#i really really love being able to hand them back to my sister too hahaha
pynkhues · 5 months
This is dumb but it's my favorite story of my nephew and your nephew story made me think of it: my nephew was probably 3-4 and he was jumping on a bed while I was trying to get him to nap and he WOULDNT stop so FINALLY!! I was just like 'I love you so much but sometimes you frustrate me! ' he stopped jumping on the bed tilted his head at me like a puppy and calmly asks me 'rustrated? What's rustrated'
(Also one time he broke his leg when he was also 3 and he got his cast off the first thing he says to me is to grab his leg and yell ' Auntie!GOT MY WHOLE LEG BACK!!')
Anon, those are THE cutest stories, oh my god. He got his whole leg back 😭😭😭
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cupideya1314 · 5 months
KokoBolt/YumaHiko La La Land AU
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Hello, I was able to write down my ideas for this AU and finally got a good grasp as to what I want it to be So please enjoy hahaha
"Kanai Ward, the city of unending rain and unending stardom. Desuhiko is an ambitious musician wanting to be the city’s next big superstar, a dream he only realized during his time as the security guard of the popular Sun & Moon Hotel. After work hours is when he gets to actually feel the sense of being the musician he ought to be. With his trusty guitar on hand and charismatic aura, he sets his stage at Ginma District where plenty of aspiring artists perform.
Not only is Kanai Ward raining with stars, but it’s also drenched in criminal activity. Yuma Kokohead, a determined detective in training under Kanai Ward’s WDO division, strives to graduate from training to be an official WDO Detective. However, that dream is out of reach now after an incident with one of the cases he handled, caused him to get held back on his licensing. Now having to repeat his training process, Yuma works day and night to compensate the incident with the smaller-scale cases he’s been given. The only solace within his messy career life is writing and getting gigs at the Sun & Moon Hotel as a pianist.
Yuma and Desuhiko first crossed paths when Desuhiko was covering for his co-worker for the evening shift. Desuhiko sees an anxious Yuma and helped with overcome the nervousness of performing for that night. The two met again at a stakeout, where Yuma spotted Desuhiko singing near a bar, but never saw him again. Those chance encounters left both of them mesmerized with one another, but sadly never got the chance to connect.
When a suspected crime happened at the Sun & Moon Hotel, Yuma and Desuhiko saw each other again and became friends as the investigation goes on. After the investigation, Yuma invites Desuhiko to play alongside him during his gigs at the Hotel.
They both start to have feelings for each other but when a talent agent recruits Yuma to work for music sessions, their relationship starts to slip. Yuma quits his detective training to work as a pianist for different artists just so he can get connections for Desuhiko. Even when Desuhiko is getting more gigs at performance houses, he struggles with insecurities about being compared to Yuma."
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Commentary: I really wanted to stick with the plotline of La La Land, I even had to watch the movie again. And man I just fell in love all over again and made screencap fanart out of watching it. But to not spoil too much. The story is about Mia and Sebastian, two people with big dreams who fell in love with each other. During their relationship they both struggling to achieve those dreams. That's what clicked for me to make this AU and how the songs mostly fits with Desuhiko's character or my interpretation of his character. In my head, Desuhiko is taking after Mia's character from the movie and Yuma as Sebastian. Though, I stick by them as being detectives, mostly for Yuma since being a detective is part of his character as a whole. Like I see how passionate he is to be a Detetctive even when it's a hard job. As much as I want Desuhiko to be a detective too, I thought he can be a security guard instead since he mentioned something similar to his Gumshoe Gab. And on the side, he go busking (I'm really making him be that aspiring artist trope thing). So it felt right I mostly focused on YumaHiko, so the other characters (as much as I love them) will be incorporate to the AU another time, I already have a role for Shinigami as Yuma's big sister that he calls since he's living on his own in Kanai Ward (which i find really really cute for their dynamic). I have a role for Halara and Fubuki too but it's not as established yet. But yeah, this AU is just for shipping purposes and my own indulgence hahah
Ofc, like the other people that like Desuhiko, I wanna add in his underlying insecurities here HAHAH. That's the Cherry on top for me of this AU, I just want them to have that angst. I feel Desuhiko is pretty out of character here, cuz he's mostly know as the perverted character but like, this is my AU, I'm gonna pretend that he doesn't have that lol. Yuma on the other hand is pretty much the same, but I made him have the talent of playing the piano and writing poetry. I didn't elaborate it as much yet but I have this picture of them. Desuhiko plays the tune of "City of Stars" and Yuma is the one who wrote the lyrics of that tune for Desuhiko as a means to sing that song someday. AAAAAAA I CANTTTTT So anyways, I followed the storyline of La La Land but added in some stuff from Raincode, like how it always rains, there's still mysterious crimes, the Aetheria Academy and its theatre, the Ametarasu corp and etc. I'm also refraining on revealing all I did for their story in this AU cuz I do plan on making this as a written work someday. So for now, I'm sharing the ideas I had about it That's all for now. Expect more cuz I'm making this my own project for this year heheh. I hope I get this finished because It's really driving my brain to do more and all I wanna do is make this a reality for myself. So thanks for even considering reading this big ramble of my obsession over them fldjfdjf please enjoy the fanart because thats the best part for me. will be posting the ones without the screenshots later on.
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13eyond13 · 1 year
Matsuda and/or Beyond Birthday for the character asks? Thank you!
of course!
1: sexuality headcanon: comfortably straight most of the time, but maayyybe a bit bi and just not totally aware of it too (I could see him kinda crushing on the Yagami men, for example) 2: otp: I don't often really think about ships with Matsuda, but I do think it's fun sometimes to imagine awkward shippy scenarios between him and Light 3: brotp: I love how much he loves Misa, hahaha. But him and Soichiro is a definite brotp as well 4: notp: sorry but I just really don't like him with L, it gives me the no feeling so badly every time ahahaha 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he has a couple of older sisters and a mom who spoiled and babied him quite a lot 6: favorite line from this character: When he attacks Light in the warehouse and is calling him out on his bullshit and bringing up Soichiro, that's a pretty great Matsuda moment overall 7: one way in which I relate to this character: I too get easily stressed out when people are angry at me 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Him begging for L's approval and praise... like omg no Matsuda that's the worst possible thing you could do to L, he's not stupid nor oblivious to the things going on around him, and he definitely doesn't want you to tell him what to do 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: He's not quite as much a cinnamon roll as some of the fandom seems to think, but he's not a crazily problematic fave by any means either
1: sexuality headcanon: idk a straight B just seems so wrong... the boy is gay 2: otp: I LOVED mostly one-sided LxB back in the day, and it's definitely still my fave ship for B, but I also really like the idea of him with A in a softer sort of way 3: brotp: A, or Naomi... their stupid-ass dynamic is by far the highlight of the novel 4: notp: Don't really like him paired off with Naomi in any sexual or romantic way, I just feel super bad for her ahahah 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He has a VERY weird relationship with photographs due to being able to see people's lifespans in them, and can be a cryptic tyrant to other people about them showing pictures of people to him without warning, like his favourite celebrities like voice actors and authors and such (sort of as though they're spoiling his favourite TV show for him) 6: favorite line from this character: He has a lot of cringy classics, but I definitely gotta pick the one about him not even submitting to traffic signals, wtf 7: one way in which I relate to this character: I too lacked artistic subtlety and didn't know the genre of the show I was starring in once I went to art school and had to start making fine art 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: EVERYTHING. Just absolutely everything, which is also why he's kinda the best 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Definition of a problematic fave
[ask meme]
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randomshyperson · 3 years
hey I love your writings so so much. May I request an AU where Wanda and reader are undercover on a mission and have to pretend they are dating for some reason? 👉👈 I just love those cheesy cliches so much hahaha but only if you like the idea really. Have a beautifull day! ❤️
Hello Sweetie, how are you? I hope well. So you said “AU” and i kind interpreted it as secret agents then, other then Avengers super hero. I hope you like this, is heavily inspired by Hitman videogames.
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader -  Undercover Feelings.
Words:  2.907k (short one) // Read on AO3 too.
Warnings: None ;)
You are in Italy. Right now in a very compromising position.
You can see the sea many meters below you as you are sneaking along the edge of a mountain. And then your communicator is ringing, and you let out a sigh, trying not to fall over as you press the device to your ear.
- Yes? - You sneer, dragging yourself along the wall.
- Where the hell are you? - asked Wanda sounding annoyed. - Our target is here.
- I'm a little busy here, honey. - You grumble, stopping your pacing only to wipe the wetness from your hands, not wanting to slip. 
- Hurry up. - She asks, and from her low tone you imagine that she is trying to hide that she is talking to you. - I'm in the main square.
And then she hangs up and lets out an impatient sigh. Your job sucks sometimes. 
You and Wanda were assigned to recover important information from a mafia figurehead, who was to spend his vacation on an island in Italy. The problem was being able to infiltrate the place. You had the bright idea to install a hacking device in the security system of the house, the problem was that it was fusing the rock of the mountain where the house was located. Wanda would not approve of you hanging twenty feet out to sea, but it was your job after all. 
Fortunately, you were able to install the device into the Mansion's system. And now you would be able to find the place where the information was stored. After checking if your watch was receiving the correct signals from the device, you made your way back up the mountain as quickly as possible, not wanting to leave Wanda alone.
The island of Sapienza was small, so it didn't take long for you to locate Wanda sitting in the square, a summer dress leaving her legs exposed. You tried not to stare too hard. It was not an opportune moment to deal with your buried feelings.
Assuming a friendly pose, and straightening the summer shirt you were wearing, you walked over to her with a smile, also noticing the man sitting next to her, who was apparently your target, Johann Schmidt.
- Hello. - You greeted cheerfully. Wanda smiled and stood up.
- Honey, there you are! - she said excitedly, hurrying to stand beside you as she held your hand. When she kissed your cheek, she whispered "Play along". And you ignored the beating of your heart to force a smile as you looked at Johann. - I have just met Dr. Schmidt.
The man looks at you curiously, rising to his feet. You offer your hand to him.
- It is a pleasure to have you in Sapienza. - He says with a smile as he shakes your hand.
You nod in agreement.
- I must return to my duties now, Mrs. Maximoff, but I appreciate the conversation we had. - He then says, you think you are imagining that Wanda's grip on your hand has increased. - It was very enlightening.
As he leaves, Wanda lets out a loud sigh of relief. She lets go of your hand and turns to you.
- Where have you been?" she asks through gritted teeth, and you look at her quizzically.
- "Honey"? - You quip ironically, wanting to know more about the disguise. Wanda rolls her eyes, but you notice the redness in her cheeks. - I had to find a way to find out where the data was. - You tell her, sitting down at the table she was at. Wanda sits down next to you. And then you hold out your arm to her, looking around. You notice the guards watching at various points in the square, and you look at her tenderly. - Pretend that you are stroking my hand.
Wanda frowns, but obeys. You enjoy the feeling of your fingers together, but say nothing. Then you hold out your other hand, activating the clock to let her see the information you have acquired.
She reads it for a moment, then looks at you.
- The data is in the downstairs room, so we will need to infiltrate the mansion.
You nod slightly, careful to appear entertained on a romantic date, as you notice the security guards in the square. And then you really are looking at Wanda, her bright green eyes, and you feel a chill in your stomach.
- What exactly is our cover? - You ask with a smile, and Wanda blushes, averting her eyes and stopping stroking your hand momentarily, surprised by the question.
- I told Schmidt that we were engaged - she says, and you smirk. - Stop that face, that's the first thing I thought of!
- Why not sisters? Or friends? - You playfully tease, and Wanda lets out a grumble.
- Damn it, shut up. - She says but she is also smiling. - This is a romantic city, okay? It makes sense.
- Yes, yes. - You joke, and Wanda pinches your skin lightly making you laugh. 
You straighten your posture slightly, your free hand that was on the table moving across the iron, until it reaches Wanda's arm, gently moving up her skin with a caress. You brought your hand up to her face, taking a strand of hair from her eyes to put behind her ear.
- How do we get into the house? - You whisper to her, looking at her intensely as you play with strands of her hair. To anyone watching from afar, you would seem very much in love.
- That's why our disguise is good. - She comments with a smile. - There is a ball at the Mansion tomorrow night. Limited access to the upper floors of course, but I'm sure we can work around that.
You smile at her, thinking about the strategy. And then the restaurant waiter approaches the table, and you move away.
You eat lunch in comfortable silence after that, and as you get up and walk toward the small apartment you have been given for the mission, Wanda entwines her hand in yours, and you want to ignore that it is just for cover.
Wanda leaves the apartment in the evening, shortly after you have finished going over the plan. And she comes back only two hours later, with a mischievous smile and bags in her hands, and you look at her curiously while sitting on your bed.
- What's that? - you ask, and she just hums, putting the bags on the bed.
- Something you're going to hate. - She comments with a smile. And then she is pulling a long dress out of one of the bags. - This is your outfit.
- No. 
- Yes.
You let out an unhappy sigh.  And you stand up when Wanda waves for you to come closer. She holds the dress in front of your body, biting a smile across her lip in excitement.
- Why can't I wear pants? - You grumble as Wanda lowers the dress onto the bed.
- It's a gala party, darling. - she says. - You'd draw too much attention being a girl in a suit.
- That's not fair. - You retort.
- You know how these Nazis are, and their gender rules. - She says, and you shrug. And then Wanda smiles, turning to the other bag, and you throw yourself back on your bed.
 - Don't be so grumpy, at least you'll be able to carry a gun.
You look at her with confusion, and she giggles. She walks over to the dresser, and pulls out two holsters. She tosses one into your lap. - Wear it on your leg, below the thigh. They don't search this area. 
You nod in agreement, leaving the holster on the bedside table. And then you lie back on the bed, while Wanda puts your clothes away. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep after that.
You were staring. And honestly, it wasn't your fault. Wanda looked absolutely stunning in her party dress. And you felt your brain short-circuit when she left the room wearing it. You cleared your throat, and tried not to embarrass yourself so much when you said she looked beautiful. And Wanda just smiled and entwined your arms together.
Now you stand at the entrance of the mansion, mentally calculating and analyzing the number of security guards and all the exits, trying not to let yourself be too affected by the girl next to you.
You pass smoothly through the search, the security guards looking very uncomfortable from the stern look you gave them when they touched Wanda, and in less than two minutes you are released.
And then Wanda kept her hand in yours all night, casually whispering the position of the guards in your ear. 
Two or three songs later, and some polite conversation, you were sneaking downstairs, Wanda's hand in yours.
You sneaked through the kitchen, ducking and hiding through the furniture to avoid being seen. The clock on your wrist guided you along the way. 
When you finally reached the small security room, you beckoned with your finger for Wanda to be quiet. You looked around in the hallways, and bent down to hack at the door. You barely opened the handle and Wanda hurriedly pushed you inside. 
You were about to ask her what was wrong, but she covered your mouth with her hand. And then you heard footsteps outside.
When the hall was silent again, you tried not to be so affected by the proximity and stepped back when Wanda took her hand away from your mouth, a smug smile on her face. 
You hurried to retrieve the necessary data, and hurried out of the room when you were finished.
And then there was a guard coming around the corner, and you were quick to draw your gun and knock him out with a blow to the forehead as soon as he saw you.
- No shooting, only if it is indispensable. - You tell Wanda. 
You turn down another hallway, and bump into someone. The man blinks in confusion, but when he notices the gun in your hand, he quickly takes an aggressive stance, and blocks your blow. And then you are fighting, and he disarms you. But you are able to overcome him with a strike to his waist, and then you punch him in the face. As he staggers, you slam his head against the wall, and he passes out. And then you grab Wanda's hand to hurry before these men are found.
You are almost to the salon when you are pushed again, but this time it is soft hands against your waist.
- Don't freak out. - Wanda whispers before closing the distance between your lips. You melt in her arms, sighing with surprise and excitement. And you kiss her back, moving your hands up to her neck.
And then someone is clearing their throat, and Wanda breaks the kiss. You're not reasoning correctly.
- Sorry ladies, this area is restricted. - Informs one of the guards. Wanda lets out a giggle, apologizing, as she pulls you in the direction the guard is pointing to. 
Before you can say anything, Schmidt is approaching you at the party.
- Maximoff and her fiancée. - He greets you two with a smile. - How nice that you girls were able to join the party.
- It's our pleasure, Johann. - Wanda says politely.
- There is a collection of private wines in my living room. - Said Johann with something you thought was an attempt at a charming smile. - Why don't you join me for something more selective?
You wanted to punch him in the mouth, but Wanda smiled, squeezed your hand, and nodded positively.
And then you two were walking upstairs, at least five security guards behind you. You exchanged a look with Wanda, worried about where this was going. And then you arrived.
Johann motioned for you two to sit on the sofa, while he sat in the armchair in the middle of the room. Fortunately only two security guards entered the room, and you eyed them, each on an opposite side, while the others waited outside.
- Tell me, do I look like a foolish man? - He started as soon as you sat down. You felt your heart race but didn't show it. 
- Johann...
Wanda's words were interrupted by a big punch from Johann on the table next to the armchair. 
- You come to my house to rob me. - he says angrily. - And you lie to me.
You swallow dryly, trying to think of exactly how you were going to get out of this one. Wanda seems to have decided to continue her cover to the last, and you choose to follow her lead.
- We don't know what you are talking about. - She denies it in a whiny voice. 
Jonhann laughs, and then he pulls a gun from inside his jacket. Your body tenses immediately, but he doesn't point it at you, but places it on the table next to him.
- The CIA must think I am an idiot. - He comments, shaking his head slightly. - That I wouldn't notice any strangers on my island.
- We don't...
Wanda falls silent when Johann raises his finger with a deadly expression on his face. But then he smiles mischievously.
- You told me you two are engaged, right? - He mocks and Wanda nods slightly. Then he looks directly at you. - Touch her then.
You choke in surprise, frowning. 
At your lack of response, he straightens his posture, reaching for the gun.
You lock your jaw, but Wanda touches your hand, looking at you with an intense gaze. And it takes a second for you to remember the gun she carries on her thigh. 
You nod slightly at Johann, who lets out a high-pitched laugh, putting the gun back on the table.
- Is it okay if I sit on her lap? - Wanda asks him, pretending to be afraid. 
- Whatever gets you there honey! - he comments with a mischievous laugh. 
You clench your jaw, ignoring the growing anger in your stomach. Then Wanda touches your shoulder, looking at you tenderly. She sits on your lap, her legs stretched out on the sofa. In another situation this would be amazing, but now, you feel your body tense up and you are trying to control your anger at the disgusting look you are getting from Schmidt.
He lets out a grunt of excitement as your hands begin to move up Wanda's ankles, and you make sure not to expose her skin by keeping your hands under her dress. When you reach for the pistol strapped to her thigh, Wanda sinks her face into your neck. And Schmidt is quite impressed and doesn't react fast enough when you pull the gun out of the dress, and shoot at him.
And then you shoot the security guards, and you barely have time to figure out if you really hit them, when Wanda is already getting up and pulling you out of the room onto the balcony. You should have about five minutes head start before the security guards outside realize that it wasn't you two who were executed, so you look around for a way out.
- I don't think you can climb in this dress, can you? - Wanda comments, making you laugh. Then you notice the speedboat parked below the balcony. You run back into the living room, rummaging through drawers. You let out a happy exclamation when you find the key.
- After you, darling. - You tell her as you look down at the balcony. It wasn't a high drop.
Wanda jumps first, and you throw the key to her. And as you are getting ready to jump next, the security guards enter the room. You give them a mischievous wave before you jump, and then Wanda takes off, and you leave Italy behind.
It has been a good few minutes since you left the mansion, and you have already warned Natasha of your location. The jet should arrive any moment now, and then you and Wanda will go on different missions.
- You wanna tell me something. - She remarks playfully as she steers the speedboat. You stretch your legs out on the bench in front of you, still seated.
- I don't know what you are talking about. - You deny it in the same tone.
- It's about the kiss, isn't it? 
- You're the one who's bringing it up. - You retort with amusement. Wanda laughs too.
- It doesn't have to be weird, you know. - She comments, and you look at the ocean around you.
And with your lack of response, Wanda puts the speedboat on autopilot, and turns to you.
- Don't stare at me, Wanda. - You ask with a smile as you feel her gaze on you, probably deciding what to say. She laughs, and ducks her head. Then you straighten your posture, and Wanda sits down on the bench in front of you. You look at her tenderly for a few seconds, and she looks back. - You know I'm in love with you, don't you?
Wanda bites back a smile, looking away with a reddened face. You ignore the uneven beating of her heart.
- And you know I'm in love with you. - She replies after a moment with a playful smile.
- And what are we going to do about it, darling? - You reply with a slight challenge in your voice, watching the sparkle in Wanda's eyes change.
The next time you kiss her, you are only interrupted by the arrival of the CIA plane. But you don't care, because you are sure that the next time you disguise yourself as a couple, it won't be just a disguise.
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lenissa · 3 years
You always meet twice (Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff!Reader)
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(not my GIF)
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Pietro Maximoff x Reader (Past), Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Siblings)
Warnings: cursing, i think that‘s it?
Summary: When your sister Natasha asked you to be her representative at the Avengers, you immediately agreed. But then you meet Wanda Maximoff again and it seems like your shared past comes up as well as the then developed feelings.
Word Count: 3.1K
In bold are flashbacks.
A/N: This story is based on my POV i started some months ago, but the plot varies most of the time. Keep in mind that this is my first story and please be nice hahaha
Good reading!
You are walking through the halls of the Avenger‘s compound. Although your sister always talks about them, “her new family“, you have never met them before. At least not all of them. Some agents throw judgy glances at you, but you decide to ignore them - you are (Y/N) Romanoff, you’re not in need of being popular, being friendly, you’re a damn skilled agent, always ready to kick asses. That’s also why it didn‘t bother you when Natasha, your older sister, called and asked you for a favour - rather, you have always been curious what it is like to be an Avenger, so you didn‘t even think twice about accepting her offer of being her stand-in for some months.
Are you confident? Yes. Well... you try to be? Maybe- no definitely: it became a coping mechanism. But nobody could blame you… being Natasha Romanoff‘s sister sucks. Don‘t get it wrong, you love your sister with your whole heart, she is your one and only, your tower of strength. But constantly being overshadowed by her? Once people hear about your famous relative you were only seen as her sister, your own persona and personality weren‘t interesting anymore. As a result, you were working for S.H.I.E.L.D in an outpost in Europe, distant enough to start your own life, own career and only hearing about one Romanoff, (Y/N) Romanoff.
You stand before the door of the meeting room, aware of as soon as you go in there, there‘ll be no going back. Surprisingly calm you take one final breath before you knock and get invited in. There they are. The Avengers. Some of them you already know: Clint aka Hawkeye, your sister‘s best friend, Steve aka Captain America, your sister‘s ex-lover, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, sarcasm in person, and… the Maximoff Twins? Seeing them, seeing her, it literally took your breath away. You freeze, not able to breathe, to react nor to say anything.
„(Y/N),my god, have you grown?!“, Clint breaks the silence while coming near to hug you. In his arms you finally release the breath you unconsciously were holding in, and when you pull back you take a closer look at him.
„You‘re becoming grey, Legolas, are the kids that bad?“, you tease, matching his tone and patting his arm lightly.
„Oh dear, it just makes me nervous to see you again“, he jokes as he motions you to sit down.
„Speaking about that, it‘s nice to see you again, (Y/N).“ Steve nods at you and you force a smile - you think Steve is a nice guy, you really do, but you don‘t know the exact circumstances of his break-up with Nat, so you decide to keep distance in a friendly manner.
The remaining time of the meeting nothing special happens, though every time you look around the table you can‘t help but rest your eyes on a certain brunette. And it seems like she notices your gaze, meeting your eyes on and off. You try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that sets in your stomach whenever her green eyes meet yours, and obviously you are not able to hold the eye contact, so you always look at the floor quickly.
After the meeting the heroes all pop off, only you stay to put away the new equipment and gear you got. But then suddenly a well-known voice speaks up and you startle.
„Already forgot me, (Y/N)?“ You turn around, your heart racing.
„How could I forget the Wanda Maximoff?“, you nervously chuckle.
„I must say I‘m disappointed, I at least expected a greeting.“
„Wanda I-„
„(Y/N)! How long has it been? I…“, Pietro speeds in the room and rubs his neck tense, „I missed you.“
Wanda wheezes and rolls her eyes. „I‘m gonna leave you lovebirds alone“. She walks out of the room before you can say anything more.
„Well that was… weird.“ you say as you turn completely to Pietro.
„She‘s going through a hard time, she will be gentler soon.“
„You think so?“, you laugh, „define soon.“
Pietro chuckles and doesn‘t answer, not even he sees through Wanda‘s feelings, especially when it‘s about you. „Come on, I will introduce you to the others.“
Pietro took you to the living room and you have to say, you never thought the Avengers, the world‘s mightiest heroes, would be so endearing. You can finally understand why Nat sees them as her family, even after only spending some hours with them you start to let them in your heart immediately. Until Bucky decided to bring up a sensitive topic.
„From where do you know the twins, (Y/N)?“
You choke on the soda you are drinking, completely caught off-guard with that question. But after clearing your throat your coping mechanism once again appears. „They didn‘t tell you, huh? Well, we had a past.“, you chuckle.
Tony rolls his eyes, annoyed by the childish behaviour, but it makes you smile even bigger. Pietro blushes at the sudden mention of him and tries to distract. „(Y/n), why don‘t you tell them about your powers?“.
„Ok, ok… I'm pretty good at Teleportation, mind manipulation and shape shifting objects.“
Bruce, who you learnt was the human version of the Hulk, was stunned. „Wow, that sounds like a nice substitute for Natasha.“ You smile at him appreciating.
„So Romanoff, since the only other mind stuffy person in this house seems to be pissed, you’ll start training with Rogers.“ Tony announced bugged.
„Can‘t wait.“ You and Steve get up to go to the gym and the rest starts talking about their new member.
„She seems like a faithful person. A true Romanoff.“, Bucky states.
„Ironically, she‘s really good at betrayal and hurting people.“, Wanda says snippy as she walks in to get a snack.
Pietro sighs, „Wanda, what the hell?“
„She‘s not as perfect as you think, Romeo.“
Tony claps to get their attention, „Concentration, guys! You better clear up, Wanda, I just got Information from Fury, you and y/n will be a team in tomorrow‘s mission.“ Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance, but she knows that it‘s unnecessary to protest.
During training, all you thought of was Wanda. Then you tried to read, sleep, watch tv, but nothing could distract you from thinking about the Sokovian. It felt like all the feelings you tried to suppress this past year flood you now at the same time. You barely perceived that you got up, your feet carrying you to the kitchen. Standing in front of the kitchen door you finally wake up from your trance. Your hands are sweaty and shaky, your heart pounding. “What the hell am I doing here?“ You think and just before you turn around the door opens, hitting your shoulder lightly.
„Oh my god, I didn't see you, are you ok?“
„Don‘t worry, I‘m fine. I- I was about to leave anyway.“ 
„But you haven’t even been in there yet, (Y/N).“ The way she says your name releases a cluster of butterflies in your stomach, green eyes watching you amused. „I‘m sorry.“
„Really, it‘s fine. Wanda, list-“
„Don‘t, (Y/N). We don‘t have to do this.“, Wanda sighs.
You take a deep breath and continue, „No, I have to. I am sorry. For everything. I-...I miss you.“
„(Y/N), please, sto-“, she says almost whispering.
„As a friend. I miss my best friend.“
You notice slightly tears forming in her eyes. „You did this to me-“
„(Y/n)! We need you to show us your powers!“ Bucky shouts excitedly as he approaches you both.
„Bucky, now is really not the time to-“
„We need it. For the plan. You know, tomorrow‘s mission?“
You clench your fists and sigh, you know the private moment you just had was ruined. With one apologetic look to Wanda you follow Bucky to the meeting room.
This job will be your end.
You weren‘t wrong about this job being your end. Well at least the circumstances. Last night’s events were just... crazy.
After showing the team your powers you went straight to bed, exhausted from all the physical training and psychological stress. When you heard the knocking on the door, you‘re surprised to see Pietro standing there after opening it.
„(Y/N), I think we should talk.“
„Pietro, i-...“, you sigh, „today‘s really not my day. Can we wait until tomorrow?“
„I can‘t wait. Please. I need to get this out.“
„Oookay, go on then, i guess.“, you say, kinda annoyed by the pushiness of the Sokovian.
„I‘m glad that you are here and ok.“
„So am I...“ you laugh humorlessly, „it certainly feels nice to know someone here that doesn‘t completely hate me“ Pietro looks you in the eyes and slowly comes closer. Your breath hitches and you gulp hard when he takes your hand.
„Pietro, what are you doi-“ Before you can finish the sentence, lips are pressed on yours. You are shocked by the action, and you hesitate to kiss back. Yet you can’t resist the familiar feeling of his lips caressing your own, so you kiss back.
„(Y/N), we need to...“, Wanda says approaching your floor but when she sees you both, she immediately freezes„...talk.“
The second you hear her talking you pull back and step away from Pietro. The brunette looks at you incredulously and then walks away.
„Wanda. Wanda!“ you shout while running after her. „Wanda, would you please stop eloping!“ She stops and turns around, eyes burning red. She‘s furious, dangerous, not in control of herself.
„Wanda, use your words. Calm do-“
She did not calm down. In fact, she threw you against the closest wall. Even though you don’t have any serious injuries, you are mad. If you were trying to find the courage to talk to her, she could use her words too, right? The morning was quiet, too quiet if you are honest. Each time the door to the gym opened you startled, expecting to get yelled at. But it never happened. Once the twins walked in, they ignored you. Both of them, though Pietro occasionally glanced confused at you. After debating whether you should talk to her or not, you decided to walk up to her and confront her. „What the hell was that yesterday, Wanda?!“
She just huffs and continues to hit the punching bag, but you are determined to talk about it before going on a mission with her, you couldn‘t risk being distracted.
„You‘re acting like a bitch, I don‘t even recognize you anymore“, you say incredulously.
She aggressively turns around. „I am the bitch? You‘re the one that throws herself at anyone, not being here for even a whole day!“
„He“, you point at Pietro, „ he fucking kissed me! I never wanted it to happen. He caught me off-guard!“
„Oh and of course you couldn‘t defend yourself, poor (Y/N).“ Wanda ironically retorts, pushing you against your shoulder.
„You literally came in one second after he kissed me-“
„GUYS!“ Pietro shouts and both of you turn to him, not noticing that he’s still in the same room. „What the hell is going on with you two?“
„You know what? What the hell Pietro, too! You can‘t just kiss me after not seeing me for a year! What if I don‘t like you anymore?“
„You don‘t like me anymore?“
„You don‘t like him anymore?“
You sigh. „Yes. No. I mean…. I don't like you anymore like that. I- I like you as a friend, Pietro. After you flew from Hydra-“
„-alone-“, Wanda interjects.
„After you flew from Hydra alone, it broke my heart! You freaking left us there!“
Wanda scowls. „And then you did the same to me some time later.“
„Wanda I-... You think it was easy for me to just leave you behind? Fuck, Wanda, do you really think that low of me? When Nat rescued me I tried to convince her to take you with us but she… we… you...“
„Say it, (Y/N). I was the enemy. You were the poor agent, kidnapped by Hydra and experimented on and I was the maniac that volunteered for a dangerous organization.“
„I tried to come back and get you!“
„Don't lie to me, (Y/N).“
„Oh my god“, you huff, „believe me for once!“
„Why should i?!“
„Because I love you!“
O oh.
You both tense, green eyes filled with rage, jealousy, confusion, probably every emotion there is, staring wide at you. You all stand there in silence, all shocked by your outburst, and the only thing that can be heard is your shaky breathing. „Shit. I- I need to go“, you mumble as you storm out of the room embarrassed.
This was not going well. Your relationship with Wanda was already complicated enough and your dumb, unplanned love confession didn’t really help. However, you needed to suck it up, ignore all the overthinking in your mind. You are here for a reason. A job. Not a witch.
You are here for the missions. For Nat.
That’s what you tell yourself all the time. But your brain and your heart don‘t really agree, especially while being on a mission with Wanda. You have never been more thankful for your powers that were blocking her out from reading your mind, you were sure your thoughts were literally screaming at her. And gee, you know her too well, she was trying to read your mind - Wanda always has that certain concentrated cute gaze and slight wrinkles between her eyebrows when she does it. Studying her so precisely was a mistake, it made the whole thing even more uncomfortable.
She didn’t react to what you said earlier (not that you gave her that much chance), she acted like you never said anything important like that. But when she caught you staring at her she raised her eyebrows challengingly and broke the silence.
“Are you nervous?”
“Hmm? Oh well, no. I- I guess we had more difficult missions.”, you give her a shy smile and start playing with your fingers nervously.
“Sure.. That’s why you’re currently doing one of your habits when you’re nervous.`` Wanda teases.
You blushed, your cheeks turning faint red. “Let’s just do this'', you say, stepping out of the jet and putting in the comm - earpiece.
Your task wasn’t hard. Go in, kill the enemies, destroy the data, walk out. It was going well until you saw Wanda getting attacked from behind. But before the agent could point his gun at her and hurt her you shut your eyes close and focused on turning his gun into a flower.
“You’re welcome”, you playfully roll your eyes. You curse yourself for having no other - less with love connected - idea to use. You scream just before a grenade goes up next to you, throwing you through a glass door. You can’t use your teleportation in time and the impact is pretty hard, causing you to pass out.
Wanda turns after hearing your scream. “Shit, shit, shit Romanoff!”, she activates her comms, “Guys, pick us up, (Y/N) is down!” She stands protectively next to your unconscious body, defending you from getting attacked or worse.
— — —
You wake up in the medical wing of the Avengers. The first thing you notice is that you’re still wearing your suit, so the injury couldn‘t be that bad. At least you thought. Only seconds later you feel the banging in your head, ringing sounds in your ears. You bury your face in the pillow, frustrated of being new and your first mission already gone wrong. You could hear them teasing you for being the “weaker” Romanoff and start rethinking the choice to even get on this team.
And then Wanda walks in and all thoughts are gone. No more noises, no hammering - all senses preoccupied with her. She seems tired, still wearing her suit as well, and exhausted.
“Hey.” You look at her curious. “You look tired.”
She chuckles lightly. “You pass out and the first thing you comment is how I look? Wow.”
“What can I say, you really make me concentrate on other things than my condition.” She looks confused at your statement, though an amused smile on her lips. “Because you’re a known face- family- and that reminds me of my sister and gives me comfort.”, you stutter complete nonsense.
Did i really just say that?!
You wished she wasn’t standing there, then you would have been able to facepalm yourself as hard as you could.
“Oh, eh, sure. I’m tired, you were right. You were unconscious the whole night. I stayed, I thought it would be nice for you to not wake up alone.” She tries to overplay your weird comment.
“The whole night? Holy shit. I was unconscious for that long i-”, you feel your whole body tingling as you just now realize her purpose, “that’s very nice of you. Thank you.”
“No, no (Y/N). I owed you that. You saved me...thank you.”
“Wanda Maximoff, you do have manners after all.“ She playfully rolls her eyes on your comment and glances at the floor in embarrassment. „You’re welcome. You would have done the same - I hope?”
She giggles and you can’t help but smile like an idiot at that adorable sound. Then you just stare at each other, both too shy to break the comfortable silence. But then Wanda speaks up again.
“You know I’m-”, she starts fidgeting with her rings, “I’m sorry. For being such a bitch. I.. appreciate what you said… earlier. I guess I was just hurt and frustrated.“
“I know Wanda. Don’t be sorry. You have every right to be mad. It was wrong to expect that we could pretend like nothing happened back there in Sokovia.”
After a short silence Wanda asks, almost in a whisper: “Do- do you regret it?”
“What?! No! Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. As a friend. But also more.”, you shake your head as if to underline your sentence and the last part of the sentence coming out almost inaudible, but she still hears it.
Wanda says nothing, she just nodds. But then she slowly moves her hand to your own and takes it. Ignoring the butterflies spreading all over your body, you squeeze her hand, happy you both stopped fighting. You shuffle to the edge of the sickbed and pat to the free place next to you. The Sokovian hesitantly moves next to you, but as soon as she feels your warm body next to her, she gives in and relaxes. You both lie there, just enjoying each other’s presence, until Wanda’s eyes start to get heavier and heavier and she eventually drives off to sleep. And seeing her, the girl you love, in this peaceful state relaxes you as well and you can’t fight falling asleep with the calming sound of her steady breathing next to you.
Part 2
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages
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Pairings Luke Patterson x reader
Summary Luke asks the reader what love languages are. 
Warnings none but fluff :)
Word Count 1.8k (short I know but I'm working on it)
I haven’t really written on Tumblr before so don’t judge too harshly because there’s some insanely talented people on here who might judge hahaha. (hopefully not though) I don't know what the boy’s love languages are so I kind of just assumed based off of what we saw but I did see somewhere that someone said Luke’s was touch so I just went with it. 
Gif is not mine so credit to the owner! I don’t know if anyone has done this idea before but I kind of like it because it popped into my head last night. Anyways, enjoy!! :) p.s. I sort of left this on a cliff hanger but idk if i’m going to continue it or not hahaha
* * *
You were seated peacefully on the couch as you worked away on your laptop while listening to Julie and the guys practice a few songs for this weekend’s upcoming gig. You always loved listening to them practice, they sounded like absolute angels and you would never get tired of listening to them. However, Luke thought you should be doing your homework somewhere else because he didn’t want them to be distracting to you but truthfully, you really didn’t mind. If you were being honest, it actually helped you focus and the music didn’t let your brain wander. 
You glanced up at the group after realizing they had stopped playing. Julie met your eyes with a warm smile, already reading your mind,
“We’re just taking a break. I got to catch up on some homework.” Julie explained to her best friend. You nodded in response, smiling slightly as she went back to work. The boys were talking amongst themselves over by the piano, using hushed voices so whatever they were talking about you or Julie couldn’t hear. 
By some weird magical notion, you were able to see the boys even when they weren’t playing like Julie could. They haven’t been able to figure out why yet, though. Why you could see the guys but their other best friend, Flynn, couldn’t. Or why Luke’s parents couldn’t see him either but you still could. It was all just one big mystery they were all still unravelling. They had a theory that it had something to do with their unfinished business and the connections they all shared with one another, but that was yet to be explored with you and the boys. Julie and the boys sort of figured out how they were connected, but they hadn’t gotten that far with you yet. 
Julie made an attempt one time to suggest that maybe it was because you were so close with Luke ever since you guys met, the connection just helped you see all of them, but you chose to deny that theory. Especially when Julie threw the word feelings into the mix. Julie knew all too well about your “little”crush on the lead guitarist. There was no doubt that she caught on to it right away when the pair first met and hit off right away. From there, she proceeded to question you about it once they went back to her room. Of course you denied, denied, denied, but after awhile you finally gave in and agreed to your best friend’s observation. Julie saw all the looks that you two exchanged and she knew very well about the boys talking about you here and there. It was just a matter of time until one of you finally broke and admitted your stupid feelings for one another.
“Hey..Y/n?” The cautious voice made you glance up from your computer, first looking at Julie thinking it was her who called your name but then turning your head to the boys who were glancing at you with quizzical looks. 
“Yeah?” You ask glancing at Luke since he was the one who spoke up. You watch as the boys exchange a glance with one another and you push your eyebrow up in confusion. You meet eyes with Julie for a moment who was now looking between the boys and you just as confused as you were. 
“We have a question.” 
“Well, Luke does, but we’re curious too.” Alex cut in before you could respond. You chuckle slightly at their visible nervousness about what they wanted to ask. 
“Okay, shoot.” You gave them your full attention, pushing your computer screen down and a small smile sat content on your lips. Julie also gave them her full attention too, because she was equally as curious as to what they could possibly be asking you.
“What..what does love languages mean? We heard you and Julie talking about it yesterday..” Luke’s asks softly. Oh. That was what they were asking..Your face goes a little red at the thought of them hearing your conversation yesterday since it started out as band schedule and then led into your crush per usual. You glanced to Julie for help who only shook her head with a quick shrug.
“They asked you, not me. Take it away, sister.” Julie laughed and your face went even redder. It wasn’t an inappropriate question or anything, you just didn’t really know how to describe it. Or because it meant talking about feelings and relationships which was something you didn't really want to get into with them, especially Luke. 
“Uhh.. well.. I guess it’s a certain way somebody likes to express their love for someone. There’s different types of love languages like um, touch, words, gifts, spending time with that person, and doing nice things I guess..” You trail off slightly while scratching the back of your head, feeling a little flustered. 
“What do you think my love language is?” Alex asks excitedly, not really to you but just to anyone who would answer him. 
“I see yours being affirming words or something like spending time with them. You always love it when someone compliments you and reassures you if you’re having too much anxiety about something.” Julie cuts in with a smile and Alex points to her to say she was correct. Julie chuckles and you do too. 
“Reggie, yours would definitely be gifts or like spending time with people. You always like to hang around Ray and stuff.” You say glancing at Reggie who smiles warmly at your statement. 
“What about me?” You met eyes with Luke who was softly looking at you. You avoided Julie’s burning gaze into your head and Alex and Reggie’s small smirks as they waited for you to answer. You flushed again, looking to Julie for help who only shrugged. They both knew you knew the answer, that was what you guys had been talking about yesterday. 
“I’m..I’m not really sure..” You lied and you hated the small hint of disappointment in Luke’s eyes. You quickly looked away and started to reopen your laptop.
“Hey, I’m hungry, I’m gonna grab some snacks. Y/n do you wanna come with?” Julie asks making an escape for you to avoid the now awkward tension in the room.
“Yeah. Yeah.” You were quickly nodding your head and jumping up from your laptop. You didn’t even wait for Julie as you made a beeline for the garage doors and pushed them open, hurrying up the pathway to Julie’s house. 
Julie exchanged a knowing glance with the boys, reading Alex and Reggie’s glances before following after you saying you’d be back in a minute. You were pacing around on the patio when Julie finally got to you. She raised her eyebrows slightly trying to read your thoughts. 
“Y/n, why did you lie? That could have been the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel.” Julie says and you shoot her a small glare. 
“Julie, he doesn’t like me like that. I just didn't want to embarrass myself but I guess I embarrassed myself even more by saying nothing.” You admit, slowing your pacing to look Julie in the eye. She lets out a small laugh.
“I don’t think you embarrassed yourself. You were just flustered which is understandable, but I say go for it. You never know what can happen. The Y/n I know doesn’t back down from a challenge either.” Julie puts a comforting arm on your shoulder and you were thankful for it. You squeeze her hand in response.
“Thanks. I don’t know, I guess I’ve just never felt this way about someone before..” You trail off and Julie squeezes your shoulder even tighter,
“Look, I get it, it’s scary, but you can do it. Think of this as me encouraging you to talk to him like you did for me and Nick. Just go for it. Have some confidence.” Julie winked at you and you chuckle at her actions. 
“There’s the Y/n I know. Now come on, we still need to get snacks. I gotta make my lie somewhat believable.” Julie nudged your side before making her way inside as you followed after he with a laugh. 
The two of you walk back into the garage a few moments later where the boys met your glances. Luke was now moved onto your spot on the couch while Alex and Reggie hung around by the piano still. You rolled your eyes that Luke took your spot but at least he was gracious enough to move your computer. You walked over to him where he smirked as you made an attempt to move him out of the way. 
“Get out of my spot.” You tease trying to move Luke out of the way again but he didn’t budge and instead kept holding that smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes so you instead took a seat beside him and grabbed your laptop from the coffee table. 
“I’ll move if you tell me what you think my love language is.” Luke says and you quickly met his eyes. You glanced at Alex, Reggie, and Julie for a moment where they only shrugged. You huffed under her breath knowing you had no way out of this now. 
“I don’t know.” You say simply trying to get off of the topic but Luke kept pushing. He leaned in closer towards you and you could feel his breath on your neck. 
“I think you do..” Luke says and you meet his gaze again. You purse your lips together before glancing back at your computer for a moment. 
“Touch.” You say plainly and simply. You refused to meet Luke’s eyes as you furthered your answer, “I always noticing you touching Alex or Reggie in one way or another. Whether it’s something small or a hug or just a reason to touch them. It’s sweet.” You finish a small smile on your lips as you opened the tab you had been working on previously. A comfortable silence filled the room and you felt pretty content with your answer. It wasn't as bad or as embarrassing as you thought it would be. Luke was silent beside you and you were afraid to look at him so you just kept her gaze on your computer. 
You didn’t actually know if you could touch the boys, you just assumed you couldn’t because Julie was the only one with the real special powers. You had just been randomly gifted parts of them somehow. You all just walked around each other because the guys found it slightly weird to just walk through people they knew. Luke stared at you beside him and he wanted to at least try. If anything, his hand would just fall through like it did with everyone, so slowly and carefully, Luke reached out to turn your chin so you would look at him. The guys raised his eyebrow at his movements and then, he touched you. 
You felt his hand under your chin and you both did a double take. Luke quickly pulled his hand away in surprise that you actually felt that. The two of you exchanged a wondering and surprised glance. 
“We just touched..” 
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
I couldnt sleep so I decided to try my hand on writing something, I ended up staying up until 4am thanks past me, I didn't mean for it to be this long and Im not exactly a writer but I hope you get some enjoyment out of it hahaha. Anyways imma go pass out
Fire lord Zuko was ready to submit himself to his arduous task for the night that very well may last him until morning which included paperwork,paperwork,and more paperwork.
The door to his bedroom office creaked open when his sister Azula rushed inside.
She didnt answer and simply sat at the side of they're bed, her usual sarcastic commentary on his never ending battle against the stacks of paper and scrolls on his desk absent.
" I um heard some shouting earlier... Did you and mother have an arguement again?"
"Obviously zuzu, what else could that have been"
She really didnt want to talk about this, she just wanted to sleep now and forget it the next morning like she always does when this happens.
"Continue on with your work Zuko, the sooner you finish those the sooner you can help me sleep"
Zuko sat there,contemplating whether to finish his work or to ignore them for now in favor of helping his sister, it was surprisingly a hard decision, he really hated this part of being firelord.
"Well go on then" Azula impatienly said, however upon noticing his worry her voice softened.
"I'll be fine zuko one arguement isnt going to be the end of me, besides I can wait"
she then notices the abundent amount of assortments in his desk.
"at a certain point I can wait" She clarifies.
"Well if you say so but were taking about it when Im finished okay" she nodded in response and went and layed on they're bed as zuko continued on with his task.
She layed there on they're waiting and watching Zuko as he scribbled down on some of the scrolls and paper.He would occasionally pause to think something through, overtime his fingers gradually becoming stained with ink.
She was tempted to grab a book so she can read and pass the time when he suddenly spoke up.
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop smiling at me.”
Was she doing that? She must have been. “Why?”
“Because it's distracting.”
“Why would that be--”
“Because it makes me want to smile back.”
She snorted. “Would that be so bad?”
“It is when I'm trying to focus"
She stood and stretched. “Fine, if my charming presence is so distracting, I'll clear off to the spa's for awhile"
She heard him quietly mutter, “it wouldn't be if you'd stop mooning over me.”
“Excuse me? I don't moon over anything.”
“I don't know what else to call that goofy look.”
Making a point of huffing audibly, she gathered up the book she meant to pick up. Nose in the air, she was about out the door when he spoke up again.
"She does love you Azula"
It took her a moment to place his comment. “Yeah?”
His gaze was determinedly still on the scroll in front of him. They'd never been too good at feelings. “she loves us, perhaps she wasn't always able to show it to you but she does.
With a slow nod, she accepted it, appreciating the input from another person. he understood, as no one else could. he always did.
"Even if she never could understand what we- well, what's happened- even if she is appalled…”
He trailed off and she waited as he put aside a scroll,gathering his thoughts.
"If I were someone else, a different man, from a different place, I know she'd be proud and happy for you"
It would have to be enough. An uncomfortable lump had lodged in her throat and she coughed to try and clear it. “Well- proud of most of it, maybe.” she attempted one of her proud smirks. “I don't think she'd be proud of that time in the--“
“Focusing!” he snapped, but she could hear the smile that he was trying to hide.
And I love this and I demand to know what Azula was going to say before Zuzu interrupted!
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bssaz97 · 3 years
Based on our previous chat, Ruby meets male!Blake for the first time.
@darksaiyangoku, here you go buddy. I hope you enjoy! ^^
Ruby petal-burst into her room, she had narrowly escaped the gauntlet that was the new “Arc Twins” of Beacon. She needed sound advice, someone who had experience in these types of ordeals, and luckily for Ruby her advisor was here, taking her afternoon nap in her bunk.
Ruby: Blake! You gotta help me! There’s two Jaune’s *breathes* and one of them is a girl, *breathes* like a really pretty girl, *breathes* and now there’s two of them that are all over me, so I ran away and nowIdontknowwhattodosopleasepleaseplease! *breathes* Help me! 😭
*groans* “Could you keep it down... trying to sleep.”
Ruby immediately froze in place, realizing quickly that the person in bed did not sound like her teammate. Actually, no, it did sound like something her teammate would say, the issue being that it was coming from someone else she hasn’t heard from before.
Her wide silver eyes slowly look downwards, where she is now able to look more closely at the person in her teammates bed.
Upon closer examination this person did happen to look a lot like Blake, if she were a boy, even had cat ears. Which is probably why she didn’t notice before that this wasn’t her teammate sleeping. She wasn’t being racist, she swears!
She drifts her gaze across this male’s sleeping form, he was rather tall, more so than her friend. He had a lean form, but could tell even with a blanket cover that those muscles were toned, close to how Ren was, she would say.
Ruby’s gaze begins her way back towards this boy’s face, where she sees amber eyes staring amusedly back at her.
???: You finished?
Ruby: A-Ah, Hi! Hello there! I was just looking for my teammate, but I guess I went in the wrong room! Hahaha! I’ll just be on my way-!
To her surprise though, the stranger began to laugh melodically, very reminiscent of how Blake laughs.
???: Ruby, you’re fine I’m not mad.
Ruby: H-How do you know my name?
The boy raised one of his eye brows quizzically, surprised his leader had not figured it out yet.
???: Really Ruby, I’m in our dorm room, which I wouldn’t be able to enter lest I had the scroll clearance. I’m in my bed specially and I’m talking to you like I’ve known you for months.
Ruby: ...Blake?
M!Blake: Yup.
Ruby: B-But how? I thought Jaune was the only one who had a twin. I mean, you were there for the initial testing of the experimental dust but you weren’t hit by any of it.... right?
The Faunus adverts his gaze away.
Ruby: Blake!
M!Blake: Don’t worry, I’m completely fine. Turns out the same thing happens to you no matter how much of the “splicing dust” you take or get on you. Granted it happened much quicker for Jaune while for me it took a bit longer. My sister is currently out to get us something for me to eat while I took the liberty of taking the first nap.
Ruby: This is all so confusing. Now my teammate has a twin, what am I gonna do…
M!Blake: You seem pretty stressed, wanna take a seat? *moves a bit to make a spot for the reaper*
Ruby: Mmhm.
Ruby sat down on Blake’s bed, then let out a sigh.
M!Blake: So you needed advice right? About Jaune and Joan, right?
Ruby: I’m just so confused.
M!Blake: Not sure how to proceed?
Ruby: *nods* I-It’s just… They give me so much attention, like I’m the holy grail at the end of a quest. Jaune is so forward now, Joan even more so, but they're so sincere about it too and I’ve never gotten this much attention directed at me before so now I’m-! I just got overwhelmed I guess. *sad Rose noises*
The Male faunus had his eyes closed, holding his chin in his dominant hand with a pondering expression for a few moments before a thought hit him.
M!Blake: Hm… I think I know what your problem is.
Ruby: That I’m a dork who can’t handle a bit of forward teasing?
M!Blake: *uncrosses his arms* Not that. I think what you’re through is easier to understand. You, Ruby Rose, are coming to terms of being a sub.
Ruby: ...Huh?!
Out of all the things she thought would come from Blake’s mouth, well her twin’s mouth, she did not think that would be one of them.
M!Blake: For all your life you’ve always wanted to be a huntress, a symbol of strength and dominance over the Grimm to many. You’re so used to being the “hero” that when someone else comes in to sweep you off your feet, you’re overwhelmed and shaking like a school girl who just got confessed to.
Ruby: That is what happened Blake!
M!Blake: So you’re agreeing with me?
Ruby: No! Well yes but- Grrr! You’re making me confused!
M!Blake: *laughs* Yep, you’re definitely got it bad.Sorry to say it, but behind closed doors, you’re the sub.
Ruby: Nooo!~ That’s so uncool!
M!Blake: Sorry Ruby, but it’s the truth. But don’t take it as a bad thing. That just means if you decide to accept their offer, they’ll do anything to please you.
Ruby: Eh? They will?
M!Blake: Yep. Anything you want.
The Faunus leans over and places her neatly folded cloak on the desk, the reaper having been so flustered that she didn’t even recall him taking it off her.
M!Blake: Take, for example, pampering.
Ruby: Pampering? But I’m not a baby!
M!Blake: Well not like that… unless you’re into that? *gives a side glance*
Ruby: *frowned* Blake.
M!Blake: Right. What I mean is like, indulge in your wants.
Ruby: *blinks* My wants?
M!Blake: Yeah, like say, if they started to spend more time with you, taking you to the weapon store and that arcade we saw one time in Vale you wanted to go.
Ruby: That… sounds good.
M!Blake: What if they started giving you extra strawberries for lunch because they know you love to eat them.
Ruby: *gasps!* That would be the best.
M!Blake: Bow what if they offered to give you a shoulder massage?
Ruby: Shoulder massage? Why would I wa-aaah...
Whatever words Ruby was about to utter we’re cut off as she felt two hands, his hands, began to slowly massage her shoulders.
While a part of her brain thought that she should have shoved him away, another part did not feel any harm in his movements or his facial features. What struck out to Ruby the most were his amber eyes, in those irises she found no ill will or hidden agendas. Instead she found someone that she could trust, like his counterpart and her teammate.
So Ruby relented, decided not to shove him off, and let Blake continue.
M!Blake: How are we doing?
Ruby: I-It feels ok. I could definitely see myself enjoying this. I-If Jaune or Joan made an offer to do this!
M!Blake: Mm, that’s good to know. You actually seem to be enjoying this, mind if I go a bit further?
Ruby: S-Sure.
Blake gets up momentarily, much to her dismay, but then motions for Ruby to lie down on the bed, which she did without a second thought, after all this was only a massage from a friend.
Ruby laid belly down on the bed and kindly accepted the offer of her teammate’s pillow for head support. She feels the bed shift as her faunus friend’s male counterpart gets back on the bed to kneel above her back and returns to his massaging, much to her delight.
M!Blake: Are you enjoying yourself?
The red reaper hummed in approval.
M!Blake: Excellent, try to relax a bit, I’m going to try something a bit different now.
Ruby wasn’t sure what exactly he meant but her train of thought left her when suddenly she registered feeling something sharp just poking on her back.
Unknownst to her, Blake’s counterpart possessed an ability his sister did not, he could extend his nails to the point that they became claws.
M!Blake: Ok Ruby, you ready?
Ruby: I-Is this safe?
M!Blake: You remember we have Aura, right? I couldn’t hurt you even if I had the intention to do it with these.
Ruby: Oh, right. *nervously laughs*
M!Blake: It’s ok Ruby, you’re in safe hands.
Ruby: Thank gods Yang wasn’t here to hear that.
M!Blake: Starting. Now just relax.
Ruby breathes in, relaxing her back as best as she could and-
Ruby: ‘Oh my goooooooooods!~’
Ruby started to hum sensually as the faunus started to slowly and carefully scratch her back. He wasn’t too rough but it was certainly a satisfying experience. She felt she could get lost in this moment for hours.
M!Blake: I take it I’m doing a good job? *smirking slightly*
Ruby: Mmmm!~
M!Blake: I’ll take that as a yes.
The two continued on like this for a few minutes, that was until the male Blake’s ears heard the sound of shuffling outside the door.
Out from the door came the original Blake, a tray of tuna rolls and books in each hand, but almost fell from her grip as she saw the sight before her.
That being of her make twin and her team leader being under her.
F!Blake: What are you doing?!
M!Blake: Oh hello sister, I forgot you were coming back. Thanks for getting us food, and books! How thoughtful. Can you set both down on the desk, please? I’ll get to them in a bit.
F!Blake: FORGET THE TUNA! What are you doing to Ruby?!
M!Blake: ...Giving her a massage, isn’t it obvious?
F!Blake: *breathes* Did she consent?
M!Blake: Course. *blinks* ...Hold on. Did you think-?
F!Blake: *groans* I don’t know. From my point of view, it would have looked like anything. You’re lucky it was me who caught you and not Yang!
M!Blake: *he frowns* You know as well as I do that we’d never take advantage of Ruby in such a way.
F!Blake: I know! I know… Sorry for jumping to conclusions. What are you now anyway?
M!Blake: Giving her legs a massage. She’s really sensitive there, apparently.
Ruby: *pleased mumbles* M-More…
F!Blake: I-I see. Well Jaune and Joan have been asking me if ups had seen her around anywhere so you better wrap this up before we have a major misunderstanding.
M!Blake: Fair. Although you seem upset about something else though.
F!Blake: I have no idea what you mean. *her eyes looked away from him*
M!Blake: No, something is definitely bothering you. I can tell.
His gaze followed to where his sister was staring and he soon realized that she had her eyes locked onto the person that was underneath him.
A lightbulb flicked on.
M!Blake: *smirks* Wow, I wasn’t aware we were capable of jealousy.~
F!Blake: Who said I was jealous?
M!Blake: Oh please, it’s written all over your face. Why are you basically lying to yourself?
F!Blake: …..
M!Blake: Oh I get it. You’re disappointed she let me give her a massage instead of you.
F!Blake: You can’t read my mind…
M!Blake: Like I need to, you and I share a similar mindset.
The male Blake ceases his massage, then gently pats Ruby’s shoulder to grab her attention. Which he had already since he stopped her flow of euphoria.
Ruby: *whimper* W-Why’d you stop?
M!Blake: Sorry Ruby, but it seems like we’re switching for now.
Ruby: Eh..?
He carefully steps off the bed, once he’s off he looked at his sister expectantly.
M!Blake: Well? Gonna keep her waiting?
F!Blake: W-Wait, huh?
Ruby: Blake... I don’t want my massage to be over yet!~
Blake couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her team leader and brother were expecting her to… the former a massage. Her hands rubbing her peers’ skin and muscles, like a masseuse. Her face and brain were heating up as it was taking a bit of time to process.
Ruby: Blaaaake!~ Please…! I want more!
F!Blake: …. ‘Fuck it.’
Without another word, she got on her bed, sat in a kneel over the young reaper waiting for her massage to continue.
She looked at her hands for a brief moment before taking a breath, steeling herself as she took the dive.
Ruby: Mmm!~
F!Blake: ‘Yeah, this is definitely worth it.’ -///-
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
New Episode Update Let’s GOO!!!
Warning : This is just Yume having a mental breakdown, seriously. This episode update was WHACK.
I know we ain’t participating and all but the game reminding you that there’s 10 minutes left to prepare is seriously bad for my heart.
Aah, shiet. Vil is still hurt.
He still has small wounds and scratches that he hid make up. Daddy, I’m worried.
Apparently, yeah, I’m not the only one cause my homeboy, Epel just asked to switch the center role with Vil. THE CONFIDENCE.
Aw, he’s worried about him falling over during stage (And make the performance look bad) Come on, Epel just be honest-
...He finally became the ideal poisoned apple that Vil wanted, huh?
Vil being proud a mom.
But the queen inside him is STRONG.
He’ll embrace the villain in him, OUR QUEEN CAN STILL GO. INJURED, WHO?
...AAND he proceeds to roast Epel again lol Typical Vil.
I love how Epel just accepted a nickname like “Doku Ringo-chan” lol It’s so cute, senior-junior relationship goals right there.
Everyone is actually really confident hahaha
I really wish Deuce’s mom, Ace’s brother, Jamil’s sister, and Vil’s dad were here in person to watch.
Look at Jamil’s solo SD dancing. LOOK AT IT.
I really fucking love Vil’s singing voice aaa
Album when disney.
Is Vil okay.
...aight im hearing some high quality panting here
...dont mind me listening to it a bit too much...
...they’re going to be great reference for some spicy- leave me alone
Vil panting is making me feel SOMETHING.
Unmei no megami is giving me idia ptsd here.
Heartslabyul Senpais are watching their kids, looking all proud *sniff
Oh god, after playing Obey Me, it just occurred to me how similar Cater and Asmodeus’ voices are...
Watch these Senpai dorks act like Ace and Deuce’s second family. Trey being the dad, Riddle being the mom, and Cater being the supportive big bro. It’s so beautiful.
Riddle’s voice is a lot more softer now, I just realized...It’s so soothing...
God i miss u too octavinelle never change
Yeah, why tf did Floyd not audition for this
Bro, can you imagine Nobuhiko Okamoto in the squad as well??? IMAGINE-
Of course, he wasn’t in the mood back then. Of course. Why did i even ask.
Omg i miss u too octavinelle never change
Azul’s gonna overblot again with Floyd’s marketing skills lol
Jade coming in like welp i guess thats that. Too bad, huh Azul?
GOD i miss u too octavinelle never change
I wonder if these mfs knew that Vil just overblotted and malmal was the one who fixed the stage lol
oooh Leona’s sus about something he a sharp boi
Speak up my guy—
still so weird leona taking his job seriously
Malleus looking happier seeing this performance rather than Lilia’s lol
I miss the simpery in Sebek
Silver’s not in the verge of falling into a coma for once wow
Chenya’s so cute.
fcking shotacons man...im not one to talk
Aw, they didn’t show Neige performance...
The simping in the crowd is a MASSIVE mood.
These night raven fuckers better vote for us and not pull a “oh shie my hand slipped lololol” i swear to god- im gonna throw hands
*me holding my phone and pretending to vote as well
Suspense music intensifies be like-
vil pls dont overblot again-
Noooo grim’s tuna cans-
These children do not have the right to be this cute. I wanna take Timmy, Toby, and Shelpie home.
I swear to god one of these dwarves sounds like Cheka lol Is it Toby?
This background music too though im deeeeddd
Jamil impressed about Vil being “calm” and Vil just going “h e h. you dont even know.”
Monsieur Rook. WHAT did you say.
ROOK VOTED FOR ROYAL SWORD. Are you kidding me. You snek how could you- i loved you
WHAT DID I SAY- Ya’ll night raven fuckers shall not slip by their fingers when voting rook.
Vil is in the brink of passing out aaaaa
I have never heard Ace this pissed before whoa- lol he sounds like Deuce in his delinquent mode
Aw...Rook felt that Neige’s performance carries a stronger bond than theirs :’( it’s hard to put the blame on him when he’s saying all these stuff
It’s just like what they said in the past episodes that it’s really hard voting for your own team when you know the opposing team is better.
Aww...He just wanted Vil to believe in himself more...Rook is such a best man. Im crying-
Oh noooo is Vil gonna cry too nooo- daddy turned to baby really quick SOMEONE GIVE HIM AN EMERGENCY HUG
Well- at least...at least the 100 year record of not being able to win is still going, yeah? Um...bad joke? Sorry, i’ll see myself out-
NEIGE NOT NOW AND YOUR VII-KUN BULLSHIT- we’re having a moment here
Neige is such sweetheart but aaaahh— This makes it worse, we can’t even hate him aaa—
MOTHERFUCKER just got exposed by Neige himself lol
Going to Neige’s shake hand events, sending him letters, buying all his merch and shie- HE’S A FULL BLOWN NEIGE STAN
...actually- my japanese is lacking- im not sure lol what is a ブロマイド??? Lol I feel like a clown.
Rook is sweating profusely LOL
...what do you have to say for yourself, monsieur rook.
Wait- huh is that-
Neige fanclub??? Eternal Snow??? What kind of creepy-ass- OH, HE EVEN HAS A MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TOO-
Props to Neige with his :) expression unfaltering.
I’m- I’m speechless.
Vil is just looking down at Rook in disappointment like- “you’re more pathetic than I am”
Queen just went “I think you need this handkerchief more than I do now” THAT’S RIGHT. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER.
Rook crying is cursed.
But damn, I’m kinda liking this new relationship this bitchy relationship they have
Neige just dragged everyone’s ass back on stage and his snow white energy just said “LETS ALL BE FRIENDS AND SING”
What a somewhat happy ending, even though Rook just backstabbed us I’m crying Beauté 100 points!!!
LOL Vil realizing he’s having fun singing with Neige- “SOMEONE JUST END ME RIGHT NOW-“ The desperation in his voice-
I love how Neige’s yahoo yahoo is messing with everyone’s head, even Vil wants to pass out lol
haha Crowley is so depressed lol
He looks like your typical grandpa- and his outfit looks like that one mickey mouse wizard outfit but blue—
Old man just went “we won lol” just to piss Crowley off I like this guy’s energy already-
Crowley being most likely as old as this guy—
ooohh this man just sensed something in this stage- Leona did too, didn’t he???
* Damn. Crowley talking so fast sounds like he’s making a load of bullshit lol
Anyway, I’m just glad that it’s not mickey mouse who’s the headmaster— I would’ve lost my shit.
We’re back in our dorms and I forgot that the squad doesn’t live with us anymore. It’s suddenly so lonely now...
Grim is getting the yahoo yahoo ptsd too lol it’s too goddamn catchy
oooohh shiet- mickey is calling us again
YES we finally got a good picture of this motherfucker
It seems like nothing is disrupting our communication this time, so MC thought to call Grim but—
Grim is not here.
Uuhhh...Grim? Where you’ve gone??? We’re getting flashbacks of the first parts of the game.
Is this because we didn’t win his tuna canss nooo
Legit I’m sad, please baby don’t overblot like this...
He learned a new move though- SCRATCH
Ooh— We’re seeing some Ignihyde scenes here~
Idia getting a lot of emails from bigshot companies whoa—
THAT OLYMPUS—?! EXCUSE ME??? Ortho what- Are we finally getting that Hercules episode—
Damn getting a hot chance in olympus only to put them down the recycling bin oof— Idia why edit : Yume was informed that olympus is kind of a company that sponsored VDC sorry she was mind-fucked at this moment and the ability to understand proper Japanese just went whoosh lol Thanks to @starshiningsirius for pointing it out for Yume~ ♥︎ HONESTLY YUME’S JUST GONNA WAIT FOR ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AT THIS POINT LOL Don’t trust me for important situation too much lol
Aaaahh...We’re getting this shut-in out of his room in the next episode, are we?
And that concludes the whole Pomefiore Episode! JESUS CHRIST 75 CHAPTERS ALL IN ALL!? How long is the Ignihyde chapter going to be, huh!?
This was a really, really fun episode lol I’d consider this a fan service episode actually cause of all the things we get to experience— The singing, dancing, and the new songs, THE DRAMA. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
But then, the plot thickens, no? What’s going to happen to Grim? In the Ignihyde episode? And those reoccurring memories of us? And our relationship with Tsunotarou lol ALSO WE NEVER REALLY DID FIND OUT WHAT ROOK’S UNIQUE MAGIC IS. DISNEY EXPLAIN—
Thanks for reading this shitpost of Yume losing her shiet lol See you all in the Ignihyde Episode~ ❤
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 4 - Asahina Tsubaki Route
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Time for Tsubaki, yay! Aww, it's kinda cute how passionate Subaru and Yusuke are rooting for their respective basketball teams lol. I love how Azusa and Tsubaki invited Ema to their event, and I loved how Ema gave a lot of thought into her answers when they asked her how the event was. It was really cute how she felt proud that they were her brothers when people really liked the event and praised them hahaha. On the other hand, lmao at Tsubaki wanting to jump into her arms every time she said something cute, and lolll at Juli getting annoyed at Tsubaki getting so close to Ema. It was hilarious when Tsubaki told Ema to leave the squirrel behind next time there's an event since it's so noisy😂😂 Aww I love the aquarium date where Tsubaki touches her cheek saying she's cold, and Ema touches his hand to say he's cold too, that's pretty adorable, they even seemed to hold hands for a bit?!🥲 I also really liked how he guided her like a prince/butler to the horse riding part of the zoo haha, it's never boring with Tsubaki and his antics.
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Loll at Rui getting heatstroke after building a sandcastle🤣 Wow, Azusa and Tsubaki can drive a boat? Dangg. Aww, I love how they both reassured Ema that they'll definitely protect her (when it started raining and the boat engine "broke down") and held her hand to show their conviction and give her warmth since it was cold. I knewww Tsubaki was lying about the engine! Poor Ema. She was so worried. I'm kinda sad that Tsubaki doesn't get an individual moment on the holiday with Ema though! Tsubaki picking clothes for Ema during a shopping date is the best~ I love how encouraging he is and how he earnestly loves dressing her up and wanting to match with her, it's so cute haha. It's so adorable how happy Tsubaki was to eat Ema's handmade bento, lmao when he kept telling her to feed him loll. Okay, lmao at if Ema stays to watch Tsubaki and Azusa and see them "confess their love" to each other with the roses CG hahahaha. They were pretty into it (for their acting)😂 At least Tsubaki was pretty upfront with her that a guy and a girl in the same room sleeping together would make him think about things hahaha, it's cute how he gave her a kiss on the forehead~ and I guess he gave her one on the lips too when she was "asleep". Wow, he even kissed her in the morning lol! I guess he's really going to try his best to make her realise she likes him too lol. Ohh woww, he kissed her in the bed and then asked to kiss her in other places loll, too bad Ema still wants to just treat him as an older brother even though as Tsubaki said, they've done things that have crossed the line ages ago lol. Anyway, lmao how when Ema can't fall asleep, instead of counting sheep, Tsubaki counts Azusas😂😂😂
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I wonder why Tsubaki seems to be worried or sad over Azusa? Anyway, as I said before (in Hikaru's post), I really liked how Tsubaki convinced Ema to go back and talk to her dad (when she found out she was adopted) and told her that she's become someone important to him and not just a "moe" little sister to him, and that these thoughts didn't need actual ties of blood, so her dad should treasure her too regardless of their blood ties. LMAO at Ema shooing Juli out into the hallway because she wanted to concentrate on the game she was playing with Tsubaki and not hear Juli nagging and telling her to study lolol. I see...so Tsubaki feels like he's inferior to Azusa in terms of acting and everything, and it doesn't help that Azusa actually started voice acting stuff later than him and mainly did it because Tsubaki felt like something was missing when he went to classes without Azusa. I guess it's kinda like that with siblings who are "better" than you. You'll always feel a bit jealous, but having them beside you makes you happy so it's a pretty conflicting feeling. Awww, I loved how Ema was really good at the game and the strategies etc, and Tsubaki told her to make him "fall for her" with her strategies hahaha.
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I honestly didn't think a depressed Tsubaki would make my heart break so much. It was so sad that Tsubaki was dropped from the audition for the lead of the anime series he always wanted to be in, it was basically his dream...and it wasn't because he lacked anything, it's just that the producers (I think?) decided on Azusa already. I'm glad Ema told him what she thought and how Azusa was really worried too but didn't want to hurt his feelings. Omgg when he asked her to stay overnight because he didn't want to be alone and wanted to be with her🥺 Lmaoo at Ema the pro gamer ordering Natsume, Tsubaki and Azusa around, she's such a leader when it comes to games. I find it hilarious that Natsume even said not many people in his company have played as many hours as her😂 It's so funny how they're all so shocked that her personality changes when she's playing games😂 Lmao at Azusa asking Ema to go with Tsubaki to the shops because he doesn't trust him and basically calls him a kid with an income so he probably can't control himself during Christmas time😂😂 I really liked how Tsubaki thanked her for her encouragement and made him think it's okay to be him, and move forward as his energetic self because everyone loves that part of him I guess? Okay, I did not expect Tsubaki to hold Ema's hands and blow on them to keep them warm because that was super cuteee! Awww and he put her hand in his pocket so she wouldn't be cold!
Honestly, seeing Tsubaki break down over the collapsed Azusa was really heartbreaking. Suzumura Kenichi (Tsubaki's VA) was so good here, because I could really feel Tsubaki's desperation and pain, and how much guilt he felt afterwards (at the hospital when he refused to leave until he saw Azusa) for being "selfish" at being absorbed by his feelings and forgetting that everyone else is worried and scared too. I really loved Ema at the hospital, she convinced and really helped Tsubaki realise that his worried and dejected face would not be what Azusa would like to see, and that he needs to go to the company and tell them about Azusa's condition so they can rearrange his jobs etc. I knew Azusa's condition would lead to Tsubaki being able to finally take on the lead of that robot anime role he always wanted, but yeah I think Tsubaki's complicated feelings about it are understandable. This role is his dream, but he doesn't feel like he earned it, and is merely Azusa's replacement and I think that's a saddening way to achieve your dream. But at the same time, I'm sure Ema and his fans will be able to show him that this isn't pity and underserved, that he's not a replacement and is his own person. And I really liked how Ema did it! She told him she liked Tsubaki's voice, so there was no point copying Azusa, and that even though they may be twins, they are their own person, and that both their voices are different and are wonderful in their own ways and have their respective charms. I think I really liked it when Ema said she wanted to hear HIS voice. I liked how he ended up asking her what else she liked about him aside from his voice hahaha. Awww he gave her a kiss! Omggg he totally went for it and kept giving her kisses! Woww, hahaha, Ema wasn't the most comfortable because she still wants to think of him as a brother and this was in the living room, but she was definitely just embarrassed.
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I'm soo happy Tsubaki finally told Azusa about how he always had a inferiority complex towards him but now he’s decided to face himself and understand he has his own qualities. I'm sure that's a relief to Azusa as well since Azusa was also worried and didn't know what he should do. I can't believe Azusa had to stay in the hospital for a whole month though! And he's going to work again the day after?? He's so hard-working. Aww nooo, Azusa actually told Ema he likes her but knows that her heart is with Tsubaki😭 I'm sad that Tsubaki had to say that he found someone more important to him than Azusa because I loveee Azusa and Tsubaki, however I can understand that they are probably way too attached to each other and it's inevitable that they'll find other people they will love. Anyway, I loved how Tsubaki told Ema how much he appreciates her, loves her and wanted her to be his girlfriend~ And I'm glad Ema could finallyyyy accept his feelings hahaha. They're honestly soo cute as a couple and I love how she practises his lines with him but I hope he still practises with Azusa every now and then because I think those are very precious moments they should continue to cherish~ Omggg at him telling her the room was soundproof hahaha. The CG was niceeee. Omgggg at the twins ending? Harem ending? Hahahah. I mean, I definitely wouldn't mind Azusa and Tsubaki...because I love them both too lolll. Ema is so lucky🥺
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Overall, I loved Tsubaki's route. Definitely my favourite route right now. It has great romance development with Ema AND I loved his personal struggles with work and his love for Azusa, but also his inferiority complex towards him. I think these were portrayed really well, and I honestly really felt for Tsubaki's emotions and his ups and downs. I really liked seeing the "other side" to Tsubaki where he gets down about stuff, but at the same time acknowledging that the energetic and cheerful Tsubaki is who he is and what everyone loves. I think Ema supported Tsubaki really well in this route and also showed how strong of a person she was too. I thought I would have to resist from loving Azusa too much, but as Tsubaki realised in the end, Tsubaki definitely has his own charms and I totally fell for them. He's loving, sweet and unafraid to show his emotions and his love to Ema and I think there's a great balance of him showing his physical affection towards her as well as the emotional connection he feels for her. I definitely enjoyed every moment of it, every time I think about Tsubaki and everything that happened in this route, my heart just feels so warm and happy haha🥲🥲
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jinkicake · 4 years
Really? You Still Have A Boner?
Nothing like your family being the ultimate cockblocks.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader 
For @dontfuckwpigeons !! I hope you like it!! I recognized your username and realized you were one of the first people to ever send me a request </333 !!! Sorry it took me so long to get to this,.... Ah, my brain is all Ushijima right now,,,, I wrote about 5k for him today HAHAHA ,,, only for my Wakatoshi! 
W - 2,204
“Wakatoshi!” You exclaim and wrap your arms around his waist, it’s been too long since you’ve last seen him. “I’ve missed you.” Ushijima takes one look at your pouty lips and loving eyes and can wholeheartedly agree that it has been too long. 
You glance up at him and then at your stairs, darting your eyes back and forth between the two. Ushijima slowly turns to look at the stairs, his curiosity gets the best of him. He looks back down at you and nods, giving you all the confirmation you need. 
That’s how you end up in your room, on top of him, kissing him with your entire being. 
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you,” You whisper and flip all your hair to one side of your neck, you drag your clothed core along his own while ghosting your lips along his jaw. Already, you can feel him hardening in his pants and it sends a lick of heat straight to your belly. “I’ve missed you so much." You bring your lips to his, capturing them in a fierce kiss. Your hand cradles his jaw so you can tilt his face, giving you better access to control the kiss. Ushijima’s large hands grip your hips, pulling you along his clothed length, dragging you slowly so that you can feel everything. Your tongue snakes past his lips, molding with his own before tracing the back of his teeth. 
You feel so hot, the temperature in the room is blazing and it’s only getting warmer. 
Muffled moans sound throughout the room, your sweet ones mixing in with Ushijima’s low noises. You keep moving your hips, grinding against him with purpose. 
The front door of your house opens quietly and you barely even hear it, you would’ve missed it completely had your mother not called for you.
“(Y/N)? I’m back!” Her voice rings throughout the house and you reluctantly pull away from Ushijima. You dip your head and rest it on his chest as you try to catch your breath, fuck you didn’t realize anyone was going to be home. 
You push yourself off of your boyfriend while eyeballing the tent in his shorts, your hand reaches out to pat him gently before winking at him. 
“Already? I have Ushijima over.” You yell back after opening your bedroom door, your mother goes silent for a few moments.
“What are you two doing upstairs?” She comments curiously and you refrain from rolling your eyes. 
“Homework since we still have school, how was work?” You ask as you walk down to the front door where she is. 
“It was alright, not that many people have been coming by the bank.” She smiles cheerfully and you awkwardly scratch the back of your neck. “Don’t mind me, okay? I’m going to be in my office working from home.” She pats your head before heading straight to the other room, glancing at you once before closing the door. “Say hi to Ushijima for me~” 
You stand there in the hallway of the front door and blink owlishly. Ushijima comes down the stairs and stands behind you, with one glance at his shorts you still notice the slight bulge. You point to his shorts and Ushijima raises a brow, an unspoken conversation going on between the two of you.
“Oh, I have to take a call so you two need to be quiet.” Your mother warns as she pokes her head out from behind her office door. “Hi Ushijima, how is your mother today? I saw her the other day at the grocery store.” 
You glance back at your boyfriend and subtly shuffle to stand in front of him, making it almost impossible for your mother to see his shorts. 
“She is doing well, I am sure she would be happy to hear from you.” Ushijima smiles back politely and your mother places her hand over her heart. 
“I’ll have to call her then.” She glances back at you and narrows her eyes. “You two behave.” She warns again and then goes back to her office, when she finally closes the door you lean back against Ushijima. 
You let out a sigh of relief and simply relax against his chest, purposely rubbing your ass against his bulge. Ushijima stiffens behind you. His hands automatically grab your hips to stop you from moving but it doesn’t work. You turn around in his arms and wink at him again before making your way to the kitchen.
“Do you want to make something, I don’t know like, bake cupcakes?” You ask and Ushijima spins you around, pressing you back against the counter as he lowers his head to kiss you. It’s fast and quick, taking all the air from your lungs. You reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, a muffled moan escaping you as he presses himself further into you. 
One of his muscular thighs rests between your own legs and you happily grind against it, squirming like you can’t get enough. Ushijima gently bites down on your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth as the grip he has on your chin tightens. It all feels so good-
“What’s up, fuckers?” Your older sister slams open the front door. You gasp and pull away from Ushijima, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you try to smooth down your hair. One glance at his shorts and you can already see the tent rising back up. Fuck.
“Yuki, how many times do I have to tell you not to slam the door!” Your mother yells as she pokes her head out of her office. 
Quickly you grab Ushijima’s hand and sneak into the living room, you push him down onto the couch before sitting in his lap. At the pressure of your ass on his hard cock, your boyfriend releases a quiet groan and tightly grips your thighs. You turn around to flick his forehead while trying to silence him, not realizing that you moving like this is just making it worse. 
“What are you guys up to?” Your sister peeks her head into the living room and coos at the sight of you and Ushijima. “Aren’t you two just the cutest.” She gushes and sits down on one of the other chairs in the room. 
“Not much, what did you do today?” You warily glance at her, noticing the familiar teasing look in her eyes. 
“Literally nothing,” She groans loudly and picks up the controller. “ooh let’s rewatch Attack On Titan.” Ushijima lowers his head onto your shoulder and you awkwardly pat his thigh. “What? You guys don’t have to watch it with me, just go up into your room or something (Y/N).”
You would if you could but judging by the boner you’re sitting on, you two won’t be able to go anywhere.
“No, let’s watch it. I’ve been meaning to anyway!” You lie straight through your teeth and your sister glances at Ushijima, a bold smirk appears on her face. 
“Well then, let’s begin.” 
You barely get through the first episode before you realize you are bored out of your mind, Levi doesn’t even show up for the first nine episodes so what is the point. Judging by how engrossed your sister is with the characters in front of her, she isn’t going to go anywhere. Silently you beg that she leaves for the bathroom or to get a snack so you can sneak Ushijima back upstairs.
Nothing like that happens and before you know it, you’re already on the third episode. You shuffle around on Ushijima’s lap, despite the way he tries to keep you still, moving so that you can lay down and cover his lap with your thighs. 
“Why do you guys watch this shit?” Your mother opens the door and glances at the tv with a grimace on her face.
“It’s not shit, mother.” Your sister sneers and turns to her. “It’s art.” 
“Right, well, I want to go out for dinner. Yuki let’s go.” She leaves the room and your sister looks around. 
“Why do I have to go with you?” She snorts and rolls her shoulders back arrogantly before looking at you. “Make (Y/N) and Wakatoshi come with us.” 
“I never get to see you Yuki, you come back from college and avoid me!” Your mother yells and the groan your sister lets out rings throughout the house. 
“You should be offended that she doesn’t want you two to come.” Your sister flicks you off before following your mother out of the house. A loud slam signals their departures plus the sound of your mother scolding your sister for once again slamming the door. 
You glance at Ushijima and wait a few moments before even deciding to move, it seems too good to be true. 
“Really?” You whisper and point at the tent in his shorts. “You still have a boner?” Ushijima simply stares back at you, a deadpan expression on his face. You roll your eyes and stand up from the couch, grabbing his wrist to pull him up as well. 
“I forgot my fucking wallet.” Your sister yells and slams the door open once again. You throw yourself back onto the couch, splaying yourself all over Ushijima’s lap. “uh-huh.” She eyes you two oddly before picking up her wallet from the chair she was sitting in. 
After her descending footsteps, the door slams again and you freeze as you try to listen for any other noise in the house. 
“Are they actually gone?” You whisper and Ushijima tenses underneath you. 
“I don’t know,” His fingers comb through your hair and you sigh appreciatively. You glance up at him and then at the stairs and once you get that familiar nod, the two of you are sprinting back up to your room.
That’s how you end up back on your bed, this time with Ushijima’s head between your legs and your hand covering your mouth. 
“Oh, Wakatoshi,” You sigh loudly and Ushijima nips your thigh, you have to stay quiet. 
“Quiet,” Ushijima warns as he thrusts his fingers into you. 
“I-I can’t, I don’t even care if they hear me.” Your hands tighten in his hair and your thighs squeeze around him. Ushijima shakes his head before closing his lips around your clit. He sucks harshly on the little bud and it causes a high-pitched moan to slip past your lips. You can’t help but tighten around his fingers, just having Ushijima close to you is enough to make you cry out. 
Ushijima rolls your clit with his tongue, the noises vibrate throughout the room as he slurps all he can get. 
Neither of you has any shame. 
His thick digits curl along your walls, stretching you deliciously and another mewl escapes your lips.
“Just like that Wakatoshi, I can’t,” You whimper and squeeze your eyes shut. You genuinely do not care if your family hears you right now, you don’t even know if they are back in the house. All you can focus on is Ushijima’s hot mouth devouring you whole. “yes. Yes!” 
Ushijima’s name falls from your lips over and over again as you grind your core into his face, your back arches off the bed. 
“Please, more,” You beg and Ushijima slips in a third finger, his tongue laps at your clit to soothe the stretch and your head begins to cloud over with pleasure. One single curl of his fingers is enough to make you rise off the bed, holding his head so he continues to suck on your clit. “I’m cumming Toshi~”
Ushijima continues to thrust his fingers and stimulate your clit, he works you through your orgasm to prolong your high. His favorite part is watching you bloom. Once you finally settle down and Ushijima has had his fill, he gently pulls his fingers out of you. He sucks on his digits while staring up at you and you groan at the sight, pressing your ass into the sheets as you clench around nothing. 
In a second, your mind realizes how loud you were being and you cover your face with a pillow. 
“They probably heard everything, they’re going to kill us!” You whisper, quietly screeching about your family, and Ushijima simply tilts his head at you. “Don’t just stand there, fuck me one last time before we die!”
Ushijima shakes his head and gets up to hover over you.
“They aren’t even home,” He tells you and you raise a brow at him. 
“What do you mean?” You ask curiously and reach over to grab your phone, expecting some kind of teasing response from your sister. 
It simply read : this hag is dragging me to an onsen, see you in the morning! Mom said no toshi for the night but honestly, do whatever you want! 
“I didn’t hear them come in yet.” Ushijima reports and you toss your phone to the side before wrapping your arms around Ushijima’s neck and bringing him down so you can kiss him. 
“They’re not coming back tonight,” You tell him excitedly and Ushijima simply blinks at you. “we don’t have to worry about them interrupting us.” You slowly continue to explain and Ushijima nods his head. You reach up to peck his lips before gently tapping his head. “Get to work!”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Livestream Revelations [Christen Press x Reader]
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requested by anon: Can you do a cute Christen Press Quarantine type of imagine? There could never be enough Pressy to go around hahaha. Thank youuu
requested by anon: Could you please write a cute quarantine interview/livestream with christen?
A/N: i agree! there def could never be enough cp to around...gosh i love that woman. also, this was one of my favs, so i hope you all enjoy it too! lemme know what u think :)
“Hey guys.” You smile into the camera, as you lean your phone against your water bottle. “We’re extremely bored, so we decided to come on here and answer some questions.”
You look over to your girlfriend, encouraging her to say something.
“(Y/N) practically forced me to do this.” Christen rolls her eyes, hiding a grin.
You playfully push her shoulder, laughing. “Don’t even lie, Chris. You love interacting with the fans, plus you were bored out of your mind.”
At that, Christen can only smirk, knowing you were right.
The two of you had been dating for almost four years now and lived together in an apartment in Seattle during the offseason. When COVID first hit, before lockdown was enforced, Christen quickly got on the first flight from Utah, so that the two of you could quarantine together. Now, almost 5 months later, the two of you were going slightly insane. Although you loved spending time with each other, especially considering the NWSL season often separated you two, not being able to go out was causing you to go a little stir crazy.
“Alright,” you clap your hands and scroll through the incoming comments, “let’s see what kind of questions you guys have.”
“Oh, there’s one.” Christen squints, pointing to one of the recurring questions. “How did the two of you meet?”
“Oh, this is a funny story.” You chuckle. “Well, we met in college, and we actually met in our Philosophy class before we even met on the team.”
Before you can continue to tell the story, Christen interrupts you, her cheeks flushed. “Nooooo. Please don’t tell this story. It’s so embarrassing.”
“Awww,” You coo, pinching her cheeks, “it was adorable, babe.”
Your girlfriend pouts and crosses her arms, as you start again. “So, basically, our professor had assigned seats, but Ms. Press over here didn’t know that. So, I go to sit in my seat only to find that someone else was sitting there, and I say to her, ‘I think you’re in my seat,’ and she looks up at me and said… what did you say to me?” You look over at your blushing girlfriend with a teasing glint in your eye.
Christen covers her face with her hands and mumbles out something.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You lean in closer.
The older forward removes her hands. “I said, ‘Your seat? This can be your seat if you give me your number.”
At that, you throw your head back and burst out laughing. Looking back at your phone, you see a flood of comments from many of your national team teammates.
“Ha! Megan said, ‘That doesn’t sound like the Pressy I know.’” You turn back to your girlfriend and poke her side. “Yeah, that was a pretty bold move for you.”
“I thought you were beautiful, and I didn’t know if I’d see you again, so I thought, why not?” Christen shrugs.
“Awwww, babe. You thought I was beautiful?” You give her a wet kiss on her cheek.
“You still are.” She grumbles, wiping her face. You feel your cheeks warm and your heart melt, and you give her a quick kiss.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Christen responds, before looking at the incoming questions. “Hmmm, okay, next question. Let’s see… oh, here’s one: (Y/N), what’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Is that really a question, or do you just want me to boost your ego?” You raise your eyebrow skeptically.
“It’s an actual question!” Christen insists, gesturing to the phone.
You breathe out a laugh. “Okay, uhhhhh, do you mean like favorite physical feature or favorite personality trait…?” You trail off, and Christen slaps your shoulder.
“Stop stalling!”
“Alright, alright.” You throw your hands up in innocence. “Well, I’ll just answer both. My favorite physical feature of my gorgeous girlfriend would have to be her smile. It literally just lights up my entire world and is just so infectious.”
As you answer, a wide smile breaks out on your girlfriend’s face.
“See what I mean.” You find yourself grinning, fondly admiring the woman you love. “And, my favorite personality trait of Christen would have to be… hmmm, this one is difficult because I just love everything about her.” You honestly admit.
“Aw, babe, I love you, too.” Christen’s face softens, and she pulls you in for a tender kiss. “But answer the question.”
“Ahhh, okay!” You chuckle. It takes you a couple of seconds to come up with a succinct answer, but you finally find the words to an answer. “I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite trait, but one thing that I appreciate about Christen is her huge heart. She is just so compassionate and caring for everyone around her, and she’s so selfless, just always giving. She has so much love in her heart, and I’m just so lucky that she’s shared some with me.”
Your voice cracks at the end, as you start getting a little emotional, and you can see Christen discreetly wiping her eyes.
Clearing your throat, you look back at the comments, and you smile, as the forward mouths an ‘I love you.’
By now, there are many comments from fans saying ‘They’re so cute!’ or ‘MY SHIP’ or even ‘my heart can’t take this.’ You scroll through them and spot a few from your teammates.
mrapinoe: This is so gay
mrapinoe: I love it
tobinheath: You guys are so cute!
ashlynharris24: Wow, who knew (Y/N) could be so romantic
kelleyohara: C’mon dude answer my question!!!!
You let out a small laugh at your best friend’s comment. “What’s your question, Kel?”
You and Christen wait a couple of seconds for the defender to type out her question. Amidst the hundreds comments, you finally see Kelley’s name pop up again. 
“Kelley says, ‘(Y/N), is it true that you had a crush on someone while at Stanford?’” Christen reads from the screen, before turning to glare at you.
You cringe under the scrutiny of your girlfriend. “Wow, Kel, are you trying to get me in trouble?” You mutter out.
“Answer the question, (Y/N).” Christen pushes, jealousy seeping through her voice. Throughout your time at Stanford, the two of you had been best friends, telling each other everything, but Christen had never been aware of any crush you’d had.
“Ummm… well there was this one girl that I really liked.” You trail off, avoiding your girlfriend’s eyes.
“Really?” Christen raises her eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, but I was too nervous to do anything about it.” You shrug, not wanting to elaborate anymore, but the forward wasn’t going to let you off the hook that easily.
“Who was it? Do I know her?”
“Chris, it’s not that big of a deal. This was like ten years ago.”
“Was it Ali? Morgan? Lea? Oh my gosh, was it Kelley?” Christen interrogates, as you shake your head to each of them.
“Ew, Chris, you think I had a crush on Kelley. She’s like my sister!” You gag at the mental image.
“Well, then who was it?” She wines.
“It was you.” You admit. Although the two of you met at Stanford, and Christen so boldly asked for your number, you hadn’t started dating until four years ago, as neither of you wanted to ruin your friendship.
“What?” Christen’s eyes widen.
“I had a huge crush on you when we were in college. From the moment that you were sitting in my seat, I knew you were the one, as cheesy as that sounds. And as we spent more time together, on and off the pitch, my feelings grew stronger and stronger, but I didn’t know if you felt the same, so I never told you. I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.” You reveal, rambling on.
“Seriously?” Christen whispers, and you nod.
“Dead serious, babe.”
Not knowing what to say, your girlfriend cups your face and brings you in for a sweet kiss.
Before the kiss could get too heated on camera, Christen pulls away. “By the way, I had a little crush on you in college as well.”
“Hm, really?” You smirk.
“Well, we ended up together in the end, didn’t we?” You brush a hair out of her face.
“Yup, I always had a feeling we would.” Christen playfully boasts.
“Okay there, Delphi.” You joke, as your girlfriend pushes you away, calling you a nerd.
“Well, alright you guys, I think that we’re gonna end this livestream right now because we’re not too bored anymore, or at least I found something else to do.” You wiggle your brows at Christen, smirking.
“(Y/N)!” Christen slaps your shoulder.
ashlynharris24: Get it (Y/N)!!!
alexmorgan13: Real smooth (Y/N/N)
allie_long_: 🔥🔥🥵
“See you all later!” You wave at the camera and end the stream.
After you shutting off your phone and tossing it on the couch, you turn to your girlfriend. “So now what?”
“Well, all of a sudden I’m not that bored, and I think we have some lost time to make up for.” Christen sings, looking over her shoulder, as she makes her way towards the bedroom. “You coming?”
“Gosh, I love you, Christen Press.” You grin, before scrambling off your chair and following your girlfriend into your bedroom.
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
The Story Of Many (Request)
Chris Evans x younger sister!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request Description: reader is Chris Evans younger sister/co-star and she is staring in a role that is very emotionally draining (like Tom Holland in Cherry or Zendaya in Euphoria) and the role gets to much for her mental health and Chris comforts/reassures her
Warnings: child abuse (in reader’s role), depression, anxiety, pills
(A/N): some of you guys started sending requests and im super duper excited!! hahaha,, i just realized that some of your actually read my shitty authors notes oh shit
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It was rare that you and your family could all be there for dinner, and it was always rather enjoyable. Your sisters of course had their own lives, and things to take care of. Chris and Scott, your older brothers, always had busy schedules, requiring them to be far from home. Now you had joined that circus, as you had also turned to acting.
Naturally, being the youngest in the Evans family, you’d gotten a lot of attention. Although, you felt like you had gained popularity on your own, and you were proud of your accomplishments. 
Lately, you’d been filming a movie surrounding the topic of child abuse. You played one of the teens that were being abused, and there were some pretty heavy scenes in it. It was meant to showcase the toll it takes on a kid. And it had certainly taken a toll on you. 
Being a very method actor, it was hard for you sometimes to get out of that headspace. The mind of a tortured child, someone who no one loved, and someone who lashed out at others because they had nothing else. 
You’d secretly started taking some antidepressants, just for the time being. You just couldn’t bear going home from set and crying yourself to sleep, or numbly watching television until 3 AM. But you didn’t want to let your family worry. It would all stop when you were done with the move anyway.
“Y/n?” Chris’ voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He was looking at you with those protecting blue eyes, worried as always. Your other siblings and parents were still talking, completely unaware of the bubble of seriousness that had entrapped you and Chris. “You okay?”
You nodded simply, picking up your fork to grab some of your untouched food. Chris didn’t seem convinced. 
“You’re just not very talkative lately..” he mumbled, piercing his own food. “How’s the role? What are you working on?” 
“Uh, it’s a movie about child abuse. To shed more light on it. I play one of the kids,” you saw flatly. You avoided diving into the more sensitive parts of your role, afraid that you might shatter in front of your brother. For once, you didn’t want to be the younger sister, you just wanted to be Y/n Evans. 
When you told him what it was about, something seemed to click with Chris. He had certainly experienced something along the same lines as you, and said with a small smile of understanding: “I get it. Those roles can really mess with your mood. Don’t let it affect you too much though.” 
That was all you and Chris said on the matter the rest of the dinner. You tried to enjoy it as much as you could. Everything just seemed so dull and gray. When dinner was over, you scurried to the bathroom. Soon everyone would leave and go to their respective homes. 
You looked in the mirror and something, the part of you that could’ve enjoyed dinner, just withered away. So many kids couldn’t enjoy a dinner with their families. So many kids had terrible parents, parents who despised them. Parents who did horrible things to them. You closed your eyes, leaning over the sink. As tears dribbled down the drain, you felt like nothing but an unloved child, broken and with a head in a storm. 
Shaking, you reached out your hand to grab your pills. They rattled in their plastic bottles. 
“Y/n?” it was his voice again. Chris. Panicking, you sniffled trying to compose yourself. You sniffled, knowing he could hear it from the other side of the door, let go of the pill bottle and wiped your tears. Looking in the mirror, you knew it was still painfully obvious, and the thought only made you want to cry more.
“Y/n,” he repeated, “Open the door.”
He had that voice, that serious one that he only used when those boys pranked you in fourth grade, or when you fell from a tree and hurt yourself in kindergarten. He wanted to protect you. 
Ashamed, you opened the door to the bathroom, and Chris wasted no time striding in. 
“Y/n..” he mumbled, embracing you in a hug and pressing your head into his chest. You gasped and cried again, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispered.
There was nothing better than being hugged by your brother. His arms just blocked you off from all the harm in the world, all the hurt children, and the evil parents, and the pills. Your breathing calmed slowly.
You stood like that, so peacefully, until you felt him move his arms from you. You flinched at the sound of rattling pills. You pulled away, taking a step back. 
Chris looked hurt. Betrayed. He clenched the pill bottle in his hand, shaking his head, utterly speechless. 
“Y/n, you can’t not tell us about this. You- You.. Does mom and dad know?” He was outraged, eyes glistening. You shook your head in shame. His hand clenched the plastic container harder, knuckles whitening, before he threw it angrily.
The container hit the wall with a rattle, and then bounced back onto the floor, lying there alone on the reflective tiles. 
“It’s just this role. God, it’s been.. It’s been so tough on me. And this is the story of one family! But at the same time it’s the story of so many families. I just go there and act these things, and I feel like I’m rotting away, Chris. I don’t know what to do!” You yelled, lip quivering. Your knees buckled and you feel down on the tiles. Chris jumped to help you, but you scooted away, hugging your knees and hiding your head. You felt pathetic. 
You heard shuffling and then felt a hand on your knee. His thumb brushed over it gently and calmingly. 
“Look.. Roles can do that to you. I’ve never experienced it like this, but.. It just means that you’re a phenomenal actor, trust me. What’s not so phenomenal, is that you’re bringing these feelings with you home,” it was only in moments like these, where you could really appreciate Chris’ voice. He had a way of always sounding so calm, like he knew precisely that everything was how it was supposed to be. 
“Chris, I can’t.. I don’t know how to keep them away,” instinctively, at the sound of your vulnerable voice, Chris wrapped his arm around you again, pulling you into him. You sat on the bathroom floor together.  
“I think the best thing you can do, is talk to a therapist. They’ll be able to teach you how to put those things away better than anyone else. I promise you it’ll be worth it, N/n.” 
You nodded, agreeing with him. It was so crazy, you thought, how your problems seemed to melt away, when Chris got his hands on them. He rocked you back and forth, and for once, you were so content being his little sister, just because he would help you like this, just because he could. 
“Should I set that up for you?” 
“Yes, please.” 
“Okay, and I don’t want to hear no nonsense about any pills anymore, alright?” 
Once that was declared, you just sat there, you just stayed, peacefully, and you knew for the first time in a long time, that everything would be all right. With Chris by your side, everything would be okay. 
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - M-My heart...
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Jamil: …Once again, you made a promise without thinking about the consequences.
Kalim: But the principal said he didn't know where to go on a holiday right? Our home country is the best, don't you think? We the Scarabia dorm are representatives and we should show him the charms of the Country of Hot Sands! I'll leave the decorations of the lounge and the cooking to you Jamil. I will make the preparations for the parade!
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: …And for him to tell me that the day before. And he especially invited the principal. If the banquet is half-baked, it will have an influence on our evaluation. For Kalim's, the banquet…and my sake, I'll have to make this banquet a success. Okay. For the decorations. However it wouldn't fit if the decorations were just pretty, they also have to represent the culture of our country. ..All the ideas I have will take a long time. Hm… To have both beauty and culture…beauty and culture…beauty… Ah! I know!! I guess I should hear out "that" person.
Pomefiore Dorm - Lounge
Vil: …So you came to ask me for advice for the design of the party.
Jamil: Yes. A beautiful interior, a beautiful table set and beautiful entertainment… When I thought about "Beauty", your face suddenly appeared in my mind.
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Vil: Ah. Is that so.
Jamil: Kalim has prepared traditional fabric from our country to use for decoration. They're the ones I'm carrying now. They're deep red, patterned with large peacocks. I thought that someone with an aesthetic sense as yours would be able to teach me how to use this cloth the best…
Vil: I understand what you want to say. …But surely you don't intend to consult my knowledge free of charge?
Jamil: Haha, I knew he would say that! My preparations are flawless.
Jamil: You don't think that I presumed the charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit would cooperate free of charge! I'm not that impolite. In the case you do give me advice, I offer you one roll of this fabric. The textiles made in the Country of Hot Sands are very valuable after all. Moreover, the goods woven by the purveyors of the Asim household aren't even available in the stores…
Vil: I could estimate the value of this cloth by a glance so you don't have to explain. I was searching for a fabric for my new suit, so I shall accept your request.
Jamil: Really? I am so glad!
Vil: Show me the textile.
Vil: …I see. The weaving was done carefully, but the large pattern has a strong impact. Framing it like it is or using it as a rug will certainly give of the "traditional crafts" feeling. If I fiddle with this a bit…
Jamil: I see~ I will study this~
Jamil: And now I just leave everything to Vil. I should just sit back and nod when appropriate…
Vil: Can someone bring me scissors!
Pomefiore Student: Here!
Jamil: Are those sewing scissors? …Wait please, what do you intend to do with those scissors. You're not going to…
Vil: I've already decided. I'm cutting this.
Jamil: Aaah!! You cut this super expensive cloth in two!!!!
Vil: I'll cut it more so I can make a long and narrow flag.
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Jamil: Y-You cut it again! You know one roll of this can feed a 4-person family for one month right!! How wasteful… Hm? No…T-this is…? By cutting in this traditional pattern, you made an innovative design!!
Vil: Yes. If you come out of your comfort zone you will avoid being unfashionable. However, a certain someone who came to me just couldn't stop giving me harmless but pointless compliments…
Jamil: Shit.
Vil: Whatever you do, you should never forget to be bold. Aim to be sensational. There's nothing that I produce that can be considered "inocuous"! Now, I shall have you be brought another scissor and you shall cut this cloth according to my instructions!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
Main Street
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Jamil: Sigh. I'm tired… Being unrelenting is a good thing but the way he handles people is way too rough. There were a lot of scraps, so cleaning up took forever. …Oh well, for now the matter of decorations is settled. Next I have to prepare the food for the banquet. It's past 3 pm right now so I should… Wait it's past 3pm!? That's less than 3 hours 'til the banquet!! Because Vil was prattling on, I forgot to keep an eye on the time. I won't make it in time for the banquet! Whatever I do, I won't be able to prepare the food in time. Cooking….Cooking…Aha. This time I shall just ask "that" person!
Chapter 2
Jamil: Kalim suddenly planned to throw a banquet for the principal to introduce him to the Country of Hot Sands… If I want to make this party a success, I'll have to cook something from our hometown… If I was on my own, I wouldn't be able to make it. So I had to call in someone to help me. And if it's about cooking, this person will certainly…
Jamil: Trey. Please take care of me.
Trey: I'll do my very best. Since… in return you would prune all the rose bushes at Heartslabyul, wouldn't you?
Jamil: …Yes. If I can safely make it through the banquet, that is. In terms of labor, I lose. Keep the cool face and look at your feet…
Trey: So, did you decide on a menu?
Jamil: Yes. I intended to set up some bases of the traditional food of the Country of Hot Sands. The main dish will be a goat roast. Usually, you have to let it marinate in spices for three days but… I already seasoned one and put it in the freezer. Today we will use that.
Trey: You're so careful to the point that it looks like you knew about the party beforehand.
Jamil: Kalim loves inviting people over so I prepare stuff every day. I'll put the meat in the oven and have it slowly roast on a low fire. Meanwhile, we can start with the other meals. Seafood sauté, green salad, thin baked bread and dessert… Anyway I'm short of hands. First of all, please peel the potatoes!
/Cooking sounds
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Jamil: Okay, now all of the cooking is done.
Trey: All of them smell fantastic… Especially the well-cooked meat looks delicious! …However… by appearance you could say it looks kind of miserable.
Jamil: Huh, do you think so?
Trey: Yeah. There's only light brown on the plate, it's kind of unsatisfactory. I picked roses to put in the jam. If I scatter the petals like this… Look. If I add some red to it, doesn't it look more brilliant?
Jamil: You're right! It gives of a luxurious impression. Sometimes my younger sister tells me that my cooking looks plain by appearance. Back in the days we quarreled about it but… to think it was about the color.
Trey: Haha. There are plenty of people who think that Heartslabyul's sweets are gaudy, so I understand you. The most important thing in cooking is flavor after all. That's why I want to tell you that "Appearance doesn't matter!" but… you went through great troubles to make it delicious. It should be enjoyable from the start to the finish.
Jamil: I'll do my best remembering that. The next time I'll go home, my sister will be in for a surprise.
Trey: Let's decorate the other meals as well. I also have edible flowers that I use for cakes.
Main Street
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey! …Okay. I managed finish up cooking perfectly. …I wonder how Kalim's preparations for the parade are coming along.
Kalim: It seems the animals have arrived. Let's pick them up at the front gate!
Jamil: Hm? When you speak about the devil you see his tail. I'll watch secretly…
Scarabia Student C: Did you really get lions and elephants? What if they broke loose in the school…
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine! You guys. What do you think is the most important thing  when you communicate with animals?
Jamil: Heh, that's super easy. The answer is "Animal language". With that you can tell the animals which route to take for the parade…
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Kalim: The most important thing when you communicate with animals is… PETTING!!!!
Jamil: !!??
Kalim: Everyone is a living being after all, so if you rely on them it will turn out alright. If you want to take a small break, open the cage and deepen your bonds with the animals!
Jamil: …Is he releasing the lions and the elephants without any preparation…? Why…Why are you so incautious when it comes to animals…! Ever since you were little, you tottered over to the likes of tigers and panthers to give them pet food… It's worrisome. No matter how I look at it, it's worrisome. I can't trust Kalim with anything. I shall talk to the animals…!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Kalim: Principal. Please experience the hospitality of the Country of Hot Sand with all your might today. Then let's start this fun banquet!
Jamil: Somehow… we managed to finish up the decorations, cooking and parade on time… I ran more today than I do in a basketball game. I'm completely exhausted…
Kalim: Hey Jamil. Don't you look a little bit tired?
Kalim: Really? Okay.
Crowley: The decorations are wonderful, and the food is absolutely delicious.
Grim: Chomp, chomp. It's so good!
Yuu: Come on, manners! Chomp Chomp.
Kalim: It seems that the principal and the guests are enjoying themselves. Thank you for preparing the decorations and the food. Jamil.
Jamil: …  Don't mention it. But it's too early for you to let your guard down. As the organizer of the event, don't you still have to appear in the finale? Hurry up and get ready.
Kalim: Okay, gotcha!
Jamil: Good grief…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your cooking, all of it is amazing!!
Jamil: …Yuu, what do you think? Do you like the cooking of the Country of Hot Sands.
Yuu: It's yummy. I want to eat it every day.
Jamil: Heh. I'm glad.
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Jamil: Ah, it seems that the parade is starting. Principal, please go out to the balcony and enjoy the welcome parade of the Country of Hot Sands.
Scarabia Student C: U-Uhm! Vice dorm leader Viper!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a hurry.
Scarabia Student C: That's because… whisper…whisper…
Jamil: … What!?
Crowley: Hm? Is there something, Viper?
Jamil: N-No! There's nothing. I'll just have to leave my seat for a while… please continue enjoying Scarabia's banquet!
Chapter 3
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: KALIM DISAPPEARED!? The animal parade is a tradition of the Country of Hot Sands. The most valuable seven-colored parrot have to fly… And the organizer is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere but we couldn't find him… We can't do the finale of the parade like this.
Scarabia Student D: Wait! Instead of the dorm leader, we should have the vice dorm leader do the greeting.
Jamil: I can't. It would dishonor the organizer…Kalim.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And the parade is still going on… what do we do!
Jamil: …Calm down everyone. Panicking won't help. You guys are the farsighted and deeply designed students of Scarabia, aren't you? When an unexpected situation comes up you should be calm.
Scarabia Student D: …It is as Viper says.
Scarabia Student C: Sorry for getting upset.
Scarabia Student B: Uhm… dorm leader Kalim wanted to me to bring you a message…!
Jamil: …I see. Because of your error, the seven-colored parrot fled. And Kalim went to search for a substitute.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… The dorm leader said that it was fine to start with the parade… Sorry. It's all our fault.
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Jamil: Let's leave the investigation of your guilt for later. Let's first think about the problem we have in front of us. According to your story, Kalim has gone to Diasomnia… Even if he flyed on the magical carpet he would take 10 minutes. We have 5 minutes left until the finale of the parade. No matter what we do he won't make it in time. …We have to stretch time until Kalim gets back.
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… there are plenty of other animals marching lively. I'm so moved that I'm able to watch such a wonderful parade from the dorm's balcony!
Grim: Yes! The parade is going 'til the fountain. The music is getting louder as well…
Yuu: It's time for the finale! Let's get excited together!
Crowley: What kind of surprising show will I be able to witness at last!? …
Grim: …
Yuu: The animals seem to be circling in the same spot?
Crowley: How strange, I wonder if something happened. Can it be… that they ran into some trouble?
Scarabia Student C: The principal is muttering… Is the dorm leader Kalim still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: At this rate, our party we worked hard on will fail…!
???: The Asim household does not fail.
Jamil: …As long as I'm here! I'm on top of the roof… the shadow of the tower is just right. I'll rely on my wind magic to make it flashy!
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Crowley: Oho? Something is falling down. The red blizzard making the white Scarabia glow is truly beautiful…
Grim: The way it flutters and sticks to my noise is annoying!
Crowley: Grim, you don't understand. Isn't this a chic show. If it's this, I could watch it forever.
Jamil: The scraps of cloth that Vil cut off and the petals I got from Trey… Who'd have thought they'd play this role. Even I couldn't predict that. Anyway, I managed to stretch the time of the show. Now there's only…
???: Heey!
Jamil: The thing flying over there is…the magic carpet! He has arrived!!
Kalim: Principal! And Yuu and Grim as well, thank you for coming to Scarabia today! I've never been this happy that I could entertain my dearest guests!
Jamil: Sigh… And with this the parade is over without a hitch. I should go back to the lounge. My broom, where is it… And how long is Kalim planning to ride that carpet? I'm getting anxious watching him stand and move around on that carpet…
Kalim: A, Ah I'm losing my balance…aah! I'm falling!!!
Jamil: !!!?? WATCH OUT!!!!!
Kalim: …Man I was really surprised. I was careless and fell in the fountain. …Hm? But I'm not hurting anywhere…? …Ah, Jamil! You made me float with wind magic. Thank you. Thanks to you I wasn't hurt.
Jamil: M-My heart…I thought it was about to stop…tch.
Kalim: But I'm completely soaked… How cruel. Hahaha!!
Jamil: You feel like laughing huh. I felt like I was about to pass to the other side! Stop trying to imitate people rashly!!!!!
Kalim: Yeah. …Sorry for making you worry. …Anyways, did you see the finale? I did my best!
Jamil: …Yes, I saw it. Well done. Me.
Crowley: Well, the decorations, the food and the parade made for a wonderful banquet!! It must've been awfully troublesome to plan all of that, no?
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Kalim: Nah, absolutely not. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes.
Yuu: Good job! Good job…
Jamil: Today was a harsh day. If I had to plan another party like this…
Kalim: Principal! Disregarding your holidays, you should come again…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hmpf.
Jamil: If the principal tells you something again, just say that you'll consider it. No matter what, first consult everything with me. Understood?
Kalim: …Hah. I thought something was up when you suddenly shut my mouth. Okay. I don't really get it, but I get it!
Jamil: You're really such a reliable dorm leader…
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
Ok y’all if you thought 18x05 was long, you in for a trip. Get ready for lots of caps, lots of not PG-13, and lots of overanalysis. I hope this lives up to the hype since it took me forever and a day (literally almost every minute of the 20 minutes of scenes took practically an hour to breakdown, I have a problem I know). Anyways, let’s get sweaty under the cut because the day ain’t young no more 👇🏼
Their bickering in the car but Nick smiling the whole time is a huge married vibe but also he’s so happy she’s alive and will take any shit she gives him vibe and I’m here for it. Pluuuuus Ellie avoiding nicks question about the phone call 😭 he’s so freaking concerned for her (he’s been through his own version of PTSD), his voice drops all the teasing and he actually opens up a little bit - really wants to make sure she’s ok. He needs to be there for her and ugh poor Ellie, those walls are going back up after that hug- a momentary lapse in her usual self. She’s so far outside of her comfort zone talking about feelings and weaknesses and she immediately deflects. Nick respecting that deflection is also huge growth for him, knows it’s not ok to push through like a person like him would normally do and force her hand. He knows she needs space but also clearly ready to be that ear to listen or shoulder to cry on whenever she needs it.
His joke about notable mustaches only to be the butt of the joke about using the word notable later is hiiiiiilarious. 
Her comment about Zillow 😂 um excuse me ellie you looking for houses and to settle down 👀 but then(!!) Nick pushes her down the stairs first when shots start, getting her out of harm’s way and putting himself in danger like he always does my heart 😩 like he’s still on the stairs by the time she’s in a cell “safe.” And side note damn they are good shots, oof. 
The toilet bowl scene is easily one of my favorites. Nick freaking out over Ellie moving hers and him not being able to had me DYING. Like legit cackling over his worry she’s suddenly way stronger than him 🤣🤣 and then he gets SO pissed they took their car hahaha like so mad he hugs the damn wall in frustration. But then he claims he’ll rip out the bars of the window (you know, to make up for not being able to move his toilet and still prove he’s macho) and Ellie’s comment about superhuman strength & his agreement LOL. His anxiety level of being trapped and more so Ellie being trapped is getting to him already. He is reaching for any possible way to get them (read: her) out of there safely it doesn’t matter that the plan sounds outrageous. Cue him moving back to pissed and breaking the toilet with his damn foot like 🥵 we get you strong Nick but no need to show off. Hot damn. His “I really think we’re stuck in here” after that IDK why but had be laughing again. I’m pretty sure I said “no shit Sherlock” at my TV watching live because thank you Captain Obvious. 
Aaaaaand then when she pauses and finds the bomb bricks but goes so quiet oooooof he’s on high alert. You can practically hear his heart pounding and then he goes and starts panicking slightly when she doesn’t respond with our first use of a first name, “Ellie we have a wall between us, what is it?” But his tone is so frantic and his eyes are darting around putting the whole picture together and my heart aches for him. He’s starting to realize just how helpless he is to save her. The exact thing he likely swore he’d set out to never let happen again (Ellie in danger) after last episode, is happening again. And this time, it’s not like he can go hunt the guys down, he’s quite literally stuck. Helpless with no way out. Aaand here’s where Nick starts to lose his patience. Pissed at himself for not saving her before, not being able to save her now. Pissed at everything. He cannot comprehend how she is in this situation AGAIN and he can do nothing. But oh lord, he doesn’t even realize it’s about to get worse...
Him brooding over this crappy situation in a corner and being the cautious one is so unlike him (but also so telling as to how unnerved he is by her being in danger once again and not wanting to do anything to make it worse) and Ellie calls him on being “so careful, cowboy” and hot damn again she really does like a man in uniform doesn’t she??? 👀🔥 and she not picky on the type of uniform either 😏 but Nick immediately deflects because he’s not *quite* ready to talk feelings so let’s get down to business about counting bullets BUT the second Ellie starts to worry again he goes into hyperdrive protective and caring boyfriend partner. Without hesitation he tells her they’re going to figure it out because goddamnit he HAS to figure this out for her. He can’t fail, again. And he’s so so SO worried about her & her mental health right now and I sincerely love it. I know Ellie doesn’t want to have that conversation but I stan (I can’t believe I’m using that word, I’m not hip enough for that word) an empathetic boyfriend who supports their significant other when facing mental health issues (like PTSD in Ellie’s case) ❤️❤️❤️ Nick breaks my heart, he wants to be there for her- wants to be the one she feels comfortable enough to open up to and he just gets so dejected when she rejects his probing again (but I don’t blame her, it’s *hard* to open up about these difficult topics), his body language slumped over the bars and tone is just so defeated even if he tries to snap back into his usual Torres self (newsflash it ain’t working bruv because she’s not totally wrong in calling you hovery). Yet naturally he gets annoyed because he JUST CARES ELLIE DAMMIT LET HIM CARE. Like you go through this entire list of him trying to protect you from everything that could go wrong because HE CARES. HE WAS TERRIFIED HE LOST YOU ELLIE. HE TRULY THOUGHT HE’D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN. NEVER TOUCH YOU AGAIN. NEVER TELL YOU HE LOVES YOU. HE CARES. AND HE CANT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU AGAIN. HE LITERALLY WANTS TO SAVE YOU (his own words because god damn this show plays with my emotions 😭😭) FROM ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING BECAUSE HE COULDN’T SAVE YOU FROM GETTING KIDNAPPED AND HAVING TO FIGHT YOUR WAY OUT OF A PLANE RIGGED TO BLOW. Ok done with yelling for now but man this part gets me. The implications are so important even over trivial stuff. He felt helpless and Nick Torres cannot do helpless, so he tries do to everything else in his power to keep her away from any danger no matter how little it seems. Even hot coffee is too much for his precious babe and while he knows she’s not some delicate, fragile flower- he knows she can hold her own (& has called her a badass as proof), his heart can’t possibly take another explosion on an airstrip. Even if that airstrip is something like a burnt tongue. Ok I die now 😩😩😩
But let’s come back to living because this bullshit Nick “I always tell you what’s going on with me...you ask I tell you” exCUSE ME. Is this the same man who claimed he was being overprotective and that Ellie was like a sister to him?!???!! Yeah, I call bullSHIT that you tell Ellie what’s going on with you. (And Ellie calls BS too, btw buddy). 
But when Ellie finally decides to open a little I love it. I think she finally understood at least just a bit that he just, simply cares about her & her well-being. So she gives him a tiny taste of what she’s going through. And god Nick’s face when he understands the gravity of what she’s having to face mentally. Like I know he knew but I don’t think he knew just how bad. And you can just see that hatred towards his perceived failure turning inward once again as the mood shifts in these cells to somber. Plus Ellies last comment here with them *needing* to find a way out of there- girrrrrrrl poor baby girl 😭 she’s struggling so hard right now and trying so hard to not let it show and not let it get to her but you know she’s terrified. You know she’s desperately triggered. UGH Ellie 💔💔
We cut to Ellie desperately trying to figure out a solution to getting the fuck outta there and once again my heart aches for her triggered self. Nick seems desolate and frustrated, shutting down slowly as it seems less and less likely they’ll get out. Buuuuut then the GUM. Ahahahahahah Ellieeeeeee how do you know about that last piece of gum for “breath emergencies”??? AHHHH this man’s jeans are so damn tight (& yes trust me I would know, I observe) but like also you staring at a spot on said tight jeans that’s only maybe five inches from a different outline 👀👀👀 GIRL I FEEL YOUUUU. GET. IT. Plus she knows exactly what he calls it and I freaking love that. His excuse for why he has to save it is also hilarious 🤣 his breath emergency later hmmm doubt you wanted to save it to MacGyver something Nick sooooo you got another thing in mind?? 😏 and then LMAO it’s mushy because his pants are sweaty I’m rolllllling. Your pants too tight Nick? (this is not humanly possible btw) ALSO is this why later Ellie says she expected Nick to be more sweaty??? If it is and now rewatching I kind of feel like it is, omg what a great callback on her part 🤣🤣
Nick trying to coach her on the proper way of opening the cell door is hilarious because bitch which one of you was able to move their toilet Nick 👀😂 but oh damn now it’s when shit goes downhill fast. 
Nick not being able to see anything and his frantic questioning is amazing compared to Ellies absolute panic realizing she is once again facing down a bomb. I feel like her calming breaths are a coping technique Jack has been helping her with but man kill me now, Nick’s face?? When he realizes what he thought was helplessness earlier has just shot yo exponentially??? Oof with a capital O. This poor man needs a damn drink and yet all he can have is a club soda boy I *feel you* on that (side note #letsgetthisbabyoutmybellyasap). His woman has gone and gotten herself into another bomb encounter for the second time in a week. And he CANT DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. Can you imagine the absolute inner (and outer, give it a sec) freak out he’s having?? He wants to save her from hot coffee for Christ’s sake and now he can’t save her from a rigged bomb. Talk about a shitty situation. 
I just love the Torres Teachable Moment little discussion. Like Nick’s smirk gets me. I really don’t think he knew she had a name for it or realized that she caught on to what he was doing (trying to help her grow as an agent without being obvious or “degrading”). And then we move on to comparing arm length and I crack up 😂 “my arms are longer than yours” and “no they’re disproportionately short for your body” HAHAHA like what the hell have you guys been doing to know this?? Do you stand *that* close together with your arms down to know their lengths comparatively and how much do you stare at Nick, Ellie? Daaaaaaamn. From his gum to his arms to his body I see you 👀 I’m not hating tho I would too 😏 I think what I loved most about this whole jail scene (aside the ending obvs) is the quick flipping back and  forth from joking & teasing to dead serious & worried. Like they’re both trying so hard to keep it above board and light- trying desperately not to think of the implications of what’s happening but then (usually Nick) those intrusive thoughts sneak through and he can’t help but redirect them back to serious. It shows their inner warrings with themselves and just how hard this is for both of them. How much they want to appear strong and unflappable but they both know deep down the whole situation is eating away at them. And Nick bringing up her standing on a bomb only moments before he tells her he’s going to shoot the wall- OOF. Ellie’s genuine terror for him injuring himself and her then not being able to do a damn thing about it because she’s standing on a FREAKING BOMB is so painful to watch. Like she’s stuttering she can’t get it out fast enough, she needs to stop him, she can’t fathom him getting hurt while she’s helpless (uh, hello there theme of the episode how have you been). Nick’s facial expressions through this scene are also so telling. He goes from “this isn’t a big deal” to “oh shit she’s panicking” to “holy shit is she going to open up, is she really talking about this” to “fuck it’s my fault she had to go through that and it’s tearing me up inside every second” to “hooooooly fuck is she about to say what I think she’s about to say?? Is she about to confirm what I know deep inside but am too afraid to say aloud?? Is it true??” And ELLIE OH ELLIE. Reliving that *has* to be hard, has to. To finally bring it up after she’s been dodging it all damn day...you know the thought of him getting seriously injured had her more than rattled. And she cracks open those cement walls around her heart so briefly, the glimpse in it provides I think a turning point for Nick. Finally seeing that it’s not just him, she’s in deep too. Even if she can’t say it, can’t say she was fighting to see him again 😩💔 he knows. She says he only has one bullet left and to save it and they’ll figure some other way with tears in her eyes my HEART. But Nick gets it. Nick gets it because he’s been in the exact same situation. His eyes as they process the implication of her words and the fear for his life running through them 🥺 his simple “ok” is so unlike his normal self, you just know he’s once again doing anything and everything he can for. Even if that means standing down and not fighting for his way (the natural instinct for him). He knows what she needs is reassurance he won’t accidentally shoot himself. So he does it 😭 But him pacing (as a man of action suddenly faced with forced inaction) & Ellie begging for an inventory over and over (a woman of logics and data faced with PTSD) is so painful. You can tell they’re both struggling and neither wants to admit it but also they both need to do something - for Nick that becomes finally deciding to shoot a foothold in the wall and for Ellie that meant trying to go over their facts again and again but suddenly she’s once again terrified Nick is going to injure himself. The one man she fought to see again might hurt or even kill himself and she can’t do a damn thing because she’s standing on a bomb for fuck’s sake. Aaaaaaand cue the blow up. Cue Nick voicing his worst fears of Ellie accidentally triggering the bomb. Cue Ellie getting defensive because she’s so damn used to be babied and treated like she can’t take care of herself. Cue the “overprotective hovery man crap” line that had me rolling on the floor (tbt ROFL). Cue Ellie calling herself a girl but Nick calling her a woman like DAMN get me where it hurts Nick- that right there is a man who respects the living hell out of this fiiiiiiine representation of a woman in front of him 🔥. Cue Ellie saying because I’m “me” like um FUCK YES IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE YOU AND HE’S TOO SCARED OF LOSING YOU ELLIE. Cue Nick finally losing his shit and getting reeeeeealllllllll like hallelujah do you hear the church bells?! Even Ellie knows to finally pause and listen. Nick never loses it on her, never. She knows this shift is serious and it’s happening. And omg his confession can I just have a moment of silence for the GROWTH.
Thank you, it needed commemorating. The same Nick who didn’t belong to a team is the Nick that is out here claiming he can’t sit idly by while the love of his life might get blown up again. He’s NOT OKAY WITH THAT AND NEITHER AM I. NOT AFTER THIS GODDAMN SCENE. His head bob accentuating just- how- important this is to him is so in character (thank you Wilmer) and theeeeeeen shoot me the way he has to fucking collect himself from almost crying. The emotion- there just aren’t words. Literally he has to look up to the sky and blink back those tears you know are threatening to fall at the thought of the woman who he still *technically* hasn’t told that he loves her could potentially die, again, for the second time in a week. So guess the hell what? He’s telling her (sort of). He’s telling her he would do anything, anything, put himself in danger’s way if it meant there was even the tiniest chance it would save her. Pardon the callback but- HE WOULD RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE HERS. DON’T YOU REMEMBER ELLIE. YOU SAID I KNOW. DO YOU KNOW NOW. DO YOU. BECAUSE GOOD LORD CAN YOU MARRY THIS MAN ALREADY BEFORE I DIVORCE MY HUSBAND AND DO IT (jk love you honey 😘). But like damn, she knows it now. That look- she bites her lip and has tears in her own eyes at the realness she can feel even through a cement block wall. It’s a feeling she’s not used to. She isn’t used to being a person someone would literally risk death for. She doesn’t think she deserves it (sip on that like whiskey, mull it over, let it sink in & cry about it). Even if she knows she doesn’t need saving (and so does Nick), she finally realizes it isn’t about that. It isn’t about he feels like she can’t do it. It’s about the overwhelming pull that your life isn’t greater than the one you love. That love, real true love, is knowing you would do anything for that other person (and they the same) because the world would be worse off without them in it. And Nick will never be okay with a world without Ellie. Never. Their joint quiet after his confession is so powerful. There’s no claims of falsehood, there’s no trying to quip back at him, there’s no trying to stop him. It just settles into the room- into their hearts. They’ve crossed a line and it means so, so much. Nick can feel a weight lifted off his shoulders as he loads his gun and gets ready and Ellie can feel a weight settle on hers from the need to reciprocate. And not out of pity, it would be out of truth. But she knows it isn’t the right time. She knows she has to do it, and she will. She held back earlier when she couldn’t say she was fighting for Nick, but his outburst and confession gave her the courage in this scene. She finally has confirmation she means to him like he means to her. And she has to know, she has to know if he means it or if it was heat of the moment so when the dust settles she inquires, “what’s going on over there?” A pulse check. A way of asking without asking—did you mean that? And the shock of confirmation of her face as Nick, dead as a doornail serious says, “close calls make you live harder”….holy hell. That’s the moment it snaps for her, everything snaps into place—the agony he’s gone through not only this week, but the past couple years of close calls. He’s done beating around the bush, he’s living harder, he’s going all in, he’s getting what he wants. He refuses to let anything like a damn jail cell rigged to blow stand in his way. And she knows, she knows just how important she is to him. He might not have said those three words, but that phrase- that phrase was a direct window into Nick Torres’ soul. And by god I love it. 
But Nick pulling a prank on Ellie like that is also so Nick- the little shit. The genuine concern in her voice when she yells his name 😭 like dude, her worst fear, something causing ongoing trauma in her head right now is the ONE THING you decide to tease her with??? I should expect nothing less but damn that’s low 😂 her checking on his status update with Gibbs though feels like such a role reversal from earlier and it cracks me up, side note. 
When they’re getting ready to stand down the returning brother and Nick gets in position next to the wall but can’t even look ahead- he’s just staring at Ellie, oof. In that moment he’s brutally and painfully aware she can’t hide for cover. Not only can she not hide, he can’t cover her because he’s (locked in a cell but also) out of bullets. He’s once again near helpless and the woman he loves (and has now finally kind of told) is a sitting duck. Someone get this poor man a damn club soda, I repeat. 
And the little talk between the two parties- I love that Ellie takes point. Love that Nick lets her. Like damn that’s a supportive partner right there and I 👏🏼 AM 👏🏼 HERE 👏🏼 FOR 👏🏼 IT. He knows she can handle this shit and he will willingly let her. But nooooooowwwww weee gettinggggg to the goooooood paaaaaaart. 
Ok first, “good to see you” - this man has missed her face. Straight up dying to see her in the flesh. Just listening to her voice and not seeing the emotions written on her face is not enough. Seeing her alive, smiling at him, he needed it. But of course, let’s keep it light, act natural Nicholas. 
“I thought you’d be sweatier” - excUUUUSE ME ELLIE. Not only did you just call out his reference to his sweaty jeans earlier, you also WANT TO SEE HIM SWEATY DON’T YOU. THAT SMIRK SAYS YES DON’T LIE. And honestly, I don’t blame you shhhhh.
“The day is young” - can I get another excUUUUSE ME NICK. Words- they don’t- function. Because that knowing smile of hers- SHE’S OKAY WITH IT. GET YOUR MIND OUT THE GUTTER YOU TWO THERE’S A HOMICIDAL MAN UPSTAIRS. YOU’VE GOT TIME TO GET SWEATY TOGETHER TONIGHT YOU HEAR ME. THAT DAY IS YOUNG AND SO ARE YOU SO GET THOSE BRICKS AND THEN YOU CAN GET TO BANGING LATER. I just fucking can’t with their smirks. I can’t. This isn’t the normal banter, this is the fuck me banter and I’m okay with it. Because right after the I-wanna-get-in-your-sweaty-jeans banter we have Ellie putting her HAND ON HIS GD HIP AS HE PASSES ONLY TO MOVE UP TO BOTH SHOULDERS. AND THEEEEEEEN HOLY HELL SOMEONE LIGHT A MATCH BECAUSE THIS BITCH ABOUT TO EXPLODE FROM SEXUAL TENSION. Is it possible to rewatch this scene a thousand times in slo-mo and still not have watched it enough? Because that is me. That will always be me. How are they so in tandem, so in sync as they look up mere inches from each other- directly into the other’s eyes knowing exactly how serious this situation is and yet pausing to freaking gaze longingly (read: have eye sex) at each other. And I’m sorry Nick looks down at her lips like three times??? For a good while too?? Sir nothing you said required you to look there. nothing. And also there’s no way his hands aren’t on her I thiiiiiiink they’re on her upper arms (based on the last shot as he’s walking to get the bricks) but like hold her tight Nick please. Also while Ellie doesn’t look at his lips (in this scene) holy shit those are some come-hither eyes if I’ve ever seen them. “I’m sure” ABOUT YOU. SHE’S SURE ABOUT YOU NICK. SHE’S SURE SHE’S READY TO GET SWEATY WITH YOU NICK. Like literally, this girl had been leaning up against the cement wall for a looooong time before he has to pass her and now, NOW that Nick has to pass her- SHE STANDS UP TALL. TO GIVE HIM NO SPACE. WHILE SHE’S STANDING ON A BOMB. BITCH YOU WANTED IT. That was a damn power move Ellie and I am not mad about it. She so easily could have leaned back, given him a ton of space to get around, but nooooooo she stands right there, middle of the tight opening and says yes Nick come get 1mm from my face, touch me here, touch me there, touch me everywhere don’t care 👀 while you pass. I’m sure I’m okay with it because you’ve just eye fucked me and it’s exactly what I wanted. And I mean come oooooooon just the underlying emotion behind both of their words. Nick isn’t just asking if she won’t move her foot- it’s his way of asking if she’s ok and she looks SO much better, more relaxed now that he’s with her. The tense, anxiety-ridden Ellie that was asking for inventory or snapping about him being overprotective, is now at ease despite still standing on said bomb- all because Nick is right there with her and if that doesn’t make you 🥺😭 I don’t know what will. Like she can’t even take her eyes off of him even after rude brother interrupts this gold moment of theirs until Nick has already completely turned his head towards the dude. She’s just so relieved to see him standing there, so close to her, feeling his warmth underneath her hands again. 
Side note to prove my earlier point, when Nick casually reaches through to throw the bags of bricks through the door Ellie is leaning on the wall and THERE’S SO MUCH ROOM. HE COULD HAVE EASILY PASSED. 
Nick looks like he literally wants to murder the guy, enraged that he’s the one who put Ellie in this situation again. We would’ve seen swan!Nick if it wasn’t for Ellie choosing this moment to finally share her feelings. Because remember- she’d decided she was going to reciprocate but knew it wouldn’t come off the right way before. Now’s the time. Now when the immediate threat to their lives is gone (excluding bomb of course). Now when they’re alone, they’re together, and she can look him in the eye so he knows she’s serious. He can read the truth in her eyes rather than doubt her words said across a jail cell wall. 
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you” - well damn that got your attention didn’t it Nick??? So used to putting Ellie first, putting yourself second its weird to hear it come from someone else isn’t it? That someone is worried for your safety? That someone needs you living and breathing just as much as you need them doing the same? His eyes immediately change from Imma kill this man to did I just hear this woman right. 
“I’m not okay with you getting blown up either” - first off, the parallelism is what makes this absolute *chef’s kiss* because Nick has literally zero chance of being blown up if he runs after this dude. Shot? Yes. But blown up? No. Ellie has chosen these words precisely to call back to what Nick said earlier. To make sure he’s aware she understood the weight of his earlier confession and is making the same one. They are on equal footing- their feelings are not only reciprocated but just as strong as the other. She could’ve said anything else but choosing his exact words was so poignant in the moment. It’s like the difference between saying “I love you” & “I love you too” compared to “I love you” & “I really care about you.” And the way she says it with such confidence, she isn’t playing around, she didn’t even *have* to bring up their previous conversation, she’s got determination etched across her face with a ghost of a smile on her lips. She means this, and it’s dying to bust out of her. And so the shock to Nick’s system is quite frankly understandable. This is Ellie - someone who hours ago didn’t even want to tell him who she was trying to make a phone call to. Ellie who has walls the size of Mt. Everest erected around her heart. Ellie who could have brushed off his earlier comments said from the safety of a cement wall between them. But no. This Ellie is all-in, she’s ready to own up to her side. She’s ready to lay it on the line just like him. Equal footing. If Nick is ready to jump, then so is she. And he’s just so taken aback- glancing at her lips, blinking through the shock as he processes. Processes the weight of her words on their relationship. He knows he could laugh it off, make a joke about his superhuman strength not allowing him to get blown up, or he could man up and take them both forward. Ellie doesn’t even flinch under his stare, if anything she becomes more confident, more resolute in her words and her stance. Her eyes searching his for what his reaction will be and for a brief moment I swear there’s a tiny bit of worry, a tiny bit of unease that he wasn’t ready for her to repeat his words back to him. 
“Well, what are we gonna do about that?” Oh YOU HEARD. That smirrrrrrrrk Nicholas stop iiiiiit, Eleanor’s standing on a bomb you don’t need to light her on fire!! Because this is a challenge, a goddamn challenge. Staring straight into her soul saying, “oh you want me and I want you? How about we blow this popsicle stand and go get fucking sweaty ok? Because that’s what I want to do about that 👀🔥🔥🔥” and not only is the smirk sexy as hell but it’s also got this glint of elation. Like he could not be happier she said those words back to him. That he finally took Ziva’s advice, wasn’t a wuss and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT IT PAID OFF. But his words also tell of a little nervousness. And not necessarily in a bad way, more as in a leaving it to her way. Putting her in the driver’s seat of this relationship knowing it’s where she’ll feel most comfortable. Given all she’s been through, like all of it not just the past week, he knows that she needs to be in control of how fast they move. And once again his chivalry and thoughtfulness of her is just- I cry. He doesn’t just assault her with what they should do next, he leaves it for her to decide. For her to weigh in on how far and how fast she wants to take them. And by the little shy smile Ellie gives him- she knows what he means. She knows her words have hit their mark and that he respects her enough to let her lead the way. And now she has to make her decision, a decision we DON’T GET TO SEE BUT I’M NOT BITTER IT’S FINE. But a decision nonetheless. 
I honestly go two ways on this- the most obvious of hell yes they kissed right then and there and started *something* and then the bitter realistic one of they were probably interrupted by Gibbs (who was literally outside like right then based on timing) but also may have just continued to stare into each other’s eyes- still slightly taken aback by everything they just shared and what it means for them. Still unsure of how they “work” as people who *love* each other, not just partners. Having that reality sink in as they continue to face off and wait for a rescuer. That reality sinking in could lead to obviously very good things (that we better see on our screen or I will fucking riot) or a slight nervous closing-off. Like not quite closed off closed off, but a tiny retreat when the gravity of the day falls down on both of them. I don’t think either will believe they only said what they did because of the situation/moment they were in, but it’s still a lot to deal with after all is said and done. I sincerely hope they unpack this in the coming episodes and give us some direction of what happened after that jail cell scene. 
I love the Torres told McGee about what happened today and I’m so curious about how much detail he told him lol but I also love that McGee has now received genuinely good advice from Torres twice now (the one about the reunion and now this). Just goes to show you the brotherly bond they have ❤️ but also that the advice was the same advice he literally lived out that day. Close calls make you live harder, almost as an affirmation to himself (Nick about what happened), but as something he knew McGee needed to hear too- they all do. 
And then this bullpen scene - one, how far of a time jump is this and whyyyyyyy won’t they telllll meeeeee. They hate me. Two, Ellie coming over so close just to hand off a file that he doesn’t even look at 👀 three, THEIR SMIRKS. WHAT DO THEY MEAN. Because Nick is holding back the world’s biggest smile as Ellie gets close to him and Ellie is just all nonchalantly checking him out with a brief eye-sex scene. Like damn this fine man doesn’t want me to blow up and I don’t want him to blow up either 🔥 Now does this mean they absolutely got together and did the nasty after they got out of that cell? Of course not. We can only dream, and write fics. This ending scene is very reminiscent of what NCIS loves to do with their power of open-ended persuasion at the end of an ep, see On Fire for example. The ending music and comments combined with the shot of Gibbs leaving in the elevator is literally there to try and persuade you that he killed Xavier. In this ep, the ending music and voiceover combined with their looks at each other is there to try and persuade you they totally got it oooooon. Not to say they didn’t, but I don’t trust NCIS one damn bit. 
All in all, cannot *wait* to see where they take ellick the rest of the season. Emily hyped this ep and man, she did NOT disappoint. Let’s see that shift that is going to ripple for the rest of the season now like Wilmer promised 🤞🏼
Oh and my only side note because this was insanely insanely long and if you’re still reading I’m proud of you for hanging in there with me & my screams into the void, send me an ask screaming back it’s ok I’ll love you for it—waaaas the whole team poking fun at Torres for using the word notable was downright hilarious. That and Gibbs trying to do everything himself, I can’t. Comedic gold. I love. I would go from dying of laughter to intense emotions so fast in this ep I got whiplash and for that, I am thankful to Gina. She always delivers 🔥
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Ginny Weasley Twin HCs
Warnings: mentions of death
Word Count: ~2,4k
Request: Okay can I get some Headcanons about the reader being Ginny's twin sister and while (at least book) Ginny is brave and courageous and really badass, she's just really shy and small and silent and loves flowers and all that and (just because the gist of it) she's still in Gryffindor (she is extremely Loyal (which is kinda more hufflepuff), but because she'd immediately jump in to save everyone she's in the house. And long story short how the fam and the trio (who all see her as a smol sister) 'deal' with her and maybe what would happen if she'd fall in love with someone you choose (idk, malfoy, neville, Luna, you decide)
Requested by my sweetheart honeybee queen
A/N: I got tired towards the end but here you guys go
Before Hogwarts:
when Arthur and Molly got you two they were over the moon
they told each other they would stop getting children when they had a daughter and now they got two beautiful baby girls at once
but also they lowkey hope you don’t turn out like your rambunctious older twin brothers
So first of all you two get absolutely adored by your older brothers, especially Bill and Charlie
those two will carry you around the whole day long and talk to you and play with you, adorable
when Percy starts learning how to read he will read to you two every evening and he won’t take a no from his parents
getting older Fred and George saw new victims for their pranks and Ron being the closest to your age got annoyed by always having to play girl stuff with you two
from a young age on you were quieter than your siblings and often shied away from the activities they did, you wouldn’t even interact with other children that lived close by
Molly and Arthur were concerned about this but let you be, they thought that you would eventually get around to it and boy were they wrong
you were always more interested in nature, the flowers and plants and what different traits and effects they had
besides that you also started learning how to read fairly early on thanks to our favourite family nerd Percy and stuffed your nose in every book that your tiny hands could grab
cooking and baking with your mother was also high on the list of things you enjoyed
honestly your more laid back and quieter demeanor was a blessing for Arthur and Molly
but whatever you did you could never run away from your sister
Ginny was still able to drag you into her stuff
stealing your brothers brooms and going for a ride, putting spiders in Ron’s bed, making tea out of plants that give weird side effects… you did it all and never got blamed for it. i mean, Fred and George usually did those things after all
Hogwarts 1st + 2nd year:
when Ginny and you went to Hogwarts it was quite a surprise for you and your family that you were sorted into Gryffindor
okay hear me out for a second, everyone in your family got sorted there so why would it be a surprise? well you were always far more loyal and hardworking than brave or courageous and your family knew that. besides that the sorting hat took literally five minutes to sort you in because he was in a Hufflepuff/Gryffindor dilemma but non the less here you were standing as a Gryffindor
your first year was far too eventful for your liking and it all started with Ron and Harry driving your fathers car to school on the first damn day, then there was the whole heir of Slytherin thing, students being paralyzed, Ginny being dragged into the chamber of secrets and almost dying, and Harry and your older brother Ron getting down there to save her
what kind of shitshow was this?
after everything that happened in this school year and your siblings getting in danger you promised yourself you would become strong enough to protect them and with that in mind you went into your second year
second year went… better than the first
i mean if you ignored the fact that a mass murderer broke out of Azkaban and the school being guarded by dementors
but at least you now had a competent Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, I see this as a win
you spend most of your time learning and hanging out with your sister and friends you made, one of them being Neville Longbottom, a gryffindor boy one year above you
you two became quick friends during your first year at Hogwarts over your shared love for herbology and you bonded over being shyer individuals
with him you had the most fun and talked was by far the easiest no matter the subject
another friend of you made was Luna Lovegood, a ravenclaw girl in your year which was a more weirder individual but still a lot of fun to be around
and because of Ron your circle of friends expanded to Harry and Hermine
Harry thought you were a really nice contrast to your siblings and Hermine immediately adopted you as her little sister, no questions asked
shortly said, they loved you as well
the year went by mostly uneventful which was nice, then the third year came
Hogwarts 3rd and 4th year:
it started absolutely fantastic even before the school year started because your father and siblings went to the Quidditch World Cup which got run over by Death Eaters at the end of the day while you were at home with your mother
that already warned you about the year to come
at Hogwarts Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament which your school would host that year, which also brought students of two different schools with it, great
also, hahaha, your new DADA teacher was absolutely terrifying in your eyes, good luck
but thankfully stuff went as normal as it can be
then… “Come on Y/N why don’t you help as for once!” “Yeah nobody will know anyways!”
“I am not going to brew you two a bloody aging potion so you can put your names in the goblet of fire and enter that stupid tournament! People have died in it! Besides that if you don’t stop pestering me I will tell this professor McGonagall.”
“You would rat your own brothers out?” “Nobody likes someone like that,”
you blankly stared at them for 20 seconds before they got scared by your expressionless face and left
they left you alone after that, idiots
two months later, the champions got announced, the first task was over, which made you able to see your brother Charlie for a few days, and then the yule ball got announced which meant you got dancing lessons by non other than your head of house professor McGonagall
after the lessons you and Neville would go hang out in one of the green houses and take care of some of the plants, just like now
“It’s so unfair, you are allowed to go to the yule ball but I don’t and I still have to take the dancing lessons.”
“But what if a fourth year asks you to go with him?”
“Oh please Neville nobody would want to go with me!” 
“I would like to go with you.”
cue silence and intense blushing
well if he says it like that…
the evening of the yule ball became yours and Neville's first date and many came after that and so also the start of your relationship
your dates mostly consisted of trips to Hogsmead, picnics and walks along the Hogwarts grounds and study dates
it was amazing
and your first kiss happened in March during one of your many walks
none of you knew how exactly it happened and who made the first step but it was very sweet and innocent
also cuddling while the two of you are on your own is a must, nobody can stop it
you and Neville decided to keep your relationship a secret for the time being and it worked, nobody knew, not even Ginny
then the school year ended and you had to say goodbye for two long months
it was also the time when the order of the phoenix came back and your parents and two oldest brothers became a part of it
you moved into the headquarters at Grimmauld Place and everything got turned upside down
you weren’t supposed to tell anyone about this, which you didn’t, but you couldn’t resist writing letters to Neville
and then someone found out, a little shit by the name of Sirius Black
i mean sooner or later it would have happened but it was a surprise that it was nobody from your family
did he tease you? yes, but he promised not to tell anyone and gave you really good advice on relationships and how to handle problems and fears you might have
Sirius quickly became someone you could confide into about almost anything you could talk about with your family and for you he became part of the family
you even called him ‘uncle Sirius’ the day you left for Hogwarts again and boy was this man in tears
with that one of the worst years in your life started and all thanks to one person
Dolores Jane Umbridge, not one word was bad enough to describe her because the word was still better than her
if someone was the bane of your existence it was her
you finally wanted to stand up for yourself and you did but then detention came and threw you back down
your siblings, Neville, Harry and Hermine quickly noticed the shift in your demeanor and how you became closed off which you never were before
shy and held back but not closed off
they soon found out what happened and “The Y/N Protection Squad” was founded, be ready to get bothered by them at all times, you never going to be alone
then the DA came around and you of course joined alongside your siblings, friends and boyfriend Neville
it was one of the best things that happened to you in months
finally you could show what you got in you
you and Ginny became a power duo, your brothers were shocked to say the least
and you and Neville finally decide to make your relationship official 
your siblings, shocked that their pure innocent sister has had a boyfriend for over a year, but not surprised it’s Neville
protective annoying older sibling squad activated
but you nor Neville cared, you were happy and as long as you two stayed that way everything would be okay
then you went to the Ministry of Magic with Harry, Ron, Hermine, Ginny, Neville and Luna
everything turned upside down when you got attacked by the death eaters and when they got a hold of you all
you were afraid, but you were more afraid of your siblings and friends than yourself
especially when you saw that Bellatrix LeStrange had her grip on Neville
he told you about his parents and he even wanted you to meet them but now you were afraid that it might never come to it
insert Sirius and the rest of the order of the phoenix, they saved you but a price was paid in the form of him dying
it changed you in so many ways that you had to question yourself and the things you knew
Hogwarts 5th and 6th year + Battle of Hogwarts:
your fifth year went pretty much as normal as your third for most of the time
school was finally quieting down and you had more time to process what happened at the ministry and all the years before
you concentrated more on school and your still building relationship with Neville, being able to walk through Hogwarts while holding hands and hugging and kissing him whenever you wanted
it was nice, you also found more time you could spend with Ginny and Luna which was much needed
but all good things had to end
the death eaters made their way into the castle and wreaked havoc
they destroyed everything they saw, they made Hagrid's hut go up in flames, they killed Dumbledore and after that put the dark mark up in the sky
changes happened quickly after that
thankfully the summer break came and with that the wedding of Bill and Fleur
even after everything that happened towards the end of the school year and when the order brought Harry to the burrow it was relieving to have something as exciting and somewhat normal as a wedding in these dark times
you helped where you could and you were allowed to invite Neville
it went amazing for most of the day but bad things just seem to come your way
Harry, Ron and Hermine left to find the horcruxes Voldemort made and you had to get back to school
it was different than before, everything was and you should have been used to it but you weren’t
this was the most tiring school year of all and it took a toll on every single student
then the day came and the moment you saw your brother and friends again you knew you would be doomed but it didn’t hinder you to sprint towards them and give them the longest and strongest hugs you could muster up
the battle started only a while after that and you gave all that you got to fight them off with the others
it was long and tiring but in the end the dark lord got defeated once and for all but there was nothing to celebrate
many people died and under them your brother Fred, you broke after that
Neville held you in his arms the whole time until you fell asleep
After Hogwarts:
you continued and finished school with good grades and started training to become a potions master
it just fitted with your love for herbology and your interested in the different effects they could have when put together and made into something entirely else
Neville upgraded from boyfriend to husband only a few months after you graduated
you two knew the other was the one for you and nothing would change that so why don’t put a label on it to say that one is mine for forever
Neville became the new herbology teacher after professor Sprout and you became new potions teacher after professor Slughorn
you just couldn’t be separated from each other
the future brought also two beautiful twin boys your way and a lot of chaos but with the family you already had you were used to it
Neville was not
you still manage it just as you do with everything
and with your other siblings getting kids as well family meetings were getting much more crowded to say the least
you stared at your nieces, nephews and sons while they were running around playing games and screaming at each other
“honestly love, I am regretting being pregnant again.”
“you aRE WHAT?!”
oh what a sweet life
Taglist: @satans-bae-and-queen
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