#i see him as a more relaxed individual in that regard
astrum-aetherium · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about Henry’s opinion on sex, and I think that he would treat it simply as a physiological need. Probably he wouldn’t see it as an act of love, intimacy, something emotional. I can see him just straight up using his partner as a fucktoy and nothing more.
as it happens, i've already discussed henry's possible opinion on sex and intimacy in one of my first posts on this blog. all things considered, it conveys a similar message, specifically in regard to sexual relations bearing little to no emotional value to him. i do agree with you, anon, when you say that it would predominantly constitute a physiological need for him. above all else, i suppose he would see sex as either stress relief, exercise or submission of power, or a way to please or even manipulate someone he had grown fond of. i would even venture as far as saying he wouldn't derive all too much pleasure from it, and instead it'd turn into duty, as we know him to be fascinated with the idea of hedonism but unfortunately unable to practice it to its fullest extent and therefore thoroughly enjoy it much due to his complete and utter emotional oscillation.
the only genuine joy he has ever felt, from his own words, was in a state of being drugged and drunk beyond belief; under the impression of being in the presence of dionysos; and having murdered someone viciously, in cold blood. that, if i do say so myself, is the most acute example of hedonism — taken to an absolute extreme. judging by the fact he has described this as the sole exhilarating encounter of his life, i'd say sex wouldn't even come close to instilling him with pleasure and enjoyment. it would be bland to him. however, i do believe he would appreciate the relieving, physically draining aspect of it. he already has to maintain so much control over nearly all areas of his life on the daily, tense and serious as all hell, wherefore the idea of simply getting to redirect and work through that energy in a sexual setting would appeal to him greatly. plus, the gratifying part of it — the orgasm — would come as a vaguely pleasant plus.
in regard to using a partner as a fucktoy — i am honestly torn. i do not see him as that shallow. if he were to engage in intimate encounters with anyone, i believe he would want to have established a strong bond with them, emotional or not (if that was even possible). because i mostly see him as sexually disinterested (i do not want to label him as asexual as i believe he would enjoy partaking in sexual encounters in his own way, mostly aesthetically, or, once again, with the intention to relieve some of the tension he's gathered), i think he would be quite fastidious if it came to a possible partner in that realm. i simply don't see him having meaningless sexual encounters, let alone using anyone for his pleasure alone, as that wouldn't be what he'd want to achieve from sex. to him, as mentioned, it'd only be about easing the tension; because of his overachiever tendencies, he would employ his absolute best to please and wear out his partner on the other hand, however.
the only setting i ever see the fucktoy aspect coming into play is if he was overly intoxicated and out of his mind more than usual; maybe off his medication, or something. or: animalistically irate. furious and angered out of his goddamn mind — only intent on using sex as an outlet for his emotions and therefore consulting your body for that sole reason. here, he'd be rough and merciless, and would even neglect to make you come like he usually does; he'd have his way with you (consensually, of course), maybe involve some degradation and even spitting, and be done with it.
on the next morning, though, he'd be good as new — even more lenient than usual, apologetic only in his own little ways: making you coffee, sending his fingertips trailing your pattern of bruises ever so slightly, asking you if you need a ride to campus. but, yeah, he would need to be properly bent out of shape for whichever reason in order to employ his power in that way, especially over you. unless, of course, the two of you were into that feral aspect of sex. in that case, then, it would merely have to be discussed, and i'm sure he'd be open to it — any emotional outburst, or any way to eject one's energy in the most violent way allowed, would appeal to him. we all know it to.
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stellarsagittarius · 7 months
🍁✨️ Mars in Natal Chart: The Men you are Attracted To✨️🍁
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(Does anyone know the name of this turkish movie/drama, from the GIF.)
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Mars in Aries
You love a man who is bold, and doesn't hold back from speaking up for himself. As an Aries Mars you have plenty of energy within you, and you move in a very direct manner regarding the things you want to have. So you really need a man who also has his own set of goals while supporting you as well, but not to the point that he gets in your way. You like a masculine energy that is sure of what they want to achieve and what they are going after. Someone who is very much in touch with their physicality and is always on the go. A person who respects, especially, the fact that you both are two separate individuals and both of your guy's desires matter. You like a masculine energy that can be physically playful with you. Someone who is very loud and clear with their actions, is really gonna give you the butterflies. This man is someone who feels proud when they see you succeeding, and someone who isn't afraid to lead you through life.
Mars in Taurus
You get butterflies big time when a masculine energy is stable and grounded. You value a man who is very much connected to his physical senses and enjoys a slow and steady lifestyle. A man who is also very much connected to his sacred femininity. As in, he has a healthy connection with the feminine aspects of life such as art or channeling his intuition. You feel energetic when the things around you have a solid future and that you know it'll give you much stability later on. So that's the same you look for in a man. His ability to plan ahead and tackle the physical aspects of life such as managing money or deciding on things like vacations or the home, it's all very important for you. You are also attracted to a man who is interested in the matters of your home, like making sure everything is good quality and that you are well provided for. Someone you can sit and simply relax with, either in a nice spa or baking something together.
Mars in Gemini
You like a smarty pants. Lol, I mean you love when a masculine energy is eloquent in the way they express their words and can explain literally anything in the world to you with extreme ease. Someone who is very good at regulating his words, and you really get the butterflies when a man can flatter you with his intelligence. Someone who is both quick to understand things and also someone who can take their time to strategically plan their way around getting things done. You like playful banters or atleast have this thing for having conversations with your partner in a way that looks like you both are fighting, but is actually very fun to do and is not serious fights at all. Because for you, you are bit of a conversationalist yourself even if you don't have any major placements in Gemini itself. You love a man with whom you can genuinely connect on an intellectual level. Also, I think Gemini Mars women are attracted to men who work with their hands in some way 👀.
Mars in Cancer
You like a man who isn't afraid to show his emotions, and talk about his feelings whenever it's needed. There is a strong sense of being comfortable with one's feminine side, as in him being connected with his nurturing qualities. You like a man who lives a more easy-going lifestyle, someone who is domestic and focuses more on bringing peace in his home. Now with Mars in Cancer, it's not a beneficial placement as the energies of Mars and Cancer contradict each other. So you can be a bit distrustful or closed off with the masculine energies and figures in your life. And with men who appear to be on the sensitive side, you can get attached very quickly. A masculine energy that is not only just a physical provider, but also an emotional provider is what you are heavily attracted towards. Cancer rules the chest and stomach, so perhaps men with a defined chest or a toned stomach can really get you attracted. In short, it's someone connected to his emotions and is much more on the gentle side of life.
Mars in Leo
You love a fabulous man. Someone who isn't just a plain old attention seeker, but someone who actually exudes confidence wherever he goes. You are attracted to men who are quite on the creative side of life, like someone who lives a colorful life, someone who isn't afraid to add their personal touch to things, someone who honors their individuality. Often times you can attract cocky men, or men who are super insecure on the inside, so be aware of that. With your Leo Mars you are quite stubborn and fixated towards the things you want to achieve, and you might move a bit slow, but you make those moves so loud. You need a masculine energy that can sustain this nonstop fire within you. You also like praises, so definitely a man who knows how to appreciate you well enough. You enjoy a power couple dynamic, so the masculine energy in your life should be someone who knows that you both add even more shine to each other's light. You also desire to be seen by your partner, so if a confident man does that for you, it's one major butterfly inducing factor for you.
Mars in Virgo
You love men who knows what they are doing. Men who mindlessly go about their days or don't even know how to do basic tasks, really turn you off. You love a man who is sure of what he is trying to do, while also being able to give you the practical knowledge about that thing. With Mars in Virgo you go about your life quite statistically by planning your moves, and you love a man who does the same. You really are attracted to a handy-manny type of masculine energy, that can make you feel physically comfortable by improving the way you live. Small practical gestures like holding the door open for you or bringing you a glass of warm honey tea at the end of the day, or something, it really makes you feel like you can rely on that person. You are attracted to witty and often sarcastic men. You also need a mental attraction with a person, while also being able to use all that exchange of information into some practical use. You are also pretty attracted to men who prioritize cleanliness and hygiene.
Mars in Libra
You experience a very dynamic yet subtle kind of attraction. By subtle I mean you aren't the type to directly approach the men you are attracted to or be very driven with your crush. Instead, you like the sneaky flirtations, the slow burn that slowly yet gently gets you to understand the other person. You are highly attracted to the classic gentlemen type. Someone who is a smooth talker, a man with a charismatic yet soothing demeanor. You can easily get turned off by men who are overly aggressive or the men who push other people around or the men who cannot hold a conversation without creating drama. With your Mars in Libra, you are attracted to a diplomatic masculine presence. Someone who knows the power of staying still, listening to both sides and knowing when to put their feet into the conversation. The quality of being able to carry oneself with much grace, is something that highly attracts you to a man. On a challenging note, you may happen to attract men who are all talk and no action.
Mars in Scorpio
The way you want a man to be with you is to be completely obsessed with you from head to toe. Honestly it's really that intense and possessive Christian Grey vibes. You love the intensity. You love it when a man holds a certain amount of mystery to himself which can allow you to be completely intrigued. You love to peel the layers one by one, all by yourself. So a man who knows how to keep you hooked, while also being able to reveal himself to you one quality at a time, it's very butterfly inducing for you. You love possessive men, like that's not even something we don't know. Men who are calculative, on the quieter side around people and slightly have a rbf. You are also the type to love the hot-cold dynamic, where there are intense arguments after a session of giving cold stares to each other and then even more intense make ups. Masculines who are in touch with their sexuality are sure to drive you crazy. Beware of manipulators or extremely closed off individuals.
Mars in Sagittarius
You love honest men. Honestly, honesty and being able to say things without sugarcoating it, is your best quality. You like a man who is on the same page of thinking as you. A man who has his belief systems in order, and a man who is good at understanding motives, intentions and meanings behind the things people do, is really someone you would enjoy spending your time with. Your choice in men is quite unique, because you want someone who has a rich way of thinking, a rich way of going about life. At the same time the masculine figures in your life need to be adventurous, both in the physical side of life and also mentally. Someone you can completely connect with on a mental level, and can bounce around ideas, discuss things like law or philosophy. You rarely like a boring man who is all about his boring life. You need someone to be your best friend, as well as your partner. On a challenging note, you may get attracted to men who are just too focused on their own freedom, not at all stable in life, and quite hard to open up emotionally.
Mars in Capricorn
You love when a man is the provider. Not because you can't provide for yourself or anything, but because you yourself are very much of a busy-body, and you know the importance of having a goal and stability in your life. You are immensely attracted to a man who has goals, whether big or small. An ambitious man catches your attention big time. For you it's very important for the masculine figure to be able to provide and be the reliable one. Men who has goals, has a plan, is ambitious, cares about providing for the domestic life. It's not a desire fueled by greed or laziness to achieve on your own, that you would want someone else to do it for you, instead, it's a genuine desire to partner up with a man who knows the importance of actions following his words. You also love to be with a man who knows how to appreciate himself for his work. On the challenging side you might happen to attract someone greedy, unproductive or someone with a directionless life.
Mars in Aquarius
Attraction for you is very much rooted in the fact that you can be yourself around a man. If he's comfortable, then it's super attractive. You love men who have a very intellectual and a forward thinking, open minded mindset. Because for you attraction is also very much rooted in the fact that you can connect on an intellectual level with that man. A man who has his emotions under control, who knows how to stay calm and see situations for what they are, really gives you the butterflies. On the same note, men who are unique, whether it's in the way they think or take action or dress, seem to catch your eye, a lot. Masculine energy that has a certain purpose in life, no matter if it seems childlike, and masculine energy that knows how to create a path forward, are very attractive for Aquarius Mars. On the challenging side, you might happen to attract men who are completely ruthless or emotionally closed off. You might be attracted to men who seem to keep their composure sustained for a long time without getting bothered.
Mars in Pisces
You like gentlemen. There is something so precious about a Pisces Mars, because they are just harmless. You really need a man who matches the same kind of vibe. You like sweet, gentle and easy going men. Because you really can get turned off by dramatic, aggressive and raging men who can't stay still for one moment. Men who are much focused on the pursuit of a deeper meaning in life, and men who are quite sensitive, really make you feel some type of way. You enjoy the presence of a masculine figure that knows how to cater to your emotional needs, and treat you like the soft princess you are deep inside. Someone who isn't overly critical of things, someone who contributes to things in a very creative manner, someone who knows the importance of being gentle with you whether physically or simply emotionally/mentally. On a challenging note you may attract men who are overly lost in their own worlds or men who can just never take anything seriously.
Thanks for reading 💕
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katsuki-like-bakugo · 15 days
Class 1-A is introduced to you, the new student
Quirk Class 1-A is introduced to you, the new student
Quirk: Blue Flame, you can expulse blue flames from your entire body, and also from individual limbs such as arms, legs, feet, etc.
Drawbacks: Because the flames are so hot, you are more susceptible to heat stroke
Reader is referred as he/him, and uses nicknames like “man, dude, guy, etc”
This is pre-sports festival
The class was roaring with chatter. You stood outside the classroom with Aizawa, relaxed, before he opened the door and walked inside the classroom. You stayed in the hallway, waiting for Aizawa to call you in to introduce yourself.
“Alright, everyone settle down. I have an important announcement.”
That sentence surely got everyone’s attention.
“We have a new student. A transfer from a different hero school from overseas.” Aizawa looked towards you, and you took your first steps into the room. Everyone looked at you. Everyone except the blonde boy near the back of the class.
“Hi, I’m y/n.” You say, nonchalantly and quietly. To be honest, you were incredibly nervous, but you didn’t want them to know. You tried playing it cool. You placed your hands in your pockets, and tried to calm yourself down, playing with some coins you had.
“Y/N doesn’t enjoy talking about his quirk, so if you don’t mind, don’t ask him about it. We, as an administration, are helping him through some fears he has regarding his strengths and weaknesses. Please be kind.” You could almost hear someone scoff at you in the back of the room. You could see the green haired boys eyes light up with curiosity. You quietly walked to an empty desk when asked.
During the lesson, you paid attention to everyone and their personalities. You stayed silent, carefully observing each of your classmates. Some had a temper, some were too smart for their own good. Some were creeps, and some were just stupid. This class really had it all, didn’t it?
Pretty soon, class was dismissed, and you were the first to get up to leave.
“Y/N,” you heard someone call your name, which grabbed your attention. You looked towards the person who called your name. It was Midoriya. He seemed nice from what you gathered from hearing him speak in class, so you didn’t mind too much. You placed your hands in your pockets.
“Oh, hey there, Midoriya.”
“Oh wow, your voice is very soothing,” he muttered under his breath, causing a slight blush of embarrassment and flattery to spread across your cheeks.
“Anyways,” Midoriya continued, “We’re going to get some snacks and we’re gonna go train for the upcoming sports festival. Want to come watch? You don’t have to use your quirk if you’re not comfortable.”
That sentiment rang in your ears for a moment. He remembered Aizawa’s words, and took them into account? He cares about my feelings?
“Sure, I’d love to watch.”
“Y/N, are you sure?” Aizawa asked. You nodded your head. Aizawa closed his eyes.
“Alright, I’m coming with you. Just to be on the safe side.”
“Safe side?” Midoriya questioned.
“When Y/N is riled up by someone, his quirk can get out of hand. And seeing that Bakugo is also attending after school training, it’ll be safer if I’m near to erase quirks if someone’s anger gets out of hand. We might want to make sure that no one gets hurt.”
“Wow, your quirk must be pretty strong then, huh?” Ochaco asked.
“Eh, I’d rather not talk about it-“ you reply, scratching the back of your head, nervously.
“Oh, right. Sorry for asking!” She replied, almost begging for forgiveness.
You and your new friends arrived at the training grounds, and you sat on a nearby bench, watching the students learn to improve their skills. Aizawa stood in front of the bench, giving students some tips to help further improve their abilities.
“What a damn nerd…” you heard from behind. Pretty soon, Bakugo was walking past you, and looked at you menacingly.
“Do you think you’re so powerful that you can’t use your quirk around me, hot shot?” Bakugo said. Your eyebrows furrowed, and Aizawa heard the commotion.
“Bakugo, leave Y/N alone. Don’t mess with him.”
“Awe, come on. Surely he’s not that great. Maybe you can’t control you little quirk like that moron, Deku. Did you suddenly develop a useless quirk too?” He said, smiling in your face.
You could feel the heat in your body start to brew. You were getting angry, but luckily, Aizawa was there so you wouldn’t make a scene.
“Bakugo, leave him alone. His quirk is more powerful and dangerous than anyone’s right now. You’re strong, Bakugo, but I have to protect you from him now. Choose your enemies wisely, Bakugo.”
You were still angry, and you walked out the facility and slammed the door. You walked back to UA, and spoke with you counselors.
UA had specifically designed a fireproof room for you to let out your anger, and there you went, and unleashed all your anger. You body went up in blue flames, so high, they touched the ceiling. You threw some punches and balls of fire at the furthest wall to let off some steam. Aizawa walked into the counselors room to watch you from the other side of some fireproof glass.
“He’s got a temper, but at least he knows when and where to let it show.”
Your screaming and yelling in anger lasted about 30 minutes before Aizawa had to step in. He could tell you were getting overheated, and didn’t want you to suffer from the drawbacks of your quirk, which was heatstroke.
Since your flames are so hot, you easily heat up, causing you to sweat and be more susceptible to heat stroke. Aizawa erased your quirk before you realized. Your eyes had closed as you became more tired, yet you still tried throwing punches. The heat from the room was excruciating.
“Y/N,” the sound of Aizawa’s voice snapped you out of it. You looked towards him and saw his red eyes, and noticed you couldn’t use your quirk anymore.
“Come on, kiddo. Let’s get you some water and some food.”
You shuffled your way towards Aizawa and he wrapped his arm around your waist, to help you stay up. The counselors helped cool you down and brought you some water to drink. As your body cooled, and you calmed down, you became tired. Usually it’s just another affect from the heat you endure.
The reason you’re here in the first place isn’t because you want to be a hero. You needed serious help, and going to a school where pro heroes taught seemed like a safe place for you to openly experiment with your quirk without hurting anyone. In your past, you hurt someone you dearly loved.
You vowed to never use your quirk again. Soon, you proved yourself wrong. When someone hit a nerve with you, you again, used your quirk to hurt another, thus beginning showing signs of anger issues, and lack of self control.
That is why you are here at UA, and you were paired with Aizawa’s class. He was the safest bet when it came to controlling your quirk.
AN: Let me know if you’d like to have this as a several part series! I find this character incredibly fun. I’ll probably still continue this story anyways!
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Happy valentines ! Can I request dark chocolate for 5 and 8 please for Ace 🙏
This is lowkey a prequel to this one tbh
Yandere Ace x GN!Reader
1.3k words
You deserve this and more. Everything in the world, if you ask me.
If you don’t make a decision, I will.
Everyone tried to change your mind and discourage you from continuing your relationship with a certain pirate, but the heart wants what the heart wants. 
Well, to be fair, you’re not sure you could call it a relationship. You two were in the throws of a flirty, will-we-won’t-we phase. Ace was extremely charming in a goofy, boy next door sort of way, and you found it irresistible. He was something new and exciting in an otherwise boring town. You couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have as much fun with him as possible while you could. Sure, the rest of his crew was filled with other fun individuals that you’d also enjoyed getting to know, but Ace was a definitive favorite.
When he asked you to meet up with him in a secluded spot late at night, you eagerly agreed and spent all day looking forward to whatever he had in store for you. He seemed excited about it too, so you’re sure that it’s going to be something good. Given how wary everyone has been in regards to Ace, you told no one about it. The meeting would be a secret rendezvous between two maybe-lovers. At least that’s how you were seeing it.
After making sure you looked your absolute best, you snuck out of the village and headed for where Ace said to meet him. Your heart pounded in anticipation, wondering what the night would bring.
At the south end of the small island you lived on was a cliff face overlooking the beautiful expanse of the endless ocean. The spot was actually already a well established location for romantic rendezvous, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Ace was aware of that. Was it purely a coincidence, or had he done that intentionally?
Using the forest as a means to hide yourself from any prying eyes did make the trip a little longer than it needed to be, but you didn’t want to risk anyone you knew seeing and trying to stop you. The trees eventually started to thin out, and you could see the clearing of the cliff face peeking through the spaces. You pressed forward with a renewed energy, feeling giddy like a teenager with a crush.
The first thing that caught your eyes was Ace’s bright orange hat, it was impossible to miss. It seemed he had his back to you. Grinning mischievously, you reduce your light jog into a slow creep, careful not to make a noise in the brush as you close in on your unsuspecting love. In the last few steps, you lurch forward; crashing into his back and wrapping your arms tightly around his middle.
Ace yelped in surprise, but relaxed quickly upon hearing your familiar giggles. He squirmed around in your grip so he could face you. His strong arms circled around you, returning your gesture gently but firmly. You sank into him, nuzzling your face into the fabric of his yellow shirt and basking in the comfort of his scent. Notes of the sea, a campfire, and his natural musk.
“I’m glad you came, I was nervous that you wouldn’t show,” he spoke in a quiet voice. One of his fingers was tracing circles on your back soothingly.
“Of course I did, how could I ever pass up on this?”
His arms tightened and he chuckled, “You’re too kind to me.” Ace relinquished his hold on you, and you begrudgingly did the same. You finally properly took in your surroundings and noticed a blanket thrown over the ground near the cliff. A lit lantern and a basket sat on top of it. 
You squealed excitedly and hugged Ace again, “Is this a picnic? Oh, You didn’t have to do all this for me!”
“I wanted to do this for you. You deserve this and more. Everything in the world, if you ask me.” The words were spoken with such conviction and sincerity that it made your face hot to the touch and your heart flutter. How could any of your fellow villagers think of him as nothing more than some awful brute? He’s such a sweetheart.
He motioned for you to sit down and make yourself comfortable, and you had no reason to object. You’d been so preoccupied about tonight that you’d neglected to eat, so the late night meal was more than welcome. While you were happily digging in, you couldn’t help but notice that Ace wasn’t doing the same. All he did was pick at his food and occasionally steal glances at you. Upon looking a little more closely, you can see that he’s blushing.
Was this going to be it? Would he make your relationship official? 
Your staring didn’t go unnoticed. Ace made eye contact with you, only for his face to turn a deeper shade of red and look away. Feeling emboldened by what, in your opinion, was confirmation of your feelings being mutual, you scoot closer to him and link your arms around one of his..
“So… Did you bring me here so you could tell me something?” You’re far too eager to let this progress naturally, so you try to goad him on.
The tips of his ears now matched his face, but he found it in him to speak. “I did.” There was a pause as he mentally prepared himself for what was about to be said. With a shake of his head, the nervousness dissipated and shifted into determination. He turned to face you fully and took your hands in his. The skin was rough, but so warm that it teetered on the edge of hot.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you can only gawk at him.
“I’ve met so many people, but no one has made me feel the way that you do. You’re so perfect that I feel wrong for even touching you, but I can’t help myself but want more of you. I know it’s selfish, but I need you. I need you by my side. So I need to ask you something.” Ace pulled you closer, resting his forehead against your own, “Will you come with me?”
The elation from his confession abruptly crashes down around you as the reality of the situation hits you. Could you really go with him? Could you leave everything behind for a man that you’ve only known for a week? As love struck as you are, it’s not enough to completely blind you from reason. 
Your hesitation and lack of a response punches Ace in the gut. His face falls and the heartbreak in his eyes almost makes you cave and agree. “You… You don’t feel the same.”
“N-No! That’s not it! I do feel the same! I mean- I love you, too. It’s just…” You trailed off as you struggled to articulate your dilemma and averted your gaze. “I don’t know that I can just up and leave so suddenly. My whole life is here… I need to think about it, okay?”
You look at his face once again, hoping to see understanding in his eyes. Rather than that, all you saw was hurt and betrayal, like he couldn’t believe your words. His hands still tightly grasped yours, but now they trembled. You wrack your mind to find the right words to sooth him, but you’re coming up blank.
“If you don’t make a decision, I will.”
The statement from Ace catches you entirely off guard. It… It almost sounded like a threat. The sparse lighting of the lantern only made his expression look more ominous. All you can do is stammer out a meek, “Excuse me?”
“We set sail tomorrow. If you haven’t made a decision by then, I will make it for you.” He finally let go of you and you were quick to put some distance in between you two. The warnings from your friends and family were starting to make a lot more sense.
“You’re going to be on that ship with me.” There was no question here, Ace appeared to already have his mind set on a specific outcome, and you’re afraid of what’s going to happen if you try and keep that from happening.
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
The Owner Who Broke The Leash (Yandere!Kamisato Ayato/Reader)
a/n: this is a chainsaw man au but I tried writing it so that you don't need to be an anime/manga reader (suffer with me.) I'm not 100% following the source material, so Beidou and Kazuha are platonic & no mother-child themes the orig has people debate over. I won't be explaining the latter to those who did not understand lmao. (Y/n)'s 20 years old. This is just a yandere fic, relax hehe. also, huge shoutout to @navxry for beta reading, their insights were helpfull!!! and also shoutout because honestly nothing is more fulfulling like seeing a live commentary of roasting the yanderes and for some reason, my husband too sorry dain-
cw: yandere themes and degrading nicknames ("dog"), and dont read while eating ig?
unreliable synopsis: "Thank you, Mr. Kamisato," (Y/n) mumbled. "It's just... I'm still pretty pissed by what happened. I had an absolute shit first kiss–"
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Kamisato Ayato questioned whether he had a heart in his head because, on occasion, it beats louder than the one cradled by his ribs. Or perhaps he's just grown incredibly susceptible to human emotions– or in this scenario: "headaches." Then again, in a world where 7 out of every 20 Inazuman citizens are killed by Devils in a concerningly short duration, is it really surprising that Ayato would experience such distress?
The Public Safety Devil Hunters have often questioned their limits throughout the years. Many of them have hardened themselves into pawns who seek glorified kinds of justice and retribution with the limited and declining manpower they have. As a result, they needed people like Kamisato Ayato, a mystifying man who presented himself as a gregarious yet reticent individual regarded either with respect or distaste. 
Only a few people have gone insane, which he and the captain of Division 4, Dainsleif, considered to be regrettable. They both had a strong conviction that complete sanity was inappropriate for a devil hunter. The rational and sensible are not in demand in this profession. Only those who have lost their sense of humanity can remain alive with their limbs intact. Many disputed Dainsleif's claims, questioning how could they be true. And to this, he answered:
"What does sanity truly mean when demanded of you by a Devil?"
Unfortunately, not many people understood the significance of that puzzling question, and even if they did, they rejected this way of thinking. Losing one's sanity is equivalent to losing what kept many alive–
And then…
There's (Y/n).
"Holy shiiiiiit!!!" (Y/n) spat out with their mouth full as they gouged the poor leftover traces of udon from the bowl, fully savoring what drops can be salvaged. They tilted their wrist and licked the remaining noodles, which made Mr. Kamisato's associates raise an eyebrow. Their unbrushed hair would sometimes cover their eyes, making them appear more monstrous and feral.
That was enough to know that in an instant, (Y/n) was endowed with a life that was blessed— at least, in physiological matters.
Despite their disheveled clothes and messy hair, anyone would've mistaken them for a somewhat functional human being. Ayato was quite pleased to dress them up after finding them bloodied and dazed. Not that the zombie devil was ever considered a formidable foe, but seeing the Chainsaw Devil in action is enough grounds for fascination, yes?
The Chainsaw Devil… What name does his "family" go by nowadays? What does the "Fixer of Hell" do around this era?
And why did he form a contract with this… mess of a human being? Why did the Chainsaw Devil agree to become this person's heart replacement?
Why didn't the devil let them perish?
Kamisato Ayato has been dying to know–
"Is this what you devil hunters eat every day?" (Y/n) gawked at him, who was snapped back to reality by their childlike antics. "Seems pretty fucking worth it to me. Those jackasses must be ripping me off if I did the same work for less than, what, two eighty percent? I don't know jack-shit about math, though. Unless it's about calculating debt."
"Is that right?"
When (Y/n) eliminated the Zombie Devil, the public safety officer was able to locate the "dog" in person. Fortunately, he just so happened to know that there was a devil in the vicinity and saw (Y/n) covered in blood. Surely, finding out that the Chainsaw Devil became (Y/n)'s heart via a contract was a mere coincidence in Mr. Kamisato's perspective. He's a cunning being, but not omnipotent, yes?
"Duh," their nose scrunched. "Gotta pay my dead dad's debt somehow. The sins of the Father are the sins of the... I forgot the rest of the line."
To say (Y/n) is the… most entertaining person is the understatement of the decade. They exude none of the dignity of an ordinary civilian when bringing up their lack of rudimentary mathematical abilities and literary knowledge. Like a child who was isolated in their room for so long, (Y/n) was the type of clumsily put-together person you wouldn't expect to pique Ayato's interest. 
Yet here he is, answering them with something far from a business smile.
Ayato was entertained by their awkwardly talkative behavior and flushed cheeks.
(Y/n) has a crush on him. He's certain.
He can make use of that.
"We take care of our workers, yes," Ayato smoothly replied. His gaze did not falter away from the more-than-exploited hybrid. Hidden behind his stare was an obsession he had yet to add a label to. There's a strangely human urge for him to wipe the stray noodle off their chin.
They failed to see his soft gaze and continued to mindlessly ask nonsensical questions.
"P-Peanut butter and jelly too?"
"If they so desired it. I do not see why they cannot afford to buy some with their paycheck."
They looked incredibly amazed, if not, pathetically deprived. It made Ayato even more curious– just what life was this poor dog living if they craved incredibly simple joys?
And… peanut butter? Was that ever considered peak luxury? What a miserable life. Dead mother, murdered father– and a poor heart condition to match. He'll never consider their living conditions humane.
"Dog," Ayato thought to himself. "Positively a dog."
So faithful. So easily handled. 
Just as the Public Safety Devil Hunter had hoped for.
Humans are strange creatures and even more challenging to please. Ayato noticed that people attract others when they're unfortunate yet not far enough where they're "beyond saving". Balancing that fine line is a hindrance. Humans strive for authenticity but retreat when it causes discomfort— running away from the empty or broken bits that reflect their innermost selfish beliefs. These people will probe for trauma and unfavorable emotions to relate to, but won't exert control to change or challenge the speaker. 
They want a "palatable" story– a "marketable" person.
Kamisato Ayato didn't enjoy how hypocritical humanity is. Perhaps that's why he connected with (Y/n) instantaneously. 
Because (Y/n) was no longer human.
They're a devil-human hybrid. There's nothing for (Y/n) to mask, and most importantly, they're so damn easy to please.
Ayato glanced at his wristwatch. 
It's nearly time for tea with his fellow commissioners.
He closed his eyes and sighed softly. There was no latent vitriolic expression on his face, but that did not mean Ayato cared for his colleagues deeply.
They're all dogs in his eyes.
"Let us depart, (Y/n)."
And (Y/n) might be the best one yet.
Mr. Kamisato stood up and ruffled their hair.
"Come. Be a good dog and perhaps I'll spoil you with as many treats as you desire."
"Holy shit…" (Y/n) muttered to themselves.
"Today, I'm going to experience my first kiss ever…"
"Oh, a kiss you say?"
"M-Mister Kamisato?!"
It's been a while since Mr. Kamisato saw (Y/n), and they exude a brighter aura than before.
He's not pretentious enough to say (Y/n) had grown so much since he last saw them. There are qualities to them (he wouldn't say redeemable) that Ayato was certain weren't there in the past. After assigning them as Kaedehara Kazuha's subordinate and roommate, (Y/n) rehabilitated to the norms of public safety devil hunters. There were some setbacks, including the time they refused to kill a devil because they were naive enough to consider them as friends. But here they were, inside a busy restaurant after a month of dispatching (Y/n) to their new job– new life.
And won't you look at that?
Ayato's gaze softened as it sank in how much his influence had changed them over the months.
They… look radiant, don't they?
(Y/n) stood up, shocked that the refined public safety officer would be joining them. No one told them that he was invited. The rest of Division 4 followed suit, extending their pleasantries to their superior. The only exception was Beidou, who spoke nothing as she continued chugging her beer. Ayato greeted them and gracefully slipped away from his black cloak and placed it on the chair.
They remained standing until Ayato reached out and ruffled their hair.
And so they did.
Mr. Kamisato's grin widened.
"Good dog." He said.
Good dog…?
For a moment, the world was on mute for Mr. Kamisato.
And in that personal silence, he pondered to himself:
Why does he care so much about a dog?
It matters not since they will always remain a dog in his eyes. The day he stops calling them a dog and treating them as one is the day he'll forget about the "Fixer of Hell."
Ayato turned to look at the woman who moaned.
Beidou was one of his favorite dog's new coworkers alongside Kazuha, Kaveh, Al Haitham, the blood-fiend Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto, and the rest. Unlike the aforementioned four, Beidou often regarded Ayato as a "manipulative bastard" while her long-time partner, Kazuha, felt that there is a certain level of melancholy about him that they repeatedly failed to comprehend. Kazuha had a better sense of the world than his dear old eye-patched friend, but even he finds Ayato unpredictable.
Ayato doesn't mind her hostility and their wariness, not when they took great care of his pet on their latest mission. 
Yet, he's holding back a glare.
He doesn't appreciate the way her hand repeatedly traveled down his dog's thigh.
"H-Hey, you're d-drunk–" (Y/n) kept "discreetly" glancing at Ayato, worried. "Q-Quit it! Y-You're making me uncomfortable, man–"
"Shhhhh!" Beidou hushed in a low and seductive tone. 
"Just wait, (Y/n), I give better kisses when I'm far from sober."
Ayato's eye twitched.
How intriguing.
"Your reward for killing the Eternity Devil, you scallywag~" She hiccupped, red-faced. "Kiss, with tongue, re-mem-ber?"
Mr. Kamisato closed his eyes, clenching his fists beneath the table as his colleagues drank and ate to their hearts' content. She's drunk. She'll likely regret those words tomorrow.
For a moment, he wished he could drown himself in Kaveh's talks about wearing his father's hand-me-downs or staying in Public Safety for the paycheck. Or maybe hone in on how Itto kept adding zeros to his IQ when asked. 
But his whole being was focused on this peculiar conversation.
Suppose a lonesome dog will latch on to any attention it will get.
"K-Kiss…" (Y/n) squeaked.
Don't be so overjoyed.
Ayato desperately wanted to say.
Can't you tell that between the two of us, it's me who you would choose in a heartbeat?
"Who's kissing who now?" Ayato raised his hand, calling for the waiter while staring at the morally conflicted (Y/n). "A glass, please."
(Y/n) paused, not looking at both Ayato and Beidou. They were deep in thought, assessing the situation as though it was their most life-threatening moment. 
They perked up again, somewhat sweating.
"U-Uh, Mr. Kamisato! H-Have you heard? I found an important metal-piece thing and grabbed it!"
Ayato no longer held back a defeated sigh and clenched his fists under the table.
… Disappointing. 
So they have chosen to ignore his confrontation instead of turning down Beidou's advances. Shame. Ayato's face contorted, but no one noticed his dismay other than Kaveh, who did not know what to make of it at the time.
"Yes, I have, and what fine news it was indeed. Excellent work. Oh, to have been a fly in the wall..."
Seeing as that "piques" his interest, Kazuha leaned his elbows on the table.
"While we're on the topic, Mister Kamisato…" 
Kazuha proceeded to add more to the subject, calmly stating all the information and inferences the group had acquired after the last mission. The "metal-piece" thing (Y/n) found was a portion of the Gun Devil, and Kazuha blabbered about how it appeared that (Y/n) had been targeted by many devils.
"–somehow (Y/n) is at the crux of everything. You know something that we do not, right Mister Kamisato?"
It's only natural for Kazuha to act this way. (Y/n) had no formal training yet fought the Eternity Devil for three days without rest. They had even utilized the Chainsaw Devil's ("Thoma" was its new name) power to torture them nonstop. Devils regenerate by drinking blood so they grained the Eternity devil regularly, yelling and taunting it like a maniac. So in Kazuha's conclusion, (Y/n) was not only stranger than they suppose; they are stranger than they can suppose.
Division 4's and Ayato's main objective is to hunt this "Gun Devil", but there's no need to mind such trifles. At least Makoto is dead. That's one battle won.
Ayato gazed at Kazuha, then his drink.
"What an interesting notion. How about a game?" Ayato placed a finger on his lip. "What do they call this… was it called hot pot? Hmm… No matter." 
"The mechanics of the game is to outdrink your opponent," Ayato smiled. "Will you accept this duel?"
As if on time, Beidou placed her empty glass down, making Kazuha just a bit more confident to take the risk. Kazuha nodded.
"Excuse me! Two sakes, please!"
Beidou, who would've normally banned Kazuha from drinking because of his height and not his adult age, yelled on top of her tops.
"I-I'd take a plate of sweet potatoes and cheese, please!" Kaveh humbly requested, fixing his red hairclips.
"HEY WAIT, ME TOO!!! MORE TEMPURA TOO!!!" (Y/n) followed, causing Al Haitham to cover his ears. 
Ayato smirked, drinking his mug. He already knows how this will end.
Just a few drinks in, Kazuha proved his humanity by slowly fluttering his eyes to sleep.
Both Kazuha and Beidou failed to defeat Ayato in his game, albeit the latter wasn't trying their best. The others lost focus on the match when they knew Ayato had secured victory the moment he gave the mechanics. It's hopeless. Even a newbie such as the salt-and-pepper haired man knew it was a battle whose result had long been decided. 
"Excuse me, sir," Ayato smiled, smug. "May I have another drink, please?"
Mr. Kamisato retrieved his umpteenth beer, eager to take a sip but as soon as he had it in his hands, that woman chimed in again. 
She kissed them.
"... Goodness," Ayato muttered emptily.
That bold woman kissed what's his.
Ayato shook his head slightly, drinking his glass with a malicious glint in his eyes. As that woman aggressively thrust her tongue inside (Y/n)'s mouth, his dog shook, peering over the unimpressed Mr. Kamisato. He made it known to them that he was not pleased by this front-row display of "affection", but (Y/n) made little effort to stop it. He heard her moan and scrutinized the way she yanked their collar to deepen the "kiss", closing all distance between them.
He could've sworn the mug cracked a bit so he loosened his hold. Mr. Kamisato had felt another "headache" settling in as he watched that filth violate his pet with perverse pleasure. He snarled quietly.
What a low-quality "treat".
"Is this what you call a reward?" Ayato muttered. 
She must taste horrible. 
His (Y/n) must feel horrible.
Surely they wouldn't enjoy being taken by another person? 
Yet they're melting in her arms. 
Ayato scoffed.
What an unpleasant sight.
He felt... unsettled and restless.
Suddenly, they pulled away. Ayato was almost impressed (relieved) until he saw the reason behind (Y/n)'s distress. That kiss was disgusting, and everyone at that table will reasonably agree on that after seeing what had happened to (Y/n).
"HAHAHAHAHA!" The blood fiend laughed heartily. "IT'S IN THEIR MOUTH!!! IT'S IN THEIR MOUTH!!!"
That disgusting acidic liquid…
Itto elbowed Al Haitham beside him.
Mr. Kamisato stood up and immediately pulled (Y/n) away from Beidou, pampering their lips with tissues and scrubbing the remains of that wench. His eyes sharpened as (Y/n) leaned into his touch, trembling while grabbing his white dress shirt. Ayato ignored how he would've normally felt a twinge of disgust over the stains they left on his clothes and gently cradled them; his focus now aimed at Beidou– disregarding how the other members laughed or visibly shivered at the sight.
… it's puke.
Ayato's eyelids lowered as he heard (Y/n) gulped Beidou's vomit involuntarily, cringing while sobbing– gagging. Itto's laughter drowns out any sounds of concern. (Y/n) hands flew to their throat, clawing to spit everything out as the others watched. 
Is this… what people call "headaches"?
How dare she.
She dared not only steal his dog's first kiss but also dared to vomit inside them. Beidou had publicly disrespected what was under his control.
His eyes were emptier than before.
He did not fail to notice the others in the room as well. Kazuha jolted up awake at the commotion and searched for a tissue immediately. Some watched out of morbid curiosity like Al Haitham, while there’s people who nervously laughed without knowing what to do like Kaveh, and the rest hollered with the blood fiend. 
The last category was filled with employees who had been in the department long enough to know Beidou’s antics. As one of them had told (Y/n) before the party started, Beidou had kissed nearly everyone in the room they’re in already when drunk. Couple that fact with how these colleagues have most of their sanity stripped away and live their lives unhinged, and you got yourself a group of people who no longer processes traumatic events as it is. To them, this is comedy.
The superior Public Safety Devil Hunter shifted his glare to them, effectively halting their laughter.
Mr. Kamisato will be keeping an eye on them.
He knows their names and their faces.
Ayato roughly dabbed their mouth, cooing at his traumatized (Y/n) as the others looked out for Beidou. (Y/n)'s hands remained locked on their esophagus as if pushing out the last remaining toothpaste from the tube. Pitiable. And somehow, for ones with a sadistic inclination as he does, charming–
Get it out.
Get it all out without hurting what's his.
Scrub every last trace of that woman out of them.
Mr. Kamisato let go of the tissue and brought his thumb against (Y/n)'s lips. Their breath hitched as his ministrations differed greatly from before. Instead of something so intense and near degrading, the way Ayato wiped the stains was warm. Intimate.
Yet Ayato's permanent polite smile betrayed his thoughts.
Blindfolds. Hands. Kneel. Blindfolds. Hands. Kneel.
He closed his eyes.
Ayato did not care for whatever happens to Beidou next– she can get killed by a devil next week for all he cares– but he will not allow anything of this sort to occur ever again.
"Oh, my dearest (Y/n)," this time, he smiled not to seem normal but to comfort. And such a genuine gesture scared Ayato deep down. "Allow me to help you get it off your system, okay?"
Finally, their coworkers fully acknowledged (Y/n)'s plight. Kazuha was the first to lend his handkerchief, something Ayato made a mental note of. Kaveh turned around instead. The hairs in the blonde's arms certainly stood the straightest. In response, Al Haitham rolled his eyes over how squirmish his fellow recruit was.
"I have a grandmother who often vomits, perhaps–" 
Kaveh immediately cut off Al Haitham, "Wait, you're actually volunteering to help?"
He shrugged. "No, I was merely offering advice on how to–"
Ayato snapped.
"I'll take care of this. Alone."
Ayato's grip on (Y/n) tightened, pulling them close to his chest protectively. He can sense them eager to cough out the vile shoved down their throat but sweetly, he will not give a damn if they released all that in his chest. Ayato led their head on his shoulder. His hand ran through their scalp, soothing them.
Every decision Kamisato Ayato makes is final.
He needn't hear more of their so-called input.
They don't need you.
His (Y/n) does not need ANY of you.
Slowly, Ayato tilted the nauseous (Y/n)'s chin.
"You'll let me take control, won't you, love?"
They nodded, tears in the corner of their eyes. Charmingly weak. A reflection of their humanity. The humanity Ayato did not care about for so long.
"Good do–" Ayato stopped himself.
"Good," he chuckled. "Just good. Now, follow me to the restroom."
He didn't let (Y/n) interact with anyone else that night.
That incident occurred yesterday, and it was still fresh in their memory. 
(Y/n) had been especially gloomy as of late and had been ordered to never talk to Beidou until permitted by Mr. Kamisato. Instead of staying at Kazuha's apartment with Itto, Ayato made arrangements so that they'll have a room in his government-owned apartment. The man from then on refuses to let them out unless a mission requires them. It rattled (Y/n). In a sense, they were like a dog caged for a vase they did not break. 
Like most mistreated dogs, they whined silently. Which were sounds that never go unnoticed by caring owners. 
And all caring owners will prioritize their pets more than their phone ringing.
Ayato immediately muted his phone.
42 missed calls from Mr. Kaedehara, 36 from Ms. Beidou, and 11 from Kaveh.
He swiped their text notifications all away and faced it down on the table.
"(Y/n), my dear," Ayato began in a soft voice as he set down his boba tea and the take-out for tonight's meal. "Something troubles you. Though you may not wish to share at the moment, know that I am here for you should you ever need an ear."
(Y/n) looked up with gratitude in their eyes. Although they were not vocal about it like they usually are, they did not expect Mr. Kamisato to be perceptive and kind enough to acknowledge their demeanor.
"Thank you, Mr. Kamisato," (Y/n) mumbled. "It's just... I'm still pretty pissed by what happened. I had an absolute shit first kiss–"
They sobbed, voice cracking.
"–and even if I kiss a bunch of other women or guys in the future, I'll probably never get that taste of vomit off my mind, won't I?"
The room went quiet, and Ayato's shoulders dropped at their pitiful sounds.
He retrieved his cup of boba milk tea on the table again and silently placed it in front of (Y/n), aligning the straw in the direction of their lips.
"I understand," Ayato replied. "Sometimes, wounds of the heart take time to heal. But remember, there is a chance to create beautiful memories within every setback. Now open your mouth."
With a sigh, they took a sip of the boba milk tea, the taste of blueberry cheesecake tantalizing their tastebuds. (Y/n) relaxed, the tension in their body dissipating. However, as if urged to see their discomfort yet again out of perverse pleasure, Ayato spoke once more.
"You will likely never erase the taste of vomit in your mind for all eternity."
(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed.
"However," Ayato cupped their cheek, forcing them to share his gaze.
"Now that you will forever live with me, you will have the chance to taste a wide variety of new flavors to the point you will never have to recall that unpleasant taste again." 
As they savored the comforting flavor, Ayato's eyes twinkled mischievously, and a small smile tugged at his lips. He chuckled. 
"And I would like you to take notice, (Y/n)," he began playfully, "that this delightful boba tea we're sharing is the taste of your first indirect kiss."
Surprised, (Y/n) messily choked on their drink, spluttering the content in their white shirt as embarrassment colored their cheeks red. Ayato chuckled softly, reaching out to pat (Y/n)'s back gently as they recovered.
That adorable expression. It beats that of a dog.
Their blush is human.
(Y/n) is human.
As (Y/n) wiped the sweet taste on their lips, they couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of hope, knowing that Mr. Kamisato will be there for them. Their lingering disappointment remains, that much is certain, but it will disappear in time. (Y/n) drank until the cup was emptied. It was a symbol of Mr. Kamisato's promise to make the taste of puke a distant memory and that–
In the end, everything will be alright.
He likes them. He's certain.
(Y/n) can make use of him.
Give Mr. Kamisato a chance, dearest (Y/n).
He'll add Ms. Beidou's death to his list of things to check off in your next assignment. 
Not only that, of course. She won’t be the only one that’ll keep him busy. He has not forgotten the faces of those who laughed at you during your dilemma. 
Maybe once the officer reassigns them all to a more… enthralling location, he’ll get a more satisfactory answer to the question:
"What does sanity truly mean when demanded of you by a Devil?"
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hi there! First of all, I want to express my undying love for everything you write, it's absolutely amazing the way you describe Aemond's character.
May I request something about reader dealing with her period and Aemond taking care of her (maybe he wants to know anything about it to help her relax and relieve her pain and everything turns to sexual, it's up to you, really) since I'm one that suffer enough during those days and it would be of comfort to read something about it.
Thank you very much!
That is really sweet of you to say, thank you so much! I appreciate you and your support!
I'm a stickler for canon, I don't write modern AUs, so am basing this on the rough time period that HotD is set in (medieval era) - religious shame caused people to go to great lengths to hide their periods, and they even believed that cramps were a divine punishment for Eve's original sin. Since cramps were seen as a punishment, people who were menstruating weren't offered pain relief medicine (mostly herbal remedies at the time). There are few records from this era regarding the menstrual cycle/women's anatomy, as most medical texts were written by monks.
With this in mind, I'm going to write this from the perspective that both our character and Aemond are pretty clueless when it comes matters of "moon's blood", but Aemond is a naturally curious individual, so we are going to get real squicky with it. Anyway, I've rambled enough - onto the fic!
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Warnings: Periods, smut, religious shame, clueless behaviour regarding women's anatomy, slight hematolagnia. Word count: ~1000
She awakens to intense cramping in her lower belly and a stickiness between her thighs. Pulling back the sheets, she gasps as she sees the crimson stains on both her nightgown and the bed.
This is the first time she's gotten her moon's blood since her and Aemond wed. She had hoped it wouldn't come at all, they hadn't been married long, but their coupling was frequent. They were both eager for a child, though it was more than apparent that they derived great pleasure from the act of attempting to create one too.
This is divine punishment cast down from the Mother for not having fulfilled her duty as a wife, she is certain of it. Her body has failed to produce a child, so now she must suffer the consequences.
She groans as her womb contracts painfully and yet more wetness blooms between her legs.
Aemond stirs beside her, voice still thick with sleep. "Are you alright, my love?"
She huffs, shifting uncomfortably and attempting to cover the stains, as her cheeks burn with shame. "It is nothing, go back to sleep."
"You are in pain." Her murmurs, taking in her furrowed brow and clenched jaw as he rouses to full wakefulness. His right eye goes wide as he spots red on the sheets, and he moves as quick as his grogginess will allow into a seated position to pull them back from her body. "Are you hurt?!"
Hot tears prickle her eyes, her chest feels heavy under the weight of her embarrassment as she covers her face with her hands, unable to bear the shocked expression on Aemond's face. "It is my moon's blood. I am sorry. What must you think of me?!"
Gently he pries her hands away, his expression softens noticeably. Concern is now etched across his features. "Is it painful?"
She sniffles and nods her head.
"I will call for the Maester, there is likely a herbal remedy he can-"
"No!" She cuts him off abruptly, gripping his arm in case he decides to leave the bed. "This is my punishment from the Mother for not producing an heir. I must endure it."
He sighs, giving her a small nod. He regards her carefully then asks "Where does it hurt?"
"Here." She responds placing her hand on her lower belly.
Gently, Aemond coaxes her hand away, replacing it with his own. The warmth and gentle pressure alleviates a little of the pain and she lets out a sigh of relief.
"Does that feel good?"
"Mmm." Is her only response as her eyes flutter closed.
His fingers drift to the hem of her nightgown and he pauses, looking back up to her face. "May I?"
She opens her eyes, looking at him quizzically. She knows Aemond has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, but never anticipated it stretching quite so far. "It is unsightly." She whispers.
"I have lost an eye, it will take more than a little blood to startle me."
He does not wait for a response as he lifts her nightgown above her hips.
She watches, her heart thudding loudly in her rib cage as he drinks in the sight of the ichor that's smeared across her thighs.
Dexterous fingers coax them apart and run through the slickness of the blood that decorates their insides. He brings them up to his face to inspect, running the pad of his thumb across the red that now stains his fingertips.
"It is thicker than the blood I am used to seeing." He says in a matter of fact tone. "When people bleed in the training yard it is not quite so...viscous."
She stares at him with bated breath, not knowing what to do or say. This is so unbelievably crass she can't quite believe it's happening.
"Allow me a better look." He says, pulling her legs further apart and kneeling between them.
"I have got to be dreaming." She thinks. "Nothing like this could possibly happen in reality."
He swipes through her folds and she elicits a breathy moan. She is more sensitive than usual and his touch sends white hot sparks jolting through her body.
His gaze snaps to hers, a look of excitement bubbling beneath his usually composed exterior as he smirks. "You liked that?"
She nods enthusiastically, not quite knowing how to articulate what she wants to say. "It feels...it just feels more...more..."
Aemond chuckles. "And if I were to fuck you, do you think it would feel more?"
Her mouth falls open at his question, anticipation fizzling in her blood as she spots the length of him standing fully to attention against his lower abdomen. "I-I don't know." She stammers.
"Sinful, sinful, sinful." She thinks, but her mind goes blank the moment Aemond slips inside of her, the added lubrication of her bleeding creating less resistance than he would usually be met with.
He lets out a groan, eye screwing shut and jaw going slack. "Gods...your cunt...it feels..."
"More?" She offers with a giggle.
Her giggles turn to lewd moans as Aemond begins to thrust inside of her. Everything feels too much and yet not enough all at once. It's as though every nerve ending is ablaze with sensation and as the familiar ache begins to build deep within her, she knows she won't last long.
The wet sounds of Aemond pushing and pulling in and out of her, coupled with the slapping of skin and their mingling pants of pleasure create a cacophony that's absolutely obscene.
As she falls over the proverbial edge, her vision goes spotty with the intensity of it, her back arching off of the bed to push her body against Aemond's as she lets out a strangled cry.
The forcefulness of how she spasms around him rips his own end from him, and he spills inside of her with a string of High Valyrian obscenities tumbling from his lips.
He collapses against her and they both lay there for a few minutes, basking in each other's sweaty afterglow while they catch their breath.
Eventually, Aemond pulls out, watching with fascination as his seed mixed with her blood trickles from her.
"We should do this again." He muses quietly.
"My pain has gone." She says, a tinge of surprised wonder in her tone.
He stares at her, almost prideful. "Then we are definitely doing this again."
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Can I request Eri Reader with Yandere Parental Figures (Aphrodite is sobbing when she calls her ‘Aunty’) Shiva’s Wives (Who like to dote on her) Brotherly Figures, Hermes, Hercules and Ares (Ares is sobbing in the corner after she called him ‘Big Brother Ares’) the Valkyries are her Sister Figures (Sasaki and Zeus have a ‘rivalry’ about who’s ‘Grandpa’)
Everyone is very overprotective and territorial of Reader, as the Pantheons and Humans tend to fight each other over who she gets to spend time with (But hide their fighting so Reader doesn’t cry/get upset)
They end up making a Week System, Monday is the Greek Pantheon, Tuesday is the Norse Pantheon, Wednesday is the Valkyrie Sisters, Thursday is the Four Sages and Zerofuku, Friday is the Hindu Pantheon and the Weekend she spends it with the Human Fighters
And it goes great… until they learn they’ll soon have to enroll her in school, making their time with her cut in half (And everyone’s sobbing/whimpering about her growing up…going out into the world…making friends…meeting boys…boys develop crushes on her…digging holes in the backyard for said boys…making alibi’s for said missing children… *sigh* the struggle of being a parent/elder sibling is rough 🤣💀)
-Everything had been smoothed over, the gods, humans, and valkyries coming to an agreement on how things were going to be done regarding you, their precious little Y/N.
-They had all adopted you, either as parental figures, or siblings, aunts and uncles, and even a few grandpa figures, Zeus, Odin, and Kojiro, and you loved all of them, beaming so brightly now and you were safe and sound, having your massive family protecting you.
-However, fights and arguments started to become more frequent, all of them fighting over you, fighting over who go to spend time with you next, or that one individual was hogging you and not sharing.
-You didn’t like seeing your family fighting and the first time you burst into tears, seeing them fight, they had to figure out something and figure it out quickly.
-And they did find a solution quickly, you would spend time each day with a different group of your loved ones.
-On Monday you were at the Greek pantheon, with you big brothers Hercules, Ares, and Hermes, with Auntie Aphrodite, who ugly cried the first time you called her that, grandpa Zeus, and Uncle Hades and Poseidon, each one of them taking turns playing with you or telling your stories.
-On Tuesday you were with the Norse pantheon, running around playing with Loki, reading stories with Grandpa Odin, and cuddling with Thor, who swears he’s not crying.
-On Wednesday you’re with your big sisters the valkyries who dote on you, playing with you, having tea parties, dress up, and making sure you’re happy.
-On Thursday you hung out with Zerofuku and the Four Sages, usually spending it in Buddha’s garden, eating snacks, being taught how to read and write, taking naps, and just relaxing.
-On Friday you were at the Hindu pantheon, dancing with Shiva and his wives, playing with Ganesha, and learning about the world around you with the other Hindu gods
-On the weekends you were with the humans, with your papa and mama, Adam and Eve, Grandpa Kojiro, your other big brothers and uncle figures, and they teach you how to just be a normal human, teaching you how to run around and play, using your head to think and solve problems, and just showering you with love.
-However, a problem arose when Eve noticed you staring at children going to school as she walked you to the Greek pantheon, and she brought it up to Hades.
-By the end of the day, everyone in your massive family knew, and after Ares inquired with you, you told him you wanted to go to school to be with other kids you own age.
-An emergency meeting was called to discuss this, as that would mean your time with certain members of your family would be shortened if you started going to school, something they didn’t want to think about.
-Eve took you to the school, taking you on a tour so you could see if you believed you were ready to start, and the kids your own age were very welcome, greeting you warmly and they didn’t care about your horn at all, finding it cool as many of them were children of the gods and had their own unique features.
-When Eve returned, holding you as you were passed out asleep, she walked in to see everyone surrounded by gloom, as they had all come to the realization you were growing up, you were spreading your wings, wanting to explore the world! You wanted to go to school and make friends!
-Eve held her cheek in her hand, “Oh my~ if this is how you are all going to be when Y/N starts school, how are you going to be when she starts dating?”
-Shiva pointed to the corner where several shovels were already prepared in advanced, as they realized this and she giggled softly, as she knew that was a part of parenthood, watching your child grow up, but as parents, it was their job to nurture you, keep you safe, but also learn things on your own.
-Your first day of school was a day full of loud obnoxious sobbing, many members of your family ugly crying, not wanting you to leave while others, like Parvati, were taking picture after picture, wanting to always remember this day.
-You waved bye-bye to all of them, a bright smile on your face as they watched you take your first steps into this new milestone in your life, all of them standing behind you, supporting you.
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cheynovak · 27 days
 A Night to Remember 
Part 2: In the spotlight  
Jensen Ackles x F/Reader Y/N     
Warnings: On screen chemistry, sexual tension, unfaithful, ...    
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
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When a candid photo of Jensen Ackles and his co-star Y/N sharing an intimate moment goes viral, it threatens to upend the actor's carefully balanced life.  
Jensen must navigate the fallout and confront his true feelings.  
As he and Y/N strive to set the record straight, they are forced to examine the boundaries between professional connection and personal emotion.  
Will their flirtation under the spotlight lead to lasting consequences, or can they find a way to protect what truly matters? 
One click, one misstep and there it was, the picture and news articles circling on the internet.
Los Angeles, CA – In a surprising turn of events, Supernatural star Jensen Ackles and his co-star Y/N Y/L/N were spotted together in what appeared to be a romantic setting. This unexpected sighting has ignited a whirlwind of speculation and intrigue among fans and media alike. 
Ackles, who has been happily married to actress Danneel Ackles since 2010, was seen with Y/L/N at an upscale restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. The pair were seen at a local bar, a fan saw them engaging in deep conversation, sharing laughs, and even holding hands across the table. Dressed casual for the evening, both actors appeared relaxed and comfortable in each other’s company. 
An eyewitness, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared, “They looked really close and seemed to be enjoying each other's company a lot. It felt like there was definitely more than just friendship between them.” 
Y/N Y/L/N, who has recently to be rumoured as the new member of the cast of Ackles’ latest project “The boy”, has quickly become a fan favourite. However, this is the first time they have been seen together.  
Fans of Ackles have taken to social media to express their disbelief and confusion. One fan tweeted, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Jensen and Y/N? What about Danneel? This doesn’t make sense!” 
Another fan commented, “Jensen and Danneel have always been so solid. I hope this is just a misunderstanding.” 
As the news spreads, neither Jensen nor Y/L/N have made any public statements regarding the nature of their relationship. Danneel Ackles has also remained silent on the matter, choosing not to address the swirling rumours. 
It is possible that the outing was entirely innocent and misconstrued by the public. Hollywood friendships often involve close and affectionate interactions that can be easily misinterpreted. 
In the meantime, the internet continues to buzz with theories and opinions, eagerly awaiting any clarification from the involved parties.
Fans hope for a positive resolution that respects all individuals involved and clarifies the situation. 
Jensen stepped into his house, the warm familiarity of home wrapping around him. It had been an incredible cast, filled with unexpected connections and heartfelt moments. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought of Y/N, their shared laughter, and that unforgettable evening. 
It was just a stupid drunk kiss, but still she knew what he needed, a chance to feel like he had it still in him, flirting picking up a nice girl at the bar, even though it was his co start who knew he felt insecure.   
However, his smile faded as he saw his wife, Danneel, waiting for him in the living room, her expression unreadable. She held her phone in her hand, and Jensen’s heart sank with a premonition of trouble. 
“Hey, babe,” Jensen greeted, trying to keep his tone light. “You’re up late.” Danneel nodded, her eyes fixed on him. “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. There’s something I need to show you.” 
She handed him her phone, and Jensen’s stomach tightened as he saw the screen. There it was the photo from the bar. It captured the moment just before the kiss, the intimate way he and Y/N were looking at each other unmistakable. 
“Danneel, I...” Jensen started, but she held up a hand to stop him. 
“Jensen, I get it. It’s part of the job, right? You work closely with your co-stars. But this… this looks personal.” Her voice was calm, but he could hear the hurt underlying her words. 
Jensen took a deep breath, his mind racing. “It wasn’t what it looks like, I swear. We were just talking, drinking and then… I don’t know. It just happened.” 
Danneel looked at him, her eyes searching his. “I trust you, Jensen, but you have to understand how this looks. The internet is already buzzing with rumours. People are talking.” 
Jensen ran a hand through his hair, frustration and guilt gnawing at him. “I’m so sorry, Danneel. I never wanted to hurt you. Y/N and I, we just got caught up in the moment. It didn’t mean anything, it just turns out she is the same playful spirit drunk.” 
Danneel sighed, sitting down on the couch and gesturing for Jensen to join her. “I believe you, but we need to be careful. Our family, our kids—they’re going to hear about this. We need to be ready to handle it.” 
Jensen sat beside her, taking her hand in his. “I’ll talk to Y/N. We’ll figure out a way to set the record straight. I love you.” he said before kissing her goodnight. Danneel squeezed his hand, a small smile playing on her lips. 
The next week Jensen sat in a conference room with his manager, Y/N and her manager, Lisa, who was explaining their new plan. 
“So, we’ve decided to lean into this,” Lisa said, spreading out mock-ups of promotional posters featuring Soldier Boy and Y/N’s character. “The internet is already buzzing about the photo. We’re going to introduce her new character on ‘The Boys’ as the love interest.  
We know it wasn’t supposed to leak out yet, but we’re going to drop some on set photos, and I would like that you two make a video.  
Y/N glanced at Jensen, her eyes wide with surprise. “If that’s possible, that would be great!” Jensen leaned back in his chair, a mix of relief and excitement bubbling up. “Alright, let’s do this.”  
Jensen and Y/N found themselves standing in front of a camera crew, tasked with filming a special video announcement. Jensen stood beside Y/N, offering a reassuring smile as they exchanged a quick glance.  
They had rehearsed their lines countless times, but there was still a nervous energy in the air.  
“Hey, everyone, it’s Jensen Ackles here,” Jensen began, his voice confident as he addressed the camera. “And I’m thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of our team.” 
Y/N stepped forward, their expression a mix of excitement and determination. “Hi, I’m Y/N, and I’m beyond excited to join the cast of ‘The Boys’  
“Our new season is going to be bigger and better than ever,” Jensen continued, his enthusiasm infectious. “And with Y/N on board as soldier boys new love, I know we’re going to blow you away.” 
Y/N smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Get ready for an epic ride, folks.” With a wink they end the promo video. 
“Y/N, can we talk?” Jensen asked, his voice serious as he pulled her aside. Y/N nodded, her expression guarded but curious. “Of course, J. What’s on your mind?” 
Jensen took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. “Look, I can’t shake this feeling that… maybe things between us aren’t as straightforward as we’ve been pretending.” 
Y/N’s gaze softened, a flicker of understanding passing through her eyes. “Jensen, I told you before, that kiss, it was just a moment. I know it didn’t mean anything.” 
“I don’t want to make things more complicated than they already are. That’s why… I think we need to set some boundaries.” he added.  
Y/N’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Boundaries?” 
Jensen sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah. Look, I value our friendship, Y/N. And I don’t want to lose that. But I think we need to be careful about how we spend our time together.” 
Y/N’s expression softened, a sense of resignation settling over them.” Maybe it’s best if we avoid situations where…” Jensen nodded, relief washing over him that Y/N understood. “Exactly. So, no more one on one getting drunk together, okay?” 
“Yeah, sure no problem. I thought that kind of was a done deal without saying anything.” Y/N smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. 
A few months later 
The cast of "The Boys" had a busy schedule at the Comic-Con weekend, but Jensen found himself with a rare moment of downtime. As he sipped on his coffee backstage, he noticed Y/N stepping onto the stage for a solo Q&A session with the fans. 
Jensen leaned against a nearby wall, watching from the shadows as Y/N took the microphone, a radiant smile lighting up their face. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Y/N’s eyes sparkled with genuine excitement and gratitude. 
“Hi, everyone!” Y/N greeted, their voice warm and inviting. “Thank you all so much for coming out today. You guys are the best!” 
As she began to take questions from the audience, Jensen found himself mesmerized by the way Y/N engaged with the fans. She listened intently to each question, her expressions ranging from thoughtful to playful, depending on the fans. 
She had an incredible ability to connect with people, making each person feel valued and heard. 
One fan, a young girl dressed as her character, nervously approached the microphone. “Hi, Y/N! I just wanted to say that I love you, and you’re my hero.” Y/N’s eyes softened as she leaned forward, her smile radiating warmth. “Thank you so much! That means the world to me. You look amazing!"  
As the panel continued, Jensen couldn’t shake the growing feelings stirring within him. Y/N finished answering another question, glancing backstage and catching Jensen’s eye. She gave him a quick, playful wink before turning back to the audience, and Jensen felt a flutter in his chest. 
The cast gathered for a dinner at a cozy restaurant after their appearance at a Comic-Con. The atmosphere was warm and lively as the cast members laughed and chatted, enjoying each other’s company before the whirlwind of events ahead. 
Jensen and Y/N exchanged polite smiles in between their casual conversation with others, the tension from their previous encounter hanging in the air between them like a silent understanding. 
As the evening progressed, Jensen couldn’t help but steal glances at Y/N, her easy laughter and infectious energy drawing him in despite the distance he had tried to maintain.  
Throughout the dinner, their eyes meeting in fleeting moments of connection. Each glance spoke volumes. There was a playful spark in Jensen’s gaze, a hint of mischief that danced in his eyes. Finding it way too easy to find an opportunity to flirt with Y/N, even from across the table. 
As the evening progressed and the drinks flowed freely. The warmth of the alcohol combined with the electric energy between them, fuelling a newfound boldness within him. 
Leaning slightly on to the table, closer to Y/N, Jensen’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, a subtle gesture that worked like magic on her. His eyes, dark with desire, locked onto Y/N’s, sending a message of longing and intent. 
Y/N’s breath caught at the sight, her own heart racing in response to Jensen’s unspoken flirtation. The air between them crackled with tension, the heat of their mutual attraction igniting like a wildfire. 
Despite the playful banter and laughter around them, Jensen and Y/N were lost in their own world, a world where the only thing that mattered was the intoxicating game of pulling and pushing.  
He saw how Y/N casually reached for her drink, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass in slow, deliberate circles. The motion was hypnotic, and Jensen found himself entranced by the simple yet sensual act.  
She looked up at him through her lashes, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
Y/N gracefully stood up from the table, her fingers lingering on the back of her chair as she cast a lingering, meaningful glance over her shoulder at him. Her eyes held a silent invitation that sent a thrill down his spine. 
Jensen watched her as she walked away, her movements fluid and confident. He knew exactly what she was suggesting, and he felt a surge of anticipation. Excusing himself with a casual comment to the rest of the cast, he waited a few moments before following her path.  
His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the restroom area, glancing around to ensure they wouldn’t be interrupted. 
He pushed open the door to the women’s restroom, his eyes immediately finding Y/N. She stood by the sinks, her expression a mix of mischief and desire. The door closed behind him with a soft click, sealing them in their private little world. 
“Y/N,” Jensen murmured, his voice husky as he stepped closer to her. “Are you sure about this?” 
She smiled, the kind of smile that sent shivers down his spine.  She reached out, her fingers brushing against his chest, sending a wave of heat through his body. 
Jensen closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, his hands finding her waist as he pulled her close. Their breaths mingled, the air thick with the electricity of their desire. Y/N tilted her head up, her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that made his pulse race. 
Without another word, Jensen leaned in, capturing her lips with his in a searing kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the pent-up longing and unspoken words that had been building between them. Y/N responded eagerly, her hands sliding up to his shoulders as she pressed herself against him. 
Jensen’s hands roamed her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her dress. Y/N’s fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, their tongues dancing in a rhythm of their own. 
For a moment, they broke apart, their foreheads resting against each other’s as they caught their breath. “I’ve never been more sure about anything,” she replied, her voice a seductive whisper. 
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godsfavdarling · 4 months
01 new beginnings
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pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!oc
summary: After nearly two decades with the FBI, Dr. Spencer Reid makes a career shift to teaching at Georgetown University. There, he shares an office with Dr. Brittany Reed, a sociologist.
list of chapters, also available on wattpad and Ao3, my masterlist
warnings: none for this chapter
words: 3,9k
Spencer stood amidst the scattered boxes in the office, meticulously arranging his belongings on his new desk. The scent of fresh paint mingled with the faint aroma of coffee, signaling the start of a new chapter in his life. His gaze wandered to the other desk in the room, its pristine surface a stark contrast to the chaos surrounding him.
The desk was neatly organized, adorned with a half-finished iced latte, stacks of glossy women's magazines, and an array of black pens. A closed laptop sat at the center, flanked by notebooks and a sleek black purse resting nearby. Spencer couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity as he surveyed the items, each one offering a glimpse into the personality of his mysterious officemate.
Lost in thought, Spencer was startled by the sound of the door opening. He turned to see a woman entering the room, her presence commanding attention. She was tall and elegant, with long black hair cascading over her shoulders and piercing gray eyes framed by black-rimmed glasses. Dressed in a chic black blouse and wide-legged suit pants, she exuded confidence and poise.
The soft lighting of the office accentuated the delicate features of her face—the slight curve of her lips, the subtle arch of her eyebrows, and the gentle contours of her cheeks. Her long black hair framed her face like a cascading waterfall, adding to her allure.
"Dr. Brittany Reed, I presume?" Spencer said, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
The woman flashed him a warm smile as she approached. "That's me. And you must be Dr. Spencer Reid," she replied, extending her hand.
Spencer shook her hand, feeling a surge of awkwardness at the physical contact. "Yes, that's correct. It's nice to meet you, Dr. Reed."
Brittany chuckled, her laughter filling the room. "Call me Brittany. And isn't it funny how our last names sound so similar? Reed and Reid!"
Spencer couldn't help but smile at the coincidence, though his mind was still racing with thoughts and observations. He watched as Brittany settled into her desk, effortlessly navigating the space with a grace he could only admire from afar.
"I hope you don't mind my mess," Brittany said. "They're doing some renovations in the department, so we'll have to make do with sharing for now."
"No problem at all," Spencer replied as he sat down, trying to sound more relaxed than he felt. He couldn't help but observe Brittany. She had an easy going demeanor, and her laughter filled the room as they kept talking.
"So, Spencer, what made you decide to leave the FBI and join us here at Georgetown?"
Spencer shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his mind racing to find the right words. "Well, it's... it's a long story. I suppose I just needed a change of pace, a new challenge."
Brittany nodded understandingly, her gaze curious but non-intrusive. "I can imagine. It must be quite a transition."
"Yeah, it definitely is," Spencer admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm still trying to find my footing, to be honest."
She chuckled and said, "Well, at least you won't have to worry about any serial killers lurking in the halls. Just your typical college students—though some of them could probably use a session or two with a therapist!"
"Actually, statistically speaking, there's quite a bit to consider regarding the prevalence of certain behaviors among college-aged individuals," Spencer began, his tone becoming more animated as he delved into his area of expertise. "For instance, did you know that approximately 10% of college students admit to engaging in some form of criminal activity?"
Brittany's eyebrows raised in interest, encouraging Spencer to continue.
"And when we look at specific types of crimes, the numbers are even more alarming," Spencer continued, his words picking up speed as he delved into his analysis. "According to recent studies, nearly 20% of college students report having committed acts of vandalism, while over 30% admit to underage drinking, and approximately 20% acknowledge using illicit substances."
He paused, taking a moment to gauge Brittany's reaction. To his surprise, she was listening intently, her eyes fixed on him with genuine curiosity.
"But it's not just about the crimes themselves," Spencer continued, his voice gaining momentum. "We also have to consider the underlying factors that contribute to this behavior. Academic stress, peer pressure, and socioeconomic disparities all play a significant role in shaping the choices students make."
As Spencer delved deeper into his analysis, he couldn't help but notice Brittany's attentive demeanor. She didn't interrupt him or try to redirect the conversation—instead, she seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say.
"And when you factor in the influence of social media and online communities," Spencer added, his mind racing with data and statistics, "the potential for criminal behavior among college students becomes even more complex. It's a multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and societal trends... But you probably know about that because you are an expert in how technology influences society..."
He stared at her in awe, struck by her patience and genuine interest in his ramblings.
"Sorry, I started rambling," Spencer said, his voice filled awkwradness.
Brittany smiled warmly, her gray eyes meeting his with understanding. "No need to apologize, Spencer. I found what you had to say incredibly insightful!"
"Thank you," Spencer said, his voice carrying a hint of gratitude as he turned his gaze away from her. Despite his efforts to maintain composure, he couldn't shake the sheepish feeling that crept over him.
"Have there been any studies on the prevalence of criminal behavior among professors?" she asked him, as she walked over to his desk and sat on the edge, her thigh now partially resting on the wood.
Spencer couldn't help but notice the change in perspective, her presence suddenly more pronounced. From this angle, she looked even more captivating, and Spencer found himself momentarily distracted by her proximity.
"Um, well, criminal tendencies among professors are... um..." Spencer's words trailed off as he struggled to maintain his train of thought, his gaze inadvertently drawn to Brittany's intent expression. He could feel her eyes on him, watching him closely as he stumbled over his words.
"Sorry, I, uh..." Spencer felt a flush of embarrassment color his cheeks. He cleared his throat and continued.
"To answer your question, there have been studies that suggest... um, criminal tendencies within academia have been the subject of numerous studies over the years. While it's true that the vast majority of professors uphold the highest ethical standards, there have been instances where individuals within the academic community have been implicated in criminal activities."
He paused briefly, glancing at Brittany before continuing, captivated by her attentive gaze.
"But it's mostly cases of academic fraud, research misconduct, and even instances of embezzlement within universities," Spencer explained, his words flowing effortlessly as he delved into the nuances of the topic. "The pressures of academia, combined with the temptation of personal gain, can sometimes lead individuals down a dangerous path."
As he spoke, Spencer couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Brittany's genuine interest in the subject. Her unwavering attention fueled his confidence, allowing him to articulate his thoughts with clarity and precision.
"And while these cases are relatively rare, they serve as a reminder that no profession is immune to the influence of criminal behavior," he reiterated, his voice filled with conviction. "It's a complex issue that warrants further examination, both from a societal and institutional perspective."
He paused, his eyes lingering on Brittany for a moment longer before a playful glint sparked in them. "But not many serial killers," he added with a hint of amusement, a small smile playing on his lips.
Brittany chuckled softly, her own smile mirroring Spencer's. "Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that here," she replied, her tone light and teasing.
She gracefully turned and walked back to her desk. Spencer couldn't tear his gaze away, mesmerized by the effortless sway of her hips with each step she took. He found himself captivated by the fluidity of her movements, the subtle elegance that seemed to exude from every gesture.
Unconsciously, Spencer leaned back in his chair, his eyes tracing the contours of Brittany's figure as she moved across the room. He felt a rush of warmth flood his cheeks, his pulse quickening at the sight before him.
Once Brittany settled back into her chair, Spencer quickly averted his gaze, focusing intently on the papers scattered across his desk. He could feel the heat still lingering in his cheeks from his earlier observation, and he silently chastised himself for allowing his thoughts to wander.
Her effortless confidence and poise were a stark contrast to Spencer's own awkwardness, and in her presence, he felt acutely aware of his own shortcomings. Her warmth and charisma seemed to draw him in, yet at the same time, they left him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
He busied himself with arranging the papers on his desk, his movements slightly fumbled as he tried to regain his composure.
Despite his best efforts to mask his unease, he couldn't shake the feeling of being out of his depth. It was as if her mere presence had a way of unraveling the carefully constructed walls he had built around himself.
But even as he struggled to find his footing, Spencer couldn't deny the strange allure of Brittany's presence. There was something captivating about her confidence and poise, something that drew him in despite his own insecurities.
As Spencer busied himself with organizing his desk, he felt the weight of Brittany's gaze upon him. Every so often, he would steal a glance in her direction, only to find her looking back at him with a knowing smirk playing at the corners of her lips.
It was as if she could see right through him, could sense the flutter of nerves in his chest and the slight flush that colored his cheeks whenever she glanced his way. Despite his attempts to appear composed, Brittany's perceptive gaze seemed to unravel him with ease.
Spencer couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and intrigue at the way Brittany seemed to effortlessly read him like an open book.
After a while of engrossed work, a knock on the door interrupted their quiet concentration. Spencer and Brittany exchanged glances before Brittany rose to answer it.
Opening the door, Brittany greeted the woman with a warm smile. "Maya! Come in," she exclaimed, gesturing for the red-haired woman to enter.
Maya stepped into the office with a bright grin. "Hey, Brittany! How's your first day going?" she asked cheerfully, glancing around the room.
Brittany motioned towards Spencer. "Maya, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. He's our new colleague here at our department. And this is Dr. Maya Cooper, her office's next to ours and she's my friend!" she introduced.
Spencer offered a polite smile, feeling a bit self-conscious "Nice to meet you, Dr. Cooper," he greeted.
"Hello Dr. Reid. That's funny you guys share an office... You know... with the names..."
Maya's gaze shifted between Spencer and Brittany before she turned back to Brittany with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Hey, so I was thinking... Since it's the start of the academic year and all, how about we all go out for drinks later? A little professor integration, if you will," she suggested, a hint of excitement in her voice.
Brittany's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "That sounds like a fantastic idea! What do you say, Spencer? Would you like to join us?" she asked, her gaze lingering on him with a hopeful smile.
Spencer hesitated for a moment, feeling the familiar tug of apprehension in his chest. The idea of going out for drinks with his new colleagues made him feel slightly uneasy. But as he glanced at Brittany, her warm smile and genuine invitation softened his resolve.
"Um, sure, I... I'd be up for it," Spencer replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
The girls' faces lit up with delight at his acceptance, and Maya clapped her hands together excitedly. "Great! It's settled then. Adam and Carly are also coming! Oh, and Brittany, don't forget to ask Lawrence to come along. The more, the merrier!" she exclaimed before turning to leave.
Spencer fidgeted with a pen on his desk, his mind swirling with thoughts about the upcoming gathering.
"Do you and Lawrence know Maya well?" Spencer ventured cautiously, his tone tinged with uncertainty.
"Yeah, we've known each other for a while," Brittany replied with a smile, sensing Spencer's apprehension.
"It's nice that you include him and spend time with both him and your work colleagues," Spencer remarked, hoping to steer the conversation in a casual direction.
Brittany chuckled softly at Spencer's assumption, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Oh my god? Do you think that Lawrence is my boyfriend?" she replied, amusement evident in her voice.
Spencer's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized his mistake. "Oh, I, uh... I see, I'm sorry. I just thought..." he stammered, feeling relieved yet still unsure of himself.
Brittany's laughter filled the air, her amusement contagious. "Don't worry, Spencer. It's okay. Also Lawrence is very much unavailable... in that way, at least," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Spencer's confusion deepened at Brittany's cryptic remark, but before he could inquire further, she offered a reassuring smile. "He's gay, Spencer. Very gay! And he's my neighbor and my best friend!" she clarified with a playful wink.
Understanding dawned on Spencer, and he couldn't help but join in Brittany's laughter. "Got it," he replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.
"Do you have a problem with that?" Brittany asked teasingly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
"What? No, of course not. Why would I..." Spencer started to reply, his voice trailing off as he realized Brittany was joking.
She laughed, the sound light and playful. "I'm joking!" she exclaimed, shaking her head at Spencer's earnest response.
Brittany continued to laugh, finding the idea of Lawrence being her boyfriend utterly hilarious. Spencer couldn't help but laugh along with her, grateful for her easy going nature.
After their classes concluded, Brittany and Spencer made their way to the metro station together, sharing casual conversation along the journey. The excitment of the evening's gathering filled the air as they rode the train to the bar where their colleagues were waiting.
As they arrived at the bar, Spencer took in the ambiance of the place. It was a cozy establishment with dim lighting, exposed brick walls adorned with vintage posters, and a lively atmosphere. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, mingling with the soft melody of background music.
Brittany and Spencer found their colleagues gathered around a table in the corner of the bar. Maya and Lawrence were already seated, engaged in animated conversation. Two other individuals, Adam and Carly, joined them, completing the group.
Brittany intoduced Spencer with a warm smile as they approached the table, gesturing for him to take a seat beside her. Lawrence, a tall black man dressed in a bright dress shirt and colorful pants, flashed a friendly grin as they sat down.
"Spencer, this is Lawrence," Brittany introduced, her tone light and playful. "Lawrence, meet Spencer. He thought you were my boyfriend!"
Lawrence's eyes widened in mock horror, and he feigned a dramatic gasp. "Oh no, not another one!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I might just have to throw up if I hear that again."
Spencer chuckled nervously, feeling a pang of embarrassment at Lawrence's jest. He glanced at Brittany, who was smiling mischievously, clearly enjoying the exchange.
As Brittany turned to Spencer, her voice laced with amusement, she asked, "So, what'll it be? I'm heading to the bar."
Spencer quickly rose from his seat, a determined look in his eyes as he replied, "I'll order for us."
Brittany raised an eyebrow, clearly puzzled by Spencer's sudden assertiveness. "Oh, really?" she quipped, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Quit the gentleman act, Spencer. I'm perfectly capable of buying drinks. You can buy me coffee some day. Now, what are you having?"
Spencer hesitated for a moment, then replied simply, "Water."
Brittany's eyes widened in surprise, a hint of incredulity in her voice as she repeated, "Water?"
"Yes," Spencer confirmed, nodding firmly.
"You'll have water?" Brittany pressed, unable to hide her amusement.
"Yes," Spencer repeated, his tone unwavering.
"Okay," Brittany said, shaking her head with a laugh. "One water for Spencer."
As she made her way to the bar, Spencer couldn't help but smile at Brittany's playful teasing.
They sat at the table, enjoying their drinks and conversation and Brittany sipped on her second beer, the lively atmosphere of the bar enveloping them.
Spencer couldn't help but notice the way Brittany's hand wrapped around the cold glass of beer, her long coffin-shaped nails painted in a subtle beige hue. The soft clinking of her gold rings against the glass created a gentle melody that resonated in the air
Suddenly, one of the bartenders approached, placing a colorful drink before Brittany and pointing to a guy at the bar, indicating that it was from him.
Brittany looked at the drink with a mixture of surprise and mild disgust, then glanced over at the guy at the bar. "Oh my god," she exclaimed, her expression incredulous.
Maya and Lawrence burst into laughter at Brittany's reaction. "Why would he even buy me a drink? I'm drinking beer. Is he blind?" Brittany wondered aloud, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Well, it's not very ladylike of you. He knew better what you'd like!" Lawrence teased, a playful smirk on his lips.
"Yeah, how could you know what you should drink? He's here to tell you!" Carly added, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
Spencer watched the whole interaction unfold, intrigued by the dynamics of Brittany's friendship group. Brittany continued to stare at the drink, seemingly at a loss for what to do with it.
"What am I supposed to do with that?" she mused aloud, her brow furrowed in confusion.
"Go to him and say thank you. He's not that bad looking," Lawrence suggested with a mischievous grin, eliciting laughter from the group.
"I'll take it!" Maya declared enthusiastically, already enjoying a similar drink of her own. Brittany pushed the glass towards her friend with a grateful smile, relieved to be rid of the unexpected gesture.
As they left the bar, Brittany lit up a cigarette, the glow casting a warm light on her face as they continued their conversation. They debated which way to go home, their voices mingling with the sounds of the city streets.
Suddenly, the guy from the bar approached Brittany, catching her attention. "Hey..." he started, but Brittany turned to him with a polite smile, saying hi.
"So, I was thinking..." he began, but Brittany swiftly interrupted him, her hand reaching out to grasp Spencer's arm as she came up with a quick solution to rid themselves of the unwanted attention.
"Sorry," she interjected, her tone firm but friendly. "I'm here with my boyfriend."
As Brittany's hand gently closed around Spencer's arm, a rush of warmth spread through him, unexpected but not unwelcome. Her touch, though brief, sent a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins, stirring something deep within him. 
And when she casually referred to him as her boyfriend, a small thrill ran down his spine, igniting a flicker of excitement in his chest. Though he didn't say anything in response, the subtle shift in his demeanor didn't go unnoticed.
The guy's expression shifted, his eyes widening in realization. "Oh, right! Sorry, man! I didn't know. Have a great night!" he exclaimed, before quickly turning and disappearing into the night.
"Okay, we have to go. Bye guys," Carly said quickly, her voice cutting through the chatter as she and Maya and Adam hurriedly hailed a taxi that had just arrived.
Lawrence also chimed in, "I gotta go the other way... I might... have a date..." With a wave, he disappeared into the bustling city streets.
Suddenly, Spencer and Brittany found themselves alone, the noise of the city enveloping them once more. Brittany turned to Spencer, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry for what I said back there... I didn't mean to imply..."
Spencer nodded understandingly, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's okay, Brittany. I understand," he reassured her, grateful for her quick thinking in diffusing the situation.
Brittany sighed, her shoulders relaxing as she visibly eased into the conversation. "You know, sometimes guys just let go easier when there's a threat of a boyfriend," she explained, a hint of frustration in her voice. "It's like they can't take no for an answer unless they think you're taken."
Spencer nodded in agreement, glanced at her ciggarete and remarked, "6 minutes."
Brittany furrowed her brow in confusion. "What?" she asked
"That's what I used to tell my mom when she'd light a cigarette," Spencer explained, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A cigarette takes 6 minutes of your life, so every time she smoked one, I'd tell her that it's 6 minutes less I get to spend with her."
"That's sweet... I'm still gonna smoke. I only smoke when I drink. I don't know why..." Brittany trailed off, her voice carrying a hint of resignation.
Spencer interrupted her gently, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Actually, there's a psychological explanation for that," he began, his tone measured as he launched into an explanation.
"You see, smoking and drinking often go hand in hand because they both activate the brain's reward system. When you drink alcohol, it increases the levels of dopamine in your brain, which makes you feel good. Smoking can have a similar effect, releasing dopamine and other neurotransmitters that produce feelings of pleasure and relaxation."
Brittany listened intently as Spencer continued to explain, his words weaving a fascinating narrative about the intricate workings of the brain and its response to certain stimuli.
"Additionally, there's also the social aspect to consider," Spencer added. "Smoking is often associated with socializing and relaxation, so when you're out with friends and having a few drinks, the urge to smoke can be especially strong."
Brittany nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Spencer's words with interest. "That makes sense," she mused, a newfound understanding dawning in her eyes.
"Yeah, it's all about the brain's response to different stimuli and the associations we make with certain behaviors," he concluded, his voice warm with enthusiasm.
He smiled as Brittany hummed in response, the sound of her exhaling smoke mingling with the cool evening air. He watched her for a moment, noticing the way her features softened in contemplation, her gray eyes reflecting the glow of the streetlights.
As they continued walking, the realization slowly dawned on them that they were both heading in the same direction. Spencer cleared his throat, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
"So, uh, which way are you headed?" he asked, his tone casual but tinged with curiosity.
Brittany glanced at him, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Funny enough, I live just a few blocks from here," she replied, her voice warm with surprise.
Spencer's eyes widened in realization. "Really? Me too," he exclaimed, a sense of serendipity settling over him.
Brittany chuckled softly, a twinkle in her eye. "Looks like we're neighbors then," she remarked, her tone light and playful.
"Yeah, it seems that way," he replied.
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winchestergirl2 · 7 months
October Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs List
Dean Winchester
The One That Got Away Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | @pink-sparkly-witch
Authors Summary: Childhood sweethearts, Dean and Y/N, are very much in love with each other. When she accepts a full scholarship to an out-of-state college, she finally gets to leave behind her traumatic childhood and abusive father, but it means leaving Dean behind too.
Over a decade later, Y/N returns to Lawrence, Kansas, and finally tries to heal the only wounds she has left… the psychological and emotional scars her father gave her and the heartbreak she endured by Dean Winchester, the one that got away.
Smoke Eater Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | @zepskies
Authors Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
Escape Chapter 66 | Chapter 67 | Chapter 68 | @soaringeag1e
Authors Summary: A serial killer is reeking havoc around Lawrence, Kansas, and Detective Dean Winchester is getting really sick of finding more and more bodies. But one day, he gets a call about another victim. But instead of the location of another body, he gets news that this one escaped the hell of this mans actions.
Massages And More @miss-madness67
Authors Summary: Dean really likes your massage.
Meant To Be Mine @negans-lucille-tblr
Authors Summary: A mix up leads to life changing consequences. 
Sam Winchester
Yellow @idreamofhazel
Authors Summary: I listened to Yellow by Coldplay and got inspired. 
Untitled Sam Winchester Drabble @supernaturalfreewill
Relax @imagineteamfreewill
Authors Summary: It’s almost the end of the semester and your schedule is jam-packed, leaving you stressed, overwhelmed, and overtired. Thankfully, Sam Winchester is the best at helping you relax.
Family Friends and Loved Ones @waywardxwords
Authors Summary: You make it home for Thanksgiving to see your family again, bringing Sam and Dean with you.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
New Blood @wayward-dreamer
Authors Summary: The executives at Vought American are enamoured by the new supe at the annual shareholders party, hoping to make her a new addition to Payback. Soldier Boy isn't pleased with the idea, as he's the only one who gets to decide who joins his team. He tells her this fact, and braces himself for a fight, but gets something much better out of their encounter.
Friday the 13th
Clay Miller
Flyers @plus-size-reader
Authors Summary: Going out with Clay to help look for Whitney and bonding with him in a way that you never have before
Friday The 13th (2009) @bored-writer101
Authors Summary: You are Clay Miller’s girlfriend. He’s taken you to the middle of bumfuck nowhere, looking for his sister, Whitney. She’s been missing for a month and a half after she went on a camping trip with some friends. You and Clay are determined to find her, but there is a hockey masked killer who is waiting in the woods for you.
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Wonderwall @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: teasing beau during work and leaving without finishing. when he gets home he wants to pick up where they left off.
Only Ever Holding Onto You Part 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: When Beau Arlen called and asked Y/N to join him at the Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department, she knew she should have turned him down. Sure, he made a great case for her relocation, but it was the sound of his voice that had her put in for an immediate transfer. After all, he was worried and needed her; how could she say no? Yet, the more time she spends in Big Sky Country, the more Y/N wonders if she should have stayed in Houston.
Untitled Beau Arlen Drabble @smellingofpoetry
Montana Stars @spnbaby-67
Authors Summary Just cute one shot between Beau Arlen and his girl, Y/N.
Chicago Fire
Matt Casey
Better late than never @deanstead
Authors Summary: After witnessing Y/N’s interaction with Connor, Matt finally decides to tell her how he feels
Imagine: Seeing Matt at Molly's after returning to Chicago @deanstead
Untitled Matt Casey Drabble @deanstead
Authors Summary: Matt surprising his wife with a puppy
Ten Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Movie Night To Remember @daughterofcain-67
Authors Summary: In honor of spooky season, The Beach City Grill is throwing a Horror movie night event by putting on the movie Scream! The employees are excited, and so are some of the regulars. Your friends, Piper, Jen and Tish invite you to come because she knows you're another regular at the grill. But the thing is, you hate scary movies, crime shows or anything dealing with blood. Which will be scarier? Actually watching this movie, or embarrassing yourself in front of a guy you like?
The Body @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: tish dared priestly to wear a dress to work in exchange for a week off.
Jason Teague
Assistant Hottie @zepskies
Authors Summary: Jason Teague, Assistant Football Coach, meets you in the faculty break lounge at Smallville High. He tries to kick you out, thinking you’re a student. Technically, you are. Turns out, you both go to the same university. 
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rubyreduji · 1 year
at the top — bsk
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summary: it’s always said that it’s lonely at the top, you just didn’t believe it
tags: angst, fluff, idolverse, can be read as platonic or romantic wc: 2.8k an: this is very y/n centric but uhhh i hope its still enjoyable (y/n is basically IU in this universe if we wanna talk about popularity and success)
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The flashing lights almost burn against your skin as a brigade of cameras relentlessly attack you from all sides. You stand still, a painful wide smile plastered onto your face just like you were trained to do all those years ago. You can hear voices shouting out to you, but they just sound like ringing in your ears.
After what feels like an eternity of being blinded you’re ushered into the event hall where the actual ceremony will be taking place. You can’t relax yet, though. The dress you’ve been forced into fits you uncomfortably and has been irritating you since the moment you put it on, but you can’t let it show as you shake hands with all the necessary people and exchange niceties. You nod along to whatever they’re saying and hope you don’t look too dead in the eyes as you do. 
“Y/N-ah, it’s good to see you again.” Your brain finally releases you from its stupor to turn towards the familiar voice.
It’s a coping tactic you developed years ago, when you were too young to really deal with all of the fame and networking and diplomacy. You call it your Professionalism Haze where you just block out as much as you can while still maintaining a level of propriety. As you got older you never did lose the habit. If anything it’s probably the only thing getting you through these types of events without going mad.
“Hyunae-unnie,” you bow slightly to the woman who has approached you. Hyunae is one of the people in the industry who you wholeheartedly enjoy the company of. You two did your training together as it was believed you two would debut in the same group before it was decided you would both debut as solo artists instead.
“Congratulations on your recent comeback, and your many nominations tonight.” If it was any other artist speaking to you, you might believe there was malice or envy behind the words, but you know Hyunae is being completely sincere.
“Thank you. I send you good regards towards your own comeback as well.” You know your words don’t mean much as Hyunae’s comeback was not nearly as successful as yours, but you still hope to convey how proud you are of both of your successes, no matter how big or small.
You hear a loud commotion coming from the entrance of the building and you glance over to see SEVENTEEN entering the venue. The loud boys all move further into the venues, greeting people as they do. 
You stare at them as they move as a unit. Their crisp suit jackets and styled hair and meticulously picked jewelry. Despite the gender difference between you two, you know that just as much time was put into making them presentable as it was with you. You wonder if their shoes pinch their feet the way yours do to you.
The group of thirteen men are up for a couple awards themselves tonight. You wouldn’t call yourself a fan of them, but you are well versed in their status. They interest you to say the least. You’ve never met another K-Pop idol like them individually, let alone a whole group of them.
Your eyes land on Boo Seungkwan. You find him the most interesting out of the whole group with his big personality and outstanding vocal talents. His hair is styled out of his face, slightly pushed back to change up his normal style. He’s dressed in a suit like the rest of his group. His suit is a navy color that is styled with a silky white under shirt. He has more necklaces than you do adorning his neck and like always, his signature smile graces his face.
The lights in the room are on the dimmer side, but he still shines, standing out from the rest of the crowd. One of his members says something to him and you can hear him laugh even from across the room. You stare at the way his face lights up even more, something you didn’t know was possible.
You study his body movements and the way he interacts with everyone around him. You see him smile at multiple people, but that’s not a surprise. Seungkwan is very popular. He’s very open with his body language and how he carries himself, something you’re not sure if you emulate properly.
You ponder how Seungkwan is objectively attractive, but to you he’s also subjectively attractive with his smooth skin and high cheekbones and bright eyes.
“Y/N?” Your attention is pulled back to your unnie and you apologize for spacing off. She brushes it off, far too well-versed in similar actions herself.
“Excuse me, I think I should go find my seat before the ceremony starts.” You bow once more to Hyunae before heading off in the general direction of where your manager told you your seat is. It doesn’t take you long to find it and you sit down in your chair, the first one at the table.
“Y/N!” You look up to see three men approaching you. One of them being the man you are guilty of staring at a few moments ago.
You stand and bow to them. “Hoshi-ssi, Dokyeom-ssi, Seungkwan-ssi.”
“Congratulations on another successful year,” Hoshi tells you. You know he’s not just referencing your recent comeback but all of the projects you’ve done within the past year including the first leg of your tour, premiering in a movie, the release a new fashion line, and several record-breaking comebacks.
“Ah, Y/N-noona you’re so cool,” DK says. “You do so much, it’s amazing that you’re still standing.”
“Yah, don’t say stuff like that!” Seungkwan smacks at DK’s arm. “Your diligence is very commendable Y/N-noona.”
“Thank you, though the work SEVENTEEN does is just as exemplary as mine.” It’s no secret how hard the boys work and how they’re constantly doing something whether it’s promotions, comebacks, variety shows, and anything of the like.
“Yah, you three! Stop walking off!” You turn your head to see S.Coups approaching. “I apologize for any troubles my members may have given you.” S.Coups bows to you. “Come on you guys.” Before you can even respond to S.Coups, the four men are walking off to their own table.
It doesn’t take long for things to start to settle down as the guests start to find their tables. You’re sitting at a table with a couple more solo artists. They all talk to one another but nobody spares you much of a glance. Or maybe it’s you who isn’t paying them any attention. It doesn’t matter either.
The ceremony starts and you sit there and stare at the shoes of everyone who walks on stage because the lights are shining too bright to look at their faces. You go through all the normal motions of what you’re supposed to. Clap when someone gets introduced, laugh when they make a joke, smile when something nice is said.
It’s not until the awards start that you force yourself to listen, and even then you start to space out at times. You’re nominated for four categories tonight. You’ll most likely win all four of them. You know you should be appreciative, but it all feels meaningless to you.
“This year’s Top Solo Female Idol is…L/N Y/N!”
You hear your voice called over the surround system and you automatically stand and smile, waving at where the cameras are placed. Your feet start to move to the stage before you can tell them to and then all of a sudden you’re standing on the stage, staring out at the crowd.
Your eyes try to focus on something in the audience. This time it just happens to be the arrangement of blue flowers sitting on a table near the back. 
For once you’re thankful for all of the pre-written speeches that were shoved down your throat a week ago as you recite it like it’s the most natural thing to you. You make a note to send a thank you basket to your PR manager.
You finish your speech and go back to your seat. You feel awkward sitting at the table with your award placed in front of you. The night is only going to get worse. More speeches, more smiling, more standing. Shake this hand and greet this person and say these words and always make sure your dress isn’t bunched up. You feel like a puppet.
You do end up winning all of the awards you were nominated for and you have to go to a press conference afterward to show your gratitude for all of the support.
You don’t miss the looks the other idols shoot you. You don’t have to interpret what they mean. It’s been the same since your first successful album as a rookie. None of them believed in you and now that you’re levels above them they don’t want to talk to you. You don’t blame them.
At the end of the night you’re finally loaded into your car and you slip your shoes off of your feet in the car. You’re in your apartment for about two seconds before you unzip your dress and let it fall to the ground before moving to your room to change into something comfortable.
You undo your hair and clean off your makeup before sliding on a mask and slipping your hood over your head. You walk down the block to the convenience store on the corner and browse the sodas and chips before making a selection. You pay for your treats and are thankful the cashier doesn’t recognize you. It’s not that too hard to believe though. Sometimes you can’t even recognize yourself without your makeup.
A deep sigh escapes your mouth as you start to walk back home. Tonight should be one of the happiest nights for you, but here you are, alone, buying junk food from the convenience store, feeling miserable. You are grateful for your job, you really are, but it’s all so…exhausting.
Your feet still hurt from wearing your heels for so long so you find a bench to sit on and rest your feet for a moment. As you sit down everything starts to crash down on you. You place your head in your hands and start to silently cry.
You don’t know how long you’ve been there when you hear a voice address you. “Excuse me have you- oh, are you okay?” You look up to see a familiar face. “Y/N?”
You quickly wipe away your tears and straighten up though you know that Seungkwan has already seen it all. “I- I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? For what? Are you okay? What are you doing out here all alone? Why are you crying?”
“I’m sorry that you have to see me like this,” you say to Seungkwan. You’re embarrassed if you’re being honest. Out of everyone in the world to find you, it has to be Seungkwan. 
He’s changed into street clothes and even through your distress you note how nice he looks. There’s always been something satisfying to you about idols in normal clothing. Maybe it’s because it makes them look like actual people.
“What are you doing here? It’s late and you’re all alone. Are you not celebrating your wins?”
“I…don’t have anyone to celebrate with,” you admit. “I don’t have many friends in the industry.”
“Well, you have me! We’re friends.” Seungkwan sits down on the bench next to you. 
“Why are you here?” You change the subject.
“Ah, SEVENTEEN is celebrating our win at a bar nearby. I just needed a walk to clear my head for a moment,” Seungkwan explains. “Now, why are you crying on the street alone?”
You never knew if Seungkwan is as nice as he seems on camera, but apparently he is and it’s somehow making everything worse. You’re not sure if you want to just dump all of your problems on him at 1am on a random street right after crying when he should be celebrating with his group, but it’s not like you have anyone else to tell.
“I’m not sure what I’m even doing,” you finally say. “I’ve dreamed of this being my life since I was little, and now that I have it I feel…lost.”
“I don’t know who I am anymore. I live my life day in and day out doing more or less the same thing, it’s like I’m on autopilot. This whole night I felt just like a doll, just something to play with and control. It’s exhausting.”
“You need to take time to take care of yourself. You’re going to burn yourself out if you keep doing all of the things you are now. You should spend time with friends or take a vacation,” Seungkwan says.
You laugh a bit incredulously. “Take a vacation? My manager would kill me. The next leg of my tour starts in two weeks and I’m filming ad collabs and working on my next album in the meantime,” you tell the other idol. You hope he understands a bit. “As for the friend one…I don’t have friends. Everyone is either too intimidated or too resentful to spend time with me. I’m one of the most successful idols in Korea, and I can’t even get someone to spend time with me.”
“Don’t say that. I’m your friend. I’m spending time with you right now, aren’t I?”
“Only because you found me crying alone. It’s pathetic I know. The media would have a field day with this if they saw me now.” 
“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to spend time with you in other situations. Honestly, all of SEVENTEEN would like to be your friend. You deserve to have people who care for you.” The words hit harder than you’re expecting and you feel your eyes start to well up with tears again. “Our jobs aren’t easy, but you’re is even harder than mine. You are so strong to do as much as you do, and all alone. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without my members for support, and you deserve support as well.”
“Thank you, Seungkwan-ssi.” Your voice is soft, afraid that if you speak louder you might start sobbing.
“I think we can drop formalities,” Seungkwan says. “We’re friends now, remember.” You just nod.
It’s quiet between you two for a moment before you speak up. “Do you ever…wish your life was different? That you weren’t an idol?”
“This job is not for the weak of heart,” Seungkwan starts, “and sometimes it is hard, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Why? Do you…not want to be an idol anymore?”
“I’m not sure.” You take a moment to choose your words carefully. “I’m not happy. I love my fans and I love making everyone proud, but I don’t know if I’m being true to myself anymore.”
Seungkwan thinks over what you just said before responding slowly. “If you’re not happy anymore, then why do you keep doing it?”
“I’m too far in. I can’t be anyone else after the image I’ve built up. I don’t hate the job, I just…don’t feel anything anymore.”
“You should always choose yourself before anything else. I understand your feeling of obligation to this industry though. How about this? You come to me when you need support and I’ll be here for you and if you still feel like this later down the road, you have to promise me you’ll take a step back. You don’t have to quit, not yet, just take a break.”
You’ve truly never met someone like Boo Seungkwan. You can’t help but feel fondness towards him at this moment. No one has ever looked out for you the way Seungkwan is doing right now, and even just from this small conversation you’re starting to feel better. Maybe he is on to something with this support system he’s talking about.
“Okay Boo Seungkwan,” you say. “I think you might have yourself a deal.”
“Good. When your tour is done, I’ll show you what it’s like to spend time with a friend. We’ll do all of the funnest things I can think of and you’ll be able to relax. In the meantime, tell your manager to lessen your workload before you completely crash, or I’ll hunt him down and do it myself.” Seungkwan’s voice is dead serious and you know he’s not kidding. 
“Thank you Seungkwan-ah, I don’t know how to repay you.”
“You don’t need to. That’s what friends are for.” And for the first time this whole night you crack genuine smile. 
Seungkwan then stands. “Come on.” He holds his hand out for you to stand as well. “Join me and my members for tonight. You deserve to be celebrated as well.”
You tentatively take Seungkwan’s hand and he helps pull you to your feet before leading you back towards where his group is residing and you secretly smile to yourself about how things are already starting to look up.
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @chaimi-yuta @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @coupsgyus @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @synthetickitsune @chwecardcaptor @candidupped @dreamhannies @d0nghyck @niyizh @baldi-2 @wolfgurl2600-blog @enhacolor @noniestars @heavenly-mobo @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @blxckswxnxge @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @x-veex @namjoonbaby @ovai @belladaises @todorokiskitten @jihoonliker @valentxi @raevyng @im-gemmy @prpldahy
join my taglist: here!
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dxstopiaa · 2 years
Summary: Moving in was a tough task, thankfully someone will be accompanying you, I wonder what what they’re like?
A collection of my personal headcanons and short scenarios regarding how my favourite genshin boys will be like as roommates! Mainly Platonic and Romantic (depends how you want to interpret it) fluff with some crack!
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Wanderer. (I will do a part 2, planning to include: Albedo, Kazuha, Rosaria, Heizou, Childe.)
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• Extremely Organised, from when you first entered the dormitory, the senior student had already expected your arrival and was courteous enough to prepare your wardrobe and sleeping quarters. There was no denial that you were pleasantly surprised.
•Even his section of the accommodation was tidy and orderly, various folders stacked into a neat divider, a selection of stationary and a rather comfortable chair parallel to the desk, decorated with a beige throw blanket.
•He greeted you with such formalities you began to question if he was secretly a professor instead of a student. Your visible confusion mixed with delight painted your face unusually, exerting a light, mellow chuckle from Zhongli. God, He already seemed so amiable, precious indeed.
•Over the first couple of days, you could say you adjusted perfectly to his schedule, taking your individual responsibilities up whilst still maintaining a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Often times when you both sauntered around the campus after your lessons had finished, you would arrive at the dorm and Zhongli would immediately brew any sort of tea.
• Emphasis on Often, He had a huge luxury stash of the finest teas and even coffees, though he didn’t particularly like the former. Spectrums of caffeinated beverages from iced peach tea, to oolong and even osmanthus..? Though you weren’t familiar with the last. Zhongli was quite proud of his collection, understandably. He had told you of his trips to China, expressing his love for his nation, and how he would constantly buy out the stocks of drinks they had.
•This leads you onto your next discovery, it seemed as if Zhongli had not learnt of money management as well as you had expected him to, for instance, you had to pry him away from his observations of new purchasable books at your local stationery shop, pleading how he would go into debt, though that was more for dramatic effect. He would admire the new pens with intense observation, i mean, new stationery right, who wouldn’t? Though you had to remind him of the abundance on his table, overflowing out of his already oversized pencilcase. My, Is he even a real economy student?
•Your slightly different personalities attached you two together like glue, it would be rare for somebody to see one without the other. Like recently, when Hu Tao’s eyebrows rocketed when she saw you alone in the library, bombarding you with questions. ‘Oh my, did the poor guy already pass on? Where is he?’ Was an example, let’s just say that an unimpressed student had his arms folded tightly with an eyebrow raised heard that, initially intending to give the younger girl the caramel waffle he bought. Welp, guess who had two?
•Archons, Your roommate was an outstanding chef, where the hell did he get all these culinary skills? Such delicacies laid upon the table, a surprise given to you from him for excelling your exams, you had to press a hand against your mouth not to shriek with excitement at that instant. Zhongli laughed in appreciation at your unspoken compliment, which were the arms wrapped around his neck, an affectionate embrace.
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•Xiao couldn’t deny that ever since a notice letter had been left on his doorstep from the institute, which had detailed that he was going to have company in his dorm, he felt nervous.
•Since then, Xiao had attempted to make the accommodation as comfortable and hygienic as possible, which wasn’t a strenuous task as he already kept up to these standards previously. He was even able to replenish the house with consumables, despite the fact he didn’t eat much himself.
•The day you arrived at the college, you made your way to the room number mentioned on your welcome letter, knocking on the door lightly. A student with the most gorgeous aureate eyes opened the door for you, returning your soft gaze with a light smile, gesturing you inside.
•Well, grateful you were seeing how you had been rewarded with an orderly roommate, the space he had arranged for you was embellished with neutral tones, most likely as he didn’t know what colours you preferred. A comforting atmosphere indeed.
•Due to sharing the same course, you had grown closer to him as he warmed up to you. His usual stoic attitude had adapted into one of care and even a hint of sarcasm, to your surprise. Often times, he’d find you in the kitchen before your lecture with the end of a pen tapping against your chin, searching the cabinets.
•’We are a bit low on food, Xiao, why don’t we go shopping after?’ You requested, watching him pack a bottle into his bag for the both of you. He sighed quietly, ‘Your obsession with purchasing reminds me of someone’ He side-eyed you, who was dramatically clasping your hands together in pleads for him to accompany you. Xiao exhaled softly, ‘Okay, though you’re paying this time.’
•So you did as you said, waiting outside Xiao’s lecture hall with two breakfast bars in your hands, grinning to yourself at the thought of him browsing aisles with a basket upon his forearm, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion. When he had finally finished, Xiao gratefully accepted the snack, rather hungrily tearing the pack open before leaving the building with you closely by his side.
•The grocery shop across the campus was well favoured by all students, large ranges of deserts to instant foods available. You held Xiao’s hand gently, pulling him into the brightly lit store, giving him a basket of his own, challenging him to see what he would purchase for you and vice versa.
•By the end of your shopping, you had met him back at the front of the self-checkout, his basket half-full of his favourite desert, piles of almond tofu, the rest with snacks he knew you enjoyed. You fawned over the kind action, which you returned with other goods you thought he would like, such as cold noodles and some jasmine tea. ‘Thank you..’ Xiao acknowledged, rubbing your cheek lightly with thumb.
•You infact, did not pay this time, as you had claimed to have ‘forgot’ your card at home, sheepishly scratching the back of your head and averting his critical stare, muttering a ‘You’re impossible.’ Although he didn’t mind paying, you’ve helped him so much without even knowing so. Xiao now found it easier to engage with others, especially when around you. It’s like you pulled out the treasure hidden in the depths of his heart.
•Shopping meant stocking the cupboards, your least favourite part, as the college decided to make them the smallest size as inconveniently possible, which either caused items topple onto you when opening cupboards, or to fall onto Xiao, which he usually caught with his swifter reflexes, How does he sense them? Was a question you found yourself asking.
•You lived a very relaxed life with Xiao, and he felt your arrival changed him for the better.
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•Kunikuzushi jolted from his sleep when he heard the familiar sound of knocking on his dormitory door, he hit his head and groaned irritably at himself for forgetting such a thing. He was expecting a roommate and he fell asleep?
•He groggily approached the entrance, combing his navy hair with his fingers to look ever more slightly presentable, before hesitantly clutching the handle and greeting you. You couldn’t help but giggle at the state your new roommate was in, his half lidded eyes looking up at you, he donned an oversized inky shirt accompanied with teal shorts and sandals, which were the wrong way round.
•’Don’t laugh, you’re lucky i even let you inside at such an early hour!’ He berated, opening the door fully and letting you in. Apparently, 12 pm was still morning in this guy’s schedule. He was grateful for the darker surroundings, if not, you could of seen how his face burned in embarrassment.
•Kunikuzushi flipped the dim lights on, treading towards the bathroom as he left you to your own devices in the main area. ‘I won’t be long, organise the room as you wish.’ He dismissed with a wave of his hand, slamming the door shut. Despite his quite disoriented impression, he had basic decency to at least make space for your possessions and provide you with some extra snacks in a mini-fridge on your side of the room.
•Kuni may of seemed rude and eccentric, but in reality, he had a playful soft heart, though often shadowed. Over the following weeks, he would give you some of his notes so you could catch up with the content, and in return you would give him random things you bought. Sometimes it would be as simple as a drink, other times a new notebook. You gave him a plush penguin once, to which he insisted he didn’t need and you could keep it, then the following night you saw him hugging it gently in his slumber. Definitely took a picture of that as blackmail material.
•Around a couple of days ago, you had planned to visit the library to revise for your upcoming exam, which went successful until you walked outside and noticed the ridiculous downpour of rain, comparable to a typhoon. Smacking your hand against your forehead, you called Kunikuzushi, begging him to come and give you your umbrella which you had unfortunately left back on campus. His response? ‘No can do.’ Even though this was over mobile, you could see the conceited smirk plastered on his face, as he cut the call abruptly.
•Sighing deeply, you decided to just wait for the rain to pass, sitting down on a nearby bench under a canopy whilst entertaining yourself with your phone. Little did you know, Kuni was already standing a few feet behind you, his arms crossed impatiently. Your device buzzed, signalling a notification. ‘Look behind you, dumbass’ And you did, sheepishly grinning at him, who sarcastically huffed as if he had anything else to do, another floral umbrella in his hand as he held up his own.
• The rain had calmed down in intensity as you continued walking, the ripples upon puddles grew less frequent and more so of a dripping faucet instead of a running waterfall. You lowered your umbrella and kept it to your side, glancing at Kuni to see he did the same. He reciprocated your look, a small smile present as he faced forward again. Why is he smiling?
•You received the answer to that as you tripped over something, upon falling to the ground, you noticed the retracted umbrella which grazed the concrete you once stepped on. Breathless deriding chortles were heard above you, Kunikuzushi hunched over in fits of laughter, covering his mouth. You pouted in irritation, yet you couldn’t deny his joyfulness made your heart flutter, the purity of one’s happiness.
•Once his laughter had subsided slightly, he extended his arm in an attempt to help you up from the floor. Perfect chance, it seemed as though he didn’t doubt you one bit. With all the force you could, you tugged his arm and brought Kuni tumbling to the ground with a yelp, just as you did. Although this didn’t end up as you thought. His hands were either side of your body, knee braced to the cement in-between your own, hovering above you, your faces directly in-front of another. Your own exploded in a furious blush, whilst his only wore a sly smirk, shaking his head lightly.
•’If you were this desperate, you could of just said so.’ He complacently advocated, remaining in said position whilst you sputtered out denials of all sorts, playfully shoving him away from yourself.
•Honestly, he was too much work, but that was a responsibility and chance you were willing to take. <3
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1000sunnygo · 7 months
The Three Captain's Interview (2021) Part 2: Mayumi Tanaka as Luffy & Namikawa Daisuke as Kidd - Translated
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The ask I received got deleted, I'm sorry! 😩
I've decided not to half-ass it, here's the remaining part of the interview with Namikawa san and Mayumi san's answers.
👒 : Tanaka Mayumi (Luffy)
🌷 : Namikawa Daisuke (Captain Kidd)
+ Kamiya Hiroshi as Law (already translated, check here)
Q. How did you feel when you got the role?
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👒: I was mostly indifferent, as the work (the manga) itself was unknown to me back then. In retrospect, I think it was for the best. I mean, if you know it's a deeply beloved work, you'd feel greedy, won't you? That's why I passed the audition without feeling nervous. Looking back now, maybe it matched Luffy's freedom.
🌷: I remember vividly. Among the eleven rookies with more than 100 million bounty, Kidd's was the highest. I had a clear image of the voice that would express Kidd's powerful appearance, but I couldn't imagine myself playing the role of Kidd. So, I didn't know how to do the voice. I kept thinking about it while recording. I still have a hard time doing Kidd's voice, but it was even harder back then than it is now.
Q. Did you have any specific thoughts or feelings while playing in One Piece?
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👒: In One Piece, there is the unshakable pillar called 'Eiichiro Oda' , but it's not enough to rely on him. I want people to think, "Wow, One Piece really is amazing" when - including myself, all the individual creators' imagination, music, scenarios, and everything else come together! We'd like to continue to create moments in anime that surpass the original manga.
🌷: Many One piece fans would say it's "fire" when expressing their opinions. Thinking about what makes them feel fired up, I can clearly see it in the scripts. The lines of a good scene are spread over several cuts. I feel that the timing; or rather, the process of speech delivery is given a high importance. So, in pursuit of an impact on the audience, when the scripts says "haah?" I myself try to stretch it with "HA~aah??" - to make everyone feel even more fired up.
[T/N: The Japanese word used was "hot", while "fire" expresses a different type of feeling, I think it works as a closer substitute.]
Q. Impression of the character you're currently playing?
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👒: Someone who accepts his weakness, says "I can't" when he can't do something and then relies on his friends, and never wavers from the freedom of doing so.
🌷: He's surprisingly kind and considerate of his crew mates. He'd often say "Let's go!" and bring along some of them, but that's not because he's afraid. I interpret it as saying, "I'll protect y'all no matter what, so let's enjoy the thrill of going ahead together!"
Q. Thoughts on Mayumi Tanaka's Luffy?
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🌷: Unwavering...isn't he? The story moves on, but the same old Luffy is always there. Regardless of the state you're in while watching anime, you can always relax and enjoy One piece. I think this is where Mayumi san's Luffy comes off as an undisputed champion. It's quite difficult to keep things the same for decades, so I have deep respect for it.
Q. Thoughts on Daisuke Namikawa's Kidd and Hiroshi Kamiya's Law?
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👒: Some voice actors separate their personal lives from work, but those two are as transparent as I am! It doesn't have to do with their roles, but that makes it comfortable to work with them, so I enjoy it a lot.
🌷: Law looks cool, but he has his passionate sides; he has the calm aura, but he also becomes emotional. You need to incorporate a variety of elements to express those subtle ups and down in a Law-like manner, so I think it's an incredibly difficult role. That's why I think Kamiya kun puts a lot of thoughts and efforts in his performance.
That said, I can't help but feel a storm of jealousy regarding their rankings in the worldwide popularity poll (laughs). Law was in top 5, and Kid was 23rd. Even though they don't have the same screentime frequency, they were introduced at the same time, yet the difference was so big... Like, I understand Law's charm, but it was frustrating!
Q. Do you think it's possible to win against Kaidou?
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👒: Of course, it's possible. But the absolute winner has to be Tesshô Genda (Kaido's voice actor). I don't think I can compete with that deep voice.. Well, I'd win though (laughs)
🌷: I want to believe that Kidd wouldn't lose his heart over his defeats. He doesn't intend to be beaten by anyone.
(T/N: Fun fact, Mayumi Tanaka doesn't read the manga. She only learns the manga's events when she reads her script. Sanji's actor Hiroaki Hirata does the same, and he admitted that he doesn't know much of the parts of story where sanji is absent.)
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666writingcafe · 5 months
Barbatos' Birthday Surprise (Part Two)
"Why, hello, MC!" Diavolo greets, looking up from his paperwork. "It's good to see you."
"Do you have a moment?" I ask him.
"Of course! Come, sit down." Closing the door behind me, I walk over to one of the chairs on the other side of Diavolo's desk and do as I'm told. "How can I help you today?"
"It's about Barbatos. I got him an early birthday present, you see, but it will require him to be away for a couple of days."
"I take it the gift's in there?" Diavolo glances at the envelope in my hands. Wordlessly, I hand it over to him, and he carefully pulls out the tickets. He then appears to freeze momentarily.
"Where did you get these?" he ask, his tone becoming more tense.
"I won them. One of the radio stations had a contest, and I decided to enter."
"I see. Which radio station was it?"
"WDBL 110.6. One of the DJs wrote me a personal letter."
"Jazzon M." Diavolo visibly relaxes.
"Thank goodness. I was afraid they would be fake."
"Has that happened before?" Diavolo nods his head.
"Some of the individuals that run our radio stations love tricking people all the time, despite the many warnings and fines they receive for doing so. Thankfully, Jazzon is one of the more reputable DJs, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about regarding that." He pauses as he adjusts in his seat. "Now, there's the matter of my dear butler." Oh no...did Satan and Asmo lead me astray?
"What about him?" I ask, trying to hide my nervousness.
"I just want to prepare you for his reaction--or rather, his lack of one. He tends to keep his emotions bottled up, and I don't want you to think that he dislikes the gift if he doesn't outwardly show his excitement." He opens a drawer, pulls out a blank piece of paper, and begins writing.
"What are you doing?"
"Ensuring that he doesn't decline the invitation, because otherwise he'll insist that he needs to stay here." Finishing his note, he slides it over to me so that I can read it.
I, Lord Diavolo, Demon Prince and heir to the throne, formerly decree that you, Barbatos, my trusted butler and advisor, are to spend the weekend of your birthday away from the castle with MC.
"This seems overly formal, don't you think?" I ask.
"I learned a long time ago that it's the only way I can get Barbatos to agree to take some time off and rest. I can't simply advise that he do it, or he'll fight back." He folds the note neatly and sticks it in the envelope before handing it back to me.
"I believe Barbatos is in the kitchen. Luke may or may not be there with him. I know that he was wanting to learn a new recipe from Barbatos, so if he is there, you might want to wait until he isn't."
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When I Write, Will You Answer? (Dream x Reader)
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summary: you are a Messenger between realms. An eternity of sending messages to and from the Dreaming brings you closer to the King of Dreams. (wc 4.0k)
warnings: fem! reader (she/her pronouns), mentions of blood, a little bit angsty. let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: okay I know it’s not stranger things pls don’t murder me just look away. deeply inspired by @the-darklings​ ‘s series today i bury you in me which is truly one of the best pieces of fanfiction i’ve ever read. if you haven’t read it yet, please go and experience it. 
When the first dialogue between beings was shared, you were there. 
The universe unfolded you from her arms, realms lacing together to create you and those who would share your title. 
The names shared by you and your siblings changed throughout history, over the many eons of your existence. Hermes, Iris, Mercury, Nesta, Nuncio, Couriers of the Planes, Bearers of Good and Bad Tidings- all titles bestowed upon you. From your first waking moment the whole of the universe whispered to you two words- first a name. Your truest name. The second your title. Messenger.
And so you were. So you are. A Messenger to all.
“Messenger,” The Dream Lord regards you with a coldness that is a far cry from his sister’s kind eyes. You like delivering Death’s messages- she always sends them with a smile. 
You incline your head, a sign of respect. You have been the bridge between realms for too long to not understand the difference when formalities are a necessity and when you can relax. And in this moment you understand that the King of Dreams demands nothing short of perfection. 
“I have a message to be given to Delirium.” Even as he speaks, grains of sand flit through his palm, swirling, until they form together. The individual specks become whole, a black envelope, sealed with wax. 
The letter floats from his palm, as though guided by a gentle breeze, into your own hand. It does not escape your notice that he does not hand the note directly to you. The passing of objects from his hands to yours appears beneath him. 
What first appeared as a wax stamp you now can see looks like a small snapshot of the universe. Galaxies swirl and stars shine in the small seal. You cannot help the miniscule smile that upturns the corners of your lips as you gaze down at it. You know Delirium will enjoy this small rendition of the night sky- more so, she will be happy to hear from her brother in any capacity. 
“Does your job amuse you, Messenger?” The Dream Lord intones, eyebrows raised. 
You choose your words carefully, not wanting to lie but also wanting to say as few words to the intimidating being as possible. “I am simply happy to have the opportunity to see Delirium once again.”
“Happy.” You imagine that he almost sounds amused. 
But then the hem of his coat cuts through the air with a faint swish as he turns his back on you, going to ascend the staircase to his throne. You know a dismissal when you see it, so as quietly as you can, you make your way from the palace, placing the envelope into your bag for safe keeping. Off to deliver a message from brother to sister.
You do not sleep often.
It’s the nature of your job, you have to be ready and available when you are called upon- any moment’s notice could have you flitting between stars, sent to fulfill your purpose. 
So when you do sleep, you revel in it. 
Even more so when you dream.
 A field, as far as your eyes can see, dotted with every flower underneath the sun. You sit beneath the shade of a large tree, the sprawling branches letting only pinpricks of light filter down to you. 
“Messenger,” a familiar voice chills the air around you. “I see you are not here on business.” Dream’s black attire and pale skin cuts a striking image against the kaleidoscope background of colors in the field. 
“No,” You blink slowly, taking in his sudden appearance. “It would appear I am not. Forgive me for the intrusion, Your Grace. I fell asleep.” You berate yourself slightly for the foolishness of the last sentence- of course the Ruler of the Dreaming knows that you’re asleep. 
He scans the scenery around you. “This is your dream then. What you have chosen in the whole of the universe.” He says it as a fact, a certain scrutiny. Perhaps he is judging the stillness of the scene. 
“A place to rest. Is that not a fitting dream for someone made to always move?” 
He does not deign to give your observation a response. Instead his gaze settles down at you, something curious flashing behind his eyes. It’s gone before you can fully register it. 
“Until the next time you are called upon, Messenger.” He inclines his head slightly and then as you blink, he’s gone. A whisper of golden sand in the wind is the only evidence that he was ever there to begin with. 
You’re left with the sound of blades of grass gently rubbing against one another, the brush of the breeze through the flowers. You know enough about the Dreaming to know that a certain level of sentience runs through all of Dream’s creations, so as you lay back, the field a soft cushion against your back, you whisper to the flowers, “This is a lovely dream. Thank you for letting me rest here.” 
From where your hand rests in the grass, the leaf of a flower wraps gently around your finger, its softness gently encasing the digit. As close to a hug as this particular Dream is able to give you. You close your eyes and rest a little longer.
“Are all Messengers like you?” There is an amused bite to the Dream Lord’s voice. You would not notice if you did not have many lifetimes of studying his tone to compare it to. 
You huff, arms crossing over yourself as you meet his eyes- blue, the color of a cold winter’s morning. Your jaw sets stubbornly. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Well, you would look a bit fiercer if you did not also happen to be dangling upside down- caught in a human’s strange Nightmare about being caught and strangled by sentient trees.
You hadn’t meant to get distracted when you went to deliver the latest message to Prince of Nightmares, but the creak of wood and booming voices of the talking trees had piqued your curiosity.  
“Return Messenger to her place on the ground so that she might fulfill her duties,” Dream calls out to the trees. They obey without hesitation, limbs for fingers depositing you without ceremony onto the ground. “It would do you well to not go seeking out trouble,” Dream advises, glancing you over. 
You stand and brush yourself off, fighting the heat from your face at your disheveled appearance. “I did not go seeking trouble,” You grumble. “It has been many years since I’ve spoken to the trees and received a response. I wanted to see if these were very much like their counterparts in other realms. However, I’ve learned that your trees are not very good conversationalists.”
The quirk of his lip is there and gone in a flash, but you can’t help how victorious you feel at having seen it at all.
Dream turns his gaze to the Nightmares lingering behind the two of you. The air around all of you chills. “Messenger is a guest in the Dreaming. See to it that all Nightmares know that there will be consequences should they interfere with Messenger again.” Now this is the King of the Dreaming speaking. His words are law and offer no room for argument. 
The trees nod their understanding, backing away to give you plenty of space as they lumber off past sight, apparently to spread the word. 
“That’s not necessary,” You don’t mean for the words to slip out. Your heart travels to the base of your throat, lodges itself there.  “I sought them out, they meant no harm other than their intended design.”
“They should know better,” Dream’s dry reply silences your wayward tongue. There is a moment of stillness between the two of you before Dream continues. “I would not have my best Messenger ripped apart by a rogue Nightmare. I do enjoy receiving my letters intact.” The lift of an eyebrow on his otherwise stoic expression gives away his teasing.
You can’t help it, you laugh. Your head throws back as you take in his words. “No, I don’t think I would enjoy that either,” you giggle, watching the Dream King as you shake your head. You remember your purpose, letting your laughter subside as you reach into your bag, presenting him with a letter. You let a small bit of magic carry it from your hand to his outstretched one. 
He inclines his head, dark hair falling along his forehead. “I shall see you soon, Messenger.”
You're not sure why you do it. Why it is this moment. But you nod your own head back to the Endless before you and say one word in return. You give him the first name you ever received. Your name. Not Messenger.
Dream of the Endless studies you for so long you grow nervous. You wish to take it back, to snatch the name that so few know back to you. Hold it close to you where the horrendously intimidating being before you cannot judge it. 
But instead of a scoff or a turn of his coat as he walks away from you, your name echoes back to you as Dream repeats it. 
The twin stars of his eyes and the way he said your name burns you as you leave the Dreaming that day. 
You sense him before you ever open your eyes. 
“You know I love all of your creations, but this one is special- Don’t tell the others,” You hum, stretching in the sun of the Dreaming. 
Fiddler’s Green truly is a masterpiece. Your favorite place in the Dreaming is beneath the shade of the trees here and making friends with the flowers.
“I wouldn’t dare,” Dream drawls, standing over you. 
You squint up at him, shielding yourself from the sun so you can take him in.
“Would you sit with me, King of Dreams?” You ask because you expect a refusal, think that he will make a typical quip and leave you to return to his duties. 
His pause shocks you to your core. 
“Perhaps for a moment.” And then the King of this realm crouches down, settling against the base of the tree to sit beside you. He is close enough to touch, yet he is universes away. You feel the birth and the death of stars in the inches of space between the both of you. 
You sit, side by side, in silence with Dream. The scent of wild lavender in the air. The edge of his coat brushing against your thigh. 
You smile. 
“You have been hurt.” There is an odd tone in Dream’s voice. One you have never heard before in your many centuries of knowing one another. It simmers in the air, leaving a bitter tang coating your tongue. 
You frown, hand raising to the golden blood spilling from the cut along your arm. The cut itself is shallow but long, slicing through the skin of your bicep. You hadn’t even noticed it in the moment that it occurred, in your haste to simply get away. 
“Ah,” you press your hand over the wound, knowing that soon the bleeding will cease and your skin will knit itself back together. The luxuries of quickened healing. “Well, you’ve heard the saying don’t shoot the messenger. Some people follow directions more closely than others,” your lighthearted tone does not mix well with the harsh lines of Dream’s brow. 
“I would ask of you a name,” Dream says. You can’t help the confused tilt of your head at his response. He inclines his head to the blood like golden ink staining your fingertips. His request clicks in your mind- the name of those who drew their weapon upon you. 
Your smile is soured, a brittleness to its edges. “My station prevents me from disclosing the names of those that I deliver and send messages to. Just as you would not want the words I deliver for you falling into unintended hands, I must maintain the privacy of others.”
A look of understanding passes over the Dream Lord. “I have often wondered what keeps the Messengers so…discrete.”
You nod just once, “Others before me tried to break our code. The realms were not kind to them.” The cut along your arm stings like fire as your skin knits itself back together slowly. You lower your voice, eyes falling to the marbled stone floor as you continue, your voice no louder than a whisper, “It is not that I wouldn’t tell you. And I probably have told you more than my order would care for. But, I…respect you too much to deny such a simple request without an explanation.”
You keep your eyes trained on his shoes as he steps closer to you. A square of black cloth, held delicately in pale fingers invades your vision. First, you think he is going to press the handkerchief into your open palm. You hold your breath, waiting for the brush of his fingertips against your hand. 
Instead he simply holds the handkerchief between the two of you, his hands displayed openly. 
“May I?” He asks. 
“Of course,” you agree without thinking. You’re not even entirely sure of the question, only that you would let Dream of the Endless do just about anything. 
The distance between the two of you becomes minute as Dream raises the cloth to your arm. His touch is a brand. He rewrites the atoms of your existence with the tips of his fingers against your skin. 
He drags the square of fabric up, up, up, cleaning away your blood. He is delicate around the now-closed cut, treating your wound as something fragile. 
How terrifying to be treated delicately. 
With your skin now cleaned of the evidence of your hurt, Dream waves the fabric one through the air and it dissolves into sand, swirling and returning to the dream stuff that it was made from. His hands then settle on either sides of your arms. 
“Thank you,” the words are caught in your throat. You force them out anyways.
“I would not see you hurt again. Should these patrons of yours trouble you again, know there is no order or law of the realms that would stop me from finding them.” Dream says the declaration as a fact, though his voice is low. His words are just for you. 
There is no expression of adoration that could begin to encapsulate the feeling growing in you. It festers in you, significantly worse than any physical wound that could ever be inflicted on you. 
You convince yourself it is the same wound in your heart that makes you imagine that Dream glances down at your lips before releasing you from his grasp. 
The wound of caring for Dream of the Endless only grows when he disappears. 
You have managed to quell your traitorous heart as well as you’re able. You have long accepted that you will take whatever part of Dream that you can get, and if that means letting your feelings live and die inside of you then so be it. For he is Endless, and you are just a Messenger.
You enter the Dreaming without a message, as you’ve taken to doing more and more often. The precious time that you have when not delivering letters is now spent here. Not always by Dream’s side, but it is rare to see one of you without the other when you are in the Dreaming. 
Which is why it comes as a great shock when you enter the throne room and are stopped first by Lucienne rather than the low rumble of Dream’s usual greeting or the appearance of his outstretched hand, ready to lead you to his next destination. 
The news of his disappearance brings you to your knees. 
You don’t have the mind to remember all of what happened next, but there are tales in the Dreaming that your cries reached the shores of Nightmare.
 A century later, the King returns to his kingdom with a crash and finds it much altered. 
While the changes to the Dreaming cause a great turmoil in the Dream Lord, there is one alteration that gives him pause. A pile of letters, stacked neatly in the crumbling seat of his throne. 
“They are from Messenger, my lord,” Lucienne tells him. Just hearing her voice again relieves him of some of his ache. 
The envelopes are not recognizable. They contain no sigil or markings to distinguish them- nothing save golden wax, sealing the paper shut.  
“And which of my siblings tried to contact me so often over the years?” Dream murmurs, most of his strength delegated to simply remaining standing. 
“No, you misunderstand, sire. They are from Messenger.”
Dream stills. A living statue amongst the rubble. 
Lucienne continues. “When she found out you were no longer in the Dreaming, she scoured the different planes for you. But, whatever magic had you… trapped shielded you from her. She started leaving these,” Lucienne gestures to the letters. “They are sealed with old magic. Only the intended reader may open them. I assume that is you.”
“My own subjects were convinced of my abandonment…but not Messenger…” Dream says, a confession to himself, as he sifts through them, finding the envelope that looks the oldest. He touches the paper. Indeed, old magic spills from it, rearing fangs as it feels his approach…and then stilling, recognizing the recipient, curling in on itself happily as the wax seal breaks beneath Dream’s touch. Your letter unfolds before him. 
Lord of the Dreaming, King of the Nightmare Realms, Prince of Stories, 
I hope one day you will forgive me for acting so informally as to write to you, Dream of the Endless. I am meant to be the deliverer of messages, not the creator. 
But if one day I am able to ask your forgiveness, it will mean that I am seeing you once more- and for the opportunity to see you again I can not find it within myself to feel ashamed or embarrassed. 
You are missed. Without diminishing the feelings of others, I dare say, by none so much as me-
Dream folds the letter, phantom pains clogging his throat. His eyes burn bright- two twin stars shining against the night. He cannot bring himself to finish it, not here, not now. He will take your words, gather them close to his chest and read them without onlookers, no matter how trusted they might be to him. 
Something possessive, yet gentle claws at the base of his spine. If you sealed your words with old magic, you truly meant for none but him to ever read these words and he will respect your wishes. 
“Thank you, Lucienne,” Dream finally calls over his shoulder, “For keeping these safe.”
“Of course, my lord,” Lucienne inclines her head, and knowing the Dream King far better than he would care to admit, she knows he must face this particular battle without her. She exits the room without further pageantry, leaving him with the fragments of yourself you wrote out for him. 
Dream picks up a different letter- like the first, the magic recognizes him, greets him as an old friend. 
The sight of his name in your script nearly drains the last of his strength from him. His fingertips trace the curve of your letters. An involuntary exhale escapes him as he studies the shape of your handwriting. 
-Morpheus. Morpheus. It was once believed to be within the power of Messengers to call upon others by simply writing their name. I know this to not be true. If it were, you would be here-
Dream tucks the letter into his coat. He will read no more of your words now- he cannot afford to. Even now, the Dreaming crumbles around him, reminding him of his weakness. No, he will not seek you out until he is something worthy of the words you penned. Worthy of you. But still the paper burns him, sears through his clothing. 
And so Dream of the Endless goes in search of his tools. For the quicker he returns his realm and his power to their former glory, the sooner may he seek out his Messenger. 
The air is different when you enter the Dreaming this time. 
Many years ago, you stopped with the formalities of going through the gates upon every entrance, but this also means you encounter very few of the remaining residents as you make your way across the bridge to the palace. 
You enter the throne room. “Lucienne?” You call, reaching within your bag to procure your latest writing. “I’m just stopping by, I can’t stay. I’ll just leave this with the rest-” You stop short. Your pile of letters, carefully placed and maintained by the librarian, are all gone. 
“Messenger, you’ve returned,” Lucienne calls from the opposite side of the room. There’s a lightness to her voice that you have not heard in many years. It sinks in your stomach as though you’ve swallowed a stone. 
“Lucienne,” You begin, measured. “Where are the letters?”  You clutch the strap of your bag to quell the shaking of your hands. 
“Lord Morpheus has returned,” she responds. A simple explanation. Her relief, her happiness, is palpable. 
“I see.”
You hear her footsteps behind you, she touches your arm gently, steering you to face her. You are helpless but to follow her guiding hands- a leaf being thrown about by a gust of wind. 
“Is that not a cause for celebration?” Lucienne asks, her voice hushed as she meets your eyes. The tears that well in your eyes are traitors. 
“And is the Ruler of the Dreaming in the palace now? In this realm?” You know the answer. You want her confirmation. Lucienne’s gaze grows heavy at your question. You both know what you’re really asking. After all this time together, no one could understand more than the faithful librarian. 
“No. He is not. He went in search of his tools shortly after his return.”
“But not after seeing what I wrote to him.” Despair has her hands on you now- the feeling sinks into the marrow of your bones. “He took the letters with him, I believe. I do not know-”
“He has read my words and not sought me out. Not even a formal declaration to suggest that I return to my usual work within his realm.” You laugh, but it is a broken, wet thing. “I have been very foolish indeed, Lucienne. I spent too much time here, and dreams and wishes have muddled my thoughts. I built something in my head that exists only to me. I will not make that mistake again.” You wipe away a single tear that dares to betray you further, straightening your shoulders as you gaze at Lucienne. 
You see your own heartbreak reflected in the sadness of her eyes. “He was moved when he read your words- I saw it before he sent me away. He is much changed from his time away, he simply-”
“I would not ask you to make his excuses for him, my friend,” You interrupt Lucienne, no trace of harshness in your tone. “I forgot my place and overestimated our relationship. I must return to my duties.” You have seen the way the Prince of Nightmare can act when someone assumes more of his feelings than he is willing to acknowledge. You gently remove her hands from your arms, squeezing them once. 
You flee from the palace. For the first time in the eons of your place as Messenger, a letter sits without intention of delivery in your bag. It is the first time you have failed in your job. 
You convince yourself you must imagine the way it feels like the Dreaming stretches out to you as you leave. A cold brush to the back of your neck, the feeling of arms around your waist, trying to keep you there. Imagined things, surely. 
For why would your unreciprocated affection be welcomed anywhere near Dream of the Endless. 
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n0tamused · 1 year
Hello, sorry if this request doesn’t make sense but I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Tighnari, Alhaitham, Cyno, and Kaveh (you can just pick one if that’s to many) with a reader who has a younger sister who’s like 14 who that they take care of since they don’t have parents, thank you for your time
A/n: Hello! My apologies for this taking so long, some things ended up popping up. But, I do hope you enjoy these. Just them interacting with your sister. Wholesome stuff. I didn't include Kaveh in this one, simply because I don't feel too secure yet in writing him, but once I know him better I'll see to do a follow up 👀 These are not completely proof read
Characters: Tighnari, Cyno, Al-Haitham
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- Tighnari is arguably the best when it comes to dealing with anyone young. He's got the patience and the needed gentle, but sturdy hand. It's like this with pretty much any kid he comes across, but seeing how close he is with you he takes this even more seriously
- He's caring with your sister from the start, politely introducing himself to her and starting a relaxing chit-chat with her while you go about your business if you're in a rush. He really doesn't mind watching over her as long as he's not in a pinch with the rangers and patrols
- She reminds him of Collei, in a way. He doesn't quite understand why but he pinpoints it onto their shared curiosities for his work. Both girls seem to linger at his back and watch him (and his ears) as he handles plants and papers. He indulges them a little, having them believe that he has not noticed on their clear spying
- Tighnari shares his knowledge with your sister, he enjoys it truly. He loves to share the knowledge that may as well help an individual out - and if your sister decides she wants to be a ranger or some form of biologist, you have Tighnari to blame, or thank. He brings out some specimens to show her if a physical presentation is necessary, or he recommends books for her to read if she's willing to delve further into the subject
- Isn't surprised when she eventually asks to pet his ears or rub his tail. He could practically hear her thoughts when she first met him, but she seemed to refrain from asking on the first meeting. Tighnari would bow down slightly or instruct her to climb up higher if she is really short, and even if she tugged a little, he wouldn't seriously scold her, just warn her not to do it again. Tighnari gives her a small warning just to not be too rough beforehand and that "It's just like any dog or cat's ears", but your sister just seems to find his ears the most special
- It is also no issue if your sister has to stay with him for some time, nights or even weeks if Mora is tight, he would help you both out in any way he can. He has Collei to keep your sister company too, since there is so much he can do as an older person in your sister's life. Collei and she seem to get along very well, so there is no issue regarding their friendship
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- Now, it takes Cyno quite some time to come around to have the time to meet your sister. So all she knew about him was what she could hear from merchants or Akademiya students. All the terrible rumors also stick, so it's no wonder when she appears to be too nervous to meet him when you brought it up. She would need some confirmation and encouragement that, no, General Mahamatra is not as the boogeyman most describe him as
- Cyno may come off as unfeeling on the first go, as he is the man of analytical mind and one that isn't too in-tune with his emotions naturally, but also since his job does not allow for such soft sympathies. So the conversation may feel a bit tense or awkward when he sees that his ways are pulling too hard on the reins, and that your sister is tense or even uncomfortable
- He would definitely crack several jokes to cheer her up, and somehow- miraculously - your sister feels at ease when Cyno rushes to tell the jokes and explain them. Her laugh brings a wave of relief to Cyno, he may even mutter something and just exhale loudly before indulging in some food to take a reprieve. This man has the best intentions - please, give him a hand, he is a bit slow with sentimental things
-Now, for later interactions between him and your sister, they all become a lot more casual and friendly, your sister would put a lot of trust in him. If his reputation was not enough to guarantee reliability, the friendship they build over time is. She is much more often with him, and some may look weirdly at your sister and Cyno if they see her talking her mouth off about some off-topic with him wearing a faint smile as they go to find you
-It is a cute sight honestly. And also - Cyno has a habit of picking up small trinkets on his way. It can be anything small as a crystalized shard from the dunes, or some luxurious looking missing vase from the forest, and he brings them all back to you and your sister - giving more romantic gifts to you behind your sister's back
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-Is the most jaded out of these three. He is not easily affected by emotions, and as such he can come off as quite rude to others around him, or too strict or too stern. It takes him the longest to get the gist of the kids these days, but he does try. He is incredibly understanding despite outwards impressions, and he understands the struggles you both are going through and he does try his best when he ends up with your sister in his care
-Taking the analytical approach all the time proves not to be affective all the time - and this is something Al-Haitham gets to understand later down the line as he gets closer to your sister
-Similar to Cyno, he attempts to remedy awkward situations with some form of jokes, but his humor at the start just is too stern for a child. His jokes needs more working on than Cyno's. But Al-Haitham is adaptable, and he picks up the humor of the kids at that time and slowly this goes into his advantage when he tells these jokes and funny riddles to your sister
-He is quite protective of your sister from the get-go. Seeing as she is an important part of your family, the last of it, he takes it very, very seriously that your sister is safe and out of harms way. Although the other two on this list are also very defensive of your sister, they are much more calm about it and more casual
-Al-Haitham is very observant, and when you sister is in his care he always has his eyes on her, he makes sure she stays in his field of vision where the space is clear and if any changes happen that could be harmful - he would know
- Just as willing to lend his hand in academic knowledge on all sorts of topics. If you woke him up in the night to ask him about all sorts of academic positions within the Akademiya and what they all do, he would break out into an explanation without any questions, and would go to sleep right afterwards. So if your sister came to him for help, he would do his best to simplify the knowledge so she can better understand. He is very open to any questions, but if your sister did end up asking some silly question he would give her a silly answer before elaborating further, unless she caught onto it herself
Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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