luckily for you, his birthday is tomorrow! What will happen when you confess you love for him then?
note: hyunjin is referred to as his english name, sam, and reader is referred to as yuki.
⋆.ೃ࿔* :・
a/n: this is my first ever ff so pls be kind!! i also wouldn't mind some constructive criticism, as it'll help me get better at providing for you guys!! thank you for reading my ff!
⋆.ೃ࿔* :・
Tomorrow is Sam’s birthday and you think that the gift you’ve planned for him, it’s really more of a confession is too much. You’ve made an elaborate card, carefully worded to make sure he doesn’t get weirded out, you bought him all his favorite snacks, you went all out for this man. You even painted him a portrait of his favorite flower. Roses. 
You start pacing around your room, the walls feeling like they're closing in on you as you constantly overthink and spew nonsense about your worries for Ruko to hear. Ruko, sitting on your bed, assures you, “I’ve known Sam for over like 1,000 years. We’re literally siblings. If he didn’t like you a teensy bit I would know.” You interject, “I know, I know, Ruko,” you say with an exasperated sigh. “But it’s not as simple as that! What if he thinks I’m weird or something!! We don’t even know each other too well!” “You… and my brother… don't know each other too well?!?!,” Ruko says with an annoyed and slightly shocked face. “Then how come, every night you would sleep over at my house after dragging me there hungover you would always be chatting it up with him in the morning? Huh? Do you even think??? If I wasn’t your friend, hell, if I wasn’t even his sister, I still would have been able to see the chemistry you two have!” All of Ruko’s yelling kinda snaps it into you. “You’re right. I think I just need to muster up the courage.” you say.
Just then, Ruko’s phone rings. “Speak of the motherfucking devil.” she says. “Yo! Sam’s on the phone come say hi Yuki!” Ruko whisper-shouts. You’re even redder than the spiciest chili pepper, but slowly you walk over to where Ruko is sitting. “Hi Sam!” you say, mustering up the strongest voice you can get. “Oh! Hey Yuki! I haven’t seen you in a while! You comin’ to my birthday party tomorrow? I sure hope you are!” His words leave you in shock, but you keep going on. “Yea! I’m coming to your party! I’ve got a surprise for you!!” You’re alarmed at the words that came out of your mouth, hoping and praying that he didn’t hear you, but knowing full well that he did. “Oh yea?,” he says. You can hear the cockiness in his voice. It made your heart flutter and the butterflies in your stomach were all over the place. “I can’t wait to see it then. Anyway, bye Ruko! Bye Yuki! Love you guys!,” Sam says. “Love you too!” you and Ruko say in unison. “OMG! Girl. You just said Love you to my brother!!” she squeals in delight. She’s been waiting for you to slip up. All you can think about is how bad you’ve fumbled. “YA! If you bring this shit up again I swear you’re gonna sleep on my couch the next few nights.” This is the final straw for you. “NO! NO! NEVER! Please! I’ll stop! Not the couch!” Ruko writhes in fake pain. You guys laugh this off like good friends always do and get comfy in your bed. 
You try to fall asleep but all you can think of is how you’ve accidentally already confessed your love to Sam. It takes a while, but as you start to doze off, you start another one of your fantasies, lulling you into a deep sleep.
⋆.ೃ࿔* :・
next chapter coming soon! (i write a new chapter like everyday.)
- with love, emi(stvrrvcha)
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lovesosweeet · 7 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter thirteen
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
august 3, 2018 los angeles, california orion
I've not left the apartment since I got home from the hospital two days ago, except to take Duke out a few times a day. The nausea has been unrelenting the entire time and I feel like I've been hit by a bus. I don't even sleep in our bed. I spend the whole time on the couch.
I'm grateful that I've only vomited once, but I haven't eaten a full meal in several days. From being stressed about Cal leaving to getting started on chemo, food hasn't exactly been appealing. I can tell my weight is going to plummet over the next several weeks, but it's hard to fight the feeling that I'll throw up anything I eat and also that adding anything else to the chaos in my stomach already is not a good idea.
Duke has been a great cuddle companion and has barely left my side. Calum called again yesterday but hasn’t yet called today. The time zones make it so confusing and I keep forgetting whether he’s ahead or behind of me in time. He texted me a few hours ago—it was just a selfie of him and Ashton backstage, letting me know they were about to perform. Once they finish the show tonight they’re flying to New Zealand, which I know he’s excited about.
It’s been long enough now that I think he should be off stage soon, if they aren’t already, but I know they’re going to be kind of chaotic afterwards because they’ll be rushing to the airport. I don’t plan on calling him at all; his schedule is so insane and busy, and I know he will do his best to call me as much as he can. I’ll call him if it’s important enough, but so far nothing has happened that should mean I call him.
This morning I woke up to a banging on the apartment door and to my dismay I found my moms had ordered groceries for me. It was just a bunch of easy to make foods — cans of soup, frozen pizzas, instant ramen — but it still frustrated me that they would do that without asking me. I don’t need their help.
I grumble silently, dragging the food inside with Duke sticking his face in the bags. “Nothing for you, sorry buddy.”
Once I get the frozen food into the freezer, I go to flop back on the couch. My body aches so much. I don’t feel like I can stand for more than a few minutes at a time. I’ve debated checking with Macy to see if she would be able to walk Duke for me, but I’m scared to rope another person in on my secret. I’m on the couch watching more Girl Meets World when Emelia texts me.
From: emi✨ how ya doin today? need anything?
To: emi✨ yuck. am fine. just don’t wanna move ever again.
From: emi✨ do you want me to walk duke for you? i can come by after work!
I want to say yes, but she’s already doing so much. She’s the one who will be driving me to and from chemo next week, and she’s already planning on coming over again tomorrow to keep an eye on me. I’m hoping I feel okay enough to hang out with Macy in a few days like we’d planned… I decide I am just going to suck it up. I can handle it. What's the worst that can happen?
I text Emelia "no" and then muster as much strength as I have left to get off the couch again. It's time to take a shower, I decide.
It takes me a somewhat shameful amount of time to get to the bathroom and turn on the water. I crank it all the way up because I'm freezing. Before I get in, I grab a pair of Cal's boxers and one of his hoodies to put on when I get out, and then I hook my phone up to the Bluetooth speaker so I can listen to music.
The sound of Maisie Peters' brief but iconic discography echoes in the room while I step under the hot water, and I instantly feel better. Washing my hair feels weird because it's so much shorter than it was when I last washed it. I pump out far too much shampoo for the amount of hair I have left, but it smells nice, so it's fine.
I'm singing the words to Worst of You when the music is replaced by ringing. Someone is calling me, and, if I had to guess, it's Calum. Of course, he calls right during the first time in the past several days that I can't answer. Quickly, I rinse the shampoo from my hair and try to scrub my entire body, undoubtedly missing a few places, but I just want to get out.
Tossing the sweatshirt on over my wet hair and clumsily stepping into the boxers, I grab my phone off the counter and hit the button to call Calum back. While it rings, I wrap the towel over my hair and walk out of the bathroom, plopping back on the couch.
"If it isn't my favorite girl on the planet," Calum answers.
My mood instantly lifts but I roll my eyes. "I'm telling Joy that she's not your favorite. She won't be happy."
"That's different and you know it."
I smile. I love that he loves his mom so much, but being ranked higher than her is really such an honor. She's a wonderful lady.
"Sorry to miss your call, I was in the shower."
"No, it's fine! We're driving to the airport now and I just wanted to say hi really quick."
"How was the second show?"
Calum starts talking about a technical issue that I don’t really understand but try to listen intently. Something about the sound in his earpieces cutting off and no one believed or understood him so he had to play the whole show not being able to hear anything. He said the fans made him a sign to remind him of his lyrics (a common trend) and someone threw a beaded bracelet onstage that had a C and an O with a heart between them.
“It’s yours now,” he says. “It won’t fit me but it’ll fit your tiny wrist.”
I smile. It’s a cute memento and I am glad the fans are kind of warming up to me. I try to avoid looking for their opinions and thoughts on me but it’s a bit inescapable if I go on any of the 5SOS pages to check for updates.
“Can’t wait to have it,” I tell him.
“Did I tell you I’ve flown Mum out to Auckland? We’ll get there around the same time.”
“No! You didn’t tell me, but I’m jealous. I miss her.”
“She misses you too. She said they’d love to come to LA for Christmas, too, so we can maybe start planning that?” He says it like a question. “I know it’ll probably be you planning it because I know you love planning but it doesn’t have to be just you.”
My heart gets warmer at the thought. I love hosting and spending time with our favorite people, especially for special occasions. It could also be the first time we get to introduce our families to each other. We only have one guest room, but Cal’s office/studio could fit an air mattress for Mali if she doesn’t bring a partner. My family could just come up for the day, or maybe Cal and I could sleep on the couch and give my moms and brother our room.
Then I remember treatment plans and all of the uncertainty in my future and my head starts to spin. Will we be able to host if I’m going through treatment? Maybe Cal should just go to Australia for Christmas without me, and I’ll stay here and get treatment or just spend it with my own family. I try not to think on it too hard, but there is still, devastatingly, a chance that Calum won’t be happy when I tell him I’ve been lying.
He wouldn’t break up with me over it, I don’t think, but sometimes when he’s mad he does lose sight of rationality. It’s not a unique trait to him. We all do it. He’s never gotten mad at me—we’ve had fights and arguments but he’s never been angry with me specifically, more a situation or something that just frustrates him. I don’t know how he’s going to react, and maybe that’s part of why I didn’t want to tell him at all. I am 98% sure Calum would’ve opted out of tour for me, but that other 2% gnaws at the back of my brain.
Would he have ended it then and there? Why go through the heartache of being with someone you know will die soon?
“Orion?” Cal’s voice interrupts my spiral.
“Sorry, what?”
He laughs. “I said you’d probably want to be in charge of planning Christmas.”
I laugh nervously. “Yeah, I mean… probably.”
He’s silent for a minute. It’s a short pause and with anyone else, it wouldn’t matter or stick out, but with Calum, it does. “You okay?”
I hate how easily he’s able to read me without even being able to see me. I quickly try to come up with an excuse. “Yeah, just been having a hard time sleeping. The apartment feels so empty without you.”
Calum pauses again, and I know it’s because that idea makes him a bit sad. “Would you feel better if Em stayed there? That could be fun, a four month sleepover with your bestie.”
I purse my lips, holding back that Em has already stayed here one night of the three that he’s been gone. “Maybe.”
He sighs. “I’m sorry you’re feeling lonely. Let me know if there’s any way I can help. Even if it’s just to fly home for a day whenever we have a break or to fly you somewhere for a day. I don’t care. I want to see you, especially if you’re down, okay?”
I want to shake my head but he can’t see me. “Cal, it’s fine. We’ll be fine. Just might take a bit to get used to.”
“I don’t want you to get used to a life without me, O. I’m here, forever, okay? Whatever you need, I’m there.”
With each word, I can feel my heart ripping down the middle, inch by inch. I don’t know how it’s still whole.
“I love you,” is all I manage to say. I’m choking back tears, the guilt is so much. How can I keep this up? How can I hold this in?
“I love you, too.” He sounds sad now. “Love, we’re almost to the airport. Do you want me to call you again once we’re through security? We don’t have to stop talking.”
I clear my throat. “No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine. Just text me before you take off.”
“We’re both gonna be fine. I’ve gotta go. I love you.”
I feel my tears slowly trickling down my face and I don’t bother to wipe them away. “I love you. Bye.”
Then we hang up, and I can really start sobbing. Duke runs over, his ears perked up. He’s not sure why I’m crying and he hops up next to me, sticking his face by mine. When he starts licking my face, I stop him. I’d read something about how all bodily fluids post-chemo are essentially poison. I don’t want to get Duke sick, too. I can’t handle that. We can’t both be sick.
I pull Duke close to me and squeeze him as much as I can without hurting him. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this, but I know I will, at least for now. I’ll have Em and my moms and Ash and Duke and everything will be fine. It has to be.
next chapter
a/n: spoiler next chapter will have a bomb drop hehehe
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cryptid-bird · 1 year
Reading An Old Fic
I'm reading an old Gorillaz fic that I wrote years ago, and it's so unintentionally funny in some parts. For context, 2D fucking. Dies. That's the plot. He's a ghost now. The story is mostly angst, so the random bits of humor is like getting smacked in the face. The story overall is not bad, it's just weird that I did that! If I had finished this, it could have been close to a novel length.
Highlights of the story:
The chapter names include such gems:
Drink To Forget Your Problems.
Great, This House Is Fuckin' Haunted.
Talking To Your Dead Friend Around Your Adopted Daughter Can Be Super Awkward
Play Video Games To Forget Your Crippling Depression.
Summon Satan To Help Deal With Your Problems Instead Of Facing Them Like An Adult.
Don’t Starve Shipwrecked Basically
I can sense a theme with some of these.
Murdoc gets in an elevator with a white suburban family. He has an inverted cross around his neck and blood on him (from an injury). It's awkward
2D uses his ghost powers to make Murdoc's shower ice cold.
After a very dramatic scene: “What’cha doin’?” Stuart asked. He sounded bored and alone. 
“Running from my problems.” Murdoc responded.
Taxi Driver: “My friends would be stoked to hear this, they’re big fans.” 
Murdoc: “I always love fans. Tell ‘em I said that my bed can always fit one more person.”
2D calls Murdoc a murderer for being partly responsible for his demise (even though it was unintentional). Murdoc denies being a murderer. 2D is like "I have a law degree!!", which is funny to me. Why does he have that
EMI Records calls Murdoc during an angsty scene and threatens to hold him hostage until he can tell them where 2D is. When he says he will get his lawyers involved, they tell him "We're a billion dollar company, we can do whatever we want"
2D meets a blind woman who can hear him. She doesn't know he is a ghost and doesn't get the memo. She's like "We all feel invisible sometimes. It's ok"
Russel: “I know you’re in there you green piece of shit”. 
Noodle is unable to ship her sword, but is somehow able to ship herself, a whole human, through FedEx. This is never addressed.
Murdoc plans to murder a child to bring 2D back from the dead. He can't bring himself to. He kills someone else instead by being bisexual at a club. This chapter is called: Murder For A Good Cause. The man he brings back is actually from the Black Cloud and attacks Murdoc first.
A line from the story, out of context: "It would just be plain awkward, like having sex with your best friend watching, except he and 2D weren't friends." 
(More under the cut)
Noodle: “Uhuh. Well, I’m going out to go get some dinner. If I come back and anything is wrong I won’t hesitate to harm you.” she threatened. 
Murdoc: “I know that! Enjoy your dinner!” he called as he dragged the corpse away to clear space. 
2D finds Murdoc drawing a pentagram next to a dead body and is like "WHAT THE FUCK"
“There’s a dead body on the floor-” Stu pointed out, but was interrupted by Murdoc.
“Stop pointing out the obvious.”
“So you slit his throat?” 
“What else did you expect me to do? Kindly show him the door?” 
This scene:
He pricked his finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall into the solution. He felt a strange tingling sensation, and the very next thing he knew he was standing in the oh so familiar underworld. 
He was in a building. The roof was high up and was supported by towering beams. On the beams were torches lit with hot flames. They were the only light in the room. 
A large demon paced back and forth. He seemed angry. “For the last time, I don’t want your car insurance! I don’t even have a car! How did you get this number?!” he paused, listening to what the person on the other line had to say. “At least I’m not going to have an early death! Have fun in Hell!” he swiftly hung up. It seemed he was unaware of his company until Murdoc cleared his throat.
And this:
“It’s you. You don’t remember our deal? You specifically asked for your band to never die. Your friend did, but because of our deal his soul remains. Well, ta-ta! I’m off to my meeting. Hell can’t run itself.”
If you want to read all of what I've written, let me know and I can upload the rest on ao3. I've already published some of it on there. I will not finish it, I'll just give you what I've already done.
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marcart122 · 10 months
Chapter 7 (Hangouts and Happenings) of We, or Rather I is out now!
Archive of our Own
1:03 PM. Three minutes past the deadline. Of course, I waited for Ash to come over at one of the cafeteria’s benches. I had just finished eating my food minutes ago, and what do you know, great food as usual. Emi is over there, talking about what she wants to do this semester, while Talan is reminding her that she should be careful. Next, Livio is going over plans for his next weapon, and Paz is amusing herself with a magic trick made of a single playing card. Four seemingly different people, doing four different things, yet all inexplicably linked by a single soul. I wonder what would be different if I were just one of them. Or, if I wasn’t them, what if I were another group of people? Red, white, black… Enough reflecting, time to make conversation with myself.
Link to the other chapters in this embed below!
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achalchaurasia · 1 year
Signs you are financially ready to buy a house
Purchasing a home is both thrilling and terrifying. It indicates that you have settled down and are prepared for the next phase of your life. It is all exciting and the feeling of independence is surreal. On the other hand, it also means that you are taking on the most significant debt you will ever have to pay off which means, additional responsibility to take care of. 
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When preparing to buy a house, the financial realities can cause a lot of stress, uncertainty, and questions: Will I be able to get a loan? How much am I eligible for? Do I have enough cash to put down a deposit? The list continues. In today's Achal Chaurasia news, we will discuss the signs that tell you whether you are financially ready to buy a house. 
Steady Income
Despite the fact that the economic impact of the COVID-19 virus is significant, it can be challenging to determine how secure your income is. Coivd made us all understand the importance of uncertainties in life and that we can never be sure what should or might happen. To gain a loan, not only should you be able to demonstrate a track record of steady employment in the past, but you should also be able to rest assured that your income will be stable for at least the next few years so that your chances of loan eligibility increase. 
Monetarily secure
Being monetarily secure is a big step while planning to buy a home. If you have had a smooth bank balance for a year and have sufficient money along with an emergency fund, then you have bagged a big step in achieving the dream milestone of owning a home. 
Funds for a down payment 
While purchasing your dream home, there are many factors you need to take into the picture with the down payment being the most important. Once you are on a house loan, EMIs can make things easier but you need to be concerned about the down payment. In addition to the emergency savings and average annual expenses, take stock of the additional funds you have. Ideal amounts for the spare cash are 15 to 20 percent of the value of your dream home.
Good credit score 
Having a good credit score is like having a golden ticket to get a loan. It shows your creditworthiness to the lender/ bank so that they can stay rest assured about the return payments as they give you the loan. If you have a poor credit score, it would show that you have not been depositing your installments timely which would make your chances of loan sanctioning less. Make sure your credit score is clean and that you have been paying your credit card bills on time and have handled the payments of any previous or current debts responsibly. 
Becoming a house owner is truthfully a task full of responsibilities. It has its own demands, commitments, legal responsibilities, repairs and maintenance, furnishing, and many other day-to-day activities. It is only if you are ready to take on such responsibilities that you should plan on becoming a homeowner as it can get overwhelming at one point. 
You have no other prior financial needs
The building or buying your dream home is every living person's dream. But every person has a different life set and circumstances. So a big decision like spending a huge amount on a home, you need to make sure you don't have any other major financial needs on your head like medical or other types of loans as handling such major expenses altogether can become very burdensome. Make sure you analyse your finances very carefully before locking the deal for a home for a smoother lookout in the future. 
A home is more than just cement and bricks. Through this Achal Chaurasia news we wish you all the best as you set to embark on this new chapter of your life and may you find your dream house with eased financial situations.
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zeltqz · 2 years
ran haitani has a reputation to uphold. yet it all comes crumbling down when his newest target has no interest in playing his little game. he’s now determined to add your heart to his collection — he is down to do anything
pairings. ran haitani x f!reader
tags. drinking, blackmail, angst, explicit sexual content, smoking, loss of virginity, bullying, introverted reader, misogyny, mental breakdowns, reader hurts ran’s pride & ego, slow burn
word count: 5.1K
series masterlist
if you want to be tagged for this series : click here
"You told me he wasn't going to be here."
The disappointment in your voice was clear as you stared at the wall where Hanma Shuji and Haitani Ran were currently standing by.
"I never said that," Kaash shrugs looking down at her phone, typing one last message to Tony saying that the two of you won't be coming into work today because of school reasons.
After the party last week, Kaash had been texting Hanma almost everyday. You were worried for her because you were aware of his um, reputation around school. Kaash is aware too yet she's just so blinded that she doesn't care if he breaks her heart, she just has to sleep with him once so she can cross that off her bucket list.
Hanma then arranged for the two of them to hang out today in the arcade and Kaash begged and bribed you to join because she would be too nervous around him alone without the influence of alcohol on her side. The only reason she had that must confidence last week to talk and even convince him to dance was because she was drunk but sober enough to remember the night the next morning.
You then remember the exact conversation you had with Kaash yesterday, that got you into this situation in the first place.
"Accompany you where exactly?" You ask, placing the phone on the countertop on speaker as you put your leftovers in the airfryer.
"Who's that?" Emi asks, flickering through the TV channels and tell her it's Kaash. Emi isn't close to Kaash, she only knows that you both work under Tony.
"Okay so," you hear shifting come from her end of the line, "Shuji asked me out, yesterday but I'm nervous obviously because the only time I ever spoke to him was when I was a little tipsy."'
"I didn't really see that much 'talking' last night," you say as you remembered the vivid image of the two of them on the dance floor. 
Kaash flushes red at your sentence and defends herself, "Talking, dancing, same shit! The matter of fact is that he invited me to hang out with him and I need backup otherwise I might pass out and if I do I need you to give me CPR or some shit."
"Are you sure you don't want Hanma to give you CPR?" You chuckle and you hear her make a noise, like she was thinking. 
"As much as I’d want to, I feel like he doesn’t know how to perform CPR. I need someone smart, beautiful and pretty like you!"
You roll your eyes, "flattery doesn't work on me." 
Kaash then makes an exaggerated noise of frustration. "I'm begging you, if there's ever an opportunity that you need me to cover your shift to get laid or —"
"I doubt that will ever happen." You cut her off.
"—something, I will happily cover you." Kaash finishes her tangent with a smile on her face. "Also, you never know what might happen, just telling you that if you do this for me, I will cover you whenever you need assistance."
"Well, I don't plan on getting laid anytime soon, so I'll decline, thanks for the strange offer though."
"Future you will regret this moment if it ever arises, just take the offer."
"Okay, fuck, fine. I'll join you." You say frustrated, looking at how long the call had been going on. Kaash had been trying to convince you for a good 12 minutes and 23 seconds. 24 now.
"YAY! I gotta get my beauty sleep for tommorow, love you mwah."
"To be frank," Kaash says, "I never said if Ran was going to be here or not."
"But you knew, and never told me."
"I didn't know you were avoiding him, well certainly not after the two of you were—"
"Never," you cut her off, "never in your life bring that up again. It was a mistake, wasn't supposed to happen, so just forget about it." It feels like a blur honestly, thought you didn't even have anything to drink, you were 100% sober. It was as if Ran's presence and touch was making you feel tipsy.
That night, you went home craving Ran's touch weirdly enough. The kiss you shared with Hotaro was nice and all, but it didn't compare to him. And that is what made you so mad. You hated that your only source of pleasure was from him, the thought was scary, being addicted to someone like him.
Ran had a feeling you were avoiding/ ignoring him and his theories came true the moment he saw you purposefully avoiding eye contact with him as you stood next to Kaash.
The moment they both dipped and left you and Ran alone, the tension in the air was so thick that it even made Ran awkward.
And he’s never awkward.
“Someone’s excited to see me,” Ran laughs breathlessly when he sees you crack a little smile. It’s working.
“I’m not excited, just surprised,” you place both hands behind your back as you play with your fingers, nervous. Ran reads your body language and needs to find something to do to make everything less awkward.
“Come, let’s go find a game.” Ran holds his hand out for you to grab it. You wonder why he always has to grab your hand whenever he’s about to walk. But you don’t argue against it, you like the feeling of his soft hands engulfing your own.
You take it and he gently squeezes your hand as he leads to over to a random area of the arcade. All the bright lights flashing from the designs from the games are hurting your eyes. “What’s your favourite game?”
“Anything easy,” you mutter under your breath as you look around the flashy arcade. Ran bends down to your level to hear you better, “speak up doll.”
“I said anything easy,” you turn to face him and instead come face to face with him. You didn’t even realise he was this close to you. Why is he so attractive, your heart is racing even more when you actually take a moment to admire his facial features. His eyes are purple? And he has small freckles, very faint. Ones that you can only see up close. Your facial features soften the more you stare and Ran moves his face back a bit, “you’re staring.”
You shake your head, “sorry, just realised you have freckles. They’re… nice.” Ran smiles when he sees you turn your head to look anywhere but his eyes. You’re so nervous around him, it’s adorable. “I bet I could beat your ass in every game.” 
“As long as you’re paying,” you add, “are you good at that one?” Ran turns his head to look at the game you’re referring to. “I’m alright,” he shrugs and you look around for another game.
“Are you just looking for games I suck at so you can win?”
“No..” you answer a bit too quickly, “okay fine, yes.”
“I can just let you win,” he says, “I’m a gentlema—”
“HA!” You instantly slap your hand over your mouth to suppress your laugh, “that was rude, I’m sorry.”
“You’re saying I can’t be a gentleman?”
“I have yet to see you act like one,” you look him and up and down before you head over to a random game. Well, just before you try and walk over, he grabs your hand, “If I take you out, will you let me show you?”
“Nope, I have school. Don’t have time for dates.” 
“You’re in an arcade, on a Tuesday afternoon. I don’t believe you.” 
You sigh, “okay, let me rephrase this. I don’t have time for you, but I have time for my friends.” You fake smile at him.
You’re about to walk off again till he tugs at your arm, bringing you back to your original spot, “Why are you so cold to me? I thought we were getting along, especially last week—”
“Don’t bring that up. It was a mistake.” 
“Mistake?” His brows raise in surprise cause he wasn’t expecting that answer. Why were you so difficult? It’s not like he’s trying to use you, if anything, you’re probably— no you are actually the only girl he’s interested in pursuing for something more than just sex. He doesn’t know what it is, he just knows that from the limited time he’s spent with you (cause you disappear and reappear in his life every few days) that you make his body react in such ways. 
First the blushing. Since fucking when was the last time Ran blushed? When he had a crush at 14 and she looked in his direction. Second, the constant need to look in your direction at all times. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but his body just naturally is looking for you, like you’re a magnet and he’s your compass.
Ran is genuinely trying to make an effort with you, but it’s evident that you don’t trust him. He can’t even blame you either. But as stated before, he loves a challenge.
“Yeah, it was a mistake. I’m not like that and I don’t do things like that, so just forget it ever happened.” Your voice brings him back to reality and the conversation you were having. 
“Like that, you mean… dancing? What, so book nerds don’t dance?”
You gasp, “Book nerd? Is that what you think of me?” 
“Don’t be offended, book nerds are sexy. Especially with glasses on, you have any?” 
“I don’t own glasses, sorry to disappoint you,”
Ran visibly pouts, “you still look sexy without em anyways.”
“Flattery doesn’t work on me.” It really doesn’t. You’re just immune to compliments? You don’t know what the issue is. 
“We’ll see,” Ran’s hand snakes down your back, resting on your lower back possessively. You so desperately want to rip his hand off of you, but you can’t. Like you’re frozen, because his touch just feels….. comforting. 
“If you win this game, I’ll buy you dinner.” 
“Alright,” you step up to the console and insert the coins needed. Today was the day that you found out that you were terrible at video games. You lost 6-1 and Ran wouldn’t shut up about how bad you sucked. You told him to shut up and he makes a deal with you. “If I win this match, I get to take you out.”
“That’s so unfair, you know you’re gonna win,” you argue and he shrugs, “That’s the point doll,” he cups your cheek. Just as you’re about to respond, someone crashes into your back.
“LET’S GO! I got everything I needed,” Kaash says and Ran rolls his eyes seeing the way her shirt is unbuttoned and her clothes are misplaced, completely in contrast to how neat they were when she first arrived.
“We can just go back to my place,” Hanma says and Ran doesn’t fail to notice that his hair is messy too. 
“You two are fuckin’ nasty.” Ran scoffs and Hanma just wipes his lip with his thumb, “it was her idea.” Kaash slightly hits Hanma’s arm as he just outed her. Meanwhile you’re just confused as to what they’re talking about.
“You’re so innocent,” Kaash cups both of your cheeks, “stay that way.” 
Not if I have something to do with it. Ran thinks, “Can we go now?”
“So you just magically had a bikini in your bag?” You ask as you see Kaash checking herself out in the mirror in the bathroom she dragged you inside. 
“Everybody knows that Shuji’s house has a pool, and I wanted toooo,” she winks as if you’re supposed to understand what she’s saying. She sees the look of confusion on your face and sighs at your innocence, “i want Hanma to 👉👌 me inside of that pool,”
“I’m not stupid, you can say you want to have sex with him without using gestures,” you cross your arms, “i’m not a baby.”
“You’re adorable,” she hugs you while sighing, “you’re like my little baby,”
You shove her off and tell her to go and fuck him already. Kaash laughs and checks herself out in the mirror again before heading outside. You honestly would go home right now, but you have no clue how to get home since Kaash was supposed to be your ride back, so now you’re stuck inside this fuckboy dome until your friend finishes getting laid.
This isn’t how you expected to spend your Tuesday evening. You make a mental note to never ever do Kaash a favour whenever she asks for one. You’re sat on Hanma’s couch, awkwardly while Ran is in the kitchen making some food. “Do you know how to swim?” He asks out of the blue when he hears the splash of the pool outside along with Kaash giggling.
You shake your head, “Well, yes and no. If splashing around counts as swimming then I’m a professional,”
“Gonna be totally honest,” Ran turns to face you, “I just wanna see you in a bikini.”
Of course he does, he manages to ruins every single conversation whenever he opens that fuckin’ mouth.
You groan, “I’m just gonna ignore the fact you said that, and I appreciate your honesty,  but unfortunately for you I don’t have a bikini right now.”
You hear some shuffling come from the kitchen, then a bikini is thrown at your  face. “Put it on and give me a show.”
“This is used,” you fight the urge to gag and throw it on the floor. Ran comes and sits next to you on the couch. “You’re really not gonna give me a show?”
You shake your head, “you have other girls to do that for you right?”
“But I want you,” he reaches down and presses a kiss to your neck, gradually making his way to your jawline. 
“I bet you say that to every girl,” you so badly want to push him off of you but instead you find yourself pressing him closer. This is so bad. 
“Jealous?” he mumbles on your skin, his voice vibrating on your skin making you moan softly. Every single sound that comes out of your mouth turns him on, including the movement of your lips when you cuss him out. 
“No,” you gasp when he attaches his lips to yours, immediately pressing himself against you. “You’re so soft,” he mumbles against your lips as he pushes you down on the couch and hovers over you. 
Your hands grip his hair tight when he rolls his hips against your lower body. “Ran, we should stop-” a whine pulls from his mouth hearing your words, “just a little bit longer,” his lips find themselves back on your neck. He thinks that is your favourite spot because whenever he presses his lips down with just a little pressure, your breathing gets faster.
Ran is fighting the urge to just throw your clothes off and fuck you so deep into this couch, he’s just waiting for your okay. He can’t control himself anymore, but he is willing to wait for you. Which is odd enough as it is. 
“Ran, stop,” you grip onto his hair tighter but he licks a stripe down from your jaw to the spot he thinks is your favourite spot. In fact he knows it is now, because the soft moan that just escaped your lips when he sucks hard . “It tickles, Ran,” you moan and start to squirm under him when he sucks down hard enough there is a visible mark.
Ran knows he’s found your special spot. He thinks he has a gift for pleasing women, if only he finds your g-spot first try, then that’ll confirm everything. You bite your lip when you feel his fingers trail down your leggings, rubbing your inner thigh. His lips find your own again and this time it’s slower than before. His tongue slips through your lips and you groan when his fingers enter your leggings, rubbing against your panties.
“Spread your legs for me princess,” you don’t except the pet name to work on you, but you find yourself responding to his commands, like a dog. Spreading your legs and you wince when you feel his finger rubbing against your folds through your panties. “Does that feel good?”
“Mhm,” you mumble when he rubs your wetness against your folds to lubricate it, squirming under him because you’ve never felt this sensation before. He’s just about to slip his finger inside your tight wet hole when he hears giggling coming from outside aswell as the sounds of water, as if they’re getting out of the pool.
He’s about to ignore the two outside and get back to pleasuring you, until you sit up abruptly and remove his hands from your leggings. “Kaash, hey!” your voice is shaky, Ran notices it and he cusses internally for getting his moment with you ruined again.
“I’m ready to go now,” Kaash grabs her bag and you’ve never hopped off of a couch faster, ready to sink into your soft bed sheets and forget that this moment ever happened with Ran.
Ran watches as the door shuts and just like that, he’s left alone with Hanma. “I saw everything,” Hanma speaks out suddenly, “can’t believe you managed to get that far with someone like her.”
“That far? That was basically nothing.” Ran sulks, but has to keep his patience. He doesn’t want to scare you by moving too fast. “This is the second hickey I gave her, now she’s just gonna avoid me for another 2 weeks,”
“Maybe your game just sucks. If it was me, I would’ve fucked her by now. Look at her best friend, fucked her twice in a day.”
Ran just hums, even though he’s not listening to a word Hanma is saying because the image of you under him is replaying in his mind  24/7 like a broken VHS tape. He needs to release, doesn’t care where or who, he’s been craving it for so long. Ran brings out his phone and texts the first number that comes up on his contacts.
“Why are you calling Selly?” Hanma asks, confused.
“Cause I need to fuck someone and she’s desperate as hell.” Hanma giggles hearing Ran’s words and giggles even louder when she responds on the first ring. 
“Hey Ran!” she says seductively through the phone, “do you need something?”
“You free right now?” 
“YES!” She answers just before Ran can even finish his sentence, “mine or yours?”
“Mine, I’ll be there in a bit, Rindou will let you in.”
“Okay, see you soon.” Ran hangs up, “alright gotta go,”
It’s 11PM and you still can’t sleep. You’ve been feeling twitchy ever since the couch incident. Great, another incident revolving Ran that you want to erase from your memory. That feeling you felt when his fingers did their job in your pants—
“Hey Emi,” you call out from your room.
“Come please,” 
Emi leans against your door, “What’s up.”
“Have you, um,” this was so embarrassing to ask, “ ever masterbated?”
Emi’s eyes light up for a second, the next thing you know she’s sat on your bed, “Did you—”
“NO! I didn’t do that,” you technically weren’t lying, “someone else did it to me, for like 3 seconds and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Was it Ran?”
“Why would it be him? Ew, gross,” you look down at your bed as you speak. “Cause your friends told me about the lapdance you gave him at a party.”
“Lapda—,” you scoff, “I would never, but he did give me this,” you move your shirt out of the way, revealing the mark and you swore if this was a cartoon, Emi’s eyes would be out of the window. 
“WHEN?!” Emi yelled and she pulled you closer, examining your neck, “this is fresh isn’t it?” Emi gasped as she connected the dots, “you saw him today didn’t you? AND HE FINGERED YOU?”
You nod in shame and expect a scolding from her , but instead she just squeals. “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU OH MY GOD, what else did you do?”
“We just kissed and he called me princess and then he was about to finger me I guess, till Kaash walked in.”
“Princess?” You swear you saw hearts in her eyes, “this is so hot, what else? Did he moan? Did he make any noises?”
“Um, no he didn’t.”
“Not yet you mean,” Emi shifts closer on your bed, like she’s about to give girl talk, “Listen, when you’re giving a handjob right, I know a little trick with the wrists and your thumb that will—”
“This is way too much info,” you cover your ears, “this wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, my bad got off topic a bit. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to know if you ever masterbated and um, what did it feel like?” You were so desperate to know. The feeling that made your entire body tingle the moment his fingers made contact with your forbidden area. 
“It feels alright, depends on who’s doing it.” Emi shrugs and you nod, “okay thanks for the info, get out now,”
Emi giggles before leaving you to be in peace and quiet in your room. You stand up and lock the door, just to ensure she can’t come inside. You go under your covers and remove your pants, biting your lip before reaching inside your shorts. You find your clit and start rubbing it, a soft moan releasing from your lips and you start to go deeper, finding your hole. Taking a deep breath, you insert your finger inside and gasp. This feels so uncomfortable, hell no. You remove it and sit back up, bringing your phone out.
11:23PM You:
You fucking liar
This doesnt feel good at all
11:23PM Emi:
You need to be aroused i guess
11:24PM: You
I honestly would rather die
11:24PM Emi
Trust me if you want to feel good just call him
You bite your lip, swiping out of your messages with Emi and clicking on Ran’s. 
11:25PM You
Ran are you busy right now?
“Is everything okay Ran?” Selly asks, looking at his uninterested face as she rides him, “you look out of it.”
“Just shut up and keep going,” Ran sighs as she stops rolling her hips. “Does this not feel good?”
“It feels amazing, keep going,” Ran places his hand on her hips and she nods and starts to move again. Ran hears his phone vibrate and he instantly grabs it.
During sex, Ran is 10000000% all about pleasuring the girl he’s fucking, but recently he’s been out of it.
Normally Sally is a good fuck, but it just— sucks today. So he grabs his phone to find a way to cure his boredom, then stumbles on your message.
11:25PM You
Ran are you busy right now?
11:26PM Ran
No im not
Whats up
You take a good 10 minutes to respond and by that time, Ran already kicked Shelly —or was it Selly?— outside. Why would you be texting him so suddenly? Why would you ask that question?  
Can you hurry up and respond?
11:38PM You
I um need help doing something
11:38PM Ran
What do you need doll
Respond fasterrrrr
11:40PM You
Sorry im just nervous lol
11:40PM Ran
Dont be
Text me anything 
11:41PM You
So i tried to 
God this is so embarrassing
I tried to masterbate but it didnt work………
11:45PM You
Ran you there?
11:45PM Ran
Sorry just got distracted
11:46PM You
Oh, are you busy? 
Sorry to bother you i can text you later
11:47PM Ran
No wait im here
Are you doing it right now?
11:48PM You
No i gave up
I didnt feel anything
11:48PM Ran
Are you willing to retry?
I can help you
11:49PM You
I guess
Ok wait a second
11:51PM You
Ok im doing it
11:51PM Ran
What do you feel?
11:52PM You
Nothing again
11:53PM Ran
Can i call you?
11:53PM You
With a jolt, Ran’s phone vibrates and he jumps forward, nearly dropping his phone when he sees your name on his notifications. “Hello?” Ran answers as he clears his throat. 
This is so awkward…
“Hey,” your voice is quiet.
“Walk me through everything you were doing ok?” 
Your heart is racing, as you prepare to say such dirty words into your phone, “I, um, put my finger in and it hurt…”
“You just stuck it up there?” Ran laughs, “you’re so cute. Okay, start by rubbing your clit, wait do you know what that is-”
“Yes, I know what my fucking clit is Ran,” you laugh to ease the thick tension through the call. “Okay, let me touch it, one second,” you start to rub it gently and you start to breathe heavier.
The line is completely silent for a few seconds, “What position are you in?” 
“I’m just on my back right now,” you say as both of your fingers rub your clit, “oh wait– i feel it now,” 
You hear Ran’s sheets ruffle as he shifts around. “What are you doing now?” Ran’s voice is strained almost, but you don’t notice it because you’re in your own world.
“I’m just rubbing,” you struggle to speak, the sensation is getting to you.
“Stick them inside.” Ran’s voice is quiet almost yet you hear it loud and clear. You brace yourself before sticking a finger inside very slowly compared to the first time when you just jammed it in.
You don’t respond to that, instead just soft moans leaving your lips as you start to thrust your fingers inside in and out. Each thrust easier than the last, the wetness of your pussy is loud enough you are sure Ran can hear it from his end. “This is so embarrassing, “ you breathe out but the call is awfully silent.
You don’t even hear Ran’s voice, instead just some sheets rustling in the background. “Ran?” 
“Sorry, keep going, you’re doing great.” Ran’s breathing sounds funny, “move your fingers inside… till you find it.”
“What’s it?”
“You’ll know once you find it, trust me.” 
“Okay,” you sink your entire middle finger inside and move your finger around until you find whatever Ran was talking about. You bend your finger and then feel something, like you just hit a switch, making you moan into your pillow. You lose the spot as soon as you felt it, “Ran, I lost it, how do I find the spot again?” 
That’s when you hear it. Ran’s breathing is heavy, and fast and it makes your stomach tighten. “Ran are you—”
“Keep going,” he cuts you off and his voice is stern, like the command he gave you on the couch. “Okay,” you breathe out and start digging through to find that spot again. The thought that Ran Haitani is on the other end, masterbating to you masterbate. Everything is so overwhelming, yet it excites you.
That’s when you find it, “Ran– I found– fuck,” you throw your head back and set your phone down on speaker and use your spare hand to conceal your moans.  Ran hears your moans until they suddenly sound muffled, “are you holding back?” 
“What made you do this by the way?” Ran grins, hoping it’s because of him, who else would you be doing this with anyways?
“I just wanted to,” you say, pressing your fingers against the spot that you found. 
“You’re lying to me, aren’t you?” Ran continues to stroke himself as he hears your little moans. “Bet you were so worked up after earlier hm? Need to feel my fingers inside your needy cunt yeah? Tell me,”
“Yes, Ran fuck, keep going–” your voice is strain.
“Thinking of how wet and tight your pussy is right now, wanna stretch you so fuckin– shit,” you can now hear the low groans escaping his lips, mind travelling back to your conversation with Emi. She was fucking right, this is so hot. Everything is so hot. Ran is so hot. “You can’t stre— shit— stretch me out,”
Ran’s hand grips his cock tighter hearing your words, “Yeah? Don’t think I can fuck you into your mattress? Bet you’re so sensitive down there, one touch to your fuckin’ needy pussy and you’re cumming all over my fingers, hm?”
“N-not true— sshu, shut up.” Your voice strains as a moan bubbles out of you. Ran is quiet for a moment as his line is completely silent, almost as if he muted himself. “Ran? You there?”
“Check your phone [Y/N],” 
You reach down, grab your phone while still moving your fingers in and out and look down at the message on your screen. More like a photo on your screen. Ran’s cock stands thick and tall and your eyes widen at the size. Holy shit— that is supposed to enter you—. 
Do you send one back? Is it too risky?
Ran continues to pump his cock hearing the small choked moans escaping your lips, “keep making noises pretty, you’re gorgeous— fuck,” 
“Check your phone Ran,” you choke out and Ran almost stops breathing hearing your words. No way you—
He opens your messages, still pumping himself and drops his phone seeing the photo you just sent him. Your shirt is lifted up, revealing your perky nipples. Ran is practically drooling at the sight, like a starved dog who just received a glimpse of his first meal in months. 
Next time he sees you, he’s stuffing his face between your gorgeous breasts. “You’re the hottest person, I’ve ever seen,” Ran compliments you, gripping the base of his cock when he hears you orgasm, the prettiest noise he’s ever heard. His name leaves your mouth as you announce you’re cumming.
“Shit,” he pumps his cock faster and practically chokes when ropes shoot out against his fist and over his twitching chest. The line is silent, the only noises are panting as you both try and recover from your orgasms. “So, how was that?” Ran asks, his voice is still shaky as  he speaks. 
“Amazing,” you collapse on your bed yawning, “might skip school tomorrow, I’m so tired.”
“Yeah? You’re not gonna avoid me for weeks are you?”
“No,” you giggle, “I won’t,”
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, g’night doll.” This is probably the softest you’ve ever heard his voice as he hangs up. You bite back a smile as you recall the entire call. I have to tell Emi. You think as you stand up, almost falling over as your feet are tangled in the sheets.
You open the doors to her room to see she’s fast asleep. Maybe tomorrow you think.
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rinslutz · 2 years
# chapter eighteen : streamer con !
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faceless !
suna is a popular faceless streamer/youtuber, during a stream he mistakenly out his crush on you. you also being poplar streamer, word travels fast. you start messaging each other and your friendship grows, but problems arise when he “reveals” what he looks like.
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“hey, don’t worry. if that dickhead shows up i’ll beat his ass for you.
tooru can see the nervousness all over your face. you’ve been sitting at your designated booth for the past hour, greeting fans and taking pictures. everyone could tell that your attention was elsewhere as your eyes kept darting around the room
you’re looking for him except you don’t even know who you’re looking for. you know he’ll show up, especially because of what happened recently.
tooru’s line at his booth has ended so he makes his way over to you. as your finishing up taking a picture with a fan he nudges your arm to get your attention.
“you okay?” he asks softly.
you’re silent for a bit, because you’re really not sure if you’re okay.
“i don’t-“
“we’re back!” emi’s cheery voice interrupts you.
emi and hajime had wandered off to get food for everyone. in all honesty you sent emi to get food because you just weren’t in the mood to deal with her. she’s been clinging to you all day and you just weren’t in the mood.
hajime wanders off to his booth and emi sits next to you.
“i’m sorry, did i interrupt something?” emi notices how you and tooru look at each other.
“no it’s fine.” tooru sighs and returns to his booth.
you continue to go through your line of fans. you’re out of it the whole time. you wish you hadn’t found out about sr the day before the convention. it’s ruined the whole thing for you.
“hello,” you strain a smile to greet the next fan. he looks extremely nervous so you try to make him more comfortable by putting your hand out for him.
“sr?” emi next to you whispers in surprise.
thankfully know one heard her but you. you instantly pull your hand back, looking up at him with a shocked look on your face.
his eyes dart over to emi and somehow he knows that she just told you. he sighs in defeat. he’s not sure why he actually came. there’s a huge chance that you’ll refuse to talk to him. there’s a huge chance that you’ll never talk to him again. he doesn’t know what he’ll do if that happens.
“please can we talk?” his voice isn’t much above a whisper.
you shouldn’t talk to him, you know that. he doesn’t deserve to explain himself. however, you don’t want to be angry at him. you’re hoping that his explanation will be enough for you to forgive him.
you haven’t known each other long and you don’t want this friendship or whatever ever this could be to end before it even starts.
you refuse to make eye contact with him at you get up. you look toward tooru who is staring straight at sr. he said that he would say something to sr but he hasn’t. you know it’s because you don’t want him to.
you signal for sr to follow you outside of the building. the air is crisp and chilly which matches how you feel right now.
once outside you still refuse to look at sr. he hesitates to speak for a while. despite all of the planning that he did before coming here he’s not sure what he should say. the way his heart pounds in his chest from seeing you in person for the first time surely doesn’t help.
“my name is suna rintaro.”
you finally look at him. you’re surprised that he’s staring straight you. he’s smiles a bit before speaking again
“you know, the first time you messaged me i screamed in my pillow like a school girl. i would’ve never guessed that someone as a beautiful as you would message me.”
he let’s out a shaky breath, playing nervously with his fingers.
“there’s is no good excuse for catfishing, so this is an explanation. to be totally honest i panicked. i had liked you for a while and when you asked to see what i look like i instantly thought you wouldn’t like what you saw.”
embarrassment takes over him. he knows that sounds so stupid, unfortunately it’s the truth.
“suna, why wouldn’t you just tell me this a long time ago?” you sigh.
your disappointment was fading away. this was stupid of him and you kind of want to punch him for being so stupid but you understand him. we’ve all done dump stuff when panicked.
“i was avoiding the inevitable, you hating me.”
he avoids your gaze. he’s sure that you definitely hate him still. however, you step closer to him. you grab his face in your hands and force him to look at you.
“what you did was stupid, but i forgive you.”
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sakuroo · 3 years
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chapter 9. happen to me.
description. even though you weren’t interested in having a boyfriend, you were confessed to by several underclassmen which seemed to amuse kuroo to no end. being the provocation expert he teased you about it whenever he got the chance, inevitably getting closer to you despite not having much time for romantic relationships himself.
pairing. kuroo tetsurou x female!reader
word count. 2.1k
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“Okay, you guys are definitely too tall for me..”
A wheeze escaped your lips, hand propped on one knee as the other pressed against your aching side.
“Nevermind that, I keep losing my footing on the sand.”
You missed the way Bokuto jumped to spike the ball on your side of the net, only for it to pass your face by an arm length.
“Sorry, I should’ve gotten that one,” Kuroo chuckled as he saw your startled expression, both of his hands propped on his hips. He was as out of breath as the others, chest heaving as he drew in the air, salty and moist from the ocean nearby.
“Oh, the ball’s rolling off.”
You turned your head as Akaashi pointed behind you and you cursed internally that the wind made it even harder for you to keep up with them at beach volleyball.
Not that you had any experience with it or much stamina to begin with, it simply had been an idea to pass the time while the others spent their afternoon at that arcade you had passed on your way home from Enoshima the night before. It was fun, either way, seeing them live out their passion right before your eyes even if you struggled with receiving. Or setting, or everything for that matter. They didn’t judge, didn’t really tease so much either and you actually enjoyed moving around like this in the heat.
But it felt strangely intimate whenever you tossed the ball to Kuroo when you did manage to receive a ball. You knew it shouldn’t—it was just so difficult not to think about how the two had woken up this morning.
He had told you not to worry about it when you apologized, not having planned to fall asleep while stargazing. And you had been glad the others hadn’t noticed either of you missing as it was still so early when the both of you slipped into your rooms as though you were just coming back from the bathroom.
“Hey cutie, wanna play some volleyball with us?”
Your fingers tensed around the ball you had followed, the strong wind carrying it several feet away from the spot you were playing at, when you heard an unfamiliar voice speak up. You instantly became aware of the fact that you didn’t wear your cardigan to cover your body this time, the temperatures too high to wear anything more than your bikini—the cute one with the frills and ribbons Miyu had dared you to buy for your vacation.
“You always find the cutest chicks, Akira,” snickered another and you looked up apprehensively, hoping they weren’t talking to you. But like on the train that one day, you met their piercing gazes, sly smirks spreading their lips in a way that had your stomach drop.
“I think you scared her with your face, Souta.”
“Maybe you did, she doesn’t even know how to reply.”
“Um..” What could you respond? They were talking about you like they weren’t standing right in front of you, practically surrounding you with their intimidating glares and tall frames.
Usually—on the other vacations at the beach—they would go after Miyu, the friend that always seemed to have the best retort sitting on her tongue when guys approached her with unsolicited pick-up lines. She would be the one to shoo them away when they tried to talk to you or Emi, because she didn’t freeze up when your instincts told you to leave as fast as possible.
“What’s your name, doll?”
“Are you here with your friends?”
“You’re so cute, are you still in high school?”
Clutching the ball against your chest, you took a step backwards as they took one forwards with each question, and you mumbled something that not even you could comprehend as your mind screamed at you to get the hell away from them.
It only prompted them to follow you, leaning forward as to loom over you, evidently enjoying to put so much pressure on you. You knew you shouldn’t freeze up like this, that instead you should turn around and leave but it felt like that wouldn’t be so easy. It never really was.
“Hey I know—give me your number, you girls like to text, right?”
“Um, no, I—”
“Dumbass, does she look like she has her phone with her right now?”
“You never know, my ex always put her phone in her bra and I bet..”
Their gazes dropped down a bit and you clutched the ball even tighter against your chest. These perverts—!
“I’m not interested, bye,” you tried to say and as expected a hand took hold of your wrist as you turned around, practically dragging you towards the taller guy, causing you to drop the ball in the process.
“Wait,” you tried again, leaning towards it to pick it up again but he wouldn’t let you. “What..”
“Don’t be shy, we’re harmless.”
“You’re definitely scaring her now, Souta.”
“Let me go,” you heard yourself say, your eyes trained on his bruising tight grip that made it hard to shake yourself free. Fear mixed with frustration and you repeated the same words again, louder this time, wrapping his hand with yours to pry it off of you. “Let me go, dammit!”
“Oh? Look she can talk!”
“Don’t laugh at her, she’s even cuter when she’s angry.”
“You can’t just—”
A familiar voice called out to you and you hadn’t noticed the tears gather in your eyes and blurry your vision until you turned to see Kuroo and Akaashi jogging towards you, Bokuto peeking behind them with a confused expression.
In your panic you had put the thought that you weren’t here alone to the back of your mind, some part of you wanting to deal with this yourself and another not wanting to burden others—because that’s what you were taught.
“What the hell, man?”
“Get off her back!”
“Are you okay?”
Your heart was racing as you watched Kuroo yank the guy’s hand off of you, placing a hand on your shoulder to push you behind him. You didn’t register Akaashi’s question at first, either, when he and Bokuto followed to stand in front of you, shielding you from the two guys that were now spouting mean lies about you as though you had wanted them to grab you.
“What is your problem, dude?”
“What is your problem, man—she clearly—”
“Don’t touch him—”
The shrill sound of a whistle pierced the air as Kuroo stumbled against Bokuto, both staggering backwards until sand cushioned their fall. You heard the others yell something before running off, not giving any of the fast approaching beach supervisors the chance to get a look at their faces.
“What happened—did they push you?” You asked, hurrying to crouch down next to your friends. Bokuto groaned and tried to shove Kuroo off his body, prompting him to curse under his breath.
“They hit us, those cowards.” Kuroo rolled to his side, rubbing the back of his hand across his chin as his hair concealed his expression from you. The sight of both of them in pain didn’t help to calm you down, heart still racing and mind clear of any coherent thought. “You good, man?”
“Yeah,” Bokuto replied, hand clutched on his shoulder as he rolled his arm, “that was so uncool, what the hell was up with them?”
“I’m so sorry.” You couldn’t think of anything to help them, but your chest tightened with guilt. This wouldn’t have happened if you had tried stepping up for yourself from the beginning, instead you had frozen up like a bunny, not being able to—
“No,” Kuroo interrupted your train of thought, gazing at you intensely with a serious expression, “that was not your fault. Their behavior was vile and we should’ve noticed sooner—”
“Those guys,” Akaashi said as he stepped closer after talking to the beach supervisors, “it wasn’t the first time they harassed people on this beach. Apparently they were reported a few times but they keep getting away with it.”
“Well, that’s dumb.” Bokuto patted his shorts to get rid of the sand as he stood up. His gaze then traveled towards his friends before focusing on you, scratching the back of his head. “What now?”
“Let’s head back, and maybe join the others. Those idiots sure ruined my mood.”
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It was pretty busy at the arcade at this hour but the various games ensured that just about anyone could entertain themselves somehow. Miyu nearly exploded when you told your friends about the incident at the beach, but she calmed down after hearing that nothing worse had happened.
She wouldn’t leave your side for the rest of the night, though, and if she did get distracted by a game Emi got her into, you noticed Kuroo keeping an eye on both you and Kenma. He had been occupying the same booth for a few hours already and a small crowd had gathered around him to watch him try to beat the high score—apparently he was pretty close now.
You still didn’t know what to think of what had happened. Part of you knew it wasn’t your fault, guys like them are common and maybe they really were the harmless type. But it still bothered you that you hadn’t been able to fight against them more. It was the public beach and not even dark, who in their right mind would try to force a girl to go with them in such conditions?
It seemed to work with girls that would freeze up and not fight back, you figured. Kind of like you. What a scary thought.
“Have you tried this game yet?” Kuroo nudged your arm.
Miyu sat beside Emi at a racing game booth, both yelling at the screen for the other to wait up for them as they kept driving into virtual walls and you had lost sight of Bokuto and Akaashi a while ago. You were sipping on a box of orange juice you had bought at one of the vending machines near the entrance when Kuroo lead you towards a new booth. It was separated into three segments with basketball hoops on each wall.
“I was pretty good at it when I was younger, actually,” you smiled, leaning towards one segments to check how to start a game, “Only in arcades, though but I probably suck at it now anyway.”
“Let’s make a bet, then.” Surprised you looked up, Kuroo was holding his own drink with one hand while watching the lights move around in the arcade, avoiding your gaze. You furrowed your eyebrows lightly, not expecting what was coming next. “You score better than me, I’ll do whatever you say for a day.”
“Oh,” you said before he could continue. You weren’t sure if that noise was one of approval or surprise and the amused glint in his eyes told you that he wasn’t either. Regardless, you closed your mouth with a tight smile, silently apologizing for interrupting him.
He merely shoot his head once as to brush you off but took another swig of his bottle before speaking up again.
“Maybe it’s a dumb idea after what happened earlier today,” he admitted, mumbling a bit, nervously reaching up to rub the back of his neck as his eyes flitted over yours briefly. “But I might have lent Kenma too much money so he could enjoy the arcade, so if I win, you’ll treat me for dinner later.”
A snort escaped your pursed lips as you noticed that he kept avoiding your gaze, clearly embarrassed. You did wait until he met your eyes, as though to make sure it was okay to laugh and when he did, you couldn’t really hold it back anymore.
“That’s the last thing I expected,” you breathed, hiding your lower face behind the juice box as another fit of giggles bubbled past your lips, “the way you had to say ‘what happened earlier’—I was worried for a second.”
“Oh.” He grinned, seemingly understanding what you meant, shoving one of his hands in his pockets. “Well? Wanna buy me dinner tonight?”
“Nuh-uh!” You made him use the same hand to hold your drink before starting the game, taking the first ball into your hands. It reminded you of middle school, Miyu and you spending hours at the arcade when your voices weren’t ready for another karaoke afternoon.
“You’re not gonna lose? Boo.”
“You’ll do anything I say for a week,” you decided without looking back, holding the ball close to your torso as you focused, and then tossed. Score. The timer was three seconds in.
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© sakuroo. please do not modify, copy, repost or claim as your own. ♡ reblogs are much appreciated, they help a bunch!
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pinkrelish · 3 years
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I Tripped and Fell in Love With You
Chapter Summary: (NSFW: smut) Two dummies buy condoms and bone.
Chapter: 10/12
Words: 9.4k
Read: AO3 / FFnet
Chapter 10: Control
Obito stopped short in the kitchen. The small area was crowded in billowing steam, the waft of makeshift breakfast hash, and Emi bustling about. Swallowed in the comfort of his hoodie, she scrunched up the sleeves and prepared their coffee, wiping down the counters as she went.
Except this time he could see the frayed edge of her jean shorts when she bent over to pick a stray potato cube off the floor. How disappointing. He was more than hoping the image of her naked ass would replace the ones burned into his skull from minutes ago.
She tipped forward, expectantly raising her eyebrows, beckoning for him to finish the story.
Obito coughed. “Anyway, if we could avoid going to gyms in the morning when it’s only old people, I would forever be in your debt.”
“You’ll be old one day, too, Obi.”
“At least I’ll have the decency to wear a towel when doing that,” he said, his whole body shuddering in effort to expel the ghastly images.
Emi turned off the heat to the stovetop and rolled her eyes at him. He drummed his fingers on the table, making sure she was looking at him before he rolled his eyes back at her. She sucked her teeth and lifted the pan’s lid. Water droplets slid to the edge, where they clung until their final descent to the skillet, sizzling amongst the oil, peppers, and potatoes.
She spooned the exact amount of sugar he liked into his coffee. A small gesture anyone could replicate, but it caused him to sit in his feelings while he waited for her to finish. The dogpile of emotions throughout their time together weighed on his chest, smothered his lungs, hunkered in his throat. Their irregularity was frightening. Two weeks ago he was a different person. One who couldn’t sift through his feelings beyond sad, mad, or the culmination of the two: depressed.
Seeing her make his coffee, get out the condiments he wanted without asking, moving with awareness that he was there. And his expectations of putting away their dirty clothes, sweeping the floor, washing the dishes and knowing where they went. It was routine. It was familiar, like the pain pushing on his ribs. Love bursting forth. The nonsensical high he had in her presence.
He expected these savory smells in the morning. His dad’s black coffee. And on the rare occasions when his mom cooked breakfast on the weekends. Emi made herself home in the bereavement they left behind.
She set his coffee and plate in front of him first, then got her own and sat next to him. He hoped she felt as whole, as full, as he did. Embellishing the other’s life in a way no one else could.
Obito obliterated the mountain of potatoes with his fork and thought back to the times he’d spent researching well past midnight to better learn her idiosyncrasies.
“Why do you eat the same foods all the time?” he asked. “Do you really like them or is it a Spectrum thing?”
Sputtering, beating on her chest, she swallowed her food with trouble. A playful smile on her lips, eyes brimming in amused tears; she held up three fingers. “I like the taste.” She curled in her index finger. “I don’t have an oven, so my options are limited, and all the ingredients for this fit in my fridge.” She put down her ring finger, effectively flipping him off. “And yes, Autistic people tend to stick to the same foods for comfort.”
Obito fixed her, and her finger, with a flat look. “You will be the thorn in my side for all eternity, won’t you?”
“You say that like you want to get rid of me.”
They ate in contemplative silence. One looking forward to his plan coming to fruition, the other mourning her breakfast as it was missing both the fake egg and sausage patty, and thus, was less filling.
“I consider myself lucky to be stuck with you,” Emi mused, taking their plates to the sink. Obito hip-bumped her out of the way so he could wash them.
“I do too.”
“You consider yourself lucky to be with me, or for me to be with you?”
He vented a sigh so large he slumped to the sink and his forehead landed on the faucet. Her laugh shook him as she wrapped her arms around his middle, clasping her fingers tight over his stomach, swaying them from foot to foot.
Finishing the dishes with her attached to him, he slid their undrank mugs down the table and threw the back doors open to let the stuffy air out, replacing it with crisp oxygen straight from the pine trees themselves.
She attempted to sit next to him. That wouldn’t do. If she wanted to be attached to his hip, then so be it. He bent an arm under her knees, his other supporting her back, and whisked her to his lap. The combination of her squeal of delight hushed by her knuckles to her bottom lip, and the grinding of her shorts over his jeans did little to tame his urges. Less so when he ran his hand up her smooth, tanned legs.
Obito clapped a palm on her ass to quiet her silly giggling. And again when the desired result was her squirming in his lap. The twinkle in her eye bloomed as his went dark, half-closed and steeped in lust.
She brought her mug to her lips and sipped; her glee evident as she watched him over the rim. So absorbed in the detail of her existence, he didn’t register the lift of his chin or the purse of his lips, copying her movements. He was hurting to be touched by her.
Emi thumped the mug on the table and walked her fingers over the shelf of Obito’s shoulders, crooking her arm around his neck when they reached their end. A rush of cool breeze tousled the white curtains. It sprang goosebump up her legs. A consequence Obito could exploit by running his palm up her inner thigh. The higher he went, the more they spread.
Their dual grins languished, crude attraction taking over. His hand didn’t stop. Higher, higher. Fingers dug into soft flesh, running over the edge of her shorts. The fringe. Her hip crease.
Then, in the parking lot, with a road of passing cars on the other side of a metal wall, he laid his hand to rest between her thighs. The entirety of his palm held her. He curved his instrument over her short’s fly, pride puffing his chest because her focus was on him, and only him. Still, it wasn’t enough. He wanted something else buried between those thighs.
He wanted her to bounce on his cock, his tip brushing over her clit, tits in his mouth, and her tongue busy forming his name as they both came.
Needing his lips smashed against hers in broad daylight, Emi leaned in for a deep kiss that would leave her a ditzy mess. But he denied her. He tilted his head up and away, looking at her from the corner of his eye.
“Not yet,” he chided. His teasing did fuck all to calm her, but hidden under her sneer was intrigue. Wonderment at what he alluded to. “I’m giving you a preview of what’s to come.” The heel of his palm dug in. His choice of words left her an utter mess.
The day was young and Emi had little idea what she was in for.
Emi stared straight ahead. Fingernails making new marks on her steering wheel. The seatbelt across her chest was her proverbial harness to keep her from mauling Obito. He was but a precious white bunny sauntering past her metal cage, sending her mouth watering and brain in a frenzy.
The red stoplight reflected in her eyes. In her peripheral vision, he was sitting there, his fist balancing his smug face as he watched her become more and more unhinged in her craze for him. This twerp had to gall to tease her, then leave her strung out to dry.
This new, confident side was unlike him, but she could get used to it.
Emi parked near the back of the parking lot of the grocery store and of course-of course-Obito walked without an edge of sunlight between them and his hand in her back pocket. Squeezing, pinching, getting a handful. Only when they crossed the threshold into the freezing produce section did he remove his hand and stuff it in his own pocket.
Kiss him or kick him, she couldn’t decide which she’d rather.
Ambushed by colorful advertisements and muffled announcements over the speakers, Emi directed Obito to the aisle labeled Family Planning.
“Can you pick one out while I get the groceries?”
Not speaking for a moment, he scanned the cardboard packages. The shelves were fully stocked, abundant with brands, sizes, textures.
“Yeah, you can go.” He lifted his mouth in a lopsided smile to appease her uncertainty after yesterday. “I’ll find you after.”
Walking backwards, assessing him one last time, she nodded and headed to the canned food section, leaving him to gape at the inconceivable amount of condoms.
Obito read the white words printed on each one, but did not register them. He spent all his time studying how to give a girl an orgasm. This was supposed to be the easy part!
An employee hauled a cart to the end of the aisle. “Need help finding anything?” she asked, boredom intoning every word, placing cans of baby formula on the shelf two steps to his right.
Obito’s shoulders jumped to his ears. “U-Uh, no.” Flustered, he did his best to ignore her and faced the rows of condoms. “No, thank you.” She ignored him as well, putting a white earbud in and turning up her tinny music.
Reading, comprehending. He needed to choose one, just one of them, to bring back to Emi and get the hell out of here. His confidence was fading fast.
A few of the asterisked features stood out to him. Ultra thin, ribbed, sensitive, For Her, cooling. What the actual fuck did any of these mean, and were they important? Not to mention the different sizes. Some came in standard or large. Others came in sizes like clothes, ranging from small to extra large. Was there a difference between large from the first brand and large from the second? He compared the two using their charts printed on the back. They were indeed different measurements despite the same listed size. Maybe Emi would’ve been more helpful in the matter; though in the darkest part of his heart, he hated the jealousy that sprung forth remembering she was more experienced than him.
The employee side-eyed him, trying her best to mind her business, but the poor soul was staring at the boxes of condoms in his hand so hard, it was as if he resented them.
Obito put them back. He was doing it again. Letting his mental illness besmirch his happiness.
With impeccable timing, a man walked down the aisle. He shot Obito a curious look, reached past him for a golden yellow box labeled medium, and left. He seemed about his same build. Medium might be the right choice. Middle of the road. Average.
“You’re still here?” Emi scratched her chin. Startled at her appearance, he blinked at the basket on her arm chock-full of groceries. How long had he been here? He checked behind him. The employee was gone. Emi arched an eyebrow at the two boxes out of place on the shelf. “Need help?”
“No, I got it.” Yeah, fucking right. What bravado he had. He wiped his hands on his pants before she could see their sheen. Then he snapped up the same golden yellow box the other man chose, feeling more inept than ever.
Except Emi’s fingers landed on the box next to his. Just like when they first met. Their eyes aligned, his round and hers kind. Much like that day, she made the decision for him. He peeled his hand away from the medium box as she tossed the one she wanted in the basket, opting for the bigger size.
He leaned and whispered, “Are you sure?”
Her features curled wickedly. “Yes, I’m sure.” And to tease him more. “You have a fat cock, babe. And I prefer that over length, anyway.”
“You have got to stop saying these things out loud, Emi.”
Throughout the checkout process, Emi managed to play off her excitement until they left the store by joking with the cashier about her trembling fingers being due to the air conditioning. Obito kept his cool until the van was in sight. At that point, nothing could keep them from the compulsion to run; sneakers slapping on pavement all the way to the side door. Yanking it open and closed. Perhaps slapping her ass as she rearranged their socks and shoes.
Emi tumbled the groceries into the fridge while Obito urgently blocked out the light from outside by covering all the windows. The table banged level with the bench seats.
“Geez,” Emi yelled, hand over heart. “You don’t have to be that eager.”
“Take off my hoodie,” he commanded over the top of the bundle of bedding in his arms.
“Yes, sir.” Breathy, longing words that arched her tongue and her back. Enticing him to look over his shoulder. The corner of the fitted sheet fwapped his knuckles, and her immediate laughter provoked him further. He needed to take control of the situation again.
Sheets fixed, he faced her. “Take off my flannel.”
“You do it.”
“My hands are full,” he said, holding up their pillows. She dropped the hoodie to the floor and stepped over it, coming right up to his chest. She lifted her chin in defiance. His jawline was strong and true, daring her to argue. “Do it.”
Emi all but pounced on him. Her mouth sucking on the susceptible pulse racing in his throat, her hands unbuttoning his shirt and exposing the tight white tee underneath, massaging the length of his muscles and feeling the groan in the back of his throat on her lips. Whatever words of order he had for her died in that moan of her name.
But he was role playing today and couldn’t let her gain the upper hand so easily. He placed their pillows and turned to her. Complying to his unspoken wishes, she was leaning on the counter. Bedroom eyes awaiting for her next command.
He secured his position over her with his hands planted on the countertop on either side of her. His imposing stature forced her to crane back to look at him and succumb to the truth. The way he could envelope her frame in his arms aroused her like nothing else ever had.
“Did you have to wear my shirt too?” Part of the hem was tucked into her shorts, leaving the other side to hang loose near her thigh.
“I know you like it.” She hooked her fingers in his belt loops and lured him in, running her hands down his hips, tempting him to act upon his firm desires. His cock was painfully hard against her and she may have writhed against him, taunting him once more to let loose and give her what she wanted.
But he stood sure of himself. An immovable wall. Smiling coyly as she worked herself up. That is, until she located his zipper.
A flash of raw craving roiled in her stomach. Shoved against the counter, he captured her wrists and kept them at bay. When she opened her mouth in confusion, he swept his tongue along her bottom lip. Nothing more. Denying her both a kiss and the relief of his cock in her hands.
“Not yet.”
Those two little words sparked something in her. Or his unyielding eye contact did. His dark eyes implored her to trust him, and Emi understood. Obito wasn’t teasing her to bait a reaction. He was taking control. The confidence he put forth since this morning wasn’t a ploy to spice up their sex life before it started. He was telling her to relax. To not stress about his pleasure. To let him take care of her.
A gift. Wrapping her in love, decorating her in a bow of gratitude, all under the guise of sex. He was paying her back by stepping into this role to show her that her happiness was just as important as his. Paying her back for her unconditional support since they met.
She let go of her worries. He dominated them.
“So fucking sexy when you wear my clothes,” he murmured, lips on her neck, teeth at her throat. The button on her shorts loosened. The zipper tugged over her black panties. Obito jerked her off the counter and swung her around. Her bare ass pressed against his front, the shorts at her ankles, and the bed level with her knees. It was well made. Every corner of the sheets tucked in, wrinkle free. Comforter folded back from the pillows hugging the wall. Picture perfect for the time being.
She whimpered. He trailed his fingers up and down her thong, driving a wedge from her clit to her entrance. When he got to the soaked spot on her underwear, his kisses on her neck turned greedy. Interrupting her vivid imagination as he granted her wishes.
He moved her thong to the side and waited as his other hand trailed up her stomach, her ribs, to cup her breast. The nipples poking out from under his shirt thrilled him to the point of his pants becoming too tight. He watched her face lift in little waves of exasperation, her whines begging him to touch her.
His thumb brushed over her swelling chest. Just a taste.
“Should’ve known you weren’t wearing a bra.” He tweaked her nipple. Her arched back curved to his stomach. His breath was a cool gust over his saliva drying on her skin.
“Tell me,” he said, dipping one finger in her. He froze. His alpha persona dropped in that short moment.
He didn’t expect her pussy to be this wet, nor this warm.
Emi moaned his name, calling him from his observations, insistent he continue to attend to her needs. Obliging to her pitiful words, he ran his thumb and index finger around her nipple and pinched. Savoring the way her body curled to his palm and cock respectively. His other fingers were busy. Busy exploring this new area. One where he used her own arousal to subject her clit to the methods he learned about online. Eternally grateful he found the right spot according to her visceral response of weaving a hand in his hair and clawing at his clothed thigh.
“T-That feels-” she uttered and stopped, too immersed in his indulgence to form a complete sentence.
Obito chuckled. “Tell me, baby,” he tried again with his husky voice. “What makes you come?”
She pulled her wits from his fingers to her brain in time to ask, “Do you mean what’s easiest? Like a list?”
“That'd be helpful.”
She pulled at his hair, mulling it over. Going weak in the knees. “Vibrator. Your tongue. Your fingers. Penetration last. I’ve never come from that before, just so you know,” she said between breaths.
Obito wet his fingers with her lube and continued to circle around her clit. He nosed her messy hair fanned across his chest. “Do you have a vibrator?”
“Of course.”
Of course she did. “Where is it?”
Eyes long since closed under his influence, she reached blindly for the cabinet above their pillows and opened it. Knocking over a row of her own books to fetch a nondescript gray velvet bag behind them. He scoffed at this woman who would never cease to surprise him. Uncinching the strings at the top, she took out her toy. A phallic purple vibrator with an oval on the end opposite of a few recessed buttons. Emi held it up to her shoulder where his chin rested to show him.
“Turn it on,” he demanded in her ear. She obeyed. The center button blinked. Two smaller ones with arrows surrounded it. The device hummed to life. Tilting her face to him, she gave him a dopey smile as it rumbled in her palm; an accurate onomatopoeia for the anticipation both of them felt.
His eyes glistened as they stared longingly into hers. Removing his fingers from their expedition, he gestured for the device and she dropped it in his hand. “Show me how you like it.”
Teeming at the prospect of an orgasm under his guide, absorbed by his every word, Emi curled her fingers around his and brought his hand down. Her toy tickled his palm, rocked up his arm.
She nestled it where she wanted it most and she buckled to the onslaught. His scarred fingers left her nipple to ensnare his arm around her waist. The medium setting had her keeled over. Legs turned jelly. And God, her moans. Those gorgeous cries of his name; a title he felt neutral towards suddenly appeared gilded coming from her lips.
Obito caught her. Her quivering legs caving from gravity and the vibrator. Her eyebrows pinched up as if in pain. Her panting had an undertone of whine laced through it. Growing louder. And louder. Her hand fell from his hair to the safe crook of his neck, holding him. Dumbfounded, he shifted his stance to support her.
“Higher,” she croaked.
Scrambling to find the buttons under his thumb, he pressed one and by the graces of Gods, the shrill hum of the vibrator whirred up a beat.
Emi’s body tensed, relaxed, wriggled against him. Both her hands grasped his hips to keep herself steady. Obito ogled at her, but she could hardly open her eyes as she spasmed under the command of not him, but an extension of him. Later, it would be him.
“Too much,” she gasped, suffocating her moans. Jolting her hips away from the vibrator as it served too much of a good thing.
He silenced the device the same way he witnessed her turn it on and lobbed it to the bed. “That was quick.” Hopefully he could deliver a main act as worthy as the opener. He grasped her slack jaw and pivoted her flushed face to his, kissing those holy, lustrous lips. Feasting on her love-sick grin.
The thong rolled into itself as it descended her thighs. He yielded his dominion of her mouth to finish the act, grazing his hands down her body to hasten the fabric bunched under her round ass to the floor. Knelt behind her, he lifted the shirt-his shirt-from hiding her plump cheeks and nipped the pale flesh until he was satisfied with their pinkened state.
Standing at his full height, he gandered at her innocent, doe-eyes. “Is it true you can come multiple times?”
She snorted at the bluntness. “Yes, as long as I’m turned on.”
“Are you turned on?”
“Fuck yes.”
“Then move.”
Emi sidestepped as he laid on the bed. Her eyes latched onto the particular gap between the waistband of his jeans and his boxers, up to his bare chest, not at all sure when he took off his white undershirt.
“Eyes up here,” he said, putting a pillow under his head. His legs were bent to accommodate his height. She climbed onto the bed and sat on her heels, taking in his position, curious as to where this was going. “Sit.” He fanned his face and laughed at her indignation.
“You want me to..”
He nodded, taking her wrists, and persuaded her hesitation to succumb to his power. One knee sank to the comforter on the side of his head. He kissed her knuckles and let go, settling his arms under her. Her other knee swung over his body and framed him, calves cramming the space around his shoulders, but he couldn’t be happier to have her straddling him.
He groped her ass for a few seconds to ease her into the new position, then snaked his arms around the crease of her hips. The black shirt she wore stretched across her thighs in the most delicious way.
“Emi.” He kissed her inner thigh and palmed his hands around her hips, scrunching the fabric higher. Little by little. His heavy handedness tilted her hips forward. Her eyelashes fluttered, preening to his breath teasing her clit. “Emi,” he repeated, ordering her attention to him instead of the white painted wood grain covering the walls of her van. “It’s not like you to be this tense.”
“It’s just.. I’ve never done this position before and you’ve never been this close to my..”
Her stare bore into his as he pulled the shirt higher, to her waist. She was on display. And he consumed her like art.
Searing body heat. Their faces aflame.
Obito had never seen one in real life. The pink slit blushing red with lips glistening wet for him. The bundle of nerves at the top and their importance. He wanted to know what made her come hard and strong. He wanted to spend more time down here than she did. Learn her better than she knew herself.
He opened his mouth. Her chest rose in a quick breath. Then he tucked his chin and flattened his tongue to her entrance, lapping up her arousal. Rolling her taste in his mouth. Swallowing. Laying his head back, he licked. A long fluid stroke up her pussy to her clit, flicking it at the end.
“Obi!” Her moan was instant, as were her hands in his hair, yearning for his absent mouth.
“There she is.” He let her have her fun. Grinding her clit to his lips where he kissed her and nothing more, locking his tongue away. She glowed scarlet in the face due to her efforts, annoyed that she didn’t understand this denial. “There’s my Emi.”
“Obito,” she stated his name without humor. The crease between her eyebrows deepend the longer he refused to give her what she wanted.
“Hold this,” he said, indicating for her to grab the shirt and keep it from falling in his face. But he still didn’t eat her out when she obeyed.
His body moved slightly under her. The rustle of fabric. A metal zipper. The van rocked as Obito shimmied out of his jeans. The titillating sound of skin slapping skin filled the air.
Emi’s depraved mind confirmed her suspicion with a quick glance of what was happening behind her. Instinctively, the shirt fell from her clutches. She twisted around, hand reaching out to assist him.
“Uh-uh.” He stroked himself with his left and reprimanded her ass with his right. Seeing her pointed aggravation only stoked him more. Her sneer lasted but two seconds when he sealed his mouth to her clit and sucked until her thighs shook.
“Don’t worry, babe,” he said over her moans, “I’m edging myself. I’m not about to waste my cum. That’s for you. Now hold that shirt so I can see your pretty tits.” Clinging to the fabric, Emi dragged her hands up her body, covering her breasts until the bottoms peeked out; and all at once, she bared them, letting them drop and bounce. “Play with them for me.”
She merely nodded and used her hands as a bra, pinching her nipples between her fingers, breathy moans aimed at the ceiling at the first rewarding swirls of his tongue.
Obito swiped his thumb over her pussy to collect her lube and rubbed it over the head of his cock, mixing it with his precum. Concentrating on her, he tried out a few methods he read about online. “Am I doing okay?” Emi replied in gasps as he tested techniques. The encroaching of her knees and tremble in her thighs communicated all the information he needed when he chose to suck with light flicks of his tongue.
The bliss overwhelmed her in the best way possible. Difficult to focus on any one sense, they ceased and collided without warning. The clumsy pinching of her nipples abated as she tried to focus on anything, especially the sound of his strokes becoming more fevered. She was doing nothing and yet he couldn’t help but work himself up at the sight of her.
Her timid peep of glance unfurled to true lecherousness. His face between her thighs. His nose to her mound. Observing the results his mouth could give her. His eyes lost their edge from his dominant persona, instead turning kind. The creases in his forehead smoothed out. He picked up his pace and they locked gazes, and whatever he saw in her sent him to a similar edge.
His hand glided over his throbbing tip, saving himself from spilling too soon, and wrangled her jumping hips. Her shoulders slumped. A cold sweat broke out across her back. He matched his girlfriend’s high pitched whines, vibrating them on her swollen clit.
Her quads constricted around his face and with the help of her hands in his hair, he picked his head off the pillow to chase her climax. This was the part she anticipated the most. When it didn’t matter how sloppy the technique was; every lick was heaven. No fantasy in her head could top this reality.
“Obi,” she moaned. Her heart raced, pounding louder than any drum. He smacked her ass. The single roll of her hips to his hot mouth sent her convulsing around him. “Ah, I’m-” He smacked her again. “O-Obito!” She doubled over, her hair mingling with his. Heavy breaths. Toes curling. Every devilish flick of his tongue jolted electricity to her legs.
He kissed her sensitive clit as revenge for overstimulating him days ago. Predictably, she groaned a curse at him and reared her sweet spot out of his reach. Her anger couldn’t last long. Not at him.
As her perseverance waned along with his stamina, he sneaked his tongue to her entrance to get his fill before moving on to the next thing. Except the surprise on his face when he came up for air sent her into a fit of giggles.
“I didn’t know so much happened down there,” he said, referring to the twitching muscles inside her.
The muscles pulsed intermittently with the last of her orgasm as she ran her fingernails on his scalp. “That’s why I wanted to wait until we had condoms. I want you to feel what it’s like on your cock when I come, then I want you to come in me.” He closed his eyes and hummed. Aching to feel such a sensation he didn’t know was possible.
Emi hopped off her ride, tossed the damp shirt overboard, and fell to the bed. She folded her legs on top of the pillows and rested her head on his hip, eyeing the thing she coveted most.
Obito rubbed the back of her leg up to her butt cheek and massaged the area. “Avoid the tip, I’m still cooling off,” he instructed when she gripped the shaft and placed a gentle kiss to his length.
Not wanting to spoil his fun, she kept her hands and kisses to his body, namely his scars cresting from his hip bone to his ribs. She sighed in content and nuzzled her face to the peach fuzz on his thigh in the spots where he wasn’t burned. Curious, he scooped his hand under her calf and brought it to his face, kissing her ankle. A compromising position to inspect her.
“You’re so smooth everywhere. Did you shave at some point?”
Her laugh rang off the metal in the van. “I got a wax before the trip. Maybe I was a little hopeful.” She winked and shrugged. He melted under her delicate tracings of his scars.
Although minutes passed and their attention wandered, part of him stood at full attention. Obito scrubbed a hand over his eyes, down to his simper where he wiped off the leftovers of her and brought them to his cock, stroking the head. Her face scrunched in anguish. Envy emitted every fiber of her being, hating that it was his hand giving himself pleasure, not her. She licked her bottom lip, mouth keening to have him fill it until she gagged on his cum.
Back on track, he lowered his voice. Gruff and in charge. “On your hands and knees.”
Obito lined himself up behind her. Wedging his leaking cock between her ass. Of course, first, he spread her cheeks so he could witness her dripping for him. He commended her for the sight as he pumped his hips, coating himself in the slick fluid. Using his height to his advantage, he leaned over her, curling an arm under her face smashed to the sheets as he attended to her clit. Another position he could check off his list.
Emi wiped the sweat from her forehead on his scarred arm and laid her cheek there to watch him from the corner of her eye. She adjusted his fingers where they needed to be, and started circling them for him. She was the teacher and he was an eager student.
He pressed his chest to her back, and her chest to the bed, and steadied his weight in the arm under her head. His hand was the only thing keeping her hips elevated against his brutal rutting. Her cries of delight threatened to undo him. And he only just started.
Emi snatched the comforter. Moans turning to pants. Arching her hips higher; drawing out his impending release. He put an end to her maddening wiles by stopping his thrusts altogether, knowing he wouldn’t stop if it went too far.
Her every swell caressed his tip, testing his sanity. “Tell me when you’re close,” he spoke directly to the shell of her ear. He sucked on the salty flesh of her nape where her back flushed the same as her face. Over and over, he rubbed her clit. Nipping at the meat of her shoulder. His growls suffocating her purrs of what a good job he was doing.
“I’m close!” she gasped and wrenched his fingers away to substitute her own. She kept herself on the precipice of her orgasm while he clambered for the condoms.
Blessing his foresight for placing the box at the edge of the counter, he extended his opposite arm and leg to counterbalance himself, not enthused to leave his position from behind her. He clutched the box to his chest. Ripped it open. Unfolding one square from the chain, he tore it from the rest.
“Twelve in a box,” he muttered to himself.
Emi’s frustration came out through gritted teeth, “I can’t keep this up forever!”
Obito ripped the foil and rolled the condom down his cock. She was right on the size.
Finally, he looked at her. And his brain stopped. No thoughts registered, besides one. The admiration of seeing her bent over, pink cheek pressed to the bed, nipples grazing the sheets. Looking at him. Panting. Her fingers visible from the backside as she dipped them in her wet pussy and swirled them over her clit. Unguarded eyes locked on his, expelling her love for him. Prone and trusting him to love her back.
Kneeling between her legs, his tip prodded her.
“Ready?” he asked, softly.
“Yes, I’m fucking ready,” she bit back.
“You wanna come on my cock?”
As soon as she opened her mouth to air her gripes about how close she was to having an orgasm without him, he sank into her. But when she wanted something, she had to have it. He was going too slow in fear of hurting her. Only half of him filled her, and she wanted it all.
She slammed her hips into his. Choking on his name as she would his cock. Fuck, he fit nicely.
Her insolence earned her a spanking. Quick as it were, darkening her ass cheeks with a few chaotic slaps because he, too, was at his peak. He smoothed his chest to her back and urged her fingers aside, going one step further to pin her wrists above her head with his free hand. “I’ll be the one to make you come.”
Deep inside her, he felt it before she could vocalize it. The pulsating muscles around his cock.
“Oh, fuck,” Obito moaned, taken aback by the spasms stroking him base to tip. At each scrumptious articulation of his name, her body worked him better than his hand ever could. Fluttering around his throbbing head.
He had to grab hold of this situation; she brought him too close and he’d hardly call this sex, for he thrusted once? Twice? He let go of her wrists and sat up. Knees kicked out to steady himself. Stinging palms around her ass. He dragged his hips back, the little aftershocks of her orgasm following his stride. She moaned for him. A beautiful sound for a beautiful sight.
“I can’t-” The newness, the novelty of experiencing her for the first time proved too glorious to resist. He pumped in and out, picking up speed. Skin slapping skin, but now his hand would never compare to this. She ruined masturbating. Nothing would ever feel as good as the curve of her cunt. No sound could compare to his name being repeated with every pound of his cock as he fucked her just right.
His thrust stuttered. Ill timed. Erratic. Stopped short as he wanted all the attention on his tip. “I’m gonna cum in you, baby,” he breathed out, pumping uncoordinatedly. Panting. Clawing at her backside at the first twitch of his cock.
She fisted the blanket to muffle her screams. He plunged to her depths, stretching her wide, releasing his tension into her heat in a few, easy beats. He slowed. Dragged himself along her walls. Milking the last of his cum as she clenched around him. Another thing he learned she could do willingly.
Like that, he lost his virginity in fifteen seconds or less.
“You feel so fucking good, Emi,” he groaned with his last breath before it was stolen from him. He pulled out and rolled to the bed, hurting, clutching his knee. His silken euphoria turned to recoiling in pain the instant the heady hormones ebbed.
“Aw, Obi,” she cooed, tracing his flexed bicep. “You don’t have to hurt yourself for me.”
“Shut up,” he griped. Extending his leg to the ceiling, like usual, he worked his thumb into the joint, and decided his words may have been too harsh. “I knew it’d hurt, but seeing you from behind like that was just so fucking hot.”
Her girlish giggle broke through her kiss on his cheek. “Put your leg down for a sec.” He did so and stared in awe as she crawled over him and took off the condom, pinching it closed and throwing it away so he didn’t have to get up. She wiped her hand on the sheet and snuggled up to his side. Mischievous grin stretching ear to ear at his stunned expression.
“You’ve done a lot of sexy things since we’ve met, but that has got to take the cake.” He kissed her matted post-sex hair while she ran her fingers up his stomach to hug his side and burrow her face to the crook of his neck where his scent was the strongest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Outside the van. Two minutes before their touching moment. A middle-aged man jutted his elbow into his wife’s ribs and pointed. She whipped around to chew him out for having the audacity to interrupt her putting groceries in the trunk of their car. Slowly, her angry stare went from his face to his finger pointing at the rocking van, then to the black bumper sticker on its door. They shared a knowing smile and burst out laughing.
“Not that I didn’t love this sudden change in personality, but where did it come from?” Emi asked. Obito wrapped an arm under her waist to embrace her better, closer. Her legs tangled in his.
He laughed and cradled her jaw, stroking his thumb over her cheek. “I was so nervous about having performance anxiety, I thought if I sorta viewed it as me stepping into a role, and focused solely on you, it’d help me relax.” He shrugged, causing her nose to brush the column of his neck. Puffs of air soothing his overheated skin. Small signs she was there. He had a girlfriend; they had sex, and they were cuddling afterwards. So normal and expected, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever find someone to share it with. “I guess I had no reason to worry about lasting too long.”
Emi’s laugh rang. “Whenever you’re ready, we can go again. Probably last longer this time.”
“With the way you look at me, probably not,” he said.
“How I look at you?”
“When you’re about to come. It’s hard to describe, but it’s like I can see how vulnerable you are and just how much you trust me.” He waved a dismissive hand. “I know you trust me, but seeing it so open and honest like that. It makes me feel special.. Important.”
All his life, he was forgotten. Or forced himself to be forgotten. An only child, yet passed over in favor of working weekends. Picked last for team sports at school. Given double takes for the wrong reasons. Rejected because his anxiety manifested him into an asshole who pushed everyone away. Over the summer when he’d visit Konoha with his grandma it was always the same story. People flocked to Kakashi and ignored Obito. Resentment towards his one childhood friend blistered to ugly turmoil. Girls only talked to him because they needed a bridge to Kakashi.
But not Emi. She singled Obito out. She wanted him more than any other.
Obito needed to feel loved again. “Ready for another round?”
“E-Emi!” he stammered out between heaving breaths. It took three tries to inhale, and every exhale sputtered a curse, her name, or a pitiful attempt at conveying how sexy she was. Maybe he should’ve let her dominate more often.
Emi’s round ass bounced on his cock, reverse cowgirl. Punishing him with her pace. Working him at her brutal tempo. Flesh striking flesh. The sounds of their love-making reverberated around the van. Both crying out from the pleasure of her taking his cock until it disappeared inside her.
He should feel embarrassed at her moans, so loud people could surely hear them outside, but she was fucking him so hard, riding him like an expert. Spanking her increased the speed and his balls tightened.
She asked him, face to the ceiling. “Am I fucking you good?”
“Y-Yes, God, fuck yes!” his voice cracked. He clapped his hands under her ass and she understood the cue. She lifted herself from his lap, rolling her hips to satisfy his tip as he dug his heels in and started the violent bucking of his hips.
At his insistence, her wrists were behind her in his hands, gripping them like reigns. Forcing her back to arch and gasp out platitudes for his cock, perky tits bouncing as he controlled the power behind his thrusts. With a shout of her name, the thick vein twitched and his cum flowed like a geyser and he rode out his orgasm until he had nothing left to give.
Emi flopped to his side. The disheveled sheets soaked the sweat from their backs. They laced their fingers, closed their eyes, and panted through their drunken smiles.
“What did you wish for the other night?”
“Huh?” Her eyebrows pinched trying to follow his train of thought.
“On the stars.”
“Oh,” she said, disappointed he was already thinking of other things and not her stellar performance. “I told you I can’t tell-”
“No.” He brought their joined hands up to his lips, littering her in kisses. His intense gaze matched his tone, “Whatever it is, I’ll make it happen.” She mumbled out a few excuses trying to worm her way out of telling him. His eyes lost their battle to stay open, but he goaded her to admit her secret anyway.
“A ring on my left hand.”
He nodded, brushing his lips over the very finger she wished to decorate in an eternal promise. An easy commitment. One neither were afraid of. “Done.”
After a break for lunch, they were at it again.
Slower, sensual, no longer crazed with lust.
Emi beamed at Obito, enchanted by his loving gaze, comforted by his weight blanketing her in a warm embrace. He shifted his weight to sweep his fingers from her arm up to her hand, locking them together. Entwining their fates. The security of his palm on the back of her head, ensuring he protected her from hitting the wall with his tired, but mighty, canting of his hips.
Nose to nose, he lost himself in drowsy kisses. As the heat in his core roared, he gave up on the idea and resorted to watching her, not having the coordination to soothe her puffy lips with his anymore.
Sensing his salvation was to come, she threw a leg around his hips and helped rock him. Their breaths mingled, exchanging one lung for the other. She kissed him before he pulled away to rasp her name. His throat bobbed, indicating he gulped and moaned as she controlled the pace from under him.
He croaked out a warning and with a last thrust, he came undone. His forehead dropped to her shoulder. She circled her arms around his neck and grazed her lips across all the places she could reach, licking the salt from his skin.
His hard cock unleashed himself in her; his lousy thrusts becoming more disorganized as her walls drained him.
Emi pulled back to see her boyfriend looking down at her. Approving the sheen of sweat on her chest, a mix of his and hers. Brushing her hair would be a hapless endeavor and his stuck in patches to his forehead. The pink in his unscarred cheek was hidden as she cupped his jaw and brought him in for one long, passionate kiss without interruption. A moment needed to transfer all their love in ways words couldn’t do justice. The magnetic impulse to connect with their other half.
Even as he went soft inside her, they were confident this bond was stronger than all others; their attraction couldn’t be competed with.
No one could hold a candle to Obito.
No one could hold a candle to Emi.
“I was wondering if we could try something different,” Obito suggested in the midst of a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. Emi wiped her eyes and bundled deeper in the blankets, hiding from the cool night air eking in from outside.
His strong arms jostled her from her nest. “Mmm, what?” she groaned.
“You know this morning when you were sitting in my lap?” He twisted his naked body around hers, drawing in the grumpy pile of sheets and comforter. “I wanted to try that again, but, yeah, with my dick between your thighs.”
She poked her eyes out of the bundle, far enough to glare, then receded to the warmth. “I don’t think that’ll work. The table was already digging into my side and you’d have to kinda slouch, or else one of my thighs would be crushing your stomach, I think.”
“Oh.” Obito’s palpable dejection in not thinking through the logistics of his fantasy lurched Emi’s stomach. She could fix this too.
“But! We could do it on the bed.” She threw off the blankets, hissing at the shock of cold, and stopping him from sitting up. Quelling his confusion, she moved him into place. On his side, facing her. She laid on her back with her legs tossed over his hip. A replication of the position, just laying down instead.
The animalistic gleam in his eyes returned. He grabbed his half-hard cock and parted her legs. This would work just as well.
Drawing his knees in, she curved her body to his until there was no gap between them. She sought his lips for a kiss, but he denied her. He denied her again. This smug persona would be the end of her. In more ways than one.
Obito denied the kiss to feast elsewhere.
At the first lick, Emi arched her tits to his mouth. In seconds, she was thrashing under his sucking. He pressed her breasts together, opened his mouth to display his tongue, and kept eye contact as he treated them to caresses at the same time. Sucking one, pinching the other. Switching. That half-hard cock of his surged with blood. It riled the sleep from her foggy brain. He answered her moans with his tongue in her mouth, playing with hers as his fingers pleased her.
His hand dove between her thighs. Her wetness was his prize. He swirled it around his fingers, coating himself, her thighs, and her clit; paying special attention to the last. The combination of his tongue returning to her nipples, the nestling of his cock along her cunt, and the pure debauchery of seeing it sink between her flesh and reemerge to graze her clit had them both moaning.
He clenched his ass and started pumping. His fantasy was coming true.
“Hold on,” Emi said and he whipped his head around, afraid he hurt her, but she was fumbling about the pillows in search of something. Finding it, she grasped an object under the sheets and pulled it out. Quiet, hardly qualifying as a whisper, she turned coy and asked, “Mind if we use this?”
“Go ahead.” he said, enraptured by the low hum of the vibrator as it drifted away from his ear. She hadn’t had an orgasm in a while; he could share even if it wasn’t caused by him.
“O-oh.” Obito’s astonishment grew the longer he looked at her. The pulsating device rumbled on the underside of his cock while it pleased her clit. Emi’s blush darkened, as did his. This new bonding, climaxing to the same toy and the same time coaxed him to the edge far quicker than it should.
He tested his limits with a single thrust of his hips.
His eyes rolled back and a breathy moan stuttered out from the back of his throat. Emi pressed kisses to his chest, amused at its rapid rising and falling. There was no way to elude the rush of endorphins. Trying not to come, he kept the air in his lungs, thrusted until he saw stars, and released it.
Placing a firm palm on her shoulder, he pushed her away to lay flat on the bed, casting her in his shadow. “You’ll watch me cum all over you.”
She was the definition of obedience. Laying in wait. Writhing in pleasure as she kept one hand on her nipple, the other turning the vibrator up a notch. She relished what she did to the man as much as what he did to her.
Desperate, ragged breaths. Oncoming orgasm racking his body. Empowering every brush of his cock over the toy and her wet cunt.
“A-ah, fuck, babe. A-Already!” He forced his eyes open. She propped her pale chest up to his cum arcing in the air. He painted her. From the hollow of her neck to her stomach. She shoved the vibrator under his sensitive cock and quaked to its expertise while he watched on in erotic satisfaction. Body convulsing, loving how he covered her while she reached her peak.
Completely spent, Emi tossed the toy and Obito gave her his boyish, toothy grin. After the encore, they collapsed in a boneless, dizzying stupor.
“I’m tapped out,” he said, cutting a hand across his throat. “No more.”
“Same,” she agreed. Their overlapping legs untangled, some appendages on the bed, some not. They laid there for some time. Cooling the blood rush from their skin. Regulating their breathing. Cementing this day in their mind. “You really wanted to come on me, huh?”
“For the past couple of days, yeah,” he admitted, butterflies in his stomach. If only he could tell his past self that when he jerked off to her bent over on the beach, he’d soon be fucked into oblivion by her while not only staring at, but spanking that same ass, he’d have let down his guard sooner.
“Why’s that? I thought you would’ve wanted the whole, ya know, usual..” She struggled for words and he removed his hand from his eyes, just waiting to hear her finish. “Penetration.” They both grimaced at the clinical word.
“It’s because I get the same feeling as when I see you in my clothes, except more.”
“Mhm.” He didn’t deny the implications of that word. “But when you’re wearing my clothes, I’m the only one who knows they’re mine. When we walk together, I could just be a friend. Same with posting pictures online. If someone’s scrolling by and doesn’t read the post, I could be a cousin for all they know. But that-” he pointed at the sticky trail of white streaking her entire front “-That is unequivocally mine, and only mine. I’m the only one who gets to do that to you. And when I give you a ring, people will know you’re taken.”
“There’s one other thing that could be mine.” Her voice trilled in unsure excitement, trying her best to repress it. “Your last name.”
Obito’s arms sank to the sides of her head, his hands clasping her jaw, angling her so he could pour the last of his energy into a kiss. The sudden passion expounding from his veins to hers, warming, cooling. Hot, cold, hot, cold. His lips would learn the exact imprint of creases on hers.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
She pressed her forehead to his and tried out her new name. “Emiko Uchiha.”
“Emiko Uchiha,” he repeated, shivering through the goosebumps.
Obito volunteered to clean her off, a bit embarrassed he left his cum on her to dry, but she shrugged it off, finding his self-consciousness adorable, and drove them to the gym for another shower.
“I’m pretty wired, you?” she asked, afterwards.
His seat belt clicked and he slanted his mouth, rocking his hand back and forth. “I’m awake after our nap. How far were you wanting to drive?”
“Well,” she said, backing out of the parking spot. “I did promise Kakashi I’d have you back by tomorrow. I figured we’d get some coffee and drive through the night.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You sure you should be driving that long?”
“Okay, okay, only a few hours, then we’ll stop somewhere to sleep.”
“I’ll text him that we’ll see him tomorrow. Today. Whatever.”
Hours later, a harsh vibration in Obito’s pocket woke him. He peeled his cheek off the padded seat, turned away from the whoosh of black landscape outside his window, and wiped the drool from his mouth. Emi sat happily in her seat, sipping his coffee and dancing to the music on the radio. Her cup was empty.
Whoops. He’d meant to stay awake in solidarity.
He reached for his phone in his pocket and she beamed at his movement, giggling at his sleepy state. Blinking the grogginess from his eyes, he focused on the texts from Kakashi.
Obito: we’ll be back by tomorrow morning. want to get breakfast with us? you can meet emi.
Kakashi: duck no
Kakashi: fcuk no
Kakashi: fcuk
Kakashi: emus fine
Kakashi: lunch or dinner
Obito scoffed and read the time.
Obito: drunk at a bar this late?
Kakashi: with guy. hell come tomorrow too
What an apt typo. Hell will indeed come tomorrow. No one could prepare themselves for the ostentatiousness that was Guy. Least of all, Emi.
But not because Guy was overbearing.
But because their combined brilliance in a single room would duel until it blinded every witness. Their beaming smiles flaring bright as the sun, personalities that could singe water, gaudy fashion sense earning gawks from the worst offenders. Guy had two modes: everlasting competitiveness until it ended in bloodshed, or he’d try so hard to be your best friend you’d get sick of him. And Emi was a chameleon who could mold herself to his flashiness, or get overwhelmed by his abrasiveness and have a meltdown.
This could either go amazing, or horrible.
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cherrycokedup · 3 years
This will get messy, I’m sure
Chapter one
Word count [6044]
Tags: lotsa blood talk, spiting? Miley is super aggressive, guns, knives, a whole death game, swearing, repeated words, chase scenes, mentions of murder, it’s the logic route, reference to forced love (maple) blacking out from pain, forced kissing
I think that’s everything but please let me know if other tags need to be added. English is my second language so please be gentle when pointing out mistakes!
Summary: Maple, Miley and Safalin decide to break everyone out of the death game. Except it’s a bit more dangerous than they hoped.
The plan was in motion.
Miley felt like she was going insane. But she gripped the key as she marched down the hall. Heels click, click, clicking on the floor.
Shit was about to go down. That’s how every good story starts, isn’t it?
Maple was right beside her. Such a tall girl, 6”8. Eyes orange with frazzled anxiety.
God they could just turn back. They should turn back. Let this run their course.
Miley slammed the door to the classroom shut.
No going back now.
Without waiting a moment, she took on her heel and chucked it at the camera in the classroom.
She counted.
Good. It’s all of them.
Miley locked the door.
“Shin, key. Give it.” Her heart was racing. This was a bad idea. It was a bad idea. She watched him sputter, trying to deny it was there. Gripping his scarf. Everyone else was yelling in confusion. And anger. Miley was responsible for two deaths after all. Her head was in a blur and she could barely comprehend what was being said.
Keiji was covering Sara’s ears as the name Joe started to be tossed around. Everyone was giving her a nasty glare to add on.
“Shin. Give me the fucking key. Unless you all want to die at Meister’s hands. Then you’re free to do so.” The words died down. Meister was a new name to them- as far as Miley knew.
Shin still didn’t hand it over.
Sweat made strands of Miley’s hair cling to her face. God she probably looked deranged. But, there wasn’t time to spare. She dashed over and took the scarf from his neck, before ripping the necklace off. She handed back the scarf, as Shin started to yell again. Sputters and curses.
Miley glared, letting out a sigh.
“Good. Now show me your neck” She twirled the key between her gloved fingers, hoping he wouldn’t protest again. And just to her luck, he didn’t! Thank fucking god. She snapped the key in, turned and watched the metal collar clatter to the floor. It worked. Good.
“How did you know that would work? How did you know I had it-“ Shin asked, rubbing his now free neck as cold air rushed over it. The rest of the group was speechless as well. It must have been a shocking thing, to see the things that had been controlling their life for the past week, fall away as if it was nothing.
Miley didn’t answer questions, just shrugging. She really didn’t see why she should.
“Alright. Sara, get your ass over here” Miley had that tight feeling in her throat. At any time this plan could be busted. “Better yet form a line behind Sara”
Miley tuned out people talking and asking questions. She didn’t have time to explain anything. Every word was just. It didn’t matter.
Maple stood next to the door, somehow still looking gorgeous despite the situation. A bright smile, hands folded behind her back. The still amber-orange anxiety color swirling. Now was not the time to be gushing over the obstructor.
Miley went through, making sure everyone had the collars off. If everything was going right, Saf should have the exit planned out. Miley went to the door to unlock it.
Wait no.
Miley went and grabbed the heel she had used to smash the camera and put it back on. She straightened up and started to tie her hair back, sighing again.
“Oh- yes?” The sweet baker perked up at the sound of their name being spoken, tilting their head. Hair fell into her face, as she giggled, brushing it back. The thrill of sudden possible freedom must have made her a bit giggly.
“May I have that knife? Yes, the one you’re hiding in your weird little glove cuff thing.” Miley turned around, smiling. Having step one complete- it felt intoxicating. Her head was dizzy and light and she couldn’t keep from grinning.
“Knife-?” Mai feigned her innocence, blinking.
“Yes, the knife. Don’t make this hard please.”
It took a moment, Mai looking conflicted as she glanced at Q-Taro. But the knife was placed into Miley’s hand, to which she slashed her long curls off. It was such a sharp knife, it didn’t take a struggle at all.
It felt so freeing, remembering the reason she had grown it out in the first place. How her lover had run his hands through her short hair, kissing her forehead. He had asked if she ever thought about growing it out. How much he liked girls with long hair.
She had grown it out very long to be fair. When straightened, it went down to her knees when Miley spent the time straightening it out. It fell just to her mid thigh when Miley let it just be curly.
The knife clattered on the floor, and then Miley unlocked the door and opened it, giving a slight bow.
“Well, guess it’s curtains closed for this game-.”
Sara, of course, started to lead the group to the door, always trying to take the position of a leader, before Keiji grabbed her shoulder, making her stop in her tracks.
Like a puppet and the puppeteer.
“Not to sound distrustful- haha- but you know exactly why I don’t feel exactly esatic ‘bout the group of us running off with you” His voice had that drip of sarcasm, he looked up, hand on his neck.
“Fine then. Don’t trust me, and fucking rot here.” Her temper started to boil up, still feeling the cold of her own collar against her neck. “Just get over it for a moment. I killed that stupid old man- or that ditzy boy, sure that’s true. You know the floormasters have collars. Take a brain cell or two to think about it.” Miley didn’t have time to argue her innocence. They had to fucking go now.
Fine. If they wanted to stay, they could be Miley’s guest. Miley left the room, Maple following behind. If they followed, great. If they didn’t, it would almost certainly be death for them. Recollared and right back to playing.
But, to her surprise she heard footsteps follow behind. A quick glance back showed the group following.
Ranmaru was holding onto Sara’s arm, and Anzu was happily chittering away with Reko, Hinako was trailing behind Keiji, Kurumada and Shin not so secretly holding hands. Q-taro was carrying Gin, as Mai and Hayasaka whispered. That looked to be everyone at least.
They got to the fourth floor, Miley starting to think this would all go smoothly. Maple had reached out to hold Miley’s hand, rubbing comforting circles into it. This plan could still very well end in their deaths. Something Miley had killed to avoid.
“Oh, Maple and Miley. My pretty girls.”
God fucking dammit Midori. He stood in front of them, a huge grin. Hands at his side, tilting his head. They had prepared for this, Maple already taking off in the other direction and motioning for the others to follow. So then it was just Miley and Midori, standing alone
“Don’t make this hard” Miley muttered under her breath, standing up straighter as Midori approached. He hummed, putting a finger under her chin
“Are you trying to ruin my game Emi?” His voice dropped in honey sweet manipulation, sugar water with a pink tint, that made you want to drink up every word he said.
“Keep my name out of your mouth.” Miley grabbed his wrist, taking his hand away from her, keeping eye contact. But, He had somehow managed to get a hand behind her head, and grab a fistful of her shorn hair. She refused to cry out in pain, biting her tongue.
“And you cut your hair short. It was always so pretty long” He continued to hum, gripping her hair tighter “Awww you used to love when I called you that.”
Miley kicked at his leg, making his grip faulted as she pushed him away. He laid on a floor with a smile, standing back up “if it’s a fight you want-“
Pain bloomed in Miley jaw, as it registered that he had punched her. And so she punched back. Midori gripped her around the waist, dipping her low. Like this was some sick dance. Each one hoping to kill the other. She slammed his against a wall, getting a whine out of him. To which he twisted her arm behind her back, and Miley swore she heard something crack.
She elbowed him, feeling satisfied at the gasp her let out, kicking his legs again. Miley could keep hitting and hitting. But the problem was, most of him was plastic. Most of Miley’s punched just left her hand scraped.
They fought for a long while, Miley getting more battered but the minute. Looking like she had been thrown in a mixing bowl. There was a cut above her eye that was gushing blood, and her muscles burned from it all. Her lip was bleeding, and biting her lip only left blood to put out.
Midori dipped her one final time, pressing his lips to her own. She must have tasted like sweat and metal. She bit his lip and he pulled away with a grin, her blood dripping from his lips.
And suddenly she felt it crack. Some bones but she couldn’t tell what.
And that’s when the lights started to flash red, the alarm system screeching. Which meant the group had gotten out of the death game area.
He laughed, dropping her to the floor, pain reverting through her fragile body. She coughed more of her own blood into the ground, trying to stand up. Hurt him more.
“This whole thing has been fun, but I have some sheep to gather.” And he departed, but not before spitting her own blood right back into her face.
“Gross.” Miley thought, wiping it away.
Her chocolate decorated corset made it hard to breathe, vision starting to blur. The effects of the fight were really starting to get to her. Oh god everything felt like it was on fire. Was she going to pass out? Be found and then killed for causing all this chaos? Was it worth it?
Her head was in a blur, as she pushed herself off the floor, leaning against the wall. She still had things to do. She couldn’t let this plan get ruined.
Miley pulled off her gloves, starting to tear at the buttons on her corset. Her mother had always kissed her hands and said they were the one of a lady. Her mother- had Asu-naro already sent someone to kill her? What about her sister and brother. The twins. Just turning 13 next week, her mother had adopted them.
Had Miley made everything worse? In her false haze of wanting to play the hero, had she gotten the ones she cared about most killed?
Miley felt herself sliding down the wall, no matter how much she tried to keep walking. Midori was a strong man, and a fight like that- honestly it was going to be deadly.
And just like that, Miley blacked out, falling into a crumpled mess on the floor.
Maple had to turn away from Miley as Midori approached, leading the group away from the danger. Her heart felt like it was cut up, racing through the hall. Well- it was.
Miley had clumsy cut open her chest, and cut wires, and connected new ones. Maple wasn’t in love with Midori, but it still felt hurtful betraying him.
clack clack clack.
Her heels were comforting. It was a constant noise. It was easy to tune out the chatter of the group she was leading to safety. Safety. Maple had never known anything outside of these floors. Miley had her memorize the map.
But once they were out of the secret door, it was whole new territory for the girl. It was a scary concept, running into what could very well be a death trap.
clack clack clack
Focus on the clacking. Keep yourself calm. Panicking won’t do any good. She couldn’t disappoint Miley. She had worked so hard on this plan, a plan to try and reverse all of the pain they had caused. Some redemption arc.
Maple rushed into the elevators, making sure everyone got on.
Back to the fifth floor. Maple had to pick something up now that Miley wasn’t with them. Backup plans were good. Plans are good. Safe. She dashed into the room with the Shin AI who watched Maple take a spare ID card out of the vent. The name reading “Emiri Harai”
Maple thought that was a pretty name. But it was back to the mad dash, once again rushing into the elevators. And skittering out, counting to make sure everyone was accounted for.
Keiji kept trying to say something. Maple told him to save all questions for the outside.
The outside was such a wonderful concept, an endless world. Miley had told her all about it. It seemed wonderful.
Maple kept pressing the ID card into the dirt walls. Press press press.
It was somewhere around here, it had to be. Maple started to hear the whispers that maybe the poor dummy had been fried.
The door opened, just like Miley said it would. Maple pushed everyone in, squealing. She could hardly wait!
Safalin was standing in that long winding hallway of stairs, and Maple gave her the nod that said Miley was caught up with Midori.
Safalin threw off her heeled boots, and socks. It would be easier to run without heels and socks could make you slip. And she was running back inside the very place the group had just escaped.
Maple counted the doors.
clack clack clack had turned into a clop clop clop. Just focus on that.
Door number and sounds. Focus on that and everything would be okay. She felt her wires turn into knots, feeling fizzing water boil under her skin.She shivered, hugging her arms.
Death seemed to hang closer by the minute, spinning around her head, the rope tightening around her neck.
There it was. The final door. Open it, and the death game was ruined. Don’t and surely some other workers would come and dismantle Maple, recollar the others.
The door creaked as Maple pushed it open, grabbing onto Sara’s hand. Sara grabbed onto Ranmaru’s and so on, a chain. Qtaro at the end, still holding Gin.
“ah…are you all ready?” Maple turned to look at them, being met with a chorus of agreements, thumbs up.
“Just bout ready as any of us can be!” Q-taro said, grinning. Such a hopeful smile- had he really learned to trust people?
Well. It makes sense that they would trust Maple much more than Miley.
“Meow! I’ve been ready forever!” Gin waved, his pawed glove bonking Q-taro in the face who chuckled.
The had to go well, for the kids at least.
“There’s no going back now. You’ve gotten us this far.” Sara nodded, looking at Ranmaru then Keiji. Keiji just shrugged, with his usual lazy smile, distrustful as usual.
Maple pulled them into the empty hall. The air was cool, and had that fresh office smell, their footsteps making a muffled bomp bomp bomp. It was almost deadly silent, no one even daring to breathe. Maple felt the sweat from Sara’s palm. She wondered what it was like to sweat. But she wouldn’t know.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
bomp bomp bomp.
a door creaked open, someone stepping into the hall. They looked up from their paper, locking eyes with Maple. Eyes widened from both parties as everyone realized what just occurred. The man dashed past them, no doubt going to set off the alarm.
Maple started running, hearing everyone starting to breathe heavily behind her. They went through the door the man came from, running through the office area.
Oh goodness the noise. Everyone was shouting. And trying to pull the group apart. Maple kept her iron grip on Sara, and she just had to hope everyone was doing the same. Maple saw lights start to flash red.
God dammit.
She slid into the hallway, tile slipping against her shoes. She was knocking things over with her size, potted plants and printers crashing.
Clomp, click, bomp, clack.
As Maple dragged them through halls, and into different rooms, the floor pattern changed. Finally, Maple swung everyone into an empty room, and locked the door shut. Through the slats, Maple watched people run by. Most of them had weapons of the gun variety. But knives were also strewn in.
Turn around and count. Everyone was still there. Miley knew this was going to happen. Maple knew there was a plan. But it was just- god all of this was nerve wracking.
Get them out one by one. Or two by two
If Maple could at least do that, it would be okay.
She looked around the room, hearing everyone whisper to each other. Such a close knit group, forced together by a rope of death that tightened almost every moment. Keiji was going over something with Sara and Ranmaru. Anzu was listening in. Kurumada was lifting Shin up so they both could look out the door slats better.
Dammit this was stressful, Miley had warned her it would be. But actually seeing everyone. How much they were trying not to panic. The hope that they could go home was painted on their faces. But Now they were trapped in a room that no one had noticed them in yet.
Maple tried to remember the plan that Miley had told her, the plan for when they were found.
Get them out. Youngest to oldest.
Maple gently picked Gin out of Q-taro’s arms.
“Be gentle with him, will ya?” Worry shone in his tone, looking out of place now he wasn’t protecting the little boy
“Don’t worry woof! I’ll protect PancakeHead!” He smiled, eyes scrunching up. So brave. Maple just nodded, giving her best smile.
Maple liked that. It made her sound like some superhero
And she slipped out the door. The hallways had emptied, everyone assuming they headed for the lobby, the one with the biggest exit. Only sound was them and the alarm bells.
Maple pressed a finger to Gin’s mask, a silent way to ask him not to speak.
It wasn’t far from there, just down the staircase and into the old storage room
Finally, there was the door. Well- the back door. It was old and walked up, but as per the plan, Safalin had uncovered it beforehand. Maple opened the door to the back alley, looking around for a place to hide Gin. She set him down, a heavy sign leaving her lips.
“Stay out of sight”
“Okay meow!”
Could she trust him? Never mind that. No time for doubt. He was 12, he could handle himself.
It wasn’t long till Maple got back to the room. And she quickly explained the route. Because going one by one was a bit dangerous, and would take quite a while. And luckily everyone was already paired up. Which just made everything just absolutely much more convenient for Maple.
And Maple could take Hayasaka, since Gin was already gone.
And then they all went out.
And by some miracle, everyone met up in that alleyway safe and sound.
Everyone was clearly ecstatic. Taking deep breaths of the fresh air. Sara let her hair down to let the faint wind blow through. The bitter cold air bit at her cheeks, turning them red. Everyone was talking so excitedly, And quickly. It was nice to see everyone so happy.
She didn’t have the heart to remind the dummies about their battery.
footsteps pattered heavy, the only thing being heard- wait no. An alarm. That was also there.
Her chest shook with a cough, sticky blood spattering across her chest. It was warm, making her feel all the more sick. Everything honestly hurt, she felt like she had been dragged back from death.
Safalin held Miley closer, running through the hall, trying to just get out of the building. She couldn’t give a shit about the plan right now.
She had found Miley on the ground, her breathing rattling. When Safalin picked her up, she accidentally left out an audible gasp. It was just plain obvious with the way her side so easily squashed into Safalin, that whatever fight she had gotten into, something happened to her ribs. Broken, or something.
Running so hard against the tile with bare feet stung, each breath bringing a sharp pain. Safalin wasn’t exactly in shape. So she just felt almost like she was just going to wither away.
She felt almost pathetic in that way. She was just running. Not hurt at all. And Miley was on the brink of death.
Unfortunately, the sudden bang and loud ringing pain in her ear was absolutely to change that real quick. She felt blood ooze onto her shoulder, staining the white dress. It felt like the world was thrown off balance. The pain would kick in later.
clearly the security system had kicked in.
She didn’t have much of a chance to pause and figure out what happened. All she had was running. Keep running.
Adrenaline doused her, numbing most everything.
Blood on the cheek, dripping down her sides, caking to her leg. A slight burn was there, but Safalin chose to ignore it.
Rocks in the dirt dug into her feet, as she pressed her ID card quickly to the dirt and safely letting herself collapse in the hall of stairs.
Safalin wheezed in heavy breaths of air, pain starting to melt in.
Gunshots weren’t exactly pleasant. Burning filled her, spreading out and covering her, like a very thick unpleasant blanket.
The actual bullets hadn’t hurt at all. It felt like she had been flicked, or maybe a small marble had been thrown at her. But god the pain was fucking overwhelming.
She dropped the still unconscious Miley, letting herself just lay in all the hurt. It was like a flood, her throat aching. She wanted to cry. To scream and sob. But it was honestly just like she was waiting for death. Was she waiting for something to just come and brush all the pain away, and to lead her away into whatever afterlife was real.
But she never was. The pain started to dull, like when you sit in a boiling bath for too long. You know that it hurts, but it’s enough that you just can’t bring yourself to care.
Safalin sat up, forcing in a breath of air. The attacks must have been much more mild, likely just wanting to docile Miley and Safalin, forcing them back into place. Unlike how Miley was convinced if the slightest thing went wrong with this plan they’d be killed.
Speaking of Miley. When Safalin sat up, Miley was just gone. There was of course a blood trail. God- it really was a lot of blood. It was enough to make anyone sick. But being a nurse- Safalin really didn’t mind. She stood up, ignoring the new burning.
She stumbled down the stairs, wincing as she accidentally dragged her toe. Yes. Just survived all of that, and whining at a stubbed toe. The door the blood lead to was the third floor. She wondered what business Miley had there.
The Ranger AI was safely tucked into her pocket after all.
So of course she had to find her. Miley was likely just delirious with pain, walking around with no goal in mind. Safalin should go and find her, and make sure the woman didn’t do anything reckless.
The lobby was familiar to Safalin. In that nice calming way. The classic smell of the lobby was like a pat on the back, soft carpet making her just want to lay down. It had that old movie theater scent now that she took a moment to think about it. Vacuums, melted popcorn butter, sticky candy.
That was probably why it was so pleasant.
But the blood dripping into the carpet and clumping wasn’t very comforting. She followed the already set out path, as unsettling as it was to be searching for blood. The lights were shut off, since the floor wasn’t in use. The path went into the long hallway. Safalin took care not to look in the room of lies, Alice’s death was still too much to bear.
And soon enough, Safalin ended up in the main game room again.
It was a painful memory, clicking the button to trigger poor little Kanna’s death. It wasn’t something Safalin had ever wanted to do. Hence their plan that had been formed in break rooms, text messages and over late night calls.
Miley was bent over Kanna, brushing away the flowers. Flowers were just everywhere in the room. Pretty but heart wrenching.
Kanna looked so delicate, completely drained pale skin, a grey undertone. Her lips were a lovely shade of bruised purple. And of course bruises still covered her. Flowers and vines stretching under your skin weren’t very gentle.
Miley had a caring look on her face, a fond smile. It was almost like a child looking over her kid.
“Miley- come on we still have to meet everyone outside” Safalin tried to pled with the woman, sighing softly in regret as they were only met with Miley shushing her.
She was probably just delusional at the moment. The pain getting to her head.
“Shush Saf. She’s breathing”
Huh? No- well, maybe?
The flowers were meant to be a slow death. The flowers use your very life to fuel themselves, draining you, while also keeping you alive. A slow battle that ended in death.
She supposed it was possible that it was a slow enough death that hours later Kanna could still be alive. After all, the main game wasn’t all that long ago.
The group had been rushed off to the next floor afterwards after all, and then Miley came along and..
yes. It was entirely possible
Miley stood there a moment longer, legs shaking before picking up the girl. She petted Kanna’s hair. It was a bittersweet sight. Safalin knew Miley had a daughter that was Kanna’s age, but had died young.
Well at least that’s just what Safalin had to assume.
Miley rocked back and forth, humming softly, as she walked to the door. How Miley was able to seem so regal even with a limp and practically doused in blood, it was a mystery.
“Well come along Saf. We can’t keep the dear participants waiting, can we?”
Maybe there was something about almost dying that filled you with a calm elegance. However Safalin was the opposite, starting to sob. She always had tears running, that was never unusual.
She hugged her arms, and wailed, taking in large shaky breaths. “Mu-m-Mil-Miley! Luh-Look at yooooou!” Every word was chopped up to the hyperventilating, every breath being accompanied by a rather annoying wheezing noise. She had every right to start breaking down. The facility was in lockdown, everyone was on lookout for them, just hours before she had watched someone she saw as a son die at the hands of his father. It was all rather overwhelming.
Safalin had never been a rule breaker in the first place. She had happily gone along with what she was told, as long as she wouldn’t get in trouble. She was the delight to have in class, the girl who was called out as the example. She was nothing like Miley, who could curse people out, get into fights and yell. She had no problem bending the rules for her own enjoyment.
The only rules Miley hadn’t been able to bend was ASU-NARO’S so was that one of the reasons Miley had been happy to make this plan? Her longing to have everything go her way?
Safalin didn’t dare let herself fall to her knees, knowing she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to stand up again. The pain everywhere was almost too much, the constant warm burning. Being shot felt nothing like she thought it would feel like.
“Pfft- I know I look like hot shit, take a look at yourself!” Miley burst out into laughter, an almost cruel smile on her face. “You knew the danger we were putting ourselves into. Cry all you want but we can’t wait her forever. I’m sure Meister and Sou are already looking for us.”
Miley stood by the door, bouncing Kanna on her hip. It got a chuckle out of Safalin, soft sobs still racking her chest. “You know she isn’t a baby right? Kanna’s 14.”
The brunette scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Oh shush. She’s light enough to be one.” She stepped back out of the room, leaving Safalin to follow.
It was still quiet, as they left the second floor back at the staircase, walking down in silence. The calm was more stressful, considering any noise would mean someone else was here. And that could not be good. But it never occurred.
They went back into the hallway, trying to ignore the loud alarms.
“Miley- what if something happened to the van?”
“Then we find a new one.”
Her words were curt. She was tired, annoyed and in a lot of pain. She had wished all of this had gone smoothly, and of course she wished she didn’t want to wail in pain. Quite honestly, her head was still throbbing from when Kai had hit her with the frying pan.
The van was obviously so theyw could drive away. It wasn’t like they could all just return home, ASU-NARO knew where everyone lived. They would have to dissemble the company before they could go home for certain.
But it would be better than being trapped in a death game. Hopefully. That brought up a second question for Miley. She still had to sort out a way to actually expose ASU-NARO
The dummies would obviously be proof and they would have everyone’s testimonies. But they could just be seen as nut jobs. But Miley could worry about that later. Right now, their only plan was on how to get out. And she could follow that.
It was a very straight forward route, the same Maple and the others took.
And that’s where they meet back up, opening the door and feeling the sweet cold night air. The city smelled like most cities do, but it was perfect.
Miley smiled to herself, before unfortunately her brief moment was ruined by Shin very rudely starting to yell
“Jesus you’re sick. You had to bring her? For what? To taunt us-? For god’s sake you don’t need to bring a corpse!” His hands flew, as he paced back at forth, anger radiating from him.
Sara looked away, the gulit still heavy on voting for the young girl. There were other whispers and glares.
Miley wasn’t one to feel ashamed of gossip. “Can it. Your precious little sister is still breathing. “ She huffed, adjusting to the girl. She looked better now, color coming back to her cheeks. But until they could get somewhere where they would fully disconnect all of the plant like things, Kanna wouldn’t be able to wake. “Huh?” Shin paused, standing still as he stepped closer.
“She’s alright- well mostly. You can see for yourself if you like” no one could miss the motherly tone in her voice, as she held Kanna more like a baby, showing her to the rest of them, who all looked as if it was their first time meeting a baby at a family gathering.
Kanna honestly just mostly looked asleep. Her cheeks were flushed, and you could see her chest shakily rise and fall. She was alive and that was for certain.
“Well- we better get running before they realize we’re out” Ranmaru commented, his hand up in the air.
“But where?” Anzu asked, as she bounced from foot to foot. Whether she was excited or anxious, Miley couldn’t tell.
Miley hummed, brushing hair out of Kanna’s face “Why, to Miss Sara’s house of course. Considering what I know, that will be the last place they’ll think we head”
They didn’t run. They should have, but all of them were exhausted. So they just ended up walking through the streets looking like a freak show.
Maple held Miley’s free hand, and Safalin hung back near the the end, talking to Q-Taro and Mai. Considering that all of this had happened in just about an hour and a half, they had grown to have at least a small amount of trust.
The drug of being free had to have everyone in a good mood, willing to be nice. However being exhausted was also still there.
Through the city and into the housing area, chatter rose and fell. Of course everyone was excited but as Miley glanced at her cracked phone, the time read 4:25 am. Time was really off balance for the participants.
Sara’s street.
Sara smiled, going to the front of the group looking around. She looked so weary, her school uniform wrinkled, and at some point she had lost her blazer, and left her tie untied just letting it rest on her shoulders. Her hair was tangled even if she had let it down just a while ago.
She looked much less tired now that she couldn’t remember Joe. Miley would have to fix that soon.
“Miley?” Sara looked back at her, playing with the longer part of her bangs. Miley personally thought it was a neat hair cut- ridiculous and looked like a hack job. But it looked neat.
“Yes Sara?”
Sara paused, thinking over her words “Thank you. I never thought you would ever do something like that- but you did. Really, we all owe you our lives.”
Miley ended up chuckling, opening her mouth to say something that was now doubt cocky as all hell. Before Maple, who knew her well, elbowed her. Miley sucked in a sharp breath of pain, before forcing a smile “Of course Sara. It’s the least I can do after all we’ve put you through” That much was true. It was truly the least they could do.
Sara went up to her door, and turned the knob. Her eyes widened when it opened with ease. The hall was empty, but she could hear people talking in the living room. She invited everyone inside the house, the pile of shoes was- very large. Sara looked so at place in home, her smile unshakable. She looked hesitant, so Sara looked back to Miley. She knew that obviously she had a plan. Miley nodded.
Sara opened the door to the living room, running in
“Mama-! I’m home! Dad-!”
Miley watched from the doorway as Sara ran in, how her mother turned to look behind her, a face of joy melting on her face. Ryoko was also on that couch, jumping up to go hug her best friend
“Sara- oh my goodness, my baby- my girl. Are you hurt? What happened?” She pulled her into a hug, kissing her daughter’s face all over. “Thank goodness, you’re safe- I didn’t know what to do, you never came home and when I woke up you and your father were there- there’s been people missing all over the city. Jou’s missing too, and Kugie.” Her mother was in a ramble, looking to make sure there wasn’t a scratch on Sara. It was a nice thing to see. Ryoko hugging Sara from behind as Mrs.Chidouin fussed. To see Sara where she should have been all along. Finally, she noticed the rest of them standing in the hall, letting out a gasp
“That’s-“ she must have recognized them all from the news. Miley didn’t know what to do. Keiji stepped in, holding out his hand
“Shinogi Keiji. Dectective. We’ve all been with Sara this past week.”
Miley didn’t know if anything more was said. She had sat down on the bench in the hall, still holding Kanna close.
Miley finally let her eyes rest, and sleep overtook her.
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drmmyrs · 3 years
Dropped (Becca x MC) Part 2
Hey guys, thank you for the support on the first part of this series (Yess I’m planning to turn it into a mini series). It was hard to write just because I could feel Emily’s heartbreak throughout this chapter but I know a lot of you thrive on the pain like I do 🥲🥲. This chapter might be a tad boring for your taste since I’m kinda setting the scene for the next part but I still hope you enjoy. Let me know what you guys think and I’d really appreciate feedback/constructive criticism.
tag list: @wlwplaychoices  @alexlabhont @woltk @alexroyard @red-queen1013 ( including those who reblogged and replied to the 1st part. If you want to be included in the tag list just let me know ☺️)  
Read Part 1
Pairing: Becca x MC (Emily)
Word Count: 1742
Warnings: Some swearing
You don't love me anymore, do you?
Emily quickly gathered her things as well as some of her clothes, not wanting to spend a second more in that room than she needed to. She dialed Kaitlyn's number as she walked away from the place she had called home for almost a year. She was now crying full-blown tears with her hand covering her mouth as passersby looked at her with sympathy. Kaitlyn picked up on the third ring.
"Hey, Em— Are you crying?"
"Can I stay with you for a while? I just had to get out of there. I'm sorry. I don't know where else to go."
"Hey, hey, of course, you can. Where are you right now? Do you want me to pick you up?" Kaitlyn said gently, her voice full of concern.
"No, it's okay. I can get there on my own."
The walk to Kaitlyn's apartment was a blur. Emily vaguely remembered someone calling out to her, but she was too busy replaying the last few hours to even notice.
When Emily arrived at Kaitlyn's apartment, Kaitlyn immediately pulled her in for a hug.
"Hey, what happened? Did you and Becca get into a fight?"
Emily nodded, unable to speak as tears were now falling uncontrollably down her face. After some time, Kaitlyn pulled away and gently guided Emily to the couch, and fetched her a glass of water.
"Whatever happened between the two of you, I'm sure you'll be able to fix it," Kaitlyn said comfortingly as she gently rubbed Emily's back.
"No, I don't think we can fix it this time." A fresh set of tears emerged. "You should have seen her face, Kaitlyn. She... she... she looked at me like I was..." Unable to finish the sentence, Emily buried her face in her hands, sobbing.
"Oh, Emily." Kaitlyn pulled her in for another hug. They stayed like that for a while until Emily's cries died down to quiet sobs.
"I'm sorry. I think I ruined your shirt," Emily said weakly.
"Eh. It's not my style anyway. I was actually just about to burn it when you came," Kaitlyn jested, attempting to lighten the mood. Emily managed a weak smile.
"Are you feeling better?" Kaitlyn said softly.
Emily nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Emily shook her head. "I think I just need to lie down for a while."
"Let's get you to bed then."
"It's okay. I can sleep here on the couch."
"Nonsense. I'm not leaving you here like that. Come on."
Kaitlyn smiled gently at Emily as she took her hand and guided her to the bedroom. "You can stay here for as long as you need to."
"Thank you, Kaitlyn," Emily murmured, tired from all the crying. After she had settled into bed, Emily took out her phone and stared at the wallpaper as a lone tear ran down her cheek. It was a photo of her and Becca with Becca's arm wrapped around her waist and Becca's lips pressed against her cheek. Emily released a trembly breath as she turned off her phone and drifted off to sleep. — "Why the long face?" Becca asked, wrapping Emily in her arms.
"Just a tiring day is all," Emily replied, melting into the embrace.
"I know what'll make you feel better. How about I go out and buy your favorite ice cream real quick, and then we can watch any movie you want. How's that sound?"
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"I'd do anything for you. In all honesty, though, I'd rather do things to you," Becca teased.
Emily giggled and playfully smacked Becca. "You're terrible."
"One more thing. Give me your phone."
"Why?" Emily asked as she hesitantly handed her phone to Becca. Becca then shifted behind Emily and wrapped her arm around her waist as she pressed her lips on Emily's cheek, taking a photo. Becca made a series of taps on her phone until Emily was greeted with a new wallpaper.
"So that when you're having a bad enough day, you can just look at your phone and remember that at the end of the day, someone will be waiting for you at home, someone who loves you so crazy much." —
Emily woke up late in the morning when she faintly heard Kaitlyn speaking on the phone outside. "—I don't think she'll want to talk to you anyway... Yeah, I will. Don't worry."
Kaitlyn came back to the room minutes later. "Hey, you're up."
"Yeah. Was that..."
Kaitlyn looked at Emily apologetically. "You heard, huh?"
"What did she want?"
"She wanted to talk to you. She sounded really sorry, Em."
Emily sighed. "I don't think I can talk to her yet."
Kaitlyn nodded understandingly. "Take as much time as you need to. By the way, I know you have class a while ago, but I wasn't sure if I should wake you up. Sorry."
"It's okay. I wasn't planning on going anyway."
"I have classes soon, but I can stay here if you want," Kaitlyn said sympathetically.
"No, you should go. Don't worry, I'll be fine," Emily replied with a weak smile.
"Alright. But text me if you need anything. There's food in the fridge and feel free to use the shower. What's mine is yours. I'll be back soon." Kaitlyn gave Emily a quick hug before heading out.
Becca's POV
Becca glanced at the clock- 11 AM. Her head was pounding as she recalled the previous night's events.
"Ughh. I'm never gonna drink again," she muttered to herself.
She glanced around the room and noticed that the sheets beside her remained untouched. She managed to get out of bed and walked out of the room sluggishly.
"Babe? Yesterday I-" She looked around the apartment and found that it was empty. Oh, right it's Monday. She's probably in class.
Becca went back to their bedroom and as her eyes adjusted, she noticed that half of Emily's things were gone. She immediately opened Emily's closet and found that some of her clothes were missing. At that moment, she knew she fucked up.
Becca quickly charged her dead phone and as soon as it lit up, several texts and voicemails from yesterday popped up. They were from Emily. Crap. Becca immediately dialed Emily's number but it went straight to voicemail. Becca paced around the room as she recalled their fight yesterday and it just dawned on her how serious it was. She remembered Emily shouting at her and oh god she looked so heartbroken. Rebecca Davenport, you stupid bitch. Becca then proceeded to call Kaitlyn.
"Hey Kaitlyn, have you seen Emily?" "Yeah, she went here crying last night. What happened, Becca? She was a mess." "I fucked up. Is she with you right now? I really need to talk to her." "She's still asleep, and I don't think she'll want to talk to you anyway." "Can you at least tell her I'm sorry? Just please make sure she's okay." "Yeah, I will. Don't worry."
Emily's POV
"You have to eat something."
"I'm not hungry."
"And I'm not gonna let you starve to death."
"Well, there are worse ways to go."
Kaitlyn sighed. "Okay, that's it. We're gonna talk about this now. What the hell happened between you two?"
Emily bit her lip. "We were supposed to celebrate our anniversary, but then she forgot. Instead, she went home hours later, drunk. Then we got into this huge fight. Most times I feel like she's just sick of me. Like... she doesn't love me anymore."
"Did she tell you that?"
"No. She doesn't even wanna talk anymore. And honestly, I'm tired of being a doormat at my own home."
"So, is that it? Are you gonna break up with her?"
"Yes. No. I don't know. What do you think I should do?"
"I can't make that decision for you, Em. But one thing's for sure. You have to talk to her before you make one." —
Emily decided that she could no longer run from her responsibilities. She turned on her phone and was immediately greeted by several texts. Some were from James but most were from Becca. Emily sighed, putting the phone in her pocket.
When she arrived at the university, Emily first went to check in on James. As James saw her approach, he stood up with concern in his eyes.
"Em, we were so worried about you. You weren't answering your phone."
"Sorry. Got caught up in something."
"Yeah... I uhh ran into Becca yesterday. She told me you guys got into a fight?"
Emily nodded. "You said that you were assigning me an article to write this week?" Emily asked, changing the subject.
"Right. But you don't have to, I can get someone else to do it."
"No, I want to."
"Okay then. Well, the only article left is about--
James paused to look at a piece of paper and his eyes widened.
"Like I said, you don't have to-"
You snatched the paper from James, suddenly furious.
College Relationships. Great. Just my luck.
"We can change it. I'm sure someone else-"
"It's fine, James. And I don't appreciate you treating me like a fragile piece of glass. I said I'm fine." Emily snapped.
Emily walked away before James had a chance to speak. —
Emily was running with her laptop in her hands with Becca in hot pursuit.
"Come on just a little peek."
Emily giggled as Becca caught up to her hugging her from behind.
"Hey! Why'd you close it?"
"You'll be the first to read it when I'm done, I promise."
"Well, it better be worth it," Becca said as she turned Emily around. She cupped her face and pulled her in for a slow and deep kiss. Emily broke up the kiss and touched her forehead with Becca's.
"It is."
Back in Kaitlyn's apartment, Emily stared at the blank screen, thinking of what to write or how to even start.
This is ridiculous.
Emily stood up and grabbed her jacket and strode across the room towards the door
"Em? Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna talk to Becca," Emily said with a determined look on her face. — Emily was walking on the sidewalk towards their apartment when a familiar figure caught her attention. As she turned to look inside a bar, all the time in the world couldn't have prepared her for the hurt that was to follow. Emily grabbed the wall for support as she watched the woman she love kiss someone else.
Read Part 3
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knightofarkham-blog · 3 years
Death's Angel, Chapter 1 》•E. Cullen•《
Emi's POV:
"Ruby, come on kiddo, we're at your uncle's house" I hear my dad's voice as I feel someone shake me awake. I slowly open my eyes, rubbing them as the sunlight hits them. It takes me a minute to get fully awake, but when I am I realize we're outside my Uncle Charlie's house. My energy immediately comes back as I grin, jumping out of the car. I see my Uncle Charlie talking to my mom at his front door. He smiles wide when he notices me, opening his arms. "E!" He calls, and I run into his arms, hugging him. "I missed you Uncle C!" I say as he hugs me back. He laughs as we pull away, and ruffles my hair. "I missed you too E." My mom and dad smile at us as my dad wraps an arm around my mom, before shaking Uncle Charlie's hand. "Good to see you again Charlie" my dad says, and Uncle Charlie nods a bit. I walk into the house as they talk, looking around. Not much has changed since I last visited. Uncle Charlie still had his old family photos on the living room mantle. I smiled as I picked one up that had my cousin Bella and I with some friends from the reservation, mud on our faces and hands, my arm around her shoulders, grinning at the camera. "You were so little, and now look at you, heading off to college." My mom speaks from behind me. I smile at her as I set the picture down. "Hey Uncle C, where's B at?" I ask, noticing my cousin hasn't came down from her room. Uncle Charlie makes a face before responding. "She's at her boyfriends house, she should be home soon." He said, and a small look of shock crosses my face before I grin. "B finally got a boyfriend huh? Took her long enough." I say, and Uncle Charlie shakes his head. "It could have taken a lot longer." He gestures to the couch. "Come on, the games about to come on, I'll order us a pizza." He says, and I grin, taking a seat on the couch next to him to watch the football game.
Emi's POV:
"Oh come on! That was a foul!" I shout, throwing popcorn at the TV as my family laughs at me. I grin as I hear a new voice from behind us. "Wow E, I think you're more in to football than my dad is." I jump over the back of the couch and pull my cousin into a hug. "B! Took you long enough to come home, I missed you!" I say as I hug her, and she laughs. "Missed you too E." I look to the boy next to her as we pull back, and grin, offering a hand to shake. "You must be the boyfriend Uncle Charlie told me about. I'm Ruby, but everyone calls me Emi cause my middle name is Emile. I'm Bella's cousin, it's nice to meet you!" He smiles as he shakes my hand. "I'm Edward Cullen, its a pleasure to meet you. Bella has told me a lot about you." He says. I noticed his hand was unusually cold but I don't mention it as I grin once more, nudging her a bit. "All good things I hope." My cousin just laughs at me, and Edward's smile grows. I feel a presence behind me and turn to see my parents and Uncle Charlie. My dad puts a hand on my shoulder shoulder my mom hugs Bella. "Nice to see you Bells, wish we could stay longer but we've got to check into the hotel before it gets too late." My dad says as my mom pulls back from the hug. Bella frowns. "You're staying in a hotel?" She looks confused. My mom smiles softly as she speaks. "Only for a week or so, till we find a house nearby to rent." This causes Bella to look more confused. "How long are you staying?" She asks, and I grin. "Till you graduate! I start college next fall, wanted to take a year off before going, so we decided to come stay till I have to leave since it's been forever since we saw each other!" I say, and she grins back, hugging me again. I see Edward smile at her happiness and that makes me smile as I return the hug. "What? That's great! We'll have to do something fun while you're here." She says, causing me to laugh. "That was the plan B." After a bit longer of talking, and my parents hounding Edward with questions, we finally head to our hotel. My parents got me my own room to have some privacy, so I get my key and head up. I shower before getting dressed in my pajamas and getting into bed. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, excited for the upcoming year with my cousin.
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thedevilliers · 3 years
Hey, I've been reading your story for a while, and I'm enjoying it very much. Following the De Villiers has been so fun, and you've inspired me to create my own royal Simblr!
Can you maybe share some tips about what to do with your royals? I'll be posting my family within the next few weeks, and I have already planned out several engagements + events, including visits to parks/schools/hospitals, parties, and news surrounding a royal pregnancy. I've also planned out the first arc. I don't know what else to do, and I've barely started! If you have any tips related to the beginning of your Simblr that you didn't cover in your other post, I would so appreciate them. I want to get all this nailed down *before* posting, so my blog is the best that it can be.
Also, if you have any advice on how to make things as efficient as possible (especially regarding posing sims, editing/writing posts, etc.), I would love that! I want to cut down on time wasted wherever I can.
Thank you!! :-)
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 me?!!?!?! ME ??????? omg 🧍‍♀️ thank u for reading my story 🥺 and AAAAAAAAAAAA your own royal simblr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill answer everythin under the cut !!!!! spoilers: it got long sorry
first of all, remember we ALL started somewhere. you can look at my first like... fifteen and even MORE posts and they are BAD. oh my gawd idk why i thought they were good, but hey! i learned things from them. you will more than likely change your mind about certain things from the beginning of your blog to who knows, four months from now. don’t focus and worry a lot on ‘perfection’ and setting up ‘high standards’ from the beginning. treat it like a learning curve! this is something we all do for fun, so don’t get stressed a lot on it. you can always change and adapt things and that’s no problem!
i love lists, so im gonna list a few things of advice/tips basing myself on what you said!!!
i personally don't do engagements anymore, so i can't really help you in this regard of even more activities you could do 🧍‍♀️ what i could recommend for people to get to know your characters' personalities and private lives and grow attached to them, add in BTS posts.
continuing on my BTS’ post thing, they are a GREAT way to show more than what the public sees for your royals. because from a press and public point of view, you don't really know 'what goes on behind closed doors'. they could be all happy in public, but in privatE??!??!!?!?
as i said in my starting out guide, i did have around ~15 drafts done before i started posting. just so i could not stress about “oh my god i dont have any posts for tomorrow”. a LOT of ppl do posts and queue them as they go, and they have MANY posts done and usually they start accumulating and they are MONTHS in advance compared to what they’re currently posting. if this method works for you, you can definitely use it!
please, please please read your dialogue OUT loud. is it possible to say a 2093023902 word sentence without a singular use of punctuation? do people in this age and era really talk this way? also please if possible use correct grammar. just a little pet peeve, it can take a reader out of the immersion your story gives them.
we all have our lil dialogue habits. mine is starting sentences with “oh” and the infamous dash “—”. others use ellipses. just make sure you aren’t overdoing it. for example, doing a sentence like “oh— there you are. i was uhm— looking for you. how—how are you? its—i mean where have you uhm— been? yes—ive—ive been fine. you? i mean— your mom” ....just no 😔 it doesnt read well at ALL
you can always do lil filler posts, dont tell anyone tell you otherwise. post a little simstagram post, a little family portrait, updated portraits post, family hanging out, kids hanging out, etc.
for posing sims, i do try and remember where MOST of my poses are in the ingame list. usually creators’ correctly naming the poses helps a lot. for example i need a Mel Bennet pose; hers are usually ALL in the same spot and have the same lil aqua bg so i can easily find them. sometimes, i dl pose packs VERY specifically for a certain scene. am i gonna use them again? no. so i open the .package file in sims4studio and rename them to “00 for emi scene [rest of the og name” so when i open my game, they are around the top of the list! no more scrolling and i easily know what i need it for.
dont be scared to plan things that are happening MONTHS from now or anything in detail. some ppl dont like planning things in detail, or even dont like planning things AT ALL or things that arent happening say, in over 2 weeks because idk, they get bored. i recommend at LEAST having a list of things that HAVE to happen so you have ‘goals’ and you slowly plan out how you’re gonna get there. at LEAST theres some level of planning there. if you’re posting and PLANNING as you go, there’s gonna be holes. and it’s gonna be obvious.
editing wise, i don’t do much. my reshade does most of the work, i just add in my psd, add text and done! this is easily the fastest thing you will ever do.
if you get inspired by someone else doing, idk, a certain layout for the portraits, them adding little things to their captions, a certain edit, etc. if you want to do something similar and you ARE very much aware you were inspired by them, credit them in the caption. i beg. its free, its the nice thing to do, bc if not its rude.
if you get inspired by a certain storyline someone else did and you notice yours is gonna be similar, go ahead and send them a message to let them know and if they have any tips or feel uncomfortable with you doing this. simply put, if you don’t, you’re gonna look bad. we are all bound to do same storylines, such as assassinations, shooty shooty’s, stalkers, first loves, accidental babies, etc. but what changes is how each person approaches it. no ones gonna do it the same way as you and others. if you CONSCIOUSLY start copying else, stop it. and you could even be unconsciously be inspired by someone else too. it happens! just make sure you are able to look at the bigger picture and realize “hey, i’m doing something wrong”
same thing with dialogue. you like a line someone else said in their story? don’t just... steal it and incorporate it into yours word BY WORD
OVERALL: you can be inspired. give credit where it’s due. and don’t copy because someone else is doing ‘something others like’ and you want others to like your story. no no no !
im adding this AFTER i posted it but, be yourself. in the way you interact with others and send questions, etc. don’t try and copy someone else’s personality because they are liked and essentially absorb them. be yourself and i’m sure a lot of ppl will like you the way you are : D
for my writing dialogue etc, this goes back to my point 8. i use milanote, its free and you get 200 free thingies to use, and i plan out how every single one of my posts is gonna go. so i just have to go ingame and i already know what im gonna do. no thoughts, just taking screenshots. for example, this is how a part of my part 2, chapter 3 posts layout looks like. every square is a post that has what is happening, who is in it, what is gonna be said very vaguely, etc:
Tumblr media
11. and the most important tip! don’t compare yourself to others. i did it at the beginning. i think we all did at one point. its not good for you at all. please always remember we all are here for share our lil stories with each other and it’s not easy get a following. you’ll get there and its gonna take time. be patient, be nice!!! and i cant wait to see your story!!!!!!!!!!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight), Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari  Denki/Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya/Monoma Neito/ Aoyama Yuuga
Word Count: 2,065 Words
Summary: Tetsutetsu's girl squad has a meeting, Halloween outfits, Sako and Touya are cute, and Kaminari comes out.
Warnings: Teen/Underage Pregnancy Mention, Period/Menstruation Mention, Food Mention, Blood Mention, Cursing, Death Mention, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
Oh? Tea-Chapter 5
7:32 AM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: [pic of Kumo, Ahma, and Sora playing tag with Kaede and Michi]
WHERE?: {pic of Hoshi, Tsuki, and Taiyo drawing with Asahi and Emica]
WHERE?: They're adorable today.
SmolMight: precious.
EdgarAllanCrows: I stan ten (10) good daughters of darkness.
SmolMight: Tokoyami and Dark Shadow helping with the girls is the cutest thing to see. I have been blessed upon witnessing this.
EdgarAllanCrows: They have claimed me as their weird bird uncle. I accept this. I shall cherish and spoil them.
chaoticgaydisaster: Thank god we have you to help, Tokoyami. I can't fucking move.
Emergency Exit: Why can you not move? Are you injured, Touya? Should someone help you to Recovery Girl?
chaoticgaydisaster: no, I'm just having my period and day two hurts more than day one.
lostmymarbles: I'll get your hot water bottle and ice cream.
Dadzawa: I got you excused from your hero training class today. Shoto, do you need to be excused today as well?
WHERE?: As much as I hate the assumption that me and my brother have the same cycle, we do and yes I do need today off hero training class.
mylittlepony: Why do they get off? Aren't periods normal?
SmolMight: they both have issues with their menstrual cycles where Shoto's is very heavy and Touya's is very painful.
mylittlepony: Oh, I get it, please excuse my ignorance of the situation.
chaoticgaydisaster: it's fine, Pony.
WHERE?: it's okay, you didn't know.
Iron Man: Do you two need anything?
HopeSummers: Tetsu, no, you can't abduct them into your little group.
WHERE?: I'm scared to ask, but what group?
Akimichi: Tetsutetsu is the leader of the UA Girls Protection Squad. He helps us all with our monthlies and just generally protects us from the grape gremlin in your class.
WHERE?: I agree to be abducted into this cult you have, Tetsutetsu.
chaoticgaydisaster: same here. let me join your cult.
Iron Man: These are now my children.
glorifiedtextbubble: great, he has more children
t-rex costume: meeting happens in one of you two's rooms tonight.
deadinside: We'll come at the meeting bearing food, tea, heat pads, and movies of you two's choice.
chaoticgaydisaster: I like disney movies.
WHERE?: pixar
SmolMight: oh god, this again.
SmolMight: just bring dreamworks movies. they can't fight over which is better then.
Iron Man: Thanks Midoriya.
SmolMight: you're very welcome. I just don't want to hear them have another pixar versus disney fight tonight.
Dadzawa: alright kids, time for class soon, make sure you're all ready except Yukimura and Todoroki.
4:07 PM
We Are Number One™
Iron Man: We come bearing zaru soba, oyakodon, curry bread, takoyaki, tonjiru, ice cream, and chamomile tea!
chaoticgaydisaster: so much food, jeez.
mystique: Tetsu insisted we make sure you two eat enough since you have bad periods and you might get anemic.
Iron Man: Plus, we also made sure they're all soft enough for you, Touya.
chaoticgaydisaster: hold on, gonna cry right quick.
WHERE?: don't cry too hard, it'll hurt.
chaoticgaydisaster: I know.
Iron Man: omw with the curry bread, tea, and cuddles! Girls, you better catch up, I'm running my way over to them.
chaoticgaydisaster: Thank you, Tetsu.
Iron Man: It's with my greatest honor.
6:24 PM
We Are Number One™
9.8: so what's everyone going as for Halloween?
cena: I'm going as the old school version of Mystique.
Spider-Man: only because I had to convince her to wear clothing and not do the movie version.
cena: you're no fun, Hanta! It's not like they'd see me!
tailfloof: anyway, moving on from the couple in aisle five, I'm going as Winter Soldier.
baby shark: me, Denki, and Katsuki are going as Mitsuki, Boruto, and Sarada
princessbubblegumknockoff: I'd kill to see Bakugo in a Sarada costume but we all know that's gonna be Kaminari.
princessbubblegumknockoff: also I'm goin as Eridan with Hatsume as Feferi.
TheGreatCreator: Me and Jirou are going as Sally from Nightmare before Christmas and Emily from the Corpse Bride. She insisted on scary and I cannot say no.
EdgarAllanCrows: This year, I'm going as a ghost bride. Last year I was a vampire, and the year before I was a witch. But this year, I am a ghost bride.
EdgarAllanCrows: And I have convinced my boyfriends to kind of match with me.
Cthulhu: What he means to say is he's going as a ghost bride, I'm going as a zombie, Koda will be a groom, and Sato is planning to be a skeleton.
Pichu: heh, four stages of life.
EdgarAllanCrows: He gets it. Our plan is working.
Galvan: I'm going as Harley and Ivy.
Emergency Exit: I'm going as the MCU Quicksilver.
immafirinmahlaser: I'm going to be the wonderful Viktor Nikivorov this year.
Dadzawa: I have been roped into group costumes this year
exhausted: what are they, dad, we're all so curious to know, I'm sure.
Dadzawa: you're going with us, don't act surprised.
Dadzawa: Mic and Midnight dragged me and Tensei into dressing up as the main cast of Heathers with Shinsou as a next generation Heather.
cena: which heather are you playing, Mr. Aizawa?
Dadzawa: Chandler with Mic as Macnamara, Midnight as Duke, and Tensei as Veronica.
cena: interesting. and Shinsou?
exhausted: well, ya see, I didn't want to go as JD so Mic came up with my character so it isn't the best character. I'm going as Heather Bay.
cena: and she is?
Dadzawa: Basically Chandler's kid that she gave up. Mic isn't very creative but we stan him anyway.
princessbubblegumknockoff: I think it's cute! you're still going as parent and child!
chaoticgaydisaster: me and Sho decided to go as Freed and Rufus from Fairy Tail.
Jack Skellington: so kinda twins but not really. crafty boys.
shadowclonejutsu: the rest of us ex-league are going as pokemon and Touya was supposed to be vulpix, but he wanted to be almost matchy with Shoto
chaoticgaydisaster: I know, I was supposed to wear a vulpix costume to match my husband being eevee but this is also my first halloween with my brother in well...forever.
princessbubblegumknockoff: Wait, so is this you two's first halloween?
WHERE?: yes. together at least. i've had one with my daughters and touya has had one with the League but we never had one together.
princessbubblegumknockoff: can I join the Fuck Endeavor squad @SmolMight?
SmolMight: I'm just the spokesperson of the Fuck Endeavor Squad. Touya and Shoto are the presidents. But yes, you can join.
princessbubblegumknockoff: good. yeet his stupid ass at the sun.
WHERE?: amen.
chaoticgaydisaster: preach girl.
8:34 PM
We Are Number One™
Pichu: babe, I need cuddles.
WHAT?: I'm on my way
Pichu: god, I love my husband
lostmymarbles: what a mood
chaoticgaydisaster: Atsu! don't make me blush! I have a reputation!
lostmymarbles: My husband is the best. God, I love him. He's amazing.
chaoticgaydisaster: Atsu, you're destroying my reputation!
lostmymarbles: sometimes I still hear him screeching when he blushes.
chaoticgaydisaster: I'm bout to be screeching at you, I'm blushing dammit
WHERE?: [pic of Touya blushing]
WHERE?: he's a tomato now.
chaoticgaydisaster: betrayed by my own brother. Monoma, may I join you on the roof?
HopeSummers: Sure, I guess but I don't want you to die so I'd have to shield you from the ground.
chaoticgaydisaster: worth it
lostmymarbles: babe no!
chaoticgaydisaster: Okay, I guess I won't.
HopeSummers: wow, that was easy.
chaoticgaydisaster: I am a simple man. my husband tells me not to jump off a building and I won't do it.
10:38 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: the name change paperwork is now done. now it's just the hearing and official birth certificate change.
Emergency Exit: That's great, Mr. Aizawa!
Dadzawa: we're having korokkes to celebrate. me and a few select Chosen Ones™ shall go get ingredients.
chaoticgaydisaster: sweet potato and chicken.
WHERE?: pumpkin and tuna
HopeSummers: Wow, you two have weird cravings.
idontfeelsogood: you should've seen Touya's cravings when he was pregnant.
shadowclonejutsu: It was even weirder combinations.
eye gucci: there was that instance with the pears and mushrooms
WHERE?: mine were bad too. but you can probably already tell that.
Dadzawa: anyway, anyone else want anything different than sweet potato and chicken or pumpkin and tuna
TheGreatCreator: shrimp please and pork for Jirou
shadowclonejutsu: I want shrimp too
SmolMight: I just like cheese in mine, Tokoyami says he likes salmon, Sako says he likes egg.
baby shark: Baku likes ham and cheese, Kami likes mushrooms, and I like shrimp too.
cena: Me and ojiro both like eggplant and Tsu and Mina both like peppers, onions, and cheese
idontfeelsogood: count me in for pepper, onions, and cheese
donthugmeimscared: me too
stopwatch: same here
GuyFieriIsGod: ya know what? I want octopus in mine.
Cthulhu: I second the octopus.
9.8: I like tomato and cheese.
immafirinmahlaser: moi likes ham and cheese as well, reminds me of home.
Spider-Man: spinach and tofu.
GuyFieriIsGod: Koda says kimchi and cheese for him.
Emergency Exit: ...kimchi and cheese as well
princessbubblegumknockoff: oh my god, Iida likes weird food combos too!? revolutionary.
SmolMight: we stan one (1) good fast boy
Dadzawa: and my son likes kimchi and cheese in his too. Ashido, Hagakure, and Yaoyorozu, you three are Chosen™.
Dadzawa: choose who you may to go with you.
cena: I'm bringing Tsu and Ochako.
princessbubblegumknockoff: I'm dragging Mei with me.
TheGreatCreator: I'll bring Jirou
cena: girls only outing with Mr. Aizawa!
Pichu: does that mean I go too?
GuyFieriIsGod: Kami, you're a girl?
Pichu: I'm kinda working on that.
baby shark: you sure you wanna tell everyone?
Pichu: yeah, it's not like they won't find out.
Pichu: I'm in the process of transitioning mtf. I'm just trying to get up enough money to get bottom surgery. then it's just my HRT.
WHERE?: is there a way I can convince you to let me pay for it?
Pichu: I...wait, did you just offer to pay for my bottom surgery?
WHERE?: yes.
Pichu: Todoroki, I can't accept that! I have to earn this myself.
WHERE?: okay
Dadzawa: anyway, girls, come on. (yes, you too Kaminari)
Spider-Man: Hey, Kami, is there a name you've picked out yet?
Pichu: yeah, I was thinking Akari or Uzume. I'm leaning more toward Uzume.
princessbubblegumknockoff: I love our good pichu girl Uzume Kaminari.
Dadzawa: I'll begin the paperwork for getting you switched to the girls dorms if you'd like after we eat.
Pichu: Thank you, Mr. Aizawa!
Dadzawa: I have a clinging pokemon daughter and I couldn't be happier.
princessbubblegumknockoff: [pic of Kaminari hugging Aizawa tightly in the van]
11:04 PM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: I have an idea for Kaminari.
SmolMight: I'm all ears.
WHERE?: before that happens.
WHERE? has added WHAT? to Izukrew
WHERE?: where does Kaminari work, Bakugo?
WHAT?: Heiwa to Chowa in Kamino. Evening shift from 5 to 10 every day. I have a feeling I know what you and your brother are planning, Fireball.
WHAT?: And I greatly approve of what you're planning. Uzume is a stubborn woman, she won't accept help if she's put her mind to doing it herself. She's only got the last 300 dollars from the cost of the surgery to cover.
WHERE?: Good, thank you. I shall plan accordingly. Touya starts the same shift tomorrow so I have an excuse to be there if questioned.
WHAT?: I'm leaving now. I'll be there to watch at her shift start tomorrow. You better be nice to her.
WHERE?: I may be gay but I know how to treat women, I drink my respecting women juice every morning.
WHAT?: Good, drink your respecting women juice or else I'll explode your face.
WHAT?: With that lovely sentiment.
WHAT? has left Izukrew
9.8: I feel like I just watched a back-alley deal and I love it.
SmolMight: You get used to it. That's just how Kacchan and Shocchan interact with each other now that they're friends.
9.8: Kamino made you two scary close.
WHERE?: we're also pretty close with Shinsou and Bakugo had a real bonding moment with Touya.
WHERE?: you bond pretty well with a person when you're trapped together and happen to have your periods at the same time while kidnapped.
9.8: you got me there.
Emergency Exit: Todoroki, are you going to take money out of your father's card to pay for Kaminari's surgery?
WHERE?: you're getting it Iida. you are correct, that's exactly what I'm doing.
Emergency Exit: Then I shall go with you to make sure you don't do anything stupid.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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